Week 02
Week 02
Week 02
1) Energy conservation
2) Fourier’s law
3) Newton’s cooling law
4) Bonus “helpers”:
4.1) heat eqn, conv.-diff. eqn (relatives of friend #1)
4.2) Navier-Stokes eqn (momentum conservation)
4.3) non-dimensional numbers (follow from the other
From week1: example solutions of 1d heat
equation with two different boundary conditions
Relevance: HW1 and computer class
Diffusive processes are very slow in comparison to convective processes
Below, two examples of heat diffusion in iron (profiles taken from different
Simulation time is in the order of 0.03-0.1s Color pic: visualization of temperature
Left and right end insulated i.e. dT/dx = 0 Left and right end fixed temperatures
Early time
How could temperature distribution look like
in a heated 2d metal fin (assume here: no convection) ?
Model 1: Model 2:
- Cool sides and tip - Insulated sides
- Hot base - Cool tip and hot base
→ T=T(x,y,t) (2d) → T=T(y,t) (1d)
Lecture 2.1 Theory: Fins and thermal resistance
ILO 2: Student can apply Fourier’s law and Newton’s law in fin
theory and thermal resistance context. Further, the student can
analyse 2d heat transfer data in Matlab and formulate an energy
balance for 2d system.
Next, we talk about fins and
fin theory
Example: cooling an electric circuit by placing
a cooling plate with 3d printed finned microchannels on
top of the circuit
Key question:
temperature distribution in a fin ?
c p ṁ Δ T =q
Perimeter = 2L + 2d
Cross-sectional area = Ld
2 hP
m =
k Ac
Energy balance for a single fin in steady state
Energy arrives into small volume by 1) conduction
dT ( x−dx /2 , t )
q in =kA c
∂T ( x +Δ x /2 , t ) ∂ T ( x−Δ x / 2 , t )
ρ c p ab Δ x Δ T / Δ t =abk −abk − Ah(T −T ∞ )
∂x ∂x
∂T ∂ T Ph
ρcp =k 2− (T −T ∞ )
∂t ∂x ab
∂ T Ph
2 = (T −T ∞)
∂x abk
How would fin material influence temperature profile?
Incropera Ex. 3.9: for very long rods (e.g. H=50-250mm)
H →∞
T ( x)≈T ∞ +(T b−T ∞ ) e−mx
k copper =398 W / mK
k 224 Al =180 W / mK
k steel =14 W / mK
d2T hP
= (T −T ∞ )
dx k A c
θ=(T −T ∞ ) m 2=
k Ac
−m 2 θ=0
+ boundary conditions
θ( x =0)=T b −T ∞ =θb
hA c (T ( L)−T ∞ )=−kA c ( )
dx x= L → Analytical temperature distribution can be solved
θ( x ) cosh ( m( L−x ))+( h/ mk )sinh (m ( L−x ))
θb cosh (mL)+( h/ mk )sinh (mL)
Fin effectiveness
Fin effectiveness: (heat transfer rate with fin) / (heat transfer rate without fin)
ϵf = Usage of fins typically justified if > 2
hA c ,b θ b
Common assumption (not reality but useful)
→ assume that h is unaffected by 1) spatial position, and 2) presence of fins
Example: automobile radiator (fins on the air flow side, hot water in the inside)
During the last 25 minutes we talk about thermal
resistance and 2d heat equation
How could temperature distribution look like
in a heated 2d metal fin (assume here: no convection) ?
Model 1: Model 2:
- Cool sides and tip - Insulated sides
- Hot base - Cool tip and hot base
→ T=T(x,y,t) (2d) → T=T(y,t) (1d)
Heat equation in 2d i.e. energy conservation
∂T ∂T ∂ ∂ T ∂ ∂T
=∇⋅α ∇ T = α + α
∂t ∂t ∂x ∂ x ∂ y ∂ y
Heat equation in 2d i.e. energy conservation
∂T ∂T ∂ ∂ T ∂ ∂T
=∇⋅α ∇ T = α + α
∂t ∂t ∂x ∂ x ∂ y ∂ y
∂2 T ∂2 T
< 0 and 2
∂x ∂y
Energy/temperature escapes
away from this point.
Energy is
conducted from ∂2 T ∂2 T
hot to cold. 2
> 0 and 2
∂x ∂y
Energy/temperature arrives
to this point.
Question: in the 2d heat conduction
below (metal plate) what does Fourier tell about
max/min heat flux ?
Early time temperature Late time temperature
Zoom to plate
upper left corner
>> T(1:20,1:5)
ans =
269.8795 276.1205 280.3794 283.3261 285.3968
316.1205 309.8795 305.6206 302.6739 300.6032
314.0774 311.9226 309.8685 308.0042 306.3579
313.6455 312.3545 311.0793 309.8467 308.6758
313.4649 312.5351 311.6104 310.7006 309.8141
313.3662 312.6338 311.9038 311.1806 310.4685
313.3043 312.6957 312.0882 311.4845 310.8868
313.2623 312.7377 312.2138 311.6922 311.1742
313.2321 312.7679 312.3041 311.8418 311.3820
313.2095 312.7905 312.3717 311.9540 311.5380
313.1921 312.8079 312.4239 312.0406 311.6586
313.1784 312.8216 312.4651 312.1091 311.7541
313.1673 312.8327 312.4984 312.1645 311.8312
313.1581 312.8419 312.5257 312.2100 311.8948
313.1505 312.8495 312.5486 312.2481 311.9479
313.1440 312.8560 312.5681 312.2805 311.9932
313.1384 312.8616 312.5850 312.3086 312.0325
313.1334 312.8666 312.5999 312.3334 312.0672
313.1289 312.8711 312.6133 312.3557 312.0984
313.1248 312.8752 312.6256 312.3762 312.1270
>> T(1:20,1:5)
Ghost cell row of the top side BC
ans = Note:
The corner 269.8795 276.1205 280.3794 283.3261 285.3968
cell is 316.1205 309.8795 305.6206 302.6739 300.6032 1) the two
redundant 314.0774 311.9226 309.8685 308.0042 306.3579 values are
different →
313.6455 312.3545 311.0793 309.8467 308.6758 not insulated
313.4649 312.5351 311.6104 310.7006 309.8141 Boundary
313.3662 312.6338 311.9038 311.1806 310.4685
313.3043 312.6957 312.0882 311.4845 310.8868 2) the
Ghost cell average
313.2623 312.7377 312.2138 311.6922 311.1742
column of of the two
313.2321 312.7679 312.3041 311.8418 311.3820 values is
the left
313.2095 312.7905 312.3717 311.9540 311.5380 const.
side BC
313.1921 312.8079 312.4239 312.0406 311.6586 → fixed Ttop
313.1784 312.8216 312.4651 312.1091 311.7541
313.1673 312.8327 312.4984 312.1645 311.8312
313.1581 312.8419 312.5257 312.2100 311.8948
313.1505 312.8495 312.5486 312.2481 311.9479
313.1440 312.8560 312.5681 312.2805 311.9932
313.1384 312.8616 312.5850 312.3086 312.0325
313.1334 312.8666 312.5999 312.3334 312.0672
313.1289 312.8711 312.6133 312.3557 312.0984
313.1248 312.8752 312.6256 312.3762 312.1270
Temperature profile across a single layered
wall with convection effects on inner and outsides
Consider a wall surrounded by warm and cold air
Quite easily available: temperatures A and B, heat transfer
coefficients, and thermal conductivities
We “want” to know many things, e.g.
1) How many J/s is going through the wall ?
2) What is the temperature in the middle of the wall ?
Convective heat transfer coefficient
T A , hA T B , hB
T ( x) L
T A , hA
T1 T2
Derivation of heat flux through the wall
A ΔT 1
q= U=
Σ i 1/(k i / Li )+1/(h A )+ 1/(h B ) R tot A
Thermal resistance
ILO 2: Student can apply Fourier’s law and Newton’s law in fin
theory and thermal resistance context. Further, the student can
analyse 2d heat transfer data in Matlab and formulate an energy
balance for 2d system.
2d Heat Equation
Bottom and top walls are zero gradient Bottom wall is zero temperature gradient
keeping solution 1d i.e. thermally insulated
Top & Bottom zero gradient
pocket (k=0) Non-
Zoom: note
that isolines
meet the surface
perpendicular for zero-gradient
Discretization of a 2d Domain
x=0 x=Lx
Ghost cells
conditions n Ghost cells
given. T i , j +1 where
T nghost T ni−1, j T ni , j T ni+1, j given
T ni , j −1
Cell center
>> T(1:20,1:5)
Ghost cell row of the top side BC
ans = Note:
The corner 269.8795 276.1205 280.3794 283.3261 285.3968
cell is 316.1205 309.8795 305.6206 302.6739 300.6032 1) the two
redundant 314.0774 311.9226 309.8685 308.0042 306.3579 values are
different →
313.6455 312.3545 311.0793 309.8467 308.6758 not insulated
313.4649 312.5351 311.6104 310.7006 309.8141 Boundary
313.3662 312.6338 311.9038 311.1806 310.4685
313.3043 312.6957 312.0882 311.4845 310.8868 2) the
Ghost cell average
313.2623 312.7377 312.2138 311.6922 311.1742
column of of the two
313.2321 312.7679 312.3041 311.8418 311.3820 values is
the left
313.2095 312.7905 312.3717 311.9540 311.5380 const.
side BC
313.1921 312.8079 312.4239 312.0406 311.6586 → fixed Ttop
313.1784 312.8216 312.4651 312.1091 311.7541
313.1673 312.8327 312.4984 312.1645 311.8312
313.1581 312.8419 312.5257 312.2100 311.8948
313.1505 312.8495 312.5486 312.2481 311.9479
313.1440 312.8560 312.5681 312.2805 311.9932
313.1384 312.8616 312.5850 312.3086 312.0325
313.1334 312.8666 312.5999 312.3334 312.0672
313.1289 312.8711 312.6133 312.3557 312.0984
313.1248 312.8752 312.6256 312.3762 312.1270
Code structure for a 2d heat equation solver
% code for solving 2d heat eqn % the code continues ...
y=linspace(0,Ly,Ny-2); Recommendation: create folder
Week2 and type the text in the
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); boxes to a new script e.g. P1.m
The other (incomplete) .m files could
look like as follows
% setTBCs.m % solveTemperature.m
% Exact form depends on BC’s ComputedT;
T(1,:) = 2*Ttop - T(2,:);
T(iny,inx) = T(iny,inx) + dT;
T(Ny,:) = 2*Tbot - T(Ny-1,:); setTBCs;
T(iny,Nx)= T(iny,Nx-1);
% computedT.m
% Incomplete, please add T_xx
d2Tdy2 = ( T(north,inx)-2*T(iny,inx)+T(south,inx))/(dy^2);
% add calculation of d2Tdx2
Δ T ni , j=T ni ,+1j −T ni , j
Summary of 2d Scheme
(Known and
1) Set boundary conditions (BC's) to the ghost cells T ni , j hence BC
using T from step n. update possible)
T n+1
3) Update time according to t = t + dt
t n+1 =t n +Δ t
4) Go back to 1)
Extra material 1
Appendix I: Energy balance for a single fin with
non-uniform cross-sectional area
d 2 T 1 dA c dT 1 h dA s
+ − (T −T ∞ )=0
dx A c dx dx A c k dx
Extra material 2: Classroom demo from 2018
Classroom demo heat exchanger
K.Saari and M.Ahlgren
12 fins Temperature
Assume 2W heat probe B
escapes from
each B
probe A
Heating power
P = 24 W
in the base
Assume uniform
Schematic of a fin which is treated
as 1d object in fin theory
Base plate
Estimate order of magnitude for the time
it takes for any heat to reach the fin tip ?
Data for Aluminum + surface temperature measurements