Name: Juicy Pie B. Alarcos & Liezen V. Galupo Permit Number: ________
Professor: Mr. Joevannie Acera Date: ___________________
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature during the Period of
Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; various purposeful listening and
viewing strategies; difference between literal and figurative language; ways to extract
and condense information based on library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in
oral communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and sentences.
Performance Standard:
The learner transfer learning by: resolving conflicts presented in literary selections;
using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources; extracting information
and noting details from texts to write a precis, summary, and paraphrase;
distinguishing between and using literal and figurative language and verbal and non-
verbal cues; use phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully and appropriately.
I. Objectives:
At the end of 60-minute period with 80% proficiency level, the students should
be able to:
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Please stand everyone for a prayer. Belle, (The student will do as told.)
please lead the prayer.
b. Greetings
Good morning, my good-looking and Good morning, Teacher Liezen.
enthusiastic students!
How are you feeling today, class? We are doing fine, Teacher. How about
That is good to hear. I am fine, too. Now,
everyone please take your sit.
c. Checking of Attendance
Class beadle, Kathryn? Are there any absent No one is absent, teacher.
What a good news. It is nice to hear that all (Students will do as told.)
are present today. Let us clap our hands for
d. Setting of classroom
Before anything else, kindly pick pieces of (Students will do as told.)
papers or any garbage under your desk or
on the floor.
e. Passing/Checking of
Before I forgot, do we have assignments to None, teacher.
be checked?
f. Recapitulation
At this point in time, for our recapitulation, I
want three volunteers. Each volunteer will (Student will do as told.)
pick a partner.
Dialogue 2:
“Please come to my birthday party
“I’m sorry. I have a whole day
Dialogue 3:
(Cynthia bumped into someone)
“I’m sorry. I didn’t see you early
enough. Did I hurt you? Do forgive
“It’s fine. I wasn’t looking anyway.”
Based from what you just read, what was We discussed about how to make an
our topic last meeting? apology.
Group 2
Student 1: Who? JD
Student 2: Where? At the riverbank
Student 3: When? Early in the
Student 4: What? Eating
Student 5: Why? To learn how to
ride a bicycle
Now, using those information, construct a
sentence. Group 1:
Last Friday, Christian was sitting at
the Plaza to get fresh air.
Group 2:
JD is eating at the riverbank early
in the morning to learn how to ride
a bicycle.
b. Analysis
Class, is asking question necessary? Yes, teacher.
Can you give me some benefits of asking Provide information
question? Correct mistakes
Clarify confusion
Very good!
c. Abstraction
Eyes on this chart, class.
To give intelligent answers, do the
1. Think about the information
asked for.
a how question asks for a
a why question asks for a
a when question asks for a date,
time, or particular period;
a what question asks for a thing
which could be living or non-
living, concrete or abstract;
and which question asks for
choices or preferences.
Next, is
The shorter the questions, the
better it will be understood.
With brief and correct questions, it
would be easier to understand and
could definitely gain good answers
because the questions are clear to
the person who receives the
questions. As I said earlier, long
questions can be confusing so it is
better to make it short. Like when I
ask Juicy Pie, “how was your “My vacation was great, teacher!” (answer
vacation?” What would be your of Juicy Pie)
response Juicy Pie?
C. Closure
a. Generalization
Do you have any questions, class? None, teacher.
Did you understand our lesson today? Yes, teacher. We did!
b. Application
Now, let us divide the class into four groups.
(Students will follow as instructed.)
Each group will be assign to a topic:
Group 1 - Education
Group 2 - Social Media
Group 3 - Events/Gathering
Group 4 - Politics
c. Valuing
How important asking intelligent question?
How does it affect our interaction with other
IV. Evaluation:
Choose a partner and identify the correct answer for each item. Choose your answer
from the table. Write your answer on the space provided before each item.
V. Assignment:
Please read in advance our next topic. Prepare for an oral recitation. That is all for
today, class. Goodbye and see you next meeting.
Prepared by:
Alarcos, Juicy Pie B.
Galupo, Liezen V.
BSED-English 2B