Lecture 7&8 CH418 DrTaqvi
Lecture 7&8 CH418 DrTaqvi
Lecture 7&8 CH418 DrTaqvi
How many cubic meters of blood does the heart pump in a 75-year
lifetime, assuming the average flow rate is 5.00 L/min?
Solution V
Solving for volume gives Q=
Substituting known values yields
V = 2.0 10 m 5 3
This amount is about 200,000 tons of blood. For comparison, this value is equivalent to about 200 times the
volume of water contained in a 6-lane 50-m lap pool.
Pressure Energy
2 Kinetic Energy
U + Pv + gz +
Internal Energy
Pressure Energy
Using suffix 1 to denote conditions in the pipe and suffix 2 to denote conditions in the jet
and neglecting the velocity of approach in the pipe:
u2 = 22.4 m/s
CH-414|Chemical Plant Design| Dr. Syed A. Taqvi
Frictional Groups
▪ Moody’s Friction Factor f '= 8 2
▪ Darcy or Fanning Friction Factor fD = 2 2
▪ Stanton/Pannel = 2
f ' = 4 f D = 8
[There are other equations for fully turbulent flow. We will use primarily
this equation for calculating friction loss. This is the Colebrook-White
Pf v LEq.
= hL = f
g 2 g DH
▪ [Note again, if we have to calculate for gas, the pressure drop will result
in gas expansion or increasing velocity as gas flows]
Estimate the total amount of energy (as foot-pounds force per pound of the flowing gas) supplied
by the compressor located between points 1 and 2.
Superheated steam enters a turbine under such conditions that the enthalpy of the
entering steam is 1340 Btu/lb. On the same basis, the enthalpy of the steam leaving the
turbine is 990 Btu/lb. If the turbine operates under adiabatic conditions and changes in
kinetic energy and elevation potential energy are negligible.
Estimate the maximum amount of energy obtainable from the turbine per pound of
entering steam.
▪ In addition, check valves are supplied for relieving the pressure in pipelines, and reducing valves are
available for controlling the pressure on the downstream side of the valve.
▪ Gate and globe valves are supplied in all sizes and may be controlled by motor units operated from an
automatic control system.
▪ Hand wheels are usually fitted for emergency use.
▪ In general, gate valves give coarse control, globe valves give finer and needle valves give the finest control
of the rate of flow.
▪ Diaphragm valves are also widely used for the handling of corrosive fluids since the diaphragm may be
made of corrosion resistant materials.