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Apical Meristem Development - BT1 - 2

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Team Presentation

Sushrusha Aryal Soniya Bastola

Roll Number : 01 Roll Number : 02
Year II, Semester I Year II, Semester I
B.Tech in Biotechnology B.Tech in Biotechnology

Apical Meristem Development

Types of
Meristematic Apical Shoot Apical
Tissues Meristem Meristem

Root Apical Role of Auxin Regulatory

Meristem and Cytokinin Pathway

1. Meristematic Tissues
➔ They are undifferentiated tissues present in growing areas.
➔ They are responsible for producing all post-embryonic organs during
➔ Dense cytoplasm, prominent nucleus, high mitochondria, small/null
vacuoles, thin cell wall structure made up of cellulose
➔ Classified based on origin, location and function.
On the basis of…


Protoderm Promeristem Apical

Ground Meristem Primary Intercalary

Procambium Secondary Lateral


2. Apical Meristematic Tissues
➔ Present on the tip of root and stem and
other actively growing regions.
➔ It helps in primary linear growth of
elongation by dividing in different

➔ Apical growth refers to growth that occurs

at the plant's top and bottom tips. Apical
Meristems give rise to the primary plant
body and are in charge of root and shoot
➔ It is in terminal position in shoot and sub
terminal position in root.
➔ Development is a result of mitosis and
cytokinesis process.
➔ Various theories for the organisation of the
root and shoot segments.

➔ Overall the furthest layer is known as the
tunica while the deepest layers are the
➔ In monocots, the tunica decides the actual
attributes of the leaf edge and edge. In
dicots, layer two of the corpus decides the
attributes of the edge of the leaf. The
corpus and tunica have a basic impact on
the plant’s actual appearance as all plant
cells are shaped from the meristems.
➔ L1 and L2 layers divide in a sideways
fashion, which keeps these layers distinct,
whereas the L3 layer divides in a more
random fashion.
3. Types of Apical

Shoot Apical Meristem
SAM gives rise to organs like the
leaves and flowers.

Root Apical Meristem

RAM provides the meristematic
cells for future root growth.

They divide rapidly and do not

have any defined end status
which is analogous to the animal
stem cells.

4. Shoot Apical


➔ Shoot Apical Meristem (SAM)

is the site of most of the
embryogenesis in flowering
➔ Primordia of leaves, sepals,
petals, stamens, and ovaries
are initiated here.
➔ It’s development and growth
is initiated by various genes,
hormones and maintained by
complex signaling pathway.

Parts of Shoot Apical Meristem
Central Zone
Development of epidermis, hypodermis, cortex or
other organs in need, has stem cells, makes SAM

Rib Zone
Internal Tissues are formed through this zone.

Organizing Center
WUS gene is present here for differentiation.

Peripheral Zone
Internal and outer lining tissues are formed in this

STM and WUS Product keep meristem cell in
undifferentiated state.
CLV genes limit the number of undifferentiated
meristem cells.
STM prevent differentiation of stem cell independent
of WUS.
WUS expression defines the organizing centre of
shoot meristem and promotes cell division.

How does it work?
➔ The size of stem cell reservoir in shoot cell is
regulated by 3 Clavata genes : 1,2, and 3.
➔ These genes control the rate of cell division
or differentiation to maintain SAM.
➔ CLV1 encodes a leucine rich repeats receptor
➔ The ligand for CLV1 receptor is a protein
encoded by CLV3 genes.
➔ CLV2 encodes receptor like of CLV1, but
lacking kinase.
➔ CLV1 and CLV2 when activated by CLV3
repress the activity of WUS.

Hormones, Regulation and Dominance

The main hormones

involved in the shoot and Hormones Involved
root apical meristem
development are Auxin and
Cytokinin which are
regulated by signaling 1. Cytokinin
pathway and interact with
each other for its regulation.
Auxin maintains apical
dominance which makes 2. Auxin
plant grow towards light to
outcompete other plants.

Cytokinin are a class of plant growth substances
(phytohormones) that promote cell division, or
cytokinesis, in plant roots and shoots. They are
involved primarily in cell growth and differentiation.
● Cytokinin is a plant hormone synthesized in the root apex and
transported to the shoot upwards through xylem.

● This also plays a role in cell division and differentiation while

promoting axillary bud outgrowth. It is also important in seed
development, found in endosperm and cotyledons.

● The most important naturally occurring cytokinin is extracted from

coconut milk, tomato juice, flowers of plum, root exudates of
Sunflower and are found in plants as Ribosylzeatin, Zeatin and

Cytokinin Signaling Pathway involves
two component signal system.

Cytokinin Signaling Pathway involves
two component signal system.

In eukaryotes, the two component system will have AHP in between which links the
phosphorylation (By ATP) of two component.
The output receptor genes will create mRNA, move out of the nucleus and translate to
generate an output for the entire system.
Cytokinin Signaling Pathway involves
two component signal system.

Cytokinin Signaling Pathway : Components

➔ Ligand / Signaling Molecule : Cytokinin

➔ Receptor / To bind with Ligand : CRE 1 (Cytokinin Response 1)
Example : AHKs ( Hybrid Histidine Protein Kinase )
➔ Chase Domain is present in CRE1.
➔ Transcription Factor : AHP ( Histidine Photo Transfer Protein)
➔ Inhibitor : Type A ARR ( Response Regulators)
➔ The CRE1 binding phosphorylates the AHP and moves inside the
nucleus to bind to Type-B ARRs.
➔ Type-B ARR regulates the DNA, transcribes Type-A ARR mRNA.
➔ AHP also phosphorylated Type-A ARRs and causes Cytokinin
response while blocking Type-B ARR.
➔ STIMPY (STIP or WOX9) expresses fate of meristematic tissues,
which is essential for maintaining the meristematic fate.
Cytokinin-independent STIP expression is able to partially
compensate for the shoot apical meristem growth defects in
mutants that cannot sense cytokinin.
Cytokinin Signaling Pathway : Summary
The cytokinin signaling cascade is initiated by cytokinin binding to
the cytokinin receptors AHK2, AHK3, and AHK4 within the lumen
of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). After binding to cytokinins, the
cytokinin receptors are autophosphorylated at conserved
histidine residues in the kinase domain. The phosphate groups
are then transferred to the conserved aspartic acid residues in the
receiver domain of the receptors, and then are likely transferred to
the histidine residues of AHP1-AHP5 in the cytoplasm. The
phosphorylated AHPs translocate into the nucleus by an unknown
mechanism and transfer the phosphate groups to the conserved
aspartic acid residues in the receiver domains of type-A ARRs or
type-B ARRs. In the absence of cytokinins, AHK4/CRE1/WOL
removes phosphate groups from AHPs. CKI1 also mediates
phosphorylation of AHPs in a cytokinin-independent manner. The
stability of type-A ARR proteins may be regulated by
phosphorylation. The phosphorylated type-B ARRs activate the
expression of downstream genes, regulating plant growth and
6. Root Apical Meristem

Sub apical region of roots where
the group of meristematic cells
are situated.


● Sub terminal in position

because covered by root cap.
● Absence of lateral
appendages like leaf or
branch primordia
● It is smaller than SAM
● Activity of RAM enables the
root to grow positively
1. Quiescent center
It is inactive- cells divide slowly or not at all
2. Cortical-endodermal stem cells
It forms ring around quiescent center;
It undergoes anticlinal division (vertical) then the daughter cells undergo
periclinal division to form cortex and endodermis

5 Regions 3. Columella stem cells

It is apical to quiescent center;
Undergoes both anticlinal and periclinal division forming columella
4. Root cap epidermal stem cells
It undergoes anticlinal division to form epidermis,
peri to form daughter cells that go anti to form lateral root cap
5. Stele stem cells
It gives rise to pericycle and vascular tissue
5 Regions


Phytohormones trigger complex growth and
developmental process. One of the most
important plant growth regulators is auxin.
● Auxin is a plant hormone produced by apical
meristems that regulate growth, particularly by
stimulating cell elongation in stems.

● Auxins also play a role in cell division and

differentiation, in fruit development, in the
formation roots from cuttings, in the inhibition
of lateral branching (apical dominance), and
in leaf fall (abscission).

● The most important naturally occurring auxin is

ß-indolyl acetic acid (IAA), which is formed
either from the amino acid tryptophan or from
the breakdown of carbohydrates known as

◍ Apical dominance means that the growing apex of a plant controls the
quiescence of lateral(axillary) buds sitting in lower positions along a shoot.
This kind of bud inhibition is termed ‘correlative inhibition’.

◍ Correlative inhibition is explained by the action of auxin, mainly

indole-3-acetic acid, which is synthesized by the growing shoot apex.
Auxin, which migrates slowly via the phloem in a basipetal direction,
inhibits the sprouting of axillary buds sitting lower on the shoot.

Apical ◍ When auxin transport inhibitors, like 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid(TIBA), are

Dominance applied to stems, the suppression of outgrowth is abolished.

◍ In plants with strong apical dominance, the growth is very upright, with one
dominant central axis, as for example in firs. Such trees are called

◍ Low apical dominance is seen in the bushy growth of many shrubs, which
are indicated as ‘decurrent’.

Role of
auxin in

SL= strigolactone
CKs= cytokinins
1. According to the auxin transport canalization model,
auxin export from a bud into a stem is a necessary
condition for bud outgrowth. The stem is saturated with
auxin from the shoot apex; buds cannot export auxin into
the stem, and thus become dormant (syn. quiescent,
Role of
auxin in 2. According to second messenger model, apically derived
apical auxin inhibits bud outgrowth by regulating the level or
dominance activities of other plant hormones . It inhibits the
biosynthesis of cytokinin in the stem that stimulates bud
outgrowth and promotes the biosynthesis of
strigolactone in the roots that inhibits bud outgrowth.

Auxin Signaling Pathway

➔ It modulates diverse aspects of plant

growth and development, such as:
➢ Responses to light and gravity
➢ Organ patterning
➢ General root and shoot architecture
➢ Vascular development
➢ Cell differentiation and embryogenesis

How does it work?

The classical nuclear

auxin signaling pathway
relies on a molecular
mechanism of action via
degradation of the
repressors Aux/IAA,
which leads to gene

How does it work?

This degradation is
dependent on the
ubiquitin ligase
(SCF)TIR1 protein
complex, where the
associated F-box
protein TIR1 confers
target specificity

How does it work?

Changes in AUX level are perceived

by AUX receptors(TIR1) to initiate
AUX signaling.

Once AUX level is increased in the

cell, TIR1/AFBs binds to the AUX,
resulting ARF TFs activation and
elicit AUX-mediated signaling
cascade that causes the expression
of AUX responsive gene.

AUX prompts transcriptional

activation of three families of genes,
namely, GH3, IAA/Aux, and the SAUR
(small AUX-up RNA).


Cytokinin and auxin interact through
SHY2 at the signaling level to
regulate the level of each other in the
process of root apical meristem

Interaction Auxin negatively regulates SHY2 that

in turn negatively regulates PIN
between proteins involved in the transport of
auxin that determines this hormones
cytokinin concentration.

and auxin in Cytokinin positively regulates ARR1

the root that in turn positively regulates SHY2,

apical which negatively regulates IPT

proteins involved in cytokinin
meristem SHY2 = Short hypocotyl 2 gene
PIN = Pinformed 7 proteins
biosynthesis controlling these
IPT= Isopentenyltransferase hormones' concentration.
cytokinin and
auxin in the
shoot apical
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