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लोक सेवा आयोग

नेपाल इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, सिभिल समूह, जनरल उपसमूह

राजपत्राङ्कित तृतीय श्रेणी (प्राविधिक) पदको प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षा
मिति : २०६८/२/८
समयः ४५ मिनेट । SET – ४ ( Sanitary) पूर्णाङ्कः- १००
विषयः सिभिल इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सम्बन्धी
वस्तुगत बहुउत्तर (५० x २ = १०० अंक) ©Ghoksewa Exam

1. Coating the surface of steel by thin layer of zinc is called

A) sheradizing B) spraying
C) normalizing D) galvanizing

2. In a flowing flied, a practical may possesses:

A) pressure energy , B) kinetic energy
C) gravita, potential energy D) all of above

3. The unit of payment for damp proof course (DPC) work is

A) per running meter B) per square meter
B) per cubic meter D) none of above

4. The total float for any activity along the critical path in critical path method (CMP) is
A) Positive B) Zero
C) negative D) Any value

5. According to Nepal Road Standard 2027 (first revision 2045) the design speed for feeder roads in
rolling terrain is
A) 100kmph B) 60kmph
C) 40kmph D) 30kmph

6. Type of paint whose main constitutes is white or cement and is used to protect plastered surfaces
A) luminous paint B) cement paint
C) bituminous paint D) anticorrosive paint
7. Camber (cross-slope) prescribed for cement concrete or high type bituminous road surface is:
A) % - 2% B) 1.5% - 2%
C) 1.7% - 2% D) 2% - 2.5%

8. While manufacturing white cement, special care is taken to exclude iron-oxides which imparts:
A) Red colour B) Grey colour
C) Blue colour D) Yellow colour

9. Black cotton soil is not suitable for foundation because of its:

A) Black colour B) low bearing capacity
C) Cohesive particles D) swelling and shrinkage nature

10. The strength of winds is measured with the help of

A) Beaufort scale B) window indicator
C) Parameters D) none of these

11. The slenderness ratio for masonry walls should not be more than
A) 10 B) 20
C) 30 D) 40

12. If a road is simultaneously pulled at both of its ends, it will be a case of

A) axial loading B) Vertical loading
C) horizontal loading D) None of these
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13. For a properly designed footing the bearing stress must be less than the bearing capacity, which is the
bearing stress the causes, a … failure within the foundation soil
A) tensile B) expected
C) unexpected D) shear
14. In case of a broad-created weir the depth of water h at the end of sill is given by
A) h = H/2 B) h = 2H/3
C) h = 3H/4 D) h = H

15. Distemper is generally used in

A) Wall B) wood
C) Steel D) none of the above

16. Contour line equally spaced represent a

A) Steep slope B) gentle slope
C) Uniform slope D) Vertical cliff

17. When maximum stresses in concrete and steel reach their permissible stress at the same time, then the
section is called as
A) under-reinforced section B) over-reinforced section
C) balanced section D) doubly reinforced section

18. The circular isolated depression formed in a flexible road is known as

A) Ruts B) Pot hole
C) Forts heaving D) map cracking

19. The pressure of keeping concrete moist for several days after finishing is called
A) Peeing B) setting
C) Curing D) Compacting

20. The compaction due to long terms static load and resulting expulsion of water is called
A) Compaction B) consolidation
C) Inverse swelling D) all of the above

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21. Finely powdered burnt clay is called
A) Fly ash B) Surkhi
C) Briquette D)

22. The term CPM in construction management is an abbreviation of

A) Construction project management
B) construction path method
C) Critical project management
D) critical path method

23. Angle of internal friction is minimum for

A) Angular grained loose soil B) angular grained dense soil
C) Round grained loose soil D) Clay

24. The highest overall spaced at which a driver can travel under prevailing conditions without exceeding
the safe design speed is known as the
A) Operating speed B) design speed
C) Critical speed D) maximum speed

25. Which of the percentages is likely to be achieved in three week time for a well-cured cement
structure's strength?
A) 10% B) 65%
C) 90% D) 100%

26. If the fluid\particles move in a zig-zag way, the flow is called

A) Unsteady B) non uniform
C) Turbulent D) incompressible

©Ghoksewa Exam
27. The width of land secured and preserved to the public for road purpose is called
A) Right of way B) roadway
C) carriage way D) highway

28. Which of following is most accurate estimate?

A) Detail estimate B) plinth area estimate
C) preliminary estimate D) Cube rate estimate

29. the most critical stage of construction is construction of

A) Foundation B) Plinth Level
C) Beam and slab D) All of above

30. The enclosure where an aircraft is keep for maintenance and repair is known as
A) workshop B) hangar
C) dome D) air pad

31. Which of the following is not a cross drainage work?

A) Aqueduct B) super passage
C) Level crossing D) drain crossing

32. To measure discharge a …. Pressure must be created is a flow field

A) Constant B) Differential
C) Parallel D) Aquatic

©Ghoksewa Exam

33. "Water Bound Macadam" is one of the types of payment

A) most recent B) oldest
C) Canadian D) washable
34. Hydraulic Gradient Line (HOL) represents the suits of
A) Pressure head and kinetic head B) kinetic head and static head
C) Pressure head, kinetic head and static head D) pressure bead and static bead

35. Chain surveying is used for small area is

A) Undulating ground B) fairly level ground
C) Sloping ground D) contour land

36. Granite comes under the category of

A) Igneous rock B) sedimentary rock
C) Metamorphic rock D) none of above

37. In construction management the responsible of civil overseer is

A) To understand duties and responsibility B) To plan and execute the work
C) To divide work among the workers and direct and assist them D) All of above

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38. Self-cleaning velocity is

A) the maximum velocity of flow in the sewer
B) Velocity at which the solid particles will remain in suspension without sending at the bottom of the
C) the minimum velocity of the flow
D) the velocity of the flow at normal temperature and pressure

39. Contour lines run close together indicates

A) Steep ground B) flat ground
C) The minimum velocity of the flow D) the velocity of the flow at normal temperature and
40. The percentage of carbon in cast iron is:
A) 0.7% B) 1.2 to 1.7%
C) 1.2% D) 2 to 4.5%

41. Camber in the road is provided for:

A) Effective drainage B) Counteracting the centrifugal force
C) having proper sight distance D) All of above

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42. By over reinforcing a beam, the moment of resistance can be increased not more than Camber in the
road is provided for
A) 10% B) 15%
C) 20% D) 25%

43. The type of hard provided in brick masonry for carrying heavy loads
A) English bond B) Double Flemish band
C) Flemish bond D) garden wall bond

44. Sewerage system is designed for

A) Maximum flaw only B) minimum flow only
C) Average flow only D) maximum and minimum

45. Depth of shallow tube well shall not be more than (considering economical point)
A) 30m B) 40m
C) 50m D) 60m
46. To prevent segregation, the maximum height for placing concrete is
A) 100cm B) 125cm
C) 150cm D) 75m

47. The expansion joints are provided if the length of the concrete exceeds
A) 120m B) 45m
C) 60m D) 75m

48 Closed contours with higher value inside represents a

A) Depression B) Hill
C) Plain surface D) None of these

49. The shear resistance between particles is provided by bonding at the points of contract
A) Terzzaghi's B) Pair wise
C) adhesive D) Broken

50. A balanced design of abeam is a condition where the stresses occurring are equal to the permissible
A) Least B) Average
C) Greatest D) none of these

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The End!!!

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