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Raspberry Pi - The Linux Kernel

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The Linux kernel

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The Raspberry Pi kernel is stored in GitHub and can be

viewed at github.com/raspberrypi/linux; it follows behind
the main Linux kernel. The main Linux kernel is
continuously updating; we take long-term releases of the
kernel, which are mentioned on the front page, and
integrate the changes into the Raspberry Pi kernel. We
then create a 'next' branch which contains an unstable
port of the kernel; after extensive testing and discussion,
we push this to the main branch.

Updating your Kernel

If you use the standard Raspberry Pi OS update and
upgrade process, this will automatically update the kernel
to the latest stable version. This is the recommended
procedure. However, in certain circumstances, you may
wish to update to the latest 'bleeding edge' or test kernel.
You should only do this if recommended to do so by a
Raspberry Pi engineer, or if there is a speciVc feature only
available in this latest software.

Getting your Code into the Kernel

There are many reasons you may want to put something
into the kernel:

You’ve written some Raspberry Pi-speciVc code

that you want everyone to beneVt from

You’ve written a generic Linux kernel driver for a

device and want everyone to use it

You’ve Vxed a generic kernel bug

You’ve Vxed a Raspberry Pi-speciVc kernel bug

Initially, you should fork the Linux repository and clone

that on your build system; this can be either on the
Raspberry Pi or on a Linux machine you’re using for
cross-compiling. You can then make your changes, test
them, and commit them into your fork.

Next, depending upon whether the code is Raspberry Pi-

speciVc or not:

For Raspberry Pi-speciVc changes or bug Vxes,

submit a pull request to the kernel.

For general Linux kernel changes (i.e. a new driver),

these need to be submitted upstream Vrst. Once
they’ve been submitted upstream and accepted,
submit the pull request and we’ll receive it.

Building the Kernel

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The default compilers and linkers that come with an OS

are conVgured to build executables to run on that OS -
they are native tools - but that doesn’t have to be the
case. A cross-compiler is conVgured to build code for a
target other than the one running the build process, and
using it is called cross-compilation.

Cross-compilation of the Raspberry Pi kernel is useful for

two reasons:

it allows a 64-bit kernel to be built using a 32-bit OS,

and vice versa, and

even a modest laptop can cross-compile a

Raspberry Pi kernel signiVcantly faster than the
Raspberry Pi itself.

The instructions below are divided into native builds and

cross-compilation; choose the section appropriate for
your situation - although there are many common steps
between the two, there are also some important

Building the Kernel Locally

On a Raspberry Pi, Vrst install the latest version of
Raspberry Pi OS. Then boot your Raspberry Pi, log in, and
ensure you’re connected to the internet to give you
access to the sources.

First install Git and the build dependencies:

sudo apt install git bc bison flex libssl-dev make

Next get the sources, which will take some time:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/raspberrypi

Choosing Sources

The git clone command above will download the

current active branch (the one we are building Raspberry
Pi OS images from) without any history. Omitting the --
depth=1 will download the entire repository, including the
full history of all branches, but this takes much longer and
occupies much more storage.

To download a different branch (again with no history),

use the --branch option:

git clone --depth=1 --branch <branch> https://gith

where <branch> is the name of the branch that you wish

to download.

Refer to the original GitHub repository for information

about the available branches.

Kernel ConIguration

ConVgure the kernel; as well as the default conVguration,

you may wish to conVgure your kernel in more detail or
apply patches from another source, to add or remove
required functionality.

Apply the Default ConIguration

First, prepare the default conVguration by running the

following commands, depending on your Raspberry Pi

For Raspberry Pi 1, Zero and Zero W, and Raspberry Pi

Compute Module 1 default (32-bit only) build

cd linux
make bcmrpi_defconfig

For Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 3+ and Zero 2 W, and Raspberry Pi

Compute Modules 3 and 3+ default 32-bit build

cd linux
make bcm2709_defconfig

For Raspberry Pi 4 and 400, and Raspberry Pi Compute

Module 4 default 32-bit build conVguration

cd linux
make bcm2711_defconfig

For Raspberry Pi 3, 3+, 4, 400 and Zero 2 W, and

Raspberry Pi Compute Modules 3, 3+ and 4 default 64-bit
build conVguration

cd linux
make bcm2711_defconfig

Customising the Kernel Version Using LOCALVERSION

In addition to your kernel conVguration changes, you may

wish to adjust the LOCALVERSION to ensure your new
kernel does not receive the same version string as the
upstream kernel. This both clariVes you are running your
own kernel in the output of uname and ensures existing
modules in /lib/modules are not overwritten.

To do so, change the following line in .config:


You can also change that setting graphically as shown in

the kernel conVguration instructions. It is located in
"General setup" => "Local version - append to kernel

Building the Kernel

Build and install the kernel, modules, and Device Tree

blobs; this step can take a long time depending on the
Raspberry Pi model in use. For the 32-bit kernel:

make -j4 zImage modules dtbs

sudo make modules_install
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/*.dtb /boot/
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/*.dtb* /boot/ov
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/README /boot/ov
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/zImage /boot/$KERNEL.img

For the 64-bit kernel:

make -j4 Image.gz modules dtbs

sudo make modules_install
sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/broadcom/*.dtb /boot/
sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/overlays/*.dtb* /boot/
sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/overlays/README /boot/
sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz /boot/$KERNEL.img


On a Raspberry Pi 2/3/4, the -j4 eag splits the work

between all four cores, speeding up compilation

If you now reboot, your Raspberry Pi should be running

your freshly-compiled kernel!

Cross-Compiling the Kernel

First, you will need a suitable Linux cross-compilation
host. We tend to use Ubuntu; since Raspberry Pi OS is
also a Debian distribution, it means many aspects are
similar, such as the command lines.

You can either do this using VirtualBox (or VMWare) on

Windows, or install it directly onto your computer. For
reference, you can follow instructions online at Wikihow.

Install Required Dependencies and Toolchain

To build the sources for cross-compilation, make sure you

have the dependencies needed on your machine by

sudo apt install git bc bison flex libssl-dev make

If you Vnd you need other things, please submit a pull

request to change the documentation.

Install the 32-bit Toolchain for a 32-bit Kernel

sudo apt install crossbuild-essential-armhf

Install the 64-bit Toolchain for a 64-bit Kernel

sudo apt install crossbuild-essential-arm64

Get the Kernel Sources

To download the minimal source tree for the current

branch, run:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/raspberrypi

See Choosing sources above for instructions on how to

choose a different branch.

Build sources

Enter the following commands to build the sources and

Device Tree Vles:

32-bit ConIgs

For Raspberry Pi 1, Zero and Zero W, and Raspberry Pi

Compute Module 1:

cd linux
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- b

For Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 3+ and Zero 2 W, and Raspberry Pi

Compute Modules 3 and 3+:

cd linux
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- b

For Raspberry Pi 4 and 400, and Raspberry Pi Compute

Module 4:

cd linux
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- b

64-bit ConIgs

For Raspberry Pi 3, 3+, 4, 400 and Zero 2 W, and

Raspberry Pi Compute Modules 3, 3+ and 4:

cd linux
make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- b

Build with ConIgs


To speed up compilation on multiprocessor systems,

and get some improvement on single processor ones,
use -j n, where n is the number of processors * 1.5.
You can use the nproc command to see how many
processors you have. Alternatively, feel free to
experiment and see what works!

For all 32-bit Builds

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- z

For all 64-bit Builds


Note the difference between Image target between 32

and 64-bit.

make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- I

Install Directly onto the SD Card

Having built the kernel, you need to copy it onto your

Raspberry Pi and install the modules; this is best done
directly using an SD card reader.

First, use lsblk before and after plugging in your SD card

to identify it. You should end up with something a lot like


with sdb1 being the FAT Vlesystem (boot) partition, and

sdb2 being the ext4 Vlesystem (root) partition.

Mount these Vrst, adjusting the partition letter as


mkdir mnt
mkdir mnt/fat32
mkdir mnt/ext4
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 mnt/fat32
sudo mount /dev/sdb2 mnt/ext4


You should adjust the drive letter appropriately for

your setup, e.g. if your SD card appears as /dev/sdc
instead of /dev/sdb.

Next, install the kernel modules onto the SD card:

For 32-bit

sudo env PATH=$PATH make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=ar

For 64-bit

sudo env PATH=$PATH make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=

Finally, copy the kernel and Device Tree blobs onto the SD
card, making sure to back up your old kernel:

For 32-bit

sudo cp mnt/fat32/$KERNEL.img mnt/fat32/$KERNEL-ba

sudo cp arch/arm/boot/zImage mnt/fat32/$KERNEL.img
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/*.dtb mnt/fat32/
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/*.dtb* mnt/fat3
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/README mnt/fat3
sudo umount mnt/fat32
sudo umount mnt/ext4

For 64-bit

sudo cp mnt/fat32/$KERNEL.img mnt/fat32/$KERNEL-ba

sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/Image mnt/fat32/$KERNEL.im
sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/broadcom/*.dtb mnt/fat
sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/overlays/*.dtb* mnt/fa
sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/overlays/README mnt/fa
sudo umount mnt/fat32
sudo umount mnt/ext4

Another option is to copy the kernel into the same place,

but with a different Vlename - for instance, kernel-
myconfig.img - rather than overwriting the kernel.img
Vle. You can then edit the config.txt Vle to select the
kernel that the Raspberry Pi will boot:


This has the advantage of keeping your custom kernel

separate from the stock kernel image managed by the
system and any automatic update tools, and allowing you
to easily revert to a stock kernel in the event that your
kernel cannot boot.

Finally, plug the card into the Raspberry Pi and boot it!

ConIguring the Kernel

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The Linux kernel is highly conVgurable; advanced users

may wish to modify the default conVguration to
customise it to their needs, such as enabling a new or
experimental network protocol, or enabling support for
new hardware.

ConVguration is most commonly done through the make

menuconfig interface. Alternatively, you can modify your
.config Vle manually, but this can be more dikcult for
new users.

Preparing to ConIgure
The menuconfig tool requires the ncurses development
headers to compile properly. These can be installed with
the following command:

sudo apt install libncurses5-dev

You’ll also need to download and prepare your kernel

sources, as described in the build guide. In particular,
ensure you have installed the default conVguration.

Using menuconfig
Once you’ve got everything set up and ready to go, you
can compile and run the menuconfig utility as follows:

make menuconfig

If you’re cross-compiling a 32-bit kernel:

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- m

Or, if you are cross-compiling a 64-bit kernel:

make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- m

The menuconfig utility has simple keyboard navigation.

After a brief compilation, you’ll be presented with a list of
submenus containing all the options you can conVgure;
there’s a lot, so take your time to read through them and
get acquainted.

Use the arrow keys to navigate, the Enter key to enter a

submenu (indicated by --->), Escape twice to go up a
level or exit, and the space bar to cycle the state of an
option. Some options have multiple choices, in which
case they’ll appear as a submenu and the Enter key will
select an option. You can press h on most entries to get
help about that speciVc option or menu.

Resist the temptation to enable or disable a lot of things

on your Vrst attempt; it’s relatively easy to break your
conVguration, so start small and get comfortable with the
conVguration and build process.

Saving your Changes

Once you’re done making the changes you want, press
Escape until you’re prompted to save your new
conVguration. By default, this will save to the .config
Vle. You can save and load conVgurations by copying this
Vle around.

Patching the Kernel

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When building your custom kernel you may wish to apply

patches, or collections of patches ('patchsets'), to the
Linux kernel.

Patchsets are often provided with newer hardware as a

temporary measure, before the patches are applied to the
upstream Linux kernel ('mainline') and then propagated
down to the Raspberry Pi kernel sources. However,
patchsets for other purposes exist, for instance to enable
a fully pre-emptible kernel for real-time usage.

Version IdentiIcation
It’s important to check what version of the kernel you
have when downloading and applying patches. In a kernel
source directory, running head Makefile -n 3 will
show you the version the sources relate to:


In this instance, the sources are for a 3.10.25 kernel. You

can see what version you’re running on your system with
the uname -r command.

Applying Patches
How you apply patches depends on the format in which
the patches are made available. Most patches are a
single Vle, and applied with the patch utility. For example,
let’s download and patch our example kernel version with
the real-time kernel patches:

wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/proj
gunzip patch-3.10.25-rt23.patch.gz
cat patch-3.10.25-rt23.patch | patch -p1

In our example we simply download the Vle, uncompress

it, and then pass it to the patch utility using the cat tool
and a Unix pipe.

Some patchsets come as mailbox-format patchsets,

arranged as a folder of patch Vles. We can use Git to
apply these patches to our kernel, but Vrst we must
conVgure Git to let it know who we are when we make
these changes:

git config --global user.name "Your name"

git config --global user.email "your email in her

Once we’ve done this we can apply the patches:

git am -3 /path/to/patches/*

If in doubt, consult with the distributor of the patches,

who should tell you how to apply them. Some patchsets
will require a speciVc commit to patch against; follow the
details provided by the patch distributor.

Kernel Headers
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If you are compiling a kernel module or similar, you will

need the Linux Kernel headers. These provide the various
function and structure deVnitions required when
compiling code that interfaces with the kernel.

If you have cloned the entire kernel from github, the

headers are already included in the source tree. If you
don’t need all the extra Vles, it is possible to install only
the kernel headers from the Raspberry Pi OS repo.

sudo apt install raspberrypi-kernel-headers


It can take quite a while for this command to

complete, as it installs a lot of small Vles. There is no
progress indicator.

When a new kernel release is made, you will need the

headers that match that kernel version. It can take several
weeks for the repo to be updated to reeect the latest
kernel version. If this happens, the best approach is to
clone the kernel as described in the Build Section.

Raspberry Pi documentation is copyright © 2012-2023 Raspberry Pi

Ltd and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International (CC BY-SA) licence.
Some content originates from the eLinux wiki, and is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence.

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