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Ray Optics

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Table of Contents

Ray Optics
 Theory ..................................................................................................................................... 2

 Solved Examples ..................................................................................................................... 22

 Exercise - 1 : Basic Objective Questions ............................................................................... 37

 Exercise - 2 : Previous Year JEE Mains Questions ................................................................. 42

 Exercise - 3 : Advanced Objective Questions ....................................................................... 47

 Exercise - 4 : Previous Year JEE Advanced Questions .......................................................... 60

 Answer Key ............................................................................................................................. 76


1. RECTILINEAR PROPAGATION OF LIGHT As shown in the figure, the angle between reflected ray and
incident ray is180 – 2i where i is the angle of incidence. Maximum
It is a well established fact that light is a wave. Although, a light deviation is 180°, when angle of incident i is zero.
wave spreads as it moves away from its source, we can approximate
its path as a straight line. Under this approximation, we show light 2.3 Law of Reflection in Vector Form
as a ray and the study of light as a ray is called ray optics or
geometrical optics. Say unit vector along incident ray = û .

1.1 Ray Unit vector along normal = n̂

The straight line path along which light travels in a homogeneous Unit vector along reflected ray = r̂
medium is called a ray. Then r̂  û  2 û . n̂  n̂


The phenomenon in which a light ray is sent back into the same
medium from which it is coming, on interaction with a boundary,
is called reflection. The boundary can be a rigid surface or just an
interface between two media.
2.1 Law of Reflection Laws of reflection remain the same whether the reflected surface is
plane or curved.
We have few angles to define before considering law of reflection
(i) Angle of incidence : The angle which the incident ray
makes with normal at the point of incidence.
(ii) Angle of reflection : The angle which the reflected ray
makes with normal at the point of incidence.
A reflected ray lies in the plane of incidence and has an angle of
reflection equal to the angle of incidence. i = r.
2.2 Deviation
2.4 Reflection by a plane surface
When a ray of light suffers reflection, its path is changed. The
angle between its direction after reflection and the direction before Suppose a reflecting surface is rotated by an angle  (say
reflection is called the deviation. anticlockwise), keeping the incident ray fixed then the reflect ray
rotates by 2 along the same sense, i.e., anticlockwise.

Magnification of a plane mirror is unity.

The image is formed behind the mirror. It is erect. Virtual and
2.5 Reflection from plane mirror laterally inverted.

When an object is placed in front of a plane mirror, its image can Image formation by two inclined mirrors, inclined at angle
be seen behind the mirror. The distance of the object from the =  [0, 180°]
mirror is equal to the distance of the image from the mirror. The object and all its images will always lie on a circle, having
center at the point of intersection of the two inclined mirrors, in a
two dimensional view.


(i) When the object moves with speed u towards (or away) from
the plane mirror then image also moves toward (or away) with
speed u. But relative speed of image w.r.t. object is 2u.
(ii) When mirror moves towards the stationary object with speed
u, the image will move with speed 2u.

4. SPHERICAL MIRRORS Paraxial rays : Rays which are close to principal axis and make
small angles with it, i.e., they are nearly parallel to the axis, are
A spherical mirror is a part of sphere. If one of the surfaces is
called paraxial rays. Our treatment of spherical mirrors will be
silvered, the other surface acts as the reflecting surface. When
restricted to such rays which means we shall consider only mirrors
convex face is silvered, and the reflecting surface is concave, the
of small aperture. In diagrams, however, they will be made larger
mirror is called a concave mirror. When its concave face is silvered
for clarity.
and convex face is the reflecting face, the mirror is called a convex
mirror. Images formed by spherical mirrors
Let us consider various cases depending on the nature of the
object and the image
(i) Real object and real image


Before the discussion of reflection by curved mirrors, you shall

carefully comprehend the meaning of following terms
(i) Centre of curvature : Centre of curvature is the centre of
sphere of which, the mirror is a part.
(ii) Radius of curvature : Radius of curvature is the radius of
sphere of which, the mirror is a part.
(iii) Pole of mirror : Pole is the geometric centre of the mirror.
(iv) Principal axis : Principal axis is the line passing through the
pole and centre of curvature.
(v) Normal : Any line joining the mirror to its centre of curvature
is a normal. (ii) Real object and virtual image



object two of the following four rays are drawn passing through
the object. To construct the image of an extended object the image
of two end points is only drawn. The image of a point object lying
on principles axis is formed on the principal axis itself. The four
(c) rays are as under :



(iii) Virtual object and real image 4

Ray 1 : A ray through the centre of curvature which strikes the

C F I P O mirror normally and is reflected back along the same path.
Ray 2 : A ray parallel to principal axis after reflection either actually
passes through the principal focus F or appears to diverge from it.
Ray 3 : A ray passing through the principal focus F or a ray which
appears to converge at F is reflected parallel to the principal axis.
Ray 4 : A ray striking at pole P is reflected symmetrically back in
the opposite side.
4.1 Sign conventions
(i) All distances are measured from the pole.
(ii) Distances measured in the direction of incident rays are
taken as positive while in the direction opposite of incident
rays are taken negative.
(iv) Virtual object and virtual image (iii) Distances above the principle axis are taken positive and
below the principle axis are taken negative.


Ray diagrams
We shall consider the small objects and mirrors of small aperture Same sign convention are also valid for lenses.
so that all rays are paraxial. To construct the image of a point

Position, size and nature of image formed by the spherical mirror

Mirror Location of Location of Magnification, Nature

the object the image Size of the
image Real Erect
virtual inverted

(a) Concave At focus m << 1, Real inverted

i.e. v = f diminished

Away from centre Between f and m < 1, Real inverted

of curvature 2f i.e. diminished
(u > 2f) f < v < 2f

C F P At centre of At centre of m = 1, same size Real inverted

curvature u = 2f curvature i.e. as that of the
v = 2f object

Between centre of Away from the m > 1, magnified Real inverted

curvature and centre of
focus : curvature
F < u < 2f v > 2f

At focus i.e. u = f Real

Between pole and v>u m > 1 magnified Virtual erect

focus u < f
(b) Convex At focus i.e., m < 1, diminished Virtual erect

P F C Anywhere between Between pole m < 1, diminished Virtual erect

infinity and pole and focus

Use following sign while solving the problem

Concave mirror
Convex mirror
Real image (u > f) Virtual image (u < f)
Distance of object
Distance of image
Focal length
Height of object
Height of image
Radius of curvature

4.2 Relation between f and R

In figure, P is pole, C is centre of curvature and F is principal focus of a concave mirror of small aperture. Let a ray of light AB be
incident on the mirror in a direction parallel to the principal axis of the mirror. It gets reflected along. BF. Join CB. It is normal to
the mirror at B.

i.e., F is the centre of PC

 PF = PC, Using sign conventions,
PF = – f and PC = –R.
Therefore, –f = –R/2 or f = R/2
i.e., focal length of a concave mirror is equal to half the
 ABC = i, angle of incidence radius of curvature of the mirror.
CBF = r, angle of reflection
4.3 Deriving the Mirror Formula
Now BCF = ABC = i (alternate angles)
Mirror formula can be derived for any of the cases of image
In CBF, as i = r (law of reflection)
formation shown before. When we derive a formula, we keep in
 CF = FB mind the sign conventions and substitute each value with sign.
But FB = FP ( aperture is small) This makes a formula suitable to be applied in any case. Here, we
 CF = FP shall derive the formula for two cases.

Real object and real image Real object and virtual image
(concave mirror) (convex mirror)



PO = – u (distance of object) PO = – u (distance of object)

PC = – R (radius of curvature) PI = + v (distance of image)
PI = – v (distance of image) PC = + R (radius of curvature)
In OAC, =  +  ...(i) In OAC,  =  +  ...(i)
In OAI, =  + 2 ...(ii) In OAI, 2 =  +  ...(ii)
From (i) and (ii) From (i) and (ii)
2 ( – ) =  –  2 ( + ) =  + 
+  = 2 – = 2

 , ,  , ,

   

1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
         
v u R v u f v u R v u f

While deriving the above result, if we do not use sign convention, 1 1 1

results obtained will be different for different cases. From ,   we have –v–2dv –u–2du = 0
v u f
4.4 Magnification 2
dv v
or   
The linear magnification produced by a mirror is defined as du u
height of image 2
dv  v 
height of object or mL       m2
du  u 
I  BB  If we differentiate the mirror formula
m 
O AA  1 1 1
 
v u f
with respect to time, we get
dv du (as f = constant)
 v 2 .  u 2 0
dt dt

dv  v2  du
or   2 
 dt ...(iii)
dt u 
As every part of mirror forms a complete image, if a part of the
mirror is obstructed, full image will be formed but intensity will be
PB = – v (distance of image) reduced.
PA = – u (distance of object) 5. REFRACTION OF LIGHT
Now, A’AP ~ B’BP  

 PB   v   v
 m  
PA  u  u

By mirror formula, 1  1  1
v u f
When a ray of light is incident on the boundary between two
v v v f v transparent media, a part of it passes into the second medium
 1   m  1 
u f f f with a change in direction.
1 1 1 u u f This phenomenon is called refraction.
Also,     11  m
v u f v f f u
5.1 Refractive Index
v f  v f
m   Absolute refractive index of a medium is defined by the ratio of
u f f u
The magnification is negative when image is inverted and speed of light in vacuum to speed of light in the medium   ,
positive when image is erect.
where c is speed of light in vacuum and v is the speed of light in
If an object is placed with its length along the principal axis, the medium.
then so called longitudinal magnification becomes,
5.2 Law of Refraction (Snell’s Law)
I  v  v1  dv
m L    2    (for small objects) A refracted ray lies in the plane of incidence and has an angle of
O  u 2  u1  du
refraction related to angle of incidence by 1sin i = 2 sin r. Where,

(i) i = angle of incidence in medium 1

(ii) 1 = refractive index of medium 1 (it is a dimensionless constant)
(iii) r = angle of refraction in medium 2 r
(iv) 2 = refractive index of medium 2 A B

(v) If 1 = 2, then r = i. The light beam does not bend

i r Apparent depth A
(vi) If 1 > 2, then r > i. Refraction bends the light away from normal
(vii) If 1 < 2, then r < i. Refraction bends the light towards the normal I Real depth R
A medium having greater refractive index is called denser medium
while the other medium is called rarer medium. O

We shall derive the expression for small angles (or you can say
Rarer medium that the object is being seen from top). By Snell’s law,
2 × sin i = 1 × sin r or, 2 × i = 1 × r
AB AB AB AB  2 1
i ,r  2   1   
Denser medium r
Incident ray
The following possibilities may arise.
Bent (i) When observer is in air and the object is in a medium of
refractive index ,

 1 R
You have,  A
Incident ray R A 
Rarer medium

Denser medium i

The three conditions required to find the unit vector along the
refracted ray = r (provided we are given the unit vector along the
incident ray = u, and the normal unit vector shown in the figure,
(ii) When observer is in a medium of refractive index  and
from medium–1 towards medium–2) are
the object is in air, you have
1. |r| = 1
2. Snell’s law I 
  A  R
3. u, n and r are coplanar  STP = 0 = r . (u × n)

cos i = (u . n) ; cos r = (r . n)

5.3 Single Refraction from a Plane Surface Air

Real and Apparent Depth

When an object placed in a medium is seen from another medium,
its apparent position is different from the actual position. Consider
the following figure.

5.4 Shift due to a Glass Slab (Double Refraction AC t

from Plane Surfaces) Proof : AB  
cos r cos r
(i) Normal Shift : Here, again two cases are possible. (as AC = t)
C E t
Now, d = AB sin (i – r) = cos r [sin i cos r – cos i sin r]

or d = t [sin i – cos i tan r] ...(i)

I1 O I A B sin i sin i
Further   or sin r 
sin r 

sin i
 tan r 
  sin 2 i

An object is placed at O. Plane surface CD forms its image (virtual)

Substituting in eq. (i), we get,
at I1. This image acts as object for EF which finally forms the
image (virtual) at I. Distance OI is called the normal shift and its  
cos i
value is, d  1   t sin i
  2  sin 2 i 

 1
OI  1   t
  Hence Proved.
This can be proved as under : Exercise : Show that for small angles of incidence,
Let OA = x then AI1 = x (Refraction from CD)
  1
BI1 = x + t d = ti   .
  
BI1 t
BI  x (Refraction from EF) Apparent distance from observer
 
 t  h1 h 2 hn 
 OI = (AB + OA) – BI  t  x    x   =  obser      ......  
   1 2 n 
 1 5.5 Total Internal Reflection
 1   t Hence Proved.
 
Consider an object placed in a denser medium 2 (having refractive
(ii) Lateral Shift : We have already discussed that ray MA is
index 2) being seen from a rarer medium 1 (having refractive
parallel to ray BN. But the emergent ray is displaced
index 1)
laterally by a distance d, which depends on , t and i and
its value is given by the relation,
 cos i 
d  t 1   sin i
 2 2 
   sin i 

Different rays from the object are shown. As we move from A

towards C, angle of incidence goes on increasing. Therefore, the
angle of refraction goes on increasing. At B, angle of refraction
approaches 90°. This is called critical condition. After B, angle of

incidence increases, but angle of refraction cannot be greater

   r, in fig. I
than 90°. Therefore after point B, refraction of light does not take i    ,   
place, only reflection of light takes place. This is called total internal r   , in fig. II
1       2     in fig. I and fig. II
5.6 Refraction through Curved Surfaces
 1   2    2  1 ,
Spherical Refracting Surfaces
A spherical refracting surface is a part of a sphere. For example,
the plane face of cylindrical glass rod is curved to form a spherical B r
shape (as shown in the figure).

O I P'

As aperture is small   tan ,   tan  ,   tan 

1 tan   2 tan    2  1  tan 

 1  2  2  1
  ...(i)
PO P I P C
Applying sign convention i.e., u = – P’O
v = P’I and – P’I, in fig. I and fig. II respectively R = P’C
Substituting the above values in equation (i), we get
P  Pole of refracting surface  2 1  2  1
  (For both fig. I and fig. II)
C  Centre of curvature v u R
PC  Radius of curvature 5.8 Linear Magnification for Spherical Refracting Surface
Principal axis : The line joining pole and centre of curvature.
A B
5.7 Relation between Object Distance and Image AB

Distance Refraction at Spherical Surfaces sin i  2

Now, 
sin r 1
Consider the point object O placed in the medium with refractive
index equal to 1. As 1sin i = 2sin r and for small aperture i, r  0

B A'
i r
O P P' C I

As i, r  0, i  sin i  tan i, r  sin r  tan r

tan i  2 AB / PA 
i.e. paraxial rays 1 i = 2 r  or  2
tan r 1 A B / PA  1

towards the point, after refraction becomes parallel to

A B PA  /  2
  principal axis.
AB PA / 1

v / 2
Hence, m 
u / 1

A thin lens is defined as a portion of transparent refracting medium
bounded by two surfaces. One of the two surfaces must be curved.
Following figures show a number of lenses formed by different
refracting surfaces.
A lens is one of the most familiar optical devices for a human
being. A lens is an optical system with two refracting surfaces.
The simplest lens has two spherical surfaces close enough together (b) Second principal focus F2 : It is a point on principal axis,
that we can neglect the distance between them (the thickness of such that a ray moving parallel to principal axis, after
the lens). We call this a thin lens. refraction converges or diverges towards the point.

Biconvex Plano-convex Convex meniscus

(vi) Focal Length : The distance between optical centre and

second principal focus is focal length. Assumptions and
sign conventions are same as these of mirrors with optical
centre C in place of pole P of the mirror.
Biconcave Plano-concave Concave meniscus
6.2 Ray diagram

6.1 Terms Related with Lenses To construct the image of a small object perpendicular to the axis
of a lens, two of the following three rays are drawn from the top of
(i) Centre of curvature (C1 and C2) : The two bounding surfaces the object.
of a lens are each part of a complete sphere. The centre of the 1. A ray parallel to the principal axis after refraction passes
sphere is the centre of curvature. through the principal focus or appears to diverge from it.
(ii) Radius of curvature (R1 and R2) : The radii of the curved
surfaces forming the lens are called radii of curvature.
(iii) Principal axis : The line joining the two centres of
curvature is called principal axis.
(iv) Optical centre : A point on the principal axis of the lens
from which a ray of light passes undeviated.
(v) Principal foci : There are two principal foci of a lens.
(a) First principal focus F1 : It is a point on the principal axis,
such that a ray, diverging from the point or converging

2. A ray through the optical centre P passes undeviated 3. A ray passing through the first focus F1 become parallel
because the middle of the lens acts like a thin parallel- to the principal axis after refraction.
sided slab.

6.3 Image formation by Lens

Lens Location of Location of Nature of image

the object the image
Magnification Real Erect
virtual inverted

Convex At focus m<1 Real Inverted

i.e. v = f diminished
Away from 2f Between f and 2f m<1 Real Inverted
i.e. (u > 2f) i.e. f < v < 2f diminished
At 2f or (u = 2f) At 2f i.e. (v = 2f) m=1 Real Inverted
same size
Between f and 2f Away from 2f m>1 Real Inverted
2f f f 2f i.e. f < u < 2f i.e. (v > 2f) magnified
At focus i.e. u = f Real Inverted

Between optical At a distance m>1 Virtual Erect

centre and focus, greater than that magnified
u<f of object v > u

Concave At focus m<1 Virtual Erect

i.e. v = f diminished
Anywhere between Between optical Virtual Erect
infinity and centre and focus
optical centre

Minimum distance between an object and it’s real image formed by a convex lens is 4f.
Maximum image distance for concave lens is it’s focal length.

6.4 Lens maker’s formula and lens formula determine the values of R1 and R2 that are needed for a given
refractive index and a desired focal length f.
Consider an object O placed at a distance u from a convex lens as
Combining eqs. (iii) and (v), we get
shown in figure. Let its image I after two refractions from spherical
surfaces of radii R1 (positive) and R2 (negative) be formed at a 1 1 1
  ...(vi)
distance v from the lens. Let v1 be the distance of image formed v u f
by refraction from the refracting surface of radius R1. This image Which is known as the lens formula. Following conclusions can
acts as an object for the second surface. Using, be drawn from eqs. (iv), (v) and (vi).
1. For a converging lens, R1 is positive and R2 is negative.
Incident light
 1 1 
Therefore,    in eq. (v) comes out a positive
R2 R1 R
 1 R 2 

O C2 C1 I quantity and if the lens is placed in air, ( – 1) is also a

positive quantity. Hence, the focal length f of a converging
+ve lens comes out to be positive. For a diverging lens however,
u v
R1 is negative and R2 is positive and the focal length f
becomes negative.
 2 1  2  1
  twice, we have
v u R

 2 1  2  1
or   ...(i)
v1 u R1

1  2 1   2
and   ...(ii)
v v1 R2

Adding eqs. (i) and (ii) and then simplifying, we get

1 1  2  1 1 
    1    ...(iii)
v u  1   R1 R 2 

This expression relates the image distance v of the image formed

by a thin lens to the object distance u and to the thin lens properties
(index of refraction and radii of curvature). It is valid only for
paraxial rays and only when the lens thickness is much less then
R1 and R2. The focal length f of a thin lens is the image distance
2. Focal length of a mirror (fM = R/2) depends only upon the
that corresponds to an object at infinity. So, putting u =  and
radius of curvature R while that of a lens [eq. (iv)] depends
v = f in the above equation, we have
on 1, 2, R1 and R2. Thus, if a lens and a mirror are immersed
in some liquid, the focal length of lens would change while
1  2  1 1 
   1    ...(iv) that of the mirror will remain unchanged.
f  1   R1 R 2  3. Suppose 2 < 1 in eq. (iv), i.e., refractive index of the
If the refractive index of the material of the lens is  and it is placed medium (in which lens is placed) is more than the refractive
in air, 2 =  and 1 = 1 so that eq. (iv) becomes  
index of the material of the lens, then  2  1 becomes a

  
1  1 1 
   1    ...(v)
f negative quantity, i.e., the lens changes its behaviour. A
 R1 R 2 
converging lens behaves as a diverging lens and vice-
This is called the lens maker’s formula because it can be used to versa. An air bubble in water seems as a convex lens but

behaves as a concave (diverging) lens. The shorter the focal length of a lens (or a mirror) the more it
converges or diverges light. As shown in the figure,
f1 < f2
and hence the power P1 > P2, as bending of light in case 1 is more
than that of case 2. For a lens,

P (in dioptre) = and for a mirror,,
f metre 
6.5 Magnification
The lateral, transverse of linear magnification m produced by a lens 1
is defined by, P (in dioptre) =
f metre 
height of image I
m  Following table gives the sign of P and f for different type of lens
height of object O
and mirror.
A real image II’ of an object OO’ formed by a convex lens is shown
height of image II v (i) For a system of lenses, the net power, net focal length and
 
height of object OO u magnification given as follows :
P = P1 + P2 + P3 ............,

1 1 1 1
    ...........,
F f1 f 2 f 3

m = m1 × m2 × m3 × ............
(ii) When two lenses are placed co-axially at a distance d from
each other then equivalent focal length (F).

Substituting v and u with proper sign,

II I v I v
  or m
OO  O  u O u

Thus, m 


1 1 1 d
By optical power of an instrument (whether it is a lens, mirror or a   
refractive surface) we mean the ability of the instrument to deviate F f1 f 2 f1f 2 and P = P1 + P2 – dP1P2
the path of rays passing through it. If the instrument converges
the rays parallel to the principal axis its power is said positive and 9. CUTTING OF LENS
if it diverges the rays it is said a negative power.
(i) A symmetric lens is cut along optical axis in two equal
parts. Intensity of image formed by each part will be same
as that of complete lens.
(ii) A symmetric lens is cut along principle axis in two equal
parts. Intensity of image formed by each part will be less
compared as that of complete lens. (aperture of each part
is 1 / 2 times that of complete lens)

 A + MPN = 180° ...(i)

In triangle MNP, r1 + r2 + MPN = 180° ...(ii)
From eqs. (i) and (ii), we have
r1 + r2 = A ...(iii)

11.1 Deviation

Deviation  means angle between incident ray and emergent ray.

In reflection, = 180 – 2i = 180 – 2r
in refraction, = |i – r|


On silvering the surface of the lens it behaves as a mirror. The
1 2 1
focal length of the silvered lens is   where
F f1 f m In prism a ray of light gets refracted twice one at M and
f1 = focal length of lens from which refraction takes place (twice) other at N. At M its deviation is i1 – r1 and at N it is i2 – r2.
These two deviations are added. So the net deviation is,
fm = focal length of mirror from which reflection takes place.
= (i1 – r1) + (i2 – r2) = (i1 + i2) – (r1 + r2) = (i1 + i2) – A
Thus, = (i1 + i2) – A ...(iv)
A prism has two plane surfaces AB and AC inclined to each other
sin i1
as shown in figure. A is called the angle of prism or refracting (i) If A and i1 are small :   , therefore, r1 will also be
angle. sin r1
small. Hence, since sine of a small angle is nearly equal to
the angle is radians, we have, i1 = r1
Also, A = r1 + r2 and so if A and r1 are small r2 and i2 will
sin i 2
also be small. From   , we can say, i2 = r2
sin r2
Substituting these values in eq. (iv), we have
 = (r1 + r2) – A =  (r1 + r2) – A = A – A
or = ( – 1) A ...(v)
(ii) Minimum deviation : It is found that the angle of deviation
The importance of the prism really depends on the fact that the  varies with the angle of incidence i1 of the ray incident
angle of deviation suffered by light at the first refracting surface, on the first refracting face of the prism. The variation is
say AB (in 2-dimensional figure) is not cancelled out by the shown in figure and for one angle of incidence it has a
deviation at the second surface AC (as it is in a parallel glass minimum value  min. At this value the ray passes
slab), but is added to it. This is why it can be used in a spectrometer, symmetrically through the prism (a fact that can be proved
an instrument for analysing light into its component colours.
theoretically as well as be shown experimentally), i.e., the
General Formulae angle of emergence of the ray from the second face equals
In quadrilateral AMPN,  AMP + ANP = 180° the angle of incidence of the ray on the first face.

Now, if minimum value of r2 is greater than c then obviously all

values of r2 will be greater than c and TIR will take place under all
conditions. Thus, the condition of no emergence is, (r2)min > c or
A – c > c

or A ...(xii)

11.3 Dispersion and deviation of light by a prism

White light is a superposition of waves with wavelengths

extneding throughout the visible spectrum. The speed of light in
vacuum is the same for all wavelengths, but the speed in a material
i2 = i1 = i ...(vi) substance is different for different wavelengths. Therefore, the
It therefore, follows that index of refraction of a material depends on wavelength. In most
r1 = r2 = r ...(vii) materials the value of refractive index  decreases with increasing
From eqs. (iii) and (vii) wavelength.

Further at,  = m = (i + i) – A

A  m
or i ...(viii)
sin i
 
sin r
If a beam of white light, which contains all colours, is sent through
 A  m 
sin   the prism, it is separated into a spectrum of colours. The spreading
 2  of light into its colour components is called dispersion.
or  ...(ix)
2 11.4 Dispersive Power

11.2 Condition of no emergence When a beam of white light is passed through a prism of
transparent material light of different wavelengths are deviated
In this section we want to find the condition such that a ray of
by different amounts. If r, y and v are the deviations for red,
light entering the face AB does not come out of the face AC for
yellow and violet components then average deviation is measured
any value of angle i1, i.e., TIR takes place on AC
by y as yellow light falls in between red and violet. v – r is
r1 + r2 = A  r2 = A – r1 called angular dispersion. The dispersive power of a material is
or (r2)min = A – (r1)max ...(x) defined as the ratio of angular dispersion to the average deviation
when a white beam of light is passed through it. It is denoted by
Now, r1 will be maximum when i1 is maximum and maximum
. As we know
value of i1 can be 90°.
= ( – 1) A
sin i1 max sin 90
Hence,   
sin r1 max sin r1 max

 sin r1 max   sin  c  (r1)max = c

 From eq. (x), (r2)min = A – c ...(xi)


This equation is valid when A and i are small. Suppose, a beam of

white light is passed through such a prism, the deviation of red,
yellow and violet light are
r = (r – 1) A, y = (y – 1) A and v = (v – 1) A
The angular dispersion is v – r = (v – r) A and the average deviation
is y = (y – 1) A. Thus, the dispersive power of the medium is,

v  r Coma can be reduced by carefully working out the curvature

 ...(i)
 y 1 function, or by blocking off the rays that create the ‘tail’ of the
comet shaped image.
12. MONOCHROMATIC ABERRATIONS  Astigmatism : The shape of the image is different at different
IN MIRRORS AND LENSES distances. Suppose a point object is placed off the optical
axis of a converging lens. Then, as a lateral screen is moved
(INDEPENDENT OFWAVELENGTH) along the axis, at one point, the image is almost a line. At
other positions of the screen, the image changes into an
Spherical aberration : because of the fact that all rays are not
different shapes at different locations of the screen.
paraxial. The image of a point object formed by a spherical mirror
is a surface, whose 2-D view is called a ‘caustic curve’. When a Astigmatism can be reduced by using non-spherical
surfaces of revolution-such corrected lenses are called
real image is seen on a screen and the screen is moved forward/
backward slightly, a disc image is formed which becomes smallest
at one position. The periphery of this smallest disc is called ‘the  Curvature : Consider a point object placed off the optical
circle of least confusion’. Lenses too exhibit spherical aberration. axis of a lens. We have seen that image is spread out laterally
as well as longitudionally, with individual defects in each
We can reduce it by blocking non-paraxial rays but this reduces
direction. However, the best image is obtained on a curved
the brightness of the image. A ring shaped black paper is affixed
surface and not on a plane screen. This phenomenon is
on the lens so that only those rays pass through the ‘hole’ in the called ‘curvature’.
ring, which are paraxial. Parabolic mirrors do not exhibit any
 Distortion : A square lateral object has images, which are
spherical aberration, hence all expensive reflecting telescopes use
either ‘barrel shaped’ or ‘curving in’ as shown. This is
parabolic mirrors.
because the lateral magnification itself depends on the actual
In lenses, spherical aberration can be reduced by using a distance of a portion of the object from the optical axis.
combination of convex and concave lenses, which cancel out These different magnifications of different portions produce
each other’s aberrations. this effect.


Coma : Consider a point object placed ‘off’ the optical axis. Most
These aberrations are absent in mirrors. In lenses, the focal length
of the rays focus at a single point, but others form images at
depends on the refractive index, which is different for different
different points so that the overall image is like that of a ‘comet’
colors. Hence, colored images are formed at different points if
( ) having a sharp ‘point’ image followed by a trail like that of a white light is emitted by the object. A proper combination of convex
comet. and concave lenses exactly cancel out each others chromatic

aberration (for light having two wavelengths only) so that the Magnifying power of a simple microscope is defined as the
final image is not split into colored images. Such a combination is ratio of the angles subtended by the image and the object
called an ‘achromatic doublet’. The distance along the optical on the eye, when both are at the least distance of distinct
axis between images of violet and red is called ‘axial or longitudional vision from the eye.
chromatic aberration’ = LCA (say):

For an incident parallel beam of white light, image distance = focal By definition, Magnifying power m ...(1)

length. From lens-makers formulae:
-df/f = dn/(n - 1) =  = dispersive power of lens  (nV – nR)/(n – 1) For small angles expessed in radians, tan   
 LCA = f  f. For two thin lenses in contact, (1/F) = (1/f1) +   tan  and   tan 

(1/f2). Therefore, dF = 0 1/f1 = –2/f2  achromatic lens. An
achromatic ‘doublet’ or lens combination can be made by placing tan 
two thin lenses in contact, with one converging and the other  m ...(2)
tan 
diverging, made of different materials.
For lateral objects, images of different colors have different sizes AB
as magnification itself depends on the focal length, which is In ABC, tan  
different for different colors. The difference in the size of lateral
images of violet and red colors is called ‘lateral chromatic A1B' AB
aberration’. In A1B’C, tan   
Putting in (2), we get

AB CB' CB'  v v
m     ...(3)
CB AB CB  u u
where, CB’ = – v, distance of image from the lens, CB = –u,
distance of object from the lens

1 1 1
From lens formula,  
v u f
Multiply both sides by v

v v
1 
u f
14.1 Simple Microscope or Magnifying Glass using (3), 1  m 
A simple microscope is used for observing magnified images
of tiny objects. It consists of a converging lens of small v
or m  1
focal length. A virtual, erect and magnified image of the f
object is formed at the least distance of distinct vision from
the eye held close to the lens. That is why the simple  d
But v = – d,  m  1  
microscope is also called a magnifying glass.  f

14.2 Compound Microscope

A compound microscope is an optical instrument used for

observing highly magnified images of tiny objects.
Construction : A compound microscope consists of two
converging lenses (or lens system); an objective lens O of
very small focal length and short aperture and an eye piece
E of moderate focal length and large aperture.

where d is C2B’’ = least distance of distinct vision, fe is focal

length of eye lens. And

A ' B' distance of image A' B' from C1

m0  
AB distance of object AB from C1

C1B' v
  0
C1B  u 0

Putting these values in (3), we get

v0  d  v  d 
m 1   0 1   ...(4)
 u0  f  |u |  f e 
 e  0 

Magnifying power of a compound microscope is defined as As the object AB lies very close to F0, the focus of objective
the ratio of the angle subtended at the eye by the final lens, therefore,
image to the angle subtended at the eye by the object, when u0 = C1B  C1F0 = f0 = focal length of objective lens.
both the final image and the object are situated at the least As A’B’ is formed very close to eye lens whose focal length
distance of distinct vision from the eye. is also short, therefore,
In figure, C2B’’ = d. Imagine the object AB to be shifted to v0 = C1B’  C1C2 = L = length of microscope tube.
A1B’’ so that it is at a distance d from the eye. If A’’ C2 B’’
Putting in (4), we get
=  and A1C2B’’ = , then by definition,
L  d  L  d 
 m 1    
Magnifying power, m  ...(1)  f0  f  | f | 1  f  ...(5)
  e  0  e 

For small angles expressed in radians, tan  14.3 Astronomical Telescope
  tan  and  tan  An astronomical telescope is an optical instrument which is
used for observing distinct image of heavenly bodies like
tan  stars, planets etc.
From (1), m  ...(2)
tan 
It consists of two lenses (or lens systems), the objective
A ' ' B' ' lens, which is of large focal length and large aperture and
In A’’B’’C2, tan   the eye lens, which has a small focal length and small
C 2 B' '
aperture. The two lenses are mounted co-axially at the free
A1B AB ends of the two tubes.
In A1B’’C2, tan   
C 2 B C 2 B
Putting in (2), we get

A B C 2 B AB A B A' B'

m    
C 2 B AB AB A ' B' AB
m = me × m0

A B
where m e  , magnification produced by eye lens,
A ' B'

A ' B' However, in astronomical telescope, final image being

and m 0  , magnification produced by objective lens.
AB inverted with respect to the object does not matter, as the
astronomical objects are usually spherical.
 d 
Magnifying Power of an astronomical telescope in normal
Now, m e  1  f 

 e  adjustment is defined as the ratio of the angle subtended at

the eye by the final image to the angle subtended at the eye,  A’C1B’ = 
by the object directly, when the final image and the object Further, let A’’C2B’’ = , where C2B’’ = d
both lie at infinite distance from the eye.

 By definition, Magnifying power, m  ...(4)
 
Magnifying power, m  ...(1)
 As angles  and  are small, therefore,  tan  and  tan 
As angles  and  are small, therefore,  tan  and  tan 
 tan . From (4), m  ...(5)
tan 
tan  A ' B'
From (1), m  ...(2) In A’B’C2, tan  
tan  C 2 B'
A ' B'
In A’B’C2, tan   A ' B'
C 2 B' In A’B’C1, tan  
A 'B '
In A’B’C1, tan   A' B' C1B'
C1B ' Putting in (5), we get m 
C 2 B' A ' B'
A ' B' C1B' C1B'
Put in (2), m    C1B' f
C 2 B' A' B' C 2 B' m  0 ...(6)
C 2 B'  u e
f0 where C1B’ = f0 = focal length of objective lens
or m ...(3)
 fe C2B’ = – ue, distance of A’B’, acting as the object for
eye lens.
where C1B’ = f0 = focal length of objective lens.
C2B’ = –fe = focal length of eye lens. 1 1 1
Now, for eye lens,  
v u f
Negative sign of m indicates that final image is inverted.
Taking ve = –d, u = –ue and f = + fe, we get
Memory Note
(i) In normal adjustment of telescope, distance between the 1 1 1
 
objective lens and eye lens = (f0 + fe).  d  ue fe
(ii) Angular magnification produced by the telescope = .
1 1 1 1 f 
Clearly, visual angle  is much larger as compared to .    1  e 
u e fe d fe  d
Figure shows the course of rays in an astronomical
telescope, when the final image is formed at the least distance f0  fe 
of distinct vision (d) from the eye) Putting in (6), we get m   1  
fe  d
Discussion :
(i) As magnifying power is negative, the final image in an
astronomial telescope is inverted i.e. upside down and left
turned right.
(ii) As intermediate image is between the two lenses, cross wire
(or measuring device) can be used.
(iii) In normal setting of telescope, final image is at inifiny.
Magnifying power is minimum.
Magnifying power of an astronomical telescope is defined When final image is at least distance of distinct vision,
as the ratio of the angle subtended at the eye by the final magnifying power is maximum. Thus
image at the least distance of distinct vision to the angle
subtended at the eye by the object at infinity, when seen  f0  f  f 
directly. (M.P.)min. = –  ; (M.P.)max. = – 0 1  e 
 e fe  d

Example - 1
Calculate the distance of an object of height ‘h’ from a
concave mirror or focal length 10 cm, so as to obtain a real
image of magnification 2.

Sol. Given focal length f = – 10 cm, u ?

magnification m    2  v = 2 u
u 1 1 1
   (for a lens)
f v u
1 1 1
From mirror formula   , we have
f v u 1 1 40  15
  
15 40 40  15
1 2 1 3 1
    
10 2u u 2u 10 40  15 120
f   11 cm
55 11
10  3
 u  15 cm Example - 3
The radii of curvature of the faces of a double convex lens
This is, distance of the object from the mirror is 15 cm in
are 10 cm and 15 cm. If the focal length of the lens is 12 cm,
front of mirror.
find the refractive index of the material of the lens.
Example - 2
A lens forms a real image of an object. The distance from Sol. Given R1 = 10 cm, R2 = – 15 cm, f = 12 cm
the object to the lens is u cm and the distance of the image Lens Maker’s formula is
from the lens is v cm. The given graphs shows variation of
v with u. 1  1 1 
 n  1  
(i) What is the nature of the lens ? f  R1 R 2 
(ii) Using the graph, find the focal length of this lens.
1  1 1 1 5
  n  1     n  1
12  10 15  12 30

30 1
 n 1   0 .5
5 12
 Refractive index, n = 1 + 0.5 = 1.5

Example - 4
A double convex lens of glass of refractive index 1.6 has its
both surfaces of equal radii of curvature of 30 cm each. An
object of height 5 cm is placed at a distance of 12.5 cm from
the lens. Calculate the size of the image formed.

Sol. Given n = 1.6, R1 = + 30 cm, R2 = – 30 cm, O = 5 cm,

Sol. (i) The lens is convex because image formed by the lens is u = –12.5 cm
1  1 1 
(ii) Focal length : From graph when u = – 40 cm, v = 15 cm. Focal length (f) of lens :  n  1  
f  R1 R 2 

Sol. The formation of image is shown in figure.

 1 1   2 
 1.6  1    0.6   
 30 30   30 

 f = 25 cm
0.6  2

1 1 1
From this lens formula  
f v u

1 1 1 1 1 1 2
     
v f u 25 12.5 25
Object O is at the right, so we are using the first focus of
 v = – 25 cm convex lens, therefore, for the lens f = – 10 cm,
I v v = – 15 cm.
Magnification m  
O u From lens formula,

Size of image, I 
O 
 25  5 = 10 cm 1 1 1
  
u  12.5 f v u
Example - 5
1 1 1 1 1 2  3
A converging lens of refractive index 1.5 and of focal length      
u v f 15 10 30
15 cm in air, has the same radii of curvature for both sides.
If it is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.7, find the  u = 30 cm
focal length of the lens in the liquid. The image of O at O’ by the mirror and lens is formed only if
O is at the centre of curvature of lens i.e., OC = R (radius of
Sol. Given fa = 15 cm ng = 1.5, nl = 1.7 curvature).
Focal length of lens in liquid, From Fig. | u | + | R | = 50 cm
ng 1 1.5  1  | R | = 50 – | u | = 50 – 30 = 20 cm
f   fa   15 cm
ng 1.5 Example - 7
1 1
n 1.7
A convex lens made up of glass of refractive index 1.5 is
0.5  1.7 dipped, in turn, in :
 × 15 cm = – 63.75 cm
1.5  1.7 (i) medium A of refractive index 1.65
(ii) medium B of refractive index 1.33
Example - 6
Explain, giving resons, whether it will behave as a
In the accompanying diagram, the direct image is formed
converging lens or a diverging lens in each of these two
by the lens (f = 10 cm) of an object placed at O and that
formed after reflection from the spherical mirror are formed
at the same point O’. What is the radius of curvature of the Sol. If fa is focal length of lens (refractive index ng) in air, then its
mirror ? focal length (fe) in a liquid of refractive index (nl) is given by

n g 1
f   fa (Given ng = 1.5)
(i) For medium A, nl = 1.65

1.5  1 0.5  1.65

 fe   fa  f a  5.5 f a
1 1 . 5  1 . 65 

Negative sign shows that the action of converging lens in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

air is diverging when immersed in medium A.    gives    
f v u v f u 20 12
(ii) For medium B, nl = 1.33
1 .5  1 0.5  1.33 
 f   fa   fa 60
1 .5 1 .5  1.33
1.33 60
 v  7.5 cm
0.5  1.33
  f a  3.91 f a This implies that image is formed to the right of the lens and
is real.
Positive sign shows that lens remains converging.
(b) In this case u = + 12 cm, f = – 16 cm,
Example - 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A converging lens has a focal length of 20 cm in air. It is    give     
madeof material of refractiveindex 1.5. If it isimmersed in f v u v f u 16 12
water of refractive index 4/3, what will be the new focal 3  4
length ? 
4 v = 48 cm
Sol. Given fa = 20 cm, ng = 1.5, nl =
3 Example - 10
An illuminated object and a screen are placed 90 cm apart.
f 
n g 1
 fa 
1.5  1  20 cm  0.5  4 Determine the focal length and nature of the lens required
× 20 cm
ng  1.5  0.5 to produce a clear image on the screen, twice the size of
1   1
n  4/3  the object.

= 80 cm Sol. Given u + v = 90 cm ...(1)

Example - 9
A beam of light converges to a point P. A lens is placed in
the path of the convergent beam 12 cm from P. At what point
does the beam converge if the lens is (a) convex lens of focal
length 20 cm, (b) a concave lens of focal length 16 cm.

I v
 gives
Q u


or | v | = 2 | u | (numerically) ...(2)
Sol. (a) Point P acts as a virtual object for convex lens. From (1) and (2)
Given u = + 12 cm, f = + 20 cm | u | = 30 cm, | v | = 60 cm
By sign convention u = – 30 cm, v = 60 cm

1 1 1
  gives
f v u

1 1 1 2
  
60 30 60
 f = 20 cm (convex lens)

Example - 11 1 1 1 1 1 1
    
Two lenses of power 10 D and –5 D are placed in contact. v u f 9 10 90
(i) Calculate the power of lens combination.  v = – 90 cm
(ii) Where should an object be held from the lens, so as to
v 90 cm
obtain a virtual image of magnification 2 ? Linear magnification M =   10
u  9 cm
Sol. (i) Given P1 = 10 D, P2 = – 5 D
Power of Combination, P = P1 + P2 = 10 D – 5 D = 5 D A image v
Areal magnification M A      100
A object u
1 1
(ii) Focal length F   m = 0.20 m = 20 cm (Convergent lens) 2 2
P 5  Area of image, Aimage = 100 × Aobject = 100 × 1 mm = 100 mm
(c) Angular magnification of convex lens is
Magnification m  u  2  v = 2u
From lens formula (u is negative) D 25 cm 
M   2.8
u 9 cm 
1 1 1
 
F v u where u is numerical value of object distance and D =
minimum distance of distinct vision = 25 cm.
1 1 1 1 1
   –   u = – 10 cm Example - 13
20  2u u 2u 20
(a) An equiconvex lens with radii of curvature of magnitude r
Example - 12
each, is put over a liquid layer poured on top of a plane
A figure divided into squares, each of side 1 mm , is being mirror. A small needle, with its tip on the principal axis of
viewed at a distance of 9 cm through a magnifying lens of the lens, is moved along the axis until its inverted real
focal length 10 cm, held close to the eye. image coincides with the needle itself. The distance of the
(a) Draw a ray diagram showing the formation of the image. needle from the lens is measured to be ‘a’. On removing
(b) What is the magnification produced by the lens ? How
the liquid layer and repeating the experiment the distance
much is the area of each square in the virtual image ? is found to be ‘b’.

(c) What is the angular magnification of the lens ?

Sol. (a) The ray diagram showing the formation of image by

magnifying lens is shown in figure.

Given that two value of distance measured represent the

focal length values in the two cases, obtain a formula for
the refractive index of the liquid.
(b) If r = 10 cm, a = 15 cm, b = 10 cm, find the refractive index of
the liquid.

Sol. The focal length (f1) of lens is given by

1  1 1  2n  1
 n  1   
f1 r r r

(b) Given f = + 10 cm, u = – 9 cm Given f1 = b

 1 2 n  1 r
1 1 1   b
From lens formula   , we have b r 2 n  1
f v u

The focal length of liquid lens (plano concave lens) is Example - 15

A compound microscope with an objective of 1.0 cm focal
  n   1      n   1  f 2 
1  1 1 r
f2 n   1 length and an eye-piece of 2.0 cm focal length has a tube
 r  r
length of 20 cm. Calculate the magnifying power of the
As glass lens and liquid lens are in contact microscope, if the final image is formed at the near point of
the eye.
1 1 1 1 n   1
    
f f1 f 2 b r Sol. Magnifying power of compound microscope for final image
at near point of eye.
Given f = a
L  D
1 1 n  1 M 1  
   f0  fe 
a b r
20  25 
n  1 1 1
 
 1    20 1  12.5 
1.0  2.0 
r b a
= – 20 × 13.5 = – 270
1 1 Negative sign shows that the final image is inverted.
n   1  r  
b a Example - 16
Refractive index of liquid, A ray of light passing through an equilateral triangular
prism from air undergoes minimum deviation when angle
r r
n  1   3
b a of incidence is th of the angle of prism. Calculate the
10 10 2 4 speed of light in the prism.
(b) n  1   1  1   = 1.33
10 15 3 3
3 3
Example - 14 Sol. Given A = 60°, i  A   60  45
4 4
A converging lens of focal length 6.25 cm is used as a
magnifying glass. If the near point of the observer is 25 cm A
For minimum deviation i1 = i2 = i and r1 = r2 =  30
from the eye and lens is held close to eye, calculate (i) the 2
distance of the object from the lens (ii) angular sin i
magnification (iii) angular magnification when final image  Refractive index of prism, n 
sin r
is formed at infinity.
sin 45 1 / 2
Sol. Given f = 6.25 cm, v = – 25 cm, u = ?    2 = 1.41
sin 30 1/ 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
(i)      c 3  108 8 –1
f v u u v f Speed of light in prism, v   = 2.13 × 10 ms
n 1.41
fv 6.25   25  6.25  25 Example - 17
 u   = –5 cm
f  v 6.25   25 31.25 In a compound microscope, an object is placed at a distance
(ii) Angular magnification when final image is at the distance of of 1.5 cm from the objective of focal length 1.25 cm. If the
distinct vision eye piece has a focal length of 5 cm and the final image is
formed at the near point, estimate the magnifying power of
D 25 the microscope.
M  1  1 5
f 6.25
Sol. Magnifying power of microscope,
(iii) Angular magnification when final image is formed at infinity
v0  D 
D 25 M 1  
M  4 u 0  fe 
f 6.25

Given u0 = – 1.5 cm, f0 = 1.25 cm, fe = 5 cm, D = 25 cm i2 = 90°

1 1 1
Formula   gives
f 0 v0 u 0

1 1 1 1 1 1
    
1.25 v 0 2.5 v 0 1.25 1.5

 v0 = 7.5 cm

7.5  25 
M 1   = – 5 × 6 = – 30
1.5  5 
For snell’s law
Example - 18
An astronomical telescope uses two lenses of power 10 D sin i 2 sin 90 1
  
and 1 D. What is its magnifying power in normal adjustment? sin r2 sin  sin 

Sol. Magnifying power of astronomical telescope in normal 1

adjustment    1.6
f0 P
M   e [with f0 > fe or P0 < Pe] b
fe P0 Given   1.2 
Given P0 = 1 D, Pe = 10 D Putting  = 1.6 and  = 400 nm = 4 × 10 m

10 b
 M  10 1.6  1.2 
1 (4  10  7 ) 2
Example - 19 –7 2 2 –14 2
 b = (4 × 10 ) × 0.4 m = 6.4 × 10 m
A beam of light of wavelength 400 nm is incident normally –7
on a right angled prism as shown. It is observed that the Now putting  = 5000 Å = 5 × 10 m, we get
light just grazes along the surface AC after falling on it.
Given that the refractive index of the material of the prism 6.4  10 14
'  1.2  = 1.2 + 0.256 = 1.456
varies with the wavelength  as per the relation 5 10 7 2

A, = 1.2 + b/ Example - 20
An object is placed in front of a right angled prism ABC in
two positions (a) and (b) as shown. The prism is made of
crown glass with critical angle 41°. Trace the path of two
rays P and Q (i) in (a) normal to the hypotenuse and (ii) in
(b) parallel to the hypotenuse.

Calculate the value of b and the refractive index of the prism

material for a wavelength  = 5000 Å
[(Given q = sin (0.625)]
Sol. Given  = 400 nm = 400 × 10 m
i1 = 0, r1 = 0
r1 + r2 =   r2 =  – r1 = 

 
f  a n g 1  1.5  1 
 i.e. f   15  
f g  n g 1  1.5 
  1 
 1.7 

 0 .5 
i.e. f   15   1.7  = – 15 × 4.25 = – 63.75 cm
  0 .2 
Example - 23
An object is placed at a distance of 40 cm from a concave
Example - 21 mirror of focal length 15 cm. If the object is displaced
Calculate the distance of an object of height h from a through a distance of 20 cm toward the mirror, by how
concave mirror of focal length 10 cm, so as to obtain a real much distance is the image displaced ? An object is placed
image of magnification. at a distance of 40 cm from a concave mirror of focal length
15 cm. If the object is displaced through a distance of 20 cm
v v towards the mirror, by how much distance is the image
Sol. For real image,  m  i.e.  2  i.e. 2u + v
u u displaced ?

1 1 1 1 1 1
using   we get Sol. Using,  
v u f f u v

1 1 1 2  1 1 uf
  i.e.  u
2u u  10 2u 10 uf
For a concave mirror,
3 1
i.e.  i.e. u = – 15 cm f = – 15 cm and u = – 40 cm
2u 10

Example - 22
 40 15  40 15
Draw a plot showing the variation of power of a lens, with
  40   15 25 = – 24 cm
the wavelength of the incident light. A converging lens of On displacement of object towards the mirror,
refractive index 1.5 and of focal length 15 cm in air, has the
same radii of curvature for both sides. If it is immersed in a u’ = – (40 – 20) = – 20 cm
liquid of refractive index 1.7, find the focal length of the  20 15   20 15
lens in the liquid. v'  = – 60 cm
 20   15 5

Sol. a n g  1.5  movement of image

= (–60) – (–24) = 36 cm.
a ng 1 .5 Example - 24
Lng  
a nL 1.7 A glass slab is immersed in water. Find the critical angle at
a a
glass water interfaces, given g = 1.5 and w = 1.33.

P w 1.5
Sol. g   1.13

0 Using, sin C  

1 1
Using  (n – 1) we get sin C  or C = 62°
f 1.13

Example - 25 1 1 1
 
25. An object is placed in front of a concave mirror of radius f u v
of curvature 40 cm at a distance of 10 cm. Find the position,
nature and magnification of the image. 1 1 1 1 1 3  2
    
v f u 18 27 54
Sol. Using, 1  1  1 and f  R v = – 54 cm.
v f u 2
That is, image is formed in front at mirror at a distance 54 cm
fron the mirror. Therefore the screen must be placed at a
1 2 1  1 1 1
we get       distance 54 cm from the mirror. Size of the image
v R u  40  10  20 10

O  
 54
1 10  20 10 1 × 2.5 cm. = – 5 cm.
   u  27
or or v = 20 cm.
v 200 200 20
The image is real, inverted and 5 cm. long. If the candle is
Image is formed behind the mirror Magnification, moved closer, the screen should have to be moved farther
and farther. If the candle is brought less than 18 cm, the
v 20 image will be virtual and cannot be collected on the
m  2
u  10 screen.
Image is virtual , erect and enlarged.
Example - 28
Example - 26
A beaker is filled with water to a height of 12.5 m. The
A reflecting type telescope has a concave reflector of radius apparent depth of the needle lying at the bottom of the
of curvature 120 cm. Calculate the focal length of eye piece tank as measured by a microscope is 9.4 cm. What is the
to secure a magnification of 20. refractive index of water ? If water is replaced by a liquid
of refractive index 1.63 upto the same height, by what
f0 R
Sol. Using, M  f and f 0  2 distance would the microscope be moved to focus on the
needle again ?

R 120 60 Re al depth (H )

i.e. M   
2 fe 2 fe fe Sol. Refractive index, n =
Apparent depth h 

60 Given H = 12.5 cm, h = 9.4 cm

or fe 
 Refractive index of water, n w   1.33
60 9 .4
Here M = – 20  f e   3 cm.
 20 Refractive index of liquid, nl = 1.63
Example - 27
H 12.5
A small candle 2.5 cm in size is placed 27 cm in front of a  Apparent height with liquid in tank, h  
n  1.63
concave mirror of radius of curvature 36 cm. At what
distance from the mirror should a screen be placed in order = 7.7 cm
to receive a sharp image ? Describe the nature and size of  Displacement of microscope, x = 9.4 – 7.7 = 1.7 cm
the image. If the candle is moved closer to the mirror, how
should the screen be moved ? Example - 29
Figure (a) and (b) show refraction of an incident ray in air
Sol. Given u = – 27 cm, O = 2.5 cm. at 60° with the normal to a glass-air and water-air interface,
respectively, Predict the angle (r) of refraction of an incident
| r | = | 2f | = 36 cm.  f    18 cm. ray in water at 45° with the normal to a water-glass interface
2 [figure (c)]
(with sign convention)

Sol. The light rays starting from bulb can pass through the
surface if angle of incidence at surface is less than or equal
to critical angle (C) for water-air interface. If h is depth of
bulb from the surface, the light will emerge only through a
circle of radius r given by
r = h tan C

where h = 80 cm = 0.80 m

1 3
But sin C  
a w 4

Sol. Snell’s law of refraction is sin i  n 2  1n 2 3

sin r n 1  tan C 
sin 60 n g
Figure (a)   a ng 3
sin 35 n a  r = 0.80 ×
 Refraction index of glass with respect to air,  Area of circular surface of water,

sin 60 0.8660 2

a ng    1.51 2  3 
sin 35 0.5736 A = r = 3.14 ×  0.8  
 7 
sin 60 n w
Figure (b) sin 41  n  a n w = 3.14 × 0.64×
= 2.6 m
Refractive index of water with respect to air, Example - 31

sin 60 0.8660 Double convex lenses are to be manufactured from a glass
  1.32 of refractive index 1.55, with both faces of the same radius
sin 41 0.6561
of curvature. What is the radius of curvature required if
the focal length is to be 20 cm ?
sin 45 a n g
Figure (c) 
sin r a nw Sol. Lens maker’s formula is

nw 1.32 1  1 1 
 n  1
 sin r   sin 45  × 0.7071 = 0.6181  
a ng 1.51 f  R1 R 2 
 r = sin (0.6181) = 38° If R is radius of curvature of double convex lens, then
Example - 30 R1 = + R, R2 = – R
A small bulb is placed at the bottom of a tank containing
1 1 1 1 2 n  1
water to a depth of 80 cm. What is the area of the surface of   n  1   or 
water through which light from the bulb can emerge out ? f R R f R
Refractive index of water is 4/3.
 R = 2 (n – 1) f

Here n = 1.55, f = + 20 cm.

A  m
 R = 2 (1. 55 – 1) × 20 = 22 cm sin
n 2
Example - 32 A
What is the focal length of a combination of a convex lens 2
of focal length 30 cm and a concave lens of focal length
Given angle of prism A = 60°.
20 cm in contact ? Is the system a converging or a diverging
lens ? Ignore thickness of lenses. Minimum angle of deviation m = 40°

Sol. Given f1 = + 30 cm, f2 = – 20 cm A  m

The focal length (F) of combination of given by 2
Refractive index n =
1 1 1
   
 F  f1f 2  30   20  60 cm 2
F f1 f 2 f1  f 2 30  20

That is, the focal length of combination is 60 cm and it acts  60  40 

sin  
like a diverging lens.  2  sin 50 0.7660
   = 1.532
Example - 33  60  sin 30 0.5
sin  
The image of a small electric bulb fixed on the wall of a  2 
room is to be obtained on the opposite wall 3 m away by
When prism is placed in water, its refractive index becomes
means by a large convex lens. What is the maximum
possible focal length of the lens required for the purpose ? ng 1.532
w ng    1.152
Sol. For a fixed distance D between object and image for its real nw 1.33
image If m’ is the new angle of deviation, then

D2  x 2
f   A  m '   60   m ' 
4D sin   sin  
 2   2 
w ng  
where x is the separation between two position of lens. sin A / 2 sin 30
For maximum f, x = 0
 60   m ' 
D sin  
 f max    2 
4 1.152 
0 .5
Given D = 3 m
60   m '
3  sin = 1.152 × 0.5 = 0.576
 f  m  0.75 m 2
Example - 34 60   m '
= 35° or m = 10°
A prism is made of glass of unknown refractive index. A 2
parallel beam of light is incident on a face of the prism. By Example - 35
rotating the prism, the minimum angle of deviation is At what angle should a ray of light be incident on the face
measured to be 40°. What is the refractive index of the of a prism of refracting angle 60° so that it just suffers
prism ? If the prism is placed in water (refractive index total internal reflection at the other face ? The refractive
1.33), predict the new minimum angle of deviation of a index of prism is 1.524.
parallel beam of light. The refracting angle of prism is 60°
(use. sin 50° = 0.7660 and sin 35° = 0.576) Sol. For just total internal reflection from prism, the ray must be
incident at critical angle on the second face.
ng  Given angle of prism, A = 60°, n = 1.524
Sol. Refractive index of prism material and w

For farthest distance v = ;

1 1 1 1 1
   
u max v f  5

 umax = –5 cm
Thus the nearest distance is 4.2 cm and the farthest distance
is 5 cm (focal length of lens) for reading a book.

(b) Angular magnification M  , D = – 25 cm
If C is the critical angle for total internal reflection, then u
Maximum angular magnification,
1 1
sin C    0.6561
n 1.524
M max 
 25   25  6
C = sin (0.6561) = 41°
u max  25 / 6
Let i be the angle of incident at first face of prism AB. The Minimum angular magnification,
ray follows the path PQRS
M min 
 25   25
 5
For just total internal reflection at the other face AC
u max  5
r2 + C = 41°
As r1 + r2 = A Example - 37
r1 + A – r2 = 60° – 41° = 19° A compound microscope consists of an objective lens of

focal length 2.0 cm and an eyepiece of focal length 6.25 cm
sin i separated by a distance of 15 cm. How far from the objective
From Snell’s law n 
sin r should an object be placed in order to obtain the final
image at (i) the least distance of distinct vision (D = 25 cm)
 sin i = n sin r = 1.524 sin 19° = 1.524 × 0.3256 = 0.4962 and (ii) infinity.
Angle of incidence i = sin (0.4962) = 29° 45’. What is the magnifying power of the microscope in each
case ?
Example - 36
A man with normal near point (25 cm) reads a book with Sol. Given f0 = 2.0 cm, fe = 6.25 cm, L = 15 cm, u0 = ?
small print using a magnifying glass : a thin convex lens of
(i) When final image is formed at least distance of distinct vision
focal length 5 cm.
(D = 25 cm) :
(a) What is the closest and the farthest distance at which he
For eye lens : Here ve = – 25 cm
should keep the lens from the page, so that he can read the
book when viewing through the magnifying glass ? 1 1 1
  
(b) What is the maximum and the minimum angular fe ve u e
magnification (magnifying power) possible using the above
simple microscope ? 1 1 1 1 1 1  4
     
u e ve fe 25 6.25 25
Sol. (a) Given f = + 5 cm.
For closest distance v = – 25 cm (normal near point) or ue = – 5 cm
As L = | v0 | + | ue |  | v0 | = L – | ue | = 15 – 5 = 10 cm
1 1 1
 From lens formula   For objective lens :
f v u
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1  5  
      f 0 v0 u 0
u min v f 25 5 25

25 1 1 1 1 1 2
u min    4.2 cm      
 u 0 v 0 f 0 10 2 5

5 1 1 1 1 1 1
u0    2.5 cm       v0 = 72 mm
2 v0 f0 u 0 8 9 72
That is distance of object from objective is 2.5 cm. For eye-lens if final image is formed at least distance of
distinct vision, then
v0  D
Magnification, M  1   ve = – D = – 25 cm = – 250 mm
u0  f 
 e 

1 1 1
  
10  25  fe ve u e
 1    4  5  20
2.5  6.25 
1 1 1 1 1 11
(ii) When final image is formed at infinity :     
u e ve fe 250 25 250
In this case L = v0 + fe
 v0 = L – fe = 15 – 6.25 = 8.75 cm 250
ue   mm  22.7 mm
For objective lens : 11
Separation between lenses, L = | v0 | + | ue | = 72 mm + 22.7mm
1 1 1
  = 94.7 mm = 9.47 cm
f 0 v0 u 0

v0  D
1 1 1 1 1 2  8.75 Magnifying power, M   1  
     u0  f 
 u 0 v 0 f 0 8.75 2 2  8.75  e 

2  8.75 72  25 cm 
 1  
u0  
6.75 9  2.5 cm  = – 8 (1 + 10) = – 88

 u0 = – 2.59 cm, | u0 | = 2.59 cm Example - 39

An angular magnification of 30 X is desired using an
v0 D
Magnification, M   . objective of focal length 1.25 cm and an eye-piece of focal
u 0 fe
length 5 cm. How would you set up the compound
microscope ?
8.75  25 
 .   13.5
2.59  6.25  Sol. In normal adjustment of microscope, the image is formed at
the least distance of distinct vision D = 25 cm.
Example - 38
A person with a normal near point (25 cm) using a compound D 25
Angular magnification of eye piece me = 1 +  1 6
microscope with an objective of focal length 8.0 mm and f 6
an eye-piece of focal length 2.5 cm can bring an object
Given total angular magnification M (= m0 × me) = 30
placed 9.0 mm from the objective in sharp focus. What is
the separation between the two lenses ? What is the M 30
magnifying power of the microscope ?  Magnification of objective, m 0   5
me 6

Sol. Given focal length of objective, f0 = 8 mm = 0.8 cm The objective lens of microscope forms real image, so its
focal length of eye-piece, fe = 2.5 cm = 25 mm magnification is negative.

For objective lens : v0

  5  v0 = – 5u0
Distance of object from objective, u0 = – 9 mm u0

1 1 1 As u0 is negative and v0 is positive.

From lens formula   , we get
f 0 v0 u 0 u0 = – | u0 |, v0 = + 5 | u0 |

Focal length of objective lens, f0 = 1.25 cm B

Sol. Refractive index n = A + , where  is the wavelength
1 1 1 2
 From lens formula  
f 0 v0 u 0
Power of a lens P 

 n g 1  R1 

1 1 1 6  1 
   
1.25 5 | u 0 | | u 0 | 5| u 0 | Clearly, power of a lens  (ng – 1). This implies that the
power of a lens decreases with increase of wavelength
 | u 0 |  1.25 cm  1.5 cm  1 
5  P  2 nearly  . The plot is shown in figure.
  
Also | v0 | = 5 | u0 | = 5 × 1.5 = 7.5 cm
Focal length of eye lens, fe = 5 cm

1 1 1
Again from lens formula   P
fe ve u e

1 1 1 1 1 6
     
u e ve fe 25 5 25
Example - 42
25 A concave mirror and a convex lens are held in water. What
ue   cm = – 4.17 cm changes, if any, do you expect in their respective focal
lengths as compared to their values in air.
| ue | = 4.17 cm
Separation between the lenes d = | v0 | + | ue | Sol. A concave mirror forms the image involving reflection. Its
focal length depends only on radius of curvature, and hence
= 7.5 + 4.17 = 11.67 cm
remains the same even when it is held in water.
Thus to obtain, the desired magnification the separation
A convex lens forms the image involving refraction. Its focal
between the lenses must be 11.67 cm and the objective must
length depends on radii of curvature and refractive index of
be placed at a distance 1.5 cm in front of the objective lens.
lens material with respect to surrounding material. Hence
Example - 40 the focal length in water would become larger than that in
(a) The refractive index of glass is 1.5. What is the speed of air.
8 –1
light in glass ? (Speed of light in vacuum is 3.0 ×10 ms ).
(b) Is the speed of light in glass independent of the colour
of light ? If not, which of the two colours, red and violet,
travels slower in the glass prism ?

c 3  108
Sol. (a) Speed of light in glass, v    2  108 m / s
ng 1.5

(b) No, the speed of light in glass depends on the colour of


v As nV > nR  vV < vR
That is, violet colour travels slower in glass prism.
Example - 41
Draw a plot showing the variation of power of a lens with
the wavelength of the incident light.

Example - 43 (i) When wavelength of illuninating radiations decreases, the

resolving limit decreases, so resolving power increases.
A double convex lens, made from a material of refractive
index 1, is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 2 where (ii) When diameter of objective lens decreases,  and hence sin
2 > 1. What change, if any, would occur in the nature of  decreases; so resolving limit increases and hence resolving
the lens ? power decreases.
Example - 46
Sol. Focal of lens (refractive index 1) in a liquid of refractive
Define the term ‘resolving power’ of an astronomical
index 2 is
telescope. How does it get affected on
1  1 (i) increasing the aperture of the objective lens ?
f   fa
1 (ii) increasing the wavelength of light used ?
(iii) increasing the focal length of the objective lens ?
1 Justify your answer in each case.
Given 2 > 1, i.e., 1
Sol. Resolving Power of an Astronomical Telescope
1  1 The resolving power of an astronomical telescope is its
so f   f
1 a ability to form separate images of two neighbouring
2 astronomical objects (e.g. stars).
The least distance between two neighbouring objects for
So the focal length of lens in liquid will be of opposite sign
which astronomical telescope can form separate images is
of the focal length of lens in air, i.e., nature of lens will change.
called the resolving limit. The angular limit of resolution is
Hence, lens would now behave like a diverging (concave)
given by
Example - 44 1.22 
 min 
Give reasons for the following : d
The value of the Brewster angle for a transparent medium where  is wavelength and d is diameter of aperture objective
is different for light of different colours. lens. Smaller the resolving limit, greater is the resolving
Sol. Breswter’s angle, ip = tan (n)
1  Resolving power 
As refractive index n   2  ; is different for lights of 1.22 
  
(i) RP  d, so by increasing aperture of objective lens, the
different wavelengths (colours), therefore, Brewster’s angle
resolving power of telescope increases.
is different for lights of different colours.
Example - 45 1
(ii) RP  , so by increasing the wavelength of light, the
How is the resolving power of a microscope affected when, 

(i) the wavelength of illuminating radiations is decreased ? resolving power of telescope decreases.

(ii) the diameter of the objective lens is decreased ? (iii) Resolving power of telescope is independent of its focal
length, so there is no effect on resolving power of focal
Justify your answer.
length of objective lens is increased.

 Example - 47
Sol. Resolving limit of microscope 
2n sin  Is dispersion possible in a hollow prism ? Also give reason.

where  is the wavelength, n is the refractive index and  is Sol. No, because both the faces AB and AC of prism behave like
the semiangle of cone of rays entering the microscope, glass plates. Any ray of white light (say PQ), after refraction
through the faces AB and AC emerges along RS parallel to
Resolving power  the incident ray.
Re solving limit

A light passing through second polaroid.

S I0
The malus law I 2  cos 2  is applicable
Q 2
(i) When axes of A and B are parallel,  = 0
B C I0 I
So, I 2  cos 2   0 .
Example - 48 2 2
To increase the magnifying power of a telescope, the (ii) When axes axes of A and B are perpendicular,  = 90°
objective and eyepiece of higher power can be taken. But
in practice the magnifying power cannot be increased I0
I2  cos 2 90° = 0 (zero)
beyond a certian limit. Explain. 2
Example - 51
Sol. It is useful to increase the magnifying power to a very large
value only if the resolving power also increases. The A crack in a window pane appears silvery, why ?
wavelength range of visible light is 4000 Å – 7800 Å i.e.
Sol. When there is a crack in a window pane, then there is air in
minimum wavelength is 4000 Å, hence resolution is not
space of crack. When light enters the cracked window pane,
possible in objects smaller than a certain size, whatever be
it goes from glass to air at an angle greater than the critical
the magnifying power.
angle, so light suffers total internal reflection; thus the crack
Example - 49 acts as a silver surface; that is why the crack in window
pane appears silvery.
The objective of telescope A has diameter 3 times that of a
the objective of telescope B. How much light is gathered Example - 52
by A compared to B ?
The bubbles of air rising up in a water tank appear silvery
when viewed from top, why ?
Sol. The intensity of light transmitted through a lens  square
Sol. When light falls on air-bubbles in water, the light travels
of aperture.
from water to air at an angle greater than critical angle, so
2 light suffers total internal reflection from the surface of
IA  dA  bubbles, hence bubbles of air appear silvery.
   32  9
I B  d B 
Example - 53
That is the intensity of light gathered by A is 9–times as
If the wavelength of visible light were 1 mm, then could we
compared to B.
make the thread to pass easily through the hole of a
Example - 50 stitching needle ? Explain.
Two polaroids A and B are placed such that their axes are –7
parallel. When ordinary light of intensity I0 falls on A, what Sol. No, the resolving limit of eye for wavelength  = 5 × 10 m
will be the intensity of light emerging from B ? If the axes of 0
 1 
A and B be perpendicular, find the value of  in each case. is   . For wavelength  = 1 mm, it will be 33°.
 60 
Sol. When ordinary light of intensity I0 passes through polaroid
A, it becomes plane polarised beam of intensity . For


Motion of object, mirror and image
(a) x1x2 (b) x1x 2
1. A small plane mirror is placed at the centre of a spherical
screen of radius R. A beam of light is falling on the mirror.
(c) (x1 + x2)/2 (d) x1 / x 2
If the mirror makes n revolutions per second, the speed of
light on the screen after reflection from the mirror will be Mirror Formula
(a) 4 nR (b) 2 nR 8. The image formed by a convex mirror of focal length 30 cm
(c) nR/ (d) nR/4 is one quarter of the size of object. The distance of object
form the mirror is
Spherical Mirror
(a) 30 cm (b) 120 cm
2. Which of the following is not true about the image formed
(c) 90 cm (d) 60 cm
by covex mirror?
9. A convex mirror has a focal length f. A real object is placed
(a) It is erect (b) It is virtual
at a distance f in front of it from the pole, produces an
(c) It is diminished (d) It lies beyond focus image at
3. For a real object, a convex mirror always forms an image (a) infinity (b) f
which is
(c) f/2 (d) 2 f
(a) real and inverted (b) virtual and inverted
10. A concave mirror of focal length f produces an image n
(c) virtual and erect (d) real and magnified times the size of the object. If the image is real then the
4. The image of a bright object is brought on the screen with distance of the object from the mirror, is
a concave mirror. If upper half of mirror is covered, what is (a) (n – 1) f (b) {(n – 1)/n} f
the effect on the image? (c) {(n + 1)/n} f (d) (n + 1) f
(a) its size is halved (b) brightness is reduced 11. A convex mirror of focal length f produces an image
(c) image changes position (d) image disappears (1/n)th of the size of the object. The distance of the object
5. A convex mirror is used to form an image of a real object. from the mirror is
Then tick the wrong statement (a) nf (b) f/n
(a) the image lies between the pole and focus (c) (n + 1)/f (d) (n – 1) f
(b) the image is diminished in size Image Location, Magnification
(c) the image is erect 12. What is the magnification when the object is placed at a
(d) the image is real distance of 2f form the pole of a convex mirror?

6. A concave mirror is used to form an image of the sun on a 1 2

(a) (b)
white screen. If the lower half on the mirror were covered 3 3
with an opaque card, the effect on the image on the screen 3
would be (c) 1 (d)
(a) to make the image less bright than before 13. A short linear object of length L lies on the axis of a spherical
(b) to make the lower half of the image disappear mirror of focal length f at a distance u from the mirror. Its
(c) to prevent image from being focussed image has an axial length L’ equal to

(d) none of these 1/ 2 1/ 2

 f   u  f  
(a) L   (b) L  
Focal Length u  f   f 
7. In a concave mirror an object is placed at a distance x1
1/ 2 2
from the focus and the image is formed at a distance x2  u  f    f 
(c) L   (d) L  
from the focus. Then the focal length of the mirror is  f   u  f  

Refraction 22. If the critical angle for total internal reflection from a medium
14. The refractive index of water with respect to air is 4/3 and to vacuum is 30°, the velocity of light in the medium is
the refractive index of glass with respect to air is 3/2. The (a) 3 × 108 m/sec (b) 1.5 × 108 m/sec
refractive index of water with respect to glass is
(a) 9/8 (b) 8/9 (c) 6 × 108 m/sec (d) 3 10 8 m / sec

(c) 1/2 (d) 2 23. The critical angle for a medium is 60°. Then refractive index
Refractive Index of the medium will be
15. Air has refractive index 1.0003. The thickness of air column, (a) 3/2 (b) 2 / 3
which will have one more wavelength of yellow light (6000
Å) than in same thickness of vacuum, is (c) (d)
2 /3 3
(a) 2 mm (b) 2 cm
24. A ray of light enters from a denser medium into rarer
(c) 2 m (d) 2 km
medium. The speed of light in the rarer medium is twice
16. A glass slab of thickness 8 cm contain, the same number that in denser medium. what is the critical angle for total
of waves as 10 cm of water when both are traversed by the
internal reflection to take palce
same monochromic light. If the refractive index of water is
4/3, the refractive index of glass is (a) 60° (b) 45°
(a) 5/3 (b) 5/4 (c) 30° (d) none of above
(c) 16/15 (d) 3/2 25. The refractive index of water is 4/3 and that of glass is 5/3.
Snells Law What will be the critical angle for the ray of light entering
17. A beam of monochromatic blue light of wavelength 420 water from the glass
nm in air travels in water ( = 4/3). Its wavelength in water (a) sin–1 (4/5) (b) sin–1 (5/4)
will be
(c) sin–1 (1/2) (d) sin–1 (2/1)
(a) 280 nm (b) 560 nm
26. A fish is a little away below the surface of a lake. If the
(c) 315 nm (d) 400 nm critical angle is 49°, then the fish could see things above
18. If velocity of light in a certain medium is 1.5 × 108 m/s,  for the water surface within an angular ring of ° where
the medium would be
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 2.5 (d) 3
19. The wavelength of sodium light is 589 nm in air. What will
be the wavelength of sodium light it it travels in glass of
refractive index 1.5 ?
(a) 589 nm (b) 589 × 1.5 nm
(c) (589/1.5) nm (d) none of these
20. Light travels with a speed of 2 × 108 m/s in crown glass of
refractive index 1.5. What is the speed of light in dense (a)  = 49° (b)  = 90°
glass of refractive index 1.8 ?
(a) 1.33 × 108 m/s (b) 1.67 × 108 m/s (c)  = 98° (d)  = 24 
(c) 2.0 × 108 m/s (d) 3.0 × 108 m/s
Apparent depth of image
Critical Angle
27. A fish rising vertically with speed 3 m/s to the surface of
21. If the refractive index of water is 4/3 and that of glass slab water sees a bird diving vertically towards it with speed 9
is 5/3, then the critical angle of incidence for which a light
m/s. Given aw = (4/3). The actual velocity of dive of bird is
tending to go from glass to water is
(a) 6 m/s (b) 4 m/s
(a) sin–1 3/4 (b) sin–1 3/5
(c) 8.4 m/s (d) 4.5 m/s
(c) sin–1 2/3 (d) sin–1 4/5

28. A vessel is half filled with a liquid of refractive index . 36. A glass concave lens is placed in a liquid in which it behave
The other half of the vessel is filled with an immiscibel like a convergent lens. If the refractive indices of glass
liquid of refractive index 1.5 . The apparant depth of the and liquid with respect to air are ag and al respectively,
vessel is 50% of the actual depth. Then  is then
(a) 1.4 (b) 1.5 (a) ag = 5 al (b) ag > al
(c) 1.6 (d) 1.67 (c) ag < al (d) ag = 2 al
29. An air bubble in glass slab ( = 1.5) from one side is 6 cm 37. A thin convergent glass lens (g = 1.5) has a power of + 5.0
and from other side is 4 cm. The thickness of glass slab is D. When this lens is immersed in a liquid of refractive
(a) 10 cm (b) 6.67 cm index l it acts as a divergence lens of focal length 100 cm.
(c) 15 cm (d) none of these The value of l must be

Lens maker formula (a) 4/3 (b) 5/3

30. If in a plano­convex lens, radius of curvature of convex (c) 5/4 (d) 6/5
surface is 10 cm and the focal length of the lens is 30 cm, Image Location, Magnification, Power
the refractive index of the material of the lens will be
38. A lens with power + P is immersed in water. Its power
(a) 1.5 (b) 1.66
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) 1.33 (d) 3
(c) remains unchanged
31. A double convex lens of focal length 6 cm is made of glass
(d) increases for red colour, decreases for blue
of refractive index 1.5. The radius of curvature of one
surface is double that of other surface. The value of large 39. The distance between the object and real image formed by
radius of curvature is a convex lens is D. If the magnification is M, then focal
(a) 6 cm (b) 4.5 cm length f is

(c) 9 cm (d) 4 cm M M
(a) (M  1) D (b) (M  1) 2 D
32. A lens behaves as a converging lens in air and a diverging
lens in water. The refractive index of the material is
(a) equal to unity (b) equal to 1.33 (c) D (d) D
M 1 M 1
(c) between unity and 1.33 (d) greater than 1.33 40. Magnification produced by a concave lens cannot be
33. A double convex lens made of material of refractive index (a) more than one (b) equal to one
1.5 and having a focal length of 10 cm is immersed in a
(c) less than one (d) equal to or less than one
liquid of refractive index 3.0. The lens will behave as
Effect of change in medium
(a) converging lens of focal length 10 cm
(b) diverging lens of focal length 10 cm 41. A lens forms a sharp image on a screen. On inserting a
parallel sided glass slab between the lens and the screen,
(c) convering lens of focal length 10/3 cm
it is found necessary to move the screen a distance d
(d) converging lens of focal length 30 cm away from the lens in order for the image to be sharp
34. A convergent lens of focal length 20 cm and made of a again. If the refractive index of the glass relative to air is ,
material with refractive index 1.1 is immersed in water. The then the thickness of the slab is
lens will behave as a
(a) d (b) d/
(a) converging lens of focal length 20 cm
(c) ( – 1) d/ (d)  d/( – 1)
(b) converging lens of focal length less than 20 cm
Combination of Thin Lens
(c) converging lens of focal length more than 20 cm
42. A convex lens of focal length f is put in contact with a
(d) divergent lens. concave lens of same focal length. The focal length of
35. A double convex air bubble in water will behave as combination is
(a) convergent lens (b) divergent lens (a) zero (b) 2f
(c) plane glass slab (d) concave mirror (c) f (d) infinity

43. Two thin lenses of focal lengths 20 cm and 25 cm are placed 50. A convex lens of focal length 3 cm is used as a simple
in contact. The power of the combination is microscope by a person having distance of least distinct
(a) 0.5 D (b) 9 D vision as 30 cm. What is the maximum value of magnifying
(c) 5 D (d) 4.5 D
(a) + 10 (b) + 11
44. A concave and convex lens have same focal length of 20
cm and are put in contact. The combination is used to 11
(c) + 9 (d) 
view an object of 5 cm length kept at 20 cm from the lens 10
combination. As compared to object, the image will be 51. The magnifying power of a compound microscope in terms
(a) magnified and inverted (b) diminished and erect of the magnifying power of objective Mo and that of the
eyepiece Me is
(c) of same size and erect (d) of same size and inverted
45. Two thin lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 are placed in Mo
contact. The focal length of the complete lens is (a) M (b) M o  M e

f1  f 2 f1  f 2 (c) Mo + Me (d) Mo – Me
(a) (b) f f
2 1 2 52. Final image produced by the simple microscope is
f1f 2 (a) real and erect (b) virtual and erect
(c) f1f 2 (d) f  f
1 2 (c) real inverted (d) virtual and inverted
Thin Lens in Contact 53. The final image produced in the compound microscope is
46. Parallel rays of light are focussed by a thin convex lens. A (a) virtual and erect (b) real and erect
thin concave lens of same focal length is then joined to (c) virtual and inverted (d) real and inverted
the convex lens and the result is that
54. The magnifying power of simple microscope can be
(a) the focal point shifts away from the lens by a small
increased if we use an eyepiece of
(a) large focal length (b) smaller focal length
(b) the focal point shifts towards the lens by a small
distance (c) large diameter (d) smaller diameter
(c) the focal point does not shift at all Magnifying Powers
(d) the focal point shifts to infinity 55. The magnifying power of simple microscope is
47. The lenses of power +12 and –2 diopters are placed in f D
contact. What will be the focal length of the combination (a) 1  (b) 1 
D f
(a) 10 cm (b) 12.5 cm
(c) 16.6 cm (d) 8.33 cm f 1 D 1
(c) (d)
D f
Combination of Mirror and Thin Lenses
48. For a normal eye, the least distance of distinct vision is Astronomical Telescope
nearly 56. An astronomical telescope essentially consists of
(a) 10 cm (b) 25 cm (a) two concave lenses
(c) 50 cm (d) 100 cm (b) two convex lenses
Microscope (c) one concave and one convex lens
49. In a simple microscope, the distance of object from the (d) two plano­concave lenses
lens should be
57. The resolving power of a telescope can be increased by
(a) more than the focal length of lens
(a) increasing the focal length of objective
(b) less than the focal length of lens
(b) increasing the aperture and diameter of objective
(c) more than twice the focal length
(c) decreasing the focal length of objective
(d) more than focal length but less than twice the focal
length (d) decreasing the aperture diameter of objective

58. The focal length of objective of an astronomical telescope Magnifying Powers

is 1 m. If the magnifying power of telescope is 20, then 61. The objective of a telescope has focal length 120 cm and
what is length of telescope for relaxed eye?
diameter 5 cm. The focal length of eyepiece is 2 cm. The
(a) 85 cm (b) 95 cm magnifying power for an object at infinity is
(c) 105 cm (d) 115 cm (a) 24 (b) 60
59. For the normal setting of a telescope (c) 12 (d) 300
(a) only the object is at infinity.
62. The powers of the lenses of a telescope are 0.5 and 20
(b) only the final image is at infinity. dioptres. Its magnifying power is
(c) both the object and the final image are at infinity. (a) 50 (b) 10
(d) neither the object nor the final image has to be at infinity
(c) 100 (d) 40
Reflecting Telescope
63. The final image formed by an astronomical telescope is
60. In a reflecting telescope, the focal length of the eyepiece
(a) virtual and upright (b) virtual and inverted
is 5 cm. What should be the radius of curvature of the
objective mirror to have magnifying power of 40 ? (c) real and upright (d) real and inverted
(a) 1m (b) 2m
(c) 4m (d) 8 m


1. A particle is oscillating on the X­axis with an amplitude 2 4. A ray of light is incident at an angle of 600 on one face of
cm about the point x0 =10 cm, with a frequency  . A a prism of angle 300. The emergent ray of light makes an
concave mirror of focal length 5 cm is placed at the origin angle of 300 with incident ray. The angle made by the
(see figure). emergent ray with second face of prism will be :
(2018 Online Set-3)
(a) 00 (b) 900
(c) 450 (d) 300
Identify the correct statements. (2018 Online Set-1) 5. In an experiment a convex lens of focal length 15 cm is
placed coaxially on an optical bench in front of a convex
(A) The image executes periodic motion.
mirror at a distance of 5 cm from it. It is found that an
(B) The image executes non­periodic motion. object and its image coincide, if the object is placed at a
(C) The turning points of the image are asymmetric w.r.t. distance of 20 cm from the lens. The focal length of the
the image of the point at x =10 cm. convex mirror is : (2017 Online Set-2)
(a) 27.5 cm (b) 20.0 cm
(D) The distance between the turning points of the
(c) 25.0 cm (d) 30.5 cm
oscillation of the image is cm. 6. Let the refractive index of a denser medium with respect to
21 a rarer medium be n12 and its critical angle be èC. At an
(a) (A), (D) (b) (A), (C), (D) angle of incidence A when light is travelling from denser
medium to rarer medium, a part of the light is reflected and
(c) (B), (D) (d) (B), (C) the rest is refracted and the angle between reflected and
2. A planoconvex lens becomes an optical system of 28 cm refracted rays is 90°. Angle A is given by :
focal length when its plane surface is silvered and (2017 Online Set-1)
illuminated from left to right as shown in Fig­A. If the
1 1
same lens is instead silvered on the curved surface and (a) 1 (b) 1
cos (sin C ) tan (sin C )
illuminated from other side as in Fig.B, it acts like an optical
system of focal length 10 cm. The refractive index of the (c) cos 1 (sin C ) (d) tan 1 (sin C )
material of lens is : (2018 Online Set-1)
7. A convex lens, of focal length 30 cm, a concave lens of
focal length 120 cm, and a plane mirror are arranged as
shown. For an object kept at a distance of 60 cm from the
convex lens, the final image, formed by the combination,
is a real image, at a distance of : (2016 Online Set-1)

(a) 1.50 (b) 1.55

(c) 1.75 (d) 1.51
3. A convergent doublet of separated lenses, corrected for
spherical aberration, has resultant focal length of 10 cm.
The separation between the two lenses is 2cm. The focal
lengths of the component lenses are :
(2018 Online Set-2) (a) 60 cm from the convex lens
(a) 10 cm, 12 cm (b) 12 cm, 14 cm (b) 60 cm from the concave lens
(c) 16 cm, 18 cm (d) 18 cm, 20 cm (c) 70 cm from the convex lens
(d) 70 cm from the concave lens

8. To find the focal length of a convex mirror, a student records

the following data: (a) 3f (b) f
Object pin Convex Lens Convex Mirror Image Pin
(c) f (d) 2 f
22.2 cm 32.2 cm 45.8 cm 71.2 cm
12. A diver looking up through the water sees the outside
The focal length of the convex lens is f1 and that of mirror
world contained in a circular horizon. The refractive index
is f2. Then taking index correction to be negligibly small, f1
and f2 are close to : (2016 Online Set-1) 4
of water is , and the diver’s eyes are 15 cm below surface
(a) f1 = 12.7 cm f2 = 7.8 cm 3
(b) f1 = 7.8 cm f2 = 12.7 cm of water. Then the radius of the circle is:
(c) f1 = 7.8 cm f2 = 25.4 cm (2014 Online Set-1)
(d) f1 = 15.6 cm f2 = 25.4 cm
(a) 15  3  3 5cm (b) 15  3 7cm
9. A hemispherical glass body of radius 10 cm and refractive
index 1.5 is silvered on its curved surface. A small air bubble
15  7 15  3
is 6 cm below the flat surface inside it along the axis. The (c) cm (d) cm
position of the image of the air bubble made by the mirror 3 7
is seen : (2016 Online Set-2)
13. Interference pattern is observed at ‘P’ due to
superimposition of two rays coming out from a source ‘S’
as shown in the figure. The value of ‘l’ for which maxima is
obtained at ‘P’ is:
(R is perfect reflecting surface): (2014 Online Set-2)

(a) 14 cm below flat surface

(b) 30 cm below flat surface
(c) 20 cm below flat surface
(d) 16 cm below flat surface
10. Two stars are 10 light years away from the earth. They are
seen through a telescope of objective diameter 30 cm. The
wavelength of light is 600 nm. To see the stars just resolved
by the telescope, the minimum distance between them
should be (1 light year = 9.46 × 1015m) of the order of :
(2016 Online Set-2)  2n  1   2n  1 
(a) l  (b)
(a) 106 km (b) 108 km 3 1 2  3 1
(c) 1011 km (d) 1010 km
11. A thin convex lens of focal length ‘f ’ is put on a plane  2n  1  3 2n
(c) (d) l 
mirror as shown in the figure. When an object is kept at a
distance ‘a’ from the lens– mirror combination, its image is

4 2 3  3 1

a 14. A ray of light is incident from a denser to a rarer medium.

formed at a distance in front of the combination. The
3 The critical angle for total internal reflection is iC and the
value of ‘a’ is : (2015 Online) Brewster’s angle of incidence is iB, such that sin iC/sin
iB =  = 1.28. The relative refractive index of the two
media is : (2014 Online Set-4)
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.9
(c) 0.4 (d) 0.8

15. The diameter of the objective lens of microscope makes 20. Monochromatic light is incident on a glass prism of angle
an angle  at the focus of the microscope. Further, the A. If the refractive index of the material of the prism is , a
medium between the object and the lens is an oil of ray, incident at an angle , on the face AB would get
refractive index n. Then the resolving power of the transmitted through the face AC of the prism provided :
microscope. (2014 Online Set-4)
(a) Increases with decreasing value of 
(b) Increase with increasing value of n sin 2
(AIEEE 2015)
(c) Increases with decreasing value of n

(d) Increases with increasing value of n sin 2   
1 1  1  
(a)   cos  sin  A  sin     
     
16. A diverging lens with magnitude of focal length 25 cm is
placed at a distance of 15 cm from a converging lens of   
1 1  1  
magnitude of focal length 20 cm. A beam of parallel light (b)   cos  sin  A  sin     
falls on the diverging lens. The final image formed is :      

(2017)   
1 1  1  
(a) real and at a distance of 6 cm from the convergent lens. (c)   sin  sin  A  sin     
     
(b) real and at a distance of 40 cm from convergent lens.
  1  1  

(c) virtual and at a distance of 40 cm from convergent lens (d)   sin  sin  A  sin     
(d) real and at a distance of 40 cm from the divergent lens.      

17. An observer looks at a distant tree of height 10 m with a  3

telescope of magnifying power of 20. To the observer the 21. A thin convex lens made from crown glass     has
 2
tree appears : (AIEEE 2016) focal length f. When it is measured in two different liquids
(a) 10 times nearer (b) 20 times taller
4 5
having refractive indices and , it has the focal
(c) 20 times nearer (d) 10 times taller 3 3
18. In an experiment for determination of refractive index of lengths f1 and f2 respectively. The correct relation between
glass of a prism by i – , plot, it was found that a ray the focal lengths is : (AIEEE 2014)
incident at angle 35°, suffers a deviation of 40° and that it (a) f1 > f and f2 becomes negative
emerges at angle 79°. In that case which of the following (b) f2 > f and f1 becomes negative
is closest to the maximum possible value of the refractive
(c) f1 and f2 both become negative
index? (AIEEE 2016)
(d) f1 = f2 < f
(a) 1.6 (b) 1.7
22. A green light is incident from the water to the air – water
(c) 1.8 (d) 1.5
interface at the critical angle (). Select the correct
19. On a hot summer night, the refractive index of air is smallest statement. (AIEEE 2014)
near the ground and increase with height from the ground. (a) The spectrum of visible light whose frequency is less
When a light beam is directed horizontally, the Hyygens’ than that of green light will come out to the air medium.
principle leads us to conclude that as its travels, the light
(b) The spectrum of visible light whose frequency is more
beam : (AIEEE 2015)
than that of green light will come out to the air medium.
(a) bends downwards
(c) The entire spectrum of visible light will come out of the
(b) bends upwards water at various angles to the normal.
(c) becomes narrower (d) The entire spectrum of visible light will come out of the
(d) goes horizontally without any deflection water at an angle of 90° to the normal.

23. Diameter of a plano­convex lens is 6cm and thickness at Passage

the centre is 3mm. If speed of light in material of lens is An initially parallel cylinderical beam travels in a medium
2 × 10 m/s, the focal length of the lens is (AIEEE 2013) of refractive indes (I) = 0 + 2I where 0 and 2 are
(a) 15 cm (b) 20 cm positive constats and I is the intensity of the light beam.
(c) 30 cm (d) 10 cm The intensity of the beam is decreasing with increasing
24. A beaker contains water up to a height h1 and kerosene of
heigh h2 above water so that the total height of (water + 28. As the beam enters the medium, it will (AIEEE 2010)
kerosene) is (h1 + h2). Refractive index of water is 1 and (a) diverge
that of kerosene is 2. The apparent shifts in the position
of the bottom of the beaker when viewed from above is (b) converge
(AIEEE 2011) (c) diverge near the axis and converge near the periphery
(d) travel as a cylindrical beam
 1   1 
(a) 1    h 2  1    h1 29. The initial shape of the wave front of the beam is
 1   2 
(a) convex (AIEEE 2010)
 1   1  (b) concave
(b) 1    h1  1    h2
(c) convex near the axis and concave near the periphery
 1   2 
(d) plannar
 1   1  30. In an optics experiments, with the position of the object
(c) 1    h1   1    h2
 1   2  fixed, a student varies the position of a convex lens and
for each position, the screen is adjusted to get a clear
 1   1  image of the object. A graph between the object distance
(d) 1    h 2  1    h1
 1   2  u and the image distance v, from the lens, is plotted using
25. When monochromatic red light is used instead of blue the same scale for the two axes. A straight line passing
light in a convex lens, its focal length will (AIEEE 2011) through the origin and making angle of 45° with the x–axis
(a) does not depend on colour of light meets the experimental curve at P. The coordinates of P
(b) increase (c) decrease will be (AIEEE 2009)

(d) remain same f f 

(a) (2f, 2f) (b)  , 
26. Let the x–z plane be the boundary between two transparent 2 2
media. Medium 1 in z > 0 has a refractive index of 2 and (c) (f, f) (d) (4f, 4f)
medium 2 with z < 0 has a refractive index of 3 . A ray of 31. A transparent solid cylinder rod has a refractive index of
light in medium 1 given by the vector 2
 . It is surrounded by air. A light ray is incident at the
A  6 3 ˆi  8 3 ˆj  10kˆ is incident on the plane of 3
separation. The angle of refraction in medium 2 is mid point of one end of the rod as shown in the figure
(a) 45° (b) 60° (AIEEE 2011)
(c) 75° (d) 30°
27. A car is fitted with a convex side­view mirror of focal length
20 cm. A second car 2.8 m behind the first car is overtaking The incident angle  for which the light ray grazes along
the first car is overtaking the first car at a relative speed of the wall of the rod is (AIEEE 2009)
15 m/s. The speed of the image of the second car as seen
in the mirror of the first one is (AIEEE 2011)  3
1  1  1
(a) sin   (b) sin  2 
1 2  
(a) m/s (b) 10 m/s
1 1  2  1  1 
(c) 15m/s (d) m/s (c) sin   (d) sin  
10  3  3

32. A student measures the focal length of a convex lens by 37. The angle of incidence at which reflected light is totally
putting an object pin at a distance u from the lens and polarized for reflection from air to glass (refractive index
measuring the distance v of the image pin. The graph n), is (AIEEE 2004)
–1 –1
between u and v plotted by the student should look like (a) sin (n) (b) sin (1/n)
(AIEEE 2008) –1
(c) tan (1/n)
(d) tan (n)
v (cm) v (cm) 38. A light ray is incident perpendicular to one face of a 90°
prism and is totally internally reflected at the glass­air
interface. If the angle of reflection is 45°, we conclude that
for the refractive index n as (AIEEE 2004)
(a) (b)

O u (cm) O u (cm)

v (cm) v (cm)


(c) (d) 45°

O u (cm) O u (cm)

33. Two lenses of power –15D and +5D are in contact with 1
(a) n  (b) n  2
each other. The focal length of the combination is 2

(a) –20 cm (b) –10 cm (AIEEE 2007) 1

(c) n  (d) n  2
(c) +20 cm (d) +10 cm 2
34. A fish looking up through the water sees the outside world, 39. If two mirrors are kept at 60° to each other, then the number
contained in a circular horizon. If the refractive index of of images formed by them is (AIEEE 2002)
water is 4/3 and the fish is 12 cm below the water surface, (a) 5 (b) 6
the radius of this circle in cm is (AIEEE 2005) (c) 7 (d) 8
(a) 36 7 (b) 36 / 7 40. Which of the following is used in optical fibres ?
(AIEEE 2002)
(c) 36 5 (d) 4 5 (a) Total internal reflection (b) Scattering
35. A thin glass (refractive index 1.5) lens has optical power of (c) Diffraction (d) Refraction
–5D in air. Its optical power in a liquid medium with 41. To get three images of a single object, one should have
refractive index 1.6 will be (AIEEE 2005) two plane mirrors at an angle of (AIEEE 2003)
(a) 1D (b) –1D (a) 60° (b) 90°

(c) 25D (d) –25D (c) 120° (d) 30°

36. A plano­convex lens of refractive index 1.5 and radius of

curvature 30 cm is silvered at the curved surface. Now,
this lens has been used to form the image of an object. At
what distance from this lens, an object be placed in order
to have a real image of the size of the object ?
(AIEEE 2004)
(a) 20 cm (b) 30 cm
(c) 60 cm (d) 80 cm


Motion of Object, Mirror and Images
1. If an object moves towards a plane mirror with a speed v at P
an angle  to the perpendicular to the plane of the mirror, 2m
find the relative velocity between the object and the image
Q 3m

(a) 1 m, 0.5 m, 0.25 m (b) 0.5 m, 1 m, 0.25 m

(c) 0.5 m, 0.25 m, 1m (d) 0.25 m, 1m, 0.5 m

5. A small piece of wire bent into an L shape with upright and

horizontal portions of equal lengths, is placed with the
horizontal portion along the axis of the concave mirror whose
radius of curvature is 10 cm. If the bend is 20 cm from the
(a) v (b) 2v pole of the mirror, then the ratio of the lengths of the images
(c) 2v cos  (d) 2v sin  of the upright and horizontal portions of the wire is
Mirror Formula (a) 1 : 2 (b) 3 : 1
2. A thin rod of length f/3 lies along the axis of a concave (c) 1 : 3 (d) 2 : 1
mirror of focal length f. One end of its magnified image
Image Location, Magnification
touches an end of the rod. The length of the image is
6. A short linear object of length  lies along the axis of a
(a) f (b) f concave mirror of focal length f at a distance u from the
2 pole of the mirror. The size of the image is approximately
1 equal to
(c) 2 f (d) f
1/ 2 2
Sign Convention  u f   u f 
(a)    (b)   
3. The graph shows variation of v with change in u for a  f   f 
mirror. Points plotted above the point P on the curve are 1/ 2 2
 f   f 
for values of v (c)    (d)   
 u f   u f 
v 7. The minimum distance between the object and its real
image for concave mirror is
P (a) f (b) 2f
(c) 4f (d) Zero
Motion of Object, Mirror and Image
8. A point object is moving on the principal axis of a concave
(a) Smaller than f
mirror of focal length 24 cm towards the mirror. When it is
(b) Smaller than 2f
at a distance of 60 cm from the mirror, its velocity is
(c) Larger than 2f 9 cm/sec. What is the velocity of the image at that instant
(d) Larger than f (a) 5 cm/sec towards the mirror
4. A cube of side 2 m is placed in front of a concave mirror focal (b) 4 cm/sec towards the mirror
length 1m with its face P at a distance of 3 m and face Q at
a distance of 5 m from the mirror. The distance between the (c) 4 cm/sec away from the mirror
images of face P and Q and height of images of P and Q are (d) 9 cm/sec away from the mirror

9. As the position of an object (u) reflected from a concave

mirror is varied, the position of the image (v) also varies.
By letting the u changes from 0 to + the graph between
v versus u will be

v v

u u
(a) (b)

(a) 1.5 (b) 0.5

v v
(c) 1.3 (d) none of these
Critical angle
u u 13. A ray of light travels from an optically denser to rarer
(c) (d) medium. The critical angle for the two media is C. The
maximum possible deviation of the ray will be

 
Refraction (a)   C  (b) 2C
2 
10. When a light wave goes from air into water, the quantity
(c)  – 2C (d)  – C
that remains unchanged is its
14. With respect to air critical angle in a medium for light of
(a) Speed (b) Amplitude
red colour [1] is . Other facts remaining same, critical
(c) Frequency (d) Wavelength angle for light of yellow colour [2] will be
11. Two transparent slabs have the same thickness as shown. (a)  (b) More than 
One is made of material A of refractive index 1.5. The other
is made of two materials B and C with thickness in the (c) Less than  (d) 
ratio 1 : 2. The refractive index of C is 1.6. If a 2

monochromatic parallel beam passing through the slabs 15. If critical angle for a material to air is 30°, the refractive
has the same number of waves inside both, the refractive index of the material will be
index of B is
(a) 1.0 (b) 1.5
t t/3 2t/3 (c) 2.0 (d) 2.5
16. An optical fibre consists of core of ­1 surrounded by a
cladding of 2 < 1. A beam of light enters from air at an
angle  with axis of fibre. The highest  for which ray can
be travelled through fibre is
(a) 1.1 (b) 1.2
(c) 1.3 (d) 1.4
Deviation of light due to refraction
12. A rod of glass ( = 1.5) and of square cross section is bent
into the shape shown in the figure. A parallel beam of light
falls on the plane flat surface A as shown in the figure. If d
(a) cos1  22  12 (b) sin 1 12   22
is the width of a side and R is the radius of circular arc then
for what maximum value of d/R light entering the glass slab
through surface A emerges from the glass through B (c) tan 1 12   22 (d) sec 12   22

Prism (a) 0.4 (b) 0.8

17. Angle of glass prism is 60° and refractive index of the material (c) 1.2 (d) 1.6
of the prism is 1.414, then what will be the angle of incidence,
Apparent depth of image
so that ray should pass symmetrically through prism
24. A concave mirror is placed at the bottom of an empty
(a) 38° 61’ (b) 35° 35’
tank with face upwards and axis vertical. When sunlight
(c) 45° (d) 53° 8’ falls normally on the mirror, it is focussed at distance of
18. Angle of a prism is 30° and its refractive index is 2 and  4
one of the surface is silvered. At what angle of incidence, 32 cm from the mirror. If the tank filled with water    
 3
a ray should be incident on one surface so that after
reflection from the silvered surface, it retraces its path upto a height of 20 cm, then the sunlight will now get
focussed at
(a) 30° (b) 60°
(a) 16 cm above water level (b) 9 cm above water level
(c) 45° (d) sin 1.5 (c) 24 cm below water level (d) 9 cm below water level
Deviation of light through prism 25. An under water swimmer is at a depth of 12 m below the
19. The refracting angle of prism is A and refractive index of surface of water. A bird is at a height of 18 m from the
material of prism is cot A/2. The angle of minimum deviation is surface of water, directly above his eyes. For the swimmer
(a) 180° – 3A (b) 180° + 2A the bird appears to be at a distance from the surface of
(c) 90° – A (d) 180° – 2A water equal to (Refractive Index of water is 4/3)
20. A prism having an apex angle 4o and refraction index 1.5 is (a) 24 m (b) 12 m
located in front of a vertical plane mirror as shown in (c) 18 m (d) 9 m
figure. Through what total angle is the ray deviated after
26. The apparent depth of water in cylindrical water tank of
reflection from the mirror
diameter 2R cm is reducing at the rate of x cm/minute when
water is being drained out at a constant rate. The amount
90° 4°
of water drained in c.c. per minute is (n1 = refractive index
of air, n2 = refractive index of water)
2 2
(a) x  R n1/n2 (b) x  R n2/n1
(a) 176o (b) 4o (c) 2  R n1/n2 (d) R x
(c) 178o (d) 2o 27. An observer can see through a pin­hole the top end of a
Plane surface refraction thin rod of height h, placed as shown in the figure. The
21. A ray of light falls on the surface of a spherical glass paper beaker height is 3h and its radius h. When the beaker is
weight making an angle  with the normal and is refracted filled with a liquid up to a height 2h, he can see the lower
in the medium at an angle . The angle of deviation of the end of the rod. Then the refractive index of the liquid is
emergent ray from the direction of the incident ray
(a) ( – ) (b) 2 ( – )
(c) ( – )/2 (d) ( – )
22. A rectangular block of glass is placed on a printed page
lying on a horizontal surface. Then the minimum value of
refractive index of glass for which the letters on the page 3h
are not visible from any of the vertical faces of the block is h

(a) Equal to 2 (b) More than 2 2h

(c) Less than 2 (d) > = < 2

5 5
23. One face of a rectangular glass plate 6 cm thick is silvered. (a) (b)  
2 2
An object held 8 cm in front of the first face, forms an
image 12 cm behind the silvered face. The refractive index 3 3
(c)   (d)
of the glass is 2 2

28. The image of point P when viewed from top of the slabs will be Lens
32. A double convex lens, lens made of a material of refractive
index 1, is placed inside two liquids or refractive indices
2 and 3, as shown. 2 > 1 > 3. A wide, parallel beam of
1.5 cm
light is incident on the lens from the left. The lens will give
rise to

1.5 cm 1.5 cm

2 cm

(a) 2.0 cm above P (b) 1.5 cm above P

(c) 2.0 cm below P (d) 1 cm above P (a) A single convergent beam
29. A fish rising vertically up towards the surface of water with (b) Two different convergent beams
speed 3 ms–1 observes a bird diving vertically down towards (c) Two different divergent beams
it with speed 9 ms–1. The actual velocity of bird is (d) A convergent and a divergent beam
Lens maker formula
33. Shown in the figure here is a convergent lens placed inside
a cell filled with a liquid. The lens has focal length +20 cm
when in air and its material has refractive index 1.50. If the
liquid has refractive index 1.60, the focal length of the system is

(a) 4.5 ms–1 (b) 5. ms–1

(c) 3.0 ms–1 (d) 3.4 ms–1
Motion of object and image
30. A glass hemisphere of radius 0.04 m and R.I. of the material
1.6 is placed centrally over a cross mark on a paper (i) with (a) + 80 cm (b) – 80 cm
the flat face ; (ii) with the curved face in contact with the
(c) – 24 cm (d) – 100 cm
paper. In each case the cross mark is viewed directly from
above. The position of the images will be 34. If the central portion of a convex lens is wrapped in black
paper as shown in the figure
(a) (i) 0.04 m from the flat face; (ii) 0.025 m from the flat face
(b) (i) At the same position of the cross mark ; (ii) 0.025 m
below the flat face
(c) (i) 0.025 m from the flat face; (ii) 0.04 m from the flat face
(d) For both (i) and (ii) 0.025 m from the highest point of
the hemisphere
(a) No image will be formed by the remaining portion of
31. An air bubble in sphere having 4 cm diameter appears 1 cm
the lens
from surface nearest to eye when looked along diameter. If
(b) The full image will be formed but it will be less bright
ag = 1.5, the distance of bubble from refracting surface is
(c) The central portion of the image will be missing
(a) 1.2 cm (b) 3.2 cm
(d) There will be two images each produced by one of the
(c) 2.8 cm (d) 1.6 cm exposed portions of the lens

35. The focal length of a converging lens is measured for Image Location, Magnification, Power
violet, green and red colours. It is respectively fv, fg, fr. We
41. A convex lens is used a real image of the object shown in
will find
the following figure
(a) fv = fr (b) fv > fr
(c) fv < fr (d) fg > fr
36. The relation between n1 and n2, if behaviour of light rays
is as shown in figure is 1 2
4 3

n1 n2 Then the real inverted image is

Lens 1 2 2 1
(a) 4 3 (b) 3 4
(a) n1 >> n2 (b) n2 > n1
(c) n1 > n2 (d) n1 = n2
37. A hollow double concave lens is made of very thin
transparent material. It can be filled with air or either of 4 3 3 4
two liquids L1 and L2 having refractive indices n1 and n2
(c) 1 2 (d) 2 1
respectively (n2 > n1 > 1). The lens will diverge a parallel
beam of light if it is filled with
(a) Air and placed in air (b) Air and immersed in L1 Thin lens at some distance
(c) L1 and immersed in L2 (d) L2 and immersed in L1 42. If two +5 diopter lenses are mounted at some distance
38. A concave lens of glass, refractive index 1.5, has both apart, the equivalent power will always be negative if the
surfaces of same radius of curvature R. On immersion in a distance is
medium of refractive index 1.75 it will behave as a (a) Greater then 40 cm (b) Equal to 40 cm
(a) Convergent lens of focal length 3.5 R (c) Equal to 10 cm (d) Less then 10 cm
(b) Convergent lens of focal length 3.0 R Combination of Mirror and Thin Lenses
(c) Divergent lens of focal length 3.5 R 43. A convex lens of focal length 30 cm and a concave lens of
(d) Divergent lens of focal length 3.0 R 10 cm focal length are placed so as to have the same axis.
Lens Formula If a parallel beam of light falling on convex lens leaves
39. Two point light sources are 24 cm apart. Where should a concave lens as a parallel beam, then the distance between
convex lens of focal length 9 cm be put in between them two lenses will be
from one source so that the images of both the sources are (a) 40 cm (b) 30 cm
formed at the same place (c) 20 cm (d) 10 cm
(a) 6 cm (b) 9 cm 44. A lens of power +2 diopters is placed in contact with a
(c) 12 cm (d) 15 cm lens of power –1 diopter. The combination will behave like
40. There is an equiconvex glass lens with radius of each face (a) A convergent lens of focal length 50 cm
as R and ag = 3/2 and aw = 4/3. If there is water in object
(b) A divergent lens of focal length 100 cm
space and air in image space, then the focal length is
(c) A convergent lens of focal length 100 cm
(a) 2R (b) R
(d) A convergent lens of focal length 200 cm
(c) 3 R/2 (d) R2

Multiple Answer Questions (more than one correct) 49. In case of reflection by a plane­mirror, which of the
following statements are not correct
45. A thin, symmetric double­convex lens of power P is cut
into three parts A, B and C as shown. The power of (a) It can never give real image
(b) It can never give inverted image
A (c) It changes left into right
(d) It changes front into back
50. A biconvex thin lens of refractive index 2 = 1.4 has a radii
of curvature R1 = 20 cm and R2 = 60 cm, 1 = 1.5 and
3 = 1.2. Focal length are f1 and f2 in both the media
(a) A is P (b) A is 2P
(c) B is P/2 (d) B is P/4
46. The object distance u, the image distance v and the
magnification m in a lens follow certain linear relations.
These are
R1 R2
1 1
(a) versus (b) m versus u
u v
(c) u versus v (d) m versus v
(a) the lens behaves as a concave lens
47. A parallel beam of light is incident normally on the flat (b) f1 = f2 (c) f1  f2
surface of a hemisphere of radius 6 cm and refractive index
(d) the lens behaves as a convex lens
1.5, placed in air as shown in figure (i). Assume paraxial
ray approximation. 51. If two mirrors are inclined to each other at 90°, the image
seen may be
(a) One (b) Two
(c) Three (d) Four

52. A ray of light is incident normally on one face of 30°– 60°– 90°
prism of refractive index 5/3 immersed in water of refractive
6 cm
index 4/3 as shown in figure
Figure (i) Figure (ii)
(a) The rays are focussed at 12 cm from the point P to the
right, in the situation as shown in figure (i).
(b) The rays are focussed at 16 cm from the point P to the 30°
right, in the situation as shown in figure (i).
(c) If the rays are incident at the curved surface (figure –1
(ii)) then these are focused at distance 18 cm from (a) The exit angle 2 of the ray is sin (5/8)
point P to the right.
 5 
(d) If the rays are incident at the curved surface (figure (b) The exit angle 2 of the ray is sin
–1  
(ii)) then these are focused at distance 14 cm from 4 3
point P to the right.
(c) Total internal reflection at point P ceases if the
48. A man of height 170 cm wants to see his complete image in
a plane mirror (while standing). His eyes are at a height of 5
160 cm from the ground. refractive index of water is increased to by
2 3
(a) Minimum length of the mirror = 80 cm dissolving some substance
(b) Minimum length of the mirror = 85 cm
(d) Total internal reflection at point P ceases if the
(c) Bottom of the mirror should be at a height 80 cm refractive index of water is increased to 5/6 by
(d) Bottom of the mirror should be at a height 85 cm dissolving some substance

53. An object is placed in front of a converging lens at a

distance equal to twice the focal length f1 of the lens. On
3 m/s
the other side of the lens is a concave mirror of focal length
f2 separated from the lens by a distance 2 (f1 + f2). Light 6m
from the object passes rightward through the lens, reflects
from the mirror, passes leftwards through the lens, and Air
forms a final image of the object 0.8m 2 m/s Water

(a) Height of B, observed by F (from itself) is equal to 5.30 m

(b) Depth of F, observed by B (from itself) is equal to 6.60 m
(c) Height of B, observed by F (from itself) is equal to 8.80 m
O (d) None of these
f2 57. The distance between an electric lamp and a screen is d = 1
m. A convergent lens of focal length f = 21 cm is placed
between the lamp and the lens such that a sharp image of
the lamp filament is formed on the screen.
(a) The distance between the lens and the final image is
equal to 2f1. (a) The positions of the lens from the lamp for which sharp
images are formed on the screen are 35 cm and 65 cm
(b) The distance between the lens and the final image is
equal to 2 (f1 + f2). (b) The positions of the lens from the lamp for which sharp
images are formed on the screen are 30 cm and 70 cm
(c) The final image is real, inverted and of same size as
that of the object. (c) Magnitude of the difference in magnification is 40/21

(d) The final image is real, erect and of same size as that of (d) The size of the lamp filament for which there are two
the object. sharp images of 4.5 cm and 2 cm, is 3 cm.

54. Which of the following can form diminished, virtual and 58. An image of a bright square is obtained on a screen with the
erect image of your face ? aid of a convergent lens. The distance between the square
and the lens is 40 cm. The area of the image is nine times
(a) Converging mirror (b) Diverging mirror larger than that of the square. Select the correct statement(s):
(c) Converging lens (d) Diverging lens (a) Image is formed at a distance of 120 cm from the lens
55. The radius of curvature of the left and right surface of the (b) Image is formed at a distance of 360 cm from the lens
concave lens are 10 cm and 15 cm respectively.
(c) Focal length of the lens is 30 cm
air (d) Focal length of the lens is 36 cm.
59. A glass prism is immersed in a hypothetical liquid. The
curves show in the refractive index n as a function of
wavelength  for glass and liquid are as shown in the
following figures. When a ray of white light is incident on
The radius of curvature of the mirror is 15 cm. the prism parallel to the base
(a) equivalent focal length of the combination is –18 cm
(b) equivalent focal length of the combination is +36 cm
(c) the system behaves like a concave mirror
(d) the system behaves like a convex mirror
56. A fish, F in the pond is at a depth of 0.8 m from the water
surface and is moving vertically upwards with velocity
2 m/s. At the same instant a bird B is at a height of 6 m from (a) yellow ray travels without deviation
the water surface and is moving downwards with velocity (b) blue ray is deviated towards the vertex
3 m/s. At this instant both are on the same vertical line as
shown in the figure. Which of the following statements (c) red ray is deviated towards the base
are correct ? (d) there is no dispersion

60. A light ray is going from one medium to another. Then, Assertion Reason
(a) its wavelength may increase or decrease (A) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is True; Statement–II
(b) its wavelength will decrease is a correct explanation for Statement–I.
(c) frequency and velocity both may change (B) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is True; Statement–2 is
NOT a correct explanation for Statement–I.
(d) frequency remains the same
(C) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is False.
61. Mark the correct statement(s) out of the following :
(D) Statement–I is False, Statement–II is True.
(a) A plane mirror can from a real image
65. Statement–1 : Maximum possible angle of refraction in a
(b) Plane mirror can form an inverted image medium is critical angle.
(c) A plane mirror may reverse left and right Statement–2 : The critical angle c (or ) depends upon
(d) A plane mirror may reverse up and down pair of medium, colour of light (or ) and temperature.
62. A real object is moving toward a fixed spherical mirror. The (a) A (b) B
image (c) C (d) D
(a) must move away from the mirror 66. Statement–1 : When a concave mirror is held under water,
its focal length will increase.
(b) may move away from the mirror
Statement–2 : The focal length of a concave mirror is
(c) may move toward the mirror if the mirror is concave
independent of the medium in which it is placed.
(c) must move toward the mirror if the mirror is convex
(a) A (b) B
63. Which of the following statements are correct ?
(c) C (d) D
(a) A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror and gets 67. Statement–1 : If both plane mirror and object are moved
reflected. If the mirror is rotated through an angle , then the through a distance x, then the image moves through a
reflected ray gets deviated through angle 2 distance 3x.
(b) A ray of light gets reflected successively from two mirrors Statement–2 : When the object is fixed and plane mirror is
which are mutually inclined. Angular deviation suffered by moved through a distance x. Then the image is also move
the ray does not depend upon angle of incidence on first through the distance x.
(a) A (b) B
(c) A plane mirror cannot form real image of a real object (c) C (d) D
(d) If an object approaches towards a plane mirror with 68. Statement–1 : A virtual image can be photographed.
velcocity v, then the image approaches the object with
Statement–2 : Only real objects are photographed.
velocity 2v
(a) A (b) B
64. Figure shows variation of magnification m (produced by a
thin convex lens) and distance v of image from pole of the (c) C (d) D
lens. Which of the following statements are correct ? 69. Statement–1 : All large telescopes use parabolic mirrors
rather than spherical mirrors.
Statement–2 : A parabolic mirror brings parallel rays (rays
parallel to its axis) to an exact focus at an point.
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D
70. Statement-1 : Although the surface of goggle lenses are
curved, it does not have any power.
(a) Focal length of the lens is equal to intercept on v–axis
Statement-2 : In case of goggle, both the curved surface
(b) Focal length of the lens is equal to inverse of slope of have equal radii of curvature and have centre of curvature
the line on the same side.
(c) Magnitude of intercept on m–axis is equal to unity (a) A (b) B
(d) None of above. (c) C (d) D

71. Statement-1 : There exist two angles of incidence for the Comprehension type questions
same magnitude of deviation (except minimum deviation)
by a prism kept in air. PASSAGE - 1

Statement-2 : In a prism kept in air, a ray is incident on the Using the following Passage, solve Q. 78 to Q. 80
first surface and emerges out of second surface. Now, if In the normal human eye, light from an object is refracted
another ray is incident on the second surface (of prism) by the cornea­lens system at the front of the eye and produces a
along the previous emergent ray. This principle is called real image on the retina at the rear of the eye. For a given eye, its
principle of reversibility of light. lens­to­retina distance is fixed at about 2.5 cm. Most of the
(a) A (b) B focusing of an image is done by the cornea, which has a fixed
(c) C (d) D curvature that is convex with respect to incoming light. The
72. Statement-1 : Keeping a point object fixed, if a plane mirror importance of the lens is that its radius of curvature can be changed,
is moved, the image will also move. allowing the lens to fine­tune the focus.
Statement-2 : In case of a plane mirror, distance of object The lens is surrounded by the ciliary muscle. Contraction
and its image is equal from any point on the mirror. of the muscle decreases tension on the lens. This allows the
(a) A (b) B natural elasticity of the lens to produce an increase in the radius
(c) C (d) D of curvature. When the muscle relaxes, the lens flattens out,
73. Statement-1 : For observing traffic at out back, we prefer to decreasing its radius of curvature. Unfortunately, the lens loses
use a convex mirror. elasticity with age and the ability to alter curvature decreases.
Statement-2 : A convex mirror has a large field of view than The range over which clear vision is possible is bounded
a plane mirror or concave mirror. by the far point and the near point. In normal vision the far point is
(a) A (b) B infinity and the near point depends on the radius of curvature of the
(c) C (d) D lens. For normal eyes the average near point for reading is 25 cm.
74. Statement-1 : A fish inside a pond will sea a person standing AGE, years NEAR POINT, cm
outside taller than he actually is. 10 7
Statement-2 : Light bends away from the normal as it enters
20 10
water from air.
(a) A (b) B 30 14
(c) C (d) D 40 22
75. Statement-1 : The critical angle in case of total internal 50 40
reflection depends on the pair of medium chosen. 60 200
Statement-2 : The critical angle in case of total internal
In the myopic (nearsighted) eye, the lens­to­retina length,
reflection is independent of pair of medium chosen.
is too long and/or the radius of curvature of the cornea is too
(a) A (b) B
great. This causes rays from an object at infinity to focus at a
(c) C (d) D point in front of the retina. The far point is closer than normal. A
76. Statement-1 : The images formed by total internal reflections corrective, lens will put a virtual image of a distant object at the
are much brighter than those formed by mirrors of lenses. position of the actual far point of the eye. In the hyperopic
Statement-2 : There is no loss of intensity in total internal (farsighted) eye, the lens­to­retina length is too short and/or the
reflection. radius of the curvature of the cornea is not great enough. This
(a) A (b) B causes rays from an object at infinity to focus at a point behind
(c) C (d) D the retina. The near point is farther away than normal. A corrective
77. Statement-1 : A convex lens of focal length f ( = 1.5) lens will put a virtual image of the close object at the position of
behaves as a diverging lens when immersed in carbon di­ the actual near point.
sulphied of higher refractive index ( = 1.65). The relation among the object (o) and image (i) distances
Statement-2 : The focal length of a lens does not depend on from the eye and the focal length (f) of the lens is given by the
the color of light used.
1 1 1
(a) A (b) B lens­distance rule :   .
o i f
(c) C (d) D

When using this equation, all distances are given in

f = 15 cm O1
The power of corrective lenses is usually given in units
called diopters. Power, in diopters, is the reciprocal of the focal
20 cm
length in meters : Pdiopter  . O2
f meter 100 cm
By convention :
Activity I : Now half position of lens below principal axis is
I. Converging lenses have positive focal lengths, and
painted black.
diverging lenses have negative focal lengths.
Activity II : After this, lens is cut along its horizontal diameter
II. Real images have positive distances from the lens, and
and upper part of it is raised up slightly in vertical direction.
virtual images have negative distances from the lens.
81. In initial setup before the activities which of the following
78. The lens system of the myopic eye is best described as statement is correct.
(a) producing too much convergence (a) Observer O1 will see a real image at 60 cm from the lens
(b) producing too little convergence but observer O2 will not be able to see it.

(c) producing too much divergence (b) Observer O2 will see a real image at 60 cm from the lens
but observer O1 will not be able to see it.
(d) producing too little divergence
(c) Both the observers will see a real image at 60 cm from
79. An optometrist examined John’s eyes. The farthest object
lens irrespective the positions of O1 and O2.
he can clearly focus on with his right eye is 50 cm away.
What is the power of the contact lens required to correct (d) Both the observers may or may not be able to see the
the vision in his right eye ? image at 60 cm from lens depending on the positions
of O1 and O2.
(a) – 0.50 diopters (b) – 2.0 diopters
82. After activity – I, which of the following observer will not
(c) + 2.0 diopters (d) + 5.0 diopters
be able to see the image of object, if before this activity
80. In a mildly hyperopic eye, the focal length of the eye’s
both were seeing the image.
natural lens can be corrected by
(a) O1 (b) O2
(a) contracting the ciliary muscle and increasing the radius
(c) both O1 & O2 (d) neither O1 nor O2
of curvature
83. After activity – I, for which observer the intensity of image
(b) contracting the ciliary muscle and decreasing the radius
will be reduced to half.
of curvature
(a) for O1 (b) for O2
(c) relaxing the ciliary muscle and increasing the radius of
curvature (c) both for O1 & O2 (d) neither for O1 nor for O2

(d) relaxing the ciliary muscle and decreasing the radius of PASSAGE - 3
curvature Using the following Passage, solve Q. 84 & 85
A thin equiconvex lens of reflective index 3/2 is placed on a
horizontal plane mirror as shown in figure. The space
Using the following Passage, solve Q. 81 to Q. 83 between the lens and mirror is filled with a liquid of refractive
index 4/3. It is found that when a point object is placed 15
Figure shows a convex lens of focal length 15 cm. A point
cm above the lens on its principal axis, the object coincides
object is placed on the principle axis of lens at a distance 20 cm
with its onw image.
from it as shown. On the other side of lens two observer eyes O1
and O2 are situated at a distance 100 cm from the lens at some
distance above and below the principal axis.

84. The radius of curvature of the convex surface is 90. Consider the lens involved to be plano­convex lens (instead
(a) 10 cm (b) 15 cm of equiconvex lens) of refractive index n and radius R in the
given arrangement and then find its focal length.
(c) 20 cm (d) 25 cm
85. If another liquid is filled instead of water, the object and the R 2R
image coincide at a distance 25 cm from the lens. Calculate (a)  2n  1 (b)  2n  1
the refractive index of the liquid.
(a) 1.6 (b) 2.6 R 2R
(c) n  1  (d) 2  2n  1
(c) 2.8 (d) 3.2

PASSAGE - 4 91. What will be the focal length if its plane surface is mirrored?
Using the following Passage, solve Q. 86 to 88 R R
A point object O is placed at a distance of 0.3 m from a (a) 2 n 1 (b)

convex lens (focal length 0.2 m) cut into two halves each of
which is displaced by 0.0005 m as shown in the figure. 2R
(c) (d) 2R

92. What will be the focal length if its curved surface is mirrored?

R 2R
(a) (b)
 

(c) 2R (d)
86. What will be the location of the image ?
Match the Column
(a) 30 cm, right of lens (b) 60 cm, right of lens
93. An executed object is moving in front of concave mirror
(c) 70 cm, left of lens (d) 40 cm, left of lens as shown in figure. On L.H.S. various velocity of object
87. If this arrangement will generate more than one image, then and position is given. On R.H.S. some properties of image
what will be the total number of images ? and its velocity is given.
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 5
88. Find the spacing between the images so formed.
(a) 0.1 cm (b) 0.5 cm
(c) 0.3 cm (d) 1 cm
Column – I (Object) Column – II (Image)
(A) +ve velocity and object is (P) +ve velocity
Using the following Passage, solve Q. 89 to 92
between focus and
Consider an equiconvex lens with one of its surface mirrored.
centre of curvature.
89. Determine the focal length in terms of refractive index n and
(B) –ve velocity and object is (Q) –ve velocity
radius of curvature R.
between focus and pole
R 2R (C) –ve velocity and object is (R) size of image is
(a)  2n  1 (b)  2n  1
beyond centre of curvature increasing
(D) –ve velocity and object is (S) size of image is
R 2R
(c) 2  2n  1 (d) 2  2n  1 virtual decreasing

94. Four particles are moving with different velocities in front Column I Column II
of stationary plane mirror (lying in y­z plane). At t = 0,
(a) If the refractive index of (p) Final image is real
 
velocity of A is v A  î , velocity of B is v B  î  3 ĵ ,
the lens is doubled (that
 
velocity of C is v C  5 î  6 ĵ , velocity of D is v D  3 î  ĵ . is made 2), then
 (b) If the radius of curvature (q) final image is virtual
Acceleration of particle A is a A  2 î  ĵ and acceleration
 is doubled (that is, made
of particle C is a C  2 t ĵ . The particle B and D move with
uniform velocity (Assume no collision to take place till
t = 2 seconds). All quantities are in S.I. units. Relative (c) If a glass slab of refractive (r) final image becomes
velocity of image of object A with respect to object A is
 index  = 1.5 is introduced smaller in size in compari­
denoted by VA, A . Velocity of images relative to
between the object and lens sion to size of image before
corresponding objects are given to Column – I and their
as shown, then the change was made
values are given in Column – II at t = 2 second. Match
Column – I with corresponding values in Column – II.

y B O


(d) If the left side of lens is (s) final image is of same size
filled witha medium of as the object
refractive index  = 1.5
Column – I Column – II as shown, then

(A) VA, A (P) 2 î R R

(B) VB, B (Q)  6 î Air

(C) VC, C (R)  12 î  4 ĵ

(D) VD, D (S)  10 î 96. An object O is kept perpendicular to the principal axis of a
spherical mirror. Each situation (a, b, c and d) gives object
95. An object O (real) is placed at focus of an equi­biconvex
lens as shown. The refractive index of thelens is = 1.5 and coordinate u in centimeter with sign, the type of mirror, and
the radius of curvature of either surface of lens is R. The then the distance (centimeters with sign) between the focal
lens is surrounded by air. In each statement of column I, point and the pole of the mirror. On the right side information,
some changes are made to situation given above and regarding the image is given.
information regarding final image formed as a result is given
Correctly, match the situation on the left side with the images
in Column II. The distance between lens and object is
unchanged in statements of column I. Match the Statements described on the right side.
in column I with resulting image in column II. Situation u Mirror Images
(a) –18 Concave, 12 (p) Real, erect, enlarged
(b) –12 Concave, 18 (q) Virtual, erect, diminished
(c) –8 Convex, 10 (r) Real, inverted, enlarged
(d) –10 Convex, 8 (s) Virtual, erect, enlarged

97. A white light ray is incident on a glass prism, and it create 102. The magnification of an object placed in front of a convex
four refracted rays, A, B, C and D. Match the refracted rays lens is +2. The focal length of the lens is 2.0 m. Find the
with the colors given (1 and D are rays due to total internal distance by which the object has to be moved to obtain a
reflection) : magnification of –2 (in metres).
103. Refraction takes palce at a concave spherical boundary
separating glass and air medium. The refractive index of
the glass is 3/2. The radius of curvature of the refracting
surface is R. For the image to be real the object distance
should be greater than IR, wher I is an integer. Find the
minimum value of I.
104. A shown in the figure, light is incident normally on one
Column-I (Ray) Columm-II (Colour) face of a prism. A liquid of refractive idex  is placed on the
(a) A (p) red horizontal face AC. The refractive index of the prism is 3/2.
If total internal reflection taking place on the face AC, 
(b) B (q) green
(c) C (r) yellow I 3
should be less than , where I is an integer. Find the
(d) D (s) blue 4
value of I.
Subjective Questions
98. A converging beam of light forms a sharp image on a
screen. A lens is placed 10 cm from the screen in the path
of the beam. It was found that the screen has to be moved
8 cm further away to obtain the sharp image. Find the focal
length of the lens in mm.
99. A concave mirror gives a real image magnified 4 times.
When the object is moved 3 cm the magnification of the
105. A large glass slab ( = 5/3) of thickness 8 cm is placed over
real image is 3 times. Find the focal length of mirror.
a point source of light on a plane surface. It is seen that
100. In a lake 2m deep, a measuring post of height 3m is fixed light emerges out of the top surface of the slab from a
vertically. For an angle of incidence of 45° of Sun’s circular area of radius R cm. What is the value of R ?
radiations, find the length of the shadow of the post at the
bottom surface ? [ w = 4/3] [in metre) 106. Surfaces of a thin equiconvex glass less ( = 1.5) have
radius of curvature R. Paraxial rays are incident on it. If the
101. As isotropic glass slab of refractive index 1.5 is 30 cm final image is formed at a distance R/13 from the pole of
thick. The rear surface of the slab is polished. A point
the lens after n internal reflections, then the value of n is
source. S is placed at a distance of 20 cm from the front
surface. Calculate the distance between the source and
the image formed by reflection and refractions.


1. When a ray of light enters a glass slab from air 5. A short linear object of length b lies along the axis of a
concave mirror of focal length of at a distance u from the
(a) its wavelength decreases (IIT–JEE 1980)
pole of the mirror. The size of the image is approximately
(b) its wavelength increases equal to (IITJEE 1988)
(c) its frequency increases
1/ 2 1/ 2
(d) neither its wavelength nor its frequency changes  u f   f 
(a) b   (b) b  
2. A glass prism of refractive index 1.5 is immersed in water  f   u f 
(refractive index 4/3). A light beam incident normally on
the face AB is totally reflected to reach the face BC if  f 
 u f 
(IITJEE 1981) (c) b   (d) b  
 f   u f 
6. A beam of light consisting of red, green and blue colours
is incident on a right­angled prism. The refractive indices
of the material of the prism for the above red, green and
blue wavelengths are 1.39, 1.44 and 1.47 respectively. The
prism will (IITJEE 1989)

(a) sin  > 8/9 (b) 2/3 < sin  < 8/9
(c) sin  < 2/3 (d) none of these 45°

3. A convex lens of focal length 40 cm is in contact with a

concave lens of focal length 25 cm. The power of the (a) separate the red colour from the green and blue colours
combination is (IITJEE 1982) (b) separate the blue colour from the red and green colours
(a) –1.5 D (b) –6.5 D (c) separate all the three colours from one another
(c) + 6.5 D (d) + 6.67 D (d) not separate even partially any colour from the other
4. A ray of light from a denser medium strikes a rarer medium two colours
at an angle of incidence i (see figure). The reflected and 7. An astronomical telescope has an angular magnification
refracted rays make an angle of 90° with each other. The of magnitude 5 for far objects. The separation between
angles of reflection and refraction are r and r’. The critical
the objective and the eyepiece is 36 cm and the final image
angle is (IITJEE 1983)
is formed at infinity. The focal length fo of the objective
and the focal length fe of the eyepiece are (IITJEE 1989)
(a) fo = 45 cm & fe = – 9 cm (b) fo = 50 cm & fe = 10 cm
i r
(c) fo = 7.2 cm & fe = 5 cm (d) fo = 30 cm & fe = 6 cm
8. A thin prism P1 with angle 4° and made from glass of
r' refractive index 1.54 is combined with another thin prism
P2 made from glass of refractive index 1.72 to produce
dispersion without deviation. The angle of the prism P2 is
–1 –1 (a) 5.33° (b) 4° (IITJEE 1990)
(a) sin (tan r) (b) sin (cot i)
–1 –1 (c) 3° (d) 2.6°
(c) sin (tan r’) (d) tan (sin i)

9. Two thin convex lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 are 11. The focal lengths of the objective and the eyepiece of a
separated by a horizontal distance d (where d < f1, d < f2) compound microscope are 2.0 cm and 3.0 cm respectively.
and their centres are displaced by a vertical separation  The distance between the objective and the eyepiece is 15.0
as shown in the figure. (IITJEE 1993) cm. The final image formed by the eyepiece is at infinity.
The two lenses are thin. The distance in cm of the object
y and the image produced by the objective, measured from
the objective lens, are respectively (IITJEE 1995)
(a) 2.4 and 12.0 (b) 2.4 and 15.0
x (c) 2.0 and 12.0 (d) 2.0 and 3.0
12. A diminished image of an object is to be obtained on a
screen 1.0 m from it. This can be achieved by placing
(a) a plane mirror (IITJEE 1995)
(b) a convex mirror of suitable focal length
Taking the origin of coordinates, O, at the centre of the (c) a convex lens of focal length less than 0.25 m
first lens, the x and y­coordinates of the focal point of this
(d) a concave lens of suitable focal length
lens system, for a parallel beam of rays coming from the
left, are given by 13. An eye specialist prescribes spectacles having
combination of convex lens of focal length 40 cm in contact
f1f 2 with a concave lens of focal length 25 cm. The power of
(a) x  ,y
f1  f 2 this lens combination in diopters is (IITJEE 1997)
(a) + 1.5 (b) – 1.5
f1 f 2  d   (c) + 6.67 (d) – 6.67
(b) x  ,y
f1  f 2  d f1  f 2
14. A real image of a distant object is formed by a planoconvex
lens on its principal axis. Spherical aberration
f1f 2  df1  d  f1  d  (a) is absent (IITJEE 1998)
(c) x  ,y
f1  f 2  d f1  f 2  d
(b) is smaller if the curved surface of the lens faces the object
(c) is smaller if the plane surface of the lens faces the object
f1f 2  df1  d 
(d) x  f1  f 2  d
,y0 (d) is the same whichever side of the lens faces the object
15. A concave mirror is placed on a horizontal table with its
10. An isosceles prism of angle 120° has a refractive index axis directed vertically upwards. Let O be the pole of the
1.44. Two parallel rays of monochromatic light enter the mirror and C its centre of curvature. A point object is placed
prism parallel to each other in air as shown. The rays at C. It has a real image, also located at C. If the mirror is
emerging from the opposite face (IITJEE 1995) now filled with water, the image will be (IITJEE 1998)
(a) real and will remain at C
(b) real and located at a point between C and 
(c) virtual and located at a point between C and O
120° (d) real and located at a point between C and O
16. A spherical surface of radius of curvature R, separates air
(refractive index 1.0) from glass (refractive index 1.5). The
centre of curvature is in the glass. A point object P placed
in air is found to have a real image Q in the glass. The line
(a) are parallel to each other
PQ cuts the surface at a point O and PO = OQ. The distance
(b) are diverging PO is equal to (IITJEE 1998)
(c) make an angle 2 [sin (0.72) – 30°] with each other (a) 5 R (b) 3 R
(d) make an angle 2 sin (0.72) with each other (c) 2 R (d) 1.5 R

17. A concave lens of glass, refractive index 1.5 has both surfaces
of same radius of curvature R. On immersion in a medium of
refractive index 1.75, it will behave as a (IITJEE 1999) d S
(a) convergent lens of focal length 3.5 R
(b) convergent lens of focal length 3.0 R
(c) divergent lens of focal length 3.5 R 2L
(d) divergent lens of focal length 3.0 R
18. In a compound microscope, the intermediate image is (a) d/2 (b) d
(a) virtual, erect and magnified (IITJEE 2000) (c) 2d (d) 3d
(b) real, erect and magnified 22. A rectangular glass slab ABCD of refractive index n1 is
(c) real, inverted and magnified immersed in water of refractive index n2 (n1 > n2). A ray of
light is incident at the surface AB of the slab as shown.
(d) virtual, erect and reduced
The maximum value of the angle of incidence max, such
19. A hollow double concave lens is made of very thin that the ray comes out only from the other surface CD, is
transparent material. It can be filled with air or either of given by (IITJEE 2000)
two liquids L1 or L2 having refracting indices n1 and n2
respectively (n2 > n1 > 1). The lens will diverge a parallel
beam of light if it is filled with (IITJEE 2000) n1 n2
(a) air and placed in air (b) air and immersed in L1
(c) L1 and immersed in L2 (d) L2 and immersed in L1
20. A diverging beam of light from a point source S having 
1 n 1  1 n 2 
divergence angle  falls symmetrically on a glass slab as (a) sin  n cos  sin n 
 2  1 
shown. The angles of incidence of the two extreme rays
are equal. If the thickness of the glass slab is t and its
  1 n 2 
refractive index is n, then the divergence angle of the 1
(b) sin n 1 cos  sin 
emergent beam is (IITJEE 2000)   n 1 

1  n  1  n 
(c) sin  1  (d) sin  2 
 n2   n1 
i i 23. A ray of light passes through four transparent media with
refractive indices 1, 2, 3 and 4 as shown in the figure.
The surfaces of all media are parallel. If the emergent ray
n t CD is parallel to the incident ray AB, we must have

(a) zero (b) 

–1 –1 D
(c) sin (1/n) (d) 2 sin (1/n)
21. A point source of light S, placed at a distance L in front of C
the centre of a plane mirror of width d, hangs vertically on A
a wall. A man walks in front of the mirror along a line parallel
to the mirror at a distance 2L from it as shown. The greatest
distance over which he can see the image of the light (a) 1 = 2 (b) 2 = 3 (IITJEE 2001)
source in the mirror is (IITJEE 2000)
(c) 3 = 4 (d) 4 = 1

24. A given ray of light suffers minimum deviation in an 27. Two plane mirrors A and B are aligned parallel to each
equilateral prism P. Additional prisms Q and R of identical other, as shown in the figure. A light ray is incident at an
shape and of the same material as P are now added as angle 30° at a point just inside one end of A. The plane of
shown in the figure. The ray will suffer (IITJEE 2001) incidence coincides with the plane of the figure. The
maximum number of times the ray undergoes reflections
(including the first one) before it emerges out is
2 3m

0.2 m 30°

(a) greater deviation

(b) no deviation
(a) 28 (b) 30 (IITJEE 2002)
(c) same deviation as before
(c) 32 (d) 34
(d) total internal reflection
28. The size of the image of an object, which is at infinity, as
25. An observer can see through a pin­hole the top end of a
formed by a convex lens of focal length 30 cm is 2 cm. If a
thin rod of height h, placed as shown in the figure. The
concave lens of focal length 20 cm is placed between the
beaker height is 3h and its radius h. When the beaker is
convex lens and the image at a distance of 26 cm from the
filled with a liquid up to a height 2h, he can see the lower convex lens, calculate the new size of the image.
end of the rod. Then the refractive index of the liquid is
(a) 1.25 cm (b) 2.5 cm (IITJEE 2003)
(c) 1.05 cm (d) 2 cm
29. A ray of light is incident at the glass­water interface at an
angle i, it emerges finally parallel to the surface of water,
then the value of g would be (IITJEE 2003)


2h r

5 5 Glass
(a) (b) (IITJEE 2002) i
2 2

3 3 (a) (4/3) sin i (b) 1/sin i

(c) (d)
2 2 (c) 4/3 (d) 1
26. Which one of the following spherical lenses does not 30. White light is incident on the interface of glass and air as
exhibit dispersion ? The radii of curvature of the surfaces shown in the figure. If green light is just totally internally
of the lenses are as given in the diagrams (IITJEE 2002) reflected then the emerging ray in air contains. (2004)

(a) R1 R2 (b) R Air Green


(c) R R (d) R
(a) yellow, orange, red (b) violet, indigo, blue
(c) all colours (d) all colours except green

31. A ray of light is incident on an equilateral glass prism

placed on a horizontal table. For minimum deviation which
of the following is true ? (IITJEE 2004)

Q R 20 cm

S (a) 60 cm to the left of the system

(b) 60 cm to the right of the system
(c) 12 cm to the left of the system
(a) PQ is horizontal (b) QR is horizontal (d) 12 cm to the right of the system
(c) RS is horizontal (d) Either PQ or RS is horizontal 36. The graph between object distance u and image distance
32. A point object is placed at the centre of a glass sphere of v for a lens is given below. The focal length of the lens is
radius 6 cm and refractive index 1.5. The distance of the (IITJEE 2006)
virtual image from the surface of the sphere is
(IITJEE 2004)
(a) 2 cm (b) 4 cm
(c) 6 cm (d) 12 cm +11
33. A container is filled with water ( = 1.33) upto a height of
33.25 cm. A concave mirror is placed 15 cm above the water +10
level and the image of an object placed at the bottom is 45°
+9 u
formed 25 cm below the water level. The focal length of –9 –10 –11
the mirror is (IITJEE 2005)
(a) 5  0.1 (b) 5  0.05
(c) 0.5  0.1 (d) 0.5  0.05

37. A biconvex lens of focal length f forms a circular image

of radius r of sun in focal plane. Then which option is
correct ? (IITJEE 2006)
25 cm

(a) r  f
I 2 2
(b) r  f
O (c) If lower half part is convered by black sheet, then area of
the image is equal to r /2
(a) 10 cm (b) 15 cm
(d) If f is doubled, intensity will increase
(c) 20 cm (d) 25 cm
34. A convex lens is in contact with concave lens. The 38. A ray of light travelling in water is incident on its surface
magnitude of the ratio of their focal length is 3/2. Their open to air. The angle of incidence is , which is less than
equivalent focal length is 30 cm. What are their individual the critical angle. Then there will be (IITJEE 2007)
focal lengths ? (IITJEE 2005) (a) only a reflected ray and no refracted ray
(a) –75, 50 (b) –10, 15 (b) only a refracted ray and no reflected ray
(c) 75, 50 (d) –15, 10 (c) a reflected ray and a refracted ray and the angle between
35. A point object is placed at a distance of 20 cm from a thin them would be less than 180° – 2
planoconvex lens of focal length 15 cm. The plane surface
(d) a reflected ray and a refracted ray and the angle
of the lens is now silvered. The image created by the
between them would be greater than 180° – 2
system is at (IITJEE 2006)

39. In an experiment to determine the focal length (f) of a (c) virtual and at a distance of 20 cm from the mirror
concave mirror by the u­v method, a student places the (d) real and at a distance of 20 cm from the mirror
object pin A on the principal axis at a distance x from the
pole P. The student looks at the pin and its inverted image 44. A light travelling in glass medium is incident on glass­air
from a distance keeping his/her eye in line with PA. When interface at an angle of incidence . The reflected (R) and
the student shifts his/her eye towards left, the image appears transmitted (T) intensities, both as function of , are
to the right of the object pin. Then (IITJEE 2007) plotted. The correct sketch is (IIT JEE 2011)
(a) x < f (b) f < x < 2f
(c) x = 2f (d) x > 2f
40. Two beams of red and violet colours are made to pass
(a) (b)
separately through a prism (angle of the prism is 60°). In
the position of minimum deviation, the angle of refraction
will be (IITJEE 2008)
(a) 30° for both the colours
(b) greater for the violet colour
(c) greater for the red colour (c) (d)
(d) equal but not 30° for both the colours
41. A light beam is travelling from Region I to Region IV (Refer 45. The image of an object, formed by a plano­convex lens at a
figure). The refractive index in Regions I, II, III and IV are distance of 8 m behind the lens, is real and is one­third the
n0 n0 n size of the object. The wavelength of light inside the lens is
n0, , and 0 , respectively. The angle of incidence 2/3 times the wavelength in free space. The radius of the
2 6 8
curved surface of the lens is : (IIT JEE 2013)
 for which the beam just misses entering Region IV is
(IITJEE 2008) (a) 1 m (b) 2 m
(c) 3 m (d) 6 m
Region I Region II Region III Region IV
1 ˆ
46. A ray of light travelling in the direction
 
i  3 ˆj is
n0 n0 n0
2 6 8 incident on a plane mirror. After reflection, it travels along
1 ˆ
the direction
 
i  3 ˆj . The angle of incidence is : (2013)
0 0.2 m 0.6 m
(a) 30° (b) 45°
1  3  1  1  (c) 60° (d) 75°
(a) sin   (b) sin  
4 8 47. A right angled prism of refractive index 1 is placed in a
rectangular block of refractive index 2, which is surrounded
1  1  1  1 
(c) sin   (d) sin   by a medium of refractive index 3, as shown in the figure, A
4 3
ray of light ‘e’ enters the rectangular block at normal
42. A ball is dropped from a height of 20 m above the surface incidence. Depending upon the relationships between 1,
of water in a lake. The refractive index of water is 4/3. A 2 and 3, it takes one of the four possible paths ‘ef’, ‘eg’,
fish inside the lake, the he line of fall of the ball, is looking ‘eh’, or ‘ei’.
at the balls. At an instant, when the ball is 12.8 m above the
water surface, the fish sees the speed of ball as (2009)
–1 –1
(a) 9 ms (b) 12 ms
–1 –1
(c) 16 ms (d) 21.33 ms
43. A biconvex lens of focal length 15 cm is in front of a plane
mirror. The distance between the lens and the mirror is 10
cm. A small object is kept at a distance of 30 cm from the
lens. The final image is (IITJEE 2010)
Match the paths in List I with conditions of refractive indices
(a) virtual and at a distance of 16 cm from the mirror in List II and select the correct answer using the codes
(b) real and at a distance of 16 cm from the mirror given below the lists. (IITJEE 2013)

List I List II

(P) e  f 1. 1  2  2
(Q) e  g 2. 1 > 1 and 2 > 3
(R) e  h 3. 1 = 2

(S) e  i 4. 2 < 1 < 2 2 and 2 > 3

(a) 15° (b) 22.5°
(c) 30° (d) 45°
51. A small object is placed 50 cm to the left of a thin convex
(a) 2 3 1 4 lens of focal length 30 cm. A convex spherical mirror of
(b) 1 2 4 3 radius of curvature 100 cm is placed to the right of the
(c) 4 1 2 3 lens at a distance of 50 cm. The mirror is tilted such that
the axis of the mirror is at an angle  = 30° to the axis of the
(d) 2 3 4 1
lens, as shown in the figure.
48. A point source S is placed at the bottom of a transparent
block of height 10 mm and refractive index 2.72. It is
immersed in a lower refractive index liquid as shown in the
figure. It is found that the light emerging from the block to
the liquid forms a circular bright spot of diameter 11.54 mm
on the top of the block. The refractive index of the liquid is
(IITJEE 2014)

If the origin of the coordinate system is taken to be at the

centre of the lens, the coordinates (in cm) of the point (x,
y) at which the images is formed are (IITJEE 2016)
(a) 1.21 (b) 1.30 (a) (125/3, 25/ 3 ) (b) (25, 25)
(c) 1.36 (d) 1.42
(c) (50 – 25, 25) (d) (0, 0)
49. Two identical glass rods S1 and S2 (refractive index = 1.5)
have one convex end of radius of curvature 10 cm. They 52. For an isosceles prism of angles A and refractive index ,
are placed with the curved surface at a distance d as shown it is found that the angle of minimum deviation m  A.
in the figure, with their axes (shown by the dashed line) Which of the following options is/are correct? (2017)
aligned. When a point source of light P is placed inside
rod S1 on its axis at a distance of 50 cm from the curved (a) For the angle of incidence i1 = A, the ray inside the
face, the light rays emanating from it are found to be prism is parallel to the base of the prism.
parallel to the axis inside S2. The distance d is (2015) (b) At minimum deviation, the incident angle i1 and the
refracting angle r1 at the first refracting surface are related

 ii 
by r1   

(c) For this prism, the emergent ray at the second surface
(a) 60 cm (b) 70 cm will be tangential to the surface when the angle of
(c) 80 cm (d) 90 cm incidence at the first surface is
50. A parallel beam of light is incident from air at an angle   A 
on the side PQ of a right angled triangular prism of i1  sin 1 sin A 4 cos 2  1  cos A 
 2 
refractive index n = 2 . Light undergoes total internal (d) For this prism, the refractive index  and the angle
reflection in the prism at the face PR when  has a minimum 1 1   
value of 45°. The angle  of the prism is (IITJEE2016) prism A are related as A  cos  
2 2

53. A wire is bent in the shape of a right angled triangle and PASSAGE
is placed in front of a concave mirror of focal length f, as Light guidance in an optical fiber can be understood by
shown in the figure. Which of the figures shown in the considering a structure comprising of thin solid glass
four options qualitatively represent(s) the shape of the cylinder of refractive index n1 surrounding by a medium
image of the bent wire ? (These figures are not to scale.) of lower refractive index n2. The light guidance in the
structure take place due to successive total internal
reflections at the interface of the media n1 and n2 as shown
in the figure. All rays with the angle of incidence i less
(IIT JEE 2018)
than a particular value im are confined in the medium of
refractive index n1. The numerical aperture (NA) of the
structure is defined as sin im.


(b) 55. For two structure namely S1 with n1  45 / 4 and n2 = 3/

2 and S2 with n1 = 8/5 and n2 = 7/5 and taking the refractive
index of water to be 4/3 and that of air to be 1, the correct
option(s) is (are). (IITJEE 2015)
(c) (a) NA of S1 immersed in water is the same as that of S2
immersed in liquid of refractive index .
3 15
(b) NA of S1 immersed in liquid of refractive index is
the same as that of S2 immersed in water.
54. Statement–1 : The formula connecting u, v and f for a
(c) NA of S1 placed in air is the same as that of S2 immersed
spherical mirror is valid only for mirrors whose sizes are
very small compared to their radii of curvature. 4
in liquid of refractive index .
Statement–2: Laws of reflection are strictly valid for plane
surfaces, but not for large spherical surfaces.(IITJEE 2007) (d) NA of S1 placed in air is the same as that of S2 placed
in water.
(a) If Statement–1 is true, Statement–2 is true ; Statement–2
56. If two structure of same cross­sectional area, but different
is the correct explanation for Statement–1.
numerical apertures NA1 and NA2 (NA2 < NA1) are joined
(b) If Statement–1 is true, Statement–2 is true ; Statement–2 (IITJEE 2015)
is not a correct explanation for Statement–1.
NA1 NA 2
(c) If Statement–1 is true ; Statement–2 is false. (a) (b) NA1 + NA2
NA1  NA 2
(d) If Statement–1 is false ; Statement–2 is true.
(c) NA1 (d) NA2

Match the Column

57. An optical component and an object S placed along its

optic axis are given in Column–I. The distance between the (D) 2 > 3 (s)
object and the component can be varied. The properties
of images are given in Column–II. Match all the properties
of images from Column–II with the appropriate
components given in Column–I. (IITJEE 2008)
Column – I Column – II
ll l l
l l l l l ll l l l l l l l l l

(A) (P) Real image
59. A converging lens is used to form an image on a screen.
When the upper half of the lens is covered by an opaque
screen (IITJEE 1986)
S (a) half of the image will disappear
(B) (Q) Virtual image
(b) complete image will be formed
(c) intensity of the image will increase
(d) intensity of the image will decrease
(C) (R) Magnified image 60. Which of the following form(s) a virtual and erect image
for all positions of the object ? (IITJEE 1996)
(a) Convex lens (b) Concave lens
S (c) Convex mirror (d) Concave mirror
(D) (S) Image at infinity
61. A ray of light travelling in a transparent medium falls on a
surface separating the medium from air at an angle of
58. Two transparent media of refractive indices 1 and 3 have incidence 45°. The ray undergoes total internal reflection.
a solid lens shaped transparent material of refractive index If n is the refractive index of the medium with respect to air,
2 between them as shown in figures in Column-II. A ray select the possible value (s) of n from the following :
traversing these media is also shown in the figures. In (a) 1.3 (b) 1.4 (IITJEE 1998)
Column-I different relationships between 1, 2 and 3 (c) 1.5 (d) 1.6
are given. Match them to the ray diagram shown in 62. A planet is observed by an astronomical refracting
Column-II. (2010) telescope having an objective of focal length 16 m and an
Column-I Column-II eyepiece of focal length 2 cm (IITJEE 1992)
(a) the distance between the objective and the eyepiece is 16.02m
(b) the angular magnification of the planet is –800
(A) 1 < 2 (p)
(c) the image of the planet is inverted
(d) the objective is larger than the eyepiece
63. A student performed the experiment of determination of
focal lenght of a concave mirror by u–v method using an
optical bench of length 1.5 m. The focal length of the mirror
(B) 1 > 2 (q)
used is 24 cm. The maximum error in the location of the
image can be 0.2 cm. The 5 sets of (u, v) values recorded
by the student (in cm) are (42, 56), (48, 48), (60, 40), (66, 33),
(78, 39). The data set(s) that cannot come from experiment
and is (are) incorrectly recorded, is (are) (IITJEE 2009)
(C) 2 = 3 (r)
(a) (42, 56) (b) (48, 48)
(c) (66, 33) (d) (78, 39)

64. A ray OP of monochromatic light is incident on the face

AB of prism ABCD near vertex B at an incident angle of R. 3. –r
60° (see figure). If the refractive index of the material of the
prism is 3 , which of the following is(are) correct ?
(IIT 2010)
S. 4. r
60° C (a) P ­1, Q­2, R­3, S­4 (b) P­2, Q­4, R­3, S­1
P 135°
(c) P­4, Q­1, R­2, S­3 (d) P­2, Q­1, R­3, S­4
67. A plano­convex lens is made of a material of refractive
90° 75° index n. When a small object is placed 30 cm away in front
of the curved surface of the lens, an image of double the
(a) The ray gets totally internally reflected at face CD size of the object is produced. Due to reflection from the
(b) The ray comes out through face AD convex surface of the lens, another faint image is observed
(c) The angle between the incident ray and the emergent at a distance of 10 cm away from the lens. Which of the
ray is 90° following statement(s) is(are) true? (2016)
(d) The angle between the incident ray and the emergent (a) The refractive index of the lens is 2.5
ray is 120°. (b) The radius of curvature of the convex surface is 45 cm
65. A transparent thin film of uniform thickness and refractive (c) The faint image is erect and real
index n1 = 1.4 is coated on the convex spherical surface of
radius R at one end of a long solid glass cylinder of (d) The focal length of the lens is 20 cm
refractive index n2 = 1.5, as shown in the figure. Rays of 68. A transparent slab of thickness d has a refractive index
light parallel to the axis of the cylinder traversing through n(z) that increases with z. Here z is the vertical distance
the film from air to galss get focused at distance f1 from the inside the slab, measured from the top. The slab is placed
film, while rays of light traversing from glass to air get between two media with uniform refractive indices n1 and
focused at distance f2 from the film. Then (2014) n2 (>n1), as shown in the figure. A ray of light is incident
with angle i from medium 1 and emerges in medium 2
with refraction angle f with a lateral displacement l.

(a) | f1 | = 3 R (b) | f1 | = 2.8 R

(c) | f2 | = 2R (d) | f2 | = 1.4R
66. Four combinations of two thin lenses are given in List I.
The radius of curvature of all curved surfaces is r and the
refractive index of all the lenses is 1.5. Match lens
combinations in List I with their focal length in List II and
Which of the following statement(s) is (are) true?(2016)
select the correct answer using the code given below the
lists. (2014) (a) l is dependent on n(z)
List I List II (b) l is independent of n2
(c) n1 sin i = (n2 – n1) sin f
P. 1. 2r (d) n1 sin i = n2 sin f
Subjective Questions
69. A light wave of frequency 5 × 10 Hz enters a medium of
Q. 2. r/2 refractive index 1.5. In the medium the velocity of the light
wave is ........... and its wavelength is ...........(IITJEE 1983)

70. A convex lens A of focal length 20 cm and a concave lens 79. A ray of light is incident normally on one of the faces of a
B of focal length 5 cm are kept along the same axis with a
prism of apex angle 30° and refractive index 2 . The angle
distance d between them. If a parallel beam of light falling
on A leaves B as parallel beam, then d is equal to ........... of deviation of the ray is ........... degrees. (IITJEE 1997)
cm. (IITJEE 1985) 80. A convex lens of focal length 1 m and a concave lens of focal
71. A monochromatic beam of light of wavelength 6000Å in length 0.25 m are kept 0.75 m apart. A parallel beam of light
vacuum enters a medium of refractive index 1.5. In the first passes through the convex lens, then through the
medium its wavelength is ..........., and its frequency is ........... concave lens and comes to a focus 0.5 m away from the
(IITJEE 1985) concave lens. (IITJEE 1983)
72. A thin lens of refractive index 1.5 has a focal length of 15 cm
81. A beam of white light passing through a hollow prism give
in air. When the lens is placed in a medium of refractive index
no spectrum. (IITJEE 1983)
4/3, its focal length will become ........... cm. (IITJEE 1987)
73. A slab of material of refractive index 2 shown in figure has 82. A parallel beam of white light fall on a combination of a
a curved surface APB of radius of curvature 10 cm and a concave and a convex lens, both of the same material.
plane surface CD. On the left of APB is air and on the right Their focal lengths are 15 cm and 30 cm respectively for
of CD is water with refractive indices as given in the figure. the mean wavelength in white light. On the same side of
An object O is placed at a distance of 15 cm from the pole the lens system, one sees coloured patterns with violet
P as shown. The distance of the final image of O from P, as colour nearer to the lens. (IITJEE 1988)
viewed from the left is ........... (IITJEE 1991) 83. A ray of light is incident at an angle of 60° on one face of
A C a prism which has an angle of 30°. The ray emerging out of
n2=2.0 4 the prism makes an angle of 30° with the incident ray.
n3 = –
3 Show that the emergent ray is perpendicular to the face
P E through which it emerges and calculate the refractive index
15 cm of the material of the lens. (IITJEE 1978)
B D 84. A pin is placed 10 cm in front of a convex lens of focal
20 cm length 20 cm and made of a material of refractive index 1.5.
The convex surface of the lens farther away form the pin is
74. A thin rod of length f/3 is placed along the optic axis of a
silvered and has a radius of curvature of 22 cm. Determine
concave mirror of focal length f such that its image which
is real and elongated, just touches the rod. The the position of the final image. Is the image real or virtual ?
magnification is ........... (IITJEE 1991) (IITJEE 1978)
75. A ray of light undergoes deviation of 30° when incident 85. What is the relation between the refractive indices 1 and
2 ? If the behaviour of light rays is as shown in the figure.
on an equilateral prism of refractive index 2 . The angle (IITJEE 1979)
made by the ray inside the prism with the base of the prism
is ........... (IITJEE 1992)
76. The resolving power of electron microscope is higher than
that of an optical microscope because the wavelength of
electrons is ........... than the wavelength of visible light.
(IITJEE 1992)
86. The radius of curvature of the convex face of a planoconvex
77. If 0 and 0 are, respectively, the electric permittivity and
lens is 12 cm and its  = 1.5. (IITJEE 1979)
magnetic permeability of free space,  and  the
(a) Find the focal length of the lens. The plane face of the
corresponding quantities in a medium, the index of
lens is now silvered.
refraction of the medium in terms of the above parameters
is ........... (IITJEE 1992) (b) At what distance from the lens will parallel rays incident
on the convex surface converge ?
78. Two thin lenses, when in contact, produce a combination
(c) Sketch the ray diagram to locate the image, when a
of power +10 diopters. When they are 0.25 m apart, the
point object is placed on the axis 20 cm from the lens.
power reduces to +6 diopters. The focal length of the
(d) Calculate the image distance when the object is placed
lenses are ........... m and ........... m. (IITJEE 1997)
as in (c).

87. The convex surface of a thin concavo­convex lens of glass

of refractive index 1.5 has a radius of curvature 20 cm. The
concave surface has a radius of curvature 60 cm. The
convex side is silvered and placed on a horizontal surface. A B
(IITJEE 1981)

(a) What should be the minimum refractive index n for

this to be possible ?
(b) For n = 5/3 is it possible to achieve this with the angle
(a) Where should a pin be placed on the optic axis such B equal to 30 degrees ?
that its image is formed at the same place ?
91. A parallel beam of light travelling in water (refractive index
(b) If the concave part is filled with water of refractive = 4/3) is refracted by a spherical air bubble of radius 2 mm
index 4/3, find the distance through which the pin situated in water. Assuming the light rays to be paraxial.
should be moved, so that the image of the pin again (IITJEE 1988)
coincides with the pin.
(a) Find the position of the image due to refraction at the
88. A plano­convex lens has a thickness of 4 cm. When placed
on a horizontal table, with the curved surface in contact first surface and the position of the final image.
with it, the apparent depth of the bottom most point of the (b) Draw a ray diagram showing the positions of both the
lens is found to be 3 cm. If the lens is inverted such that the images.
plane face is in contact with the table, the apparent depth 92. Two parallel beams of light P and Q (separation d)
of the centre of the plane face is found to be 25/8 cm. Find containing radiations of wavelengths 4000Å and 5000Å
the focal length of the lens. Assume thickness to be
(which are mutually coherent in each wavelength
negligible while finding its focal length. (IITJEE 1984)
separately) are incident normally on a prism as shown in
89. Monochromatic light is incident on a plane interface AB figure. The refractive index of the prism as a function of
between two media of refractive indices n1 and n2 (n2 > n1)
at an angle of incidence  as shown in the figure. The b
wavelength is given by the relation,     1.20 
angle is infinitesimally greater than the critical angle for 2
the two media so that total internal reflection takes place. where  is in Å and b is positive constant. The value of b
Now if a transparent slab DEFG of uniform thickness and is such that the condition for total reflection at the face
of refractive index n3 is introduced on the interface (as AC is just satisfied for one wavelength and is not satisfied
shown in the figure), show that for any value of n3 all light for the other. (IITJEE 1991)
will ultimately be reflected back again into medium II.
Consider separately the cases (IITJEE 1986)
(a) n3 < n1 and (b) n3 > n1
Medium I
(n1 )
D E d
Medium III
G (n3 ) F
A B Q 90°
Medium II
(n 2) B C

(a) Find the value of b.

(b) Find the deviation of the beams transmitted through
the face AC.
90. A right angled prism is to be made by selecting a proper (c) A convergent lens is used to bring these transmitted
material and the angles A and B (B  A), as shown in beams into focus. If the intensities of the upper and
figure. It is desired that a ray of light incident on the face the lower beams immediately after transmission from
AB emerges parallel to the incident direction after two the face AC, are 4I and I respectively, find the resultant
intensity at the focus.
internal reflections. (IITJEE 1987)

93. Light is incident at an angle  on one planar end of a The refractive index of air is 1.0. (IITJEE 1995)
transparent cylindrical rod of refractive index n. Determine
the least value of n so that the light entering the rod does y
not emerge from the curved surface of the rod irrespective Air P (x1, y1)
of the value of . (IITJEE 1992)

t=1.0 m
B (x, y)
A (0, 0) Air
94. In given figure, S is a monochromatic point source emitting
light of wavelength  = 500 nm. A thin lens of circular shape (a) Obtain a relation between the slope of the trajectory of
and focal length 0.10 m is cut into two identical halves L1 the ray at a point B (x, y) in the medium and the incident
and L2 by a plane passing through a diameter. The two angle at that point.
halves are placed symmetrically about the central axis SO (b) Obtain an equation for the trajectory y (x) of the ray in
with a gap of 0.5 mm. The distance along the axis from S to the medium.
L1 and L2 is 0.15 m while that from L1 and L2 to O is 1.30 m.
(c) Determine the coordinates (x1, y1) of the point P, where
The screen at O is normal to SO. (IITJEE 1993) the ray intersects the upper surface of the slab­air

(d) Indicate the path of the ray subsequently.
S 0.5 mm 97. A right angled prism (45°–90°–45°) of refractive index n
has a plane of refractive index n1 (n1 < n) cemented to its
L2 Screen diagonal face. The assembly is in air. The ray is incident
0.15 m 1.30 m on AB. (IITJEE 1996)

(a) If the third intensity maximum occurs at the point A on A

the screen, find the distance OA.
(b) If the gap between L1 and L2 is reduced from its original
value of 0.5 mm, will the distance OA increase, decrease
or remain the same. B C
95. An image Y is formed of point object X by a lens whose (a) Calculate the angle of incidence at AB for which the
optic axis is AB as shown in figure. Draw a ray diagram to ray strikes the diagonal face at the critical angle.
locate the lens and its focus. If the image Y of the object X
(b) Assuming n = 1.352, calculate the angle of incidence at
is formed by a concave mirror (having the same optic axis
AB for which the refracted ray passes through the
as AB) instead of lens, draw another ray diagram to locate
diagonal face undeviated.
the mirror and its focus. Write down the steps of
construction of the ray diagrams. (IITJEE 1994) 98. A thin plano­convex lens of focal length f is split into two
halves. One of the halves is shifted along the optical axis.
X The separation between object and image planes is 1.8 m.
A B The magnification of the image formed by one of the half
lens is 2. Find the focal length of the lens and separation
Y between the halves. Draw the ray diagram for image
formation. (IITJEE 1996)
96. A ray of light travelling in air is incident at grazing angle
(Incident angle = 90°) on a long rectangular slab of a
transparent medium of thickness t = 1.0 m. The point of
incidence is the origin A (0, 0). The medium has a variable O
index of refraction n (y) given by
3/2 1/2 –3/2
n (y) = [ky + 1] where k = 1.0 (m) .
1.8 m

99. A thin equiconvex lens of glass of refractive index  = 3/2 light in medium­1 given by vector
and of focal length 0.3 m in air is sealed into an opening at 
A  6 3 î  8 3 ĵ  10 k̂ is incident on the plane of
one end of a tank filled with water  = 4/3. On the opposite
side of the lens, a mirror is placed inside the tank on the separation. Find the unit vector in the direction of the
tank wall perpendicular to the lens axis, as shown in figure. refracted ray in medium­2. (IITJEE 1999)
The separation between the lens and the mirror is 0.8 m. A 102. A quarter cylinder of radius R and refractive index 1.5 is
small object is placed outside the tank in front of lens. placed on a table. A point object P is kept at a distance of
Find the position (relative to the lens) of the image of the mR from it. Find the value of m for which a ray from P will
object formed by the system (IITJEE 1997) emerge parallel to the table as shown in figure.
(IITJEE 1999)
0.9 m 0.8 m


mR R

103. A convex lens of focal length 15 cm and a concave mirror

100. A prism of refractive index n1 and another prism of refractive of focal length 30 cm are kept with their optic axis PQ and
index n2 are stuck together with a gap as shown in the RS parallel but separated in vertical direction by 0.6 cm as
figure. The angles of the prism are as shown. n1 and n2 shown. The distance between the lens and mirror is 30 cm.
depend on , the wavelength of light according to An upright object AB of height 1.2 cm is placed on the
optic axis PQ of the lens at a distance of 20 cm from the
10.8 10 4 10.8  10 4 lens. If A’ B’ is the image after refraction from the lens and
n 1  1.20  and n 2  1.45  where
2 2 the reflection from the mirror, find the distance of A’ B’
from the pole of the mirror and obtain its magnification.
 is in nm. (IITJEE 1998)
Also locate positions of A’ and B’ with respect to the optic
D axis RS. (IITJEE 2000)
70° A
n1 P
0.6 cm B
60° 40°
30 cm 20 cm
(a) Calculate the wavelength 0 for which rays incident at
any angle on the interface BC pass through without 104. The refractive indices of the crown glass for blue and red
bending at that interface. light are 1.51 and 1.49 respectively and those of the flint
(b) For light of wavelength 0, find the angle of incidence glass are 1.77 and 1.73 respectively. An isosceles prism of
i on the face AC such that the deviation produced by angle 6° is made of crown glass. A beam of white light is
incident at a small angle on this prism. The other flint
the combination of prisms is minimum.
glass isosceles prism is combined with the crown glass
101. The x­y plane is the boundary between two transparent prism such that there is no deviation of the incident light.
media. Medium­1 with z > 0 has a refractive index (IITJEE 2001)
2 and
(a) Determine the angle of the flint glass prism.
medium­2 with z < 0 has a refractive index 3 . A ray of (b) Calculate the net dispersion of the combined system.

105. A thin biconvex lens of refractive index 3/2 is placed on a of refractive index 1.514 to meet PQ at E. Find the distance
horizontal plane mirror as shown in the figure. The space OE upto two places of decimal. (IITJEE 2004)
between the lens and the mirror is then filled with water of
refractive index 4/3. It is found that when a point object is
placed 15 cm above the lens on its principal axis, the object
coincides with its own image. On repeating with another 45°
liquid, the object and the image again coincide at a distance O E
25 cm from the lens. Calculate the refractive index of the
liquid. (IITJEE 2001) 60°

109. An object is approaching a thin convex lens of focal length

0.3 m with a speed of 0.01 m/s. Find the magnitudes of the
rates of change of position and lateral magnification of
106. In the figure, light is incident on a thin lens as shown. The image when the object is at a distance of 0.4 m from the
radius of curvature for both the surfaces is R. Determine lens. (IITJEE 2004)
the focal length of this system. (IITJEE 2003)
110. AB and CD are two slabs. The medium between the slabs
has refractive index 2. Find the minimum angle of incidence
of Q, so that the ray is totally reflected by both the slabs.
(IITJEE 2005)


107. A prism of refracting angle 30° is coated with a thin film of

transparent material of refractive index 2.2 on face AC of
the prism. A light of wavelength 6600Å is incident on face C D
AB such that angle of incidence is 60°. Find
(IITJEE 2003) 111. A ray of light is incident on a prism ABC of refractive index

A 3 as shown in figure. (IITJEE 2005)

30° B D
60° 60°
(a) the angle of emergence and
(a) Find the angle of incidence for which the deviation of
(b) the minimum value of thickness of the coated film on light ray by the prism ABC is minimum.
the face AC for which the light emerging from the face
(b) By what angle the second identical prism must be
has maximum intensity. [Given refractive index of the
rotated, so that the final ray suffers net minimum
material of the prism is 3] deviation.

108. Figure shows an irregular block of material of refractive 112. Consider a concave mirror and a convex lens (refractive
index = 1.5) of focal length 10 cm each, separated by a
index 2 . A ray of light strikes the face AB as shown in distance of 50 cm in air (refractive index = 1) as shown in
the figure. After refraction it is incident on a spherical the figure. An object is placed at a distance of 15 cm from
surface CD of radius of curvature 0.4 m and enters a medium the mirror. Its erect image formed by this combination has

magnification M1. When the set up is kept in a medium of 114. A monochromatic light is travelling in a medium of
refractive index n = 1.6. It enters a stack of glass layers
refractive index the magnification becomes M2. The from the bottom side at an angle   30 . The interfaces
of the glass layers are parallel to each other. The refractive
M2 indices of different glass layers are monotonically
magnitude M is (IITJEE 2015) decreasing as nm = n – mn, where nm is the refractive
index of the mth slab and n  0.1 (see the figure). The
ray is refracted out parallel to the interface between the
(m – 1)th the mth slabs from the right side of the stack.
What is the value of m? (IITJEE 2017)

113. The monochromatic beam of light is incident at 60° on

one face of an equilateral prims of refractive index n and
emerges from the opposite face making an angle (n) with
the normal (see the figure). For n = 3 the value of  is

60° and  m. The value of m is (IITJEE 2015) 115. Sunlight of intensity 1.3 kW m–2 is incident normally on a
thin convex lens of focal length 20 cm. Ignore the energy
loss of light due to the lens and assume that the lens
aperture size is much smaller than its focal length. The
average intensity of light, kW m–2, at a distance 22 cm
from the lens on the other side is _________.
(IIIJEEE 2018)



1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (c)
11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (c)
31. (c) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (d) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (a,b)
41. (d) 42. (d) 43. (b) 44. (c) 45. (d) 46. (d) 47. (a) 48. (b) 49. (b) 50. (b)
51. (b) 52. (b) 53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (b) 56. (b) 57. (b) 58. (c) 59. (c) 60. (c)
61. (b) 62. (d) 63. (b)


1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (d) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (d) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (b)


1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (d) 33. (d) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (b) 37. (d) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (c)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (a, c) 46. (a, d) 47. (a, c) 48. (b, c) 49. (a, b, c) 50. (a, c)
51. (a, b, c) 52. (a, c) 53. (a, c) 54. (b, d) 55. (a, c) 56. (b, c) 57. (b, c) 58. (a, c) 59. (a, b, c) 60. (a, d)
61. (a,b,c,d) 62. (b, c, d) 63. (a,b,c,d) 64. (a, b, c) 65. (b) 66. (d) 67. (d) 68. (c) 69. (a) 70. (a)
71. (a) 72. (b) 73. (a) 74. (c) 75. (c) 76. (a) 77. (b) 78. (a) 79. (b) 80. (d)
81. (d) 82. (a) 83. (d) 84. (a) 85. (a) 86. (b) 87. (a) 88. (c) 89. (c) 90. (c)
91. (a) 92. (d) 93. (A  R, Q; B  P, R; C  P, S; D  P, R) 94. (A  S; B  P; C  S ; D  Q)
95. (a –p, r; b – q, r; c – q, r; d – q, r) 96. (a – r; b – s; c – q; d – q) 97. (a – p; b – r; c – q; d – s) 98. 0225
99. 0036 100. 0002 101. 0080 102. 0002 103. 0003 104. 0003 105. 0006 106. 0004


1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (b) 30. (a)
31. (b) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (a)

41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (c) 45. (c) 46. (c) 47. (a) 48. (c) 49. (b) 50. (a)
51. (b) 52. (a, b, c) 53. (d) 54. (d) 55. (a,c) 56. (d)
57. (A)  P, Q, R, S ; (B)  Q ; (C)  P, Q, R, S ; (D)  P, Q, R, S 58. (A–p, r; B–q, s, t; C–p, r, t; D–q, s)
59. (b, d) 60. (b, c) 61. (c, d) 62. (a,b,c,d) 63. (c, d)
64. (a, b, c) 65. (a, c) 66. (a, c) 67. (a, d) 68. (a, b, d)
8 –7 14
69. 2 × 10 m/s, 4 × 10 m 70. 15 71. 4000Å, 5 × 10 Hz 72. 60

73. 30 cm to the right of P. Image will be virtual. 74. – 1.5 75. zero 76. smaller 77.  0 0 78. 0.125, 0.5

79. 15° 80. F 81. T 82. T 83.   3 84. at a distance of 11 cm, virtual

85. 1 < 2 86. (a) + 24 cm ; (b) at 12 cm ; (c) v = – 30 cm 87. (a) 15 cm; (b) 1.16 cm (downwards) 88. 75 cm
5 2
90. (a) 2 ; (b) No 91. (a) – 6 mm, – 5 mm 92. (a) b = 8 × 10 (Å) ; (b) 4000Å = 37°, 5000Å = 27.13° ; (c) 9I

93. 2 94. (a) 1 mm ; (b) increase 96. (a) Slope = cot i ; (b) 4y = x ; (c) (4m, 1m) ; (d) the ray will emerge grazingly

 1 
97. (a) i1  sin1 
 2
 
n2  n12  n1  ; (b) 73°

98. 0.4 m, 0.6 m

99. 0.9 m from the lens (rightwards) or 0.1 m behind the mirror 100. (a) 600 nm ; (b) sin 3/4
3 î  4 ĵ  5 k̂  102. 4/3 103. 15 cm, – 3/2 104. (a) 4° ; (b) – 0.04° 105. 1.6 106.   
 1

107. (a) zero ; (b) 1500Å 108. 6.06 m 109. 0.09 m/s, 0.3/s 110. 60° 111. (a) 60° ; (b) 60° 112. (0007)
113. (0002) 114. 8 115. 130

Dream on !!

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