A7 Mig Welder Om en
A7 Mig Welder Om en
A7 Mig Welder Om en
350, 450
A7 MIG Welder
1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................. 4 4.3.10 Settings – Network................................................................................ 35
4.3.11 Settings – Backup, restore and reset.......................................................... 36
2. Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................. 5
4.3.12 Settings – Licenses.. ............................................................................... 36
3. System Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................. 6 4.4 User identification.................................................................................... 37
3.1 Power Source.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................. 6 4.4.1 Overview............................................................................................. 37
3.2 Robot interface unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................. 7 4.4.2 Turning user identification system on. . ...................................................... 38
3.3 User interfaces.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................. 8 4.4.3 Creating new users................................................................................ 38
3.4 A7 MIG Wire Feeder 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................. 9 4.4.4 Deleting a user. . .................................................................................... 39
3.5 MIG Guns. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 11 4.4.5 Changing user role................................................................................ 39
3.6 Cooling unit.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 12 4.4.6 Changing username.. ............................................................................. 39
4. Using the welder.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 13 4.4.7 Changing PIN code................................................................................ 39
4.1 Basic controls.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 13 4.4.8 Resetting PIN code................................................................................ 40
4.2 Setup panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 13 4.4.9 Logging in and out, changing active user. . ................................................. 40
4.2.1 Button functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 14 4.5 Touch sensor (seam search)..................................................................... 41
4.2.2 Main menu.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 15 4.5.1 Voltage source, levels and safety.............................................................. 43
4.2.3 Memory channel wizard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 15 4.5.2 Touch tool. . .......................................................................................... 44
4.2.4 User settings.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 21 4.5.3 Fast status output. . ................................................................................ 44
4.2.5 Welding system settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 21 4.5.4 Selecting output voltage........................................................................ 44
4.2.6 System tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 24 4.5.5 Configuring touch tool........................................................................... 45
4.2.7 Robot settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 25 4.6 Through Arc Seam Tracking (TAST)......................................................... 45
4.3 Web user interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 28 4.7 Collision sensor........................................................................................ 46
4.3.1 Welding display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 29 4.7.1 Setting collision sensor on and off............................................................ 47
4.3.2 Gas, air and wire inch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 29 4.7.2 Selecting sensor type............................................................................. 47
4.3.3 Logbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 30 4.7.3 Selecting output polarity........................................................................ 47
4.3.4 About.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 30 4.8 Wire feeder............................................................................................... 48
4.3.5 Welding settings – Memory channels. . . . . . . . . ............................................... 30 4.8.1 Loading the filler wire ............................................................................ 48
4.3.6 Settings – Language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 34 4.9 Arc measurement..................................................................................... 52
4.3.7 Settings – Users.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 34 4.9.1 Setup and calibration............................................................................. 52
4.3.8 Settings – Change PIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 34 4.9.2 Display................................................................................................ 52
4.3.9 Settings – Fieldbus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 35
5. Troubleshooting.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 55
5.1 Typical problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 55
5.2 Error codes.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 56
5.2.1 Power source errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 56
5.2.2 Cooling unit errors.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 57
5.2.3 Wire feeder errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 58
5.2.4 Welding curve errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 58
5.2.5 Robot interface errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 59
Please read the manual carefully before using the
Warning: Describes a potentially dangerous situation.
equipment for the first time. For your own safety and that If not avoided, it will result in personal damage or fatal
of your working environment, pay particular attention to injury.
the safety instructions in the manual.
For more information on Kemppi products, contact
Kemppi Oy, consult an authorized Kemppi dealer, or visit While every effort has been made to ensure that the
the Kemppi web site at www.kemppi.com. information contained in this guide is accurate and
complete, no liability can be accepted for any errors
The specifications presented in this manual are subject to or omissions. Kemppi reserves the right to change the
change without prior notice. specification of the product described at any time without
prior notice. Do not copy, record, reproduce or transmit
the contents of this guide without prior permission from
Detailed installation instructions and the technical
information that is out of the scope of this manual are
found in the A7 MIG Welder Integration guide.
3 4
1 2 6,3A
4 V
7 11
5 6 9
Figure 3.1 A7 MIG Welder system Figure 3.2 Power source, front and rear
1. Power Source 1. Setup panel 7. Control cable connection
2. Robot interface unit 2. Main switch 8. Fuse (6.3 A, delayed)
3. Wire feeder 3. Main power indicator light (ON/OFF) 9. Control cable connection
4. MIG torch 4. Overheating indicator 10. Mains power cable
5. Cooling unit (optional) 5. Welding cable connection, 11. Measurement cable connection
6. Interconnection cable set negative pole ( – ) 12. Robot interface unit
6. Welding cable connection,
positive pole ( + )
The A7 MIG Power Source 350/450 is designed for demanding professional use. The power
source is suitable for pulsed MIG/MAG, 1-MIG, and also for WiseRoot+ and WiseThin+
Setup panel
1 7
8 3 8
4 6
1 2
8 9 13 14
4 7 10
6 15 16
Figure 3.6 Wire feeder – front Figure 3.7 Wire feeder – rear side Figure 3.8 Wire feeder – cover
1. Euro connector for the welding gun 5. GT04T wire feed mechanism 13. Gas test button
2. Compressed air outlet 6. Transparent lid 14. Air blow button
3. Motor gun and peripheral connector 7. Wire feeder control cable connection 15. Wire retract button
4. Welding current (+) input 8. Compressed air inlet 16. Wire inch button
9. Shielding gas inlet
10. Arc measurement cable connector for the power The A7 MIG Wire Feeder 25 is a durable and powerful
source wire feeding device for welding automation. For more
11. Arc measurement cable connector for the
information on using the wire feeder and its functions, see
workpiece clamp
Section 4.7, “Wire Feeder”.
12. Wire liner connector
See the A7 Welder Integration guide for more detailed information on connecting the
wire feeder.
Figure 3.10 A7 MIG Gun 500-g
1. Torch neck
2. Connection module 3
3. Hose assembly
4. Welding gun connector
5. Robot mount Figure 3.11 A7 MIG Gun 500-w Figure 3.12 Robot mount T1
1. Torch neck
The A7 MIG Gun 500-g is used in gas welding using inert 2. Hose assembly The robot mount Type 1 serves for accommodating a
gases (MIG) or active gases (MAG). This model is gas- 3. Robot mount welding gun in exact position. The mount is fastened to
cooled and can be used in all welding positions. 4. Fastener the robot with a cylinder head screws and a robot flange.
3 4
Figure 3.14 Robot mount T3
For compatibility and selection table, see the separate Figure 3.15 Cooling unit
A7 MIG Gun 500-g Operation manual and A7 MIG Gun 500- 1. Test switch
w Operation manual. 2. Filling hole (in the side plate)
3. Overheat control indicator
4. Power supply cable
5. Control cable
6. Coolant return connector
7. Coolant output connector
The cooling unit is designed for automatic and manual welding equipment and to
be used for cooling of the liquid-cooled welding gun. See the A7 Cooler Operating
manual for more information on the installation.
This unit is equipped with a filter and a flow switch in the return channel to ensure
uninterrupted cooling operation. The operation is controlled by software. See the A7
MIG Welder Integration guide for system configuration options.
Main switch
1 7
When you turn the on/off switch into position 1, the main
power indicator is illuminated and the welder system
starts a power-up sequence. The system is ready for use
when the setup panel is ready. Always turn the machine
on and off with the power source mains switch. Never use 5
8 3 8
the mains plug as a switch.
Indicator lights 2
The indicator lights of the machine report its operational
When the green main power indicator is on, it indi-
cates that the machine is switched on. When the orange
warning indicator light is on, the machine is overheated.
This is due to a higher than regular working load exceed-
ing the rated duty cycle. The cooling fan continues to cool
the machine down. When the light goes off the machine
is ready to weld again. 6 6 6
system has to be on and a user logged in for this function.
If the user identification system is off, the long press has Menu shortcut keys
no effect. Press the F1 to view additional information on the current
memory channel. Multiple presses show more information
Pressing this button anywhere in the menu returns to the pages. Pressing this button in the menu returns to the
memory channel information display. Possible unsaved channel information display.
changes are lost.
Press the F2 to log a user in when the user identification
Memory channel selector system is turned on and all users are logged off. Pressing
There are up to 200 memory channels available in the this button when a user has logged in redirects you to the
system starting from number 0 and ending to number user settings menu. If the Key Lock feature is in use, a long
199. The plus and minus buttons can be used to navigate press (over 4 seconds) locks and unlocks the Setup panel.
between the memory channels in the information display.
If the selected channel is empty, a soft button with text Press the F3 to select another wire feeder. The selection is
NEW is shown allowing direct entering to a channel editor. allowed if there are multiple wire feeders connected into
the welding system.
MENU entry button
Enter the main menu by pressing this button. Soft key buttons
The function of the soft key buttons depends on the
Up/down arrows current menu location and the operation being performed
Navigate in the menus up and down by pressing these in that location. The function is indicated by a text in the
buttons. LCD display just above the buttons, for example BACK,
4/8 System config Configure the welding system and view device information. 1. Choose process MIG, Select one of the processes for step-by-
menu 1-MIG, step curve selection, or go to the curve
Pulse MIG, number list to select the welding curve
5/8 Language Select the menu language.
Double pulse directly by its number. In the step-by-
6/8 Select feeder Select another parallel wire feeder for setup. MIG, WiseRoot+, step selection the curve list is filtered
(WF#) WiseThin+, by each selection to make the curve
7/8 Test menu Test system devices. Curve number selection easier.
8/8 Robot menu Configure the robot interface and devices for automated welding.
2. Choose group * Select the group of the base material.
3. Choose material * Select the base material.
4.2.3 Memory channel wizard
4. Choose diameter * Select the filler wire diameter.
For further information about the available welding programs, modified processes, 5. Choose gas * Select the shielding gas type.
Match™ functions and the special enhanced arc performance solution, see the wire Choose curve * Choose the curve from the list filtered by
feeder's operating manual or the Kemppi website at www.kemppi.com. the process, material, wire diameter and
shielding gas selections.
Edit channel (Main menu 1/8)
2/2 Copy from CH… Create a new memory channel by
Menu item Value range Description making a copy from an existing one.
Select channel Copy from CH 0 - 199 Select the channel where to make the
Edit channel 0 - 199 Select which memory channel to edit, create copy from.
or delete. The text below the selection shows * The content of the list depends on the available curves and the selections in the
whether the channel is empty or not. previous steps.
available welding parameters depends on
the selected welding process.
3/6 Welding functions * Select welding functions, like hot start,
creep start and crater fill.
4/6 Advanced functions * Select advanced welding functions, like
WiseFusion and WisePenetration.
5/6 Copy channel to… Make a copy from this memory channel to
another channel.
Copy channel to 0 - 199 Select the channel number where to make
the copy. Note that making the copy
to a non-empty channel overwrites the
channel data without confirmation.
6/6 Erase channel Make this channel empty by erasing all
data from the channel.
* See the tables Welding parameters and Welding functions for more information.
2/7 WFS max 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the upper limit for the m/min.
WFSpeed value. 2/7 WFS max 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the upper limit for the
3/7 WFS min 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the lower limit for the WFSpeed value.
WFSpeed value. 3/7 WFS min 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the lower limit for the
4/7 Voltage Voltage min - From curve Set the welding voltage (arc WFSpeed value.
Voltage max length). 4/7 FineTuning FineTuningMin - 0 Adjust the welding
5/7 Voltage max 8.0 - 50.0 V * From curve Set the upper limit for the FineTuningMax voltage (arc length) of
Voltage value. the welding curve up and
down (0 = no adjustment).
6/7 Voltage min 8.0 - 50.0 V * From curve Set the lower limit for the
Voltage value. 5/7 FineTuningMax -9.0 … +9.0 +9.0 Set the upper limit for the
FineTuning value.
7/7 Dynamics -9 … +9 0 Control the arc behavior in
short circuit. Lower value 6/7 FineTuningMin -9.0 … +9.0 -9.0 Set the lower limit for the
results to softer and higher FineTuning value.
value to rougher arc. 7/7 Dynamics -9 … +9 0 Control the arc behavior
in short circuit. A lower
* These are system limits. Actual limits come from the selected welding curve. value results in a softer arc
and a higher value results
in a rougher arc.
* These are system limits. Actual limits come from the selected welding curve.
2/8 WFS max 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the upper limit for the 2/10 WFS max 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the upper limit for the
WFSpeed value. WFSpeed value.
3/8 WFS min 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the lower limit for the 3/10 WFS min 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the lower limit for the
WFSpeed value. WFSpeed value.
4/8 FineTuning FineTuningMin 0 Adjust the welding voltage 4/10 FineTuning FineTuningMin - 0 Adjust the welding voltage
FineTuningMax- (arc length) of the welding FineTuningMax (arc length) of the welding
curve up and down (0 = no curve up and down (0 = no
adjustment). adjustment).
5/8 FineTuningMax -9.0 … +9.0 +9.0 Set the upper limit for the 5/10 FineTuningMax -9.0 … +9.0 +9.0 Set the upper limit for the
FineTuning value. FineTuning value.
6/8 FineTuningMin -9.0 … +9.0 -9.0 Set the lower limit for the 6/10 FineTuningMin -9.0 … +9.0 -9.0 Set the lower limit for the
FineTuning value. FineTuning value.
7/8 Dynamics -9 … +9 0 Control the arc behavior in 7/10 Dynamics -9 … +9 0 Control the arc behavior in
short circuit. A lower value short circuit. Lower value
results in a softer arc and results to softer and higher
a higher value results in a value to rougher arc.
rougher arc.
8/10 Pulse current -10 … +15 % 0% Adjust the pulse current up
8/8 Pulse current -10 … +15 % 0% Adjust the pulse current up and down.
and down.
9/10 DPulseAmp 0.1 - 3.0, CURVE CURVE Adjust the amplitude of
* These are system limits. Actual limits come from the selected welding curve. the wire feed speed, or use
the value from the welding
10/10 DPulseFreq 0.4 - 8.0 Hz, CURVE CURVE Adjust the frequency of
the double pulse, or use
the value from the welding
* These are system limits. Actual limits come from the selected welding curve.
WFSpeed value. 2/7 WFS max 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the upper limit for the
WFSpeed value.
3/6 WFS min 1.2 - 11.0 m/min * From curve Set the lower limit for the
WFSpeed value. 3/7 WFS min 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the lower limit for the
WFSpeed value.
4/6 FineTuning FineTuningMin - 0 Adjust the base current (arc
FineTuningMax heat) of the curve up and 4/7 FineTuning FineTuningMin - 0 Adjust the base current
down (0 = no adjustment). FineTuningMax (arc heat) of the curve
up and down (0 = no
5/6 FineTuningMax -9.0 … +9.0 +9.0 Set the upper limit for the adjustment).
FineTuning value.
5/7 FineTuningMax -9.0 … +9.0 +9.0 Set the upper limit for the
6/6 FineTuningMin -9.0 … +9.0 -9.0 Set the lower limit for the FineTuning value.
FineTuning value.
6/7 FineTuningMin -9.0 … +9.0 -9.0 Set the lower limit for the
* These are system limits. Actual limits come from the selected welding curve. FineTuning value.
7/7 Dynamics -9 … +9 0 Control the arc behavior in
short circuit. A lower value
results in a softer arc and
a higher value results in a
rougher arc.
* These are system limits. Actual limits come from the selected welding curve.
related to the welding
current level. 3/4 WiseFusion ON, OFF OFF Set the Wise fusion on and
3/10 Hot 2T time 0.0 - 9.9 s 1.2 s Set the duration of the hot
start. 4/4 WiseFusion% 20 - 60 %, CURVE CURVE The Wise fusion
functionality controls the
4/10 Crater fill ON, OFF, USER USER Set the crater fill on and off, amount of short circuits in
or let the user select it from the arc. Lower fusion value
a welding panel. reduces the amount of the
5/10 CraterStart 10 - 250 % 100 % Set the level of the curve short circuits and higher
where the crater fill starts value increases the amount.
from. * If the function is not allowed by the selected process or there is no license for the
6/10 CraterFillEnd 10 - 250 %, not 30 % Set the level of the curve at function, the text 'NA' (not allowed) is displayed.
higher than the end of the crater fill.
CraterStart value
7/10 CraterTime 0.0 - 10.0 s 1.0 s Set the crater fill slope time.
8/10 Creep start 10 - 99 %, OFF, CURVE Set the creep start off, adjust
CURVE the creep start level or select
the value of the welding
curve being used.
9/10 Start power -9 … 9 0 Adjust the arc ignition
10/10 TSI ON, OFF OFF Set the touch sense ignition
on and off.
3/5 Set the user Change the role for a user.
rights welding stops.
Select user USER1 - USER10 Select the user whose role you 2/22 Cable length 10 - 100 m 10 m Set the welding circuit length
want to change. Note! You cannot for optimal arc control.
change your own role. 3/22 FineCalib 0 V - 10 V / 10 V / 100 A Set the compensation for
Level Welder, Select the role for the user. 100 A cable resistance variation.
Supervisor, 4/22 System clock View and modify the system
Administrator time and date.
4/5 User activation Create and delete users. 5/22 Device information Review the following device
User activation USER1 - USER10 Select the user account that you information for each device
want to create /delete. in the system:
DevSW: Unit software
User Enabled, Create an account by setting version.
Disabled the user Enabled, or delete the SysSW: System base software
account by selecting Disabled. version.
5/5 Reset user PIN Reset the PIN code of a user. BootSW: Boot software
code version.
SW Item: Software item
Select user USER1 - USER10 Select the user whose PIN code number.
to reset. The reset value is 0000. Serial: Device serial number.
Confirm the reset by pressing OK Prog: Programmer name.
soft button. Date: Programming date.
* See section 4.4 User identification for more information. 6/22 Restore settings
ROBOT All settings All memory channels (0-199)
are restored from backup.
Setup settings remain as they
Restore to factory All memory channels and
their backups are removed.
All settings are set to default
factory values.
number index. control unit on and off.
• Control knob is used to
14/22 MIG CurrentDisp ON, OFF OFF Set the MIG current display
select the code number
on and off. When the MIG
current display is off, the
• ENTER soft button is used
wire feed speed is displayed
to activate the license code
after all numbers have
been entered. 15/22 WFMotorWarnLev 1.5 - 5.0 A 3.5 A Set the warning level of
the wire feeding motor
License timers Check the remaining license
current. The setting affects
time of the time-based Wise
how sensitively the system
detects issues in the wire
8/22 Weld data delay 1 - 60 s 20 s Specify how long the Weld feeding system.
Data is displayed after
16/22 WF end step ON, OFF OFF Set the wire feeding end
welding stops. Weld Data
step on and off. When the
display can be closed by
setting is on, the filler wire
turning the control knob or
steps forward at the end of
pressing any button.
the welding cycle. Otherwise
9/22 Display delay 1 - 20 10 Specify how long any the filler wire remains in the
textual information (like position where it was driven
”Settings saved”) is displayed during the welding cycle.
on the screen. This is an
17/22 AutoWireInch * ON, OFF ON Set the automatic
approximate time value and
SuperSnake wire inch
the actual delay may vary
feature on and off. When the
depending on the system
setting is on, the filler wire is
driven automatically to the
10/22 Pre gas time 0.0 - 9.9 s, CURVE Override the pre gas time of SuperSnake by pressing the
CURVE the welding curve, or let the wire inch button.
system use the curve value.
11/22 Post gas time 0.0 - 9.9 s, CURVE Override the post gas time of
CURVE the welding curve, or let the
system use the curve value.
Wire Feeder. Level 5.0 – 20.0 l/min 10.0 l/min Set gas flow detection level.
19/22 ArcVoltage ON, OFF OFF Set the arc voltage Gas mixture menu
measurement and Ar (0 – 100 %) (100 %) Amount of Argon (Ar) in the
calculation function on mixture. This value cannot be
and off. When on, the arc adjusted manually. The value
voltage, current and power is automatically decreased
are displayed on the setup when the amount of other
panel and web user interface gases is increased, and vice
during welding. versa.
20/22 SubFeederLength * 10 - 25 m 10 m Set the length of the CO2 0 – 100 % 0% Set the amount of Carbon
subfeeder for arc voltage Dioxide (CO2) in the mixture.
N2 0 – 100 % 0% Set the amount of Nitrogen
(N2) in the mixture.
O2 0 – 100 % 0% Set the amount of Oxygen
(O2) in the mixture.
H2 0 – 100 % 0% Set the amount of Hydrogen
(H2) in the mixture.
He 0 – 100 % 0% Set the amount of Helium
(He) in the mixture.
22/22 Keylock ON, OFF OFF Enable or disable the Key
Lock feature in Setup Panel.
When enabled, this feature
prevents unintentional
key presses. To lock or
unlock the keys, press F2
for 4 seconds. The keys are
locked automatically after 2
minutes, if the Setup Panel is
not used.
is driven forward by STOP soft button is pressed
accelerating to the selected (appears in the place of the
speed. The test stops when START button).
the button is released.
Test time 1 - 60 s 20 s Set how long the gas test is
Speed 0.5 - 25.0 m/min 5.0 m/min Select the wire feed speed in run for.
0.05 m/min steps from 0.5 to
5.0 m/min and in 0.1 m/min 4/4 Air blow Run the compressed air blow
steps above 5.0 m/min. test by pressing the START
soft button once. The test is
WF motor Displays the motor current run until the test time goes
during the test. off or until the STOP soft
2/4 Wire retract Run the wire retract test button is pressed (appears
by pressing the START in the place of the START
soft button and keeping button).
it pressed. The filler wire Test time 1 - 60 s 20 s Set how long the air blow test
is driven backwards by is run for.
accelerating to the selected
speed. The test is stopped
when the button is released.
Speed 0.5 - 25.0 m/min 5.0 m/min Set the wire feed speed in
0.05 m/min steps from 0.5 to
5.0 m/min and in 0.1 m/min
steps above 5.0 m/min.
WF motor Displays the motor current
during the test.
3/15 WFS scaling * 0 - 9999 0 (no scaling) Select the maximum value for wire feed speed in scaled mode (1-9999), or switch scaled mode off (0).
4/15 Current scaling * 0 - 9999 0 (no scaling) Select the maximum value for welding current in scaled mode (1-9999), or switch scaled mode off (0).
5/15 Simulation ON, OFF, USER OFF Select welding simulation on and off, or let the user of the robot to manage the simulation (USER).
6/15 Wire Feeder * WF1, WF2, USER WF1 Select the wire feeder in dual wire feeder systems.
Stop switch menu * Configure Stop functionality. The Stop circuitry is connected to the robot interface unit of the A7 MIG
Selection ON, OFF OFF Set the stop input on and off.
Line level 0 V, 24 V 0V Select the voltage level of the input line.
Switch type Opening, Closing Opening Select the type of the electrical switch used in the signal line. The opening type switch opens the
electrical circuit of the signal line and the closing type switch closes the circuit.
Door switch menu * Configure gate door functionality. The gate door circuitry is connected to the robot interface unit of the
A7 MIG Welder.
Selection ON, OFF OFF Set the gate door input on and off.
Line level 0 V, 24 V 0V Select the voltage level of the input line.
Switch type Opening, Closing Opening Select the type of the electrical switch used in the signal line. The opening type switch opens the
electrical circuit of the signal line and the closing type switch closes the circuit.
Touch sensor menu * Configure touch sensor.
Voltage 50 V, 80 V, 110 V, 160 V, 50 V Select the output voltage level for the touch sensor.
170 V, 180 V, 200 V
9/15 Tool USER, Welding wire, Gas USER Select the tool used for touch sensing (welding wire or gas nozzle), or let the user of the robot to
nozzle manage the tool selection (USER).
FastOutput Low-act, High-act Low-act Select the signal polarity of the fast hardware output. The low-active signal pulls the output to 0 V on
logical ’1’ state and the high-active signal releases the output on logical ’1’. The signal is pulled up to 24 V
by a resistor when released.
Gun menu * Configure the welding torch connected to the A7 MIG Wire Feeder.
Gun type 0 Regular, 0 Regular Select the type of the welding torch. Some torches have a push-pull motor, with or without a
2 WHPP E 42V 17.1:1, tachometer or an encoder. This selection enables use of certain push-pull torches.
3 WHPPi E 32V 13.7:1,
11/15 4 Dinse MEP(Z) 200,
5 Dinse MEP(Z) 200E
6 Dinse MEP(Z) 200T
Selection ON, OFF OFF Enable or disable the watchdog functionality. When enabled, the robot must refresh the watchdog
by changing the status of the corresponding signal in the I/O table periodically within the watchdog
timeout time. The timeout timer restarts on every transaction. If the robot stops refreshing, an error is
raised and the system stops operation immediately.
Timeout 0.1 s – 5.0 s 0.1 s Set the watchdog timeout time.
DHCP is off.
Gateway - View the current gateway when the DHCP is on. The web user interface does not use the gateway
address, so it is not necessary to set up this value when the DHCP is off.
14/15 Gas sensor menu * Configure gas sensor located in the A7 MIG Wire Feeder (integrated version).
Enabled ON, OFF OFF Set the gas flow sensor on and off.
Level 5.0 - 20.0 l/min 5.0 l/min Set the gas flow detection level.
Gas type Unknown, CO2, Argon, Unknown Select the shielding gas type used for welding. This selection affects the correctness of the gas flow
AR18CO2 measurement.
15/15 System name View the system name. The system can be named in the web user interface for identification purposes.
typing a proper IP address to the browser’s address field. user and redirects automatically to the login window.
The IP address can be verified from the setup panel, Robot
Menu > Network settings > IP address. Setup parameters and controls
Many of the menu items contain user configurable
The web user interface is used only for configuring
parameters. The setup parameters and their related
robotic welding settings. If manual welding is used with the
controls are listed from top to bottom. They are ordered
A7 MIG Welder, the configuration of the hand welding wire
in functional groups to make system configuration easier.
feeder is done using the setup panel.
Setup value controls
6 The controls allow you to change parameter values.
Different types of parameter values have controls of
Figure 4.2 Web user interface layout overview
types according to the parameter value range. The
1. Side menu bar
controls can be button bars, edit boxes, drop-down lists,
2. Content frame
sliders, and sliders with adjustable min and max limits.
3. Current user / User logout
The slider value can be provided as a direct value input
4. Setup parameters by clicking the current value and typing a new value.
5. Setup value controls
6. Pop-up bar (normally hidden) Pop-up bar
The multi-function pop-up bar on the bottom of the
Side menu bar window is normally hidden and appears when needed.
The side bar will be hidden if the width of the window is The bar appears for error and warning notifications and
narrowed down. A side bar button appears in the top left for save changes requests. It allows the user to take
corner of the window and can be used to show and hide actions related to the notification and disappears after
the side bar. one of the buttons has been clicked.
Figure 4.3 Welding display, main view Figure 4.4 Welding display – editing welding parameters Figure 4.5 Gas, air and wire inch view
The Welding display view monitors the selected memory Clicking on the memory channel info bar opens a sub view In the Gas, air and wire inch view you can test shielding
channel, the welding process data and the robot control where you can change wire feed speed and, depending gas valve, compressed air valve, wire inch and wire retract.
state in real time. The display shows welding current, on the process, the fine tuning, voltage, dynamics, pulse
voltage, power, wire feed speed and gas flow rate. If arc current, double pulse amplitude and double pulse To adjust the duration of the gas and air test, use the
measurement is set on, the measured arc voltage and arc frequency values during welding. Saving the changes will slider bars. Then click on the Run gas or Run air button.
power are also displayed. affect the arc behavior immediately. The test stops automatically after the specified time.
Clicking the test button again during the test stops the
You can view and change the welding parameters of test immediately.
the current memory channel by clicking on the memory
channel info bar. To adjust the wire feed speed for wire inch and wire retract
use the slider bar. Then click either on Run wire backward
or Run wire forward button to start the test. The button
has to be kept pressed down throughout the whole test.
Releasing the button stops the test.
Figure 4.6 Logbook view
Figure 4.9 Memory channel editing – Welding program view Table 4.17: Welding process symbols
In the Welding program view you can select the desired Icon Description
welding process and welding program. For some processes
there are several available welding programs. The drop-
down list of the welding programs can be filtered to make ! MIG welding process
Figure 4.10 Memory channel editing – Welding parameters and functions view Figure 4.11 Welding system settings view
In the Welding parameters view you can, depending on the selected welding process, In the Welding system view you can modify all settings related to the behavior and
• set the min, max and initial values for Wire feed speed. function of the welding system.
• set the min, max and initial values for Fine tuning or Voltage.
• set the value for the Dynamics and Pulse current. In the General settings menu you can
• set the value manually or from the curve for Double pulse amplitude and • turn Water cooling ON, OFF and AUTO by clicking on the buttons.
Double pulse frequency. • adjust Welding cable length by using the slider bar.
• select Fine tuning calibration point by using the slider bar.
In the Welding functions menu you can, depending on the selected welding process, • select Arc voltage measurement ON and OFF by clicking on the button.
• select Wise functions on and off and set up their effectiveness.
• select Hot start option OFF, ALWAYS ON or USER SETS ON/OFF and set Hot In the Wire feed settings menu you can
start level and Hot start time by using the sliders. • select wire feeder option: WIRE FEEDER 1, WIRE FEEDER 2 or SELECT AT ROBOT.
• select Crater fill option OFF, ALWAYS ON or USER SETS ON/OFF and set Crater • adjust Wire feed motor current warning level by using the slider bar.
fill step level, Crater fill end level and Crater fill time by using the sliders. • select Wire feed end step ON and OFF by using the buttons.
• select Creep start option CURVE or SET VALUE and set Creep start level by
using the sliders. In the Gas settings menu you can
• select Start power by using the slider. • select Pre gas time and Post gas time as a preset value from welding program
• select Touch sense ignition option OFF or ON (CURVE) or a value selected with a slider (SET VALUE).
• select Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Helium In the Stop switch settings menu you can
concentration in a Gas mixture (for a bus-controlled gas sensor). • select Stop switch ON and OFF by clicking on the buttons.
• select Gate door switch ON and OFF by clicking on the buttons.
In the General robot settings menu you can • select Switch type for Stop switch and the gate door switch by clicking on the
• select Interface mode for the digital robot interface in the selection box. buttons.
• adjust Voltage scaling by using the slider bar. • select Line level for Stop switch and the gate door switch by clicking on the
• adjust Wire feed speed scaling by using the slider bar. buttons.
• adjust Current scaling by using the slider bar.
• select Simulation mode by OFF, ON or SELECT AT ROBOT by clicking on the In the Watchdog settings menu you can
buttons. • select Watchdog ON and OFF by clicking on the buttons.
• select Gun type from the drop-down menu. • adjust Timeout by using the slider bar.
In the Touch sensor settings menu you can In the Welding system time menu you can
• select Output voltage from the drop-down menu. • select date by clicking on the date and selecting year, month and day from a
• select Touch tool WELDING WIRE, GAS NOZZLE or SELECT AT ROBOT by clicking pop-up calendar.
on the buttons. • set time by clicking on the time and typing new time in to the field.
• select Fast output polarity LOW-ACTIVE or HIGH-ACTIVE by clicking on the • synchronize with the current system time by clicking the NOW button.
Figure 4.12 Settings – Language view Figure 4.13 Settings – Users view Figure 4.14 Settings – Change PIN view
In the Language view you can select the desired language Accessing this view requires administrator or service In the Change PIN view the current user can change the
for the web user interface by clicking on the drop-down supervisor rights. PIN code by typing the required information in the fields
menu. If available, the same language is used in the setup and clicking on the CHANGE PIN button.
panel. If the setup panel is not capable of showing the In the Users view you can
selected language (for example Chinese) it uses English • select User identification ON and OFF by clicking See Section 4.4 "User identification" for more information.
as the default. on the buttons.
• change Role for a user by clicking the orange
arrow and clicking on the WELDER, SUPERVISOR
• create a new user by typing a name for an unused
user account and selecting Role for the user.
• delete a user by clicking on the user’s DELETE
button and confirming the delete in the pop-up
• reset PIN code to 0000 by clicking on the user’s
RESET PIN button.
Figure 4.15 Settings – Fieldbus view Figure 4.16 Settings – Network view
In the Fieldbus view you can identify the fieldbus, view In the Network menu you can configure the network
the fieldbus specific information and set the configuration settings of the web user interface server. See the A7 MIG
values. The available information and configuration Welder Integration guide for more information about the
parameters depend on the fieldbus type. See the A7 MIG network configuration.
Welder Integration guide for more information.
Accessing this view requires administrator or service
Accessing this view requires administrator or service supervisor rights.
supervisor rights.
Changing the network settings affects your access to
Changing the fieldbus settings affects the the web user interface.
communication between the welder system and the robot.
Figure 4.17 Settings – Backup, restore and reset view Figure 4.18 Settings – Licenses view
In the Backup, restore and reset menu you can In the Licenses menu you can view the current software
• create a backup file from memory channels licenses.
and welding system settings by clicking on the
Backup button. As an administrator or a supervisor you can add new
• restore settings from a backup file by clicking software licenses. See further information about the
on the Choose file button, browsing for the file, available welding programs, modified processes, Match™
selecting from the Memory channels, Welding functions and special enhanced arc performance solutions
system, Users and Network options the desired on Kemppi's web site at www.kemppi.com.
items to restore and then press the Restore
• reset all welding system settings and memory
channels by clicking on the Factory reset button.
• clear the logbook by clicking on the Logbook
reset button and confirming the operation in the
pop-up dialog.
4.4.1 Overview
The user identification system enables access control of Table 4.18 User roles in the A7 MIG Welder system
individual users. The feature is optional and can be turned Role Access level Description
on when needed. Initially, the user identification system is
Welder Level 0 A welder works on a robot cell changing workpieces and welding. The welder can
turned off. The welding system is in the initial state when adjust welding values within the limits set by the supervisor.
it is taken into use for the first time or after a factory reset. The welder cannot change system settings or memory channels.
Supervisor Level 1 A supervisor teaches the robot new works and prepares the system for welding. The
System configuration, control and monitoring functions supervisor specifies welding value limits to be used by welders. The supervisor creates
are divided into three access levels. The lowest level (level memory channels and deletes and modifies them.
0) covers the smallest subset of functions. The middle The supervisor cannot change the system settings related to the cell configuration.
level (level 1) covers a larger subset and the highest level Administrator Level 2 An administrator builds and maintains the robot cell. The administrator specifies all
(level 2) covers all the available functions. The access level system settings related to the fixed environment, for example, stop switch settings or
is associated with a user account by specifying a role for welding cable length. The administrator can create, modify and delete other users and
the user. See Table 4.18 "User roles in the A7 MIG Welder set user identification system off if needed.
system" for descriptions of different user roles and the
associated access levels.
menu > User settings and select a user with administrator user on the account you want to create and type a name
privileges. Provide a valid PIN code to log in. In the User Go to the Main menu > User settings and provide your PIN for the user. The user interface will make other options au-
settings menu look for the User mode parameter and se- code to access the User settings menu. Go to the User acti- tomatically available and a pop-up dialog with Save and
lect the desired value (ON). Press the Save button to save vation and select a user number from the USER1 - USER10 Reset changes buttons appear at the bottom. Select the
the settings. until the text (Disabled) appears under the username. This role for the user by clicking the Welder, Supervisor or Ad-
means that the particular user account is not in use. Click ministrator buttons. Click the Save button to save the set-
Web user interface the Select button and switch the user to Enabled. Press tings. The new user has been created with the default PIN
In the web user interface the user identification system the Set button. The new user is now created with welder code 0000. To change the PIN code, the newly created user
can be turned on without user login. Note that you still privileges. In order to change the user privileges, see Sub- needs to be logged in. See the Subsection 4.4.7 "Changing
need to have a valid administrator PIN code available. section 4.4.5 "Changing user role". PIN code" for more information.
The system requires user login immediately after the user
identification system has been turned on and the user You cannot configure usernames in the setup panel. In The Settings > Users selection in the side menu is not
identification system cannot be turned off without admin- that case users are displayed by their system name (USER1, visible to welders and supervisors. If you cannot see the
istrator privileges. USER2...). Use the web user interface to configure the selection, you do not have the privileges to change user
usernames. settings. Log out and log in using another account with
Go to the Settings > Users page and switch the User iden- TThe default PIN code for the new user account is 0000. To administrator privileges.
tification parameter on. A pop-up dialog with Save and change the PIN code, the newly created user needs to be
Reset changes buttons will appear at the bottom. Press logged in. See Subsection 4.4.7 "Changing pin code" for
the Save button in the dialog to save the settings. The user more information.
interface will go to a login page automatically. Select an
appropriate username and provide a PIN code to log in.
Deleting a user requires administrator privileges. When a new user is created in the web user interface, the Usernames can be configured in the web user interface.
Welders and supervisors cannot delete users. At least user role is specified for the user in the same view. When The setup panel does not have this functionality.
one administrator account is required in the system. You a new user is created in the setup panel, the default role Changing a username requires administrator privileges.
cannot delete your own account. is Welder. The role can be changed afterwards. Changing The user identification system must be turned on to
a user role requires administrator privileges. access user settings.
Setup panel
Go to the Main menu > User settings and provide your Setup panel Go to the Settings > Users page. Click on the username
PIN code to access the User settings menu. Go to the User Go to the Main menu >User settings and provide your you want to change and retype the name. A pop-up
activation and select the user you want to delete. Switch PIN code to access the User settings menu. Go to the Set dialog with Save and Reset changes buttons will appear
the user to Disabled and press the Set button. The user user rights and select the user whose role you want to at the bottom. Click the Save button to save the settings.
is now deleted and the account released for further use. change.
You cannot change your own role. 4.4.7 Changing PIN code
Web user interface
Go to the Settings > Users page. The user identification Select the role and press the Set button to save the By default, the PIN code for each user is 0000 (four zeroes).
system must be turned on to access user settings. Users settings. Users can protect their user accounts by personalizing
have a Delete button in their user account. Press the this code. In order to change the PIN code, the user
button to delete a user. A confirmation dialog with Delete Web user interface identification system must be turned on.
and Cancel buttons appears. Press the Delete button Go to the Settings > Users page. The user identification
on the dialog. The user is now deleted and the account system must be turned on to access user settings. Press Setup panel
released for new user. the orange arrow > to left of the user icon to see the user Go to Main menu > User settings and provide your PIN
options. Select the role for the user by clicking on the code to access the User settings menu. Go to Change
Welder, Supervisor or Administrator buttons. A pop-up PIN code and specify the new PIN code digit by digit. Go
dialog with Save and Reset changes buttons will appear to the next digit by pressing the Next button. After the
at the bottom. Click the Save button to save the settings. fourth digit press the OK button to save the settings. The
PIN code is now changed.
The administrator can reset a PIN code to let the user Setup panel
redefine it and access the system again. Resetting the PIN The setup panel displays User logged off text when no
code requires administrator privileges. user is logged in. To log in press the F2 button, select a
user, provide a valid PIN code and press OK. You are now
Setup panel logged in.
Go to the Main menu > User settings and provide your PIN
code to access the menu. Go to the Reset user PIN code To log out, press F2, select Log off and press Select.
and select the user whose PIN code you want to reset. Alternatively, press the power button on the setup panel
Confirm reset by pressing the OK button. for five seconds to log out.
Web user interface When a user has already logged in, you can log in as an
Go to the Settings > Users page. The user identification active user without logging out. To change you as the
system must be turned on to access users. Press the Reset active user, press the F2 button, select your user account,
PIN button on the right side of the user whose PIN code provide a valid PIN code and press OK. You are now the
you want to reset. Please note that the reset operation is active user and the other user account is logged out
not confirmed – pressing the Reset PIN button will reset automatically.
the PIN code immediately. A dialog with an OK button will
appear indicating a successful operation. Web user interface
The web user interface shows the login page when no user
is logged in. To log in, select a user from the drop-down
box, provide a valid PIN code and press the Login button.
When a user has already logged in, follow the logout and
login instructions to change yourself as the active user.
passed on to the robot controller.
4 6
5. Fieldbus / Digital robot interface
6. Arc measurement cables
7. Peripheral connector
3 8. Touch tool (welding wire or gas nozzle)
9. Touch detection
10. Welding minus (touch sensor ground)
On/Off control
The touch sensor device behaves as a software controllable power
source. The power source can be switched on and off from the robot
controller by using the digital robot interface. The touch sensor cannot
9 be put on or turned off from the setup panel or the web user interface.
The touch sensor cannot be used when the welding cycle is on.
The touch sensor provides eight software selectable DC voltage levels (see Table 4.19, Table 4.19 Voltage levels
“Voltage levels”). The voltage level can be configured in the web user interface or the Nominal Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage
setup panel. See Subsection 4.5.5, “Selecting output voltage” for more information on voltage (gas nozzle) (welding wire) (welding wire + (welding wire +
the voltage level setup. arc cable on) arc clamp on)
50 V 55 V 54 V 54 V 50 V
All levels have limited continuous power supply to ensure human safety. The 200 V
supply drops down under the 113 V level when loaded by a 5.6 kΩ resistor which is the 80 V 80 V 80 V 77 V 74 V
nominal DC resistance of the human body. In some cases, voltage levels above 113 V can 110 V 110 V 110 V 105 V 87 V
still cause minor harm, such as pain, to a person. Use the gate door safety switch with 150 V 150 V 150 V 130 V 89 V*
touch sensor levels above 110 V.
160 V 160 V 160 V 130 V 89 V*
The welder system features an arc measurement function which is performed between 170 V 170 V 170 V 130 V 89 V*
the welding plus and minus poles near the welding arc using specific cabling and a
180 V 180 V 180 V 130 V 89 V*
measurement circuitry. The measurement system influences touch sensing when
the welding wire is used as a touch tool and when the arc measurement cables are 200 V 200 V 200 V 130 V 89 V*
connected. The measurement system does not influence touch sensing when the gas *Values cause false detection on touch sensor.
nozzle is used as the touch tool.
The power source and the touch sensing circuitry are galvanically isolated from the
The touch sensing is influenced when other systems in the robot interface unit.
• the arc measurement cable between the power source and the wire feeder
(included in the cable set) is connected, but the arc measurement clamp from
the wire feeder to the workpiece is disconnected.
• the clamp is also connected. This situation is more harmful because it causes
false touch detection at certain voltage levels.
The Table 4.19, “Voltage levels” describes all setups and their relative voltage levels. The
accuracy of all values in the table except the nominal voltage is ±5 %.
Two alternative touch tools can be used for touch sensing The fast status output is a direct hardware output for sys-
(see Figure 4.21, “Welding wire used as touch tool” and tems where the latency between the sensing and the de-
Figure 4.22, “Gas nozzle used as touch tool”). The regular tection status reception is an issue. The normal latency is
tool is the welding wire (welding plus). Sometimes the around 10 milliseconds through the fieldbus. The response
welding wire is not accurate enough. The tip of the welding time of the fast output is about 1.5 milliseconds.
wire can bend resulting in incorrect position information.
In that case the gas nozzle can be used instead. Using the See the A7 Welder Integration guide for connecting and
gas nozzle requires extra wiring from wire feeder’s 10-pole configuring the fast output.
peripheral connector (pin F) to the gas nozzle.
4.5.4 Selecting output voltage
The touch tool can be forced by the configuration in both
the web user interface and the setup panel, or the selection The output voltage of the touch sensor power source can
can be allowed to be managed by the robot controller by be selected by using either the web user interface or the
using the digital robot interface. See Subsection 4.5.6, setup panel. Setting the voltage requires administrator
“Configuring touch tool” for more information on these privileges.
Setup panel
Go to the Main menu > Robot menu > Touch sensor menu
and specify the desired output voltage value to the Volt-
age parameter by turning the control knob. Press the Save
button to save the settings.
Arc l e ngt h
interface or from the setup panel. The configuration head during TAST”) and measuring the arc length. The
requires administrator privileges. The touch tool can be seam tracking provides precise welds in setups where the
forced either to the gas nozzle or the welding wire, or left workpiece position within repetitive tasks varies, or when
to be controlled by the robot via the digital robot interface. the route of the groove is complicated.
Setup panel Time
In the A7 MIG Welder the collision sensor signal is read by the wire feeder and the
information is passed to the robot by the welding system. In addition, a collision causes
always the Error 53 Collision detected in the welding system. When the error occurs, the
power source stops welding immediately.
1 2 4
The collision sensor can be turned on and off by using The sensor type can be selected by using either the web The output polarity of the sensor affects to the polarity
either the web user interface or the setup panel. Setting user interface or the setup panel. Setting the sensor type of the signal in the digital robot interface. If the polarity
sensor on and off requires administrator privileges. requires administrator privileges. is low-active, the signal is 0 on collision and 1 otherwise.
If the polarity is high-active, the signal is 1 on collision
The collision sensor should be turned off by software Setup panel and 0 otherwise. Setting the output polarity requires
when there is no collision sensor installed in the system.
Go to the Main menu -> Robot menu -> Coll. sensor menu administrator privileges.
and select the switch type by turning the control knob on
Setup panel the Switch type parameter. Press the Save button to save Setup panel
Go to the Main menu > Robot menu > Coll. sensor menu the settings. Go to the Main menu > Robot menu > Coll. sensor menu,
and turn the control knob on the Selection to set the sensor navigate to the Output parameter and turn the control
ON or OFF. Press the Save button to save the settings. Web user interface knob on it to change the output polarity. Press the Save
Go to the Welding settings > Welding system > Collision button to save the changes.
Web user interface sensor settings and select the switch type by clicking
Go to the Welding settings >Welding system > Collision Opening or Closing button. The collision sensor must be Web user interface
sensor settings and select the collision sensor on or off by on in order to change the other settings. A pop-up bar Go to the Welding settings > Welding system > Collision
clicking the ON or OFF button. A pop-up bar with Save and with Save and Reset changes buttons will appear at the sensor settings and select the output polarity by clicking
Reset changes buttons will appear at the bottom. Press bottom. Press the Save button in the dialog to save the the Low-active or High-active button. A pop-up bar with
the Save button in the dialog to save the settings. When settings. When turned on, additional settings appear. Save and Reset changes buttons will appear at the bottom.
turned on, additional settings appear. Press the Save button in the dialog to save the settings.
pendant through the digital robot interface guide tube and middle wire guide tube) according to the
• By using the illuminated buttons on the wire One of the lights is off: type of the filler wire. See Table 4.20, “Wire guide tubes
feeder • Function is not allowed at the moment (for with Euro connector”, Table 4.21, “Wire guide tubes with
example, no license for the function in question). Panasonic connector”, Table 4.22, “Plastic wire feed rolls”
• If the button is pressed the light flashes three and Table 4.23, “Metal wire feed rolls” for details.
times to indicate a prohibited function. The
indicated function is not carried out.
1 2 A light is on:
3 4 • The indicated function is available.
the mounting direction is correct (the arrow on the
bottom of the middle wire guide tube indicates
wire’s direction of travel -> towards the torch).
6. Mount the lower feed rolls, ensuring that the pin on
the shaft fits in the cut on the feed rolls.
7. Mount the auxiliary feed rolls inside the pressure
handle. While mounting the retainer shafts ensure
that the niches of the orange knobs fit into the tabs 2 7
on the pressure handle.
8. Adjust the pressure of the feed rolls by using the
adjustment screws.
3 8
Figure 4.28 Mounting wire guide tubes and wire feed rolls
1.4 SP011768 108 SP007276 33
1.4 – 1.6 SP011463 108 SP007275 33 GT04 T Dinse 0.8 – 0.9 SP011773 120 SP007279 33
GT04 T Binzel 0.8 – 0.9 SP011446 108 SP007279 33 1.0 SP011774 120 SP007278 33
Al, Ss
plastic (Fe, Mc, Fc) 1.2 SP011775 120 SP007277 33
1.0 SP011447 108 SP007278 33
Al, Ss
(Fe, Mc, Fc) 1.2 SP011448 108 SP007277 33
1.4 SP011451 108 SP007276 33 Figure 4.29 Wire guide tubes
1.6 SP011452 108 SP007275 33 1
2.0 SP011453 108 SP007274 33
2.4 SP011454 108 SP007273 33
GT04 T Dinse 0.8 – 0.9 SP011443 112 SP007279 33
plastic 2 1
1.0 SP011445 112 SP007278 33 2
Al, Ss
(Fe, Mc, Fc) 1.2 SP011769 112 SP007277 33
1. Outlet tube
2. Middle tube
1.2 W000960 W000961 1.4 W006078 W006079
1.4 W001049 W001050 Fc, Mc, (Fe) 1.0 W006080 W006081
V-groove, knurled
1.6 W001051 W001052 1.2 W006082 W006083
2.0 W001053 W001054 1.4 – 1.6 W006084 W006085
2.4 W001055 W001056 2.0 W006086 W006087
Fc, Mc, (Fe) 1.0 W001057 W001058 Al, (Fc, Mc, Ss, Fe) 1.0 W006088 W006089
V-groove, knurled U-groove
1.2 W001059 W001060 1.2 W006090 W006091
1.4 – 1.6 W001061 W001062 1.6 W006092 W006093
2.0 W001063 W001064
2.4 W001065 W001066
Al, (Fc, Mc, Ss, Fe) 1.0 W001067 W001068
1.2 W001069 W001070
1.6 W001071 W001072
value is measured directly from the arc. In the weld data the text “AVol” is displayed for the
same determination. In the web user interface, the arc values are displayed on the Welding
display page.
In order to display the values, the arc measurement has to be switched on by the means
of the following instructions.
Setup panel
Go to the Main menu > System config menu, navigate to the ArcVoltage parameter and
turn the control knob on it to change the feature on. Press the Save button to save the
the list. The standalone gas flow sensor device appears in the list as “Gas sensor unit”. If that Go to the Main menu > System config menu > Gas sensor menu, navigate to the Level
entry does not exist, the system uses the integrated gas flow sensor. parameter and turn the control knob on it to change the gas flow sensing level. Press the
They do not apply to an integrated gas flow sensor that uses wire feeder hardware. To Save button to save the changes.
check the type of the gas sensor in use, go to setup panel’s Main menu > System config
menu > Device information and navigate through the list. The standalone gas flow sensor Web user interface
device appears in the list as “Gas sensor unit”. If that entry does not exist, the system uses Go to the Welding settings > Welding system > Gas sensor settings and adjust the Gas flow
the integrated gas flow sensor. sensing level parameter by using the slider, or by clicking on the value and typing a new
value. A pop-up bar with Save and Reset changes buttons will appear at the bottom. Press
4.10.1 On/Off control the Save button in the dialog to save the settings.
The gas flow sensor can be turned on and off. By default, it is off. When turned on, flow rate
and status are monitored in web user interface’s welding display.
Setup panel
Go to the Main menu > System config menu > Gas sensor menu, navigate to the Enabled
parameter and turn the control knob on it to change the gas flow sensor on or off. Press
the Save button to save the changes.
Knowing the exact mixture of the shielding gas is necessary for precise gas flow
measurement. The gas flow sensor unit supports flow measurement for any mixture of
the six base gases, including pure base gases. The mixtures are set up by specifying the
percentage of each gas in the mixture.
Reconfigure the mixture every time when the type of the shielding gas is changed.
The percentage of Argon is changed automatically when adjusting other gases, the
total percentage being always 100 %. For example, if Carbon dioxide is increased from 0 to
18 %, Argon is changed automatically from 100 to 82 %. This applies for Ar+18CO₂ gas. If
Carbon dioxide is increased to 100 %, Argon is decreased to 0 %. This applies for pure CO₂
gas, etc.
Setup panel
Go to the Main menu > System config menu > Gas sensor menu > Gas mixture menu.
Navigate through the gas parameters and adjust their percentage in the mixture by
turning the control knob, according to the shielding gas in use. Press the Save button to
save the changes.
• Check and set gas flow rate
• Check gas type for application
• Check gun/electrode polarity
• Check correct welding program selected
• Check correct channel number selected on wire feeder control panel
• Check power supply – Phase down?
Variable welding • Check wire feed mechanism is correctly adjusted
performance • Check correct drive rolls are fitted
• Check wire spool overrun tension is correctly adjusted
• Check gun liner is not blocked, replace if necessary
• Check correct gun liner is fitted for the filler wire size and type
• Check contact tip for size, type and wear
• Check gun is not over heating in application
• Check cable connections and earth return clamp
• Check welding parameter settings.
Filler wire won’t feed • Check that pressure arms are closed and adjusted in wire feed mechanism
• Check welding gun switch function
• Check Euro gun collar is correctly fastened
• Check gun liner is not blocked
• Check contact tip, size, type, wear
• Check and try alternative gun.
(involving downslope and crater filling, for instance).
Error 3 Any welding operations are immediately interrupted.
Requires user acknowledgement from the user interface.
Serious error 4 Any welding operations are immediately interrupted.
To acknowledge the error, the device has to be restarted.
Critical error 5 Any welding operations are immediately interrupted.
Turn the machine off, disconnect the power supply and contact
the maintenance service.
12 CHECK WELDING CABLE Serious error Switch off the MIG/MAG power source. Check that the welding cables are
The welding circuit is short-circuited. correctly connected. Disconnect the (+) cable of the arc-fed power source or
Incorrect cabling, or the entire arc-fed power source from the welding piece. Restart the MIG/MAG
a defective cable, or power source. Contact the maintenance service if the error is not resolved.
an in-line arc-fed MMA/TIG power source, whose (+) pole is connected to the weld
piece, is connected to the MIG/MAG power source outputs at the same time as MIG/
MAG is used, or
the arc-fed power source is defective.
Current limit is exceeded while the wire feed motor is running, and the motor is
stopped. The wire feeder rolls are too tight, the wire spool is too tight, or the wire is
44 NO WIRE FEED SPEED SIGNAL Critical error Contact the maintenance service.
Wire feed motor tachometer signal missing. The tachometer is damaged or the
wiring is broken.
50 LICENSE ERROR Error Acquire a license for the optional function you want from the device provider.
An attempt was made to use an optional accessory, welding program, or a specific
setting for welding that has not been activated using a license code.
51 THE REAR FEED WHEELS ARE LOOSE Warning Tighten the rear feed rolls.
The rear feed rolls are loose. The wire feed speed is slowed down or varies.
52 THE FRONT FEED WHEELS ARE LOOSE Warning Tighten the front feed rolls.
The front feed rolls are loose. The wire feed speed is slowed down or varies.
53 COLLISION DETECTED Error Reverse the robot arm until the torch no longer touches the obstacle. Check
The collision sensor has been activated. The welding torch mounted on the arm of a the torch in case of damages.
welding robot has collided with the welding piece or another obstacle.
failure or shutdown. Welding is interrupted when connection is lost.
133 STOP Error Identify the reason for stop. Do not release the stop button before the cause
A user has pressed the stop button. Welding is immediately interrupted. has been identified and resolved.
134 GATE DOOR OPEN Error Close the gate door of the welding cell and acknowledge the signal.
The door of the welding cell is open, or the light field of the photo-electric device has
been broken by passing through it. Welding is immediately interrupted.
135 LOGBOOK MEDIA CARD MISSING Warning Check that the microSD memory chip is correctly connected.
The system cannot find the logbook memory card. The microSD memory card has
not been installed in robot interface unit’s card slot, or the contact is defective. The
system can be used normally, but log entries cannot be recorded.
136 LOGBOOK MEDIA CARD BROKEN Warning Check the microSD memory card connection and replace the card, if
Failed to write to the logbook microSD memory card. The memory card or the necessary.
contact is defective. The system can be used normally, but log entries cannot be
137 LOGBOOK MEDIA CARD UNFORMATTED Warning Format the logbook memory card by using the web user interface. Go to the
Failed to read from the microSD memory card. The memory card has not been Settings > Backup restore and reset and click on the Reset logbook button.
formatted. The system can be used normally, but log entries cannot be recorded.
138 LICENSE ERROR Error Acquire a license for the optional function you want from the device provider.
An attempt was made to use an optional accessory, welding program, or a specific
setting for welding that has not been activated using a license code.
139 WIRE FEEDER LOST Error Check the connection and condition of the wire feeder interconnection cable.
No connection to the wire feeder. There is no wire feeder connected to the system, or
the connection is defective.
140 THE LOGBOOK MEMORY CARD IS INVALID Warning Replace the microSD memory card with the right type of card. Kingston®
The microSD memory card is the wrong type. The system can be used normally, but microSDHC Class-10 10MB/s, min. 4 GB is recommended.
log entries cannot be recorded. This error may appear also if the microSD card is broken.
Operation of the overload protection Under- and overvoltages in the mains supply
Yellow thermal protection lamp is lit when the thermostat Primary circuits of the machine are protected against
is operating, due to loading beyond the stated duty cycle. sudden, transient overvoltage. The machine is designed
to withstand 3 x 440 V voltage continuously. Ensure that
The thermostat will operate, if machine is continuously voltage is kept within this permissible limit, especially
loaded over rated values or cooling air circulation is when the mains supply is provided by a combustion en-
blocked. gine generator. If the mains have undervoltage (under ap-
prox. 300 V) or overvoltage (over approx. 480 V) machine
Internal fans will cool the machine, and when the pilot control stops operation automatically.
lamp is not lit the machine is automatically ready for wel-
ding. Loss of a phase in the mains supply
Loss of a mains power phase causes noticeably poor wel-
Control fuses ding properties. In some cases, the machine won't start at
Fuse, 6.3 A delayed, on the rear wall of the machine provi- all. Loss of a phase can be due to following:
des protection for auxiliary devices. • Blowing of mains supply fuse
• Defective mains cable
Use the same type and rating of fuse as marked beside the • Bad connection of mains power cable on
fuse adapter. Damage caused by incorrect fuse selection is machine terminal block or plug of machine.
not covered by the guarantee.
connections. • Checking of connectors, switches and
7.1 Daily maintenance You must know the correct tension torques values
• Checking of electric connections
Check the overall condition of the welding gun. Remove before starting the reparation of the loose joints. • Checking of mains cable and plug
welding spatter from the contact tip and clean the gas Clean the inner parts of the machine from dust and dirt • Damaged parts or parts in bad condition are
nozzle. Replace worn or damaged parts. Only use original e.g. with a soft brush and vacuum cleaner. Also clean the replaced by new ones
Kemppi spare parts. ventilation net behind the front grill. • Maintenance testing.
• Operation and performance values of the
Check the condition and connection of the welding circuit Do not use compressed air, there is a risk that the dirt will machine are checked, and when necessary
components: welding gun, earth return cable and clamp, compact even more tightly into gaps of cooling profiles. adjusted by means of software and test
sockets and connectors. equipment.
Do not use pressure washing devices.
Check the condition of the feed rolls, needle bearings Software loading
and shafts. Clean and lubricate bearings and shafts with a Only an authorized trained electrician should carry out Kemppi Service Workshops can also test and load firm-
small quantity of light machine oil if necessary. Assemble, repairs to Kemppi machines. ware and welding software.
adjust and test function.
Check that the feed rolls are suitable for the filler wire you
are using, and that their pressure adjustment is correct.
separately and taken to an appropriate environmentally-
responsible recycling facility. 6260460 ROBOT 70-10-WH CABLE SHOE Interconnection cable set with zipper bag sleeve, 10 meters, water cooled
6260480 ROBOT 70-20-GH CABLE SHOE Interconnection cable set with zipper bag sleeve, 20 meters, gas cooled
The owner of the equipment is obliged to deliver a decom- 6260481 ROBOT 70-20-WH CABLE SHOE Interconnection cable set with zipper bag sleeve, 20 meters, water cooled
missioned unit to a regional collection center, as per the 6203521 A7 LITE ANALOG PLC See the A7 Analog PLC Operating manual, to be used with 977412ETC
instructions of local authorities or a Kemppi representa-
6203522 A7 FULL ANALOG PLC See the A7 Analog PLC Operating manual, to be used with 977412ETC
tive. By applying this European Directive you will improve
the environment and human health. 6260482 A7 ROBOT 70-5-WH Interconnection cable set with corrugated sleeve, 5 meters, water cooled
6260483 A7 ROBOT 70-5-GH Interconnection cable set with corrugated sleeve, 5 meters, gas cooled
9774121DEV ANYBUS-CC M30 DEVICENET DeviceNet fieldbus adapter
9774121DEV12 ANYBUS-CC M30 DEVICENET M12 DeviceNet fieldbus adapter, M12 connectors
9774121ETH ANYBUS-CC M30 ETHERNET/IP EtherNet/IP fieldbus adapter, 1-port version
9774121ETH2 ANYBUS-CC M30 ETHERNET/IP 2-PORT EtherNet/IP fieldbus adapter, 2-port version
9774121ETC ANYBUS-CC M30 ETHERCAT EtherCAT fieldbus adapter
9774121PRF ANYBUS-CC M30 PROFIBUS PROFIBUS fieldbus adapter
9774121PRN ANYBUS-CC M30 PROFINET IO PROFINET IO fieldbus adapter, 1-port version
9774121PRN2 ANYBUS-CC M30 PROFINET IO 2-PORT PROFINET IO fieldbus adapter, 2-port version
9774121MBR ANYBUS-CC M30 MODBUS-RTU Modbus-RTU fieldbus adapter
9774121MBT ANYBUS-CC M30 MODBUS-TCP Modbus-TCP fieldbus adapter, 1-port version
9774121MBT2 ANYBUS-CC M30 MODBUS-TCP 2-PORT Modbus-TCP fieldbus adapter, 2-port version
Open circuit voltage (average) 85 V – 103 V 85 V – 103 V
Operating temperature range -20 °C … +40 °C -20 °C … +40 °C
Minimum generator power 35 kVA 35 kVA
External dimensions LxWxH 610 x 240 x 520 mm 610 x 240 x 520 mm
Weight (no mains connection cable) 40.2 kg 40.2 kg
Weight (with mains connection cable) 42.6 kg 42.6 kg
Degree of protection IP23S IP23S
Efficiency (100 % duty cycle) 87 % 87 %
Power factor (at max. current) 0.85 0.88
Storage temperature range -40 °C … +60 °C -40 °C … +60 °C
Temperature class (main transformer) 155 (F) 155 (F)
EMC class A A
Minimum short circuit power Ssc of supply network 5.5 MVA 5.5 MVA
Welding range 20 A / 12 V - 350 A / 46 V 20 A / 12 V - 450 A / 46 V
Output (at 60 % duty cycle) 350 A 450 A
Output (at 100 % duty cycle) 330 A 350 A
Power supply for auxiliary devices 50 V DC / 100 W 50 V DC / 100 W
Max. apparent power 22 kVA 22 kVA
Idle power 25 W 25 W
Power supply for cooling unit 24 V DC / 50 VA 24 V DC / 50 VA
EMC class A EMC class A
Operating voltage (safety voltage) 400 V -15 % … +20 % Gun connection Euro
Cooling power 1 kW Wire feed mechanism 4-roll, two motors
Maximum pressure 0.4 MPa Filler wire sizes (Fe solid) 0.8 mm - 1.6 mm
Tank volume Approx. 3 l Filler wire sizes (Fe cored) 1.0 mm - 1.6 mm
Filler wire sizes (Ss) 0.8 mm - 1.6 mm
Filler wire sizes (Al) 1.0 mm - 2.4 mm
Filler wire sizes (CuSi) 0.8 mm - 1.2 mm
Wire feed speed adjustment 0.5 m/min - 25 m/min
Operating voltage (safety voltage) 50 V DC