SFM Theory
SFM Theory
SFM Theory
A “frame of reference” is a standard relative
to which motion and rest may be measured;
any set of points or objects that are at rest
relative to one another enables us, in
principle, to describe the relative motions of
Standard Time, the time of a region or
country that is established by law or general
usage as civil time.
Orbital injection error is when there is an FROM EARTH TO ORBIT
error with the velocity of a satellite as it is Launching a satellite into orbit requires
leaving Earth when traveling to another consideration of a number of major science
planetary body. When a satellite is leaving ideas. These include gravity, circular motion
Earth's sphere of influence (the area where and atmospheric drag.
Earth's gravity affects the satellite), it needs Atmospheric drag
to reach escape velocity. If the satellite has Satellites need to be placed in orbit high
too little velocity, it will either undershoot its above the Earth’s atmosphere so that the
target or continue to orbit the Earth. If it has drag of the atmospheric gases doesn’t
too much velocity, it will overshoot its make the orbiting satellite slow down.
target. This difference between the required An altitude of 100 km has been adopted by
velocity and actual velocity of the satellite is the UN
called the orbital injection error. Called the Kármán line where the Earth’s
atmosphere ends and space begins
ENCKE’S METHOD FOR PURTURBED At this height an aircraft would have to
SATELLITE ORBIT travel at 7.85 km/s, about 24 times the
Encke's method begins with the osculating speed of sound
orbit as a reference and integrates Making a satellite orbit at that height,
numerically to solve for the variation from however, is impractical due to the
the reference as a function of time. atmospheric drag
Encke's method is similar to the general Most satellites are placed into orbit well
perturbation method of variation of the above the Kármán line at altitudes between
elements, except the rectification is 350 and 1,500 km
performed at discrete intervals rather than There is gravity in space
continuously A lot of people think that there is no gravity
above the Earth’s atmosphere. The truth is
that gravity keeps pulling an object towards
the centre of the Earth even if the object is
far above the Earth’s atmosphere.
The force of gravity pulling you towards
Earth at an altitude of 100 km compared to
that acting on you if you were on a 10 m
high diving board only varies by about 20 N.
F = G mE mO/d
Energy needed to reach an altitude of
100 km
The work that needs to be done on a 1 kg
object to reach a height of 100 km above
the Earth’s surface is calculated in the
following way.
work done = gravitational force x vertical
= (1 x 9.8) N x (100 x 1,000) m
= 980,000 joules
To supply this amount of energy
per kilogram of load, you would need a very
powerful and well-designed rocket. Since
the rocket and fuel also have mass, there
needs to be additional fuel to lift the mass
of the fuel and rocket into space.
Speed of orbit
To balance the strong gravitational pull, the
1 kg mass must be given additional energy
TRAJECTORY GEOMETRY to place it in orbit around the Earth. An
object will fall back to Earth unless it has
enough orbital speed.
To calculate the orbital speed needed, we
combine Newton’s law of universal
gravitation with a circular motion equation.
The net result of this is an equation of the
V=√[(G x ME)/R]