The Prison Escape II
The Prison Escape II
The Prison Escape II
Introduction: This encounter is designed to be used as a way to help DM’s cope with a
situation that has resulted in players ending up in prison. It is designed that the players
can opt for a non lethal escape, or a grand fight for freedom. An NPC is included to assist
the party with their escape.
This module can be adapted for 2-5 players of any level and maps of the
cells and jail layout are included.
by AJ
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The party can regain all of their gear they had Name Crime Verdict Punishment
previously here. Any gold they had they will find
half is missing as the guards have helped Velsaa Theft Guilty 2 years jail
themselves to this. Jones time
If the party choose to look through all the crates Oneshoe Forgery Innocent None
and boxes have them roll investigation. DC12
they can each roll an item from the trinket table. Damien Bribery Guilty Fine 1000
DC18 will provide 2 potions of healing, and a Vesh GP
potion of invisibility.
Blue Public Guilty Fine 50 GP
Falcon Disorder
4. The Dormitory
The players can search this office, and it can be
As you open the door you struggle to see in the
used as a good place to put any information
darkness. You can just make out a number of regular
shapes by the light seeping through the doorway a you relevant to the campaign. The safe is a
edge open the door. You can see the room extends combination lock and cannot be picked, however
round a corner to the left but are unable to see what a player who is proficient with thieves tools can
lies beyond the corner. make checks to see if they are able to crack the
combination. This requires 3 successful sleight of
If they enter the room and peer round the corner, hand checks in a row, one for each number of the
combination. This gets progressively harder,
DC15, DC 18, DC21.
3. The Kitchen
There are a couple of outcomes here; the players
may try for some form of distraction, encouraging You slowly edge this door open and as you do the smell
of baking bread wafts through the open door. It appears
the guards to open the doors themselves and try
you’ve found the kitchen. As you look closer you can
and stealth past whilst they investigate the sound. see a strange sight. Bread dough seemingly kneading
Otherwise they may decide to fight. Use the stats itself and spoons of pans stirring themselves.
for a standard Guard from the PHB for this, adjust
as needed depending on the level of your party. This is the kitchen for the jailhouse. It is staffed by
2 unseen servants who will go about their
business of preparing meals without heed to what
the party are doing. If the party investigate to see
what is happening in this room an arcana check
Now you have got past the guards, you can finally look
around this room properly, you feel a slight tinge of
DC14 would allow them to work out what the spell
disappointment when you realise there is nothing in this is.
room other than a spiral staircase leading up.
4. The Canteen
As you enter this room you see a frail looking human
female piling dirty plates on top of a trolley. This room is
The Upper Areas clearly where the guards have their meals. There are
1. The Staircase remains of food and drink on top of the tables that are
being cleared away by the female. There are also a
5. The latrines
9. The Captains Office
You slowly pull the door to this room open and are
Peering into this room you see that it is much more
instantly met with an unpleasant smell.
richly decorated than the previous rooms, there are
These the toilets for the jail. As the party enter bookcases lining the walls, and a large desk against the
they can hear noises from behind a screen in the far wall. Seated at the desk is a man wearing a smart
room. This room contains one guard who is uniform with his back to you.
occupied on the toilet. This room will be where the captain of the Guard
is located. He will not leave his room unless a
fight breaks out. If the players fully open the door
6.The interview room to this room he will see them and shout for
As you enter this dimly lit room you see it is very bare. backup. The patrolling guards will come to his
There is a table in the centre of the room with one chair assistance if they have not been subdued
on either side of the table. You see manacles on the top previously. If the players peer in and use stealth
of the table, and what you suspect to be patches of DC14 they can quietly close the door and retreat
blood on the floor. without him noticing.
There is nothing of note in this room, and there Role-playing the Captain
are no guards in here
The Captain will be furious that the party have made it
this far from the cells. As he calls for his guards to
assist him he will berate them for allowing the party to
7.The caretakers closet
escape. He can not be persuaded to let the party
As you push the door open to this room you see it is escape, so he will need to be incapacitated.
filled with items used in the cleaning of the jailhouse.
Mops, buckets and sweeping brushes are stacked
against the walls and you see a large tub of water you 10a and 10b
presume Is used for washing clothes.
You can see through the batter iron door into this room.
There are no guards in the room and it contains It appears to contain nothing but a wooden chair and
mainly cleaning supplies. Players can find some shackles attached to the floor.
wet commoners clothes in the tub of water that These are both holding areas for prisoners who
are soaking waiting to be cleaned. have not yet been sent to the cells below.
Should Synth have remained with the party all the Prepared Spells
way through, he will leave them at this point, but 1st Level (3 slots): Detect Magic, Burning Hands,
offer them a favour in return for helping him to Mage Armor, Charm Person
freedom that can be redeemed at a later date.
Medium Humanoid- Tiefling, Chaotic Evil.