S.N. Name of Chapter / Subhead Page No.: Description Unit Rate With CI Cost Index For Idukki Item Code
S.N. Name of Chapter / Subhead Page No.: Description Unit Rate With CI Cost Index For Idukki Item Code
S.N. Name of Chapter / Subhead Page No.: Description Unit Rate With CI Cost Index For Idukki Item Code
Description Unit Rate with CI
Cost Index For Idukki 1.3793
Item Code Description Unit Rate
1.1 Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed steel
conduit, with piano type switch, phenolic laminated sheet, suitable size MS box
and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm. FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor
single core cable etc. as required.
1.3 Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed steel
conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the
point with 1.5 sq.mm. FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable
etc. as required.
1.5 Wiring for light/ power plug with 2X4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed steel conduit alongwith 1 No 4 sq.
mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable for loop earthing as Metre 239 329.65
1.6 Wiring for light/ power plug with 4X4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed steel conduit alongwith 2 Nos 4
sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable for loop earthing Metre 366 504.82
as required.
1.7 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes
of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed
steel conduit as required
1.7.1 2 X 1.5 sq. mm + 1 X 1.5 sq. mm earth wire Metre 181 249.65
1.7.2 2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire Metre 206 284.14
1.7.3 2 X 4 sq. mm + 1 X 4 sq. mm earth wire Metre 237 326.89
1.7.4 2 X 6 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 324 446.89
1.7.5 2 X 10 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 392 540.69
1.7.6 2 X 16 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 530 731.03
1.7.7 4 X 2.5 sq. mm + 2 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire Metre 312 430.34
1.7.8 4 X 4 sq. mm + 2 X 4 sq. mm earth wire Metre 374 515.86
1.7.9 4 X 6 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 518 714.48
1.7.10 4 X 10 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 653 900.68
1.7.11 4 X 16 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 930 1282.75
1.8 Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed
medium class PVC conduit, with piano type switch, phenolic laminated sheet,
suitable size M.S. box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm. FRLS PVC
insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required.
1.10 Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed
medium class PVC conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box
and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm. FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor
single core cable etc. as required.
suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm. FRLS PVC insulated
copper conductor single core cable etc. as required. Point 809 1115.85
1.12 Wiring for light/ power plug with 2X4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit
alongwith 1 No 4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable Metre 168 231.72
for loop earthing as required.
1.13 Wiring for light/ power plug with 4X4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit
alongwith 2 Nos 4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core Metre 281 387.58
cable for loop earthing as required.
1.14 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes
of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed
medium class PVC conduit as required
1.14.1 2 X 1.5 sq. mm + 1 X 1.5 sq. mm earth wire Metre 112 154.48
1.14.2 2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire Metre 137 188.96
1.14.3 2 X 4 sq. mm + 1 X 4 sq. mm earth wire Metre 168 231.72
1.14.4 2 X 6 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 227 313.10
1.14.5 2 X 10 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 299 412.41
1.14.6 2 X 16 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 408 562.75
1.14.7 4 X 2.5 sq. mm + 2 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire Metre 215 296.55
1.14.8 4 X 4 sq. mm + 2 X 4 sq. mm earth wire Metre 281 387.58
1.14.9 4 X 6 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 395 544.82
1.14.10 4 X 10 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 536 739.30
1.14.11 4 X 16 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire Metre 733 1011.03
1.15 Rewiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5
sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable and 1.5 sq.mm.
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable as earth wire in existing
surface/ recessed steel conduit including dismantling as required.
1.17 Supplying and drawing following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor,
single core cable in the existing surface/ recessed steel/ PVC conduit as required.
1.20 Supplying and fixing of following sizes of steel conduit along with accessories in
surface/recess including painting in case of surface conduit, or cutting the wall and
making good the same in case of recessed conduit as required.
1.26 Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate &
switch box excluding modular plate as required. Each 24 33.10
1.27 Supplying and fixing following size/ modules, GI box alongwith modular base &
cover plate for modular switches in recess etc as required.
1.30 Supplying and fixing metal box of 180mm X 100mm X 60mm deep (nominal
size) on surface or in recess with suitable size of phenolic laminated sheet cover in
front including providing and fixing 6 pin 5/6 & 15/16 amps socket outlet and
15/16 amps piano type switch, connection, painting etc. as required. Each 287 395.86
1.31 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front on
surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 amps modular socket
outlet and 5/6 amps modular switch, connection etc. as required. (For light plugs
to be used in non residential buildings). Each 313 431.72
1 .32 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front on
surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 6 pin 5/6 & 15/16 amps
modular socket outlet and 15/16 amps modular switch, connection etc. as required. Each 406 560.00
1.33 Supplying and fixing 3 pin, 5 amp ceiling rose on the existing junction box/
wooden block including connection etc as required. Each 46 63.45
1.34 Supplying and fixing brass batten/ angle holder including connection etc. as
required. Each 75 103.45
1.35 Installation testing and commissioning of wall bracket /ceiling fittings of all sizes
and shapes containing upto two GLS/CFL/LED lamps per fitting, complete with
all accessories including connection etc. as required. Each 58 80.00
1.36 Supplying and fixing stiff pendent with 300 mm long, 20 mm dia X 1.6 mm thick
steel conduit, aluminium cast back plate and brass holder complete, including
wiring the down rod with 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated, copper conductor,
single core cable and painting etc. as required. Each 169 233.10
1.37 Supplying and fixing stiff pendent with 600 mm long, 20 mm dia X 1.6 mm thick
steel conduit, aluminium cast back plate and brass holder complete, including
wiring the down rod with 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated, copper conductor,
single core cable and painting etc. as required. Each 0 0.00
1.38 Supplying and fixing call bell/ buzzer suitable for single phase, 230 volts,
complete as required. Each 61 84.14
1.39 Providing and fixing plain 16/0.20mm (0.50sqmm) twin flat flexible, FRLS PVC
insulated, copper cable, in PVC sleeve of suitable size on the floor/ wall, or side of Metre 22 30.34
the table/ door etc. as required.
1.40 Providing and fixing plain 16/0.20mm (0.50sqmm) twin circular flexible FRLS
PVC insulated, PVC sheathed copper cable direct on the wall with PVC clips etc. Metre 19 26.21
as required.
1.43 Providing and fixing extra conduit down rod of 20 mm dia, 2 X 10 cm length
wiring with 2 X 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated, copper conductor, single core
cable including painting etc. as required. (Note : More than 5 cm length shall be
rounded to the nearest 10 cm and 5 cm or less shall be ignored) Each 32 44.14
1.44 Installation, testing and commissioning of ceiling fan, including wiring the down
rods of standard length (upto 30 cm) with 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated, Each 105 144.83
copper conductor, single core cable etc. as required.
1 .45 Installation, testing and commissioning of ceiling fan, including wiring the down
rods of standard length (upto 30 cm) with 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated,
copper conductor, single core cable, including providing and fixing phenolic
laminated sheet cover on the fan box etc. as required. Each 132 182.07
1.46 Installation, testing and commissioning of resistance type ceiling fan regulator, in
existing switch box including connection with 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated,
copper conductor, single core cable, earthing the regulator etc. as required. Each 0 0.00
1.47 Supplying and fixing extra down rod of 10 cm length G.I. pipe ,15 mm dia, heavy
gauge including painting etc. as required. (Note : More than 5 cm length shall be
rounded to the nearest 10 cm and 5 cm or less shall be ignored) Each 22 30.34
1.48 Supplying and fixing extra conduit down rod of 20 cm length G.I. pipe 15 mm dia,
heavy gauge including painting etc. as required. (Note : More than 5 cm length
shall be rounded to the nearest 10 cm and 5 cm or less shall be ignored) Each 25 34.48
1.54 Wiring for group controlled (looped) light point/fan point/ exhaust fan point/
call bell point(without independent switch etc.) with 1.5 sq mm FRLS PVC
insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed steel
conduit and earthing the point with 1.5 sq mm FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable etc as required.
1.54.1 Group A Point 415 572.41
1.54.2 Group B Point 510 703.44
1.54.3 Group C Pont 601 828.96
1.55 Wiring for group controlled (looped) light point/fan point/ exhaust fan point/
call bell point(without independent switch etc.) with 1.5 sq mm FRLS PVC
insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed PVC
conduit and earthing the point with 1.5 sq mm FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable etc as required.
1.55.1 Group A Point 317 437.24
1.55.2 Group B Point 365 503.44
1.55.3 Group C Pont 415 572.41
1.56 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in
front on surface or in recess, including providng and fixing 2 Nos. 3 pin 5/6
A modular socket outlet and 2 Nos. 5/6 A modular switch, connections etc. Each 504 695.17
as required. (For light plugs to be used in non residential buildings).
Supplying & fixing suitable size GI box wih modular plate and cover in front on Each 553 762.75
surface or in recess including providing and fixing 25 A modular socket outlet and
25 A modular SP MCB,“C” curve including connections, painting etc. as required.
1.58 Supplying and fixing PVC batten / angle holder including connections as
Each 62 85.52
1.59 Dismantling of ceiling fan and painting the same with with one or more
coats of spray painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and
manufacture to give an even shade, including cleaning of surface with
detergent and replacing the damaged rubber reel, nuts and bolts with Each 133 183.45
washers and safety pins, reinstalling the same as required.
2.3 Supplying and fixing following way, single pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB
distribution board, 240 volts, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus
bar, neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powder painted including
earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator)
2.6.1 Deleted
2.6.2 Deleted
2.6.3 Deleted
2.7 Supplying and fixing following way prewired SP&N MCB distribution board of
steel sheet for 240 volts on surface/ recess complete with loose wire box, terminal
connectors for all incoming and outgoing circuits, duly prewired with suitable size
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor up to terminal blocks, tinned copper bus
bar, neutral link, earth bar, din bar, detachable gland plate, interconnections,
powder painted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/ RCCB/
2.7.1 Deleted
2.7.2 Deleted
2.7.3 Deleted
2.7.4 2 + 4 way/ 6 way , Double door Each 0 0.00
2.7.5 2 + 8 way/ 10 way , Double door Each 0 0.00
2.7.6 2 + 12 way / 14 way , Double door Each 0 0.00
2.8 Supplying and fixing following way prewired TP&N MCB distribution board of
steel sheet for 415 volts on surface/ recess complete with loose wire box, terminal
connectors for all incoming and outgoing circuits, duly prewired with suitable size
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor up to terminal blocks, tinned copper bus
bar, neutral link, earth bar, din bar, detachable gland plate, interconnections,
powder painted including earthing etc. as required.(But without MCB/ RCCB/
2.8.1 Deleted
2.8.2 Deleted
2.8.3 Deleted
2.8.4 Deleted
2.8.5 4 way (4 + 12), Double door Each 0 0.00
2.8.6 6 way (4 + 18), Double door Each 0 0.00
2.8.7 8 way (4 + 24), Double door Each 0 0.00
2.8.8 12 way (4 + 36), Double door Each 0 0.00
2.9 Supplying and fixing following way prewired vertical type TP&N mcb
distribution board of steel sheet for 415 volts on surface/ recess complete with
loose wire box of sheet steel, dust protected, duly powder painted, inclusive of 200
amps tinned copper bus bar, common neutral link, earth bar, din bar for mounting
terminal connectors for all incoming and outgoing circuits, duly prewired with
adequate size of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor upto the terminal
connector/ neutral link, earthing etc as required (But without MCB/ RCCB/
Isolator). (Note : Prewired vertical type MCB TPDB is normally used where 3
phase outlets are required.)
2.9.1 Deleted
2.9.2 Deleted
2.9.3 Deleted
2.9.4 Deleted
2.9.5 4 way Double door Each
2.9.6 6 way Double door Each 0 0.00
2.9.7 8 way Double door Each 0 0.00
2.9.8 12 way Double door Each 0 0.00
2.10 Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240/415 volts, "C" curve,
miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the
existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as
2.17 Supplying and fixing TP sheet steel enclosure on surface/ recess along with
16/25/32amps 415 volts "C" curve TP MCB complete with connections, testing Each 878 1211.03
and commissioning etc. as required.
2.18 Supplying and fixing 20 amps, 240 volts, SPN industrial type, socket outlet, with 2
pole and earth, metal enclosed plug top alongwith 20 amps "C" curve, SP, MCB,
in sheet steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for the
socket out let and complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as Each 980 1351.71
2.19 Supplying and fixing 20 amps, 415 volts, TPN industrial type, socket outlet, with
4 pole and earth, metal enclosed plug top alongwith 20 amps "C" curve, TPMCB,
in sheet steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for the
socket out let and complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as Each 1455 2006.88
2.20 Supplying and fixing 30 amps, 415 volts, TPN industrial type, socket outlet, with
4 pole and earth, metal enclosed plug top alongwith 30 amps "C" curve, TPMCB,
in sheet steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for the
socket out let and complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as Each 2488 3431.70
2.21 Providing and fixing M.V. danger notice plate of 200 mm X 150 mm, made of
mild steel, at least 2 mm thick, and vitreous enameled white on both sides, and
with inscription in single red colour on front side as required. Each 149 205.52
2.22 Providing and fixing H.T. danger notice plate of 250 mm X 200 mm, made of mild
steel, at least 2 mm thick, and vitreous enameled white on both sides, and with
inscription in single red colour on front side as required. Each 163 224.83
Supplying and fixing Cable End Box (Loose wire box)(IP 43) suitable for following
single pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 240 V, on surface/
recess, complete with testing and commissioning etc. as required.
2.23.1 For 6 way, Double door SPN MCBDB Each 382 526.89
2.23.2 For 8 way, Double door SPN MCBDB Each 437 602.75
2.23.3 For 10 way, Double door SPN MCBDB Each 424 584.82
2.23.4 For 14 way, Double door SPN MCBDB Each 488 673.10
2.24 Supplying and fixing Cable End Box (Loose wire box)(IP 43) suitable for
following triple pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board 415 V
on surface/recess complete with testing and commissioning etc. as
2.24.1 For 4 way, Double door TPN MCBDB Each 585 806.89
2.24.2 For 6 way, Double door TPN MCBDB Each 610 841.37
2.24.3 For 8 way, Double door TPN MCBDB Each 728 1004.13
Supplying and fixing Cable End Box (Loose wire box) suitable for triple pole and Each 433 597.24
neutral, sheet steel, Vertical MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess,
complete with testing and commissioning etc. as required.
5.2 Earthing with G.I. earth pipe 4.5 metre long, 40 mm dia including accessories, and
providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and
watering pipe etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt as required. Each 3672 5064.79
5.3 Earthing with G.I. earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 6 mm thick including
accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking
arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. (but without charcoal/ coke Set 3583 4942.03
and salt ) as required.
5.4 Earthing with G.I. earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 6 mm thick including
accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking
arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt Set 4327 5968.23
as required.
5.5 Earthing with copper earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 3 mm thick including
accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking
arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. (but without charcoal/ coke Set 7546 10408.20
and salt ) as required.
5.6 Earthing with copper earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 3 mm thick including
accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking
arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt Set 8289 11433.02
as required.
5.7 Supplying and laying 6 SWG G.I. wire at 0.50 metre below ground level for
conductor earth electrode, including connection/ termination with GI thimble etc. Metre 28 38.62
as required.
5.8 Supplying and laying 25 mm X 5 mm copper strip at 0.50 metre below ground as
strip earth electrode, including connection/ terminating with nut, bolt, spring,
washer etc. as required. (Jointing shall be done by overlapping and with 2 sets of
brass nut bolt & spring washer spaced at 50mm) Metre 595 820.68
5.9 Supplying and laying 25 mm X 5 mm G.I strip at 0.50 metre below ground as strip
earth electrode, including connection/ terminating with G.I. nut, bolt, spring,
washer etc. as required. (Jointing shall be done by overlapping and with 2 sets of
G.I. nut bolt & spring washer spaced at 50mm) Metre 85 117.24
5.10 Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5 mm copper strip in 40 mm dia G.I. pipe FRLSom
earth electrode including connection with brass nut, bolt, spring, washer Metre 872 1202.75
excavation and re-filling etc. as required.
5.11 Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5 mm G.I. strip in 40 mm dia G.I. pipe FRLSom
earth electrode including connection with G.I. nut, bolt, spring, washer excavation Metre 351 484.13
and re-filling etc. as required.
5.12 Providing and laying earth connection FRLSom earth electrode with 6 SWG dia
G.I. Wire in 15 mm dia G.I. pipe FRLSom earth electrode including connection
with G.I. thimble excavation and re-filling as required. Metre 134 184.83
5.13 Providing and laying earth connection FRLSom earth electrode with 4.00 mm dia
copper wire in 15 mm dia G.I. pipe FRLSom earth electrode including connection
with copper thimble excavation and re-filling as required. Metre 182 251.03
5.19 Providing and fixing 4.00 mm dia copper wire on surface or in recess for loop
earthing along with existing surface/ recessed conduit/ submain wiring/ cable as Metre 73 100.69
5.20 Providing and fixing earth bus of 50 mm X 5 mm copper strip on surface for
connections etc. as required. Metre 1283 1769.64
6.2 Providing and fixing of lightning conductor finial, made of 25 mm dia 300 mm
long, G.I. tube, having single prong at top, with 85 mm dia 6 mm thick G.I. base Each 304 419.31
plate including holes etc. complete as required.
6.3 Fixing of lightning conductor finial (single prong) with base plate including holes
etc. complete as required. Each 170 234.48
6.4 Jointing copper / G.I. tape (with another copper/ G I tape, base of the finial or any
other metallic object) by riveting / nut bolting/ sweating and soldering etc as Each 57 78.62
6.7 Providing and fixing G.I. tape 20 mm X 3 mm thick on parapet or surface of wall
for lightning conductor complete as required. (For horizontal run) Metre 66 91.03
6.8 Providing and fixing G.I. tape 20 mm X 3 mm thick on parapet or surface of wall
for lightning conductor complete as required. (For vertical run) Metre 100 137.93
6.9 Fixing of copper/ G.I. tape 20 mm X 3 mm thick on parapet or surface of wall for
lightning conductor complete as required. (For horizontal run) Metre 39 53.79
6.10 Fixing of copper/ G.I. tape 20 mm X 3 mm thick on parapet or surface of wall for
lightning conductor complete as required. (For vertical run) Metre 79 108.96
6.11 Providing and fixing testing joint, made of 20 mm X 3 mm thick copper strip, 125
mm long, with 4 nos. of tinned brass bolts, nuts, chuck nuts and spring washers Each 0 0.00
etc. complete as required.
6.12 Providing and fixing testing joint, made of 20 mm X 3 mm thick G.I. strip, 125
mm long, with 4 nos. of G.I. bolts, nuts, chuck nuts and spring washers etc. Each 73 100.69
complete as required.
6.13 Providing and laying copper tape 32 mm X 6 mm from earth electrode directly in
ground as required. Metre 0 0.00
6.14 Providing and laying G.I. tape 32 mm X 6 mm from earth electrode directly in
ground as required. Metre 112 154.48
6.15 Laying copper/ G.I. tape 32 mm X 6 mm from earth electrode directly in ground as
required. Metre 37 51.03
7.7.1 Upto 35 sq. mm (clamped with 1mm thick saddle) Metre 25 34.48
7.7.2 Above 35 sq. mm and upto 95 sq. mm (clamped with 25x3mm MS flat clamp)
Metre 72 99.31
7.7.3 Above 95 sq. mm and upto 185 sq. mm (clamped with 25/40x3mm MS flat clamp)
Metre 84 115.86
7.7.4 Above 185 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm (clamped with 40x3mm MS flat clamp)
Metre 120 165.52
7.8 Laying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/ XLPE power
cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size on cable tray as required.
7.8.1 Upto 35 sq. mm (clamped with 1mm thick saddle) Metre 21 28.97
7.8.2 Above 35 sq. mm and upto 95 sq. mm (clamped with 25x3mm MS flat clamp)
Metre 49 67.59
7.8.3 Above 95 sq. mm and upto 185 sq. mm (clamped with 25/40x3mm MS flat clamp)
Metre 61 84.14
7.8.4 Above 185 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm (clamped with 40x3mm MS flat clamp)
Metre 96 132.41
7.9 Supplying and making cable route marker with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :
2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size ) of size 60 cm X 60
cm at the bottom and 50 cm X 50 cm at the top with a thickness of 10cm including
inscription duly engraved as required. each 333 459.31
7.10 Supplying and fixing cable route marker with 10 cm X 10 cm X 5 mm thick G.I.
plate with inscription there on, bolted /welded to 35 mm X 35 mm X 6 mm angle
iron, 60 cm long and fixing the same in ground as required. each 269 371.03
Supplying and making outdoor end termination with cast resin compound
including aluminium lugs and other jointing materials for following size of PVC
insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade
as required.
Supplying and making straight through joint with cast resin compound including
9.3 ferrules and other jointing materials for following size of PVC insulated and PVC
sheathed / XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as required.
Supplying and making indoor cable end jointing with cast resin compound,
10.1 including lugs and other jointing materials, for following size of 3 core, XLPE
aluminium conductor cable of 11 KV grade as required.
Supplying and making outdoor cable end jointing with cast resin compound,
10.2 including lugs and other jointing materials, for following size of 3 core, XLPE
aluminium conductor cable of 11 KV grade as required.
11.1.1 Above 4.5 metre and upto 6.5 metre Each 2878 3969.63
11.1.2 Above 6.5 metre and upto 8.0 metre Each 3200 4413.76
11.1.3 Above 8.0 metre and upto 11.0 metre Each 3826 5277.20
11.1.4 Above 11.00 metre and upto 13.00 metre Each 4209 5805.47
11.2 Erection of RCC/ PCC pole strut in brick ballast and ramming the foundation
including excavation and refilling and secured with holding clamps, bolts, nuts, Each 4891 6746.16
etc. as required.
11.3 Erection of metallic pole of following length in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement :
3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) foundation
including excavation and refilling etc. as required.
11.3.1 Above 4.5 metre and upto 6.5 metre Each 2760 3806.87
11.3.2 Above 6.5 metre and upto 8.0 metre Each 3322 4582.03
11.3.3 Above 8.0 metre and upto 10.0 metre Each 3930 5420.65
11.3.4 Above 10.00 metre and upto 12.00 metre Each 4593 6335.12
11.4 Erection of steel tubular or rail pole strut in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) foundation including
excavation and refilling and secured with holding clamps, bolts, nuts, etc. as Each 4688 6466.16
11.5 Providing and making steel pole collar with cement concrete (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand : 6 stone aggregate 20mm) of specified size and shape including form work,
plastering if required, curing etc as required. (volume of pole/ pipe not to be Cum 4693 6473.05
11.6 Supplying and embedding following dia G.I. pipe (medium class) in pole collar/
foundation (during casting) for cable entry including bending the pipe to the
required shape complete as required.
12.2 Supplying and erection of stay set complete (galvanised) with 19/ 20 mm dia X
1.8 metres long stay rod, anchor plate of size 45 cm X 45 cm X 7.5 mm, thimble,
stay clamps, turn buckle ( 20 mm X 60 cm ), 7/ 3.15 mm dia G.I. stay wire and
strain insulator etc in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) foundation including excavation and Each 3624 4998.58
refilling etc. as required.
12.3 Supplying and erection of stay set complete (galvanised) with 19/ 20 mm dia X
1.8 metres long stay rod, anchor plate of size 45 cm X 45 cm X 7.5 mm, thimble,
stay clamps, bow tightener, 7/ 4.00 mm dia G.I. stay wire and strain insulator etc
in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40
Each 3563 4914.45
mm nominal size ) foundation including excavation and refilling etc. as required.
12.4 Supplying and erection of stay set complete (galvanised) with 19/ 20 mm dia X
1.8 metres long stay rod, anchor plate of size 45 cm X 45 cm X 7.5 mm, thimble,
stay clamps, bow tightener, 7/ 3.15 mm dia G.I. stay wire and strain insulator etc
in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40
Each 3411 4704.79
mm nominal size ) foundation including excavation and refilling etc. as required.
12.5 Supplying and erection of bow stay set complete (galvanised) with 19/20 mm dia
X 1.8 metres long stay rod, anchor plate of size 45 cm X 45 cm X 7.5 mm,
thimble, stay clamps, turn buckle ( 20 mm X 60 cm ), 7/ 4.00 mm dia G.I. stay
wire and strain insulator etc in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6
graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) foundation including excavation and
refilling and also with 0.6 m long brace of size 50 mm X 50 mm X 6 mm angle
iron with 50 mm dia pulley fixed at one end of the brace as required.
Each 4097 5650.99
12.6 Supplying and erection of bow stay set complete (galvanised) with 19/20 mm dia
X 1.8 metres long stay rod, anchor plate of size 45 cm X 45 cm X 7.5 mm,
thimble, stay clamps, turn buckle ( 20 mm X 60 cm ), 7/ 3.15 mm dia G.I. stay
wire and strain insulator etc in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 3946 5442.72
graded stone
12.7 Supplying and erection of bow stay set complete (galvanised) with 19/20 mm dia
X 1.8 metres long stay rod, anchor plate of size 45 cm X 45 cm X 7.5 mm,
thimble, stay clamps, bow tightener), 7/ 4.00 mm dia G.I. stay wire and strain
insulator etc in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) foundation including excavation and refilling and
also with 0.6 m long brace of size 50 mm X 50 mm X 6 mm angle iron with 50 Each 3890 5365.48
mm dia pulley fixed at one end of the brace as required.
12.8 Supplying and erection of bow stay set complete (galvanised) with 19/20 mm dia
X 1.8 metres long stay rod, anchor plate of size 45 cm X 45 cm X 7.5 mm,
thimble, stay clamps, bow tightener), 7/ 3.15mm dia G.I. stay wire and strain
insulator etc in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) foundation including excavation and refilling and
also with 0.6 m long brace of size 50 mm X 50 mm X 6 mm angle iron with 50 Each 3739 5157.20
mm dia pulley fixed at one end of the brace as required.
12.9 Erection of stay set complete (galvanised) in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) foundation including
excavation and refilling etc. as required. Each 2381 3284.11
12.10 Supplying of channel iron 75 mm X 40 mm X 6 mm (7.14 kg per metre) cross arm
for 2 wire over head line complete with clamps, bolts, nuts and washer etc
including drilling of holes for insulator pins etc (as per drawing) and painting with
primer and finished paint as required . Set 437 602.75
12.12 Erection of angle iron/ channel iron cross arm on wood/ RCC/ PCC/ steel tubular/
rail pole etc. as required. Set 150 206.90
12.13 Supplying and erection of galvanised 'D' iron clamps complete with shackle
insulator (75 mm X 90 mm),G. I. bolts, nuts and washers, coach screws etc. as Set 204 281.38
12.14 Supplying and erection of galvanised 'D' iron clamps complete with shackle
insulator (100 mm X 110 mm), G.I. bolts, nuts and washers, coach screws etc. as Set 235 324.14
12.15 Erection of galvanised 'D' iron clamps and insulator on pole as required.
Set 37 51.03
12.16 Supplying and erection of 75 mm X 90 mm shackle insulator with G. I. Bolt, nuts
and straps etc. as required . Set 146 201.38
12.17 Supplying and erection of 100 mm X 110 mm shackle insulator with G. I. Bolt,
nuts and straps etc. as required . Set 177 244.14
12.18 Supplying and erection of 100 mm X 65 mm pin insulator complete with G. I.
Spindle and nuts etc. as required . Set 81 111.72
12.19 Supplying and erection of 100 mm X 80 mm pin insulator complete with G. I.
Spindle and nuts etc. as required . Set 83 114.48
12.20 Erection of LV/MV shackle/pin insulator etc. as required. Set 41 56.55
12.21 Erection of ACSR conductor of 7/2.11 mm to 7/3.00 mm diameter including
binding etc. as required. Kg 99 136.55
12.22 Erection of ACSR conductor of 7/3.35 mm to 7/4.00 diameter and above including
binding etc. as required. Kg 130 179.31
12.23 Erection of all aluminium conductor of 7/1.96 mm to 7/3.10 mm diameter
including binding etc. as required. Kg 130 179.31
12.24 Erection of all aluminium conductor of 7/3.40 mm to 7/4.00 mm diameter and
above including binding etc. as required. Kg 100 137.93
12.25 Erection of G.I. Wire No. 8 SWG including binding etc. as required. Kg 20 27.59
12.26 Erection of hexagonal type guard as required. Each 107 147.59
12.27 Erection of ring type guard as required. Each 36 49.65
12.28 Erection of cradle guard as required. Each 71 97.93
12.29 Supplying and erection of 15 A aerial fuse complete as required. Each 73 100.69
12.30 Supplying and erection of 30 A aerial fuse complete as required. Each 84 115.86
12.31 Erection of aerial fuse as required. Each 54 74.48
12.32 Supplying and fixing MV horn gap lightening arrestor as required. Each 197 271.72
12.33 Fixing of MV lightning arrestor as required. Each 82 113.10
12.34 Supplying and fixing of 32 mm dia X 2.00 metres long G.I. pipe (medium class)
bracket for mounting of fluorescent / HPMV / HPSV street light fitting on pole
including bending the pipe to the required shape, 2 nos 40 mm X 3 mm flat iron
clamps with nuts, bolts and washer, painting the flat iron with primer and finish
Each 733 1011.03
paint etc. as required.
12.35 Providing and fixing 50 mm dia X 3.2 metres G.I. pipe (including accessories)
complete with 50 mm X 50 mm X 6 mm angle iron bracket on wall and 75 mm X
90 mm shackle insulator with straps for house service connection including
painting the angle and flat iron with primer and finish paint etc. as required. Each 1727 2382.05
12.36 Providing and fixing 50 mm dia X 5.6 metres G.I. pipe (including accessories)
complete with 50 mm X 50 mm X 6 mm angle iron cross arm and 40 mm X 3mm 2593 3576.52
M.S. flat iron clamps bends for guard
wire, 75 mm X 90 mm shackle insulator and straps, 7/ 3.15 mm G.I. wire stay set
for house service connection including painting the angle and flat iron with primer Each
and finish paint etc. as required.
12.37 Supplying and fixing of light class G.I. pipe of 50 mm dia. (nominal) 3 metres
length along the pole for protection of under ground cable as required. Each 1217 1678.61
12.38 Supplying and fixing of light class G.I. pipe of 80 mm dia. (nominal) 3 metres
length along the pole for protection of under ground cable as required. Each 1720 2372.40
12.39 Supplying and fixing of light class G.I. pipe of 100 mm dia. (nominal) 3 metres
length along the pole for protection of under ground cable as required. Each 2256 3111.70
12.40 Dismantling of over head lines comprising of copper/ aluminium over head
conductor, G.I. wire, cross arms, insulators etc. as required. Kg 43 59.31
12.41 Dismantling of pole/ street light standard/ strut embedded in brick ballast
foundation etc. as required. Each 975 1344.82
12.42 Dismantling of pole/ street light standard/ strut embedded in cement concrete
foundation etc. as required. Each 1295 1786.19
13.3 Supplying of 50 mm X 8 mm M.S. flat iron pole top bracket/ cross arm for single
11 /22/33 KV over head line conductor complete with fixing clamps, bolts, nuts
and washers drilling holes for insulator pins, bolts and nuts etc and painting with
primer and finish paint as required. Each 368 507.58
13.6 Erection of pole top/ straight two wire/ V shape two wire, angle iron/ channel iron,
cross arm on steel tubular/ rail/ PCC pole for 11/22/ 33 KV as required. Set 272 375.17
13.8 Supplying and erection of a set of cross bracing FRLSame work for 11 KV over
head line double pole structure having four members fabricated out of 50 mm X
50 mm X 6 mm angle iron to form a rectangle of minimum size 1400 mm width X
2500 mm height, complete with 50 mm X 6mm M.S. flat iron clamps, bolts and
nuts including drilling holes for insulator pins, bolts and nuts etc (as per drawing) Set 4230 5834.44
and painting with primer and finish paint as required.
13.9 Erection of double pole 3 wire cross arm for 11 KV/ 22KV/ 33 KV over head lines
as required. Each 624 860.68
13.10 Supplying and erection of 11 KV pin insulator complete with large steel head G.I.
pin, nuts, washers etc. as required. Set 225 310.34
13.11 Supplying and erection of 11 KV disc insulator for 11 KV over head lines with
galvanised insulator fittings, ball and socket type and complete with galvanised
strain clamps, bolts, nuts, washers etc. as required. Set 898 1238.61
13.12 Erection of disc/ pin insulator for 11 KV over head lines as required. Set 82 113.10
13.13 Supplying and erection of three piece nonlinear resistor type lightning arrestor
suitable for 3 wire, 11 KV overhead lines with rated voltage 9 KV (rms) with a
nominal discharge current rating of 5 KA and complete with galvanised clamping
arrangement, G.I. bolts, nuts, washers etc. as required. Set 2325 3206.87
13.14 Supplying and erection of galvanised stay set for 33 KV over head lines complete
with 19/ 20 mm dia X 1.8 metres long stay rod, anchor plate of size 45 cm X 45
cm X 7.5 mm thick, thimble, stay clamps, turn buckle ( 20 mm X 600 mm ), 7/
4.00 mm dia G.I. stay wire and 33 KV strain insulator etc in cement concrete 1:3:6
(1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) Set 3821 5270.31
foundation including excavation and refilling etc. as required.
13.22 Supplying and erection of a set of cross bracing FRLSame work for 33 KV over
head line double pole structure having four members fabricated out of 65 mm X
65 mm X 6 mm angle iron to form a rectangle of minimum size 2400 mm width X
2800 mm height complete with 50 mm X 6mm M.S. flat iron clamps, bolts and
nuts including drilling holes for insulator pins, bolts, nuts, washers etc and Set 6027 8313.04
painting with primer and finish paint as required .
13.23 Supplying and erection of 33 KV pin insulator complete with large steel head G.I.
pin, nuts, washers etc. as required. Set 728 1004.13
13.24 Supplying and erection of a set of three 11 KV disc insulator for 33 KV over head
lines with galvanised insulator fittings, ball and socket type and complete with
galvanised strain clamps, bolts, nuts, washers etc. as required. Set 2635 3634.46
13.25 Supplying and erection of single piece nonlinear resistor type lightning arrestor
suitable for 3 wire, 33 KV overhead lines with rated voltage 30 KV (rms) with a
nominal discharge current rating of 10 KA (station class) and complete with
galvanised clamping arrangement, G.I. bolts, nuts, washers etc. as required. Set 18575 25620.50
14.2 Excavation for cable trenches of depth upto 1.2 m in soft soil including getting out
the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead Cum 194 267.58
of 50 metres.
14.3 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, sides of foundations
etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by
ramming and watering, lead up to 50 metres. Cum 124 171.03
14.4 Excavation for cable trenches in soft soil, depth upto 1.2 m including dressing of
sides lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil, refilling with sand
and or good soil after laying of cable/ pipe etc. in layers of 20 cm, ramming,
watering and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 Cum 318 438.62
14.5 Deduct for not consolidation by ramming and watering while refilling with sand
and or good soil in cable/ pipe laying. Cum 71 97.93
14.6 Excavation of the cable trenches in hard rock not exceeding 1.5 metres in width,
and lift upto 1.5 metres, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of
excavated soil as directed within a lead of 50 metres. Cum 591 815.17
14.7 Providing and laying in position cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand :
4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) in foundation of pump, DG set etc. Cum 5207 7182.02
including form work etc. as required.
14.8 Providing and laying in position cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand :
6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) in foundation of pump, DG set etc. Cum 4689 6467.54
including form work etc. as required.
14.9 Providing and laying in position cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand :
6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) in foundation of pump, DG set etc. Cum 4525 6241.33
including form work etc. as required.
14.10 Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) in foundation of
pump, DG set etc. including form work etc. as required (excluding reinforcement). Cum 5487 7568.22
14.11 Providing brick work (in width 225 mm or more) with F.P.S. bricks of class
designation 7.5 in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) at all levels. Cum 4105 5662.03
14.12 Providing 15mm thick cement plaster of mix 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand) at all
levels. Sqm 190 262.07
14.13 Providing, laying and fixing following dia G.I. pipe (medium class) in ground
complete with G.I. fittings including trenching (75 cm deep)and re-filling etc. as
15.4.1 1 output per phase and suitable for single phase supply Each 2566 3539.28
15.4.2 2 output per phase and suitable for single phase supply Each 5329 7350.29
15.4.3 3 output (1 output per phase) and suitable for three phase supply Each 6254 8626.14
Hospital Block
Connected Maximum
S.No Description D.F
Load (kW) Demand(kW)
1 Lighting Load 11.64 1.50 7.76
2 Power Load 36.80 2.00 18.40
3 UPS Power Loads 27.18 3.00 9.06
4 Lift Load 30.00 1.00 30.00
5 Fire Load 34.00
6 AC Load 0.00 1.50 0.00
7 PHE Load 16.45 1.60 10.28
8 Equipment Loads 50.00 3.00 16.67
3 ph-6way 3 ph-12 3 ph-8 way 3 ph-6 way 3 ph-4 way 3phase 8 3 phase 6 1 Phase 12 63A,FP,100 40A,FP,30 25A,FP, 30 25A,DP, 30 6-32 A, SP- 6-32 A, SP- 6-32A, TP 40-63A TP 6-32A, FP 6-32 A, DP- 40-63A FP 100A 4P 40A FP 25A FP 25A FP WP 4
Sl.No way way way Way mA mA mA mA C curve D curve C Curve C Curve C Curve C curve C Curve 0
LVDB 1 6 1 B
LDB- 3 floors 3 1 4 90 O
PLB 1 6 1 X
PDB- 3 Nos 4 4 72
AC VDB-3 nos 2 1 3 6 20 9 7
VDB-OT 1 2 1 2
UVDB 1 6 2 1 2
UDB- 3 Nos 3 1 4 54 8
Pump VDB 1 1 1 1 12 12
10 100
10 100
10 10
50 15
252 15
10 15
10 15
15 15
50 15
50 15
50 15
50 15
15 15
40 15
30 15
35 15
35 15
35 15
60 15
55 15
55 15
55 15
45 15
40 15
45 15
40 15
45 15
40 15
45 15
40 15
10 10
10 10
10 10
10 10
10 10
10 10
10 10
file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/654248651.xlsx\HVAC 44
Electrical Load
Electrical Load (KW
per unit) Phase
0.63 3.00
3.13 3.00
2.25 1.00
1 3
5 3
1.50 1.00
1.00 3.00
5.00 3.00
2.25 1.00
1.00 3.00
5.00 3.00
1.38 3.00
6.88 3.00
1.00 3.00
5.00 3.00
2.00 3.00
10.00 3.00
0.55 3.00
0.55 3.00
0.55 3.00
0.55 3.00
file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/654248651.xlsx\HVAC 45
Sl No. Description Unit Qty Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Make Rate Discount TOTAL
2500A TPN EDO ACB no 1 16842.00 16842.00 L & T PG.39 24060 7218 16842
Rotary handle No 1 1358.00 1358.00 L & T PG.45 1940 582 1358
Spreader No 1 1344.00 1344.00 L & T PG.45 1920 576 1344
Amf Relay
1250A TPN EDO ACB no 3 8939.00 26817.00 L & T PG.38 12770 3831 8939
Rotary handle No 3 1172.50 3517.50 L & T PG.45 1675 502.5 1172.5
Spreader No 3 301.00 903.00 L & T PG.45 430 129 301
1000A TPN EDO ACB no 2 14791.00 29582.00 L & T PG.38 21130 6339 14791
Rotary handle No 2 1172.50 2345.00 L & T PG.45 1675 502.5 1172.5
Spreader No 2 1022.00 2044.00 L & T PG.45 1460 438 1022
800A TPN EDO ACB no 1 7161.00 7161.00 L & T PG.38 10230 3069 7161
Rotary handle No 1 1050.00 1050.00 L & T PG.45 1500 450 1050
Spreader No 1 231.00 231.00 L & T PG.45 330 99 231
Rotary handle
SMF Battery
4A 10kA B curve SP MCB No 6 287.00 1722.00 L & T P.93 410.00 123 287.00
SPD-TYPE 1 No 1 27800.00 27800.00 MERSON
Digital Multi function meter Acc cl. 1 with Rs 485 PRICE
No 1 5084.75 5084.75 MR1731
RYB indication lamp PRICE
No 2 44.07 88.14 MR1885 155.94 155.94
Voltmeter PRICE
No 2 1823.73 3647.46 MR1725
Ammeter PRICE
No 6 932.20 5593.20 MR1722
No 2 384.75 769.50 MR1779
no 6 318.64 1911.84 MR1892+1893
CT 2500/5A 15VA Class 1 resin cast PRICE
No 4 897.46 3589.84 MR1798
Total A1 143401.23
A2 Lumpsum Items
Fabrication charges
Err:509 PRICE
Total of A = A1 + A2 Err:509
125 A FP Thermal magnetic no 1 8939.00 8939.00 L & T PG.39 12770 3831 8939
Rotary handle No 1 1172.50 1172.50 L & T PG.45 1675 502.5 1172.5
Spreader No 1 1344.00 1344.00 L & T PG.45 1920 576 1344
63 A TP Thermal magnetic no 1 5068.00 5068.00 L & T PG.39 7240 2172 5068
Rotary handle No 1 1050.00 1050.00 L & T PG.45 1500 450 1050
Spreader No 1 231.00 231.00 L & T PG.45 330 99 231
40 A TP Thermal magnetic no 5 5166.00 25830.00 L & T PG.38 7380 2214 5166
Rotary handle No 5 1050.00 5250.00 L & T PG.45 1500 450 1050
Spreader No 5 231.00 1155.00 L & T PG.45 330 99 231
contactor - 15 PRICE
No 2 1423.73 2847.46 MR1640
contactor - 10 PRICE
No 1 1228.81 1228.81 MR1639
contactor - 5 PRICE
no 3 1019.95 3059.85 MR1638
Capacitor - 10 PRICE
No 1 2330.15 2330.15 MR1940
Capacitor - 15 PRICE
No 2 3495.76 6991.52 MR1942
Capacitor - 5 PRICE
No 3 1165.25 3495.75 MR1937
Reactor - 10 PRICE
No 1 8135.59 8135.59 MR1968
Reactor - 5 PRICE
No 3 4661.02 13983.06 MR1967
Reactor - 15 PRICE
No 2 8983.05 17966.10 MR1969
No 6 72.03 432.18 MR2013
No 8 318.64 2549.12 MR1892+1893
4A 10kA B curve SP MCB No 3 287.00 861.00 L & T P.93 410.00 123 287
RELAY no 1 7700.00 7700.00 11000.00 3300 7700
file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/654248651.xlsx\PANEL - RA\rsn
Sl No. Description Unit Qty Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Make Rate Discount TOTAL
200A SDU no 1 6930.00 6930.00 L & T PG.32 9900 2970 6930
Rotary Handle 1 1172.50 1172.50 1675 502.5 1172.5
spreader 1 1344.00 1344.00 1920 576 1344
125A TPN MCCB ISO No 2 5278.00 10556.00 L & T PG.32 7540 2262 5278
Rotary Handle 2 1172.50 2345.00 1675 502.5 1172.5
spreader 2 1344.00 2688.00 1920 576 1344
25A DP MCB No 1 3997.00 3997.00 L & T PG.89 5710 1713 3997
63A TPN MCCB ISO No 3 5068.00 15204.00 7240 2172 5068
Rotary Handle 1 1050.00 1050.00 1500 450 1050
spreader 1 231.00 231.00 330 99 231
FASD STARTER FOR 10HP No 1 6949.15 6949.15 MR1988
FASD STARTER FOR 75HP No 1 19742.37 19742.37 mr 1995
4A 10kA B curve SP MCB No 3 287.00 861.00 L & T P.93 410.00 123 287
Digital Multi function meter Acc cl. 1 with Rs 485 PRICE
No 1 5084.75 5084.75 MR1731
RYB indication lamp PRICE
No 1 44.07 44.07 MR1885
Voltmeter PRICE
No 1 1823.73 1823.73 MR1725
Ammeter PRICE
No 3 932.20 2796.60 MR1722
No 1 384.75 384.75 MR1779
CTs 200/5 A Class 1 PRICE
No 3 611.02 1833.06 MR1788
Total A1 85036.98
A2 Lumpsum Items
Fabrication charges
Err:509 PRICE
Total A2 Err:509
Total of A = A1 + A2 Err:509
125 A FP Thermal magnetic no 1 7518.00 7518.00 L & T PG.39 10740 3222 7518
Rotary handle No 1 1172.50 1172.50 L & T PG.45 1675 502.5 1172.5
Spreader No 1 1344.00 1344.00 L & T PG.45 1920 576 1344
63-100 A TP Thermal magnetic no 4 5068.00 20272.00 L & T PG.38 7240 2172 5068
Rotary handle No 4 1050.00 4200.00 L & T PG.45 1500 450 1050
Spreader No 4 231.00 924.00 L & T PG.45 330 99 231
Total A1 35430.50
A2 Lumpsum Items
Fabrication charges
Err:509 PRICE
Total A2 Err:509
Total of A = A1 + A2 Err:509
200 A FP Thermal magnetic no 1 14791.00 14791.00 L & T PG.39 21130 6339 14791
Rotary handle
No 1 1172.50 1172.50 L & T PG.45 1675 502.5 1172.5
Spreader No 1 1344.00 1344.00 L & T PG.45 1920 576 1344
63 A TP Thermal magnetic MCCB no 4 5068.00 20272.00 L & T PG.38 7240 2172 5068
Rotary handle No 4 231.00 924.00 L & T PG.45 330 99 231
Spreader No 4 1050.00 4200.00 L & T PG.45 1500 450 1050
125 A TP Thermal magnetic MCCB no 2 7518.00 15036.00 L & T PG.38 10740 3222 7518
Rotary handle No 2 1172.50 2345.00 L & T PG.45 1675 502.5 1172.5
Spreader No 2 1344.00 2688.00 L & T PG.45 1920 576 1344
file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/654248651.xlsx\PANEL - RA\rsn
Sl No. Description Unit Qty Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Make Rate Discount TOTAL
ATS AMF no 1 63593 63593.00
250 A FP Thermal magnetic no 2 16842.00 33684.00 L & T PG.39 24060 7218 16842
Rotary handle
No 2 1172.50 2345.00 L & T PG.45 1675 502.5 1172.5
Spreader No 2 1344.00 2688.00 L & T PG.45 1920 576 1344
125 A TPN Thermal magnetic No 3 5068.00 15204.00 10740 3222 7518
Rotary handle No 3 231.00 693.00 1675 502.5 1172.5
Spreader No 3 1050.00 3150.00 1920 576 1344
40 A TPN Thermal magnetic No 1 7518.00 7518.00 7380 2214 5166
Rotary handle No 1 1172.50 1172.50 1500 450 1050
Spreader No 1 1344.00 1344.00 330 99 231
63 A TPN Thermal magnetic No 1 318.64 318.64 7240 2172 5068
Rotary handle No 1 287.00 287.00 1500 450 1050
Spreader No 1 5084.75 5084.75 330 99 231
200A TPN ISOLATOR No 1 14637.00 14637.00 20910 6273 14637
file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/654248651.xlsx\PANEL - RA\rsn
incomer meter
o/t 1 o/t 2
cable allay cable allay
o/t 3 o/t 4
0/t 5 o/t 6
o/t 7 o/t 8