Characterization of Domestic Wastewater at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Characterization of Domestic Wastewater at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Characterization of Domestic Wastewater at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
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1 author:
Aditya Dash
Siksha O Anusandhan University
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Domestic wastewater
Physicochemical parameters
Save Nature to Survive QUARTERLY
Drain Drainname Starting point Outfall point Major areas Length in Average
km2 discharge
1. Patia Forest Lake, Daya West, Canal C. S. Pur, Damana, 4.32 17.00
Chandrasekharpur Crossing to River Kuakhai Garkhana, Patia, Mancheswar
2. Sainik Sainik School Railway Bridges (confluence Garkana 1.13 1.55
School Road Culvert with Drain No. 3) to
Gangua Nallah
3. OAP area Near Sainik School Railway Bridges (Confluence Samanta Vihar, 2.42 3.55
with Drain No. 2) to Vani Vihar, Garkana
Gungua Nallah
4. Vani Vihar Culvert near Reserve Daya West Canal Nayapalli,Madusadan 5.63 16.40
forest, Bharatpur Crossing to Gangua Nallah Nagar, Vanivihar, Pandra,
Garkana, Bhoinagar
5. Laxmisagar Culvert in Jan path Gangua Nallah Kesari Nagar, Charbatia, 3.13 4.45
Area Road East Bargarh
6. Baragada Railway Bridges Gangua Nallah East Bargarh, Laxmisagar, 2.16 3.45
Area Ashok Nagar
7. Kedargouri Culvert in Air Port Gangua Nallah Gautam Nagar, West 4.34 5.45
Road Bargada, Nuagaon
8. Airport area Joklandi Road Confluence with Baramunda, Jokalendi, 4.33 14.30
Drain no. 8 to Jagmara
Gangua Nallah
9. Ghatikia Culvert on NH-5 Pokhariput Railway Aiginia, Dumduma, 4.24 28.8
Bridge to Gangua Nallah Jagamara,
10. Nicco park Lake Near CRP Gangua Nallah Madhusudan Nagar, 5.48 12.3
Colony Bhoinagar, Satyanagar,
7 300
Average pH
6.8 250
6 0
S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Sampling location Sampling location
Figure 1a: pH Figure 1b: TSS
900 900
800 800
700 700
Average Turbidity
Average TDS
600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Sampling location Sampling location
Figure 1c: TDS Figure 1d: Turbidity
(Fig. 1c) in all the three stations which is within the standard
Oil and Grease
value of 2100. It was observed that, the domestic drains also
contains some amount of phytoplankton and aquatic plants. Oil and grease at S1 ranges from 1.7-3 with an average value
The lower values of TDS in the wastewater may be due to the of 2.17, at S2 it ranges from 3.5-4.0 with an average value of
presence of aquatic plants that utilizes the dissolved solids as 3.775 and at S3 it is from 1.8-3.0 and average is 2.5. In all the
a source of nutrient for their growth (Dash & Mishra, 1996 a three stations studied oil and grease is within the prescribed
and b). standard of 10mg/L. The domestic activities, movement of
vehicles and presence of automobiles stations in the city
Turbidity contributes to this parameter. Fig. 1f shows the comparison of
Turbidity varies between 85-94 with an average value of 89.5 oil and grease in all the three stations.
in S1, 80-83 with an average value of 81.5 in S2 and 61-67 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
with an average value of 64.25 in S3. The average value (Fig.
1d) varies between 64.25-89.5. Presence of suspended solids TKN varies between7.9-9.16 with an average value of 8.61 at
of both organic and inorganic in nature in the wastewater S1, between 7.85-8.2 with an average value of 8.012 at S2
contributes towards higher turbidity of the sewage at different and between 7.1-7.3 with an average value of 7.21 at S3. The
stations. average value of TKN among the three monitoring stations
varies between 7.21-8.61. The higher decomposition rate
Chloride associated with favourable temperature for microbial growth
The average chloride content (Fig. 1e) was found to be 689.1 may contribute for increased TKN in the domestic wastewater.
in S1, 416.4 in S2 and 388.3 in S3. In all the three stations The comparative Fig. for TKN in all the three monitoring
average chloride is below the permissible limit of 1000mg/L. stations are shown in Fig. 1g. In all the three stations the TKN
800 4
700 3.5
Average Chloride (mg/L)
600 3
500 2.5
400 2
300 1.5
200 1
100 0.5
0 0
S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Sampling location Sampling location
Figure 1e: Chloride Figure 1f: Oil and Grease
Average Kjendal Nitrogen (mg/L)
8 300
7.5 280
7 260
6.5 S1 S2 S3
S1 S2 S3 Sampling location
Sampling location Figure 1h: Hardness
Figure 1g: Kjendal Nitrogen
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Minimum average alkalinity is 58.75 in S2 followed by 62.75
COD in all the three stations exceeds the prescribed limit of
in S3 and maximum value of 73.5 was found in S1 (Fig.1k).
250mg/L. Average COD (Fig. 1i) varies between 266.3-310.3.
The range varies between 307-313 in S1, 256-272 in S2 and Sodium
278-292 in S3. Sodium is highly soluble in water and impact softness to water.
160 320
140 310
120 300
100 290
80 280
60 270
40 260
20 250
0 240
S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Sampling location
Sampling location
Figure 1I: BOD Figure 1J: COD
80 79.5
70 79
Average Alkalinity (mg/L)
10 76.5
0 76
S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Sampling location Sampling location
Figure 1k: Alkalinity Figure 1l: Sodium
30 230
Average Potassium (mg/L)
Average Sulphate (mg/L)
15 210
0 190
S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Sampling location Sampling location
Figure 1m: potassium Figure 1n: Sulphate
Domestic wastewater is the important source of sodium. High average value of 17.5. The comparison between the average
concentration of sodium affects the physical conditions of potassium content in all the three stations are shown in Fig.
soil (Rawal, 1978). In the present study sodium content varies 1m. Both sodium and potassium are considered to be the
between 77-82 with an average value of 79 in S1, 75-79 with plant nutrients that favours the plant growth in an aquatic
an average value of 77 in S2 and between 76-81 with an system.
average value of 78.75 in S3. Fig. 1l shows the comparison
between the mean sodium values in all the three stations.
Sulphate in all the three monitoring stations is within the
Potassium standard value of 1000mg/L. However, the average sulphate
Potassium plays a major role in the metabolism of water among the three stations is higher in S1 (277.1) which ranges
environment. In S1 it varies between 24-27 and average is from 222-230.4 followed by S2 (213.7) which ranges from
25.6 and in S2 the potassium range is between 15-20 with an 212.7-215 and lowest is in S3 (202.8) which ranges from 195-
1.2 3
0.8 2
0.6 1.5
0.4 1
0.2 0.5
0 0
S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Sampling location
Sampling location
Figure 1o: Sulphite Figure 1p: Phosphate
3 0.04
1.5 0.02
0 0
S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Sampling location Sampling location
Figure 1q: Iron Figure 1r: Copper
0.08 0.045
0.07 0.04
Average Chromium (mg/L)
Average Alkalinity (mg/L)
0.03 0.015
0.02 0.01
0.01 0.005
0 0
S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Sampling location Sampling location
Figure 1s: Zinc Figure 1t: Chromium
207.4. The comparative values for average sulphate in all the eutrophication of water bodies. In the present study, phosphate
three stations are shown in Fig. 1h. content in all the three stations are within the standard value
of 5mg/L. Phosphate in S1 varies between 2.4-2.8 with an
Sulphides average value of 2.625 which is higher among the three sites
The highest average sulphide of 1.128 with a range of 1.1- followed by 1.892 which varies between 1.7-2.1 in S2 and
1.15 is found in S2 followed by 1.11 with a range of 0.9-1.1 in lowest value was recorded at S3 with an average phosphate
S1 and 0.933 with a range of 0.76-1.12 in S3. In all the three content of 1.827 that varies between 1.56 -2.2. Fig. 1p shows
samples average sulphide is within the prescribed standard of a clear picture of comparison between average phosphate
2mg/L. Fig. 1o shows the comparison of average sulphide content in all the three stations.
values among the different stations.
Phosphate The oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese constitute
Phosphate is considered as an important plant nutrient. Excess significant signs of heavy metals into aquatic system. It exists
phosphate in aquatic environment contributes towards the in the soluble ferrous state under reducing conditions. At S1
the iron content in domestic wastewater varies between 2.0- prescribed standard for disposal into inland surface water.
2.4 with the average value of 2.225, at S2 it varies between Some of the parameters like total hardness, alkalinity, TKN,
2.4-2.5 with the average value of 2.442 and at S3 it varies BOD, COD, phosphate, sulphate, sodium, chromium, Zn, Cu
between 1.5-1.7 with the average value of 1.6. Fig. 1q shows were found to be higher in S1 in comparison to other stations.
a clear picture of comparison between average iron content However, parameters like pH, TSS, sulphide, K, oil and grease,
in all the three stations. Fe are higher in S2. It is suggested that, the domestic wastewater
before discharged into outside should be properly diluted or
treated in order to reduce its pollution effect on the
The standard for disposal for cupper is 3 mg/L. Highest average environment. Since the domestic wastewater contains many
copper of 0.036 which varies between 0.033-0.038 at S1 essential plant nutrients, through careful study it can be utilized
followed by 0.023 with a range of 0.018-0.028 at S2 and for agricultural purposes.
lowest was recorded at 0.017 with a range of 0.015-0.019 at
S3. Fig. 1r shows a clear picture of comparison between REFERENCES
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