Unit 5
Unit 5
Unit 5
(WEEK 14)
§ UNESCO defines global education as goal to develop countries worldwide and is aimed at educating all
people in accordance with world standards.
§ Another definition is that global education is a curriculum that is international in scope which prepares
today’s youth around the world to function in one world environment under teachers who are intellectually,
professionally and humanistically prepared.
UNESCO’s Education 2030 Incheon Declaration during the World Education Forum established a vision
“Towards inclusive and equitable quality educational lifelong learning for all”. Sustainable Development
Goal (SDG) 4 for education is one of the seventeen goals of the United Nations SDGs. The seven of the ten
targets are expected outcomes while three are means of achieving th eoutcomes.. these outcomes targets are
bring together all member nations to expand beyond their geographical territories for global education.
By 2030, the seven outcomes target of SDG 4 must have been achieved. These are:
4.1. Universal primary and secondary education. Ensure all girls and boys complete, free, equitable and
quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.
4.2. Early childhood development and universal pre-primary education. Ensure that all boys and girls have
access to quality early childhood development care and pre-primary education so that theya re ready for primary
4.3. Equal access to technical / vocational and higher education. Ensure equal access for all women and men
to affordable and quality technical vocational and tertiary education including university.
4.4. Relevant skills for decent work. Substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant
skills including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurs.
4.5. Gender quality and inclusion. Eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all
levels of education and vocational trainings for vulberable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous
people and children in vulnerable situation.
4.6. Universal youth literacy. Ensure that all youth and substantial proportions of adults, both men and women
achieve literacy and numeracy.
4.7. Education for Sustainable Development and global citizenship. Ensure all learners acquire knowledge
and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for
sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promote culture of peace and
non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and cultures contribution to sustainable
One of the means is to achieve the target is to increase the supply of qualified teachers, through international
cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially the least developed countries and island
developing states.
James Becker (1998) defined global education as an effort to help individual learners to see the world as a
single and global system and to see themselves as a participant in that system. It is a school curriculum that has
worldwide standard of teaching and learning. This curriculum prepares learners in an international marketplace
with a world view of international understanding. In his article “ Goals of Global Education” he emphasized
that global education incorporate into the curriculum and educational experiences of each student a knowledge
and empathy of cultures of the nation and the world. Students are encourage to see the world as a whole , learn
various cultures to make them better relate and function effectively within various cultural groups.
Thus, to met the various global challenges of the future, the 21st Century Learning Goals have been establish as
bases of various curricula worldwide. These learning goals include:
1. 21st century content: emerging content areas such as global awareness; financial; economic; business; and
entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy; health and environmental awareness.
2. Learning and thinking skills: critical thinkingand problem solving skills, communication, creativity and
innovation, collaboration, contextual learnin, information and media literacy.
§ ICT Literacy: using technology in the context of learning so students know how to learn.
On the other hand, glocal education is about diversity, understanding the differences and teaching and different
cultural groups in their own context to achieve the goals of global education as presented by United Nations.
It is preparing future teachers from the remote and rugged rural villages in developing countries to the slum
areas urbanized countries, go the highly influential and economically stable societies of the world for their roles
in the 21st century classroom. Global teacher education address the needs of the smallest school to the largest
classrooms in the world. It responds to the borderless education that defies distance and geographical location.
This make education glocal.
Are our pre-service teachers preparing to provide glocal education in their respective future school
assignments? Do they possess a strong foundation of their rootedness in culture so as to blend what is local with
what is global? Will you be a glocal teacher who is a true Filipino teacher with a solid value of nationalism and
Filipinism but who is capable of addressing the global challenges and needs of educating the children for the
A glocal teacher is a global teacher who is competent and armed with enough skills , appropriate attitudes and
universal values to teacher learners at home or abroad but is equipped with both time tested as well as modern
technologies in education in any time and in any place in the world. A glocal teacher is someone who thinks and
acts both locally and globally with worldwide perspectives, but is teaching in the communities, localities,
towns, provinces and regions where he or she is situated.
Specifically a glocal Filipino teachers is characterized by several qualities and attributes in addition to in-depth
knowledge, functioning skills and embedded values. Glocal teachers:
3. Have a vision of the future and sees what the future would be for himself/herself and the students;
4. Understand, respect and tolerant of the diversity of cultures; believe and take action for education that will
sustain the future; facilitate digitally-mediated learning;
7. Master the competence of the Beginning Teacher in the Philippine Professional Standards for teachers
(PPST, 2017).
Further, glocal teachers must possess the following distinct characteristics and core values of Filipino teachers: (
Master Plan for Teacher Education, 2017)
1. Cultural and historical rootedness by building on the culture and history of the learners and the place;
2. Ability to contextualized teaching – learning by using local and indigenoue materials, content and
pedagogy whenever appropriate;
3. Excellence in personal and professional competence, leadership, research, technology, innovation and
4. Responsiveness through social involvement and service, learner-centeredness, respect and sensitivity for
diversity and inclusiveness;
5. Accountability and integrity by being a positive role model with strong moral character, committed and
conscientious, credible, honest and loyal;
6. Ecological sensitivity by being resilient and a steward of the environment for sustainability;
7. Nationalism/ Filipinism by being a responsible citizen and upholding the Filipino identity amidst
globalization (glocalization) and
8. Faith in the Divine Providence by being humane, just, peace-loving and respectful of human rights.
· Constructivism
Why teach. Constructivists sees to develop intrinsically motivated and independent learners adequately
equipped with learning skills for them to be able to construct knowledge and make meaning of them.
What to teach. The learners are thought how to learn. They are thought learning process and skills such as
searching, critiquing and evaluating information, relating these pieces of information, reflecting on the same,
making meaning out of them, drawing insights, posing questions, researching and constructing new knowledge
out of these bits of information learned.
How to teach. In the constructivist classroom, the teacher provides students with data or experiences that allow
them to hypothesize, predict, manipulate objects, pose questions, research, investigate, imagine, and invent. The
teacher’s role is to facilitate this process.
Knowledge isn’t a thing that can simply deposited by the teacher into the empty minds of the learners. Rather
knowledge is constructed by learners through an active, mental process of development; learners are the
builders and creators of meaning of knowledge. Their minds are not empty. Instead, their minds are full of ideas
waiting to be “midwifed” by the teacher with his/her skillful facilitating skills.
· Essentialism
Why teach. This philosophy contends that teachers teach for learners to acquire basic knowledge, skills, and
values. Teachers teach “not to radically reshape society but rather to transmit the traditional moral values and
intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens.”
What to teach. Essentialist programs are academically rigorous. The emphasis is on academic content for
students to learn the basic or the fundamental r’s – reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic, right conduct – as these are
essential to the acquisition of higher or more complex skills needed in preparation for adult life. The essentialist
curriculum includes the “traditional disciplines such as math, natural science, history, foreign language, and
literature. Essentialists frown upon vocational courses…” or other courses with watered down academic
How to teach. Essentialist teachers emphasize mastery of subject matter. They are expected to be intellectual
and moral models of their students. they are seen as “fountain” of information and as “paragon of virtue,” if
ever there is such a person. To gain mastery of basic skills, teachers have to observe “core requirements, longer
school day, a longer academic year…”
With mastery of academic content as primary focus, teachers rely heavily on the use of prescribed
textbooks, the drill method and other methods that will enable them to cover as much academic content as
possible like the lecture method. There is a heavy stress on memorization and discipline.
· Progressivism
Why teach. Progressivist teachers teach to develop learners into becoming enlightened and intelligent citizens
of a democratic society. This group of teachers teaches learners so they may live life fully NOW not to prepare
them for adult life.
What to teach. The progressivists are identified with need-based and relevant curriculum. This is a curriculum
that “responds to students” needs and that relates to students’ personal lives and experiences.”
Progressivists accept the impermanence of life and the inevitability of change. For the progressivists, everything
else changes. Change is the only thing that does not change. Hence, progressivist teachers are more concerned
with teaching the learners the skills to cope with change. Instead of occupying themselves with teaching facts or
bits of information that are true today but become obsolete tomorrow, they would rather focus their teaching on
the skills or processes in gathering and evaluating information and in problem-solving.
How to teach. Progressivist teachers employ experimental methods. They believe that one learns by doing. For
John Dewey, the most popular advocate of progressivism, book learning is no substitute for actual experience.
One experiential teaching method that progressivist teachers heavily rely on is the problem-solving method.
This problem-solving method makes use of scientific method. Other “hands –on-minds-on-hearts-on” teaching
methodology that progressivist teacher use are field trips during which students interact with nature or society.
Teachers also stimulate students through thought-provoking games, and puzzles.
· Perennialism
Why teach. We are all rational animals. School should therefore, develop the students’ rational and moral
powers. according to Aristotle, if we neglect the students’ reasoning skills, we deprive them of the ability to use
their higher faculties to control their passions and appetites.
What to teach. The perennialist curriculum is a universal one on the view that all human beings possess the
same essential nature. It is heavy on the humanities, on general education. It is not a specialist curriculum but
rather a general one. There is less emphasis on vocational and technical education. Philosopher Mortimer Adler
claims that the “Great Books of ancient and medieval as well as modern times are a repository of knowledge
and wisdom, a tradition of culture which must initiate each generation”. What the perennialist teachers teach are
lifted from the Great Books.
How to teach. The perennialist classrooms are “centered around teachers.” The teachers do not allow the
students’ interests or experiences to substantially dictate what they teach. They apply whatever creative
techniques and other tried and true methods which are believed to be most conducive to disciplining the
students’ minds. Students engaged in Socratic dialogues, or mutual inquiry sessions to develop an
understanding of history’s most timeless concepts.”
· Existentialism
What to teach. The main concern of the existentialists is “to help students to understand and appreciate
themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions.”
Since existence precedes essence’, the existentialist teacher’s role is to help students define their own essence
by exposing them to various paths they take in life and creating an environment in which they freely choose
their own preferred way. Since feeling is not divorced from reason in decision making, the existentialist
demands the education of the whole person,” not just the mind.”
What to teach. “In an existentialist curriculum, students are given a wide variety of options from which to
choose.” Students are afforded great latitude in their choice of subject matter. The humanities, however, are
given tremendous emphasis to “provide students with vicarious experiences that will help unleash their own
creativity and self-expression. Vocational education is regarded more as a means of teaching students about
themselves and their potential than of earning a livelihood. In teaching art, existentialism encourages individual
creativity and imagination more than copying and imitating established models.”
How to teach. “Existentialist methods focus on the individual. Learning is self-paced, self-directed. It includes
a great deal of individual contact with the teacher, who relates to each student openly and honestly. To help
students know themselves and their place in society, teachers employ value clarification strategy. In the use of
such strategy, teachers remain non-judgmental and take care not to impose their values on their students since
values are personal.”
· Behaviorism
Why teach. Behaviorist schools are concerned with the modification and shaping of students’ behavior by
providing for a favorable environment, since they believe that they are a product of their environment. They are
after students who exhibit desirable behavior in society.
What to teach. Because behaviorists look at “people and other animals… as complex combinations of matter
that act only in response to internally or externally generated physical stimuli,” behaviorist teachers teach
students to respond favorably to various stimuli in the environment.
How to teach. Behaviorist teachers “ought to arrange environmental conditions so that students can make the
responses to stimuli. Physical variables like light, temperature, arrangement of furniture, size and quantity of
visual aids have to be controlled to get the desired responses from the learners. …Teachers ought to make the
stimuli clear and interesting to capture and hold the learner’s attention. They ought to provide appropriate
incentives to reinforce positive responses and weaken or eliminate negative ones.” (Trespeces, 1995)
Linguistic philosophy
Why teach. To develop the communication skills of the learner because the ability to articulate, to voice out the
meaning and values of things that one obtains from his/her experience of life and the world is the very essence
of man. It is through his/her ability to express himself/herself clearly, to get his/her ideas across, to make known
to others the values that he/she has imbibed, the beauty that he/she has seen, the ugliness that he/she rejects and
the truth that he/she has discovered. Teachers teach to develop in the learner the skill to send messages clearly
and receive messages correctly.
What to teach. Learner should be taught to communicate clearly - how to send clear, concise messages and
how to receive and correctly understand messages sent. Communication takes place in three (3) ways – verbal,
nonverbal, and paraverbal. Verbal component refers to the content of our message, the choice and arrangement
of the words. This can be oral or written. Nonverbal component refers to the message we send through our body
language while paraverbal component refers to how we say what we say – the tone, pacing and volume of our
There is need to teach learners to use language that is correct, precise, grammatical, coherent, accurate so that
they are able to communicate clearly and precisely their thoughts and feelings. There is need to help students
expand their vocabularies to enhance their communication skills.
There is need to caution the learners of the verbal and non-verbal barriers to communication.
teach them to speak as many languages as you can. The more languages one speaks, the better he/she can
communicate with the world. A multilingual has an edge over the monolingual or bilingual.
How to teach. The most effective way to teach language and communication is the experiential way. Make
them experience sending and receiving messages through verbal, non-verbal and para-verbal manner. Teacher
should make the classroom a place for the interplay of minds and hearts. The teacher facilities dialogue among
learners and between him/her and his/her students because in the exchange of words there is also an exchange
of ideas.
We have a very rich philosophical heritage. But only seven philosophies were discussed here:
essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, existentialism, behaviorism, linguistic philosophy and
constructivism. the rest are assigned to you as research work. the seven philosophies differ in their concepts of
the learner and values, in why do we teach(objectives), what should be taught (curriculum) and how should the
curriculum be taught 9teaching strategies). However, there exist also some similarities among the philosophies.
Study the example of Teacher Macrinas’ Philosophy of Education given below.
I believe that my task as a teacher is to facilitate the development of every child to the optimum and to the
maximum by:
· reaching out to all children without bias and prejudice towards the “least” of the children
· making every child feel good and confident about himself/herself through his/her experiences of success
in the classroom
· helping every child master the basic skills of reading, communicating in oral and written form, arithmetic
and computer skills
· teaching my subject matter with mastery so that every child will use, his/her basic skills to continue
acquiring knowledge, skills and values for him/her to go beyond basic literacy and basic numeracy
· inculcating or integrating the unchanging values of respect, honestly, love and care for others regardless
of race, ethnicity, nationality, appearance and economic status in my lessons
· strengthening the value formation of every child through” hands-on-minds-on hearts-on” experiences
inside and outside the classroom
· providing every child activity meant to develop the body, the mind and the spirit
· teaching not only what to learn but more important how to learn
Your philosophy of education is your concept of the learner, concept of what must be taught and how this
must be taught. These thoughts are the bases of your actions and decisions when you prepare to teach and when
you teach.
Teacher Macrina subscribes to the Christian philosophy because she believes that the learner is an
embodied spirit and she wants to provide every child with activities that are meant to develop the learner’s
body, mind and spirit. The fact that she is mindful of the development of the mind makes her a rationalist.
Because she is after the wholistic development of the learner – body, mind and spirit – she is also humanist in
thinking and in practice.
She also believes in the behaviorist philosophy because she accepts that the learner can be influenced by
the environment. However, she does not tatally adhere to the behaviorist philosophy because she does not agree
that the learner can be totally influenced by his environment. teacher Macrina is constructivist in philosophy
because she does not agree that the learner has an empty mind (John Locke’s tabula rasa), rather she believes
that the child is full of ideas and it is her task to draw out these ideas.
Teacher Macrina is also essentialist in orientation. She is convinced that her primary task is the child’s
mastery of the basic skills of reading, communicating in oral and written form, arithmetic and computer skills.
She believes that mastery of these basic skills prepares the child to go beyond the basics. Her behaviorist
philosophy makes her work hard for every child to experiences success which surely contributes to a favorable
learning environment.
Teacher Macrina is also an essentialist and perennialist in thinking. She believes in unchanging values of
respect, honesty, love and care for others regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, appearance and
economic status and therefore inculcates them in her lessons.
She is also cognitivist in thinking and practice because like Burner, she believes that modeling these
values is the most effective way to teach these values.
She wants to make use of hands-on-hearts-on” experiences inside and outside the classroom. This makes
her a progressivist. Teacher Macrina applies the progressivist’s dictum, learning by doing and the whole world
(outside the classroom) is a classroom. She is also progressivist in the sense that she teaches learners not only
subject matter but also how to learn.
this is how one’s philosophy of education govern one’s practice as a teacher.
It is important that you make explicit your philosophy of education. Your philosophy of education is your
“window” to the world and “compass” in life. Your philosophy is your own thought and formulation, never
formulated for you by another that is why you were advised to begin stating it with the phrase “I believe.” It is
best to state it in the concrete not in the abstract like a theory because this is your blue print to daily life.
The story of Teddy must have touched you a lot. I have seen it and presented it to audiences of teachers a
number of times and it has always touched me. Let us remember that there are a lot of “Teddy’s” in our classes.
But there may be just a few “Ms. Thompson” in the classrooms. The like of “Ms.Thompson” as a teacher is said
to be an endangered, disappearing species.” Hopefully, the story touched you so much that starting from now
you vowed to be like “Ms. Thompson” to all your students in the future and so the like of “Ms. Thompson”
Convinced of the nobility of the teaching profession, Henry Adams also said, “A teacher affects eternity:
no one knows where his influence stops.”
John Steinbeck, Nobel and Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist, claims
“Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.” While
the artist works on canvass, the teacher works on the human mind and heart.
The greatest men and women in history were teachers – Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Confucius. Lao tsu,
Siddharta Gautama, Jesus Christ. Their teachings have transformed the individual and collective lives of their
followers and their worlds. Their teachings reverberate up to the present.
An old anecdote about teaching and teacher may convince you more that you are preparing for a
profession which is the noblest of all professions. It is considered the mother of all professions. Teachers have a
special place in heaven. Agree or disagree? Read “Their Place in Heaven” lifted from Teacher Teacher : A
Tribute Tribute to Teachers Everywhere published by Technological Institute of the Philippines on the occasion
of its 50th Foundation anniversary. This is an old story told again and again, but let me share it with you
Their Special Place in Heaven
At the gates of heaven, Saint Peter stood, resplendent, holdings the keys to heaven. Before him snaked a very
long line of people eager to pass thought the portals of heaven.
Saint Peter asked the man at the head of the line a simple question: “Why, dear sir, should I let you enter
heaven?” The man replied: “I am a doctor. In my lifetime, I saved lives, cured the sick and gave them and their
families a better quality of life”.
To which Saint Peter commented: “Remarkable. You may enter through the gates of Paradise and enjoy your
rightful place.”
Next in line was a woman dressed in a no-nonsense business suit. Saint Peter asked her the same. “Why should
I let you enter heaven, dear woman?” And she replied: “I’m an entrepreneur. I gave people decent jobs, paid
them well enough for them to feed, clothe, shelter and afford their families the niceties of life.”
“Ah “said Saint Peter. Indeed, that is remarkable as well. But, of course, you may enter heaven.”
A young man in uniform stepped up and faced Saint Peter and to the same question, he responded: “I am a
policeman. In my lifetime, I came to the succor of the citizenry, protected it against criminals who plagued the
streets down on earth.”
Saint Peter was impressed, and gave the young man a pass to enter through the gates o heaven.
Soon, it was the turn of a dignified elderly man, who did not wait for Saint Peter to pose him the question, and
offered his reason: “I am a lawmaker. I crafted laws and policies for the benefits of all the of all the stakeholders
of society, prescribing their rights and violations, thereof.”
Impressed with the lawmaker’s credentials, Saint Peter let him through, without any hesitation.
Fast on the heels of the lawmaker, a young woman, austerely dressed came up front. “Tell me, young lady, why
should I let you in?” Saint Peter asked. She replied, “ I am a lawyer, Saint Peter. To the best of my abilities, I
defended the rights of victims and, at times, the rights of the accused, just as vigorously.”
Saint Peter now faced a middle-aged man with rimmed glasses. The man heard the question that St. Peter had
posed those ahead of him, and he had a ready answer: “I am a scientist, dear Saint Peter. I helped unlock the
secrets of life and the secrets of the fields: research, technology, communications, medicine, transportation,
galactic travel, among others. And in doing to, I assure you, I never lost my awe and wonder of the Creator of
such majesty and grandeur as the universe.”
Saint Peter could not contain his delight and permitted the man to enter heaven.
In stark contrast to the scientist who left, a tall dignified man in a well-cut Italian suit and handmade silk tie
stepped up in front of the line. My dear man, Saint Peter said, feeling more loquacious. “You must agree that I
did well letting the scientist into heaven. Pray, tell me, why I should let you through the gates of heaven: And to
this, the man replied: I am a diplomat. With all my Gog-given skills very hard to eradicate the scourge of war
that has visited peoples time and time again and devastated scores and scores of generations to the human race.”
“But of course, a peacemaker,” Saint Peter murmured appreciatively. “Do take your place in heaven as
promised to peacemakers.”
This line of questioning continued down the line of souls who stood before Saint Peter, eager to disclose to him
their rights to enter heaven: farmer, architect, fisherman, engineer; bus driver, household help, actor, comedian;
banker, parent, country president, chef.
Finally, the last person in the line stood before Saint Peter. It had been a long day, and he was pleased that he
did not have to turn anyone away. He looked at the simple woman before him and asked the same question for
the last time that day. ”My dear lady, thank you so much for waiting so patiently for your turn. Now, tell me,
why should I let you into heaven?” And the elderly woman responded, without rancor or recriminations at being
heard last: “Dear Saint Peter… This is why you should let me through the gates into heaven. Those people who
entered a head of me…they became who they were… because of me.”
Saint Peter silently nodded, breaking into a smile. His job for the day had ended. He locked the gates of heaven,
only after the teacher stepped in for her just deserved reward.
Indeed, a teacher is powerful. You are in a very noble profession where you help others become what they want
to be. You are in a profession where you can touch lives and so affect eternity. In the United States of America,
the global financial institution ING conducted a survey in 2010 in conjunction with the National Teacher of the
Year Award. A significant finding was: eighty-eight percent (88%) of one thousand (1000) – Americans age 18
and older who were surveyed-identified at least one teacher who had a significant positive impact on their life.
(Saenz, 2012)
A teacher has the power to touch lives and make a difference in peoples’ lives. “The influence of a good
teacher can never be erased,” says one quotable quote. Just remember the moving story of Teddy and Ms.
Thompson. May you be a “Ms. teaching, indeed, is a noble profession.
Congratulations, you chose the noblest of all professions. May you find fulfillment in your profession!
Teaching is the noblest of all professions because in teaching we help develop people. We work with
human minds and hearts to help persons become more human. Teaching is touching lives. In that way, teachers
help shape the future.