Clsi M31 A2
Clsi M31 A2
Clsi M31 A2
This document provides the currently recommended techniques for antimicrobial agent disk and dilution
susceptibility testing, criteria for quality control testing, and interpretive criteria for veterinary use.
A standard for global application developed through the NCCLS consensus process.
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Volume 22 M31-A2
A variety of laboratory techniques can be used to measure the in vitro susceptibility of bacteria to
antimicrobial agents. This document describes the standard agar disk diffusion method, as well as
standard broth dilution (macrodilution and microdilution) and agar dilution techniques. It also includes a
series of procedures designed to standardize test performance. The performance, applications, and
limitations of the current NCCLS-recommended methods are described.
The tabular information in this document presents the most current information for drug selection,
interpretation, and quality control. Only a few compounds have veterinary-specific interpretive criteria;
so, human interpretive criteria are used for the majority of compounds. As more veterinary-specific
information becomes available, these changes will be incorporated into future revisions of this document.
NCCLS. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk and Dilution Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria
Isolated from Animals; Approved Standard—Second Edition. NCCLS document M31-A2 (ISBN 1-
56238-461-9). NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898, USA
THE NCCLS consensus process, which is the mechanism for moving a document through two or more
levels of review by the healthcare community, is an ongoing process. Users should expect revised
editions of any given document. Because rapid changes in technology may affect the procedures,
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Number 6 NCCLS
ISBN 1-56238-461-9
ISSN 0273-3099
Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk and Dilution
Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Animals; Approved
Standard—Second Edition
Volume 22 Number 6
Thomas R. Shryock, Ph.D., Chairholder
Michael Apley, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Ronald N. Jones, M.D.
Donald H. Lein, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Clyde Thornsberry, Ph.D.
Robert D. Walker, Ph.D.
Jeffrey L. Watts, Ph.D., R.M. (AAM)
David G. White, Ph.D.
Ching Ching Wu, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Number 6 NCCLS
NCCLS hereby grants permission to reproduce limited portions of this publication for use in laboratory
procedure manuals at a single site, for interlibrary loan, or for use in educational programs provided that
multiple copies of such reproduction shall include the following notice, be distributed without charge,
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Permission to reproduce or otherwise use the text of this document to an extent that exceeds the
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To request such permission, address inquiries to the Executive Director, NCCLS, 940 West Valley
Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898, USA.
Suggested Citation
(NCCLS. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk and Dilution Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria
Isolated from Animals; Approved Standard—Second Edition. NCCLS document M31-A2 [ISBN 1-
56238-461-9]. NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898 USA,
Tentative Standard
August 1997
Approved Standard
June 1999
ISBN 1-56238-461-9
ISSN 0273-3099
Volume 22 M31-A2
Committee Membership
Number 6 NCCLS
Advisors (Continued)
Volume 22 M31-A2
Active Membership
(As of 1 April 2002)
Number 6 NCCLS
Volume 22 M31-A2
Allegheny University of the Clinical Laboratory Partners, Harris Methodist Erath County
Health Sciences (PA) LLC (CT) (TX)
Allina Health System (MN) CLSI Laboratories (PA) Harris Methodist Fort Worth (TX)
Alton Ochsner Medical Columbia Regional Hospital (MO) Hartford Hospital (CT)
Foundation (LA) Commonwealth of Kentucky Headwaters Health Authority
American Medical Laboratories Community Hospital of Lancaster (Alberta, Canada)
(VA) (PA) Health Network Lab (PA)
Arkansas Department of Health CompuNet Clinical Laboratories Health Partners Laboratories (VA)
ARUP at University Hospital (UT) (OH) Heartland Regional Medical Center
Armed Forces Research Institute of Cook Children’s Medical Center (MO)
Medical Science (APO, AP) (TX) Highlands Regional Medical Center
Associated Regional & Covance Central Laboratory (FL)
University Pathologists (UT) Services (IN) Hoag Memorial Hospital
Aurora Consolidated Danish Veterinary Laboratory Presbyterian (CA)
Laboratories (WI) (Denmark) Holmes Regional Medical Center
Azienda Ospedale Di Lecco (Italy) Danville Regional Medical Center (FL)
Bay Medical Center (MI) (VA) Holzer Medical Center (OH)
Baystate Medical Center (MA) Delaware Public Health Laboratory Hospital for Sick Children
Bbaguas Duzen Laboratories Department of Health & (Toronto, ON, Canada)
(Turkey) Community Services Hospital Sousa Martins (Portugal)
Bermuda Hospitals Board (New Brunswick, Canada) Hotel Dieu Hospital (Windsor, ON,
Bo Ali Hospital (Iran) DesPeres Hospital (MO) Canada)
British Columbia Cancer Agency DeTar Hospital (TX) Houston Medical Center (GA)
(Vancouver, BC, Canada) Detroit Health Department (MI) Huddinge University Hospital
Broward General Medical Center Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital (Sweden)
(FL) (New Brunswick, Canada) Hurley Medical Center (MI)
Calgary Laboratory Services Doctors Hospital (Bahamas) Indiana State Board of Health
Carilion Consolidated Laboratory Duke University Medical Center Indiana University
(VA) (NC) Institute of Medical and Veterinary
Cathay General Hospital (Taiwan) E.A. Conway Medical Center (LA) Science (Australia)
CB Healthcare Complex Eastern Maine Medical Center Instituto Scientifico HS. Raffaele
(Sydney, NS, Canada) East Side Clinical Laboratory (RI) (Italy)
Central Peninsula General Hospital Elyria Memorial Hospital (OH) International Health Management
(AK) Emory University Hospital (GA) Associates, Inc. (IL)
Central Texas Veterans Health Care Esoterix Center for Infectious Jackson Memorial Hospital (FL)
System Disease (TX) Jersey Shore Medical Center (NJ)
Centre Hospitalier Regional del la Fairview-University Medical John C. Lincoln Hospital (AZ)
Citadelle (Belgium) Center (MN) John F. Kennedy Medical Center
Centro Diagnostico Italiano Federal Medical Center (MN) (NJ)
(Milano, Italy) Florida Hospital East Orlando John Peter Smith Hospital (TX)
Champlain Valley Physicians Foothills Hospital (Calgary, AB, Kadlec Medical Center (WA)
Hospital (NY) Canada) Kaiser Permanente Medical Care
Changi General Hospital Fort St. John General Hospital (CA)
(Singapore) (Fort St. John, BC, Canada) Kaiser Permanente (MD)
Children’s Hospital (NE) Fox Chase Cancer Center (PA) Kantonsspital (Switzerland)
Children’s Hospital & Clinics (MN) Fresenius Medical Care/Spectra Keller Army Community Hospital
Children’s Hospital King's East (NJ) (NY)
Daughters (VA) Fresno Community Hospital and Kenora-Rainy River Regional
Children’s Hospital Medical Center Medical Center Laboratory Program (Ontario,
(Akron, OH) Frye Regional Medical Center (NC) Canada)
Children’s Hospital of Gambro Healthcare Laboratory Kern Medical Center (CA)
Philadelphia (PA) Services (FL) Kimball Medical Center (NJ)
Children’s Medical Center of Dallas Gateway Medical Center (TN) King Faisal Specialist Hospital
(TX) Geisinger Medical Center (PA) (Saudi Arabia)
Clarian Health–Methodist Hospital Grady Memorial Hospital (GA) King Khalid National Guard Hospital
(IN) Guthrie Clinic Laboratories (PA) (Saudi Arabia)
Clendo Lab (Puerto Rico) Hahnemann University Hospital King’s Daughter Medical Center
(PA) (KY)
Number 6 NCCLS
Klinični Center (Slovenia) Montreal General Hospital Royal Columbian Hospital (New
Laboratories at Bonfils (CO) (Canada) Westminster, BC, Canada)
Laboratoire de Santé Publique du MRL Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. Sacred Heart Hospital (MD)
Quebec (Canada) (VA) Saint Mary’s Regional Medical
Laboratório Fleury S/C Ltda. MRL Reference Laboratory (CA) Center (NV)
(Brazil) Nassau County Medical Center St. Alexius Medical Center (ND)
Laboratory Corporation of America (NY) St. Anthony Hospital (CO)
(NJ) National Institutes of Health (MD) St. Anthony’s Hospital (FL)
Laboratory Corporation of Naval Surface Warfare Center (IN) St. Barnabas Medical Center (NJ)
America (MO) Nebraska Health System St-Eustache Hospital (Quebec,
LAC and USC Healthcare New Britain General Hospital (CT) Canada)
Network (CA) New England Fertility Institute St. Francis Medical Ctr. (CA)
Lakeland Regional Medical Center (CT) St. John Hospital and Medical
(FL) North Carolina State Laboratory of Center (MI)
Lancaster General Hospital (PA) Public Health St. John Regional Hospital (St.
Langley Air Force Base (VA) Northern Indiana Education John, NB, Canada)
LeBonheur Children’s Foundation St. Joseph Hospital (NE)
Medical Center (TN) North Kansas City Hospital (MO) St. Joseph’s Hospital – Marshfield
Libero Instituto Univ. Campus North Shore – Long Island Jewish Clinic (WI)
BioMedico (Italy) Health System Laboratories (NY) St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (MI)
Long Beach Memorial Medical Northwestern Memorial Hospital St. Luke’s Regional Medical
Center (CA) (IL) Center (IA)
Louisiana State University O.L. Vrouwziekenhuis (Belgium) St. Mary Medical Center (IN)
Medical Center Ordre professionnel des St. Mary of the Plains Hospital
Maccabi Medical Care and Health technologists médicaux du (TX)
Fund (Israel) Québec St. Mary’s Hospital & Medical
Magee Womens Hospital (PA) Ospedali Riuniti (Italy) Center (CO)
Malcolm Grow USAF Medical The Ottawa Hospital St. Paul’s Hospital (Vancouver, BC,
Center (MD) (Ottawa, ON, Canada) Montreal)
Manitoba Health (Winnipeg, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (NJ) St. Vincent Medical Center (CA)
Canada) Our Lady of the Resurrection Ste. Justine Hospital (Montreal, PQ,
Martin Luther King/Drew Medical Medical Center (IL) Canada)
Center (CA) Pathology and Cytology Salina Regional Health Center (KS)
Massachusetts General Hospital Laboratories, Inc. (KY) San Francisco General Hospital
(Microbiology Laboratory) The Permanente Medical Group (CA)
MDS Metro Laboratory Services (CA) Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
(Burnaby, BC, Canada) Piedmont Hospital (GA) (CA)
Medical College of Virginia Pikeville Methodist Hospital (KY) Seoul Nat’l University Hospital
Hospital Pocono Hospital (PA) (Korea)
Medicare/Medicaid Certification, Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas Shanghai Center for the
State of North Carolina (TX) Clinical Laboratory (China)
Memorial Medical Center (IL) Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Prince South Bend Medical Foundation
Memorial Medical Center (LA) Edward Island, Canada) (IN)
Jefferson Davis Hwy Queensland Health Pathology Southwest Texas Methodist Hospital
Memorial Medical Center (LA) Services (Australia) (TX)
Napoleon Avenue Quest Diagnostics Incorporated South Western Area Pathology
Mescalero Indian Hospital (NM) (CA) Service (Australia)
Methodist Hospital (TX) Quintiles Laboratories, Ltd. (GA) Southern Maine Medical Center
Methodist Hospitals of Memphis Regions Hospital Specialty Laboratories, Inc. (CA)
(TN) Reid Hospital & Health Care Stanford Hospital and Clinics (CA)
MetroHealth Medical Center (OH) Services (IN) State of Washington Department of
Michigan Department of Research Medical Center (MO) Health
Community Health Rex Healthcare (NC) Stony Brook University Hospital
Mississippi Baptist Medical Center Rhode Island Department of Health (NY)
Monte Tabor – Centro Italo - Laboratories Stormont-Vail Regional Medical
Brazileiro de Promocao (Brazil) Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital Center (KS)
Montreal Children’s Hospital (Saudi Arabia) Sun Health-Boswell Hospital (AZ)
Volume 22 M31-A2
Sunrise Hospital and Medical University of Alberta Hospitals VA (Tuskegee) Medical Center
Center (NV) (Canada) (AL)
Swedish Medical Center – University of Colorado Health VA Outpatient Clinic (OH)
Providence Campus (WA) Science Center Vejle Hospital (Denmark)
Tampa General Hospital (FL) University of Chicago Hospitals Washington Adventist Hospital
Temple University Hospital (PA) (IL) (MD)
Tenet Odessa Regional Hospital University of Illinois Medical Center Washoe Medical Center
(TX) University of the Ryukyus (Japan) Laboratory (NV)
The Toledo Hospital (OH) University of Texas M.D. Anderson West Jefferson Medical Center
Touro Infirmary (LA) Cancer Center (LA)
Trident Regional Medical Center University of Virginia Medical Wilford Hall Medical Center (TX)
(SC) Center William Beaumont Hospital (MI)
Tripler Army Medical Center (HI) University of Washington Williamsburg Community Hospital
Truman Medical Center (MO) UZ-KUL Medical Center (Belgium) (VA)
UCSF Medical Center (CA) VA (Denver) Medical Center (CO) Winn Army Community Hospital
UNC Hospitals (NC) VA (Kansas City) Medical Center (GA)
University Hospital (Gent) (MO) Winnipeg Regional Health
(Belgium) VA (Western NY) Healthcare Authority (Winnipeg, Canada)
University Hospitals of Cleveland System Wishard Memorial Hospital (IN)
(OH) VA (San Diego) Medical Center Yonsei University College of
The University Hospitals (OK) (CA) Medicine (Korea)
University of Alabama-Birmingham York Hospital (PA)
F. Alan Andersen, Ph.D., Susan Blonshine, RRT, RPFT, Tadashi Kawai, M.D., Ph.D.
President FAARC International Clinical Pathology
Cosmetic Ingredient Review TechEd Center
Number 6 NCCLS
Volume 22 M31-A2
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... i
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Indications for Performing Susceptibility Testing ........................................................ 2
1.3 Performance Standards for Disk Diffusion Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for
Bacteria That Grow Aerobically .................................................................................. 2
1.4 Performance Standards for Dilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria
That Grow Aerobically................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Limitations of Disk Diffusion and Dilution Methods ................................................... 3
2 Selection of Antimicrobial Agents for Routine Testing and Reporting .................................... 4
2.1 Definitions .................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Selection of Antimicrobial Agents................................................................................ 6
2.3 Nonproprietary Names.................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Selection Guidelines ..................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Antimicrobial Classes ................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Guidelines for Routine Reporting ............................................................................... 11
2.7 Guidelines for Selective Reporting ............................................................................. 11
2.8 Interpretive Categories................................................................................................ 12
3 Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Tests......................................................................................... 13
3.1 Equivalent MIC Breakpoints ...................................................................................... 13
3.2 Methodologies............................................................................................................. 13
4 Broth and Agar Dilution Susceptibility Testing...................................................................... 21
4.1 Indications for Performing Broth and Agar Dilution Susceptibility Tests.................. 21
4.2 Methodologies............................................................................................................. 22
5 Quality Control Guidelines ..................................................................................................... 31
5.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................ 31
5.2 Quality Control Responsibilities................................................................................. 32
5.3 Suggested Reference Strains....................................................................................... 33
5.4 Common Sources of Error .......................................................................................... 35
5.5 Disk Diffusion Tests ................................................................................................... 36
5.6 Frequency of Quality Control Testing ........................................................................ 36
5.7 Dilution Susceptibility Tests....................................................................................... 38
5.8 Daily Testing............................................................................................................... 38
5.9 Weekly Testing ........................................................................................................... 39
5.10 Corrective Action........................................................................................................ 39
5.11 Reporting Patient Results When Out-of-Control Tests Occur .................................... 41
6 Specific Antimicrobial Resistance Tests ................................................................................. 41
6.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................ 41
6.2 β-Lactamase Tests ...................................................................................................... 41
Number 6 NCCLS
Contents (Continued)
References ............................................................................................................................................ 45
Appendix B1. Disk Diffusion Daily Quality Control Testing Protocol .............................................. 49
Appendix C2. Aerobic Dilution Weekly Quality Control Testing Protocol ........................................ 52
Table 1. Comprehensive List of Antimicrobial Agents That Could Be Considered
for Routine Testing by Veterinary Microbiology Laboratories..................................... 53
Table 3. Culture Collection Numbers for Organisms Used for Quality Control of
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests ................................................................................. 60
Table 5. Acceptable Quality Control Ranges of MICs (µg/mL) for Reference Strains ............... 63
Table 5A. Tentative Quality Control Ranges for the Agar Dilution Method of Testing
Campylobacter jejuni (ATCC® 33560) .......................................................................... 65
Table 9B. Screening and Confirmatory Tests for ESBLs in Klebsiella pneumoniae,
K. oxytoca, and Escherichia coli (MIC) ......................................................................... 70
Volume 22 M31-A2
Contents (Continued)
Table 9C. Oxacillin-Salt Agar Screening Test for Staphylococcus aureus..................................... 71
Table 9D. Screening Tests for High-Level Aminoglycoside Resistance (HLAR) and
Vancomycin Resistance in Enterococcus spp. ............................................................... 72
Number 6 NCCLS
Volume 22 M31-A2
This approved revision of the M31 standard represents a continuation of the collective efforts of the
Subcommittee on Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing to produce a useful consensus
document for standardized in vitro susceptibility testing of veterinary pathogens. The subcommittee has
worked diligently to improve M31-A—Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk and Dilution
Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Animals; Approved Standard, by incorporating relevant
updates derived from NCCLS documents M2—Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk
Susceptibility Tests, and M7—Methods for Dilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria That
Grow Aerobically, as well as referencing other relevant NCCLS documents. The subcommittee
recognizes the ongoing NCCLS efforts that are necessary to maintain M2 and M7 as “state of the art”
and expresses its appreciation to the Subcommittee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing for its
contributions. In addition, it is also appropriate to acknowledge the users of M31-A for their continued
support and application of M31-A in their daily work routine.
In the interval between the issuance of M31-A and the finalization of this revision, rapid and dynamic
global events have placed even more importance on the essential role of antimicrobial susceptibility
testing of bacteria isolated from animals. For example, judicious use guidelines (consensus directions
for the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents in animals) have been developed worldwide by
veterinary, industry, and public health organizations for both food and companion animals, that
emphasize the critical need for obtaining susceptibility data using standardized test methods and
interpretive criteria. M31-A2 is updated to meet these needs.
Also, several additional antimicrobial agents have been reviewed and received veterinary-specific
interpretive criteria approval from the subcommittee. M31-A2 features these new antimicrobial agents
in Table 1, Group A (FDA-approved, NCCLS-approved, veterinary-specific interpretive criteria).
Further revisions were made to designate FDA-approved, human interpretive criteria (Group B); FDA-
approved drugs with no interpretive criteria (Group C); and, finally “AMDUCA-use” (Animal
Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act) products (Group D). Additionally, refinements to flexible label
usage, and definitions for “susceptible” and “resistant” designations are now included. In conjunction
with the elaboration of veterinary guidelines, a number of antimicrobial resistance monitoring programs
throughout the world have begun to apply NCCLS standardized test methods to their work, with the
expectation that susceptibility data can be compared across regions. As a first step toward worldwide
applications of susceptibility testing using NCCLS methods, a new separate section lists quality control
strain entries in various international repositories.
The NCCLS Subcommittee on Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing has revised the
document to meet the need for specific testing standards, and to serve as an educational resource. It is
our collective hope that diagnostic laboratory personnel, veterinarians, students, and allied professionals
will benefit from this document. The user should be aware that, while M31 is primarily derived from
NCCLS M2 and M7 which are “human” documents, this version incorporates more veterinary-specific
information than before, although there is still ample opportunity for more. This standard should not be
considered a static document; it will change as improved methods for testing veterinary pathogens
become available and in response to changes in antimicrobial agent usage in veterinary medicine. The
subcommittee is committed to making every effort to incorporate the latest information into future
versions of the M31 standard. It is anticipated that future revisions will encompass those antimicrobial
Number 6 NCCLS
Foreword (Continued)
agents used for enteric disease therapy or control. Until now, the inclusion of interpretive criteria was
limited to systemic disease and mastitis; however, the subcommittee has now allowed the opportunity
for inclusion of products that are useful in enteric diseases by incorporating new review criteria in
NCCLS document M37—Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Testing Criteria and Quality Control
Parameters for Veterinary Antimicrobial Agents. As before, prevention and growth promotion uses are
not covered in M31-A2 with respect to interpretive criteria. The subcommittee anticipates that, as a
result of the efforts of several working groups, additional fastidious pathogens will be included in future
editions, such as the intestinal spirochetes, Haemophilus parasuis, and mycoplasma. A separate NCCLS
working group is developing antimicrobial susceptibility testing guidelines for aquaculture pathogens.
Additionally, the inclusion of antimicrobial agents not currently marketed in the United States is
welcomed for future editions. As mentioned before, the inclusion of international entries in culture
collections of quality control strains is viewed as the first step in this process, so that leading
laboratories might begin to use NCCLS methods and compare them with their own national methods.
Perhaps the most important future revision will be to shift antimicrobial agents from Group C or B, to
A. Because approvals of new antimicrobial agents for veterinary medicine are foreseen to be a rare
event, the subcommittee will shift its focus to the Generics Working Group to develop data in
conformance with the M37 guideline in order to continue to advance generic drugs into Group A. As
chairholder, I encourage and welcome input regarding ways to improve the document.
Key Words
Agar diffusion, agar dilution, antimicrobial agent, antimicrobial susceptibility, susceptibility testing,
Mission Statement
To develop and promote performance standards and interpretive criteria for in vitro antimicrobial
susceptibility testing of bacteria isolated from animals.
Volume 22 M31-A2
It is the opinion of the subcommittee that the development of new, or modified, in vitro testing procedures
to determine breakpoints or zone of inhibition interpretive criteria to accommodate specific field usage
practices in livestock was not realistic for two reasons:
First, there is no apparent variable which can be easily modified in the current procedure to reflect a key
factor which will correlate to in vivo efficacy. For example, any alteration in the inoculum (which might
be reflective of an initial low infectious dose early in an infectious process) would need to be validated
with efficacy studies in animals. Furthermore, redesigning the current methodology would require the
development of new quality control guidelines; possibly disks with lowered antimicrobial content, or
extended dilutions on MIC dilution panels.
Second, even if such a procedure were developed, how realistic is it to expect a laboratory to use it and
explain the outcome to a veterinarian or other client?
The subcommittee will continue to consider new developments in test methodologies and procedures, as
well as revisions to interpretive criteria for therapeutic agents. With respect to antimicrobial agents used
to promote or enhance animal growth, the beneficial effects of antimicrobial agents can neither be entirely
ascribed to effects on the microbial gut flora, nor correlated to physiological effects on the animal. Thus,
new in vitro techniques for prediction of clinical outcome will be considered only when a better
understanding of the mode of action of antimicrobial agents in this situation becomes available.
1.1 Scope
This document provides veterinary diagnostic laboratories with currently recommended antimicrobial
agent disk and dilution susceptibility test methods for bacteria isolated from animals; criteria for quality
control testing; and interpretive criteria. The interpretive criteria are intended only to support therapeutic
label claims for animal antimicrobial agent use and do not apply to label claims for disease prevention or
performance enhancement.
Relatively few antimicrobial agents have had veterinary-specific interpretive criteria established,
therefore human interpretive criteria are used for those antimicrobial agents lacking veterinary-specific
interpretive criteria (see NCCLS documents M2—Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk
Susceptibility Tests, M7— Methods for Dilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria That
Grow Aerobically, and M11—Methods for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Anaerobic Bacteria).
As more veterinary-specific information becomes available, changes in the listing of the agents will be
incorporated into future revisions of this document.
Additionally, the document provides a brief overview of the various antimicrobial classes and
mechanisms of resistance to them, including specific tests for antimicrobial resistance.
Susceptibility testing is indicated for any bacterial pathogen that contributes to an infectious process
requiring antimicrobial agent intervention, if its susceptibility cannot be reliably predicted from
knowledge of the organism’s identity. Susceptibility tests are most often indicated when the causative
organism is thought to belong to a bacterial species capable of possessing resistance mechanisms to
commonly used antimicrobial agents. Mechanisms of resistance include production of drug-inactivating
enzymes, alteration of drug targets, and altered uptake or efflux. Some organisms still have predictable
susceptibility to antimicrobial agents, and empiric therapy is widely recognized. Susceptibility tests are
seldom necessary when the infection is due to a microorganism known to be highly susceptible to a
specific drug and to which resistance has not been reported (e.g., the continued susceptibility of
Arcanobacterium pyogenes to penicillin). Susceptibility tests are also important in studies of the
epidemiology of resistance and in studies of new antimicrobial agents.
Colonies of each type of bacterial pathogen isolated from an infectious disease process should be selected
from primary agar plates and tested for susceptibility. A statistical model for assessing sample size for
bacterial colony selection has been proposed.4 Identification procedures are often performed at the same
time as in vitro susceptibility tests. Mixtures of different types of microorganisms should not be tested on
the same susceptibility test plate. The practice of conducting susceptibility tests directly with clinical
material (e.g., normally sterile body fluids and urine) should be avoided. When the nature of the infection
is not clear and the specimen contains mixed growth or normal flora, in which the organisms probably
bear little relationship to the infectious process being treated, susceptibility tests are often unnecessary,
and the results may be misleading and result in incorrect therapy.
1.3 Performance Standards for Disk Diffusion Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for
Bacteria That Grow Aerobically
In many veterinary diagnostic laboratories, the agar disk diffusion method is used for testing the common,
rapidly growing bacterial pathogens. If results are to be reliable, the technical details of such procedures
must be carefully standardized and controlled. Agar disk diffusion methods based solely on the presence
or absence of a zone of inhibition, without regard to its magnitude as an indicator of the organism's
susceptibility to the drug being tested, are not acceptable.
Reliable results can be obtained with disk diffusion tests that use standardized methodology and zone
diameter measurement. These results may be correlated with minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)
among clinically susceptible and resistant species. Caution is urged if one attempts to use a regression line
analysis to extrapolate MIC values from measurements of zones of inhibition because, in some cases, the
relationship, while mathematically correct, cannot always be considered comparable to an MIC derived
by actual dilution testing for a given isolate (see NCCLS document M37— Development of In Vitro
Susceptibility Testing Criteria and Quality Control Parameters for Veterinary Antimicrobial Agents).
1.4 Performance Standards for Dilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria
That Grow Aerobically
Both broth and agar dilution techniques may be used to measure quantitatively the in vitro activity of an
antimicrobial agent against a given bacterial culture. Basically, a series of tubes, wells, or plates is
prepared with an agar or broth medium to which various concentrations of the antimicrobial agents are
added. The tubes, wells, or plates are then inoculated with a suitably standardized suspension of the test
organism. After overnight incubation at 35 °C, the tests are examined and the MIC is determined. The
final result is influenced greatly by methodology, which must be carefully controlled if reproducible
results (intralaboratory and interlaboratory) are to be achieved. Therefore, for the sake of standardization,
there must be a reference method to which all other techniques can be compared.
This document describes such standard agar dilution and standard broth dilution (macrodilution and
microdilution) techniques. These techniques are taken from NCCLS document M7—Methods for
Dilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria That Grow Aerobically based largely on
information gathered from the International Collaborative Study in Human Medicine.1 Although these
methods are primarily standard reference methods, some are sufficiently practical to warrant their use
both in clinical laboratories and in the research laboratory. If one of these tests is to be adopted as the
routine method in an institution where it has not been previously used, an educational program to enable
the clinicians and the staff to understand how to use the quantitative results should be carried out before
the sole use of the test is initiated.
The MIC obtained using a dilution test provides insight as to the concentration of antimicrobial agent
needed at the site of infection to inhibit the infecting organism. The MIC, however, does not represent an
absolute value. The “true” MIC is somewhere between the lowest test concentration that inhibits the
organism’s growth (that is, the MIC reading) and the next lower test concentration. For example, using
twofold dilutions if the MIC was determined to be 16 µg/mL, the “true” MIC would be between 16 and 8
µg/mL. Even under the best of controlled conditions, a dilution test may not yield the same end point each
time it is performed. Generally, the acceptable reproducibility of the test is within one twofold dilution of
the actual end point. To avoid greater variability, the dilution test must be standardized and carefully
controlled as described herein.
MICs have been determined using concentrations derived traditionally from serial twofold dilutions
indexed to the log base 2 (e.g., 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 µg/mL, etc). Other dilution schemes have also been used,
including use of as few as two widely separated or “breakpoint” concentrations between the usual values
(e.g., 4, 16 µg/mL) or alternative dilution schemes (e.g., 100, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.12, 1.56 µg/mL, etc). The
results from these alternative methods may be equally useful clinically; however, some are more difficult
to control. When there is inhibition of growth at the lowest concentration tested, the true MIC value
cannot be accurately determined, and this should be reported as equal to or less than the lowest
concentration tested. To apply interpretive criteria when concentrations between the usual dilutions are
tested, results falling between serial twofold dilutions should be rounded up to the next highest
concentration (e.g., an MIC of 6 µg/mL would become 8 µg/mL).
The disk diffusion and dilution methods described in this document have been standardized for testing the
rapidly growing pathogens (including Staphylococcus spp., Pasteurella spp., and the Enterobacteriaceae)
and modified for testing some fastidious organisms, such as A. pleuropneumoniae and Haemophilus spp.
(see Table 7). Tentative agar dilution QC ranges for Campylobacter jejuni in Table 5A have been
approved by the NCCLS Subcommittee on Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing until full
compliance of NCCLS guidelines M23—Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Testing Criteria and
Quality Control Parameters and M37—Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Testing Criteria and
Quality Control Parameters for Veterinary Antimicrobial Agents have been met. Studies are not yet
adequate to develop reproducible, definitive standards to interpret disk tests with other microorganisms
not listed in the tables that could require different media, different atmospheres, or indicate marked strain-
to-strain variation in growth rate. Such organisms should not be tested by the disk diffusion method,
because the results cannot be interpreted reliably.
Dangerously misleading results can occur when certain antimicrobial agents are tested against specific
organisms. These combinations include, but might not be limited to the following: first- and second-
generation cephalosporins and aminoglycosides against Salmonella spp.; all β-lactam antimicrobial
agents (except oxacillin, methicillin, and nafcillin) against methicillin-resistant staphylococci;
cephalosporins, aminoglycosides (except high-level testing for resistance), clindamycin, and
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole against enterococci; and cephalosporins against Listeria spp.
In addition to the above pitfalls, some antimicrobial agents are associated with the emergence of
resistance during prolonged therapy. Therefore, isolates that are initially susceptible can become resistant
within three to four days after initiation of therapy. This occurs most frequently in Enterobacter spp.,
Citrobacter spp., and Serratia spp. with third-generation cephalosporins; in P. aeruginosa with all
antimicrobial agents; and in staphylococci with fluoroquinolones.
2.1 Definitionsa
The selection of the most appropriate antimicrobial agents to test and to report is a decision best made by
each laboratory in consultation with the pharmacy and veterinarians. The lists in Table 1 comprise agents
of proven clinical efficacy for treatment of infections in that animal group, and which show acceptable in
vitro test performance. Agents listed are currently approved for treatment or control of disease. Agents
used for other purposes (such as prevention or growth promotion) are not listed, because the correlation of
antimicrobial susceptibility tests for these uses cannot be established. Tests on selected agents can also be
useful for epidemiological or research purposes.
The subcommittee believes that it is both appropriate and necessary to provide the rationale used to limit
the scope of this document to therapeutic and control uses of antimicrobial agents in veterinary medicine.
For the most part, these limitations reflect antimicrobial uses in livestock and poultry used for food
production, and do not necessarily apply to equine or small-animal medicine. Currently antimicrobial
agents are approved by the U.S. FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine for certain indications; treatment
(i.e., therapy), control, or prevention of disease; or growth promotion. The subcommittee has used the
following definitions of antimicrobial uses, which are consistent with current regulatory interpretations in
its deliberations:
Some of these definitions are found in NCCLS document NRSCL8—Terminology and Definitions for Use in NCCLS
Documents. For complete definitions and detailed source information, please refer to the most current edition of that document.
treating those with clinical signs. Certain exceptions, such as medication of one-day-old chicks, will be
discussed later.
Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), n - The lowest concentration of an antimicrobial agent that
prevents visible growth of a microorganism in an agar or broth dilution susceptibility test.
The claims for therapeutic and control use, but not prevention, are similar enough to be grouped together
in Table 1 without a distinction between their field usage for the following reason: the only difference
between control and therapy is the timing of the administration, i.e., “early” in the course of a disease
outbreak vs. “later.” In other words, the number of animals affected at a particular stage in the disease
progression is the only difference. The similarities are that in each case there are clinical signs (morbidity
and/or mortality), a cultured-confirmed pathogen, and an antibiogram available. Since the control mode
implies that there are animals already in the clinical stage of disease, the use of therapeutic breakpoints is
appropriate. Any differences in dose or duration of the medications used for therapy or control will
already have been adjusted during the drug-approval process and do not need to be considered herein.
Since there is no distinction between the two uses with regard to susceptibility data interpretation, it was
decided that it was not necessary to have a separate table, nor to note “control” or “therapeutic” after the
listing. This would simplify the laboratory’s responsibility in reporting their recommendations to the
veterinarian and place the burden of appropriate product use on the veterinarian. Finally, the existing M37
guidelines can be applied to the development of the breakpoints and zone diameter interpretive criteria for
control uses.
Prevention use is viewed as different from control/therapeutic, because at the time of administration: 1)
there is not a recovered pathogen; 2) there is no antibiogram for the pathogen; 3) there is no certainty that
a disease outbreak will occur; and 4) it is possible that antimicrobial agents would be used when they are
not necessary. Thus, the application of therapeutic interpretations of susceptibility data was not justified.
While a retrospective documentation of a given pathogen and susceptibility profile in a particular setting
might provide guidance to a practitioner for future use of a particular antimicrobial, the laboratory cannot
be directly involved in recommending the use of a product in a manner not within the scope of this
subcommittee. In other words, the laboratory can provide data to the veterinarian once an agent has been
cultured and in this way help to establish a database over time. However, since there is no certainty that
the same pathogen will be the cause of the next outbreak, it is the responsibility of the veterinarian, not
the laboratory, to make a decision on whether to use a product in prevention mode.
An exception to the above is the situation with day-old chicks wherein an isolated etiologic agent and
antibiogram would not be available, and the administration of an antimicrobial is actually more of a
prevention mode. The subcommittee viewed this situation as an exception where the preventative aspect,
along with the flock isolate history and a high degree of certainty of an outbreak occurring with the
known pathogen, would allow the veterinarian to use clinical judgment to make a decision on which
antimicrobial to administer. The role of the laboratory in this case would be to provide the veterinarian
with retrospective information obtained on isolates from the flock. This would serve as the historical
database for the next outbreak. The laboratory would not be expected to make a recommendation on
which antimicrobial to administer.
Growth promotion uses of antimicrobial agents have been determined to be outside the scope of the
subcommittee and should not be included in laboratory reports. So far as is known, there is no correlation
among a specific species of bacteria (or group of bacteria), their physiological effect on the animal, and
how that is affected by antimicrobial agents. There is a complex microbial ecology issue involved in the
growth promotion use of antimicrobial agents, which quite likely involves dynamic populations of
bacteria. In other words, there is no one bacterial species that can be tested to predict whether an
antimicrobial will enhance or inhibit the performance of a group of animals. Some antimicrobial agents
are used for therapeutic or control purposes as well as growth promotion within the same animal species.
Since there can be no in vitro testing for growth promoter uses, the control or therapeutic uses are to be
evaluated as above. The testing of growth promotion antimicrobial agents against specific species of
enteric bacteria was recognized as perhaps having research value in monitoring for antimicrobial
resistance, but in no case could the results be correlated to a clinical outcome.
For antimicrobial agents with enteric or diarrheal disease indications, there are a substantial number of
antimicrobial agents used to treat a variety of enteric infections in animals, and every attempt to include
them within NCCLS document M31 should be made in order to guide veterinarians in the proper
selection of these agents. The interpretive criteria and breakpoints can now be included in the M31 tables
and footnoted to indicate that the antimicrobial is used to treat enteric infections.
The lists of antimicrobial agents in Table 1 constitute current NCCLS recommendations for testing and
reporting that are considered appropriate. The lists are based on various considerations, including micro-
biological, clinical, and pharmacological factors, as well as clinical indications and efficacy.
To avoid misinterpretation, routine reports to the laboratory client should include only those drugs appro-
priate for therapeutic and control use, as suggested in Table 1. Agents may be added to or removed from
these basic lists as conditions demand.
Compounds listed in Table 1, Group A, Group B, and Group C are approved for use in the indicated
animal species by the Food and Drug Administration-Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA-CVM).
However, the subcommittee feels that it is most prudent to report those compounds with veterinary-
specific interpretive criteria (Group A) preferentially over those using human interpretive criteria. These
compounds have demonstrated an acceptable level of agreement between susceptibility test results and
clinical outcome. While compounds using human guidelines (Group B) may perform adequately, the
relationship for all approved veterinary applications has not been demonstrated.
Compounds listed in Table 1 - Group C are FDA-CVM-approved for use in the specific animal species
but have neither veterinary-specific nor human-specific, NCCLS-approved interpretive criteria. These
agents may be approved for use in other animal species and have veterinary-specific interpretive criteria
in those animals. However, the "porting" of interpretive criteria from one animal species to another is not
recommended due to differences in dosages and pharmacokinetics. Thus, these agents should be reported
selectively before extra-label use agents (Group D) but after agents in Group B. Again, it is the
responsibility of the laboratory client to use the compound appropriately in the indicated animal. The
laboratory client assumes all responsibility for efficacy, safety, and residue avoidance with extra-label
uses of antimicrobial agents.
Given the limited number of antimicrobial agents approved for use in some animal species, “extra-label”
use of antimicrobial agents is commonly practiced and Group D lists agents that commonly fall into this
category. The U.S. Congress, in the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA), has
defined extra-label use as the “use of an animal drug in a food-producing animal in a manner that is not in
accordance with drug labeling. This includes, but is not limited to: use in species or for indications
(disease or conditions) not listed in the labeling; use at a dosage level higher than those stated in the label;
use of routes of administration other than those stated in the labeling; and failure to observe the stated
withdrawal time.”6,7 While laboratory personnel should be familiar with extra-label use of antimicrobial
agents in animals, it is the responsibility of the laboratory client (veterinarian/producer/herd owner) to use
the compound appropriately in the animal.
It is the responsibility of the laboratory client to use the agent appropriately for the various animal types
or categories (e.g., calves, lactating dairy cattle). The laboratory client assumes all responsibility for
efficacy, safety (including public health issues of antimicrobial-resistant, food-borne bacteria), and
residue avoidance with extra-label uses of antimicrobial agents. The laboratory should be prepared to
offer advice to the veterinarian to enable appropriate decisions to be made. Although the laboratory may
choose to modify the list of antimicrobial agents it tests and reports, on the basis of public health
concerns, it would need to be done in consultation with appropriate experts, based on good clinical
judgment, and in accordance with recognized principles of judicious use, such as those advocated by the
American Veterinary Medical Association.6,8,9
Drugs other than those approved for use in therapy may be tested to provide taxonomic data and
epidemiological information. These results should not be reported in the clinical report.
To make the routine susceptibility test relevant and practical, the number of agents tested should be
limited. In general, routine tests should include only one representative of each group of related drugs
(class) with activity against a nearly identical spectrum of organisms and for which interpretive results
would be nearly always the same. The laboratory should report the specific drug tested and footnote other
compounds represented by that drug.
Some of the selection boxes presented in Table 1 include certain agents or groups of agents with
comparable clinical indications and activity against a similar but not identical spectrum of pathogens.
Table 1 lists those drugs that should fulfill the basic requirements for routine use in most clinical
veterinary laboratories.
The following antimicrobial agent overview is to be used for the selection and reporting of agents from
some of the larger classes to be tested routinely. For additional in-depth information on the specific
agents, the reader is referred to other texts.10,11 Antimicrobial class, subclass designations, and resistance
mechanisms are listed in Glossary 1, and abbreviations for antimicrobial agents incorporated into disks or
susceptibility panels are listed in Glossary 2.
2.5.1 β-Lactams
β-lactam antimicrobial agents all share a common, central, four-membered β-lactam ring. The principal
mode of action is inhibition of cell wall synthesis. Additional ring structures or substituent groups added
to the β-lactam ring determine whether the agent is a penicillin, cephem (cephalosporin), carbapenem, or
monobactam. The substitutions affect the antibacterial spectrum and the pharmacokinetics of the
individual compounds. Penicillins
Members of the Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp., and other aerobic gram-negative bacilli are not to
be tested routinely for β-lactamase production, because the results might not be predictive of
susceptibility to the β-lactams most often used for therapy. Recommended β-lactamase test methods are
indicated in Section 6.
Staphylococci should be tested against penicillin G and may be screened for β-lactamase production,
especially in strains with borderline MICs (0.06 to 0.25 µg/mL; see Section 6). One PRP should be tested;
usually, oxacillin is preferable to methicillin because of its storage stability and better reliability in the
detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA; see Section 6.5.1). Other penicillins
need not be tested against staphylococci.
Test either penicillin or ampicillin against streptococci; testing for both is not necessary. Testing of
secondary agents, such as cephalosporins, erythromycin, clindamycin, or tetracycline can be useful in the
treatment of the penicillin-allergic animal.
Detection of β-lactamase production in enterococci is possible only by a direct β-lactamase test. For
testing non-β-lactamase-producing enterococci, susceptibility to penicillin G predicts susceptibility to
ampicillin, ampicillin analogues, and amoxicillin. For blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) isolates, a β-
lactamase test using an inoculum of ≥ 107 colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) (or direct colony
growth) is also recommended.
To provide synergistic killing activity, combination therapy with penicillin G or ampicillin plus an
aminoglycoside is indicated for serious enterococcal infections in companion animals. Enterococci, which
exhibit high-level aminoglycoside resistance, are not reliably subject to synergy with that agent; such
strains are detected by screening with high levels of streptomycin (1,000 µg/mL with broth or 2,000
µg/mL with agar) or gentamicin (500 µg) with agar or broth dilution tests.
For enterococci, tests against other agents (such as cephalosporins and clindamycin) should not be
reported because of lack of clinical correlation. Vancomycin is the accepted agent for treatment of
enterococcal infection in the human penicillin-allergic patient. However, data concerning the efficacy of
vancomycin in veterinary medicine are lacking, and extra-label use of glycopeptides in food-producing
animals has been specifically prohibited by the U.S. FDA. Because of this, a footnote could be used to
simply indicate that vancomycin is indicated for penicillin-allergic companion animal patients.
These antimicrobial combinations include a penicillin and a second agent that has minimal antimicrobial
activity but functions as an inhibitor of some β-lactamases. Currently, three β-lactamase inhibitors are in
use in human medicine: clavulanic acid, sulbactam, and tazobactam. For some organisms, the results of
tests of only the penicillin portion of the combination might not be predictive of susceptibility to the two-
drug combination.
The different cephalosporins and other cephem antimicrobial agents can have a somewhat different
spectrum of activity against the gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. These agents are often referred
to as “first-,” “second-,” “third-,” or “fourth-generation” cephalosporins, based on the extent of their
activity against the more antimicrobial-resistant, gram-negative bacteria. Not all representatives of a
specific group or generation necessarily have the same spectrum of activity. Because of these differences
in activities, representatives of each group may be selected for routine testing. An exception is with the
first-generation cephalosporins, where cephalothin is tested as the class representative. However,
cefazolin may also be tested against Enterobacteriaceae.
Staphylococci are usually susceptible to the cephalosporins, except for MRSA. Although in vitro tests
with methicillin-resistant staphylococci can suggest susceptibility, they should be considered resistant.
The current information with coagulase-negative staphylococci is conflicting.
Enterococci are considered resistant to the cephalosporins, although some can appear to be susceptible
under some test conditions, and some cephalosporins have produced clinical cures in some infection sites.
Currently, the results of tests with enterococci against the cephalosporins should not be reported routinely. Carbapenems
Carbapenems differ slightly in structure from penicillins, are much more resistant to β-lactamase
hydrolysis, and have a broad spectrum of activity against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
None are approved for use in veterinary medicine. Monobactams
Monobactam antimicrobial agents are structurally unique and show significant activity only against
aerobic, gram-negative bacteria. The only monobactam approved for use in human medicine is
aztreonam. None are approved for use in veterinary medicine.
2.5.2 Tetracyclines
These compounds inhibit bacterial protein synthesis at the ribosomal level. Drugs in this group are closely
related (tetracycline, oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline, minocycline, and doxycycline). Although
minocycline and doxycycline are generally more active against gram-positive organisms, only
tetracyclines that are approved for use in animals should be tested.
2.5.3 Aminoglycosides/Aminocyclitols
This group of chemically related drugs includes, among others, streptomycin, amikacin, apramycin,
gentamicin, kanamycin, netilmicin, tobramycin, and spectinomycin. Members of this group inhibit
bacterial protein synthesis at the ribosomal level. This group includes members that are affected in
various ways by aminoglycoside-inactivating enzymes, which results in some differences in the spectrum
of activity between agents. They are used primarily to treat aerobic, gram-negative infections or in
synergistic combinations with cell-wall-active compounds against some resistant, gram-positive bacteria,
such as enterococci. Aminoglycosides, such as gentamicin, have the potential to produce extended residue
times in some animals, e.g., the bovine; therefore, their use should be monitored carefully.
2.5.4 Macrolides
Macrolides are structurally related, bacteriostatic antimicrobial agents that inhibit protein synthesis at the
ribosomal level. This group includes erythromycin, tylosin, and tilmicosin, which are used in animals;
and clarithromycin, azithromycin, dirithromycin, and telithromycin, which are used in human medicine.
Only erythromycin and tilmicosin should be tested.
2.5.5 Lincosamides
The lincosamides (lincosaminides) are bacteriostatic antimicrobial agents that inhibit protein synthesis at
the ribosomal level. This group includes lincomycin, clindamycin, and pirlimycin. Clindamycin should be
tested routinely instead of lincomycin. However, clindamycin can be more active than lincomycin against
some strains of S. aureus. Pirlimycin should be tested separately, and only against isolates from bovine
2.5.6 Fluoroquinolones
This group of antimicrobial agents functions primarily by inhibiting DNA-gyrase activity of many gram-
positive and gram-negative bacteria. This group of compounds includes the older quinolones (i.e.,
nalidixic acid) and the newer fluoroquinolones, such as enrofloxacin, orbifloxacin, marbofloxacin, and
difloxacin. Currently, only nalidixic acid, enrofloxacin, marbofloxacin, orbifloxacin, and difloxacin are
approved for use in veterinary medicine. Only enrofloxacin is approved for use in food animals. Recently,
the U.S. FDA has banned extra-label use of fluoroquinolones in food animals.12
This group of compounds encompasses a variety of chemotherapeutic agents with similar spectra of
activity resulting from inhibition of bacterial folate metabolism. Sulfachlorpyridazine and sulfisoxazole
are the most commonly used sulfonamides in veterinary medicine and thus can be the appropriate
selection for in vitro testing. Sulfadimethoxine is the only sulfa drug approved for use in dairy animals
over 20 months of age and should be included in a panel if the species and age of an animal is unknown.
When sulfonamides are combined with trimethoprim, two sequential steps in folate metabolism are
inhibited. Although trimethoprim-sulfadiazine is the usual combination in veterinary medicine,
2.5.8 Phenicols
Chloramphenicol, florfenicol, and thiamphenicol are a group of compounds that are broad-spectrum,
bacteriostatic agents which inhibit bacterial growth by blocking the transfer of soluble ribonucleic acid to
ribosomes. While chloramphenicol should not be tested, or reported, for any isolate from food animals,
florfenicol has been approved for treating pathogens associated with acute bovine respiratory disease.
Thiamphenicol is not approved for use in the United States, but is approved for use in Europe.
As listed in Table 1, agents in Group A are considered appropriate for inclusion in a routine primary panel
for food and companion animals. Compounds in Groups A, B, and C may be reported routinely or
selectively as outlined in Section 2.7.
Group D comprises agents that are frequently used in an AMDUCA–use or extra-label fashion in the
indicated animal species. It is the laboratory client's responsibility to use these compounds appropriately
in the host animal species.
Data for agents with prevention or growth promotion claims should not be reported. Chloramphenicol
should not be reported for food animals. Fluoroquinolones and glycopeptides (vancomycin) should not
be reported as Group D compounds in food animals. Aminoglycosides that will be administered
parenterally to cattle should not be reported for cattle.
Each laboratory, in consultation with the pharmacy and veterinarians, should decide which agents (Table
1) to report routinely from each group. Selective reporting should help improve the clinical relevance of
test reports, and it should help to minimize the selection of multiresistant strains by overuse of broad-
spectrum agents.
2.7.1 Examples
Examples of possible guidelines for selective reporting, as outlined for agents listed in Table 1, are as
• When testing enterococci from nonurinary sites, do not include agents other than penicillin or
ampicillin, except vancomycin as requested for penicillin-allergic companion animals.
• If staphylococci are resistant to oxacillin, they should be considered resistant to all of the
cephalosporins, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, imipenem, ampicillin-sulbactam, or other β-lactam
antimicrobial, regardless of in vitro results.
• Fluoroquinolones and glycopeptides are prohibited from AMDUCA extra-label use in food animals.12
• Metronidazole and nitrofurantoin should not be reported for any isolate from food animals.
Table 2 shows interpretive criteria for the sizes of the zones of inhibition for use with agar disk diffusion
susceptibility tests and MIC breakpoints for use with dilution susceptibility tests. For those agents for
which veterinary-specific interpretive criteria are not available, the use of these values in relation to
veterinary bacterial isolates must be done with caution for three reasons. First, the value listed in the gray
shaded areas listed in Table 2 were developed in human medicine by comparing zone diameters to MICs
in broth or agar dilution tests and from population distributions of zones and/or MICs of known suscepti-
ble and resistant strains. Second, the MICs and correlated zone-size distributions were analyzed in
relation to the clinical pharmacokinetics of the drug from normal dose-range schedules in humans. Third,
the in vitro and pharmacologic data have been analyzed in relation to studies of clinical outcome of treat-
ment of specific human pathogens.
Additionally, caution should be exercised in using the interpretive criteria listed in Table 2. These criteria
apply to particular uses of the antimicrobial drugs in specific animal species. Extension of these data to
other disease indications or other animal species may lead to an incorrect prediction of clinical outcome.
Antimicrobial concentrations differ across regions of the body depending on the specific drug, route of
administration, drug formulation, and the animal’s metabolism, and these differences can profoundly
affect clinical performance of the drug. Therefore, the subcommittee has listed only approved animal
species and pathogens in Table 2 to define those conditions where interpretive criteria are known to be
Whenever MIC results are reported to veterinarians to direct therapeutic use, an interpretive category (i.e.,
susceptible, intermediate, or resistant) should accompany the MIC result based on the criteria outlined in
the tables. When tests in which four or fewer consecutive concentrations are tested, or when
nonconsecutive concentrations are tested, an interpretive category result must be reported. The MIC range
may also be reported if desired.
2.8.2 Susceptible
This category implies that there is a high likelihood of a favorable clinical outcome when the drug is
administered at label dosage, because of adequate pharmacodynamic parameters relative to the MIC of
the causative organism.
2.8.3 Intermediate
This category provides a “buffer zone.” This buffer zone should prevent small, uncontrolled technical
factors from causing discrepancies in interpretations (e.g., a resistant organism being categorized as
susceptible [termed a very major error], or a susceptible organism being categorized as resistant [termed a
major error]), especially for drugs with narrow pharmacotoxicity margins.
This category includes strains with MICs that approach or can exceed usually attainable blood or tissue
levels (but do not have flexible labeling); and for which response rates can be lower than for strains in the
“susceptible” category. These strains can be inhibited by attainable concentrations of certain antimicrobial
• in body sites, such as the urinary tract, where drugs are physiologically concentrated (e.g.,
quinolones, β-lactams); and
• provided the drug has a wide pharmacotoxicity margin and is administered at maximal dosage (e.g.,
If the organism is not susceptible to alternative clinically feasible drugs, if the site of infection is not one
where the drug is concentrated, or if the high dose cannot be used, the test should be repeated.
This category indicates the availability of U.S. FDA-approved flexible labeling; this organism could be
considered susceptible if appropriate dosing modifications found in the product packaging insert are
2.8.5 Resistant
This category implies that there will not be a favorable clinical outcome, because the achievable systemic
concentrations of the agent will be lower than the MIC of the causative organism with normal dosage
schedules and/or fall in the range or where specific microbial resistance mechanisms are likely (e.g., β-
lactamases), and clinical efficacy has not been reliable in treatment studies.
Disk diffusion zone diameters correlate inversely with MICs from standard dilution tests, usually broth
microdilution. Table 2 lists the zone diameters and MIC breakpoints used for the interpretive guidelines.
Zone diameters and MIC breakpoints are correlated based upon zone-diameter versus MIC regression,
population distributions, pharmacokinetics, and clinical efficacy studies.13, 14 However, the zone diameters
may not correspond precisely to the listed MIC breakpoints due to differences in the methodologies and
the original databases. Thus, the information provided in Table 2 cannot be used to convert zone
diameters to absolute MIC values. See also Section 1.3.
3.2 Methodologies
Of the many media available, the subcommittee considers Mueller-Hinton agar the best medium for
routine susceptibility tests for the following reasons:
• A large amount of data has been collected concerning susceptibility tests performed with this
Although Mueller-Hinton agar is generally reliable for susceptibility testing, results obtained with some
batches may, on occasion, vary significantly. If a batch of medium does not support adequate growth of
the test organism, zones obtained in a diffusion test will usually be larger, can be outside the quality
control limits, and can yield erroneous results. Media that have been tested according to and meet the
acceptance limits described in the most current edition of NCCLS document M6—Protocols for
Evaluating Dehydrated Mueller-Hinton Agar are to be used.
Media containing excessive amounts of thymidine or thymine can reverse the inhibitory effect of
sulfonamides and of trimethoprim, thus yielding smaller and less distinct zones, or even no zone at all,
which can result in false-resistant reports. Addition of thymidine phosphorylase or lysed horse blood can
improve the clarity of zones and the reliability of sulfonamide and trimethoprim testing of most common
pathogens, except enterococci.15, 16 However, Mueller-Hinton agar that is as thymidine-free as possible
should be obtained; it is available from most commercial sources.
To evaluate a new lot of Mueller-Hinton agar, a standard control strain of Enterococcus faecalis
American Type Culture Collectionb (ATCC®) 29212 or Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 33186 (a more
sensitive indicator of thymidine levels) is tested with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole disks. Satisfactory
media will provide essentially clear zones of inhibition, 20 mm or more in diameter.
Variation in divalent cations, principally magnesium and calcium, will affect results of aminoglycoside
tests with Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains and tetracycline tests with numerous species. Excessive cation
content will reduce zone sizes, whereas low cation content may result in unacceptably large zones of
inhibition. Excess zinc ions may reduce zone sizes of carbapenems. (Performance tests using
aminoglycosides and tetracycline with each lot of Mueller-Hinton agar must conform to the control limits
listed in Table 4.)
(1) Prepare Mueller-Hinton agar from a dehydrated base according to the manufacturer's
(2) Immediately after autoclaving, allow it to cool in a water bath at 48 to 50 °C (see Section
(3) Pour the freshly prepared and cooled medium into petri dishes on a level, horizontal surface to give a
uniform depth of approximately 4 mm. This corresponds to 60 to 70 mL of medium for 150-mm (15-
cm) plates, and 25 to 30 mL for 100-mm (10-cm) plates. Either glass or plastic petri dishes may be
used, but the bottom half of the plate should be flat.
ATCC is a registered trademark of the American Type Culture Collection.
(4) Allow the agar medium to cool to room temperature and, unless the plate is used the same day, store
in a refrigerator (2 to 8 °C). Plates should be used within seven days after preparation unless adequate
precautions, such as wrapping in plastic, have been taken to minimize evaporation and unless they
have been shown to perform correctly with the control organism as specified in Section 5.
(5) Test samples of each batch of plates for sterility by incubating at 35 °C for 24 hours or longer; discard
these samples. pH
The pH of each batch of Mueller-Hinton agar is to be checked when the medium is prepared. The exact
method used will depend largely on the type of equipment available in the laboratory. The agar medium
should have a pH between 7.2 and 7.4 at room temperature and must therefore be checked after gelling.
The pH can be checked by:
• allowing a small amount of agar to solidify around the tip of a pH electrode in a beaker or pH meter
cup; and Moisture
If, just before use, excess surface moisture is present, the plates are to be put in an incubator (35 °C) with
lids ajar until excess surface moisture is lost by evaporation (usually 10 to 30 minutes). The surface
should be moist, but no droplets of moisture should be on the surface of the medium or on the petri dish
covers when the plates are inoculated.
Generally, cartridges containing paper disks specifically for susceptibility testing are supplied in separate
containers. Methods for packaging must ensure appropriate anhydrous conditions. For long-term storage,
it is necessary to:
• Refrigerate the containers (maintain at 8 °C or below) or freeze at -14 °C or below until needed,
according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
• To maintain their potency, freeze disks that contain drugs from the β-lactam family, except for a
small working supply, which can be refrigerated for up to one week.
• Remove the unopened containers from the refrigerator or freezer one to two hours before use of the
disks, and allow them to equilibrate to room temperature before opening. This procedure minimizes
the condensation that would occur when warm air reaches the cold containers.
• When using a filled disk-dispensing apparatus, it should be fitted with a tight cover and supplied with
an adequate indicator desiccant; allow it to warm to room temperature before opening.
• Avoid excessive moisture by replacing the desiccant when the indicator changes color.
• When not in use, always refrigerate the dispensing apparatus containing the disks.
• Use only those disks that have not reached the manufacturer's expiration date stated on the label.
Discard disks on that date.
To standardize the inoculum density, a BaSO4 turbidity standard is used (0.5 McFarland standard). The
procedure is as follows:
(1) Prepare this turbidity standard by adding 0.5 mL of 0.048 mol/L barium chloride (1.173g BaCl2•
2H2O; 1.175% w/v) to 99.5 mL of 0.18 mol/L (0.36 N; 1% v/v) H2SO4.
(2) Verify the correct density of the turbidity standard by using a spectrophotometer with a 1-cm light
path and matched cuvettes to determine the absorbency. The absorbency at 625 nm should be 0.08 to
0.10 for the 0.5 McFarland standard.
(3) Distribute 4 to 6 mL into screw-cap tubes of the same size as those used in growing or diluting the
broth culture inoculum.
(4) To prevent evaporation, seal these tubes tightly and store them at room temperature.
(5) Just before use, agitate this turbidity standard vigorously on a mechanical vortex mixer.
(6) Replace standards or recheck their densities three months after preparation.
(1) Select at least four to five well-isolated colonies of the same morphological type from an agar plate
culture. Touch the top of each colony with a wire loop (or nontoxic cotton or polyester textile fiber
swab), and transfer the growth to a tube containing 4 to 5 mL of a suitable broth medium, such as
tryptic-soy broth.
(2) Allow the broth culture to incubate at 35 °C until it achieves or exceeds the turbidity of the standard
described in Section 3.2.3 (usually two to eight hours).
(3) Adjust the turbidity of the active growing broth culture with sterile saline or broth to obtain a turbidity
visually comparable to that of the 0.5 McFarland turbidity standard described in Section 3.2.3. To
perform this step properly, use adequate light, and to aid in the visual comparison, read the tube
against a white background with contrasting black lines.
(4) Within 15 minutes after adjusting the turbidity of the inoculum suspension, dip a sterile, nontoxic
swab on an applicator into the adjusted suspension. Rotate the swab several times, pressing firmly on
the inside wall of the tube above the fluid level to remove excess inoculum from the swab.
(5) Inoculate the dry surface of a Mueller-Hinton agar plate by streaking the swab over the entire sterile
agar surface. Repeat this streaking procedure two more times, and rotate the plate approximately 60°
each time to ensure an even distribution of inoculum. Replace the plate top and allow three to five
minutes, but no longer than 15 minutes, for any excess surface moisture to be absorbed before
applying the drug-impregnated disks. If the plate is streaked satisfactorily, and the inoculum was
correct, the zones of inhibition will be uniformly circular and there will be a confluent—or an almost
confluent—lawn of growth. If only isolated colonies grow, the inoculum was too light, and the test
should be repeated.
NOTE: Avoid extremes in inoculum density. Never use undiluted overnight broth cultures for
streaking plates.
For routine susceptibility tests, the inoculum is standardized by making a direct saline or broth suspension
of colonies that are selected from an 18- to 24-hour agar plate (a nutrient, nonselective medium, such as
blood agar, must be used).14,17 The suspension is adjusted to match the turbidity standard, as outlined in
Section This approach is the method of choice for testing species that fail to grow satisfactorily in
broth media (i.e., Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and Streptococcus spp. [see Sections and
3.2.6]) or for testing Staphylococcus spp. for methicillin resistance (see Section 6.5).
When testing trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole disks using this method, colonies obtained from the
nonselective medium can carry over enough antagonistic substances to produce a haze of growth inside a
zone of inhibition produced by susceptible strains.
There are some devices that permit direct standardization of inocula without adjustment of turbidity and
without preincubation in a broth medium that have been found to be acceptable for routine testing pur-
poses.8, 18
(1) Place the appropriate drug-impregnated disks on the surface of the agar plate inoculated by one of the
methods described in Section 3.2.4. With sterile forceps or needle tip, gently press down each disk to
ensure complete contact with the agar surface. The disks may be placed individually or with a
dispensing apparatus, but they must be distributed evenly so that they are no closer than 24 mm from
center to center. No more than 12 disks should be placed on one 150-mm plate nor more than five
disks on a 100-mm plate. Because some of the drug diffuses almost instantaneously, a disk is not to
be moved once it has come in contact with the agar surface.
(2) Invert the plates and place them in an incubator at 35 °C within 15 minutes after the disks are applied.
The plates should not be incubated under an increased concentration of CO2, because the interpretive
standards were developed by using aerobic incubation and, with some agents (i.e., macrolides,
lincosaminides, tetracyclines), CO2 will significantly alter the size of the inhibitory zones due to pH
changes. Organisms requiring CO2 for standardized testing (e.g., Haemophilus somnus and
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae) should be incubated in an environment of 3 to 7% CO2. If a CO2
incubator is not available, a candle extinction jar is an acceptable alternative. Control strains, which
are tested concurrently, will indicate whether the pH has changed unacceptably. Only those
antimicrobial agents for which acceptable quality control values have been achieved should be
(3) After 16 to 18 hours of incubation, examine each plate and measure the diameters of the zones of
complete inhibition (as judged by the unaided eye), including the diameter of the disk. Measure the
zones to the nearest whole millimeter, using sliding calipers, a ruler, or a template prepared for this
purpose. Hold the measuring device onto the back of the petri plate illuminated with a reflected light
against a black, nonreflecting background. If the test organism is a Staphylococcus or Enterococcus
spp., 24 hours of incubation are required, and transmitted light is used to examine the oxacillin and
vancomycin zones for light growth of methicillin- or vancomycin-resistant colonies, respectively,
within apparent zones of inhibition. If blood is added to the agar base, measure the zones from the
surface illuminated with reflected light and with the cover removed.
(4) The end point should be taken as the area showing no obvious, visible growth that can be detected
with the unaided eye, not including faint growth or tiny colonies that can be detected only with
difficulty at the edge of the zone of inhibited growth. Large colonies growing within a clear zone of
inhibition should be subcultured, reidentified, and retested. Strains of Proteus mirabilis and Proteus
vulgaris may swarm into areas of inhibited growth around certain antimicrobial agents. The zones of
inhibition are usually clearly outlined, and the veil of swarming growth is ignored. With trimethoprim
and the sulfonamides, antagonists can allow some growth; therefore, with these drugs, disregard
slight growth (i.e., the density of the growth is 20% or less than that seen outside the zone of
inhibition), and measure the margin of heavy growth (80 to 100% of the density seen outside the zone
of inhibition) to determine the zone diameter.
(5) Interpret the sizes of the zones of inhibition by referring to Table 2, and report the organism to be
susceptible, intermediate, or resistant.
Mueller-Hinton medium described above for the rapidly growing aerobic pathogens is not adequate for
fastidious organisms. If susceptibility testing is to be done with fastidious organisms, the medium, quality
control procedures, and interpretive criteria must be modified to fit each organism.
The procedures described here have been shown to be accurate and provide reproducible results in
accordance with the quality control guidelines outlined in Section 5. The medium of choice for
performing disk diffusion testing with these organisms is chocolate Mueller-Hinton. One liter of this
medium consists of the following ingredients:
The Mueller-Hinton agar is mixed with 60% of the total water volume and steam sterilized. The
hemoglobin is mixed with 40% of the total water volume and steam sterilized. The two mixtures are then
combined at >50 °C. The mixture is cooled to 48 °C with constant stirring, at which time the nutritional
supplement is added aseptically. The medium is allowed to mix for ten minutes and then poured into flat-
bottomed petri dishes on a level, horizontal surface to a uniform depth of approximately 4 mm, in
accordance with Section of this document.
The direct colony suspension procedure should be used when testing H. somnus and A. pleuro-
pneumoniae. Using colonies taken directly from an overnight (preferably 20 to 24 hours) chocolate agar
culture plate, a suspension of the test organism is prepared in sterile Mueller-Hinton broth, water, or 0.9%
saline. The suspension should be adjusted to a turbidity equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland standard. This
suspension will contain approximately 1 to 4 x 108 CFU/mL. Care must be exercised in preparing this
suspension, because higher inoculum concentrations may lead to false-resistant results. Within 15 minutes
after adjusting the turbidity of the inoculum suspension, it should be used for plate inoculation.
The procedure for the disk test should be followed as described, beginning with Section for non-
fastidious bacteria, except that no more than nine disks should be applied to the surface of a 150-mm plate
or no more than four disks on a 100-mm plate.
Plates are incubated at 35 °C in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 for 20 to 24 hours before measuring the zones
of inhibition.
The innermost zone of obvious growth inhibition should be regarded as the zone margin.
The antimicrobial agents for which quality control testing has been established for H. somnus and A.
pleuropneumoniae are indicated in Table 6. Disk diffusion testing of these isolates with other agents is
not recommended until appropriate quality control parameters have been established.
The recommended medium for testing streptococci, including S. pneumoniae, is Mueller-Hinton agar
supplemented with 5% defibrinated sheep blood.20
(1) The direct colony suspension procedure should be employed as follows: growth from an overnight
(16- to 18-hour) sheep blood agar plate is suspended in sterile Mueller-Hinton broth, water, or 0.9%
saline to a density equivalent to the turbidity of the 0.5 McFarland standard. Within 15 minutes after
adjusting the turbidity of the inoculum suspension, it should be used for plate inoculation.
(2) The disk diffusion procedure steps described, beginning with Section, should be followed,
except that not more than nine disks should be placed on a 150-mm agar plate nor more than four
disks on a 100-mm plate.
(3) The plates are incubated at 35 °C in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 for 20 to 24 hours before measuring
the zones of inhibition.
The zone interpretive criteria to be used when testing streptococci, including S. pneumoniae, are included
in Table 2. Additional information specific to S. pneumoniae testing is in NCCLS document M100—
Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing.
NOTE: A penicillin MIC should be determined on isolates of viridans streptococci from normally
sterile body sites (e.g., cerebrospinal fluid, blood, bone, milk, etc.). Penicillin (and oxacillin)
disk diffusion testing is not reliable with viridans streptococci.
Due to the slow growth rate of these organisms, the results of the disk diffusion test are to be considered
invalid. Listeria spp. should be tested with the broth microdilution method using Mueller-Hinton broth
supplemented with 2 to 5% lysed horse blood.
Because A. pyogenes is routinely susceptible to penicillin, susceptibility testing should not be necessary.
However, if necessary, this organism should be tested by a microdilution MIC method. Due to the slow
growth rate of the organism, the results of the disk diffusion test are to be considered invalid. When
isolated from a mixed infection, combination therapy including penicillin can be warranted. Isolates from
penicillin-allergic animals can respond to drugs in the macrolide class of antimicrobial agents.
Due to the difficulty in determining accurate and reproducible zone sizes, disk diffusion testing is not
valid for testing Campylobacter jejuni and related species. (Refer to Section 1.5.) Medium
The procedure described here has been shown to produce intra- and interlaboratory reproducible results in
accordance with the quality control guidelines outlined in Section 5. The medium of choice for testing
this organism is Mueller-Hinton agar supplemented with 5% defibrinated sheep blood. Fresh blood may
be used, since the age of the blood has not been shown to be critical.
Agar dilution is the method of choice for testing Campylobacter isolates at this time. Studies are
underway to investigate broth microdilution and concentration gradient testing methods. However, until
those studies have been performed in multiple laboratories, on multiple lots of media, to demonstrate their
intra- and interlaboratory reproducibility, in accordance with the guidelines described in NCCLS
documents M37—Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Testing Criteria and Quality Control
Parameters for Veterinary Antimicrobial Agents or M23—Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Testing
Criteria and Quality Control Parameters, only the agar dilution testing method should be used.
The direct colony suspension procedure should be used when testing C. jejuni and related species. Using
colonies taken directly from a blood agar plate, incubated in an atmosphere appropriate to enhance the
growth of Campylobacter-like organisms (see below) for 24 hours at 42 °C or 48 hours at 37 °C, a
suspension of the test organism is prepared in sterile Mueller-Hinton broth, water, or 0.85% saline. The
suspension should be adjusted to a turbidity equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland standard. This suspension will
contain approximately 1 to 4 x 108 CFU/mL. Care must be exercised in preparing this suspension,
because higher inoculum concentrations may lead to false-resistant results. Within 30 minutes after
adjusting the turbidity of the inoculum suspension, it should be used for plate inoculation.
The agar-dilution method for determining antimicrobial agent susceptibility is well established. The
procedure for performing the agar-dilution test is described in Section 4.2.2. The medium to be used is
Mueller-Hinton agar supplemented with 5% defibrinated sheep blood.
Plates are to be incubated at 35 to 37 °C in a 10% CO2 incubator; sealable plastic pouches containing 10%
CO2, 5% O2, and 85% N2; or atmospheres generated by commercially available systems; these have all
been shown to produce equivalent results using the agar dilution testing method.
The antimicrobial agents for which quality control testing has been established for Campylobacter jejuni
are indicated in Table 5A. In vitro susceptibility testing of this organism with other agents is not
recommended until appropriate quality control parameters have been established.
Susceptibility testing of anaerobic bacteria isolated from animals should be performed in accordance with
procedures outlined in the most current edition of NCCLS document M11— Methods for Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Testing of Anaerobic Bacteria. The use of disk diffusion tests is not recommended.
4.1 Indications for Performing Broth and Agar Dilution Susceptibility Tests
The techniques described in this document are intended primarily for testing commonly isolated bacteria
that will grow well after overnight incubation in Mueller-Hinton medium, either unsupplemented or
supplemented, as described in Sections and For some more fastidious and special
problem pathogens that can require MIC tests, alternative methods are included in Table 7. These are not
intended to be standard methods, but they are acceptable alternatives with which members of the
subcommittee have had substantial experience. In some of these methods, lysed horse blood was used as a
blood additive, because it contained thymidine phosphorylase (thus making media more suitable for
sulfonamide and trimethoprim testing), but it is likely that either lysed sheep or rabbit blood could be
used instead. For tests with staphylococci, 2 g/L NaCl should be added only to the wells containing
oxacillin or methicillin, because it interferes with the growth of some organisms and alters the results
obtained with aminoglycosides (2 g/L NaCl should be used in the agar-based MIC method). Although
organisms other than staphylococci might not grow adequately in those wells, it is of little significance,
because these antimicrobials are primarily antistaphylococcal drugs. NCCLS document M11—Methods
for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Anaerobic Bacteria is an agar dilution reference standard for
anaerobic bacteria.
Section describes commercially available microdilution systems that contain either frozen or dried
antimicrobial agents. These may also be used as a reference method as long as they adhere to standard
NCCLS methodologies (See NCCLS document M23—Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Testing
Criteria and Quality Control Parameters for further details on plate format comparisons). Only those
results for which appropriate quality control values have been achieved should be reported.
For laboratories utilizing dilution MIC methods, the interpretive category should always be reported and
if desired, the specific MIC can be reported along with the interpretive result. (This lessens the chances of
clinical errors from mis- or overinterpretation of exact MICs.)
4.2 Methodologies Source
Antimicrobial agent standards or reference powders can be obtained commercially, directly from the drug
manufacturer, or from the United States Pharmacopoeia (12601 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD
20852). Pharmacy stock or other clinical preparations are not to be used. Acceptable powders bear a label
that states the drug's nonproprietary name, its assay potency (usually expressed in micrograms [µg] or
International Units [IU] per milligram [µg] of powder), and its expiration date. The powders are to be
stored as recommended by the manufacturers, or at -20 °C or below in a desiccator (preferably in a
vacuum). When the desiccator is removed from the freezer, it should be warmed to room temperature
before it is opened (to avoid condensation of water).
All antimicrobial agents are assayed for standard units of activity. The assay units can differ widely from
the actual weight of the powder, and they often differ within a drug production lot. Thus, a laboratory
must standardize its antimicrobial agent solutions based on assays of the lots of antimicrobial agent
powders that are being used. Either of the following formulae may be used to determine the amount of
powder or diluent needed for a standard solution:
The antimicrobial agent powder should be weighed on an analytical balance that has been calibrated with
weights traceable to approved standard reference weights. If possible, more than 100 mg of powder is to
be weighed. Usually, it is advisable to weigh accurately a portion of the antimicrobial agent in excess of
that required and to calculate the volume of diluent needed to obtain the concentration desired.
Example: To prepare 100 mL of a stock solution containing 1,280 µg/mL of antimicrobial agent with
antimicrobial agent powder that has a potency of 750 µg/mg, 170 to 200 mg of the antimicrobial agent
powder is weighed accurately. If the actual weight is 182.6 mg, the volume of diluent needed is then:
Antimicrobial agent stock solutions are to be prepared at concentrations of at least 1,280 µg/mL or 10
times the highest concentration to be tested, whichever is greater. There are some antimicrobial agents,
however, of limited solubility that can require lower concentrations.10,21,22 In all cases, consider directions
provided by the drug manufacturer as part of determining solubility. Some drugs must be dissolved in
solvents other than water. In such cases, it is necessary to:
(1) Use only enough solvent to solubilize the antimicrobial agent powder.
(2) Dilute to the final stock concentration with water or appropriate buffer.10
During preparation and storage of stock drug solutions, the solution should be protected from excessive
light. Ideally, dilution activities in Sections,, and should have minimal light
Since contamination is extremely rare, solutions that have not been sterilized may be used. If, however,
sterilized solutions are desired, they are to be filtered through a membrane filter. Paper, asbestos, or
sintered glass filters, which may adsorb appreciable amounts of certain antimicrobial agents, are not to be
used. Whenever filtration is used, it is important that the absence of adsorption by appropriate assay
procedures be documented.
Small volumes of the sterile stock solutions are dispensed into sterile polypropylene or polyethylene vials,
sealed carefully, and stored (preferably at -70 °C or colder). Vials are to be removed as needed and used
the same day. Any unused drug is to be discarded at the end of the day. Stock solutions of most
antimicrobial agents can be stored at -70 °C or colder for six months or more without significant loss of
activity. In all cases, directions provided by the drug manufacturer are to be considered as a part of these
general recommendations. Any deterioration of an antimicrobial agent may be ascertained from the
results of susceptibility testing using quality control strains.
The concentrations to be tested for a particular antimicrobial agent should, at a minimum, encompass both
the QC range and the breakpoints shown in Table 2 (e.g., serial twofold centering on 1 µg/mL [i.e., 0.5, 1,
2, 4 µg/mL]). Unusual concentrations may be tested for special purposes (e.g., high concentrations of
streptomycin and gentamicin may be tested to indicate whether either drug might have a synergistic effect
with penicillin against an Enterococcus spp.).
The agar dilution method for determining antimicrobial agent susceptibility is well established.1, 10 The
antimicrobial agent is incorporated into the agar, with each plate containing a different concentration of
the agent in log2 doubling dilutions. The inoculum can be applied rapidly and simultaneously to the agar
surfaces using an inoculum-replicating apparatus.23 Commercial replicators that are currently available
usually transfer 32 to 37 inocula to each plate.
If agar dilution tests are to be performed with fastidious organisms, the medium, quality control
procedures, and interpretive criteria must be modified to fit each organism. Agar dilution testing of
Haemophilus somnus and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae has been shown to be reliable when using
chocolate Mueller-Hinton agar as described in Section and Table 7. It is important to note that the
direct inoculum suspension method of preparing the test inoculum must be used with these species. The
direct inoculum suspension method consists of making a direct broth or saline suspension of colonies
selected from 18- to 24-hour agar plates (a nonselective medium, such as blood agar or chocolate agar,
should be used). The suspension is adjusted to match the 0.5 McFarland turbidity standard as outlined in
Section The medium and important technical aspects of testing these fastidious species are
described in relevant sections above and outlined in Table 7. The quality control ranges for these two
fastidious organisms are indicated in Table 6.
Mueller-Hinton agar is recommended for routine susceptibility testing of aerobic and facultative
anaerobic bacteria. To avoid some of the problems with this medium in supporting growth of some
fastidious organisms, various supplements are added (see Table 7). New lots of Mueller-Hinton agar are
to be performance tested before use as outlined in Section 5. Media are used that have been tested
according to, and meet the acceptance limits described in NCCLS document M6—Protocols for
Evaluating Dehydrated Mueller-Hinton Agar.
Test media are to be prepared from a dehydrated base in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations. After the agar is autoclaved, it is cooled to 48 to 50 °C in a water bath before adding
antimicrobial agent solutions and unautoclaved supplements. The agar is then poured into the appropriate
plates. The liquid agar may also be dispensed into smaller sterile containers, these containers sealed, and
the agar allowed to equilibrate to 48 to 50 °C in a water bath before antimicrobial agent solutions are
added and the agar is poured into the plates.
The pH of each batch of test medium is to be checked after it is sterilized. If a pH is out of range, the
procedure for preparing the medium should be investigated. To ensure that the pH of the medium is
between 7.2 and 7.4 at 25 °C, the pH of the medium is measured after it gels. The measurement is made
with a standard combination pH electrode or with a surface electrode. If a standard combination electrode
is used, it is necessary to:
(1) submerge it in a small amount of gelled medium that has been macerated; or
(2) allow a small amount of liquid agar in a small beaker to solidify around the electrode.
In either case, the electrode is supported so that its measuring tip does not press against the container
walls. A thermometer is placed into the agar to determine the temperature.
Unlike the broth method, supplemental cations, (e.g., Ca++ and Mg++) are not to be added to Mueller-
Hinton agar. Mueller-Hinton agar may be supplemented with 5% (v/v) defibrinated sheep, rabbit, bovine,
or horse blood. The pH is checked after addition of the supplements. Autoclaving is not to be performed
after these additions are made. These supplemented media are used only for:
• testing those organisms that do not grow on the unsupplemented medium; and
Information on dilution tests for some important fastidious or problem organisms is presented in Table 7.
The procedure for preparing agar plates includes the following steps:
(1) Add appropriate dilutions of antimicrobial agent solution to molten test media that have been equil-
ibrated in a water bath to 48 to 50 °C.
(2) After mixing the agar and antimicrobial agent solution thoroughly, pour the mixture into petri dishes
on a level surface as quickly as possible to prevent cooling and partial solidification in the mixing
container (the agar should be approximately 4-mm deep [see Section]).
(3) Allow the agar to solidify at room temperature and use the plates immediately, or store them in sealed
plastic bags at 2 to 8 °C for up to five days for reference work, or longer for routine tests (see Section (It cannot be assumed that new antimicrobial agents will maintain their potency under these
storage conditions. The user should evaluate the stability of these agar plates from results obtained
with reference strains and should develop applicable shelf-life criteria. Data generated by drug manu-
facturers should be consulted for this information if it is available.)
(4) After storage, allow the agar plates to equilibrate to room temperature before using them.
(5) Ensure that the agar surface is dry before inoculating the plates (see Section
Although several dilution schemes can be appropriate for routine agar dilution testing, a scheme in which
one part of antimicrobial solution is added to nine parts of liquid agar should be used for the reference
method. For example, a log2 doubling dilution scheme would begin with a stock concentration of 5,120
µg/mL. A 2-mL aliquot, when mixed with 18 mL molten agar (1:10), will give a final agar concentration
of 512 µg/mL (log2 9). Subsequent 1:2 dilutions of the antimicrobial agent are diluted as before with
molten agar until the lowest desired concentration is reached.
Reference Work
For reference work, the agar plates should be used within five days. However, the appropriate reference
control strains (Table 4) are to be tested each time tests are performed to ensure that no deterioration of
antimicrobial agents has occurred. β-lactams and tetracyclines are generally the drugs most susceptible to
deterioration. For routine tests, it is not necessary to limit storage to this time period, as long as reference
strains are used concurrently to control the tests as described in Sections 5.3 and 5.3.3.
Because variations in the density of inoculum can alter the end points by one or more concentrations or
dilutions, the preparation of a standardized inoculum is critical. It is necessary to:
• Select at least four or five well-isolated colonies of the same morphological type from the agar plate.
Touch the top of each colony with a wire loop (or nontoxic cotton or polyester textile fiber swab) and
transfer growth to a tube containing 4 to 5 mL of a suitable broth medium, such as tryptic soy broth.
(For H. somnus and A. pleuropneumoniae, prepare the inoculum in accordance with the procedures
described in Section Allow the broth culture to incubate at 35 °C until it achieves or exceeds
the turbidity of the standard described in Section 3.2.4. Adjust the density of this culture to a turbidity
equivalent to that of a 0.5 McFarland standard by adding sterile broth, saline, or distilled water. Make
the adjustment with an adequate light source and, to aid in the visual comparison, examine the fluid in
the tubes against a white background with contrasting black lines. Turbidity adjusted to this standard
contains approximately 1 to 2 x 108 CFU/mL.
• If desired, use of photometric or other alternative systems to adjust the inoculum density of the
culture has been demonstrated to yield equivalent results. A study has shown that inocula of the
proper concentration prepared with bacteria from colonies on an overnight agar plate (direct inoculum
method) yield results equivalent to those obtained with the standard method described here.18,24
Staphylococci should be tested by the direct inoculum procedure. (See Table 9C for MRSA.)
An NCCLS global consensus standard. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 25
Number 6 NCCLS
• Most inoculum replicators deposit approximately 0.1 (1-mm pin) to 2.0 (3-mm pin) µL on the agar
surface. If a 3-mm pin is used, dilute the adjusted suspensions 1:10 in sterile broth or saline to obtain
the desired inoculum concentration of 1.0 x 107 CFU/mL. The final inoculum on the agar will then be
approximately 1.0 x 104 (for the 1-mm pin) to 2.0 x 104 (for the 3-mm pin) CFU/spot in an agar area
of 2 to 5 mm in diameter.
(1) Dry the surface of the medium before inoculating it (see Section If necessary, place the
plates with the lids ajar in an incubator. Avoid excessive drying. Arrange the tubes containing the
adjusted and diluted bacterial suspensions (1.0 x 107 CFU/mL) in order in a rack. Place an aliquot of
each suspension into the corresponding well in the replicator seed block.
(3) Apply 0.1 to 2 µL of each inoculum to the agar surface either by the use of standardized loops or,
preferably, with an inoculum-replicator device.
(4) Inoculate a control agar plate (no antimicrobial agent) first; then, starting with the lowest concentra-
tion, inoculate the plates containing the different antimicrobial concentrations. Inoculate a second
control agar plate last to ensure that there was no contamination or antimicrobial agent carry-over
during the inoculation. (In addition, a quadrant agar plate may be streaked with each isolate tested to
enhance the potential for detection of a mixed culture.)
(1) Let the inoculated agar plates remain at room temperature until the moisture in the inoculum spots is
absorbed into the agar; that is, until the spots are dry. Invert the plates and incubate them at 35 °C for
16 to 20 hours. (See Table 9C for MRSA.)
(2) Avoid incubating the plates routinely in an atmosphere with increased CO2, because the surface pH
can be altered. However, organisms requiring increased CO2, such as H. somnus and Haemophilus
parasuis, should be incubated in an environment of 3 to 5% CO2. If a CO2 incubator is not available,
a candle extinction jar is an acceptable alternative. Control strains tested concurrently will indicate
whether the pH has changed unacceptably. Only drugs for which the quality control strains yield
acceptable values should be reported.
(1) Lay the agar plates on a dark, nonreflecting surface to visually observe them. Record the MIC as the
lowest concentration of antimicrobial agent that completely inhibits colony formation; disregard a
single colony or a faint haze caused by inoculum.
(2) Subculture to check purity, and repeat the test if two or more colonies persist in concentrations of the
agent beyond an obvious end point, or there is no colony formation at lower concentrations, but there
is growth at higher concentrations.
The information presented here is to enhance monitoring programs that are testing Campylobacter jejuni
and related species by providing a standardized testing method, including a quality control organism and
quality control ranges for seven antimicrobial agents. It is not intended for, nor can it be used for,
predicting clinical efficacy of antimicrobial agents tested against these organisms, since there are
currently no NCCLS interpretive criteria for the in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing of
Campylobacter jejuni and related species.
Mueller-Hinton broth is recommended as the medium for susceptibility testing of commonly isolated,
rapidly replicating pathogens in both NCCLS document M2—Performance Standards for Antimicrobial
Disk Susceptibility Tests and in the report of the ICS.1 Mueller-Hinton broth demonstrates fairly good
batch-to-batch reproducibility for susceptibility testing; is low in sulfonamide, trimethoprim, and
tetracycline inhibitors; and yields satisfactory growth of most pathogens. In addition, a large volume of
information about tests performed with this medium is available so that, if another broth were to be select-
ed, most of the previous studies would have to be repeated. Mueller-Hinton broth may be supplemented to
support the growth of fastidious bacteria. Blood or blood constituents may be added for testing certain
streptococci. Recommendations for susceptibility testing of A. pleuropneumoniae and H. somnus are in
MIC performance and chemical characteristics of the broth are to be monitored routinely. The pH of each
batch of Mueller-Hinton broth is to be checked with a pH meter when the medium is prepared; the pH
should be between 7.2 and 7.4 at room temperature (25 °C). MIC performance characteristics of each
batch of broth are evaluated using a standard set of quality control organisms (see Section 5).
Unless Mueller-Hinton broth has the correct concentrations of the divalent cations Ca++ and Mg++ (20 to
25 mg of Ca++/L and 10 to 12.5 mg of Mg++/L), MICs of aminoglycosides for P. aeruginosa and MICs of
tetracycline for all bacteria will be different from those obtained on Mueller-Hinton agar.10, 25 Many
manufacturers provide Mueller-Hinton broth that has already been adjusted. Therefore, the instructions
for cation adjustments (see Section should be followed only when the initial Mueller-Hinton
broth has been certified by the manufacturer or measured by the user to contain no or inadequate amounts
of Ca++ and Mg++ when assayed for total divalent cation content by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
Adding excess cations to Mueller-Hinton broth may result in erroneous results. Reliable susceptibility test
results are achievable by disk diffusion or agar dilution with Mueller-Hinton agar that meets performance
criteria specified in NCCLS document M6—Protocols for Evaluating Dehydrated Mueller-Hinton Agar.
If a new lot of broth does not yield the expected MICs, the cation content is investigated, or another lot is
obtained. To determine the suitability of the medium for sulfonamide and trimethoprim tests, MICs are
performed with Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 29212 or Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 33186 (a more
thymidine-sensitive strain). The end points should be easy to read (either as no growth or approximately
80% reduction as compared to the control). If MICs obtained with thymidine-free medium are ≤ 0.5
µg/mL, the medium is probably adequate for clinical use. If needed, thymidine phosphorylase or lysed
horse blood (which contains thymidine phosphorylase) may be added to the medium to aid in tests with
In a routine setting, such as the clinical microbiology laboratory, some antimicrobial agent-broth
combinations may require more frequent quality control tests than once weekly because of relatively rapid
degradation of the drug.27
The procedure for preparing magnesium stock solution is to dissolve 8.36 g of MgCl2•6H2O in 100 mL of
deionized water. This solution will contain 10 mg of Mg++/mL.
For preparing calcium chloride stock solution, the procedure is to dissolve 3.68 g of CaCl2•2H20 in 100
mL of deionized water. This solution will contain 10 mg of Ca++/mL.
Mueller-Hinton broth is prepared as the manufacturer directs, autoclaved, and chilled overnight at 4 °C or
in an ice bath if it is to be used the same day.
With stirring, 0.1 mL of chilled Ca++ or Mg++ stock solution per liter of broth is added for each desired
increment of 1 mg/L in the final concentration of Ca++ or Mg++ in the adjusted Mueller-Hinton broth. This
medium is designated “cation-adjusted Mueller-Hinton broth (CAMHB).” Adjustments of Ca++ or Mg++
or both are not necessary when Mueller-Hinton broth from the manufacturer already contains the correct
concentrations (20 to 25 mg of Ca++/L and 10 to 12.5 mg of Mg++/L) of divalent cations.
The Mueller-Hinton broth used to test rapidly growing aerobic pathogens is not adequate for testing many
of the fastidious organisms encountered in veterinary medicine. When a medium has been defined for
testing a fastidious organism, quality control procedures and interpretive criteria must be established for
testing that organism in that medium.
The medium of choice for broth microdilution testing of these organisms is veterinary fastidious medium
(VFM). One liter of this medium consists of the following ingredients:
Unless the Mueller-Hinton broth has the correct concentrations of divalent cations (Ca++ and Mg++),
appropriate salts need to be added to provide 20 to 25 mg per liter of calcium and 10 to 12.5 mg per liter
of magnesium.
The Mueller-Hinton broth, with yeast extract (water-soluble portion of autolyzed yeast containing vitamin
B complex), is mixed with 95.5% of total water volume and steam sterilized. It is then cooled to 8 °C and
the lysed horse blood and Supplement C™ are added aseptically. The blood is laked by three cycles of
alternating freezing (at –20 °C or lower) and thawing followed by centrifugation at 3000 x g for 20
minutes for clarification.
Supplement C is a registered trademark of BD Diagnostics. Standardizing the Inoculum for Broth Dilution Testing of Haemophilus somnus and
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
Direct colony suspensions should be used when testing these organisms. Using colonies taken directly
from an overnight (20 to 24 hours) chocolate agar culture plate, a suspension of the test organism is
prepared in sterile Mueller-Hinton broth, water, or 0.9% saline. The turbidity should be adjusted to a
turbidity equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland standard using a photometric or commercial volumetric inoculum-
preparation device. When a volumetric inoculum device is used, the manufacturer’s instructions should be
followed explicitly. This suspension may then be diluted as described in Section to obtain a
desired final concentration of 5 x 105 CFU/mL in each well or tube. Inoculum concentrations higher than
5 x 105 CFU/mL often lead to inappropriately high MICs with certain cephalosporin antimicrobial agents.
Because of this inoculum effect, determination of colony-forming units should be performed on a regular
basis (e.g., once weekly) to ensure that the final inoculum concentration is approximately 5 x 105
CFU/mL. The procedure for determining colony-forming units may be found in Section
Acceptable quality control ranges for these two organisms are indicated in Table 6.
- Use a control tube containing broth without antimicrobial agent for each organism tested.
- Close the tubes with cotton plugs, loose screw caps, or plastic or metal caps.
When twofold dilutions are used, they may be prepared volumetrically in broth. Because there will be
a 1:2 dilution of the drugs when an equal volume of inoculum is used, the antimicrobial agent
solutions are prepared in double-strength medium. The total volume of each antimicrobial agent
dilution to be prepared depends upon the number of tests to be performed. A minimum of 1 mL of
each antimicrobial agent dilution is needed for each antimicrobial agent tested. A single pipet is used
to prepare all diluents and then for adding the stock antimicrobial agent solution to the first tube. A
separate pipet is used for each remaining dilution in that set.
This method is named “microdilution,” because it involves the use of small volumes of broth. Sterile
plastic microdilution trays that have round or truncated-v bottom wells, each containing 0.05 to 0.1
mL of broth, are used. The drugs may be diluted as described in Section 4.2.1.
Microdilution trays can be made in the laboratory, or purchased commercially ready to use. If made
in the laboratory, one of the available systems that automatically fills the wells can be obtained. In
these systems, the desired media and antimicrobial agents are made in larger volumes, and a dispenser
automatically fills each well of the tray with the desired volume. Two types of commercial trays have
been made. In one, the media-antimicrobial solutions are dispensed into trays and frozen for delivery
to the user.28 The user stores them in the frozen state (preferably at -70 °C or colder) and thaws them
An NCCLS global consensus standard. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 29
Number 6 NCCLS
as needed. The other kind of commercial tray has dried antimicrobial agents in its wells.29 The agents
are put into solution by adding diluent and inoculum together, or separately, to each well.
The antimicrobial dilutions are to be made so that each concentration is contained in at least 10 mL of
broth and, with a dispensing device, the wells of the microdilution trays are filled with 0.1 (± 0.02)
mL each from these tubes. If the inoculum is to be added by pipet as described in Section, the
antimicrobial agent solution is prepared double strength, and the wells are filled with 0.05 mL instead
of 0.1 mL. The filled trays are sealed in plastic bags and immediately placed in a freezer at -70 °C or
colder until needed. Although the antimicrobial agents in frozen trays usually remain stable for six
months, if they are to be used for reference work, they are to be used within four weeks after they are
prepared. Trays are not to be stored in a self-defrosting freezer nor thawed solutions refrozen;
repeated freeze-thaw cycles accelerate the degradation of some antimicrobial agents, particularly
(2) With A. pleuropneumoniae and H. somnus, prepare a suspension of test organism in sterile
Mueller-Hinton broth, water, or 0.9% saline using colonies taken directly from an overnight (20- to
24-hour) culture. This suspension should be adjusted to a turbidity equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland
standard using a photometric or commercial volumetric inoculum-preparation device. When a
volumetric inoculum device is used, the manufacturer's instructions should be followed explicitly.
The precise concentration of organisms in the starting suspension will depend on the conditions of
incubation of the overnight blood agar culture—in particular, the length of incubation. The user
should be aware that some A. pleuropneumoniae strains are adherent and, thus, it can be difficult to
obtain a consistent inoculum.
The desired final inoculum concentration of 5 x 105 CFU/mL in each well or tube is achieved from
the initial inoculum suspension as described in Section Inoculum concentrations higher than 5
x 105 CFU/mL often lead to inappropriately high MICs with certain cephalosporin antimicrobial
(3) Laboratories are encouraged to determine colony-forming units on inoculum suspensions periodically
to ensure that the final inoculum concentration routinely obtained approximates 5 x 105 CFU/mL.
This can be easily accomplished by removing a 0.01-mL aliquot from the growth-control well or tube
immediately after inoculation and diluting it in 10 mL of 0.9% saline. After mixing, a 0.1-mL aliquot
is spread over the surface of a suitable agar medium. Following incubation, the presence of
approximately 50 colonies would indicate an inoculum density of 5 x 105 CFU/mL.
Before adjusting the inoculum, 1 mL of the various antimicrobial agent concentrations is placed in 13
x 100-mm tubes (a growth control without antimicrobial agent is included). Within 15 minutes after
the inoculum has been standardized in broth, 1 mL of the adjusted inoculum is added to each tube in
the dilution series and mixed. This results in a 1:2 dilution of each antimicrobial agent concentration
and a 1:2 dilution of the inoculum. (See Section
Each well of a freshly prepared or thawed tray is inoculated with a 0.05-mL pipet dropper or an
inoculum replicator. As in macrodilution, the inoculum is diluted, and the broth is inoculated within
15 minutes after the inoculum is standardized. If the volume of the inoculum exceeds 10% of the
volume of the well, the diluting effect of the inoculum on the antimicrobial agent must be taken into
account. If a pipet is used to inoculate the broth in a well, the resulting dilution is usually 1:2 (0.05
mL antimicrobial solution + 0.05 mL inoculum); but if a replicator is used, the resulting dilution is
usually negligible (generally <5 µL of inoculum in 0.1 mL antimicrobial solution). To prevent drying,
each tray is sealed in a plastic bag with plastic tape, or with a tight-fitting plastic cover before it is
• Incubation
In both the macrodilution and the broth microdilution methods, the tubes or trays are incubated at
35 °C for 16 to 20 hours in a forced air incubator, except with H. somnus, A. pleuropneumoniae, and
methicillin-resistant staphylococci (see Table 7). When testing H. somnus and A. pleuropneumoniae,
tubes or trays should be incubated for a total of 20 to 24 hours before determining results. With
methicillin-resistant staphylococci, the direct inoculum method is recommended, and incubation
should be for a full 24 hours. To maintain the same incubation temperature for all cultures,
microdilution trays are not to be stacked more than four high.
• Interpreting Results
The MIC is the lowest concentration of antimicrobial agent that completely inhibits growth of the
organism as detected by the unaided eye. Viewing devices that make it easier to read microdilution
tests are available. The amount of turbidity in the wells or tubes containing the antimicrobial agent is
compared with the amount of turbidity in the growth-control wells or tubes (no antimicrobial agent)
used in each set of tests. Microdilution MICs for gram-negative bacilli tend to be the same or one log2
dilution lower than the comparable macrodilution MICs.14
5.1 Purpose
• the performance of reagents and the viability of the microorganisms used in the test; and
• the performances of persons who carry out the tests and interpret the results.
An NCCLS global consensus standard. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 31
Number 6 NCCLS
The goals are best realized by, but not limited to, the use of reference strains selected for their genetic
stability and for their usefulness in the particular method being controlled.
Multiple test parameters are monitored by following the quality assurance guidelines described in this
standard. Acceptable results derived from testing quality control strains do not guarantee accurate results
with all patient isolates. When atypical or inconsistent results are encountered with a patient’s isolates,
repeat testing and/or repeat identification procedures should be performed in an effort to ensure accurate
results. Each laboratory should develop its own policies for verification of atypical antimicrobial
susceptibility test results.
The following are the responsibilities of the manufacturer (commercial and/or in-house products):
• integrity of product;
Manufacturers should design and recommend a quality control program that allows the user to evaluate
those variables (e.g., inoculum levels, storage/shipping conditions) that most likely will cause user per-
formance problems and to determine that the assay is performing accurately when used according to
directions for use.
• personnel proficiency;
• adherence to procedure (e.g., inoculum, incubation conditions [time, temperature, and atmosphere]);
• maintenance of a quality control test log (see Appendix A for sample form).
(1) Test each new batch or lot of media, lot of disks, macrodilution tubes, microdilution trays, or agar
dilution plates with the appropriate reference strains to determine if zone sizes or MICs obtained with
the media/batch fall within the expected range (see Tables 4 and 5); if they do not, reject the
(2) Incubate overnight at least one uninoculated tube, microdilution tray, or agar plate from each batch to
ascertain the sterility of the medium.
(3) Variations in divalent cations, principally magnesium and calcium, will affect results with
aminoglycosides and tetracyclines with P. aeruginosa strains. Excessive cation content will reduce
zones sizes, whereas low cation content may result in unacceptably large zones of inhibition.
Performance tests with each lot of Mueller-Hinton agar and broth must conform to the control limits
in Tables 4 and 5 using Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 27853. Most media manufacturers are
aware of the need for cation supplementation and have adjusted their media accordingly. Such
supplementation is indicated on the medium label. However, if a medium requires an increase in
cation concentration, follow the procedure outlined in Section
(4) Keep a record of the lot numbers of all of the materials and reagents used in these tests.
Reference strains are obtained from a reliable source (for example, from the American Type Culture
Collection (ATCC), reliable commercial sources, or institutions with demonstrated reliability to store and
use the organisms correctly).
A full set of quality control strains that have adequate or optimal zone sizes or end points for all the
commonly used antimicrobials is not yet available. There are however, a number of strains that have been
tested repeatedly over the years and have proved to be genetically stable.
• Many reference strains used in the standard agar diffusion method (see Section 5.3.3) have also been
used often as reference strains for dilution susceptibility tests.10 The Staphylococcus aureus ATCC®
25923 strain, however, is of little value in dilution testing because of its extreme susceptibility to the
drugs it is used to monitor. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 27853 strain develops resistance to
carbenicillin after repeated transfers onto laboratory media, but this problem can be circumvented by
removing a new culture from storage at appropriate intervals, or whenever the strain begins to show
resistance. Additional strains that may be used for the dilution tests include Escherichia coli ATCC®
25922 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC® 29213, which is a weak β-lactamase-producing strain.
• The reference strains currently recommended by the subcommittee for controlling susceptibility tests
are provided in Table 3. The QC guidelines have been developed using ATCC reference strains.
Strains from other collections, while derived from ATCC strains and indicated as equivalent to the
ATCC strains, should be tested for equivalency. If discrepancies occur and other sources of error
have been excluded, ATCC strains should be obtained.
Tables 4 and 5 indicate the expected zone sizes and MICs (obtained by either agar dilution or CAMHB
dilution) of various antimicrobial agents for these strains. With repeated testing, more than 95% of the
zone sizes and MICs should fall within the ranges reported in Tables 4 and 5. Most of the MICs should be
at values close to the center of the pertinent range. Escherichia coli ATCC® 35218 is recommended as the
control organism for β-lactamase inhibitor combinations, such as those containing clavulanic acid or
sulbactam. As an alternative, Acinetobacter baumanii (ATCC® pending) might be more appropriate for
some β-lactam and β-lactamase inhibitor combinations.
Use such cultures to monitor precision and accuracy, as long as there is no significant change in the mean
zone diameter or MIC that cannot be attributed to methodology. Such a significant change indicates
contamination or change in the organism's inherent susceptibility. Obtain fresh cultures if such changes
When selecting reference strains for dilution testing, select strains that have MICs that fall near the
midrange of the concentration for all antimicrobial agents tested. An ideal control strain is inhibited at the
fourth dilution of a seven-dilution log2 series, but strains with MICs at either the third or fifth dilution are
acceptable. When three or fewer adjacent doubling dilutions of an antimicrobial agent are tested with
these methods, quality control methods must be altered. One possible alternative is to use one control
organism whose modal MIC is equal to or no less than one doubling dilution of the lower concentration,
and a second control organism whose modal MIC is equal to or no greater than one doubling dilution of
the higher concentration. The combination of these two results provides for at least one on-scale end
point. For commercial systems, this strategy might be best used selectively by testing the most labile
agents (e.g., clavulanic acid combinations, methicillin, imipenem, and cefaclor) included in the panels.
Before a strain is accepted as a reference, it is to be tested for as long as is necessary to demonstrate that
its antimicrobial agent susceptibility pattern is stable genetically (see NCCLS document M37—
Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Testing Criteria and Quality Control Parameters for Veterinary
Antimicrobial Agents). The strains listed in Tables 3 and 4 have proven useful for quality control.
Reference strains are stored to minimize the possibility of mutation in the organism. There are two
preferred methods for prolonged storage of reference strains.30
• One is to suspend the organisms in a stabilizer (for example, defibrinated whole blood, 50% fetal calf
serum in broth, or 10% glycerol in broth), and store them in a freezer at a temperature of lower than
–20 °C (preferably -70 °C or lower) or in liquid nitrogen.
(1) Incubate the organisms overnight on a tryptic-soy agar plate (fastidious organisms can require
supplemented tryptic-soy or chocolate agar).
(2) Select several colonies and perform the appropriate susceptibility tests to demonstrate the expected
MIC results (see Table 5 for expected MICs of some reference strains).
(3) Subculture strains yielding expected results onto an agar plate and incubate for 16 to 18 hours.
(4) Observe the colonies on the agar plate to determine the purity of the culture. A gram stain can provide
additional information as to the purity of the culture.
(5) Suspend the colonies from the agar plate in the stabilizing fluid to make a heavy suspension (or if
lyophilizing, suspend the growth in the appropriate medium).
(6) Distribute the turbid suspension in small volumes (one or two drops) into several small containers.
Stocks so prepared can remain indefinitely without significant risk of alteration in antimicrobial agent
susceptibility patterns. When the supply of containers is nearly exhausted, this process is repeated to
prepare a new supply.
5.3.3 Routine Working Control Cultures: Storage and Use of Reference Strains
For routine use of reference strains, it is necessary to perform the following procedure:
(1) Remove a container of the culture from the freezer or from a lyophilized vial.
(2) Thaw the frozen mixture at room temperature, or rehydrate the lyophilized culture.
(3) Subculture onto trypticase-soy (nonfastidious) or chocolate (fastidious) agar plates and incubate at
35 °C for 16 to 18 hours.
(4) Remove four to five colonies, subculture to broth for the appropriate susceptibility tests, and then
subculture onto trypticase-soy or chocolate agar slants.
(7) Always perform susceptibility tests on colonies from overnight plates. These agar slants may be used
as working stock cultures. Fresh slants of working cultures are prepared at weekly intervals, and new
working cultures are prepared monthly. Whenever unexplained, aberrant results suggest a change in
the organism’s inherent susceptibility, a new stock culture is obtained.
Review the following common sources of error whenever a zone diameter or MIC is outside the accuracy
control limits stated in Tables 4 and 5:
• reader error in measuring zone diameters (usually occurs in multiples of 5 mm) or MIC;
• variability in the performance of Mueller-Hinton agars or broth (each new lot should have been
checked before being used);
The first four types of errors can be readily resolved by carefully reexamining the test plates when a result
outside the accuracy control limits is first noted. If no obvious deviations are found for the standard
method, daily control tests should be resumed for at least five consecutive test days. If all control test
results during the five consecutive test days are within the accuracy control limits, and the zone range is
no larger than the maximum allowable range for precision, weekly accuracy control tests may be
resumed. If, however, at least one zone diameter is observed outside the accuracy control limits, or the
zone range is larger than the maximum allowable range for precision, daily control tests must be
continued. To return to weekly testing in the future will require documentation of satisfactory
performance for another 30 consecutive test days, as outlined in Section 5.6.3 of this document.
Acceptable zone diameter quality control limits for a single quality control test (single-drug/single-
organism combination) are listed in Tables 4 and 6. The overall performance of the test system should be
monitored using these ranges by testing the appropriate control strains each day the test is performed or, if
satisfactory performance is documented (see Section 5.6.3), testing may be done weekly (see below).
When testing is performed daily for each antimicrobial agent/organism combination, 1 out of every 20
consecutive results may be out of the acceptable range (based on 95% confidence limits, 1 out of 20
random results can be out of control). Any more than 1 out-of-control result in 20 consecutive tests
requires corrective action (see Section 5.6.4).
Weekly quality control testing may be performed once satisfactory performance has been documented
(see Section 5.6.3). Perform quality control testing once per week and whenever any reagent component
of the test (e.g., a new lot of agar or a new lot of disks from the same or a different manufacturer) is
changed. If any of the weekly quality control results is out of the acceptable range, corrective action is
required (see Section 5.6.4)
If a new antimicrobial agent is added, it must be tested for 30 consecutive days and satisfactory
performance documented before it can be tested on a weekly schedule. Thirty days of testing is also
required if there is a major change in the method of reading test results, such as conversion from manual
zone measurements to an automated zone reader.
5.6.3 Demonstrating Satisfactory Performance for Conversion from Daily to Weekly Quality
Control Testing
Test all applicable control strains for 30 consecutive test days and document results.
To convert from daily to weekly quality control testing, no more than 3 out of the 30 zone diameters for
each antimicrobial agent/organism combination may be outside the acceptable zone diameter limits stated
in Tables 4 and 6.
document the reason and retest the strain on the day the error is observed. If the repeated result is within
range, no further corrective action is required.
If there is not an obvious reason for the out-of-control result, immediate corrective action is required.
Test the implicated antimicrobial agent/organism combination on the day the error is observed, and
monitor for a total of five consecutive test days. Document all results.
If all five zone diameter measurements for the antimicrobial agent/organism combination are within the
acceptable ranges, as defined in Tables 4 and 6, no additional corrective action is necessary.
If any of the five zone diameter measurements are outside the acceptable range, additional corrective
action is required (see Section
Daily control tests must be continued until final resolution of the problem can be achieved.
When immediate corrective action does not resolve the problem, it is likely due to a system versus a
random error. The following common sources of error should be investigated to verify that:
• the turbidity standard has not expired, is stored properly, meets performance requirements, and was
adequately mixed prior to use;
• all materials used were within their expiration date and stored at the proper temperature;
• inoculum for the test was prepared from a plate incubated for the correct length of time and in no case
more than 24 hours old.
It may be necessary to obtain a new quality control strain (either from freezer storage or a reliable source)
and new lots of materials (including new turbidity standards), possibly from different manufacturers. If
the problem appears to be related to a manufacturer, the manufacturer should be contacted. It is also
helpful to exchange quality control strains and materials with another laboratory using the same method.
Until the problem is resolved, it may be necessary to use an alternate test method. Once the problem is
corrected, in order to return to weekly quality control testing, documentation of satisfactory performance
for another 30 consecutive days is required (see Section 5.6.3).
Acceptable MIC quality control limits for a single quality control test (single-drug/single-organism
combination) are listed in Tables 5 and 6. The overall performance of the test system should be monitored
using these limits by testing the appropriate control strains each day the test is performed or, if
satisfactory performance is documented (see Section 5.9.1), testing may be done weekly (see below).
The weekly quality control testing option outlined below is applicable to routine MIC tests only. Quality
control testing should be performed each test day for MIC tests performed infrequently.
When testing is performed daily for each antimicrobial agent/organism combination, 1 out of every 20
consecutive results may be out of the acceptable range (based on 95% confidence limits, 1 out of 20
random results can be out of control). Any more than 1 out-of-control result in 20 consecutive tests
requires corrective action (see Section 5.10).
5.9.1 Demonstrating Satisfactory Performance for Conversion from Daily to Weekly Quality
Control Testing
Test all applicable control strains for 30 consecutive test days and document results.
To convert from daily to weekly quality control testing, no more than 3 out of the 30 MICs for each
antimicrobial agent/organism combination may be outside the acceptable MIC limits stated in Tables 5
and 6.
Weekly quality control testing may be performed once satisfactory performance has been documented
(see Section 5.9.1)
Perform quality control testing once per week and whenever any reagent component of the test (e.g., a
new lot of broth from the same manufacturer) is changed.
If any of the weekly quality control results is out of the acceptable range, corrective action is required (see
Section 5.10).
If a new antimicrobial agent is added or a different broth manufacturer used, it must be tested for 30
consecutive days and satisfactory performance documented before it can be tested on a weekly schedule.
In addition, 30 days of testing is required if there is a major change in the method of reading test results,
such as converting from a visual reading of MICs to an instrument reading.
These guidelines can also be used for testing systems in which an MIC is determined using three or fewer
adjacent doubling dilutions of an antimicrobial agent.
For some drugs, quality control records may indicate the need for testing to be done more frequently than
once a week because of the relatively rapid degradation of the drug. Since screening tests (e.g., agar
screen for detection of VRE) for special situations are generally not performed routinely, it is
recommended that appropriate quality control strains be included on each day of testing for these kinds of
document the reason and retest the strain on the day the error is observed. If the repeated result is within
range, no further corrective action is required.
If there is not an obvious reason for the out-of-control result, immediate corrective action is required.
Test the implicated antimicrobial agent/organism combination on the day the error is observed, and
monitor for a total of five consecutive test days. Document all results.
If all five MICs for the antimicrobial agent/organism combination are within the acceptable ranges, as
defined in Tables 5 and 6, no additional corrective action is necessary.
If any of the five MICs is still outside the acceptable range, additional corrective action is required (see
Daily control tests must be continued until final resolution of the problem can be achieved.
When immediate corrective action does not resolve the problem, it is likely due to a system versus a
random error. The following common sources of error should be investigated to verify that:
• the turbidity standard has not expired, is stored properly, meets performance requirements, and was
adequately mixed prior to use;
• all materials used were within their expiration date and stored at the proper temperature;
• inoculum for the test was prepared from a plate incubated for the correct length of time and in no case
more than 24 hours old.
It may be necessary to obtain a new quality control strain (either from freezer storage or a reliable source)
and new lots of materials (including new turbidity standards), possibly from different manufacturers. If
the problem appears to be related to a manufacturer, the manufacturer should be contacted. It is also
helpful to exchange quality control strains and materials with another laboratory using the same method.
Until the problem is resolved, it may be necessary to use an alternate test method.
Once the problem is corrected, in order to return to weekly quality control testing, documentation of
satisfactory performance for another 30 consecutive days is required (see Section 5.9.1).
Whenever an out-of-control result occurs or corrective action is necessary, careful assessment of whether
to report patient results should be made on an individual basis, taking into account if the source of the
error, when known, is likely to have affected relevant patient results. Options that may be considered
include suppressing the results for an individual antimicrobial agent; retrospectively reviewing individual
patient or cumulative data for unusual patterns; and using an alternate test method or a reference
laboratory until the problem is resolved.
6.1 Purpose
In some cases it is necessary to perform specialized susceptibility tests to detect resistance to a given
antimicrobial agent, rather than use interpretive criteria from the tables. This section describes the
performance and interpretation of these tests for key organisms and antimicrobial agents. Additional
information is found in Tables 9A thru 9D.
6.2.1 Purpose
A rapid β-lactamase test may yield clinically relevant information earlier than the results of an MIC test
with Haemophilus spp., N. gonorrhoeae, and Moraxella catarrhalis; it is the only reliable test for
detecting β-lactamase-producing Enterococcus spp. β-lactamase testing may also clarify the susceptibility
test results of staphylococci to penicillin determined by broth microdilution, especially in strains with
borderline MICs (0.06 to 0.25 µg/mL).
• resistance to penicillin, ampicillin, and amoxicillin among Haemophilus spp. and M. catarrhalis; and
• resistance to penicillin as well as amino-, carboxy-, and ureidopenicillins among staphylococci and
A negative β-lactamase test result does not rule out resistance due to other mechanisms. Do not test
members of the Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp., and other aerobic, gram-negative bacilli, because
the results may not be predictive of susceptibility to the β-lactams most often used for therapy.
Chromogenic, cephalosporin-based (such as nitrocefin) tests are the preferred method for testing
Haemophilus spp., M. catarrhalis, staphylococci, enterococci, and anaerobes.10,31,32 Acidimetric
β-lactamase tests have generally produced acceptable results with Haemophilus spp. and staphylococci.
Accurate detection of β-lactamase in staphylococci may require induction of the enzyme and incubation
of a chromogenic, cephalosporin-based test for up to one hour. Induction can be easily accomplished by
testing the growth from the zone margin surrounding an oxacillin disk test. Care must be exercised when
using these assays to ensure accurate results, including testing of known positive and negative control
strains at the time clinical isolates are examined.
Extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) are newly described enzymes that arise by mutations in genes
for common plasmid-mediated β-lactamases, such as TEM-1, TEM-2, and SHV-1. ESBLs may confer
resistance to penicillins, cephalosporins, and aztreonam in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Klebsiella oxytoca, Escherichia coli, and a few other genera of the Enterobacteriaceae family that are
usually susceptible to these agents.33 Some of these strains will show MICs above the normal susceptible
population but below the standard breakpoints for certain extended-spectrum cephalosporins or
aztreonam; such strains may be screened for potential ESBL production by using the screening
breakpoints listed in the table at the end of Tables 9A and 9B. Other strains may test intermediate or
resistant by standard breakpoints to one or more of these agents. In all strains with ESBLs, the MICs for
one or more of the extended spectrum cephalosporins or aztreonam should decrease in the presence of
clavulanic acid (see ESBL table at the end of Tables 9A and 9B). For all ESBL-producing strains, the test
interpretation should be reported as resistant for all penicillins, cephalosporins, and aztreonam. For
current recommendations for further testing and reporting, see Tables 9A and 9B.
Problems associated with detection of MRS continue to be experienced by some laboratories. For best
recognition of these strains, the following points should be considered:
• Tests incorporating oxacillin are more likely to detect resistance than those using methicillin or
nafcillin. Therefore, oxacillin is the preferred agent to test for methicillin/oxacillin resistance.
• The addition of NaCl (2% w/v; 0.34 mol/L) to the medium for both agar and broth dilution is
recommended for testing of the penicillinase-stable penicillins.
• The inoculum should be prepared using the direct method of colony suspension (Section
rather than the inoculum growth method (Section
• Tests to detect MRS must be incubated for a full 24 hours (rather than 16 to 20 hours) at 33 to 35 ºC
(do not exceed 35 ºC).
• Microbiologists should be aware that methicillin-resistant staphylococci are often resistant to multiple
antimicrobial agents, including other β-lactams, aminoglycosides, macrolides, clindamycin, and
tetracycline. The observation of multiple resistance should be a clue to the possibility of methicillin
• If the MIC test result is in doubt with a possible methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, perform
additional confirmatory tests, such as the oxacillin-salt agar-screening test as described below and in
Table 9C.
The oxacillin salt-agar screening-plate procedure can be used in addition to the dilution methods
described above for the detection of MRSA. The test is performed by inoculating an S. aureus isolate onto
Mueller-Hinton agar that has been supplemented with NaCl (4% w/v; 0.68 mol/L) and that contains 6 µg
oxacillin/mL. The agar is inoculated as either a spot or streak using a cotton swab that was dipped into a
direct colony suspension equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland standard. The plate is incubated no higher than
35 ºC for 24 hours and examined carefully with transmitted light for evidence of small colonies (>1
colony) or a light film of growth, indicating oxacillin resistance.34 See Table 9C for details.
Strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci with intermediate and resistant MICs to vancomycin and
teicoplanin have been described.35, 36 The first occurrence of strains of S. aureus with decreased
susceptibility to vancomycin (MICs 4 to 8 µg/mL) was reported from Japan in 1997,37 followed by
reports from the U.S. and France.38 The exact mechanism of resistance that results in these elevated
MICs is unknown, although it likely involves alterations in the cell wall and hyperexpression of
penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). To date, all of these S. aureus strains appear to have developed from
In order to recognize strains with vancomycin MICs of 4 to 8 µg/mL, MIC testing must be performed, or
the vancomycin agar screen test described for enterococci may be successfully used to detect these
isolates,39 incubating the plates for a full 24 hours at 35 ºC. Use of a negative quality control strain, such
as S. aureus ATCC® 29213, is critical to ensure specificity. Until further data on the prevalence or clinical
significance of these isolates is known, laboratories may choose to examine MRSA strains more carefully
for elevated MICs to vancomycin.
Accurate detection of vancomycin-resistant enterococci by the agar or broth dilution test requires
incubation for a full 24 hours (rather than 16 to 20 hours) and that the plates, tubes, or wells be examined
carefully for evidence of faint growth. A vancomycin agar screen test may also be used, as described in
Table 9D.
High-level resistance to aminoglycosides is an indication that an enterococcal isolate will not be affected
synergistically by a combination of a penicillin or glycopeptide plus an aminoglycoside.41 Agar or broth
high-concentration gentamicin (500 µg/mL) and streptomycin (1,000 µg/mL with broth microdilution;
2,000 µg/mL with agar) tests can be used to screen for this type of resistance (see Table 9D). Quality
control of these tests is also explained in Table 9D. Other aminoglycosides need not be tested, because
their activities against enterococci are not superior to gentamicin or streptomycin.
Ericsson HM, Sherris JC. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing. Report of an international collaborative
study. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand B. 1971;217(suppl):1-90.
Rules and Regulations. Antimicrobial susceptibility discs. Federal Register. 1972;37:20524-20529.
Rules and Regulations. Antimicrobial susceptibility discs: correction. Federal Register.
Singer RS, Johnson WO, Jeffrey JS, Chin RP, et al. A statistical model for assessing sample size for
bacterial colony selection: a case study of Escherichia coli and avian cellulitis. J Vet Diagn Invest.
Bauer AW, Kirby WMM, Sherris JC, Turck M. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing by a standardized
single disk method. Am J Clin Pathol. 1966;45:493-496.
Extra-label Drug Use in Animals. 21CFR530. U.S. Government Printing Office; 2000.
Compliance Policy Guide. Washington, DC: Food and Drug Administration. 1992:7125.06.
AVMA Judicious Therapeutic Use of Antimicrobials. JAVMA. 1999;214:168
Draft Guidance for Industry 66. Professional Flexible Labeling of Antimicrobial Drugs. Center for
Veterinary Medicine; 1998.
Murray PR, Baron EJ, Pfaller MA, Tenover FC, Yolken RH. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 7th
ed. Washington DC: American Society for Microbiology; 1999.
Prescott JF, Baggot JD, Walker RD. Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine. 3rd ed. Ames,
IA: Iowa State University Press; 2000.
Payne MA, Baynes RE, Sundlof SE, Craigmill A, et al. Drugs prohibited from extra-label use in food
animals. JAVMA. 1999;215:28-32.
Acar J, Goldstein FW. Disk susceptibility test. In: Lorian V, ed. Antimicrobials in Laboratory
Medicine. 3rd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins; 1991:17-52.
Barry AL, Joyce LJ, Adams AP, Benner EJ. Rapid determination of antimicrobial susceptibility for
urgent clinical situations. Am J Clin Pathol. 1973;59:693-699.
Bushby MB, Bushby SRM, Krenitsky TA. Thymidine phosphorylase: improving media for testing
susceptibility to sulfonamides and trimethoprim. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of
Chemotherapy. Zurich, Switzerland: 1997;(1):469-471.
Wegener HC, Watts JL, Salmon SA, Yancey RJ, Jr. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of
Staphylococcus hyicus isolated from exudative dermatitis in pigs. J Clin Microbiol. 1994;32:793-
D'Amato RF, Hochstein L. Evaluation of a rapid inoculum preparation method for agar disk diffusion
susceptibility tests. J Clin Microbiol. 1982;15:282-285.
Corrective Action
Continue (Section 5.6.4)
Results in
range—continue Retest the same day and monitor for 5
daily testing consecutive days
Additional Corrective
Continue Action (Section
daily testing
sources of
Corrective Action
(Section 5.6.4)
sources of
Corrective Action
Continue (Section 5.10)
Results in
range— Retest the same day and monitor
continue for 5 consecutive days
daily testing
source of
Corrective Action
(Section 5.10)
Return to
Retest the same day and monitor
for 5 consecutive days
source of
Volume 22
a c
Swine Cattle Bovine Mastitisb Poultry Horses Dogs
Veterinary-Specific Interpretive
Tetracycline Tetracycline
Primary Test, Selectively Report
j Sulfadimethoxine i
Tetracycline Trimethoprim- Cephalothin
k j l
sulfamethoxazole Tetracycline Chloramphenicol
Trimethoprim- Erythromycin
Group B —
k Gentamicin
Table 1. (Continued)
Number 6
Swine Cattlea Bovine Mastitisd Poultryc Horses Dogs
No Veterinary- or Human-Specific
Interpretive Criteria
Bacitracin Streptomycin Ceftiofur Neomycin Lincomycin
Lincomycin Tylosin Lincomycin Ormetoprim-
Group C —
Selectively Test,
k k Rifampin
sulfamethoxazole sulfamethoxazole
An NCCLS global consensus standard. NCCLS. All rights reserved.
clavulanic acid
NOTE 1: This table contains those compounds used for therapeutic and control treatment of animal diseases. Compounds with prophylactic, prevention, or growth promotion indications are not listed. Some of these drugs do not have
interpretive criteria (Table 2) and/or QC guidelines (Tables 4 through 6).
NOTE 2: Selection of the most appropriate antimicrobial agent to test and to report is a decision best made by each veterinary laboratory in consultation with pharmacy and veterinarians. Compounds listed in Groups A, B and C are
those compounds approved by the U.S. FDA for use in the United States for diseases in the indicated host animal. It is the responsibility of the laboratory client to ensure that compounds are used appropriately for host categories for
each animal (e.g., lactating cows, calves) in accordance with the approved indication. Compounds listed in Group D are not approved but are frequently used in an extralabel manner in the indicated animal. The laboratory client, or
veterinarian, assumes all responsibility for efficacy, safety, and residue avoidance with extra-label use of antimicrobial agents.
a. Does not include goats or sheep.
b. Only compounds approved for use in lactating dairy cattle by intramammary infusion are listed.
c. Includes chickens and turkeys.
d. Includes cats.
e. The U.S. FDA has recommended that fluoroquinolones and glycopeptides not be reported for AMDUCA use in food animals.
f. Clindamycin is also used to test for susceptibility to lincomycin.
g. The results of ampicillin susceptibility tests may be used to predict susceptibility to amoxicillin and hetacillin.
h. Oxacillin is used to detect methicillin-resistant staphylococci and is preferred to methicillin or cloxacillin. Methicillin-resistant staphylococci should be reported as resistant to all β-lactams, including cephalosporins and β-
lactamase inhibitor combinations despite apparent in vitro susceptibility.
i. Cephalothin can be tested to represent the first-generation cephalosporins, such as cephapirin and cefadroxil. Cefazolin should be tested separately against the Enterobacteriaceae.
j. Tetracycline is tested as the class representative for chlortetracycline doxycycline, minocycline, and oxytetracycline.
k. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole can be tested to represent the potentiated sulfonamides, including trimethoprim-sulfadiazine and ormetoprim-sulfamethoxine.
l. Chloramphenicol must not be reported with any food-producing animal.
m. Due to extended residue times, use of gentamicin in cattle should be avoided, and if used, carefully monitored.
Table 2. Zone Diameter Interpretive Standards and Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Breakpoints for Veterinary Pathogens
An NCCLS global consensus standard. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Volume 22
Disk Zone Diameter (mm) MIC Breakpoint (µg/mL)
Antimicrobial Agent Comments
Amikacin 30 µg ≥ 17 15-16 ≤ 14 ≤ 16 32 ≥ 64
Gentamicin 10 µg ≥ 15 13-14 ≤ 12 ≤4 8 ≥ 16
Kanamycin 30 µg ≥ 18 14-17 ≤ 13 ≤ 16 32 ≥ 64
Bovine (Respiratory Disease) 100 µg ≥ 14 11-13 ≤ 10 ≤ 32 64 ≥ 128
Mannheimia haemolytica
Pasteurella multocida
Haemophilus somnus
β-Lactam/β-Lactamase Inhibitor Combinations
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid
Staphylococci 20/10 µg ≥ 20 — ≤ 19 ≤ 4/2 — ≥ 8/4
Other organisms 20/10 µg ≥ 18 14-17 ≤ 13 ≤ 8/4 16/8 ≥ 32/16
Ticarcillin-clavulanic acid
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 75/10 µg ≥ 15 — ≤ 14 ≤ 64/2 — ≥ 128/2
Gram-negative enteric organisms 75/10 µg ≥ 20 15-19 ≤ 14 ≤ 16/2 32/2-64/2 ≥ 128/2
β-Lactams Penicillins
Enterobacteriaceae 10 µg ≥ 17 14-16 ≤ 13 ≤ 8 16 ≥ 32
Staphylococci 10 µg ≥ 29 — ≤ 28 ≤ 0.25 — ≥ 0.5 Ampicillin is used to test for susceptibility to
amoxicillin and hetacillin.
Enterococci 10 µg ≥ 17 — ≤ 16 ≤8 — ≥ 16
Streptococci (not S. pneumoniae) 10 µg ≥ 26 19-25 ≤ 18 ≤ 0.25 0.5-4 ≥8
Listeria monocytogenes — — — — ≤2 — ≥4
Oxacillin Oxacillin is used to test for susceptibility to
Staphylococci 1 µg ≥ 13 11-12 ≤ 10 ≤2 — ≥4 methicillin, nafcillin, and cloxacillin.
The interpretive standards for Streptococcus
Staphylococci 10 units ≥ 29 — ≤ 28 ≤ 0.12 — ≥ 0.25 spp. including S. pneumoniae only apply to disk
Enterococci 10 units ≥ 15 — ≤ 14 ≤8 — ≥ 16 susceptibility testing performed using Mueller-
Hinton agar supplemented with 5% CO2 and
S. pneumoniae 1 µg oxacillin ≥ 20 — — ≤ 0.06 — — broth with 2 to 5% lysed horse blood.
Streptococci (not S. pneumoniae) 10 units ≥ 28 20-27 ≤ 19 ≤ 0.12 0.25-2 ≥4
Listeria monocytogenes — — — — ≤2 — ≥4
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 75 µg ≥ 15 — ≤ 14 ≤ 64 — ≥ 128
Number 6
Zone Diameter (mm) MIC Breakpoint (µg/mL) Comments
Antimicrobial Agent Disk Content
Streptococcus dysgalactiae
Streptococcus uberis
Imipenem 10 µg ≥ 16 14-15 ≤ 13 ≤4 8 ≥ 16
Cephalothin is used to test all first-generation
cephalosporins, such as cephapirin and
Cephalothin 30 µg ≥ 18 15-17 ≤ 14 ≤8 16 ≥ 32
cefadroxil. Cefazolin should be tested separately
with the gram-negative enteric organisms.
Cefazolin 30 µg ≥ 18 15-17 ≤ 14 ≤8 16 ≥ 32
An NCCLS global consensus standard. NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Bovine (Respiratory Disease) 30 µg ≥ 21 18-20 ≤ 17 ≤2 4 ≥8
Mannheimia haemolytica
Pasteurella multocida
Haemophilus somnus
Swine (Respiratory Disease) 30 µg ≥ 21 18-20 ≤ 17 ≤2 4 ≥8
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
Pasteurella multocida
Salmonella choleraesuis
Pasteurella multocida
Escherichia coli
Table 2. (Continued)
Antimicrobial Agent Disk Comments
Volume 22
Zone Diameter (mm) MIC Breakpoint (µg/mL)
An NCCLS global consensus standard. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Fluoroquinolones (Continued)
Bovine (Respiratory Disease) 5 µg ≥ 21 17-20 ≤ 16 ≤ 0.25 0.5-1 ≥2
Mannheimia haemolytica
Pasteurella multocida
Haemophilus somnus
Difloxacin 10 µg ≥ 21 18-20 ≤ 17 ≤ 0.5 1-2 ≥4
Canine & Feline (Dermal, UTI) 10 µg ≥ 23 18-22 ≤ 17 ≤1 2-4 ≥8
Gram-negative enteric bacilli
Staphylococcus spp.
Other susceptible organisms
Bovine mastitis 2 µg ≥ 13 — ≤ 12 ≤2 — ≥4
Swine (Respiratory Disease) 15 µg ≥ 11 ≤ 10 ≤ 16 ≥ 32
Pasturella multocida
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
Table 2. (Continued)
Antimicrobial Agent Disk Content Zone Diameter (mm) MIC Breakpoint (:g/mL) Comments
Number 6
Organisms other than streptococci 30 µg ≥ 18 13-17 ≤ 12 ≤8 16 ≥ 32
S. pneumoniae 30 µg ≥ 21 — ≤ 20 ≤4 — ≥8
Streptococci (not S. pneumoniae) 30 µg ≥ 21 18-20 ≤ 17 ≤4 8 ≥ 16
Bovine (Respiratory Disease) 30 µg ≥ 19 15-18 ≤ 14 ≤2 4 ≥8
Mannheimia haemolytica
Pasteurella multocida
Haemophilus somnus
Swine (Respiratory Disease) 30 µg ≥9 — ≤8 ≤ 16 — ≥ 32
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
Potentiated Sulfonamides
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is used to test
for susceptibility to trimethoprim- sulfadiazine
An NCCLS global consensus standard. NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Organisms other than S. pneumoniae 1.25/23.75 µg ≥ 16 11-15 ≤ 10 ≤ 2/38 — ≥ 4/76 and ormetoprim-sulfadimethoxine. A
breakpoint of ≤ 2/38 should be used for isolates
1/19- from urinary tract infections. For systemic
Streptococcus pneumoniae 1.25/23.75 µg ≥ 19 16-18 ≤ 15 ≤ 0.5/9.5 ≥ 4/76
2/38 disease, isolates with MICs of ≤ 0.5/9.5 should
be considered susceptible.
Organisms other than streptococci 5 µg ≥ 20 17-19 ≤ 16 ≤1 2 ≥4
Streptococcus pneumoniae 5 µg ≥ 19 17-18 ≤ 16 ≤1 2 ≥4
250 or
Sulfisoxazole ≥ 17 13-16 ≤ 12 ≤ 256 — ≥ 512
300 µg
Tetracycline Tetracycline is used to test for susceptibility to
chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, minocycline,
Organisms other than streptococci 30 µg ≥ 19 15-18 ≤ 14 ≤4 8 ≥ 16 and doxycycline
Hinton agar supplemented with 5% CO2 and
broth with 2 to 5% lysed horse blood.
Table 2. (Continued)
Antimicrobial Agent Disk Content Zone Diameter (mm) Comments
Volume 22
MIC Breakpoint (:g/mL)
An NCCLS global consensus standard. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Enterococci 30 µg ≥ 17 15-16 ≤ 14 ≤4 8-16 ≥ 32
Streptococci 30 µg ≥ 17 — — ≤1 — —
Other gram-positive organisms 30 µg ≥ 12 10-11 ≤9 ≤4 8-16 ≥ 32
NOTE 1: Zone interpretive criteria and MIC breakpoints for antimicrobial agents with gray shading are human data taken from M100- S12 supplements to M2 and
NOTE 2: Veterinary-specific interpretive criteria are valid only for indicated organisms.
NOTE 3: Flexible label (F) indicates the availability of FDA-approved labeling; this organism should be considered susceptible if appropriate dosing modifications
found in the packaging insert are applied.
NOTE 4: Certain veterinary specific disks may or may not be commercially available. Disks not commercially available may be obtained from the
pharmaceutical sponsors as indicated:
Number 6 NCCLS
Table 3. Culture Collection Numbers for Organisms Used for Quality Control of Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Tests
Strain Number for the Indicated Collections:
Escherichia coli 25922 1103 12241 5491 7624 17620
Escherichia coli 35218 5923 11954 102181 30600
Pseudomonas 27853 1117 10896 76110 17619
Staphylococcus 29213 2569 2874 103429 15915
Staphylococcus 25923 1104 12702 2413 7625 17621
Staphylococcus 43300
Enterococcus 29212 2570 12697 2875 103214 9997
Enterococcus 33186 12756 100750
Enterococcus 51299
Actinobacillus 27090 100916
pleuropneumoniae T
Haemophilus 700025
Campylobacter 33560 11351 70.2 T
Streptococcus 49619
Klebsiella 700603
American Type Culture Collection (
Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen (
United Kingdom National Culture Collections (includes National Collection of Type Cultures [NCTC]
and National Collection if Industrial and Marine Bacteria [NCIMB]) (
Japan Collection of Microorganisms (
Collection of Bacterial Strain of Institut Pasteur
Swedish Reference Group for Antibiotics (
Table 4. Acceptable Quality Control Ranges of Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Test Zone
Diameters (mm) for Reference Strains on Mueller-Hinton Medium Without Blood or Other
Escherichia Staphylococcus Pseudomonas Streptococcus
Disk coli aureus aeruginosa pneumoniaea
Antimicrobial Agent Content ATCC® 25922 ATCC® 25923 ATCC® 27853 ATCC® 49619
Amikacin 30 µg 19-26 20-26 18-26 —
Amoxicillin- 20/10 µg 18-24 28-36 — —
clavulanic acidb
Ampicillin 10 µg 16-22 27-35 — 30-36
Apramycin 15 µg 15-20 17-24 13-18 —
Cefazolin 30 µg 21-27 29-35 — —
Cefoxitin 30 µg 23-29 23-29 — —
Ceftiofur 30 µg 26-31 27-31 14-18 —
Cephalothin 30 µg 15-21 29-37 — 26-32
Chloramphenicol 30 µg 21-27 19-26 — 23-27
Clindamycin 2 µg — 24-30 — 19-25
Difloxacin 10 µg 28-35 27-33 16-22 —
Enrofloxacin 5 µg 32-40 27-31 15-19 —
Erythromycin 15 µg — 22-30 — 25-30
Florfenicol 30 µg 22-28 22-29 — 24-31
Gentamicin 10 µg 19-26 19-27 16-21 —
Imipenem 10 µg 26-32 — 20-28 —
Kanamycin 30 µg 17-25 19-26 — —
Orbifloxacin 10 µg 29-37 24-30 16-22 —
Oxacillin 1 µg — 18-24 — ≤ 12c
Penicillin 10 units — 26-37 — 24-30
Penicillin-novobiocin 10 units/30 — 30-36 — 24-30
(1/3) µg
Pirlimycin 2 µg — 20-25 — —
Rifampin 5 µg 8-10 26-34 — 25-30
Tetracycline 30 µg 18-25 24-30 — 27-31
Tiamulin 30 µg — 25-32 — —
Ticarcillin 75 µg 24-30 — 21-27 —
Ticarcillin- 75/10 µg 24-30 29-37 20-28 —
clavulanic acid
Tilmicosind 15 µg — 17-21a — —
Spectinomycin 100 µg 21-25 13-17 10-14 —
Sulfisoxazole 250 or 300 µg 15-23 24-34 — —
Sulfamethoxazolee 1.25/23.75 µg 23-29 24-32 — 20-28
Vancomycin 30 µg — 17-21 — 20-27
Table 4. (Continued)
a. These quality control ranges for Streptococcus pneumoniae ATCC® 49619 are applicable only to tests performed by disk diffusion using
Mueller-Hinton agar supplemented with 5% defibrinated sheep blood, incubated in 5% CO2.
b. The QC range for E. coli ATCC 35218 is 17-22 mm.
c. Deterioration in oxacillin disk content is best assessed with QC organism Staphylococcus aureus ATCC® 25923, with an acceptable zone
diameter of 18 to 24 mm.
d. Quality control ranges for tilmicosin were developed using Mueller-Hinton agar supplemented with 5% defibrinated sheep blood and
incubated aerobically.
e. Very medium-dependent, especially with enterococci.
NOTE 1: The dash (—) indicates that no range has been established.
NOTE 2: To determine whether the Mueller-Hinton medium contains excessive levels of thymine, an E. faecalis (ATCC® 29212 or
33186) should be tested with trimethoprim, sulfa compounds, or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole especially when testing
Staphylococcus hyicus or Mannheimia haemolytica. An inhibition zone of ≥ 20 mm that is free of fine colonies is acceptable.
NOTE 3: Certain veterinary specific disks may or may not be commercially available. Disks not commercially available may be obtained
from the pharmaceutical sponsors as indicated:
Table 5. Acceptable Quality Control Ranges of MICs (µg/mL) for Reference Strains
Staphylococcus Enterococcus Escherichia Pseudomonas Streptococcus
Antimicrobial Agent aureus faecalis coli aeruginosa pneumoniae
ATCC® 29213 ATCC® 29212 ATCC® 25922 ATCC® 27853 ®
ATCC 49619
Amikacin 1-4 64-256 0.5-4 1-4 —
Amoxicillin- 0.12/0.06- 0.25/0.12- 0.03/0.016–
b 2/1-8/4 —
clavulanic acid 0.5/0.25 1.0/0.5 0.12/0.06
Ampicillin 0.5-2 0.5-2 2-8 — 0.06-0.25
Table 5. (Continued)
NOTE 1: To determine whether the Mueller-Hinton medium contains excessive levels of thymidine or thymine,
an E. faecalis (ATCC® 29212 or 33186) should be tested with trimethoprim, sulfa compounds, or
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole especially when testing Staphylococcus hyicus or Mannheimia
haemolytica. If excessive thymidine is present, an expected MIC within the susceptible category
(trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole MIC ≤ 0.5/9.5 µg/mL) will shift to the resistant category
(trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole MIC >4/76 µg/mL).
a. These quality control ranges for Streptococcus pneumoniae ATCC® 49619 are applicable only to tests
performed by the broth microdilution method using cation-adjusted Mueller-Hinton broth with 2 to 5% lysed
horse blood.
b. The QC ranges for E. coli 35218 for amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and ticarcilllin-clavulanic acid are 4/2-16/8 and
4/2-16/2 µg/mL, respectively.
c. An MIC for tilmicosin of 0.5 or 8 µg/mL may indicate a medium or pH problem. The methodology should be
Table 5A. Tentative Quality Control Ranges for the Agar Dilution Method of Testing
Campylobacter jejuni (ATCC® 33560)
Table 6. Acceptable Quality Control Ranges for Haemophilus somnus and Actinobacillus
NOTE 1: Zone diameter quality control ranges are applicable only to tests performed by disk diffusion using
chocolate Mueller-Hinton agar, incubated in 5 to 7% CO2 for 20 to 24 hours.
NOTE 2: MIC quality control ranges are applicable only to tests performed by broth microdilution
procedures using veterinary fastidious medium (VFM).
Table 7. Suggested Modifications of Standard Methods for Susceptibility Testing of Some Fastidious
and Special Problem Veterinary Pathogens
NOTE 1: These are acceptable alternatives with which some members of the subcommittee have had
substantial experience.
a. To prepare LHB, freeze-thaw 3-4 times until blood is thoroughly lysed. Aseptically mix equal volumes of
LHB and sterile distilled water (now 50% LHB). To be used in the broth test, the combination of broth and
LHB must be clear; this can be done by centrifuging the blood at 16,000 x g for 20 minutes. Decant the
supernatant; recentrifuge if necessary. Add appropriate amounts of the 50% LHB to the broth medium to
yield a final concentration of 2 to 5% LHB.
b. Wegener HC, Watts JL, Salmon SA, Yancey RJ, Jr. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Staphylococcus
hyicus isolated from exudative dermatitis in pigs. J Clin Microbiol. 1994;32:793-795.
An NCCLS global consensus standard. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 67
Number 6 NCCLS
Table 8. Solvents and Diluents for Preparation of Stock Solutions of Antimicrobial Agents
Requiring Solvents Other Than Water
Antimicrobial Agent Solventa Diluenta
Amoxicillin, clavulanic acid, and Phosphate buffer, pH 6.0, 0.1 mol/L Phosphate buffer, pH 6.0, 0.1 mol/L
Ampicillin Phosphate buffer, pH 8.0, 0.1 mol/L Phosphate buffer, pH 6.0, 0.1 mol/L
Cephalothinb Phosphate buffer, pH 6.0, 0.1 mol/L Water
Chloramphenicol, erythromycin, 95% ethanol Water
florfenicol, tylosinc, tilmicosinc
Difloxacin 1/2 volume of water, then add 1 mol/L Water
NaOH dropwise to dissolve
Enrofloxacin 1/2 volume of water, then add 1 mol/L Water
NaOH dropwise to dissolve
Imipenem Phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, 0.01 mol/L Phosphate buffer, pH 7.2,
0.01 mol/L
Nitrofurantoinc Phosphate buffer, pH 8.0, 0.1 mol/L Phosphate buffer, pH 8.0,
0.01 mol/L
Orbifloxacin 1/2 volume of water, then add 1 mol/L Water
NaOH dropwise to dissolve
Rifampin Methanold Water (with stirring)
Sulfonamides 1/2 volume hot water and minimal Water
amount of 2.5 mol/L NaOH to dissolve
Trimethoprim 0.05N (0.05 mol/L) lacticd or Water (can require heat)
hydrochloric acid,d 10% of final
a. These solvents and diluents can be further diluted as necessary in water or broth. The products known
to be suitable for water solvents and diluents are amikacin, carbenicillin, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin,
gentamicin, methicillin, novobiocin, oxacillin, penicillin, pirlmycin, tetracylines, tiamulin (if hydrogen
fumarate), trimethoprim (if lactate), and vancomycin.
b. All other cephalosporins and cephems except ceftiofur not listed above are solubilized (unless otherwise
indicated by the manufacturer) in phosphate buffer, pH 6.0, 0.1 mol/L, and further diluted in sterile
distilled water. Ceftiofur can be solubilized in water or broth.
c. Alternatively, nitrofurantoin, tylosin, and tilmicosin can be dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
d. These compounds are potentially toxic. Consult the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available
from the product manufacturer before using any of these materials.
(The use of more than one antimicrobial agent (Confirmatory testing requires use of both
for screening improves the sensitivity of cefotaxime and ceftazidime, alone and in
detection.) combination with clavulanic acid.)
Incubation conditions Standard disk diffusion recommendations Standard disk diffusion recommendations
Incubation length
QC Recommendations E. coli ATCC® 25922 (see control limits in E. coli ATCC® 25922: ≤ 2 mm increase in zone
Table 4) diameter for antimicrobial agent tested alone
versus its zone when tested in combination
Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC® 700603: with clavulanic acid
cefpodoxime zone 9-16 mm Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC® 700603:
ceftazidime zone 10-18 mm ≥ 5 mm increase in ceftazidime-clavulanic acid
aztreonam zone 9-17 mm zone diameter;
cefotaxime zone 17-25 mm ≥ 3-mm increase in cefotaxime-clavulanic acid
ceftriaxone zone 16-24 mm zone diameter.
a. Preparation of ceftazidime-clavulanic acid (30 µg/10 µg) and cefotaxime-clavulanic acid (30 µg/10 µg) disks. Using a stock
solution of clavulanic acid at 1,000 µg/mL (either freshly prepared or taken from small aliquots that have been frozen at
-70 ºC), add 10 µL of clavulanic acid to ceftazidime (30 µg) and cefotaxime (30 µg) disks. Use a micropipette to apply the
10 µL of stock solution to the ceftazidime and cefotaxime disks within one hour before they are applied to the plates,
allowing about 30 minutes for the clavulanic acid to absorb and the disks to be dry enough for application. Use disks
immediately after preparation or discard; do not store.
Table 9B. Screening and Confirmatory Tests for ESBLs in Klebsiella pneumoniae, K. oxytoca, and
Escherichia coli (MIC)
Method Initial Screen Test Phenotypic Confirmatory Test
(The use of more than one antimicrobial (Confirmatory testing requires use of both cefotaxime and
agent for screening will improve the ceftazidime, alone and in combination with clavulanic
sensitivity of detection.) acid.)
Standard broth dilution Standard broth dilution
Incubation Conditions recommendations recommendations
Incubation Length
Results Growth = may indicate ESBL A ≥3 twofold concentration decrease in an MIC for either
production (i.e., MIC ≥ 2 µg/mL for antimicrobial agent tested in combination with clavulanic
ceftazidime, aztreonam, cefotaxime or acid versus its MIC when tested alone = ESBL (e.g.,
ceftriaxone or MIC ≥ 8 µg/mL for ceftazidime MIC= 8 µg/mL; ceftazidime-clavulanic acid
cefpodoxime) MIC = 1 µg/mL)
QC Recommendations E. coli ATCC® 25922= No growth Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC® 700603: ≥3 twofold
(also refer to control limits listed in M7 concentration decrease in an MIC for an antimicrobial agent
Table 3) tested in combination with clavulanic acid versus its MIC
when tested alone
Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC® 700603
= Growth:
cefpodoxime MIC ≥ 8 µg/mL
ceftazidime MIC ≥ 2 µg/mL
aztreonam MIC ≥ 2 µg/mL
cefotaxime MIC ≥ 2 µg/mL
ceftriaxone MIC ≥ 2 µg/mL
Table 9D. Screening Tests for High-Level Aminoglycoside Resistance (HLAR) and Vancomycin
Resistance in Enterococcus spp.
Screen Test Gentamicin HLAR Streptomycin HLAR Vancomycin Resistance
a a
Medium BHI broth or agar BHI broth or agar BHI agar
Antimicrobial 500 µg/mL Broth: 1000 µg/mL 6 µg/mL
concentration Agar: 2000 µg/mL
Inoculum Growth method or direct Growth method or direct colony Growth method or direct
colony suspension to obtain suspension to obtain 0.5 colony suspension to obtain
0.5 McFarland turbidity McFarland turbidity 0.5 McFarland turbidity
Cephalosporins and
1st generation (narrow cephalothin, cefazolin, cephapirin,
spectrum) cephalaxin, cefadroxil
2nd generation cefotetan, cefoxitin (cephamycin),
(expanded spectrum) cefaclor
3rd generation
(expanded spectrum) ceftiofur, cefotaxime, ceftazidime,
4th generation ceftriaxone
(expanded spectrum)
cefepime, cefquinome
imipenem, meropenem
Folate pathway sulfonamides, trimethoprim, Decreased permeability
inhibitors ormetoprim, trimethoprim- Production of drug-insensitive
sulfamethoxazole enzymes
Glycopeptides vancomycin, teicoplanin Target resistance (cell wall)
Lincosamides lincomycin, clindamycin, pirlimycin Decreased ribosomal binding
Macrolides: Decreased ribosomal binding
14-membered rings erythromycin Decreased permeability
15-membered rings azithromycin Modifying enzymes
16-membered rings spiramycin, tylosin, clarithromycin, Efflux
Glossary 1. (Continued)
Antimicrobial Class Antimicrobial Agents Antimicrobial Resistance
Nitroimidazole metronidazole Altered drug activation enzymes
Oxazolidinones linezolid Target resistance (ribosome)
Phenicols florfenicol, chloramphenicol Decreased ribosomal binding
Decreased permeability
Modifying enzymes
Polypeptides bacitracin lipopolysaccharide modification
Quinolones and nalidixic acid Target resistance (DNA gyrase,
fluoroquinolones ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, difloxacin, Topoisomerase IV)
orbifloxacin, marbofloxacin Decreased permeability
Streptogramins: Decreased ribosomal binding
Streptogramins A streptogramin A, pristinamycin IIA, Modifying enzymes
virginiamycin M, mikamycin A, Efflux
synergistin A
Streptogramins B streptogramin B, virginiamycin S,
pristinamycin IB, mikamycin B,
synergistin B
Combinations quinupristin-dalfopristin, virginiamycin
Tetracyclines doxycycline, minocycline, tetracycline, Target resistance (ribosome)
chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline Drug detoxification
Pleuromutilin tiamulin Target resistance (ribosome)
Decreased permeability
Others fosfomycin
Erythromycin E, ERY, EM
Florfenicol FFC
Glossary 2. (Continued)
Sulfisoxazole G, FIS, SF
Tiamulin TIA
Note: Designations for antimicrobial agents that are also used in human medicine can be
found in the most current edition of M100―Performance Standards for Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Testing.
NCCLS consensus procedures include an appeals process that is described in detail in Section 9 of
the Administrative Procedures. For further information contact the Executive Offices or visit our
website at
1. Page 25, Section Macrodilution-tube broth method. If the inoculum is prepared in broth
(as listed in this section) and 1 ml is added to the 1 ml of antimicrobials, which have been
dissolved and diluted in water..., the broth is only at half-strength and could result in poor growth
of some organisms.
2. Page 36, Table 2, line- Amox/Clav...Staph - There is no value listed for the MIC breakpoint in the
“resistant” column. Page 36, Table 2, line- Amox/Clav...other organisms The value listed in the
MIC breakpoint "susceptible" column is the same as the “resistant” column; both are at 8/4.
3. Page 36, Table 2, line-Ticar/Clav - There is a value in the MIC breakpoint “resistant” column that
is just floating there, not for any organism — where does it belong??? with the amox/clav???
4. Page 36, Table 2. , line-Ticar/Clav - The clavulanic values are all at 2 —- shouldn't they increase
like the clavulanic values increase with the amoxicillin? Page 36, Table 2, line- Ticar/Clav ...
gram-negative enteric organisms the MIC breakpoint “intermediate” value is 32-64..., the clav
isn't added? Shouldn't it be 32/4 - 64/8??
5. I found a minor error in the M31-A document that should be corrected during its next version.
Page 20, Section, the second bullet: the final inoculum on the agar is incorrectly stated as
CFU/mL. It should be CFU/spot.
6. It should be interesting to state the natural resistance of the major bacterial species from animal
origin. The natural resistance is useful for bacterial species identification and interpretive reading
of results (recommendation from the CA-SFM).
7. It is recommended to store the antimicrobial stock solution at –70 °C. Several antimicrobial
agents did not support several thawing/dethawing cycles and a reference strain is not a good
indicator to control antimicrobial stability. For example, florfenicol stock solution at 1280 µg/ml
in 10% methanol/water, stored at –20 °C lost 30% of activity after 6 months of storage while
MIC value of control strain did not differ during the same period. We recommend indicating in a
table the conservation procedure and stability of antimicrobial on the basis of the literature.
• The comments above describe several deviations from the procedures described in the
referenced section. Section indicates that that stock solutions are to be stored at
–70 °C which would minimize degradation of the agent. Also, it is indicated that stock
solutions are to removed as needed, used the same day, and any unused portion discarded.
This avoids problems associated with freeze/thaw cycles. Finally, a properly performed
susceptibility test with the appropriate quality control organism should readily detect a
30% loss in activity in antimicrobial agent.
8. 1) Thiamphenicol is approved for veterinary use internationally (Europe). Should this be added
to the list for phenicols? 2) Should the new human drug, linezolid, be listed under "Others"?
• Thiamphenicol has been added to the phenicol group. Linezolid has been added as a
separate group under "Oxazolidinones. "
9. This table is interesting but is it very useful, especially since certain mechanisms do not apply to
some of the specific drugs?
• This table is intended to provide an overview of the major resistance mechanisms to each
class of drug and is not intended to address the specific agents within each class.
M31-A2: Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk and Dilution Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria
Isolated from Animals; Approved Standard—Second Edition
1. The M31-A2 document cannot be accepted, because some information was not correct: especially
on marbofloxacin. The manufacturer has provided as an attachment quality control and interpretive
criteria information, as well as supporting information. The manufacturer would like to rectify the
information on marbofloxacin and could send the necessary documents to evaluate the work
• The sole basis for the reject vote appears to be the lack of inclusion of a particular sponsor's
antimicrobial agent, not the inclusion of incorrect data. There does not appear to be any
substantive reason for rejection that relates to the methodology or other statements in
NCCLS document M31-A2. To date, the sponsor has not submitted marbofloxacin data to be
reviewed by the subcommittee; thus, it has not been included.
M7-A5 Methods for Dilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria That Grow
Aerobically; Approved Standard —Fifth Edition (2000). This document provides
updated reference methods for the determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations
(MICs) for aerobic bacteria by broth macrodilution, broth microdilution, and agar dilution.
NRSCL8-A Terminology and Definitions for Use in NCCLS Documents; Approved Standard
(1998). This document provides standard definitions for use in NCCLS standards and
guidelines, and for submitting candidate reference methods and materials to the National
Reference System for the Clinical Laboratory (NRSCL).
Proposed- and tentative-level documents are being advanced through the NCCLS consensus process; therefore, readers should
refer to the most recent editions.