A Brief Glimpse and Overview of Early Deviant Sects and Orientations
A Brief Glimpse and Overview of Early Deviant Sects and Orientations
A Brief Glimpse and Overview of Early Deviant Sects and Orientations
Raʾī (opinion)
Rāwāfiḍ 100H
Dhawq 400H
َ َ ُ ْ َ
َ ٱّللَو َُ ََٱحكمَب ْين ُهمَ ِبمَاَأنزل َن
َ ِ — وأ
ʿaql (reason) — naql (revelation) ْ ُ ْ َ ْ َّ
)5:49(َم َ تت ِب َعَأهواءه
ḥaqīqah (reality) — sharīʿah (creed, tawḥīd, law) َّ َ ْ َ ْ َ ۟ ُ َ
َ— ف ِإنَل ْمَي ْست ِجيبواَلكَفٱعلمَأنما
bāṭin (esoteric) — ẓāhir (apparent) َ ُ ْ َ َّ
َيت ِب ُعونَأهواءه ْمَوم ْنَأض ُّل َِم َّم ِن
siyāsah (politics) — sharīʿah (legislation) َ ِّ َه ًدُ ْ ُ َٰ َّ
َِ ىَمن
َٱّلل ٱتبعَهوىه َِبغ ِت
raʾī (opinion) — ḥadīth (prophetic tradition)
kashf (enlightenment) — naql (revelation)
dhawq (taste, feeling) — naql (revelation) ʿaql ṣarīḥ (sound reason)
Abu ʿIyaaḍ—@abuiyaadsp
IslamTees Lessons, Middlesbrough, Shaʿbān 1443 / March 2022
Four Foundational Sects
—1. Khawārij: Rebel against rulers on account of sins, perceived or actual injustice, make takfīr of the
rulers due to sin and injustice, and rouse people against them.
—2. Rawāfiḍ: Show partisanship for ʿAlī, claim he should have been first khalīfah, reject majority of the
Companions, make takfīr of them and speak ill of the Prophet’s wives and claim Qurʾān is incomplete.
—3. Qadariyyah: Deny that Allāh wills and creates man’s actions and claim that man creates his own
actions outside of Allāh’s control and power.
—4. Murjiʾah: Expel actions from the reality of īmān (faith) and claim faith is only what is in the heart,
or what is in the heart and on the tongue.
Other Orientations
—12. Taṣawwuf: Excess in piety and abstinence, leading to innovations in worship and great
misguidance in doctrines.
—13. Raʾī (opinion): Placing heavy reliance on analogy (qiyās) and opinion on account of having very
stringent criteria for ḥadīth authenticity, and tendency to reject or interpret away texts that go against their
views. Term has also been used to include kalām groups.
—14. Bāṭiniyyah: Factions who made ascription to Islām, through the face of Shīʿism but were trying to
merge Greek philosophy with the outward aspects of Islām. Basically, they tried to corrupt the religion of
Islām by merging or dissolving it with the sciences of the nations.
—15. Mutafalsifah: A faction supporting views of Greek philosophers who argued against the kalām
factions, trying to prove eternity of the universe. They denied resurrection and claimed prophethood can
be acquired and had similar views to the kalām groups in the topic of the attributes.
Extreme Ṣūfīs
—16. Waḥdat al-Wujūd (Unity of Existence: Claimed there is only one existence, there is no “created”
and “creator”, thus there is no distinction between the worshipper and the worshipped.
—17. Ittiḥād/Ḥulūl (Divine Indwelling): Claimed Allāh can unite with and enter into His creatures just
like Christians believe about Jesus ().