I Am Sharing 'Here I Love You' With You
I Am Sharing 'Here I Love You' With You
I Am Sharing 'Here I Love You' With You
1. How is the poem structured? Why are the stanza lengths different?
Ans: The poem is structured in different lengths. The first stanza has irregular line
that suggests his frustration and sadness in the separation of his beloved. Third
stanza is so irregular because it talks about death. The fifth stanza is little bit regular
because he can heal his tense mind hearing pine’s singing. The final stanza’s
wording and line are parallel in comparison with others because he finds
consolation with biggest stars.
2. What are the images in the poem? Classify them according to natural and man-
made Images.
Ans: The images in the poem are: sea, pine, snow, black cross of a shy horizon, old
anchors, piers, star and so on. Sea, pine, snow, horizon, star are natural images. Old
anchors, piers, cross of a ship are man made.
5. How does the poet try to send his message to his departed lover?
Ans: He tries to send his message and kiss on the sailing heavy vessels.
6. Is the poem pessimistic from top to bottom? Ans: The poem is pessimistic in the
beginning (top) but it ends (bottom) with a little bit of consolation as he thinks
biggest stars outlook and song of pine trees.
1. What different subject might the poet discuss if he/she were here"?
Ans: The poet discusses if she were here in this way: He might say he was the
luckiest lover to have a lovely and beautiful beloved. He would say that they
have the habit of going on a date in pine trees and sea shore. He would say they
exchange their kiss late night in the sea shore. In twilight, they would walk on
the pine trees and would hear the song of pine. The poem would be like this:
Here you and I are
By Sharma Milan
I am I how lucky dear
No fear of separation
No thought of detach
Two souls are same
being one two hearts together
ever be new anchor
gaze by big star
knowing us true lover
Am I How lucky?
2. Discuss "Here I Love You" as a love poem.
Ans: It is a purely a love poem in which the speaker has become preacher of
true lover. Even in separation, his love, feeling and emotion toward her same.
Though she is no more in mortal world, she remains forever in his heart. He
showing her purity and softness goes to compare with natural imagery. Nature
is same and spring ever comes but only human being goes but never returns.
However, his beloved never fades away but remains blooms in his heart.
The poem is purely love because in most of the love poems, poets talk about
pine trees and stars. They compare their beloved voice with pine song and eyes
with star, and facial complexion with snow. All the world is shiny