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Daily Lesson Log

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DAILY LESSON LOG School: Grade and Section: 5

Teacher: Subject: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates: MARCH 27-31, 2023 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


a. Content
b. Performance
c. Most Essential Make a stand (EN5OL-IIh-4) Make a stand (EN5OL-IIh-4) Make a stand (EN5OL-IIh-4) Make a stand (EN5OL-IIh-4) Make a stand
Learning (EN5OL-IIh-
Competencies 4)
d. Learning a. Pick an option or a side and tell why you chose it;
Objectives b. Make a stand in response to given issues or problems;
c. Support one’s stand with valid reasons; and
d. Explain why it is important to make a stand and defend what one believes in.
Make a stand Make a stand Make a stand Make a stand
(Subject TEST
a. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
b. Learner’s
Material Pages
c. Textbook
d. LRMDS Boller, D., & Fuentes, R. (2020) Boller, D., & Fuentes, R. (2020) Boller, D., & Fuentes, R. (2020) Boller, D., & Fuentes, R.
Materials Quarter 3 – Module 3: Making a Quarter 3 – Module 3: Making a Quarter 3 – Module 3: Making a (2020) Quarter 3 – Module 3:
(SLMs/LASs) Stand [Self-Learning Modules. Stand [Self-Learning Modules. Stand [Self-Learning Modules. Making a Stand [Self-Learning
Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Modules. Department of
e. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint
Resources laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity Presentation,
Sheets, pens, notebook pens, notebook Sheets, pens, notebook Sheets, pens, notebook paper, quiz
notebook or
test paper
A. PRELIMINARY a. Greetings
ACTIVITIES b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the Directions: Define what Directions: Read each sentence Directions: Let us read the Directions: Write a paragraph
previous summary is? and decide whether you agree or vocabulary guide and passage. about your stand on this
lesson/Drill disagree with them. Write issue. Write at least three to
AGREE if you believe in the VOCABULARY GUIDE: five sentences showing your
_____________________ statement, and DISAGREE if you → gossips- information about own convictions.
_____________________ the behavior and personal lives
of other people.
→ news-.new information or a
1. Face to face report about something that has
classes should be allowed in happened recently. →”news
some areas with fewer Covid-19 item”- publicize or to cause
cases. (something) to be publicly
2. Fruits and known.  Lower the minimum age of
vitamins C are helpful in boosting → personal- belonging or criminal responsibility (MACR)
relating to a particular person. from 15 to 12 years.
the immune system. → rude- offensive in manner or
3. Online classes must be action
applied to areas with high → rumors- information or a _____________________
internet connection. story that is passed from person _____________________
to person but has not been __________________
4. Children should
wear facemasks when going out. proven to be true.
→ sensational- causing very
5. Instead of going great excitement or interest with
out, spend more time on
backyard gardening. shocking details.


A gossipmonger is a person
who starts or spreads gossips,
or personal or sensational facts
about other people. They could
be rude towards their neighbors.
They can hurt others with their
unkind remarks. They like to ask
questions, such as “What’s the
latest news about someone?” or
“Do you know that he/she is…?”
Isn’t it nicer to talk directly to the
person about your differences?
That is fair and right because
you are trying to help him or her
change for the better. For all you
know, he or she has something
to say about you, too. Even if
there is something sensational
that we know about another
person, it is best to keep the
information to ourselves and not
use it as a “news item”. This
way, we can avoid hurting other
people’s feelings. In short, let us
not forget to apply the Golden
Rule in our everyday lives.

How will you make a stand in

this situation?
C. Establishing a Pick a picture game. Let’s play a BE THE ONE GAME. Let’s play a Directions: Express your opinion MAKING A STAND!
purpose for the game! Are you ready? game! Are you ready? about the issues presented in
lesson/ Motivation the article by answering the What is your stand in the Sim
Choose from the options and tell Choose from the options, raise questions that follow. Card Registration Act?
why you are choosing them.
1. Have you encountered a Youtube Link:
for option 1 and gossipmonger in your https://www.youtube.com/watc
for option 2. community? What do you feel h?v=pGWgNTW-e-g
towards them? Do you treat
singing dancing them nice or not?

1. ____________________
Online Bank Traditional Bank 2. From your own point of view,
will you try to talk to the person
2. involved in a manner that will
shoppin change her/his way of treating
home g 2. others? Why or why not?
In-person Class Online Class

Gaming Studying
D. Presenting By choosing one from the By choosing one from the options By choosing one from the By choosing one from the
examples/instanc options presented, you have presented, you have already options presented, you have options presented, you have
es of the new already made a stand. Making a made a stand. Making a stand is already made a stand. Making a already made a stand. Making
lesson/Motivation stand is an important skill we all an important skill we all need to stand is an important skill we all a stand is an important skill
need to do. This means do. This means defending our need to do. This means we all need to do. This means
defending our beliefs, our beliefs, our choices, and our defending our beliefs, our defending our beliefs, our
choices, and our rights. rights. choices, and our rights. choices, and our rights.
E. Discussing An opinion tells what a person An opinion tells what a person An opinion tells what a person An opinion tells what a person
new concepts thinks about something. It thinks about something. It cannot thinks about something. It thinks about something. It
and practicing cannot be described as true or be described as true or false. cannot be described as true or cannot be described as true or
new skills No. 1 false. Opinions are also neither Opinions are also neither right false. Opinions are also neither false. Opinions are also
right nor wrong because these nor wrong because these are right nor wrong because these neither right nor wrong
are merely views, judgments, or merely views, judgments, or are merely views, judgments, or because these are merely
beliefs. Face shields must also beliefs. Face shields must also beliefs. Face shields must also views, judgments, or beliefs.
be worn in school, at work, and be worn in school, at work, and in be worn in school, at work, and Face shields must also be
in public places in addition to public places in addition to in public places in addition to worn in school, at work, and in
facemasks. Do you think facemasks. Do you think facemasks. Do you think public places in addition to
everyone will have the same everyone will have the same everyone will have the same facemasks. Do you think
opinion about this? Can you say opinion about this? Can you say opinion about this? Can you say everyone will have the same
that this is true or false? Right or that this is true or false? Right or that this is true or false? Right or opinion about this? Can you
wrong? If you see that there are wrong? If you see that there are wrong? If you see that there are say that this is true or false?
answers which agree with the answers which agree with the answers which agree with the Right or wrong? If you see
statement and also answers that statement and also answers that statement and also answers that that there are answers which
disagree with it, you can be sure disagree with it, you can be sure disagree with it, you can be sure agree with the statement and
that what was said is just an that what was said is just an that what was said is just an also answers that disagree
opinion. That is why making a opinion. That is why making a opinion. That is why making a with it, you can be sure that
stand is an important skill we all stand is an important skill we all stand is an important skill we all what was said is just an
need to do to defend and need to do to defend and respect need to do to defend and opinion. That is why making a
respect our beliefs, decisions, our beliefs, decisions, and rights. respect our beliefs, decisions, stand is an important skill we
and rights. and rights. all need to do to defend and
respect our beliefs, decisions,
and rights.
F. Discussing In making a stand, one In making a stand, one important In making a stand, one In making a stand, one
new concepts important skill is listening for skill is listening for facts and important skill is listening for important skill is listening for
and practicing facts and opinions. Sometimes, opinions. Sometimes, we may facts and opinions. Sometimes, facts and opinions.
new skills No. 2 we may consider some facts we consider some facts we hear as we may consider some facts we Sometimes, we may consider
hear as opinions. Some opinions. Some opinions we hear hear as opinions. Some some facts we hear as
opinions we hear may sound may sound interestingly like opinions we hear may sound opinions. Some opinions we
interestingly like facts. How can facts. How can we tell which is interestingly like facts. How can hear may sound interestingly
we tell which is which? which? we tell which is which? like facts. How can we tell
which is which?
A FACT is a statement that can A FACT is a statement that can A FACT is a statement that can
be verified or proven true by be verified or proven true by be verified or proven true by A FACT is a statement that
objective means. We use objective means. We use objective means. We use can be verified or proven true
records, experimentation, or records, experimentation, or records, experimentation, or by objective means. We use
observation to verify the observation to verify the observation to verify the records, experimentation, or
statement. statement. statement. observation to verify the
An OPINION is a statement that An OPINION is a statement that An OPINION is a statement that
cannot be verified by objective cannot be verified by objective cannot be verified by objective An OPINION is a statement
means. It can express a means. It can express a person’s means. It can express a that cannot be verified by
person’s feelings about an idea feelings about an idea or person’s feelings about an idea objective means. It can
or situation. It can also express situation. It can also express a or situation. It can also express express a person’s feelings
a judgment or a prediction judgment or a prediction based a judgment or a prediction about an idea or situation. It
based on facts. However, an on facts. However, an opinion is based on facts. However, an can also express a judgment
opinion is valid only if facts are valid only if facts are stated to opinion is valid only if facts are or a prediction based on facts.
stated to support it. Going back support it. Going back to the stated to support it. Going back However, an opinion is valid
to the selection earlier, can you selection earlier, can you tell to the selection earlier, can you only if facts are stated to
tell which ones were the facts which ones were the facts and tell which ones were the facts support it. Going back to the
and which were opinion? which were opinion? and which were opinion? selection earlier, can you tell
To MAKE A STAND is to To MAKE A STAND is to To MAKE A STAND is to which ones were the facts and
determine efforts, to defend determine efforts, to defend determine efforts, to defend which were opinion?
something, or to stop something something, or to stop something something, or to stop something To MAKE A STAND is to
from happening. The key is from happening. The key is from happening. The key is determine efforts, to defend
completely believing in the topic completely believing in the topic completely believing in the topic something, or to stop
yourself. It is not about what yourself. It is not about what yourself. It is not about what something from happening.
people want, like, or agree with. people want, like, or agree with. It people want, like, or agree with. The key is completely
It is about what you want, like, is about what you want, like, or It is about what you want, like, believing in the topic yourself.
or agree with. It is about your agree with. It is about your own or agree with. It is about your It is not about what people
own convictions. convictions. own convictions. want, like, or agree with. It is
about what you want, like, or
1. Be prepared. Whenever you 1. Be prepared. Whenever you 1. Be prepared. Whenever you
propose an idea there will propose an idea there will propose an idea there will HOW DO YOU DEFEND
certainly be people who may not certainly be people who may not certainly be people who may not YOUR IDEAS/MAKE A
agree with you. agree with you. agree with you. STAND?
1. Be prepared. Whenever
2. Be generous. Compliment 2. Be generous. Compliment 2. Be generous. Compliment you propose an idea there will
others for the constructive others for the constructive others for the constructive certainly be people who may
feedback they are offering. feedback they are offering. feedback they are offering. not agree with you.

3. Be patient. Few, if any, will 3. Be patient. Few, if any, will 3. Be patient. Few, if any, will 2. Be generous. Compliment
embrace your idea. embrace your idea. embrace your idea. others for the constructive
feedback they are offering.
4. Don’t take things personally. 4. Don’t take things personally. 4. Don’t take things personally.
3. Be patient. Few, if any, will
5. Show respect. 5. Show respect. 5. Show respect. embrace your idea.
Example: Choose from a certain Example: Choose from a certain Example: Choose from a certain 4. Don’t take things
issue which you need to defend issue which you need to defend issue which you need to defend personally.
like the sample below. Here is like the sample below. Here is like the sample below. Here is
the scenario that may help you the scenario that may help you the scenario that may help you 5. Show respect.
understand more about making understand more about making a understand more about making
a stand. stand. a stand. Example: Choose from a
certain issue which you need
A. Which is more nutritious, A. Which is more nutritious, fruits A. Which is more nutritious, to defend like the sample
fruits or vegetables? or vegetables? fruits or vegetables? below. Here is the scenario
that may help you understand
more about making a stand.

A. Which is more nutritious,

fruits or vegetables?

1. Whatever you choose from 1. Whatever you choose from 1. Whatever you choose from
your own point of view you your own point of view you your own point of view you
should be ready to assert it and should be ready to assert it and should be ready to assert it and
defend your views by searching defend your views by searching defend your views by searching
for facts about fruits or for facts about fruits or for facts about fruits or
vegetables. vegetables. vegetables. 1. Whatever you choose from
your own point of view you
2. When you select one of the 2. When you select one of the 2. When you select one of the should be ready to assert it
choices and you discover choices and you discover insights choices and you discover and defend your views by
insights about fruits or about fruits or vegetables, you insights about fruits or searching for facts about fruits
vegetables, you listen to other’s listen to other’s ideas. It might be vegetables, you listen to other’s or vegetables.
ideas. It might be more more informative than yours so ideas. It might be more
informative than yours so respect it. informative than yours so 2. When you select one of the
respect it. respect it. choices and you discover
3. You can’t please everybody in insights about fruits or
3. You can’t please everybody your own point of views or vice 3. You can’t please everybody vegetables, you listen to
in your own point of views or versa but you have to be patient in your own point of views or other’s ideas. It might be more
vice versa but you have to be in coming out with the best vice versa but you have to be informative than yours so
patient in coming out with the results of your ideas. The more patient in coming out with the respect it.
best results of your ideas. The positive information you got from best results of your ideas. The
more positive information you any of fruits or vegetables, the more positive information you 3. You can’t please everybody
got from any of fruits or more you will be convinced that got from any of fruits or in your own point of views or
vegetables, the more you will be one of them is more nutritious vegetables, the more you will be vice versa but you have to be
convinced that one of them is than the other. convinced that one of them is patient in coming out with the
more nutritious than the other. more nutritious than the other. best results of your ideas. The
4. Showing your own convictions more positive information you
4. Showing your own by defending your ideas is not 4. Showing your own got from any of fruits or
convictions by defending your merely allowing yourself to be convictions by defending your vegetables, the more you will
ideas is not merely allowing involved in it and showing your ideas is not merely allowing be convinced that one of them
yourself to be involved in it and emotions overflow more than the yourself to be involved in it and is more nutritious than the
showing your emotions overflow true information can affect the showing your emotions overflow other.
more than the true information integrity of your ideas and more than the true information
can affect the integrity of your convictions. can affect the integrity of your 4. Showing your own
ideas and convictions. ideas and convictions. convictions by defending your
5. Respect the opinions of every ideas is not merely allowing
5. Respect the opinions of every individual. Whoever chooses 5. Respect the opinions of every yourself to be involved in it
individual. Whoever chooses fruits or vegetables as not more individual. Whoever chooses and showing your emotions
fruits or vegetables as not more nutritious than the other should fruits or vegetables as not more overflow more than the true
nutritious than the other should not be ridiculed. Instead give nutritious than the other should information can affect the
not be ridiculed. Instead give them the benefits to learn and not be ridiculed. Instead give integrity of your ideas and
them the benefits to learn and grow more because sharing is them the benefits to learn and convictions.
grow more because sharing is also a virtue. grow more because sharing is
also a virtue. also a virtue. 5. Respect the opinions of
every individual. Whoever
chooses fruits or vegetables
as not more nutritious than the
other should not be ridiculed.
Instead give them the benefits
to learn and grow more
because sharing is also a
G. Developing Directions: Study the following Directions: Study the following Directions: If you will be given a Directions: Read the passage
Mastery (Leads to pictures. These pictures are all pictures. These pictures are all chance to be one of the below and study the issue in
Formative related to the pandemic. Copy related to the pandemic. Copy representatives to raise the order to make a stand about
Assessment) and fill in this table in your and fill in this table in your opinions for the conduct of it.
notebook. notebook. classes in our country, what will
be your stand about this CARE FOR MOTHER EARTH
Pictu Desc Agre Why Pictu Desc Agre Why controversial issue? FACE-TO-
res riptio e or ? res riptio e or ? FACE CLASSES WITH ONLINE
1. 1.
2. 2. _________________________
_________________ We are continuously ruining
the environment. Little do we
realize that if we keep the
environment clean, we make it
a better place for our families.
The overall cleanliness of the
environment is a prize in itself.
It is a wake-up call for all of us
to raise our level of public
awareness on environmental
issues like air pollution, soil
degradation, ozone depletion,
factory drainage, global
warming, acid rain, and
ground water contamination.
We can take part in waste
management programs and
convert trash into treasure.
The planet Earth is the only
planet we have. It’s time to
move and take part and be
How can you save the planet
Earth from destruction?

Do you think children or

learners like you can
contribute in saving planet
Earth from total destruction?
Why or why not? (Explain)

H. Finding A place that supposed to A place that supposed to provide A place that supposed to A place that supposed to
Practical provide a safe haven and new a safe haven and new provide a safe haven and new provide a safe haven and new
Application of opportunities to people of all opportunities to people of all opportunities to people of all opportunities to people of all
Concepts and walks of life. The beauty of walks of life. The beauty of taking walks of life. The beauty of walks of life. The beauty of
Skills in Daily taking a stand is that it lets a stand is that it lets people that taking a stand is that it lets taking a stand is that it lets
Lives people that have the opportunity have the opportunity to stand up people that have the opportunity people that have the
to stand up advocate on the advocate on the behalf of those to stand up advocate on the opportunity to stand up
behalf of those that cannot that cannot stand up for behalf of those that cannot advocate on the behalf of
stand up for themselves. How themselves. How are you going stand up for themselves. How those that cannot stand up for
are you going to stand up for to stand up for what you believe are you going to stand up for themselves. How are you
what you believe in and in and advocate for? what you believe in and going to stand up for what you
advocate for? advocate for? believe in and advocate for?
I. Making How to make a stand? How to make a stand? What are the things to consider What are the things to
Generalization when making a stand? consider when making a
and Abstraction stand?
J. Evaluating Directions: Analyze the given Directions: Choose one from the Directions: Study and answer Directions: Answer the
Learning issues. What is your position given pictures below and write a the following questions carefully. following questions to show
about the given situation? Copy paragraph about your stand on it. Defend your answer by citing at how much you already
the following questions on a Write at least three to five least three different reasons or understand about the lesson.
separate sheet of paper and sentences showing your own justifications Write your answers on a
convictions. separate sheet of paper.
draw a happy face if you Situation 1 -Are television and
agree with the statement or a cellular phones effective tools in 1. What preparations should
modular and online classes? you do every time you need to
sad face if you disagree. Explain your answer. make a stand?
Then, defend your answer by
giving valid reasons to support
your ideas. 1.
Helping a person with disability
1. Are front liners Situation 2 – Are curfews
considered heroes? Why or why effective in terms of keeping 2. Why is it important to make
not? children safe? Explain your a stand and defend what you
_________________________ answer. believe in?
2. Is modular distance Bullying
learning helpful for the pupils to
avoid contamination of virus?

3. Face-to-face classes
can be implemented in some
areas with active covid19 cases.
4. The Inter-Agency Task
Force is doing everything to
lessen the spread of COVID-19
5. Maintaining proper
hygiene like washing your
hands lessen the transmission
of the virus.
K. Additional
activities for
application or
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery
expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the of instruction
and objectives of the lesson and objectives of the lesson and objectives of the lesson purpose and objectives of the and
because the learners because the learners because the learners lesson because the learners expectations
meet the
purpose and
objectives of
the lesson
because the
VI. Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are
REFLECTIONS teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process engaged in
incorporating incorporating incorporating when incorporating the teaching-
process when

A. No. of learner
who earned 80%
B .No. of learner
who scored below
80% ( needs
C. No. of learners
who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No of learner
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why?
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal
/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share w/other

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