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Cc2530 User Guide

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CC253x System-on-Chip Solution for 2.

IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee® Applications
CC2540/41 System-on-Chip Solution for 2.4-
GHz Bluetooth® low energy Applications

User's Guide

Literature Number: SWRU191F

April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Preface....................................................................................................................................... 14
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 17
1.1 Overview..................................................................................................................... 18
1.1.1 CPU and Memory ................................................................................................. 21
1.1.2 Clocks and Power Management ................................................................................ 21
1.1.3 Peripherals ......................................................................................................... 21
1.1.4 Radio ................................................................................................................ 23
1.2 Applications ................................................................................................................. 23
2 8051 CPU........................................................................................................................... 24
2.1 8051 CPU Introduction .................................................................................................... 25
2.2 Memory ...................................................................................................................... 25
2.2.1 Memory Map ....................................................................................................... 25
2.2.2 CPU Memory Space .............................................................................................. 27
2.2.3 Physical Memory .................................................................................................. 28
2.2.4 XDATA Memory Access .......................................................................................... 33
2.2.5 Memory Arbiter .................................................................................................... 33
2.3 CPU Registers .............................................................................................................. 34
2.3.1 Data Pointers ...................................................................................................... 34
2.3.2 Registers R0–R7 .................................................................................................. 35
2.3.3 Program Status Word ............................................................................................. 35
2.3.4 Accumulator ........................................................................................................ 36
2.3.5 B Register .......................................................................................................... 36
2.3.6 Stack Pointer ....................................................................................................... 36
2.4 Instruction Set Summary .................................................................................................. 36
2.5 Interrupts .................................................................................................................... 40
2.5.1 Interrupt Masking .................................................................................................. 41
2.5.2 Interrupt Processing............................................................................................... 45
2.5.3 Interrupt Priority.................................................................................................... 47
3 Debug Interface .................................................................................................................. 50
3.1 Debug Mode ................................................................................................................ 51
3.2 Debug Communication .................................................................................................... 51
3.3 Debug Commands ......................................................................................................... 53
3.3.1 Debug Configuration .............................................................................................. 55
3.3.2 Debug Status ...................................................................................................... 55
3.3.3 Hardware Breakpoints ............................................................................................ 56
3.4 Flash Programming ........................................................................................................ 57
3.4.1 Lock Bits ............................................................................................................ 57
3.5 Debug Interface and Power Modes ...................................................................................... 57
3.6 Registers .................................................................................................................... 59
4 Power Management and Clocks ........................................................................................... 60
4.1 Power Management Introduction ......................................................................................... 61
4.1.1 Active and Idle Modes ............................................................................................ 62
4.1.2 PM1 ................................................................................................................. 62
4.1.3 PM2 ................................................................................................................. 62

2 Contents SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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4.1.4 PM3 ................................................................................................................. 62

4.2 Power-Management Control .............................................................................................. 62
4.3 Power-Management Registers ........................................................................................... 63
4.4 Oscillators and Clocks ..................................................................................................... 66
4.4.1 Oscillators .......................................................................................................... 66
4.4.2 System Clock ...................................................................................................... 66
4.4.3 32-kHz Oscillators ................................................................................................. 67
4.4.4 Oscillator and Clock Registers .................................................................................. 67
4.5 Timer Tick Generation ..................................................................................................... 69
4.6 Data Retention .............................................................................................................. 69
5 Reset ................................................................................................................................ 70
5.1 Power-On Reset and Brownout Detector ............................................................................... 71
5.2 Clock-Loss Detector ....................................................................................................... 71
6 Flash Controller ................................................................................................................. 72
6.1 Flash Memory Organization............................................................................................... 73
6.2 Flash Write .................................................................................................................. 73
6.2.1 Flash-Write Procedure ............................................................................................ 73
6.2.2 Writing Multiple Times to a Word ............................................................................... 74
6.2.3 DMA Flash Write .................................................................................................. 74
6.2.4 CPU Flash Write................................................................................................... 75
6.3 Flash Page Erase .......................................................................................................... 75
6.3.1 Performing Flash Erase From Flash Memory ................................................................. 76
6.3.2 Different Flash Page Size on CC2533 ......................................................................... 76
6.4 Flash DMA Trigger ......................................................................................................... 76
6.5 Flash Controller Registers ................................................................................................ 76
7 I/O Ports ............................................................................................................................ 78
7.1 Unused I/O Pins ............................................................................................................ 79
7.2 Low I/O Supply Voltage ................................................................................................... 79
7.3 General-Purpose I/O ....................................................................................................... 79
7.4 General-Purpose I/O Interrupts ........................................................................................... 79
7.5 General-Purpose I/O DMA ................................................................................................ 80
7.6 Peripheral I/O ............................................................................................................... 80
7.6.1 Timer 1.............................................................................................................. 81
7.6.2 Timer 3.............................................................................................................. 81
7.6.3 Timer 4.............................................................................................................. 82
7.6.4 USART 0 ........................................................................................................... 82
7.6.5 USART 1 ........................................................................................................... 82
7.6.6 ADC ................................................................................................................. 83
7.6.7 Operational Amplifier and Analog Comparator ................................................................ 83
7.7 Debug Interface............................................................................................................. 83
7.8 32-kHz XOSC Input ........................................................................................................ 83
7.9 Radio Test Output Signals ................................................................................................ 84
7.10 Power-Down Signal MUX (PMUX) ....................................................................................... 84
7.11 I/O Registers ................................................................................................................ 84
8 DMA Controller .................................................................................................................. 92
8.1 DMA Operation ............................................................................................................. 93
8.2 DMA Configuration Parameters .......................................................................................... 95
8.2.1 Source Address.................................................................................................... 95
8.2.2 Destination Address............................................................................................... 95
8.2.3 Transfer Count ..................................................................................................... 95
8.2.4 VLEN Setting....................................................................................................... 96
8.2.5 Trigger Event....................................................................................................... 96

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8.2.6 Source and Destination Increment .............................................................................. 96

8.2.7 DMA Transfer Mode .............................................................................................. 97
8.2.8 DMA Priority........................................................................................................ 97
8.2.9 Byte or Word Transfers ........................................................................................... 97
8.2.10 Interrupt Mask .................................................................................................... 97
8.2.11 Mode 8 Setting ................................................................................................... 97
8.3 DMA Configuration Setup ................................................................................................. 97
8.4 Stopping DMA Transfers .................................................................................................. 98
8.5 DMA Interrupts.............................................................................................................. 98
8.6 DMA Configuration-Data Structure....................................................................................... 98
8.7 DMA Memory Access ...................................................................................................... 98
8.8 DMA Registers ............................................................................................................ 101
9 Timer 1 (16-Bit Timer) ........................................................................................................ 103
9.1 16-Bit Counter ............................................................................................................. 104
9.2 Timer 1 Operation ........................................................................................................ 104
9.3 Free-Running Mode ...................................................................................................... 104
9.4 Modulo Mode .............................................................................................................. 105
9.5 Up-and-Down Mode ...................................................................................................... 105
9.6 Channel-Mode Control ................................................................................................... 105
9.7 Input Capture Mode ...................................................................................................... 106
9.8 Output Compare Mode ................................................................................................... 106
9.9 IR Signal Generation and Learning .................................................................................... 111
9.9.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 111
9.9.2 Modulated Codes ................................................................................................ 111
9.9.3 Non-Modulated Codes .......................................................................................... 112
9.9.4 Learning ........................................................................................................... 113
9.9.5 Other Considerations ............................................................................................ 113
9.10 Timer 1 Interrupts ......................................................................................................... 113
9.11 Timer 1 DMA Triggers.................................................................................................... 113
9.12 Timer 1 Registers ......................................................................................................... 114
9.13 Accessing Timer 1 Registers as Array ................................................................................ 119
10 Timer 3 and Timer 4 (8-Bit Timers) ...................................................................................... 120
10.1 8-Bit Timer Counter ....................................................................................................... 121
10.2 Timer 3 and Timer 4 Mode Control ..................................................................................... 121
10.2.1 Free-Running Mode ............................................................................................ 121
10.2.2 Down Mode ...................................................................................................... 121
10.2.3 Modulo Mode .................................................................................................... 121
10.2.4 Up-and-Down Mode ............................................................................................ 121
10.3 Channel Mode Control ................................................................................................... 121
10.4 Input Capture Mode ...................................................................................................... 122
10.5 Output Compare Mode ................................................................................................... 122
10.6 Timer 3 and Timer 4 Interrupts.......................................................................................... 122
10.7 Timer 3 and Timer 4 DMA Triggers .................................................................................... 123
10.8 Timer 3 and Timer 4 Registers.......................................................................................... 123
11 Sleep Timer ...................................................................................................................... 128
11.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 129
11.2 Timer Compare ........................................................................................................... 129
11.3 Timer Capture ............................................................................................................. 129
11.4 Sleep Timer Registers ................................................................................................... 130
12 ADC ................................................................................................................................ 132
12.1 ADC Introduction .......................................................................................................... 133
12.2 ADC Operation ............................................................................................................ 133

4 Contents SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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12.2.1 ADC Inputs ...................................................................................................... 133

12.2.2 ADC Conversion Sequences .................................................................................. 134
12.2.3 Single ADC Conversion ........................................................................................ 134
12.2.4 ADC Operating Modes ......................................................................................... 134
12.2.5 ADC Conversion Results ...................................................................................... 135
12.2.6 ADC Reference Voltage ....................................................................................... 135
12.2.7 ADC Conversion Timing ....................................................................................... 135
12.2.8 ADC Interrupts .................................................................................................. 135
12.2.9 ADC DMA Triggers ............................................................................................. 135
12.2.10 ADC Registers ................................................................................................. 136
13 Battery Monitor ................................................................................................................ 139
13.1 Functionality and Usage of the Battery Monitor ...................................................................... 140
13.2 Using the Battery Monitor for Temperature Monitoring .............................................................. 140
13.3 Battery Monitor Registers ............................................................................................... 141
14 Random-Number Generator ............................................................................................... 143
14.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 144
14.2 Random-Number-Generator Operation ................................................................................ 144
14.2.1 Pseudorandom Sequence Generation ....................................................................... 144
14.2.2 Seeding .......................................................................................................... 144
14.2.3 CRC16 ........................................................................................................... 144
14.3 Random-Number-Generator Registers ................................................................................ 145
15 AES Coprocessor ............................................................................................................. 146
15.1 AES Operation ............................................................................................................ 147
15.2 Key and IV ................................................................................................................. 147
15.3 Padding of Input Data .................................................................................................... 147
15.4 Interface to CPU .......................................................................................................... 147
15.5 Modes of Operation ...................................................................................................... 147
15.6 CBC-MAC .................................................................................................................. 147
15.7 CCM Mode................................................................................................................. 148
15.8 AES Interrupts ............................................................................................................. 150
15.9 AES DMA Triggers ....................................................................................................... 150
15.10 AES Registers ............................................................................................................ 150
16 Watchdog Timer ............................................................................................................... 152
16.1 Watchdog Mode........................................................................................................... 153
16.2 Timer Mode ................................................................................................................ 153
16.3 Watchdog Timer Register................................................................................................ 153
17 USART ............................................................................................................................ 155
17.1 UART Mode ............................................................................................................... 156
17.1.1 UART Transmit.................................................................................................. 156
17.1.2 UART Receive .................................................................................................. 156
17.1.3 UART Hardware Flow Control ................................................................................ 156
17.1.4 UART Character Format ....................................................................................... 157
17.2 SPI Mode .................................................................................................................. 157
17.2.1 SPI Master Operation .......................................................................................... 157
17.2.2 SPI Slave Operation ............................................................................................ 158
17.3 SSN Slave-Select Pin .................................................................................................... 158
17.4 Baud-Rate Generation ................................................................................................... 158
17.5 USART Flushing .......................................................................................................... 159
17.6 USART Interrupts ......................................................................................................... 159
17.7 USART DMA Triggers .................................................................................................... 159
17.8 USART Registers ......................................................................................................... 159
18 Operational Amplifier ........................................................................................................ 164

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18.1 Description ................................................................................................................. 165

18.2 Calibration ................................................................................................................. 165
18.3 Clock Source .............................................................................................................. 165
18.4 Registers ................................................................................................................... 165
19 Analog Comparator ........................................................................................................... 166
19.1 Description ................................................................................................................. 167
19.2 Register .................................................................................................................... 167
20 I2C ................................................................................................................................... 168
20.1 Operation .................................................................................................................. 169
20.1.1 I2C Initialization and Reset ..................................................................................... 170
20.1.2 I2C Serial Data .................................................................................................. 170
20.1.3 I2C Addressing Modes ......................................................................................... 171
20.1.4 I2C Module Operating Modes ................................................................................. 171
20.1.5 I2C Clock Generation and Synchronization .................................................................. 177
20.1.6 Bus Error ......................................................................................................... 178
20.1.7 I2C Interrupt ...................................................................................................... 178
20.1.8 I2C Pins ........................................................................................................... 178
20.2 I2C Registers............................................................................................................... 178
21 USB Controller ................................................................................................................. 181
21.1 USB Introduction .......................................................................................................... 182
21.2 USB Enable................................................................................................................ 182
21.3 48-MHz USB PLL ......................................................................................................... 182
21.4 USB Interrupts............................................................................................................. 183
21.5 Endpoint 0 ................................................................................................................. 183
21.6 Endpoint-0 Interrupts ..................................................................................................... 183
21.6.1 Error Conditions ................................................................................................. 184
21.6.2 SETUP Transactions (IDLE State) ........................................................................... 184
21.6.3 IN Transactions (TX State) .................................................................................... 184
21.6.4 OUT Transactions (RX State) ................................................................................. 185
21.7 Endpoints 1–5 ............................................................................................................. 185
21.7.1 FIFO Management ............................................................................................. 185
21.7.2 Double Buffering ................................................................................................ 186
21.7.3 FIFO Access..................................................................................................... 187
21.7.4 Endpoint 1–5 Interrupts ........................................................................................ 187
21.7.5 Bulk or Interrupt IN Endpoint .................................................................................. 188
21.7.6 Isochronous IN Endpoint....................................................................................... 188
21.7.7 Bulk or Interrupt OUT Endpoint ............................................................................... 188
21.7.8 Isochronous OUT Endpoint.................................................................................... 188
21.8 DMA ........................................................................................................................ 189
21.9 USB Reset ................................................................................................................. 189
21.10 Suspend and Resume ................................................................................................... 189
21.11 Remote Wake-Up ........................................................................................................ 189
21.12 USB Registers ............................................................................................................ 190
22 Timer 2 (MAC Timer) ......................................................................................................... 197
22.1 Timer Operation ........................................................................................................... 198
22.1.1 General ........................................................................................................... 198
22.1.2 Up Counter ...................................................................................................... 198
22.1.3 Timer Overflow .................................................................................................. 198
22.1.4 Timer Delta Increment ......................................................................................... 198
22.1.5 Timer Compare ................................................................................................. 198
22.1.6 Overflow Count.................................................................................................. 198
22.1.7 Overflow-Count Update ........................................................................................ 199

6 Contents SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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22.1.8 Overflow-Count Overflow ...................................................................................... 199

22.1.9 Overflow-Count Compare...................................................................................... 199
22.1.10 Capture Input .................................................................................................. 199
22.1.11 Long Compare (CC2541 Only) .............................................................................. 199
22.2 Interrupts ................................................................................................................... 199
22.3 Event Outputs (DMA Trigger and Radio Events) ..................................................................... 200
22.4 Timer Start-and-Stop Synchronization ................................................................................. 200
22.4.1 General ........................................................................................................... 200
22.4.2 Timer Synchronous Stop ...................................................................................... 200
22.4.3 Timer Synchronous Start ...................................................................................... 201
22.5 Timer 2 Registers ......................................................................................................... 202
23 CC253x Radio................................................................................................................... 208
23.1 RF Core .................................................................................................................... 209
23.1.1 Interrupts ......................................................................................................... 209
23.1.2 Interrupt Registers .............................................................................................. 209
23.2 FIFO Access ............................................................................................................... 213
23.3 DMA ........................................................................................................................ 213
23.4 Memory Map .............................................................................................................. 213
23.4.1 RXFIFO .......................................................................................................... 214
23.4.2 TXFIFO ........................................................................................................... 214
23.4.3 Frame-Filtering and Source-Matching Memory Map ....................................................... 214
23.5 Frequency and Channel Programming ................................................................................ 215
23.6 IEEE 802.15.4-2006 Modulation Format............................................................................... 215
23.7 IEEE 802.15.4-2006 Frame Format .................................................................................... 217
23.7.1 PHY Layer ....................................................................................................... 217
23.7.2 MAC Layer ....................................................................................................... 217
23.8 Transmit Mode ............................................................................................................ 218
23.8.1 TX Control ....................................................................................................... 218
23.8.2 TX State Timing ................................................................................................. 218
23.8.3 TXFIFO Access ................................................................................................. 218
23.8.4 Retransmission .................................................................................................. 219
23.8.5 Error Conditions ................................................................................................. 219
23.8.6 TX Flow Diagram ............................................................................................... 219
23.8.7 Transmitted Frame Processing ............................................................................... 221
23.8.8 Synchronization Header ....................................................................................... 221
23.8.9 Frame-Length Field ............................................................................................. 221
23.8.10 Frame Check Sequence ..................................................................................... 221
23.8.11 Interrupts ....................................................................................................... 222
23.8.12 Clear-Channel Assessment .................................................................................. 222
23.8.13 Output Power Programming ................................................................................. 222
23.8.14 Tips and Tricks ................................................................................................ 222
23.9 Receive Mode ............................................................................................................ 222
23.9.1 RX Control ....................................................................................................... 222
23.9.2 RX State Timing ................................................................................................ 223
23.9.3 Received-Frame Processing .................................................................................. 223
23.9.4 Synchronization Header and Frame-Length Fields ........................................................ 224
23.9.5 Frame Filtering .................................................................................................. 224
23.9.6 Source Address Matching ..................................................................................... 227
23.9.7 Frame-Check Sequence ....................................................................................... 230
23.9.8 Acknowledgement Transmission ............................................................................. 230
23.10 RXFIFO Access........................................................................................................... 232
23.10.1 Using the FIFO and FIFOP .................................................................................. 232
23.10.2 Error Conditions ............................................................................................... 233

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23.10.3 RSSI ............................................................................................................ 233

23.10.4 Link Quality Indication ........................................................................................ 234
23.11 Radio-Control State Machine ........................................................................................... 234
23.12 Random-Number Generation ........................................................................................... 236
23.13 Packet Sniffing and Radio Test Output Signals ...................................................................... 237
23.14 Command Strobe Processor ............................................................................................ 238
23.14.1 Instruction Memory ............................................................................................ 238
23.14.2 Data Registers ................................................................................................. 239
23.14.3 Program Execution ............................................................................................ 239
23.14.4 Interrupt Requests ............................................................................................ 239
23.14.5 Random Number Instruction ................................................................................. 239
23.14.6 Running CSP Programs ...................................................................................... 239
23.14.7 Registers ....................................................................................................... 240
23.14.8 Instruction Set Summary ..................................................................................... 241
23.14.9 Instruction Set Definition ..................................................................................... 243
23.15 Registers................................................................................................................... 255
23.15.1 Register Settings Update..................................................................................... 256
23.15.2 Register Access Modes ...................................................................................... 256
23.15.3 Register Descriptions ......................................................................................... 257
24 CC2540 and CC2541 Bluetooth low energy Radio .................................................................. 275
24.1 Registers ................................................................................................................... 276
25 CC2541 Proprietary Mode Radio ......................................................................................... 278
25.1 RF Core .................................................................................................................... 279
25.2 Interrupts ................................................................................................................... 279
25.2.1 Interrupt Registers .............................................................................................. 279
25.3 RF Core Data Memory ................................................................................................... 280
25.3.1 FIFOs ............................................................................................................. 281
25.3.2 DMA .............................................................................................................. 284
25.3.3 RAM-Based Registers ......................................................................................... 285
25.3.4 Variables in RAM Page 5 ...................................................................................... 291
25.4 Bit-Stream Processor..................................................................................................... 291
25.4.1 Whitening ........................................................................................................ 291
25.4.2 CC2500-Compatible PN9 Whitening ......................................................................... 292
25.4.3 CRC .............................................................................................................. 293
25.4.4 Coprocessor Mode ............................................................................................. 295
25.5 Frequency and Channel Programming ................................................................................ 296
25.6 Modulation Formats ...................................................................................................... 296
25.7 Receiver .................................................................................................................... 296
25.8 Packet Format ............................................................................................................. 297
25.8.1 RX FIFO Packet Organization ................................................................................ 299
25.8.2 TX FIFO Packet Organization ................................................................................. 300
25.8.3 TX Buffers for ACK Payload................................................................................... 300
25.9 Link Layer Engine......................................................................................................... 301
25.9.1 Command Register ............................................................................................. 302
25.9.2 Radio Tasks ..................................................................................................... 302
25.9.3 RF Test Commands ............................................................................................ 317
25.10 Random Number Generation ........................................................................................... 318
25.11 Packet Sniffing ............................................................................................................ 319
25.12 Registers................................................................................................................... 320
25.12.1 Register Overview ............................................................................................. 320
25.12.2 Register Settings Update..................................................................................... 321
25.12.3 SFR Register Descriptions ................................................................................... 322
26 Voltage Regulator ............................................................................................................. 342
8 Contents SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014
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27 Available Software ............................................................................................................ 343

27.1 SmartRF™ Software for Evaluation (www.ti.com/smartrfstudio) ................................................... 344
27.2 RemoTI™ Network Protocol (www.ti.com/remoti) .................................................................... 344
27.3 SimpliciTI™ Network Protocol (www.ti.com/simpliciti) ............................................................... 345
27.4 TIMAC Software (www.ti.com/timac) ................................................................................... 345
27.5 Z-Stack™ Software (www.ti.com/z-stack) ............................................................................. 346
27.6 BLE Stack Software ...................................................................................................... 346
A Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 347
B Additional Information ....................................................................................................... 350
B.1 Texas Instruments Low-Power RF Web Site ......................................................................... 351
B.2 Low-Power RF Online Community ..................................................................................... 351
B.3 Texas Instruments Low-Power RF Developer Network.............................................................. 351
B.4 Low-Power RF eNewsletter ............................................................................................. 351
C References ....................................................................................................................... 352
Revision History ........................................................................................................................ 353

SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014 Contents 9

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List of Figures
1-1. CC253x Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 18
1-2. CC2540 Block Diagram ................................................................................................... 19
1-3. CC2541 Block Diagram ................................................................................................... 20
2-1. XDATA Memory Space (Showing SFR and DATA Mapping) ........................................................ 26
2-2. CODE Memory Space ..................................................................................................... 26
2-3. CODE Memory Space for Running Code From SRAM ............................................................... 26
2-4. Interrupt Overview .......................................................................................................... 43
3-1. External Debug Interface Timing ......................................................................................... 51
3-2. Transmission of One Byte................................................................................................. 51
3-3. Typical Command Sequence—No Extra Wait for Response ......................................................... 52
3-4. Typical Command Sequence. Wait for Response ..................................................................... 53
3-5. Burst Write Command (First 2 Bytes) ................................................................................... 55
4-1. Clock System Overview ................................................................................................... 65
6-1. Flash Write Using DMA.................................................................................................... 75
8-1. DMA Operation ............................................................................................................. 94
8-2. Variable Length (VLEN) Transfer Options .............................................................................. 96
9-1. Free-Running Mode ...................................................................................................... 104
9-2. Modulo Mode .............................................................................................................. 105
9-3. Up-and-Down Mode ...................................................................................................... 105
9-4. Output Compare Modes, Timer Free-Running Mode ................................................................ 108
9-5. Output Compare Modes, Timer Modulo Mode ........................................................................ 109
9-6. Output Compare Modes, Timer Up-and-Down Mode ................................................................ 110
9-7. Block Diagram of Timers in IR-Generation Mode .................................................................... 112
9-8. Modulated Waveform Example ......................................................................................... 112
9-9. IR Learning Board Diagram ............................................................................................. 113
11-1. Sleep Timer Capture (Example Using Rising Edge on P0_0) ...................................................... 130
12-1. ADC Block Diagram ...................................................................................................... 133
14-1. Basic Structure of the Random-Number Generator .................................................................. 144
15-1. Message Authentication Phase Block B0 ............................................................................. 148
15-2. Authentication Flag Byte ................................................................................................. 148
15-3. Message Encryption Phase Block ...................................................................................... 149
15-4. Encryption Flag Byte ..................................................................................................... 149
19-1. Analog Comparator ....................................................................................................... 167
20-1. Block Diagram of the I2C Module ....................................................................................... 169
20-2. I2C Bus Connection Diagram ............................................................................................ 170
20-3. I2C Module Data Transfer ................................................................................................ 170
20-4. Bit Transfer on I2C Bus ................................................................................................... 171
20-5. I2C Module 7-Bit Addressing Format ................................................................................... 171
20-6. I2C Module Addressing Format With Repeated START Condition ................................................. 171
20-7. Arbitration Procedure Between Two Master Transmitters ........................................................... 177
20-8. Synchronization of Two I2C Clock Generators During Arbitration .................................................. 177
21-1. USB Controller Block Diagram .......................................................................................... 182
21-2. IN and OUT FIFOs ....................................................................................................... 186
23-1. Modulation ................................................................................................................. 216
23-2. I/Q Phases When Transmitting a Zero-Symbol Chip Sequence, tC = 0.5 μs ..................................... 216
23-3. Schematic View of the IEEE 802.15.4 Frame Format [1] ........................................................... 217
23-4. Format of the Frame Control Field (FCF) ............................................................................. 217

10 List of Figures SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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23-5. Frame Data Written to the TXFIFO..................................................................................... 219

23-6. TX Flow .................................................................................................................... 220
23-7. Single Transmitted Frame ............................................................................................... 221
23-8. Transmitted Synchronization Header .................................................................................. 221
23-9. FCS Hardware Implementation ......................................................................................... 222
23-10. Single Received Frame and Transmitted Acknowledgment Frame ................................................ 223
23-11. SFD Signal Timing ........................................................................................................ 224
23-12. Filtering Scenarios (Exceptions Generated During Reception) ..................................................... 226
23-13. Matching Algorithm for Short and Extended Addresses ............................................................. 228
23-14. Interrupts Generated by Source Address Matching .................................................................. 229
23-15. Data in RXFIFO for Different Settings ................................................................................. 230
23-16. Acknowledge Frame Format ............................................................................................ 230
23-17. Acknowledgment Timing ................................................................................................. 231
23-18. Command Strobe Timing ................................................................................................ 231
23-19. Behavior of FIFO and FIFOP Signals .................................................................................. 233
23-20. Main FSM .................................................................................................................. 235
23-21. FFT of the Random Bytes ............................................................................................... 236
23-22. Histogram of 20 Million Bytes Generated With the RANDOM Instruction ......................................... 236
23-23. Running a CSP Program ................................................................................................ 240
23-24. Example Hardware Structure for the R* Register Access Mode ................................................... 256
25-1. Mapping of Radio Memory to MCU XDATA Memory Space ........................................................ 281
25-2. FIFO Pointers ............................................................................................................. 281
25-3. PN7 Whitening ............................................................................................................ 292
25-4. CC2500-Compatible Whitening ......................................................................................... 293
25-5. CRC Module ............................................................................................................... 294
25-6. Air Interface Packet Format for Basic Mode .......................................................................... 297
25-7. Air Interface Packet Format for Auto Mode ........................................................................... 298
25-8. Bits of 9-Bit Header ....................................................................................................... 298
25-9. Bits of 10-Bit Header ..................................................................................................... 298
25-10. Structure of Packets in the RX FIFO ................................................................................... 299
25-11. Structure of Packets in the TX FIFO ................................................................................... 300
25-12. Timing of Packets in RX Tasks ......................................................................................... 316
25-13. Timing of Packets in TX Tasks.......................................................................................... 317
25-14. Complete Appended Packet............................................................................................. 319

SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014 List of Figures 11

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List of Tables
0-1. CC253x Family Overview ................................................................................................. 15
0-2. Register Bit Conventions .................................................................................................. 16
2-1. SFR Overview .............................................................................................................. 29
2-2. Overview of XREG Registers ............................................................................................. 32
2-3. Instruction Set Summary .................................................................................................. 37
2-4. Instructions That Affect Flag Settings ................................................................................... 40
2-5. Interrupts Overview ........................................................................................................ 41
2-6. Priority Level Setting ....................................................................................................... 48
2-7. Interrupt Priority Groups ................................................................................................... 48
2-8. Interrupt Polling Sequence ................................................................................................ 49
3-1. Debug Commands ......................................................................................................... 53
3-2. Debug Configuration ....................................................................................................... 55
3-3. Debug Status ............................................................................................................... 55
3-4. Relation Between PCON_IDLE and PM_ACTIVE .......................................................................... 56
3-5. Flash Lock-Protection Bit Structure Definition .......................................................................... 57
4-1. Power Modes ............................................................................................................... 61
6-1. Example Write Sequence ................................................................................................. 74
7-1. Peripheral I/O Pin Mapping ............................................................................................... 81
8-1. DMA Trigger Sources ...................................................................................................... 98
8-2. DMA Configuration-Data Structure....................................................................................... 99
9-1. Initial Compare Output Values (Compare Mode) ..................................................................... 107
9-2. Frequency Error Calculation for 38-kHz Carrier ...................................................................... 111
10-1. Initial Compare Output Values (Compare Mode) ..................................................................... 122
13-1. Values Showing How Different Temperatures Relate to BATTMON_VOLTAGE for a Typical Device ........ 140
13-2. Values for A and B (for a Typical Device) When Using the Battery monitor for Temperature Monitoring .... 141
17-1. Commonly Used Baud-Rate Settings for 32 MHz System Clock................................................... 158
20-1. Slave Transmitter Mode.................................................................................................. 172
20-2. Slave Receiver Mode..................................................................................................... 173
20-3. Master Transmitter Mode ................................................................................................ 175
20-4. Master Receiver Mode ................................................................................................... 176
20-5. Miscellaneous States ..................................................................................................... 178
20-6. Clock Rates Defined at 32 MHz ........................................................................................ 179
21-1. USB Interrupt Flags Interrupt-Enable Mask Registers ............................................................... 183
21-2. FIFO Sizes for EP 1–5 ................................................................................................... 186
22-1. Internal Registers ......................................................................................................... 203
23-1. Frame Filtering and Source Matching Memory Map ................................................................. 214
23-2. IEEE 802.15.4-2006 Symbol-to-Chip Mapping ....................................................................... 216
23-3. FSM State Mapping ...................................................................................................... 236
23-4. Instruction Set Summary ................................................................................................. 242
23-5. Register Overview ........................................................................................................ 255
23-6. Registers That Require Update From Their Default Value .......................................................... 256
23-7. Register-Bit Access Modes .............................................................................................. 256
25-1. Radio RAM Pages ........................................................................................................ 280
25-2. Commands to FIFO via RFST Register ............................................................................... 283
25-3. Access to FIFO Registers ............................................................................................... 283
25-4. RAM-Based Registers.................................................................................................... 285
25-5. Address Structure for Auto Mode ....................................................................................... 289

12 List of Tables SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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25-6. Address Structure for Basic Mode ...................................................................................... 290

25-7. RAM-Based Registers in RAM Page 5 ................................................................................ 291
25-8. Register Settings for Different CRCs ................................................................................... 294
25-9. Register Settings for Some Commonly Used CRCs, Assuming Initialization With All 1s ....................... 295
25-10. Supported Modulation Formats, Data Rates, and Deviations....................................................... 296
25-11. Segments for Holding ACK Payload for Each Address Entry....................................................... 300
25-12. Commands From MCU to LL Engine via RFST Register ........................................................... 302
25-13. Timer 2 Capture Settings ................................................................................................ 304
25-14. End-of-Task Causes ...................................................................................................... 304
25-15. Recommended RAM Register Settings for Start Tone .............................................................. 306
25-16. Interrupt and Counter Operation for Received Messages ........................................................... 307
25-17. Interrupt and Counter Operation for Received Messages ........................................................... 308
25-18. End-of-Receive Tasks .................................................................................................... 310
25-19. Interrupt and Counter Operation for Received ACK Packets ....................................................... 312
25-20. End-of-Transmit Tasks ................................................................................................... 313
25-21. Additional Reasons for End-of-Transmit on Clear-Channel Tasks ................................................. 315
25-22. Packet-Sniffer Modes of Operation ..................................................................................... 319
25-23. XREG Register Overview ................................................................................................ 320
25-24. Registers That Should Be Updated From Their Default Value, Bit Rates 1 Mbps and Lower ................. 321
25-25. Registers That Should Be Updated From Their Default Value, Bit Rate 2 Mbps ................................ 321

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SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Read This First

About This Manual

The CC2540 and CC2541 are cost-effective, low-power, and true system-on-chip (SoC) solutions for
Bluetooth low energy applications. They enable robust BLE master or slave nodes to be built with very low
total bill-of-material costs. The CC2540 and CC2541 combine the excellent performance of a leading RF
transceiver with an industry-standard enhanced 8051 MCU, in-system programmable flash memory, 8-KB
RAM, and many other powerful supporting features and peripherals. The CC2540 and CC2541 are suited
for systems where very low power consumption is required. Very low-power sleep modes are available.
Short transition times between operating modes further enable low power consumption.
The CC2540 comes in two different versions: CC2540F128 and CC2540F256, with 128 KB and 256 KB of
flash memory, respectively.
The CC2541 comes in two different versions: CC2541F128 and CC2541F256, with 128 KB and 256 KB of
flash memory, respectively.
The CC2541F128/F256 comes in two different versions: CC2541F128/F256, with 128 and 256 KB of flash
memory, respectively.
Combined with the Bluetooth low-energy protocol stack from Texas Instruments, the
CC2540F128/CC2540F256 and CC2541F128/CC2541F256 constitute the market’s most comprehensive
single-mode Bluetooth low energy solution.
The CC253x System-on-Chip solution for 2.4 GHz is suitable for a wide range of applications. These can
easily be built on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 based standard protocols (RemoTI™ network protocol, TIMAC
software, and Z-Stack™ software for ZigBee® compliant solutions) or on top of the proprietary SimpliciTI™
network protocol. The usage is, however, not limited to these protocols alone. The CC253x family is, for
example, also suitable for 6LoWPAN and Wireless HART implementations.
Each chapter of this manual describes details of a module or peripheral; however, not all features are
present on all devices. To see the differences regarding features, see Table 0-1 in the Devices section.
For detailed technical numbers, such as power consumption and RF performance, see the device-specific
data sheet (Appendix C).

Related Documentation and Software From Texas Instruments

Related documentation (for example, the CC2530 data sheet http://www-s.ti.com/sc/techlit/swrs081 and
CC2540 data sheet http://www-s.ti.com/sc/techlit/swrs084) can be found in Appendix C.
For more information regarding software that can be used with the CC253x, CC2540, or CC2541 System-
on-Chip solution (for example, SmartRF™ software for radio performance and functionality evaluation),
see Chapter 27, which also contains more information regarding the RemoTI network protocol, the
SimpliciTI network protocol, the TIMAC software, the Z-Stack software, and the BLE stack software.

SmartRF, RemoTI, SimpliciTI, Z-Stack are trademarks of Texas Instruments.

Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
ZigBee is a registered trademark of ZigBee Alliance.

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Copyright © 2009–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com FCC Warning

FCC Warning
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and has not been tested for
compliance with the limits of computing devices pursuant to subpart J of part 15 of FCC rules, which are
designed to provide reasonable protection against radio frequency interference. Operation of this
equipment in other environments may cause interference with radio communications, in which case the
user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct this

If You Need Assistance

All technical support is channeled through the TI Product Information Centers (PIC) - www.ti.com/support.
To send an E-mail request, please enter your contact information, along with your request at the following
link – PIC request form.
Also visit the Low Power RF, ZigBee, and Bluetooth low energy sections of the TI E2E Community
(www.ti.com/lprf-forum), where you can easily get in touch with other CC253x, CC2540, and CC2541
users and find FAQs, Design Notes, Application Notes, Videos, and so forth.

Abbreviations used in this user guide can be found in Appendix A.

The CC253x System-on-Chip solution family consists of several devices. The following table provides a
device overview and points out the differences regarding memory sizes and peripherals. For a complete
feature list of any of the devices, see the corresponding data sheet (Appendix C).

Table 0-1. CC253x Family Overview

CC2530F32, -F64, CC2531F128, CC2533F32, CC2540F128, CC2541F128,
-F128/, -F256 CC2531F256 -F64, -F96 -F256 -F256
32 KB, 64 KB, 128 KB,
FLASH_SIZE 128 KB, 256 KB 32 KB, 64 KB, 96 KB 128 KB, 256 KB
128 KB, 256 KB 256 KB
8 KB, 8 KB, 8 KB,
SRAM_SIZE 8 KB, 8 KB 4 KB, 4 KB, 6 KB 8 KB 8 KB
8 KB
USB Not included Included Not included Included Not included
ADC Included Included Not included Included Included
Battery monitor Not included Not included Included Not included Not included
I2C Not included Not included Included Not included Included
Included Included Not included Included Not included
Analog comparator Included Included Not included Included Included

FLASH_SIZE – The size of the flash
SRAM_SIZE – The size of the SRAM

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Register Conventions www.ti.com

Register Conventions
Each SFR and XREG register is described in a separate table, where each table title contains the
following information in the format indicated:
For SFR registers: REGISTER NAME (SFR address) – register description
For XREG registers: REGISTER NAME (XDATA address) – register description
Each table has five columns to describe the different register fields as described in the following:
Column 1 – Bit: Denotes which bits of the register are described and addressed in the specific row
Column 2 – Name: Specific name of the register field
Column 3 – Reset: Reset or initial value of the register field
Column 4 – R/W: Key indicating the accessibility of the bits in the field (see Table 0-2 for more details)
Column 5 – Description: More details about the register field, and often a description of the functions of
the different values
In the register descriptions, each register field is shown with a symbol (R/W) indicating the access mode of
the register field. The register values are always given in binary notation unless prefixed by 0x, which
indicates hexadecimal notation.

Table 0-2. Register Bit Conventions

R/W Read and write
R Read-only
R0 Read as 0
R1 Read as 1
W Write-only
W0 Write as 0
W1 Write as 1
H0 Hardware clear
H1 Hardware set

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Copyright © 2009–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Chapter 1
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014


As mentioned in the preface, the CC253x, CC2540, and CC2541 device family provides solutions for a
wide range of applications. In order to help the user to develop these applications, this user's guide
focuses on the usage of the different building blocks of the CC253x, CC2540, and CC2541 device family.
For detailed device descriptions, complete feature lists, and performance numbers, see the device-specific
data sheet (Appendix C).
In order to provide easy access to relevant information, the following subsections guide the reader to the
different chapters in this guide.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 18

1.2 Applications ...................................................................................................... 23

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1.1 Overview
The block diagrams in Figure 1-1, Figure 1-2, and Figure 1-3 show the different building blocks of the
CC253x and, CC2540, and CC2541 devices. Not all features and functions of all modules or peripherals
are present on all devices of the CC253x, CC2540, and CC2541; hence, see the device-specific data
sheet for a device-specific block diagram.






P2_4 32.768-kHz CALIBRATION 1-KB CC2531
DEBUG 32-kHz

P1_5 8051 CPU
P1_2 32/64/128/256-KB









TIMER 1 (16-Bit)

(IEEE 802.15.4 MAC TIMER)



Figure 1-1. CC253x Block Diagram

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P2_4 32.768-kHz CALIBRATION


8051 CPU



OP-AMP Radio Arbiter
P0_0 AES

Link Layer Engine





TIMER 1 (16-Bit)


TIMER 3 (8-Bit)

TIMER 4 (8-Bit)

Figure 1-2. CC2540 Block Diagram

The modules can be roughly divided into one of three categories: CPU and memory related modules;
modules related to peripherals, clocks, and power management; and radio-related modules.

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SFR bus
P2_4 32.768-kHz
P1_6 8051 CPU
P1_4 SFR

P0_5 OP-
Radio Arbiter
P0_2 and
P0_1 DS ADC DECRYPTION Link Layer Engine

SFR bus




TIMER 1 (16-Bit)


TIMER 3 (8-bit)




Figure 1-3. CC2541 Block Diagram

20 Introduction SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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1.1.1 CPU and Memory

The 8051 CPU core is a single-cycle 8051-compatible core. It has three different memory access buses
(SFR, DATA, and CODE/XDATA) with single-cycle access to SFR, DATA, and the main SRAM. It also
includes a debug interface and an 18-input extended interrupt unit. The detailed functionality of the CPU
and the memory is addressed in Chapter 2.
The interrupt controller services a total of 18 interrupt sources, divided into six interrupt groups, each of
which is associated with one of four interrupt priorities. Any interrupt service request is serviced also when
the device is in idle mode by going back to active mode. Some interrupts can also wake up the device
from sleep mode (when in sleep mode, the device is in one of the three low-power modes PM1, PM2, or
PM3); see Chapter 4 for more details.
The memory arbiter is at the heart of the system, as it connects the CPU and DMA controller with the
physical memories and all peripherals through the SFR bus. The memory arbiter has four memory access
points, access of which can map to one of three physical memories: SRAM, flash memory, and
XREG/SFR registers. The memory arbiter is responsible for performing arbitration and sequencing
between simultaneous memory accesses to the same physical memory.
The 4-, 6-, or 8-KB SRAM maps to the DATA memory space and to parts of the XDATA memory spaces.
The SRAM is an ultralow-power SRAM that retains its contents in all power modes. This is an important
feature for low-power applications.
The 32-, 64-, 96-, 128-, or 256-KB flash block provides in-circuit programmable non-volatile program
memory for the device, and maps into the CODE and XDATA memory spaces. In addition to holding
program code and constants, the non-volatile memory allows the application to save data that must be
preserved such that it is available after restarting the device. Using this feature one can, for example, use
saved network-specific data to avoid the need for a full start-up and network find-and-join process.

1.1.2 Clocks and Power Management

The digital core and peripherals are powered by a 1.8-V low-dropout voltage regulator (Chapter 26).
Additionally, the CC253x, CC2540, and CC2541 contain a power-management functionality that allows the
use of different low-power modes (PM1, PM2, and PM3) for low-power applications with a long battery life
(see Chapter 4 for more details). Five different reset sources exist to reset the device; see Chapter 5 for
more details.

1.1.3 Peripherals
The CC253x, CC2540, and CC2541 include many different peripherals that allow the application designer
to develop advanced applications. Not all peripherals are present on all devices. See Table 0-1 for a listing
of which peripherals are present on each device.
The debug interface (Chapter 3) implements a proprietary two-wire serial interface that is used for in-
circuit debugging. Through this debug interface, it is possible to perform an erasure of the entire flash
memory, control which oscillators are enabled, stop and start execution of the user program, execute
supplied instructions on the 8051 core, set code breakpoints, and single-step through instructions in the
code. Using these techniques, it is possible to perform in-circuit debugging and external flash
programming elegantly.
The device contains flash memory for storage of program code. The flash memory is programmable from
the user software and through the debug interface (as mentioned previously). The flash controller
(Chapter 6) handles writing and erasing the embedded flash memory. The flash controller allows page-
wise erasure and 4-bytewise programming.
The I/O controller (Chapter 7) is responsible for all general-purpose I/O pins. The CPU can configure
whether peripheral modules control certain pins or whether they are under software control, and if so,
whether each pin is configured as an input or output and if a pullup or pulldown resistor in the pad is
connected. CPU interrupts can be enabled on each pin individually. Each peripheral that connects to the
I/O pins can choose between two different I/O pin locations to ensure flexibility in various applications.

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A versatile five-channel DMA controller (Chapter 8) is available in the system, accesses memory using
the XDATA memory space, and thus has access to all physical memories. Each channel (trigger, priority,
transfer mode, addressing mode, source and destination pointers, and transfer count) is configured with
DMA descriptors anywhere in memory. Many of the hardware peripherals (AES core, flash controller,
USARTs, timers, ADC interface) achieve highly efficient operation by using the DMA controller for data
transfers between SFR or XREG addresses and flash or SRAM.
Timer 1 (Chapter 9) is a 16-bit timer with timer, counter, and PWM functionality. Timer 1 has a
programmable prescaler, a 16-bit period value, and five individually programmable counter or capture
channels, each with a 16-bit compare value. Each of the counter or capture channels can be used as a
PWM output or to capture the timing of edges on input signals. Timer 1 can also be configured in IR
generation mode, where it counts Timer 3 periods and the output is ANDed with the output of Timer 3 to
generate modulated consumer IR signals with minimal CPU interaction (see Section 9.9).
Timer 2 (MAC Timer) (Chapter 22) is specially designed for supporting an IEEE 802.15.4 MAC or other
time-slotted protocol in software. The timer has a configurable timer period and a 24-bit overflow counter
that can be used to keep track of the number of periods that have transpired. A 40-bit capture register is
also used to record the exact time at which a start-of-frame delimiter is received or transmitted, or the
exact time at which transmission ends, as well as two 16-bit output compare registers and two 24-bit
overflow compare registers that can send various command strobes (start RX, start TX, etc.) at specific
times to the radio modules.
Timer 3 and Timer 4 (Chapter 10) are 8-bit timers with timer, counter, and PWM functionality. They have
a programmable prescaler, an 8-bit period value, and one programmable counter channel with an 8-bit
compare value. Each of the counter channels can be used as a PWM output.
The Sleep Timer (Chapter 11) is an ultralow-power timer that counts 32-kHz crystal oscillator or 32-kHz
RC oscillator periods. The Sleep Timer runs continuously in all operating modes except power mode 3
(PM3). Typical applications of this timer are as a real-time counter or as a wake-up timer for coming out of
power mode 1 (PM1) or power mode 2 (PM2).
The ADC (Chapter 12) supports 7 bits (30-kHz bandwidth) to 12 bits (4-kHz bandwidth) of resolution. DC
and audio conversions with up to eight input channels (Port 0) are possible. The inputs can be selected as
single-ended or differential. The reference voltage can be internal, AVDD, or a single-ended or differential
external signal. The ADC also has a temperature-sensor input channel. The ADC can automate the
process of periodic sampling or conversion over a sequence of channels.
The battery monitor (Chapter 13) (CC2533 only) enables simple voltage monitoring in devices that do
not include an ADC. It is designed such that it is accurate in the voltage areas around 2 V, with lower
resolution at higher voltages.
The random-number generator (Chapter 14) uses a 16-bit LFSR to generate pseudorandom numbers,
which can be read by the CPU or used directly by the command strobe processor. The random-number
generator can be seeded with random data from noise in the radio ADC.
The AES coprocessor (Chapter 15) allows the user to encrypt and decrypt data using the AES algorithm
with 128-bit keys. The core is able to support the security operations required by IEEE 802.15.4 MAC
security, the ZigBee network layer, and the application layer.
A built-in Watchdog Timer (Chapter 16) allows the device to reset itself in case the firmware hangs.
When enabled by software, the Watchdog Timer must be cleared periodically; otherwise, it resets the
device when it times out. It can alternatively be configured for use as a general 32-kHz timer.
USART 0 and USART 1 (Chapter 18) are each configurable as either a SPI master or slave or as a
UART. They provide double buffering on both RX and TX and hardware flow control, and are thus well
suited to high-throughput full-duplex applications. Each has its own high-precision baud-rate generator,
thus leaving the ordinary timers free for other uses.
The I2C module (Chapter 20) (CC2533 and CC2541) provides a digital peripheral connection with two pins
and supports both master and slave operation.
The USB 2.0 controller (Chapter 21) (CC2531 and CC2540) operates at Full-Speed, 12 Mbps transfer
rate. The controller has five bidirectional endpoints in addition to control endpoint 0. The endpoints support
bulk, Interrupt, and Isochronous operation for implementation of a wide range of applications. The 1024
bytes of dedicated, flexible FIFO memory combined with DMA access ensures that a minimum of CPU
involvement is needed for USB communication.
22 Introduction SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014
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The operational amplifier (Chapter 18) (CC2530, CC2531, and CC2540) is intended to provide front-end
buffering and gain for the ADC. Both the inputs as well as the output are available on pins, so the
feedback network is fully customizable. A chopper-stabilized mode is available for applications that need
good accuracy with high gain.
The ultralow-power analog comparator (Chapter 19) (CC2530, CC2531, CC2540, and CC2541) enables
applications to wake up from PM2 or PM3 based on an analog signal. Both inputs are brought out to pins;
the reference voltage must be provided externally. The comparator output is mapped into the digital I/O
port and can be treated by the MCU as a regular digital input.

1.1.4 Radio
The CC2540 and CC2541 provide a Bluetooth low energy-compliant radio transceiver. The RF core which
controls the analog and digital radio modules is only indirectly accessible through API commands to the
BLE stack. More details about the CC2540 or CC2541 BLE radio can be found in Chapter 24. The
CC2541 can also be run in proprietary modes; more details can be found in Chapter 25.
The CC253x device family provides an IEEE 802.15.4-compliant radio transceiver. The RF core
controls the analog radio modules. In addition, it provides an interface between the MCU and the radio
which makes it possible to issue commands, read status, and automate and sequence radio events. The
radio also includes a packet-filtering and address-recognition module. More details about the CC253x
radio can be found in Chapter 23.

1.2 Applications
As shown in the overview (Section 1.1), this user's guide focuses on the functionality of the different
modules that are available to build different types of applications based on the CC253x,CC2540, and
CC2541 device family. When looking at the complete application development process, additional
information is useful. However, as this information and help is not device-specific (that is, not unique for
the CC253x, CC2540, and 41 device family), see the additional information sources in the following
The first step is to set up the development environment (hardware, tools, and so forth) by purchasing a
development kit (see the device-specific product Web site to find links to the relevant development kits).
The development kits come with an out-of-the-box demonstration and information on how to set up the
development environment; install required drivers (done easily by installing the SmartRF software,
Section 27.1), set up the compiler tool chain, and so forth. As soon as one has installed the development
environment, one is ready to start the application development.
The easiest way to write the application software is to base the application on one of the available
standard protocols (RemoTI network protocol, Section 27.2; TIMAC software, Section 27.4; Z-Stack
software for ZigBee-compliant solutions, Section 27.5); BLE stack software for Bluetooth low energy-
compliant solutions Section 27.6; or the proprietary SimpliciTI network protocol, Section 27.3. They all
come with several sample applications.
For the hardware layout design of the user-specific hardware, the designer can find reference designs on
the different product pages (Section B.1). By copying these designs, the designer achieves optimal
performance. The developed hardware can then be tested easily using the SmartRF Studio software
(Section 27.1).
In case the final system should not have the expected performance, it is recommended to try out the
developed software on the development kit hardware and see how it works there. To check the user-
specific hardware, it is a good first step to use SmartRF Studio software to compare the development kit
performance versus the user-specific hardware using the same settings.
The user can also find additional information and help by joining the Low-Power RF Online Community
(Section B.2) and by subscribing to the Low-Power RF eNewsletter (Section B.4).
To contact a third-party to help with development or to use modules, check out the Texas Instruments
Low-Power RF Developer Network (Section B.3).

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Chapter 2
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

8051 CPU

The System-on-Chip solution is based on an enhanced 8051 core. More details regarding the core,
memory map, instruction set, and interrupts are described in the following subsections.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

2.1 8051 CPU Introduction ........................................................................................ 25

2.2 Memory ............................................................................................................. 25
2.3 CPU Registers ................................................................................................... 34
2.4 Instruction Set Summary ..................................................................................... 36
2.5 Interrupts .......................................................................................................... 40

24 8051 CPU SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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2.1 8051 CPU Introduction

The enhanced 8051 core uses the standard 8051 instruction set. Instructions execute faster than the
standard 8051 due to the following:
• One clock per instruction cycle is used as opposed to 12 clocks per instruction cycle in the standard
• Wasted bus states are eliminated.
Because an instruction cycle is aligned with memory fetch when possible, most of the single-byte
instructions are performed in a single clock cycle. In addition to the speed improvement, the enhanced
8051 core also includes architectural enhancements:
• A second data pointer
• An extended 18-source interrupt unit
The 8051 core is object-code-compatible with the industry-standard 8051 microcontroller. That is, object
code compiled with an industry-standard 8051 compiler or assembler executes on the 8051 core and is
functionally equivalent. However, because the 8051 core uses a different instruction timing than many
other 8051 variants, existing code with timing loops may require modification. Also, because the peripheral
units such as timers and serial ports differ from those on other 8051 cores, code which includes
instructions using the peripheral-unit SFRs does not work correctly.
Flash prefetching is not enabled by default, but improves CPU performance by up to 33%. This is at the
expense of slightly increased power consumption, but in most cases improves energy consumption as it is
faster. Flash prefetching can be enabled in the FCTL register.

2.2 Memory
The 8051 CPU architecture has four different memory spaces. The 8051 has separate memory spaces for
program memory and data memory. The 8051 memory spaces are the following (see Section 2.2.1 and
Section 2.2.2 for details):
CODE. A read-only memory space for program memory. This memory space addresses 64 KB.
DATA. A read-or-write data memory space that can be directly or indirectly accessed by a single-cycle
CPU instruction. This memory space addresses 256 bytes. The lower 128 bytes of the DATA memory
space can be addressed either directly or indirectly, the upper 128 bytes only indirectly.
XDATA. A read-and-write data memory space, access to which usually requires 4–5 CPU instruction
cycles. This memory space addresses 64 KB. Access to XDATA memory is also slower than DATA
access, as the CODE and XDATA memory spaces share a common bus on the CPU core, and instruction
prefetch from CODE thus cannot be performed in parallel with XDATA accesses.
SFR. A read-or-write register memory space which can be directly accessed by a single CPU instruction.
This memory space consists of 128 bytes. For SFR registers whose address is divisible by eight, each bit
is also individually addressable.
The four different memory spaces are distinct in the 8051 architecture, but are partly overlapping in the
device to ease DMA transfers and hardware debugger operation.
How the different memory spaces are mapped onto the three physical memories (flash program memory,
SRAM, and memory-mapped registers) is described in Section 2.2.1 and Section 2.2.2.

2.2.1 Memory Map

The memory map differs from the standard 8051 memory map in two important aspects, as described in
the following paragraphs.
First, in order to allow the DMA controller access to all physical memory and thus allow DMA transfers
between the different 8051 memory spaces, parts of SFR and the DATA memory space are mapped into
the XDATA memory space (see Figure 2-1).
Second, two alternative schemes for CODE memory space mapping can be used. The first scheme is the
standard 8051 mapping where only the program memory (that is, flash memory) is mapped to CODE
memory space. This mapping is the default after a device reset and is shown in Figure 2-2.

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The second scheme is used for executing code from SRAM. In this mode, the SRAM is mapped into the
region of 0x8000 through (0x8000 + SRAM_SIZE – 1). The map is shown in Figure 2-3. Executing code
from SRAM improves performance and reduces power consumption.
The upper 32 KB of XDATA is a read-only area called XBANK (see Figure 2-1). Any of the available 32
KB flash banks can be mapped in here. This gives software access to the whole flash memory. This area
is typically used to store additional constant data.
Details about mapping of all 8051 memory spaces are given in Section 2.2.2.
The memory map showing how the different physical memories are mapped into the CPU memory spaces
is given in Figure 2-1 through Figure 2-3. The number of available flash banks depends on the flash size


0x7 FFF
0x 7800

8051 SFR SPACE 0x 7080
SFR (128B)

0x 6000


Figure 2-1. XDATA Memory Space (Showing SFR and DATA Mapping)

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Banks 0–7
Bank 0–7 (Upper 24KB FLASH)

0x8000 + SRAM_SIZE
0x8000 + SRAM_SIZE – 1
0x 8000 0x 8000
0x7FFF 0x7FFF

Common Area/Bank 0 Common Area/Bank 0


0x 0000 0x 0000
M0098-02 M0099-04

Figure 2-2. CODE Memory Space Figure 2-3. CODE Memory Space for Running Code

2.2.2 CPU Memory Space

XDATA memory space. The XDATA memory map is given in Figure 2-1.
The SRAM is mapped into address range of 0x0000 through (SRAM_SIZE – 1).
The XREG area is mapped into the 1 KB address range (0x6000–0x63FF). These registers are additional
registers, effectively extending the SFR register space. Some peripheral registers and most of the radio
control and data registers are mapped in here.
The SFR registers are mapped into address range (0x7080–0x70FF).
The flash information page (2 KB) is mapped into the address range (0x7800–0x7FFF). This is a read-only
area and contains various information about the device.
The upper 32 KB of the XDATA memory space (0x8000–0xFFFF) is a read-only flash code bank (XBANK)
and can be mapped to any of the available flash banks using the MEMCTR.XBANK[2:0] bits.
The mapping of flash memory, SRAM, and registers to XDATA allows the DMA controller and the CPU
access to all the physical memories in a single unified address space.
Writing to unimplemented areas in the memory map (shaded in the figure) has no effect. Reading from
unimplemented areas returns 0x00. Writes to read-only regions, that is, flash areas, are ignored.
CODE memory space. The CODE memory space is 64 KB and is divided into a common area
(0x0000–0x7FFF) and a bank area (0x8000–0xFFFF) as shown in Figure 2-2. The common area is
always mapped to the lower 32 KB of the physical flash memory (bank 0). The bank area can be mapped
to any of the available 32-KB flash banks (from 0 to 7). The number of available flash banks depends on
the flash size option. Use the flash-bank-select register, FMAP, to select the flash bank. On 32-KB
devices, no flash memory can be mapped into the bank area. Reads from this region return 0x00 on these
To allow program execution from SRAM, it is possible to map the available SRAM into the lower range of
the bank area from 0x8000 through (0x8000 + SRAM_SIZE – 1). The rest of of the currently selected bank
is still mapped into the address range from (0x8000 + SRAM_SIZE) through 0xFFFF). Set the
MEMCTR.XMAP bit to enable this feature.
DATA memory space. The 8-bit address range of DATA memory is mapped into the upper 256 bytes of
the SRAM, that is, the address range from (SRAM_SIZE – 256) through (SRAM_SIZE – 1).

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SFR memory space. The 128-entry hardware register area is accessed through this memory space. The
SFR registers are also accessible through the XDATA address space at the address range
(0x7080–0x70FF). Some CPU-specific SFR registers reside inside the CPU core and can only be
accessed using the SFR memory space and not through the duplicate mapping into XDATA memory
space. These specific SFR registers are listed in SFR Registers.

2.2.3 Physical Memory

RAM. All devices contain static RAM. At power on, the content of RAM is undefined. RAM content is
retained in all power modes.
Flash Memory. The on-chip flash memory is primarily intended to hold program code and constant data.
The flash memory has the following features:
• Page size: 1 KB or 2 KB (details are given in the data sheet of the device.)
• Flash-page erase time: 20 ms
• Flash-chip (mass) erase time: 20 ms
• Flash write time (4 bytes): 20 μs
• Data retention (at room temperature): 100 years
• Program and erase endurance: 20,000 cycles
The flash memory is organized as a set of 1 or 2 KB pages. The 16 bytes of the upper available page
contain page-lock bits and the debug-lock bit. There is one lock bit for each page, except the lock-bit page
which is implicitly locked when not in debug mode. When the lock bit for a page is 0, it is impossible to
erase or write that page. When the debug lock bit is 0, most of the commands on the debug interface are
ignored. The primary purpose of the debug lock bit is to protect the contents of the flash against read-out.
The Flash Controller is used to write and erase the contents of the flash memory.
When the CPU reads instructions and constants from flash memory, it fetches the instructions through a
cache. Four bytes of instructions and four bytes of constant data are cached, at 4-byte boundaries. That
is, when the CPU reads from address 0x00F1 for example, bytes 0x00F0–0x00F3 are cached. A separate
prefetch unit is capable of prefetching 4 additional bytes of instructions. The cache is provided mainly to
reduce power consumption by reducing the amount of time the flash memory is accessed. The cache may
be disabled with the FCTL.CM[1:0] register bits. Doing so increases power consuption and is not
recommended. The execution time from flash is not cycle-accurate when using the default cache mode
and the cache mode with prefetch; that is, one cannot determine exactly the number of clock cycles a set
of instructions takes. To obtain cycle-accurate execution, enable the real-time cache mode and ensure all
DMA transfers have low priority. The prefetch mode improves performance by up to 33%, at the expense
of increased power consumption due to wasted flash reads. Typically, performance improves by
15%–20%. Total energy, however, may decrease (depending on the application) due to fewer wasted
clock cycles waiting for the flash to return instructions and/or data. Prefetching is very application-
dependent and requires the use of power modes to be effective.
The Information Page is a 2 KB read-only region that stores various device information. Among other
things, it contains for IEEE 802.15.4 or Bluetooth low energy compliant devices a unique IEEE address
from the TI range of addresses. For CC253x, this is a 64-bit IEEE address stored with least-significant
byte first at XDATA address 0x780C. For CC2540 and CC2541, this is a 48-bit IEEE address stored with
least-significant byte first at XDATA address 0x780E.
SFR Registers. The special function registers (SFRs) control several of the features of the 8051 CPU
core and/or peripherals. Many of the 8051 core SFRs are identical to the standard 8051 SFRs. However,
there are additional SFRs that control features that are not available in the standard 8051. The additional
SFRs are used to interface with the peripheral units and RF transceiver.
Table 2-1 shows the addresses of all SFRs in the device. The 8051 internal SFRs are shown with gray
background, whereas the other SFRs are the SFRs specific to the device.

NOTE: All internal SFRs (shown with gray background in Table 2-1), can only be accessed through
SFR space, as these registers are not mapped into XDATA space. One exception is the port
registers (P0, P1, and P2) which are readable from XDATA.

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Table 2-1. SFR Overview

Register SFR
Module Description
Name Address
ADCCON1 0xB4 ADC ADC control 1
ADCCON2 0xB5 ADC ADC control 2
ADCCON3 0xB6 ADC ADC control 3
ADCL 0xBA ADC ADC data low
ADCH 0xBB ADC ADC data high
RNDL 0xBC ADC Random number generator data low
RNDH 0xBD ADC Random number generator data high
ENCDI 0xB1 AES Encryption or decryption input data
ENCDO 0xB2 AES Encryption or decryption output data
ENCCS 0xB3 AES Encryption or decryption control and status
P0 0x80 CPU Port 0. Readable from XDATA (0x7080)
SP 0x81 CPU Stack pointer
DPL0 0x82 CPU Data pointer 0 low byte
DPH0 0x83 CPU Data pointer 0 high byte
DPL1 0x84 CPU Data pointer 1 low byte
DPH1 0x85 CPU Data pointer 0 high byte
PCON 0x87 CPU Power mode control
TCON 0x88 CPU Interrupt flags
P1 0x90 CPU Port 1. Readable from XDATA (0x7090)
DPS 0x92 CPU Data pointer select
S0CON 0x98 CPU Interrupt flags 2
IEN2 0x9A CPU Interrupt enable 2
S1CON 0x9B CPU Interrupt flags 3
P2 0xA0 CPU Port 2. Readable from XDATA (0x70A0)
IEN0 0xA8 CPU Interrupt enable 0
IP0 0xA9 CPU Interrupt priority 0
IEN1 0xB8 CPU Interrupt enable 1
IP1 0xB9 CPU Interrupt priority 1
IRCON 0xC0 CPU Interrupt flags 4
PSW 0xD0 CPU Program status Word
ACC 0xE0 CPU Accumulator
IRCON2 0xE8 CPU Interrupt flags 5
B 0xF0 CPU B register
DMAIRQ 0xD1 DMA DMA interrupt flag
DMA1CFGL 0xD2 DMA DMA channel 1–4 configuration address low
DMA1CFGH 0xD3 DMA DMA channel 1–4 configuration address high
DMA0CFGL 0xD4 DMA DMA channel 0 configuration address low
DMA0CFGH 0xD5 DMA DMA channel 0 configuration address high
DMAARM 0xD6 DMA DMA channel armed
DMAREQ 0xD7 DMA DMA channel start request and status
— 0xAA — Reserved
— 0x8E — Reserved
— 0x99 — Reserved
— 0xB0 — Reserved
— 0xB7 — Reserved
— 0xC8 — Reserved
P0IFG 0x89 IOC Port 0 interrupt status flag

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Table 2-1. SFR Overview (continued)

Register SFR
Module Description
Name Address
P1IFG 0x8A IOC Port 1 interrupt status flag
P2IFG 0x8B IOC Port 2 interrupt status flag
PICTL 0x8C IOC Port pins interrupt mask and edge
P0IEN 0xAB IOC Port 0 interrupt mask
P1IEN 0x8D IOC Port 1 interrupt mask
P2IEN 0xAC IOC Port 2 interrupt mask
P0INP 0x8F IOC Port 0 input mode
PERCFG 0xF1 IOC Peripheral I/O control
APCFG 0xF2 IOC Analog peripheral I/O configuration
P0SEL 0xF3 IOC Port 0 function select
P1SEL 0xF4 IOC Port 1 function select
P2SEL 0xF5 IOC Port 2 function select
P1INP 0xF6 IOC Port 1 input mode
P2INP 0xF7 IOC Port 2 input mode
P0DIR 0xFD IOC Port 0 direction
P1DIR 0xFE IOC Port 1 direction
P2DIR 0xFF IOC Port 2 direction
PMUX 0xAE IOC Power-down signal mux
MPAGE 0x93 MEMORY Memory page select
MEMCTR 0xC7 MEMORY Memory system control
FMAP 0x9F MEMORY Flash-memory bank mapping
RFIRQF1 0x91 RF RF interrupt flags MSB
RFD 0xD9 RF RF data
RFST 0xE1 RF RF command strobe
RFIRQF0 0xE9 RF RF interrupt flags LSB
RFERRF 0xBF RF RF error interrupt flags
ST0 0x95 ST Sleep Timer 0
ST1 0x96 ST Sleep Timer 1
ST2 0x97 ST Sleep Timer 2
STLOAD 0xAD ST Sleep-timer load status
SLEEPCMD 0xBE PMC Sleep-mode control command
SLEEPSTA 0x9D PMC Sleep-mode control status
CLKCONCMD 0xC6 PMC Clock control command
CLKCONSTA 0x9E PMC Clock control status
T1CC0L 0xDA Timer 1 Timer 1 channel 0 capture or compare value low
T1CC0H 0xDB Timer 1 Timer 1 channel 0 capture or compare value high
T1CC1L 0xDC Timer 1 Timer 1 channel 1 capture or compare value low
T1CC1H 0xDD Timer 1 Timer 1 channel 1 capture or compare value high
T1CC2L 0xDE Timer 1 Timer 1 channel 2 capture or compare value low
T1CC2H 0xDF Timer 1 Timer 1 channel 2 capture or compare value high
T1CNTL 0xE2 Timer 1 Timer 1 counter low
T1CNTH 0xE3 Timer 1 Timer 1 counter high
T1CTL 0xE4 Timer 1 Timer 1 control and status
T1CCTL0 0xE5 Timer 1 Timer 1 channel 0 capture or compare control
T1CCTL1 0xE6 Timer 1 Timer 1 channel 1 capture or compare control
T1CCTL2 0xE7 Timer 1 Timer 1 channel 2 capture or compare control
T1STAT 0xAF Timer 1 Timer 1 status

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Table 2-1. SFR Overview (continued)

Register SFR
Module Description
Name Address
T2CTRL 0x94 Timer 2 Timer 2 control
T2EVTCFG 0x9C Timer 2 Timer 2 event configuration
T2IRQF 0xA1 Timer 2 Timer 2 interrupt flags
T2M0 0xA2 Timer 2 Timer 2 multiplexed register 0
T2M1 0xA3 Timer 2 Timer 2 multiplexed register 1
T2MOVF0 0xA4 Timer 2 Timer 2 multiplexed overflow register 0
T2MOVF1 0xA5 Timer 2 Timer 2 multiplexed overflow register 1
T2MOVF2 0xA6 Timer 2 Timer 2 multiplexed overflow register 2
T2IRQM 0xA7 Timer 2 Timer 2 interrupt mask
T2MSEL 0xC3 Timer 2 Timer 2 multiplex select
T3CNT 0xCA Timer 3 Timer 3 counter
T3CTL 0xCB Timer 3 Timer 3 control
T3CCTL0 0xCC Timer 3 Timer 3 channel 0 compare control
T3CC0 0xCD Timer 3 Timer 3 channel 0 compare value
T3CCTL1 0xCE Timer 3 Timer 3 channel 1 compare control
T3CC1 0xCF Timer 3 Timer 3 channel 1 compare value
T4CNT 0xEA Timer 4 Timer 4 counter
T4CTL 0xEB Timer 4 Timer 4 control
T4CCTL0 0xEC Timer 4 Timer 4 channel 0 compare control
T4CC0 0xED Timer 4 Timer 4 channel 0 compare value
T4CCTL1 0xEE Timer 4 Timer 4 channel 1 compare control
T4CC1 0xEF Timer 4 Timer 4 channel 1 compare value
TIMIF 0xD8 TMINT Timers 1,3, 4 joint interrupt mask or flags
U0CSR 0x86 USART 0 USART 0 control and status
U0DBUF 0xC1 USART 0 USART 0 receive and transmit data buffer
U0BAUD 0xC2 USART 0 USART 0 baud-rate control
U0UCR 0xC4 USART 0 USART 0 UART control
U0GCR 0xC5 USART 0 USART 0 generic control
U1CSR 0xF8 USART 1 USART 1 control and status
U1DBUF 0xF9 USART 1 USART 1 receive and transmit data buffer
U1BAUD 0xFA USART 1 USART 1 baud-rate control
U1GCR 0xFC USART 1 USART 1 generic control
WDCTL 0xC9 WDT Watchdog Timer control

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XREG Registers. The XREG registers are additional registers in the XDATA memory space. These
registers are mainly used for radio configuration and control. For more details regarding each register, see
the corresponding module or peripheral chapter. Table 2-2 gives a descriptive overview of the register
address space.

Table 2-2. Overview of XREG Registers

XDATA Address Register Name Description
Radio registers (see CC253x Radio Section 23.15 or CC2540
0x6000–0x61FF — Radio Section 24.1 or CC2541 Radio Section 25.12 for
complete list)
MONMUX Battery monitor MUX (CC2533)
OPAMPMC Operational amplifier mode control (CC2530, CC2531)
0x61AD OPAMPMC Operational amplifier mode control (CC2540)
0x6200–0x622B — USB registers (see Section 21.12 for complete list)
0x6230 I2CCFG I2C control
0x6231 I2CSTAT I2C status
0x6232 I2CDATA I2C data
0x6233 I2CADDR I2C own slave address
0x6234 I2CWC Wrapper control
0x6235 I2CIO GPIO
0x6243 OBSSEL0 Observation output control register 0
0x6244 OBSSEL1 Observation output control register 1
0x6245 OBSSEL2 Observation output control register 2
0x6246 OBSSEL3 Observation output control register 3
0x6247 OBSSEL4 Observation output control register 4
0x6248 OBSSEL5 Observation output control register 5
0x6249 CHVER Chip version
0x624A CHIPID Chip identification
0x624B TR0 Test register 0
0x6260 DBGDATA Debug interface write data
0x6262 SRCRC Sleep reset CRC
0x6264 BATTMON Battery monitor
0x6265 IVCTRL Analog control register
0x6270 FCTL Flash control
0x6271 FADDRL Flash address low
0x6272 FADDRH Flash address high
0x6273 FWDATA Flash write data
0x6276 CHIPINFO0 Chip information byte 0
0x6277 CHIPINFO1 Chip information byte 1
0x6281 IRCTL Timer 1 IR generation control
0x6290 CLD Clock-loss detection
Timer 1 channel 0 capture or compare control (additional XREG
0x62A0 T1CCTL0
mapping of SFR register)
Timer 1 channel 1 capture or compare control (additional XREG
0x62A1 T1CCTL1
mapping of SFR register)
Timer 1 channel 2 capture or compare control (additional XREG
0x62A2 T1CCTL2
mapping of SFR register)
0x62A3 T1CCTL3 Timer 1 channel 3 capture or compare control
0x62A4 T1CCTL4 Timer 1 channel 4 capture or compare control
Timer 1 channel 0 capture or compare value low (additional
0x62A6 T1CC0L
XREG mapping of SFR register)
Timer 1 channel 0 capture or compare value high (additional
0x62A7 T1CC0H
XREG mapping of SFR register)

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Table 2-2. Overview of XREG Registers (continued)

XDATA Address Register Name Description
Timer 1 channel 1 capture or compare value low (additional
0x62A8 T1CC1L
XREG mapping of SFR register)
Timer 1 channel 1 capture or compare value high (additional
0x62A9 T1CC1H
XREG mapping of SFR register)
Timer 1 channel 2 capture or compare value low (additional
0x62AA T1CC2L
XREG mapping of SFR register)
Timer 1 channel 2 capture or compare value high (additional
0x62AB T1CC2H
XREG mapping of SFR register)
0x62AC T1CC3L Timer 1 channel 3 capture or compare value low
0x62AD T1CC3H Timer 1 channel 3 capture or compare value high
0x62AE T1CC4L Timer 1 channel 4 capture or compare value low
0x62AF T1CC4H Timer 1 channel 4 capture or compare value high
0x62B0 STCC Sleep Timer capture control
0x62B1 STCS Sleep Timer capture status
0x62B2 STCV0 Sleep Timer capture value byte 0
0x62B3 STCV1 Sleep Timer capture value byte 1
0x62B4 STCV2 Sleep Timer capture value byte 2
0x62C0 OPAMPC Operational amplifier control
0x62C1 OPAMPS Operational amplifier status
0x62D0 CMPCTL Analog comparator control and status

2.2.4 XDATA Memory Access

The MPAGE register is used during instructions MOVX A,@Ri and MOVX @Ri,A. MPAGE gives the 8 most-
significant address bits, whereas the register Ri gives the 8 least-significant bits.
In some 8051 implementations, this type of XDATA access is performed using P2 to give the most-
significant address bits. Existing software may therefore have to be adapted to make use of MPAGE
instead of P2.

MPAGE (0x93) – Memory Page Select

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 MPAGE[7:0] 0x00 R/W Memory page, high-order bits of address in MOVX instruction

2.2.5 Memory Arbiter

The memory arbiter handles CPU and DMA access to all physical memory except the CPU internal
registers. When an access conflict between the CPU and DMA occurs, the memory arbiter stalls one of
the bus masters so that the conflict is resolved.
The control registers MEMCTR and FMAP are used to control various aspects of the memory subsystem.
The MEMCTR and FMAP registers are described as follows.
MEMCTR.XMAP must be set to enable program execution from RAM.
The flash-bank map register, FMAP, controls mapping of physical 32-KB code banks to the program
address region 0x8000–0xFFFF in CODE memory space.

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MEMCTR (0xC7) – Memory Arbiter Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 — 0000 R0 Reserved
3 XMAP 0 R/W XDATA map to code. When this bit is set, the SRAM XDATA region, from 0x0000
through (SRAM_SIZE – 1), is mapped into the CODE region from 0x8000 through
(0x8000 + SRAM_SIZE – 1). This enables execution of program code from RAM.
0: SRAM map into CODE feature disabled
1: SRAM map into CODE feature enabled
2:0 XBANK[2:0] 000 R/W XDATA bank select. Controls which code bank of the physical flash memory is
mapped into the XDATA region (0x8000–0xFFFF). When set to 0, the root bank is
mapped in.
Valid settings depend on the flash size for the device. Writing an invalid setting is
ignored, that is, no update to XBANK[2:0] is performed.
32-KB version: 0 only (that is, the root bank is always mapped in.)
64-KB version: 0–1
96-KB version: 0–2
128-KB version: 0–3
256-KB version: 0–7

FMAP (0x9F) – Flash Bank Map

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 — 0000 0 R0 Reserved
2:0 MAP[2:0] 001 R/W Flash bank map. Controls which bank is mapped into the bank area of the CODE
memory space (0x8000–0xFFFF). When set to 0, the root bank is mapped in. Valid
settings depend on the flash size for the device. Writing an invalid setting is ignored,
that is, no update to MAP[2:0] is performed.
32-KB version: No value can be written. Bank area is only used for running program
code from SRAM. See MEMCTR.XMAP.
64-KB version: 0–1
96-KB version: 0–2
128-KB version: 0–3
256-KB version: 0–7

2.3 CPU Registers

This section describes the internal registers found in the CPU.

2.3.1 Data Pointers

Two data pointers, DPTR0 and DPTR1, exist to accelerate the movement of data blocks to and from
memory. The data pointers are generally used to access CODE or XDATA space. For example:
The data pointer select bit, bit 0 in the data pointer select register DPS, chooses which data pointer is the
active one during execution of an instruction that uses the data pointer, for example, in one of the
preceding instructions.
The data pointers are two bytes wide, consisting of the following SFRs:

DPH0 (0x83) – Data Pointer-0 High Byte

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DPH0[7:0] 0x00 R/W Data pointer-0, high byte

DPL0 (0x82) – Data Pointer-0 Low Byte

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DPL0[7:0] 0x00 R/W Data pointer-0, low byte

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DPH1 (0x85) – Data Pointer-1 High Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DPH1[7:0] 0x00 R/W Data pointer-1, high byte

DPL1 (0x84) – Data Pointer-1 Low Byte

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DPL1[7:0] 0x00 R/W Data pointer-1, low byte

DPS (0x92) – Data-Pointer Select

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 000 R0 Reserved
0 DPS 0 R/W Data pointer select. Selects active data pointer.
0: DPTR0
1: DPTR1

2.3.2 Registers R0–R7

There are four register banks (not to be confused with CODE memory space banks that only apply to flash
memory organization) of eight registers each. These register banks are mapped in the DATA memory
space at addresses 0x00–0x07, 0x08–0x0F, 0x10–0x17, and 0x18–0x1F. Each register bank contains the
eight 8-bit registers R0–R7. The register bank to be used is selected through the program status word
PSW.RS[1:0]. Register bank 0 uses flip-flops internally for storing the values (SRAM is bypassed or
unused), whereas banks 1–3 use SRAM for storage. This is done to save power. Typically, the current
consumption goes down by approximately 200 μA by using register bank 0 instead of register banks 1–3.

2.3.3 Program Status Word

The program status word (PSW) contains several bits that show the current state of the CPU. The PSW is
accessible as an SFR, and it is bit-addressable. The PSW is shown as follows and contains the carry flag,
auxiliary carry flag for BCD operations, register-select bits, overflow flag, and parity flag. Two bits in the
PSW are uncommitted and can be used as user-defined status flags.

PSW (0xD0) – Program Status Word

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 CY 0 R/W Carry flag. Set to 1 when the last arithmetic operation resulted in a carry (during
addition) or borrow (during subtraction); otherwise, cleared to 0 by all arithmetic
6 AC 0 R/W Auxiliary carry flag for BCD operations. Set to 1 when the last arithmetic operation
resulted in a carry into (during addition) or borrow from (during subtraction) the high-
order nibble, otherwise cleared to 0 by all arithmetic operations.
5 F0 0 R/W User-defined, bit-addressable
4:3 RS[1:0] 00 R/W Register bank select bits. Selects which set of R7–R0 registers to use from four
possible banks in DATA space.
00: Register bank 0, 0x00–0x07
01: Register bank 1, 0x08–0x0F
10: Register bank 2, 0x10–0x17
11: Register bank 3, 0x18–0x1F
2 OV 0 R/W Overflow flag, set by arithmetic operations. Set to 1 when the last arithmetic
operation is a carry (addition), borrow (subtraction), or overflow (multiply or divide).
Otherwise, the bit is cleared to 0 by all arithmetic operations.
1 F1 0 R/W User-defined, bit-addressable
0 P 0 R/W Parity flag, parity of accumulator set by hardware to 1 if it contains an odd number of
1s; otherwise it is cleared to 0.

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2.3.4 Accumulator
ACC is the accumulator. This is the source and destination of most arithmetic instructions, data transfers,
and other instructions. The mnemonic for the accumulator (in instructions involving the accumulator) is A
instead of ACC.

ACC (0xE0) – Accumulator

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 ACC[7:0] 0x00 R/W Accumulator

2.3.5 B Register
The B register is used as the second 8-bit argument during execution of multiply and divide instructions.
When not used for these purposes, it may be used as a scratchpad register to hold temporary data.

B (0xF0) – B Register
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 B[7:0] 0x00 R/W B register. Used in MUL and DIV instructions

2.3.6 Stack Pointer

The stack resides in DATA memory space and grows upwards. The PUSH instruction first increments the
stack pointer (SP) and then copies the byte into the stack. The SP is initialized to 0x07 after a reset, and it
is incremented once to start from location 0x08, which is the first register (R0) of the second register bank.
Thus, in order to use more than one register bank, the SP should be initialized to a different location not
used for data storage.

SP (0x81) – Stack Pointer

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SP[7:0] 0x07 R/W Stack pointer

2.4 Instruction Set Summary

The 8051 instruction set is summarized in Table 2-3. All mnemonics copyrighted © Intel Corporation,
The following conventions are used in the instruction set summary:
• Rn – Register R7–R0 of the currently selected register bank
• Direct – 8-bit internal data-location address. This can be DATA area (0x00–0x7F) or SFR area
• @Ri – 8-bit internal data location, DATA area (0x00–0xFF) addressed indirectly through register R1 or
• #data – 8-bit constant included in instruction
• #data16 – 16-bit constant included in instruction
• addr16 – 16-bit destination address. Used by LCALL and LJMP. A branch can be anywhere within the
64 KB CODE memory space.
• addr11 – 11-bit destination address. Used by ACALL and AJMP. The branch is within the same 2 KB
page of program memory as the first byte of the following instruction.
• rel – Signed (2s-complement) 8-bit offset byte. Used by SJMP and all conditional jumps. Range is –128
to 127 bytes relative to first byte of the following instruction.
• bit – Direct addressed bit in DATA area or SFR

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The instructions that affect CPU flag settings located in PSW are listed in Table 2-4. Note that operations
on the PSW register or bits in PSW also affect the flag settings. Also note that the cycle count for many
instructions assumes single-cycle access to the memory element being accessed, that is, the best-case
situation. This is not always the case. Reads from flash may take 1–3 cycles, for example.

Table 2-3. Instruction Set Summary

Mnemonic Description Hex Opcode Bytes Cycles
ADD A,Rn Add register to accumulator 28–2F 1 1
ADD A,direct Add direct byte to accumulator 25 2 2
ADD A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to accumulator 26–27 1 2
ADD A,#data Add immediate data to accumulator 24 2 2
ADDC A,Rn Add register to accumulator with carry flag 38–3F 1 1
ADDC A,direct Add direct byte to A with carry flag 35 2 2
ADDC A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to A with carry flag 36–37 1 2
ADDC A,#data Add immediate data to A with carry flag 34 2 2
SUBB A,Rn Subtract register from A with borrow 98–9F 1 1
SUBB A,direct Subtract direct byte from A with borrow 95 2 2
SUBB A,@Ri Subtract indirect RAM from A with borrow 96–97 1 2
SUBB A,#data Subtract immediate data from A with borrow 94 2 2
INC A Increment accumulator 04 1 1
INC Rn Increment register 08–0F 1 2
INC direct Increment direct byte 05 2 3
INC @Ri Increment indirect RAM 06–07 1 3
INC DPTR Increment data pointer A3 1 1
DEC A Decrement accumulator 14 1 1
DEC Rn Decrement register 18–1F 1 2
DEC direct Decrement direct byte 15 2 3
DEC @Ri Decrement indirect RAM 16–17 1 3
MUL AB Multiply A and B A4 1 5
DIV A Divide A by B 84 1 5
DA A Decimal adjust accumulator D4 1 1
ANL A,Rn AND register to accumulator 58–5F 1 1
ANL A,direct AND direct byte to accumulator 55 2 2
ANL A,@Ri AND indirect RAM to accumulator 56–57 1 2
ANL A,#data AND immediate data to accumulator 54 2 2
ANL direct,A AND accumulator to direct byte 52 2 3
ANL direct,#data AND immediate data to direct byte 53 3 4
ORL A,Rn OR register to accumulator 48–4F 1 1
ORL A,direct OR direct byte to accumulator 45 2 2
ORL A,@Ri OR indirect RAM to accumulator 46–47 1 2
ORL A,#data OR immediate data to accumulator 44 2 2
ORL direct,A OR accumulator to direct byte 42 2 3
ORL direct,#data OR immediate data to direct byte 43 3 4
XRL A,Rn Exclusive OR register to accumulator 68–6F 1 1
XRL A,direct Exclusive OR direct byte to accumulator 65 2 2
XRL A,@Ri Exclusive OR indirect RAM to accumulator 66–67 1 2
XRL A,#data Exclusive OR immediate data to accumulator 64 2 2
XRL direct,A Exclusive OR accumulator to direct byte 62 2 3

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Table 2-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued)

Mnemonic Description Hex Opcode Bytes Cycles
XRL direct,#data Exclusive OR immediate data to direct byte 63 3 4
CLR A Clear accumulator E4 1 1
CPL A Complement accumulator F4 1 1
RL A Rotate accumulator left 23 1 1
RLC A Rotate accumulator left through carry 33 1 1
RR A Rotate accumulator right 03 1 1
RRC A Rotate accumulator right through carry 13 1 1
SWAP A Swap nibbles within the accumulator C4 1 1
MOV A,Rn Move register to accumulator E8–EF 1 1
MOV A,direct Move direct byte to accumulator E5 2 2
MOV A,@Ri Move indirect RAM to accumulator E6–E7 1 2
MOV A,#data Move immediate data to accumulator 74 2 2
MOV Rn,A Move accumulator to register F8–FF 1 2
MOV Rn,direct Move direct byte to register A8–AF 2 4
MOV Rn,#data Move immediate data to register 78–7F 2 2
MOV direct,A Move accumulator to direct byte F5 2 3
MOV direct,Rn Move register to direct byte 88–8F 2 3
MOV direct1,direct2 Move direct byte to direct byte 85 3 4
MOV direct,@Ri Move indirect RAM to direct byte 86–87 2 4
MOV direct,#data Move immediate data to direct byte 75 3 3
MOV @Ri,A Move accumulator to indirect RAM F6–F7 1 3
MOV @Ri,direct Move direct byte to indirect RAM A6–A7 2 5
MOV @Ri,#data Move immediate data to indirect RAM 76–77 2 3
MOV DPTR,#data16 Load data pointer with a 16-bit constant 90 3 3
MOVC A,@A+DPTR Move code byte relative to DPTR to accumulator 93 1 3
MOVC A,@A+PC Move code byte relative to PC to accumulator 83 1 3
MOVX A,@Ri Move external RAM (8-bit address) to A E2–E3 1 3
MOVX A,@DPTR Move external RAM (16-bit address) to A E0 1 3
MOVX @Ri,A Move A to external RAM (8-bit address) F2–F3 1 4
MOVX @DPTR,A Move A to external RAM (16-bit address) F0 1 4
PUSH direct Push direct byte onto stack C0 2 4
POP direct Pop direct byte from stack D0 2 3
XCH A,Rn Exchange register with accumulator C8–CF 1 2
XCH A,direct Exchange direct byte with accumulator C5 2 3
XCH A,@Ri Exchange indirect RAM with accumulator C6–C7 1 3
XCHD A,@Ri Exchange low-order nibble indirect. RAM with A D6–D7 1 3
ACALL addr11 Absolute subroutine call xxx11 2 6
LCALL addr16 Long subroutine call 12 3 6
RET Return from subroutine 22 1 4
RETI Return from interrupt 32 1 4
AJMP addr11 Absolute jump xxx01 2 3
LJMP addr16 Long jump 02 3 4
SJMP rel Short jump (relative address) 80 2 3
JMP @A+DPTR Jump indirect relative to the DPTR 73 1 2
JZ rel Jump if accumulator is zero 60 2 3

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Table 2-3. Instruction Set Summary (continued)

Mnemonic Description Hex Opcode Bytes Cycles
JNZ rel Jump if accumulator is not zero 70 2 3
JC rel Jump if carry flag is set 40 2 3
JNC Jump if carry flag is not set 50 2 3
JB bit,rel Jump if direct bit is set 20 3 4
JNB bit,rel Jump if direct bit is not set 30 3 4
JBC bit,direct rel Jump if direct bit is set and clear bit 10 3 4
CJNE A,direct rel Compare direct byte to A and jump if not equal B5 3 4
CJNE A,#data rel Compare immediate to A and jump if not equal B4 3 4
CJNE Rn,#data rel Compare immediate to reg. and jump if not equal B8–BF 3 4
CJNE @Ri,#data rel Compare immediate to indirect and jump if not equal B6–B7 3 4
DJNZ Rn,rel Decrement register and jump if not zero D8–DF 1 3
DJNZ direct,rel Decrement direct byte and jump if not zero D5 3 4
NOP No operation 00 1 1
CLR C Clear carry flag C3 1 1
CLR bit Clear direct bit C2 2 3
SETB C Set carry flag D3 1 1
SETB bit Set direct bit D2 2 3
CPL C Complement carry flag B3 1 1
CPL bit Complement direct bit B2 2 3
ANL C,bit AND direct bit to carry flag 82 2 2
ANL C,/bit AND complement of direct bit to carry B0 2 2
ORL C,bit OR direct bit to carry flag 72 2 2
ORL C,/bit OR complement of direct bit to carry A0 2 2
MOV C,bit Move direct bit to carry flag A2 2 2
MOV bit,C Move carry flag to direct bit 92 2 3

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Table 2-4. Instructions That Affect Flag Settings
Instruction CY OV AC
ADD x x x
ADDC x x x
SUBB x x x
MUL 0 x –
DIV 0 x –
DA x – –
RRC x – –
RLC x – –
SETB C 1 – –
CLR C x – –
CPLC x – –
ANL C,bit x – –
ANL C,/bit x – –
ORL C,bit x – –
ORL C,/bit x – –
MOV C,bit x – –
CJNE x – –
0 = set to 0, 1 = set to 1, x = set to 0 or 1, – = not affected

2.5 Interrupts
The CPU has 18 interrupt sources. Each source has its own request flag located in a set of interrupt-flag
SFR registers. Each interrupt requested by the corresponding flag can be individually enabled or disabled.
The definitions of the interrupt sources and the interrupt vectors are given in Table 2-5.

The interrupts are grouped into a set of priority-level groups with selectable priority levels.
The interrupt-enable registers are described in Section 2.5.1 and the interrupt priority settings are
described in Section 2.5.3.

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2.5.1 Interrupt Masking

Each interrupt can be individually enabled or disabled by the interrupt-enable bits in the interrupt-enable
SFRs IEN0, IEN1, and IEN2. The CPU interrupt-enable SFRs are described as follows and summarized
in Table 2-5.
Note that some peripherals have several events that can generate the interrupt request associated with
that peripheral. This applies to Port 0, Port 1, Port 2, Timer 1, Timer 2, Timer 3, Timer 4, DMA controller,
and Radio. These peripherals have interrupt mask bits for each internal interrupt source in the
corresponding SFR or XREG register.
In order to enable any of the interrupts, the following steps must be taken:
Maybe SFR is where the values of
1. Clear interrupt flags.
the registers are to be set
2. Set individual interrupt-enable bit in the peripherals SFR register, if any.
3. Set the corresponding individual interrupt-enable bit in the IEN0, IEN1, or IEN2 register to 1.
4. Enable global interrupt by setting the EA bit in IEN0 to 1.
5. Begin the interrupt service routine at the corresponding vector address of that interrupt. See Table 2-5
for addresses.
Figure 2-4 gives a complete overview of all interrupt sources and associated control and state registers.
Shaded boxes in Figure 2-4 are interrupt flags that are automatically cleared by hardware when the
interrupt service routine is called. indicates a one-shot, either due to the level source or due to edge
shaping. Interrupts missing this are to be treated as level-triggered (apply to ports P0, P1, and P2). The
switch boxes are shown in the default state, and or indicates rising- or falling-edge detection, that
is, at what time instance the interrupt is generated. As a general rule for pulsed or edge-shaped interrupt
sources, one should clear CPU interrupt flag registers prior to clearing the source flag bit, if available, for
flags that are not automatically cleared. For level sources, one must clear the source prior to clearing the
CPU flag.
Note that when clearing source interrupt flags in a register that contains several flags, interrupts may be
lost if a read-modify-write operation is done (even in a single assembly instruction), as it also clears
interrupt flags that became active between the read and write operation. The source interrupt flags (with
the exception of the USB controller interrupt flags) have the access mode R/W0. This means that writing 1
to a bit has no effect, so 1 should be written to an interrupt flag that is not to be cleared. For instance, to
clear the TIMER2_OVF_PERF bit (bit 3) of T2IRQF in C code, one should do:

T2IRQF = ~(1 << 3);

and not:
T2IRQF &= ~(1 << 3); // wrong!

Table 2-5. Interrupts Overview

Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt Mask,
Description Interrupt Flag, CPU
Number Name Vector CPU
0 RF core-error situation RFERR 0x03 IEN0.RFERRIE TCON.RFERRIF (1)
1 ADC end of conversion ADC 0x0B IEN0.ADCIE TCON.ADCIF (1)
2 USART 0 RX complete URX0 0x13 IEN0.URX0IE TCON.URX0IF (1)
3 USART 1 RX complete URX1 0x1B IEN0.URX1IE TCON.URX1IF (1)
4 AES encryption or decryption complete ENC 0x23 IEN0.ENCIE S0CON.ENCIF
5 Sleep Timer compare ST 0x2B IEN0.STIE IRCON.STIF
6 Port-2 inputs, USB, or I C2
P2INT 0x33 IEN2.P2IE IRCON2.P2IF (2)
8 DMA transfer complete DMA 0x43 IEN1.DMAIE IRCON.DMAIF
9 Timer 1 (16-bit) capture, compare, overflow T1 0x4B IEN1.T1IE IRCON.T1IF (1) (2)

(1) (2)
10 Timer 2 T2 0x53 IEN1.T2IE IRCON.T2IF

Hardware-cleared when interrupt service routine is called
Additional IRQ mask and IRQ flag bits exist.

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Table 2-5. Interrupts Overview (continued)

Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt Mask,
Description Interrupt Flag, CPU
Number Name Vector CPU
11 Timer 3 (8-bit) capture, compare, overflow T3 0x5B IEN1.T3IE IRCON.T3IF (1) (2)

(1) (2)
12 Timer 4 (8-bit) capture, compare, overflow T4 0x63 IEN1.T4IE IRCON.T4IF
13 Port 0 inputs P0INT 0x6B IEN1.P0IE IRCON.P0IF (2)
14 USART 1 TX complete UTX1 0x73 IEN2.UTX1IE IRCON2.UTX1IF
15 Port 1 inputs P1INT 0x7B IEN2.P1IE IRCON2.P1IF (2)
16 RF general interrupts RF 0x83 IEN2.RFIE S1CON.RFIF (2)
17 Watchdog overflow in timer mode WDT 0x8B IEN2.WDTIE IRCON2.WDTIF

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RF IP1_0
T1STAT[4:0] IP0_0

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P2IEN[5] T1IE IP1_1
T1 T1IF IP0_1
P2[4:0] 0 P2IFG[4:0] P2IF
T2 IP1_2
T3 IP1_3
Interrupt Priority Bits


Figure 2-4. Interrupt Overview


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T4 IP1_4
1 7:0 7:0 P1IF
P1[7:0] 0 P1IFG
ircon.6 STIE
7:0 7:0
P0[7:0] 0 P0IFG WDTIF

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IEN0 (0xA8) – Interrupt Enable 0

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 EA 0 R/W Disables all interrupts.
0: No interrupt is acknowledged.
1: Each interrupt source is individually enabled or disabled by setting its
corresponding enable bit.
6 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
5 STIE 0 R/W Sleep Timer interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
4 ENCIE 0 R/W AES encryption and decryption interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
3 URX1IE 0 R/W USART 1 RX interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 URX0IE 0 R/W USART0 RX interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 ADCIE 0 R/W ADC interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 RFERRIE 0 R/W RF core error interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled

IEN1 (0xB8) – Interrupt Enable 1

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
5 P0IE 0 R/W Port 0 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
4 T4IE 0 R/W Timer 4 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
3 T3IE 0 R/W Timer 3 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 T2IE 0 R/W Timer 2 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 T1IE 0 R/W Timer 1 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 DMAIE 0 R/W DMA transfer interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled

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IEN2 (0x9A) – Interrupt Enable 2
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
5 WDTIE 0 R/W Watchdog Timer interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
4 P1IE 0 R/W Port 1 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
3 UTX1IE 0 R/W USART 1 TX interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 UTX0IE 0 R/W USART 0 TX interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 P2IE 0 R/W Port 2 and USB interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 RFIE 0 R/W RF general interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled

2.5.2 Interrupt Processing

When an interrupt occurs, the CPU vectors to the interrupt-vector address as shown in Table 2-5. Once an
interrupt service has begun, it can be interrupted only by a higher-priority interrupt. The interrupt service is
terminated by an RETI (return-from-interrupt instruction). When an RETI is performed, the CPU returns to
the instruction that would have been next when the interrupt occurred.
When the interrupt condition occurs, the CPU also indicates this by setting an interrupt flag bit in the
interrupt flag registers. This bit is set regardless of whether the interrupt is enabled or disabled. If the
interrupt is enabled when an interrupt flag is set, then on the next instruction cycle, the interrupt is
acknowledged by hardware, forcing an LCALL to the appropriate vector address.
Interrupt response requires a varying amount of time, depending on the state of the CPU when the
interrupt occurs. If the CPU is performing an interrupt service with equal or greater priority, the new
interrupt is pending until it becomes the interrupt with highest priority. In other cases, the response time
depends on current instruction. The fastest possible response to an interrupt is seven machine cycles.
This includes one machine cycle for detecting the interrupt and six cycles to perform the LCALL.

NOTE: If an interrupt is disabled and the interrupt flag is polled, the 8051 assembly instruction JBC
must not be used to poll the interrupt flag and clear it when set. If the JBC instruction is
used, the interrupt flag may be re-asserted immediately.

NOTE: If the assembly instruction XCH A, IEN0 is used to clear the global interrupt enable flag
EA, the CPU may enter the interrupt routine on the cycle following this instruction. If that
happens, the interrupt routine is executed with EA set to 0, which may delay the service of
higher-priority interrupts.

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TCON (0x88) – Interrupt Flags

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 URX1IF 0 R/W USART 1 RX interrupt flag. Set to 1 when USART 1 RX interrupt occurs and cleared
H0 when CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
6 – 0 R/W Reserved
5 ADCIF 0 R/W ADC interrupt flag. Set to 1 when ADC interrupt occurs and cleared when CPU
H0 vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
4 – 0 R/W Reserved
3 URX0IF 0 R/W USART 0 RX interrupt flag. Set to 1 when USART 0 interrupt occurs and cleared
H0 when CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0: Interrupt not pending
1:Interrupt pending
2 IT1 1 R/W Reserved. Must always be set to 1. Setting a zero enables low-level interrupt
detection, which is almost always the case (one-shot when interrupt request is
1 RFERRIF 0 R/W RF core error interrupt flag. Set to 1 when RFERR interrupt occurs and cleared
H0 when CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
0 IT0 1 R/W Reserved. Must always be set to 1. Setting a zero enables low-level interrupt
detection, which is almost always the case (one-shot when interrupt request is

S0CON (0x98) – Interrupt Flags 2

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 – 0000 00 R/W Reserved
1 ENCIF_1 0 R/W AES interrupt. ENC has two interrupt flags, ENCIF_1 and ENCIF_0. Setting one of
these flags requests interrupt service. Both flags are set when the AES coprocessor
requests the interrupt.
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
0 ENCIF_0 0 R/W AES interrupt. ENC has two interrupt flags, ENCIF_1 and ENCIF_0. Setting one of
these flags requests interrupt service. Both flags are set when the AES coprocessor
requests the interrupt.
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending

S1CON (0x9B) – Interrupt Flags 3

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 – 0000 00 R/W Reserved
1 RFIF_1 0 R/W RF general interrupt. RF has two interrupt flags, RFIF_1 and RFIF_0. Setting one of
these flags requests interrupt service. Both flags are set when the radio requests the
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
0 RFIF_0 0 R/W RF general interrupt. RF has two interrupt flags, RFIF_1 and RFIF_0. Setting one of
these flags requests interrupt service. Both flags are set when the radio requests the
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending

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IRCON (0xC0) – Interrupt Flags 4
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 STIF 0 R/W Sleep Timer interrupt flag
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
6 – 0 R/W Must be written 0. Writing a 1 always enables the interrupt source.
5 P0IF 0 R/W Port 0 interrupt flag
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
4 T4IF 0 R/W Timer 4 interrupt flag. Set to 1 when Timer 4 interrupt occurs and cleared when CPU
H0 vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
3 T3IF 0 R/W Timer 3 interrupt flag. Set to 1 when Timer 3 interrupt occurs and cleared when CPU
H0 vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
2 T2IF 0 R/W Timer 2 interrupt flag. Set to 1 when Timer 2 interrupt occurs and cleared when CPU
H0 vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
1 T1IF 0 R/W Timer 1 interrupt flag. Set to 1 when Timer 1 interrupt occurs and cleared when CPU
H0 vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
0 DMAIF 0 R/W DMA-complete interrupt flag
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending

IRCON2 (0xE8) – Interrupt Flags 5

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 – 000 R/W Reserved
4 WDTIF 0 R/W Watchdog Timer interrupt flag
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
3 P1IF 0 R/W Port 1 interrupt flag
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
2 UTX1IF 0 R/W USART 1 TX interrupt flag
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
1 UTX0IF 0 R/W USART 0 TX interrupt flag
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending
0 P2IF 0 R/W Port 2 interrupt flag
0: Interrupt not pending
1: Interrupt pending

2.5.3 Interrupt Priority

The interrupts are grouped into six interrupt priority groups, and the priority for each group is set by
registers IP0 and IP1. In order to assign a higher priority to an interrupt, that is, to its interrupt group, the
corresponding bits in IP0 and IP1 must be set as shown in Table 2-6.
The interrupt priority groups with assigned interrupt sources are shown in Table 2-7. Each group is
assigned one of four priority levels. While an interrupt service request is in progress, it cannot be
interrupted by a lower- or same-level interrupt.

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In the case when interrupt requests of the same priority level are received simultaneously, the polling
sequence shown in Table 2-8 is used to resolve the priority of each request. Note that the polling
sequence in Figure 2-4 is the algorithm found in Table 2-8, not that polling is among the IP bits as listed in
the figure.

IP1 (0xB9) – Interrupt Priority 1

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R/W Reserved
5 IP1_IPG5 0 R/W Interrupt group 5, priority control bit 1, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups
4 IP1_IPG4 0 R/W Interrupt group 4, priority control bit 1, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups
3 IP1_IPG3 0 R/W Interrupt group 3, priority control bit 1, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups
2 IP1_IPG2 0 R/W Interrupt group 2, priority control bit 1, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups
1 IP1_IPG1 0 R/W Interrupt group 1, priority control bit 1, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups
0 IP1_IPG0 0 R/W Interrupt group 0, priority control bit 1, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups

IP0 (0xA9) – Interrupt Priority 0

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R/W Reserved
5 IP0_IPG5 0 R/W Interrupt group 5, priority control bit 0, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups
4 IP0_IPG4 0 R/W Interrupt group 4, priority control bit 0, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups
3 IP0_IPG3 0 R/W Interrupt group 3, priority control bit 0, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups
2 IP0_IPG2 0 R/W Interrupt group 2, priority control bit 0, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups
1 IP0_IPG1 0 R/W Interrupt group 1, priority control bit 0, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups
0 IP0_IPG0 0 R/W Interrupt group 0, priority control bit 0, see Table 2-7: Interrupt Priority Groups

Table 2-6. Priority Level Setting

IP1_x IP0_x Priority Level
0 0 0 – lowest
0 1 1
1 0 2
1 1 3 – highest

Table 2-7. Interrupt Priority Groups

Group Interrupts

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Table 2-8. Interrupt Polling Sequence

Interrupt Number Interrupt Name
16 RF
9 T1
2 URX0
10 T2
3 URX1
11 T3 Polling sequence
4 ENC ↓
12 T4
5 ST
13 P0INT
7 UTX0
14 UTX1
15 P1INT
17 WDT

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Chapter 3
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Debug Interface

The two-wire debug interface allows programming of the on-chip flash, and it provides access to memory
and register contents and debug features such as breakpoints, single-stepping, and register modification.
The debug interface uses I/O pins P2.1 and P2.2 as debug data and debug clock, respectively, during
debug mode. These I/O pins can be used as general-purpose I/O only while the device is not in debug
mode. Thus, the debug interface does not interfere with any peripheral I/O pins.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

3.1 Debug Mode ...................................................................................................... 51

3.2 Debug Communication ....................................................................................... 51
3.3 Debug Commands .............................................................................................. 53
3.4 Flash Programming ............................................................................................ 57
3.5 Debug Interface and Power Modes ....................................................................... 57
3.6 Registers........................................................................................................... 59

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3.1 Debug Mode

Debug mode is entered by forcing two falling-edge transitions on pin P2.2 (debug clock) while the
RESET_N input is held low. When RESET_N is set high, the device is in debug mode.
On entering debug mode, the CPU is in the halted state with the program counter reset to address
While in debug mode, pin P2.1 is the debug-data bidirectional pin, and P2.2 is the debug-clock input pin.

NOTE: Note that the debugger cannot be used with a divided system clock. When running the
debugger, the value of CLKCONCMD.CLKSPD should be set to 000 when CLKCONCMD.OSC = 0 or
to 001 when CLKCONCMD.OSC = 1.

3.2 Debug Communication

The debug interface uses a SPI-like two-wire interface consisting of the P2.1 (debug data) and P2.2
(debug clock) pins. Data is driven on the bidirectional debug-data pin at the positive edge of the debug
clock, and data is sampled on the negative edge of this clock.
The direction of the debug-data pin depends on the command being issued. Data is driven on the positive
edge of the debug clock and sampled on the negative edge. Figure 3-1 shows how data is sampled.

Debug Clock

Debug Data

Data is sampled by the

receiver on the falling
Data is set up on the
edge of debug clock.
rising edge of debug clock.


Figure 3-1. External Debug Interface Timing

The data is byte-oriented and is transmitted MSB-first. A sequence of one byte is shown in Figure 3-2.

Start of Byte End of Byte


Debug Clock

Debug Data Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


Figure 3-2. Transmission of One Byte

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A debug command sequence always starts with the host transmitting a command through the serial
interface. This command encodes the number of bytes containing further parameters to follow, and
whether a response is required. Based on this command, the debug module controls the direction of the
debug data pad. A typical command sequence is shown in Figure 3-3. Note that the debug-data signal is
simplified for the clarity of the figure, not showing each individual bit change. The direction is not explicitly
indicated to the outside world, but must be derived by the host from the command protocol.

Start of
Command End of
Sequence Pad is Command
Start to Output Sequence



Debug Cmd Byte Data Byte 1 Data Byte 2 Output Byte


Data Pad Input Output Input



The Level is
Sampled by the
External Device


Figure 3-3. Typical Command Sequence—No Extra Wait for Response

For commands that require a response, there must be a small idle period between the command and the
response to allow the pad to change direction. After the minimum waiting time (tdir_change) of 83 ns, the chip
indicates whether it is ready to deliver the response data by pulling the data pad low. The external
debugger, which is sampling the data pad, detects this and begins to clock out the response data. If the
data pad is high after the waiting time, it is an indication to the debugger that the chip is not ready yet.
Figure 3-4 shows how the wait works.

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Start of
Command Pad Is Output, But
Sequence Chip Is Not Ready to End of
Start to Respond Command
Change Sequence


8 Cycles

Debug Cmd Byte Data Byte 1 Data Byte 2 Output Byte


Data Pad Input Output Input


tdir_change tsample_wait

The Level Is Sampled.

Result = Ready
Chip Is Ready to
Provide Response

The Level Is Sampled.

Result = Not Ready


Figure 3-4. Typical Command Sequence. Wait for Response

If the debug interface indicates by pulling the data line high that it is not ready to return data, the external
device must issue exactly eight clock pulses before it samples the ready level again. This must be
repeated until the level is low. The wait cycle is equivalent to reading a byte from the debug interface, but
ignoring the result. Note that the pad starts to change direction on the falling edge of the debug clock.
Thus, the pad driver drives against the driver in the programmer until the programmer changes pad
direction. This duration should be minimized in a programmer implementation.

3.3 Debug Commands

The debug commands are shown in Table 3-1. Some of the debug commands are described in further
detail in the following subsections.
The 3 least-significant bits (the Xs) are don't care values.

Table 3-1. Debug Commands

Additi Output
Instruction onal Bytes
Command Description
Byte Input
CHIP_ERASE 0001 0XXX 0 1 Perform flash chip erase (mass erase) and clear lock bits. If any other
command except READ_STATUS is issued, then the use of CHIP_ERASE
is disabled.
Input byte: none
Output byte: Debug status byte. See Table 3-3.
WR_CONFIG 0001 1XXX 1 1 Write debug configuration data.
Input byte: See Table 3-2 for details.
Output byte: Debug status byte. See Table 3-3.
RD_CONFIG 0010 0XXX 0 1 Read debug configuration data.
Input byte: none.
Output byte: Returns value set by WR_CONFIG command. See Table 3-2.

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Table 3-1. Debug Commands (continued)

Additi Output
Instruction onal Bytes
Command Description
Byte Input
GET_PC 0010 1XXX 0 2 Return value of 16-bit program counter.
Input byte: none
Output bytes: Returns 2 bytes.
READ_STATUS 0011 0XXX 0 1 Read status byte.
Input byte: none
Output byte: Debug status byte. See Table 3-3.
SET_HW_BRKPNT 0011 1XXX 3 1 Set hardware breakpoint.
Input bytes: See Section 3.3.3 for details.
Output byte: Debug status byte. See Table 3-3.
HALT 0100 0XXX 0 1 Halt CPU operation
Input byte: none
Output byte: Debug status byte. See Table 3-3. If the CPU was already
halted, the output is undefined.
RESUME 0100 1XXX 0 1 Resume CPU operation. The CPU must be in the halted state for this
command to be run.
Input byte: none
Output byte: Debug status byte. See Table 3-3.
DEBUG_INSTR 0101 0Xyy 1–3 1 Run debug instruction. The supplied instruction is executed by the CPU
without incrementing the program counter. The CPU must be in halted
state for this command to be run. Note that yy is number of bytes following
the command byte, i.e., how many bytes the CPU instruction has (see
Table 2-3).
Input byte(s): CPU instruction
Output byte: The resulting accumulator register value after the instruction
has been executed
STEP_INSTR 0101 1XXX 0 1 Step CPU instruction. The CPU executes the next instruction from
program memory and increments the program counter after execution. The
CPU must be in the halted state for this command to be run.
Input byte: none
Output byte: The resulting accumulator register value after the instruction
has been executed
GET_BM 0110 0XXX 0 1 This command does the same thing as GET_PC, except that it returns the
memory bank. It returns one byte, where the 3 least-significant bits are the
currently used memory bank.
Input byte: none
Output byte: Memory bank (current value of FMAP.MAP)
GET_CHIP_ID 0110 1XXX 0 2 Return value of 16-bit chip ID and version number.
Input byte: none.
Output bytes: The CHIPID and CHVER register values
BURST_WRITE 1000 0kkk 2–2049 1 This command writes a sequence of 1–2048 bytes to the DBGDATA
register. Each time the register is updated, a DBG_BW DMA trigger is
The number of parameters to the BURST_WRITE command is variable.
The number of data bytes in the burst is indicated using the 3 last bits of
the command byte (kkk), and the whole next byte. The command
sequence is shown in Figure 3-5. The burst length is indicated by an 11-bit
value (b10–b0). After these two bytes, the given number of data bytes
must be appended. The value 0 means 2048 data bytes; thus, the smallest
number of bytes to transfer is 1.
Input bytes: Command sequence
Output byte: Debug status byte. See Table 3-3.

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BURST_WRITE Command Parameter

1 0 0 0 0 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Figure 3-5. Burst Write Command (First 2 Bytes)

3.3.1 Debug Configuration

The commands WR_CONFIG and RD_CONFIG are used to access the debug-configuration data byte.
The format and description of this configuration data are shown in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2. Debug Configuration

Bit Name Reset Description
7:6 – 00 Reserved
5 SOFT_POWER_MODE 1 When set, the digital voltage regulator is not turned off during PM2 and PM3. If this bit
is cleared, the debug interface is reset during PM2 and PM3.
4 – 0 Reserved
3 TIMERS_OFF 0 Disable timers. Disable timer operation. This overrides the TIMER_SUSPEND bit and its
0: Do not disable timers
1: Disable timers
2 DMA_PAUSE 1 DMA pause. The DMA registers must not be accessed while this bit is set.
0: Enable DMA transfers
1: Pause all DMA transfers
1 TIMER_SUSPEND 1 Suspend timers.
Suspend timers when the chip is halted. The timers are also suspended during debug
instructions. When executing a STEP, the timers receive exactly (or as close as
possible) as many ticks as they would if the program were free-running.
0: Do not suspend timers
1: Suspend timers
0 – 0 Reserved. Always write 0.

3.3.2 Debug Status

A debug-status byte is read using the READ_STATUS command. The format and description of this
debug status is shown in Table 3-3.
The READ_STATUS command is, for example, used for:
• Polling the status of the chip erase (CHIP_ERASE_BUSY) after a CHIP_ERASE command.
• Checking whether the oscillator is stable (OSCILLATOR_STABLE); required for debug commands

Table 3-3. Debug Status

Bit Name Reset Description
7 CHIP_ERASE_BUSY 0 Flash chip erase busy
The signal is only high when a chip erase is in progress. It goes high immediately after a
CHIP_ERASE command is received and returns to low when the flash is fully erased.
0: –
1: Chip erase in progress

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Table 3-3. Debug Status (continued)

Bit Name Reset Description
6 PCON_IDLE 0 PCON idle. See also Table 3-4.
0: CPU is running. Chip in operational mode controlled by debugger.
1: CPU is not running. Chip is in power mode defined by SLEEPCMD.MODE register
setting. See Section 4.1–Section 4.3 for details.
5 CPU_HALTED 0 CPU was halted
0: CPU is running.
1: CPU was halted from a breakpoint or from a HALT debug command.
4 PM_ACTIVE 0 Chip is active. Note that PM0 and PM1 are not supported in debug mode. See also
Table 3-4.
0: Chip is in normal operation with CPU running (if not halted).
1: Chip is out of normal operation (active mode) and either in transition up or down from
power mode or stable in the power mode defined by the SLEEPCMD.MODE register
setting. See Section 4.1–Section 4.3 for details.
3 HALT_STATUS 0 Halt status. Returns cause of last CPU halt
0: CPU was halted by HALT debug command.
1: CPU was halted by hardware breakpoint.
2 DEBUG_LOCKED 0 Debug interface is locked. Returns value of DBGLOCK bit. See Section 3.4.1.
0: Debug interface is not locked.
1: Debug interface is locked.
1 OSCILLATOR_STABLE 0 System clock oscillator stable
0: Oscillators not stable
1: Oscillators stable
0 STACK_OVERFLOW 0 Stack overflow. This bit indicates when the CPU writes to DATA memory space at
address 0xFF, which is possibly a stack overflow.
0: No stack overflow
1: Stack overflow

Table 3-4. Relation Between PCON_IDLE and PM_ACTIVE

0 0 Chip in normal operation with CPU running (if not halted)
0 1 Chip in transition to start-up from power mode
1 0 Chip in transition to enter power mode
1 1 Chip stable in power mode

3.3.3 Hardware Breakpoints

The debug command SET_HW_BRKPNT is used to set one of the four available hardware breakpoints.
When a hardware breakpoint is enabled, it compares the CPU address bus with the breakpoint. When a
match occurs, the CPU is halted.
When issuing the SET_HW_BRKPNT, the external host must supply three data bytes that define the
hardware breakpoint. The hardware breakpoint itself consists of 19 bits, whereas three bits are used for
control purposes. The format of the three data bytes for the SET_HW_BRKPNT command is as follows.
The first data byte consists of the following:
• Bits 7–6: Unused
• Bits 5–4: Breakpoint number, 0–3
• Bit 3: 1 = enable, 0 = disable
• Bits 2–0: Memory bank bits. Bits 18–16 of hardware breakpoint.
The second data byte consists of bits 15–8 of the hardware breakpoint.

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The third data byte consists of bits 7–0 of the hardware breakpoint. Thus, the second and third data bytes
set the CPU CODE address at which to stop execution.

3.4 Flash Programming

Programming of the on-chip flash is performed via the debug interface. The external host must initially
send instructions using the DEBUG_INSTR debug command to perform the flash programming with the
flash controller.

3.4.1 Lock Bits

For software and/or access protection, a set of lock bits can be written to the upper available flash
page—the lock-bit page. The lock-bit structure consists of 128 bits where the first (FLASH_PAGES-1)
each corresponds to the first flash pages available in the device. The last bit (at the highest address) is
the debug lock bit (see Table 3-5). The structure starts at address 0x7FF0 (address 0xFFF0 in XDATA)
when the upper flash bank is mapped in, and occupies 16 bytes. The rest of the lock-bit page can be used
to store code or constants, but cannot be changed without entering debug mode.
The PAGELOCK[FLASH_PAGES-2:0] lock-protect bits are used to enable erase and write protection for
individual flash memory pages (2 KB; 1 KB on CC2533). There is one bit for each available page.
When the debug-lock bit, DBGLOCK, is set to 0 (see Table 3-5), all debug commands except
CHIP_ERASE, READ_STATUS, and GET_CHIP_ID are disabled. The status of the debug-lock bit can be
read using the READ_STATUS command (see Section 3.3.2).
Note that after the debug-lock bit has changed due to a write to the lock-bit page or a CHIP_ERASE
command, the device must be reset to lock or unlock the debug interface.
Issuing a CHIP_ERASE command is the only way to clear the debug-lock bit, thereby unlocking the debug

Table 3-5 defines the 16-byte structure containing the flash lock-protection bits. Bit 0 of the first byte
contains the lock bit for page 0, bit 1 of the first byte contains the lock bit for page 1, and so on. Bit 7 of
the last byte in the flash is the DBGLOCK bit (bit 127 in the structure).

Table 3-5. Flash Lock-Protection Bit Structure Definition

Bit Name Description
127 DBGLOCK Debug-lock bit
0: Disable debug commands
1: Enable debug commands
126:FLASH_PAGES-1 FREE SPACE On devices with less than 256 KB memory: Code space available for
storing code or constants.
FLASH_PAGES-2:0 PAGELOCK[FLASH_PAGES-2:0] Page-lock bits. There is one bit for each of the up to 128 pages.
Page-lock bits for unavailable pages are not used.
0: Page locked
1: Page not locked

NOTE: It is recommended to lock all pages that are not to be in-system programmed. This is to
prevent erroneous code from unintentionally altering code or constants. This can only be
changed while in debug mode.

3.5 Debug Interface and Power Modes

Power modes PM2 and PM3 may be handled in two different ways when the chip is in debug mode. The
default behavior is never to turn off the digital voltage regulator. This emulates power modes while
maintaining debug mode operation. The clock sources are turned off as in ordinary power modes. The
other option is to turn off the 1.8-V internal digital power. This leads to a complete shutdown of the digital
part, which disables debug mode. When the chip is in debug mode, the two options are controlled by
configuration bit 5 (SOFT_POWER_MODE).

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The debug interface still responds to a reduced set of commands while in one of the power modes. The
chip can be woken up from sleep mode by issuing a HALT command to the debug interface. The HALT
command brings the chip up from sleep mode in the halted state. The RESUME command must be issued
to resume software execution.
The debug status may be read when in power modes. The status must be checked when leaving a power
mode by issuing a HALT command. The time needed to power up depends on which power mode the
chip is in, and must be checked in the debug status. The debug interface only accepts commands that are
available in sleep mode before the chip is operational.

NOTE: Debugging in Idle mode and PM1 is not supported. It is recommended to use active mode or
another power mode when debugging.

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3.6 Registers

DBGDATA (0x6260) – Debug Data

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 BYTE[7:0] 0 R Debug data from BURST_WRITE command
This register is updated each time a new byte has been transferred to the debug
interface using the BURST_WRITE command. A DBG_BW DMA trigger is
generated when this byte is updated. This allows the DMA controller to fetch the

CHVER (0x6249) – Chip Version

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 VERSION[7:0] Chip R Chip revision number

CHIPID (0x624A) – Chip ID

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CHIPID[7:0] Chip R Chip identification number.
dependent CC2530: 0xA5
CC2531: 0xB5
CC2533: 0x95
CC2540: 0x8D
CC2541: 0x41

CHIPINFO0 (0x6276) – Chip Information Byte 0

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Always 0.
6:4 FLASHSIZE[2:0] Chip R Flash Size. 001 – 32 KB, 010 – 64 KB, 011 – 128 KB (for CC2533: 011 – 96 KB),
dependent 100 – 256 KB
3 USB Chip R 1 if chip has USB, 0 otherwise
2 – 1 R1 Reserved. Always 1
1:0 – 00 R0 Reserved. Always 00

CHIPINFO1 (0x6277) – Chip Information Byte 1

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 – Chip R Reserved.
2:0 SRAMSIZE[2:0] Chip R SRAM size in KB minus 1. For example, a 4-KB device has this field set to 011. Add
dependent 1 to the number to get the number of KB available.

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Chapter 4
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Power Management and Clocks

Low-power operation is enabled through different operating modes (power modes). The various operating
modes are referred to as active mode, idle mode, and power modes 1, 2, and 3 (PM1–PM3).

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

4.1 Power Management Introduction .......................................................................... 61

4.2 Power-Management Control ................................................................................ 62
4.3 Power-Management Registers ............................................................................. 63
4.4 Oscillators and Clocks ........................................................................................ 66
4.5 Timer Tick Generation ........................................................................................ 69
4.6 Data Retention ................................................................................................... 69

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4.1 Power Management Introduction

Different operating modes, or power modes, are used to allow low-power operation. Ultralow-power
operation is obtained by turning off the power supply to modules to avoid static (leakage) power
consumption and also by using clock gating and turning off oscillators to reduce dynamic power
The five various operating modes (power modes) are called active mode, idle mode, PM1, PM2, and PM3
(PM1, PM2, and PM3 are also referred to as sleep modes). Active mode is the normal operating mode,
whereas PM3 has the lowest power consumption. The impact of the different power modes on system
operation is shown in Table 4-1, together with voltage regulator and oscillator options.

Table 4-1. Power Modes

Voltage Regulator
Power Mode High-Frequency Oscillator Low-Frequency Oscillator
A 32-MHz XOSC C 32-kHz XOSC
Active or idle mode A or B C or D ON
PM1 None C or D ON
PM2 None C or D OFF
PM3 None None OFF

Active mode: The fully functional mode. The voltage regulator to the digital core is on, and either the 16-
MHz RC oscillator or the 32-MHz crystal oscillator or both are running. Either the 32-kHz RCOSC or the
32-kHz XOSC is running.
Idle mode: Identical to active mode, except that the CPU core stops operating (is idle).
PM1: The voltage regulator to the digital part is on. Neither the 32-MHz XOSC nor the 16-MHz RCOSC is
running. Either the 32-kHz RCOSC or the 32-kHz XOSC is running. The system goes to active mode on
reset, an external interrupt, or when the Sleep Timer expires.
PM2: The voltage regulator to the digital core is turned off. Neither the 32-MHz XOSC nor the 16-MHz
RCOSC is running. Either the 32-kHz RCOSC or the 32-kHz XOSC is running. The system goes to active
mode on reset, an external interrupt, or when the Sleep Timer expires.
PM3: The voltage regulator to the digital core is turned off. None of the oscillators is running. The system
goes to active mode on reset or an external interrupt.
The POR is active in PM2 and PM3, but the BOD is powered down, which gives limited voltage
supervision. If the supply voltage is lowered to below 1.4 V during PM2 or PM3, at temperatures of 70°C
or higher, and then brought back up to good operating voltage before active mode is re-entered, registers
and RAM contents that are saved in PM2 or PM3 may become altered. Hence, care should be taken in
the design of the system power supply to ensure that this does not occur. The voltage can be periodically
supervised accurately by entering active mode, as a BOD reset is triggered if the supply voltage is below
approximately 1.7 V.
The CC2533 and CC2541 have functionality to perform automatically a CRC check of the retained
configuration register values in PM2 and PM3 to check that the device state was not altered during sleep.
The bits in SRCRC.CRC_RESULT indicate whether there were any changes, and by enabling
SRCRC.CRC_RESET_EN, the device immediately resets itself with a watchdog reset if
SRCRC.CRC_RESULT is not 00 (= CRC of retained registers passed) after wakeup from PM2 or PM3. The
SRCRC register also contains the SRCRC.FORCE_RESET bit that can be used by software to trigger a
watchdog reset immediately to reboot the device.
For CC2533 and CC2541, additional analog reset architecture adds another brownout detector (the
3VBOD) that senses on the unregulated voltage. The purpose of this 3VBOD is to reduce the current
consumption of the device when supplied with voltages well below the operating voltage.

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4.1.1 Active and Idle Modes

Active mode is the fully functional mode of operation where the CPU, peripherals, and RF transceiver are
active. The digital voltage regulator is turned on.
Active mode is used for normal operation. By enabling the PCON.IDLE bit while in active mode
(SLEEPCMD.MODE = 0x00), the CPU core stops operating and the idle mode is entered. All other
peripherals function normally, and any enabled interrupt wakes up the CPU core (to transition back from
idle mode to active mode).

4.1.2 PM1
In PM1, the high-frequency oscillators are powered down (32-MHz XOSC and 16-MHz RCOSC). The
voltage regulator and the enabled 32-kHz oscillator are on. When PM1 is entered, a power-down
sequence is run.
PM1 is used when the expected time until a wakeup event is relatively short (less than 3 ms), because
PM1 uses a fast power-down and power-up sequence.

4.1.3 PM2
PM2 has the second-lowest power consumption. In PM2, the power-on reset, external interrupts, selected
32-kHz oscillator, and Sleep Timer peripherals are active. I/O pins retain the I/O mode and output value
set before entering PM2. All other internal circuits are powered down. The voltage regulator is also turned
off. When PM2 is entered, a power-down sequence is run.
PM2 is typically entered when using the Sleep Timer as the wakeup event, and also combined with
external interrupts. PM2 should typically be choosen, compared to PM1, when expected sleep time
exceeds 3 ms. Using less sleep time does not reduce system power consumption compared to using

4.1.4 PM3
PM3 is used to achieve the operating mode with the lowest power consumption. In PM3, all internal
circuits that are powered from the voltage regulator are turned off (basically all digital modules; the only
exceptions are interrupt detection and POR level sensing). The internal voltage regulator and all oscillators
are also turned off.
Reset (POR or external) and external I/O port interrupts are the only functions that operate in this mode.
I/O pins retain the I/O mode and output value set before entering PM3. A reset condition or an enabled
external I/O interrupt event wakes the device up and places it into active mode (an external interrupt starts
from where it entered PM3, whereas a reset returns to start-of-program execution). The content of RAM
and registers is partially preserved in this mode (see Section 4.6). PM3 uses the same power-down and
power-up sequence as PM2.
PM3 is used to achieve ultralow-power consumption when waiting for an external event. It should be used
when expected sleep time exceeds 3 ms.

4.2 Power-Management Control

The required power mode is selected by the MODE bits in the SLEEPCMD control register and the
PCON.IDLE bit. Setting the SFR register PCON.IDLE bit enters the mode selected by SLEEPCMD.MODE.
An enabled interrupt from port pins or Sleep Timer or a power-on reset wakes the device from other power
modes and brings it into active mode.
When PM1, PM2, or PM3 is entered, a power-down sequence is run. When the device is taken out of
PM1, PM2, or PM3, it starts at 16 MHz and automatically changes to 32 MHz if CLKCONCMD.OSC was 0
when entering the power mode (setting PCON.IDLE). If CLKCONCMD.OSC was 1 when PCON.IDLE was
set, when entering the power mode, it continues to run at 16 MHz.

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The instruction that sets the PCON.IDLE bit must be aligned in a certain way for correct operation. The
first byte of the assembly instruction immediately following this instruction must not be placed on a 4-byte
boundary. Furthermore, cache must not be disabled (see CM in the FCTL register description in
Chapter 6). Failure to comply with this requirement may cause higher current consumption. Provided this
requirement is fulfilled, the first assembly instruction after the instruction that sets the PCON.IDLE bit is
performed before the ISR of the interrupt that caused the system to wake up, but after the system woke
up. If this instruction is a global interrupt disable, it is possible to have it followed by code for execution
after wakeup, but before the ISR is serviced.
An example of how this can be done in the IAR compiler is shown as follows. The command for setting
PCON to 1 is placed in a function written in assembly code. In a C file calling this function, a declaration
such as extern void
EnterSleepModeDisableInterruptsOnWakeup(void); is used. The
RSEG NEAR_CODE:CODE:NOROOT(2) statement ensures that the MOV PCON,#1 instruction is placed on
a 2-byte boundary. It is a 3-byte instruction, so the following instruction is not placed on a 4-byte
boundary, as required. In the following example, this instruction is CLR EA, which disables all interrupts.
That means that the ISR of the interrupt that woke up the system is not executed until after the IEN0.EA
bit has been set again later in the code. If this functionality is not wanted, the CLR EA instruction can be
replaced by a NOP.
PUBLIC EnterSleepModeDisableInterruptsOnWakeup FUNCTION
EnterSleepModeDisableInterruptsOnWakeup,0201H RSEG NEAR_CODE:CODE:NOROOT(2)
EnterSleepModeDisableInterruptsOnWakeup: MOV PCON,#1 CLR EA RET

4.3 Power-Management Registers

This section describes the power-management registers. All register bits retain their previous values when
entering PM2 or PM3.

SRCRC (0x6262) – Sleep Reset CRC (CC2533 and CC2541 only)

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 XOSC_AMP_DET_EN 0 R/W 0: Disable
1: Enable the amplitude detector for the 32-MHz XOSC, CC2533 only
6 – 0 R0 Reserved. Always read 0.
5 FORCE_RESET 0 R/W 0: No action
1: Force watchdog reset.
4 – 0 R Reserved
3:2 CRC_RESULT 00 R/W0 00: CRC of retained registers passed
01: Low CRC value failed
10: High CRC value failed
11: Both CRC values failed
1 – 0 R Reserved
0 CRC_RESET_EN 0 R/W 0: Disable reset of chip due to CRC.
1: Enable reset of chip if CRC_RESULT != 00 after wakeup from PM2 or PM3.

PCON (0x87) – Power Mode Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 000 R/W Reserved, always write as 0000 000.
0 IDLE 0 R0/W Power mode control. Writing 1 to this bit forces the device to enter the power mode
H0 set by SLEEPCMD.MODE (note that MODE = 0x00 AND IDLE = 1 stops the CPU core
activity). This bit is always read as 0.
All enabled interrupts clear this bit when active, and the device re-enters active

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SLEEPCMD (0xBE) – Sleep-Mode Control Command

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 OSC32K_CALDIS 0 R/W Disable 32-kHz RC oscillator calibration
0: 32-kHz RC oscillator calibration is enabled.
1: 32-kHz RC oscillator calibration is disabled.
This setting can be written at any time, but does not take effect before the chip has
been running on the 16-MHz high-frequency RC oscillator.
6:3 – 000 0 R0 Reserved
2 – 1 R/W Reserved. Always write as 1
1:0 MODE[1:0] 00 R/W Power-mode setting
00: Active or Idle mode
01: Power mode 1 (PM1)
10: Power mode 2 (PM2)
11: Power mode 3 (PM3)

SLEEPSTA (0x9D) – Sleep-Mode Control Status

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 OSC32K_CALDIS 0 R 32-kHz RC oscillator calibration status
SLEEPSTA.OSC32K_CALDIS shows the current status of disabling of the 32-kHz
RC calibration. The bit is not set to the same value as
SLEEPCMD.OSC32K_CALDIS before the chip has been run on the 32-kHz RC
6:5 – 00 R Reserved
4:3 RST[1:0] XX R Status bit indicating the cause of the last reset. If there are multiple resets, the
register only contains the last event.
00: Power-on reset and brownout detection
01: External reset
10: Watchdog Timer reset
11: Clock loss reset
2:1 – 00 R Reserved
0 CLK32K 0 R The 32-kHz clock signal (synchronized to the system clock)

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0 System Clock


32-MHz Crystal Oscillator


16-MHz RC Oscillator


0 32-kHz Clock
Sleep Timer
SLEEPCMD.MODE[1:0] Watchdog Timer


32-kHz Crystal Oscillator


32-kHz RC Oscillator


Figure 4-1. Clock System Overview

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4.4 Oscillators and Clocks

The device has one internal system clock, or main clock. The source for the system clock can be either
the 16-MHz RC oscillator or the 32-MHz crystal oscillator. Clock control is performed using the
There is also one 32-kHz clock source that can either be an RC oscillator or a crystal oscillator, also
controlled by the CLKCONCMD register.
The CLKCONSTA register is a read-only register used for getting the current clock status.
The choice of oscillator allows a trade-off between high accuracy in the case of the crystal oscillator and
low power consumption when the RC oscillator is used. Note that operation of the RF transceiver requires
that the 32-MHz crystal oscillator is used.
In the CC2533, CC2540 and CC2541, an additional module for detection of 32-MHz XOSC stability is
available. This amplitude detector can be useful in environments with significant noise on the power
supply, to ensure that the clock source is not used until the clock signal is stable. In the CC2533, this
module can be enabled by setting the SRCRC.XOSC_AMP_DET_EN bit, and this adds around 20 μs to the
32-MHz XOSC startup time. In the CC2540 and CC2541, the module is always enabled.

4.4.1 Oscillators
Figure 4-1 gives an overview of the clock system with available clock sources.
Two high-frequency oscillators are present in the device:
• 32-MHz crystal oscillator
• 16-MHz RC oscillator
The 32-MHz crystal-oscillator start-up time may be too long for some applications; therefore, the device
can run on the 16-MHz RC oscillator until the crystal oscillator is stable. The 16-MHz RC oscillator
consumes less power than the crystal oscillator, but because it is not as accurate as the crystal oscillator it
cannot be used for RF transceiver operation.
Two low-frequency oscillators are present in the device:
• 32-kHz crystal oscillator
• 32-kHz RC oscillator.
The 32-kHz XOSC is designed to operate at 32.768 kHz and provide a stable clock signal for systems
requiring time accuracy. The 32-kHz RCOSC runs at 32.753 kHz when calibrated. The calibration can only
take place when the 32-MHz XOSC is enabled, and this calibration can be disabled by enabling the
SLEEPCMD.OSC32K_CALDIS bit. The 32-kHz RCOSC should be used to reduce cost and power
consumption compared to the 32-kHz XOSC solution. The two 32-kHz oscillators cannot be operated

4.4.2 System Clock

The system clock is derived from the selected system clock source, which is the 32-MHz XOSC or the 16-
MHz RCOSC. The CLKCONCMD.OSC bit selects the source of the system clock. Note that to use the RF
transceiver, the 32-MHz crystal oscillator must be selected and stable.
Note that changing the CLKCONCMD.OSC bit does not cause the system clock to change instantly. The
clock source change first takes effect when CLKCONSTA.OSC = CLKCONCMD.OSC. This is due to the
requirement to have stable clocks prior to actually changing the clock source. Also note that the
CLKCONCMD.CLKSPD bit reflects the frequency of the system clock and thus is a mirror of the
The 16 MHz RC oscillator is calibrated once after the 32-MHz XOSC has been selected and is stable, that
is, when the CLKCONSTA.OSC bit switches from 1 to 0.

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NOTE: The change from the 16-MHz clock source to the 32-MHz clock source (and vice versa)
aligns with the CLKCONCMD.TICKSPD setting. A slow CLKCONCMD.TICKSPD setting
when CLKCONCMD.OSC is changed results in a longer time before the actual source
change takes effect. The fastest switching is obtained when CLKCONCMD.TICKSPD equals

NOTE: After coming up from PM1, PM2, or PM3, the CPU must wait for CLKCONSTA.OSC to be 0
before operations requiring the system to run on the 32-MHz XOSC (such as the radio) are

4.4.3 32-kHz Oscillators

Two 32-kHz oscillators are present in the device as clock sources for the 32-kHz clock:
• 32-kHz XOSC
• 32-kHz RCOSC
By default, after a reset, the 32-kHz RCOSC is enabled and selected as the 32-kHz clock source. The
RCOSC consumes less power, but is less accurate compared to the 32-kHz XOSC. The chosen 32-kHz
clock source drives the Sleep Timer, generates the tick for the Watchdog Timer, and is used as a strobe in
Timer 2 to calculate the Sleep Timer sleep time. The CLKCONCMD.OSC32K register bit selects the
oscillator to be used as the 32-kHz clock source. This bit does not give an indication of the stability of the
32-kHz XOSC.
The CLKCONCMD.OSC32K register bit can be written at any time, but does not take effect before the 16-
MHz RCOSC is the active system clock source. When system clock is changed from the 16-MHz RCOSC
to the 32-MHz XOSC (CLKCONCMD.OSC from 1 to 0), calibration of the 32-kHz RCOSC starts up and is
performed once if the 32-kHz RCOSC is selected. During calibration, a divided version of the 32-MHz
XOSC is used. The result of the calibration is that the 32-kHz RSOSC is running at 32.753 kHz. The 32-
kHz RCOSC calibration may take up to 2 ms to complete. Calibration can be disabled by setting
SLEEPCMD.OSC32K_CALDIS to 1. At the end of the calibration, an extra pulse may occur on the 32-kHz
clock source, which causes the sleep timer to be incremented by 1.
Note that after having switched to the 32-kHz XOSC and when coming up from PM3 with the 32-kHz
XOSC enabled, the oscillator requires up to 500 ms to stabilize on the correct frequency. The Sleep
Timer, Watchdog Timer and clock-loss detector should not be used before the 32-kHz XOSC is stable.

4.4.4 Oscillator and Clock Registers

This section describes the oscillator and clock registers. All register bits retain their previous values when
entering PM2 or PM3.

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CLKCONCMD (0xC6) – Clock Control Command

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 OSC32K 1 R/W 32-kHz clock-source select. Setting this bit initiates a clock-source change only.
CLKCONSTA.OSC32K reflects the current setting. The 16-MHz RCOSC must be
selected as system clock when this bit is to be changed. This bit does not give an
indication of the stability of the 32-kHz XOSC.
0: 32 kHz XOSC
1: 32 kHz RCOSC
6 OSC 1 R/W System clock-source select. Setting this bit initiates a clock-source change only.
CLKCONSTA.OSC reflects the current setting.
0: 32 MHz XOSC
1: 16 MHz RCOSC
5:3 TICKSPD[2:0] 001 R/W Timer ticks output setting. Cannot be higher than system clock setting given by OSC
bit setting.
000: 32 MHz
001: 16 MHz
010: 8 MHz
011: 4 MHz
100: 2 MHz
101: 1 MHz
110: 500 kHz
111: 250 kHz
Note that CLKCONCMD.TICKSPD can be set to any value, but the effect is
limited by the CLKCONCMD.OSC setting; that is, if CLKCONCMD.OSC = 1 and
real TICKSPD is 16 MHz.
2:0 CLKSPD 001 R/W Clock speed. Cannot be higher than system clock setting given by the OSC bit
setting. Indicates current system-clock frequency
000: 32 MHz
001: 16 MHz
010: 8 MHz
011: 4 MHz
100: 2 MHz
101: 1 MHz
110: 500 kHz
111: 250 kHz
Note that CLKCONCMD.CLKSPD can be set to any value, but the effect is
limited by the CLKCONCMD.OSC setting; that is, if
CLKCONSTA.CLKSPD reads 001, and the real CLKSPD is 16 MHz.
Note also that the debugger cannot be used with a divided system clock. When
running the debugger, the value of CLKCONCMD.CLKSPD should be set to 000 when
CLKCONCMD.OSC = 0 or to 001 when CLKCONCMD.OSC = 1.

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CLKCONSTA (0x9E) – Clock Control Status
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 OSC32K 1 R Current 32-kHz clock source selected:
0: 32-kHz XOSC
1: 32-kHz RCOSC
6 OSC 1 R Current system clock selected:
0: 32-MHz XOSC
1: 16-MHz RCOSC
5:3 TICKSPD[2:0] 001 R Current timer ticks output setting
000: 32 MHz
001: 16 MHz
010: 8 MHz
011: 4 MHz
100: 2 MHz
101: 1 MHz
110: 500 kHz
111: 250 kHz
2:0 CLKSPD 001 R Current clock speed
000: 32 MHz
001: 16 MHz
010: 8 MHz
011: 4 MHz
100: 2 MHz
101: 1 MHz
110: 500 kHz
111: 250 kHz

4.5 Timer Tick Generation

The value of the CLKCONCMD.TICKSPD register controls a global prescaler for Timer 1, Timer 3, and
Timer 4. The prescaler value can be set to a value from 0.25 MHz to 32 MHz. It should be noted that if
CLKCONCMD.TICKSPD indicates a higher frequency than the system clock, the actual prescaler value
indicated in CLKCONSTA.TICKSPD is the same as the system clock.

4.6 Data Retention

In power modes PM2 and PM3, power is removed from most of the internal circuitry. However, SRAM
retains its contents, and the content of internal registers is also retained in PM2 and PM3.
All CPU, RF, and peripheral registers retain their contents in PM2 and PM3, except the AES, I2C, and
USB registers, OBSSEL0–OBSSEL5, TR0, and in the CC2541, LLECTRL.
Switching to the PM2 or PM3 low-power modes appears transparent to software. Note that the value of
the Sleep Timer is not preserved in PM3.
All registers retain their values in PM1.

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Chapter 5
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The device has five reset sources. The following events generate a reset:
• Forcing the RESET_N input pin low
• A power-on reset condition
• A brownout reset condition
• Watchdog Timer reset condition
• Clock-loss reset condition
The initial conditions after a reset are as follows:
• I/O pins are configured as inputs with pullups (P1.0 and P1.1 are inputs, but do not have a pullup or
• CPU program counter is loaded with 0x0000 and program execution starts at this address
• All peripheral registers are initialized to their reset values (see register descriptions)
• Watchdog Timer is disabled
• Clock-loss detetector is disabled
During reset, the I/O pins are configured as inputs with pullups (P1.0 and P1.1 are inputs, but do not have
a pullup or pulldown). The RESET_N input is always configured as an input with pullup.
In the CC2533 and CC2541, a watchdog reset can be generated immediately in software by writing the
SRCRC.FORCE_RESET bit to 1 (see Section 4.3 for the register description). In the other devices in the
family, a watchdog reset can be triggered from software by enabling the watchdog timer with the shortest
time-out and waiting for it to trigger.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

5.1 Power-On Reset and Brownout Detector ............................................................... 71

5.2 Clock-Loss Detector ........................................................................................... 71

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5.1 Power-On Reset and Brownout Detector

The device includes a power-on reset (POR), providing correct initialization during device power on. It also
includes a brownout detector (BOD) operating on the regulated 1.8-V digital power supply only. The BOD
protects the memory contents during supply voltage variations which cause the regulated 1.8-V power to
drop below the minimum level required by digital logic, flash memory, and SRAM.
When power is initially applied, the POR and BOD hold the device in the reset state until the supply
voltage rises above the power-on-reset and brownout voltages.
The cause of the last reset can be read from the register bits SLEEPSTA.RST. It should be noted that a
BOD reset is read as a POR reset.

5.2 Clock-Loss Detector

The clock-loss detector can be used in safety-critical systems to detect that one of the XOSC clock
sources (32-MHz XOSC or 32-kHz XOSC) has stopped. This can typically happen due to damage to the
external crystal or supporting components. When the clock-loss detector is enabled, the two clocks
monitor each other continously. If one of the clocks stops toggling, a clock-loss detector reset is generated
within a certain maximum time-out period. The time-out depends on which clock stops. If the 32-kHz clock
stops, the time-out period is 0.5 ms. If the 32-MHz clock stops, the time-out period is 0.25 ms. When the
system comes up again from reset, software can detect the cause of the reset by reading
SLEEPSTA.RST[1:0]. After a reset, the internal RC oscillators are used. Thus, the system is able to start
up again and can then be powered down gracefully. The clock-loss detector is enabled or disabled with
the CLD.EN bit. It is assumed that the 32-MHz XOSC is selected as system clock source when using the
clock-loss detector. The 32-kHz clock can be 32-kHz RCOSC (should be calibrated for accurate reset
timeout) or 32-kHz XOSC.
In power modes 1 and 2, the clock-loss detector is automatically stopped and restarted when the clocks
start up again.
Before entering power mode 3, switch to the 16-MHz RCOSC and disable the clock-loss detector. When
entering active mode again, turn on the clock-loss detector and then switch back to the 32-MHz XOSC.

CLD (0x6290) – Clock-Loss Detection

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 000 R0 Reserved
0 EN 0 R/W Clock-loss detector enable
0: Detector disabled
1: Detector enabled

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Chapter 6
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Flash Controller

The device contains flash memory for storage of program code. The flash memory is programmable from
the user software and through the debug interface.
The flash controller handles writing and erasing the embedded flash memory. The embedded flash
memory consists of up to 128 pages of 2048 bytes (CC2530, CC2531, CC2540, and CC2541) or 1024
bytes (CC2533) each.
The flash controller has the following features:
• 32-bit word programmable
• Page erase
• Lock bits for write protection and code security
• Flash-page erase timing 20 ms
• Flash-chip erase timing 20 ms
• Flash-write timing (4 bytes) 20 μs

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

6.1 Flash Memory Organization ................................................................................. 73

6.2 Flash Write ........................................................................................................ 73
6.3 Flash Page Erase ............................................................................................... 75
6.4 Flash DMA Trigger ............................................................................................. 76
6.5 Flash Controller Registers ................................................................................... 76

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6.1 Flash Memory Organization

The flash memory is divided into 2048-byte or 1024-byte flash pages. A flash page is the smallest
erasable unit in the memory, whereas a 32-bit word is the smallest writable unit that can be written to the
When performing write operations, the flash memory is word-addressable using a 16-bit address written to
the address registers FADDRH:FADDRL.
When performing page-erase operations, the flash memory page to be erased is addressed through the
register bits FADDRH[7:1] (CC2530, CC2531, CC2540, and CC2541) or FADDRH[6:0] (CC2533).
Note the difference in addressing the flash memory; when accessed by the CPU to read code or data, the
flash memory is byte-addressable. When accessed by the flash controller, the flash memory is word-
addressable, where a word consists of 32 bits.
The following sections describe the procedures for flash write and flash page-erase in detail.

6.2 Flash Write

The flash is programmed serially with a sequence of one or more 32-bit words (4 bytes), starting at the
start address (set by FADDRH:FADDRL). In general, a page must be erased before writing can begin. The
page-erase operation sets all bits in the page to 1. The chip-erase command (through the debug interface)
erases all pages in the flash. This is the only way to set bits in the flash to 1. When writing a word to the
flash, the 0-bits are programmed to 0 and the 1-bits are ignored (leaves the bit in the flash unchanged).
Thus, bits are erased to 1 and can be written to 0. It is possible to write multiple times to a word. This is
described in Section 6.2.2.

6.2.1 Flash-Write Procedure

The flash-write sequence algorithm is as follows:
1. Set FADDRH:FADDRL to the start address. (This is the 16 MSBs of the 18-bit byte address).
2. Set FCTL.WRITE to 1. This starts the write-sequence state machine.
3. Write four times to FWDATA within 20 μs (since the last time FCTL.FULL became 0, if not first
iteration). LSB is written first. (FCTL.FULL goes high after the last byte.)
4. Wait until FCTL.FULL goes low. (The flash controller has started programming the 4 bytes written in
step 3 and is ready to buffer the next 4 bytes).
5. Optional status check step:
• If the 4 bytes were not written fast enough in step 3, the operation has timed out and FCTL.BUSY
(and FCTL.WRITE) are 0 at this stage.
• If the 4 bytes could not be written to the flash due to the page being locked, FCTL.BUSY (and
FCTL.WRITE) are 0 and FCTL.ABORT is 1.
6. If this was the last 4 bytes then quit, otherwise go to step 3.
The write operation is performed using one of two methods:
• Using DMA transfer (preferred method)
• Using CPU, running code from SRAM
The CPU cannot access the flash, for example, to read program code while a flash-write operation is in
progress. Therefore, the program code executing the flash write must be executed from RAM. See
Section 2.2.1 for a description of how to run code from RAM.
When a flash-write operation is executed from RAM, the CPU continues to execute code from the next
instruction after initiation of the flash-write operation (FCTL.WRITE = 1).
Power mode 1, 2, or 3 must not be entered while writing to the flash. Also, the system clock source
(XOSC/RCOSC) must not be changed while writing. Note that setting CLKCONSTA.CLKSPD to a high
value makes it impossible to meet the timing requirement of 20-μs write timing. With CLKCONSTA.CLKSPD
= 111, the clock period is only 4 μs. It is therefore recommended to keep CLKCONSTA.CLKSPD at 000 or
001 while writing to the flash.

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6.2.2 Writing Multiple Times to a Word

The following rules apply when writing multiple times to a 32-bit word between erase:
• Writing 0 to a bit within a 32-bit flash word, which has been set to 1 by the last erase operation,
changes the state of the bit to 0, subject to the last bullet below.
• It is possible to write 0 to a bit within a 32-bit word repeatedly (subject to the last bullet below) once the
bit has been written with 0. This does not change the state of the bit.
• Writing 1 to a bit does not change the state of the bit, subject to the last bullet below.
• The following limitations apply to writes subsequent to the last page erase:
– A 0 must not be written more than two times to a single bit.
– A 32-bit word shall not be written more than 8 times.
– A page must not be written more than 1024 times.
The state of any bit of a 32-bit flash word is nondeterministic if these limitations are violated.

This makes it possible to write up to 4 new bits to a 32-bit word 8 times. One example write sequence to a
word is shown in Table 6-1. Here bn represents the 4 new bits written to the word for each update. This
technique is useful to maximize the lifetime of the flash for data-logging applications.

Table 6-1. Example Write Sequence

Step Value Written FLASH Contents After Writing Comment
1 (page erase) 0xFFFFFFFF The erase sets all bits to 1.
Only the bits written 0 are set to 0, whereas all bits
written 1 are ignored.
Only the bits written 0 are set to 0, whereas all bits
3 0xFFFFFFb1F 0xFFFFFFb1b0
written 1 are ignored.
Only the bits written 0 are set to 0, whereas all bits
4 0xFFFFFb2FF 0xFFFFFb2b1b0
written 1 are ignored.
Only the bits written 0 are set to 0, whereas all bits
5 0xFFFFb3FFF 0xFFFFb3b2b1b0
written 1 are ignored.
Only the bits written 0 are set to 0, whereas all bits
6 0xFFFb4FFFF 0xFFFb4b3b2b1b0
written 1 are ignored.
Only the bits written 0 are set to 0, whereas all bits
7 0xFFb5FFFFF 0xFFb5b4b3b2b1b0
written 1 are ignored.
Only the bits written 0 are set to 0, whereas all bits
8 0xFb6FFFFFF 0xFb6b5b4b3b2b1b0
written 1 are ignored.
Only the bits written 0 are set to 0, whereas all bits
9 0xb7FFFFFFF 0xb7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0
written 1 are ignored.

6.2.3 DMA Flash Write

When using DMA write operations, the data to be written into flash is stored in the XDATA memory space
(RAM or registers). A DMA channel is configured to read the data to be written from the memory source
address and write this data to the flash write-data register (FWDATA) fixed destination address, with the
DMA trigger event FLASH (TRIG[4:0] = 1 0010 in DMA configuration) enabled. Thus, the flash controller
triggers a DMA transfer when the flash write-data register, FWDATA, is ready to receive new data. The
DMA channel should be configured to perform single-mode, byte-size transfers with the source address
set to start-of-data block and destination address to fixed FWDATA (note that the block size, LEN in
configuration data, must be divisible by 4; otherwise, the last word is not written to the flash). High priority
should also be ensured for the DMA channel, so it is not interrupted in the write process. If interrupted for
more than 20 μs, the write operation may time out, and the write bit, FCTL.WRITE, is set to 0.
When the DMA channel is armed, starting a flash write by setting FCTL.WRITE to 1 triggers the first DMA
transfer (DMA and flash controller handle the reset of the transfer).
Figure 6-1 shows an example of how a DMA channel is configured and how a DMA transfer is initiated to
write a block of data from a location in XDATA to flash memory.

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Set up DMA channel:

SRCADDR=<XDATA location>
LEN=<block size>
TMODE=single mode
SRCINC=1 byte
DESTINC=0 bytes

Set up flash address

Arm DMA Channel

Start flash write


Figure 6-1. Flash Write Using DMA

6.2.4 CPU Flash Write

To write to the flash using the CPU, a program executing from SRAM must implement the steps outlined
in the procedure described in Section 6.2.1. Disable interrupts to ensure the operation does not time out.

6.3 Flash Page Erase

The flash page-erase operation sets all bits in the page to 1.
A page erase is initiated by setting FCTL.ERASE to 1. The page addressed by FADDRH[7:1] (CC2530,
CC2531, CC2540, and CC2541) or FADDRH[6:0] (CC2533) is erased when a page erase is initiated.
Note that if a page erase is initiated simultaneously with a page write, that is, FCTL.WRITE is set to 1, the
page erase is performed before the page-write operation starts. The FCTL.BUSY bit can be polled to see
when the page erase has completed.
Power mode 1, 2, or 3 must not be entered while erasing a page. Also, the system clock source
(XOSC/RCOSC) must not be changed while erasing.

NOTE: If a flash page-erase operation is performed from within flash memory and the Watchdog
Timer is enabled, a Watchdog Timer interval must be selected that is longer than 20 ms, the
duration of the flash page-erase operation, so that the CPU can clear the Watchdog Timer.

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6.3.1 Performing Flash Erase From Flash Memory

Note that while executing program code from within flash memory, when a flash erase or write operation is
initiated the CPU stalls, and program execution resumes from the next instruction when the flash controller
has completed the operation.
The following code example of how to erase one flash page in the CC2530 is given for use with the IAR
#include <ioCC2530.h>

unsigned char erase_page_num = 3; /* page number to erase, here: flash page #3 */

/* Erase one flash page */

EA = 0; /* disable interrupts */
while (FCTL & 0x80); /* poll FCTL.BUSY and wait until flash controller is ready */
FADDRH = erase_page_num << 1; /* select the flash page via FADDRH[7:1] bits */
FCTL |= 0x01; /* set FCTL.ERASE bit to start page erase */
while (FCTL & 0x80); /* optional: wait until flash write has completed (~20 ms) */
EA = 1; /* enable interrupts */

6.3.2 Different Flash Page Size on CC2533

The flash page size has been reduced from 2 KB (2048 bytes) on CC2530, CC2531, CC2540, and
CC2541 to 1 KB (1024 bytes) on CC2533. When performing page-erase operations on the flash memory,
the page to be erased is addressed with the register bits FADDRH[6:0] on CC2533 as opposed to
FADDRH[7:1] on CC2530, CC2531, CC2540, and CC2541. The page-lock bits are still placed in the
upper 16 bytes of the last accessible flash page.

6.4 Flash DMA Trigger

The flash DMA trigger is activated when flash data written to the FWDATA register has been written to the
specified location in the flash memory, thus indicating that the flash controller is ready to accept new data
to be written to FWDATA. Four trigger pulses are generated. In order to start the first transfer, one must set
the FCTL.WRITE bit to 1. The DMA and the flash controller then handle all transfers automatically for the
defined block of data (LEN in DMA configuration). It is further important that the DMA is armed prior to
setting the FCTL.WRITE bit, that the trigger source is set to FLASH (TRIG[4:0] = 1 0010), and that
the DMA has high priority so the transfer is not interrupted. If interrupted for more than 20 μs, the write
operation times out and FCTL.WRITE bit is cleared.

6.5 Flash Controller Registers

The flash controller registers are described in this section.

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FCTL (0x6270) – Flash Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 BUSY 0 R Indicates that write or erase is in operation. This flag is set when the WRITE or
ERASE bit is set.
0: No write or erase operation active
1: Write or erase operation activated
6 FULL R/H0 Write buffer-full status. This flag is set when 4 bytes have been written to FWDATA
during flash write. The write buffer is then full and does not accept more data; that
is, writes to FWDATA are ignored when the FULL flag is set. The FULL flag is cleared
when the write buffer again is ready to receive 4 more bytes. This flag is only
needed when the CPU is used to write to the flash.
0: Write buffer can accept more data.
1: Write buffer full
5 ABORT 0 R/H0 Abort status. This bit is set when a write operation or page erase is aborted. An
operation is aborted when the page accessed is locked. The abort bit is cleared
when a write or page erase is started.
4 – 0 R Reserved
3:2 CM[1:0] 01 R/W Cache mode
00: Cache disabled
01: Cache enabled
10: Cache enabled, prefetch mode
11: Cache enabled, real-time mode
Cache mode. Disabling the cache increases the power consumption and reduces
performance. Prefetching, for most applications, improves performance by up to
33% at the expense of potentially increased power consumption. Real-time mode
provides predictable flash-read access time; the execution time is equal to that in
cache-disabled mode, but the power consumption is lower.
Note: The value read always represents the current cache mode. Writing a new
cache mode starts a cache mode-change request that may take several clock cycles
to complete. Writing to this register is ignored if there is a current cache-change
request in progress.
1 WRITE 0 R/W1/ Write. Start writing word at location given by FADDRH:FADDRL. The WRITE bit stays
H0 at 1 until the write completes. The clearing of this bit indicates that the erase has
completed, that is, it has timed out or aborted.
If ERASE is also set to 1, a page erase of the whole page addressed by
FADDRH[7:1] is performed before the write. Setting WRITE to 1 when ERASE is 1
has no effect.
0 ERASE 0 R/W1/ Page erase. Erase the page that is given by FADDRH[7:1] (CC2530, CC2531,
H0 CC2540, and CC2541) or FADDRH[6:0] (CC2533). The ERASE bit stays at 1
until the erase completes. The clearing of this bit indicates that the erase has
completed successfully or aborted.
Setting ERASE to 1 when WRITE is 1 has no effect.

FWDATA (0x6273) – Flash Write Data

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FWDATA[7:0] 0x00 R0/W Flash write data. This register can only be written to when FCTL.WRITE is 1.

FADDRH (0x6272) – Flash-Address High Byte

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FADDRH[7:0] 0x00 R/W Page address and high byte of flash word address
Bits [7:1] (CC2530, CC2531, CC2540, and CC2541) or bits [6:0] (CC2533)
select which page to access.

FADDRL (0x6271) – Flash-Address Low Byte

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FADDRL[7:0] 0x00 R/W Low byte of flash word address

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Chapter 7
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I/O Ports

There are 21 digital input/output pins that can be configured as general-purpose digital I/O or as peripheral
I/O signals connected to the ADC, timers, or USART peripherals. The use of the I/O ports is fully
configurable from user software through a set of configuration registers.
The I/O ports have the following key features:
• 21 digital input/output pins
• General-purpose I/O or peripheral I/O
• Pullup or pulldown capability on inputs
• External interrupt capability
The external interrupt capability is available on all 21 I/O pins. Thus, external devices may generate
interrupts if required. The external interrupt feature can also be used to wake the device up from sleep
mode (power modes PM1, PM2, and PM3).

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

7.1 Unused I/O Pins ................................................................................................. 79

7.2 Low I/O Supply Voltage ....................................................................................... 79
7.3 General-Purpose I/O ........................................................................................... 79
7.4 General-Purpose I/O Interrupts ............................................................................ 79
7.5 General-Purpose I/O DMA ................................................................................... 80
7.6 Peripheral I/O ..................................................................................................... 80
7.7 Debug Interface.................................................................................................. 83
7.8 32-kHz XOSC Input ............................................................................................. 83
7.9 Radio Test Output Signals................................................................................... 84
7.10 Power-Down Signal MUX (PMUX) ......................................................................... 84
7.11 I/O Registers ...................................................................................................... 84

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7.1 Unused I/O Pins

Unused I/O pins should have a defined level and not be left floating. One way to do this is to leave the pin
unconnected and configure the pin as a general-purpose I/O input with pullup resistor. This is also the
state of all pins during and after reset (except P1.0 and P1.1, which do not have pullup or pulldown
capability). Alternatively, the pin can be configured as a general-purpose I/O output. In either case, the pin
should not be connected directly to VDD or GND, in order to avoid excessive power consumption.

7.2 Low I/O Supply Voltage

In applications where the digital I/O power supply voltage pins, DVDD1 and DVDD2, are below 2.6 V, the
register bit PICTL.PADSC should be set to 1 in order to obtain the output dc characteristics specified in
the DC Characteristics table in the device data sheet (Appendix C).

7.3 General-Purpose I/O

When used as general-purpose I/O, the pins are organized as three 8-bit ports, Port 0, Port 1, and Port 2;
denoted P0, P1, and P2. P0 and P1 are complete 8-bit-wide ports, whereas P2 has only five usable bits.
All ports are both bit- and byte-addressable through the SFR registers P0, P1, and P2. Each port pin can
individually be set to operate as a general-purpose I/O or as a peripheral I/O.
The output drive strength is 4 mA on all outputs, except for the two high-drive outputs, P1.0 and P1.1,
which each have 20-mA output drive strength.
The registers PxSEL, where x is the port number 0–2, are used to configure each pin in a port as either a
general-purpose I/O pin or as a peripheral I/O signal. By default, after a reset, all digital input/output pins
are configured as general-purpose input pins.
To change the direction of a port pin, the registers PxDIR are used to set each port pin to be either an
input or an output. Thus, by setting the appropriate bit within PxDIR to 1, the corresponding pin becomes
an output.
When reading the port registers P0, P1, and P2, the logic values on the input pins are returned regardless
of the pin configuration. This does not apply during the execution of read-modify-write instructions. The
read-modify-write instructions are: ANL, ORL, XRL, JBC, CPL, INC, DEC, DJNZ, MOV, CLR, and SETB.
Operating on a port register, the following is true: When the destination is an individual bit in port register
P0, P1, or P2, the value of the register, not the value on the pin, is read, modified, and written back to the
port register.
When used as an input, the general-purpose I/O port pins can be configured to have a pullup, pulldown or
three-state mode of operation. By default, after a reset, inputs are configured as inputs with pullup. To
deselect the pullup or pulldown function on an input, the appropriate bit within the PxINP must be set to 1.
The I/O port pins P1.0 and P1.1 do not have pullup or pulldown capability. Note that pins configured as
peripheral I/O signals do not have pullup or pulldown capability, even if the peripheral function is an input.
In power modes PM1, PM2, and PM3, the I/O pins retain the I/O mode and output value (if applicable) that
was set when PM1, PM2, or PM3 was entered.

7.4 General-Purpose I/O Interrupts

General-purpose I/O pins configured as inputs can be used to generate interrupts. The interrupts can be
configured to trigger on either a rising or falling edge of the external signal. Each of the P0, P1, and P2
ports has port interrupt-enable bits common for all bits within the port located in the IEN1–IEN2 registers
as follows:
• IEN1.P0IE: P0 interrupt enable
• IEN2.P1IE: P1 interrupt enable
• IEN2.P2IE: P2 interrupt enable
In addition to these common interrupt enables, the bits within each port have individual interrupt enables
located in SFR registers P0IEN, P1IEN, and P2IEN. Even I/O pins configured as peripheral I/O or
general-purpose outputs have interupts generated when enabled.

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When an interrupt condition occurs on one of the I/O pins, the interrupt status flag in the corresponding
P0–P2 interrupt flag register, P0IFG, P1IFG, or P2IFG, is set to 1. The interrupt status flag is set
regardless of whether the pin has its interrupt enable set. When an interrupt is serviced, the interrupt
status flag is cleared by writing a 0 to that flag. This flag must be cleared prior to clearing the CPU port
interrupt flag (PxIF). This is illustrated in Figure 2-4: There is an edge detect between the input line and
PxIFG, but no edge detect or one-shot between PxIFG and PxINT. The practical impact of this is what is
written in Section 2.5.1
The SFR registers used for interrupts are described later in this section. The registers are summarized as
• P0IEN: P0 interrupt enables
• P1IEN: P1 interrupt enables
• P2IEN: P2 interrupt enables
• PICTL: P0, P1, and P2 edge configuration
• P0IFG: P0 interrupt flags
• P1IFG: P1 interrupt flags
• P2IFG: P2 interrupt flags

7.5 General-Purpose I/O DMA

When used as general-purpose I/O pins, the P0 and P1 ports are each associated with one DMA trigger.
These DMA triggers are IOC_0 for P0 and IOC_1 for P1, as shown in Table 8-1.
The IOC_0 trigger is activated when an interrupt occurs on the P0 pins. The IOC_1 trigger is activated
when an interrupt occurs on the P1 pins.

7.6 Peripheral I/O

This section describes how the digital I/O pins are configured as peripheral I/Os. For each peripheral unit
that can interface with an external system through the digital input/output pins, a description of how
peripheral I/Os are configured is given in the following subsections.
For USART and timer I/O, setting the appropriate PxSEL bits to 1 is required for the output signals on a
digital I/O pin to be controlled by the peripheral. For peripheral inputs from digital I/O pins, this is optional.
PxSEL = 1 overrides the pullup or pulldown setting of a pin, so to be able to control pullup and pulldown
with the PxINP bits, the PxSEL bit should be set to 0 for that pin.
Note that peripheral units have two alternative locations for their I/O pins; see Table 7-1. Priority can be
set between peripherals if conflicting settings regarding I/O mapping are present (using the
P2SEL.PRIxP1 and P2DIR.PRIP0 bits). All combinations not causing conflicts can be used.
Note that a peripheral normally is present at the selected location even if it is not used, and another
peripheral that is to use the pins must be given higher priority. The exception is the RTS and CTS pins of
a USART in UART mode with flow control disabled and the SSN pin of a USART configured in SPI master
Note also that peripheral units that have input pins receive an input from the pin regardless of the PxINP
setting, and this may influence on the state of the peripheral unit. For instance, a UART should be flushed
before use if there may have been activity on the RX pin prior to taking it in use as a UART pin.

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Table 7-1. Peripheral I/O Pin Mapping

Periphery/ P0 P1 P2
Function 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0
ADC A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 T
O – +
+ –
Alt. 2 M0 MI C SS
Alt. 2 TX RX RT CT
Alt. 2 MI M0 C SS
Alt. 2 RX TX RT CT
TIMER 1 4 3 2 1 0
Alt. 2 3 4 0 1 2
TIMER 3 1 0
Alt. 2 1 0
TIMER 4 1 0
Alt. 2 1 0
32-kHz XOSC Q1 Q2
OBSSEL 5 4 3 2 1 0

7.6.1 Timer 1
PERCFG.T1CFG selects whether to use alternative 1 or alternative 2 locations.
In Table 7-1, the Timer 1 signals are shown as the following:
• 0: Channel 0 capture or compare pin
• 1: Channel 1 capture or compare pin
• 2: Channel 2 capture or compare pin
• 3: Channel 3 capture or compare pin
• 4: Channel 4 capture or compare pin
P2DIR.PRIP0 selects the order of precedence when assigning several peripherals to Port 0. When set to
10, Timer 1 channels 0–1 have precedence, and when set to 11, Timer 1 channels 2–3 have precedence.
To have all Timer 1 channels visible in the alternative 1 location, move both USART 0 and USART 1 to
the alternative 2 location.
P2SEL.PRI1P1 and P2SEL.PRI0P1 select the order of precedence when assigning several peripherals
to Port 1. The Timer 1 channels have precedence when the former is set low and the latter is set high.

7.6.2 Timer 3
PERCFG.T3CFG selects whether to use alternative 1 or alternative 2 locations.
In Table 7-1, the Timer 3 signals are shown as the following:
• 0: Channel 0 capture or compare pin
• 1: Channel 1 capture or compare pin

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P2SEL.PRI2P1 and P2SEL.PRI3P1 select the order of precedence when assigning several peripherals
to Port 1. The Timer 3 channels have precedence when both bits are set high. If P2SEL.PRI2P1 is set
high and P2SEL.PRI3P1 is set low, the Timer 3 channels have precedence over USART 1, but USART 0
has precedence over the Timer 3 channels as well as over USART 1.

7.6.3 Timer 4
PERCFG.T4CFG selects whether to use alternative 1 or alternative 2 locations.
In Table 7-1, the Timer 4 signals are shown as the following:
• 0: Channel 0 capture or compare pin
• 1: Channel 1 capture or compare pin
P2SEL.PRI1P1 selects the order of precedence when assigning several peripherals to Port 1. The Timer
4 channels have precedence when the bit is set.

7.6.4 USART 0
The SFR register bit PERCFG.U0CFG selects whether to use alternative 1 or alternative 2 locations.
In Table 7-1, the USART 0 signals are shown as follows:
• C: SCK
P2DIR.PRIP0 selects the order of precedence when assigning several peripherals to Port 0. When set to
00, USART 0 has precedence. Note that if UART mode is selected and hardware flow control is disabled,
USART 1 or Timer 1 has precedence to use ports P0.4 and P0.5.
P2SEL.PRI3P1 and P2SEL.PRI0P1 select the order of precedence when assigning several peripherals
to Port 1. USART 0 has precedence when both are set to 0. Note that if UART mode is selected and
hardware flow control is disabled, Timer 1 or Timer 3 has precedence to use ports P1.2 and P1.3.

7.6.5 USART 1
The SFR register bit PERCFG.U1CFG selects whether to use alternative 1 or alternative 2 locations.
In Table 7-1, the USART 1 signals are shown as follows:
• C: SCK

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P2DIR.PRIP0 selects the order of precedence when assigning several peripherals to Port 0. When set to
01, USART 1 has precedence. Note that if UART mode is selected and hardware flow control is disabled,
USART 0 or Timer 1 has precedence to use ports P0.2 and P0.3.
P2SEL.PRI3P1 and P2SEL.PRI2P1 select the order of precedence when assigning several peripherals
to Port 1. USART 1 has precedence when the former is set to 1 and the latter is set to 0. Note that if
UART mode is selected and hardware flow control is disabled, USART 0 or Timer 3 has precedence to
use ports P1.4 and P1.5.

7.6.6 ADC
In Table 7-1, the ADC signals are shown as follows:
• A0: ADC input 0
• A1: ADC input 1
• A2: ADC input 2
• A3: ADC input 3
• A4: ADC input 4
• A5: ADC input 5
• A6: ADC input 6
• A7: ADC input 7
• T: ADC external trigger pin
When using the ADC, Port 0 pins must be configured as ADC inputs. Up to eight ADC inputs can be used.
To configure a Port 0 pin to be used as an ADC input, the corresponding bit in the APCFG register must be
set to 1. The default values in this register select the Port 0 pins as non-ADC input, i.e., digital
The settings in the APCFG register override the settings in P0SEL.
The ADC can be configured to use the general-purpose I/O pin P2.0 as an external trigger to start
conversions. P2.0 must be configured as a general-purpose I/O in input mode when being used for ADC
external trigger.

7.6.7 Operational Amplifier and Analog Comparator

When using the operational amplifier and analog comparator, the corresponding Port 0 pins must be
configured as ADC inputs (see Table 7-1). To configure a Port 0 pin to be used as an ADC input, the
corresponding bit in the APCFG register must be set to 1. The default values in this register select the Port
0 pins as non-ADC input, that is, digital input/outputs.
The settings in the APCFG register override the settings in P0SEL.

7.7 Debug Interface

Ports P2.1 and P2.2 are used for debug data and clock signals, respectively. These are shown as DD
(debug data) and DC (debug clock) in Table 7-1. When in debug mode, the debug interface controls the
direction of these pins. Pullup and pulldown are disabled on these pins while in debug mode.

7.8 32-kHz XOSC Input

Ports P2.3 and P2.4 can be used to connect an external 32-kHz crystal. These port pins are used by the
32-kHz XOSC when CLKCONCMD.OSC32K is low, regardless of register settings. The port pins are set in
analog mode when CLKCONCMD.OSC32K is low.

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7.9 Radio Test Output Signals

By using the OBSSELx registers (OBSSEL0–OBSSEL5) the user can output different signals from the RF
Core to GPIO pins. These signals can be useful for debugging of low-level protocols or control of external
PA, LNA, or switches. The control registers OBSSEL0–OBSSEL5 can be used to override the standard
GPIO behavior and output RF Core signals (rfc_obs_sig0, rfc_obs_sig1, and rfc_obs_sig2) on
the pins P1[0:5]. For a list of available signals, see the respective RFC_OBS_CTRLx registers in
Section 23.15.3 for CC253x or Section 24.1 for CC2540 or Chapter 25 for CC2541.

7.10 Power-Down Signal MUX (PMUX)

The PMUX register can be used to output the 32-kHz clock and/or the digital voltage regulator status.
The selected 32-kHz clock source can be output on one of the P0 pins. The enable bit CKOEN enables the
output on P0, and the pin of P0 is selected using the CKOPIN (see the PMUX register description for
details). When CKOEN is set, all other configurations for the selected pin are overridden. The clock is
output in all power modes; however, in PM3 the clock stops (see PM3 in Chapter 4).
Furthermore, the digital voltage regulator status can be output on one of the P1 pins. When the DREGSTA
bit is set, the status of the digital voltage regulator is output. DREGSTAPIN selects the P1 pin (see the
PMUX register description for details). When DREGSTA is set, all other configurations for the selected pin
are overridden. The selected pin outputs 1 when the 1.8-V on-chip digital voltage regulator is powered up
(chip has regulated power). The selected pin outputs 0 when the 1.8-V on-chip digital voltage regulator is
powered down, that is, in PM2 and PM3.

7.11 I/O Registers

The registers for the I/O ports are described in this section. The registers are:
• P0: Port 0
• P1: Port 1
• P2: Port 2
• PERCFG: Peripheral-control register
• APCFG: Analog peripheral I/O configuration
• P0SEL: Port 0 function-select register
• P1SEL: Port 1 function-select register
• P2SEL: Port 2 function-select register
• P0DIR: Port 0 direction register
• P1DIR: Port 1 direction register
• P2DIR: Port 2 direction register
• P0INP: Port 0 input-mode register
• P1INP: Port 1 input-mode register
• P2INP: Port 2 input-mode register
• P0IFG: Port 0 interrupt-status flag register
• P1IFG: Port 1 interrupt-status flag register
• P2IFG: Port 2 interrupt-status flag register
• PICTL: Interrupt edge register
• P0IEN: Port 0 interrupt-mask register
• P1IEN: Port 1 interrupt-mask register
• P2IEN: Port 2 interrupt-mask register
• PMUX: Power-down signal-mux register
• OBSSEL0: Observation output control register 0
• OBSSEL1: Observation output control register 1
• OBSSEL2: Observation output control register 2

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• OBSSEL3: Observation output control register 3

• OBSSEL4: Observation output control register 4
• OBSSEL5: Observation output control register 5

P0 (0x80) – Port 0
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P0[7:0] 0xFF R/W Port 0. General-purpose I/O port. Bit-addressable from SFR. This CPU-internal register is readable,
but not writable, from XDATA (0x7080).

P1 (0x90) – Port 1
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P1[7:0] 0xFF R/W Port 1. General-purpose I/O port. Bit-addressable from SFR. This CPU-internal register is readable,
but not writable, from XDATA (0x7090).

P2 (0xA0) – Port 2
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 – 000 R0 Reserved
4:0 P2[4:0] 1 1111 R/W Port 2. General-purpose I/O port. Bit-addressable from SFR. This CPU-internal register is readable,
but not writable, from XDATA (0x70A0).

PERCFG (0xF1) – Peripheral Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved
6 T1CFG 0 R/W Timer 1 I/O location
0: Alternative 1 location
1: Alternative 2 location
5 T3CFG 0 R/W Timer 3 I/O location
0: Alternative 1 location
1: Alternative 2 location
4 T4CFG 0 R/W Timer 4 I/O location
0: Alternative 1 location
1: Alternative 2 location
3:2 – 00 R/W Reserved
1 U1CFG 0 R/W USART 1 I/O location
0: Alternative 1 location
1: Alternative 2 location
0 U0CFG 0 R/W USART 0 I/O location
0: Alternative 1 location
1: Alternative 2 location

APCFG (0xF2) – Analog Peripheral I/O Configuration

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 APCFG[7:0] 0x00 R/W Analog Perpheral I/O configuration . APCFG[7:0] select P0.7–P0.0 as analog I/O.
0: Analog I/O disabled
1: Analog I/O enabled

P0SEL (0xF3) – Port 0 Function Select

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SELP0_[7:0] 0x00 R/W P0.7 to P0.0 function select
0: General-purpose I/O
1: Peripheral function

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P1SEL (0xF4) – Port 1-Function Select

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SELP1_[7:0] 0x00 R/W P1.7 to P1.0 function select
0: General-purpose I/O
1: Peripheral function

P2SEL (0xF5) – Port 2 Function Select and Port 1 Peripheral Priority Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved
6 PRI3P1 0 R/W Port 1 peripheral priority control. This bit determines which module has priority in the case when
modules are assigned to the same pins.
0: USART 0 has priority.
1: USART 1 has priority.
5 PRI2P1 0 R/W Port 1 peripheral priority control. This bit determines the order of priority in the case when PERCFG
assigns USART 1 and Timer 3 to the same pins.
0: USART 1 has priority.
1: Timer 3 has priority.
4 PRI1P1 0 R/W Port 1 peripheral priority control. This bit determines the order of priority in the case when PERCFG
assigns Timer 1 and Timer 4 to the same pins.
0: Timer 1 has priority.
1: Timer 4 has priority.
3 PRI0P1 0 R/W Port 1 peripheral priority control. This bit determines the order of priority in the case when PERCFG
assigns USART 0 and Timer 1 to the same pins.
0: USART 0 has priority.
1: Timer 1 has priority.
2 SELP2_4 0 R/W P2.4 function select
0: General-purpose I/O
1: Peripheral function
1 SELP2_3 0 R/W P2.3 function select
0: General-purpose I/O
1: Peripheral function
0 SELP2_0 0 R/W P2.0 function select
0: General-purpose I/O
1: Peripheral function

P0DIR (0xFD) – Port 0 Direction

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DIRP0_[7:0] 0x00 R/W P0.7 to P0.0 I/O direction
0: Input
1: Output

P1DIR (0xFE) – Port 1 Direction

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DIRP1_[7:0] 0x00 R/W P1.7 to P1.0 I/O direction
0: Input
1: Output

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P2DIR (0xFF) – Port 2 Direction and Port 0 Peripheral Priority Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 PRIP0[1:0] 00 R/W Port 0 peripheral priority control. These bits determine the order of priority in the case
when PERCFG assigns several peripherals to the same pins.
Detailed priority list:
1st priority: USART 0
2nd priority: USART 1
3rd priority: Timer 1
1st priority: USART 1
2nd priority: USART 0
3rd priority: Timer 1
1st priority: Timer 1 channels 0–1
2nd priority: USART 1
3rd priority: USART 0
4th priority: Timer 1 channels 2–3
1st priority: Timer 1 channels 2–3
2nd priority: USART 0
3rd priority: USART 1
4th priority: Timer 1 channels 0–1
5 – 0 R0 Reserved
4:0 DIRP2_[4:0] 0 0000 R/W P2.4 to P2.0 I/O direction
0: Input
1: Output

P0INP (0x8F) – Port 0 Input Mode

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 MDP0_[7:0] 0x00 R/W P0.7 to P0.0 I/O input mode
0: Pullup or pulldown [see P2INP (0xF7) – Port 2 input mode]
1: 3-state

P1INP (0xF6) – Port 1 Input Mode

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 MDP1_[7:2] 0000 00 R/W P1.7 to P1.2 I/O input mode
0: Pullup or pulldown [see P2INP (0xF7) – Port 2 input mode]
1: 3-state
1:0 – 00 R0 Reserved

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P2INP (0xF7) – Port 2 Input Mode

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 PDUP2 0 R/W Port 2 pullup-or-pulldown select. Selects function for all Port 2 pins configured as pullup-or-
pulldown inputs.
0: Pullup
1: Pulldown
6 PDUP1 0 R/W Port 1 pullup-or-down select. Selects function for all Port 1 pins configured as pullup-or-
pulldown inputs.
0: Pullup
1: Pulldown
5 PDUP0 0 R/W Port 0 pullup-or-pulldown select. Selects function for all Port 0 pins configured as pullup-or-
pulldown inputs.
0: Pullup
1: Pulldown
4:0 MDP2_[4:0] 0 0000 R/W P2.4 to P2.0 I/O input mode
0: Pullup or pulldown
1: 3-state

P0IFG (0x89) – Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P0IF[7:0] 0x00 R/W0 Port 0, inputs 7 to 0 interrupt status flags. When an input port pin has an interrupt request
pending, the corresponding flag bit is set.

P1IFG (0x8A) – Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P1IF[7:0] 0x00 R/W0 Port 1, inputs 7 to 0 interrupt status flags. When an input port pin has an interrupt request
pending, the corresponding flag bit is set.

P2IFG (0x8B) – Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved
5 DPIF 0 R/W0 USB D+ interrupt-status flag. This flag is set when the D+ line has an interrupt request pending
and is used to detect USB resume events in USB suspend state. This flag is not set when the
USB controller is not suspended.
4:0 P2IF[4:0] 0 0000 R/W0 Port 2, inputs 4 to 0 interrupt status flags. When an input port pin has an interrupt request
pending, the corresponding flag bit is set.

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PICTL (0x8C) – Port Interrupt Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 PADSC 0 R/W Drive strength control for I/O pins in output mode. Selects output drive strength enhancement to
account for low I/O supply voltage on pin DVDD (this to ensure the same drive strength at lower
voltages as at higher).
0: Minimum drive strength enhancement. DVDD1 and DVDD2 equal to or greater than 2.6 V
1: Maximum drive strength enhancement. DVDD1 and DVDD2 less than 2.6 V
6:4 – 000 R0 Reserved
3 P2ICON 0 R/W Port 2, inputs 4 to 0 interrupt configuration. This bit selects the interrupt request condition for Port 2
inputs 4 to 0.
0: Rising edge on input gives interrupt.
1: Falling edge on input gives interrupt.
2 P1ICONH 0 R/W Port 1, inputs 7 to 4 interrupt configuration. This bit selects the interrupt request condition for the high
nibble of Port 1 inputs.
0: Rising edge on input gives interrupt.
1: Falling edge on input gives interrupt
1 P1ICONL 0 R/W Port 1, inputs 3 to 0 interrupt configuration. This bit selects the interrupt request condition for the low
nibble of Port 1 inputs.
0: Rising edge on input gives interrupt.
1: Falling edge on input gives interrupt.
0 P0ICON 0 R/W Port 0, inputs 7 to 0 interrupt configuration. This bit selects the interrupt request condition for all Port
0 inputs.
0: Rising edge on input gives interrupt.
1: Falling edge on input gives interrupt.

P0IEN (0xAB) – Port 0 Interrupt Mask

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P0_[7:0]IEN 0x00 R/W Port P0.7 to P0.0 interrupt enable
0: Interrupts are disabled.
1: Interrupts are enabled.

P1IEN (0x8D) – Port 1 Interrupt Mask

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P1_[7:0]IEN 0x00 R/W Port P1.7 to P1.0 interrupt enable
0: Interrupts are disabled.
1: Interrupts are enabled.

P2IEN (0xAC) – Port 2 Interrupt Mask

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved
5 DPIEN 0 R/W USB D+ interrupt enable
0: USB D+ interrupt disabled
1: USB D+ interrupt enabled
4:0 P2_[4:0]IEN 0 0000 R/W Port P2.4 to P2.0 interrupt enable
0: Interrupts are disabled.
1: Interrupts are enabled.

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PMUX (0xAE) – Power-Down Signal Mux

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 CKOEN 0 R/W Clock Out Enable. When this bit is set, the selected 32-kHz clock is output on one of the P0
pins. CKOPIN selects the pin to use. This overrides all other configurations for the selected
pin. The clock is output in all power modes; however, in PM3 the clock stops (see PM3 in
Chapter 4).
6:4 CKOPIN[2:0] 000 R/W Clock Out Pin. Selects which P0 pin is to be used to output the selected 32-kHz clock.
3 DREGSTA 0 R/W Digital Voltage Regulator Status. When this bit is set, the status of the digital voltage regulator
is output on one of the P1 pins. DREGSTAPIN selects the pin. When DREGSTA is set, all other
configurations for the selected pin are overridden. The selected pin outputs 1 when the 1.8-V
on-chip digital voltage regulator is powered up (chip has regulated power). The selected pin
outputs 0 when the 1.8-V on-chip digital voltage regulator is powered down.
2:0 DREGSTAPIN[2:0] 000 R/W Digital Voltage Regulator Status Pin. Selects which P1 pin is to be used to output
the DREGSTA signal.

Note that registers OBSSEL0 through OBSSEL5 do not retain data in states PM2 and PM3.

OBSSEL0 (0x6243) – Observation Output Control Register 0

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 EN 0 R/W Bit controlling the observation output 0 on P1[0].
0 – Observation output disabled
1 – Observation output enabled
Note: If enabled, this overwrites the standard GPIO behavior of P1.0.
6:0 SEL[6:0] 000 0000 R/W Select output signal on observation output 0
111 1011 (123): rfc_obs_sig0
111 1100 (124): rfc_obs_sig1
111 1101 (125): rfc_obs_sig2
Others: Reserved

OBSSEL1 (0x6244) – Observation Output Control Register 1

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 EN 0 R/W Bit controlling observation output 1 on P1[1].
0 – Observation output disabled
1 – Observation output enabled
Note: If enabled, this overwrites the standard GPIO behavior of P1.1.
6:0 SEL[6:0] 000 0000 R/W Select output signal on observation output 1
111 1011 (123): rfc_obs_sig0
111 1100 (124): rfc_obs_sig1
111 1101 (125): rfc_obs_sig2
Others: Reserved

OBSSEL2 (0x6245) – Observation Output Control Register 2

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 EN 0 R/W Bit controlling observation output 2 on P1[2].
0 – Observation output disabled
1 – Observation output enabled
Note: If enabled, this overwrites the standard GPIO behavior of P1.2.
6:0 SEL[6:0] 000 0000 R/W Select output signal on observation output 2
111 1011 (123): rfc_obs_sig0
111 1100 (124): rfc_obs_sig1
111 1101 (125): rfc_obs_sig2
Others: Reserved

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OBSSEL3 (0x6246) – Observation Output Control Register 3
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 EN 0 R/W Bit controlling observation output 3 on P1[3].
0 – Observation output disabled
1 – Observation output enabled
Note: If enabled, this overwrites the standard GPIO behavior of P1.3.
6:0 SEL[6:0] 000 0000 R/W Select output signal on observation output 3
111 1011 (123): rfc_obs_sig0
111 1100 (124): rfc_obs_sig1
111 1101 (125): rfc_obs_sig2
Others: Reserved

OBSSEL4 (0x6247) – Observation Output Control Register 4

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 EN 0 R/W Bit controlling observation output 4 on P1[4].
0 – Observation output disabled
1 – Observation output enabled
Note: If enabled, this overwrites the standard GPIO behavior of P1.4.
6:0 SEL[6:0] 000 0000 R/W Select output signal on observation output 4
111 1011 (123): rfc_obs_sig0
111 1100 (124): rfc_obs_sig1
11 11101 (125): rfc_obs_sig2
Others: Reserved

OBSSEL5 (0x6248) – Observation Output Control Register 5

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 EN 0 R/W Bit controlling the observation output 5 on P1[5].
0 – Observation output disabled
1 – Observation output enabled
Note: If enabled, this overwrites the standard GPIO behavior of P1.5.
6:0 SEL[6:0] 000 0000 R/W Select output signal on observation output 5
111 1011 (123): rfc_obs_sig0
111 1100 (124): rfc_obs_sig1
111 1101 (125): rfc_obs_sig2
Others: Reserved

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Chapter 8
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

DMA Controller

The Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller can be used to relieve the 8051 CPU core of handling data
movement operations, thus achieving high overall performance with good power efficiency. The DMA
controller can move data from a peripheral unit such as ADC or RF transceiver to memory with minimum
CPU intervention.
The DMA controller coordinates all DMA transfers, ensuring that DMA requests are prioritized
appropriately relative to each other and to CPU memory access. The DMA controller contains a number of
programmable DMA channels for memory-memory data movement.
The DMA controller controls data transfers over the entire address range in XDATA memory space.
Because most of the SFR registers are mapped into the DMA memory space, these flexible DMA
channels can be used to unburden the CPU in innovative ways, for example, to feed a USART with data
from memory or periodically to transfer samples between ADC and memory, and so forth. Use of the DMA
can also reduce system power consumption by keeping the CPU in a low-power mode without having to
wake up to move data to or from a peripheral unit (see Section 4.1.1 for CPU low-power mode). Note that
Section 2.2.3 describes the SFR registers that are not mapped into XDATA memory space.
The main features of the DMA controller are as follows:
• Five independent DMA channels
• Three configurable levels of DMA channel priority
• 32 configurable transfer trigger events
• Independent control of source and destination address
• Single, block and repeated transfer modes
• Supports length field in transfer data, setting variable transfer length
• Can operate in either word-size or byte-size mode

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

8.1 DMA Operation .................................................................................................. 93

8.2 DMA Configuration Parameters ............................................................................ 95
8.3 DMA Configuration Setup .................................................................................... 97
8.4 Stopping DMA Transfers ..................................................................................... 98
8.5 DMA Interrupts................................................................................................... 98
8.6 DMA Configuration-Data Structure ....................................................................... 98
8.7 DMA Memory Access .......................................................................................... 98
8.8 DMA Registers ................................................................................................. 101

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8.1 DMA Operation

There are five DMA channels available in the DMA controller, numbered channel 0 through channel 4.
Each DMA channel can move data from one place within the DMA memory space to another, that is,
between XDATA locations.
In order to use a DMA channel, it must first be configured as described in Section 8.2 and Section 8.3.
Figure 8-1 shows the DMA state diagram.
Once a DMA channel has been configured, it must be armed before any transfers are allowed to be
initiated. A DMA channel is armed by setting the appropriate bit in the DMA channel-arm register DMAARM.
When a DMA channel is armed, a transfer begins when the configured DMA trigger event occurs. Note
that the time to arm one channel (that is, get configuration data) takes nine system clocks; thus, if the
corresponding DMAARM bit is set and a trigger appears within the time it takes to configure the channel, the
wanted trigger is lost. If two or more DMA channels are armed simultaneously, the time for all channels to
be configured is longer (sequential read from memory). If all five are armed, it takes 45 system clocks, and
channel 1 is ready first, then channel 2, and lastly channel 0 (all within the last eight system clocks). There
are 32 possible DMA trigger events (see Table 8-1), for example, UART transfer, timer overflow. The
trigger event to be used by a DMA channel is set by the DMA channel configuration; thus, no knowledge
of this is available until after the configuration has been read. The DMA trigger events are listed in
Table 8-1.
In addition to starting a DMA transfer through the DMA trigger events, the user software may force a DMA
transfer to begin by setting the corresponding DMAREQ bit.
It should be noted that if the previously configured trigger source generates trigger events while DMA is
being configured, these are counted as missed events, and as soon as the DMA channel is ready, the
transfer is started. This occurs even though the new trigger source is not the same as the previous one. In
some situations, this leads to errors in the transfer. In order to account for this, trigger source 0 should be
the source between reconfigurations. This is achieved by setting up dummy source and destination
addresses, using fixed length of one byte, block transfer, and trigger source 0. Enabling a software trigger
(DMAREQ) clears missed-trigger counting, and no new triggers are generated while a new configuration is
fetched from memory (unless software writes to DMAREQ for this channel).
A DMAREQ bit is cleared only when the corresponding DMA transfer occurs. The DMAREQ bit is not cleared
when the channel is disarmed.

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Write DMA Channel

DMA Channel Idle

Setting DMAARM.ABORT = 1 aborts all

channels where the DMAARMn bit is set
that is , setting DMAARM = 0x85 aborts
No channel 1 and channel 3.
= 1?


Load DMA Channel


DMA Channel Armed

Trigger or No
= 1?


Transfer One Byte or

Word When Channel
is Granted Access

Modify Source/Destination


Set Interrupt Flag

Yes (DMAIRQ.DMAIFn = 1; No
Reached Transfer Repetitive Transfer DMAARMn = 0
Count? If IRQMASK == 1 then Mode?


Block Transfer


Figure 8-1. DMA Operation

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8.2 DMA Configuration Parameters

Setup and control of the DMA operation is performed by the user software. This section describes the
parameters which must be configured before a DMA channel can be used. Section 8.3 describes how the
parameters are set up in software and passed to the DMA controller.
The behavior of each of the five DMA channels is configured with the following parameters:
Source address: The first address from which the DMA channel should read data.
Destination address: The first address to which the DMA channel should write the data read from the
source address. The user must ensure that the destination is writable.
Transfer count: The number of transfers to perform before rearming or disarming the DMA channel
and alerting the CPU with an interrupt request. The length can be defined in the configuration or it can
be defined as described next for the VLEN setting.
VLEN setting: The DMA channel is capable of variable-length transfers, using the first byte or word to
set the transfer length. When doing this, various options are available regarding how to count the
number of bytes to transfer.
Priority: The priority of the DMA transfers for the DMA channel with respect to the CPU and other
DMA channels and access ports.
Trigger event: All DMA transfers are initiated by so-called DMA trigger events. This trigger either
starts a DMA block transfer or a single DMA transfer. In addition to the configured trigger, a DMA
channel can always be triggered by setting its designated DMAREQ.DMAREQx flag. The DMA trigger
sources are described in Table 8-1.
Source and destination increment: The source and destination addresses can be controlled to
increment or decrement or not change.
Transfer mode: The transfer mode determines whether the transfer should be a single transfer or a
block transfer, or repeated versions of these.
Byte or word transfers: Determines whether each DMA transfer should be 8-bit (byte) or 16-bit
Interrupt mask: An interrupt request is generated on completion of the DMA transfer. The interrupt
mask bit controls whether the interrupt generation is enabled or disabled.
M8: Decide whether to use seven or eight bits per byte byte for transfer length. This is only applicable
when doing byte transfers.
A detailed description of all configuration parameters is given in Section 8.2.1 through Section 8.2.11.

8.2.1 Source Address

The address in XDATA memory where the DMA channel starts to read data. This can be any XDATA
address – in RAM, in the mapped flash bank (see MEMCTR.XBANK), XREG, or XDATA addressed SFR.

8.2.2 Destination Address

The first address to which the DMA channel should write the data read from the source address. The user
must ensure that the destination is writable. This can be any XDATA address – in RAM, XREG, or XDATA
addressed SFR.

8.2.3 Transfer Count

The number of bytes/words that must be transferred for the DMA transfer to be complete. When the
transfer count is reached, the DMA controller rearms or disarms the DMA channel and alerts the CPU with
an interrupt request. The transfer count can be defined in the configuration or it can be defined as
variable-length, as described in Section 8.2.4.

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8.2.4 VLEN Setting

The DMA channel is capable of using the first byte or word (for word, bits 12:0 are used) in source data as
the transfer length. This allows variable-length transfers. When using variable-length transfer, various
options regarding how to count number of bytes to transfer are given. In any case, the transfer-count
(LEN) setting is used as a maximum transfer count. If the transfer length specified by the first byte or word
is greater than LEN, then LEN bytes or words are transferred. When using variable-length transfers, then
LEN should be set to the largest allowed transfer length plus one.
Note that the M8 bit (Section 8.2.11) is only used when byte-size transfers are chosen.
Options which can be set with VLEN are the following:
1. Transfer number of bytes or words commanded by first byte/word + 1 (transfers the length byte/word,
and then as many bytes/words as dictated by the length byte/word)
2. Transfer number of bytes or words commanded by first byte/word
3. Transfer number of bytes or words commanded by first byte/word + 2 (transfers the length byte/word,
and then as many bytes/words as dictated by the length byte/word + 1)
4. Transfer number of bytes or words commanded by first byte/word + 3 (transfers the length byte/word,
and then as many bytes/words as dictated by the length byte/word + 2)
Figure 8-2 shows the VLEN options.

Byte/Word n + 2
Byte/Word n + 1 Byte/Word n + 1
Byte/Word n Byte/Word n Byte/Word n
Byte/Word n – 1 Byte/Word n – 1 Byte/Word n – 1 Byte/Word n – 1
• • • •

• • • •
• • • •
Byte/Word 3 Byte/Word 3 Byte/Word 3 Byte/Word 3
Byte/Word 2 Byte/Word 2 Byte/Word 2 Byte/Word 2
Byte/Word 1 Byte/Word 1 Byte/Word 1 Byte/Word 1

VLEN = 001 VLEN = 010 VLEN = 011 VLEN = 100


Figure 8-2. Variable Length (VLEN) Transfer Options

8.2.5 Trigger Event

Each DMA channel can be set up to sense on a single trigger. This field determines which trigger the
DMA channel senses.

8.2.6 Source and Destination Increment

When the DMA channel is armed or rearmed, the source and destination addresses are transferred to
internal address pointers. The possibilities for address increment are:
• Increment by zero. The address pointer remains fixed after each transfer.
• Increment by one. The address pointer increments one count after each transfer.
• Increment by two. The address pointer increments two counts after each transfer.
• Decrement by one. The address pointer decrements one count after each transfer.
where a count equals 1 byte in byte mode and 2 bytes in word mode.

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8.2.7 DMA Transfer Mode

The transfer mode determines how the DMA channel behaves when it starts transferring data. There are
four transfer modes described as follows:
Single: On a trigger, a single DMA transfer occurs, and the DMA channel awaits the next trigger. After
the number of transfers specified by the transfer count is completed, the CPU is notified, and the DMA
channel is disarmed.
Block: On a trigger, the number of DMA transfers specified by the transfer count is performed as
quickly as possible, after which the CPU is notified and the DMA channel is disarmed.
Repeated single: On a trigger, a single DMA transfer occurs, and the DMA channel awaits the next
trigger. After the number of transfers specified by the transfer count is completed, the CPU is notified,
and the DMA channel is rearmed.
Repeated block: On a trigger, the number of DMA transfers specified by the transfer count is
performed as quickly as possible, after which the CPU is notified and the DMA channel is rearmed.

8.2.8 DMA Priority

A DMA priority is configurable for each DMA channel. The DMA priority is used to determine the winner in
the case of multiple simultaneous internal memory requests, and whether the DMA memory access should
have priority or not over a simultaneous CPU memory access. In case of an internal tie, a round-robin
scheme is used to ensure access for all. There are three levels of DMA priority:
High: Highest internal priority. DMA access always prevails over CPU access.
Normal: Second-highest internal priority. DMA access prevails over the CPU on at least every second
Low: Lowest internal priority. DMA access always defers to a CPU access.

8.2.9 Byte or Word Transfers

Determines whether 8-bit (byte) or 16-bit (word) transfers are done.

8.2.10 Interrupt Mask

On completing a DMA transfer, the channel can generate an interrupt to the processor. This bit masks the

8.2.11 Mode 8 Setting

This field determines whether to use 7 or 8 bits per byte for transfer length. Only applicable when doing
byte transfers.

8.3 DMA Configuration Setup

The DMA channel parameters such as address mode, transfer mode, and priority, described in the
previous section, must be configured before a DMA channel can be armed and activated. The parameters
are not configured directly through SFR registers, but instead they are written in a special DMA
configuration-data structure in memory. Each DMA channel in use requires its own DMA configuration-
data structure. The DMA configuration-data structure consists of eight bytes and is described in
Section 8.6. A DMA configuration-data structure may reside at any location decided on by the user
software, and the address location is passed to the DMA controller through a set of SFRs,
DMAxCFGH:DMAxCFGL. Once a channel has been armed, the DMA controller reads the configuration data
structure for that channel, given by the address in DMAxCFGH:DMAxCFGL.
It is important to note that the method for specifying the start address for the DMA configuration data
structure differs between DMA channel 0 and DMA channels 1–4 as follows:
DMA0CFGH:DMA0CFGL gives the start address for the DMA channel 0 configuration data structure.
DMA1CFGH:DMA1CFGL gives the start address for the DMA channel 1 configuration data structure,
followed by the channel 2–4 configuration-data structures.

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Thus, the DMA controller expects the DMA configuration data structures for DMA channels 1–4 to lie in a
contiguous area in memory starting at the address held in DMA1CFGH:DMA1CFGL and consisting of 32

8.4 Stopping DMA Transfers

Ongoing DMA transfers or armed DMA channels are aborted using the DMAARM register to disarm the
DMA channel.
One or more DMA channels are aborted by writing a 1 to the DMAARM.ABORT register bit, and at the same
time selecting which DMA channels to abort by setting the corresponding DMAARM.DMAARMx bits to 1.
When setting DMAARM.ABORT to 1, the DMAARM.DMAARMx bits for nonaborted channels must be written
as 0.
No DMA interrupt is generated when aborting an ongoing DMA transfer (disarming a DMA channel).

8.5 DMA Interrupts

Each DMA channel can be configured to generate an interrupt to the CPU on completing a DMA transfer.
This is accomplished with the IRQMASK bit in the channel configuration. The corresponding interrupt flag
in the DMAIRQ SFR register is set when the interrupt is generated.
Regardless of the IRQMASK bit in the channel configuration, the corresponding interrupt flag in the
DMAIRQ register is set on DMA channel completion. Thus, software should always check (and clear) this
register when rearming a channel with a changed IRQMASK setting. Failure to do so could generate an
interrupt based on the stored interrupt flag.
If a DMA transfer is aborted prior to its completion, the corresponding bit in the DMAIRQ register is not set,
and an interrupt is not generated.

8.6 DMA Configuration-Data Structure

For each DMA channel, the DMA configuration-data structure consists of eight bytes. The configuration-
data structure is described in Table 8-2.

8.7 DMA Memory Access

The DMA data transfer is affected by endian convention. Note that the DMA descriptors follow big-endian
convention while the other registers follow little-endian convention. This must be accounted for in

Table 8-1. DMA Trigger Sources

DMA Trigger
Functional Unit Description
Number Name
0 NONE DMA No trigger, setting the DMAREQ.DMAREQx bit starts transfer.
1 PREV DMA DMA channel is triggered by completion of previous channel.
2 T1_CH0 Timer 1 Timer 1, compare, channel 0
3 T1_CH1 Timer 1 Timer 1, compare, channel 1
4 T1_CH2 Timer 1 Timer 1, compare, channel 2
5 T2_EVENT1 Timer 2 Timer 2, event pulse 1
6 T2_EVENT2 Timer 2 Timer 2, event pulse 2
7 T3_CH0 Timer 3 Timer 3, compare, channel 0
8 T3_CH1 Timer 3 Timer 3, compare, channel 1
9 T4_CH0 Timer 4 Timer 4, compare, channel 0
10 T4_CH1 Timer 4 Timer 4, compare, channel 1
11 ST Sleep Timer (not in Sleep Timer compare
RADIO1 Radio (CC2541) Radio DMA trigger 1 (see Section 25.3.2)

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Table 8-1. DMA Trigger Sources (continued)

DMA Trigger
Functional Unit Description
Number Name
12 IOC_0 I/O controller Port 0 I/O pin input transition (1)
13 IOC_1 I/O controller Port 1 I/O pin input transition (1)
14 URX0 USART 0 USART 0 RX complete
15 UTX0 USART 0 USART 0 TX complete
16 URX1 USART 1 USART 1 RX complete
17 UTX1 USART 1 USART 1 TX complete
18 FLASH Flash controller Flash data write complete
19 RADIO Radio (not in CC2540) CC253x: RF packet byte received (see Section 23.3)
CC2541: Radio DMA trigger 0 (see Section 25.3.2)
20 ADC_CHALL ADC ADC end of a conversion in a sequence, sample ready
21 ADC_CH11 ADC ADC end of conversion channel 0 in sequence, sample ready
22 ADC_CH21 ADC ADC end of conversion channel 1 in sequence, sample ready
23 ADC_CH32 ADC ADC end of conversion channel 2 in sequence, sample ready
24 ADC_CH42 ADC ADC end of conversion channel 3 in sequence, sample ready
25 ADC_CH53 ADC ADC end of conversion channel 4 in sequence, sample ready
26 ADC_CH63 ADC ADC end of conversion channel 5 in sequence, sample ready
27 ADC_CH74 ADC ADC end of conversion channel 6 in sequence, sample ready
28 ADC_CH84 ADC ADC end of conversion channel 7 in sequence, sample ready
29 ENC_DW AES AES encryption processor requests download of input data
30 ENC_UP AES AES encryption processor requests upload of output data
31 DBG_BW Debug interface Debug interface burst write
Using this trigger source must be aligned with port interrupt-enable bits. Note that all interrupt-enabled port pins generate a

Table 8-2. DMA Configuration-Data Structure

Bit Name Description
0 7:0 SRCADDR[15:8] DMA channel source address, high
1 7:0 SRCADDR[7:0] DMA channel source address, low
2 7:0 DESTADDR[15:8] DMA channel destination address, high. Note that flash memory is not directly writable.
3 7:0 DESTADDR[7:0] DMA channel destination address, low. Note that flash memory is not directly writable.
4 7:5 VLEN[2:0] Variable-length transfer mode. In word mode, bits 12:0 of the first word are considered as
the transfer length.
000: Use LEN for transfer count
001: Transfer the number of bytes or words specified by the first byte or word + 1 (up to
a maximum specified by LEN). Thus, the transfer count excludes the length byte or
010: Transfer the number of bytes or words specified by the first byte or word (up to a
maximum specified by LEN). Thus, the transfer count includes the length byte or
011: Transfer the number of bytes/words specified by the first byte/word + 2 (up to a
maximum specified by LEN).
100: Transfer the number of bytes/words specified by the first byte/word + 3 (up to a
maximum specified by LEN).
101: Reserved
110: Reserved
111: Alternative for using LEN as the transfer count
4 4:0 LEN[12:8] The DMA channel transfer count

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Table 8-2. DMA Configuration-Data Structure (continued)

Bit Name Description
Used as the maximum allowable length when VLEN differs from 000 and 111. The DMA
channel counts in words when in WORDSIZE mode, and in bytes otherwise.
5 7:0 LEN[7:0] The DMA channel transfer count
Used as the maximum allowable length when VLEN differs from 000 and 111. The DMA
channel counts in words when in WORDSIZE mode, and in bytes otherwise.
6 7 WORDSIZE Selects whether each DMA transfer is 8-bit (0) or 16-bit (1).
6 6:5 TMODE[1:0] The DMA channel transfer mode
00: Single
01: Block
10: Repeated single
11: Repeated block
6 4:0 TRIG[4:0] Selects one of the triggers shown in Table 8-1
7 7:6 SRCINC[1:0] Source address increment mode (after each transfer):
00: 0 bytes or words
01: 1 byte or word
10: 2 bytes or word
11: –1 byte or word
7 5:4 DESTINC[1:0] Destination address increment mode (after each transfer):
00: 0 bytes or words
01: 1 byte or word
10: 2 bytes or words
11: –1 byte or word
7 3 IRQMASK Interrupt mask for this channel.
0: Disable interrupt generation
1: Enable interrupt generation on DMA channel done
7 2 M8 Mode of 8th bit for VLEN transfer length; only applicable when WORDSIZE = 0 and VLEN
differs from 000 and 111.
0: Use all 8 bits for transfer count
1: Use 7 LSB for transfer count
7 1:0 PRIORITY[1:0] The DMA channel priority:
00: Low, CPU has priority.
01: Assured, DMA at least every second try
10: High, DMA has priority
11: Reserved

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8.8 DMA Registers

This section describes the SFR registers associated with the DMA controller.

DMAARM (0xD6) – DMA Channel Arm

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 ABORT 0 R0/W DMA abort. This bit is used to stop ongoing DMA transfers. Writing a 1 to this bit aborts all
channels which are selected by setting the corresponding DMAARM bit to 1.
0: Normal operation
1: Abort all selected channels
6:5 – 00 R/W Reserved
4 DMAARM4 0 R/W1 DMA arm channel 4
This bit must be set in order for any DMA transfers to occur on the channel. For nonrepetitive
transfer modes, the bit is automatically cleared on completion.
3 DMAARM3 0 R/W1 DMA arm channel 3
This bit must be set in order for any DMA transfers to occur on the channel. For nonrepetitive
transfer modes, the bit is automatically cleared on completion.
2 DMAARM2 0 R/W1 DMA arm channel 2
This bit must be set in order for any DMA transfers to occur on the channel. For nonrepetitive
transfer modes, the bit is automatically cleared on completion.
1 DMAARM1 0 R/W1 DMA arm channel 1
This bit must be set in order for any DMA transfers to occur on the channel. For nonrepetitive
transfer modes, the bit is automatically cleared on completion.
0 DMAARM0 0 R/W1 DMA arm channel 0
This bit must be set in order for any DMA transfers to occur on the channel. For nonrepetitive
transfer modes, the bit is automatically cleared on completion.

DMAREQ (0xD7) – DMA Channel Start Request and Status

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 – 000 R0 Reserved
4 DMAREQ4 0 R/W1 H0 DMA transfer request, channel 4
When set to 1, activate the DMA channel (has the same effect as a single trigger event). This bit
is cleared when DMA transfer is started.
3 DMAREQ3 0 R/W1 H0 DMA transfer request, channel 3
When set to 1, activate the DMA channel (has the same effect as a single trigger event). This bit
is cleared when DMA transfer is started.
2 DMAREQ2 0 R/W1 H0 DMA transfer request, channel 2
When set to 1, activate the DMA channel (has the same effect as a single trigger event). This bit
is cleared when DMA transfer is started.
1 DMAREQ1 0 R/W1 H0 DMA transfer request, channel 1
When set to 1, activate the DMA channel (has the same effect as a single trigger event). This bit
is cleared when DMA transfer is started.
0 DMAREQ0 0 R/W1 H0 DMA transfer request, channel 0
When set to 1, activate the DMA channel (has the same effect as a single trigger event). This bit
is cleared when DMA transfer is started.

DMA0CFGH (0xD5) – DMA Channel-0 Configuration Address High Byte

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DMA0CFG[15:8] 0x00 R/W The DMA channel-0 configuration address, high-order

DMA0CFGL (0xD4) – DMA Channel-0 Configuration Address Low Byte

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DMA0CFG[7:0] 0x00 R/W The DMA channel 0 configuration address, low-order

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DMA1CFGH (0xD3) – DMA Channel 1–4 Configuration Address High Byte

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DMA1CFG[15:8] 0x00 R/W The DMA channel 1–4 configuration address, high-order

DMA1CFGL (0xD2) – DMA Channel 1–4 Configuration Address Low Byte

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DMA1CFG[7:0] 0x00 R/W The DMA channel 1–4 configuration address, low-order

DMAIRQ (0xD1) – DMA Interrupt Flag

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 – 000 R0 Reserved
4 DMAIF4 0 R/W0 DMA channel-4 interrupt flag
0: DMA channel transfer not complete
1: DMA channel transfer complete or interrupt pending
3 DMAIF3 0 R/W0 DMA channel-3 interrupt flag
0: DMA channel transfer not complete
1: DMA channel transfer complete or interrupt pending
2 DMAIF2 0 R/W0 DMA channel-2 interrupt flag
0: DMA channel transfer not complete
1: DMA channel transfer complete or interrupt pending
1 DMAIF1 0 R/W0 DMA channel-1 interrupt flag
0: DMA channel transfer not complete
1: DMA channel transfer complete or interrupt pending
0 DMAIF0 0 R/W0 DMA channel-0 interrupt flag
0: DMA channel transfer not complete
1: DMA channel transfer complete or interrupt pending

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Chapter 9
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Timer 1 (16-Bit Timer)

Timer 1 is an independent 16-bit timer which supports typical timer and counter functions such as input
capture, output compare, and PWM functions. The timer has five independent capture-or-compare
channels. The timer uses one I/O pin per channel. The timer is used for a wide range of control and
measurement applications, and the availability of up-and-down count mode with five channels allows, for
example, implementation of motor-control applications.
The features of Timer 1 are as follows:
• Five capture-or-compare channels
• Rising-, falling-, or any-edge input capture
• Set, clear, or toggle output compare
• Free-running, modulo, or up-and down counter operation
• Clock prescaler for divide by 1, 8, 32, or 128
• Interrupt request generated on each capture or compare and terminal count
• DMA trigger function

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

9.1 16-Bit Counter .................................................................................................. 104

9.2 Timer 1 Operation ............................................................................................. 104
9.3 Free-Running Mode .......................................................................................... 104
9.4 Modulo Mode ................................................................................................... 105
9.5 Up-and-Down Mode .......................................................................................... 105
9.6 Channel-Mode Control ...................................................................................... 105
9.7 Input Capture Mode .......................................................................................... 106
9.8 Output Compare Mode ...................................................................................... 106
9.9 IR Signal Generation and Learning ..................................................................... 111
9.10 Timer 1 Interrupts ............................................................................................. 113
9.11 Timer 1 DMA Triggers ....................................................................................... 113
9.12 Timer 1 Registers ............................................................................................. 114
9.13 Accessing Timer 1 Registers as Array ................................................................ 119

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9.1 16-Bit Counter

The timer consists of a 16-bit counter that increments or decrements at each active clock edge. The
period of the active clock edges is defined by the register bits, CLKCONCMD.TICKSPD, which set the
global division of the system clock, giving a variable clock-tick frequency from 0.25 MHz to 32 MHz (given
the use of the 32-MHz XOSC as clock source). This frequency is further divided in Timer 1 by the
prescaler value set by T1CTL.DIV. This prescaler value can be 1, 8, 32, or 128. Thus, the lowest clock
frequency used by Timer 1 is 1953.125 Hz and the highest is 32 MHz when the 32 MHz XOSC is used as
system clock source. When the 16-MHz RCOSC is used as system clock source, then the highest clock
frequency used by Timer 1 is 16 MHz.
The counter operates as a free-running counter, a modulo counter, or an up-and-down counter for use in
center-aligned PWM.
It is possible to read the 16-bit counter value through the two 8-bit SFRs, T1CNTH and T1CNTL, containing
the high-order byte and low-order byte, respectively. When T1CNTL is read, the high-order byte of the
counter at that instant is buffered in T1CNTH so that the high-order byte can be read from T1CNTH. Thus,
T1CNTL must always be read first, before reading T1CNTH.
All write accesses to the T1CNTL register reset the 16-bit counter.
The counter produces an interrupt request when the terminal count value (overflow) is reached. It is
possible to start and halt the counter with T1CTL control register settings. The counter is started when a
value other than 00 is written to T1CTL.MODE. If 00 is written to T1CTL.MODE, the counter halts at its
present value.

9.2 Timer 1 Operation

In general, control register T1CTL is used to control the timer operation. The status register T1STAT holds
the interrupt flags. The various modes of operation are described as follows.

9.3 Free-Running Mode

In the free-running mode of operation, the counter starts from 0x0000 and increments at each active clock
edge. When the counter reaches 0xFFFF (overflow), the counter is loaded with 0x0000 and continues
incrementing its value as shown in Figure 9-1. When the terminal count value 0xFFFF is reached, the
interrupt flag T1STAT.OVFIF is set. An interrupt request is generated if enabled; see Section 9.10 for
details. The free-running mode can be used to generate independent time intervals and output-signal




Figure 9-1. Free-Running Mode

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9.4 Modulo Mode

When the timer operates in modulo mode, the 16-bit counter starts at 0x0000 and increments at each
active clock edge. After the counter has reached the period value T1CC0, held in registers
T1CC0H:T1CC0L, the counter is reset to 0x0000 and continues to increment. If the timer is started with a
value above T1CC0, the interrupt flag T1STAT.OVFIF is set when the terminal count value (0xFFFF) is
reached, after which the counter wraps to 0x0000. An interrupt request is generated if enabled; see
Section 9.10 for details. If a periodic interrupt is wanted at the period value, this can be obtained by
enabling an output compare interrupt on channel 0, as explained in Section 9.8. The modulo mode can be
used for applications where a period other than 0xFFFF is required. The counter operation is shown in
Figure 9-2.



Figure 9-2. Modulo Mode

9.5 Up-and-Down Mode

In the up-and-down timer mode, the counter repeatedly starts from 0x0000 and counts up until the value
held in T1CC0H:T1CC0L is reached, and then the counter counts down until 0x0000 is reached, as shown
in Figure 9-3. This timer mode is used when symmetrical output pulses are required with a period other
than 0xFFFF, and therefore allows implementation of center-aligned PWM output applications. The
interrupt flag T1STAT.OVFIF is set when the counter value reaches 0x0000 in the up-and-down mode. An
interrupt request is generated if enabled, see Section 9.10 for details.




Figure 9-3. Up-and-Down Mode

9.6 Channel-Mode Control

The channel mode is set for each channel with its control and status register, T1CCTLn. The settings
include input capture and output compare modes.

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9.7 Input Capture Mode

When a channel is configured as an input capture channel, the I/O pin associated with that channel is
configured as an input. After the timer has been started, a rising edge, falling edge, or any edge on the
input pin triggers a capture of the 16-bit counter contents into the associated capture register. Thus, the
timer is able to capture the time when an external event takes place.

NOTE: Before an I/O pin can be used by the timer, the required I/O pin must be configured as a
Timer 1 peripheral pin.

The channel input pin is synchronized to the internal system clock. Thus, pulses on the input pin must
have a minimum duration greater than the system clock period.
The content of the 16-bit capture register is read out from registers T1CCnH:T1CCnL.
When the capture takes place, the interrupt flag for the channel, T1STAT.CHnIF (n is the channel
number), is set. An interrupt request is generated if enabled; see Section 9.10 for details.

9.8 Output Compare Mode

In output compare mode, the I/O pin associated with a channel is set as an output. After the timer has
been started, the contents of the counter are compared with the contents of the channel compare register
T1CCnH:T1CCnL. If the compare register equals the counter contents, the output pin is set, reset, or
toggled, according to the compare output mode setting of T1CCTLn.CMP. Note that all edges on output
pins are glitch-free when operating in a given output compare mode. Writing to the compare register
T1CCnL is buffered, so that a value written to T1CCnL does not take effect until the corresponding high-
order register, T1CCnH, is written. Writing to compare registers T1CCnH:T1CCnL does not take effect on
the output compare value until the counter value is 0x00.
Note that channel 0 has fewer output compare modes because T1CC0H:T1CC0L has a special function in
modes 6 and 7, meaning these modes would not be useful for channel 0.
When a compare occurs, the interrupt flag for the channel, T1STAT.CHnIF (n is the channel number), is
set. An interrupt request is generated if enabled; see Section 9.10 for details.
Examples of output compare modes in various timer modes are given in the following figures.
Edge-aligned: PWM output signals can be generated using the timer modulo mode and channels 1 and 2
in output compare mode 6 or 7 (defined by the T1CCTLn.CMP bits, where n is 1 or 2) as shown in
Figure 9-4. The period of the PWM signal is determined by the setting in T1CC0, and the duty cycle is
determined by T1CCn, where n is the PWM channel, 1 or 2.
The timer free-running mode may also be used. In this case, CLKCONCMD.TICKSPD and the prescaler
divider value in the T1CTL.DIV bits set the period of the PWM signal. The polarity of the PWM signal is
determined by whether output compare mode 6 or 7 is used.
PWM output signals can also be generated using output compare modes 4 and 5 as shown in Figure 9-4,
or by using modulo mode as shown in Figure 9-5. Using output compare mode 4 or 5 is preferred for
simple PWM.
Center-aligned: PWM outputs can be generated when the timer up-and-down mode is selected. Channel
output compare mode 4 or 5 (defined by T1CCTLn.CMP bits, where n is 1 or 2) is selected, depending on
the required polarity of the PWM signal. The period of the PWM signal is determined by T1CC0, and the
duty cycle for the channel output is determined by T1CCn, where n is the PWM channel, 1 or 2.
The center-aligned PWM mode is required by certain types of motor-drive applications, and typically less
noise is produced than in the edge-aligned PWM mode, because the I/O pin transitions are not lined up on
the same clock edge.
In some types of applications, a defined delay or dead time is required between outputs. Typically, this is
required for outputs driving an H-bridge configuration to avoid uncontrolled cross-conduction in one side of
the H-bridge. The delay or dead-time can be obtained in the PWM outputs by using T1CCn as shown in
the following:

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Assuming that channel 1 and channel 2 are used to drive the outputs using timer up-and-down mode and
the channels use output compare modes 4 and 5, respectively, then the timer period (in Timer 1 clock
periods) is:
tP = T1CC0 × 2
and the dead time, that is, the time when both outputs are low, (in Timer 1 clock periods) is given by:
tD = T1CC1 – T1CC2
A compare output pin is initialized to the value listed in Table 9-1 when:
• a value is written to T1CNTL (all Timer 1 channels)
• 0x7 is written to T1CCTLn.CMP (channel n)

Table 9-1. Initial Compare Output Values (Compare Mode)

Compare Mode (T1CCTLn.CMP) Initial Compare Output
Set output on compare (000) 0
Clear output on compare (001) 1
Toggle output on compare (010) 0
Set output on compare-up, clear on compare down in up-and-down mode (011) 0
In other modes than up-and-down mode, set output on compare, clear on 0
Clear output on compare-up, set on compare down in up-and-down mode (100) 1
In other modes than up-and-down mode, clear output on compare, set on 0
Clear when equal T1CC0, set when equal T1CCn (101) 0
Set when equal T1CC0, clear when equal T1CCn (110) 1

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0 - Set Output on Compare

1 - Clear Output on Compare

2 - Toggle Output on Compare

3 - Set Output on Compare-Up,

Clear on 0

4 - Clear Output on Compare-Up,

Set on 0

5 - Clear When T1CC0, Set When T1CCn

6 - Set When T1CC0, Clear When T1CCn



Figure 9-4. Output Compare Modes, Timer Free-Running Mode

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0 - Set Output on Compare

1 - Clear Output on Compare

2 - Toggle Output on Compare

3 - Set Output on Compare-Up,

Clear on 0

4 - Clear Output on Compare-Up,

Set on 0

5 - Clear When T1CC0, Set When T1CCn

6 - Set When T1CC0, Clear When T1CCn



Figure 9-5. Output Compare Modes, Timer Modulo Mode

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0 - Set Output on Compare

1 - Clear Output on Compare

2 - Toggle Output on Compare

3 - Set Output on Compare-Up,

Clear on Compare-Down

4 - Clear Output on Compare-Up,

Set on Compare-Down

5 - Clear When T1CC0, Set When T1CCn

6 - Set When T1CC0, Clear When T1CCn



Figure 9-6. Output Compare Modes, Timer Up-and-Down Mode

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9.9 IR Signal Generation and Learning

This section describes how Timer 1 can be configured in IR generation mode, where it counts Timer 3
periods and the output is ANDed with the output of Timer 3 to generate modulated consumer IR signals
with minimal CPU interaction.

9.9.1 Introduction
Generation of IR signals for remote control is generally done in one of two ways:
• Modulated codes
• Non-modulated codes (C-codes, flash codes)
The device includes flexible timer functionality to implement generation and learning of both types of IR
signals with minimal CPU interaction. Most IR protocols can be implemented with only one CPU
intervention per command.

9.9.2 Modulated Codes

Modulated codes can be generated using Timer 1 (16-bit) and Timer 3 (8-bit). Timer 3 in modulo mode is
used to generate the carrier. Timer 3 has an individual prescaler for its input. Its period is set using
T3CC0. Timer 3 channel 1 is used for PWM output. The duty cycle of the carrier is set using T3CC1.
Channel 1 uses compare mode: Clear output on compare, set on 0x00 (T3CCTL1.CMP = 100). Table 9-2
shows the frequency error calculation for a 38-kHz carrier using Timer 3.

Table 9-2. Frequency Error Calculation for 38-kHz

Description Value
System clock frequency 32,000 kHz
IR carrier frequency 38 kHz
System clock period 0.00003125 ms
IR carrier period 0.026315789 ms
Timer prescaler 4
Timer period 0.000125 ms
Ideal timer value 210.5263158
True timer value 211
True timer period 0.026375 ms
True timer frequency 37.91469194 kHz
Period error 59.21052632 ns
Frequency error 85.30805687 Hz
Frequency error % 0.2245%

The IRCTL.IRGEN register bit enables IR generation mode in Timer 1. When the IRGEN bit is set,
Timer 1 takes the output of the Timer 3 channel 1 compare signal as tick instead of the system tick. The
Timer 1 period is set using T1CC0 with Timer 1 in modulo mode (T1CTL.MODE = 10) and channel 0 in
compare mode (T1CCTL0.MODE = 1). Channel 1 compare mode Clear output on compare, set on 0x0000
(T1CCTL1.CMP = 100) is used for output of the gating signal.
The number of mark carrier periods is set by T1CC1. T1CC1 must be updated every Timer 1 period by the
DMA or CPU. Note that an update to T1CC1 is buffered and does not take effect before Timer 1 reaches
The number of space carrier periods is set by T1CC0. Its value should be set to the total number of mark
and space carrier periods wanted. The compare values are buffered until the timer hits 0x0000.
The output of Timer 1 channel 1 is ANDed with that of Timer 3 channel 1 to form the IR output as shown
in Figure 9-7

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Timer 3 Ch 1 Output
Timer 3

Timer 3 Ch 0 Compare AND

Timer 1 Ch 1 Output
Timer 1


Figure 9-7. Block Diagram of Timers in IR-Generation Mode

The timing of the Timer 3 channel 1 output and Timer 1 channel 1 output signals is synchronized such that
no glitches are produced on the IR Out signal.
When the IRGEN bit is set, the IR out signal is routed to pins instead of the normal Timer 1 channel 1
output (see also Section 7.6.1).
Figure 9-8 shows the example of Timer 3 being initialized to a 33% duty cycle (T3CC0 = 3 × T3CC1).
Timer 1 has been initialized to 3.
Timer 3 Ch 1 Compare

Timer 3 Ch 0 Compare

Timer 1 Ch 1 Compare
Start Timers

Timer 3 Output

Timer 1 Output

IR Out


Figure 9-8. Modulated Waveform Example

To achieve a period of space only, T1CC1 should be set to 0x00.

9.9.3 Non-Modulated Codes

To generate non-modulated IR codes, Timer 1 is used in modulo mode. The period of the signal is given
by T1CC0, and the pulse duration is given by T1CC1. T1CC1 gives the length of the mark period, and
T1CC0 gives the total number of mark and space periods. The compare values are buffered until the timer
hits 0x0000. The compare values must be updated once every period by the DMA or CPU if they are not
to be kept the same.

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9.9.4 Learning
Learning is done by using the capture function of Timer 1 (16-bit) and Timer 3 (8-bit). Timer 3 can handle
the carrier frequency detection and Timer 1 can handle the code learning from the demodulated signal.
The circuit could be set up as described in Figure 9-9

Timer 1 Ch 2

Timer 3 Ch 1

Figure 9-9. IR Learning Board Diagram Carrier Frequency Detection

Timer 3 is used to capture and detect the carrier frequency with input directly from the IR PIN diode. The
timer should sample the carrier a limited number of times. If a carrier is detected, the frequency detected
should contribute to the average number, which is what can be stored in the database. Demodulated Code Learning

The output from the IR PIN diode is demodulated by an appropriate circuit. The output from this circuit is
used as input to one of the Timer 1 channels in capture mode.

9.9.5 Other Considerations

The IR output pin should be placed in the high-impedance state or pulled down during reset to avoid
unnecessary power consumption from illuminating the IR LED. Note that only the P1.1 output for Timer 1
channel 1 is placed in the high-impedance state with no pullup during and after reset.

9.10 Timer 1 Interrupts

One interrupt vector is assigned to the timer. An interrupt request is generated when one of the following
timer events occurs:
• Counter reaches terminal count value (overflow, or turns around zero).
• Input capture event
• Output compare event
The status register, T1STAT, contains the source interrupt flags for the terminal-count value event and the
five channel compare or capture events. A source interrupt flag is set when the corresponding event
occurs, regardless of interrupt mask bits. The CPU interrupt flag IRCON.T1IF is set when one of the
events occurs if the corresponding interrupt mask bit is equal to 1. The interrupt mask bits are
T1CCTLn.IM for the five channels and TIMIF.T1OVFIM for the overflow event. The CPU interrupt flag
IRCON.T1IF is also set when a Timer 1 source interrupt flag is being cleared and one or more other
Timer 1 source interrupt flags are still set while the corresponding interrupt mask bit is set. An interrupt
request is generated when IRCON.T1IF goes from 0 to 1 if IEN1.T1IEN and IEN0.EA are both equal to

9.11 Timer 1 DMA Triggers

There are three DMA triggers associated with Timer 1. These are DMA triggers T1_CH0, T1_CH1, and
T1_CH2, which are generated on timer compare events as follows:
• T1_CH0 – Channel 0 compare
• T1_CH1 – Channel 1 compare
• T1_CH2 – Channel 2 compare

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There are no triggers associated with channels 3 and 4.

9.12 Timer 1 Registers

This section describes the Timer 1 registers, which consist of the following registers:
• T1CNTH – Timer 1 count high
• T1CNTL – Timer 1 count low
• T1CTL – Timer 1 control
• T1STAT – Timer 1 status
• T1CCTLn – Timer 1 channel n capture or compare control
• T1CCnH – Timer 1 channel n capture or compare value high
• T1CCnL – Timer 1 channel n capture or compare value low
The TIMIF.T1OVFIM register bit resides in the TIMIF register, which is described together with the
Timer 3 and Timer 4 registers.

T1CNTH (0xE3) – Timer 1 Counter High

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CNT[15:8 0x00 R Timer count high-order byte. Contains the high byte of the 16-bit timer counter buffered at the time
] T1CNTL is read

T1CNTL (0xE2) – Timer 1 Counter Low

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CNT[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer count low-order byte. Contains the low byte of the 16-bit timer counter. Writing anything to
this register results in the counter being cleared to 0x0000 and initializes all output pins of
associated channels.

T1CTL (0xE4) – Timer 1 Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 – 0000 R0 Reserved
3:2 DIV[1:0] 00 R/W Prescaler divider value. Generates the active clock edge used to update the counter as follows:
00: Tick frequency / 1
01: Tick frequency / 8
10: Tick frequency / 32
11: Tick frequency / 128
1:0 MODE 00 R/W Timer 1 mode select. The timer operating mode is selected as follows:
00: Operation is suspended.
01: Free-running, repeatedly count from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF.
10: Modulo, repeatedly count from 0x0000 to T1CC0.
11: Up-and-down, repeatedly count from 0x0000 to T1CC0 and from T1CC0 down to 0x0000.

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T1STAT (0xAF) – Timer 1 Status
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved
5 OVFIF 0 R/W0 Timer 1 counter-overflow interrupt flag. Set when the counter reaches the terminal count value in free-
running or modulo mode, and when zero is reached counting down in up-and-down mode. Writing a 1
has no effect.
4 CH4IF 0 R/W0 Timer 1 channel 4 interrupt flag. Set when the channel 4 interrupt condition occurs. Writing a 1 has no
3 CH3IF 0 R/W0 Timer 1 channel 3 interrupt flag. Set when the channel 3 interrupt condition occurs. Writing a 1 has no
2 CH2IF 0 R/W0 Timer 1 channel 2 interrupt flag. Set when the channel 2 interrupt condition occurs. Writing a 1 has no
1 CH1IF 0 R/W0 Timer 1 channel 1 interrupt flag. Set when the channel 1 interrupt condition occurs. Writing a 1 has no
0 CH0IF 0 R/W0 Timer 1 channel 0 interrupt flag. Set when the channel 0 interrupt condition occurs. Writing a 1 has no

T1CCTL0 (0xE5) – Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture or Compare Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 RFIRQ 0 R/W When set, use RF interrupt for capture instead of regular capture input.
6 IM 1 R/W Channel 0 interrupt mask. Enables interrupt request when set.
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W Channel 0 compare-mode select. Selects action on output when timer value equals compare value in
000: Set output on compare
001: Clear output on compare
010: Toggle output on compare
011: Set output on compare-up, clear on 0
100: Clear output on compare-up, set on 0
101: Reserved
110: Reserved
111: Initialize output pin. CMP[2:0] is not changed.
2 MODE 0 R/W Mode. Select Timer 1 channel 0 capture or compare mode
0: Capture mode
1: Compare mode
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W Channel 0 capture-mode select
00: No capture
01: Capture on rising edge
10: Capture on falling edge
11: Capture on all edges

T1CC0H (0xDB) – Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture or Compare Value, High

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC0[15:8] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 0 capture or compare value high-order byte. Writing to this register when
T1CCTL0.MODE = 1 (compare mode) causes the T1CC0[15:0] update to the written value to be
delayed until T1CNT = 0x0000.

T1CC0L (0xDA) – Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture or Compare Value, Low

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC0[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 0 capture or compare value low-order byte. Data written to this register is
stored in a buffer but not written to T1CC0[7:0] until, and at the same time as, a later write to
T1CC0H takes effect.

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T1CCTL1 (0xE6) – Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture or Compare Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 RFIRQ 0 R/W When set, use RF interrupt for capture instead of regular capture input.
6 IM 1 R/W Channel 1 interrupt mask. Enables interrupt request when set.
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W Channel 1 compare-mode select. Selects action on output when timer value equals compare value in
000: Set output on compare
001: Clear output on compare
010: Toggle output on compare
011: Set output on compare-up, clear on compare-down in up-and-down mode. Otherwise set output
on compare, clear on 0.
100: Clear output on compare-up, set on compare-down in up-and-down mode. Otherwise clear
output on compare, set on 0.
101: Clear when equal T1CC0, set when equal T1CC1
110: Set when equal T1CC0, clear when equal T1CC1
111: Initialize output pin. CMP[2:0] is not changed.
2 MODE 0 R/W Mode. Select Timer 1 channel 1 capture or compare mode
0: Capture mode
1: Compare mode
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W Channel 1 capture-mode select
00: No capture
01: Capture on rising edge
10: Capture on falling edge
11: Capture on all edges

T1CC1H (0xDD) – Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture or Compare Value, High

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC1[15:8] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 1 capture or compare value high-order byte. Writing to this register when
T1CCTL1.MODE = 1 (compare mode) causes the T1CC1[15:0] update to the written value to be
delayed until T1CNT = 0x0000.

T1CC1L (0xDC) – Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture or Compare Value, Low

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC1[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 1 capture or compare value low-order byte. Data written to this register is stored
in a buffer but not written to T1CC1[7:0] until, and at the same time as, a later write to T1CC1H
takes effect.

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T1CCTL2 (0xE7) – Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture or Compare Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 RFIRQ 0 R/W When set, use RF interrupt for capture instead of regular capture input.
6 IM 1 R/W Channel 2 interrupt mask. Enables interrupt request when set.
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W Channel 2 compare mode select. Selects action on output when timer value equals compare value in
000: Set output on compare
001: Clear output on compare
010: Toggle output on compare
011: Set output on compare-up, clear on compare-down in up-and-down mode. Otherwise set output
on compare, clear on 0.
100: Clear output on compare-up, set on compare-down in up-and-down mode. Otherwise clear
output on compare, set on 0.
101: Clear when equal T1CC0, set when equal T1CC2
110: Set when equal T1CC0, clear when equal T1CC2
111: Initialize output pin. CMP[2:0] is not changed.
2 MODE 0 R/W Mode. Select Timer 1 channel 2 capture or compare mode
0: Capture mode
1: Compare mode
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W Channel 2 capture-mode select
00: No capture
01: Capture on rising edge
10: Capture on falling edge
11: Capture on all edges

T1CC2H (0xDF) – Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture or Compare Value, High

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC2[15:8] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 2 capture or compare value high-order byte. Writing to this register when
T1CCTL2.MODE = 1 (compare mode) causes the T1CC2[15:0] update to the written value to be
delayed until T1CNT = 0x0000.

T1CC2L (0xDE) – Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture or Compare Value, Low

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC2[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 2 capture or compare value low-order byte. Data written to this register is stored
in a buffer but not written to T1CC2[7:0] until, and at the same time as, a later write to T1CC2H
takes effect.

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T1CCTL3 (0x62A3) – Timer 1 Channel 3 Capture/Compare Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 RFIRQ 0 R/W When set, use RF interrupt for capture instead of regular capture input.
6 IM 1 R/W Channel 3 interrupt mask. Enables interrupt request when set.
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W Channel 3 compare mode select. Selects action on output when timer value equals compare value in
000: Set output on compare
001: Clear output on compare
010: Toggle output on compare
011: Set output on compare-up, clear on compare-down in up-and-down mode. Otherwise set output
on compare, clear on 0.
100: Clear output on compare-up, set on compare down in up-and-down mode. Otherwise clear
output on compare, set on 0.
101: Clear when equal T1CC0, set when equal T1CC3
110: Set when equal T1CC0, clear when equal T1CC3
111: Initialize output pin. CMP[2:0] is not changed.
2 MODE 0 R/W Mode. Select Timer 1 channel 3 capture or compare mode
0: Capture mode
1: Compare mode
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W Channel 3 capture-mode select
00: No capture
01: Capture on rising edge
10: Capture on falling edge
11: Capture on all edges

T1CC3H (0x62AD) – Timer 1 Channel 3 Capture or Compare Value, High

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC3[15:8] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 3 capture or compare value high-order byte. Writing to this register when
T1CCTL3.MODE = 1 (compare mode) causes the T1CC3[15:0] update to the written value to be
delayed until T1CNT = 0x0000.

T1CC3L (0x62AC) – Timer 1 Channel 3 Capture or Compare Value, Low

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC3[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 3 capture or compare value low-order byte. Data written to this register is stored
in a buffer but not written to T1CC3[7:0] until, and at the same time as, a later write to T1CC3H
takes effect.

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T1CCTL4 (0x62A4) – Timer 1 Channel 4 Capture or Compare Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 RFIRQ 0 R/W When set, use RF interrupt for capture instead of regular capture input.
6 IM 1 R/W Channel 4 interrupt mask. Enables interrupt request when set.
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W Channel 4 compare mode select. Selects action on output when timer value equals compare value in
000: Set output on compare
001: Clear output on compare
010: Toggle output on compare
011: Set output on compare-up, clear on compare down in up-and-down mode. Otherwise set output
on compare, clear on 0.
100: Clear output on compare-up, set on compare down in up-and-down mode. Otherwise clear
output on compare, set on 0.
101: Clear when equal T1CC0, set when equal T1CC4
110: Set when equal T1CC0, clear when equal T1CC4
111: Initialize output pin. CMP[2:0] is not changed.
2 MODE 0 R/W Mode. Select Timer 1 channel 4 capture or compare mode
0: Capture mode
1: Compare mode
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W Channel 4 capture-mode select
00: No capture
01: Capture on rising edge
10: Capture on falling edge
11: Capture on all edges

T1CC4H (0x62AF) – Timer 1 Channel 4 Capture or Compare Value, High

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC4[15:8] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 4 capture or compare value high-order byte. Writing to this register when
T1CCTL4.MODE = 1 (compare mode) causes the T1CC4[15:0] update to the written value to be
delayed until T1CNT = 0x0000.

T1CC4L (0x62AE) – Timer 1 Channel 4 Capture or Compare Value, Low

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC4[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 4 capture or compare value low-order byte. Data written to this register is stored
in a buffer but not written to T1CC4[7:0] until, and at the same time as, a later write to T1CC4H
takes effect.

IRCTL (0x6281) – Timer 1 IR Generation Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 000 R/W Reserved
0 IRGEN 0 R/W When this bit is set, a connection between Timer 3 channel 1 and Timer 1 tick input is made so
that the timers can be used to generate modulated IR codes (see also Section 9.9).

9.13 Accessing Timer 1 Registers as Array

The Timer 1 capture or compare channel registers can be accessed as a contiguous region in the XDATA
memory space. This facilitates accessing the registers as a simple indexed structure. The five capture or
compare control registers are mapped to 0x62A0–0x62A4. The 16-bit capture or compare values are
mapped to 0x62A6–0x62AF; 0x62A5 is unused.

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Chapter 10
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Timer 3 and Timer 4 (8-Bit Timers)

Timer 3 and Timer 4 are two 8-bit timers. Each timer has two independent capture-or-compare channels,
each using one I/O pin per channel.
Features of Timer 3 and Timer 4 are as follows:
• Two capture-or-compare channels
• Set, clear, or toggle output compare
• Clock prescaler for divide by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
• Interrupt request generated on each capture or compare and terminal-count event
• DMA trigger function

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

10.1 8-Bit Timer Counter .......................................................................................... 121

10.2 Timer 3 and Timer 4 Mode Control ...................................................................... 121
10.3 Channel Mode Control ...................................................................................... 121
10.4 Input Capture Mode .......................................................................................... 122
10.5 Output Compare Mode ...................................................................................... 122
10.6 Timer 3 and Timer 4 Interrupts ........................................................................... 122
10.7 Timer 3 and Timer 4 DMA Triggers ..................................................................... 123
10.8 Timer 3 and Timer 4 Registers ........................................................................... 123

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10.1 8-Bit Timer Counter

All timer functions are based on the main 8-bit counter found in Timer 3 and Timer 4. The counter
increments or decrements at each active clock edge. The period of the active clock edges, as defined by
the register bits CLKCONCMD.TICKSPD[2:0], is further multiplied (the frequency is divided) by the
prescaler value set by TxCTL.DIV[2:0] (where x refers to the timer number, 3 or 4). The counter
operates as either a free-running counter, a down counter, a modulo counter, or an up-and-down counter.
It is possible to read the 8-bit counter value through the SFR register TxCNT, where x refers to the timer
number, 3 or 4.
The possibility to clear and halt the counter is given with TxCTL control register settings. The counter is
started when a 1 is written to TxCTL.START. If a 0 is written to TxCTL.START, the counter halts at its
present value.

10.2 Timer 3 and Timer 4 Mode Control

In general, the control register TxCTL is used to control the timer operation.

10.2.1 Free-Running Mode

In the free-running mode of operation, the counter starts from 0x00 and increments at each active clock
edge. When the counter reaches 0xFF, the counter is loaded with 0x00 and continues incrementing its
value. When the terminal count value 0xFF is reached (that is, an overflow occurs), the interrupt flag
TIMIF.TxOVFIF is set. An interrupt request is generated if enabled; see Section 10.6 for details. The
free-running mode can be used to generate independent time intervals and output-signal frequencies.

10.2.2 Down Mode

In the down mode, after the timer has been started, the counter is loaded with the contents in TxCC0. The
counter then counts down to 0x00. The interrupt flag TIMIF.TxOVFIF is set when 0x00 is reached. An
interrupt request is generated if enabled; see Section 10.6 for details. The timer down mode can generally
be used in applications where an event time-out interval is required.

10.2.3 Modulo Mode

When the timer operates in modulo mode, the 8-bit counter starts at 0x00 and increments at each active
clock edge. After the count has reached the period value held in register TxCC0, the counter is reset to
0x00 and continues to increment. If the timer started with a value above TxCC0, the interrupt flag
TIMIF.TxOVFIF is set when the terminal value (0xFF) is reached, after which the counter wraps to 0x00.
An interrupt request is generated if enabled; see Section 10.6 for details. If a periodic interrupt is wanted
at the period value, this can be obtained by enabling an output compare interrupt on channel 0, as
explained in Section 10.5. The modulo mode can be used for applications where a period other than 0xFF
is required.

10.2.4 Up-and-Down Mode

In the up-and-down timer mode, the counter repeatedly starts from 0x00 and counts up until the value held
in TxCC0 is reached, and then the counter counts down until 0x00 is reached. This timer mode is used
when symmetrical output pulses are required with a period other than 0xFF, allowing implementation of
center-aligned PWM output applications. The interrupt flag TIMIF.TxOVFIF is set when the counter value
reaches 0x00 in the up-and-down mode. An interrupt request is generated if enabled; see Section 10.6 for
Clearing the counter by writing to TxCTL.CLR also resets the count direction to the count-up-from-0x00

10.3 Channel Mode Control

The channel modes for each channel, 0 and 1, are set by the control and status registers TxCCTLn,
where n is the channel number, 0 or 1. The settings include capture and compare modes.

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10.4 Input Capture Mode

When a channel is configured as an input capture channel, the I/O pin associated with that channel is
configured as an input. After the timer has been started, a rising edge, falling edge, or any edge on the
input pin triggers a capture of the 8-bit counter contents into the associated capture register. Thus, the
timer is able to capture the time when an external event takes place.

NOTE: Before an I/O pin can be used by the timer, the required I/O pin must be configured as a
Timer 3 or Timer 4 peripheral pin.

The channel input pin is synchronized to the internal system clock. Thus, pulses on the input pin must
have a minimum duration greater than the system clock period.
The content of the 8-bit capture register for channel n is read out from register T3CCn or T4CCn.
When the capture takes place, the interrupt flag for the channel, TIMIF.TxCHnIF (x is 3 or 4, n is the
channel number), is set. An interrupt request is generated if enabled; see Section 10.6 for details.

10.5 Output Compare Mode

In output-compare mode, the I/O pin associated with a channel must be set to an output. After the timer
has been started, the content of the counter is compared with the contents of channel compare register
TxCCn. If the compare register equals the counter contents, the output pin is set, reset, or toggled
according to the compare output mode setting of TxCCTL.CMP1:0. Note that all edges on output pins are
glitch-free when operating in a given compare output mode.
For simple PWM use, output compare modes 4 and 5 are preferred.
Writing to compare register TxCC0 or TxCC1 does not take effect on the output compare value until the
counter value is 0x00.
When the capture takes place, the interrupt flag for the channel, TIMIF.TxCHnIF (x is 3 or 4, n is the
channel number), is set. An interrupt request is generated if enabled; see Section 10.6 for details.

A compare output pin is initialized to the value listed in Table 10-1 when:
• a 1 is written to TxCNTR.CLR (All Timer x channels)
• 0x7 is written to TxCCTLn.CMP (Timer x, channel n)

Table 10-1. Initial Compare Output Values (Compare Mode)

Compare Mode (TxCCTLn.CMP) Initial Compare Output
Set output on compare (000) 0
Clear output on compare (001) 1
Toggle output on compare (010) 0
Set output on compare-up, clear on compare-down in up-and-down mode (011) 0
In other modes than up-and-down mode, set output on compare, clear on 0
Clear output on compare-up, set on compare-down in up-and-down mode (100) 1
In other modes than up-and-down mode, clear output on compare, set on 0
Set output on compare, clear on 0xFF (101) 0
Clear output on compare, set on 0x00 (110) 1

10.6 Timer 3 and Timer 4 Interrupts

One interrupt vector is assigned to each of the timers. These are T3 and T4. An interrupt request is
generated when one of the following timer events occurs:
• Counter reaches terminal count value.
• Compare event
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• Capture event
The SFR register TIMIF contains all interrupt flags for Timer 3 and Timer 4. The register bits
TIMIF.TxOVFIF and TIMIF.TxCHnIF contain the source interrupt flags for the two terminal-count value
events and the four channel-compare events, respectively. A source interrupt flag is set when the
corresponding event occurs, regardless of interrupt mask bits. The CPU interrupt flag IRCON.T3IF or
IRCON.T4IF is set when one of the events occurs if the corresponding interrupt mask bit is equal to 1.
The interrupt mask bits are TxCCTLn.IM for the four channels and TxCTL.OVFIM for the overflow events.
The CPU interrupt flag IRCON.T3IF or IRCON.T4IF is also set when a Timer 3 or Timer 4 source
interrupt flag is being cleared and one or more other source interrupt flags for the same timer are still set
while the corresponding interrupt mask bit is set. An interrupt request is generated when IRCON.TxIF
goes from 0 to 1 if IEN1.TxIEN and IEN0.EA are both equal to 1 (x is 3 or 4).

10.7 Timer 3 and Timer 4 DMA Triggers

Two DMA triggers are associated with Timer 3, and two DMA triggers are associated with Timer 4.
• T3_CH0: Timer 3 channel 0 capture or compare
• T3_CH1: Timer 3 channel 1 capture or compare
• T4_CH0: Timer 4 channel 0 capture or compare
• T4_CH0: Timer 4 channel 1 capture or compare

10.8 Timer 3 and Timer 4 Registers

T3CNT (0xCA) – Timer 3 Counter

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CNT[7:0] 0x00 R Timer count byte. Contains the current value of the 8-bit counter

T3CTL (0xCB) – Timer 3 Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 DIV[2:0] 000 R/W Prescaler divider value. Generates the active clock edge used to clock the timer from
000: Tick frequency / 1
001: Tick frequency / 2
010: Tick frequency / 4
011: Tick frequency / 8
100: Tick frequency 1 6
101: Tick frequency / 32
110: Tick frequency / 64
111: Tick frequency / 128
4 START 0 R/W Start timer. Normal operation when set, suspended when cleared
3 OVFIM 1 R/W Overflow interrupt mask
0: Interrupt is disabled.
1: Interrupt is enabled.
2 CLR 0 R0/W1 Clear counter. Writing a 1 to CLR resets the counter to 0x00 and initializes all output pins of
associated channels. Always read as 0.
1:0 MODE[1:0] 00 R/W Timer 3 mode. Select the mode as follows:
00: Free-running, repeatedly count from 0x00 to 0xFF
01: Down, count from T3CC0 to 0x00
10: Modulo, repeatedly count from 0x00 to T3CC0
11: Up-and-down, repeatedly count from 0x00 to T3CC0 and down to 0x00

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T3CCTL0 (0xCC) – Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture or Compare Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved
6 IM 1 R/W Channel 0 interrupt mask
0: Interrupt is disabled.
1: Interrupt is enabled.
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W Channel 0 compare output mode select. Specified action occurs on output when timer value
equals compare value in T3CC0.
000: Set output on compare
001: Clear output on compare
010: Toggle output on compare
011: Set output on compare-up, clear on 0
100: Clear output on compare-up, set on 0
101: Set output on compare, clear on 0xFF
110: Clear output on compare, set on 0x00
111: Initialize output pin. CMP[2:0] is not changed.
2 MODE 0 R/W Mode. Select Timer 3 channel 0 mode
0: Capture mode
1: Compare mode
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W Capture mode select
00: No capture
01: Capture on rising edge
10: Capture on falling edge
11: Capture on both edges

T3CC0 (0xCD) – Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture or Compare Value

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 VAL[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer capture or compare value, channel 0. Writing to this register when T3CCTL0.MODE = 1
(compare mode) causes the T3CC0.VAL[7:0] update to the written value to be delayed until
T3CNT.CNT[7:0] = 0x00.

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T3CCTL1 (0xCE) – Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture or Compare Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved
6 IM 1 R/W Channel 1 interrupt mask
0: Interrupt is disabled.
1: Interrupt is enabled.
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W Channel 1 compare output-mode select. Specified action on output when timer value equals
compare value in T3CC1
000: Set output on compare
001: Clear output on compare
010: Toggle output on compare
011: Set on compare-up, clear on compare-down in up-and-down mode. Otherwise, set output
on compare, clear on 0.
100: Clear output on compare-up, set on compare-down in up-and-down mode. Otherwise
clear output on compare, set on 0.
101: Set output on compare, clear on 0xFF
110: Clear output on compare, set on 0x00
111: Initialize output pin. CMP[2:0] is not changed
2 MODE 0 R/W Mode. Select Timer 3 channel 1 mode
0: Capture mode
1: Compare mode
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W Capture mode select
00: No capture
01: Capture on rising edge
10: Capture on falling edge
11: Capture on both edges

T3CC1 (0xCF) – Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture or Compare Value

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 VAL[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 3 capture or compare value, channel 1. Writing to this register when T3CCTL1.MODE = 1
(compare mode) causes the T3CC1.VAL[7:0] update to the written value to be delayed until
T3CNT.CNT[7:0] = 0x00.

T4CNT (0xEA) – Timer 4 Counter

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CNT[7:0] 0x00 R Timer count byte. Contains the current value of the 8-bit counter

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T4CTL (0xEB) – Timer 4 Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 DIV[2:0] 000 R/W Prescaler divider value. Generates the active clock edge used to clock the timer from
000: Tick frequency / 1
001: Tick frequency / 2
010: Tick frequency / 4
011: Tick frequency / 8
100: Tick frequency / 16
101: Tick frequency / 32
110: Tick frequency / 64
111: Tick frequency / 128
4 START R/W Start timer. Normal operation when set, suspended when cleared
3 OVFIM 1 R/W Overflow interrupt mask
2 CLR 0 R0/W1 Clear counter. Writing a 1 to CLR resets the counter to 0x00 and initializes all output pins of
associated channels. Always read as 0.
1:0 MODE[1:0] 0 R/W Timer 4 mode. Select the mode as follows:
00: Free running, repeatedly count from 0x00 to 0xFF
01: Down, count from T4CC0 to 0x00
10: Modulo, repeatedly count from 0x00 to T4CC0
11: Up-and-down, repeatedly count from 0x00 to T4CC0 and down to 0x00

T4CCTL0 (0xEC) – Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved
6 IM 1 R/W Channel 0 interrupt mask
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W Channel 0 compare output-mode select. Specified action occurs on output when timer value
equals compare value in T4CC0.
000: Set output on compare
001: Clear output on compare
010: Toggle output on compare
011: Set output on compare-up, clear on 0
100: Clear output on compare-up, set on 0
101: Set output on compare, clear on 0xFF
110: Clear output on compare, set on 0x00
111: Initialize output pin. CMP[2:0] is not changed.
2 MODE 0 R/W Mode. Select Timer 4 channel 0 mode
0: Capture mode
1: Compare mode
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W Capture mode select. 00 – No capture, 01 – Capture on rising edge, 10 – Capture on falling
edge, 11 – Capture on both edges

T4CC0 (0xED) – Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture or Compare Value

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 VAL[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 4 capture or compare value, channel 0. Writing to this register when T4CCTL0.MODE = 1
(compare mode) causes the T4CC0.VAL[7:0] update to the written value to be delayed until
T4CNT.CNT[7:0] = 0x00.

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T4CCTL1 (0xEE) – Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture or Compare Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved
6 IM 1 R/W Channel 1 interrupt mask
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W Channel 1 compare output-mode select. Specified action on output when timer value equals
compare value in T4CC1
000: Set output on compare
001: Clear output on compare
010: Toggle output on compare
011: Set on compare-up, clear on compare-down in up-down mode. Otherwise, set output on
compare, clear on 0.
100: Clear output on compare-up, set on compare-down in up-down mode. Otherwise clear
output on compare, set on 0.
101: Set output on compare, clear on 0xFF
110: Clear output on compare, set on 0x00
111: Initialize output pin. CMP[2:0] is not changed.
2 MODE 0 R/W Mode. Select Timer 4 channel 1 mode
0: Capture mode
1: Compare mode
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W Capture mode select. 00 – No Capture, 01 – Capture on rising edge, 10 – Capture on falling
edge, 11 – Capture on both edges

T4CC1 (0xEF) – Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture or Compare Value

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 VAL[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer capture/compare value, channel 1. Writing to this register when T4CCTL1.MODE = 1
(compare mode) causes the T4CC1.VAL[7:0] update to the written value to be delayed until
T4CNT.CNT[7:0] = 0x00.

TIMIF (0xD8) – Timer 1 Interrupt Mask, Timers 3 and 4 Interrupt Flags

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved
6 T1OVFIM 1 R/W Timer 1 overflow interrupt mask
5 T4CH1IF 0 R/W0 Timer 4 channel 1 interrupt flag
0: No interrupt is pending.
1: Interrupt is pending.
4 T4CH0IF 0 R/W0 Timer 4 channel 0 interrupt flag
0: No interrupt is pending.
1: Interrupt is pending.
3 T4OVFIF 0 R/W0 Timer 4 overflow interrupt flag
0: No interrupt is pending.
1: Interrupt is pending.
2 T3CH1IF 0 R/W0 Timer 3 channel 1 interrupt flag
0: No interrupt is pending.
1: Interrupt is pending.
1 T3CH0IF 0 R/W0 Timer 3 channel 0 interrupt flag
0: No interrupt is pending.
1: Interrupt is pending.
0 T3OVFIF 0 R/W0 Timer 3 overflow interrupt flag
0: No interrupt is pending.
1: Interrupt is pending.

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Chapter 11
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Sleep Timer

The Sleep Timer is used to set the period during which the system enters and exits low-power modes
PM1 and PM2. The Sleep Timer is also used to maintain timing in Timer 2 when entering power mode
PM1 or PM2.
The main features of the Sleep Timer are the following:
• 24-bit timer up-counter operating at 32-kHz clock rate
• 24-bit compare with interrupt and DMA trigger
• 24-bit capture

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

11.1 General ........................................................................................................... 129

11.2 Timer Compare................................................................................................. 129
11.3 Timer Capture .................................................................................................. 129
11.4 Sleep Timer Registers ....................................................................................... 130

128 Sleep Timer SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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11.1 General
The Sleep Timer is a 24-bit timer running on the 32-kHz clock (either RCOSC or XOSC). The timer starts
running immediately after a reset and continues to run uninterrupted.
The current value of the timer can be read from SFR registers ST2:ST1:ST0. When ST0 is read, the
current value of the 24-bit counter is latched. Thus, the ST0 register must be read before ST1 and ST2 to
read a correct Sleep Timer count value.
The Sleep Timer is running when operating in all power modes except PM3. The value of the Sleep Timer
is not preserved in PM3. When returning from PM1 or PM2 (where the system clock is shut down), the
Sleep Timer value in ST2:ST1:ST0 is not up-to-date until a positive edge on the 32-kHz clock has been
detected after the system clock restarted. To ensure an updated value is read, wait for a positive transition
on the 32-kHz clock by polling the SLEEPSTA.CLK32K bit, before reading the Sleep Timer value.
Note that if supply voltage drops below 2 V while in PM2, the sleep interval might be affected.

11.2 Timer Compare

A timer compare event occurs when the timer value is equal to the 24-bit compare value and there is a
positive edge on the 32-kHz clock. The compare value is set by writing to registers ST2:ST1:ST0. Writing
to ST0 while STLOAD.LDRDY is 1 initiates loading of the new compare value, that is, the most-recent
values written to the ST2, ST1, and ST0 registers. This means that when writing a compare value, ST2
and ST1 must be written before ST0. STLOAD.LDRDY is 0 during the load, and software must not start a
new load until STLOAD.LDRDY has flipped back to 1.
When setting a new compare value, the value should be at least 5 more than the current sleep timer
value. Otherwise, the timer compare event may be lost.
The interrupt enable bit for the ST interrupt is IEN0.STIE, and the interrupt flag is IRCON.STIF. When a
timer compare event occurs, the interrupt flag IRCON.STIF is asserted.
In PM1 and PM2, the Sleep Timer compare event may be used to wake up the device and return to active
operation in active mode. The default value of the compare value after reset is 0xFF FFFF.
For all devices except the CC2540 and CC2541, the Sleep Timer compare event can also be used as a
DMA trigger (DMA trigger 11 in Table 8-1).
Note that if supply voltage drops below 2 V while in PM2, the sleep interval might be affected.

11.3 Timer Capture

The timer capture occurs when the interrupt flag for a selected I/O pin is set and this event has been
dectected by the 32-kHz clock. Sleep Timer capture is enabled by setting STCC.PORT[1:0] and
STCC.PIN[2:0] to the I/O pin that is to be used to trigger the capture. When STCS.VALID goes high,
the capture value in STCV2:STCV1:STCV0 can be read. The captured value is 1 more than the value at
the instant for the event on the I/O pin. Software should therefore subtract 1 from the captured value if
absolute timing is required. To enable a new capture, follow these steps:
1. Clear STCS.VALID.
2. Wait until SLEEPSTA.CLK32K is low.
3. Wait until SLEEPSTA.CLK32K is high.
4. Clear the pin interrupt flag in the P0IFG,
P1IFG, or P2IFG register.
This sequence, using the rising edge on P0.0 as an example, is shown in Figure 11-1. Failure to follow the
procedure may cause the capture functionality to stop working until a chip reset.

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Clear P0IFG[0] After

Read STCV[23:0], Having Detected a
Then Clear Rising Edge On





Timer Value is Captured


Figure 11-1. Sleep Timer Capture (Example Using Rising Edge on P0_0)

It is not possible to switch the input-capture pin while capture is enabled. Capture must be disabled before
a new input-capture pin can be selected. To disable capture, follow these steps (note that interrupts are
disabled for up to half of a 32-kHz cycle, or 15.26 µs):
1. Disable interrupts.
2. Wait until SLEEPSTA.CLK32K is high.
3. Set STCC.PORT[1:0] to 3. This disables capture.

11.4 Sleep Timer Registers

The registers used by the Sleep Timer are:
• ST2 – Sleep Timer 2
• ST1 – Sleep Timer 1
• ST0 – Sleep Timer 0
• STLOAD – Sleep Timer load status
• STCC – Sleep Timer capture control
• STCS – Sleep Timer capture status
• STCV0 – Sleep Timer capture value byte 0
• STCV1 – Sleep Timer capture value byte 1
• STCV2 – Sleep Timer capture value byte 2

ST2 (0x97) – Sleep Timer 2

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 ST2[7:0] 0x00 R/W Sleep Timer count or compare value. When read, this register returns the high bits [23:16] of the
Sleep Timer count. When writing, this register sets the high bits [23:16] of the compare value. The
value read is latched at the time of reading register ST0. The value written is latched when ST0 is

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ST1 (0x96) – Sleep Timer 1
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 ST1[7:0] 0x00 R/W Sleep Timer count or compare value. When read, this register returns the middle bits [15:8] of the
Sleep Timer count. When writing, this register sets the middle bits [15:8] of the compare value. The
value read is latched at the time of reading register ST0. The value written is latched when ST0 is

ST0 (0x95) – Sleep Timer 0

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 ST0[7:0] 0x00 R/W Sleep Timer count or compare value. When read, this register returns the low bits [7:0] of the Sleep
Timer count. When writing, this register sets the low bits [7:0] of the compare value. Writes to this
register are ignored unless STLOAD.LDRDY is 1.

STLOAD (0xAD) – Sleep Timer Load Status

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 00 R0 Reserved
0 LDRDY 1 R Load ready. This bit is 0 while the Sleep Timer loads the 24-bit compare value and 1 when the
Sleep Timer is ready to start loading a new compare value.

STCC (0x62B0) – Sleep Timer Capture Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 – 000 R0 Reserved
4:3 PORT[1:0 11 R Port select. Valid settings are 0–2. Capture is disabled when set to 3, that is, an invalid setting is
] selected.
2:0 PIN[2:0] 111 Pin select. Valid settings are 0–7 when PORT[1:0] is 0 or 1, 0–5 when PORT[1:0] is 2. Capture is
disabled when an invalid setting is selected.

STCS (0x62B1) – Sleep Timer Capture Status

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 00 R0 Reserved
0 VALID 0 R/W0 Capture valid flag. Set to 1 when capture value in STCV has been updated. Clear explicitly to allow
new capture.

STCV0 (0x62B2) – Sleep Timer Capture Value Byte 0

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 STCV[7:0 0x00 R Bits [7:0] of Sleep Timer capture value

STCV1 (0x62B3) – Sleep Timer Capture Value Byte 1

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 STCV[15: 0x00 R Bits [15:8] of Sleep Timer capture value

STCV2 (0x62B4) – Sleep Timer Capture Value Byte 2

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 STCV[23: 0x00 R Bits [23:16] of Sleep Timer capture value

SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014 Sleep Timer 131

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Chapter 12
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014


The ADC (in the CC2530, CC2531, CC2540, and CC2541) supports 14-bit analog-to-digital conversion
with up to 12 effective number of bits (ENOB). It includes an analog multiplexer with up to eight
individually configurable channels and a reference voltage generator. Conversion results can be written to
memory through DMA. Several modes of operation are available.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

12.1 ADC Introduction .............................................................................................. 133

12.2 ADC Operation ................................................................................................. 133

132 ADC SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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12.1 ADC Introduction

The ADC supports up to 14-bit analog-to-digital conversion with up to 12 bits ENOB (Effective Number Of
Bits). It includes an analog multiplexer with up to eight individually configurable channels and a reference
voltage generator. Conversion results can be written to memory through DMA. Several modes of operation
are available.
The main features of the ADC are as follows:
• Selectable decimation rates which also set the effective resolution (7 to 12 bits).
• Eight individual input channels, single-ended or differential
• Reference voltage selectable as internal, external single-ended, external differential, or AVDD5
• Interrupt request generation
• DMA triggers at end of conversions
• Temperature sensor input
• Battery measurement capability


VDD/3 Input Sigma-Delta Decimation
Mux Modulator Filter

Internal Reference Voltage

AIN7 Ref
AIN6–AIN7 Clock Generation


Figure 12-1. ADC Block Diagram

12.2 ADC Operation

This section describes the general setup and operation of the ADC and describes the use of the ADC
control and status registers accessed by the CPU.

12.2.1 ADC Inputs

The signals on the port-0 pins can be used as ADC inputs. In the following, these port pins are referred to
as the AIN0–AIN7 pins. The input pins AIN0–AIN7 are connected to the ADC.
It is possible to configure the inputs as single-ended or differential inputs. In the case where differential
inputs are selected, the differential inputs consist of the input pairs AIN0–AIN1, AIN2–AIN3, AIN4–AIN5,
and AIN6–AIN7. Note that no negative supply can be applied to these pins, nor a supply higher than VDD
(unregulated power). It is the difference between the pins of each pair that is converted in differential
In addition to the input pins AIN0–AIN7, the output of an on-chip temperature sensor can be selected as
an input to the ADC for temperature measurements. In order to do so, the registers TR0.ADCTM and
ATEST.ATESTCTRL must be set as described in the register descriptions in Section 12.2.10 and
Section 23.15.3 (CC253x) or Section 24.1 (CC2540), or Section 25.12 (CC2541).
It is also possible to select a voltage corresponding to AVDD5 divided by 3 as an ADC input. This input
allows the implementation of, for example, a battery monitor in applications where this feature is required.
Note that the reference in this case must not be dependent on the battery voltage; for instance, the
AVDD5 voltage must not be used as a reference.

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The single-ended inputs AIN0 through AIN7 are represented by channel numbers 0 to 7. Channel
numbers 8 through 11 represent the differential inputs consisting of AIN0–AIN1, AIN2–AIN3, AIN4–AIN5,
and AIN6–AIN7. Channel numbers 12 through 15 represent GND (12), temperature sensor (14), and
AVDD5/3 (15), with channel 13 being reserved. These values are used in the ADCCON2.SCH and
ADCCON3.SCH fields.
The ADC input is a switched capacitance stage which draws current during the conversion. As an
example, the equivalent input impedance of a typical device was found to be 176 kΩ when used with an
input voltage of 3 V, a 512× decimation rate, and the internal reference.
To enable the temperature sensor as an input to the ADC, the TR0.ADCTM bit must be set to 1 before
setting the ATEST.ATESTCTRL bit to 1. When disabling the temperature sensor as an input, the
ATEST.ATESTCTRL bit must be set to 0 before clearing the TR0.ADCTM bit. The TR0 register does not
have any retention in PM2 or PM3, so ATEST and TR0 must be cleared in the correct manner before
entering these power modes.

12.2.2 ADC Conversion Sequences

The ADC can perform a sequence of conversions and move the results to memory (through DMA) without
any interaction from the CPU.
The conversion sequence can be influenced with the APCFG register (see Section 7.6.6), in that the eight
analog inputs to the ADC come from I/O pins that are not necessarily programmed to be analog inputs. If
a channel should normally be part of a sequence, but the corresponding analog input is disabled in the
APCFG register, then that channel is skipped. When using differential inputs, both pins in a differential pair
must set as analog input pins in the APCFG register.
The ADCCON2.SCH register bits are used to define an ADC conversion sequence from the ADC inputs. If
ADCCON2.SCH is set to a value less than 8, the conversion sequence contains a conversion from each
channel from 0 up to and including the channel number programmed in ADCCON2.SCH. When
ADCCON2.SCH is set to a value between 8 and 12, the sequence consists of differential inputs, starting at
channel 8 and ending at the programmed channel. For ADCCON2.SCH greater than or equal to 12, the
sequence consists of the selected channel only.

12.2.3 Single ADC Conversion

In addition to this sequence of conversions, the ADC can be programmed to perform a single conversion
from any channel. Such a conversion is triggered by writing to the ADCCON3 register. The conversion
starts immediately unless a conversion sequence is already ongoing, in which case the single conversion
is performed as soon as that sequence is finished.

12.2.4 ADC Operating Modes

This section describes the operating modes and initialization of conversions.
The ADC has three control registers: ADCCON1, ADCCON2, and ADCCON3. These registers are used to
configure the ADC and to report status.
The ADCCON1.EOC bit is a status bit that is set high when a conversion ends and cleared when ADCH is
The ADCCON1.ST bit is used to start a sequence of conversions. A sequence starts when this bit is set
high, ADCCON1.STSEL is 11, and no conversion is currently running. When the sequence is completed,
this bit is automatically cleared.
The ADCCON1.STSEL bits select the event that starts a new sequence of conversions. The options which
can be selected are rising edge on external pin P2.0, end of previous sequence, a Timer 1 channel 0
compare event, or ADCCON1.ST is 1.
The ADCCON2 register controls how the sequence of conversions is performed.
ADCCON2.SREF is used to select the reference voltage. The reference voltage should only be changed
when no conversion is running.

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The ADCCON2.SDIV bits select the decimation rate, thereby also the resolution and time required to
complete a conversion, and hence the sample rate. The decimation rate should only be changed when no
conversion is running.
The last channel of a sequence is selected with the ADCCON2.SCH bits as described previously.
The ADCCON3 register controls the channel number, reference voltage, and decimation rate for a single
conversion. The single conversion takes place immediately after the ADCCON3 register is written to, or if a
conversion sequence is ongoing, immediately after the sequence has ended. The coding of the register
bits is exactly as for ADCCON2.

12.2.5 ADC Conversion Results

The digital conversion result is represented in 2s-complement form. For single-ended configurations, the
result can be expected to be positive. This is because the result is the difference between the input signal
and ground, which is always positively signed (Vconv = Vinp – Vinn, where Vinn = 0 V). The maximum
value is reached when the input signal is equal to VREF, the selected voltage reference. For differential
configurations, the difference between two pins is converted, and this difference can be negatively signed.
For example, with a decimation rate of 512 using only the 12 MSBs of the digital conversion result
register, the maximum value of 2047 is reached when the analog input (Vconv) is equal to VREF, and
minimum value of –2048 is reached when the analog input is equal to –VREF.
The digital conversion result is available in ADCH and ADCL when ADCCON1.EOC is set to 1. Note that the
conversion result always resides in the MSB section of the combined ADCH and ADCL registers.
When the ADCCON2.SCH bits are read, they indicate the channel on which conversion is ongoing. The
results in ADCL and ADCH normally apply to the previous conversion. If the conversion sequence has
ended, ADCCON2.SCH has a value of one more than the last channel number, but if the channel number
last written to ADCCON2.SCH was 12 or more, the same value is read back.

12.2.6 ADC Reference Voltage

The positive reference voltage for analog-to-digital conversions is selectable as either an internally
generated voltage, the AVDD5 pin, an external voltage applied to the AIN7 input pin, or a differential
voltage applied to the AIN6–AIN7 inputs.
The accuracy of the conversion results depend on the stability and noise properties of the reference
voltage. Offset from the wanted voltage introduces a gain error in the ADC proportional to the ratio of the
wanted voltage and the actual voltage. Noise on the reference must be lower than quantization noise of
the ADC to ensure the specified SNR is achieved.

12.2.7 ADC Conversion Timing

The ADC should only be used with the 32-MHz XOSC, and no system clock division should be
implemented by the user. The actual ADC sampling frequency of 4 MHz is generated by fixed internal
division. The time required to perform a conversion depends on the selected decimation rate. In general,
the conversion time is given by:
Tconv = (decimation rate + 16) × 0.25 μs.

12.2.8 ADC Interrupts

The ADC generates an interrupt when a single conversion triggered by writing to ADCCON3 has completed.
No interrupt is generated when a conversion from the sequence is completed.

12.2.9 ADC DMA Triggers

The ADC generates a DMA trigger every time a conversion from the sequence has completed. When a
single conversion completes, no DMA trigger is generated.
There is one DMA trigger for each of the eight channels defined by the first eight possible settings for
ADCCON2.SCH. The DMA trigger is active when a new sample is ready from the conversion for the
channel. The DMA triggers are named ADC_CHsd in Table 8-1, where s is single-ended channel and d is
differential channel.

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In addition, one DMA trigger, ADC_CHALL, is active when new data is ready from any of the channels in
the ADC conversion sequence.

12.2.10 ADC Registers

This section describes the ADC registers.

ADCL (0xBA) – ADC Data, Low

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 ADC[5:0] 0000 00 R Least-significant part of ADC conversion result
1:0 – 00 R0 Reserved. Always read as 0

ADCH (0xBB) – ADC Data, High

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 ADC[13:6] 0x00 R Most-significant part of ADC conversion result

ADCCON1 (0xB4) – ADC Control 1

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 EOC 0 R/H0 End of conversion. Cleared when ADCH has been read. If a new conversion is completed
before the previous data has been read, the EOC bit remains high.
0: Conversion not complete
1: Conversion completed
6 ST 0 R/W1/ Start conversion. Read as 1 until conversion has completed
0: No conversion in progress
1: Start a conversion sequence if ADCCON1.STSEL = 11 and no sequence is running.
5:4 STSEL[1:0] 11 R/W Start select. Selects the event that starts a new conversion sequence
00: External trigger on P2.0 pin
01: Full speed. Do not wait for triggers
10: Timer 1 channel 0 compare event
11: ADCCON1.ST = 1
3:2 – 00 R/W Controls the 16-bit random-number generator. See ADCCON1 (0xB4) – ADC Control 1
description in Section 14.3.
1:0 – 11 R/W Reserved. Always set to 11

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ADCCON2 (0xB5) – ADC Control 2
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 SREF[1:0] 00 R/W Selects reference voltage used for the sequence of conversions
00: Internal reference
01: External reference on AIN7 pin
10: AVDD5 pin
11: External reference on AIN6–AIN7 differential input
5:4 SDIV[1:0] 01 R/W Sets the decimation rate for channels included in the sequence of conversions. The decimation
rate also determines the resolution and time required to complete a conversion.
00: 64 decimation rate (7 bits ENOB setting)
01: 128 decimation rate (9 bits ENOB setting)
10: 256 decimation rate (10 bits ENOB setting)
11: 512 decimation rate (12 bits ENOB setting)
3:0 SCH[3:0] 0000 R/W Sequence channel select. Selects the end of the sequence. A sequence can either be from AIN0
to AIN7 (SCH ≤ 7) or from differential input AIN0–AIN1 to AIN6–AIN7 (8 ≤ SCH ≤ 11). For other
settings, only one conversion is performed.
When read, these bits indicate the channel number on which a conversion is ongoing.
0000: AIN0
0001: AIN1
0010: AIN2
0011: AIN3
0100: AIN4
0101: AIN5
0110: AIN6
0111: AIN7
1000: AIN0–AIN1
1001: AIN2–AIN3
1010: AIN4–AIN5
1011: AIN6–AIN7
1100: GND
1101: Reserved
1110: Temperature sensor
1111: VDD / 3

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ADCCON3 (0xB6) – ADC Control 3

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 EREF[1:0] 00 R/W Selects reference voltage used for the extra conversion
00: Internal reference
01: External reference on AIN7 pin
10: AVDD5 pin
11: External reference on AIN6–AIN7 differential input
5:4 EDIV[1:0] 00 R/W Sets the decimation rate used for the extra conversion. The decimation rate also determines the
resolution and the time required to complete the conversion.
00: 64 decimation rate (7 bits ENOB)
01: 128 decimation rate (9 bits ENOB)
10: 256 decimation rate (10 bits ENOB)
11: 512 decimation rate (12 bits ENOB)
3:0 ECH[3:0] 0000 R/W Single channel select. Selects the channel number of the single conversion that is triggered by
writing to ADCCON3.
0000: AIN0
0001: AIN1
0010: AIN2
0011: AIN3
0100: AIN4
0101: AIN5
0110: AIN6
0111: AIN7
1000: AIN0–AIN1
1001: AIN2–AIN3
1010: AIN4–AIN5
1011: AIN6–AIN7
1100: GND
1101: Reserved
1110: Temperature sensor
1111: VDD / 3

TR0 (0x624B) – Test Register 0

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 000 R0 Reserved. Write as 0.
0 ADCTM 0 R/W Set to 1 to connect the temperature sensor to the SOC_ADC. See also ATEST register description
to enable the temperature sensor in Section 23.15.3 (CC253x) or Section 24.1 (CC2540) or
Section 25.12.3 (CC2541).

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Chapter 13
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Battery Monitor

The battery monitor (in the CC2533 only) enables simple voltage monitoring in the devices that do not
include an ADC. It is designed such that it is accurate in the voltage areas around 2 V, with lower
resolution at higher voltages. The registers BATTMON and MONMUX are used to access and control the
functionality of the battery monitor.
The battery monitor can also be used to do simple temperature monitoring by connecting it to the chip
internal temperature sensor instead of the supply voltage. The input is controlled using the MONMUX

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

13.1 Functionality and Usage of the Battery Monitor.................................................... 140

13.2 Using the Battery Monitor for Temperature Monitoring ......................................... 140
13.3 Battery Monitor Registers ................................................................................. 141

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13.1 Functionality and Usage of the Battery Monitor

The battery monitor makes it possible to check whether the supply voltage (AVDD5) is above or below a
certain programmable level. Its usage is controlled by the BATTMON register in the following manner:
BATTMON_VOLTAGE is used to set the trigger point for the battery monitor. Note the fact that the step size
is different for different voltage ranges (see the register description in Section 13.3 for details). This is
done to achieve good accuracy in the voltage areas around 2 V, with lower resolution at higher voltages.
BATTMON_PD is used to enable or disable the battery monitor.
After enabling the battery monitor by setting BATTMON_PD = 0 and waiting for at least 2 µs, the value of
BATTMON_OUT indicates whether the voltage is above or below the trigger point (set by

NOTE: One should turn the battery monitor off (BATTMON_PD = 1) after reading the measurement
BATTMON_OUT in order to save power, as the battery monitor consumes power when
enabled ( = 0).

Recommended usage of the battery monitor can be summarized in the following way:
1. Set BATTMON_VOLTAGE to the value to be monitored.
2. Enable the battery monitor by setting BATTMON_PD =
3. Wait for at least 2 µs.
4. Read the BATTMON_OUT result to see whether the voltage level is above or below the value set in
5. Disable the battery monitor (BATTMON_PD = 1) to avoid unnecessary current consumption.

13.2 Using the Battery Monitor for Temperature Monitoring

The battery monitor can also be used to do some simple temperature monitoring. When the battery
monitor is connected to the internal temperature sensor instead of the supply voltage AVDD5 (see the
description of MONMUX in Section 13.3), it can indicate whether the temperature is above or below a
certain level. This is done by comparing the voltage coming from the temperature sensor to the voltage
trigger point of the battery monitor. The controls for this measurement are the same as for the normal use
of the battery monitor (see the description of BATTMON in Section 13.3).
It is important to understand that due to the nature of the battery monitor (optimized for voltages around
2 V) and the output voltage range of the temperature sensor, there are only about 8 temperature trigger
values in the temperature range of –40°C to 125°C (see Table 13-1). As a result, the battery monitor gives
only a rough indication of the temperature range, but this is useful for doing temperature compensation on
analog components in a system. See the data sheet of the device (Appendix C) for details of performance

Table 13-1. Values Showing How Different

Temperatures Relate to BATTMON_VOLTAGE for a
Typical Device
–40°C 22
–26°C 21
–11°C 20
7°C 19
25°C 18
47°C 17
70°C 16
97°C 15
128°C 14

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The temperature sensor is inversely proportional to BATTMON_VOLTAGE. The temperature (in °C)
corresponding to a given BATTMON_VOLTAGE is given by:
Temp = -B
Assuming BATTMON_VOLTAGE < 27, and only valid for –40°C < Temp < 125°C, A and B for a typical
device are given in Table 13-2.

Table 13-2. Values for A and B (for a Typical Device)

When Using the Battery monitor for Temperature
Constant Typ
A 6470
B 334

Note that A should be relatively constant for all devices, but B is not. Information that can be used to
calculate B for a given chip is included in the chip's information page (see Section 2.2.3 for information
about the information page).
Find the BATTMON_VOLTAGE setting that tells whether the temperature is above or below 75°C.
BATTMON_VOLTAGE<4:0> = = 15.82
75 + 334 (2)
The closest setting is 16, which corresponds to approximately 70°C (see Table 13-1). By writing 16 to
BATTMON_VOLTAGE, an output of BATTMON_OUT = 1 tells that the temperature is above 70°C, whereas
BATTMON_OUT = 0 tells that it is below 70°C.

13.3 Battery Monitor Registers

This section describes the battery monitor registers.

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BATTMON (0x6264) – Battery Monitor

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Always read 0
6 BATTMON_OUT 0 R Result from the battery monitor.
1: Voltage is above value set in BATTMON_VOLTAGE.
0: Voltage is below the value set in BATTMON_VOLTAGE.
Note that the value of BATTMON_OUT is undefined except when BATTMON_PD is 0 and has
been 0 for 2 µs.
5:1 BATTMON_VOLTAGE 11 R/W Controls the trigger point for the battery monitor. The step size is 24 mV for the first 23 settings,
100 and then 169 mV (unless temperature-sense mode is enabled; see Section 13.2 for details).
Range to be used: 3–31
3: 1.93 V
4: 1.93 V + (4 – 3) × 0.024 V = 1.954 V
5: 1.93 V + (5 – 3) × 0.024 V = 1.978 V
6: 1.93 V + (6 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.002 V
7: 1.93 V + (7 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.026 V
8: 1.93 V + (8 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.050 V
9: 1.93 V + (9 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.074 V
10: 1.93 V + (10 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.098 V
11: 1.93 V + (11 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.122 V
12: 1.93 V + (12 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.146 V
13: 1.93 V + (13 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.170 V
14: 1.93 V + (14 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.194 V
15: 1.93 V + (15 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.218 V
16: 1.93 V + (16 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.242 V
17: 1.93 V + (17 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.266 V
18: 1.93 V + (18 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.290 V
19: 1.93 V + (19 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.314 V
20: 1.93 V + (20 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.338 V
21: 1.93 V + (21 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.362 V
22: 1.93 V + (22 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.386 V
23: 1.93 V + (23 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.410 V
24: 1.93 V + (24 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.434 V
25: 1.93 V + (25 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.458 V
26: 1.93 V + (26 – 3) × 0.024 V = 2.482 V
27: 2.482 V + (27 – 26) × 0.169 V = 2.651 V
28: 2.482 V + (28 – 26) × 0.169 V = 2.820 V
29: 2.482 V + (29 – 26) × 0.169 V = 2.989 V
30: 2.482 V + (30 – 26) × 0.169 V = 3.158 V
31: 2.48 2V + (31 – 26) × 0.169 V = 3.327 V
0 BATTMON_PD 1 R/W Turns on the battery monitor. Wait at least 2 µs before reading BATTMON_OUT.
0: Enable the battery monitor.
1: Disable the battery monitor.
One should turn the battery monitor off (BATTMON_PD = 1) after reading out the measurement
BATTMON_OUT in order to save power, as the battery monitor consumes power when enabled

MONMUX (0x61A6) – Monitor MUX

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – – – Reserved
0 BATTMON_INPUT 0 R/W Determines the input to the battery monitor:
0: Supply voltage (AVDD5)
1: Voltage from the temperature sensor, which must be enabled using the
ATEST.ATEST_CTRL register; described in Section 23.15.3

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Chapter 14
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Random-Number Generator

This chapter provides information about the random-number generator and its usage.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

14.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 144

14.2 Random-Number-Generator Operation ................................................................ 144
14.3 Random-Number-Generator Registers ................................................................ 145

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14.1 Introduction
The random-number generator has the following features.
• Generates pseudorandom bytes which can be read by the CPU or used directly by the command
strobe processor (see Section 23.14)
• Calculates CRC16 of bytes that are written to RNDH
• Seeded by value written to RNDL
The random-number generator is a 16-bit linear-feedback shift register (LFSR) with polynomial X16 + X15 +
X2 + 1 (that is, CRC16). It uses different levels of unrolling depending on the operation it performs. The
basic version (no unrolling) is shown in Figure 14-1.
The random-number generator is turned off when ADCCON1.RCTRL = 11.

15 + 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 + 1 0

in_bit +

Figure 14-1. Basic Structure of the Random-Number Generator

14.2 Random-Number-Generator Operation

The operation of the random-number generator is controlled by the ADCCON1.RCTRL bits (see also
Section 14.3). The current value of the 16-bit shift register in the LFSR can be read from the RNDH and
RNDL registers.

14.2.1 Pseudorandom Sequence Generation

The default operation (ADCCON1.RCTRL is 00) is to clock the LFSR once (13× unrolling; where clocking
with 13× unrolling means performing an operation equivalent to doing 13 shifts with feedback) each time
the command strobe processor (Section 23.14) reads the random value. This leads to the availability of a
fresh pseudorandom byte from the LSB end of the LFSR.
Another way to update the LFSR is to set ADCCON1.RCTRL to 01. This clocks the LFSR once (13×
unrolling), and the ADCCON1.RCTRL bits are automatically cleared when the operation has completed.

14.2.2 Seeding
The LFSR can be seeded by writing to the RNDL register twice. Each time the RNDL register is written, the
8 LSBs of the LFSR are copied to the 8 MSBs and the 8 LSBs are replaced with the new data byte that
was written to RNDL.
For the CC253x, when a random value is required, the LFSR should be seeded by writing RNDL with
random bits from the IF_ADC in the RF receive path. To use this seeding method, the radio must first be
powered on. The radio should be placed in the infinite RX state to avoid possible sync detect in the RX
state. The random bits from the IF_ADC are read from the least-significant bit position of the RF register
RFRND. These bits should be concatenated over time to form the bytes needed for the random-number-
generator seed. See Section 23.12 for a description of the randomness of these numbers. Note that this
cannot be done while the radio is in use for normal tasks.
Note that a seed value of 0x0000 or 0x8003 always leads to an unchanged value in the LFSR after
clocking, as no values are pushed in via in_bit (see Figure 14-1); hence, neither of these seed values
should be used for random-number generation.

14.2.3 CRC16
The LFSR can also be used to calculate the CRC value of a sequence of bytes. Writing to the RNDH
register triggers a CRC calculation. The new byte is processed from the MSB end and an 8× unrolling is
used, so that a new byte can be written to RNDH every clock cycle.

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Note that the LFSR must be properly seeded by writing to RNDL before the CRC calculations start.
Usually, the seed value for CRC calculations should be 0x0000 or 0xFFFF.

14.3 Random-Number-Generator Registers

This section describes the random-number-generator registers.

RNDL (0xBC) – Random-Number-Generator Data, Low Byte

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RNDL[7:0] 0xFF R/W Random value, random seed, or CRC result, low byte
When used for random-number generation, writing to this register twice seeds the random-
number generator. Writing to this register copies the 8 LSBs of the LFSR to the 8 MSBs and
replaces the 8 LSBs with the data value written.
The value returned when reading from this register is the 8 LSBs of the LFSR.
When used for random-number generation, reading this register returns the 8 LSBs of the
random number. When used for CRC calculations, reading this register returns the 8 LSBs of the
CRC result.

RNDH (0xBD) – Random-Number-Generator Data, High Byte

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RNDH[7:0] 0xFF R/W Random value, CRC result, or input data, high byte
When written, a CRC16 calculation is triggered, and the data value written is processed starting
with the MSB.
The value returned when reading from this register is the 8 MSBs of the LFSR.
When used for random-number generation, reading this register returns the 8 MSBs of the
random number. When used for CRC calculations, reading this register returns the 8 MSBs of the
CRC result.

ADCCON1 (0xB4) – ADC Control 1 (see also Section 12.2.10)

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 – 0011 – For CC2533, these bits are reserved. For the other devices, see the ADCCON1 (0xB4) –
ADC Control 1 description in Section 12.2.10.
3:2 RCTRL[1:0] 00 R/W Controls the 16-bit random-number generator (Chapter 14). When 01 is written, the setting
automatically returns to 00 when the operation has completed.
00: Normal operation. (13× unrolling)
01: Clock the LFSR once (13× unrolling)
10: Reserved
11: Stopped. Random-number generator is turned off.
1:0 – 11 R/W Reserved. Always set to 11

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Chapter 15
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

AES Coprocessor

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) coprocessor allows encryption or decryption to be performed
with minimal CPU usage.
The coprocessor has the following features:
• Supports all security suites in IEEE 802.15.4
• ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, and CBC-MAC modes
• Hardware support for CCM mode
• 128-bit key and IV/nonce
• DMA transfer trigger capability

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

15.1 AES Operation ................................................................................................. 147

15.2 Key and IV ....................................................................................................... 147
15.3 Padding of Input Data ....................................................................................... 147
15.4 Interface to CPU ............................................................................................... 147
15.5 Modes of Operation .......................................................................................... 147
15.6 CBC-MAC ........................................................................................................ 147
15.7 CCM Mode ....................................................................................................... 148
15.8 AES Interrupts.................................................................................................. 150
15.9 AES DMA Triggers ............................................................................................ 150
15.10 AES Registers................................................................................................. 150

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15.1 AES Operation

To encrypt a message, the following procedure must be followed (ECB, CBC):
• Load key
• Load initialization vector (IV)
• Download and upload data for encryption or decryption.
The AES coprocessor works on blocks of 128 bits. A block of data is loaded into the coprocessor,
encryption is performed, and the result must be read out before the next block can be processed. Before
each block is loaded, a dedicated start command must be sent to the coprocessor.

15.2 Key and IV

Before a key or IV/nonce load starts, an appropriate load key or IV/nonce command must be issued to the
coprocessor. When loading the IV, it is important also to set the correct mode.
A key load or IV load operation aborts any processing that could be running. The key, once loaded, stays
valid until a key reload takes place.
The IV must be downloaded before the beginning of each message (not each block).
Both the key and IV values are cleared by a reset of the device and when PM2 or PM3 is entered.

15.3 Padding of Input Data

The AES coprocessor works on blocks of 128 bits. If the last block contains less than 128 bits, it must be
padded with zeros when written to the coprocessor.

15.4 Interface to CPU

The CPU communicates with the coprocessor using three SFR registers:
• ENCCS, encryption control and status register
• ENCDI, encryption input register
• ENCDO, encryption output register
Read or write to the status register is done directly by the CPU, whereas access to the input/output
registers should be performed using direct memory access (DMA).
When using DMA with the AES coprocessor, two DMA channels must be used, one for input data and one
for output data. The DMA channels must be initialized before a start command is written to ENCCS. Writing
a start command generates a DMA trigger, and the transfer is started. After each block is processed, an
interrupt is generated. The interrupt is used to issue a new start command to ENCCS.

15.5 Modes of Operation

When using CFB, OFB, or CTR mode, the 128-bit blocks are divided into four 32-bit blocks. The 32 bits
are loaded into the AES coprocessor, and the resulting 32 bits are read out. This continues until all 128
bits have been encrypted. The only time one must consider this is if data is loaded or read directly using
the CPU. When using DMA, this is handled automatically by the DMA triggers generated by the AES
coprocessor; thus, DMA is preferred.
Both encryption and decryption are performed similarly.
The CBC-MAC mode is a variant of the CBC mode. See Section 15.6 for an explanation.
CCM is a combination of CBC-MAC and CTR. Parts of the CCM must therefore be done in software. The
following section gives a short explanation of the necessary steps to be done.

15.6 CBC-MAC
When performing CBC-MAC encryption, data is downloaded to the coprocessor in CBC-MAC mode one
block at a time, except for the last block. Before the last block is loaded, the mode is changed to CBC.
The last block is downloaded and the block uploaded is the message MAC.

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CBC-MAC decryption is similar to encryption. The message MAC uploaded must be compared with the
MAC to be verified.

15.7 CCM Mode

To encrypt a message in CCM mode, the following sequence can be conducted (key is already loaded):
Message Authentication Phase
This phase takes place during the following steps 1–6.
1. The software loads the IV with zeros.
2. The software creates block B0. The layout of block B0 is shown in Figure 15-1.

Name Designation
B0 First Block for Authentication in CCM Mode
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Name Flag Nonce L_M
Figure 15-1. Message Authentication Phase Block B0
There is no restriction on the nonce value. L_M is the message length in bytes.
For 802.15.4, nonce is 13 bytes and L_M is 2 bytes.
The content of the authentication flag byte is described in Figure 15-2.
L is set to 6 in this example. So, L – 1 is set to 5. M and A_Data can be set to any value.

Name Designation
FLAG-B0 Authentication Flag Field for CCM mode
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Name Reserved A_Data (M – 2) / 2 L–1
Value 0 x x x x 1 0 1
Figure 15-2. Authentication Flag Byte
3. If some additional authentication data (denoted a, following) is needed (that is, A_Data = 1), the
software creates the A_Data length field, called L(a) by:
• (a) If l(a) = 0, (that is, A_Data = 0), then L(a) is the empty string. Note that l(a) is the length of a in
• (b) If 0 < l(a) < 216 – 28, then L(a) is the 2-octet encoding of l(a).
The additional authentication data is appended to the A_Data length field L(a). The additional
authentication blocks are padded with zeros until the last additional authentication block is full. There is
no restriction on the length of a.
AUTH-DATA = L(a) + Authentication Data + (zero padding)
4. The last block of the message is padded with zeros until full (that is, if its length is not an integral
multiple of 128 bits).
5. The software concatenates block B0, the additional authentication blocks if any, and the message;
Input message = B0 + AUTH-DATA + Message + (zero padding of message)
6. Once the input message authentication by CBC-MAC is finished, the software leaves the uploaded
buffer contents unchanged (M = 16), or keeps only the higher-M bytes of the buffer unchanged, while
setting the lower bits to 0 (M != 16).
The result is called T.
Message Encryption
7. The software creates the key stream block A0. Note that L = 6, with the current example of the CTR
generation. The content is shown in Figure 15-3.
Note that when encrypting authentication data T to generate U in OFB mode, the CTR value must be
zero. When encrypting message blocks using CTR mode, the CTR value must be any value but zero.
The content of the encryption-flag byte is described in Figure 15-4.

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Name Designation
A0 First CTR Value for CCM Mode
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Name Flag Nonce CTR
Figure 15-3. Message Encryption Phase Block

Name Designation
FLAG-A0 Encryption Flag Field for CCM Mode
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Name Reserved — L–1
Value 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Figure 15-4. Encryption Flag Byte
8. The software loads A0 by selecting a Load IV/nonce command. To do so, it sets the mode to CFB or
OFB at the same time it selects the Load IV/nonce command.
9. The software calls a CFB or an OFB encryption on the authenticated data T. The uploaded buffer
contents stay unchanged (M = 16), or only its first M bytes stay unchanged, the others being set to 0
(M – 16). The result is U, which is used later.
10. The software calls a CTR-mode encryption immediately on the still-padded message blocks. It must
reload the IV when the CTR value is any value but zero.
11. The encrypted authentication data U is appended to the encrypted message. This gives the final
result, C.
Result C = encrypted message(m) + U

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Message Decryption
CCM Mode Decryption
In the coprocessor, the automatic generation of CTR works on 32 bits; therefore, the maximum length of a
message is 128 × 232 bits, that is 236 bytes, which can be written in a 6-bit word. So, the value L is set to 6.
To decrypt a CCM-mode processed message, the following sequence can be conducted (key is already
Message Parsing Phase
1. The software parses the message by separating the M rightmost octets, namely U, and the other
octets, namely string C.
2. C is padded with zeros until it can fill an integral number of 128-bit blocks.
3. U is padded with zeros until it can fill a 128-bit block.
4. The software creates the key stream block A0. It is done the same way as for CCM encryption.
5. The software loads A0 by selecting a Load IV/nonce command. To do so, it sets the mode to CFB or
OFB at the same time as it selects the IV load.
6. The software calls a CFB or an OFB encryption on the encrypted authenticated data U. The uploaded
buffer contents stay unchanged (M = 16), or only its first M bytes stay unchanged, the others being set
to 0 (M != 16). The result is T.
7. The software calls a CTR-mode decryption immediately on the encrypted message blocks C.
Reloading the IV/CTR is not necessary.
Reference Authentication Tag Generation
This phase is identical to the authentication phase of CCM encryption. The only difference is that the
result is named MACTag (instead of T).
Message Authentication Checking Phase
The software compares T with MACTag.

15.8 AES Interrupts

The AES interrupt, ENC, is produced when encryption or decryption of a block is completed. The interrupt
enable bit is IEN0.ENCIE, and the interrupt flag is S0CON.ENCIF.

15.9 AES DMA Triggers

Two DMA triggers are associated with the AES coprocessor. These are ENC_DW, which is active when
input data must be downloaded to the ENCDI register, and ENC_UP, which is active when output data
must be uploaded from the ENCDO register.
The ENCDI and ENCDO registers should be set as destination and source locations for DMA channels
used to transfer data to or from the AES coprocessor.

15.10 AES Registers

The AES coprocessor registers have the layout shown in this section.
The registers return to their reset value when the chip enters PM2 or PM3.

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ENCCS (0xB3) – Encryption Control and Status
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved, always read as 0
6:4 MODE[2:0] 000 R/W Encryption/decryption mode
000: CBC
001: CFB
010: OFB
011: CTR
100: ECB
101: CBC MAC
110: Reserved
111: Reserved
3 RDY 1 R Encryption or decryption ready status
0: Encryption or decryption in progress
1: Encryption or decryption is completed.
2:1 CMD[1:0] 0 R/W Command to be performed when a 1 is written to ST
00: Encrypt block
01: Decrypt block
10: Load key
11: Load IV/nonce
0 ST 0 R/W1 Start processing command set by CMD. Must be issued for each command or 128-bit block of data.
H0 Cleared by hardware.

ENCDI (0xB1) – Encryption Input Data

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DIN[7:0] 0x00 R/W Encryption input data

ENCDO (0xB2) – Encryption Output Data

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DOUT[7:0] 0x00 R/W Encryption output data

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Chapter 16
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Watchdog Timer

The Watchdog Timer (WDT) is intended as a recovery method in situations where the CPU may be
subjected to a software upset. The WDT resets the system when software fails to clear the WDT within
the selected time interval. The watchdog can be used in applications that are subject to electrical noise,
power glitches, electrostatic discharge, and so forth, or where high reliability is required. If the watchdog
function is not needed in an application, it is possible to configure the Watchdog Timer to be used as an
interval timer that can be used to generate interrupts at selected time intervals.
The features of the Watchdog Timer are as follows:
• Four selectable timer intervals
• Watchdog mode
• Timer mode
• Interrupt request generation in timer mode
The WDT is configured as either a Watchdog Timer or as a timer for general-purpose use. The operation
of the WDT module is controlled by the WDCTL register. The Watchdog Timer consists of a 15-bit counter
clocked by the 32-kHz clock source. Note that the contents of the 15-bit counter are not user-accessible.
The contents of the 15-bit counter are retained during all power modes, and the Watchdog Timer
continues counting when entering active mode again.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

16.1 Watchdog Mode ............................................................................................... 153

16.2 Timer Mode ...................................................................................................... 153
16.3 Watchdog Timer Register .................................................................................. 153

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16.1 Watchdog Mode

The WDT is disabled after a system reset. To start the WDT in watchdog mode, the WDCTL.MODE[1:0]
bits must be set to 10. The Watchdog Timer counter then starts incrementing from 0. When the timer is
enabled in watchdog mode, it is not possible to disable the timer. Therefore, writing 00 or 01 to
WDCTL.MODE[1:0] has no effect if the WDT is already operating in Watchdog mode.
The WDT operates with a Watchdog Timer clock frequency of 32.768 kHz (when the 32-kHz XOSC is
used). This clock frequency gives time-out periods equal to 1.9 ms, 15.625 ms, 0.25 s, and 1 s,
corresponding to the count value settings 64, 512, 8192, and 32,768, respectively.
If the counter reaches the selected timer interval value, the Watchdog Timer generates a reset signal for
the system. If a watchdog clear sequence is performed before the counter reaches the selected timer
interval value, the counter is reset to 0 and continues incrementing its value. The watchdog clear
sequence consists of writing 0xA to WDCTL.CLR[3:0], followed by writing 0x5 to the same register bits
within one watchdog clock period. If this complete sequence is not performed before the end of the
watchdog period, the Watchdog Timer generates a reset signal for the system.
When the WDT has been enabled in watchdog mode, it is not possible to change the mode by writing to
the WDCTL.MODE[1:0] bits, and the timer interval value cannot be changed.
In watchdog mode, the WDT does not produce interrupt requests.

16.2 Timer Mode

To start the WDT in timer mode, the WDCTL.MODE[1:0] bits must be set to 11. The timer is started and
the counter starts incrementing from 0. When the counter reaches the selected interval value, the timer
produces an interrupt request (IRCON2.WDTIF or IEN2.WDTIE). When the counter reaches the selected
interval value, the timer produces an interrupt request, using IRCON2.WDTIF as the interrupt flag and
IEN2.WDTIE as the interrupt mask.
In timer mode, it is possible to clear the timer contents by writing a 1 to WDCTL.CLR[0]. When the timer
is cleared, the content of the counter is set to 0. Writing 00 to WDCTL.MODE[1:0] stops the timer and
clears it to 0.
The timer interval is set by the WDCTL.INT[1:0] bits. The interval cannot be changed during timer
operation, and should be set when the timer is started. In timer mode, a reset is not produced when the
timer interval has been reached.
Note that if the watchdog mode is selected, the timer mode cannot be selected before the chip is reset.

16.3 Watchdog Timer Register

This section describes the register, WDCTL, for the Watchdog Timer.

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WDCTL (0xC9) – Watchdog Timer Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 CLR[3:0] 0000 R0/W Clear timer. In watchdog mode, when 0xA followed by 0x5 is written to these bits, the timer is
cleared (that is, loaded with 0). Note that the timer is only cleared when 0x5 is written within one
watchdog clock period after 0xA was written. Writing these bits when the Watchdog Timer is IDLE
has no effect. When operating in timer mode, the timer can be cleared to 0x0000 (but not stopped)
by writing 1 to CLR[0] (the other 3 bits are don't care).
3:2 MODE[1:0] 00 R/W Mode select. These bits are used to start the WDT in watchdog mode or timer mode. Setting these
bits to IDLE stops the timer when in timer mode. Note: to switch to watchdog mode when operating
in timer mode, first stop the WDT - then start the WDT in Watchdog mode. When operating in
Watchdog mode, writing these bits has no effect.
00: IDLE
01: Reserved
10: Watchdog mode
11: Timer mode
1:0 INT[1:0] 00 R/W Timer interval select. These bits select the timer interval, which is defined as a given number of 32-
kHz oscillator periods. Note that the interval can only be changed when the WDT is IDLE, so the
interval must be set at the same time as the timer is started.
00: Clock period × 32,768 (approximately 1 s) when running the 32-kHz XOSC
01: Clock period × 8192 (approximately 0.25 s)
10: Clock period × 512 (approximately 15.625 ms)
11: Clock period × 64 (approximately 1.9 ms)
For CC253x and CC2540, when clock division is enabled through CLKCONCMD.CLKSPD, the
length of the watchdog timer interval is reduced by a factor equal to the current oscillator clock
frequency divided by the set clock speed. For example, if the 32-MHz crystal is selected and the
clock speed is set to 4 MHz, then the watchdog timeout is reduced by a factor of 32 MHz / 4 MHz =
8. If the watchdog interval set by WDCTL.INT was 1 s, nominally it is 1 / 8 s with this clock division
factor. For CC2541, the watchdog timer interval is independent of the clock division rate.

154 Watchdog Timer SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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Chapter 17
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USART 0 and USART 1 are serial communications interfaces that can be operated separately in either
asynchronous UART mode or in synchronous SPI mode. The two USARTs have identical functions, and
are assigned to separate I/O pins. See Section 7.6 for I/O configuration.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

17.1 UART Mode...................................................................................................... 156

17.2 SPI Mode ......................................................................................................... 157
17.3 SSN Slave-Select Pin ........................................................................................ 158
17.4 Baud-Rate Generation ....................................................................................... 158
17.5 USART Flushing ............................................................................................... 159
17.6 USART Interrupts ............................................................................................. 159
17.7 USART DMA Triggers ........................................................................................ 159
17.8 USART Registers .............................................................................................. 159

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17.1 UART Mode

For asynchronous serial interfaces, the UART mode is provided. In the UART mode, the interface uses a
two-wire or four-wire interface consisting of the pins RXD and TXD, and optionally RTS and CTS. The
UART mode of operation includes the following features:
• 8 or 9 payload bits
• Odd, even, or no parity
• Configurable start- and stop-bit levels
• Configurable LSB- or MSB-first transfer
• Independent receive and transmit interrupts
• Independent receive and transmit DMA triggers
• Parity and framing error status
The UART mode provides full-duplex asynchronous transfers, and the synchronization of bits in the
receiver does not interfere with the transmit function. A UART byte transfer consists of a start bit, eight
data bits, an optional ninth data or parity bit, and one or two stop bits. Note that the data transferred is
referred to as a byte, although the data can actually consist of eight or nine bits.
The UART operation is controlled by the USART control and status registers, UxCSR, and the UART
control registers, UxUCR, where x is the USART number, 0 or 1.
The UART mode is selected when UxCSR.MODE is set to 1.

17.1.1 UART Transmit

A UART transmission is initiated when the USART receive- and transmit-data buffers, UxDBUF, are
written. The byte is transmitted on the TXDx output pins. The UxDBUF registers are double-buffered.
The UxCSR.ACTIVE bit goes high when the byte transmission starts and low when it ends. When the
transmission ends, the UxCSR.TX_BYTE bit is set to 1. An interrupt request is generated when the
UxDBUF register is ready to accept new transmit data. This happens immediately after the transmission
has been started; hence, a new data byte value can be loaded into the data buffer while the byte is being

17.1.2 UART Receive

Data reception on the UART is initiated when a 1 is written to the UxCSR.RE bit. The UART then searches
for a valid start bit on the RXDx input pin and sets the UxCSR.ACTIVE bit high. When a valid start bit has
been detected, the received byte is shifted into the receive register. The UxCSR.RX_BYTE bit is set and a
receive interrupt is generated when the operation has completed. At the same time, UxCSR.ACTIVE goes
The received data byte is available through the UxDBUF register. When UxDBUF is read, UxCSR.RX_BYTE
is cleared by hardware.

NOTE: When the application has read UxDBUF, it is important that it does not clear
UxCSR.RX_BYTE. Clearing UxCSR.RX_BYTE implicitly makes the UART believe that the
UART RX shift register is empty, even though it might hold pending data (typically due to
back-to-back transmission). Consequently, the UART asserts (TTL low) the RT/RTS line,
which allows flow into the UART, leading to potential overflow. Hence, the
UxCSR.RX_BYTE flag integrates closely with the automatic RT/RTS function and must
therefore be controlled solely by the SoC UART itself. Otherwise, the application could
typically experience that the RT/RTS line remains asserted (TTL low), even though a back-
to-back transmission clearly suggests it ought to intermittently pause the flow.

17.1.3 UART Hardware Flow Control

Hardware flow control is enabled when the UxUCR.FLOW bit is set to 1. The RTS output is driven low when
the receive register is empty and reception is enabled. Transmission of a byte does not occur before the
CTS input goes low.
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17.1.4 UART Character Format

If the BIT9 and PARITY bits in register UxUCR are set high, parity generation and detection is enabled.
The parity is computed and transmitted as the ninth bit, and during reception, the parity is computed and
compared to the received ninth bit. If there is a parity error, the UxCSR.ERR bit is set high. This bit is
cleared when UxCSR is read.
The number of stop bits to be transmitted is set to one or two bits, as determined by the register bit
UxUCR.SPB. The receiver always checks for one stop bit. If the first stop bit received during reception is
not at the expected stop bit level, a framing error is signaled by setting register bit UxCSR.FE high.
UxCSR.FE is cleared when UxCSR is read. The receiver checks both stop bits when UxUCR.SPB is set.
Note that the RX interrupt is set when the first stop bit is checked OK. If second stop bit is not OK, there is
a delay in setting the framing error bit, UxCSR.FE. This delay is baud-rate dependent (bit duration).

17.2 SPI Mode

This section describes the SPI mode of operation for synchronous communication. In SPI mode, the
USART communicates with an external system through a three-wire or four-wire interface. The interface
consists of the pins MOSI, MISO, SCK, and SS_N. See Section 7.6 for a description of how the USART
pins are assigned to the I/O pins.
The SPI mode includes the following features:
• Three-wire (master) and four-wire SPI interface
• Master and slave modes
• Configurable SCK polarity and phase
• Configurable LSB- or MSB-first transfer
The SPI mode is selected when UxCSR.MODE is set to 0.
In SPI mode, the USART can be configured to operate either as a SPI master or as a SPI slave by writing
the UxCSR.SLAVE bit.

17.2.1 SPI Master Operation

A SPI byte transfer in master mode is initiated when the UxDBUF register is written. The USART generates
the SCK serial clock using the baud-rate generator (see Section 17.4) and shifts the provided byte from
the transmit register onto the MOSI output. At the same time, the receive register shifts in the received
byte from the MISO input pin.
The UxCSR.ACTIVE bit goes high when the transfer starts and low when the transfer ends. When the
transfer ends, the UxCSR.TX_BYTE bit is set to 1.
The polarity and clock phase of the serial clock SCK is selected by UxGCR.CPOL and UxGCR.CPHA. The
order of the byte transfer is selected by the UxGCR.ORDER bit.
At the end of the transfer, the received data byte is available for reading from the UxDBUF. A receive
interrupt is generated when this new data is ready in the UxDBUF USART receive- and transmit-data
A transmit interrupt is generated when the unit is ready to accept another data byte for transmission.
Because UxDBUF is double-buffered, this happens just after the transmission has been initiated. Note that
data should not be written to UxDBUF until UxCSR.TX_BYTE is 1. For DMA transfers, this is handled
automatically. For back-to-back transmits using DMA, the UxGCR.CPHA bit must be set to zero; if not,
transmitted bytes can become corrupted. For systems requiring setting of UxGCR.CPHA, polling
UxCSR.TX_BYTE is needed.
Also, note the difference between transmit interrupt and receive interrupt, as the former arrives
approximately eight bit-periods prior to the latter.
SPI master-mode operation as described previously is a three-wire interface. No select input is used to
enable the master. If the external slave requires a slave-select signal, this can be implemented through
software using a general-purpose I/O pin.

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17.2.2 SPI Slave Operation

A SPI byte transfer in slave mode is controlled by the external system. The data on the MOSI input is
shifted into the receive register controlled by the serial clock, SCK, which is an input in slave mode. At the
same time, the byte in the transmit register is shifted out onto the MISO output.
The UxCSR.ACTIVE bit goes high when the transfer starts and low when the transfer ends. Then the
UxCSR.RX_BYTE bit is set and a receive interrupt is generated.
The expected polarity and clock phase of SCK is selected by UxGCR.CPOL and UxGCR.CPHA. The
expected order of the byte transfer is selected by the UxGCR.ORDER bit.
At the end of the transfer, the received data byte is available for reading from UxDBUF.
The transmit interrupt is generated at the start of the operation.

17.3 SSN Slave-Select Pin

When the USART is operating in SPI mode, configured as a SPI slave, a four-wire interface is used with
the slave-select (SSN) pin as an input to the SPI. When SSN is low, the SPI slave is active, receives data
on the MOSI input, and outputs data on the MISO output. When SSN is high, the SPI slave is inactive and
does not receive data. The MISO output is in the high-impedance state when SSN is high. Also note that
the release of SSN (SSN going high) must be aligned to the end of the byte received or sent. If released
during a byte, the next received byte is not received properly, as information about the previous byte is
present in the SPI system. A USART flush can be used to remove this information.
In SPI master mode, the SSN pin is not used. When the USART operates as a SPI master and a slave-
select signal is required by an external SPI slave device, then a general-purpose I/O pin should be used to
implement the slave-select signal function in software.

17.4 Baud-Rate Generation

An internal baud-rate generator sets the UART baud rate when operating in UART mode and the SPI
master clock frequency when operating in SPI mode.
The UxBAUD.BAUD_M[7:0] and UxGCR.BAUD_E[4:0] registers define the baud rate used for UART
transfers and the rate of the serial clock for SPI transfers. The baud rate is given by the following
(256 + BAUD _ M) ´ 2BAUD _ E
Baud Rate = ´f
228 (3)
where f is the system clock frequency, 16 MHz for the RCOSC or 32 MHz for the XOSC.
The register values required for standard baud rates are shown in Table 17-1 for a typical system clock
set to 32 MHz. The table also gives the difference in actual baud rate to standard baud rate value as a
percentage error.
The maximum baud rate for the UART mode is f / 16 when BAUD_E is 16 and BAUD_M is 0, and where f is
the system clock frequency.
See the device data sheet for the maximum baud rate in SPI mode.
Note that the baud rate must be set through the UxBAUD and UxGCR registers before any other UART or
SPI operations take place. If the baud rate is changed while in UART mode, it may take up to one bit
period of the old baud rate before the change takes effect.

Table 17-1. Commonly Used Baud-Rate Settings for 32 MHz System Clock
Baud Rate (bps) UxBAUD.BAUD_M UxGCR.BAUD_E Error (%)
2400 59 6 0.14
4800 59 7 0.14
9600 59 8 0.14
14,400 216 8 0.03
19,200 59 9 0.14

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Table 17-1. Commonly Used Baud-Rate Settings for 32 MHz System

Clock (continued)
Baud Rate (bps) UxBAUD.BAUD_M UxGCR.BAUD_E Error (%)
28,800 216 9 0.03
38,400 59 10 0.14
57,600 216 10 0.03
76,800 59 11 0.14
115,200 216 11 0.03
230,400 216 12 0.03

17.5 USART Flushing

The current operation can be aborted by setting the UxUCR.FLUSH register bit. This event stops the
current operation and clears all data buffers. Note that when setting the flush bit during the TX or RX of a
bit, the flushing does not take place until TX or RX of this bit has ended (buffers are cleared immediately,
but timers keeping knowledge of bit duration are not). Thus, using the flush bit should either be aligned
with USART interrupts or use a wait time of one bit duration at the current baud rate before updated data
or configuration can be received by the USART.

17.6 USART Interrupts

Each USART has two interrupts. These are the RX complete interrupt (URXx) and the TX interrupt
(UTXx). The TX interrupt is triggered when transmission starts and the data buffer is offloaded.
The USART interrupt enable bits are found in the IEN0 and IEN2 registers. The interrupt flags are located
in the TCON and IRCON2 registers. See Section 2.5 for details of these registers. The interrupt enables
and flags are summarized as follows.
Interrupt enables:
Interrupt flags:

17.7 USART DMA Triggers

There are two DMA triggers associated with each USART. The DMA triggers are activated by RX
complete and TX complete events, that is, the same events as the USART interrupt requests. A DMA
channel can be configured using a USART receive-and-transmit buffer, UxDBUF, as source or destination
See Table 8-1 for an overview of the DMA triggers.

17.8 USART Registers

The registers for the USART are described in this section. For each USART, there are five registers
consisting of the following (x refers to the USART number, that is, 0 or 1):
• UxCSR, USART x control and status
• UxUCR, USART x UART control

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• UxGCR, USART x generic control

• UxDBUF, USART x receive- and transmit-data buffer
• UxBAUD, USART x baud-rate control

U0CSR (0x86) – USART 0 Control and Status

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 MODE 0 R/W USART mode select
0: SPI mode
1: UART mode
6 RE 0 R/W UART receiver enable. Note: Do not enable receive before UART is fully configured.
0: Receiver disabled
1: Receiver enabled
5 SLAVE 0 R/W SPI master or slave mode select
0: SPI master
1: SPI slave
4 FE 0 R/W0 UART framing error status. This bit is automatically cleared on a read of the U0CSR register or bits
in the U0CSR register.
0: No framing error detected
1: Byte received with incorrect stop-bit level
3 ERR 0 R/W0 UART parity error status. This bit is automatically cleared on a read of the U0CSR register or bits in
the U0CSR register.
0: No parity error detected
1: Byte received with parity error
2 RX_BYTE 0 R/W0 Receive byte status. UART mode and SPI slave mode. This bit is automatically cleared when
reading U0DBUF; clearing this bit by writing 0 to it effectively discards the data in U0DBUF.
0: No byte received
1: Received byte ready
1 TX_BYTE 0 R/W0 Transmit byte status. UART mode and SPI master mode
0: Byte not transmitted
1: Last byte written to data-buffer register has been transmitted
0 ACTIVE 0 R USART transmit or receive active status. In SPI slave mode, this bit equals slave select.
0: USART idle
1: USART busy in transmit or receive mode

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U0UCR (0xC4) – USART 0 UART Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 FLUSH 0 R0/W1 Flush unit. When set, this event stops the current operation and returns the unit to the idle state.
6 FLOW 0 R/W UART hardware flow enable. Selects use of hardware flow control with RTS and CTS pins
0: Flow control disabled
1: Flow control enabled
5 D9 0 R/W If parity is enabled (see PARITY, bit 3 in this register), then this bit sets the parity level as follows:
0: Odd parity
1: Even parity
4 BIT9 0 R/W Set this bit to 1 in order to enable the parity bit transfer (as 9th bit). The content of this 9th bit is
given by D9, if parity is enabled by PARITY.
0: 8-bit transfer
1: 9-bit transfer
3 PARITY 0 R/W UART parity enable. One must set BIT9 in addition to setting this bit for parity to be calculated.
0: Parity disabled
1: Parity enabled
2 SPB 0 R/W UART number of stop bits. Selects the number of stop bits to transmit
0: 1 stop bit
1: 2 stop bits
1 STOP 1 R/W UART stop-bit level must be different from the start-bit level
0: Low stop bit
1: High stop bit
0 START 0 R/W UART start-bit level. Ensure that the polarity of the start bit is opposite the level of the idle line.
0: Low start bit
1: High start bit

U0GCR (0xC5) – USART 0 Generic Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 CPOL 0 R/W SPI clock polarity
0: Negative clock polarity
1: Positive clock polarity
6 CPHA 0 R/W SPI clock phase
0: Data is output on MOSI when SCK goes from CPOL inverted to CPOL, and data input
is sampled on MISO when SCK goes from CPOL to CPOL inverted.
1: Data is output on MOSI when SCK goes from CPOL to CPOL inverted, and data input
is sampled on MISO when SCK goes from CPOL inverted to CPOL.
5 ORDER 0 R/W Bit order for transfers
0: LSB first
1: MSB first
4:0 BAUD_E[4:0] 0 0000 R/W Baud rate exponent value. BAUD_E along with BAUD_M determines the UART baud rate and
the SPI master SCK clock frequency.

U0DBUF (0xC1) – USART 0 Receive- and Transmit-Data Buffer

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DATA[7:0] 0x00 R/W USART receive and transmit data. When writing this register, the data written is written to the
internal transmit-data register. When reading this register, the data from the internal read-data
register is read.

U0BAUD (0xC2) – USART 0 Baud-Rate Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 BAUD_M[7:0] 0x00 R/W Baud-rate mantissa value. BAUD_E along with BAUD_M decides the UART baud rate and the
SPI master SCK clock frequency.

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U1CSR (0xF8) – USART 1 Control and Status

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 MODE 0 R/W USART mode select
0: SPI mode
1: UART mode
6 RE 0 R/W UART receiver enable. Note: Do not enable receive before UART is fully configured.
0: Receiver disabled
1: Receiver enabled
5 SLAVE 0 R/W SPI master- or slave-mode select
0: SPI master
1: SPI slave
4 FE 0 R/W0 UART framing error status. This bit is automatically cleared on a read of the U1CSR register or bits
in the U1CSR register.
0: No framing error detected
1: Byte received with incorrect stop-bit level
3 ERR 0 R/W0 UART parity error status. This bit is automatically cleared on a read of the U1CSR register or bits in
the U1CSR register.
0: No parity error detected
1: Byte received with parity error
2 RX_BYTE 0 R/W0 Receive byte status. UART mode and SPI slave mode. This bit is automatically cleared when
reading U1DBUF; clearing this bit by writing 0 to it effectively discards the data in U1DBUF.
0: No byte received
1: Received byte ready
1 TX_BYTE 0 R/W0 Transmit byte status. UART mode and SPI master mode
0: Byte not transmitted
1: Last byte written to data buffer register has been transmitted
0 ACTIVE 0 R USART transmit or receive active status. In SPI slave mode, this bit equals slave select.
0: USART idle
1: USART busy in transmit or receive mode

U1UCR (0xFB) – USART 1 UART Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 FLUSH 0 R0/W1 Flush unit. When set, this event stops the current operation and returns the unit to the idle state.
6 FLOW 0 R/W UART hardware flow enable. Selects use of hardware flow control with RTS and CTS pins
0: Flow control disabled
1: Flow control enabled
5 D9 0 R/W If parity is enabled (see PARITY, bit 3 in this register), then this bit sets the parity level as follows.
0: Odd parity
1: Even parity
4 BIT9 0 R/W Set this bit to 1 in order to enable the parity bit tranfer (as 9th bit). The content of this 9th bit is given
by D9, if parity is enabled by PARITY.
0: 8-bit transfer
1: 9-bit transfer
3 PARITY 0 R/W UART parity enable. One must set BIT9 in addition to setting this bit for parity to be calculated.
0: Parity disabled
1: Parity enabled
2 SPB 0 R/W UART number of stop bits. Selects the number of stop bits to transmit
0: 1 stop bit
1: 2 stop bits
1 STOP 1 R/W UART stop-bit level must be different from start-bit level.
0: Low stop bit
1: High stop bit
0 START 0 R/W UART start-bit level. Ensure that the polarity of the start bit is opposite the level of the idle line.
0: Low start bit
1: High start bit

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U1GCR (0xFC) – USART 1 Generic Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 CPOL 0 R/W SPI clock polarity
0: Negative clock polarity
1: Positive clock polarity
6 CPHA 0 R/W SPI clock phase
0: Data is output on MOSI when SCK goes from CPOL inverted to CPOL, and data input
is sampled on MISO when SCK goes from CPOL to CPOL inverted.
1: Data is output on MOSI when SCK goes from CPOL to CPOL inverted, and data input
is sampled on MISO when SCK goes from CPOL inverted to CPOL.
5 ORDER 0 R/W Bit order for transfers
0: LSB first
1: MSB first
4:0 BAUD_E[4:0] 0 0000 R/W Baud rate exponent value. BAUD_E along with BAUD_M determines the UART baud rate
and the SPI master SCK clock frequency.

U1DBUF (0xF9) – USART 1 Receive- and Transmit-Data Buffer

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DATA[7:0] 0x00 R/W USART receive and transmit data. When writing this register, the data written is written to the
internal transmit-data register. When reading this register, the data from the internal read-data
register is read.

U1BAUD (0xFA) – USART 1 Baud-Rate Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 BAUD_M[7:0] 0x00 R/W Baud rate mantissa value. BAUD_E along with BAUD_M determines the UART baud rate and
the SPI master SCK clock frequency.

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Chapter 18
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Operational Amplifier

The operational amplifier (in the CC2530, CC2531, and CC2540) has the following features:
• Low offset
• Ideal for use in combination with the onboard ADC in sensor applications

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

18.1 Description ...................................................................................................... 165

18.2 Calibration ....................................................................................................... 165
18.3 Clock Source ................................................................................................... 165
18.4 Registers ......................................................................................................... 165

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18.1 Description
The operational amplifier is connected to the I/O pins as follows:
• The positive input pin is connected to P0_0.
• The negative input pin is connected to P0_1.
• The output is connected to P0_2.
The pins used by the operational amplifier must be configured as analog pins, by setting bits APCFG[2:0]
to 1. The OPAMPC.EN bit is used to enable or disable the operational amplifier. When power mode PM2 or
PM3 is entered, the operational amplifier is shut down automatically and must be restarted when entering
PM0 again.

18.2 Calibration
The operational amplifier must be calibrated. A calibration is started by writing 1 to OPAMPC.CAL. During
calibration, OPAMPS.CAL_BUSY is 1. A new calibration is not accepted before OPAMPS.CAL_BUSY goes
low. Every time after enabling the operational amplifier, calibration must be performed.

18.3 Clock Source

The operational amplifier uses a divided version of the system clock. The division factor depends on which
clock source is used, 16-MHz RCOSC or XOSC. While the operational amplifier is enabled, the clock
source should not be changed.

18.4 Registers
This section describes the registers for the operational amplifier.

OPAMPMC (CC2530, CC2531: 0x61A6. CC2540: 0x61AD) – Operational Amplifier Mode Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 – 0000 00 R/W Reserved. Always write 0000 00.
1:0 MODE 00 R/W Operational amplifier mode
00 and 01: Non-chop mode – Higher offset (approximately 500 µV), but no
chopper ripple. Use in conjunction with Mode 10 if offset cancellation is
required. Offset for these two modes is the opposite of the offset seen in Mode
10: Non-chop mode – Higher offset (approximately 500 µV), but no chopper
ripple. Use in conjunction with Mode 00 or Mode 01 to double sample and
correct for the offset by averaging the two samples.
11: Chop mode – Very low offset (approximately 50 µV), and very low noise (1
/ f noise shifted to 1 MHz due to chopping), and 1 MHz ripple

OPAMPC (0x62C0) – Operational Amplifier Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 – 0000 00 R0 Reserved
1 CAL 0 W1/R0 Start calibration. Calibration only starts if OPAMPC.EN is 1.
0 EN 0 R/W Operational amplifier enable

OPAMPS (0x62C1) – Operational Amplifier Status

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 000 R0 Reserved
0 CAL_BUSY 0 R Calibration in progress

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Chapter 19
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Analog Comparator

The analog comparator (in the CC2530, CC2531, CC240 and CC2541) has the following features:
• Low-power operation
• Wake-up source

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

19.1 Description ...................................................................................................... 167

19.2 Register........................................................................................................... 167

166 Analog Comparator SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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19.1 Description
The analog comparator is connected to the I/O pins as follows:
• The positive input pin is connected to P0_5.
• The negative input pin is connected to P0_4.
• The output can be read from CMPCTL.OUTPUT.
The comparator pins must be configured as analog pins by setting bits APCFG[5:4] to 1. The
CMPCTL.EN bit is used to enable or disable the comparator. The output from the comparator is connected
internally to the edge detector that controls P0IFG[5]. This makes it possible to associate an I/O interrupt
with a rising or falling edge on the comparator output. When enabled, the comparator remains active while
in power mode 2 or 3. Thus, it is possible to wake up from power mode 2 or 3 on a rising or falling edge
on the comparator output.


Pad I/O Driver



Edge Detector
for P0_5

Pad I/O Driver


Figure 19-1. Analog Comparator

19.2 Register
This section describes the registers for the analog comparator.

CMPCTL (0x62D0) – Analog Comparator Control and Status

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 – 0000 00 R0 Reserved
1 EN 0 R/W Comparator enable
0 OUTPUT 0 R Comparator output

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Chapter 20
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I 2C

The I2C module (in the CC2533 and CC2541) provides an interface between the device and I2C-
compatible devices connected by the two-wire I2C serial bus. External components attached to the I2C bus
serially transmit and/or receive serial data to or from the I2C module through the two-wire I2C interface.
The I2C module features include:
• Compliance with the I2C specification v2.1 (published by NXP)
• 7-bit device addressing modes
• General call
• Multi-master transmitter and receiver modes
• Slave receiver and transmitter modes
• Standard mode up to 100-kbps and fast mode up to 400-kbps support
Figure 20-1 shows the block diagram of the I2C module.
On the CC2533 and CC2541, the I2C module is connected to pins 2 and 3 on the chip and uses the P2
interrupt to the CPU. Pins 2 and 3 can alternatively be controlled as two GPIO pins if they are not used by
the I2C module.
The I2C pins cannot be used to wake the device from PM2 or PM3. To wake up on activity on the I2C, the
I2C bus must be connected to a normal GPIO in parallel.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

20.1 Operation ........................................................................................................ 169

20.2 I2C Registers .................................................................................................... 178

168 I2C SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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Address register (I2CADDR)

Address comparator

Data shift register (I2CDATA) ACK SDA


Arbitration and synchronization logic

Serial clock generator SCL

Control Interrupt P2
Control register (I2CCFG)
logic interrupt

Status register (I2CSTAT)

Figure 20-1. Block Diagram of the I2C Module

20.1 Operation
The I2C module supports any slave or master I2C-compatible device. Figure 20-2 shows an example of an
I2C bus. Each I2C device is recognized by a unique address and can operate as either a transmitter or a
receiver. A device connected to the I2C bus can be considered as the master or the slave when
performing data transfers. A master initiates a data transfer and generates the clock signal, SCL. Any
device addressed by a master is considered a slave.
I2C data is communicated using the serial data (SDA) pin and the serial clock (SCL) pin. Both SDA and
SCL are bidirectional and must be connected to a positive supply voltage using a pullup resistor.

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CC2541 Device A

Serial Data (SDA)

Serial Clock (SCL)

Device B Device C

Figure 20-2. I2C Bus Connection Diagram

20.1.1 I2C Initialization and Reset

The I2C module is enabled by setting the I2CCFG.ENS1 bit. It is then in the not-addressed slave state.
The I2C configuration and state is not retained in power modes PM2 and PM3. It must be reconfigured
after coming out of sleep mode.
The I2C module is not reset when disabled, and retains its internal state until the next time I2CCFG.ENS1
is set.

20.1.2 I2C Serial Data

One clock pulse is generated by the master device for each data bit transferred. The I2C module operates
with byte data. Data is transferred MSB first as shown in Figure 20-3.
The first byte after a START condition consists of a 7-bit slave address and the R/W bit. When R/W = 0,
the master transmits data to a slave. When R/W = 1, the master receives data from a slave. The ACK bit
is sent from the receiver after each byte on the ninth SCL clock.

MSB Acknowledgement Acknowledgement
Signal From Receiver Signal From Receiver
START 1 2 7 8 9 1 2 8 9 STOP
Condition (S) R/W ACK ACK Condition (P)

Figure 20-3. I2C Module Data Transfer

START and STOP conditions are generated by the master and are shown in Figure 20-3. A START
condition is a high-to-low transition on the SDA line while SCL is high. A STOP condition is a low-to-high
transition on the SDA line while SCL is high.
Data on SDA must be stable during the high period of SCL (see Figure 20-4). The state of SDA can only
change when SCL is low, otherwise a START or STOP condition is generated.

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Data Line
Stable Data


Change of Data Allowed

Figure 20-4. Bit Transfer on I2C Bus

20.1.3 I2C Addressing Modes

The I2C module supports 7-bit addressing mode. 7-Bit Addressing

In the 7-bit addressing format (see Figure 20-5), the first byte is the 7-bit slave address and the R/W bit.
The ACK bit is sent from the receiver after each byte.
1 7 1 1 8 1 8 1 1

S Slave Address R/W ACK Data ACK Data ACK P

Figure 20-5. I2C Module 7-Bit Addressing Format Repeated Start Conditions

The direction of data flow on SDA can be changed by the master, without first stopping a transfer, by
issuing a repeated START condition. This is called a RESTART. After a RESTART is issued, the slave
address is again sent out with the new data direction specified by the R/W bit. The RESTART condition is
shown in Figure 20-6.
1 7 1 1 8 1 1 7 1 1 8 1 1

S Slave Address R/W ACK Data ACK S Slave Address R/W ACK Data ACK P
1 Any 1 Any Number

Figure 20-6. I2C Module Addressing Format With Repeated START Condition

20.1.4 I2C Module Operating Modes

The I2C module can operate in master transmitter, master receiver, slave transmitter, or slave receiver
mode. The modes are discussed in the following sections. Slave Mode

Initially, the I2C module is configured in receiver mode by setting the I2CCFG.ENS1 bit to receive the I2C
address. Afterwards, transmit and receive operations are controlled automatically, depending on the R/W
bit received, together with the slave address.
The I2C slave address is programmed with the I2CADDR.ADDR bits. The value of the I2CADDR.GC bit
determines whether the slave responds to a general call.

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When a START condition is detected on the bus, the I2C module receives the transmitted address and
compares it against its own address stored in I2CADDR.ADDR. If the compare is successful, an interrupt is
generated and the I2CCFG.SI bit is set. The same is done for a general call address match if the
I2CADDR.GC bit is set. I2C Slave Transmitter Mode

Slave transmitter mode is entered when the slave address transmitted by the master is identical to the
address of this device with a set R/W bit. The slave transmitter shifts the serial data out on SDA with the
clock pulses that are generated by the master device. The slave device does not generate the clock, but it
does hold SCL low. A CPU intervention is required after a byte has been transmitted by the slave device.
If the master requests data from the slave, the I2C module is automatically configured as a transmitter, and
I2CCFG.SI is set. The SCL line is held low until the first data to be sent is written into the data buffer,
I2CDATA. Then the address is acknowledged and the data is transmitted. After the data is acknowledged
by the master, the bus is stalled during the acknowledge cycle by holding SCL low until new data is written
into I2CDATA. If the master sends a NACK, the I2C module returns to the not-addressed slave state.
Table 20-1 provides more details regarding the slave transmitter operation.

Table 20-1. Slave Transmitter Mode

Status Application Software Response
Code Status of the
To or From To I2CCFG Next Action Taken by I2C Hardware
(Value of I2C
0xA8 Own SLA+R Load data byte X 0 0 0 Last data byte is transmitted and ACK is received.
has been
or X 0 0 1 Data byte is transmitted; ACK is received.
received; ACK
load data byte
has been
0xB0 Arbitration lost Load data byte X 0 0 0 Last data byte is transmitted and ACK is received.
in SLA+R/W as
or X 0 0 1 Data byte is transmitted; ACK is received.
master; own
load data byte
SLA+R has
been received;
ACK has been
0xB8 Data byte has Load data byte X 0 0 0 Last data byte is transmitted and ACK is received
or X 0 0 1 Data byte is transmitted; ACK is received.
load data byte
ACK has been
0xC0 Data byte has No action 0 0 0 0 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; no
been recognition of own SLA or general call address
or 0 0 0 1 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; own SLA or
not-ACK has
no action general-call address is recognized.
been received.
or 1 0 0 0 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; no
no action recognition of own SLA or general call address;
START condition is transmitted when the bus
becomes free.
or 1 0 0 1 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; own SLA or
no action general-call address is recognized; START
condition is transmitted when the bus becomes

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Table 20-1. Slave Transmitter Mode (continued)

Status Application Software Response
Code Status of the
To or From To I2CCFG Next Action Taken by I2C Hardware
(Value of I2C
0xC8 Last data byte No action 0 0 0 0 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; no
has been recognition of own SLA or general-call address
or 0 0 0 1 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; own SLA or
ACK has been
no action general call address is recognized.
or 1 0 0 0 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; no
no action recognition of own SLA or general call address;
START condition is transmitted when the bus
becomes free.
or 1 0 0 1 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; own SLA or
no action general call address is recognized; START
condition is transmitted when the bus becomes
free. I2C Slave Receiver Mode

Slave receiver mode is entered when the slave address transmitted by the master is identical to its own
address and a cleared R/W bit is received. In slave receiver mode, serial data bits received on SDA are
shifted in with the clock pulses that are generated by the master device. The slave device does not
generate the clock, but it can hold SCL low if intervention of the CPU is required after a byte has been
If the slave interrupt is triggered from the master, the I2C module is automatically configured as a receiver
and I2CCFG.SI is set. After the first data byte is received, the interrupt flag I2CCFG.SI is set again. The
I2C module automatically acknowledges the received data.
While the I2CCFG.SI flag is set, the bus is stalled by holding SCL low.
When the master generates a STOP condition, the I2CCFG.STO flag is set.
If the master generates a repeated START condition, the I2C state machine returns to its address
reception state.
Table 20-2 provides more details regarding slave receiver operation.

Table 20-2. Slave Receiver Mode

Status Application Software Response
Code Status of the
To or From To I2CCFG Next Action Taken by I2C Hardware
(Value of I2C
0x60 Own SLA+W No action X 0 0 0 Data byte is received and not-ACK is returned
has been
or X 0 0 1 Data byte is received and ACK is returned.
received; ACK
no action
has been
0x68 Arbitration lost No action X 0 0 0 Data byte is received and not-ACK is returned.
in SLA+R/W as
or X 0 0 1 Data byte is received and ACK is returned.
master; own
no action
SLA+W has
been received,
ACK returned.
0x70 General-call No action X 0 0 0 Data byte is received and not-ACK is returned.
address (0x00)
or X 0 0 1 Data byte is received and ACK is returned.
has been
no action
received; ACK
has been

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Table 20-2. Slave Receiver Mode (continued)

Status Application Software Response
Code Status of the
To or From To I2CCFG Next Action Taken by I2C Hardware
(Value of I2C
0x78 Arbitration lost No action X 0 0 0 Data byte is received and not-ACK is returned.
in SLA+R/W as
or X 0 0 1 Data byte is received and ACK is returned.
no action
address has
been received,
ACK returned.
0x80 Previously Read data byte X 0 0 0 Data byte is received and not-ACK is returned.
addressed with
or X 0 0 1 Data byte is received and ACK is returned.
own SLV
read data byte
address; DATA
has been
received, ACK
0x88 Previously Read data byte 0 0 0 0 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; no
addressed with recognition of own SLA or general-call address
own SLA;
or 0 0 0 1 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; own SLA or
DATA byte has
read data byte general call address is recognized.
been received,
not-ACK or 1 0 0 0 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; no
returned. read data byte recognition of own SLA or general-call address;
START condition is transmitted when the bus
becomes free.
or 1 0 0 1 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; own SLA or
read data byte general-call address is recognized; START
condition is transmitted when the bus becomes
0x90 Previously Read data byte X 0 0 0 Data byte is received and not-ACK is returned.
addressed with
or X 0 0 1 Data byte is received and ACK is returned.
read data byte
address; DATA
has been
received, ACK
0x98 Previously Read data byte 0 0 0 0 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; no
addressed with recognition of own SLA or general-call address
own SLA;
or 0 0 0 1 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; own SLA or
DATA byte has
read data byte general-call address is recognized.
been received,
not-ACK or 1 0 0 0 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; no
returned. read data byte recognition of own SLA or general-call address;
START condition is transmitted when the bus
becomes free.
or 1 0 0 1 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; own SLA or
read data byte general-call address is recognized; START
condition is transmitted when the bus becomes
0xA0 A STOP No action 0 0 0 0 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; no
condition or recognition of own SLA or general-call address
or 0 0 0 1 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; own SLA or
no action general-call address is recognized.
condition has
been received or 1 0 0 0 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; no
while still no action recognition of own SLA or general-call address;
addressed as START condition is transmitted when the bus
SLV-REC or becomes free.
SLV-TRX. or 1 0 0 1 Switched to not-addressed SLV mode; own SLA or
no action general-call address is recognized; START
condition is transmitted when the bus becomes

174 I2C SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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The I2C module is configured as an I2C master by setting the I2CCFG.ENS1 and I2CCFG.STA bits. When
the master is part of a multi-master system, its own address must be programmed into the
I2CADDR.ADDR register. The value of the I2CADDR.GC bit determines whether the I2C module responds
to a general call. I2C Master Transmitter Mode

To enable master transmit mode, set the I2CCFG.ENS1 and I2CCFG.STA bits. The I2C module then
waits until the I2C bus is free. When the I2C bus is free, it generates a START condition, sends the slave
address, and transfers a transmit direction bit. It then generates an interrupt, and the first byte of data can
be written to the I2CDATA register. The I2C core sends I2CDATA content if arbitration is not lost, and then
generates another interrupt. The I2CSTAT register contains a value of 0x18 or 0x20, depending on the
received ACK bit (see Table 20-3). If a not-ACK is received from the slave, the master must react with
either a repeated START condition or a STOP condition. Setting I2CCFG.STA during transmission causes
a repeated START condition to be transmitted. Setting I2CCFG.STO during transmission causes a STOP
condition to be transmitted and the I2CCFG.STO bit to be reset.
Table 20-3 provides more details regarding the master transmitter operation.

Table 20-3. Master Transmitter Mode

Status Application Software Response
Code Status of the
To or From To I2CCFG Next Action Taken by I2C Hardware
(Value of I2C
0x08 A START Load SLA+W X 0 0 X SLA+W is transmitted.
condition has ACK is received.
0x10 A repeated Load SLA+W X 0 0 X Same as for START condition (0x08)
or X 0 0 X SLA+W is transmitted; I2C is switched to MST/REC
condition has
load SLA+R mode.
0x18 SLA+W has Load data byte 0 0 0 X Data byte is transmitted; ACK is received.
or 1 0 0 X Repeated START is transmitted.
no action
ACK has been
received. or 0 1 0 X STOP condition is transmitted; STO flag is reset.
no action
or 1 1 0 X STOP condition followed by a START condition is
no action transmitted; STO flag is reset.
0x20 SLA+W has Load data byte 0 0 0 X Data byte is transmitted; ACK is received.
or 1 0 0 X Repeated START is transmitted.
no action
not-ACK has
been received. or 0 1 0 X STOP condition is transmitted; STO flag is reset.
no action
or 1 1 0 X STOP condition followed by a START condition is
no action transmitted; STO flag is reset.
0x28 Data byte is Load data byte 0 0 0 X Data byte is transmitted; ACK is received.
or 1 0 0 X Repeated START is transmitted.
ACK is
no action
or 0 1 0 X STOP condition is transmitted; STO flag is reset.
no action
or 1 1 0 X STOP condition followed by a START condition is
no action transmitted; STO flag is reset.

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Table 20-3. Master Transmitter Mode (continued)

Status Application Software Response
Code Status of the
To or From To I2CCFG Next Action Taken by I2C Hardware
(Value of I2C
0x30 Data byte in Data byte 0 0 0 X Data byte is transmitted; ACK is received.
or 1 0 0 X Repeated START is transmitted.
no action
or 0 1 0 X STOP condition is transmitted; STO flag is reset.
no action
or 1 1 0 X STOP condition followed by a START condition is
no action transmitted; STO flag is reset.
0x38 Arbitration lost No action 0 0 0 X I2C bus is released; not-addressed slave is entered.
in SLA+R/W or
or 1 0 0 X A START condition is transmitted when the bus
data bytes
no action becomes free. I2C Master Receiver Mode

To enable master receive mode, set the I2CCFG.ENS1 and the I2CCFG.STA bits. The I2C module then
waits until the I2C bus is free. When the I2C bus is free, it generates a START condition, sends the slave
address, and transfers a receive direction bit. It then generates an interrupt, and the first byte is received.
Table 20-4 provides more details regarding the master receiver operation.

Table 20-4. Master Receiver Mode

Status Application Software Response
Code Status of the
To or From To I2CCFG Next Action Taken by I2C Hardware
(Value of I2C
0x08 A START Load SLA+R X 0 0 X SLA+R is transmitted.
condition has ACK is received.
0x10 A repeated Load SLA+R X 0 0 X As above
or X 0 0 X SLA+W is transmitted; I2C is switched to MST-TRX
condition has
load SLA+W mode.
0x38 Arbitration lost No action 0 0 0 X I2C bus is released; I2C enters slave mode.
in not-ACK bit.
or 1 0 0 X A start condition is transmitted when the bus
no action becomes free.
0x40 SLA+R has No action 0 0 0 0 Data byte is received; not-ACK is returned.
or 0 0 0 1 Data byte is received; ACK is returned.
no action
ACK has been
0x48 SLA+R has No action 1 0 0 X Repeated START condition is transmitted.
or 0 1 0 X STOP condition is transmitted; STO flag is reset.
no action
not-ACK has
been received. or 1 1 0 X STOP condition followed by a START condition is
no action transmitted; STO flag is reset.
0x50 Data byte has Read data byte 0 0 0 0 Data byte is received; not-ACK is returned.
been received;
or 0 0 0 1 Data byte is received; ACK is returned
ACK has been
read data byte
0x58 Data byte has Read data byte 1 0 0 X Repeated START condition is transmitted.
been received;
or 0 1 0 X STOP condition is transmitted; STO flag is reset.
not-ACK has
read data byte
been returned.
or 1 1 0 X STOP condition followed by a START condition is
read data byte transmitted; STO flag is reset.

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If two or more master transmitters simultaneously start a transmission on the bus, an arbitration procedure
is invoked. Figure 20-7 shows the arbitration procedure between two devices. The arbitration procedure
uses the data presented on SDA by the competing transmitters. The first master transmitter that generates
a logic high is overruled by the opposing master generating a logic low. The arbitration procedure gives
priority to the device that transmits the serial data stream with the lowest binary value. The master
transmitter that lost arbitration switches to the slave receiver mode. If two or more devices send identical
first bytes, arbitration continues on the subsequent bytes.

Bus Line
Device #1 Lost Arbitration
n and Switches Off
Data From
Device #1
0 0 0
Data From
Device #2
1 1 1
0 0 0
Bus Line
1 1 1
Figure 20-7. Arbitration Procedure Between Two Master Transmitters

20.1.5 I2C Clock Generation and Synchronization

The I2C clock SCL is provided by the master on the I2C bus. When the I2C module is in master mode, the
serial clock generator generates the SCL clock from the system clock. The serial clock generator is
switched off when the I2C module is in slave mode.
The frequency of the SCL is determined by the system clock frequency and the division factor given by
the I2CCFG.CRx bits. Example frequencies for a 32-MHz system clock are given in the I2CCFG register
During the arbitration procedure, the clocks from the different masters must be synchronized. A device
that first generates a low period on SCL overrules the other devices, forcing them to start their own low
periods. SCL is then held low by the device with the longest low period. The other devices must wait for
SCL to be released before starting their high periods. Figure 20-8 shows the clock synchronization. This
allows a slow slave to slow down a fast master.
Wait Start HIGH
State Period
SCL From
Device #1

SCL From
Device #2

Bus Line
Figure 20-8. Synchronization of Two I2C Clock Generators During Arbitration

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20.1.6 Bus Error

When an incorrect format of a frame is detected, a bus error condition is entered. The cause is that a
START or STOP condition was detected during transfer of an address, data, or an acknowledge bit. When
a bus error condition is entered, an interrupt is requested. The core leaves the bus error state when the
I2CCFG.STO flag is set and the interrupt request is cleared. It goes into the slave mode and the
I2CCFG.STO flag is automatically reset. The SDA and SCL lines are released (the STOP condition is not

Table 20-5. Miscellaneous States

Status Application Software Response
Code To I2CCFG
Status of the
(Value of To or From Next Action Taken by I2C Hardware
0x00 Bus error No action 0 1 0 X Only the internal hardware is affected in the MST or
during MST or addressed SLV modes. In all cases, the bus is
selected slave released and I2C is switched to the not-addressed
modes SLV mode. The STO flag is reset.

20.1.7 I2C Interrupt

The I2C module has an interrupt line to the CPU to signal that it requires service. The I2C module uses
interrupt number 6, which is also shared with Port 2 inputs; hence, the interrupt routine must also handle
Port 2 interrupts if they are enabled.
For an interrupt request to be generated, IEN2.P2IE must be set to 1. When an interrupt request has
been generated, the CPU starts executing the ISR if there are no higher-priority interrupts pending.
An interrupt is generated from the I2C module when one of the 26 out of 27 possible I2C component states
is entered. The only state that does not cause an interrupt to be generated is state 0xF8, which indicates
that no relevant state information is available. The corresponding I2CCFG.SI flag must be cleared by
software at the end of the ISR.

20.1.8 I2C Pins

The SCL and SDA pins of the I2C module are connected to pins 2 and 3, respectively, on the CC2533 and
CC2541. These pins are pulled up during reset to avoid floating pins. After reset, they are controlled by
the I2C module and use an internal pullup resistor of 20 kΩ to hold bus signals high. If these pins are not
to be used for I2C, they can be used as GPIO by setting the I2CWC.OVR bit. In this mode, pins 2 and 3
can be set up as outputs, as inputs with optional pullup, or as 4-mA drive-strength outputs like the other
GPIO pads on the device by using the configuration bits in I2CWC. Their values are read or controlled
using the I2CIO register. These pins cannot be configured to generate GPIO interrupts.

20.2 I2C Registers

This section describes all I2C registers used for control and status of the I2C module.
The registers return to their reset values when the chip enters PM2 or PM3.

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I2CCFG (0x6230) – I2C Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 CR2 0 R/W Clock rate bit 2
6 ENS1 0 R/W Enable bit
0: I2C module disabled
SCL and SDA are set to high-impedance inputs. The inputs are ignored by the I2C
Note that setting ENS1 = 0 disables the I2C module but does not reset its state.
1: I2C module enabled
5 STA 0 R/W START flag. When set, HW detects when I2C is free and generates a START condition.
4 STO 0 R/W1 STOP flag. When set and in master mode, a STOP condition is transmitted on the I2C bus.
HW is cleared when transmit has completed successfully.
3 SI 0 R/W0 Interrupt flag
2 AA 0 R/W Assert acknowledge flag for the I2C module.
When set (AA = 1), an acknowledge is returned when:
● Slave address is recognized
● General call is recognized, when the I2C module is enabled
● Data byte received while in master or slave receive mode
When not set (AA = 0), an acknowledge is returned when:
● Data byte is received while in master or slave receive mode
1 CR1 0 R/W Clock rate bit 1
0 CR0 0 R/W Clock rate bit 0

Table 20-6. Clock Rates Defined at 32 MHz

Bit Frequency
CR2 CR1 CR0 Clock Divided by
0 0 0 123 256
0 0 1 144 244
0 1 0 165 192
0 1 1 197 160
1 0 0 33 960
1 0 1 267 120
1 1 0 533 60
1 1 1 Reserved N/A

I2CSTAT (0x6231) – I2C Status

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 STAC 1111 1 R Status code. Contains the state of the I2C core. 27 states are defined: 0 to 25 and 31.
Interrupt is only requested when in states 0 to 25.
The value 0xF8 indicates that there is no relevant state information available and that
I2CCFG.SI = 0.
2:0 – 000 R0 Reserved

I2CDATA (0x6232) – I2C Data

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SD 0000 00 R/W Serial data in/out (MSB is bit 7, LSB is bit 0). Contains data byte to be transmitted or byte
00 which has just been received. Can be read or written while not in the process of shifting a
byte. The register is not shadowed or double buffered, so it should only be accessed on an

I2CADDR (0x6233) – I2C Own Slave Address

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 ADDR 0000 00 R/W Own slave address
0 GC 0 R/W General-call address acknowledge. If set, the general-call address is recognized.

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I2CWC (0x6234) – Wrapper Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 OVR 0 R/W Override enable:
0: I2C functionality (ignore other bits in this register)
1: GPIO functionality
6:4 – 000 R0 Reserved
3 SCLPUE 1 R/W SCL pin pullup enable
2 SDAPUE 1 R/W SDA pin pullup enable
1 SCLOE 0 R/W SCL pin output enable
0 SDAOE 0 R/W SDA pin output enable

I2CIO (0x6235) – GPIO

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 – 000 R0 Reserved
1 SCLD 0 R/W SCL data value
When I2CWC.SCLOE is set, reading SCLD reads the output register, not the pin. When
I2CWC.SCLOE is cleared, reading SCLD reads the pin. Writing SCLD writes to the output
0 SDAD 0 R/W SDA data value
When I2CWC.SDAOE is set, reading SDAD reads the output register, not the pin. When
I2CWC.SDAOE is cleared, reading SDAD reads the pin. Writing SDAD writes to the output

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Chapter 21
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

USB Controller

This section focuses on describing the functionality of the USB controller (in the CC2531 and CC2540
only), and it is assumed that the reader has a good understanding of USB and is familiar with the terms
and concepts used. See the Universal Serial Bus Specification for details ([8], Appendix C).
Standard USB nomenclature is used regarding IN and OUT. That is, IN is always into the host (PC) and
OUT is out of the host.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

21.1 USB Introduction .............................................................................................. 182

21.2 USB Enable...................................................................................................... 182
21.3 48-MHz USB PLL .............................................................................................. 182
21.4 USB Interrupts ................................................................................................. 183
21.5 Endpoint 0 ....................................................................................................... 183
21.6 Endpoint-0 Interrupts ........................................................................................ 183
21.7 Endpoints 1–5 .................................................................................................. 185
21.8 DMA ................................................................................................................ 189
21.9 USB Reset ....................................................................................................... 189
21.10 Suspend and Resume ...................................................................................... 189
21.11 Remote Wake-Up............................................................................................. 189
21.12 USB Registers ................................................................................................ 190

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21.1 USB Introduction

The USB controller monitors the USB for relevant activity and handles packet transfers.
Appropriate response to USB interrupts and loading or unloading of packets into or from endpoint FIFOs is
the responsibility of the firmware. The firmware must be able to reply correctly to all standard requests
from the USB host and work according to the protocol implemented in the driver on the PC.
The USB controller has the following features:
• Full-speed operation (up to 12 Mbps)
• Five endpoints (in addition to endpoint 0) that can be used as IN, OUT, or IN and OUT, and can be
configured as bulk and interrupt or isochronous.
• 1 KB SRAM FIFO available for storing USB packets
• Endpoints supporting packet sizes from 8–512 bytes
• Support for double buffering of USB packets
Figure 21-1 shows a block diagram of the USB controller. The USB PHY is the physical interface with
input and output drivers. The USB SIE is the serial-interface engine, which controls the packet transfer to
and from the endpoints. The USB controller is connected to the rest of the system through the memory

USB Controller






1 KB


Figure 21-1. USB Controller Block Diagram

21.2 USB Enable

The USB is enabled by setting USBCTRL.USB_EN to 1. Setting USBCTRL.USB_EN to 0 resets the USB

21.3 48-MHz USB PLL

The 48-MHz internal USB PLL must be powered up and stable for the USB controller to operate correctly.
It is important that the crystal oscillator is selected as source and is stable before the USB PLL is enabled.
The USB PLL is enabled by setting the USBCTRL.PLL_EN bit and waiting for the USBCTRL.PLL_LOCKED
status flag to go high. When the PLL has locked, it is safe to use the USB controller.
Note: The PLL must be disabled before exiting active mode and re-enabled after entering active mode.

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21.4 USB Interrupts

There are three interrupt flag registers with associated interrupt-enable mask registers.

Table 21-1. USB Interrupt Flags Interrupt-Enable Mask Registers

Associated Interrupt
Interrupt Flag Description
Enable Mask Register
USBCIF Contains flags for common USB interrupts USBCIE
USBIIF Contains interrupt flags for endpoint 0 and all the IN endpoints USBIIE
USBOIF Contains interrupt flags for all OUT endpoints USBOIE
Note: All interrupts except SOF and suspend are initially enabled after reset.

The USB controller uses interrupt number 6 for USB interrupts. This interrupt number is shared with Port 2
inputs; hence, the interrupt routine must also handle Port 2 interrupts if they are enabled. For an interrupt
request to be generated, IEN2.P2IE must be set to 1, together with the desired interrupt enable bits from
the USBCIE, USBIIE, and USBOIE registers. When an interrupt request has been generated, the CPU
starts executing the ISR if there are no higher-priority interrupts pending. The interrupt routine should read
all the interrupt flag registers and take action depending on the status of the flags. The interrupt flag
registers are cleared when they are read, and the status of the individual interrupt flags should therefore
be saved in memory (typically in a local variable on the stack) to allow them to be accessed multiple
At the end of the ISR, after the interrupt flags have been read, the interrupt flags should be cleared to
allow for new USB and P2 interrupts to be detected. The Port 2 interrupt status flags in the P2IFG register
should be cleared prior to clearing IRCON2.P2IF.
When waking up from suspend (typically in PM1), the USB D+ interrupt flag, P2IFG.DPIF, is set. The D+
interrupt flag indicates that there has been a falling edge on the D+ USB data pin. This is a resume event.

21.5 Endpoint 0
Endpoint 0 (EP0) is a bidirectional control endpoint, and during the enumeration phase all communication
is performed across this endpoint. Before the USBADDR register has been set to a value other than 0, the
USB controller is only able to communicate through endpoint 0. Setting the USBADDR register to a value
between 1 and 127 brings the USB function out of the default state in the enumeration phase and into the
address state. All configured endpoints are then available for the application.
The EP0 FIFO is only used as either IN or OUT, and double buffering is not provided for endpoint 0. The
maximum packet size for endpoint 0 is fixed at 32 bytes.
Endpoint 0 is controlled through the USBCS0 register by setting the USBINDEX register to 0. The USBCNT0
register contains the number of bytes received.

21.6 Endpoint-0 Interrupts

The following events may generate an EP0 interrupt request:
• A data packet has been received (USBCS0.OUTPKT_RDY = 1)
• A data packet that was loaded into the EP0 FIFO has been sent to the USB host.
(USBCS0.INPKT_RDY should be set to 1 when a new packet is ready to be transferred. This bit is
cleared by hardware when the data packet has been sent.)
• An IN transaction has been completed (the interrupt is generated during the status stage of the
• A STALL has been sent (USBCS0.SENT_STALL =
• A control transfer ends due to a premature end-of-control transfer (USBCS0.SETUP_END = 1)
Any of these events causes USBIIF.EP0IF to be asserted, regardless of the status of the EP0 interrupt
mask bit USBIIE.EP0IE. If the EP0 interrupt mask bit is set to 1, the CPU interrupt flag IRCON2.P2IF is
also asserted. An interrupt request is only generated if IEN2.P2IE and USBIIE.EP0IE are both set to 1.

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21.6.1 Error Conditions

When a protocol error occurs, the USB controller sends a STALL handshake. The USBCS0.SENT_STALL
bit is asserted, and an interrupt request is generated if the endpoint-0 interrupt is properly enabled. A
protocol error can be any of the following:
• An OUT token is received after USBCS0.DATA_END has been set to complete the OUT data stage (the
host tries to send more data than expected).
• An IN token is received after USBCS0.DATA_END has been set to complete the IN data stage (the host
tries to receive more data than expected).
• The USB host tries to send a packet that exceeds the maximum packet size during the OUT data
• The size of the DATA1 packet received during the status stage is not 0.
The firmware can also terminate the current transaction by setting the USBCS0.SEND_STALL bit to 1. The
USB controller then sends a STALL handshake in response to the next request from the USB host.
If an EP0 interrupt is caused by the assertion of the USBCS0.SENT_STALL bit, this bit should be de-
asserted, and firmware should consider the transfer as aborted (and consequently free the memory
buffers, and so forth).
If EP0 receives an unexpected token during the data stage, the USBCS0.SETUP_END bit is asserted, and
an EP0 interrupt is generated (if enabled properly). EP0 then switches to the IDLE state. Firmware should
then set the USBCS0.CLR_SETUP_END bit to 1 and abort the current transfer. If USBCS0.OUTPKT_RDY is
asserted, this indicates that another setup packet has been received that firmware should process.

21.6.2 SETUP Transactions (IDLE State)

The control transfer consists of two or three stages of transactions (setup – data – status or setup –
status). The first transaction is a setup transaction. A successful setup transaction comprises three
sequential packets (a token packet, a data packet, and a handshake packet), where the data field
(payload) of the data packet is exactly 8 bytes long and is referred to as the setup packet. In the setup
stage of a control transfer, EP0 is in the IDLE state. The USB controller rejects the data packet if the
setup packet is not 8 bytes. Also, the USB controller examines the contents of the setup packet to
determine whether or not there is a data stage in the control transfer. If there is a data stage, EP0
switches state to TX (IN transaction) or RX (OUT transaction) when the USBCS0.CLR_OUTPKT_RDY bit is
set to 1 (if USBCS0.DATA_END = 0).
When a packet is received, the USBCS0.OUTPKT_RDY bit is asserted and an interrupt request is
generated (EP0 interrupt) if the interrupt has been enabled. Firmware should perform the following when a
setup packet has been received:
1. Unload the setup packet from the EP0 FIFO
2. Examine the contents and perform the appropriate operations
3. Set the USBCS0.CLR_OUTPKT_RDY bit to 1. This denotes the end of the setup stage. If the control
transfer has no data stage, the USBCS0.DATA_END bit must also be set. If there is no data stage, the
USB controller stays in the IDLE state.

21.6.3 IN Transactions (TX State)

If the control transfer requires data to be sent to the host, the setup stage is followed by one or more IN
transactions in the data stage. In this case, the USB controller is in the TX state and only accepts IN
tokens. A successful IN transaction comprises two or three sequential packets (a token packet, a data
packet, and a handshake packet (1)). If more than 32 bytes (maximum packet size) is to be sent, the data
must be split into a number of 32-byte packets followed by a residual packet. If the number of bytes to
send is a multiple of 32, the residual packet is a zero-length data packet, because a packet size less than
32 bytes denotes the end of the transfer.

For isochronous transfers there would not be a handshake packet from the host.

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Firmware should load the EP0 FIFO with the first data packet and set the USBCS0.INPKT_RDY bit as
soon as possible after the USBCS0.CLR_OUTPKT_RDY bit has been set. The USBCS0.INPKT_RDY is
cleared and an EP0 interrupt is generated when the data packet has been sent. Firmware might then load
more data packets as necessary. An EP0 interrupt is generated for each packet sent. Firmware must set
USBCS0.DATA_END in addition to USBCS0.INPKT_RDY when the last data packet has been loaded. This
starts the status stage of the control transfer.
EP0 switches to the IDLE state when the status stage has completed. The status stage may fail if the
USBCS0.SEND_STALL bit is set to 1. The USBCS0.SENT_STALL bit is then asserted, and an EP0
interrupt is generated.
If USBCS0.INPKT_RDY is not set when receiving an IN token, the USB controller replies with a NAK to
indicate that the endpoint is working, but temporarily has no data to send.

21.6.4 OUT Transactions (RX State)

If the control transfer requires data to be received from the host, the setup stage is followed by one or
more OUT transactions in the data stage. In this case, the USB controller is in the RX state and only
accepts OUT tokens. A successful OUT transaction comprises two or three sequential packets (a token
packet, a data packet, and a handshake packet (2)). If more than 32 bytes (maximum packet size) is to be
received, the data must be split into a number of 32-byte packets followed by a residual packet. If the
number of bytes to receive is a multiple of 32, the residual packet is a zero-length data packet, because a
data packet with payload less than 32 bytes denotes the end of the transfer.
The USBCS0.OUTPKT_RDY bit is set and an EP0 interrupt is generated when a data packet has been
received. The firmware should set USBCS0.CLR_OUTPKT_RDY when the data packet has been unloaded
from the EP0 FIFO. When the last data packet has been received (packet size less than 32 bytes)
firmware should also set the USBCS0.DATA_END bit. This starts the status stage of the control transfer.
The size of the data packet is kept in the USBCNT0 registers. Note that this value is only valid when
EP0 switches to the IDLE state when the status stage has completed. The status stage may fail if the
DATA1 packet received is not a zero-length data packet or if the USBCS0.SEND_STALL bit is set to 1. The
USBCS0.SENT_STALL bit then is asserted and an EP0 interrupt is generated.

21.7 Endpoints 1–5

Each endpoint can be used as an IN only, an OUT only, or IN/OUT. For an IN and OUT endpoint, there
are basically two endpoints, an IN endpoint and an OUT endpoint associated with the endpoint number.
Configuration and control of IN endpoints is performed through the USBCSIL and USBCSIH registers. The
USBCSOL and USBCSOH registers are used to configure and control OUT endpoints. Each IN and OUT
endpoint can be configured as either an isochronous (USBCSIH.ISO = 1 and/or USBCSOH.ISO = 1) or
bulk and interrupt (USBCSIH.ISO = 0 and/or USBCSOH.ISO = 0) endpoint. Bulk and interrupt
endpoints are handled identically by the USB controller but have different properties from a firmware
The USBINDEX register must have the value of the endpoint number before the indexed endpoint registers
are accessed.

21.7.1 FIFO Management

Each endpoint has a certain number of FIFO memory bytes available for incoming and outgoing data
packets. Table 21-2 shows the FIFO size for endpoints 1–5. The firmware is responsible for setting the
USBMAXI and USBMAXO registers correctly for each endpoint to prevent data from being overwritten.
When both the IN and OUT endpoints of an endpoint number do not use double buffering, the sum of
USBMAXI and USBMAXO must not exceed the FIFO size for the endpoint. Figure 21-2 a) shows how the IN
and OUT FIFO memory for an endpoint is organized with single buffering. The IN FIFO grows down from
the top of the endpoint memory region, whereas the OUT FIFO grows up from the bottom of the endpoint
memory region.

For isochronous transfers, there is no handshake packet from the device.

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When the IN or OUT endpoint of an endpoint number uses double buffering, the sum of USBMAXI and
USBMAXO must not exceed half the FIFO size for the endpoint. Figure 21-2 b) illustrates the IN and OUT
FIFO memory for an endpoint that uses double buffering. Notice that the second OUT buffer starts from
the middle of the memory region and grows upward. The second IN buffer also starts from the middle of
the memory region but grows downward.
To configure an endpoint as IN-only, set USBMAXO to 0, and to configure an endpoint as OUT-only, set
For unused endpoints, both USBMAXO and USBMAXI should be set to 0.

Table 21-2. FIFO Sizes for EP 1–5

EP Number FIFO Size (in Bytes)
1 32
2 64
3 128
4 256
5 512

0 0
IN FIFO (Buffer 1)
(Buffer 2)
(Buffer 2)
OUT FIFO (Buffer 1)
0 0
a) Single Buffering b) Double Buffering

Figure 21-2. IN and OUT FIFOs

21.7.2 Double Buffering

To enable faster transfer and reduce the need for retransmissions, double buffering can be used. This
allows two packets to be buffered in the FIFO in each direction. This is highly recommended for
isochronous endpoints, which are expected to transfer one data packet every USB frame without any
retransmission. For an isochronous endpoint, one data packet is sent or received every USB frame.
However, the data packet may be sent or received at any time during the USB frame period, and there is
a chance that two data packets may be sent or received at a few-microseconds interval. For isochronous
endpoints, an incoming packet is lost if there is no buffer available, and a zero-length data packet is sent if
there is no data packet ready for transmission when the USB host requests data. Double buffering is not
as critical for bulk and interrupt endpoints as it is for isochronous endpoints, because packets are not lost.
Double buffering, however, may improve the effective data rate for bulk endpoints.
To enable double buffering for an IN endpoint, USBCSIH.IN_DBL_BUF must be set to 1. To enable
double buffering for an OUT endpoint, set USBCSOH.OUT_DBL_BUF to 1.

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21.7.3 FIFO Access

The endpoint FIFOs are accessed by reading and writing to the registers USBF0–USBF6. Writing to a
register causes the byte written to be inserted into the IN FIFO. Reading a register causes the next byte in
the OUT FIFO to be extracted and the value of this byte to be returned.
When a data packet has been written to an IN FIFO, the USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY bit must be set to 1. If
double buffering is enabled, the USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY bit is cleared immediately after it has been written,
and another data packet can be loaded. This does not generate an IN endpoint interrupt, because an
interrupt is only generated when a packet has been sent. When double buffering is used, firmware should
check the status of the USBCSIL.PKT_PRESENT bit before writing to the IN FIFO. If this bit is 0, two data
packets can be written. Double-buffered isochronous endpoints should only load two packets the first time
the IN FIFO is loaded. After that, one packet is loaded for every USB frame. To send a zero-length data
packet, USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY should be set to 1 without loading a data packet into the IN FIFO.
A data packet can be read from the OUT FIFO when the USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit is 1. An interrupt is
generated when this occurs, if enabled. The size of the data packet is kept in the USBCNTH:USBCNTL
registers. Note that this value is only valid when USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY = 1. When the data packet has
been read from the OUT FIFO, the USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit must be cleared. If double buffering is
enabled, there may be two data packets in the FIFO. If another data packet is ready when the
USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit is cleared, the USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit is asserted immediately, and an
interrupt is generated (if enabled) to signal that a new data packet has been received. The
USBCSOL.FIFO_FULL bit is set when there are two data packets in the OUT FIFO.
The AutoClear feature is supported for OUT endpoints. When enabled, the USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit is
cleared automatically when USBMAXO bytes have been read from the OUT FIFO. The AutoClear feature is
enabled by setting USBCSOH.AUTOCLEAR = 1. The AutoClear feature can be used to reduce the time the
data packet occupies the OUT FIFO buffer and is typically used for bulk endpoints.
A complementary AutoSet feature is supported for IN endpoints. When enabled, the
USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY bit is set automatically when USBMAXI bytes have been written to the IN FIFO.
The AutoSet feature is enabled by setting USBCSIH.AUTOSET =
1. The AutoSet feature can reduce the overall time it takes to send a data packet and is
typically used for bulk endpoints.

21.7.4 Endpoint 1–5 Interrupts

The following events may generate an IN EPx interrupt request (x indicates the endpoint number):
• A data packet that was loaded into the IN FIFO has been sent to the USB host.
(USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY should be set to 1 when a new packet is ready to be transferred. This bit is
cleared by hardware when the data packet has been sent.)
= 1). Only bulk d interrupt endpoints can be stalled.
• The IN FIFO is flushed due to the USBCSIH.FLUSH_PACKET bit being set to 1.
Any of these events causes USBIIF.INEPxIF to be asserted, regardless of the status of the IN EPx
interrupt mask bit USBIIE.INEPxIE. If the IN EPx interrupt mask bit is set to 1, the CPU interrupt flag
IRCON2.P2IF is also asserted. An interrupt request is only generated if IEN2.P2IE and
USBIIE.INEPxIE are both set to 1. The x in the register name refers to the endpoint number, 1–5)
The following events may generate an OUT EPx interrupt request:
• A data packet has been received (USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY = 1).
= 1). Only bulk and interrupt endpoints can be stalled.
Any of these events causes USBOIF.OUTEPxIF to be asserted, regardless of the status of the OUT EPx
interrupt mask bit USBOIE.OUTEPxIE. If the OUT EPx interrupt mask bit is set to 1, the CPU interrupt flag
IRCON2.P2IF is also asserted. An interrupt request is only generated if IEN2.P2IE and
USBOIE.OUTEPxIE are both set to 1.

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21.7.5 Bulk or Interrupt IN Endpoint

Interrupt IN transfers occur at regular intervals, whereas bulk IN transfers use available bandwidth not
allocated to isochronous, interrupt, or control transfers.
Interrupt IN endpoints may set the USBCSIH.FORCE_DATA_TOG bit. When this bit is set, the data toggle
bit is continuously toggled, regardless of whether an ACK was received or not. This feature is typically
used by interrupt IN endpoints that are used to communicate rate feedback for isochronous endpoints.
A bulk or interrupt IN endpoint can be stalled by setting the USBCSIL.SEND_STALL bit to 1. When the
endpoint is stalled, the USB controller responds with a STALL handshake to IN tokens. The
USBCSIL.SENT_STALL bit is then set, and an interrupt is generated, if enabled.
A bulk transfer longer than the maximum packet size is performed by splitting the transfer into a number of
data packets of maximum size followed by a smaller data packet containing the remaining bytes. If the
transfer length is a multiple of the maximum packet size, a zero-length data packet is sent last. This
means that a packet with a size less than the maximum packet size denotes the end of the transfer. The
AutoSet feature can be useful in this case, because many data packets are of maximum size.

21.7.6 Isochronous IN Endpoint

An isochronous IN endpoint is used to transfer periodic data from the USB controller to the host (one data
packet every USB frame).
If there is no data packet loaded in the IN FIFO when the USB host requests data, the USB controller
sends a zero-length data packet, and the USBCSIL.UNDERRUN bit is asserted.
Double buffering requires that a data packet is loaded into the IN FIFO during the frame preceding the
frame where it should be sent. If the first data packet is loaded before an IN token is received, the data
packet is sent during the same frame as it was loaded and hence violates the double-buffering strategy.
Thus, when double buffering is used, the USBPOW.ISO_WAIT_SOF bit should be set to 1 to avoid this.
Setting this bit ensures that a loaded data packet is not sent until the next SOF token has been received.
The AutoSet feature typically is not used for isochronous endpoints, because the packet size increases or
decreases from frame to frame.

21.7.7 Bulk or Interrupt OUT Endpoint

Interrupt OUT transfers occur at regular intervals, whereas bulk OUT transfers use available bandwidth
not allocated to isochronous, interrupt, or control transfers.
A bulk or interrupt OUT endpoint can be stalled by setting the USBCSOL.SEND_STALL bit to 1. When the
endpoint is stalled, the USB controller responds with a STALL handshake when the host is done sending
the data packet. The data packet is discarded and is not placed in the OUT FIFO. The USB controller
asserts the USBCSOL.SENT_STALL bit when the STALL handshake is sent and generates an interrupt
request if the OUT endpoint interrupt is enabled.
As the AutoSet feature is useful for bulk IN endpoints, the AutoClear feature is useful for OUT endpoints,
because many packets are of maximum size.

21.7.8 Isochronous OUT Endpoint

An isochronous OUT endpoint is used to transfer periodic data from the host to the USB controller (one
data packet every USB frame).
If there is no buffer available when a data packet is being received, the USBCSOL.OVERRUN bit is asserted
and the packet data is lost. Firmware can reduce the chance for this to happen by using double buffering
and using DMA to unload data packets effectively.
An isochronous data packet in the OUT FIFO may have bit errors. The hardware detects this condition
and sets USBCSOL.DATA_ERROR. Firmware should therefore always check this bit when unloading a data
The AutoClear feature typically is not used for isochronous endpoints, because the packet size increases
or decreases from frame to frame.

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21.8 DMA
DMA should be used to fill the IN endpoint FIFOs and empty the OUT endpoint FIFOs. Using DMA
improves the read and write performance significantly compared to using the CPU. It is therefore highly
recommended to use DMA unless timing is not critical or only a few bytes are to be transferred.
There are no DMA triggers for the USB controller, meaning that DMA transfers must be triggered by
Byte-size transfer should be used.

21.9 USB Reset

When reset signaling is detected on the bus, the USBCIF.RSTIF flag is asserted. If USBCIE.RSTIE is
enabled, IRCON2.P2IF is also asserted, and an interrupt request is generated if IEN2.P2IE = 1. The
firmware should take appropriate action when a USB reset occurs. A USB reset should place the device in
the default state, where it only responds to address 0 (the default address). One or more resets normally
take place during the enumeration phase, immediately after the USB cable is connected.
The following actions are performed by the USB controller when a USB reset occurs:
• USBADDR is set to 0.
• USBINDEX is set to 0.
• All endpoint FIFOs are flushed.
USBCNTH are cleared.
• All interrupts, except SOF and suspend, are enabled.
• An interrupt request is generated (if IEN2.P2IE = 1 and USBCIE.RSTIE = 1).
Firmware should close all pipes and wait for a new enumeration phase when USB reset is detected.

21.10 Suspend and Resume

The USB controller asserts USBCIF.SUSPENDIF and enters suspend mode when the USB has been
continuously idle for 3 ms, provided that USBPOW.SUSPEND_EN =
1. IRCON2.P2IF is asserted if USBCIE.SUSPENDIE is enabled, and an interrupt request is
generated if IEN2.P2IE = 1.
While in suspend mode, only limited current can be sourced from the USB. See the USB 2.0 Specification
[3] for details about this. To be able to meet the suspend-current requirement, the device should be taken
down to PM1 when suspend is detected. The device should not enter PM2 or PM3, because this resets
the USB controller. Before entering PM1, the 48-MHz USB PLL must be turned off. This is done by setting
USBCTRL.PLL_EN to 0 and waiting for USBCTRL.PLL_LOCKED to be cleared.
Any valid nonidle signaling on the USB causes USBCIF.RESUMEIF to be asserted and an interrupt
request to be generated, and wakes up the system if the USB resume interrupt is enabled.
When the system wakes up (enters active mode) from suspend, no USB registers except USBCTRL can
be accessed before the 48-MHz USB PLL has been activated. This is done by setting USBCTRL.PLL_EN
to 1 and waiting until USBCTRL.PLL_LOCKED is set.
A USB reset also wakes up the system from suspend. A USB resume interrupt request is generated if the
interrupt is enabled, but the USBCIF.RSTIF interrupt flag is set instead of the USBCIF.RESUMEIF
interrupt flag.

21.11 Remote Wake-Up

The USB controller can resume from suspend by signaling resume to the USB hub. Resume is performed
by setting USBPOW.RESUME to 1 for approximately 10 ms. According to the USB 2.0 Specification [3],
the resume signaling must be present for at least 1 ms and no more than 15 ms. It is, however,
recommended to keep the resume signaling for approximately 10 ms. Notice that support for remote
wakeup must be declared in the USB descriptor, and that the USB host must grant the device the privilege
to perform remote wakeup (through a SET_FEATURE request).

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21.12 USB Registers

This section describes all USB registers used for control and status for the USB. The USB registers reside
in XDATA memory space in the region 0x6200–0x622B. These registers can be divided into three groups:
The common USB registers, the indexed endpoint registers, and the endpoint FIFO registers. The indexed
endpoint registers represent the currently selected endpoint. The USBINDEX register is used to select the
The registers return to their reset values and the FIFOs are cleared when the chip enters PM2 or PM3.

USBADDR (0x6200) – Function Address

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 UPDATE 0 R This bit is set when the USBADDR register is written and cleared when the address becomes
6:0 USBADDR[6:0] 000 0000 R/W Device address

USBPOW (0x6201) – Power and Control Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 ISO_WAIT_SOF 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, the USB controller sends zero-length data packets from the time
INPKT_RDY is asserted and until the first SOF token has been received. This only applies to
isochronous endpoints.
6:4 – 000 R0 Reserved
3 RST 0 R During reset signaling, this bit is set to 1.
2 RESUME 0 R/W Drives resume signaling for remote wakeup. According to the USB Specification, the duration
of driving resume must be at least 1 ms and no more than 15 ms. It is recommended to keep
this bit set for approximately 10 ms.
1 SUSPEND 0 R Suspend mode entered. This bit is only used when SUSPEND_EN = 1. Reading the USBCIF
register or asserting RESUME clears this bit.
0 SUSPEND_EN 0 R/W Suspend enable. When this bit is set to 1, suspend mode is entered when the USB has been
idle for 3 ms.

USBIIF (0x6202) – IN Endpoints and EP0 Interrupt Flags

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved
5 INEP5IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for IN endpoint 5. Cleared by hardware when read
4 INEP4IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for IN endpoint 4. Cleared by hardware when read
3 INEP3IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for IN endpoint 3. Cleared by hardware when read
2 INEP2IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for IN endpoint 2. Cleared by hardware when read
1 INEP1IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for IN endpoint 1. Cleared by hardware when read
0 EP0IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for endpoint 0. Cleared by hardware when read

USBOIF (0x6204) – OUT-Endpoint Interrupt Flags

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – – R0 Reserved
5 OUTEP5IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for OUT endpoint 5. Cleared by hardware when read
4 OUTEP4IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for OUT endpoint 4. Cleared by hardware when read
3 OUTEP3IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for OUT endpoint 3. Cleared by hardware when read
2 OUTEP2IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for OUT endpoint 2. Cleared by hardware when read
1 OUTEP1IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for OUT endpoint 1. Cleared by hardware when read
0 – – R0 Reserved

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USBCIF (0x6206) – Common USB Interrupt Flags
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 – – R0 Reserved
3 SOFIF 0 R, H0 Start-of-frame interrupt flag. Cleared by hardware when read
2 RSTIF 0 R, H0 Reset interrupt flag. Cleared by hardware when read
1 RESUMEIF 0 R, H0 Resume interrupt flag. Cleared by hardware when read
0 SUSPENDIF 0 R, H0 Suspend interrupt flag. Cleared by hardware when read

USBIIE (0x6207) – IN Endpoints and EP0 Interrupt-Enable Mask

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 00 R/W Reserved. Always write 00
5 INEP5IE 1 R/W IN endpoint-5 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
4 INEP4IE 1 R/W IN endpoint- 4 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
3 INEP3IE 1 R/W IN endpoint-3 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 INEP2IE 1 R/W IN endpoint-2 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 INEP1IE 1 R/W IN endpoint-1 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 EP0IE 1 R/W Endpoint-0 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled

USBOIE (0x6209) – OUT Endpoints Interrupt Enable Mask

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R/W Reserved. Always write 00
5 OUTEP5IE 1 R/W OUT endpoint 5 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
4 OUTEP4IE 1 R/W OUT endpoint 4 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
3 OUTEP3IE 1 R/W OUT endpoint 3 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 OUTEP2IE 1 R/W OUT endpoint 2 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 OUTEP1IE 1 R/W OUT endpoint 1 interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 – 1 R0 Reserved

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USBCIE (0x620B) – Common USB Interrupt-Enable Mask

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 – – R0 Reserved
3 SOFIE 0 R/W Start-of-frame interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 RSTIE 1 R/W Reset interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 RESUMEIE 1 R/W Resume interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 SUSPENDIE 0 R/W Suspend interrupt enable
0: Interrupt disbled
1: Interrupt enabled

USBFRML (0x620C) – Current Frame Number (Low Byte)

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FRAME[7:0] 0x00 R Low byte of 11-bit frame number

USBFRMH (0x620D) – Current Frame Number (High Byte)

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 – – R0 Reserved
2:0 FRAME[10:8] 000 R 3 MSBs of 11-bit frame number

USBINDEX (0x620E) – Current-Endpoint Index Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 – – R0 Reserved
3:0 USBINDEX[3:0] 0000 R/W Endpoint selected. Must be set to a value in the range 0–5

USBCTRL (0x620F) – USB Control Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 PLL_LOCKED 0 R PLL locked status
6:3 – – R0 Reserved
2 – 0 R/W Reserved. Always write 0
1 PLL_EN 0 R/W 48-MHz USB PLL enable. When this bit is set, the 48-MHz PLL is started. However, the USB
must not be accessed before the PLL has locked, that is, PLL_LOCKED is 1. This bit can only be
set when USB_EN = 1.
Note: The PLL must be disabled before exiting active mode and re-enabled after entering active
0 USB_EN 0 R/W USB enable. The USB controller is reset when writing 0 to this bit.

USBMAXI (0x6210) – Maximum Packet Size for IN Endpoint{1–5}

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBMAXI[7:0] 0x00 R/W Maximum packet size, in units of 8 bytes, for IN endpoint selected by USBINDEX register. The
value of this register should correspond to the wMaxPacketSize field in the standard endpoint
descriptor for the endpoint. This register must not be set to a value greater than the available
FIFO memory for the endpoint.

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USBCS0 (0x6211) – EP0 Control and Status (USBINDEX = 0)
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 CLR_SETUP_END 0 R/W H0 Set this bit to 1 to de-assert the SETUP_END bit of this register. This bit is cleared
6 CLR_OUTPKT_RDY 0 R/W H0 Set this bit to 1 to de-assert the OUTPKT_RDY bit of this register. This bit is cleared
5 SEND_STALL 0 R/W H0 Set this bit to 1 to terminate the current transaction. The USB controller sends the STALL
handshake and this bit is de-asserted.
4 SETUP_END 0 R This bit is set if the control transfer ends due to a premature end-of-control transfer. The
FIFO is flushed and an interrupt request (EP0) is generated if the interrupt is enabled.
Setting CLR_SETUP_END = 1 de-asserts this bit.
3 DATA_END 0 R/W H0 This bit is used to signal the end of a data transfer and must be asserted in the following
three situations:
1: When the last data packet has been loaded and USBCS0.INPKT_RDY is set to 1
2: When the last data packet has been unloaded and USBCS0.CLR_OUTPKT_RDY is set
to 1
3: When USBCS0.INPKT_RDY has been asserted without having loaded the FIFO (for
sending a zero-length data packet).
The USB controller clears this bit automatically.
2 SENT_STALL 0 R/W H1 This bit is set when a STALL handshake has been sent. An interrupt request (EP0) is
generated if the interrupt is enabled. This bit must be cleared from firmware.
1 INPKT_RDY 0 R/W H0 Set this bit when a data packet has been loaded into the EP0 FIFO to notify the USB
controller that a new data packet is ready to be transferred. When the data packet has been
sent, this bit is cleared, and an interrupt request (EP0) is generated if the interrupt is
0 OUTPKT_RDY 0 R Data packet received. This bit is set when an incoming data packet has been placed in the
OUT FIFO. An interrupt request (EP0) is generated if the interrupt is enabled. Set
CLR_OUTPKT_RDY = 1 to de-assert this bit.

USBCSIL (0x6211) – IN EP{1–5} Control and Status, Low

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – – R0 Reserved
6 CLR_DATA_TOG 0 R/W Setting this bit resets the data toggle to 0. Thus, setting this bit forces the next data packet
H0 to be a DATA0 packet. This bit is automatically cleared.
5 SENT_STALL 0 R/W This bit is set when a STALL handshake has been sent. The FIFO is flushed and the
INPKT_RDY bit in this register is de-asserted. An interrupt request (IN EP{1–5}) is
generated if the interrupt is enabled. This bit must be cleared from firmware.
4 SEND_STALL 0 R/W Set this bit to 1 to make the USB controller reply with a STALL handshake when receiving
IN tokens. Firmware must clear this bit to end the STALL condition. It is not possible to stall
an isochronous endpoint; thus, this bit only has an effect if the IN endpoint is configured as
bulk or interrupt.
3 FLUSH_PACKET 0 R/W Set to 1 to flush next packet that is ready to transfer from the IN FIFO. The INPKT_RDY bit
H0 in this register is cleared. If there are two packets in the IN FIFO due to double buffering,
this bit must be set twice to completely flush the IN FIFO. This bit is automatically cleared.
2 UNDERRUN 0 R/W In isochronous mode, this bit is set if an IN token is received when
INPKT_RDY = 0, and a zero-length data packet is transmitted in response to the
IN token. In bulk or interrupt mode, this bit is set when a NAK is returned in response to an
IN token. Firmware should clear this bit.
1 PKT_PRESENT 0 R This bit is 1 when there is at least one packet in the IN FIFO.
0 INPKT_RDY 0 R/W Set this bit when a data packet has been loaded into the IN FIFO to notify the USB
H0 controller that a new data packet is ready to be transferred. When the data packet has
been sent, this bit is cleared, and an interrupt request (IN EP{1–5}) is generated if the
interrupt is enabled.

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USBCSIH (0x6212) – IN EP{1–5} Control and Status, High

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 AUTOSET 0 R/W When this bit is 1, the USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY bit is automatically asserted when a data
packet of maximum size (specified by USBMAXI) has been loaded into the IN FIFO.
6 ISO 0 R/W Selects IN endpoint type
0: Bulk or interrupt
1: Isochronous
5:4 10 R/W Reserved. Always write 10
3 FORCE_DATA_TOG 0 R/W Setting this bit forces the IN endpoint data toggle to switch and the data packet to be
flushed from the IN FIFO, even though an ACK was received. This feature can be useful
when reporting rate feedback for isochronous endpoints.
2:1 – R0 Reserved
0 IN_DBL_BUF 0 R/W Double buffering enable (IN FIFO)
0: Double buffering disabled
1: Double buffering enabled

USBMAXO (0x6213) – Max. Packet Size for OUT EP{1–5}

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBMAXO[7:0] 0x00 R/W Maximum packet size, in units of 8 bytes, for OUT endpoint selected by USBINDEX register.
The value of this register should correspond to the wMaxPacketSize field in the standard
endpoint descriptor for the endpoint. This register must not be set to a value greater than the
available FIFO memory for the endpoint.

USBCSOL (0x6214) – OUT EP{1–5} Control and Status, Low

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 CLR_DATA_TOG 0 R/W Setting this bit resets the data toggle to 0. Thus, setting this bit forces the next data
H0 packet to be a DATA0 packet. This bit is automatically cleared.
6 SENT_STALL 0 R/W This bit is set when a STALL handshake has been sent. An interrupt request (OUT
EP{1–5}) is generated if the interrupt is enabled. This bit must be cleared from firmware.
5 SEND_STALL 0 R/W Set this bit to 1 to make the USB controller reply with a STALL handshake when
receiving OUT tokens. Firmware must clear this bit to end the STALL condition. It is not
possible to stall an isochronous endpoint; thus, this bit only has an effect if the IN
endpoint is configured as bulk or interrupt.
4 FLUSH_PACKET 0 R/W Set to 1 to flush the next packet that is to be read from the OUT FIFO. The
H0 OUTPKT_RDY bit in this register is cleared. If there are two packets in the OUT FIFO
due to double buffering, this bit must be set twice to completely flush the OUT FIFO. This
bit is automatically cleared after a write to 1.
3 DATA_ERROR 0 R This bit is set if there is a CRC or bit-stuff error in the packet received. Cleared when
OUTPKT_RDY is cleared. This bit is only valid if the OUT endpoint is isochronous.
2 OVERRUN 0 R/W This bit is set when an OUT packet cannot be loaded into the OUT FIFO. Firmware
should clear this bit. This bit is only valid in isochronous mode.
1 FIFO_FULL 0 R This bit is asserted when no more packets can be loaded into the OUT FIFO because it is
0 OUTPKT_RDY 0 R/W This bit is set when a packet has been received and is ready to be read from the OUT
FIFO. An interrupt request (OUT EP{1–5}) is generated if the interrupt is enabled. This bit
should be cleared when the packet has been unloaded from the FIFO.

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USBCSOH (0x6215) – OUT EP{1–5} Control and Status, High
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 AUTOCLEAR 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, the USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit is automatically cleared when a
data packet of maximum size (specified by USBMAXO) has been unloaded to the OUT
6 ISO 0 R/W Selects OUT endpoint type
0 Bulk or interrupt
1 Isochronous
5:4 00 R/W Reserved. Always write 00
3:1 – R0 Reserved
0 OUT_DBL_BUF 0 R/W Double buffering enable (OUT FIFO)
0 Double buffering disabled
1 Double buffering enabled

USBCNT0 (0x6216) – Number of Received Bytes in EP0 FIFO (USBINDEX = 0)

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – – R0 Reserved
5:0 USBCNT0[5:0] 00 0000 R Number of received bytes into EP 0 FIFO. Only valid when OUTPKT_RDY is asserted

USBCNTL (0x6216) – Number of Bytes in EP{1–5} OUT FIFO, Low

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBCNT[7:0] 0x00 R 8 LSBs of number of received bytes in OUT FIFO selected by USBINDEX register. Only
valid when USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY is asserted.

USBCNTH (0x6217) – Number of Bytes in EP{1–5} OUT FIFO, High

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 – – R0 Reserved
2:0 USBCNT[10:8] 000 R 3 MSBs of number of received bytes in OUT FIFO selected by USBINDEX register. Only
valid when USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY is set

USBF0 (0x6220) – Endpoint 0 FIFO

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF0[7:0] 0x00 R/W Endpoint 0 FIFO. Reading this register unloads one byte from the EP0 FIFO. Writing to
this register loads one byte into the EP0 FIFO.
Note: The FIFO memory for EP0 is used for both incoming and outgoing data packets.

USBF1 (0x6222) – Endpoint 1 FIFO

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF1[7:0] 0x00 R/W Endpoint 1 FIFO register. Reading this register unloads one byte from the EP1 OUT
FIFO. Writing to this register loads one byte into the EP1 IN FIFO.

USBF2 (0x6224) – Endpoint 2 FIFO

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF2[7:0] 0x00 R/W Endpoint 2 FIFO register. Reading this register unloads one byte from the EP2 OUT
FIFO. Writing to this register loads one byte into the EP2 IN FIFO.

USBF3 (0x6226) – Endpoint 3 FIFO

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF3[7:0] 0x00 R/W Endpoint 3 FIFO register. Reading this register unloads one byte from the EP3 OUT
FIFO. Writing to this register loads one byte into the EP3 IN FIFO.

USBF4 (0x6228) – Endpoint 4 FIFO

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF4[7:0] 0x00 R/W Endpoint 4 FIFO register. Reading this register unloads one byte from the EP4 OUT
FIFO. Writing to this register loads one byte into the EP4 IN FIFO.

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USBF5 (0x622A) – Endpoint 5 FIFO

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF5[7:0] 0x00 R/W Endpoint 5 FIFO register. Reading this register unloads one byte from the EP5 OUT
FIFO. Writing to this register loads one byte into the EP5 IN FIFO.

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Chapter 22
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Timer 2 (MAC Timer)

Timer 2 is mainly used to provide timing for 802.15.4 command-strobe-processor algorithms and for
general timekeeping in the 802.15.4 MAC layer on CC253x devices, for timekeeping in the BLE link layer
on CC2540 and CC2541, and for general radio timekeeping when running the radio in proprietary mode
on CC2541. Timer 2 must not be used by the application on the CC2540 or CC2541 when the BLE stack
is running. When Timer 2 is used together with the Sleep Timer, the timing function is provided even when
the system enters low-power modes PM1 and PM2. The timer runs at a speed according to the system
clock. If Timer 2 is to be used with the Sleep Timer, the system clock source must be the 32-MHz crystal
whenever Timer 2 is running, and an external 32-kHz XOSC should be used for accurate results.
The main features of Timer 2 are the following:
• 16-bit timer up-counter providing, for example, a symbol period of 16 µs or a frame period of 320 µs
• Adjustable period with accuracy of 31.25 ns
• 2 × 16-bit timer compare function
• 24-bit overflow count
• 2 × 24-bit overflow compare function
• Start-of-frame-delimiter capture function
• Timer start and stop synchronous with 32-kHz clock and timekeeping maintained by Sleep Timer.
• Interrupts generated on compare and overflow
• DMA trigger capability
• Possible to adjust timer value while counting by introducing delay

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

22.1 Timer Operation ............................................................................................... 198

22.2 Interrupts......................................................................................................... 199
22.3 Event Outputs (DMA Trigger and Radio Events) ................................................... 200
22.4 Timer Start-and-Stop Synchronization ................................................................ 200
22.5 Timer 2 Registers ............................................................................................. 202

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22.1 Timer Operation

This section describes the operation of the timer.

22.1.1 General
After a reset, the timer is in the timer IDLE mode, where it is stopped. The timer starts running when
T2CTRL.RUN is set to 1. The timer then enters the timer RUN mode. Either the entry is immediate, or it is
performed synchronously with the 32-kHz clock. See Section 22.4 for a description of the synchronous
start-and-stop mode.
Once the timer is running in RUN mode, it can be stopped by writing a 0 to T2CTRL.RUN. The timer then
enters the timer IDLE mode. The stopping of the timer is performed either immediately or synchronously
with the 32-kHz clock.

22.1.2 Up Counter
Timer 2 contains a 16-bit timer, which increments on each clock cycle. The counter value can be read
from registers T2M1:T2M0 with register T2MSEL.T2MSEL set to 000. Note that the register content in
T2M1 is latched when T2M0 is read, meaning that T2M0 must always be read first.
When the timer is idle, the counter can be modified by writing to registers T2M1:T2M0 with register
T2MSEL.T2MSEL set to 000. T2M0 must be written first.

22.1.3 Timer Overflow

At the same time as the timer counts to a value that is equal to the set timer period, a timer overflow
occurs. When the timer overflow occurs, the timer is set to 0x0000. If the overflow interrupt mask bit
T2IRQM.TIMER2_PERM is 1, an interrupt request is generated. The interrupt flag bit
T2IRQF.TIMER2_PERF is set to 1, regardless of the interrupt mask value.

22.1.4 Timer Delta Increment

The timer period may be adjusted once during a timer period by writing a timer delta value. When the
timer is running and a timer delta value is written to multiplexed registers T2M1:T2M0 with
T2MSEL.T2MSEL set to 000, the 16-bit timer halts at its current value and a delta counter starts counting.
The T2M0 register must be written before T2M1. The delta counter starts counting from the delta value
written, down to zero. Once the delta counter reaches zero, the 16-bit timer starts counting again.
The delta counter decrements at the same rate as the timer. When the delta counter has reached zero, it
does not start counting again until a delta value is written once again. In this way, a timer period may be
increased by the delta value in order to make adjustments to the timer overflow events over time.

22.1.5 Timer Compare

A timer compare occurs at the same time as the timer counts to a value that is equal to one of the 16-bit
compare values set. When a timer compare occurs, the interrupt flag T2IRQF.TIMER2_COMPARE1F or
T2IRQF.TIMER2_COMPARE2F is set to 1, depending of which compare value is reached. An interrupt
request is also generated if the corresponding interrupt mask in T2IRQM.TIMER2_COMPARE1M or
T2IRQM.TIMER2_COMPARE2M is set to 1.

22.1.6 Overflow Count

At each timer overflow, the 24-bit overflow counter is incremented by 1. The overflow counter value is read
through registers T2MOVF2:T2MOVF1:T2MOVF0 with register T2MSEL.T2MOVEFSEL set to 000. The
registers are latched as in the following description.
If one wants a unique timestamp, where both timer and overflow counter are latched at the same time, do
the following: Read T2M0 with T2MSEL.T2MSEL set to 000 and T2CTRL.LATCH_MODE set to 1. This
returns the low byte of the timer value, and also latches the high byte of the timer and the entire overflow
counter, so the rest of the timestamp is ready to be read.

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If one wants to read just the overflow counter without reading timer first, read T2MOVF0 with
T2MSEL.T2MOVFSEL set to 000 and T2CTRL.LATCH_MODE set to 0. This returns the low byte of the
overflow counter, and latches the two most-significant bytes of the overflow counter so the values are
ready to be read.

22.1.7 Overflow-Count Update

The overflow count value can be updated by writing to registers T2MOVF2:T2MOVF1:T2MOVF0 with
T2MSEL.T2MOVFSEL set to 000. Always write the least-significant byte first, and always write all three
bytes. The write takes effect once the high byte is written.

22.1.8 Overflow-Count Overflow

At the same time as the overflow counter counts to a value that is equal to the overflow period setting, an
overflow period event occurs. When the period event occurs, the overflow counter is set to 0x00 0000. If
the overflow interrupt mask bit T2IRQM.TIMER2_OVF_PERM is 1, an interrupt request is generated. The
interrupt flag bit T2IRQF.TIMER2_OVF_PERF is set to 1, regardless of the interrupt mask value.

22.1.9 Overflow-Count Compare

Two compare values may be set for the overflow counter. The compare values are set by writing to
T2MOVF2:T2MOVF1:T2MOVF0 with register T2MSEL.T2MOVFSEL set to 011 or 100. At the same time as
the overflow counter counts to a value equal to one of the overflow count compare values, an overflow
count compare event occurs. If the corresponding overflow compare interrupt mask bit
T2IRQM.TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE1M or T2IRQM.TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE2M is 1, an interrupt request is
generated. The interrupt flag bits T2IRQF.TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE1F and
T2IRQF.TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE2F are set to 1, regardless of the interrupt mask value.

22.1.10 Capture Input

Timer 2 has a timer capture function, which captures the time when the start-of-frame delimiter (SFD)
status in the radio goes high.
When the capture event occurs, the current timer value is captured in the capture register. The capture
value can be read from registers T2M1:T2M0 if register T2MSEL.T2MSEL is set to 001. The value of the
overflow count is also captured at the time of the capture event and can be read from registers
T2MOVF2:T2MOVF1:T2MOVF0 if T2MSEL.T2MOVFSEL is set to 001.

22.1.11 Long Compare (CC2541 Only)

In the CC2541, two compare values may be set for the combination of the 16-bit timer and the overflow
counter. The compare values are a combination of either timer compare 1 and overflow compare 1, or
timer compare 2 and overflow compare 2. These combinations are known as the long compare 1 and long
compare 2 values, respectively. At the same time as the combination of the 16-bit timer and the 24-bit
overflow counter counts to a value equal to one of the long compare values, a long compare event occurs.
If the corresponding overflow compare interrupt mask bit T2IRQM.TIMER2_LONG_COMPARE1M or
T2IRQM.TIMER2_LONG_COMPARE2M is 1, an interrupt request is generated. The corresponding interrupt
regardless of the interrupt mask value.

22.2 Interrupts
The timer has six (eight on CC2541) individually maskable interrupt sources. These are the following:
• Timer overflow
• Timer compare 1
• Timer compare 2
• Overflow-count overflow
• Overflow-count compare 1
• Overflow-count compare 2

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• Long compare 1 (CC2541 only)

• Long compare 2 (CC2541 only)
The interrupt flags are given in the T2IRQF registers. The interrupt flag bits are set only by hardware and
can be cleared only by writing to the SFR register.
Each interrupt source can be masked by its corresponding mask bit in the T2IRQM register. An interrupt is
generated when the corresponding mask bit is set; otherwise, the interrupt is not generated. The interrupt
flag bit is set, however, regardless of the state of the interrupt mask bit.

22.3 Event Outputs (DMA Trigger and Radio Events)

Timer 2 has two event outputs, T2_EVENT1 and T2_EVENT2. These can be used as DMA triggers, as
inputs to the radio, for conditions in conditional instructions in the CSP on CC253x, for use by the BLE
stack on CC2540 and CC2541, or for timing TX or RX in CC2541 when running the radio in proprietary
mode. The event outputs can be configured individually to any of the following events:
• Timer overflow
• Timer compare 1
• Timer compare 2
• Overflow-count overflow
• Overflow-count compare 1
• Overflow-count compare 2
• Long compare 1 (CC2541 only)
• Long compare 2 (CC2541 only)
The DMA triggers are configured using T2EVTCFG.TIMER2_EVENT1_CFG and

22.4 Timer Start-and-Stop Synchronization

This section describes the synchronized timer start and stop.

22.4.1 General
The timer can be started and stopped synchronously with the 32-kHz clock rising edge. Note that this
event is derived from a 32-kHz clock signal, but is synchronous with the 32-MHz system clock and thus
has a period approximately equal to that of the 32-kHz clock period. Synchronous starting and stopping
must not be attempted unless both the 32-kHz clock and 32-MHz XOSC are running and stable.
At the time of a synchronous start, the timer is reloaded with new calculated values for the timer and
overflow count such that it appears that the timer has not been stopped.

22.4.2 Timer Synchronous Stop

After the timer has started running, that is, entered timer RUN mode, it is stopped synchronously by
writing 0 to T2CTRL.RUN when T2CTRL.SYNC is 1. After T2CTRL.RUN has been set to 0, the timer
continues running until the 32-kHz clock rising edge is sampled as 1. When this occurs, the timer is
stopped, the current Sleep Timer value is stored, and T2CTRL.STATE goes from 1 to 0.

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22.4.3 Timer Synchronous Start

When the timer is in the IDLE mode, it is started synchronously by writing 1 to T2CTRL.RUN when
T2CTRL.SYNC is 1. After T2CTRL.RUN has been set to 1, the timer remains in the IDLE mode until the
32-kHz clock rising edge is detected. When this occurs, the timer first calculates new values for the 16-bit
timer value and for the 24-bit timer overflow count, based on the current and stored Sleep Timer values
and the current 16-bit timer values. The new Timer 2 and overflow count values are loaded into the timer,
and the timer enters the RUN mode. T2CTRL.STATE = 1 indicates that the module is running. This
synchronous start process takes 86 clock cycles from the time when the 32-kHz clock rising edge is
sampled high. The synchronous start-and-stop function requires that the system clock frequency is
selected to be 32 MHz. If the 16-MHz clock is selected, an offset is added to the new calculated value.
If a synchronous start is done without a previous synchronuous stop, the timer is loaded with
unpredictable values. To avoid this, do the first start of the timer asynchronously, then enable
synchronous mode for subsequent stops and starts.
The method for calculating the new Timer 2 value and overflow-count value is given as follows. Because
the Timer 2 and Sleep Timer clocks are asynchronous with a noninteger clock ratio, there is an error of
maximum ±1 in the calculated timer value compared to the ideal timer value, not taking clock inaccuracies
into account.

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Calculation of New Timer Value and Overflow Count Value

Nc = Current Sleep Timer value
NST = Stored Sleep Timer value
Kck = Clock ratio = 976.5625(1)
stw = Sleep Timer width = 24
PT = Timer 2 period
POVF = Overflow period
OST = Stored overflow-count value
OTICK = Overflow ticks while sleeping
tST = Stored timer value
TOH = Overhead = 86
Nt = Nc – NST
Nt ≤ 0 → Nd = 2stw + Nt; Nt > 0 → Nd = Nt
C = Nd × Kck + TST + TOH (rounded to nearest integer value)
T = C mod PT
Timer2Value = T
(C - T )
O = (OTICK + OST) mod POVF
Timer2OverflowCount = O
Clock ratio of Timer 2 clock frequency (32 MHz) and Sleep Timer clock frequency (32 kHz)

For a given Timer 2 period value, PT, there is a maximum duration between Timer 2 synchronous stop and
start for which the timer value is correctly updated after starting. The maximum value is given in terms of
the number of Sleep Timer clock periods, that is, 32-kHz clock periods, tST(max).
(224 - 1) ´ PT + TOH
t ST(max) £
K ck

22.5 Timer 2 Registers

The SFR registers associated with Timer 2 are listed in this section. These registers are the following:

• T2MSEL – Timer 2 multiplexed register control

• T2M1 – Timer 2 multiplexed count high
• T2M0 – Timer 2 multiplexed count low
• T2MOVF2 – Timer 2 multiplexed overflow count 2
• T2MOVF1 – Timer 2 multiplexed overflow count 1
• T2MOVF0 – Timer 2 multiplexed overflow count 0
• T2IRQF – Timer 2 interrupt flags
• T2IRQM – Timer 2 interrupt masks
• T2EVTCFG – Timer 2 event output configuration
• T2CTRL – Timer 2 configuration

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Timer 2 has several multiplexed registers. This is to be able to fit all the registers into the limited SFR
address space. The internal registers listed in Table 22-1 can be accessed indirectly through T2M0, T2M1,
T2MOVF0, T2MOVF1, and T2MOVF2.

Table 22-1. Internal Registers

Register Name Reset R/W Function
t2tim[15:0] 0x0000 R/W Holds the 16-bit upcounter
t2_cap[15:0] 0x0000 R Holds the last captured value of the upcounter
t2_per[15:0] 0x0000 R/W Holds the period of the upcounter
t2_cmp1[15:0] 0x0000 R/W Holds compare value 1 for the upcounter
t2_cmp2[15:0] 0x0000 R/W Holds compare value 2 for the upcounter
t2ovf[23:0] 0x00 0000 R/W Holds the 24-bit overflow counter
t2ovf_cap[23:0] 0x00 0000 R Holds the last captured value of the overflow counter
t2ovf_per[23:0] 0x00 0000 R/W Holds the period of the overflow counter
t2ovf_cmp1[23:0] 0x00 0000 R/W Holds compare value 1 for the overflow counter
t2ovf_cmp2[23:0] 0x00 0000 R/W Holds compare value 2 for the overflow counter

The registers listed in the remainder of this section are directly accessible in the SFR address space.

T2MSEL (0xC3) – Timer 2 Multiplex Select

Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6:4 T2MOVFSEL 000 R/W The value of this register selects the internal registers that are modified or read
when accessing T2MOVF0, T2MOVF1, and T2MOVF2.
000: t2ovf (overflow counter)
001: t2ovf_cap (overflow capture)
010: t2ovf_per (overflow period)
011: t2ovf_cmp1 (overflow compare 1)
100: t2ovf_cmp2 (overflow compare 2)
101 to 111: Reserved
3 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
2:0 T2MSEL 000 R/W The value of this register selects the internal registers that are modified or read
when accessing T2M0 and T2M1.
000: t2tim (timer count value)
001: t2_cap (timer capture)
010: t2_per (timer period)
011: t2_cmp1 (timer compare 1)
100: t2_cmp2 (timer compare 2)
101 to 111: Reserved

T2M0 (0xA2) – Timer 2 Multiplexed Register 0

Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7:0 T2M0 0x00 R/W Indirectly returns/modifies bits [7:0] of an internal register depending on the
T2MSEL.T2MSEL value.
When reading the T2M0 register with T2MSEL.T2MSEL set to 000 and
T2CTRL.LATCH_MODE set to 0, the timer (t2tim) value is latched.
When reading the T2M0 register with T2MSEL.T2MSEL set to 000 and
T2CTRL.LATCH_MODE set to 1, the timer (t2tim) and overflow counter (t2ovf)
values are latched.

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T2M1 (0xA3) – Timer 2 Multiplexed Register 1

Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7:0 T2M1 0x00 R/W Indirectly returns or modifies bits [15:8] of an internal register, depending on
T2MSEL.T2MSEL value.
When reading the T2M0 register with T2MSEL.T2MSEL set to 000, the timer
(t2tim) value is latched.
Reading this register with T2MSEL.T2MSEL set to 000 returns the latched value
of t2tim[15:8].

T2MOVF0 (0xA4) – Timer 2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 0

Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7:0 T2MOVF0 0x00 R/W Indirectly returns or modifies bits [7:0] of an internal register, depending on the
When reading the T2MOVF0 register with T2MSEL.T2MOVFSEL set to 000 and
T2CTRL.LATCH_MODE set to 0, the overflow counter value (t2ovf) is latched.
When reading the T2M0 register with T2MSEL.T2MOVFSEL set to 000 and
T2CTRL.LATCH_MODE set to 1, the overflow counter value (t2ovf) is latched.

T2MOVF1 (0xA5 – Timer 2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 2

Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7:0 T2MOVF1 0x00 R/W Indirectly returns/modifies bits [15:8] of an internal register, depending on the
T2MSEL.T2MSEL value.
Reading this register with T2MSEL.T2MOVFSEL set to 000 returns the latched
value of t2ovf[15:8].

T2MOVF2 (0xA6) – Timer 2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 2

Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7:0 T2MOVF2 0x00 R/W Indirectly returns/modifies bits [23:16] of an internal register, depending on the
Reading this register with T2MSEL.T2MOVFSEL set to 000 returns the latched
value of t2ovf[23:16].

T2IRQF (0xA1) – Timer 2 Interrupt Flags (CC253x and CC2540)

Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
5 TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE2F 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 overflow counter counts to the value set at t2ovf_cmp2
4 TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE1F 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 overflow counter counts to the value set at Timer 2
3 TIMER2_OVF_PERF 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 overflow counter would have counted to a value equal to
t2ovf_per, but instead wraps to 0
2 TIMER2_COMPARE2F 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 counter counts to the value set at t2_cmp2
1 TIMER2_COMPARE1F 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 counter counts to the value set at t2_cmp1
0 TIMER2_PERF 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 counter would have counted to a value equal to t2_per,
but instead wraps to 0.

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T2IRQF (0xA1) – Timer 2 Interrupt Flags (CC2541 Only)
Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7 TIMER2_LONG_COMPARE2F 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 overflow counter is equal to t2ovf_cmp2 and the timer
counts to the value set at t2_cmp2
6 TIMER2_LONG_COMPARE1F 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 overflow counter is equal to t2ovf_cmp1 and the timer
counts to the value set at t2_cmp1
5 TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE2F 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 overflow counter counts to the value set at t2ovf_cmp2
4 TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE1F 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 overflow counter counts to the value set at Timer 2
3 TIMER2_OVF_PERF 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 overflow counter would have counted to a value equal to
t2ovf_per, but instead wraps to 0
2 TIMER2_COMPARE2F 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 counter counts to the value set at t2_cmp2
1 TIMER2_COMPARE1F 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 counter counts to the value set at t2_cmp1
0 TIMER2_PERF 0 R/W0 Set when the Timer 2 counter would have counted to a value equal to t2_per,
but instead wraps to 0.

T2IRQM (0xA7) – Timer 2 Interrupt Mask (CC253x and CC2540)

Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
5 TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE2M 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE2 interrupt
4 TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE1M 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE1 interrupt
3 TIMER2_OVF_PERM 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_OVF_PER interrupt
2 TIMER2_COMPARE2M 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_COMPARE2 interrupt
1 TIMER2_COMPARE1M 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_COMPARE1 interrupt
0 TIMER2_PERM 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_PER interrupt

T2IRQM (0xA7) – Timer 2 Interrupt Mask (CC2541 Only)

Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7 TIMER2_LONG_COMARE2M 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_LONG_COMPARE2F interrupt
6 TIMER2_LONG_COMARE1M 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_LONG_COMPARE1F interrupt
5 TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE2M 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE2 interrupt
4 TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE1M 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_OVF_COMPARE1 interrupt
3 TIMER2_OVF_PERM 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_OVF_PER interrupt
2 TIMER2_COMPARE2M 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_COMPARE2 interrupt
1 TIMER2_COMPARE1M 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_COMPARE1 interrupt
0 TIMER2_PERM 0 R/W Enables the TIMER2_PER interrupt

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T2CTRL (0x94) – Timer 2 Control Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7:4 – 0000 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
3 LATCH_MODE 0 R/W 0: Reading T2M0 with T2MSEL.T2MSEL = 000 latches the high byte of the timer,
making it ready to be read from T2M1. Reading T2MOVF0 with T2MSEL.T2MOVFSEL
= 000 latches the two most-significant bytes of the overflow counter, making it
possible to read these from T2MOVF1 and T2MOVF2.
1: Reading T2M0 with T2MSEL.T2MSEL = 000 latches the high byte of the timer and
the entire overflow counter at once, making it possible to read the values from T2M1,
T2MOVF0, T2MOVF1, and T2MOVF2.
2 STATE 0 R State of Timer 2
0: Timer idle
1: Timer running
1 SYNC 1 R/W 0: Starting and stopping of timer is immediate, i.e., synchronous with clk_rf_32m.
1: Starting and stopping of timer happens at the first positive edge of the 32-kHz clock.
Read Section 22.4 for more details regarding timer start and stop.
0 RUN 0 R/W Write 1 to start timer, write 0 to stop timer. When read, it returns the last written

T2EVTCFG (0x9C) – Timer 2 Event Configuration (CC253x and CC2540)

Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6:4 TIMER2_EVENT2_CFG 000 R/W Selects the event that triggers a T2_EVENT2 pulse
000: t2_per_event
001: t2_cmp1_event
010: t2_cmp2_event
011: t2ovf_per_event
100: t2ovf_cmp1_event
101: t2ovf_cmp2_event
110: Reserved
111: No event
3 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
2:0 TIMER2_EVENT1_CFG 000 R/W Selects the event that triggers a T2_EVENT1 pulse
000: t2_per_event
001: t2_cmp1_event
010: t2_cmp2_event
011: t2ovf_per_event
100: t2ovf_cmp1_event
101: t2ovf_cmp2_event
110: Reserved
111: No event

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T2EVTCFG (0x9C) – Timer 2 Event Configuration (CC2541)
Bit Name Reset R/W Function
7:4 TIMER2_EVENT2_CFG 0000 R/W Selects the event that triggers a T2_EVENT2 pulse
0000: t2_per_event
0001: t2_cmp1_event
0010: t2_cmp2_event
0011: t2ovf_per_event
0100: t2ovf_cmp1_event
0101: t2ovf_cmp2_event
0110: Reserved
0111: No event
1000: t2ovf_long_cmp1_event
1001: t2ovf_long_cmp2_event
1010–1110: Reserved
1111: No event
3:0 TIMER2_EVENT1_CFG 0000 R/W Selects the event that triggers a T2_EVENT1 pulse
0000: t2_per_event
0001: t2_cmp1_event
0010: t2_cmp2_event
0011: t2ovf_per_event
0100: t2ovf_cmp1_event
0101: t2ovf_cmp2_event
0110: Reserved
0111: No event
1000: t2ovf_long_cmp1_event
1001: t2ovf_long_cmp2_event
1010–1110: Reserved
1111: No event

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Chapter 23
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

CC253x Radio

The RF Core controls the analog radio modules. In addition, it provides an interface between the MCU
and the radio which makes it possible to issue commands, read status, and automate and sequence radio

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

23.1 RF Core ........................................................................................................... 209

23.2 FIFO Access .................................................................................................... 213
23.3 DMA ................................................................................................................ 213
23.4 Memory Map .................................................................................................... 213
23.5 Frequency and Channel Programming ................................................................ 215
23.6 IEEE 802.15.4-2006 Modulation Format................................................................ 215
23.7 IEEE 802.15.4-2006 Frame Format....................................................................... 217
23.8 Transmit Mode ................................................................................................. 218
23.9 Receive Mode .................................................................................................. 222
23.10 RXFIFO Access ............................................................................................... 232
23.11 Radio-Control State Machine ............................................................................ 234
23.12 Random-Number Generation ............................................................................ 236
23.13 Packet Sniffing and Radio Test Output Signals ................................................... 237
23.14 Command Strobe Processor ............................................................................. 238
23.15 Registers ........................................................................................................ 255

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23.1 RF Core
The RF Core controls the analog radio modules. In addition, it provides an interface between the MCU
and the radio which makes it possible to issue commands, read status, and automate and sequence radio
The FSM submodule controls the RF transceiver state, the transmitter and receiver FIFOs, and most of
the dynamically controlled analog signals, such as power up and power down of analog modules. The
FSM is used to provide the correct sequencing of events (such as performing an FS calibration before
enabling the receiver/transmitter). Also, it provides step-by-step processing of incoming frames from the
demodulator: reading the frame length, counting the number of bytes received, checking the FCS, and
finally, optionally handling automatic transmission of ACK frames after successful frame reception. It
performs similar tasks in TX, including performing an optional CCA before transmission and automatically
going to RX after the end of transmission to receive an ACK frame. Finally, the FSM controls the transfer
of data between modulator or demodulator and the TXFIFO or RXFIFO in RAM.
The modulator transforms raw data into I/Q signals to the transmitter DAC. This is done in compliance
with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard.
The demodulator is responsible for retrieving the over-the-air data from the received signal.
The amplitude information from the demodulator is used by the automatic gain control (AGC). The AGC
adjusts the gain of the analog LNA so that the signal level within the receiver is approximately constant.
The frame filtering and source matching supports the FSM in the RF Core by performing all operations
needed in order to do frame filtering and source address matching, as defined by IEEE 802.15.4.
The frequency synthesizer (FS) generates the carrier wave for the RF signal.
The command strobe processor (CSP) processes all commands issued by the CPU. It also has a short
program memory of 24 bytes, making it possible to automate CSP algorithms.
The radio RAM holds a FIFO for transmit data (TXFIFO) and a FIFO for receive data (RXFIFO). Both
FIFOs are 128 bytes long. In addition, the RAM holds parameters for frame filtering and source matching,
and for which 128 bytes are reserved.
Timer 2 (MAC Timer) is used for timing of radio events and to capture time stamps of incoming packets.
This timer keeps counting even in power modes PM1 and PM2.

23.1.1 Interrupts
The radio is associated with two interrupt vectors on the CPU. These are the RFERR interrupt (interrupt
0) and the RF interrupt (interrupt 12) with the following functions.
• RFERR: Error situations in the radio are signaled using this interrupt.
• RF: Interrupts coming from normal operation are signaled using this interrupt.
The RF interrupt vector combines the interrupts in RFIF. Note that these RF interrupts are rising-edge
triggered. Thus, an interrupt is generated when, for example, the SFD status flag goes from 0 to 1. The
RFIF interrupt flags are described in Section 23.1.2.

23.1.2 Interrupt Registers

Two of the main interrupt control SFR registers are used to enable the RF and RFERR interrupts. These
are the following:
Two main interrupt flag SFR registers hold the RF and RFERR interrupt flags. These are the following:
The two interrupts generated by the RF Core are a combination of several sources within the RF Core.
Each of the individual sources has its own enable and interrupt flags in the RF Core. Flags can be found
in RFIRQF0, RFIRQF1, and RFIERRF. Interrupt masks can be found in RFIRQM0, RFIRQM1, and RFERRM.

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The interrupt-enable bits in the mask registers are used to enable individual interrupt sources for the two
RF interrupts. Note that masking an interrupt source does not affect the updating of the status in the flag
Due to the use of individual interrupt masks in the RF Core, the interrupts coming from RF Core have two-
layered masking, and care must be taken when processing these interrupts. The procedure is described
as follows.
To clear an interrupt from the RF Core, one must clear two flags, both the flag set in RF Core and the one
set in S1CON or TCON (depending on which interrupt is triggered). If a flag is cleared in the RF Core and
there are other unmasked flags standing, another interrupt is generated.

RFIRQF0 (0xE9) RF Interrupt Flags

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 RXMASKZERO 0 R/W0 The RXENABLE register has gone from a nonzero state to an all-zero state.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
6 RXPKTDONE 0 R/W0 A complete frame has been received.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
5 FRAME_ACCEPTED 0 R/W0 Frame has passed frame filtering.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
4 SRC_MATCH_FOUND 0 R/W0 Source match found
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
3 SRC_MATCH_DONE 0 R/W0 Source matching complete
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
2 FIFOP 0 R/W0 The number of bytes in the RXFIFO is above the threshold. Also raised when
a complete frame has been received, and when a packet has been read out
completely and there are more complete packets available.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
1 SFD 0 R/W0 SFD has been received or transmitted.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
0 ACT_UNUSED 0 R/W0 Reserved
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending

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RFIRQF1 (0x91) RF Interrupt Flags
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
5 CSP_WAIT 0 R/W0 Execution continued after a wait instruction in CSP.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
4 CSP_STOP 0 R/W0 CSP has stopped program execution.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
3 CSP_MANINT 0 R/W0 Manual interrupt generated from CSP
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
2 RFIDLE 0 R/W0 Radio state machine has entered the idle state.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
1 TXDONE 0 R/W0 A complete frame has been transmitted.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
0 TXACKDONE 0 R/W0 An acknowledgment frame has been completely transmitted.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending

RFERRF (0xBF) – RF Error Interrupt Flags

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 STROBEERR 0 R/W0 A command strobe was issued at a time it could not be processed. Triggered if
trying to disable radio when already disabled, or when trying to do a SACK,
SACKPEND, or SNACK command when not in active RX.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
5 TXUNDERF 0 R/W0 TXFIFO underflowed
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
4 TXOVERF 0 R/W0 TXFIFO overflowed
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
3 RXUNDERF 0 R/W0 RXFIFO underflowed
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
2 RXOVERF 0 R/W0 RXFIFO overflowed
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
1 RXABO 0 R/W0 Reception of a frame was aborted.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
0 NLOCK 0 R/W0 Frequency synthesizer failed to achieve lock after time-out, or lock is lost
during reception. Receiver must be restarted to clear this error situation.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending

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RFIRQM0 (0x61A3) – RF Interrupt Masks

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 RXMASKZERO 0 R/W The RXENABLE register has gone from a nonzero state to an all-zero state.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
6 RXPKTDONE 0 R/W A complete frame has been received.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
5 FRAME_ACCEPTED 0 R/W Frame has passed frame filtering.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
4 SRC_MATCH_FOUND 0 R/W Source match found
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
3 SRC_MATCH_DONE 0 R/W Source matching complete
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 FIFOP 0 R/W The number of bytes in the RXFIFO is above the threshold. Also raised when
a complete frame has been received, or when a complete packet has been
read out and there are more complete packets available.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 SFD 0 R/W SFD has been received or transmitted.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 ACT_UNUSED 0 R/W Reserved
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled

RFIRQM1 (0x61A4 ) – RF Interrupt Masks

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
5 CSP_WAIT 0 R/W Execution continued after a wait instruction in CSP.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
4 CSP_STOP 0 R/W CSP has stopped program execution.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
3 CSP_MANINT 0 R/W Manual interrupt generated from CSP.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 RFIDLE 0 R/W Radio state machine has entered the idle state.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 TXDONE 0 R/W A complete frame has been transmitted.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 TXACKDONE 0 R/W An acknowledgment frame has been completely transmitted.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled

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RFERRM (0x61A5) – RF Error Interrupt Masks
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
7:6 STROBEERR 0 R/W A command strobe was issued at a time it could not be processed. Triggered if
trying to disable radio when already disabled, or when trying to do a SACK,
SACKPEND, or SNACK command when not in active RX.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
5 TXUNDERF 0 R/W TXFIFO underflowed
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
4 TXOVERF 0 R/W TXFIFO overflowed
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
3 RXUNDERF 0 R/W RXFIFO underflowed
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 RXOVERF 0 R/W RXFIFO overflowed
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 RXABO 0 R/W Reception of a frame was aborted.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 NLOCK 0 R/W Frequency synthesizer failed to achieve lock after time-out, or lock is lost
during reception. Receiver must be restarted to clear this error situation.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled

23.2 FIFO Access

The TXFIFO and RXFIFO may be accessed though the SFR register RFD (0xD9). Data is written to the
TXFIFO when writing to the RFD register. Data is read from the RXFIFO when the RFD register is read.
The XREG registers RXFIFOCNT and TXFIFOCNT provide information on the amount of data in the
FIFOs. The FIFO contents can be cleared by issuing SFLUSHRX and SFLUSHTX.

RFD (0xD9) – RF Data

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RFD[7:0] 0x00 R/W Data written to the register is written to the TXFIFO. When reading this
register, data from the RXFIFO is read.

23.3 DMA
It is possible to use direct memory access (DMA) to move data between memory and the radio. The DMA
controller is described in Chapter 8. See this section for a detailed description on how to set up and use
DMA transfers.
To support the DMA controller, there is one DMA trigger associated with the radio, the RADIO DMA trigger
(DMA trigger 19). The RADIO DMA trigger is activated by two events. The first event to cause a RADIO
DMA trigger is when the first data is present in the RXFIFO, that is, when the RXFIFO goes from the
empty state to a nonempty state. The second event that causes a RADIO DMA trigger is when data is
read from the RXFIFO (through RFD) and there is still more data available in the RXFIFO.

23.4 Memory Map

The RF Core contains 384 bytes of physical RAM located at addresses 0x6000 to 0x0617F. The
configuration and status registers of the RF Core are located at addresses from 0x6180 to 0x61EF.
Configuration registers, RXFIFO, and TXFIFO are all preserved during sleep modes.

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23.4.1 RXFIFO
The RXFIFO memory area is located at addresses 0x6000 to 0x607F and is thus 128 bytes. Although this
memory area is intended for the RXFIFO, it is not protected in any way, so it is still accessible in the
XREG memory space. Normally, only the designated instructions should be used to manipulate the
contents of the RXFIFO. The RXFIFO can contain more than one frame at a time.

23.4.2 TXFIFO
The TXFIFO memory area is located at addresses 0x6080 to 0x60FF and is thus 128 bytes. Although this
memory area is intended for the TXFIFO, it is not protected in any way, so it is still accessible in the
XREG memory space. Normally, only the designated instructions should be used to manipulate the
contents of the TXFIFO. The TXFIFO can only contain one frame at a time.

23.4.3 Frame-Filtering and Source-Matching Memory Map

The frame-filtering and source-address-matching functions use a 128 byte block of the RF Core RAM to
store local-address information and source-matching configuration and results; this is located in the area
0x6100 to 0x617F. This memory space is described in Table 23-1. Values that do not fill an entire byte or
word are in the least-significant part of the byte or word. Note that the values in these registers are
unknown after reset. However, the values are retained during power modes.

Table 23-1. Frame Filtering and Source Matching Memory Map

0x6176–0x617F Temporary storage Memory space used for temporary storage of variables
0x6174–0x6175 SHORT_ADDR LE The short address used during destination address filtering
0x6172–0x6173 PAN_ID LE The PAN ID used during destination address filtering
0x616A–0x6171 EXT_ADD LE The IEEE extended address used during destination address filtering
8 MSBs of the 24-bit mask that enables and disables automatic
pending for each of the 24 short addresses
8 middle bits of the 24-bit mask that enables and disables automatic
pending for each of the 24 short addresses
8 LSBs of the 24-bit mask that enables and disables automatic
pending for each of the 24 short addresses
8 MSBs of the 24-bit mask that enables and disables automatic
pending for each of the 12 extended addresses. Entry n is mapped to
0x6166 SRCEXTPENDEN2 SRCEXTPENDEN[2n]. All SRCEXTPENDEN[2n + 1] bits are don't
8 middle bits of the 24-bit mask that enables and disables automatic
pending for each of the 12 extended addresses. Entry n is mapped to
SRCEXTPENDEN[2n]. All SRCEXTPENDEN[2n + 1] bits are don't
8 LSBs of the 24-bit mask that enables and disables automatic
pending for each of the 12 extended addresses. Entry n is mapped to
0x6164 SRCEXTPENDEN0 SRCEXTPENDEN[2n]. All SRCEXTPENDEN[2n + 1] bits are don't
The bit index of the least-significant 1 in SRCRESMASK, or 0x3F when
there is no source match. On a match, bit 5 is 0 when the match is
on a short address and 1 when it is on an extended address. On a
match, bit 6 is 1 when the conditions for automatic pending bit in
0x6163 SRCRESINDEX acknowledgment have been met (see the description of
SRCMATCH.AUTOPEND). The bit gives no indication of whether or not
the acknowledgment actually is transmitted, and does not take the
PENDING_OR register bit and the SACK, SACKPEND, and SNACK
strobes into account.

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Table 23-1. Frame Filtering and Source Matching Memory Map (continued)
24-bit mask that indicates source address match for each individual
entry in the source address table
Short address matching. When there is a match on entry panid_n +
0x6161 SRCRESMASK1 short_n, bit n is set in SRCRESMASK.
Extended address matching. When there is a match on entry ext_n,
0x6160 SRCRESMASK0 bits 2n and 2n + 1 are set in SRCRESMASK.
0x615E–0x615F short_23 LE
0x615C–0x615D panid_23 LE Two individual short-address entries (combination of 16-bit PAN ID
ext_11 LE
0x615A–0x615B short_22 LE and 16-bit short address) or one extended address entry
0x6158–0x6159 panid_22 LE
... ... ... ... ... ...
0x610E–0x610F short_03 LE
0x610C–0x610D panid_03 LE Two individual short address entries (combination of 16-bit PAN ID
ext_01 LE
0x610A–0x610B short_02 LE and 16-bit short address) or one extended address entry
0x6108–0x6109 panid_02 LE
0x6106–0x6107 short_01 LE
0x6104–0x6105 panid_01 LE Two individual short address entries (combination of 16-bit PAN ID
ext_00 LE
0x6102–0x6103 short_00 LE and 16-bit short address) or one extended address entry
0x6100–0x6101 panid_00 LE

23.5 Frequency and Channel Programming

The carrier frequency is set by programming the 7-bit frequency word located in FREQCTRL.FREQ[6:0].
Changes take effect after the next recalibration. Carrier frequencies in the range from 2394 MHz to 2507
MHz are supported. The carrier frequency fC, in MHz, is given by fC = (2394 + FREQCTRL.FREQ[6:0])
MHz, and is programmable in 1-MHz steps.
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 specifies 16 channels within the 2.4-GHz band. They are numbered 11 through 26
and are 5 MHz apart. The RF frequency of channel k is given by Equation 4.
fc = 2405 + 5(k - 11) éëMHz ùû k Î éë11, 26 ùû (4)
For operation in channel k, the FREQCTRL.FREQ register should therefore be set to
FREQCTRL.FREQ = 11 + 5 (k – 11).

23.6 IEEE 802.15.4-2006 Modulation Format

This section is meant as an introduction to the 2.4-GHz direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS) RF
modulation format defined in IEEE 802.15.4-2006. For a complete description, see the standard document
The modulation and spreading functions are illustrated at the block level in Figure 23-1. Each byte is
divided into two symbols, 4 bits each. The least-significant symbol is transmitted first. For multibyte fields,
the least-significant byte is transmitted first, except for security-related fields, where the most-significant
byte is transmitted first.
Each symbol is mapped to one out of 16 pseudorandom sequences, 32 chips each. The symbol-to-chip
mapping is shown in Table 23-2. The chip sequence is then transmitted at 2 Mchips/s, with the least-
significant chip (C0) transmitted first for each symbol. The transmitted bit stream and the chip sequences
are observable on GPIO pins P1[0:5]. See Chapter 7 for details on how to configure the GPIO to do this.

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250 kbps 62. 5 ksymbol/s 2 Mchips/s 1 Mchips/s

Transmitted Bit-to- Symbol- Modulated
O-QPSK Signal
(LSB First) Symbol to-Chip Modulator ( to DACs)

1 Mchips/s

Figure 23-1. Modulation

Table 23-2. IEEE 802.15.4-2006 Symbol-to-Chip Mapping

Symbol Chip Sequence (C0, C1, C2, … , C31)
0 11011001110000110101001000101110
1 11101101100111000011010100100010
2 00101110110110011100001101010010
3 00100010111011011001110000110101
4 01010010001011101101100111000011
5 00110101001000101110110110011100
6 11000011010100100010111011011001
7 10011100001101010010001011101101
8 10001100100101100000011101111011
9 10111000110010010110000001110111
10 01111011100011001001011000000111
11 01110111101110001100100101100000
12 00000111011110111000110010010110
13 01100000011101111011100011001001
14 10010110000001110111101110001100
15 11001001011000000111011110111000

The modulation format is offset – quadrature phase shift keying (O-QPSK) with half-sine chip shaping.
This is equivalent to MSK modulation. Each chip is shaped as a half-sine, transmitted alternately in the I
and Q channels with one-half chip-period offset. This is illustrated for the zero-symbol in Figure 23-2.

I-Phase 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1

Q-Phase 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0


Figure 23-2. I/Q Phases When Transmitting a Zero-Symbol Chip Sequence, tC = 0.5 μs

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23.7 IEEE 802.15.4-2006 Frame Format

This section gives a brief summary of the IEEE 802.15.4 frame format [1]. The radio has built-in support
for processing of parts of the frame. This is described in the following sections.
Figure 23-3 shows a schematic view of the IEEE 802.15.4 frame format. Similar figures describing specific
frame formats (data frames, beacon frames, acknowledgment frames, and MAC command frames) are
included in the standard document [1].
Bytes: 2 1 0 to 20 n 2
Frame Data Frame Check
MAC Address
Control Field Sequence Frame Payload Sequence
Layer Information
(FCF) Number (FCS)
MAC Header (MHR) MAC Payload MAC Footer

Bytes: 4 1 1 5 + (0 to 20) + n
Start-of-Frame MAC Protocol
PHY Preamble Frame
Delimiter Data Unit
Layer Sequence Length
Synchronization Header PHY Header PHY Service Data Unit

11 + (0 to 20) + n

PHY Protocol Data Unit



Figure 23-3. Schematic View of the IEEE 802.15.4 Frame Format [1]

23.7.1 PHY Layer

Synchronization Header
The synchronization header (SHR) consists of the preamble sequence followed by the start-of-frame
delimiter (SFD). In the IEEE 802.15.4 specification [1], the preamble sequence is defined to be 4 bytes of
0x00. The SFD is one byte with value 0xA7.
PHY Header
The PHY header consists only of the frame-length field. The frame-length field defines the number of
bytes in the MPDU. Note that the value of the frame-length field does not include the frame-length field
itself. It does, however, include the frame-check sequence (FCS), even if this is inserted automatically by
the hardware.
The frame-length field is 7 bits long and has a maximum value of 127. The most-significant bit in the
frame-length field is reserved, and should always be set to zero.
PHY Service Data Unit
The PHY service data unit (PSDU) contains the MAC protocol data unit (MPDU). The functino of the MAC
layer is to generate or interpret the MPDU, and the radio has built-in support for processing of some of the
MPDU subfields.

23.7.2 MAC Layer

The FCF, data sequence number, and address information follow the frame-length field as shown in
Figure 23-3. Together with the MAC data payload and frame check sequence, they form the MPDU. The
format of the FCF is shown in Figure 23-4. For full details, see the IEEE 802.15.4 specification [1].

Bits: 0–2 3 4 5 6 7–9 10–11 12–13 14–15

Frame type Security Frame Acknowledge Intra PAN Reserved Destination Reserved Source
enabled pending request addressing addressing
mode mode
Figure 23-4. Format of the Frame Control Field (FCF)

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Frame-Check Sequence
A 2-byte frame-check sequence (FCS) follows the last MAC payload byte as shown in Figure 23-3. The
FCS is calculated over the MPDU, that is, the frame-length field is not part of the FCS.
The FCS polynomial defined in [1] is
G(s) = x16 + x12 + x5 + 1
The radio supports automatic calculation and verification of the FCS. See Section 23.8.10 for details.

23.8 Transmit Mode

This section describes how to control the transmitter, how to control the integrated frame processing, and
how to use the TXFIFO.

23.8.1 TX Control
The radio has many built-in features for frame processing and status reporting. Note that the radio
provides features that make it easy to have precise control of the timing of outgoing frames. This is very
important in an IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee® system, because there are strict timing requirements to such
Frame transmission is started by the following actions:
• The STXON command strobe
– The SAMPLED_CCA signal is not updated.
• The STXONCCA command strobe, provided that the CCA signal is high.
– Aborts ongoing transmission or reception and forces a TX calibration followed by transmission.
– The SAMPLED_CCA signal is updated.
Clear-channel assessment is described in detail in Section 23.8.12.
Frame transmission is aborted by the following command actions:
• The SRXON command strobe
– Aborts ongoing transmission and forces an RX calibration
• The SRFOFF command strobe
– Aborts ongoing transmission or reception and forces the FSM to the IDLE state
• The STXON command strobe
– Aborts ongoing transmission and forces an RX calibration
To enable the receiver after transmission with STXON, the FRMCTRL1.SET_RXENMASK_ON_TX bit should
be set. This sets bit 6 in RXENABLE when STXON is executed. When transmitting with STXONCCA, the
receiver is on before the transmission and is turned back on afterwards (unless the RXENABLE registers
have been cleared in the meantime).

23.8.2 TX State Timing

Transmission of preamble begins 192 μs after the STXON or STXONCCA command strobe. This is
referred to as TX turnaround time in [1]. There is an equal delay when returning to receive mode.
When returning to idle or receive mode, there is a 2-μs delay while the modulator ramps down the signals
to the DACs. The down ramping happens automatically after the complete MPDU (as defined by the
length byte) has been transmitted or if TX underflow occurs. This affects:
• The SFD signal, which is stretched by 2 μs.
• The radio FSM transition to the IDLE state, which is delayed by 2 μs.

23.8.3 TXFIFO Access

The TXFIFO can hold 128 bytes and only one frame at a time. The frame can be buffered before or after
the TX command strobe is executed, as long as it does not generate TX underflow (see the error
conditions listed in Section 23.8.5).

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Figure 23-5 illustrates what must be written to the TXFIFO (marked blue). Additional bytes are ignored,
unless TX overflow occurs (see the error conditions listed in Section 23.8.5).

AUTOCRC = 0 LEN LEN –2 Bytes (Ignored)
(2 Bytes)

AUTOCRC = 1 LEN LEN –2 Bytes (Ignored)

Figure 23-5. Frame Data Written to the TXFIFO

There are two ways to write to the TXFIFO.

• Write to the RFD register.
• Frame buffering always begins at the start of the TXFIFO memory. By enabling the
FRMCTRL1.IGNORE_TX_UNDERF bit, it is possible to write directly into the RAM area in the radio
memory, which holds the TXFIFO. Note that it is recommended to use the RFD register for writing data
to the TXFIFO.
The number of bytes in the TXFIFO is stored in the TXFIFOCNT register.
The TXFIFO can be emptied manually with the SFLUSHTX command strobe. TX underflow occurs if the
FIFO is emptied during transmission.

23.8.4 Retransmission
In order to support simple retransmission of frames, the radio does not delete the TXFIFO contents as
they are transmitted. After a frame has been successfully transmitted, the FIFO contents are left
unchanged. To retransmit the same frame, simply restart TX by issuing an STXON or STXONCCA
command strobe. Note that a retransmission of a packet is only possible if the packet has been completely
transmitted; that is, a packet cannot be aborted and then be retransmitted.
If a different frame is to be transmitted, issue an ISFLUSHTX strobe and then write the new frame to the

23.8.5 Error Conditions

There are two error conditions associated with the TXFIFO:
• Overflow happens when the TXFIFO is full and another byte write is attempted.
• Underflow happens when the TXFIFO is empty and the radio attempts to fetch another byte for
TX overflow is indicated by the TX_OVERFLOW interrupt flag being set. When this error occurs, the
writing is aborted, that is, the data byte that caused the overflow is lost. The error condition must be
cleared with the SFLUSHTX strobe.
TX underflow is indicated by the TX_UNDERFLOW interrupt flag being set. When this error occurs, the
ongoing transmission is aborted. The error condition must be cleared with the SFLUSHTX strobe.
The TX_UNDERFLOW exception can be disabled by setting the FRMCTRL1.IGNORE_TX_UNDERF bit. In
this case, the radio continues transmitting the bytes that happen to be in the TXFIFO memory, until the
number of bytes given by the first byte (that is, the length byte) have been transmitted.

23.8.6 TX Flow Diagram

Figure 23-6 summarizes the previous sections in a flow diagram:

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No command Unslotted command Slotted command

Data buffering
strobe processor strobe processor strobe processor


Write a frame to the

TX buffer using:
(SAMPLED_CCA = 1) Success?
- Memory access
- A combination of
these methods
STXON STXONCCA (SAMPLED_CCA = 0) This can be done
before, after, or in
parallel with the TX

Yes No
(SAMPLED_CCA = 1) TX started? (SAMPLED_CCA = 0)

TX buffer overfilled

TX is aborted by
TX completes? No Why? SRXON,



Frame transmitted successfully Incomplete or no frame transmission Error condition

Error condition
(left side of the flow
diagram should be

ignored because the
TX buffer is corrupted.)

Between two transmissions, there can be multiple other activities such as frame reception, RX FIFO access, and acknowledgment transmission (using SACK,
SACKPEND, or AUTOACK), or idle periods (random backoffs). This has no side effects on the state of the TX buffer.

The placement of the SFLUSHTX strobe in the diagram shows the latest point in time where this strobe can be executed. If fewer special cases is desired, it is
always possible to use the SFLUSHTX strobe and then load or reload TXBUF with the next frame to be transmitted.

Next time... Next time...

To retransmit or To retransmit or
transmit a transmit a
different frame... To (re)transmit different frame...
To retransmit the To transmit a what is To transmit a
current frame... different frame... currently in different frame...
the TX buffer...

Restart from the Restart from the Restart from the

top of the diagram top of the diagram SFLUSHTX top of the diagram SFLUSHTX SFLUSHTX

Do not write Write the new If anything is

anything to the TX frame to the TX written to the TX
buffer buffer buffer, it is
Restart from the Restart from the Restart from the
(before, after, or in appended to the
top of the diagram top of the diagram top of the diagram
parallel with the current data.
TX strobe)
Write the next Write the new Write the next
frame to the TX frame to the TX frame to the TX
buffer buffer buffer
(before, after, or in before, after, or in before, after, or in
parallel with the parallel with the parallel with the
TX strobe) TX strobe) TX strobe)


Figure 23-6. TX Flow

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23.8.7 Transmitted Frame Processing

The radio performs the following frame generation tasks for TX frames:
Received Frame
Preamble SFD LEN MHR MAC Payload FCS

(1) (2) (3)


(1) Generation and automatic transmission of the PHY layer synchronization header, which consists of the
preamble and the SFD
(2) Transmission of the number of bytes specified by the frame-length field
(3) Calculation of and automatic transmission of the FCS (can be disabled)
Figure 23-7. Single Transmitted Frame

The recommended usage is to write the frame-length field followed by the MAC header and MAC payload
to the TXFIFO and let the radio handle the rest. Note that the frame-length field must include the two FCS
bytes, even though the radio adds these automatically.

23.8.8 Synchronization Header

Synchronization Header

Preamble SFD

1 Symbol 1 Byte

IEEE 802.15.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 A

CC2530 2 (PREAMBLE_LENGTH + 2) Zero Symbols


Figure 23-8. Transmitted Synchronization Header

The radio has programmable preamble length. The default value is compliant with [1], and changing the
value makes the system noncompliant to IEEE 802.15.4.
The preamble sequence length is set by MDMCTRL0.PREAMBLE_LENGTH. Figure 23-8 shows how the
synchronization header relates to the IEEE 802.15.4 specification.
When the required number of preamble bytes has been transmitted, the radio automatically transmits the
1-byte SFD. The SFD is fixed, and it is not possible to change this value from software.

23.8.9 Frame-Length Field

When the SFD has been transmitted, the modulator starts to read data from the TXFIFO. It expects to find
the frame-length field followed by the MAC header and MAC payload. The frame-length field is used to
determine how many bytes are to be transmitted.
Note that the minimum frame length is 3 bytes when AUTOCRC = 1 and 1 byte when AUTOCRC = 0.

23.8.10 Frame Check Sequence

When the FRMCTRL0.AUTOCRC control bit is set, the FCS field is automatically generated and appended
to the transmitted frame at the position defined by the frame-length field. The FCS is not written to the
TXFIFO, but stored in a separate 16-bit register. It is recommended always to have AUTOCRC enabled,
except possibly for debug purposes. If FRMCTRL0.AUTOCRC = 0, then the modulator expects to find the
FCS in the TXFIFO, so software must generate the FCS and write it to the TXFIFO along with the rest of
the MPDU.
The hardware implementation of the FCS calculator is shown in Figure 23-9. See [1] for further details.

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Data Input
(LSB First) + + +

r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15


Figure 23-9. FCS Hardware Implementation

23.8.11 Interrupts
The SFD interrupt is raised when the SFD field of the frame has been transmitted. At the end of the frame,
the TX_FRM_DONE interrupt is raised when the complete frame has been successfully transmitted.
Note that there is a second SFD signal available on GPIO (through radio observation mux) that should not
be confused with the SFD interrupt.

23.8.12 Clear-Channel Assessment

The clear-channel assessment (CCA) status signal indicates whether the channel is available for
transmission or not. The CCA function is used to implement the command-strobe-processor functionality
specified in the IEEE 802.15.4 specification [1]. The CCA signal is valid when the receiver has been
enabled for at least eight symbol periods. The RSSI_VALID status signal can be used to verify this.
The CCA is based on the RSSI value and a programmable threshold. The exact behavior is configurable
in the CCACTRL0 and CCACTRL1 registers.
There are two variations of the CCA signal, one that is updated at every new RSSI sample and one that is
only updated on SSAMPLECCA/ISAMPLECCA and STXONCCA/ISTXONCCA command strobes. They
are both available in the FSMSTAT1 register.
Note that the CCA signal is updated four clock cycles (system clock) after the RSSI_VALID signal has
been set.

23.8.13 Output Power Programming

The RF output power is controlled by the 7-bit value in the TXPOWER register. The device data sheet
(Appendix C) shows typical output power and current consumption for recommended settings when the
center frequency is set to 2.440 GHz. Note that the recommended settings are only a small subset of all
the possible register settings.

23.8.14 Tips and Tricks

• Note that there is no requirement to have the complete frame in the TXFIFO before starting a
transmission. Bytes may be added to the TXFIFO during transmission.
• It is possible to transmit non-IEEE 802.15.4 compliant frames by setting

23.9 Receive Mode

This section describes how to control the receiver, control the integrated RX frame processing, and how to
use the RXFIFO.

23.9.1 RX Control
The receiver is turned on and off with the SRXON and SRFOFF command strobes, and with the
RXENABLE registers. The command strobes provide a hard on-off mechanism, whereas RXENABLE
manipulation provides a soft on-off mechanism.
The receiver is turned on by the following actions:
• The SRXON strobe:

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– Sets RXENABLE[7]
– Aborts ongoing transmission or reception by forcing a transition to RX calibration.
• The STXON strobe, when FRMCTRL1.SET_RXENMASK_ON_TX is enabled:
– Sets RXENABLE[6]
– The receiver is enabled after transmission completes.
• Setting RXENABLE != 0x00 by writing to RXENMASKOR:
– Does not abort ongoing transmission or reception.
The receiver is turned off by the following actions:
• The SRFOFF strobe:
– Clears RXENABLE[7:0]
– Aborts ongoing transmission or reception by forcing the transition to IDLE mode.
• Setting RXENABLE = 0x00 by writing to RXENMASKAND
– Does not abort ongoing transmission or reception. Once the ongoing transmission or reception is
finished, the radio returns to the IDLE state.
There are several ways to manipulate the RXENABLE registers:
• The SRXON, SRFOFF and STXON strobes, including the FRMCTRL1.SET_RXMASK_ON_TX setting

23.9.2 RX State Timing

The receiver is ready 192 μs after RX has been enabled by one of the methods described in
Section 23.9.1. This is referred to as RX turnaround time in [1].
When returning to receive mode after frame reception, there is by default an interval of 192 μs where SFD
detection is disabled. This interval can be disabled by clearing FSMCTRL.RX2RX_TIME_OFF.

23.9.3 Received-Frame Processing

The radio integrates critical portions of the RX requirements in IEEE 802.15.4-2003 and -2006 in
hardware. This reduces the CPU interruption rate, simplifies the software that handles frame reception,
and provides the results with minimum latency.
During reception of a single frame, the following frame-processing steps are performed:
Received Frame Transmitted Acknowledgment Frame
Preamble SFD LEN MHR MAC Payload FCS Preamble SFD LEN MHR FCS

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


(1) Detection and removal of the received PHY synchronization header (preamble and SFD), and reception of
the number of bytes specified by the frame-length field.
(2) Frame filtering as specified by [1], section, third filtering level.
(3) Matching of the source address against a table containing up to 24 short addresses or 12 extended IEEE
addresses. The source address table is stored in the radio RAM.
(4) Automatic FCS checking, and attaching this result and other status values (RSSI, correlation, and source-
match result) to received frames.
(5) Automatic acknowledgment transmission with correct timing, and correct setting of the frame-pending bit,
based on the results from source address matching and FCS checking.
Figure 23-10. Single Received Frame and Transmitted Acknowledgment Frame

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23.9.4 Synchronization Header and Frame-Length Fields

Frame reception starts with detection of a start-of-frame delimiter (SFD), followed by the length byte,
which determines when the reception is complete. The SFD signal, which can be output on GPIO, can be
used to capture the start of received frames:

Received Frame Preamble SFD LEN MPDU (LEN[6:0] Bytes)

SFD (Accepted Frame)

SFD (Rejected Frame)

Frame Rejected

Figure 23-11. SFD Signal Timing

Preamble and SFD are not written to the RXFIFO.

The radio uses a correlator to detect the SFD. The correlation threshold value in MDMCTRL1.CORR_THR
determines how closely the received SFD must match an ideal SFD. The threshold must be adjusted with
• If set too high, the radio misses many actual SFDs, effectively reducing the receiver sensitivity.
• If set too low, the radio detects many false SFDs. Although this does not reduce the receiver
sensitivity, the effect is similar, because false frames might overlap with the SFDs of actual frames. It
also increases the risk of receiving false frames with correct FCS.
In addition to SFD detection, it is also possible to require a number of valid preamble symbols (also above
the correlation threshold) prior to SFD detection. See the register descriptions of MDMCTRL0 and
MDMCTRL1 for available options and recommended settings.

23.9.5 Frame Filtering

The frame filtering function rejects nonintended frames as specified by [1], section, third filtering
level. In addition, it provides filtering on:
• The eight different frame types (see the FRMFILT1 register)
• The reserved bits in the frame control field (FCF)
The function is controlled by:
• The FRMFILT0 and FRMFILT1 registers
• The PAN_ID, SHORT_ADDR and EXT_ADDR values in RAM
Filtering Algorithm
The FRMFILT0.FRM_FILTER_EN bit controls whether frame filtering is applied or not. When disabled, the
radio accepts all received frames. When enabled (which is the default setting), the radio only accepts
frames that fulfill all of the following requirements:
• The length byte must be equal to or higher than the minimum frame length, which is derived from the
source- and destination-address mode and PAN ID compression subfields of the FCF.
• The reserved FCF bits [9:7] ANDed together with FRMFILT0.FCF_RESERVED_BITMASK must equal
• The value of the frame version subfield of the FCF cannot be higher than
• The source and destination address modes cannot be reserved values (1).
• Destination address:

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– If a destination PAN ID is included in the frame, it must match PAN_ID or must be the broadcast
PAN identifier (0xFFFF).
– If a short destination address is included in the frame, it must match either SHORT_ADDR or the
broadcast address (0xFFFF).
– If an extended destination address is included in the frame, it must match EXT_ADDR.
• Frame type:
– Beacon frames (0) are only accepted when:
• Length byte ≥ 9
• The destination address mode is 0 (no destination address).
• The source address mode is 2 or 3 (that is, a source address is included).
• The source PAN ID matches PAN_ID, or PAN_ID equals 0xFFFF.
– Data (1) frames are only accepted when:
• Length byte ≥ 9
• A destination address and/or source address is included in the frame. If no destination address
is included in the frame, the FRMFILT0.PAN_COORDINATOR bit must be set, and the source
PAN ID must equal PAN_ID.
– Acknowledgment (2) frames are only accepted when:
• Length byte = 5
– MAC command (3) frames are only accepted when:
•Length byte ≥ 9
•A destination address and/or source address is included in the frame. If no destination address
is included in the frame, the FRMFILT0.PAN_COORDINATOR bit must be set, and the source
PAN ID must equal PAN_ID for the frame to be accepted.
– Reserved frame types (4, 5, 6, and 7) are only accepted when
• FRMFILT1.ACCEPT_FT4TO7_RESERVED = 1 (default is 0)
• Length byte ≥ 9
The following operations are performed before the filtering begins, with no effect on the frame data stored
in the RXFIFO:
• Bit 7 of the length byte is masked out (don't care).
• If FRMFILT1.MODIFY_FT_FILTER is not equal to zero, the MSB of the frame-type subfield of the FCF
is either inverted or forced to 0 or 1.
If a frame is rejected, the radio only starts searching for a new frame after the rejected frame has been
completely received (as defined by the frame-length field) to avoid detecting false SFDs within the frame.
Note that a rejected frame can generate RX overflow if it occurs before the frame is rejected.
When frame filtering is enabled and the filtering algorithm accepts a received frame, an
RX_FRM_ACCEPTED interrupt is generated. It is not generated if frame filtering is disabled or
RX_OVERFLOW or RX_FRM_ABORTED is generated before the filtering result is known.
Figure 23-12 illustrates the three different scenarios (not including the overflow and abort-error conditions).

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FCF + SEQ + Destination +

SFD LEN Remainder of Received Frame
Source PAN ID

Filtering is Enabled, Frame Rejected

SFD Frame SFD Search

Interrupt Rejected Resumed

Filtering is Enabled, Frame Accepted

FIFOP interrupt occurs during this interval

(Depending on FIFOPCTRL Value)


Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt

Filtering is Disabled

FIFOP interrupt occurs during this interval

(Depending on FIFOPCTRL Value)

Interrupt Interrupt

Figure 23-12. Filtering Scenarios (Exceptions Generated During Reception)

The FSMSTAT1.SFD register bit goes high when a start-of-frame delimiter is completely received and
remains high until either the last byte in MPDU is received or the received frame has failed to pass
address recognition and been rejected.
Tips and Tricks
The following register settings must be configured correctly:
• FRMFILT0.PAN_COORDINATOR must be set if the device is a PAN coordinator, and cleared if not.
• FRMFILT0.MAX_FRAME_VERSION must correspond to the supported version(s) of the IEEE 802.15.4
• The local address information must be loaded into RAM.
To avoid completely the receiving of frames during energy-detection scanning, set FRMCTRL0.RX_MODE =
11b and then (re)start RX. This disables symbol search and thereby prevents SFD detection.
To resume normal RX mode, set FRMCTRL0.RX_MODE = 00b and (re)start RX.
During operation in a busy IEEE 802.15.4 environment, the radio receives large numbers of nonintended
acknowledgment frames. To block reception of these frames effectively, use the
FRMFILT1.ACCEPT_FT2_ACK bit to control when acknowledgment frames should be received:
• Set FRMFILT1.ACCEPT_FT2_ACK after successfully starting a transmission with acknowledgment
request, and clear the bit again after the acknowledgment frame has been received or the time-out has
been reached.
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• Keep the bit cleared otherwise.

It is not necessary to turn off the receiver while changing the values of the FRMFILT0 and FRMFILT1
registers and the local address information stored in RAM. However, if the changes take place between
reception of the SFD byte and the source PAN ID (that is, between the SFD and RX_FRM_ACCEPTED
exceptions), the modified values must be considered as don't care for that particular frame (the radio uses
either the old or the new value).
Note that it is possible to make the radio ignore all IEEE 802.15.4 incoming frames by setting

23.9.6 Source Address Matching

The radio supports matching of the source address in received frames against a table stored in the on-
chip memory. The table is 96 bytes long, and hence it can contain up to:
• 24 short addresses (2-byte PAN ID + 2-byte short address).
• 12 IEEE extended addresses (8 bytes each).
Source address matching is only performed when frame filtering is also enabled and the received frame
has been accepted. The function is controlled by:
SRCEXTEN2 registers
• The source address table in RAM
Automatic acknowledgment transmission with correct setting of the frame-pending bit: When using indirect
frame transmission, the devices send data requests to poll frames stored on the coordinator. To indicate
whether it actually has a frame stored for the device, the coordinator must set or clear the frame-pending
bit in the returned acknowledgment frame. On most 8- and 16-bit MCUs, however, there is not enough
time to determine this, and so the coordinator ends up setting the pending bit regardless of whether there
are pending frames for the device (as required by IEEE 802.15.4 [1]). This is wasteful in terms of power
consumption, because the polling device must keep its receiver enabled for a considerable period of time,
even if there are no frames for it. By loading the destination addresses in the indirect frame queue into the
source address table and enabling the AUTOPEND function, the radio sets the pending bit in outgoing
acknowledgment frames automatically. This way, the operation is no longer timing-critical, as the effort
done by the microcontroller is when adding or removing frames in the indirect frame queue and updating
the source address table accordingly.
Security material look-up: To reduce the time needed to process secured frames, the source address
table can be set up so the entries match the table of security keys on the CPU. A second level of masking
on the table entries allows this application to be combined with automatic setting of the pending bit in
acknowledgment frames.
Other applications: The two previous applications are the main targets for the source-address matching
function. However, for proprietary protocols that only rely on the basic IEEE 802.15.4 frame format, there
are several other useful applications. For instance, it is possible to create firewall functionality where only
a specified set of nodes is to be acknowledged.
The Source Address Table
The source address table begins at address 0x6100 in RAM. The space is shared between short and
extended addresses, and the SRCSHORTEN0, SRCSHORTEN1,
SRCEXTEN2 registers are used to control which entries are enabled. All values in the table
are little-endian (as in the received frames).
• A short address entry starts with the 16-bit PAN ID followed by the 16-bit short address. These entries
are stored at address 0x6100 + (4 × n), where n is a number between 0 and 23.
• An extended address entry consists only of the 64-bit IEEE extended address. These entries are
stored at address 0x6100 + (8 × n), where n is a number between 0 and 11.
Address Enable Registers
Software is responsible for allocating table entries and for making sure that active short and extended
address entries do not overlap. There are separate enable bits for short and extended addresses:

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• Short address entries are enabled in the SRCSHORTEN0, SRCSHORTEN1, and SRCSHORTEN2 registers.
Register bit n corresponds to short address entry n.
• Extended address entries are enabled in the SRCEXTEN0, SRCEXTEN1, and SRCEXTEN2 registers. In
this case, register bit 2n corresponds to extended address entry n. This mapping is convenient when
creating a combined bit vector (of short and extended enable bits) to find unused entries. Moreover,
when read, register bit 2n + 1 always has the same value as register bit 2n, because an extended
address occupies the same memory as two short-address entries.
Matching Algorithm
The SRCMATCH.SRC_MATCH_EN bit controls whether source address matching is enabled or not. When
enabled (which is the default setting) and a frame passes the filtering algorithm, the radio applies one of
the algorithms outlined in Figure 23-13, depending on which type of source address is present.
The result is reported in two different forms:
• A 24-bit vector called SRCRESMASK contains a 1 for each enabled short entry with a match, or two
1s for each enabled extended entry with a match (the bit mapping is the same as for the address-
enable registers on read access).
• A 7-bit value called SRCRESINDEX:
– When no source address is present in the received frame, or there is no match on the received
source address:
• Bits 6:0: 011 1111
– If there is a match on the received source address:
• Bits 4:0: The index of the first entry (that is, the one with the lowest index number) with a match,
0–23 for short addresses or 0–11 for extended addresses.
• Bit 5: 0 if the match is on a short address, 1 if the match is on an extended address
• Bit 6: The result of the AUTOPEND function

Short Source Address (Mode 2) Extended Source Address (Mode 3)

The received source PAN ID is called srcPanid. The received short The received extended address is called srcExt.
address is called srcShort.
SRCRESMASK = 0x000000; SRCRESMASK = 0x000000;
for (n = 0; n < 24; n++) { for (n = 0; n < 12; n++) {
bitVector = 0x000001 << n; bitVector = 0x000003 << (2*n);
if (SRCSHORTEN & bitVector) { if (SRCEXTEN & bitVector) {
if ((panid[n] == srcPanid) && if (ext[n] == srxExt) {
(short[n] == srcShort)) { SRCRESMASK |= bitVector;
SRCRESMASK |= bitVector; if (SRCRESINDEX == 0x3F) {
if (SRCRESINDEX == 0x3F) { SRCRESINDEX = n | 0x20;
} }
} }
} }

Figure 23-13. Matching Algorithm for Short and Extended Addresses

SRCRESMASK and SRCRESINDEX are written to RF Core memory as soon as the result is available.
SRCRESINDEX is also appended to received frames if the FRMCTRL0.AUTOCRC and
FRMCTRL0.APPEND_DATA_MODE bits have been set. The value then replaces the 7-bit correlation value
of the 16-bit status word.
When source address matching is enabled and the matching algorithm completes, the
SRC_MATCH_DONE interrupt flag is set, regardless of the result. If a match is found, the
SRC_MATCH_FOUND flag is also set immediately before SRC_MATCH_DONE.
Figure 23-14 illustrates the timing of the setting of flags:

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When There Is No Source Address:

----- Last
SFD LEN FCF + SEQ + Destination Byte



Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt

When There Is a Source Address:

FCF + SEQ + Destination + Source ----- Last

Source PAN ID Address

may occur during this interval

SRC_MATCH_DONE interrupt
occurs during this interval


Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt

Figure 23-14. Interrupts Generated by Source Address Matching

Tips and Tricks

• The source address table can be modified safely during frame reception. If one address replaces
another while the receiver is active, the corresponding enable bit should be turned off during the
modification. This prevents the RF Core from using a combination of old and new values, because it
only considers entries that are enabled throughout the whole source matching process.
The following measures can be taken to avoid the next received frame overwriting the results from source
address matching:
• Use the appended SRCRESINDEX result instead of the value written to RAM (this is the
recommended approach).
• Read the results from RAM before RX_FRM_ACCEPTED occurs in the next received frame. For the
shortest frame type, this happens after the sequence number, so the total available time (absolute
worst-case with a small safety margin) becomes:
16 μs (required preamble) + 32 μs (SFD) + 128 μs (4 bytes) = 176 μs
• To increase the available time, clear the FSMCTRL.RX2RX_TIME_OFF bit. This adds another 192 μs,
for a total of 368 μs. This also reduces the risk of RX overflow.

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23.9.7 Frame-Check Sequence

In receive mode, the FCS is verified by hardware if FRMCTRL0.AUTOCRC is enabled. The user is normally
only interested in the correctness of the FCS, not the FCS sequence itself. The FCS sequence itself is
therefore not written to the RXFIFO during receive. Instead, when FRMCTRL0.AUTOCRC is set, the two
FCS bytes are replaced by other more-useful values. The values that are substituted for the FCS
sequence are configurable in the FRMCTRL0 register.
FRMCTRL0 Settings
Data in RXFIFO
Length Byte MPDU
n MPDU1 MPDU2 •••• MPDUn–2 FCS1 FCS2

AUTOCRC = 1 and 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CRC Correlation Value (Unsigned)
APPEND_DATA_MODE = 0 RSSI (Signed 2s Complement)

AUTOCRC = 1 and 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RSSI (Signed 2s Complement) CRC

Figure 23-15. Data in RXFIFO for Different Settings

Field Descriptions:
• The RSSI value is measured over the first eight symbols following the SFD.
• The CRC_OK bit indicates whether the FCS is correct (1) or incorrect (0). When incorrect, software is
responsible for discarding the frame.
• The correlation value is the average correlation value over the first eight symbols following the SFD.
• SRCRESINDEX is the same value that is written to RAM after completion of source address matching.
Calculation of the LQI value used by IEEE 802.15.4 is described in Section 23.10.4.

23.9.8 Acknowledgement Transmission

The radio includes hardware support for acknowledgment transmission after successful frame reception
(that is, the FCS of the received frame must be correct). Figure 23-16 shows the format of the
acknowledgment frame.
Bytes: 4 1 1 2 1 2
Start-of-Frame Frame Data Frame Check
Preamble Frame
Delimiter Control Field Sequence Sequence
Sequence Length
(SFD) (FCF) Number (FCS)
Synchronization Header PHY Header MAC Footer
MAC Header (MHR)

Figure 23-16. Acknowledge Frame Format

There are three variable fields in the generated acknowledgment frame:

• The pending bit, which may be controlled with command strobes and the AUTOPEND feature (in the
FCF field)
• The data sequence number (DSN), which is taken automatically from the last received frame
• The FCS, which is given implicitly

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There are three different sources for setting the pending bit in an ACK frame (that is, the SACKPEND
strobe, the PENDING_OR register bit, and the AUTOPEND feature). The pending bit is set if one or more
of these sources are set.
Transmission Timing
Acknowledgment frames can only be transmitted immediately after frame reception. The transmission
timing is controlled by the FSMCTRL.SLOTTED_ACK bit.
12 Symbol Periods = 192 ms

Unslotted ACK (0) Preamble SFD RX Frame Preamble SFD ACK Frame

n Backoff Periods = n ´ 320 ms

Slotted ACK (1) Preamble SFD RX Frame Preamble SFD ACK Frame

12–31 Symbol Periods


Figure 23-17. Acknowledgment Timing

The IEEE 802.15.4 requires unslotted mode in nonbeacon-enabled PANs, and slotted mode for beacon-
enabled PANs.
Manual Control
The SACK, SACKPEND, and SNACK command strobes can only be issued during frame reception. If the
strobes are issued at any other time, they have no effect but generating a STROBE_ERROR interrupt.

Preamble SFD RX Frame (Rejected or Accepted)



Figure 23-18. Command Strobe Timing

The command strobes may be issued several times during reception; however, only the last strobe has an
• No strobe, or SNACK, or incorrect FCS: No acknowledgment transmission
• SACK: Acknowledgment transmission with the frame-pending bit cleared
• SACKPEND: Acknowledgment transmission with the frame-pending bit set
Automatic Control (AUTOACK)
When FRMFILT0.FRM_FILTER_EN and FRMCTRL0.AUTOACK are both enabled, the radio determines
automatically whether or not to transmit acknowledgment frames:
• The RX frame must be accepted by frame filtering (indicated by the RX_FRM_ACCEPTED exception).
• The acknowledgment request bit must be set in the RX frame.
• The RX frame must not be a beacon or an acknowledgment frame.
• The FCS of the RX frame must be correct.
Automatic acknowledgments can be overridden by the SACK, SACKPEND, and SNACK command
strobes. For instance, if the microcontroller is low on memory resources and cannot store a received
frame, the SNACK strobe can be issued during reception and prevent acknowledging the discarded frame.
By default, the AUTOACK feature never sets the frame-pending bit in the acknowledgment frames. Apart
from manual override with command strobes, there are two options:
• Automatic control, using the AUTOPEND feature
• Manual control, using the FRMCTRL1.PENDING_OR bit

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Automatic Setting of the Frame Pending Field (AUTOPEND)

When the SRCMATCH.AUTOPEND bit is set, the result from source address matching determines the value
of the frame-pending field. On reception of a frame, the frame-pending field in the (possibly) returned
acknowledgment is set, given that:
• The received frame matches the current SRCMATCH.PEND_DATAREQ_ONLY setting.
• The received source address matches at least one source-match table entry, which is enabled in both
If the source-matching table runs full, the FRMCTRL1.PENDING_OR bit may be used to override the
AUTOPEND feature and temporarily acknowledge all frames with the frame-pending field set.

23.10 RXFIFO Access

The RXFIFO can hold one or more received frames, provided that the total number of bytes is 128 or less.
There are two ways to determine the number of bytes in the RXFIFO:
• Reading the RXFIFOCNT register
• Using the FIFOP and FIFO signals in combination with the FIFOPCTRL.FIFOPTHR setting
The RXFIFO is accessed through the RFD register.
The data in the RXFIFO can also be accessed by accessing the radio RAM directly. The FIFO pointers
are readable in RXFIRST_PTR, RXLAST_PTR, and RXP1_PTR. This can be useful if one wants to access
quickly a certain byte within a frame without having to read out the entire frame first. Note that when using
this direct accessing, no FIFO pointers are updated.
The ISFLUSHRX command strobe resets the RXFIFO, resetting all FIFO pointers and clearing all
counters, status signals, and sticky error conditions. However, if the receiver is actively receiving a frame
when the FIFO is flushed, the RFERRF.ABO flag is asserted.
The SFLUSHRX command strobe resets the RXFIFO, removing all received frames and clearing all
counters, status signals, and sticky-error conditions.

23.10.1 Using the FIFO and FIFOP

The FIFO and FIFOP signals are useful when reading out received frames in small portions while the
frame is received:
• FSMSTAT1.FIFO goes high when one or more bytes are in the RXFIFO, but low when RX overflow
has occurred.
• The FSMSTAT1.FIFOP signal goes high when:
– The number of valid bytes in the RXFIFO exceeds the FIFOP threshold value programmed into
FIFOPCTRL. When frame filtering is enabled, the bytes in the frame header are not considered
valid until the frame has been accepted.
– The last byte of a new frame is received, even if the FIFOP threshold is not exceeded. If so, FIFOP
goes back to low at the next RXFIFO read access.

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Received Frame Preamble SFD LEN MPDU (LEN[6:0] Bytes)

Accepted Frame


(Low Threshold)

(High Threshold)

Rejected Frame



First Byte Frame Last Byte

Received Filtering Received

Figure 23-19. Behavior of FIFO and FIFOP Signals

When using the FIFOP as an interrupt source for the microcontroller, the FIFOP threshold should be
adjusted by the interrupt service routine to prepare for the next interrupt. When preparing for the last
interrupt for a frame, the threshold should match the number of bytes remaining.

23.10.2 Error Conditions

There are two error conditions associated with the RXFIFO:
• Overflow, in which case the RXFIFO is full when another byte is received
• Underflow, in which case software attempts to read a byte from an empty RXFIFO
RX overflow is indicated by the RFERRF.RXOVERF flag being set and by the signal values
FSMSTAT1.FIFO = 0 and FSMSTAT1.FIFOP = 1. When the error occurs, frame reception is halted. The
frames currently stored in the RXFIFO may be read out before the condition is cleared with the
ISFLUSHRX strobe. Note that rejected frames can generate RX overflow if the condition occurs before the
frame is rejected.
RX underflow is indicated by the RFERRF.RXUNDERF flag being set. RX underflow is a serious error
condition that should not occur in error-free software, and the RXUNDERF event should only be used for
debugging or in a watchdog function. Note that the RXUNDERF error is not generated when the read
operation occurs simultaneously with the reception of a new byte.

23.10.3 RSSI
The radio has a built-in received signal-strength indication (RSSI), which calculates an 8-bit signed digital
value that can be read from a register or automatically appended to received frames. The RSSI value is
the result of averaging the received power over eight symbol periods (128 μs) as specified by IEEE
802.15.4 [1].
The RSSI value is a 2s-complement signed number on a logarithmic scale with 1-dB steps.

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The status bit RSSI_VALID should be checked before reading the RSSI value register. RSSI_VALID
indicates that the RSSI value in the register is in fact valid, which means that the receiver has been
enabled for at least eight symbol periods.
To find the actual signal power P at the RF pins with reasonable accuracy, an offset must be added to the
RSSI value.
For example, with an offset of 73 dB, reading an RSSI value of –10 from the RSSI register means that the
RF input power is approximately –83 dBm. For the correct offset value to use, see the data sheet
(Appendix C).
There are two ways the radio can update the RSSI register after it has first become valid. If
FRMCTRL0.ENERGY_SCAN = 0 (default), the RSSI register contains the latest value available, but if this bit
is set to 1, a peak search is performed, and the RSSI register contains the largest value since the energy
scan was enabled.

23.10.4 Link Quality Indication

The link quality indication (LQI) is a measurement of the strength and/or quality of the received frame as
defined by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard [1]. The LQI value is required by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard [1] to
be limited to the range 0 through 255, with at least eight unique values. The radio does not provide an LQI
value directly, but reports several measurements that can be used by the microcontroller to calculate an
LQI value.
The RSSI value can be used by the MAC software to calculate the LQI value. This approach has the
disadvantage that, for example, a narrowband interferer inside the channel bandwidth can increase the
RSSI and thus the LQI value, although the true link quality actually decreases. The radio therefore also
provides an average correlation value for each incoming frame, based on the first eight symbols following
the SFD. This unsigned 7-bit value can be looked on as a measurement of the chip error rate, although
the radio does not do chip decision.
As described in Section 23.9.7, the average correlation value for the first eight symbols is appended to
each received frame, together with the RSSI and CRC OK or not-OK, when FRMCTRL0.AUTOCRC is set. A
correlation value of approximately 110 indicates a maximum-quality frame, whereas a value of
approximately 50 is typically the lowest-quality frame detectable by the radio.
Software must convert the correlation value to the range 0–255 as defined by [1], for instance by
LQI = (CORR – a)b
limited to the range 0–255, where a and b are found empirically based on PER measurements as a
function of the correlation value.
A combination of RSSI and correlation values may also be used to generate the LQI value.

23.11 Radio-Control State Machine

The FSM module is responsible for maintaining the TXFIFO and RXFIFO pointers, control of analog
dynamic signals such as power up and power down, control of the data flow within the RF Core,
generation of automatic acknowledgment frames, and control of all analog RF calibration.

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rxenable = 0

idle SRFOFF and

tx_active = 0 all states
rxenable ! = 0


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calibration calibration
2 32


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192 ms 192 ms
RX state

SFD wait TX underflow TX

3–6 56 34–38
Timeout 190 ms
Timeout 192 ms
rx2rx_time_off = 1 Timeout 2 ms Frame sent

SFD detected RXFIFO TX or RX

RX or RX wait TX final
reset transit rxenable! = 0
14 39
16 40

Figure 23-20. Main FSM

Frame completed and
no ack scheduled Frame not for me

RX TX shutdown

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7–13 26, 57

Overflow rxenmask! = 0

RX overflow
Slotted ACK
Unslotted ACK SRFOFF or
r xenable = 0 SRXON

ACK all TX
ACK delay ACK and
calibration ACK
55 49–54
48 Timeout states
Timeout x ms
(depending on length byte 192 ms
of the received frame)

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Radio-Control State Machine

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Table 23-3 shows the mapping from FSM state to the number which can be read from the FSMSTAT0
register. Note that although it is possible to read the state of the FSM, this information should not be used
to control the program flow in the application software. The states may change very quickly (every 32-MHz
clock cycle), and an 8-MHz SPI is not able to capture all the activities.

Table 23-3. FSM State Mapping

State Name State Number, Decimal Number, Hex TX_ACTIVE RX_ACTIVE
Idle 0 0x00 0 0
RX calibration 2 0x02 0 1
SFD wait 3–6 0x03–0x06 0 1
RX 7–13 0x07–0x0D 0 1
TX or RX wait 14 0x0E 0 1
RXFIFO reset 16 0x10 0 1
RX overflow 17 0x11 0 0
TX calibration 32 0x20 1 0
TX 34–38 0x22–0x26 1 0
TX final 39 0x27 1 0
TX or RX transit 40 0x28 1 0
ACK calibration 48 0x30 1 0
ACK 49–54 0x31–0x36 1 0
ACK delay 55 0x37 1 0
TX underflow 56 0x38 1 0
TX shutdown 26, 57 0x1A, 0x39 1 0

23.12 Random-Number Generation

The RF Core can generate random bits. The chip should be in RX when generation of random bits is
required. One must also make sure that the chip has been in RX long enough for the transients to have
died out. A convenient way to do this is to wait for the RSSI-valid signal to go high.
Single random bits from either the I or Q channel can be read from the register RFRND.
Randomness tests show good results for this module. However, a slight dc component exists. In a simple
test where the RFRND.IRND register was read a number of times and the data grouped into bytes, about
20 million bytes were read. When interpreted as unsigned integers between 0 and 255, the mean value
was 127.6518, which indicates that there is a dc component.
The FFT of the first 214 bytes is shown in Figure 23-21. Note that the dc component is clearly visible. A
histogram (32 bins) of the 20 million values is shown in Figure 23-22.

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0 650

PSD – Power Spectral Density – Power/Bin


–40 625


–80 600
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 0 50 100 150 200 250
f – Frequency – rad Bin Number
G001 G002

Figure 23-21. FFT of the Random Bytes Figure 23-22. Histogram of 20 Million Bytes Generated
With the RANDOM Instruction

For the first 20 million individual bits, the probability of a one is P(1) = 0.500602 and P(0) = 1 – P(1) =
Note that to fully qualify the random generator as true random, much more elaborate tests are required.
There are software packages available on the internet that may be useful in this respect.

23.13 Packet Sniffing and Radio Test Output Signals

Packet sniffing is a nonintrusive way of observing data that is either being transmitted or received. The
packet sniffer outputs a clock and a data signal, which should be sampled on the rising edges of the clock.
The two packet sniffer signals are observable as GPIO outputs. For accurate time stamping, the SFD
signal should also be output.
Because the radio has a data rate of 250 kbps, the packet sniffer clock frequency is 250 kHz. The data is
output serially, with the MSB of each byte first, which is opposite of the actual RF transmission, but more
convenient when processing the data. It is possible to use a SPI slave to receive the data stream.
When sniffing frames in TX mode, the data that is read from the TXFIFO by the modulator is the same
data that is output by the packet sniffer. However, if automatic CRC generation is enabled, the packet
sniffer does NOT output these 2 bytes. Instead, it replaces the CRC bytes with 0x8080. This value can
never occur as the last two bytes of a received frame (when automatic CRC checking is enabled), and
thus it provides a way for the receiver of the sniffed data to separate frames that were transmitted and
frames that were received.
When sniffing frames in RX mode, the data that is written to the RXFIFO by the demodulator is the same
data that is output by the packet sniffer. In other words, the last two bytes are either the received CRC
value or the CRC OK, RSSI, correlation, or SRCRESINDEX value that may automatically replace the CRC
value, depending on configuration settings.
To set up the packet sniffer signals or some of the other RF Core observation outputs (in total maximum
3; rfc_obs_sig0, rfc_obs_sig1, and rfc_obs_sig2), the user must perform the following steps:
Step1: Determine which signal (rfc_obs_sig) to output on which GPIO pin (P1[0:5]). This is done using
the OBSSELx control registers (OBSSEL0–OBSSEL5) that control the observation output to pins P1[0:5]
(overriding the standard GPIO behavior for those pins).
Step2: Set the RFC_OBS_CTRL control registers (RFC_OBS_CTRL0–RFC_OBS_CTRL2) to select the
correct signals (rfc_obs_sig); for example, for packet sniffing one needs the rfc_sniff_data for the
packet sniffer data signal and rfc_sniff_clk for the corresponding clock signal.

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Step3: For packet sniffing, the packet sniffer module must be enabled in the MDMTEST1 register.

23.14 Command Strobe Processor

The command strobe processor (CSP) provides the control interface between the CPU and the radio.
The CSP interfaces with the CPU through the SFR register RFST and the XREG registers CSPX, CSPY,
CSPZ, CSPT, CSPSTAT, CSPCTRL, and CSPPROG<n> (where n is in the range 0 to 23). The CSP produces
interrupt requests to the CPU. In addition, the CSP interfaces with the MAC Timer by observing MAC
Timer events.
The CSP allows the CPU to issue command strobes to the radio, thus controlling the operation of the
The CSP has two modes of operation, which are described as follows.
• Immediate command strobe execution
• Program execution
Immediate command strobes are written as Immediate Command Strobe instructions to the CSP, which
are issued instantly to the radio module. The Immediate Command Strobe instructions are also used to
control the CSP. The Immediate Command Strobe instructions are described in Section 23.14.8.
Program execution mode means that the CSP executes a sequence of instructions, comprising a short
user-defined program, from a program memory or instruction memory. The available instructions are from
a set of 20 instructions. The instruction set is defined in Section 23.14.8. The required program is first
loaded into the CSP by the CPU, and then the CPU instructs the CSP to start executing the program.
The program execution mode, together with the MAC Timer, allows the CSP to automate command-
strobe-processor algorithms and thus act as a coprocessor for the CPU.
The operation of the CSP is described in detail in the following sections. The command strobes and other
instructions supported by the CSP are given in Section 23.14.9.

RFST (0xE1) – RF CommandStrobe Processor

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 INSTR[7:0] 0xD0 R/W Data written to this register is written to the CSP instruction memory. Reading this register
returns the CSP instruction currently being executed.

23.14.1 Instruction Memory

The CSP executes single-byte program instructions which are read from a 24-byte instruction memory.
Writes to the instruction memory are sequential, written through SFR register RFST. An instruction write
pointer is maintained within the CSP to hold the location within the instruction memory where the next
instruction written to RFST is to be stored. For debugging purposes, the program currently loaded into the
CSP can be read from the XREG registers CSPPROG<n>. Following a reset, the write pointer is reset to
location 0. During each RFST register write, the write pointer is incremented by 1 until the end of memory
is reached, at which time the write pointer stops incrementing. The first instruction written to RFST is
stored in location 0, the location where program execution starts. Thus, a complete 24-instruction program
is written to the instruction memory by writing each instruction in the desired order to the RFST register.
The write pointer can be reset to 0 by writing the immediate command strobe instruction ISSTOP. In
addition, the write pointer is reset to 0 when the command strobe SSTOP is executed in a program.
Following a reset, the instruction memory is filled with SNOP (No Operation) instructions (opcode value
0xC0). The immediate strobe ISCLEAR clears the instruction memory, filling it with SNOP instructions.
While the CSP is executing a program, there must be no attempts to write instructions to the instruction
memory by writing to RFST. Failure to observe this rule can lead to incorrect program execution and
corrupt instruction memory contents. However, Immediate Command Strobe instructions may be written to
RFST (see Section 23.14.3).

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23.14.2 Data Registers

The CSP has four data registers, CSPT, CSPX, CSPY, and CSPZ, which are read- and write-accessible for
the CPU as XREG registers. These registers are read or modified by some instructions, thus allowing the
CPU to set parameters to be used by a CSP program, or allowing the CPU to read CSP program status.
The CSPT data register is not modified by any instruction. The CSPT data register is used to set a MAC
Timer overflow-compare value. Once program execution has started on the CSP, the content of this
register is decremented by 1 each time the MAC Timer overflows. When CSPT reaches zero, program
execution is halted and the interrupt IRQ_CSP_STOP is asserted. The CSPT register is not decremented if
the CPU writes 0xFF to this register.

NOTE: If the CSPT register compare function is not used, this register must be set to 0xFF before
the program execution is started.

23.14.3 Program Execution

After the instruction memory has been filled, program execution is started by writing the immediate
command strobe instruction ISSTART to the RFST register. Program execution continues until the
instruction at the last location has been executed, the CSPT data register content is zero, an SSTOP
instruction has been executed, an immediate ISSTOP instruction is written to RFST, or a SKIP instruction
returns a location beyond the last location in the instruction memory. The CSP runs at the set system
clock frequency, which must be set to 32 MHz for correct radio operation.
Immediate command strobe instructions may be written to RFST while a program is being executed. In this
case, the immediate instruction is executed before the instruction in the instruction memory, which is
executed once the immediate instruction has been completed.
During program execution, reading RFST returns the current instruction being executed. An exception to
this is the execution of immediate command strobes, during which RFST returns 0xD0.

23.14.4 Interrupt Requests

The CSP has three interrupt flags which can produce the RF interrupt vector. These are the following:
• IRQ_CSP_STOP: asserted when the processor has executed the last instruction in memory or when
the processor stops due to an SSTOP or ISSTOP instruction or the CSPT register being equal to zero
• IRQ_CSP_WT: asserted when the processor continues executing the next instruction after a WAIT W
or WAITX instruction
• IRQ_CSP_INT: asserted when the processor executes an INT instruction

23.14.5 Random Number Instruction

There is a delay in the update of the random number used by the RANDXY instruction. Therefore, if the
instruction RANDXY, which uses this value, is issued immediately after a previous RANDXY instruction,
the random value read may be the same in both cases.

23.14.6 Running CSP Programs

The basic flow for loading and running a program on the CSP is shown in Figure 23-23. When program
execution stops at the end of the program, the current program remains in program memory so that the
same program can be run again by starting execution once again with the ISSTART command. To clear
the program contents, use the ISCLEAR instruction.

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Write instruction to

No All instructions


Set up CSPT, CSPX,

CSPCTRL registers

Clear program by Start execution by

writing ISCLEAR writing ISSTART to

SSTOP instruction,
end of program, or
writing ISTOP to
RFST stops program

Rerun last
No program? Yes


Figure 23-23. Running a CSP Program

23.14.7 Registers

CSPROG<N> (N Ranging From 0 to 23) (0x61C0 + N) – CSP Program

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CSP_INSTR 0xD0 R Byte N of the CSP program memory

CSPCTRL (0x61E0) – CSP Control Bit

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 000 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
0 MCU_CTRL 0 R/W CSP MCU control input

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CSPSTAT (0x61E1) – CSP Status Register
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
5 CSP_RUNNING 0 R 1: CSP is running.
0: CSP is idle.
4:0 CSP_PC 0 0000 R CSP program counter

CSPX (0x61E2) – CSP X Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CSPX 0x00 R/W CSP X data register. Used by CSP instructions WAITX, RANDXY, INCX, DECX,
and conditional instructions

CSPY (0x61E3) – CSP Y Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CSPY 0x00 R/W CSP Y data register. Used by CSP instructions RANDXY, INCY, DECY, and
conditional instructions

CSPZ (0x61E4) – CSP Z Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CSPZ 0x00 R/W CSP Z data register. Used by CSP instructions INCZ, DECZ, and conditional

CSPT (0x61E5) – CSP T Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CSPT 0xFF R/W CSP T data register. Content is decremented each time the MAC Timer
overflows while the CSP program is running. The SCP program stops when
decremented to 0. Setting CSPT = 0xFF prevents the register from being

23.14.8 Instruction Set Summary

This section gives an overview of the instruction set. This is intended as a summary and definition of
instruction opcodes. See Section 23.14.9 for a description of each instruction. Each instruction consists of
one byte, which is written to the RFST register to be stored in the instruction memory.
The Immediate Strobe instructions (ISxxx) are not used in a program. When these instructions are written
to the RFST register, they are executed immediately. If the CSP is already executing a program, the
current instruction is delayed until the immediate strobe instruction has completed.
For undefined opcodes, the behavior of the CSP is defined as a no-operation strobe command (SNOP).

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Table 23-4. Instruction Set Summary

Mnemonic 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description
SKIP <C>, <S> 0 S2 S1 S0 N C2 C1 C0 Skip S instructions on condition C. When condition (C XOR N) is true,
skip the next S instructions, else execute the next instruction. If S = 0,
re-execute the conditional jump (that is, busy loop until condition is
false). Skipping past the last instruction in the command buffer results
in an implicit STOP command. The conditions are:
C = 0 CCA true
C = 1 Synchronization word received and still receiving packet or
synchronization word transmitted and still transmitting packet
(SFD found, not yet frame end)
C = 2 MCU control bit is 1.
C = 3 Reserved
C = 4 Register X = 0
C = 5 Register Y = 0
C = 6 Register Z = 0
C = 7 RSSI_VALID = 1
WAIT <W> 1 0 0 W4 W3 W2 W1 W0 Wait for MAC Timer to overflow W times. Waits until the MAC Timer
has overflowed W times (W = 0 waits 32 times), then continues
execution. Generates an IRQ_CSP_WAIT interrupt request when
execution continues.
RPT <C> 1 0 1 0 N C2 C1 C0 Repeat loop while condition C. If condition C is true, go to the
instruction following the last LABEL instruction (address in loop-start
register); if the condition is false or no LABEL instruction has been
executed, go to the next instruction.
Note condition C is as defined for SKIP, defined previously in this
table. It is not possible to have a RPT instruction placed at index 23 of
the command buffer.
WEVENT1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Wait for mact_event1 to go high, and then continue execution.
WEVENT2 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 Wait for mact_event2 to go high, and then continue execution.
INT 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Generate an IRQ_CSP_MANINT. Issues an IRQ_CSP_MANINT
interrupt request.
LABEL 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 Set the next instruction as the start of a repeat loop. Enters the
address of the next instruction into the loop-start register.
WAITX 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Wait for MAC Timer to overflow [X] times, where [X] is the value of
register X. Each time a MAC Timer overflow is detected, X is
decremented. Execution continues as soon as X = 0. (If X = 0 when
instruction is run, no wait is performed and execution continues
directly). An IRQ_CSP_WAIT interrupt request is generated when
execution continues.
RANDXY 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 Load the [Y] LSBs of register X with random value.
SETCMP1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 Set the output csp_mact_setcmp1 high. This sets the compare value
of the MAC Timer to the current timer value.
INCX 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Increment register X.
INCY 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Increment register Y.
INCZ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Increment register Z.
DECX 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Decrement register X.
DECY 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Decrement register Y.
DECZ 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Decrement register Z.
INCMAXY <M> 1 1 0 0 1 M2 M1 M0 Register Y ≤ min(Y + 1, M). Increment Y, but not beyond M.
Sxxx 1 1 0 1 S3 S2 S1 S0 Execute command strobe S. Send command strobe S to FFCTRL. Up
to 32 command strobes are supported. In addition to the regular
command strobes, two additional command strobes that only apply to
the command strobe processor are supported:
SNOP: Do nothing.
SSTOP: Stops the command strobe processor execution and
invalidates any set label. An IRQ_CSP_STOP interrupt request is

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Table 23-4. Instruction Set Summary (continued)

Mnemonic 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description
ISxxx 1 1 1 0 S3 S2 S1 S0 Execute command strobe S immediately. Send command strobe S to
FFCTRL immediately, bypassing the instructions in the command
buffer. If the current buffer instruction is a strobe, it is delayed. In
addition to the regular command strobes, two additional command
strobes that only apply to the command strobe processor are
ISSTART: The command strobe processor starts execution at the first
instruction in the command buffer. Do not issue an ISSTART
instruction if the CSP is already running.
ISSTOP: Stops the command strobe processor execution and
invalidates any set label. An IRQ_CSP_STOP interrupt request is
ISCLEAR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Clear the CSP program. Reset PC.

23.14.9 Instruction Set Definition

There are 20 basic instruction types. Furthermore, the command-strobe and immediate-strobe instructions
can each be divided into 16 subinstructions, giving an effective number of 42 different instructions. The
following subsections describe each instruction in detail.
Note: the following definitions are used in this section
PC = CSP program counter
X = RF register CSPX
Y = RF register CSPY
Z = RF register CSPZ
T = RF register CSPT DECZ

Function: Decrement Z
Description: The Z register is decremented by 1. An original value of 0x00 underflows to 0xFF.
Operation: Z=Z–1

Opcode: 0xC5
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 DECY

Function: Decrement Y
Description: The Y register is decremented by 1. An original value of 0x00 underflows to 0xFF.
Operation: Y=Y–1

Opcode: 0xC4
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 DECX

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Function: Decrement X
Description: The X register is decremented by 1. An original value of 0x00 underflows to 0xFF.
Operation: X=X–1

Opcode: 0xC3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 INCZ

Function: Increment Z
Description: The X register is incremented by 1. An original value of 0xFF overflows to 0x00.
Operation: Z=Z+1

Opcode: 0xC2
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 INCY

Function: Increment Y
Description: The Y register is incremented by 1. An original value of 0xFF overflows to 0x00.
Operation: Y=Y+1

Opcode: 0xC1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 INCX

Function: Increment X
Description: The X register is incremented by 1. An original value of 0xFF overflows to 0x00.
Operation: X=X+1

Opcode: 0xC0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 INCMAXY

Function: Increment Y not greater than M.

Description: The Y register is incremented by 1 if the result is less than M; otherwise, Y register is
loaded with value M.
Operation: Y = min(Y + 1, M)

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Opcode: 0xC8 | M (M = 0–7)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 0 1 M RANDXY

Function: Load random value into X.

Description: The [Y] LSBs of the X register are loaded with a random value. Note that if a second
RANDXY instruction is issued immediately (within 13 clock cycles) after the first, the
same random value is used in both cases. If Y equals zero or is greater than 7, then an
8-bit random value is loaded into X.
Operation: X[(Y – 1):0]: = RNG_DOUT[(Y – 1):0], X[7:Y]: = 0

Opcode: 0xBD
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 INT

Function: Interrupt
Description: The interrupt IRQ_CSP_INT is asserted when this instruction is executed.
Operation: IRQ_CSP_INT = 1

Opcode: 0xBA
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 WAITX

Function: Wait for X MAC Timer overflows

Description: Wait for MAC Timer to overflow [X] times, where [X] is the value of register X. Each time
a MAC Timer overflow is detected, the value in register X is decremented. Program
execution continues as soon as X = 0. (If X = 0 when instruction is run, no wait is
performed and execution continues directly.) An IRQ_CSP_WAIT interrupt request is
generated when execution continues. Note: The difference compared to WAIT W is that
W is a fixed value, whereas X is a register value (which could potentially be changed,
such that the number of overflows actually does not correspond to the value of X at the
time WAITX instruction is run).
Operation: X = X – 1 when MAC Timer overflow = true
PC = PC while X > 0
PC = PC + 1 when X = 0

Opcode: 0xBC
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 SETCMP1

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Function: Set the compare value of the MAC Timer to the current timer value.
Description: Set the compare value of the MAC Timer to the current timer value.
Operation: Csp_mact_setcmp1 = 1

Opcode: 0xBE
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 WAIT W

Function: Wait for W MAC Timer overflows

Description: Wait until MAC Timer overflows a number of times equal to the value of W. If W = 0, the
instruction waits for 32 overflows. Program execution continues with the next instruction,
and the interrupt flag IRQ_CSP_WT is asserted when the wait condition is true.
Operation: PC = PC while number of MAC Timer overflows < W
PC = PC + 1 when number of MAC Timer overflows = W

Opcode: 0x80 | W (W = 0–31)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 0 W WEVENT1

Function: Wait until MAC Timer event 1

Description: Wait until next MAC Timer event. Program execution continues with the next instruction
when the wait condition is true.
Operation: PC = PC while MAC Timer compare = false
PC = PC + 1 when MAC Timer compare = true

Opcode: 0xB8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 WEVENT2

Function: Wait until MAC Timer event 2

Description: Wait until next MAC Timer event. Program execution continues with the next instruction
when the wait condition is true.
Operation: PC = PC while MAC Timer compare = false
PC = PC + 1 when MAC Timer compare = true

Opcode: 0xB9
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1

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Function: Set loop label

Description: Sets next instruction as start of loop. If the current instruction is the last instruction in the
instruction memory, then the current PC is set as start of loop. If several label
instructions are executed, the last label executed is the active label. Earlier labels are
removed, which means that only one level of loops is supported.
Operation: LABEL: = PC + 1

Opcode: 0xBB
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 RPT C

Function: Conditional repeat

Description: If condition C is true, then jump to the instruction defined by the last LABEL instruction,
that is, jump to start of loop. If the condition is false or if a LABEL instruction has not
been executed, then execution continues from next instruction. The condition C may be
negated by setting N = 1 and is described in the following table.

Condition Description Function

Code C
000 CCA is true CCA = 1
001 Synchronization word SFD = 1
received and still receiving
packet or synchronization
word transmitted and still
transmitting packet
010 CPU control true CSPCTRL.CPU_CTRL = 1
011 Reserved
100 Register X = 0 X=0
101 Register Y = 0 Y=0
110 Register Z = 0 Z=0
111 RSSI is valid RSSI_VALID = 1

Operation: PC = LABEL when (C XOR N) = true

PC = PC + 1 when (C XOR N) = false or LABEL = not set

Opcode: 0xA0 | N | C (N = 0, 8; C = 0–7)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 1 0 N C SKIP S, C

Function: Conditional skip instruction

Description: Skip S instructions on condition C (where condition C may be negated; N = 1). When
condition (C XOR N) is true, skip the next S instructions, else execute the next
instruction. If S = 0, re-execute the conditional jump (that is, busy loop until condition is
false). Skipping past the last instruction in the command buffer results in an implicit
STOP command.

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Condition Description Function

Code C
000 CCA is true CCA = 1
001 Synchronization word SFD = 1
received and still receiving
packet or synchronization
word transmitted and still
transmitting packet
010 CPU control true CSPCTRL.CPU_CTRL = 1
011 Reserved
100 Register X = 0 X=0
101 Register Y = 0 Y=0
110 Register Z = 0 Z=0
111 RSSI is valid RSSI_VALID = 1

Operation: PC = PC + S + 1 when (C XOR N) = true

PC = PC + 1 when (C XOR N) = false

Opcode: 0x00 | S | N | C
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Function: Stop program execution

Description: The SSTOP instruction stops the CSP program execution.
Operation: Stop execution

Opcode: 0xD2
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 SNOP

Function: No operation
Description: Operation continues at the next instruction.
Operation: PC = PC + 1

Opcode: 0xD0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 SRXON

Function: Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer for RX

Description: The SRXON instruction asserts the output FFCTL_SRXON_STRB to enable and
calibrate the frequency synthesizer for RX. The instruction waits for the radio to
acknowledge the command before executing the next instruction.
Operation: SRXON

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Opcode: 0xD3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 STXON

Function: Enable TX after calibration

Description: The STXON instruction enables TX after calibration. The instruction waits for the radio to
acknowledge the command before executing the next instruction. Sets a bit in RXENABLE if
Operation: STXON

Opcode: 0xD9
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 STXONCCA

Function: Enable calibration and TX if CCA indicates a clear channel

Description: The STXONCCA instruction enables TX after calibration if CCA indicates a clear
Operation: STXONCCA

Opcode: 0xDA
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 SSAMPLECCA

Function: Sample the current CCA value to SAMPLED_CCA

Description: The current CCA value is written to SAMPLED_CCA in XREG.

Opcode: 0xDB
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 SRFOFF

Function: Disable RX or TX and frequency synthesizer.

Description: The SRFOFF instruction disables RX or TX and the frequency synthesizer.
Operation: SRFOFF

Opcode: 0xDF
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1

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Function: Flush RXFIFO buffer and reset demodulator

Description: The SFLUSHRX instruction flushes the RXFIFO buffer and resets the demodulator. The
instruction waits for the radio to acknowledge the command before executing the next
Operation: SFLUSHRX

Opcode: 0xDD
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 SFLUSHTX

Function: Flush TXFIFO buffer

Description: The SFLUSHTX instruction flushes the TXFIFO buffer. The instruction waits for the radio
to acknowledge the command before executing the next instruction.
Operation: SFLUSHTX

Opcode: 0xDE
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 SACK

Function: Send acknowledge frame with pending field cleared

Description: The SACK instruction sends an acknowledge frame. The instruction waits for the radio to
acknowledge the command before executing the next instruction.
Operation: SACK

Opcode: 0xD6
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 SACKPEND

Function: Send acknowledge frame with the pending field set

Description: The SACKPEND instruction sends an acknowledge frame with the pending field set. The
instruction waits for the radio to acknowledge the command before executing the next
Operation: SACKPEND

Opcode: 0xD7
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1

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Function: Abort sending of acknowledge frame

Description: The SACKPEND instruction aborts sending acknowldedge to the frame currently being
Operation: SNACK

Opcode: 0xD8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 SRXMASKBITSET

Function: Set bit in RXENABLE

Description: The SRXMASKBITSET instruction sets bit 5 in the RXENABLE register.

Opcode: 0xD4
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 SRXMASKBITCLR

Function: Clear bit in RXENABLE

Description: The SRXMASKBITCLR instruction clears bit 5 in the RXENABLE register.

Opcode: 0xD5
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ISSTOP

Function: Stop program execution

Description: The ISSTOP instruction stops the CSP program execution and the IRQ_CSP_STOP
interrupt flag is asserted.
Operation: Stop execution

Opcode: 0xE2
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 ISSTART

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Function: Start program execution

Description: The ISSTART instruction starts the CSP program execution from first instruction written
to instruction memory. Do not issue an ISSTART instruction if CSP is already running.
Operation: PC = 0, start execution

Opcode: 0xE1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 ISRXON

Function: Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer for RX

Description: The ISRXON instruction immediately enables and calibrates the frequency synthesizer
for RX.
Operation: SRXON

Opcode: 0xE3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 ISRXMASKBITSET

Function: Set bit in RXENABLE

Description: The ISRXMASKBITSET instruction immediately sets bit 5 in the RXENABLE register.

Opcode: 0xE4
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 ISRXMASKBITCLR

Function: Clear bit in RXENABLE

Description: The ISRXMASKBITCLR instruction immediately clears bit 5 in the RXENABLE register.

Opcode: 0xE5
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 ISTXON

Function: Enable TX after calibration

Description: The ISTXON instruction immediately enables TX after calibration. The instruction waits
for the radio to acknowledge the command before executing the next instruction.
Operation: STXON_STRB

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Opcode: 0xE9
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 ISTXONCCA

Function: Enable calibration and TX if CCA indicates a clear channel

Description: The ISTXONCCA instruction immediately enables TX after calibration if CCA indicates a
clear channel.
Operation: STXONCCA

Opcode: 0xEA
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 ISSAMPLECCA

Function: Sample the current CCA value to SAMPLED_CCA

Description: The current CCA value is immediately written to SAMPLED_CCA in XREG.

Opcode: 0xEB
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 ISRFOFF

Function: Disable RX/TX and frequency synthesizer.

Description: The ISRFOFF instruction immediately disables RX/TX and the frequency synthesizer.
Operation: FFCTL_SRFOFF_STRB = 1

Opcode: 0xEF
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 ISFLUSHRX

Function: Flush RXFIFO buffer and reset demodulator

Description: The ISFLUSHRX instruction immediately flushes the RXFIFO buffer and resets the
Operation: SFLUSHRX

Opcode: 0xED
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

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Function: Flush TXFIFO buffer

Description: The ISFLUSHTX instruction immediately flushes the TXFIFO buffer.
Operation: SFLUSHTX

Opcode: 0xEE
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 ISACK

Function: Send acknowledge frame with the pending field cleared

Description: The ISACK instruction immediately sends an acknowledge frame.
Operation: SACK

Opcode: 0xE6
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 ISACKPEND

Function: Send acknowledge frame with the pending field set

Description: The ISACKPEND instruction immediately sends an acknowledge frame with the pending
field set. The instruction waits for the radio to receive and interpret the command before
executing the next instruction.
Operation: SACKPEND

Opcode: 0xE7
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 ISNACK

Function: Abort sending of acknowledge frame

Description: The ISNACK instruction immediately prevents sending of an acknowledge frame to the
currently received frame.
Operation: SNACK

Opcode: 0xE8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 ISCLEAR

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Function: Clear CSP program memory, reset program counter

Description: The ISCLEAR clears the program memory, resets the program counter, and aborts any
running program. No stop interrupt is generated. The LABEL pointer is cleared. The
ISCLEAR instruction must be issued twice to reset the program counter.
Operation: PC = 0, clear program memory

Opcode: 0xFF
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

23.15 Registers

Table 23-5. Register Overview

Address (Hex) + 0x000 + 0x001 + 0x002 + 0x003

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23.15.1 Register Settings Update

This section contains a summary of the register settings that must be updated from their default value to
have optimal performance.
The following settings should be set for both RX and TX. Although not all settings are necessary for both
RX and TX, it is recommended for simplicity (allowing one set of settings to be written at the initialization
of the code).

Table 23-6. Registers That Require Update From Their Default Value
Register Name New Value (Hex) Description
AGCCTRL1 0x15 Adjusts AGC target value
TXFILTCFG 0x09 Sets TX anti-aliasing filter to appropriate bandwidth
FSCAL1 0x00 Recommended setting for lowest spurious emission

23.15.2 Register Access Modes

The Mode column in Table 23-7 shows what kind of accesses are allowed for each bit. The Description
column gives the meaning of the different alternatives.

Table 23-7. Register-Bit Access Modes

Mode Description
R Read
W Write
R0 Read constant zero
R1 Read constant one
W1 Only possible to write one
W0 Only possible to write zero
R* The value read is not the actual register value, but rather the value seen by the module. This is typically used where a
configuration value may be generated automatically (through calibration, dynamic control, and so forth) or manually
overridden with a register value. An example structure is shown for the AGCCTRL2 register in Figure 23-24.


write_ data AGCCTRL2 LNA_ CURRENT_OE rf_ input




Figure 23-24. Example Hardware Structure for the R* Register Access Mode

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23.15.3 Register Descriptions

FRMFILT0 (0x6180) – Frame Filtering

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R/W Reserved. Always write 0
6:4 FCF_RESERVED_MASK[2:0] 000 R/W Used for filtering on the reserved part of the frame control field (FCF).
FCF_RESERVED_MASK[2:0] is ANDed with FCF[9:7]. If the result is
nonzero and frame filtering is enabled, the frame is rejected.
3:2 MAX_FRAME_VERSION[1:0] 11 R/W Used for filtering on the frame version field of the frame control field (FCF).
If FCF[13:12] (the frame version subfield) is higher than
MAX_FRAME_VERSION[1:0] and frame filtering is enabled, the frame is
1 PAN_COORDINATOR 0 R/W Should be set high when the device is a PAN coordinator, to accept
frames with no destination address (as specified in section of IEEE
0: Device is not PAN coordinator.
1: Device is PAN coordinator.
0 FRAME_FILTER_EN 1 R/W Enables frame filtering
When this bit is set, the radio performs frame filtering as specified in
section of IEEE 802.15.4(b), third filtering level. FRMFILT0[6:1]
and FRMFILT1[7:1], together with the local address information, define
the behavior of the filtering algorithm.
0: Frame filtering off. (FRMFILT0[6:1], FRMFILT1[7:1] and
SRCMATCH[2:0] are don't care.)
1: Frame filtering on.

FRMFILT1 (0x6181) – Frame Filtering

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 ACCEPT_FT_4TO7_RESERVED 0 R/W Defines whether reserved frames are accepted or not. Reserved frames
have frame type = 100, 101, 110, or 111.
0: Reject
1: Accept
6 ACCEPT_FT_3_MAC_CMD 1 R/W Defines whether MAC command frames are accepted or not. MAC
command frames have frame type = 011.
0: Reject
1: Accept
5 ACCEPT_FT_2_ACK 1 R/W Defines whether acknowledgment frames are accepted or not.
Acknowledgment frames have frame type = 010.
0: Reject
1: Accept
4 ACCEPT_FT_1_DATA 1 R/W Defines whether data frames are accepted or not. Data frames have
frame type = 001.
0: Reject
1: Accept
3 ACCEPT_FT_0_BEACON 1 R/W Defines whether beacon frames are accepted or not. Beacon frames
have frame type = 000.
0: Reject
1: Accept
2:1 MODIFY_FT_FILTER[1:0] 00 R/W These bits are used to modify the frame-type field of a received frame
before frame-type filtering is performed. The modification does not
influence the frame that is written to the RXFIFO.
00: Leave as it is
01: Invert MSB
10: Set MSB to 0
11: Set MSB to 1
0 – 0 R/W Reserved. Always write 0

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SRCMATCH (0x6182) – Source Address Matching and Pending Bits

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 – 0000 0 R/W Reserved. Always write 0
2 PEND_DATAREQ_ONLY 1 R/W When this bit is set, the AUTOPEND function also requires that the
received frame is a DATA REQUEST MAC command frame.
1 AUTOPEND 1 R/W Automatic acknowledgment pending flag enable.
On reception of a frame, the pending bit in the (possibly) returned
acknowledgment is set automatically, given that all the following
conditions are met:
– The received frame matches the current
– The received source address matches at least one source-match
table entry, which is enabled in both SHORT_ADDR_EN and
Note: Details for SHORT_PEND_EN and EXT_PEND_EN are found in the
memory map description (Section 23.4).
0 SRC_MATCH_EN 1 R/W Source address matching enable (This bit is don't care if

SRCSHORTEN0 (0x6183) – Short Address Matching

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SHORT_ADDR_EN[7:0] 0x00 R/W The 7:0 part of the 24-bit word SHORT_ADDR_EN that enables or
disables source address matching for each of the 24 short address table
Optional safety feature: To ensure that an entry in the source-matching
table is not used while it is being updated, set the corresponding
SHORT_ADDR_EN bit to 0 while updating.

SRCSHORTEN1 (0x6184) – Short Address Matching

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SHORT_ADDR_EN[15:8] 0x00 R/W The 15:8 part of the 24-bit word SHORT_ADDR_EN. See previoius
description of SRCSHORTEN0.

SRCSHORTEN2 (0x6185) – Short Address Matching

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SHORT_ADDR_EN[23:16] 0x00 R/W The 23:16 part of the 24-bit word SHORT_ADDR_EN. See previous
description of SRCSHORTEN0.

SRCEXTEN0 (0x6186) – Extended Address Matching

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 EXT_ADDR_EN[7:0] 0x00 R/W The 7:0 part of the 24-bit word EXT_ADDR_EN that enables or disables
source address matching for each of the 12 extended address table
Write access: Extended address enable for table entry n (0 to 7) is
mapped to EXT_ADDR_EN[2n]. All EXT_ADDR_EN[2n + 1] bits are
read-only and don't care when written to.
Read access: Extended address enable for table entry n (0 to 7) is
mapped to both EXT_ADDR_EN[2n] and EXT_ADDR_EN[2n + 1].
To ensure that an entry in the source matching table is not used while it
is being updated, set the corresponding EXT_ADDR_EN bit to 0 while

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SRCEXTEN1 (0x6187) – Extended Address Matching
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 EXT_ADDR_EN[15:8] 0x00 R/W The 15:8 part of the 24-bit word EXT_ADDR_EN. See previous description

SRCEXTEN2 (0x6188) – Extended Address Matching

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 EXT_ADDR_EN[23:16] 0x00 R/W The 23:16 part of the 24-bit word EXT_ADDR_EN. See previous
description of SRCEXTEN0.

FRMCTRL0 (0x6189) – Frame Handling

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 APPEND_DATA_MODE 0 R/W When AUTOCRC = 0: Don't care
When AUTOCRC = 1:
0: RSSI + The CRC_OK bit and the 7-bit correlation value are
appended at the end of each received frame
1: RSSI + The CRC_OK bit and the 7-bit SRCRESINDEX are
appended at the end of each received frame. See Table 23-1 for
1: A CRC-16 (ITU-T) is generated in hardware and appended to the
transmitted frame. There is no need to write the last 2 bytes to
0: No CRC-16 is appended to the frame. The last 2 bytes of the frame
must be generated manually and written to TXBUF (if not,
1: The CRC-16 is checked in hardware, and replaced in the RXFIFO
by a 16-bit status word which contains a CRC OK bit. The status
word is controllable through APPEND_DATA_MODE.
0: The last two bytes of the frame (CRC-16 field) are stored in the
RXFIFO. The CRC check (if any) must be done manually.
Note that this setting does not influence acknowledgment transmission
(including AUTOACK).
5 AUTOACK 0 R/W Defines whether the radio automatically transmits acknowledge frames or
not. When autoack is enabled, all frames that are accepted by address
filtering, have the acknowledge request flag set, and have a valid CRC
are automatically acknowledged 12 symbol periods after being received.
0: Autoack disabled
1: Autoack enabled
4 ENERGY_SCAN 0 R/W Defines whether the RSSI register contains the most-recent signal
strength or the peak signal strength since the energy scan was enabled.
0: Most-recent signal strength
1: Peak signal strength
3:2 RX_MODE[1:0] 00 R/W Set RX modes
00: Normal operation, use RXFIFO.
01: Reserved
10: RXFIFO looping ignores overflow in RXFIFO; infinite reception.
11: Same as normal operation except that symbol search is disabled.
Can be used for RSSI or CCA measurements when it is not desired
to find symbol.
1:0 TX_MODE[1:0] 00 R/W Set test modes for TX
00: Normal operation, transmit TXFIFO
01: Reserved. Should not be used
10: TXFIFO looping ignores underflow in TXFIFO and reads cyclically;
infinite transmission.
11: Send pseudorandom data from CRC, infinite transmission.

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FRMCTRL1 (0x618A) – Frame Handling

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 – 0000 0 R0 Read as zero
2 PENDING_OR 0 R/W Defines whether the pending data bit in outgoing acknowledgment frames
is always set to 1 or controlled by the main FSM and the address filtering.
0: Pending data bit is controlled by main FSM and address filtering.
1: Pending data bit is always 1.
1 IGNORE_TX_UNDERF 0 R/W Defines whether TX underflow should be ignored or not.
0: Normal TX operation. TX underflow is detected and TX is aborted if
underflow occurs.
1: Ignore TX underflow. Transmit the number of bytes given by the
frame-length field.
0 SET_RXENMASK_ON_TX 1 R/W Defines whether STXON sets bit 6 in the RXENABLE register or leaves it
0: Does not affect RXENABLE.
1: Sets bit 6 in RXENABLE. Used for backwards compatibility with the

RXENABLE (0x618B) – RX Enabling

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RXENMASK[7:0] 0x00 R RXENABLE enables the receiver. A nonzero value in this register causes
the main FSM to enable the receiver when in idle, after transmission, and
after acknowledgment transmission.
The following strobes can modify RXENMASK:
SRXON: Sets bit 7 in RXENMASK
SRFOFF: Clears all bits in RXENMASK
RXENABLE can be modified directly by the CPU by accessing registers
There might be conflicts between the CSP and CPU operations if both try
to modify RXENMASK simultaneously. To handle the case of simultaneous
access to RXENMASK, the following rules apply:
– If two sources are not in conflict (they modify different parts of the
register), both their requests to modify RXENMASK are processed.
– If both try to modify the mask simultaneously, bus-write operations to
RXMASKSET and RXMASKCLR have priority over the CSP. It is strongly
recommended to avoid this situation.

RXMASKSET (0x618C) – RX Enabling

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RXENMASKSET[7:0] 0x00 R0/W When written, the written data is ORed with RXENMASK and stored in

RXMASKCLR (0x618D) – RX Disabling

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RXENMASKCLR[7:0] 0x00 R0/W When written, the written data is inverted and ANDed with RXENMASK and
stored in RXENMASK.
For example, if a 1 is written to one or more bit positions in this register,
the corresponding bits are cleared in RXENMASK.

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RFIRQM0 (0x61A3) – RF Interrupt Masks
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RFIRQM[7:0] 0x00 R/W Bit mask masking out interrupt sources
Bit position
1: SFD

RFIRQM1 (0x61A4) – RF Interrupt Masks

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RFIRQM[14:8] 0x00 R/W Bit mask masking out interrupt sources
Bit position
7: Reserved
6: Reserved

RFERRM (0x61A5) – RF Error Interrupt Mask

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RFERRM[7:0] 0x00 R/W Bit mask masking out interrupt sources
Bit position
7: Reserved

FREQCTRL (0x618F) – Controls the RF Frequency

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Read as zero
6:0 FREQ[6:0] 0x0B R/W Frequency control word
(2405 MHz) ƒRF = ƒLO = (2394 + FREQ[6:0]) MHz
The frequency word in FREQ[6:0] is an offset value from 2394. The device
supports the frequency range from 2394 MHz to 2507 MHz. The usable settings
for FREQ[6:0] are consequently 0 to 113. Settings outside this range (114–127)
give a frequency of 2507 MHz.
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 specifies a frequency range from 2405 MHz to 2480 MHz
with 16 channels 5 MHz apart. The channels are numbered 11 through 26. For an
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 compliant system, the only valid settings are thus
FREQ[6:0] = 11 + 5 × (channel number – 11).

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FREQTUNE (0x618E) – Crystal Oscillator Frequency Tuning

Bit Reset Description
Name R/W
7:4 – 0x0 R0 Read as zero
3:0 XOSC32M_TUNE[3:0] 0xF R/W Tune crystal oscillator
The default setting, 1111, leaves the XOSC not tuned. Changing the
setting from default switches in extra capacitance to the oscillator,
effectively lowering the XOSC frequency. Hence, a higher setting gives
a higher frequency.

TXPOWER (0x6190) – Controls the Output Power

Bit Reset
Name R/W Description
7:0 PA_POWER [7:0] 0xF5 R/W PA power control.
NOTE: Before going to TX, this value should be updated. Please
consult the data sheet of the device (Appendix C) for recommended
values; see also Section 23.8.13.

TXCTRL (0x6191) – Controls the TX Settings

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved
6:4 DAC_CURR[2:0] 110 R/W Change the current in the DAC.
3:2 DAC_DC[1:0] 10 R/W Adjusts the dc level to the TX mixer.
1:0 TXMIX_CURRENT[1:0] 01 R/W Transmit mixers core current: current increases with increasing setting.

FSMSTAT0 (0x6192) – Radio Status Register

Bit Reset
Name R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6 CAL_RUNNING 0 R Frequency synthesizer calibration status
0: Calibration done or not started
1: Calibration in progress
5:0 FSM_FFCTRL_STATE[5:0] – R Gives the current state of the FIFO and frame-control (FFCTRL) finite-state

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FSMSTAT1 (0x6193) – Radio Status Register
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 FIFO 0 R FIFO is high whenever there is data in the RXFIFO. Low during RXFIFO overflow
6 FIFOP 0 R FIFOP is set high when there are more than FIFOP_THR bytes of data in the
RXFIFO that have passed frame filtering.
FIFOP is set high when there is at least one complete frame in the RXFIFO.
FIFOP is set low again when a byte is read from the RXFIFO and this leaves
FIFOP_THR bytes in the FIFO.
FIFOP is high during RXFIFO overflow.
5 SFD 0 R In TX
0: When a complete frame with SFD has been sent or no SFD has been sent
1: SFD has been sent.
0: When a complete frame has been received or no SFD has been received
1: SFD has been received.
4 CCA 0 R Clear-channel assessment. Dependent on CCA_MODE settings. See the following
description of CCACTRL1.
3 SAMPLED_CCA 0 R Contains a sampled value of the CCA. The value is updated whenever a
SSAMPLECCA or STXONCCA strobe is issued.
2 LOCK_STATUS 0 R 1 when PLL is in lock, otherwise 0.
1 TX_ACTIVE 0 R Status signal, active when FFCTRL is in one of the transmit states
0 RX_ACTIVE 0 R Status signal, active when FFCTRL is in one of the receive states

FIFOPCTRL (0x6194) – FIFOP Threshold

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Read as zero
6:0 FIFOP_THR[6:0] 100 0000 R/W Threshold used when generating FIFOP signal

FSMCTRL (0x6195) – FSM Options

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 – 0000 00 R0 Read as zero
1 SLOTTED_ACK 0 R/W Controls timing of transmission of acknowledge frames
0: The acknowledge frame is sent 12 symbol periods after the end
of the received frame which requests the acknowledge.
1: The acknowledge frame is sent at the first backoff-slot boundary
more than 12 symbol periods after the end of the received frame
which requests the acknowledge.
0 RX2RX_TIME_OFF 1 R/W Defines whether or not a 12-symbol time-out should be used after frame
reception has ended.
0: No time-out
1: 12-symbol-period time-out

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CCACTRL0 (0x6196) – CCA Threshold

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CCA_THR[7:0] 0xE0 R/W Clear-channel-assessment threshold value, signed 2s-complement
number for comparison with the RSSI.
The unit is 1 dB, offset is about 76 dBm. The CCA signal goes high
when the received signal is below this value. The CCA signal is
available on the CCA pin and in the FSMSTAT1 register.
Note that the value should never be set lower than CCA_HYST – 128 in
order to avoid erroneous behavior of the CCA signal.
NOTE: The reset value translates to an input level of approximately
–32 – 76 = –108 dBm, which is well below the sensitivity limit. That
means the CCA signal never indicates a clear channel.
This register should be updated to 0xF8, which translates to an input
level of about –8 – 76 = –84 dBm.

CCACTRL1 (0x6197) – Other CCA Options

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 – 000 R0 Read as zero
4:3 CCA_MODE[1:0] 11 R/W 00: CCA always set to 1
01: CCA = 1 when RSSI < CCA_THR – CCA_HYST; CCA =
0 when RSSI ≥ CCA_THR
10: CCA = 1 when not receiving a frame, else CCA = 0
11: CCA = 1 when RSSI < CCA_THR – CCA_HYST and not
receiving a frame; CCA = 0 when RSSI ≥ CCA_THR or when
receiving a frame
2:0 CCA_HYST[2:0] 010 R/W Sets the level of CCA hysteresis. Unsigned values given in dB

RSSI (0x6198) – RSSI Status Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RSSI_VAL[7:0] 0x80 R RSSI estimate on a logarithmic scale, signed number in 2s complement
Unit is 1 dB. The offset to use in order to convert the register value into
the real RSSI value can be found in the data sheet of the device
(Appendix C). The RSSI value is averaged over 8 symbol periods. The
RSSI_VALID status bit should be checked before reading RSSI_VAL
the first time.
The reset value of –128 also indicates that the RSSI value is invalid.

RSSISTAT (0x6199) – RSSI Valid Status Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 000 R0 Read as zero
0 RSSI_VALID 0 R RSSI value is valid. Occurs eight symbol periods after entering RX

RXFIRST (0x619A) – First Byte in RXFIFO

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DATA[7:0] 0x00 R First byte of the RXFIFO.
Note: Reading this register does not modify the contents of the FIFO.

RXFIFOCNT (0x619B) – Number of Bytes in RXFIFO

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RXFIFOCNT[7:0] 0x00 R Number of bytes in the RXFIFO. Unsigned integer

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TXFIFOCNT (0x619C) – Number of Bytes in TXFIFO
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 TXFIFOCNT[7:0] 0x00 R Number of bytes in the TXFIFO. Unsigned integer

RXFIRST_PTR (0x619D) – RXFIFO Pointer

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 RXFIRST_PTR[6:0] 000 0000 R RAM address offset of the first byte in the RXFIFO

RXLAST_PTR (0x619E) – RXFIFO Pointer

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 RXLAST_PTR[6:0] 000 0000 R RAM address offset of the last byte +1 byte in the RXFIFO

RXP1_PTR (0x619F) – RXFIFO Pointer

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RXP1_PTR[7:0] 0x00 R RAM address offset of the first byte of the first frame in the RXFIFO

TXFIRST_PTR (0x61A1) – TXFIFO Pointer

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 TXFIRST_PTR[7:0] 0x00 R RAM address offset of the next byte to be transmitted from the TXFIFO

TXLAST_PTR (0x61A2) – TXFIFO Pointer

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 TXLAST_PTR[7:0] 0x00 R RAM address offset of the last byte +1 byte of the TXFIFO

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MDMCTRL0 (0x61A8) – Controls Modem

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 DEM_NUM_ZEROS[1:0] 10 R/W Sets how many zero symbols must be detected before the sync word when
searching for sync. Note that only one is required to have a correlation value
above the correlation threshold set in the MDMCTRL1 register.
00: Reserved
01: 1 zero symbol
10: 2 zero symbols
11: 3 zero symbols
5 DEMOD_AVG_MODE 0 R/W Defines the behavior or the frequency offset averaging filter.
0: Lock average level after preamble match. Restart frequency offset
calibration when searching for the next frame.
1: Continuously update average level.
4:1 PREAMBLE_LENGTH [3:0] 0010 R/W The number of preamble bytes (two zero-symbols) to be sent in TX mode prior
to the SFD, encoded in steps of 2 symbols (1 byte). The reset value of 2 is
compliant with IEEE 802.15.4.
0000: 2 leading-zero bytes
0001: 3 leading-zero bytes
0010: 4 leading-zero bytes
… …
1111: 17 leading-zero bytes
0 TX_FILTER 1 R/W Defines the kind of TX filter that is used. The normal TX filter is as defined by
the IEEE802.15.4 standard. Extra filtering may be applied in order to lower the
out-of-band emissions.
0: Normal TX filtering
1: Enable extra filtering

MDMCTRL1 (0x61A9) – Controls Modem

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Read as zero
5 CORR_THR_SFD 0 R/W Defines requirements for SFD detection:
0: The correlation value of one of the zero symbols of the preamble must
be above the correlation threshold.
1: The correlation value of one zero symbol of the preamble and both
symbols in the SFD must be above the correlation threshold.
4:0 CORR_THR[4:0] 1 0100 R/W Demodulator correlator threshold value, required before SFD search.
Threshold value adjusts how the receiver synchronizes to data from the radio. If
the threshold is set too low, sync can more easily be found on noise. If set too
high, the sensitivity is reduced, but sync is not likely to be found on noise.
In combination with DEM_NUM_ZEROS, the system can be tuned so sensitivity
is high with less sync found on noise.

FREQEST (0x61AA) – Estimated RF Frequency Offset

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FREQEST[7:0] 0x00 R Signed 2s-complement value. Contains an estimate of the frequency offset
between carrier and the receiver LO. The offset frequency is
FREQEST × 7800 Hz. DEM_AVG_MODE controls when this estimate is updated.
If DEM_AVG_MODE = 0, it is updated until sync is found. Then the frequency
offset estimate is frozen until the end of the received frame. If DEM_AVG_MODE
= 1, it is updated as long as the demodulator is enabled. To calculate the
correct value, one must use an offset (FREQEST_offset), which can be found
in the data sheet of the device (Appendix C). Real FREQEST value =

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RXCTRL (0x61AB) – Tune Receive Section
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved
5:4 GBIAS_LNA2_REF[1:0] 11 R/W Adjusts front-end LNA2 or mixer PTAT current output (from M = 3 to M = 6),
default: M = 5
3:2 GBIAS_LNA_REF[1:0] 11 R/W Adjusts front-end LNA PTAT current output (from M = 3 to M = 6), default: M =
1:0 MIX_CURRENT[1:0] 11 R/W Control of the receiver mixers output current. The current increases with
increasing setting.

FSCTRL (0x61AC) – Tune Frequency Synthesizer

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 PRE_CURRENT [1:0] 01 R/W Prescaler current setting
5:4 LODIV_BUF_CURRENT_TX [1:0] 01 R/W Adjusts current in mixer and PA buffers. Used when TX_ACTIVE = 1
3:2 LODIV_BUF_CURRENT_RX [1:0] 10 R/W Adjusts current in mixer and PA buffers. Used when TX_ACTIVE = 0
1:0 LODIV_CURRENT [1:0] 10 R/W Adjusts divider currents, except mixer and PA buffers.

FSCAL1 (0x61AE) – Tune Frequency Calibration

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 – 0010 10 R/W0 Reserved
1:0 VCO_CURR[1:0] 11 R/W Defines current in VCO core. Sets the multiplier between calibrated current and
VCO current. For the best value to use, see Table 23-6 in Section 23.15.1.

FSCAL2 (0x61AF) – Tune Frequency Calibration

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 VCO_CAPARR_OE 0 R/W Override the calibration result with the value from VCO_CAPARR[5:0].
5:0 VCO_CAPARR[5:0] 10 0000 R*/W VCO capacitor array setting. Programmed during calibration. Override value when

FSCAL3 (0x61B0) – Tune Frequency Calibration

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 VCO_DAC_EN_OV 0 R/W Enables the VCO DAC when 1
5:2 VCO_VC_DAC [3:0] 1010 R/W Bit vector for programming varactor control voltage from VC DAC.
1:0 VCO_CAPARR_CAL_CTRL[1:0] 10 R/W Calibration accuracy setting for the capacitor array part of the calibration
00: 80 XOSC periods
01: 100 XOSC periods
10: 125 XOSC periods
11: 250 XOSC periods

AGCCTRL0 (0x61B1) – AGC Dynamic Range Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 AGC_DR_XTND_EN 1 R/W 0: The AGC performs no adjustment of attenuation in the AAF.
1: The AGC adjusts the gain in the AAF to achieve extra dynamic range for
the receiver.
5:0 AGC_DR_XTND_THR[5:0] 01 1111 R/W If the measured error between the AGC reference magnitude and the actual
magnitude in dB is larger than this threshold, the extra attenuation is enabled in
the front end. This threshold should be set higher than 0x0C.
This feature is enabled by AGC_DR_XTND_EN.

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AGCCTRL1 (0x61B2) – AGC Reference Level

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
5:0 AGC_REF[5:0] 01 0001 R/W Target value for the AGC control loop, given in 1-dB steps. For the best value
to use see Table 23-6 in Section 23.15.1.

AGCCTRL2 (0x61B3) – AGC Gain Override

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 LNA1_CURRENT[1:0] 00 R*/W Overrride value for LNA 1. Only used when LNA_CURRENT_OE = 1. When read,
this register returns the current applied gain setting.
00: 0-dB gain (reference level)
01: 3-dB gain
10: Reserved
11: 6-dB gain
5:3 LNA2_CURRENT[2:0] 000 R*/W Overrride value for LNA 2. Only used when LNA_CURRENT_OE = 1. When read,
this register returns the current applied gain setting.
000: 0-dB gain (reference level)
001: 3-dB gain
010: 6-dB gain
011: 9-dB gain
100: 12-dB gain
101: 15-dB gain
110: 18-dB gain
111: 21-dB gain
2:1 LNA3_CURRENT[1:0] 00 R*/W Overrride value for LNA 3. Only used when LNA_CURRENT_OE = 1. When read,
this register returns the current applied gain setting.
00: 0-dB gain (reference level)
01: 3-dB gain
10: 6-dB gain
11: 9-dB gain
0 LNA_CURRENT_OE 0 R/W Write 1 to override the AGC LNA current setting with the values above

AGCCTRL3 (0x61B4) – AGC Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6:5 AGC_SETTLE_WAIT[1:0] 01 R/W Time for AGC to wait for analog gain to settle after a gain change. During this
period, the energy measurement in the AGC is paused.
00: 15 periods
01: 20 periods
10: 25 periods
11: 30 periods
4:3 AGC_WIN_SIZE[1:0] 01 R/W Window size for the accumulate and dump function in the AGC
00: 16 samples
01: 32 samples
10: 64 samples
11: 128 samples
2:1 AAF_RP[1:0] 11 R*/W Overrides the AGC control signals to AAF when AAF_RP_OE = 1. When read, it
returns the applied signal to the AAF.
00: 9-dB attenuation in AAF
01: 6-dB attenuation in AAF
10: 3-dB attenuation in AAF
11: 0-dB attenuation in AAF (reference level)
0 AAF_RP_OE 0 R/W Write 1 to override the AGC AAF control signals with the values stored in AAF_RP.

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ADCTEST0 (0x61B5) – ADC Tuning
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 ADC_VREF_ADJ[1:0] 00 R/W Quantizer threshold control for test and debug
5:4 ADC_QUANT_ADJ[1:0] 01 R/W Quantizer threshold control for test and debug
3:1 ADC_GM_ADJ[2:0] 000 R/W Gm control for test and debug
0 ADC_DAC2_EN 0 R/W Enables DAC2 for enhanced ADC stability

ADCTEST1 (0x61B6) – ADC Tuning

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 ADC_TEST_CTRL[3:0] 0000 R/W ADC test mode selector
3:2 ADC_C2_ADJ[1:0] 11 R/W Used to adjust capacitor values in ADC
1:0 ADC_C3_ADJ[1:0] 10 R/W Used to adjust capacitor values in ADC

ADCTEST2 (0x61B7) – ADC Tuning

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6:5 ADC_TEST_MODE 00 R/W Test mode to enable output of ADC data from demodulator. When enabled, raw
ADC data is clocked out on the GPIO pins.
00: Test mode disabled
01: Data from both I and Q ADCs is output, data rate 76 MHz
10: Data from I ADC is output. Two and two ADC samples grouped, data rate
38 MHz
11: Data from Q ADC is output. Two and two ADC samples grouped, data rate
38 MHz
4:3 AAF_RS[1:0] 00 R/W Controls series resistance of AAF
2:1 ADC_FF_ADJ[1:0] 01 R/W Adjust feedforward
0 ADC_DAC_ROT 1 R/W Control of DAC DWA scheme
0: DWA (scrambling) disabled
1: DWA enabled

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MDMTEST0 (0x61B8) – Test Register for Modem

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 TX_TONE[3:0] 0111 R/W Enables the possibility to transmit a baseband tone by picking samples from the sine
tables with a controllable phase step between the samples. The step size is
controlled by TX_TONE. If MDMTEST1.MOD_IF is 0, the tone is superimposed on the
modulated data, effectively giving modulation with an IF. If MDMTEST1.MOD_IF is 1,
only the tone is transmitted.
0000: –6 MHz
0001: –4 MHz
0010: –3 MHz
0011: –2 MHz
0100: –1 MHz
0101: –500 kHz
0110: –4 kHz
0111: 0
1000: 4 kHz
1001: 500 kHz
1010: 1 MHz
1011: 2 MHz
1100: 3 MHz
1101: 4 MHz
1110: 6 MHz
Others: Reserved
3:2 DC_WIN_SIZE[1:0] 01 R/W Controls the number of samples to be accumulated between each dump of the
accumulate-and-dump filter used in dc removal.
00: 32 samples
01: 64 samples
10: 128 samples
11: 256 samples
1:0 DC_BLOCK_MODE[1:0] 01 R/W Selects the mode of operation:
00: The input signal to the dc blocker is passed on to the output without any
attempt to remove dc.
01: Enable dc cancellation. Normal operation
10: Freeze estimates of dc when sync is found. Start estimating dc again when
searching for the next frame.
11: Reserved

MDMTEST1 (0x61B9) – Test Register for Modem

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 – 000 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
4 MOD_IF 0 R/W 0: Modulation is performed at an IF set by MDMTEST0.TX_TONE.
1: A tone is transmitted with frequency set by MDMTEST0.TX_TONE.
3 RAMP_AMP 1 R/W 1: Enable ramping of DAC output amplitude during startup and finish.
0: Disable ramping of DAC output amplitude
2 RFC_SNIFF_EN 0 R/W 0: Packet sniffer module disabled
1: Packet sniffer module enabled. The received and transmitted data can be
observed on GPIO pins.
1 MODULATION_MODE 0 R/W Set one of two RF modulation modes for RX/TX
0: IEEE 802.15.4 compliant mode
1: Reversed phase, non-IEEE compliant
0 RESERVED 0 R/W Reserved. Do not write.

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DACTEST0 (0x61BA) – DAC Override Value
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6:0 DAC_Q_O[6:0] 000 0000 R/W Q-branch DAC override value when DAC_SRC = 001
If DAC_SRC is set to be ADC data, CORDIC magnitude, channel filtered data, then
DAC_Q_O controls the part of the word in question that actually is muxed to the
DAC as described in the following list.
00 0110 ≥ bits 6:0
00 0111 ≥ bits 7:1
00 1000 ≥ bits 8:2
And so on
If an invalid setting is chosen, then the DAC outputs only zeros (minimum value).

DACTEST1 (0x61BB) – DAC Override Value

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6:0 DAC_I_O[6:0] 000 0000 R/W I-branch DAC override value when DAC_SRC = 001
If DAC_SRC is set to be ADC data, CORDIC magnitude, channel filtered data, then
DAC_I_O controls the part of the word in question that actually is muxed to the
DAC as described in the following list.
00 0110 ≥ bits 6:0
00 0111 ≥ bits 7:1
00 1000 ≥ bits 8:2
And so on
If an invalid setting is chosen, then the DAC outputs only zeros (minimum value),

DACTEST2 (0x61BC) – DAC Test Setting

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 – 0010 1 R0 Reserved
2:0 DAC_SRC[2:0] 000 R/W The data source for the TX DAC is selected by DAC_SRC according to:
000: Normal operation (from modulator).
001: The DAC_I_O and DAC_Q_O override values
010: ADC data after decimation, magnitude-controlled by DAC_I_O and DAC_Q_O
011: I/Q after decimation, channel and dc filtering, magnitude-controlled by DAC_I_O and
100: Cordic magnitude output and front-end gain is output, magnitude-controlled by
101: RSSI I output on the I DAC
111: Reserved

ATEST (0x61BD) – Analog Test Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
5:0 ATEST_CTRL[5:0] 00 0000 R/W Controls the analog test mode:
00 0000: Disabled
00 0001: Enables the temperature sensor (see also the TR0 register description in
Section 12.2.10).
00 0010 : Enables the temperature sensor in the CC2533 (see also the TR0
register description in Section 12.2.10)
Other values reserved.

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RFRND (0x61A7) – Random Data

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 – 0000 00 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
1 QRND 0 R0 Random bit from the Q channel of the receiver
0 IRND 0 R0 Random bit from the I channel of the receiver

PTEST0 (0x61BE) – Override Power-Down Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 PRE_PD 0 R/W Prescaler power-down signal when PD_OVERRIDE = 1
6 CHP_PD 0 R/W Charge-pump power-down signal when PD_OVERRIDE = 1
5 ADC_PD 0 R/W Analog-to-digital converter power-down signal when PD_OVERRIDE = 1
4 DAC_PD 0 R/W Digital-to-analog converter power-down signal when PD_OVERRIDE = 1
3:2 LNA_PD[1:0] 00 R/W Low-noise amplifier power-down signal. Defines LNA and mixer PD modes.
00: Power up
01: LNA off, mixer and regulator on
10: LNA and mixer off, regulator on
11: Power down
1 TXMIX_PD 0 R/W Transmit mixer power-down signal when PD_OVERRIDE = 1
0 AAF_PD 0 R/W Antialiasing filter power-down signal when PD_OVERRIDE = 1

PTEST1 (0x61BF) – Override Power-Down Register

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 – 0000 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
3 PD_OVERRIDE 0 R/W Override enabling and disabling of various modules. For debug and testing only. It is
impossible to override hard-coded BIAS_PD[1:0] dependency.
2 PA_PD 0 R/W Power amplifier power-down signal when PD_OVERRIDE = 1
1 VCO_PD 0 R/W Voltage-controlled oscillator power-down signal when PD_OVERRIDE = 1
0 LODIV_PD 0 R/W LO power-down signal when PD_OVERRIDE = 1

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RFC_OBS_CTRL0 (0x61EB) – RF Observation Mux Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 RFC_OBS_POL0 0 R/W The signal chosen by RFC_OBS_MUX0 is XORed with this bit.
5:0 RFC_OBS_MUX0 00 0000 R/W Controls which observable signal from RF Core is to be muxed out to rfc_obs_sigs[0]
00 0000: 0 – Constant value
00 0001: 1 – Constant value
00 1000: rfc_sniff_data – Data from packet sniffer. Sample data on rising edges of
00 1001: rfc_sniff_clk – 250-kHz clock for packet sniffer data
00 1100: rssi_valid – Pin is high when the RSSI value has been updated at least once
since RX was started. Cleared when leaving RX.
00 1101: demod_cca – Clear channel assessment. See FSMSTAT1 register for details
on how to configure the behavior of this signal.
00 1110: sampled_cca – A sampled version of the CCA bit from demodulator. The
value is updated whenever a SSAMPLECCA or STXONCCA strobe is issued.
00 1111: sfd_sync – Pin is high when an SFD has been received or transmitted.
Cleared when leaving RX or TX, respectively. Not to be confused with the SFD
01 0000: tx_active – Indicates that FFCTRL is in one of the TX states. Active-high.
Note: This signal might have glitches, because it has no output flip-flop and is based
on the current state register of the FFCTRL FSM.
01 0001: rx_active – Indicates that FFCTRL is in one of the RX states. Active-high.
Note: This signal might have glitches, because it has no output flip-flop and is based
on the current state register of the FFCTRL FSM.
01 0010: ffctrl_fifo – Pin is high when one or more bytes are in the RXFIFO. Low
during RXFIFO overflow.
01 0011: ffctrl_fifop – Pin is high when the number of bytes in the RXFIFO exceeds the
programmable threshold or at least one complete frame is in the RXFIFO. Also high
during RXFIFO overflow. Not to be confused with the FIFOP exception.
01 0100: packet_done – A complete frame has been received. That is, the number of
bytes set by the frame-length field has been received.
01 0110: rfc_xor_rand_i_q – XOR between I and Q random outputs. Updated at 8
01 0111: rfc_rand_q – Random data output from the Q channel of the receiver.
Updated at 8 MHz.
01 1000: rfc_rand_i – Random data output from the I channel of the receiver. Updated
at 8 MHz
01 1001: lock_status – 1 when PLL is in lock, otherwise 0
10 1000: pa_pd – Power amplifier power-down signal
10 1010: lna_pd – LNA power-down signal
Others: Reserved

RFC_OBS_CTRL1 (0x61EC) – RF Observation Mux Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 RFC_OBS_POL1 0 R/W The signal chosen by RFC_OBS_MUX1 is XORed with this bit.
5:0 RFC_OBS_MUX1 00 0000 R/W Controls which observable signal from RF Core is to be muxed out to rfc_obs_sigs[1].
See description of RFC_OBS_CTRL0 for details.

RFC_OBS_CTRL2 (0x61ED) – RF Observation Mux Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 RFC_OBS_POL2 0 R/W The signal chosen by RFC_OBS_MUX2 is XORed with this bit.
5:0 RFC_OBS_MUX2 00 0000 R/W Controls which observable signal from RF Core is to be muxed out to rfc_obs_sigs[2].
See description of RFC_OBS_CTRL0 for details.

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TXFILTCFG (0x61FA) – TX Filter Configuration

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 – 0000 R0 Reserved
3:0 FC 1111 R/W Sets TX anti-aliasing filter to appropriate bandwidth. Reduces spurious emissions
close to signal. For the best value to use, see Table 23-6 in Section 23.15.1.

IVCTRL (0x6265) – Analog control register (CC2533 only)

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Always read as 0.
5:4 DAC_CURR_CTRL 01 R/W Controls bias current to DAC
00: 100% IVREF, 0% IREF bias
01: 60% IVREF, 40% IREF bias
10: 40% IVREF, 60% IREF bias
11: 0% IVREF, 100% IREF bias
3 LODIV_BIAS_CTRL 0 R/W Controls bias current to LODIV
1: PTAT bias
0: IVREF bias
2 TXMIX_DC_CTRL 0 R/W Controls dc bias in TXMIX
1:0 PA_BIAS_CTRL 11 R/W Controls bias current to PA
00: IREF bias
01: IREF and IVREF bias
10: PTAT bias
11: Increased PTAT slope bias

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Chapter 24
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

CC2540 and CC2541 Bluetooth low energy Radio

The CC2540 and CC2541 provide a Bluetooth low energy compliant radio transceiver. On the CC2540
and CC2541, radio operation is controlled by the Bluetooth low energy stack. The application is not
allowed to access the radio directly. The application interacts with the radio by sending API commands to
the stack. The TI BLE stack with documentation is available at www.ti.com/blestack. The CC2541 may
also be run in proprietary mode; see Chapter 25 for a description of the operation in that case.

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24.1 Registers ......................................................................................................... 276

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24.1 Registers
The following status registers are available to the user:

RFSTAT (0x618D) RF Core Status

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 MOD_UNDERFLOW 0 R/W0 Modulator has underflowed. Must be cleared by software
6:5 DEM_STATUS 00 R Demodulator status
00: Idle
01: Active
10: Finishing
11: Error
4 SFD 0 R High when the access address has been sent in TX or when sync has been
obtained in RX
3 CAL_RUNNING 0 R Frequency synth calibration status
0: Calibration done or not started
1: Calibration in progress
2 LOCK_STATUS 0 R 1 when PLL is in lock, otherwise 0
1 TX_ACTIVE 0 R Status signal, active when radio is in transmit state
0 RX_ACTIVE 0 R Status signal, active when radio is in receive state

RFC_OBS_CTRL0 (0x61AE) RF Observation Mux Control 0

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 RFC_OBS_POL0 0 R/W The signal chosen by RFC_OBS_MUX0 is XORed with this bit.
5:0 RFC_OBS_MUX0 00 0000 R/W Controls which observable signal from rf_core is to be muxed out to
00 0000: 0 – Constant value
00 0001: 1 – Constant value
00 1001: TX active
00 1010: RX_active
11 0000: High from when receiver has found access address until packet is
finished, low otherwise
11 0001: High from when the access address has been transmitted until end of
packet, low otherwise
Other values reserved

RFC_OBS_CTRL1 (0x61AF) RF Observation Mux Control 1

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 RFC_OBS_POL1 0 R/W The signal chosen by RFC_OBS_MUX1 is XORed with this bit.
5:0 RFC_OBS_MUX1 00 0000 R/W Controls which observable signal from rf_core is to be muxed out to
00 0000: 0 – Constant value
00 0001: 1 – Constant value
00 1001: TX active
00 1010: RX_active
11 0000: High from when receiver has found access address until packet is
finished, low otherwise
11 0001: High from when the access address has been transmitted until end of
packet, low otherwise
Other values reserved

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RFC_OBS_CTRL2 (0x61B0) RF Observation Mux Control 2
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 RFC_OBS_POL2 0 R/W The signal chosen by RFC_OBS_MUX2 is XORed with this bit.
5:0 RFC_OBS_MUX2 00 0000 R/W Controls which observable signal from rf_core is to be muxed out to
00 0000: 0 – Constant value
00 0001: 1 – Constant value
00 1001: TX active
00 1010: RX_active
11 0000: High from when receiver has found access address until packet is
finished, low otherwise
11 0001: High from when the access address has been transmitted until end of
packet, low otherwise
Other values reserved

ATEST (0x61A9) – Analog Test Control

Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
5:0 ATEST_CTRL[5:0] 00 0000 R/W Controls the analog test mode:
00 0000: Disabled
00 0001: Enables the temperature sensor (see also the TR0 register
description in Section 12.2.10).
Other values reserved.

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Chapter 25
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

CC2541 Proprietary Mode Radio

In proprietary mode, the CC2541 radio supports data rates up to 2 Mbps, and has extensive baseband
automation, including auto-acknowledgment and address decoding. The RF Core controls the analog
radio module and the RF transceiver state. In addition, it provides an interface between the MCU and the
radio which makes it possible to issue commands, read status, and automate and sequence radio events.
It has 1 KB of dedicated RAM, which holds the 128-byte transmit and receive FIFO.
This chapter describes the proprietary mode operation of the CC2541 devices and features in the LLE
program. For Bluetooth low energy operation, see Chapter 24.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

25.1 RF Core ........................................................................................................... 279

25.2 Interrupts......................................................................................................... 279
25.3 RF Core Data Memory ....................................................................................... 280
25.4 Bit-Stream Processor ........................................................................................ 291
25.5 Frequency and Channel Programming ................................................................ 296
25.6 Modulation Formats .......................................................................................... 296
25.7 Receiver .......................................................................................................... 296
25.8 Packet Format .................................................................................................. 297
25.9 Link Layer Engine ............................................................................................. 301
25.10 Random Number Generation ............................................................................ 318
25.11 Packet Sniffing................................................................................................ 319
25.12 Registers ........................................................................................................ 320

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25.1 RF Core
The RF core contains several submodules that support and control the analog radio modules. In addition,
it provides an interface between the MCU and the radio which makes it possible to issue commands, read
status, and automate and sequence radio events.
The link-layer engine (LLE) controls the RF transceiver state and most of the dynamically controlled
analog signals such as power up and power down of analog modules. The LLE is used to provide the
correct sequencing of events (such as performing an FS calibration before enabling the receiver). It
handles packet assembly and decoding, including automatic length field handling, address insertion and
filtering, and CRC generation and checking.
The radio data RAM holds a FIFO for transmit data (TX FIFO) and a FIFO for receive data (RX FIFO).
Both FIFOs are 128 bytes long and have hardware control of pointers when data is entered and removed
from the FIFOs. In addition, the RAM contains six segments of 128 bytes, one of which is used for
communication with the LLE.
The bit-stream processor is used for whitening and de-whitening transferred signals and CRC
generation and check.
The modulator transforms raw data into I/Q signals to the transmitter DAC.
The demodulator is responsible for retrieving the over-the-air data from the received signal.
The frequency synthesizer (FS) generates the carrier wave for the RF signal.

25.2 Interrupts
The radio is associated with two interrupt vectors on the CPU. These are the RFERR interrupt (interrupt
0) and the RF interrupt (interrupt 12) with the following functions.
• RFERR: Error situations in the radio are signaled using this interrupt.
• RF: Interrupts coming from normal operation are signaled using this interrupt.
The RF interrupt vector combines the interrupts in RFIF. Note that these RF interrupts are rising-edge
triggered. Thus, an interrupt is generated when, for example, the TASKDONE status flag in the RFIRQF1
register goes from 0 to 1. The RFIF interrupt flags are described in Section 25.2.1.

25.2.1 Interrupt Registers

Two main interrupt-control SFR registers are used to enable the RF and RFERR interrupts. These are the
Two main interrupt-flag SFR registers hold the RF and RFERR interrupt flags. These are the following:
The two interrupts generated from the RF core are a combination of several sources within the RF core.
Each of the individual sources has its own enable and interrupt flags in RF core. Flags can be found in
RFIRQF0, RFIRQF1, and RFERRF. Interrupt enable masks can be found in RFIRQM0, RFIRQM1, and
The interrupt enable bits in the mask registers are used to enable individual interrupt sources. Note that
masking an interrupt source does not affect the updating of the corresponding status in the flag registers.
Due to the use of individual interrupt masks in the RF core, the interrupts coming from the RF core have
two-layered masking, and care must be taken when processing these interrupts. The procedure is
described as follows.

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To clear an interrupt from the RF core, one must clear two flags, both the flag set in the RF core and the
one set in the main interrupt flag SFR registers, S1CON or TCON (depending on which interrupt is
triggered). If a flag is cleared in the RF core and there are other unmasked flags standing, the main
interrupt flag is set. Exiting the interrupt service routine with the main interrupt flag set causes the interrupt
service routine to be executed again.
TIP: For proper handling of interrupts in ISRs, the following is advised:
• At the start of the ISR, read and store the RF core flags
• Process the interrupts
• Clear the main interrupt flag
• Clear the processed RF core flags. It is important that this is done in a single operation.

25.3 RF Core Data Memory

The radio core has 1024 bytes of data RAM divided into eight pages of 128 bytes each. The pages are to
be used as shown in Table 25-1.

Table 25-1. Radio RAM Pages

Page Number Assignment
0 RAM-based registers
For RX with auto ACK: ACK payload FIFO for addresses 2 and
For RX with auto ACK: ACK payload FIFO for addresses 4 and
For RX with auto ACK: ACK payload FIFO for addresses 6 and
4 Free for MCU use
5 Additional RAM-based registers. Reserved for LLE
TX FIFO; for RX with auto ACK: ACK payload FIFO for
addresses 0 and 1

The active memory page is selected in register RFRAMCFG.PRE. The selected page is accessible at
XDATA addresses 0x6000–0x607F. The RX FIFO page (page 6) is also accessible at XDATA addresses
0x6080–0x60FF. The TX FIFO page (page 7) is also accessible at XDATA addresses 0x6100–0x617F.
A page is used for transferring parameters to the LLE; see Section 25.3.3.
There is no hardware protection to prevent the MCU from overwriting memory used by the LLE and the
FIFO. Thus, the MCU should never write to page 5 (except for special dedicated registers). The MCU
should write to pages 0, 1, 2, 3, and 7 only as specified in this chapter. Writes to the FIFO pages should
only be done in ways compatible with FIFO operation, except for accessing the TX FIFO page while
running an RX task with auto ACK.
Pages 0, 1, 6, and 7 have retention in all power modes, whereas the contents of pages 2–5 are lost in
PM2 and PM3.
Radio core hardware registers are located at XDATA addresses 0x6180–0x61F7. Figure 25-1 shows the
mapping of radio memory to MCU XDATA memory space.

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Radio XREG
Page7 0x617F

Page 6 Tx FIFO
Page 5 0x6100
. 0x60FF
Page 4 .
Page 3
Page 2 . 0x607F
Page 1 . Radio RAM
Page 0 0x6000


Figure 25-1. Mapping of Radio Memory to MCU XDATA Memory Space

25.3.1 FIFOs
The FIFOs are used for transporting data between the MCU and the radio. The FIFOs have hardware
support for read and write pointer increment with circular buffering, overflow and underflow detection, and
flushing of last entry or the entire FIFO.
The RX and TX FIFOs are fundamentally two similar modules. Each FIFO has four pointers: the write
pointer (WP), the read pointer (RP), the start-of-packet write pointer (SWP), and the start-of-packet read
pointer (SRP). WP and RP give the index in the FIFO where the next byte is to be written and read,
respectively. SWP is used to indicate the start of the current packet being written, and SRP is used to
indicate the start of the current packet being read. The use of the pointers is indicated in Figure 25-2.

Last Packet

Available Data

n -Packets

First Packet


Free Space



Figure 25-2. FIFO Pointers

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The TX FIFO and RX FIFO may be accessed though the SFR register RFD (0xD9). Data is written to the
TX FIFO when writing to the RFD register. Data is read from the RX FIFO when the RFD register is read.
In addition, there are separate read and write registers for each FIFO (RFRXFRD, RFRXFWR, RFTXFRD,
The RX FIFO or TX FIFO can be cleared by issuing CMD_RXFIFO_RESET or CMD_TXFIFO_RESET
(see Section, respectively. The contents of both FIFOs can be cleared by issuing
Four operations are defined to handle the four pointers:
• Deallocate is setting SRP equal to RP. This should be done when the treatment of a packet that has
been read from the FIFO is finished.
• Retry is setting RP equal to SRP. This is done to re-read a packet that has been read from the FIFO
• Discard is setting WP equal to SWP. This is done to remove a packet that had been written to the
• Commit is setting SWP equal to WP. This is done to confirm the writing of a packet to the FIFO and
making it available to be read out.
Using the register RFFCFG, it is possible to set up auto-commit and auto-deallocate for each of the FIFOs.
If auto-commit is enabled, SWP is set equal to WP each time a byte is written to the FIFO. If auto-
deallocate is enabled, SRP is set equal to RP each time a byte is read from the FIFO. By default, auto-
commit is enabled for the TX FIFO and auto-deallocate is enabled for the RX FIFO. This is also the
recommended setting. However, if packets that exceed the FIFO size are to be supported, auto-commit
must be enabled for the RX FIFO and auto-deallocate for the TX FIFO; see Section 25.8.1 and
Section 25.8.2 for details. If auto-commit is disabled for the TX FIFO, the MCU must issue a commit
command after writing a packet to the TX FIFO, and if auto-deallocate is disabled for the RX FIFO, the
MCU must issue a deallocate command after reading a packet from the RX FIFO. FIFO Status and Interrupts

The XREG registers RFRXFLEN and RFTXFLEN provide information on the amount of data in the FIFOs.
This is the number of bytes between SRP and WP, that is, the number of bytes that is not free space in
Figure 25-2. The register RFFSTATUS contains status bits for each of the FIFOs. FIFO empty is defined as
the length being 0, and FIFO full is defined as the length being 128. The amount of data between RP and
SWP is known as available data, and there is a status bit in the RFFSTATUS register telling whether there
is available data for each of the FIFOs.
An attempt to write to a full FIFO results in a FIFO overflow. The data written is then ignored and the
RXOVERF or TXOVERF flag is set in the RFERRF register, causing an RFERR interrupt. An attempt to read
from a FIFO when no data is available results in a FIFO underflow. The value read is then zero, and the
RXUNDERF or TXUNDERF flag is set in the RFERRF register, causing an RFERR interrupt.
Registers RFTXFTHRS and RFRXFTHRS are used to set threshold points for the TX and RX FIFOs,
respectively. Each FIFO has one status flag and two interrupt flags; when the amount of data in the FIFO
crosses the threshold, an interrupt flag is set. The FIFO status flags are available in RFFSTATUS, and the
interrupt flags are available in RFIRQF0.
When the amount of data in the FIFO is above the threshold, that is, RFxXFLEN is greater than or equal to
RFxXFTHRS, the status bit xXDTHEX of RFFSTATUS is 1, otherwise it is 0.
When data is written to the FIFO causing the FIFO threshold to be crossed, that is, xXDTHEX going from 0
to 1, the corresponding interrupt flag is set.
When data is read from the FIFO causing the FIFO threshold to be crossed, that is, xXDTHEX going from
1 to 0, the corresponding interrupt flag is set. Command Register

The command register RFST can be used for sending commands to the FIFO. Commands in the range
0x80–0xFF are commands to the FIFO. Other commands are commands to the LLE; see Section 25.9.1.

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The supported FIFO commands are listed in Table 25-2. A command in the range of 0x80–0xFF that does
not match any of the listed commands is ignored.

Table 25-2. Commands to FIFO via RFST Register

Number Command Name Description
0x81 CMD_RXFIFO_RESET Reset (empty) RX FIFO. Set RFRXF* := 0
0x91 CMD_TXFIFO_RESET Reset (empty) TX FIFO. Set RFRXF* := 0
0xF1 CMD_FIFO_RESET Reset both FIFOs
0xF2 CMD_FIFO_DEALLOC Deallocate both FIFOs
0xF3 CMD_FIFO_RETRY Retry both FIFOs
0xF4 CMD_FIFO_DISCARD Discard both FIFOs
0xF5 CMD_FIFO_COMMIT Commit both FIFOs FIFO Pointer Operations

The FIFO pointers can be accessed directly through registers RFFRXFWP, RFFRXFRP, RFFRXFSWP,
Because the placement of the pointers may be the same for an empty and a full FIFO, there are internal
states distinguishing between these situations. This means that although any value can be written to the
pointer registers, certain rules must be observed for the FIFO to function reliably after the pointer write.
Any writes to a pointer must be considered to move that pointer up. Hence, writing N to a pointer already
holding N is considered equivalent to moving that pointer up 128 places, writing N-1 is equivalent to
moving the pointer up 127 places, and so on.
The pointers must maintain a specific ordering: (Going from lowest position to highest) SRP, RP, SWP,
A lower pointer may be moved up to but not past a higher pointer, whereas the highest pointer (WP) may
be moved down to, but not past the lower. Cooperation With LLE

The LLE performs FIFO operations as part of its operation. In order to avoid conflicts between the LLE
and the MCU, access to FIFO registers should be done according to Table 25-3. Read accesses can
always be made, except for the data-read registers, which causes the read pointers to be modified. If the
MCU reads a register, one must take into account that the value may change at any time due to accesses
from the LLE. The reset FIFO commands should only be run by the MCU between LLE tasks. They are
marked with an asterisk in Table 25-3.

Table 25-3. Access to FIFO Registers

Register Read Access Write Access

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Table 25-3. Access to FIFO Registers (continued)

Register Read Access Write Access
Depends on command:
0x81 : Reset RX FIFO: MCU*
0x82 : Deallocate RX FIFO: MCU
0x83 : Retry RX FIFO: MCU
0x84: Discard RX FIFO: LLE
0x85: Commit RX FIFO: LLE
0x91 : Reset TX FIFO: MCU*
0x92 : Deallocate TX FIFO: LLE (1)
RFST (FIFO commands) N/A
0x93 : Retry TX FIFO: LLE (1)
0x94: Discard TX FIFO: MCU
0x95: Commit TX FIFO: MCU
0xF1: Reset both FIFOs: MCU*
0xF2: Deallocate both FIFOs: none
0xF3: Retry both FIFOs: none
0xF4: Discard both FIFOs: none
0xF5: Commit both FIFOs: none

25.3.2 DMA
It is possible to use direct memory access (DMA) to move data between memory and the radio. See
Chapter 8 for a detailed description on how to set up and use DMA transfers.
There are two DMA triggers associated with the radio: the RADIO DMA triggers 0 and 1 (DMA triggers 19
and 11).
The radio DMA trigger source is selected in registers RFFDMA0 and RFFDMA1. See the register
descriptions in Section 25.12 for details.

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25.3.3 RAM-Based Registers

A list of the memory entries of the general radio RAM area used for parameter transfer is shown in
Table 25-4. All these registers are in page 0 of the radio RAM. Each memory entry is considered a RAM-
based register and has a name. Numeric values that are two bytes long are represented in little-endian
The radio RAM registers have no defined reset value and must therefore be initialized by the MCU.
The registers SEMAPHORE0 and SEMAPHORE1 can be used to verify data integrity. These registers are
changed to 0 when they are read. If a semaphore register is read and the value was 1, the semaphore
has been successfully taken, and subsequent reads of the register return 0 until the semaphore is
released. If a semaphore register is read as 0, the semaphore was not free. A semaphore can be released
by writing 1 to the semaphore register; this should only be done if the semaphore has previously been
taken by the MCU. The LLE takes SEMAPHORE0 when a task starts and SEMAPHORE1 when the radio has
been set up. Both semaphores are released by the LLE at the end of the task. If the LLE is not granted
the semaphore, it generates an error. If SEMAPHORE0 and SEMAPHORE1 are taken by the MCU before
registers protected by these semaphores are modified by the MCU, data integrity is ensured, and an error
occurs if the LLE is accidentally started while such an access is going on. SEMAPHORE2 is not used by the
Where bit numbering is used, bit 0 is the LSB and bit 7 is the MSB. Multi-byte fields are little-endian.
The detailed breakdown of the address entries PRF_ADDR_ENTRY0–PRF_ADDR_ENTRY7 is shown in
Table 25-5 or Table 25-6, depending on the operational mode.
The Prot columns of Table 25-4, Table 25-5, and Table 25-6 list the type of protection for each entry:
Sem0: Entries protected by SEMAPHORE0. Should only be written by the MCU while the LLE does not
have SEMAPHORE0. Is not modified by the LLE.
Sem1: Entries protected by SEMAPHORE1. Should only be written by the MCU while the LLE does not
have SEMAPHORE1. Is not modified by the LLE.
Sem1/R: Entries containing state variables and accumulative counters that are updated by the LLE. They
may be read by the MCU after a receive or transmit interrupt to see how many packets have been
received or transmitted. The MCU must take into account that at the time these values are read, some of
them may have been updated for the next interrupt and some not. When the LLE does not have
SEMAPHORE1, the MCU may write to them to initialize. The counters are not initialized by the LLE.
None: No semaphore protection; special rules apply for access.

Table 25-4. RAM-Based Registers

Name Addr Prot Description
Bits 0–6: FREQ
Frequency to use.
0: 2379 MHz
... 1-MHz steps
116: 2495 MHz
117–126: Reserved
PRF_CHAN 0x6000 Sem0 127: The LLE does not program frequency; it is to
be set up by the MCU through the FREQCTRL
and MDMTEST1 registers.
0: Turn off synthesizer when task is done.
1: Leave synthesizer running after task is done.

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Table 25-4. RAM-Based Registers (continued)

Name Addr Prot Description
Configuration of task control
Bits 0–1: MODE (operation mode)
00: Basic mode, fixed length
01: Basic mode, variable length
10: Auto mode, 9-bit header
11: Auto mode, 10-bit header
Bit 2: REPEAT (repeated operation)
0: Single operation
1: Repeated operation
Bit 3: START_CONF (start configuration)
0: Start each receive or transmit immediately
1: Start each receive or transmit on Timer 2 event
Bits 4–5: STOP_CONF (stop configuration)
00: No stop based on Timer 2.
01: End task after current packet is done on Timer
2 event 2 (end immediately in sync search or wait)
10: Stop transmit or receive immediately on Timer
PRF_TASK_CONF 0x6001 Sem0 2 event 2
11: End task on Timer 2 event 2 in first sync
search or clear-channel assessment. No stop after
first sync search or clear-channel assessment.
0: Listen until RSSI drops below given level, then
start TX.
1: End task if RSSI is above given level
For TX_ON_CC with REPEAT = 1:
0: Listen again on repeated operation and
1: Listen only before the first transmission, then
transmit every time
For RX with REPEAT = 1:
0: Recalibrate the synthesizer before listening for
new packets
1: Recalibrate the synthesizer only when the task

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Table 25-4. RAM-Based Registers (continued)

Name Addr Prot Description
Configure FIFO use
Keep received packets with unexpected sequence
number in the RX FIFO.
0: Keep
1: Auto-flush
Keep received packets with CRC error in the RX
0: Keep
1: Auto-flush
Keep packets with no payload in the RX FIFO.
0: Keep
1: Auto-flush
RX FIFO channel information
0: Do not append RSSI and RES
1: Append RSSI and RES
Bits 4–5: RX_ADDR_CONF
PRF_FIFO_CONF 0x6002 Sem1 RX FIFO address and config byte configuration
00: Do not include address or config byte in RX
01: Include received address in RX FIFO (1-byte
addresses only), but no config byte
10: Include config byte in RX FIFO, but no address
11: Include received address (1-byte addresses
only) and config byte in RX FIFO
Bits 6–7: TX_ADDR_CONF
TX FIFO address and config byte configuration
00: No address or config byte; read address from
01: Include address byte in TX FIFO, no config
10: Include config byte and use address index in
that byte to find address from
11: Read address from TX FIFO followed by config
byte (where address information is ignored). Not
allowed for PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE = 00 or
Packet configuration
Bit 0: ADDR_LEN. Number of address bytes (0 or
Bit 1: AGC_EN
0: Do not use AGC
1: Use AGC (Section
PRF_PKT_CONF 0x6003 Sem0
0: Ordinary transmission
1: Override extra preamble bytes with tone and
reduce synthesizer calibration time accordingly
Bits 3-7: Reserved, always write 0.
PRF_CRC_LEN 0x6004 Sem1 Number of CRC bytes. Permitted values: 0–4
For transmit on clear channel. Start a transmit task
by listening to the channel; start transmitting if the
PRF_RSSI_LIMIT 0x6005 Sem1
RSSI drops below the level (signed) given in this
For transmit on clear channel. Number of additional
PRF_RSSI_COUNT 0x6006–0x6007 Sem1 RSSI measurements that must be below the RSSI
limit before transmission takes place.

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Table 25-4. RAM-Based Registers (continued)

Name Addr Prot Description
Initialization value for CRC. For less than a 4-byte
PRF_CRC_INIT 0x6008–0x600B Sem1 CRC, the first bytes shall be 0 and the last bytes
the desired value.
Byte to write to register BSP_W before a packet;
PRF_W_INIT 0x600C Sem1 initializes the PN7 whitener if that is used. If PN9
whitener is used, bit 7 should be 1.
Maximum number of retransmissions in automatic
Time from end of transmission to new transmission
PRF_TX_DELAY 0x600E–0x600F Sem1
of different payload, given in units of 62.5 ns
Time from end of transmission to retransmission in
PRF_RETRANS_DELAY 0x6010–0x6011 Sem1
auto retransmit mode, given in units of 62.5 ns
Time to perform search before giving up or
PRF_SEARCH_TIME 0x6012–0x6013 Sem1 retransmitting, given in 31.25-ns units. 0: Never
give up. Must be at least 256 if not 0.
Time to add to RX-TX turnaround time in RX with
PRF_RX_TX_TIME 0x6014–0x6015 Sem1
auto ACK, given in 31.25-ns units
Time to add to TX-RX turnaround time in TX with
PRF_TX_RX_TIME 0x6016–0x6017 Sem1
auto retransmission, given in 31.25-ns units
Address structure for address number 0. See
PRF_ADDR_ENTRY0 0x6018–0x6023
Table 25-5 and Table 25-6 for details.
Address structure for address number 1. See
PRF_ADDR_ENTRY1 0x6024–0x602F
Table 25-5 and Table 25-6 for details.
Address structure for address number 2. See
PRF_ADDR_ENTRY2 0x6030–0x603B
Table 25-5 and Table 25-6 for details.
Address structure for address number 3. See
PRF_ADDR_ENTRY3 0x603C–0x6047
Table 25-5 and Table 25-6 for details.
Address structure for address number 4. See
PRF_ADDR_ENTRY4 0x6048–0x6053
Table 25-5 and Table 25-6 for details.
Address structure for address number 5. See
PRF_ADDR_ENTRY5 0x6054–0x605F
Table 25-5 and Table 25-6 for details.
Address structure for address number 6. See
PRF_ADDR_ENTRY6 0x6060–0x606B
Table 25-5 and Table 25-6 for details.
Address structure for address number 7. See
PRF_ADDR_ENTRY7 0x606C–0x6077
Table 25-5 and Table 25-6 for details.
PRF_N_TX 0x6078 Sem1/R Total number of packets transmitted
PRF_LAST_RSSI 0x6079 Sem1/R RSSI of last received packet
PRF_LAST_DCOFF 0x607A–0x607D Sem1/R DC offset of last received packet

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Table 25-4. RAM-Based Registers (continued)

Name Addr Prot Description
Configure radio hardware
Bits 0–1: RXCAP
00: Do not capture on RX packets
01: Capture start of every RX packet
10: Capture end of every RX packet
11: Capture start of first RX packet only
Bits 2–3: TXCAP
00: Do not capture on TX packets
01: Capture start of every TX packet
10: Capture end of every TX packet
11: Capture start of first TX packet only
Bits 4–5: TXIF: TX IF configuration (for 2 Mbps
00: Zero IF
01: ±1 MHz IF
10: ±2 MHz IF
11: ±3 MHz IF
Bit 6: DCOFF: Special dc offset handling
0: Standard dc offset
1: Use special dc offset routine measuring dc offset
right after RX start
Bit 7: DCWB: Write back dc offset estimate to
override registers
0: Do not write back
1: Write back after each received packet with CRC
PRF_ENDCAUSE 0x607F None Reason why LLE ended task

Table 25-5. Address Structure for Auto Mode

Name Index Prot Description
Bit 0: ENA0 (Enable for primary sync word – RX task only)
0: Disable address entry for primary sync word
1: Enable address entry for primary sync word
Bit 1: ENA1 (Enable for secondary sync word – RX task only)
0: Disable address entry for secondary sync word
1: Enable address entry for secondary sync word
Bit 2: REUSE (Allow reuse of transmitted packet)
0: LLE deallocates packet after it has been acknowledged
1: LLE does not deallocate packet after it has been acknowledged
(this is up to the MCU)
Bit 3: AA (Enable auto acknowledgement or auto retranmsmission)
0: Disable auto ack (RX) or auto retransmission (TX) for this address
CONF 0x00 Sem1 1: Enable auto ack (RX) or auto retransmission (TX) for this address
Bit 4: VARLEN (variable length support)
0: Use fixed length given by RXLENGTH in receiver when receiving
packets or ACKs
1: Use variable length up to RXLENGTH in receiver when receiving
packets or ACKs
Bit 5: FIXEDSEQ (fixed sequence number – TX task only)
0: Insert sequence number from SEQSTAT.SEQ
1: Read sequence number from TX FIFO
Bit 6: TXLEN
0: Insert packet length in header when transmitting
1: Used fixed-length word when transmitting
Note: Must not be set to 1 unless the peer uses fixed length
RXLENGTH 0x01 Sem1 Maximum length of received packet (0–127)
ADDRESS 0x02 Sem1 Address of packet

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Table 25-5. Address Structure for Auto Mode (continued)

Name Index Prot Description
Bit 0: VALID (RX task only)
0: The status is not valid. Any packet is viewed as new. On
successful reception of a packet, the LLE sets this bit.
1: The status is valid. Only packets with a sequence number and
CRC different from the previous one are accepted.
Bits 1–2: SEQ (sequence number). For RX, the sequence number of
the last successfully received packet. For TX, the sequence number
of the next or current packet to be transmitted
SEQSTAT 0x03 Sem1/R Bits 3–4: ACKSEQ (ACK sequence number – RX task only) For RX
with auto ACK, the sequence number of the next or current ACK to
be transmitted
Bit 5: ACK_PAYLOAD_SENT (RX task only)
0: The last received packet was not acknowledged with payload.
1: The last received packet was acknowledged with payload.
Bit 6: NEXTACK (next ACK buffer to use – RX task only)
0: Use ACK buffer 0.
1: Use ACK buffer 1.
For RX with auto ACK: Length of payload to be transmitted from
buffer 0. When 0, the buffer is free. After the payload has been
ACKLENGTH0 0x04 None transmitted and a packet with a new sequence number is received,
the value is set to 0 by the LLE. The MCU only writes to the register
when it is zero; the LLE only writes it to zero when it is non-zero.
For RX with auto ACK: Length of payload to be transmitted from
buffer 1. When 0, the buffer is free. After the payload has been
ACKLENGTH1 0x05 None transmitted and a packet with a new sequence number is received,
the value is set to 0 by the LLE. The MCU only writes to the register
when it is zero; the LLE only writes it to zero when it is non-zero.
CRC value (last two bytes if more than 2 CRC bytes) of last
CRCVAL 0x06–0x07 Sem1/R
successfully received packet
Number of packets transmitted. For auto retransmission, only
acknowledged packets with new sequence number are counted. For
N_TXDONE 0x08 Sem1/R
auto ACK, only packets with new payload are counted when the
payload has been confirmed.
N_RXIGNORED 0x09 Sem1/R Number of retransmitted packets received with CRC OK
Number of new packets received with CRC OK or ACK packets
N_RXOK 0x0A Sem1/R
without payload received
N_RXNOK 0x0B Sem1/R Number of packets received with CRC error

Table 25-6. Address Structure for Basic Mode

Name Index Prot Description
Bit 0: ENA0 (enable for primary sync word – RX task only)
0: Disable address entry for primary sync word
1: Enable address entry for primary sync word
Bit 1: ENA1 (enable for secondary sync word – RX task only)
CONF 0x00 Sem1 0: Disable address entry for secondary sync word
1: Enable address entry for secondary sync word
Bit 2: REUSE (allow reuse of transmitted packet)
0: LLE deallocates packet after it has been transmitted
1: LLE does not deallocate packet after it has been transmitted (this is
up to the MCU)
RXLENGTH 0x01 Sem1 Maximum length of received packet (0–255)
ADDRESS 0x02 Sem1 Address of packet
0x03–0x09 Reserved
N_RXOK 0x0A Sem1/R Number of packets received with CRC OK
N_RXNOK 0x0B Sem1/R Number of packets received with CRC error

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25.3.4 Variables in RAM Page 5

Some additional RAM registers are placed in page 5 of the RFCORE RAM. These variables have the
prefix PRFX and are listed in Table 25-7. The addresses overlap other RAM registers, and to access them
page 5 must be selected using the RFRAMCFG register; see Section 25.3. Some of the registers have a
reset value. This value is written by the LLE shortly after it has been taken out of reset by
LLECTRL.LLE_EN being set to 1. If the MCU must modify these registers, the modification must be done
each time the LLE is reset. After taking the LLE out of reset, the MCU may modify the registers after
LLASTAT.LLE_IDLE has gone high.

Table 25-7. RAM-Based Registers in RAM Page 5 (1)

Name Addr Prot Reset Val Description
Last frequency offset estimate, read from the
PRFX_LAST_FREQEST 0x6006 Sem1/R – FREQEST register at the end of receiving each
PRFX_RSSI_LIM_LOWER 0x6008 Sem1 0x20 Lower RSSI limit for use in AGC algorithm
PRFX_RSSI_LIM_UPPER 0x6009 Sem1 0x3C Upper RSSI limit for use in AGC algorithm
PRFX_RSSI_DIFF 0x600A Sem1 0x14 Difference between high and low RSSI gain


LNAGAIN setting to use while close to
Duration of tone in start of packet if
given in 31.25-ns units
Time to subtract from TX synthesizer calibration
PRFX_TONE_OFFSET 0x600E–0x600F Sem0 0x0600 time if PRF_PKT_CONF.START_TONE =
1, given in 31.25-ns units
Note that the LLE is reset when the device enters PM2 or PM3. This means that the PRFX registers must be re-initialized after
coming up from one of these power modes.

The parts of RAM page 5 that are not listed in Table 25-7 are reserved for use by the LLE and should not
be written by the MCU.

25.4 Bit-Stream Processor

The bit-stream processor (BSP) supports automatic insertion of CRC and detection of CRC error with a
programmable polynomial of 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits.
The bit-stream processor also supports whitening and de-whitening. The whitening sequences
supported are a PN7 sequence and a PN 9 sequence compatible with CC2500 and CC2510.
The bit-stream processor is used by the LLE to do the whitening and CRC generation and checking. This
operation is based on the configuration set up by the MCU. The BSP can also be run in a coprocessor
mode to calculate whitened sequences and CRCs. This must only be done while the LLE is not running.

25.4.1 Whitening
The BSP supports two whiteners, a PN7 and a PN9 whitener. The register BSP_MODE is used to enable or
disable each whitener. When no whitener is enabled, it outputs zero. The whitener sequence is XORed
with the transmitted or received signal.
It is possible to enable both whiteners. This is useful, for example, in conjunction with the test command
CMD_TX_TEST ( #IMPLIED) to transmit a white test signal. PN7 Whitening

The PN7 whitener is shown in Figure 25-3. It has a 7-bit whitening shift register w used for calculating the
PN sequence given by the polynomial x 7 + x 4 + 1. The output is the same as the shift register feedback.

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The w register must be initialized by writing w into register BSP_W.W before starting receiving or
transmitting a packet. Doing this sets w 6 to BSP_W[0], w 5 to BSP_W[1] and so on up to w 1 to
BSP_W[5]; w 0 is set to 1.
When running normal receive or transmit tasks, writing to BSP_W is done by the LLE, which writes the
value in PRF_W_INIT to this register, but for test commands and co-processor mode, the BSP_W register
must be written by the MCU.
The PN7 whitener is enabled by the bit W_PN7_EN of the BSP_MODE register.

PN7 Whitening

w0 w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6

0 4 7
x x x


Figure 25-3. PN7 Whitening

25.4.2 CC2500-Compatible PN9 Whitening

The CC2500-compatible PN9 whitener is shown in Figure 25-4. It has a 9-bit whitening shift register s and
an 8-bit output register b. It produces a whitening sequence compatible with CC2500, CC2510 and other
TI devices. These devices use the polynomial x9 + x4 + 1. The whitening sequence is produced one byte
at a time, and the byte is bit-reversed before being XORed with a received or transmitted byte. Before
starting reception or transmission of a packet, the s and b registers must be initialized to all ones by
writing a 1 to register BSP_W.W_PN9_RESET. As for the PN7 whitener, this is done by the LLE for normal
receive and transmit tasks, provided that bit 7 of PRF_W_INIT is 1.
In Figure 25-4, the dashed arrows going from the s blocks to the b blocks denote a copy that takes place
after the whitening of one byte is done. This means that the first byte is whitened by the 8 bits that are in
the b register after initialization (all ones). As this byte is being whitened, the s register is updated. After
the first byte is whitened, the value of the s register is copied into the b register and used for whitening the
second byte.
The CC2500-compatible whitener is enabled by bit W_PN9_EN of the BSP_MODE register.

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PN9 Whitening

s8 s7 s6 s5 s4 s3 s2 s1 s0

b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7


Figure 25-4. CC2500-Compatible Whitening

25.4.3 CRC
A block diagram showing the operation of the CRC module is given in Figure 25-5. The CRC sub-module
has two registers:
• A 32-bit data shift register d
• A 32-bit register p for holding the polynomial
The p register defines the shift register used for calculating CRC. There is a feedback tap in the locations
where the corresponding bit of p is set to 1. The module input is XORed by the output of the shift register,
and this becomes the feedback of the shift register.
The current value of the data shift register d is the CRC value. Prior to the start of CRC calculation, the d
and p registers should be initialized by writing d to registers BSP_D[0–3] and p to registers
BSP_P[0–3]. The BSP_P[0–3] registers only must be set once, whereas the BSP_D[0–3] registers
should be set again for each packet. In normal transmit and receive modes, this is handled by the LLE,
which writes the value of PRF_CRC_INIT[0–3] to BSP_D[0–3]. At the end of CRC calculation, the value
of the register is serially shifted out on the output. When performing CRC checking, all the BSP_D[0–3]
registers should be 0 for the CRC to be OK after the received CRC has been fed through the shift register.
If whitening is enabled, calculated CRC bytes are whitened before transmission, and received CRC bytes
are de-whitened before CRC checking.

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p0 p1 p2 p30 p31

0 1 2 30 31
x x x x x
d0 d1 d2 d30 d31

Input Output

Figure 25-5. CRC Module

A 32-bit CRC polynomial can be described by the equation x 32+ a 31x 31+ … + a 1x 1+ 1, where all an are 0
or 1. To represent this, each P[n] bit in the BSP_P0–BSP_P3 registers should be set to an , and P[0]
should be set to 1. To reduce the size of the polynomial to k, set the bits P[33 – k:0] to 0 and
P[32 – k] to 1. In this case, the initialization value must have zeros at D[33 – k:0]. In practice, only
polynomials of order 8, 16, 24, and 32 are supported, as the number of CRC bits produced in the
transmitter and checked in the receiver is always a multiple of 8. The number of CRC bytes produced in
normal transmit tasks is given by RAM register PRF_CRC_LEN.
This is summarized in Table 25-8 for the four CRC polynomial orders supported. In the BSP_Px column,
the numbers are binary, with the most significant bit at the left. In the PRF_CRC_INIT column, an X
indicates the initialization value to use (each X does not have to be the same). Some examples are shown
in Table 25-9.

Table 25-8. Register Settings for Different CRCs

BSP_P0 = 0000 0000 PRF_CRC_INIT[0] = 0
BSP_P1 = 0000 0000 PRF_CRC_INIT[1] = 0
8 1 x8 + a7x7 + … + a1 x1 + 1
BSP_P2 = 0000 0000 PRF_CRC_INIT[2] = 0
BSP_P3 = a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a11 PRF_CRC_INIT[3] = X
BSP_P0 = 0000 0000 PRF_CRC_INIT[0] = 0
BSP_P1 = 0000 0000 PRF_CRC_INIT[1] = 0
16 2 x16 + a15x15 + … + a1x1 + 1
BSP_P2 = a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a11 PRF_CRC_INIT[2] = X
BSP_P3 = a15 a14 a13 a12 a11 a10 a9 a8 PRF_CRC_INIT[3] = X
BSP_P0 = 0000 0000 PRF_CRC_INIT[0] = 0
BSP_P1 = a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a11 PRF_CRC_INIT[1] = X
24 3 x24 + a23 x23 + … + a1 x1 + 1
BSP_P2 = a15 a14 a13 a12 a11 a10 a9 a8 PRF_CRC_INIT[2] = X
BSP_P3 = a23 a22 a21 a20 a19 a18 a17 a16 PRF_CRC_INIT[3] = X
BSP_P0 = a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a11 PRF_CRC_INIT[0] = X
BSP_P1 = a15 a14 a13 a12 a11 a10 a9 a8 PRF_CRC_INIT[1] = X
32 4 x32 + a31 x31 + … + a1 x1 + 1
BSP_P2 = a23 a22 a21 a20 a19 a18 a17 a16 PRF_CRC_INIT[2] = X
BSP_P3 = a31 a30 a29 a28 a27 a26 a25 a24 PRF_CRC_INIT[3] = X

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Table 25-9. Register Settings for Some Commonly Used CRCs, Assuming Initialization With All 1s
BSP_P0 = 0x00 PRF_CRC_INIT[0] = 0x00
8 2 BSP_P1 = 0x00 PRF_CRC_INIT[1] = 0x00
8 1 CRC-8-ATM x + x + x + 1
BSP_P2 = 0x00 PRF_CRC_INIT[2] = 0x00
BSP_P3 = 0x07 PRF_CRC_INIT[3] = 0xFF
BSP_P0 = 0x00 PRF_CRC_INIT[0] = 0x00
8 7 6 4 2 BSP_P1 = 0x00 PRF_CRC_INIT[1] = 0x00
8 1 CRC-8 x + x + x + x + x + 1
BSP_P2 = 0x00 PRF_CRC_INIT[2] = 0x00
BSP_P3 = 0xD3 PRF_CRC_INIT[3] = 0xFF
BSP_P0 = 0x00 PRF_CRC_INIT[0] = 0x00
CRC-16 (used in CC2500) x16 + x15 + BSP_P1 = 0x00 PRF_CRC_INIT[1] = 0x00
16 2
x2 + 1 BSP_P2 = 0x05 PRF_CRC_INIT[2] = 0xFF
BSP_P3 = 0x80 PRF_CRC_INIT[3] = 0xFF
BSP_P0 = 0x00 PRF_CRC_INIT[0] = 0x00
16 12 5 BSP_P1 = 0x00 PRF_CRC_INIT[1] = 0x00
16 2 CRC-16-CCITT x + x + x + 1
BSP_P2 = 0x21 PRF_CRC_INIT[2] = 0xFF
BSP_P3 = 0x10 PRF_CRC_INIT[3] = 0xFF
BSP_P0 = 0x00 PRF_CRC_INIT[0] = 0x00
CRC-24 x24 + x22 + x20 + x19 + x18 + x16 BSP_P1 = 0xCB PRF_CRC_INIT[1] = 0xFF
24 3 + x14 + x13 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x6 + x3
+x+1 BSP_P2 = 0x6D PRF_CRC_INIT[2] = 0xFF
BSP_P3 = 0x5D PRF_CRC_INIT[3] = 0xFF
BSP_P0 = 0xB7 PRF_CRC_INIT[0] = 0xFF
CRC-32-IEEE 802.3 x32 + x26 + x23 + BSP_P1 = 0x1D PRF_CRC_INIT[1] = 0xFF
32 4 x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5
+ x4 + x2 + x + 1 BSP_P2 = 0xC1 PRF_CRC_INIT[2] = 0xFF
BSP_P3 = 0x04 PRF_CRC_INIT[3] = 0xFF

25.4.4 Coprocessor Mode

The coprocessor mode is used to run the BSP as a stand-alone and not part of the signal path. It must not
be used while the LLE is running. Coprocessor mode is selected by setting BSP_MODE.CP_MODE to 01 or
11. In these modes, one byte to be processed is written to the BSP_DATA register, and the result of
processing this byte can later be read back from the same register. When BSP_MODE.CP_MODE is 01, the
coprocessor is in receive mode, where the whitener is applied before the CRC. When
BSP_MODE.CP_MODE is 11, the coprocessor is in transmit mode, where the whitener is applied after the
To apply the BSP operations to a byte, write it to the BSP_DATA register. When this register is written to,
the BSP_MODE.CP_BUSY bit goes high.
If CP_MODE.CP_END is 0, the first bit provided is the LSB and the last bit is the MSB. If CP_MODE.CP_END
is 1, the first bit provided is the MSB and the last bit is the LSB.
When BSP_MODE.CP_BUSY goes low, the processed data can be read from the BSP_DATA register. If one
or both whiteners are enabled, this byte is whitened or de-whitened. Otherwise, it is the same as the byte
written, except if the CRC is being read as described in the following text.
To read out a CRC in transmit mode, set BSP_MODE.CP_READOUT to 1. A zero must be written to the
BSP_DATA register, and when BSP_MODE.CP_BUSY goes low, a CRC byte can be read from BSP_DATA.
This should be repeated for each CRC byte. If whitening is enabled, the read back CRC bytes are
The BSP must not be set in coprocessor mode while the LLE is processing a packet.

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25.5 Frequency and Channel Programming

For normal transmit and receive tasks, the carrier frequency is set by using the PRF_CHAN.FREQ register.
The carrier frequency is 2379 + n MHz, where n is the value of this register, and n can be from 0 to 116.
This gives a frequency range from 2379 MHz to 2495 MHz. Note that this frequency range extends
beyond the ISM band.
If PRF_CHAN.FREQ is set to 127, and for the RX and TX test commands, the frequency must be
programmed directly in hardware registers. In this case, the synthesizer frequency is set by programming
the 7-bit frequency word located in FREQCTRL.FREQ[6:0]. The synthesizer frequency is given by
2379 + n MHz, where n is the value of FREQCTRL.FREQ[6:0], and is programmable in 1-MHz steps.
The device supports synthesizer frequencies in the range from 2379 MHz to 2495 MHz. The usable
settings for FREQ[6:0] is consequently 0 to 116.
In RX, the system operates on a low intermediate frequency (IF) of 1 MHz for data rates up to 1 Mbps,
and on a zero IF for 2 Mbps. In TX, the system supports operating on low IF or zero IF. The IF to be used
for TX can be programmed in the register MDMTEST1.TX_TONE. The receiver may operate on a positive
or negative IF when the data rate is 1 Mbps and lower; this is controlled with MDMTEST1.RX_IF.
When the symbol rate is 1 Mbps or lower and the LLE programs the frequency, it uses a ±1 MHz IF on
TX. For both RX and TX, a negative IF is used when PRF_CHAN.FREQ < 62, and a positive IF is used
when PRF_CHAN.FREQ ≥ 62
When the symbol rate is 2 Mbps and the LLE programs the frequency, it uses an IF on TX as specified in
PRF_RADIO_CONF.TXIF. This IF may be zero, or ±1 MHz, ±2 MHz, or ±3 MHz. The recommended
setting is ±1 MHz. A negative IF is used when PRF_CHAN.FREQ < 62, and a positive IF is used when
For all data rates, the setting of MDMCTRL1.PHASE_INVERT is taken into account by the LLE when finding
the setting for MDMTEST1.TX_TONE. The FREQCTRL register is programmed corresponding to the
programmed IF in order to operate on the channel specified by PRF_CHAN.FREQ.

25.6 Modulation Formats

The CC2541 supports GFSK and MSK modulation formats. For GFSK modulation, the deviation can be
set to 160 kHz or 250 kHz (320 kHz or 500 kHz for 2 Mbps). The data rate can be set to 250 kbps, 500
kbps, 1 Mbps, or 2 Mbps. The desired modulation scheme is set in the MDMCTRL0.MODULATION register.
Not all combinations of modulation format, data rate and deviation are supported. Table 25-10 gives an
overview of supported combinations.

Table 25-10. Supported Modulation Formats, Data Rates, and Deviations

Modulation Format Data Rate Deviation MDMCTRL0.MODULATION
GFSK 2 Mbps 500 kHz 0011
GFSK 2 Mbps 320 kHz 0111
GFSK 1 Mbps 250 kHz 0010
GFSK 1 Mbps 160 kHz 0110
GFSK 250 kbps 160 kHz 0100
MSK 500 kbps – 1001
MSK 250 kbps – 1000

25.7 Receiver
When the receiver is started, it searches for the preamble and the sync word. These are used for
frequency offset compensation and bit and byte synchronization. The sync word can be programmed to be
from 16 to 32 bits.

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Checking the sync word is done in a two-stage process. First, a correlation value is calculated. If this
correlation is above a programmable threshold, a data decision of the received sync word is done. It can
be programmed in MDMCTRL3.SYNC_MODE whether this data decision is to be ignored, no bit errors are to
be accepted, or one bit error is to be accepted. The correlation threshold value is programmed in
MDMCTRL1.CORR_THR. This threshold value should depend on the sync word length. As a rule of thumb,
a value of 0.25 times the number of bits (rounded down) can be used.
For the bit synchronization to work well, some guidelines should be followed for the sync word. It should
have enough transitions, but not long runs of 10 1010... or other short, repeated patterns. Generally, a
longer sync word gives better performance.
The CC2541 devices have support for two independent sync words. The primary and secondary sync
words are specified in two sets of registers. The secondary sync word can be enabled by the
SW_CONF.DUAL_RX bit, and if enabled, the received signal is correlated against both sync words. If the
correlation with one of the sync words is above the threshold, data decision is done against that sync
While the receiver is running, a received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is updated. The RSSI is available
some time after the receiver is started, regardless of whether sync is found. It can be read from the RSSI
register, which is 0x80 when no RSSI is available. The value given is in the range 0 to approximately 64,
with a change of 1 corresponding to a 1-dB change. The offset from a true dBm value depends on the
receiver mode and can be found in the device data sheet. For high received signal levels, the reported
RSSI saturates at one of the highest possible reported values. The accuracy and update time of the RSSI
can be traded off using MDMTEST0.RSSI_ACC. The RSSI can be calculated over a window of 5.33 µs or
21.3 µs, and 1, 2, or 4 such windows can be averaged to give the result. Using a longer average time
gives higher accuracy, but it takes longer before a result is ready, and doing the average over a longer
time means that the result may be wrong for short packets. An average of n windows of length t RSSIshould
only be used for packets lasting longer than (n + 1) tRSSI (including preamble, sync word, and CRC).
The receiver must run dc offset estimation and removal. The dc offset estimation mode can be controlled
with MDMTEST0.DC_BLOCK_MODE. For data rates of 1 Mbps and lower, where the receiver runs on a low
IF, it is recommended to use the default setting for this register (continuous estimation). For 2 Mbps,
where the receiver runs on zero IF, delayed dc offset estimation should normally be used. This causes the
dc offset estimation to be done in front of the packet. The delay can be controlled through
MDMTEST0.DC_BLOCK_LENGTH and MDMTEST1.DC_DELAY. The recommendation is to set
MDMTEST0.DC_BLOCK_LENGTH to 11 (128 samples) and MDMTEST1.DC_DELAY to 00 (5 delays), which
allows for up to approximately 105 µs of energy in front of the packet payload, including the preamble and
sync word. As an alternative for 2 Mbps, dc offset estimation can be turned off, and a previously found
value can be used, written into the DC_I_L, DC_I_H, DC_Q_L, and DC_Q_H registers. Values can be
found in advance, but differ for each frequency. For auto acknowledgments and other packets that are
received at a known time, the LLE can perform a special dc offset algorithm as described in
Section 25.9.2.

25.8 Packet Format

The packet format is configurable. There are two operation modes for radio packet control, basic mode
and auto mode. Of these, only auto mode supports automatic acknowledgment and retransmissions. The
LLE-controlled part of the packet format is also different for the two modes. In basic mode, there is an
optional length field followed by an optional address of 1 byte, as shown in Figure 25-6. In auto mode,
there is a 9-bit or 10-bit header field containing length and sequence number information. This format is
shown in Figure 25-7. The figures show the packet formats with their configurability. The fields with a
header in gray are controlled directly by the modem and are used in the acquisition of received packets.
The fields with header in white are controlled by the LLE.

Preamble Sync word Length Address Payload CRC

1–16 bytes 16–32 bits

0–1 byte 0–1 byte 0–255 bytes 0–4 bytes
Handled by modem

Figure 25-6. Air Interface Packet Format for Basic Mode

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Preamble Sync word Address Header Payload CRC

1–16 bytes 16–32 bits

0–1 byte 9–10 bits 0–127 bytes 0–4 bytes
Handled by modem

When using a 9 bit header, the payload length is limited to the range 0-63 bytes. Note that the LLE must be reset
when the device enters PM2 or PM3. This means that the PRFX registers must be re-initialized after the LLE has
been re-enabled after coming up from one of these power modes.
Figure 25-7. Air Interface Packet Format for Auto Mode

The preamble is a sequence of 1010 1010 or 0101 0101. It can be from 1 to 16 bytes. The type of
preamble and the number of bytes can be set up in the MDMCTRL2 register.
The sync-word field is a synchronization word that can have any length from 16 to 32 bits. The length is
programmed in the SW_CONF.SW_LEN register. The sync word itself is programmed in the SW0, SW1, SW2,
and SW3 registers for the primary sync word, and SW4, SW5, SW6, and SW7 for the secondary sync word.
The bit ordering of the sync word is set up with MDMCTRL2.SW_BIT_ORDER. If SW_BIT_ORDER is 0, the
LSB of SW0 (SW4) is transmitted first and the MSB of SW3 (SW7) is transmitted last. If SW_BIT_ORDER
is 1, the MSB of SW3 (SW7) is transmitted first and the LSB of SW0 (SW4) is transmitted last. The first bit
transmitted is always the same regardless of the sync word length; the unused bits for sync word length of
less than 32 bits are the ones that would have been transmitted last.
The optional length byte in basic mode (see Figure 25-6) is present if PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE = 01. It
indicates the number of address and payload bytes following the length byte. If the length field is not
present, the length is fixed as described in Section 25.9.2.
The optional address is 1 byte if present; the length is configured with the PRF_PKT_CONF.ADDR_LEN
register. In the transmitter, the address can be used for identification or to direct the message to a
particular receiver, and in the receiver, the address can be used to filter out messages from unknown or
unwanted transmitters and to distinguish between messages from different transmitters. See
Section 25.9.2 for details on how the address is used. Note that for the packet format in Figure 25-7 or if a
length field is not used, the address field immediately follows the sync word, and can thus be seen as an
extension of it.
The 9-bit or 10-bit header shown in Figure 25-7 is shown in more detail in Figure 25-8 and Figure 25-9.
This field consists of a 6-bit or 7-bit length followed by a 2-bit sequence number and a flag called
NO_ACK (NOA in Figure 25-8 and Figure 25-9) to inform that acknowledgment of the packet is not
expected. If the configuration is to use a fixed length, the value of the length field is ignored in the
receiver. It can be configured always to set the length field to 11 0011 in the transmitter for fixed-length

Length SEQ NOA

Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 LSB

Figure 25-8. Bits of 9-Bit Header

Length SEQ NOA

Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 LSB

Figure 25-9. Bits of 10-Bit Header

The payload can be from zero to 255 bytes in basic mode, but the sum of the number of address and
payload bytes must not exceed 255. In auto mode, the payload can be from 0 to 63 bytes with a 9-bit
header or 0 to 127 bytes with a 10-bit header. The maximum packet length can be limited, see
Section and Section

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The bit ordering when transmitting the length, address, payload, and CRC bytes is set up with the
ENDIANNESS bit of the FRMCTRL0 register; if 0, the LSB of each byte is transmitted first and if 1, the MSB
is transmitted first. Normally, FRMCTRL0.ENDIANNESS and MDMCTRL2.SW_BIT_ORDER should have the
same value. Note that for correct operation in auto mode, FRMCTRL0.ENDIANNESS must be set to 1 so
that MSB is transmitted first.
The CRC field contains 0 to 4 bytes and is used to check the packet for errors if present. See
Section 25.4.3 on how to set up the CRC generation and checking.

25.8.1 RX FIFO Packet Organization

Length Address config Payload
1 Byte 0–1 Bytes 0–1 Bytes (Length – (Length of Address + config)) Bytes 1 Byte 1 Byte

Address Index SW Unused NOA SEQ Address Index SW Unused IGN CRC
LSB Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 MSB LSB Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 MSB

Figure 25-10. Structure of Packets in the RX FIFO

The structure of a packet in the RX FIFO is shown in Figure 25-10. All packets start with a length byte,
regardless of whether a length byte is present on the air. The length is the number of bytes in the address,
config, and payload fields following the length byte, and it may be modified compared to the length
received on the air or configured as fixed-length. If packets are longer than what can fit in the FIFO,
packets must be read from the FIFO while reception takes place, either by DMA or directly by the MCU.
The auto-flush options in PRF_FIFO_CONF cannot be used in this case, and auto-commit and auto-
deallocate must be enabled for the RX FIFO in RFFCFG.
The address byte is placed after the length byte and is present if configured in
PRF_FIFO_CONF.RX_ADDR_CONF. The address is written in the FIFO as it was received on the air.
The config byte following the length byte and address byte is present if configured in
PRF_FIFO_CONF.RX_ADDR_CONF. In this case, the index n to the PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn containing the
received address is present in bits 0–2, and bit 3 is 0 if the primary sync word was received and 1 if the
secondary sync word was received. In auto mode, the 3 MSBs of the config byte are set to the 3 LSBs of
the received header.
The payload is as received on the air. In case of an empty packet, there is no payload.
The status field consists of 2 bytes appended to the FIFO entry if configured in
PRF_FIFO_CONF.RX_STATUS_CONF. The presence of a status field is not reflected in the value of the
length byte, so if a status field is present, the MCU must read 2 extra bytes. It is possible to configure this
even using DMA with automatic length extraction. The status bytes are:
• RSSI is the received signal-strength indication from the demodulator.
• RES contains information on the address and CRC result.
– The 3 LSBs contain the address index as in the config byte.
– Bit 3 is 0 if the primary sync word was received and 1 if the secondary sync word was received.
– IGN is 1 for packets that may be ignored by the MCU due to repeated sequence number and 0
– CRC is 1 if there was a CRC error and 0 otherwise.

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25.8.2 TX FIFO Packet Organization

Length Address config Payload

1 Byte 0–1 Bytes 0–1 Bytes (Length – (Length of Address + config)) Bytes

Address Index Unused NOA SEQ

LSB Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 MSB

Figure 25-11. Structure of Packets in the TX FIFO

The structure of a packet in the TX FIFO is shown in Figure 25-11. All packets start with a length byte,
regardless of whether a length byte is present on the air. The length is the number of bytes in the address,
config, and payload fields following the length byte, and it may be modified before being transmitted on the
air. If a fixed length is used, it is up to the MCU to ensure that the length is correct given the fixed length
expected by the receiver. If packets are longer than what can fit in the FIFO, packets must be written to
the FIFO while transmission takes place, either by DMA or directly by the MCU. Auto-commit and auto-
deallocate must then be enabled for the TX FIFO in RFFCFG.
The address byte is placed after the length byte and is present if configured in
PRF_FIFO_CONF.TX_ADDR_CONF. If it is included, the address is transmitted on the air as it is read from
the FIFO. If it is not included, but a config byte is included, the three LSBs of the config byte tell the index
n of PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn from which the address is inserted. If neither an address nor a config byte is
included, the address is inserted from PRF_ADDR_ENTRY0.ADDRESS.
The config byte following the length byte and optional address byte is present if configured in
PRF_FIFO_CONF.TX_ADDR_CONF. This byte contains an address index which is used to determine the
address if no address byte is included as explained previously. If an address byte is included, the address
index is used to determine which address entry to read the configuration from, but the ADDRESS field in
that address entry is ignored. In auto mode, the NO_ACK bit (LSB) of the transmitted header is set to bit 5
of the config byte. If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.FIXEDSEQ, where n is the index of the address used, is
1, the SEQ field of the transmitted header is taken from the SEQ field (bits 6–7) of the config byte;
otherwise, the sequence number on the air is inserted from PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.SEQ. If the
config byte is not included, the NO_ACK bit is always sent as 0 and
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.FIXEDSEQ should be 0 (otherwise the SEQ field always remains 0).The
payload is transmitted as present in the FIFO.

25.8.3 TX Buffers for ACK Payload

The hardware TX FIFO is not used for ACK payload in RX tasks in auto mode. Instead, an
acknowledgment packet for each address can be placed in one of two dedicated buffers for that address.
These two buffers constitute a FIFO capable of holding two packets. The buffers for the first two
addresses are placed in the RAM page normally used for the hardware TX FIFO. These four buffers can
either be accessed from the TX FIFO space at 0x6100 or by selecting page 7 through RFRAMCFG, but the
TX FIFO registers should not be used. The other twelve buffers must be addressed from the configurable
radio memory bank through the RFRAMCFG register. The mapping of each buffer is shown in Table 25-11.

Table 25-11. Segments for Holding ACK Payload for Each Address Entry
Address Entry Number Buffer Number Setting of RFRAMCFG Start Address
0 0 7 or X 0x6000 or 0x6100
0 1 7 or X 0x6020 or 0x6120
1 0 7 or X 0x6040 or 0x6140
1 1 7 or X 0x6060 or 0x6160
2 0 1 0x6000

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Table 25-11. Segments for Holding ACK Payload for Each Address Entry (continued)
Address Entry Number Buffer Number Setting of RFRAMCFG Start Address
2 1 1 0x6020
3 0 1 0x6040
3 1 1 0x6060
4 0 2 0x6000
4 1 2 0x6020
5 0 2 0x6040
5 1 2 0x6060
6 0 3 0x6000
6 1 3 0x6020
7 0 3 0x6040
7 1 3 0x6060

The status of buffer k for address n is contained in the PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ACKLENGTHk register. If the
value is 0, the buffer is free.
In order to enter a payload for address n, the MCU must follow the following procedure:
len_0 and len_1, respectively.
2. Read PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.NEXTACK and call this value k. Let m be NOT k (that is, 1 – k).
3. Check if len_k is 0. If so, write the payload to buffer k for address entry n (see Table 25-11), then write
the payload length to PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ACKLENGTHk. End the procedure.
4. Otherwise, check whether len_ m is 0. If so, write the payload to buffer m for address entry n (see
Table 25-11), then write the payload length to PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ACKLENGTHm. End the procedure.
5. Otherwise, no ACK payload buffer for that address is free, and no payload can be entered at this time.
The ACK payload length can be 1–32. When a buffer becomes free, the LLE writes the
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ACKLENGTHk to 0 and raises a TXDONE interrupt.
A buffer contains only the payload to be transmitted. The length is given by
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ACKLENGTHk, and the address and sequence number are as described in
In order to flush the buffers for address n, issue the command CMD_FLUSH_ACK n (see Table 25-12).
to 0 and clear PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.ACK_PAYLOAD_SENT. If no task is running, the LLE takes
SEMAPHORE1; if it fails, it does not write to PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.ACK_PAYLOAD_SENT. If the
transmission of an acknowledgment with payload had started on that address, flushing happens after the
transmission is finished. After the flushing is done, the LLE raises a TXFLUSHED interrupt.

25.9 Link Layer Engine

The link layer engine controls radio operation. It is started by setting the LLECTRL.LLE_EN bit to 1. The
LLE must be started before the radio can be operated.
The LLE can be reset by clearing and setting LLECTRL.LLE_EN. The LLE should not be reset while the
radio is active. The MCU should not enter PM1, PM2, or PM3 while the LLE is running a task. Before
entering PM2 or PM3, LLECTRL.LLE_EN must be set to 0, otherwise the behavior of the RF core may be
unpredictable after waking up. The mode of the LLE is selected with LLECTRL.LLE_MODE_SEL. For the
proprietary-mode operation described in this chapter, this field must be written to 00. For BLE operation,
this field is 01; that value should only be written by the TI BLE stack. In order to switch modes, the LLE
must be reset; writing to LLECTRL.LLE_MODE_SEL while LLECTRL.LLE_EN is 1 has no effect.

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25.9.1 Command Register

The command register RFST can be used for sending commands to the LLE and the FIFOs. Commands
in the range 0x80–0xFF are commands to the FIFOs, see Section 25.3.1. Other commands are
commands to the LLE.
The commands are listed in Table 25-12. There are commands for starting receive and transmit modes. In
addition, there is a command CMD_SHUTDOWN to stop the radio operation and end the task directly.
The commands CMD_SEND_EVENT1 and CMD_SEND_EVENT2 do the same action as receiving a
Timer 2 event 1 or event 2.
If an unknown command is entered, the LLE responds by generating an LLEERR interrupt. If a task is
running, it stops.
When sending a command to the LLE, the RFST register retains its value until the LLE has received the
command (but not necessarily executed it) and then is set to 0. Commands should not be sent to the LLE
unless RFST is 0. FIFO commands may be sent at any time.

Table 25-12. Commands From MCU to LL Engine via RFST Register

Number Command Name Description
0x01 CMD_SHUTDOWN Stop operation immediately
0x02 CMD_DEMOD_TEST Start demodulator without sync search
0x03 CMD_RX_TEST Start demodulator and sync search
0x04 CMD_TX_TEST Start transmitter and transmit zeros
0x05 CMD_TX_FIFO_TEST Start transmitter and transmit from TX FIFO
0x06 CMD_PING Respond with a PINGRSP interrupt
0x08 CMD_RX Start receive operation
0x09 CMD_TX Start transmit operation
0x0A CMD_TX_ON_CC Start transmit operation on clear channel
0x0B CMD_STOP Gracefully stop radio task
0x21 CMD_SEND_EVENT1 Do the same action as if Timer 2 event 1 was observed
0x22 CMD_SEND_EVENT2 Do the same action as if Timer 2 event 2 was observed
0x30 CMD_FLUSH_ACK0 Flush the ACK payload buffers for address 0
0x31 CMD_FLUSH_ACK1 Flush the ACK payload buffers for address 1
0x32 CMD_FLUSH_ACK2 Flush the ACK payload buffers for address 2
0x33 CMD_FLUSH_ACK3 Flush the ACK payload buffers for address 3
0x34 CMD_FLUSH_ACK4 Flush the ACK payload buffers for address 4
0x35 CMD_FLUSH_ACK5 Flush the ACK payload buffers for address 5
0x36 CMD_FLUSH_ACK6 Flush the ACK payload buffers for address 6
0x37 CMD_FLUSH_ACK7 Flush the ACK payload buffers for address 7

25.9.2 Radio Tasks

Before starting a task, radio registers should be set up with the desired packet format, and the desired
input sensitivity and output power should be programmed. Furthermore, the sync word in use must be
programmed in the SW0, SW1, SW2, and SW3 registers. If a secondary sync word is used, it must be
programmed in the SW4, SW5, SW6, and SW7 registers. The RAM registers must be programmed to
configure the task. The way the task runs depends on the PRF_TASK_CONF register. The operation mode
is set up by the MODE bits of this register. A value of 00 or 01 gives basic mode and thus disables auto
ACK or auto retransmission. A value of 10 or 11 gives auto mode where auto acknowledgment or auto
retransmission can be enabled per the address in PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.AA.
All tasks start with a start-of-task command from the MCU. The LLE takes SEMAPHORE0 at this time; if the
semaphore is not available, the task ends with an error. Depending on the configuration in
PRF_TASK_CONF.START_CONF, the LLE either starts the task immediately or waits for a Timer 2 event 1
before starting. Note that a Timer 2 event 1 may be pending from before the LLE starts waiting; in that
case, the task starts immediately. To clear a pending Timer 2 event 1, reset the LLE. To prevent
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unwanted events from reaching the LLE, Timer 2 event 1 can be disabled in the T2EVTCFG register; see
Chapter 22. The frequency word is programmed according to the setting of PRF_CHAN.FREQ, except if it
is 127, in which case no frequency programming is done and any value written by the MCU is retained.
When using auto mode on 2 Mbps, the frequency must be programmed through the PRF_CHAN.FREQ
register. Then the LLE changes the IF frequency automatically (for 2 Mbps, the recommended settings
use different IF for transmission and reception) when changing from receive operation to transmit
operation (for sending an acknowledgment packet) and vice versa. The LLE starts configuring the
transmitter or receiver, depending on the type of task. After the transmitter or receiver has been set up,
the LLE takes SEMAPHORE1 to gain access to the remaining RAM-based registers, read the parameters,
and start transmission or reception.
Programming of frequency is done as described in Section 25.5. For symbol rates of 1 Mbps and lower,
RX and TX are done on the same synthesizer frequency, whereas for a symbol rate of 2 Mbps, the
synthesizer frequency changes between RX and TX. This change is done without a recalibration of the
At the end of a packet, the LLE reads the RSSI register and writes the value to the PRF_LAST_RSSI
register and, if so configured, to the RSSI byte of the RX FIFO. This read is done after the next-to-last
byte has been obtained from the demodulator. Note that for a bit rate of 2 Mbps and for sync words
shorter than 32 bits, MDMCTRL3.RSSI_MODE should be set to 11 to ensure a correct reading. Before
turning off the demodulator, the LLE reads the dc offset from the DC_I_L, DC_I_H, DC_Q_L, and DC_Q_H
registers and writes the result to PRF_LAST_DCOFF (in the byte order listed for the register read). The LLE
also reads the frequency offset from the FREQEST register and writes the result to PRFX_LAST_FREQEST
(see Table 25-7).
If PRF_RADIO_CONF.DCOFF is 1, the LLE runs a procedure that estimates the dc offset right after
receiver startup. This mode is suitable for packets that are known to be received at a certain time, such as
acknowledgment packets. In this mode, the LLE starts the receiver with normal dc cancellation mode and
forces the LNA gain to minimum. After a short time, the LLE reads out the value of the dc offset estimate,
writes it into the override registers, and selects manual override mode for dc offset estimation. It sets the
LNA gain back to the programmed value and after a waiting time to allow the LNA to stabilize, starts sync
search. The time to start RX with this mode is the same as for ordinary start of RX.
If PRF_RADIO_CONF.DCWB is 1, the LLE writes the dc offset estimate read out at the end of the packet
into the dc offset override register, provided that the received packet did not have a CRC error. This is
suited for the delayed dc offset mode, where the override value for dc offset is used before a delayed dc
offset is available.
Some of the RAM registers are checked by the LLE to verify that their values are permitted. This applies
to PRF_CHAN.FREQ, PRF_FIFO_CONF.TX_ADDR_CONF, and PRF_CRC_LEN. If any of these registers has
values that are not permitted, the task ends with an error.
A CMD_SHUTDOWN command, undefined command, or any command starting a new task, ends the task
immediately. If a packet was being transmitted or received, an RXTXABO interrupt to the MCU is raised.
This means that to avoid unwanted abort of commands, the CPU should wait for a TASKDONE interrupt
or check that LLESTAT.LLE_IDLE is 1 before starting another command.
If a CMD_STOP command is received, the task ends after the current reception or transmission is done.
Timer 2 event 2 can be configured to end a task: If PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF is 01, Timer 2 event 2
behaves as a CMD_STOP, and if PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF is 10, Timer 2 event 2 behaves as a
CMD_SHUTDOWN. Setting PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF to 00 disables Timer 2 event 2 as a stop
event. With the 11 setting, Timer 2 event 2 only applies to sync search or listen right after a CMD_RX or
CMD_TX_ON_CC (this setting is not meaningful for a CMD_TX task) or a start by Timer 2 event 1. This is
explained in later subsections.
Timer 2 may capture the time of a packet based on the setting in PRF_RADIO_CONF. The fields TXCAP
and RXCAP decide how capture is configured for TX and RX, respectively; see Table 25-13. The captured
value can be read from the registers T2M0, T2M1, T2MOVF0, T2MOVF1, and T2MOVF2 when t2_cap and
t2ovf_cap are selected using the T2MSEL register; see Chapter 22.

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Table 25-13. Timer 2 Capture Settings

TXCAP Description
00 Capture of transmitted packets off
01 Capture the start (after the sync word) of every transmitted packet
10 Capture the end of every transmitted packet
Capture the start of the first transmitted packet, that is, capture of transmitted packets is turned
off after a packet has been transmitted.
RXCAP Description
00 Capture of received packets off
01 Capture the start (after the sync word) of every received packet
10 Capture the end of every received packet
Capture the start of the first received packet, that is, capture of received packets is turned off
after a packet has been fully received.

When capture is done at the beginning of a packet, the time captured is the time right after the sync word
has been received or transmitted. Setting TXCAP or RXCAP to 11 enables capture at the start of a packet,
but the capture is turned off after a packet has been transmitted or fully received in a task, so it is the start
of the first packet in the task that is captured. The MCU should normally only read the captured value after
a task is done; otherwise, the captured value may be overwritten with a new value. The user must take
into account that a timer value may be captured on a received packet that does not match the address or
that has a length which is not permitted, and that is thus not reported. It is possible to turn on capture for
both received and transmitted packets in the same task. If so, it is up to the user to determine if the
captured value was from a received or transmitted packet.
When a task is finished, the LLE writes an end-of-task cause in PRF_ENDCAUSE, frees the semaphores,
raises a TASKDONE interrupt, and halts its operation. The possible values of PRF_ENDCAUSE are listed in
Table 25-14.
If PRF_CHAN.SYNTH_ON is 1, the synthesizer is not turned off after the task ends. This can be used to
start a new task immediately on the same channel and get faster start of RX or TX. To do so, the next
task should be started with PRF_CHAN.FREQ set to 127. Note that the synthesizer should not be allowed
to run for a long time after a task has ended, as this causes excessive power consumption. The
synthesizer can be stopped by sending a CMD_SHUTDOWN command.

Table 25-14. End-of-Task Causes

Number Name Description
Normal task ending
0 TASK_ENDOK Task ended normally
Timer 2 event 2 or CMD_STOP observed while waiting for RX
2 TASK_NOSYNC Sync was not obtained in the specified time
3 TASK_NOCC TX_ON_CC ended because channel was not clear
Task ended because maximum number of retransmissions was
Task ended after transmission or reception by Timer 2 event 2
5 TASK_STOP or CMD_STOP while transmitting or receiving or with ACK or
retransmission in progress
6 TASK_ABORT Task aborted by command
MCU interface error
255 TASKERR_INTERNAL Internal program error
254 TASKERR_CMD Unknown command
253 TASKERR_SEM Unable to obtain semaphore
252 TASKERR_PAR Unpermitted parameter
251 TASKERR_TXFIFO TX FIFO without available data when not permitted
250 TASKERR_RXFIFO Overfull RX FIFO in TX task

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Table 25-14. End-of-Task Causes (continued)

Number Name Description
249 TASKERR_MODUNF Modulator underflow observed AGC Algorithm

If PRF_PKT_CONF.AGC_EN is 1, an automatic gain control (AGC) algorithm is run while the receiver is
looking for sync. The AGC algorithm switches between two different front-end gain settings in the
LNAGAIN register. It is recommended to use AGC when running on 2 Mbps to improve the saturation
Parameters for control of the AGC algorithm are found in page 5 of the radio RAM; see Table 25-7. This
table lists reset values that the LLE sets for these parameters.
The LLE polls the RSSI value at every update and compares it to the values of PRFX_RSSI_LIM_LOWER
and PRFX_RSSI_LIM_UPPER. If the observed RSSI is below PRFX_RSSI_LIM_LOWER, the LNA gain is
set to the high gain setting. If the observed RSSI is above PRFX_RSSI_LIM_UPPER, the LNA gain is set
to the low gain setting. If the observed RSSI is between these limits, the LNA gain is not changed.
The high gain to use is the value found in the LNAGAIN register when the task is started. The low gain to
use is the value found in the PRFX_LNAGAIN_SAT RAM register.
The PRFX_RSSI_LIM_LOWER and PRFX_RSSI_LIM_UPPER values must differ in order to account for the
difference that is observed from the RSSI register when the LNA gain is changed and to have hysteresis
to avoid too-frequent gain changes.
When sync is obtained on the receiver, the AGC algorithm stops updating the LNA gain, which remains at
the value last set. When the receiver is switched off, the LNAGAIN register is set back to the value it had
when the task started, that is, the high gain setting.
When the gain is reduced during the reception of a packet, the value found in the PRF_LAST_RSSI
register and (if configured) in the RSSI byte of the RX FIFO is updated to reflect this. This update is done
by adding the value of the register PRFX_RSSI_DIFF to the value found in the RSSI register.
PRFX_RSSI_DIFF should therefore contain the difference between the RSSI offset for the two LNA gain
settings in use, available from the device data sheet. Note that the hardware RSSI register is not updated
this way.
For the AGC algorithm to operate correctly, it requires some signal, having the same power as the packet,
transmitted in the band in front of the packet. That signal can be extra preamble bytes or tone. The length
required for this signal depends on the RSSI accuracy setting in MDMTEST0.RSSI_ACC, see Section 25.7.
An average of n windows of length t RSSI requires the extra signal to last at least (n + 1) tRSSI. Extra
preamble bytes can be set up using MDMCTRL2.NUM_PREAM_BYTES. Note that the extra signal required
comes in addition to the 1 preamble byte always used in a packet. When adding extra preamble bytes,
this must be accounted for in PRF_TX_DELAY, PRF_RETRANS_DELAY, and PRF_RX_TX_TIME. The RX
requires n × tRSSI extra time to start when using the AGC. In the dc offset estimation, the extra signal must
be accounted for when setting the delay. Tone in Front of Packet

In order to get the transmission format to resemble that of other vendors, a tone may be sent in front of
the preamble. This tone can be used by the AGC algorithm on the receiver side. If
PRF_PKT_CONF.START_TONE is 1, such a tone is transmitted as a replacement of the first preamble
bytes. This means that this feature must only be used in combination with increasing the number of
preamble bytes. The tone lasts for a time given by the RAM register PRFX_TONE_DURATION. In order to
get a smooth transition from tone to preamble, it is recommended to set PRFX_TONE_DURATION as given
in Table 25-15.

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Tone transmission is allowed to coincide with the synthesizer stabilizing (this may, however, cause the
start of the tone to have larger frequency variations than the packet). For this reason, when
PRF_PKT_CONF.START_TONE is 1, the synthesizer startup time is reduced by the value of the register
PRFX_TONE_OFFSET. This should normally correspond to the time of the extra preambles, but it must not
be larger than 4096 (corresponding to 128 µs). PRFX_TONE_OFFSET can thus be used to compensate for
the extra time added by the extra preamble bytes used for tone generation. However, the duration of the
extra preamble bytes configured must be accounted for in PRF_TX_DELAY, PRF_RETRANS_DELAY, and
The default values of PRFX_TONE_DURATION and PRFX_TONE_OFFSET correspond to 48 µs and are
tuned for using 12 extra preamble bytes (13 in total) on 2 Mbps. When using the reset values,
MDMCTRL2.NUM_PREAM_BYTES should thus be set to 0x0C.
If PRFX_TONE_DURATION is set too large compared to the number of preamble bytes configured, the
modulator underflows. If this happens, the task ends with TASKERR_MODUNF as end cause.

Table 25-15. Recommended RAM Register Settings for Start Tone

2 Mbps

1 Mbps

500 kbps
0x62 0x1000)

250 kbps
0x82 0x1000) Receive Task

When a CMD_RX command is received, the LLE configures the radio on the channel given by
PRF_CHAN.FREQ and starts listening for a sync word.
The LLE can set up an internal time-out for the sync search in the PRF_SEARCH_TIME register. If this
register is non-zero and no sync has been obtained in the number of 32 MHz cycles given by this register,
the task ends with a TASK_NOSYNC end cause. Note that the value of this register must be large enough
to have time for the duration of the sync word and 1 preamble byte, in addition to some margin, in order to
get sync. The task can also be set up to end on Timer 2 event 2, based on
PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF. If this bit field is 11, the Timer 2 event 2 time-out applies only during the
first sync search after a CMD_RX command has been issued if PRF_TASK_CONF.START_CONF is 0. In
this case, the time-out in PRF_SEARCH_TIME does not apply to the first sync search, but it still applies to
subsequent sync searches in the same task. If PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF is 11 and
PRF_TASK_CONF.START_CONF is 1, the time-out applies to every sync search and PRF_SEARCH_TIME
never applies, but the Timer 2 event 2 timeout does not apply after sync is obtained or while waiting for
Timer 2 event 1 to restart listening. If sync is obtained, the LLE starts reading the packet.
If sync is found on a packet, the time of sync is captured by the Timer 2 capture function (see
Section 22.1.10). Basic Mode

This section describes the receive operation if PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE is 00 or 01.
If PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE is 01, the length byte is read first. It gives the number of bytes between the
length byte and the CRC, including the address. If the length is too small to contain the address, the
reception of the packet is stopped and the device goes back to sync search (regardless of the setting in

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Next, the address byte is read if PRF_PKT_CONF.ADDR_LEN is 1. It is compared against

PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ADDRESS for the values of n where the entry is enabled for the received sync word.
If there is a matching entry, this entry is used when receiving the packet; otherwise, reception is stopped
and the device goes back to sync search. If PRF_PKT_CONF.ADDR_LEN is 0, the first entry that is enabled
for the received sync word is used. If PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE is 00, the packet length is then read from
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.RXLENGTH. This length includes the address, so it must be greater than or equal to
the number of address bytes. If PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE is 01, the received length byte is compared
against PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.RXLENGTH. If it is greater than that value, reception is stopped and the
device goes back to sync search.
If reception is stopped due to address mismatch or invalid length, the time-out given by
PRF_SEARCH_TIME or Timer 2 event 2 still applies. If the first packet of the task is being received and
PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF is 11, the next packet still counts as the first packet.
If a CRC field is present, it is checked using the polynomial configured in the BSP and the initialization
value from PRF_CRC_INIT. The result of the CRC check is written in the MSB of the RES byte in the
status field if a status field is configured. If the CRC is not correct and PRF_FIFO_CONF.AUTOFLUSH_CRC
is 1, the LLE sends a discard RX FIFO command to remove the packet from the RX FIFO.
A packet where the length is equal to the address size contains no payload. Such a packet is known as an
empty packet. If PRF_FIFO_CONF.AUTOFLUSH_EMPTY is 1 and an empty packet is received, the LLE
sends a discard RX FIFO command to remove the empty packet from the RX FIFO.
Note that if the CRC length is 1 byte, the CRC check is not correct for empty packets if fixed length is
configured or no address bytes are used.
If the RX FIFO becomes full while receiving a packet, the packet is discarded from the FIFO and no more
bytes are stored in the RX FIFO, but the packet is received to its end. After that, it is checked whether the
packet would be discarded from the RX FIFO anyway due to the setting of PRF_FIFO_CONF. If so, the
task proceeds as normally. Otherwise, an RXFIFOFULL error interrupt is raised in lieu of the normal
interrupt for received packets.
After receiving a packet, the LLE raises an interrupt to the MCU. Depending on CRC result and whether
the packet was empty, the interrupts are generated as shown in Table 25-16, provided an RXFIFOFULL
interrupt is not raised as described previously. The table also shows which of the counters among the
RAM registers are to be updated.

Table 25-16. Interrupt and Counter Operation for Received Messages

Payload Length > Address
CRC Result Counter Incremented Interrupt Raised

An address entry should not be modified while the receiver is running. In order to modify, stop the
receiver, modify the entry or entries, and restart the receiver. Auto Mode

This section describes the receive operation if PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE is 10 or 11.
If PRF_PKT_CONF.ADDR_LEN is 1, the address byte is compared against PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ADDRESS,
where n ranges from 0 to 7. It is compared against PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ADDRESS for the values of n
where the entry is enabled for the received sync word. If there is a matching entry, this entry is used when
receiving the packet, otherwise reception is stopped and the device goes back to sync search. If
PRF_PKT_CONF.ADDR_LEN is 0, the first entry that is enabled for the received sync word is used.

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Next, the 9-bit or 10-bit header is read. If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.VARLEN is 1, the length is fetched
from the header and compared against PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.RXLENGTH. If it is greater than that value,
reception is stopped and the device goes back to sync search. If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.VARLEN is 0,
the length field in the received header is ignored and the packet length is read from
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.RXLENGTH. In both cases, the length is the number of bytes after the header and
before the CRC. The length must be less than or equal to 63 for a 9-bit header and 127 for a 10-bit
header. When a 10-bit header is used, the MCU must ensure that an entire packet can fit in the RX FIFO
for auto ACK to be possible. This limits the maximum packet size based on the settings in
If reception is stopped due to address mismatch or invalid length, the time-out given by
PRF_SEARCH_TIME or Timer 2 event 2 still applies. If the first packet of the task is being received and
PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF is 11, this still counts as the first packet.
If a CRC field is present, it is checked using the polynomial configured in the BSP and the initialization
value from PRF_CRC_INIT. The result of the CRC is written in the MSB of the RES byte in the status field
if a status field is configured. If the CRC is not correct and PRF_FIFO_CONF.AUTOFLUSH_CRC is 1, the
LLE sends a discard RX FIFO command to remove the packet from the RX FIFO.
If the CRC is correct, the sequence number is checked against the sequence number stored in
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.SEQ. If the sequence numbers are equal and
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.VALID is 1, the two last received CRC bytes are compared against the 2
bytes in PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.LASTCRC. If they are equal, the packet is determined to be a retransmission
which can be ignored. If the CRC is 1 byte only, the received CRC byte is compared to
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.LASTCRC[0] only, and if there is no CRC, the comparison is always viewed as
equal. If the packet was a retransmission, the IGN bit of the RES byte in the status field is set if a status
field is configured. After reception of a packet with CRC OK and which fits in the RX FIFO,
sequence number of the header of the received packet, and PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.LASTCRC is set to the
value of the last two received CRC bytes.
If the RX FIFO becomes full while receiving a packet, the packet is discarded from the FIFO and no more
bytes are stored in the RX FIFO, but the packet is received to its end. After that, it is checked whether the
packet would be discarded from the RX FIFO anyway due to the setting of PRF_FIFO_CONF. If so, the
task proceeds as normally. Otherwise, an RXFIFOFULL error interrupt is raised, and no acknowledgment
is transmitted. The sequence number is not updated so that a retransmission of the packet is not ignored.
If the received packet was not a retransmission and PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.ACK_PAYLOAD_SENT
is 1, the packet is seen as a confirmation of the last transmitted acknowledgment payload. If so,
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.ACK_PAYLOAD_SENT is set to 0, a TXDONE interrupt is raised, and the
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.NTXDONE counter is incremented. PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ACKLENGTHk is set to 0 for
After receiving a packet, the LLE raises an interrupt to the MCU. Depending on the CRC result, the
payload length, and whether the received packet is a retransmission to be ignored, the interrupts are
generated as shown in Table 25-17. The table also shows which of the counters among the RAM registers
are to be updated.

Table 25-17. Interrupt and Counter Operation for Received Messages

CRC Result Ignore Length Counter Incremented Interrupt Raised

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After reception of a packet, the next action is determined as follows:

• If the CRC of the received packet was not correct, the treatment of the packet is finished and the next
action is as described in Section
• If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.AA is 0, the treatment of the packet is finished and the next action is as
described in Section
• If the NO_ACK bit of the received header is 1 and the CRC was correct, the treatment of the packet is
finished and the next action is as described in Section
• If the packet did not fit in the RX FIFO and was not otherwise to be discarded, the treatment of the
packet is finished and the next action is as described in Section
• Otherwise, an acknowledgment is transmitted as described in the following text.
After receiving a packet where the CRC is correct and where an acknowledgment is supposed to be sent,
the transmitter is configured. The transmission starts at a time given by the PRF_RX_TX_TIME register.
Synthesizer recalibration is performed only if there is time. The LLE checks
payload is included the packet. In this case, PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.ACK_PAYLOAD_SENT is set
to 1 by the LLE. The transmitted packet has the same sync word and address as the received packet. If
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.TXLEN is 0, the length field in the header is set equal to
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ACKLENGTHk. If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.TXLEN is 1, the length field is set to 11
0011 for a 9-bit header and to 011 0011 for a 10-bit header. Note that a value of 0 for
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.TXLEN may be used regardless of the VARLEN setting in the peer device, as
the length field is ignored for fixed length. A value of 1 must only be used if the peer is configured to use
fixed length for the ACK payload, and should only be used with ACKs without payload. The sequence
number is set to the value of PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.ACKSEQ, and NO_ACK is set to 0. If there is
payload, it is read from the buffer as described in Section 25.8.3.
After the acknowledgement has been transmitted, PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.ACKSEQ is incremented
modulo 4, the PRF_N_TX counter is incremented, and the next action is as described in
Section Continuation and Ending of Receive Tasks

When a task ends, a TASKDONE interrupt is raised and an end cause is then available in PRF_ENDCAUSE.
After a packet has been received and potentially an acknowledgment has been transmitted, the next
action depends on PRF_TASK_CONF.REPEAT. If this value is 0, the task ends. In this case, the
PRF_ENDCAUSE register is set to TASK_ENDOK.
If PRF_TASK_CONF.REPEAT is 1, reception restarts. If PRF_TASK_CONF.START_CONF is 1, the LLE
behaves as if the task was started again, with the LLE waiting for Timer 2 event 1; then starting to listen. If
PRF_TASK_CONF.START_CONF is 0, the receiver restarts as soon as possible, as starting a new task
(except for the behavior of Timer 2 event 2 if PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF is 11). In both cases,
synthesizer recalibration is done if PRF_TASK_CONF.REPEAT_CONF is 0, otherwise not. Skipping
synthesizer recalibration reduces the time before listening is restarted.
If a CMD_SHUTDOWN or a command starting a new task is observed while the task is running, it ends
immediately with TASK_ABORT as the end cause. If the receiver or transmitter was running, an RXTXABO
interrupt is also raised.
If CMD_STOP is received while in sync search, the task ends immediately with TASK_RXTIMEOUT as
the end cause. If CMD_STOP is received while receiving or while transmitting an ACK or in the transition
between those, the task ends with TASK_STOP as the end cause after the packet is fully received and (if
ACK is to be sent) the ACK is sent. If CMD_STOP is received while waiting for Timer 2 event 1 to restart
reception, the task ends immediately with TASK_STOP as the end cause
If Timer 2 event 2 (either from Timer 2 or from CMD_SEND_EVENT2) is observed during the task, the
behavior depends on PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF:
• 00: Nothing happens
• 01: Behaves as if a CMD_STOP was received
• 10: Behaves as if a CMD_SHUTDOWN was received

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• 11: If received while in sync search for the first packet after the task was started, or if
PRF_TASK_CONF.START_CONF is 1 while in sync search for any packet, the task ends immediately
with TASK_RXTIMEOUT as the end cause. Otherwise, nothing happens.
In addition, the task can end due to an internal time-out as described in the beginning of Section,
or it can end due to an error condition. The full list of possible end causes is summarized in Table 25-18.

Table 25-18. End-of-Receive Tasks

Condition End-of-Task Cause Comment
Received packet (and potentially sent ACK) with
Received packet (and potentially sent ACK) with
PRF_TASK_CONF.REPEAT = 1 after having
observed CMD_STOP or Timer 2 event 2 with TASK_STOP
While in sync search, observed CMD_STOP or Timer 2
event 2 with PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF = 01
Observed Timer 2 event 2 while in sync search of the
= 11
Did not get sync in the time specified by
Received command for starting new task or If transmitter was running or receiver was
CMD_SHUTDOWN or observed Timer 2 event 2 with TASK_ABORT running and had obtained sync, an
PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF = 10 RXTXABO interrupt is also raised.
LLEERR interrupt is also raised. If
transmitter was running or receiver was
Received unknown command TASKERR_CMD
running and had obtained sync, an
RXTXABO interrupt is also raised.
Task ends without any radio operation.
Semaphore is not free when expected TASKERR_SEM
LLEERR interrupt is also raised.
Unpermitted value of RAM register TASKERR_PAR LLEERR interrupt is also raised.
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.RXLENGTH corresponding TASKERR_PAR LLEERR interrupt is also raised.
to the received address is smaller than address length
For auto mode:
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ACKLENGTGHm for the TASKERR_PAR LLEERR interrupt is also raised.
ACK payload to be transmitted exceeded 32 Transmit Task

When a CMD_TX command is received, the LLE configures the radio on the channel given by
PRF_CHAN.FREQ and starts transmitting the packet from the TX FIFO.
If the TX FIFO has no available data, the task ends with TASKERR_TXFIFO as the end cause. Otherwise,
the number of bytes given by the length byte in the TX FIFO is read from the TX FIFO and transmitted or
otherwise handled as described in following sections. No check of data availability is done after the length
byte is read, so if the FIFO contains fewer bytes than indicated in the length field, a TX FIFO underflow
interrupt is raised by the FIFO hardware. Basic Mode

This section describes the transmit operation if PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE is 00 or 01.
If PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE is 01, the length field is calculated from the length field in the FIFO and
transmitted. It is up to the MCU to ensure that the calculated length field does not exceed 255. If
PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE is 00, no length field is transmitted.

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If an address is configured, it is found based on the setting in PRF_FIFO_CONF.TX_ADDR_CONF. It can

be set to take the address from PRF_ADDR_ENTRY0, to read it from the TX FIFO (which for the transmitter
is equivalent to not having an address configured), or to read an index n from the config byte in the FIFO
and read the address from PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ADDRESS. The values of ENA0 and ENA1 in
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF are ignored for the transmitter; the primary sync word is always transmitted.
The payload (if any) is transmitted as given in the FIFO.
If configured, a CRC with the number of bytes given by PRF_CRC_LEN is transmitted at the end.
When a packet has been transmitted, the LLE sends a deallocate TX FIFO command if
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.REUSE is 0. Otherwise, the MCU must issue either a deallocate TX FIFO (to send a
new packet) or a retry TX FIFO (to reuse) before sending again. The PRF_N_TX counter is incremented. A
TXDONE interrupt to the MCU is raised when the packet has been completely read out of the TX FIFO by
the LLE. Note that due to modulator delay, CRC transmission and ramp-down, this will happen before the
packet transmission is finished. The next action is as given in Section Auto Mode

This section describes the transmit operation if PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE is 10 or 11.
When a 10-bit header is used, the MCU must ensure that an entire packet can fit in the TX FIFO for auto
retransmission to be possible. This limits the maximum packet size based on the settings in
If an address is configured, it is the first byte transmitted. It is found based on the setting in
PRF_FIFO_CONF.TX_ADDR_CONF. It can be set to take the address from PRF_ADDR_ENTRY0, to read it
from the TX FIFO, or to read an index n from the config byte in the FIFO and read the address from
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ADDRESS. In other cases, n is always assumed to be 0 in the following text. The
values of ENA0 and ENA1 in PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF are ignored for the transmitter; the primary sync
word is always transmitted.
The 9-bit or 10-bit header is transmitted next. If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.TXLEN is 0, the length field is
set to the number of payload bytes after the header, which is calculated from the length byte in the TX
FIFO. If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.TXLEN is 1, the length field is set to 11 0011 for a 9-bit header and to
011 0011 for a 10-bit header. Note that a value of 0 for PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.TXLEN may be used
regardless of the VARLEN setting in the receiver, as a receiver configured to use fixed length ignores the
length field. A value of 1 must only be used if the receiver is configured to use fixed length. The NO_ACK
bit transmitted is set according to bit 5 of the config byte read from the TX FIFO if present, otherwise to 0.
If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.FIXEDSEQ is 1, the SEQ bits transmitted are set equal to bits 6 and 7 of the
config byte read from the FIFO. Otherwise, the SEQ bits are set to the value of
The payload (if any) is transmitted as given in the FIFO.
If configured, a CRC with the number of bytes given by PRF_CRC_LEN is transmitted at the end.
When a packet has been transmitted, the N_TX counter is incremented.
After transmission of a packet, the action depends on PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.AA and the NO_ACK bit
in the transmitted header. If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.AA = 0 or NO_ACK = 1, no acknowledgment is
expected, and the action is as if a valid acknowledgment had been received.
If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.AA is 1 and the transmitted NO_ACK bit was 0, the LLE configures RX to
listen for an acknowledgment. To listen for acknowledgment, the receiver is configured at a time given by
the PRF_TX_RX_TIME register. Synthesizer recalibration is performed only if there is time. The unit looks
for sync. The sync search times out at the time given by PRF_SEARCH_TIME. If sync is found, the packet
is received into the RX FIFO. If PRF_PKT_CONF.ADDR_LEN is 1, the address byte is compared against
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.ADDRESS for the n that was used in transmission. If not matching, reception is

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Next, the 9-bit or 10-bit header is read. If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.VARLEN is 1, the length is fetched
from the header and compared against PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.RXLENGTH. The maximum allowed value of
this register is 32. If the received length is greater than PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.RXLENGTH, reception is
stopped and the device goes back to sync search. If PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.CONF.VARLEN is 0, the length
field in the received header is ignored and the packet length is read from PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.RXLENGTH,
which should normally be 0 in this case. The length is the number of bytes after the header and before the
If a CRC field is present, it is checked using the polynomial configured in the BSP and the initialization
value from PRF_CRC_INIT. The result of the CRC is written in the MSB of the RES byte in the status field
if a status field is configured. If the CRC is not correct and PRF_FIFO_CONF.AUTOFLUSH_CRC is set, the
LLE sends a discard RX FIFO command to remove the packet from the RX FIFO.
The received sequence number is written to the config byte of the RX FIFO if configured, but is otherwise
If the RX FIFO becomes full while receiving an acknowledgment packet, the packet is discarded from the
FIFO and no more bytes are stored in the RX FIFO, but the packet is received to its end. After that, it is
checked to see whether the packet would be discarded from the RX FIFO anyway due to the setting of
PRF_FIFO_CONF. If so, the task proceeds as normally. Otherwise, the task ends after the packet is
received and an RXFIFOFULL error interrupt is raised. In this case, the treatment of the packet is as if the
acknowledgment were not successfully received. This means that the next time a transmit task is started,
the packet is retransmitted so that the receiver retransmits the ACK payload.
After receiving an acknowledgment, the LLE raises an interrupt to the MCU. Depending on the CRC
result, the payload length, and whether the received packet had the same sequence number as the
transmitted one, the interrupts are generated as shown in Table 25-19. It also shows which of the counters
among the RAM registers are to be updated.

Table 25-19. Interrupt and Counter Operation for Received ACK Packets
CRC Result Length Counter Incremented Interrupt Raised

If an acknowledgment was not received (because no sync was obtained in time, the address did not
match, the sequence number was wrong, the CRC check failed, or the ACK did not fit in the RX FIFO and
was not otherwise to be discarded) the LLE sends a retry TX FIFO command. If the number of
retransmissions already performed (not including the original transmission) is equal to
PRF_RETRANS_CNT, the task ends. Otherwise, the packet is retransmitted. The time from the end of the
previous transmission to the start of the retransmission is given in units of 62.5 ns by
If the received packet was a valid acknowledgment, or if a packet was completely read out of the TX FIFO
and no acknowledgment was expected, the LLE sends a deallocate TX FIFO command if
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.REUSE is 0. Otherwise, the MCU must issue either a deallocate TX FIFO (to send a
new packet) or a retry TX FIFO (to reuse) before sending again. The PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.NTXDONE
counter is incremented. A TXDONE interrupt to the MCU is raised. If
modulo 4. The next action is as given in Section
If the task ends because of a maximum number of retransmissions, a retry TX FIFO command is sent
before the task ends, and PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.SEQ is not incremented. This means that by
default, the packet retransmission is attempted in the next task. If this is not desired, the packet must be
removed from the FIFO. This can be done either by issuing a CMD_TXFIFO_RESET (this also removes
any subsequent packets in the TX FIFO), by reading out the packet using the RFTXFRD register and
issuing a CMD_TX_FIFO_DEALLOC command, or by TX FIFO pointer manipulation (Section
PRF_ADDR_ENTRYn.SEQSTAT.SEQ should then be incremented by one. These operations should only
take place between tasks (that is, while the LLE does not have SEMAPHORE1).

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When a task ends, a TASKDONE interrupt is raised and an end cause is then available in PRF_ENDCAUSE.
After a packet has been transmitted and potentially a valid acknowledgment has been received, the next
action depends on PRF_TASK_CONF.REPEAT. If this value is 0, the task ends. In this case, the
PRF_ENDCAUSE register is set to TASK_ENDOK.
If PRF_TASK_CONF.REPEAT is 1, the TX FIFO status is checked. If the TX FIFO has no available data,
the task ends with TASK_ENDOK as the end cause. Otherwise, transmission restarts. If
PRF_TASK_CONF.START_CONF is 1, it behaves as if the task was started again with the LLE waiting for
Timer 2 event 1, then performing a synthesizer calibration and starting to transmit. If
PRF_TASK_CONF.START_CONF is 0, the transmitter restarts PRF_TX_DELAY after the end of the
previously transmitted packet, with synthesizer recalibration only if there is enough time, but in other
respects as starting a new task. The PRF_TX_DELAY register gives the wait time in units of 62.5 ns. If the
value is too small to fulfill, the transmission starts as soon as possible.
If a CMD_SHUTDOWN or a command starting a new task is observed while the task is running, it ends
immediately with TASK_ABORT as the end cause. If the transmitter or receiver was running, an RXTXABO
interrupt is also raised.
If CMD_STOP is received while transmitting a packet, waiting for transmission of another packet, waiting
for an ACK, receiving an ACK, or in the transition between those, the task ends with TASK_STOP as the
end cause after the packet is fully transmitted and (if ACK is expected) the ACK is received or given up. If
CMD_STOP is received while waiting for Timer 2 event 1 to restart reception, the task ends immediately
with TASK_STOP as the end cause.
If Timer 2 event 2 (either from Timer 2 or from CMD_SEND_EVENT2) is observed during the task, the
behavior depends on PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF.
• 00: Nothing happens.
• 01: Behaves as if a CMD_STOP was received
• 10: Behaves as if a CMD_SHUTDOWN was received
• 11: Nothing happens.
In addition, the task can end for reasons described earlier, or it can end due to an error condition. The full
list of possible end causes is summarized in Table 25-20.

Table 25-20. End-of-Transmit Tasks

Condition End-of-Task Cause Comment
Transmitted packet (and potentially received ACK)
Transmitted packet (and potentially received ACK)
and observed TX FIFO with no available data
Transmitted packet (and potentially received ACK)
after having observed CMD_STOP or Timer 2 event 2 TASK_STOP
Did not get valid acknowledgment after having
retransmitted the number of times given by TASK_MAXRT
Observed empty TX FIFO when packet transmission
LLEERR and RXTXABO interrupts are
is supposed to start, or TX FIFO is in an invalid state also raised.
RX FIFO went overfull while receiving an ACK that
was not otherwise to be discarded
TASKERR_RXFIFO RXFIFOFULL interrupt is also raised.
Received command for starting new task or
CMD_SHUTDOWN or observed Timer 2 event 2 with If transmitter was running, an RXTXABO
PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF = 10 interrupt is also raised.

LLEERR interrupt is also raised. If

transmitter or receiver was running and
Received unknown command TASKERR_CMD
had obtained sync, an RXTXABO
interrupt is also raised.

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Table 25-20. End-of-Transmit Tasks (continued)

Condition End-of-Task Cause Comment
Task ends without any radio operation.
Semaphore is not free when expected TASKERR_SEM
LLEERR interrupt is also raised.
Invalid value of RAM register TASKERR_PAR LLEERR interrupt is also raised.
Length field to be transmitted exceeded maximum
allowed value (255 in basic mode, 127 or 63 in auto TASKERR_PAR LLEERR interrupt is also raised.
mode with variable length) Transmit on Clear-Channel Task

When a CMD_TX_ON_CC command is received, the LLE configures the receiver on the channel given by
PRF_CHAN.FREQ, but sync search is not enabled. The LLE polls the RSSI register every 5.33 µs and
compares it to the value of PRF_RSSI_LIMIT. If a valid RSSI below the value of PRF_RSSI_LIMIT is
observed more than PRF_RSSI_COUNT times in a row, the system starts transmitting. From there, the
operation is as a normal transmit task, see Section, except for the operation after a packet has
been transmitted and potentially acknowledged, which is described in Section Continuation and Ending of Transmit on Clear-Channel Tasks

If PRF_TASK_CONF.TX_ON_CC_CONF is 1, the task ends if a valid RSSI value is not below the limit. If
PRF_TASK_CONF.TX_ON_CC_CONF is 0, the device keeps listening until an RSSI below the given value
is found.
If PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF is 11, Timer 2 event 2 may give a time-out while listening for a clear
channel the first time, but not after the first transmission has been started.
If PRF_TASK_CONF.TX_ON_CC_CONF is 0, the clear-channel assessment must not be used as the only
medium access control scheme in a multiuser environment, as this may cause all the devices to start
transmission at the same time.
If retransmission is enabled, the LLE listens for acknowledgment and retransmits if needed as for normal
TX tasks. However, if PRF_TASK_CONF.REPEAT_CONF is 0 after applying the retransmit delay, the device
returns to listening, performing the same operation as when the task started, before possibly
If PRF_TASK_CONF.REPEAT is 0, the task ends after transmission as for normal TX tasks.
If PRF_TASK_CONF.REPEAT is 1, the TX FIFO status is checked. If the TX FIFO has no available data,
the task ends with TASK_ENDOK as the end cause. Otherwise, transmission restarts. If
PRF_TASK_CONF.REPEAT_CONF is 0, the task returns to listening, whereas if it is 1, the task restarts as if
it were a standard transmit task. If PRF_TASK_CONF.START_CONF is 1, it behaves as if the task was
started again with the LLE waiting for Timer 2 event 1, then performing a synthesizer calibration and
starting to listen or transmit. If PRF_TASK_CONF.START_CONF is 0, the listening or transmission restarts
PRF_TX_DELAY after the end of the previously transmitted packet, with synthesizer recalibration only if
there is enough time, but in other respects as starting a new task.
If Timer 2 event 2 (either from Timer 2 or from CMD_SEND_EVENT2) is observed during the task, the
behavior depends on PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF.
• 00: Nothing happens.
• 01: If received while transmitting a packet or waiting for or receiving an ACK or in the transition
between those, the task ends with TASK_STOP as the end cause after the packet is fully transmitted
and (if ACK is expected) the ACK is received or given up. If received while waiting for Timer 2 event 1
to restart reception, the task ends immediately with TASK_STOP as the end cause.
• 10: Behaves as if a CMD_SHUTDOWN was received
• 11: If received while listening for RSSI below the level before the first packet after the task was started,
or if PRF_TASK_CONF.START_CONF is 1 while listening before any packet, the task ends immediately
with TASK_NOCC as the end cause. Otherwise, nothing happens.

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The task can end for all the same reasons as a normal transmit task summarized in Table 25-20. In
addition it can end for the reasons listed in Table 25-21.

Table 25-21. Additional Reasons for End-of-Transmit on Clear-Channel Tasks

Condition End-of-Task Cause Comment
Observed valid RSSI above the threshold with
Observed CMD_STOP or Timer 2 event 2 with
PRF_TASK_CONF.STOP_CONF = 01 or 11 while listening for TASK_NOCC
RSSI below the threshold Timing
The timing in tasks is given in registers PRF_TX_DELAY, PRF_RETRANS_DELAY, PRF_SEARCH_TIME,
PRF_RX_TX_TIME, and PRF_TX_RX_TIME. The first two of these registers are multiplied by 2 and then
represent the number of 32-MHz samples, while the rest directly give the number of 32-MHz samples.
PRF_TX_DELAY gives the time from the end of the previous transmission in the task to the start of the
next transmission. Some examples of these delays are shown in Figure 25-12 and Figure 25-13 for RX
and TX tasks, respectively. The time from the end of a received packet to the beginning of a transmitted
packet is 130 µs in an RX task with auto ACK.
When sync search takes place, either for receiving a normal packet or for receiving ACK, a time-out can
be set up for when to give up the search. This time-out, given in 32-MHz cycles, is set up in the
PRF_SEARCH_TIME register. Setting this register to 0 disables the time-out. In case of a time-out, the task
ends for a normal sync search, or a packet is retransmitted in case of an ACK sync search.

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Receive task, PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE = 0X, .START_CONF = 0, .REPEAT = 1:

tSynth tSynth tSynth tSearch

tRx tRx tRx

Sync Search Receive Packet Sync Search Receive Packet Sync Search

Give up sync search,
end task

Receive task, PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE = 1X, .START_CONF = 0, .REPEAT = 1:

tSynth tRx-Tx tSynth

tRx tTx tRx

Sync Search Receive Packet Transmit ACK Sync Search Receive Packet


Receive task, PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE = 1X, .START_CONF = 0, .REPEAT = 1:

tSynth tRx-Tx tSynth tSearch

tRx tTx tRx

Sync Search Receive Packet Transmit ACK Sync Search

Give up sync search,
end task

NOTE: The time given by PRF_SEARCH_TIME is denoted tSearch and the time given by PRF_RX_TX is denoted
tRX-TX. The setup and wait time for the synthesizer, receiver, and transmitter are denoted tSynth, tTX, and tRX,
Figure 25-12. Timing of Packets in RX Tasks

For auto retransmit tasks, the time PRF_RETRANS_DELAY is the time from the end of a transmission to the
retransmission of the packet in case an ACK is not found or there is a CRC error; see Figure 25-13. The
values of PRF_SEARCH_TIME and the maximum packet length in PRF_PAYLOAD_LEN should be set such
that this time can always be achieved. If it is not possible to achieve the retransmission time, the packet is
retransmitted as early as possible.

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Transmit task, PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE = 0X, .START_CONF = 0, .REPEAT = 1:

tSynth tTx_Delay tTx_Delay

tTx tTx tTx

Transmit Packet 0 Transmit Packet 1 Transmit Packet 2


Transmit task, PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE = 0X, .START_CONF = 0, .REPEAT = 1:

tSynth tTx-Rx

tTx tRx tTx

Transmit Packet 0 Sync Search Receive ACK Transmit Packet 1


Transmit task, PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE = 1X, .START_CONF = 0, .REPEAT = 1,

no ACK found first time:

tSynth tTx-Rx tSearch tTx-Rx
tTx tRx tTx tRx

Sync Search Sync Receive

Transmit Packet 0 Retransmit Packet 0
Search ACK 0

Transmit task, PRF_TASK_CONF.MODE = 1X, .START_CONF = 0, .REPEAT = 1,

CRC error on ACK:

tSynth tTx-Rx tSearch tTx-Rx
tTx tRx tTx tRx

Sync Receive Sync Receive

Transmit Packet 0 Retransmit Packet 0
Search ACK 0 Search ACK 0

NOTE: The time given by PRF_TX_DELAY is denoted t TX_Delay, the time given by PRF_SEARCH_TIME is
denoted tSearch, the time given by PRF_RETRANS_DELAY is denoted tRetrans, and the time given by PRF_TX_RX
is denoted tTX-RX. The setup and wait times for the synthesizer, receiver, and transmitter are denoted tSynth, tTX, and tRX,
Figure 25-13. Timing of Packets in TX Tasks

25.9.3 RF Test Commands

In Table 25-12, there are listed some commands for modem test purposes. No registers are programmed
by the LLE based on these commands, so all registers must be set up by the MCU. This includes the
frequency word, which is otherwise written by the LLE; see Section 25.5 on how to program this. These
commands take no parameters, and do not cause the LLE to create any interrupts or to write any end

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When receiving CMD_DEMOD_TEST, the LLE starts the receiver, but does not start sync search. The
receiver runs until a CMD_SHUTDOWN command (or a command starting another task) is sent.
When receiving CMD_RX_TEST, the LLE starts the receiver and starts sync search. Any received data is
discarded. The receiver runs until a CMD_SHUTDOWN command (or a command starting another task) is
When receiving a CMD_TX_TEST, the LLE starts the transmitter and starts sending all zeros. The TX test
command is normally combined with configuration of the modem to send a tone or by the BSP to send a
whitening sequence. The transmitter runs until a CMD_SHUTDOWN command (or a command starting
another task) is sent. In order to send random modulated data for test purposes, it is recommended to set
BSP_MODE to 0x03 to enable both whiteners.
In order to send a continuous wave (CW), MDMCTRL0.TX_IF can be set to 1 before the CMD_TX_TEST
command is issued. In this case, the radio outputs a tone with the frequency given in
MDMTEST1.TX_TONE. In most cases, a tone at the synthesizer frequency is wanted (for example, to
measure phase noise), in which case MDMTEST.TX_TONE should be set to 0x0A. The frequency
synthesizer must be programmed to the carrier frequency with no offset in this case; see Section 25.5.
When receiving a CMD_TX_FIFO_TEST, the LLE starts the transmitter and starts sending from the TX
FIFO; otherwise, the command is as CMD_TX_TEST. The MCU must feed data into the TX FIFO to avoid
underflow, and the TX FIFO must be set up with auto commit and auto deallocate.
When receiving a CMD_PING command, the LLE responds with a PINGRSP. This can be used for
checking that the LLE code is running.

25.10 Random Number Generation

The CC2541 has a hardware pseudo-random register, as explained in Section 14.1. The RF core register
bank provides a second interface to this register. Reading the RFPSRND register is equivalent to reading
RNDL, then writing 01 to ADCCON1.RCTL.
For seeding the pseudo-random number generator and for tasks where higher entropy of the random
numbers is needed, the radio can be used as a true-random generator. The register RFRND provides
access to the least-significant bits of the radio ADC, which is random when noise is received. In order to
get values on this register, the receiver must be turned on. The value in RFRND is updated every 0.17 µs,
so the sampling of that register must be slower than that in order to get a new value with every sample.
To get true random numbers, the following procedure can be followed:
1. Program FREQCTRL to a channel that is not likely to contain a narrow-band signal. A frequency outside
the ISM band, such as a setting of 0, is recommended.
2. Program LNAGAIN to 0 to have minimum reception of a signal on the air.
3. Start the receiver in test mode by issuing a CMD_DEMOD_TEST command.
4. Wait until ADC data are ready. This can be seen by the RFRND register having a value different from 0.
5. Read the number of values needed from RFRND. Make sure that there is at least 0.17 µs between each
read (that is, at least 6 cycles if running on 32 MHz). For instance, to seed the pseudo-random
generator, two values are needed.
6. Shut down the receiver by issuing a CMD_SHUTDOWN command.
The values read from the RFRND register do not have a perfectly uniform distribution. In order to improve
this, several random numbers can be combined to produce one random number. One way of doing this is
to use the pseudo-random generator in CRC mode and combine eight numbers into one. An example of
how this can be done is given in the C code below:
// Store LNA gain setting and set minimum LNA gain
lnagain_stored = LNAGAIN;
LNAGAIN = 0x00;

// Set lowest possible frequency to avoid signals in ISM band

FREQCTRL = 0x00;

// Enable radio in RX without sync search

while (RFST != 0);

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// Wait for modem to be running

while (RFRND == 0);

// Seed RNG

for (j=0; j<ARRAY_SZ; j++) {

// Read 8 random bytes into CRC generation
// Read out LSB of CRC state
rndarray[j] = RNDL;
// Shut down radio
while (RFST != 0);
// Restore LNA gain setting
LNAGAIN = lnagain_stored;

25.11 Packet Sniffing

Packet sniffing is a nonintrusive way of observing data that is either being transmitted or received. The
packet sniffer outputs a clock and a data signal, which should be sampled on the rising edges of the clock.
The two packet-sniffer signals are observable as GPIO outputs. For accurate time stamping, the SFD
signal should also be output. The packet sniffer does not work for the 2 Mbps data rate.
The packet-sniffer mode is selected in register MDMCTRL3.RFC_SNIFF_CTRL; see Table 25-22 for a
description of the different modes of operation.

Table 25-22. Packet-Sniffer Modes of Operation

00 Packet sniffer disabled
Data output from BSP. TX data, including CRC, is whitened if the whitener is
enabled. RX data, including CRC, is always de-whitened.
Data output from modulator. Only TX data before whitening is output. Any CRC
bytes are 0.
11 Data output from the demodulator. Only RX data before de-whitening is output.

The packet-sniffer clock frequency is equal to the RF data rate. The data is output serially, in the received
or transmitted order. It is possible to use a SPI slave to receive the data stream.
When a complete packet has been transferred, the packet sniffer appends a status byte that tells which
value of the FREQCTRL register was used and if it was a TX or RX packet (bit 0 is high if it was a TX
packet). The appended byte is formatted as follows (first transmitted bit to the left):



Figure 25-14. Complete Appended Packet

This allows for the external receiver to differentiate between RX and TX packets.

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To set up the packet-sniffer signals or some of the other RF core observation outputs (in total maximum 3;
rfc_obs_sig0, rfc_obs_sig1, and rfc_obs_sig2), the user must perform the following steps:
Step1: Determine which signal (RFC_OBS_CTRL[0–2]) to output on which GPIO pin (P1[0:5]). This is
done using the OBSSELx control registers (OBSSEL0–OBSSEL5) that control the observation output to the
pins P1[0:5] (overriding the standard GPIO behavior for those pins).
Step2: Set the (RFC_OBS_CTRL[0–2]) control registers to select the correct signals (rfc_obs_sig); for
example, for packet sniffing one needs the rfc_sniff_data for the packet-sniffer data signal.and rfc_sniff_clk
for the corresponding clock signal.
Step3: Enable the packet-sniffer module in the MDMCTRL3 register.

25.12 Registers

25.12.1 Register Overview SFR Registers

1 - RFIRQF0 (0xE9) RF interrupt flags
2 - RFIRQF1 (0x91) RF interrupt flags
3 - RFERRF (0xBF) RF error interrupt flags
4 - RFD (0xD9) RF data
5 - RFST (0x6189) LLE and FIFO commands XREG Registers

Table 25-23. XREG Register Overview

Address (Hex) + 0x0000 + 0x001 + 0x002 + 0x003
0x6194 SW_CONF SW0 SW1 SW2
0x61A8 ATEST

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Table 25-23. XREG Register Overview (continued)

Address (Hex) + 0x0000 + 0x001 + 0x002 + 0x003
0x61E0 BSP_P0 BSP_P1 BSP_P2 BSP_P3
0x61E4 BSP_D0 BSP_D1 BSP_D2 BSP_D3
0x61F8 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7

25.12.2 Register Settings Update

This section contains a summary of the register settings that should be updated from their default value to
have optimal performance. For some of the registers, the setting depends on the required gain in the
receiver chain for bit rates of 1 Mbps and lower. For 2 Mbps, other values are needed, and different
values should be used for RX and TX tasks. Note that registers that are listed only in the 2-Mbps table
should have their default values when operating at 1 Mbps and lower, and vice versa.

Table 25-24. Registers That Should Be Updated From Their Default Value,
Bit Rates 1 Mbps and Lower
Standard Gain: High Gain:
Register Name Address (Hex) Description
New Value (Hex) (1) New Value (Hex)
Amplitude weight in frequency offset
FRMCTRL0 6180 43 43 compensation (assuming sync word
included in CRC and MSB first)
Sync word correlation threshold (32-bit
MDMCTRL1 6191 48 48
sync word)
Use inverse of preamble for frequency
MDMCTRL2 6192 C0 C0
offset estimation (assuming MSB first)
Set RSSI mode to peak detect after
MDMCTRL3 6193 63 63
RXCTRL 619A 33 3F Receiver currents
FSCTRL 619B 55 5A Prescaler and mixer currents
LNAGAIN 61A0 3A 7F LNA gain
Sets TX anti-aliasing filter to appropriate
TXPOWER 6186 E1 E1 TX power (0 dBm)
TXCTRL 6187 19 19 DAC current
IVCTRL 6265 1B 1B PA, mixer, and DAC bias
Not all modulation types are characterized for the standard gain setting; see the CC2541 2.4-GHz Bluetooth low energy and
Proprietary System-on-Chip data sheet (SWRS110).

Table 25-25. Registers That Should Be Updated From Their Default Value, Bit Rate 2 Mbps
Register Name Address (Hex) RX Tasks TX Tasks Description
Amplitude weight in frequency offset
FRMCTRL0 6180 43 43 compensation (assuming sync word is
included in CRC and MSB first)
Sync word correlation threshold (32-bit sync
MDMCTRL1 6191 48 48
Use inverse of preamble for frequency offset
MDMCTRL2 6192 CC CC estimation (assuming MSB first); set extra
preamble bytes
MDMCTRL3 6193 63 63 Set RSSI mode to peak detect after sync
RXCTRL 619A 29 29 Receiver currents

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Table 25-25. Registers That Should Be Updated From Their Default Value, Bit Rate 2
Mbps (continued)
Register Name Address (Hex) RX Tasks TX Tasks Description
FSCTRL 619B 5A 5A Prescaler and mixer currents
ADCTEST0 61A2 66 66 Reduce ADC gain
Select dc offset compensation method;
MDMTEST0 61A5 0F 01
change RSSI averaging
TXFILTCFG 61BC 03 03 Transmit filter bandwidth
PRF_PKT_CONF 6003 06 06 Enable AGC and start tone
Set 1-MHz TX IF and dc write-back; for TX
tasks also special dc offset compensation
TXPOWER 6186 E1 E1 TX power (0 dBm)
TXCTRL 6187 19 19 DAC current
IVCTRL 6265 1B 1B PA, mixer, and DAC bias

The values for FRMCTRL0, MDMCTRL2, and PRF_PKT_CONF may require further adjustment based on the
frame format, and the correlation threshold in MDMCTRL1 should be adjusted according to the sync word
length, see Section 25.7.
In addition to these modifications, registers must be set in order to set up the modulation format, packet
handling, and so forth, as explained throughout this chapter.

25.12.3 SFR Register Descriptions

RFIRQF0 (0xE9) – RF Interrupt Flags

Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 – 0000 R0 Reserved
3 RXTHSHUP 0 R/W0 RX FIFO goes above its upper threshold.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
2 TXTHSHUP 0 R/W0 TX FIFO goes above its upper threshold.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
1 RXTHSHDN 0 R/W0 RX FIFO goes below its lower threshold.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
0 TXTHSHDN 0 R/W0 TX FIFO goes below its lower threshold.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending

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RFIRQF1 (0x91) – RF Interrupt Flags
Name Reset R/W Description
7 PINGRSP 0 R/W0 When receiving a CMD_PING command, the LLE responds with a
PINGRSP. This can be used for checking that the LLE is running.
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
6 TASKDONE 0 R/W0 TX FIFO packet completed
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
5 TXDONE 0 R/W0 Task ended
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
4 RXEMPTY 0 R/W0 Empty packet received
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
3 RXIGNORED 0 R/W0 Packet received with unexpected sequence number
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
2 RXNOK 0 R/W0 Packet received with CRC error
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
1 TXFLUSHED 0 R/W0 TX ACK buffer flushed
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
0 RXOK 0 R/W0 Packet received correctly
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending

RFERRF (0xBF) – RF Error Interrupt Flags

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R/W0 Reserved
6 RXFIFOFULL 0 R/W0 RX FIFO is full when trying to store received data
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
5 LLEERR 0 R/W0 LLE command or parameter error
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
4 RXTXABO 0 R/W0 Receive or transmit operation aborted
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
3 RXOVERF 0 R/W0 RX FIFO overflow
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
2 TXOVERF 0 R/W0 TX FIFO overflow
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
1 RXUNDERF 0 R/W0 RX FIFO underflow
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending
0 TXUNDERF 0 R/W0 TX FIFO underflow
0: No interrupt pending
1: Interrupt pending

RFD (0xD9) – RF data

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RFD[7:0] 0x00 R/W Data written to the register is written to the TX FIFO. When reading this
register, data from the RX FIFO is read.

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RFST (0xE1) – LLE and FIFO commands

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RFST[7:0] 0x00 R/WH0 Commands to radio are written to this register. The register is cleared (set
to 0x00) when the radio is ready for a new command. XREG Register Descriptions

FRMCTRL0 (0x6180) – Frame Control

Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 FOC_MAGN_CONT[2:0] 000 R/W Controls how signal amplitude is weighted into the frequency offset
compensation scheme.
000: Magnitude has no effect
001 to 111: Low-to-high weighting of the magnitude
4:2 – 000 R/W Reserved always write 0.
1 SW_CRC_MODE 0 R/W 0: The sync word is not included in the CRC calculation.
1: The sync word is included in the CRC calculation. Only to be used with
whitening disabled.
0 ENDIANNESS 0 R/W 0: The data goes LSB-first over the air.
1: The data goes MSB-first over the air.

RFIRQM0 (0x6181) – RF Interrupt Masks

Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 – 0000 R0 Reserved
3 RXTHSHUP 0 R/W RX FIFO goes above its upper threshold.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 TXTHSHUP 0 R/W TX FIFO goes above its upper threshold.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 RXTHSHDN 0 R/W RX FIFO goes below its lower threshold.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 TXTHSHDN 0 R/W TX FIFO goes below its lower threshold.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled

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RFIRQM1 (0x6182) – RF Interrupt Masks
Name Reset R/W Description
7 PINGRSP 0 R/W When receiving a CMD_PING command, the LLE responds with a
PINGRSP. This can be used for checking that the LLE is running.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
6 TASKDONE 0 R/W TX FIFO packet completed
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
5 TXDONE 0 R/W Task ended
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
4 RXEMPTY 0 R/W Empty packet received
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
3 RXIGNORED 0 R/W Packet received with unexpected sequence number
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 RXNOK 0 R/W Packet received with CRC error
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 TXFLUSHED 0 R/W TX ACK buffer flushed
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 RXOK 0 R/W Packet received correctly
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled

RFERRM (0x6183) – RF Error Interrupt Masks

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R/W Reserved
6 RXFIFOFULL 0 R/W RX FIFO is full when trying to store received data.
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
5 LLEERR 0 R/W LLE command or parameter error
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
4 RXTXABO 0 R/W Receive or transmit operation aborted
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
3 RXOVERF 0 R/W RX FIFO overflow
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
2 TXOVERF 0 R/W TX FIFO overflow
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
1 RXUNDERF 0 R/W RX FIFO underflow
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled
0 TXUNDERF 0 R/W TX FIFO underflow
0: Interrupt disabled
1: Interrupt enabled

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FREQCTRL (0x6184) – Synthesizer Frequency Control

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as zero
6:0 FREQ[6:0] 0x16 R/W Frequency control word. Controls frequency of local oscillator. See
Section 25.5 for the relation between the LO frequency and the RF
ƒLO = (2379 + FREQ[6:0]) MHz
The frequency word in FREQ[6:0] is an offset value from 2379 MHz. The
device supports the frequency range from 2379 MHz to 2495 MHz. The
usable settings for FREQ[6:0] are consequently 0 to 116. Settings outside
this range (117–127) give a frequency of 2495 MHz.

FREQTUNE (0x6185) – Crystal Oscillator Frequency Tuning

Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 – 0x0 R0 Reserved. Read as zero
3:0 XOSC32M_TUNE[3:0] 0xF R/W Tune crystal oscillator. The default setting of 1111 leaves the XOSC not
tuned. Changing setting from default switches in extra capacitance to the
oscillator, effectively lowering the XOSC frequency. Hence, a higher
setting gives a higher frequency.

TXPOWER (0x6186) – Output Power Control

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 PA_POWER[7:0] 0xF5 R/W PA power control. NOTE: This value should be updated. See the device
data sheet (Appendix C) for recommended values.

TXCTRL (0x6187) – TX Settings

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved
6 – 1 R/W Reserved
5:4 DAC_CURR[1:0] 10 R/W Change the current in the DAC to change the current steps
3:2 DAC_DC[1:0] 10 R/W Adjusts the dc level to the TX mixer.
1:0 TXMIX_CURRENT[1:0] 01 R/W Transmit mixers core current: Current increases with increasing setting.

LLESTAT (0x6188) – LLE Status

Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 – 000 R0 Reserved
4 AGC_LOWGAIN 0 R 1 if the AGC algorithm has reduced the front-end gain; 0 otherwise
3 WAIT_T2E1 0 R Indication on the LLE waiting for Timer 2 event 1 to start a task
0: Not waiting for Timer 2 event 1
1: Command processed, event 1 not yet received
2 LLE_IDLE 0 R Link-layer engine idle
0: The LLE is busy processing or finishing a command, or in reset.
1: The LLE is idle waiting for a command to start a new task.
1 SYNC_SEARCH 0 R RX search for sync
0: The modem is not ready to receive a packet
1: The modem is in search for a sync word or is receiving a packet
0 VCO_ON 0 R VCO on
0: The VCO is powered down, so the next RX or TX operation must start
and calibrate the synthesizer before transmitting or receiving
1: The VCO is powered up. If the LLE is idle, it means the next task starts
quickly if frequency programming is disabled (PRF_CHAN.FREQ =

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SEMAPHORE0 (0x618A) – Semaphore for Accessing RF Data Memory
Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 R0 Reserved, read as 0
set to 0. SEMAPHORE can only be set to 1 by a reset or by writing 1 to

SEMAPHORE1 (0x618B) – Semaphore for Accessing RF Data Memory

Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 R0 Reserved, read as 0
set to 0. SEMAPHORE can only be set to 1 by a reset or by writing 1 to

SEMAPHORE2 (0x618C) – Semaphore

Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 – 0000 R0 Reserved, read as 0
set to 0. SEMAPHORE can only be set to 1 by a reset or by writing 1 to

RFSTAT (0x618D) – RF Core Status

Name Reset R/W Description
7 MOD_UNDERFLOW 0 R/W0 Modulator has underflowed. Must be cleared by software
6:5 DEM_STATUS 00 R Demodulator status
00: Idle
01: Active
10: Finishing
11: Error
4 SFD 0 R High when the sync word has been sent in TX or when sync has been
obtained in RX
3 CAL_RUNNING 0 R Frequency synthesizer calibration status.
0: Calibration done or not started
1: Calibration in progress
2 LOCK_STATUS 0 R 1 when PLL is in lock; 0 otherwise
1 TX_ACTIVE 0 R Status signal, active when the LLE is in one of the transmit states
0 RX_ACTIVE 0 R Status signal, active when the LLE is in one of the receive states

RSSI (0x618E) – Received Signal Strength Indicator

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RSSI_VAL[7:0] 0x80 R RSSI estimate on a logarithmic scale. Unit is 1 dB; offset depends on the
gain of the RX chain, including external components; see the device data
sheet. The reset value of 0x80 also indicates that the RSSI value is invalid
or the measurement is not yet complete.

RFPSRND (0x618F) – Pseudorandom Number Generator

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RNG_DOUT[7:0] 0x00 R The value read from the pseudorandom number generator, see
Chapter 14. Reading this register causes the shift register to be updated
with 13 times rollout.

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MDMCTRL0 (0x6190) – Modem Configuration

Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 FOC_DECAY[1:0] 00 R/W Controls decay ratio of frequency offset compensation mechanism. Value
by which to increment preamble cost function at each decay
00: 8
01: 16
10: 32
11: 64
5 TX_IF 0 R/W 0: Modulation is done at an IF set by rfr_tx_tone.
1: Modulator outputs tone set by rfr_tx_tone.
4:1 MODULATION[3:0] 0010 R/W Modulation scheme
0010: GFSK 250-kHz deviation, 1-Mbps data rate
0011: GFSK 500-kHz deviation, 2-Mbps data rate
0100: GFSK 160-kHz deviation, 250-kbps data rate
0110: GFSK 160-kHz deviation, 1-Mbps data rate
0111: GFSK 320-kHz deviation, 2-Mbps data rate
1000: MSK, 250-kbps data rate
1001: MSK, 500-kbps data rate
Others: Reserved
0 PHASE_INVERT 0 R/W Set one of two RF modulation modes for RX or TX
0: Normal (binary 0 represented with negative frequency deviation, binary
1 represented with positive frequency deviation)
1: Inverted phase (binary 0 represented with positive frequency deviation,
binary 1 represented with negative frequency deviation)

MDMCTRL1 (0x6191) – Modem Configuration

Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 FOC_MODE 01 R/W Frequency-offset average filter behavior
00: No frequency-offset compensation done
01: Freeze frequency-offset estimate after sync
10: Continuously estimate and remove frequency offset
11: Freeze the frequency-offset estimate after sync, use double decay rate
5 – 0 R0 Reserved
4:0 CORR_THR[4:0] 0 1111 R/W Demodulator correlator threshold value, used in sync search. Optimal
threshold value depends on SW_CONF.SW_LEN. CORR_THR adjusts
how the receiver synchronizes to data from the radio. If threshold is set
too low, sync can more easily be found on noise. If set too high, the
sensitivity is reduced but sync is not likely to be found on noise.

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MDMCTRL2 (0x6192) – Modem Configuration
Name Reset R/W Description
7 SW_BIT_ORDER 0 R/W 0: The sync word is transmitted LSB to MSB (from SYNC_WORD[0] to
SYNC_WORD[31]), and in receive the correlator expects this bit
1: The sync word is transmitted MSB to LSB (from SYNC_WORD[31]
to SYNC_WORD[0]), and in receive the correlator expects this bit
6 DEM_PREAM_MODE 0 R/W Use PREAM_SEL[1:0] or 1s complement of PREAM_SEL[1:0] for
frequency offset estimation.
0: PREAM_SEL[1:0]
1: 1s complement of PREAM_SEL[1:0]
5:4 PREAM_SEL[1:0] 00 R/W 00: Select preamble based on first bit of sync word; last bit of preamble is
inverse of first bit of sync word.
01: Select preamble based on first bit of sync word; last bit of preamble is
same as first bit of sync word.
10: Use preamble 0101 0101
11: Use preamble 1010 1010
3:0 NUM_PREAM_BYTES[3:0] 0000 R/W The number of preamble bytes to be sent in TX mode prior to the sync
0000: 1 leading preamble byte
0001: 2 leading preamble bytes
0010: 3 leading preamble bytes
0011: 4 leading preamble bytes

1111: 16 leading preamble bytes

MDMCTRL3 (0x6193) – Modem Configuration

Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 SYNC_MODE[1:0] 01 R/W 00: Correlation value above threshold is sufficient as sync criterion.
01: Correlation value above threshold and data decision on all symbols of
sync word is used as sync criterion.
10: Correlation value above threshold and data decision on all symbols of
sync word is used as sync criterion. Accept one bit error in sync word
11: Reserved
5 RAMP_AMP 1 R/W 1: Enable ramping of DAC output amplitude during start-up and finish.
0: Disable ramping of DAC output amplitude.
4:3 RFC_SNIFF_CTRL[1:0] 00 R/W Enable and disable rfc_sniff.
00: Sniffer disabled
01: Output data out of the BSP
10: Output data out of the modulator before the BSP
11: Output data out of the demodulator before the BSP
2 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0.
1:0 RSSI_MODE[1:0] 00 R/W Controls mode of RSSI
00 : Continuous mode
01 : Freeze estimate at sync
10 : Peak detect
11 : Continuous before sync, peak detect after sync

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SW_CONF (0x6194) – Sync Word Configuration

Name Reset R/W Description
7 DUAL_RX 0 R/W 0: Only search for primary SW
1: Search for both primary and secondary SW
6 – 0 R/W Reserved. Always write 0.
5 SW_RX 0 R 0: Primary SW received
1: Secondary SW received
Valid only when RFSTAT.SFD is 1
4:0 SW_LEN[4:0] 0 0000 R/W Determines how many of the bits in SYNC_WORD are to be used. This
allows for arbitrary sync word lengths.
0 0000: 32-bit SW
0 0001 to 0 11111: Reserved
1 0000: 16-bit SW
1 0001: 17-bit SW
1 0010: 18-bit SW
1 0011: 19-bit SW

1 1111: 31-bit SW

SW0 (0x6195) – Primary Sync Word Byte 0

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SYNC_WORD[7:0] 0x00 R/W Contains bits 7:0 of the primary synchronization word

SW1 (0x6196) – Primary Sync Word Byte 1

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SYNC_WORD[15:8] 0x00 R/W Contains bits 15:8 of the primary synchronization word

SW2 (0x6197) – Primary Sync Word Byte 2

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SYNC_WORD[23:16] 0x00 R/W Contains bits 23:16 of the primary synchronization word

SW3 (0x6198) – Primary Sync Word Byte 3

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SYNC_WORD[31:24] 0x00 R/W Contains bits 31:24 of the primary synchronization word

SW4 (0x61F8) – Secondary Sync Word Byte 0

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SYNC_WORD2[7:0] 0x00 R/W Contains bits 7:0 of the secondary synchronization word

SW5 (0x61F9) – Secondary Sync Word Byte 1

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SYNC_WORD2[15:8] 0x00 R/W Contains bits 15:8 of the secondary synchronization word

SW6 (0x61FA) – Secondary Sync Word Byte 2

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SYNC_WORD2[23:16] 0x00 R/W Contains bits 23:16 of the secondary synchronization word

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SW7 (0x61FB) – Secondary Sync Word Byte 3
Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SYNC_WORD2[31:24] 0x00 R/W Contains bits 31:24 of the secondary synchronization word

FREQEST (0x6199) – Estimated RF Frequency Offset

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FREQEST[7:0] 0x00 R Signed value. Contains an estimate of the frequency offset between
carrier and the receiver frequency. FOC_MODE controls when this
estimate is updated.

RXCTRL (0x619A) – Receive Section Tuning

Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved
5:4 GBIAS_LNA2_REF[1:0] 10 R/W Adjusts front-end LNA2/mixer PTAT current output (M =
GBIAS_LNA2_REF[1:0] + 3), default: M = 5.
3:2 GBIAS_LNA_REF[1:0] 10 R/W Adjusts front-end LNA PTAT current output (M = GBIAS_LNA_REF[1:0]
+ 3), default: M = 5.
1:0 MIX_CURRENT[1:0] 01 R/W Control of the output-current consumption of the receiver mixers. The
current increases with increasing setting.

FSCTRL (0x619B) – Frequency Synthesizer Tuning

Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 PRE_CURRENT [1:0] 01 R/W Prescaler current setting
5:4 LODIV_BUF_CURRENT_TX 01 R/W Adjusts current in mixer and PA buffers (lodiv_buf_current). Used when
[1:0] lle_tx_active = 1
3:2 LODIV_BUF_CURRENT_RX 01 R/W Adjusts current in mixer and PA buffers (lodiv_buf_current). Used when
[1:0] lle_tx_active = 0
1:0 LODIV_CURRENT [1:0] 01 R/W Adjusts divider currents, except mixer and PA buffers.

LNAGAIN (0x61A0) – LNA Gain Setting

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved, read as 0
6:5 LNA1_CURRENT[1:0] 11 R/W Gain setting, LNA1
00: 0-dB gain (reference level)
01: 3-dB gain
10: Reserved
11: 6-dB gain
4:2 LNA2_CURRENT[2:0] 111 R/W Gain setting, LNA2
000: 0-dB gain (reference level)
001: 3-dB gain
010: 6-dB gain
011: 9-dB gain
100: 12-dB gain
101: 15-dB gain
110: 18-dB gain
111: 21-dB gain
1:0 LNA3_CURRENT[1:0] 11 R/W Gain setting, LNA3
00: 0-dB gain (reference level)
01: 3-dB gain
10: 6-dB gain
11: 9-dB gain

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AAFGAIN (0x61A1) – AAF Gain Setting

Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 – 0000 00 R0 Reserved. Read as zero
1:0 AAF_GAIN[1:0] 11 R/W Controls attenuation in AAF
00: 9-dB attenuation in AAF
01: 6-dB attenuation in AAF
10: 3-dB attenuation in AAF
11: 0-dB attenuation in AAF (reference level)

ADCTEST0 (0x61A2) – ADC Tuning

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 ADC_ADJ[7:0] 0x10 R/W Adjust ADC gain

MDMTEST0 (0x61A5) – Modem Configuration

Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 RSSI_ACC[2:0] 101 R/W RSSI accuracy
000: 5.33-µs average window
001: Mean of two 5.33-µs average windows
010: Reserved
011: Mean of four 5.33-µs average windows
100: 21.3-µs average window
101: Mean of two 21.3-µs average windows
110: Reserved
111: Mean of four 21.3-µs average windows
4 – 0 R/W Reserved, always write 0.
3:2 DC_BLOCK_LENGTH[1:0] 00 R/W Controls the number of samples to be accumulated between each dump of
the accumulate-and-dump filter used in dc removal.
00: 16 samples
01: 32 samples
10: 64 samples
11: 128 samples
1:0 DC_BLOCK_MODE[1:0] 01 R/W Selects the mode of operation:
00 : Manual override mode
01 : Enable dc cancellation. Normal operation
10 : Freeze estimates of dc when sync is found. Start estimating dc again
when searching for the next frame.
11 : Delayed dc offset estimate used. Delay set by
MDMTEST1.DC_DELAY. Until the first estimate is ready, the manual
override value is used.

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MDMTEST1 (0x61A6) – Modem Configuration
Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 DC_DELAY 00 R/W Controls delay of dc estimate delayed dc block mode. Delay unit is set by
00: 5 delays
01: 6 delays
10: 7 delays
11: 8 delays
5 RX_IF 0 R/W Controls mixer frequency in demodulator (not 2 Mbps)
0: 1 MHz
1: –1 MHz
For 2 Mbps, always write 0. The receiver then operates at zero IF.
4:0 TX_TONE[4:0] 0 0000 R/W Controls baseband frequency of transmission
Note: If MDMCTRL0.PHASE_INVERT is 1, the sign of the frequency
is inverted
0: –8 MHz
1: –6 MHz
2: –4 MHz
3: –3 MHz
4: –2 MHz
5: –1 MHz
6: –500 kHz
7: –250 kHz
8: –125 kHz
9: –4 kHz
10: 0 Hz
11: 4 kHz
12: 125 kHz
13: 250 kHz
14: 500 kHz
15: 1 MHz
16: 2 MHz
17: 3 MHz
18: 4 MHz
19: 6 MHz
20: 8 MHz

ATEST (0x61A9) – Analog Test Control

Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved. Read as zero
5:0 ATEST_CTRL[5:0] 00 0000 R/W Controls the analog test mode:
00 0000: Disabled
00 0001: Enables the temperature sensor (see also the TR0 register
description in #IMPLIED).Other values reserved.

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RFC_OBS_CTRL0 (0x61AE) – RF Observation Mux Control 0

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 RFC_OBS_POL0 0 R/W The signal chosen by RFC_OBS_MUX0 is XORed with this bit
5:0 RFC_OBS_MUX0 00 0000 R/W Controls which observable signal from rf_core is to be muxed out to
rfc_obs_sigs(0); see Section 7.9.
00 0111: rfc_sniff_data – Data from packet sniffer, see Section 25.11
00 1000: rfc_sniff_clk – Clock for packet sniffer data, see Section 25.11
00 1001: tx_active
00 1010: rx_active
00 1011: vco_on – VCO on
Low: The VCO is powered down, so the next RX or TX operation must
start and calibrate the synthesizer before transmitting or receiving.
High: The VCO is powered up. If the LLE is idle, it means the next task
starts quickly if frequency programming is disabled (PRF_CHAN.FREQ
= 127).
00 1100: sync_search – RX search for sync
Low: The modem is not ready to receive a packet.
High: The modem is in search for a sync word or receiving a packet.
00 1101: lle_idle – Link-layer engine idle
Low: The LLE is busy processing or finishing a command, or in reset.
High: The LLE is idle waiting for a command to start a new task.
00 1110: wait_t2e1 – Indication on the LLE waiting for Timer 2 event 1 to
start a task
Low: Not waiting for Timer 2 event 1
High: Command processed, event 1 not yet received
00 1111: agc_lowgain – High if the AGC algorithm has reduced the front-
end gain; low otherwise
01 0011: fsc_lock – High when PLL is in lock; low otherwise
01 1011: pa_pd - Power amplifier power-down signal
10 1100: lnamix_pd - Low-noise amplifier power-down signal
11 0000: dem_sync_found - High when demodulator has detected a sync
word. Stays high until end of packet.
11 0001: mod_sync_sent - High when modulator has sent a sync word.
Stays high until end of packet.
Others: Reserved

RFC_OBS_CTRL1 (0x61AF) – RF Observation Mux Control 1

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as 0
6 RFC_OBS_POL1 0 R/W The signal chosen by RFC_OBS_MUX1 is XORed with this bit.
5:0 RFC_OBS_MUX1 00 0000 R/W Controls which observable signal from rf_core is to be muxed out to
rfc_obs_sigs(1). See description of RFC_OBS_CTRL0.

RFC_OBS_CTRL2 (0x61B0) – RF Observation Mux Control 2

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reseved. Read as 0
6 RFC_OBS_POL2 0 R/W The signal chosen by RFC_OBS_MUX2 is XORed with this bit.
5:0 RFC_OBS_MUX2 00 0000 R/W Controls which observable signal from rf_core is to be muxed out to
rfc_obs_sigs(2). See description of RFC_OBS_CTRL0.

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LLECTRL (0x61B1) – LLE Control
Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 – 0000 0 R0 Reseved. Read as 0
2:1 LLE_MODE_SEL 00 R/W LLE mode. Changing this field has no effect unless LLE_EN is changed
from 0 to 1.
00: Proprietary mode (described in this chapter)
01: BLE mode (only for use by the BLE stack)
Others: Reserved
0 LLE_EN 0 R/W Must be set to 0 before entering PM2 or PM3, otherwise the behavior of
the RF core after waking up may be unpredictable.
0: LLE held in reset
1: LLE enabled

TXFILTCFG (0x61BC) – TX Filter Configuration

Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 – 0000 R0 Reserved
3:2 – 11 R/W Reserved
1:0 FC 11 R/W Sets TX anti-aliasing filter to appropriate bandwidth. Reduces spurious
emissions close to signal. For the best value to use, see Table 25-24 and
Table 25-25.

RFRND (0x61BF) – Random Data

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RND 0x00 R Random bits, provided analog part is in random number generation mode
(receiver running without sync)

RFRAMCFG (0x61C0) – Radio RAM Configuration

Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 – 0000 1 R Reserved
2:0 PRE 000 R/W Selects active memory page for RF core data memory

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RFFDMA0, (0x61C3) – Radio DMA Trigger 0 Control

Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 – 000 R Reserved
4:0 DMA0 0 0000 R/W Generate a pulse on radio DMA trigger 0 (DMA trigger 19) when:
0 0000: Never
0 0001: A byte is read from RX FIFO and more bytes remain or when a
byte arrives in RX FIFO and it was previously empty.
0 0010: A byte is written to RX FIFO and there is available space left or
when there becomes available space when the RX FIFO was full.
0 0011: RX FIFO is empty.
0 0100: RX FIFO is full.
0 0101: RX FIFO length equals RFRXFTHRS after a write to RX FIFO.
0 0110: RX FIFO is read when its size equals RFRXFTHRS.
0 0111: RX FIFO is reset (see Table 25-2).
0 1000: RX FIFO is deallocated (see Table 25-2).
0 1001: RX FIFO is retried (see Table 25-2).
0 1010: RX FIFO is discarded (see Table 25-2).
0 1011: RX FIFO is committed (see Table 25-2).
0 1100–0 1111: Reserved (never)
1 0000: Never
1 0001: A byte is read from TX FIFO and more bytes remain or when a
byte arrives in TX FIFO and it was previously empty.
1 0010: A byte is written to TX FIFO and there is available space left or
when there becomes available space when the TX FIFO was full.
1 0011: TX FIFO is empty.
1 0100: TX FIFO is full.
1 0101: TX FIFO length equals RFTXFTHRS after a write to TX FIFO.
1 0110: TX FIFO is read when its size equals RFTXFTHRS.
1 0111: TX FIFO is reset (see Table 25-2).
1 1000: TX FIFO is deallocated (see Table 25-2).
1 1001: TX FIFO is retried (see Table 25-2).
1 1010: TX FIFO is discarded (see Table 25-2).
1 1011: TX FIFO is committed (see Table 25-2).
1 1100–1 1111: Reserved (never)

RFFDMA1, (0x61C4) – Radio DMA Trigger 1 Control

Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 – 000 R Reserved
4:0 DMA1 0 0000 R/W Condition for generating a pulse on radio DMA trigger 1 (DMA trigger 11).
See RFFDMA0 for the list of conditions.

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RFFSTATUS (0x61C5) – FIFO Status
Name Reset R/W Description
7 TXAVAIL 0 R 0: No readable data in TX FIFO
1: Readable data present in TX FIFO
6 TXFEMPTY 1 R 0: Data present in TX FIFO
1: TX FIFO is empty
5 TXDTHEX 1 R 0: There is less data in TX FIFO than the threshold amount given by
1: There is more than or equal amount of data in TX FIFO than the
threshold amount given by RFTXFTHRS
4 TXFFULL 0 R 0: TX FIFO has available space
1: TX FIFO is full
3 RXAVAIL 0 R 0: No readable data in RX FIFO
1: Readable data present in RX FIFO
2 RXFEMPTY 1 R 0: Data present in RX FIFO
1: RX FIFO is empty
1 RXDTHEX 1 R 0: There is less data in RX FIFO than the threshold amount given by
1: There is more than or equal amount of data in RX FIFO than the
threshold amount given by RFRXFTHRS
0 RXFFULL 0 R 0: RX FIFO has available space
1: RX FIFO is full

RFFCFG (0x61C6) – FIFO Configuration

Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R Reserved
5 TXAUTOCOMMIT 1 R/W 0: Commit TX FIFO only on command 0x95
1: Always set RFTXSWP = RFTXWP
4 TXFAUTODEALLOC 0 R/W 0: Deallocate TX FIFO only on command 0x92
1: Always set RFTXFSRP = RFTXFRP.
3:2 – 00 R Reserved
1 RXAUTOCOMMIT 0 R/W 0: Commit RX FIFO only on command 0x85
1: Always set RFRXSWP = RFRXWP
0 RXFAUTODEALLOC 1 R/W 0: Deallocate RX FIFO only on command 0x82
1: Always set RFRXFSRP = RFRXFRP.

RFRXFLEN (0x61C8) – RX FIFO Length

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 D 0x00 R Amount of data present in RX FIFO

RFRXFTHRS (0x61C9) – RX FIFO Threshold

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 D 000 R/W Threshold value for RX FIFO

RFRXFWR (0x61CA) – RX FIFO Write Register

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 D 0x00 W Data written to this register is written to the RX FIFO address at offset
RFRXFWP from the start of the RX FIFO area (see Figure 25-1).
incremented by 1 modulo 0x80 unless the write fails.

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RFRXFRD (0x61CB) – RX FIFO Read Register

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 D 0x00 R When this register is read, the data in RX FIFO address offset RFRXFRP
from the start of the RX FIFO area is returned (see Figure 25-1).
incremented by 1 modulo 0x80 unless the read fails.

RFRXFWP (0x61CC) – RX FIFO Write Pointer

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 D 000 R/W RX FIFO write pointer. This is the offset into the RX FIFO to which the
0000 next write operation writes.

RFRXFRP (0x61CD) – RX FIFO Read Pointer

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 D 000 R/W RX FIFO read pointer. This is the offset into the RX FIFO from which the
0000 next read operation reads.

RFRXFSWP (0x61CE) – RX FIFO Start-of-Frame Write Pointer

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 D 000 R/W RX FIFO start of written package. This is the point to which the write
0000 pointer can be reset if a discard command is issued.

RFRXFSRP (0x61CF) – RX FIFO Start-of-Frame Read Pointer

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 D 000 R/W RX FIFO start of read package. This is the start of the allocated part of the
0000 RX FIFO.

RFTXFLEN (0x61D0) – TX FIFO Length

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 D 0x00 R Amount of data present in TX FIFO

RFTXFTHRS (0x61D1) – TX FIFO Threshold

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 D 000 R/W Threshold value for TX FIFO

RFTXFWR (0x61D2) – TX FIFO Write Register

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 D 0x00 W Data written to this register is written to the TX FIFO address at offset
RFTXFWP from the start of the TX FIFO area (see Figure 25-1) is
returned. RFTXFWP (and RFTXFSWP if
RFFCFG.TXAUTODEALLOC = 1) is incremented by 1 modulo 0x80
unless the write fails.

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RFTXFRD (0x61D3) – TX FIFO Read Register
Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 D 0x00 R When this register is read, the data in TX FIFO address offset RFTXFRP
from the start of the TX FIFO area is returned (see Figure 25-1).
incremented by 1 modulo 0x80 unless the read fails.

RFTXFWP (0x61D4) – TX FIFO Write Pointer

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 D 000 R/W TX FIFO write pointer. This is the offset into TX FIFO the next write
0000 operation writes to.

RFTXFRP (0x61D5) – TX FIFO Read Pointer

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 D 000 R/W TX FIFO read pointer. This is the offset into TX FIFO the next read
0000 operation reads from.

RFTXFSWP (0x61D6) – TX FIFO Start-of-Frame Write Pointer

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 D 000 R/W TX FIFO start of written package. This is the point to which the write
0000 pointer can be reset if a discard command is issued.

RFTXFSRP (0x61D7) – TX FIFO Start-of-Frame Read Pointer

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R Reserved
6:0 D 0x00 R/W TX FIFO start-of-read package. This is the start of the allocated part of the

BSP_P0 (0x61E0) – CRC Polynomial Byte 0

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P[7:0] 0x00 R/W Bits 7:0 of p register in CRC sub-module

BSP_P1 (0x61E1) – CRC Polynomial Byte 1

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P[15:8] 0x5B R/W Bits 15:8 of p register in CRC sub-module

BSP_P2 (0x61E2) – CRC Polynomial Byte 2

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P[23:16] 0x06 R/W Bits 23:16 of p register in CRC sub-module

BSP_P3 (0x61E3) – CRC Polynomial Byte 3

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P[31:24] 0x00 R/W Bits 31:24 of p register in CRC sub-module

SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014 CC2541 Proprietary Mode Radio 339
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Registers www.ti.com

BSP_D0 (0x61E4) – CRC Value Byte 0

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 D[7:0] 0x00 R/W Bits 7:0 of d register in CRC sub-module

BSP_D1 (0x61E5) – CRC Value Byte 1

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 D[15:8] 0x5B R/W Bits 15:8 of d register in CRC sub-module

BSP_D2 (0x61E6) – CRC Value Byte 2

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 D[23:16] 0x06 R/W Bits 23:16 of d register in CRC sub-module

BSP_D3 (0x61E7) – CRC Value Byte 3

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 D[31:24] 0x00 R/W Bits 31:24 of d register in CRC sub-module

BSP_W (0x61E8) – Whitener Value

Name Reset R/W Description
7 W_PN9_RESET 0 R0 When a 1 is written to this bit, the CC2500-compatible whitener is reset,
and all bits in the s and b registers are set to 1.
6:0 W[6:0] 110 R/W Write: Writes all whitening registers. w6 is set to BSP_W[0], w5 is set to
0101 BSP_W[1] and so on up to w1 is set to BSP_W[5]. w0 is set to 1.
Read: Reads back w register. BSP_W[0] is set to w6, BSP_W[1] is
set to w5 and so on up to BSP_W[6] is set to w0.

BSP_MODE (0x61E9) – Bit Stream Processor Configuration

Name Reset R/W Description
7 – 0 R0 Reserved. Read as zero
6 CP_BUSY 0 R Coprocessor mode busy. Goes to 1 after a byte has been written to
BSP_DATA. Goes to 0 when a byte is ready to be read back from
5 CP_READOUT 0 R/W Coprocessor mode readout
4 CP_END 0 R/W Endianness of data in coprosessor mode.
0: LSB processed first
1: MSB processed first
3:2 CP_MODE[1:0] 00 R/W Coprocessor mode
00: Coprocessor disabled
01: Coprocessor receive mode
10: Reserved
11: Coprocessor transmit mode
1 W_PN9_EN 0 R/W Enable CC2500-compatible PN9 whitener
0 W_PN7_EN 1 R/W Enable PN7 whitener

BSP_DATA (0x61EA) – Bit Stream Processor Coprocessor Data

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 BSP_DATA[7:0] 0x00 R/W When BSP_MODE.CP_BUSY = 0:
Write: Provide byte to be processed in coprocessor mode
Read: Read processed byte

340 CC2541 Proprietary Mode Radio SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014
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www.ti.com Registers
DC_I_L (0x61FC) – In-Phase DC Offset Estimate, Low Byte
Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DC_I[7:0] 0x00 R*/W When running dc estimation, this register reflects the 8 LSBs of the dc
estimate in the I channel. When manual dc override is selected, the
override value is written to this register.

DC_I_H (0x61FD) – In-Phase DC Offset Estimate, High Byte

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DC_I[15:8] 0x00 R*/W When running dc estimation, this register reflects the 8 MSBs of the dc
estimate in the I channel. When manual dc override is selected, the
override value is written to this register.

DC_Q_L (0x61FE) – Quadrature-Phase DC Offset Estimate Low Byte

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DC_Q[7:0] 0x00 R*/W When running dc estimation. this register reflects the 8 LSBs of the dc
estimate in the Q channel. When manual dc override is selected, the
override value is written to this register.

DC_Q_H (0x61FF) – Quadrature-Phase DC Offset Estimate High Byte

Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DC_Q[15:8] 0x00 R*/W When running dc estimation, this register reflects the 8 MSBs of the dc
estimate in the Q channel. When manual dc override is selected, the
override value is written to this register.

IVCTRL (0x6265) – Analog Control Register

Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 – 00 R0 Reserved
5:4 TX_MIX_LOAD 01 R/W Controls load capacitor in TX mixer
00: Minimum load
... (Intermediate loads)
11: Maximum load
3 LODIV_BIAS_CTRL 0 R/W Controls bias current to LODIV
0: IVREF bias
1: PTAT bias
2 – 0 R/W Reserved
1:0 PA_BIAS_CTRL 11 R/W Controls bias current to PA
00: IREF bias
01: IREF and IVREF bias
10: PTAT bias
11: Increased PTAT slope bias

SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014 CC2541 Proprietary Mode Radio 341
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Chapter 26
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Voltage Regulator

The digital voltage regulator is used to power the digital core. The output of this regulator is available on
the DCOUPL pin and requires capacitive decoupling to function properly (see, for example, the CC2530
reference design).
The voltage regulator is disabled in power modes PM2 and PM3 (see Chapter 4). When the voltage
regulator is disabled, register and RAM contents are retained while the unregulated 2 V to 3.6 V power
supply is present

NOTE: The voltage regulator should not be used to provide power to external circuits.

342 Voltage Regulator SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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Copyright © 2009–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Chapter 27
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Available Software

This chapter presents the various available software solutions relevant to the CC253x, CC2540, and
CC2541 family. They are all available free of charge on the TI Web site at www.ti.com/lprf when used with
TI LPRF devices.
As shown in Table 0-1 in the Preface, the members of the CC253x, CC2540, and CC2541 family have
different flash and RAM sizes; hence, they are not equally well suited for the different software offerings in
the sections below. For example, a user designing a ZigBee device should use the CC2530F256, as the
Z-Stack™ requires in most cases more than 128 KB of flash and needs the 8-KB RAM.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

27.1 SmartRF™ Software for Evaluation (www.ti.com/smartrfstudio) ............................. 344

27.2 RemoTI™ Network Protocol (www.ti.com/remoti) ................................................. 344
27.3 SimpliciTI™ Network Protocol (www.ti.com/simpliciti) .......................................... 345
27.4 TIMAC Software (www.ti.com/timac) ................................................................... 345
27.5 Z-Stack™ Software (www.ti.com/z-stack) ............................................................. 346
27.6 BLE Stack Software .......................................................................................... 346

SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014 Available Software 343

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SmartRF™ Software for Evaluation (www.ti.com/smartrfstudio) www.ti.com

27.1 SmartRF™ Software for Evaluation (www.ti.com/smartrfstudio)

Texas Instruments’ SmartRF Studio can be used for radio performance and functionality evaluation and is
great for exploring and gaining knowledge about the RF-IC products. This software helps the designers of
radio systems to evaluate the RF-ICs easily at an early stage in the design process. It is especially useful
for generation of the configuration data and for finding optimized external component values.
SmartRF Studio software runs on Microsoft™ Windows™ 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows
Vista (32 bit) and Windows 7 (32 bit). SmartRF Studio software can be downloaded from the Texas
Instruments Web page: www.ti.com/smartrfstudio (http://www.ti.com/litv/zip/swrc046m).
• Link tests. Send and receive packets between nodes
• Packet error-rate (PER) tests
• Communication with evaluation boards through the USB port or the parallel port
• Up to eight USB devices are supported on a single computer.
• Normal view with preferred register settings
• Register view with possibilities to read and write each individual register. Each register given with
detailed information
• Save or Open configuration data from file
• Save or Load register settings from file
• Export or Import register values from text file
• Exports register settings into a C-compatible software structure

27.2 RemoTI™ Network Protocol (www.ti.com/remoti)

Most existing remote controls use infrared technology to communicate commands to consumer electronics
devices. However, radio frequency (RF) remote controls enable non-line-of-sight operation and provide
more advanced features based on bidirectional RF communication.
ZigBee Radio Frequency for Consumer Electronics (RF4CE) is the result of a recent agreement between
the ZigBee Alliance and the RF4CE Consortium (http://www.zigbee.org/rf4ce) and has been designed to
be deployed in a wide range of remotely-controlled audio and visual consumer electronics products, such
as TVs and set-top boxes. ZigBee RF4CE promises you:
• Richer communication and increased reliability
• Enhanced features and flexibility
• Interoperability
• No line-of-sight barrier
The RemoTI network protocol is Texas Instruments’ implementation of the ZigBee RF4CE standard. It is a
complete solution offering hardware and software support for TI’s low-power RF product portfolio. With the
RemoTI network protocol we provide:
• The industry-leading RF4CE-compliant stack featuring the interoperable CERC profile support, a
simple API, easy-to-understand sample application code, full development kits and reference designs,
and much more.
• Operation on our best-in-class IEEE 802.15.4 compliant System-on-Chip, the CC2530, with excellent
RF co-existence and RF performance. The four flexible power modes include the lowest-current-
consumption power-down mode for long battery in life low-duty-cycle applications.
• Extensive worldwide support and tools to ensure that development of ZigBee RF4CE-based products
is simple, fast, and can be completed at minimal cost.
• The RemoTI network protocol is a Golden Unit platform; that is, it is used for testing other
implementations of the ZigBee RF4CE standard for standard compliance.
For more information on TI’s RemoTI network protocol, see the Texas Instruments RemoTI network
protocol Web site www.ti.com/remoti.

344 Available Software SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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www.ti.com SimpliciTI™ Network Protocol (www.ti.com/simpliciti)

27.3 SimpliciTI™ Network Protocol (www.ti.com/simpliciti)

The SimpliciTI network protocol is a low-power RF protocol (for sub-1 GHz, 2.4 GHz, and IEEE 802.15.4
RF ICs) targeting simple, small RF networks. This open-source software is an excellent start for building a
network with battery-operated devices using a TI low-power RF System-on-Chip (SoC). The SimpliciTI
network protocol was designed for easy implementation and deployment out-of-the-box on several TI RF
platforms. It provides several sample applications.
Key Applications
• Alarm and security: occupancy sensors, light sensors, carbon monoxide sensors, glass-breakage
• Smoke detectors
• Automatic meter reading: gas meters, water meters, e-meters
• Active RFID applications
Key Features
• Low power: A TI-proprietary low-power network protocol
• Flexible:
– Direct device-to-device communication
– Simple star with access point for store and forward to end device
– Range extenders to increase range to four hops
• Simple: uses a five-command API
• Low data rate and low duty cycle
• Ease of use
For more information about the SimpliciTI network protocol, see the Texas Instruments SimpliciTI network
protocol Web site, www.ti.com/simpliciti.

27.4 TIMAC Software (www.ti.com/timac)

TIMAC software is an IEEE 802.15.4 medium-access-control software stack for TI’s IEEE 802.15.4
transceivers and System-on-Chips.
You can use TIMAC when you:
• Need a wireless point-to-point or point-to-multipoint solution; for example, multiple sensors reporting
directly to a master
• Need a standardized wireless protocol
• Have battery-powered and/or mains-powered nodes
• Need support for acknowledgment and retransmission
• Have low data-rate requirements (around 100-kbps effective data rate)
• Support for IEEE 802.15.4 standard
• Support for beacon-enabled and non-beaconing systems
• Multiple platforms
• Easy application development
The TIMAC software stack is certified to be compliant with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. TIMAC software is
distributed as object code free of charge. There are no royalties for using TIMAC software.
For more information about TIMAC software, see the Texas Instruments TIMAC Web site

SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014 Available Software 345

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Z-Stack™ Software (www.ti.com/z-stack) www.ti.com

27.5 Z-Stack™ Software (www.ti.com/z-stack)

The Z-Stack software is TI’s ZigBee-compliant protocol stack for a growing portfolio of IEEE 802.15.4
products and platforms. The Z-Stack software stack is compliant with the ZigBee-2007 specification,
supporting both the ZigBee and ZigBee PRO features sets. The Z-Stack software includes implementation
of two ZigBee application profiles – SmartEnergy and HomeAutomation. Other application profiles can
easily be implemented by the user.
Z-Stack software notables include:
• A fully compliant ZigBee and ZigBee PRO feature set
• A range of sample applications including support for the ZigBee Smart Energy and ZigBee Home
Automation profiles
• Over-the-air download and serial boot loader support
• Can be used together with the RF front ends, CC2590 and CC2591, which support 10 dBm and 20
dBm output power, respectively, and improved receive sensitivity.
The Z-Stack software has been awarded the ZigBee Alliance's golden-unit status for both the ZigBee and
ZigBee PRO stack profiles and is used by ZigBee developers worldwide.
Z-Stack software is well suited for:
• Smart energy (AMI)
• Home automation
• Commercial building automation
• Medical, assisted living, or personal health and hospital care
• Monitoring and control applications
• Wireless sensor networks
• Alarm and security
• Asset tracking
• Applications that require interoperability
For more information about Z-Stack software, see the Texas Instruments Z-Stack software Web site

27.6 BLE Stack Software

TI’s single-mode Bluetooth low energy stack has been certified according to the Bluetooth 4.0 low energy
specification. Key features:
• Supports all BLE roles
• Range of example applications
• Multi-role capabilities
For more information about TI's BLE stack software, visit Texas Instruments Bluetooth low energy stack
software Web site at www.ti.com/blestack.

346 Available Software SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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Copyright © 2009–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Appendix A
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014


Abbreviations used in this user's guide:

AAF Anti-aliasing filter

ACK Acknowledge
ADC Analog-to-digital converter
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AGC Automatic gain control
ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Businesses
BCD Binary-coded decimal
BER Bit error rate
BLE Bluetooth low-energy
BOD Brownout detector
BOM Bill of materials
BSP Bit-stream process
CBC Cipher block chaining
CBC-MAC Cipher block chaining message authentication code
CCA Clear channel assessment
CCM Counter mode + CBC-MAC
CFB Cipher feedback
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio
CPU Central processing unit
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CSMA-CA Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
CSP Command strobe processor
CTR Counter mode (encryption)
CW Continuous wave
DAC Digital-to-analog converter
DC Direct current
DMA Direct memory access
DSM Delta-sigma modulator
DSSS Direct-sequence spread spectrum
ECB Electronic code book (encryption)
EM Evaluation module
ENOB Effective number of bits
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EVM Error vector magnitude
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCF Frame control field
FCS Frame check sequence
FFCTRL FIFO and frame control
FIFO First in, first out

SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014 Abbreviations 347

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Appendix A www.ti.com

FS Full scale
GPIO General-purpose input/output
HF High frequency
HSSD High-speed serial data
I/O Input/output
I/Q In-phase/quadrature-phase
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IF Intermediate frequency
IOC I/O controller
IRQ Interrupt request
IR Infrared
ISM Industrial, scientific and medical
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunication
IV Initialization vector
KB 1024 bytes
kbps Kilobits per second
LFSR Linear feedback shift register
LLE Link-layer engine
LNA Low-noise amplifier
LO Local oscillator
LQI Link quality indication
LSB Least-significant bit/byte
MAC Medium access control
MAC Message authentication code
MCU Microcontroller unit
MFR MAC footer
MHR MAC header
MIC Message integrity code
MISO Master in, slave out
MOSI Master out, slave in
MPDU MAC protocol data unit
MSB Most-significant bit/byte
MSDU MAC service data unit
MUX Multiplexer
NA Not applicable/available
NC Not connected
OFB Output feedback (encryption)
O-QPSK Offset – quadrature phase-shift keying
PA Power amplifier
PC Program counter
PCB Printed circuit board
PER Packet error rate
PHR PHY header
PHY Physical layer
PLL Phase-locked loop
PM1, PM2, Power mode 1, 2, and 3
PMC Power management controller
PN7, PN9 7-bit or 9-bit pseudo-random sequence
POR Power-on reset

348 Abbreviations SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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PSDU PHY service data unit
PWM Pulse-width modulator
RAM Random access memory
RBW Resolution bandwidth
RC Resistor-capacitor
RCOSC RC oscillator
RF Radio frequency
RSSI Receive signal strength indicator
RTC Real-time clock
RX Receive
SCK Serial clock
SFD Start of frame delimiter
SFR Special function register
SHR Synchronization header
SINAD Signal-to-noise and distortion ratio
SPI Serial peripheral interface
SRAM Static random-access memory
ST Sleep timer
T/R Tape and reel
T/R Transmit/receive
THD Total harmonic distortion
TI Texas Instruments
TX Transmit
UART Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
USART Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter
VCO Voltage-controlled oscillator
VGA Variable-gain amplifier
WDT Watchdog timer
XOSC Crystal oscillator

SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014 Abbreviations 349

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Appendix B
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

Additional Information

Texas Instruments offers a wide selection of cost-effective, low-power RF solutions for proprietary and
standard-based wireless applications for use in industrial and consumer applications. Our selection
includes RF transceivers, RF transmitters, RF front ends and System-on-Chips as well as various software
solutions for the sub-1 and 2.4-GHz frequency bands.
In addition, Texas Instruments provides a large selection of support collateral such as development tools,
technical documentation, reference designs, application expertise, customer support, third-party and
university programs.
The Low-Power RF E2E Online Community provides you with technical support forums, videos and blogs,
and the chance to interact with fellow engineers from all over the world.
With a broad selection of product solutions, end application possibilities, and the range of technical
support, Texas Instruments offers the broadest low-power RF portfolio. We make RF easy!
The following subsections point to where to find more information.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

B.1 Texas Instruments Low-Power RF Web Site ........................................................ 351

B.2 Low-Power RF Online Community ...................................................................... 351
B.3 Texas Instruments Low-Power RF Developer Network .......................................... 351
B.4 Low-Power RF eNewsletter ............................................................................... 351

350 Additional Information SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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Copyright © 2009–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com Texas Instruments Low-Power RF Web Site

B.1 Texas Instruments Low-Power RF Web Site

Texas Instruments’ Low-Power RF Web site has all our latest products, application and design notes, FAQ
section, news and events updates, and much more. Just go to www.ti.com/lprf.

B.2 Low-Power RF Online Community

• Forums, videos, and blogs
• RF design help
• E2E interaction - Posting one's own and reading other users' questions
Join us today at www.ti.com/lprf-forum

B.3 Texas Instruments Low-Power RF Developer Network

Texas Instruments has launched an extensive network of low-power RF development partners to help
customers speed up their application development. The network consists of recommended companies, RF
consultants, and independent design houses that provide a series of hardware module products and
design services, including:
• RF circuit, low-power RF and ZigBee design services
• Low-power RF and ZigBee module solutions and development tools
• RF certification services and RF circuit manufacturing

Need help with modules, engineering services or development tools?

Search the Low-Power RF Developer Network to find a suitable partner! www.ti.com/lprfnetwork

B.4 Low-Power RF eNewsletter

The Low-Power RF eNewsletter keeps you up to date on new products, news releases, developers’ news,
and other news and events associated with low-power RF products from TI. The Low-Power RF
eNewsletter articles include links to get more online information.
Sign up today on www.ti.com/lprfnewsletter.

SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014 Additional Information 351

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Copyright © 2009–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Appendix C
SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014


References and other useful material:

1. IEEE Std. 802.15.4-2006: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
specifications for Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs)
2. CC2530 Data Sheet (SWRS081)
3. CC2531 Data Sheet (SWRS086)
4. CC2533 Data Sheet (SWRS087)
5. CC2540 Data Sheet (SWRS084)
6. CC2541 Data Sheet (SWRS110)
7. Bluetooth® Core Technical Specification document, version 4.0
8. Universal Serial Bus Revision 2.0 specification http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/usb_20_101111.zip

352 References SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014

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Copyright © 2009–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com Revision History

Revision History

Changes from E Revision (April 2014) to F Revision ..................................................................................................... Page

• Added framed note in Section 3.4.1. .................................................................................................. 57

NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.

SWRU191F – April 2009 – Revised April 2014 Revision History 353

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Copyright © 2009–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other
changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46, latest issue, and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48, latest
issue. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and
complete. All semiconductor products (also referred to herein as “components”) are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale
supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.
TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale, in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms
and conditions of sale of semiconductor products. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary
to support this warranty. Except where mandated by applicable law, testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily
TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’ products. Buyers are responsible for their products and
applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’ products and applications, Buyers should provide
adequate design and operating safeguards.
TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or
other intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI components or services are used. Information
published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or
endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the
third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.
Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration
and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered
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Resale of TI components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that component or service
voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.
TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.
Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements
concerning its products, and any use of TI components in its applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support
that may be provided by TI. Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which
anticipate dangerous consequences of failures, monitor failures and their consequences, lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause
harm and take appropriate remedial actions. Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use
of any TI components in safety-critical applications.
In some cases, TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications. With such components, TI’s goal is to
help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and
requirements. Nonetheless, such components are subject to these terms.
No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III (or similar life-critical medical equipment) unless authorized officers of the parties
have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use.
Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or “enhanced plastic” are designed and intended for use in
military/aerospace applications or environments. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components
which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk, and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and
regulatory requirements in connection with such use.
TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949 requirements, mainly for automotive use. In any case of use of
non-designated products, TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949.
Products Applications
Audio www.ti.com/audio Automotive and Transportation www.ti.com/automotive
Amplifiers amplifier.ti.com Communications and Telecom www.ti.com/communications
Data Converters dataconverter.ti.com Computers and Peripherals www.ti.com/computers
DLP® Products www.dlp.com Consumer Electronics www.ti.com/consumer-apps
DSP dsp.ti.com Energy and Lighting www.ti.com/energy
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Interface interface.ti.com Medical www.ti.com/medical
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Power Mgmt power.ti.com Space, Avionics and Defense www.ti.com/space-avionics-defense
Microcontrollers microcontroller.ti.com Video and Imaging www.ti.com/video
RFID www.ti-rfid.com
OMAP Applications Processors www.ti.com/omap TI E2E Community e2e.ti.com
Wireless Connectivity www.ti.com/wirelessconnectivity

Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265
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