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Department of automobile engineering KIT,Shelve

Unit 4
Safety Management

Accident is an unfortunate and sudden mishappening which causes damage or loss

of property material or human. Preventions of accidents are expected: Safety
management is concentrating on avoiding accidents



Internal External

Major Minor

Fatal Disability

Permanent Temporary

Partial Total Total Partial

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Department of automobile engineering KIT,Shelve

Types of Accidents are mentioned below.

(A) Based on Severity, Durability and Degree of Injury

1. Minor Accidents:

 Less harmful in nature to the worker.

 Preventing employees from working, for the period less than 48 hours from the
time of accident.
 Not necessary to report to higher management

2. Reportable Accidents:

 Injuries caused to the worker prevent him from working for the period of 48
hours or more.
 Supervisor should do reporting to the higher management.
 Accident is little complicated than the minor accident.

3. Fatal Accidents

 It results into death of the employee.

 Its reporting to the top management, legal bodies and police is must

4. Accidents due to dangerous occurrences:

 Explosion, fire, leakage may be the reasons for such accidents

 Man as well as property can be damaged
 Extent, if more, it gives greater loss to the industry.

5. Internal Accidents:

• Injury without showing external signs (e.g. fractured bone) is called as internal

6. External Accidents:

 Injury with external signs of it, is called as external accident.

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7. Major Accident:

 Accident causing death/permanent/prolonged disability to the injured employee

is called major accident.

8. Temporary Accident:

 Injury after accident disables a worker for a short period/a day/a week.

9. Permanent Accident:

 Injury after accident disables the affected worker forever.

(B) Based on Place of Accident

1. Construction accident:

 Accident occurs at construction site. These accidents are often happening and
injuries are serious.

2. Chemical plant accidents:

 Exposure to chemicals is a real and everyday danger.

3. Industrial plant accidents:

 Industries busy in manufacturing have machineries and moving parts. Accidents

occur may be due to mistakes by worker, management or situation.

4. Mining accidents:

 Mines are seriously dangerous sites. Collapses of soil layers, suffocation,

poisonous gases, etc. are the reasons.

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Causes of accidents:

Causes of accidents:

Due to workers Due to management Due to unsafe working Natural causes


 Poor knowledge of work.

 Overconfident behavior at the work place.
 Mischievous behavior. Lack of concentration.
 Stress in work.
 Overtime work.
 Unnecessary daring.
 Less work experience.
 Use of mobile while working.
 Unstable mental conditions.
 Fear of accident.
 Physical problems like eyesight and hearing inabilities.
 Working without authority.
 Bad habits like alcoholism, smoking etc.
 Reckless at work.
 Lack of confidence.
 Poor in handling pressure situations.
 Not aware about rules and regulations of that specific work.
 Not following rules and regulations.
 Undisciplined nature.
 Quarrels with colleagues.
These are few of the reasons, any one of which may cause accident at work place.
(b) Causes of Accidents due to Management:
 Provision of unsafe workplace to workers.
 Bad construction of the plant.
 Untrained workers.

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 Extra load of work to employees.

 Poor housekeeping.
Arrangement of machines, equipments in accident prone manner
 Heavy mental pressures on workforce.
 Lack of safe procedures.
 Poor discipline of work at workplace
 Less control on habits of workers, employees behavior, their movements. etc.
 Ne provision of safety equipment.
 No plans for plant protection
 Bad electrification.
 Overcrowding of machines at shop floor.
 Faulty equipments.
 Wrong assignments of work ie. incorrect person working at sensitive jobs.
 Unguarded moving parts.
 Overcrowding of persons near to the work places.
 No alternative arrangements of escape at the time of accidents. .
 No arrangement for accident control and dampening.
 Lack of safety awareness.
 Careless management approaches.
(c) Causes of Accidents due to Unsafe Working Conditions:
 Bad housekeeping.
 Poor electrification.
 Exposure to moving parts.
 Poor workplace layout.
 Oily surfaces, slippery floor.
 Poor illumination. Suffocation at work.
 Unnecessary slopes and steps on shop Un noticeable turns and crossings.
 Weak machine foundations.
 Chemical leakages.
 Storage of explosives without proper care.
 Humidity at workplace.
 No consideration of human factor while designing chairs, tables, operating
systems of machines.
 Irregular flooring arrangements, unscientific gangways, galleries and staircases.
No support at work by others.

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 Negative competition, jealousy factor at work place.

 It causes mental imbalance many, while working.
 Unavailability of basic facilities near to workplace.
(d) Natural Causes of Accidents:
 Earthquake
 Floods
 Cyclones
 Temperature strokes
 Snow falls
 Heavy rains etc.
Following are the effects of accidents on various elements of society:
1. Effect on worker,
2. Effect on industry
3. Effect on family
4. Effect on management.
1. Effect on Worker:
 Injury to body.
 Loss of skills.
 Loss of job.
 Leave for recovery.
 In case of fatal accident, loss of life.
 Confidence level gets hampered.
 Growth in career may get affected.
 Financial loss.
2. Effect on Industry:
 Production stoppage.
 Bad message to other workers.
 Reputation is lowered.
 Financial loss for compensating the affected worker.
 Extra cost on recovery of machine/place/building.

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3. Effect on Management: Time to solve the case.

 Issues related to court, police, hospital and compensation.
 Status among competitors is affected.
 Faith of workers gets disturbed.
 More attentiveness becomes necessary in future.
4. Effect on Family:
 Loss of earning member.
 hospitalization related time and money losses.
 Attention to patient needs.
 Stability of family is disturbed.
 Other family members may lose working hours/study hours after accident of
their family member.
 Feeling of insecurity.
These are effects of accidents on nearby society.
Fire Hazards
Examples of Fire Hazards:
1. Objects that can generate heat.
2. Overloading power sockets.
3. Smoking.
4. Human error and negligence.
5. Combustible material being stored on site.
6. Flammable liquids and vapors.
7. Dust build-up.
8. Faulty electrical equipment.
Harmful Nature of Fire:
1. Flames burn the things.
2. Heat and water vapor from combustion can cause severe damage.

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3. Dangerous effects due to smoke and soot

4. Serious effects due to toxic chemicals.
Types of Fire:
(a) Fire involving solid materials (wood, paper, textiles etc.)
(b) Fire involving flammable liquids such as petrol, diesel, oils
(c) Fires involving gases.
(d) Fire involving metals.
(e) Fires involving electrical apparatus.
How to Prevent Fire Hazards?
1. Avoid hot work if possible.
2. Train people.
3. Ensure that the area is clear of flammable or combustible materials.
4. Use of written permit system.
5. Supervise the work.
6. Avoid accumulation of dust to a dangerous level by following a regular
7. Keep display of safety information for every liquid that is stored.
8. Store flammable liquids properly.
9. Control all ignition sources.
10. Provide personal protective equipment.
11. Keep equipment and machinery clean. This cleaning including surrounding
areas, avoid the risk due to grease or dirt particles.
12. Prevent overheating of machinery.
13. Follow maintenance procedures regularly.
14. Do not overload electrical equipment or circuits.

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15. Don't leave temporary equipment plugged in when it is not in use.

16. Avoid using extension cords.
17. Use antistatic equipment where required.
Effects of Fire:
1. Fire impacts people, property and the environment.
2. Many human systems are affected by wildfire smoke.
3. Fire affects respiratory system.
4. Burning of skin, organs, fatal nature are dangerous impacts.
Fire Drill
Meaning: Fire drill is a method of practicing how a building would be evacuated in
the event of a fire. Normally, the building's existing fire alarm system is activated
and the building is evacuated as if the emergency had occurred.
Steps in Fire Drill:
1. Communicate with the local chief or Fire Marshall.
2. Create an in-house safety committee.
3. Communicate evacuation routes to people.
4. Suggest alternate routes in case of emergency.
5. Conduct fire drill regularly.
During the Fire Drill:
Supervisory staff is to monitor the fire drill process and note any of the following:
1. Are individuals closing the doors after exiting rooms.
2. Are individuals remaining calm and proceeding towards the nearest exit?
3. Are individuals assembling at the designated muster point?
4. Are fire wardens ensuring the safe evacuation of all individuals?

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After the Fire Drill:

1. Record the total evacuation time in the evacuation checklist report.
2. Silence the alarms, reset the fire alarm system.
3. Ensure the fire alarm system is back to normal operating condition.
4. Inform individuals that they can re-enter the building.
5. Keep record of the fire drill.
Advantages of Fire Drill
1. It ensures that people exit the building in a timely fashion and know the
designated area.
2. People know the evacuation routes.
3. Fire drills are an opportunity to practice evacuation procedures to make sure all
involved are familiar with them.
4. Fire drills are also helpful for testing escape routes to evaluate their
5. Due to fire drills we can ensure that alarm systems and fire safety equipment are
in working condition.
6. Everyone is aware of how to get out of the working place in the quickest and
safest way
7. After mock drill improvements can be suggested to have effectiveness in the
safe environment.
Fire Drill Objectives:
1. Giving employees an opportunity to practice emergency procedures in a
simulated but safe way.
2. Determining if employees understand and can carry out emergency duties
3. Evaluating effectiveness of evacuation procedures
4. Complying with requirements of the local fire code.

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Fire of Fire Drill:

1. Fire prone places - Once in 3 months.
2. Other work places - Once in 6 months.
Safety Management is needed because:
1 Managing workplace safely is an important goal of an organization
2. It ensures better working environment for employees
3. The software system used in safety management always help to record, manage
and analyze safety related data.
4. This system can see exactly where accidents and unsafe situations are occurring.
5: Safety management also ensures proactive steps to eliminate accidents.
6. Due to safety management system, day to day activities are observed through
paper forms, excel sheets, software application to record the safety data. Also to
investigate accidents. It also take follow-up and feedback mechanism.
7. Safety management ensures centralized compliances from all locations
8. Safety management brings repeatability to safety operations, when processes are
repeatable, they can be methodically improved.
9. Safety management make standardization so that all locations operate uniformly.
10. It automates the safety investigation process.
11. Safety management software enhance communication and sharing of
appropriate data among supervisors, managers, safety professionals, medical staff
12. Due to safety management corrective actions are taken.
13. It helps to place employees in jobs suitable to their work restrictions.
14. It ensures that when a task is carried out in your workplace, every precaution
has been taken to avoid accidents.

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1. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
2. Personal Protective Equipment is anything that is used to protect human body,
eyes, face, ears head, extremities, all other body parts.
3. Personal Protective Equipment must be available and in good working
4. Head protection: There should be use of appropriate head protection when
exposed to overhead hazards from electrical shock bum hazards, impact hazards
and penetration hazards. "Head protection is required when exposed to object
falling from above
5. Eye and Face protection: Each employee shall use eye or face protection when
exposed to eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metal, liquid
chemicals, acids or gas vapours.
6. Hearing protection: Each employee exposed to noise levels that exceed 85
decibels for an extended period must wear approved ear plugs VERY
7. Hand and Foot protection: Each employee should use appropriate hand and
foot protection when exposed to injury from potential skin absorption hazards,
chemical or thermal burs, electrical dangers, cuts, fractures etc
8. Protective clothing and personal hygiene:
 Protective clothing shall be worn by those persons who are exposed to hazards
such as solid and liquid chemicals, high or low temperatures, open flames and
large amount of ultraviolet light.
 When persons are exposed to moving or rotating equipment, protective clothing
must fit tightly.
 Shirts shall be tucked in.
 Long sleeves must be buttoned.
 Jewelry should not be worn when operating industrial equipment.
9. Lockout of energy sources:
 All employees should follow the strict procedure for lockout of energy sources.
 All equipment/circuits should be locked out to protect against accidental
 Do not attempt to operate any switch, valve bearing a lock.

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 Any employee not following procedures should be subjected to strict

disciplinary actions.
10. Hand tool and portable power, tool safety:
 All persons should use personal protective equipment while using any tools.
 Check for working safety guards, shields, warning labels etc.
 Always use right tool for the job.
 Dull tools are more dangerous than sharp ones. So use sharp tools.
 While working electrical equipment, ensure that all metal hand tools are
 Never use compressed air to remove dust and debris from clothing
11. Compressed gas cylinders:
 Use only those cylinders that are approved for interstate transportation
 Close the cylinder main valve and bleed the lines.
 Remove any regulators. Tighten the cylinder valve cap.
 Cylinders may be rolled for moving purposes but not dragged.
 When there is doubt about how to use the cylinder, the user shall contact the
supplier c cylinder for consultation.
 Regulators and pressure gauges are to be used only with gases for which they
are designed.
 Cylinders should not be kept near elevators.
12. Welding and Cutting tools:
 Use fire resistant gloves.
 Use a leather cap to prevent hot sparks.
 Hard hats shall be used when there is a hazard of falling objects.
 Goggles, helmets and shields should be used for all types of welding.
13. Power movers and tractors are designed to seat only the driver.
14. Avoid lack of oxygen in a space that could cause immediate respiratory failure.
15. Serious care must be taken where toxic gases or vapours can poison the
16. Avoid slipping, trapping surfaces.

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1. Safe Working Methods: Operations in the factory must be designed considering
safety first Possibility of accident should be eliminated. Prior care must be taken
for that, while deciding the methods and operations.
2. Proper Selection of Workers: Disciplined, mentally stable, emotionally balanced
and alert people always work in safe manner. Workers with above qualities, with
good motive of work must be selected for the work. The attitude and aptitude of
workers must be tested through various psychological tests and interviews at the
time of selection.
3. Training for Safe Working: Training gives knowledge of work, which improves
person's attitude and gives correct direction. Trained employees work safely.
Proper workers with proper training are the better manpower to be employed. So
training of workers is the assurance of safe working. Hence, training is one of the
preventive measures to avoid accidents.
4. Accident Prone Areas: Survey of industrial processes, plant layout, material
transportation, sensitive operations helps us to understand where the possibility of
accident is more. Corrective actions and prevention can be taken at such places.
Instructions regarding the same make awareness among the concerned authorities
or employees and thus accidents can be avoided.
5. Safety Devices: During the industrial operations prevention can be taken by
using safety devices. Helmets, goggles, breathe purifiers, pads, hand gloves, safety
shoes, aprons, protection shields are some of the personal safety devices which can
be used. It depends on the type of process and kind of body exposure. Unnecessary
extra care which creates difficulties in work must be avoided. Persons must be
trained to use the safety devices effectively.
6. Safety Program: A systematic working with safety is possible through
establishment of Safety
Department. This department will be dedicated for safety related work only. A
complete schedule for safety awareness will be carried out by the same. Workers
can be educated by conducting various safety programs and imparting trainings to
make them conscious for safety.
7. Safety Provisions:
 Fencing of rotary and moving parts.
 Provision of fire extinguishing equipment.

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 Employment of adolescents on dangerous machines must be restricted.

 Availability of first Aid facilities.
 Instructions for 'safety and related precautions, while working must be
displayed wherever required.
(8) Promoting Safety Awareness in Employees:
Even though everybody knows miseries of accident, there are number of accidents
every day. So it is also important to create safety consciousness among the
By the following ways management may promote safety awareness:
1. Safety training programs
2. Display of Banners, Posters which underlines importance of safety.
3. Organizing Seminars, Conferences, and Sessions by experts on industrial safety
related issues.
4. Displaying safety related messages, instructions, and guidelines near the work
5. Competition in industry related to safety and awards to those departments where
minimum accident instances occur.
6. Celebrating safety awareness week for creating safety consciousness among
7. Formation of safety committees.
8. Publication of articles related to industrial safety in the company
9. Essay competition, picture completion, slogan competition related to industrial
In these ways or other, management can create environment of safety awareness
The above mentioned safety procedures, preventive measures and safety awareness
plans may reduce accidents considerably. Accidents are undesirable and hence this
safety approach is the vital one

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Safety procedure includes following:
1. Develop, establish and maintain plans for safety.
2. Define policies for administration of a safety program which will include safety
training, industrial safety, safe working conditions etc.
3. Providing accident prevention guidance to staff.
4. Developing safety education, award programs to create safety awareness.
5. Reviewing documents related to safety, and directions mentioned in handbooks.
6. Understanding legal systems related to accidents and deciding policies
7. Providing Safety engineering at workplace.
8. Short term and long term planning for safety factors related to technical
developments and 1991associated operational methods.
9. Formation of Safety Department with dedicated staff for the same function.
10. Establishing procedures of safe working.
11. Checking the ground reality and finding accidents.
12. Handling workman's compensation claims and correspondences after
unfortunate occasions.
13. Provision of safety aids first aid services near the workplace.
14. Documentation related to accidents should be maintained.
15. Evaluating and approving safety practices in potentially hazardous
16. Ensure that, the health and safety of all employees are taken care.
17. Accident analysis to learn in future for no repetitions of the same. specified
time frame/area. It sets out the precautions required to complete the work safely,
based on a risk management.
Features of Permit-to-Work Systems:

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1. A standard operating procedure.

3. A hazard and risk assessment.
3. The permit issue, extension and withdrawal details
4. A tool box talk signed by all workmen.
A work permit system consists of standard procedure essential:
1. Details of the necessary preparatory work method statement.
2. Clear definition of responsibilities.
3. It is a formal recorded process.
4. It monitors and audits to ensure that the system works as intended.
5. It is for authorized persons.
6. Training of authorized persons.
7. Instructions in the issue, use and closure.
8. There is provision of safety equipment.
Where Work Permits Needed:
1. Works which may adversely affect the safety of personnel, the environment or
the plant.
2. High risk or non-routine activities which will require some form of prior to work
3. Non-production work like maintenance, repair, cleaning, testing etc
4. Jobs where two or more individuals or groups need to coordinate activities to
complete the job-safely.
5. Work on high voltage electrical equipment.
6. Work on electrical trouble shooting or repair on live circuits.
7. Work involving the use of hazardous or dangerous substances including
radioactive materials
8. Complex machinery.

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9. Pressure testing.
10. Escape or rescue systems.
11. Critical lifting, use of mobile cranes.
12. Work at height.
13. Operational pipelines.
14. Work near energized lines.
15. Should not be used for all activities, if not necessary
When PTW not required:
1. Emergency 2. Routine activity.
Definitions in Work Permits:
Responsible person: is a person authorized by manager who will responsible for
keeping his staff safe.
Issuer is a person who is trained competent and authorized to issue a permit to
work after ensuring that all the hazards, associated with the work being done in
that area and all necessary safety precautions are being implemented to ensure that
the work can be completed safely.
Executor is a person who is trained, competent and authorized who is responsible
for the work being completed as described in the permit to work.
Field operator: is a competent person and supports the isolator at site, checks the
site compliance to permit conditions and signs the permit.
Types of work permits:
1. Cold work.
2. Hot work.
3. Confined space.
4. Excavation.
5. Radiography. Cold work permit: A cold work permit shall be obtained for all
general work that does not involve activities related to hot work.

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Examples: Routine maintenance, inspection, hand tools. Hot work permit: It is any
work that could create a source of ignition that could result in a fire or explosion.
Examples: Spark producing tools, hammering in high risk gas areas, explosives,
welding etc.
Elements of Work Permits System:
1. Issue. 2. Receipt, 3. Clearance, 4. Cancellation
1. Issue:
It means pre-job checks.
 Description of work to be carried out.
 Description of plant and location.
 Assessment of hazards.
 Identification of controls.
2. Receipt:
 It means handover of permit.
 Competent and authorized person issues permit to workers.
 Workers sign to say they accept controls.
 Work can now start.
 Plant is now under the control of the workers.
3. Clearance:
 It means hand back of permit.
 Workers sign to say they have left the job site and equipment can restart.
4. Cancellation:
 Authorized person accept plant back and can remove isolations etc.
 Plant is now returned to the control of the site.

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