10-EA-E-41021 Power Cable Sizing Criteria
10-EA-E-41021 Power Cable Sizing Criteria
10-EA-E-41021 Power Cable Sizing Criteria
Form code: MDT.GG.QUA.0004 Sh. 01/Rev. 3.96 File code: normal.dot Data file: 41021.doc
This document is the property of SAIPEM S.p.A. who will safeguard their rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.
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1. SCOPE 3
2.1. Codes and Standards 3
3.1. Continuous current-carrying capacity 4
3.2. Voltage drop 7
3.3. Protection against thermal withstand of short circuit current 8
3.4 Fault clearing time 9
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The purpose of this document is to give basic criteria for sizing of MV & LV cables
to be used for the MATIX Fertilizer Project - 3850 MTPD UREA PLANT at West
Bengal, India.
• IS 1255- Code of Practice for Installation and Maintenance of Power Cables upto
and including 33kV Rating
• IS 7098- Code of Practice for cross linked Polyethylene Insulated PVC Sheathed
• IEC 60502- Power Cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for
rated voltages from 1kV to 30kV
• IEC 60364-5-52 –Electrical Installations on Buildings- Selection and Erection of
electrical equipments-Wiring System.
• IEC 60364-4-43- Electrical Installations on Buildings-Protection for Safety-
Protection against over current.
• IEC 60287- Electrical cables-Calculation of current rating
• Indian Electricity Rules 1956
Contractor Specifications:
The cables are sized to meet the following electric and thermal conditions:
- Maximum Continuous load current.
- Continuous current-carrying capacity.
- Voltage drops under steady state and Transient state conditions.
- Dissipation of heat from the conductors during short circuit condition.
- Derating factors.
The sizing takes into account cables insulated XLPE based upon a conductor
continuous rating temperature of 90°C and a final conductor temperature at the end
of a short circuit as 250°C.
Besides, the sizing takes into account the environmental condition of installation. In
this project the cable routing shall take place almost in air through above head
cable trays. Here after all derating factors shall be listed to define the current-
carrying capacity considering the cables installed in air with the ambient air
temperature of 50°C.
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The continuous current rating capacity and the derating factors of the cables are
taken from the CCI (Cable Corporation of India) cable manufacturer data which is
an approved manufacturer for MATIX project.
KT “Temperature factor”
Is a rating factor to allow for a different ambient temperature from the one at which
the ampacities are given.
The cable manufacturer provided the current rating in their catalogue for an ambient
temperature of 40˚C. The suitable rating factor needs to be applied for other than
40˚C as per the table-1 given below from the approved CCI cable manufacturer,
for cables in air, irrespective of the method of installation for an ambient
temperature of 50°C the derating factor(KT)shall be 0.89.
Table 2 - Rating Factors for multi core cables laid on open rack in air touching
each other
Table 3 - Rating Factors for multi core cables laid on open rack in air with ‘D’
(One dia of Cable) spacing
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Table 4 - Rating Factors for single core cables in trefoil circuits laid on open
rack in air with 2D spacing
Hence for
Multi core LV cables considering cables laid in 3 tiers, 9 cables per tier in touching
each other formation, the derating factor (KPN) shall be 0.68
Multi core MV cables considering cables laid in 3 tiers, 9 cables per tier with one ‘D’
(diameter of the cable) spacing, the derating factor (KPN) shall be 0.88
Single core LV & MV cable considering cables laid in 3 tiers, 3 circuits per tier in
trefoil formation with 2D spacing the derating factor shall be (KPN) shall be 0.90
(From Table A.52.21 of IEC 60364-5-52, 2001)
As explained in basic criteria that the cable routing is only in air, the derating factor
for the cable routed in ground is not discussed in this specification.
As explained in basic criteria that the cable routing is only in air, the involvement of
thermal soil resistivity of cable is void. Hence the derating factor (KR) is not
discussed in this specification.
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Is a rating factor to allow for variation in laying depth from the one at which the
ampacities are given. To be used only for cable installed direct in the ground.
As explained in basic criteria that the cable routing is only in air, the derating factor
(KL) is not discussed in this specification.
So the standard rated current InC, used for cable sizing, is suitably derated taking
into account the temperature factor (KT), thermal resistivity of soil factor (KR), laying
depth factor (KL) and Grouping of cables factor (K PN)
Here in this project the as the cable routing shall be in air through cable trays, the
“Laying depth factor (KL)” and Thermal Resistivity Factor (KUN)” shall not be
Hence for
MV cables installation,
LV cables installation,
As per Company requirements the minimum conductor sizes for cables shall be as
1.1 kV cables:
• 2.5 mm2 for power and current transformer circuits
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• 1.5 mm2 for control and indication voltage transformer circuits and lighting
In this way, even if the sizing of power cables requires a calculated cross-sectional
area of 1.5 mm2, the selected cable shall be 2.5 mm2 to comply with the above
The voltage drop, as a percentage of system nominal line to line voltage, will be
confined within the following values.
Motor terminals:
at full load operation 4%
during the starting period 15%
In this sizing Rc, Xc values for electric cables are from CCI cable manufacturer data.
Group Derating Factors for Cables have been taken from para 3.1 of this
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The motor starting current / full load current ratio have been considered as per design
guideline SPC 10-EA-E-41000-rev.2.The cable lengths are estimated considering plot
plan drawings.
Protective devices shall be provided to break any short-circuit current flowing in the
conductors before such a current could cause a danger due to thermal and
mechanical effects produced in the conductors and connections.
The cables shall have a minimum section, so that it will be able to support, without
being damaged all thermal stress derived from short-circuit current for all duration
time, to be identified as intervention time of the protection device.
According to IEC 60364-4-43 the cable sizing shall satisfy the following condition,
valid for short circuit.
K2 S2 ≥ I2 t
K = coefficient depending on the electrical and thermal characteristics of the
cables, beginning and final temperature. According to IEC 60364-4-43:
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For the circuit breakers, the minimum admissible cross-sectional area of the cable
expressed in mm2 is sized as follow:
I t
S2 ≥ I2 t / K2 hence: S ≥
For the calculation of the minimum cross-sectional area of the conductor, fault
clearing time has been considered as follows
For M.V. cable it is necessary to size first the minimum cross-sectional area
complying with the short-circuit level in the MV switchgear. After that, the
compliance with maximum allowable voltage drop shall be verified.
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A 3 Core Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, Lead Covered, PVC inner sheath,
SWA, PVC outer sheath cable with the following characteristic data is selected.
IZ = INC∗KUN = 390 ∗ 0.78 = 304.2 A →IZ is higher than circuit current IB (281.01 A)
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The selected cable cross-section of 3Cx240 mm2 Aluminium cable satisfies the
minimum cross-section criteria for short circuit, continuous current-carrying capacity
& the voltage drop values. Hence the selected size is adequate.
5.1. Urea Melt Pump (10-MP-108A – 160kW) Breaker operated motor feeder.
Two runs of three core cables of 240 mm2, Al conductor, XLPE insulated, Lead
Covered, PVC inner sheath, SWA, PVC outer sheath, having the following
characteristic data is selected:
Characteristic data
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The selected cable cross-section 2 runs of 3 core x 240 mm2 satisfies the minimum
cross section criteria during short circuit and continuous current-carrying capacity
and voltage drop values. Hence selected cable size is adequate.
5.2. Main Seal Water pump (10-MP-143A – 55kW) Switch fuse unit operated motor feeder
One run of three core cables of 150 mm2, Al conductor, XLPE insulated, Lead
Covered, PVC inner sheath, SWA, PVC outer sheath, having the following
characteristic data is selected:
Characteristic data
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• Circuit current IB = 97.8A
3 ∗ VN ∗ cosφ ∗ η
• Starting current IBST 538.2A
• Selected cable cross-section (S) (3Cx150 mm2)
• Cable length (L) 0.280 Km
• Resistance (Rc) 0.266 Ohm/Km
• Reactance parallel (Xct) 0.078 Ohm/Km
• Standard condition rated current of each cable (INC) 290
• General derating factor (KUN) 0.61
The I2t of the chosen protective device is 150000A2 s (from ABB coordination table)
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this is less than A2 s value calculated for the cable. Hence the chosen cable cross
section is safe.
Hence the selected cable cross-section 1 run of 3 core x 150 mm2 size is adequate.
Form code: MDT.GG.QUA.0004 Sh. 01/Rev. 3.96 File code: normal.dot Data file: 41021.doc
This document is the property of SAIPEM S.p.A. who will safeguard their rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.