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Application of Intelligent Systems in Multi-Modal Information Analytics

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Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 929

Vijayan Sugumaran
Zheng Xu
Shankar P.
Huiyu Zhou   Editors

Application of
Intelligent Systems
in Multi-modal
Information Analytics
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Volume 929

Series Editor
Janusz Kacprzyk, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Warsaw, Poland

Advisory Editors
Nikhil R. Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
Rafael Bello Perez, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computing,
Universidad Central de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba
Emilio S. Corchado, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Hani Hagras, Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
László T. Kóczy, Department of Automation, Széchenyi István University,
Gyor, Hungary
Vladik Kreinovich, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas
at El Paso, El Paso, TX, USA
Chin-Teng Lin, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chiao
Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Jie Lu, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology,
University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Patricia Melin, Graduate Program of Computer Science, Tijuana Institute
of Technology, Tijuana, Mexico
Nadia Nedjah, Department of Electronics Engineering, University of Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Faculty of Computer Science and Management,
Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland
Jun Wang, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
The series “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” contains publications
on theory, applications, and design methods of Intelligent Systems and Intelligent
Computing. Virtually all disciplines such as engineering, natural sciences, computer
and information science, ICT, economics, business, e-commerce, environment,
healthcare, life science are covered. The list of topics spans all the areas of modern
intelligent systems and computing such as: computational intelligence, soft comput-
ing including neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computing and the fusion
of these paradigms, social intelligence, ambient intelligence, computational neuro-
science, artificial life, virtual worlds and society, cognitive science and systems,
Perception and Vision, DNA and immune based systems, self-organizing and
adaptive systems, e-Learning and teaching, human-centered and human-centric
computing, recommender systems, intelligent control, robotics and mechatronics
including human-machine teaming, knowledge-based paradigms, learning para-
digms, machine ethics, intelligent data analysis, knowledge management, intelligent
agents, intelligent decision making and support, intelligent network security, trust
management, interactive entertainment, Web intelligence and multimedia.
The publications within “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” are
primarily proceedings of important conferences, symposia and congresses. They
cover significant recent developments in the field, both of a foundational and
applicable character. An important characteristic feature of the series is the short
publication time and world-wide distribution. This permits a rapid and broad
dissemination of research results.

** Indexing: The books of this series are submitted to ISI Proceedings,

EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springerlink **

More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/11156

Vijayan Sugumaran Zheng Xu
• •

Shankar P. Huiyu Zhou


Application of Intelligent
Systems in Multi-modal
Information Analytics

Vijayan Sugumaran Zheng Xu
Department of Decision and Information Shanghai University
Sciences Shanghai, China
Oakland University School of Business
Administration Huiyu Zhou
Rochester, MI, USA Department of Informatics
University of Leicester
Shankar P. Leicester, Leicestershire, UK
Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation
Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology
Salem, Tamil Nadu, India

ISSN 2194-5357 ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic)

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
ISBN 978-3-030-15738-8 ISBN 978-3-030-15740-1 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2019934342

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

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This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland

We are living in an era of data deluge. The world of big data exhibits a rich and
complex set of cross-media contents, such as text, image, video, audio, and
graphics. So far, great research efforts have been dedicated separately to big data
processing and cross-media mining, with well-grounded theoretical underpinnings
and great practical success. However, studies jointly considering cross-media big
data analytics are relatively sparse. This research gap needs our further attention,
since it will benefit a variety of real-world applications. Despite its significance and
value, it is non-trivial to analyze cross-media big data due to their heterogeneity,
large-scale volume, increasing size, unstructured nature, correlations, and noise.
Multi-modal information systems, which can be treated as the most significant
breakthrough in the past 10 years, have greatly impacted the methodologies utilized
in computer vision and achieved terrific progress in both academia and industry.
Intelligent systems have been recognized as one of the most important devel-
opments in multi-modal informatics domain. Significant progress has been made
over the last few years in the development of computational intelligence techniques
such as bio/nature-inspired computing within the artificial intelligence domain.
While research on various aspects of intelligent systems and semantic technologies
is progressing at a very fast pace, this is only the beginning. There are still a number
of issues that have to be explored in terms of the design, implementation, and
deployment of intelligent applications and multi-agent systems in various appli-
cation domains. For example, the development of novel techniques for computa-
tional intelligence in support of deep learning, formal approaches for designing
intelligent systems and agent-based applications, ontology-based information
systems, and organizational impact of intelligent systems and semantic technologies
in healthcare and education management are some of the areas in need of further
Each paper of MMIA 2019 was reviewed by at least three independent experts,
and the acceptance rate was 40%. The conference would not have been possible
without the contributions of the authors. We sincerely thank all the authors for their
valuable contributions.

vi Preface

We would like to express our thanks to Professor Zhaofeng Ma, Beijing

University of Post and Communications, and Professor Xiao Wei, Shanghai
University, for being the keynote speakers at the conference. We thank the steering
committee, general chairs, program committee chairs, organizing chairs, and
workshop chairs for their hard work. The local organizers’ and the students’ help is
also highly appreciated.
Our special thanks are due also to editors for publishing the proceedings in
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing of Springer.

Vijayan Sugumaran
Huiyu Zhou
Zheng Xu
Shankar P.

General Chair

Tharam Dillon La Trobe University, Australia

Program Committee Chairs

Vijayan Sugumaran Oakland University, USA

Huiyu Zhou Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Zheng Xu TRIMPS, China
P. Shankar Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation
(Deemed University), India

Publication Chairs

Juan Du Shanghai University, China

Xinzhi Wang Tsinghua University, China

Publicity Chairs

Shunxiang Zhang Anhui University of Science and Technology,

Neil Y. Yen University of Aizu, Japan

viii Organization

Local Organizing Chairs

Chang Liu Shenyang Aerospace University, China

Liyuan Guo Shenyang Aerospace University, China

Program Committee Members

William Bradley Glisson University of South Alabama, USA

George Grispos University of Limerick, Ireland
Abdullah Azfar KPMG Sydney, Australia
Aniello Castiglione Università di Salerno, Italy
Florin Pop University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Ben Martini University of South Australia, Australia
Wei Wang The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Neil Yen University of Aizu, Japan
Meng Yu The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Shunxiang Zhang Anhui University of Science and Technology,
Guangli Zhu Anhui University of Science and Technology,
Tao Liao Anhui University of Science and Technology,
Xiaobo Yin Anhui University of Science and Technology,
Xiangfeng Luo Shanghai University, China
Xiao Wei Shanghai University, China
Huan Du Shanghai University, China
Zhiguo Yan Fudan University, China
Rick Church UC Santa Barbara, USA
Tom Cova University of Utah, USA
Susan Cutter University of South Carolina, USA
Zhiming Ding Beijing University of Technology, China
Yong Ge University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
T. V. Geetha Anna University, India
Danhuai Guo Computer Network Information Center,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Jeng-Neng Hwang University of Washington, USA
Jianping Fang University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Jianhui Li Computer Network Information Center,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Yi Liu Tsinghua University, China
Foluso Ladeinde State University of New York in South Korea,
Organization ix

Kuien Liu Pivotal Inc., USA

Feng Lu Institute of Geographic Sciences
and Natural Resources Research,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Ricardo J. Soares Magalhaes University of Queensland, Australia
D. Manjula Anna University, India
Alan Murray Drexel University, USA
S. Murugan Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,
Yasuhide Okuyama University of Kitakyushu, Japan
S. Padmavathi Amrita University, India
Latha Parameswaran Amrita University, India
S. Suresh SRM University, India
Xing Xie Microsoft Research Asia, China
Wei Xu Renmin University of China, China
Chaowei Phil Yang George Mason University, USA
Enwu Yin China CDC, USA
Hengshu Zhu Baidu, Inc., China
Morshed Chowdhury Deakin University, Australia
Min Hu Shanghai University, China
Gang Luo Shanghai University, China
Juan Chen Shanghai University, China
Qigang Liu Shanghai University, China

Regular Papers
Application of PBL in the Multimedia Teaching Platform
of Experiments on Complete Denture Prosthodontics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Juan Li and Xiaowei Wu
Use of Cloud Computing Technology and Neural Network
in College Students’ Psychological Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Han Yang
Application of the Computer Aided Language Teaching Based
on the Internet in the Business English Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Hu Lu
Computer Application Technology in Enterprise Informatization . . . . . 21
Yanying Wei
Applying Computer Network Technologies in File Management
of Colleges and Universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Yang Yang
Incorporating Mobile Multimedia in School Student Management . . . . 34
Xiuyan Meng
Utilizing Multimedia Network Technology in the Informatization
of Art Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Jingsi Zhu
Application of the Web Data Mining Technology in the English
Translation Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Fenfen Zhu
Construction of the Computer Platform Framework Based
on the University Financial Management System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Jun Yang

xii Contents

Design and Application of the Intelligent Learning Platform

for College English Based on the New Engineering Concept . . . . . . . . . 60
Caihong Han
Implementation of a Dance Teaching Live Broadcasting System
Based on the Distance Education Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Congdie Jiang and Rong Wang
An Intelligent Learning System to Assist the Medical
English Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Xi Luo
Design of the Intelligent Education System Based
on the Piano Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Rong Wang and Congdie Jiang
Development of an Intelligent Foreign Language Multimedia
Teaching System Based on the “New Liberal Arts” Paradigm . . . . . . . . 86
Niu Cui
Design of the Vocabulary Query System for Computer-Aided
English Translation Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Wang Ying
Informationized Technological Path for the School-Running Risk
Prevention and Supervision of Private Colleges and Universities
Under the Background of the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Liangjun Liu
Optimal Construction of the Multimedia Distance Education
Resource Library Based on Chinese Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Li Ling
Application of CAI Computer Technology in Teaching
Western Art History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Hailan Shan
Use of the Internet Technology in the Intelligent Library Services
of Colleges and Universities in the Big Data Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Yuan Quan and Cao Lei
Computer Simulation Training Methods of Taekwondo Athletes
Before Competitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Jin Jun
Construction of Quality Evaluation System for Tracking
Personnel Training in Higher Vocational Colleges Based
on Computer Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Ronghua Ma
Contents xiii

Design of a Computer-Aided Learning Platform Based

on the Intercultural Communication Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Xue Yi
Individualized Recommendation Service Model of University
Intelligent Libraries Based on the Internet Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Cao Lei and Yuan Quan
Development of Intelligent English Multimedia Teaching Resources
Using Data Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Xiyang Sun
Towards a Mathematical Algorithm for Conditional Uncorrelated
Volatility Model in the Financial Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Shulan Ma
Research on the Mining Technology of the Financial Mathematical
Model Based on the Partial Differential Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Shulan Ma
Security Management for the Financial Information System
in Colleges and Universities Under the Changing Data Environment . . . 169
Yang Jun
WEB Resource Integration Based on the Physical
Education Courseware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Huihui Du and Jiafa Li
Reverse Digital Rapid Design and Manufacture of the Stamping Die . . . 182
Jun Fan and Leigang Wang
Visualization Analysis of the Research Field of the Water Resources
in China Based on Cite-Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Jiajia Pan, Yuwei Zhang, and Yun Bao
An Empirical Study of the New Mode of Educating People Through
the School-Enterprise Cooperation in Private Universities
Based on “Internet+” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Zhu Na
Analysis of the Application and the Association Rule Mining
in the Library and Data Management of College of Economics . . . . . . . 204
Lin Lu and Lei Cao
Analysis of the Development and Application of the Computer
Integrated Management System for the Sports Teaching Platform . . . . 210
Suqiong Feng
xiv Contents

Multimodal Medical Image Fusion with Multi Resolution

Discrete Cosine Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Hima Bindu Ch. and Vijayan Sugumaran
Numerical Comparison of Two Main Parametric Methods
in Curve Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Zhifeng Zhang, Zhili Pei, Yarong Zhang, Zhigao Zhang, Hongmei Zhang,
Miangyang Jiang, Qinghu Wang, and Shicheng Qiao
Analysis on the Acceptance Degree of the Concept of Amateur
Safety Management for Enterprise Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Wei Jiang and Wei Han
Effects of Reaction Temperature on the Yield and Morphology
of Silver Nanowires Prepared by Solvothermal Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Guangnian Xu, Jiguang Zhu, Guolian Ruan, and Xujia Ci
Experimental Research of In-use Diesel Vehicle Emission
Control System Based on Burner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Xiaodong Qi, Haitao Sun, Xinglong Duan, Qiang Liu, Shaozong Wang,
and Mingjun Zheng
Difference Analysis of GB/T 18386 Between 2017 Edition
and 2005 Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Ying Chen, Jian Liu, Huxin Jin, and Yuanhong Zhuo
Research on the Optimization Algorithm for Emission Control
of Hybrid Power System Based on Energy Flow Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Qingyang Zhang, Wei Sun, Jinglin Xia, Kai Li, and Xinmei Yuan
Construction and Heritage Studies Based on the “Internet+”
Core Value System of Social Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Yu Zhang
Optimization of Electrotransfection Conditions of BGC823 Cells . . . . . . 284
Penghui Li, Haiyan Zhang, Qingbu Mei, and Yang Wang
Research on Library Personalized Recommendation Method Based
on Interest Ontology Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Jie Dong, Gui Li, Xueyang Sun, and Fengying Wang
Innovation and Development of College Students’ Ideological
and Political Education Under the Background
of Computer Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Wang Xu and Chen Jingyi
The Study of JD Logistics Mode Based on “Internet+” . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Zu Wenhong
Contents xv

Research of Student Management in Colleges in the Background

of “Internet+” in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Xing Hua and Qi Yue
Study on the Application of Big Data Analysis on the Electric
Power Meter Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Jia Li, Dapeng Xing, Wanyu Xue, Li Gao, Min Zhou, and Bing Zhang
Analysis on the Acceptance Degree of the Concept of Safety
Creating Economic Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Wei Jiang
Material Flows Embodied in China–Japan Trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Heming Wang, Xuan Zhao, Zhihe Zhang, Shuming Li, and Jizhong Yuan
The Comparison Between Reactive Powder Concrete
and Traditional Concrete in Economy and Environmental
Conservation of Bridge Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Li Lai and Daisen Zhu
Research on Robot Control System in Complex
Information Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Xirui Sun, Chunyu Mao, and Mingsheng Yu
A Nine-Small Place Fire Safety Management System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Yufeng Fan and Xiaohua Li
Characteristic Analysis of Temperature Change in Tai’an City
in Recent Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Mei Shan and Xun Wang
Establishment and Implementation of Quality Management
Standard System for Aviation Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Feng Zou, Pengyi Wei, and Yan Zhao
Design and Implementation of Informationalized Training System
for Music Therapy Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Xuegang Zhang and Qianwen Li
Influence of Environmental Factors on Stray Capacitance of GIS . . . . . 398
Xiaochen Niu, Jie Huang, and Xinglan Guo
Macroscopic and Microscopic Analysis of Coarse Grain Defects
of 7075 Aluminum Alloy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Hongzhi Wang
xvi Contents

Voltage Regulation Strategy for Active Distribution Network

Based on OLTC and Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Shiyong Dong, Wu Liu, Mengdong Li, Lin He, Jing Wang,
Mingliang Yang, Dawei Huang, and Chenglian Ma
International Trend of Language Planning in Development
of International Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
Dai Rui
A Study of Corporate Responsibility by the Analysis
of Chinese-on- Line Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Jing Zhao and Xiaoning Dou
Thoughts on the Path of New Media Technology Helping
the Transformation of Newspaper Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Liya Yao
Influence of Parameters of Internal Voltage Sensing Board
on Stray Capacitance of GIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
Xinglan Guo, Chengyang Chu, Xiaobin Chen, Haisen Zhao,
and Jie Huang
Accurate Investment Forecasting of Power Transmission
and Transformation Project Based on BP Neural Network
and Regression Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Hu Li, Wei-Li Hu, Jing Shi, Jun-Yi Yang, Yi Ge, Lei Zhu, Bing-Jie Li,
Dong-Xiao Niu, Li-Jie Sun, and Di Pu
Research on Personal Credit Scoring Model Based
on Artificial Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
Chengyong Liu, Hueiling Huang, and Shangqian Lu
Research on Evaluation of Science and Technology Innovation Index
of Power Grid Enterprises Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process . . . . . 474
Yan Chang, Yi Zhu, and Ningkang Zheng
Talking About the Status Quo of China’s Emergency Logistics
in Major Disasters—A Case Study of Jiuzhaigou Earthquake . . . . . . . . 483
Zenan Zhou, Yining Jin, and Weiyang Zeng
Research on Multimodal Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign
Language Based on Information Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
Li Guan
Research Technology of New Polymer Materials for Environmental
Protection Against Acid Rain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Xianghong Wang, Zhengkui Yu, Shina Zhang, Ying Lin, and Jie Li
Contents xvii

Big Data Information Technology and the Development

of E-commerce in Cultural Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Yuxia Hu and Haiying Ma
Problems and Countermeasures of Digital Management
of University Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
Sha Li
Analysis of Current Situation and Influencing Factors of Teaching
Informationization in Colleges and Universities—Taking a University
in Yunnan Province as an Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
Wenyuan Liao and Jingli Duan
The Operation Mechanism of the Construction of Teachers’ Team
of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Applied
Undergraduate Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Nuan Sun and Yaofu Zhang
Effectively Enhance the Learning Quality with Dialectical
E-learning in Undergraduates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
Yuchun Shu, Xiaofeng Ma, Zhengyi Shao, Sailapathi Sekar Saraswathi,
and Heng Shao
Research on the Optimization of Asset Structure and the Promotion
of Enterprise Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
Baifang Liu, Haiyan Zhao, Mingquan Sheng, and Yuna Cui
The Impact of the Internet on the Innovation Effect of Medical
and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
Guanghai Tang and Wenli Tang
Reform of Engineering Graphics Course System and Teaching Mode
Based on the Integration of Civil Engineering Majors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
Wenming Shao
Incentive Practice and Enlightenment of State-Owned Science
and Technology Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
Yan Chang, Xiaolin Mo, and Ningkang Zheng
Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Contact Stress of Planetary
Gear of RV Reducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
Linghui Wei, Canjiang Yao, and Hailong Wang
Line Structured Light Vision Online Inspection
of Automotive Shaft Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
Jianwei Miao, Hengyi Yuan, Lianzhi Li, and Siyuan Liu
An Empirical Study on Cultivating Learners’ Creativity in Smart
Learning Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
Qu Zhao
xviii Contents

An Empirical Study on the Influence of Ownership Structure of Listed

Companies on Dividend Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
Jinghu Zhu, Yi Qu, and Shuling Li
The Role of Government in the Enclave Economy Development - Take
the Yangtze River Economic Belt as an Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
Wanhong Xiang and Yanfei Feng
Research Long-Run Equilibrium and Short-Term Volatility of Energy
Demand in Liaoyang City Based on Mathematical Modeling . . . . . . . . . 620
Xiaoze Yu and Liang Sun
College Teaching Management Under the Background
of Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Yonghai Yu
Research on Practice Teaching Reform of Editing and Publishing
Major Under the Background of Media Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
Yanhua Yin and Hongyuan Li
Construction of Virtual Simulation Laboratory in Higher
Vocational Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
Yue Zhao
Transformation Mode of Job Research Results
of Hubei Universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
Chen Guixin
Research on the Dynamic Mechanism and Mode of School Enterprise
Cooperation in Application Oriented Universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
Jingqiu Yang
Research on the Operating Mechanism of College Student
Management Based on Flexible Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
Yuzhen Wang, Chundi Zhao, and Rengui Zhao
On the Influence of Modern Digital Technology on Art Creation
Under the Rapid Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679
Qiang Wang
The Spread of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Britain
and Its Enlightenment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686
Yi Chen, Xiaofang Wang, and Cheng Liu
The Application of Confucianism in Human Resource
Management—Taking Anta as an Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
Yigao Lv
Contents xix

Construction of Calculation Model for Critical Safe Distance

of Shared Lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
Baiyu Chen, Da Fu, and Yuanyuan Yang
Study on Factors Influencing the Choice of Foreign Students to Study
in China—Taking Yunnan as an Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
Lei Zhang
Research on the Status Quo and Countermeasures of Agricultural
Products Network Marketing in Jilin Province . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
Ning Zhai
Big Data Security and Privacy Protection in Colleges
and Universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
Jinlan Guo
Design and Application of a Steel Bar Roll Management System . . . . . . 736
Qiaoshun Wu, Honggang Xu, Jie Li, and Haibo Peng
Investigation and Research on College Students’ Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . 743
Guodong Gao, Wei Wang, and Hongyun Gao
Application of Embodied Cognition Theory in the Education
and Management of College Students’ Mental Health Based
on “Internet+” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754
Jun Luo and Yulan Yu
Research on the Teaching Practice of Java Program Design Based
on OJ System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761
Qiang Huang, Mantao Wang, Zhen Peng, Jiaxin Yuan, Zhiyong Li,
Jie Zhang, Haibo Pu, Lanjing Wang, and Jinglan Lei
Development of Cultural Tourism Industry Agglomeration in Hubei
Province from the Perspective of Global Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
Minghui Long
Effect of Medical Insurance on Subjective Well-Being of the Elderly
in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
Xue Chen
Design and Implementation of Small Variable Flow Electromagnetic
Pump Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785
Ya-li Ma and Xue-yi Wang
Confucian People-Oriented Management—Wal-Mart
as an Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791
Yigao Lv
xx Contents

Study on the Guidance of Marxist Dialectics to the Cultivation

of the Speculative Ability of College Entrepreneurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799
Guangping Yang
Research on Model Algorithms of Supply Chain of Material
Scheduling with Elastic Variables in Construction
Site for Giant Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805
Xinyue Zhang, Renkai Xiong, and Silu Tao
Design of Agricultural Spherical Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
Hua Liu, Hui Wang, Yu Shi, Weiyu Zhang, Yong Wei,
and Jinfeng Dong
Simulation of Economy-Hydrology Effects Caused
by Water Price Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821
Ke Kong, Xinchao Gao, and Yuan Xiu
Analysis and Research on Resettlement Mode of Luola Hydropower
Station Development in Tibet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
Liyuan Dai, Cheng Zhang, and Liya Yang
Application of TOPSIS Method Based on Entropy Weight
in Economic Activity Analysis of Power Grid Companies . . . . . . . . . . . 841
Shanshan Wu and Xuanqi Liang
Design and Practice of College English Micro-course Based
on Information Technology Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850
Haixia Yin
Digital Restoration for Damaged Thangka Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857
Wenjin Hu, Fuliang Zen, Jiahao Meng, and Yuqi Ye
Construction and Application of Intelligent Campus in Colleges
and Universities Under the Background of Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866
Yanmei Jia
Cold Start Emission Characteristics and Its Effects on Real Driving
Emission Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873
Xiaowei Wang, Xiaojun Jing, and Jingyuan Li
Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Gear Shift Indicator
on Vehicle Fuel Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883
Sun Long, Sun Qiuchen, Ning Jun, Xie Nan, and Zhu Kai
The Promotion of Internet Technology to Thinking
and Political Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893
Yanmin Yu
Contents xxi

Study on Wet-Skid Resistance of Tire Tread Compound

with Bionic Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901
Chunyu Mao, Yunhai Ma, Junwei Li, and Chuangfa Chen
The Indication of Network Chat Text Security Based on the Analysis
of Modal Particles Emotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909
Meiyun Zhang and Yali Liu
Influence of Installation Position of Internal Voltage Sensing Board
on Stray Capacitance of GIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916
Xiaochen Niu, Jie Huang, and Xinglan Guo
Research on Transformation Strategy of Enterprise Marketing Mode
Under New Media Technology Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 924
Guohong Zhen
Current Status and Prospects of Big Data and Urban
Emergency Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 932
Yining Jin, Danhui Fang, Hongqian Xu, and Weiyang Zeng
The Research of Big Data Management Capability on the E-commerce
of Cultural Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940
Yuxia Hu and Haiying Ma
Research on New Computer Software Teaching Method Combining
Virtual Display Technology and Multimedia Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . 949
Wenjie Deng
Application Research of Employment Recommendation Based
on Improved K-means++ Algorithm in Colleges and Universities . . . . . 956
Zhengce Cai, Cheng Zhou, and Xianwei Li
Optimization of Education Management Work for Undergraduate
Education Based on Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 964
Han Guan
Research on Differences of the Impact of Internet Development
on Consumption of Urban and Rural Residents in China . . . . . . . . . . . 974
Guanghai Tang and Huanli Su
Research on Evaluation of Operation Management Efficiency
of Listed Companies in China’s Financial Trust Industry Based
on SFA Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982
Qu Yi, Zhong Shen, and Du Lei
Construction of “3 + 2” Accounting Professional Training System
in Middle and Higher Vocational Colleges of Jilin Province . . . . . . . . . 990
Yanli Wang
xxii Contents

The Impact of Modern Educational Technology on College Teaching

and Its Application Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999
Yuzhen Wang, Chundi Zhao, and Rengui Zhao
Research on the Training Path of Building Decoration Engineering
Technology Professionals Under the Background of 2025
Manufacturing in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007
Aimin Wei
Preliminary Study on Interior Space Design of KTV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
Guijun Yang
Research on the Cultivation of English Translation Ability
of Undergraduates in Smart Learning Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023
Xiaofang Wang and Cheng Liu
A Judging Method of Electric Larceny in the Guise of Saving
Electrical Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1029
Heng Yang, Yang Xue, Sha Liu, Bo Gao, Yifei Shu, Yinghui Xu,
and Jinyu Wang
Dongfeng Nissan Marketing Strategy Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1038
Jiaqi Zhang and Ze Gao
Investigation and Analysis on Brand Promotion Strategy of Wenzhou
Yandang Mountain Scenic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1046
Guodong Gao, Haijun Xie, and Xiyang Yu
Research on the Innovation and Development of University Education
Management Informationization Based on Big Data Environment . . . . . 1056
Fu Yong
“Mutualism” – Research on the Sponge System Construction Strategy
of Nanping Mountain Park in Chuzhou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1064
Cheng Zhang, Xiaolan Tang, and Liyuan Dai
The Economic Activity Analysis Model and Application of Power Grid
Company Based on AHP-DEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1073
Shanshan Wu and Xuanqi Liang
The Study on VOC Emission Characteristics of Fabric Materials . . . . . 1081
Guangliang Zhong, Tianqi Ren, Haiying Zhao, Changyou Jin,
and Hua Wang
Correlation Analysis of Light Passenger Vehicle Energy Consumption
and Driving Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093
Xin Guo, Guolin Wang, Shupei Zhang, and Wei Zhang
Contents xxiii

The Construction of Taiyuan City Bus Driving Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1103

Jianjun Zhu, Zhiliang Zhang, Peng Li, and Kexun He
The Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of the
Application of Double Qualified Teachers’ Education Technology . . . . . 1114
Chunbo Zuo
Exploration on Teaching Design of Linear Algebra Under the Concept
of New Engineering and Technical Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1122
Meijia Wang
Study on the Difficulties and Countermeasures of Rural Human
Resources Development in Jilin Province . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1133
Lei Zhou and Yue Hao
Vehicle Interior Methods for Evaluating the VOC and Odor
of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1141
Guangliang Zhong, Haiying Zhao, Tianqi Ren, Changyou Jin,
and Hua Wang
Research on the Correlation Between Test Cycles and RDE Test . . . . . 1152
Feng Yan, Yuwei Wang, Sikai Zheng, Yang Meng, and Jinyong Xie
Design and Research of RDE Test Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1160
Yuanjun Zhang, Dongfeng Tian, Hongyun Du, Hongquan Pan,
Wenshen Fang, and Ying Wang
New Media Technology Path for Children’s
Literature Dissemination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1170
Mingxiu Ding
Research on Optimization of Rural Tourism Industry
Chain in Jilin Province . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177
Nan Jiang and Yue Wang
Architecture Design and Cultural Deficiency of College English
Computer Aided Reading System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185
Lu Wei and Binquan Liu
Simulation and Optimization of Filler Tube on Fuel Tank Based
on ORVR Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1192
Chongzhi Zhong, Ying Wang, Taiyu Zhang, and Ke Wu
Experimental Study on Effects of OBD II Diagnostics on of Emissions
for Light Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1201
Le Liu, Jingyuan Li, Lihui Wang, Wei Zhao, Hongyu Qin,
and Yuwei Wang
xxiv Contents

Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Optimization with Consideration

of Carbon Emission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213
Heng Wang, Shiyu Jin, Dechun Tian, Jialu Zhang, and Guanfeng Li
Research and Implementation of WEB Application Firewall Based
on Feature Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1223
Hui Yuan, Lei Zheng, Liang Dong, Xiangli Peng, Yan Zhuang,
and Guoru Deng
Experimental Research on MMT of the Influence on Particulate
Emission of GDI Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1232
Ying Li, Tiecheng Zhang, Jun Qiu, and Xiaojun Jing
Study on In-cylinder Purification Technology for Gasoline Engine
Based on Chemical Reaction Kinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1242
Jun Shi, Jianjun Zheng, Zhao Luo, Xiaodong Chen, Huibing Qin,
and Bin Liu
Research of Emission Evaluation Method for Heavy Duty Vehicle . . . . 1252
Junhui Xu, Bo Li, and Yong Guo
The Design Development Research of Computer Music System Based
on College Vocal Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1264
Haijing Shi
Study on the Effect of Olefins on the Particulate Matter Emission
of GDI Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1273
Yin Zenghui, Jing Xiaojun, Li Dong, Li Zhijun, and Fang Maodong
An Analysis of the Carbon Emission of PHEV Based on Travelling
Pattern in China Mega Cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1284
Hao Xu, Wang Hewu, Li Weifeng, and Ouyang Minggao
Study on Correlation of DF in Different Durability Tests . . . . . . . . . . . 1295
Li Jingyuan, Fu Tieqiang, and Liu Le
Experimental Study on Consistency of Different PEMS Devices . . . . . . 1303
Wang Changyuan, Gao Dongzhi, Yu Quanshun, Guo Yong,
and Xu Junhui
Effect of Fuel Injection Advance Angle on Combustion and Emissions
of Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1313
Peng Li, Jianjun Zhu, and Wenjie Wu
Study on Management of Non-road Diesel Machinery Emission
and DPF Retrofit Evaluation for Tianjin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1324
Dong Li, Jiguang Wang, Jiang Yin, Hao Chen, Mengliang Li,
Xiyu Fang, and Zhengnan Yuhan
Contents xxv

Short Papers
Improvement and Research on Innovative Cultivating Mode Through
Cooperation Between Higher Vocational Colleges and Enterprises . . . . 1337
Boru Yang and Kai Liu
An Analysis on the Translation of Public Signs in Wuhan . . . . . . . . . . . 1342
Hao Peng
Research on Parameter Optimization of Improving Machining
Accuracy and Productivity of CNC Milling of Complex Parts . . . . . . . . 1347
Xiurong Zhu
Study on Operation and Maintenance Management Mode
of High-Voltage Transmission Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1353
Huigang Wang, Jian Han, Kan Zhang, Feng Wang, and Sheng Fan
Analysis of Excavation Procedure and Stability in Jointed Rock
Masses of the Large Underground Caverns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1358
Wen Wang, Guangwen Liu, Qiang Su, and Rui Han
Discussion on the Necessity of Establishing Directly Affiliated
Hospitals in Colleges and Universities Under the Background
of Big Data: Case of Longdong University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1363
Erzhong Xve and Xing Li
Comparison of the Key Structures Between RV Reducer and Spinea
Reducer Based on Finite Element Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1369
Song Lei, Liang Shunke, Li Weihua, and Chen Feixin
Study on the Causes of Valve Leakage and Detection Methods
in Natural Gas Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1375
Guanghui Xia
Research on Operation Strategy of Liaoning Smart City Based
on Data Analysis of Star Hotels in Three Northeast Provinces . . . . . . . . 1379
Bingjie Xu and Yuanchun Huang
On Computer Operating System and Its Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385
Ming Xin
Simulation Research of Influence of the Depth of SEN on Flow Field
in Continuous Casting Mold with EMBr-Ruler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1391
Fei Li, Nannan Yang, and Zhuojuan Yang
Promotion of Information Technology Teaching Ability of Food
Specialty Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1397
Yuanbin Sun, Fengxiang Li, and Zhuo Zhang
xxvi Contents

Research on the Reform of Higher Mathematics Teaching

in Applied Undergraduate Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403
Lisa Zhu
The Training Course on Numerical Control Programming
in Higher Vocational Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1409
Yiying Chen
An Analysis on the Cultivation Method of Studio Model Taking
Craftsmanship as the Core of Occupational Quality—in Master
Studio Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413
Minhong Dai and Cui Wen
Research on the Status and Countermeasures for the Development
of Rural E-Commerce in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1418
Jun Wang
On College English Translation Teaching and Quality
Bettering Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1424
Xiaoyan Geng
Data Collection on Second Language Learners’ Performance
in Different Learning Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1430
Chenxi Li
Regulation of Sharing Economy by Ethics and Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1437
Mei Xu
The Research on Value Evaluation of B2C Online Shopping
Platform in Jiangxi Province with EVA Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1443
Yujuan Xie
Influencing Factors of Language Attrition and Loss of Aged People
and Training Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1449
Lin Lv
Design and Implementation of Automatic Sorting Control System
for Melon and Fruit Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1455
Zuliang Wang, Qi An, Chuanglue Cao, and Ting Zhang
Study on Infrastructure Construction of Higher School . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1460
Qiang Li
Innovation of Humanized Thinking in College
Students’ Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1465
Yonghai Yu
Countermeasures for the Development of Agricultural
Product E-commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1469
Jun Wang
Contents xxvii

Research and Practice of Carrying Out Entrepreneurship

Education-Taking Jingzhou Institute of Technology as an Example . . . 1474
Xu Mei
Application of Situational Experience Teaching in the Course
of Architectural Decoration Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1479
Hongxing Yi
Training Division Innovative Thinking in the Higher Vocational
and Technical Teachers College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1485
Lingyu Wang
Research on the Development of Musical Opera “Localization” Based
on the Integration of Multiple Arts—Take Two Versions of Musical
Opera Tang Xianzu as an Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1491
Qing Zhang and Quan Sun
Vibration Table and Numerical Simulation for Safety Evaluation
of Masonry Structures Under Earthquake Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1497
Li Lingxu and Ma Minchang
Study on Location Planning and Countermeasures to Resettle
Residents in Poor Areas - Taking Anle Village, Yunxian County,
Yunnan Province as an Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1502
Lingxu Li, Zongheng Xu, and Minchang Ma
Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1509
Regular Papers
Application of PBL in the Multimedia
Teaching Platform of Experiments
on Complete Denture Prosthodontics

Juan Li1(&) and Xiaowei Wu2

School of Stomatology, Jinan University,
Guangzhou 510632, Guangdong, China
Human Resources Development and Management Department,
Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, Guangdong, China

Abstract. In order to explore the application of the digitized individual pallets

for the edentulous jaw in the experiment teaching of the dental prosthodontics,
this paper establishes a digitized teaching mode by making the complete denture
individual pallets with the digital scanning and the 3D printing technology, and
compares it with the traditional teaching mode, and evaluates the application
effect of the digitized individual pallets in the digital teaching of the complete
denture prosthodontics. Compared with the traditional teaching methods, this
teaching mode can significantly improve the students’ interests in the digital
technology, deepen the students’ understandings of the digital and traditional
manufacturing process, and consolidate the students’ theoretical knowledge and
clinical operation abilities. Therefore, the teaching mode of the digitized indi-
vidual tray can improve the experimental teaching effect of the complete denture
restoration to a certain extent.

Keywords: PBL  Complete denture prosthodontics  Experiment 

Multimedia teaching platform  Application strategy

The combination teaching method can stimulate the students’ interest in learning the
complete denture restoration, and has great advantages in cultivating the students’
initiatives in learning the complete denture restoration and their ability of integrating
the theory with the practice and their ability of solving problems [1]. It shortens the
distance between the theory, the laboratory operation and the clinical practice, lays a
good foundation for the students’ future clinical practice, and is beneficial to the
improvement of the experimental teaching levels of the complete denture restoration.

1 Content Requirements of the Multimedia Teaching

in Experiments on the Complete Denture Prosthodontics

The dental prosthodontics is one of the most important clinical backbone courses in
stomatology. Compared with other clinical backbone courses, it pays more attention to the
training of the practical skills. Mastering the clinical repair technology and cultivating the
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 3–8, 2019.
4 J. Li and X. Wu

good operation skills are the important purposes for the students to enter the clinical
practice [2]. The complete denture is an important part of the dental prosthodontics, the
backbone course of the stomatology technology specialty, and the core course of culti-
vating the students’ oral operation skills. The complete denture is a kind of the prosthesis
for the patients with the dentition loss. It can master the knowledge of the edentulous jaw
restoration and train the students’ skilled post operation skills to meet the needs of the post
and better prepare for their post practice and employment [3]. Through the experiment of
the complete denture prosthodontics, students are trained to master the anatomical marks
of the edentulous jaw, the retention principle of the complete denture and the factors
affecting the retention and stability of the complete denture, the concept of the jaw position
recording, and the principles of the tooth arrangement and the grinding adjustment, and to
be familiar with the division of the edentulous jaw, the selection of the artificial teeth, the
theory of the balanced dentistry, the methods of the impression, the jaw position recording
and the grinding adjustment, and the trial wear and the initial wear of the complete denture,
and to understand the tissue changes after the dentition loss, the oral examination and the
preparation before the restoration of the edentulous jaw, the complete process and the
requirements of the complete denture, and the repair of the complete denture [4].
Under the clear training goal of “cultivating the professional and skilled talents in
the new era” in the contemporary stomatology teaching, in order to evaluate the stu-
dents’ experimental abilities to promote the development of the students’ abilities, we
should establish the reasonable and standardized experimental contents and the eval-
uation system for the experimental assessment to ensure the objectivity, completeness,
scientificity and effectiveness of the experimental training course, so as to enable us to
practice in the prosthodontics teaching, to actively explore the establishment of a
scientific and effective comprehensive evaluation system for the standardized assess-
ment of the experimental contents of the prosthetic dentistry. The study, implemen-
tation and evaluation of the students’ experimental skills run through the entire
experimental teaching process. They not only pay attention to the specific details of the
practical operation teaching, that is, the process standardization, but also pay attention
to the evaluation of the results [5]. They can achieve the all-round and scientific
teaching, assessment and evaluation of the experimental skills, which ensures the
scientificity, objectivity, integrity and effectiveness of the buccal experimental training
courses. In order to strengthen the training of the stomatological students’ clinical
practice skills and improve the teaching effect, it is better for the students to complete
the practical training and learning, to meet the standard requirements of the training
doctors in the medical colleges and universities, and to meet the needs of our society to
the greatest extent.

2 Analysis of the Connotation Elements of the PBL Teaching


The PBL teaching method refers to putting the students in the complex and meaningful
problem situations, solving the problems in the real life through the group cooperation,
learning the knowledge hidden behind the problems, forming the ability to solve
problems, and cultivating the students’ ability of the self-learning and the lifelong
Application of PBL in the Multimedia Teaching Platform 5

learning. The three basic elements of the PBL teaching are: creating the problem
situations, the students and the teachers. Among them, the problems should be
attractive, which can stimulate the students’ interests in their learning. Students, as the
main subjects of the learning, actively participate in and engage in the learning.
Teachers, as the instructors, put forward questions, monitor the learning, and encourage
and stimulate the students’ thinking, so that students can continue to participate in the
learning process smoothly.
In order to cultivate the students’ mathematical thinking and their application
abilities, we have explored the PBL teaching method actively and effectively. We have
carried out the PBL teaching experiment in the school students with the theme of the
experimental application of the complete denture prosthesis, and achieved good results.
The PBL teaching, short for problem-based-learning, originated from Canadian Med-
ical College and was put into practice. Later, after a long period of exploration, it was
summarized by Dr. Howard Barrows of the Medical College of Southern Illinois
University in the United States, which became a complete concept. In his opinion, the
research object of the medical education should not be confined to the biological
process of the disease, but should include the relationship and the influence between the
medical education and the social groups, psychologies, environments and behaviors.
The goal of our education and teaching should be to enable the students to grow up as
the learners who can constantly improve themselves and learn for their life.
The PBL concept is a new teaching mode. At the beginning of introducing this
teaching mode, China has been imitating the practice of the foreign stomatological
schools, mainly through collecting the resources from the foreign institutes to complete
the domestic PBL stomatology teaching. Later, the domestic universities also invited
the experts and professors from the United States and Canada to use the PBL teaching
method in medical colleges. Since then, the medical community has been increasing its
research on this topic. At present, some achievements have been made.

3 Application of PBL in the Multimedia Teaching Platform

of Experiments on the Complete Denture Prosthodontics

3.1 Application Technologies of the Platform Development

With the continuous development of the computer application technologies, and
especially the maturity of the network communication and the database technology, the
advanced technological platform and the implementation means are provided for the
experimental teaching management. The management mode of the B/S (Brower/
Server) architecture has become the mainstream. The unified browser interface and the
Web server-centric distributed management system are the main features of this gen-
eration of products. The SQL network database is widely used, which greatly improves
the data processing ability.
The system software platform is the core of the entire system. It not only realizes
the management function of the whole experimental teaching platform, but also realizes
the data processing. The design of this paper adopts the B/S structure model based on
the Internet/Intranet standard protocol, and develops an experimental teaching
6 J. Li and X. Wu

management platform based on the combination of the software and the hardware of
the Web and the SQL Server database technology. It can provide the powerful and
comprehensive teaching, management and communication services for the experi-
mental teaching, and realize the scientificalness and modernization of the experimental
teaching management and the automation and informationizaiton of the operation, to
improve the level and efficiency of the experimental teaching management.
Web server: The abundant website resources on the Internet greatly promote the
development of the Web servers. In the entire design process of the experimental
teaching management platform, the Web server chooses IIS (Internet Information
Server) as the development and operation platform. It is tightly integrated with the NT
Server operating system. Through the optimization work done by NT, it has the high
execution efficiency, and adopts the security authentication characteristic of NT, which
is easy to manage and develop, with the powerful web applications. In addition, IIS can
be configured to provide the file transfer protocol (FTP) and other services, such as the
SMTP services, in addition to transmitting the information through HTTP.

3.2 Application and Reform of the PBL Teaching in the Stomatology

The PBL teaching method is a new teaching mode. In order to achieve the good
teaching results, teachers must change their teaching concepts. In the process of the
PBL teaching and the stomatology teaching, teachers should abandon the original
teaching concept of “one teacher decides everything by one man’s say” and the
position themselves as the guide of the students’ learning rather than the counselor of
the students’ learning. Teachers should take the overall perspective of the teaching
contents as a whole, regard the knowledge and practice of the stomatology as a whole,
and strengthen the combination of the knowledge and the practice, so that students can
learn the knowledge while practicing, increase the coherence of the knowledge, and
help students to form a more rigorous knowledge system.
Increase the training of the teachers in the stomatological medical colleges and
universities. At present, the PBL teaching in the stomatological medical colleges and
universities needs greater financial support, as well as the sufficient teachers as a
guarantee. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the training of the existing stoma-
tology teachers. For example, teachers in the dental pulpology, the periodontal mucosal
disease, the oral and maxillofacial surgery and the dental prosthodontics should carry
out the special PBL teaching and training, and those who can go abroad for the PBL
teaching and training should also organize more teachers to receive the relevant
training in the institutions with the relatively successful application of the PBL
teaching. Then, let these trained teachers play their role of helping and leading, get
familiar with the key of the PBL teaching method as soon as possible, and complete the
combination of the PBL teaching and the stomatology teaching as soon as possible. Let
this new teaching mode better promote the improvement of the teaching quality of the
stomatology teachers.
Establish a perfect teaching evaluation system. The evaluation of the teaching effect
of PBL includes not only the teachers’ investigation and evaluation of the students, but
also the students’ self-evaluation and their mutual evaluation among students, as well
Application of PBL in the Multimedia Teaching Platform 7

as the students’ evaluation of the teachers. Students’ academic performance is not the
result obtained by the examinations at the end of each semester or the school year, but
the combination of the results obtained by the students in the daily operation and
practice and the final examination results. At the same time, the evaluation made by the
teachers and the students should be taken into account. At the same time, the evaluation
of the teaching effect also needs another aspect, that is, students’ evaluation of the
In order to promote the timeliness of the teaching of the “Complete Denture
Technology” curriculum, most schools have adopted the practical teaching mode in the
teaching of this major course, but the expected teaching effect has not been brought into
play. One of the main reasons is that the teaching reform has not proceeded from the
reality of the development of the personnel. In order to improve the teaching quality of
the practice course of Complete Denture Technology, it is necessary to improve the
adaptability of the subject development. While implementing the teaching reform, we
should standardize the teaching and the teaching contents. In addition to introducing
the teaching equipment, we also need to prepare the standard teaching aids and build a
model system with the strong applicability. In the teaching of the students, we should
also do a good job in the teaching evaluation, because we should pay attention to the
use of the appropriate evaluation methods to objectively evaluate the works created by
the students, so as to encourage the students’ works and improve the students’ learning
enthusiasms. Therefore, it can play a certain role in improving the teaching quality of
“Complete Denture Technology”.
The knowledge coverage of the case database includes not only the biomedical
fields such as the disease etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment, but also the
knowledge points that each case should focus on in advance, so as to ensure that the
students can be guided to discuss the key knowledge points in place in the course of the
teaching and prevent the students from deviating from the main line in the process of
their discussion. The entire process of the case discussion includes asking questions,
consulting materials after classes to solve problems, the classroom reports, the teacher
comments, integrating problems to get the best treatment plans, and completing the
experimental reports. In the course of the case discussion, the students find out the
problems that need to be solved by themselves, and then put forward the questions for
discussion. After assigning the questions, the students can consult the materials to solve
the related problems after class, report and discuss them, and instruct the teachers to
comment on them, so as to get the best treatment plans. At the end of each learning
period, students can exchange into another learning group to feel the different learning
atmosphere, so that each student’s learning effect is more balanced.

4 Conclusion

At the beginning of the application of the PBL teaching mode, we consulted various
relevant PBL teaching materials, and conducted many discussions and studies. We
have carried out the special training for the teachers and mainly learnt the PBL
Teaching Instructions. Not only should we understand the PBL teaching process, but
we should also deeply understand the PBL teaching, and change the teaching
8 J. Li and X. Wu

philosophy. The teachers should participate in the establishment of the case bank and
the design of the entire teaching process. To collect the clinical cases, we should
include the basic information of the patients, the preoperative model, the preoperative
imaging data (X-ray and CBCT) and the preoperative intraoral and systemic exami-
nation results of the patients, and establish the case database according to the diagnosis

Acknowledgment. 1. The 20th Batch of the Teaching Reform Research Projects of Jinan
University (Practical Teaching Project); 2. Higher Education Teaching Reform Project of
Guangdong Province in 2018.

1. Gao L, Wang X, Ding S, Huang X, Zhang C (2017) Exploration of the PBL-seminar teaching
method in the teaching of the chinese medicine chemistry theory. Guangming J Chin Med
2. Cheng G, Tong Z, Cao S, Zhang G, Li X, Zhao D (2017) PBL combined with CBL teaching
method in the clinical practice teaching of cardiovascular medicine. Continu Med Educ
3. Ying X (2018) Practical research on CBS combined with PBL teaching method in the nursing
teaching of critical medicine. China Continu Med Educ (11):114–115
4. Zhao C, Tang L, Qu T, Yan C, Ban S (2018) Application of the PBL teaching method based
on the E-teaching platform in the pharmaceutical chemistry teaching. Basic Med Educ
5. Li J, Su J (2018) Exploration of making the digital individual pallet for the dental denture
repair experiment. Sci Technol Innov Herald (07):111–112
Use of Cloud Computing Technology
and Neural Network in College Students’
Psychological Testing

Han Yang(&)

Tianjin University Renai College, Tianjin 301636, China


Abstract. Strengthening the psychological health education of college students

is an urgent need to promote the all-round development and the healthy growth
of college students in the new era, and also an important measure to actively
promote the quality education in colleges and universities. The timely, accurate
and comprehensive understanding of college students’ psychological status is
the basis of the mental health education. In order to improve the level of the
psychological testing and speed up the construction of the information man-
agement, we have developed a psychological testing system for college students.
This paper discusses the development objectives, the overall structure, the main
functions and the application effects of the system. The progress of our society
brings us many pressures and challenges. Therefore, this paper designs and
implements an online psychological counseling platform with the auxiliary
diagnostic system for colleges and universities.

Keywords: Neural network  Cloud computing technology  College students 

Psychological testing  Application mechanism

In the traditional process of the mental health education, including the establishment,
management and use of the students’ psychological files and the psychological tests for
students, a lot of manpower and material resources need to be consumed. In recent
years, a large number of the websites and forums on the mental health education have
appeared on the network [1]. Although these websites have made certain contributions
to popularizing the college students’ psychological knowledge and promoting their
mental health, yet much psychological knowledge on the Internet and the mental health
management cannot effectively improve and manage the students’ psychologies.

1 Analysis of the Implementation Background of College

Students’ Psychological Testing

In the university campus, the problems of study, interpersonal relationship and

employment and so on increase the psychological pressure of college students, leading
to their psychological problems becoming more and more serious. However, due to the
shortage of the professional counseling teachers and the misunderstanding of the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 9–14, 2019.
10 H. Yang

psychological counseling, it is very difficult to achieve the comprehensive mental

health counseling for students [2]. This paper probes into the application of the uni-
versity students’ psychological test, university students’ psychological test resources
website, the gender psychological test, the career choice test, the professional ability
test, the entrepreneurship test and the successful psychological test in university stu-
dents’ psychological files.
In order to better solve the psychological problems of the students, this paper
analyses the psychological characteristics and the common psychological problems of
the college students, draws lessons from the relevant research of the psychological
counseling theories and the expert systems at home and abroad, and uses the cloud
computing technology of the neural network to construct the online psychological
counseling platform for colleges and universities. According to the psychological
characteristics of the college students, the application of the psychotherapy in college
students’ psychological problems is analyzed in details, and the knowledge base is
constructed, and the framework-production knowledge expression structure is
designed. Then, the reasoning mechanism is studied [3]. Through the improvement of
the classical C-F model and the application of the weighted fuzzy imprecise reasoning
model, two reasoning modes of the reasoning engine are realized.
As a special group of our society, college students are facing more and more
pressures in all aspects, and their psychological problems are increasing day by day.
Extreme events caused by the psychological problems emerge in endlessly. College
mental health education plays an increasingly important role in alleviating and solving
college students’ mental health problems and improving the students’ psychological
qualities [4]. This paper demonstrates and analyses the feasibility of college students’
psychological testing and the platform, which can solve the current problems of college
students’ psychological aspects, and has the profound significance for promoting
college students’ mental health.

2 The Current Situation of the Psychological Health

Education in Universities

The contemporary China is in the process of the economic globalization. The social
situation has undergone profound changes. College students who have just entered the
campus face the complex social environment and are easily influenced by the outside
world. In addition, in recent years, colleges and universities do not attach importance to
the mental health education and there is a lack of the financial input, resulting in some
advisory bodies idle [5]. At ordinary times, no one will ask and care about it, but only
the superior inspection will force them to temporarily transfer other professional
teachers to serve as the consultants. The institutions themselves are not perfect, and
their subordinates are not clear. Some belong to the students’ departments and some are
subordinate to the scientific research departments. This situation directly results in the
situation of no management and no supervision. Even if school students have the
mental health problems, they do not know where to go and who to communicate with,
resulting in the embarrassment that students all know that the school has a psycho-
logical counseling department but do not know where it exists.
Use of Cloud Computing Technology and Neural Network 11

While practicing the mental health education, colleges and universities are not
aware of the prevention orientation and the early education. Many people believe that
there is no need for the mental health education, or that it is possible to find anyone at
will. More people think that people need to be treated only when they have psycho-
logical counseling, taking treatment as their responsibility, but ignoring the importance
of the early prevention. In the actual campus life, only when the teacher finds out that
the individual students have the psychological problems will they urge the students to
go to the psychological counseling department for counseling, without realizing that
more students also need the psychological health education.
Teachers are the soul of our education. Teachers of the mental health education in
colleges and universities play an extremely important role in the education. Addi-
tionally, the mental health education itself needs the professional accomplishment of
the practitioners. Only through the specialized training and the systematic learning can
we solve problems in practice. However, in the current Chinese educational system, the
degree of specialization of the mental health education is not high, and some of them
are self-taught, which makes the mental health education team in colleges and uni-
versities complex and inefficient. In the process of the psychological test, we should
pay attention to the scientificity, standardization and rigor of the tests, so as to get the
accurate test results and help the development of the mental health education.

3 Analysis of the Cloud Computing Technology

Based on the Neural Network

The architecture of the cloud computing technology is divided into four layers: the
physical resource layer, the resource pool layer, the management middleware layer and
the SOA construction layer. The physical resource layer includes computers, memory,
network facilities, database and software. The resource pool layer consists of a large
number of resources of the same type which are isomorphic or near isomorphic, such as
the computing resource pool, and the data resource pool and so on. The construction of
the resource pool is more about the integration and management of the physical
resources. The management middleware layer is responsible for the management of the
cloud computing resources and the scheduling of many application tasks, so that
resources can efficiently and safely provide services for the applications. The SOA
construction layer encapsulates the cloud computing capabilities into the standard Web
Services, and incorporates them into the management and use of the SOA architecture,
including the service interfaces, the service registration, the service search, the service
access and the service workflow.
The management middleware layer of the cloud computing is responsible for the
resource management, the task management, the user management and the security
management. The resource management is responsible for balancing the use of the
cloud resource nodes, detecting the node failures and trying to recover or shield them,
and monitoring the use of the resources. The task management is responsible for the
implementation of the tasks submitted by the users or the applications, including the
deployment and management of the user task images, the task scheduling, the task
execution, and the task lifetime management and so on. The user management is an
12 H. Yang

indispensable link to realize the cloud computing business model, including providing
the user interaction interface, managing and identifying the user identity, creating the
user program execution environment, and charging the users and so on. The security
management guarantees the overall security of the cloud computing facilities, including
the identity authentication, the access authorization, the comprehensive protection and
the security auditing.
The neural network is an intelligent science that imitates the structures and func-
tions of the human center-nerve – brain. It uses the physical devices to simulate some
structures and functions of the biological neural network. That is, many simple neurons
are interconnected to form a network system that can simulate the human’s learning,
decision-making and recognition functions. It has the ability of quick reflection, which
is convenient for the timely control and processing of things, and is good at
approaching the arbitrary non-linear systems in the complex environments. The rise of
the neural networks has stimulated and greatly promoted the fundamental researches on
the nature of cognition and intelligence, as well as the computer industry. Therefore, it
has great application research in various fields.

4 Application of the Cloud Computing Technology

Based on the Neural Network in College Students’
Psychological Testing

The cloud computing is an Internet-based supercomputing model. In a remote data

center, thousands of computers and servers are connected to the computer cloud. So the
cloud computing can even let you experience the computing power of more than 10
trillion times per second. With such powerful computing power, you can simulate the
nuclear explosions, and predict the climate changes and the market trends. Users access
the data center through computers, notebooks, mobile phones and so on, and carry out
the calculation according to their own needs.
The research on the structures of the neural network is not only the premise of the
realization and the successful application of the neural network, but also the superior
physical premise. It embodies the unification of the algorithm and the structure, and is a
mixture of the hardware and the software. This mixed structure model can explain the
function and the basic mechanism of the consciousness. Future researches will focus on
the information processing functional units, combining the knowledge of the systems,
structures, circuits, devices and materials to construct the new concepts and tech-
nologies, such as the crystalline functional units, the minimal effect functional units,
and the polymer functional units, and so on. In the hardware implementation, the
structures and organizations of the materials are studied to enable them to process
the information naturally, such as the neuron system, and the self-organizing system
and so on.
The user interaction interface provides the access interface to the applications in the
form of the Web Services to obtain the user requirements. A service directory is a list of
services that users can access. The system management module is responsible for
managing and allocating all the available resources and its core is the load balancing.
Use of Cloud Computing Technology and Neural Network 13

The configuration tool is responsible for preparing the task runtime environment on the
assigned nodes. The monitoring and statistics module is responsible for monitoring the
running status of the nodes and completing the statistics of the users’ application of the
nodes. The execution process is not complicated. The user interface allows the users to
select and invoke a service from the directory. When the request is passed to the system
management module, it allocates the appropriate resources for the users, and then calls
the configuration tool to prepare the running environment for the users.
Around the design of the management platform of college students’ mental health
education, starting from the current reality of college students’ mental health education
in our country, through the investigation and analysis of the current development needs
of college students’ mental health education in our country, the actual situation of
college students’ mental health education in our country is obtained. Combined with
the knowledge of the current software development, the college students’ mental health
education platform suitable for the current actual development needs is designed. There
are mainly the functions of the file subsystem, the test subsystem, the exchange sub-
system, and the decision-making management support subsystem and so on. The
coordination work of each module can reflect the current college students’ mental
health levels and the existing problems in a more comprehensive way. The system
realizes the archives management, the psychological testing, the psychological com-
munication and the decision-making management by using the modern network
technologies. At the same time, the non-functional needs of the students and the
teachers should be taken into account as much as possible.
The main idea is to put the contents of the drop-down box in the table. The ID
naming rule of the table is subtable+ID. The initial table is set to be not displayed. After
clicking on “online test”, the contents of the drop-down box are displayed. The icon
transformation is to change the icon path after clicking. Set the onclick event to trigger
the show (id) function in the JavaScript in the label that displays “online tests”. The
show function passes in a drop-down table for display.
The selective psychological test is a set of the test papers consisting of several
multiple choice questions, each of which has different scores. The examinee chooses
each question, and finally calculates the test results of the examinee through an algo-
rithm. This kind of the calculation is also implemented in the JavaScript. Using the
JavaScript to achieve the above functions can make the pages more fluent, real-time,
dynamic and interactive between the pages and the users. AJAX is a technology used to
create the fast dynamic web pages. By exchanging a small amount of the data with the
server in the background, AJAX can make the web pages update asynchronously. This
means that some parts of the page can be updated without reloading the entire page.
AJAX enables the asynchronous refresh of the date options to reduce the unnecessary
page overload.
Establishing the management platform of college students’ mental health education
is the basic link of developing the mental health education in colleges and universities
in China, and it is also one of the main tasks of the current management of college
students in China. Students’ mental health information can provide certain guidance for
the macro-management of the schools, improve the current management levels of the
students’ mental health in colleges and universities, and monitor the current students’
mental health levels and their problems from the macro-level, so as to provide the
14 H. Yang

effective guidance for the psychological counseling, consultation and treatment in

colleges and universities, and effectively maintain and guarantee the students’ mental
health. The mental health education platform for college students will play a great role
in the mental health education in colleges and universities, and can achieve a major
breakthrough in the mental health education in colleges and universities.

5 Conclusion

The implementation of the mental health testing requires the specially trained mental
health teachers. The psychological health testing requires the rigorous attitude and the
scientific steps. The non-professional teachers fail to notice the importance of the
prompts before the tests or some behaviors that affect the students during the tests. All
of these will lead to the ineffective or deviated test results, resulting in the huge waste
of resources. The results of the affected tests will affect our understanding of the actual
mental health of the students. The invalid and affected test results, if conveyed or
inadvertently dropped into the hands of the students, will give them the wrong infor-
mation and suggestions.

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2. Wang Y, Deng Y, Zhang J, Wang W (2017) Application of the painting art test in college
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3. Feng L (2018) Research on the psychological curriculum reform of higher vocational college
students based on the psychological testing. J Liaoning High Vocat (06):141–142
4. Lu S (2018) Research and implementation of the platform of the mental health education for
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Application of the Computer Aided Language
Teaching Based on the Internet in the Business
English Teaching

Hu Lu(&)

School of Foreign Languages, Chengdu University of Information Technology,

Chengdu 610025, Sichuan, China

Abstract. Because of its own uniqueness of the Business English teaching, the
traditional Business English curriculums cannot meet the learners’ requirements.
The development of the computer-aided language teaching mode provides the
powerful technical support for the Business English teaching. With the rapid
development of our society, the application of Business English has entered a
new stage. However, throughout its teaching mode, it still stays in the traditional
stage of “ear-to-mouth transmission”. Therefore, how to optimize the teaching
mode and change the mechanical and outdated teaching appearance has become
a subject under the new situation.

Keywords: Internet  Computer-assisted language teaching 

Business English teaching  Application mechanism

1 Advantages of the Computer-Assisted Language Teaching

In the computer-assisted language teaching environment, the role of teachers has

changed from the simple language knowledge imparters to the teaching organizers,
learning instructors and teaching collaborators [1]. Thus stimulate students’ strong
interests in learning English, arouse their strong thirst for knowledge, and greatly
improve the students’ learning efficiency. In this process, it is necessary to increase the
cooperation with business enterprises and issue certain tasks to students.

1.1 The Roles of Both the Teachers and the Students Have Changed
In the process of our teaching, teachers should not only design the teaching modes and
tasks, but also stimulate the students’ learning motivation, mobilize the students’
enthusiasms, effectively organize the student-centered classroom activities, give the
students more space for their self-development, provide the students with the necessary
guidance, and let the students learn to learn and master the learning strategies and
methods, to develop their abilities to collect, analyze, research, summarize, and transfer
information [2]. Students should also change from the passive receivers of knowledge
to the active participants in the learning process and the active constructors of

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 15–20, 2019.
16 H. Lu

knowledge. In the process of their learning, students are not only the active receivers of
the language, but also the active creators of their learning.

1.2 Effective Improvement of the Students’ Learning Efficiency

Psychological researches show that students can memorize 15% of the knowledge
acquired from their hearing, and 25% of the knowledge acquired from their vision, and
65% of the knowledge contents can be accepted by the students if they use both
methods simultaneously [3]. Through the integration of sounds, images, texts and
animations, the computer-assisted language teaching enhances the sensory stimulation
of the students and makes the English teaching visualized, three-dimensional and vivid
[4]. It not only activates students’ thinking, which is easy to remember and understand
the teaching contents, but also makes the students learn with affection and interests.

1.3 Cultivating the Students’ Self-regulated Learning Abilities

Under the computer-aided language teaching environment, teachers provide the stu-
dents with the individualized, collaborative, modular and hypertext multimedia
courseware materials [5]. Students can actively select, process and handle the external
information according to their interests, hobbies and needs, and construct the new
language knowledge by using the original knowledge structures. This learning process
is a process in which students understand their language proficiency, define their
learning objectives, implement the effective learning strategies, and evaluate their
learning effects [6]. It promotes the cultivation of the students’ autonomous learning

1.4 The Teaching Contents Are Extremely Rich

The traditional college English teaching is “blackboard + textbooks + tape recorders”,
which has a single form and lacks vividness. Using the computer-aided language
teaching, teachers can select the audio-visual materials such as pictures, sounds, films
and television clips to enrich the contents of the English teaching and improve the
students’ interests in learning. The traditional feedback form of the teaching effect has a
long period and inaccurate evaluation, while the computer-assisted language teaching
can give feedback and solve problems very quickly and perfectly. Teachers can design
the examination questions in the network software. When they need the feedback
information, they can “authorize” each student on the network. After the students get
certain “permission”, they can complete the questions directly in the computers.
Teachers can monitor their answering process and the correct rate of any student on the
Internet through the “Teacher Machine” in time, and then quickly grasp the correct rate
of each question, the correct rate of each person and the correct rate of the whole class
at the moment when all the students complete the test, so as to receive the feedback
information of the teaching effect completely, accurately and timely. Teachers should
take appropriate teaching strategies according to different situations in order to improve
the teaching effect.
Application of the Computer Aided Language Teaching 17

2 Misunderstandings of the Computer Network Application

in the Business English Teaching

Compared with the traditional Business English teaching, the application of the
computer network makes the Business English teaching develop towards the person-
alized learning and the autonomous learning. However, in many Business English
teaching classes in colleges and universities, the nature of our teaching has not chan-
ged, and it is still a traditional teacher-centered teaching model. Compared with the
traditional teaching methods of the blackboard, chalks and tape recorders, there are
only more CD-ROMs, computers and networks. The Business English classroom
teaching is still a situation of the teachers’ speaking and the students’ listening. Take
the text explanations in the Business English teaching as an example. On the one hand,
teachers rely too much on the courseware. Teachers often copy the contents of the
textbooks completely into the multimedia courseware, and then explain them with the
courseware. Even if the students study online after class, the contents of the online
version are basically the repetition of the textbook contents, which is of little signifi-
cance. In this case, it is very difficult to stimulate students’ learning potential, promote
students’ autonomous learning and highlight students’ personalized learning.
Thus, in many Business English classes of colleges and universities, it is generally
believed that the purpose of using computers as the assistant tools in our teaching is to
help the teachers improve their teaching methods. Its characteristics are as follows.
First, it is the demonstration tool assisting the teachers (the difficulties or the key
points). Second, the teaching contents are based on the textbooks. Third, students are
the objects of the knowledge inculcated. Fourth, the teaching contents and structures
should not be changed. Fifth, it still uses the teacher-centered teaching structure. The
computers used in our teaching are thought to enhance the information taught by the
teachers because the information is magnified on the screen. Therefore, as a technol-
ogy, the computer can only play an auxiliary role in enhancing the teaching effect, but
cannot really become a tool for people to solve practical problems.
Although in our country there are clear provisions for the purpose of the Business
English teaching and the standards for training the students, and colleges and uni-
versities are constantly carrying out researches and exploration of the Business English
teaching, at this stage, due to various reasons, there are still some problems in the
Business English teaching in colleges and universities. The main manifestations are as
follows. In today’s Business English teaching in colleges and universities in China,
there are two modes for the setting of the Business English courses and the arrange-
ment of the class hours. The first mode is to teach Business English in accordance with
the traditional English teaching method. Although on the surface it is a business
English major, in the actual teaching, the courses offered seldom involve the Business
English professional knowledge, but only with some simple foreign trade and eco-
nomics. Correspondence and Telecommunications courses or some oral courses on the
foreign economy and trade should be replaced. This mode has been widely used in the
Business English teaching in colleges and universities in China, which makes the
Business English major too narrow in terms of the learning knowledge and cannot meet
the social requirements for their professional skills.
18 H. Lu

The teaching mode has an important influence on the improvement of students’

learning abilities, as well as the teaching of Business English. However, in today’s
Business English teaching in China, there is a problem that the traditional teaching
mode does not meet the requirements of today’s business activities. There are many
colleges and universities that take the traditional English professional curriculum
teaching mode as the benchmark in their teaching of Business English, and they carry
out the “full-house irrigation” teaching. In the entire teaching process, teachers often
occupy the entire stage, and students are only passively accepting the knowledge of
Business English. On the one hand, it is difficult to arouse students’ interests in their
learning, resulting in the low learning efficiency. On the other hand, it is also difficult
for students to present their own views, and it is unable to cultivate students’ ability to
solve some Business English problems.

3 The Application Mechanisms of the Computer-Assisted

Language Teaching Based on the Internet in Business
English Teaching

It is more scientific to determine the directions of changing the teaching objectives of

Business English according to the knowledge that Business English majors should
possess and the language competence requirements of the social needs. Business
English majors should take the theory of the linguistic economics as the main line.
Besides listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation, students should also be
familiar with the basic knowledge of the international business. Moreover, the culti-
vation of their English communicative competence is also the most important, because
Business English learners should have the ability to actually operate the international
business. At the same time, we should also be familiar with the working process of the
relevant professional posts, so as to lay a good foundation for adapting to the needs of
the surrounding export-oriented economic development.
Thirdly, infiltrate and cultivate the students’ linguistic and cultural connotations.
The vocabulary size is indispensable in the language learning, but the cultural back-
ground knowledge is a non-linguistic factor that cannot be ignored. Introducing the
background knowledge related to the business activities in our teaching can not only
increase students’ interests in the courses, but also help to strengthen their under-
standings of the knowledge they have learned, and cultivate their ability of the cross-
cultural communication. This is also one of the goals of the Business English teaching.
The basic knowledge of Business English is the first element of Business English
communicative competence and the basis of Business English communicative com-
petence. Without the knowledge of the foreign cultures and humanities, it is difficult to
express our thoughts and feelings accurately in English. There are great differences
between the Chinese and the western languages and cultures. Only when students have
a thorough understanding of the western cultures can they realize the differences
between them and avoid misunderstandings and communication barriers in their
practical work. Moreover, the Business English teaching is not isolated, but should
fully expand students’ horizons, so that they can fully understand the cultural
Application of the Computer Aided Language Teaching 19

background of the English-speaking countries, pay attention to the cultural taboos of

different countries, and learn the etiquette of the transnational business contacts and so
on, so as to promote the international business contacts.
In the practical teaching, it is mainly on the basis of cultivating students’ Basic
English skills, gradually infiltrating the business English knowledge, so as to improve
the students’ practical application abilities and achieve the combination of the language
skills and the professional skills. The setting of this course is a gradual and progressive
process, and the difficulty is gradually increased in the later stage, and the professional
knowledge added is more complex. The middle span of the whole textbook arrange-
ment is relatively large, and it is difficult in learning, and the teachers’ teaching pressure
is relatively large. In this case, the task-driven teaching method can be used.
According to the characteristics of the Business English teaching contents, teachers
can also collect the information materials about trade, finance, laws, news, and science
and technology, and make our teaching courseware with the Business English char-
acteristics. On the one hand, according to the teaching progress, business vocabulary,
terminology, set sentences and writing skills should be the focus of our teaching. On
the other hand, students should be allowed to participate in the design of the course-
ware independently. This makes the whole courseware moderately difficult, and at the
same time the texts, languages, audios and videos can form a three-dimensional space,
form a harmonious learning atmosphere, and mobilize students’ interests in their
In addition, the prominence of the teachers’ comprehensive qualities is also an
example of the students’ learning, which can easily stimulate students’ enthusiasms.
Teachers’ humorous and interesting teaching language and passionate teaching atti-
tudes are also the effective means to stimulate students’ interests in their learning. With
the development of the information technology and the wide application of computers,
great changes have taken place in the foreign language teaching. The multimedia
technology is used to design a new, interactive and personalized language teaching
process. It increases the output of the teachers’ information and creates a more vivid
language learning environment, thus greatly improving the teaching efficiency and
quality. Combining with the Business English teaching examples, this paper discusses
the values of the computer-aided language teaching based on the Internet in the
Business English teaching.
Finally, make full use of the modern scientific and technological means and the
multimedia teaching technology to enrich the classroom teaching activities, and show
the students rich and colorful and lively business contacts. Through the multimedia
technology, simulate the actual activities of the business contacts, close the distance
between the students and the society, and improve students’ interests in learning
Business English. The computer multimedia technologies can present the teaching
contents in a multi-dimensional way, with rich pictures, texts and sounds. It integrates
the vision, listening, speaking and translation into one, forming an attractive classroom
atmosphere, which can mobilize students’ senses in an all-round way, generate good
interactive interests in the classroom learning, and improve the students’ interests and
efficiency in their learning.
20 H. Lu

4 Conclusion

In the Business English teaching, generally speaking, the requirements for the English
teachers are relatively high. English teachers need not only the profound knowledge of
English and professional qualities, but also the practical experience in the business
work, so that they can combine the theories with the practice in their teaching to
improve students’ English, and at the same time, improve their Business English
application abilities. However, there is still a serious shortage of such teachers in
colleges and universities in China. More Business English teachers are either the only
foreign language teachers or the teachers of the management subjects.

Acknowledgment. (1) This research is financially supported by Web Culture Project Sponsored
by the Humanities and Social Science Research Base of the Sichuan Provincial Education
Department, English Language Study on Cross-border E-commerce Websites, Grant NO.
(2) This research is financially supported by Scientific and Research Project sponsored by
Chengdu University of Information Technology, The SWOT Analysis on the Translation of
Sichuan Folk Culture in the Belt and Road, Grant NO. CRFYY1708.

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Computer Application Technology
in Enterprise Informatization

Yanying Wei(&)

Guangxi College for Preschool Education, Baise 531400, Guangxi, China


Abstract. With the rapid development of our society and the economy, the
competitions among enterprises are becoming fiercer and fiercer. In order to take
the lead in the fiercely competitive market economy, enterprises must keep pace
with the times and constantly introduce the advanced technologies to improve
their core competitiveness. Through the enterprise informatization, enterprises
have achieved the remarkable results in improving their working qualities,
working efficiency and controlling cost expenditure. In this context, the appli-
cation of the computer application technologies in the enterprise informatization
is analyzed to a certain extent, in order to promote enterprises to strengthen the
construction of informatization, and then better respond to the latest challenges
faced by enterprises under the background of the rapid development of the
modern economy.

Keywords: Computer application technology  Enterprise 

Information construction  Application  Core competitiveness

With the rapid development of the information technologies, people have entered the
information age. Under the background of the new era, the major global enterprises pay
more and more attention to improving their product quality, improving their service
levels, controlling their operating costs and realizing the efficient enterprise manage-
ment, which in turn improved the flexibility of the enterprise response in the market. In
this context, enterprises must constantly strengthen the construction of the information
technologies, and accelerate the application of the computer application technologies in
the enterprise production, management, operation and many other aspects. Integrating
the computer application technologies into the enterprise information construction is
the inevitable trend of the enterprise development and reform under the demand of the
modern economic development.

1 Summary of the Enterprise Informatization

1.1 Connotation of the Enterprise Informatization

The so-called enterprise informationization refers to the application of the integrated
information resource framework to the enterprise resource allocation through the
system integration based on the advanced management theories and the application of

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 21–26, 2019.
22 Y. Wei

modern technologies. Generally speaking, the enterprise informationization is to apply

the computer technologies and the database technologies to centralize the management
of all the information resources in our production, operation and management of the
enterprises on the basis of the conventional operations, so as to promote the efficient
circulation of the information resources within the enterprises. The core goal of the
enterprise informationization is to improve the quality and efficiency of the enterprise
management by applying the computer application technologies scientifically, rea-
sonably and effectively, continuously improve the levels of automation, effectively
control the enterprise costs, and then achieve the higher enterprise benefits [1].

1.2 The Present Situation of the Enterprise Informatization

With the rapid development of the computer technologies, the computer technologies
have the tremendous impact and changes on people’s work and daily life. According to
the 41st Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China published by China
Internet Information Center in January 2018, the number of the Internet users in China
reached 772 million by December 2017, up 5.6% compared with that in 2016. The
number of the domain names of “.CN” in China reached 2.85 million, up 5.5%
compared with that in 2016, and the number of the Internet companies listed at home
and abroad reached 102. From January to November 2017, the total revenue of the e-
commerce platform reached 218.8 billion Yuan, with an increase of 43% over the same
period last year. Throughout 2017, China’s Internet economic environment is devel-
oping well, and the e-commerce is constantly innovating in the service mode and the
technological form. In the field of B2B, through the application of the big data tech-
nology, the cloud computing technology and other technologies, the B2B e-commerce
enterprises have realized the service mode of “industry chain + supply chain finance”,
which greatly improves the business transaction rate. In the field of B2C, the network
retail, represented by the unmanned convenience stores, the unmanned restaurants and
the unmanned office shelves, constantly leads the innovation and reform of the entire
industry forms and technologies. In addition, through the application of the computer
technologies, the traditional business of enterprises is constantly changing their shapes
and the technological innovation, and the AR technology, the virtual fitting room and
other new technologies and new products are effectively promoting the transformation
and upgrading of the offline business services [2, 3].

2 Analysis of the Application of the Computer Application

Technology in the Enterprise Informatization
2.1 Application of the Computer Application Technology
in the Enterprise Internal Management

Group Control
The computer technology is widely used in the internal management of enterprises, and
the types of the technologies used are also very rich. Firstly, through the application of
Computer Application Technology in Enterprise Informatization 23

the computer application technologies, enterprises can achieve the levels of automation
in the internal office. Especially for the large-scale enterprises, their organizational
structure is often multi-level, which has higher requirements for the enterprise
informatization. In addition to the top-down omni-directional business management,
we are also to achieve the bottom-up data and information collection. Through the
application of the computer application technologies, enterprises can easily solve this
problem. On the basis of guaranteeing the independence of the individual applications,
enterprises can realize the centralized management needs, and meet the multi-level
management of enterprises and the management and control of the parent and the
subsidiary companies.
Human Resource Management
In the daily business process of enterprises, the human resource management has a very
critical significance. In the human resource management, through the application of the
computer technologies, the enterprise human resource management can achieve the
timely integration of the data and information and the intelligent analysis, and then
obtain the specific operating conditions of various departments of the enterprises,
which is conducive to the enterprise decision-making departments to timely understand
the specific situations of the enterprises, and to make a major strategy or the risk
prevention ability with a higher keen observation abilities.
Data Management
Through the application of the computer technologies, enterprises can achieve the
comprehensive and efficient collection, analysis, integration and processing of the
information resources, which provides the important basis for the enterprise managers
to make the important decisions, and promote the enterprise decision-making to be
highly scientific, rational and accurate. In the internal management of the enterprises,
the widely used computer application technologies include the data management
technology, the data mining technology, the database security technology, the resource
planning technology and the transaction processing system. These technologies play a
great role in the daily management of the enterprises, which effectively promotes the
realization of the office automation.
Taking the data mining technology as an example, the enterprise information
construction includes the information maintenance, the information diagnosis, and the
information supervision and so on, which all need to rely on the data mining tech-
nology. For example, the data mining technology can realize the data information
mining both inside and outside the enterprises when organizing the information.
Among them, the data information inside the enterprises includes the data information
in the daily process of the enterprise research and development, the production, the
sales and the management. By applying the data mining technology, the enterprises can
integrate these data into the enterprise database. The data information package outside
the enterprises includes the market dynamics, the customer preferences, the behavior
patterns, the competitors’ business situations and other data information. Through the
data mining, we can provide the strong support for the enterprise management to make
the accurate decisions [4].
24 Y. Wei

2.2 Application of the Computer Application Technology

in the Enterprise Supply Chain Management
The enterprise supply chain management is of great significance to the enterprise
management. The environment of purchasing the raw materials, storing the products,
transporting the products, the production processing and the product sales all exist in
the enterprise supply chain [5]. The main subjects of the supply chain include the
suppliers, the producers, the service providers and the customers. Through the appli-
cation of the computer application technology, the cooperative communication between
the producers, the suppliers and the enterprises is no longer limited by the time and the
space. Through the e-commerce cooperation mode, the traditional supply chain mode
has been replaced, which makes the production and operation efficiency of the enter-
prises improved qualitatively.

2.3 Application of the Computer Application Technology

in the Enterprise Production
The production environment in the enterprises is directly related to the healthy and
long-term development of the enterprises. In order to continuously strengthen the
construction of the enterprise informatization, enterprises should make full use of the
computer application technology in their production links. It can not only monitor the
production dynamics in the real time, but also realize the automatic production, thereby
greatly improving the production efficiency and improving the production quality of the
enterprises. For example, when the enterprise carries on the batch production line, it
can carry out the real-time monitoring by applying many technologies such as the
microelectronics and the network. At the same time, it can perfect the production
management and the product quality inspection by applying the computer application
technologies such as CAD and CAM [6, 7].

2.4 Application of the Computer Application Technology

in the Enterprise Information Link
Under the background of the dynamic market economy system, if enterprises blindly
follow the traditional supply mode, it will not only lead to the disconnection between
the enterprises and the market economy, but also hinder the further development of the
enterprises. Therefore, enterprises should make full use of the computer application
technology, actively join the ranks of the modern economic development enterprises,
and constantly strengthen the enterprise’s raw material procurement, the product pro-
cessing, the product transportation, the product sales and the after-sales services and
other aspects of the information construction, to create a scientific, perfect and effective
production supply chain [8]. For example, enterprises can make full use of the existing
network resource sharing platform, strengthen their brand publicity, realize the organic
combination of the online and the offline sales, and then continuously improve the
economic benefits of the enterprises. At present, the popular network resource sharing
platform includes Alibaba, JD.COM, Taobao, and Vipshop.com and so on. In the
information age, in order to meet the needs of the modern economic development,
Computer Application Technology in Enterprise Informatization 25

enterprises should make full use of the computer application technology and constantly
improve their production supply chain, so as to continuously improve their competi-
tiveness in the fiercely competitive market and achieve the sustainable development of
the enterprises [9].

3 Analysis on the Countermeasure of Enhancing

the Informatization Construction in Enterprises

3.1 Strengthen the Construction of the Talented Personnel in Enterprises

In the process of the enterprise development, people are always in the leading position,
and the competition among enterprises is the competition of talents in the final analysis.
Therefore, the level of the computer application of the employees and the mastery of
the relevant knowledge of the computer application technology directly affect the
accuracy and authenticity of the enterprise operation. On the one hand, because the
enterprise information system integrates many contents, such as the internal technology
knowledge, the computer application technology knowledge, and the enterprise cul-
tures and so on, enterprises should strive to introduce the compound computer pro-
fessionals when strengthening the construction of the personnel team. On the other
hand, in order to continuously improve the levels of the computer application tech-
nology mastery of the enterprise employees, enterprises should regularly provide the
comprehensive training guidance for the informationization personnel, such as
arranging the pre-job training, conducting the regular work exchanges, and inviting the
relevant technical experts for the technical guidance, and so on [9].

3.2 Continuous Improvement of the Enterprise Information

Management System
Under the background of the information age, because of the openness of the network,
the enterprise information system is easy to leak and lose the information because of
the influence of the system loopholes, virus attacks, hacker activities and other factors.
In order to effectively guarantee the safe operation of enterprises, enterprises need to
constantly improve the enterprise information management system, and then continu-
ously improve the management of the entire system of enterprises. For example,
enterprises can set up the data encryption system, the important document backup
system, and the system regular maintenance management system and so on. By con-
stantly establishing a series of systems to strengthen the enterprise information man-
agement, we can ensure the data security and stability, to avoid the information leakage
and losses.

3.3 Construction of the Enterprise Information Security Mechanism

In order to achieve the long-term, healthy and all-round development, enterprises must
build a practical enterprise information security mechanism, and constantly improve
the enterprise information security mechanism by combining the traditional security
26 Y. Wei

experience and the risk management and control experience. For example, enterprises
can continuously improve the computer security emergency plans which are caused by
the system vulnerabilities, the virus infection, and the hacker attacks, and so on by
building the technology security mechanism, the data encryption mechanism, the data
flow mechanism and so on, to ensure the security, confidentiality and stability of the
enterprise information data, which is conducive to the long-term and the stable
development of the enterprises.

4 Conclusion

In summary, in order to better integrate with the national market, enterprises must
timely update their business management concepts, strengthen the construction of the
enterprise informatization, make full use of the computer application technologies, and
constantly promote the high efficiency, high quality and all-round development of the
enterprises. In the process of applying the computer technologies to strengthen the
information construction, enterprises should apply the computer application tech-
nologies to the internal management, the supply chain management, the production
links and the information supply chain, which is conducive to effectively optimize the
information resource sharing and achieve the economic development with the times.

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8. Chen Z, Yu W (2015) A brief analysis of the impact of the computer application technology
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Applying Computer Network Technologies
in File Management of Colleges
and Universities

Yang Yang(&)

Shandong Women’s University, Jinan 250300, Shandong, China


Abstract. The traditional means of the file management in colleges and uni-
versities can no longer meet the needs of colleges and universities in the
information age. It is necessary to reform and upgrade the traditional file
management. Both in the theories and in the technologies, the informationiza-
tion reform of the university file management will greatly affect the development
of the informationization construction of the university file management.
Therefore, the application of the computer network information technologies in
the university file management and the transformation of the information
technologies are of great significance to the university file management.

Keywords: Computer  Network technology  University file management 

Application mechanism

The file management in colleges and universities mainly refers to the reorganization,
editing and preservation of all kinds of the information data and documents generated
in the educational activities of colleges and universities, thus providing a service of the
resource reuse for the information retrieval of the teachers and the students in colleges
and universities [1]. The rapid development of the information technology, represented
by the computer network technologies, has accelerated the transformation of the uni-
versity file management mode.

1 Application Values of the Computer Network Technologies

in the File Management of Colleges and Universities

The application values of the computer network technologies in the university file
management are reflected in different aspects. From the following aspects, the appli-
cation values of the computer network technologies in the university file management
are analyzed, such as improving the integrity of the file records, enhancing the security
of the file management, and promoting the construction of the university file

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 27–33, 2019.
28 Y. Yang

1.1 Improve the Integrity of the Case Records

The computer network technology is very helpful to improve the integrity of the files.
The rational application of the information technologies and the big data technology is
the focus of the file management in colleges and universities [2]. The rational appli-
cation of these advanced technologies will help to preserve the wealth of the infor-
mation generated by the teaching and the scientific researches in colleges and
universities, and can provide the necessary theoretical support for the future research
work [3]. Secondly, considering the importance of the file secrecy, it is also important
for the staff to use the computer network technologies to strengthen the records and
management of the files. Therefore, the combination of the two can help colleges and
universities further deepen the teaching reform [4]. To sum up, it is of great practical
significance to do a good job in the development and utilization of the university files at
this stage.

1.2 Enhance the Security of the File Management

The computer network technologies can effectively enhance the security of the file
management. The computer network technologies have the strong confidentiality and
interactivity, so the staff needs to use them according to the working conditions of the
colleges and universities. Only in this way can the information and data in the uni-
versity files be used by people, and the maximum value of the data and information can
be brought into play in the process of the teaching and the scientific research services in
colleges and universities. Secondly, when using the computer network technologies,
the file managers should improve the information security concept of the teachers and
the staffs to the greatest extent, and use the advanced systems including the anti-virus
software and the firewall system for the particularity of the file security work, so as to
ensure the security and integrity of the file calendar work. In addition, technicians need
to focus on the construction of the technical systems when enhancing the security of the
file management [5]. Only in this way can they improve the ability of the intrusion
prevention, and at the same time further strengthen the anti-virus technical support
work, so as to lay a good foundation for the smooth progress of the file management in
colleges and universities.

1.3 Promote the Construction of the File Informatization in Colleges

and Universities
The computer network technology can further promote the information construction of
the university files. The scanning technology and the detection system are indispens-
able in the safety management of the university file management. In this process, the
staff should change the passive information protection into the active information
management, so that the system can immediately inform the network managers through
an alarm device when it finds problems or the virus intrusion on the network, so as to
make the targeted information prevention work. In addition, technicians should
improve the password guarantee system of the file database when promoting the
construction of the file informatization, and ensure the confidentiality of the
Applying Computer Network Technologies 29

information by using the advanced modern passwords, while ensuring the integrity and
controllability of the information, which can ultimately significantly improve the
overall efficiency of the file informatization management.

2 The Characteristics of the File Management in Colleges

and Universities

The historical characteristics of our country determine that the work of the file man-
agement has the characteristics of richness, complexity and diversity. We should make
full use of these advantages in the work of the file management so as to promote the
smooth progress of the work.

2.1 The Contents of the University Files Are Rich

The file management in colleges and universities includes many aspects, such as the
teaching management, the classroom management, the administration, the Party affair
management, the educational administration, the scientific research management, the
logistics management, and the training base management and so on. In this process, a
large number of the documents will be produced. These files reflect the files formed
within different business areas of different functional departments, such as systems,
instructions, requests, reports, plans and materials and documents recorded in different
meetings and activities. In the scientific research and the related cultural creation
activities of universities, there are also related files such as the research manuscripts,
the project results, the research papers, and the writings and so on, which can be called
the resource bank of the daily work of universities, which covers the relatively rich

2.2 The Complexity of the File Management in Colleges and Universities

The files of colleges and universities come from a wide range of sources, including not
only the contents of the daily work of the functional departments within the colleges
and universities, but also the documents and materials of the higher authorities and the
similar institutions and the scientific research institutes at home and abroad. These files
determine to some extent the complexity of the file management of colleges and
universities. The types of the university files can be divided into the following cate-
gories. The first-level files: The Party and mass files can reflect the current situation of
the Party and the mass work management, and the administrative files are the indirect
reflections of the university administrative work. In addition, they also include the
teaching files and the equipment files reflecting the teaching activities and the equip-
ment conditions, and then they are divided into different categories according to the
specific needs of the university file management work. The hierarchical levels can be
further divided into the second-level files and the third-level files.
30 Y. Yang

2.3 The Arrangement of the Teaching Files in Colleges and Universities

Is Periodic and Professional
Colleges and universities take the semester as the division of the teaching stages, and
the original files are generated periodically. Most of the file management in colleges
and universities are summarized and sorted out according to the semester, and the files
formed have the strong periodicity. Students in colleges and universities will form
certain commonalities, and different departments in colleges and universities have the
strong specialty. In addition, different teaching activities will have certain differences,
so that the file management has the strong professionalism and scientificity.

2.4 The File Carriers in Colleges and Universities Are Diversified

The carriers of the file information in colleges and universities have the characteristics
of diversity. The traditional files mostly use the paper materials as the carriers. With the
arrival of the information age and the rapid development and popularization of the
network technologies, the dominant position of the paper carriers has a downward
trend. In order to improve the efficiency of the file management and consider the
influence of the factors such as the storage of the time and the environment, the most
popular file carriers such as tapes, CD-ROMs, disks and films are becoming more and
more popular in universities with the high popularization of the technologies. And the
ways of the record, transmission and expression of the file related contents are quite
different from the traditional ways.

3 Problems in the File Management in Colleges

and Universities
3.1 Lack of Attention to the File Management
The files of colleges and universities mainly consist of the paper files. The large number
and the variety of the files bring some difficulties to the file management. Because
colleges and universities do not attach enough importance to the file management and
invest enough in the file management, the file managers can only collect and sort out a
large number of the files, and they simply have no time and energy to excavate the file
information resources, resulting in the serious waste of the file resources.

3.2 Lagging of the File Management Means

Although many university file management departments have equipped the corre-
sponding modern management equipment to achieve the computer network manage-
ment, in the actual management process, there are also serious shortcomings in the file
management. The main file database is mainly the entry database, and the full-text
database and the multimedia database are inadequate, and the number of records, CD-
ROMs and other carriers is very small. In the modern network environment, this
management mode cannot meet the various needs of users, and is not conducive to the
smooth development of various kinds of the work.
Applying Computer Network Technologies 31

3.3 The Quality of the Archivists Is not High

The efficient file management is a professional work, which requires the file managers
to have certain professional knowledge and skills. However, due to the lack of the
attention paid to the file management in colleges and universities, the allocation of the
file managers is relatively arbitrary, and the file managers have not received the sys-
tematic and professional training, and their professional qualities and skills are not
high. The modern computer network technology is not well understood, and the skilled
operational skills are not mastered, and the roles of the files cannot be fully played,
leading to the emergence of the serious waste of the file resources.

3.4 The File Management Means Do Not Adapt to the Rapid

Development of Our Modern Society
With the rapid development of the information technologies and the rapid improvement
of the social information, the file management is facing great challenges. The tradi-
tional management mode has greatly hindered the development of the files. Therefore,
we must change the traditional management ideas and methods in order to adapt to the
new requirements of the information society. At present, although many university file
management departments have been equipped with the corresponding modern man-
agement equipment and are gradually implementing the computer network manage-
ment, there are also serious shortcomings in the actual file management. The
construction of the file database is mainly based on the catalogue database, and the
construction of the full-text database and the multimedia database is not perfect, and the
file of the audio-visual, physical and other carriers are also inadequate. The quantity is
very small. In the modern computer network environment, the traditional management
mode cannot meet the needs of various users, and is not conducive to the smooth
development of the higher educational work.

4 Application of the Computer Network Technology

in the File Management of Colleges and Universities

4.1 Establish a Modern Concept of the File Management Based

on the Utilization
The use of the computer information makes the file service work faster and more
convenient. The files of colleges and universities should be based on the service
concept of the “user utilization”, establish the concept of the computer-based file
management, change the traditional management mode, fully realize the importance of
using the computer network technologies in the file management, and gradually realize
the networking, informatization and digitalization of the file management.

4.2 Establish a Perfect File Management Mechanism

The cornerstone of the scientific file management in colleges and universities is the file
management mechanism. The file administrators in colleges and universities must
32 Y. Yang

strictly adhere to the principles of the management systems, strengthen the supervision
and control of the schools and play the role of the education and incentives, and
scientifically adjust the staffing of the file workers to lay the foundation for the real-
ization of the scientific management of the files. Establish and improve the manage-
ment mechanism of the filing work in colleges and universities, improve the
management mechanisms of the files in colleges and universities according to the
current relevant file laws, and promote the development process of the file undertak-
ings. Establish a scientific and reasonable file management system to ensure the
coordinated development of all aspects of the file collection, collation, filing, storage
and utilization, establish the corresponding file system, and encourage the managers to
improve their professional accomplishments. In order to realize the scientific devel-
opment goal of the file management in colleges and universities in China, a team of the
file management with the excellent scientific qualities should be established to improve
the levels of the file management in colleges and universities.

4.3 Improve the Management Levels and Service Abilities of the File
In order to do a good job in the file management, it is necessary for the file managers to
set up the active service concepts, strengthen the service consciousness and improve
the management and service levels. The quality and efficiency of the file management
depends directly on the quality and ability of the file managers. Therefore, colleges and
universities must establish a team of the file management with the excellent profes-
sional qualities and the strong information technologies. In addition to the basic
operating skills and abilities of the file management, the file managers need to master
the modern file management techniques, such as the scientific and accurate collection,
classification and the paper formation of a large number of the university files by the
computer programs. In addition, the file managers should be trained to use the com-
puter terminals, the data entry, the database construction, and the network management
and the network security skills to adapt to the continuous development of the file
management technologies. The high-quality personnel team will provide the strong
intellectual support and the personnel guarantee for improving the scientific levels of
the file management.

4.4 Perfect the File Information Library of Colleges and Universities

and Fully Apply the Computer Network Technologies in the File
The college file information database should be further improved to ensure the effective
management and the full use of the file information. The reasonable classification of the
archival information can ensure the effective extraction of the archival information. We
should pay full attention to and improve the maintenance of the file information
database, and set up the regular updating and checking of the file information to ensure
the security of the file information, to realize the effective service of the file information
as a starting point, and to achieve the full and effective use of the file information.
Using the computer network technologies to improve the levels of the file collection,
Applying Computer Network Technologies 33

machining, processing and utilization also promotes the utilization efficiency of the file
resources, and promotes the active and orderly development of the file management in
colleges and universities.

5 Conclusion

With the rapid development of our society, the computer network technology is also
accelerating the pace of its development, widely used in many fields, and playing an
important role. In the university file management, the application effect of the computer
network technologies is good, which speeds up the process of the file management to
the informationization. In the school management, the university file management is
one of the most important tasks. The computer network technologies can manage the
files more efficiently and scientifically. With the application of the computer network
technologies, the file information retrieval mode is convenient and intellectualized, and
the file management information network is speeded up, and the file information
resources in colleges and universities are shared.

1. Bi D (2016) On the application of the computer network in the file management of colleges
and universities. Electron Technol Softw Eng (07):145–146
2. Lu H (2017) Application of the computer network technologies in the file management of
colleges and universities. Value Eng (05):105–106
3. Huang M (2017) A brief analysis of the application of the computer network technologies in
the file management of colleges and universities. Hum Resour Manage (12):141–142
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Incorporating Mobile Multimedia in School
Student Management

Xiuyan Meng(&)

Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology,

Zhengzhou 450064, Henan, China

Abstract. Under the new situation, the information management has gradually
become the focus of the school management. With the increase of the students in
schools, the burden of the student management becomes heavier. To this end,
strengthening the design and research of the school management system and
improving the efficiency of the student management have become the focus of
the school development. At present, with the development of the big data
technology, the management of college students also needs the corresponding
changes. Based on the student management, this paper analyzes the current
situation and the existing problems of the student information management, and
expounds the principles and effective ways of developing the student manage-
ment information construction, which can effectively promote the modernization
of the student management.

Keywords: Mobile multimedia  School student management 

Application analysis  Information technology

With the rapid development of the network technology, the new media technology and
the new communication media, the world has entered the era of the Internet. “Internet
+” is a new form of the Internet development [1]. It has quickly integrated with the
traditional industries, and has produced many new industrial forms. Universities, as the
place where young people gather with the active thinking, the knowledge intensive and
the network use, are directly and profoundly influenced by the Internet. In the context
of the Internet, improving the levels of the student management has become a serious
issue for educators.

1 The Connotation and Advantages of the Mobile


The mobile multimedia has all the functions of the traditional multimedia, and can
accomplish the multimedia teaching tasks excellently. At the same time, the portability,
usability and scalability of the mobile multimedia determine that it has more extensive
application space than the traditional multimedia equipment [2]. More noteworthy is
that the mobile multimedia equipment can be easily used between classes. Compared
with the traditional multimedia, a set of the mobile multimedia equipment can meet the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 34–39, 2019.
Incorporating Mobile Multimedia in School Student Management 35

requirements of the multi-class multimedia teaching, and can save a lot of the equip-
ment purchase, maintenance and using costs [3]. It is the multimedia teaching equip-
ment in line with China’s national conditions, and especially the actual situation.
It can be seen from this that the mobile multimedia has all the functions of the
traditional multimedia, and can accomplish the multimedia teaching tasks well. At the
same time, the portability, usability and expansibility of the mobile multimedia determine
that it has more extensive application space than the traditional multimedia equipment.
More importantly, the mobile multimedia devices can be easily used between classes [4].
Therefore, compared with the traditional multimedia, the investment of a set of the mobile
multimedia equipment can not only meet the requirements of the multi-class multimedia
teaching, but also save a lot of the equipment purchase, maintenance and use costs. This is
the multimedia teaching equipment in line with China’s national conditions, and espe-
cially the actual situations of the rural primary and secondary schools.

2 Analysis of the Appeal of the School Students’ Management


The teaching management includes the management of the teaching objectives and the
process, as well as the management of the teachers and the students. The task of the
teaching management is to formulate the school’s teaching plans and strengthen the
administrative management of the teaching affairs [5]. In the setting of the teaching
goals and tasks, teachers can set different learning goals and contents according to the
different levels of students. By using the multimedia learning software, each student
can find their own learning goals and contents.
In teaching, students show different levels of understandings and mastery of the
knowledge, but the methods of the class teaching require the teachers to teach
according to the mastery of most students. This problem can be well solved by using
the multimedia teaching software. For those students who have better mastery and need
further promotion, they can search for the higher-level learning plans and contents in
the network. For those who fail to grasp the learning contents in the classrooms, they
can also search the courseware for the teachers in the classrooms in the network to
further consolidate the learning contents in the classrooms.
The administrative management of the educational administration includes the
financial and personnel management of the schools, which is unified by the network
management, making the web page format, establishing the school’s portal website,
and organizing the school’s student information files and the teacher’s information files
into several small systems according to different standards, so that the staff of the
schools can carry out various management in the multimedia. Teachers can also use the
multimedia technology for the long-distance meetings. Many teachers with the strong
teaching and research abilities may be distributed all over the country. If they want to
hold a teaching seminar, they may have to travel a long distance in the past. Now these
teachers can discuss and analyze their teaching with colleagues who are thousands of
miles away without leaving home, which brings great convenience and breaks the
restriction of the time and space to makes the education staffs get better information
exchanges and communication.
36 X. Meng

3 The Application Values of the Mobile Multimedia

in the School Student Management

The student work managers use the mobile campus network to realize the office
automation and paperless. They can deal with the student management work at any time
or place, which greatly improves their working efficiency. More importantly, the mobile
campus network has greatly broadened the channels of the student work management
system and has innovated the ways and the media of the student work management.

3.1 Strengthen the Communication Between Teachers and Students

QQ, Blogs and Forums based on the mobile campus network make the communication
between the teachers and the students closer and smoother. QQ, Blog, MSN, BBS and
SMS and so on are the information platforms commonly used by the students nowa-
days. Using this platform, we can understand the brand-new information and dis-
seminate various kinds of the information. They have the interaction and flexibility that
the traditional media do not have, and are more acceptable to the modern students. The
class QQ group is the most commonly used platform to strengthen the daily man-
agement of the class. The college requires each class to establish its own class QQ
group, and the head teacher must join it. Blogs, forums, QQ and other online chatting
tools have brought the new interactive platforms and the communication channels to
people. These interactive platforms and communication channels, with their person-
alized design, provide more and more convenient services for people’s communication
and exchanges. They have become an important way for people to communicate in the
information society and a brand-new way for the teachers and the students to com-
municate with each other through the mobile campus network.

3.2 Understand the Students’ Real Thoughts

Based on the homepages, the message books and the mailboxes of the mobile campus
network, the communication with the students is more direct. The students’ manage-
ment departments set up the homepages, in which the message books, the employment
information and other columns are very popular with the students, and about 700
people click on the questions every day. Through the E-mail, students can talk directly
with the dean, reflect the problems in the college management, tell their opinions and
puzzles, and put forward suggestions for the improvement of the college management.
This way of communication not only shortens the distance between the dean and the
students, but also enhances the feelings between the teachers and the students. It also
provides a platform for the students to express different views and opinions. Students
can freely reflect their own voices in the mailboxes and messages, pour out their own
thoughts, ease their discontent, and release their inner pressure. As a manager, you can
also hear the students’ truth. In this way, it also provides an opportunity for the teachers
to understand the students’ inner world, and to find out some problems in time, to give
the timely guidance, to solve their ideological problems as soon as possible, and to
prevent them from happening in the future.
Incorporating Mobile Multimedia in School Student Management 37

3.3 Play the Guiding Role of the Public Opinions

The mobile campus network can better play the role of the public opinion guidance of
the campus TV stations and broadcasting stations. The Institute has increased invest-
ment, and added and updated a large number of facilities and equipment to ensure the
normal operation of the campus television stations and radio stations, firmly grasped
the guiding role of this propaganda position, and used the camera to broadcast and
publicize some harmful acts affecting the school atmosphere in time, which not only
supervises the students, but also urges the formation of the students’ good behavioral
habits, and guides the students to make positive progress. Through the mobile campus
network, the colleges can update the latest trends of the state and the society, the latest
working situations of the colleges, various activity notices and other information daily,
and announces them to the students, so that they can know something about them. It
plays an important role in promoting the construction of the school styles, the class
styles and the learning styles. Using the mobile campus network, we can grasp the
guidance of the public opinions, make the ways of propaganda more innovative, faster,
more flexible and vivid, and more attractive to the students, and ensure the impact of
the information propaganda timely and in place.

3.4 Application of the Information Resource Libraries and the Video

On-Demand System in Serving the Students
By introducing the VOD video on demand learning system, the college will use the
compression technology to make various multimedia teaching information containing
images and sounds, such as the PowerPoint files, the quality courses, and the multi-
media courseware and so on into the optional and the operable formats such as VCD,
DVD, and RM and so on. Put these kinds of the courseware in the digital teaching
resource database, and establish a complete set of the teaching resource information
database. Through the mobile campus network as a support, transmit the multimedia
textbooks and the material production or browsing for the teachers and the students to
download and upload. A large number of the materials, such as the students’ daily
English learning, have been placed to provide the learning materials for the students’
self-improvement. Students can use the computers and the handheld mobile devices
connected with the VOD server network, and call the contents in the VOD server for
the autonomous learning according to their interests and hobbies at any time.

4 Application of the Mobile Multimedia in the School Student


The campus management service system developed in this paper strengthens the
management of the school safety for the primary and the secondary school students
through the identification technology of the radio frequency card, the mobile phone
short message service platform technology, the computer information processing
technology, the video surveillance technology and the network communication tech-
nology, and keeps in touch with the students’ parents by the short messages at any
38 X. Meng

time. The short message value-added service is a service platform based on the
application and development of the value-added service of the short message center. It
connects with short message center through the short message point-to-point protocol
(SMPP), realizes the communication between the business application unit and the
short message center, and has the function of the secondary development according to
the agreement of each supplier.
The application of the mobile management technology in the campus management
service system can greatly reduce the costs of its application, improve the speed of
sending and receiving the short messages, and expand a variety of the short message
service projects. In order to make the system easy to use, stable and advanced, the
campus management service system uses Visual C++6.0 to design the graphical
operation interface, and encapsulates the products to ensure the confidentiality of the
technology. Because the time of the students arriving and leaving schools is relatively
centralized and the instantaneous information of the short messages is very large, in
order to use various technologies to improve the speed of generating, processing and
sending and receiving the short messages, this system intends to use the stored pro-
cedure technology of SQL Server database to complete the generation of the short
messages and use Visual C++6.0 and JAVA multi-threading technology to realize the
campus management service system and the server side of the client side. The
development of the short message value-added service platform can improve the speed
of sending and receiving the short messages and prevent the blockage of the short
The application of the modern educational technology in the teaching management
includes the curriculum arrangement, the schedule scheduling, the course selection, and
the teaching file management and so on. The modern educational technology realizes
the establishment of the teaching information number system by the software for all the
teaching information in schools. The teaching information system collects the teaching
information in the real time and accurately, analyses the students’ achievements,
inquires the students’ academic achievements in various subjects during schools.
Through the teaching information system, we can intuitively understand the teaching
quality and the learning quality. The teaching plan can be adjusted according to the
feedback of the teaching information system at any time, so as to improve the teaching
quality and the teaching effectiveness.
For schools, students are the basis of their development, and the management of the
students is the most important part of the school management. In the student man-
agement, a great deal of information will be generated from the enrollment, the
teaching and the entrance. In the school management information, the amount of the
student information is the largest. The student information management system of the
modern educational technology deals with the enrollment information, the basic
information of students and the information of the academic achievement, which
greatly improves the efficiency of the student management in the school management.
The traditional school financial management is the manual statistics and checking,
but because of the particularity of the schools, the finance not only involves the
school’s own finance, materials and expenditure and so on, but also involves the tuition
and other expenses, so the school financial information is not only large and scattered
but also miscellaneous. The traditional manual processing is very easy to make
Incorporating Mobile Multimedia in School Student Management 39

mistakes, and the efficiency of the traditional manual processing is also very unsatis-
factory. And it has a certain lagging. The application of the modern educational
technology in the school financial management and the use of the electronic technology
in the financial management not only improve the levels and the efficiency of the
financial management, but also improve the authenticity and accuracy of the financial
management information.
Through the acquisition and cataloguing management and circulation management
system of the library and the reference rooms in the modern educational technology,
the real-time management of books and materials is realized. Through the inquiry
function, the use and scheduling of books can be clearly understood, and the heavy
manual search operation can be omitted. The application of the information technology
has provided the advanced educational means for the development of our education.
The application of the information technology in the student management has greatly
improved the efficiency and the quality of our management.

5 Conclusion

Colleges and universities should carry out the in-depth reform of the school manage-
ment according to the development of the information technologies and the actual
situations of the overall popularization, and make the rational use of the information
technologies to strengthen the management of the students, so as to improve the
management efficiency of schools. The construction of the school information platform
can provide more efficient, safe and comprehensive decision-making support for the
student management, and make all working decisions more scientific. It is of far-
reaching significance to innovate the study of the student management information-
ization in schools for realizing the modernization of the student management.

Acknowledgement. The study was supported by Ministry of Education Vocational College

foreign language teaching reform project: vocational college non-foreign language student’s
speculative ability evaluation research [FLAB005].

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Utilizing Multimedia Network Technology
in the Informatization of Art Education

Jingsi Zhu(&)

Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology,

Zhengzhou 450064, Henan, China

Abstract. The advantages of the multimedia network technology, such as the

rich network information resources, the strong interactivity and the multi-user
ability, have brought great convenience to the modern education and teaching,
promoted the transformation of the traditional teaching mode, and facilitated the
introduction of the high-quality art teaching resources and improved the art
education. The quality is promoting the innovation of the art education, driving
the development of the art education in colleges and universities. Art education
is of great significance to the human and the social development. We should pay
attention to the development of the art education, combine the multimedia
network technology, apply the modern educational technology and methods to
reform and transform the teaching modes, teaching contents and teaching
methods of the art education to make more artistic amateurs to learn and enjoy
the art knowledge.

Keywords: Multimedia network technology  Art education  Informatization 

Application mechanism  Connotation and strategy

Students’ appreciation of the art works is just not a purely mechanical reflection, but is
influenced by their life experiences, artistic appreciation, and aesthetic experiences. The
emotional and contextual nature of the multimedia teaching will greatly promote the
development of the students’ thoughts [1]. In the process of the art teaching, many
physical objects and teaching resources cannot enter the classrooms. We can use
pictures and animations and so on to replace the small objects, which can be enlarged
and displayed by the computer software. The software in the computer can make
various pictures more beautiful and meet the actual needs.

1 The Connotation of Multimedia Network Technology

With the popularity of computers and the rapid development of the network tech-
nologies, human beings have entered the digital era with the rich information resources.
Among them, the wide application of the multimedia network technology in our
teaching has greatly changed the fixed and single traditional teaching mode, and fully
mobilized the enthusiasms and initiatives of the students’ learning, which is catering to
the era demand for the teaching modernization [2]. The multimedia network technology

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 40–46, 2019.
Utilizing Multimedia Network Technology in the Informatization 41

is based on texts, sounds and television images, which can be simply understood as an
organic combination of the multimedia technology and the network technology.
The multimedia technology is the use of computers to integrate texts, images,
graphics, and the audio and video media information into a logical connection, which
will be integrated into an interactive system, to capture and compress a variety of the
media information, which will be coded, edited, processed, stored and displayed. It
combines with network technology to integrate the multiple media functions and the
network functions, and organically group and exchange the texts, data, graphics,
images, sounds, animations and other information to make the presented objects more
colorful [3].

2 The Connotation and Implementation Background

of the Art Education Informatization

The art education has its particularity, and its informationization construction is facing
many problems, among which the main problem is the concept. The conceptual
problems are the main obstacles to the rapid development of the art education
informatization. The modernization of education, first of all, is the modernization of the
educational concepts [4]. The innovation of any system and institution depends on the
renewal of ideas. As the art educators, we should cultivate our own modern education
consciousness, set up the modern education concepts, and strive to make the modern
information technology be effectively used in its teaching practice, so as to further
develop the information construction of the art education [5].
The position of the art education in the modern education system is becoming
increasingly prominent and important. Generally, the art education is divided into two
categories: the art education in the narrow sense and the art education in the broad
sense [6]. In the world, dance, drama, music and visual arts have basically formed a
relatively mature model and content after nearly 100 years of the teaching practice.
What we are going to discuss here is the art education in a broad sense, that is, the art
education as an organic part of the quality education. In many countries in the world,
the importance of the art education has been fully affirmed.
The art education is an important means to improve people’s own qualities. What
we call the art education here refers to the art education for ordinary college students
other than the professional art colleges. It is an important part of the cultural quality
education in colleges and universities, and has great significance in training the “people
with the all-round development”. The art education is a subject characterized by the
emotional education. It trains people’s correct aesthetic ideals with the Marxist aes-
thetic concepts. Through the concrete and vivid aesthetic forms and the aesthetic
practice training, it strengthens people’s psychological abilities of perception, imagi-
nation, emotion and understanding of the social beauty, the scientific beauty, the
natural beauty and the artistic beauty, to improve people’s perception, appreciation,
expression and creativity of beauty.
Under the background of the rapid development of the information technology, the
art education ushered in the new opportunities for its development. The complexity and
openness of the art education and the emphasis of the information technology on the
42 J. Zhu

essence of the practice and creation are highly integrated. Based on the possibility of
such integration, we try to build a new system of the art education suitable for the
current social development, that is, “the art education informationization system with
the “humanistic” educational concept as the core, the “intelligent” educational tech-
nology as the fulcrum and the “double-core” educational model as the result.
The educational informationization is the application of the modern information
technologies in all fields of the educational system under the unified planning of the
education department, so the educational informationization is a process that needs to
be gradually improved. The essence of the educational informationization is to use the
modern information technologies to realize the sharing of the educational information
and knowledge. The educational informationization is to digitalize, network and
multimedia all the information. It can share these information resources on the network,
break the restrictions of the time and the space, make the communication more con-
venient, and help to realize the autonomy, lifetime and socialization of our education,
which can also promote the multi-directional learning and communication between the
teachers and the students, and between the classmates.

3 Application Values of the Multimedia Network Technology

in the Art Education Informatization

The multimedia network technology can enable more people to contact, understand and
feel the art works more widely, and constantly improve the artistic accomplishments of
the educated, which will be conducive to the all-round development of the educated,
such as their personal creative thinking, imagination, and spiritual realm and so on. The
multimedia network technology has greatly expanded the information capacity of the
art teaching, enriched the teaching means and resources, opened up the channels and
space for the construction of the campus cultures, and provided convenience for the
effective development of the art educational practice activities in colleges and

3.1 The Multimedia Network Technology Is Conducive

to the Introduction of the High-Quality Art Teaching Resources
It can enrich the classroom teaching contents and enhance the students’ interests in
learning. The teachers can search the network resources at home and abroad to enrich
their teaching contents. They can also build the network art courses, the art resource
treasury, the art websites and other educational resources to meet the needs of the art
education, so as to facilitate the students’ independent learning. Students can also make
full use of the existing campus network resources to learn the art knowledge they are
interested in independently. The network art educational resources with the high effi-
ciency, interaction, large amount of information and wide coverage play an important
role in promoting the campus cultures and inheriting the aesthetic cultures.
Utilizing Multimedia Network Technology in the Informatization 43

3.2 The Multimedia Network Technology Is Conducive to Improving

the Quality and Efficiency of the Art Education
Through the multimedia technology, teachers can integrate the teaching resources, and
display the key and difficult points in the forms of pictures, moving pictures or self-
made animations, so as to transform the teaching from the abstract to the concrete, and
make their teaching contents and structures more intuitive and easy to understand.
Teachers can also bring the multimedia courseware to the classrooms, so that students
can get more artistic knowledge, which is conducive to the students’ understanding and
acceptance, so as to stimulate students’ learning enthusiasms and effectively dissemi-
nate the knowledge. In addition, the use of the multimedia network technology can
assist our teaching, create a real situation, guide the students to actively participate in
the inquiry learning, let them experience the situations, and greatly improve the quality
and efficiency of our teaching.

3.3 The Multimedia Network Technology Is Conducive to Promoting

the Innovation of the Art Educational Reform
The traditional art education classes only have the textbooks and some audio and
picture materials, which are a bit monotonous and boring, and cannot meet the
diversified learning needs of the students in the new era. The multimedia network
technology is conducive to the teachers’ change of their teaching ideas, the integration
of the network teaching resources, the development of the school-based teaching
materials and courses, and the selection of the appropriate teaching contents, to give
full play to the multimedia characteristics, and the production of the multimedia
courseware the students are interested in. It is conducive to the teachers’ change of the
teaching strategies and the multi-level construction of pre-class, classroom and after-
class exchanges between teachers and students. The good interactive teaching envi-
ronment can improve students’ ability to learn independently.

3.4 The Multimedia Network Technology Can Promote the Diversified

Development of the Teaching Evaluation System
In the teaching activities, the evaluation system is not only a guide to the teaching
activities, but also an effective guarantee to improve the teaching quality. At present,
the main body of the daily teaching evaluation is basically the supervision, and the
teachers, the students, the parents and the social personnel have few opportunities to
participate in the evaluation, which is not conducive to the rational guidance of our
teaching. Moreover, in a single evaluation system, sometimes teachers are easily
affected by the emotions, experience and other factors, and it is difficult to achieve the
objective and fair evaluation. Moreover, in the art teaching, it is difficult for the
teachers to fully understand students’ skills, feelings and beliefs in a short period of
contact with the students, and to make the objective and reasonable evaluation, which
is not conducive to the harmonious development of the teacher-student relation-
ship. Through the multimedia network technology, teachers can put their own network
courses and teaching courseware on the network, so that the students, the parents and
44 J. Zhu

the social personnel have the opportunity to participate in the learning and evaluation,
and the students and the art lovers can also upload their works for comments by the
teachers and others, and then improve their own works according to comments. Such
an evaluation system reflects the objectivity of the evaluation and expands the scope of
the evaluation.

4 Application Strategies of the Multimedia Network

Technology in the Art Education Informatization

The art educational website takes advantage of the network technology’s unique
advantages of the high efficiency, interaction, the large amount of information and the
wide coverage. It has the incomparable advantages and plays an important role in the
process of constructing the positive campus cultures and inheriting the aesthetic cul-
tures in the art education.

4.1 Use the Multimedia to Highlight the Key Points and Break Through
the Difficulties in the Art Teaching
In the course of the art teaching, we should reasonably and appropriately use the
multimedia means to resolve the key and difficult points, transform the abstract and
difficult things into the concrete and sensible things, make the teaching process concrete,
full of life and fun, clear and easy to understand, give full play to the synergistic effect of
the students’ auditory and visual organs, and solve the obscurity in the course of our
teaching and the contents difficult to understand, so that we can carry out the targeted
intensive lectures, to achieve teaching purposes that the traditional teaching is difficult to
achieve. In the process of our teaching, teachers should follow the requirements of the
rigorous and pertinent courseware production. They should not focus too much on the
gorgeous pictures and animations, nor excessively pursue the application of the pro-
duction technology in the multimedia. Instead, they should focus on how to stimulate
students’ interests in their learning, break through the limitations of the traditional media
and help them better. Students leap over the key points and difficulties, so that students
have enough time to think and discuss the problems, so that the students can summarize
the knowledge, improve their abilities to analyze and solve the problems, and then
enhance the training and cultivation of the practical operation, so as to improve the
classroom efficiency and achieve the optimization of our teaching. How to make
effective use of the multimedia teaching to make the teaching methods more scientific,
the teaching capacity larger, and the teaching rhythm faster requires that we should carry
out a reasonable “integration” of various forms of the teaching materials.

4.2 Based on the Advantages of the Innovation and Interaction

in the Process of the Art Teaching
With the further deepening of the curriculum reform, the application of the multimedia
in the art teaching practice is more extensive. The multimedia-assisted teaching has
made great changes in the traditional single teaching mode, fully mobilized the
Utilizing Multimedia Network Technology in the Informatization 45

students’ visual and auditory sensory functions, and fully stimulated the students’
interests in their learning and motivation. The multimedia can give full play to its
potentials in the art teaching. Compared with the traditional teaching methods, the
multimedia teaching has the following irreplaceable advantages. Intuition: Direct
perception of the artistic form helps people to enter the aesthetic perception directly. It
can surmount the restrictions and make objects of observation from the multiple per-
spectives. It can also highlight the key points, which will deepen people’s under-
standings of the concepts and strengthen their mastery of methods. Dynamic
variability: The application of the multimedia can help students to have a clearer
understanding of the concepts and processes of the art teaching, thus effectively
breaking through the teaching difficulties. Due to the introduction of the multimedia,
students can participate more in the teaching process, and the students are more active
in their learning, which is conducive to the students to form a new cognitive structure.
The emotion is a reflection of people’s attitude towards the objects. Lines, colors and
images in the process of the art teaching will have a greater positive impact on people’s
emotions. Being moved by what we see is a phenomenon in the process of the art
teaching, which can promote the development and deepening of the appreciation

5 Conclusion

Practice in recent years has proved that making full use of the modern multimedia
network technology will greatly promote the quality of the art education and teaching,
enable more people to contact, understand and feel the art works more widely, and
constantly improve the artistic accomplishments of the educatees, so as to give full play
to the positive role of the art education in training the creativity of people, stimulating
people’s imagination and sublimating the spiritual realm, which is conducive to the all-
round development of the educated. The modern educational technology represented
by the multimedia and the network technology has greatly expanded the information
capacity of the art teaching, enriched the teaching means and resources, opened up the
channels and space for the construction of the campus cultures, and has broad appli-
cation prospects in the practice of the art education in colleges and universities.

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46 J. Zhu

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Application of the Web Data Mining
Technology in the English Translation

Fenfen Zhu(&)

Lushan College of Guangxi University of Science and Technology,

Liuzhou 545006, Guangxi, China

Abstract. The global economic integration makes the trade between China and
other countries in the world more and more frequent. English translation natu-
rally becomes the primary language used by all countries. At the same time, with
the continuous development of the modern information technologies, the ways
and means of our English learning are becoming more diverse. Especially with
the emergence of the English electronic dictionaries, English learning has
become more and more simple. However, with the changes of the users’ habits
and the development of the mobile smart phones, the English translation plat-
form based on the Web data mining technology has become the focus of the
current applications, and it has attracted people’s attention and welcome, so that
English lovers can complete their English learning through their mobile phones.

Keywords: Web data  Mining technology  English translation platform 

Application mechanism

Today, with the increasingly mature information construction, the Internet platform has
been fully penetrated into all areas of our public life, including our work, learning and
other fields. In the Web data mining technology, it also provides the rich API inter-
faces, which provides a broader market space for it [1]. Therefore, in the light of
people’s actual needs for the English translation in the development, an online English
translation platform is designed and implemented to help us to solve their English
communication barriers in their work and study, which has become the focus of
thinking under the background of the information technology.

1 Connotation and Characteristic Analysis of the Web Data

Mining Technology

The Web mining is the process of extracting the information or knowledge from the
Web resources. It applies the traditional data mining ideas and methods to the Web, and
extracts the interesting, potential and useful patterns and the hidden information from
the Web documents and the Web activities. The Web mining can play a role in many
aspects, such as the mining of the search engine structures, the development of the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 47–52, 2019.
48 F. Zhu

search engine, the improvement and promotion of the quality and efficiency of the
search engine, and the determination of the authoritative pages [2]. The Web mining
research covers many research fields, including the database technology, the infor-
mation acquisition technology, statistics, the machine learning and the neural networks
in the artificial intelligence and so on. Especially in the field of e-commerce, through
the understanding and analysis of the user characteristics, such as the user access
behaviors, frequency and contents and so on, extract the user characteristics, so as to
customize the personalized interface for users, and help to carry out the targeted e-
commerce activities.
According to the different objects we can divide the Web-based data mining into
three categories: the Web content mining, which in fact is to obtain knowledge from the
Web documents and their descriptions, the Web document file mining and the resource
search based on the concept index or the agent technology, which should also be
classified into this category. There are many types of the Web information resources
[3]. At present, the WWW information resources have become the main body of the
network information resources. However, in addition to a the large number of the
resources that people can directly grab, construct the indexes and implement the query
services from the Internet, a considerable amount of the information is the hidden data
(such as the results generated dynamically by the users’ questions, the data in the
database system, or some private data) that cannot be indexed, and thus cannot provide
an effective way to retrieve them, which forces us to mine these contents. If we look at
the manifestation of the information resources, the Web information content is com-
posed of texts, images, audios, videos, metadata and other forms of the data, so what
we call the Web content mining is also a kind of the mining for the multimedia data [4].
The Web structure mining: This type of the mining is the process of discovering the
knowledge from the overall structures of the World Wide Web and the links between
the web pages. It mainly excavates the potential link structures and patterns of the Web.
This idea originates from the citation analysis, which is to establish the link structural
model of the Web itself by analyzing the number of the links and the links to a web
page and the objects. This model can be used to classify the web pages and obtain the
information about the similarity and the association between different web pages [5].
The Web structure mining is helpful for the users to find the authoritative sites on the
related topics, and it is of great significance to rank the search results of the network
Web usage mining: The Web usage mining is also known as the Web log mining.
Unlike the first two mining methods, which use the raw data on the Internet as the
objects of the mining, the Web-based mining faces the second-hand data extracted from
the interaction between the users and the network. These data include: the network
server access records, the proxy server log records, the user registration information
and the user behaviors when visiting the websites and so on. The Web uses mining to
record these data in the log files one by one, and then to mine the accumulated log files,
so as to understand the significance of the user’s network behavior data. The examples
we mentioned earlier fall into this category.
Application of the Web Data Mining Technology 49

2 Application of the Web Data Mining Technology

in the English Translation Platform

The Web mining refers to the use of the data mining technology to discover the
potential and useful patterns or the information in the WWW data. The Web mining
research covers many research fields, including the database technology, the infor-
mation acquisition technology, the statistics, the machine learning and the neural
networks in the artificial intelligence and so on. The Web mining can play a role in
many aspects, such as mining the structures of the search engines, identifying the
authoritative pages, the Web document classification, the Weblog mining, the intelli-
gent query, and building the MetaWeb data warehouse and so on.

2.1 Processing Flow of the Web Data Mining

The task is to get the data from the target Web documents. It is noteworthy that
sometimes the information resources are not limited to the online Web documents, but
also include e-mails, electronic documents, newsgroups, or the log data of the websites,
or even the data in the transaction databases formed through the Web. The task is to
remove the useless information from the acquired Web resources and organize the
information as necessary. For example, remove the advertising links, remove the
redundant format tags, automatically identify the paragraphs or fields from the Web
documents and organize the data into the regular logical forms or even the relational
tables. Carry out the automatic pattern discovery. It can be done within the same site or
between the multiple sites. Verify and explain the patterns generated in the previous
step. It can be done automatically by a machine or by interacting with an analyst.
With the advent of the knowledge economy era, the network information tech-
nology has been widely applied. In the new development period, English education is
regarded as an important tool for the students’ learning and future employment
development. And in our English teaching and learning, the application of the English
online platform provides more convenience for the students’ learning, and has an
important impact on improving the students’ English theories and their English
application abilities. This paper refers to the design and implementation of the English
online translation platform in the new era of its development.

2.2 Function Modules of the Web Data Mining Technology in the English
Translation Platform
As an important function of the English translation, the pronunciation module enables
the translators to learn how to read correctly in time by the pronunciation, which
provides great convenience. In the realization of this module, the voice synthesis
function in the Android system is used to read the voice. The translation module is
mainly realized by the specific translation algorithms. After choosing the module,
choose English to Chinese from the drop-down menu, and then input the corresponding
English, and then the corresponding translation results can be obtained.
50 F. Zhu

3 Application Mechanism of the Web Data Mining

Technology in the English Translation Platform

Aiming at the needs of the modern English online translation learning, the design
scheme of an English online translation platform based on the C/S mode is proposed.
Based on the users’ needs, the overall layout of the system is implemented in the C/S
mode, and the system is divided into the server and the client. At the server end, we
use.net technology to develop and manage the data through MySQL. The mobile client
uses the JDK to develop, and the SDK to develop the pages, and the UI to control the
interface. Finally, the system is tested. The test results show that the system has the
good interactivity and can meet people’s English translation needs.

3.1 Application of the Web Data Mining Technology

The data mining is to extract the knowledge that people are interested in from the data
of the large databases. The knowledge is implicit and unknown potentially useful
information in advance. The extracted knowledge is expressed in the concepts, rules,
laws, patterns and other forms. This definition defines the objects of the data mining as
a database. In a broader sense, the data mining means the decision support process of
finding the patterns in a set of facts or observations. The objects of the data mining are
not only the database, but also the data collection of the file system or any other
organization, such as the WWW information resources. According to the types of the
discovery knowledge, the data mining can be divided into the association rule mining,
the feature rule mining, the discrimination rule mining, and the classification rule
mining and so on. If it is divided according to the abstract levels of the mining
knowledge, there is the original level data mining, the high level data mining and the
multi-level data mining.
The main tasks of the data mining are the association analysis, the clustering
analysis, the classification, the prediction, the temporal pattern and the deviation
analysis. The association rule mining was first proposed by Laksh Aihuo, et al. There is
certain regularity between the values of two or more variables, which is called corre-
lation. The data association is a kind of the important and discoverable knowledge in
the database. The association can be divided into the simple association, the temporal
association and the causal association. The purpose of the association analysis is to find
out the hidden Internet in the database. Generally, support and credibility are used to
measure the correlation of the association rules. Interest and correlation are also
introduced to make the rule mining more in line with the requirements.

3.2 Design Ideas of the Web Data Mining Technology in the English
Translation Platform
The design of the interactive intelligent assistant translation platform based on the
multi-strategy is mainly based on the following design ideas. Most of the existing
practical machine translation systems are based on the rule analysis and transformation,
but because of the complexity and changeability of the natural language and the great
Application of the Web Data Mining Technology 51

randomness of its application, this kind of the translation system not only needs to
establish a huge rule system to describe more complex. Such linguistic phenomena
need to constantly add the personality rules to enhance the adaptability of the system.
When the number of the rules increases to a certain extent, it will inevitably lead to
redundancy, confliction and other phenomena, which will make the construction and
maintenance of the high-quality machine translation knowledge base difficult and
costly. The contradiction between the infinite linguistic phenomena and the enumer-
ative nature of the rule-building makes the rule-based machine translation have some
The statistical analysis based on the corpus and the analogical translation based on
the memory require the huge workload and complexity in building the large-scale
corpus and the statistical models, building the case base of the analogical reasoning
methods, representing the case language patterns and implementing the analogical
reasoning. However, as an effective supplement to the rule analysis method, combining
the advantages of several translation methods organically and adopting the multiple
translation strategies after the parallel processing and then selecting the best one can not
only improve the quality and speed of the automatic translation, but also provide
various levels of the language knowledge accumulation methods, which can improve
the ways and effectiveness of the knowledge acquisition in our translation.
Generally, the translation errors in the machine translation systems are mainly as
follows. ① Inaccurate choice of the translation meanings. There are many errors in
choosing the translation corresponding to the original meanings of the paragraphs
(words and phrases and so on). ② The word order is incorrect. The sequence or
combination of the translated segmental strings is incorrect. ③ The modification
relationship is incorrect. There is a lack, redundancy or error of the auxiliary modifiers.
Therefore, the system should be able to provide the intelligent editing tools based on
the analysis results and the knowledge established in the translation process, select the
correct translation strings efficiently, and adjust the positions of the meaning segment
of the translation. At the same time, it is convenient to add, delete and modify the
auxiliary modifiers which can be enumerated in the limited quantities, so that the high-
quality translations can be quickly obtained.
In a multi-strategy machine translation system, the knowledge of rules, the statis-
tical knowledge, the dictionary knowledge, the schema knowledge, and the case
knowledge based on the surface strings are involved. In the process of the prior
knowledge storage, the translation processing, the editing modification and the post-
translation knowledge storage, these kinds of the knowledge and other knowledge
based on the knowledge are complex and relevant. The quality and management
efficiency of the knowledge base of the system are very important to the processing
performance of the system. Therefore, it is necessary to use the object-oriented
knowledge representation and organization structures to organize and process the
52 F. Zhu

4 Conclusion

This paper presents and designs an intelligent translation platform system based on the
Web data mining technology, which has been commercialized. The system organically
integrates many analysis and processing strategies, such as the case-based pattern
similarity matching and the rule analysis, and effectively utilizes the translation
knowledge of various levels and existing forms to improve the speed and the accuracy
of the translation processing system. This platform not only improves the efficiency of
the manual modification technically, but also realizes the engineering management of
the computer-aided translation. More importantly, it realizes the integration and the
virtuous circle of the knowledge expression, the knowledge acquisition, the knowledge
processing, the result feedback and other processing links. It provides a harmonious
and unified environment for the improvement of the performances of the practical
machine translation system and the continuous improvement of the system knowledge.

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Construction of the Computer Platform
Framework Based on the University Financial
Management System

Jun Yang(&)

Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an 710000, Shaanxi, China


Abstract. At present, most universities in China are still in the second stage of
the financial information construction. Generally speaking, the degree of the
information is relatively low, and the accounting is still the main function of the
financial management. The daily reimbursement of the financial personnel and
other data entry work is heavy, and business processes are not smooth. The
timeliness of the data generation is poor, and the mode of the information
transmission is backward. It is unable to meet the requirements of institution-
alization, process and informatization of the financial management in colleges
and universities.

Keywords: University finance  Management system  Computer 

Platform framework  Construction mechanism

With the growing scale of the development of colleges and universities, the financial
personnel will face more massive and complex data. Colleges and universities must
rely on the information technology as a support to promote the transformation of the
financial personnel from the traditional accounting to the management decision-
making, and pay attention to the cultivation of the compound accounting talents with
both knowledge of information technology and proficiency in using the management
accounting tools and methods [1].

1 The Importance and Feasibility of Building the Computer

Financial Management System

1.1 The Importance of Building the Computer Financial Management

With the continuous development of the globalization and the informatization, the
information age has come. The rapid development of the computer technologies and
the Internet have provided convenience for the intensive and large-scale operation of
enterprises, promoted the establishment of the world market and accelerated the pro-
cess of the global economic integration [2]. Through the construction of the computer
financial management system, managers can make more efficient use of the internal and
external information, improve the levels and efficiency of the financial management,
and then better improve the economic efficiency.
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V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 53–59, 2019.
54 J. Yang

1.2 Feasibility of Building the Computer Financial Management System

Nowadays, in the network era, many resources in enterprises have been shared, and the
information systems are open, and the allocation of resources is more optimized, which
has played a great convenience in the sharing of the resources in enterprises. By using
the interactive function of the network, enterprises can better allocate each part of the
resources reasonably and prevent the waste of some resources [3]. The computer
financial management system provides the enterprise information in an all-round way,
so the construction of the computer financial management system is feasible and
necessary. It provides more convenience for the enterprise information system and
improves the working efficiency of enterprises. The feasibility of building a computer
financial management system is mainly embodied in:
The first is the establishment of the development-oriented financial management
concept. Only by establishing a correct financial management concept can the process
of the information management be more efficient [4]. The development-oriented
financial management concept is embodied in humanization, knowledge and
informatization. It is not difficult to find that it is necessary and feasible to introduce
computers into the financial management system by integrating humanism, knowledge
and informatization into the process of the financial management. The second is the
realization of the network resource sharing. With the rapid development of the com-
puter application and the Internet technologies, enterprises have realized the inter-
connection of the information and the high sharing of the network resources to a certain
extent. The open information system makes the lagging phenomenon caused by the
poor information become the past, and the resource integration is high-speed and
The third is the application of the Internet interaction function. The Internet is an
efficient and multi-functional medium, which makes the information allocation more
scientific [5]. Enterprises can make use of the interactive function of the Internet to
make the internal capital flow and resource allocation more convenient, avoid the
unnecessary waste of the humans and the property, and make the capital operation and
the enterprise management more smooth and convenient.

2 The Foundation of the Computer Financial Management


The management information system (MIS) is a system that collects, collates and
analyses the data to produce various kinds of the management information. It develops
gradually with the development of the electronic data processing system [6]. Satisfying
the information needs of the management is one of the main objectives of the man-
agement information system, so its contents mainly include the following three aspects:
First, the information needs. If we want to know which file and data we need to
collect and process, we need to know what the output of the system is, and the demand
for the information determines the output of the system. The needs of different
departments, leaders and management departments within the organization are different.
Construction of the Computer Platform Framework 55

To clarify their information needs is the basis and the prerequisite for the establishment
of an efficient and practical management information system.
The second is the information quantity and the information flow. That is, we should
have a clear and accurate description of the information flow in the management
process or the production process, and understand the source, origin and direction of
the information. Through the qualitative and the quantitative investigation and analysis
of the information, the contents, frequency, formats, types and data length of the
information are collected, stored and processed, and then we can transmit and output
the information.
The third is the methods of the computer operation and the structures of the
information system. The data collected, stored and processed will be sent to the
information users in time, effectively and accurately, to achieve the goal of the
information management system.

3 The Present Situations and the Existing Problems

of the Financial Informatization in Colleges
and Universities

At present, China’s university financial informatization has experienced three stages.

One is the computerized accounting stage based on the single-machine version, which
mainly solves the accuracy of the accounting by replacing the manual voucher input,
output and accounting statement printing with computers. Secondly, in the stage of the
financial integration software based on the campus network, the data sharing is realized
between the accounting modules in LAN through the network technology. The third is
the financial business integration stage based on the Internet, that is, the information
stage oriented to the management accounting, which can realize the high integration of
the finance and business and the high sharing of the internal and the external infor-
mation. Specific problems are manifested in the following two aspects.

3.1 The Degree of the Data Sharing and Integration Is Low,

and the Phenomenon of the Information Islands Is Obvious
In recent years, the computer information technology such as the Internet and the big
data has developed rapidly. However, due to the limitation of the leadership’s attention
and the capital investment, universities lack the scientific application of these infor-
mation network technologies. As a result, all departments of universities have devel-
oped their own information management systems, but the data cannot be shared in the
real time, forming an information island. For example, the internal financial, personnel,
educational, scientific research and assets departments of colleges and universities all
have their independent management information systems, and the off-campus banking,
taxation, finance, education and other departments also have their independent systems,
and they work within their respective functions, without forming the cross-
departmental and cross-functional business processes, so that the level of the finan-
cial management services is low.
56 J. Yang

With the increasing complexity of the economic businesses in colleges and uni-
versities, the data interaction between the financial departments and the departments
inside and outside the universities becomes more and more frequent. For example, the
communication between the salary allowance and the personnel departments of the
faculty and the staff, the coordination between the tuition fee management and the
administration department and graduate schools, and the collection of funds and the
expenditure that the colleges at the tertiary level should keep in touch with in a timely
manner, and the preparation, implementation, evaluation and supervision of the budget,
all need to submit the data to the financial and educational departments. Therefore, it is
necessary to unify and standardize the internal information standards of colleges and
universities, build an integrated financial management information service platform,
and form a big data center with the financial department as the core, so as to realize
high data sharing and the real-time supervision and control inside and outside colleges
and universities.

3.2 Lack of the Complex Financial Informatization Talents

For a long time, our university financial workers have paid more attention to the
legitimacy of the financial revenue and expenditure, the accuracy of the internal control
and the accounting in their work practice. Their time and energies have been occupied
by the heavy expense reimbursement and various special audits and tax and price
inspections. The research and practice of the internal management decision-making in
colleges and universities are insufficient, and the structures of the financial knowledge
are single, and the IT skills of the data processing by using the information technology
such as the Internet and the big data are extremely deficient. They do not have the
comprehensive knowledge and abilities of the management accounting needed to
participate in the planning, decision-making, control and evaluation activities of col-
leges and universities, which have become the bottleneck restricting the rapid devel-
opment of the financial informatization in colleges and universities.

4 General Framework

4.1 Institutional Framework

The corresponding organizational settings of the financial management system in
colleges and universities should fully conform to the development trend and the long-
term financial planning of colleges and universities. According to the basic principles,
objectives, tasks and management system of the financial management, the post of the
chief accountant with more professional levels should be established, and the work
should be carried out under the leadership of the Party Committee or the Financial and
Economic Management Committee, responsible for managing and coordinating the
businesses of the Finance Department and other relevant departments of colleges and
universities. The financial institutions are set up in accordance with the three functions
of the finance, accounting and services. The finance mainly realizes the functions of
planning and management, including the budget and the final accounts management,
Construction of the Computer Platform Framework 57

the income management, the bill management, the system construction, the perfor-
mance appraisal, and the internal control and so on. Accounting is to realize the
functions of the accounting and supervision, including the capital accounting, the
school-bank interaction, the capital construction, the centralized payment, and the
official card settlement and so on. Services are to achieve the data and the integrated
management, including the data maintenance, the macro-and micro-links and coordi-
nation with internal doors, the campus card, the bill management, and the external links
and coordination and so on. Schools can organize and set up institutions according to
their specific circumstances.

4.2 Application System

The core of the application system can be designed from two modules: the financial
management and the accounting service. The financial management includes the
comprehensive budget and the final accounts management, the income management,
the project management, the state-owned assets management, and the analysis and
decision support, and the accounting services include the expenditure management, the
cost accounting and the accounting and so on.

4.3 Data Platform

The large-scale data warehouse can collect, store and process all kinds of the shared
data, realize the data integration of each application system, ensure the consistency of
the information shared by the entire school, provide the effective decision-support data,
provide a platform of the information sharing service for the school, and also provide
the information sharing service for the school, as well as the support for the new
application development. The standard design of the interconnection part is particularly
important in the formulation of the information standards, including the data format,
coding, and code, and so on. The application specifications and classification, the data
specification and classification, the responsible departments, and the authorization
levels should be clearly defined to ensure the accuracy, consistency and integrity of the
data. The data is planned with the unified keyword segments and implemented with the
subject management function, which ensures the high consistency of the keyword
segment coding in all the databases and integrates the relevant information data of each
system to form the subject data. Including the subject database and the subject object
management, the subject database can provide the stable services for the school
information resources for a long time.

4.4 Communication System

The communication system is used for the interconnection of various application
systems. Including all the subsystems within the application system and the financial
management system at all levels of the school, we need to design some open standards,
that is, documents describing the accepted protocols, which can make different
application systems work together and ensure the selectivity, openness and compati-
bility of each application system. Through the standard service interface of the
58 J. Yang

communication system, all kinds of the data are processed, and then provided to each
application system, so that all the data are synchronized. The data sharing and the
information exchange between the financial management system and other application
systems on the campus are also realized through the communication system, such as the
human resource management system, the educational administration teaching system,
the scientific research management system and the student management system and so
on. No matter what platform, database and programming language these systems adopt,
they are taught through various interfaces. Power, monitoring and other management
tools can be used for the data docking and integrated development between systems.

4.5 Internal Control Index System

The construction of the university financial management system and the internal
control are closely related. The university financial system implemented in 2013 clearly
points out that colleges and universities should establish and improve the internal
control system, the economic responsibility system, the financial information disclosure
system and other supervision systems. The main, simplest and most effective way to
implement this content is to implement the internal control by means of informatiza-
tion, and to embed an analysis index system in the system. According to the needs of
the school management, the internal control system should be formulated scientifically,
and the financial analysis indicators should be set reasonably, so that the internal
control should be carried out. The design of the index system must conform to the
development goals of the university organizations, so as to enhance their working skills
and promote the development of the organizations. In view of the characteristics of
many projects and the large funds in universities, a dynamic monitoring and graded
early warning scheme is constructed, and the key doubtful data are tracked through the
early warning analysis system.
The internal control in colleges and universities should follow the principles of
comprehensiveness, importance, checks and balances and adaptability, and we should
pay attention to the situation of the organizations, the mechanism construction, sys-
tems, key posts and the financial information compilation, adopt the incompatible posts
separated from each other, the internal authorization examination and approval, the
centralized management, the budget control, the property protection, the accounting
control, the document control, and the information disclosure and other methods, and
run them through the entire process of the school economic activities. Through the
formulation of the systems, and the indicator system analysis, control the risks of the
economic activities. The system mainly includes the post economic responsibility
management method, the internal restraint system, the bill management method, the
financial management method, the accounting reimbursement method, and the autho-
rization examination and approval system and so on. The analysis index system
includes the basic school-running index, the budget management index, the financial
risk management index, the income and expenditure structure index, the financial
development ability index, the teaching analysis index, the scientific research analysis
index, and the personnel training analysis index and so on.
Construction of the Computer Platform Framework 59

5 Conclusion

According to the actual situations and the external environment of colleges and uni-
versities, the internal control risk assessment is carried out to provide a reliable and
accurate data for the internal control decision-making of colleges and universities, and
the corresponding risk assessment feedback mechanism is established. Relatively
reasonable and perfect risk assessment feedback mechanism can ensure the stability
and sustainability of the university development. With the continuous progress of our
society, the competitive pressure faced by the education will become increasingly
greater. University financial workers should keep up with the pace of the social reform
and development, constantly think, and carry out the research and analysis, in order to
achieve the best financial management mode to adapt to the entire social environment,
survive in the competitions and develop in the survival, in order to ensure the intel-
lectualized and open development of the schools, and win the competitive advantages
of the development of colleges and universities.

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Electron Commer Res 18(1):109–124
Design and Application of the Intelligent
Learning Platform for College English Based
on the New Engineering Concept

Caihong Han(&)

Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology,

Zhengzhou 450064, Henan, China

Abstract. The deep integration of the information technology and the higher
education in China has changed the ways of the higher education in China and
greatly influenced the implementation of the classroom teaching. Under the
impact of the information technologies, college English classroom ecology has
been greatly disturbed, resulting in the imbalance of the classroom ecological
structures and the dysfunction. The intelligent learning requires the continuous
improvement, optimization and adaptation to the environment, and the support
and promotion of the personalized, characteristic, comprehensive and innovative
development of people in the information age, which represents the direction of
the human learning. The construction of the learning environment is the basis of
realizing the reform of the teaching and learning methods. It is imperative to
construct a wise and ecological college English learning environment.

Keywords: New engineering concept  College English 

Intelligent learning platform  Design mechanism  Application research

1 The Concept and the Research Status of the New


The intelligent learning environment is the high-end form of the virtual learning
environment and the personal learning environment. It can realize the deep integration
of the virtual environment and the learning subjects, highlight the learner’s dominant
position in the learning process, attach importance to the guiding role of the teachers in
the learning process, and support the learners’ social collaborative communication [1].
Based on the concept of the integration of the modern information technology and the
English language learning, and relying on the Internet learning environment, this paper
constructs the intellectual development of the English learners in line with the char-
acteristics of M-Learning.
Because of the wide connotation and scope of the concept of the new engineering,
there is no clear definition of the new engineering in the academia at present [2]. It is
generally believed that the research areas of the new engineering include the new
generation of the information technology industry, the artificial intelligence and the
intelligent manufacturing, the high-end CNC machine tools and robots, and the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 60–66, 2019.
Design and Application of the Intelligent Learning Platform 61

upgrading and transformation of the traditional engineering specialties. Since China

formally joined the Washington Agreement in June 2016, the horn of the development
of the new engineering has officially sounded. The Washington Agreement is one of
the most authoritative international organizations in the field of the international
engineering and design. It mainly includes three themes: the student center, the result
orientation and the continuous improvement. The accession to the Washington
Agreement marks that China’s engineering and design education has moved from the
previous follow-up stage to the run-in stage. From the “Fudan Consensus” in February
2017 to the “Tianda Action” in April 2017, well-known universities, such as Tsinghua
University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Tianjin University, have been vigorously
exploring the methods and teaching modes under the new engineering mode in order to
solve the problems of the personnel training under the current situation of the glob-
alization of artificial intelligence [3].
From the perspective of the development trend of the industrial design discipline,
the digitalization and the intellectualization have become the frontier development field
of the industrial design. At present, the new intelligent products and services centered
on “Industry 4.0”, the “Internet+” and the “Service Design” are quietly promoting the
design researches and reform. According to the 12th Five-Year Plan for the Devel-
opment of the National Strategic Emerging Industries, intelligent products and
equipment are one of the strategic emerging industries of the country [4]. The intel-
ligent manufacturing equipment and the intelligent service robots have gradually
become the important research objects of the industrial design. The teaching system of
the current industrial design often lacks this teaching link and content. Although there
have been some studies on the educational concepts and methods of the new engi-
neering, the research on the teaching methods of the industrial design under the new
discipline concept is still relatively scarce, mainly aiming at the educational mode of
combining the craftsmanship with the CDIO engineering educational certification [5].

2 The Construction of the Intelligent Learning Platform

for College English

The intelligent learning is to create a learning space-time environment with the char-
acteristics of perception and reasoning for the learners by virtue of the power of ICT. It
is the direction of the learning environment construction and development to promote
the development of the learners’ wisdom and to cause the profound changes in the
teaching and learning methods. From the perspective of the learners, it is a new and
learner-centered learning paradigm with the learners’ active self-participation, with the
complete learning experience. From the perspective of the technology, it has many
important functions such as supporting the situational perception, the learning process
record, the learning data analysis, the learning service promotion, and the learning
diagnosis and evaluation and so on. From the perspective of view of the individuals and
the technical environment, it can make full use of the seamless access of the intelligent
devices, customize the personalized services freely and participate in the learning
62 C. Han

Compared with the traditional English learning, the English learning has two dis-
tinct characteristics. One is the freedom of the learning, and the other is the autonomy
of the learning. English learners generally have clear learning objectives and learning
needs, even in order to solve the pressing work and life problems. Such learning is not
a pure academic training, but it is more like an applied training. Learners usually
acquire the independent learning units with the clear topics, which have the reusable
characteristics and meet the fragmented, miniaturized and intelligent learning meta-
requirements, which support the information collection and the learning cognitive
network sharing in the learning process.

3 Design Concepts of the Intelligent Learning Platform

for College English Based on the New Engineering Concept

Ideas are the forerunners of actions. Without the scientific ideas, actions can only be
blind, ineffective and even negative. On the way of developing the new subjects,
colleges and universities need the scientific ideas to guide their actions. These ideas
include: first, the concept of the collaborative innovation. The development of the new
engineering requires the combination of the governments, industries, education and
researches, and the collaborative innovation of these four aspects. American scholar
Ezkwitz and Dutch scholar Redsdorf call this “triple helix model of innovation”. At
present, in our country, these four kinds of the institutions are forming the mechanism
of the collaborative innovation, but many colleges and universities do not have this
idea, or are excluded from this collaborative innovation system because of the gov-
ernment projects and systems.
The second is the concept of serving the social development. One of the basic laws
of the university development is that universities should actively adapt to the changes
in the external environment and provide the leading services for such changes. Stanford
University, University of Wisconsin and Carnegie Mellon University in the United
States are the typical cases of the rapid development under the guidance of this concept.
The establishment of the idea of serving the society in colleges and universities in
China is often passive and compulsory, lacking the guidance of the rational con-
sciousness and scientific concept. The most typical example is that after the original
industrial university became a comprehensive university, it lost its services and sup-
porting objects, and the disciplines with the strong characteristics are declining. Col-
leges and universities in our country often serve the government’s decision-making
passively, and seldom provide the leading think-tank services for the governments and
the society.
The third is the student-oriented concept. “What kind of students should be trained
in the new engineering?” “How should we train such students?” Most colleges and
universities do not have sufficient theoretical proof of this, and more is the government’s
requirement. The basic task of colleges and universities is to train talents. The new
engineering is only a form of the development of the engineering. As colleges and
universities, they should not be bound by this concept, but should consciously change
the mode, specifications and methods of training the talents according to the develop-
ment of the industries and enterprises. However, in any case, colleges and universities
Design and Application of the Intelligent Learning Platform 63

are to cultivate the innovative talents who can actively adapt to the development of
various sectors of the society, and they are learning something of regularity. After four
years’ study, college graduates should have the ability of active learning, the ability of
adapting to the development of the enterprises in the social industrial industries, and the
ability of reflection.
In the English intelligent learning environment, learners can use the intelligent
terminals to expand their freedom of learning through “differentiation”, and have
seamlessly access to the learning resources, quickly extract the knowledge information
needed, and then “integral” to select the appropriate supporting services to improve
their autonomy in learning, which will attract more attention. The rational advantages
are invested in the “calculus” process of the resources and services to enhance the
learning values, directly involved in the problem definition, the rapid formation of
solutions and the flexible action.

4 Application Strategies of the Intelligent Learning Platform

for College English Based on the New Engineering Concept

On the basis of discussing the connotation and characteristics of the concept of the
intelligent learning environment, this paper puts forward that the design of the College
English intelligent learning environment should focus on three factors: the learning
platform, the learning resources and the learning service, so as to promote learners’
easy, devoted and effective learning. The construction of the College English wisdom
learning should pay more attention to the four principles of socialization, mobility,
intelligence and individualization in order to achieve the innovative wisdom learning

4.1 Use the Intelligent APP Learning to Enhance the English Learning
In the English learning, enthusiasms and interests are the primary factors and the
prerequisites for learning English well. In the era of constantly updating and promoting
all kinds of the computers, notebooks, smart phones and IPAD tablets, all kinds of the
smart APPs have emerged as the times require. The development and application of
various mobile learning intelligent APPs are conducive to improving the competi-
tiveness of the English learning contents, making some English learners actively try to
listen to the course, and also driving the surrounding crowd to learn together, and
research and progress together. In some interesting learning games, you catch up with
me and improve your interests in English learning by breaking through the games. The
application of all kinds of English intelligent APPs can also meet the needs of all kinds
of people to learn English, and the students can meet the needs of the examinations and
exams, and the working people can meet the needs of their work, and the foreign
personnel can meet the urgent need to strengthen their oral training before leaving the
country. The mobile learning through the intelligent APPs greatly improves the
enthusiasms of our English learning.
64 C. Han

4.2 Combine the Situations to Memorize the Words and Expand

the Vocabulary Reserve
Vocabulary is the basis of the language learning and one of the important criteria to
measure the English learners’ English proficiency. The traditional vocabulary learning
mainly enhances the memory by the repeated recitation. In the mobile learning, we can
not only remember words, but also remember parts of speech according to the cate-
gories. In some situational videos, sentences are suddenly inserted to choose the words
to fill in, so as to enhance the ability of understandings and flexible application of the
multiple meanings of the vocabulary. In the mobile English learning, learning time is
also reminded by the intelligent software, so that we can use their leisure time to
memorize words and improve their learning efficiency. In the long run, it can also
develop the good learning habits and expand the accumulation of words.

4.3 Carry Out the Mobile Reading Learning in the Entertainment

to Enrich the Reading Quantity
English reading is also an important part of improving the levels. How to choose the
suitable reading materials for the English learning has always been a difficult problem.
Some materials are suitable but outdated. Some materials are too professional and
difficult to understand, although their sentence patterns and the grammar are novel. The
web-based mobile learning can better select the reading materials, the interesting
materials with rich pictures and texts, the vivid FLASH animations, and the vivid
animation characters, which can get rid of the boring reading forms before. Choose a
large number of the reading materials that interest the learners, and let the learners read
aloud, or follow the demonstration together, and they can correctly imitate the pro-
nunciation, intonation, pause and tone, and can correct their pronunciation, standardize
their reading and expand their reading volumes.

4.4 Rich Network Learning Resources Can Expand the Writing Horizons
The English writing ability is one of the manifestations of the English learners’
comprehensive abilities in their English learning. When working people send and
receive e-mails from their colleagues abroad, they also need to use the writing norms to
write correctly. Learners can use the learning software for the writing exercises, select
some representative and simulated topics to write, and then compare the model texts.
Through comparison, they can open up ideas. According to their own interests, the
English learners can develop the writing training on some topics they are familiar with,
and achieve the writing innovation and breakthroughs by imitating the classical
models, thus forming their own writing style. There are abundant learning resources in
the network, a variety of the stylistic summaries, grammar and sentence patterns, which
can make the English learners broaden their horizons and their writing horizons.
Design and Application of the Intelligent Learning Platform 65

4.5 Strengthen Listening and Oral Communication Skills Through

the Social Software Communication
The purpose of the English learning is to communicate, and we should understand and
speak, which should not be the mute English. English listening and speaking ability is
particularly important and practical in our daily learning, work and life. In recent years,
CET-4 and CET-6 have gradually increased the assessment of the daily listening. The
social software of all kinds of the intelligent APPs expanded the circle of the English
learners to communicate in English, and Weibo, We-chat, QQ, MSN and other social
software turn the world into a circle of friends, who can communicate in English
anytime and anywhere, including texts, voices and videos and so on. The English
learners communicate with each other intuitively, promote their mutual learning and
progress, and also urge the learning progress and learning effect, so as to truly
strengthen the improvement of their listening and speaking abilities.

5 Conclusion

Constructing a learning environment adapted to the learners’ individual needs is the

basis of realizing the reform of the teaching and learning methods. The emergence of
the intelligent learning environment provides more possibilities for the college English
learning methods. The era of the mobile Internet has provided a new way of learning
and the unprecedented rich learning resources for their English learning. The appli-
cation of the modern information technology in the English learning has made great
changes in the teaching concepts, the teaching contents and the teaching methods. The
mobile learning fully embodies the subjectivity and subjective initiatives of the English
learners. It realizes the individualization, technicalization and modernization of the
English learning.

Acknowledgement. The study was sponsored by Research Project by Henan Science and
Technology Department: Research on the Wisdom Foreign Language Service Mechanism and
the Construction of Henan Cultural Highlands [182400410440]; Zhengzhou high educational
English teaching team construction project [2016344]; Zhengzhou University of Science and
Technology teaching quality project [201667]; and Zhengzhou Teaching and Research project:
Study Exploration of “New Engineering” talent cultivation mode for Foreign Language Majors
under the background of “Belt and Road” [ZZJG-B8021].

1. Chang C, Yang X, Li X (2018) Exploration and practice of the foreign language teaching in
engineering mechanics under the background of the new engineering. Educ Mod (04):131–
2. Zhao H (2018) Construction of the English humanities general course system in the
polytechnic universities under the background of “New Engineering”. Chem High Educ
66 C. Han

3. Zhao S, Fan R, Wu F, Xie W, Sun X (2018) Chemical engineering design curriculum reform
and practice based on new engineering concept. J High Educ (11):156–157
4. Jiang F, Chen Y, Li P, Tang X (2018) Teaching reflections on the course of basic
electrotechnics and electronics technology under the new engineering background. Educ
Teach Forum (11):245–246
5. Wang L, Wu X, Yang B (2018) Exploration of the training model of the innovation and
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Implementation of a Dance Teaching Live
Broadcasting System Based on the Distance
Education Platform

Congdie Jiang(&) and Rong Wang

Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University,

Nanchang 330000, Jiangxi, China

Abstract. With the rapid development of the modern information technologies,

to promote the education informatization and share the educational and teaching
resources, the live classroom in the distance education emerges as the times
require. The live classroom expands the space-time boundaries in our education
and teaching, and changes the traditional teaching methods. It is a new model of
the distance education. In order to recognize and understand the impact of the
live teaching on the dance teaching and promote the development of the live
teaching in the dance education, this paper, from the perspective of the distance
education, uses the theories and methods of the distance education to analyze the
characteristics of the live teaching, which is a feasible way.

Keywords: Distance education platform  Dance teaching 

Live broadcast system  Design mechanism  Implementation system

1 Technical Requirements of Dance Teaching Live

Broadcasting System

Based on the influence of the live teaching on the teaching environment, the teachers
and the students in the dance teaching, four aspects of thinking are put forward: the
connotation and characteristics of the live teaching, the construction and application of
the live platform in the dance teaching at present, the effect of the live teaching on
improving the dance teaching and promoting the students’ learning and the teachers’
development, and higher requirements that the live teaching puts forward for the dance
teaching environment, the students’ learning qualities and the teachers’ live teaching
abilities [1].
In the process of the systematical analysis of the different operation dimensions, we
should combine the actual needs to ensure that the management structures and the
management models are compatible with the network operation mechanisms and the
network topology models, which, to a certain extent, can also realize the effective
transmission and optimization of the data sharing, effectively maintain the stability of
the servers and clients, and ensure the program structures can realize the validity of the
data exchange function and ensure the orderly improvement while sending and
receiving the data.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 67–73, 2019.
68 C. Jiang and R. Wang

1.1 Live Broadcasting System Servers

In the process of the technology integration, the server side should be systematically
analyzed to ensure that the data transmission project meets the actual needs. The server
only needs to centralize a small number of the clients, and can ensure the integrity of
the data transmission [2]. The relevant technical personnel should optimize and inte-
grate the data transmission control module, realize the modification of the channel
module, and send the data directly to the interface port after the user request is legit-
imate. In order to reduce the missing items of the configuration data, to a certain extent,
we should ensure that the data structures and operational dimensions are in line with
the actual network needs [3]. Particularly, due to the difference in the data transmission
ratio between the users and the servers, the client is required to integrate the data
acquisition capability of its running nodes. Choosing the higher broadband nodes as the
first-level nodes of the system can not only effectively improve the effectiveness of the
data flow and transmission, but can also better achieve the stability between the client
and the data transmission mechanisms.

1.2 Live Broadcast System Clients

Compared with the traditional technical structures, the relevant technical personnel
should focus on the actual problems. The biggest advantage of the mode change
structures is the operation dimension of the clients, which can achieve the communi-
cation control objectives between the clients and the client support, and form a good
operation dimension between the data sending module and the user management
module, to ensure that the data exchange operation mechanism and the data request
control module can construct an effective balance system [4]. Managers should connect
a channel of the live server to ensure that the live server obtains an effective buffer
mapping module. The system design conforms to the system parameter configuration,
intercepts several nodes from the user list, realizes the effective exchange of the x-
adjacent data, and improves the integrity of the standby nodes. In addition, in the
process of receiving, the control information between the server and the data packet
needs to be adapted to the actual needs. The buffer mapping module can centralize the
operation dimension of the switched buffer data packets, ensure that the data sharing
mechanism can be formed between the data acquisition process and the operation and
maintenance operation model, ensure the stability of the sequence, and at the same time
realize the integrity of the data pressurization and enhance the effectiveness of the
synchronization operation mechanism of the data stream [5].

1.3 Key Technologies of the Live Broadcasting System

In the process of the technical structure establishment, the centralized processing
should be combined with the actual technical model. Firstly, the clients should be
joined and pushed centrally, and the user list information and the connection status
should be processed systematically, so as to improve the operation dimension of the
server and ensure that the clients will not have the abnormal interruptions. For example,
the server needs to make a centralized judgment based on the heartbeat packets. If the
Implementation of a Dance Teaching Live Broadcasting System 69

heartbeat packets fail three times in a row, the online user will delete the information in
the list directly. Secondly, the buffer mapping strategy should be processed system-
atically and centrally. The buffer length is expressed by the BM length. In the process
of the new data processing, it is necessary to update its operation structures and delete
the data blocks. Thirdly, the data scheduling algorithm is mainly to further systematize
the user list and ensure the complete operation between the clients and the connection

2 Design of the Dance Teaching Live Broadcasting System

Based on the Distance Education Platform

2.1 Design of the System Overall Structures

The application system of the three-tier architecture constitutes a dance teaching
resource management system based on the live teaching broadcast system. The first
layer is the user interface, which is the logical expression layer (application side). The
middle layer mainly distributes the programmed function modules, namely the business
logic layer (management side), and the third layer is the database. The middle layer
mainly includes the management module, the content publishing module, and the
multimedia module and so on. The structure system of the dance teaching resource
management system based on the teaching live broadcasting system makes the mod-
ularization and the component design more convenient, and the entire system has the
stronger expansibility. In order to make the program designed in this paper easier to
browse, correct, reuse and supplement, the basic independent modular development
mode is adopted to implement the system development, which can ensure the integrity
of the data and get a clear software structure. The design and development of the
interactive interface is very important in the system development. In order to meet the
requirements of the basic functions, it is necessary to make the system more conve-
nient, fast, and easy to understand and operate.

2.2 Design of the System Functional Structures

The dance teaching content publishing module in the system has the function of parsing
the XML files and the XSLT files. It is a component program on the application server,
mainly distributed in the middle layer. The request of the clients and the call requests of
other intermediate modules in the application server can be responded by the dance
teaching content publishing module. In order to respond to the retrieval request of the
multimedia module and the data management module for submitting the data infor-
mation, the dance teaching content publishing module needs to be realized by calling
the parameters transmitted in the request. After acquiring the retrieval result set, the
texts, images, tables and audio-visual information related to the dance teaching are
fused in a specific typesetting form to form an XML intermediate file. In order to make
70 C. Jiang and R. Wang

the XML file match the client request format, the XSLT transformation can be carried
out according to the transformation rules. The media server mainly stores the contin-
uous images and sounds compressed by the streaming media, which can meet the needs
of the users to download the streaming media information related to the dancing
teaching and to watch the streaming media for the dancing teaching. If the user is
watching the dance teaching videos for the first time, the system needs to download the
data of a dance teaching video by default as a buffer, that is, to build a buffer on the
user’s computer, and the dance teaching video begins to play after a certain number of
the data blocks are pre-captured. When the speed of playing the data is faster than the
actual connection speed of the network, in order to avoid the interruption of the
playing, the player automatically takes the data in the buffer to play, so as to ensure the
quality of the dance teaching video playing.

2.3 Design of the Data Management Module

This module mainly stores the data files for various purposes through the file systems
of RDBMS, VML, DB and the operating system. The retrieval request of the dance
teaching content publishing module and the remote image resource location request of
the multimedia management module respond to the feedback through the data man-
agement module. The data storage and planning and the basic access of the database are
implemented by the data management module. The XML data information format is
selected to support the portability and openness of the data. The XML data information
can be divided into two types: the text data and the media fragment data. The text data
can be directly compiled into the separate XML files based on the information. The
media data, on the other hand, incorporates its own storage location in the file system
into an XML file. This system has the advantages of high efficiency and convenience in
the data management and high efficiency in storing and optimizing the XML files.

2.4 Realization of the Courseware On-Demand Module

The courseware on-demand module plays a key role in changing the learners’ learning
conditions and enhancing the learners’ creative learning abilities. The network
courseware on-demand is the main form of the courseware on-demand module of this
system. The designated dance teaching resources are made into the courseware that can
be on demand on the Internet. The learners can demand the dance teaching resources
according to their own preferences. The courseware on demand module is designed on
the basis of the Web application, which creates a teaching system easy to master and
operate for the users. Learners can switch between the dance teaching resources at will,
and the progress of the dance teaching resources and the volumes of playing the
resources can be set at will. After the learners select the dance teaching resources
needed in the operation page of the courseware on demand, the SMIL files and the
related resources of the dance teaching courseware are retrieved and extracted in the
server, and the retrieval results are displayed in the courseware outline area.
Implementation of a Dance Teaching Live Broadcasting System 71

3 Realization of the Dance Teaching Live Broadcasting

System Based on Distance Education Platform
3.1 Automatic Recording on Demand
The system makes a storage plan for the programs with the relatively fixed broadcast
time on each channel. The storage plan is set by the background. The program is on
demand in the form of a list according to the channel order. At the same time, the well-
known columns are recommended to the users in the form of the thumbnails. The VOD
server creates and opens the automatic live recording storage upload program for each
channel that needs recording. After recording, the program is uploaded automatically to
the temporary disk of the VOD server, waiting for trans-coding. The trans-coding
server trans-codes the video according to the time sequence and stores it in the disk
array. At the same time, the manuscript publisher automatically sends every program.
The manuscript is inserted into the database with the title: Program Name_Time. Users
can watch the video programs on demand in the front desk of the system according to
their needs.

3.2 Media Resources on Demand

The media management and broadcasting control system is composed of a server and
several PC program editing workstations. It is responsible for the management and
broadcasting control of the media resources inside and outside the schools. It is
responsible for the uptake, collection, input, classification management and storage of
the media resources. It encodes the media resources into H.264 video contents suitable
for the live and on-demand media broadcasting system and uploads them to the media.
The corresponding column of the volume live broadcasting system is for the majority
of the teachers and the students on demand. Create various video libraries in the media
live broadcasting system, such as the micro-lesson video library, the MOOC video
library, the academic lecture video library, and the campus news video library and so
on, upload all kinds of the media resources to the corresponding libraries in batches,
establish the corresponding program libraries, design and set templates for each library
or sub-library, and create and publish each video in the program library. The front end
accesses the list of the videos in the video library according to the ID of the video
library, which is convenient for clicking and playing the videos or browsing the media

3.3 Live Video Broadcasting in the Classrooms and Activities

The path of the large-scale mobile live broadcasting, the video conference live
broadcasting and the classroom live broadcasting is similar, which is to collect the
signals through the cameras, transmit the signals through the optical fiber or the
microwave, output the H.264 video streams from the encoders to the live broadcasting
servers, add the remote streams in the background, add the channel groups and manage
the channels for each. Each channel sets up a remote stream of the programs so that the
videos can be broadcast live online. At the same time, carry out the program
72 C. Jiang and R. Wang

management, set up the storage plans of each signal, and open the server to upload and
record automatically, so as to realize VOD.

3.4 Interaction Module

The interactive module of the media live broadcasting system mainly includes the
evaluation, the online community, and the voting and so on. For each video clip, users
can publish the evaluation, and the evaluation paging list is below the video playback
window. The ID of the main key contribution of the video information table is the
external key of the evaluation information table. After the release of the video con-
tribution, the users can evaluate the video contribution, input the evaluation informa-
tion table after the submission, and update the evaluation area in the video contribution
page to display the latest evaluation information. The online communities use the third-
party open source programs deployed in the value-added application servers, and create
the multi-level classified sections based on the live television, the on-demand, the
media on-demand, the classrooms and the academic activities and so on. This module
is the biggest embodiment of the interaction, dissemination, sharing and comprehen-
siveness of the media live broadcasting system. For example, before the new live
broadcasting classroom is opened, carry out the fore-notice in the community
announcement, and a new sub-section named after the course name is created under the
live classroom section. While the users watch the live classroom, they can commu-
nicate with the teachers and the students, upload and download, and share the infor-
mation resources.

4 Conclusion

The dance teaching system based on the teaching live broadcasting system has the
functions of the multimedia and the network support. The application part of the
teaching management mainly consists of choosing the dance teaching courses, the
online communication of the dance teaching and setting up the dance teaching courses.
It manages the dance teaching resources by using a unified electronic platform.
Although it faces some challenges in the development of the dance teaching, it rep-
resents a development direction of the future learning interaction and the environment
construction, and will be favored by more dance students.

1. Chen X (2016) On the advantages and disadvantages of the distance live broadcasting
teaching model – taking Chengdu no. 7 middle school as an example. Course Educ Res
2. Liu J (2017) “Live + Education”: exploration of the new forms and values of the “Internet+”
learning. Distance Educ J (01):116–117
3. Sheng C (2018) Study of the teaching model of the live classrooms in the distance education.
Educ Mod (04):132
Implementation of a Dance Teaching Live Broadcasting System 73

4. Meng Y, Huang X (2018) On the impact of the live teaching on colleges and universities –
viewing college live teaching from the perspective of the distance education. Comput Knowl
Technol (08):155–156
5. Yang B, He J (2018) Research on the internet video interactive live broadcasting teaching
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An Intelligent Learning System to Assist
the Medical English Teaching

Xi Luo(&)

Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an 710000, Shaanxi, China


Abstract. The learning strategy is a method taken for students to learn

according to the specific learning contents. Generally speaking, different stu-
dents, according to their different learning styles, adopt different learning
strategies. The same student can adopt different learning strategies in different
periods. Even the same student can adopt different learning strategies when
learning the same learning content. The multimedia-assisted instruction can
provide rich corpus and multi-dimensional perspectives for the classroom
teaching, so it is becoming more and more popular. This paper attempts to use
the multimedia to assist the medical English teaching in order to achieve better
teaching results.

Keywords: Assist  Medical English teaching  Intelligent learning 

System design

From the point of the literature analysis, the current domestic research on the intelligent
teaching system mainly focuses on the theoretical basis and the system models. Many
papers have studied the system architectures and implementation technologies, learning
models, teaching design and other aspects of the intelligent teaching system, but little
attention has been paid to the teaching application and effect of the system, so as to
make the research lack the practical support [1]. In contrast, in this case, the corre-
sponding teaching application experiment is designed to test the application effect of
the system and find out the shortcomings of the system design.

1 The Roles of the Intelligent Software Assisted Learning

1.1 Provide the Teaching Platform Suitable for the Teaching

Development Trend
Taking the future educational informatization as a requirement, develop the corre-
sponding applications, and accord with the network memory words that must be used
in the English teaching process, so that the English pronunciation can be learned on the
platform, and further transparent the learning process [2]. Whether it is the school
management or the teachers and parents of the students, they can pay attention to the
students’ learning progress in real time, so that a good supervision environment can be
gradually formed.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 74–79, 2019.
An Intelligent Learning System to Assist the Medical English Teaching 75

1.2 Voice System and Word Memory Based on the Cloud Computing
In the past, the traditional vocabulary memory software, that is, the stand-alone version
of APP, often has a drawback. That is, the students’ learning progress cannot be
controlled. After all, this stand-alone software is only stored on the designated
equipment. Students can only use this designated equipment in the future English
learning process, so that there are too many limitations for the students to learn English.
But the intelligent software system based on the cloud computing such as the word
memory and the pronunciation can store the progress of the students’ learning in the
server, and form a memory curve and the personalized learning tasks, and then save
each student’s learning progress in the cloud server [3]. It enables the students to
memorize the words and learn the pronunciation at any place and at any time with any

1.3 Improve the Word Recitation Abilities and Speech Recognition

After the application of the intelligent software, every student’s memory of words, the
pronunciation and the consolidation of these links will form a highly participatory
learning method, that is, the immersion learning, as is often said. Compared with the
traditional way of the classroom listening, the effect of the learning is bound to have a
cross-revolutionary improvement. In addition, this way of learning can also have the
training significance for reciting words and the pronunciation learning [4]. After
learning through the intelligent software, it will produce the corresponding Ebbinghaus
memory curve. Then according to the memory curve, at the most appropriate time,
recite and pronounce the words and sounds, and through continuous practice, ulti-
mately form an efficient and scientific way of learning [5]. In the process, the smart
software uploads these details to the server. For the rest of the time, students can log on
to the server anywhere with access to the network, using computers, mobile phones and
tablets, and then continue to memorize the words and practice the voice.

1.4 Timely Feedback on the Students’ Learning Progress

The intelligent software is used to store the learning records of all the students in the
cloud, and give the schools and teachers as well as parents permission, so that they can
log on to the cloud server at any time, understand the progress of the students’ learning,
and analyze the students’ learning situation from the whole macro level. And also we
can analyze the students’ learning situation from the micro perspective, and then
effectively form the environment of supervision and management. The intelligent
software-assisted English teaching can help the students form a benign competitive
atmosphere, and let the students know their ranking in the class or in their own small
group, while competing with other students individually or in groups, using the results
of the micro-blog or circle of friends. The scores of the competitions with classmates
are sent up, which makes the learning exchanges between students become more
frequent and more closely linked.
76 X. Luo

2 Design Background of the Intelligent Learning System

to Assist the Medical English Teaching

Change the students’ learning beliefs, and change the “learning English” to “learning in
English”. Students’ cognition of the medical English teaching mode still has some
problems. College English teaching has been based on the basic stage for a long time.
Students tend to focus on CET-4 and CET-6. The idea of examination-taking has long
occupied the minds of students, resulting in the rigid and mechanical learning methods.
How we change the students’ learning concept from “learning English” to “learning in
English” is a problem that the medical English teachers need to consider.
The total hours for medical English courses each semester are only 36 h, half of
College English in the foundation stage, which is difficult to meet the demand. More-
over, it is too hasty to complete the systematic teaching of medical English in a school
year. There are few class hours, but the teaching contents are various, so that the teachers
have great pressure, and their teaching speed is fast, and therefore, the students are more
difficult to accept. The most important thing is that in order to complete the arduous
teaching tasks, we have to reduce the time of communication and interaction between
the teachers and the students, and the time for students to give feedback on what they
have learned. The lack of the class time restricts the development of the medical English
and affects the teaching effect. Therefore, the author believes that it is necessary to
weaken the English teaching at the basic stage and increase the proportion of the medical
English appropriately so that students can have access to medical English earlier.
There are limitations in the large class teaching. Our medical English teaching is
currently conducted in large classes, with an average class size of more than 60 stu-
dents. On the one hand, teachers generally reflect that there are a large number of
students, with less exchange between the teachers and the students, which seriously
limits the development of many classroom activities, and it is difficult to create a
classroom environment for the teachers and the students to interact. On the other hand,
there are a large number of students in classes, and there is difficulty for the teachers to
control the classroom, and there is a surprising amount of the after-class guidance and
homework review, which is not conducive to the timely feedback of the teaching effect.
In addition, the levels of the students are uneven, and the large classes are more
disparity. In the actual teaching, teachers are difficult to give mature consideration to all
aspects of a question.

3 Design of an Intelligent Learning System to Assist

the Medical English Teaching

The computer multimedia teaching can simulate the real-life situations, create the stan-
dard pronunciation language learning environment for the students, play English songs
and watch English movies, so that students can experience and appreciate the original
English language environment, and then integrate into it to communicate, so as to change
the shortcomings and deficiencies of learning English under the Chinese circumstances.
The use of the computer multimedia can maximize the classroom contents.
An Intelligent Learning System to Assist the Medical English Teaching 77

3.1 Attach Importance to the Assessment of the Students’ Initial

Learning Abilities
The assessment of the students’ initial learning abilities usually uses some test exercises
calibrated by the measurement theory to test the students. According to the students’
reaction, the students’ abilities and knowledge of the field are estimated. In the PIMS
system, through the pretest, we can understand the students’ initial English reading
ability and vocabulary mastery. At the end of a learning cycle, the results of the
comprehension test and the vocabulary test are fed back to the personalized vocabulary
recommendation agent, the personalized courseware recommendation agent and the
user file database. With a systematic understanding of the students’ cognitive status, the
teaching model can accurately evaluate the students’ understanding of the knowledge,
so as to further recommend the suitable reading materials for students. At the same
time, the teaching model can also diagnose students’ erroneous concepts formed in the
learning process through the student model. Provide students with the corresponding
tutorials to enable the students to establish the correct concepts.

3.2 Dynamically Generate the Adaptive Learning Contents

The dynamic generation of the adaptive learning contents refers to the intelligent
teaching system which dynamically organizes and presents the learning contents most
relevant to the learner’s current learning abilities according to the evaluation results of
the students’ initial learning abilities and the records of the students’ learning files. It
includes the contents in the two aspects. In the selection of the learning contents, the
system chooses the learning contents that the students have not mastered or have not
learned according to the learning history and ability evaluation results, which is the
closest to the current students’ abilities. In the organization of the learning contents, the
system will select the most suitable ways of presentation for the learners according to
the ability of estimating students and their cognitive styles. In the PIMS system, the
personalized courseware recommendation agent recommends the appropriate reading
materials according to the students’ initial English reading abilities and vocabulary
abilities, which are known by the pre-test. At the beginning of the next learning cycle,
the personalized courseware recommendation agent makes further reasonable recom-
mendation based on the feedback results of the previous cycle.
According to the theory of the limited resources, the human cognitive resources
(mainly in the working memory capacity) are limited, and any learning and problem-
solving activities will consume the cognitive resources, which may cause the cognitive
load. If the cognitive resources needed to process certain information exceed the total
amount of the cognitive resources that the human beings have, it will lead to the
cognitive overload, thus affecting the efficiency and results of our learning. According
to the basic factors affecting the cognitive load, the cognitive load can be divided into
three categories: the intrinsic cognitive load, the external cognitive load and the ger-
mane cognitive load. The intrinsic cognitive load is generated by the interaction
between the intrinsic nature of the learning materials and the learners’ professional
skills. The magnitude of the load depends on the amount of the information processed
simultaneously in the working memory and the relationship with the existing schemas.
78 X. Luo

The dynamic generation of the adaptive learning contents can effectively reduce stu-
dents’ internal cognitive load, which conforms to the principle of the individualized
teaching according to their aptitude.

3.3 Dynamic Adjustment of the Learning Strategies

The PIMS system gives full play to the advantages of the intelligent tutoring system
and the mobile learning. On the one hand, the intelligent teaching system can support
the learners to carry out the autonomous learning, collaborative learning and inquiry
learning strategies, and provide rich resources and learning suggestions for the learners.
On the other hand, the mobile learning has not only all the characteristics of the digital
learning, but also its unique characteristics. The mobile learning provides the learning
methods based on the short messages, texts, and images and so on, and the learners are
no longer confined to the computer desks, but they can be free and easy to carry out the
learning in different places and different ways. The learning environment is mobile and
the students are mobile. The learners can dynamically adjust their learning time and
place according to different learning conditions. Each student can control the pace of
learning by himself, and combine with the learning characteristics of “short time and
high frequency” of their English learning. The specific learning contents are presented
in an appropriate way, and the flexible learning strategies are used to promote the
learners’ active learning, so as to realize the meaning construction of knowledge.

3.4 Pay Attention to the Teaching Application and Effects

of the Intelligent Teaching System
The case first introduces the method of using the system, the method of collecting
English news, the courseware management system, English news and the interface of
the system. Then it clarifies the limitations of the experiment objects and experiments,
presents the experiment design, data statistics and tests in a vivid and intuitive chart
form, and understands the system in our teaching through the evaluation of the learning
achievement. Through the questionnaires, the students’ views on the ease of the
operation of the system, the learners’ learning attitude towards using the PIMS system,
the advantages and disadvantages of the system, and the students’ self-evaluation of the
English reading ability before and after the experiment are understood, so as to lay a
foundation for the further improvement of the intelligent teaching system. Experiments
show that the English news recommended by the PIMS system for different learners is
beneficial to the students’ learning, which can reduce their cognitive load, improve
their learning effect and enhance their learning interests.

4 Conclusion

Paying attention to the evaluation of the students’ initial learning abilities helps to
determine the starting point of the teaching and conforms to the idea of designing the
teaching with the systematic method. The advantage of using a systematic view of
teaching is that it can grasp the elements of the students, the teachers, the teaching
An Intelligent Learning System to Assist the Medical English Teaching 79

materials and the learning environment in the process of our teaching and the elements
must interact effectively. In the intelligent teaching system, the student model is the
core component of the intelligent teaching system, which records the cognitive state of
the students. It reflects the students’ learning progress, their knowledge proficiency, the
existing misunderstandings and the gap with the expected goals. It provides an
important basis for the dynamic organization of the learning contents.

1. Liu C, Tan F (2017) The coexistence and difference of the intercultural communicative
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guidelines based on the legalized code theory. Foreign Lang World (08):129–130
2. Cheng M, Wu S (2017) Questions and suggestions on the English teaching and learning in the
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English competence assessment in the higher vocational education. Foreign Lang China
3. Xu J, Zhang X, Hu J (2017) Research on the cooperative teaching between college English
teachers and professional teachers in the transition of ESP – taking news English as an
example. Foreign Lang Learn Theory Pract (02):100–101
4. Zhang X (2018) The enlightenment of the genre analysis to the teaching of the international
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language and practice as an example. J Xi’an Int Stud Univ (06):155–156
5. Cai J (2018) An exploration of English as a paradigm for second language teaching in foreign
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(Philos Soc Sci Ed) (09):119–120
Design of the Intelligent Education System
Based on the Piano Introduction

Rong Wang(&) and Congdie Jiang

Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University,

Nanchang 330000, Jiangxi, China

Abstract. In the era of the education informationization, it is necessary to

collect the big data of the industries to realize the individualized music education
and accelerate the development of the music industry. Regardless of the effi-
ciency and effect of the piano learning, or from the perspective of the education
inclusion and fairness, it is the general trend to use the Internet, the artificial
intelligence and other technologies to carry out the music education. In the past,
the piano learning was difficult to objectively demonstrate the effect of the piano
learning by means of the science and technology, and there is a lack of the
accurate effect analysis, which is one of the main reasons for the low efficiency
of the piano learning and practicing.

Keywords: Piano introduction  Intelligent education  System design 

Design concept  Humanistic thinking

When the experiencer plays a piece of music, the platform detects and analyses the
accuracy, rhythm, speed, intensity, expressiveness, difficulty and other dimensions of
the piano player through the intelligent evaluation system, and converts the details and
results of the detection into the visual graphical display, so that parents can see the
progress of their children’s piano learning intuitively. Teachers can teach students in
accordance with their aptitude according to the evaluation data of the students playing
the piano, and let the children receive all-round analysis and guidance [1]. The
“Artificial Intelligence Piano Education Platform”, through the accurate evaluation, the
real-time feedback and other functions, truly realizes the closed-loop of “teaching,
learning, training, and testing” in the field of the piano education, which will accelerate
the arrival of a more equitable era of our education [2].

1 Feasibility Analysis of the Intelligent Education System

Design Based on the Piano Introduction

The rapid development of the mobile communication technologies provides the tech-
nical support for the mobile education. In recent years, the mobile communication
technology has been developing at a high speed. From GSM/GPRS to UMTS to 5G,
the communication rate and the multi-service carrying capacity have been greatly
improved (the packet data rate can reach 2 Mbps at rest, 384 Kbps at walking and

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 80–85, 2019.
Design of the Intelligent Education System 81

144 Kbps on vehicle). IEEE802.11n makes the highest transmission rate of WLAN up
to 320 Mbps. The Bluetooth transmission technology of 100 m distance is also
gradually mature [3].
The mobile education has great demand potential. China is a big educational
country with great regional differences, and it is difficult for the remote areas to enjoy
the advanced educational resources. There are nearly 20 million college students who
have many learning problems during their holidays and internships. There are also
continuing education problems for tens of millions of employees. As the world’s
largest mobile phone country, these are potential users of the mobile education, so the
demand potential of the mobile education is great.
Teachers can also make some cards with various rhythms, and combine these cards
according to the rhythm to the practice. They can practice with palms or keys on the
piano. Every lesson is practiced from easy to difficult [4]. At the same time, we should
pay attention to the laws of rhythms and senses of rhythms in order to cultivate the
students’ good sense of rhythms. In practice, there is often a problem of the unstable
rhythm, so teachers must guide the students to develop the habit of slow practice, and
to adhere to practice for a long time.

2 Design Requirements of the Intelligent Education System

Based on the Piano Introduction

The playing posture is the basis of the piano performance, which directly affects the
levels of their performance. Children aged 5 to 10 are often active and lack of con-
centration. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the training of their playing
postures for the beginners. Children should be in the center of the quasi-piano, sitting at
one third of the piano stool, with both feet on the ground. Younger children can prepare
a highly suitable stool, with both feet on it. Shoulders relax and droop, upper body
naturally straightens, but slightly forward tilt and eyes face the music. The hip cannot
move left and right when playing, and even if both hands are in the high or bass area,
they cannot move the body [5].
The good hand shape should keep hands relaxed naturally, like the shape of a
lampshade. The fingers bend naturally, and the joints of fingers protrude strongly.
Because the length of the five fingers is different, they cannot keep a straight line when
touching the key. If the fingertips of the five fingers are accidentally stained with ink,
the marks they leave on the keys should be a rainbow, and a pencil can be placed
horizontally between the top of the rainbow and the black key. In order to enable the
students to grasp the hand shape correctly and improve the teaching effect, teachers can
give students a vivid analogy, such as comparing the hand shape to a beautiful stone
arch bridge or a small cave, so that the palm joint will not collapse. We can also
compare the five fingers to five brothers, and the fingertips to five brothers’ heads, and
the white keys to the sheet bed. The five little brothers sleep in five small beds. This
kind of analogy makes the contents acceptable to the children in a short time, and the
correct hand shape is remembered all of a sudden, and the practice is not boring, just
like playing on the piano, once, twice, three times… The hand shape is mastered
82 R. Wang and C. Jiang

The first step in learning the five-line spectra is to define the concepts of the lines
and the spaces. The five-line spectrum consists of five lines and four intervals, and each
line and each interval represents a sound, and there is a corresponding key on the piano.
The key to the correct spectrum recognition is to install an “azimuth converter” in the
brain, which can transfer the high and low azimuth of the five-line spectrum to the pitch
position of the instrument. When a note moves up or down, the hand moves right or
left, and the pitch on the five-line spectrum will be higher. Because the children are
younger, they should learn the sounds step by step. They should start from the central c,
and then expand to both sides. They only learn 1 or 3 sounds in each lesson. They need
to memorize the sound names and the roll names, and should quickly find the corre-
sponding positions on the keyboard. The distance between the five-line score and the
keyboard is the same, so in practice, we must develop the habit of reading the score and
playing it. In a word, we should make sure that we have a good command of the
keyboard. Through such long-term and repeated practice and consolidation, we can
make the recognition speed faster and faster, and become more familiar with the
keyboard. In teaching practice, there are often many problems, such as the confusion of
the pitch and bass, and the mispronunciation of the temporary rising and falling horn.
In order to make it difficult for children to mispronounce, when learning the piano, they
can first find out these easily mispronounced sounds, mark them, play on the piano
repeatedly, and listen to and compare them. Usually we must see more, read more, play
more and listen more, so that all difficulties will be solved.
The notes are divided into the high and the low, and the symbols used to record the
length of the music are called notes. The notes in the five-line spectrum are divided into
three parts: the head, the trunk and the tail. Different notes have different shapes, names
and time values. In order to enable the students to quickly understand the notes, they
can combine the images of things to teach them in learning, such as the whole notes as
a white ball singing four beats, the dichotomy as a white racket singing two beats, and
the quarter as a black racket singing one beat. It should be emphasized that no matter
which line or between the notes are written, the trunk is up or down, and the time value
of the notes is unchanged.
With these notes of different duration, we can combine these notes of different
duration according to certain rhythms, which is the rhythm. Rhythm is one of the basic
elements of music, which coexists with the rhythm. There is the four-four time, the
three-four time, the two-four time and the three-eight time in music. The rhythm has
rich changes in these fixed rhythms. There are many rhythm types of music, which are
very important and difficult to master, but we can also find rules. It is not difficult to
find that there is a certain proportion relationship between different notes. Understand
the proportionality between notes, no matter how difficult the rhythm can be mastered.
The difficulty of the rhythms in children’s introductory stage is mainly in the synco-
pation and the point-by-point rhythm, which can be learned from the two-beat syn-
copation, point-by-point of two-beat to point-by-point of one-beat syncopation and
point-by-point of one-beat. In order to enable the students to better understand the
rhythms and master the proportion, they can be described by familiar things when
explaining, and guide them to clarify the proportion relationship.
In addition to writing the notes, music also uses various symbols to indicate the
composer’s intention and artistic conception. In our teaching, we must pay attention to
Design of the Intelligent Education System 83

the expression of these symbols and guide the students to recognize and play correctly.
There will be differences in the timbre and feeling between different pieces of music,
and there will also be rich changes in the timbre between the same piece of music, so
the touching keys and the force are very subtle and important. When teaching all kinds
of playing methods, teachers should demonstrate correctly so that students can imitate
the movements and timbre, and practice more until they master all kinds of the playing
methods skillfully. In addition, teachers should let the students understand from the
beginning that music is used to express people’s thoughts and feelings, so it has a rich
expression, just as people have happy, sad, exciting and other emotions. Only music
with changing expressions can be attractive and moving. Teachers should demonstrate
more, let students experience the breathing of the phrases, strength the changes and so
on, and then guide the students to pop up the voice with changes and expressions
according to the requirements of the expression terms.

3 The Composition and Functions of the Intelligent

Education System Design Based on the Piano Introduction
3.1 The Composition of the Mobile Education System
The mobile education system is mainly composed of the wireless communication
network, the computer network and the mobile terminals. (1) The wireless commu-
nication network can be a part of the entire cellular mobile network, consisting of
several base stations, used to transmit or receive the information from mobile stations
and the Internet and seamlessly connect the mobile stations to the Internet through air
interface. It can also be constructed by applying other wireless access technologies such
as the wireless LAN consisting of the IEEE802.11 series and the Bluetooth technology.
(2) Computer network. At present, the Internet technology has been very mature.
Customers connected to the Internet can exchange information conveniently and access
the Internet teaching server, which is connected to the Internet or LAN, and stores rich
teaching resources and corresponding service procedures. (3) Mobile terminals. They
mainly refer to a variety of the wireless mobile devices, such as smart-phones, PDAs,
table PCs and portable computers with wireless modules.

3.2 System Functions

A practical mobile education system must take into account the students, the teachers
and the resources at the same time. It should have at least the following two functions:
(1) The student-oriented function. Share information among the students, exchange
their learning experience, discuss their learning problems, and report their learning
progress to each other. Ask questions to the teachers. Some simple or urgent questions
of the students can be posed to the teachers at any time through the wireless and mobile
devices. Answer questions automatically. After receiving students’ questions, accord-
ing to the key-word matching method, the system searches the database and auto-
matically returns the corresponding answers to the students if it finds that similar
questions have been answered. Browse the questions and answers. Students can browse
84 R. Wang and C. Jiang

other students’ questions and the corresponding answers for a period of time through
the system, and improve in other students’ questions. (2) The teacher-oriented func-
tions. Understand the progress of students’ collaborative learning and provide guidance
at the appropriate stages. Inform the teachers to browse when students’ questions
accumulate to a certain number. Teachers browse and answer the questions raised by
the students. At the same time, they can send some important and urgent teaching
activities and notifications through the wireless and mobile devices.
The piano cloud school adopts the advanced audio recognition technology, and the
image and video recognition technology, which can record the entire process of the
students’ playing in an all-round way, and use the artificial intelligence and the big data
technology to analyze and compare the performance data of the pianists and the stu-
dents, forming an objective evaluation of their learning abilities. Regardless of the
efficiency and effects of the piano learning, or from the perspective of the education
inclusiveness and fairness, it is the general trend to use the Internet, the artificial
intelligence and other technologies to carry out the music education. In the near future,
ordinary people will also be able to play masters’ famous music perfectly. How
amazing it is! And for all of this, the artificial intelligence + musical instruments will
fulfill your music dream. The entertainment and toy intelligent musical instruments will
ingeniously combine various kinds of the intelligent software, and will inevitably
redefine people’s music life. Different from the traditional music training models, the
development of the intelligent piano enables more people to embrace music, learn
music, play music, and close the distance between the instruments and people. In an
interesting interactive way, rich and diverse learning modes make music learning no
longer tedious and difficult.
This paper introduces how to use the ANSYS software to carry out the finite
element analysis of the piano sound board vibration. It effectively solves the problems
of the non-intuitive programming results and the poor visualization of ANSYS, makes
the finite element analysis of the piano sound board easier to operate, and greatly
improves the efficiency of the finite element analysis and the maneuverability of the
aided design of the piano sound board. There are three main steps in using ANSYS to
analyze the vibration of the piano soundboard: creating the finite element model,
applying the load and boundary conditions to solve the problems, and viewing the
analysis results in the post-processor. When creating the finite element model of the
piano sound board, this paper adopts the following methods: the plate-beam structure to
build the model, the ribs and bridges on the sound board simulated by Beam 189, the
resonant plate simulated by Shell 93, and the mesh divided by free mesh, and the
boundary clamping around the plate taken as its constraint condition.

4 Conclusion

The piano is very expressive. In order to play correctly and fully express its music
connotation, the correct playing postures, the score recognition and the playing methods
are the foundation. The good postures, the fast reading and the correct playing can
improve the efficiency and quality of the piano learning, so it is very important for teachers
to guide the students to develop the good postures, and the reading and playing habits.
Design of the Intelligent Education System 85

1. Guo Q, Yu Q (2015) Design of the intelligent education resource management system in the
cloud environment. Comput Educ (01):199–200
2. Yan H (2015) Brief discussion on the application of the intelligent teaching system supporting
the situational awareness in our education. Heilongjiang Educ (Theory Pract) (03):212–213
3. Li J, Xing Z (2017) System design of the creator education intelligent controller based on
FPGA. Instrum User (01):57–58
4. Yang Z (2015) Design of the intelligent cross-network education and training system based on
the “4G Cloud” technology. Electric Ind (09):212–213
5. Zeng Z (2017) Design and research on the intelligent education system. Comput Prod Circ
Development of an Intelligent Foreign
Language Multimedia Teaching System Based
on the “New Liberal Arts” Paradigm

Niu Cui(&)

Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology,

Zhengzhou 450064, Henan, China

Abstract. The main features of the foreign language education in the infor-
mation age are to realize the modernization, informatization, intellectualization
and diversification of the foreign language teaching, and to promote the mod-
ernization of the foreign language teaching through the informatization of the
foreign language teaching. The new concept of the leapfrogging development in
the foreign language teaching should be a hot topic and trend in the study of the
foreign language teaching theories and practice in the new era. Under the “New
liberal arts” paradigm, students are expected to take part in various activities to
promote the transformation of the classroom theoretical knowledge into the
specific practical skills and enhance their abilities to solve the practical problems
in the real world.

Keywords: “New liberal arts” paradigm  Intellectualization 

Foreign language multimedia  Teaching system  Design ideas

Teachers play an important role in the development and utilization of the English
multimedia teaching resources. Teachers are not only the users and evaluators of the
teaching resources, but also the developers and organizers of the teaching resources.
When teachers use the multimedia teaching resources to teach, they are the people who
pay most attention to the quality of their teaching [1]. They can evaluate the teaching
resources reasonably and directly. Therefore, they will pay more attention to the
rationality of the development of the multimedia teaching resources.

1 Analysis of the Connotation of the Paradigm of “New

Liberal Arts”

The new liberal arts is a cross-disciplinary reorganization of the liberal arts and the
sciences relative to the traditional liberal arts, that is, integrating the new technologies
into such courses as philosophy, literature, and language and so on, to provide the
students with the comprehensive interdisciplinary learning. Because some majors in the
new liberal arts program overlap, this integrated teaching method is very helpful for the
students to understand a particular field in depth [2]. It is expected that students will
expand the breadth of their knowledge on the basis of the new liberal arts as the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 86–91, 2019.
Development of an Intelligent Foreign Language Multimedia Teaching System 87

orientation advocated by the schools. By taking a series of the core courses and
participating in the “joint activities” of the colleges, students can actively explore and
conduct the in-depth research on a specific field of their choice. By participating in
these activities, students will be encouraged to translate the classroom theories into the
practice and enhance their ability to solve the practical problems in the real world.
In the process of our learning, students are expected to master the following skills:
the communication skills: oral, written, electronic and data visualization, the critical
thinking: the ability to conceptualize, synthesize, empirically analyze, apply and
evaluate the information in order to find the answers or conclusions, and the systematic
and designing thinking skills [3]. There are many ways to define these two skills. The
systematic thinking usually requires the students to examine the interaction and inter-
reaction between various parts of the system from the perspective of the entire system,
how each part affects each other and how it affects the operation of the entire system.
Generally speaking, the design thinking requires understanding and solving the social
problems from the perspective of the targeting audience. Usually, the design thinking
includes several steps: definition, research, conception, prototype, testing and imple-
mentation [4]. Teamwork: Work with all kinds of people to achieve the collective goals
or the propose solutions. Computing ability: It includes the mathematical operation, the
data analysis, testing, coding, and programming.
First, we should speed up the innovation of the theoretical system, speed up the
construction of the discourse system with the Chinese characteristics, form a theoretical
system, explain the Chinese phenomena with the Chinese theories, solve China’s
problems and guide China’s practice [5]. Second, deepen the professional reform,
improve the qualities of the connotation construction of the liberal arts specialty, and
build a new liberal arts specialty. Third, the liberal arts education should come to a
classroom revolution, eliminate the “water course” and create the “golden courses”, to
promote the reform of the teaching contents, the curriculum system, the methods and
means, and the practice teaching. Five kinds of the “golden lessons” including the
offline, the online, the hybrid, the virtual simulation and the social practice should be
created to make a series of changes in the concepts, contents, means, methods and
students’ examination standards of the liberal arts education in order to improve the
quality of the liberal arts education.

2 Design Background of the Intelligent Foreign Language

Multimedia Teaching System

If the development of the multi-media teaching resources is not supported and par-
ticipated by the English teachers, the shortcomings of the teaching resources cannot be
found in time. On the one hand, it will increase the difficulty of the development of the
teaching resources. On the other hand, it will also cause various problems in the use of
the teaching resources, reduce the practical application values of the multi-media
teaching resources, and result in the poor teaching quality. Therefore, in the process of
the resource development, schools should vigorously encourage the English teachers to
participate in it. If necessary, they should act as the administrators of the resource
development. The resource development departments should adopt more teachers’
88 N. Cui

opinions and absorb teachers’ practical experience so as to make the multimedia

teaching resources more perfect and reasonable.
The effect of the development and utilization of the English multimedia teaching
resources is closely related to the information technology, the computer operation skills
and the professional skills of the English teachers participating in the construction.
Through the questionnaire survey of the teachers, we can see that most schools have
the training of the multimedia skills for the teachers, but the training effect is not
satisfactory to them. Teachers also listed the contents and methods of the training they
want to participate in, and the relevant opinions can be found in the questionnaire
Firstly, we should work with the students to determine the teaching objectives and
cultivate the students’ autonomous learning abilities before class. The self-regulated
learning refers to “learners can make their learning plans according to their actual
situations, determine their learning objectives, contents, materials and methods, mon-
itor the learning process and check and evaluate their self-development”. Teachers can
communicate the pre-lecture contents to the students through the multimedia network
system before class, and discuss and determine the topics with the students, which can
stimulate the students’ interests, make them pay attention to the classroom contents and
determine the learning objectives, and make full preparations before class.
Secondly, we should use the multimedia courseware reasonably according to our
leading role, and “create more opportunities for the students to output by using various
tasks and activities.” The multimedia-assisted instruction has many advantages, but too
much and excessive use of it will make the English classes become the exhibition of the
courseware. The courseware should avoid flashiness and highlight the key points. More
importantly, “the natural language between people is the most affinity and flexibility of
the language. The interactive communication between the teachers and the students in
class should be the most effective way of our teaching and learning”. Many activities
organized by the teachers in the English classes, including lectures, group perfor-
mances, discussions and debates, are good ways to cultivate the students’ listening and
speaking abilities, which are irreplaceable by computers.
Finally, the network system is used to guide the students to study and evaluate
independently after class. After class, teachers can adopt the principle of combining the
real-time and the non-real-time counseling, communicating with the students, assigning
the homework, uploading the counseling materials, and answering the students’
questions and so on. In addition, “teachers can also use the network system to keep
abreast of the students’ learning progress and learning effects at any time, and can give
the targeted guidance according to the situations they have mastered”. Students use the
part of the online courses to review what they have learned in class, to know their
progress in their learning in time, and to get the relevant information feedback in order
to adjust their learning strategies. In addition, valuation can be carried out between the
teachers and the students and between the students to promote each other.
Development of an Intelligent Foreign Language Multimedia Teaching System 89

3 Design Requirements of the Intelligent Foreign Language

Multimedia Teaching System Based on the “New Liberal
Arts” Paradigm

The cognitive principle is the principle that any teaching should follow. “Emphasizing
the cognitive principles in the college English teaching includes two aspects. First, the
influence of the learners’ original linguistic knowledge and the world knowledge on the
college English learning should be fully taken into account, and the similarities and the
differences of the structural characteristics between the mother tongue and the college
English should be consciously compared, and students’ understanding of the new
linguistic system knowledge should be deepened. Second, the learners’ learning
strategies and their memory habits should be fully taken into account.” First, the
courseware designers should evaluate the cognitive characteristics of the courseware
users, clarify their current language levels, and understand their learning strategies and
memory habits, so as to maximize the teaching efficiency. In addition, the designed
courseware should also help the learners to transcend their self-restraint, contact with
different learning methods, get rid of the bad learning habits, and cultivate the effective
learning strategies, which is undoubtedly of great benefit to the improvement of the
learners’ comprehensive qualities.
The proposition of the cultural principles is obviously of the epochal significance.
On the one hand, the close relationship between the language and the cultures deter-
mines that the language teaching cannot be separated from the teaching of the relevant
cultures. On the other hand, because the intercultural communication has become a
feature of the times, the intercultural awareness and the intercultural communicative
competence have become an important part of the college English teaching, which is
not only the need of the college English learning itself, but also the need of the college
English teaching to serve the society and adapt to our social development. In addition,
cultivating the students’ cross-cultural awareness and improving their cross-cultural
communicative competence are the best manifestations of the quality education in the
college English teaching, so they have the strong practical significance. The multimedia
computer-assisted foreign language teaching courseware can make full use of the
advantages of the diversity and the integration of its information carriers, display the
language materials and the cultural backgrounds simultaneously, consciously select the
different aspects of different cultures and the same culture, and compare them with the
students’ own cultures, so as to enhance the students’ sensitivity to the cultural

4 Design of the Intelligent Foreign Language Multimedia

Teaching System Based on the “New Liberal Arts”

The text output: Teachers collect the information after class, arrange the text contents,
and make the slides, save them to the portable storage disks. In class, they copy the
teaching contents and the teaching data to the multimedia computer in advance. In
90 N. Cui

class, they transmit the basic text data signals to the multimedia terminal system
through the teaching terminal computers. The multimedia terminal system is connected.
Through the video streaming, the basic text data is transmitted to the video display
equipment (projection and LCD), so that teachers can smoothly transmit the pre-
produced text teaching data to the students through the multimedia terminal system in
the real time.
The audio output: In the course of the classes, in order to better let the students
understand their teaching intentions, teachers must equip the corresponding audio
equipment to assist the teaching, which includes the output of the basic audio files and
the sound transmission of the teacher’s lecture contents. The output of the teaching
audio files is to copy the prepared teaching audio files to more than one through disks.
In a media computer, the basic audio signals are transmitted to an audio receiver (e.g.,
the power amplifier and the mixer) through a multimedia computer. The audio control
equipment will receive the audio signals through the audio amplifier (the sound and the
speaker) and then transfer them to students to achieve the real-time audio transmission.
At the same time, teachers carry the audio receivers with them to receive the audio
signals through the basic audio receiving devices, and transmit the audio signals to the
output devices, so that teachers’ voices in their lectures can be transmitted to the
students in the real time, thus realizing the effect of the simultaneous transmission of
the teachers’ voices and the teaching documents’ voices, and effectively improving the
richness of our teaching.
The video output: The video equipment collects the basic information into the
storage devices through animations, images and special effects collected by the teachers
before class. In the course of the classes, teachers transfer the video files with ani-
mations, images and special effects to the output devices through the multimedia
terminal devices, so that students can see all kinds of the video files prepared by the
teachers in class, thus strengthening the richness of the teaching of the teachers.
In this system, My SQL database is used in the database. The database is a multi-user
and multi-threaded relational database, which has many advantages, including the fol-
lowing aspects. First, the speed of writing the data is fast, and the number of the writing
is only one percent or less of Access and SQL Server. Second, the amount of the
information stored is large, and the storage of each information table is up to 50,000,000
records. Third, the privilege setting mechanism is perfect, and the data security is
guaranteed. Fourth, with the use of the optimized SQL query algorithm, the query speed
has been greatly improved. Fifthly, the ways of the database connection mostly include
ODBC, TCP/IP, and JDBC. Sixthly, MySQL is easy to start, execute and install, and the
disk occupies little space, in only more than 100 megabytes. Seventhly, the management
tools of the database can manage and optimize and check it, and the system platform it
runs is wide, including the windows system, the Linux system, and the UNIX system.
And at the same time, the MySQL database supports the B/S development model. In this
system, users mainly include the teachers, the students and the system administrators.
According to the description of the functions of each module, the information tables of
the database are designed, including the user information tables, the students’ basic
information tables, the teachers’ basic information tables, the curriculum information
tables, and the test information tables and so on.
Development of an Intelligent Foreign Language Multimedia Teaching System 91

5 Conclusion

The multimedia teaching resources are extensive. When using the multimedia teaching
resources, English teachers should not only confine themselves to the supporting CD-
ROMs and the courseware media, but also absorb various forms of the resources, such
as English movies, English news, English songs, teaching videos, network resources
and English TV programs, which can be screened and developed and applied to our
English teaching. Therefore, English teachers should establish the awareness of the
development and utilization of the teaching resources, so as to continuously enrich and
improve the English multimedia teaching resources.

1. Wen H (2014) Exploring the english teaching in the military academies based on the MOOC
platform from the perspective of constructivism – taking MOOC “College English (spoken
language)” course of China University as an example. Educ Forum (16):99–103
2. Yan L (2015) Integrating the information technologies and practicing the english language
sense reading teaching – a case study of the national integration of the information technology
and the discipline. China Educ Innov Herald (03):89–93
3. Chen Y (2016) Reforming college english spoken language curriculum model and improving
students’ spoken english level – report on the reform of the spoken english curriculum
teaching for foreign teachers of non-english majors in Beijing City University. J Shenyang
Norm Univ (Soc Sci Ed) (02):51–53
4. Tang S, Yang Y (2017) Practice of the english intelligent preparatory course supported by the
modern educational technology and the big data – take wing course network intelligent
synchronized teaching platform and process on mind mapping website as an example. Engl
Teach (10):124–125
5. Xiang J (2018) Application of the data mining in the integration of the network teaching
resources. J Guangxi Radio TV Univ (09):225–226
Design of the Vocabulary Query
System for Computer-Aided English
Translation Teaching

Wang Ying(&)

Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology,

Zhengzhou 450064, Henan, China

Abstract. The design of the vocabulary query system for the computer-aided
English translation teaching is mainly aimed at the students’ use, hoping to
improve the efficiency of the students’ English vocabulary learning. Experi-
ments show that this system can effectively and accurately query the vocabulary
in the English translation teaching activities. It has the advantages of the fast
speed, the strong stability and the high practicability. It can promote the learning
of the English vocabulary and realize the initial expectation of the system
design. The application of the computer-aided translation in our translation
teaching has improved the traditional translation teaching methods. For students,
the computer-aided translation not only provides a living dictionary, but also
provides the rich translation examples, the complete contexts and the sufficient
background information.

Keywords: Computer-aided  English translation teaching 

Vocabulary query  System design

The computer aided language instruction (CALI) has always been a very active branch
in the field of the CAI. Many kinds of the CAI software have been developed for the
language teaching exercises and words and so on. However, these kinds of the software
are designed for a single problem, and the teaching effect is limited. How to take the
language teaching as an entire process and carry out the systematic computer-aided
teaching is still lack of the sufficient research and development [1]. The use of the
computer and the network technologies in our English translation teaching has been
widely accepted and put into practice.

1 The Inadequacy in the Traditional Translation Teaching

In the traditional translation teaching, teachers are the main subjects of the classrooms.
They use the cramming method to teach the students various translation theories and
explain various translation techniques and methods [2]. This teaching method has many
disadvantages, including the following aspects. It is dominated by the teaching. Most of
the time teachers explain various translation theories and doctrines and impart various
skills and techniques to the students. However, they seldom communicate with the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 92–97, 2019.
Design of the Vocabulary Query System 93

students and give the students more opportunities to practice. Therefore, students are
often disconnected from the theory and the practice in their practical translation and
cannot complete the translation work well.
The contents of the translation textbooks are outdated, with a lack of the advanced
textbooks reflecting the requirements of the times and integrating the theory with the
practice [3]. Most of the subjects of the translation in our teaching are the literary
works, reflecting the lack of the materials in the contemporary social economy, the
science and technology, the diplomacy, the foreign trade, the media, laws, films and
televisions, the military and other fields. This makes our teaching and training out of
touch with the social reality, which not only affects the students’ interests in their
learning, but also affects the comprehensive cultivation of the students’ translation
ability. The teaching time is short and the class hours are small, which cannot meet the
actual learning needs of the students. At present, the English-Chinese translation
classes in colleges and universities are short in the hours and heavy in the teaching
tasks [4]. Teachers should not only teach the translation theories to the students, but
also carry out the practical exercises. They often neglect one thing or the other.
The traditional classroom teaching is difficult to take care of the individual dif-
ferences of the students. After twelve years of the basic examination-oriented educa-
tion, students’ language foundation is uneven, and some students’ language expression
ability is very weak. The unified teaching contents and methods cannot meet the
learning needs of the individual students. The evaluation method of the translation
teaching is single [5]. The written examinations are mainly adopted, and there is a lack
of the evaluation of the students’ translation response ability and interpretation. On the
other hand, teachers are the only readers and judges of the students’ works. Even in the
classrooms, due to the time constraints, it is difficult for all the students to get the
extensive and effective feedback.

2 Computer Aided Translation

The computer-aided translation (CAT) is a form in which the translators use the
computer software specially designed for the translation process. In the computer-aided
translation, the computer programs assist the translators, who translate the documents
themselves and make all the basic decisions involved. The computer-aided translation,
similar to the computer-aided design, actually plays a role in assisting our translation. It
can help the translators to complete the translation work with the high quality, effi-
ciency and ease. It is different from the previous machine translation software. It does
not depend on the automatic translation of computers, but completes the entire trans-
lation process with the participation of the humans. Compared with the manual
translation, the quality is the same or better, and the translation efficiency can be more
than doubled. CAT makes the heavy manual translation process automated, and greatly
improves the translation efficiency and quality.
The CAT technology has a long history of development. Trados, the IBM Trans-
lation Manager, Wordfast, and OmegaT and so on are the most popular translation
memory products in the world. In China there are mainly Yaxin, Huajian, and Wenjie
WinMAT and so on. Both at home and abroad, Trados in Germany is the most widely
94 W. Ying

used and well-known one. In recent years, with the development of the computer
linguistics and the corpus linguistics, some researchers have begun to introduce the
corpus linguistics research methods and the technical means into the research and
practice of the English vocabulary teaching (Wang 2011). This paper analyses the
current situation of the English vocabulary teaching, and explores the motivation of the
corpus-based vocabulary teaching. From the frequency statistical analysis, the word
collocation and the word discrimination and so on, this paper explores the application
values of the corpus in the English vocabulary teaching.
By using the computer-aided language teaching to teach the collocation, students
can intuitively learn the typical collocation of words. With this corpus-assisted
vocabulary teaching method, students will have a stronger grasp of the lexical collo-
cation. The corpus can help answer many difficult questions. However, the corpus is
not omnipotent. It has the obvious advantages in teaching and learning the verbs and
the adjectives. The vocabulary is the basis of the English learning. The choice and use
of the vocabulary learning strategies is an important problem that needs to be solved
effectively in the current computer-assisted language teaching environment. In the
computer-assisted language teaching environment, learners make the correct choices
and use of the vocabulary learning strategies.

3 Design Mechanisms of the Vocabulary Query System

for the Computer-Aided English Translation Teaching

In the past, the computer-aided English vocabulary query system based on the Visual
Studio has some shortcomings, such as too cumbersome query pages and the low
efficiency, resulting in the slow speed and the poor practicability of the query system.
Therefore, a computer-aided English vocabulary query system based on the Struts is
designed. On the basis of the Struts framework structure, the overall functional
structure of the system is designed, including the system management, the application
operation module and the query module. When the system uses the JSP page design to
display the user login and the query interface, in order to reduce the page complexity
and improve its working efficiency, exclude all the business processing and try not to
involve the Java scripts. The struts application is realized by copying the files and
adding the elements. The normal operation of the program ensures that the system can
query the English vocabulary smoothly. Experiments show that the designed system
can query the English vocabulary accurately and has the advantages of the high effi-
ciency and practicability.
Based on this, this paper designs a computer-aided English vocabulary query
system based on the Struts, which can effectively and accurately query the English
vocabulary, and has the advantages of the fast speed, the strong stability and the high
practicability. The system is mainly designed for the students. Students can query and
synthesize the English vocabulary through the system according to their own needs,
store the query results for the easy reuse, and refer to the query records, summarize the
current learning situations, arrange their future learning plans, and improve the effi-
ciency of their English vocabulary learning.
Design of the Vocabulary Query System 95

The core function of this system is to retrieve, provide the more comprehensive
information, and minimize the repetitive work of the teachers. From the user’s point of
view, it also needs the function of the content management and the question feedback.
The query function is queried by words, including the single words, the batch queries
and the fuzzy queries (all words including the keywords are retrieved). According to
the vocabulary of the texts, select the textbooks and the names of the texts, and inquire
the meanings of the new words, the relevant multimedia resources and the courseware
of the whole course at one time, with the query by the resource category and by the
resource category.
The function of adding, modifying and deleting contents: In the initial stage of the
system construction, designers can add contents centrally, and then open the content
management authority to some users to improve the relevant contents together. Users
can easily and timely feedback suggestions on the contents, report the program errors in
the operation of the system, and put forward suggestions for the modification and so
The system adopts the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database and the Asp.net (C#)
technology to carry out the development, and the developing tool uses the Visual
Studio 2005. SQL Server 2000 database is an enterprise database produced by the
Microsoft. It has the high data performance and the strong data security. Asp.net (C#) is
one of the mainstream technologies in the development of the Web applications (the
online system). Visual Studio 2005 is a powerful integrated development tool. Firstly,
the database is designed to build the data tables for different contents of the plan, and
the relevant Web pages are designed. The corresponding adding, query, updating and
deleting codes are compiled, and a small amount of the data is input to debug and
modify the program repeatedly, so as to realize the function of querying by words and
the basic content management.
At this time, the system can be used in our teaching, but because there is only a
small amount of the data, the program code is not perfect and needs to be modified at
any time. It is only a minimal test system, and no help documents have been written, so
it cannot be shared with other teachers for the time being. It is only suitable for the
developers (that is, the author himself) to continue testing in the actual teaching. When
preparing a new text, first input the pinyin, part of speech and the interpretation of all
the words in the vocabulary to the entry the data table, then add pictures for the nouns,
adjectives and a few verbs, add the pairs of words and their synonyms to the vocab-
ulary analysis data table, and enter the analysis explanation.
When entering, the inquiry function is constantly used to query all the words in the
vocabulary, check the operation of the system, revise the program code in time, and
make the final inquiry results into the courseware for our teaching. By the end of the
semester, the vocabulary materials of the whole textbook have been entered into the
system, and the program code has been further improved, and the field design of the
data tables in the database has been adjusted appropriately. In the second semester of
our teaching, the author continues to input the vocabulary materials from other text-
books and further modify the procedures.
But then more and more reusable entries have been recorded, and the work is
relatively easy. In addition, the function of the user rights is designed, and the system is
shared with some teachers. After login, teachers can input and modify the relevant
96 W. Ying

contents according to the system’s setting rights, speed up the expansion of the entries,
and improve the efficiency of the vocabulary lesson preparation. With the improvement
of the efficiency and the time saved, the input of the sample sentence database has
begun to proceed one after another. When more textbooks can be covered by the
included entries, teachers can use the system to query the commonly used words in the
TCFL as long as they are online and do not need to log in. At the same time, the
feedback function is added so that the users can submit their feedback opinions. Open
accounts for the teachers willing to participate in the system construction and expand
the construction team. According to the actual situations of the teaching and the
feedback of the users, we should continue to improve the functions and expand the
contents. This is a long-term job.
The steps of the query module for the English vocabulary query are as follows.
Users edit the description of the English vocabulary to be queried on the client’s query
page, and test the accuracy of the vocabulary description by the script. And if the test
passes, the query command is transmitted to the business logic program. The business
logic program forms the query condition for the received query command and then
accesses the data. The layer interface is passed to the database, and the database is
queried and the result is transferred back to the business logic program. The business
logic program normalizes the query result that the database is transmitted back to, and
changes it into the mode that the client can express and transmits the command to the
browser. After the browser receives the command, it can record the query results in the
client’s SQLi database many times. The browser renders the query results for the users
to view concisely or in details.

4 Conclusion

For the teachers, the computer-aided translation is the assistant of the translation
teaching. It helps the teachers to input the key points and the difficult points of the
knowledge into the computer-aided translation system in advance according to certain
needs, so as to achieve the ideal teaching effect. The computer-aided language learning
is one of the important symbols of the reform of the translation teaching. In learning
English vocabulary, we should make full use of the modern teaching methods so that
more information can be displayed and utilized. On the basis of conforming to the
learners’ cognitive thinking process, we should actively create a better learning envi-
ronment, and improve the vocabulary memory efficiency and the learners’ autonomous
learning abilities. In the future, the development and the application of more interactive
software will provide a broader space for the computer-aided English vocabulary
teaching. Users use the query module to query the English vocabulary through the
clients. The working process of the query module is represented by a Sequence Dia-
gram. The priority ranking representing the communication between the targets can
reflect the changes in the coordination process between different targets, which is called
the sequence diagram or the sequence chart.
Design of the Vocabulary Query System 97

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Informationized Technological Path
for the School-Running Risk Prevention
and Supervision of Private Colleges
and Universities Under the Background
of the Internet

Liangjun Liu1,2(&)
Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Fujian, China
Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology, Zhengzhou 450064,
Henan, China

Abstract. At present, with the decrease of the educational population and the
gradual deepening of the higher educational reform, the development of the
private colleges and universities is facing various contradictions and challenges.
The development concept of “innovation, coordination, green, open and shar-
ing” put forward at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Com-
mittee of the CPC provides the value guidance and the practical basis for the
private colleges and universities to renew their development concepts and solve
their development problems.

Keywords: Internet background  Private colleges and universities 

School-running risk prevention  Regulatory mechanism  Informatization 
Technological path

Since entering the new century, the private higher education in China has entered a
vigorous stage of development. The state and the local governments have promulgated
a number of policies to support the development of the private higher education. The
enthusiasm of the social forces to invest in the establishment of the education has been
further stimulated [1]. The quality of the private colleges and universities has been
continuously improved, and their running behavior has been constantly standardized.
A number of the private colleges and universities with characteristics and qualities are
taking shape.

1 The Origin of the Risks in Private Colleges and Universities

The discussion of the risks was first seen in the economic studies at the end of the 19th
century in the West. American scholar J. Haynes proposed in 1895 that the risk means
the possibility of damage. After the American Management Association Insurance
Department first proposed the concept of the risk management in 1931, as an inde-
pendent discipline, the risk management has been greatly developed in the western

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 98–104, 2019.
Informationized Technological Path for the School-Running Risk Prevention 99

countries, especially in the United States. In 1986, the famous German sociologist
Ulrich Beck published the German edition of Risk Society, which first used the concept
of “risk society” to describe the post-industrial society full of risks and put forward the
theory of the risk society [2]. He pointed out that, in the world, today’s society is
experiencing a fundamental change aimed at challenging the industrial society based on
the enlightenment as the knowledge basis, with the nation and the state as the regional
foundation and with the social stratum as the collective base. The new political and
social formation based on this is called the risk society [3].
It is not long to apply the risk theory to the management research of colleges and
universities in China. In the late 1990s, in order to meet the needs of the development
of the higher education, China’s colleges and universities used the bank loans to
continuously increase their infrastructure transformation and improve the conditions of
running schools under the condition of the insufficient funds. After borrowing a lot of
debts, the problem of the school financial risks has become increasingly prominent,
which has gradually attracted the attention of scholars, and they analyzed the out-
standing debt risks of the public universities in China since the expansion of the
enrollment mostly from the perspective of the financial management. Under the
influence of the university development orientation, the enrollment scale, the school
running quality, the asset structure, the credit funds, and the sustainability and other
factors, the risk of the university debt inevitably exists and the size of the risk is closely
related to these factors [4].
Compared with the public universities, the private universities not only have more
serious debt risks, but also have “policy risks, market risks and education quality risks”.
Therefore, we must construct a complete legal system of the private higher education,
strengthen the macro-management of the investment in the private higher education,
and implement the policy of funding the private higher education to prevent and avoid
the risks of the investment in the private higher education [5]. However, the previous
studies on the risk prevention mainly focused on the financial risks of colleges and
universities, lacking the comprehensive consideration of the risks and management of
colleges and universities. Compared with the development of the private higher edu-
cation in the ascendant, the theoretical research on the risks in the private colleges lags
behind a lot.

2 Risk Types of Running Private Colleges and Universities

Under the Background of the Internet

There are many uncertain factors in the management and operation of the higher
education. At the same time, because of the limitation of people’s cognitive abilities,
the lag of the information itself, and the uncertainty of the operation environment,
private colleges and universities have risks in the operation and management process.
Therefore, we can define the operational risks of the private colleges and universities as
the incompleteness and uncertainty of many factors in the internal and the external
environment of the private colleges and universities in the process of management and
operation, which leads to the uncertainty and possibility of the loss of the private
colleges and universities caused by the mistakes in the process of operation and
100 L. Liu

management, which leads to the risks of private colleges and universities in the process
of operation and management.

2.1 Risks in the Policies and Regulations

The development of the private colleges and universities cannot be separated from the
guidance and support of the relevant national and local policies and regulations. In
2002, the National People’s Congress officially passed the Law on the Promotion of
Private Education, which has played a positive role in regulating the behavior of the
private education, encouraging the social running of schools and promoting the edu-
cational equity. However, although the Law on Promotion of Private Education has
been promulgated for a long time, many provisions are still not operable, and even
some laws and regulations are contradictory.

2.2 Risks in the Market Competitions

At present, most private colleges and universities do not have the deep foundation and
the distinct characteristics, with a lack of the internal development connotation.
Therefore, the development of private colleges and universities is more vulnerable to
the influence of the market demand. Even some private colleges and universities cater
too much to the market demand, and they do not consider their own development
characteristics, school-running conditions and teachers’ levels, but follow the social hot
spots in a swarm, and blindly start the popular majors, with a lack of the foresight and
scientific planning of the personnel training, resulting in the similar specialty settings
and the weak market competitiveness. This will inevitably result in the structural waste
of the personnel training, which will lead to the difficulty of the employment of the
graduates and their disadvantage in competitions.

2.3 Operational and Management Risks

The private colleges and universities, because they are run by the private or the private
legal persons with capital injections, carry out the self-management and take respon-
sibility for their own profits and losses economically, resulting in the familiarization of
their management modes, the backward management concepts and the relatively low
quality of the managers. On the other hand, in the daily management process, managers
of the private colleges and universities often equate the management of colleges and
universities with the management of enterprises. They regard schools as the profit-
making organizations and have the strong utilitarian motives for running the schools.
The purpose of running schools is not only to cultivate talents, but also to regard
running schools as an investment behavior. As a result, a series of problems such as the
insufficient investment in the teaching, the inadequate rigorous teaching management
and the incomplete teaching planning and outline have emerged. As a result, the private
colleges and universities violate the laws of the operation and development of the
education, and there are operational risks to varying degrees in the process of the
operation and management.
Informationized Technological Path for the School-Running Risk Prevention 101

2.4 Risks in the Teaching Quality

Only if a university has a high quality of running a school can it attract more candi-
dates. At present, there are some problems in the teaching staff of the private colleges
and universities, such as the unreasonable structures, the instability and the low quality.
In terms of the structures, there are many part-time teachers, the fewer full-time
teachers, more retired old teachers and young teachers, and fewer middle-aged back-
bone teachers in the teaching staff of private colleges and universities in China. The
unreasonable structure of teachers leads to the low quality of the teachers, which will
inevitably affect the improvement of the teaching quality. Therefore, many private
colleges and universities have fallen into a vicious circle. The poor quality of the
teaching will inevitably affect the social status and reputation, and the social reputation
is poor, and students will become worse and worse. The worsening of the student
resources has led to the increasing pressure on the survival of the private colleges with
the tuition as the main funding. The shortage of the operating funds leads to the
shortage of the teaching resources, including the teaching equipment, and the teaching
staff and so on, which leads to the worse and worse teaching quality, which in turn
affects the reputation of the school.

3 Informationized Technological Path for the School-Running

Risk Prevention and Supervision of Private Colleges
and Universities Under the Background of the Internet

In recent years, with the overall advancement of the national education informatization
construction, the informatization construction of private schools is still relatively lag-
ging behind. Some schools are not enthusiastic about this aspect and pay less attention
to it. They do not realize the positive role of the informatization construction in the
development of the schools. At the same time, subject to the subjective and the
objective constraints, the traditional management concepts, and the ways of thinking
and funding have always been unable to effectively take the informatization as an
important part of the teaching and management, reducing the utilization rate of the
existing information resources, seriously restricting the construction and development
of the informatization in private schools. Increase the continuous investment in the
education informatization funds. The educational administrative departments should
give more guidance to the construction of the educational informatization in the private
colleges and universities, and give support and assistance to the private colleges and
universities in terms of policies and funds. At the same time, private colleges and
universities themselves should increase their investment in the information construc-
tion, actively raise the special funds, rationally coordinate the use of the construction
funds, and ensure the implementation of the information construction planning.
102 L. Liu

3.1 Renew the Educational Concepts and Improve the Understanding

of the Construction of the Educational and Teaching Informatization
The first task of the educational informationization is to change ideas. The educational
informationization should guide the wide application of the information technologies in
various departments and fields of the teaching and education with the new educational
thoughts and concepts. According to the requirements of training the innovative talents,
we should explore the new educational models by using the information technologies
to promote the educational modernization. Leaders, teachers and students should
change their traditional ideas. First of all, leaders should strengthen the leadership of
the educational informationization. The process of the educational informationization
cannot be simply regarded as the process of introducing the information machines and
the information technologies. It is different from the computerization or the networking.
The process of the educational informationization is the process of changing the
educational ideas and concepts. Secondly, teachers should set up the modern teaching
concepts, change from the traditional knowledge imparters to the learning organizers
and coordinators, pay attention to cultivating the students’ self-learning abilities and
acquiring the information and knowledge, and guide, plan, organize and coordinate the
students’ learning activities. Finally, students should cultivate their modern learning
concepts, and change from the passive acceptance of the knowledge, and understanding
and mastery of the knowledge to the independent acquisition and use of the knowledge.
They should be able to use the information networks to acquire the knowledge and
explore it, and have the strong self-learning abilities.

3.2 Improve the Internal Control System

Colleges and universities can use the “Internet+” to establish a perfect internal control
system. The institutions of the higher learning can set up posts by the “Internet+”
according to their posts, and define the responsibilities and division of responsibilities
of each post. In addition, when setting up the posts, we need to consider the contents
and needs of the work, and also abide by the internal control of accounting, so as to
make the posts reasonable, applicable and effective. The division of the posts should
follow the principle that the incompatible posts are separated from each other. At the
same time, through the “Internet+” training and other ways, improve the professional
knowledge of the financial personnel, with the implementation of the regular rotation

3.3 Standardize the Examination and Approval Process

The authorization examination and approval is the main measure of the accounting
internal control. Most of the fund management in colleges and universities is carried
out by the payment examination and approval, the account examination and the post
division. The financial department should make full use of the “Internet+” to issue
various documents, such as using the form of the “campus network platform” to issue
the approval process, the authorization of the approval and control system, the asset
management system and other related financial systems. At the same time, the OA
Informationized Technological Path for the School-Running Risk Prevention 103

system can be used to strictly implement the management of the scientific research
funds and the financial reimbursement system. Private university leaders also need to
pay attention to the appropriate authorization, which should not be too light and nor too
centralized. We should not only improve the efficiency, but should also improve the
enthusiasms of the employees.

3.4 Strengthen the Budget Management

Private colleges and universities generally have the high financial risks. In order to
effectively avoid the financial risks, it is necessary to strengthen the financial budget
management. Private colleges and universities are different from the enterprises in that
their income mainly comes from the students’ tuition fees, which can be estimated by
the annual enrollment plan and the tuition fees of each student. Under the stable
situation of the students’ income, the budget income generally does not differ much.
The expenditure of the schools is usually budgeted by the departments and institutions
in advance and reported to them step by step. Finally, the leaders will discuss and
decide which budgets to be implemented, and the relevant departments should
supervise the implementation of the budgets. At the end of each year, this year’s budget
situation is summarized and analyzed to prepare for the adjustment of the next year’s

3.5 Strengthen the Risk Awareness

Sometimes, there will be the instability in the source of the private universities. This
requires the private colleges to step up the publicity efforts, and analyze the number of
the candidates each year through the “Internet+”, and make the reasonable enrollment
plans by adjusting the professional orientation. The main source of the income of
private colleges and universities is the students’ tuition fees, but there are often cases of
the tuition arrears. Schools can reduce the financial risks by strengthening the tuition
reminders, the students with family difficulties applying for grants and the bank loans
and other means. At the same time, schools should strengthen the construction of the
teachers and the students’ practice and employment, so as to ensure that students’
sources are not affected when the national policy changes, to improve the importance of
the educational informatization construction.

3.6 Resource Integration and Information Sharing

Improving the management informationization and strengthening the construction of
the hardware facilities are the foundation, and establishing a fast and stable network is
the guarantee. Facing the main business needs of the schools, such as the daily edu-
cational administration, the network teaching, the daily office, and the finance and so
on, the office system, the educational administration system and the financial man-
agement software can be integrated into a system, which can then provide users of
various departments with the uniform styles and complete functions of the interactive
platform, which can enable the users to have access to the same interface uniformly,
and can enjoy the personalized services. The information integration platform is
104 L. Liu

responsible for the information sharing and eliminating the “information island”.
Aiming at the phenomenon of the data redundancy and the inconsistency in the
information system, the original redundant business data are merged and we can carry
out the centralized management through the establishment of the main database.

4 Conclusion

From the perspective of the development stages of the private schools, this paper
briefly describes and analyses the risks and countermeasures faced by the private
schools in various stages of development. If we look at it from a broader perspective,
the risk of running a private school obviously does not end there. Considering the
technical characteristics of the current Internet era, it provides a good information
technological advantage and path for the private colleges and universities to effectively
guard against and supervise the risks of running schools.

Acknowledgment. This article is the result of the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social
Sciences Research Youth Fund Project “Research on Risk Prevention and Government Super-
vision of Non-profit Private Colleges and Universities” (18YJC880053).

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Optimal Construction of the Multimedia
Distance Education Resource Library Based
on Chinese Education

Li Ling(&)

China West Normal University, Nanchong 637002, Sichuan, China


Abstract. The computer-aided instruction (CAI), represented by the distance

education resources, is a true double-edged sword. Only by combining it with
the traditional teaching theories and methods can it be perfected gradually. Only
by using this technology properly and skillfully in the classroom teaching can
we really play its role. In order to effectively improve the level of the Chinese
teaching, the specific strategies of the effective use of the distance education
resources in Chinese teaching are to continuously improve the informationiza-
tion level of the teachers and enhance their abilities to use the distance education
resources, to enrich the contents and modes of the Chinese teaching based on the
distance education resources, and to integrate the distance education resources
and break through the key and difficult points of our teaching.

Keywords: Chinese education  Multimedia  Distance education 

Resource library  Optimized construction

With the development of the educational information technologies and the need of the
new educational situation, Chinese teachers should firmly implement the belief of the
goal of the students’ core literacy education, create the learning situations that can
guide the students to participate extensively and deeply, creatively design the language
learning activities, selectively develop the curriculum resources, and build the open,
diverse, orderly, practical and high-quality digital language curriculum resources as
soon as possible [1]. The library forms a pattern of the development and utilization of
the curriculum resources, helps the students to improve their ability to solve the real
language problems, and gradually improves the core literacy of Chinese.

1 Analysis of the Characteristics of the Multimedia Distance

Education Resource Library

1.1 Openness
The modern distance education, with the Internet and the multimedia technology as its
main media, has broken through the limitations of the learning space and time. The
modern distance education is not restricted by the region. It provides the simultaneous
teaching between the teachers and the students in different places [2]. The teaching

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 105–111, 2019.
106 L. Ling

contents, teaching methods and teaching objects are open, and the learners are not
restricted by their occupation or their region. The modern distance education is not
limited by the learning time. Anyone can receive the required educational information
at any time, obtain the educational contents he needs, and realize the real-time and the
unreal-life study.

1.2 Integration
The multimedia technology can organically combine various media information, such
as data, texts, images, graphics, animations, and sound and so on into a complete
multimedia information, and display the results synthetically. It can also integrate
different input display media or the output display media to form a multimedia
broadcasting system [3].

1.3 Interactivity
The advanced modern educational technologies have greatly improved the interactive
function of the distance education, which can realize the multi-directional interaction
and the timely feedback between the teachers and the students, and between the stu-
dents and the students. Students can always consult the first-class experts, scholars or
teachers of their major on the Internet, such as the face-to-face communication like the

1.4 Flexibility
It can meet the needs of the individualized learning and give the educated greater
autonomy. It has changed the traditional teaching methods. The educated people can
learn according to their own choice, making the passive acceptance into the active
learning, changing the traditional teaching methods based on the “teaching” to
“learning”, reflecting the characteristics of their self-learning.

1.5 Resource Sharability

The modern distance education provides the learners with abundant information
through various networks, realizes the optimization and sharing of various educational
resources, breaks the geographical and attribute characteristics of the resources, and
integrates the advantages of the resources such as talents, technologies, courses and
equipment to meet the needs of the learners’ self-selection of the information [4].

2 Characteristics and Structures of the Multimedia Distance

Education Resource Library

The lack of resources, and especially the excellent network teaching resources, is one
of the bottlenecks restricting the development of the distance education [5]. In recent
years, the Ministry of Education, the RTVU system and various network colleges have
Optimal Construction of the Multimedia Distance Education Resource Library 107

placed the construction of the distance education resources in an important position.

However, there are some problems in the current resource construction, such as the lack
of the resource sharing of the high-quality resources, the serious repetitive construction
of resources, the low level of the technical intelligence in the resource retrieval, the
slow speed of the resource acquisition and application and renewal, and the poor
dynamic adaptability, among which the main problem is still the lack of the effective
resource sharing.

2.1 Characteristics of the Distance Learning Resources in the Grid

Computing Environment
Firstly, the amount of the resources is huge. These resources may be geographically
distributed, and heterogeneous. They are interconnected by the multi-level networks
and form a huge resource pool. Second, the resources are dynamic, and the resource
database system can adapt to it dynamically. Third, the resource sharing mechanism is
established. Although these resources are managed by different individuals, the grid
resource database system provides a unified standard to achieve the interoperability and
provide the interaction and collaboration functions.

2.2 Architecture of the Teaching Resource Library Based on the Grid

According to the OGSA four-tier model of the open grid service structure, we sum-
marize the practical application of the teaching resource database in the open education,
and propose the construction framework of the distance education resource database
system based on the grid technology. The grid repository nodes: All kinds of the
resources accessible on the internet include all kinds of the hosts and the workstations
running on different platforms, which can also be the cluster devices, the large storage
devices and the databases running the cluster operating systems, which mainly refer to
various resources and databases.
The grid repository middleware: The middleware defines a series of the protocols
and services, provides a series of the tools and protocol software. Its function is to
shield the distribution and heterogeneity of the spatial information in the infrastructure
of the grid resource repository system, and provide the transparent and consistent
interface for the data grid application layer. It can provide the remote management
services, resource allocation services, storage access services, information services and
the security control services and so on. The management middleware includes the
dynamic allocation and the unified management of the information and resources in the
virtual organizations, and the predefinition of the resources. At present, the first step is
to realize the semantic retrieval of the teaching resources.
The grid resource library development environment provides the users with the
secondary development environment and tools, develops the high-level services, and
allows the application programmers to manage and schedule all the resource nodes for
computing. The grid portal provides the service of the network application. That is,
users can submit and collect the remote resources they need through a Web interface.
Users can call the information resources of different parts of the grid through this layer,
and collate and process and use them.
108 L. Ling

3 The Background of Optimizing the Construction

of the Multimedia Distance Education Resource Library

The distance education teaching resources are a very complex system. From the con-
tent, it includes many disciplines, and they are constantly subdivided into various
categories of courses, or are integrated and intersected with each other. From the
presentation, there is any combination of the network courses, courseware, videos,
audios, graphics, and animations and so on. It is precisely based on these characteristics
of the teaching resource system that the abstract model processing is carried out, and
the management architecture of the structured teaching resources “professional cate-
gories – courses – different types of media resources” is proposed. Each teaching
resource is stored in a kind of the media. Then the intelligent classification of the
courses and specialties is carried out on this basis. In this way, the teaching resources
also meet the concept of the grid resources and can be integrated into the grid resource
system for the management and manipulation.
In the teaching resource database system designed by us, 19 professional disci-
plines are set up according to the requirements of the distance education. Each subject
is divided into the courses according to the catalogue of the network courses, the
courseware, videos, audios, graphics, animations, documentation, academic papers,
papers, and text classifications, showing all kinds of the resources, and counting the
sum of each kind of resources according to the update time. It also shows the number of
the times each media resource is browsed. It should be pointed out that in different
professional disciplines, courses are allowed to overlap. That is, the same course
belongs to different professional disciplines, but in different courses all kinds of the
resources are not allowed to overlap. That is, one resource can only belong to one

4 Strategies for Optimizing the Construction

of the Multimedia Distance Education Resource Library
Based on the Chinese Education

The distance education resource library is the integration of the resource collection and
management system. Firstly, the resource library contains a large number of the well-
organized distance education teaching resources. Secondly, in order to manage and
utilize the massive resources effectively, we need to use the management system with
the computer network technology and the database technology as the core. Thirdly, the
resource repositories are not only the “warehouses” and the “conveyor belts” of the
resources, but also, as Nicholas C. Farnes said, a platform to support the teaching and
the teaching activities. Fourth, the resources and the management systems are usually
provided by different people or organizations. Finally, the distance education institu-
tions generally have the multiple network systems that provide the support services for
the students and the teachers. These systems need the reasonable division of labor and
cooperation to construct a digital learning environment for students. At the same time,
Optimal Construction of the Multimedia Distance Education Resource Library 109

students may register the courses in the multiple distance education institutions and
need access to the multiple resource libraries.
Combining with the school’s teaching activities, using the broadband Internet
access and the satellite reception, all the teachers can watch the high-quality teaching
programs provided by the educational websites in different grades and subjects. The
lectures and the courseware making methods of experts, scholars, excellent teachers
and super teachers are disseminated directly to the teachers and the students. By
observing, discussing, communicating, recording and broadcasting, many contents
have become teachers’ teaching aids and entered the classrooms, thus freeing the
teachers’ teaching concepts and teaching practices from the constraints of the tradi-
tional classroom teaching. In the classroom teaching, various teaching methods are
used to give full play to the overall advantages, showing a dynamic and static stag-
gered, graphics and texts, and audio-visual teaching environment, which activates the
interest of the teachers and the students in the teaching and learning, and improves the
efficiency of the classroom teaching. Moreover, teachers can actively find the knowl-
edge contents they need from the network resources according to the needs of the
teaching contents, break the traditional ideas that the textbooks are the only resources
of the curriculums, broaden their horizons and improve their appreciation abilities. The
new learning concepts have been established and the innovative consciousness has
been enhanced.
The use of the distance education resources can also find the very rich subject-
related information, as if there is a mysterious and wonderful library. Teachers start the
media materials in the teaching resource bank of the distance education, which makes
the students have a real sense of Zhaozhou Bridge’s close-up and panorama, as if they
were in the situation. Some programs about the popular science knowledge, patriotism
and environmental education are planned to be broadcast during the class meeting or
the activity class. Through the popular science education, students can understand the
development of the science and understand the power of the sciences, looking forward
to the bright future of science. It induces children’s fantasy and creative wisdom.
Through the patriotic education, students’ hearts are shocked and their patriotic
enthusiasm is stimulated. Understanding that the personal destiny is related to the
future of the motherland, only building the motherland can have a good future for
individuals. Through the environmental education, students can enjoy the beautiful
scenery and broaden their horizons in all parts of the motherland, and realize the
importance of protecting the environment.
The new curriculum standard clearly points out that the Chinese teaching should
focus on improving students’ ability to understand and use the Chinese language of the
motherland, cultivating the students to learn to choose themes from their own learning
life, social life, nature and human development, making the comprehensive use of the
knowledge and skills they have learned, and gradually learning in the process of the
independent learning and the active exploration. In the process of study, research and
exploration, we should develop the creative thinking, experience the creative emotions,
cultivate the students’ scientific spirits, practical abilities and innovative spirits, and
develop the students’ individual characteristics. This requires the teachers to change
their educational concepts, change the original “classroom instructor” into the “class-
room promoter”, and use certain means to help the students achieve the teaching
110 L. Ling

objectives, so that the students can devote themselves wholeheartedly to their spon-
taneous learning, enhance their interests in their active exploration, and improve the
overall development of their humanistic qualities and language abilities. The modern
distance education, with its irreplaceable advantages, has become the best choice of a
certain means.
The Chinese teaching is to edify and educate the students with truth, kindness and
beauty, to cultivate the students’ literary literacy, and to enable them to grasp the proper
knowledge of Chinese. If the students who are taught in our Chinese teaching do not
like Chinese or do not understand it, it will only be the failure of the Chinese education.
The traditional curriculum system is characterized by the singleness of the educational
objectives, the closeness of the teaching contents, and the “model” and “one-size-fits-
all” drawbacks of the teaching methods and means, which not only fail to meet the
requirements of cultivating the creative and pioneering talents in our modern society,
but also hinder the development of the students’ initiatives, enthusiasms and person-
alities. Therefore, the curriculum reform is imperative.
In the distance education resources, there are abundant flash animations, video
resources and pictures, which can be directly used in the classroom teaching. To turn
the static into the dynamic, the far into the near, the difficult into the easy, the abstract
into the concrete, and the micro into the macro, and help the students understand
textbooks and master the learning contents. The greatest enemy of our learning is
forgetting. In order to reduce the forgetting, after class, we must consolidate and review
the knowledge learned in class, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening the
textbooks and internalizing the knowledge. It achieves the goal of mastering and
consolidating the knowledge, improving the abilities and strengthening the texts. It has
achieved twice the results with half the efforts.

5 Conclusion

The modern distance education is a modern teaching method. The multimedia transmits
the information to the students by means of texts, material objects, images, sounds and
other media. Teachers who are familiar with the theories and operations of the modern
teaching methods, and can reasonably choose the modern teaching media according to
the syllabus and the students’ reality, and combine them with the traditional teaching
media, will greatly enrich the classroom teaching, optimize the teaching process,
promote the students’ understandings and memory of the knowledge, cultivate the
students’ various abilities, and improve students’ qualities, and improve the teaching
effect. Now I want to talk about my feelings in combination with my teaching practice.

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Optimal Construction of the Multimedia Distance Education Resource Library 111

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situational teaching of Chinese in higher vocational colleges. Educ Mod (04):174–175
4. Chai R, Wang G (2018) Construction of the high-quality chinese course resource library.
J Teach Manag (06):165–166
5. Lan T (2018) Hotspot analysis of the special education informatization and the resource
library construction. Inf Technol Educ (08):120–121
Application of CAI Computer Technology
in Teaching Western Art History

Hailan Shan(&)

Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, Xi’an 710065, Shaanxi, China


Abstract. The purpose of the computer aided instruction (CAI) is to improve

the teachers’ teaching efficiency and stimulate the students’ interests in their
learning. By using the modern means of the computer aided instruction (CAI),
we can do a better job in our teaching. The application of the computer-aided
instruction (CAI) in the art teaching should be guided by the new ideas and
concepts in the best environment for the students to learn in the most efficient
and intuitive way to promote the development of the educational modernization.
The current situation of the CAI courseware assistant teaching is good as a
whole, but there are still some shortcomings in three aspects: the teachers’ CAI
skill proficiency, the integration and sharing of the CAI teaching resources, and
the frequency of the CAI courseware teaching. The teaching of the art history
needs to be improved.

Keywords: CAI  Computer technology  Assistant teaching 

Western art history teaching

In the art education, the role of the CAI is very obvious. The advent of the information
age has provided many favorable conditions for our teaching. We should make full use
of these conditions and change the traditional teaching methods so as to make our
students learn knowledge more effectively.

1 Analysis of the Teaching Contents of Western Art History

The teaching of Western Art History usually takes the way of leading the students to
appreciate the famous paintings, but the real meaning of the famous paintings is often
deep-seated and vague, which cannot be seen at a glance [1]. Therefore, students often
feel helpless when they appreciate the famous paintings in Western Art History. In
addition, because the experience, knowledge accomplishments and emotional experi-
ence of the appreciators are different, even if the appreciators appreciate the same work
of art, different appreciators will certainly have different explanations and experiences.
Therefore, there are the aesthetic differences in the process of appreciating the works of
art. Even in the face of the same works of art, the appreciators will have different
opinions [2]. The rich meanings contained in famous paintings arouse the interests of
the appreciators, and also stimulate their in-depth thinking and exploration.
The multimedia and the Internet in the 21st century have brought great influence on
the teaching and researches of the traditional art history. With the advent of the era of
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 112–117, 2019.
Application of CAI Computer Technology in Teaching Western Art History 113

“reading pictures”, various arts and the related categories interact and inter-react more
closely. The research object of the art history is mainly the image art, and art has been
inseparable from philosophy, cultures and regions since its occurrence and develop-
ment [3]. Especially when today’s Internet is so developed, access to the information
and the images has become more convenient. In the teaching of the art history, the film
appreciation is also an important auxiliary teaching method. Therefore, the influence of
the film art on the art history teaching is obvious. Learning the art history in the process
of watching movies is one of the good auxiliary teaching methods.
According to our traditional teaching mode of thinking and the teaching require-
ments, teachers should teach students the knowledge points in the textbooks [4]. But
the art history course has its own particularity. Teachers should simplify and sum-
marize it according to their actual teaching abilities and the students’ acceptance. The
textbooks should have the ability of summarizing and comparing and grasping the main
knowledge points and explaining them. The secondary supplementary needs should be
tasted so far. Others need not be explained. They should be flexibly arranged so that the
students can read by themselves after classes. This reduces the total amount and dif-
ficulty of the students’ learning, increases their interests and confidence in their
learning, and also highlights the key points, reinforces the foundation, and achieves the
targeted goal. At the same time, teachers should prepare lessons, prepare enough
lessons, and make the relevant knowledge beyond the knowledge points and the his-
torical reasons behind, the art problems and the art phenomena explained vividly and
lively, so as not to make the students feel dull and tasteless [5]. Therefore, a good
teacher should make this course lively, and a good lesson should stimulate the students’
thirst for knowledge, so that a distinction should be made between what is primary and
what is secondary.
In addition, it is also very important to broaden the knowledge of the teaching and
strengthen the connection between the art history and other disciplines in the teaching
of the art history. A textbook of the art history is only the basic resource of our
teaching. To achieve the ideal teaching effect, we must supplement and infiltrate the
knowledge of other disciplines in the course of our teaching, integrate the humanities,
history, aesthetics, philosophy, science and the history of the art development, so as to
broaden the students’ thinking mode and cognitive perspectives. In short, the inte-
gration of the art history and other disciplines will achieve twice the results with half
the efforts.

2 Analysis of the Connotation of the CAI Computer


The so-called computer aided instruction (CAI) is to integrate the multimedia tech-
nology and the Internet information into the teaching curriculum and apply it through
the computer aided instruction. In the process of the classroom teaching, teachers use
the courseware, VCDs, slide projectors and other audio-visual teaching tools to enable
the students to learn in a relaxed and interesting classroom atmosphere. CAI refers to
the computer-aided teaching system. Specifically, it means carrying out all kinds of the
teaching activities with the assistance of the computers, communicating with the
114 H. Shan

students equally by means of dialogues, creating a good humanistic environment for

students, improving the efficiency of the classroom teaching, and promoting the
comprehensive development and growth of the students.
CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) is a kind of the teaching activity which is
carried out under the computer assistance. It discusses the teaching contents, arranges
the teaching process and carries on the teaching training methods and the technology
with the students in the way of dialogues. CAI provides a good personal learning
environment for the students. The comprehensive application of the computer tech-
nologies such as the multimedia, the hypertext, the artificial intelligence and the
knowledge base overcomes the shortcomings of the single and the one-sided traditional
teaching methods. Its application can effectively shorten the learning time, improve the
quality of our teaching and our teaching efficiency, and achieve the optimal teaching
The traditional art education teachers often spend a lot of time preparing the
teaching materials such as pictures and model paintings before classes, which will
waste a lot of the manpower and the material resources in the process. The use of the
computer-aided teaching will greatly improve the efficiency of our teaching, because
the teachers can easily complete the preparation work before classes with only one CD
or slide after slide before classes. The computer-aided teaching has the following
characteristics in the art teaching: using the CAI can make full use of the characteristics
of computers, and according to the needs of the teaching, obtain the unique digital
virtual effect, and help the teachers break through the difficulties in their teaching.
The art appreciation class has a strong intuitive. Using the computer-aided teaching,
through the digital projectors, we can clearly enlarge and display the works, so that
students can more effectively “appreciate” them in the appreciation classes. Taking the
lessons of Stamp Design as an example, students can broaden their horizons and enrich
their knowledge by appreciating the stamps of different ages and forms. Stamps are
very small. If teachers show them in their hands, it is very hard for the students to see
clearly, let alone appreciate them. For teachers, it is also not easy to explain the
knowledge with a small stamp. Through the computer and the digital projector, stamps
can be projected into the image in 2 m2, so that every student in the classroom can see
clearly the teacher’s explanation of each knowledge point, so as to achieve the best
teaching effect.
Computers have the powerful multimedia functions, which can integrate texts,
images, graphics, sounds, animations and videos. Teachers can express many things
and phenomena that the traditional teaching technology can’t express through the
computers according to the teaching needs, such as the vivid animation of the
demonstration images, the sound pictures with the abundant voice and emotions, and
the colorful teaching pictures and so on. CAI can make the abstract problems visualized
and the static problems dynamic, and solve the problems that are difficult for the
teachers to express and the students to understand in the past.
Application of CAI Computer Technology in Teaching Western Art History 115

3 Research on the Application of the CAI Computer

Technology in the Western Art History

Art is the plastic art, and the art teaching cannot be separated from a large number of
the visual teaching props. In this regard, the use of the computer multimedia teaching
means can be said to be a great convenience for the art teaching. Because the computer
information storage is huge, it can greatly enrich the diverse teaching contents, and the
teachers can expand the knowledge contents of the books at the same time, and use the
many functions of computers to solve many long-standing teaching problems in the
tradition teaching methods, to make the classroom teaching lively, greatly improve the
teaching efficiency, and win the favor of the students.
In order to effectively play the role of the CAI courseware in the western art history
classrooms, we must first fully recognize and attach importance to the important roles
of the CAI courseware assisted teaching. The effective use of the CAI courseware is
based on the background that the multimedia is widely used in our education and
teaching activities. From the beginning of the projectors and slide projectors to the
more popular computers and other multimedia facilities, the multimedia itself has the
advantage of the intuitive and vivid images. It can improve the effect of the classroom
teaching when it is used in the educational and teaching activities. What we need to pay
attention to is that the role of the CAI courseware in the classrooms of the western art
history should be the “assistant” teaching instead of replacing the teachers to become
the masters of the classrooms.
Teachers should regard the CAI courseware as a means of assisting and cooperating
with our teaching, but we cannot rely on it completely. Although it has advantages that
the traditional teaching methods do not have, it cannot completely replace the tradi-
tional teaching methods. The more scientific and reasonable teaching mode of the CAI
courseware assisted instruction should be the effective interaction cycle among the
teachers, the courseware and the students. We illustrate it through a specific example.
When using the CAI courseware to teach the contents in the course of the western art
history, teachers can use the advantages of the CAI courseware to play the beautiful
scenery of spring for the students. Teachers can make the dynamic PPT forms to
deepen the students’ feelings, which can increase the students’ emotional experience
and bring the students into the classroom situations quickly.
While applying the multimedia technologies to assist our teaching, we must pay
attention to it that the multimedia technology is only an assistant means of our teaching.
Its purpose is only to make up for the deficiency of the traditional teaching methods,
and it is only a necessary technical assistance to play the leading role of the teachers.
Therefore, in the application of the multimedia CAI, we must pay attention to the
following problems:
We can’t “take the place of the principal by the supplementary means”. In the
teaching activities, the students are the main subjects and the teachers should play a
leading role. The multimedia technology is only an auxiliary means to achieve the
better results. If we blindly rely on the multimedia technology to reproduce all the
teaching links using the multimedia means, then teachers will become slaves of the
multimedia technology, only playing the role of the announcers and interpreters, but
116 H. Shan

not the leading role that the teachers should play. For example, the teacher demon-
stration in the art classes is sometimes irreplaceable. If it is replaced by the multimedia,
even if the performance is good, its teaching effect is still not as good as the direct and
the unique appeal of the teacher demonstration.
We should not “use the multimedia means for the sake of using the multimedia
means”. The multimedia technology can provide many kinds of the signal stimulation,
such as sounds, and photo-electricity and so on. It can effectively attract the students’
attention. However, if we use all kinds of the media blindly, regardless of the actual
teaching needs, and make the information in the classroom excessive, it will cause the
flood of the invalid information, and will also distract the students’ attention, which not
only will not assist our teaching, but will affect the realization of the teaching
It is not possible to “replace the actual operation with the analog operation”. The
multimedia technology can be used to simulate the reality conveniently, and even to
simulate the effect that is difficult to achieve in reality. However, if we are keen on
simulating the operation on the computer and neglect the actual operation of the
students, it will certainly be unfavorable to the cultivation of the students’ practical
abilities. Teachers’ activities should not replace the students’ thinking. In our teaching
activities, we must give full play to the subjective roles of the students. The function of
the multimedia assisted instruction is to stimulate and mobilize the students’ thinking
enthusiasms, inspire the students’ thinking, and cultivate the students’ abilities to
discover, think and solve problems by applying the modern technical means. Therefore,
in the practice of applying the multimedia in our teaching, we must pay attention to the
fact that the audio-visual media cannot occupy the time of the students’ exploration,
analysis, thinking and even practice. We must take the cultivation of the students’
thinking abilities as an important goal of our teaching.
The teaching activities are those that the teachers and the students participate in
together. In our teaching, through the dialogues between the teachers and the students,
through the exchange and the feedback of the information and emotions, the teachers
can grasp the teaching process, which can help the teachers complete the teaching tasks
and achieve the teaching objectives in a dynamic process. If we rely blindly on the
computers and only pay attention to the human-computer conversation and ignore the
information and the emotional feedback between the teachers and the students, then
teaching activities will be in a one-way information system, and will give the students a
cold feeling of the mechanical operation, with a lack of the due classroom affinity and

4 Conclusion

An important purpose of the teaching activities is to cultivate the students’ abstract

thinking abilities. For the senior students, the cultivation of this ability is particularly
important. The multimedia technology can use its powerful function to reduce the
difficulty and break through the difficulty. However, if we simply reproduce the
imagination which should be in the students’ minds with the vivid pictures, it will
inevitably affect the formation and development of the students’ abstract thinking
Application of CAI Computer Technology in Teaching Western Art History 117

abilities, which is not conducive to the long-term development of the students. Espe-
cially for the art teaching, beauty should be different from person to person, reflecting
their own personality, so different imaginations are very important. We can’t use the
multimedia technology to directly convey a fixed image to the students, thus creating a
“unique” impression in the minds of the students.

1. Xiong Y (2015) Practical exploration of the integration of the information technology and the
art teaching. Jiangxi Educ (11):130–131
2. Yan Y (2017) Research on the interactive learning environment based on the mobile
terminals. Art Sci Technol (11):188–189
3. Liu W (2017) Research on the current situation of the CAI courseware assistant teaching in
the art appreciation course of middle schools. Read Write Periodical (Educ Teach J) (09):194–
4. Luo X (2017) Using the computer multimedia technology to improve the teaching efficiency.
Rural Econ Sci-Technol (12):165–166
5. Zhong B, Han L (2018) How to use the multimedia to assist the art teaching in primary
schools. E-educ Res (08):142–143
Use of the Internet Technology
in the Intelligent Library Services of Colleges
and Universities in the Big Data Era

Yuan Quan and Cao Lei(&)

Library of Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China


Abstract. With the development and application of the intelligent technologies,

the Internet of things has become a hot word in recent years. Intelligent libraries
and smart libraries have also entered our real world and become a major research
hotspot in the library academia in recent years. The continuous development and
progress of our society has accelerated the arrival of the era of the big data. In
such an environment, how to continuously improve the application level of the
mobile augmented reality technologies in the university libraries has become a
very important task. The service of university libraries has distinct character-
istics of knowledge and specialization, and its intellectualization construction is
also unique. It is of great significance for the development of university intel-
ligent libraries to define its intellectualized functions and structures.

Keywords: Big data age  Internet technology  College education 

Intelligent library service  Application mechanism

The coming of the big data era will challenge the practical construction of the smart
libraries, but it will also provide a growth point for the academic research of the smart
libraries. How to meet the needs of the users and the social development and ensure the
interconnection, efficiency and convenience of the smart libraries in the big data era
will be the main problem in the research on the smart libraries in the big data era [1].
The intelligent service is an important component of library’s new service abilities. The
functional structure of the intelligent libraries needs the systematic analysis and

1 The Application Background of the Internet Technology

in the Intelligent Library Service of Colleges
and Universities in the Big Data Era

Since the beginning of the financial transformation in 2012, the world has opened the
era of the “big data” in the Internet of things, and the social development as a whole has
moved to a new stage. So far, there has been no clear definition of the concept of the
big data. The big data is not the same concept as the big amount of the data [2]. The big
data must be able to provide the human use of resources, and no amount of the data can

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 118–123, 2019.
Use of the Internet Technology in the Intelligent Library Services 119

be called the big data if it cannot be used by people. In other words, the big data is not
the amount of the data consolidation. The definition of the big data in the Encyclopedia
is that the big data refers to a kind of the information that cannot be counted by the
existing statistical tools or software because of too much data. The United States calls
the big data age, the intelligent production and the wireless networks the three major
technological revolutions that will open the future.

1.1 How to Realize the Data Interconnection of Intelligent Libraries

One of the main characteristics of the intelligent libraries is their interconnection. The
progress of the technology of Internet of things and its practical application make the
perceptual difficulties of libraries no longer a problem [3]. Libraries can also use the
Internet of things to find and locate resources. However, from the perspective of the
development of the big data era, some new problems have arisen in the process of
intelligent libraries. It is mainly because of the convenience of the knowledge acqui-
sition in the era of the big data, which leads to the deeper organization and personalized
data provision of relevant users [4]. In order to meet this demand, the services form of
the libraries also require to be more comprehensive and abundant, to construct a
complete service terminal system including the digital, the network, mobile phones,
and 24-h libraries and so on, to enables libraries to provide more information services
in the process of providing services. So how to make this demand come true and
achieve the perception, interconnection and sharing effect of the new data types has
become a major problem that must be paid enough attention to in guiding the con-
struction of libraries.

1.2 How to Realize the Efficient Management of Intelligent Libraries

In the era of the big data, the primary manifestation of the library changes is the change
of the data. In addition to the change of the data types and forms, there are also many
types of the data storage, organization, analysis, association, integration and changes in
the process of the data collection [5]. In order to have more data, libraries will analyze
users’ behavioral characteristics and their information needs from the massive data, and
then provide the necessary data analysis sources for the users’ personalized knowledge
services, disciplinary services and situation analysis services. On the one hand, libraries
will pay attention to collecting more types, more scenarios and more related data, and
the multi-range and quantitative data. For example, through the library monitoring
terminals, the PC service terminals and the user log of the digital library, we can collect
the users’ borrowing characteristics, the users’ scientific research behaviors and
other data.

1.3 How to Realize the Convenient Service of Intelligent Libraries

In the society full of the competitive information, the traditional information service
institutions such as libraries, which depend on the literature resources, and especially
the paper literature resources, have gradually become marginalized due to the partic-
ipation and competition of the new information service providers such as Google,
120 Y. Quan and C. Lei

which depend on the network and innovation, thus triggering a discussion on whether
libraries will die out. The emergence and the long-term existence of this competitive
forms seem to pose a great challenge to the development and service provision of
libraries, but we should also see that the innovative knowledge service mode of the new
service providers such as Google provides a reference for the future development of the
library service mode, and the one-stop knowledge discovery service that competitors
are striving to build is already in place. It shows great advantages and is leading the
development trend of the information services.

2 Service Innovation of the Intelligent Libraries in Colleges

and Universities in the Big Data Era

According to the service objects and the business characteristics of university libraries,
the functional structures of university libraries are designed and constructed from three
dimensions: the intelligent services, the intelligent building and the intelligent man-
agement. In the era of the big data, the service innovation of university intelligent
libraries is helpful to the overall improvement of the intelligence function of university
libraries, to promote the in-depth and systematic development of university intelligent
libraries. The intelligent library is the innovation and sustainable development of the
library industry and it is the new idea and practice of libraries. From the point of view
of its forms, the intelligent library has been realized.

2.1 The Construction of the Intelligent Libraries

Libraries have a lot of information to deal with every day, so the bandwidth and interface
of smart libraries must be enough. The Internet is very important for the development of
intelligent libraries. In order to achieve the green, efficient, safe and environmental
protection, intelligent libraries need to build the adequate Internet facilities. The use of the
Internet can also reduce the energy consumption, and can fully sense the safety and
sanitation information, the traffic information, and the human flow information and so on.

2.2 The Intelligent Collection of Information

The base of libraries is the collecting books. The traditional libraries have many col-
lections, which are inconvenient to manage, and the books are easily damaged. The
classification, management and preservation of books should take up a lot of space, and
also we shall spend a long time putting the staff, and the search of books is also
inconvenient. In smart libraries, physical books account for a small proportion, and they
are mostly stored in the electronic form. This is convenient for the management and
search, but it has higher requirements for intelligent libraries. First, it is the fast output of
the data retrieval. The data output must be fast, which requires the strong network
support. The second is the data security. The data security is the most important, and the
intelligent libraries can communicate with the outside world, but we should also pay
attention to the confidentiality of our own data. Thirdly, it is the storage of the data. The
intelligent libraries have a lot of data, so it needs a lot of the storage equipment.
Use of the Internet Technology in the Intelligent Library Services 121

2.3 The Intelligent Service Forms

Because of the limitation of the time and the space, traditional libraries can only be
served in a specific environment and time. The intelligent libraries can break through
the restrictions of the practice and the space, so we can not only provide services in the
physical environment, but also accept the library services on the network. This greatly
enriches the reader’s reading and provides more ways for the readers to get books.

3 The Application Background of the Internet Technology

in Intelligent Library Service of Colleges and Universities
in the Big Data Era

With the rapid development of the modern information technologies, such as the big
data, the neural network and the in-depth learning, which drive the advent of the era of
the artificial intelligence, university libraries will also usher in new developments and
changes. This paper probes into the intelligent services of university libraries from the
aspects of the library intelligent management system, the intelligent literature resources
construction, and the intelligent retrieval and pushing of resources and so on. The new
mode of the service and the future artificial intelligence framework of libraries are
prospected, which can provide reference for the developing intelligent libraries.
Under the background of the big data era, the operation mode of university libraries
in China will face the transformation from informationization to intellectualization,
with the intellectualization of the communication system of the Internet of things,
buildings, massive information resources, information environment and document
management. However, the contradiction between the high investment of the con-
struction funds of university library resources and the relatively lagging library service
capacity will be the main contradiction of the university library operation in the era of
the big data. Therefore, this paper discusses the intelligent service work of university
libraries under the increasingly intelligent environment, which has the broad applica-
tion prospects and the important practical significance. The study of the university
intelligent services is not only conducive to improving the utilization and value of
university library’s collection resources, and electronic resources, as well as the reading
and promotion oriented service abilities of the subject professional information
resources, but also conducive to optimizing the environmental service functions of
university libraries and improving its social status.
The intelligent libraries in colleges and universities are a new mode of the inte-
gration and development between libraries and libraries. It is aimed at the functional
characteristics of the libraries in carrying out the literature information services mainly
serving the teaching and the scientific research activities of teachers and students in
colleges and universities. It applies the information technology and the wisdom such as
the mobile Internet, the cloud computing, the big data, and the Internet of things and so
on. It can upgrade the traditional functions of university libraries, improve the service
qualities and efficiency of university libraries, and provide the literature and informa-
tion guarantee for our teaching, scientific researches, discipline construction and per-
sonnel training.
122 Y. Quan and C. Lei

4 Application Strategies of the Internet Technologies

in the Intelligent Library Services of Colleges
and Universities in the Big Data Era

With the “Internet+” rising to the national strategy, the thinking mode, the working
mode and the action plans around the Internet plus have been integrated into all walks
of life. As a business card of each university, the library plays an important role in the
development, the personnel training and the education of the universities. The devel-
opment of the university libraries also needs to keep pace with the times and the
national strategic deployment, create a new ecological chain of university libraries with
the idea of “Internet+”, transform from the digital library to the smart library, and
improve the quality and the efficiency of the management and the service of university
The library management in university libraries involves the collection, arrange-
ment, circulation and inventory of books. The traditional management of books con-
sumes a lot of time and energy of the librarians. In the library management of
university intelligent libraries, aiming at the acquisition and cataloguing links, through
the analysis of readers’ borrowing data and the subject development trends, the pur-
chase list of books and periodicals with the high demand for teaching and scientific
research development, the high demand for readers and the highest utilization rate can
be produced. In view of the circulation link, we should gradually improve the self-
service lending system with the RHD technology as the core, and at the same time we
should realize the shelf management and the regular inventory of books. The self-
service borrower can scan, identify, lend and return books with the RFID tags, and
connect the self-service borrowing and returning system with the library cluster
management system, so as to realize the self-service borrowing management. The use
of the RFID tags can facilitate the rapid search and identification of books, help the
book inventory and search, and facilitate the shelving and shelving of books.

4.1 The Intelligent Navigation Services

The development of university libraries has always been reflected not only in the digital
resources such as the hardware equipment, the paper resources, and the databases, but
also in the scale of the library building space. Many newly-built libraries in colleges
and universities not only have the large building areas, but also show more reasonable
and innovative characteristics in the spatial layout. When readers are not familiar with
the layout of the library space and collection, they often fail to find the required area.
The construction of university intelligent libraries should make full use of the infor-
mation technology such as the mobile communication network, the wireless Wifi and
the GPS navigation system to provide the library intelligent navigation service for the
readers. Readers can locate their position through the relevant electronic equipment or
the mobile phone clients of the libraries. They can view the geographical location and
the functional introduction of each department and collection area. They can also
search the required area to get the route in the libraries, and then reach the destination.
Use of the Internet Technology in the Intelligent Library Services 123

4.2 Book Positioning Service

At present, all the libraries in universities adopt the mode of the open-shelf borrowing,
which not only promotes the development of libraries, but also brings some problems.
For example, the misplaced books may become the “dead books”, and the readers
unfamiliar with the layout of the library collections may spend too much time looking
for the targeting books and so on. The use of the RFID radio frequency technology and
the technology of the Internet of things can achieve the accurate positioning of books
borrowed from open shelves, which can help readers quickly find the targeting books.
Using this technology, librarians can be further assisted to find books that have been

5 Conclusion

The intelligent services for readers are the core of the intelligent services in university
libraries, which are especially based on the subject backgrounds, research directions,
reading interests and reading habits of the readers, and the intellectualized knowledge
services with the readers as the core. According to the readers’ “Campus One-card”
data records in the libraries, including their information data such as their arrival,
departure, borrowing and downloading, the data are analyzed and excavated in depth to
obtain the information about the readers’ subject backgrounds, research directions,
reading interests, and reading habits and so on, as the basis to provide the readers with
the intelligent and personalized and active subject services, scientific research infor-
mation push, knowledge navigation, and the embedding scientific researches.

1. Chen X (2017) Research on the intelligent development of university libraries under the
platform of the “Intelligent Campus” – taking the library of Changzhou institute of
information technology as an example. Libr J Henan (01):192–193
2. Du L (2018) Problems and strategies of the information technology utilization in the
Internet + Era Smart Library. Modern Mark (01):117–118
3. Yang S (2018) Analysis of the “intelligent services” of the intelligent libraries in universities
under the background of the “Internet+”. Legal Syst Soc (08):258–259
4. Yu J (2018) Intelligent services of the intelligent libraries of Chinese universities in the
background of the big data: practical exploration and future prospect. J Nanchang Normal
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5. Lin X, Zhao D, Yang C, Li L (2018) Analysis of the intelligent service model of university
libraries based on the artificial intelligence. J Libr Sci Soc Sichuan (10):105–106
Computer Simulation Training Methods
of Taekwondo Athletes Before Competitions

Jin Jun(&)

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China


Abstract. In Taekwondo competitions, the competition venues, the on-the-spot

environment and the athletes’ own tension and other factors have certain effects
on the athletes’ sports performances. Therefore, through the formulation of the
training plans during the competition period, we should ensure the adequate
sleep, the reasonable diet, the adequate preparation activities, and the sufficient
psychological preparation before the competitions, so that athletes can achieve
excellent results. Based on the analysis of the pre-competition computer simu-
lation training methods, this paper puts forward several specific research

Keywords: Taekwondo athletes  Pre-competition simulation training 

Computer simulation  Strategy

1 Introduction

Taekwondo competitions have various forms and different grades. The athletes who
participate in the competitions strive to achieve excellent results. However, due to the
uncontrollable factors of the competitions, such as the factors of the venue, the scene
environment, and the athletes’ own tension, there will be a series of problems, which
will have certain effects on the achievements of sports to some extent [1]. How to
transform the negative factors into the positive ones to promote the competitions needs
continuous study by the relevant personnel.

2 Analysis on the Competitive State of Taekwondo Athletes

Before Competitions

Faced with the upcoming competitions, their moods are too early or too late exciting.
Their mood is too tense, and there are worries about the games, with mental instability,
restlessness, internal worries, and even panic and fear [2]. They hope to win, but there
is also a lack of confidence in victory. The serious people will have pessimistic dis-
appointment and other reactions. The performance of this kind of Taekwondo athlete is
lack of concentration and their judgment ability drops. The technical reaction is too
monotonous and uncoordinated, and their entire body is stiff [3]. Their physiological
response is the increased pulse, breathing urgency, thirst, frequent urination, and even
pale face, weakness of their limbs, with cold and shaking hands and feet and so on.
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 124–130, 2019.
Computer Simulation Training Methods of Taekwondo Athletes Before Competitions 125

According to the response of the cerebral cortex nerve activity, there are imbalances
due to the high excitation and the weak control. These kinds of the athletes are usually
the young athletes with the short training time. Due to the lack of participation in
competitions, and especially the large-scale competitions, they have the insufficient
training and there is a lack of the competition experience.
There is no desire and confidence for the upcoming competitions because of the
low mood, the low spirits, depression, listlessness, fatigue and laziness. From the
neurological activity reflection of the cerebral cortex, this is due to the lack of
excitement in the cerebral cortex and the strong degree of inhibition [4]. The reasons
are generally the inappropriate pre-competition training arrangements, and the exces-
sive training caused by the excessive fatigue, resulting in a decrease in the psycho-
logical motivation. There are also unfavorable conditions for competitions, and there is
no solution or too much consideration of the personal gains and losses.
There is the blindness and confidence in the games. Such athletes seem confident,
but if we carefully analyze their hearts, we will find that they have insufficient
understanding of the difficulties of the competitions, and they overestimate themselves
and have the idea of belittling the enemies, so they are not focused, but they cannot
listen to the coach’s guidance, and they cannot correctly analyze the strength of both
sides. If they are at a disadvantage or even lose points first, their emotions will fluc-
tuate, and their technical movements will be out of balance, and their rhythm will be
disordered, and they will not be able to attack effectively, but they will be helpless to
their opponents’ attack, and they will often lose in the result of their busy work [5].
This kind of the taekwondo athletes is generally not very skilled, and they are proud
and complacent, with a lack of the correct understanding of themselves.
The best competitive conditions. This is the most ideal way to enable the athletes to
fully and normally play their skills and tactics. Its reaction is to have a correct
understanding of the games, a strong desire to win the honor, a confidence to win the
games, a good sense of self, who are full of spirits and vigor, high in the concentration,
with the quick thinking and quick reaction. They know each other’s situations well, and
can coordinate their movements and change a lot. The taekwondo athletes of this kind
are in the most suitable process of excitation and inhibition of their brain nerve
activities in a relatively balanced interaction from their physiological point of view.
This state is the ideal competitive state, which is the result of the long-term rigorous
and scientific training, and the performance of their self-control and adjustment trained
by the athletes in the long-term sports practice.

3 Make the Effective Plans to Prepare for the

Pre-competition Computer Simulation Training
of the Taekwondo Athletes

3.1 Regular Daily Life, to Ensure the Adequate Sleep

Athletes should make their daily life and training regular. They should not be
overexcited and nervous because of participating in competitions, thus affecting their
sleep quality. Good sleep can not only make the athletes energetic, but also make them
126 J. Jun

highly focused and confident, so as to improve their sports performances, and vice
versa. Sleepless will damages people’s spirits, directly leading to fatigue, irritability
and emotional changes, which, of course, will affect their performances of sports.
Generally speaking, athletes should ensure 8 to 9 h of sleep, and 30 min of noon break
at noon, so as to make their body rest and help their later training.

3.2 Reasonable Diet

(1) Every day’s food should be diversified, colorful, fragrant, and easy to digest and
absorb. Food before competitions should be the usual habits of athletes, and it is
not appropriate to change food or dietary habits.
(2) Athletes generally require the high sugar, low fat, low protein, but can properly
increase the proportion of fat in the long-term competitions.
(3) It is also important to pay attention to the proportion of the fruit and vegetable
intake every day.
(4) Keep plenty of water in your body. Finish the last meal 2.5 h before the start of
the competitions. For the general endurance sports, sugar can be supplemented
2 h before the competitions. Coffee, strong tea and alcoholic beverages cannot be
taken before the competitions.

3.3 Preparatory Activities Should Be Adequate

(1) To prepare well, the amount and intensity of the preparatory activities should be
smaller than those of the formal competitions. If they are too large, fatigue will
occur, which will affect their performances of sports. Each athlete can prepare the
appropriate preparatory activities according to his own specific conditions, usually
with slight sweating and self-feeling so that he can be active. Usually the time
should not be less than 20 min, and according to the events of the games, we can
also appropriately extend the preparation time.
(2) When the body is slightly sweating, a special preparatory activity should be done.
The rhythm and intensity of the special preparatory activity should be similar to
those of the formal competition, and the specialized preparatory activity is very
important. In the competition of the track and field events, some stretching
exercises of the upper and the lower limbs should be done, so as to further
strengthen the stretching of muscles. They can also do some emergency stop and
start, fast jump, 20-m acceleration, and high leg lifting and so on.
(3) The length and duration of the preparation, the contents and forms of exercises,
and the amount and intensity of exercises are all gradual, and vary from person to
person. Due to the differences of the competition events, the individual athletes,
the seasonal climate and the pre-competition states, the pre-competition prepa-
ration is different and not arbitrary. This requires our coaches and athletes to find
the best time interval according to the experiment or the summary of the previous
conclusions. In a word, the preparation activities are very important in the entire
games and cannot be ignored.
Computer Simulation Training Methods of Taekwondo Athletes Before Competitions 127

3.4 Have the Adequate Pre-competition Psychological Preparation

Define the Tasks and Objectives of the Competitions and Stimulate the Motivation
of the Competitions
Firstly, coaches should set the realistic and challenging goals for the athletes according to
their levels of the competitive training and their strength. Tasks should not be too high. If
it is too high, it will bring too much pressure to the athletes, but if it is too low, it will make
the athletes blindly confident, with underestimated difficulties. Coaches should be good at
stimulating the athletes’ competition motivation, help the athletes to establish a high
sense of responsibility and career regardless of their personal gains and losses, and
establish a sense of collective honor to strive for the glory for provinces and cities. Only
with the right motivation can the athletes actively desire to participate in the competitions.
Coaches Should Seriously Formulate the Competition Plans for Athletes
Before the competitions, coaches and athletes must work together to formulate the
detailed emergency plans for the main competitors at this level, as well as all kinds of
the adverse situations and countermeasures that may occur in the competitions, so that
the athletes can cope with the situations calmly in the field and avoid the situations that
they are too busy to cope with.
Let the Athletes Master the Specific Psychological Knowledge and Training
Before competitions, coaches should lead athletes to learn more about sports psy-
chologies, so that they can learn to control and regulate their psychological states,
eliminate their psychological barriers, and form the best competitive states. The psy-
chological adjustment methods athletes commonly use are: breathing adjustment
method, suggestive adjustment method, image adjustment method, muscle relaxation
method, and music regulation method and so on.
Conduct the Simulated Competition Environment Training to Improve Athletes’
Psychological Adaptability
Simulated training is to set up some problems that may arise in the simulated com-
petition environment, carry out the practical exercises, let athletes overcome difficulties
and solve problems, repeat the exercises, and prepare for the athletes to participate in
the competitions. Coaches can designate the training methods according to the prob-
lems and situations that may occur in the competitions, and let athletes simulate the
competition environment to practice, so as to avoid the athletes’ impetuosity or anxiety
when difficulties and problems occur in the competitions, which will affect the athletes’
psychologies and lead to the failure of the normal play of skills and tactics and lose the

4 Training Methods of the Taekwondo Athletes’

Pre-competition Simulated Training

The simulated training refers to the training in a similar situation to a match to achieve
a relaxed mental state. This way of training can effectively improve the ability of the
taekwondo athletes to play on the spot and to adapt to the competition venue. In the
128 J. Jun

process of the model training, the simulation training can be strengthened by the
conventional means such as movies, videos, pictures and computer technology anal-
ysis. By means of the computer simulation training, we can quickly understand the
physical condition, the psychological state and the technical levels of athletes before
the competitions, as well as many other problems. We can make up and correct them
before the competitions, so that athletes can adjust their states well before the

4.1 Simulated Training for the Characteristics of the Competition

In the course of competitions, through the computer simulation methods and means, the
technical characteristics of the opponents are recorded and understood, and the targeted
simulation is carried out. This training method is commonly used by many competing
athletes. In the course of their training, teammates can play the opponents. Such a
method is close to the actual combat, and can mobilize the subjective initiatives of the
athletes, so that in the formal competitions athletes will not have a sense of strangeness.

4.2 Simulated Training at Different Starting Points of Competitions

In different events, according to the different competition situations, such as leading,
lagging and key scores, in the usual training process, we can exert pressure on the
athletes in a certain situation, and simulate how the athletes play when the score is
backward by computers. And in the key ball score processing, we can allow the players
to deal it decisively. In the case of taking the lead, let the players maintain a normal
mentality and face each point seriously.

4.3 Anti-jamming Simulation Training

The anti-jamming training can be divided into the climate and site adaptation training
and the environment adaptation training. The climate and venue training is mainly
aimed at the climate of the competition venues. Athletes should simulate the training
under the similar conditions with the competition venues as far as possible, and the
specific time difference of the competitions should also be considered. The other is the
environmental adaptation training. Even the experienced athletes face the audience’s
cries and intense situation will be distracted and nervous. Therefore, in the ordinary
training process, consciously creating the same scene for the athletes will help reduce
the athletes’ stress response in the competitions. With the development of the computer
technology, this simulation scenario can be completed with the help of the computer

4.4 Simulated Training of the Judges’ Misjudgment

The misjudgment of the referee is one of the most difficult problems for the athletes in
the competitions. Because of the different levels of the referees and the different scales
of the mastery, it will have a great impact on the athletes’ psychologies. In order to
Computer Simulation Training Methods of Taekwondo Athletes Before Competitions 129

solve this problem, in the peacetime training, combined with the computer analysis,
simulate the competition scenes, the partial judgment of a certain athlete or the wrong
judgment of a certain score, so that the athletes can face the situation of the partial
judgment and the wrong judgment calmly, and concentrate on the controllable things,
while ignoring the uncontrollable things and things difficult to control.

5 Notes for the Taekwondo Athletes in the Pre-competition

Simulated Training
(1) In the training of simulating the opponent’s characteristics, coaches must take into
account the individual differences of the people who assist in the simulation.
Therefore, when trained, they must ask the people who play the simulating
opponents to play the authenticity.
(2) In the process of the simulated training in the peacetime, coaches must master
well the intensity and difficulty of the training, and must make the intensity and
difficulty higher than the actual intensity and difficulty of the competitions, so that
the players can enter the state early and play a higher level in the process of the
(3) In the training of simulating the referees’ misjudgment, attention should be paid to
the players’ emotions. In the training process, when they first come into contact
with such training, the athletes will have some small emotions. The coaches must
intervene and enlighten them in time, so that the athletes can adapt to such training
as soon as possible, and make decisions in the training and competitions. Judges’
misjudgment can be mediated by themselves in order to better concentrate on
solving the problems they can control.

6 Conclusion

In a word, in the process of the computer simulation training for the taekwondo athletes
before competitions, coaches and athletes should fully understand the concepts of the
psychological training from a theoretical level, improve their understandings of the
scientific training, and devote themselves to the psychological training with a rigorous
attitude. At the same time, we should be good at discovering their psychological
changes so as to make correct judgments about the athletes’ situations, find problems
and timely carry out the intervention and psychological counseling during the pre-
competition training.

1. Li T (2016) Study of the pre-competition psychological states and adjustment methods of
taekwondo athletes. West Leather 38(08):192
2. Li Y (2013) On the importance of pre-competition simulated training. Guide Sci Educ
130 J. Jun

3. Jiang G (2011) Reviewing the connotation of the simulated training under the development
background of the competitive sports. Zhejiang Sports Sci 33(06):36–38+46
4. Jiang G (2011) On the changes of the simulated training forms and its impact on the sports
training practice. J Nanjing Sport Inst (Soc Sci Ed), 25(01):113–115+119
5. Huang W (2010) Research on the pre-competition psychological training methods of
taekwondo athletes. Sport (12):16–18
Construction of Quality Evaluation System
for Tracking Personnel Training in Higher
Vocational Colleges Based on Computer

Ronghua Ma(&)

Zhengzhou Railway Vocational & Technical College,

Zhengzhou 450000, Henan, China

Abstract. With the upgrading of the industrial structures and the development
of the industrial chain, some higher vocational colleges have some problems,
such as the poor specialty development, the weak ability of collaborative
development between specialties, and the poor resource sharing and so on. It is
an effective way to solve these problems to construct the specialty group of the
service industry chain and explore the training mode of the specialty
group. Taking the specialty group of the rail transit as an example, this paper
analyzes the construction forms of the industry chain and the specialty group of
the rail transit, and puts forward the development path and safeguard measures
of the integrated training scheme for the specialty group of the rail transit.

Keywords: Computer model  Higher vocational track talents 

Training quality  Evaluation system  Construction mechanism

The evaluation of the training quality of the applied talents is not only an important link
in the process of cultivating the talents, but also an important basis for the management
and development of colleges and universities [1]. At present, there are still many
deficiencies in the evaluation of the applied talents in our country, and there is not yet a
set of the evaluation system for the applied talents, which greatly affects the roles of the
applied talents.

1 Connotation of the Personnel Cultivation Quality

1.1 Orientation of the Segmental Personnel Training
In the period of the elite education, the university mainly trains the academic talents. In
the period of the mass education, if all the undergraduate education is still focused on
the academic talents, it is obviously divorced from the social needs and wasted the
educational resources, which will lead to students’ unemployment and enterprises
being unable to recruit people. Therefore, the higher vocational education must change
its educational concepts to cultivate the applied and skilled talents to meet the needs of

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 131–137, 2019.
132 R. Ma

our society. However, some colleges and universities are unwilling to change the types
of the personnel training, and still pursue the cultivation of the academic talents [2].
Under this background, this paper puts forward the “3+2” segmental training mode for
higher vocational and general undergraduate students, which can cultivate the all-round
technical and skilled talents, to meet the needs of our society. Meanwhile, they will
have a relatively perfect theoretical knowledge system and a certain development

1.2 Constituent Elements of the Quality of the Talents

The different orientation of the personnel cultivation will form different views of the
personnel cultivation quality. The evaluation of the quality of the academic and
research-oriented talents can follow the criterion of “the comprehensiveness and the
logical relevance of the subject knowledge” [3]. The evaluation of the quality of the
technical and applied talents emphasizes the trinity of knowledge, the skills and the
quality, and the criterion of “subject knowledge” is relatively weakened. To evaluate
the training quality of the “3+2” segmental talents in higher vocational colleges and
ordinary undergraduates, we must consider the overall development of the students and
the needs of our society. The trinity of the students’ knowledge, abilities and quality
constitutes the main aspect of the personnel training quality.

1.3 Construction Principles of the Quality Evaluation System

for the Segmental Personnel Training
The training of the higher vocational personnel has its particularity. When constructing
the evaluation system of the personnel training quality, we should follow the following
three principles. The first is to promote the principle of all-round development of
students. This is the prerequisite for evaluating the quality of talents [4]. As far as the
cultivation of the undergraduate segmental talents in higher vocational colleges is
concerned, we must grasp the characteristics of the educatees themselves. In cultivating
students’ knowledge, skills and qualities, we should take the needs of our society,
enterprises and students as the guidance. The second is the effective combination of the
discipline knowledge system and the technical skill training. The higher vocational
talents not only have the strong professional skills and technologies, but also have a
relatively perfect subject knowledge system. When constructing the quality evaluation
system of the personnel cultivation, we should not only inspect the students’
employment ability, but also pay attention to the track of the students’ career devel-
opment. We should consider the satisfaction of the students and the satisfaction of the
enterprises and the society to the talents. The third is to follow the dynamic principles
of the evaluation system [5]. The formation of the quality of the personnel training is
also a long-term process, and its standards have different basis for the formulation in
different periods, which determines that the evaluation must follow the dynamic
principles and formulate a dynamic index system according to the changing trend of the
quality of the personnel training and the changes of the main factors.
Construction of Quality Evaluation System for Tracking Personnel Training 133

2 Training Mode for the Order Professionals in the Rail

Transit Majors
2.1 Establish the Cultivation and Management Institutions for the Order
In order to form a good operation mechanism for the personnel training, teacher
training, training base co-construction and co-management, curriculum construction,
staff training, and technical services, relying on the Guangzhou Industrial Trans-
portation Vocational Education Group and the university-enterprise cooperation plat-
form, combined with Guangzhou Metro, Guangzhou locomotive depot and other
enterprises, jointly build the order personnel training management institutions, and
build the school-enterprise cooperative platform, to resolve the disconnection between
the personnel training and the actual production, with the lack of the training equipment
and other difficult problems, to help enterprises solve the technical problems and
improve the quality of the employees. At the same time, we should further implement
the mechanism construction of the school-enterprise cooperative colleges, introduce the
enterprise cultures and management mechanisms, formulate and improve the man-
agement system of the order personnel training management institutions, and ensure the
orderly development of the order personnel training.

2.2 Reform of the Order Personnel Training Mode with the Joint
Training of Schools and Enterprises
The professional investigation report is formed by investigating the occupational
groups of drivers, maintenance, servicing and maintenance of machinery and road
maintenance in the rail transit industry and tracing the graduates. Define the orientation
of the personnel training objectives, and train the high-quality and high-skilled per-
sonnel for the rail transit enterprises, such as vehicle driving, maintenance, engineering
maintenance, mechanical maintenance and other production line. The specialized
personnel training programs for the subway driving, subway overhaul, engineering
maintenance and mechanical road maintenance are formulated by school and enterprise
experts organized by the order personnel training management institutions, and the
professional standards and the curriculum standards are revised. In the first two years,
all the students studied the vocational quality courses and the basic ability courses on
the shared teaching platform. In the third year, they are specially trained in the subway
driving, the subway overhaul, the EMU driving, and other professional directions to
study the professional special ability courses, and complete half a year post practice in
cooperative enterprises to cultivate their comprehensive vocational abilities.

2.3 Construction of the Curriculum System for the Order Based

Personnel Training Based on the Real Working Tasks
Establish an interface between the platform curriculum and the direction curriculum,
both suitable for the academic education and the enterprise training modular curriculum
programs. In view of the specific model and the operation conditions of the cooperative
134 R. Ma

enterprises, the school-enterprise cooperation compiles a series of the engineering-

learning combination textbooks, and continuously complements and improves them
according to the development of technologies to meet the needs of personnel training.
According to order training requirements, the teaching organization is arranged by
stages. In order to adapt to the changes of the employing cycle and the production cycle
of enterprises, the “2+1” and other teaching organization forms should be implemented
in the training process, and the teaching arrangement of a course should be implemented
for several weeks in succession in the second and third academic year, which is bene-
ficial to the integration of the teaching, the alternation of work and study, and the part-
time teachers’ teaching and guarantees the cultivation of the students’ practical ability.

2.4 Construct the Multiple Teaching Modes and the Training Mode
of “Dual Mentoring System”
Adopt the pluralistic teaching mode. In order to make full use of the teaching resources
and training conditions in the process of the order personnel training, aiming at the
specific learning tasks, the project-based teaching method, the group learning, the role
playing, the situation simulation and other student-centered teaching methods are
adopted. Set up a series of the extra-curricular tasks, with the help of the professional
teaching resources, guide the students to learn independently, form a student-centered
multi-teaching model, and expand the students’ learning abilities.
Learn from the railway and subway driver training experience, and the practice of
the “dual mentoring” training mode is implemented. In the schools, we use the train
simulation driving training base, the track vehicle maintenance training base and the
track vehicle electric drive training base, adopt the small-class teaching method, and the
professional teachers teach the students one-to-many and one-to-one, to guide the stu-
dents to operate independently. In the enterprises, all the students will implement the
internship to the corresponding employment units, and the enterprise masters shall guide
the one-to-one internship in the operation of the student, forming a teacher-apprentice
relationship. Through six months of the enterprise internship, in the enterprises they will
gain the certificates for the bus drivers, the vehicle maintenance workers and other jobs,
to achieve on-the-job internship and on-the-job training docking.

2.5 Build an Evaluation System Mainly Based on the Enterprise

Assessment with the Combination of the School and Enterprise
In the course of the course assessment, the combination of the process assessment and
the result assessment, and the equal emphasis on the knowledge assessment and the
ability assessment, the emphasis on the assessment of the students’ learning process,
and the practical operation ability as the main basis for evaluating the results are
adopted in the course of the order personnel training. We should implement the open
assessment, allowing the students to apply for the advance examinations to the
teachers. Pay attention to the examination of the students’ innovative consciousness,
and especially for the comprehensive assessment of the projects of the use of the new
technologies and the new devices, in the evaluation of the results, encouragement and
Construction of Quality Evaluation System for Tracking Personnel Training 135

points should be given. Establish a strict school-enterprise cooperation training and

enterprise assessment system, and the students who have complete all the school
courses and pass the exams hosted by the enterprises can be qualified to participate in
the post practice. The qualified students enter the internship of the enterprises as the
quasi employees. The post practice adopts the enterprise examinations, the practice
instructor evaluation, the student summary and other methods to comprehensively
evaluate the students’ practice results.

3 Construction of the Quality Evaluation System

for the Track Talents in Higher Vocational Colleges Based
on the Computer Model

3.1 Determination of the Indicators for the Evaluation System

The personnel cultivation is the core function of the profession. The evaluation of the
quality of the “3+2” section of the personnel cultivation must cover the entire process
of the personnel cultivation, including the goals of the personnel cultivation, the pro-
cess of the personnel cultivation, and the effect of the personnel cultivation. Therefore,
in the evaluation of the personnel cultivation quality, we should try our best to ensure
the comprehensiveness of the evaluation contents. In the process of determining the
index of the evaluation system, the research group adopts the method of the expert
investigation to determine the evaluation indexes. The participants are mainly seven
experts of the higher vocational education and the undergraduate education, six experts
of the enterprises and three backbone teachers. Through the questionnaire survey, the
qualitative prediction index system is formed and the primary and secondary indicators
and the corresponding weights are finally formed.

3.2 Connotation of the Evaluation System Index

The above index system covers all aspects of the quality of the personnel training, and
the target of the personnel training mainly focuses on whether the process of the per-
sonnel training conforms to the laws of the students’ growth and the development of the
students’ profession, and the target of personnel training mainly focuses on whether the
personnel training program conforms to the characteristics of the convergence between
the higher vocational and the undergraduate education and whether the personnel
training mode has its own characteristics and so on. The indicators of the “talent training
effectiveness” mainly focus on the cultivation of the students’ moral and cultural levels,
their learning habits and continuing learning abilities, mastering the professional skills
and innovative abilities, and whether the graduates are qualified for their jobs.

3.3 Quality Evaluation System for the Track Talents in Higher

Vocational Colleges Based on the Computer Model
The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a subjective decision-making method. The
hierarchical structure model is divided into the target layer, the index layer and the
136 R. Ma

dimension layer by determining the weights of the indexes. It has the characteristics of
combining the qualitative analysis with the quantitative analysis. On the basis of
establishing the hierarchical structure model, it decomposes the target hierarchy into
several sub-goals. Its advantage is that it can evaluate some fuzzy and difficult quan-
titative analysis problems scientifically. By comparing the importance of the relevant
factors, the comparison judgment matrix of each layer is constructed, and the index
matrix is constructed according to the 1–9 scale principle proposed by Satay, et al.
MATLAB tools are used to calculate the weight of each index and determine whether
the index passes the consistency test. The data of the judgment matrix are obtained by
the expert discussion, and the expert group members can increase the number of the
students appropriately in addition to 2/3 experts. Through the expert discussion, obtain
the relative impact between the two indicators of the same level, analyze and collate the
data, and finally get the corresponding judgment matrix.
Aiming at the problems of “single evaluation subject”, “low degree of the social
participation”, and “laying emphasis on the qualitative evaluation and neglecting the
quantitative evaluation” existing in the evaluation of the personnel cultivation quality at
present, the quality evaluation system for the pluralistic and multi-level personnel
cultivation based on the process characteristics of the higher vocational education has
distinct hierarchy of the index system. It has the characteristics of the rigorous hier-
archical system, the comprehensive and systematic evaluation contents, and the
diversified evaluation subjects. Through the evaluation system, the schools can fully
understand the problems existing in the three links of the specialty, namely, the input of
the personnel cultivation, the implementation of the personnel cultivation and the
output of the personnel cultivation, and timely adjust the goal of the personnel culti-
vation, formulate a suitable personnel cultivation program, and reform or adjust the
curriculum system and curriculum assessment methods and so on, so as to further
improve the professional teaching quality and teaching levels.

4 Conclusion

Under the guidance of the order personnel training management organizations, a

development team composed of the professional teachers and experts from the rail
transit enterprises is formed. According to the tasks and operation processes of driving,
overhauling, maintenance and mechanical maintenance of the rail transit vehicles, the
professional qualification standards such as the drivers and the maintenance technicians
are integrated into the curriculum system with the emphasis on the ability training.
Focus on the formation process and the difficulty factors of the core competence of
driving, overhaul, maintenance and mechanical maintenance occupational groups, and
the curriculum system is ordered into three progressive competence training modules:
the basic competence module, the professional special competence module and the
comprehensive competence module. And according to the typical job tasks in the post
development curriculum, follow the “basic project, core project, and comprehensive
project” ability training progressive relationship, build the project-based curriculums,
and integrate the enterprise professional quality “accurate to millimeter” into the cur-
riculum contents.
Construction of Quality Evaluation System for Tracking Personnel Training 137

Acknowledgment. Project foundation: Soft science research project of Henan science and
technology plan in 2018 (No.: 182400410330).

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Design of a Computer-Aided Learning
Platform Based on the Intercultural
Communication Teaching

Xue Yi(&)

University of Science and Technology Liaoning,

Anshan 114001, Liaoning, China

Abstract. After years of the teaching practice and discussion, the intercultural
communication still has the potential to lead to the lack of the essential core
contents and key directions of the curriculum teaching due to the wide scope of
the curriculum itself. If there is no clear understanding of this course, it will
easily lead to a general discussion of the cultural knowledge in class, and the
lack of the effective improvement of the intercultural communicative compe-
tence. It is necessary to avoid the misunderstanding of the current intercultural
communicative teaching in terms of the teaching objectives, teaching contents,
teaching focus and teaching means, so as to cultivate the students’ intercultural
communicative competence, as well as the practical talents who can correctly
deal with the different intercultural communication activities.

Keywords: Intercultural communication teaching  Computer 

Assisted learning  Platform design

In the process of the intercultural communication teaching, due to the complexity of the
subject itself, no matter what kind of the teaching system and mode we set up, we are
faced with a large number of the exceptions and the non-traditional contents. Therefore,
in the teaching of the intercultural communication, we must keep an open mind and be
ready to incorporate the new contents into our teaching system according to the
changes [1]. At the same time, we must make clear the core of the intercultural
communication, build the knowledge around the cultures into an organic system, and
emphasize the practical application abilities according to the needs of the practical

1 Background Analysis of the Design of the Computer Aided

Learning Platform

The big data, the cloud services, the social networks and other technologies have
triggered the educational changes, and the educational informatization is moving into
the fast lane. The mobile learning, the online education and the flipping classroom have
opened a new era of our learning [2]. What have the new challenges been posed to the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 138–143, 2019.
Design of a Computer-Aided Learning Platform 139

traditional educational concepts, the educational systems and the personnel training
mode? The new opportunities and enlightenments will bring new technologies to the
intercultural communication teaching. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the
advantages and disadvantages of the specific teaching modes, the author believes that
teachers should combine the respective advantages of the computer-aided learning
platform in the teaching process, and try to achieve the following points:
Firstly, we should work with the students to determine the teaching objectives and
cultivate the students’ autonomous learning abilities before class. The self-regulated
learning refers to “learners can make their learning plans according to their actual
situations, determine their learning objectives, contents, materials and methods, mon-
itor the learning process and check and evaluate their self-development” [3]. Teachers
can communicate the pre-lecture contents to the students through the multimedia
network system before class, and discuss and determine the topics with the students,
which can stimulate the students’ interests, make them pay attention to the classroom
contents and determine the learning objectives, and make full preparations before class.
Secondly, we should use the multimedia courseware reasonably according to our
leading roles, and “create more opportunities for the students to output by using various
tasks and activities.” The multimedia-assisted instruction has many advantages, but too
much and excessive use of it will make the English class become an exhibition of the
courseware. The courseware should avoid flashiness and should highlight the key
points. More importantly, “the natural language between people is the language with
most affinity and flexibility. The interactive communication between teachers and
students in class should be the most effective way of our teaching and learning” [4].
Many activities organized by the teachers in the English classes, including lectures,
group performances, discussions and debates, are the good ways to cultivate the stu-
dents’ listening and speaking abilities, which are irreplaceable by computers.
Finally, the network system is used to guide the students to study and evaluate
independently after class. After class, teachers can adopt the principle of combining the
real-time and the non-real-time counseling, communicating with the students, assigning
the homework, uploading the counseling materials, and answering students’ questions
and so on. In addition, “teachers can also use the network system to keep abreast of the
students’ learning progress and learning effect at any time, and can give the targeted
guidance according to the situations they have mastered.” Students use the part of the
online courses to review what they have learned in class, to know their progress in their
learning in time, and to get the relevant information feedback in order to adjust their
learning strategies [5]. In addition, evaluation can be carried out between the teachers and
the students and between the students and between the teachers, to promote each other.

2 The Connotation and Requirements of the Intercultural

Communication Teaching

In the course of the Chinese students’ intercultural communication, whether we define

the opposite of the Chinese cultures as the big western cultures or the specific cultures
of a certain country, there inevitably exists the one-sidedness. In the case of the
140 X. Yi

uncertainties in the target of the students’ future intercultural communication, it is still

one-sided to take the cultural common sense of one or several cultures as the main
component of the teaching contents, no matter how typical such cultures are, and such
teaching also bears the risk of the partial generalization.
In addition, “communication” is also a very complex concept. In the process of the
intercultural communication, the subjects, targets, media, environment and other fac-
tors that have a significant impact on the communication are constantly changing. This
changes the expectations of the participants in the communication. Therefore, the
problems involved in the intercultural communication teaching should be further
broadened. The teaching of the intercultural communication should incorporate more
communicative behaviors, including some non-traditional ones.
The cross-cultural competence can be defined as “the ability of the interactors to
negotiate the cultural meanings and to use the effective communication behaviors in a
particular environment appropriately in order to confirm the multiple identities of both
sides”. A comprehensive and in-depth study of the framework of the intercultural
competence is conducted. The framework is summarized as follows. The contents of
the attitude level include understanding the existence of the ethnocentric ideas and
opinions, eliminating prejudices, and cultivating curiosity, openness, appreciation and
empathy towards the foreign cultures. The contents of the knowledge level include
accumulating knowledge of the native cultures and the foreign cultures, learning the
foreign language knowledge, and learning the meaning expression system of the non-
verbal communication and so on. The contents of the behavior level include facing the
vague and uncertain communication environment calmly, and being willing and able to
understand and deal with problems from the other side’s point of view and so on.
To solve this problem, we must first define the orientation of the intercultural
communication teaching. Since then, the cultural diversity has become a basic starting
point. The teaching of the intercultural communication should not only discuss the
complex cultural structures of different social groups from different levels and per-
spectives, but also understand the complex cultural backgrounds of different partici-
pants and the different expectations in the communication. The cultivation of the
intercultural communicative competence should not only be based on the cultural
knowledge, but also transcend cultural knowledge. We should not only pay attention to
the accumulation and application of the cultural knowledge, but also to how to stim-
ulate our innovative abilities in the absence of the corresponding cultural knowledge,
so as to achieve effective information transmission with the communicating objects.

3 The Orientation of the Intercultural Communication


The contents of the intercultural communication teaching should follow the rules. It is
still based on the education of the cultural common sense. Communication must be
based on the basic understanding, and the basic cultural knowledge should be the
cornerstone of the intercultural communicative competence. This includes, first of all,
the core values of the world’s major cultures, their causes and specific manifestations.
If we consume too much space and time in this kind of contents, we will deviate from
Design of a Computer-Aided Learning Platform 141

the teaching direction of the intercultural communication. This is because these cultural
differences are relatively superficial and do not involve the core cultural contents such
as the world outlook and values. Therefore, in the teaching of the intercultural com-
munication, in the teaching of the cultural common sense, we should take the differ-
ences of the cultural values as the core of our teaching, and try to avoid the empty and
aimless narration of the common sense of the cultural details.
The teaching methods of the intercultural communication teaching should be
combined with the specific teaching purposes. The cross-cultural communication exists
in many different situations. However, these different activities have different demands
on the intercultural communication, and the subjects of the intercultural communication
are different. Therefore, the intercultural communication teaching should be further
refined and different teaching contents and methods should be designed for different
needs. It is obviously unrealistic to cultivate these obviously different intercultural
communicative competences with the same teaching contents on the basis of the basic
cultural knowledge. “Teaching in accordance with one’s aptitude” has been re-
mentioned in the era of the big data, and in the past few years, it has been constantly
refreshing the educators’ understandings and interpretation of this concept in the theory
and the practice.
When the autonomous learning becomes a norm and the learners of the intercultural
communication can access the massive resources on the Internet through their mobile
phones and computers, the key issue is whether these learners who are centered really
understand the learning objectives and the most effective means of their learning.
Therefore, cultivating learners’ ability to screen the information is a learner-centered
learning model, which gives us an important inspiration.

4 Design of the Computer Aided Learning Platform Based

on the Intercultural Communication Teaching

The computer-aided reading can greatly improve the students’ interests in their
learning. The theory and the practice of the intercultural communication teaching prove
that the values and the quantity of the language input play an important role in the
effect of the intercultural communication teaching. The courseware provides pictures,
background knowledge, text words and passages to read, and the multi-level navigation
contents make the students feel more interesting, vivid and informative. Another
prominent advantage that the students generally reflect in the survey results is that
students can choose the contents and progress of their study independently. The
“student-centered” teaching method holds that students’ personality characteristics
should be an important consideration in the teaching plan.
The applied linguistics research shows that students’ age, personality, motivation,
learning habits and cognitive characteristics will affect their learning methods and
progress of the intercultural communication. These differences among the students
should be taken seriously. The individualization of their learning should become the
characteristics of our education in the 21st century. In the computer-aided reading,
learners can choose the teaching software according to their language levels, cognitive
styles and learning interests. Because the teaching software displays all the teaching
142 X. Yi

contents in the form of menus, students can enter the specific contents by clicking on
the chapters they want to learn. Therefore, the entire learning process can be controlled
by the students themselves, whether it is fast or slow. The personalized learning, as a
new way of the learning, has far-reaching significance in view of the huge number of
college English learners and the different learning styles in China. Under the good
situation of the software development in the ascendant, under the proper organization
and guidance of the teachers, students can learn to learn, explore, acquire knowledge
and cultivate their skills by themselves.
Teachers must learn to use the computer-aided English teaching. Warschaueri will
use the Internet to assist the intercultural communication teaching, analogous to taking
a glass of water from a fire hydrant sprayed out of a stream of water. This metaphor
shows that the network English has great potential, but it is difficult to achieve the
satisfactory teaching results without teachers’ reasonable elimination of dross and
extraction of the essence, and without the teachers’ scientific research and careful
design. Therefore, the computer-assisted English teaching requires that the teachers not
only have the profound professional knowledge, but also master certain educational
technological theories and the modern teaching methods, apply the multimedia tech-
nologies to their English teaching, learn to do the courseware and web pages, as well as
the listening, speaking, reading and writing exercises, and establish the courseware
library, the corpus libraries, dialogues with peers, brothers’ schools and the educational
experts at home and abroad on the Internet, to exchange and consult with the educa-
tional colleagues from all over the world. As long as they learn to make use of the rich
and colorful world of the Internet, the English learners will surely be able to master the
language better.
Teachers should use the CAI scientifically and reasonably. In the English class,
time is limited and the teaching objectives and tasks must be fulfilled. Therefore,
teachers should deal with the relationship between the CAI and the teacher’s expla-
nation. According to the teaching contents and the students’ situations, we should carry
out the timely, appropriate and proper use of the network or the refined courseware. We
should not only improve the students’ interests in their English learning, but should
also prevent the students from fatigue, and the students should also gain a lot. The
computer networks only play a supporting role, and the protagonists in the classrooms
are still the teachers and the students. We can see that some of the courseware used by
the teachers in the open class is beautiful and elaborate. It really takes a lot of time and
energy. The students are also very interested in it. But in one class, the teacher always
plays the role of a film projector. The students just watch a small movie and watch it on
foot, but they don’t know anything about it. The students do not have many memories
of the knowledge they have learnt, let alone understanding, consolidation and reflec-
tion, and the kind of the cordial feeling of the face-to-face exchange in the traditional
classroom between the teachers and the students is also very few, and such computer-
assisted teaching cannot help the students to learn, and also cannot achieve the satis-
factory teaching results.
Design of a Computer-Aided Learning Platform 143

5 Conclusion

The definition of the cultures is a very important starting point. In the practical
intercultural communication teaching, we often roughly divide the cultures involved
into the Chinese cultures and the western cultures, and explore how to conduct the
intercultural communication between the two cultures. This division has its rationality
at the beginning of its emergence, but with the continuous development of the cross-
cultural communication, it will face many uncertain challenges.

Acknowledgment. Research result of 2018 Anshan philosophy and social sciences research
project (as20183033): Trinity training mode of the cross-cultural communicative competence of
the applied talents with “One Belt and One Road”.
Liaoning University of Science and Technology in 2018 (XJGJF201846): Research on the
Mixed Teaching Model of the Oral Communicative Competence Training for the Innovative and
Entrepreneurial Talents.

1. Chen M (2017) An empirical study of the computer-assisted language learning tools to
promote the senior high school students’ oral english expressive ability – a case study of the
“Spoken Scallop” software. Course Educ Res (08):119–120
2. Du Y (2017) Intercultural teaching of college English in the perspective of the postmodern
criticism – a case study of Ricky’s seeing his mother-in-law in the future. J Huaihai Inst
Technol (Hum Soc Sci Ed) (12):158–159
3. Cai B, Chen G, Huang X (2017) Overview of the international knowledge network research:
current situations, hot points and trends – document measurement based on the web of
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4. Long Y (2017) Exploration on the teaching reform of the college english reading course under
the guidance of the PISA reading literacy view – taking Beijing normal university as an
example. Sci Educ Article Collects (12):108–109
5. Na L, Pu Z, Shi Y, Zhu C, Long Z (2018) The infiltration of the native cultures of the minority
nationalities in the frontier areas in the college English teaching – taking the local cultures of
Zhuang nationality in Wenshan as an example. J Wenshan Univ (01):125–126
Individualized Recommendation Service Model
of University Intelligent Libraries Based
on the Internet Technology

Cao Lei and Yuan Quan(&)

Library of Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China


Abstract. The library personalized recommendation refers to providing the

personalized recommendation services to every reader on the basis of the
reader’s personal background, specialty, habits, hobbies and special require-
ments. Because of the development of the science and technology, and espe-
cially the breakthrough of the modern information technology and the
interconnection technology, the development of the traditional libraries has also
been on the track of the intelligent development. Libraries need to be based on
the length of the user visits, the freshness of libraries and the frequency of the
library visits. We should subdivide the library users into the new users and the
general users, and then provide the different personalized services for different
types of the users through the data mining and the Mapreduce technology of the
big data.

Keywords: Internet technology  University wisdom  Library 

Personalized recommendation  Service mode

1 Personalized Recommendation Service Background

of University Intelligent Libraries Based on the Internet

With the concept of the “smart earth” put forward, the development of the new tech-
nologies and the appearance of the information explosion, the traditional service
models of libraries have been unable to meet the information needs of readers, and the
university libraries are moving towards the direction of smart libraries [1]. The intel-
ligent recommendation can actively tap and analyze the user behaviors of the readers,
provide the customized recommendation services of the information resources to the
readers, and meet the increasingly diverse new needs of the readers [2]. The intelligent
libraries are not only the technological progress, but also the service improvement, and
especially the personalized recommendation service is the most prominent.
The personalized recommendation is a process of the information reorganization, a
redistribution of the information resources, and a mode of the personalized information
service based on the users’ needs. Its principle is to actively organize the information
resources on the premise of fully tapping the information of the users’ personalized
demand, and to push the information resources and information services that the users

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 144–149, 2019.
Individualized Recommendation Service Model 145

are interested in. On the one hand, it is necessary for the social progress and the
development of libraries themselves, which is conducive to improving the scientific
and technological abilities and the service levels of libraries [3]. On the other hand, it
saves the time for the users to obtain the effective literature and information, stimulates
the readers’ interests in reading, improves the efficiency of the application of the books,
and improves the users’ satisfaction.
College libraries collect the abundant books, documents and information resources,
which are the source of the teaching and research in colleges and universities. In the
process of our teaching, research and learning, all of them reflect the needs of colleges
and universities for the libraries. But it is undoubtedly very difficult for the users to
quickly find the materials and books they want in the sea of books. In the era of the big
data, teachers and students in colleges and universities need a more rapid retrieval
scheme [4]. It is particularly important to establish a literature retrieval service based on
the users’ historical retrieval behaviors.
In the era of the big data, if the user model can be established to match the relevant
information of the user according to the historical browsing records while the per-
sonalized retrieval can be carried out, the processed information can be actively rec-
ommended to the user so that the user can quickly find the information he is interested
in. At the same time, according to the personalized needs of the library users, such as
the personalized data mining service, the personalized user analysis service and the
personalized subject knowledge service, these personalized services can excavate the
users’ needs, analyze the users’ reading habits and preferences, and provide the users
with the required teaching and scientific research-related subject knowledge [5].

2 Personalization Model of Intelligent Libraries in Colleges

and Universities Based on the Internet Technology

The individualized service of libraries refers to a kind of information service which is

user-oriented and adopts different service modes to meet the individual information
needs of different users. At present, the individualized information services on the
internet widely carried out by domestic university libraries mainly includes the fol-
lowing aspects.

2.1 Various Forms of the Reference Services

The traditional reference resource services mainly consist of the telephone consultation
and the on-site consultation. In the digital information environment, the virtual refer-
ence service has been more and more widely used. In our modern society, university
libraries begin to provide various types of the reference services to the users on the
basis of the network, in the form of e-mails or the real-time chat. Through the inves-
tigation, it is found that the online reference methods commonly used by domestic
university libraries include the FAQ, the E-mail consultation, the WEB form consul-
tation, the QQ online consultation, and the professional consultation system online
consultation and so on. Through various forms of the consultation, professional
146 C. Lei and Y. Quan

librarians of libraries can answer the questions of the readers remotely, inquire the
information, and provide the timely and fast personalized information services.

2.2 Subject Resource Navigation Services

The discipline resource navigation system is a retrieval system that collects, identifies,
chooses, organizes and reorganizes the academic resources on the Internet based on the
digitalization and networking. It can reveal and guide the professional information
resources of the disciplines for the users in the form of the dynamic links or the
localization of resources. It is a kind of the retrieval system through libraries. The home
page provides the user services. According to the online survey, many university
libraries in the domestic university libraries have built the subject navigation systems,
such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Wuhan
University, Nanjing University and Shenzhen University. These subject navigation
systems provide the great convenience for the readers to inquire resources from various
disciplines and specialties. But at the same time, there are also some problems, such as
the insufficient disclosure of disciplines and insufficient timely updating of the

2.3 The Latest Information Pushing Service

The latest information push service is a service that informs the users of the latest
information in the information resource database in a specified time according to the
users’ needs for the information. Generally, the intelligent software is used to push the
information automatically by means of e-mails and short messages and so on, such as
the booking information of books, the book expiration information, the training
information, the information of the new resources, and the subject latest information
and so on. Through the latest information push service, libraries can push the infor-
mation contents that the users are interested in for the first time.

3 Analysis of the Problems in the Construction

of the University Libraries

At present, the university libraries in China are the independent entity. Their resource
sharing ability with each library is limited, and they cannot be interconnected.
Although an alliance organization has been established, its construction cost is too high
and the leaders pay too little attention to it, which leads to the alliance organization
becoming an ornament and being unable to play its due role. Although some university
libraries share their resources with other libraries by borrowing books or delivering
documents, it takes too long and the procedures are too troublesome, which makes the
readers not too enthusiastic in borrowing books and reading, which cannot meet the
needs of the readers.
Individualized Recommendation Service Model 147

3.1 Insufficient Shared Resources of University Libraries

The current collection of university libraries in China and the shared resources of
various institutions cannot meet the expected needs of the readers. Therefore, we
cannot meet the needs of the readers when they access and use the resources. Some
scholars have made a survey of university libraries. The utilization rate of the paper
resources is 72.7%, but that of other types is less than 50%. The utilization rate of some
professional books is only 15%, while the overall utilization rate of the mathematical
resources by the intelligent libraries is less than 40%. From this we can see that the
university libraries are not very good at using and acquiring both the paper resources
and the mathematical resources, which proves that the collection of university libraries
is limited and cannot meet the readers’ reading needs, leading to the inadequate uti-
lization of the reading resources.

3.2 The Overall Quality of the University Libraries Is not High

The key to the service quality is the quality of the administrators. At present, the quality
of the university librarians in our country is basically not high, and their comprehensive
quality is low, so that their ability to accept and understand the new things is limited,
and their ability to understand the needs of the readers is poor, and their ability to
analyze the needs of the readers is insufficient. Although colleges and universities have
organized the training and visiting activities, they cannot reach the learning standards
of the professions. The new technology has not been applied in time, and nor has it the
ability to provide the perfect solutions, which makes the reader service not meet the
requirements and cannot understand the reader’s hobbies in depth. The service of the
university libraries in our country is relatively passive. It can only be provided after the
customers put forward their service needs. There are few follow-up services which
cannot provide the timely solutions for the customers. Therefore, the utilization of the
library resources is limited, and the services carried out are limited to the libraries,
lacking the active service concepts.

3.3 The Limitation of the Reader Services in University Libraries Is

Strong and the Service Scope Is Narrow
The service of the university libraries in our country is limited to the in-school and the
inquiry materials are also limited to the campus. Although some schools have held the
out-of-school visiting functions, the information provided by them is only limited to
some of the materials in the libraries. There is no real cross-regional and cross-
territorial access, and the scope of the services is limited. It is limited to the students in
the schools, and most of the colleges and universities have not yet launched the
external services, which limits the scope of the readers’ services. With the application
of the new science and technology, the service contents of university libraries in our
country are mainly the borrowing services, but these service contents cannot meet the
needs of the readers. Although some libraries have carried out some consulting ser-
vices, they have not met the needs of the readers.
148 C. Lei and Y. Quan

4 Personalized Recommendation Service Model of University

Intelligent Libraries Based on the Internet Technology

The personalized service system of university libraries is a service platform which

integrates the retrieval of the information resources, the recommendation of the per-
sonalized information resources and the consultation services. According to the pro-
fessional characteristics and the research interests of different readers, provide and
recommend the literature and information resources needed for our teaching and sci-
entific research, and provide the real-time consultation services for the readers.

4.1 Personal Bookshelves and Information Retrieval Services

The individualized services of the libraries should first create the users’ individualized
information resource database to ensure the readers’ safe access to the system. Before
the reader enters the system, he or she can open a personal account and input their
personal information such as his or her identity, specialty, borrowing needs and reading
preferences, that is, to create a personal database. The personal database is the pre-
condition for the libraries to provide the personalized service. The server can provide a
storage space for each registered reader to refer to, save the reader’s favorite resources
and historical access to the information resources, establish the user’s personalized
files, predict the user’s interests, and adjust the clothes in time. In order to customize
and push the information resources needed by the users, the perspectives and contents
of the businesses are discussed. Especially for different types of readers, the retrieval
results are different for the same retrieval condition input. Provide the contents that
readers are interested in, filter the irrelevant information, and return the information that
is more in line with the actual needs of the readers.

4.2 Personalized Pushing Service

The information push service is a new information agency mechanism based on the
development of technologies. It can recommend books or papers to the readers actively
according to their interests and preferences. According to the information resources
customized by the readers, we can browse the basic information of the resources,
inquire about the borrowing status, and organize and manage the historical recom-
mendation resources. The system can not only provide the targeted information
according to the reader’s personality, but also actively push the latest information
resources that the readers may need through the intelligent analysis of the reader’s
professional characteristics and research interests, and provide a variety of the cus-
tomized information services for the readers. It can regularly inquire the online cata-
logue, confirm the new resources, and make these new resources meet the needs of the
readers. The system can automatically push the inquiry results to the readers in real
time through e-mails and other means, and dynamically push the latest information
resources of the related disciplines to the readers. Readers no longer need to identify
the new and the old resources online, and can obtain the library push in real time. The
latest documents and information that are completely suitable for their own needs are
sent to improve the efficiency of the readers’ utilization of the libraries.
Individualized Recommendation Service Model 149

4.3 Personalized Consulting Service

The personalized consulting service refers to the interactive information service mode
in which libraries use the resources of the network platform to answer the remote
readers’ consultation. This service mode relies on the Internet to break the time and the
geographical constraints of the traditional services, and to achieve the real-time con-
sultation services for the users. Based on this model, readers can get the instant services
without having to go to the libraries in person. Through the system, the consultant
librarians can communicate with the readers on-line in the real-time texts and audios
and videos, answer the readers’ relevant consultation about the library resources and
services, and provide them with the real-time and personalized consultation services.

4.4 Information Thematic Service

The personalized subject service mainly refers to the establishment of the special
subject databases in the libraries. The database makes use of the network resources to
give the guidance and help to the users on their own web pages, guide the users to
make use of the network resources, search for the databases, formulate their person-
alized information, and take the initiatives to do a good job in this subject tracking
service. When the user’s retrieval requirements cannot be met, the agent of the com-
mand search engine notifies the user that the user can obtain the data directly through
the proxy service without knowing the specific storage location of the data on the
network, which is completely transparent to the users.

5 Conclusion

The personalized user analysis service of university libraries based on the Internet
technologies refers to the in-depth analysis of the users on the basis of the massive
library user data. The libraries should collect the users’ behavioral data, scientifically
analyze, classify and match the data, and construct the users’ behavior and event
storage database which can store a large amount of the data and has the function of easy
management and query.

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of intelligent libraries. Libr J (12):188–189
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Development of Intelligent English Multimedia
Teaching Resources Using Data Mining

Xiyang Sun(&)

Dalian University of Science and Technology, Dalian 116052, Liaoning, China


Abstract. With the emergence of the “Internet+”, all walks of life have
undergone tremendous changes. The “Internet + Education” has become a trend
of development, bringing new opportunities and challenges for the English
teaching and learning. Through the online English learning platform, we can
carry out the teaching and learning, analyze the students’ learning data and
establish the relevant models using the data mining technology, and explore the
correlation between the English examinations and various elements, which has
important values for the students’ learning and the teachers’ teaching. The
author has made a thorough study of it. Practical teaching has proved that the
multimedia teaching system is easier for students to understand, train their
thinking abilities, improve their imagination and enrich the amount of the
teaching information. This paper constructs a network multimedia teaching
system, which enriches the teaching means.

Keywords: Data mining  Intellectualization  English teaching 

Multimedia teaching resources

The multimedia technology mainly combines the images, sounds and communication
technologies of the computer technologies, and its application is more and more
extensive, including in the fields of science and technology, education, and production
and so on. Among the technical characteristics of the multimedia, the diversity, inte-
gration and interaction of the information carriers are the main technical elements of the
multimedia [1]. The application of the multimedia technologies in the field of the
education can enrich the teaching means, attract the students’ attention and improve the
classroom teaching effect.

1 Connotation and Characteristic Analysis of the Data


The data mining is to extract the knowledge that people are interested in from the data
of the large databases. The knowledge is the implicit and unknown and potentially
useful information in advance. The extracted knowledge is expressed as concepts,
rules, laws, patterns and other forms. This definition defines the object of the data
mining as a database [2]. In a broader sense, the data mining means the decision
support process of finding the patterns in a set of facts or observations. The object of the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 150–155, 2019.
Development of Intelligent English Multimedia Teaching Resources 151

data mining is not only the database, but also the data collection of the file systems or
any other organizations, such as the WWW information resources [3]. According to the
types of the discovery knowledge, the data mining can be divided into the association
rule mining, the feature rule mining, the discriminant rule mining, and the classification
rule mining and so on. If it is divided according to the abstract levels of mining the
knowledge, there is the original level data mining, the high level data mining and the
multi-level data mining.
The main tasks of the data mining are the association analysis, the clustering
analysis, classification and prediction, the temporal pattern and the deviation analysis.
The association rule mining was first proposed by Laksh Aihuo, et al. There is certain
regularity between the values of two or more variables, which is called the correlation.
The data association is a kind of the important and discoverable knowledge in the
database [4]. The association can be divided into the simple association, the temporal
association and the causal association. The purpose of the association analysis is to find
out the hidden Internet in the database. Generally, the support and the credibility are
used to measure the correlation of the association rules. The interest and the correlation
are also introduced to make the rule mining more in line with the requirements.
Clustering is to classify the data into several categories according to the similarity.
The data in the same category are similar to each other, and the data in different
categories are different. The cluster analysis can establish the macro concepts, and
discover the distribution patterns of the data and the relationship between the possible
data attributes. Classification is to find a conceptual description of a category, which
represents the overall information of such data, that is, the connotation description of
the class [5]. And use this description to construct a model, which is generally
expressed by the rules or the decision tree patterns. Classification is the use of the
training data sets through a certain algorithm to obtain the classification rules. Clas-
sification can be used for the rule description and prediction.
Forecasting refers to the use of the historical data to find out the laws of the
changes, establish a model, and use this model to predict the types and characteristics
of the future data. Forecasting is concerned with the accuracy and the uncertainty,
which are usually measured by the prediction difference. The time series model refers
to the patterns with the high repetition rate searched by the time series. Like the
regression, it uses the known data to predict the future values, but the difference
between these data is the time at which the variables are located. There is much useful
knowledge in the deviation. There are many abnormal situations in the data in the
database. It is very important to find the abnormal situations in the data in the database.
The basic method of the deviation test is to find the difference between the results of the
tests and the reference.

2 Development Requirements of the Intelligent English

Multimedia Teaching Resources

Teachers should play an important role in the development and utilization of the
English multimedia teaching resources. Teachers are not only the users and evaluators
of the teaching resources, but also the developers and organizers of the teaching
152 X. Sun

resources. When teachers use the multimedia teaching resources to teach, they are the
people who pay most attention to the quality of their teaching. They can evaluate the
teaching resources reasonably and directly. Therefore, they will pay more attention to
the rationality of the development of the multimedia teaching resources.
If the development of the multi-media teaching resources is not supported and
participated by the English teachers, the shortcomings of the teaching resources cannot
be found in time. On the one hand, it will increase the difficulty of the development of
the teaching resources. On the other hand, it will also make the use of the teaching
resources have various problems and reduce the reality of the multi-media teaching
resources. The practical application value results in the poor teaching quality. There-
fore, in the process of the resource development, schools should vigorously encourage
the English teachers to participate in it. If necessary, they should act as the adminis-
trators of the resource development. The resource development departments should
adopt more teachers’ opinions and absorb teachers’ practical experience so as to make
the multimedia teaching resources more perfect and reasonable.
The multimedia teaching resources are extensive. When using the multimedia
teaching resources, English teachers should not only confine themselves to the sup-
porting CD-ROMs and the courseware media, but should also absorb various forms of
resources, such as English movies, English news, English songs, teaching videos,
network resources and English TV programs, which can be screened and selected.
After the development, it is applied to our English teaching. Therefore, English
teachers should establish the awareness of the development and utilization of the
teaching resources, so as to continuously enrich and improve the English multimedia
teaching resources.

3 Intelligent English Multimedia Teaching Resources

The effect of the development and utilization of the English multimedia teaching
resources is closely related to the information technology, and the computer operation
skills and professional skills of the English teachers participating in the construction.
Through the questionnaire survey of the teachers, we can see that most schools have
multimedia skill training for the teachers, but the training effect is not satisfactory to
them. Teachers also listed the contents and methods of the training they want to
participate in, and the relevant opinions can be found in the questionnaire analysis.
Therefore, the schools should put the strengthening of training and improving the
development and utilization of the English teachers’ multimedia teaching resources at
the first place in the subject plan. We should carry out the application training of the
digitalization of the teaching media for the English teachers in different levels, batches
and age groups, and develop the technologies and software for various media materials
and courseware. Systematic training is carried out to improve the English teachers’
ability of searching, editing and processing various resources in the course of preparing
their lessons and teaching. Improve teachers’ ability to master and use the development
and utilization of the courseware software.
Development of Intelligent English Multimedia Teaching Resources 153

The advanced Internet and information technologies have a great impact on our
education. To vigorously promote the informationization, scientization and intellectu-
alization of our education technology is the goal of the world education. As a carrier of the
new educational technologies, the English multimedia classroom not only provides a
variety of the English teaching methods, but also provides the teachers with the condi-
tions to make full use of various coursewares, and provides the students with the con-
ditions to contact the spoken English and listening.
With the expansion of the school scales, the number of the English multimedia
classrooms is also increasing, and the scales of the English multimedia private network
are also expanding. The increase of the network equipment and the central control
equipment has increased the pressure of the multimedia managers and the workload of
the network monitoring. The huge traditional network system has the high failure rate
and the complicated maintenance. How to reduce the workload of the multimedia
network, improve the working efficiency and provide the better services for teachers
and students using the English multimedia classrooms is an urgent problem to be

4 Application Mechanisms of the Intelligent English

Multimedia Teaching Resources Based on the Data Mining

In recent years, although the network teaching has made great progress in the theory
and practice, the overall teaching form is relatively single, with a lack of the interactive
functions, and there is no reasonable measurement of the students’ learning. At the
same time, the English teaching in China seldom pays attention to the cultivation of the
practical abilities of the English application, or differentiates the teaching according to
the differences of the students’ English proficiency. These are not conducive to the
balanced development of the students’ English proficiency.
The multimedia intelligent teaching is a teaching method different from the tradi-
tional teaching mode. It is a new teaching mode of modernization, automation and
three-dimensional teaching through the multimedia technologies of electronic products.
The system adopts the B/S 3-tier architecture, including the user interface layer, the
Web server layer and the data layer. The first layer is the user interface layer, which
represents the client applications. The main function of the Windows clients or the Web
clients is to accept the user’s request, then return the data to the client application and
provide access.
The second layer is the Web server layer. The Web server layer connects the user
interface layer and the data layer and plays a bridge role. The main function of the Web
server layer is to operate the data layer. The purpose is to combine the basic storage
logic of the data access layer into the business rules. The third layer is the data layer,
that is, the original data operation layer, which should ensure the function atomicity of
the data access layer. The data layer is the basis of the normal operation of the basic
software system, providing the system information for the generation of each dynamic
web page. The data information can be divided into different kinds according to its use,
and then stored in an orderly manner. In this system, when users use it, they first
browse the user database to clarify the user’s identities and rights.
154 X. Sun

The design of the teacher-user module is mainly to design the functions of the
module. When the teacher submits the registration request to the network teaching
system, in the teacher management module, the system administrator can see the
registration information of the teachers. If he decides to authorize, he will send the
authorization message to the teacher’s e-mail. The teacher can log in to the system
through the account and password he applied for. After landing, the teacher will choose
the courses to be taught and fill in the relevant information. After the validity of the
information is verified by the information audit, the teacher can send the relevant
information, and the teacher can authorize the teaching of the course in the system.
After entering the system, teachers can manage the students and the courses, assign the
homework, answer the questions and have the discussion, and manage the question
The function module of the administrator mainly designs its functions. The
administrator users can log on to the Administrator Space Management Platform,
publish the announcements, set up the systems, investigate the users, and count some
information inside the system. In the use of this system, the first step is to set the basic
data, the administrator’s information, and the information of the administrator’s level.
After these settings are completed, the administrator of the system can manage the user
information and the course information. First, courses and user categories are created
through the information management module, and the initial course information and
the related user information are input into each category. In order to ensure the integrity
of the database, we recommend that administrators carry out the database maintenance
In this system, MySQL database is used in the database. The database is a multi-
user and multi-threaded relational database, which has many advantages, including the
following aspects. First, the speed of writing the data is fast, and the number of writing
is only one percent or less of the Access and the SQL Server. Second, the amount of the
information stored is large, and the storage of each information table is up to 50 million
records. Third, the privilege setting mechanism is perfect, and the data security is
guaranteed. Fourth, the query speed is greatly improved by using the optimized SQL
query algorithm. Fifth, the database connection ways mostly include ODBC, TCP/IP,
and JDBC. Sixth, MySQL is easy to start and execute and install, and the disk occupies
vary small space. Seventh, the management tools of the database can manage and
optimize and check it. The system platform of the database management is wide,
including the windows system, the Linux system and the UNIX system. At the same
time, MySQL database supports the development mode of B/S. In this system, users
mainly include the teachers, the students and the system administrators. According to
the description of the functions of each module, the information tables of the database
are designed, including the user information tables, the students’ basic information
tables, the teachers’ basic information tables, the curriculum information tables, and the
test information tables and so on.
Development of Intelligent English Multimedia Teaching Resources 155

5 Conclusion

In view of the current situations, this paper, starting from the characteristics of the
English teaching, puts forward the idea of building a Web-based and practical English
teaching management platform to provide a management platform with the rich
teaching forms and the personalized curriculum settings. The use of the network
technologies also improves the training efficiency of the English application abilities.
The system can truly integrate students’ interests in their learning English, their abilities
to apply English and our English teaching.

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Towards a Mathematical Algorithm
for Conditional Uncorrelated Volatility Model
in the Financial Big Data

Shulan Ma(&)

School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ningxia Normal University,

Guyuan 756000, Ningxia, China

Abstract. With the application of the big data technology, more and more
financial enterprises have begun to devote themselves to the practice of the big
data application. A study by McKinsey shows that the financial sector ranks first
among the big data potential index. A simplex search optimization algorithm for
solving the conditional uncorrelated volatility model is proposed to reduce the
dimensionality of the multi-dimensional financial asset correlation calculation in
the financial big data. The algorithm greatly improves the speed and accuracy of
estimating parameters. In order to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm, this
paper examines the conditional non-correlation between the stock market, the
bond market, the fund market, the foreign exchange market and the forward

Keywords: Financial big data  Conditional non-correlation  Wave model 

Mathematical algorithm  Informatization

From the point of view of the risk management modeling of the financial big data,
many enterprises have already had many algorithms. But I think it is not only necessary
to introduce the natural science modeling, but also need to introduce the social science-
based, humanistic and historical thinking to introduce these dimensions into the
algorithm [1]. China has five thousand years of cultural history, and all parties have
their own deep and unique customs, which also determine that it is not enough to
achieve the goal of the accurate analysis only relying on the natural science modeling
[2]. Empirical studies on the volatility of large financial data show that the asymmetric
stochastic volatility model can detect the asymmetric volatility well.

1 Characteristics of the Financial Big Data

Among many machine learning methods, the traditional statistical methods such as the
logistic regression and the discriminant analysis have strict assumptions on the
financial models, and it is difficult to achieve the ideal results in the practical appli-
cations. The reason is that the operation of the non-linearity and non-stationarity of the
financial data has one-sided limitations [3]. When dealing with the financial data in

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 156–162, 2019.
Towards a Mathematical Algorithm 157

practice, the established assumptions are not completely consistent with the actual
development of the financial markets, which may affect the promotion ability and the
generalization ability of the model.
The traditional non-parametric statistical methods, such as the classification tree
method, the K-nearest neighbor discriminant analysis, and the genetic algorithm and so
on, have better prediction abilities, but cannot explain the degree of the indexes
energetically. For example, the K-Nearest Neighbor Discriminant Analysis (KNN) is a
non-parametric distance learning method, which is usually measured according to the
distance or the correlation coefficient between the data samples, so it will be affected by
a few abnormal data points. However, under the same basic capacity, the efficiency of
the non-parametric methods is relatively low if there is a specific parametric model for
the specific problems that can be applied [4]. The typical machine learning methods,
such as the neural network and the support vector machine, have the advantage of
effectively dealing with the non-linear characteristics of the financial data, and do not
need the strict statistical assumptions in advance. This will show strong adaptability
and fully reflect the charm of the artificial intelligence, the machine learning and other
The prediction accuracy of the neural network is relatively good in various machine
learning methods, because to a certain extent, the neural network can approximate the
non-linear function according to any accuracy, and provide the corresponding support
for the modeling and algorithm of the highly non-linear problems. Despite the obvious
progress of the neural network technology, there are still some problems [5]. For
example, it is usually difficult to determine the number of the hidden layer nodes, and
there will be “over-learning” phenomenon and the local minimum.

2 Types of the Financial Data

From the types of the data, the financial data can be divided into three categories: the
structured data, the semi-structured data and the unstructured data.

2.1 The Structured Data

The structured data are derived from the operation data warehouse (ODS) of the
financial enterprises and the enterprise data warehouse (EDW). The EDW provides the
analysis and decision-making services for enterprises. The ODS mainly implements the
data integration, sharing and quasi-real-time operation monitoring functions. The
application of the Hadoop and other components can migrate and save the historical
data several months or even years ago. Under the distributed storage structure, the
storage and calculation of the structured data can be greatly improved. It can analyze
the massive offline data offline, maximize the advantages of the offline data, and
provide the most comprehensive data support for the users of the financial enterprises
to create the stereo user portraits.
158 S. Ma

2.2 The Semi-structured Data

The integration of the semi-structured data is the most complicated in the data inte-
gration. Financial enterprises can be docking from different types of the databases or
the Excel data provided by the external units. The most difficult part of the project is to
“get through” the multi-source heterogeneous data, which can be quickly modeled and
analyzed after the data integration.

2.3 The Unstructured Data

The unstructured approach of the financial industries is still relatively primitive. The
unstructured data covers a wide range of the data, including news, videos, pictures and
social networks. The financial data generally has the characteristics of “streaming data”
and needs to be processed in a short time. Compared with other industries, the finance
has the characteristics of the close logical relationship, the high real-time processing
requirements, and the strong demand for display, and so on. Usually, the following key
technologies are needed.

2.3.1 Data Analysis Technology

It includes the data mining, the machine learning and other artificial intelligence
technologies, mainly used in the user credit analysis, the user clustering analysis, the
user characteristics analysis, the product association analysis, and the marketing
analysis and so on. The financial system requires the high security, stability and real-
time performance, as well as the high computing and processing capacity for the big

2.3.2 Data Management Technology

It includes the relational and the non-relational data management technology, the data
fusion and integration technology, the data extraction technology, and the data cleaning
and conversion technology. The financial industry requires the high real-time data
processing capability, and needs the flexible data conversion configuration and the task

2.3.3 Data Processing Technology

It includes the distributed computing, the memory computing technology and the
stream processing technology and so on. Through the new data processing technolo-
gies, we can make more effective use of the hardware and the software resources,
reduce the IT investment, maintenance the costs and the physical energy consumption
of the colleagues, and provide more stable and powerful data processing capabilities.

2.3.4 Data Presentation Technology

It includes the visualization technology, the historical flow display technology, and the
spatial information flow display technology and so on. It is mainly used in the health
monitoring of the financial products, the monitoring of the product development trend,
the customer value monitoring, and the early warning of the anti-money laundering
anti-fraud and so on.
Towards a Mathematical Algorithm 159

3 Mathematical Algorithm for the Uncorrelated Volatility


In recent years, with the deepening of the relationship between the financial assets and
the continuous innovation of the financial derivatives, the volatility of the financial
assets has become increasingly intensified, and the characteristics of the volatility have
become increasingly complex and diversified. In the modern financial theory, the
volatility is always one of the most important research contents. This is because the
core of the modern financial theory is uncertainty, and the volatility is an important
indicator to measure this uncertainty. At present, the core theories of the modern
financial theory mainly include the efficient market theory, the portfolio theory, and the
capital asset pricing model, the option pricing theory, the arbitrage theory, the
behavioral finance theory, and the asset structure theory. Except that the efficient
market theory and the asset structure theory have little relationship with the volatility,
the other theories are inextricably linked with the volatility. For example, in
Markowitz’s modern portfolio theory, the determination of the optimal portfolio
depends on the variance and the covariance of the financial assets, and the calculation
of the portfolio risk values is closely related to the fluctuation of the financial assets.
In order to measure the volatility clustering and the time-varying of the earnings
volatility, Engle, et al. proposed a series of the autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity
model (ARCH). Zhu Yongan and Qu Chunqing used the GJR-GARCH and the GARCH-m
models to study the volatility of the data from Shanghai Stock Market caused by bad news.
Chen Zezhong and Yang Qizhi combined the GARCH-m model with the EGARCH model
in the result table. It is clear that the fluctuation caused by the positive shocks is greater than
that caused by the negative shocks of the same degree. Zhang Wei and others used the VS-
GARCH and the GJR-GARCH to compare the empirical results and found that the fluc-
tuation is asymmetric, and the fluctuation caused by the good news is greater than that
caused by the bad news. Because the ARCH family models assume that the time-varying
variance is a function of the residual square term and the lagged conditional variance of the
past earnings, the estimation of the conditional variance is directly related to the past
observations, so when there are the abnormal observations, the estimated volatility
sequence is not very stable.

4 Mathematical Algorithm for the Conditional

Non-correlated Volatility Model in the Financial Big Data

At present, the growth rate of the data volume in various industries around the world is
alarming, and China is especially concentrated in the key industries such as finance,
transportation, telecommunications, manufacturing, medical insurance, social security,
customs and other important areas. The deepening of the information technology is
further promoting the emergence of more new mass data. According to the statistics,
China’s total data in 2015 reached more than 1700EB, with an increase of 90% over the
same period last year. It is expected that this figure will exceed 8000EB by 2020. Take
160 S. Ma

the banking industry as an example, for every $1 million in the revenue, the banking
industry produces an average of 130 GB of data, which ranks first in all industries.
The security and privacy is a key issue in the development of the big data. Many
practical cases show that even when harmless data is collected in large quantities, the
personal privacy will be exposed. In fact, the big data security has a broader meaning.
The threats people face are not confined to the disclosure of the personal privacy. The
objects of the protection include not only the big data itself, but also the knowledge
gained from the big data analysis. Like other current information, the big data faces the
security risks in the process of storage, processing and transmission, including the data
management risks and the data operation risks. On the one hand, it needs the protection
of the technical means, and at the same time, it needs the improvement of the relevant
laws and regulations and the self-discipline of the financial enterprises themselves.
In order to realize the data interconnection and interoperability, two conditions
must be included, among which the interconnection is the technical system standard
and the interoperability is the data system standard. Realizing the interconnection can
require the system to use the standardized interfaces, while realizing the interconnec-
tion requires the establishment of the cross-industry data standard structure around the
industrial chain. At present, the development of various industries has been governed
for a long time, and there are high barriers between industries. Even within the financial
industry, such as banks, securities, insurance and other industries, different standards
have been adopted and different industry norms have been observed. How to speed up
the formulation of the key common standards such as the metadata, the data exchange,
the data transaction, the data quality, and the security and confidentiality is the key to
the data construction.
Under the assumption of the normal distribution, the kurtosis is 3, and the skewness
is 0. Obviously, the income sequence does not obey the normal distribution. The J-B
normal statistics obey the Chi-square distribution with the degree of freedom of 2, and
the J-B normal statistics of earnings are much larger than the critical value of 5.99 at the
significant level of 5%, which indicates that the assumption of the normal distribution
of earnings is not valid. The return sequence has the obvious characteristics of “high
peaks & heavy tails”. By using the Bayesian analysis based on MCMC, the parameters
in the asymmetric stochastic volatility model are well estimated. Empirical results from
China’s stock market data show that the asymmetric stochastic volatility model can
better describe the heteroscedasticity and the asymmetry of the volatility in the stock
market than the asymmetric ARCH model GJR-GARCH.
The problem of the portfolio optimization is essentially an optimization problem of
the portfolio return – the variance under certain restrictions. In the Capital Asset Pricing
Model (CAPM), the expected return of an asset depends on the ratio of the covariance
of the asset to the market portfolio to the variance of the market portfolio. Its core is to
establish the relationship between the securities return and the risk, and reveal the
internal structure of the securities risk reward, that is, the risk reward is a linear
combination of the risk premiums that affect the relevant factors of the securities return.
At the same time, the risks can be divided into two categories: the system risk and the
non-system risk. The non-system risk can be effectively dispersed by optimizing the
portfolio. In the Blach-Scholes option pricing formula, the price of options is closely
related to the volatility of the underlying financial assets, and we can also calculate the
Towards a Mathematical Algorithm 161

implied volatility of the underlying financial assets by the market price of options. To
accurately price the options, we must first understand the characteristics and rules of the
volatility of the financial assets accurately.
In the arbitrage theory, it is necessary to calculate the variance-covariance matrix
between the i-type securities and the j-type influencing factors, which is also directly
related to the volatility. In the behavioral finance theory, the causes of the excessive
volatility of the asset prices and the impact of the investor psychology and the
investment behavior on the volatility of the financial assets have also become a hot
research area. Therefore, how to accurately describe and characterize the volatility
characteristics of the financial assets and explore the underlying mechanism and the
economic implications of the financial volatility has become an important topic in the
modern finance and statistics research.

5 Conclusion

The financial companies have always attached great importance to the data. With the
development of the mobile Internet, the overall scale of various kimono diversified
markets has expanded. For the main business value brought by the data analysis, a large
number of the financial enterprises participating in the survey indicated that the value
of the big data analysis can be based on the business analysis to achieve more intel-
ligent business decision-making, so that the enterprise strategy formulation is more
rational. Relying on the forward-looking decision-making, we can achieve a more
optimal allocation of resources in the production process, carry out the quickly
adjustment according to the market changes, improve the user experience and the
capital turnover, reduce the risks of the inventory backlog, and thus achieve the higher

Acknowledgment. Foundation Project: 2017 Ningxia University Science Research Project

(Project Serving Local Economic and Social Development); Project Number: NGY2017181;
Project Name: Research on Incentive Mechanism Model of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
in Ningnan Mountain Areas Based on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method; Key
Subprojects of Undergraduate Teaching Project in Higher Education in 2017; Project Name:
Exploration and practice of the information construction of Probability Theory & Mathematical
Statistics under the concept of the CDIO education.

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credit environment under the big data technology – logical reflection and countermeasure
suggestions. New Financ 7:140–141
162 S. Ma

3. Tang H, Lu L (2018) Use the big data finance to prevent the systematic financial risks –
practice and consideration on building the “CNC finance” platform. Sci Technol Ind China
4. Wang Z (2018) How the internet financial enterprises do well in the financial management
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Research on the Mining Technology
of the Financial Mathematical Model Based
on the Partial Differential Calculus

Shulan Ma(&)

School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ningxia Normal University,

Guyuan 756000, Ningxia, China

Abstract. Aiming at the problem of the association data mining in the big data
environment, this paper proposes a method of the association data mining based
on the mathematical model of the partial calculus classification. Experiments
show that this method improves the efficiency and accuracy of the data mining,
and achieves satisfactory results. Due to the large amount of the data and the
multi-dimensional characteristics of the database, the traditional mining methods
cannot build the accurate mathematical models when processing the data, which
is prone to some problems such as the loss of information and the hard partition.
Therefore, the application of the financial mathematical model mining tech-
nology based on the partial differential calculus is very prominent.

Keywords: Partial calculus classification  Financial mathematical model 

Mining technology  Standardization

With the rapid development of the Internet of things and the mobile Internet, we have
entered the era of the big data. Data mining is the most important and key work in the
big data [1]. This paper mainly discusses the classification of the partial calculus, the
financial mathematical model, the data mining process and their specific applications,
which will provide some reference value for the further research on this subject.

1 Mathematical Models of Finance Based

on the Mathematical Theories

1.1 Efficient Market Theory

The concept of the market effectiveness originated from the study of French Bachelier
in this century. He first used the Brownian motion model to derive the option formulas
in 1900, when the market effectiveness originated. However, the relationship between
the market efficiency and the information is the work in recent decades. The logical
basis of the effective market theory raises doubts. On the one hand, the effectiveness of
the market is the product of the speculation and arbitrage, and the speculation and
arbitrage are both the cost-effective activities [2]. On the other hand, because the
market is effective, the speculation and arbitrage are not rewarded, and these activities

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 163–168, 2019.
164 S. Ma

will stop, but once the speculation and arbitrage stops, how can the market continue to
be effective? There is no doubt that the speculation and arbitrage make prices more
effective. It is the continuous change of this contradictory entity that makes the market
show a cyclical change in statistics [3].

1.2 Portfolio Theory

From the qualitative analysis to the quantitative analysis, the finance begins with
Markowitz’s theory of the portfolio selection. Markowitz first successfully combines
the probability theory with the mathematical programming. He regards the stock price
in the portfolio investment as a random variable, and uses its mean value to express the
benefit and uses the variance to express risks [4]. The portfolio problem with the same
return and the minimum risks can be reduced to the optimal solution of the quadratic
programming. The conclusion reached by the quantitative analysis caters to the need of
the investors to avoid risks. With the deepening of the quantitative research, the
portfolio theory and its practical application methods become more and more perfect,
and become a communication tool in the modern investment studies. But many
hypothesis conditions in Markowitz’s theory of composition cannot be satisfied,
making it fail in reality. In order to overcome this difficulty, a security optimization
algorithm based on the neural network was developed.

1.3 Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

The capital asset pricing model mainly describes how to determine the related risks of
the assets and the relationship between returns and risks when the market is in equi-
librium [5]. In a balanced market, the rational investors hold the proportion of the
market portfolio. A market portfolio is a portfolio that includes all portfolio invest-
ments, in which the proportion of each portfolio investment equals its relative market
value, and the relative market value of one portfolio investment equals the total market
value of the securities divided by the total market value of all the securities [6]. First,
the linear relationship between the return on the risk assets and the market risk is given.
At the same time, it also gives the quantitative relationship between the return of the
individual securities and the market portfolio returns. The theoretical essence of the
capital asset pricing model is the expected return of a security. It can be measured by
the asset risk measure beta, which establishes the linear relationship between the
expected return and the beta. This relationship gives two very good propositions. First,
it provides a way to estimate the rate of return for the potential investments. Second, we
can also make reasonable pricing for our assets not traded in the market. For example,
we can estimate the stock issuing price in the primary market.

1.4 APT Model

The capital asset pricing model describes the determinant mechanism of the capital
return when the capital market reaches the equilibrium. It is based on many assump-
tions, and some of them are not realistic. When testing the CAPM, some empirical
results are not consistent with them. For this reason, Ross put forward a new capital
Research on the Mining Technology of the Financial Mathematical Model 165

asset equilibrium model in 1970, namely the arbitrage pricing model. The model
considers that the risk is caused by many factors, and the assumption of not only a
market factor, but also of risk attitude is more relaxed than CAPM, which is closer to
the reality. The core of the APT is to assume that there is no arbitrage opportunity and
that there is an approximate linear relationship between the expected return of the
securities and the risk factors. The contribution of the APT theory lies mainly in its
description of the equilibrium state. However, the APT theory only clarifies the
structure of the asset pricing, but does not specify which specific economic or other
factors affect the expected return, so the test and the practical application of this theory
are limited.

1.5 Option Pricing Model

The derivation of Black and Scoles’ option pricing model is based on six assumptions,
such as no transaction cost and the tax restriction. The model shows that the price of
options is a function of the commodity market price of the options, the fluctuation of
the commodity market price, the time between the execution price of the options and
the expiration date, and the safe interest rate. Since the publication of Blake and Scoles’
papers, some scholars, such as Merton, Cox and Rubinstein, have successively pro-
moted this theory and applied it widely. The option pricing model can be used to
determine the prices of various financial derivatives, and it is an effective tool for the
valuation of the various derivatives. The option pricing model provides a favorable
guidance for the financial innovation in the western countries, and is one of the main
contents of the modern financial theory.

1.6 Asset Structure Theory

In the modern financial theory, the asset structure theory (also known as the MM
theorem) of a company and the effective market theory and the portfolio theory are
almost the same important achievements developed in the same period. The conditions
of the MM theorem are very harsh. It is precisely because these assumptions abstract a
lot of the real things, thus revealing the most essential thing in the enterprise financial
decision-making, that is, the behavior of the enterprise operators and investors and their
interactions. After the publication of this theorem, some economists have further
proved it in different ways and from different angles. Among them, Hamda used the
capital pricing model to prove it again, and Stiglize used the general equilibrium theory
to prove it again, and the conclusions are consistent with the MM theorem.

2 Mathematical Model Based on the Classification

and Fusion Algorithm of the Partial Differential Calculus

At present, the principle of the partial calculus is widely used in the field of the
relational data mining. It can improve the high-frequency area of the relational data,
dynamically store the low-frequency area of the data, and increase the interference
factors of the data. When the principle of the partial calculus improves the low
166 S. Ma

frequency area of the data, the lowest frequency area of the data storage requires the
higher order selection. If small order is used to reduce the interference effect, the fuzzy
problem will be formed by the large order. The principle of the partial calculus cannot
deal with the noise interference in the data to be excavated in the process of the discrete
data processing. In this paper, the principle of the partial calculus is used in the process
of the association data mining, and the model of the association data mining is mod-
eled. The difference data fusion based on the principle of the partial calculus is realized
to improve the efficiency of the association data mining.
In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the association data mining in the
big data environment, an association mining method based on fractional partial calculus
classification mathematical model is proposed. Based on the principle of the partial
calculus, a fusion algorithm model based on the partial calculus equation is constructed
to realize the difference data fusion in the process of the big data classification. Then,
through the double boundary convergence control of the mathematical model of the
partial differential classification, the data set is integrated into the data model of the
partial calculus classification, and the fuzzy control of the data is completed by the
incremental and subtractive support vector. The constrained bundled clustering algo-
rithm is used to mine the data model and obtain the sub-sequence. Under the minimum
iteration times and convergence, the Gaussian kernel function is used to mine the
associated data sequence by adjusting the measure information. The experimental
results show that the proposed association data mining method has the high mining
efficiency, accuracy and stability.
With the rapid development of the computer information technology, the network
information data shows the explosive growth, and especially the huge amount of the
data accumulated by the businesses and enterprises. The information contains many
types. The traditional data retrieval technology has been difficult to meet the users’
needs. The data mining technology can help people quickly find the information they
need. The data mining technology is a perfect combination of the artificial intelligence,
the statistics, the database technology, the information retrieval technology and other

3 Analysis of the Mining Technology of the Financial

Mathematics Model Based on the Partial Differential

The traditional mining methods use the binary values to process the databases. In the
process of processing the quantitative attribute datasets, the sharp partitioning method
is needed to convert the quantitative attribute values into the binary attribute values.
However, the sharp partitioning method will lead to too hard boundary values and
make part of the data sets lose the information. Therefore, it is improved by introducing
the fuzzy theory. The quantitative attribute value is changed into the binary attribute
value by using the method of the fuzzy iteration partition to solve the problem of the
information loss caused by the sharp partition. In the process of the data mining, the
fuzzy partition is a key step. Firstly, this chapter preprocesses the original data set by
Research on the Mining Technology of the Financial Mathematical Model 167

using the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm, obtains the fuzzy partition of the original
data set, and then obtains the rules of interests by using the fuzzy association mining
algorithm to realize the optimal data mining. The fuzzy C-means clustering
(FCM) algorithm is a flexible fuzzy partition based on the theory of the fuzzy sets.
Therefore, this section chooses this method to partition the original data sets. The
specific implementation process is as follows.
The N data to be partitioned are divided into K classes, and the clustering centers of
each group are obtained, and the data fuzzy membership matrix U is constructed by
using the formula U = (liji = 1, 2, …, m; j = 1, 2, …, k) (1). In the formula (1), lij is
used to describe the membership grade of the i data belonging to the j category. After
obtaining the data membership matrix and the number of the K clustering centers
C = {c1, c2, ck}, the objective function of the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm is
obtained by using the fuzzy rules in the membership matrix. By updating the objective
function of the FCM clustering algorithm, the minimum value of the objective function
formula (2) is obtained and the fuzzy partition is formed. A detailed fuzzy partition
procedure is given below. (1) Initialization: Give the number of the clusters C, the
weights P and the stopping threshold value e. (2) The initial membership matrix in the
range of [0, 1] is chosen arbitrarily to satisfy the following constraints. (3) The
objective function of the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm is obtained by the fuzzy
rules of the initialization membership matrix. (4) Update: By updating the objective
function of the FCM clustering algorithm, the minimum value of the objective function
is obtained, and the minimum value of the function is iterated continuously until the
minimum value satisfies the set stop threshold, stops the iteration, and completes the
fuzzy correlation iteration partition of the data. Through the fuzzy C-means clustering
algorithm, the original data set is preprocessed, and the redundant data is filtered, and
the fuzzy partition of the original data set is obtained. On this basis, the rules of
interests are obtained by using the fuzzy association mining algorithm, so as to realize
the optimal data mining. The experimental results show that the proposed method has
the good partitioning performance for different data sets, the low time complexity and
the high mining accuracy.
The running time of the method increases with the increase of the number of the
nodes closed, and it can work smoothly and form a consistent clustering effect at the
same time. It shows that this method has the high reliability in the process of the
association data mining in the big data environment. However, under the condition of
the machine failure and shutdown, the traditional under-sampling method cannot work
properly, which makes the data mining fail. By analyzing the above experimental
results, it can be seen that the improved method of the association mining based on the
mathematical model of the partial calculus classification proposed in this paper has the
higher mining efficiency and accuracy, the high scalability and reliability, and the high
application values.
168 S. Ma

4 Conclusion

With the improvement of the information technology levels and the expansion of the
big data application scopes, the demand for the information in today’s society is more
and more accurate, and the importance of the data information is gradually strength-
ened in the development of all walks of life, and the amount of the information
collected and stored by the Internet is more and more abundant, and the role of the Web
data integration and mining technology is gradually shown. In the era of the big data,
the data mining has become a very important topic. The data mining can influence and
change the roles of the data information in the daily information management and
information processing, and can also solve the problems of the information resources
interference. In order to give full play to the roles of the data mining, it is necessary to
apply the data mining technology scientifically and reasonably in the context of the big
data era.

Acknowledgment. Foundation Project: 2017 Ningxia University Science Research Project

(Project Serving Local Economic and Social Development); Project Number: NGY2017181;
Project Name: Research on Incentive Mechanism Model of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
in Ningnan Mountain Areas Based on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method; Key
Subprojects of Undergraduate Teaching Project in Higher Education in 2017; Project Name:
Exploration and practice of the information construction of Probability Theory & Mathematical
Statistics under the concept of the CDIO education.

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Electron Commer Res 18(1):109–124
Security Management for the Financial
Information System in Colleges
and Universities Under the Changing Data

Yang Jun(&)

Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an 710000, Shaanxi, China


Abstract. At present, the state has promulgated and implemented many rules
and regulations, requiring universities to innovate their financial management in
order to achieve a comprehensive budget, the performance appraisal and the
effective fund management. With the continuous development of the informa-
tion technologies in our country, the application of the information technologies
to the financial management has become an important method of the financial
management innovation in colleges and universities. However, there are many
problems in the current financial management of colleges and universities,
which restrict the efficiency of the financial management in colleges and

Keywords: Data environment  University  Financial information system 

Safety management system

Under the background of the digital campus, the financial informationization is an

important part of the university management informationization, which can effectively
improve the level of the efficient management, so it is also getting more and more
attention. The construction of the financial information system can better innovate the
financial methods, better plan the financial management work and improve the overall
effect of the resource sharing [1]. Therefore, in the actual application process, we need
to constantly change management concepts, formulate the corresponding systems,
improve the overall quality of the financial personnel, and focus on strengthening the
budget management, so as to better promote the overall development of the campus.

1 The Concept and Characteristics of the Big Data

The big data means that the scale of the data information is so huge that it cannot be
collected and processed in a reasonable time with the current mainstream tools. It is a
kind of data with a large amount of data and diversified data forms [2]. Through the
study of its concept, it can be concluded that it has the following characteristics:
The big data refers to a large and complex data set that cannot be extracted, stored,
searched, shared, analyzed and processed by the existing software tools. The big data
has four typical characteristics: the huge data volume, various data types, the low value

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 169–175, 2019.
170 Y. Jun

density and the fast processing speed [3]. Data is an important part of an enterprise’s
assets. It is an indispensable information on which almost all the business activities of
an enterprise depend. Data is just like the eyes of the business operators. Data can
reflect the problems of the business operations and make the correct decisions, just as
the helmsman relies on the navigation.
The amount of data is large. Big data is the super amount of the data information,
and numerous data will be generated every day, and the levels of the information data
are getting higher and higher. The level of the statistical data PB is even higher. There
are various forms. Various forms mainly refer to the diversity of the data types.
With the development of the information technology, more and more data appear in
the unstructured form, such as the videos, audios and pictures and so on [4]. According
to the statistics, the proportion of the unstructured data has exceeded 80% of the data.
The value density is low. The big data will produce a lot of the valuable information in
the process of operation, which will be very helpful to our production and life.
However, the big data has the characteristics of low value density because of the large
amount of data information. In a large number of the data statistics, only a small part of
the information that may be valuable is available.

2 Problems in the Big Data Environment

2.1 Representation Problem

Some unstructured data in the big data environment are growing in the geometric form,
and the scale of the data is huge [5]. The diversification of the forms makes the user’s
demands for the data show a diversified trend. With the increasing of the data, the
efficiency of the data operation is getting lower and lower. How to represent these
unstructured data is a very important problem.

2.2 Reliability Problem

The big data environment is a very large network environment. In the era of the
network opening and sharing, the computer data is facing the test of security and
reliability. In the big data environment, the ways of collecting and publishing data are
more flexible than before, but some uncertain data will probably cause the data dis-
tortion. In the open network environment, the distorted data will have a huge negative
impact. Therefore, the reliability of the data in the big data environment will be an
urgent problem to be solved.

2.3 Processing Problem

Because the current data information is growing in thousands of forms every day, the
existing hydrological computer processing ability is very difficult to deal with it
effectively. In the process of the data analysis, it is necessary to study a new data
analysis method, which combines the calculation methods of various disciplines, and
carries on the research on the rules of the data information.
Security Management for the Financial Information System 171

3 Construction of the Big Data Index System of the Financial

Management in Colleges and Universities

With the continuous development of the system reform of China’s higher education,
the state has higher and higher requirements for the financial informationization, and
the status of the financial management in colleges and universities has gradually
increased. The utilization and processing of the data information has become an
important part of the financial management in colleges and universities under the
background of the big data era. Establishing the big data index system of the financial
management in colleges and universities has become a key part of controlling the
financial ability of colleges and universities.

3.1 Scientific Principle

When establishing the index system of the financial analysis, we should consider the
inherent needs of colleges and universities, and pay attention to the scientificity and
rationality of selecting the indexes according to the unique operation rules and char-
acteristics of colleges and universities.

3.2 The Principle of Importance

The purpose of this is to emphasize that universities should select the materials
selectively when choosing the financial analysis indicators. It is not allowed to list all
the indicators. Several representative indicators should be selected in all the indicators
according to the basic needs.

3.3 The Principle of Comparability

While establishing an analysis index system, we should ensure that the financial
analysis results obtained by universities in the operation are comparable with those of
other universities, including the comparability of the selected indicators themselves and
the comparability of the overall index system in colleges and universities. Its main
purpose is to enable colleges and universities to systematically, comprehensively and
reasonably evaluate their own financial situations. The comparability and universality
of the indicators are the necessary conditions to ensure the horizontal comparison
between schools and their own historical data.

3.4 The Principle of Feasibility

When establishing the index system of the financial analysis in colleges and univer-
sities, there may be some data indicators that are difficult to measure. Therefore, we
should ensure that the data used can be obtained from the relevant data, and then
proceed from the actual situations of the financial activities in colleges and universities,
focusing on the feasibility and practicability of their reality.
Taking colleges and universities as the main subjects, through the orderly
arrangement of the financial accounting information in colleges and universities, in
172 Y. Jun

order to truly reflect the financial situations of colleges and universities, we should
facilitate colleges and universities to find their own problems and improve their cor-
responding work. And the abstract research objects can be decomposed into the
actionable and operable objects according to their essential attributes and characteris-
tics, which will be easy to control and supervise, and will also be conducive to the
better distribution and development of the university finance.

4 Security Management System of the Financial Information

System in Colleges and Universities Under the Data

The big data brings a series of the new security problems in the storage process. The
consequence of the big data concentration is that the complex and diverse data are
stored together. The big data analysis often requires multiple types of the data to refer
to each other, but in the past there was no such situation of the data mixed access, so
the big data applications have also spawned some new security issues that need to be
considered. If the update and the upgrading speed of the security protection means
being unable to keep pace with the non-linear growth of the data volume, the data
security vulnerabilities will be exposed.

4.1 Necessity of the Construction of the Data Security Management

As a new technology, the big data has not established a set of the relatively complete
data security management system standards for the big data in the current environment.
In order to fundamentally protect the big data information security, priority should be
given to the use of the big data technology, platform construction, operation man-
agement, and risk assessment and so on, to improve the standard construction of the
data security management system, and ultimately achieve the goal of the big data
information security being visible and controllable.

4.2 Technical Architecture of the Data Security Management System

The data security management system needs to build a unified platform. Through the
layered construction and the hierarchical protection, the platform capabilities and
applications can grow and expand, and we can create a system framework for the data-
oriented security management. The data security management architecture can be
divided into the data analysis layer, the data leak prevention layer, the data desensi-
tization layer, the sensitive data isolation and exchange layer and the database rein-
forcement layer from bottom to top, thus forming a perfect data standard system and a
security management system.
The data analysis layer is the basic condition of the data security management
system. The data analysis layer collects and normalizes the massive information and
data generated by various business systems, uses the real-time association analysis
technology, the intelligent reasoning technology and the risk management technology
Security Management for the Financial Information System 173

to process and analyze all kinds of the massive data events in a unified way, and
achieves the unified monitoring management of the data security risks and the early
warning processing of the unknown risks.
The sensitive data isolation exchange layer breaks through the key technologies of
the deep content recognition through three steps: the data fingerprint acquisition, the
content detection and the response processing. It solves the problem that the users can
not only connect to the network, but also ensure the security of the data exchange,
which can also greatly improve the working efficiency.
According to the characteristics of the data easy flow, easy replication and difficult
management, the data leak prevention layer identifies, monitors and protects the static
data, the mobile data and the data in use through the in-depth content analysis and the
transaction security association analysis, so as to protect the sensitive data in advance,
in-process and after-event, and realize the data regular use while preventing the active
or unexpected data leakage, to ensure that the enterprise data assets can be controlled,
credible and fully utilized. The data desensitization layer enables the users to quickly
create small capacity subsets and desensitize and deform the sensitive information
through the unique data extraction methods, thereby improving the working efficiency
of the data management personnel, avoiding the information risks, and providing the
perfect protection for the security of the assets such as the customers and the sensitive
The database monitoring and reinforcement layer is the last line of the defense to
protect the data security, and its core is to make the data more solid. The database
monitoring and strengthening layer has many engines, such as the database status
monitoring, the database audit, the database risk scanning, and the access control and
so on. It can provide the black-and-white list and exception policy, the user login
control, and the user access control, and has the function of the real-time monitoring of
the database access behaviors and the flexible alarm.

4.3 Implementation of the Data Security Management System Platform

Based on the security object management, with the risk management as the core and the
security events as the main line, using the real-time correlation analysis technology
(such as Hadoop, Spark, HDFS, and MapReduce and so on), the intelligent reasoning
technology and the risk management technology, through the in-depth normalization
analysis of the massive information data, combined with the functions of the effective
network monitoring management, the security early-warning response and the work-
sheet processing, we can realize the in-depth analysis of the data security information,
and ultimately help enterprises to achieve the unified analysis and management of the
entire network security risk situation.
Using the deep content recognition technology, firstly, the features of the user-
defined sensitive and confidential data are extracted, which can include the unstructured
data, the structured data, and the binary files and so on, to form a feature library of the
sensitive data. When new files need to be transmitted, the system performs the real-time
feature comparison of the new files. The sensitive data is prohibited from being
transmitted. Through the unified issuance strategy of the management center, the user
174 Y. Jun

names and passwords can be used to actively acquire the data in the server or folder
where the sensitive data is stored, and the related file data can be detected, and pro-
cessed according to the test results. The data filtering technology can deploy the data
filtering equipment at the network outlet, analyze the common network protocols (such
as TCP, HTTP, POP3, FTP, and instant messaging and so on), analyze and filter the
contents of the above-mentioned protocols, set the filtering rules and keywords to filter
out the relevant content, and prevent the leakage of the sensitive data.
In order to ensure the security of the big data in the transmission process, it is
necessary to encrypt the information data. The data stream to be uploaded is encrypted
by the data encryption system, and the data to be downloaded is also checked by the
corresponding decryption system. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a unified file
encryption/decryption system on both the clients and the server to process the trans-
mitted data. At the same time, in order to enhance its security, the keys and the
encrypted data should be stored separately. Referring to the functions of the Shadow
files in the Linux system, this file realizes the separation of the password information
and the account information. In the password field of the account information database,
only one X is used as the label, and the password information is no longer stored.
The data control technology mainly uses the software control, the port control and
other effective means to implement the strict control and audit of various ports and
applications of computers, as well as the strict control and management of the data
access, transmission and reasoning. Through the key technology of the in-depth content
recognition, the sender and receiver’s identity detection, the file type detection, the file
name detection and the file size detection are carried out to achieve the effective control
of the sensitive data in the transmission process, the periodic check and the event
security after-the-fact audit, and to prevent the unauthorized data information from
being leaked, thus guaranteeing that the data assets are controllable, credible and fully

5 Conclusion

The core technologies of the database security reinforcement are the database status
monitoring, the database risk scanning, the database audit, the database firewall and the
database transparent encryption technology. By building a database security rein-
forcement platform, we can observe and record all the access behaviors to the database
in the network from the perspective of “the third party”, protect the data from the
source, and establish a deep protection system.

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2. Hu R (2017) Risks and countermeasures of the enterprise accounting information in the big
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Security Management for the Financial Information System 175

3. Dong W (2018) Pushing forward the informatization construction of the financial

management in colleges and universities. J Huaibei Prof Tech Coll 10:19–20
4. Liang Y, Chen X (2018) Research on the implementation of the financial information system.
China Manag Informationization 11:151–152
5. Zhang L (2018) Security and precaution of the network financial accounting information
system under the background of the big data. Mod Ind Econ Informatization 11:126–127
WEB Resource Integration Based
on the Physical Education Courseware

Huihui Du(&) and Jiafa Li

Aba Teachers University, Wenchuan 623002, Sichuan, China


Abstract. Based on the integration of the WEB resources in the physical

education courseware, we can combine the information of the course editing, the
course sharing and the student management involved in the physical education
to realize the effective coordination and management of the sports teaching
process. Through such a system, we can solve various problems in the physical
education. The platform combines RTP (Real-time Transmission Protocol) with
RTCP (Real-time Control Protocol) to optimize the multimedia data transmis-
sion. The final test proves that the system has the stable performance, which not
only breaks the traditional teaching methods, but also provides a new learning
mode for the students. In addition, the teaching resources have been optimized,
which has the broad application prospects.

Keywords: Physical education courseware  WEB resources 

Integration mechanism  Learning mode

1 Teaching Contrast of Sports WEB Resource Courseware

Based on the Integration of the WEB Resources

With the application of the WEB resource technology in the physical education, the
ideal of sharing the human knowledge resources has become a reality. The information
resources of the physical education are abundant, and the limitation of the distance has
been overcome. In the future, the main means of the human daily life, work and
learning to obtain the information is the use of the computer networks. If the education
is to adapt to this change, it is necessary to change the existing classroom teaching
mode [1]. To enable the students to learn the sports knowledge and skills not only lies
in acquiring the knowledge itself, but also in mastering the scientific learning methods,
learning how to find and select the knowledge and information of the subject, and being
able to use them well [2]. Therefore, the WEB resource technology will play an
important role in the physical education.
In the traditional physical education, teachers disseminate the knowledge and
technologies to the students. Because teachers always play a leading role and the
students are in a passive position, the teaching form between the teachers and the
students is a relationship of “you explain and I listen, you do and I practice”, so that the
students’ learning efficiency is relatively low. Teachers can only understand students’
acceptance and mastery of the knowledge and technologies through the simple
movements and the single expressions [3]. On the one hand, this teaching method will
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 176–181, 2019.
WEB Resource Integration Based on the Physical Education Courseware 177

inhibit the development of the excellent students, and on the other hand, it will make
the poor students feel less interested in their learning, with the stiff classroom atmo-
sphere, the less interaction between the teachers and the students, thus seriously
affecting the teaching effect.
Compared with the traditional teaching mode, the physical education WEB
resource courseware integrates the physical education curriculums in the forms of
words and graphics, audio, videos and animations, and displays the teaching contents
in the three-dimensional way. Its manifestations and means are more abundant and
flexible, which fully reflects its unique advantages [4]. The modern WEB resource
technology, which integrates texts, images, sounds, animations and the interactive
network, can make the teaching process vivid and full of pictures and texts. At the same
time, the use of the WEB resource technology can establish a campus network, connect
with the Internet and enter the world resource sharing system. Teachers use these
resources to carry out the research and development on the Internet, and students use
these resources to learn freely on the Internet. Through this modern means of educa-
tion, we can truly realize “knowing the world without leaving home” and “learning the
world without leaving home”.
The traditional teaching mode divides the educational groups into the educators and
the educates. Educators use the knowledge carriers to convey the knowledge and
develop the skills to the educatees by means of the media [5]. Educators themselves
participate in the teaching activities as the knowledge carriers. As no one can fully
inherit the scientific and cultural heritage of the human beings, the carriers used by the
educators are limited to the books, the educational tools and the teachers themselves.
The way for the educators to acquire the knowledge is relatively simple. Teachers
emerge as the main subjects in the teaching process. The control of the knowledge
transmission, the selection of the teaching materials and the teaching methods are all
decided by the teachers. Students can only passively receive the education under this

2 Analysis of the WEB Resource Integration Technology

Based on the Physical Education Courseware

The SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) is a component model that designs, devel-

ops, deploys and manages the discrete logical units (services) in a computing envi-
ronment. It links different functional units of an application with the well-defined
interfaces and contracts between these units. All functions are implemented by the
independent services. The service interface is defined in a neutral way, independent of
the hardware platform, the operating system and the programming language that
implements the service. The service interfaces constructed in different systems interact
in a unified and universal way.
The main technology to implement the SOA is the Web Service. The SOA and the
Web Service are two different levels of the architecture. The SOA is a conceptual
model, and the Web Service is a realization model. The Web Service is a development
technology independent of the development language and the application platform. It
uses the standard XML protocol and the information format to realize the application
178 H. Du and J. Li

service. By using the open Internet standard WSDL (Web Service Description Lan-
guage for the Service Description), the UDDI (Unified Description, Discovery and
Integration Specification for the Service Publication and Integration) and the SOAP
(Simple Object Access Protocol for the Service Call), the Web Service Platform,
Language and Publisher can be independent of each other and become the current
mainstream solutions to the platform differences, the system differences, the protocol
differences, the data structures or the format differences and the distributed application
The dynamic Web page publishing technology is an interactive technology between
the clients and the server. This technology enables the users to input the information in
the web pages and submit it, and can get the timely feedback from the website. The
commonly used dynamic web publishing technologies are CGI, ASP, JSP, and PHP
and so on. Taking ASP as an example, this paper briefly introduces the compilation of
the network teaching courseware. The ASP is the abbreviation of Active Sever Pages. It
provides a scripting environment on the server side, which can be used to build and
operate the dynamic, interactive and efficient network server applications. The running
mechanism of the ASP is as follows. When the network server runs the ASP, the
network server will automatically interpret the ASP program code as the content of the
standard HTML format, and then send it to the browser on the client side to display,
while the user only needs to use the general browser.

3 WEB Resource Application Mechanism Based

on the Physical Education Courseware

The teaching process is a two-way process of the teaching and the learning. In the
classroom teaching, teachers and students interact with each other through the natural
language, audition and vision, and carry out the corresponding teaching process. In the
process of using the teaching courseware to study, the computer replaces or partially
replaces the function of the teachers. The interaction between the teaching and
the learning is the interaction between the human (learner) the machine (teacher).
Therefore, for a courseware, the most important thing is its interactive performance,
and in various web page processing technologies, the ASP is good at its interactive
In the use of the ASP, the “Server.CreateObject” method is often used to create the
connection objects with the server. For example, the statement “Server.CreateObject”
(“ADODB, Connection”) creates an ADO (ActiveX Data Object) database object
connected to the server. The “Request.Form()” method can be used to obtain the user’s
input data, so as to know the user’s choice. There is also a “Response.Write()” method
to transmit the data processed by the program to the users.
In the design of the teaching courseware, we often use the “CreateObject” method
of the Sever object. That is, “Server.CreateObject (‘ADODB, Connection’)” statement
is used to create a Connection object, and then use the “Execute” method of the object
to select all or part of the records from the library to generate a Recordset object. In
order to realize most of the functions of the courseware, we use various methods of the
Recordset object to query, insert, delete and update the database.
WEB Resource Integration Based on the Physical Education Courseware 179

4 Analysis of the WEB Resource Integration Process Based

on the Physical Education Courseware

The WEB resource teaching plays an important role in the physical education. We can
make the suitable WEB resource courseware according to the levels of the students to
meet the needs of the students at different levels. We can learn without occupying the
class time. As long as we surf the internet, we can learn the knowledge and skills of the
relevant parties. Both from the techniques, tactics, physical training, practice methods,
competition methods and the refereeing issues, we can carry out the more compre-
hensive learning and understanding, thus greatly increasing the enthusiasms and ini-
tiatives of the sports enthusiasts, so that we can consciously and voluntarily use their
knowledge to guide them to engage in more extracurricular physical exercise, improve
their own sports level and play the purpose of fitness.
Define the problems that need to be solved in the PE courseware. Identify the
needs, characteristics and learning styles of the targeting students. Analyze the teaching
contents and define the teaching objectives. Designing a web-based sports courseware
that meets the needs of the learners and is friendly to the uses requires solving a series
of problems. In the structural design, the information is partitioned. The course contents
are organized by the modularization, and the division of the modules should be rela-
tively independent, based on the knowledge points or the teaching units. The cur-
riculum contents are mainly organized by the WEB pages with the good navigation
structures. In addition, the amount of the information the human brain receives in a
certain period of time is limited, and the amount of the information that the learners
receive at one time should be five segments. In the page link structure, there is the
sequence type, the column type, the tree type, and the cobweb type and so on. We can
choose the appropriate types according to the specific contents.
In the design of the learning contents, in the design of the content expression
structures, the Web pages with the good navigation structures are the main content
organization. The curriculum contents should be based on the specific knowledge
requirements using texts, sounds, images, animations and other forms of expression,
such as the text description, the background information support, the voice description,
and the key process animation performance. In the content visual design, in terms of
the quality of the pictures, the composition should be reasonable, beautiful and clear
with the stable pictures, clear colors, pleasant tones, smooth animations and video play,
and a sense of reality. The graphic images should have sufficient clarity. The choice of
colors should be clear, vivid and concise, with the reasonable color collocation, and the
theme and the background should have a sharp contrast in colors.
In the production stage, first, the materials should be prepared. In the material
preparation, according to the requirements of the design stage, prepare the required
materials, including texts, pictures, sounds, animations, videos, and cases and so on. In
the material acquisition, scan the graphics by the scanner and the prepared audio and
video materials are converted into the computer-recognizable data files through the
sound card and the video acquisition card. In the courseware development, according to
the requirements and suggestions of the design stage, refer to the software prototype
developed, and the courseware development tools (Frontpage, Dreamweaver and Flash
180 H. Du and J. Li

and so on) are used to integrate the curriculum contents and forms the network
courseware. In the interface production, the layout of the information to be displayed
on the screen is designed and made, including the main menu, the operation buttons at
different levels, the display background of the teaching information, the page turning
and the screen clearing methods and so on.
The Web teaching-assistant platform provides the abundant teaching resources,
facilitates the classroom teaching, and also provides the teachers with the sufficient
time to pay attention to the students’ learning behaviors, as well as more time to adjust
their teaching behaviors according to their learning conditions. Under the Web-assisted
platform, “teaching by learning” is the main characteristic of the teachers’ teaching
behaviors. The evaluation of the learning effect mainly uses the form of the self-
evaluation or the mutual evaluation to evaluate the completion of the works, to explore
the solutions to the typical problems, to exchange and summarize the experience, and
to share the excellent works. Finally, the problems in the works are corrected and
perfected to promote the improvement of the students’ learning abilities. The evalua-
tion of the learning effect must be carried out in an atmosphere of equality, democracy
and mutual benefit, providing the students with a stage to fully display their person-
ality, encouraging the students to speak out their own views boldly, fully affirming
students’ attempts and efforts, and sharing the students’ every shining point. Its purpose
is to maximize the potentials of the students, stimulate their thirst for knowledge and
innovative consciousness, and strive to improve the students’ abilities to learn

5 Conclusions

With the application of the WEB resource technology in the physical education, the
ideal of sharing the human knowledge resources has become a reality. The information
resources of the physical education are abundant, and the limitation of the distance has
been overcome. In the future, the main means of the human daily life, work and
learning to obtain the information is the use of the computer networks. If education is to
adapt to this change, it is necessary to change the existing classroom teaching mode. To
enable the students to learn the sports knowledge and skills not only lies in acquiring
the knowledge itself, but also in mastering the scientific learning methods, learning
how to find and select the knowledge and information of the subject, and being able to
use them well. Therefore, the WEB resource technology will play an important role in
the physical education.

1. Zhao M (2015) Design and implementation of the intelligent physical education system.
Electron Des Eng 6:125–126
2. Liu X (2017) Application of the multimedia network teaching platform in college physical
education. Autom Instrum 4:142–143
WEB Resource Integration Based on the Physical Education Courseware 181

3. Wang C (2017) Design of the sports network management system based on the web
technology. Autom Instrum 10:115–116
4. Wei J, Ying C, Wang Y (2018) Design and implementation of the knowledge-based dynamic
intelligent sports CAI system. Autom Instrum 8:129–130
5. Yang G, Zhao D, Deng H, Ma L, Li Y (2018) Development and design of the distance sports
teaching platform based on the WEB. Electron Des Eng 11:131–132
Reverse Digital Rapid Design and Manufacture
of the Stamping Die

Jun Fan1(&) and Leigang Wang2

School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,
Suqian College, Suqian 223800, China
School of Material Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University,
Zhenjiang 212013, China

Abstract. All aspects affecting the process of digital development on the

stamping die is analyzed, focused on the implementation method, during the
process of reverse digital rapid design and manufacture. The process during the
reverse digital rapid development of the stamping die is divided into the reverse
digital development stage on the stamping product, the digital design stage and
the digital manufacture stage on the stamping die. Based on the high-precision
reverse model of the sheet-metal, the digital rapid design and manufacture of
which stamping die is realized, for example in the reverse digital rapid devel-
opment process of the stamping die.

Keywords: Reverse engineering  Stamping die 

Digital design and manufacture

1 Introduction

Mold is important process equipment in industrial production. With the expansion of

the application field of digital technology, there are many researches on the mold
digitalization [1–5]. As reverse engineering technology can improve the efficiency of
research and development, there are few researches on the mold digitalization based on
reverse engineering [6–10], and less research on the stamping mold digitalization
development based on reverse engineering [11, 12]. In this paper, the rapid design and
manufacture of stamping die based on reverse engineering is realized by digitizing
every link in the development process of stamping die reverse digitizing.

2 Digital Development Process Analysis

The digital development of stamping dies includes three stages. They are the digital
development stage of stamping products, the digital design stage and the digital
manufacturing stage of stamping dies. The digital development process of stamping
dies is shown in Fig. 1.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 182–190, 2019.
Reverse Digital Rapid Design and Manufacture of the Stamping Die 183

Fig. 1. Digital development of stamping dies

3 Reverse Digital Development Process Analysis

The reverse digital development process of stamping dies includes the reverse digital
development stage of stamping products, the digital design stage and the digital
manufacturing stage of stamping dies. The reverse digital development process of
stamping dies is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Reverse digital development process of stamping dies

184 J. Fan and L. Wang

4 Example
4.1 Reverse Reconstruction Accuracy Requirements
The point cloud data of the stamping product is obtained through ATOS 3D optical
scanning system. The points scattered display format is shown in Fig. 3. There are
64,783 points in this format. Stamping product point cloud data, which precision is
controlled at 0.01 mm.

Fig. 3. Points scattered display format

4.2 Reverse Digital Development Stage

The reverse digital development stage of stamping products includes the reverse
reconstruction stage, the optimization design stage and the simulation evaluation stage.
Reverse Reconstruction Stage
The reverse reconstruction stage of stamping product includes the data acquisition
stage and the model reconstruction stage. Therefore, the reverse reconstruction stage
error includes the data acquisition stage error and the model reconstruction stage error.
The reverse reconstruction effect of the stamping product model is performed, as shown
in Fig. 4. The reverse reconstruction error analysis is shown in Fig. 5. The recon-
struction error is 3.02  10−5 mm, which satisfies the requirements of model recon-
struction accuracy.

Fig. 4. Reverse reconstruction effect

Reverse Digital Rapid Design and Manufacture of the Stamping Die 185

Fig. 5. Reverse reconstruction error analysis

Optimization Design Stage

The defect position distribution of the reverse reconstruction model of the stamping
product is shown in Fig. 6. The region I is a pleated dense zone, and the region II is a
pleated sparse zone. Aiming at the reverse reconstruction model defect, the stamping
product was optimized by reshaping method.

Fig. 6. Defect position distribution

The effect diagram and the error diagram of stamping product optimization design
are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. The optimum design error is 2.78  10−5 mm,
which meets the precision requirement of model optimum design.

Fig. 7. Optimization design effect

186 J. Fan and L. Wang

Fig. 8. Optimization design error

Simulation Evaluation Stage

ANSYS Analysis
The static analysis of the stamping product is carried out. The mechanical stress strength
of the reverse reconstruction model and the mechanical stress strength of the optimal
design model are compared quantitatively, as shown in Table 1. The stress intensity
after optimization is obviously lower than that before optimization, which shows that
the optimization design improves the outburst effect of local stress concentration.

Table 1. Mechanical stress strength contrast table

The reverse reconstruction model The optimal design model
Maximum stress (MPa) 1.15  1010 1.03  108
Minimum stress (MPa) 2.89  107 1.07  106

The overall mechanical strain strength of the reverse reconstruction model and the
optimal design model are compared quantitatively, as shown in Table 2. The overall
mechanical strain strength after optimization is obviously lower than that before
optimization, which shows that the optimization design alleviates the abnormal local

Table 2. Overall mechanical strain strength contrast table

The reverse reconstruction model The optimal design model
Maximum strain 6.81  10−2 6.08  10−4
Minimum strain 1.71  10−4 6.31  10−6

Failure analysis of the stamping product is carried out. The maximum stress and
strain of the reverse reconstruction model are compared with those of the optimal
design model. The quantitative data between them are compared as shown in Table 3.
The maximum stress after optimization is obviously lower than that before
Reverse Digital Rapid Design and Manufacture of the Stamping Die 187

optimization, indicating that the optimization design improves the problem of uneven
stress distribution, further narrows the stress extreme region and makes the stress
distribution more uniform. The maximum strain after optimization is obviously lower
than that before optimization. It shows that under the same stress condition, the
material area disappears where the maximum strain exceeds the allowable range, the
possibility of failure is greatly reduced, and all of them are in the safe strain range.

Table 3. Maximum stress and strain contrast table

The reverse reconstruction model The optimal design model
Maximum stress (MPa) 8.94  10−3–2.75 7.65  10−4–1.34
−5 −2
Maximum strain 9.54  10 –4.08  10 2.78  10−5–2.34  10−2

Shear direction mechanical strain contrast table, as shown in Table 4. The shear
mechanical strain matrix value of XY direction, XZ direction and YZ direction of the
reverse reconstruction model are all smaller than those of the reverse reconstruction
model. It shows that the overall shear mechanical strain in the failure range of the
optimization design model becomes smaller, and the overall tensile strength is

Table 4. Shear direction mechanical strain contrast table

Overall mechanical strain matrix The reverse reconstruction The optimal design
value model model
XY shear direction −9.08  10−5 −6.46  10−5
XZ shear direction −9.84  10−5 −4.10  10−5
YZ shear direction −2.49  10−4 −5.33  10−5

The thickness variations of the hot-rolled steel sheets and the cold-rolled steel sheets
with different thicknesses were analyzed. The contrast table of stamping thickness
between the hot-rolled steel plate and the cold-rolled steel plate is drawn. The thickness
variation of the two steel stamping processes is shown in Table 5.
The thickness of the hot-rolled steel sheet is greater than that of the cold-rolled steel
sheet. Therefore, the cold-rolled steel sheet are more suitable for the production of this
stamping product.
Table 5. Thickness contrast of the two steel stamping processes
Thickness (mm) Hot-rolled steel plate (mm) Cold-rolled steel plate (mm)
1.0 −0.03 * 0.05 −0.02 * 0.04
1.5 −0.04 * 0.08 −0.03 * 0.05
2.0 −0.06 * 0.10 −0.05 * 0.07
2.5 −0.07 * 0.13 −0.06 * 0.09
188 J. Fan and L. Wang

The forming limit analysis of the cold-rolled steel sheets with different thicknesses
was carried out in the stamping process. As the thickness of the cold-rolled steel sheet
increases from 1 mm to 2.5 mm, the safe area where the stamping process is deformed
becomes larger and larger, and the fractured area becomes smaller and smaller.
Therefore, the 1 mm cold-rolled steel sheet has a large fracture area and is prone to
fracture. The fracture area on the 2.5 mm is small, and the stamping deformation is
relatively safe and difficult to break.

4.3 Stamping Die Digital Design Stage

The digital design stage of stamping die includes the digital design of process parts and
the digital design of structural parts. Stamping die process parts mainly include
stamping punches and punching dies. The closed perspective wire frame of the
stamping die process parts, as shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9. Closed perspective wire frame

4.4 Stamping Die Digital Manufacturing Stage

The digital manufacturing stage of the stamping die includes virtual machine, virtual
blank, virtual fixture, virtual tool and virtual control. Stamping protruding modulus
control is processed through contour milling, and stamping concave modulus control is
processed through cavity milling. In the digital manufacturing, the profile of milling
punch is cut, as shown in Fig. 10. The tool path for milling concave die cavity is shown
in Fig. 11.
Reverse Digital Rapid Design and Manufacture of the Stamping Die 189

Fig. 10. Tool path for milling punch profile

Fig. 11. Tool path for milling concave die cavity

5 Conclusions

With the maturity of digital rapid development of stamping dies, the combination of
reverse engineering technology and stamping dies development technology will be
closer. This paper studies the digital rapid design and manufacturing process of
stamping die based on reverse engineering, which helps to reduce the development cost
and shorten the manufacturing cycle.

Acknowledgment. The project of research presented in this paper is sponsored by Qing Lan
Project for Jiangsu Provincial University training target funding of excellent young backbone
teachers (2016), Engineering Technology Research Center Construction Project for 2016
Provincial Enterprise of Jiangsu Province (BM2016285).
190 J. Fan and L. Wang

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10. Gronostajski Z, Hawryluk M, Kaszuba M et al (2017) Application of the reverse 3D
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11. Jun S, Zhao Y (2012) Rapid design and manufacturing of car lamp mould based on reverse
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Visualization Analysis of the Research Field
of the Water Resources in China Based
on Cite-Space

Jiajia Pan, Yuwei Zhang, and Yun Bao(&)

Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, Jiangsu, China


Abstract. Based on the papers published in the Web of Science database from
1949 to 2018, this paper draws a scientific knowledge map of the researches on
the water resources in China with the help of the Cite-Space visualization
function, focuses on combing the research hotspots and the knowledge evolution
of the water resources in China, summarizes the relevant theoretical framework,
and puts forward suggestions for the further research of the water resources in

Keywords: Cite-Space  Water resources in China  Research field 

Visualization analysis

Faced with the current water crisis, it is of great significance for the implementation of
the sustainable development strategy, the implementation of the scientific concept of
development, and the practice of the new ideas for water control. In order to use the
water resources scientifically and rationally, we need to understand the total amount of
the water resources, including the surface and the underground water resources, the
water environment, the water resources available, and the development and utilization
status of the water resources and so on [1]. We should gradually establish a more
systematic information platform of the water resources to facilitate all sectors of our
society to fully understand the basic situation of the water resources.

1 Data and Methods

1.1 Source of Data

The database is the CNKI database, and the subject areas include the basic sciences,
philosophy and humanities, social science and information technologies. The cross-
database selection includes journals, literature, doctoral dissertations, and international
and domestic conferences, and the search methods are based on the topics. The search
terms are guide, research on water resources, and column introduction, and the search
strategies is to guide and research on water resources not column introduction [2]. The
search time is until 16:15 of November 23, 2018. 1107 papers were obtained, including the
repetition, the popular science propaganda and the draft solicitation and so on, and 1059
papers were effectively recorded. The time span of the literature is from 1949 to 2018.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 191–196, 2019.
192 J. Pan et al.

1.2 Data Visualization Analysis

Data Transformation
The 1059 documents included in the study were exported in the refwork format. The
exported documents were named download_***.txt format available in the Cite-Space
software. The files are imported into the Cite-Space V for the data conversion, and the
data can be processed by Cite-Space. The imported data files should contain the titles,
authors, organizations, abstracts, keywords, years and other information.
Software Setup
Import the data into Cite-Space 5.0.R2. The conditions are as follows. The time slicing
is from 1949 to 2018, with every three years as a time slice. The node type is to select
the authors, institutions, and keywords respectively, and generate the different co-
occurrence maps three times. When the node type is the author, the threshold value is
20, and the pruning option is the critical path and the pruned and merged graph. When
the node type is the mechanism, Top N per slice setting is the same as that when the
node type is the author, and the Pruning is no. When the node type is the keyword, the
setting is the same as that when the node type is the author [3].

1.3 Statistical Methods

Excel 2003 is used to make the statistics and tables for the number of the documents
published, and various atlases generated by Cite-Space V (5.0.R2) are used to visualize
the data [4]. The chart can show the trend and tendency of the development of a
discipline or a knowledge domain in a certain period of time, and form the evolution
process of several research frontiers.

2 Research Topics and Hotspot Analysis

The distribution and evolution of the research topics can intuitively reflect the changes
of the hot areas, the analytical perspectives and the research methods in different
periods. As a refined expression of the research themes of the academic papers, the
relevance of the keywords can reveal the internal relationship of the knowledge in the
field of the disciplines to a certain extent [5]. Keyword centrality reflects its importance
in the whole keyword co-occurrence network and represents the core research topics in
a certain period of time.
The research hotspots are the focus and intensive place of the discipline researches
in a certain period of time, manifested in the emergence of a large number of the
documents, academic ideas and a large number of the relevant researchers on a subject.
In view of this, this paper uses the keyword co-occurrence analysis to understand the
main research directions and hotspots of the water resources, and to analyze the
development and changes of the subject structures of this research field. In the keyword
co-occurrence map, the size of nodes represents the degree of concern between the
studies, and the density of connections represents the degree of association between
different research issues.
Visualization Analysis of the Research Field of the Water Resources 193

In the analysis of the graph generated by the Cite-Space visualization software, the
nodes whose mediation centers are greater than or equal to 01 are defined as the key
nodes. The mediation centrality of a node refers to the number of the nodes passing
through all the shortest paths in the network, which is a measure of the connecting role
of the nodes in the entire network. The higher the intermediary centrality of a node is,
the more it appears on the shortest path in the network, and the greater its influence and
importance will be. By analyzing the knowledge map of the hot countries published in
the literature and making statistics according to the centrality of the intermediaries, the
research of European and American countries has a greater impact.

3 Analysis of the Basic Situation of the Water Resources

in China

China’s total water resources are 2.8 trillion cubic meters. Among them, the surface
water is 2.7 trillion cubic meters and the groundwater is 0.83 trillion cubic meters.
Because the surface water and the groundwater are interchangeable and recharged each
other, the amount of the groundwater resources that do not repeat with the river runoff
is about 0.1 trillion cubic meters. According to internationally recognized standards, the
per capita water resources below 3000 cm3 are the mild water shortage, and the per
capita water resources below 2000 cm3 are the moderate water shortage. The per capita
water resources below 1000 cm3 are the severe water shortage, while the per capita
water resources below 500 cm3 are the extreme water shortage. At present, the per
capita water resources (excluding the transit water) of 16 provinces (districts and cities)
in China are lower than those of the serious water shortage line, and the per capita
water resources of 6 provinces (Ningxia, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi and Jiangsu)
are less than 500 cm3, which are the extremely water-deficient areas.
The main characteristics of the water resource distribution in China are that the total
amount is not rich and the per capita share is lower. China ranks sixth in the world in
the total water resources, with a per capita share of 2,240 cm3, about one fourth of the
per capita of the world, and 88 of the 153 countries counted by the World Bank. The
areas are unevenly distributed and the water and the soil resources are not matched. The
land area of the Yangtze River Basin and its south area only accounted for 36.5% of the
whole country, and its water resources accounted for 81% of the whole country. The
land area of the Huaihe River Basin and its north area accounted for 63.5% of the
whole country, but its water resources accounted for only 19% of the total water
resources of the whole country. The annual distribution is uneven and the drought and
flood disasters are frequent. In most areas, the precipitation for four consecutive months
accounted for more than 70% of the whole year, and the continuous high or low water
is more common.
Although the total amount of the water resources in China is large, due to the huge
population, the per capita water consumption is low, and the water resources that can
be used as the drinking water are limited. The industrial wastewater, the domestic
wastewater and other wastes enter rivers, lakes, seas and other water bodies, which
exceed the pollution caused by the self-purification capacity of the water bodies. This
will lead to changes in the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the water
194 J. Pan et al.

bodies, thus affecting the use values of the water, endangering the human health or
destroying the ecological environment, resulting in the deterioration of the water

4 Discussion

Cite-Space is a visualization tool based on the Java programming language developed

by the team of Dr. Chen Chaomei of Dressel University. The software mainly has the
functions of the visualization of the literature co-citation analysis, the keyword co-
occurrence analysis, the keyword clustering analysis, the institutional cooperation
analysis, the author cooperation analysis, the mutation monitoring analysis, and the co-
citation time analysis and so on. The function of visualization provides a direct way to
identify and visualize the new trends and tendencies in the scientific literature, and
establishes and forms the research content systems at different time stages.

4.1 Problems in the Development and Utilization of the Water Resources

in China
Because of the particularity of the geographical location, the different topographic and
geomorphological conditions and monsoon climate conditions, and with the rapid
development of the social economy, as a populous country in China, there are many
problems in the development and utilization of the water resources. The water
resources are seriously polluted and have not yet been reasonably and effectively
controlled. Since the 1970s, China has entered the stage of industrialization and
urbanization, resulting in a rapid increase in the total discharge of the industrial
wastewater and the domestic sewage, resulting in the increasingly serious water pol-
lution. Although China has spent a lot of efforts on the water pollution control and the
protection of the water resources and has made some achievements, the situation of the
water pollution is still grim. The main manifestations are as follows. First, the discharge
of the industrial wastewater and the domestic wastewater is large, and the water
treatment level and the water treatment compliance rate are not high. Second, the water
body itself is seriously polluted, and the water quality compliance rate in the water
mining areas needs to be improved. Third, the water quality of lakes is worse than that
of rivers, and that of the rivers is worse than that of reservoirs, and the population
density in the middle and the lower reaches of the same water area is high. Fourthly, the
survey data show that about 1/4 of the water quality monitoring stations are deterio-
rating, and the water quality is becoming harder and harder.
The groundwater overexploitation is serious. The main impact of the over-
exploitation of the groundwater is the pollution and shortage of the surface water
resources. Because of the serious pollution and shortage of the surface water, many
areas have to implement the further over-exploitation to maintain their economic
development. Compared with the advanced countries, China’s industrial production of
10 thousand Yuan of the industrial value-added water consumption is far behind. In
recent years, China’s utilization efficiency of the water resources has been greatly
improved. The overexploitation of water resources in some areas has resulted in the
Visualization Analysis of the Research Field of the Water Resources 195

ecological degradation. There are many rivers and lakes in China, and the types of the
water ecology are rich and varied. However, with the rapid development of our
economy and society, there are many different water ecological problems in different
regions of China. For example, the rivers have been cut off, and the water for the
ecological environment has been occupied. The areas of lakes have shrunk, and the
areas of the wetlands have been greatly reduced.

4.2 Suggestions on the Development and Utilization of the Water

Resources in China
China is a water-scarce country. In order to better adapt to the future development, we
must put the water conservation and the rational use of water in a prominent position.
Water saving and rational use of water have great potential for the water saving.
Specific measures are as follows. First, according to the principle of the market
economy, properly raising the water price is an important measure to save water. The
second is to implement the double-track water price system. Specifically, all walks of
life have implemented the water supply according to the quota, and the high-price
water supply is implemented for the excessive water use. Third, in order to encourage
the water conservation, tax deductions and exemptions should be made for the water-
saving appliances such as the sprinkler irrigation, the drip irrigation, the water-saving
taps and the water-saving urinals.
To make good use of sewage is an important measure to make good use of the
water resources. China’s annual sewage discharge is more than 70 billion tons, much
more than the annual flow of the Yellow River. We will continue to do a good job in
the South-to-North Water Transfer Project. “South-to-North Water Transfer” is a
century-long strategic decision to solve the water shortage in northern China. We will
improve the water diversion schemes for the central and the eastern routes and further
tap the potential of the water diversion. The seawater desalination is an important
measure to solve the shortage of the water resources in the world. Up to now, the
distillation and the reverse osmosis are widely used in commerce. To solve these two
problems, first, the greenhouse agriculture should be developed accordingly, and the
energy discarded in the desalination process should be fully utilized to reduce the costs
of the desalination seawater. Second, comprehensive utilization of the seawater should
be done well. After the desalination, the remaining brine is refined to the sea salt, and
then magnesium, potassium, nickel, iodine, boron and other products are extracted,
which can greatly reduce the discharge of the wastes. At present, more than a dozen
countries and more than a hundred units in the world are carrying out this work. The
seawater desalination technology can not only improve water shortage, but also play a
very good role in promoting the change of the industrial structures. We will continue to
do a good job in the afforestation and the grass planting to improve the ecological
environment. Forest is a green reservoir and a green ocean. It is also an important
measure to solve the water crisis to do a good job of the afforestation and the grass
planting and improve the ecological environment. Over the past 40 years, the con-
struction of the “Three North” shelterbelt has fully illustrated this problem.
196 J. Pan et al.

5 Conclusion

This study only visualized the literature from the CNKI database. The number of the
documents collected is limited. The analysis of the Cite-Space software atlas also has
some limitations. With the deepening of the researches and the increase of the amount
of the literature, we can more scientifically and accurately analyze the current situa-
tions, hotspots and trends of the water resource researches in China. The research
contents and themes in the field of the water resource utilization are becoming more
and more systematic. The decentralized research in the initial stage that the cohesion of
the research topics is weak and the content clustering is simple is gradually developed
to the systematic researches which are distinct in the research topics, closely related,
and rich in the contents.
With the rapid development of the economy and the society and the acceleration of
the urbanization, the contradiction between the supply and the demand of the water
resources has become increasingly prominent. Optimizing the allocation, the rational
utilization and the effective protection are the inevitable choices to ensure the sus-
tainable utilization of the water resources and realize the sustainable development of
the economy and our society. In today’s construction of the ecological civilization, as
an important non-renewable resource, the protection and development of the water
resources is extremely important.

Acknowledgment. Foundation Projects: Self-help project of the brand specialty construction in

Jiangsu universities (PPZY2015A043), Construction project of the dominant disciplines in
Jiangsu universities (discipline of the water conservancy engineering).

1. Liu L, Shi S (2017) The evolution and frontier hotspot of the international health promotion
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3. Xu J, Wang W (2017) Research on the development and current situations of the artificial
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4. Gong X, Xu M, Zhang L, Zhang S, Wang P, Gao F, Shi J (2017) Visualization research in the
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An Empirical Study of the New
Mode of Educating People Through
the School-Enterprise Cooperation in Private
Universities Based on “Internet+”

Zhu Na(&)

Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology,

Zhengzhou 450064, Henan, China

Abstract. With the use of the “Internet+” thinking, vigorously carry out the
innovation of the school-enterprise cooperation mode, and improve and promote
the quality of the school-enterprise cooperation, which is a major task faced by
all kinds of the private colleges and universities. The school-enterprise coop-
eration, as a personnel training mode adapting to the development of the times,
makes full use of the resources of universities and enterprises, which is of great
significance to strengthen the mutually beneficial cooperation between schools
and enterprises and to train the practical talents. However, problems such as the
imperfect equipment of private colleges and universities, the inactive partici-
pation of the enterprises in the cooperation, and the lack of communication and
exchange between the two sides, still exist. Therefore, it is of great practical
significance for the development of the national education and the social pro-
gress to put forward the improvement measures and accelerate the development
of the efficient and mutually beneficial mode of the school-enterprise

Keywords: “Internet+”  Private colleges and universities 

School-enterprise cooperation in education  New model 
Exploration demonstration

Private colleges and universities should base themselves on the reality of running
schools, intensify the development of the characteristic courses, make full use of the
network teaching platform to promote the reform and innovation of their own teaching
mode, strengthen the social service functions of the private colleges and universities,
adhere to the idea of the open school running, draw lessons from the training expe-
rience of the applied talents in similar colleges and universities, actively introduce the
social high-quality resources, gradually enrich the school curriculum resources, and
actively reform the teaching contents and methods, to meet the new requirements of the
economic and industrial development for the applied talents [1].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 197–203, 2019.
198 Z. Na

1 Background of the “Internet+” Era

“Internet+” is the use of the information and communication technology and the
Internet platform, to combine the Internet and the traditional industries to form a new
form of the social and economic development. The current Internet + Education include
the network distance education, the micro class, MOOC and other new educational
methods [2]. Through these ways, students can freely choose schools, choose teachers
and choose courses on the Internet. Teachers can also introduce the mobile Internet into
their daily teaching, create a new mode of the mobile Internet + Education, and reform
the professional curriculum systems. In the new era, how to combine the “Internet+”
curriculum reform of private colleges and innovate the new mechanisms of training the
applied talents in our university is a key problem in our teaching [3].

1.1 “Internet+” Strategy

In the 2015 Government Work Report, Li Keqiang mentioned the new industries eight
times, such as the Internet and the mobile Internet, and put forward the strategy of the
“Internet+”. The essence of the “Internet+” is the deep integration of the traditional
enterprises and the Internet. The ultimate goal of the “Internet+” strategy is to realize
the comprehensive Internet of the traditional enterprises. At present, the Internet
anxiety disorder faced by the vast number of the traditional enterprises has become a
social problem in this era [4]. Under the tide of the “Internet+”, it is the best time now,
and also the most dangerous moment for the traditional enterprises. The use of the
“Internet+” is related to the fate of tens of millions of enterprises and the development
of our national economy. The higher vocational education is no exception. How to
make the “Internet+” strategies and action plans under the tide of the “Internet+” for the
school-enterprise cooperation is an important measure to keep pace with the times [5].
Only by using the mode of the “Internet+” school-enterprise cooperation can we cul-
tivate more comprehensive talents that are suitable for the needs of today’s society.

1.2 “Internet + Education”

At present, under the impact of a series of the new technologies, the new concepts and the
new models, such as the cloud technology and the big data, the educational informati-
zation is regarded as the key point in the world. In line with the requirements of the times,
the society is increasingly demanding the skilled talents. The traditional education mode
of “emphasizing the theory but neglecting the practice” in the higher vocational colleges
must be reformed. Constantly exploring the new educational mode and forming a mode
different from the traditional education is the most important thing for all the higher
vocational colleges to seek breakthroughs and development. Implementing the personnel
training mode of “work-study combination, school-enterprise cooperation and post
practice”, promoting the joint running of schools, industries and enterprises, and creating
a new situation of the deep integration between schools and enterprises will be the
premise of promoting the higher vocational educational reform [6].
An Empirical Study of the New Mode of Educating People 199

2 Current Situations of the School-Enterprise Cooperation

in Private Colleges and Universities

In recent years, some achievements have been made in the development of the per-
sonnel training mode of the cooperation between private colleges and enterprises in
China, but the overall development is not mature enough. At present, many private
colleges and universities have set up the teaching work committees, formulated the
management systems of the main teaching links, set up the special leading groups,
formulated the policies and measures for the school-enterprise cooperation, contacted
the corresponding cooperative bases, established the corresponding functional depart-
ments, and searched for the corresponding cooperative enterprises and cooperative
projects for the schools. The follow-up services can effectively promote the school-
enterprise cooperation projects. Through the development in recent years, the forms of
the cooperation between private colleges and enterprises are gradually diversified, and
the forms of the cooperation between schools and enterprises are gradually getting rid
of the singularity, and the contents of the cooperation are gradually from the point to
the area. The contents of the cooperation are mainly at the material level. For example,
at the material level, the contents involve people, money and things. In the training
mode, there is the “order type”, the “enterprise name” type, employing the part-time
teachers, training the “double-quality teachers”, the enterprise investment in running
schools, and the company setting through the school-enterprise cooperation and so on.
With the continuous development of the application-oriented universities in China,
almost all the private application-oriented universities are pursuing to set up the
“popular” majors due to the influence of the government policies and social environ-
ment, ignoring the changes in the supply and demand of the majors and employment.
However, from the perspective of the whole world, in countries with advanced science
and technologies and the high-level industrialization, the school-enterprise cooperation
is the basic mode of training the applied talents. For example, the dual-system edu-
cation in Germany is a very typical school-enterprise cooperation education mode.
Schools and enterprises work together to accomplish the tasks of the personnel training.
Private colleges and universities in our country only start from the requirement of
enrolling more students and completing the enrollment tasks in a short time, so that
many application-oriented private colleges and universities have no obvious advan-
tages: the overlap rate of majors in various colleges and universities, not obvious
advantages of the special majors, the hot majors unable to develop, the saturated basic
application-oriented talents and the shortage of the high-quality applied talents.
There is a serious shortage of the “double-qualified” teachers, so they cannot
participate in the collaborative innovation in enterprises. Because the main source of
the funds of private colleges and universities in our country is their own income, the
source of the funds is limited. At the same time, the social status and treatment of the
teachers in private colleges and universities are generally relatively low, so it is difficult
to attract the excellent “double-qualified” talents. The mechanism of the school-
enterprise cooperation is not perfect. As a talent training mode, the school-enterprise
cooperation also needs its own operating mechanisms. The long-term cooperation and
development of the private colleges and universities and the related enterprises also
200 Z. Na

depends on the search and grasp of the interests of both sides, and also on the good
economic benefits that the cooperation can bring to both sides. The necessary funding
is seriously inadequate. The school-enterprise cooperation needs the necessary simu-
lation working environment, the necessary on-site instructors, and the active adjust-
ment of the training plans according to the industrial environment, which requires a
large amount of the funds. Because of the relatively late development and the low
popularity of the private colleges and universities in China, there are also different
views and opinions on the private colleges and universities in our society. It is difficult
for the private colleges and universities to raise funds in our society.

3 An Empirical Study of the New Mode of Educating People

Through the School-Enterprise Cooperation in Private
Universities Based on “Internet+”

With the continuous promotion of the “Internet+” educational reform, the demand for
the higher education has also undergone the fundamental changes. In terms of the
contents of the innovation and entrepreneurship curriculum system, it is not only
necessary to construct the entrepreneurship skill-based curriculums, but also necessary
to strengthen the curriculum contents of the levels and types based on the innovative
technologies, thinking methods, cultural heritage and so on, and constantly improve the
low technological contents, the low professional integration and the low market
competitiveness of the students’ entrepreneurship projects in private colleges and

3.1 Increasing the Investment, Improving the Basic Conditions

and Perfecting the Systems of the Universities
In order to promote the smooth development of the school-enterprise cooperation
personnel training mode, the state should increase the investment in the private colleges
and universities, constantly improve the schools’ hardware facilities and venues, and
accelerate the reform and improvement of their cooperation mode. In order to further
deepen the reform of the education and teaching, rapidly promote the training of the
technical and skilled talents, and constantly improve the training quality of the applied
talents, many colleges and universities have adopted the mode of the school-enterprise
cooperation. Private colleges and universities should clarify their own strength level,
give full play to the advantages of their self-financing, complete the equipment and
perfect the system, focus on the training of the talents under the school-enterprise
cooperation mode, optimize the distribution of the specialties in schools, conduct the
in-depth market research and studies, focus on the market demand, and constantly
adjust and establish a reasonable professional system, to meet the development
requirements of the enterprises and our society, so that we should cultivate the practical
and high-quality talents.
An Empirical Study of the New Mode of Educating People 201

3.2 Enterprises Change the Ideas and Enhance the Consciousness

of Training Talents Through School-Enterprise Cooperation
The new era requires the enterprises to exchange and cooperate more in order to
achieve the win-win situation. Enterprise leaders should change their stubborn and self-
confident conservative ideas, renew their own ideas, adapt to the development
requirements of the times, strengthen their understandings of the personnel training
mode through the school-enterprise cooperation, standardize the internal cooperation
system and detailed regulations of enterprises, and be aware of the school-enterprise
cooperation. It is of great significance for the development of the enterprises to cul-
tivate the practical talents with the high quality and efficiency. In the personnel training
mode of the school-enterprise cooperation, enterprises can train and select the excellent
talents for the requirements of their own enterprise development at the first time, and
improve the comprehensive levels of the employees. At the same time, it is conducive
to the improvement of their own competitive strengths and levels, which is of great
significance to the long-term sustainable development of the enterprises. Therefore,
enterprise leaders should emancipate their ideas, truly understand and participate in the
school-enterprise cooperation, regard it as a long-term win-win cooperation mode,
actively exchange and summarize with the private colleges and universities, care about
the teaching progress of the schools, cooperate with each other to train the high-quality
and high-level outstanding graduates, and lays a good foundation for the sustainable
development of the enterprises in the future.

3.3 Strengthen the Exchanges and Cooperation Between the Private

Colleges and the Enterprises to Achieve the Win-Win Situation
The long-term development of the school-enterprise cooperation personnel training
mode requires the joint efforts of the schools and the enterprises to strengthen
exchanges and timely understand the development needs of both sides. Schools should
formulate the regular exchanges and cooperation meetings with the enterprises, con-
stantly learn the cultures and development requirements of the enterprises, keep pace
with the times, and cultivate the efficient and practical talents. Schools and enterprises
should reach a consensus on the cooperation and the resource sharing. Schools regu-
larly recommend the excellent teachers and students to experience the internship in the
enterprises according to the plan, and constantly accumulate the experience of the
enterprises, in order to better improve their abilities and levels of work and contribution
in the enterprises. On the other hand, the enterprises can also select the excellent staffs
to train and learn in the schools, tell about the development of the enterprises and the
personnel requirements, and also get the advice and evaluation of the school profes-
sional teachers, to achieve the sharing of the resources and the full training and the
rational use of the talents. Private colleges and enterprises can jointly organize some
large-scale activities of the active exchanges to promote the students’ understandings of
the enterprises, so as to promote the smooth development and improvement of the
training mode of the school-enterprise cooperation in private colleges and universities,
and constantly promote the improvement of the education and the development of the
social productivity.
202 Z. Na

3.4 With the Integration of the Industry and the Education

and the Interaction Between the Industry and the Education, Deepen
the Model of “Entrepreneurship + Industry”
Practice is one of the core links of the innovation and entrepreneurship education, and
the building of the practice platform is an important reflection of the integration of the
industry and the education and the interaction between the industry and the education.
Private colleges and universities should encourage enterprises, governments and social
forces to participate in the construction of the innovation and entrepreneurship practice
platform and incubation space, and explore the construction of an ecological multi-
creation space practice platform integrated with the “space + teaching and
research + activity + incubation + service” as the project practice, team learning,
entrepreneurship activities, entrepreneurship competitions and entrepreneurship incu-
bation. The platform for the integration of the investment funds and the social resources
can achieve the effective integration of the intellectual assets, the entrepreneurs and the
social resources. Through the establishment of the off-campus training bases, provide
the students with the practical training posts, and promote the integration of the
enterprises, the industries and the teaching, as well as the cooperation of production,
education and research. Explore the project-oriented cooperation mode between the
industries, universities and research institutes and the innovative practical education
mode of the entrepreneurship, and deepen the training mode and the cooperation mode
of the “entrepreneurship + specialty, and entrepreneurship + industry”.

3.5 Explore the Multi-dimensional Curriculum System

and the Hierarchical and Classified Personnel Training System
The construction of the curriculum system is an important basis for the innovative
entrepreneurship education. Especially in the application-oriented private colleges and
universities, it is particularly necessary to put the training and innovation of the stu-
dents’ vocational skills and the promotion of their entrepreneurship qualities in the
same important position, pay attention to the organic integration of their professional
education and the innovation and entrepreneurship education, and build the innovation
and entrepreneurship education curriculum system with the combination of the general
education, the professional education, the entrepreneurship teaching, innovation and
the entrepreneurship training and innovation and the entrepreneurship practice. Con-
struct the curriculum group of the innovation and entrepreneurship education, which is
progressive, organic, scientific and reasonable. Develop the network innovation and
entrepreneurship courses, and build a cloud classroom entrepreneurship curriculum
library focusing on the MOOC and the business video open lessons and so on, to meet
the fragmented learning characteristics of the students.
An Empirical Study of the New Mode of Educating People 203

4 Conclusion

At present, the cooperation between schools and enterprises in most private colleges
and universities in China is very shallow in the education and teaching, the enrollment
and employment, the personnel training, the technical exchanges and other aspects.
A considerable part of the cooperation is superficial, short-term and non-standardized,
and is maintained by the interpersonal relationships. In order to survive, develop and
adapt to the requirements of the market economy, schools should actively seek the
cooperation with the business communities. Even some cooperation is only formally
nominated, and regardless of the relationship between the cooperative enterprises and
the currently established specialties, they cooperate in a general way and blindly, and
their cooperation effects are uneven.

1. Liu C, Cui Y, Li Z, Liu J, Li Q (2018) The new form of the device management under the
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2. Yang L (2018) A preliminary study of the training mode of the innovation and
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J Huaihai Inst Technol (Hum Soc Sci) 11:122–123
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Analysis of the Application and the Association
Rule Mining in the Library and Data
Management of College of Economics

Lin Lu1 and Lei Cao2(&)

School of Economics, Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
Library of Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China

Abstract. University libraries have always been regarded as the information

service centers of universities. Teachers’ teaching and scientific research and
students’ extracurricular reference services are inseparable from the library’s
collection of literature resources. With the increasingly prominent personalized
needs of readers, the service orientation of the libraries of the College of Eco-
nomics in colleges and universities is gradually transforming from the traditional
provision of the explicit information to the personalized services that actively
mine the implicit data information in order to meet the needs of the readers. The
emergence of the data mining technology has brought opportunities to the
personalized services of libraries. Through the analysis of the massive data, we
can find the potential relationship between data.

Keywords: Association rule mining  College of economics 

Books and materials  Management mechanism  Application analysis

The application of the data mining technology in the construction of the digital libraries
is still in its infancy. In this paper, the methods of the data warehouse construction and
other aspects need to be improved [1]. The main significance is to explore how to apply
the data mining technology to the library management system in order to improve the
management levels and efficiency of services, and we hope it can play a role of
reference and promotion to the research work of the relevant scholars in this field.

1 Connotation Analysis of the Association Rule Mining

In the knowledge discovery of the databases, the association rules are the knowledge
patterns that describe the rules that occur simultaneously between the items in a
transaction. To be more precise, the association rules describe the impact of the
occurrence of Item A on the occurrence of Item B by the quantifying numbers [2].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 204–209, 2019.
Analysis of the Application and the Association Rule Mining 205

1.1 Mining of the Association Rules

Among the four attributes of the association rules, the support and the credibility can
directly describe the nature of the association rules. From the definition of the asso-
ciation rules, it can be seen that there are association rules between two sets of items
given arbitrarily, but the values of the attributes are different. If the support and the
credibility of the association rules are not taken into account, an infinite number of the
association rules can be found in the transaction database. In fact, people are generally
only interested in the association rules that satisfy a certain degree of the support and
the credibility [3]. Therefore, in order to find the meaningful association rules, two
thresholds need to be given: the minimum support and the minimum credibility. The
former specifies the minimum support that the association rules must satisfy, and the
latter specifies the minimum credibility that the association rules must satisfy [4].
Generally speaking, the rules satisfying certain requirements are the strong rules.

1.2 Attentions in the Association Rule Mining

In mining the association rules, we should pay attention to the following points. Fully
understand the data. The goal is clear. The data preparation should be done well. The
data preparation depends on the first two points. The data preparation will directly
affect the complexity of the problems and the realization of the goals. Select the
appropriate minimum support and the minimum credibility. This depends on the user’s
estimation of the targets. If the value is too small, a large number of the useless rules
will be found, which will not only affect the efficiency of the execution and waste the
system resources, but will also bury the target. If the value is too large, it will be
possible to find no rules and miss the hand of the knowledge [5]. We should have a
good understanding of the association rules. The data mining tools can discover the
association rules satisfying the conditions, but they cannot determine the practical
significance of the association rules. Understanding the association rules requires the
familiarity with the business backgrounds and the rich business experience to under-
stand the data adequately [6]. In the discovery of the association rules, there may be
two objects that are not much related subjectively, but their support and credibility of
the association rules are very high. It is necessary to judge from various angles that this
is an accidental phenomenon or has its inherent rationality based on the business
knowledge and experience. On the contrary, it may be considered subjectively that the
items whose relationship is close do not have the strong correlation between them.
Only by a good understanding of the association rules can we remove the dregs, extract
the essence and give full play to the value of the association rules.

1.3 Mining Process of the Association Rules

There are three steps to discover the association rules. Connect the data and prepare the
data. Give the minimum support and the minimum credibility, and discover the
association rules using the algorithms provided by the data mining tools. Visualize,
understand and evaluate the association rules. The process of mining the association
rules mainly includes two stages. The first stage is to find all the frequent item-sets
206 L. Lu and L. Cao

from the data set, and the second stage is to generate the association rules from these
frequency item-sets. In the first stage of the association rule mining, all large item-sets
must be found from the original data set.
The second stage of the association rule mining is to generate the association rules.
Generating the association rules from the frequent item-sets is to use the high-
frequency k-project group of the previous step to generate the rules. Under the con-
dition threshold of the minimum trust, if the trust degree obtained by a rule satisfies the
minimum trust degree, this rule is called the association rule. From the above intro-
duction, we can also see that the association rule mining is usually more suitable for the
discrete values of the indicators in the records. If the index values in the original
database are the continuous data, appropriate data discretization should be carried out
before the association rule mining. The data discretization is an important link before
the data mining. Whether the discretization process is reasonable will directly affect the
mining results of the association rules.

2 Application Background Analysis of the Association Rule

Mining in the Library and Data Management of College
of Economics

University libraries provide the information services such as books and documents for
the teaching and scientific researches in colleges and universities. With the expansion
of the scale of running a university and the improvement of the levels of running a
school, higher requirements have been put forward for the retrieval services of books
and documents. Library services will be transferred from the traditional paper docu-
ments and the manual services to the digital and personalized ones. At present, the vast
majority of the university libraries in China have realized the digitalization and net-
working service mode of books and documents. Readers can realize the online
booking, and the online renewal and the inquiry of books and documents. However, the
individualization of the services provided to readers is not high enough, and the sci-
entific and intelligent science of the library management has not been fully realized.
The digital library has become the direction of the library development. With the
development of the digital libraries, the data warehouse technology and the data mining
technology are facing the broad application prospects. However, due to the backward
application of the data warehouse and the data mining technologies in the field of the
libraries in China, many advantages of libraries have not been reflected. The associ-
ation rule analysis is a very important research branch of the data mining. Its main
purpose is to discover the hidden, interesting and inter-attribute rules from the big data
Based on the in-depth study of the data mining technology and the association rules
mining algorithm, this paper discusses how to improve the effectiveness of the Apriori
algorithm, and tries to improve the Apriori algorithm by using the adaptive step leap
and the dynamic pruning of the candidate item-sets, and proposes an improved Apriori
algorithm. Then, taking the library management system of College of Economics as an
example, this paper introduces the system structure and the business process of the
Analysis of the Application and the Association Rule Mining 207

library management system of college, and studies the method of building the data
warehouse based on this database. By integrating and synthesizing the reader’s data,
the reader’s behaviors can be evaluated and analyzed comprehensively, and the cor-
responding services can be improved and provided.
As a new hotspot of the data processing, the data mining technology plays a very
important role in the utilization and extraction of the data information. The library
borrowing records are the best evidence for the readers to use the library resources, and
also the result of the readers’ behaviors to meet their personal information needs. This
kind of the information can often reflect the users’ actual information needs. Therefore,
it has certain reference values for grasping the readers’ interest and strengthening the
utilization of the library resources. Because the borrowing records contain a large
number of the historical records of the interaction between the readers and the libraries,
if we can use the data mining technology to excavate the hidden meaningful information
from them, it will not only benefit the understanding of the readers’ information needs,
but also help the librarians to purchase the books and provide the service information,
which is conducive to the rational allocation of the library literature resources and
improve the utilization rate of the resources. Finally, according to the research results of
the previous chapters, the association rule mining algorithm is used to realize the
information mining of the library’s borrowing records, mining the relevance of the
borrowing hobbies, the relevance of different books and materials being consulted at the
same time, and the relevance of the information between departments and colleges.
Some information valuable to the library managers and the decision makers is obtained,
which can promote the formation of a virtuous cycle of the library management.

3 Research on the Application Strategies of the Association

Rule Mining in the Management of Books and Materials
of Colleges of Economics

Through the detailed analysis of the system structures and the functional structures of
the current library management, it is found that the current library management system
services are based on the single point service mode. That is, all tasks of providing the
library and the literature services are on the same server, so that the number of the
functional modules and the users of the library management system increase. It will
inevitably affect the speed of the information retrieval.

3.1 Data Mining Tasks

The task of mining the circulation data of books by using the association rules is to find
two laws through the analysis of the historical information borrowed by the readers.
Find out the relationship between the reader’s characteristics and their reading habits.
Search the influence of different characteristics of the readers, such as their genders,
ages and specialty on the books borrowed, and we find out what types of books the
readers often borrow, which has a good guiding significance for the future readers to
208 L. Lu and L. Cao

3.2 Data Processing

According to the need of the data mining, the information borrowed by the readers is
extracted. The basic data of the reader’s borrowing is obtained by summarizing the data in
reader’s information table, the book information table and the borrowing history table.
The specific formats include Readers (Reader’s Information Table), Books (Book
Information Table), and Book_Lend (borrowing history table structure). The main
parameters of Readers are R_Code (Reader’s numbers), and R_Name Name (Reader’s
names)… The main parameters of Books are B_NO (call numbers), B_Name (book
names)… The main parameters of Book_Lend are Lend_Date (borrowing date) and so on.

3.3 The Application of the Association Rule Mining in the Management

of Books and Materials in Colleges of Economics
Here, the reader information table, the book information table and the borrowing
history table are merged into a Reader_T table, which is then imported and extracted
into the SQL Server, and then the data is imported into the library data mining system
using the JDBC-ODBC Bridge. Through the selection, we get the preliminary target
data, but it also contains some missing and incomplete data, and some data may have
inconsistent problems, that is, noise, which needs the further processing. The data
conversion is the standardization of the data processing. Firstly, the data representation
of the features is found, and then the data is transformed or merged into a description
form suitable for the data mining. The data conversion includes smoothing, aggrega-
tion, abstraction and standardization.
Libraries are classified according to the Chinese Library Classification. Therefore,
we can only select the number attributes of the borrowed books, and then mine the
information table of the borrowed books. We can find out the implicit relationship
between the 22 basic categories of books and the usage of all kinds of the books.
Remove other unnecessary attributes, only retain the attributes of the reader numbers
(student numbers) and the types of books borrowed, and modify the source data table to
make it from a multi-dimensional data table to a single-dimensional data table. Finally,
we delete the parameter of the reader’s study numbers, and we can get a one-
dimensional reader’s borrowing information data table. According to the actual situ-
ation, we set the minimum support to 30% and the minimum confidence to 80%, and
use the FP-growth algorithm to mine the table.
Because readers can borrow many times, the number of each borrowing may be
different. In order to analyze the relationship between the readers, this paper takes the
earliest borrowing time in the borrowing data table as the starting time, and the latest
borrowing end time as the cut-off point, and takes two weeks as a time period in the
analysis time interval. A reader borrows different books in a period of time as a
transaction. The transaction composed of all readers’ borrowing information in a period
of time is the transaction database DBLend for mining. The main parameters are as
follows: R_Code (reader’s borrowing numbers), Period_id (borrowing periods), and
B_NO (call numbers).
Analysis of the Application and the Association Rule Mining 209

4 Conclusion

The successful application of the data mining technology in the commercial field has
brought great inspiration to libraries. The characteristics of libraries are the huge
volume of books, readers of different ages and professions, and different research fields.
This makes the readers put forward different personal requirements for the libraries.
How to meet the needs of the readers, improve the satisfaction of the readers, optimize
the collection of the libraries, and rationally arrange the books, so as to better serve the
readers, is a problem worthy of our study. The application of the data mining tech-
nology can effectively help the libraries standardize the management process step by
step, help the libraries expand their business scopes, improve their service levels and
strengthen their internal management.

1. Lai S (2016) Analysis of the association rules of circulation data in University Libraries –
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Analysis of the Development and Application
of the Computer Integrated Management
System for the Sports Teaching Platform

Suqiong Feng(&)

Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, Sichuan, China


Abstract. With the increasingly scientific management of the school physical

education and the rapid development of the computers and the network, the
computer-aided management of school physical education is also widely used.
The importance of the information is increasingly prominent in the modern
management. The computer is used for the information storage and the auto-
matic retrieval, to carry out the classification, sorting, processing, sorting and
storage of the relevant information in the school physical education, to make the
management more orderly. It is also used for the intelligent management. With
the continuous research and development of the sports management software,
the school sports work is moving towards the scientific, standardized and
automated direction, and the computer intelligent management in the school
sports will also be launched.

Keywords: Sports teaching platform  Computer 

Integrated management system  Development mechanism 
Application analysis

1 Background Analysis of the Computer Integrated

Management System for the Sports Teaching Platform

With the popularization of the computer technologies, the computer technologies in our
country have involved all walks of life, and have achieved tremendous results.
Therefore, the computer technologies in the physical education have also been popu-
larized. In the reality of the huge increase in the number of the students, the complexity
of the physical education management has also increased accordingly. The physical
education has the following characteristics: the large amount of the information, the
strong information processing ability, and the long information storage time and so on.
Therefore, we must choose a reliable, efficient and stable computer information pro-
cessing platform.
The physical education includes both the indoor sports knowledge teaching (the-
oretical courses) and the outdoor sports-based teaching. This has brought great diffi-
culties to the application of the CAI in the physical education, and is also one of the
main reasons why the CAI has entered the physical education classrooms relatively

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 210–215, 2019.
Analysis of the Development and Application 211

late. Under such special conditions, the computer-aided teaching mainly appears in the
form of broadcasting and demonstration in the physical education.

1.1 Assistant Management of the Planning Process

In the past, in the planning process management of the physical education, the means of
submitting, periodic reviewing and temporary spot checking were often adopted to
formulate, check and implement various physical education plans, including the whole
year’s teaching working plan and the term’s teaching progress, so as to ensure the
timely formulation and completion of various plans. This kind of the management
means not only increases the burden of the managers, but also increases the ineffec-
tiveness of the management process. The use of the computer and the network man-
agement will greatly improve the management effect.

1.2 Assistant Management of the Teaching Process

With more and more attention and utilization of the computer multimedia technologies
in the process of the physical education, the process management of the computer-
aided teaching is also being strengthened day by day. Through the computer aided
management, much management work can be improved and perfected. These include:
the preparation work of the physical education, the organization of the teaching in strict
accordance with the spirits and requirements of the syllabus, the scientific arrangement
of the sports load and the evaluation of the teaching effect, and the strict formulation of
the examination system and the analysis of the examination results. The computer-
aided teaching can show the contents of teachers’ explanations and demonstrations
through the computer multimedia technologies. With the vivid image analysis, the
demonstration of the movements at different speeds, and the alternate application of
pictures, images and animation systems, it can express the teachers’ teaching ideas
vividly and lively, which greatly promotes the formation of the advanced teaching
ideas in the teaching process.

1.3 Auxiliary Management of the Check, Assessment and Summary

Feedback Process
If more computers and the related software are used in the examination and evaluation
of the physical education, the situation of the artificial emotional evaluation can be
reduced as far as possible, and the examinations and the evaluation can be more
objective and authentic. Check and evaluate the quality of the physical education,
including the evaluation of the teachers’ teaching abilities and teaching levels. With the
help of the computers, we can input every inspection data into the computers in time
and accurately to save and arrange. When we want to evaluate at the end of the
semester or the school year, we can transfer all the information and data, and give the
accurate evaluation combined with the relevant standards.
212 S. Feng

2 Feasibility and Notices for the Development

and Application of the Computer Integrated Management
System of the Sports Teaching Platform

The physical education curriculum is one of the important courses besides the liberal
arts and the sciences. However, with the implementation of the new curriculum reform,
new requirements have been put forward for the school-running policy, the resource
allocation and other aspects of the physical education. Limited facilities and inadequate
teaching staffs are also the important problems facing the physical education at present.
Therefore, the physical education teachers need to explore how to effectively integrate
the teaching resources and improve the efficiency of the physical education. The
computer integrated management system is an important way to promote the con-
struction of the sports information.

2.1 Development Feasibility of the Computer Integrated Management

System for the Sports Teaching Platform
The computer system is fast in dealing with some trivial teaching work, such as the
students’ grades, and the attendance management and so on, but it is not widely used in
the sports teaching. Now I’ll talk about some of my experiences in order to play a role
in attracting new ideas. Using the multimedia computers, we can make beautiful and
unique PE software. Videos or VCD are the linear playback and the teachers can’t
control them very flexibly. The multimedia computer has the characteristics of the non-
linearity. Teachers are very convenient in using it. While speaking, they can also show
slowly and play a key role. The conditional schools can also shoot some of the
students’ actions with the cameras. And after processing as above, they can be com-
pared to correct the errors in their technical action.
The application of the computer integrated management system in the teaching can
effectively integrate and distribute the resources, give full play to the efficiency, con-
venience and openness of the computer technologies, solve the idleness of the time and
space in the process of our teaching, and make the appropriate allocation of the
teaching, management, practice and other links, so as to improve the quality of our

2.2 Points for Attention in the Development of the Computer Integrated

Management System for the Sports Teaching Platform
The first is the leadership in the sports computer applications. This work should be
composed of the main leaders of the Ministry of Physical Education and the experienced
intermediate and senior teachers. Their main responsibility is to formulate the computer
application programs, implementation methods, application funds, staffing and the
personnel training, and solve problems arising in the implementation and application
process. The second is the training of the multi-level talents. A series of the charac-
teristics of the sports computer application management require a multi-level and rea-
sonable knowledge and intelligent group. There are senior programmers (responsible for
Analysis of the Development and Application 213

the design of the sports systems, the implementation, optimization and application of the
sports system, and the entire process of the activities), the programmers (responsible for
the implementation, optimization and application of the system), and the operators
(responsible for the application of the sports system). From the development and the
long-term point of view, the application and management of the sports computers should
be well done, and the knowledge and intelligent group structures of all kinds of the
personnel should be reasonable. Therefore, attention must be paid to:
In the computer software personnel, we must pay attention to the training of the
senior and the intermediate personnel responsible for the development and the daily
maintenance and optimization of the sports system. In the application of the sports
system, we should pay attention to the training of the operators, provide the necessary
assistants for the middle and the senior personnel, and meet the requirements of the
input and application of the daily sports information. Because of the marginality of the
sports computer application, while training the above-mentioned personnel, we should
also pay attention to training them with the corresponding level of the hardware and the
software knowledge and all kinds of the sports knowledge, so that they can gradually
develop into the high-level and dual-disciplinary marginal talents at different levels.
Enhance the secondary development function of the software. As computers are
applied in more and more sport items, the scope is expanding, and the functions are
improving, and the links between the developed systems are becoming closer and
closer. The continuous improvement of the development and management of the school
physical education will put forward higher requirements for the application of the
computers in the physical education, which requires the preparation of the second
development system and the enhancement of the maintainability, flexibility and
portability of the software.
Reserve the data interface to prepare for the opening of the information high-speed
channel. The sports computer application management system has close and numerous
information exchange relations with other information systems. With the wider
application of computers in various departments, the widespread use of the information
networks and the opening of the information networks, and the wider interconnection
between various departments and schools, the sports computer management informa-
tion system cannot be isolated and closed. Besides collecting and using the data from
within the system, it must also be from outside the system. Other sports management
systems collect the information and data to realize the sports information and data

3 Ideas for the Development of the Sports Computer

Integrated Management System

In the process of developing the comprehensive management system of sports com-

puters, firstly, we need to enrich the database of the teaching resources, arrange the
sports-related resources by means of the network, books and expert discussions, and
store them in the database in a unified format. After the database resources are
determined, the functional modules of the comprehensive management system of sports
computers should be designed. Each functional module is an important part of the
214 S. Feng

system, and the block diagram of the system structure is drawn. The functions of the
system management, the course selection, strengthening exercises and the user login
are designed and developed, which should be followed in the design. The modular
design concept facilitates the expansion and maintenance of the system in the future.
Finally, the network technology should be popularized in China. After all, the com-
prehensive management system of sports computers is a new teaching platform based
on the Internet. The teaching work of the students and the teachers is based on the
From the point of view of the functional module, the comprehensive management
system of sports computers adopts the multi-level menu options. After the students and
the teachers use their respective roles to carry out the system, they can complete the
input and the opening of the information by clicking on different options, and obtain
the corresponding resources from the system. The comprehensive management system
of sports computers adopts the B/S structure to design, and uses the MVC design
concept to separate the display, controlling and modeling. At the same time, it com-
bines the ASP web page technology to design the man-machine interactive pages,
which integrates the sports teaching and the network organically, and forms a perfect
management system of the sports teaching.
The data mining technology is introduced into the database. By analyzing the data
of the students’ operation in the system and the results of their daily exercises, the
direction and the weak links of the students’ interests in sports are excavated, and the
sports resources that the students are interested in are precisely pushed forward, and the
differentiated counseling strategies can be formulated for the teachers to make the
reference. The sports computer integrated management system fully combines the
massive resources of the Internet and the data mining analysis technologies, carries out
the real-time analysis of the students’ learning stages and results, provides a basis for
the students to master their own learning progress and for the teachers to develop the
teaching promotion programs, and promotes the improvement of their teaching levels.
Users of the sports computer integrated management system are mainly divided
into three rights, namely administrators, teachers and students. Users with different
privileges will operate within the different privileges when they enter the system. For
example, the administrator is the maintainer of the entire sports computer integrated
management system. He can operate on the course management, the personnel privi-
lege setting, the management of the site facilities, the data addition, deletion and
modification, and the group announcement information publication and so on, and he
has the highest privilege.
When the students enter the system, they can inquire about the courses they can
choose, modify their basic information, browse the teaching resources of the physical
education, and inquire about their achievements. They can also put forward and answer
the sports questions to other students or the teachers in the discussion area. Teachers
take the class as the unit to manage the students. After entering the system, teachers can
check the progress of their sports learning, and test the reports and the physical
examination and the health of students in each stage. They can also upload the sports
teaching resources, courseware and videos collected by the lock to the system for the
students to browse and learn. Teachers can grasp the learning situations of each student
Analysis of the Development and Application 215

in real time in the system, formulate the differentiated teaching promotion programs
and promote the all-round development of the students’ sports knowledge.
With the rapid development of the modern science and technology and the constant
changes of the classroom teaching methods, the field of the education has ushered in a
new era of the network education. The new computer integrated management system
plays an important role in making up for the shortcomings of the time, space, security
and funds in the traditional sports teaching and training process. This paper summarizes
the current situations of the application of the computer integrated management system
in the sports teaching and training by means of the literature research. The results show
that the computer integrated management system has the advantages of optimizing the
sports teaching environment, innovating the sports teaching concepts, stimulating the
students’ interests, making up for the shortage of venues and equipment, avoiding the
injury accidents and overcoming the fear in the physical education. It can stimulate the
students’ learning motivations, enhance their learning experience, realize the situational
learning and promote the knowledge. The knowledge transfer plays an important role
in improving the learning effect. In addition, the problems existing in the application of
the computer integrated management system in the physical education are summarized,
and some pertinent suggestions are put forward.

4 Conclusion

With the continuous innovation of the network technology, the means of the modern
educational technology in the information age are increasingly updated, and more
advanced technologies are used in the education and teaching. The application of the
network technologies in the teaching reform of the physical education curriculums has
been developing rapidly. The physical education cannot be separated from the support
of the modern educational technologies. The application of the network teaching
platform has become the direction of the reform of the modern physical education. The
application of the computer integrated management system in the physical education
enriches the teaching forms, expands the space of the physical education classrooms,
optimizes the teaching process and improves the learning efficiency.

1. Liu Z (2016) Research on the application of the network teaching platform in the physical
education. Contemp Sports Technol (10):100–101
2. Zhuang X (2017) The influence of the network teaching platform on the physical education in
the information age. Contemp Sports Technol (11):192–193
3. Yang G, Ying C, Zhao D, Yu L, Wang Y (2018) Research and design of the long-distance
physical education platform based on the cloud platform. Electron Des Eng (05):125–127
4. Ma S (2018) Application of the virtual reality technology in the physical education. J Hubei
Sports Sci (07):119–120
5. Li L, Zhang J (2018) Physical education teachers’ application of the modern educational
technologies. Contemp Sports Technol (07):153–154
Multimodal Medical Image Fusion with Multi
Resolution Discrete Cosine Transform

Hima Bindu Ch.1 and Vijayan Sugumaran2(&)

Department of ECE, QIS College of Engineering and Technology,
Ongole, A.P., India
Department of Decision and Information Sciences, Oakland University,
Rochester, MI 48309, USA

Abstract. Image fusion is the process of acquiring both qualitative & quanti-
tative information from multiple source images and creating a resultant image.
Multi Resolution discrete cosine transform (MRDCT) has become very popular
in image fusion especially for medical images. It preserves the DC components
of images very effectively than any other transformation technique. This paper
presents an image fusion process based on MRDCT, which combines MRI
(magnetic resonance imaging), and CT (computed tomography). MRI image
provides soft tissue (smooth) information and CT image provides bones (sharp)
information. First, we apply MRDCT on both MRI and CT image to obtain the
different coefficients and then apply the fusion rules. Finally, we apply the
inverse MRDCT to obtain the fused image. The superiority of this method is
demonstrated by comparing various performance measures with other existing

Keywords: Image fusion  Medical images  Discrete cosine transform 

Multi resolution discrete cosine transform

1 Introduction

Image fusion is the process which combines multiple images to form into a single
image. The output image gives more information than any of the source images. Now-
a-days, image fusion has become an important method in Clinical Analysis. Medical
imaging provides visual information about human body parts for diagnostic and
treatment purpose. Medical image fusion combines multiple images into a single image
which improves the image quality and reduces the randomness for easy diagnosis of
medical problem [1, 2, 8]. Image fusion is based on two different domains: spatial and
frequency domains. Spatial domain involves performing fusion on pixel values of an
image and spectral domain involves performing the fusion process on co-efficient
values. Examples of spatial domain techniques are PCA [1, 7, 9, 15], Brovey, and HIS
[3] etc., and some of the examples of spectral domain techniques are F.T, DWT [5, 9],
DCT [4], Hadamard Transform, etc. In this paper, we present a Multimodal medical

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 216–222, 2019.
Multimodal Medical Image Fusion with MRDCT 217

image fusion using MRDCT (Multi resolution Discrete Cosine Transform). Other than
the DWT, the MRDCT provides high resolution co-efficient values of images.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Discrete cosine transform and inverse
DCT are discussed in Sect. 2. MRDCT (Multi resolution Discrete Cosine Transform) is
presented in Sect. 3. The proposed fusion algorithm based on MRDCT is discussed in
Sect. 4. The results are given in Sect. 5 and conclusions in Sect. 6.

2 Discrete Cosine Transform

Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) was developed in 1974 by Ahmed, Natarajan and
Rao [4]. DCT consists of a set of basic vectors that are sampled cosine functions. The
Real part of exponential is “cosine function.” It is also called real valued function of
DFT or Even symmetric function. DCT [4] converts a signal into elementary frequency
components and it not only plays a major role in image compression but also in image
fusion. If x (n) is the length N, the Fourier transform of signal x (n) is represented by X
(k). This section briefly describes the process of DCT by considering an image f (m, n).

Fig. 1. Representation of DCT

As shown in Fig. 1, the one dimensional DCT is

N 1  
ð2n þ 1ÞpK
FðkÞ ¼ aðKÞ f ðnÞ cos ð1Þ

Where 0  K  N − 1, 0  n  N − 1
The one dimensional IDCT is

N 1  
ð2n þ 1ÞpK
f ðnÞ ¼ aðKÞ FðKÞ cos ð2Þ

The above equations show DCT on 1-D data. The two dimensional DCT is given

N1 XN1    
ð2m þ 1ÞpK ð2n þ 1ÞpL
Fðk; lÞ ¼ aðkÞaðlÞ 1 f ðm; nÞ cos cos ð3Þ
m¼0 n¼0
2N 2N

N1 X
X N1    
ð2m þ 1ÞpK ð2n þ 1ÞpL
f ðm; nÞ ¼ aðkÞaðlÞ Fðk; lÞ cos cos ð4Þ
m¼0 n¼0
2N 2N
218 H. B. Ch. and V. Sugumaran

3 Multi Resolution Discrete Cosine Transform (MRDCT)

MRDCT transforms the large number of pixels in an image. By using this technique we
can convert the image into two frequency levels i.e., low frequency and high frequency
levels. As shown in Fig. 2, we get one low frequency and three high frequency
components such as LL, LH, and HL & HH [6].

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of MRDCT

4 Proposed Method

In the proposed method, MRDCT is applied to two different types of medical images
such as MRI & CT. CT Scanning combines multiple X-Rays to produce multiple
images of the body. MRI shows the difference between the various soft tissues of the
body, mainly useful in the imaging of brain. Here, a new technique is implemented to
fuse the medical images by MRDCT. The entire procedure is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Block diagram of proposed method

The following steps explain the proposed fusion method.

STEP-1: Read input images f1 (m, n) & f2 (m, n) with equal sizes that need to be
STEP-2: perform the MRDCT on the above images as shown in Fig. 2 and it
generates the LL, LH, HL, HH coefficients.
STEP-3: Apply the maximum fusion rules for LL bands of both input images and
spatial frequency rule for LH, HL & HH bands of the two source images.
Multimodal Medical Image Fusion with MRDCT 219

> FLL ¼ maxðLL1; LL2Þ
< f ðx; yÞ SF [ SF þ TH
FLH ¼ ð5Þ
> f ðx; yÞ SF \SF þ TH
: fLH1 þ fLH2 
> LH2 LH1 LH2
2 others

Apply the same rule to the FHL, FHH.

Spatial Frequency [10]
The main use of the spatial frequency is to measure the clarity of image blocks and
overall activity level in an image. For an M  N image block F, with gray value
Fðm; nÞ at position ðm; nÞ, the spatial frequency is defined as:
SF ¼ ðRFÞ2 þ ðCFÞ2 ð6Þ

Where RF, the row frequency is:

u 1 X M X N
RF ¼ t ½Fðm; nÞ  Fðm; n  1Þ2 ð7Þ
MN m¼1 n¼2

And CF, the column frequency is:

u 1 X N X M
CF ¼ t ½Fðm; nÞ  Fðm  1; nÞ2 ð8Þ
MN n¼1 m¼2

STEP-4: Apply the inverse MRDCT process on fused FLL, FLH, FHL, FHH to obtain
the fused image.

5 Experimental Results

The Experimental results are simulated in the MATLAB software. The source gray
level images are MRI & CT having same size, i.e., 160 * 160. The images are
downloaded from [16]. These medical images are having different modalities and
different nature. Fusions of these two images give a single image that is useful for
identification of diagnosis problems and then solve it. The resultant fused images are
displayed in Figs. 4 and 5. The proposed method’s performance is verified through the
mean [12], standard deviation [11] and entropy [13, 14]. The proposed approach is also
compared to the approach discussed in [6]. The comparative results are presented in
Table 1. The results are plotted in Fig. 6.
220 H. B. Ch. and V. Sugumaran

Fig. 4. (a) and (b) are the MRI and CT images, (c) ref (6), (d) the proposed method

Fig. 5. (a) and (b) are the MRI and CT images, (c) ref (6), (d) the proposed method

Table 1. Performance results in terms of mean, StdDev. & entropy

Images Method Mean STD Entropy
MRI-CT (Fig. 4) Ref. [6] 32.4244 34.5336 6.0846
Proposed method 60.0320 60.5599 6.8524
MRI-CT (Fig. 5) Ref. [6] 120.0578 49.3070 7.2379
Proposed method 155.2092 72.2207 7.3580

The graphical representations of results are as follows:

200 80 8
150 60 6
100 Ref.[6] Ref.[6]
50 40 4
0 20 2
Proposed Proposed Proposed
method 0 method 0 method
(Fig 4) (Fig 5) 4) 5)

Fig. 6. Comparative analysis plots

Multimodal Medical Image Fusion with MRDCT 221

6 Conclusion

This paper has proposed an approach for medical image fusion based on Multi Res-
olution discrete cosine transformation. This algorithm is executed using both DCT and
IDCT. Later the resultant coefficients are fused with max, and SF rules. The perfor-
mance of the proposed method is verified using the following metrics: Mean, Standard
Deviation & Entropy. The experimental results indicate that with respect to these
measures, our proposed approach performs better compared to the existing method, as
shown in Fig. 6. Our future work will include further refinement and validation of the
proposed approach and also introduce multi resolution transforms to generate better
fusion result.

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Numerical Comparison of Two Main
Parametric Methods in Curve Approximation

Zhifeng Zhang1, Zhili Pei1(&), Yarong Zhang2, Zhigao Zhang3,

Hongmei Zhang1, Miangyang Jiang1, Qinghu Wang1,
and Shicheng Qiao1
College of Computer Science and Technology,
Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao, China
zzfzyr@163.com, zhilipei@sina.com, tongyu_007@163.com,
jiang_ming_yang@163.com, qinghu_wang@hotmail.com,
College of Computer Science and Technology, Tongliao Professional College,
Tongliao, China
Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao, China

Abstract. This article has conducted deep research to the subdivision curve
parametrization scheme of the literature [1]. It first uses 4-point interpolatory
subdivision scheme to carry on k times subdivision to the initial control polygon
fP0i gni¼0 of subdivision curve parametrization scheme, after calculates the
parameter value of these sampled point, then makes a comprehensive numerical
comparison between the subdivision curve parametrization and the chordal
parametrization which has been considered the best parametrization method
with Parametric cubic spline interpolation scheme.

Keywords: Subdivision scheme  Subdivision curve parametrization 

Chordal parametrization  Parametric cubic spline interpolation 
Numerical comparison

1 Introduction

In the application, the parameter in the scattered data fitting, texture mapping, surface
reconstruction, spline approximation, computer animation, multiresolution analysis
plays an important role, has become a widely concerned issue in CAGD, parameterized
by different methods will lead to different approximation results.
The curve or surface of any n + 1 discrete, ordered Pi 2 Rd d>2 ði ¼ 0; 1;    ; nÞ;
these points are also referred to as the type value points, the purpose of the parame-
terization is to determine the corresponding parameters mi or (mi, ni), and to find the
interpolation (approximation) function P(m) or P(m, n),make:

PðmiÞ ¼ Pi ¼ Pðxi; yiÞ ¼ PðxðmiÞ; yðniÞÞ

Pðmi; niÞ ¼ Pi ¼ Pðxi; yi; ziÞ ¼ Pðxðmi; niÞ; yðmi; niÞ; zðmi; niÞ

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V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 223–230, 2019.
224 Z. Zhang et al.

Of course, the parameters mi or (mi, ni) can be given or determined by a variety of

parametric methods, so that all the values of the points formed after an orderly
parameter segmentation, In order to further select the appropriate interpolation (ap-
proximation) method for interpolation, approximation or fitting.
By carefully reading the literature about [1], the author creatively puts forward the
subdivision curve and surface subdivision parametric method, and through a large
number of examples to prove the parameters of subdivision surface method achieves
the effect of shape preserving, better approximation, especially in the number of ver-
tices of triangular mesh and triangular surface is large, its operation time is obviously
faster than other classical methods.
The subdivision curve parameterization method, the author simply gives a conclu-
sion: the curvature of a curve is not too large, with the effect of cumulative chord length
parameterization of parametric subdivision is similar, it does not do further numerical
experiments to illustrate. Considering that the cumulative chord length parameterization
method is a better parameterization method, so this paper will choose some typical plane
and space curve of the subdivision curve parameterized with accumulative chord length
parameterization do a comprehensive numerical comparison.

2 Chordal Parametrization and Subdivision Curve


2.1 The Parametric Method of Chordal Parametrization [2]

u0 ¼ 0
ui ¼ ui1 þ jDpi1 j ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . .n

△pi-1is forward difference vector; △pi − 1 = pi − pi − 1 is Chord vector;

|△pi − 1| is Euclidean distance between pi-1 and pi. This parameterization method
solves the problem of uniform parameterization when data points are unevenly dis-
tributed according to chord length. Satisfactory results can be obtained in most cases.

2.2 Subdivision Method and Four Point Interpolation Subdivision

In recent years, with the development of curve and surface modeling technology, a
variety of methods and techniques based on subdivision model have been improved
and emerged, which has gradually become a research hotspot of CAGD/CG [3].
The Subdivision method is to produce a smooth limit curve or surface on the basis
of the rules of the initial polygon or mesh. Subdivision method is a new modeling
method is proposed by people spline method in seeking solutions to the problems in the
process of modeling arbitrary topology, it is the biggest advantage of topology control
can be arbitrary good, without sacrificing efficiency.
In practical applications, it is often necessary to interpolate some special points to
show some effect. In 1987, Dyn, Gregory and Levin [4] proposed a four point inter-
polation scheme with parameters. This method is to use the adjacent four points to
Numerical Comparison of Two Main Parametric Methods in Curve Approximation 225

calculate the new points, each time the calculation using the same weight, is a more
stable subdivision format. The format is as follows:

pk2iþ 1 ¼ pki
pk2iþþ11 ¼ ð12 þ xÞðpki þ pkiþ 1 Þ  xðpki1 þ pkiþ 2 Þ

x is the parameter of relaxation parameter, and its geometric meaning is the extent of
the limit curve. The relaxation parameterxcan be changed in a certain range. When
jxj\ 14, the four point interpolation subdivision produces C0 continuous limit curve.
When 0\x\ 18, the limit curve is C 1 continuous [5]. Figure 1 is a subdivision of the
effect of the four point interpolation.

Fig. 1. Effect of 4-point interpolatory subdivision

2.3 Subdivision Curve Parameterization

Dr. Liu Chengming first proposed subdivision curve parameter method in the disser-
tation, he put the accumulated chord length parameterization to understand from
another angle, and extend it to surface parameterization [1].
In the following section [1], we give a subdivision parameterization method for
curved line segments. For closed curves, it can be easily divided into two segments.
First of all, the subdivision curve is used to approximate the curve segment C, and then
the nearest point of the distance is parameterized on the subdivision curve. In Fig. 2(a),
a specific algorithm for parameterized AB c curves is described as follows:

Fig. 2. Subdivision curve approximation and parametrization

226 Z. Zhang et al.

(1) n + 1 points are evenly sampled   from the line segment connecting A, B to
LðtÞ ¼ ð1  tÞA þ tB : p0i ¼ L ni ; i ¼ 0; 1;    ; n, as shown in Fig. 2(b);
(2) The p0i along the L of the normal projection to the curve C, for the expression of
simple still remember as p0i , as shown in Fig. 2(c);
(3) The control polygon p0i i¼0 subdivision K times, to get the approximate sub-
division curve, as shown in Fig. 2 (d);
(4) For each parameterized point, the nearest vertex Pki0 is searched on the subdivision
curve, which is parameterized as 2ik0n.

3 Numerical Experiment Method

First, At first, n + 1 discrete, ordered points are sampled randomly from some repre-
sentative real plane and space curves: Pi 2 Rd d ¼ 2; 3 ði ¼ 0; 1;    ; nÞ, And then use
the accumulative chord length and subdivision curves of two kinds of parametric
method to parameterize the data points, using the parameters of three spline curve
interpolation method to interpolate [6]. Here, when using the method of cumulative
chord length parameterization, the parameters of each sampling point can be easily
determined; while using subdivision curve parametric method, according to the algo-
rithm, first to determine an initial control polygon fP0i gni¼0 , then choose a segmentation
method for K segments, in this experiment, the four point interpolating subdivision
method is introduced to 2.2 segments, and finally get the subdivision approximating
curve, using the curve obtained the parameters of each type of value.
In the experiment, we can get two target interpolation curves, which are the same as
the values and the number of interpolation points and the boundary conditions. Finally,
we use the Hausdorff distance as a measure of the distance between the two interpo-
lation curves and the real curve [7], and use it to analyze the error.

4 Hausdorff Distance

Hausdorff distance is a measure of the degree of similarity between two sets of points.
It is a definition of the distance between two sets of points [8–10]:
Suppose there are two sets of P = {p1,…,pm}, Q = {q1, …, qn}, the Hausdorff
distance between the two point sets is defined as:

Hpq ¼ maxðhpq; hqpÞ ð4:1Þ

hpq ¼ max ðx 2 PÞ min ðy 2 QÞ kx  yk ð4:2Þ

hqp ¼ max ðy 2 QÞ min ðx 2 PÞ ky  xk ð4:3Þ

‖‖ is a set of points P and Q set the distance between the paradigm (Euclidean
distance). Here, the formula (4.1) is called the bidirectional Hausdorff distance, which
is the most basic form of the Hausdorff distance. The hpq and hqp in formula (4.2) and
Numerical Comparison of Two Main Parametric Methods in Curve Approximation 227

formula (4.3) are called one-way Hausdorff distances from P set to Q set and from Q set
to P set, respectively. That is to say, hpq actually first ranks the distance xi − yj
between each point xi in point set P and the point yj in the Q set nearest to the point xi,
and then takes the maximum value of the distance as the value of hpq. hqp is available
in the same way. According to the formula (4.1), Hausdorff Hpq is the largest of the
one-way distance hpq and hqp, which measures the maximum mismatch between the
two point sets.

5 Numerical Experiment

Note: in the following experiments, the red curve of each image is the true curve, the
blue curve is the interpolation curve, and the asterisk (*) represents the data point. In
the experiment with two target interpolation curve of accumulative chord length
parameterization and subdivision curve parameters obtained respectively based on the
short: Chord length and Subdivision, and in each of the experiments given in the
image, which (a), (b), (c) corresponding to each function of the true curve, Chord
length and Subdivision (Table 1).
Experiment 1 is a single value of the plane curve, Fig. 3 is its curve approximation
effect diagram.
Experimental 1: function y = x * cos (8x).

Fig. 3. Approximation of three interpolation curves in experiment one

Table 1. Hausdorff distance between three interpolation curves and true curve in Fig. 3
Interpolation curve Hausdorff distance
Chord length 0.056055
Subdivision 0.011272

Experiment 2 is a multi value, self intersection of the plane curve, Fig. 4 is its curve
approximation effect diagram (Table 2).
228 Z. Zhang et al.

Experimental 2: function

x ¼ eð1=tÞ cosð3tÞ
y¼e sinðt=2Þ; t 2 ½p=6; 2p

Fig. 4. Approximation of three interpolation curves in experiment three

Table 2. Hausdorff distance between three interpolation curves and true curve in Fig. 4
Interpolation curve Hausdorff distance
Chord length 0.083651
Subdivision 0.079166

Fig. 5. Approximation of three interpolation curves in experiment five

Experiment 3 is the space of the plane curve, Fig. 5 is its curve approximation
effect diagram (Table 3).
Numerical Comparison of Two Main Parametric Methods in Curve Approximation 229

Experimental 3: function
< x ¼ e0:2t cosðp  t=2Þ
y ¼ e0:2t sinðp  t=2Þ
z ¼ t; t 2 ½p; 5p

Table 3. Hausdorff distance between three interpolation curves and true curve in Fig. 5
Interpolation curve Hausdorff distance
Chord length 0.009794
Subdivision 0.010802

6 Conclusion
(1) The plane curve of single value, both from the visual effect of the image, or from
the curve of the Hausdorff distance, based on subdivision curve parametric
interpolation or fitting obviously than the accumulated chord length parameter of
the approximation effect is good. The curve of large curvature changes turn fold,
parametric subdivision curves showed better shape retention, while the accumu-
lated chord length parameterization in the fold crossing approximation effect is
very poor, sometimes the approximation curve smoothness is not good, there
occurred many swelling phenomenon obviously.
(2) For the multi value, self intersection plane curve, from the curve of the Hausdorff
distance, the subdivision curve based on parametric interpolation or fitting effect is
still slightly better. From the approximate curve of image visual effect, subdivi-
sion curve parametric interpolation or fitting curve and the real curve approxi-
mation is based on the agreement; and the accumulated chord length
parameterization is in turn fold at the approximation effect is poor, and there are
small amplitude expansion phenomenon.
(3) Plane curve for space, whether from the curve of the Hausdorff distance, or from
the curve approximation, approximation of the effects of two kinds of parametric
methods of interpolation or fitting curve based on the data are good and similar,
especially from the curve of the Hausdorff distance, Hausdorff distance and they
are compared with the experimental curves in front of real are much smaller.
Overall, close approximation subdivision curve parameter and accumulative chord
length parameterization interpolation or fitting curve based on the, sometimes even
better than the cumulative chord length parameterization. Of course, the above con-
clusions are also affected by the number of points and the method of subdivision, which
need to be further studied and improved in the future.

Acknowledgements. This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (61163034, 61373067), the Grassland Excellent Talents Project of Inner
Mongolia Autonomous Region (2013), the supported By Program for Young Talents of Science
and Technology in Universities of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (NJYT-14-A09), the
230 Z. Zhang et al.

Inner Mongolia Natural Science Foundation (2013MS0911), the 321 Talents Project the two
level of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (2010), the Inner Mongolia talent development
fund (2011), Scientific research project of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region higher
education reform (2015NMJG036), the Scientific Research Foundation of Inner Mongolia
University For Nationalities (NMDYB1453), the Scientific Research Foundation of Inner
Mongolia University For Nationalities (NMD1231), and the Scientific Research Foundation of
Inner Mongolia University For Nationalities (NMDYB1757).

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7. Floater MS, Surazhsky T (2005) Parametrization for curve interpolation. In: Jetter K
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9. Chen X-D, Ma W, Xu G, Paul J-C (2010) Computing the Hausdorff distance between two B-
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Analysis on the Acceptance Degree
of the Concept of Amateur Safety Management
for Enterprise Employees

Wei Jiang1,2(&) and Wei Han2

China Academy of Safety Science and Technology, Beijing 100012, China
College of Emergency Management and Safety Engineering,
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China

Abstract. The safety of employees outside working hours is equally important

to the enterprise. The safety accidents of employees within working hours and
those of employees outside working hours will cause losses to the enterprise.
This paper analyzes the acceptance degree of the concept of “amateur safety
management” in 10 coal mining enterprises in China, and draws the following
conclusions: in the first measurement, the scores of employees at different levels
in understanding the concept of “amateur safety management” ranged from high
to low: the management, foremen, professionals and the front-line staff; In the
second measurement, that is, after training, the scores of employees at different
levels in understanding the concept of “amateur safety management” ranged
from high to low: foremen, the management, professionals and the front-line
staff. The understanding of the concept of “amateur safety management” by
enterprises is not good for our employees in the overall understanding. Before
the training, the average understanding of the concept of “amateur safety
management” of the 10 state-owned enterprises was 67 points, slightly higher
than the average score of 65 of the 5 poor enterprises in North America. After
training, the understanding of this concept was 74 points, which is between the
average score of 100 points scored by five enterprises with advanced safety
performance and the average score of 65 points scored by five enterprises with
poor safety performance in North America.

Keywords: Amateur  Safety management  Concept  Enterprise

1 Introduction

One of DuPont’s ten safety management concepts is that work outside safety and work
safety are equally important, it means that there is virtually no difference in the impact
of an employee’s injuries outside working hours on safety and the impact of injury
during working hours on safety [1]. For example, a company manager, a business staff,
or a sale staff get a large order, whether it is within 8 h or a safety incident that occurs
more than 8 h away, the loss is the same to the company [2, 3]. Therefore, the
education of employees has become a requirement of 7 days and 24 h. For example,
various safety education can be carried out, such as how to pay attention to safety when

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 231–238, 2019.
232 W. Jiang and W. Han

traveling, how to pay attention to safety when exercising, how to pay attention to safety
when using gas, and so on [4]. This paper studied the substantive role of the concept of
“amateur safety management” and empirically examined the acceptance degree of this
concept in Chinese coal mining enterprises.

2 The Substantive Function of Concept

Human resources are the most valuable resources of an organization, involving the
organization’s business performance. Employees in amateur safety also need to be
protected. More importantly, the behavior patterns and safety awareness of employees
in the amateur safety and work safety are mutually influential, and the causes of
accidents are the same or similar [5, 6]. Employees who have done a good job in safety
show a high awareness of safety during travel and at home, and make specific safety
actions. It is conceivable that the reverse is also true. At present, most enterprises in
China do not pay sufficient attention to the amateur safety of their employees. For
amateur safety, it is not enough to tell employees that they need to “pay attention to
safety”. There should be specific accidents, the law of the activities of the personnel,
the source of the hazard, and other statistical work and figures, and the specific safety
advice, as well as the work safety, can achieve good results [7]. Enterprises with good
safety performance attach great importance to employees’ family safety.

3 Analysis on the Acceptance Degree of the Concept in China

3.1 Measurement Sample Analysis
The sample capacity, sample sampling method, personnel classification, measuring
tools, measurement and training process involved in the measurement process of the
concept understanding in this paper are shown in reference [8].
This part is taken from 10 sample coal mines in four provinces of Shanxi, Shan-
dong, Henan and Northeast China since 2007, and analyzes the questionnaire on the
safety concept of “staff amateur safety management”. It should be noted that more than
40 enterprises measured by the author’s research group since 2007 include coal mine,
petroleum, electromechanical, construction, electricity and so on. Considering the
different risk levels of different industries and different demands for training, 10 rep-
resentative coal enterprises were selected, all of which were state-owned enterprises.
The employees selected during the test were randomly selected without considering the
type of work. Employee sampling takes into account the factors affecting the sample
size, such as education, age, work experience and son on. The concept analysis of 10
enterprises cannot fully represent the understanding of the concept of “staff amateur
safety management” of all coal mining enterprises in China, but in a sense, it can reflect
the common problems of some state-owned enterprises’ understanding of concepts. For
reasons of confidentiality, the names of all the groups and coal mines in the paper do
not appear. A–G will be used to replace the names of the groups and 1–10 will be used
to replace the names of coal mining enterprises.
Analysis on the Acceptance Degree of the Concept of Amateur Safety Management 233

3.2 Measurement Data Analysis

Ten enterprises’ understanding of the concept of “enterprises amateur safety man-
agement” is measured, and the results were shown in Table 1. The measurement was
repeated after the training, as shown in Table 2.

Table 1. The measurement values of the concept of “staff amateur safety management” of 10
enterprises before training
Coal mine Employee
number Management Professional Foreman The front- The overall
line staff average
1 80 65.9 50 60.7 64.2
2 75.2 71.7 68 20 58.7
3 70 58.5 63.8 63.8 64
4 58.6 58.5 60 67.5 61.2
5 68.6 65.7 72.5 66.9 68.4
6 69.2 70.5 70.4 69.6 69.9
7 77.5 65 75.9 71 72.4
8 60 69.2 79 74.7 70.7
9 70.8 67.4 76.1 73.5 72
10 74.5 64.4 67.8 64.1 67.7

Table 2. The measurement values of the concept of “staff amateur safety management” of 10
enterprises after training
Coal mine Employee
number Management Professional Foreman The front- The overall
line staff average
1 75 72.8 65 63.6 69.1
2 67.9 66.7 68.9 40 60.9
3 77.8 70.6 70.7 76.7 74
4 66.5 67.2 68.3 78.3 70.1
5 60 56.7 56.7 60 58.4
6 72.4 83.2 77.9 73.9 76.9
7 77.8 71.7 85 71.7 76.6
8 83.3 76.8 88.2 83.4 82.9
9 83.4 71.7 85.7 80 80.2
10 86 90.9 90.9 80 87

(1) Overall analysis of measurement values of 10 enterprises

Table 3 below is the measurement values of the concept of “enterprises amateur
safety management” of ten enterprises for the first time (before training).
234 W. Jiang and W. Han

Table 3. The measurement values of the concept of “enterprises amateur safety management”
of ten enterprises for the first time (before training)
Coal mine Employee
number Actual situation Before
of the enterprise training
1 Poor 64.2
2 Poor 58.7
3 Poor 64.0
4 Better 61.2
5 Better 68.4
6 Better 69.9
7 Medium 72.4
8 Medium 70.7
9 Medium 72.0
10 Better 67.7

According to the above passage, considering natural conditions, mine construction,

production conditions, safety management and other aspects, the enterprises 4, 5, 6 and
10 are better, the enterprises 7, 8 and 9 are medium, the enterprises 1, 2 and 3 are
relatively poor. From the ten enterprises’ understanding of the concept of “enterprises
amateur safety management” before training, concept measurement scores do not meet
the actual conditions of 10 enterprises, indicating that enterprises do not attach
importance to amateur safety management at present. The degree of acceptability of the
concept of amateur safety management does not reflect the actual safety of the
Stewart in Canada has studied five advanced safety performance enterprises and
five enterprises with poor safety performance in North America. It was found that these
five enterprises with advanced safety performances had a 100-point understanding of
the concept of “enterprises amateur safety management”, and 5 companies with poor
safety performance had a 65-point understanding of the concept of “enterprises amateur
safety management” (Total score is 100 points).
Combining with the scores of understanding of the concept of “enterprises amateur
safety management” by the ten state-owned coal mining enterprises in China, the
average understanding of this concept among the 10 state-owned coal mining enter-
prises before the training was 67 points, slightly higher than the average score of 65
points for the five enterprises with poor safety performance in North America. The
understanding of this concept after training is 74 points, which is between the average
score of 100 points scored by five enterprises with advanced safety performance and
the average score of 65 points scored by five enterprises with poor safety performance
in North America. And there are gaps between the scores of the five enterprises that
have achieved advanced safety performance. It shows that the understanding of the
concept of “amateur safety management” needs to be improved for our employees in
the overall understanding, but there are improvements after training (7 points), indi-
cating that the training can improve the understanding of the concept of accident
Analysis on the Acceptance Degree of the Concept of Amateur Safety Management 235

prevention by our employees, thus guide practice and improve the performance of
amateur safety management.
(2) Analysis of measurement values of employees at different levels in 10 enterprises
The following Table 4 shows the magnitude of the increase in the concept of
“enterprises amateur safety management” after the training of employees at different
levels in 10 enterprises.

Table 4. The range of improvement in understanding the concept of “enterprises amateur safety
management” after training of 10 enterprises
Coal mine Employee
number Management Professional Foreman The front- The overall
line staff average
1 −5 6.9 15 2.9 4.9
2 −7.3 −5 0.9 20 2.2
3 7.8 12.1 6.9 12.9 10
4 7.9 8.7 8.3 10.8 8.9
5 −8.6 −9 −15.8 −6.9 −10
6 3.2 12.7 7.5 4.3 7
7 0.3 6.7 9.1 0.7 4.2
8 23.3 7.6 9.2 8.7 12.2
9 12.6 4.3 9.6 6.5 8.2
10 11.5 26.5 23.1 15.9 19.3

The overall situation of the various levels before and after the training (after
integration of 10 companies) is shown in Fig. 1 below.

The score of safety culture
quantitative measurement

75 75.7
72 70.4 70.8
68 65.7


Management Professional Foreman The front-line staff
Employee type
Before training After training

Fig. 1. The scores of employees at all levels across the 10 enterprises that understand the
concept of “enterprises amateur safety management”
236 W. Jiang and W. Han

As can be seen from Fig. 1, Tables 1, 2 and 4:

Ten enterprises have unbalanced understanding of the concept of “enterprises
amateur safety management”. The first measurement scores are better for the 7th
enterprise (72.4), the 9th enterprise (72), and the 8th Enterprise (70.7). The poorest is
the fourth enterprise (61.2) with the maximum difference distance of 11.3.
After the training, the tenth enterprise has the best score on the understanding of the
concept of “enterprises amateur safety management” (87), and the worst is the fifth
enterprise (58.4) with a score gap of 28.6. After training, 10 enterprises have a wider
gap in their understanding of the concept that “all accidents can be prevented.”
After training, in addition to the fifth enterprise, other enterprises have increased the
understanding of the concept of “enterprise amateur safety management”, indicating
that training is effective in improving the understanding of the concept.
After training, the gap in the understanding of the concept of “enterprises amateur
safety management” has increased by a wide margin. The best is 19.3 points and the
worst is −10 points. The maximum gap is 29.3 points, which indicates that the
improvement of the concept of training is largely influenced by the degree of accep-
tance by the staff, and the acceptance of the concept is a long-term process.
After training, the average values of the improved range in the understanding of
“enterprises amateur safety management” are respectively: the front-line staff (7.6),
foreman (7.3), professional (7.1), management (4.6), the average score for the four
categories of personnel is 6.7.
The scores of employees at different levels of the first measurement are ranked in
descending order: management, foreman, professional and the front-line staff; the
scores of employees at different levels of the second measurement are ranked in
descending order: foreman, management, professional and the front-line staff.

4 Analysis of the Results

Therefore, analysis of the improvement results after training for employees at different
As the leader of on-site production, the foreman is responsible for important safety
responsibilities. They have stronger safety awareness and have deeper understanding of
the importance of safety, and thus the increase is the greatest after training;
Professionals generally have a high degree of education, and the ability to learn
knowledge is fast. However, professionals are mostly non-employed leading cadres
who basically do not participate in on-site production and participate in safety training.
Therefore, they cannot fully understand the concept of safety, and the measurement
value is improved least after training;
The educational background and knowledge level of the management are relatively
high, but most of them have formed their own opinions and are not easy to change, so
the improvement range after training is not as good as that of the foreman;
The front-line staff generally has a relatively low educational background and
cognitive ability, so the improvement of front-line staff after training is the relatively
Analysis on the Acceptance Degree of the Concept of Amateur Safety Management 237

Establishing and understanding the concept of “enterprises amateur safety man-

agement” only helps change the concept and understanding of employees. The reality is
to know a kind of knowledge. This kind of understanding and change requires the
company’s cooperation arrangements (such as the organization of training activities) to
be effective. With the effect, there is the basis for further concrete work, which is to the
level of specific skills, methods and processes. Ideas and concepts will take some time
by playing a role in skills, methods, and processes [9]. Therefore, the training of the
understanding of the concept of “enterprises amateur safety management” is a long-
term process. It is necessary to constantly instill in the usual work, and to carry out
quantitative measurements to grasp the degree of understanding of the concept of
employees, that is, measurement–training–measurement…….Until employees fully
understand the concept and applied it in the actual work [10]. Secondly, training should
be differentiated according to the characteristics of different employees. In particular,
the roles and interactions at different levels should be taken into consideration.

5 Conclusions and Recommendations

In summary, the following conclusions are drawn:

The understanding of the concept of “enterprises amateur safety management” from
the overall understanding of Chinese employees is not good, before the training, these
10 state-owned coal mines have an average of 67 points on the understanding of the
concept of “enterprises amateur safety management”, which is slightly higher than the
average score of 65 points scored by five enterprises with poor safety performance in
North America. The understanding of this concept after training is 74 points, which is
between the average score of 100 points scored by five enterprises with advanced
safety performance and the average score of 65 points scored by five enterprises with
poor safety performance in North America.
Establishing and understanding the concept of “enterprises amateur safety man-
agement” requires the cooperation arrangements of the enterprise (such as the orga-
nization of training activities) to be effective. But ideas and concepts will take some
time by playing a role in skills, methods, and processes. Training should be conducted
according to the characteristics of different employees, especially the role and inter-
action of different levels should be taken into account.

1. De Maio Francisco E, Fantazzini M (2011) Process safety management at DuPont of Brazil.
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versus amateurism in the management of safety. In: SPE international conference on health,
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5. Goncalves Filho AP, Waterson P (2018) Maturity models and safety culture: a critical
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6. Stolzer AJ, Friend MA, Truong D, Tuccio WA, Aguiar M (2018) Measuring and evaluating
safety management system effectiveness using Data Envelopment Analysis. Saf Sci 104
7. Theophilus SC, Nwankwo CD, Acquah-Andoh E, Bassey E, Umoren U (2018) Integrating
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8. Jiang W (2012) The evaluation of training for safety culture construction. China University
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10. Howson B (2017) Creating a strong safety culture. Chem Eng News 95(36):31
Effects of Reaction Temperature on the Yield
and Morphology of Silver Nanowires Prepared
by Solvothermal Method

Guangnian Xu1,2(&), Jiguang Zhu1, Guolian Ruan1,2, and Xujia Ci1,2

The Promotion Center for Preparation and Application Technology
of Nano-Functional Composite Materials, Lu’an, China
Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Biomimetic Sensor and Detecting
Technology, West Anhui University, Lu’an 237012, Anhui, China

Abstract. One-dimensional silver nanowires with uniform diameters and dif-

ferent aspect ratios were solvothermally synthesized by reducing silver nitrate
with ethylene glycol(EG) in the presence of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) and
ferric chloride (FeCl3) at different temperatures for a certain time. The effects of
reaction temperature on the yield and morphology of silver nanowires were
carried out to discuss by a series of experiments, then the products were purified
and characterized by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometer and
field emission scanning electron microscopy, respectively. The experimental
results indicated that although silver nanowires were formed from 145 °C to
170 °C, the silver nanowires had the highest yield and the most uniform aspect
ratio when the reaction temperature was 155 °C for 2.5 h in polyte-
trafluoroethylene autoclave.

Keywords: Silver nanowires  Solvothermal method  Preparation 


1 Introduction

Silver nanowires are widely used in optical polarizers [1], photonic crystals [2], cat-
alysts [3, 4], as well as in biomedical and chemical sensing through surface-enhanced
Raman scattering (SERS) [5, 6] and surface-enhanced fluorescence [7] owing to their
unique electrical, optical, magnetic, and thermal properties. In addition, they can
improve the conductivity of conductive adhesive [8]. At present, the preparation
methods of nano-silver wires reported in the literature are various, for example
microwave irradiation [1], templates [9, 10], hydrothermal [11] and solvothermal
method [8, 12], etc. However, to my best knowledge, few articles have been reported
about the effects of reaction temperature on the yield and morphology of silver
nanowires prepared by solvothermal method so far. In this paper, The effects of
reaction temperature on the yield and morphology of silver wires was discussed in
detail through experiments using AgNO3 as precursor, PVP as protective agent and EG
as reducing agent, then FeCl3 controlling the concentration of silver ions in solution by
forming silver chloride and slowly releasing silver ions. The products were
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 239–245, 2019.
240 G. Xu et al.

characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometer and field emission scan-

ning electron microscopy after centrifugation, washing and drying, and optimum
reaction temperature was obtained according to the results of characterization.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Materials
AgNO3, Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) (PVPK30, ethylene glycol, and FeCl3 were pur-
chased from China Pharmaceutical Group Shanghai Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. All
medicines and reagents are analytical purity and have not been further purified in use.

2.2 Preparation of Silver Nanowires

0.1 mM FeCl3 solution and 0.1M AgNO3 solution were accurately prepared Using EG
as solvent, then A 10 mL above FeCl3 solution and 0.166 g PVP were mixed evenly
(Denoted S1), and EG solution of AgNO3(Denoted S2). S2 was added dropwise to S1
for 1 min at a constant rate under magnetic stirring. Then the resulting mixture was
transferred to a 25 mL polytetrafluoroethylene autoclave and sealed to place in an oven
at a constant temperature for 2.5 h. The product is cooled naturally to room temper-
ature, Afterwards, a large amount of acetone was added into the product followed by
alternate ultrasonic and centrifugation till 5 times, and the residue was scattered into
anhydrous ethanol for further testing.

2.3 Characterization of Silver Nanowires

The absorption spectrum of each product was recorded with a UV-2010 spectrometer
with scanning wavelength range from 300 to 700 nm at normal temperature with quartz
cuvettes (1 cm optical path) as the containers, and the blank was the corresponding
solution containing EG, PVP and FeCl3 at the same concentration. X-ray diffraction
pattern of the samples were tested on a PANalytical X’Pert Pro diffractometer with Cu
Kradiation from 10° to 90° for 2h and 0.02°/s for scanning rate. The morphologies of
the samples were characterized by a JSM6510LV SEM at 30 kV. The samples for field
emission scanning electron microscopy measurements were prepared by dropping a
little of suspension containing purified silver nanowires onto the glass substrates, then
dried under Infrared light for some time.

3 Results and Discussion

The UV–vis. spectra of silver nanowires prepared according to the Sect. 1.2 at different
temperatures are given in Fig. 1. Some of structure informations can provided by UV–
vis. spectrum because silver nanostructures with different morphology have different
surface plasma resonance peaks at different wavelength [13]. From Fig. 1 we can see
Effects of Reaction Temperature on the Yield and Morphology 241

all of the samples spectra have two absorption peaks, one of the weaker absorption
peaks corresponds to an absorption wavelength of about 350 nm. and the stronger one
is around 390 nm for the temperature at 145 °C, 150 °C and 155 °C or 400 nm for the
temperature at 160 °C and 170 °C, respectively. A weak absorption peak at about
350 nm means that the silver nanowires formed are relatively short, however, it
indicates the formation of silver nanowires when the UV-Vis spectra of the sample
have two absorption peaks at 350 and 390, respectively [8]. The stronger peak at
*390 nm corresponds to the transverse plasmon resonance of nanowires, and the
weaker one at*350 nm belong to the quadrupole resonance excitation of nanowires
[8]. In addition, if there is a strong absorption peak around 400, it indicates that a large
number of silver nanoparticles are formed in the product [14]. This is due to the
formation of covalent bonds between some silver ions and oxygen atoms of carbonyl
group in PVP molecules, and some silver ions form AgCl colloids for the introduction
of FeCl3, causing the Ag+ concentration in the solution greatly reduced. So, the for-
mation of silver seeds from the reduction of free Ag+ are very few. A slow reaction rate
is in favor of the formation of the thermodynamically more stable multiply twinned
silver seeds required for silverwires growth [15, 16]. As can be seen from Fig. 1, when
the reaction temperature rises from 155 °C to 160 °C, the maximum absorption
wavelength shifts from *390 nm to *400 nm, meaning the formation of silver
nanoparticles. When the temperature rises further to 170 °C, the maximum absorption
wavelength remains almost unchanged, but the absorbance increases greatly, indicating
that more silver nanoparticles are formed at 170 °C. This is because with the increase
of reaction temperature, the rate constant of the reduction of Ag+ to Ag0 increases,
meanwhile, the concentration of Ag+ increases with the increase of the solubility
product of silver chloride, resulting in a significant increase in the reaction rate. Too
fast reaction rate can lead to the growth of these seeds proceeds in an isotropic manner,
So silver nanoparticles are found in the products. At the same time, it can also be seen
from Fig. 1, when the temperature is lower than 155 °C (such as 145 °C, 150 °C),
although there are absorption peaks of silver nanowires in *350 nm and *390 nm,
the peak strength is weaker, indicating that the yield of silver nanowires is lower. This
deduction can be further confirmed by FESEM later. As the free Ag+ in the reaction
system are slowly reduced to Ag0 by EG, silver chloride colloids will dissociate to
produce free silver ions when the concentration of Ag+ is lower than the equilibrium
concentration, ensuring that the concentration of silver ions keeps equilibrium until the
end of the reaction. The multiply twinned silver seeds can form nanowires with the help
of PVP during the Ostwald ripening process under these circumstances [17]. Because
the PVP molecules can interplay more strongly with the {100} planes than with the
{111} planes, it leads to the multiply twinned decahedra grows into the pentagonal rod
besides they are coordinated to the Ag surface through the nonbonding electrons of the
oxygen atom from carbonyl of PVP [18], silver nanowires are formed. Based on the
above experimental results and theoretical analysis, it can be concluded that the opti-
mum temperature for the preparation of silver nanowires by solvothermal method is
155 °C.
242 G. Xu et al.

Fig. 1. UV-vis. spectra of silver nanowires prepared at different temperatures

The XRD pattern of the silver nanowires synthesized at 155 °C is given in Fig. 2.
The diffraction angles (2h) of the five peaks are 37.9°, 44.9°, 64.7°, 77.6° and 81.5°,
respectively. These peaks belong to the (111), (200), (220), (311) and (222) crystal
faces. Furthermore, no diffraction peak of silver chloride was detected (JCPDS card file
NO. 31-1238). This indicates that the sample is pure Ag and the crystal structure is
face-centered cubic (fcc) (JCPDS card file NO. 89-3722). It may be the Silver chloride
formed at beginning is consumed by sustained slow release of Ag+.



Intensity (a.u.)







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2θ / degree

Fig. 2. XRD pattern of silver nanowires synthesized at 155 °C

Effects of Reaction Temperature on the Yield and Morphology 243

The FESEM images of typical samples synthesized at different temperatures are

shown as Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, though all samples were made of silver nanowires and had
few silver nanoparticles when the reaction temperature is 145 °C, 150 °C, 155 °C,
respectively, clearly the length-diameter ratio of the silver nanowires is larger, and the
morphology and size distribution are more uniform at 155 °C. This may be due to the
slow dissociation rate of AgCl at lower reaction temperature, so that the multiply
twinned silver seeds formed at the beginning can not obtain enough free Ag+ at the
same rate, Therefore, the growth rate of silver seeds are also different, resulting in the
silver nanowires formed in different temperature with different morphology and
structure. However, both of the products are a mixture of silver nanowires and nano
silver particles when the temperature rises further to 160 °C or 170 °C. The reason may

Fig. 3. FESEM images of silver nanowires synthesized at different temperature: A, 145 °C; B,
150 °C; C, 155 °C; D, 160 °C and E, 170 °C
244 G. Xu et al.

be that with the increase of reaction temperature, the reaction rate of Ag+ reduced by
EG increases rapidly, which leads to the isotropic growth of some seeds and some
along the {111} crystal plane, causing the formation of a mixture of silver nanopar-
ticles and silver nanowires. Apparently, the results from the samples FESEM are
consistent with the analysis of the UV-vis. spectra. According to the above experi-
mental results and analysis, the optimum temperature for preparing silver nanowires via
solvothermal method is 155 °C.

4 Conclusion

The effects of reaction temperature on the yield and morphology of silver nanowires
were investigated by UV-Vis spectroscopy, XRD and FESEM, respectively. The
results show silver nanowires with higher yield, larger aspect ratio and more uniform
structure when the reaction temperature is 155 °C, moreover, almost no silver
nanoparticles were formed. Therefore, 155 °C is the optimum temperature for
preparing silver nanowires by solvothermal method.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by key project of nature science research in
Anhui Provincial Colleges and Universities (KJ2015A286), National College Students’ inno-
vation and entrepreneurship training program project (201710376001).

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8. Chen DP, Qiao XL, Qiu XL et al (2011) Large-scale synthesis of silver nanowires via a
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9. Zong RL, Zhou J, Li Q et al (2004) Synthesis and optical properties of silver nanowire arrays
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nanocubes and bipyramids via a solvothermal method. Acta Mater 56(11):2508–2513
16. Korte KE, Skrabalak SE, Xia Y (2008) Rapid synthesis of silver nanowires through a CuCl-
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18. Wiley BJ, Sun YG, Mayers B, Xia YN (2005) Shape-controlled synthesis of metal
nanostructure: the case of silver. Chem-A Eur J 11:454–463
Experimental Research of In-use Diesel Vehicle
Emission Control System Based on Burner

Xiaodong Qi(&), Haitao Sun, Xinglong Duan, Qiang Liu,

Shaozong Wang, and Mingjun Zheng

Alantum Advanced Material and Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.,

Shanghai 201822, China

Abstract. Currently, emissions pollutants from movable machines in China are

becoming more and more seriously, which have become a critical source of air
pollution. And health of the people is badly affected. The government is always
taking strong efforts to renovate the in-use diesel vehicles emission, including
enhance supervision and spot testing. Cars which cannot meet the environmental
regulation requirement are mandatory required to be retrofitted with DPF or
directly scrapped. At present in retrofit market, passive, active and compound
regeneration system are mainly used. This paper mainly introduces the research
and testing results of a reliable control technology for the compound regener-
ation system based on burner.

Keywords: In use diesel vehicle  Burner  DPF

1 Summary

Currently, emissions pollutants from movable machines in China are becoming more
and more seriously, which have become a critical source of air pollution. Particularly,
in big cities and eastern cities with big population, the emission contribution for PM
from movable machines can up to 20%–40%, even to 50% when air circulation is bad
[1–3]. The health of people is badly affected and in order to improve the quality of the
air, Chinese government has release Law of the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric
Pollution [4, 5]. Meanwhile, MEP (Ministry of Environmental Protection) of China
release the work plan of prevention and control of automobile emission and related
policies, which strengthen the cooperation among departments, work forcefully,
enhance supervision and spot checking, to make sure the air is clean enough for people.
In the working plan of automotive emission prevention and control, the scrap and
retrofit for in use old diesel vehicle are one of the most important work [6–8]. In retrofit
market of in use vehicles, passive, active and compound regeneration system are
mainly used. “Passive regeneration” means regeneration can be effective without any
addition “help”, which use the catalyst on the surface of substrate to convert the NO to
NO2 in exhaust gas. Further, NO2 can react with carbon at certain temperature to
remove the accumulated carbon PM [9–12]. “Active regeneration” means to use
addition energy to burn the carbon to clean the filter. “Compound regeneration system”
means the function combination of passive and active regeneration system, which
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 246–254, 2019.
Experimental Research of In-use Diesel Vehicle Emission 247

increase the reliability of system. The experiment research will be described as fol-
lowings regarding the active regeneration system based on burner.

2 Constitution of Burner Compound Regeneration System

The compound regeneration based on burner constitutes of 3 main units, including

electrical unit, burning unit and PM filtering unit and each unit includes several
components. The electrical unit includes measure and control unit, ECU, OBD, harness
and sensors. The burning unit includes burner, diesel injector, igniter, etc. The PM
filtering unit includes DOC, DPF, related brackets and connectors. It is the combination
of passive and active regeneration system which is called “compound regeneration
system”. The structure of system is shown in Fig. 1:

Fig. 1. The structure of system

3 The Regeneration Control Strategy for Burner Compound

Regeneration System

Based on the date acquired from several sensors on the engine exhaust, ECU can
analyze and calculate the required command and send the command to diesel and air
pump when regeneration is triggered. Diesel and air pump will work accordingly to
supply target diesel and air to injector which will also be controlled to spray the
atomized diesel to combustion chamber. At the optimized time, the igniter will be
commanded to ignite the mixture to combust quickly and evenly. The burning flame
will quickly heat up the exhaust gas from engine to 550 °C in order to burn the carbon
PM accumulated in filter. After carbon PM completely burn-off, the pressure drop of
the filter will decrease to accepted level for engine working and the so-called “self-
regeneration” will be reached.
248 X. Qi et al.

4 Experiment Research of Burner Compound Regeneration


In order to know the exact emission removal effect and the impact of the system on the
vehicle fuel economy, we choose sample A and sample B and YUCHAI 4G180-30
(China III) engine to research the emission and fuel consumption change before and
after vehicle retrofitted by this system.

4.1 Testing Conditions

See Table 1.

Table 1. .
No Equipment name Type
1 AC dynamo AVL AFA S44-4
2 Gas analyzer AVL AMAi60
3 PM sampling system AVL PSSi60
4 Weighing balance for filter paper SARTORIUS CPA2P-F
5 PM counter TSI CPC3790
6 Diesel engine YC4G180-30 (China III)
7 Active regeneration burner CAT-C

4.2 The Impact on HC&CO

Since the system has the component of DOC which have the high removal efficiency
for CO & HC, after retrofitted, averagely, 78.12% of CO and 95.04% of HC in the
engine emission are significantly reduced in 8-modes emission cycle. The detailed
testing results are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 as below:

Fig. 2. Comparison of CO emission in eight working condition cycle test

Experimental Research of In-use Diesel Vehicle Emission 249

Fig. 3. Comparison of THC emission in eight working condition cycle test

4.3 The Impact on CO2

Since a little diesel is used to combust to heat up the exhaust gas, averagely, the
emission of CO2 increase 2.06% after retrofitted compared to before in 8-modes
emission testing cycle. The detailed testing results are shown in Fig. 4 as below:

Fig. 4. Comparison of CO2 emission in eight working condition cycle test

4.4 The Impact on NOx

Averagely, after retrofitted, in 8-modes emission testing cycle, NOx decrease a little
with 5%, while, NO2 increase obviously more than 200%. The proportion of NO2 in
NOX increases from 6.08% to 21.33%. The detailed testing results are shown in Figs. 5
and 6 as below:
250 X. Qi et al.

Fig. 5. Comparison of NOx emission in eight working condition cycle test

Fig. 6. The ratio of NO2 and NO in NOx under eight working condition cycle test

4.5 The Impact on PM&PN

The emission of PM & PN both significantly decrease. Averagely, the reduction effi-
ciency of PM up to over 90% and PN up to over 99% in 8-modes emission testing
cycle. The detailed testing results are shown in Figs. 7 and 8 as below:
Experimental Research of In-use Diesel Vehicle Emission 251

Fig. 7. Comparison of PM emission in eight working condition cycle test

Fig. 8. Comparison of PN emission in eight working condition cycle test

4.6 The Regeneration Characteristics Testing

The fuel consumption increase 2 kg/h when regeneration is triggered. In the beginning
of regeneration phase, the pressure drop of sample A increase with the exhaust gas
temperature increasing. With the PM carbon burning, the pressure drop recovers to
fresh condition level and the regeneration is finish (Fig. 9).
252 X. Qi et al.

Fig. 9. Changes of pressure and oil consumption before and after the regeneration of sample (A)

During regeneration, when inlet temperature of sample reach to around 530 °C, PN
increase sharply from 1012 to 1014. After regeneration, with the decrease of exhaust
gas temperature, PN also decrease around 90% to 1013 (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. The change of the temperature of the outlet and the number of PN

4.7 The Impact of Secondary Pollution

In “hot-start” phase of WHTC emission cycle, the emission components of HCHO,
CH3CHO, C3H4O, C6H6, C7H8, C6H5C2H5, C8H10, C6H5CH=CH2 all decrease with
certain range (Fig. 11).
Experimental Research of In-use Diesel Vehicle Emission 253

Fig. 11. WHTC secondary pollutants in warm start cycle

5 Vehicle Durability Testing

After running data collection and analysis for 48 retrofitted vehicles with this system on
the market, the running condition is satisfied when fuel quality level is good enough to
CN 4 and the vehicle engine condition is good enough without any “blue” smoke when
start (Blue smoke means very bad engine condition with oil burning in cylinder). Based
on vehicle “raw” emission and running date, the recommended maintenance schedule
are shown in Table 2:

Table 2. .
No. Accelerated opacity, 1/m Recommended maintenance schedule
1 <1.0 6 months or 20,000 km
2 <2.0 3 months or 10,000 km
3 <3.0 1.5 months or 4,000 km

6 Conclusion
(1) This system can significantly remove CO & HC with high efficiency up to 80%
(for CO) & 90% (for THC).
(2) This system has a little impact on CO2 and NOx emission. CO increases around
2% and NOX decreases around 5%.
(3) This system is kind of capable to remove the secondary pollutions.
(4) This system has strong regeneration ability. After regeneration, system pressure
drop can recover to reach fresh condition.
(5) This system has kind of requirement for engine raw emission. Vehicle with worse
raw engine emission should be maintained with shorter interval.
254 X. Qi et al.

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6. Li X (2009) Research on diesel vehicle particulate aftertreatment technology based on fuel
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Difference Analysis of GB/T 18386 Between
2017 Edition and 2005 Edition

Ying Chen(&), Jian Liu, Huxin Jin, and Yuanhong Zhuo

Chongqing Vehicle Test & Research Institute Co., Ltd.,

National Coach Quality Supervision and Test Center, Chongqing 401122, China

Abstract. The standard name, Electric vehicles-Energy consumption and

range-Test procedures of GB/T 18386 have significant changes between 2017
edition and 2005 edition. The main differences between the two standards have
been detailed analyzed in this paper. New technical contents and requirements in
2017 edition have been introduced, in order to provide a reference for electric
vehicle test and design personnel to better understand and implement the new

Keywords: Electric vehicles  GB/T 18386  Difference analysis

1 Introduction

In recent years, the development of electric vehicles is rapidly and has been highly
valued by governments and enterprises. A series of policies has been issued to
encourage the development of electric vehicles. National recommendatory standard
“Electric vehicles-Energy consumption and range-Test procedures” (GB/T 18386) is
test method to evaluate the economy and range for electric vehicles. It has strong
operability and guiding significance of test methods for energy consumption and range
of electric vehicles.
National recommendatory standard “Electric vehicles-Energy consumption and
range-Test procedures” (GB/T 18386) was formulated and published in 2001 and has
been revised three times, the 2001 edition, 2005 edition and 2017 edition respectively.
“Electric vehicles-Energy consumption and range-Test procedures” (GB/T 18386-
2017) [1] has been approved and published on October 14, 2017 by General Admin-
istration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of
China and Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. The
standard was officially implemented on May 1, 2018, which replaced the old standard
of “Electric vehicles-Energy consumption and range-Test procedures” (GB/T 18386-
2005) [2].
The latest edition of the standard “Electric vehicles-Energy consumption and range-
Test procedures” (GB/T 18386-2017) (hereinafter referred to as “the new standard”),
comparing to 2005 edition of the standard (hereinafter referred to as “the old stan-
dard”), has significant changes in Normative references, Terms and definitions, Test
methods and Calculation methods of energy consumption and range, and so on,
increased the test cycle mode of heavy-duty vehicle. In order to provide a reference for

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 255–266, 2019.
256 Y. Chen et al.

electric vehicle test and design personnel to better understand and implement new
standard, the main differences between 2017 edition and 2005 edition have been
detailed analyzed in this paper. New technical contents and requirements in 2017
edition have been introduced, to the benefit of the smooth implementation of the new

2 Normative References

In terms of “normative references”, the new standard quoted standards including GB

7258, GB/T 12534, GB18352.5-2013, GB/T 19596, GB/T 19754-2015, and GB/T
27840-2011. Compared with the old standard, the standard “Limits and measurement
methods for emissions from light-duty vehicles (CHINA 5)” (GB 18352.5-2013) [3]
instead of “Limits and measurement methods for emissions from light-duty vehicles
(I)” (GB 18352.1-2001) [4], which is more time-efficient. The standard “Terminology
of electric vehicles” (GB/T 19596) replaced “Terminology of electric vehicles (ISO
8713:2002, NEQ)” (GB/T 19596-2004), citing the latest edition of the standard. The
standard “Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (classes 0.2S
and 0.5S) (eqv IEC 60678:1992)” (GB/T 17883-1999) and “Electric vehicles-Power
performance-Test method (ISO 8715:2001 Electric road vehicles-Road operating
characteristics, MOD)” (GB/T 18385-2005) are no longer referenced.
In addition, the new standard cited the standards consist of “Technical specifica-
tions for safety of power-driven vehicles operating on roads” (GB 7258), “Motor
vehicles-General rules of road test method” (GB/T 12534), “Test methods for energy
consumption of heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicles” (GB/T 19754-2015) [5], and
“Fuel consumption test methods for heavy-duty commercial vehicles” (GB/T 27840-
2011) [6], which is corresponding to the addition of technical contents.

3 Terms and Definitions

In the aspect of “terms and definitions”, the four terms of “complete electric vehicle
kerb mass”, “test mass of electric vehicle”, “reference energy consumption” and
“reference range” are clearly defined in the old standard. While the new standard
reference terms and definitions in the standard “Technical specifications for safety of
power-driven vehicles operating on roads” (GB 7258) and “Terminology of electric
vehicles” (GB/T 19596), the scope of the terms is more broad.

4 Changes of Test Methods for Range and Energy


The old standard has been used since February 1, 2006. With the progress of electric
vehicle technology, new requirements have been put forward on the test methods of
range and energy consumption. In order to meet the industry requirements and comply
with the technical development trend, the new standard was revised based on existing
Difference Analysis of GB/T 18386 Between 2017 Edition and 2005 Edition 257

technical level and the electric vehicles test experience for many years. There have
been significant changes of test gear setting, test ambient temperature conditions, test
added mass, vehicle road load setting, test cycle and end of test sequence criterion.
A lot of technical contents have been added, such as end of test criterion for heavy-duty
vehicles, parking regulation, the calculation method of range and energy consumption
for heavy-duty vehicles, Chinese typical city bus test cycle, C-WTVC test cycle (i.e.
adapted world transient vehicle cycle), and recommended coefficient of driving resis-
tance for heavy-duty commercial vehicles. These will be explained one by one in the
following paragraphs.

4.1 Changes of Test Conditions

Compared with the old standard, the new standard is more detailed in terms of test
conditions and more practical. The comparison between the two is shown in Table 1:

Table 1. Comparison of test conditions

No. Test conditions GB/T 18386-2017 GB/T 18386-2005
1 Vehicle The tyres should be used as the The vehicle tyres shall be inflated
conditions type required by the original to the pressure specified by the
parts, and the tyre pressure vehicle manufacturer according
should be inflated according to to the test chosen (on a loop track
the maximum test load and the or chassis dynamometer) when
maximum test speed the tyres are at ambient
2 Ambient Indoor test: 20 °C–30 °C Outdoor test: 5 °C–32 °C
temperature Indoor test: 20 °C–30 °C
3 Test gear If the vehicle driving mode –
recommended by the
manufacturer is compatible with
the test sequence reference curve,
the manufacturer recommended
model is applied; If the vehicle
driving mode recommended by
the manufacturer cannot meet the
requirements of the test sequence
reference curve, the mode with
higher maximum speed is chosen
4 Charge, discharge The time t0 at which charging of The time t0 at which charging of
and test traction battery is terminated traction battery is terminated
environmental shall be recorded. Starting within shall be recorded. Starting within
conditions 12 h of t0, the test sequence 4 h of t0, the test sequence
designated shall be applied. designated shall be applied
During this period, ensure that the
vehicle is placed at temperature of
20 °C–30 °C
258 Y. Chen et al.

4.2 Changes of Test Added Mass

In the new standard, the requirements of “test added mass of electric vehicle” are
completely different from the old standard, as shown in Table 2.
According to the standard “Road vehicle-Masses-Vocabulary and codes” (GB/T
3730.2-1996) [7], “complete vehicle kerb mass” is defined as: complete vehicle
shipping mass plus the mass of other elements, such as coolant, lubricants, cleaning
fluid, fuel, spare wheel, fire extinguisher, standard spare parts, triangular pad, and
standard toolbox. “Maximum design pay mass” is defined as: The resulting value of
maximum design total mass (i.e., vehicle manufacturer specified maximum vehicle
mass), including the driver mass, minus complete vehicle kerb mass. “Maximum
authorized pay mass” is defined as: The resulting value of maximum authorized total
mass (i.e., the maximum vehicle mass permitted by the competent administrative
department under the operating conditions), including the driver mass, minus complete
vehicle kerb mass.

Table 2. Comparison of test added mass for electric vehicle

No. GB/T 18386-2017 GB/T 18386-2005
Scope Test added Scope Test added
mass (unit: mass (unit:
kg) kg)
1 Vehicles of category M1, 100 Maximum Maximum
N1, M2 (maximum design authorized pay authorized
total mass less than mass  180 kg pay mass
3500 kg)
2 Urban bus 65% of 180 kg < maximum 180
maximum authorized pay
design pay mass < 360 kg
3 Vehicles of other categories Maximum Maximum 50% of
design pay authorized pay maximum
mass mass > 360 kg authorized
pay mass

In the new standard, for “vehicles of category M1, N1, M2 (maximum design total
mass less than 3500 kg)”, test added mass is united with conventional vehicle and
hybrid electric vehicle, reference standards for “Measurement methods of fuel con-
sumption for automobiles-Part 1: Measurement methods of fuel consumption for
passenger cars” (GB/T 12545.1-2008) [8] and “Test methods for energy consumption
of light-duty hybrid electric vehicles” (GB/T 19753-2013) [9]. For “urban bus” and
“vehicles of other categories”, test added mass setting reference standards for “Test
methods for energy consumption of heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicles” (GB/T 19754-
2015) and “Fuel consumption test methods for heavy-duty commercial vehicles”
(GB/T 27840-2011).
Difference Analysis of GB/T 18386 Between 2017 Edition and 2005 Edition 259

4.3 Changes of Vehicle Road Load Setting

About “ vehicle road load setting”, the provisions in the old standard are rela-
tively simple. While in the new standard, for vehicles of two categories, different
methods have been adopted respectively to determine the driving resistance, the
requirements for sliding test are also put forward, the detailed analysis is shown in
Table 3.

Table 3. Comparison of vehicle road load setting

No. GB/T 18386-2017 GB/T 18386-2005
Scope Vehicle road Sliding test Scope Vehicle Sliding test
load setting requirement road load requirement
1 Vehicles of According to During the Vehicles According Simulation
category M1, the provisions sliding test on of to the on chassis
N1, M2 in the annex road and category provisions dynamometer
(maximum CH of GB chassis M1, N1 in GB
design total 18352.5-2013 dynamometer, 18352.1
mass less regenerative
than braking should
3500 kg) be block, other
2 Vehicles of The road parts of the – –
other driving vehicle should
categories resistance is be in the same
measured in state (such as
accordance air conditioning
with the closed, etc.)
method of
appendix C in
GB/T 27840-
According to
coefficient of
resistance for
vehicles in
appendix A of
the new

For vehicles of category N1, the vehicle road loads are different obtained by the
rules of resistance coefficient setting in the new and old editions standards. Take the
260 Y. Chen et al.

example of a vehicle of category N1, it is assumed that complete vehicle kerb mass is
1450 kg and maximum design total mass is 2300 kg. According to the regulations in
the annex of GB 18352.5-2013, the calculation formula of vehicle road load from the
speed of 0 to 120 km/h is as follows:

F ¼ a þ bV 2 ð1Þ

In the formula (1), F is total load absorbed by the chassis dynamometer (N); a is
value equivalent to rolling resistance (N); b is value equivalent to coefficient of air
resistance (N/(km/h)2); V is speed (km/h).
According to the new standard of GB/T 18386-2017, the test added mass is 100 kg,
calculated test mass is 1550 kg. By looking up table C.1 in the standard GB 18352.5-
2013, it can be obtained that equivalent inertia is 1590 kg, the resistance coefficients
are: a = 7.6, b = 0.0515. Furthermore, the load-absorption curve of the chassis
dynamometer can be determinate and shown in Fig. 1 in the blue curve.

Fig. 1. Comparison of the load-absorption curve of the chassis dynamometer between new and
old edition standard

In accordance with the old standard of GB/T 18386-2005, the test added mass is
425 kg, computed test mass is 1875 kg. By looking up table C.1 in the standard GB
18352.5-2013, it can be validated that equivalent inertia is 1930 kg, the resistance
coefficients are: a = 8.5 * 1.3 = 11.05, b = 0.0577 * 1.3 = 0.0750. Moreover, the
load-absorption curve of the chassis dynamometer can be obtained and see in Fig. 1 in
the red curve.
The comparison of load-absorption curves in Fig. 1 shows that, in the low-speed
stage (the speed is no more than 50 km/h), the difference of vehicle road load obtained
by setting resistance coefficient between the new and old edition standard is not sig-
nificant. However, in the high-speed stage (the speed is more than 50 km/h and less
than 100 km/h), the vehicle road load calculated by setting resistance coefficient of the
new standard is significantly smaller, with a difference of about 30%.
Difference Analysis of GB/T 18386 Between 2017 Edition and 2005 Edition 261

4.4 Changes of Test Cycle

In terms of “test cycle”, there are “test cycle mode” and “steady speed mode” in both
the new and old editions of the standard, but the specific working conditions are
different, and the difference analysis is as follows:
(1) Test cycle mode
About “test cycle mode”, the provisions of test cycle have made just for vehicles
of category M1, N1 in the old standard. However, in the new standard, the specific
provisions of test cycle have made for “vehicles of category M1, N1, M2
(maximum design total mass less than 3500 kg)” and “vehicles of other cate-
gories” these two categories vehicles respectively. Test cycle is updated in the
new standard, reference standards for “Test methods for energy consumption of
light-duty hybrid electric vehicles” (GB/T 19753-2013), “Test methods for energy
consumption of heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicles” (GB/T 19754-2015), and
“Fuel consumption test methods for heavy-duty commercial vehicles” (GB/T
27840-2011), which is united with the economic conditions of conventional
vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle.
In addition, the test can be carried out on a loop track or chassis dynamometer
according to the old standard. While in the new standard, the test should be
conducted only on chassis dynamometer in the laboratory. Due to the controllable
test environmental conditions, the reproducibility of the test is greatly improved
which has important significance for research and development of the product.
Along with the development of electric vehicles, the range will be more and more
long. Parking regulation during test was revised in the new standard: “Unless
otherwise specified, it permitted parking (10 ± 1) min at each six test cycles.
During parking, start switch of vehicle should be in “OFF” state, close hood, turn
off the test-bed fan, and release the brake pedal, it cannot charge with external
(2) Steady speed mode
In terms of “steady speed mode”, the classification of vehicles scope is more
detailed in the new standard. Category 1 of vehicles scope includes vehicles of
category M1, N1, as well as vehicles of category M2 (maximum design total mass
less than 3500 kg). Category 2 of vehicles scope has been modified accordingly,
i.e. vehicles of other categories.
In consideration of existing policies, the standard named “Battery electric goods
vehicles-Specifications” (GB/T 34585-2017) and references to “steady speed
mode” in related standards of regeneration braking for electric vehicle, steady
speed test is still keep in the new standard, but indication should be given in the
new standard: “Steady speed test is keep just for the references in other standards,
the result is not output as a result of range test in the new standard.”

4.5 Changes in End of Test Sequence Criterion

About “end of test sequence criterion”, the relevant provisions of the old and new
edition standards are shown in Tables 4 and 5 respectively.
262 Y. Chen et al.

Comparing Tables 4 and 5, it can be seen that compared with the old standard,
these have been updated in the new standard as follows:
(1) When carrying out the NEDC test cycle, the requirements of the electric vehicle
limit standard should be taken into consideration. In order to unify the scale and
ensure fairness, the decision conditions for stopping the test are more detailed.
(2) The new standard increases “Chinese typical city bus test cycle” and “C-WTVC
test cycle (i.e. adapted world transient vehicle cycle)”, the corresponding crite-
rions for the end of test sequence under different test cycles are also specified.

Table 4. End of test sequence criterion in GB/T 18386-2005

Scope Test cycle End of test sequence criterion
– All vehicles – An indication given from the on-board
instrumentation for the driver to stop the
Test Vehicles of NEDC cycle (Only The vehicle is unable to meet the reference
cycle category M1, urban cycle is curve from the test sequence within the
mode N1 allowed) tolerances given in clause 4.4.2 up to 70 km/h
Over 70 km/h, it is acceptable to go beyond
the tolerances, provided the accelerator pedal
is fully depressed, but it should meet the
related requirements in clause 4.4.2
Steady Vehicles of Steady speed test of When the vehicle speed cannot reach 54 km/h
speed category M1, (60 ± 2) km/h
mode N1
Vehicles of Steady speed test of When the vehicle speed cannot reach 36 km/h
other (40 ± 2) km/h

Table 5. End of test sequence criterion in GB/T 18386-2017

Scope Test cycle End of test sequence criterion
Test Vehicles of category M1, N1, NEDC cycle If the maximum speed is greater
cycle M2(maximum design total than 120 km/h, the vehicle is
mode mass less than 3500 kg) unable to meet the reference curve
from the test sequence within the
tolerances given in clause 4.4.2
If the maximum speed is less than
120 km/h and the target speed is
higher than the declared maximum
speed, provided the accelerator
pedal is fully depressed, actual
speed is acceptable to go beyond
the upper tolerance limit, when it
cannot meet the lower tolerance
limit in clause 4.4.2
Difference Analysis of GB/T 18386 Between 2017 Edition and 2005 Edition 263

Table 5. (continued)
Scope Test cycle End of test sequence criterion
If the maximum speed is less than
120 km/h and the target speed is
not more than the declared
maximum speed, the vehicle is
unable to meet the reference curve
from the test sequence within the
tolerances given in clause 4.4.2
Vehicles of other categories Chinese The vehicle is unable to meet the
typical city reference curve from the test
bus test cycle sequence within the tolerances
given in clause 4.4.2
C-WTVC The vehicle is unable to meet the
cycle reference curve from the test
sequence within the tolerances
given in clause 4.4.2 up to 70 km/h
Over 70 km/h, when the vehicle is
unable to meet the reference curve
from the test sequence within the
tolerances, provided the accelerator
pedal is fully depressed, until speed
is following the target speed again,
it is acceptable to go beyond the
tolerances given in clause 4.4.2
Steady Vehicles of category M1, N1, Steady speed When the vehicle speed cannot
speed M2 (maximum design total test of reach 54 km/h
mode mass less than 3500 kg) (60 ± 2) km/h
Vehicles of other categories Steady speed When the vehicle speed cannot
test of reach 36 km/h
(40 ± 2) km/h

(3) Parking regulation is not clearly defined in the old standard, while uniform pro-
vision is made in the new standard: “When the test end condition is reaching, the
gear position remains unchanged, the vehicle slide to the lowest stable speed or
5 km/h, and then stop by stepping on the brake pedal.”

4.6 Changes of the Calculation Methods of Range and Energy

In old standard, the calculation method of energy consumption is relatively brief, and
only one calculation formula of energy consumption is given, as shown in Table 6:
In Eq. (2), C is the reference energy consumption (Wh/km), rounded to the nearest
whole number; E is the energy consumption at the mains during charging of the
264 Y. Chen et al.

traction battery (Wh); D is the covered distance during the test, is taken as range of the
vehicle tested (km), rounded to the nearest whole number.

Table 6. Calculation method of range & energy consumption in GB/T 18386-2005

Scope Test cycle Calculation Calculation of
of range energy
Test Vehicles of NEDC cycle (Only Record D C ¼ E=D ð2Þ
cycle category M1, urban cycle is
mode N1 allowed)
Steady Vehicles of Steady speed test of Record D
speed category M1, (60 ± 2) km/h
mode N1
Vehicles of Steady speed test of Record D
other (40 ± 2) km/h

Whereas in the new standard, according to the vehicles categories and different test
cycles, the calculation methods of range and energy consumption are categorized.
Different calculation methods are adopted respectively, as shown in Table 7.

Table 7. Calculation method of range & energy consumption in GB/T 18386-2017

Scope Test cycle Calculation Calculation of energy consumption
of range
Test Vehicles of category NEDC cycle Record D C ¼ E=D ð3Þ
cycle M1, N1, M2
mode (maximum design total
mass less than
3500 kg)
R testend
Vehicles of other Chinese D ¼ E=C UI dt
categories typical city C ¼ R moveend testbegin
R testend  DEtest ð4Þ
UI dt þ UI dt
movebegin testbegin
bus test cycle
C-WTVC D ¼ E=C C ¼ Curban Kurban þ Croad Kroad þ Chighway Khighway ð5Þ
Steady Vehicles of category Steady speed Record D C ¼ E=D ð6Þ
speed M1, N1, M2 test of
mode (maximum design total (60 ± 2) km/h
mass less than
3500 kg)
Vehicles of other Steady speed Record D C ¼ E=D ð7Þ
categories test of
(40 ± 2) km/h

In Eqs. (3), (6) and (7), C is the reference energy consumption (Wh/km), rounded
to the nearest whole number; E is the energy consumption at the mains during charging
of the traction battery (Wh); D is the covered distance during the test, is taken as range
of the vehicle tested (km), rounded to the nearest whole number.
Difference Analysis of GB/T 18386 Between 2017 Edition and 2005 Edition 265

In Eq. (4), U is the battery terminal voltage during vehicle operation (V); I is the
battery terminal current during vehicle operation (A); E is the energy consumption at
the mains during charging of the traction battery (Wh); Dtest is the covered distance
during the test, is taken as range of the vehicle tested (km), rounded to the nearest
whole number.
In Eq. (5), Curban is the reference energy consumption in urban test cycle (Wh/km),
rounded to the nearest whole number; Croad is the reference energy consumption in
road test cycle (Wh/km), rounded to the nearest whole number; Chighway is the reference
energy consumption in highway test cycle (Wh/km), rounded to the nearest whole
number; Kurban is the urban range distribution ratio (short for the urban ratio) (%),
which is determined by looking up tables; Kroad is the road range distribution ratio
(short for the road ratio) (%), which is determined by looking up tables; Khighway is the
highway range distribution ratio (short for the highway ratio) (%), which is determined
by looking up tables; Among them, the reference energy consumption in each test cycle
is calculated according to the relevant formula.
Compared to Eq. (3) and (4) it can be seen that, when charging and discharging of
the traction battery and range test are carried out at the same place, the moving distance
is zero, Eq. (4) is simplified to Eq. (3). When the distance is very short, the effect on
the computed result of Eq. (4) is also little.

5 Changes of Appendix

Compared with the old standard, a lot of technical contents have been added in the new
standard, such as “Appendix A recommended coefficient of driving resistance for
heavy-duty commercial vehicles”, “Appendix C Chinese typical city bus test cycle”
and “Appendix D C-WTVC test cycle (i.e. adapted world transient vehicle cycle)”. For
the “Appendix B NEDC cycle”, in order to unify the test cycles, the new standard has
deleted these statements in appendix A.2.1 of the old standard: “Only the urban cycle
test is allowed. The test cycle used shall be stated in the test report.”

6 Comparison of Others

About “Parameters, units and accuracy of measurements”, the accuracy of the “energy”
is revised as “±1%” and resolution is changed to “1” in the new standard. In addition,
the two parameters of “voltage” and “current” are added in the new standard, their
units, accuracy and resolution are also specified.
In terms of “test procedure”, the steps of test procedure for determining energy
consumption and range, compared with the old standard, the new standard removed
these words: “Measurement of the energy consumption at the mains”, which means that
it is no need to measuring the energy consumption at the mains for initial charging of
the traction battery.
About “tolerance”, in the new standard, since increased the test cycle mode of
heavy-duty vehicle and tolerance requirements for heavy-duty vehicle, a tolerance on
266 Y. Chen et al.

speed of ±3 km/h for heavy-duty vehicle is specified, the total time-out of tolerances
in any drive cycle is prescribed as 10S.
In respects of “charging and discharging of the traction battery”, comparing to the
old standard, the discharge end condition is increased in the new standard: “The driving
distance reaches 100 km.” This is because that, with the development of battery
technology, the range of electric vehicles will be longer and longer, and reference the
regulation of ECE R101-2013 [10], the above changes have made in the new standard.

7 Conclusion

Compared with the old standard of GB/T 18386-2005, great adjustments and additions
in the technical contents and requirements have made in the new standard of GB/T
18386-2017. In the drafting of new standard, unity and coordination of national and
international existing standards are adequately considered, the revised have made based
on test experience for many years. The scope covers all the electric vehicles, including
light-duty vehicle and heavy-duty vehicle. It is of great significance for improve the test
procedures of energy consumption and range for electric vehicles.
The new standard of GB/T 18386-2017 has been officially implemented since
issued. Detailed analysis of the main differences between the new and old edition
standards is necessary, it is helpful for the enterprises and testing organizations to
master technical contents and update test methods in the new standard, providing
strong protection for the new standard to carry out and implement.

1. PRC National Standard (2017) GB/T 18386-2017 Electric Vehicles-Energy Consumption
and Range-Test Procedures. China Standards Press, Beijing
2. PRC National Standard (2005) GB/T 18386-2005 Electric Vehicles-Energy Consumption
and Range-Test Procedures. China Standards Press, Beijing
3. PRC National Standard (2013) GB 18352.5-2013 Limits and Measurement Methods for
Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles (China 5). China Standards Press, Beijing
4. PRC National Standard (2001) GB 18352.1-2001 Limits and Measurement Methods for
Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles (I). China Standards Press, Beijing
5. PRC National Standard (2015) GB/T 19754-2015 Test Methods for Energy Consumption of
Heavy-Duty Hybrid Electric Vehicles. China Standards Press, Beijing
6. PRC National Standard (2011) GB/T 27840-2011 Fuel Consumption Test Methods for
Heavy-Duty Commercial Vehicles. China Standards Press, Beijing
7. PRC National Standard (1996) GB/T 3730.2-1996 Road Vehicle-Masses-Vocabulary and
Codes. China Standards Press, Beijing
8. PRC National Standard (2008) GB/T 12545.1-2008 Measurement Methods of Fuel
Consumption for Automobiles-Part 1: Measurement Methods of Fuel Consumption for
Passenger Cars. China Standards Press, Beijing
9. PRC National Standard (2013) GB/T 19753-2013 Test Methods for Energy Consumption of
Light-Duty Hybrid Electric Vehicles. China Standards Press, Beijing
10. Economic Commission for Europe, ECE R101-2013 Regulation
Research on the Optimization Algorithm
for Emission Control of Hybrid Power System
Based on Energy Flow Model

Qingyang Zhang, Wei Sun, Jinglin Xia, Kai Li, and Xinmei Yuan(&)

State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control,

Jilin University, Changchun 130025, Jilin, China

Abstract. Hybrid power system has been receiving extensive attention in

automotive industry because it is one of the most promising technique to
improve the fuel economy of conventional vehicles. However, it is very difficult
to consider emission control in hybrid power system, and emission control is
usually neglected. In this paper, an energy flow model is proposed based on the
energy flow relationships in the vehicle. Through the proposed model, the
operating modes of any complex hybrid power system can be simplified into
three modes, and based on these three basic operating modes, the optimization
of the matching and control strategy of the hybrid power system can be
achieved. At the same time, by selecting an example of a complex hybrid power
system, this paper introduces the method of the energy flow model to optimize
the control strategy in detail. This example fully embodies the advantages of the
energy flow model proposed in this paper in terms of the optimization of
complex hybrid power systems.

Keywords: Hybrid power vehicle  Emission  Operating mode 

Dynamic programming

1 Introduction

With the increasing demand for the energy conservation and the emission reduction of
automobiles, hybrid power technology has become an important technology trend for
the development of fuel vehicle technologies in the future [1]. Researches of hybrid
power systems are currently focused on the optimization and control of their dynamics
and economy, and there are relatively little research on emission [2]. This situation is
mainly caused by two reasons. On the one hand, the emission characteristics of the
engine are more complex than the fuel consumption characteristics, and the nonlin-
earity is stronger. Therefore, they are more difficult to be accurately modelled and
optimally controlled. On the other hand, further complications will emerge in the
control objectives of hybrid power systems emission issues are taken into considera-
tion. And how to use the redundant degrees of freedom in the hybrid power system to
achieve multi-objective balance among power, fuel consumption, and emission also
lacks effective theoretical support.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 267–275, 2019.
268 Q. Zhang et al.

Nevertheless, in the design of hybrid power systems, the conventional simple series
and parallel structures have proven difficult to achieve efficient energy-saving control
of all operating conditions, especially for passenger vehicles [3]. Therefore, in recent
years, more complicated series-parallel structures have been proposed in order to
further improve the performance of hybrid power systems [4]. However, the complex
hybrid architecture will bring about a large number of optional operating modes, which
will directly lead to more complication of system optimization control. And it will be
harder to consider emission control in such systems.
In view of this situation, this paper analyzes in details the impact of the hybrid
power system operating mode on the engine emission control and the available space
for optimization provided by it. Based on the analysis results, a filtering algorithm for
emission control mode of complex hybrid series-parallel structures is proposed, which
can conveniently and efficiently filter the operating modes that may effectively improve
the emission control performance of the hybrid power system, clarify the optimization
strategy under different operating modes and reduce the workload of hybrid system
optimization [5, 6].

2 Previous Researches

The structure of hybrid power system is generally divided into three types: series,
parallel, and series-parallel. However, with the development of technology, the effect of
energy saving in the form of series and parallel connections is greatly limited. At
present, the series-parallel connection is applied in most of the hybrid power systems
with medium or high degree of hybrid structures, which are becoming more and more
complicated [7]. And complexity of optimization of hybrid power system control
strategies is also increasing. The conventional hybrid optimization focuses on the fuel
economy of the vehicle. But in recent years, influenced by the progressively stringent
emission regulations, people have begun to pay attention to the emission performance
of hybrid power systems [8]. Nonetheless, the existing researches on the emission
performance of hybrid system are more of posteriori experiments. As a result, how to
optimize the control strategy and reduce the emission under the precondition of taking
into account the fuel economy is a difficulty in the optimization of the hybrid power
system [9].

3 Energy Flow Mode

From researches of hybrid power system at home and abroad, we can see that due to the
gradually complex structure of hybrid system, its operating modes are also varied [10].
So, how can we switch between them? In particular, considering the unpredictability of
actual operating conditions and the issue of emission control, it is very tricky to for-
mulate control strategies for such complex hybrid structures. In the light of this, an
energy flow model is proposed in this paper. Based on the characteristics of energy flow,
the operating modes of any hybrid structures can be summarized into three categories:
pure electric mode, pure engine mode, and hybrid mode for engine power changing.
Research on the Optimization Algorithm for Emission Control 269

3.1 Pure Electric Mode

The pure electric mode is a relatively simple operating mode in a hybrid power system.
In terms of operating principle, it can be divided into single-motor, double-motor, and
multi-motor driving mode. In double-motor or multi-motor driving mode, each motor
usually drives or brakes simultaneously, of course, only one motor driving or braking is
also allowed.
From the perspective of emission, hybrid power system is in a zero-emission state
in pure electric mode. Notwithstanding, it does not mean that emission control is not
involved, because the pure electric mode will affect the exhaust temperature of the
subsequent engine mode, which will affect the transient performance of the engine
emission. Therefore, in the case of only considering the steady-state emission control,
the pure electric mode is an emission control independent mode. If the transient engine
emission control is considered, an engine model of temperature exhaust needs to be
established, and the trade-off of transient emission degradation in the short-term pure
electric mode needs to be analyzed.

3.2 Pure Engine Mode

The pure engine mode from the perspective of energy flow is different from that of the
hybrid system in the conventional sense. From the standpoint of energy flow, pure
engine mode means that the energy used to drive the vehicle comes entirely from the
engine, but it does not mean that the motor is not involved in the work. Both the motor
and the conventional system can be used to regulate the continuous or discrete
movement of the engine operating points in this case.
Engine with transmission is a typical pure engine model of conventional fuel
vehicles. In a hybrid power system, the transmission may be a CVT, a generator with a
motor, a planetary gear system, or a combination of more complex motors and
mechanical mechanism. But no matter how complex the process of energy output from
the engine to wheels, it can only achieve the adjustment of the engine operating
conditions on the constant power line (ignoring the inhomogeneity of the efficiency of
other components). Therefore, its optimized control method is different from that of
conventional vehicles and its corresponding control algorithm can be designed
according to the principle of the shift control strategy of the conventional fuel vehicle
transmission. So under the condition that the conventional fuel vehicle can work
efficiently, the pure engine mode of the hybrid power system can also achieve similar
performance without needing to consider the particularity of the hybrid power system.

3.3 Hybrid Mode for Engine Power Changing

The hybrid mode for engine power changing is the unique operating mode of hybrid
power system. In this mode, the output power of the engine is not equal to the required
power of the entire vehicle, so the operating points of the engine can be more flexibly
configured in theory. However, flexible configuration is not arbitrarily configured,
because the operating area of the engine is constrained by a series of factors such as
270 Q. Zhang et al.

demanding power, SOC (for battery), and motor power at the same time. Hence, the
theoretical optimal strategy under this mode still needs to be obtained through dynamic
From the three modes of the energy flow model, it can be seen that any hybrid
system structure can be equivalent to a parallel structure essentially, because no matter
what the connecting methods of engines and motors and the number of motors are, the
final energy relationship is that it only consumes electricity or fuel, or both at the same
time. When the power consumption is positive, then the electrical energy is converted
into mechanical energy, and if the power consumption is negative, the mechanical
energy is converted into electrical energy. And other more complex features in different
operating modes of the hybrid power structure can be equivalent to the nonlinear
efficiency characteristics in the parallel structure.

4 Emission Control Optimization Algorithm for Hybrid

Power System Based on the Energy Flow Model

From the analysis above, it can be seen that through the energy flow model, many
complex work modes can be simplified into three types: pure electric power mode, pure
engine mode and hybrid mode of variable power of engine.
The hybrid power system emission control optimization algorithm can be designed
based on the division of the modes above. The specific process is shown in Fig. 1.
1. Complete the hybrid power system matching and control strategy design without
considering emission control. At this point, if the hybrid structure is simple, the
control strategy can be directly obtained. If the structure is complex, the energy flow
model can also be used to simplify the optimization process. See Sect. 4 for details;
2. Whether or not to modify or optimize the pure electric mode depends on if or not
the transient control of the engine emission (temperature control) is taken into
consideration. If it is considered, then simulation or experimentation is needed to
compare the rationality of the intervention of the pure electric motor operating
conditions for a short period of time, that is to say, to compare the cost function of
the engine emission degradation due to the pure electric operating conditions and to
change short-term pure electric mode that does not accord with the goal into engine
intervention mode. The short-term definition is related to the time constant of the
emission characteristics of the engine. For example, a heavy-duty diesel engine may
last for more than 10 min. If it is not taken into account, all the pure electric modes
in the original control strategy do not need to be modified;
3. Examine the difference between the engine operating point in the pure engine mode
of the hybrid power system and that of the engine on the conventional fuel vehicle
on the isopower line. And the operating point of the emission deterioration in the
hybrid power system should be directly optimized on the constant power line.
(Generally, the degree of freedom in adjusting the constant power operating point of
the hybrid system is better than that of the conventional fuel vehicle). If there is no
deteriorating operating point, all engine modes in the original control strategy does
not need further modification;
Research on the Optimization Algorithm for Emission Control 271

4. Determine the efficient emission areas of the original engine, examine and mark the
operating points when operating conditions (time period) of engine deviates from
high-efficiency zone in the hybrid mode for engine power changing. Conduct
dynamic programming of the hybrid power system control strategy. Only the
marked conditions above (marking time period) are used as the targeted opti-
mization areas. The control strategy of the above areas should be modified to obtain
the hybrid power system control strategy in which emission control is taken into

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the filtering algorithm for the relevant operating modes of
emission control in hybrid systems

5 Application of Energy Flow Model for Structure

of a Complex Hybrid Power System
5.1 Introduction to the Structure of a Complex Hybrid Power System
Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of a complex hybrid power structure, in which C1, C2,
and C3 are clutches. R, C and S represent the internal ring gear, planet carrier, and sun
gear of the planetary gears respectively. The engine is connected to the sun gear, the
motor 1 is connected to the internal ring gear, and the motor 2 is connected to the
transmission shafts in the 1st and 3rd gear.
272 Q. Zhang et al.

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of a complex hybrid system

Table 1 lists nine operating modes of the hybrid system. If divided by the con-
ventional operating mode, the structure may has as many as 20 operating modes. By
controlling the three clutches of the structure to engage and disengage and the output
torque of the motor, an extremely complex combination of operating modes can be
realized. Such a complicated mode switching may greatly increase the computational
complexity of control strategy optimization of the system. In fact, it is almost
impossible to analyze the mode switching and optimal control strategy of the system by
traversing all operating conditions. From Table 1, we can notice that using the oper-
ating mode partition method proposed in this paper, all the work modes can be easily
classified into three categories, which provides great convenience for the follow-up
control strategy optimization.

Table 1. The operating mode of a complex hybrid system

Basic Description Energy flow model
EV1 Motor 1 drives independently Pure electric mode
EV2 Motor 2 drives independently
EV3 Both motor 1 and motor 2 drive
CV1 Engine outputs power via C and C2 Pure engine mode
The sum of the power of motor 1 and motor 2 is zero or they are
not operating
CV2 Engine outputs power via C and C3
The sum of the power of motor 1 and motor 2 is zero or they are
not operating
Research on the Optimization Algorithm for Emission Control 273

Table 1. (continued)
Basic Description Energy flow model
CV3 The engine drives the motor 1 through the planetary gear to
generate electricity, and the motor 2 is operating (C1 and C2 are
The sum of the power of motor 1 and motor 2 is zero
HEV1 Engine outputs power via C and C2 Hybrid mode for
The sum of the power of motor 1 and motor 2 is not zero engine power changing
HEV2 Engine outputs power via C and C3
The sum of the power of motor 1 and motor 2 is zero or they are
not operating
HEV3 The engine drives motor 1 through the planetary gear to generate
electricity, and the motor 2 is operating (C1 and C2 are on)
The sum of the power of motor 1 and motor 2 is zero

5.2 Application of the Energy Flow Model in Optimization of Economy

and Emission Control Algorithms
The difficulty in designing the system control strategy lies in the fact that the model is
too complex. For example, the first step in Fig. 1 is very hard to achieve. The energy
flow model proposed in this paper can effectively accomplish this task. The specific
algorithm is shown below:
1. Examine the optimal efficiency of the two motors at the given wheel power, so as to
obtain the characteristic curve of the driving power and the optimal driving effi-
ciency in the electric power driving;
2. Examine the optimal fuel consumption rate of the engine at the given wheel power,
and thus obtain the characteristic curve of the driving power and the optimal fuel
consumption rate in the engine driving;
3. Based on the two curves above, the controlling algorithm of hybrid power system
can be obtained according to the parallel mode;
4. According to the optimal control algorithm, the operating modes and control
strategies of the two motors and the engine transmission systems can be derived
inversely. Because the optimal characteristics in step 1 and 2 are hard to be matched
accurately, the result of this step will be degraded compared to that in step 3, but it
still has sufficient fuel economy performance;
5. Take the result in step 4 as the first step in Fig. 1, and then complete the remaining
steps in sequence.
274 Q. Zhang et al.

6 Conclusion

The optimization of the control strategy of the hybrid power system is generally more
complicated, and the complexity of the multi-objective optimization will be greatly
increased if the emission controlling is taken into account, especially for the hybrid
power system with more modes. For hybrid power systems with complex series-
parallel structures, their matching, mode selection, and strategy optimization all lack an
effective theoretical framework. Trying to solve this problem, this paper proposes the
energy flow model of hybrid power system. The model is based on the most funda-
mental energy flow characteristics in automotive powertrain systems. In this model,
any complex structures of hybrid power systems can be attributed to either pure electric
mode, pure engine mode or hybrid mode for engine power changing. Based on the
division of the three models, the analysis process of the complex hybrid power system
is simplified significantly. On one hand, the optimization of the economic control
strategy can be completed efficiently; on the other hand, the emission control can be
further perfected on the basis of original economic control strategies.
Since the method proposed in this paper requires a certain degree of simplification
of the system, the theoretical optimal solution of the hybrid power system cannot be
obtained. Nevertheless, in real situations, for the operating conditions cannot be pre-
dicted, the result of any control strategies will have a obvious difference from the
theoretical optimal solution. From the perspective of engineering practice, the method
brought up in this paper has a sound application value for hybrid power systems with a
complex structural model.

Acknowledgement. National key research and development plan: hybrid powertrain assembly
development and vehicle integration (2017YFB0103203) funding of the new cost-effective
passenger vehicle.

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Construction and Heritage Studies Based
on the “Internet+” Core Value System
of Social Environment

Yu Zhang(&)

Marx Doctrine Teaching Department, Anhui Foreign Language University,

Hefei 230001, Anhui Province, China

Abstract. The realistic situation of the spread of the social core value system of
the Communist Party of China under the Internet+ environment. This paper
mainly analyzes the opportunities and challenges faced by the Communist Party
of China’s social core value system in the Internet+ era, clarifies the real
environment in which it is located, and lays the foundation for the pertinence of
the refinement path. This paper analyzes the opportunities faced by the social
core value system of the Communist Party of China in the Internet+ era, and
then analyzes the challenges faced by the social core value system of the
Communist Party of China in the Internet+ era. It clearly points out that it
mainly includes: the continuous differentiation of social groups and the
increasing diversity of values. The weakening of the role of “gatekeepers”, the
inefficiency of traditional preaching, the self-discipline of self-discipline and the
need for discrimination, and the reality of social conflicts continue to erode the
challenges of communication.

Keywords: Socialist core value system  Internet+  Construction

1 Introduction

Looking back at the course of development of the Internet in our country since 1994 to
achieve with the Internet TCP/IP connection, China formally became connected to the
Internet also two dozen countries [1–4]. The number of Internet users in China has
increased rapidly. The Internet has developed with its unique advantages and social
development and is further integrating with social development. After China’s access to
the Internet, the construction of the social core value system first originated from
universities [5–8]. As a dynamic youth group, college students have shown strong
curiosity and sensitivity to the Internet from the very beginning [9, 10]. At present,
college students and other youth groups are still the largest Internet users. The Internet
adapts to the characteristics of the younger generation represented by college students.
They not only have high enthusiasm in using the Internet, but also have a certain degree
of advancement in using the Internet [11–14]. The dissemination of information has
completely changed the inheritance of the core values of traditional society, and the
sources and channels of information have shown a diversified situation [15, 16]. It is no

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 276–283, 2019.
Construction and Heritage Studies 277

longer possible to limit the research perspective and theoretical construction to the
tinkering of the traditional social core value system model itself [17]. It is necessary to
combine the macro background of the Internet+ era, adhere to the guidance of
Marxism, draw on the theories and methods of related disciplines such as communi-
cation, and absorb the beneficial components of relevant research in these disciplines,
so as to be used by me and for my use [18–20]. Serve me. At the same time, the rapid
development of Internet+ new media technology and the deep integration with social
development have further promoted the introduction of interdisciplinary research
methods such as communication as the focus of strengthening the core values system of
the Chinese Communist Party.

2 Basic Principles for the Construction of the Socialist Core

Value System

The socialist core value system is the “neural center” and soul of contemporary Chinese
ideology, which determines the fundamental nature and development direction of
contemporary Chinese ideology. Since the Sixth Plenary Session of the 16th Central
Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the important strategic task of
“building a socialist core value system”, as an important part of the theoretical system
of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the socialist core value system has achieved
theoretical and practical comparisons. Great progress. However, since the construction
of the socialist core value system is a large and complex social system project, espe-
cially under the basic conditions of the primary stage of socialism, the construction of
the socialist core value system is still a new topic, with some basic principles that
should be followed.

2.1 People-Oriented
In essence, “the construction of the socialist core value system is to promote the
transformation of the value subject to the world through the promotion of the value
subject - the value of the people’s values, and at the same time create more by actively
transforming the value subject. The social value is assigned to the value subject.” The
masses of the people are not only the theoretical creation subject of the socialist core
value system, but also the value practice subject of the socialist core value system, and
the value enjoyment subject of the socialist core value system. Therefore, the mech-
anism of the normalization, institutionalization, and long-termization of “converting the
socialist core value system into the conscious pursuit of the people” must also be
closely constructed and operated around the social subject of the people.

2.2 Standard Operation

The construction of the socialist core value system mainly focuses on the transfor-
mation of the subjective spiritual realm of human beings, thus establishing values and
codes of conduct that meet the requirements of the socialist core value system. In this
sense, the construction of the socialist core value system is “virtual”. However,
278 Y. Zhang

“virtual merit” can also be “real”, that is, through a certain means or means, the goals,
plans and tasks of the construction of the socialist core value system are transformed
into realistic, concrete, operational implementation, management, and security. The
series of norms and systems have been implemented. The organic coupling of this
series of norms and institutions constitutes the mechanism for building a socialist core
value system. Therefore, the socialist core value system construction mechanism itself
has the requirements of standard operation.

2.3 Dynamic Opening

“China must seek to develop and get rid of poverty and backwardness. It must be open.
Opening up is not only the development of international exchanges, but also the
absorption of international experience.” As a kind of internal working mode that
reflects the objective law, the socialist core value system construction mechanism does
not have partisanship and class nature, but belongs to one of the intron mechanisms of
the social operation mechanism. It belongs to the human transformation society.
Institutional culture category. Therefore, the construction of the core value system of
different social systems and cultural contexts should not only inherit and innovate the
core value system construction mechanism, but also absorb and learn from the expe-
rience of other social systems and cultural contexts. Lessons, and in practice, test,
develop and constantly improve to form a national style, national style.

3 The Goal of the Construction of the Socialist Core Value

System in the Context of the Internet+

The mechanism for building a socialist core value system is systematic, institutional,
and scientific. However, the systemic, institutional, and scientific nature of the socialist
core value system construction mechanism is neither at your fingertips nor remote, but
is constantly manifested and displayed in the process of continuously establishing and
improving the socialist core value system construction mechanism. A process of
“gradualization.” In other words, the process of establishing a sound socialist core
value system is a process of continuous systematization, institutionalization, and

3.1 Systematic
Modern systems theory believes that the world is a collection of systems, and every-
thing in nature and human society exists in a systematic form. The sum of the various
contact methods that exist in the system constitutes the structure of the system. The
direct content of the system structure is the way the system elements are connected.
Further, any system element itself is also a system, the elements as the system con-
stitutes the subsystem of the original system, and the subsystem must be composed of
the secondary subsystem. Thus, the whole system presents a complex, organized,
functional, and orderly hierarchical relationship between the system ! subsystem
Construction and Heritage Studies 279

! sub-system ! …, to achieve an open, unbalanced substance, the exchange of

energy and information. As shown in Fig. 1.



Secondary subsystem

Fig. 1. Systematic construction diagram

3.2 Institutionalization
The so-called “institutionalization” refers to the process of transforming the system’s
activities from a special, unfixed model to a universal, fixed model. Institutionalization
is the process in which the system develops from an informal system to a formal
system, and it is also a process of standardization, ordering, and stabilization of the
system’s activities. Institutionalization brings some functions that the original system
does not have. First, the normative function, that is, institutionalization makes the
system complete, standardized and unified, and promotes its harmony and stability.
Second, the control function, that is, institutionalization helps. Internalization of system
specifications, coordination of elements, control of the system itself; third, strength-
ening functions, that is, institutionalization can closely link system elements with the
system, fully play its role, and enhance the cohesiveness of the system.

3.3 Scientific
Modern science believes that science is a knowledge system that uses the forms of
thinking, theorems, and laws to reflect the nature and laws of various phenomena in the
real world. It is a study and summary of the laws governing the nature of matter under
certain conditions. Its essence is a practical activity that makes subjective under-
standing and objective reality concretely unified. It is a bridge to the expected goal and
280 Y. Zhang

a link between reality and ideal. “Scientific” is a process of making subjective

understanding conform to objective reality and exploring and creating objective reality
in line with subjective knowledge. The scientific way of thinking and behavior reflects
the development and progress of the initiative of the subject to understand and trans-
form the object.

4 The Optimization Path of the Inheritance of Social Core

Value System Under the Background of Internet+
4.1 Play the Communication Concept of the Core Value System
of the Internet+ Era Society
The rules of the game, such as cost, benefit and competition in the Internet era, must
inevitably require the system and institutions of the CPC’s social core value system to
be disseminated and efficient, and require the social core value system to spread
politically, professionally, disciplinedly and professionally. Adapt to the new situation
in which the broad audience’s thinking is particularly active in the context of the
Internet era, and various new things and new ideas are constantly emerging. To this
end, the dissemination of the core value system of the Communist Party of China in the
Internet era must change the traditional simplification measures of “sealing”, “block-
ing” and “squatting” in the dissemination of social core value systems in the past, and
the traditional set of “simple indoctrination”. The colorful real world, the diverse
audiences and the vast audiences are constantly changing and developing the ideo-
logical situation, and earnestly adhere to the principle of different people and com-
munication, avoiding the audience’s rebellious and uncooperative attitudes, and giving
full play to the social core value system communication audience. The subjective
action can actively create an environment that mobilizes the audience’s self-adjustment,
self-sublation, and self-sublimation functions, so that the audience can truly become the
protagonist, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the CPC’s social core value system.

4.2 Highlight the Subjectivity of the Audience in the Internet+ Era Social
Core Value System
The audience, in short, is the recipient of the social core value system information. In
the process of social core value system communication, any object has its own unique
personality, even if the same person has different characteristics in different ages and
different environmental opportunities. As the social core value system spreads to accept
research and practice, people are increasingly aware that communicators and media
cannot fully determine the effect of communication. The audience itself is the decisive
factor in the effect of communication. The dissemination of the core value system of the
Communist Party of China must pay attention to the audience acceptance theory and
many factors affecting the audience acceptance, firmly adhere to the audience as the
center, earnestly grasp the different characteristics of the audience, and carry out the
social core values according to the different characteristics and needs of different
audiences. System communication activities.
Construction and Heritage Studies 281

4.3 Strengthen Cohesion and Dissemination of Advanced Internet+

Content Era of Social Core Value System
In the Internet age, the dissemination of the core value system of the Communist Party
of China and the dissemination of the core value system of the traditional society are
also distinctly political. With the acceleration and deepening of China’s reform and
opening up, the values of the broad masses of the people will inevitably show a
pluralistic trend, but the “multiple orientation” is not equal to the “diversity” without
principle, but the “diversity” under the “one dollar guidance.” @In the context of the
Internet, in the face of increasingly diverse social and cultural trends, the dissemination
of the core values system of the Communist Party of China must not only adhere to
Marxism in a clear-cut manner, but also fully recognize that Marxism is a powerful
weapon for discriminating and leading social thoughts. In the process of analyzing
social thoughts, we fully use the class analysis method, materialist dialectics and
historical materialism of Markism, and use the point of view, historical point of view
and development point of view to scientifically analyze the social trends of Chinese and
foreign countries. The phenomenon looks at the essence, reveals the law of its
occurrence and development, criticizes the wrong components, and absorbs and leads
the reasonable components.

4.4 The Internet+ Background Social Core Value System Construction

According to 400 data surveys, the recognition of the population from 80 to 00 is
getting higher and higher, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3.

Fig. 2. Social value cognition layered pie chart

282 Y. Zhang

Fig. 3. Social value cognitive hierarchical histogram

Through the use of the Internet+, more young people have a deeper understanding
of the core value system of society.

5 Conclusion

With the advent of the Internet+ era, China’s social environment is gradually leading
from the traditional one dollar, with a strong political atmosphere and relatively closed,
towards W benefits, openness and freedom. The mass media, especially the emerging
media based on the Internet, are profoundly influencing and changing people’s ways of
thinking, values, and behaviors. The communication of the core social value system of
the Communist Party of China in the Internet era is facing an unprecedented complex
environment. At the same time, the process of disseminating the core value system of
the Communist Party of China has also produced many new problems, affecting the
expected effect of communication. The dissemination of the core value system of the
Communist Party of China can only be combined with reality and adopt an effective
and effective optimization path to play a role in cohesive consensus, resolve conflicts,
and become a weathered person in this complex and ever-changing reality. With the
deep integration of the Internet and modern society, how to promote the optimization
and innovation of the social core value system in the Internet era is a systematic project
that the Communist Party of China must solve in the moment, involving many ele-
ments of the spread of the social core value system. To fully learn about communi-
cation theory, and actively explore a Subsidiary path optimization core value system of
the Communist Party of China social communication, enhance the scientific level of the
Construction and Heritage Studies 283

spread of the social core value system, to achieve the desired effect social core value
system of communication.

Acknowledgements. Ideological and Political Education of school key project, Title: Inheri-
tance and Promotion of Marriage virtues in Anhui Subject No: 2018007.

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Optimization of Electrotransfection Conditions
of BGC823 Cells

Penghui Li, Haiyan Zhang, Qingbu Mei, and Yang Wang(&)

Qiqihar Medical University, Qiqihar 161006, Heilongjiang, China


Abstract. Objectives: The GFP plasmid was transfected into BGC823 cells by
electroporation, and the transfection conditions were optimized to obtain a high
transfection rate. Methods: In the 400 lL electrotransfection system, BGC823
cells were transfected with different electric field intensity (150 V, 175 V,
200 V and 225 V), pulse time (10 ms, 30 ms, 50 ms and 70 ms), electric field
intensity and pulse time (150 V, 70 ms; 175 V, 50 ms; 200 V, 30 ms; 225 V,
10 ms), and electrotransfection buffer solution (serum-free 1640, complete
medium, Hepes buffer solution, PBS buffer solution and D-Hanks solution), and
the survival rate and transfection rate of cells under different conditions were
detected. Results: When the electric field intensity was 175 V, the pulse time
was 30 ms, and the electrotransfection buffer solution was serum-free 1640, the
better electrotransfection efficiency was achieved, with a survival rate of
(37.35 ± 1.85)% and a transfection rate of (74.79 ± 1.89)%. Conclusions: The
electrotransfection conditions of human gastric cancer BGC823 cells are opti-
mized and the efficiency of electrotransfection is improved on the premise of
guaranteeing the relatively high survival rate of cells, which lays the foundation
for subsequent studies on the expression of recombinant proteins and antibodies,
as well as gene therapy for gastric cancer cells.

Keywords: Electrotransfection  BGC823 cells  GFP plasmid 

Transfection conditions

1 Introduction

The transfection of tumor cells with high efficiency plasmids is of great significance in
the study of cell biology, molecular biology and cancer prevention and control. The
usual methods of plasmid transfection are calcium phosphate/DNA coprecipitation,
DEAE-2 dextran, protoplast fusion, liposome and so on. The main advantages of these
methods are that they do not need special instruments and are easy to use, however,
there are also shortcomings of low transfection rate [1, 2]. Electroporation appeared in
the mid 1980s. It is a physical method to change the state and permeability of the cell
membrane by using pulsed electric field to make foreign genes enter into cells.
Compared with other transfection methods, it has high transfection efficiency in the
transfer of the in-vitro genes of mammals, and is simple, repeatable, safe, and widely
applied [3, 4].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 284–292, 2019.
Optimization of Electrotransfection Conditions of BGC823 Cells 285

Gastric cancer, as one of the most common malignant tumors in the digestive
system, is one of the malignant tumors with the highest incidence and mortality rates in
the world, and the mortality rate ranks second in the world’s cancer mortality rate [5].
In this paper, the GFP plasmid expressing the green fluorescent protein is transfected
into human gastric cancer BGC823 cells by electroporation, and the transfection
conditions are optimized, so as to provide the basis for the study of the expression of
the next recombinant protein and antibody, as well as the tumor cell gene therapy of
gastric cancer.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Materials
The ECM830 type electroporation apparatus was purchased from the American BTX
Company, GFP plasmid and BGC823 cells were provided by Beijing Dingguo
Biotechnology Co., LTD, BX51 type fluorescence microscope was purchased from
OLYMPUS Company, fetal calf serum was purchased from Shanghai Bioengineering,
and the RPMI1640 culture medium powder was purchased from Gibco Company.
Complete medium: fetal calf serum (10%), and RPMI1640 culture solution (90%).

2.2 BGC823 Cell Resuscitation and Culture

The cryopreservation tube was removed from the liquid nitrogen tank and put into
water bath at 40 °C for 1–2 min to completely dissolve it. It was washed with 7–10 mL
RPMI1640 culture medium and centrifuged (1000 rpm, 8 min), and the supernatant
was discarded. Then, the culture medium was added to make the cells suspended again,
and the cells were inoculated into 75 ml cell culture flask, and cultured with saturated
humidity at 37 °C and 5% CO2.

2.3 Electrotransfection of BGC823 Cells by GFP Plasmid

The cells in the middle and late stages of logarithmic growth were taken out, and the
culture medium was discarded. After washing with D-Hanks solution for two times,
several drops of 0.25% pancreatin with pH 8.0 were added. After the cell digestion and
removal of the wall, 2 ml culture medium was added to stop the digestion, and the
straw was used to blow the cells to make them uniform. Then, the centrifugation
(1000 rpm, 8 min) was carried out, and the supernatant was discarded. The serum-free
RPMI1640 culture solution was used to wash the cells and make the cells suspended
until 5  106/mL. 400 lL cell suspension and 30 lg GFP plasmid were placed in
0.4 cm electrotransfection cup, and the transfection was carried out under different
electroporation conditions. It was divided into the following groups: Different electric
field strength group (150 V, 175 V, 200 V and 225 V), constant pulse time (30 ms);
different pulse time group (10 ms, 30 ms, 50 ms and 70 ms), constant electric field
strength (175 V); bi-directional regulation group of electric field strength and pulse
time (150 V, 70 ms; 175 V, 50 ms; 200 V, 30 ms; 225 V, 10 ms); Different
286 P. Li et al.

electrotransfection buffer solution group (serum-free 1640, complete medium, Hepes

buffer solution, PBS buffer solution and D-Hanks solution). After the electroporation,
the electrotransfection cup was put in ice bath for 10 min, and then the cell suspension
was transferred to 75 ml cell culture bottle, and then cultured normally. The above
experimental groups were repeated three times, and the survival rate and transfection
rate were detected respectively.

2.4 Determination of Survival Rate and Transfection Rate

After electroporation, the cells were cultured for 8 h–10 h. Digestion and centrifuga-
tion were made to collect cells. Trypan blue staining method was used to count the
number of living cells.

Survival rate ¼ ðNumber of surviving cells=initial cellsÞ  100%

After electroporation, the cells were cultured for 48 h. Digestion and centrifugation
were made to collect cells. The cell suspension was dripped to the slide. After adding
cover slip, it was observed under a fluorescent microscope. A field of vision was fixed
under visible light, counting the total number of cells, then the visible light was
changed into fluorescence, counting the number of cells emitting green fluorescence.
The ratio of the number green fluorescent cells to the total number of cells was recorded
as transfection rate.

Transfection rate ¼ ðThe number of green fluorescent cells=the total number of cellsÞ

2.5 Data Analysis

The mean value and standard deviation of survival rate and transfection rate of each
group were calculated with SPSS16.0 statistical software, and the one-way ANOVA
and LSD multi-comparison were carried out for the related data.

3 Results

3.1 Effects of Different Electric Field Intensity on Survival Rate

and Transfection Rate
The electrotransfection buffer solution was serum-free 1640, and the pulse time was
30 ms. The results show that the influence of electric field intensity on survival rate and
transfection rate is large. When the pulse time is constant, the survival rate decreases
with the increase of voltage, and there is a significant difference between the groups
(P < 0.01). At the same time, with the increase of voltage, the transfection rate shows a
tendency to increase first and then decrease, and reaches the highest in 210 V, and is
significantly different from other groups (P < 0.01). In addition, 150 V group and
225 V group have lower transfection rate, as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1.
Optimization of Electrotransfection Conditions of BGC823 Cells 287

Table 1. Effect of different electric field intensity on survival rate and transfection rate
Electric field intensity (v) Survival rate (%) Transfection rate (%)
150 60.22 ± 1.56 14.03 ± 1.24
175 52.55 ± 2.63 38.04 ± 1.65
200 34.10 ± 1.58 75.98 ± 1.86
225 13.73 ± 1.42 24.88 ± 1.77

Fig. 1. The change trend of survival rate and transfection rate under different electric field

3.2 Effects of Different Pulse Time on Survival Rate and Transfection

The electrotransfection buffer solution was serum-free 1640, and the electric field
intensity was 175 V. The results show that, similar to the electric field intensity, the
survival rate decreases with the increase of pulse time, and there is a significant
difference between the groups (P < 0.01). At the same time, the transfection rate also
shows a tendency to increase first and then decrease, reaching the highest in 50 ms, and
the difference is very significant compared with the other groups (P < 0.01), and the
group transfection rate is the lowest in 10 ms (P < 0.01), as shown in Table 2 and
Fig. 2.

Table 2. Effects of different pulse time on survival rate and transfection rate
Pulse time (ms) Survival rate (%) Transfection rate (%)
10 64.08 ± 1.40 12.05 ± 1.87
30 52.55 ± 2.63 38.04 ± 1.65
50 37.35 ± 1.85 74.79 ± 1.89
70 14.44 ± 1.56 27.85 ± 1.29
288 P. Li et al.

Fig. 2. The change trend of survival rate and transfection rate under different pulse time.

3.3 Effects of Bidirectional Regulation of Electric Field Intensity

and Pulse Time on Survival Rate and Transfection Rate
The electrotransfection buffer solution was serum-free 1640. The results show that the
survival rate of 170 V/50 ms and 200 V/30 ms two groups is significantly lower than
that of 150 V/70 ms group (P < 0.01), but higher than that of 225 V/10 ms group
(P < 0.01), and the difference between the two groups is significant in the 0.05 level. In
the transfection rate, the transfection rate of 175 V/50 ms and 200 V/30 ms two groups
is higher (P < 0.01), and the difference between the two groups is not significant
(P > 0.05), and the transfection rate of 225 V/10 ms group is the lowest (P < 0.01), as
shown in Table 3 and Fig. 3.

Table 3. Effects of bidirectional regulation of electric field intensity and pulse time on survival
rate and transfection rate.
Electric field intensity/pulse time Survival rate (%) Transfection rate (%)
150 V/70 ms 46.55 ± 1.67 40.64 ± 1.29
175 V/50 ms 37.35 ± 1.85 74.79 ± 1.89
200 V/30 ms 34.10 ± 1.58 75.98 ± 1.86
225 V/10 ms 15.61 ± 0.95 26.24 ± 1.77
Optimization of Electrotransfection Conditions of BGC823 Cells 289

Fig. 3. The survival rate and transfection rate under bidirectional regulation of electric field
intensity and pulse time

3.4 Effects of Different Electrotransfection Buffer Solution on Survival

Rate and Transfection Rate
The intensity of the electric field was 175 V, and the pulse time was 50 ms. The results
show that after the electroporation in different electroporation buffer solution, there is
no significant difference in survival rate between groups (P > 0.05). The transfection
rate of “serum free 1640” group is higher than that of “complete medium” group and
“D-Hanks solution” group (P < 0.05). The difference of transfection rate between the
other groups is not significant (P > 0.05), as shown in Table 4 and Fig. 4.

Table 4. Effect of different electrotransfection buffer solution on survival rate and transfection
Electrotransfection buffer solution Survival rate (%) Transfection rate (%)
Serum-free 1640 37.35 ± 1.85 74.79 ± 1.89
Complete medium 35.84 ± 1.66 72.35 ± 1.78
Hepes buffer solution 35.25 ± 2.17 70.56 ± 2.36
PBS buffer solution 38.46 ± 2.24 71.39 ± 1.58
D-Hanks solution 36.89 ± 1.50 72.74 ± 2.52
290 P. Li et al.

Fig. 4. Survival rate and transfection rate under different electrotransfection buffer solutions.

4 Discussions

In the process of transferring exogenous genes into cells by electroporation, the applied
electric field causes the temporary structural change of the plasma membrane, forming
a recoverable pore, and then the exogenous gene can enter the cell. It is theoretically
believed that the formation of transmembrane pore is induced by high strength trans-
membrane potential produced by the aggregation of ionic components on both sides of
the plasma membrane under the induction of the applied electric field. At the same
time, the fluidity of plasma membrane increases and lipid peroxides are formed. The
strength threshold value of the applied electric field is the direct cause of the strong
enough transmembrane potential and the formation of the plasmalemma pore [6].
The adaptation of different cells to electric field intensity and electric pulse duration
is different. For a cell, if the electric field intensity is too small, it does not cause
changes in the cell membrane, and the exogenous gene will be not easy to enter the cell,
and if the electric field is too strong, it causes irreversible damage to the cells, and the
cells will die in large numbers [7, 8]. It is generally believed that when the cell survival
rate is controlled at 30%–40%, the transfection rate is the best [9]. It can be observed
from the results of this experiment that the increasing intensity of electric field is
beneficial to the perforation of cells, so as to increase the transfection rate. However,
we notice that the transfection rate of 225 V group decreases significantly when the
pulse time is 30 ms, which is due to the excessive electric field intensity resulting in
cell damage during the cell perforation that causes a large number of cells to die,
leading to a decline in transfection rate. Besides the electric field intensity, the survival
rate and transfection rate are also affected by the pulse time. The effect of pulse time on
the electrotransfection effect is similar to the electric field, because they are all factors
affecting cell perforation. With the prolongation of the pulse time, the perforation of the
cells is increasing, which makes the plasmid easier to enter the cell and also causes
more cells to produce irreversible damage and die. Therefore, the electrotransfection
conditions can be optimized through bi-directional regulation of electric field intensity
Optimization of Electrotransfection Conditions of BGC823 Cells 291

and pulse time. In this experiment, we observed that 175 V/50 ms and 200 V/30 ms
two groups were able to achieve better electrotransfection effect, which was the result
of controlling the degree of electroporation through the bidirectional regulation of
electric field intensity and pulse time.
In addition, the effect of different electrotransfection buffer solution on the elec-
trotransfection effect was also studied. It is generally believed that the osmotic pressure
and ionic composition of the electrotransfection buffer solution can influence the effect
of electrotransfection [10]. Five kinds of electrotransfection buffer solution were used
in this experiment. The results showed that they had no significant effect on the survival
rate of cells, however, on the 0.05 level, the transfection rate of “serum free 1640”
group was higher than that of the “complete medium” group and the “D-Hanks
solution” group. Therefore, it is suggested that the serum free 1640 was more suitable
to be used as the electrotransfection buffer solution.
In conclusion, the use of electroporation method for gene transfer has the advan-
tages unparalleled by other methods. Its advantages, such as the simple operation,
speediness, high efficiency, good reproducibility and so on, provide convenience for
gene transfection and other research work. By optimizing the transfection conditions, a
high transfection rate can be achieved. In this experiment, the conditions of electro-
transfection of BGC823 cells were optimized. It is found that when the electric field
intensity is 175 V, the pulse time is 30 ms, and the transfection buffer solution is
serum-free 1640, a good electrotransfection effect can be achieved.

Acknowledgement. Fund project: Scientific Research Project of Education Department of

Heilongjiang Province (Project number 12531797).

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Research on Library Personalized
Recommendation Method Based on Interest
Ontology Modeling

Jie Dong(&), Gui Li, Xueyang Sun, and Fengying Wang

Shenyang Jianzhu University, No. 9, Hunnan East Road, Hunnan District,

Shenyang, Liaoning, People’s Republic of China

Abstract. In view of the low stability of user model and unsatisfactory rec-
ommendation, which results in the personalized service of library information
system at present, the user interest model based on library application domain
ontology is established. A dynamic personalized recommendation algorithm
based on time attenuation and user-group is proposed. First, the time attenuation
function is determined to calculate the time decay law of the user’s interest
points, then the influence of different access frequency of interest points on the
interest degree is considered, and then the clustering dimensionality reduction
decomposition technique is used. The concept of preference variance is intro-
duced to calculate the nearest neighbor of users, and then the ranking of rec-
ommended resources is determined. The experimental results show that the
algorithm has better comprehensive performance, the recall rate and recall rate
of recommended resources are both higher, the universality and effect of the
algorithm are better, and the quality of recommendation is improved.

Keywords: Ontology  User interest model  Personality  Recommendation 


1 Introduction

With the arrival of the information age, the functions of the library are gradually
transformed into the “user-centered” service mode. How to provide personalized and
deep-level bibliographic recommendation service for teachers and students has become
a great challenge to the university library which mainly provides knowledge and
information services. Personalized recommendation is a kind of technology that helps
users find the information they are interested in efficiently under the circumstance of
information overload [1]. It provides different service strategies to different users and
realizes the goal of “information seeking and on-demand service” [2].
Personalized recommendation service is the basis and core of personalized service.
The quality of user model is directly related to the quality of personalized service.
However, the current research library user model is still relatively simple. The user
model can only reflect the user’s historical access behavior interest characteristics, but
it could not reflect the interest development characteristics of the domain user group,
which greatly affects the resource recommendation efficiency and effect of the
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 293–300, 2019.
294 J. Dong et al.

recommendation system [3–5]. The traditional user model gradually transitions to

ignore the concepts involved in the domain, the meaning of the concepts, and the
relationship between concepts. The user model based on the domain gives clear
background knowledge to simple terminology, which can improve the semantic
information of traditional user models. Defects improve the quality of the user model
In this paper, based on the user interest model of related domain ontology, aiming
at the shortage of data sparsity in the traditional collaborative filtering algorithm, a
method of reducing dimension decomposition by matrix clustering is proposed, and the
concept of preference variance is introduced to calculate user nearest neighbor. It
overcomes the disadvantages of the traditional collaborative filtering algorithm and
uses the time preference attenuation function to change the original scoring method.
A dynamic personalized recommendation algorithm based on ontology similarity and
time attenuation is proposed to mine the domain user interest ontology cluster. The
accuracy and breadth of the recommendation system are improved, and the validity of
the model is verified by an example.

2 Ontology User Interest Model

The ontology-based user model construction framework consists of three parts: the
personalized user interest ontology, namely the user model acquisition, update and user
group construction.

2.1 Personalized User Interest Ontology Acquisition

The acquisition of personalized user interest ontology includes obtaining the user’s
personal information, constructing the domain ontology, etc., and implementing the
library personalized service process is to establish a user model through the collection
and analysis of user information, borrowing records and access history, and apply the
model. Filtering online information, so obtaining user information and building a user
interest model is the key to personalized service [9].
Library user information refers to the user’s personal information and all user-
related information generated by the user when using digital library resources and
accepting library services. There are three main types of data that reflect user interest
preferences, as shown in Table 1:

Table 1. Reader preference data classification table

Classification Description Content
User basic The reader’s personal Name, student ID, college, professional,
information identity information etc.
User behavior Network behavior record Visit the website, click the record, etc.
User consulting Information recorded Reference, document transmission, paper
service information during advisory services publication, retrieval record, etc.
Research on Library Personalized Recommendation Method 295

2.2 Updating of User Models

The interest of the user changes over time. Statistically, the closer the user visits the
point of interest, the greater the weight of the point of interest, in other words, the more
the interest point should remain in the header of the user interest point set, the more the
content recommended by the interest point should be placed in the header of the
content list. The user interest model can accurately reflect the user’s interest only by
adjusting it in time. The update of the model is to construct the reference ontology
according to the behavior of browsing or retrieving information. And merge it into
personalized user interest ontology to realize the update of user model.
The time decay function of the point of interest used in the experiment is set as

fi ðt; ti Þ ¼ A þ elðt;ti Þ i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N; A [ 1; 0 \ l \ 1 ð1Þ

A and l are the parameters of the time decay function, which A is an integer, l is
the decimal, t is the current time calculated, ti is the historical time of the point of
interest I (the last update time) and N is the total number of interest points in the current
interest point set. When updating the set of points of interest, we should consider not
only the time factor, but also the access frequency of each point of interest, so the
update weight of the point of interest is as follows:

xðt; ti ; ni Þ ¼ e N  f i ðt; ti Þ Ni [ 0 ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N ð2Þ

f i ðt; ti Þ

ni is the history-access-frequency of the interest point i.

2.3 The Construction of User Group

User groups refer to the aggregation of users with similar interests and hobbies. The
establishment of user groups is helpful to the management of user models and the
discovery of user interests.

3 Research on Personalized Recommendation Method Based

on Ontology Modeling
3.1 The Basic Process of Improving the Algorithm
At present, collaborative filtering technology has been successfully applied to various
recommendation systems, the library personalized recommendation model based on
ontology mainly introduces ontology technology based on the basic idea of collabo-
rative filtering personalized recommendation [10]. On this basis, we introduce clus-
tering technology and time attenuation function, the basic process is as follows:
Firstly, the initial ontology of the digital library is constructed by using CLC
(Chinese Library Classification) and the classified subject word list, which make
preparation for the construction of domain ontology. The domain ontology is divided
296 J. Dong et al.

according to the degree of domain dependence, and the domain ontology is stored by
OWL DL ontology description language. Protégé 4.3 is selected as the building tool.
Secondly, after constructing domain ontology, the concept of ontology is used as
user interest to describe the user model and establish user interest model.
Thirdly, in the personalized recommendation model of digital library based on
ontology, the concept of user interest is acquired by domain ontology mapping, and
according to the concept of interest, Considering the influence of time on user pref-
erence, the time decay function is introduced to construct the evaluation matrix of user
With the constant expansion of resource types and the increasing number of users.
The data matrix used to judge is becoming more and more sparse, which seriously
affects the quality of recommendation. That is, there are no overrated items between
two users. The similarity between the two users could not be obtained, thus creating
sparsity, when forming the nearest neighbor set of the target user. Information is often
lost, in the end it reduces the recommended effect. Matrix clustering and dimensionality
reduction decomposition technology, and the concept of preference variance is intro-
duced to calculate the nearest neighbor of the user, and the most closely related interest
items are obtained. Finally, the concept set of user interest is formed, and finally, the
database of digital library is queried. Get a user personalized recommendation list and
recommend it to a particular user.
Finally, in order to fully understand the dynamic change of user interest and
improve the accuracy of model recommendation, this paper uses time-varying update
mode to revise and update user interest ontology, and adjusts the weight of user interest
item according to user interest change. Causes the user preference to present the natural

3.2 Representation of Ontology Interest Mode

The user interest model uses a tree structure and is formally defined as a binary group
N = {U, I}, where U is a set of user attributes, including the user’s basic information
and relevant knowledge background: I, which represents user interest data. The feature
term ti in Ontology-Based Space Vector representation ti is a concept extracted from
domain ontology to represent the corresponding weight, and the larger the weight is,
the more interested the user is. For n interests of the user, the user model can be
expressed as the following.

I ¼ fðt1 ; w1 Þ; ðt2 ; w2 Þ; . . .ðtn ; wn Þg ð3Þ

The feature term ti is a concept unit in the domain ontology library, so it has the
attributes of ontology and can represent semantic relations.

3.3 Matrix Clustering Decomposition Technique

For most users, especially research users, their research interests tend to be concen-
trated in one or more fields, and they have more evaluation of the information resources
in the research field. There is little or no evaluation of information resources outside the
Research on Library Personalized Recommendation Method 297

field of research. That is to say, at a certain time, the interest of the user is relatively
stable. The user’s rating data is focused on the area of interest to the user. Therefore, if
users interested in the same class of resources are grouped into a class, the sparsity of
matrices in this class will be greatly reduced. Therefore, reader classification is the
basis of topic mining. Clustering refers to grouping a set of data, each group is a cluster.
The data in each cluster are similar to each other to the greatest extent, and the data in
different clusters are different to the maximum extent. K-means clustering is a widely
used algorithm for data clustering mining, which is very suitable for reader segmen-
tation. By using this technique, readers can be classified quickly and effectively
according to interest group, loan quantity, book type and so on, which can provide
effective and directional data and suggestions for library work and service [11].
K-means clustering divides the data set into K clusters, which are computed con-
tinuously until the function converges. The algorithm is described as follows:
Step 1: The centers of K initial cluster centers are randomly selected to be calculated by
the following formula

mi ¼ p 2 ci
p ð4Þ

And the convergence coefficient is given.

Step 2: use the following formula to calculate the distance from each data xi to each
cluster ci and assign each data to the nearest cluster.
  Xd  2
d xi ; m j ¼ i¼1
x il  m jl ð5Þ

Step 3: Re-use formula (5) to calculate K cluster centers.

Step 4: use formula (6) to calculate the value of the criterion function, if the f ðPk Þ
convergence coefficient is  T, the clustering ends; otherwise return step 2, repeat
each step until the function f ðPk Þ converges
Xk X
f ðPk Þ ¼ i¼1 p¼ci
jp  mi j2 ð6Þ

3.4 User Group Creation Process

A user group is a collection of users with similar interests. The establishment of user
group is helpful to the management of user model and the discovery of user interest. It
is based on the construction of personalized interest ontology through the calculation of
similarity. The basic process of the flow chart is as follows:
Step1: based on existing clusters as the initial user group,
Step 2: take out the user interest model ontology,
Step 3: calculate the similarity between the user and each user in the user group, judge
the relationship with the criterion function in the original cluster, if less than return step
4, if greater than step 5,
298 J. Dong et al.

Step 4: create a new user group, Join the user to the cluster, step 6,
Step 5: put the user to the user group with the largest similarity: go to step 2 until the
update determines all user groups.
Step 6: go to step 2 until the update determines all user groups.
The similarity between two users is calculated by using cosine similarity, and the
influence of time on user preference is fully taken into account. Therefore, the method
of calculating user similarity is adopted based on the cosine similarity based on time
attenuation function. The improved formula is as follows:
Pm  0 0

k¼1 R B;k  RA;k
simðA; BÞ ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pm 0
2 P  1 2
k¼1 RA;k  m k¼1 RB;k

For any user Rk , the weight of formula 2 is calculated using the following formula:
Rk ¼ xðt; tk ; nk Þ  Rk ð8Þ

3.5 Produce Recommendations

After the nearest neighbor is found by the preference variance, the next step is to
produce the corresponding recommendation. The prediction of user interest can be
calculated by formula.
Pn  0 
m¼1 R m;i  R m  simðu; mÞ 0
Pu;i ¼ Pn þ Ru ð9Þ
m¼1 sim ð u; mÞ

0 0
Ru is the average score of resource for user u, Rm;i is the score for item i for user m,
Rm is the average score for resource for user m, simðu; mÞ is the similarity between user
u and m, and Pu;i is the prediction score for item i for user u. The above method is used
to predict the user’s score of all ungraded items, and then the first few items with the
highest predictive score are selected to be submitted to the user as the recommended

4 Experimental Results and Analysis

This paper uses some users’ loan records provided by Shenyang Construction
University Library as verification data, and verifies the relevant theories and algorithms
of personalized recommendation of digital library provided in this paper. The verifi-
cation data include all users of Shenyang Construction University library from January
2010 to December 2017. Records include management record number, year of pub-
lication, author, title, publishing house, book bar code, branch library, data type, single
Research on Library Personalized Recommendation Method 299

book status, request number, single volume description, user, lending and renewal time,
user status, User status of the code interpretation table and so on. The book number in
the borrowed record contains the class number, which is determined according to the
Chinese Library Classification method and can accurately reflect the main content of
the book material. In this paper, the class number (including the category associated
with the class number) is regarded as one of the main bases for personalized recom-
mendation. The title of the book is also an important basis for reflecting the content of
the book. In this paper, the title of the book is taken as a supplement to the class
number (category) in order to describe the preference characteristics of the user more
In order to analyze the index of the recommendation model and compare the
advantages of the ontology recommendation method over the traditional recommen-
dation algorithm, the corresponding data preparation was carried out, and the model
was tested with a data volume of 1 000 * 10 000100 000. And from the accuracy,
recall rate, execution time and other indicators to calculate. As shown in Table 2
although the efficiency of the proposed method is slightly lower than that of the
traditional recommendation algorithm the recall rate and the accuracy of the proposed
method are better than those of the traditional method.

Table 2. Comparison of accuracy, recall and execution efficiency

Number of Method Accuracy Recall rate Execution time
tests (%) (%) (s)
1000 Collaborative 86.2 85.5 0.004
1000 Based on ontology 91.3 89.3 0.011
1000 Algorithm in this 92.9 91.0 0.019
10000 Collaborative 86.7 84.6 0.044
10000 Based on ontology 90.2 91.2 0.080
10000 Algorithm in this 93.1 92.8 0.138
100000 Collaborative 88.4 88.6 0.600
100000 Based on ontology 92.4 91.5 0.656
100000 Algorithm in this 94.0 93.1 1.218

5 Conclusion

In this paper, the ontology representation method of knowledge is introduced into the
traditional recommendation algorithm, and on this basis, the traditional collaborative
filtering algorithm is improved, and the concepts of matrix clustering decomposition,
preference time decay and preference variance are introduced. It solves the problems of
300 J. Dong et al.

low structure and lack of semantics in traditional recommendation algorithms. It makes

the model processing more comprehensive, improves the recommendation accuracy in
personalized service, achieves higher accuracy and recall rate, and improves user

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Innovation and Development of College
Students’ Ideological and Political Education
Under the Background of Computer

Wang Xu1(&) and Chen Jingyi2

Student Word Department, Jilin Engineering Normal University,
Changchun 130052, China
Party Committee Organization Department,
Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun 130052, China

Abstract. With the rapid development of computers, the Internet has been used
and the form of culture has changed. The Internet has become a new carrier of
culture, and the Internet itself has become a part of culture. Internet culture came
into being and became a new form of culture. College students are the mainstay
of Internet culture. While using the Internet culture to create an Internet culture,
they are also spreading the Internet culture. In this process, the values of the
world outlook on life of college students are also influenced by the Internet
culture all the time. The emergence of Internet culture has provided new
research topics for ideological and political education, and also raised new
challenges. At the same time, as a cultural environment, Internet culture has also
proposed a new field of theoretical research on the ideological and political
education environment. This paper is based on the new situation and new
problems faced by the innovative ideological and political education in the new
situation. It analyzes the connotation characteristics and interactions of ideo-
logical and political education in colleges and universities, echoing the current
social development and employment-oriented innovation. The new requirements
of entrepreneurship education and ideological and political education explore
the relationship between employment-based innovation and entrepreneurship
education and ideological and political education.

Keywords: Innovation  Computer background  Internet culture 

College students  Ideological and political education

1 Introduction

With the continuous development of computers and the use of the Internet, ideological
and political education innovation is bound to be obtained, education innovation
conforms to the development of the times. [1–5] Innovation is the soul of a nation’s

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 301–308, 2019.
302 W. Xu and C. Jingyi

progress and an inexhaustible motive force for the prosperity of a country. [6–10]
Although the innovation and entrepreneurship education of college students in China
started late, its development is more and more rapid, especially at present, it is highly
valued by the Party and the state, education departments and colleges and universities.
[11–15] Improving the ability of independent innovation, building an innovative
country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation are the core of the current and
future national development strategy. College students are one of the groups with the
most innovative spirit and entrepreneurship potential. They are the new force in
building an innovative country and an innovative society. Strengthening the innovation
and entrepreneurship education of college students has been generally recognized by
the world’s higher education. It is an important measure for colleges and universities to
serve the construction of an innovative country. It is also an important way to deepen
the reform of higher education and cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial talents
meeting the needs of society. Based on the employment demand of college students as
the guidance, this paper tries to solve the problems encountered by college students in
the process of employment and entrepreneurship under the new situation, and puts the
employment work of college students into a new field of education which effectively
carries out innovation and Entrepreneurship Education under the new carrier. At pre-
sent, there are many researches on innovation and entrepreneurship education, but the
perfect theoretical system of innovation and entrepreneurship education has not yet
been established. [16–20] This paper focuses on the important role of innovation and
entrepreneurship education, existing problems, methods and ways of diversification
and environmental construction.

2 The Characteristics of Internet Culture Under

the Background of Computer Development

Internet culture is a derivative product that comes with the development of the Internet.
Modern ideological and political education cannot avoid the Internet environment, and
it cannot avoid the impact of the new Internet culture. The influence of the Internet
cultural environment on the ideological and political education of college students is
multifaceted, with both opportunities and challenges. It can be seen from Fig. 1 that the
usage of the network is getting higher and higher.
As a new cultural form, Internet culture inherits the attributes of the original culture
and combines with the Internet in the original culture, thus extending many new
cultural expressions. These new cultural expressions are different from the original
culture. characteristics, summed up in the following aspects.
Innovation and Development of College Students’ Ideological and Political Education 303

Fig. 1. Network usage

2.1 Virtual Reality

Internet culture is the digital extension of traditional cultural forms, also can be said to
be the symbolic expression of traditional formal culture. In the Internet, all the elements
of the Internet cultural system and all the activities of the Internet cultural system have
their technical roots. It is precisely based on the high-tech network technology that all
kinds of Internet cultural activities are produced. Internet cultural and technological
rules and technological logic as the basic content, while its formation process is also in
accordance with the principles of network logic, that is, the logic of network language
expression, network behavior interaction logic, network information dissemination
logic as the principle. The coexistence of fictitiousness and realism is the basic feature
of the network society. The establishment of the Internet culture relying on the real
culture is the digital expression of the real culture. It has both the background of the
real culture and the main body of the real culture. It reflects both the real culture and the
virtual part.

2.2 Multi-subjectivity
The transformation of the right to speak on the Internet will inevitably lead to the
development of multi-polarization of the subject of education. Compared with the
traditional ideological and political education, the ideological and political education in
the Internet cultural environment has more diverse subjects and multi-polar subjec-
tivity. In addition to the traditional educators and educators, the main body of education
in the Internet culture environment increases the network environment. Multi-
subjectivity makes the network open, and the openness makes people broaden their
horizons, no longer subject to geographical limitations, allowing people to quickly
304 W. Xu and C. Jingyi

understand the information around the world and change people’s traditional ideas. The
openness of Internet culture has expanded the horizons of college students, and it has
also made college students vulnerable to external ideas. The openness of the Internet
has brought about the diversity of the Internet culture. The main manifestation is that
the network enhances the right to speak of the educated, and the network information is
diverse, and the degeneration and essence coexist.

2.3 Civilian Sex

The network-based human-computer communication method makes educators no
longer authoritative, educators have the same right to speak with education, educators
are no longer high, and the transformation of educational subjects makes the authority
of educators decline. This will be enhanced so that the status of the educated, the
educated no longer afraid of the authority of educators, can fully express their ideas,
which not only improves the dominant position of the educated, but also enhance the
effect of education. The authority to create a wide range of Internet culture of the body,
all walks of life all OK to participate.

3 The Impact of Internet Culture Environment on College

Students’ Ideological and Political Education Under
the Background of Computer Development
3.1 Healthy Cultural Content to Enrich the Content of Ideological
and Political Education
Ideological and political education is mainly to promote the social theme, involving the
content of moral quality of education, the contagion of education content is directly
related to the subjective acceptance of the educated, as well as the initiative to acquire
knowledge. In 2017, “the average Chinese netizen spends 38.5 h a week surfing the
Internet. As can be seen from the Fig. 2, Chinese netizens have a longer time surfing
the Internet, and the number of websites they provide to netizens is larger. The richness
of Internet culture has also increased the enthusiasm of students surfing the Internet,
enriched their cultural life and enriched their ideological and political education.
The main ways of ideological and political education in colleges and universities
are concentrated in the ancestral halls. The effect of classroom education directly affects
the ideological and moral level of college students. Classroom quality is the key to
improving the ideological and moral level of college students. Internet culture provides
a rich platform for educators. Educators can use different forms of Internet culture to
enrich classroom teaching and increase the attractiveness of teaching.
Innovation and Development of College Students’ Ideological and Political Education 305

Fig. 2. Residents weekly online time

3.2 Vivid and Vivid Discourse Expressions Inspire the Transformation

of Discourses in Ideological and Political Education
The change of discourse system also promotes the right to speak of college students.
The emergence of network language has changed the discourse system of College
students. Some new network languages are slowly affecting college students’ lives.
Network language has the characteristics of singularity, specialization, variety, stan-
dardization and life. The main body of network language application is mainly college
students and other youth groups. The application of network language also makes it
easier for college students to express their emotions on the network. If educators are not
familiar with these network languages, they will not be able to communicate with
students, which also invisibly improves the right to speak of College students. The
emergence of equal dialogue is the return of educators. The dominant position of
educator and educator can be reflected equally in Internet culture. Through the equal
exchange of Internet culture, it is possible for the educated to nurture the educator. In
an equal cultural environment, the communication between educators and educatees is
no longer a single flow, but an interactive one. It not only increases the right of
discourse of educatees, but also increases the initiative of learning. In this process,
educators are aware of their own shortcomings and constantly improve themselves.

3.3 The Internet Cultural Platform to Expand the Carrier of Ideological

and Political Education
Culture is an important carrier of ideological and political education, it has a strong
permeability, as well as the characteristics of the image of the intuitive nature to culture
as the carrier of ideological and political education more easily accepted by the public.
306 W. Xu and C. Jingyi

In the Internet age, the expression of Internet culture has been continuously enriched,
and the carrier of ideological and political education has been constantly innovated. At
present ideological and political education under the new carrier model of Internet
cultural environment are: to microblogging, micro letter to the representative of the
cultural carrier, network video carrier of culture, culture of Internet community support
W and gaming culture carrier. These carriers are a form of carrier that is constantly
improving as the Internet culture continues to evolve and change, and is active in the
content of ideological and political teaching.

4 Innovative Strategies for Innovating College Students’

Ideological and Political Education Under the Background
of Computer Development

4.1 Expanding the Ideological and Political Education Students

Today, classroom education is still the main means of college students’ ideological and
political education. The content of classroom education directly affects the effect of
ideological and political education. The Internet cultural environment puts higher
demands on the content of education, and the content of education needs to change
with the changes of the cultural environment. In the Internet cultural environment, the
concept of rule of law, health must be different, and cultural view are different from the
traditional cultural environment. Therefore, in the ideological and political education of
college students, it is necessary to increase the content of education according to the
different cultural backgrounds embodied in the Internet cultural environment.

4.2 Guided by the Concept of Changing Ideas and Renewal

Model construction, the concept is first. Whether the educational concept is scientific or
not is the key to the success of the “two-way construction” of ideological and political
education and innovation and entrepreneurship education. On the basis of accurately
grasping the concept and connotation of higher education, we should systematically
study the concept of two-way construction, and form an educational concept that
satisfies the needs of social development in line with the law of education and keeps
pace with the times. The idea is a relatively stable and continuous thought, the result of
rational understanding, the value orientation of “education should be”, the conscious
reflection of reality, the broad extension, the guiding value for educational activities,
and the indication for educational development. direction. Transforming ideas and
establishing an educational system of two-way construction of ideological and political
education and innovation and entrepreneurship education is the concept of promoting a
new perspective for the development of both. In the two-way construction system,
accelerating the resource integration of ideological and political education and inno-
vation and entrepreneurship education, leading the cultivation of students’ ideals and
beliefs, the improvement of ideological and moral qualities, the awareness of social
responsibility and the enhancement of the sense of innovation cooperation are well
Innovation and Development of College Students’ Ideological and Political Education 307

4.3 Strengthen Incentives-Oriented

Incentive orientation is an important way to implement efficient management. The two-
way construction of ideological and political education and innovation and
entrepreneurship education is integrated into the whole process of education and
teaching. It is constantly developing in the process of higher education reform, and it
has proposed new and more to the relevant education administrators and teachers of
colleges and universities. High demands protect and mobilize the enthusiasm of them
and the educated to make full use of the two-way construction process. Effective
incentives are the catalyst for the formation of centripetal force between teachers and
students. Incentive orientation is not only an important indicator of teacher-student
labor, but also an important driving force for teachers and students to actively and
actively participate in innovation and entrepreneurship education. Comprehensive
incentives can promote the educational effect of promoting two-way construction. This
kind of promotion is reflected in the repeated strengthening and strengthening of
teachers’ and students’ behaviors that meet expectations. Under such an incentive
mechanism, teachers and students can good to gather together, jointly participate in the
construction of a two-way educational process.

5 Conclusion

Under the background of computer development, ideological and political education

leads the value of innovation and entrepreneurship education. Innovation and
entrepreneurship education is not only knowledge education, skill education, or value
education. Ideological and political education has the role of planning development
direction, integrating value appeal and optimizing operation mechanism for innovation
and entrepreneurship education. Ideological and political education provides a great
educational goal and spiritual motivation for innovation and entrepreneurship educa-
tion. Innovation and entrepreneurship education should strengthen the guidance of
college students’ entrepreneurial values, activate college students’ innovative and
entrepreneurial ideals, foster good innovation and entrepreneurship, and form noble
innovation and entrepreneurship moral. The content of ideological and political edu-
cation is guided by the infiltration of classroom carriers, the experience of practical
situations, and the supplement of network media. Under the impetus of incentive
mechanism, identification mechanism and restriction mechanism, the value of inno-
vation and entrepreneurship education is realized. Ideological and political education
leads the correct value orientation of innovation and entrepreneurship education,
ensures that innovation and entrepreneurship develop in the right direction, promotes
the integration of innovation and entrepreneurship education into the mainstream of
society, and ultimately becomes an important guarantee for the country to promote the
development goals of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Acknowledgments. Key project of jilin province education science 13th five-year plan 2017
“Analysis and countermeasure research on education problem of contemporary college stu-
dents’life” (ZD17127) The host: Chen jingyi.
308 W. Xu and C. Jingyi

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The Study of JD Logistics Mode Based
on “Internet+”

Zu Wenhong(&)

Xi’an Fanyi University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, People’s Republic of China


Abstract. With the era of economic globalization, E-commerce has been more
expanded. While corresponding with matching logistics development is slow,
become a constraining bottleneck in the development of electronic commerce. In
this article we discusses the logistics mode of JD mall based on “Internet+”,
Research is summarized that some problems on its logistics mode, and puts
forward corresponding solving measures to solve these problems, and we expect
the study to contribute to the building of logistics mode.

Keywords: JD  E-commerce  Logistics mode  Internet+

With the rapid development of electronic information technology industry in recent

years, that cloud computing, big data and “Internet+” have become the hot words of
The Times, which changed people’s production and life style. In August 2016 of
Internet conference, Mayun of Alibaba group chairman pointed out that in the future,
“pure” E-commerce company doesn’t work in the E-commerce industry, the future will
be a combination of online and offline and logistics model of new retail electricity [1,
2]. At the same time, in the next 12 years JD is also planning to strategic that the data,
logistics and supply chain to realize intelligent, and The whole process of logistics is
“unmanned”, which make JD a truly intelligent business. According to relevant data,
the future e-commerce market will maintain an average annual growth rate of 15%, and
its transaction volume will reach 3.4 trillion US dollars in 2020. E-commerce consists
of four basic elements: capital flow, information flow, business flow and logistics.
Logistics is not only the need for entities and network platforms to complete its entire
operation process, but also the key to the finalization of other factors. The efficiency of
its direct impact The ultimate survival of e-commerce company [3, 4]. Therefore,
logistics has an independent and irreplaceable role in the operation of e-commerce
enterprises, and it is the link between e-commerce and customers. Whether it operates
perfectly throughout the operation ultimately determines the long-term cooperation
between the supply and demand sides. From the perspective of “Internet+”, the
Intelligent and globalization of logistics distribution is the inevitable trend of e-
commerce logistics development in the future [5]. Based on this, the article studies the
JD logistics model from the perspective of “Internet+”, we are expecting that provides
reference value for other e-commerce logistics.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 309–316, 2019.
310 Z. Wenhong

1 The Logistics Mode of JD of “Internet+”

With the development of the economy, the competition in the e-commerce industry has
become increasingly fierce. From the initial price competition to the current logistics
competition, they hope to maximize the satisfaction of customer needs and gain a
competitive advantage. JD Mall currently has more than 90 million registered users,
with more than 900,000 daily orders and more than 150 million daily page views. Since
its establishment in 2004, it has grown more than 200% for many years and maintained
rapid growth. It was officially listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange in May 2014.
And it is not only the first large-scale integrated e-commerce company in China to enter
the world, but also the top ten rankings of Internet companies. From the actual oper-
ation of JD, we can be summarized as follows.

1.1 Self-built Logistics Mode

This model is the e-commerce logistics under the core enterprise, it also known as the
Wal-Mart model. It is the equipment and personnel involved in the e-commerce
enterprise from inventory, delivery, and distribution to the final consumer. This model
needs to build its own logistics team, warehousing system, transportation fleet and
logistics information flow, forming a very complete supply chain system from customer
order to distribution, that is, to achieve an integrated business model, which requires
huge financial support.
E-commerce has developed rapidly in the era of economic globalization, and the
lag of logistics development has become a bottleneck restricting it. Tmall and Vanke
have joined the pace of self-built logistics systems. In 2007, JD set about building its
own logistics and distribution system. JD has purchased thousands of acres of land in
the country. Up to now, JD has established large warehouses in 46 cities across the
country, with about 5,000 self-raising and distribution stations, The “Asian No. 1”
logistics center has been put into use in Guangzhou and Wuhan, using automation
equipment such as sorters, hoists and conveyor lines to support the overall operation of
JD Logistics [6, 7].

1.2 The Third Party Logistics Model

This kind of logistics mode is that e-commerce enterprises choose and lease logistics
centers, master relevant business data and logistics information, but transfer all the
product distribution tasks to third-party logistics enterprises. Such e-commerce logistics
is an operation mode that utilizes the resources of others to obtain maximum profit at
the lowest cost. However, the e-commerce companies are highly dependent on third-
party logistics and the risks are higher.
With the development of e-commerce in recent years, the business of JD is also
spread across third-tier cities and developed townships. Considering the funding
problem, JD adopts third-party logistics and self-built logistics modes in these areas to
complete the distribution of goods. For example, in large-scale goods in electronics,
The Study of JD Logistics Mode Based on “Internet+” 311

cooperate with manufacturers to complete distribution at their sales points in various

cities. At the same time, with the increasing popularity of online shopping, college
students have become the main consumer groups of online shopping. Due to the fixed
class time, they are inconsistent with JD or third-party logistics delivery time, resulting
in long waiting for delivery personnel, greatly reducing the efficiency of distribution.
Therefore, JD sets up agents in colleges and universities across the country, and the
distributor is only responsible for delivering the goods to the agent, and the agent
completes the final transaction. In the remote areas it cooperates with and postal, to
complete the coverage of self-built logistics can not be delivered.

1.3 The Crowd-Sourcing Mode

Starting in May 2015, JD launched a Crowd-sourcing model, which means that anyone
can send a courier when they are free, no matter where they are. Wuhan first started the
logistics operation mode of “JD to the home”, that developed Crowd-sourcing logistics
can made full use of idle resources. In August 2015, JD data showed that the average
daily delivery volume exceeded 20,000 from the previous three months, and the
monthly growth rate reached 219%. At the same time, JD announced that in addition to
self-built logistics, the future Crowd-sourcing model is also one of its main forces.

2 The Shortage of JD Logistics Mode Under “Internet+”

2.1 The Self-built Logistics Mode Is Likely to Lead to Reduced Profits

In recent years, JD, Alibaba, Suning and other e-commerce giants have built their own
logistics platforms. In September 2011, JD Mall received $1.5 billion through
financing, and he announced in Chengdu that the investment planned for self-built
logistics will be 10 billion CNY in the next three years, And in the next five years, the
planned logistics costs for Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Chengdu are 20 billion
to 30 billion CNY. However, unlike other e-commerce companies, the pace of self-
built logistics has slowed down. For example, the person in charge of Vipshop said that
the company will take a very cautious attitude towards the self-built logistics distri-
bution system. Because of the large capital investment in the early stage, e-commerce is
changing rapidly and the risk is extremely high. Dangdang said that it would rather
spend a lot of energy and material resources on third-party logistics, and not build its
own logistics. Vanke’s Fengda logistics companies have also begun to lay off
employees, reducing scale, reducing risks and improving competitiveness. Moreover,
according to relevant information, the retail giant Wal-Mart also spent huge sums of
money to invest in the construction of logistics, but after its completion, its daily
average operations are far from sufficient, and it is difficult to expand its business scope
to operate the logistics business of other enterprises, and finally choose to sell part of it.
It is the logistics enterprise that has become a third-party logistics. According to
relevant data, JD net losses in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 were RMB 103 million,
312 Z. Wenhong

RMB 412 million, RMB 1.284 billion, RMB 1.729 billion and RMB 0.5 billion, and in
the next few years. JD plans to invest 50 to 60 billion to build its own logistics system,
which requires more financial support to ensure the normal operation of JD self-built
logistics. More capital investment will inevitably lead to losses or weak profits, which
is unfavorable for enterprises.

2.2 JD Logistics Information Network Construction Is Imperfect

to Reduce Logistics Distribution Efficiency
The status of logistics in e-commerce is independent and irreplaceable. Logistics is the
ultimate factor determining e-commerce efficiency. E-commerce logistics system is the
link between enterprises and consumers. Whether the information between them is
smooth and perfect directly affects the efficiency and cost of e-commerce enterprises, it
also directly affects its The ultimate profit. From the beginning of its establishment, JD
Mall has gained advantages in the industry competition with genuine, low-cost and
fast-reacting logistics systems. For example, its “same day or next day delivery” slogan
has won good reputation among customers. However, there are often too many orders
for certain products in a certain period of time, which leads to the logistics link can not
keep up, especially his large-scale goods, some consumers often complain to delay
delivery or even send the wrong goods, it also can appear some small order logistics
processing time is too long. And JD Mall also has the same customer with multiple
orders for the same order, which is sent to the users in batches. On the one hand, it
leads to high-cost logistics of JD. On the other hand, consumers may have to receive
several packages within one day, which reduces consumption Satisfaction.

2.3 Shortage of Logistics Information Management Professionals

Due to the late start of logistics in China, the scale of logistics related majors in
undergraduate and above institutions is very small, and the corresponding vocational
education is also relatively lacking, resulting in a large gap in logistics information
management talents in China, especially the comprehensive management experts who
are well-planned and have professional logistics management knowledge, resulting in
low quality of logistics practitioners in China and chaotic internal management.
Especially for e-commerce companies, the advantage lies in the virtual space marketing
of the network, which has a price advantage. For logistics, everything needs to start
from scratch and is a new business area. Moreover, it is undoubtedly a challenge not
only to establish its own logistics system, but also to manage it and make it a profitable
tool for the company. In addition, logistics is a very large system for an e-commerce
enterprise. Where the business expansion of the enterprise is, the logistics information
service platform must follow closely, which will increase the management difficulty for
the e-commerce.
The Study of JD Logistics Mode Based on “Internet+” 313

3 The Way to Improve the Logistics Mode of JD Based

on the “Internet+”
3.1 Improve Logistics Information Management System and Improve
the Utilization Efficiency of Self-built Logistics
As we all know, Wal-Mart, the originator of e-commerce, Amazon has adopted
satellites, using electronic information systems, equipped with drones to deliver
products to consumers at the fastest speed, relying on advanced logistics information
systems for their orders, stocks, and delivery, management of goods and after sales.
And Amazon and Wal-Mart use self-built communication satellites to analyze and
organize logistics data to provide a basis for correct logistics decisions. In addition, JD
like Wal-Mart, the circulation of products mainly relies on the self-built logistics
system, covering within 25 km. It can be seen that the information technology in the
Wal-Mart logistics model is the key link, using the information network platform of e-
commerce to complete the flow of funds, business flow, information flow and distri-
bution in all business processes. Its self-built logistics system ensures that Wal-Mart is
in the uninterrupted circulation of products anytime and anywhere. Its maximum
advantage information flow guarantees the direction and scale of logistics transporta-
tion, reduces inventory, and even achieves zero inventory, witch can save a large
amount of inventory of Wal-Mart funds. Therefore, JD wants to take the lead in the
fiercely competitive industry. It must establish a logistics information management
system witch based on its own e-commerce process, integrate supply chain resources,
and realize data sharing among various departments of JD. Quality, quantity and timely
The product is delivered to the consumer, and improving the distribution efficiency,
avoiding the multiple delivery of multiple items by one user and increasing the sat-
isfaction of the consumer. Furthermore, when JD self-built logistics information system
is perfected, it will continue to cooperate with suppliers and third-party logistics
companies to build a logistics information platform, share relevant data information,
strengthen product quality control from the source, and improve from the process.
Service quality, optimize resource allocation, improve procurement and logistics effi-
ciency, and achieve JD competitive advantage in the e-commerce industry (Fig. 1).

Logistics information management system

business flow

e-commerce flow of funds

enterprises cut Improve
costs efficiency

information flow


Fig. 1. E-commerce information system

314 Z. Wenhong

3.2 Actively Introducing and Developing Professional Logistics

Information Management Talents
E-commerce logistics is the integration of all logistics resources. It is a comprehensive
manifestation of the overall products of e-commerce logistics. It involves all aspects of
supply, production and sales of e-commerce enterprises. It uses information platform to
purchase products and provide timely and satisfactory services to consumers.
According to the purchase data of consumers, it can sum up what products are sold best
in a certain period, what products are not sold well, adjust the inventory in time, and
make correct decisions for major reforms. And these must have excellent logistics
information management talents, they will introduce new logistics service concepts and
logistics models. On the one hand, JD is committed to introducing advanced and
applied talents who understand e-commerce theory, understand IT technology,
understand modern logistics, understand practical operations, and have innovative
thinking. This will directly affect the future development direction and effectiveness of
the logistics distribution system of JD, it will also have a direct impact on its prof-
itability. On the other hand, JD can adopt the combination of school and enterprise. The
employees of JD who need to be trained every year can go to colleges and universities
to study advanced information management theory of e-commerce and improve the
overall quality of the company. Students of related majors in colleges and universities
can also go to JD to study in logistics, finally JD can select the best and establish a
backup library of logistics information talents, and jointly develop research projects
with relevant professional researchers of universities to provide a way for the inno-
vation of e-commerce logistics mode.

3.3 Expanding the Deepening of Global Logistics Network Development

The rapid development of Internet technology has shortened the distance between
countries, promoted the rapid development of cross-border e-commerce, and
strengthened the exchange of economic and trade between them [8]. JD as the leader of
domestic e-commerce, will inevitably to explore the international market, the overall
layout of its cross-border e-commerce logistics will be the key to JD research in future.
JD can start from the cross-border e-commerce market in Asia, and enter in-depth
market research, and carry out the layout of the Asian logistics management infor-
mation system with its own management experience of self-built logistics. Secondly,
according to the layout of the entire Asian logistics market, it can check and fill the
gap. Conduct strategic planning of the global logistics network. JD can sign a strategic
cooperation agreement with the cross-border e-commerce logistics company with
strategic alliance and host country credit guarantee to accelerate the alliance, optimize
the source allocation, promote the construction of cross-border logistics information
system and profit distribution, and form a community of interests. Finally, with the help
of the national “One Belt, One Road” strategy, JD can use the management experience
of self-built logistics to rationally arrange the warehousing of cross-border e-commerce
logistics to achieve the maximum seamless integration of logistics networks and
achieve high-quality, high-efficiency and low-cost global logistics, then JD logistics
concept that truly realizes the last mile of distribution (Fig. 2).
The Study of JD Logistics Mode Based on “Internet+” 315

Cross-border logistics information platform

product data Cross-borde Complete order
Cross-border Cross-border r consumer profit distribution
e-commerce logistics data
Cross-border Cross-border e-commerce
payment data Logistics company
Tax data
declaration data

Fig. 2. Cross-border e-commerce global logistics network convergence path

3.4 Expanding the Rural Logistics Distribution Network

With the development of the economy, more and more rural consumers have joined the
ranks of e-commerce consumers. JD self-built logistics system has become a com-
petitive background, and should continue to expand the rural logistics network when
the logistics in China’s central cities tends to mature, we should increase investment
and expand the logistics distribution network. Promote the construction of rural dis-
tribution platform and improve the “last mile” distribution system in rural area [9, 10].

4 Summary

With the development of the globalization of e-commerce, the competition will become
more and more intense, and the advantage of the price competition will become weaker
and weaker, and the competition of the users is the most important. How to attract the
users is the urgent task of the current business operation, and the logistics of the e-
commerce will certainly be the commanding height of their competition. Therefore, the
JD must manage innovation of its logistics mode and logistics operation ability, and
improve the loyalty of network consumers, which is the key to its development.

Acknowledgments. Marketing teaching quality reform project of Xi’an Fanyi University

(project number: Z1418); the Research Team of Xi’an Fanyi University (project number:
XFU17KYTDA02); the management teaching team of Xi’an Fanyi University (project number:

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Research of Student Management in Colleges
in the Background of “Internet+” in China

Xing Hua1 and Qi Yue2(&)

Guangdong Youth Vocational College, Guangzhou 510507,
Guangdong, China
South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, Guangdong, China

Abstract. The rapid development of the internet is both an opportunity and a

challenge for the college student management. This article deeply analyzes the
problems brought about by the internet background to college student man-
agement work, and then proposes that college student management should be
accelerated for innovation based on Internet development, including work
concept innovation, work pattern innovation, promotion of related personnel’s
informatization and network level, active application of Internet technology to
meet students’ demands and improvement in efficiency.

Keywords: College student  Student management  Internet+ 


1 Introduction

“Internet+” is the product of the internet development. It presents features such as

cultural diversity, information openness, instant information transfer, and interactive
communication. Internet thinking similarly applies to college student management [1].
As the member of society, colleges undertake heavy responsibility of cultivating tal-
ents. Student management is the premise of smooth development of other college
management, which makes innovation of college student management become top
priority. College student management workers (instructors, head teachers, etc.) have
deeply realized the opportunities and challenges faced with internet era [2]. How to
utilize new internet tools and concepts to promote student management efficiency and
probe into innovation way of college student management is the important project that
college student management workers need to think seriously.

2 Emerging Problems of College Student Management Under

the Background of “Internet+”

2.1 Difficulty of the Ideological and Political Work of College Student

The Internet is an open ecosystem, and its obvious features of cultural diversity and
information openness in the “Internet+” era. Diversified and open Internet brings

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 317–322, 2019.
318 X. Hua and Q. Yue

convenience to students, but it will also have unhealthy influence on students’ ideas
and increase the difficulty of student management [3]. One side there are a great
diversity of cultural thoughts, ideologies and information trends on the internet. As an
open social organization, currently various kinds of wrong ideologies from the outside
world are pouring into colleges; College students are in a key stage of world view and
value view formation. Lack of social experience, immature psychological development,
extreme cultural perspective, wrong trends of thought and trashy network information
have a series of negative effects on ideology and physical and mental development of
college students and make students’ value view diversified. Pedagogical meaning of
mainstream ideology has been weaken [4]. The difficulties and challenges of student
management have been increased. On the other side, open feature of internet infor-
mation has immensely broaden college students’ view. Students have more choice to
accept information. Guidance quality and persuasion of college ideological education
have greatly decreased, which increases the difficulty to understand students’ ideo-
logical state and makes students’ concrete ideological trend beyond control. It is
extremely adverse to develop students management.

2.2 Underdevelopment of Education Management Concept and Pattern

Under the background of “Internet+”, mobile internet terminal has been introduced to
college’s internet system. With the development of student service platform and one-
stop service projects, they need to be used in the teaching process [5]. With the
development of internet, traditional student management pattern has presented many
deficiencies, such as inflexible student management system, disordered management
pattern, redundant management link, so it causes vague responsibility limits among
various departments and late feedback of information communication. All these make
low efficiency of college student management and not applicable to student manage-
ment under new circumstances. In the past, strict management system and single
management pattern make students be at a managed position [6]. In the new era,
students of the generation after 90s have highlighted personalities and strong self-
awareness. The depressive and constrained management and method are inclined to
make them produce resistant mentality and harmful to carry out student management.

2.3 Challenge from Knowledge Spreading Way

Under the “Internet+” circumstance, students have more extensive access to knowl-
edge, and the way to obtain knowledge is more unique and personalized. Traditional
classroom teaching is no longer suitable for the needs of the new circumstance. In the
context of Internet technology applications, digital libraries, online classrooms, and
online high-quality educational resources have provided students with more broader
ways to conduct knowledge learning [7]. Students can choose their pleased way to
learn knowledge in accordance with their demands. In this situation, teachers’ single
teaching model will face great challenges. To meet the students’ demands for acquiring
knowledge, demands for the teachers will also require higher standards.
Research of Student Management in Colleges in the Background of “Internet+” 319

3 Innovation of College Student Management Work Under

the Background of “Internet+”

Student management is the basic of teaching management in colleges and universities.

The effectiveness of their work is bound to have an impact on the teaching work in
colleges and universities. College student management is a tedious and complex task.
The appearance of internet has made it brief and efficient. Therefore, student man-
agement workers in colleges and universities should pay attention to the development
tendency of “Internet+”, actively learn internet+ related theories and cases, explore the
integrating point between internet and student management and adequately realize the
positive effects of internet on student management [8]. Advanced internet tools and
ideas should be used to overcome challenges brought by it. Concentrating on daily
student management and student thoughts education management, student management
concept and model should be constantly innovated. Exploring innovation way of
college student management in the internet+ era would lay the foundation for smooth
development of college student management. From the perspective of “Internet+”,
innovation measures of college student management include the following points. We
propose a framework for college student management innovation as Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Framework for college student management innovation under Internet+

3.1 Conceptual Innovation

The concept innovation of student management work is the premise and foundation for
the implementation of the innovative path of student management in colleges and
universities. Under the “Internet+” circumstance, college student management workers
fully realize the changes in students’ ideas, continuously innovate student management
concepts, and select student management methods that are more easily accepted by
students. In the era of “Internet+”, establishing student-oriented management concept
means thinking and solving problem from the students’ perspective, respecting stu-
dents’ individuation and innovative development in the process of management [9].
According to different characteristics of student development, student management
320 X. Hua and Q. Yue

method should be adjusted to maximize the creativity and enthusiasm of students and
promote the healthy and comprehensive development of college students.
Education management in colleges and universities should begin with changing
management concept. Management establishes “Internet+” management concept, fully
attaches importance to development trend in the internet ear, studies various man-
agement modes and methods based on “Internet+” in the new era, combines with the
actual situation of college education management to constantly reform and innovate,
and actively learn and change [10]. As the important driving force for the development
of knowledge and technological progress in the new period, college teachers should
also follow the trend of development of the times, actively apply the Internet platform
and information tools to improve their work efficiency and scientific research level, and
provide services for education, teaching, and personnel training.

3.2 Management Model Innovation

Concept innovation of students management work is the core content of implementing
students management innovation way in colleges and universities under vision of
“Internet+”. The complicated management level and tedious management chain for
traditional students make information transfer speed delayed and management effi-
ciency low. The management pattern is not suitable for current students management.
The application of internet in student management drives innovation of student man-
agement model. Under the background of “Internet+”, managers in colleges and uni-
versities reform previous ossification and single controlled management model [11].
Establishing management model of bilateral interaction between school and students,
management platform and organization flattening should be reached.
(1) Platform management. The greatest motive power in the Internet era is the plat-
form. The platform of organization management is the trend of the times. College
student management should also be platform. This platform needs to be estab-
lished through the Internet. Based on the Internet student management platform
can achieve information feedback in a timely manner, resources sharing, com-
munication and other purposes at anytime and anywhere. The platform con-
struction of college student management work refers to various Internet media
(network tools: WeChat, Weibo, QQ Group, QQ, etc.; university websites; student
management systems; telecommuting systems, etc.) that are used to integrate
various types of resources, promote student management informatization, stan-
dardization and intelligence, improve the effectiveness of student management
work, and serve the students to grow into talents. This platform provides a con-
venient vehicle for interaction between schools and students [12]. On the one
hand, students can know about various kinds of information at any time and
anywhere to acquire their needs for resources and information, and provide
feedback in a timely manner. On the other hand, the school accurately grasps
student ideological trends and focuses to understand the students’ satisfaction with
the management work, and to take relevant measures in line with specific cir-
cumstance to improve the management level.
Research of Student Management in Colleges in the Background of “Internet+” 321

(2) Organization flattening. Under the complicated bureaucracy organization structure,

the organizational structure with tedious links and complex departments makes school
management focus changed from the students to the management department, which
is extremely unfavorable to the student management work. Under the “Internet+”
environment, students are the main body of college management, and “fast” is the
theme of college management. This requires that college sets up flat organizational
structure to meet the changing needs of students. Through the Internet, colleges
repeal, merge, and reorganize management departments to achieve a seamless con-
nection between management agencies and to guarantee to efficiently and orderly
develop student management, thus forming a school-internet-students management
model makes the organizational structure of the university gradually flattening.

3.3 Improvement of Personnel Informatization and Networking

Under the background of “Internet+” era, college education management should not
only attach attention to the application value of the Internet, but also fully grasp practical
skills, which can ensure to fully realize the transformation of management methods, the
improvement of management efficiency, and the promotion of management quality [13].
Firstly, to strengthen the educational management personnel’s networked management
awareness and technical application abilities, in addition to the capital factor, concept
awareness and technical ability are the two most important factors. In the “Internet+”
era, the most important factor for the innovation of college education management is the
management personnel’s Internet awareness and application skills. They should com-
prehensively pay attention to the “Internet+” positive impact on college management
model innovation, and in practice apply to its value and effect. This can truly keep up
with the development of the times and catch up with the high-speed train of information
development. Then, they also should make relevant technical application training.
Various kinds of management application tools and software based on “Internet+” have
been developed. As the managers, they need to make use of these tools to express their
value and role and truly combine management model innovation with teaching man-
agement practice to achieve their value and role. The full integration of management
concepts, management tools and models can truly realize the value of management.
Otherwise, all of them are imitating others and lose their own individuality. Secondly, to
improve the level of informatization application technology of the valuable employees,
“Internet+” era education management requires each teacher to be able to apply a variety
of informatization tools, to continuously innovate in education and management on the
Internet platform, enhance their teaching ability and teaching efficiency to achieve the
innovation of teaching mode, reform of teaching methods, the continuous learning of
various teaching methods and modes based on the “Internet+” application, and
improveone’s teaching level and scientific research ability.

4 Conclusion

Under the background of “Internet+”, higher education certainly will develop in the
direction of smart education. In the future, higher education will have disruptive
changes. Big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality will all
322 X. Hua and Q. Yue

make Internet education forms more diversified and humanized. However, no matter
how advanced science and technology is developed, the physical presence of the
university is necessary and irreplaceable completely. Because the purpose of education
is not simply to pass on knowledge, in the light of the interpretation of the education
law, “education must serve the socialist modernization, must be combined with pro-
ductive labor, and cultivate the socialist builders and successors with all-round
development in the fields of morality, intelligence, and physical.” Therefore, colleges
and universities need to cultivate good youths with blood, flesh, emotion, and value for
the society under the realistic background.

Acknowledgement. The paper is supported by Youth Innovative Talent Project of Guangdong

Education Ministry with project number 2017GWQNCX042 and Project of Guangzhou
Philosophy and Social Science with project number 2017GZYB43 in China.

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Study on the Application of Big Data Analysis
on the Electric Power Meter Inspection

Jia Li(&), Dapeng Xing, Wanyu Xue, Li Gao, Min Zhou,

and Bing Zhang

State Grid Sichuan Technical Training Center, Chengdu 610072, China


Abstract. In view of the shortage of frequency electric energy meter on-site

inspection, a predicting evaluation method is proposed to improve the on-site
inspection strategy of the electric energy meter. This method based on the data
of electrical information acquisition system extracts the relevant state variables,
and establishes the evaluation model, and gives the strategy of on-site inspection
of electric energy meters under different conditions. A calculation example
proves its validity.

Keywords: Electric power meter  Field Inspection  State assessment 

Electrical information

1 Introduction

At present, the main work of electric energy metering device inspection is based on the
“technology management regulation of electric energy metering device”, which stip-
ulates that the electric energy metering device in operation should be regularly
inspected on the electric energy meter, and the verification methods can be divided
into: first inspection, weekly inspection and sampling inspection. With the popular-
ization and application of the intelligent electric energy meter in China, the stability and
accuracy of the electric energy metering device have been greatly improved. At the
same time, the power company has implemented the whole process quality supervision
and management from the bidding, supply, arrival, operation and scrapping. In the past,
the frequency meter has the larger workload, lower efficiency and higher safety risk.
Therefore, it becomes an important problem to inspect the electric energy meters
scientifically and reasonably.
At present, the electric power equipment has taken the lead in realizing the
condition-based maintenance. Condition-based maintenance of power equipment can
evaluate the equipment status, mainly based on the state, according to the evaluation
model, and help create maintenance plan which greatly reduces the workload of on-site
maintenance, and enhances the economy and safety of equipment maintenance. With
the gradual establishment of the system called “San-Quan”, which means full collection
of electrical information, full coverage of electricity customers and full charge control
of electric energy meter, it is possible to remotely on-line monitor the electric energy
meter, storage electricity consumption information and evaluate the running state of

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 323–329, 2019.
324 J. Li et al.

meters. A series of functions such as automatic collection, load monitoring, metering

and monitoring, power consumption analysis and management, line loss, remote meter
reading and settlement, can be achieved by the advanced measurement infrastructure,
and greatly improved the management and control means [1–4]. An on-line monitoring
method based on advanced measurement infrastructure was presented by [5], but this
method could not be used in engineering applications for its limitation of strict steps.
The method proposed by [6–8] can detect the faults of the metering device in time and
notify the treatment immediately. When the faults occur, the system developed by this
method can record the load curve and help the metrological managers to find and deal
with the faults earlier. However, there are still shortcomings in the practical application
of the on-line monitoring system for electric energy measurement [9, 10], and the
monitoring capacity of the single equipment is too small.
This paper draws on the condition-based maintenance technology for electric power
equipment, puts forward a method to assess the state of electric energy meters and
formulate the on-site inspection strategy. Ten kinds of states are extracted from the
advanced meter infrastructure, and an assessment model is established based on the
normalization theory. Furthermore, a criterion for the electric energy meters stats and
the strategy of on-site inspection are presented. A calculation example proves its

2 State Parameters

The operating state of the electric energy meters can be described from ten aspects:
such as basic errors, operation error, abnormal information, operating information and
so on.
The basic errors S1 are the errors of the selected load points, which reflects the
intrinsic measurement performance of the electric energy meter. The operation error S2
is the error of the operating load, which reflects the operating measurement perfor-
mance. The calculation method of error is shown in (1).
m  m0
c¼  100% ð1Þ

In (1) c means the error of load point, m is the measured impulse, m0 is the fixed

C0 N
m0 ¼ ð2Þ

In (2), C0 is the meter constant of the standard meter, N is the low frequency or
high frequency pulse of the inspected meter, CL is the instrument constant of the
inspected meter, KI and KU are the current and voltage transformer ratios accessed into
the standard meter.
Study on the Application of Big Data Analysis on the Electric Power Meter Inspection 325

The abnormal information S3 include two aspects of information which reflects the
real time running situation. One is whether the electricity is abnormal; the other is the
abnormal times. The operating information S4 is the meter’s operating year whose
minimum value is 0.5 years.
Batch return rate S5 refers to the proportion of batches of the three phase electric
energy meters returned to their same manufacturer due to unqualified, which reflects
the reputation, management and quality level of the electric energy meter manufacturer.
Error dispersion S6 refers to the standard deviation of the basic error of the same batch
of qualified electric energy meters at the rated load point, which reflects the quality
control of the current batch of meters. Batch operation S7 refers to the statistical value
of the operating failure rate of the same batch of power meter, reflecting the quality of
the operating meter. Family defects S8 are recognized by the common factors of design,
material, technology, software and so on, which reflects the potential danger of the
operating meters. The reputation of user S9 represents whether the electric larceny
happened, which affects the users’ reputation. The type of user S10 represents the type
of metering device divided into five categories by the “technology management reg-
ulation of electric energy metering device”, which reflects the importance of the meters.

3 State Assessment Model of Electric Energy Meter

The electric energy meter should be evaluated once a month. In addition, if the family
defect in a class of electric energy meters has been confirmed, the overall state
assessment for such electric energy meters should be carried out immediately. And if an
abnormal situation happened to the electric energy meter at the time of on-line mon-
itoring, or the on-site inspection has been finished, the state assessment should be
evaluated as well.
The state assessment of the electric energy meter is composed of four sections
which are the basic score B, test score P, monitoring score M, and family defect score
F. The calculation method is shown in (3).

G ¼ BPMF ð3Þ

The current state score G equals to the product of B, P, M, and F.

3.1 The Basic Score

The base score B is an assessment of the current running status of the electric energy
meter based on historical data.

B¼ Bi ð4Þ
326 J. Li et al.

In (4), B1 is the batch run index, B2 is the batch error dispersion rate, B3 is the
batches operating failure index, B4 is the basic load error index, B5 is the operating time
index and B6 is the reputation index of user.

B1 ¼ 10  ð1  S5 Þ ð5Þ
B2 ¼ 10  1  ð6Þ
0:2  c

B3 ¼ 20  ð1  S7 Þ ð7Þ

c  jS11 j c  jS12 j c  jS13 j

B4 ¼ 10  þ 10  þ 10  ð8Þ
c c c

B5 ¼ 20  2:5  S4 ð9Þ

S11 refers to the basic error of meter at the rated voltage, rated current and the
power factor: 1. S12 refers to the basic error of meter at the rated voltage, 0.05 times
the rated current and the power factor: 0.5. S13 refers to the basic error of meter at the
rated voltage, maximum current and the power factor: 1.

3.2 The Test Score

The test score P is the on-site inspection score of operating meter.

P¼ Pi ð10Þ

In (9), n is the latest test score. For the class III meter, n equals to 3. For the class II
meter, n equals to 2. For the class I meter, n equals to 1.
jcjjS2 j
min jcj ; 50%
Pi ¼  100% ð11Þ

3.3 The Monitoring Score

The monitoring score M is the score that the on-line monitoring module discovers the
abnormal operation of the electric energy meter. If the associated operating faults found
in the online monitoring system have been eliminated, the effects are no longer
 10  S3

M ¼ 1  S3   100% ð12Þ
Study on the Application of Big Data Analysis on the Electric Power Meter Inspection 327

When the anomaly was found, S03 equals to 1. And S003 refers to the number of
abnormal times between the two states.

3.4 The Family Defects

In the case of family defects, the family defects score for the meter with no family
defects before the family defect is eliminated is

1  S8
F ¼1 pn
ffiffiffiffi ð13Þ

Table 1. Reference value of S8

The status of family defects Reference value of S8
No significant impact and small risk 86%–100%
A certain influence, but can be monitored 51%–85%
A certain influence and no monitoring 16%–50%
Great influence on the metering performance 0–15%

In (13), N is the total number of electric energy meters belonging to the same
family. n represents the number of electric energy meters that have occurred in the
family, which is obtained by Table 1.

4 State Determination

From the above, the value of G is between 0–100 for the normalization of each state.
100 is the best state, and 0 means that on-site inspection is needed immediately.
Therefore, according to the change of the electric energy meter, the operation state of
the electric energy meter is divided into four states: good, normal, attention and
abnormal. The state of the electric energy meter can be evaluated as shown in Table 2,
and the poor state is taken when the absolute value is not consistent with the state of the
difference between the two states.

Table 2. Criterions of electric energy meter state

Electric energy meter Absolute The difference between the last state and the
state value present state
Good 100–85 ½100; 5
Normal 84–50 ð5; 20
Attention 49–16 ð20; 40
Abnormal 15–0 ð40; 100
328 J. Li et al.

5 State Test Strategy

5.1 Good State
The class I electric energy meter should carry out on-site inspection at least once a year
in the condition that the state is “good”. For the other class, the first on-site inspection
can extend a cycle. And two cycles can be extended for the electric energy meter which
has extended one year and keeps in a continuous “good” state.

5.2 Normal State

Pay a close attention to the electric energy meter that is evaluated as “normal”, and
arrange the state inspection 1/3 the normal cycle, and arrange the on-site inspection of
normal cycle.

5.3 Attention State

For the electric energy meter that is evaluated as “attention”, a real time state assess-
ment should be arranged and the on-site inspection should be arranged within 3–2

5.4 Abnormal State

For the electric energy meter which is evaluated as “abnormal”, the field test should be
carried out immediately.

6 Calculation Example

The status data of a 0.2S electric energy meter connected by a mutual inductor, is
shown in Table 3, which is extracted from the advanced measurement infrastructure.
The electric energy meter belongs to class II, and in the last year, its user has not stolen
electricity, or destroyed the meter, etc.

Table 3. State data of the electric energy meter

State S11 S12 S13 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
Value 0.1 0.3 0.17 0.13 1 4 0.02 0.09 0.02

According to this method, the basis score of the electric energy meter was calcu-
lated as shown in Table 4.

Table 4. The basis score of the electric energy meter

Index B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
Value (%) 9.8 1 19.6 18.6 10 10
Study on the Application of Big Data Analysis on the Electric Power Meter Inspection 329

It’ test score was 100%, monitoring score was 90%, and family defect score was
99.96%. The last state score was 73.55, and the current status score was 62.08. Their
difference was 11.47, therefore the state of this meter could be rated as “normal”, which
can be carried out on-site inspection in normal cycle, but the period of state inspection
should be shortened to 1/3 of normal cycle, that is, 10 days.

7 Conclusion

With the improvement of manufacturing technology, the stability and accuracy of

electric energy meter has been greatly increased. The periodic on-site inspection is not
suitable for smart meters now. Moreover, frequent on-site inspections result in waste of
resources and greater security risk, so a method of state assessment for of electric
energy meter has been presented on the basis of the state maintenance theory of power
This state assessment method sets up an evaluation model and make use of ten state
variables coming from the advanced measurement infrastructure. At last, the criterion
to divide the meter state and on-site inspection strategy have been put forward.

1. Bat-Erdene B, Lee B, Kim MY et al (2013) Extended smart meters-based remote detection
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4. Jiang R, Lu R, Wang Y et al (2014) Energy-theft detection issues for advanced metering
infrastructure in smart grid. Tsinghua Sci Technol 19(2):105–120
5. Cheng Y, Wu H, Yang H et al (2012) Fuzzy comprehensive status evaluation on electric
energy metering device and test strategy research. Electr Measur Instrum 12:003
6. Bartone EJ, Mendenhall Jr EL, McClutchy Jr JH et al. System and method for monitoring
and controlling energy usage, U.S. Patent 6,633,823. Accessed 14 Oct 2003
7. Ouellette MJ, Hardy SG Method and apparatus for performing the register functions for a
plurality of metering devices at a common node, U.S. Patent 5,933,092. Accessed 03 Aug
8. Ahmad MW, Mourshed M, Mundow D et al (2016) Building energy metering and
environmental monitoring–a state-of-the-art review and directions for future research.
Energy Buil 120:85–102
9. Alahakoon D, Yu X (2016) Smart electricity meter data intelligence for future energy
systems: a survey. IEEE Trans Ind Inform 12(1):425–436
10. Albu MM, Sănduleac M, Stănescu C (2017) Syncretic use of smart meters for power quality
monitoring in emerging networks. IEEE Trans Smart Grid 8(1):485–492
Analysis on the Acceptance Degree
of the Concept of Safety Creating
Economic Benefits

Wei Jiang1,2(&)
China Academy of Safety Science and Technology, Beijing 100012, China
College of Emergency Management and Safety Engineering,
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China

Abstract. “Safety creates economic benefits” is one of the important concepts

of accident prevention. The safety culture measurement data of 52 coal enter-
prises in Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Hunan, Anhui, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hei-
longjiang and Liaoning have been taken since 2007 to analyze the results of the
safety culture survey questionnaire on the concept of “safety creates economic
benefits”. The following conclusions are obtained: the score of the understanding
of the concept of “safety creates economic benefits” of the tested coal mining
enterprises in China was 87.7 points. Among them, the management has the
highest score in understanding the concept of “safety creates economic benefits”,
with a score of 89.3. The foreman’s understanding of the concept of “safety
creates economic benefits” come second with a score of 88.6, the front-line staff
scores 87.4 points and the professional staff scores 86.3 points. The score of the
best international safety performance enterprise of understanding the concept of
“safety creates economic benefits” scores 94.2 points, while poor safety perfor-
mance enterprises’ understanding of the concept of “safety creates economic
benefits” are 72.2 points. The understanding of Chinese enterprises’ under-
standing of the idea of “safety creates economic benefits” is 87.7 points, which is
between the safety culture level of the enterprises with the best international
safety performance and the enterprises with poor international safety perfor-
mance. To improve the acceptance of the concept of “safety creates economic
benefits”, training methods can be adopted. In combination with accident cases,
cases around employees remind employees to pay attention to safety.

Keywords: Safety  Economic benefits  Acceptance degree  Concepts

1 Introduction

“Safety creates economic benefits” is one of the important concepts of accident pre-
vention. In the field of safety management, more and more enterprises attach impor-
tance to safety [1, 2]. They will have corresponding safety investment, including
manpower, material resources and financial resources. If the enterprise does not pay
attention to this investment or deems it unnecessary and it does not pay attention to
safety. Once an accident occurs, there will be losses, including loss of personnel and

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 330–337, 2019.
Analysis on the Acceptance Degree of the Concept 331

property [3]; Secondly, after the accident, it will take some manpower, material
resources, financial resources, and time to deal with it and affect the normal production
of the enterprise, this is also an economic loss [4, 5]. These accidents, which do not
attach importance to safety and safety input, are all losses. In other words, they are the
economic benefits of safety. Therefore, it is very important to understand the concept of
safety creating economic benefits for preventing accidents.

2 The Essential Function of Concept

The principle of the concept of “safety creates economic benefits” is: If it is believed
that safety can create economic benefits, then employees will actively create safety
performance and actively prevent accidents, otherwise, no one is willing to make a loss.
The word “active” is crucial for safety work. The interpretation of this concept is:
When the safety condition is very poor, safety investment reduces accidents and
production costs, and has net income; when the safety situation is raised to a certain
extent, the safety investment continues to increase, and the reduction in the accident
rate is limited. The saving funds can not compensate the investment funds [6], so safety
investment generates negative net income. Some people have also drawn a coordinate
diagram to express this idea, that is, from the point of view of revenue, there is an
optimal value for safety investment [7, 8]. In fact, so far, the draw map coordinates are
limited to the qualitative data no plot, no one has given the quantitative data coordi-
nates, so the lowest point in fact is not found.
The fact that safety performance saves accident loss is expounded.
Some of the positive aspects of safety creating benefits are explained. The practice
of risk collateral implemented by various enterprises in China is actually a way for
safety to create benefits.

3 The Situation of Enterprises Being Investigated

Since 2007, research team which the author belong to has conducted safety culture
measurements of 82 companies in Henan, Shanxi, Beijing, Shandong, Hunan, Anhui,
Guizhou, Sichuan, Heilongjiang and Liaoning through the safety culture measurement
system. The enterprises under investigation are involved in coal, oil, construction,
power, shipping and finance industries [10], and the surveyed companies are mainly
concentrated in the coal industry. The data used in this paper comes from the 52 coal
companies that are measured, the total score of safety culture quantitative measurement
is 100 points.
(1) Personnel structure
The personnel structure of the sample under investigation is shown in Fig. 1.
Among the 3401 persons tested, there are 1271 front-line employees, accounting for
37.4% of the total sample; 872 foremen, accounting for 25.6% of the total sample; 774
professionals, accounting for 22.8% of the total sample, and 484 management per-
sonnel, accounting for 14.2% of the total sample.
332 W. Jiang

3500 100.0 100


The proportion of Staff Structure(

The number of samples


2000 60

1500 1,271.0
37.4 40
774.0 872.0
22.8 25.6
480.0 20
500 14.2

0 0
Management Professional Foreman Frontline Overall level
Staff classification
Number of people Proportion

Fig. 1. Proportion of measured personnel structure

(2) Personnel gender

The gender of the sample surveyed is shown in Fig. 2. Among the 3401 subjects,
there are 176 males, accounting for 93.4% and 315 females, accounting for 7.21%. The
proportion of males in the sample is high, because the sample companies surveyed are
high-risk enterprises such as coal mining enterprises. Among the management, there
are 474 men, accounting for 97.9%, and 10 women, accounting for 2.1%. Among the
professionals, there are 705 males, accounting for 91.1%, and 69 females, accounting
for 8.9%; among the foremen, 857 were men, accounting for 98.1%, and 17 were
women, accounting for 1.9%; Among the front-line employees, there are 1140 males,
accounting for 89.7% and 131 females, accounting for 10.3%.
97.9 98.1
100 94.2
91.1 89.7




8.9 10.3
2.1 1.9
Managment Professional Foreman Frontline Over all
worker level
Staff classification
Male Female

Fig. 2. Gender ratio of measured personnel

Analysis on the Acceptance Degree of the Concept 333

(3) Educational level of personnel

The educational level of the sample surveyed is shown in Fig. 3. Among the 3401
participants, there are 126 people with middle school and below education, accounting
for 3.7%, 889 people with middle school education, accounting for 26.1%, 992 people
with high school education, accounting for 29.2%, 808 people with college education,
accounting for 23.8%, and 586 people with bachelor above, accounting for 17.2%.
Among the 484 management personnel, there are 2 people with middle school and
below education, accounting for 0.4%, 34 people with middle school education,
accounting for 7%, 67 people with high school education, accounting for 13.8%, 172
people with college education, accounting for 35.5%, 209 people with bachelor above,
accounting for 43.2%. Among the 774 professionals, there were 4 people with middle
school and below education, accounting for 0.5%, 21 people with middle school
education, accounting for 2.7%, 142 people with high school education, accounting for
18.3%, 329 people with college education, accounting for 42.5%, and 278 people with
bachelor or above, accounting for 35.9%; Among the 872 foremen, there were 23
people with middle school and below, accounting for 2.6%, 301 people with middle
school education, accounting for 34.5%, 365 people with high school education,
accounting for 41.9%, 141 people with college degree, accounting for 16.2%, 42
people with bachelor or above, accounting for 4.8%; Among the 1271 front-line
employees, there are 97 people with middle school and below education, accounting
for 7.6%, 533 people with middle school education, accounting for 41.9%, 418 people
with high school education, accounting for 32.9%, 166 people with college education,
accounting for 13.1%, and 57 people with bachelor above, accounting for 4.5%.




43.2 42.5 41.9 41.9

40 35.5 35.9 34.5 32.9
26.1 23.8
18.3 16.2 17.2
20 13.8 13.1
7 4.8 7.6 4.5
2.6 3.7
0.4 0.5 2.7
Management Professional Foreman Frontline Over al level
Staff classification
Middle school and below Middle school High school College Bachelor above

Fig. 3. Proportion of staff education scale

334 W. Jiang

(4) Personnel work experience

The specific working experience of the sample under investigation is shown in
Fig. 4. Among the 3401 subjects, there are 413 employees with less than 2 years’ work
experience, accounting for 12.1%, 710 employees with working experience between 2
years and 5 years, accounting for 20.9%, 526 employees with working experience
between 5 years and 10 years, accounting for 15.5%, 1752 employees with a working
experience of 10 years and above, accounting for 51.5%. Among 484 management
personnel, there are 8 employees less than 2 years’ work experience, accounting for
1.7%, 23 employees with working experience between 2 years and 5 years, accounting
for 4.8%, 38 employees with working experience between 5 years and 10 years,
accounting for 7.9%, and 415 employees with a working experience of 10 years and
above, accounting for 85.7%. Among the 774 professionals, 136 employees under 2
years of working experience, accounting for 17.6%, 190 employees with working
experience between 2 years and 5 years, accounting for 24.5%, 103 employees with
working experience between 5 years and 10 years, accounting for 13.3%, 345
employees with a working experience of 10 years or above, accounting for 44.6%.
Among the 872 foremen, 31 employees under 2 years of work experience, accounting
for 3.6%, 133 employees with working experience between 2 years and 5 years,
accounting for 15.3%, 143 employees with working experience between 5 years and 10
years, accounting for 16.4%, 565 employees with a working experience of 10 years or
above, accounting for 64.8%. Among the 1271 front-line employees, 238 employees
under 2 years of work experience, accounting for 18.7%, 364 employees with working
experience between 2 years and 5 years, accounting for 28.6%, 242 employees with
working experience between 5 years and 10 years, accounting for 19.0%, 427
employees with a working experience of 10 years and above, accounting for 33.6%.



60 51.5
40 33.6
19 20.9
17.6 16.4 18.7 15.5
20 13.3 15.3 12.1
4.8 3.6
Managment Professional Foreman Frontline Over all
worker level
Staff classification
Less than 2 years 2-5years 5-10years More than 10 years

Fig. 4. The proportion of employees working years

Analysis on the Acceptance Degree of the Concept 335

4 Analysis of Measurement Results

4.1 The Situation of Employees’ Understanding of the Concept of Safety
Creating Economic Benefits in China
Figure 5 depicts the scores of understanding of the concept of “safety creates economic
benefits” and the scores of different categories of people in China’s corporate sector. As
can be seen from Fig. 5, the score of understanding the concept of “safety creates
economic benefits” is 87.7, Among them, management has the highest score in
understanding the concept of “safety creates economic benefits”, which is 89.3. The
foremen’s understanding of the concept of “safety creates economic benefits” come
second with a score of 88.6, the score of safety culture of these two types of personnel
is greater than the score of the overall understanding of the concept of safety impor-
tance, indicating that the management and the foreman have relatively good cognition
of safety concept. The score of front-line employees in understanding the concept of
safety importance is slightly lower than that of the management and the foreman in
understanding the concept of “safety creates economic benefits”, which is 87.4. The
score level is basically the same with the enterprises’ understanding of the concept of
“safety creates economic benefits”; Professionals score the lowest score on the concept
of “safety creates economic benefits”, with a score of 86.3, which is slightly lower than
the level of understanding of the concept of “safety creates economic benefits” of
Chinese companies.

100 96 96 94.2 140

91.4 93.6
89.3 88.6
86.3 88 87.4 87.7
82.4 120
80 76.8
Key element measurement value


93.1 94.4 92.3 93.4 93.1

Degree of safety(




0 0
Managment Professional Foreman Frontline Over all level
Staff classification
Safest enterprise Tested enterprise Safer enterprise Degree of safety

Fig. 5. “Safety creating economic benefits” test results

336 W. Jiang

4.2 Comparison of Safety Culture Level Between Chinese Enterprises

and Foreign Enterprises
In Fig. 5, the standard definition of the best international safety performance enterprises
was the 5-year average lost work injury frequency per 200000 h less than 0.12, while
the standard definition of the poor safety culture level performance enterprises was the
5-year average lost work injury frequency per 200000 h more than 50 [8]. Figure 5
shows the understanding score of the concept of “safety creates economic benefits”
with the best safety performance in the world and those with poor safety performance,
as can be seen from the Fig. 5, the safety culture level of the best international safety
performance enterprises is 94.2 points while the safety culture level of the poor safety
performance enterprises is 72.2 points. However, the understanding score of Chinese
enterprises on the concept of “safety creates economic benefits” is 87.7, which is
between the safety culture level of enterprises with the best international safety per-
formance and those with poor international safety performance. Its overall level
accounts for 89.3% of the international safety culture level of enterprises with the best
safety performance. It shows that Chinese enterprises have a good understanding of the
concept of “safety creates economic benefits”, but there is still room for improvement,
and we need to continue to deepen our understanding of the concept of safety creating
economic benefits.
To improve the acceptance of the concept of “safety creates economic benefits”,
training methods can be adopted. In combination with accident cases, cases around
employees remind employees to pay attention to safety.

5 Conclusion

In summary, following conclusion is obtained:

(1) The score of the understanding of the concept of “safety creates economic ben-
efits” of the tested coal mining enterprises in China is 87.7 points. Among them,
the management has the highest score in understanding the concept of “safety
creates economic benefits” with a score of 89.3. The foreman’s understanding of
the concept of “safety creates economic benefits” comes second with a score of
88.6, then the front-line staff scores 87.4 points and the professional staff scores
86.3 points.
(2) The safety culture level of the best international safety performance enterprises is
94.2 points while the safety culture level of the poor safety performance enter-
prises is 72.2 points. And the understanding of Chinese enterprises’ understanding
of the concept of “safety creates economic benefits” is 87.7 points, which is
between the safety culture level of the enterprises with the best international safety
performance and the enterprises with poor international safety performance.
Analysis on the Acceptance Degree of the Concept 337

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5. Tang ZC, Zuo MJ, Xiao N (2016) An efficient method for evaluating the effect of input
parameters on the integrity of safety systems. Reliab Eng Syst Saf 145(5):111–123
6. Ma Y, Zhao Q, Xi M (2016) Decision-makings in safety investment: an opportunity cost
perspective. Saf Sci 83(3):31–39
7. Brandt H, Mohd Sarif S (2015) Life extension of offshore assets: balancing safety and
project economics. J Pet Technol 67(1):89–92
8. Urbina AG, Aoyama A (2017) Measuring the benefit of investing in pipeline safety using
fuzzy risk assessment. J Loss Prev Process Ind 45:116–132
9. Ma Y (2007) Research on measurement, construction and evaluation of enterprise safety
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10. Stewart JM (2002) Management for word class safety. A Wiley-interscience Publication,
New York
Material Flows Embodied
in China–Japan Trade

Heming Wang(&), Xuan Zhao, Zhihe Zhang, Shuming Li,

and Jizhong Yuan

State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Eco-Industry,

Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
wanghm@mail.neu.edu.cn, zhaoxuan1999@hotmail.com,
lishuming2000@hotmail.com, yjz_2018@hotmail.com

Abstract. China–Japan trade has developed rapidly over the past four decades.
Studying the hidden environmental impact of China–Japan trade can help policy
makers identify which categories of import and export commodities exert major
impacts on the country’s environment. In this paper, we use material flow
analysis and hidden flow analysis to identify products with the largest material
flows, hidden flows, and value flows in China–Japan trade between 1993 and
2015. We summarize the analysis results of five major types of materials. During
this 23-year period, the total volume of material flows exported by China
changed little from 33.0 GT to 32.7 GT, a decline of 0.96%. The total volume of
imported material flows increased substantially from 12.5 GT to 24.9 GT, a
surge of 98.74%. The total volume of hidden flows imported by China also grew
dramatically from 44.7 GT to 123.2 GT, an increase of 175.32%. The total
volume of exported hidden flows increased from 34.3 GT to 74.6 GT, a
116.97% jump. The largest proportion of material flow export product from
China was coal, including bitumen; the largest proportion of material flow
export products from Japan were iron filings and iron-containing scrap; the
largest proportion of hidden flow import products from China were precious
metals; and the largest proportion of hidden flow import products from Japan
were iron alloys.

Keywords: Material flows  Hidden flows  International trade 

Environmental impact  China

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of economic globalization, connections between different

countries are strengthening. International trade plays a particularly significant role by
allowing various resource flow exchanges and redistributions according to different
countries’ requirements [1]. As one of its neighbors, Japan is an important trading
partner of China. Since the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1972, and
especially following China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001,
the economic interdependence of the two countries has grown closer [2]. However,
trade frictions arise frequently and could adversely affect both countries’ economic and
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 338–344, 2019.
Material Flows Embodied in China–Japan Trade 339

environmental development. Therefore, the embodied environmental impacts of

China–Japan trade warrant investigation to reduce corresponding trade friction and
help policy makers identify which import and export commodity categories exert
primary impacts on the countries’ environments.
In this study, we analyzed material flows and hidden flows of biomass, non-metallic
minerals, fossil fuels, and metal minerals in China–Japan import and export trade from
1993 and 2015. Then, we further divided these categories to identify products with the
largest material flows, value flows, and hidden flows in trade between the two coun-
tries. Based on the results of this study, we offer recommendations regarding imports
and exports to reduce potential environmental added value. Our results can be extended
to import and export trade between China and other developed countries.

2 Methods and Data

This study uses material flow analysis (MFA) and Hidden flow analysis (HFA) to
identify products that exert impacts to the environment while also to determine which
country exports more products with high environment impacts to the other in the
context of China–Japan trade.

2.1 Material Flow Analysis

MFA allows researchers to quantify material flows and thus determine which products
are proportionately large, carry a particularly high value, and whose demand has been
rising or falling in China–Japan trade [3, 4]. MFA is a method of quantitative analysis
to evaluate the input, migration, conversion, and output of matter and energy in a
system. Previous studies have used this method to study bulk materials for countries
[5–9] or certain substance categories, such as anthropogenic aluminum [10–12]. The
present study focuses on the international trade database of the United Nations [13] and
considers material flows and their hidden flows in the international trade process
between China and Japan. In accounting, missing material flow data in the database is
estimated to obtain a relatively comprehensive indicator of international trade material
flows [14, 15].

2.2 Hidden Flow Analysis

Hidden flows, also known as ecological rucksacks, which is an analytical method to
quantify the magnitude of resources indirectly used during the life-cycle of a product or
a service. We calculate formulas based on hidden flows as follows:

H ¼ M  Hi

where H denotes hidden flows, M is a category of material, and Hi is the hidden flow
coefficient for the ith type of material. We use the MFA method to calculate material
flow data, combined with the hidden flow coefficient table, and multiply each type of
340 H. Wang et al.

material flow data by the corresponding hidden flow coefficient to obtain hidden flow
data. Each commodity is calculated individually, and all commodities represent

3 Results and Analysis

3.1 Direct Flow Analysis

Figure 1 presents the total material flows of China’s imports and exports in China–
Japan trade from 1993 to 2015. The total material flows of China’s exports rose sharply
around 2000 and then fell after 2004 before declining gently in 2011. During the 23-
year period under study, the total volume of material flows exported by China changed
little, from 33 GT to 32.7 GT, equaling a 0.96% decline from 1993 to 2015. The total
material flows of China’s imports began to rise slowly in 1996 before falling gradually
after 2009. The total volume thus grew more strongly, from 12.5 GT in 1993 to 24.9
GT in 2015 for a total increase of 98.74%. Figure 2 shows that among the five types of
products imported from China, the proportions of fossil fuels and biomass products
increased gradually and then tended to be flat. Metal products fluctuated and ultimately
exhibited a downward trend.

Fig. 1. Total material flows in China–Japan trade (1993–2015).

Fig. 2. China’s imports from Japan by five major types of material flows (1993–2015).
Material Flows Embodied in China–Japan Trade 341

Figure 3 indicates that China’s exports of fossil fuels to Japan decreased signifi-
cantly, whereas metals and other products increased. Biomass and non-metallic min-
erals changed negligibly. Figure 4 suggests that China was most dependent on Japan
for iron-containing scrap and iron filings, although this dependence declined slightly
from 2009 to 2015. Japan was most dependent on China for fossil fuels such as coal,
including bitumen, particularly between 2001 and 2005; after 2005, Japan’s depen-
dence was greatly reduced. The dependence on trade between the two sides thus
appeared to decline during the study period.

Fig. 3. China’s exports to Japan by five major types of material flows (1993–2015).

Fig. 4. Two largest material flow products in China–Japan trade (1993–2015).

3.2 Hidden Flow Analysis

Figure 5 indicates that import hidden flows first increased dramatically and then fell.
The total volume of hidden flows imported by China grew drastically, from 44.7 GT in
1993 to 123.2 GT in 2015 for an increase of 175.32%. Exported hidden flows oscillated
violently and finally either plateauing or declining slightly. During these 23 years, the
total volume of hidden flows exported by China increased substantially, from 34.3 GT
to 74.6 GT, a jump of 116.97% during 1993–2015.
342 H. Wang et al.

Fig. 5. Total hidden flows in China–Japan trade (1993–2015).

Figure 6 reveals that among the five major categories of products imported by
China, the hidden stream contributed by biomass and other products increased grad-
ually. The hidden flow of metals increased first and then declined, but the proportion
remained largest.

Fig. 6. China’s imports from Japan by five major types of hidden flows (1993–2015).

Figure 7 illustrates that among the five major categories of products exported by
China, the hidden flow of metals was largest and tended to stabilize after fluctuating.
The hidden flow of fossil fuels and other products increased. As shown in Fig. 8, the
largest hidden flow products imported from China consisted of precious metals and
precious metal products. The largest hidden flow product imported from Japan com-
prised iron alloys.

Fig. 7. Five major types of hidden flows in China’s exports to Japan (1993–2015).
Material Flows Embodied in China–Japan Trade 343

Fig. 8. Two largest hidden flow products in China–Japan trade (1993–2015).

4 Discussion

China is a developing country, the continued development of which requires scrap

metal such as scrap iron and scrap copper for industrial construction purposes after
being imported from Japan and processed in China. These materials have been closely
related to China’s industrial development in the past 20 years. Japan is a developed
country; importing fossil fuels such as coal and oil from abroad is indispensable for its
development. Such imports are inseparable from Japan’s limited territory and insuffi-
cient resources. However, the two countries’ mutual dependence has declined in their
economic development process. According to the value flow results in this study, the
products that can greatly promote the Chinese economy are portable automatic data
processors; mechanical equipment exerts the same influence on Japan’s economy.
China is a large producer of steel. The process, which produces steel and processing
alloys, consumes substantial raw resources and generates environmental pollution. For
Japan, many cheap metals are purchased from abroad, but processing precious metals
in the country also consumes resources and poses a great environmental load,
explaining the severe impact on China’s environment from iron alloys. The most severe
impact on the Japanese environment comes from precious metals and metal products.
Notably, limitations to this research are that hidden flow coefficients may vary from
country to country, such as in the German hidden flow coefficients used in this study.
Additionally, material flow analysis relies heavily on trade data; if customs data are
recorded incorrectly, results can be misconstrued.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we analyze the material flows and environmental impacts of China–Japan
trade using the MFA method. Between 1993 and 2015, the total volume of material
flows exported by China changed little, from 33 GT to 32.7 GT, whereas the total
volume of material flows imported increased substantially from 12.5 GT to 24.9 GT.
We identified the most dependent products for each country: China relied most on
scrap iron and copper imported from Japan, and Japan relied most on fossil fuels such
as coal and oil imported from China. However, the countries’ mutual dependence has
lessened over time. We also identified the products exerting the greatest environmental
344 H. Wang et al.

impacts in both countries: iron alloys had the greatest impact on China’s environment,
and precious metals had the greatest impact on Japan’s environment.
Fewer exports should be considered for products that affect the domestic envi-
ronment severely. Steel and iron alloys have exerted great impacts on China’s envi-
ronment, and the trade volume is lower; Japan’s precious metal production also exerts a
large environmental impact.

Acknowledgements. This research was supported by College Students’ Innovation and

Entrepreneurship Project of Northeastern University of China (180081), National Natural Science
Foundation of China (41871204, 41401636, and 71403175) and Fundamental Research Funds
for the Central Universities (N172504026).

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8. Wang H, Dai H, Dong L, Xie Y, Geng Y, Yue Q, Ma F, Wang J, Du T (2018) Co-benefit of
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9. Chen W-Q, Graedel TE (2015) In-use product stocks link manufactured capital to natural
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The Comparison Between Reactive Powder
Concrete and Traditional Concrete
in Economy and Environmental Conservation
of Bridge Engineering

Li Lai1,2(&) and Daisen Zhu2

Jiangxi Freesun Technology Company, Ganzhou, China
University of Manchester, Manchester, England

Abstract. The project mainly compared application of the traditional concrete

and reactive powder concrete in t-beam bridges. Different designing parameters of
reactive powder concrete and traditional concrete were listed. According to those
parameters, two traditional concrete t-beam bridge models and five reactive
powder concrete t-beam bridge models were built under the same ambient con-
ditions. Based on the outcomes of seven finite element models, the project found
that although reactive powder concrete has ultra-high-performance in engineering,
which can reduce the material consumption in the superstructure of t-beam
bridges, it cannot reduce the construction costs in t-beam bridges. The price of
building a reactive powder concrete t-beam bridge is twice more than a traditional
concrete t-beam bridge under the same conditions. Reactive powder concrete was
traditionally considered as a green concrete, as it can reduce the material con-
sumption and avoid some pollution in manufacture. However, through the cal-
culation of this project, it found that the total CO2 emissions produced in building
a reactive powder concrete t-beam bridge is 1.8 times than the figure for building a
traditional concrete t-beam bridge under the same condition.

Keywords: T-beam bridge  CO2 emission  Reactive powder concrete

1 Introduction

The amount of structures were built by concrete. According to paper investigation,

approximately 1 tonne of concrete was consumed by one person each year [1]. Human
beings seldom use any other materials, except water, in such quantities. Nevertheless,
contrasted with steel, traditional concrete has some deficiencies, such as carbonization,
bulkiness, and cracking. Therefore, engineers invented a new type concrete to improve
it. In 1993, the French corporation Bouyguesl invented an ultra high performance
concrete, called Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) [2]. Engineers gradually adopted
RPC at bridge in the following 24 years.
The project will build finite element models to prove the feasibility of RPC bridges
in practical engineering in first part. Afterward, traditional concrete bridge and RPC
bridge will be evaluated in different fields, such as security and economics. Then, the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 345–355, 2019.
346 L. Lai and D. Zhu

project discusses whether RPC is a environmentally friendly concrete or not, such as

reducing the emission of CO2, because global warming has become an inevitable
process in the world.

2 RPC Application in Bridge

After RPC was invented, engineers were attracted by its good mechanical behaviors, so
some researches about the application of RPC have been investigated. Technological
breakthroughs has improved the process of RPC production more convenient, engi-
neers began to use RPC in key parts of structure, as its high tension strength and
ductility. Some girders, pillars and frames are constructed by RPC. Nonetheless,
although the technologies gradually improved, RPC was seldomly used in the con-
struction of bridges. In 1999, the world’s first RPC bridge—a precast, prestressed
pedestrian bridge was designed by the Pierre Blais and Marco Couture [3]. In 2002,
Rudy Ricciotti [4] designed a RPC bridge which span is about 120 m in Seoul.
However, this bridge is still a pedestrian bridge. After that, highway bridges were
attempted to build. For instance, in 2013, professor Xudong Shao in Hunan University
attempted to design a continuous beam bridge [5]. In 2016, a pedestrian bridge was
built in China, Hubei province with RPC. The bridge named Xialouzi Bridge is special
bridge, as it only adopt reactive powder concrete without any steel bar [6].

3 The Process of Programme Finite Element Models

3.1 The Material Parameters of Finite Element Models
The main purpose of this project was comparising the C50 bridge and RPC200 bridge.
Hence, the project choose 30 m precast prestressed simply supported t-beam bridge,
because this type of bridge has design drawings in highway regulations. Table 1 lists
the designing parameters of two types materials.

Table 1. The designing parameters of two types concrete

Type C50 RPC200
Unit weight ðkN=m3 Þ 25 26
Compressive strength ðMpaÞ 2.65 130
Tensile strength ðMpaÞ 32.4 18
Elastic module ðGpaÞ 34.5 48

Linear expansion coefficient ð1= CÞ 1:2  105 1:2  105

But expected above difference, these two kinds of concrete also have different
shrinkage and creep. According to the research by Garas [9], he found that RPC’s
shrinkage and creep are much smaller than C50’s. As a consequence, the traditional
method which uses the equation from bridge regulations [7] has become inadequacy in
The Comparison Between Reactive Powder Concrete and Traditional Concrete 347

simulation the shrinkage and creep of RPC. In this project, the creep coefficient
function was assumed as (t represent time).
/ðt; 7Þ ¼ 0:042ð t2 þ 10t  tÞ ð1Þ

The shrinkage of RPC when age of concrete is 7d was assumed as

ecs ¼ 2:813  106 ð t2 þ 75t  tÞ ð2Þ

The curve of function is below (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The curve of creep coefficient (left) and the curve of auto-shrinkage strains (right)

3.2 The Geometrical Parameters of Finite Element Models

The t-beam’s section is displayed in Fig. 2. Three aspects which can influence the
shape of section were considered. There are bearing capacity, crack thickness limit and
structure requirements. In order to satisfy the requirements, the beam end cross section
is on the left of Fig. 2, and mid-span cross section is on the right of Fig. 2. The
500 mm wide web of girder can minimally meet the requirement of prestressed anchor
system. In mid-span cross section, the 200 mm wide web can minimally satisfy the
requirement of bearing capacity and structure requirements. Prestressed steel cross the
bottom of t-beam. Therefore, we can only adjust the height of t-beam to save the
redundant material of t-beam bridge. For instance, if we find stress, which is calculated
by finite element method, is lower than the strength of material, we will reduce the
height of web, like 1372.5 mm and 1325 mm in the Fig. 2.
In this project, three parameters were adjusted, which were material (C50 and
RPC200), the number of prestressed steel and the height of web. When we adjusted the
height of web, we should accordingly change the location of prestressed steel and the
length of distributed reinforcement in concrete. However, in this project, the project did
not adjust the number reinforced steel, as reinforced steel dose not play an important
role in prestressed t-beam bridge and too much variate need to build plenty of finite
element models to calculate. Someone has calculated those processes through the
optimization design in software Ansys [10]. However, he did not consider that the
348 L. Lai and D. Zhu

Fig. 2. Cross sections of t-beam bridge

sectional area of prestressed steel is the multiple of 140 mm mm2 rather than random
sectional area. The outcome of Midas models is displayed in Table 1. All of models are
designed as partial prestressed component of A, which means the stress will not exceed
0.7 times tensile strength under short-term load. All of models are adjusted to meet the
requirements of bridge regulations [7] (Table 2).

Table 2. The geometrical parameters of finite element models

Type of The The height The number of The number of The number of
concrete height of of web No. 1 prestressed No. 2 prestressed No. 3 prestressed
web (end (mid-span steel steel steel
section) section)
C50 1347.5 1325 7 7 7
1144.5 1122 7 8 8
RPC200 1362.5 1340 1 2 2
1297.5 1275 2 2 2
1232.5 1210 3 2 2
1157.5 1135 2 3 3
717.5 695 5 6 6

All of models were adjusted to meet the requirements of bridge regulations [11],
such as bearing capacity, crack thickness limit and structure requirements. Figure 3
shows two beam-bridges which bear short-term load. The left one is made from C50.
The picture shows that the stress at the bottom of t-beam is 1:6 Mpa. This number is
12:6 Mpa at RPC bridges. As a results, the RPC200 bridges and the C50 bridges are
safety according to the analysis of finite element models.
The Comparison Between Reactive Powder Concrete and Traditional Concrete 349

Fig. 3. The results of the Midas Civil models

4 Contrast Economy with Two Different Material in Bridge

Based on the Chinese Engineering Materials’ Price website [12], 1 m3 traditional

concrete (C50) will cost 450¥ and 1 m3 RPC200 will cost 2400¥. Based on results of
the model calculations, Tables 3 and 4 lists the consumption of each concrete ingre-
dient in seven bridge models. Then, the total cost of each bridge was calculated. In this
project, it not considered material consumption in process and transportation. The steel
bar, which was used as stirrups, bearing reinforcement and detailing requirements, was
calculated. However, the project did not include the steel which was used as fixation
prestressed duct and welding. As a result, the steel calculated is slightly less than the
total consumption.

Table 3. Project quantity and manufacturing cost of the C50 beam-bridge

Material Project No. 1 C50 No. 2 C50
beam-bridge beam-bridge
Concrete Volume (m3) 154.8 145.3
C50 Unit price (¥/m3) 450 450
Total price (10000¥) 6.96 6.54
Prestressed steel Volume ðtÞ 3.47 3.8
Unit price (¥/t) 4700 4700
Total price (10000¥) 1.63 1.79
Non-prestressed Volume (t) 30.21 28.19
steel Unit price (¥/t) 4060 4060
Total price (10000¥) 12.26 11.44
Total Added 20.86 19.77

If material cost was only considered, the cost of the RPC200 bridge is much more
expensive than the C50. Nevertheless, This cost can be different when take service life
into account, because the RPC200 beam-bridge’s maintenance is lower than C50 beam-
bridge’s. The former has higher resistance of carbonation and durability.
350 L. Lai and D. Zhu

Table 4. Project quantity and manufacturing cost of the 30 m RPC200 beam-bridge

Material Project No. 1 RPC200 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5
beam-bridge RPC200 RPC200 RPC200 RPC200
beam- beam- beam- beam-
bridge bridge bridge bridge
Concrete Volume 155.5 152.5 149.3 145.9 125.4
RPC200 (m3)
Unit 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400
price (¥/
Total 37.31 36.60 35.83 35.02 30.11
Prestressed Volume 0.83 0.99 1.16 1.32 2.81
steel ðtÞ
Unit 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700
price (¥/t)
Total 0.39 0.47 0.54 0.62 1.32
Non- Volume 30.35 29.71 29.07 28.32 23.96
prestressed (t)
steel Unit 4060 4060 4060 4060 4060
price (¥/t)
Total 12.31 12.06 11.80 11.50 9.73
Total Added 50.03 49.13 48.18 47.14 41.16

5 Environmental Conservation

Global warming has induced some problems, which might threat human beings’ sur-
vival in future. The exponentially increased emission of CO2 has negative impacts on
the ecosystem. The paper in Green House Gas Emission Magazine [1] found that the
concrete industry was responsible for 5% of global anthropocentric CO2 emissions.
Therefore, it is significant that a green concrete need to be invented.
In following content, RPC200’s CO2 emissions and C50’s CO2 emissions will be
calculated. The following parameters are indexed from the paper of Green House Gas
Emissions about Concrete Manufacture [1] and the Australian Greenhouse Office
Factors and Methods Workbook [13]. The CO2 emission factors are listed on Table 5.
The Comparison Between Reactive Powder Concrete and Traditional Concrete 351

Table 5. Full fuel cycle CO2 emission factors [1]

Energy type Emission factor Unit
Electricity 0.001392 t CO2-e/kWh
Diesel 0.0030 t CO2-e/L

The project will compare the RPC and C50 concretes’ CO2 emissions in the process
of bridge construction, two parameters need to be calculated. Those are amount of CO2
emission when 1 m3 of RPC200 is produced and 1 m3 of traditional concrete (C50) is
produced. To start with, the raw materials of C50 and RPC need to be considered.
Table 6 lists the ingredients of concrete.

Table 6. The ingredients of RPC200 and C50 [3, 7]

Raw material RPC200=m3 C50=m3
Portland cement 710 kg 478 kg
Silica fume 230 kg /
Ground quartz 210 kg /
Fine aggregates 1010 kg 610 kg
Metallic fiber 190 kg /
Admixture 19 L 3:59 kg
Water 200 L 117 L
Coarse aggregates / 1186 kg

CO2 will be emitted during the manufacture process of each raw material. The
quantitative values of each raw material’s emissions is listed on Table 7. Five factors
which will possibly lead to CO2 emission are analyzed: the process of manufacture,
excavation, aggregates crushing, the process of screening and transportation (from the
quarry to the industry). Some materials will include four or less than the four of the
factors. For instance, fine aggregates factor contains excavation, screening and trans-
portation. Each material’s CO2 emission is listed as follows:

Table 7. Each raw material CO2 emission factor [1]

Raw material Emission factor (CO2- Raw Emission factor (CO2-
e/tonne) material e/tonne)
Granite 0.0459 Sand 0.0139
Cement 0.8200 Admixture Negligible
Steel 1.8000 Steel 1.7000
Water \ Silica fume 0.0200
Ground quartz 0.0270
352 L. Lai and D. Zhu

Then, all of ingredients will be mixed in a industry. The process usually contains
three step: concrete batching, concrete transportation and in-situ cast, but RPC200
needs an additional procedure for curing. Then the RPC200 is poured into mould,
steam-heated machine should be adopted to curing which sustain concrete temperature
at 90 °C with 72 h. It promise the mechanical quality of RPC200. The CO2 emissions
in those four steps is calculated on Table 8. As the the CO2 emissions in the process of
steam heating has not been considered in details in research, the project will calculate.
The deduction is as follows. In steam curing, four parts will consume energy, which are
RPC200’s heat absorption, heat absorption of the thermal insulation material and the
steel mould, thermal loss to maintain the 90°C temperature, and energy to heat the

Table 8. Concrete CO2 parameters of emission

Activity Parameters of emission Unit
Batching 0.0033 t CO2 - e=m3
Steam-heating 0.4724 t CO2 - e=m3
Transportation 0.0094 t CO2 - e=m3
In-situ cast 0.0090 t CO2 - e=m3

1. RPC200 t-beam bridge heat absorption ðQ1 Þ

Q1 ¼ qcVðTh  T0 Þ ¼ 19154520 KJ ð3Þ

q: the density of material

c: specific heat
V: volume of each material
Th : constant temperature of curing
T0 : the concrete temperature after poured into mould

2. The heat absorption of steel mould and thermal insulation material in the manu-
facture process of single t-beam ðQ2 Þ

Q2 ¼ m1 c1 ðTh  Ta Þ þ m2 c2 ðTh  Ta Þ ¼ 1004884 KJ ð4Þ

m1 : the mass of mould m2 : the weight of thermal insulation material

c1 : the specific heat of mould c2 : the specific heat of thermal insulation material
Ta : ambient temperature

3. The thermal loss maintaining the high temperature in the curing process of single t-
beam ðQ3 Þ, assume the heat transfer achieve steady state. The total heat loss by
radiation and convention is
The Comparison Between Reactive Powder Concrete and Traditional Concrete 353

Q3 ¼ 3:6AKt1 wðTp  Ta Þ þ 3:6AKt2 wðTh  Ta Þ ¼ 13605517 KJ ð5Þ

A: area of dissipation
K: the heat transfer coefficient of thermal insulation material
x: coefficient of air infiltration
Tp : the average temperature of beam in heating process
t1 : hours of heating
t2 : hours of sustaining constant temperature

4. The steam’s absorption of heat in the curing process of single t-beam ðQ4 Þ

Q4 ¼ 1256VS ¼ 1256  3:4245  32 ¼ 137638 KJ ð6Þ

1256: specific heat of per cubic meter steam

VS : volume of free space

As a result, if the efficiency of heat conduction is consider as 0.8 and the coefficient
of heat loss is assumed 1.5, the gross heat consumption is calculated:

ðQ1 þ 5Q2 þ 5Q3 þ 5Q4 Þ  b

QH ¼ ¼ 174177587 KJ ð7Þ

QH : the total heat consumption of steam-curing

b: loss coefficient (1.5 in this situation)
g: heat-transfer efficiency (0.8 in this situation)

The outcome found that built a RPC200 t-beam bridge will consume approximately
174177587 kJ in the steam heating process. Therefore, heating 1 m3 RPC200 will
consume about 1221725 kJ. This value mean 0.4724t CO2-e/m3 will emit.
According to Tables 5–8, C50’s CO2 emissions and RPC200’s CO2 emissions
were obtained. The outcome of calculation is as follows:

C50 : 0:4766 t CO2 - e=m3 ; RPC200 : 1:4426t CO2 - e=m3

Based on Table 9, the emissions of carbon dioxide can be quantified in different

bridges. The CO2 emissions of RPC200 beam-bridge is V1 ¼ 124:03 t and the C50
beam-bridge’s emissions is V2 ¼ 224:63 t.
Therefore, if the process of construction is only factor when consider CO2 emis-
sion, this project found that the CO2 emissions of RPC200 bridge is about twice larger
than C50 beam-bridge’s. Even though assuming that a RPC200 bridge has 100 years
service lifespan compared with 50 years of C50, the total CO2 emissions of RPC200
beam-bridge is same with the C50 beam-bridge’s. As a result, RPC200 is not a green
concrete and cannot reduce CO2 emission.
354 L. Lai and D. Zhu

Table 9. Each bridge CO2 emissions in the process of construction

The type of bridge Total CO2 emissions(t)
No. 1 C50 beam-bridge 124.03
No. 2 C50 beam-bridge 131.36
No. 1 RPC200 beam-bridge 255.51
No. 2 RPC200 beam-bridge 252.25
No. 3 RPC200 beam-bridge 248.75
No. 4 RPC200 beam-bridge 245.00
No. 5 RPC200 beam-bridge 224.63

6 Conclusion
1. If cost merely include the construction cost of superstructure in the simple t-beam
bridge. The cost of RPC200 beam-bridge is approximately twice than C50 beam-
bridge’s. This cost will change when taking maintenance into consider, as the
RPC200 has better durability and hardly carbonize. The maintenance of RPC200
beam-bridge is much small than C50 beam-bridge.
2. In this project, the project found that although it can reduce the consumption of
materials when beam-bridge is used RPC200. The CO2 emissions of constructed a
RPC200 beam-bridge is about twice than the C50 beam-bridge’s. Therefore, RPC is
not a green concrete.

1. David JM (2007) Green house gas emission due to concrete manufacture. Concrete Manuf
2. Pierre R, Marcel C (1995) Composition of reactive powder concrete. Cement Concrete Res
3. Pierre YB, Marco C (1999) Precast, prestressed pedestrian bridge-world’s first reactive
powder concrete structure. New Technol 9:60–71
4. Goodman L (2012) Rudy Ricciotti: l’architecture, un art majeur. (Rudy Ricciotti:
architecture, a major art), France Today, 20 August 2012
5. Xudong S (2017) Experimental verification of the feasibility of a novel prestressed reactive
powder concrete box-girder bridge structure. Bridge Eng 22(6):1–13
6. Fan P, Wang M Song C (2013) Anti-strike capability of Steel-fiber reactive powder concrete.
Defence Sci J 63(4), p.n/a
7. Railway Bridge Regulation (2006) Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) Material Temporary
Technical Conditions. China: Ministry of Railways of the People’s Republic of China
8. Bridge Regulation (2004) Code for Design of Highway Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed
Concrete Bridges and Culverts. China: Ministry of Communications
9. Garas VY, Kurtis KE (2012) Creep of UHPC in tension and compression: effect of thermal
treatment. Cement Concrete Compos 34:439–502
The Comparison Between Reactive Powder Concrete and Traditional Concrete 355

10. Yong L (2014) Analysis of the optimization and application of beam bodies of reactive
powder concrete simply-supported t-beam bridge in the heavy haul railway, Beijing Jiaotong
11. Bridge Regulation (2015) General specifications for design of highway bridges and culverts.
Ministry of Communications, China
12. Chinese Engineering Materials Price Website
13. Australian Greenhouse Office (2014) Australian Greenhouse Office Factors and Methods
Workbook, Australia
Research on Robot Control System in Complex
Information Environment

Xirui Sun1, Chunyu Mao1,2(&), and Mingsheng Yu1

Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun 130052, China
Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Jilin University,
Changchun 130022, China

Abstract. In this paper, six-legged insects bionic prototype, designed a six-

legged robot to climb stairs and control systems. Master-slave control system
design structure, the host platform to a control arm microcomputer core, the
slave servo control system implemented motion control core. When detecting
the complex environment of the stairs, the camera is used to detect the amplitude
and position of the blurred edge of the stairs, and the distance between the stairs
and the robot is measured by calculation. In the gait control, a triangular gait
control algorithm is adopted. The 3D solid model was generated by CATIA 3D
modeling software, and the six-legged robot’s straight walking gait and stair
climbing gait analysis were carried out to verify the rationality of the robot
structure and the feasibility of the motion. Experiments show that this control
system has stable movement, strong adaptability and high use value.

Keywords: Bionic  Arm microcomputer  Six-legged robot  Control system 

Pz410 camera

1 Introduction

In this era of our lives, intelligence has become the theme of this era. So a lot of robots
came into being. The functions performed by these robots are also diverse, such as
terrain exploration, military applications, fire rescue, art and entertainment. Among
these robots, the bionic robot is represented as a representative to realize various
In view of the above background, we have done a stair climbing experiment with a
six-legged insects, a six-legged stair bionic robot control system based on arm single-
chip microcomputer was designed. The basic six-legged robot control requirements
were developed, and the corresponding overall design scheme was established. A six-
legged crawl based on single-chip microcomputer was built. Stair bionic robots and
verify their correctness through experiments [1].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 356–363, 2019.
Research on Robot Control System in Complex Information Environment 357

1.1 The Overall Design Scheme of the Six-Legged Climbing Stair Bionic
According to the design requirements of the six-legged robot control system, the master
chip of the host computer selects the arm MCU [2], and the control chip of the slave
servo control board selects STM32F103R8T6, adds the pz410 camera and the LED
display module to jointly complete the construction of the six-legged robot control
system. The overall design of the control system is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Block diagram

Fig. 2. Leg structure

1.2 Hardware System Design

(1) Steering Gear

In order to meet the control requirements of the six-legged robot drive system,
considering the economics of the robot, the ease of operation and the wide
application of learning, the design uses a servo drive control scheme.
Control mode: The angle of the servo output shaft is controlled according to the
time base pulse. Under the pulse control of 0.5–2.5 ms, the steering gear rotates at
the corresponding angle. Take the 180° steering gear as an example (the design
uses 180° steering gear) [3], and the corresponding control relationship is listed in
Table 1.

Table 1. Steering gear control mode pulse angle correspondence table

Time/ms Angle/(°)
0.5 0
1.0 45
1.5 90
2.0 135
2.5 180
358 X. Sun et al.

(2) Leg Structure

The robot designed this time is a bionic insect, so there are six legs, three servos
on each leg, representing three degrees of freedom [4], and a total of 18 steering
gears. This can be more flexible and more effective (Fig. 2).
(3) Motor Power Supply System
The motor is powered by a 7.4 V lithium battery, and the current required for the
18 servo motors to start is nearly 3 A, so the LM2596 is designed to provide a
high current. The power supply is supplied separately to the main processor and
the sensor circuit (stable to 5 V).
(4) CATIA Model
A three-dimensional model of a six-legged bionic robot is built based on the three-
dimensional modeling software CATIA [5]. Due to the complex mechanical
structure of the six-legged bionic robot, in order to speed up the efficiency of the
simulation and improve the reliability of the simulation analysis results, in the
simulation model, the body and the hex are simplified as much as possible, only
the key components are retained, and the relevant attributes are performed on each
key component definition. The simplified 3D model is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. CATIA simulation structure diagram Fig. 4. Physical map

2 Environmental Information Collection

The pz410 camera is used to detect the amplitude and position of the fuzzy edge of the
stairs to monitor the surrounding environment of the robot [6] (Fig. 4). This technology
not only provides direction and target information for the robot walking, but also
regulates the direction. It has direct performance on walking performance, such as
linearity benefit.
The pz410 camera is used to detect the amplitude and position of the fuzzy edge of
the stairs to monitor the surrounding environment of the robot [6]. This technology not
only provides direction and target information for the robot walking, but also regulates
Research on Robot Control System in Complex Information Environment 359

the direction. It has direct performance on walking performance, such as linearity


m þ eðx  x0 Þ
iðx; yÞ ¼ ð1Þ
mðx\x0 Þ

The Laplace convolution operation [7] is performed on the point spread function
hðr; rÞ of the image i(x,y) and the Gaussian model [8], and the result is expressed as:

C ðx; yÞ ¼ r2 ðhðr; rÞ  iðx; yÞÞ

Z Z qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 
¼ r2 h ðx  uÞ2 þ ðx  vÞ2 ; r  iðu; vÞdudv ð2Þ
dhðx  x0 ; rÞ

When x0 = 0, the above formula becomes:

dhðx; rÞ ex x2
C ðx; yÞ ¼ e ¼  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e2r2 ð3Þ
dx 2pr3

Taking the logarithm of each side of the equation, then:

e x2 C ðx; yÞ
ln pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  2 ¼ ln  ð4Þ
2pr3 2r x 

1 e C ðx; yÞ
A¼ ; B ¼ ln p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; C ¼ ln  ð5Þ
2r2  x 

Then the above formula can be reduced to Ax2 + B = C, At this time, the above
equation is regarded as a linear regression equation about X2. According to the camera
lens geometry model, In order to measure the distance between the object and the lens
u, Just find out the relationship between the diffusion parameter r and the constants A
and B. This can be obtained by their maximum likelihood estimation, Setting the
average value Xi of the region image gray value x and the Ci average value c, the
maximum likelihood estimates for A and B are:

Ci x2i þ 
A¼ P  2 2 ð6Þ
xi þ x2

B ¼ C  Ax2 ð7Þ
360 X. Sun et al.

The parameter estimate r ¼ ð2AÞ2 is obtained from the above formula, There-

fore, environmental information can be collected according to the blurred edges of the

3 Gait Principle Analysis

The gait of a six-legged robot can be divided into two states: a swing phase and a
support phase. The swing phase refers to the process of lifting the robot’s legs from
swinging to swinging and then falling back to the ground. The supporting phase refers
to the process of the robot legs moving from the ground to the swing and then lifting off
the ground. In order to better describe the relationship between these two states and
analyze the influence of different gait planning on the traveling speed of the six-legged
robot [9, 10], the relationship between the oscillating phase and the supporting phase
and the two is defined as follows:
Cycle time: The time during which the robot’s leg swings - the support state for a
full cycle, denoted by T.
Swing time: The time taken by the swing state of the robot leg in the entire period of
the swing-support state, expressed by Tst.
Support time: The time taken by the robot leg support state in the entire period of
the swing-support state, expressed by Tsw.
Land occupation coefficient: the ratio of the support state time to the entire cycle
time of the swing-support state, denoted by b then

Tst Tsw
b¼ ¼1 ð8Þ
T ¼ Tsw þ Tst ð9Þ

Stability factor: The average number of legs as a supporting state during the robot’s
forward process, expressed as d. For a six-legged robot, its stability factor is

d¼6b ð10Þ

Travel speed: the travel speed of the robot is represented by V, and s is the single
step distance during the travel of the six-legged robot then

V¼ ð11Þ

Can be launched by the above four formulas

S 1 S 6
V¼ 1 ¼ 1 ð12Þ
Tst b Tsw d
Research on Robot Control System in Complex Information Environment 361

It can be seen that the support must be no less than three, so the triangular gait is
chosen as the basic gait of the six-legged robot climbing stairs system.

4 Test and Debugging

Click the start button, the program initializes, and the forward program is executed. The
sensor detects it. When the distance between the obstacle and the robot is greater than
3 cm, the program continues, and the forward program is executed. When the distance
between the obstacle and the robot is less than 3 cm, the climbing procedure is exe-
cuted. After the climbing program is executed, the climbing program is completed and
the program ends [11] (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Block diagram

Climbing procedure: 1st leg on the left side, 5th leg on the left side and 4th leg on
the right side are lifted up for forward preparation, and the other three legs (3rd leg on
the left, 2nd leg on the right, 6th on the right Legs) remain motionless. Support the
robot, make the triangle shape of the leg of the robot, keep the center of gravity steady,
then turn the left 3rd leg, the right 2nd leg and the right 6th leg backwards, and turn the
left 1st leg and the left side 5 forward. Legs and right legs. Move the robot forward one
step forward, then drop the left 5th leg and the right 4th leg, and the left 1st leg will fall
on the stairs. The next set of actions is exactly the opposite of the previous set of
actions, this time the right 2nd leg falls on the stairs. In this way, all the legs are slowly
moved to the stairs, and then the movement of the stairs is displayed on the robot’s
LED display module.
The specific action is mainly experiment. After the power is turned on, the robot is
controlled to make the six-legged robot action input and debugging work. When the
action group of this group is entered, the next set of actions can be performed. The
ground walking effect is shown in Fig. 7:
362 X. Sun et al.

Fig. 6. Triangle gait timing diagram (Fig. 6)

Fig. 7. Ground walking effect map

5 Conclusion

In this paper, a six-legged bionic robot climbing and stair control system is designed.
The triangle gait is selected as the walking gait of the robot, and the appropriate
software and hardware environment is built. Finally, the six-legged robot can smoothly
climb the stairs.
In the future, we will install a pressure sensor on the foot end of the six-legged
robot to detect the landing time of each leg of the robot, and then make repeated
adjustments, so that the robot can reduce some deviation in the walking direction, and
finally climb the stairs system. Perfect, can also provide reference and reference for
further research on the application of six-legged robot.
Research on Robot Control System in Complex Information Environment 363

Acknowledgments. Thanks to Mr. Chunyu Mao for his careful guidance on this paper. This
research was supported by Program for Innovative Research Team of Jilin Engineering Normal

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A Nine-Small Place Fire Safety Management

Yufeng Fan(&) and Xiaohua Li

Shenyang Fire Research Institute-MPS, Shenyang 110034, China


Abstract. At present, fire accidents in the “nine small” place in China fre-
quently occur, and the characteristics of “multiple points, wide areas, scattered
distribution” have caused great difficulties for fire supervision and inspection.
This paper proposes a nine-small place fire safety management system, which
can collect the internal fire alarm data onto nine small places through inde-
pendent fire detection equipment, and transmit it to the fire safety information
processing platform of the nine small places in the duty station of the police
station through the Internet. Through the security camera to view and confirm
the fire alarm, notify the property department, the owner of the fire alarm
information, and timely follow-up fire alarm processing.

Keywords: Nine small places  Independent fire detection equipment 

Fire safety management  Fire alarm information

1 Background

With the continuous increase in the volume and scale of China’s economic construc-
tion, the “nine small places” have mushroomed in recent years, which has solved the
employment problems of urban and rural residents, and have promoted the rapid
development of China’s national economy. The “nine small” places to refer to the
general term for small schools or kindergartens, small hospitals, small shops, small din
places, small hotels, small song and dance entertainment places, small Internet cafes,
small beauty bathing places, small production and processing enterprises.
Because the nine small places have the characteristics of “multiple points, wide area,
scattered distribution”, it is difficult to touch the supervision and inspection of general
fire hazards, which causes many places to run out of control and easily lead to fires. For
example, at 17:20 on February 5, 2017, a fire broke out in the foot bath center of Tianxin
County, Tiantai County, No. 5-1, Chunxiao Garden, No. 60 Chunxiao Road, Chicheng
Street, Tiantai County, Taizhou City. The accident caused 18 deaths. The person was
injured. At 23:30 on February 15, 2017, a fire broke out in a rental house at No. 43 2605,
Zhongshan North Road, Putuo District, Shanghai. The accident killed four people. At
0:30 on April 24, 2018, a fire broke out at KTV, Chayuan Road, Qingyuan City,
Guangdong Province. The accident killed 18 people and injured 5 people.
It can be seen from the above data that due to the huge volume of the nine small
places, if the fire safety can not be effectively guaranteed, it will easily lead to serious
safety accidents and cause huge losses to people’s lives and property safety. Due to the
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 364–372, 2019.
A Nine-Small Place Fire Safety Management System 365

particularity of its construction structure, business operations and geographical loca-

tion, the hidden dangers of fire safety are mainly reflected on the following aspects:
(1) Most of the nine small-scale building designs do not meet the requirements of
GB50016-2014 “Building Fire Protection Design Code”, the huge amount of
supervision power is insufficient, and resulting in great difficulties in fire pre-
vention and fire fighting.
(2) The interior of the nine small places is densely populated, and it is difficult to
evacuate when a fire occurs.
(3) The fires from the nine small place are large, the internal combustibles are high,
and the fire spreads fast.
(4) Due to the lack of effective management, there are many phenomena of recon-
struction and construction. The use of fire, electricity, and gas does not meet fire
safety regulations.
(5) Staff safety awareness is weak, self-defense ability is poor.
In view of the fire safety hazards existing on the above nine small places, the public
security and fire control departments will conduct centralized investigations and
remediation actions for fire safety hazards in nine small places during the high-fire
season, so as to minimize the fire safety hazards in such places, but such solutions The
method failed to solve the problem fundamentally. in addition, in recent years, fire
alarm product manufacturers have developed a variety of independent fire alarm
detection devices, such as: independent smoke detectors, independent temperature
detectors, and independent image fire detectors. Etc., simply deploy the detector
without changing the structure of the original site, and push the detected fire infor-
mation to the owner’s mobile phone through wireless transmission (GPRS/3G/4G) to
inform the owner of the nine small places that a fire has occurred. The shortcoming of
this kind of solution is that it is impossible to ensure that the fire alarm information that
has been detected can be received by the owner and timely follow-up processing. The
owner (not inside the unit) or the regulatory department cannot know whether the fire
alarm has been reported to be authentic or not. There is a false positive, and the validity
of its business logic cannot be guaranteed.
Based on the above analysis, this paper proposes a new type of fire safety man-
agement system for nine small places, real-time monitoring, transmission and pro-
cessing of fire alarm information in nine small places, so as to achieve the goal of
reducing fire safety hazards in nine small places, for people’s lives and property. Safety
provides technical support. The system unifies the users involved in the fire safety
management process of the nine small places into one whole, and uses the business logic
to realize the closed-loop management of the fire safety hazards in the nine small places.

2 Introduction to the Fire Safety Management System

of Nine Small Places

The nine small places fire safety management system designed in this paper, the front-
end independent collection equipment is deployed in the owner’s unit of the nine small
places to realize the internal fire information monitoring of the owner’s unit, using the
366 Y. Fan and X. Li

wireless public mobile communication network or accessing the owner’s wireless

router to transmit to the Internet through the Internet. The local police station; the fire
safety management system of the nine small places is deployed in the duty station of
the police station, connected with the current nine small-scale security system,
receiving fire information reported by nine small places, and can view and confirm the
fire alarm through the security camera. The small-scale property department and the
owner’s fire alarm information are shown in Fig. 1 below.

The separate fire detection device The separate fire detection device The separate fire detection device

Wireless Router Wireless Router Wireless Router

nine small place one nine small place two nine small place n

public mobile communication network wired Internet

Internet access gateway

nine small places fire safety

nine small places security video
informations processing
surveillance system

the local police station

Fig. 1. System composition diagram

2.1 A Composition Map of Fire Safety Management System in Nine

Small Places
A nine small place fire safety management system consists of nine small places fire
safety informations processing platform located at the local police station, nine small
places security video surveillance system, Internet access gateway, public mobile
communication network, wired Internet and multiple located in nine small, A separate
fire detection device and routing device inside the site.
The fire safety information processing platform of the nine small places is con-
nected with the Internet access gateway, and the alarm information about the inde-
pendent fire detection equipment received by the Internet gateway is processed, and the
address information, owner information and related property management departments
of the alarm information are identified and analyzed. Information, etc.; Connected to
the security video surveillance system of the Nine Small Places. When the fire occurred
A Nine-Small Place Fire Safety Management System 367

in the nine small places, the video surveillance cameras of the nine small places will be
linked to view and confirm the fire information.
The Internet access gateway and the nine small-scale fire safety information pro-
cessing platform receive alarm information from independent fire detection equipments
in nine small places through the public mobile communication network or wired
Internet, and upload the information to the independent fire detection equipment of nine
small places information.
The public mobile communication networks to refer to 2G, 3G, 4G wireless net-
works, which are connected to nine small-scale independent fire detection devices by
wireless means to transmit alarm information to the Internet access gateway.
Wired Internet refers to wired Internet such as telephone and optical fiber. It is
connected to nine small-scale independent fire detection equipment through wired
connection to transmit alarm information to the Internet access gateway.
The independent fire detection equipments inside the nine small places is com-
patible with the public mobile communication network or wireless WiFi access
transmission mode, and the public mobile communication networks transmission mode
has a built-in public mobile communication network Modem module and SIM card,
and transmits alarm information data through the public mobile communication net-
work. The data transmission needs to pay the communication fees. The wireless WiFi
accesses transmission mode directly accesses the internal wireless routing equipment of
the nine small places, and transmits the alarm information data through the wired
Internet, without additionally generating data communication fees. Independent fire
detection equipment includes: independent smoke detectors, independent heat detec-
tors, and independent image fire detectors. The device has a built-in power supply,
which requires no wiring during installation, and is easy to install and use.

3 Introduction to the Principle of Independent Fire Detection

Equipment in Nine Small Places

3.1 Schematic Diagram of Independent Fire Detection Equipment

in Nine Small Places
The nine small places independent fire detection equipment consists of MCU processor
module, independent fire detection module, wireless transmission module, signal
indication module, rectifier step-down module, lithium battery power supply module
and 2-way RJ45 interface. The schematic diagram are as shown in Fig. 2 below.
The MCU processor module is connected to the 3 V rectifier step-down circuit and
is powered by a lithium battery power supply module; connected to the independent fire
detection module to receive the fire alarm signal (switch quantity) detected by the
detection module; and connected to the wireless transmission module. The received fire
alarm signal is transmitted to the Internet access gateway over the selected wireless link.
The independent fire detection module and the MCU processor module transmits
the detected fire alarm signal to the processor module; connect with the 3 V rectifier
step-down circuit, and provide power support through the lithium battery power supply
module; the independent fire detection module consists of three types. The detection
368 Y. Fan and X. Li

the RJ45 interface

smoke detection module public mobile One
network Modem
temperature detection module module
the RJ45 interface
the MCU processor Two
module WiFi access module
image detection module
The wireless
The independent fire detection module transmission module
LED indicator One

LED indicator Two

the 3V rectifier step-down

LED indicator Three

The signal indicating

The 5V/3AH lithium battery power
supply module

The independent fire detection module

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of independent fire detection equipment in nine small places

module is composed of a smoke detection module, a temperature detection module and

an image detection module. When deployed, the detector module can be selected
according to the actual use characteristics of the nine small places, or two or three
modules. Used in combination.
The wireless transmission module is composed of a public mobile communication
network Modem module and a WiFi access module, and is connected with a 3 V
rectifier step-down circuit, and provides power support through a lithium battery power
supply module; and is connected to the MCU processor module to receive the fire from
the MCU processor module. The alarm signal is transmitted to the Internet access
gateway through this module; the SIM card of the public mobile communication
network module needs to be configured with an SIM card, and the fire alarms signal is
reported through the public mobile communication network, and the fee is paid
according to the data flow; the WiFi access module accesses through the wireless link.
The wireless router in the small place reports the fire alarm signal through the Internet
wired network; the wireless transmission module can only configure one public mobile
communication network Modem module or one way WiFi access module, or can set
two modules to be configured, and each is a backup transmission chain. The road
improves the stability and security of the link; the Modem module of the public mobile
communication network is connected with the RJ45 interface 1, and the modem data of
the public mobile communication network is configured through the interface,
including: the IP address of the Internet access gateway and the data of the data port.
The public mobile communication network Modem can be connected through RJ45
interface 1. The fire signal received by the module is transmitted to the relevant data
receiving gateway by wire; one WiFi access module is connected to the RJ45 interface
2, and the WiFi accesses module data is configured through the interface, including:
accessing the AP name, encryption mode, password, and Internet access. The gateway
IP address and data port data can also be transmitted to the relevant data receiving
A Nine-Small Place Fire Safety Management System 369

gateway by wired means through the RJ45 interface 2 through the fire signal received
by the WiFi access module.
The signal indicating module is connected with the 3 V rectifying step-down cir-
cuit, and provides power supplies through the lithium battery power supply module; is
connected with the MCU processor module, receives the signal status of the processor
output, prompts the device status through the LED indicator, and the LED indicator 1
indicates the device. The power supply state, the LED indicator 2 indicates the con-
nection status between the device and the Internet access gateway, and the LED
indicator 3 indicates the status of the fire alarm signal.
The 5 V/3AH lithium battery power supply module is connected to the 3 V rectifier
step-down circuit to provide power support for each module inside the device, and the
lithium battery power supply module is detachable.

3.2 Data Transmission Processing Method for Fire Safety Management

System of Nine Small Places
See Fig. 3.
The first step, start;
In the second step, the Internet access gateway located at the local police station
receives the data information reported by the independent fire detection equipment in
nine small places in real time;
In the third step, the Internet access gateway parses the reported data to verify
whether the data format meets the requirements. The specific method is to report
whether the MAC address is associated with the specific owner of the nine small
The fourth step, the establishment of the association, is to go to the fifth step, or to
the second step;
In the fifth step, the filtered report data is transmitted to the fire safety information
processing platform of the nine small places in the local police station;
The sixth step is to analyze the data type of the fire safety information processing
platform of the nine small places;
In the seventh step, the data type is the heartbeat data reported by the independent
fire detection equipment in nine small places;
The eighth step is to set a 540 s timer to receive heartbeat data periodically. If the
heartbeat data is not received within the timer period, the process is to turn to the ninth
step, or to the seventh step;
In the ninth step, the fire safety information processing platform of the nine small
places informs the owner of the nine small places and the equipment of the responsible
person of the nine small places through the short message and APP information to
communicate faults, and ordered to repair as soon as possible;
In the tenth step, the duty station of the local police station uses the security video
surveillance system of the nine small places to find the nine small places where the fault
is reported, open the security image and the owner of the nine small places to determine
the communication failure, and turn to the fourteenth step;
The eleventh step, the data type is the fire signal reported by the independent fire
detection equipment in nine small places in nine small places;
370 Y. Fan and X. Li


the Internet access gateway located at

the local police station receives the data
information reported by the independent
fire detection equipment in nine small
places in real time

the Internet access gateway parses the

reported data to verify whether the data
format meets the requirements. The
specific method is to report whether the
MAC address is associated with the
specific owner of the nine small places

the establishment of the False

association, is to go to the fifth
step, or to the second step


the filtered report data is transmitted to

the fire safety information processing
platform of the nine small places in the
local police station

analyze the data type of the fire safety

information processing platform of the
nine small places

the data type is the heartbeat data the data type is the fire signal reported
reported by the independent fire by the independent fire detection
detection equipment in nine small places equipment in nine small places in nine
small places

set a 540 second timer to receive heartbeat

data periodically. If the heartbeat data is not
received within the timer period, the process
is to turn to the ninth step, or to the seventh the duty station of the local police
step station uses the nine small-scale security
video surveillance system to find the
nine small places where the fault is
reported, and open the security image
the fire safety information processing platform of the and the real-time voice and image
nine small places informs the owner of the nine small communication of the owner of the nine
places and the equipment of the responsible person of the small places to confirm whether the fire
nine small places through the short message and APP information is true
information to communicate faults, and ordered to repair
as soon as possible

the duty station of the local police station uses the the duty station of the local police
security video surveillance system of the nine small station contacts the fire department of
places to find the nine small places where the fault is the jurisdiction and sends a police force
reported, open the security image and the owner of the to carry out fire fighting and rescue
nine small places to determine the communication
failure, and turn to the fourteenth step


Fig. 3. Data transmission processing flow chart

A Nine-Small Place Fire Safety Management System 371

In the twelfth step, the duty station of the local police station uses the nine small-
scale security video surveillance system to find the nine small places where the fault is
reported, and open the security image and the real-time voice and image communi-
cation of the owner of the nine small places to confirm whether the fire information is
In the thirteenth step, the duty station of the local police station contacts the fire
department of the jurisdiction and sends a police force to carry out fire fighting and
The fourteenth step ends.

4 Technical Comparison Analysis

Compared with the existing nine small places fire safety management system, the fire
safety management system of the nine small places in this paper has the following
technical application advantages:
(1) Fire safety management system and data transmission processing method in nine
small places, combined with the security video surveillance system of nine small
places, realized fire signal monitoring, multi-network transmission, fire confir-
mation, fire alarm reporting in nine small places, and improved nine small The fire
prevention and control level of the site can also greatly shorten the reporting time
of the fire alarm signal, which is beneficial to the firefighting troops to quickly
dispatch fire fighting and rescue;
(2) Fire safety management system and data transmission and processing methods in
nine small places, the local police station, the owner of the nine small places and
the property management department of the nine small places are combined as a
whole, compared with the single application of the fire safety control system in the
traditional nine small places. The method has the characteristics of closed-loop
application of the user, and improves the scientific and completeness of the system
for confirming the real fire signal and avoiding false alarms;
(3) The nine small-scale independent fire detection equipment provided by the system
has the characteristics of strong applicability. For different types of nine small
places, the owner can choose independent smoke detectors and independent
temperature detection according to the environmental characteristics. The device
or the independent image fire detector module provides both the public wireless
mobile communication network and the WIFI wireless access communication
mode, which can effectively guarantee the stability of the network

5 Summary

The fire safety management of the nine small places has received more and more
attention from the society. The lack of manpower and material resources in the local
police stations is difficult to achieve full-scale and full-time supervision. Then it is
372 Y. Fan and X. Li

necessary to use the Internet of Things technology to build fire safety in nine small
places. The management platform will unite the owners of nine small sites, the property
management department and the police station of the jurisdiction as a whole, and at the
same time open the channel between the security video surveillance system and the fire
safety management platform to realize the rapid confirmation of the alarm signal, avoid
false alarms, and improve fire protection. The effectiveness of the safety management
platform reduces the risk of fire hazards in nine small locations.

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Characteristic Analysis of Temperature
Change in Tai’an City in Recent Years

Mei Shan1(&) and Xun Wang2

School of Tourism, Taishan University, Taian 271000, Shandong, China
Taian Environmental Protection Bureau, Taian 271000, Shandong, China

Abstract. Climate change affected the ecology and environment of a region. It

may threaten the living environment of human beings. In this paper analyzed
2011–2017 Tai’an city of Shandong province temperature data. It is found that
the temperature in Tai’an has fluctuating upward in recent 7 years and this is
significantly responsive to global climate change.

Keywords: Tai’an city  Temperature  Variation characteristics

1 Overview

1.1 Introduction
Climate change is one of the most important issues of global concern. Especially after
the industrial revolution, the greenhouse effect caused by the increasing CO2 con-
centration in the atmosphere has led to a significant trend of global warming.
According to the IPCC’s fourth assessment report, in the 100 years of 1906–2005, the
global surface temperature rose about 0.74 °C (0.56 to 0.92 °C). In the 1000 years of
1901–2000, an average rise about 0.6 °C (0.4 °C to 0.8 °C) increased 0.4 °C [1]. Some
studies have shown that the trend of climate change in China is basically consistent
with the overall trend of global climate change [2].
There are many factors to affect the climate temperature, precipitation, the geo-
graphical position, terrain, ocean currents, human activities etc. Geographical location
and special topography have great influence on the formation of regional climate [3, 4].
Tai’an city located in central Shandong Province, climate is a typical temperate conti-
nental semi humid monsoon area. The characteristics of climatic variation in semi-humid
monsoon climate resources has certain representativeness, detailed analysis of the
characteristics of climatic variation and the causes of Tai’an city, to determine the region
climate change and provide a scientific basis for rational utilization of climatic resources.

1.2 Research Purpose and Significance

Since the last century, global climate change is significant, environmental degradation.
The frequency of climate and meteorological disasters increased significantly in our
country and many other countries in the world. In recent years, global warming as the
main characteristics of the climate change has important influence on human life and

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V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 373–378, 2019.
374 M. Shan and X. Wang

development. Therefore, the study of climate change at various scales has profound
significance to the mastery of climate laws and climate prediction. In addition, detailed
research data on climate change characteristics can guide regional agricultural pro-
duction, so that it can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and develop in a more
favorable direction.
Climate resources is an important part of natural resources, Tai’an city climate
resource is rich. It belongs to temperate semi humid continental monsoon climate area,
with the same light and temperature, the same period of rain and heat, higher natural
fertility and better agricultural production conditions. Agriculture is the basis of eco-
nomic development, and climate is the main factor affecting agriculture. So it is
important to study the characteristics of climate change in Tai’an city and to master the
law of temperature change in Tai’an city.

2 Data Processing
2.1 Overview of Temperature
Air temperature is a short term for the degree of cold and heat in the atmosphere. It is
the air temperature at the specified height (1.25–2.00 m, in China take 1.5 m as a
standard) in the ground meteorological observation field. Air temperature can reflect
the characteristics of a place’s thermal condition, which is indispensable in both the-
oretical research and practical application. Air temperature is an important index used
to measure the temperature distribution and change characteristics of the earth’s surface
atmosphere. This paper adopts the temperature data of daily highest temperature, daily
minimum temperature, monthly average temperature, annual average temperature, the
temperature of the unit expressed in degrees celsius (°C), take a decimal numbers.

2.2 Overview of Study Area

(1) Geographical Location

Tai’an city is located in the central Shandong foothill, its position in the 116°02′E–
117°59′E, between 35°38′N–36°28′N, northern part of Mount Tai connects with the
provincial capital Ji’nan., south connected to Jining city, Laiwu city and Linyi city area
adjacent to the east, west on the other side of the Yellow River and Liaocheng city.
Tai’an city is a famous tourist and cultural city. Within the territory, Mount Tai is a
national key scenic and historic interest area, which is “Chief of the Five Sacred
Mountains” and a total area of 7,761 Km2 [5].
(2) Climate Characteristics
Tai’an city is located in the central mountainous area of Shandong Province. It is a
temperate semi - humid continental monsoon climate zone. Spring is dry and windy,
summer is hot and rainy, autumn is sunny and sunny, winter is cold and less snow [6].
The annual average sunshine duration is 2627.1 h, the interannual variability is
between 2342.3–3413.5 h, and the sunshine percentage is about 58%. The city’s
Characteristic Analysis of Temperature Change in Tai’an City 375

average annual air temperature of 12.9 °C, the highest air temperature of the year in
July with an average of 26.4 °C, the lowest air temperature in January with an average
of 2.6 °C. The extreme maximum temperature is 41°, and the extreme minimum
temperature is −27.5°. The average annual precipitation in the city is 697 mm, and
Tai’an city precipitation varies greatly from year to year. Monsoon climate plays a
major role. The annual maximum precipitation is 1498 mm, and the annual minimum
precipitation is 199 mm. Affected by topography and geomorphology, the climate in
Tai’an is not exactly the same, and there are some local climate such as Mount Tai
climate. Mount Tai is the highest mountain in Shandong Province. Its main peak is
1545 m above sea level. Affected by the terrain, its temperature and precipitation are
different from other areas of Tai’an city, forming its unique mountain climate.
(3) Data Sources
The temperature data from 2011 to 2017 in this paper mainly come from China
Meteorological Network and China Meteorological Data Sharing Network [7]. The
annual average temperature and seasonal average temperature (spring from March to
May, summer from June to August, autumn from September to November and winter
from December to February of the next year) were calculated, the data are continuous
and reliable.

3 Data Processing Results and Analysis

3.1 Analysis of Temperature Characteristic Changes

The temperature changes of Tai’an city are shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1 respectively.

Fig. 1. 2011–2017 annual mean temperature trend in Tai’an city

Table 1. 2011–2017 annual mean temperature in Tai’an city (unit: °C)

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Temperature 14.0 13.8 14.3 15.0 14.9 14.8 14.8
376 M. Shan and X. Wang

From Table 1 and Fig. 1: Tai’an city 2011–2017, the annual average temperature
14.5 °C, in 2012 was 13.8 °C is the lowest annual average air temperature, the highest
in 2015 was 15.0 °C; The annual average temperature dropped slightly in 2013–2016,
but the overall trend is upward, which is consistent with the current global warming
There are various factors influencing temperature change in a region, including
atmospheric circulation, solar radiation, precipitation and sunshine conditions, as well
as local topography and heat island effect caused by urbanization. In the context of
global warming, abnormal circulation and the influence of human activities are the
main causes of temperature change.
Tai’an city temperature fluctuated upward trend, including natural causes may be
under the background of global warming, atmospheric circulation to make changes in
response to the global climate change and adjustment, so as to make the regional
climate change; Human-induced temperature increases are mainly based on the extent
and extent of human activities affecting climate that are expanding and becoming more
serious. The rapid development of modern industry has caused a large amount of
greenhouse gases to enter the atmosphere, and the greenhouse effect has intensified the
temperature increase of the air near the stratum. At the same time, the increase of urban
population leads to the increase of carbon emissions, and the cumulative CO2 emis-
sions are approximately linearly related to the increase of temperature [8]. According to
statistics, in 2011, the resident population of Tai’an city was 5.5951 million; In 2015, it
was 5.6571 million; and in 2017, it was 5.7297 million. The population keeps
increasing. In addition, the increasing number of factories under construction in Tai’an
city, the increase of economic activity leads to the increase of energy use in cities and
the increase of CO2 emissions, which aggravates the urban heat island effect and
eventually leads to the increase of temperature.

3.2 Analysis of Seasonal Average Temperature

The temperature of Tai’an city in each quarter (spring of March to May, summer of
June to August, autumn of September to November, winter of December to February of
the next year) is shown in Table 2 and Fig. 2.

Table 2. 2011–2017 average seasonal temperature in Tai’an (unit °C)

Year Spring Summer Autumn Winter Annual
2011 13.9 25.9 14.4 −0.1 14.0
2012 15.7 26.4 13.8 −0.9 13.8
2013 15.0 27.0 14.7 0.2 14.3
2014 15.1 25.9 17.2 1.4 15.0
2015 16.3 26.1 14.9 2.1 14.9
20l6 16.1 26.5 15.3 0.9 14.8
2017 15.4 26.7 14.7 1.9 14.8
Characteristic Analysis of Temperature Change in Tai’an City 377

Fig. 2. 2011–2017 average seasonal temperature in Tai’an (unit: °C)

From the perspective of seasonal changes in each year, the average temperature of
the season fluctuates and rises, among which the average temperature of the winter
increases the fastest, the rising trend is the most obvious, and the change range of the
summer high temperature is small. The winter low temperature rise, making a signif-
icant decline in temperature difference, which shows that the annual average temper-
atures rise, the largest contribution is winter heating, the temperature changes with the
global and national law is consistent with the [10–12].
The following conclusions can be drawn from Fig. 2 and Table 2:
(1) The air temperature in spring, autumn and winter of Tai’an city shows a trend of
warming. In summer, the air temperature first increases and then decreases, but in
2013 and 2015, the air temperature is significantly higher than that in 2011.
(2) The temperature in the summer of 2013 was relatively high, which was related to
climatic events such as the continuous high temperature in August of that year and
haze weather at the beginning and end of the year.
(3) In 2015, the temperature in winter of Tai’an City in Shandong province was slightly
higher than that in other years, and the climate feature of slightly rising temperature
was consistent with the overall climate feature of Shandong province [13].
In addition to the climatic effect of solar radiation and frontal rain belt, experts point
out that circulation anomalies is the direct cause of climate change, including frequent
El Nino and La Nina events is the main cause of climate change. Geography factors
through the radiation factor and circulation factor and acts on the climate, the influence
of any climate is linked to a certain region, which is combining with the geographical
environment and climate phenomenon, therefore, some regional factor’s influence on
climate also nots allow to ignore. Such as the influence of mount tai on tai’an climate.
Temperature decreased with increasing of altitude and Tarzan of the annual average
temperature 7.4 °C lower than the tai’an, an average annual rainfall of 678.5 mm
mount tai an average annual rainfall of 1031.3 mm, annual average rainfall of poor
value of 352.8 mm [14], mountain climate is significant.
378 M. Shan and X. Wang

4 Conclusion

From 2011 to 2017, the average annual maximum temperature in Tai’an city was
35.8 °C. annual average minimum temperature of 13.8 °C, annual average temperature
14.5 °C, annual average temperature rise significantly. The average temperature of
each season is different, and the temperature of spring presents an m-shaped trend. In
and winter, the temperature rises first, then falls and then rises. Autumn temperatures
fluctuate wildly. Tai’an city generally shows an upward trend in temperature and a
downward trend in precipitation. Climate change has an obvious response to global
climate change, which is in line with the global climate change trend.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by the scientific research project of Taishan
University (No: Y-01-2017002).

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trend of climate change in China in the past 1960–2013 years. Fujian Agriculture and
Forestry University, Fujian, pp 1–7 (in Chinese)
5. Baidu Encyclopedia: https://www.baidu.com/. Accessed 05 May 2018; Tai’an Municipal
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6. Qi B, Lu XW (2010) Characteristics of climate change in Tai’an from 1971 to 2009. Modern
Agric Sci Technol (22):19 (in Chinese)
7. China Weather Network: http://www.weather.com.cn/, China Meteorological Data Sharing
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8. Dong SY, Gao XJ (2014) Long climate change - IPCC fifth assessment report interpretation
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9. Dong LG (2009) Effect of vegetation restoration in Taishan mountain pumped storage power
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10. Jinhua (2010) On the impact of climate change in Tai’an on peach production in Feicheng.
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11. Wang J (2011) Climate variability characteristics and impact on planting structure in Tai’an
in recent 30 years. Shandong Agricultural University, Shandong, pp 5–7 (in Chinese)
12. Ding M, Peng S, Zhao J (2006) Climate change in Tai’an of Shandong in recent 53 years and
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13. Xu C, Zhang Y, Yao C, Zou D (2015) 2015 winter climate characteristics in Tai’an. Anhui
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Environ Sustain Dev (5):219 (in Chinese)
Establishment and Implementation
of Quality Management Standard System
for Aviation Industry

Feng Zou1, Pengyi Wei1, and Yan Zhao2(&)

Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Ltd., Beijing, China
Social Credit Branch, China National Institute of Standardization,
Beijing, China

Abstract. In this paper, firstly, the principles, ideas and methods for the con-
struction of quality management standards system in China’s aviation industry
have been proposed based on the current situation. Secondly, system diagram of
quality management standards has been established and a detailed list of stan-
dards has been compiled. In the end, a few suggestions for the follow-up
implementation have been made accordingly.

Keywords: Aviation industry  Quality management  Standards system 

Establishment  Implementation

1 Introduction

Quality management standards are integral parts of aviation industry standards. They
refer to a series of reusable rules, guides or characteristic documents, including stan-
dards, specifications, manuals, applications and so on, which are complied in order to
standardize quality management of enterprise and key projects in the full life cycle of
aviation industry. Establishing quality management standard system is a systematic
plan for quality management standardization of aviation industry. It is helpful for
scientific researchers, production and management personnel to understand the
domestic and foreign quality management standards of aviation industry and to provide
scientific basis and plan for formulating and modifying a series of quality management
standards of aviation industry in China. According to the standard system table, the
formulating and revision of standards can be arranged purposefully and emphatically to
meet the needs of major engineering projects in the aviation industry, promote the
quality of aviation products and improve management level of aviation industry.

2 Quality Management Standard and System Status

of Aviation Industry

At present, the current quality management standards of aviation industry in China are
distributed in different standard system tables. In the national defense science and
technology industry standard system table, the general standard system table

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V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 379–387, 2019.
380 F. Zou et al.

(Z) contains 47 quality management standards (ZAH) [1–3], such as Terms for
equipments quality management (GJB 1405A-2006), Guide for managing quality costs
(GJB/Z 4-1988), Foreign object control requirements (GJB5296-2004) and so on. The
Aviation Standard System Table (A) includes 5 quality management standards
(ATAH), such as Terms for aerospace quality management (HB 6174-1988), Quality
management systems requirements (GJB 9001C-2017) and so on. In the General
Aviation Standard (AT)\Aeronautical Materials and Products (ATB)\Metallic Materials
(ATBA)\Basic Standard (ATBAA), there are more than 20 quality control standards
(ATBAAB), such as the ultrasonic test quality control of aeronautical parts (HB5358.1-
1986) and the penetration test quality control (HB5358.4-1986) of aeronautical parts. In
addition, there are 62 standards related to the inspection of coating and welding quality,
and 5 grading standards of gauges, such as zinc coating quality inspection (HB 5035-
1992), tin coating quality inspection (HB 5046-1993), gauge product quality classifi-
cation provisions (HB 4496-1990), etc. In addition to the quality management, quality
control, quality inspection and gauge grading standards in the national defense science
and technology industry standard system, the aviation industry has also formulated a
number of other quality management standards to meet the needs of quality manage-
ment, such as aviation product quality auditing (HB/Z 299-1997), special process
qualification requirements (HB/Z 303-1997).
These standards have played an important role in strengthening quality manage-
ment standardization, ensuring the success of model/project development, and
improving the quality of aviation products. With the deepening of the research and
development of some major special projects and key models and the extensive adoption
of new technology, new technique, new material and new equipment, the existing
aviation quality management standards are gradually not applicable to meet the needs
of the development of weapon equipments and major special projects. The main points
are as follows:
• The standard system is not reasonable. Specifically, many published aviation
quality management standards are not included in the current aviation standard
system diagram. Moreover, quality control standards (ATBAAB) have been sepa-
rated from the quality management (ATAH) standards, which will not help the
unified planning of quality management standards.
• The current aviation quality management standards are old. Most of the existing
quality management standards are more than 20 years old. Moreover, they do not
fully reflect the successful experience of quality management practice in Chinese
aviation industry, and are not suitable for major engineering projects such as large
transport airplane, large passenger airliner, fourth generation jet fighter, aero engine
program passenger and so on.
• Most of the quality management standards are lack of compatibility, applicability
and rationality. The quality standards of AS9100 series, which are widely used in
the international aerospace field, are not fully adopted in Chinese aviation industry
[4, 5], which will not help the development of Chinese civil aircraft and interna-
tional cooperation business.
It can be seen that the current quality management standards of Chinese aviation
industry cannot meet the requirements of quality work in the development and
Establishment and Implementation of Quality Management Standard System 381

production of aviation weapons and equipment. It is urgent to study and perfect the
existing quality management standards and system of the aviation industry, to revise
the existing standards and to formulate new standards, so as to meet the needs of major
engineering projects and key model development and production [6].

3 Establishment of Quality Management Standard System

for Aviation Industry

3.1 Establishment Principles and Requirements

The establishment of quality management standard system for aviation industry follows
the following principles and requirements:
• Objectives shall be clear and structure shall be reasonable. Firstly, the quality
management standard system shall be established to meet the actual needs of quality
management standardization development and model/project development and
production in aviation industry. Secondly, it shall help to improve the level of
quality management and be operational. Thirdly, each standard listed in the stan-
dard list shall be arranged at the appropriate level and the same standard cannot be
included in two sub-systems at the same time.
• The urgent standards shall start off before the others. The formulation and
revision of quality management standards shall meet the requirements of key model
project development and production, so as to avoid the disconnection between
quality management standards and product development. Best practices of quality
management shall be summarized and refined into standards in time.
• The quality management standard system shall be uniquely applicable, open
and compatible. The characteristics of the aviation industry and quality manage-
ment shall be fully reflected and it shall be applicable to the actual situation of
quality management in the aviation industry. It can absorb the quality management
standards of advanced domestic and international enterprises, as well as follow the
requirements of the higher authorities and the military on quality management, in
the meantime, coordinate with the relevant national standards and national military

3.2 Establishment Ideas and Methods

Based on the framework of aviation standard system for national defense science and
technology industry, combining with the characteristic of aviation industry and the
needs of key model/project development, the quality management standard system for
aviation industry will be established by collecting and analyzing relevant standard data,
industry investigation, exchanging ideas and discussion.
(1) Data collection
In order to ensure the integrity, inheritance and forward-looking of the standard
system, relevant domestic and international quality management standards
382 F. Zou et al.

applicable to Chinese aviation industry have been collected and analyzed. The
data collected include:
• Quality standards applicable to Chinese aviation industry, such as national
standards (GB), national military standards (GJB), aviation industry standards
(HB), international aerospace standards.
• Domestic and international quality management standards, such as ISO stan-
dards, standards of the United States Department of Defense, standards of the
United States Association of Motor Vehicle Engineers, proposals of the
International Aerospace Quality Organization, quality management standards
and system of Chinese aerospace, weapons, shipping and other industry.
• The planning and requirements of quality management standards of the
national defense science and technology industry and the military [7].
• Other relevant documents and materials, such as “Standardization Foundation
of Aviation Industry” [8], “Civil Aviation Diagram of Standard System” [9],
“Principles and Requirement for Preparing Diagrams of Standard System” [10]
and so on.
(2) Industry investigation
Based on quality requirements of key model/project development and production,
we have conducted extensive and in-depth investigation on manufacturers of
typical aircraft, main engine and key supporting parts in aviation industry, so as to
fully grasp the requirement of quality management standards in enterprise and
model/project development and production process. In view of the formulation
and revision of quality management standards in aviation industry, the opinions
and suggestions of quality management professionals have also been collected to
ensure the applicability of quality management standard system framework and
the operability of standard list.
(3) Exchanging ideas and discussion
In the process of establishing quality management standard system, we have fully
discussed with personnel from the quality management department, quality
engineering department and standardization department of various units on the
standards to be formulated and revised, and have determined the urgent standards
to be formulated and revised. At the same time, the standard system framework
and standard list have been improved and perfected constantly.

3.3 Standard System Structure

The quality management standard system structure of aviation industry is shown in
Fig. 1. Horizontally, the first level includes three subsystems: the basic standard
(ATAHA), the working standard (ATAHB) and the method standard (ATAHC). The
working standard includes the general standard (ATAHBA), the development process
standard (ATAHBB), the production process standard (ATAHBC), the test flight
process standard (ATAHBD) and the repair and service process standard (ATAHBE).
Establishment and Implementation of Quality Management Standard System 383

Fig. 1. The quality management standard system structure of aviation industry

3.4 Detailed List of Standards

According to GB/T 13016-2009 “Principles and Requirements for Standard System
Compilation”, a detailed list of standards and a statistical table of standards for the
aviation industry standard system are compiled, as shown in Tables 1 and 2. The
detailed list structure mainly includes system number, serial number, standard name,
standard number, international standard number and adoption, recommended classifi-
cation, remarks.
The ATAH in Standard System Number stands for Aviation Quality Management
Standards, and letters A and B stand for levels and types. “International Standard
Number And Adoption” denotes the extent to which international standards are
adopted, Idt denotes identical, Eqv denotes equivalent, and Neq denotes no equivalent.
“Recommended classification” refers to which type the standard should be set. The
“remarks” indicates the state and source of the details of the standard. There are 249
items of standard items in the detailed list, only some typical standards have been listed
Confined to the length of this paper.

Table 1. Detailed list of quality management standard system for aviation industry
System SN Standard name Standard International Recommended Remarks
number number standard classification
number and
ATAHA Basic standard
1 Quality management systems – GB/T GB Related
Fundamentals and vocabulary 19000-2016 standards
2 Terms for equipments quality GJB GJB Related
management 1405A-2006 standards
3 Terms for aerospace quality HB HB To be
management 6174-1988 revised
384 F. Zou et al.

Table 1. (continued)
System SN Standard name Standard International Recommended Remarks
number number standard classification
number and
ATAHB Work standard
ATAHBA General standard
1 Quality management system GJB GJB Related
requirements 9001C-2017 standards
2 Quality management system Eqv GJB HB To be
requirements 9001C formulated
116 Managerial requirements for HB To be
destructive physical analysis of formulated
ATAHBB Standards for development process
1 Requirements for weapons GJB GJB Related
demonstration and review 3660-1999 standards
2 Project management of weapon GJB GJB Related
development 2993-1997 standards
53 Accreditation procedures for aviation Idt 9133 HB To be
standard parts formulated
ATAHBC Standards for production process
1 Productivity analysis GJB GJB Related
3363-1998 standards
2 Variation management of key HB Idt AS9103 HB Related
characteristics 9103-2007 standards
51 Requirements for quality surveillance GJB GJB Related
of qualification of product- 3920A-2006 standards
transference or restoration of
ATAHBD Standards for flight test
1 Quality management requirements of GJB GJB Related
large scale test 1452A-2004 standards
2 Physical and chemical test control GJB GJB Related
specification 466-1988 standards
11 Quality control in flight test HB Related
ATAHBE Standards for maintenance service
1 Technical bulletin handling HB Related
requirements standards
2 The requirements and methods for GJB GJB Related
evaluation of weapons and equipment 4386-2002 standards
maintenance quality
6 After-sale technical service for GJB/Z GJB Related
military products 3-1988 standards
Establishment and Implementation of Quality Management Standard System 385

Table 1. (continued)
System SN Standard name Standard International Recommended Remarks
number number standard classification
number and
ATAHC Method standard
1 Application guideline of statistical GJB/Z GJB Related
methods for equipment quality 127A-2006 standards
2 Guide to fault tree analysis GJB/Z GJB Related
768A-1998 standards
9 Guideline of quality problem close HB Related
loop for aviation products standards

Table 2. Statistical table of standards for the aviation industry standard system
Statistical item No. of proposed standards No. of existing standards
Basic standard 3 3
Work standard 237 194
Method standard 9 3
Subtotal 249 200

4 Implementation of Recommendations

The standards proposed in the detailed list of standards for formulation and revision
have been determined based on careful analysis, full communication and discussion
with the quality management, engineering and standardization professionals of the
enterprises. They have strong applicability. It is suggested that the competent depart-
ment in charge of standard formulation and revision organize all aircraft and main
engine and some key supporting parts manufacturers, to plan and carry out the work of
standard formulation and revision step by step according to the urgency of standard
demand. It is hoped that a more complete and coordinated quality management stan-
dard system of aviation industry can be established as soon as possible to meet the
needs of the development and production of aviation products.
The standard implementation process includes two steps: selecting standards and
implementing standards. Firstly, each organization should select suitable standards
from the quality management standard list of the aviation industry and incorporate
them into the enterprise quality management system or the model/project standard
system. Then, in the process of model/project development, production, test flight, use
and maintenance, the standards should be strictly enforced. National standards, national
military standards and aviation industry standards will be the priorities in the process of
386 F. Zou et al.

implementing standards. Moreover, enterprises should either revise and implement the
general standards in the quality management standard system according to the
requirements and application levels, or formulate corresponding enterprise standards
and special standards, so as to indirectly implement the standards. Some common
enterprise standards should be upgraded to aviation industry standards or national
military standards in time to speed up the establishment and development of quality
standards system.

5 Summary

Modern aviation equipment is becoming more and more complex and the production
conditions of aviation products have changed greatly, which put forward higher
requirements for the quality management of aviation industry. Based on the analysis of
domestic and international quality management standards and system, in this study we
have carried out top-level planning and design of quality management standards,
established the framework of quality management standards system in Chinese aviation
industry, and compiled a detailed list of standards to summarize the overall picture of
quality management standards in a more effective and intuitive way.
The system embodies the characteristics of quality management in aviation
industry, points out the key points and development direction of quality management
standardization, and provides an important basis for the revision and implementation of
quality management standards in aviation industry in China. In order to maintain and
update the quality management standard system of aviation industry in time, scien-
tifically and reasonably, all aviation industry enterprises should constantly put forward
suggestions to improve the quality management system in the light of the actual sit-
uation and problems encountered in the development of model/project. Through the
implementation of more advanced and more applicable quality management standards,
the aviation product physical quality and quality management level will be promoted.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by National Key R&D Program of China
(Grant No. 2017YFF0207600) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (71302016).

1. National Military Standards: Quality Management (2004) General Armament Department
Military Standard Publishing Department, Beijing
2. National military standards: Quality Management I (1992) Military standard Publishing
Department of Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense,
3. National military standards: Quality Management II (1997) Military standard Publishing
Department of Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense,
Establishment and Implementation of Quality Management Standard System 387

4. Ji S (2003) International aerospace quality standards and their development. Aeronautic

Stand Qual 3:43–46
5. Jiang Y, Cao X, Lin S (2007) Current situation and development trend of international
aerospace quality management system standard (AS9100). Qual Reliab 2:49–52
6. Han Y, Han S (2018) Research on practice and standardization strategy of requirement
engineering aircraft. Standard Sci 2:65–67
7. GJB 9001C-2007, Quality management systems-Requirement
8. Bi G (2002) Standardization Foundation of Aviation Industry, Aviation Industry Press
9. MH/T 0004-95, Civil aviation diagram of standard system
10. GB/T 13016-2009, Principles and requirements for preparing diagrams of standard system
Design and Implementation
of Informationalized Training System
for Music Therapy Technology

Xuegang Zhang and Qianwen Li(&)

Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College, Guangzhou, China


Abstract. This paper mainly discusses the significance and necessity of the
construction of the informationalized training system of Music Therapy Tech-
nology, analyzes the requirements of functional module of the informationalized
training system, designs and implements the framework based on the determi-
nation of the requirements, and eventually demonstrates the effect of the training
system in practice.

Keywords: Informationalized training system  Music Therapy Technology 

Functional module  Design  Implementation

1 Introduction

“Music Therapy Technology” is a new interdisciplinary subject, which is mainly aimed

at making students master the basic function, applicable principles and suitable pop-
ulation of this course in traditional Chinese medicine health care, and choosing suitable
therapy music and operation skills for different sub-health symptoms [1]. Although the
practical training can be carried out during the course, it still necessary for students to
be equipped with a strong theoretical foundation on psychology, musicology and
traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, students cannot form a systematic knowledge
networks on relevant knowledge points only through classroom practical training. In
addition, many students are not interested in the theoretical content, so it poses to some
extent difficulty on the practical training. However, students who lack theoretical
knowledge can make them have difficulty applying knowledge in the needs of their
practical work, which to a large extent does not conform to the purpose of the school
operation that the higher vocational school shall serve the industry completely [2].
However, the graduates are still need to be further trained after entering the enterprise
rather than be directly equipped with corresponding comprehensive professional skills
after graduation. The informationalzied training system of “Music Therapy Technol-
ogy” can break through the above bottlenecks and present the entire knowledge system
of the course in the form of a knowledge network so that students can effectively and
reliably master the relevant theories and important operations in Music Therapy

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 388–397, 2019.
Design and Implementation of Informationalized Training System 389

2 Needs Analysis of Functional Module of Informationalzied

Training System in “Music Therapy Technology”

With the support of the research project, we investigated the current development of the
informationalized training system through literature research, questionnaire survey and
experimental testing and statistics, and actively explored new music therapy technology
and its operational processes. Moreover, we also analyzed the opinions and suggestions
of students on the functional requirements of informationalized training system of the
“Music Therapy Technology”, such as the expected learning content, training exercises
and feedback methods. At the same time, we visited several music therapy medical
institutions and health care institutions to determine the professional needs through
interviews and observation. Through more than half a year’s investigation and sum-
mary, the four main functional modules of the information training system of music
therapy technology are finally determined, namely basic knowledge learning function
module, music therapy resource library function module, case training practice function
module and self-maintenance function module. Among them, basic knowledge learning
and case training practice are the core functional modules, which directly determine the
use effect and evaluation of the system. Thus, the specific functional modules and their
training needs are summarized as follows.

3 Basic Knowledge Learning Function Module

The basic knowledge learning function module mainly completes the explanation,
learning and daily examination and etc. of basic knowledge points of the practical
training of Music Therapy Technology, which covers several main functions, including
the analysis of various knowledge points of music therapy technology, micro-course
videos of important knowledge points, quick examination of knowledge points,
examination of knowledge points, recording and displaying students’ learning traces
and etc. The function module realizes the following specific functions:
Analysis of knowledge points: Based on the content of “Music Therapy Tech-
nology”, this module uses texts and charts to represent the knowledge module of basic
theory, basic music knowledge, music therapy technology and health-preserving music
and etc.
Videos of micro-courses on important knowledge points: Some important knowl-
edge points need to be recorded into micro - courses, which can be explained in depth
by using various common display methods such as explanation method and demon-
stration method and etc.
Quick check the knowledge points: This module presents the entire knowledge
system of the course “Music Therapy Technology” in the form of a knowledge net-
work, and carries out a quick check with the keyword search module.
Examine the knowledge points: Set up exercise library to provide assessment and
result feedback of basic knowledge points. The topic presentation can be divided into
unit tests or random tests, and the results are fed back to the user and recorded in the
user’s learning trace [3].
390 X. Zhang and Q. Li

Check learning trace: After the students have completed their study in this module,
the system will provide them with the function of checking the relevant learning traces
of the information such as the content, examination results and feedback of the
knowledge they have learned before.
Music therapy resource library module.
The music therapy resource library module provides the treatment case library,
music library and related treatment technology library needed by the course training.
The function module realizes the following specific functions:
Treatment case library: Through making investigations on medical institutions
offering the music therapy, a batch of cases of clinical use of music therapy were
collected and put into storage for students to inquire and learn.
Music library: We have bought large quantity of music, such as wealth of Five-
element Health Music, Emotional Music and etc. and established a music library for
students to listen, analyze and apply.
Treatment technology library: Commonly used music therapy techniques and their
operational technical routes are included, such as traditional Five-element Health Music
regimen and discussion of the music imagination combined with music, which can be
queried and invoked [4].

4 Case Training Exercise Function Module

The case training exercise function module completes the following functions, like the
function of case exercise, prescription automatic scoring, prescription evaluation
feedback, and students’ learning trace recording and inquiry. The most important
purpose of the case training exercise function module is to apply the basic knowledge
of music therapy technology to practice so that students can truly master the practical
application of music therapy technology in clinical practice [5]. After students log in to
the system, they choose case training exercises to enter the corresponding case training
module, then choose the practice case, and the system will pop up the corresponding
treatment technology to let them choose. There are mainly three modes, namely active,
receptive and improvisation for them to choose.
Then they will require students to choose the corresponding treatment methods and
methods. Finally, they will treat the patients. If they are satisfied, they will submit the
prescription. If they are satisfied, the system will give corresponding scores and
feedback information. If they are not satisfied, they will return to the treatment tech-
nology selection step to practice again. The specific operation process is shown in
Fig. 1.
Design and Implementation of Informationalized Training System 391

Fig. 1. Operation flow chart of case training exercise function module

Music therapy prescription case training practice: Students can choose or randomly
select cases from the case library to practice the compilation of music therapy pre-
scriptions. Each case will present visitors’ basic information, psychological status,
music skills and preferences, requirements for music therapy and other information [6].
Students should be based on the above case information to choose the appropriate
music therapy technology, proper music and suitable music therapy process to com-
plete the compilation of the entire music therapy prescription.
Automatic scoring on prescription: This module gives feedback on the results of
user case training or practice and counts the results in the user’s learning trace. The
scoring will be done automatically by the system according to the built-in standard.
Feedback from prescription evaluation: After scoring the user’s case training or
practice results, the system can carry out intelligent feedback according to various scoring
standards, i.e. students can understand whether compiling their own music therapy pre-
scriptions is reasonable and what disadvantages exist through systematic feedback.
Learning trace query: After the students finish the corresponding case exercises, the
system can provide the relevant information of learning trace inquiry function such as
the cases and results they practiced before, so that the students can better review and
summarize the cases.
392 X. Zhang and Q. Li

Self-preservation function module.

The self-preserving function module helps students to understand themselves,
analyze their own needs, and customize their common therapeutic music, which is the
personalized feature function module of the system.
Know yourself: This function includes several personality psychological tests, such
as EPQ, 16PF, SCL 90 and so on, [7] by which students can have an objective
understanding of their emotional state and personality tendency through relevant
psychological tests.
Personal music prescription library: Through this function, students can select and
preset their own common music prescriptions from the music library to practice daily
music health maintenance and music therapy. Among them, the pre-set prescription
includes decompression prescription, excitement prescription, sedation prescription and
etc. Students can make personalized modifications to the pre-set prescription or com-
pile their own personalized music prescription according to their unique personal
needs. After students log in to the system, they can select “Self - preserving - Personal
Music Library” to enter the corresponding personal module, and then select personal
state music. The system will pop up the corresponding preset music prescription to
allow them to choose, mainly including three preset music prescriptions of decom-
pression prescription, excitement prescription, sedation prescription and a custom
music prescription [8]. After editing or modifying the specific music list in the selected
music prescription, students will start listening music to preserve health or singing the
music to preserve health and make treatment with self-music. The specific operation
process is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Operation flow chart of personal music prescription library

Design and Implementation of Informationalized Training System 393

5 Design and Implementation of Informationalized Training

System Structure in “Music Therapy Technology”

Aiming at realizing the above system functions and following the construction thinking
of software engineering system, the training system structure is mainly designed into
four platforms, namely a background management platform, a web-based teacher
preparation platform, a teacher application platform and a student application platform
of the training system and HTML 5 is used to conduct the systemic development.

6 Background Management Platform

The authority owner of the background management platform is the administrator, who
is bound to provide necessary functions for the system’s advanced management and
overall data statistics. The specific structure is designed and implemented as follows:
Class management: including overview and class removal functions.
Resource management: teachers can upload resources such as videos, audios, picture
and texts and etc. on the web.
Function management: classes that can be created can view the related activities that
they create.
Account management: administrators can view the information details of all users and
reset passwords.

7 Web - Based Platform for Teachers’ Lesson Preparation

The function module of the web-based lesson preparation platform is limited to the
teacher, which can provide necessary functions for the introduction and editing of the
teacher’s resource and question library, including adding resources, searching for
topics, editing topics, and deleting topics. The specific framework design and imple-
mentation are as follows.
My Resource Library: teachers can upload curriculum resources to My Resource
Library for daily practical teaching. The specific framework includes selecting groups,
adding resources, searching, editing and deleting resources and etc.
Select grouping: it is generally divided into three parts, namely basic knowledge
learning, music therapy resource library, and case training exercises. Three types of
resources can be added including video, audio, and pictures and texts.
Add resources: it is feasible to upload resources according to the branch modules
that belong to grouping, selecting the class of application, title (File name is OK if the
title is not filled in), knowledge points, and learning requirements.
Search, edit and delete resources: support keyword fuzzy queries.
My Assignment Library: teachers can write corresponding types of assignment for
daily examination. The specific framework includes selecting assignment types, adding
topics, searching, editing and deleting topics and etc.
394 X. Zhang and Q. Li

Select assignment types: the activities types mainly include basic knowledge
learning, case training exercises, knowledge testing and etc.
Add assignment: those assignment include selecting questions and uploading
questions. The questions are designed as music therapy prescription, single choice,
multiple choice, options (A/B/C/D/Generating prescription), and topic analysis. Case
training is designed to upload videos, pictures, or audio to test any knowledge points.
Search, edit and delete topics: keyword fuzzy queries is supported.
The specific structure design of My Assignment Library is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Functional structure design of My Assignment Library

8 Teacher Application Platform of the Training System

The teacher application platform of the training system shall be limited to the teachers,
which can provide necessary functions of setting up new classes and registering
accounts and etc. The specific structure design and implementation are as follows:
Register: while making registration, it is needed to fill in name, staff number,
password and department.
Create a class: add a new class, and fill in materials including classes, courses and
other information. After successful creation, the system generates the 8 - bit class code.
Check resources: various resources can be viewed according to different groups,
including basic knowledge learning (video, audio and graphic), music therapy resource
library (audio and graphic), case training exercises (video, audio and graphic).
Design and Implementation of Informationalized Training System 395

Member management: teachers can allow students to enter classes through 8 - bit
class code generated by the system. Teachers can view the details of each student’s
information and learning situation.
Assignment management: assignment management includes the function of initi-
ating activities and assignment status. Assignment information includes the title, type
of assignment to which it belongs, and induce the topic [9]. The assignment status can
be divided into not started, in progress and finished. The specific structure design of
this function is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Functional structure design of teacher-side assignment management

Class details: details of the class include information like grade, class code and
teacher name and etc.

9 Student Application Platform of the Training System

The student application platform of the training system shall be limited to the students,
which can provide students with necessary functions for their registration, class par-
ticipation and related training exercises. The specific framework design is as follows:
Registration: it is necessary for students to fill in while making registration, like
name, student number, password department, class and etc.
Class management: complete the functions of students joining class, checking
resources and other members, and participating in practical training activities.
Join class: join through 8-bid class code shared by teachers.
396 X. Zhang and Q. Li

View resources: various resources can be viewed according to groups, including

basic knowledge learning (video, audio and pictures and texts), music therapy resource
library (audio and pictures and texts), case training exercises (video, audio and pictures
and texts).
View members: it is possible to view oneself and other students displayed in the
member list, and click View Member Information.
Participate in the assignment: according to the assignment type and relevant chapter
knowledge points test questions released by the teacher, select and answer them, and
the system will automatically score and feedback them to the students. The specific
structure design of this function is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Design of framework of student assignment management function

Assignment status: the activities mainly include in-progress and finished status. For
ongoing activities, students can click to view the details, choose to enter the learning or
testing phase, and submit examination papers after all questions have been answered
[10]. For completed activities, you can view your own and other students’ study or test
results in the form of a ranking list.
Design and Implementation of Informationalized Training System 397

10 Summary of Training Effect of “Music Therapy

Technology” Informationalized Training System

The informationalized training system of “Music Therapy Technology” makes full use
of the network information system to construct training conditions, which successfully
break the traditional one-to-many “demonstration - observation” training mode for
teachers and students. Especially, the feedback of scores and corresponding informa-
tion can not only feed back learning results in time, but also can make teachers master
students’ learning situation. Through scientific big data statistical analysis, students’
learning difficulties and mastery of various knowledge points can be reflected, which
can be beneficial to teachers to improve their teaching works in the future.
The self-preserving function module of the system is very convenient for students
to know and reflect on themselves. Students use the music library and technology
library in the system to carry out personal self-preserve daily music, which makes the
system also practical for students in their daily life. In addition, the system has also
realized personalized situational training and learning, used the standardized system
scores and analysis to complete the real-time feedback of each student’s learning
results, realized personalized and situational teaching and training learning that the
traditional teaching model lacks, which has achieved good results in the training

Acknowledgements. The authors and their work were Supported by:

Natural Science Fund Project of Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College, grant no.:
Guangdong Society of Vocational and Technical Education (2015 general), grant no.:
Education Research Fund Project of Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College, grant
no.: 2018JG02.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Project of Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational
College, grant no.: 2018DC02.

1. Yin WX (2018) J Ezhou Univ 25(3):101. (in Chinese)
2. Shi SE (2001) Computer-assisted instruction. Higher Education of Publishing Firm, China,
p 78. (in Chinese)
3. Song CX (2016) Autom Instrum 12(7):122. (in Chinese)
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informatization
5. Zhang L, Tang YZ (2015) Proceedings of 2015 international conference on mechanical
electronic and information technology engineering, vol 12, no 5, p 946
6. He RS (2014) Introduction to teaching system design. Hunan University Press, China, p 118.
(in Chinese)
7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_theory
8. Mao YQ (2014) China Sci Technol Inf 10(43):127. (in Chinese)
9. Li Y, Jiang F (2012) Energy Procedia 10(10):1520
10. Li HL (2016) Netw Secur Technol Appl 27(4):84. (in Chinese)
Influence of Environmental Factors on Stray
Capacitance of GIS

Xiaochen Niu1, Jie Huang1, and Xinglan Guo2(&)

State Key Laboratory of Advanced Power Transmission Technology,
Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co., Ltd.,
Beijing 102209, China
School of Electric and Electyonic Engineering,
North China Electric Power University,
Changping District, Beijing 102206, China

Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to study the feasible range of stray
capacitance value variation of GIS equipment under different environmental
conditions. By establishing the finite element calculation model of GIS internal
stray capacitance, the influence of internal temperature variation of GIS
equipment on stray capacitance are calculated, and the influence of environ-
mental factors such as gas density of SF6 and internal temperature change of
GIS on the stray capacitance of GIS equipment are studied. Then, the stray
capacitance level of various GIS equipment under different operating modes and
different environmental parameters, and determine the stray capacitance value
with environmental factors.

Keywords: Finite element method  Stray capacitance 

Environmental factors  GIS

1 Introduction

GIS is a switching plant with gas insulation and metal closure, an isolation and
extinguishing medium served by SF6, and an enclosed high-voltage composite appa-
ratus where breaker, isolator, grounding switch, mutual inductor, arrester, three-phase
bus bar and cable head are enclosed in a closed mental earthed enclosure with certain
pressure of SF6 gases by taking epoxy isolator as its support. However, when water
takes up too much in the SF6 gas in the air cell, it may be harmful to operation and
maintenance of equipment. Moreover, water in the gas may also change with the
changing temperature. The inner wall of GIS, conductive rod and insulator release the
water content to the SF6 gas when temperature rises, reversely, they will absorb the
water content when temperature falls. In this way, the rise and fall of the ambient
temperature have significant effect on the moisture content of SF6 gas. Thus it shares
great importance in theory and practical to conduct research on the ambient temperature
change to the operation properties of GIS.
To solve this problems, the knowledge of installation and site commissioning of
GIS equipment is introduced, and the simplified model of GIS electric field is analyzed

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 398–405, 2019.
Influence of Environmental Factors on Stray Capacitance of GIS 399

in [1–3]. The voltage transformer applied in the GIS is introduced in [4, 5]; the
calculation of its electromagnetic field is mainly focused in [6], to solve the problem
from the aspect of electromagnetic field; the current situation of electronic transformer
with capacitor voltage divider type is introduced in [7]. Finite element model in detail
from its establishment, excitation insertion, boundary conditions and simulation out-
comes, which includes the selection of 2-D and 3-D field is introduced in [8]. The
introduction and comprehension of some concepts such as self-capacitance, stray
capacitance are main focuses in [9]. Problems ranging from model establishment,
thermal loading addition and heat boundary by simulating the thermal field, namely,
the temperature field is analyzed in [10].
This paper studies the effect of the SF6 gas density in the internal GIS, internal
temperature and other ambient factors on the internal stray capacitance by using the
finite element method, thus to understand the stray capacitance level under various
operation modes and ambient parameters of the GIS, which further shows the rela-
tionship between the stray capacitance in certain temperature range and the temperature
change, and the effect under various internal SF6 gas densities. The achievement is
benefit to the research and development for the new-type GIS, and can serve as the
impulse to lower the construction cost of transformer substations and enhance the
equipment compaction and unification level.

2 Measuring Principle

New-type voltage transformer is suspended installed at the high voltage side of other
isolation of the GIS, which do not need to be installed with complicated grounding
devices by grounding stray capacitance to conduct the voltage measurement, thus to
save costs for voltage transformers. The voltage transformer which is integrated with
other isolation can rebuild the form of voltage measurement devices in the power
substations. The internal measurement principle is illustrated in Fig. 1. It can be
concluded that the voltage-divider stray capacitance CE is the voltage divider devices
in the voltage divider circuit, and DSP is the digital signal processor, DAC stands for
the digital-analog converter, ADC is analog-to-digital converter and OPA is the

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of active calibration voltage measurement scheme without space
stray capacitance
400 X. Niu et al.

operational amplifier. The stray capacitance value provides the reference for output
voltage signal acquisition and post-processing device design. In this way, the research
on the typical value and magnitude of stray capacitance in the internal GIS has pro-
vided important data supporting for the installation position of the sensor board.

3 Simulation Model

Components of GIS include bus bar, circuit breaker, isolator, mutual inductor, insu-
lator, arrestor, earth switch, bushing and so on. To figure out the stray capacitance of
the internal GIS equipment, simplify the shape of the two poles of the irregular
capacitor. The stray capacitance can be calculated by conducting the series and parallel
connection method of capacitor, and it can be calculated by analyzing the internal
structure of the GIS of finite element software.
The basic structure of GIS is shown in Fig. 2. Two layers of hover-boards is inserted
into the enclosure of the GIS, as shown in Fig. 3, the conductive copper rod is in the
center, and the distance between the conductive rod and the two layers of hover-boards
cannot be lower than 65 mm. Figure 4 is the sectional drawing of GIS, each part can be
illustrated from the inside to the outside as the center copper rod, internal hover board,
external hover board and the GIS enclosure. Figure 5 is a meshing element used in finite
element analysis. The details of parameters are given in Table 1, where d1 is the diameter
of the copper rod, h1 is the axial length of the copper rod; D1 is the inside diameter of the
internal hover board; D2 is the outside diameter of the internal hover board; h2 is the
axial length of the internal hover board; D3 is the inside diameter of the external hover
board, D4 is the outside diameter of the external hover board; h3 is the axial length of the
external hover board; D5 is the inside diameter of the GIS enclosure; D6 is the outside
diameter of the GIS enclosure; and h4 is the axial length of the GIS enclosure.

Table 1. Sizes of the simplified model: (unit: mm)

Copper rod d1 = 110; h1 = 1230;
Internal hover board D1 = 240; D2 = 272; h2 = 815
External hover board D3 = 399; D4 = 415; h3 = 815
GIS enclosure D5 = 431; D6 = 601; h4 = 900

Fig. 2. GIS model

Influence of Environmental Factors on Stray Capacitance of GIS 401

Fig. 3. GIS model with hided shell

Fig. 4. GIS sectional view

Fig. 5. Split setting diagram

With Ansoft Maxwell 3D software, this paper analyzes the capacitance between the
aluminum hover board and the copper rod in the electromagnetic field according to
conditions illustrated above and respectively set voltage values of GIS enclosure,
internal hover board, external hover board and the center copper rod as 0 V, 5 V, 5 V
and 220 kV. Parameters are set and the calculation results are shown in Table 2.
402 X. Niu et al.

Table 2. Calculation outcomes of capacitances based on finite element model: (unit: pF)
GIS Inner Out Pole
GIS 2884.6 −4.91 248.9 −15.88
Inner −4.91 2179.8 −119.2 −61.18
Out 248.9 −119.2 2979.5 −0.41
Pole −15.88 −61.18 −0.41 77.46

4 Effect of the Temperature and SF6 Gas Density of Internal

GIS on Stray Capacitance

4.1 Effect of Temperature on Stray Capacitance

The water content in the gas changes with temperature when temperature changes.
Then the inner wall of GIS, conductive rod and insulator will release the water content
to the SF6 gas when temperature rises reversely; they absorb the water content when
temperature falls. In this way, the rise and fall of the ambient temperature have sig-
nificant effect on the moisture content of SF6 gas. The change of ambient factors like
SF6 gas density and temperature in internal GIS has important effect on the value of
The effect of t temperature on the stray capacitance can be researched by Work-
bench software. The simulation results followed by temperature change are as follows.
In order to conclude the effect of temperature on stray capacitance, a more detailed case
is established. The trend curve is given in Fig. 6, in which the x-axis represents the
temperature, and the y-axis represents the capacitance between internal hover board
and center copper rod, and GIS temperature is changing between 40 °C to 80 °C. It can
be concluded that the capacitance between hover board and center electricity rode
increases when temperature rises. The change ratio of stray capacitance may also
enhance in high temperature. Thus the change of stray capacitance is more sensitive in
high-temperature conditions, namely, it is more sensitive in the temperature range
between 40 °C to 80 °C. While the change of stray capacitance value under low
temperature condition is not obvious, especially insensitive under the temperature
below 0 °C.





-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80

Fig. 6. Capacitance change diagram caused by temperature change

Influence of Environmental Factors on Stray Capacitance of GIS 403

4.2 Effect of SF6 Gas Debsity on Stray Capacitance

The vacuum can be used to conduct the research on the effect of SF6 on stray
capacitance because when comparing properties between vacuum and SF6 gas, the
properties of vacuum can be approximate to those of SF6 when changing the con-
ductivity and gas density of vacuum.
The capacitance between internal hover board and center copper rod is almost
unchanged when gas density of SF6 changes. However, when relative dielectric con-
stant is changed, the stray capacitance will be changed, which is related to temperature
and materials. In this way, the change of temperature has effect on the value of stray
capacitance (Tables 3, 4 and 5).

Table 3. Values of stray capacitance when gas density of SF6 is 6.16 kg/m3 (unit: PF)
GIS Inner Out Pole
GIS 2854.4 5.0195 295.16 15.885
Inner 5.0195 2262.7 119.07 61.381
Out 295.16 119.07 2999.9 0.4022
Pole 15.885 61.381 0.4022 77.668

Table 4. Values of stray capacitance when gas density of SF6 is 4.928 kg/m3 (unit: PF)
GIS Inner Out Pole
GIS 2854.4 5.0195 295.16 15.885
Inner 5.0195 2262.7 119.07 61.381
Out 295.16 119.07 2999.9 0.4022
Pole 15.885 61.381 0.4022 77.668

Table 5. Values of stray capacitance when gas density of SF6 is 7.392 kg/m3 (unit: PF)
GIS Inner Out Pole
GIS 2854.4 5.0195 295.16 15.885
Inner 5.0195 2262.7 119.07 61.381
Out 295.16 119.07 2999.9 0.4022
Pole 15.885 61.381 0.4022 77.668

5 Experiment Verification

The curve of measured voltage value changing with input voltage is shown in Fig. 8,
from the data collected in the lab. It can be concluded the trend of values in actual
measurement is basically the same with theory analysis (Fig. 7).
404 X. Niu et al.

Signal processing circuit

Inductive capacitor plate

Fig. 7. Initial experimental device

Measured voltage
Fitted curve
Output voltage without processing

Input voltage

Fig. 8. Input and output relationship at 50 Hz

6 Conclusion
(1) Finite element model is established by Workbench software for calculating the
environmental factors on stray capacitance of GIS.
(2) The effect of environmental factors such as temperature and density of SF6 gas on
stray capacitance is studied. The results show that the stray capacitance mainly
depends on the value of temperature. And the value of capacitance between hover
board and center conductive rod will enhance when temperature rises, meanwhile,
the capacitance between internal hover board and center copper rod is almost
remain unchanged when SF6 gas density changes.

Acknowledgments. This paper is supported in part by Technology Project of State Grid Cor-
poration of China (SGRIDLKJ (2017) No. 266).
Influence of Environmental Factors on Stray Capacitance of GIS 405

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Macroscopic and Microscopic Analysis
of Coarse Grain Defects of 7075
Aluminum Alloy

Hongzhi Wang(&)

Jilin Engineering Normal University,

3050 Kaixuan Road, Changchun 130052, Jilin, China

Abstract. In this paper, the influence of deformation rate, deformation tem-

perature and deformation on the grain size of aluminum alloy during hot
upsetting is analyzed by means of finite element software and analysis of alu-
minum alloy material and forging process, and the factors causing coarse grain
of aluminum alloy are obtained. The analysis results show that the use of
aluminum-zinc-magnesium-copper alloy, isothermal roll forging process, small
deformation rate, proper deformation temperature and large deformation amount
can effectively reduce the occurrence of coarse grain defects.

Keywords: Aluminium alloy  Coarse grain defects  Forging process 

Numerical simulation

Due to the rapid development of the automobile industry, automobile lightweight has
become the trend of the times. Automobile lightweight technology can effectively solve
the problem of energy exhaustion and environmental degradation. The fuel con-
sumption of a car depends mainly on the displacement of the engine and the total
quality of the car. Lightweight vehicles ensure that the vehicle quality, performance
and cost the same or optimization of the premise, while reducing the weight of the car
itself can improve vehicle dynamic performance, maneuverability, safety and comfort,
reducing fuel consumption, exhausting emissions and noise. The method of automobile
lightening consists of three aspects: structural optimization, lightweight materials and
advanced technology. Among these three aspects, the use of lightweight materials is the
most efficient way to realize automobile lightening. The Research Institute of Auto-
mobile Research of Rheinisch Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen
University shows that the quality of the vehicle equipment is 1.229t, and the ultimate
quality can be reduced to 785 kg after the aluminum alloy is alloyed [1]. 7075 alu-
minum alloy belongs to Al-Zn-Mg-Cu high strength aluminum alloy. It has many
advantages, such as high strength, high stiffness, excellent toughness [2], welding
performance, processability and corrosion resistance. It is widely used in automotive
parts [3, 4]. However, the 7075 aluminum alloy used in our country generally has such
problems as coarse grain structure, uneven grain size distribution [5] and poor com-
prehensive performance, which limits the application of the 7075 aluminum alloy. The
coarse grain will reduce the strength of the forgings [6], and the fatigue life of the
region will be greatly reduced in the coarse grain region and the coarse grain zone in

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 406–413, 2019.
Macroscopic and Microscopic Analysis of Coarse Grain Defects 407

the forgings. The causes of the coarse grain defects in aluminum alloy will be analyzed
from the two aspects of macro and micro aspects.

1 Macroscopic Analysis of the Cause of Coarse Grain Defects

in Aluminum Alloy

1.1 Alloy Composition of Forgings

The alloy composition of the forgings is different, and the probability of producing
coarse grain in the forging process is quite different. The probability of coarse grain
formation is very low during the forging process of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy. The proba-
bility of coarse grain is very high during the forging process of Al-Mg-Si alloy and Al-
Cu-Mg alloy. The categories and properties of aluminum alloys are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. 2XXX, 6XXX and 7XXX aluminum alloy properties

Category Heat Representative Characteristic The degree of
treatment alloy coarse-grained
2XXX yes 2024 High hardness Easy
(Al-Cu-Mg 2A16 Strong heat
series) 2A02 resistance
Poor corrosion
High fatigue
6XXX yes 6061 Strong plastic Easy
(Al-Mg-Si 6063 Strong heat
series) 6082 resistance
Strong wear
Strong corrosion
7XXX yes 7050 High strength Difficult
(Al-Zn-Mg-Cu 7075 High hardness
series) 7020 High fatigue

1.2 Forging Process

1.2.1 Roll Forging Process
Free forging process belongs to the traditional forging process, with a strong versatility,
but easy to cause low precision, low production efficiency and material utilization rate
is low, and prone to various defects in the processing process, such as folding, fracture,
coarse grain, not suitable for high precision parts production.
In the process of roll forging, the billets have complicated three-dimensional
deformation. Only static pressure occurs during the process of deformation and there is
408 H. Wang

no forging. During the roll forging process, most of the deformation material flows
along the horizontal sub-velocity of rotation of the roll forging to increase the length of
the billet, and a small amount of the transverse flow of the deformed material increases
the width of the billet [7]. The roll forging process is multi-pass deformation. After
calculating the roll forging passes, the reasonable distribution of the deformation
amount of each roll forging passes can effectively reduce the coarse grain defects, and
at the same time, greatly improve the machining accuracy, production efficiency and
material utilization.
Therefore, the roll forging process can effectively reduce the coarse grain defects,
increase the use strength and fatigue life.

1.2.2 Isothermal Forging Process

Aluminum forgings have a narrow temperature range and high thermal conductivity.
During the forging process, the contact between the die and the forgings can reduce the
surface temperature of the forgings rapidly, resulting in the decrease of plasticity and
the increase of the deformation resistance of the forgings. This requires greater external
force to make the forgings achieve a good shape and can not finish the mold filling very
well, and cause the cracking of the forgings easily. When the temperature difference
between the die and the forging is too large, the surface temperature of the forgings
decreases rapidly, and the thicker coarse-grained layer is formed, and the coarse grain
defect is formed. The above conditions can be avoided by using isothermal forging
The isothermal forging process provides good forming conditions and ensures the
uniform temperature distribution of the whole workpiece during forging process. This
process is to heat the material and mold to the same temperature. Adiabatic heating in
the process of isothermal forging helps the material to deform, which means that the
deformation rate is highly controlled. In the process of isothermal forging, the plasticity
of the forgings is improved, the deformation resistance is reduced, and the deformation
rate is small. The lower deformation rate leaves sufficient time for the dynamic
recrystallization process, which makes the dynamic recrystallization of the forgings
more perfect, and the grains are finer, the degree of coarse grain is reduced, and the
grain distribution is uniform.
To sum up, the use of isothermal roll forging technology can effectively reduce the
occurrence of coarse grain defects.

2 Microcosmic Analysis of the Cause of Coarse Grain Defects

in Aluminum Alloy

After the plastic deformation, the internal structure of the metal is unstable due to the
increase of the free energy. When the deformation temperature is appropriate, the grain
nuclei grows up. The process of recrystallization is a process of forming a new grain. In
general, fine and small grain can be obtained after recrystallization. However, the
heating temperature is beneficial to the growth of grain, and the recrystallized grain will
grow into coarse grain if the temperature is in favor of the growth of grain or the time
of heat preservation is too long. Grain growth can be divided into two types: one is
Macroscopic and Microscopic Analysis of Coarse Grain Defects 409

gradual growth, that is, the relative size of each grain is basically the same; the other is
abnormal growth, that is, the grain size difference is large, and some grain sizes are
large. Abnormal grain growth in recrystallization is the main cause of coarse grain
defects in aluminum forgings [8].
Next, we will conduct a single pass hot upsetting experiment on 7075 aluminum
alloy specimens combined with Yang et al. [9]. Analyze the change of grain size during
the process of aluminum alloy hot deformation. Upsetting is a process of reducing billet
height and increasing cross section by pressure, which is the most basic process in
plastic forming process, and plays an important role in extrusion and die forging. The
chemical composition of the 7075 aluminum alloy used in the experiment is shown in
Table 2, and the basic parameters of the upsetting sample are shown in Table 3. The
grain size evolution model of 7075 aluminum alloy hot plastic deformation was
obtained by Wang Shaoyang [10]. The grain size simulation diagram of 7075 alu-
minum alloy upsetting was obtained by axisymmetric numerical simulation, as shown
in Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5. According to the grain size simulation diagram, the influence of
deformation rate, deformation temperature and deformation amount on grain size will
be further analyzed in this paper.

Table 2. Chemical composition of 7075 aluminum alloy

Component Ti Mn Si Fe Cr Cu Mg Zn Al
Content/%  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5 0.18–0.28 1.2–2.0 2.1–2.9 5.1–6.1 margin

Table 3. Upsetting sample parameters

Sample Diameter/ Length/ Initial Initial Deformation Deformation Friction Static thermal Deformation
mm mm grain deformation rate/mms−1 quantity coefficient conductivity/w thermal
size/lm temperature/° (m°C)−1 conductivity/w
C (m°C)−1
1 10 15 40 310 0.4 43% 0.4 3 20
2 300 2.0 47%
3 250 72%
4 350 67%
5 360 73%

Upsetting is plastic deformation after hot compression. Under ideal conditions, the
deformation degree of all parts is uniform, but affected by temperature and friction
coefficient, the deformation degree of every part of upsetting is different. According to
the size of deformation, upsetting can be divided into three areas, as shown in Fig. 1,
area I is a large deformation area, area II is a difficult deformation area, and area III is a
small deformation area.
410 H. Wang

Fig. 1. Area division of upsetting deformation

2.1 Deformation Rate

The initial forging temperature and deformation amount of Sample 1 and Sample 2 are
the most similar, but the deformation rate is quite different, which can reflect the
influence of deformation rate on the grain size of the sample. It can be seen from the
figure that the grain size of the sample is uniform under low deformation rate, but the
overall grain size is large, which is obviously larger than that of the specimen with high
deformation rate. Compared with Figs. 2 and 3, it is known that the grain size of the
large deformation area and the small deformation area becomes smaller after the
deformation rate increases, and the grain size of the hard deformation area has no
obvious change. The deformation of Sample 1 is mainly concentrated in the large
deformation area, and there is partial deformation in the small deformation area. It is
able to predict that when the plastic deformation occurs at low deformation rate, the
grain refinement path will expand from the large deformation area to the difficult
deformation area. The lower deformation rate provides sufficient time for dynamic
recrystallization, and the degree of grain homogenization is increased.

Fig. 2. Sample 1 grain size simulation

Macroscopic and Microscopic Analysis of Coarse Grain Defects 411

Fig. 3. Sample 2 grain size simulation

2.2 Deformation Temperature

The deformation temperature of the Sample 3 is 250 °C, the deformation temperature
of the Sample 5 is 360 °C, and the deformation temperature difference is large. The
experiment can reflect the influence of deformation temperature on the grain size of the
sample. When the deformation temperature is high, the recrystallized grain size is
larger in the metal internal dynamic recrystallization. When the deformation temper-
ature is low, the dynamic recrystallization is difficult to occur, no nucleation occurs,
and the grain can not be refined. Therefore, too high or too low temperature will lead to
the phenomenon of coarse grain. Only when we find the proper deformation temper-
ature of metal, can we get the best effect of dynamic recrystallization and get tiny

2.3 Deformation Quantity

Sample 4 and Sample 5 have similar grain distributions with little difference in grain
size. It can be seen from the model that the grain size of the upsetting central region of
Sample 4 is 18 lm and that of Sample 5 is 17 lm in the central region of upsetting. In
contrast, the grain size of the sample formed under large deformation is smaller. When
the amount of deformation is small, the number of recrystallized nuclei is small and the
period of gestation is long, coarse grains are easy to form. When the amount of
deformation is small enough to reach the critical amount of deformation, the recrys-
tallized grains grow rapidly, which also easily causes coarse grain defects.
412 H. Wang

Fig. 4. Sample 3 grain size simulation

Fig. 5. Sample 5 grain size simulation

3 Conclusions

In this paper, through the analysis of the coarse grain defects of aluminum alloy, the
factors that affect the coarse grain defects of the aluminum alloy have been found. In
macroscopic view, the influencing factors are metal material and forging process, and
the microcosmic factors are the forging temperature, the deformation rate and the
deformation amount. Through analysis, it is found that the use of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu series
Macroscopic and Microscopic Analysis of Coarse Grain Defects 413

alloy, isothermal roll forging process, small deformation rate, proper deformation
temperature and large deformation amount can effectively reduce the occurrence of
coarse grain defects.

Acknowledgement. Financial Supported by Program for Innovation Research Team of JiLin

Engineering Normal University.

1. EAA (European Aluminium Association), Aluminium in Cars [R/OL]
2. Liu WH (2008) Study on fracture behavior of aluminum alloy based on dislocation
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remote normal stress. Eng Fract Mech 61(3):461
4. Chen Y-J, Xu S-G (2011) Numerical simulation and process optimization of L - shaped
aluminum alloy control arm. In: The twelfth national plastic engineering academic
conference and the fourth global symposium on chinese plastic processing technology,
Chongqing, pp 225–228
5. Pan ZJ (2002) Current status and future trends of research on fracture toughness of high
strength aluminum alloys. Mater Rev 16(7):14–17
6. Zheng YU (2015) Study on tensile properties and fracture behavior of high strength
aluminum alloy at high temperature. The master’s degree thesis of Taiyuan University of
Science and Technology, Taiyuan
7. Song Y-Q (2000) The development prospect of continuous local plastic forming. China
Mech Eng 11(1–2):65–67
8. Wang C-J (2007) Analysis of coarse grain defects of aluminum alloy die forgings.
Aluminum alloy processing technology (2007)
9. Yang D (2013) Dynamic recrystallization grain size evolution model of 7075 aluminum
alloy during thermal deformation. China Nonferrous Metals Soc 23(10):2647–2753
10. Wang S-Y (2012) Research on Dynamic Rcrystallization Behavior of 7075 Aluminum Alloy
During Hot Deformation. University of Technology, Hefei
Voltage Regulation Strategy for Active
Distribution Network Based on OLTC
and Inverter

Shiyong Dong1, Wu Liu1, Mengdong Li1, Lin He1, Jing Wang1,

Mingliang Yang2, Dawei Huang2, and Chenglian Ma2(&)
Neijiang Power Supply Company, State Grid Sichuan Electric
Power Company, No. 190 Taibai Road, Neijiang 641000, Sichuan, China
School of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University,
No. 169 Changchun Road, Jilin 132012, Jilin, China

Abstract. The Accessing of distributed generation (DG) has changed the

radiative structure of the distribution network, and makes the automatic tap
control of the on-load tap changer (OLTC) no longer applicable. In this paper, a
voltage regulation strategy for active distribution network based on OLTC and
inverter is proposed. In this strategy, the influence of action of the OLTC tap on
voltage is analyzed and then, the optimal tap control (OTC) is adopted in OLTC
control, and the bus voltage which deviates from the rated voltage is taken as the
control target to control the network voltage. Linearize the objective function
and improve the solving speed. The local control is to use inverter to absorb
reactive power to counteract the influence of DG. Finally, the proposed control
strategy is simulated through IEEE33 system, and analysis the results. The
results show that the control strategy proposed in this paper is effective.

Keywords: OLTC  Inverter  DG  Voltage control 

Active distribution network introduction

1 Introduction

With the increasing of the installed capacity of DG, the safe and stable operation of
grid-connected DG and its connected area has been paid more and more attention.
These bring challenges to the operation of the distribution network [1]. The distribution
feeders of our country are typically a radial fashion [2], the voltage distribution in
single source structure is droop. However, the connection of DG will cause the voltage
rise [3, 4] and change the situation of voltage distribution, which makes the original
regulation scheme no longer applicable. With the development of smart grid, the
growth of DG has become an important trend of distribution network development.
Depending on the network upgrading to improve the capacity or the structure to deal
with the related problems, which is passive and high cost [5]. Under this background,
Taking an active strategy to control and managing distributed generation will be the
main means.

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V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 414–421, 2019.
Voltage Regulation Strategy for Active Distribution Network 415

In recent years, researchers put forward a series of control strategy to solve the
problem of voltage rise. In [6, 7], a OLTC control method was proposed to adjust the
tap by collecting the voltage of the important bus or the maximum and minimum
voltage of the feeder as the reference voltage. In [8], a distributed control strategy for
DG was proposed, in which the constant power factor control mode is used when the
voltage of the parallel bus is qualified, and the voltage control mode is adopted when
the voltage exceeds the limits, and the reactive power of DG is adjusted to make the
bus voltage up to standard. Compared with decentralized control, centralized control
can make a variety of voltage regulation equipment to achieve better synergy. In [9,
10], a voltage regulation scheme for OLTC, shunt capacitors, reactors and static var
compensator (SVC)was proposed. Moreover, the prediction time span for PV in [11] is
too long, which leads to the inaccuracy of the prediction results.
In order to deal with the influence of DG on the voltage of distribution network, a
voltage regulation strategy for active distribution network based on OLTC and inverter
is proposed in this paper. Firstly, in order to eliminate the influence of DG, an inverter
control is adopted. The inverter is not involved in voltage regulation under the local
control scheme. It just counteracts the influence of DG by controlling the reactive
power absorption ability of the inverter. Then the objective function is established
based on the results of load forecasting, and an optimal tap location is obtained to
minimize the voltage deviation in the network. The action constraints of tap are con-
sidered to make the scheme more operable. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed
control scheme is verified by IEEE33 system.

2 Inverter Control

DG usually connects to distribution network through inverter, and inverter has certain
reactive power regulation ability. Therefore, inverter control is widely used as a voltage
regulation method. The purpose of inverter control is not to adjust the voltage, but to
eliminate the influence of DG. Therefore, it is necessary to get the reactive power
needed to offset the DG output inverter.
The reactive power required to counteract the effect of distributed power on voltage
can get through [2]
QGN  2  P2G þ 2 ð1Þ
R þ X2 R þX
2 2 R þ X2

The value of inverter absorbing the reactive power is QGN , which counteracts the
influence of DG.


OTC is a control method for the tap of OLTC. Figure 1 is the control diagram.
416 S. Dong et al.

OTC Control V0
Power Flow Load Forecast

Signals Feeder Characteristics

Fig. 1. Optimal voltage control

3.1 Objective Function

The idea of OTC is to control the tap of OLTC to minimize the voltage deviation of
each bus in the network. The objective function is [12]

min g ¼ maxfjjVR j  1jg ð2Þ

where VR is the per-unit value of the bus voltage. The meaning of the (2) is to select the
maximum deviation of voltage in the network, and to find out the ratio of OLTC when
it is minimum. In order to associate VR with k, define that

jVR j ¼ jV0 j þ jDV j ð3Þ

where V0 is the initial voltage of the network, and DV is the voltage change caused by
tap action.
The effect of tap action on network voltage is deduced below. The current injected
into the bus and the voltage at each bus of the network can be expressed in (4) (5)

I ¼ YV ð4Þ

V ¼ ZI ð5Þ

where Y is the admittance matrix of the network and Z ¼ Y 1 is the impedance matrix
of the network. A linear approximation of the perturbations in current due to changes in
admittance and voltage (@I=@YV) leads to

DI ¼ YDV þ DYV ð6Þ

And the same as to (5), we can get

DV ¼ DZI þ ZDI ð7Þ

In order to simplify the problem, we only discuss the effect of admittance variation
on bus voltage. Assume that DI ¼ 0 [12] (the simulation verifies the feasibility of the
assumption.), we can get the equation form (6) (7) as
Voltage Regulation Strategy for Active Distribution Network 417

DV ¼ Y 1 DYV ð8Þ

DV ¼ DZI ð9Þ

And then

DZ ¼ Y 1 DYY 1 ð10Þ

Assuming that a OLTC is connected between the bus i and j, a change in the tap of
OLTC affects the admittance matrix as
8 P
> Yii ¼ k 2 =ZT þ 1=zik
< k6¼j
Yjj ¼ 1=ZT þ 1=zjk ð11Þ
> k6¼i
Yij ¼ Yji ¼ k=zT

where k is the ratio of the OLTC, ZT is the equivalent impedance of the transformer, zik
is the impedance connected between i and k, and zii is the impedance connected from
the bus i to ground. By defining the initial ratio of OLTC as k0 , the variation of the
admittance matrix caused by tap action can be expressed as
< DYii ¼ ðk2  k02 Þ=zT
DYij ¼ DYji ¼ ðk0  kÞ=zT ð12Þ
DYjj ¼ 0

It can be seen from the above derivation that DZ is an important variable in

determining the voltage variation. If DZ is known, DV can be obtained by formula (9).

3.1.1 Linearized Model of Tap Operation Voltage Impacts

We know that DZ can be represented by DY through (10). DY contains the square term
of the control variable k, which is nonlinear. To speed up the calculation, linearize DY.
To remove the nonlinearity, a Taylor series expansion is performed for k2 around k0 . So
that we can replace k2 with 2kk0  k02 . And then, the linear expression is
DYii ¼ ð2kk0  2k02 Þ=ZT .
The voltage of any bus can be expressed as

jV j2 ¼ Vd2 þ Vq2 ð13Þ

where V ¼ Vd þ jVq is the complex voltage of the bus. The (13) can be linearized
around V0 ¼ Vd0 þ jVq0 , then we can get
DV ¼ jV0 j1 Vd0 DVd þ Vq0 DVq ð14Þ

Combine (14) with (3), we can get

418 S. Dong et al.

jVR j ¼ jV0 j þ jV0 j1 Vd0 DVd þ Vq0 DVq ð15Þ

3.2 Constraints
In order to make the strategy more reasonable, in addition to the constraint of (15), the
constraints of tap are added. Define the adjustable range of the OLTC tap as
½smax ; smax  and its relation to the ratio k are as follows

k ¼ ðkmax  k0 Þs=smax þ k0 ð16Þ

where s is the position of the tap, k is the ratio of the OLTC and kmax is the maximum
of the k. Because the tap action needs a certain delay, the tap can only move 1 position
at a time, and the interval between each action is 30 s.

4 Simulation Analysis
4.1 Control Flow
The OTC takes 10 min as the period to forecast the load of each bus in the network,
and combined with forecasting results, V0 is obtained by power flow calculation. The
position of the optimal tap is obtained by input V0 into the controller, and the control
signal is transmitted to the OLTC, then, the tap acts. Inverter control is used as a real-
time control to collect the active power of DG to the controller, controller control
inverter absorbs the reactive power to counteract the impact of DG.

4.2 Simulation Setup

In this paper, the IEEE33 system is used as the simulation model. An OLTC is
connected between the bus 1 and 2. Access PV to the bus acts DG in the
simulation). The OLTC parameter is shown in Table 1. The rated capacity of PV is
shown in Table 2. The power reference of the network is set to 100MVA and the
reference voltage is set to 12.66 kV. Define that the maximum voltage offset allowed
by the network is 5% [14] of the rated voltage. The initial ratio of the OLTC is
k0 ¼ 1:096. The historical data is used as the forecasting load in the simulation.

Table 1. The characteristics of OLTC

Rated capacity (kVA) 1000 Short-circuit loss (kW) 14
High voltage (kV) 35 No-load current (%) 6.5
Low voltage (kV) 10.5 Short-circuit loss (%) 1.7
Open-circuit losses (kW) 2.2 Tap position 32
Voltage Regulation Strategy for Active Distribution Network 419

Table 2. The location and capacity of DG

Location 5 16 18 19
Capacity (kVA) 200 700 1200 100

4.3 Simulation Results of OTC

The OTC is simulated in the IEEE33 system, and the results is shown in Fig. 2. At this
time, the system only adopts OTC, and the PV are not connected. The 4 curves in
Fig. 2 are the maximum and minimum voltages of the system at the initial state and the
state that OTC is adopted. By analyzing the two voltage curves in the initial state, it can
be seen that when the system does not adopt any voltage regulation method, the voltage
exceeds limits in several periods of time. The voltage exceeds the upper limit at about
9:00, and at 12:00 and 20:00 due to high load, the network voltage exceeds the lower
limit. Under the OTC scheme, the voltage is approximately symmetrical about the rated
voltage, and the voltage is also controlled within a specified range at the time with high
load. The effectiveness of OTC scheme can be determined.

Fig. 2. Compare OTC with initial status.

After the PV is connected, the simulation of the network using OTC is shown in
Fig. 3. It can be seen from the diagram that the OTC scheme has a certain regulating
effect on the network voltage when the PV output is small. However, with the output of
the PV increasing rapidly near noon, the OTC is failure. At about 10: 00-14: 00, the
system voltage exceeds the limits. It can be seen that in the case of PV access, the OTC
scheme alone can not control the network voltage well.
420 S. Dong et al.

Fig. 3. OTC with DG.

4.4 Simulation Results of Voltage Regulation Strategy for Active

Distribution Network Based on OLTC and Inverter
The results are shown in Fig. 4, when the PV is put into operation and the OTC and
inverter control are used at the same time. Compared with Fig. 3, we can see that under
the synergistic action of two control schemes, the voltage fluctuates greatly at the time
with high load (12:00 and 20:00), but both of them are within the specific limits. It can
be seen that the voltage regulation strategy of active distribution network based on
OLTC and inverter has obvious effect on the voltage regulation of distribution network,
and it is applicable to the DG of any capacity.

Fig. 4. Combine OTC and inverter control.

Voltage Regulation Strategy for Active Distribution Network 421

5 Conclusions

The access of DG in distribution network changes the distribution of voltage and makes
the original voltage regulation scheme no longer applicable. To solve this problem, an
active distribution network voltage regulation strategy based on OLTC and inverter is
proposed in this paper. The influence of DG on the network is eliminated by inverter
control, and the voltage of the network is kept within the specific limits by using OTC
control. The simulation results of the proposed scheme by IEEE33 system show that
the control scheme has a good control effect on the voltage of the distribution network
connected by DG. And the calculation speed is fast, the network voltage fluctuation is
small. In addition, constraints of tap action are added to make the control scheme more

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International Trend of Language Planning
in Development of International Language

Dai Rui(&)

Anhui Sanlian University, Hean Road, Hefei 230601, China


Abstract. With today’s globalization speeding up, the world will manifest the
characteristics of two forms: namely visible national physical world and the
invisible world including the network, capital, trade, technology, services,
population and so on. This will reinforce countries coupling in political, eco-
nomic, and social areas. Globalization also derives more and more complex
cross-border problems and language planning plays an very important role. At
the same time of globalization, it brought about the pressure to force people to
re-examine the language planning. Starting from the trend of the national lan-
guage to interact with globalization, this paper discusses internationalization of
this emerging language planning and spreading areas and its related phenomena
aiming at language planning for the future research and practice of a new

Keywords: Language planning  Globalization  Cross-border language 

Language spreading

1 Introduction

Language planning attaches language development so it is a product of history. Lan-

guage planning attaches society s2o it influences society [1]. To be true, society has the
same requirements towards language. In language planning researches, scholars’ atti-
tudes are more different than consensus [2]. Now there is no one that can generalize
accurately the concept of the language planning theory. Language planning is a strong
theoretical and political discipline and also belongs to a branch of social linguistics and
applied linguistics [3].
The need of programming language comes from dissatisfaction about present sit-
uation of language. Language planning practice began from national independence
movement after world war II [4]. It is considered to solve the problems of new lan-
guage in the developing world [5, 6]. It is called Language Engineering initially. Later
has also been proposed as language specification according to language development.
In the study of language Haulage adopted standardization expressions in the first use of
language planning and defined it as words, grammar and dictionary specification
activities that monolingual society writers and spoken language users created [7].
Linguists were interested in language planning theory in the late 1960’s and early
1970’s. Some American linguists and anthropologist, especially the Fishman, Fergu-
son, Dis Gupta, Rubin and Judder; began to sum up the experiences of new national

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 422–428, 2019.
International Trend of Language Planning in Development 423

language planning and expanded horizons from engineering to management to promote

the development of the language planning as a discipline using research funding such
as the ford foundation. But in a long period of time the researchers’ interests have been
confined to the language of the new national planning activities (Rubin and Judder
1971) so that language planning is regarded as the fact that scholars in the developed
countries help to solve the problem of language in the developing world. This kind of
situation lasted until the early 1980’s. (Cobarrubias and Fishman 1983). In the 1990’s
due to the frequent international exchanges and population flow the knowledge of the
language especially began to change from the view of tools to outlook transformation
(Liu 2006) to make unprecedented attention to the research of language planning in the
first place in the Australian immigration countries [8]. Nancy (2006) points out that
language planning almost always occur in a multilingual and multicultural background.
Australia adopted a policy of multiculturalism, firstly admitted language problems and
took explicit policies [9]. With some scholars such as Lo Bianco, Ingram and Baldauf
promoting it, arguably we can say that Australia in language planning practice and
research came to the forefront of the developed countries [10]. On the contrary the
United States–as the study of language planning and all kinds of the origin of the
modern discipline did not become a language planning discipline research centers
thanks to recessive policy [11, 12].

2 Literature Review

The reputation of language planning had not caused wide response although raised by
Hartman in 1990 for his main work published in German although Kaplan and Baldauf
who strongly advocated. In recent years the rise of interest in the study of reputation
planning by the international language planning scholars has benefited from the strong
advocacy of the British social linguist–Ager. Ager’s major work is to introduce image
planning concept in the investigation reputation planning and makes the role of soft
element in the language planning an unprecedented level, which marks the forefront of
development of language planning. In his two monographs of investigation reputation
and image planning, Ager (2005a, 2005b) uses experience of language planning of
Wales, France, Canada and other countries as examples fully explains the reputation
changes with various regimes and linguistic forms. Although multilingual countries,
such as Singapore, generally emphases that the management agency may has general
requirement for teaching language (Zhao and Liu 2007), but most countries have taken
an attitude towards the language use and teaching of preschool system. In this type, the
other huge impact of the form of non-mainstream language teaching is community
language schools.
There are two important kinds of views in the world. One is of enough large size
which includes formal public education system by the government such as a number of
Chinese schools in Malaysia and Thailand. But more are not officially recognized,
which even become underground schools under special circumstances such as the
Chinese education in Indonesian before the 1990s. And more are strongly supported by
local ethnic minorities, or obtain governmental subsidies such as the current Australian.
The maintaining and salvation of endangered language or languages of the indigenous
424 D. Rui

disadvantaged groups are mainly the political act of government but also rely on the
collective efforts of the community because the language could continue or revive
(such as Israel in Hebrew) is due to the individual likes and dislikes.
Therefore the social role of the community is often greater than the government’s
plan in the maintenance of multilingual language. Language education of immigrants
are mostly carried out by language services. Targeting as community assimilation, the
language plans for the new immigrants integrate into local life and to develop as soon
as possible. Mostly are duty free such as free English program, refugee English and
other languages projects of Australia or Canada and other countries. Religious orga-
nizations are an important force to maintain and disseminate the language. Religious
traditions have advocated the need to use the meta-language to read scripture, which
had a significant role in maintaining language. Then gradually used the local language
to read scripture.
The world’s three major religions have tradition to make schools out of necessity,
especially temples (Buddhist Southeast Asian countries) and the mosque schools.
Many children of poor families passed through the critical period of language
enlightenment. Western churches around the world and also offered free multilingual
teaching programs as an effective means of attracting followers to expand influence,
which plays a big role in language spreading. Community service should also include
non-formal fixed language promotion and communication activities such as literacy
activities, family and community-based children reading campaigns (Tables 1 and 2).

Table 1. Languages on signs

MRT-anchored neighbourhoods Monolingual Bilingual Multilingual Total
Dover 39 38 0 77
Clementi 121 119 4 244
Jurong East 52 37 1 90
Bukit Batok 54 31 3 88
Bukit Gombak 40 40 0 80
Choa Chu Kang 38 22 2 62
Chinese Garden 57 68 0 125
Lakeside 83 112 7 202
Boon Lay 29 41 5 75
Pioneer 20 33 1 54
Total 533 541 23 1097

Table 2. Languages or monolingual signs

English Chinese Malay or Tamil Others Total
Monolingual 500 22 7 4 533 (100%)
(Shang 2014)
International Trend of Language Planning in Development 425

3 Discussion of International Trend on Language Plan

The international promotion of non-mainstream language teaching refers to the way of

spreading the country’s language and culture relying on its economic strength and the
use of government or private power. This type is commonly seen in mother tongue-
dominated monolingual countries. The promotion agency is famous for the official or
quasi official elite language schools in Europe in 17th Century. These colleges gen-
erally have a long tradition and a good reputation (most of the members are elites from
the upper class). In the beginning the main job was to maintain the purity and stan-
dardization of the mother tongue (Kaplan and Baldauf 1997). Some of these colleges
are specialized foreign language and cultural promotion agencies and some are the
official language planning agencies in their own country.
While in overseas they achieve the purpose of language and culture expansion
through non-mainstream ways such as cultural communication or business channels.
France is no doubt the first European country on the propaganda of language and
culture, in addition to the most famous College France, but also the French Union and
so on. Others are Cervantes in Spain, Dante College in Italy, and also together with
Gerd College founded in 1983 which has acquired splendid development. We can see
the great impact of international promotion of non mainstream language teaching from
Table 3, and Zhang and Liu (2006) also have a more full discussion. It is worth noting
that although the international promotion of non mainstream language teaching sprout
in Europe, it also developed in Asia. Japan is the first Asian country to use this way to
promote national language. Although the Chinese Confucius Institutes were set up in
2004, there are now more than 120 branches in over 30 countries and plans to reach
500 in 2010.
There are also similar language international promotion Agencies in other part of
Asia. Contemporary linguistic community service, international promotion and com-
mercial profit will choose the language in powerful and rich countries as the universal
language. English is absolutely dominant and others are a few of languages with
commercial value or the strong language of a society with high whisper. Teachers are
from different levels ranging from the professional language teachers to enthusiastic
amateurs. They are national financed or rely on the service of volunteers. A lot of
teachers are part-time workers but a considerable part are the regular trained teachers.
Course construction and course contents are generally localized to meet specific needs.
The teaching of single and multiculturalism community has a strong color of race and
culture. Many of them include a very formal teaching outline, thus often inevitably with
cultural propaganda and political color. Considering practical applications, there are
often teaching content specifically designed for specific requirements.
Teaching method is generally more traditional in many cases. The teacher himself
is responsible for writing the outline and making the teaching material. Teaching
method is not the only one. Teaching material can be obtained from the promotion of
language and culture. Teaching is lively and interesting with deliberate innovation. The
learners in the classroom are the center and the atmosphere is relaxed. Teachers are
generally the designers and organizers of teaching, not the controller and the infusion.
Funding sources are mainly from government, a considerable part is from the charity
426 D. Rui

and community organizations, for example the overseas Chinese community in

Southeast Asian countries. Basically it is the official funding channel with less dif-
ference with community service.
The complete market mechanism comes from the commercial profit investment.
Community relations enable the common people to understand the culture and the
value of the racial harmony of the language and the loss of a certain language ability is
not only a defect but also a kind of harm. Raising the reputation building up the image
and try to make the local community dispel concerns letting them believe that the
promotion of the language does not threaten the local language. Regarding them as
customers, attracting customers and trying to get the formal teaching will make con-
tributions to increasing employment and promoting community development.
Test evaluation generally does not design mandatory targets and rarely carry out
effect assessment. They mainly pay great attention to the long-term effect of promotion.
For many learners, to pass the exams and get a certificate are an important purpose.
Quite a part of the study and test are symbolic. Teachers and primary cooperative staff
or organization fully participate in the process of teaching and decision-making. Most
of the teaching are arranged from top to bottom but in some cases the volunteer
services play the greatest personal role. Both in small and large international language
schools, teachers are almost completely marginalized. And the family tutorial is more
an individual teaching.

4 Development of International Language and Its Influences

on the Theory of Language Planning

Non-mainstream language teaching refers to activities of language teaching and

acquiring outside the national public educational system. More often than not, it
includes spontaneous and irregular language teaching activities, and at the same time it
also includes systematical and regular training programs which are independent of
schools or official college courses. The reason we treat non-mainstream as typical case
of micro-level language planning activities is based on scholars’ recent theories and
cases analyses on the harmonization, capitalization and localization of language
planning (Barkhuizen and Knoch 2006), especially the works of Baldauf (2006) and
Canagarajah (2005) etc. The colossal changes happened in international economy,
science and social culture since the end of the last century ignited the spark of non-
mainstream language teaching, and in recent years the great leaps of science and
technology, the radical changes in society and economy and the development of
teaching principles have worked together to provide a foundation against which the
non-mainstream language teaching becomes flourishing. Fetters (2003: 37) holds that,
against the backgrounds of new circumstances and great changes in peoples’ language,
there are at least the following factors that are exerting influences on the forms and
effects of language acquisition:
i. The Economic Globalization
ii. The Concept of Lifelong Learning Ever Popular and the Systematization of
International Trend of Language Planning in Development 427

iii. Against the background of multilingual and multiculturalism, people find lan-
guage ability has become an important factor based on which they can evaluate
the employees’ business level
iv. Modern information technology has imposed great influence on people’s daily life
because of the rapid development of mobile communication technology and the
explosive expansion of knowledge.
The above mentioned background factors make language acquisition an important
social factor. For instances, along with the internationalization of China, the areas of
people’s activities and outlook during international trading or tourism have been
enlarged, and people now often encounter foreign languages and cultures. This also
implies that language skill is an important tool which helps improve professional skill
and life quality in the current information society. As a result, language acquisition
outside schools is essential and increasingly popular. On the other hand, the forms of
modern education are under revolutionary changes. Besides the still popular long-
distance education and correspondence education, news education forms are emerging
such as open class, community education, flexible learning, e-learning and so on. They
all are redefining the concept of language acquisition. Non-traditional learning methods
are now the main tools for life-long learning.
From our definition we tell that non-mainstream language teaching actually
encompasses many various ways of language learning and acquisition. This charac-
teristic may explain why there are so little academic focuses on this topic. So for the
convenience of discussion and research, we should first classify it into several parts
scientifically. Based on a comprehensive study of international non-mainstream lan-
guage teaching forms, this thesis intends to classify it into three categories in light of
pedagogical aims, namely for social service, for international promotion and for trade
profits. The classification pursues clarity, generality and coherence. The prevalence of
non-mainstream language teaching, which being a proof and complement for micro-
language planning theory, is flexible in teaching methods and diversified in forms, and
it also poses great influence on the national macro language planning. We classify
preschool education into non-mainstream education because it is basically a non-profit
community activity or an activity not organized for making profits.

5 Conclusion

In recent years new technology, especially computer and network communication

technology, the global village, regional conflicts and ethnic conflict in the problem of
language and culture, a combination of various factors make the study of language
planning a new active situation. Publishing a large number of monographs and put
forward a lot of thought-provoking new topic.

Acknowledgements. The paper is one of the results of Anhui Quality Project; Code:
428 D. Rui

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9. Pennycook AD (2010) Spatial narrations: graffscapes and city souls. In: Jaworski A,
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A Study of Corporate Responsibility
by the Analysis of Chinese- on- Line Company

Jing Zhao(&) and Xiaoning Dou

Xi’an Eurasia University, Xi’an 710065, Shaanxi, China


Abstract. Nowadays, there is an increasing tendency to assess organizations

value in various aspects rather than in profit making only. The business tool of the
model of Triple Bottom Line is introduced in the field of corporate responsibility
wildly. It is originally used to measure accounting performance. It measures a
company’s value in the aspects of social, environmental and financial. Tencent Inc
and Alibaba Group are Chinese internet services companies. Tencent Inc is
founded in November, 1998. The company has grown into the largest and most
used internet service portal in China. In its twenty years’ history, The company has
been able to maintain steady and fast growth by always putting its users first. While
Aliababa Group operates leading online and mobile marketplaces in retail and
wholesale trade and other services. Its business get consumers, merchants and
other participants involved in. This study aims to present comparison of Tencent
and Alibaba by applying triple bottom line framework. Firstly, It will introduce the
triple bottom line framework. Secondly, All activates of Tencent and Alibaba in
three dimensions were described in corporate responsibility spectrum. Thirdly, It
will analyze and evaluate the comparison between two companies. It also made
some recommendations to improve the efficiency of the companies. Finally, It
demonstrate that Tencent have a better performance in CSR (Corporate Respon-
sibility Relationship) aspect than Alibaba’s. However, both of the companies
already have some progress in environmental sustainability keeping.

Keywords: TBL  Business ethics  Sustainability  Introduction

Over the last decade, there has been an increasing importance and significance in the
concept of business ethics. Business ethics is the practice code that business organi-
zations adhere to in its daily routines with the world. The definition of business ethics is
the study of business situations, activities and decisions where issues of right or wrong
are addressed (Crane and Matten 2010; p. 5). Business ethics mainly focuses on daily
business activities and marketing strategies. They are distinguished from the morally
right or wrong decisions from the financial and commercial aspects recently, the
understanding of these responsibilities plays a vital role in the angle of economic,
environment and social values, which are all related to the sustainability of the system.
In this paper, we employ trip bottom line framework to compare Tencent, Inc. and
the Alibaba Group. The illustrations of Tencent, Inc. and those of two companies’
activities will be used as a foundation aim at analyzing and evaluating the success of
companies in three dimensions and as a whole. Finally, it will propose some recom-
mendations to improve the business strategies of the company.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 429–440, 2019.
430 J. Zhao and X. Dou

1 Background Information of the Organisations

and Framework

In this section, we introduce the general background information of two companies and
both companies’ corporate responsibility briefly.

1.1 Tencent, Inc.

Tencent, Inc. is a Chinese internet service portal, which was established in 1998. It is
largest and most used internet service company in China. About Tencent’s business, It
is based on the free instant chat tool-QQ to attract users initially, And then, it will
presents its around service for those users. The contain of its service refer to internet
games, online shopping and others. As a result, Tencent has created China’s largest
Internet community to meet the various needs of Internet users who have the demand
access communication, information, entertainment, e-commerce and other aspects.
(Tencent.com.hk 2015).
About the corporate responsibility (CR) perspective of Tencent; It has chosen to
publish the first CR report, the “Tencent Corporate Citizenship and Social Responsi-
bility Report” to spend its “10-year-old birthday in November 11, 2008 and the most
recent CR report is for 2011–2012. The report emphasizes on the sustainability in a
sector. The company has different activities in economics, social and environment
aspects to reveal its social responsibilities.

1.2 Alibaba Group

Alibaba was established in 1988 by Jack Ma. It is also a big internet company of China.
The company provides a business platform for customer to customer, business to
business, business to consumer. And also, Alibaba becomes shareholders in other SEM
companies as well. Alibaba is on the date of its historic initial public offering (IPO),
19th of September 2014; the company ‘s market value was measured at US$231
billion. The company operates various businesses and also supports the ecosystem from
their businesses and services. The business model of Alibaba is comprised by “one
strategy”, “two core competitiveness”, “three customer bases”, “four sources of
income” and “five strategies”.
a. One strategy is that the establishment of e-business infrastructure facilitates to
foster, coordinate and open commerce ecosystems.
b. The two core competitiveness is the huge number of users and the increasing new
users who join daily
c. The three customer bases are SME’s, entrepreneurs and customers.
d. The four source of income includes: membership, Value-added services and Search
Engine Ranking
e. Five abilities are B2B, B2C, ZHIFU (payments) and Ali Software Yahoo’s repu-
tation (Fig. 1).
(Douding, 2015)
A Study of Corporate Responsibility by the Analysis 431

Fig. 1. Business model of Alibaba

Alibaba, emphasis the word of “sustainability” as a core objective of the company.

Alibaba aims to be a company which creates value for society. The company conducts
business models which give consumers broader selection of products and services to
create jobs. The organization have been made more economic opportunities in China
and around the world as well.
Alibaba is highly involved in sustainable corporate responsibility projects as a way
to contribute to offline and online social development. It seems that CR is a core value
and the mission of the company (Alibabagroup.com 2015).

1.3 The Model of Triple Bottom Line (TBL)

In today’s business setting, with the development of globalization, Eco-minded con-
sumers expect global companies to have global impact worldwide. Therefore, there are
more companies than ever before following the “Triple Bottom Line” principles, which
represents the impact of the economic, social and environment of the world (Glavas
and Wish 2015; Hussain, Rigoni and Orij 2017; Onat, Kucukvar and Tatari 2014;
Wilcox et al. 2016; Rambaud and Richard 2015). Because people are more concerned
which company is in a renewal form with more robust practice as social media spreads
and consumers are keeping track of which companies are responsible as world citizens
while, respectively, people concern which companies are not in the concepts of social
responsibility as well. The concept of social responsibility are not only about being
“green” and “recyclable” to the environment, but also has been expended into “sus-
tainability” in the long term development of a social and economic environment. (The
Triple Bottom Line 2015).
The term of “Triple Bottom Line” (3BL, TBL) was first coined in 1994 by John
Elkington, who is an author of “Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st
Century Business” and to Simon Zadek of “Accountability 1000”, (Elkington 1997). It
tried to translate the macro-level need for sustainable development into a framework for
business. It is based on the point that business also need to look at social and envi-
ronmental impacts they create. Therefore, companies should be readied for three dif-
ferent bottom lines.
432 J. Zhao and X. Dou

From the over-reaching framework for many integrated corporate reports, it has
become a list of the following documents:
(1) Financial reporting
(2) Environmental Reporting
(3) Sustainability or CR reporting.

1.4 Corporate (Integrated) Report

This theory is different from the traditional accounting framework, which is basically a
measurement of only profits and return on investment. It is meaningful for both
environmental and social harmony and unity in the expansion or acquisition of
resources and economic value. Namely, they are economic, social and the environ-
mental aspects of the natural balance of unity. Similarly, Henriques and Richardson
named it 3P’s; profits, people and the planet. With the developing understanding of
business, in 1992 “Earth Summit” in Rio de Janeiro, “sustainability” means a subject,
which includes authority with no-government organizations and every business entity.
While the performance of those three prospects, should not be treated as isolated
from each other. It should be seen as an integrated to suit sustainability.
What is more, those three prospects should be in a broad indicator concept process
instead of measuring it in a narrow concept. (Vanclay 2003). So, the Triple Bottom
Line report is wildly used in organizations to improve their sustainbility. TBL reports
are always publicized to society. Shareholders’ involvement enhances the goal setting
and decision making for organizations. They could offer report verification and
information to the TBL report processing so that they make the report more accurate,
persuadable, useful and creditable. For example, the businesses criteria is not single
anymore. The method of measuring the value of the company or organization is var-
iously offered broadly. Compare from traditional measurement, It tends to express the
objective’s value by describing other tangible things. (Hard value), or, it is measured
with the equity of the brand or the sticking customers and it is called soft value.
However, equipment, trees and land are the hard value of the business (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The framework of triple bottom line

A Study of Corporate Responsibility by the Analysis 433

The advantage of the “Triple Bottom Line” theory is various. Triple-bottom-line

reporting represents that social and environmental aspects of business should be con-
sidered in a business operation rather than just financial aspects. Mainly there are two
(1) In the roots of sustainability, it gives a chance to re-think how to measure all
dimensions of a business with clean criteria.
(2) Although there are trade-offs during different dimensions, there are still some
positive synergies between dimensions such as performing well for an environ-
mental criterion can cause the improvement of a process and thereby boosting
economic sustainability (Rogers and Hudson 2011).
However, this approach has some disadvantages.
(1) Difficult to Quantify
1. Although the company could quantify its financial aspects, for example,
earnings, revenue and cost could be seen from a financial report easily.
However, it is difficult to measure how much the value is for an organization’s
commitment to launch an environmental protection campaign.
2. Social value is related to social dimensions of a community like welfare, life
quality, education,etc. (Slaper 2011 36.)
(2) Management Conflict
Traditionally, A business’s management aims to brings maxim returns to share-
holders. The term of Triple-bottom-line might consider long term benefit for whole
business environment although most shareholders prefer short term benefits. Triple
Bottom Line “is to standardize and weigh an index of evaluation for the business with
stakeholders in the company for long term consideration.
The triple bottom line theory has a significant impact on the aspect of social
responsibility, economy and environment. Companies which fully commit to the triple
bottom line approach during their daily business activities are required to ensure the
proper design, methods, and products. There is an increasing tendency which
demonstrates that, companies are emphasizing on developing the concept of “sus-
tainability” or cooperates in social responsibility. They would have to increase ranks of
the company quickly, rising above their competition. Consumers are always more loyal
and have a high stickiness into the company who embrace and value sustainability
throughout their whole supply chain and operation as well. For this point, the more
effort that is made in terms of improving suitability of the business, the more prof-
itability the company will get for the years to come.
Additionally, savings from investment in suitability by companies or organizations
would inspire people. (The triple bottom line, 2013).
In conclusion, TBL is used wildly in business and is also significant to the company
to develop for the long term. TBL can be treated as a very useful framework to give the
direction of improvement of the company to make progress and to be sustainable.
434 J. Zhao and X. Dou

2 Evaluations of Two Companies by Applying TBL

In this sector, this paper will analyze two organizations by applying the tool of TBL to
explain what the companies are doing and why they are doing those things in three
aspects, which are economic, social and environment respectively. It also will take
every opportunity to assess what they are doing. Meanwhile, both of sustainability or
cooperate responsibility (CR) report will be used in this sector.
In order to make a structure and direct analysis, the Corporate Responsibility
Spectrum will be used to list the main CR issues of two business entities by analyzing
their CR report to provide evidence about how and what the organizations do for
“sustainability”. The Corporate Responsibility Spectrum (CRS) summarises the main
corporate responsibility issues faced by business. The CR spectrum has been developed
with reference to impact areas identified in: Corporate CR/CSR/sustainability reports,
The UN Global Compact, NGO reports, The Corporate Responsibility Spectrum
(CRS) emerging issues includes: Land rights, Conflict, Tax, Pests and disease,
Excessive profit, and other issues like Ozone depletion (Middleton 2014).
Based on the information of both company’s CR activities and the reasons why did
they do it (can be seen in appendices, where the CR activities of the two companies are
described in detail by summarizing the information), the business sustainability eval-
uated of Tencent, inc and Alibaba group will be compared and evaluate from different
dimensions (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The corporate responsibility spectrum (CREconomic)

2.1 Strategy Philanthropy

Business strategy is the macro leading to a company’s development. It tends to reveal
the mission and the philanthropy of the company. It is significant for internet service
industry, which is a competitive industry in a limited existing market Tencent aims at
serving the public and it invests more human and financial effort in serving the
A Study of Corporate Responsibility by the Analysis 435

community and the whole of society. Alibaba makes pointed references in serving
business and entrepreneurs. It enables the company to make more innovations about
how to keep their business’s competitive advantage to be sustainable. The core mar-
keting objective competition of Tencent is PC instant messages (IM). This IM consists
of a customer relationship chain, which is with high stickiness from the customers to
the company. So the company according to launched a sequence of social responsi-
bility activities to express their care to the public. This is a useful way to sustain the
high stickiness, which is based on the huge number of users of IM; (they are QQ and
“Wechat” recently) from the customer to the company. Alibaba is running its business
by using the e-commerce platform, which are Chinese domestic E-commerce and other
relative service. Alibaba is dedicated to making innovation of services around its core
competitive business and recreate another range of products, such as payments, crowd
funding, training, etc. These products attract the huge number of entrepreneurs and give
them more connivance and first-hand market information. The business strategy itself
of Alibaba is that it uses “innovation” as a business strategy to keep its “sustainability”.

2.2 Fair-Trade and Wages

As the two largest internet companies, both Tencent and Alibaba have an integrated
employee wage and welfare system. Tencent uses three wage stages, which is based on
the education level and certificate of the employee. Alibaba employs two wage sys-
tems, which are technology stream and management stream wage system. The treat-
ment is based on how much benefit could the employee create for the company. Both of
those two companies have a high start level, which is over 30%, compared to the
average lever of Chinese talent’s wage. However, there are some differences in terms of
fair-trade between two companies. Alibaba has a more complete fair-trade system. For
example, Alibaba sets up a flexible and fixed evaluation of employees to promote
employees. Everyone has the same opportunity to be promoted. There is not a pro-
moting ladder or educational limitation during this process. However, In Tencent,
educational background is been referenced seriously in fair-trade. The reason why
Alibaba use this faire-trade system is that they treat innovation as its business strategy
to keep its sustainability. While, talents from any background are significant to make
innovation, Even more, Alibaba also set up an enterprise fund to attract excellent talent.

2.3 Bribery and Corruption

More or less, both Tencent and Alibaba are embraced by some scandals of bribery and
corruption. However, Alibaba’s situation is more disadvantages. The famous one is
their accounting fraud case in 2011. David Wei, and his chief operating officer Elvis
Lee, were ejected from the management of alibaba.com after it emerged that staff had
assisted con artists in establishing fraudulent online shop-fronts. Recently, after Ali-
baba Opened its stock in New York, the Company needs to face the problem of credit
again. Because there are an increasing number of buyers from aboard, who claim that
some of the products, which are posted on Alibaba- platform, are fake or in tort actions.
While, Tencent’s employee is reported bribery 6,000 pounds to delete some scandals.
436 J. Zhao and X. Dou

2.4 Social
2.4.1 Welfare
Firstly, both companies are aware the issue of living condition of their employee. As
buying a home is expensive in China, Both of companies offer a three-year interest free
house-loan to their employees. Apart from the service of employees, their families are
also being considered. Both of the company set up different festival activates to
employees and their families to celebrate different festivals and allocate festival bonus
to them. Additionally, Alibaba launched a sequence of environmental protection events
to recall the whole society to change the current environment issue of China; Such as
CO2 emissions reducing and pollution clearing. Tencent focus on poverty, Children’s
education and other social issues. That’s because Alibaba serves for entrepreneurs and
Tencent is serving for the public. So, the quantity of Tencent-CR projects is more than
Alibaba’s. They also raise much money than Alibaba.

2.4.2 Health and Security

In order to ensure the career stability of the company and its employees, Tencent set up
an Occupational Health and Safety Management Committee. The committee is
responsible for five sectors. They are the working environment, working safety, health
consultancy, security response center, and data monitor center. The company collects,
evaluates, and analyzes the data from different sectors to improve their employee’s
working environment quality and their welfare. Alibaba publics some strict items to
security their employee’s work safety. However, Alibaba does not publish any items
about their safety culture and their security of customers trade.

2.4.3 Freedom of Association

Both Tencent and Alibaba have a good performance in the aspects of freedom of
association. As a leader of their filed, companies offer and executive well in protective
regulation and laws, effective recognition of employee rights and the improvement for
social responsibility.

2.4.4 Discrimination
Both of the companies are very open. They have employees from diverse backgrounds.
In Tencent’s case, 5% of their employees are foreigners. Because of the work
requirements, Alibaba recruits more foreigner employees in its companies. So both of
the companies are very friendly and open and they are international companies. Both of
the companies have integrated actions to protect female employee’s rights to be fair.
Especially, some discrimination about gender issues for females, such as the right of
birth, breadth and marriage. People can have a regular and even better treatment in their
company. So there is no discrimination in both of these companies.

2.4.5 Child and Forced Labor

Both of the companies did not hire a person who is under 16 years old, which is the
permitted legal work age in China. However, Alibaba did not publish any announce-
ment about whether they allow their current or potential cooperators to hire child and
forced labor not.
A Study of Corporate Responsibility by the Analysis 437

2.5 Environment
2.5.1 Chemical and Pollution
The two companies refer to the study of chemical and pollution from public daily life.
The difference between two companies comes from their market objectives. Alibaba
focus on the solution how to help entrepreneurs run a sustainable business without
pollution. Tencent run some environmental projects itself. Obviously, both of the
companies made the effort to the topic of “Chemical and pollution”.

2.5.2 Resources Use

Both of the company’s internet service companies are low carbon emission IT com-
panies. It can be called Green industry with little pollution. From the company man-
agement, where there is more data to be dealt with by the internet, instead of printing.
The companies tend to use resources save method to restore information. Tencent tend
to use its numerous users, to share information or CR via internet. It is a good way to
advertise environmental protection awareness. Alibaba own the most complete busi-
ness trade information in China, so it also uses those resources to organize different
kinds of business forum to deliver the value of resources’ usage.

2.5.3 Waste and Recycling

On this term, the scale of two businesses is similar. About waste, Tencent promoted an
application “Drops a Taxi” to help people share taxi together In 2013, and it made a big
contribution to “resources usage” Drops a Taxi App” has changed the traditional way
of getting a taxi and a way to build a great culture era of mobile Internet users to lead a
modern way to travel. It is bare to found related information for Alibaba.

2.5.4 Energy and Climate Change

Both Tencent and Alibaba take the chance to express energy and climate change
articles in their internet communication. Both of the company did not publish their
attitude about the climate change theory. While as mentioned earlier, Tencent try to use
share way to save energy in daily life.

2.5.5 Water
Both of the companies devote to water pollution. However, about the water use, there is
no report and information could be tracked.

2.5.6 Biodiversity
In this part, Tencent is better to Alibaba’s. Tencent start “I no longer look on!”
campaign with the-US-wildlife- rescue. Tencent Charity Foundation donated 1 million
Yuan for the China Environmental Protection Foundation. While, Alibaba require that
no wild animal or any secure creature can be trade in Alibaba platform. Unfortunately,
the fur is still selling in Alibaba platform.
438 J. Zhao and X. Dou

3 Comparison and Contrast of Organisations

and Recommendations for Efficiency Improvement

The following table (Table 1) will compare Tencent, Inc. and the Alibaba group with
the result of analysis and evaluations that are realized. According to using this table, it
is easily found that Alibaba is a more business oriented principled company and it’s
strategy refer CSR part. The company made big contribution to fulfill social respon-
sibility. However, the result of executives for demonstrating business ethics and cor-
porate responsibility need improved. On contrast, Tencent, Inc. receives better
achievements in both plan and executive of CSR. To be more specific, in the aspect of
economics, the performance of Tencent is better than Alibaba Group’s in general,
compared to the wage of Tencent’s, Alibaba’s is lower. For the issue of continual
bribery and corruption in China, Alibaba needs to supervise a department to executive
company’s items. Also, the company could attract everyone inside of the management.
Media and the internet could be used to post and report bribery and corruption
behavior. The people, who report bribery, should be rewarded. Alibaba could build an
internet community, everyone including CEO and at every level of managers could see
the public community message. On the aspect of the Social part, both of the companies
tries to get involved into the social community work actively. Both of those companies
also have a charity or donation history for various causes. And both companies have an
integral employee treatment system. For the aspect of the environment, compared to the
performance of Tencent, Alibaba’s is better in general. Especially, Alibaba is in an eco-

Table 1. Comparison of the triple bottom lines.

Good - 2, Limited - 0, Very Good - 3, Comparision of
Moderate - 1 Tencent &
Tencent Alibaba
Economic Strategic philanthropy 2 2
Fair-trade and wages 1 2
Bribery and corruption 1 0
Social Welfare 2 2
Health and safety 3 2
Freedom of association 2 2
Discrimination 2 2
Child and forced labor 2 1
Environmental Chemicals and pollution 2 2
Resources use 2 3
Waste and recycling 3 2
Energy and climate change 1 1
Water 1 1
Biodiversity 2 0
Total 26 22
A Study of Corporate Responsibility by the Analysis 439

system business model, so it devotes itself to environmentally protect more. Even

more, they report their business ethics frequently, and they have a separated sector
about the concept of “sustainability” in this part. Apart from social charities and
donation projects, it should think about environmental protection in the company, as
there is serious pollution in China. So the environmental protection has become a hot
social issue at the present time.

4 Conclusion

Nowadays, business success is beyond the financial bottom line, because of the
development of history and globalization, people have more awareness and criteria to
handle a perfect business. The impacts of society and the environment are also being
considered in the issue. Because a better social and environmental condition could
influence the financial performance of the business going to the positive side all of
these things are being considered. However, the word of “sustainability” is the main
challenge to financially benefit and make the business going into a positive and con-
tinually in long term goal.
In order to compare the business cooperation responsibility of Tencent, Inc. and the
Alibaba Group by applying the Triple Bottom Line theory, we can see, both of those
companies have a strong awareness in business ethics and CR, the difference of their
results is about the execution of the business strategy. Tencent owns more business
objectives, so they are more emphasis on CR and sustainability. And also, Tencent
have a good performance in executive its CR strategy. So, execution of business
policies is very important, especially in supervising in the right direction of business
development. Because it is an effective method to prevent bribery and corruption.
Meanwhile, the other companies, especially for the internet company, should learn the
advanced developing company of Tencent and Alibaba in the aspect of business ethics
and the CR part.

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Thoughts on the Path of New Media
Technology Helping the Transformation
of Newspaper Industry

Liya Yao(&)

Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun 130052, Jilin, China


Abstract. New media has a certain impact on the survival and development of
the traditional newspaper industry. The transformation and development of the
traditional newspaper industry is imperative. At present, the new media tech-
nology can promote the transformation and development of the traditional
newspaper industry, so the rational use of new media technology is conducive to
the transformation and development of the traditional newspaper industry.
Starting from the stages and problems of newspaper transformation, this paper
briefly discusses the way of newspaper transformation.

Keywords: New media technology  Helping 

Newspaper industry transformation

1 The Survival and Development of Traditional Newspapers

1.1 The Timeliness of Information Release Is Affected
Before the birth of the Internet, newspapers and periodicals were one of the main media
methods, and they became the three traditional media forms along with television and
radio. In the traditional media period, the release of information needs to be reviewed
and checked at various levels, and finally printed. It takes one day to get the news from
editing to publishing, that is, the news of the first day is read the next day. Because of
the existence of printing links, paper media is a form of media that is less time-sensitive
in the three traditional media, but because of the demand for reading, the value of its
existence is self-evident. In the era of new media, the release of a piece of information
is almost instantaneous. In a few seconds or even at the same time, a piece of news has
spread to all corners of the Internet, satisfying both the reading needs and the timeliness
of the news. Relatively speaking, the timeliness of information in the newspaper
industry has been greatly affected.

1.2 Changes in the Structure of the Audience

In the new media era, the audience structure of the newspaper industry has quietly
changed, the source of netizens cannot be separated by age alone. Basically people who
can access the Internet regardless of age, have become the audience of the new media,
greatly squeezing the newspaper audience.
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 441–448, 2019.
442 L. Yao

1.3 The Living Space Is Squeezed

With the rapid development of new media, Internet users’ reading habits have been
completely overturned. Mobile phones and other terminals can quickly and conve-
niently browse arbitrary information, and can interact with each other, and compared
with the passive acceptance of information in the newspaper industry, the new media
has greatly conquered the audience. The loss of readers at the same time is equivalent
to the loss of advertising audience, advertising business as the main business income of
the newspaper industry has naturally lost business sources, and its survival space has
been greatly squeezed [1].

2 The Role of New Media Technology in the Transformation

of the Newspaper Industry
2.1 New Media to Improve the Digital Technology of the Newspaper
Combining with new media, trying to transform the newspaper industry with the
“Internet+” thinking is the inevitable way out for the future development of the
newspaper industry. Digital technology is an important support for the survival of new
media. It can be said that new media is born and developed on the basis of the rapid
development of digital technology. Digital technology has spawned new media, but it
is not a dedicated technology for new media, but a technical tool that can be used in
both traditional and emerging industries. Since the beginning of the new media, the
new media has relied on digital technology, so the mastery of digital technology is
more sophisticated. Learning from new media and integrating with new media means
learning the new media’s ability to apply digital technology and improving the digital
technology of the newspaper itself [2].

2.2 New Media Has Built a Digital Pattern of the Newspaper Industry
The audience’s reading style in the traditional newspaper industry is passive and one-
way. The audience needs to read under the arrangement and guidance of the editor. The
thinking is guided and controlled by the editor and the author, and it is difficult to
expand more. In the new media, the audience can search for articles of interest through
search engines, and can read the horizontal comparison of similar articles according to
their own wishes. The idea is wider and no longer subject to editorial constraints. The
digital newspaper industry can combine the rigorous tradition of paper media with the
interactive and multi-dimensional characteristics of new media, forming a full-fledged
digital newspaper industry structure, which is more conducive to the new development
of the newspaper industry.
Thoughts on the Path of New Media Technology 443

2.3 New Media Promotes the Digital Dissemination of the Newspaper

Under the influence of new media, traditional paper media has suffered a lot of impact,
but because the traditional newspaper industry is mainly based on mainstream media,
whether it is its own business strength or the support of the national government, it
makes the traditional newspaper industry have the advantage that new media can’t
match, that is, it has the characteristics of authority, depth and system. Compared with
traditional media, new media has a lot of publishers and lack of supervision. Its
authority is greatly discounted, and the fragmented communication method is better
than timeliness, but it lacks the depth of analysis and is superficial. However, it is an
indisputable fact that the new media has a wide coverage and strong timeliness.
Cooperation with new media and the use of new media Internet technology capabilities
can greatly expand the communication capabilities of traditional newspapers. The
spread of traditional newspapers relies on the old mode of manual delivery, which is
greatly affected by distance and artificial factors. After the combination of traditional
newspapers and digitalization, the digital newspaper industry can have the digital
communication advantage of new media, that is, the information is transmitted in the
shortest time, and the timeliness is stronger. The rapid development of new media has
also brought about the shortcomings of competition homogenization. The new media
practitioners have limited ability and lack of experience. A hot spot often leads to
follow-up reports, which reduces the readability of the article. The digital newspaper is
edited by editors. With sufficient experience and strong writing and editing skills, he
can carry out more in-depth interpretation and analysis, and form a “differentiation”
distinction with new media to form a targeted target audience.

3 The Process of the Newspaper Industry’s Transition to New


The newspaper industry has been transforming into new media for some time, and it
has experienced twists and turns. Looking back now, the newspaper industry has
undergone six major stages in its transition to new media, namely [3]:
Through Table 1, we can clearly see the six stages of the digital transformation
experience of the newspaper industry, as well as the characteristics of each period. At
present, on the basis of these six stages, with the development of intelligent terminals,
the transformation of the newspaper industry has entered the stage of “smart terminal”,
but it is still in the initial stage.
444 L. Yao

Table 1.
Stage Mode of operation Characteristics Representative
“Touch the Convert newspaper content to PDF 1. Need to read one by one Hangzhou Daily 
net” stage 2. Operation is cumbersome Afternoon Edition
3. Easy to cause fatigue China Scholars Abroad
(electronic version)
China Trade News
Self- Move content directly to the site Newspaper network interaction China Enterprise
organizing by layout or category Employee Interaction
website Platform (Workers’
stage Daily Team Group)
“Mobile Promote newspapers to mobile 1. Inconvenient browsing, the user China Women’s News
newspaper” phones through electronic carriers experience is similar to the original
stage PDF format
2. The promotion initiative is in the
hands of the electronic operators,
and the newspaper industry does
not have the right to control
Joint Work with the website 1. Provide content and do not Tencent
network participate in business
stage 2. In a passive position
3. The profit method comes from
the pop-up advertisement
4. Core resources are monopolized
by the website
5. The establishment of the resource
content library is not conducive to
the long-term development of the
newspaper industry
Full media Through media information, using 1. Achieve full media coverage Yantai Daily Media
stage various media expressions 2. “All media news center mode” Group
(multimedia) such as text, sound, 3. Integration of Internet and Hangzhou Daily
video, animation, webpage, etc., newspaper
using different media forms
(business integration) such as
radio, television, audio and video,
film, publishing, newspapers,
magazines, websites, etc. Through
the convergence of broadcasting
and television networks,
telecommunication networks and
internet networks (three networks
integration), users can finally
complete the fusion of information
(three screens in one) with
computers, TVs, mobile phones
and other terminals to achieve
anyone, Get any information you
want at any time, anywhere
Cloud Based on the cloud computing and 1. The plane is changed into three- Beijing Times
newspaper two-dimensional code technology dimensional, and the reading Qianjiang Evening News
stage platform, a stereoscopic dynamic function from static to dynamic is Jiangnan Metropolis
reading experience is formed expanded Daily
2. Three-dimensional display
Thoughts on the Path of New Media Technology 445

4 The Problems in the Transformation of the Newspaper

Industry to the New Media
4.1 More Transformation and Less Success
The traditional newspaper industry has developed for a long time. It has already formed
a wide variety of newspapers. There are almost all kinds of newspapers in various fields
and regions. There are various kinds of newspapers, such as the official newspapers of
the party and government organs, and the industry newspapers of all walks of life.
Since the “touching the net” stage, newspapers have followed suit for their own sur-
vival and development, and tried to change the network. Today, there are almost no
newspapers that have not undergone transformational attempts. In August 2008, the
“China Digital Newspaper Lab” project was launched. This is a transformation of the
newspaper industry promoted from the government level, but the actual results are very
few. Compared with foreign countries, there are few successful examples of trans-
formation in China [4].

4.2 More Investment and Less Return

Digital transformation requires technical support, traffic support, and especially traffic
support. It can be said that in the world of the Internet, websites without traffic support
have no value. Digital technology investment is an expensive investment. It is
impossible to complete projects without huge capital operation, and the flow is a
massive investment, almost a money-consuming capital game. However, the return of
the newspaper’s text-reading operation model is minimal, and its charging system has
almost never been established. Instead, netizens have formed a reading habit of free
reading. The phenomenon of various theft of articles is endless. Although the punitive
measures of piracy have been established, it is very difficult to maintain, especially
under the free reading habits that have been developed, the interests of the digital
newspaper industry are more difficult to protect. Such an industry model with high
investment and low return is difficult to survive and develop [5].

4.3 There Are Many Ways and the Progress Is Slow

The “official media” is seriously thought. Among the various traditional newspapers,
the official media of the party and government organs occupy a large proportion. Since
the birth of the newspaper, “official media” has a very strong sense of superiority due to
its special status and its long-range circulation. Even today, when it is hit by new
media, the “official media” can still be escorted by “administrative orders”. In partic-
ular, the subscription volume of public institutions has not been reduced, and the
“official media” crisis awareness is not strong. The leadership of “official media” is
essentially different from the role of the head of new media. They are both officials and
literati and businessmen. These two kinds of liability risks are borne by one person at
the same time, which leads to the need to weigh the pros and cons, balance each other,
and the risks are significant. No one is willing to bear both risks at the same time, so
they will choose the safest way to deal with, which also leads to slow action [6].
446 L. Yao

The market subject is unclear. The digital newspaper industry, which is a combi-
nation of traditional newspapers and new media, is not a market entity with self-
employment and self-financing in the true sense. Its nature is still the nature of state-
owned enterprises, the procedures of the traditional newspapers still follow the pro-
cedures of traditional newspapers, major decisions need to be reported at various levels,
layer-by-layer approval, but for new media, time is life, and timeliness is the life of
information. This digital newspaper industry cannot adapt to the requirements of the
digital world. For the employees, the market’s sense of competition has not been
established, the crisis awareness does not exist, and the incentives for the marketization
of enterprises are insufficient. As a result, employees lack the fighting spirit, have no
sense of crisis, and cannot keep up with the fierce competition in the digital world.
Double discourse system. The traditional newspaper industry implements the dual
mode of “institutions and enterprise management”. Traditional newspapers are not only
a public opinion tool for the party and the country, but also a media enterprise. It has to
shoulder both political responsibility and market responsibility. The double responsi-
bility dual discourse system is not suitable for the development of digital newspaper
industry, making the digital newspaper industry difficult and slow to transform [7].

5 Countermeasures for the Transformation of Newspaper

Industry to New Media

5.1 Changing the Concept

Abandon the Idea of “Media Standard”. The so-called “media standard” is a one-way
communication idea from the perspective of the media, what information is released by
the media, and what information the audience accepts. The Internet is an open world.
The sources of information are extensive, linked to each other, interconnected, and the
audience accepts information no longer subject to media restrictions. It breaks the
monopoly of traditional media and the media landscape has undergone fundamental
changes. In the process of transformation, if practitioners can’t change their mindsets
and still follow the “media-based” thinking, they will lose their audience and will not
attract the attention of the audience.
Target the Audience Structure Correctly. The audience structure has changed. In
the traditional newspaper industry, the audience is widespread and the source of
information is single. In the digital age, the audience is an uncertain netizen, and the
source of information is massive. Traditional media, just because of the loss of the
audience, have to need digital transformation, so their audience cannot move from
offline to online, no one can be a loyal “fan”, so the phenomenon of “reader translation”
does not exist. Gao Haihao, secretary of the Party Committee and president of Zhejiang
Daily Newspaper Group, once said: “Traditional media transformation cannot rely on
one or two products, but the entire system needs to be transformed. This is a genetic
change. It is even more difficult to dismantle the east wall and replenish the western
wall in the old building. To achieve incremental expansion, the old buildings will not
change, and new buildings will be built, and then a bridge of transformation will be
built between them. This is called incremental expansion [8]”.
Thoughts on the Path of New Media Technology 447

Establish a Digital Transformation Concept. Another difference between the digital

age and the traditional newspaper era is that the traditional period is a one-way spread
from the opposite side, and the digital age is a point-to-point mesh propagation. In the
digital age, the audience is no longer one-way receiving of information, but everyone
can become a reporter and editor, and can publish information, so in the Internet, this
part of the person is called “user”. Users have the autonomy and choice, and the digital
newspaper industry must establish a new “user-centric” business model. Jiang Guox-
ing, deputy director of Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Group, believes that “with the users,
we will do accurate analysis on the users, and accurately locate and carry out the
information and service push. But the key to this transformation model is the database,
and the user’s portrait features depend on the database [9]”.

5.2 Establishing a Perfect Client

In the process of digital newspaper industry transformation, the most important reason
why the initial stage hit the wall is that users do not have a good experience. Whether it
is the “touching the net” stage or the mobile phone reporting stage, after a lot of
excitement, it will eventually be dull. The reason is that the application is cumbersome,
and even better than reading the newspaper directly, it is difficult for users to praise,
and it will inevitably fail. Under the application of digital technology, a perfect client is
built, and a powerful search, interaction and reading platform is implemented in a
client-side manner, which not only simplifies the reading mode but also accumulates
the database. The most important thing is to meet the reading habits of netizens.

5.3 Strengthening Online and Offline Interaction

In the “cloud” newspaper stage, the current mode of operation is to print a two-
dimensional code in the newspaper, equivalent to two-dimensional code + newspa-
per + cloud technology, which to some extent forms the effect of digital newspapers as
an accessory to traditional newspapers. It is not a real transformation. But the idea is
correct, strengthen online and offline interaction, increase publicity on the line, enrich
the content of digital newspapers, strengthen the digital newspaper platform, and
cooperate with offline activities to form an online and offline mode [10].
In conclusion, the transformation of the newspaper industry is imperative, and the
combination with new media technology is also an inevitable trend. In the process of
transformation, the concept change is very important. Only when the ideological
concept as a conductor changes completely, and then with the innovation of technical
means, can it be true. Looking back, the reason why various problems have appeared in
the transformation process in the past is that the ideas cannot be combined with the
Internet, and cannot play the new media advantage, so whether it is to build microblog,
WeChat or the client, changing the mindset is the top priority. In addition, the culti-
vation and introduction of talents is also very important. Especially, those with new
media technologies are the decisive factors for the transformation.
448 L. Yao

Acknowledgement. This paper is the research achievement of the Jilin Social Science Fund
Project in 2018 “Research on Problems and Countermeasures of Jilin Newspaper Industry
Transformation and Development” (2018BS69); Jilin Provincial Education Department
Humanities and Social Sciences Research and Planning Project in 2019 “Research on Trans-
formation and Development Strategy of Newspaper Industry in Jilin”, and the Scientific Research
Projects of Jilin Engineering Normal University in 2018 “Research on the Mode and Innovation
Path of New Media to Disseminate Socialist Core Values” and “Inductive and Comparative
Research on Typical Transformation Mode of Newspaper Group in the Context of Media

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Influence of Parameters of Internal Voltage
Sensing Board on Stray Capacitance of GIS

Xinglan Guo1(&), Chengyang Chu1, Xiaobin Chen1, Haisen Zhao1,

and Jie Huang2
School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
North China Electric Power University,
Changping District, Beijing 102206, China
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Power Transmission Technology,
Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co., Ltd.,
Beijing 102209, China

Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to study the feasible range of stray
capacitance value variation of GIS equipment under different environmental
condition. By establishing the finite element model of GIS internal stray
capacitance, influence of the structural parameters of GIS internal voltage
sensing board on stray capacitance is studied, and the influence of factors such
as the thickness of the sensing plate itself on the stray capacitance is empha-
sized. Furthermore, study the stray capacitance levels of various GIS equipment
under different operating modes, and determine the range of stray capacitance
values with environmental factors.

Keywords: Finite element method  Stray capacitance 

Partial pressure principle  GIS

1 Introduction

GIS is a gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear, which uses sulphur hexafluoride as

an insulation and arc extinguishing medium, supported by epoxy resin insulators,
circuit breakers, isolating switches, grounding switches, transformers, arresters, three-
phase bus bars. And the cable head and other reasonable configuration, enclosed in a
fully enclosed metal grounded enclosure filled with a certain pressure of sulfur hexa-
fluoride gas in the closed high-voltage combination of electrical appliances. Com-
mon GIS equipment mainly includes five intervals of two input and two output and
voltage transformer. Among them, the voltage transformer adopts the traditional
capacitor voltage division structure, which needs to occupy independent intervals, and
the land occupation and equipment cost are high. If the voltage sensing function is
integrated into other GIS devices, the separate voltage transformer spacing can be
eliminated, saving 20% of the area of conventional GIS equipment, further saving
space and reducing the total cost of the substation. At the same time, the new voltage
transformer is suspended and installed on the high-voltage side of other intervals of

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 449–455, 2019.
450 X. Guo et al.

GIS, and the voltage measurement is completed by using the stray capacitance on the
ground, without installing a complicated insulated grounding device. Therefore,
research on the structural parameters of the mounting plate has become the first point of
this paper.
To solve this problem, the knowledge of installation and site commissioning of GIS
equipment is introduced, and the simplified model of GIS electric field is analyzed in
[1–3]. The voltage transformer applied in the GIS is introduced in [4, 5]; the calculation
of its electromagnetic field is mainly focused in [6], to solve the problem from the
aspect of electromagnetic field; the current situation of electronic transformer with
capacitor voltage divider type is introduced in [7]. Finite element model in detail from
its establishment, excitation insertion, boundary conditions and simulation outcomes,
which includes the selection of 2-D and 3-D magnetic field is introduced in [8]. The
introduction and comprehension of some concepts such as self-capacitance, stray
capacitance are main focuses in [9]. Problems ranging from model establishment,
thermal loading addition and heat boundary by simulating the thermal field, namely,
the temperature field is analyzed in [10].
In this paper, the finite element calculation model of electromagnetic field is
established. The material properties of the induction plate installed in GIS and the
influence of structural parameters on the internal stray capacitance of GIS are studied.
The stray capacitance of GIS under different operating parameters and different envi-
ronmental parameters is mastered. Further, the stray capacitance of the suspension plate
under different material properties and in the case where the structural parameters of the
induction plate itself are changed are further disclosed. The research results will con-
tribute to the new GIS R&D design, which promotes the reduction of substation
construction cost, equipment integration and integration level.

2 Measuring Principle

New-type voltage transformer is suspended installed at the high voltage side of other
isolation of the GIS, which do not need to be installed with complicated grounding
devices by grounding stray capacitance to conduct the voltage measurement, thus to
save costs for voltage transformers. The voltage transformer which is integrated with
other isolation can rebuild the form of voltage measurement devices in the power
substations. The internal measurement principle is illustrated in Fig. 1. It can be
concluded that the voltage-divider stray capacitance CE is the voltage divider devices
in the voltage divider circuit, and DSP is the digital signal processor, DAC stands for
the digital-analog converter, ADC is analog-to-digital converter and OPA is the
operational amplifier. The stray capacitance value provides the reference for output
voltage signal acquisition and post-processing device design. In this way, the research
on the typical value and magnitude of stray capacitance in the internal GIS has pro-
vided important data supporting for the installation position of the sensor board.
Influence of Parameters of Internal Voltage Sensing Board 451

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of active calibration voltage measurement scheme without space
stray capacitance

3 Simulation Model

Components of GIS include bus bar, circuit breaker, isolator, mutual inductor, insu-
lator, arrestor, earth switch, bushing and so on. To figure out the stray capacitance of
the internal GIS equipment, simplify the shape of the two poles of the irregular
capacitor. The stray capacitance can be calculated by conducting the series and parallel
connection method of capacitor, and it can be calculated by analyzing the internal
structure of the GIS of finite element software.
The basic structure of GIS is shown in Fig. 2. Two layers of hover-boards is
inserted into the enclosure of the GIS, the conductive copper rod is in the center, and
the distance between the conductive rod and the two layers of hover-boards cannot be
lower than 65 mm. Figure 3 is a meshing element used in finite element analysis. The
details of parameters are given in Table 1, where d1 is the diameter of the copper rod,
h1 is the axial length of the copper rod; D1 is the inside diameter of the internal hover
board; D2 is the outside diameter of the internal hover board; h2 is the axial length of
the internal hover board; D3 is the inside diameter of the external hover board, D4 is
the outside diameter of the external hover board; h3 is the axial length of the external
hover board; D5 is the inside diameter of the GIS enclosure; D6 is the outside diameter
of the GIS enclosure; and h4 is the axial length of the GIS enclosure.

Table 1. Sizes of the simplified model: (unit: mm)

Copper rod d1 = 110; h1 = 1230
Internal hover board D1 = 240; D2 = 272; h2 = 815
External hover board D3 = 399; D4 = 415; h3 = 815
GIS enclosure D5 = 431; D6 = 601; h4 = 900
452 X. Guo et al.

Fig. 2. GIS model

Fig. 3. Meshing setting diagram

With Ansoft Maxwell 3D software, this paper analyzes the capacitance between the
aluminum hover board and the copper rod in the electromagnetic field according to
conditions illustrated above and respectively set voltage values of GIS enclosure,
internal hover board, external hover board and the center copper rod as 0 V, 5 V, 5 V
and 220 kV. Parameters are set and the calculation results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Calculation outcomes of capacitances based on finite element model: (unit: pF)
GIS Inner Out Pole
GIS 2884.6 −4.91 248.9 −15.88
Inner −4.91 2179.8 −119.2 −61.18
Out 248.9 −119.2 2979.5 −0.41
Pole −15.88 −61.18 −0.41 77.46
Influence of Parameters of Internal Voltage Sensing Board 453

4 Influence of Structural Parameters of GIS Sensor Board

on Stray Capacitance

Stray capacitance refers to the space capacitance present in the GIS device. From the 3
calculation model data, it can be seen that the main factors affecting the capacitance are
the position of the mounting plate and the structural parameters of the mounting plate
itself. In addition, the influence of environmental factors such as SF6 gas density and
internal temperature on the stray capacitance of the GIS device. Master the stray
capacitance levels of various GIS devices under different operating modes and different
environmental parameters. This paper focuses on the influence of structural parameters
of GIS internal voltage sensing board on stray capacitance.
In addition, we should also consider the structural parameters of the sensing board and
the influence of material properties on the stray capacitance. Below we specifically reveal
the influence of the characteristics of the mounted sensing board on the stray capacitance.

4.1 Simulation Result Analysis

Relative dielectric constant is a physical parameter that characterizes the dielectric or
polarization properties of a dielectric material. The value is equal to the ratio of the
capacitance of the same size capacitor made of the predicted material to the medium
and the vacuum, which is also a sign of the material storage capacity. Also known as
relative permittivity, different materials have different relative dielectric constants at
different temperatures. Then, the relative dielectric constant of the same material at the
same temperature shows a change in the thickness of the induction plate, that is the
variation of the thickness and the spurs sought. Figure 4 is a graph showing the
variation of the thickness of the target sensing plate, that is, the variation of the radial
width caused by the variation of the radial width, based on the original model.
It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the internal stray capacitance of the GIS increases as the
thickness of the sensing plate increases. It should be noted that the thickness between
4 mm and 12 mm and between 30 mm and 40 mm presents a linear ascending state,
while between 12 mm and 30 mm, the fluctuation is increased and the slope is not fixed.









0 10 20 30 40

Fig. 4. Capacitance with suspension plate thickness curve

454 X. Guo et al.

4.2 Influence of Material Change of Induction Plate on Stray

In order to study the influence of the materials of the induction plate on the stray
capacitance, following simulation, that is, the induction plates are respectively set to
aluminum, polyethylene, mica and silicon, and then the simulation calculation is
performed. The results are as follows (Table 3).

Table 3. Stray capacitance calculated under different materials of induction board (unit: pF)
Induction plate material Aluminum Polyethylene Silicon Mica
Stray capacitance of the sensor board and 61.177 61.177 61.177 61.17
the center copper rod

It can be seen that the influence of the material change of the induction plate on the
stray capacitance inside the GIS is relatively small.

5 Experiment Verification

The experimental validation for voltage transformer with capacitive voltage divider
type is conducted with test rig, as shown in Fig. 5. The signal processing circuit is
connected as the request from the test, and the instantaneous output voltage from the
voltage transformer can be measured by the power analyzer, and the data are shown in
Table 4, the comparison of output voltage between situations with and without stray
capacitance is also taken into consideration. It can be concluded that it is necessary to
consider the stray capacitance in practical experiment.

Signal processing circuit

Inductive capacitor plate

Fig. 5. Test rig

Influence of Parameters of Internal Voltage Sensing Board 455

Table 4. Measured value of voltage during stray capacitance calculation

Input voltage (kV) 1 4 8 12
Output voltage with stray capacitor (kV) 0.02 0.065 0.13 0.26
Output voltage without stray capacitor (kV) 0.018 0.0595 0.118 0.238

6 Conclusion
(1) The detailed plan for the thickness of the mounting plate has been analyzed by
finite element analysis, on the basis that the properties of sensing board and data
from various materials are taken into consideration.
(2) The effects of various mounting thicknesses of the sensing board in internal GIS
on stray capacitance is researched, and the variation of the thickness of the two
sensing plates on the stray capacitance is developed, which shows that the stray
capacitance may relatively increase when the thickness of the sensing plate
increases. Compared to the structural parameters, the material of the sensing plate
itself has less influence on the stray capacitance.

Acknowledgments. This paper is supported in part by Technology Project of State Grid Cor-
poration of China (SGRIDLKJ (2017) No. 266).

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Accurate Investment Forecasting of Power
Transmission and Transformation Project
Based on BP Neural Network
and Regression Analysis

Hu Li1, Wei-Li Hu2, Jing Shi1, Jun-Yi Yang1, Yi Ge1, Lei Zhu1,
Bing-Jie Li1, Dong-Xiao Niu3, Li-Jie Sun3(&), and Di Pu3
State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd. Economic Research Institute,
Nanjing 210008, China
tigerli110@163.com, 15996290450@139.com,
junyi_yang@126.com, geyi0820@163.com,
mezhulei@qq.com, crazyjennylee@163.com
State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210008, China
School of Economics and Management,
North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
{niudx,pd}@ncepu.edu.cn, Sunlijie818@163.com

Abstract. The main task of investment forecasting on engineering project is to

make a reasonable cost estimate of power transmission and transformation
project. As a significant part of electric power construction, the accuracy of
investment forecasting for projects will directly affect the economy of project
construction and the efficiency of resource allocation. Regression analysis and
BP neural network model are used to forecast the investment, and the two
models are weighted according to the error to obtain the final forecasting results.
Under the premise of comprehensive consideration of line length, construction
fee, basic steel quantity, wire price, steel price, topographical distribution,
geological conditions, etc., an empirical analysis is conducted to take a certain
area as an example. The experimental results fully prove that the proposed
forecasting model can obtain more accurate results in the investment forecasting
of power transmission and transformation project.

Keywords: Power transmission and transformation project 

Regression analysis  BP neural network  Investment forecasting model

1 Introduction

Electric power construction belongs to the field of infrastructure construction. Com-

pared with other consumer demands, the quality of infrastructure construction has a
great impact on people’s living standards and quality. It can be said that to a certain
extent, power construction is also a sign of urban development level [1]. Recently, with
the growth of China’s GDP, the power grid industry has developed quickly, the scale of
power transmission and transformation projects has been increasing, and the sum of
money invested in power grids has become larger and larger [2]. In order to reasonably

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 456–465, 2019.
Accurate Investment Forecasting of Power Transmission 457

control costs, optimize resource allocation and effectively adjust plans in the actual
construction process, and ultimately provide a basis for enterprise decision-making, it is
essential to accurately estimate the project [3]. Therefore, accurate investment fore-
casting for projects is of utmost significance for promoting the construction and
development of power industry and optimizing the investment in power projects.
At present, the investment forecasting models are mainly divided into two cate-
gories: one is the traditional forecasting model and the other is the artificial intelligence
forecasting model. The traditional forecasting method is characterized by simple
principle and easy to understand, but the cycle is longer, the speed is slower, and the
error is larger. The main methods are: expert conference method, Delphi method,
exponential smoothing method, and so on. The intelligent algorithms based on tradi-
tional forecasting methods mainly include cointegration theory, grey analysis theory
[4], particle swarm algorithm theory, fuzzy analysis and BP neural network, etc. Due to
intelligence and personalization, intelligent algorithms have a wide range of applica-
tions in power construction projects. However, for the project investment forecasting
problem of small sample features, the support vector machine method has a relatively
good forecasting effect.
In the category of artificial intelligence forecasting models, BP neural network [5]
and support vector machine are two common algorithms. Neural network has great
advantages in pattern recognition and data fitting, and it also achieves effective results
in regression and classification problems and function fitting problems of related
variables. Literature [6] uses BP neural network to analyze and forecast substation
investment and its influencing factors.
This paper screens out the important influencing factors by measuring the impact of
influencing factors on accurate investment, and uses these influencing factors to per-
form multiple linear regression forecasting and BP neural network forecasting. At the
same time, in order to overcome the limitations of the traditional accurate investment
forecasting model for single power transmission and transformation projects, two
model forecasting results are weighted according to the error of the model forecasting
results to obtain the final forecasting results.

2 Basic Theories

2.1 Basic Principles of the Model

Basic Principle of Multiple Linear Regression Model. In the regression analysis, if

there are multiple independent variables, it is a multiple linear regression analysis [7].
Using multiple linear regression can forecast or estimate the dependent variable
through the optimal linear combination of multiple independent variables [8]. The
mathematical model is:

y ¼ b0 þ b1 x1 þ b2 x2 þ    þ bp xp þ e ð1Þ

Where e refers to the variation of y caused by other random factors.

458 H. Li et al.

Among them, b1 ; b2 ;    ; bp are the regression coefficients of x1 ; x2 ;    ; xp , because

regression coefficient can be regarded as partial derivation of y to x, and it is also called
partial regression coefficient. According to the sample data, the least squares method
can be used to calculate the regression coefficient, and it can find the optimal function
by minimizing sum of squares of the errors. In practical applications, calculations can
be performed by means of statistical software such as SPSS [9].
Basic Principle of BP Neural Network Model. Research on neural networks began
in the 1940s. After years of research and development, neural networks have evolved
many improved algorithms, and there are many branches of neural networks. However,
there are still many problems in the calculation process of neural networks, and there
are many fields that are not recognized by people [10].
The BP neural network can be deemed as a multi-layer perceptron network. The BP
neural network learning method is called BP neural network by using a feedback
algorithm called Error Back Propagation Method [11]. The BP neural network mainly
includes three layers which are one input layer, one output layer, and single or multiple
hidden layers. All nodes between the three levels are fully connected, meaning that all
nodes in each layer are linked to the following layer, but all neurons in each layer are
independent of each other and have no connection with each other [12] (Fig. 1).


x2 yj



Input layer Hidden layer Output layer

Fig. 1. Framework of BP neural network.

This is the basic principle of BP neural network model: firstly input signal xi from
the input layer, the input signals reach the middle hidden layer node, and after a series
of black box operations, a certain processing is obtained; then the results of the pro-
cessing are sent to the output node to get the processing information and the infor-
mation is nonlinearly transformed to obtain the output signal yi . When the network
training of the neural network trains each sample, the input vector xi and the expected
output Y are input, and through the processing of model the network output value is
obtained. Then compare the expected value of the output value with the actual output
value to get the deviation between them. After the deviation is obtained, the deter-
mination of the connection weight wij and the connection value tij between the hidden
layer node and the output node and the threshold value are adjusted according to the
previously generated error. After adjustment, then after continuous self-learning and
training, the error also decreases in the gradient direction. The final determined network
Accurate Investment Forecasting of Power Transmission 459

parameters (weight and threshold) are taken when the error is minimum. When this
effect is achieved, the training stops.
Calculation Steps of BP Neural Network Model
Specific calculation steps are as follows:
(1) Identify the main factors that affect investment in transmission line projects.
Firstly, the influencing factors of project investment are taken as the input layer,
and then the main factors affecting the project investment are determined.
(2) Establish BP network model. The influencing factors used in text descriptions
need to be translated into quantifiable criteria. The output layer of the network is
selected as one node. The output variable is set as the static investment of power
transmission and transformation projects. Static investment accounts for the vast
majority of project investment. Therefore, static investment can be considered as
an output variable, which not only simplifies the model but also has certain
reliability. From the perspective of training error, the number of hidden layer
nodes that minimize network error and high forecasting accuracy should be
(3) Train the BP network. Select appropriate sample data for training. Because neural
networks are suitable for large sample data types, as many samples as possible for
model training should be selected. The neural network generally performs black
box operation. In fact, this black box operation is also a process of repeated
comparison. First, the forecasting value is obtained. If the forecasting error is
large, the parameters are adjusted, repeatedly, and finally the state of the smallest
forecasting error is achieved. Then the ideal forecasting model can be obtained.
(4) Use SPSS to forecast investment for projects to be constructed.

3 Empirical Analysis of Investment Forecasting

The extraction of key influencing factors and the ordering of factors’ importance are for
one thing to help relevant personnel to better understand the project investment situ-
ation, make good decisions, and propose effective investment management plans; for
another, key factors can be used for investment forecasting. In this section, BP neural
network regression combined model is chosen to construct investment forecasting
model and test whether the extraction of key factors is reasonable.
In this section, a total of 41 samples are taken for analysis. The first 36 samples are
taken to establish a forecasting model. Then, the obtained forecasting model is used to
forecast the last five samples, and the actual values of the last five samples are com-
pared with forecasting results. The forecasting effect is obtained to determine whether
the selected model is appropriate.

3.1 Data Preprocessing

Before the calculation, the bad data is firstly removed according to the reasonable
variation range of the relevant parameters specified in GB/T18710-2002, and replaced
460 H. Li et al.

with the average value of the previous moment and the next moment. Then, the data is
dimensionless, and the original data is normalized so that it is between [0, 1]. The
standardization formula is as follows:
xi  xmin
X ¼ fx i g ¼ ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . .; n ð2Þ
xmax  xmin

Where xi denotes a certain raw data, and xmax and xmin respectively denote the
maximum and minimum in the original data. By standardizing the raw data, the impact
of the data dimension can be eliminated.

3.2 Investment Forecast of Power Transmission and Transformation

Project Based on Regression Analysis Algorithm
In the influencing factors of overhead line project cost, several key influencing factors
are selected: line length, field construction cost, basic steel quantity, wire price, steel
price, topographical distribution, geological conditions, and as an independent variable,
recorded as: x1 (km), x2 (10000 yuan), x3 (m3), x4 (10000 yuan/t), x5 (10000 yuan/t), x6 ,
x7 . Project investment, that is, the static investment of final accounts is the dependent
variable, recorded as Y. Input the first 36 sample data into SPSS, select linear regression
analysis, and run the software to obtain the fitting degree table and regression coeffi-
cient table (Table 1).

Table 1. Fitting degree table.

Model R R-squared Adjusted R-squared Standard estimated error
1 0.991a 0.982 0.977 150.50578

Table 2. Regression coefficient table.

Model Non-standardized Standard coefficient t Sig.
B Standard error Trial version
Line length −214.248 455.211 −.471 .642
Field construction fee 209.126 200.213 .027 1.045 .305
Base steel quantity 36.735 2.182 .879 16.838 .000
Wire price .959 .473 .059 2.028 .052
Steel price −164.938 342.683 −.013 −.481 .634
Topographical distribution 115.690 254.013 .016 .455 .652
Geological conditions −102.660 66.671 −.041 −1.540 .135
Accurate Investment Forecasting of Power Transmission 461

a. Forecasting variables: (constant) line length, field construction fee, base steel
quantity, wire price, steel price, topographical distribution, geological conditions
(Table 2).
b. Dependent variable: Project investment.
According to the regression coefficient table, a multivariate linear regression
investment forecasting model is constructed. The equation is:

Y ¼ 214:248 þ 209:126X1 þ 36:735X2 þ 0:959X3  164:938X4 þ 115:690X5

 102:660X6 þ 0:884X7 ð3Þ

Replace the data of the remaining 5 samples with the forecasting model and cal-
culate the error between the fitted and actual values.
According to Table 3, the average error of the five samples is 7.77%, indicating that
the investment forecasting effect is better. Moreover, the multivariate regression
analysis of the fitness table shows that the adjusted R2 is 0.962, and the goodness of fit
is very high, which indicates that the model has a good forecasting effect.

Table 3. Comparison of actual investment and fitting investment.

Sample 1 2 3 4 5
Actual investment 422.62 865.00 634.00 1518.00 1420.00
Fitting investment 424.93 957.53 675.73 1382.71 1247.75
Error 0.55% 10.70% 6.58% −8.91% −12.13%

3.3 Investment Forecast of Power Transmission and Transformation

Projects Based on BP Neural Network Algorithm
BP neural network algorithm first trains the sample data of the previous 36 project
samples, and the actual values of the 36 sample data are compared with the forecasting
value obtained by training, as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. BP neural network algorithm training sample map.

462 H. Li et al.

The actual value of the sample static investment and the sample forecasting results
are basically consistent, and the fitting effect is satisfying. It can be concluded that the
model is more accurate and effective, and then the five samples are forecasted. The
comparison between forecasting value and actual value is shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Comparison of actual and forecasting values.

Sample 1 2 3 4 5
Actual value (Ten thousand yuan) 422.62 865 634 1518 1420
Forecasting value (Ten thousand yuan) 425.3 784.51 740.9558 1347.3768 1354.112
Error rate 0.63% −9.31% 16.87% −11.24% −4.64%

The effect is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. BP neural network algorithm forecasting map.

The error rates of the five samples are 16.87%, −11.24%, −4.64%, 0.63%, −9.31%,
respectively. The sample with the largest error rate is the first sample with an error rate
of 16.87%; the sample with the smallest error rate is the fourth sample with an error rate
of 0.63%. The sample error rates are all less than 20%, and the average error rate of the
forecasting sample is 8.54%, less than 10%.
From the analysis of the results, it can be seen that by using BP neural network
model, the forecasting curve is better fitted and the forecasting accuracy is higher.

3.4 Investment Forecasting Analysis of Power Transmission

and Transformation Project Based on Combined Model
Based on the error rate of the two models, the weight coefficients of the two models are
measured. Let P and Q represent the regression analysis model and the error rate of BP
Accurate Investment Forecasting of Power Transmission 463

neural network respectively. d and e respectively represent the regression analysis

model and coefficient of BP neural network.

d¼ ð4Þ
jPj þ jQj

e¼ ð5Þ
jPj þ jQj

According to the calculation, the five sample coefficient groups are shown in
Table 5.

Table 5. Coefficients of models.

Sample 1 2 3 4 5
Regression coefficients 0.466 0.535 0.281 0.442 0.723
BP neural network coefficient 0.534 0.465 0.719 0.558 0.277

Then, the final forecasting result of the sample is calculated as follows:

T ¼ d  yh þ e  yBP ð6Þ

Among them, T represents the final forecasting result, yh represents the regression
forecasting result, and yBP represents the BP neural network forecasting result.
The final forecasting results of the five samples are calculated as shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Final forecasting results.

Sample 1 2 3 4 5
Final forecast results 425.128 877.029 722.654 1553.353 1313.639

4 Error Analysis

In order to corroborate the accuracy, practicability and effectiveness of the proposed

investment forecasting model for power transmission and transformation projects in
this paper, four indicators which are mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), root
mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and nonlinear function fitting
goodness ðR2 Þ respectively are used to compare the accuracy of the forecasting model.
The calculation formulas are as follows:
^yi  yi 
MAPE ¼  ð7Þ
n i¼1 yi 
464 H. Li et al.

1X n
RMSE ¼ ð^yi  yi Þ2 ð8Þ
n i¼1

1X n
MAE ¼ j^yi  yi j ð9Þ
n i¼1
u n ð^y  y Þ2
u i i
R2 ¼ 1  ui¼1 P ð10Þ
t n

The results of the calculation of the combined model are shown in Table 7.

Table 7. Calculation results of indicators.

Model MAPE (%) RMSE MAE R2 (%)
Combined model 6.35% 30.58 26.14 94.94%

It can be seen that the RMSE and MAE of the combined model satisfy the error
requirements, and the goodness of fitness is also satisfying, which is 94.94%. Generally
speaking, the assessment results of the four indicators in the forecasting model tend to
be consistent, and the combined model has better forecasting effect.

5 Conclusion

Regression analysis and BP neural network model are adopted for forecasting, and the
results are weighted and combined to obtain the final forecasting results. Based on the
considerations of line length, field construction cost, basic steel quantity, wire price,
steel price, topographical distribution and geological conditions, this paper conducts an
empirical analysis with a certain area as an example. The experimental results fully
prove that the BP neural network regression portfolio proposed investment forecasting
model can obtain good forecasting results when conducting accurate investment
forecasting for power transmission and transformation projects.

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Research on Personal Credit Scoring Model
Based on Artificial Intelligence

Chengyong Liu, Hueiling Huang, and Shangqian Lu(&)

Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai, Zhuhai 519088, Guangdong, China

liucy13@126.com, hlhuangtp@126.com, 16954@bitzh.edu.cn

Abstract. Artificial intelligence is considered to be the technological com-

manding height of the next era. At present, after the development of China’s
artificial intelligence industry ranks in the United States, its application in the
financial field is also in a new stage of rapid development, and affects many
aspects of the financial industry, thus strengthening its research is of great
significance. The continuous development of artificial intelligence technology
has been widely used in many aspects of financial services, which is of great
significance for the realization of its modeling, standardization and intelligent
development. However, there are still security risks hidden in the application,
which requires attention to this. aspects of the research to identify effective
measures for risk prevention, this paper analyzes the application of artificial
intelligence in the financial sector in the personal credit score.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence  Credit score  Logit model 

Support vector machine (SVM)  Random forest 
Artificial neural network model

1 Introduction

At present, there is no unified definition of artificial intelligence in the world. There are
many definitions. Combining these definitions can divide them into two kinds [1–4].
One is the concept of weak artificial intelligence. This kind of view is that it is
impossible to create a true intelligent machine that tests and solves problems. The level
of intelligence is insufficient and there is no sense of autonomy. The second concept is
a strong artificial intelligence view that it is possible to create such a machine with a
sense of autonomy [5–9]. This view can be divided into humanoid and non-humanoid
artificial intelligence. The former thinks that intelligent machines can think and reason
like human thinking. The latter thinks that intelligent machines have different self-
consciousness than human intuition and consciousness. It is also different [10, 11]. No
matter what kind of artificial intelligence concept, it can see its advantages [12–17].
First of all, it has a high working stability [18], which is different from people’s work,
does not feel tired, can work continuously, and is not affected by environmental factors
when analyzing problems; secondly, it can effectively improve the operation level and
Reduce moral hazard and avoid the lack of human factors operation, effectively review
and supervise financial transaction and service information, and effectively control
potential illegal behavior in transactions to prevent operational risks; finally, improve

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 466–473, 2019.
Research on Personal Credit Scoring Model 467

decision-making efficiency It can efficiently screen and analyze big data, provide a
basis for people’s decision-making, and improve decision-making efficiency [19, 20].
Based on the artificial financial intelligence algorithm of Internet financial credit
scoring model, this paper studies the application of artificial intelligence in Internet
finance and its practical challenges, and finds that the artificial intelligence-based credit
scoring model has unique advantages and will become the future financial industry risk
control. Mainstream choices.

2 Application of Artificial Intelligence to Personal Credit

Scoring Model in Internet Finance

The artificial intelligence scoring model is increasing, and the perspectives of analyzing
the problems are not the same, but the ideas of the learning model are roughly the same.
Firstly, based on the real business scenario of credit score, the model is established. The
regularized penalty term constrains the model complexity, and the data is divided into
training data and detection data. The model is optimized according to the principle of
maximum entropy. The algorithm is very rich: iterative scale method, gradient descent
method, Newton method, quasi-Newton method and the like. Since the training data
and the test data are always increased, and the model has the ability to adjust itself, it
can continue to learn and grow. The credit scoring models for artificial intelligence are
mainly representative of the following:
(1) Logit model. The Logit model is actually an application of the constrained
dependent variable (LDV) analysis framework. In the Internet financial scoring
model, the simplest customer classification is “good” and “bad” two categories,
from a probability point of view as long as more than 0.5, we can determine its
category attributes, so it is also a common way to deal with two categories of
restricted dependent variables. Credit scoring model is actually scoring the credit
level of unknown customers. The real credit status of customers is unobservable,
so it is called latent variable Y*. Credit scoring is actually converting latent
variable scores into observable {0, 1} two-class results by using connection
function. The algorithm of artificial intelligence is to ensure that the results are
found. So that the credit score can be converted to the maximum fitting of the
training data Y value model, and then determine the key factors affecting the new
customer credit scoring and forecasting. The general framework of LDV is as

yit ¼ xit b þ eit
yiy ¼ T yit

If the observation results are classified by whether the latent variable is greater than
0, the probability of taking the value is as follows:
468 C. Liu et al.

Pðyit ¼ 1Þ ¼ P T yit ¼ Pðxit b þ eit  0Þ ¼ F ðxit bÞ ð1-2Þ

Obviously, in the LDV analysis framework, the specific form of the model depends
on the form of the cumulative distribution function F ðxit bÞ. In practical application, we
may define “default” and “non-default” as two classified variables Yi: {−1, +1}, then
T = {T1, T2, , Tn}, it is to find out the separation hyperplanes that make these points
most spaced. Assuming that the separation hyperplane is represented y = wx + b, the
optimal separation hyperplane can be obtained by the following optimization problem:

min 12 kwk2
s:t yi ðwxi þ bÞ  1  0

The corresponding decision function is:

signðw x þ b Þ ð1-4Þ

(2) Support vector machine

Support vector machine (SVM) is a machine learning very important classification
algorithm, first proposed and have been widely used in 1995 by the Cortes and
Vapnik. It is a two-class model. The principle is to find the linear classifier that
makes the interval the largest in the feature space. The algorithm is expressed as a
solution to a convex quadratic programming problem. SVM can take into account
the contradiction between training precision and generalization ability under the
condition of limited sample information, so it has unique advantages in solving
small sample, nonlinear and high-dimensional pattern recognition. In the credit
scoring model, linear separable support vector machines are usually used. In this
case, the training data is linearly separable, and the optimal solution can be
guaranteed to be globally unique and of good quality.
(3) Random forests. Decision tree is a tree structure classification method, which is
simple and easy to implement. Therefore, it is also applicable to the credit scoring
model. It starts from the root node and uses the “if - then” rule to recursively
classify each instance until the leaf node. Therefore, the uniqueness of the clas-
sification path is guaranteed. However, traditional decision trees tend to cause
serious problems of overfitting, and modern methods tend to be solved by random
forests. The so-called random forest is a random voting method using multiple
decision trees, and the problem of over-fitting is improved by the “majority vote”
method. In the Internet credit scoring model, assuming a random forest approach,
m decision trees are used, so m sample data sets need to be generated to train each
tree. Obviously, it is not advisable to train the m decision trees in the whole
sample, and the global samples are prone to the problem of ignoring the local
laws, which is harmful to improve the generalization ability of the model. In
practice, the Bootstrap self-sampling method is often used to solve the problem of
a large number of training under limited samples, which is an effective method.
Research on Personal Credit Scoring Model 469

(4) Artificial neural network model

The neuron of the human brain is one of the simplest classifiers. It can receive
weight signals from N susceptors and decide whether to send electrical signals.
Inspired by this, the credit scoring model can always use the N − 1 dimensional
hyperplane to segment the N -dimensional space to classify “good” and “bad”
customers. The famous Hebb algorithm completes the model optimization by
adjusting the position of the separation hyperplane by point-by-point adjustment,
and obtains the final classification result. However, the dimensions of real prob-
lems are usually very high, and it is difficult to complete the classification
requirements by simple linearly separable neurons. Therefore, it is necessary to
make an intersection and an equal operation for each linear segmentation, which is
equivalent to the upper layer of neurons. The input of the next layer of neurons
constitutes an artificial neural network model. The training of the artificial neural
network model relies on the back propagation algorithm. The input feature vector
is input from the beginning input layer, and the network layer calculation is
performed. If the input result is inconsistent with the actual classification label, the
parameter adjustment will be performed from the last layer, and the layer is
reversed. Until the classification result of the network output is correct.

3 Personal Credit Scoring Model in Application Problems

(1) The validity and integrity of credit samples
Sample validity is the primary problem faced by foreign mature scoring models in
the application of credit data in China. Due to the late development of China’s
consumer credit loan business, the credit system has not been perfected, the
existing credit data is quite limited, and due to the submission of credit infor-
mation and the lack of standardization, the existence of gray income, etc.,
resulting in the authority and effectiveness of credit sample data. Sex is facing
challenges. For commercial banks, it is impossible to conduct data authenticity
inspections for each individual loan. How to timely discover the “abnormal data”
in the credit business and abandon the cumbersome interference data is a problem
that needs to be studied in the field of personal credit scoring one.
(2) The rationality of the credit indicator system
The determination of the credit score indicator system is the first step of the
personal credit score, which is crucial for the accuracy of the entire credit score
and the effective identification of credit risk. Currently, commercial banks have
limited and different indicators for their application in personal credit scores.
Domestic scholars are also inclined to optimize and improve the model, and there
are few studies on the indicator system, which has led to the establishment of an
effective and authoritative indicator system in China. However, China’s cultural
habits and ethical standards are quite different from those of foreign countries. The
level of economic development, population structure and lifestyle in different
regions of the country, and the cultural and ethical standards among different
ethnic groups also have large differences, which leads to the same indicator in
470 C. Liu et al.

different actualities. There is a big change in the significance of the application.

Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the weights of the characteristic variables and
variables in the indicator system for different data samples, and it is necessary to
fully adapt to the actual business needs.
(3) Model selection and applicability issues
At present, both academic research and commercial bank practice are committed
to improving the accuracy, stability and explanatory of personal credit scoring
model, in order to effectively identify risks and reduce credit risks. But the
existing models have their own merits and demerits. For example, discriminant
analysis has a more stringent requirement for data, which requires the credit
sample data to obey normal distribution, and there is a linear correlation between
independent variables and dependent variables, but it has a good explanatory
ability to find the minimal specific separation degree by different combinations of
variables; the advantage of decision tree method is that it can be used as sufficient.
The traditional neural network model has high prediction accuracy but can not
deal with non-numerical data, and is very sensitive to the selection of initial center
and outliers. It is used in training. Overfitting is prone to occur.

4 Optimization Algorithm Design Analysis Comparison

The score of the credit score changes as the feature item focus of the inclusion model or
a single feature variable, the credit record, changes. At the same time, the credit scores
obtained through the mathematical model of credit scoring cannot directly indicate
whether credit should be granted. The credit scoring method is an important reference
for decision-making, but the real core decision needs to be decided according to its
credit policy.
The credit scoring modeling process is shown in Fig. 1:

Select customer base Obtain data sampling analyze data

Final decision Personal credit rating Define credit rating

Fig. 1. Credit scoring modeling process

This paper optimizes the personal credit scoring model from three aspects: the
validity and completeness of the sample, the rationality of the index system and the
Research on Personal Credit Scoring Model 471

applicability of the model. For early warning rules, the newly added samples are
identified to realize the early warning of abnormal data, and the simulated samples are
generated by Monte Carlo model. According to the rules, the samples of “bad cus-
tomers” are selected to supplement the samples. Rich, strong explanatory ability, good
robustness, the use of statistical models can output the significance of personal credit
score indicators, more effective analysis of the relevant factors affecting personal credit,
therefore, this paper selected Fisher discriminant analysis, Logistic regression, Probit
regression, multiple linear regression four commonly used statistical models The
method of voter is used to rank the feature vectors which affect the personal credit
significantly, and the method of artificial intelligence is used to distinguish the bad data
effectively because of its high precision, so the step traversal algorithm is used to
calculate the saliency weight, and the BP neural network and SVM have higher pre-
cision. The average accuracy of the personal credit scoring model is the criterion, and
the significance weight is output. The individual credit scoring index system is
weighted significantly to improve the rationality and scientificity of the index system.
Aiming at the problem of model selection and applicability, this paper designs a
model selector, which includes five most representative models in personal credit
scoring: Logistic regression, classification tree, Bayes network, BP neural network and
support vector machine. The model selector outputs the accuracy, robustness, the first
false positive rate and the first false positive rate of each model. 2. Misjudgment rate
and difference are taken as the index of model selection. According to the actual
application requirements, single model, similar enhanced combination model and
difference combination model are output. The specific experimental comparison is
shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Comparison of several modes

472 C. Liu et al.

The results of model comparison analysis show that the artificial intelligence model
has a greater improvement in the distinguishing ability than the traditional model, while
continuing the stability and interpretability of the traditional model; it also maintains
the stability and generalization of the machine. The big advantage and the ability to
distinguish are also superior.

5 Conclusion

Artificial intelligence is bound to become the cornerstone of future Internet financial

risk control. However, the current Internet financial scoring model still has problems
such as model misuse, over-fitting phenomenon, weak generalization ability, large
generalization error and scarcity of technical talents. Overcoming the real challenges:
First, strengthen the project exchange mechanism between university research institutes
and the Internet finance industry, guide the deep integration of production, study and
research, provide talent protection for the development of artificial intelligence in the
Internet finance industry; second, establish artificial intelligence Internet financial risk
control. The summit forum exchange mechanism seeks industry answers for practical
problems. Third, the central bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission and
other regulatory authorities take the lead in issuing artificial intelligence development
guidelines for the wind control industry, promulgating data security standards, estab-
lishing benchmark models, and establishing industry normative standards.

Acknowledgement. The paper is a periodical achievement of the 2018 scientific research

program of Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai (XK-2018-19).

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Research on Evaluation of Science
and Technology Innovation Index of Power
Grid Enterprises Based on Analytic
Hierarchy Process

Yan Chang1(&), Yi Zhu2, and Ningkang Zheng3

State Grid Energy Research Institute, Beijing 102209, China
State Grid Shandong Economic Research Institute, Jinan 250001, China
State Grid Henan Economic Research Institute, Zhengzhou 450000, China

Abstract. At present, state has made new arrangements for enhancing inno-
vation capabilities, and has attached great importance to the building of tech-
nological innovation capabilities. Based on the construction of grid enterprise
technology innovation index system, analytic hierarchy process model is applied
to empirically assess grid enterprise technology innovation index, and finally
analyzes the empirical results through the ranking of grid enterprises in the
energy industry. The level of technological innovation in enterprises provides
the basis for decision-making.

Keywords: Power grid enterprise  Technology innovation index 

Analytic hierarchy process  Evaluation system

1 Introduction

It is necessary to strengthen independent innovation and original innovation, and strive

to achieve breakthroughs in prospective basic research and leading original achieve-
ments. As Xi Jinping has said at academician assembly of two academies that it is
necessary to use key common technologies, cutting-edge technology, modern engi-
neering technology and disruptive technology as breakthroughs to strive to achieve key
and core technologies that can be controlled independently. Recently, at the second
meeting of the Central Finance and Economics Committee, General Secretary Xi
reiterated that the key core technology is the country’s heavy weapon. It must effec-
tively improve the key core technology innovation capabilities and firmly grasp the
development initiative in its own hands. These point the way for companies to enhance
their ability to innovate.
The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission attached
great importance to the construction of scientific and technological innovation
(STI) capabilities of central enterprises, and clearly proposed to study the evaluation
index system of STI capabilities of central enterprises, carry out evaluation of STI
capabilities, thus lead and encourage enterprises to enhance their technological inno-
vation capabilities. STI nowadays has become a powerful driving force for
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 474–482, 2019.
Research on Evaluation of Science and Technology Innovation Index 475

continuously promoting the scientific development of power grid enterprises. It has

carried out evaluation of STI capabilities, established an effective mechanism to guide
STI of various units, and provided scientific decision-making basis for STI. It plays an
irreplaceable part in accelerating the enhancement of STI capabilities [1, 2].
At present, the input-activity-output model is widely used at home and abroad to
evaluate technological innovation activities [3–5]. For example, Li (2007) and Yin
(2007) all decomposed technological innovation capabilities into technological input
capabilities, S&T activities capabilities, and technological output capabilities. These are
regarded as first-level indicators of the STI evaluation system. According to the input-
activity-output model, Luo and Li (2005) decomposed the input into two aspects of
funding and manpower, the activities into two aspects of R&D and production. Finally,
they selected funding input, human resources input, R&D capability, production
capacity and output and benefit as primary indicators of evaluation indicators system.

2 Constructing Technology Innovation Index System

of Power Grid Enterprises

When evaluating the selection of indicators for grid technology innovation, it is

essential to consider the aspects of input, management and socioeconomic benefits. In
addition, due to the variety of STI, when determining the evaluation indicators, it is
necessary to integrate various types of business for selection. Starting from the three
aspects of input-process-output, considering the applicable application scenarios and
combining with its unit characteristics, the evaluation system of technology innovation
index of power grid enterprises can be obtained [6, 7]. Therefore, the evaluation
content is divided into three dimensions: innovation input, innovation management and
innovation output, and on this basis, each dimension is subdivided.
The investment in STI is the guarantee condition for enterprises’ demand for STI
resources. It mainly reflects the quantity and structure of investment in S&T R&D
funds, the total amount and structure of R&D talents, and the total amount and structure
of talents in STI management team. The research team should satisfy the demand for
talent combination in the implementation of STI in the aspects of hierarchy, field,
specialty and division of labor. The STI management team mainly includes S&T
strategic planning team, talent management team and intellectual property management
STI management capability is a soft condition for enterprises to grasp the direction
of STI, allocate S&T resources effectively, cultivate and encourage talent innovation. It
is mainly embodied in three aspects: the strategic management ability of STI, the
establishment and operation ability of STI mechanism and the management ability of
STI process. STI strategy is the core strategy in enterprise strategic management.
Establishment and operation of a good and effective mechanism for STI is the guar-
antee for giving full play to people’s subjective initiative in innovation activities.
Innovation process management capability refers to the ability of enterprises to make
decisions in the face of the risks and complexities of innovation process. Usually
reflected in the team assessment mechanism, science and technology (S&T) strategic
decision-making mechanism, management innovation mechanism and so on.
476 Y. Chang et al.

The output of STI is the final result of the whole process of enterprise’s STI. It
shows the technological progress and economic benefits brought by enterprise’s STI,
and shows the effect of the combination of elements of enterprise’s STI ability. As the
most realistic index of technological innovation capability of enterprises, innovation
output capability shows the development potential of existing enterprises’ capability
factors in future technological innovation. In fact, it reflects the realization of enterprise
benefits and technological progress (Table 1).

Table 1. Construction of technology innovation index system of power grid enterprises

Dimension Indicator name Indicator meaning Calculation description
Innovation R&D The ratio of R&D expenditure to the main R&D expenditure/main business
investment expenditure business income income  100%
National S&T The ratio of National S&T Project Funding National S&T project funds/the number of
funding (National S&T Major Project, 973 R&D staff  100%
Program, 863 Program, Support Program,
International Cooperation Program) to the
number of R&D staff
R&D staff Number of R&D personnel in every 1,000 Number of R&D staff/Total number of
input intensity employees corporate personnel  1000
R&D staff The ratio of the product of the number of wi ri
R&D staff quality level ¼ P1 n .
quality level people with different knowledge or ability r
1 i

levels and weights to the total number of Among them, ri refers to the number of i-
R&D personnel type personnel, divided into
undergraduate, master’s, doctoral, national
S&T talents, academician five categories;
wi refers to the weight of the i-class
personnel, the weight of undergraduate,
master’s degree, doctoral, national S&T
talents, academicians are 1, 2, 3, 5, 10
Innovation Strategic From the perspective of decision-making Formulated a strategic plan for S&T
management decision in innovation strategy, including whether development approved by the company’s
mechanism to develop a strategic plan for S&T party group, plus 2.5 points, otherwise 0
development approved by the company’s points; established a soft science research
party group and whether there are soft institute, plus 2.5 points, otherwise 0 points
science research institutes or institutions
engaged in technical intelligence research
Cultivation and It is reflected in the per capita R&D staff Ratio of personnel expenses to R&D
incentive expenditure index, reflecting the personnel in R&D expenditures
mechanism importance that enterprises attach to the
training and motivation of innovative
Intellectual The intellectual property management Centralized management of intellectual
property level determines the ability of enterprises property rights, plus 2.5 points, otherwise 0
management to create, protect and use corporate points; developed an intellectual property
intellectual property rights. It is management system plus 2.5 points,
comprehensively measured by whether otherwise 0 points
they are integrated into the management of
intellectual property rights and whether
they have developed a intellectual property
management systems
Research on Evaluation of Science and Technology Innovation Index 477

Table 1. (continued)
Dimension Indicator name Indicator meaning Calculation description
Assessment It’s effective to motivate and guide firms to The performance appraisal of the
and evaluation accelerate upgrading of STI capabilities. It responsible officer contain the content of
mechanism is comprehensively measured by whether S&T work assessment, plus 2.5 points,
there is S&T work assessment content in otherwise it is 0 points; Formulated a STI
the performance appraisal of the assessment and management method, plus
responsible officer, and whether there is a 2.5 points, otherwise 0 points
management method to evaluate STI
Innovation Patent Reflecting S&T output from the aspect of The average value of invention patent
output invention patents application/R&D investment and invention
patent authorization/R&D investment
International Reflecting the level of intellectual property The volume of international patent
patent protection in the international market of applications
Technical The number of companies involved in the Technical standard = 0.1  Industry
standard development of industry standards, standard quantity + 0.3  National
national standards, and international standard quantity + 0.6  International
standards standard quantity
Technology Rewarding the award-winning level of National S&T Achievement Awards
award S&T achievements of enterprises through mainly include the Technology Invention
the number of national S&T achievements Award, the National S&T Progress Award
and the Patent Gold Award. Among them,
the National S&T Progress Award special
award gives weight 10, the first prize gives
weight 5, the second prize weight 3; the
technical invention award each level
weight corresponds to the National S&T
Progress Awards; the Chinese patent gold
award weight corresponds to the second
prize of the National S&T Progress Award.
Calculated by weighted summation, and
then calculate its ratio to the best level in
the field
Full labor The ratio of Enterprise added value to the Added value of enterprises/the number of
productivity number of employees reflects the level of employees  100%
improvement in labor productivity through
technological innovation
Income from The ratio of the income obtained by the The income obtained by the enterprise
transforming enterprise transfer or license of intellectual transfer or license of intellectual
S&T property to the R&D investment of the property/R&D investment of the
achievements enterprise reflects the level of income enterprise  100%
realized by the enterprise’s intellectual
property rights

3 Evaluation Model and Method of Enterprise STI Index

The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is suit for evaluation of enterprise STI index.
AHP is a multi-level weighting decomposition method proposed by American scien-
tists in the 20th century. Its basic idea is to decompose complex problems into orderly
hierarchical structures, so that decision makers can make two or two comparisons of
factors at several levels that are much simpler than the original problem. AHP needs
fewer data, which can overcome the characteristics of large sample points and large
478 Y. Chang et al.

amount of data required by general evaluation enlargement, thus making it possible to

quantify the analysis among system factors. At present, the main aspects of AHP
research are its weight measurement and fuzzy AHP. The final result forms the special
score and comprehensive score of the STI ability, and is arranged in order from large to
small [9, 10]. The advantage is that the enterprise can judge the special items and
integrated location according to the score. The calculation formula is:

Si ¼ w j xj j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; m ð1Þ

Among them, Si is the score of enterprise i. xj is the data for the indicator j of all
indicators m. wj is the weight of the indicator, which can be obtained by AHP. The
quantitative indicator data here is collected by the benchmark method. For example, the
positive indicator is based on the maximum value of the indicator.

3.1 Judgment Matrix Construction

The judgment matrix is the basis of AHP and for calculating relative importance.
Generally, the hierarchy of indicators is divided into target layer A, sub-object layer
B, and indicator layer C. Besides, upper element A or B has a dominance relationship
with the next element B or C, and the purpose is to give the relative importance of the
lower element under the upper target.
First look at the sub-target layer B, the sub-object elements p are respectively
recorded as Bk ; k ¼ 1; . . .; p. For every Bk , its next-level element
 indicators Cik ; k ¼
1; . . .; p are compared, and a comparative judgment matrix X ¼ xij nn is constructed,
which xij represents the important value of the factor i and factor j relative to the target.
It is based on a certain ratio. It quantifies its judgment according to a certain scale,
generally using the 1–9 scale method.

3.2 Consistency Test

It is very important to maintain the consistency of judgmental thinking when deter-
mining the weight by AHP. The so-called consistency of judgmental thinking means
that when experts judge the importance of indicators, the judgments are coordinated
and there is no contradictory result.
In AHP, the negative mean of the remaining eigenvalues other than the largest
eigenvalue of the judgment matrix is introduced as an index for measuring the devi-
ation of judgment matrix, that is, CI ¼ kmax n
n1 . When it has completed consistency,
CI ¼ 0. That is, CI ¼ 0; k1 ¼ kmax ¼ n, the it has completed consistency.
When the matrix A has satisfactory consistency, kmax is slightly larger than n, the
other eigenvalues are also close to zero. And the average random consistency index RI
value of the judgment matrix is introduced. For the 1–9 order judgment matrix, the RI
values are listed in Table 2:
Research on Evaluation of Science and Technology Innovation Index 479

Table 2. RI values
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.00 0.00 0.58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45

When the order is greater than 2, the random consistency ratio is the ratio of the
judgment matrix consistency index CI to the same-order average random consistency
index RI, which is recorded as CR. When CR ¼ CI=RI\0:10, the judgment matrix is
considered to have satisfactory consistency, otherwise the judgment matrix needs to be
adjusted to have satisfactory consistency.
Therefore, after retracting the expert’s judgment matrix, conducting a consistency
test on the expert’s judgment thinking is necessary. If the standard is not met, sending a
re-evaluation until the standard is reached is necessary.

3.3 Hierarchical Single Sort

Calculate the relative importance of a certain level of factors relative to a factor in the
previous level. This sorting calculation is called hierarchical single sorting. Specifi-
cally, the hierarchical single ordering refers to calculating the weight of the order of
importance of the elements to which the level is associated with an element of the
previous layer according to the judgment matrix.
(1) Calculate the product of each row element of judgment matrix
Mi ¼ xij ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n
 i ¼ n Mi
(2) Calculated n-th root of Mi , W
(3) Normalization of vectors W ¼ ðW  2 ; . . .; W
 1; W  n ÞT

Wi ¼ P
, W ¼ ðW1 ; W2 ; . . .; Wn ÞT is the required feature vector.

The above feature vector W ¼ ðW1 ; W2 ; . . .; Wn ÞT is the weight of each indicator in

this level relative to the previous level target.

3.4 Hierarchical Total Ordering

With hierarchical single ordering, that is, the weight of the index factor layer C for the
sub-object layer B, and the weight of the sub-objective layer B for the target layer A,
the total ordering of the index factor layer C for the target layer A needs to be
The weights of Bk ; k ¼ 1; . . .; p to the target A in turn are bk ; k ¼ 1; . . .; p, and there
are bk ¼ 1, and the weight of each factor layer Cik ; i ¼ 1; . . .; nk ; k ¼ 1; . . .; p to the
corresponding sub-target layer Bk is cik ; i ¼ 1; . . .; nk ; k ¼ 1; . . .; p. That is, cik is the
feature vector obtained above Wik ; i ¼ 1; . . .; nk ; k ¼ 1; . . .; p, there is
480 Y. Chang et al.

cik ¼ 1; k ¼ 1; . . .; p. So the total order of the targets for each indicator factor is
p P
cik  bk , and cik bk ¼ 1. The total indicator weight matrix is:
k¼1 i¼1

A ¼ ðw1 ; w2 ; . . .; wm Þ 
¼ c11  b1 ; . . .; cn1 1  b1 ; . . .; c1p  bp ; . . .; cnp p  bp ; n1 þ . . . þ np ¼ m:

Finally, the three dimensions of enterprise STI investment, innovation management

and innovation output are evaluated separately.
Taking the input index as an example, the input ability index of the enterprise i is as
i ¼ j¼1
wj Iij j ¼ 1; . . .; minput ð2Þ

Among them, Sinputi is the score of the innovation input capability dimension index
of the enterprise i in the industry, wj is the weight of the indicator j of the index of input
capability, and Iij can be the score of the enterprise i index j, there are totally minput
innovation input indicators.
On this basis, the total score of the company i’s technological innovation capability
S = innovation investment score + innovation management score + innovation
output score.

4 Result Analysis

The project conducts empirical analysis on the selection of grid enterprises. The rel-
evant data of grid enterprises mainly comes from two aspects: First, the public infor-
mation on the national websites of the Ministry of S&T and the State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission. Some of qualitative indicators have no
ready-made data, and need to be combined with the public information of the central
enterprises for measurement. The second is to consult a large number of historical data
and statistical yearbooks.

4.1 Index Weight

Before the indicator data is processed, the weight of each indicator must first be
determined. AHP is used to assign weights to each indicator of the evaluation index
system. Ten experts were invited to score the indicators, and the two pairs were
compared to form a judgment matrix. The results are shown in the following figure
(Fig. 1):
Research on Evaluation of Science and Technology Innovation Index 481

Fig. 1. Innovation input, management, output indicators and their weights

4.2 Overall Evaluation Result Analysis

According to the weight of indicators, according to the measurement methods of
quantitative indicators and qualitative indicators, the three aspects of innovation
investment, innovation management and innovation output are comprehensively
evaluated for the technological innovation ability of energy enterprises (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Radar diagram of the grid system enterprise innovation evaluation direct indicator
482 Y. Chang et al.

Through the above analysis, we can see that the power grid enterprises have sig-
nificant advantages in the research platform level, technology international influence,
patent output and technology awards, mainly due to the company’s efforts to develop
the UHV grid, the continuous improvement of the results cultivation mechanism and
the emphasis on the improvement of international competitiveness in recent years. At
the same time, the company has significant disadvantages in research and development
funds and personnel investment, external R&D cooperation and income from the
transfer of results, both objective and subjective. In other respects, the company is at
the same level as other energy central enterprises. In general, the company’s innovation
management and innovation performance are at the forefront of energy central enter-
prises, but they are at a backward level in innovation investment and need to be

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by “Study on the STI Index and Evaluation
System for International First-Class Enterprises”, the State Grid Corporation’s S&T project.

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Talking About the Status Quo of China’s
Emergency Logistics in Major Disasters—A
Case Study of Jiuzhaigou Earthquake

Zenan Zhou, Yining Jin(&), and Weiyang Zeng

China Research Center for Emergency Management,

Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China

Abstract. China has a vast territory, and there are various hidden dangers of
natural disasters in various regions, such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides,
etc., which cause unpredictable losses to the lives and safety of the people in the
country. The construction and optimization of the disaster emergency logistics
system is the main condition for dealing with the disaster. Analysis of the
current operations after the recovery of domestic disasters, and understand that
domestic emergency logistics needs further optimization. Taking the Jiuzhaigou
earthquake disaster in Sichuan as the focal point, the paper analyses the existing
problems of disaster emergency logistics, and puts forward targeted suggestions
and development directions, in order to provide scientific reference for opti-
mizing disaster emergency logistics, which has certain practical significance.

Keywords: Emergency logistics  Jiuzhaigou earthquake  Disaster

1 Introduction
1.1 The Overview of Emergency Logistics
Today’s sustained economic development and social security are coexisting, and
modern society is increasingly dependent on the security system [1]. “Natural disas-
ters” such as sudden natural disasters and public health incidents, “man-made disasters”
such as decision-making mistakes, terrorism, and regional military conflicts have
occurred from time to time [2]. Some of these incidents are difficult to predict and
forecast, even if they can be forecasted, due to forecasting time and the occurrence time
is too short, and it is difficult to achieve the time effect and spatial effect of the
materials, personnel and funds. At this time, emergency logistics came into being.
Emergency logistics refers to a special logistics activity that urgently guarantees the
demand for materials, personnel and funds in response to emergencies such as serious
natural disasters, sudden public health events, public security incidents and military
conflicts. Regarding the definition of emergency logistics, the academic community has
not yet had a unified understanding. There are three main mainstream views: one is to
position the specific measures as the integration of logistics measures under special
crisis situations; the other is to meet the suddenness [3]. The physical flow process
made by the demand for material flow; the third is to understand it from the perspective
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 483–492, 2019.
484 Z. Zhou et al.

of logistics operation as the logistics operation mode under the background of

Like ordinary logistics, emergency logistics consists of fluid, carrier, flow, process,
flow and other elements, with space utility, time utility and shape utility [4].
Unlike emergency logistics, ordinary logistics emphasizes the efficiency of logistics
and the economic benefits of logistics. In many cases, emergency logistics emphasizes
logistics efficiency, but there is no economic output of logistics, or in many cases,
emergency [5]. Logistics emphasizes social benefits, not economic benefits. It also
determines a very important premise: in most cases, the government has become the
provider of emergency logistics. Emergency logistics systems tend to weaken eco-
nomic benefits, while emphasizing social benefits and logistics efficiency. Under such
conditions, enterprises that seek to maximize the benefits of market economy alone
cannot provide them.
The biggest difference between emergency logistics and conventional logistics is
that conventional logistics is an economic activity, pursuing the optimization of
operational efficiency and maximizing economic benefits, while emergency logistics is
in the economy because of its “emergency” characteristics [6]. The activities also
reflect the characteristics of social public services, usually through the realization of
high efficiency to achieve the maximization of social benefits and the minimization of
disaster losses.
Emergency logistics has its own distinctive features. First of all, compared with
other logistics, it has social public welfare and belongs to the category of social public
services. The main body of execution is the government and the funds are also from the
government. Therefore, in many cases, emergency logistics achieves logistics benefits
through the realization of logistics efficiency [7]. Realized. Secondly, due to the
uncertainty of emergencies, the uncertainty of emergency logistics is difficult to
accurately estimate the time, location, intensity and scope of certain emergencies. This
has created a major obstacle to the implementation of emergency logistics. Its uncer-
tainty is accompanied by the flow of emergency logistics and the dramatic changes in
flow [8]. Finally, in order to reduce losses, it takes a very short time to complete the
emergency logistics protection, so the difficulty is also increased.

1.2 Characteristics of Emergency Logistics and Development Prospects

Emergency logistics generally has the characteristics of suddenness, weak economy,
uncertainty and unconventionality. In most cases, logistics efficiency is realized
through logistics efficiency, while ordinary logistics emphasizes efficiency and
emphasizes efficiency [9]. At present, China’s emergency logistics has its own char-
acteristics. Its performance is: the government attaches great importance to it, and the
company actively participates; the military and civilians work together, and the military
has a strong assault; the preparations and preparations are usually in place.
Suddenness means that modern technology is far from being able to accurately
monitor the occurrence time of various natural disasters, which is the most important
feature that distinguishes it from ordinary logistics. Uncertainty means that people
cannot determine the duration of natural disasters, as well as the extent and intensity of
the impact [10]. Therefore, the content of emergency logistics is uncertain. Urgency
Talking About the Status Quo of China’s Emergency Logistics 485

refers to emergency logistics support in the shortest time, in the fastest process and the
safest way. The speed of emergency logistics determines the amount of damage caused
by natural disasters. Unconventional means that the ordinary logistics operation
mechanism will not meet the logistics needs in emergency situations, and there must be
an emergency logistics mechanism to organize and realize logistics activities.
China is currently in a period of high incidence of public emergencies, and for a
long time in the future, China will face a severe test brought about by sudden public
events [11]. As an administrative leader, the government has successively introduced
many policies to deal with public emergencies, such as the “Overall Emergency Plan
for National Public Emergencies” and the “Twelfth Five-Year Development Plan for
Transportation Safety Production and Emergency Response System”. The govern-
ment’s huge financial support and policy encouragement. According to this develop-
ment, emergency logistics will certainly drive the development of a series of related
industrial chains, and the market prospect is broad.

1.3 The Significance of Emergency Logistics in Major Disasters

In our real life, the SARS epidemic in 2003, the bird flu in 2005, the snow and ice
disaster in 2007 and the Wenchuan earthquake, such sudden natural disasters or health
incidents, will cause certain casualties and property [12]. Loss will inevitably require a
large amount of emergency supplies. With the self-regulation of the market economy
mechanism alone, it is obviously impossible to solve the problem of transporting
emergency materials under emergencies. Because emergencies are often accompanied
by social unrest factors, the function of the market economy will be weakened or even
completely ineffective during such a special period. Therefore, in this case, the social
logistics system is urgently needed to play its emergency function.

2 The Overview of Domestic and International Emergency

Logistics Research
2.1 The Situation of Chinese Emergency Logistics
Despite the development of science and technology in the world today, “natural dis-
asters” such as sudden natural disasters and public health incidents, “man-made dis-
asters” such as decision-making mistakes, terrorism, and regional military conflicts still
occur from time to time. Some of these incidents are difficult to predict and forecast.
Even if it can be predicted, because the forecast time is too short to the time of
occurrence, it is difficult to meet the time effect and space effect of the materials,
personnel and funds, so it is necessary to improve the measures [13]. For China,
emergency logistics is still a new thing. Compared with developed countries, China is
still in its infancy, and its development is relatively lagging behind.
From a macroscopic point of view, from the Tangshan earthquake in China to the
“5.12” Wenchuan earthquake, from SARS, “bird flu” to frequent mine disasters and
snowstorms in recent years, the passive situation that people showed in the face of
emergencies was exposed. Emergency mechanisms, laws and regulations, material
486 Z. Zhou et al.

preparation and other shortcomings, and China is a country with high natural disasters,
public health facilities, national experience, and so on, there are many areas for
improvement, urgent need for emergency logistics planning, infrastructure Improve the
way to achieve [14].
From a micro perspective, on the one hand, the information required by the
decision-making of the enterprise is incomplete and the quality of the decision makers
is limited. Any decision maker cannot ensure that all decisions are correct. On the other
hand, the goods are imperfect due to inadequate infrastructure construction [15]. The
extension of the transit time, the extension of the delivery period, and the timely
delivery of goods due to errors in information transmission will also generate emer-
gency needs. Enterprises urgently need to formulate plans to effectively prevent irre-
sistible and man-made emergencies. Coping costs are minimized.

2.2 The Situation of Foreign Emergency Logistics

The US research emergency logistics started earlier. So far, it has a relatively complete
emergency logistics organization structure system. Its main emergency management
model is embodied in the characteristics of central coordination and local responsi-
bility. Due to its special geographical location and geological conditions, Japan is often
exposed to natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons. Therefore, the Japanese
government attaches great importance to the management of emergency logistics [16].
Germany’s disaster prevention and treatment work is decentralized and diversified. The
emergency logistics management in the Netherlands is also mainly controlled and
coordinated by the government. When a specific disaster occurs, the Dutch government
will set up a corresponding organization committee to combine the local government to
conduct specific command and dispatch for this disaster [17].
Through the search for data, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the
emergency logistics situation in the United States, Japan, Germany and the Nether-
lands. We found that countries have made considerable achievements in responding to
emergency disasters. They all have perfect networkwide. Three-dimensional trans-
portation system, advanced and stable emergency logistics information platform, effi-
cient and authoritative emergency logistics organization and command organization,
professional and sound emergency materials reserve and integration, timely and
accurate emergency logistics operation capability and sound and sound laws and
regulations [18]. Due to the different national conditions, the focus of emergency
logistics decision-making is different. However, from a general perspective, there are
few specific strategies for emergency logistics in foreign countries, and more emphasis
is placed on the study of specific implementation plans.
Due to the randomness and uncertainty of sudden natural disaster events, many
information changes with the development of events. In an effective time, the infor-
mation mastered by decision makers is not comprehensive enough. In the feedback and
processing of information, the accuracy of information It is difficult to get a guarantee.
The effect of decision-making is related to the safety of people in the disaster areas.
This is a rigorous test for policy makers [19]. Emergency logistics is a systematic and
specialized project. It is characterized by a wide range of disaster-affected areas and a
large concentration. The demand for disaster relief materials is large, the demand time
Talking About the Status Quo of China’s Emergency Logistics 487

is short, and these materials are widely sourced. At present, China has not yet formed a
unified distribution and delivery mode. There is no specialized professional team for
emergency logistics management in China, and even some disaster relief equipment
needs international humanitarian assistance. Such as: some large material transport
aircraft and professional rescue equipment. The task facing emergency logistics is
arduous. Professionals are required to handle the corresponding rescue equipment. The
corresponding rescue system is not mature yet. There is no corresponding rescue team.
Once a disaster occurs, it will be difficult to save itself. Most areas use railways and
highways as materials. The mode of transportation and the backwardness of trans-
portation tools have seriously affected the transportation efficiency of emergency
logistics [20].

2.3 The Significance of Studying Chinese Emergency Logistics

In summary, China’s emergency logistics has the above problems. Similarly, in the
current earthquake relief system in China, government departments make unified
decisions, and other departments divide functions according to functions. Judging from
the Jiuzhaigou earthquake emergency logistics, although China’s emergency logistics
rescue system has played a certain role, there are still many areas for improvement.
Therefore, it is of great significance to study emergency logistics in China.

2.4 The Ideas and Methods of the Research

By referring to the Jiuzhaigou earthquake emergency logistics situation, some short-
comings existing in the existing earthquake rescue system are analyzed. Compared
with some mature emergency logistics in developed countries, some suggestions for
improvement in macro aspects are proposed.

3 Research on Countermeasures for Emergency Logistics

Problems Under Major Disasters

3.1 Public Emergency Mechanism Aspects of Emergency Logistics

In order to make the emergency logistics system operate efficiently, the state’s
administrative system and public policy should be established and improved. This
includes the establishment of a national pre-control center, procurement of emergency
materials, transportation and material distribution mechanisms, fund raising, issuance
and supervision. This requires a macro-level adjustment of the state and an effective
system. The purpose of establishing a public mechanism for emergency logistics is to
enable emergency materials to arrive at the place of occurrence quickly, promptly and
accurately. In order to make the entire emergency logistics system form a large system
that operates efficiently, we should coordinate the construction and development of
emergency logistics from a global perspective.
488 Z. Zhou et al.

3.2 Efficient Emergency Logistics Information Technology Platform

Establish an emergency materials information system, an emergency logistics plan
database, an emergency material transportation dispatching platform automatically
generated by the emergency transportation plan, and an emergency material trans-
portation monitoring platform based on GPS and GIS. After a sudden disaster, we can
use the advanced logistics information platform to make reasonable analysis and
judgment based on the information fed back from the disaster area in the shortest time.
Starting from the goal of emergency logistics, we will formulate reasonable logistics
distribution and transportation plans. In the process of material transportation, we can
use GPS, GIS and other advanced means to monitor the whole process.

3.3 Emergency Material Reserve Strategy

Emergency material reserves are an important aspect of the success of emergency
logistics implementation. It affects the response speed and final results of emergency
logistics. The state should reserve a large amount of emergency materials in order to
prepare for the emergency. Only when it has a strategic material reserve, it can achieve
the system goal of emergency logistics in a short period of disasters and minimize the
losses in the disaster areas. The state has signed strategic material security agreements
with some powerful companies, and at the same time gives enterprises some prefer-
ential measures to guarantee the supply of strategic materials. At the same time, the
state can establish some strategic material reserve warehouses, and each province and
city should formulate a material reserve strategy and establish a sound material reserve

4 The Earthquake of Jiuzhaigou

4.1 The Introduction of Jiuzhaigou Transportation

During the earthquake, more than 1,400 people were rescued by road rescuers (in-
cluding armed police traffic), more than 30 experts, and more than 500 sets of
equipment. The main tasks include two aspects. First, the disaster-stricken areas with
serious and dangerous areas are in danger of danger, widening the access roads,
smoothing the slopes, and cleaning up the collapsed rocks. Affected by earthquake
disasters and aftershocks, the risk of secondary disasters occurred in the roads in the
disaster areas. Some of the blocked road sections are currently only available for off-
road vehicles, and the pressure on Baotong is huge. Second, the post-disaster damage is
not serious and the security work of the roads entering the disaster area will be fully
guaranteed by the local highway management organizations.
At the same time, the government has made a reserve power layout. Organize the
surrounding city (state) transportation departments and construction enterprises, reserve
1,866 personnel for emergency rushing and reserve power, and 486 sets of various
types of equipment, to ensure that once a disaster occurs, it can quickly enter into the
rush. The transportation departments near the disaster areas such as Aba Hongyuan and
Talking About the Status Quo of China’s Emergency Logistics 489

Mianyang Pingwu have carried out emergency duty shifts to strengthen daily road
inspections and maintenance work.
All traffic law enforcement officers along the line were on duty, ensuring smooth
traffic around the disaster area and effectively supporting rescue and rescue. The pro-
vince’s expressway network is operating normally and there is no traffic congestion.
And continue to carry out hidden danger investigation. Conduct comprehensive
investigations on key safety hazards in personnel safety, bridges, tunnels, etc.

4.2 The Situation of Jiuzhaigou Earthquake

The 89 Jiuzhaigou earthquake occurred at 21:19:46 on August 8, 2017. A magnitude
7.0 earthquake occurred in Jiuzhaigou County, Aba Prefecture, northern Sichuan
Province. The epicenter was located at 33.20° north latitude and 103.82° east longitude.
In the village of Bimang, 5 km west of Jiuzhaigou core scenic spot, as of 20:00 on
August 13, 2017, 25 people were killed in the earthquake (24 of whom were con-
firmed), 525 were injured, 6 were lost, 176,492 (including Tourists were affected, and
73,761 houses were damaged to varying degrees (including 76 collapsed). Xi Jinping
made important instructions for the 7.0 earthquake in Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, demanding
rapid organization of disaster relief, and spare no effort to rescue the wounded and
minimize casualties. At 10 o’clock on August 15th, 2017, the sound of alarm and
whistle sounded over the cultural square of Jiuzhaigou County New District. Jiuz-
haigou County held a public sacrifice activity here, deeply mourning the victims of the
“88” Jiuzhaigou County 7.0 earthquake.

4.3 Introduction to Jiuzhaigou Earthquake Emergency Logistics

After the “8.8” Jiuzhaigou County earthquake disaster occurred, the Office of Trans-
portation Management immediately convened an emergency meeting to study and
arrange road transportation rescue work. The first batch of emergency transportation
capacity can immediately go to the earthquake-stricken areas according to the
requirements of the higher authorities. In the first time, we will inform the city and state
road transportation management agencies of the current road control to Jiuzhaigou, and
require all localities to immediately transfer the control situation to the transportation
company and passenger station in the jurisdiction, and urge the passenger vehicles to
strictly abide by the traffic control and make passengers through the passenger station.
Explain work and refunds. At the first time, it was notified that there were 17 road
transport management agencies operating the “two passengers and one danger” vehicle
territory in the earthquake-stricken areas, strengthening communication with the
operating transport enterprises, and effectively grasping the operation situation and the
damage of vehicles and casualties. Do a good job in emergency dutykeeping, and
timely transmit emergency information to ensure the smooth flow of government
490 Z. Zhou et al.

4.4 Overview of China’s Emergency Logistics in Jiuzhaigou Earthquake

After the earthquake disaster, the speed of the reaction of the Chinese government is
commendable. In other words, the public emergency response mechanism of China’s
emergency logistics is better. However, whether the emergency logistics information
technology platform is efficient, whether the emergency logistics professional team is
sound, and whether the infrastructure protection is advanced, these are uncertain.

5 Conclusion

5.1 Problems with Emergency Logistics

The first problem is the high logistics operating costs. The government has solved the
demand for materials in terms of timeliness. However, the use of administrative means
will inevitably result in high costs. Secondly, there may be problems with the under-
lying security facilities. There is still a key issue in which the organization and coor-
dination are not perfect. This will result in a waste of resources. Disaster relief supplies
come from a wide range of sources, including individual donations, local donations,
national deployments, and international humanitarian assistance. The corresponding
organizational coordination mechanisms cannot keep up with the changes in the dis-
aster situation. Due to the randomness and uncertainty of sudden natural disaster
events, many information changes with the development of events. In an effective time,
the information mastered by decision makers is not comprehensive enough. In the
feedback and processing of information, the accuracy of information It is difficult to get
a guarantee. The effect of decision-making is related to the safety of people in the
disaster areas. This is a rigorous test for policy makers. At present, China has not yet
formed a unified distribution and delivery mode. There is no specialized professional
team for emergency logistics management in China, and even some disaster relief
equipment needs international humanitarian assistance.

5.2 Optimization Strategy

China should establish and improve the corresponding emergency logistics legal pro-
tection mechanism. Emergency supplies will be urgently supplied throughout the
country, which will cause the system of emergency logistics to be disordered. At the
same time, the basic support facilities of the earthquake frequent band should be
updated to avoid serious impact on people’s lives when the earthquake occurs. In
addition, the organizational mechanism should be coordinated so that the corre-
sponding organizational coordination mechanism can not keep up with the changes in
the disaster situation. With the development of modern intelligence, an efficient
emergency logistics information technology platform should be established accord-
ingly. That is to say, an emergency material information system and an emergency
logistics plan database should be established, an emergency material transportation
dispatching platform automatically generated by the emergency transportation plan,
and an emergency material transportation monitoring platform based on GPS and GIS
Talking About the Status Quo of China’s Emergency Logistics 491

should be established. After a sudden disaster, we can make a reasonable analysis and
judgment based on the information fed back from the disaster area in the shortest time.
In order to better reduce the casualties in the disaster.

5.3 Limitations of the Study

The paper discusses the macro-level defects of China’s emergency logistics. Similarly,
improvements to these issues have been limited to the macro level, and no specific
program initiatives have been proposed to address these issues. No relevant algorithms
for emergency logistics after the earthquake have been proposed.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by Scientific Research Project of Hubei

Provincial Department of Education (Grant No. B2013209), and 2013 Wuhan Textile University
Students’ Innovative Training Program (project number: 2016YFC0802509).

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13. Yang J, Hou H (2016) Study on emergency rescue of emergency logistics based on natural
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16. Yan W (2014) Research on dynamic collaborative decision process system of emergency
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17. Zhang Y (2010) Research on natural disaster emergency logistics support system. Xihua
18. He X (2010) Research on emergency logistics resource allocation based on earthquake
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Research on Multimodal Teaching
of Chinese as a Foreign Language Based
on Information Technology

Li Guan(&)

Army Infantry College of PLA, Nanchang 330013, China


Abstract. Information technology has brought profound changes to education,

and information-based teaching has become an effective form of teaching. Based on
the theory of multimodal discourse analysis, this paper studies how to adopt mul-
timodal teaching mode in vocabulary teaching of Chinese as a foreign language,
stimulate students’ sense organs by means of multi-modal forms such as words,
pictures, sounds, videos and actions, improve students’ understanding and
expression of grammatical points, so as to arouse people’s multi-modality in
teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The importance and application of teaching.

Keywords: Promotion of information technology  Modal teaching mode 

Chinese as a foreign language  Discourse analysis

1 Research Background

In the process of communication, besides using language, the expression and trans-
mission of information is largely achieved by non-verbal means, such as space, ges-
tures, expressions, pronunciation and intonation, and the surrounding environment [1].
These channels and media of communication are modality. Multimodal teaching model
refers to the rational use of a variety of modal means in teaching, such as text, images,
sound, video, action, etc. to mobilize learners’ hearing, vision, touch, taste and other
senses, so that the various modal complement, strengthen, coordinate to achieve the
best teaching [2]. Learning and learning. Multimodal teaching model has been widely
used and studied both at home and abroad, and its research and application mainly
focus on English teaching. However, the application of multi-modal teaching mode in
teaching Chinese as a foreign language is seldom studied [3]. Guided by the application
of multi-modal teaching mode in the field of foreign language teaching, and based on
the traditional problem of single mode in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, this
paper studies how to use multi-modal teaching mode in teaching Chinese as a foreign
language to improve the effect of students’ learning [4].

2 Research Ideas

Under the traditional teaching mode, students mainly use hearing to obtain information,
and the teaching method is mainly single mode. The multi-modality theory is applied to
teaching, and the learners’ sense of hearing, vision, touch, taste and other senses are
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 493–498, 2019.
494 L. Guan

mobilized by various means and channels such as space, body movements, pictures,
audio and video, network and role-playing, so as to make all kinds of modalities
complement, strengthen and cooperate to achieve the best teaching and learning effect,
that is, multi-modality. State teaching mode [5]. Multimodal teaching model can make
full use of various resources, so that the recipient can obtain information through
multiple channels, more convenient for the listener to understand and memorize than
single modal discourse. With the development of modern science and technology and
the wide application of computer technology, teaching Chinese as a foreign language
should no longer be a simple mode of “teaching material + blackboard + teachers’
lecture and students’ practice”. As for grammar teaching, in traditional Chinese
classroom teaching, teachers usually explain grammar structure, explain usage, give
examples according to the grammar points given in the textbooks, and then let students
practice [6]. Or first, give examples to summarize the grammatical structure and usage,
so that students can practice. Many teachers adhere to the basic principle of “speaking
more accurately and practicing more” in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, but
the scenes created by examples are often described only in language. At this time,
although language communication has always been in the foreground of language
learning, but many times the efficiency of language description alone is very low [7].

3 Research Methods

3.1 PPT Demonstration

PPT is one of the most commonly used means of multimedia classroom teaching. PPT
demonstration teaching uses a variety of modal means to express the meaning of dis-
course, belonging to the category of multi-modal teaching [8]. In teaching Chinese as a
foreign language, teachers can use various modes in PPT courseware to assist teaching.
For example, some common vocabulary, such as fruits, daily necessities, transportation,
etc., pure character teaching is too boring, students lack interest. The use of text and
picture mode, not only can enrich the teaching form, but also stimulate the students’
visual sense, can draw students’ attention to the screen, improve the efficiency of
students learning vocabulary [9]. For example, some abstract words, words and pictures
can help students understand and memorize vocabulary. For example, the word “neat” is
not easy for students to understand if it is taught in a pure text mode. If you add pictures,
you can help by showing pictures of “neat bookshelves” and “irregular bookshelves”,
“neat rooms” and “irregular rooms”, “neat teeth” and “irregular teeth”. Help students
better understand and remember. At the same time, the teacher can add some sentences,
“the books are neatly arranged.” “The room is tidy.” “His teeth are very neat.” And so
on, to help students better understand the meaning and usage of words.

3.2 Video Animation

Video animation “has vivid image, gives people a sense of reality, at the same time has
fine specificity, can provide very detailed information.” Appropriate use of video ani-
mation in teaching can improve the enthusiasm and initiative of students, is an effective
way to strengthen memory. For example, when learning the theme of “weather”, a large
Research on Multimodal Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language 495

number of weather words will be involved, such as “sunny”, “cloudy”, “rain”, “snow”,
“wind”, “rising/cooling” and so on, if only to let students memorize these words
mechanically, the effect is not good. However, the use of video animation mode in the
classroom is to assist teaching, not to pursue entertainment and excessive use [10].

3.3 Gesture
Common body gestures include gestures, head and body movements, expressions, eyes,
orientation and so on. The proper use of these gestures in vocabulary teaching can also
achieve unexpected results. For example, many action words, such as “clamp”, “carry”,
“carry”, “carry”, “mention”, “lift”, “end”, “Fu”, “pull” and so on, need not be explained in
too many languages when the teacher teaches these words, as long as the intuitive
demonstration of specific actions can make students accurately understand the meaning of
the words, and impressive [1]. For example, the word “stunned” can’t be well understood
by the students whether the teacher uses the language explanation or the use of picture
animation. But when the teacher uses some body movements, such as holding his cheek,
expressionless face, hollow eyes, looking far away, the students immediately understand
what it means. For example, when learning vocabulary of human body parts, teachers can
show these parts in kind without pictures or animation, and then ask two students to come
on stage, one to give instructions, the other to point out the corresponding body parts
according to instructions, in this way to consolidate vocabulary. Therefore, using appro-
priate body movements to teach vocabulary in class is not only vivid, but also can adjust the
classroom atmosphere. Teachers do not need to spend time looking for pictures and ani-
mations when preparing lessons [3]. It is a very economical teaching mode.

4 Implementation of Multi-modal Chinese Teaching Process

with Information Technology

4.1 Modal Choice

In foreign language teaching, the main factors of dominant modal choice are the scope
of discourse, the mode of discourse and the tone of discourse. This is also applicable to
teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The scope of discourse is the content of
teaching; the keynote of discourse mainly includes the characteristics, interests and
hobbies of teachers and students, teachers’ grasp of the language point, students’
original knowledge reserve and language expression level and so on; discourse mode
embodies teaching equipment, teaching links and communication channels [4].
Although the use of multimedia and other modern educational technology in teaching
Chinese as a foreign language, making multi-modal teaching has become a trend of
modern teaching. But everything has its two sides, and multi-use abuse will have its
negative effects, and multi-modal teaching mode is no exception. If the multi-modality
is used properly, it will stimulate the students’ interest and enthusiasm in learning, and
play a key role in the study. If used improperly, just to catch up with the fashion of
modern educational technology, but will distract students’ attention, so that they only
pay attention to the multi-modal appearance of lively, and after the brain a blank,
496 L. Guan

resulting in the memory of knowledge points interference. It can be seen that multi-
modality is not optional, nor is it used more.

4.2 The Application of Multimodal Teaching Mode in the Teaching

of “Ba” Sentence
Take “ba” sentence as an example, although the basic expression of “ba” sentence is: noun
1 (agent) + Ba + noun 2 (patient) + Verb + other, but the actual use of “verb + other” in
the form of a variety of, teaching can not be all the specific forms one by one, often the first
to learn those must be used “ba” “Sentence” carries out the form of expression. For
example, “I open the book” and “I open the book” can be substituted, but the expression “I
put the money in my purse” can only be described by “ba”. In the limited space, we choose
the displacement sentence in Chinese to illustrate how to use multimodal teaching.

4.3 Introducing Multimedia CAI Courseware System to Implement

CAI courseware system can synthetically use multimedia teaching methods to create
real situations of communication, effectively stimulate students’ interest in communi-
cation and mobilize students’ subjective initiative, and achieve a higher teaching effect.
The teaching process is as follows Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The teaching process

Research on Multimodal Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language 497

5 The Role of Information-Based Multimodal Teaching

of Chinese as a Foreign Language for Foreign Students
in Learning Chinese

In this paper, two classes of foreign students (24 students in Class 1 and 23 students in
Class 2) in Grade 2017 were tested in multi-modal and non-multi-modal teaching
(Table 1).

Table 1. The test in multi-modal and non-multi-modal teaching.

Test content Test question bank Quantity of Fraction ratio
3 paragraph of short Multiple-choice 7 questions 7% (1 points per
news questions (Dan Xuan) question)
Two long conversations Multiple-choice 8 questions 8% (1 points per
questions (Dan Xuan) question)
3 chapters of listening Multiple-choice 10 questions 20% (1 points per
comprehension questions (Dan Xuan) question)

The results showed that 22 students thought the multi-modal teaching model was
lively and interesting, 19 agreed that the multi-modal teaching model was helpful to
stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of vocabulary learning, 22 believed that the
multi-modal teaching could strengthen the memory and increase the vocabulary, and 22
agreed to use the multi-modal teaching very much. Through interviews, we find that
most of the foreign students, especially those at the junior level, are weak in the ability
to accept and understand Chinese vocabulary, and the monomodal explanation of
vocabulary is boring and ineffective. Multimodal teaching mode through text, pictures,
video animation, music, body movements and other modal interaction combination and
collocation, not only to enhance students’ interest and enthusiasm in learning, but also
to deepen students’ understanding of the cultural background behind the vocabulary, is
very helpful to memorize vocabulary and accurate understanding and use of vocabu-
lary. The results of vocabulary tests also show that the scores of experimental classes
receiving multimodal vocabulary teaching are generally higher than those of Non-
experimental classes, and this advantage is becoming more and more obvious with the
deepening of teaching.

6 Summary

The multi-modal teaching of Chinese as a foreign language based on information

technology can break the fixed mode of traditional Chinese teaching, speed up the
improvement of teaching content and methods, and better serve Chinese teaching. At
the same time, the use of text, pictures, audio, video, animation, limbs and other
modalities to stimulate students’ multi-sensory co-operation, not only can fully
498 L. Guan

mobilize students’ enthusiasm and initiative, improve students’ interest and efficiency
in learning, but also can stimulate teachers’ creativity in classroom teaching, active
classroom atmosphere, taking account classroom management. The completion of
theory and teaching content is an effective teaching mode. Taking the teaching design
of “ba” sentence as an example, this paper briefly illustrates the multi-modal teaching
mode of TCFL. In this design, the teaching content from easy to difficult, layer by
layer, through the use of a variety of modalities, teachers gradually background, pro-
viding students with the opportunity to express, so that they eventually become
auditory modality and visual modality of the emitter.

1. Zhu Y (2007) Theoretical basis and research methods of multimodal discourse analysis.
J Foreign Lang (5):82–86
2. Zhang D (2009) Exploration of the comprehensive theoretical framework of multimodal
discourse analysis. China Foreign Lang (1):24–30
3. Gu Y (2007) Analysis of multimedia and multimodal teaching. Audiov Teach Foreign Lang
4. Cheng R (2017) Application of multimodality in college English vocabulary teaching.
J Mudanjiang Univ (11)
5. Zhang M (2011) On the multimodal mode of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. High
Educ Res (11)
6. Delu Zhang (2015) Multimodal discourse theory and foreign language teaching. Higher
Education Press, Beijing
7. Wang K (2016) Multimodal teaching method of cultural factors in teaching Chinese as a
foreign language. Lit Educ (6)
8. Zhao C (2017) Application and research of multimodal teaching in Chinese listening class
for foreign languages. Bohai University, Jinzhou
9. Zhang D (2009) Multimodal discourse theory and modern media technology in foreign
language teaching. Foreign Lang Teach (4):15–20
10. Zhong Z (2009) Modern educational technology and application of language in teaching
Chinese as a foreign language (4)
Research Technology of New Polymer
Materials for Environmental Protection
Against Acid Rain

Xianghong Wang1,2(&), Zhengkui Yu3, Shina Zhang4, Ying Lin1,2,

and Jie Li5
Green Intelligence Environmental School, Yangtze Normal University,
Chongqing 408100, China
Collaborative Innovation Center for Green Development in Wuling
Mountain Areas, Yangtze Normal University, Chongqing 408100, China
Chongqing Fuling Plastic Product Factory, Chongqing 408100, China
Daping Hospital, Chinese Army Military Medical University,
Chongqing 408100, China
Chongqing Fuling Middle School, Chongqing 408100, China

Abstract. A kind of high molecular acid rain resistant environmental protec-

tion material technology was studied in this paper. The material was prepared
from carrier resin, dicyclohexylamine octanoate, dicyclohexylamine decanoate,
cyclohexylamine carbonate, sodium nitrite, urotropine and other rust inhibitors,
which were mixed with dispersant, filler and other granulating blowing film. The
anti-rust film of the new protective material has good thermal sealing property.
The conventional bag-making method is easy to process. It can prevent the
vapor of the vapor-phase antirust agent from infiltrating outward, improve the
anti-rust effect, and prolong the anti-rust time of the indoor and outdoor
atmospheric acid rain for more than two years. The physical and mechanical
strength is good, and the processing performance is good.

Keywords: Environmental protection  New materials  Polymers

1 Introduction

Acid rain has serious corrosiveness, which causes great harm to infrastructure. It is
urgent to establish environmental anticorrosion and protection functional materials for
industrial application. With the rapid development of global economy and modern-
ization, the impact of acid rain and haze is becoming more and more serious. It is
urgent to research and develop new environmental protection materials. Vapor phase
antirust film is a kind of better environmental protection and antirust packaging
material developed in recent years. It is a kind of new functional material formed by
adding vapor phase inhibitor to plastic film in some way. It is a hot spot and a difficult
problem in the field of environmental protection material technology at present.
In the research and development of gas phase corrosion inhibitor technology,
cyclohexylamine gas phase corrosion inhibitor [5] is widely used, and its performance

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 499–505, 2019.
500 X. Wang et al.

is outstanding. In the 1930s, the use of ethylenediamine and niobate for boiler corro-
sion protection opened up the initial study of gas phase corrosion inhibitors. During
World War II, gas phase corrosion inhibitors solved the problem of corrosion of
ordnance weapons, which attracted the attention of the scientific and technological
circles, and developed rapidly [6]. Dicyclic amine nitrite and two isopropyl nitrite have
been developed as corrosion inhibitors for ferrous metals. However, their toxicity limits
their application. In the 1950s, experiments showed that benzotriazole had anti-
discoloration effect on brass, and the protection of copper and its alloys had been
applied to various countries in Europe and the United States. By the 1960s, the con-
vening of international academic conferences and the publication of professional
publications in the field of corrosion protection greatly promoted the academic
exchanges and development in this field. By the 1990s, Saulbor et al. had studied the
amino acid compound inhibitor Tara [7], which proved that it had a good corrosion
inhibition effect on carbon steel in humid atmosphere. After the development in recent
years, the kinds of gas-phase anti-rust film products at home and abroad are relatively
complete, mainly common PE gas-phase anti-rust film, high-strength gas-phase anti-
rust film, anti-static gas-phase anti-rust film, fabric reinforced gas-phase anti-rust film,
PE gas-phase anti-rust stretching film, gas-phase anti-rust heat shrinkage film and
aluminum-plastic composite gas-phase film [8]. Nowadays, environmental protection,
non-toxicity and multi-effect are the research focus of gas-phase corrosion inhibitors
[9]. Three WOH derivatives synthesized by Bentis can not only effectively inhibit the
corrosion of carbon steel, but also show that they are non-toxic to cells. Yang Yaoyong
studied the vapor phase corrosion inhibition performance of piperazine compounds.
The results showed that piperazine compounds had low toxicity and stable perfor-
mance. By studying the synergistic effect of tungstate, sodium hexamethylene nitrate
and sodium benzoate, Cai Zhangli has developed a new type of high efficiency and
environmental protection gas-phase rust-proof paper. N, N-diamine cyanide developed
by Russia has good protective effect on black and non-ferrous metals in industrial and
marine atmosphere [10]. Quraishi et al. found that lauroyl hydrazine and its derivatives
have good protective effects on carbon steel, copper alloy, Zn and Al as vapor phase
inhibitors. ZH-1 environment-friendly vapor phase corrosion inhibitor prepared by Cai
Huiwu has good antirust effect on steel, copper, aluminum and other metals [12].

2 Test Method

2.1 Material Selection

The choice of PE is directly related to the properties of the products. Usually, the melt
mass flow rate (MFR) is an important parameter. MFR is the main index to determine
the properties of PE resin. MFR affects the processing properties and density of the raw
materials. In this study, considering the performance and use environment of the
product, it is required to have good processing and molding performance, good
transparency and mechanical strength. The carrier resin is limited to LDPE, and its melt
index is in the range of 1 g/10 min to 2 g/10 min, so it has better transparency and
lower processing temperature.
Research Technology of New Polymer Materials 501

Inorganic compounds and organic compounds are commonly used as antirust agents
in gas phase antirust technology. In this study, the selection of antirust agents is from the
following aspects: the melting point of antirust agents, volatilization rate, decomposition
temperature; compatibility of antirust agents with PE; antirust ability of antirust agents,
saturated vapor pressure; processing performance of antirust agents [13]. On the basis of
many tests, dicyclohexylamine octanoate, dicyclohexylamine decanoate, cyclohexy-
lamine carbonate, sodium nitrite and Urotropine were selected as mixed antirust agents.
Fillers are designed to improve the performance of products, such as insulation,
flame retardancy and smoke elimination. Under the premise of considering the cost, the
purpose is to improve the adsorbability of the product, while meeting the processing
performance requirements of the product. The mixture of silica and calcium carbonate
is selected from 45 lm.
Dispersant is to prevent the melt from adhering to the surface of the processing
equipment and mold during the processing, so that the material has a good demoulding.
On the one hand, the melt flow viscosity of the material is reduced, and on the other
hand, the thermal decomposition caused by the strong internal friction of the plastics is
prevented. Moreover, dispersants can be precipitated on the surface between polymer
and metal, polymer and polymer. In this study, in order to ensure the processing
performance and improve the dispersibility of additives, DOP was selected as dis-
persant, with good compatibility and low volatility.

2.2 Preparation Process

In this study, a vapor-phase anticorrosion technology combining fast and slow evap-
oration rate was developed to ensure the existence of a stable vapor pressure from the
beginning to the end. The prepared materials include carrier resin LDPE, antirust agent,
dispersant and fillers such as calcium carbonate, talc powder and silica. The particle
size of the abrasive rust inhibitor is 1200 mesh. The antirust agent consists of dicy-
clohexane octanoate, dicyclohexylamine decanoate, cyclohexylamine carbonate,
sodium nitrite, and urotropine. The filler consists of 45 lm silicon dioxide and 1200
mesh calcium carbonate.
The preparation conditions of the test process are between 150–195 °C, and the
temperature range of the commonly used vapor phase corrosion inhibitors is about 100 °
C. Therefore, the selection of the vapor phase corrosion inhibitors with high processing
temperature and excellent vapor phase corrosion resistance is the key of the test. The
particle size of the gas phase antirust agent needs to be refined to reduce the influence on
the physical properties of the plastic film. In order to meet the requirements of plastic
forming process, the particle size of the abrasive gas phase antirust agent is 1200 meshes.
The preparation steps of the experiment are as follows:
(1) grinding the rust inhibitor to 1200 mesh by weight ratio.
(2) The antirust masterbatch was obtained by granulating the mixture of vapor phase
antirust agent, dispersant and filler at 135–145 °C.
(3) According to the weight ratio of the carrier resin LDPE and the step (2), the
antirust masterbatch was blown at 150–170 °C to obtain qualified new functional
materials for environmental protection and corrosion protection. The thickness of
the new materials was 0.08 mm.
502 X. Wang et al.

3 Test Results

According to the above test process and method, three LDPE antirust plastic films with
different formulation ratios were prepared and used for product performance test. The
test results are as follows (Tables 1, 2 and 3).

Table 1. Formulation proportion of LDPE antirust plastic film

Composition Formula 1(kg) Formula 2(kg) Formula 3(kg)
LDPE 25 25 25
DOP 2.5 1.5 1.5
Cyclohexyl octanoic acid 0.15 0.25 0.25
Decyl hexyl amine 0.15 0.25 0.25
Cyclohexanamine carbonate 0.15
Sodium benzoate 0.25
Sodium nitrite 0.175 0.15 0.15
Hexamethylene 0.075 0.125 0.075
Urea 0.15
Silica 0.125 0.125
Calcium carbonate(800 mesh) 0.8
Atactic polypropylene 2.5

Table 2. Temperature control for preparation process

Granulation and blow molding process
temperature °C
Interval 1 2 3 4 5
Granulation 135 145 150 155 145
Blown film 150 155 175 170 170

Table 3. Indicators for product performance testing

Project Formula 1 Formula 2 Formula 3 Test standard
Tensile strength MPa 15 14.5 14 GB/T13022-
Tear strength KNm-1 64.5 64 63 GB/T1130-
Ability of gas phase corrosion inhibition Generally Generally Good JB/T 6071-92
Gas phase slow release capacity after Generally Generally Good JB/T 6071-92
Meteorological screening Generally Good Good JB/T 6071-92
Muggy Good Good Good JB/T 6071-92
Appearance state Good Generally Generally Visualization
Process stability Good Good Good Visualization
Research Technology of New Polymer Materials 503

Through the above indicators can be seen that the reasonable combination of
antirust agents, the use of a small amount of inhibitors, can give the plastic film
significant antirust effect, at the same time, the physical and mechanical strength of the
film is good, processing performance is also good. The prepared anti-rust film has good
thermal sealing performance as the common PE film. The conventional bag-making
method can be used to heat-seal the bag, which is convenient for processing. It can
prevent the vapor of the gas-phase anti-rust agent from infiltrating outward, improve
the anti-rust effect and prolong the anti-rust time (formula 1 or 2 years, formula 3 or
more years).

3.1 Principles
The principle of gas phase anticorrosive agent lies in: (1) there is a certain degree of
volatility at room temperature. The steam pressure of mercury column is as high as
0.0001–0.11 mm under the actual steam pressure of 21 °C. It has good durable rust
prevention effect. (2) There are protective genes in the molecule, such as C6H5COO-,
NO2-, NH3OH-, and C6H5COO-, Cr2O72-, PO43-, which have antirust effect on
copper. (3) good adhesion to metal surface. (4) It has good compatibility with the
carrier resin (both organic polymer compounds) and good thermal stability in plastic
molding. The boiling point is above 200 °C. (5) It can be gasified in a sealed bag and
packed in a bag to accumulate a film of vapor-phase polymer antirust agent, prevent
oxidation and erosion of residual oxygen in the bag and prevent corrosion.
At present, a single inhibitor can not meet the requirements of use, a single inhibitor
volatilization too fast, is not conducive to long-term corrosion; also volatilization too
slowly, can not reach the desired anticorrosion effect, the preparation of multi-unit gas
phase inhibitor is the research direction [15]. In this experiment, more than two kinds of
gas corrosion inhibitors were used, one with fast volatilization rate and the other with
slow volatilization rate and low vapor pressure. The anticorrosive effect during the
period. In a very short period of time, the vapor pressure of nitrogen can produce gas
film to protect metal surface from oxidation and corrosion, and slow release of nitrogen
vapor pressure at room temperature, so as to maintain the long-term survival of the
film, so as to achieve a good long-term anti-rust function.
The characteristic of the gas phase inhibitor is that the higher the boiling point is,
the smaller the vapor pressure. The smaller the boiling point and the greater the vapor
pressure, it can be used as a short acting burst gas phase inhibitor. The saturated vapor
pressure of cyclohexylamine octanoate is 0.015 Pa at 21 °C, and that of amine
bicarbonate is 53 pa at 21 °C. The advantages and disadvantages of the two methods
can be supplemented by using them simultaneously. These materials are compatible
with PE plastics to produce qualified anti-rust film materials with reasonable config-
uration of gas phase corrosion inhibitors. The reasonable combination of antirust agents
and the use of a small amount of inhibitors can give the plastic film a remarkable
antirust effect. In this paper, the anti-rust film has a good heat sealing performance. The
traditional bag making method is used for heat sealing bag making, and the processing
is convenient. It can prevent the penetration of gas phase rust inhibitor, improve the
effect of rust prevention and corrosion protection, and prolong the indoor and outdoor
504 X. Wang et al.

air acid rain rust prevention for more than two years. At the same time, the physical and
mechanical strength of the films are very suitable and the processability is good.

3.2 Suggestion
According to the development trend of international vapor-phase antirust film products
and the characteristics of domestic vapor-phase antirust film products, there is still
much work to be done in the development of new products and product performance
improvement. The main performances are as follows: (1) Strengthen the development
of VCI products without sodium sulfite for gas-phase antirust film, and gradually
develop the formulation of corrosion inhibitor to the direction of high efficiency and
versatility, looking for high efficiency and environmental protection high temperature
gas-phase corrosion inhibitor. (2) Strengthen the innovation of product structure and
style of gas-phase antirust film, and increase the variety of gas-phase antirust products.
(3) Product improvement: we can explore the addition of functional masterbatch in the
product to improve product barrier performance, strength and so on, explore to reduce
the addition of VCI in the product.

4 Conclusion

This research adopts the combination of long term release + short acting burst. Using
more than two kinds of gas corrosion inhibitors, a combination of two kinds of gas
phase corrosion inhibitors with fast vapor pressure and low vaporization rate can make
the packaging film have a higher vapor pressure at the beginning of the gas corrosion
inhibitor and a longer corrosion resistance. In a very short period of time, the vapor
pressure of nitrogen can produce gas film to protect metal surface from oxidation and
corrosion, and slow release of nitrogen vapor pressure at room temperature, so as to
maintain the long-term survival of the film, so as to achieve a good long-term anti-rust
function. The characteristics of long-acting gas-phase corrosion inhibitor are as fol-
lows: the higher the boiling point, the smaller the vapor pressure, the smaller the
boiling point, and the higher the vapor pressure.

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Big Data Information Technology
and the Development of E-commerce
in Cultural Industry

Yuxia Hu1,2 and Haiying Ma1,2(&)

School of Economics, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730124,
People’s Republic of China
The Provincial Key Laboratory of E-commerce of Ethnic Information,
Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730124, People’s Republic of China

Abstract. In recent years, E-commerce in China has developed vigorously and

has become the global largest Internet market. With the development of cloud
computing, Internet of Things and other information technologies and the rapid
expansion of data have brought mankind into the era of large data. It is possible
to analyze the development of regional E-commerce industry chain with large
data technology and provide corresponding guidance. Based on the present
situation of E-commerce development in Western China, Lanzhou and Xi’an are
selected as the research objects. Seven factors affecting the development level of
regional E-commerce, such as information infrastructure, logistics services are
identified. The grey forecasting method is used to construct the evaluation index
system of regional E-commerce development level.

Keywords: Big data  E-commerce  Evaluation system 

Development strategy

1 Introduction

Since the 21st century, with the rise of information technology such as cloud com-
puting, Internet of Things and various social networks, the global data growth
momentum is rapid, its storage units are also expanding, large data began to rise and
gradually play a strong role in government, enterprises, scientific research and other
aspects. With the development of big data information technology, network economy
has become a strategic emerging industry, bringing great changes to people’s daily life.
As one of the important components of the network economy, E-commerce has also
attracted great attention from governments of various countries, and is becoming a new
growth point of the future economy. According to the statistical data of China Elec-
tronic Commerce Research Center in June, 2014, the volume of E-commerce trans-
actions in the country was as high as 5 trillion and 850 billion Yuan [1]. However, due
to the different levels of economic development, policy construction environment, and
education level of residents in different regions, the level of E-commerce development

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 506–514, 2019.
Big Data Information Technology 507

in different regions are uneven. How can the government formulate a reasonable
development strategy to promote the development of E-commerce in the regions.
With the continuous improvement of information technology, the data model
High degree of complexity, the data scale is also growing rapidly, and the whole
society has entered the era of big data. The rapid rise of big data has become a link
between the three dimensional world. With the development of large data, E-commerce
is playing an increasingly important role in the network economy, and vigorously
developing E-commerce has become the primary task of all countries and regions. The
development of E-commerce in China is developing rapidly, and the development of E-
commerce in western regions is in the back wording position in China. According to
incomplete statistics, more than 60% of the country’s online retail, cross-border trade
and B2B transactions rely on E-commerce platform to complete [2]. E-commerce
ecosphere has initially formed. In addition, with the popularization of 3G networks, the
promotion of 4G network, the development of wireless network, the innovation of
mobile application software and the popularization and application of smart phone
terminal equipment, the development space and opportunities of regional E-commerce
have also been improved [3]. Based on large data information technology, this paper
selects Lanzhou and Xi’an in the western region as the research objects, and constructs
a scientific evaluation index system for the development level of E-commerce from
three aspects of government, enterprises and consumers. The suggestions of con-
structing regional third-party network trading platform and building regional product-
specific two-dimensional code integration service are put forward.

2 Theory and Model

2.1 Big Data and Electronic Commerce

In recent years, large data has become a new leading topic, and has been widely
concerned and studied in the fields of science and technology, commerce and so on.
The concept of big data has not yet been clearly defined. In Wikipedia, large data is
defined as huge amount of data. Because of the huge amount of data, it cannot be
cracked into the information needed by human beings through existing technology.
This definition is not accurate. International data company IDC (Internet Data Center)
regards big data as a fusion system [4]. Gartner, a professional research institution,
thinks big data is a new information asset. In The Big Data Age, Victor Mayer-
Schoenberg and Kenyon Cooker argue that big data is the source of new knowledge
and value creation, and a way to change social relationships.
Big data has four basic characteristics which are comparatively recognized by
people. The first is large-scale data (Volume), with the popularization of information
technology such as the Internet of Things, Internet of Things and cloud computing,
more and more data will be generated, the amount of data will be a huge leap forward.
Second, there are many kinds of data (Variety) and various external forms. With the
appearance of data selection, filtering and capturing technology, the original single and
limited data form makes the data more and more real and has more and more social
508 Y. Hu and H. Ma

significance. Third, data density is low (Value), the greater the amount of data, the
lower the value density. Fourth, the speed of data processing (Velocity), efficiency will
be greatly improved; otherwise the value of large data will be lost [5].

2.2 E-commerce and E-Business Mode

In the Electronic Commerce: A Manager Guide from communication, business pro-
cesses, services and online four. There are four different explanations for E-commerce
[6]. The World Conference on Electronic Commerce, held at the International Chamber
of Commerce in Paris in 1997, defined electronic commerce as a business activity
conducted through electronic commerce and as a multi-technology aggregate. The
United Nations Organization for Economic Development (OECD) defines E-commerce
as a business concept that occurs on the Internet for different groups. IBM, the advocate
of E-commerce, defined E-commerce as a dynamic business activity delineating the
Internet. The European Parliament believes that E-commerce is a business activity that
relies on electronic means. HP believes that E-commerce is a link between businesses
and customers. The E-commerce model refers to a method that enterprises provide
customers with better and more affordable value in the environment of E-commerce,
and thereby benefit from it [7]. With the rapid development of E-commerce, there are
more and more business models. At present, the most common classification is based
on E-commerce transaction objects, mainly: B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Busi-
ness to Consumer), B2G (Business to Government), C2B (Consumer to Business),
C2C (Consumer to Consumer), C2G (Consumer to Government), G2B (Government to
Business), G2C (Government to Consumer) and G2G (Government to Government).

2.3 Grey Data Fusion Prediction Algorithm

Grey prediction, in particular, is the prediction of a certain range of time-related
changes in the grey process. By mining the change law of the original data, the
corresponding regular data sequence is generated, and then the differential equation is
used to predict the future change and direction of the data.
Although the GM (1, 1) model has been successful in many cases, there are still
some cases that cannot be implemented [8]. We can use the idea of relative distance to
define the support function, which does not require the measured values to strictly obey
the normal distribution, and does not need to delete individual values, so it is more
reasonable than the average method.
Let assume that a1 ; a2 ;    ; am predicted value from GMð1; 1Þ models with m, We
define the distance between any two predicted values as:
dij ¼ ai  aj ; i; j 2 f1; 2;    ; mg

then construct the support function between data.

Big Data Information Technology 509

rij ¼ cos   ; i; j 2 f1; 2;    ; mg
2max dij

Meet the followings:

(1) rij is inversely proportional to the relative distance dij , that is, the smaller the
difference between the two values, the greater the degree of support.
(2) rij 2 ½0; 1 Making data processing more scientific and reasonable.
Then, the following support matrix can be established
R ¼ rij mn

For the sake of fusion of a1 ; a2 ;    ; am for the value of a, we need to ensure the
weight wi of ai , and wi will meet wi ¼ 1, and wi will contains ri1 ; ri2 ;    ; rim , So we
need to find a group of non-negative numbers v1 ; v2 ;    ; vn , So,

wi ¼ vj rij

Can be transform the matrix W ¼ RV, and W and V are column vectors composed
of wi and vj respectively, R is a non negative symmetric matrix. According to the
property of nonnegative matrix, R has the largest model value, and its corresponding
eigenvector is
Vk ¼ vk1 ; vk2 ;    ; vkm

The components are all non negative numbers, and can be obtained from the
properties of eigenvectors eigenvalues.

wi ¼ P

Furthermore, the fusion results of M simulation values can be obtained as follows

a¼ wi ai
510 Y. Hu and H. Ma

3 Construction of Evaluation Index System for E-commerce

in Cultural Industry
3.1 Regional E-commerce Operation Mode
The composition of E-commerce requires four elements, namely mall, consumer,
product and logistics. The overall operation of E-commerce will be combined with
these four aspects of operation. E-commerce operation mode refers to the mode of
commercial operation and profitability with the help of Internet and modern informa-
tion technology. The regional E-commerce operation mode in China is not unified.
Most transactions are completed by means of third-party E-commerce platform.

3.2 Factors Affecting the Development of Regional E-commerce

(1) Impact of Information Infrastructure. Infrastructure is the platform and tool of E-

commerce operation, which directly determines the development space and depth
of E-commerce. Compared with the developed countries such as the United
States, China’s E-commerce infrastructure has a low starting point; especially the
information level of small and medium-sized enterprises which occupy an
important position in the national economy is low. Better E-commerce infras-
tructure construction can speed up the development process of urban E-
commerce, and promote the gradual realization of information technology in
cities. And the government direct participation and supporting play a vital role in
infrastructure construction; the selection of this indicator reflects the government’s
attention and attention to the E-commerce industry.
(2) The Impact of Information Technology Application Level. Since 1960s, the
application of information technology has attracted the general attention and
attention of the society. The level of its application directly affects the normal
operation of E-commerce. Specifically, it can be evaluated from four aspects:
informationization foundation, informationization management, and informa-
tionization environment and informationization effect, as shown in the figure.
Considering the limitation of index data sources, this paper selects the total
number of broadband service users as the representative of the application level of
information technology to evaluate.
(3) The Impact of Information Supporting Environment. Information supporting
environment is a powerful backing for the development of E-commerce. Chinese
scholars generally believe that only by strengthening the construction of E-
commerce environment can we better promote the development of E-commerce.
Information supporting environment is the basis and restrictive condition for
SMEs to implement E-commerce. Information supporting environment indicators
generally include the average length of education, the degree of perfection of
policies and regulations, in view of the difficulty of data collection and the
accuracy of the data itself, this paper selects the number of university students as
the evaluation criteria [9].
Big Data Information Technology 511

(4) The Impact of Logistics Services. The development of regional E-commerce is

inseparable from the vigorous support of logistics. The logistics system includes
commodity packaging, transportation, and storage and reverses logistics. In the E-
commerce system, the basic management of logistics system is the premise, the
policy and regulation are the guarantee, the informationization level is the
cornerstone, the stock of human capital is the engine, the distribution efficiency is
the key, and jointly create a virtuous cycle of logistics system. Good logistics
services can improve customer satisfaction and enhance the competitiveness of
regional E-commerce. This article selects the total amount of local postal service
as the representative index of evaluation.
(5) The Influence of Economic Strengthen. As we all know, economic development
drives the development of industry. If an enterprise with strong economic strength
wants to develop E-commerce, it will develop smoothly than the enterprise with
weak economic foundation. An enterprise’s economic strength can be measured
and evaluated from various aspects, such as financial revenue, total profit,
employee labor remuneration and so on. Based on the future development trend of
E-commerce, this paper selects three indicators, namely, net retail sales, total
import and export and per capita GDP.
(6) The Impact of Consumption Indicators. Consumers have dual identities in the
development of E-commerce. They are not only users of the whole network
trading system, but also traders. Their perception of goods directly affects the
online sales of goods [10]. The selection of consumption indicators can well
reflect the actual consumption of bedizens in the region. There are many factors
that determine consumers purchasing behavior. This paper selects two indicators,
consumer price index and online shopping consumption, as representatives.
(7) The Impact of Search Index. On the basis of a large number of previous studies,
this paper selects some of the traditional hard indicators as the evaluation criteria
of regional E-commerce development level. In addition, with the development of
large data and other information technology, it is possible to obtain a large amount
of data from the network and to mine and analyze them to obtain useful infor-
mation. In order to reflect the development level of regional E-commerce more
comprehensively, it is necessary to select the elastic index as the evaluation
criterion. In this paper, the proportion of population in search index is first
selected as an evaluation criterion. Among them, the search index is derived from
a large number of data collection and integration from Taobao index.

3.3 The Evaluation Index System of E-commerce Development Level

(1) Evaluation Index System. Through consulting a large number of literature, drawing
lessons from predecessors research results, combining with the questionnaire survey of
evaluation indicators and the current situation of E-commerce development in Zhejiang
Province, this paper discusses the information infrastructure, application level of
information technology, information supporting environment, logistics services,
enterprise development potential and consumption index. Classification and search
512 Y. Hu and H. Ma

index were selected from seven angles of 10. Four representative indicators are used to
construct the evaluation index system of regional E-commerce development level, as
shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The evaluation index system of regional E-commerce development

Aim Layer A Layer B Layer C
An evaluation index system for A1: Government B1: Infrastructure C1: Mobile phone
the development level of evaluation index indicators (0.2079) number (0.2079)
regional E-commerce (0.2727) B2: Technology C2: Broadband
application level business unit
index (0.2724) (0.2724)
B3: Supporting C3: Number of
environmental colleges and
indicators (0.5197) Universities
A2: Enterprise B4: Logistics C4: Total postal
evaluation index service index service volume
(0.3636) (0.40000) (0.40000)
C5: Total imports
and exports
B5: Development C6: Retail sales
potential index volume (0.4167)
(0.60000) C7: Per capita GDP
A3: Consumer B6: Search index C8: Population
evaluation index (0.2857) occupation ratio
(0.3636) (0.2857)
B7: Consumption C9: Consumer price
index (0.7143) index (0.3750)
C1: Online

4 Evaluation Index Results Analysis

The data of Lanzhou and Xi’an rigid evaluation indicators were selected in 2004-2013
years. For the elastic index of retail sales, which is set up from the perspective of
enterprises, the exact data values of Lanzhou and Xi’an from 2013 to 2015 are col-
lected from the network [11]. The standardized data are processed by the method of
range standardization, and then the average value is used as the calculation data, and
the corresponding weight is calculated. The final score of online retail sales in Lanzhou
is calculated again, as shown in Table 2.
Big Data Information Technology 513

Table 2. The data processing and final score of Internet retail sales

Standardized data
Year 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 score
raw data
96.1 187.6 390.5 0 0.314 1 0.457 0.182
104.5 219.5 688.4 0 0.342 1 0.423 0.185

On the basis of the unified evaluation index data, the evaluation model is set up as

a¼ wi ai

Among them, wi is the weight of each index, ai is the score of each index, Z is the
final score of the evaluation index. According to the calculation formula of the eval-
uation model and the standardized data processed by the index, the final score of the
evaluation system of E-commerce development level in Lanzhou and Xi’an is obtained
as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. The final score of E-commerce development evaluation system

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Xi’an 0.203 0.2543 0.3251 0.3951 0.5032 0.5214 0.5214 0.663 0.8147 0.932
Lanzhou 0.2415 0.2365 0.2641 0.3821 0.4768 0.4257 0.5741 0.7012 0.7566 0.971

5 Conclusions and Policy Suggestions

Analyzing the evaluation results of E-commerce development level in Lanzhou and

Xi’an, we can see that the structure of E-commerce platform innovation mode is very
important. The rise of E-commerce has optimized the business environment of network
transactions and improved the efficiency of transactions. Through the study of this
paper, we draw the following conclusions: (1) with the development of information
technology such as the Internet, large data has become the data capital for the devel-
opment of enterprises and regions. Using big data information technology to analyze
the development of industry, and put forward reasonable optimization strategy will
become one of the major innovative measures of regional development in the future.
(2) Setting up elasticity evaluation index and collecting index data regularly by network
can better and more reasonably reflect the development status of E-commerce, and
514 Y. Hu and H. Ma

make more detailed and scientific evaluation of regional development. (3) Establishing
the evaluation index system of regional E-commerce development research, intro-
ducing the analytic hierarchy process to determine the weight of each index in the
evaluation process, and establishing the evaluation model through weighted summa-
tion, which provides ideas for the evaluation of the actual development of E-commerce
in each urban area.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by Laboratory Opening Project 2018, the
Provincial Key Laboratory of E-commerce of Ethnic Information of Northwest Minzu University
(Grant No: 2018-4).

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9. Chen J, Yu Z (2005) Short-term forecast of China’s consumer price index. Stat Decis-
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Problems and Countermeasures of Digital
Management of University Archives

Sha Li(&)

Headmaster’s Office, Shandong University of Arts, Jinan, China


Abstract. With the rapid advancement of the informatization construction

process of colleges and universities, the digital management of college archives
is an important part of the digital campus construction of colleges and univer-
sities. It is not only an inevitable outcome of digital campus construction, but
also an important measure for digital campus construction. Modern information
technology has caused profound changes in the field of archives. The digital
management of archives has improved the labor efficiency of archives work
through the automation of archives management; it has broadened the radiation
surface of archives utilization through network, and improved the social uti-
lization rate of archives; The storage space reduces the storage costs and
improves the economic benefits of archival work. However, there are still many
problems in the digitization of pre-college archives, such as low digitization,
lack of uniform standards in office automation systems and file management
systems, difficulties in docking, lack of digital talents in archives, and lack of
funds and equipment. In response to these problems, this paper proposes cor-
responding countermeasures to propose the digital construction of college
archives as a new field of witchcraft needs further exploration.

Keywords: University  File digitization

1 Introduction

With the continuous development of China’s social economy, human beings have
entered the information age, and the university file management model has also shown
a digital development form, which is an inevitable requirement of the development of
the times [1, 2]. The arrival of the information age not only provides a modern tech-
nical means for the construction of college archives, but also brings a new file man-
agement system and management model for colleges and universities. However, in
recent years, although the digital construction of colleges and universities in China has
made certain progress, it is accompanied by many problems. The digitization of
archives is a product of the development of information technology such as computer
network technology and multimedia technology. It is a new form of archive infor-
mation and is the basis and premise for realizing the sharing of archive information
resources [3–10]. The digitization of archives essentially refers to the conversion of
materialized archives into a digitized form that can be recognized by computers
through a certain carrier, thereby realizing automatic retrieval and effectively improving

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 515–521, 2019.
516 S. Li

the utilization of archive information [1, 7, 11–13]. The arrival of the information age
not only provides modern technical means for the construction of college archives, but
also brings a new file management system and management model for colleges and
universities [14]. Throughout the current situation of the digital construction of colleges
and universities in China, although some progress has been made, it is accompanied by
many problems. This paper intends to make a preliminary discussion on the problems
existing in the digital construction of college archives and the improvement counter-
measures [15–18].

2 Meaning Digital College Archives

University archives are historical records of various forms, such as texts, charts, and
sound images, which are directly formed by teachers, students, schools, and society in
the fields of personnel training, scientific research, social services, and cultural heritage
innovation. The archives of colleges and universities is the historical record of the
development of higher education. It carries various scientific and cultural achieve-
ments, embodies the spiritual beliefs of teachers and students of all ages, and has
important administrative reference functions, vouchers, scientific research functions
and educational functions. Faced with the rapid development of network information
technology in the whole society, people’s information needs are rising rapidly.
University archives workers must fully realize the urgency of the digital construction of
archives, and recognize that the digital construction of archives work is in line with the
trend and adapt to the new requirements of the times. It is also one of the important
measures to promote the further development of the archives.

2.1 University File Digitization Can Be Easily Retrieved and Utilized

With the expansion of colleges and universities and the continuous development of
disciplines, the number of college archives is showing an exponential growth trend,
which brings great pressure and difficulty to the archives management of colleges and
universities. In order to quickly get the required information in many directories, the
use of computer information technology to input keyword search has become a
common method, and the traditional manual directory retrieval method has been lag-
ging behind. By digitizing the traditional carrier files and corresponding file directory
information, storing them in digital form, the networked forms are connected to each
other, and the computer system is used for management to form an archived infor-
mation database with an orderly structure, which can improve the retrieval speed and
accuracy of the file information. Sexuality, improve the quality and level of service of
college archives information. Digital files can not only be easily searched, but also
provide the use of electronic version of file content, expand the scope of file distri-
bution, and improve the use of files.
Problems and Countermeasures of Digital Management of University Archives 517

2.2 University File Digitization Can Achieve Resource Sharing

Converting traditional paper-based archives into digital format archives based on
optical discs, disks, hard disks and cyberspace, making the archives of colleges and
universities diversified in form and maximizing the satisfaction of archivers, especially
younger readers. Checking habits and access requirements. A digitally processed
“orphan” file can be queried through the computer network and provided to all those
who need it. The “orphan” is no longer a limitation; the digitized archive information
resources are gradually identified, classified, and staged. Publicly enriched to the
archives website, so that all users can use the archive information resources online at
any time, which can break through the limitations of time and space, and can not find
useful information resources in the archives within the specified time, thus providing
the sharing rate of archive information resources. It is possible to use and read in
different places, expand the use space of archives, and let more people understand the
files and use the files, thus eliminating the pain of the users in the past.

2.3 University File Digitization Can Optimize File Management

The digital archive information resources are managed by special management soft-
ware, which can improve the search rate and precision of archive information
resources, and improve the management efficiency and modernization level of archives.
Saving the original file with uniqueness and irreplaceability in a digital format can
reduce the damage or loss of the original file and ensure the security of the file. At the
same time, the database of archive information resources can be used repeatedly, and it
is very convenient and quick to check, thus avoiding paper and personnel waste caused
by anti-copy data.

3 Construction of Digital Archives Problems Faced

3.1 Archive Management Facilities and Technical Service Level Lag

Colleges and universities generally attach great importance to scientific research and
teaching work, but do not pay enough attention to file management work, and faculty
and staff also lack archives awareness, so the funds are put into the school research and
teaching, and the investment in file management is dwarfed. Lack of funds makes it
difficult to ensure the improvement of software and hardware facilities for the digital
construction of archives, resulting in the aging of archives facilities, which will
inevitably affect the progress of digitalization of college archives.

3.2 The Utilization Rate of Digital Files Is Not High

Although the digital management of archives has been promoted in colleges and
universities, many colleges and universities have not fully played their due role in
practice, but still use the traditional management model. The traditional file manage-
ment is a work mode based on manual operation. It is necessary for a special staff to
organize and catalog files, and the borrowing and retrieval of documents is done
518 S. Li

manually. When looking for information, it is time consuming and laborious to

manually search through the search directory. The high-volume, easy-to-access digital
archives have not been used for a long time. The use of computer networks in the
management of college archives is limited to the input, editing and printing of text
information. This not only consumes a lot of energy, but also digitizes the current
possession. The file cannot be reasonably developed and effectively utilized, resulting
in double waste of resources.

3.3 The Technical Level of College Archives Staff Is Not High

In the process of digital construction of college archives, the most important require-
ment is talents who must have a certain knowledge of archival business and be skilled
in computer network technology. However, at present, most colleges and universities
do not have clear requirements and standards in the staffing of file management per-
sonnel. Most of the personnel engaged in archival work are deployed from other
positions. Even if they are familiar with the relevant file business knowledge, they
appear in the face of the updated computer network system. The power is not enough,
and many people are very unfamiliar with the use of computers and databases, and
can’t adapt to the current development of network digitization. Therefore, the lack of
training and introduction of relevant knowledge structure talents restricts the devel-
opment of digitalization of college archives.

4 Coping Strategies for the Digitalization of College Archives

4.1 Improve the Emphasis on the Digitalization of College Archives

The degree of development of the digitalization of archives information resources in
colleges and universities stems from the depth of understanding of digital construction
work by university leaders and archivists. On the one hand, only when university
leaders fully realize the necessity of digitizing archive information resources, and
realize that the digitization of archives can be easily retrieved and utilized, it is possible
to better integrate resources and improve the level of archive management, so as to give
strong support in terms of human resources, material resources and financial resources.
On the other hand, in the huge systematic project of the digitalization of archival
information resources, practitioners who practice the frontline of college archives work
can only face the difficulties in the digital process by only sincerely recognizing the
digitization and understanding the positive meaning of digitization. And challenges,
actively analyze the new situation, solve new problems, and promote the rapid
development of the digitalization of archives information resources in colleges and

4.2 Increase Investment and Provide Technical Support

In order to realize the digitization of college archives and ensure the effective use of
digital archives, on the one hand, computer technology should be used as a guarantee,
Problems and Countermeasures of Digital Management of University Archives 519

and the application of computer technology can be carried out at the expense of high
investment, which requires universities to increase the archives. On the other hand, the
college archives department needs the relevant technical guarantees for the digitization
of archives. The following measures can be taken. The college archives department
should follow the technical standards and norms formulated by the state and formulate
the digital technical standards of its own archives and regulate the archives department
of the university. It should be equipped with the necessary hardware facilities, and
should be regularly upgraded and improved. The organization should develop or
purchase advanced digital file management system to select digital archive storage
media and related equipment. Try to choose mainstream and mature technology. The
storage device should also update and detect the storage device. When the technology
is upgraded and the carrier is too aging, the data should be migrated to the new carrier
in time.

4.3 Strengthening Information Technology Training for File

Management Personnel
The process of promoting the digitization of archives information resources in colleges
and universities must not only solve the problems of related equipment, but also
consider the issue of staffing. No matter how advanced the equipment and management
model, those who leave high-quality practitioners will lose value. The digital con-
struction of archives information resources in colleges and universities requires a large
number of complex professionals with rich experience in file management and modern
information technology represented by computer network multimedia. This requires the
existing archives workers in colleges and universities to keep pace with the times, keep
up with the trend of the times, and voluntarily learn to master more knowledge of
computers, databases and network information resources management, and promote
their own file management concepts, knowledge and skills. Update. Only in this way
can we better participate in the construction of digital archiving and make suggestions
for the digital construction of archives. In addition to the self-study of archivists, the
unit should also provide opportunities for professional and part-time archival staff to
provide business training and study and exchange.

4.4 Build an Efficient and Feasible File Information Sharing Platform

to Achieve Unified Management of Files and Resource Sharing
On the basis of realizing the full-text search of electronic documents and the digiti-
zation of archives in the library, an online information resource sharing platform was
established. Connect the school’s file system, office automation system, scientific
research system, teaching system, etc. to build a complete information system. All
departments of the school can share mutual resources, so as to obtain more and wider
knowledge, information and results, making information utilization convenient and
fast, thereby improving the efficiency of the whole school, achieving complementary
resources and improving the utilization of collection resources. To realize the
automation of the network and archive management of the use of archive information
services, we can provide users with round-the-clock services. In addition, the archives
520 S. Li

department can also organize and compile the archives by setting up various themes,
such as compiling the school memorabilia, the yearbook, the photo of the graduates
over the years, the campus appearance, the school history materials, the famous alumni
and other special materials, and then upload them to the network. Sharing information

5 Conclusion

The digital construction of college archives is an important part of college archives

work, and also an inevitable requirement for the development of school information-
ization. It is of great significance to improve work efficiency, save management costs,
and ensure complete and complete archives. In addition to increasing the investment in
infrastructure and implementing it step by step, we should also pay attention to the
cultivation of digital talents in archives, attach importance to the work of archives
security, and gradually realize the transformation of college archives from manual
management to digital management, so as to continuously improve the management of
college archives. Level.

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Analysis of Current Situation and Influencing
Factors of Teaching Informationization
in Colleges and Universities—Taking
a University in Yunnan Province
as an Example

Wenyuan Liao1 and Jingli Duan2(&)

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Southwest Forestry University,
Kunming 650224, China
Faculty of Foreign Language, Southwest Forestry University,
Kunming 650224, China

Abstract. This paper first expounds the meaning of teaching informationiza-

tion in colleges and universities. On this basis, it analyzes the influencing factors
of information-based teaching in colleges and universities, focusing on dis-
cussing issues existing in the process of teacher informationization and student
informationization and their causes, and put forward some opinions and sug-
gestions on how to improve the level of information-based teaching in colleges
and universities.

Keywords: Teaching informationization  Colleges and universities 

Quality of teacher training

1 Introduction

Promoting education informatization is not only an inevitable choice for China’s

education reform and development, but also an important means and channel to achieve
the leapfrog development of education. In recent years, distance education, digital
library, teaching and educational management, and teaching resource development and
other application programs conducted by colleges and universities have greatly facil-
itated the reform and development of higher education, and promoted the innovation of
educational thought, education system, teaching content and teaching methods, and
changes in the talent training mode. However, compared with developed countries, the
construction of information technology in China’s colleges and universities still remain
on the technical level in the initial stage. The construction of campus information-
ization should be carried out from the organizational and managerial levels. However,
there is still a big gap for informationization in colleges and universities in terms of
management, teaching, scientific research and other aspects [1, 2]. Therefore, for a
period of time to come, teaching, as one of the central tasks of colleges and universities
will become a hot spot and focus of informationization.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 522–528, 2019.
Analysis of Current Situation and Influencing Factors 523

The teaching process is a systematic process organized around the teaching medium
based on information exchange between the teacher and students. In this system,
change in any component will affect and lead to corresponding changes in other
components, which ultimately alter the output of the entire teaching system, namely,
the teaching effect. Therefore, “teaching informationization” mainly refers to teachers
and students can establish the concept of information-based teaching in the teaching
process, take advantage of modern information communication technology purpose-
fully and hierarchically to realize the organic combination of traditional teaching
organizational mode and modern teaching mode under the guidance of the modern
teaching system design theory, and consequently improve the efficiency of teaching
information transmission and feedback, and ultimately promote the coordinated
development of various aspects of students’ mind and body [3–5]. The teaching
information composition and influencing factors are shown in Fig. 1. In other words,
the main influencing factors of “teaching informationization” mainly include teacher
informationization, student’s informationization and teaching media informationization
[6–8]. At the same time, there should corresponding policy and environmental support
for the implementation of teaching informatization. This study will analyze the current
situation of teaching informatization in colleges and universities combined with the
actual situation in a university in Yunnan Province, and mainly explore the influencing
factors and development strategies for informatization of teaching staff.

2 Teacher Informationization in College and University

Status quo of teacher informationization in colleges and universities: lack of knowledge

about educational technology theory; shallow understanding of information-based
teaching; acceptable yet uneven overall level of information skills. On the surface, what
is brought about by teaching informatization first is the modernization and multimedia
of teaching methods. In fact, the underlying changes are the transformation of edu-
cational and teaching concepts and the reform of the traditional teaching mode.
However, the current situation is that college and university teachers’ understanding of
teaching informatization still stays on the superficial level of “putting blackboard
writing on the screen” and “translating lecture notes into electronic document”. The
concept of education and teaching has not yet undergone profound changes: teachers
show different levels of mastery of information technology knowledge and application
in that there is a certain discrepancy in ability between teachers of different disciplines
and ages.
Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5 are statistical distribution of the nearly 100 teachers’ results of
the examination conducted after a training on modern educational technology training
by a university in Yunnan in June 2017. The training and examination contents include
educational technology theory, information technology knowledge, practical operation
of multimedia classrooms, and application of software such as word and Powerpoint.
From the investigation, the author found that:
1. Over 85% of the university’s teachers have an awareness of applying multimedia to
their teaching, and a majority of teachers are eager to participate in information
524 W. Liao and J. Duan

technology training. Since 2003, the university has conducted a number of teacher
information technology training sessions, which were conducted on weekends, and
the attendance rate of teachers who signed up for training reached up to 90%,
indicating an intense desire of teachers to master modern educational technology.

120 120

100 100

80 80

60 60
practical operation ability practical operation ability
40 educational theory knowledge 40 educational theory knowledge
information technology knowledge information technology knowledge

20 20

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Fig. 1. Educational information technology Fig. 2. Educational information technology

examination results of teachers of information examination results of teachers of civil engi-
technology neering specialty

120 120

100 100

80 80

60 60
practical operation ability practical operation ability
educational theory knowledge educational theory knowledge
40 40 information technology knowledge
information technology knowledge

20 20

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Fig. 3. Educational information technology Fig. 4. Educational information technology

examination results of teachers of humanity examination results of management personnel
and art

2. The teaching theories and learning theories mastered by teachers are the weakest.
The average score of the educational theory part of the examination is only 65.9, far
lower than the scores of information technology knowledge, practical operation and
the total score. The content of educational theory training is the theoretical and
practical knowledge that the college teachers should understand about the design,
development, utilization and management of the teaching process and teaching
resources in the context of educational informatization, including introduction to
Analysis of Current Situation and Influencing Factors 525

educational technology, learning theory, basic principles of teaching, and design

theories for the teaching system, and so on. Many teachers of the universities know
very little about educational ideas and theories as they didn’t graduated from normal
universities. It is understood that teachers seldom take the initiative to think about
educational thoughts and apply them to teaching reform. More than 80% of teachers
still think that teaching informatization simply means using multimedia in teaching,
making PPT courseware, using pictures and audio-visual materials, etc.
3. Teachers’ mastery of information technology knowledge and practical operation
skills is uneven, and it is related to their discipline and age to a certain degree. Since
teachers of different disciplinary backgrounds differ in their mastery of the infor-
mation technology knowledge to a certain extent, this paper selects the distribution
of test scores of information, civil engineering, humanities and arts teachers and
managers who can represent most teachers in the university. From Fig. 2, it can be
seen that information and mechanical teachers are the strongest in terms of infor-
mation skills and there are small differences between individuals. Humanities and
arts teachers and management personnel are the weakest in terms of information
skills, and there are big gaps between individuals. In addition, in the daily teaching
work, old teachers and young teachers differ quite a lot in their mastery of infor-
mation skills. Some old teachers do not know much about the basic multimedia
equipment such as projectors, computers, and sound amplification devices, and are
not skilled in operating them.
The test results of teachers of different disciplinary backgrounds in this university
are significant in representing other similar schools. On the whole, for teachers of
science and engineering backgrounds, information skills are not the main barrier to
teaching informationization. However, due to the characteristics of their knowledge
structure of humanities and social science teachers, information skills mastered by them
are not those that are needed urgently for the teaching task. Similarly, information skills
of management personnel need to be strengthened since they have been divorced from
concrete teaching work for a long time.

3 Students Informationization in College and University

Status quo of informationization for college students: Student informationization cor-

responds to “teacher informationization. As college students are accustomed to the
traditional teaching methods, and lack in the initiative in learning, they fail to adapt to
the “student-oriented” teaching mode advocated by information-based teaching.
However, college students usually can basically meet the basic requirements of
information skills through attending “Information Technology Course”, and their skill
level is higher than the overall level of teachers as a whole. Yet, in terms of infor-
mationization ideas, serious problems also exist for college students, which are mainly
shown in the following aspects:
1. Most of the students are still accustomed to the traditional teaching mode in which
teachers lecture while students listen passively. Although in the teaching quality
surveys over the years, most students complain about the cramming method of
526 W. Liao and J. Duan

teaching and monotonous teaching approaches, yet when the teachers carry out the
reform to adopt interactive and heuristic teaching, very few students participate and
the teaching suffers. College students’ learning belief in the “teacher-centered”
teaching model obviously run counter to the “student-oriented” personalized
teaching model advocated by the educational informatization philosophy.
2. Although the information skill level of college students is very high, most of them
generally lack the initiative to actively use information technology for course
learning. There are several causes for this phenomenon. First, they have a heavy
course load, and do not have enough energy to use their information skills for active
learning. Second, they have little access to computers; third, they lack self-
consciousness for learning.

4 Teaching Media Informationization in College

and University

Status quo of teaching media informationization: A variety of electronic devices and

resources for the purpose of teaching basically meet the current needs. However, there
is still a long way to go in providing high quality and diversified services. It is quite
difficult to upkeep and update the equipment. In fact, after more than ten years of
construction and development, information construction in China’s colleges and uni-
versities has achieved tremendous progress, especially in terms of the hardware con-
struction. Most colleges and universities across the country have built a campus LAN
with rather advanced performance and complete functions. The campus networks have
been connected to the office building, teaching building, laboratory building, library,
and some are even connected to the teacher’s residence and student dormitory. Mul-
timedia classrooms have been constructed and information centers or network centers
have been established. Take the above-mentioned university in Yunnan as an example.
To meet the needs of the development of teaching informationization, in January 2008,
the modern educational technology and network information center was established by
merging the original electronic teaching center and the network information center, to
be responsible for the modern educational technology and network information work of
the school, including studying and promoting network information technology and
modern education technology, and undertaking the development of multimedia
courseware of the school.
Due to various reasons, there is still a big gap in terms of the content and quality of
the services provided by the campus network. For example, the said university still lags
behind in terms of online courses provided, the networking proportion of teachers’
residence and students’ dormitories, the speed and quality of network transmission.
Besides, it is an onerous task to maintain the information classrooms and equipment.
Analysis of Current Situation and Influencing Factors 527

5 Urgent Task of Teaching Informationization in College

and University

It is necessary to beef up the teachers’ training of modern education technology, change

the teachers’ teaching ideas, students’ learning concepts and their respective roles, and
at the same time there should be in place corresponding teaching information policies
and environmental support.
First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the teachers’ training in the modern edu-
cation technology, making them not only master the relevant skills of modern edu-
cation technology. More importantly, it should change their educational thoughts and
ideas so that they can master the corresponding educational and teaching theories in the
context of information-based education. At Present. Many colleges and universities
have recognized the importance of teacher training. For example, in February 2004, the
said university in Yunnan formulated “Opinions on Implementing Education Tech-
nology Level Training” and set about implementing it. It is stipulates in “Opinions on
Implementing Education Technology Level Training”: “In-service teachers, teaching
auxiliary staff, engineering and technical personnel, and management personnel born
after January 1, 1960 must participate in training and evaluation”. As the information
skill level of teachers is uneven, it is difficult to improve the level of those with poor
skills by means of training in big classes. After the training, they information skills are
not improved at all. Therefore, combined with the characteristics of each school, the
information skills training for teachers can be carried out on different levels, so that
each teacher can genuinely master certain skills.
Second, in the information-based teaching context, teachers and students should
reposition their roles and adapt to the information-based teaching and learning meth-
ods. Some scholars have pointed out that higher education in the information age is an
open education featuring multimedia textbook, globalized information resources, vir-
tual education, learning autonomy, and individualized teaching. In the process of
teaching. Both teachers and students must reposition their roles and rethink what to
teach and how to teach, what to learn and how to learn. For example, the information-
based teaching mode shifts from the traditional teacher-centered to the student-
centered. The role of teachers has shifted from imparting knowledge to guiding stu-
dents to learn. The objective of teaching has changed from focusing on knowledge
dissemination to ability training; it is of crucial importance to cultivate their innovative
ability for college students [9].
Furthermore, schools can provide support for information-based teaching activities
in terms of hardware equipment conditions, management policies and systems, which is
indeed conducive to realize the informationization of the teaching process [10].
Although college teachers are highly motivated when it comes to mastering informa-
tion skills, and also have the awareness of applying multimedia to their teaching, there
are very few teachers who actually carry out information-based teaching on the design
level of teaching mode, or take the initiative to make high-level electronic courseware.
The main reason can be attributed to lack of policy guidance and environmental
support. Take one university in Beijing as an example. There is only one document
about encouraging teachers to carry out information-based teaching, namely, only
528 W. Liao and J. Duan

“Opinions on Implementing Education Technology Level Training” mentioned above.

The teaching management department only advocates information-based teaching
orally for teachers. There are no hard requirements: There is no corresponding support
to cover the expenses for purchasing the audio-visual materials and making the
courseware when teachers design their teaching. Consequently, teachers’ efforts and
energy are not recognized and rewarded at all. Therefore, information-based teaching in
colleges and universities is a systematic project. In addition to the informationization of
teachers and students, policy and environmental support are also indispensable.
Finally, it is noted that while promoting information-based teaching, we must guard
against going the other extreme. That is, infinitely exaggerating the role of information
technology, which means, regarding it as a cure-all for all existing issues. The author
thinks that it is crucial to understand to the true meaning of information-based teaching
to enable teachers and students to have belief in information-based teaching.

1. Xion C (2002) A summary of hot topics in theoretical research of higher education
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informationization in higher education institutions. Inf Sci (24):1321–1326 (in Chinese)
6. Ning H (2007) Educational informatization and deepening teaching reform in colleges and
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7. Wang Y (2007) Research on the development strategy of ICT resources for education. New
Curric Res (3):95–97 (2014) J Distance Educ (6):3–12 (in Chinese)
8. Wen J (2012) Reconsideration on problems in Chinese higher education under the
background of informationzation. Educ Res (3):47–52 (in Chinese)
9. Jiao J (2007) Research on macro policies and strategies of educational informatization. New
Curric Res (3):95–97 (2014) J Distance Educ (1):25–32 (in Chinese)
10. Zhang J (2014) Research on international ICTs in education development: content and
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The Operation Mechanism of the Construction
of Teachers’ Team of Innovation
and Entrepreneurship Education in Applied
Undergraduate Colleges

Nuan Sun(&) and Yaofu Zhang

Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun, China


Abstract. The “double innovation” activities of mass entrepreneurship and

innovation have been vigorously promoted under the great promotion of the
country. More and more people are aware of the role of “double innovation” and
actively participate in the “double innovation” education. The construction of an
innovative country puts forward an urgent requirement for the reform of higher
education teaching, that is, innovation and entrepreneurship education must go
through the process of talent cultivation. The cultivation of innovative and
entrepreneurial talents is the historical mission of talent cultivation in applied
undergraduate colleges in the new era. As an important position in innovation
and entrepreneurship education, the innovation and entrepreneurship education
of applied undergraduate colleges has received unprecedented attention in recent
years. Although innovation and entrepreneurship education has achieved certain
results, there are still many problems. Among them, the construction of the team
of innovative entrepreneurship education is one of the important issues. The
development of the times requires innovative and entrepreneurial talents, and the
cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents requires high-quality
teachers. Therefore, the focus of the application-oriented undergraduate col-
leges at this stage is how to strengthen the construction of the “double-creative”
mentor team, and strive to improve the entrepreneurial service level of the
“double-creative” mentor.

Keywords: Applied undergraduate colleges 

Innovation and entrepreneurship education  Teacher construction

1 Introduction

In the context of the new economic normal, influenced by economic growth adjustment
and improvement of people’s livelihood, China has proposed to promote supply-side
reform, and the main task of supply-side reform is to transfer surplus labor and ease the
contradiction of employment structure [1, 2]. Applied undergraduate colleges should
adhere to the key direction of “public entrepreneurship, innovation” education reform,
start from the supply-side structural reform, explore the cultivation of innovative tal-
ents, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 529–535, 2019.
530 N. Sun and Y. Zhang

[3–5]. For application-oriented undergraduate colleges to reform and innovate in

innovation and entrepreneurship education, it is necessary to cultivate students’ inno-
vative thinking from the perspective of methodology and explore the construction of
innovative entrepreneurship education curriculum [6–12]. At present, the entrepre-
neurial spirit and entrepreneurial projects of college students in applied undergraduate
colleges have increased significantly [13]. However, from the perspective of the con-
struction of teachers in applied undergraduate colleges, teaching resources can not meet
the cravings of contemporary college students for entrepreneurship education [14–17].
Among the problems in the entrepreneurship education of applied undergraduate col-
leges, the most important thing is the construction of professional faculty. This paper
proposes corresponding solutions to the difficulties encountered by applied under-
graduate colleges in the process of building entrepreneurial teachers, and provides
reference suggestions for the establishment of an excellent entrepreneurial team in the
application-oriented undergraduate colleges and the cultivation of outstanding entre-
preneurial talents [18–20].

2 The Development Stage of Innovation

and Entrepreneurship Education in Applied
Undergraduate Colleges in China

In general, the innovation and entrepreneurship education of applied undergraduate

colleges in China has experienced three stages: learning and piloting, comprehensive
promotion and diversified expansion, and focusing on improving the quality of inno-
vation and entrepreneurship education. Learning and pilot phase. At the beginning of
the 21st century, a few high-level universities in China, such as Tsinghua University
and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, began to learn the entrepre-
neurial education experience of European and American applied undergraduate col-
leges. On the basis of the “Challenge Cup” science and technology competition for
college students, they took the lead in launching innovative and entrepreneurial edu-
cation. The student work departments and school league committees of each school
take the lead in organizing the entrepreneurship plan competition, and carry out the
concept education and simulation training for independent innovation and
entrepreneurship of college students. This attempt has been supported and promoted by
the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and has received the attention
and support of the venture capital industry and experts and scholars. It has gradually
expanded to more applied undergraduate colleges, which has attracted the attention of
education authorities and school leaders at all levels. The scale of entrepreneurship
education practice has begun in the nationwide applied undergraduate colleges.
Comprehensive advancement and multi-level expansion. In response to the finan-
cial crisis that swept the world at the beginning of the 21st century, as well as the
domestic demand for accelerating structural adjustment of the economy and main-
taining social stability and stability, the party and the government mobilized the entire
social force to enhance the strategic height of supporting college students’ innovation
and entrepreneurship to improve people’s livelihood. The outline of the action plan for
The Operation Mechanism of the Construction of Teachers’ Team 531

reform and development. Applied undergraduate colleges, enterprises and various

industry associations actively participate and cooperate with each other to build a
diverse and exciting support platform for college students’ innovation and
entrepreneurship education, and have made significant contributions to improving the
employment rate of college graduates. Innovate and entrepreneurial talents with
innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity that are urgently needed by the country.
Focus on improving the quality stage of innovation and entrepreneurship education.
At present, all applied undergraduate colleges in China actively take the initiative to
actively explore and gradually form an innovative and entrepreneurial education model
with regional and applied undergraduate colleges, which are mainly reflected in three
aspects: First, under the guidance of the state, support The supporting policies for
college students’ independent innovation and entrepreneurship have been continuously
improved; in innovative cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, various venture capital
funds have injected great vitality into the innovation and entrepreneurship of college
students and graduate students. Secondly, the innovation and entrepreneurship edu-
cation of college students has become an important part of the reform of undergraduate
talents in applied undergraduate colleges, and it is closely integrated with the profes-
sional degree education of graduate students. Thirdly, the faculty engaged in the
innovation and entrepreneurship education of college students is becoming more
professional, psychological counseling, project management, career planning and other
links are more standardized and systematic, and accelerate the promotion of innovation
and entrepreneurship education in applied-oriented undergraduate colleges in China
towards perfection, openness and synergy. Direction development.

3 The Status Quo and Problems of the Construction

of Double-Education Education Teachers in Applied
Undergraduate Colleges
(1) Lack of teachers
The biggest feature of entrepreneurship education is that it is not professional, and it is
aimed at the whole school. The large scale and the large number of students add to the
difficulty of education. The biggest problem of teachers lacking is that it is only suitable
for applying high-quality teachers to a small number of highly qualified students. This
form of education is more inclined to elite teaching, which is inconsistent with the
popularization policy of higher education in China at present, and its coverage is
narrow. It will arouse the students’ resentment, which is undoubtedly a blow and
pressure for most students with entrepreneurial intentions. They have no way to accept
the inculcation and training of entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial abilities,
not to mention the guidelines for entrepreneurial practice. This kind of negative action
on paper is not conducive to the development of entrepreneurship education in applied
undergraduate colleges.
532 N. Sun and Y. Zhang

(2) The lack of high-quality teachers is generally low in the quality of innovative and
entrepreneurial education teachers
The high-quality entrepreneurship education faculty can help students to have strong
hands-on practical ability and corresponding courage and courage through words and
deeds. However, the application-oriented undergraduate education model in China is
biased towards theory, and some are even completely out of touch with practice. Even
if some applied undergraduate colleges launch corresponding policies to solve this
problem, such as encouraging some teachers in the school to go to relevant companies
to join the job, or directly encourage teachers to start a business, but such a policy
makes teachers fall into a contradiction zone, that is, if they are committed to starting a
business, It is difficult to fully engage in teaching. If the focus is on education, it is
difficult to achieve the original intention of exploring the essence of entrepreneurship
education. Even if some applied undergraduate colleges choose to hire outstanding
entrepreneurs, the number of these entrepreneurs is limited, and the full-time is not the
education industry. Although it can give students more guidance in practical experi-
ence, the lack of teaching experience cannot be ignored. a fact.
(3) The teaching ability of the dual-education education teachers is not strong
The main goal of Shuangchuang Education is to cultivate students’ innovative thinking
and entrepreneurial practice ability, so the requirements for teachers’ practical teaching
ability are higher. However, the reality is that teachers who are engaged in dual-
creation teaching, many just graduated from applied undergraduate colleges, and
immediately started innovation and entrepreneurship education in schools. They lack
the experience and experience of first-line learning, and they have no entrepreneur-
ship. Experience. At present, there are not many application-oriented undergraduate
colleges that can hire business people with work experience and practical ability to
become part-time teachers. For teachers engaged in innovation and entrepreneurship, if
there is no solid comprehensive theoretical knowledge, no practical experience, failure
to achieve theoretical and practical, integration of relevant resources, and cultivation of
students’ practical ability, it will be difficult to achieve better teaching results.

4 Innovative Strategy for the Construction of Application -

Oriented Institutions Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Education Teachers
(1) Improve the teaching system of entrepreneurship education and establish an
innovative classroom
The establishment of innovative classrooms is conducive to stimulating entrepreneurial
inspiration and entrepreneurial thinking of applied undergraduate college students. It is
an important guarantee for the establishment of entrepreneurial classrooms in applied
undergraduate colleges. The improvement of the education and teaching system is the
precondition for the teacher to teach. Learning from the successful cases of setting up
entrepreneurial classes abroad, the teaching staff develops a teaching framework and
The Operation Mechanism of the Construction of Teachers’ Team 533

teaching content suitable for China’s national conditions, forming a complete and
reasonable teaching system. In the setting of innovative classrooms, the teachers of
applied undergraduate colleges should pay attention to the students’ autonomy, the
basic theoretical knowledge occupies half of the course, and the rest of the time is given
to the students, allowing students to participate and create innovative classrooms. In an
innovative classroom, the teacher is mainly responsible for throwing out questions,
leaving the students with the rest of the time to develop innovative entrepreneurial
thinking, using bold ideas and feasible plans to complete the teaching process of the
innovative classroom.
(2) Increase the input of professional teachers and improve the teacher training
It is very important to establish a professional teaching team in the entrepreneurial
education of applied undergraduate colleges. Professional teachers can play a leading
role in entrepreneurship education. In the selection process of entrepreneurial teachers,
we must pay attention to the introduction of foreign teachers resources, so that cor-
porate teachers can enter the campus. Teachers in applied undergraduate colleges are
generally not born in entrepreneurial teachers, and there are many shortcomings in
professional knowledge and practical experience. The advantage of enterprise teachers
lies in practical experience, which is closely related to the entrepreneurial subject, but
the entrepreneurial curriculum of corporate teachers is not theoretical. Therefore, for
the advantages and disadvantages of school teachers and enterprise teachers, the
effective combination of entrepreneurial teachers and enterprise teachers can improve
the quality of teaching and teaching effects. In the process of teacher professional
investigation, we should pay attention to cultivating and supervising the professional
level of teachers’ entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurship courses, ensuring
that students can get the essence of entrepreneurship in the teaching process, and
regularly check the professional level and teaching effect of teachers. Ensure the
professionalism of the teaching process.
(3) Focus on the experience of entrepreneurial cases and entrepreneurial practice
The theoretical part of the entrepreneurship course is equivalent to the framework of
the building, and the practice part is filled with an empty framework, making the whole
teaching process appear fresh. Many failed entrepreneurial teaching classes are not due
to the lack of rich knowledge of teachers, but the lack of practical operation of the case.
In the theoretical part of the teaching process, the case should be introduced into the
classroom. The choice of cases should be close to the group of college students. Too
much emphasis on the entrepreneurial entrepreneurship often does not allow college
students to produce pragmatic ideas. The scope of the teacher’s choice of cases can be
narrowed down to successful small cases, suitable for college students who are just
starting a business. Teachers should pay attention to the experience of entrepreneurship
practice. Entrepreneurial practice addresses the hot issues of today’s society, such as
unresolved issues in environmental protection, grasping the scarce field, and allowing
students to propose optimization solutions to these unresolved problems. The teacher
takes a case as a typical example and analyzes the operability of the program in the
case. The highlights of the program and the shortcomings of the program allow
534 N. Sun and Y. Zhang

students to understand the logical minds that entrepreneurs need and the difficulties
they may encounter at any time.
(4) Optimize the entrepreneurial teaching management system and guarantee the
entrepreneurial teaching environment
The teaching management system of applied undergraduate colleges can best represent
the importance that this school attaches to entrepreneurial teaching and teachers.
Therefore, the establishment of a practical teaching management system plays an
important role in maintaining the entrepreneurial teaching environment. The teaching
management system must be clearly rewarded and punished. Regarding the teacher
management of entrepreneurship teaching, applied undergraduate colleges should give
material and spiritual rewards to outstanding teachers with outstanding performance to
encourage teachers to continue to play their role in the field of entrepreneurship
teaching. With regard to the results of entrepreneurship teaching, applied undergraduate
colleges should encourage college students to conduct entrepreneurial learning and
entrepreneurship practices, provide material rewards and spiritual commendations, and
also use university credits as rewards to mobilize applied undergraduate college stu-
dents. Entrepreneurship. The maintenance of the entrepreneurial teaching environment
depends not only on the system of teaching management, but also on the cooperation
between teachers and students to create a good environment for entrepreneurial
teaching. In the process of entrepreneurship teaching, teachers and students learn from
each other. In addition, it is necessary to increase the introduction of foreign teachers’
resources to ensure the quality and quantity of teachers’ resources in the school.

5 Conclusion

In short, the construction of innovative and entrepreneurial education faculty is a

systematic project that requires the government, applied undergraduate colleges, and
social forces to form synergies. The government’s function is to ensure fair and
effective policies and regulations to ensure that the construction of the teaching staff
always runs along the scientific track; the main role of applied undergraduate colleges
is to assume the main responsibility and build a high-level innovation and
entrepreneurship education that meets the needs of society. The in-depth participation
of teachers, such as enterprises, social organizations, and non-profit organizations, is an
indispensable aid in the construction of the dual-education education faculty. Only the
different bodies of government, society and applied undergraduate colleges can work
together to create a high-level “double-creative” faculty and promote the development
of innovation and entrepreneurship education in applied undergraduate colleges.

Acknowledgments. Fund project: general planning subject for 2017 of education science “13th
five-year plan” of jilin province; research on the construction of education faculty for innovation
and entrepreneurship of application-oriented undergraduate universities; project number:
The Operation Mechanism of the Construction of Teachers’ Team 535

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Effectively Enhance the Learning Quality
with Dialectical E-learning in Undergraduates

Yuchun Shu1, Xiaofeng Ma1, Zhengyi Shao2,

Sailapathi Sekar Saraswathi2, and Heng Shao2(&)
Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China
Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China

Abstract. Internet has become the first choice for college students to discover
new things, grasp new trends and interact with each other. The demand for
Internet is everywhere in daily life and study. The internet is considerably a new
product and its usage and environment definitely has a double-edged sword
effect on college students. Evaluating the characteristics of E-learning resources,
this paper deeply analyses the positive and negative influences of the rapid
development of the Internet on college students’ life and study. Based on the
analysis, some suggestions and strategies are put forward ranging from the
rational utilization of Internet resources to overcoming negative effects and
improving learning efficiency.

Keywords: Undergraduate  E-learning  Autonomy  Efficiency

1 Introduction

E-learning is a fairly new method of education based on computer network technology

and it has established an important part of education in the current generation.
Undoubtedly, it is becoming a main resource for the young to attain knowledge easily
and quickly. Internet integrates characteristics of sharing, transparency, interesting and
attractive multimedia and so on, providing college students with rich resources and
unprecedented learning experience. Universities have placed and given great impor-
tance to the educational model of E-learning, setting up various teaching platforms
which are suitable for college students. However, E-learning, as previously mentioned
as a double-edged sword, has noticeable negative effects, which urgently needs to be
effectively addressed.

2 Characteristics of E-learning Resources

The characteristics of the Internet, such as sharing, transparency, volume of content,

and timeliness, can be embodied in E-learning resources. E-learning is popular with
college students because of some advantages and features that traditional ones don’t
possess, which can be seen as follows: (1) E-learning resources are abundant and
informative. Nowadays, Internet can provide any learning materials and learning

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 536–544, 2019.
Effectively Enhance the Learning Quality 537

environment according to the needs of college students. To add on, the content of E-
learning resources nearly covers all aspects of university curriculum, even more enri-
ched than traditional resources such as textbooks, graphic, literature documents and so
on. With the development of the Internet learning industry, more and more mature
Internet learning platforms are emerging. These platforms are beneficial to enrich the
ways of learning and motivate the learners’ enthusiasm. It’s also better for the culti-
vation of learners’ autonomy learning capabilities. Meanwhile these platforms also
include the discussion and communication modules that would make the learners gain
new knowledge from their discussion, and interactive learning experiences [1]. (2) E-
learning contents are vivid and interesting. E-learning resources take computer as the
carrier, combining text, pictures, audio, video and other forms of media organically,
concentrating the advantages of various forms of media, creating a vivid learning
atmosphere for college students and stimulating their interest in autonomous learning
[2]. Recently the research hotspot-virtual reality technology has also been attempted to
be applied into the e-learning field [3]. This technology will greatly reduce teaching
costs and increase security and be more conducive to the cultivation of students’
practical operation skills. (3) Search for learning resources with strong directivity.
Convenient retrieval is a prominent advantage of e-learning resources. Compared with
traditional ones, it mainly embodies in large retrieval range, high retrieval efficiency
and powerful retrieval tools. Now, most websites on the Internet provide dedicated
search functions and there are also websites providing dedicated academic search
services such as CNKI, Google Scholar, OAlib and so on. (4) The interaction in
learning process is good. There are a lot of interactive tools, such as WhatsApp,
messenger, E-mail, WeChat and so on, which provide students with a variety of ways
to communicate with each other. Teachers and students can use these communication
tools to achieve long-distance real-time communication, greatly facilitating remote
collaboration and discussion.
However, e-learning resources should not be considered perfect. Because of the
transparency of the Internet, the different level of sharing resources and the limitation of
Internet technology, there are still some shortcomings in current learning resources.
The details are as follows: (1) The volume and presentation of learning resources are
jumbled and confused. E-learning resources are displayed, presented and gathered in a
shared way. Resource providers often classify and define learning resources from their
own point of view, resulting in inconsistent standards. In addition, the teaching
resources with the same knowledge are also diverse, the level of resource producers is
uneven, resulting in the quality of e-learning resources to be different and uneven.
(2) Retrieval of information is inefficient. Although most websites can provide retrieval
services, using these search engines requires certain skills. College students often
cannot use them correctly and effectively [4], resulting in low efficiency of information
retrieval. (3) Resources are out of balance. Due to the freedom of network resource
sharing and uneven development of various resource producers, there is not a uniform
standard for production and release resources. Therefore, the quantity and quality of
network teaching resources are out of balance.
538 Y. Shu et al.

3 Positive Effects of E-learning for College Students

In the Internet era, we can make full use of online resources to carry out learning
activities and acquire the resources on demand. At the same time, the Internet provides
a platform for teachers and students to communicate with each other instantly. Teachers
can solve students’ problems in time on this platform, making up for the shortcomings
of traditional learning methods. The popularization of e-learning is in accordance with
the education concept of college students’ personality development and their aptitude.

3.1 The Internet Provides Ample E-learning Resources

The Internet links the whole world, forming an interactive entirety. Various resources
on the Internet have the characteristics of openness and sharing. With the help of open
Internet, students can rapidly look up for the relative e-learning resources they need,
and analyze and summarize the information. Meanwhile, timely updated Internet
resources enable college students to get the latest resources quickly. The content
learned in class is relatively abstract and sometimes difficult for students to understand.
There are a lot of cases related to theory and well explained videos on the Internet.
College students can easily obtain them and various discussions can be held, which
helps strengthen the understanding of academic abstract knowledge. Internet resources
integrate images, text and videos, enriching the form of resources. At the same time, it
mobilizes students’ vision and hearing, which helps to arouse their interest in learning.
Therefore, rich and updated e-learning resources provide college students’ independent
learning with important support and fundamental guarantee.

3.2 Convenient and Efficient Communication Between Teachers

and Students
In the 21st century, the Internet not only provides college students with abundant
learning resources but also provides an interactive environment for collaborative dis-
cussion and instant communication [5, 6]. This further focuses and triggers college
students to initiate their study. Therefore, e-learning is not the learning led by teachers
but a new multi-cooperative mode of learning formed by discussion, communication
and mutual relationship between students and teachers. This provides a platform of
interactive learning and multilateral learning discussion. When learning on the Internet,
college students can pause the process of learning at any time, then discuss and analyze
their problems. It’s possible to communicate and discuss with students or teachers, so
that the knowledge can be better understood and mastered [7]. At the same time, the
learning situations of college students can be instantly fed back to teachers, and
teachers can adjust the learning contents or improve their methods of teaching. This
learning model improves the consciousness of independent learning in traditional
method and helps to cultivate the awareness of active cooperation and joint
improvement among college students and teaching faculty.
Effectively Enhance the Learning Quality 539

3.3 The Flexibility and Independence of E-learning

The flexibility and independence of e-learning is an important reason why e-learning is
popular among college students. Traditional learning mode requires college students to
be present in the classroom or specific place to study, but e-learning only needs a
terminal to connect to the Internet, such as personal computers, smartphones and
tablets. Students can study anywhere they want. The emergence of streaming media
technology makes it unnecessary for college students to download the entire file to the
computer in order to watch learning videos, but on the web page to achieve real-time
and smooth play, so that the e-learning makes a significant breakthrough [8]. Especially
in recent years, with the popularity and rapid updating of smartphones and tablets, the
quantity of e-learning users gets a geometric expansion. No matter when and where,
with the help of mobile terminals, students can not only search for the required learning
materials but also learn various contents that interest them. They can also communicate
and discuss with students and teachers through instant communication software such as
WeChat and WhatsApp in real time, achieving learning at any time and greatly
improving learning efficiency.

3.4 Conforming to the Psychological Characteristics of College Students

Nowadays, college students grow up with the development of the Internet. Internet
provides abundant information for college students while training their abilities of
obtaining and distinguishing information in an organised and good manner. Psycho-
logically, there is a general tendency among college students nowadays to believe that
continual education is necessary, that the fruits of education should be conquered and
acquired by themselves. They are not willing to be passive receivers of knowledge,
especially for subjects that they are interested in. This psychological feature is also
reflected in the mastery degree of knowledge. College students actively source for
knowledge in fields that greatly interests them. On the contrary, they are willing to give
up with no second thought in learning the knowledge that they are least interested in or
those contents that they find as obscure and boring. They end up boycotting or failing
the exam of these subjects. Currently, the Internet environment offers a wide range of
choices to college students’ active learning, which is mainly manifested by the inde-
pendent choice of courses on the Internet, free registration for social examinations and
autonomous decision of learning progress and learning time. The respect for inde-
pendent choice is conducive to the personalized development of college students in
learning and it can also fully mobilize their self-consciousness and initiative in

4 Negative Effects of E-learning for College Students

The complex contents on the Internet provide freedom and convenience for college
students’ e-learning. However, we should not neglect that some negative effects are
inevitable. These effects mainly arise from the leak of self-restraint ability and the
speculative psychology brought by excessive convenience.
540 Y. Shu et al.

4.1 Attracting College Students to Indulge in Other Contents

As a huge resource bank, Internet contains not only positive learning resources but also
a large amount of other contents such as online games, popular videos and songs,
entertainment news, online dating and so on. As a younger generation, college students
still don’t have the perfect outlook on life and the world, and their self-restraint ability
is still immature and developing. This creates more room for problems to flourish. They
are easily attracted to entertainment contents on the Internet. In recent years, with the
popularity of wireless networks and smart phones, Internet coverage and its application
rate by college students has reached approximately 100%. Mobile phones have become
an essential daily life tool of many people. According to a recent survey, college
students’ utilization of Internet mainly focuses on online shopping (28.6%), news and
current affairs (27.4%), learning and reading (16.7%), entertainment information
(15.5%), games (8.3%) and others (3.6%) [9]. It can be seen that most college students
devote much more time in entertainment contents than to online learning. In the
observation of college students in class, it is evident that more than half of the students
pay attention to their mobiles to varying degrees in the process of attending class. They
mainly focusing on chatting, browsing micro-blog or WeChat, watching videos,
reading novels, even playing games. In this situation, the efficiency of learning will not
be optimal and it can be catastrophic if these distractions are not managed properly. In
their spare time, entertainment contents on the Internet take up too much time of
college students to learn autonomously, and many students indulge themselves in the
Internet, leading to mental decadence, even neglecting their study.

4.2 Promoting Academic Immorality to Some Degree

The abundant Internet resources and the convenience of obtaining channels misleads
some college students in choosing shortcuts, which boosts the psychology of cheating
and eagerness for quick success and instant benefit. With the development of Internet
technology, the world’s advanced academic resources can be conveniently downloaded
or obtained in the click of a few buttons. Therefore, more and more academic mis-
conducts begin to appear, mainly including plagiarism, embezzlement of others’ aca-
demic achievements, tampering with data, fabricating documents, etc. These immoral
conducts sometimes happen among college students and are repeatedly banned, which
not only trample on academic dignity but also aggravate academic corruption. Mobile
terminals, such as smart phones, are small in size, concealed, rich in resources and fast
in transmitting information. These characteristics are usually misused by some college
students, which promotes cheating in exams, causing adverse effects.

4.3 Weakening College Students’ Ability of Independent Thinking

and Analysis
In traditional learning mode, in order to complete the assignments or pass the final
exams successfully, the only approach is to constantly keep learning, understanding
and analyzing. However, the transparency, easy accessibility and availability of
Internet learning resources break this mode. The rapid and extensive development of
Effectively Enhance the Learning Quality 541

the Internet is evident from the fact that it has already covered most of the subjects in
terms of content knowledge and related problems. Thus, when students are faced with a
problem that can’t be solved by themselves, their first idea does not include further
thinking, exploration and analysis, but to directly look up on the Internet for answers.
In this context, the internet is almost useless for improving the ability of thinking and
analyzing in their autonomous learning. The convenience of the Internet promotes
laziness and speculation, reduce the desire to explore the unknown, and greatly
weakens the ability of students to learn and think independently [10].

5 Overcome the Negative Influence of E-learning

and Effectively Improve the Ability and Effect
of Autonomous Learning

It has been more than ten years since the concept of e-learning emerged. Recent
surveys show that the use of network learning resources by college students is still
inadequate, with low learning efficiency and poor effect. There is a certain deviation
from the original idea of e-learning. Only by adopting appropriate methods and uti-
lizing network resources reasonably and effectively can the network serve education
better. In view of this situation, according to the characteristics of college students, the
following Suggestions are proposed.

5.1 Reasonably Arrange the Time of E-learning, and Strengthen

the Ability of Information Identification and Self-restraint
The primary condition for improving the study efficiency of college students is to
arrange study time reasonably, enhance self-control ability, and consciously resist the
various distractions that interfere and have absolute irrelevance with e-learning. A va-
riety of entertainment contents on the Internet, such as chatting, games and online
shopping, are of great attraction to college students who are not determined enough. It
is very easy for college students to spend a lot of time on various entertainment
contents, thus reducing learning time and effect relatively. Therefore, college students
should arrange their study time reasonably and understand the importance of education.
Especially during self-study time, focus on self-study, do not intend to multi-task with
both learning and entertainment. At the same time, students should enhance the ability
of information identification and self-restraint. They should learn to reject the inter-
ference of information irrelevant to learning, so as to complete the tasks efficiently, and
ensure the smooth realization of the progress plan and learning goals.

5.2 Change the Concept of Learning and Make a Scientific and Effective
Learning Plan
In the context of the Internet, college students should change the concept of learning.
Instead of only being indoctrinated by teachers in class, they should combine classroom
learning with e-learning, and actively acquire knowledge, changing from passivity to
initiative. They should not just be mere listeners but take active responsibility of their
542 Y. Shu et al.

education. Only by effectively using the Internet to learn knowledge, adopting

appropriate learning methods and making scientific and effective learning plans can we
effectively improve the ability of independent learning. The study plan should not only
take into account the teaching objectives and training requirements of the school, but
also incorporate with the actual situation of the students to ensure that the study plan is
detailed and specific which can effectively play a guiding role. In addition to the
implementation of the study plan, it is necessary to constantly summarize, adjust and
optimize the study plan, make full use of network learning resources to improve their
plan, and promote the smooth progress of learning activities.

5.3 Maximize Optimal Use of E-learning and Discover Possible Interests

Under the effective guidance of the education concept of the university, the study of
contemporary undergraduates should not be passive acceptance of knowledge, but
should stick to their own interest and targets with the help of the Internet. The students
will be able to achieve maximum effect with immense energy and benefit only when
the learning process is filled with fun and interesting concepts. E-learning is free of
cost. That is one of the main advantages for students to further pursue their interest. The
Internet is an ocean of abundant educational resources. When obtaining online learning
materials, college students can break through the time and space constraints and obtain
various information resources they are interested in at any time and place. At the same
time, video, audio, text, image and other forms can be integrated in the content display
of learning, fully mobilizing students’ visual, auditory and other senses, so as to
enhance their interest in learning. This is further trigger students to engage in an
interesting and effective learning process. College students should make full use of the
advantages of the Internet. They should skillfully utilize the network resources, actively
explore and think, and enthusiastically enlighten themselves with knowledge.

5.4 Give Play to Internet Advantage and Enhance Communication

and Interaction in the Process of E-learning
One of the advantages of the Internet is that it can create an open, interactive and
exploratory learning atmosphere for students. Through online communication and BBS
learning, undergraduates can communicate with teachers and students freely, discuss
various problems easily and solve problems encountered in learning. College students
should make good use of this network environment to reduce difficulties and obstacles
in their studies. They should remember to constantly update their knowledge and
clarify their doubts to understand the content effectively. In addition, college students
should strengthen the communication and interaction amongst themselves. In modern
professional courses, group cooperative learning mode has been applied. Group
members effectively carry out communication and interactive discussion and analysis
through the Internet. They fully exploit the learning potential of each student, stimulate
their enthusiasm and interest in learning, thus improving their team spirit and learning
Effectively Enhance the Learning Quality 543

5.5 Reduce Internet Dependence and Actively Exercise Independent

Being too dependent on the network for learning, will certainly bring about inertia and
other adverse effects. The Internet is only a tool and medium for learning, and learning
itself is the ultimate goal. Blindly relying on the Internet will enhance students’
speculative psychology, weaken students’ ability to think independently and greatly
reduce their learning results. Therefore, college students should correctly deal with the
relationship between network tools and learning purposes, reduce network dependence
and improve self-restraint. There are several ways to improve your self-control: do one
thing at a time, focus on time gradually, avoid negative situations, treat yourself
appropriately, give positive hints, break bad habits, do what you love or like what
you’re doing. During the learning process, undergraduates need to actively exercise
their ability to think and solve problems independently. At the same time, college
students should also comply with the development needs of the information age, master
scientific methods, rationally use network to assist learning, and improve the awareness
of innovation and the ability of innovative thinking. Neither neglect nor over-reliance
can maximize the learning effect.

6 Conclusion

E-learning has achieved exponential growth as the preferred method of learning in

recent years. In the learning process of college students, it plays a unique positive role.
The Internet provides a wealth of online learning resources, diverse forms of learning,
and a flexible interactive environment for communication. However, it also brings
negative and even malignant influence, such as encourage unethical behavior, weaken
students’ thinking ability, etc. As contemporary undergraduates, we can effectively
improve the e-learning efficiency and truly achieve self-learning improvement only by
correctly understanding the network function, rationally using the huge resource
treasure of the Internet, positively guiding the learning process and application,
improving the self-restraint ability, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

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Research on the Optimization of Asset
Structure and the Promotion
of Enterprise Value

Baifang Liu1(&), Haiyan Zhao2, Mingquan Sheng3, and Yuna Cui1

Beijing Language and Culture University, 15 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District,
Beijing 100083, China
liubaifang@blcu.edu.cn, mail_cyn63@126.com
Beijing University of Agriculture, 7 Bei Nong Road, Huilongguan Town,
Changping District, Beijing 102206, China
Anhui University of Finance and Economics,
962 Caoshan Road, Bengbu City 233030, China

Abstract. Asset structure is the proportion of assets in different categories of

enterprises. It is adjusted continuously along with the change of industrial
structure and market competition environment,and it is the result of matching
management target and strategy in different stages of enterprises. In general, the
enterprise value is mainly manifested in the enterprise’s income and the ability
to resist risks. The asset structure mainly influences the enterprise value by
influencing the profit, liquidity and risk control of the enterprise. This paper
combs the concept of asset structure and the connotation of asset structure
optimization, analyzes the inherent mechanism of asset structure affecting the
enterprise value, and puts forward the path to improve the enterprise value by
optimizing the assets structure.

Keywords: Asset structure  Capital structure  Enterprise value

1 Introduction

Modern financial theory holds that enterprise’ assets determine the total amount of
future cash flow, thereby determining the value of enterprise [1, 2]. When the man-
agement layer optimizes enterprises assets, the asset structure will change accordingly,
which will lead to the change of future cash flow distribution [3, 4]. If investors capture
this information, investors’ expectation of corporate value will fluctuate. According to
expectation, investors’ adjustment of investment strategy will cause the fluctuation of
enterprise value [5, 6]. This paper attempts to analyze the relationship between asset
structure and corporate value, and explore ways to enhance business value through
optimizing the structure of enterprise assets [7–10].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 545–551, 2019.
546 B. Liu et al.

2 The Connotation of Asset Structure and Asset Structure


Assets are the economic resources for a specific accounting entity to engage in busi-
ness. The enterprise is an aggregate of all assets. Without considering the allocation of
market resources, the enterprise is a closed system. Various types of assets are indis-
pensable components of this system, and asset structure is the proportion of various
types of assets in the enterprise. The asset structure is the proportion of the enterprise
asset portfolio, which is constantly adjusted and optimized with the change of industrial
structure and market competition environment. It is the matching result of management
target and the management strategy of assets and enterprises’ different forms in dif-
ferent stages of growth. It is a comprehensive reflection of the characteristics of the
product chain and value chain in different stages of the enterprise. According to dif-
ferent measurement criteria, asset structure can be divided into different structural
forms. According to the different ways of asset value transfer, it can be divided into
current assets and fixed assets. According to the different forms of assets occupying, it
can be divided into tangible assets and intangible assets. According to the different
occupation period of assets, it can be divided into short-term assets and long-term
assets. According to the capital form of assets, they can be divided into monetary
capital, commodity capital and production capital.
Then, for an enterprise, what kind of assets structure is good and qualified? I think
it can be measured from the following aspects.

2.1 The Risk of the Enterprise Operation Corresponds

to the Remuneration
Risk and reward are relatively contradictory. Generally speaking, the greater the liq-
uidity of assets, the lower the risk level, the lower the corresponding profitability,
conversely, the smaller the liquidity, the higher the risk and the higher the corre-
sponding profitability. Therefore, putting funds into different assets will generate dif-
ferent profitability and risk levels. In general, the current assets of enterprise are more
cashable than the long-term assets, so increasing the proportion of current assets in the
total assets can improve the liquidity and reduce the risk. On the contrary, if the
proportion of the current assets in the long-term assets is too high, then in the internal
composition of the mobile assets, the enterprise will consider the liquidity too much,
resulting in low income, capital stagnation and backlog, which is not conducive to
raising the investment reward of the enterprise. Therefore, we should take a compre-
hensive consideration of risk and reward when carrying out asset combination, so as to
achieve the unity of liquidity and efficiency.

2.2 Adapt to the Industry Characteristics

The composition of current assets and long-term assets in different industries and the
composition of current assets and long-term assets are bound to be different. For
example, manufacturing and retail, construction and service industries, their internal
Research on the Optimization of Asset Structure 547

long-term assets and short-term assets are often quite different from each other with
obvious industry characteristics. Therefore, when carrying out asset portfolio, we
should give full consideration to the industry management characteristics and cannot be

2.3 Adapt to the Scale of Business Operation

The scale of business is also an important factor which influences asset portfolio.
Generally speaking, with the expansion of production and operation scale, the pro-
portion of current assets will decrease. This is because: first, large enterprises have
stronger financing capacity compared with small businesses. When enterprises fail to
pay their debts, they can quickly finance funds in various ways, so that the proportion
of working capital will decrease. The second, the long-term asset investment of large
enterprises can bring high reward. The development and investment of large enter-
prises’ fixed assets are often larger, the equipment is more advanced and the content of
science and technology is higher than the minor enterprises. The third, large enterprises
must have long-term assets investment and merger activities beyond their daily busi-
ness activities. The above situation will make large enterprises rely on long-term asset
investment in asset composition.

3 The Internal Relationship Between Asset Structure

and Enterprise Value

The connotation of enterprise value is extremely rich, it can be a kind of value concept
which the enterprise admired; it can refer to the enterprise’s economic value, it means
to regard the enterprise as a special commodity to express the monetization of enter-
prises through certain channels. It can also refer to the social value of enterprises,
indicating that enterprises can create wealth for the society, provide employment and
meet the role of national macro regulation and so on. The understanding of the
enterprise value can be explained from different angles. In general, enterprise value
refers to the monetization of real profit and potential profit opportunities of enterprise.
It is the book value of enterprise’s stock right and the sum of the present value of
economic value added from the present to foreseeable future.
The relationship between the asset structure and enterprise value can be understood
from two aspects: the first is that assets structure influences the value of enterprises
from those aspects; the second is the influence mode of each part of asset structure on
enterprise value.
For the first aspect, because the difference of enterprise value is mainly expressed as
the difference between the enterprise profits and the ability to resist risk, the assets
structure reflects the difference of enterprise value mainly through the ability to
influence the income, liquidity and resistance to risk.
Then how the various parts of asset structure affect enterprise value. First, in terms
of the impact on enterprise earnings, the monetary assets have no effect on enterprise
earnings, that is, maintain value assets. Normally, when the value of time is not
considered, monetary assets will not increment or devalue, and they will not generate
548 B. Liu et al.

profits, nor will there be any value transfer. The expenditure assets mainly include fixed
assets, expenditure intangible assets and so on. These assets are necessary conditions to
achieve profits. But from the perspective of actual profits, the value of amortization and
transfer of these assets will deduct the proceeds from other assets. Therefore, if a
company wants to achieve short-term investment objectives, such assets should remain
low-level, otherwise it will increase the deduction and decrease profits, which will
affect the profits of enterprises. But from the long-term goal, the increase in this kind of
expenditure assets is to meet the needs of enterprise to increase the productivity and
expand the scale, and it will play an important role in the enterprise future income.
Therefore, the structure of such assets should be maintained at a reasonable level.
The second, from the perspective of the impact of enterprise risk, business risks are
mainly divided into business risk and financial risk. Business risk refers to the possi-
bility that the profit level will be changed due to the change of the company’s operating
conditions, which will lead to a decrease in investment returns. Business decision-
making ability, enterprise management level, technology development ability, market
development ability and other factors are the main source of the company’s business
risk, such as failure in decision-making leads to a failure of investment, the manage-
ment confusion leads to the decline of product quality and the increase of cost, the lack
of product development ability leads to the decline of market demand and weak market
development leads to a weakening of competitiveness. They will affect the company’s
profitability and increase business risk. Financial risk refers to the risks of different
financing methods, also known as financing risk, that is, the capital structure of a
company determines the financial risk of an enterprise. The different assets structure
will make the enterprise risk different, the enterprise should seek a reasonable asset
structure, that is, to meet the normal business needs and to make enterprises face lower
The third, from the view of the influence on the current assets of enterprise, the
liquidity of current assets is the strongest and it is the foundation of business activities.
Liquid assets can be quickly realized, increasing the safety of enterprise assets,
enabling enterprise assets to realize increment in a relatively short time. Therefore,
there is a positive relationship between current assets and corporate value. The
intangible assets in the enterprise reflect the strength of enterprise knowledge inno-
vation and they are the embodiment of the future development power of enterprises.
Therefore, the more intangible assets of an enterprise, the enterprise’s profit ability is
strong, the enterprise value is higher. But compared with the physical assets such as
stock, intangible assets bring weak direct income to enterprises and slow turnover
speed. Although it helps to enhance the value of enterprises, the proportion should not
be too high, and must be kept within a reasonable range.

4 The Way to Optimize the Asset Structure to Enhance

the Enterprise Value

A reasonable asset structure is a necessary condition for a company to operate normally

and achieve a virtuous circle. The asset structure is reasonably arranged, all assets can
be fully utilized and to make the greatest contribution to the enterprise. On the contrary,
Research on the Optimization of Asset Structure 549

it will affect the promotion of enterprise value. By analyzing the relationship between
asset structure and enterprise value, we can get the basic way to improve enterprise
value through optimizing asset structure.

4.1 Optimize the External Environment of Enterprise Assets

For domestic enterprises, because of the institutional mechanism, the government often
intervenes too much. They should break down this obstacle and adhere to the market
orientation. By organizing a complete set of reforms and perfecting the laws and
regulations, we will improve the national industrial policy, adjust the financial and tax
policies that are not conducive to the cross - sector and cross - regional flow of assets,
and then eliminate the institutional constraints that impede the flow of assets, and
actively and steadily develop the property and capital markets. We should standardize
the purpose of information disclosure and strengthen the supervision of market par-
ticipants’ behaviors. We should increase government support and encourage enterprises
to take diversified means of operation to ensure that assets are maintained and

4.2 Through Reasonable Matching of Asset Structure and Capital

Structure, We Can Reduce Business Risk and Improve Asset
Management Efficiency
Asset structure and capital structure are inseparable, because in enterprises, capital is
embodied in various forms of assets, that is, assets are the form of capital。 Assets are
also capitals when they are used in business activities, assets are only a concrete
embodiment of capital. There is a strong correspondence between the two, which is the
two aspect of the same problem. As a business with normal production and operation,
the source of its long-term assets (including fixed assets and long-term investment) and
long-term capital (including debt and equity capital) should be matched; the flow assets
and working capital sources of the enterprises should be matched, and the proportion
and suitability are determined by many factors such as the industry, market sales
situations and investment environment. For the enterprises, the purpose of establishing
a reasonable asset structure or capital structure is to ensure that assets value preser-
vation and appreciation, thereby enhancing their value by effective management and
rational allocation of the enterprise resources.

4.3 By Reasonably Arranging the Proportion Relationship Between

Current Assets and Fixed Assets, We Must Maximize the Utility
of Assets
The types and sorts of assets in the balance sheet are sorted according to the liquidity or
realization ability of assets. Therefore, enterprise assets structure should be optimized
according to the order of current assets, long-term investments, fixed assets, intangible
assets and other investments. Different forms of assets have different forms of value
transfer. According to the different characteristics of assets, in the principle of
550 B. Liu et al.

allocation, the minimum amount of current assets is allocated according to the pro-
duction and operation capacity of fixed assets. According to the principle of balance
between risk and income, we should determine the reasonable ratio of fixed assets to
current assets. In addition, enterprises should establish strict control procedures to
rationally determine the amount of assets that need to be increased or reduced, to
ensure the rational use of assets, to avoid the imbalance in the proportion of assets and
to the idle or shortage of assets. At the same time, an early warning system is set up for
the change of the assets structure. When the ratio of fixed assets to current assets or the
proportion of other assets is lower or higher than a certain critical value, the system
provides an alarm to arouse the attention of relevant personnel, to monitor the change
of enterprise assets structure in real time, we should minimize stock holdings, reduce
the occupation of current assets, improve asset liquidity and the utilization of fixed

4.4 Pay More Attention to the Role of Intangible Assets and Increase
R&D Expenditure
Enterprises must increase variety, quality and brand, all of which are inseparable from
scientific and technological progress. For a long time, China’s management of intan-
gible assets is at a low level. However, intangible asset participation in competition and
obtaining huge profits is the inevitable trend of contemporary international economic
and technological development. According to statistics, at present, the value of
intangible assets of enterprises in developed countries generally accounts for 50% to
70% of their total assets, and intangible assets have become the cornerstone of the
survival and development of organizations. The contribution of science and technology
to economic growth has reached 60% to 80%, and the vast majority of the world’s
intangible assets, such as patent rights, trademark rights, software and copyright have
been owned by them. In China, the development of intangible assets is faced with a
severe test at home and abroad. Because intangible assets are not substantive, non-
intuitive, and it is difficult to accurately measure income, they are often ignored.
Intangible assets risk investment awareness is low, intangible assets are not accurately
assessed and quantified, intangible assets have not been integrated management and
operation. Therefore, we must pay attention to the investment and cultivation of
intangible assets such as technology and management, and greatly improve the pro-
portion of intangible assets in the total assets, which is one of the important ways to
improve the enterprise value.

4.5 Strengthen Merger and Integration Among Enterprises, Thus,

the Assets Will Be Invigorated to Promote the Rational Flow
of Resources
From the reality of our country, the merger and integration between enterprises should
be guided by the market with the goal of maximizing the assets benefit. In line with the
reform of property rights system and the adjustment of industrial structure, we should
break the boundaries between regions and industries, and gradually solve problems, so
as to achieve the purpose of stimulating assets in a holistic way.
Research on the Optimization of Asset Structure 551

5 Conclusion

We should vigorously cultivate and improve the property rights trading market and
provide convenience for enterprises to transfer idle assets. The cultivation and con-
struction of the idle assets trading market is an urgent problem to be solved in the
construction of the comprehensive factor market in China’s circulation field. The
establishment of asset trading market requires cooperation between state and enter-
prises. There are many trading markets in China, but most of them are invisible
markets. Due to the limitations of organizational form, management system and other
reasons, it is mainly beneficial to large enterprises, but still cannot benefit the idle assets
of other small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, the free trading market of idle
assets can be set up in the industry or area, through the recombination of technology,
management, capital, information and market resources to form a new and stronger
synergy advantage and jointly expand the market, thus creating greater value for

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by MOOC Project of Beijing Language and
Culture University (Grant No. MOOC201814).

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The Impact of the Internet on the Innovation
Effect of Medical and Pharmaceutical
Products Manufacturing

Guanghai Tang1(&) and Wenli Tang2

School of Economic and Management, Weinan Normal University,
Weinan, China
School of Foreign Studies, Weinan Normal University, Weinan, China

Abstract. By constructing a panel data model using the relevant data of China’s
medical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing, and the development of the
Internet from 2004 to 2016, the paper conducts an empirical study of the Internet’s
impact on the innovation effect of China’s pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.
It concludes that the innovation of China’s medical and pharmaceutical products
manufacturing is significantly impacted by the development of the Internet, the
cultivation of innovative talents as well as the increase in expenditures, and less
influenced by the investment in fixed assets. From the perspective of regional
differences in China, economically developed areas, talent-intensive areas and
medicinal material resource endowment areas enjoy higher innovation effects. In
the time dimension, the innovation effect of China’s medical and pharmaceutical
products manufacturing is being enhanced with the Internet Plus strategy.
Therefore, the infrastructure and management information system in this industry
needs to be strengthened; meanwhile, more efforts need to be put in cultivating
innovative talents and increasing research and development expenditures.

Keywords: The Internet  Medical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing 

Innovation effect  Panel data model

1 Introduction

As one of the high-tech industries in China, medical and pharmaceutical products

manufacturing generated a new product sale revenue of 542.275 billion yuan in 2016,
13.95 times that of 38.872 billion yuan in 2004. Since 2004, the rapid development of
China’s Internet infrastructure, the advancement of Internet technology and the deep-
ening of application in the procurement, manufacturing and sales of pharmaceutical
raw materials have intensified the impact on the innovation effect of medical and
pharmaceutical products manufacturing.
Particularly, with the implementation of the national Internet Plus strategy in 2015,
and the rapid development of Wise Information Technology of 120 composed of the
Internet and medical treatment, new requirements have been put forward for phar-
maceutical manufacturing industry to upgrade the medical and pharmaceutical industry
by making use of the Internet technology.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 552–559, 2019.
The Impact of the Internet on the Innovation Effect of Medical 553

The present study explores the impact of the Internet on the innovation effect of
medical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing from 2004 to 2016. The paper first
makes an empirical study on the relationship between the Internet and the innovation of
medical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing. It then, proceeds to suggestions
for the industry to further implement the Internet Plus strategy. Besides, given the fact
that the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in eastern, central and western China
differ in economic environment, institutional system and innovative talents, the paper
also analyzes the differences in the Internet’s impact on the pharmaceutical manufac-
turing industry in eastern, central and western China, and proposes suggestions on how
to implement the Internet Plus strategy in the pharmaceutical industry in different

2 Literature Review

With the development of information technology, China’s manufacturing industry is

facing a new opportunity, that is, using the Internet Plus advanced manufacturing to
build China’s “Advanced Manufacturing 2025” (Project Team of Research on the
Manufacturing Power Strategy, 2015) [1]. In recent years, the impact of the Internet on
the innovation efficiency of China’s high-tech industries or advanced manufacturing
industries as objects of study has received wide attention. The integration of the
Internet and the manufacturing industry is triggering far-reaching industrial develop-
ment and transformation. Wang discussed the multiple challenges and opportunities
brought about by the development of manufacturing industry under the integration of
informationization and industrialization, and proposed to innovate in the future
development of manufacturing industry by drawing on information technology so as to
enhance the competitiveness of manufacturing industry [2].
Medical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing, a pivotal area of China’s
high-tech industry, has always been an important part of academic inquiry. Research on
the innovation efficiency of medical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing has
also gained much attention from scholars. An, Wang and Chen studied the corre-
sponding influence of technological subsidies on the investment in technological
innovation of China’s pharmaceutical manufacturing industry [3]. Bian, Li and Sun
pointed out that human capital had a significant influence on the investment in tech-
nological innovation of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises [4].
Among the scholars studying the innovation of manufacturing industry, Sun and
Song explored the factors affecting manufacturing innovation efficiency, using full-time
equivalents of research and development (R&D for short) personnel, research expen-
ditures and fixed assets as input variables, and new product sales as explanatory
variables [5]. As can be seen, to conduct an empirical study of the innovation efficiency
of medical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing, the sales of new products in
this industry can be selected as explained variables, while the full-time equivalents of
R&D personnel, R&D expenditures and fixed assets as explanatory variables.
Today, much work has been done to investigate the impact of the Internet on
industries or economy. Typical examples include Li and Jing, who chose the Internet
penetration rate as a representative variable of regional Internet development level and
554 G. Tang and W. Tang

analyzed the significant impact of Internet development on regional economic growth

as well as the lagging effect of the Internet on economic growth [6]. Tang made
empirical analyses on the innovation efficiency of China’s high-tech industries by
drawing on the Internet penetration rate and the increase in the number of websites and
domain names [7]. Based on these studies, the present one, by selecting the Internet
penetration rate as the Internet development level, is intended to take an empirical
approach to the issue of the innovation efficiency of China’s medical and pharma-
ceutical products manufacturing.

3 The Data Source and Model Construction

3.1 The Data Source

3.1.1 Internet Development Level
The level of Internet development has much to do with Internet penetration rate in the
region, the access to Internet resources, and the degree of application of network tools.
Since no thorough account of data about the access to Internet resources and the degree
of application of network tools has been provided [8], this paper attempts to evaluate
the level of regional Internet development by drawing on the Internet penetration rate
and demonstrate the diffusion of the Internet. Increased Internet penetration rate proves
to have significantly impacted consumption, and its impact on manufacturing is also
growing. The data of variables for the Internet development level is derived from the
Statistical Report on Internet Development released by CNNIC over the past years.

3.1.2 The Innovation Effect

Based on previous research findings, the study selected the sales revenue of new
products in pharmaceutical manufacturing industry as the explained variables, and used
the full-time equivalent of R&D personnel, expenditures for R&D and fixed assets as
explanatory variables to make an empirical analysis. The relevant variable data comes
from the 2005–2017 China High-Tech Industry Development Almanac and China
Statistical Yearbook.

3.2 Model Construction

A model was constructed as below to investigate the influence of Internet development
on the innovation effect of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry:

Sellit ¼ a þ b1 Internetit þ b2 Approit þ b3 Personit þ b4 Fixit þ li þ eit ð1Þ

We choose Sellit as the explained variable representing the innovation effect in

medical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing [9] and Internetit as the metric
variable indicating the level of Internet development [10]; Approit signals expenditures
for R&D; Personit is the full-time equivalent of R&D personnel; Fixit means newly
increased fixed asset investment in this industry; a refers to autonomous innovation; bj
stands for the marginal influence trend of variables; µi is representative of individual
effects and Ɛit symbolizes a random error term.
The Impact of the Internet on the Innovation Effect of Medical 555

A descriptive statistical analysis of each variable indicates that the standard devi-
ation and variance of each variable are big, which reveals great regional differences in
the development of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and the Internet. To avoid
the impact of variance fluctuations on the model, logarithm of each variable is used, so
Model (1) can be revised as Model (2) as below:

LnSellit ¼ a þ b1 LnInternetit þ b2 LnApproit þ b3 LnPersonit þ b4 LnFixit þ li þ eit ð2Þ

The descriptive statistics of relevant variables in Model (2) is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of relevant variables

Variable Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Observations
LnSell Logarithm of sales 4.147387 4.382939 8.949469 −6.407587 1.91452 403
revenue of new
LnInternet Logarithm of 3.197458 3.469168 4.353756 0.920283 0.808764 403
internet penetration
LnAppro Logarithm of 1.701473 2.00324 4.725229 −5.279644 1.721363 403
expenditure for
LnPerson Logarithm of R&D 3.270547 3.468664 5.964591 −1.343735 1.419079 403
LnFix Logarithm of newly 4.139865 4.119627 7.031663 −0.018625 1.200621 403
increased fixed
Note: The data comes from the 2005–2017 China High-Tech Industry Development Almanac and National
Statistical Report on Internet Development issued by CNNIC.

In Table 1, the standard deviation of the logarithm of variables such as sales

revenue of new products, R&D expenditures, full-time equivalent of R&D personnel,
and newly increased fixed assets is greater than 1, which shows that there are big
regional differences in the innovation input and output of China’s pharmaceutical
manufacturing industry. The logarithmic standard deviation of Internet penetration rate
is greater than 0.8, indicating imbalanced investment and development of the Internet
in different regions in China. As can be seen, it is of great significance to analyze the
Internet’s impact on the innovation effect of medical and pharmaceutical products
manufacturing and its regional differences.

4 Empirical Analysis

First, we used the F statistic to test whether to choose a mixed regression model or a
fixed effects model. Then, with Hasuman test, we decided whether to choose the model
with fixed effects or random effects. After testing, we decided on the fixed effects
556 G. Tang and W. Tang

model as the optimal measurement model. In fixed models, the model which fixes the
individual and period was selected by comparing the values of R2.

Table 2. The test results of Empirical analysis

Variable Sales Revenue of New Products in medical
and pharmaceutical products manufacturing
Coefficient t-Statistic
LnSell(−1) 0.109493*** 2.08194
LnInternet 0.37761** 2.567306
LnAppro 0.141251** 1.016209
LnPerson 0.460684*** 3.105149
LnFix 0.040759 0.500551
C 0.591437** 1.197169
R2 0.831662
F-statistic 34.90519
Prob 0.0000
F test 13.478122**
hausman 0.0000
Note: “*”, “**”, “***” denote a significance level of 10%, 5% and 1% respectively.

From Table 2, it was discovered that R2 is 0.831662, which is greater than 0.8 and
F ratio is significant at the 5% level, indicating that the model fits well. Among the
variables, except newly increased fixed assets, which have less visible impact on the
innovation efficiency of the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, impacts of other
variables are significant. LnInternet is at 5% level of significance and the elastic
coefficient of the impact of growing Internet users on new product sales has reached
0.37761. In other words, for every 10% increase in the number of Internet users, the
sales revenue of new products in pharmaceutical manufacturing industry can increase
by 3.7616%.
LnPerson is at 1% significance level. With an elastic coefficient of 0.460684, we
can conclude that the increase in research talents in pharmaceutical manufacturing
industry has significantly impacted sales of new products in the industry. LnAppro is
significant at the 5% level, with the elastic coefficient of the impact of R&D expen-
ditures on new product sales being 0.141251. LnSell (−1), denoting the impact of
innovation in pharmaceutical manufacturing on the sales of new products with one
stage delayed, is found to be at 1% level of significance. It can be seen that the
investment in research and development in pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and
the development of the Internet have a lagging impact on the innovation of the
The individual effects of the model are presented in Table 3. Among the 31 pro-
vinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, the impacts of individual effects
manifest obvious regional differences. Because of disparities in resource endowment,
The Impact of the Internet on the Innovation Effect of Medical 557

Internet infrastructure, pharmaceutical manufacturing base and investment in each

region, the innovation effects of the Internet diffusion in the pharmaceutical industry
differ considerably among regions across China. Among them, 20 regions, mostly
economically developed regions or areas where medical resources are concentrated, are
with positive influences. It shows that knowledge spillover effects based on Internet
diffusion in economically developed regions have a more significant impact on the
innovation of high-tech industry. By contrast, there are 13 regions with negative
influences, most of which are underdeveloped areas or areas with insufficient endow-
ment of medical resources.

Table 3. The impact of individual effects in each region

Region l Region l
Ningxia 0.711756 Shanxi 0.099494
Beijing 0.555622 Guangxi 0.097792
Shanghai 0.552917 Xinjiang 0.070069
Guizhou 0.544545 Hubei 0.008579
Chongqing 0.486436 Shaanxi −0.009447
Hunan 0.403102 Jiangxi −0.015789
Tibet 0.379726 Henan −0.201302
Jiangsu 0.341792 Liaoning −0.242551
Fujian 0.305592 Jilin −0.26472
Tianjin 0.25047 Hebei −0.342462
Guangdong 0.231174 Heilongjiang −0.818166
Shandong 0.223394 Qinghai −0.845494
Anhui 0.157188 Hainan −0.881484
Yunnan 0.151362 Gansu −0.993311
Zhejiang 0.140311 Inner Mongolia −1.236206
Sichuan 0.139611

The individual effects in Ningxia, Beijing, Shanghai and Guizhou are the most
obvious, which are greater than 0.5. Among the four regions, Ningxia and Guizhou are
more generously endowed with medicinal material resources, and Tibet, also rich in
medicinal materials resources, has relatively high ranking. As more developed areas,
Beijing and Shanghai have obvious advantages in human resources.

Table 4. The time effects of each year

Year vt Year vt
2005 0.11373 2011 −0.046089
2006 0.017877 2012 −0.322371
2007 0.210773 2013 −0.117403
2008 1.637186 2014 −0.005791
2009 −0.207432 2015 0.101492
2010 −0.199714 2016 0.289274
558 G. Tang and W. Tang

Table 4 is about the time effects of each year, In terms of time effects, the effects
have significantly increased from 2004 to 2008. From 2009 to 2012, however, a
tendency of decline can be seen. Since 2013, the time effects have been gradually

5 Conclusion and Suggestions

Through an analysis of the Internet penetration rate and the innovation effect of China’s
medical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing from 2005 to 2016, we can
conclude that the Internet development has a significant impact on the innovation of
medical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing, and the elastic coefficient of the
impact has reached 0.37761. That is, when the Internet penetration rate has increased
by 10%, the sales of new products in this industry can increase by 3.7616%. The
innovation of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is also related to the investment
in R&D funding and the introduction of research talents.
In terms of individual effects, the individual effects are more obvious in pharma-
ceutical talent-intensive areas and areas where medical resources are concentrated, such
as Beijing, Shanghai, Ningxia and Guizhou etc. In terms of time effects, the time effects
of innovation in pharmaceutical manufacturing industry affected by the economic crisis
are increasing with the implementation of Internet Plus strategy.
Based on the above analysis, suggestions are put forward as follows:
First, strengthen Internet construction in medical and pharmaceutical products
manufacturing. Transform and upgrade the industrial structure of China’s pharma-
ceutical manufacturing industry with the implementation of Internet plus strategy. With
a combination of the trend of pharmaceutical manufacturing at home and abroad, boost
Internet-based innovation in medical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing so as
to eventually improve the innovation effect of the pharmaceutical manufacturing
Second, increase scientific research personnel and funding input in the innovation
of pharmaceutical manufacturing and enhance the innovation efficiency of pharma-
ceutical manufacturing so that the development of China’s medical and pharmaceutical
products manufacturing can be improved.
Third, boost the innovation of pharmaceutical manufacturing in resource endow-
ment areas of medicinal materials. Devote more talents and funding to studying
medicinal material resources in Ningxia autonomous region, Guizhou province and
Tibet autonomous region. Increase the innovation investment in the pharmaceutical
manufacturing industry based on western dominant medicinal materials so as to
improve the innovation efficiency of the industry in medicinal materials resources areas
of western China.
Finally, promote the implementation of Internet Plus strategy in medical and
pharmaceutical products manufacturing, particularly the innovation and upgrading of
the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in the era of Internet. Enhance the time
effect of innovation in this industry so as to increase the efficiency of innovation in
pharmaceutical manufacturing and Internet convergence.
The Impact of the Internet on the Innovation Effect of Medical 559

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Reform of Engineering Graphics Course
System and Teaching Mode Based
on the Integration of Civil Engineering Majors

Wenming Shao(&)

Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun, China


Abstract. With the reform of national higher education, the implementation of

“undergraduate education transition vocational education” and the initiation of
engineering education certification with “workplace demand as output orienta-
tion”, the original engineering graphics teaching model can no longer meet the
professional talent training. Demand, exploring the engineering graphics
teaching model suitable for talent training under the new situation is extremely
urgent. Starting from Civil Engineering Education educational philosophy and
standards exist to guide the outline is not strong, the lack of practical aspects, the
teaching process does not reflect the status of the student center, a single
assessment methods of teaching issues such as civil engineering drawing course.
To solve these problems, diversification of content and instructional design for
learning situation, take multi-channel assessment methods, and establish chan-
nels of continuous improvement programs and other reform measures to achieve
the purpose of teaching, improve student learning drawing application

Keywords: Civil engineering  Engineering drawing 

Building information model  Project learning

1 Introduction

The Engineering Graphics Series is a practical and practical basic course for engi-
neering students. It is an important teaching link to develop students’ practical ability,
practical ability and engineering quality. The teaching of building information model
(BIM) technology in colleges and universities in China has a history of more than 20
years. The main content of teaching is to draw two-dimensional graphics. With the
development of computer technology, Building Information Model (BIM) technology
has evolved from the original 2D drawing to 3D modeling [1–3]. The innovation of
Building Information Model (BIM) technology has also affected traditional design
concepts and manufacturing methods to a certain extent, and has significantly affected
the development of engineering technology and talent training methods [4–7]. This
requires a comprehensive reform of the curriculum system, content, methods and
means of the series of engineering graphics to meet the needs of the development of the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 560–566, 2019.
Reform of Engineering Graphics Course System 561

Taking the reform of civil engineering drawing course as an example, this paper
explores a series of reform and practice measures such as the teaching content, teaching
methods and assessment methods of civil engineering drawing in professional basic
courses, and proposes a variety of teaching design for content and learning, and adopts
multi-channel assessment methods, and establish channels of continuous improvement
programs and other reform measures to achieve the purpose of teaching, improve
student learning drawing application capabilities.

2 Problems in the Construction of Civil Engineering

Graphics Course

In order to effectively cultivate application capabilities and enhance employment

competitiveness [8, 9], the research team conducted the survey results as shown in
Fig. 1 when the new talent training program was revised. As a result, 80% of the
students believed that the most direct and effective method was to read the project
construction drawings. (The base map, the main map, etc. are about 42%, the flat view,
the cross-section, etc. are about 25%, the equipment map and the decorative map are
about 16%, and about 17% of the students think that BIM technology should be added.
This is especially true for graduated classes. The conclusions of engineering and other
majors are basically the same, but the choice of reading content is different.

Fig. 1. Student’s knowledge of the skills of the map

According to the survey results, the “Engineering Drawing” course has taken a
relatively solid step in the construction of civil engineering courses and teaching reform
since the course started, which is reflected in the following aspects.
562 W. Shao

(1) Highlight the characteristic teaching of the course. For the engineering graphics
courses such as “computer-aided design”, the combination of example operation
and on-the-spot guidance in the teaching process allows students to learn a little
and practice a little. On the one hand, it improves students’ interest in learning. On
the other hand, the teaching effect is consolidated. For the engineering drawing
class, the teaching method combining pure hand drawing and multimedia software
teaching is used in the classroom teaching process. The manual drawing can
deepen the understanding of the students’ three-dimensional space to a large
extent, and can be guided by this teaching method. The ability of students to draw
engineering drawings by hand is deeply understood in the teaching process of the
(2) Implement internal and external integration in the classroom. In the “Computer
Aided Design” course, the teacher obtained a large number of professional design
drawings from the design unit and the online forum, allowing students to jump out
of the textbook and expand their horizons. In the engineering drawing class, the
teacher first conducts intensive training on the students, learns the basic theoretical
knowledge, and then uses the representative classroom practice to consolidate and
deepen the understanding of the content, and finally make full use of the campus
building sketches. Students develop comprehensive abilities to replace the
“cramming” method of receiving knowledge in a way that understands the
acceptance of knowledge.
(3) There are problems with the examination method of engineering graphics courses.
For the “Computer Aided Design” course, the examinations generally use the
computer test method. Due to the convenience of computer hardware conditions,
students often copy the test results to each other. In addition, the temporary
hardware and software failures of individual computers also bring unfair factors to
the students’ examinations. The examination of engineering graphics courses still
adopts the traditional closed-book examination method, which is easy to cause
students to memorize and hard to reflect the students’ flexible application ability.
(4) The development depth of the online classroom teaching space is not enough. At
present, there are courseware, electronic lectures, teaching calendars, and lesson
plans for engineering graphics courses in the network resources, but they are not
perfect enough. We should provide development in a multi-space field, so that
students can freely choose course learning, and provide interactive platforms for
teachers and students by discussing functional areas such as tutorials, lesson
preparation, and testing.

3 The Goal of Teaching Model Reform

3.1 Open Teaching Method

On the basis of multimedia teaching, variable static teaching is dynamic teaching.
Through the development of Flash animation, the abstract and boring concept is
expressed in vivid images and animations to improve the teaching quality and teaching
capacity per unit time [10–13]. In addition, in order to open up students’ horizons,
Reform of Engineering Graphics Course System 563

students’ learning interest, perceptual knowledge and on-site experience will be

enhanced by organizing students to visit various civil engineering expo and visiting the

3.2 Practical Teaching

Practical teaching is computer-aided design teaching [14, 15]. In this part of the
content, focus on the students.
The mastery of modeling ideas for building information model (BIM) technology
and the proficient application of software. The practical way is to collect and sort out
the network resources and enterprise resources, classify various parts of civil engi-
neering specialty, carefully select the comprehensive design library and part design
library in the typical mechanical parts preparation, and have the purpose and purpose
for the students to draw. practice. Let students master the drawing methods of various
major mechanical parts based on their mastery of drawing technology.

3.3 Curriculum Design Teaching

In order to cultivate students’ comprehensive application ability, it is proposed to adopt
a “course design-based teaching method” [3, 6, 16–18]. Classroom teaching empha-
sizes the transfer of theoretical knowledge, in order to let students “know the truth,
know why”; experimental teaching focuses on the cultivation of students’ operational
ability, while curriculum-based teaching emphasizes “giving people to fish” through
curriculum design. Improve students’ ability to use what they have learned. Students
are arranged to carry out precision design of various types of parts, so that students can
independently search for materials, organize discussions, and complete tasks on their
own during the course design process, fully stimulate students’ sense of innovation,
cultivate students’ creative ability, and experience from unknown to knowledge.
Knowing its success; at the same time, it strengthens the interaction between teachers
and students, inspires students to divergent thinking, and cultivates students’ sense of
innovation and application.

4 In Order to Foster Innovation as the Main Line of Civil

Engineering Drawing Teaching System
(1) Teaching and practice synergistically establish a full-training model of
In order to ensure the effective achievement of professional training objectives,
the school should arrange the teaching content for the graduation requirements
index points and student learning. In the freshman year, students are mainly
trained in spatial thinking ability and basic drawing skills. To this end, schools
should streamline the knowledge of geometrical theory of painting, and appro-
priately increase the mapping, design, production and interpretation of 3D models.
The sophomore year mainly trains students’ basic skills and basic engineering
literacy. While explaining the theory of civil engineering professional drawing,
564 W. Shao

teachers should appropriately increase the understanding of civil engineering and

the engineering physical mapping. The junior year will further strengthen the
comprehensive ability of students’ professional knowledge drawing and mastering
computer drawing tools. In this stage, the school can set up BIM course training,
and combine the professional construction drawing, drawing course and computer
drawing software course to carry out the practice, continuously train and enhance
the students’ ability to use the drawings to effectively express the engineering
form. In the senior year, the mapping training was combined with graduation
design and production practice. The students were trained to design the con-
struction plan according to the drawings, and used the drawing and BIM and other
professional drawing software to effectively express the engineering problems. At
this point, the graphic training runs through the whole process of professional
learning, and establishes a full-training mode of drawing. In this process, the
cartographic theory is transformed into cartographic skills, and then settles into
the cartographic specification, eventually forming the graphics engineering
application capability.
(2) Diversified teaching modes to improve the timeliness of teaching feedback
In order to improve the efficiency of classroom learning and improve the par-
ticipation of students in the classroom, the teaching and research section has
developed different teaching modes based on the content and academic situation
of engineering graphics. For example, in the engineering drawing, the basic theory
and basic principles (such as projection method, three-sided projection system
formation, etc.) mainly adopt the progressive teaching method, that is, a simple
example is introduced as a course, and the explanation is carried out step by
step. In the content explanation of “dotted line projection”, teachers usually use
the intuitive method to demonstrate the projection law in three dimensions, and
then combine the practice method to timely explain the class and get feedback. In
the content of “planar stereo and curved stereo configuration”, the problem
exploration method is mainly used, and the teaching is carried out in the order of
“propose the problem - analyze the problem - solve the problem”. In this process,
teachers set up a problem, let students exchange and explore, then interact with
students, solve together, and finally complete the course. At the same time as the
“planar stereo and curved stereo configuration”, the teacher should use the form of
the blackboard to visually demonstrate the planar drawing and the three-
dimensional demonstration three-dimensional model, explain the side demon-
stration, and finally solidify the learning results. In addition to using different
teaching methods for different course content, teachers should also ask students to
provide timely feedback on each knowledge point.
(3) Diversified assessment of learning outcomes
The assessment is no longer limited to a form of final exam, but a comprehensive
assessment of the mastery of the students. For example, 60% of the total score can
be classified as the usual score, and 40% is classified as the final exam score.
Among them, the usual grades mainly include 10% of class discussions, 5% of
usual attendance, 15% of model design, 25% of usual work, and 5% of model
explanations. Such a quantitative assessment of the proportion of the overall
Reform of Engineering Graphics Course System 565

assessment results to the usual grades, will naturally encourage students to pay
more attention to the usual learning, but also promote the students’ classroom and
after-school learning enthusiasm significantly improved. In addition, students can
self-assess by adding the second classroom credits. Such as the school’s “Civil
Construction”, “BIM Application Skills Competition”, “Computer Graphics
Competition”, “Model Designing Competition” and “National College Students
Advanced Mapping Technology and Product Information Modeling Innovation
Competition”, etc. Ability to apply graphs with assessments.

5 Conclusion

Traditional engineering graphics thoughts and teaching methods have been difficult to
adapt to the needs of reality, and the teaching and teaching reform of engineering
graphics series is imperative. The parallel teaching mode combines BIM software
technology into the teaching process of engineering graphics courses, making the
abstract space imagination process visual and intuitive. In the process of teaching,
teachers use students as the main body of learning and refuse to inculcate knowledge.
Instead, they cultivate students’ active learning desires and learn from the learning
objectives, learning methods and teaching methods, and cultivate students’ independent
thinking and teamwork. And the spirit of innovation is that every teacher needs to
seriously think and put into practice in the process of teaching. In this parallel teaching
mode, students’ design ability, expressive ability and computer drawing ability have
been greatly improved, which laid a good foundation for the follow-up course. The
parallel teaching mode is worth promoting.

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Incentive Practice and Enlightenment of State-
Owned Science and Technology Enterprises

Yan Chang1(&), Xiaolin Mo2, and Ningkang Zheng3

State Grid Energy Research Institute, Beijing 102209, China
State Grid Jibei Electric Power Company Limited, Zhangjiakou, China
State Grid Henan Economic Research Institute, Zhengzhou 450000, China

Abstract. State-owned science and technology enterprises actively explore the

construction of incentive mechanisms to enhance the level of scientific and
technological innovation and implement national innovation-driven develop-
ment. At present, the incentive practice of state-owned science and technology
enterprises has outstanding characteristics and achievements in the selection of
incentive methods, the principle of incentive programs, and the role of incen-
tives. However, there are problems in the scope of restrictions, identification of
incentive targets, incentives for equity transfer, and implementation. It is nec-
essary to further improve the incentive system and play an incentive role. Based
on this, it puts forward some policy suggestions such as actively exploring and
perfecting various incentive methods, appropriately introducing third-party
distribution design mechanisms, and improving corporate incentive policies.

Keywords: State-owned enterprise  Scientific type  Incentive 

Dividend incentive  Equity incentive

At present, with the acceleration of the process of scientific and technological inno-
vation, state-owned enterprises have become an important driving force for China’s
scientific and technological innovation, and its role in the Chinese and even the global
economic arena is extremely important. However, due to the influence of the inherent
system of state-owned enterprises, the innovation vitality of scientific and technological
personnel needs to be improved. Mainly reflected in the state-owned technology-based
enterprise management system, system and other reasons, the incentive mechanism of
state-owned enterprises is not perfect, and there is a certain gap with other types of
enterprises. In recent years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stated that it
will strengthen the construction of incentive mechanisms for state-owned science and
technology enterprises and improve the efficiency of operation and operation of state-
owned technology-based enterprises. In implementing the national implementation of
innovation-driven development strategy, many state-owned enterprises have taken the
reform pace, explored the technological innovation mechanism and strategic changes,
and launched some new technological innovation initiatives. Breaking the traditional
salary system of academic qualifications, qualifications and job-levels, we are begin-
ning to build an incentive mechanism that adapts to marketization [1].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 567–573, 2019.
568 Y. Chang et al.

1 State-Owned Enterprise Practice

Since the promulgation of the No. 4 document in 2016, state-owned enterprises have
successively launched equity and dividend incentives for technology-based enterprises.
At present, the incentive system for equity and dividends has been established, forming
a working mechanism with the central enterprise group as the main body, hierarchical
management, and step-by-step implementation. By the end of 2017, more than 20
central enterprise groups have implemented dividend incentive policies. From the
overall situation of incentives, the average return on assets has increased from 16% to
23%, and significant results have been achieved in implementing business perfor-
mance, personnel efficiency and technological innovation output. From 2017 to 2019,
there are more than 120 enterprises that are planning to carry out incentive work, of
which about 75% are dividends and 25% are equity incentives. The incentive practice
of state-owned enterprises mainly reflects the following characteristics.
First, in the choice of incentive methods for state-owned enterprises, when selecting
the incentive method, enterprises generally need to choose from the qualification
conditions of the enterprise itself, comprehensively weigh the characteristics of the
enterprise itself, incentive effect, risk control and other dimensional factors. The main
unit has different equity and dividend portfolio strategies. Generally speaking, risk
aversion is the primary consideration for SOEs. On this basis, the research institutes
adopt the incentive method based on post dividends in the early stage, and gradually
transition to the project income dividends with stronger incentives and greater incen-
tives. For basic scientific research, the general choice is job dividends. For industri-
alized units, they can start from job dividends, gradually transition to project income
dividends, or directly select project benefits dividends, in the process of enterprise
scientific research results transformation, supplementing to the form of equity incen-
tives. Equity incentives are generally used in newly established small and micro
enterprises. They should adopt equity incentives to attract and retain talents. In order to
avoid the risk of loss of state assets, it is recommended to adopt equity sales and stock
options [2–4].
For example, the implementation of job dividend in China Electric Power Research
Institute is mainly based on the basic characteristics of enterprise research institutes. It
has a relatively mature power grid technology innovation system, outstanding scientific
and technological innovation achievements, and high conversion rate of scientific and
technological achievements. After evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the
five incentives and the risk factors, the Chinese Academy of Electric Power began to
choose the easier-to-operate job dividends based on the principle of “prioritizing
dividends” in Circular 4. The Global Energy Internet Research Institute prioritizes
small-risk, easy-to-operate dividend incentives, and implements dividend incentives as
an entry point to establish a scientific and effective incentive distribution mechanism.
After establishing the implementation of dividend incentives, the Energy Institute
meets the constraints on the promotion of post incentives in terms of net asset
appreciation, profit and its growth rate and performance appraisal. Taking into account
the unclear project revenue boundaries and financial issues, the dividend distribution
only started the construction of the reserve pool of the proposed incentive project.
Incentive Practice and Enlightenment of State-Owned Science 569

Finally, the Energy Institute decided to give priority to the implementation of the job
dividend incentives and quickly promote the project income dividend incentives.
Second, determine the principles that the incentive program follows [6]. First, after
determining the incentive distribution method for enterprises, for the job dividends, the
incentive targets for job dividends will be determined first. Units of different enterprise
nature can select the appropriate talents according to the strategic goals and develop-
ment direction of the unit. In terms of units, key core talents can be selected as the key
incentive targets, and those directly related to the transformation of results for industrial
units are the key incentive targets. Secondly, it is necessary to determine the incentive
amount. The incentive amount can be related to the profit of the enterprise, or it can be
related to the business income of the enterprise, or it can be related to both. The
incentive amount can only meet the requirement of the upper limit of the incentive limit
in the fourth document; The proportion of incentive distribution, under the principle of
determining the total amount, combined with different assessment systems of different
units to determine the proportion of incentive distribution. For the project dividends,
the project needs to lock in the dividends first. Enterprises generally choose around the
core technology, select the representative science and technology projects that can
reflect the core competitiveness of the enterprise, and the selected projects must meet
the requirements in the implementation process. The accounting and financial
requirements specified in the article for the project dividends; secondly, the object of
the project dividends, the project income dividends are relatively simple compared with
the job dividends, generally select the scientific and technical personnel directly related
to the project results transformation; The total amount is determined according to the
principle of extracting the incentive income of the project income dividend in accor-
dance with the fourth document, combining the two factors of the future development
of the enterprise and effectively stimulating the vitality of the scientific and techno-
logical personnel, and determining the extraction ratio; finally, according to the con-
tribution of different researchers in the project determine the proportion of dividends.
For the equity incentive, the equity incentive method is determined according to the
establishment time of the enterprise, the size of the enterprise, etc. The selection object
of the equity is generally bound to the employee with the strategic development goal of
the company. The total authorized amount of the equity and the exercise price cannot
exceed the requirements of the fourth document.
For example, after the Energy Institute has determined the incentives for job
redemption, it first determines the requirements for the incentive targets, that is, it has
been working continuously for more than one year in this position. According to the
results of the evaluation of the staff level of the Institute, the research and development
positions and research in the institute, the management positions and the intellectual
property operation and management positions of the intellectual property operation
center are selected according to the three categories of results transformation research,
basic research, and intellectual property management. The second is to allocate
incentive credits. The total amount of post-dividend incentives is calculated based on
the amount of stock incentives and incremental incentives from the current year’s net
profit and its increase, and the IAEA implements incentives for 7% of the current year’s
after-tax profits, and the previous one. The 5% of the total annual salary is the accrued
cap, and the per capita incentive level is not higher than the 1/3 of the per capita salary
570 Y. Chang et al.

of the previous year. When allocating the incentive quota, the total incentive amount is
divided into three parts: the incentive amount of the achievement conversion personnel,
the incentive amount of the basic researcher, and the incentive amount of the intel-
lectual property operation according to the proportion of the per capita incentive quota;
Factors such as the ratio of incentives and the number of incentives are distributed
among research institutes and intellectual property operation centers. Finally, according
to the comprehensive factors of individual job value coefficient, individual performance
evaluation coefficient and individual contribution coefficient, the incentive amount is
allocated to individual object.
Third, the significance and role of incentives for enterprises. Reasonable incentives
are the affirmation of the value of employees. Through the encouragement, the
endogenous motivation of scientific research can be rapidly improved, and the values
of results-oriented transformation are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, enabling
employees to change their ideas from researching for research to researching for solve
problems. Moreover, the enthusiasm, creativity, sense of honor, and sense of belonging
of the researchers are further enhanced. The incentive targets are strictly limited to the
core talents in important positions, so that frontline researchers can fully recognize the
value of their positions.
Beijing Zhixin Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has achieved remarkable
results in implementing job redemption incentives, further enhancing the core cohe-
siveness and attractiveness of scientific research talents. The income level of scientific
research backbone has been significantly improved, and the income has been reason-
ably opened. The highest income level of researchers and the lowest income level have
increased from 3.67 times to 4.46 times, effectively inspiring the research and devel-
opment motivation and vitality of frontline researchers. And enhance the stability of the
professional and technical team, so that professional and technical personnel can take
the road of experts to become talented. After the implementation of post dividends, the
salary ratio of core technology experts and corporate leaders of Zhixin Company has
increased from 0.89 times to 1.04 times. The income level of technical experts has
exceeded the person in charge of the enterprise, guiding experts to take professional
technical channels. In addition, the R&D direction is more in line with market demand,
and the focus of research is further shifted to projects that can realize income con-
version, and promote the transformation of income from scientific and technological

2 Analysis of Incentive Problems in State-Owned Enterprises

Although state-owned enterprises have carried out incentive work based on their own
situation, there are still some problems.
First, there are still many restrictions on the scope of state-owned technology-based
enterprises that implement dividend incentives and equity incentives. Although fully
rolled out, the conditions are relatively harsh and the total number of eligible com-
panies is still small [5].
Second, the regulations on incentive targets have problems in practice. According
to the document, the target of the incentive is the main scientific and management
Incentive Practice and Enlightenment of State-Owned Science 571

members who have signed labor contracts with the enterprise. However, this require-
ment cannot coordinate the interests between the management team, the R&D team and
other teams. Because the incentives are taken, the main R&D members and manage-
ment members are closely related to the ownership and management rights of the
company. Once they are unable to control them, they will damage the company’s future
development. In addition, the members of science and technology and the responsible
members of the project are not separate roles. The enterprise cannot effectively dis-
tinguish it from other employees of the company, so the selection of incentive objects
has certain difficulties [7].
Third, there is a lack of regulations on incentives for equity transfer. After the
employees of state-owned technology-based enterprises obtain the company’s equity
through incentives, they become shareholders of the company, but the measures do not
provide corresponding provisions for the transfer of incentive shares of the employees.
The fourth is the issue at the implementation level. At present, this paper sorts out
the issue of equity incentives and dividend incentives as well as the existing perfor-
mance appraisal system, and how to quantify the role and contribution of scientific and
technological personnel in scientific research projects. For example, how to determine
the backbone of the backbone holdings refers to the people, whether they can make
everyone agree, how can the proportion of dividend incentives be scientifically for-
mulated, and how the dividend incentives and other incentives are coordinated, and
what is the relationship between them.

3 Conclusion and Suggestion

Scientific and technological innovation has increasingly become the core competi-
tiveness of enterprises, deepening the construction of incentive systems, establishing
and strengthening incentive mechanisms for combining long and short, flexible, and
efficient incentives, and exerting the functions of various incentives to further stimulate
the enthusiasm and creativity of all employees. It is of great significance to the long-
term development of the company.
Judging from the current incentives of state-owned enterprises, the incentives are
mainly based on dividends, and they are inclined to core technical positions. From the
principle of determining the incentive plan, the incentive object, the incentive quota
and the incentive distribution ratio should be determined in turn for the job dividend.
For the project income dividend, the dividend project, the dividend target, the total
amount of the incentive and the proportion of dividends should be determined in turn.
For the equity incentive, the equity incentive method is determined according to the
establishment time of the enterprise, the size of the enterprise, etc. The selection object
of the equity is generally bound to the employee with the strategic development goal of
the company. The total authorized amount of the equity and the exercise price cannot
exceed the requirements of the fourth document. The development of incentives has a
positive effect on enhancing the vitality of enterprises and enhancing the internal
motivation of scientific research, enabling researchers to gain recognition and to further
develop their own value. However, the incentive practice of state-owned enterprises is
also limited in scope, incentive targets, incentives for equity transfer, and problems at
572 Y. Chang et al.

the implementation level. It is necessary to further improve the incentive system and
play an incentive role. Based on this, the following suggestions are made.

3.1 Actively Explore and Improve Various Incentive Methods,

and Moderately Introduce Third-Party Distribution Design
Further explore of the long-term incentive method of equity incentives, such as tech-
nology holding shares, employee stock ownership, equity sale, reward stocks, discount
sales and other specific forms, to further improve the equity incentives of state-owned
technology-based enterprises, the transformation of scientific and technological
achievements. Actively explore the dividend incentive model to further improve and
strengthen the rewards for employees who have made outstanding contributions to the
technological innovation of enterprises. In addition, the incentive scheme can improve
the incentive mechanism by using third parties. Independent third parties are fair to
both technology members and management members. They can effectively weigh the
interests of all parties [8–10].

3.2 Advance the Enterprise Incentive Policy with the Times

It is recommended to lower the threshold for implementing incentive policies and
highlight the guiding functions for start-up companies. Improve policy accuracy,
streamline approval, and standardize processes, especially to avoid repetitive over-
incentives. Invest and evaluate relevant policies such as dividend incentives and equity
incentives deeply, and timely discovery of new situations and new problems in the

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by the State Grid Corporation’s science and
technology project “Research on the key mechanism optimization technology of the company’s
science and technology innovation drive development”.

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effect of scientific and technological personnel in state-owned enterprises. Prod Res (11):1–7
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5. Yang S (2016) Relevant policies, practices and suggestions for state-owned enterprises to
carry out equity and dividend incentives for scientific and technological personnel. China
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Incentive Practice and Enlightenment of State-Owned Science 573

6. Li P (2016) Research on the method and practice of implementing dividend incentives in

state-owned technology enterprises. Talent Resour Dev (10):136 (in Chinese)
7. Liu X (2016) How state-owned enterprises promote scientific and technological innovation
through incentive mechanism reform. Res Mod State-Owned Enterp (13):33–38 (in Chinese)
8. Li X, Zhou L, Jiang Y (2017) Study on the status quo and countermeasures of scientific and
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9. Qi Y, Wu D (2016) Discussion on enterprise equity incentives under the background of
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Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Contact
Stress of Planetary Gear of RV Reducer

Linghui Wei(&), Canjiang Yao, and Hailong Wang

College of Mechanical and Materials Engineering,

North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China

Abstract. Taking the first stage planetary gear drive of the RV reducer as the
research object, the contact stress in gear meshing process is derived by using
the Hertz formula, and the contact stress of the gear is analyzed by using the
ANSYS Workbench simulation. The theoretical calculation is compared with
the result of simulation analysis, and the error is less than 10%. The analysis
shows that the simulation analysis of the gear meshing transmission of RV
reducer using ANSYS Workbench can directly determine the distribution of
contact stress of gear, and the complexity of calculating the query parameters by
traditional theory and the cumbersome calculation also can be avoided. It pro-
vides a strong reference for the analysis and evaluation of gear contact strength.

Keywords: RV reducer  Gear contact strength  Simulation analysis

RV (Rotate Vector) reducer is a new reducer which is developed by the cycloid

reducer, and has some advantages such as strong bearing capacity, high transmission
precision, torsional stiffness, small hysteresis, high efficiency, small volume, light
weight, compact structure and so on, and is widely used in aeronautics and astronautics,
industrial robots and other fields [1]. The gear which is used as a device to transfer
torque and load often occurs on the failure of pitting, fracture and deformation in a
variety of complex working conditions. According to statistics, in the gear transmission
system, 82% is the gear fault [2]. The structure of the RV reducer is complicated. It is
difficult to determine the relative accurate stress distribution rule by traditional theo-
retical calculation method. The modern design method using some existing finite
element software to study the load deformation and stress of gear, not only can obtain
the stress value, but also can also clearly define the stress distribution area. The gear
system can made better optimized design, thus the success rate of the later physical
prototype test can greatly improved. In this paper, the ANSYS Workbench15.0 is used
to simulate and analyze the stress of gear in the process of mesh transmission. At the
same time, the theoretical calculation and simulation results are compared, and the
feasibility of finite element method for simulating the dynamic contact stress of
planetary gear of RV reducer is verified.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 574–584, 2019.
Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Contact Stress of Planetary Gear 575

1 The Structure and Transmission Principle of the Reducer

The transmission device of the RV reducer is a closed differential gear system. This
paper takes RV-40E as an example, as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Three dimensional diagram of RV reducer

The transmission principle of the RV reducer is shown in Fig. 2. The active center
wheel (1) is connected with the input shaft (2), and the involute of center wheel rotates
clockwise. It will drive the planet wheel (3) to revolve around the center axis of center
wheel as well as anticlockwise rotation. The crank shaft (4) is connected with the
planetary gear and rotates at the same speed. Two cycloid gears (5) with a phase
difference of 180° are hinged on the crank shaft and engaged with the fixed pin gear
(6). While the axis of the needle rotates around the axis of the needle wheel, there is
also the rotation of opposite direction. The output mechanism is driven by crank shaft
and supporting which are arranged on it, and the rotation vector on the cycloid wheel
is transmitted at a speed ratio of 1:1 [8].

Fig. 2. Transmission schematic diagram of RV reducer

1 - input shafts, 2 - Center wheels, 3 - planetary gears, 4 - crank shafts, 5 - cycloid

gear, 6 - pin teeth, 7 - output shafts.
Among these, suppose Z1 is Center gear number, Z2 is involute planetary gear
number, w1 is center wheel angular velocity, and w2 is angular velocity of planetary
576 L. Wei et al.

When the whole system is added a common angular speed wH , the angular velocity
5 ¼ w5  wH , and the cycloid gear which is pushed by the planetary
of needle gear is wH
wheel in rotation speed of w2  wH translate, so wH 4 ¼ 0. The center of the cycloid
wheel is circumferential movement around the radius of the crank axis, and the angular
2 ¼ w2  wH
velocity is wH

4  ðw2  wH Þ
wH Z5
45 ¼
iH ¼ ð1Þ
5  ðw 2  wH Þ Z4

Z4 is the number of cycloid Teeth, Z5 is the number of needles and Z4 þ 1 ¼ Z5 .

Because wH 4 ¼ 0, w5 ¼ w5  wH ¼ wH , so the following function can be


ðw2  wH Þ Z5
¼ ð2Þ
wH  ðw2  wH Þ Z4


w2 ¼ Z4  wH ð3Þ

From formula (1) and (3), the follow function can be obtained

w1  wH Z2
¼ ð4Þ
wH  Z5 Z1

That is to say

w1 Z2
 1 ¼  Z5 ð5Þ
wH Z1

Because wH ¼ w6 , the transmission ratio of RV reducer i16 is

w1 w1 Z2
i16 ¼ ¼ ¼ 1þ  Z5
w6 wH Z1

2 The Theoretical Calculation of the Contact Strength

of the Planetary Gear of the RV Reducer

The first stage involute planetary gear material of the RV reducer adopts 20Cr which its
Poisson ratio is 0.3 and its modulus of elasticity is 210GPa. The relationship between
the input power and the output speed under different operating conditions is shown in
Table 1.
Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Contact Stress of Planetary Gear 577

Table 1. Parameters of RV reducer under several working conditions

Working condition type Input power ðKWÞ Output speed ðr=minÞ
1 0.4 5
2 0.65 10
3 0.86 15
4 1.05 20
5 1.23 25

Input torque Ta is shown as follow.

Ta ¼ 9550 ð6Þ

In Ta function:
P – Input power.
n – Input speed.
The torque which act on the wheel gear of the center wheel is T1 .

T1 ¼ kP ð7Þ

In this function
nP – Number of planetary gear.
kP – Unbalance coefficient of load distribution between planetary gears.
Circumferential force of pitch diameter on the end face Ft

Ft ¼ ð8Þ

In formula d – pitch diameter ðmmÞ

Tangential force on the normal surface Fbn

Fbn ¼ ð9Þ
cos a

Contact surface of gear group a

u4F 1l1 þ 1l2
2 2

a¼ t bn E1 E2
pb 1
578 L. Wei et al.

In formula b – tooth width ðmmÞ.

l1 , l2 – Poisson ratio of the main and driven gear.
E1 , E2 – Modulus of elasticity of main and driven gear.
q – general curvature radius.
Maximum contact stress rH max
4 Fbn u
rH max ¼ tF q
p ab pb 1l1 þ 1l22

E1 E2

The Poisson ratio of the gear material of the first stage planetary gear system of the
RV reducer is 0.3 and the modulus of elasticity is same. So the formula (11) is
simplified as:
Fbn E
rH max ¼ 0:418 ð12Þ

According to put the input power and output speed of the RV reducer under the
different working conditions into the above formula, the maximum contact stress under
different working conditions is shown as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Theoretical calculation of contact stress under different working conditions

Output speed ðr=min) Input power ðKWÞ Maximum contact stress rH max ðMPaÞ
5 0.4 1073.92
10 0.65 968.02
15 0.86 909.14
20 1.05 869.98
25 1.23 842.19

3 Modeling of Planetary Gear of Reducer

The finite element analysis in ANSYS Workbench15.0 needs to be properly simplified

to remove some structures that have less impact on the analysis results. Taking RV-40E
as example, the gear parameters of the first speed reducer of are shown in Table 3. The
main parameters of gear, including modulus, tooth number, etc., are input into
Pro/Engineer5.0. The involute spur gear with primary transmission is created, and the
entity geometry model is assembled to ensure that there is no interference after
assembling the planetary gear. Then it is introduced into the ANSYS Workbench15.0
platform to prepare for the next transient dynamic analysis. The first stage planetary
gear assembly of the RV reducer is shown in Fig. 3.
Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Contact Stress of Planetary Gear 579

Table 3. The first stage reducer gear parameters of RV-40E

Gear parameters Center wheel Planetary gear
Modulus 1.5 1.5
Teeth number 16 32
Pressure angle 20 20
Top coefficient of tooth top 1 1
Circle radius of tooth top 13.5 25.5
Root radius 10.125 22.125
Pitch circle radius 12 24

Fig. 3. The first planetary gear assembly of RV reducer

4 Dynamic Contact Finite Element Analysis of Planetary


The basic idea of the finite element analysis is to solve the discrete solution domain of
structure or continuum into several units, and connect the nodes of the boundary to
each other as a combination. The unknown field variables in the whole solution domain
are expressed in slice by the approximate function assumed in each unit [6]. According
to the load conditions under the actual transmission of the gear, the stress field of the
gear is simulated by finite element method, and the maximum stress value and stress
distribution of the gear are determined. The analysis of gear structure parameters and
material properties is meet the use requirements or not, and then the optimization of
gear can be provided.

4.1 Parameter Setting and Grid Partition

Using the seamless interface between Pro/Engineer5.0 and ANSYS Workbench15.0
software, the three dimensional model of the first grade transmission gear system is
directly imported into the ANSYS Workbench15.0 platform to perform transient
dynamics analysis [7–10].
First, the material properties of the model is defined. Material selected for planetary
gear is 20Cr. The Poisson ratio for the definition of 20Cr material is 0.3, and the elastic
modulus is 210GPa. The planetary gear will have elastic deformation when working in
580 L. Wei et al.

high speed and heavy load condition, so the linear isotropic elastic material is selected.
The gear structure of the planetary gear subsystem is complex. In order to ensure the
accuracy of the calculation results, according to the characteristics of the planetary gear
subsystem, two planetary gears are divided by scanning grid, and the use of regional
control functions is used. For the contact area, in the stage of model processing, the
method of imprinting surface and encrypt is selected to divide the grid of the planetary
gear subsystem as shown in Fig. 3. After the grid is divided, 3154511 nodes and
887914 units are generated. The grid partition is shown in Fig. 4.

4.2 Load and Constraint Conditions

As the planetary gear subsystem is an assembly between the planetary gear and the
center wheel, the contact surface needs to be set before the mesh is divided. In
“Contacts”, the contact type between the planetary gear and the center wheel is set, and
the contact between the gears is generally selected as “Frictional”, with a value of 0.2.
In “Behavior”, the “Asymmetric” is selected. In “Connections”, the three rotation
center of the relative ground is set to represent the condition of the planetary gear and
the center wheel at normal work respectively. The loading mode of torque instead of
force on a single tooth is used to define the center wheel and the planetary wheel by
joint as a rotating pair. The Body-Ground is set in Connection Type and the type is set
as revolute. The rotation load is added to the center wheel, and the type is set as
Moment. The rotational torque of the center wheel under various working conditions in
Magnitude is also input. In the same way, the rotational angular velocity of the center
wheel is added. The equivalent stress cloud map under various working conditions is

Fig. 4. Planetary gear train local contact area grid

When the input power of the RV reducer is 0.4 and the output speed is 5r=min, the
transient dynamic analysis results of the first stage involute planetary gear are shown in
Figs. 5 and 6. When the input power of the RV reducer is 0.65 and the output speed is
10r=min, the transient dynamic analysis results of the first stage involute planetary gear
are shown in Fig. 7.
Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Contact Stress of Planetary Gear 581

Fig. 5. Stress cloud of planetary gear working Fig. 6. Local stress cloud of planetary gear
one conditions under three conditions

4.3 Calculation Results and Post Processing

By using ANSYS Workbench15.0 for transient dynamic analysis, the maximum stress
in the meshing process of the first gear of RV reducer under various working conditions
is calculated, as shown in Table 4. According to the analysis Figs. 5 and 6, it is known
that the center wheel turns counterclockwise, and the contact area is the most stress in
the process of the meshing of the planetary wheel and the center wheel. When the
planetary gear wheel withdraws from the meshing area, due to the existence of the
backlash between the gears, there is a certain friction stress on the surface of the last
engagement gear. Therefore, the finite element analysis results conform to the actual
From Figs. 5 and 6 stress distributions, we can draw the conclusion that the stress
in the gear contact area is the largest, and there is a stress concentration at the gear fillet.
The dangerous parts of the gear are at the contact point, followed by the tooth root.

Table 4. Simulation and calculation of contact stress under different conditions

Working condition Output speed Input power Maximum contact stress
type ðr=minÞ ðKWÞ rH max ðMPaÞ
1 5 0.4 1060.4
2 10 0.65 992.59
3 15 0.86 925.34
4 20 1.05 837.92
5 25 1.23 738

From Table 4, it is known that the contact stress of the planetary gear in the first
working condition is the most, and the gear failure is easy to occur. Therefore, the
safety factor analysis is carried out. A safety factor tool based on the maximum
equivalent stress is provided in the ANSYS Workbench15.0 working environment.
According to the force condition of the working part, the safety factor of the working
582 L. Wei et al.

condition is generated, thus the most easily broken area of gear engagement can be
judged. The safety factor of the RV decelerator planetary gear train working condition
one is shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 7. Local cloud images of the safety coefficient of the planetary gear under working

As shown in Fig. 8, the minimum safety factor of a state planetary gear is 1.0108
greater than 1, indicating that the stress of the planetary gear will not reach the yield
limit under this condition.

5 Comparison and Analysis of Calculation Results

Through two methods of theoretical calculation and simulation analysis, the maximum
contact stress of the first stage planetary gear system of the RV reducer in every
working condition is obtained The results are basically the same according to the
comparison data that is obtained by the two methods. The results and relative errors are
shown in Figs. 9 and 10.

Theoretical results simulation result

Fig. 8. A histogram of two methods for calculating result

Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Contact Stress of Planetary Gear 583

Through Figs. 9 and 10, we can see that there is a certain deviation between the
results obtained by ANSYS Workbench simulation and the theoretical calculation. The
main reasons are as follows:
(1) Using the finite element method, when the applied load exceeds the elastic limit of
the material, the tooth surface produces plastic deformation and further leads to
the formation of residual stress, and then affects the final contact stress of the gear.
The theoretical analysis method cannot reflect the impact process.
(2) In the actual gear meshing process, the position of the force is changed along the
contact line, and the traditional design theory of the gear is equivalent to a point
on the dividing circle. There is a certain error between the simulation result and
the theoretical calculation value.
(3) In the process of simulation analysis, reasonable modeling, mesh division and
contact selection of friction coefficient will have some influence on the simulation
results. By comparing the results of theoretical calculation and simulation anal-
ysis, it is found that the error between the two is within 10%, and the accuracy is

6 Conclusion
(1) The contact stress of the first stage involute planetary gear of the RV reducer is
calculated by the Hertz formula. The results are basically consistent with the
results obtained through ANSYS Workbench15.0 simulation analysis. It is proved
that the result of using ANSYS Workbench15.0 finite element simulation analysis
in practical engineering is credible.
(2) The finite element simulation analysis method can more clearly and intuitively
understand the actual stress state of the planetary gear during the meshing process,
and clear the stress distribution area. It provides an important way to optimize the
structure of the planetary gear and to rationally plan the stress distribution and
design the reliability.

Acknowledgments. Fund Project: Science and technology plan project of Beijing Municipal
Education Commission.
KM201510009003 Brief introduction of the author: WEI LINGHUI: (1980.08-) female;
research direction: advanced manufacturing technology; Contact address: North China University
of Technology, Jin Yuan Zhuang Road No. 5, Shi Jing Shan District, Beijing City. Code:

1. Mao J, Li H, Wu Z (1996) A new approach to the development of RV transmission
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3. Li J, Zhang Z, Wang S (1994) Study on load distribution of contact line of cylindrical gear
tooth surface. J Mech Transm 18(2):18–22
4. He W, Li L (1996) Force analysis and transmission efficiency of high precision RV drive.
China Mech Eng 7(4):104–110
5. Xue X, Li Y, Wang S (2011) Service life and reliability calculation method of a helicopter
main reducer drive system. J Aerosp Power 26(3):635–641
6. An H, Meng G (2006) Gear involute tooth surface and its 3D solid modeling. Mech Res
Appl 19(5):121–122 (in Chinese)
7. Liu X, Shi Y, Wang W (2009) Finite element analysis of meshing gear of compound gear
pump based on ANSYS Workbench. Coal Min Mach 30(5):52–54
8. Zhang Y, Xie X (2009) Gear contact simulation analysis based on finite element method.
Lubr Seal 34(1):49–51
9. Li X, Yang H, Yang J (2013) Dynamic simulation analysis of planetary gear reducer with
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10. Yang X (2011) Design and structure finite element analysis of helical gear based on Pro/E
and ANSYS. Coal Min Mach 32(3):100–102
Line Structured Light Vision Online Inspection
of Automotive Shaft Parts

Jianwei Miao1(&), Hengyi Yuan1, Lianzhi Li1, and Siyuan Liu2

School of Automotive Engineering, Jilin Engineering Normal University,
Changchun 130052, China
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Jilin University,
Changchun 130022, China

Abstract. The automotive parts industry is the vital part of the auto industry.
The improvement of the measurement accuracy and efficiency of the radial
dimension of automotive parts is of great significance to the development of
automotive parts system and the improvement of vehicle performance. In order
to improve the measurement accuracy of the automobile shaft parts radial
dimension, a machine vision measurement technology based on linear structured
light is applied in this paper. Through online visual measurement of radial
dimension of auto shaft parts, closed-loop feedback can be formed, and the
processing accuracy of parts can be improved. The camera calibration is
accomplished by two-step method, the center point of the stripe is extracted by
Steger algorithm, and the ellipse is fitted by least squares method. Finally, the
experiment is carried out to verify the validity. The simulation and experimental
results show that the online measurement of radial size of automotive shaft parts
can be completed by using linear structured light machine vision technology,
and has good measurement accuracy.

Keywords: Linear structured light  Visual measurement 

Automotive shaft parts

1 Introduction

Machining accuracy and speed are important quality parameters of automobile shaft
parts, which is an important part of automobile parts. So how to measure the radial size
accurately and quickly is very momentous. The traditional methods of measurement
mostly belong to contact measurement, such as vernier caliper measurement, spiral
micrometer measurement, three coordinate measurement, etc. Contact measurement
method not only has the shortcomings of low measuring efficiency, high working
intensity, and may damage the machined surface, but also is difficult to realize online
measurement of shaft diameter.
At present, the technology of machining and measuring shaft parts has developed
greatly. The application of non-contact measurement technology is more and more
widespread [1]; the error of cylindricity can be assessed by using visual system [2]; the
measurement of shaft parts can be completed by designing a small-sized fast measuring

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 585–595, 2019.
586 J. Miao et al.

machine [3]; in reference [4], the measurement sensor is clamped on the sliding plate of
the machine tool and developed into a large and medium-sized in-situ measurement.
Shape and position error measuring instrument for shaft parts; in reference [5], com-
puter vision technology is applied to measure the size of spur gear; visual system can
be used to complete the intelligent detection of spraying glue on the bottom of vehicle
[6]; and in reference [7], a measurement system based on binocular active vision is
constructed to measure the angle of bending machine.
Radial diameter measurement method and visual measurement technology have
been widely studied and applied, but for automotive shaft parts, some measurement
methods have low accuracy, while others although have certain measurement accuracy,
but the requirements of measurement environment and conditions are stringent, which
not only has high measurement cost, but also has poor universality, and is not suitable
for rapid online detection of automotive shaft parts. In the NC machining of automobile
shaft parts, the accuracy is guaranteed by the accuracy of NC machine tool itself, but
there will be systematic wear and deformation in the use of NC machine tool, which
will affect the positioning and movement accuracy of machine tool, and the radial wear
of tool will increase with the processing time. In the machining process of the shaft, the
above situation is that CNC can not control and compensate by itself, so the existing
CNC machine tools still belong to the open-loop system in ensuring the accuracy of
parts. In order to better measure the radial diameter size of automobile shaft parts, this
paper designs a method of measuring the radial dimension of automobile shaft parts by
using line structured light visual inspection technology, which has real-time feedback
during processing, complete the rapid online test, and improve the part’s quality.
The machine vision can be used to simulate human visual function, which mainly
extract information from the image of objective things, then process it for detection and
control [8]. Using line structured light vision technology to detect the radial diameter of
automobile shaft parts can effectively make the measurement accuracy and speed of the
measured parts better. It can not only meet the needs of rapid and accurate quality
detection, but also can real time online monitoring in the process of processing and
form closed-loop feedback control. Improve production efficiency and machining

2 Camera Calibration

Camera calibration is the basic step of vision measurement, and the accuracy of cali-
bration directly affects the accuracy of measurement. The main principle of visual
inspection is the imaging principle of the camera [9]. The size of the measured object is
calculated by the image obtained by the camera. In this process, whether the size
accuracy of the measured object can be guaranteed by the information of the image
largely depends on the camera’s calibration accuracy. The process of camera calibra-
tion is mainly the process of obtaining the internal and external parameters and dis-
tortion parameters of the camera through coordinate transformation.
Line Structured Light Vision Online Inspection of Automotive Shaft Parts 587

2.1 Establishment of Coordinate System

In the process of camera calibration, the main coordinate systems are global coordinate
system, camera coordinate system, image physical coordinate system and image pixel
coordinate system. Global coordinate system refers to the reference coordinate system
used to describe the position of the camera and the object under measurement in the
whole detection environment, also known as the world coordinate system or the earth
coordinate system, which is defined as fOa ; Xa ; Ya ; Za g. The camera coordinate
system is a local coordinate system consolidated on the camera, and the optical center
of the camera is generally selected as the origin, which is defined as fOb ; Xb ; Yb ; Zb g.
In the process of image acquisition by camera, the actual measured object is converted
into two-dimensional pixel image. If the pixel of the camera image is U  V, then the
value of a pixel is the number of rows and columns in the U  V matrix in a pixel
coordinate system, it can be defined as {O1, m, n}; the position of the points on the
image coordinate corresponds to the rows and columns in the image, it is not a specific
distance parameter, therefore, the physical coordinate system of the image representing
the physical position of the pixel points can be defined in the image. which is defined as
{O2, x, y}, the point of intersection between the image plane and the ray axis of the
camera can be chosen as the origin.

2.2 Transformation of Coordinate System

It is assumed that the coordinates of the origin of the physical coordinate system in the
pixel coordinate system are O2 (M0, N0), the length of the unit pixel in the physical
coordinate system along the axis is dx and dy respectively, the image pixel coordinates
and image physical coordinates corresponding to any point in the image plane can be
calculated as (1). The transformation relation of two coordinate systems is represented
by homogeneous matrix, as shown in (2). The transformation relation between pixel
coordinate system and image physical coordinate system is shown in Fig. 1.
x y
m¼ þ m0 ; n ¼ þ n0 ð1Þ
dx dy
2 3 21 32 3
m dx 0 m0 x
4 n 5 ¼ 4 0 1 n0 5 4 y 5 ð2Þ
1 0 0 1 1

Fig. 1. Transformation between pixel coordinate system and physical coordinate system
588 J. Miao et al.

The conversion between physical coordinate system and camera coordinate system
is mainly based on the principle of camera imaging. It is assumed that the projection
position of a interspace point P (Xb, Yb, Zb) is P2 (x, y), that is, the intersection point
of the line between the center of light Ob and point P and the image plane, as shown in
Fig. 2. It can be seen that the coordinates in the two coordinate systems exist rela-
tionship (3), f is the distance between Ob and O2, which is also the camera’s effective
focal length.
2 3
2 3 2 3 X
x f 0 0 0 6 b7
Yb 7
Zb 4 y 5 ¼ 4 0 f 0 0 56
4 Zb 5 ð3Þ
1 0 0 1 0

P (X b , Yb , Zb )
P2 ( x, y )

Ob O2
Camera plane
Yb y
Image plane

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of camera imaging

The relationship between camera coordinates and the world coordinate system
depends on the camera’s actual location. The transformation between the two coor-
dinate systems is mainly composed of rotation transformation of translation transfor-
mation, in which translation transformation can be represented by translation vector Q
(Qx, Qy, Qz), rotation transformation can be represented by rotation matrix R.
According to geometric relations, we can calculate the rotation transformation relation
(4). Combining the translation transformation and rotation transformation of the
coordinate system, the total transformation relationship between the camera coordinate
system and the world coordinate system is obtained, and which can be expressed in the
form of homogeneous coordinates, as shown in (5), R is a total rotation transformation
matrix of 3  3, and Q is a translation vector.
2 3 2 3
1 0 0 cos h 0 sin h
6 7 6 7
Rotðx; hÞ ¼ 4 0 cos h  sin h 5; Rotðy; hÞ ¼ 4 0 1 0 5;
0 sin h cos h  sin h 0 cos h
2 3
cos h  sin h 0
6 7
Rotðz; hÞ ¼ 4 sin h cos h 05 ð4Þ
0 0 1
Line Structured Light Vision Online Inspection of Automotive Shaft Parts 589

2 3 2 3 2 3
Xb   Xa Xa
6 Yb 7 Q 6 7 6 7
6 7¼ R 6 a 7 ¼ M 6 Ya 7
4 Zb 5 0 1 4 Za 5 4 Za 5
1 1 1

Using (2), (3) and (5) can calculate (6), which represents the total transformation
relationship from global coordinate system to image pixel coordinate system.
Assuming ax ¼ f=dx, ay ¼ f=dy in (6). In order to make the calibration accuracy
better, the non-perpendicularity factors of M axis and N axis are added, as shown in (7).
2 3 2 3
2 3 21 32 3
m 0 m0 f 0 0 0   Xa   Xa
dx R Q 6 7
6 Y a 7 ¼ M1 R Q 6 7
6 Ya 7
Zb 4 n 5 ¼ 4 0 1
n0 54 0 f 0 05
dy 0 1 4 Za 5 0 1 4 Za 5
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
2 3 1 1
6 Ya 7
¼ M1 M2 6 7
4 Za 5
2 3
ax c m0
M1 ¼ 4 0 ay n0 5 ð7Þ
0 0 1

M1 is defined as the internal parameter matrix, which is mainly determined by the

composition and structure of the camera. M2 is the external parameter matrix, which is
determined by the external environment. The linear calibration process of camera is the
process of determining the camera’s internal and external parameters.

2.3 Two Step Calibration Method

Because of lens distortion, the actual camera imaging process is not a completely
accurate small aperture imaging process, lens distortion mainly includes radial dis-
tortion, eccentric distortion and thin prism distortion. In order to meet the requirement
of fast online inspection of automobile shaft parts and consider the effect of lens
distortion, a two-step method is used to calibrate the camera. First, the camera
parameters are solved by linear calibration method, then the parameters are taken as
initial values, and lens distortion is introduced. Then, the camera is further calibrated by
optimization algorithm. Zhang Zhengyou’s algorithm is a typical two-step calibration
method. Its distortion model is shown in (8), (xv, yv) is the ideal image physical
coordinate, and (xr, yr) is the physical coordinates of the real image affected by dis-
tortion. This method only needs a plane calibration plate to complete the camera
calibration, and the calibration process is not affected by the relative position rela-
tionship between the calibration plate and the camera. Therefore, the initial value is
590 J. Miao et al.

better, the speed is faster and the accuracy is higher. Therefore, Zhang Zhengyou’s
method is used for camera calibration.

xr ¼ xv ð1 þ k1 r 2 þ k2 r 4 Þ 2
; r ¼ x2v þ y2v ð8Þ
yr ¼ yv ð1 þ k1 r 2 þ k2 r 4 Þ

The main equipment used in camera calibration is backlight, calibration board,

CCD camera, computer with image acquisition software, etc. The hardware structure of
camera calibration is shown in Fig. 3.

Illuminate CalibraƟon Photograph
Backlight Camera Computer


Fig. 3. Hardware structure of camera calibration

3 Detection of Light Stripe Center

The common methods of detecting the center point of light strip include geometric
center method, threshold method, direction template method, Steger algorithm and so
on [10]. Among them, Steger algorithm is a sub-pixel detection algorithm, which has
high detection accuracy, and the detection results are stable and robust. It is suitable for
the size detection of automobile shaft parts.
The main process of Steger algorithm is to determine the normal direction of the
light strip, which can be calculated by Hession matrix, and then Taylor series expan-
sion is completed in the normal direction, finally the sub-pixel center position of the
light strip is obtained. The specific steps are as follows:
First, determine the normal direction of the selection point on the light strip
according to the Hession matrix. Choose a window that is equal to the size of Gauss
template, and then let image function P(x, y) convolution with Gauss kernel function
can get (10). Gauss template G(x, y) is shown in (9).

1 ðx2 þ2y2 Þ
Gðx; yÞ ¼ e 2r ð9Þ

@ 2 Gðx; yÞ @ 2 Gðx; yÞ @ 2 Gðx; yÞ

Pxx ¼  Pðx; yÞ; P yy ¼  Pðx; yÞ; Pxy ¼  Pðx; yÞ ð10Þ
@2x @2y @x@y

The Hession matrix is shown as (11). In this Hession matrix, the eigenvector
homologous to the eigenvalue of the maximum absolute value is the normal direction
vector (m, n) of the point (x, y).
Line Structured Light Vision Online Inspection of Automotive Shaft Parts 591

Pxx Pxy
Hðx; yÞ ¼ ð11Þ
Pxy Pyy

Second, seek the center points of light stripe. The first order Taylor series expansion
of the gray function along the normal direction at point (x, y) is shown in (12), and then
the first order derivative is obtained. Because the gray level of the light strip is
Gaussian distribution along the normal direction, the zero of the first order derivative is
the center of the light strip.
" # " #
1 tm
Pðx þ tm; y þ tnÞ ¼ Pðx; yÞ þ ðtm; tnÞ þ ðtm; tnÞHðx; yÞ
Py 2 tn
@Gðx; yÞ @Gðx; yÞ mPx þ nPy
Px ¼  Pðx; yÞ; Py ¼  Pðx; yÞ; t ¼ 2
@x @y m Pxx þ 2mnPxy þ n2 Pyy

Steger algorithm is a sub-pixel level detection algorithm, so it has high accuracy,

strong anti-interference ability, stable results, not affected by the shape of the strip, and
has strong robustness. Steger algorithm can better complete the detection of the center
of the strip.

4 Curve Fitting

The elliptic arc is formed when the line structured light illuminates the surface of the
axle parts under test. A series of light strip centers are obtained through detection.
Because of the existence of detection errors, these light strip centers are not on the same
ellipse. It is necessary to fit the measured points into a more precise ellipse by ellipse
fitting. According to the obtained ellipse, the radial size of automobile shaft parts can
be calculated.
The main method of ellipse fitting is the least square method, and the least square
method is an excellent numerical optimization method [11]. The main optimization
condition is to minimize the sum of squares of errors between the calculated data and
the actual data, that is, the sum of squares of distances between the center of the strip of
the theoretical image plane and the vertical corresponding points of the standard ellipse
is the smallest, and the objective function of the least square method of fitting the
ellipse is shown in (13).

ðxi  ui Þ
T¼ ½ðxi  ui Þ; ðyi  vi Þ ð13Þ
ðyi  vi Þ

In (13), (xi, yi) is the coordinate of the center point of the strip, (ui, vi) is the
coordinate of the vertical corresponding point on the standard ellipse, and they are the
function of the ellipse parameters. By calculating the limit value of T in (13), the
parameters of the ellipse can be determined and the corresponding ellipse can be fitted.
According to the relation of coordinate transformation, the short axis length of light
592 J. Miao et al.

plane ellipse in the world frame of axes is calculated, which is the radius size of the
measured shaft.

5 Shaft Diameter Detection Experiments

An industrial CCD camera is used to detect the diameter of automotive shaft parts
online by means of line structured light. First, the CCD camera is calibrated by Zhang
Zhengyou’s two step method, and the calibration board is shown in Fig. 4. For the sake
of ensuring the stability of calibration, 9 different calibration plates were selected for
calibration respectively. Meanwhile, in order to guarantee the consistency of the test
results, a total of six calibrations are repeated, and the final camera parameters are
shown in Table 1.

Fig. 4. Plane calibration board

Table 1. Camera calibration parameter list

Number ax ay c m0 n0 k1 k2
1 1286.69 1287.15 −0.26 690.79 510.01 0.0864 −0.0902
2 1286.54 1287.41 −0.24 690.76 509.96 0.0853 −0.0895
3 1286.84 1286.99 −0.21 690.80 509.79 0.0867 −0.0887
4 1286.80 1287.26 −0.23 690.85 509.86 0.0846 −0.0925
5 1287.01 1287.35 −0.23 690.89 509.82 0.0809 −0.0877
6 1286.82 1287.58 −0.25 690.86 509.92 0.0825 −0.0867
Average 1286.78 1287.29 −0.24 690.83 509.89 0.0844 −0.0892

Fig. 5. The light stripe arc obtained from the test

Line Structured Light Vision Online Inspection of Automotive Shaft Parts 593

Fig. 6. Image plane stripe center point

According to the Steger algorithm, the center position of the light strip is calculated,
and the light strip is shown in Fig. 5. Then the calculated center point of the strip is
converted to the theoretical image plane, and the center point of the strip is obtained in
the theoretical image plane as shown in Fig. 6.
The ellipse fitting of the center point of the strip is carried out by the least square
method, and 10 times fitting calculation of different measuring points is carried out to
ensure the consistency of the data results. The shaft diameter size of the measured parts
calculated by the fitting method is compared with the actual data, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Data analysis

Number Test data (mm) Real data (mm) Absolute error (mm) Relative error (%)
1 40.043 39.949 0.094 0.24
2 40.240 39.949 0.291 0.73
3 40.299 39.949 0.350 0.88
4 40.339 39.949 0.390 0.98
5 40.138 39.949 0.189 0.47
6 39.749 39.949 0.200 0.50
7 39.766 39.949 0.183 0.46
8 39.912 39.949 0.037 0.09
9 40.256 39.949 0.307 0.77
10 39.665 39.949 0.284 0.71
Average 40.041 39.949 0.092 0.23

From Table 2, it can be seen that the average diameter of shaft parts tested is
40.041 mm, the maximum and minimum absolute error is 0.390 mm and 0.037 mm,
and the average absolute error is 0.092 mm. The maximum relative error is 0.98%, the
minimum is 0.09%, and the average is 0.23%. All relative errors are within 1%
(Fig. 7).
594 J. Miao et al.

Test data Relative error


40 0.80%
39.5 0.40%
39 0.00%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Test result

6 Conclusion

In this paper, the radial dimension of automobile shaft parts is detected on-line by
structured light vision. Firstly, the camera is calibrated by Zhang Zhengyou’s two-step
calibration method, and the light stripe arc is acquired by visual acquisition. Steger
algorithm is used to find the center point of the strip and transform it to the theoretical
image plane. Then the ellipse fitting is performed by least square method. The
parameters of the ellipse are obtained by fitting. Finally, the shaft diameter of the shaft
parts under test is calculated according to the parameters of the ellipse. The experi-
mental results indicate that the method in the paper can complete the measurement of
shaft diameter of automobile shaft parts, and the relative error of measurement results is
less than 1%, the results are more accurate. At the same time, the application of
structured light measurement method to achieve on-line rapid measurement, which has
a positive significance for the development of visual inspection theory, which also has a
certain guiding role for the improvement of automotive shaft parts detection

Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the Program for Innovation Research
Team of Jilin Engineering Normal University and the Scientific Research Project of Jilin
Engineering Normal University (project number: XYB201805).

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An Empirical Study on Cultivating Learners’
Creativity in Smart Learning Environment

Qu Zhao(&)

School of Foreign Language Studies, Anhui Sanlian University, Hefei, China


Abstract. In the information age, the learning environment is becoming more

and more intelligent. The cultivation of creative learners in the smart learning
environment has been paid great attention. This study reviewed related resear-
ches and analyzed the supporting function of smart learning environment in
promoting students’ creativity. Based on the four stages of creative cognitive
process, the study constructed a model for cultivating the creativity of students
in the smart learning environment. Then, a one-group quasi-experimental
research was conducted. During the experiment, the experimental treatment was
conducted for three times. After the experiment, the students’ creativity was
measured by fluency, flexibility and novelty and an interview was also con-
ducted to investigate the students’ attitude towards the model. Our empirical
results showed that the model in the smart learning environment can positively
influence the creativity.

Keywords: Smart learning environment  Creativity  Empirical study

1 Introduction

With the rise of concepts such as Smarter Planet, Smart Education, and Smart Campus,
human beings are gradually moving from the digital learning environment to the smart
learning environment [1, 2]. Gibson once pointed out: “A learning environment will
afford a kind of learning and cultivate the corresponding types of learners” [3, 4].
Learning in a smart learning environment should point to the learning of high-level
cognitive goals of “creation” and cultivate learners of creativity [1]. Therefore, how to
improve students’ creativity based on the smart learning environment is gradually
becoming the focus of attention. In 2006, 21st Century Skills was released, which
proposed to innovate 21st century education and cultivate students’ ability to create and
innovate [5]. In 2008, Australia issued the “Melbourne Declaration” to propose seven
universal capabilities, including “critical and creative thinking”, in order to promote
school teaching reform and enhance student creativity [6]. Japan’s “21st Century
Capabilities” was proposed in Japan’s 2013 Report on the Fundamentals of Education
Curriculum for the Quality and Competence of Social Change. In response to the new
requirements for innovative talents in the new era and new environment, China’s
“China Student Development Core Literacy” was officially released in September
2016, and proposed core literacy including “learn to learn” and “practical innovation”.
In practice, the smart learning environment has the functions of dynamic learning of

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 596–603, 2019.
An Empirical Study on Cultivating Learners’ Creativity 597

learning information, intelligent push of learning resources, and support for deep and
efficient interaction, which are becoming an important support for higher-level learning
in the information age from the perspectives of technology, environment, resources,
teaching and learning as well as provides a strong support for student creativity [7].
However, most of the current researches focus on the theoretical research or envi-
ronmental design of the smart learning environment, and there is still little research on
exploring the cultivation of students’ creativity in the smart learning environment.
Based on this, this study explores an effective model for cultivating students’ creativity
in a smart learning environment, and empirically tests its effects, which has theoretical
and practical value for promoting creative talents [8–10].

2 Domestic and International Research Review

2.1 Creativity and Its Training Research

At present, the academic community has not yet formed a unified definition of cre-
ativity. From the perspective of cognitive process, Jackson believes that creativity is a
thought process that generates new ideas, opinions, or links existing ideas and concepts
[2], and its core purpose is to create new results [3]. Wallas concludes four stages of
creativity, including preparation, gestation, enlightenment, and verification [4]. From
the perspective of problem solving, Houston proposed the “generation-exploration”
model. The generation process is the initial idea of problem solving while the explo-
ration process is to form creative discoveries through practice. From the perspective of
advanced thinking ability, Zheng believes that creativity is the ability to think diver-
gently. In summary, this study believes that creativity reflects the creator’s divergent
thinking ability in the problem-solving process, which usually exhibits three charac-
teristics: fluency, flexibility, and novelty.
Creativity training is inseparable from effective teaching strategies and rational
application of information technology. Houston summarizes the teaching activities of
the demonstration class, including: input, humor, random input, metaphors and
metaphors, opposing challenges, different perspectives, imagination, maps and charts,
combinations, and brainstorming. Li and others have combed the training strategies
commonly used in creativity: reverse thinking, arbitrary input, design thinking,
brainstorming, etc. In the information age, information technology has been gradually
paid attention to the development of students’ creativity [5]. Researchers have studied
the effects of different technical tools on students’ creativity. Ahmadi et al. found that
computers can be used in teaching to enhance students’ creativity through investiga-
tion. Jackson found that video games are relevant to student creativity, but whether
causality is still worth exploring further [6].
598 Q. Zhao

2.2 Research on How Smart Learning Environment Promotes Students’

Creative Development
2.2.1 Teaching Applications Supported by a Smart Learning
The smart learning environment is a learning place or activity space that can sense
learning situations, identify learners’ characteristics, provide appropriate learning
resources and convenient interactive tools, automatically record learning processes and
evaluate results in order to promote effective learning for learners. Comprehensive
literature analysis found that researchers conducted in-depth research from the aspects
of intelligent learning technology, intelligent terminals and smart learning forms. In the
application of intelligent learning technology teaching, researchers pay special attention
to learning analysis technology. Scott has built a ubiquitous learning environment
based on adaptive learning analysis technology that captures students’ learning loca-
tions and progress, identifies current learning activities, intelligently recommends
resources, and supports personalized learning. A study by Hwang shows that con-
ducting a fourth-grade natural science observation activity in a learning environment
that automatically identifies learning contexts can help improve motivation and inter-
action. With the advantages of automatic collection in cloud intelligence classroom
learning context and intelligent learning analysis, Bian has built a six-link learning
mode including the six aspects of “self-test analysis—learning collaboration sharing—
entering learning context—interactive collaborative learning—evaluating reflection,
consolidating internalization—thinking space expansion”.
Intelligent terminals have portability, easy access to the network and powerful
information processing capabilities, and gradually enter the classroom, becoming an
important learning tool in the smart learning environment. Kumpulainen et al. applied
mobile terminals to music creative learning, and learners can realize ubiquitous
learning by means of mobile terminals [7]. Mobile terminal applications can greatly
enhance students’ inspiration and creativity. Hu and others constructed a teaching
model based on e-books from the perspective of classroom teacher-student activities,
three-dimensional ability training, and e-bookbag environment. Xie et al. constructed a
science-study mental training model for primary school students based on e-books.

2.2.2 Research on the Effect of Smart Learning Environment

on Students’ Creativity
Facing the high-level cognitive goal of “creation”, the researchers explored the effec-
tiveness in intelligent learning environment built by tools such as intelligent learning
platforms, intelligent terminals and intelligent hardware [8]. Al-zahrani integrates the
social platform of Web2.0 into flipping teaching, and uses quasi-experimental research
to analyze creativity from three levels of fluency, flexibility and uniqueness. The results
show that appropriate learning techniques are integrated in flipping teaching, which can
help to enhance student creativity. MS Lee has designed an intelligent learning plat-
form that supports diverse learning. The platform supports creative learning activities
and empirically demonstrates that the platform has a positive impact on student cre-
ativity. Ron builds a smart classroom environment that automatically recognizes
learning emotions with 3D virtual reality devices, smart motion and gesture recognition
An Empirical Study on Cultivating Learners’ Creativity 599

devices, and 3D projection. In practice, it is found that learning in this environment

helps to enhance participants’ emotions, experience, learning engagement and cre-
ativity [9].
In summary, the inspiration for the results of this study is: (1) Creating a
technology-abundant and intelligent learning environment. On the one hand, it is
necessary to give full play to the advantages of smart learning environment to learn
dynamic perception, intelligent push learning resources, efficient multi-dimensional
interaction, and personalized learning diagnosis; on the other hand, teachers guide to
establish a intangible learning environment that is rich, safe, and able to accommodate
differences, mistakes, novelties for student innovation. (2) Problem-solving oriented,
careful designed and effective applied teaching strategies. Creativity is formed in
complex problem-solving process, and the intelligent learning environment provides a
good tool and resource support for learner problem solving. In teaching, effective
teaching strategies can help students solve problems. Common strategies include:
brainstorming, design thinking, and reverse thinking. (3) Tested by the theory of
creativity evaluation. Creativity is reflected in the problem-solving process. It draws on
previous researches and evaluates the creativity of students from the three aspects of
creativity fluency, flexibility and novelty.

3 Theoretical Construction

The smart learning environment can realize learning dynamic perception, intelligent
resource push, efficient support collaboration, and automatic learning assessment. In
the actual teaching process, the smart learning environment provides strong support for
creativity training.
First, learn about dynamic perception. The learner’s dynamic information includes
domain-level knowledge, topics of learning, emotional state, etc. Through dynamic
perception, on the one hand, teachers can obtain students’ progress status and under-
stand collaborative interactions. By analyzing dynamic information, teachers can
effectively carry out effective intervention and adjustment; and promote creative
activities in an orderly manner. On the other hand, dynamic information data of stu-
dents can provide reference for learners to automatically push relevant resources and
cognitive tools.
Second, smart push of resource. The smart learning environment integrates rich
resources and cognitive tools. With intelligent terminals, learners can seamlessly
connect with resources and tools. Through dynamic analysis of learners’ cognitive
characteristics, styles and learning processes, the system can automatically push
resources and tools that match the learner’s own and current learning contexts, promote
their understanding of the challenge of creation, and improve the fluency of creativity
and flexibility.
Last, efficient multi-dimensional interaction. Smart learning environment effec-
tively integrate intelligent terminals (flat, e-book, mobile, etc.), quality learning
resources (structured and unstructured), and learning support services (platforms, tools,
etc.) for learners, teachers, students, and learning environments and promote the cir-
culation of ideas and the development of creativity.
600 Q. Zhao

4 Quasi-Experimental Design and Effect Analysis

4.1 Quasi-Experimental Design
This study selected Anhui Sanlian University to apply the creative training model in the
smart learning environment and conduct experiments in a learning environment based
on tablet PC, e-book bag and smart cloud platform. The teaching content is selected
from College English. The purpose is to compare the difference between the creativity
training mode based on the e-book smart learning environment and the traditional
teaching in promoting the development effect of creativity. The quasi-experimental
design is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Single group time series design

Pre-test (O1) Experimental treatment (X) Post-test (O2–O4)
C1 (experimental group) O1 Experimental treatment 1 O2
Experimental treatment 2 O3
Experimental treatment 3 O4

Before the experiment began, the researchers pre-tested the subjects to understand
the level of students’ creativity. Next, they used the creativity training mode under the
smart learning environment to carry out three-round teaching practice. After each
round, they carried out post-testing. After the completion of the three rounds, the
overall data is analyzed to understand the actual teaching results. The pre-test ques-
tionnaire does not cover the specific subject content, which draws on the questionnaire
on creativity measurement compiled by Zheng and selects 8 questions from it. The
post-test papers are developed on the basis of the test questions, combined with the
specific teaching content. After each round of testing, two researchers will score the
student papers. The researchers use the Torrance creativity test to score from the three
indicators of fluency, flexibility and novelty, among which fluency refers to the ability
to generate a large number of ideas. The more solutions, the higher the fluency is.
Flexibility means that innovators can get rid of the constraints of tradition, existing
habits and mindsets, and can have irrelevant concepts. Novelty refers to the ability to
present unique ideas to a problem in a particular situation. If there is a dispute, the third
researcher criticizes and finally determines the score. The pre-test, post-test 1, post-test
2, and post-test 3 all contain 8 questions, each of which has a maximum score of 3
points and a total score of 24 points. The subjects were 30 students in a class of English
majors. The tests were completed within the specified time. In addition, interviews
were conducted to understand students’ attitudes towards the creative training model in
the smart learning environment [10].
An Empirical Study on Cultivating Learners’ Creativity 601

4.2 Research Implementation

4.2.1 Pretest
In order to understand the level of students’ creativity, the researchers designed the pre-
test paper. After the design was completed, the experts in the relevant fields were
consulted, and a small-scale test was conducted. In conjunction with the feedback, the
researchers made some modifications to the test paper. A total of 30 pre-test papers
were issued and 29 were recovered. The pre-test data for student creativity is shown in
Table 2.

Table 2. Single group time series design

Mean Standard error Standard deviation Variance
Fluency 4.17 0.29 1.58 2.51
Flexibility 4.21 0.25 1.37 1.88
Novelty 2.14 0.25 1.36 1.84
Total 10.55 0.57 3.04 9.26

The student’s overall mean is 10.55 and the standard deviation is 3.04, indicating
that the overall creativity of the students is average and there is still room for further
improvement. In terms of fluency, the overall mean is 4.17 and the standard deviation is
1.58, indicating that students still need to improve fluency; the overall mean of flexi-
bility is 4.21, and the standard deviation is 1.37, indicating that students need to
improve their flexibility and are susceptible to stereotypes; the mean value of novelty is
2.138 in terms of uniqueness, and the standard deviation is 1.3555, indicating that
students’ ability to present unique ideas and ideas on a particular issue is relatively
lacking and needs to be strengthened.

4.2.2 Experimental Processing

On the basis of the pre-test, the researchers conducted three rounds of experimental
processing, and each round applied the creativity training mode for teaching. Students
are tested and interviewed after each round of teaching.

4.3 Effect Analysis

From the total score of the test, the pretest (M = 10.55, D = 9.256), the posttest 1
(M = 11.86, D = 2.623), the posttest 2 (M = 13.45, D = 2.185), the posttest 3
(M = 17.14, D = 1.195), s the students’ creativity scores have been improved to a
certain extent. The pre-test and post-test 3 are paired with the sample t test, and the
results are shown in Table 3, where p = .000, less than 0.05. It shows that there is a
significant difference between the two, and the creativity of students has been signif-
icantly improved.
602 Q. Zhao

Table 3. Paired sample of the third round of total scores of pre-test and post-test t test results
Mean Standard deviation t Sig.
Pre-test 1 & post-test 3 −6.586 3.354 −10.574 .000

4.3.1 Fluency Analysis

In terms of fluency, as shown in Table 4, the pretest (M = 4.17, D = 2.505) and the
posttest 3 (M = 6.00, D = 0.786) indicate that the student’s creativity has improved to
a certain degree through the adoption of the creativity training model. By paired sample
t test p = .000, less than 0.05, indicating that the difference between the two is

Table 4. Paired sample of the third round of “fluency” of pre-test and post-test t test results
Mean Standard deviation t Sig.
Pre-test 1 & post-test 3 −2.207 1.875 −5.484 .000

4.3.2 Flexibility Analysis

In terms of flexibility, as shown in Table 5 on the following page, the pretest
(M = 4.21, D = 1.884) and the posttest 3 (M = 6.41, D = 0.680) indicate that the
student’s thinking flexibility has improved to a certain extent by adopting the training
mode. By paired sample t test p = .000, less than 0.05, indicating that the difference
between the two is significant.

Table 5. Paired sample of the third round of “flexibility” of pre-test and post-test t test results
Mean Standard deviation t Sig.
Pre-test 1 & post-test 3 −1.828 1.794 −7.134 .000

4.3.3 Novelty Analysis

In terms of uniqueness, as shown in Table 6, the pretest (M = 2.14, D = 1.837) and the
posttest 3 (M = 4.72, D = 0.850) indicate that the uniqueness of the students’ thinking
has improved to a certain extent through the adoption of the creativity training model.
The paired sample t test p = .000, less than 0.05, indicates that the difference between
the two is significant, and the ability of the participants to propose novel and innovative
ideas has been improved.

Table 6. Paired sample of the third round of “novelty” of pre-test and post-test t test results
Mean Standard deviation t Sig.
Pre-test 1 & post-test 3 −2.651 1.592 −8.764 .000
An Empirical Study on Cultivating Learners’ Creativity 603

5 Conclusion

This study studies the cultivation of students’ creativity in a smart learning environ-
ment through literature combing and empirical testing. The study found that: Based on
the creative learning mode of the e-book smart learning environment, it can effectively
promote the development of students’ creativity. Due to time and environment con-
straints, this study only carried out teaching experiments in a small scope. The prac-
ticality and effectiveness of the creativity training model at more sample levels still
need to be further tested. In addition, in the future, we will further improve the student
creativity training model in a diverse and intelligent learning environment, and deepen
the relationship between creativity and technological differences, cognitive foundations
and cognitive styles in a smart learning environment, with a view to providing more
references for training creative talents.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by The Key Project of Humanities and Social
Sciences Research of Anhui Province (Project number No. SK2018A0671).

1. Gibson EJ (2002) Perceiving the affordances: a portrait of two psychologists. Lawrence
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6. Ahmadia GA, Abdolmaleki S, Khoshbakht M (2011) Effect of computer-based training to
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7. Kumpulainen K, Mikkola, A, Jaatinen AM (2014) The chronotopes of technology-mediated
creative learning practices in an elementary school community. Learn Media Technol 39:
8. Chao CY, Chen YT, Chuang KY (2015) Exploring students’ learning attitude and
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school engineering education. Comput Appl Eng Educ 23(4):514–526
9. Chang YS, Chen SY, Yu KC et al (2017) Effects of cloud-based m-learning on student
creative performance in engineering design. Br J Educ Technol 48(1):101–112
10. Torrance EP (1968) Torrance tests of creative thinking. Wiley, Hoboken, pp 44–45
An Empirical Study on the Influence
of Ownership Structure of Listed Companies
on Dividend Payment

Jinghu Zhu, Yi Qu(&), and Shuling Li

Harbin Vocational College of Science and Technology, Harbin 150300, China


Abstract. Dividend policy is very important to the development opportunities

and scale of listed companies. Cash dividend payment level is an important form
of investors’ return on investment. The research on the degree of the influencing
factors of dividend policy is significant to optimize the management of listed
companies and safeguard investors’ investment rights and interests. From the
angle of ownership structure, the data of 2169 listed companies in the A stock
market of China for 2014–2016 years are taken as samples, and the multiple
linear regression model is used to make an empirical analysis. First, there is a
significant difference between the proportion of the first large shareholders, the
proportion of non circulation shares, the equity balance and the level of cash
dividend payment. Linear correlation; second, the proportion of the first largest
shareholder is positively correlated with the level of cash dividend payment, but
the effect is relatively weak; third, the proportion of non circulation shares and
the balance of equity have positive impact on cash dividend payment level.
Therefore, listed companies should optimize the ownership structure to raise the
level of cash dividend payment and stabilize dividend policy.

Keywords: Cash dividend  Ownership structure  Multiple linear regression 

The correlation

1 Introduction

According to the relevant provisions of the “Company Law”, the profits from the
operation of a listed company can only be distributed to shareholders as dividends after
completing the act of accruing surplus reserves, repaying debts and paying taxes from
government departments. Whether to distribute dividends, distribute dividends, and
distribute dividends, etc., it is necessary to discuss the dividend distribution plan by the
board of directors of the listed company, mention the discussion to the shareholders’
meeting of the listed company, make a decision on whether to pass or not, and finally
proceed with the plan. Implementation. Whether or not the distribution plan can be
passed to the shareholders’ meeting of the listed company is largely determined by a
game between the holders of shares with different rights. In this process, the difference
in the interests of shareholders has a greater impact on the content of the dividend
distribution plan. Obviously, the proportion of equity held by each shareholder, the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 604–611, 2019.
An Empirical Study on the Influence of Ownership Structure 605

nature of the shares, the concentration of stock distribution and the degree of constraint
between major shareholders, etc., are clearly used in the content of the dividend policy.

2 Literature Review

Short (2012) selected panel data of 211 UK listed companies from 1988 to 1992 as a
sample, and used the dividend payment model for the first time to empirically study the
potential relationship between equity structure and dividend policy. Research shows
that there is an obvious positive correlation between institutional investors’ equity and
dividend payment policies of listed companies [1].
Khang and King (2012) conducted a study on the internal transaction data of US
listed companies in 1982–1995. The results show that one of the decisive factors of
insider trading is the dividend policy. The payment of cash dividends can reduce the
insider trading of listed companies. Phenomenon, the listed company paying cash
dividends has less insider trading than that in companies not paying cash dividends,
and its probability of occurrence is negatively correlated with the dividend payment
level of the listed company. At the same time, the dividend payout ratio of the listed
company is the same as that of the institutional investor. The shareholding ratio is
positively correlated [2].
Crespi and Renneboog (2013) conducted a sample study of 204 listed companies in
1988–1993. The results show that when the listed company reduces dividend payment,
the company’s internal directors’ adjustment will increase [3].
Renneboog and Trojanowski (2015) used the data from the 985 listed companies of
the London Stock Exchange in the 1990s as a sample to explore the relationship
between the control structures in the dynamic panel data regression model. The study
found that the generation of profits drives the distribution of dividends, which weakens
the relationship between the two due to the existence of major shareholders [4].
Khan (2015) explored the data of 300 large industrial listed companies in the
United Kingdom from 1985 to 1997. The results show that the total number of shares
owned by insurance company shareholders is positively related to the level of divi-
dends, and the number of shares owned by individual shareholders and the level of
dividends. Negative correlation [5].
Liu et al. (2016) selected the announcement of equity incentive plan issued by listed
companies from 2006 to 2013 as the sample, and studied the relationship between
equity incentive and equity stability of listed companies under China’s system from the
perspective of rent-seeking by shareholder managers. The research shows that there is a
negative correlation between equity incentive and equity stability of listed companies,
especially in low cash dividend and state-owned listed companies [6].
Li (2016) takes the stability of cash dividend payment policies of GEM listed
companies as the research object, and empirically explores the influence of ownership
structure on the stability of cash dividend payment policies. The results show that the
ownership structure has a significant substantive impact on the cash dividend policy of
listed companies on the GEM market. Ownership concentration is positively is related
to the stability of cash dividend policy, and the degree of equity checks and balances is
positively related to the stability of cash dividend policy [7].
606 J. Zhu et al.

Hu and Mahong (2017) selected the data of Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed
companies from 2009 to 2015 to test the impact of the difference between agency cost
and governance mechanism of listed companies since the implementation of semi-
mandatory dividend policy on the relationship between corporate value and cash
dividend. It is found that cash dividends issued by listed companies are positively
correlated with company value [8].
Liang and Ma (2017) analyzed and tested the impact of minority ownership ratio of
neutron company on cash dividend distribution of listed companies, providing new
empirical basis and theoretical explanation for studying the influencing factors of cash
dividend distribution of listed companies. The results show that the proportion of
minority shares in subsidiary companies is inversely correlated with the payment level
and tendency of cash dividend distribution; further study from the perspective of
market value, the increase of minority shares in subsidiary companies will damage the
cash holding value of listed companies; the proportion of minority shares in state-
owned neutron companies is higher than that of private enterprises. Promotion will
further damage the cash holding value of [9].
Chen and Guo (2017) selected the data of A-share listed companies from 2006 to
2015 as samples, and used Logit and Tobit models to test under the framework of score
matching (PSM) model. Empirical results show that compared with non-equity
incentive companies, the level and trend of cash dividend payment of listed companies
under equity incentive plan are relatively high, that is, the probability of increasing cash
dividend payment level of equity incentive listed companies is higher [10].

3 Model Building

If there are two or more independent variables in the regression analysis, then this
regression is called a multivariable linear regression model, and an economic phe-
nomenon is often caused by the combination of multiple factors. Therefore, the analysis
of dependent variables by a combination of multiple independent variables is more
efficient and practical than using only one independent variable.
The general form of a multiple linear regression model is:

Y ¼ b0 þ b 1 x 1 þ b 2 x 2 þ    þ b p x p þ e ð1Þ

Among them, p + 1 unknown parameters; called regression constants; and

regression coefficients called explanatory variables; Y is the explanatory variable, that
is, the dependent variable, but p explanatory variables that can be accurately measured
and controlled. That is, the independent variable. Is the error term of the regression
In the analysis of actual problems, if we can obtain n sets of observation data, then
the linear regression model (4.1) can be expressed as:
An Empirical Study on the Influence of Ownership Structure 607

Suppose the function of multivariate sample regression is:

> Y1 ¼ b þ b x11 þ b x12 þ    þ b x1p
< Y ¼ b0 þ b1 x þ b2 x þ    þ bp x
2 1 21 2 22 p 2p
Yn ¼ b0 þ b1 xn1 þ b2 xn2 þ    þ bp xnp

The form written as a matrix is:

Y ¼ Xb þ e ð3Þ

among them:
2 3 2 3 2 3
y1 b1 e1 2 3
6 y2 7 6 b2 7 6 e2 7 1    x1p
6 7 6 7 6 7 6 .. .. .. 7
Y¼6 . 7 b¼6 . 7 e ¼ 6 .. 7 X¼4. . . 5 ð4Þ
4 .. 5 4 .. 5 4 . 5
1    xnp
yn bn en

The matrix X is n  (p + 1) proof, and X is called a regression design matrix or a

data matrix. And in the empirical process, the elements of X are pre-set and control-
lable, because human subjective factors act in it, which is also called the design matrix.
The dividend policy is closely related to the investor’s return on investment. In
recent years, in China the cash dividend payment of listed companies has been grad-
ually decreased, the phenomenon of low faction and the phenomenon of abnormally
high distribution have emerged. It is urgent to analyze the influencing factors of div-
idend policy. The multivariate linear regression model is simple and simple, and the
model is simple and so on. It is easy to measure the effect of factors such as equity
concentration and equity balance on the level of cash dividend payment. This paper
will use the multiple linear regression model to analyze the degree of influence of
factors such as equity concentration and equity balance on the level of cash dividend

3.1 Selection of Interpreted Variables

This paper mainly analyzes the extent of the effect of the shareholding structure on the
listed companies cash dividends distribution. Therefore, the payment of cash dividends
level (Y) is selected as the explanatory variable of sample.
The payment of cash dividends (Y). In this paper, in order to increase the horizontal
comparability of data, the relative dividend payout level indicator is selected as the
sample, and the total amount of cash dividend payout divided by the total shareholders’
equity is expressed as the dividend payout level.
608 J. Zhu et al.

3.2 Selection of Explanatory Variables

In this paper, the controlling shareholder ownership ratio, non-tradable shares ratio,
equity concentration, and equity checks and balances are used as explanatory variables
to explore their relationship with cash dividend payment levels.
Proportion of controlling shareholder ownership (X1). The shareholding ratio of the
controlling shareholder is measured by the proportion of ownership of the ultimate
Non-tradable stocks (X2). The proportion of non-tradable stocks is measured by the
ratio of the quantity of undistributed shares to the gross quantity of shares.
Equity concentration indicator (X3). In this paper, the Herfindahl index is used as a
measure of equity concentration, and X3 is quadratic sum of the company’s major ten
major stockholders. The larger X3 index, the more concentrated the equity is in the
majority shareholder.
Equity balance indicator (X4). The X4 index of this paper is used as a measure of
equity balance. The X4 index is proportion of stockholding from the second to the tenth
biggest stockholder and the shareholding ratio with the biggest stockholder. The larger
X4 index, the higher checks and balances.

3.3 Selection of Control Variables

Combined with the results of domestic scholars’ research on the factors affecting
dividend policy, this paper selects the following control variables:
Company size (X5).
Asset liquidity (X6). From the perspective of principal-agent analysis, the greater
the amount of cash held by management, the higher the cost of agency and the lower
the cost of agency, which will make the possibility of dividends large. This paper uses
the net operating cash flow/total assets to characterize the liquidity of assets.
Asset-liability ratio (X7). Considering that when the company’s debt ratio is high,
the cost of capital is high. If the company pays cash dividends, the company’s financial
situation will be further deteriorated. Therefore, the company’s solvency is restricted by
the cash dividend policy. The debt ratio is included in the control variable.
Profitability (X8). ROE is the evaluation index of the CSRC for initial public
offering, share allotment, and special treatment. There is a possibility that the company
will manage earnings. This paper uses the X8 indicator to measure the profitability of a
company, defined as: the ratio of undistributed profits in the current year to the total
assets of the year.
Growth ability (X9). Research shows that the company’s growth is closely related
to the company’s cash dividends. Companies with good growth tend to retain cash to
meet a large amount of investment capital. Tobin Q is a commonly used indicator for
measuring growth, and is the ratio of the company’s total market capitalization to
replacement cost.
An Empirical Study on the Influence of Ownership Structure 609

4 Empirical Process and Results Analysis

In the regression of control variables, the coefficient of asset-liability ratio (X7) and
growth ability (X9) is negative, that is, the asset-liability ratio, growth ability and cash
dividends are negatively correlated, the asset-liability ratio is very significant, indi-
cating the increase in the asset-liability ratio will result in a decrease in the level of cash
dividend payment; the coefficient of growth ability is negative but not significant, and
further observations should be made to determine its relationship with cash dividends.
Coefficient of company size (X5), asset liquidity (X6) and profitability (X8) is positive,
and the level of significance is high, indicating that the company’s size, asset liquidity
level and profitability will increase, and cash dividends will be paid. The increase in
level has a positive impact.
Table 1 Summary of the Multivariate Equation Model shows the regression results
after the explanation and control variables are added.
Regression coefficient of enterprise equity concentration (X3) is negative, and
p < 0.05, that is, the concentration of equity degree is negatively correlated with the
cash dividends. For every 1% decrease in the concentration of equity, the cash dividends
can be generated. 0.0188% improvement. Therefore, the reduction of the concentration
of equity, that is, reducing the shareholding ratio of the top ten shareholders, is con-
ducive for improvement of cash dividends. This may be because the phenomenon of
coexistence of multiple major shareholders of listed companies in China is more
common. With the increase of the concentration of equity, the equity is more concen-
trated among the major shareholders, and the voice of the major shareholders increases.
It is possible to conspire to encroach on the property of listed companies through related
party transactions, which in turn leads to a decrease in the frequency and scale of listed
companies cash dividends distribution, and the decrease in the cash dividends.

Table 1. List of tests for multivariate equations

(1) (2) (3) (4)
X1 0.0213** 0.0189** 0.004 0.001
−0.008 −0.008 −0.009 −0.013
X2 0.00750*** 0.00669*** 0.00694***
−0.002 −0.002 −0.003
X3 0.0177** 0.0198**
−0.008 −0.009
X4 −0.0004
C 0.0150*** 0.0142*** 0.0164*** 0.0176***
T −0.003 −0.003 −0.003 −0.004
R2 0.003 0.007 0.009 0.009
Obs 6507 6507 6507 6507
Note: ***, **, and * indicate significant levels of
significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
Test results in parentheses.
610 J. Zhu et al.

The regression coefficient of the controlling shareholder ownership ratio (X1) is

negative, but not significant. The phenomenon of monopoly of listed companies in
China is more common. If large shareholders encroach on company property for the
purpose of seeking private interests, it is possible to adopt abnormal means such as
connected transactions. At the same time, a large part of the management represents the
interests of the largest shareholder, and internal supervision and management is less
efficient, resulting in a lower level of dispatch. Therefore, the increase in the share-
holding ratio of controlling shareholders may cut down the cash dividends.
Coefficient of regression the equity balance (X4) is certain, but isn’t significant.
When the controlling shareholder has a large degree of balance, the controlling
shareholder’s right to speak is relatively low, and the major shareholders other than the
controlling shareholder have a relatively loud voice. In order to restrict the free cash
flow of the controlling shareholder, other major shareholders prefer to pass the cash
dividend. The release of cash holdings reduces the level of cash dividend payments.
Among the control variables, the regression coefficient of company size (X5), asset
liquidity (X6) and profitability (X8) is positive, and p < 0.01, i.e. company size, asset
liquidity and profitability and cash dividends level. It is the positive correlation among
the three, and the improvement of the three has a certain improvement effect on the
cash dividends. The more liquidity of assets, the more net cash flow, that is, the large
amount of cash held by the management, resulting in higher principal-agent costs.
From the perspective of reducing the cost of principal-agent, the possibility of cash
dividends is greater, thereby increasing Cash dividend payment level. The regression
coefficient of the asset-liability ratio (X7) is negative, p < 0.05, making clear that the
raise in the asset-liability ratio which has a less effect on the cash dividends. Regression
coefficient of growth ability (X9) is negative, not significant, and further observation
the correlation of the remaining cash dividends.

5 Suggestions

5.1 Pay Attention to the Behavior of Major Shareholders

Improve the information disclosure system and improve the internal supervision role of
listed companies. The controlling shareholder and the major shareholder Yi encroached
on the property of the listed company through the connected transaction, resulting in a
decrease of cash dividends. Therefore, quoted company need to strengthen the
supervision function of independent directors and board of supervisors to improve the
independence of company decision-making and improve the internal supervision
function of listed companies. In addition, the internal supervision department needs to
strengthen the gradual improvement and implementation of the information disclosure
system, and gradually strengthen the monitoring of related party transactions, thereby
reducing the occupation of listed companies by controlling shareholders and other
major shareholders.
An Empirical Study on the Influence of Ownership Structure 611

5.2 Gradually Build a Mutually Balanced Equity Structure

Reduce the concentration of equity and rationally construct the structure of equity
balance. The increase in the balance of equity can effectively control the free cash flow
of controlling shareholders and other major shareholders and increase the level of cash
dividends. Corporate decision-makers should first introduce private capital in a more
positive attitude, such as the introduction of institutional investors, social security
funds, funds, and strategic investors, to achieve the effect of diversifying equity and
improve the holders of each share. The balance between the two is that the level of cash
dividends tends to be reasonable, and the dividend policy is more effective and

Acknowledgments. Heilongjiang Province ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities

young innovative talents training plan. Research on the allocation efficiency of financial resources
in China from the perspective of contract theory (item number: UNPYSCT-2016058).
Heilongjiang Social Science Youth project. Research on the allocation efficiency of financial
resources in Heilongjiang province from the perspective of contract theory (item number:

1. Short H, Zhang H, Keasey K (2012) The link between dividend policy and institutional
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2. Khang K, King D (2012) Is Dividend Policy related to Information Asymmetry? Evidence
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3. Crespi R, Renneboog L (2013) Corporate Monitoring by Shareholder Coalitions in the UK
[DB/OL]. ECGI Finance Working Paper
4. Renneboog L, Trojanowski C (2015) Control structures and payout policy [DB/OL]. ECGI
Working Paper Series in Finance
5. Khan T (2015) Company dividends and ownership structure: evidence from UK panel data
[DB/OL]. SSRN Working paper Series
6. Zhang T (2015) Separation of ownership and control: governance efficiency, corporate value
and dividend distribution. Nanjing Soc Sci 03:42–49
7. Yang Y (2015) A review of research on cash dividend policy based on ultimate ownership
structure. Shanghai Finance 03:71–74
8. Cheng Z, Zhang J (2015) Cross-listing, equity nature and corporate cash dividend policy
——analysis based on propensity score matching method (PSM). Acc Res (07):34–41+96
9. Liang X, Ma Z (2017) Study on the impact of minority equity ratio on cash dividend
distribution of listed companies. Stock Market Rep (04):36–43
10. Chen H, Guo D (2017) Equity incentive plan: tool or mask? - equity incentive, tool choice
and cash dividend policy of listed companies. Econ Manag 39(02):85–99
The Role of Government in the Enclave
Economy Development - Take the Yangtze
River Economic Belt as an Example

Wanhong Xiang1,2(&) and Yanfei Feng1

School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, People’s Republic of China
Office of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and Opening and Cooperation
with ASEAN of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530000,
People’s Republic of China

Abstract. The enclave economy is an innovative model of cross-administrative

regional cooperation led by the government and is of great significance for
promoting the coordinated development of the eastern, central and western
regions. The central government encourages Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang
province in developed regions to build an enclave economy industrial park in
the underdeveloped areas of the central and western regions to jointly promote
the development of the Yangtze River basin, thereby promoting the high-quality
development of China’s economy. Therefore, this paper takes the provinces of
the Yangtze River Economic Belt as the research object and uses the game
theory method. We construct two game models between the government of the
enclave investor and the enclave investee, and governments of the enclave
investee, and analyze the influencing factors of government behavior on the
enclave economy. The results show that the emergence of new industries in the
enclave investor, the relative advantages of the enclave investee and preferential
policies, the mutual cooperation between the two governments is the key to the
success of the enclave economy. Based on this, it is proposed that governments
at all levels of the Yangtze River Economic Belt should strengthen industrial
innovation, soft and hard environment construction, establish inter-
governmental cooperation mechanisms, issue preferential policies.

Keywords: Yangtze River Economic Belt  Enclave economy 

Government behavior

1 Introduction

The Yangtze River Economic Belt starts from Sichuan and Chongqing, passes through
Hunan and Hubei, and reaches Shanghai. It includes 11 provinces in the eastern, central
and western regions of China. The population and GDP of The Yangtze River Eco-
nomic Belt account for about 40% of the national total. It is the focus of China’s
economic center and its vitality. However, the provinces and regions have a serious
phenomenon of political and homogenization competition, and the problems of

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 612–619, 2019.
The Role of Government in the Enclave Economy Development 613

unbalanced and uncoordinated development of the entire basin are outstanding. There
is an urgent need for innovative economic development models to jointly promote the
high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The enclave economy,
as a mode of cooperation across administrative regions, has been highly valued and
promoted by the Chinese government. In May 2017, the Chinese government issued
the “Guiding Opinions on Supporting the Development of the Enclave Economy”,
encouraging Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang in developed regions to build enclave
industrial parks in underdeveloped regions in the central and western regions, and
promoting coordinated development of different regions.
The enclave economy refers to a new economic model in which the two govern-
ments in the different administrative region cooperate and sign an agreement to jointly
invest, construct and manage industrial parks and share the interests of the park.
Generally, the developed regions through the industrial transfer, exporting funds, tal-
ents and management experience, is called the enclave investor; and the underdevel-
oped regions as the inheritance of the industry, called the enclave investee. The enclave
economy has important significance in solving institutional and institutional obstacles,
optimizing resource allocation, promoting the free and orderly flow of factors, and
promoting regional coordinated development.
The theoretical study of the enclave economy is still in its infancy. The research of
foreign scholars focuses on the geography of the enclave [1], immigration enclave [2,
3], cultural enclave and ethnic enclave [4–6], rather than extending from the economic
perspective, which is quite different from the concept of domestic enclaves. Domestic
research focuses on three areas of definition [7], conditions [8] and operational models
of the enclave economy [9]. In particular, the role of the government in the enclave
economy and the location choice of the enclave have not been thoroughly analyzed.
Since the enclave economy occurs in different administrative regions, the interests of
the construction entities (governments, enterprises, individuals) in the enclave economy
are different. The choice of the enclave investor and enclave investee government is
directly related to the success or failure of the enclave economy. Game theory is a
theory that guides organizations or individuals to choose strategies to maximize their
own interests under the constraints of complex environments and rules. Game theory
has been widely used to study the competition and cooperation between different
subjects in multi-regional cooperation [10], industrial transfer [11], and green devel-
opment [12]. Inspired by this, this paper uses the game theory method to analyze the
two most important subjects in the enclave economy: the relationship between the
enclave investor and the enclave investee government, and two enclave investee
governments (the game between two enclave investor governments rarely occurs), and
propose a scientific cooperation strategy. As a result, it has certain practical guiding
significance for the Yangtze River Economic Belt and even all regional local gov-
ernments in China to formulate industrial policies, establish cooperation mechanisms,
and promote the economy enclave development.
614 W. Xiang and Y. Feng

2 Model Construction and Empirical Analysis

The internal development level of the Yangtze River Economic Belt is different, and
the industrial gradient is obviously shifted. Compared with other regions, there are
developed provinces such as Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu, and underdeveloped
provinces such as Hubei, Hunan, Yunnan, and Guizhou. The conditions for the
development of the enclave economy are unique. Especially in the enclave economic
practice, it has achieved certain results. For example, south and north Jiangsu co-
construction industrial park and “double transfer” industrial park of Jiangsu and Anhui
provinces are successful cases of enclave economy.

2.1 Basic Assumptions

There are only two players in the game. For the convenience of research, choose any
two provinces within the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Both provinces are pursuing
maximum self-interest. The development of the enclave economy by both governments
is voluntary. The government information of both provinces is open.

2.2 The Game of the Enclave Investor Government and the Enclave
Investee Government
Assume that the two provinces in the Yangtze River Economic Belt jointly build an
industrial park with an enclave economy model. The industry I is transferred. The initial
revenue generated by industry I for the enclave investor and the enclave investee is a1. In
order to attract the industry I, the enclave investee adopt a certain preferential policy, the
cost is c2, compared to the income, the cost c2 is negligible. Under the effect of pref-
erential policies, the enclave investee will get a greater return a2 (a2 > a1). The enclave
investor government has two attitudes toward industry I: retention and no retention. If
you don’t try to keep it, it’s gone. If you retain, you must pay the cost c1 to support the
industry I to stay in the local development. Of course, after the success of the retention,
not all companies will stay, assuming that the number of enterprises left is b.
When the industry I is transferred out, it will be possible to face the problem of
hollowing out the industry. In order to avoid that, it is necessary to have new industries
come in. The income generated by these new industries for the enclave investor
government is a3 (a3 > a2). Based on the above assumptions, the following will discuss
the income of the enclave investor government and the enclave investee government
when the new industry enters and there is no new industry entering.
(1) There is no New Industry Entering in the Enclave Investor
When there is no new industry to enter, the industry will be hollowed out, leading to
the loss of enterprises, taxes and talents. In response to this situation, the enclave
investor government will adopt a policy of retaining or not retaining the industry. The
payment matrix is shown in Table 1 below. The results show that when the enclave
investor government implements the retention policy and the enclave investee gov-
ernment gives certain preferential policy to attract the industry, the income is the best.
Nash equilibrium is (retention, policy).
The Role of Government in the Enclave Economy Development 615

Table 1. Payment matrix [no new industry entry in the enclave investor]
Sector The enclave investee government
Policy No policy
The enclave investor Retention a1b − c1, (1 − b)a2 − c2 a1b − c1, (1 − b)a1
government No retention 0, a2 − c2 0, a1

(2) There is a New Industry Entering in the Enclave Investor

When new industries enter, they bring higher profits to the enclave investor. In order to
make room for the development of new industries, the enclave investor government
will inevitably adopt a policy of non-retention and transfer the old industries. However,
it is more suitable for the industry to the enclave investee more than one place.
Therefore, the enclave investee government will continue to implement preferential
policies. The payment matrix is shown in Table 2 below. (No retention, policy) is the
Nash equilibrium point of the model. At this point, both sides will maximize the gains.

Table 2. Payment matrix [new industry entry in the enclave investor]

Sector The enclave investee government
Policy No policy
The enclave Retention a1b + (1 − b)a3 − c1, a1b + (1 − b)a3 − c1,
investor (1 − b)a2 − c2 (1 − b)a1
government No retention a3, a2 − c2 a3, a1

2.3 The Game Between the Enclave Investee Governments

In general, the comparative advantages include the distance between the two places,
industrial convergence, cost gap, cultural differences, market capacity and so on. The
comparative advantage is an important factor for the enclave selection. Assuming that
there are province X and province Y as the enclave investee, there are two cases when
examining the comparative advantages.
(1) Both Provinces have no Comparative Advantage
The preferential policy for the enclave investee will be an important factor for the
enclave selection. Suppose that the initial benefits of province X and province Y are
both a. If an enclave industrial park is established in a certain province, the benefits of
the enclave investee will increase by 2b. Due to the government’s preferential policies,
a certain fee c is required. Compared with income, expenditure c is negligible. When
the province X has preferential policies and the province Y has no preferential policies,
the province X is the enclave investee, and vice versa; when the province X and the
province Y adopt policies, they each undertake half of the projects from the enclave
investor. When there are no policies for the province X and the province Y, there will
be two cases. The enclave investor will no longer transfer the industry to the two
616 W. Xiang and Y. Feng

provinces, or the two provinces will each undertake half of the projects. The benefits
are shown in Table 3 below. (policy, policy) are the Nash equilibrium points of the

Table 3. Payment matrix [both provinces have no comparative advantage]

Sector Province Y
Policy No policy
Province X Policy a + b – c, a + b − c a + 2b − c, a
No policy a, a + 2b − c a + b, a + b

(2) A province has a Comparative Advantage

Assuming that the province X has a comparative advantage, then when the province X
and the province Y have preferential policies or no preferential policies, the province X
has preferential policies and the province Y has no preferential policies, the province X
will become the enclave investee. However, when there is no policy in the province X,
and the province Y has a policy, the enclave investor will compare the effect of the
preferential policy and the comparative advantage to choose the enclave. There are two
situations: First, When the policy effect is less than the comparative advantage effect,
the province X with a comparative advantage will become the enclave investee. At this
time, the benefits of province X and province Y are (a + 2b, ac). However, the two
sides of the game adopt a (no policy, no policy) strategy and will gain more benefits.
Second, when the policy effect is greater than the comparative advantage effect, the
enclave investor will choose the province Y to cooperate. In this case, the game model
has no Nash equilibrium solution, and the benefits obtained from the preferential
policies for the enclave investor will be an important reference to select the enclave.

3 Conclusion

3.1 The Success or Failure of Enclave Economic Cooperation Depends

on the Emergence of New Industries
In the absence of new industries, the industrial hollowness will lead to a series of
economic and social problems, that the enclave investor government will not like to
see, and at this time it will try to retain the industries. If a new industry comes in, it will
gain new tax sources for the enclave investor government and drive economic growth.
In order to make room for the new industry, the enclave investor government will adopt
a non-retention policy to transfer the industry and bring more benefits to the enclave
investee government. The two governments will achieve a win-win situation.
The Role of Government in the Enclave Economy Development 617

3.2 For the Enclave Investee Government, It Is Very Important

to Introduce Corresponding Preferential Policies
From Tables 1, 2, and 3, when the Nash equilibrium is reached, regardless of the
decision of the enclave investor government, the enclave investee government depends
on favorable policies to attract industry transfer and achieve the rapid development of
local economy and society. It can be seen that preferential policies will be an important
factor influencing the landing of the enclave industrial park when the comparative
advantages of different regions are not much different.

3.3 The Comparative Advantage Is an Important Consideration

for the Enclave Selection
The profit of the enclave investee with comparative advantage is higher than that
without comparative advantage whether the preferential policy is implemented. For
example, when province X and province Y adopt (policy, policy) strategy, the province
X income a + 2b − c is greater than the province Y income a − c, and so on.
Therefore, it is of great significance for attracting industry transfer to the enclave
investee with its own industrial base, soft and hard environment, cost factors and other

3.4 The Total Income Obtained by Mutual Cooperation Between

the Enclave Investor Government and the Enclave Investee
Government Is Higher than the Total Income Obtained
from Competition with Each Other
From Table 3, since the enclave investor urgently needs to “cage the bird for change”,
if the two sides of the enclave investee are united and adopted (no policy, no policy),
the industrial transfer can also be obtained. At this time, the total benefit of cooperation
is 2a + 2b, which is greater than 2a + 2b − 2c in Nash equilibrium. This is the optimal
strategy of the two places. Therefore, it is necessary to actively cooperate with each
other to reduce vicious competition and maximize the overall interests of the region.

4 Countermeasures and Suggestions

4.1 Give Full Play to the Leading Role of the Yangtze River Delta
and Promote Industrial Innovation
Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu province should make full use of the good industrial
foundation and rich factors such as talent, capital and management, speed up the
implementation of “made in China 2025”, and become bigger and stronger in advanced
manufacturing and strategic emerging industries. Through continuous improvement of
innovation capabilities, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, establish a
number of new enterprises and industrial clusters, and provide a continuous stream of
transferable industries for the enclave investee.
618 W. Xiang and Y. Feng

4.2 Strengthening the Construction of Soft and Hard Environment

and Improving the Carrying Capacity of the Industry
The middle and upper provinces of the Yangtze River Economic Belt should be based
on local industrial bases and advantageous natural resources, and select and undertake
projects to cultivate industrial clusters. Accelerate the construction of infrastructure in
industrial parks, improve the necessary conditions for transportation, energy, and
communications in the park, promote the integration of production cities, and enhance
the carrying capacity of the park. We must use various policies such as the develop-
ment of the western region and the rise of the central region given by the central
government. It is necessary to guide the extension of the advantageous industries in the
Yangtze River Delta, integrate and extend the industrial chain, and steadily promote the
construction of inter-provincial cooperative parks.

4.3 Establishing Intergovernmental Cooperation Mechanisms

and Giving Play to the Guiding Role of the Government
We will establish an operational system for co-construction and co-management and a
mechanism for sharing benefits. The enclave park should be built with the joint par-
ticipation of both parties, and a benefit distribution mechanism of GDP and tax revenue
sharing should be established, so that the “dividends” brought about by the regional
integration of the Yangtze River Economic Belt will be shared between the enclave
investor and the enclave investee, forming a community of interests and enhancing the
initiative of cooperation.

4.4 Introducing Mutually Beneficial Policies and Strengthening Support

for the Enclave Parks
The enclave park is different from the general high-tech development zones and eco-
nomic and technological development area, and a series of more favorable policies and
measures should be formulated. Financial subsidies and tax breaks should be more
flexible. We will explore the establishment of special funds for the enclave economy at
the provincial level to provide financing services for more enclaves try to adopt the PPP
model to attract social capital to participate in the development, construction and
operation management of the enclave. All provinces must take the initiative to break
down administrative barriers and implement the same rights in the cooperation areas to
accelerate the integration of the Yangtze River Economic Belt market.

Acknowledgement. This paper is supported by Natural Science Foundation of China

The Role of Government in the Enclave Economy Development 619

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Research Long-Run Equilibrium
and Short-Term Volatility of Energy
Demand in Liaoyang City Based
on Mathematical Modeling

Xiaoze Yu1(&) and Liang Sun2

College of Engineering, Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities,
Tongliao 028000, China
Dalian Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Dalian 116400, China

Abstract. In order to forecast the future energy demand in Liaoyang City,

based on the previous energy consumption in Liaoyang City, a grey GM (1, 1)
model and a cubic exponential smoothing model are respectively established,
which are combined a new model after weighted average. The results show that
the major factor is GDP population, energy consumption structure, technolog-
ical advances, industrial structure and the level of Urbanization. Through the
establishment of model and the regression equation, the effect of economic
growth, industrial structure and the total population of the large energy con-
sumption. According to the variables on Liaoyang the impact of energy con-
sumption intensity and effect mechanism, to achieve the sustainable
development of Liaoyang City, energy consumption, we must vigorously
develop rural renewable energy.

Keywords: GM (1,1) model  Energy consumption  Industry structure 

Energy demand  Liaoyang city

1 Foreword

Domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of research on the relationship of
China’s energy consumption and the factor of energy demand. Most of these scholars
from Chinese energy demand and economic growth, the relationship between the
industrial structure and energy prices, and so on to start analysis the equilibrium
relationship of China’s energy consumption and the variables [1]. Jiang used co-
integration and error correction model to established a China’s energy demand model,
analysis of the determinants of China’s energy needs empirically, and concluded that
the long-term equilibrium relationship of total consumption of energy, GDP, energy
prices and structural changes is existing. Lu studied the effects of industrial structure
change on energy consumption and the empirical results show that there is a great
correlation between the two. But study on comprehensive multivariate analysis of
energy consumption factors is less [2]. Therefore, this article intends to use

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 620–628, 2019.
Research Long-Run Equilibrium and Short-Term Volatility of Energy Demand 621

econometric time-series to analyze energy consumption and the variables of Gansu

Province from 1985 to 2007, establish co-integration and error correction model. Study
the long-term equilibrium relationship and the relationship between short-term fluc-
tuations of energy consumption and economic growth, population, industry structure,
energy consumption structure and technological progress of Gansu Province and
analyze model results [3].

2 Analysis of Factors that Affect Energy Consumption

2.1 Economic Growth

Energy is necessary factors of production for economic growth, the growth rate of
national economy and energy demand of a country or an area maintained a positive
relationship, put another way the faster economic development, energy demand
increases the more. In fact, the relationship between energy demand and economic
growth is interactive, because energy demand is an important source of economic
growth momentum and economic growth is a necessary condition for the development
of energy demand [4].

2.2 Industry Structure

Economic growth in the macro sense is closely connected with the particular industrial
structure. Not only changes of industrial structure ensured the China’s economy grew
continuously and rapidly but also affected energy demand greatly. The main reason of
why industrial structure changes affected energy demand is that each industry energy
consumption index is different, if the high energy consumption index industries
account for a large proportion in the national economy and rising fast, energy demand
will rapidly increase.

2.3 Energy Consumption Structure

China’s energy consumption structure is that coal is the main, oil and gas are assisted
and electricity is the least. This is determined by China’s natural resources character-
istics of “more oil and less coal,” and this situation will not be a fundamental change
for a long period. National Development and Reform Commission has made a pre-
diction that China’s energy consumption over the next 10 years will still be dominated
by coal but will gradually turn to diversification structure of nuclear energy, renewable
energy and other new energy sources [5].

2.4 Technical Level

The impact of technological progress on energy demand, including two sides, one side
is technology advances improved the efficiency of industries produce equipment
continuously, developed energy-saving technologies [6], reduced energy consumption
of per unit product and reduced energy demand, the other side is scientific and tech-
nological progress could continue to develop new energy and quality energy, trigger a
622 X. Yu and L. Sun

fundamental change in the structure of energy demand, thereby change the develop-
ment trend of the energy demand.

2.5 Level of Population and Urbanization

Population not only affects the total energy consumption but also affects per capita
consumption and patterns of energy resources. The increase in population, especially in
the urban population will make China’s demand for energy is increasing rapidly [7].
Not only the total population affects energy demand, the impact of the demographic
structure on the total energy demand is also great. Cities have a complete energy supply
infrastructure that could provide residents with convenient energy services, similarly
also pay more for energy services. The energy consumption in rural areas is mainly
dependent on the collection of decentralized renewable energy resources and traditional
energy use patterns.
In addition to these factors, there are many factors that influence energy demand,
such as energy prices, international trade, the country’s macroeconomic policy, the
level of consumption, climate and so on.

3 The Co-integration and Analysis of Error Correction

3.1 Selection of Index and Processing of Data
According to /Yearbook of LiaoYang/, /City annals of LiaoYang/, /Yearbook of China
Energy Statistical/ and other relevant information, the study chosen time series data of
total energy consumption, energy consumption structure, energy consumption density,
GDP, industry structure, total population and urbanization rate of LiaoYang between
1990 to 2010 as factors affecting energy consumption. As shown in Table 1, in the
table total energy consumption (ECG) is transformed with year value utilizing electro
thermal equivalent calculation, and transformed electricity’s thermal power equivalent
to standard coal, it’s conversion coefficient is 10,000 kwh = 1.229 tons of standard
coal, and unit is tons of standard coal. Energy consumption structure (ECS) is repre-
sented by coal consumption accounts for the proportion of total energy consumption.
Energy consumption density (EDS) reflects technological advances impact on energy
consumption, the amount of energy of producing one unit of GDP consumed in a given
period is represented by million national GDP energy consumption. In statistics GDP
of 1990–2000 years is calculated at comparable prices of 1990’s, GDP of 2001–2005
years is calculated at comparable prices of 2000’s, GDP of 2006–2008 years is cal-
culated at comparable prices of 2005’s, GDP of 2009–2010 years is calculated at
comparable prices of 2008’s, and unit is one ton of standard coal/million [8]. Gross
Regional Product (GDP) is the final verification number, excluding the impact of the
price it is the ratio of nominal GDP and CPI, its units is one hundred million Yuan.
Industrial structure (IDS) is the second industrial output value in the proportion of GDP
of the three industries. Total population of Liaoyang (PLT) is represented by popula-
tion of the end of year, its unit is ten thousand people. Urbanization rate
Research Long-Run Equilibrium and Short-Term Volatility of Energy Demand 623

Table 1. Key data used in the model analysis

(MTCE) (%) (TCE/ten hundred (%) thousand (%)
thousand million people)
yuan) yuan)
1990 241.5 58.49 6.32 40.78 50.25 172.12 36.3
1991 256.38 61.06 5.89 45.98 50.79 173.2 36.9
1992 304.44 62.74 5.56 55.84 52.36 174.1 37.3
1993 339.17 63.55 5.29 67.94 50.7 175.03 37.7
1994 372.01 65.41 5.09 76.51 50.31 176.61 38.5
1995 383.88 64.58 4.93 89.57 51.75 177.1 39.2
1996 395.48 67.81 4.55 113.86 50.76 177.6 40.1
1997 371.52 67.97 4.14 121.52 51.38 178.11 40.9
1998 359.48 69.64 3.86 133.46 49.86 178.64 41.74
1999 379.69 68.53 3.7 156.77 48.52 179.2 41.96
2000 422.78 69.13 2.3 174.23 51.75 180.12 42.43
2001 463.82 69.92 2.2 195.26 55.16 181.84 42.41
2002 511.64 65.57 2.14 217.1 53.76 182.07 42.6
2003 560.92 65.49 2.17 239.37 53.29 182.35 42.83
2004 617.54 66.88 2.21 290.01 54.79 182.41 42.89
2005 680.92 68.46 2.18 330.2 60.93 182.01 43.46
2006 749.33 70.25 1.94 393.03 62.24 182.55 43.52
2007 823.4 68.57 1.9 467.71 63.79 183.38 43.66
2008 903.05 69.42 1.84 566.61 59.36 183.39 43.66
2009 966.89 71.27 1.74 608.01 60.48 183.53 43.64
2010 1035.45 69.83 1.63 735.28 63.77 183.37 43.75

(ROU) indicates the trend of urban and rural population structure change and is rep-
resented by the proportion of urban population (non-agricultural population) of the total
The paper used Eview 5.0 software to analysis time series date of 1990–2000 years,
owing to take time series date logarithm will not change its timing nature and loga-
rithmic date can get stationary series easily, in addition it avoided the problem that
produce heteroscedasticity in using actual time series date, also it has an appropriate
economic sense. Therefore the date that used to test the unit root, co-integration test and
build error correction model is log-processed, they are LECG, LECS, LEDS, LGDP,
LIDS, LPLT and LROU [9].

3.2 Unit Root Test

Unit root test is very important for checking time series stability, before modeling time
series are tested with ADF unit root test method, if the series test contain constant term
or time trend term is based on the original series graphics, in ADF test the lag order is
624 X. Yu and L. Sun

determined by AIC criterion, since the sequence length restrictions, the maximum
amount of hysteresis is 5.
Table 2 shows that, at the 5% significance level, LECG, LECS, LEDS, LGDP,
LIDS have unit roots, their level value are non-stable, but the LRU and LPLT do not
have unit root, their level value are stable, therefore by applying first difference the
values of first-order are stable. In order to keep interpretability and economic signifi-
cance of the equation, this paper took its first difference value I (1), and I (1) met
conditions of co-integration test.

Table 2. ADF test results of various time series

Sequence Level First difference
ADF test 5% critical Conclusion ADF test 5% critical Conclusion
value value
LECG 1.031703 −3.040391 Non-stable −3.603999 −3.098896 Stable
LECS −2.999733 −3.020686 Non-stable −4.714925 −3.029970 Stable
LEDS −0.795258 −3.020686 Non-stable −4.233699 −3.029970 Stable
LGDP −0.197610 −3.020686 Non-stable −4.870159 −3.029970 Stable
LIDS −0.403222 −3.020686 Non-stable −3.865008 −3.029970 Stable
LPLT −3.481979 −3.020686 Stable −2.704698 −3.029970 Stable
LROU −4.131354 −3.065585 Stable −0.824031 −3.040391 Stable

3.3 Co-integration Test

According to the theory of co-integration and Engle-Granger test method, this paper
estimated long-run equilibrium equation by using least squares method and establish
co-integration regression model firstly.

LECG ¼ c þ a1 LECS þ a2 LEDS þ a3 LGDP þ a4 LIDS þ a5 LPLT þ a6 LROU þ ut ð1Þ

In the formula the determined variable is LECG, determinate variable are LECS,
LEDS, LGDP, LIDS LPLT and LROU. Ut is random disturbance item and also named
residual series. The paper regressed above formula by using EVeiws5.0 software and
derived the following estimating equation.

LECG= -50.34246 + 0.008643 LECS+ 0.214451 LEDS + 0.572617LGDP +

0.0027 0.9831 0.0202 0.0000
0.643464 LIDS+13.23138 LPLT -4.827816 LROU + ut
0. 0001 0.0005 0. 0349

R-squared = 0.994463 Adjusted R-squared = 0.992090 s.e. = 0.038511

DW = 2.272196.
Values in brackets under the formula are P test values of variables, the values of R2
and adjusted R2 described that the fitting degree of the equation is excellent, the
Research Long-Run Equilibrium and Short-Term Volatility of Energy Demand 625

significance is very high, it has long-range determinate effect for energy consumption
of LiaoYang. P test values of the regression results showed that in the six factors of
influencing energy consumption of LiaoYang, economic growth, industry structure and
total population have the strongest explanatory powers for energy consumption, fol-
lowed is the energy consumption density, however energy consumption structure and
urbanization rate have the weak explanatory powers for energy consumption [10].
To test the co-integrating regression equation is co-integrated for each variable, this
paper used ADF unit root test method to test stationarity of estimated residuals value b ut
of equalization error value ut . The results are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Unit root test results of residual in co-integration equation

Sequence Lag period ADF test value 1% critical value 5% critical value Conclusion
ut 0 −3.932156 −3.808546 −3.020686 Smooth
Note: The lag order is automatically generated in accordance with AIC guidelines, 5% and
1% threshold are MacKinnon co-integration threshold.

From the result of the unit root test of co-integration equation residuals, the residual
sequence is smooth. It showed that the energy consumption, GDP, population, energy
consumption structure, technological progress, industry structure and urbanization of
LiaoYang between 1990 and 2010 showed a long-term common trend, that is to say
they have a co-integration relationship, and explanatory variables in the equation
explained 99.4% of LECG changes. The statistical test results are satisfactory, and their
actual value and the fitted values have good correlation, it avoided the “spurious
regression” phenomenon.
In the long-term equilibrium equation, energy demand elasticity with respect to
GDP was 0.572617, it was to say when the GDP increase 1%, the energy demand will
change 0.573%, it was in line with a positive correlation of economic laws of energy
demand and economic growth. The impact of industrial structure on energy demand
was positive too, the proportion of industrial structure also named secondary industry
increased 1% will lead to changes in energy demand 0.643%. Because of industrial-
ization, the proportion of industrial sectors especially high energy-consuming sectors of
LiaoYang in the national economy was rising continuously [11]. Most of these sectors
were big consumers, so that the industrial structure of Liaoyang will lead to positive
changes in energy demand associated, this was consistent with the actual economic
situation. Long-term population elasticity of energy demand was 13.23138, the high
population elasticity was due to the large population and the big cardinal number, small
changes in population will cause major changes in energy consumption. Contribution
rate of changes in energy consumption density to changes in energy consumption was
0.214%, Structure of energy consumption and total energy consumption were posi-
tively correlated. Effect of Liaoyang coal-based consumption structure of energy
demand is not great, contribution rate was only 0.009%. Optimize energy consumption
structure will reduce future energy demand. The process of urbanization will promote
changes in population structure and cause changes in the industrial structure, the
626 X. Yu and L. Sun

structure of consumption and production, but in the long term this effect was presented
inversely correlated.

3.4 Error Correction Model

Co-integration analysis results show the existence of long-term equilibrium relationship
between the seven factors, the formula of co-integrating relationship can only show
long-term relationship and trends between variables, these variables in the short term
may be uneven, therefore, the paper established the following error correction model in
order to further study short-term behavior of energy consumption of Liaoyang.

n X
n X
n X
DLECGt ¼ c þ a1i DLECS þ a2i DLEDS þ a3i DLGDP þ a4i DLIDS þ
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
n Xn X
a5i DLPLT þ a6i DLROU þ a7i DLECG þ a8 ECMð1Þ þ nt
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1

Among them, ECM(-1) indicates the estimated residual value of the first-order lag
of co-integrating regression formula.
According to Hendry General specific modeling methods, 3-order lag variables and
error correction term were firstly selected, then the non-significant variables were
gradually removed. The paper came to the conclusion:
Δ LECG= 0.315222 Δ LEDSt-1 + 0.498841 Δ LGDP
+0.630248 Δ LIDS
0.0227 0.0001
+12.76341 Δ LPLT+8.750344 Δ LPLT t-1 -4.887272 Δ LROU
-0.131979 Δ ECMt-1
0.0129 0.0962 0.0011
R-squared= 0.708277 Adjusted R-squared= 0.744452 s.e.= 0.034857

DW ¼ 2:195310 ARCHð3Þ ¼ 0:457ð0:767Þ

The number in parentheses is not refuse probability of corresponding null

In the above model, regression coefficients of LEDS, LGDP, LIDS, LPLT and
LROU have passed the test of significance and long-term co-integration regression test
was basically the same. Error correction coefficient was negative, it was in line with the
reverse correction mechanism. According to DW value the known model did not exist
autocorrelation. In autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity inspection, ARCH
value showed there is no heteroscedasticity. Error correction model better reflects the
Research Long-Run Equilibrium and Short-Term Volatility of Energy Demand 627

short-term energy consumption of Liaoyang and it had a good fitting results and
stability. When short-term fluctuations of energy consumption deviated from long-term
equilibrium in Liaoyang, the paper will use the adjustment coefficient −1.132 to pull
non-equilibrium state back to equilibrium.

4 Conclusions and Recommendations

(1) The long-term co-integration relationship between energy consumption, gross
regional product, population, energy consumption structure, technological pro-
gress, industrial structure and urbanization level is being. Among these factors,
the urbanization rate is negative correlated to energy consumption, the remaining
variables are positively correlated to energy consumption and economic growth,
industrial structure and the total population have great impact on energy
(2) Error correction model better reflects the short-term energy consumption
Liaoyang, and it has good fitting results and stability. When short-term fluctua-
tions deviate from long-term equilibrium energy consumption in Liaoyang the
paper will use the adjustment coefficient −1.132 to pull non-equilibrium state back
to equilibrium.
(3) According to the strength and influence mechanism that variables on Liaoyang
energy consumption, the use of renewable energy in rural areas must be vigor-
ously developed in order to achieve sustainable development on Liaoyang energy
consumption. Liaoyang abundant biomass in rural areas, its theoretical reserves of
about 2 million tons, and annual production is about 2.4 million tons of animal
manure additionally, these can effectively increase the energy supply capacity,
improve the energy consumption structure, reduce environmental pollution and
achieve energy for sustainable development.

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statistical 1991–2010. China Statistics Press, Beijing
4. Gao T (2006) Applications and examples of econometric methods and modeling-EViews.
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5. Zhang X (2007) Guide and case of EViews. Machinery Industry Press, Beijing
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8. Sonmez M, Akgüngör AP (2017) Estimating transportation energy demand in Turkey using
the artificial bee colony algorithm. Energy 1:122–127
628 X. Yu and L. Sun

9. Sancho Tomás A, Sumner M, Lamparter S, Robinson D (2015) On the energy demands 7 of

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11. R Core Team (2015) R: a language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation
for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria
College Teaching Management Under
the Background of Innovation

Yonghai Yu(&)

Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, China


Abstract. In the wake of continuous innovation of higher education in China,

how to improve the teaching quality and teaching level of Chinese higher
education institutions has become a major emergency for Chinese higher edu-
cation institutions. As one of the important systems in a school, the teaching
management system is an important foundation and guarantee for improving the
teaching quality and teaching level of Chinese higher education institutions.
Therefore, the reform and innovation of the teaching management system of
Chinese higher education institutions is the key work that should be carried out
in the current development of Chinese higher education institutions.

Keyword: College teaching management innovation research

Under the new trend of advocating education innovation, the teaching management of
colleges and universities in China has attracted wide attention of scholars from all
walks of life. School leaders and managers re-examine the importance of teaching
management, and according to the school’s own situation to reform, to maximize the
quality of teaching, training talents. The research shows that the innovation of teaching
mode has become the main breakthrough point. In the process of reform, many edu-
cation institutions do not proceed from reality, blindly carry out reform and innovation,
and the final results are not obvious, which is not conducive to the improvement of
education level. Therefore, education reform must proceed from the actual situation of

1 Analysis of the Background of Teaching Management

in China’s Chinese Higher Education Institutions
1.1 The Concept of Teaching Management in Chinese Higher Education
Teaching management is to serve the whole teaching system. In other words, education
institutions carry out teaching management in order to better develop teaching work.
Management personnel must make teaching objectives and relevant teaching plans
according to the actual situation of the school. The content of teaching management
basically includes teaching operation management, teaching plan management,
teaching quality management and evaluation, and also covers the selection of teaching

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 629–636, 2019.
630 Y. Yu

materials, laboratory, and the formulation of teaching management system. Good

teaching management can create a relatively good teaching environment, which is
conducive to teachers to display their own educational and teaching talents, and
actively study teaching and management skills.
Coincidence, improving management level, especially the reform and adjustment of
the existing teaching management mode, is conducive to stimulating students’ enthu-
siasm for learning. The author believes that college education plays an important role in
cultivating high-quality talents and promoting the reform of talent structure. The
teaching management of Chinese higher education institutions is the foundation and the
core, so Chinese higher education institutions should pay attention to teaching man-
agement [1, 2].

1.2 Characteristics of Teaching Management in Chinese Higher

Education Institutions
1.2.1 Integrity
Teaching management mainly includes teaching plan management, teaching quality
management and teaching process management. These items have a relatively close
relationship and play a role of mutual influence and containment. The benefits of
teaching management are the result of coordination between different aspects from a
comprehensive perspective [3]. It is a single occurrence.

1.2.2 Dynamic
In my opinion, China’s higher education management mode mainly relies on education
managers to allocate teaching resources and adjust the relationship between teachers
and students and the school. Therefore, in this process, due to the differences between
various factors, teaching management itself has certain dynamics.

1.2.3 Academic
The most important task of the modern educational management of Chinese higher
education institutions is to train talents. Therefore, in the process of investment man-
agement, it must be combined with professional academic knowledge and in accor-
dance with the requirements and laws of modern education [4]. The modern
educational management personnel of Chinese higher education institutions must first
have a certain theoretical knowledge, which is a qualified college.
Teaching management staff. Clarify the professional requirements of modern
education for talent training, and reach a certain educational consensus with teachers,
so that the modern educational management of Chinese higher education institutions
can fully reflect the academic characteristics.

1.2.4 Orientation
The content of modern educational management in Chinese higher education institu-
tions is to help teachers to carry out their own teaching work and let students receive
better education. Therefore, the modern educational management of Chinese higher
education institutions has a certain guiding effect on the behaviors of students and
teachers in Chinese higher education institutions. The key point is to guide teachers in
College Teaching Management Under the Background of Innovation 631

using what teaching modes and teaching methods to adjust their teaching content. The
level of teaching management will directly affect the effect of talent training in edu-
cation institutions. Hence, education institutions must attend to concentrates on guiding
significance of modern educational management to the cultivation of talents in Chinese
higher education institutions.

1.2.5 Democracy
Modern education management not only relies on school administrators, but also
requires the participation of all members of the school, including classroom professors,
counselors and students. In the implementation of teaching management projects, all
participants play subjective initiative and discuss teaching management programs,
classified. All personnel actively participate in the whole process of management plan
formulation, which will fully reflect the democratic nature of teaching management in
higher education institutions in China [5].

2 The Analysis of the Current Situation of College Teaching


As a place to provide talents for the society, colleges must have a high level of teaching
in order to export more talents to the society. Therefore, the teaching management of
Chinese higher education institutions must be scientific and reasonable, and a sound
teaching management system must be in place to ensure the teaching level of the

2.1 Teaching Management Concept Is Backward

At present, the most serious problem in the teaching management of domestic univer-
sities is the problem of backward teaching management. The ultimate goal of higher
education institutions is to cultivate high-quality innovative talents, which requires
modern education managers to have certain professionalism. Therefore, in addition to
general management knowledge, college-related teaching management personnel also
need to have professional teaching theory knowledge and rich management experience,
in order to maximize the development of teaching management systems and measures in
line with the standards for personnel training in universities [6]. However, through data
research, the teaching management personnel of some local universities in China do not
have high professional management knowledge and ability, and generally have low
academic level and low comprehensive quality. In addition, some college leaders and
managers have not fully realized the importance of teaching management, and have
taken care of the school’s modern educational management as an ordinary job. In
addition, some school education administrators do not pay attention to their own level of
improvement, showing a less positive attitude towards school training, and the
requirements for their work are rather vague. Therefore, when Chinese higher education
institutions are innovating teaching management, they need to learn the latest concepts
and methods of modern educational management in light of the actual situation of the
school and improve the modern educational management level of the school.
632 Y. Yu

2.2 Management System Is Too Rigid

In the traditional concept of modern educational management, many schools adhere to
the concept of strict teacher, give the management teaching management system some
coercive content and characteristics, and believe that the effect of strict management,
resulting in excessive rigidity of some schools’ management system, not humanized
And human characteristics. In the face of the new educational situation and the changes
of new students, they are at a loss, and suppress the individualized development of
students, which also has a certain hindrance to the teaching of teachers. For example,
on the issue of selecting a major, many students do not have a deep understanding of
their majors when they enter the university campus, and make professional choices
based on feelings or based on social evaluation and family reasons. However, when
students enter the university to get in touch with their majors, they will have a more
objective examination of their majors. Some students will have the idea of turning to a
professional. If students do not have enough interest and confidence in the profession
they are currently engaged in, it will lead to poor learning in the profession. Therefore,
in the selection and setting of the course content, reasonable arrangements should be
made according to the situation of different departments. If the system of teaching
management is too rigid, the adjustment of the curriculum will become more difficult.
In addition, the school teaching management usually develops a plan within one cycle,
such as a three-year plan or a five-year plan, and then the teacher will set up his own
course schedule and course content according to the plan of teaching management. The
basic implementation is this plan. But modern education is changing all the time. If
teachers do not modify and supplement their teaching plans in combination with the
latest situation and knowledge [7], then the knowledge conveyed to the students is
outdated. This is not in line with the objective requirements of modern education, and it
does not meet the needs of current talent training. Thus, the problem of rigid system
reform is also a problem that Chinese higher education institutions should pay attention
to at present.

2.3 Teaching Management Method Is Single

Another serious problem in the teaching management of Chinese higher education
institutions under the background of innovative education is that the teaching man-
agement method is relatively simple. Domestic local Chinese higher education insti-
tutions do not pay much attention to the teaching management work, adhere to the
original teaching management techniques and measures, and do not combine the dif-
ferent needs of the current era and society, so the school’s teaching management
method clearly shows certain mandatory characteristics. It requires teachers and stu-
dents to standardize their behavior patterns in strict accordance with relevant standards
and plans, and lose the meaning of serving teachers and students. Strict teaching
management system has achieved relatively good results in a certain period of time, but
in the context of innovative education, this method will be difficult to meet the needs of
current education reform. In addition, the teaching management staff of some schools
place too much emphasis on their management position, ignoring that their own work
is to serve the teaching work of the school, thus causing some managers to treat the
College Teaching Management Under the Background of Innovation 633

work negatively [8]. The author believes that from the intersubjective theory of modern
Western philosophy, we must treat the subject involved in the modern educational
management of Chinese higher education institutions equally. Managers and managers
should not simply manage and obey the relationship, but from the status of equality.
Create a more harmonious and healthy atmosphere to promote the innovation of
teaching management in Chinese higher education institutions. The teaching man-
agement personnel in the domestic part neglected the subjective initiative of the stu-
dents, and dealt with the problems and suggestions reflected by the students in the
attitude of educators and managers, which caused the problem of single rigid

2.4 The Quality of Teaching Management Personnel Is Low

They are the skeleton that supports the entire teaching management operation. How-
ever, due to the rapid increase in the number of students in the current higher education
reform in China, the problems of school administrators have become increasingly
prominent. On the one hand, the increase in amount of students makes the number of
students managing students seriously inadequate. Most student managers face a large
number of students, especially when students encounter problems in their lives.
A student tutors to help them solve problems. On the other hand, there is a problem
with the teaching staff. Most teachers think that their teaching ability and academic
ability are very important, and they neglect their own ability to manage students. As a
result, most of the current teachers have insufficient student management skills and are
not qualified for the current teaching management.

3 The Effective Path of Innovation and Practice

in the Teaching Management System of Chinese Higher
Education Institutions

The innovation and practice of the management system of education institutions of

higher learning is the only way for the reform of education institutions in China. It is
also an important means to improve the quality of teaching and an inevitable trend to
adapt to social development.

3.1 Innovating Teaching Management Ideas and Updating Teaching

Management Concepts
The first thing that needs to be solved in the innovation and practice of the teaching
management system of education institutions are to start from the teaching management
thoughts and concepts, and to carry out innovative practice on the teaching manage-
ment system of Chinese higher education institutions from the root. First of all, it is
necessary to establish a people-oriented teaching management ideology, taking stu-
dents as the main body of the whole teaching management, and based on the students’
fundamental interests to stimulate students’ creativity, enthusiasm and independence
[4]. Secondly, it is necessary to establish a concept of all-round service. Since the
634 Y. Yu

current teaching management is a combination of various factors, it is not just the

management of education unilaterally. Therefore, the teaching management system of
Chinese higher education institutions needs to establish a full-service thinking concept
to serve students’ life, study, employment and work. For example, learning, discussion,
and so on.
The school can provide a variety of entertainment, leisure, sports venues, and
establish a platform for students’ future employment information sharing to serve
students’ learning, life and future employment. Finally, it is necessary to establish a
democratic management of teaching management ideas, implement student self-
management, and protect students’ various educational rights.

3.2 Innovative Teaching Management Mode to Diversify Teaching

Management Methods
In today’s society, China’s social economy is gradually becoming more and more
diversified, and students’ thinking has undergone great changes under the influence of
such a situation. Therefore, the teaching management system of Chinese higher edu-
cation institutions must also adapt to the changes of students and innovate their own
teaching management mode. Teaching management methods are diversified. At pre-
sent, the Internet is the fastest growing field in China’s society. Therefore, it is nec-
essary to establish and improve the Internet-based teaching management method: the
university should make full use of the advantages of the Internet in the teaching
management system, and can teach some teachers. The video is placed on the network
platform established by the school, or a special student exchange area is opened on the
network platform established by the school to manage the network teaching and form a
network teaching management method. In some Chinese higher education institutions
that have already applied the Internet, we should improve the existing network teaching
management methods. In some universities that have not yet applied online teaching
management methods, we should speed up the construction process. In addition, in
addition to the application of online teaching management methods, schools can also
apply some methods like emotional teaching management, incentive teaching man-
agement, etc. from the student corner.
Care and respect them, and give incentives and support to students’ good ideas.
Such a teaching management method is not only conducive to school management, but
also enhances the overall quality of students.

3.3 Improving the Evaluation Mechanism of Teaching Management

Quality in Chinese Higher Education Institutions Is the Most
Representative Link in Promoting Teaching Management in Chinese
Higher Education Institutions
According to the actual situation of the school and the development needs, the quality
evaluation of teaching management is formulated. Perfecting the evaluation mechanism
of teaching management quality is a rare opportunity for teachers to peep at their own
teaching defects, for students to have a free comment channel, and for schools to
develop. In the specific practice process, we can use the evaluation of educational
College Teaching Management Under the Background of Innovation 635

development level, supervision evaluation, student development evaluation and man-

agement evaluation. Before perfecting the evaluation mechanism of teaching man-
agement quality, we should take the lead in investigating the relevant problems of
teachers and students, and obtain their opinions as the basis and core of the whole
evaluation mechanism of teaching management quality [9]. In order to make the whole
teaching management evaluation mechanism more scientific and rational, we should
solve the specific problems of the school. In addition, the evaluation mechanism of
teaching management should be more comprehensive and comprehensive for students’
assessment, such as the rationalization of students’ ideological and moral level,
physical quality level and so on. In view of teachers’ teaching work, teaching psy-
chological evaluation, teaching method evaluation and other assessment methods are
set up to improve the teaching management of Chinese higher education institutions
from different angles. The establishment and operation of teaching management
evaluation mechanism in Chinese higher education institutions can not be separated
from scientific measurement and statistical methods [9, 10]. Only by relying on sci-
entific management theory can we draw a reference.
The evaluation result of value. In addition to the unification of observation and
data, it can also infiltrate the content of educational management evaluation mechanism
in various campus activities, improve relevant measures and systems in time, and
ensure the smooth operation of teaching management evaluation system in Chinese
higher education institutions.

3.4 Improve the Construction of the Teaching Staff and Improve

the Quality of Teaching Management Personnel
From the above, we can see that the establishment and implementation of a school’s
teaching management system is carried out by the school’s teaching management
personnel. Therefore, in view of the low quality of teaching management personnel in
some schools, the school is improved. The construction of the teaching staff to improve
the overall quality of management personnel. First of all, the school can supplement the
higher quality teaching management personnel from the outside through introduction,
secondment, recruitment, etc., which can not only solve the problem of insufficient
staff, but also improve the overall quality of the entire management staff [5]. Second,
schools can pass continuing education, on-campus training, and off-campus.
In a word, as a place for exporting high-end talents to our society, Chinese higher
education institutions must make corresponding changes with the changes of society.
At present, in addition to the current problems described above, there are other
problems, such as the lack of depth and breadth of textbooks and teaching resources.
Therefore, innovating and practicing the teaching management system of Chinese
higher education institutions can improve the teaching level of Chinese higher edu-
cation institutions, enable them to provide more and better talents for the society, and
further promote the development and progress of education, society and economy in
636 Y. Yu

1. Liao X, Wang Z (2001) Realistic background and supporting conditions for the development
of mass higher education quality view. Educ Res Tsinghua Univ 3
2. Wang S (2018) Talking about the problems and corresponding measures in the teaching
management of Chinese higher education institutions. New Campus (First Ten Days) 2:59
3. Ge D, Li Z (2002) To adapt to the development of the situation and promote innovation in
teaching management. High Educ China 8
4. Ni S (2018) Research on the reform of teaching management under the goal of talent
cultivation in normal universities. Res Pract Innovation Entrepreneurship Theory 3:41–42
5. Wang S, Yan B (2013) Reflections on the innovation of adult education teaching
management and management model under the background of popularization of higher
education. J Changchun Univ Technol (High Educ Res Edn) 4
6. Yu T (2013) Research on one-stop service of teaching management in local universities from
the perspective of public governance. Guangxi University
7. Wang H, Zhu X (2011) Adapting to comprehensive transformation and characteristic
development needs to strengthen and improve teaching management Work. China Adult
Med Educ Forum 4:90–91
8. Sun Z (2004) Taking evaluation as an opportunity to comprehensively improve the level of
teaching management. In: National geology proceedings of the symposium on professional
problems in Chinese higher education institutions (2004)
9. Xia J (2007) Teaching management in the new era should pay attention to the handling of
the six relations. In: China contemporary educational theory literature—the compilation of
the results of the fourth China educators conference (II)
10. Zhang H (1990) Teaching management preliminary. Fujian normal university fuqing branch
school conference papers compilation
Research on Practice Teaching Reform
of Editing and Publishing Major Under
the Background of Media Convergence

Yanhua Yin(&) and Hongyuan Li

Media Academy, Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, China


Abstract. With the continuous progress of digitalization and information

technology, editing and publishing education is also facing changes. The current
society needs a large number of modern digital publishing talents. Editorial and
publishing education should adhere to the training of digital publishing talents as
the center, constantly adjust and optimize the training objectives, training
methods and curriculum settings, improve the professional quality of teachers,
and cultivate high-quality digital publishing talents.

Keywords: Editing and publishing  New media  Teaching reform

1 Brief Introduction

Editing and publishing education started in 1980s, and has been developed for over 30
years. But in the long course of development, there has been a problem of student
employment difficulties [1–8]. Many editing and publishing enterprises are reluctant to
employ new graduates, on the one hand, because they lack practical experience, on the
other hand, many publishing enterprises do not agree with editing and publishing
disciplines, questioning their undergraduate education level [9–14]. Over a long period
of time, the influence of higher education in editing and publishing has been declining,
and there is a lack of social attention [15–17]. Editorial and publishing education is
facing the challenge of the digital era. We should seize the opportunity to implement
educational reform measures, constantly adapt to the requirements of the publishing
industry for digital publishing talents, cultivate high-quality digital talents, enhance the
recognition of the society and publishing enterprises to the subject of editing and
publishing, and enhance their influence.

2 Overview of Media Convergence

In 1978, Negroponte proposed the concept of media convergence: “All communication

technologies are suffering from joint transformation, and only when they are treated as
a single thing can they be properly understood. This concept was first mentioned in his
free science and technology book. He pointed out that “the development of digital
electronic technology is the reason for the convergence of the various forms of

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 637–644, 2019.
638 Y. Yin and H. Li

communication. With the development of media and the renewal of technology, media
convergence presents many new characteristics. The core idea of media convergence is
that with the development of media technology and the breakdown of some barriers,
the continuous progress of TV, Internet and mobile communication technology, all
kinds of news media will be integrated. In 1996, the American scholar, Mani’s “big
media” was translated and published in Taiwan, China. The author puts forward the
concept of “big media”, describing the phenomenon of all-round competition in the
media industry regardless of field, and the traditional mass media industry, telecom-
munications industry and information industry will be integrated into a new industry,
which is called “big media industry”. Based on these concepts, the author believes that
the way of understanding media convergence emphasizes the role of technology in
media convergence. Although it mentions the changes of production patterns in the
industry brought about by technological changes, it is not clear what changes have
taken place. As for the concept of media convergence, I think Professor Wang Fei’s
viewpoint is more representative. She believes that media convergence is the evolution
process of media form formed by content convergence, network convergence and
terminal convergence under the background of digital technology and network tech-
nology, and the demand of information consumption terminal is the direction. Content
integration is the integration of content production in the upstream of the industrial
chain. The history of human communication has gone through the era of oral com-
munication, text communication and electronic communication. Newspapers, televi-
sion, radio, computers and smart phones have emerged. The rapid development of
modern digital communication technology has made the change and evolution of the
old and new media more and more rapid.
According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, in recent years, the number
of college graduates has increased year by year, reaching 7.56 million in 20 years and
7.95 million in 2017. Among them, about 200 thousand of graduates from editing and
publishing related majors enter the job market every year. According to the Employ-
ment Report of Chinese College Students in 2016, 20 graduates were transferred to the
most industries in the year, and the proportion of media, information and communi-
cation industries ranked first. 6. To some extent, the media industry has a low access
package, the publishing industry has a strong substitutability, and the graduates of
publishing major do not have much advantage. But with the development of media
convergence, it brings challenges to the publishing industry and new requirements to
publishing practitioners. This is the best time for publishing professionals to compete in
the employment market. Such

3 Research on Editing and Publishing Education

Starting from the 1897 Commercial Press, even with the dimension of Chinese pub-
lishing higher education schools. In October 1953, Shanghai Printing School was
established in Shanghai; in August 1958, Beijing established the Department of Pub-
lishing, Printing, Brushing and Book Distribution Training Course of the Institute of
Culture; in 1978, the first Higher Printing College in China was established with the
approval of the State Council, namely, Beijing Printing College. By 1986, 14
Research on Practice Teaching Reform of Editing and Publishing Major 639

universities in China had established publishing specialties. At the same time, in 1998,
the Publishing Department of Beijing Printing College and the College of Literature of
Henan University began to recruit postgraduates with master degree in communication.

3.1 The Current Situation of Publishing Education

In the study of the current situation of editing and publishing education in China, Lin
summarized the background of the reform of the undergraduate course of editing and
publishing education in China. That is, since September 1984, Peking University,
Nankai University and Fudan University opened the undergraduate education of
editing and publishing, the science of editing and publishing has got a start. At the
same time, after integrating the literature, the characteristics of the undergraduate
education of editing and publishing are put forward. Firstly, it presents the character-
istics of “multi-specialty, multi-level, multi-specification and multi-channel”. Secondly,
the education of editing and publishing is obviously guided by the market; thirdly, the
academic circles and the industry support each other and cooperate closely; fourthly,
the editing major is the leading major of editing and publishing education, and the
distribution of editing and publishing education is unbalanced; fifthly, fewer inde-
pendent colleges and departments are established, and most of them are affiliated to run

3.2 The Orientation of Publishing Discipline

Li Wen bang believed that the orientation of editing and publishing discipline in China
was not clear, which led to confusion of subject ownership and complicated names. He
put forward that the subject ownership of editing and publishing science is an urgent
problem to cultivate high-quality editors and publishers.

3.3 The Perspective of Curriculum

Li Yuan yuan put forward the trend of reform and development of editing and pub-
lishing specialty curriculum in “Research on the Undergraduate Course Setting of
Editing and Publishing Major in China”. Every university is trying to optimize the
curriculum system as a whole, paying attention to the cultivation of management
consciousness and management ability: the confusion of curriculum names; We should
standardize professional checking and curriculum name, pay attention to the renewal of
curriculum content, focus on the pertinence of business management courses, integrate
various publishing and marketing cases into the curriculum, pay attention to vocational
education for students, cultivate comprehensive abilities, that is, practice, scientific
research and graduation thesis, and rationally allocate the proportion of compulsory
courses to elective courses. Such

3.4 Perspective of Talent Cultivation

Editorial and publishing science has been neglected with the innovation of science and
technology, the emergence of new media such as mobile phone APP and Internet TV.
640 Y. Yin and H. Li

In recent years, with the abolition of various paper newspapers in Britain, people seem
to have turned their attention to publishing again. In 2014, Dong Tai put forward the
curriculum design in “A comparative study of the current situation of the cultivation of
publishing talents in Chinese and British universities in Shuyu Publishing” - Beijing
Printing College and Lower Lobby University in Britain as an example. We should
adopt social, humanistic and natural sciences as the basic platform of education, and the
curriculum system of “platform + module” with professional theory, communication
theory, digital technology, management, symbol editing and industry laws and regu-
lations as the modules, so as to realize the great intersection of liberal arts and sciences.

4 Major Problems in Practical Teaching of Editing

and Publishing Major

In the current stage of practical teaching of editing and publishing major in Colleges
and universities, the traditional mode of “knowledge imparting” is still used, and a
fixed mode of over-emphasizing the philosophy of humanities has been formed.

4.1 Practical Teaching Courses Are Old and Backward

Influenced by various factors and constraints, in the current practical curriculum of
editing and publishing specialty, there are some lack of scientific investigation and
demonstration, and the teaching materials have not been timely optimized and updated,
which leads to a great gap with the rapidly changing needs of the industry and restricts
the frontier and practicability of the curriculum. There are also some problems in the
course design. Some colleges and universities copy the original version of other dis-
ciplines, seriously ignoring the practicality, diversity and openness of disciplines. In the
course content, there is a lack of editing and publishing content for networking and
digitization, which deviates from the requirements of editing and publishing

4.2 Practice Teaching Staff Are “Blind at Hand”

To improve the quality of practical teaching of editing and publishing, the most fun-
damental guarantee is to have a high-level teaching staff. If the allocation of all aspects
of the teaching staff is unreasonable, there will be a phenomenon of attaching
importance to theory rather than practice in college editing and publishing education,
which will seriously affect the overall development of students’ quality. At present,
most of the teachers of publishing and editing in Colleges and universities are trans-
formed from other majors. They lack systematic training of editing professional
knowledge and practical training, and cannot impart high-quality systematic knowledge
to students. In practice teaching, we pay too much attention to the teaching of basic
theoretical knowledge, to the external performance of higher academic titles, and to the
cultivation of students’ social practice ability. As a result, the students who are trained
appear to have high-minded and low-skilled. They only have theoretical knowledge for
talking on paper, but they do not have the practical ability of editing and publishing.
Research on Practice Teaching Reform of Editing and Publishing Major 641

4.3 Practice Teaching Facilities Scattered Low End

For a long time, the major of editing and publishing has not been given enough
recognition and attention, which leads to the fact that the major of editing and pub-
lishing is equivalent to some other basic disciplines and lacks funds. As a result, the
practical facilities of colleges and universities cannot be updated in time, and students
do not have good experimental conditions for practical learning. This not only prevents
students from getting good exercise, but also restricts the development of editing and
publishing education, which cannot keep pace with the needs of market reality. Sec-
ondly, there is no advanced equipment in the laboratories of editing and publishing
specialty in some colleges and universities, which only stays on the electronic editing
function of books and newspapers. The use of simple software such as Founder
typesetting and image processing has weakened the network environment and pre-
vented its development. Loss of video, audio, charts, graphic design and other aspects
of the ability to exercise. Therefore, due to the serious lack of practical teaching
equipment and environment, teaching courses, teachers and students are totally caught
in a vicious circle of lack of practice.

4.4 Teaching Practice Is Monotonous and Boring

In editing and publishing specialty, the commonly used experimental teaching methods
include demonstration, comprehensive design, research innovation and so on. How-
ever, in the current colleges and universities, most of them mainly carry out demon-
stration experiment teaching, which makes classroom learning more boring.
Demonstration-based experimental teaching method is the most basic teaching mode,
mainly for theoretical teaching, which can help students understand abstract, complex
principles and theoretical knowledge to the greatest extent, and realize the participation
of all students. However, this method also has some drawbacks. It mainly relies on
books for teaching, and pays too much attention to the process of knowledge verifi-
cation, which easily leads to the loss of students’ creativity, autonomy and inquiry.

5 Reform Thinking of Editing and Publishing Professional

Practice Teaching

Faced with the accelerating pace of informatization and digitalization, editing and
publishing specialty must optimize and reform its curriculum and training methods in
order to meet the challenges of editing and publishing education in the digital age. In
the process of reform, we should pay attention to the adjustment of training objectives,
timely understand and grasp the development and changes of the cultural industry in
the press and publishing industry, and constantly establish and improve the profes-
sional characteristics and system of the discipline. According to the needs of the
society, we should cultivate the compound talents with high-level digital publishing
technology and digital publishing ability needed in the digital era.
642 Y. Yin and H. Li

5.1 Practice Teaching Should Highlight the Times

In the digital era, the teaching of editing and publishing specialty must break through
the traditional boundaries of professional knowledge and skills training mode, con-
stantly conform to the trend of digital development, establish and improve the cur-
riculum structure that can be self-perfected and self-adjusted, and integrate more strong
openness and compatibility into the curriculum. Continuously improve the flexibility
and practicality of curriculum combination, ensure that students’ professional knowl-
edge can meet the needs of editing and publishing enterprises, and can make timely and
effective adjustments on their own. When formulating the publication form, it should
not only focus on the form of new media publishing. It is necessary to combine
traditional publication content information digitalization with unified planning. Con-
tinuously develop graphic editing, web page production, digital audio production,
digital image processing, animation games and other courses, to cultivate a new gen-
eration of skilled media editing and publishing, as well as good at marketing man-
agement of compound talents.

5.2 Practice Teaching Staff Should Strengthen the Actual Combat Type
Under the background of digitalization, the editing and publishing specialty in Colleges
and universities must strengthen the construction of teachers, break the restrictions of
their traditional professional knowledge and ideas, and establish scientific and rea-
sonable ideas of cross-specialty, cross-discipline and cross-culture. We should con-
stantly update our knowledge structure and create a new three-dimensional teaching
mode and practice course. Teachers of editing and publishing will be built into a high-
level team that can not only carry out the practice of editing and publishing theory, but
also meet the needs of the industry. Continuously train the relevant teachers in pro-
fessional knowledge and skills so that they can understand and familiarize themselves
with the editing and publishing business, grasp the dynamics of the industry, carry out
targeted teaching practice, and let students master the learning methods of coexistence
of theory and practice.

5.3 Practice Teaching Facilities Should Pay Attention to Integration

In the digital environment, editing and publishing specialty should realize the inte-
gration of content, technology and terminal, change the single mode of publishing and
editing to the trend of diversification, and train compound editing and publishing
talents by continuously investing in diversified and comprehensive teaching facilities.
The traditional decentralized laboratory will be transformed into a mode of integrating
media with scientific research functions, forming an integrated system covering digital
media, print media, electronic media and other editing and publishing. Every unit in the
teaching content will be integrated into the whole system, giving full play to the
laboratory resources, forming a teaching and scientific research mode of resource
sharing, to ensure that sufficient conditions can be provided for the training of pro-
fessional talents.
Research on Practice Teaching Reform of Editing and Publishing Major 643

6 Summary

Editorial and publishing specialty in the digital age should actively adapt to the changes
of the times, formulate teaching reform measures, train comprehensive talents with
modern scientific, cultural and artistic literacy, master digital publishing and editing
technology, and possess relevant skills of digital media publishing and editing, so as to
meet the development needs of publishing and editing enterprises. With the transfor-
mation and innovation of the system, the development of the publishing industry has
brought opportunities and challenges to the training of editors and publishers, and put
forward new topics. In order to meet the needs of industrial development, reform and
innovate the current higher education model of editing and publishing specialty, it is
urgent to train more professionals who are in line with the development of publishing

1. Min JJ (2011) Editorial and publishing subject concern of the new digital age, the national
editorial and publishing subject research branch and the digital age concerning international
symposium on high-level talent training review. J Henan Univ (Soc Sci Ed)
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3. Chen L (2015) Media convergence under the background of journalism and communication
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4. Qiu P (2015) Ginger, each 35 years. Journalism and communication education in Sichuan,
University Press
5. Wang Q (2014) Books and periodicals editing and processing. Southwest Jiaotong
University Press, Chengdu
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Press, Beijing
7. Llihunag (2004) Journalism and communication education and discipline construction.
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8. Fa X, Hou F (2006) Editor of China. Taking the Press
9. Ye S (2014) Senior applied talents of research and practice. Zhejiang University Press,
10. Lin M (2013) Transplantation and rheological – at the university of Missouri news education
mode in China (qiao 21-1952). Fudan University Press, Shanghai
11. Cut jade (2015) Curriculum theory. People’s Education Press, Beijing
12. Lin Y (2014) Media convergence under the background of the newspaper industry human
resources management change. Fudan University
13. Liu Y (2009) Editorial and publishing subject in Chinese undergraduate curriculum research.
Beijing Printing Institute
14. Gu X (2015) Local colleges and universities in China under the background of media
convergence journalism education personnel training mode innovation research. Tianjin
Normal University
644 Y. Yin and H. Li

15. Lin (2011) Editorial and publishing subject a innovative talents training course system
design research? The undergraduate education, for example. Anhui University
16. Ha Z (2013) Culture under the background of the fusion of science and technology research.
China Digital Publishing Industry Transformation, Wuhan University
17. Dunne E, Carre C, Bennett N (2000) Skills development in higher education and
employment, Open University
Construction of Virtual Simulation Laboratory
in Higher Vocational Colleges

Yue Zhao(&)

College of Navigation, Jiangsu Maritime Institute, Nanjing 211170, China


Abstract. Virtual simulation laboratory is a new product of information tech-

nology. Compared with traditional laboratory, virtual simulation laboratory has
advantages in terms of experimental conditions, experimental costs and safety,
and plays an increasingly important role in experimental teaching in Higher
Vocational colleges. In order to improve the construction and management level
of virtual simulation laboratory, the significance of experiment teaching and
scientific research was discussed. The problems in the construction of virtual
simulation laboratory in higher vocational colleges were summarized. Through
the analysis of the existing problems, the suggestions for construction and
management were given.

Keywords: Higher vocational colleges  Virtual simulation 

Laboratory construction

1 Brief Introduction

With the maturity of virtual experiment technology, people begin to realize the
application value of virtual simulation laboratory in the field of education [1, 2]. In
addition to assisting the scientific research work of University teachers, it also has
many advantages such as high utilization rate and easy maintenance in experimental
teaching [3, 4]. Experimental teaching is an important part of teaching activities in
higher vocational colleges [5]. In recent years, with the expansion of Higher Vocational
colleges, the scale of students has become larger and larger, which has brought
tremendous pressure to laboratory teaching [6–8]. The problem of insufficient equip-
ments and funds for high-end teaching has become increasingly apparent, which has
seriously affected the improvement of teaching quality in Higher Vocational colleges
[9–14]. Traditional experimental teaching has been unable to meet the teaching
requirements of Higher Vocational Colleges under the new situation. The virtual lab-
oratory based on network is an innovation of the traditional experimental teaching
mode [15]. Because of its obvious technical characteristics, it is very suitable for the
training mode of talents in the new century [16–18]. It has broad application prospects
in the experimental teaching of Higher Vocational colleges. Under the guidance of the
national informatization development strategy, the application of educational infor-
mation technology in the teaching field and management process is gradually deep-
ening, which has greatly promoted the profound changes of educational mode, teaching
methods and learning methods. In order to conform to the development trend of
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 645–651, 2019.
646 Y. Zhao

educational informationization, virtual simulation laboratories are constructed accord-

ing to the needs of scientific research, teaching and serving the society, which has a
positive and far-reaching impact on the improvement of higher education quality and
the deepening of experimental teaching reform [17].

2 The Significance of Building a Virtual Simulation


Virtual simulation laboratory can vividly simulate the whole process of students’ real
experiment operation, turn on the power supply of instruments and equipments, adjust
instruments and install test pieces. It is exactly the same as real laboratory. It only
changes the original manual operation into mouse and keyboard operation, which not
only enriches the experimental teaching means, but also enriches the experimental
teaching methods. It enhances the cultivation of students’ experimental skills and
innovative abilities. Compared with traditional laboratories, it has a unique role and
significant significance.
(1) Vivid image in the preparation of the experiment, the experimental teachers need
to explain the operation methods and experimental steps of the instruments and
equipment. In the traditional experimental teaching process, mainly by means of
words, pictures, videos and objects, these can be embodied in the virtual simu-
lation laboratory. The experiment teacher can vividly and vividly let the students
observe the instrument and equipment from different angles, and can quickly and
conveniently repeat the experiment steps. The students can listen to the teacher’s
explanations while operating in immersion.
(2) Reduce the risk of testing. Some destructive experimental projects are often
dangerous. Such as the compressive test of long concrete columns. When
approaching the ultimate load, concrete falls off, and the specimen may collapse,
endangering the safety of students. In the virtual simulation experiment envi-
ronment, students do not need to consider the impact of this aspect at all. They
only need to conscientiously operate the experiment and observe the experimental
phenomena carefully.
(3) It is convenient for students to explore independently in the process of traditional
real experiments. Considering the danger of experiments and the safety of
instruments and equipment, students can only follow the rules and regulations of
the laboratory and the instructions for the operation of instruments and equipment.
They cannot operate in violation of regulations, otherwise they may fail experi-
ments and damage instruments and equipment. In the virtual simulation labora-
tory, students do not have to worry about this aspect. They can try various
operations. They can choose their own experimental topics, organize their own
experiments, maximize their initiative and creativity, develop their personality and
enhance their innovative ability.
(4) To make up for the shortage of teaching conditions, real laboratories often have
limitations such as inadequate instruments and equipment, inadequate experi-
mental sites and so on. Students have to group experiments, operate in turn or
Construction of Virtual Simulation Laboratory 647

cooperate separately. It is difficult for each student to get all-round training in

experimental skills, and the virtual simulation laboratory completely solves the
shortcomings in this respect. It can meet the requirements of most experimental
teaching and experimental training. In the virtual simulation environment, the
number of instruments and equipment is no longer the factor affecting the
experimental results of students, and the experimental environment is no longer
the bottleneck restricting students to carry out experiments. Students can carry out
various project experiments in virtual simulation environment, and get the same
experience as real experiments. So as to enhance perceptual cognition, strengthen
the understanding of experimental teaching content and clear purpose of
(5) Real-time tracking and intelligent diagnosis in virtual simulation experiment
environment, the experiment process is controlled by software system, which can
track and record every operation step of students. If the diagnostic function is
added to the software system, the whole experiment process can be reproduced,
analyzed and judged, and the problems existing in the operation process can be
found. It can not only guide the experiment course online, but also evaluate the
experiment course.

3 Online Virtual Simulation Laboratory and Its System


The virtual simulation platform uses multimedia technology to establish a virtual

experiment environment on the computer and provides operable virtual experiment
instruments to enable students to complete experiments on the Internet by approaching
the real human-computer interaction interface. Build the software and hardware
operating environment on the computer which can assist, partly replace or even
completely replace all the operation links of the traditional experiment. The virtual
instrument is connected through the network to realize a system of data acquisition,
analysis and remote operation. It has the following characteristics.
(1) Students are highly interactive and autonomous in experimental teaching. Online
virtual simulation laboratory is a typical experiment carefully designed by
abundant experimental teaching experts. They have a better understanding of
students’ learning characteristics, can design friendly interactive interface, provide
intelligent guidance for difficulties and key points in the experimental process, and
provide one-to-one real-time guidance for students. The online virtual simulation
laboratory uses multimedia technology to provide abundant experimental teaching
resources. Students can freely design experimental steps and methods according
to the experimental syllabus, which shows the high degree of experimental
autonomy of the experimenters.
(2) Showing the experimental phenomenon that the real equipment cannot be
reflected. The internal structure and operation state of equipment in traditional
laboratory cannot be presented directly to students, so it is difficult to combine
theory with experiment. The virtual simulation laboratory uses computer
648 Y. Zhao

technology, all simulation equipment operation close to reality, strong sense of

reality, with a three-dimensional perspective can display all aspects of the
equipment, can show the experimental phenomenon that the real equipment
cannot reflect, has great help to the improvement of students’ experimental level.
(3) Strong expansibility. Online virtual simulation laboratory is an open platform.
Students can build their own experimental environment, modules, instruments and
so on according to the needs of the experiment, and flexibly increase the various
“libraries” in the laboratory. Teachers can also flexibly increase experimental
equipment and typical experiments according to teaching needs, and provide
personalized customized services. The functional characteristics of online virtual
simulation laboratory are suitable for the needs of practical teaching in higher
vocational colleges. Therefore, the construction of virtual simulation laboratory in
higher vocational colleges has broad prospects.
In view of the difference between traditional laboratory and virtual simulation
laboratory, the author conducted a questionnaire survey, as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Difference between traditional laboratory and virtual simulation laboratory

4 Challenges Faced by Building a Virtual Simulation


With the development of electronic information technology and the development of

network multimedia and other hardware technologies, people’s learning methods and
ways to acquire knowledge have become diversified. New teaching methods, learning
techniques and autonomous learning environment based on information technology
and Internet have been constantly improved, which has led to revolutionary changes in
Construction of Virtual Simulation Laboratory 649

education and teaching. It requires educators to expand their thinking, think system-
atically about the establishment of virtual simulation laboratory, plan scientifically,
meet challenges, seize opportunities and better serve teachers and students.
(1) The challenge of teachers’ traditional experimental concept change. Many
teachers believe that traditional laboratory teaching can enable students to master
various basic experimental operation skills correctly and skillfully. On the basis of
a good foundation, we can also carry out deeper experimental teaching practice.
Finally, we can carry out autonomous experiments with greater freedom and
flexibility. They think that through this series of experimental teaching, students
can not only exercise their operation, but also improve their ability and stimulate
their potential, which cannot be replaced by virtual simulation laboratory. But
virtual simulation laboratory has its own advantages. First, it can reduce the safety
accidents of experiments. Students can freely choose the time to demonstrate
experiments many times until they achieve their learning purposes. Secondly, the
virtual simulation laboratory does not need to purchase large-scale precision
instruments, which can save money, but also enable students to master the skills
and methods of using large-scale precision instruments. Finally, the virtual sim-
ulation laboratory can be opened at any time, which can increase students’
experimental learning time and enable students to learn more experimental skills
and operations independently. Therefore, how to merge the advantages and
advantages of traditional laboratory and virtual simulation laboratory, and how to
let teachers think in practice under the new era of education, is a more severe test.
(2) Enhance the challenge of teachers’ information technology application ability.
Virtual simulation laboratory is a new technology, new media and new concept
dominated by electronic information technology. The construction and use of
virtual simulation laboratories require that teachers not only have strong profes-
sional knowledge, but also have the ability to apply information technology. This
requires schools to take effective measures to strengthen the training of teachers’
information technology related skills, implement policy incentives, encourage and
support teachers to actively participate in experimental teaching reform, experi-
mental mode innovation and new technology application research; At the same
time, the assessment criteria are formulated, and clear requirements are put for-
ward for teachers’ information literacy and information technology application
(3) The challenge of changing students’ learning styles. Students are the main body of
learning. How to make students adapt to interest-oriented, personalized and self-
reliant open online learning with interactive function based on Internet mode is the
most important. This requires students to learn how to use virtual simulation
laboratory software, learn to look up the directions and topics they are interested
in, learn to learn online learning and discussion, and learn to change passive
learning into lifelong active learning. In this regard, how to build an open inter-
active teaching platform for autonomous learning and establish a virtual and
remote experimental environment with students’ open autonomous experiments as
the main part, so that learners can access high-quality teaching resources flexibly
and quickly. It is an important task to construct a virtual simulation laboratory by
650 Y. Zhao

communicating, interacting, collaborating and evaluating in the process of

learning to complete efficient, low-cost and diversified experiments.
(4) The challenge of teaching experiment funds in the early stage of the construction
of virtual simulation laboratory, because of the need to develop software, purchase
hardware equipment related to information technology, plan and construct labo-
ratory sites, build laboratory information management system, introduce and train
teachers and other projects, a large amount of funds are needed. This is far more
than the experimental funds for running real experiments, which is unacceptable
to some university managers or teachers. They prefer to insist on real experiments
rather than virtual experiments. But the instruments, equipment, utensils, drugs
and consumables of real experiments need to be invested repeatedly every year.
After the construction of virtual simulation laboratory, a large number of exper-
iments can be carried out for a long time only by maintenance. Therefore, it is
worthwhile for managers and teachers to understand the investment of the early
funds for the construction of virtual simulation laboratory, which is also the most

5 Summary

The construction of virtual simulation laboratory has been carried out in an all-round
way. Using this platform, teachers can guide students to conduct experiments before
they operate real experiments, simulate scientific research, approach practical appli-
cation, and focus on learning ideas and methods of research problems. It breaks the
limitation of experimental time, space, instrument set and instrument level. We should
fully understand the function of virtual simulation experiment teaching and grasp the
principle of combining virtual reality with virtual reality and complementing each
other. Online virtual laboratory provides a close to real experimental environment,
which meets the goal of training talents with both theoretical knowledge and practical
ability in Higher Vocational colleges. To ensure the quality of experimental teaching
and to enrich and improve its content, and to create a virtual laboratory on the Internet
is a new idea of running a school with less input and more output and sharing
resources, and a trend of future development of Higher Vocational colleges.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the Foundation of Jiangsu Maritime Institute
under Grant No. XR1501, No. XR1504, and Top-notch Academic Programs of Jiangsu Higher
Education Institutions under Grant No. PPZY2015B177.

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9. Zhang J, Cao Y (2018) Discussion on virtual simulation technology and construction of
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11. Wang J, Du X, Shi X et al (2016) Construction exploration for virtual simulation laboratory
of chemistry and chemical engineering in applied universities—in Xuzhou institute of
technology case. Shandong Chem Ind
12. Liu X, Yan X (2016) Research on construction of APP full simulation training platform of
using “dualdirection, four dimensional linkage”. J Contin High Educ
13. Liang J, Liu YP, Liu Z (2016) Exploration of the construction of chemical engineering and
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J Henan Mech Electr Eng Coll
Transformation Mode of Job Research Results
of Hubei Universities

Chen Guixin(&)

Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China


Abstract. This paper discusses the practice of transformation of Wuhan’s

universities’ job research results. The research shows that the transformation
mode of universities in Wuhan focus on the reform of income distribution rights,
and has not put the reform of mixed ownership into effect. However, Sichuan
province has implemented the mixed ownership of job research results and the
practice of Southwest Jiao Tong University proves that the advantages of mixed
ownership are clear. It has clear property rights and stronger incentives. It
reduces transaction costs and promotes the transformation of scientific research
marketization. It can not only drive innovation, but also drive development. This
article starts from the transformation of Hubei’s job research results. We sum-
marize the experience and problems, and suggest that colleges and universities
in Hubei Province emancipate their minds and boldly implement the reform of
mixed ownership.

Keywords: Universities  Job research results  Transformation 

Mixed ownership

1 The Present Situation of Transformation Models of Job

Research Results in Universities in Hubei Province

1.1 The “Three Rights” Reform of Job Research Results in Universities

As a province of education, universities and research institutes in Hubei are densely
populated. Technology, education and human resources are particularly abundant. Each
year, the output of intellectual property and scientific research output in universities is
quite impressive in terms of quality and quantity. But a large number of job research
results have been shelved, and have not been effectively transformed. Hubei strives to
break the barriers to such institutional mechanisms. Focusing on the difficulty of
transforming job research results, we vigorously deepen the reform of the ownership of
achievements. Decentralization of the use of job research results, disposal rights and
income rights of universities and research institutes. Granting “three powers” to the
research team of colleges and universities. This reform is a bold attempt. It pushes
policy loosening, policy landing and policy enforcement. It creates a sound policy
environment for the transformation of job research results and comprehensively
stimulate the market-oriented vitality of achievements [1].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 652–661, 2019.
Transformation Mode of Job Research Results of Hubei Universities 653

Under the guidance of provincial policies, various universities have innovated

existing policies and carried out the practice of reforming the three powers. In order to
more clearly show the present situation of the use rights, disposal rights and income
rights reform of various universities, we present them in a tabular manner (As shown in
Table 1).

Table 1. The status quo of reform of the three powers in four universities
Name three Use right Disposal right Income right
Wuhan Teachers can use the job Belong to the Horizontally oriented, r&d
university research results to engage in a school team:college:school = 7:2:1;
variety of scientific and Longitudinal, r&d
technological consulting team:college:school = 6:2:2
services and technology
development and engineering
application demonstration
Huazhong Belong to the school Belong to the By way of license or
university of (transformation of job school assignment, Team:school:
science and research results office) level 2 unit = 7:1.2:1; Value
technology investment, team:school:level
2 unit = 7:1.5:1.5
Huazhong Belong to the school Belong to the Accomplisher:college:
agricultural school school = 7:1.5:1.5
Wuhan (the university and the service The The accomplisher can have at
university of inventor may agree to share accomplisher least 95% of the total
engineering the ownership by contract.) shall have
The right to use the finished disposal
product shall be enjoyed by rights
the accomplisher

In addition, there are corresponding provisions in the documents of Wuhan

University and Wuhan University of Engineering in relation to the three-year rights of
“Weather college teachers can leave their jobs?” (implementation rights). If the
teachers of Wuhan University are willing to leave the post to use the job research
results to start a business, the school and the college will define their posts according to
the social service posts. According to the contribution, we will determine the salary,
reward, title and other matters to provide teachers with sufficient back-office guarantee.
This makes it relax for them to innovate, and promotes the transformation of job
research results. Wuhan University of Engineering encourages the completion of the
results of the implementation of job research results to transform their own company. It
supports school science and technology personnel to leave their posts to innovate and
establishes “Technology Entrepreneurship Post”. They can return to school for special
positions within 5 years. This content is not covered in other university documents
discussed in this article.
654 C. Guixin

It is visible that the key points and highlights of the current reform of the three
powers in representative universities in Hubei Province are still on the right to income.
The reforms involving the right to use and the right to benefit are also relatively small.
Moreover, the reforms of various universities do not cover the content of delegating
ownership to the completion of job research results. The only reform involving own-
ership content is the “Conventional mixed ownership” of Wuhan Engineering
University. This is also the most innovative and step-by-step in the reform of the three
powers in all universities in Hubei. Current policy provisions in Hubei Province
encourage the implementation of mixed ownership. But no university promotes mixed
ownership. It is known that universities are relatively cautious and conservative. The
latest reforms in mixed ownership are still on the sidelines.

1.2 Universities’ Job Research Results Transformation Incentives

Compatible System
In the column of income distribution ratio in Table 1, we can see the institutional
arrangements for the transformation and incentives of job research results in various
universities. The law stipulates that the completion of the job research results of the job
enjoys a proportion of income distribution of not less than 50% as stipulated by law.
And Hubei Province’s policy clearly stipulates a greater percentage of incentives.
The RD team can achieve a net income distribution ratio of no less than 70%.
Undoubtedly, colleges and universities strictly abide by the law and policy provisions
of the allocation ratio to give full rewards to RD personnel. The incentive compatibility
systems of universities are different, where the distribution of proportions is slightly
different. There are also different arrangements for incentives and institutional
arrangements. They all have merits and deficiencies. The incentive system of Wuhan
University is simple and clear, taking into account the three main subjects of
achievement, college and school. Compared with the single distribution plan of Wuhan
University of Engineering, Wuhan University can mobilize the enthusiasm and
responsibility of the college to promote the transformation of job research results in
consideration of the achievements of the college. Huazhong University of Science and
Technology has allocated 8% of the income distribution obtained from the licensing
and transfer methods as the funding for the job research results transformation service
center. However, compared with the distribution plan of Huazhong Agricultural
University, there is still a lack of comprehensive consideration for the risk prevention
and subsequent research and development needs.

1.3 Universities’ Construction of the Transformation Mechanism of Job

Research Results and Market Operation
The transformation of job research results is a work that integrates management,
organization and coordination [2]. This requires all universities to establish and
improve the working mechanism for the transformation of job research results, set up a
leading group and management platform for the transformation of job research results,
and coordinate all issues in the process of transforming job research results. Hubei
Province keeps up with the policy requirements of the Ministry of Education. Colleges
Transformation Mode of Job Research Results of Hubei Universities 655

and universities have established a platform related to technology transfer work,

striving to achieve rigorous, efficient and large-scale transfer of job research results.
The introduction of marketization is a very important part of the transformation of
job research results in universities [3]. Ministry of Education issued regulations:
Universities can entrust intermediaries to carry out the transformation of job research
results, establish results and transform professional managers, provide university sci-
ence parks and technology startup incubators, introduce venture capital funds, coop-
erate with companies, etc. Colleges and universities in Hubei Province are fully aware
of the necessity of introducing marketization. In the process of transformation of job
research results, there is almost all the marketization.
In order to more clearly display and better analyze the status quo of the construction
of job research results transformation mechanism and market operation in various
universities, we will use the tabular form to put together the relevant content in the four
university documents to explain to the reader (As shown in Table 2).

Table 2. Compare the mechanism construction and market operation of the four universities
Name Transformation mechanism Market operation
comparison construction
Wuhan university Job research results transformation Intellectual property fund;
management leading group, job Intellectual property appraisal will
research results transformation take market factors into account; It
management office will cooperate with intermediary
agencies and generate intermediary
service fees
Huazhong Transformation of job research Patent fund; formulated an
university of results leading group, the intellectual property strategy to meet
science and transformation of job research market demand; science and
technology results office, and the service center technology transformation fund;
for the transformation of job stipulated that transformation can be
research results implemented through intermediaries
Huazhong Business assets committee, business Adopt market-oriented intellectual
agricultural assets management office property management and operation
university mode
Name Transformation mechanism Market operation
comparison construction
Wuhan university Job research results transformation Fund for transformation of job
of engineering leading group, Job research results research results; The university
transformation office provides platforms such as
university science park and science
and technology business incubator.
Cooperate with local governments
and enterprises, make collaborative
innovation, establish industrial
research institutes and other
scientific and technological entities
656 C. Guixin

It can be seen that the universities in Hubei Province have basically established a
mechanism for the transformation of job research results. The establishment of all
relevant organizations has provided professional institutions and teams for the trans-
formation of results. It allows the transformation of the results of the leadership team to
have decision-making, the main body guarantee, the organization and organization of
coordinated management, technical support, etc. And it promotes to better and faster
job research results. In terms of market operation, the modes of schools are different.
Basically, every college has done a lot of consideration for market factors and market-
oriented needs. For cooperation with intermediaries, although universities have the
possibility of cooperation, they are not a positive attitude in the explicit provisions, and
they are more cautious and conservative. In terms of the introduction of venture capital,
some universities have set up special conversion funds, but compared with those
outside the venture capital funds, such as angel investment, there is still a lack of
substantial financial guarantees, which cannot provide solid financial support for the
transformation of job research results. In the cooperation with local governments and
enterprises, all colleges and universities are involved in practice. However, compared
with the practice of Southwest Jiaotong University adopting the mixed ownership
model [4], it still did not reach the level of cooperation that elite schools should have.

2 Analysis on the Transformation Mode of Job Research

Results in Universities in Hubei Province

2.1 The Reform of the Three Powers Does Not Involve Ownership
As early as July 2014, the mayor of Wuhan at that time, Tang Liangzhi, put forward a
series of theories such as “who completed, who owns, who benefited”, “the pilot of
transferring ownership of job research results to job inventors” and so on. Moreover, in
Hubei Province and Wuhan City, in 2017, relevant policies were introduced to
encourage the division of ownership and the reform of the system of job research
results. In such a situation with specific policy support, there is no university in Hubei
Province to carry out ownership reform to implement mixed ownership. Although the
three powers are reformed, compared with the distribution of income rights reform, the
ownership allocation decision under the ownership reform will be more conducive to
stimulating the enthusiasm of R&D personnel in technology research and development
and achievement transformation. On the contrary, Southwest Jiaotong University,
Sichuan University and other universities have boldly implemented reforms, and have
implemented mixed ownership. At the same time, it proves the infinite power of
property rights incentives. There has also been a saying that “one system solves
thousands of miles” [5]. It can be seen that although Hubei Province first proposed
mixed ownership in theory, there was no positive practical action to prove the cor-
rectness of the theory. The reform pace of colleges and universities is relatively small
and relatively conservative.
Transformation Mode of Job Research Results of Hubei Universities 657

2.2 The Issue of the Implementation Rights of College Teachers

Wuhan University and Wuhan Engineering University clearly encourage and support
teachers to leave their jobs to start business and provide them with sufficient follow-up
guarantees. However, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Huazhong
Agricultural University did not support teachers to do so. There are advantages and
disadvantages to leaving the job to start business. Whether the school grasps the
problem of goodness is worth continuing to study. This paper believes that schools can
allow teachers to leave their jobs to start business and provide them with appropriate
support. The practice in Sichuan Province proves that teachers who leave the post office
to carry out the transformation of job research results can improve the conversion rate
of job research results of the school. In this respect, Hubei Province cannot relax the
restrictions on teachers like Sichuan Province, and it is not bold enough to change the
transformation mode of job science and technology achievements.

2.3 Reasonable Problems of Incentive Compatibility Mechanism

As can be seen from the above summary, The distribution ratios of Wuhan University,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Huazhong Agricultural
University are basically allocated to the completion of the results according to 70%,
and the remaining proportions are distributed to colleges and schools according to
regulations. This is basically consistent with the national regulations, and is consistent
with the spirit of the “Promotion of the Transformation of job research results” and the
opinions issued by the Ministry of Education, in line with the requirements of the law
and policies. But the proportion of Wuhan Engineering University is 95%: 5% is
assigned to the achievement performers and conversion work. Such a distribution ratio
is undoubtedly in compliance with the law, and it also plays a greater incentive than the
70% ratio. But relatively speaking, this kind of distribution ignores the interests of
schools and colleges, does not take into account the problems of school laboratory
construction and the development of research and development teams, and may have a
marginal effect of incentives [6]. That is, there are more rewards, and it is impossible to
promote the transformation of job research results. The transformation of job research
results is a long-term process, and all universities are transforming their work in the
hope of continuous transformation. The distribution ratio of Wuhan Engineering
University is not conducive to the sustainable development of the transformation of job
research results in schools. The incentives for the work of the college are not in place
and lack rationality.

2.4 Problems of the Construction of the Transformation Mechanism

of Job Research Results
Hubei Province’s colleges and universities have basically established a mechanism for
the transformation of job research results. Various platforms and team building have
brought considerable results to the transformation of job research results. However, it
must be noted that in the university policy, there is still a lack of quality for the
platform staffing and the recruitment and training of professional and comprehensive
658 C. Guixin

talents. There is no professional team to ensure the implementation of the entire

conversion process. The lack of a professional talent team leads to a series of troubles
in the conversion process and the problem of slower conversion process needs to be

2.5 Market-Oriented Operation

In the past two years, Hubei Province has been vigorously developing agencies for job
research results, cultivating professional technical and economic talents, promoting the
development and transformation of intermediary service organizations, and facilitating
the transformation of job research results in universities. At the same time, Hubei
Province has comprehensively built a joint working mechanism for science and tech-
nology management departments, colleges and universities, intermediary service
agencies, enterprises and investment institutions to improve the working system. These
actions have shown a very clear market orientation for colleges and universities, that is,
cooperation with enterprises and cooperation with intermediary service agencies to
introduce venture capital. Throughout the transformation model of several typical
universities in Hubei, the components of market-oriented operation are obviously
insufficient. Although it attaches importance to cooperation with enterprises, it has a
conservative attitude towards intermediary service organizations, pays insufficient
attention to venture capital funds, and is slow in policy promotion.
At present, several typical colleges and universities in Hubei Province have indeed
carried out their own practice and have indeed produced incentive effects. Compared
with other colleges and universities, it has similar characteristics, but like other uni-
versities, it has not made much progress in policy promotion, and no mixed ownership
has been implemented. Although the school has established a transformation platform,
it lacks professional talents. Although marketization has been introduced, the opera-
tional aspects still need to be strengthened. It lacks of supporting policy measures to
allow teachers to leave their jobs or return to work. In terms of incentive balance, there
are some shortcomings. Some schools ignore the interests of the relevant parties in the
production of job research results. If the incentives are not balanced, they will ulti-
mately affect the output and transformation of job research results.

3 Suggestions on the Transformation Model of Job Research

Results in Universities in Hubei Province

First of all, it is recommended that universities in Hubei Province vigorously imple-

ment mixed ownership, and step by step in the reform of job research results owner-
ship. We don’t have to use the model of Southwest Jiaotong University as a model, but
we can experiment boldly like Southwest Jiaotong University and boldly promote
mixed ownership. After the practice of mixed ownership in Sichuan Province [7], we
did find out the positive role of mixed ownership in promoting the transformation of
job research results. Giving the team the right to complete the completion of the team
can be said to be the most thorough way of reforming the three powers. Decentralizing
property rights and clarifying property rights can play the role of maximizing the
Transformation Mode of Job Research Results of Hubei Universities 659

team’s research and development and transformation. In contrast, although the theory is
first, and the policies of Hubei Province and Wuhan City encourage the implementation
of mixed ownership, but in such a good environment, there is still no school to
implement mixed ownership. Compared with Sichuan Province, the reform is too
conservative. Although Wuhan University of Engineering stipulates that it can agree to
share ownership with the school, the ownership is still owned by the school, and the
nature has not changed. Therefore, under the premise that both the policy thrust and the
quality and quantity of job research results are among the top quality universities in the
country, the implementation of mixed ownership in colleges and universities will
inevitably produce very considerable social effects.
Secondly, Hubei universities should correctly treat the implementation rights of
teachers, and should be open and cautious in encouraging teachers to leave their jobs to
start business. Openness is a policy space for teachers to let their teachers develop their
professionalism and contribute to the transformation of job research results. Prudent is
to take into account the sustainability of school technology research and development,
but also for the protection of teachers’ interests. It is not suitable to let the scientific
research talents lose only by considering the transformation, and after the teacher fails
to start the business, he can be allowed to return to the school position to continue to do
his own professional things.
Then, colleges and universities should determine a reasonable proportion of income
distribution, taking into account incentive compatibility. The four schools introduced in
this paper, only Huazhong Agricultural University clearly stipulates that the distribu-
tion must take into account the completion of the results, schools, colleges, venture
funds and follow-up research and development funding. It is necessary to use 5% of the
proceeds as a venture fund and no less than 15% of the proceeds as follow-up research
funding. Compared with other colleges and universities, this is a way of considering
comprehensive and incentive allocation. Other colleges and universities can also refer
to the distribution model of Huazhong Agricultural University for improvement. This
paper believes that all colleges and universities should pay attention to the requirement
that the income must be distributed to the subsequent scientific research development.
Because the sustainable development of the transformation of job research results is
colleges and universities are purchasing, as well as society [8]. The allocation of
schools and colleges and venture funds is to comprehensively consider the contribu-
tions made by the relevant parties in the production of job research results and the
protection of conversion behaviors, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties, and
establish a reasonable and successful transformation model.
Furthermore, it is recommended that all colleges and universities set up technical
transfer offices and other similar institutions to let professional teams do professional
things. In the United States and China’s Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other
regions where the world’s job research results have been most successful [9], uni-
versities have set up technology transfer offices. In addition, it is necessary to
emphasize the need to equip the transformation office with people who understand
technology, market, management, and law, and train a group of talents with compre-
hensive capabilities and knowledge capabilities to solve problems, in which colleges
and universities have established a mechanism platform, but lack of personnel.
660 C. Guixin

Finally, we should strengthen market operation [10]. The market-oriented trans-

formation of job research results helps to improve the ability of school science and
technology achievements to transform, and can promote the connection between
technology development and market demand, and the connection between job research
results and risk funds. Colleges and universities can establish close cooperative rela-
tions with intermediary service agencies and share information platforms. The inter-
mediary service organization is a full-specialized operation, which can greatly save the
time and energy of the scientific research personnel, and is more conducive to the
subsequent technology research and development, forming a virtuous circle. In addi-
tion, the transformation of job research results is a long-term, high-input activity.
Therefore, a large amount of venture capital is needed to solve the problem of insuf-
ficient funds for scientific research projects. The undeniable transformation of Amer-
ican job research results is also the victory in the venture capital industry. The venture
capital funds of colleges and universities are in place, providing a strong guarantee for
the transformation of job research results. Colleges and universities in Hubei Province
can learn from the experience of developed countries and introduce enough venture
capital to protect their school’s scientific and technological output and transformation,
and improve the conversion rate of job research results.
In summary, this paper suggests that the transformation mode of job research
results of universities in Hubei Province should be further reformed as soon as possible.
We should do enough work in the areas of ownership reform, incentive compatibility,
transformation platform construction and talent training, market-oriented operation, and
teacher implementation rights protection. At the same time, we will implement the
mixed ownership of job research results as soon as possible, establish a reasonable and
operational model for the transformation of job research results, give full play to the
advantages of science and education resources in Hubei Province, and contribute to the
local economic development.

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Research on the Dynamic Mechanism
and Mode of School Enterprise Cooperation
in Application Oriented Universities

Jingqiu Yang(&)

Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun 130052, China


Abstract. The existing problem is that the cooperation between colleges and
enterprises in higher education is not smooth and lacks the dynamic mechanism.
The purpose of this study is to explore the construction of the dynamic mech-
anism system of University-Enterprise Cooperation in higher education. This
paper is based on the theories of higher education, school-enterprise cooperation
and dynamic mechanism. By using the method of literature research, the internal
and external factors affecting school-enterprise cooperation are analyzed in
depth, and the role of each factor in school-enterprise cooperation is studied.

Keywords: School enterprise cooperation  Cooperation dynamic 

Cooperation analysis

1 Introduction

With the intensification of market competition and the emergence and replacement of
high and new technologies, the content of science and technology in products has been
greatly improved. The main innovators in the process of technological innovation are
under great pressure. Internalization of external resources through cooperative inno-
vation is an important way to solve this problem. As two important subjects of tech-
nological innovation, the complementarity of resources between universities and
enterprises in the process of technological innovation makes the technological inno-
vation of school-enterprise cooperation an important choice. In the golden chain of
industry-university-research-government, the cooperation between universities and
enterprises is the key link, no matter from the value chain of “talent-scientific research-
product-market”, or the value chain of “knowledge innovation-technology innovation-
transfer of achievements-industrialization-goods and services”.
The advantages of universities lie in the reserve of talents, information and tech-
nology [8–10], while enterprises have certain advantages in market, capital, manage-
ment, system and mechanism. Through cooperation between universities and
enterprises, the commercialization and industrialization of scientific and technological
achievements can be realized. Its essence is to give full play to the comparative
advantages of both sides in the process of technological innovation through coopera-
tion in order to maximize their own interests [11–15]. Especially in the report of the
Seventeenth National Congress of the CPC, it was clearly pointed out that “we should
establish a technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 662–670, 2019.
Research on the Dynamic Mechanism and Mode of School Enterprise Cooperation 663

as the guide and the combination of industry, education and research”. School-
enterprise cooperation has been raised to a new strategic height, and has become an
important measure and breakthrough in the construction of technological innovation
system in China. Generally speaking, although China’s school-enterprise cooperation
has made some achievements and experiences [16, 17], compared with the advanced
countries in the world, the innovation of school-enterprise cooperation is still in a loose
state to a large extent, and the situation is not optimistic. The surface problem is the
inefficiency of technological innovation, while the deep problem is the insufficiency of
scientific research funds, the problems of concepts and understanding, the problems of
interests and rights, the problems of information and communication in the process of
cooperation, which leads to the lack of motivation of school-enterprise cooperation.
The lack of a sound and effective dynamic mechanism and cooperation model suitable
for their own development has limited the further development of school-enterprise
cooperation to a certain extent. Therefore, as soon as possible to solve the deep-seated
problem of innovation power, explore a model suitable for enterprises and universities
to interact benignly, so that enterprises and universities can make rational use of
resources, it is essential, which will affect the long-term development of our economy.

2 Research Significance

“School-enterprise cooperation” is not a new proposition, scholars have already had a

lot of thinking and research results on this issue. At the same time, we also see that
there are many new contents in the theory of school-enterprise cooperation that need to
be studied in depth, and many practices that need to be verified. Higher education
should take service as its purpose and employment as its orientation, and adhere to the
development road of school-enterprise cooperation. The three bottlenecks in the
development of higher education in China are the conditions for running a school, the
mode of educating people and the level of employment. Over the past 100 years of
foreign experience in the development of higher education and more than ten years of
practice and exploration in China have proved that school-enterprise cooperation, as a
talent training mode, can solve these problems. School-enterprise cooperation is not
only the characteristic of Higher Vocational education, but also an important way to
achieve the goal of talent cultivation in Higher Vocational education.

3 Application Oriented Undergraduate Tourism Education

Cooperation Between Schools and Enterprises

The rapid development of China’s tourism needs a large number of tourism talents with
professional knowledge and practical ability. Recognizing the great potential of tourism
development, Applied Undergraduate Colleges and universities have set up tourism
management majors in succession, which has trained a large number of practical talents
for the development of tourism in China. Through the above analysis, we summarize
some useful experiences of three applied undergraduate colleges, Shanghai Tourism
College, Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College and Guilin Tourism College, which
have achieved practical results in the work of school-enterprise cooperation in training
664 J. Yang

tourism talents. At the same time, we should also see that there are some shortcomings.
Moreover, the overall development of school-enterprise cooperation in Applied
Undergraduate Tourism Education in China is not as ideal as the three schools men-
tioned above, which exposes some problems in personnel training, such as the quality
of graduates is out of line with the needs of tourism industry and enterprises, and the
loss of graduates is large. Through the literature review, the analysis of the influencing
factors of school-enterprise cooperation and the analysis of the current situation of the
development of school-enterprise cooperation in Applied Undergraduate Tourism
education, the author believes that there are still some problems in the process of
school-enterprise cooperation in Applied Undergraduate Tourism education.

3.1 Lack of Government Leadership

The government plays a leading role in the social and economic fields, and its functions
cannot be replaced by any organization or individual. In the field of education, the same
is true, and the dominant position of the government is more important. Based on the
analysis of the current situation of school-enterprise cooperation in Applied Under-
graduate Education in China, the lack of the leading position of the government is one
of the main factors for the lack of in-depth cooperation between schools and enter-
prises. In the field of Vocational education, without the government’s promotion,
China’s education situation will be far behind the current situation. With the vigorous
development of Vocational education, it is far from feasible to rely solely on schools
and enterprises, which must be supported by the government. In order to establish the
leading role of the government in the process of school-enterprise cooperation in
Applied Undergraduate education, the state and local governments must play their
leading role and increase policy support for Applied Undergraduate education. In order
to promote the smooth cooperation between universities and enterprises in Applied
Undergraduate education, we should strengthen the propaganda of Applied Under-
graduate Education and increase the investment in Applied Undergraduate education.

3.2 The Cooperative Mechanism Is Not Yet Sound

In our country, we have not really established a set of laws and regulations that clearly
define the mode of school-enterprise cooperation and the obligations, responsibilities and
rights of both sides of the school-enterprise cooperation. There is no school-enterprise
cooperation coordination organization which is specially responsible for guidance,
management, supervision and assessment. There is no more authoritative and complete
school enterprise cooperation guidelines and guidance manuals, including cooperation
mechanism and system [1]. This situation makes it difficult for the interests of both
schools and enterprises to be guaranteed properly, thus restricting the further develop-
ment of school-enterprise cooperation training mode of Applied Undergraduate Tourism
education. Due to the lack of incentive and restraint mechanisms for school-enterprise
cooperation, the willingness, quantity and quality of enterprises to participate in coop-
eration need to be improved urgently. Most school-enterprise cooperation still stays at the
shallow level of providing internship posts for students, training bases and training for
enterprises. There are few comprehensive, multi-level and deep-seated cooperation
between schools and enterprises in the fields of specialty construction and curriculum
development, practical teaching, faculty building and scientific research cooperation.
Research on the Dynamic Mechanism and Mode of School Enterprise Cooperation 665

3.3 The Quality of “Double Quality” Teachers Is Not High

The high-quality teaching staff is an important guarantee for the cultivation of Applied
Undergraduate Tourism Education talents. It is impossible for teachers lacking practical
experience to cultivate high-skilled practical talents. The practicality of applied
undergraduate education requires that teachers not only have teacher qualification
certificates, understand theory and teach, but also have strong industry practice ability
and relevant professional qualification certificates. At present, the Application-oriented
Undergraduate Colleges and universities in China attach great importance to the
construction of “double-qualified” teachers and encourage teachers to obtain vocational
qualification certificates. The proportion of “double-qualified” teachers in full-time
teachers of many schools is very high. But we cannot ignore a problem, that is, how
many teachers who have the status of “double teachers” have really participated in the
practice of tourism industry front-line, which is worthy of the name of “double
teachers”. Many people think that teachers who have two certificates are defined as
“Double Teachers”. This understanding is not exact. In fact, most of the “double-
qualified” teachers in Applied Undergraduate Colleges and universities are “certified
and unemployed”, only with professional qualification certificates, but they do not
really participate in the production and management front-line work, and have no
practical experience. Therefore, although the number of “double qualification” teachers
in applied undergraduate colleges is large, the quality is not high.

3.4 The Application Oriented Undergraduate Education System Needs

to Be Improved
Vocational education is an important part of China’s education. The healthy devel-
opment of applied undergraduate education can promote economic development, social
progress and employment of labor force. Many Applied Undergraduate Colleges and
universities in our country are formed by the transformation of the original specialties
or by the joint formation of several secondary technical schools, so it is inevitable that
there are more or less traces of previous running schools. For example, Guilin Tourism
College is transforming from the running system of specialized education to the system
of Applied Undergraduate education. Most of the previous professional training plans
of Guilin Tourism College follow the subject-based curriculum system and curriculum
model, and still teach theoretical knowledge as the core of the curriculum. In terms of
curriculum design, we neglect the requirement of employment for students’ abilities,
lack of practicality in teaching process, lack of implementation of competency-based
curriculum model, and the shadow of undergraduate compression still exists. In order
to change this situation, higher education must carry out the reform of school-running
system, change the traditional system of running schools only by the government, and
replace it with government-led, enterprise-oriented, relying on industry, enterprise and
social participation. We should fully rely on enterprises to run applied undergraduate
education and realize the diversified pattern of running schools for the common
development of public and private sectors. This is not only in line with the require-
ments of the market economy, but also an objective need for the development of
Applied Undergraduate Education in China.
666 J. Yang

4 Improve the Basic Principles of Transformation

Mechanism of Undergraduate Colleges and Universities
4.1 Principles of System Development
The principle of systematic development holds that higher education, as a subsystem of
social development is restricted by the development of politics, economy and culture,
and is consistent with and contributes to the development of the whole social system.
Therefore, the transformation of local undergraduate colleges and universities should
focus on the connection between higher education and political and economic devel-
opment as well as higher education at other levels, and systematically improve the
functions of personnel training, scientific research and social services within the edu-
cation system. We should pay attention to the systematic construction of discipline and
specialty, the reorganization of teaching staff, the design of course teaching and the
construction of school-running hardware facilities.

4.2 The Principle of Coordinated Development

The principle of coordinated development requires that, in order to achieve the overall
operation of the target system, various ways and means must be used comprehensively,
and scientific management methods should be adopted, so that various subsystems in
the system can cooperate with each other and form a virtuous cycle of work mode. We
must use all kinds of methods and forces synthetically, depend on scientific organi-
zation and management, so that each subsystem of the system can cooperate with each
other and form a virtuous circle. Therefore, the transformation of local undergraduate
colleges and universities should focus on properly handling the contradictions and
conflicts among various elements, coordinating the relationship among the factors of
scale, structure, quality and efficiency, and promoting the social adaptability and
internal structural balance of education.

4.3 Principles of Sustainable Development

The sustainable development of higher education requires that the resources of higher
education should be scientifically allocated and rationally utilized. And constantly
predict the future development space of higher education, reserve the development
space ahead of time, cannot be blocked because of the small profits in front of the
opportunity for future development. This principle has two meanings: first, higher
education is the cradle of training high-quality talents, and also an important base of
scientific and technological innovation. To achieve sustainable economic development,
it is necessary to ensure the sustainability of resources utilization of higher education.
Secondly, correctly handle the relationship between higher education and the future
needs and actual needs of social development. The relative independence of educa-
tional development requires that the development of education must be given priority in
time. The existing organizational form, system, scale and conditions of higher edu-
cation must meet the needs of future social progress for talents. The transformation of
local undergraduate colleges and universities should be based on reality, take meeting
Research on the Dynamic Mechanism and Mode of School Enterprise Cooperation 667

future needs as the starting point and destination, have long-term plans, and not be
quick to achieve quick success and instant benefit.

4.4 The Principle of Moderately Advanced Development

Advanced development emphasizes that education should properly advance the
development of political economy and provide a good talent reserve and intellectual
support for productivity development and political and economic reform. This principle
requires that the transformation of local undergraduate colleges and universities should
be based on accurate prediction of the trend of social economic development, layout
ahead of time, give priority to development, and make higher education an engine to
promote social development.

5 The Cognition Degree of School Enterprise Cooperation

Cognitive degree is mainly analyzed from four aspects: cooperation frequency, coop-
eration overall situation, cooperation prospects and the impact of economic crisis on
school-enterprise cooperation.

5.1 Cooperative Frequency

The frequency chart of school enterprise cooperation is shown in Fig. 1.

OŌen Occasionally Very few

Fig. 1. Frequency chart of school enterprise cooperation

668 J. Yang

Figure 1 shows that 82.1% of the enterprises and 71.1% of the universities coop-
erate regularly. This shows that most of the enterprises and universities recognize and
attach importance to the form of school-enterprise cooperation.

5.2 Overall Situation of Cooperation

In the survey of the overall situation of school-enterprise cooperation, it is found that
only 0.9% and 2.2% of enterprises and universities choose “unsatisfactory”, while
85.5% and 71.1% choose “relatively ideal”, which reflects that both sides of school-
enterprise cooperation are satisfied with the effect of school-enterprise cooperation
(Table 1).

Table 1. Statistics of the overall situation of school enterprise cooperation

Overall situation of cooperation Enterprise Colleges or
Number Proportion Number Proportion
More ideal 100 85.5% 64 71.1%
Commonly 16 13.7% 34 27.7%
Not ideal 1 0.9% 2 2.2%

5.3 Prospects for Cooperation

In the survey, it is found that 92.2% of the research teams in universities are optimistic
about the future of school-enterprise cooperation, which shows that universities are
very willing to cooperate with enterprises. At the same time, it shows that the coop-
eration between enterprises and universities is very smooth and effective (Table 2).

Table 2. Prospects for school enterprise cooperation

Prospect of school enterprise cooperation Number Frequency
Very optimistic 36 41.1%
Relatively optimistic 46 51.1%
Not optimistic 7 8%

6 Summary

The development of applied and innovative education will play a vital role in
improving the convergence of vocational education system and enhancing the com-
petitiveness of the real economy. In European and American countries where higher
education is developed, the establishment of applied science universities is mostly
based on the government’s macro-control and the active participation of enterprises to
Research on the Dynamic Mechanism and Mode of School Enterprise Cooperation 669

achieve further development. Therefore, the transformation of Applied Technology

Undergraduate Education in local undergraduate colleges and universities in China
does not mean simply adding several reform measures or simply changing the name of
the school to achieve development. As a comprehensive reform project involving
multiple linkages, we must clarify the purpose of the reform, integrate various
resources and promote the substantive reform of higher education.

Acknowledgement. The “13th Five-Year Plan” Social Science Research Project of Jilin
Provincial Education Department in 2018 JJKH20180504SK.

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Research on the Operating Mechanism
of College Student Management Based
on Flexible Management

Yuzhen Wang1, Chundi Zhao2, and Rengui Zhao3(&)

Chinese Medicine Materials College, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun,
People’s Republic of China
Agricultural College, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun,
People’s Republic of China
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College, Changchun University
of Science and Technology, Changchun, People’s Republic of China

Abstract. With the development of economy and the progress of human rights
civilization, human-based management has become a more acceptable and
universal management mode. Whether the student management work is carried
out effectively or not has a great influence on the living standard and learning
quality of College students. Flexible management is a new management method
which is different from the traditional mode. According to the law of human
psychology and behavior, it makes students self-identify with the new man-
agement method in a non-compulsory way. Flexible management implements
the concept of “people-oriented” and uses non-compulsory methods to manage,
so that people gradually accept the management requirements consciously. The
premise of flexible management concept is the change of thinking mode, which
depends on the individual psychological process, especially the students’
inherent potential and innovative spirit, and has significant internal driving
force. At present, the increasingly diversified development of College Students’
ideas is a major problem in the management of College students. Flexible
management in Colleges and universities is conducive to improving the effec-
tiveness of College management.

Keywords: College students  Management work  Flexible management 

Innovation path

1 Introduction

With the development of economy and the progress of human rights civilization,
human-based management has become a more acceptable and universal management
model. Colleges and universities should also comply with the needs of the development
of the times, adopt the “people-oriented” management concept, and dare to break the
traditional management model [1–3]. Establish trust relationship with students and
teachers, and implement flexible management to them, so as to stimulate their enthu-
siasm for life and learning [4–7]. Flexible management is a management mode emerged

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 671–678, 2019.
672 Y. Wang et al.

with the development of the times, which corresponds to the rigidity of the traditional
mode and is the need of the management system of colleges and universities in the new
era [8–13]. This kind of management mode, complementary to the traditional man-
agement mode, is more humane, can deal with the complex feelings of College stu-
dents, promote the construction of education team, and has a good role in promoting
the management of colleges and universities [14, 15].
The management of colleges and universities plays a very important role in the
training of talents and the development of society. The quality of management directly
affects the life, work and learning quality of teachers and students in Colleges and
universities [16–20]. Therefore, the management of colleges and universities must
adopt scientific strategies, carry out in accordance with the actual situation of colleges
and universities, and make full use of human, material and financial resources inside
and outside colleges and universities. Under the requirement of the system, we should
optimize the resources and ensure that the management of colleges and universities is
carried out continuously and effectively, so as to achieve the goal of training innovative
talents for the society. Therefore, colleges and universities adopt humanized flexible
management mode, according to students’ physical and mental characteristics, to
manage students at the spiritual level, so as to stimulate students’ inner strength,
stimulate their enthusiasm for life and learning, and make students grow healthier.

2 The Characteristics and Advantages of Flexible


The main means of “rigid management” is institutional constraints, and people become
subsidiaries of the system, which will rigidize the teaching content and means.
“Flexible management” requires compliance with rules and regulations. Compared
with the “rigid management” of system management students, its management mode is
more humane. Flexible management can make students feel comfortable on the basis of
equality and democracy, and then improve students’ enthusiasm for learning, and
create a good learning atmosphere for the class. At the same time, driven by flexible
management, students’ initiative and creativity inspired in their hearts can inject new
vitality into colleges and universities, which is conducive to correcting the bad style of
study in Colleges and universities. Flexible management pays attention to motivation
and teaching by words and deeds. When colleges and universities carry out flexible
management, relevant faculty members should pay more attention to the cultivation of
individual abilities.

2.1 Adjustment Internal Driving Flexibility

Management is different from traditional rigid management. Flexible management
mainly relies on effective communication with students to understand students’ inner
needs, thus proceeding in many ways. Ideological guidance should be appropriate,
emotional communication should be subdued by virtue, and the implementation pro-
cess should be handled properly. Emphasis is laid on grasping students’ thinking and
Research on the Operating Mechanism 673

emotions so that students can consciously play their initiative and creativity, so flexible
management has a good internal driving role.

2.2 Universality
The management of college students is mainly aimed at the multi-ideological group of
College students. There are obvious ideological differences among different students,
and even some students’ ideas will change at different stages. Therefore, flexible
management is difficult to unify. Based on this, flexible management of college stu-
dents should be managed according to the characteristics of different students’ thoughts
and behaviors.

2.3 People Oriented

The “people-oriented” principle of flexible management in Colleges and universities
refers to taking students as the starting point and foothold of University management,
and students are the core content of University management. College leaders should
deeply realize that it is the trend of the times to reform the rigid management mode,
establish the management concept based on students, fully respect students’ own
characteristics and different opinions, and actively mobilize students’ enthusiasm and

3 Current Situation of University Management

3.1 The Teaching Mode Is Stiff
Although our country has made a lot of improvements in education and the syllabus
has been changing with the situation, there are still rigid traditional teaching modes in
the teaching of colleges and universities, especially some older College teachers, who
are unwilling to change their traditional thinking modes. As a result, many students
lose interest in learning and cannot grasp the knowledge flexibly, which hinders the
cultivation and development of students’ innovative thinking. Over time, they also lose
confidence in the content of the curriculum. Moreover, many colleges and universities
adopt the method of quantitative assessment of teachers’ assessment, which limits the
development of teachers’ creative teaching and makes the formalization of teaching
management too serious. The approval degree of teaching mode is shown in Fig. 1.

3.2 There Is Utilitarianism in Teaching Management

Many university teachers in teaching or management will be for their own interests, so
there is a lot of utilitarianism. Teachers have to take measures to gain some favorable
conditions for themselves in order to be able to evaluate their professional titles or
increase their salaries, thus neglecting the management of students and the arrangement
of teaching contents. Therefore, it is not conducive to the cultivation of students, but
also hinders the better management of students in Colleges and universities.
674 Y. Wang et al.

Fig. 1. Teaching mode

3.3 Students Are in a Passive Position

Under the background of the new era, the concept of education is student-oriented,
giving full play to students’ subjective initiative, and following the “people-oriented”
teaching ideas and guidelines. However, in the actual teaching work, this concept has
not been well implemented, and many teachers have not incorporated this teaching
mode into the actual teaching process. Therefore, it is not conducive to the develop-
ment of students’ individuality and the cultivation of their creativity, resulting in stu-
dents losing their enthusiasm and initiative in the process of learning, and becoming a
passive learning machine.

4 The Necessity of the Application of Flexible Management

in the Management of College Students

With the advancement of the new education reform and the change of teaching envi-
ronment, the idea of running a university has changed greatly. The original rigid
management has been unable to adapt to the current situation of student management,
unable to meet the current needs of student management. Flexible management, on the
one hand, pays more attention to the internal management of students, pays more
attention to the personality of people, and carries out humanized management from
students’ psychology and consciousness, which is a kind of non-compulsory man-
agement. On the other hand, it is more flexible and pays more attention to stimulating
students’ self-energy efficiency. Flexible management improves the quality of man-
agement through the transformation of students’ main body. Compared with rigid
management, it is more flexible and efficient. Therefore, flexible management is more
in line with the current educational philosophy and can greatly improve the quality of
student management in Colleges and universities.
Research on the Operating Mechanism 675

5 Implementation Path of Flexible Management Innovation

for College Students
5.1 Establish the People-Oriented Student Management Concept
and Integrate the Flexible Management Idea
The main purpose of student management is to make the education work serve the
students better through effective management, so as to promote the all-round devel-
opment of students and the efficient development of education work. To achieve this
goal of education management, university student managers must establish the idea of
people-oriented and student-oriented education management, which can implement
humanized management education and attach importance to the cultivation of students’
individuality. As managers, they should integrate flexible management ideas into
humanized management and have a full understanding of the connotation of flexible
management. Managers should truly respect students, understand their differences,
tolerate their mistakes and pay attention to their participation. Managers should be able
to give students more trust, encouragement and guidance, stimulate students’ internal
self-development, constantly strive to achieve great desires, and increase students’ self-
confidence in life and learning. Really highlight the main position of student man-
agement, encourage students to actively participate in student management work. In the
process of participating in management, students should be guided to realize self-
evaluation, self-supervision, self-regulation and self-management so as to enhance their
self-development ability. In this way, the management of students can be effectively
developed, and students can be improved.

5.2 Strengthen the Construction of Campus Culture and Bring Flexible

Management Orientation into Full Play
Campus culture has a great impact on students’ behavior. At the same time, campus
culture is also an important platform to implement flexible management. Good school
atmosphere and discipline are conducive to standardizing students’ behavior and set-
ting up correct value orientation and behavior standards. A sunny and positive campus
culture can influence students’ values invisibly, and transform students at the level of
consciousness, so that students can regulate their own behavior in this invisible cultural
baptism, and truly educate people in invisibility. Let the students rebuild themselves in
the construction of this good campus culture, improve themselves by reflection,
implement the concept of flexible management effectively, and improve the efficiency
and quality of student management in Colleges and universities. The construction of
campus culture can be carried out by carrying out campus cultural activities, such as
Thanksgiving society, university cultural exhibitions and other educational activities,
so that students can actively participate in the construction of campus culture, learn
good moral character and advocate the culture of civilization. Campus cultural activ-
ities are used to disseminate campus cultural ideas, and through the construction of
campus culture, the ideological consciousness of contemporary college students is
actively transformed, so that students can become a positive, polite, festive and grateful
talent. Let students continue to improve themselves under the influence of this culture,
676 Y. Wang et al.

so that flexible management can give full play to energy efficiency. The construction of
campus culture provides a good platform for flexible management, so that flexible
management can better play its guiding role and effectively improve the level of student
management in Colleges and universities.

5.3 Strengthen the Cultivation of Students’ Self-management Ability

An important goal of implementing the flexible management concept is to realize
students’ self-management and self-development. Therefore, strengthening the culti-
vation of students’ self-management ability should become an important part of student
management. Guiding students to carry out self-management and self-motivation can
promote students’ personalized development. It is a kind of promotion to enhance
students’ learning enthusiasm and motivation for students’ self-development. As stu-
dent managers, they should be able to encourage students to self-management and self-
motivation, and guide students to self-management and self-motivation habits through
effective strategies. It can arouse students’ self-management and self-motivation con-
sciousness, and provide students with opportunities for self-management, so as to
promote the development of students’ abilities in this respect. To achieve this kind of
management innovation, student managers must create a relaxed learning and living
environment for students, do a good job in Ideological education, create conditions for
students to self-manage, and actively guide students’ self-management behavior. Stu-
dent managers also need to be able to set an example, guide students with their own
actions, and make students realize that modern society needs highly qualified per-
sonnel. To become a high-quality talent, we must realize the development of self-
management and creativity, cultivate students’ good self-management consciousness
and habits through various ways, and enhance students’ self-management and self-
development ability.

5.4 Improving the Professional Degree of Work Managers

Taking the United States as an example, most of the students in American colleges and
universities are graduates with master’s degree and doctor’s degree in psychology and
pedagogy, and have strong professional level. At the same time, the United States has a
clear career promotion system, junior, intermediate and senior title system. In contrast,
most of the counselors in Chinese universities are undergraduate, and most of them do
not have relevant professional knowledge, and most of them are short-term professions.
To sum up, the system of College Counselors in China is not perfect, and the degree of
specialization needs to be improved. To improve the professional level of managers, we
can consider the following ways: first, establish a vocational qualification system,
establish a threshold for career access, strict stipulate the conditions of appointment,
clear job responsibilities. Secondly, we should establish and improve the promotion
mechanism to enhance the attraction of university management to professionals. Fur-
thermore, we should further train the management professionals in Colleges and uni-
versities, study the flexible management theory of students, and promote the
development of the management of colleges and universities to the direction of spe-
cialization and advanced. Finally, we should speed up the construction of student
Research on the Operating Mechanism 677

management associations, relying on certain platforms to exchange and share man-

agement experience, so as to improve the management level of College students.

6 Summary

In short, colleges and universities need to adjust student management according to the
new educational environment, abandon the single institutionalized management and
rigid management, innovate management concepts, and apply flexible management
experience. Instead of relying on rules and regulations to impose compulsory con-
straints on students’ behavior, students are managed with a more democratic and equal
humanistic concept [21]. Through this more realistic and humanistic management
means, we can improve the students’ self-motivation and self-management and self-
restraint under the flexible management system, and effectively improve the efficiency
and level of student management in Colleges and universities.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by Education scientific planning project in

jilin province–Education research on undergraduate entrepreneurship in agricultural colleges and
universities (GH170276).

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On the Influence of Modern Digital Technology
on Art Creation Under the Rapid Development

Qiang Wang(&)

Art Institute of East China University of Technology,

Nanchang 330003, Jiangxi, China

Abstract. The rapid development of modern digital technology has had a

profound impact on people’s study, work and life, even thinking habits, espe-
cially in the field of artistic creation. This paper explores and analyzes the
characteristics of art creation supported by digital technology, the text source of
digital art creation, the ideas of digital art creation, the formation of logical
paradigm in digital art creation, the theme language type in digital art creation,
the aesthetic characteristics of digital art and the aesthetic significance of digital
art, which will help to promote the development of digital art creation.

Keywords: Digital technology  Development  Art creation  Influence

1 Introduction

In the first ten years of the new century, digital technology has achieved rapid
development. With the development and support of digital technology, the network and
mobile terminal are deeply influencing people’s life and behavior, even thinking mode.
Many social software and app platforms have established their locking in text and
knowledge links, and people have become active participants, forming a common
social “link” and creating and developing huge human social activities. The develop-
ment direction of the new modernist art trend has become a new art text in information
technology. Its aesthetic characteristics can be understood as a series of new evolution
in the art process, modularization and free link of aesthetic information symbols,
making artists’ works of art have blurred existence with respect to each other as
symbolic modules of aesthetic psychological space. The anti-rejection brought about
by the programming of aesthetic intention is different from the new modernist art style,
and the focus of art works is no longer just the text that expresses language and objects
themselves. When creating works of art, artists discuss the redesign of thinking patterns
and logical texts by means of new technologies. From the perspective of the devel-
opment trend of modernist art, as Hatkovic said, “The expression and implementation
of the new modernist art, supported by the development of information technology,
should be more in line with the interpretation of the humanistic text symbols of the
times” [3].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 679–685, 2019.
680 Q. Wang

2 Artistic Creation Characteristics Under the Support

of Digital Technology
2.1 The Connection Between the Text Interpretation and the Source
Code Module of Digital Art
Artists who use information technology to create no longer regard representation as
their only reference for artistic creation, but regard establishing the connection between
representation and the source code module of text interpretation as their primary task.
Art has become a dynamic object, usually not a specially selected object, but an applied
establishment of new products in broader technological innovation. This is a very
important attribute, and the semantics of principle need not be fully loaded and
interpreted. As the conceptual text modules of these artistic creations are usually
continuously generated and presented in terms of time and materials, “four-dimensional
digital form time is similar to the correlation process of emotional structure” [2]. For
example, games in tablet computers and mobile phones are now considered “a virtual
task with purpose components” that can “make” or “get” any value [1]. The combi-
nation of various kinds of software and any words and graphics created, art design have
been awarded the title of art or recognized as the real existence of value. Even the
typesetting of letters or the upgrading of versions will be considered as art works.

2.2 Text Sources of Digital Art Creation

In digital art creation, the text used in a certain chapter or a certain period of time will
be regarded as a work, which is why this is a typical non-traditional concept. There is
no so-called “qualification contest” for artistic creation, and texts or even concepts used
to constitute artistic works can be considered for ordering. Some of these text modules
may be used for future creative work, while these activities are defined as artistic
creations. For example, a work on a certain cyberspace or operating platform (concept
of cluster) can be understood as a creative context relationship in terms of the con-
figuration of text relationships, that is, in terms of structure. “In any major infras-
tructure where artistic elements exist, providing pre-formed forms of connection or
downloading is a real value” [5]. According to this goal, the leap of artistic creativity
has been interpreted not only as a pure cognition of tradition, but also as a way to
reconstruct the text elements of the program when searching the world. The multi-
source text structure used in such artistic creation is closer to full and open access. First,
it is understood as fundamentally non - hierarchical. Second, what is basically created
is the relationship between artistic texts, not their contents.

3 The Idea of Digital Art Creation

3.1 The Formation of Logical Paradigm in Digital Art Creation
The logical paradigm of modern digital art creation is a combination of multi-source
information. Creative products should be presumed open procedures. Even conceptual
On the Influence of Modern Digital Technology on Art Creation 681

art creation should also give data and content in logical form and provide links to the
objective structure of the work itself. The expression of emotion in artistic creation is
like a sensor. The public program thus becomes the inheritance of the whole artistic
creation, and the ideological content is freely constituted as a module on a logical track
(as shown in Fig. 1). The motivation of artistic creation can be a superficial
“prospectus” bound to different individual spaces or platforms. In the regular process of
logical integration, different concept elements form a complete context, all of which
become interactive space-time existence, and give the definition of artistic ideas for
conceptual manual execution, and the artistic expression techniques used are more
orderly in style.


Author Content Free Works

module combination


Fig. 1.

“The concept of digital art creation plays an important role in forming the char-
acteristics of cultural thinking and the steps in the logical paradigm” [4]. The sys-
tematic nature of the overall artistic creation logic is not intended to oppose the inherent
discretion of the subject. The ideological content of the subject (such as letters of
speech, photos of life and historical experience) is closer to the artistic prototype
lacking decoration. The openness of the logical paradigm and the differences in dif-
ferent ideological concepts together constitute the original value of the creative
activities of digital arts.

3.2 Theme Types in Digital Art Creation

“The theme and significance in digital art creation are extremely multi - sourced” [9]. In
many modern art designs, “identity crisis” is obvious, that is, the author’s theme is not
clear enough. This phenomenon is because the paradigm of fundamental transformation
carrier has become the main structure, while the semantics of text symbols or concepts
provided by authors or participants cannot become the system alone. The linguistic text
and symbolic meaning of the subject’s artistic thought have developed into the core of
creating value in the appreciation of the variation of ideas, which encourages and
formulates the revival of new values.
“As far as artistic design creation is concerned, there is no reference to the
extension of ideas and texts to restore the mode and quality of thinking types” [8].
Creation may be like printing the semantics of representation language with a newly
constructed logical paradigm. Understanding creation is conditional on how the cre-
ation field itself is constructed into a new representation text and enriched or
682 Q. Wang

reconstructed its meaning. For example, like the information content in advertisements
or the related links of a two-dimensional code, the symbols of the communication
carrier have changed from text to centralized channel, which is not only the link
channel of self-functional realism, but also the theme of digital art creation.

3.3 Understanding the Value of Digital Art Creation

The value of modern digital culture and digital art creation does not only point to the
technical dissemination of subcultures defined by traditional philosophy, but also does
not have clear indicators and axiology in this respect. Who is recording the dynamics of
the same period of functional and evolutionary works? Time is equal to being and not
being perceived at the same time, which is another explanation for the value of new
modernism art. The content structure of social culture is defined as the concept of
vtime, just like the framework language deduced by the new communication tech-
nology, which is to realize the initiative of self-sufficiency and the inter interface of
cooperation with others.
Time has become the very existence of concepts, especially the evolution of lan-
guage and games. Perceptions and feelings have become the two main channels in the
development of creative activities, and people are continuously creating art products in
parallel with themselves with the purpose not just to free the mind and gather ideas, but
more likely to be the personal artistic experience value of the derivative concepts
related to the signs and interpretations of the text. Feeling and energy are used for
enjoyment, while the cultivation of ideas is like thinking simulation, and conceptual
differences become the root of creating cultural interconnection. Metaphor can be seen
everywhere. It alternates with ideas to construct and strive for a decisive victory from
religion, morality and thought. This series of systematic construction shows the value
of digital art creation.
The freedom of thought allows simulation in any way. The meaning of different
meanings is constantly sliding signs of meaning. The world serves to construct the way
of thought. Therefore, the concept of tendentiousness as a reference has developed
unprecedentedly, and the newly derived concept has been reinterpreted and supple-
mented with a new meaning. The time and materials, thinking and language, games and
patterns in the concept reference have become self-help and are regarded as the highest
type of artistic creation value.

4 The Aesthetic Characteristics of Digital Art

4.1 Aesthetic Psychological Process of Digital Art

The aesthetic psychological process of digital art should be reevaluated. The text
process of transition and linking is regarded as a whole. All aesthetic psychological
“traces” show a linear relationship between each other in the interconnection of the
digital culture, and are converted into multiple rules, including psychological imitation.
“Aesthetic appreciation commonly use the viewpoint of multi-value and wide form,
and there is no dogma of value judgment” [6]. The definition of aesthetic psychology is
On the Influence of Modern Digital Technology on Art Creation 683

not clear, and all movable concepts belong to aesthetic logic dialectically, just like
emotional “excessive oscillation” and psychological contradiction in games. Because
of this, the creator of digital art tries to paste enough thought dynamics into himself,
extract logical patterns or procedures from various information texts that he can create,
and even some uncertain transcendental means to reflect the incredible complexity,
fuzziness and variability in life and thought, so as to be closer to the aesthetic
expression of artistic ideas.
The aesthetic psychology of digital art is equivalent to the non - linearity, multi-
dimensional and procedural branches of artistic creation itself, and the “production”
logical model opens up more possibilities for artistic aesthetics. The aesthetic psy-
chological process of digital art may be “empty” which is similar to “neutral space”,
meaning potential and the rationalization of artistic aesthetic intuition. The ideological
generalization and analysis here can be unconscious and irrational, allowing confusion
and separation, thus creating potential confusion to form new aesthetic elements.

4.2 Digital Art Aesthetic Ideology

“The aesthetic thought of digital art is an open concept element, it becomes a new
harmony and cultural blood, and it starts to break away from itself from the external
world of ideas” [10]. As a free activity, art is like an input method, although it is a
hypothetical goal, it creates and calibrates the process from the so-called run, drops the
definition of creation, and demonstrates the ideological composition of this creation
method. The evolution of artistic elements constitutes multiple conditions of unlimited
creativity and ideological content. Without the concept of the future, the result of the
work is unpredictable, which is based on the randomness of the category of under-
standing and is the general process and the assumption of input of digital art creation.
The creation of digital art is often the process of forming its thoughts by time, and
the creative characteristics in the process of transcribing thoughts include the world
dynamic process of randomness and probability. Randomness marks an unexpected
view of freedom, an unpredictable thought bud and the formation of multiple ideas. The
image of the world is a probabilistic database with unlimited creativity. Each piece of
art works tries to stand at one end and balance different ideas at the same time. The
development direction of human culture is like fate on the top of one’s feet. Everything
is new, and everything is different from the past. In essence, it is an art world based on
the development of modern information technology, providing us with non-linear
appreciation and creativity in the field of our ideological and spiritual life and
becoming procedural knowledge in the new world.

4.3 Aesthetic Significance of Digital Art

“The aesthetic significance of digital art is to study a new definition, which is the
influence of new artistic works on aesthetics after the change of art creation mode” [7].
The aesthetic experience of “virtual art products” supported by the new digital tech-
nology is different from the aesthetic experience provided to the public by previous art
works because of the change of expression and visual materials. The digital technology
means has its own code definition, and the artistic works born under its technical
684 Q. Wang

support will appear to have its own systematic semantic representation characteristics,
that is, the meaning of its existence is constituted by this aesthetic virtuality.

5 Philosophical Thinking of Digital Technology

5.1 Formation Mechanism of Concept Text

In people’s updated concept text, a new “grammar” system is created based on
spontaneous understanding, that is, the new typological features derived from the
logical structure text are the renewal and derivation of the original meaning repre-
sentation. The new “cultural grammar” developed under the support of this technical
form will, to a certain extent, reduce or lose the concrete historical materials of past
concepts. Therefore, a new philosophical thinking has been formed on the development
of digital technology. According to the traditional philosophical concept, human being,
as the dominant position, may have variability and nonstandard cultural leap in
thinking, while in the view of the digital technology, it is a phenomenon of “sym-
bolization” that the concept allows or reinterprets, which is equivalent to the mecha-
nism of perceiving the program structure and constructing the concept of text origin by

5.2 The Influence of Digital Technology on Social and Cultural

The system of digital technology is more and more towards the principle of full
automaticity, which does not only support the hypothetical inference of the concept of
composition and regulation, but also provides the principle of free use. People sub-
consciously express a system language that supports conscious operation on the one
hand and is controlled and restricted on the other. From the perspective of philo-
sophical confirmation, this is a systematic support for the reform and evolution of the
creative theoretical system, especially the significant changes in people’s conceptual
semantic patterns, which tend to be used to the idea of expressing oneself freely in the
system. To study the influence of digital technology on social and cultural mechanisms,
we must start with logical analysis of thinking. The key point of logical language text
analysis is to see whether there are productive and redefined new linguistic words.
From the perspective of production, language, as a tool linking with social culture, is
the product of technological revolution in terms of any semantic and material

5.3 The Social Value of Digital Technology Development

The birth and evolution of global network words are amazing, which makes people
have to rethink the changes in the field of social ideology under the influence of digital
technology. Digital technology has had a tremendous impact on people’s daily life in
the social production system and the economic and financial system, such as various
new payment methods and settlement systems, subscription consumption patterns,
On the Influence of Modern Digital Technology on Art Creation 685

digital automatic control systems and safety certification patterns. The influence of
digital technology on social ideology in these fields is very obvious. A new element can
form a new semantic meaning, and each new semantic meaning will form a new
complex setting in people’s ideas. It is neither independent nor omnipotent, but it will
more or less have a certain influence on ideas. The birth of a new systematic language
will certainly have an important impact on people’s ideas in the corresponding fields.

6 Conclusion

The influence of digital technology on artistic creation is mainly reflected in the fol-
lowing aspects:
1. The original elements of artistic creation have been recoded into its own structure,
and the creative materials with information as the clue have realized the transfor-
mation of its anti-form carrier. The artist’s role is to “reorganize self”. Therefore, the
artist’s operations in the fields of cutting density, rhythm, symbol of labels, and
frame allocation of text functions are the embodiment of technical characteristics.
2. The function of graphic code language can be executed and revoked at any time
when the construction form of time and space is deployed, thus promoting pro-
longed introspection and realizing flexibility and freedom in the construction of
communication mechanism. On this basis, artistic creation leads to code expansion
and superposition in multi-value semantic association. The application of digital
technology to reorganize the text provides effective technical support for the
modification of different artistic schemes.
3. Digital works of art that can be played or displayed at the same time, which
establishes a simulated empathy between the author and the audience. The meaning
of the works can be recorded, abbreviated and played only. It is suitable for people
from a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds. As a form of communication
in social culture, digital art has more timely and effective organization of the
information process and has a new artistic vitality.

1. Delhi Richard AA (2001) Political psychology. College Planning Press, Moscow
2. Balev ЮБ (2002) Aesthetics. Higher School Press, Moscow
3. Harzkovic ЮГ (2002) Art creation psychology. Belarus Bookstore, Minsk
4. Shanle Bakov BC (1999) Plastic arts - teaching and creation. Guangming Press, Moscow
5. Gorychanov AA (2001) New philosophical dictionary. Belarusian Bookstore, Minsk
6. Richard W (2012) The revolution in information technology. Modern Technology
Publishing Company, New York
7. Owen B (2015) The faith of new art. Culture and Education Press, New York
8. Jean F (2014) New modern art theory. Cultural Salon Press, Paris
9. John B (2006) Digital art. Thought Publishing Company, London
10. Brino R (2013) Modern technology and culture. Rick Publishing Company, Rome
The Spread of Traditional Chinese Medicine
in Britain and Its Enlightenment

Yi Chen, Xiaofang Wang, and Cheng Liu(&)

School of Humanities, Jiangxi University of TCM, No. 1688 of Meiling Road,

Wanli District, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China
2712811616@qq.com, 920711622@qq.com, jxjzlc@163.com

Abstract. Britain is one of the most prosperous countries in the development of

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) overseas, with a long history of the
development of TCM, but the spread and development of TCM in the United
Kingdom has always been limited. This article briefly introduced some problems
on TCM in Britain from the aspects of legislation, practitioner composition and
educational scientific research of British, and think about this situation and
considered some suggestions.

Keywords: UK  TCM  Legislation  Education  Spread

1 The Country Profile of UK

The UK, known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is native
to the British Isles on the northwest side of the European continent and is occupied by
the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean
surround. It is a Western European island made up of England, Wales and Scotland on
the Great Britain. Northern Ireland, northeast of the island of Ireland, and a series of
affiliated islands. Britain is a highly developed capitalist country. One of Europe’s four
largest economies, its citizens have a high standard of living and a good social security
system. As Commonwealth Heads of State, EU, Schengen Convention and Group of
eight Member States, NATO founding members, the United Kingdom is also one of the
five permanent members of the UN Security Council. The United Kingdom is actively
involved in global affairs, with a high degree of cultural inclusiveness and pluralism,
therefore, the United Kingdom is one of the most prosperous countries in the overseas
development of TCM, and it has a long history of the development of TCM.

2 The Development History and Present Situation of TCM

in the UK

According to historical records, the time when TCM was introduced to the UK dates
back to the late 17th century. From the existing historical materials, Chinese pulse
medical theory can be regarded as the earliest works of TCM introduced into Britain,
and this book is now collected in the British Museum [1]. It was the British surgeon

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 686–692, 2019.
The Spread of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Britain and Its Enlightenment 687

John Churchill who initially reported directly on acupuncture. In 1821, he published a

paper about the treatment of rheumatism and otitis media with acupuncture, which
became the earliest real historical material for the spread of acupuncture to Britain. In
the 1958, Felix Mann opened an acupuncture clinic in the West end of London,
England, where he taught the course and became the founder of the British
Acupuncture clinic. In 1960, Jack Worsley founded the traditional Acupuncture school,
the first acupuncture school in the UK, which made a significant contribution to the
spread and development of acupuncture in the UK, and is considered to be one of the
heirs of the Western history of TCM [2]. Subsequently, in 1970, the British Association
of Acupuncture and Moxibustion was established, the British Medical Acupuncture
Society was established in 1980, the British Council for Supplementary and Alternative
Medicine was established in 1986, and the British Acupuncture Professional Review
Committee was established in 1990, and by the mid-90s, several professional
acupuncture and moxibustion organizations merged into the British Acupuncture
Council (BAC). The Registration of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RCHM) was also
established. In November 2000, the House of Lords Ad Hoc Committee on Science and
Technology published a blue book to classify TCM and Chinese acupuncture as the 3a
group, believing that “there is no scientific basis, treatment linked to a certain phi-
losophy and religion, cannot give financial, educational support, etc.”, which is tan-
tamount to abolishing the existence of TCM and provoking strong opposition from the
British Society of TCM practitioners. The British Government and the Ministry of
Health advocated TCM acupuncture legislation began in 2002. In order to tie in with
the legislative rules of the Government, to safeguard the safety of medical practice, to
safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of TCM practitioners, and to manage and
promote the development of Chinese medicine practitioners in the United Kingdom,
the Chinese Medicine Council (CMC) was established in London on June 8, 2004. The
chairman is Man Fong Mei, Dean of The Chinese Medical Institute and Register
(CMIR). On June 16, 2008, in the legislative proposal “Acupuncture, Herbal medicine,
TCM” submitted to the British Government by the legislative Working Group of the
Ministry of Health, acupuncture was no longer affiliated with a TCM physician or
herbalist, but appeared in the proposal under an independent “name” [3]. In the 2004
EU Directive on registration procedures for traditional herbs, herbs were sold on the
EU market with effect from April 1, 2011 must be licensed for sale before they can be
sold. On November 21,2013, the Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
(MHRA) announced that the sale of unregistered herbal products will be banned from
April 30, 2014. In this way, the stock of proprietary Chinese medicines on the British
market will be heavily off the shelves and consumers will not be able to buy proprietary
Chinese medicines on the British market through legitimate channels. On February16,
2015, the Health Secretary announced that the government allowed traditional herbal
therapists registered with the British Health Professional Council to continue to use
unlicensed herbal products [4].
The United Kingdom is the first country in the European Union to conduct legis-
lation on TCM, and promoting the development of TCM in the United Kingdom, but
we can find several phenomena in the process of legislative development of TCM in the
United Kingdom: (1) Acupuncture, as part of TCM, pioneered the opening of the
British door, deeply loved by the British people. (2) The UK government attitude
688 Y. Chen et al.

towards of TCM from open-mindedness to suspicion, or even denial. (3) The British
Government’s attitude towards of TCM legislation is unclear. (4) Some laws separate
the registration of acupuncture from Chinese herbal medicine, which in fact separates
the holism of TCM. (5) The registration of Chinese medicine practitioners as herbal
therapists, has not included TCM as a mainstream medical system, and it is still existed
as an “alternative medicine” and “supplementary medicine”.
Through the legislation of TCM in the UK, it can be seen that the development of
TCM in the United Kingdom is not always smooth. We can discover some problems
about the development of TCM in the UK.

3 Problem in the Development of TCM in UK

3.1 Composition of TCM Practitioner

TCM practitioners in the UK can be roughly divided into three categories. The first
category is “TCM doctors”, which refers to the Chinese medicine practitioners who
have or have had Chinese nationality, grew up in China, studied TCM in China, and
then emigrated to practice in the UK. The second category is “Foreigner TCM doctors”,
which is a proper term, referring specifically after TCM spread to the west, by the local
people to create a different from China’s current TCM “local TCM “, such as the
Ideological Origins of Stems Branches Acupuncture [5].
In the 1970s, a group of TCM doctors came to the UK and opened a Chinese
medicine clinic in Chinatown, London. This belong to the first category of practitioners
in the UK, and the most famous practitioners is Roding Hui.
Roding Hui, who graduated from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,
worked in the department of pediatric in Guangdong provincial Traditional Chinese
Medicine Hospital after graduation. When she came to England, she opened the
“HONG-NING” TCM Clinic in Chinatown, where she treated diseases mainly with
Chinese herbs、acupuncture and massage, thus driving the import of the first batch of
Chinese herbs in the United Kingdom. Even David Atherton, a leading British der-
matology expert, recommend his patients to her clinic as Roding cured many children
with eczema who were helpless by Western medicine. It was also wrote David
Atherton pointed out that 70% of patients who had not been cured in other hospital but
were cured by Roding [6]. The mainstream British media, such as The Guardian, the
BBC and others, have raced to report on it, with the British Roding as “China’s
Amazing Doctor” and the Chinese herbs she has prescribe as “magic tea.” Over the past
more than 20 years, Roding has treated 100,000 patients of different skin tones.
At that time, there was a Chinese named Wanfang Mei in London, and he found the
business opportunities of Chinese medicine, so began to sell Chinese medicine sup-
plies. He was the first person in the UK to invent and use disposable acupuncture
needles. Wanfang Mei later studied TCM and began operating TCM clinics in the late
70. From a very small storefront to start, gradually develop, the scale is getting bigger,
fame is also getting higher. [7] By the 90s, many celebrities in the UK had come to see
a doctor, the most famous of which was Princess Diana. His son, Richen Mei, recalls:
The Spread of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Britain and Its Enlightenment 689

“Princess Diana often come to our clinic, do acupuncture or buy Chinese medicine.”
She waits in the waiting room, just like the average patient.”
Early immigrant TCM doctors are undoubtedly excellent. With the affirmed
effectiveness of TCM, a large number of TCM clinics have sprung up, in the mid-90s,
many non-TCM people also began to enter the Chinese medicine industry, because
Chinese medicine in the United Kingdom has been defined as complementary medi-
cine, there is no formal national legislation management. As result, anyone can open a
TCM clinic without a qualification audit. Many businessmen found the business
opportunities of TCM, then opened a TCM clinic, relying on the sale of Traditional
Chinese herbs, Chinese traditional medicine prescription and acupuncture and moxi-
bustion, cupping, massage, and other methods, a doctor can earn at least 1000 lb a day
for the store, so the merchant opened a second, third branch… Such a rise of Chinese
medicine chain stores in an endless stream. The reality beneath the apparent prosperity
is one of confusion. The first is that practitioners are chaotic. Between the mid-to-late
90 and the 10 years around 2005, there were more than 3,000 clinics in the UK, with 1–
4 doctors in each clinic, but many of them were not real TCM doctors, and the
consequence was that they affected the efficacy, medical malpractice occurred, and
caused a bad social impact. The second is short-term business practices. Under the
expulsion of interests, there have been many short-term commercial behaviors for
profit, such as selling counterfeit medicines, hormone needles, menu-type adminis-
tration and so on. The negative effects of these acts have raised questions about TCM
among the British people. The third is predatory management. Many bosses aim to
make money, and the way they do business is to circle it. At that time, the UK’s largest
Chinese medicine chain in its heyday had more than 500 stores, to prescribe medicine
for patients is 1 years of volume, acupuncture is also 1 years of treatment. Many of
these companies later split and reorganize, so that patients pay money but do not get the
corresponding treatment, and complaints without approach, greatly affected the
immigration of the Traditional Chinese Medicine industry integrity.
It is said that the non-Chinese practitioners in the clinical field of TCM are 10 times
as many as Chinese practitioners, the majority of the acupuncture and moxibustion
circles is British, the number of “acupuncture practitioners” in the United Kingdom is
much higher than traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, “Western Traditional
Chinese Medicine” in accordance with the theory of neurophysiology guidance with
needles, the abandonment of Meridian Acupoints In fact, acupuncture and moxibustion
is the application of acupoint, its indications and efficacy is limited, but because of
simple and easy to learn, in the United Kingdom is very popular, especially among
Western medicine personnel. In fact, this deviates to a certain extent from the thought
of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment and Meridian theory. The British
majority of acupuncture practitioners adhere to independent and single acupuncture
practitioners registered, do not participate in the registration of Chinese herbal medi-
cine, they stressed that only in the acupuncture the registration of acupuncturist were
qualified to practice acupuncture, TCM was split into two registered qualification
certificates for acupuncture and Chinese herbs, which separated the holism of TCM.
From the composition of British medicine practitioners in the UK, we can see that
there are some problems in their employees without legal constraints. At that time,
some medical accidents occurred, such as: In 1999, two cases of British patients
690 Y. Chen et al.

suffered from renal failure after taking Chinese patent medicine containing Aristolochia
hocquartia, emergence of Chinese medicals leading to cancers claims and later found
that TCM medical negligence of the Shakoor case [8] and so on. Made the British
government question TCM. Coupled with the lack of legal constraints under the chaotic
Chinese medicine market, and TCM doctors only limited activities in their own tra-
ditional knowledge circle, not better integration into the Western cultural Society, and
is a major cause of TCM in the UK setbacks. However, the limitation of the curative
effect of “Western TCM” deviating from the holism of TCM has reduced the trust of
the British people to the TCM to a certain extent.

3.2 Educational Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Britain

At the same time of the development of TCM in Britain, the education of TCM
universities in Britain has also been greatly developed. Before the 90’s, the Bri-
tish TCM education was mainly based on private Chinese medicine schools, and most
of them taught acupuncture only and did not teach other TCM treating methods. Some
acupuncture education has changed their treatment theory (such as the Ideological
Origins of Stems Branches Acupuncture). A 3-year professional course in acupuncture
was offered at Westminster University in London in 1996. In 1997, Middlesex
University of England, with the help of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,
launched a general science and medicine course based on the teaching model of TCM
colleges in China. At the beginning of this century, medical schools in some British
universities began to take alternative medicine as an elective course for students, and
acupuncture was one of the main contents. At present, a number of universities in the
UK have opened TCM acupuncture courses, such as London South Bank University,
Middlesex University, Kingston University London and University of Westminster,
and offers an undergraduate degree in TCM, acupuncture or master’s degree [9] for
admissions to the UK, China and around the world. Judging from the development of
education in Britain, we can find several problems: in the one hand, universities focus
on the cultivation of acupuncture professionals, pay attention to practical operation, but
lack the learning of other TCM treating methods, and they do not recognize the holism
of TCM profoundly. In the other hand, the popularity of TCM in the British education
sector is not high.

3.3 Small Investment in Scientific Research

The main bottleneck of TCM to the world today is the lack of modern scientific
research on TCM and the establishment of a high standard of exchange and cooperation
platform between Chinese and western medicine. From a scientific point of view, there
are several problems:
Incomplete quality control system and lack of research on the quality of Chinese
herbal medicines have become an obstacle for TCM to enter the British pharmaceutical
market. Because there is no complete mass spectrometry database of Chinese herbal
medicine ingredients on the market, the internal quality testing and analysis of Chinese
herbal medicines is complex, the requirements for equipment and operation are rela-
tively strict, and it is not possible to evaluate the active components and toxic
The Spread of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Britain and Its Enlightenment 691

components in Chinese herbal medicines by means of current detection methods, for

microbial pollution, heavy metals, pesticide residues in traditional Chinese medicine,
problems such as contamination of chemical substances have not been effectively
Lack of proof of the effectiveness of TCM, before too much attention to the
composition of TCM prescription and single-flavor drug research, ignoring the pro-
duction process, dosage forms, as well as compound research. It is necessary to use
scientific research to prove the effectiveness of Chinese medicine, cannot use case data
as a supporting material for the curative effect of TCM [10].
There is a lack of research on foreign drug market and “language popularization” of
TCM. Such as the habits and concepts of local medicine, the packaging requirements
for drugs, local pharmaceutical regulations and so on. TCM cannot be accepted as a
common prescription by foreigners so far, except for different cultural backgrounds.
The concept of drug use and the strict control of imported drugs, the language trans-
lation of TCM is a barrier.

4 Conclusion and Suggestion

Based on the current finding of the development of CTM in the UK and the existing
problems, the following suggestions consider: (1) the legislation of TCM should be
further perfected, so that TCM has a more clearly legal positioning, to protect the group
legal rights and interests of TCM practitioners. (2) TCM doctors should improve their
medical competence and abide by local laws. In addition, they should learn foreign
culture, integrate into local cultural practices, improve English literacy, and try to avoid
problems caused by cultural differences or understanding differences. Foreigner TCM
doctors should also deepen the understanding of the theoretical system of TCM, rather
than advocate the division of registered medical practitioners. (3) Local colleges and
universities should deepen the teaching and dissemination of the connotation of TCM
culture theory and deepen students’ understanding of the connotation of TCM. TCM is
a kind of traditional Chinese culture rich in wisdom and philosophy of the medical
culture accumulation and unique art form of expression, but culture is her lifeblood, the
embodiment of traditional cultural thinking, philosophy, thinking mode and values.
TCM is not only the best representative of Chinese culture, and it is in line with the
contemporary western values and the needs of post-modern development, only to
deepen the deep understanding of the connotation of Chinese medicine culture theory,
in order to better play the advantages of Chinese medicine. (4) The investment of TCM
research should be greatly increased. TCM doctors can innovate on the advantages of
TCM, and scientifically promote the production of TCM drugs. The international
research institutions should be established with distinctive TCM features, excellent
talents, perfect management system, and innovative ability. China should also make
full use of own advantages to build a TCM base with herbs planting, raw material, raw
material export and raw material processing, and TCM pharmaceutical industry base,
its favorable for TCM exports.
692 Y. Chen et al.

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World J Integr Chin West Med 6(9):819
5. Yan X (2016) British immigrant Chinese medicine. Mass Health Rep 11(006) Edition
6. Sheehan MP, Atherton DJ (1992) A controlled trial of traditional Chinese medicine plants in
widespread non-exudative atopic eczema. Br J Dermatol 126(2):179–184
7. Wu Y, Dai, Xiang L (2013) Present situation and thinking of Anglo-American TCM
education. J Yunnan Coll Chin Med 36(1):80–82
8. Shakoor (Deceased) v Situ (2000) 81, 189, 186, 188
9. London admissions Network. http://www.studylondon.ac.uk/courses/search?Keywords=
10. Chen Z On the application and development of traditional Chinese medicine in the United
Kingdom from the understanding of British medicine
The Application of Confucianism in Human
Resource Management—Taking Anta
as an Example

Yigao Lv(&)

School of Economics and Management, Liming Vocational University,

Quanzhou 362000, Fujian, China

Abstract. With the development of society, people have become more and more
aware that employees are the most important resource for enterprise develop-
ment. What is the most important thing in the 21st century? Talent. This resource
of talent has become an important factor and resource for enterprise management
and development. Human resource management plays a very important role in
the development of the company. How to manage human resources correctly and
correctly, whether it has its own management characteristics in human resource
management is a major task of enterprise management.

Keywords: Confucianism  Anta  Human resource management

1 Introduction

Human resources are important resources of enterprises and play a foundation for the
development of enterprises. Human resource management can attract talents, mobilize
the enthusiasm of employees, and make employees willing to stay in the company to
create wealth for the company. I joined Anta Company and became an internship
warehousing specialist. I also used Anta as the object of investigation. According to my
personal experience, I interviewed Anta Wulicang employees and conducted online
surveys. The core idea of Confucianism Zhongren is in Anta. The role of the human
resources management in Wuli E-commerce warehouse and its insufficiency perspec-
tive, a more scientific analysis of the current situation of human resources management
in Anta Wuli E-commerce warehouse, according to which the development of Anta
Group is fast, human resource management The role of Renzhi’s thoughts and its
inadequacies and related optimization suggestions and methods are proposed to help
enterprises identify the disadvantages in human resource management and improve
them to overcome and ensure the company’s development.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 693–700, 2019.
694 Y. Lv

2 The Analysis of the Results of the Survey

(1) Introduction to research background
Anta (Fujian) Footwear Co., Ltd., the predecessor of Anta Group, was founded in
1991 and is located in Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, the first of China’s three major
shoe capitals. “Anta (China) Co., Ltd. is a Sino-foreign joint venture and is the largest
comprehensive sportswear enterprise integrating production, manufacturing and mar-
keting in China. From Anta (Fujian) Footwear Co., Ltd., Beijing Anta Oriental
Sporting Goods Co., Ltd., Anta (Hong Kong) International Investment Corporation and
Anta Footwear General Factory” [1].
“Anta”, the Greek logo, is the “mother of the earth”, and its connotation focuses on
“reflecting the incomparable mind and dedication to the world and mankind. ‘Anta’
refers to the Olympic spirit and product movement that its brand pursues, covering
Anta culture, soul and modern sports spirit” [1]. For more than ten years, Bingcheng’s
business philosophy of “safe and entrepreneurial, practical and practical” has originated
from the passion of striving for the Chinese national industrial brand. After the
unremitting efforts of all Anta people, Anta Group has developed from a regional sports
shoe production enterprise to a nationwide marketing-oriented comprehensive sports
goods enterprise group. At the same time, the statistics of China Business Federation
and China National Business Information Center show that Anta Sports Shoes ranked
first in the country for the third consecutive year from 1999 to 2001, and has become
the number one consumer, especially the majority. Fashion sports brands that teenagers
love and chase. In 2002, it was awarded the first “China Well-known Trademark” by
China’s sportswear industry sports footwear private enterprise, and its practice and
theoretical peers were selected as “China’s leading sporting goods industry brand Anta
entered the European International Business School case library” [2]. The company
was established Up to now, with rich industry experience and excellent management
capabilities, Anta Group currently has more than 20,000 employees, all of which
implement a modernized assembly line of computerized management. “Anta has the
first comprehensive market share of sports shoes in the 16th consecutive year” [3]. So
such a powerful team in the country how to manage the team to make performance, and
the survey object is set to Quanzhou Jinjiang Wuli Industrial Zone Anta e-commerce
logistics warehouse.
This time, the site of the Jinli Wuli Industrial Zone, which was established in 2012,
was investigated.

Table 1. Age distribution of interviewers (%)

Gender Age %
Under 18 years old 19–22 years old 23–30 years old Over 39 years old
Male 0 9 73 5
Female 0 8 63 12
The Application of Confucianism in Human Resource Management 695

(2) Introduction of the survey object

1. Interview of the age distribution of staff members in the assembly line
As shown in Table 1, most of the employees in Wuli Electric Warehouse are young
(3) Introduction to investigation methods
In September 2017, I entered the Anta Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Intern-
ship. After three months of working as a warehousing specialist, I personally experi-
enced and investigated the relevant information online, and then conducted personal
interviews with internal staff to summarize And finishing the investigation.
(4) Survey content
1. The group structure and group of others of Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Co.,
Ltd.: Wulicang has set up 6 groups: warehousing group, ware group, outbound
group, delivery group, return group, and administrative group. All groups work
together and do their part, providing a solid guarantee for the company to better
serve the real estate developers. At present, there are 27 managers in the physical
department of Wuli E-commerce, and each group’s own management staff will
lead 20–30 employees.
2. The staff training mechanism of Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Co., Ltd.:
“Benevolence lover” [4]. The company currently has a comprehensive staff
training mechanism. For people, whether it is senior management or middle
management is very friendly. And pay great attention to the learning and adap-
tation of beginners, give support and encourage help. Set up a special training
room to conduct job training for each group of different work periods. The new
recruits will initially give a copy of the daily work of the group, the scope of the
external work, and train the company before learning the self-organized work.
Culture, people who work in Anta have a deep sense of belonging to the work.
This is the role played by the early stage of corporate culture training. After a little
familiarity, the group leader will give a brief explanation of the theoretical
knowledge of the business scope in the general direction. Theoretical knowledge
is the basis of practical operation. The training of theoretical knowledge allows
new personnel to get started quickly. Because e-commerce logistics warehouses
operate in a system-managed mode, and each operation involves data. The
company arranges training for newcomers at the supervisor level. And very
cordial and patient, the training atmosphere is not passive learning, but the old
predecessors review the business knowledge newcomers are learning, the overall
training mechanism is more perfect, and the management training atmosphere is
3. The effectiveness assessment and incentive system of Anta Wuli E-commerce
Logistics Co., Ltd.: “Bene is the core of Confucianism, and people-oriented is the
core of benevolence” [5]. Anta’s performance appraisal is just like this, focusing
on improving efficiency and considering the mood of employees. At present, Anta
Wulicang Company’s performance appraisal for employees is mainly based on the
daily completion of the employees, setting the goal for each month for the
employees to work hard to complete the task according to this goal to achieve the
696 Y. Lv

aging effect goal. The incentive system is mainly based on the aging effect and the
employee’s reward. Occasionally, there will be additional rewards to improve the
enthusiasm of the employees. For example, the return and unloading warehousing
process is completed in 8 h a day, and the efficiency is 100% (employee team
performance) Every month, the average amount of wages is paid to everyone. The
amount of completion is converted to the individual by personal piece, which
helps to improve the enthusiasm of the employees. And during the holidays, there
will be a gift of a small gift bag, the staff and the management staff are the same.
Usually, the group building is also a joint participation, so there is not much
separation between the staff and the management staff. The relationship between
the superior and the subordinate is both significant and friendly.
4. Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Co., Ltd. currently plans for human resources:
Anta will make a strategic plan for human resources management based on current
development and future development direction, and aim and target the company’s
talent management and development. The basic staff is divided into long-term
joint and long-term temporary workers. It will also be discussed in advance when
recruiting, especially for long-term temporary workers. How long does it take to
increase the amount of time? When the quantity returns to normal, it is based on
the original There are staff members who do their homework normally, so that
they don’t waste human resources, and they also ensure that there are enough
people to promote the festival. According to the company’s project increase, the
recruitment management staff will be planned in advance, instead of recruiting
people to re-insert, and before the newcomers come, they will be prepared to
arrange a series of training programs for the work group.
5. The staff turnover and promotion system of Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Co.,
Ltd.: “I want to stand up and stand up, and I want to reach people” [6]. For a
management, its own quality requirements and management requirements are very
strict, the knowledge is also required to be extensive, there are requirements and
implementation plans. At present, Anta Company has a planned flow of person-
nel. There is a rotation mechanism. No matter whether employees or managers
have the opportunity to study in other groups, the rotation time of employees is
generally one month. This kind of rotation mechanism is It is very advantageous
to adjust the big promotion or the uncoordinated personnel. It is equivalent to the
all-around type. The operation can be completed no matter which group you are
in. The management personnel usually apply for it in advance in the group and
outside business after half a year or so. The group or the other warehouses to
study, if not proposed leadership will also arrange rotation, so that you can learn
the operation and business of the entire e-commerce logistics warehouse. In this
way, improve the overall quality of managers.
6. Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Company employee satisfaction interview:
As shown in Table 2, Anta employees are still quite satisfied with most of the
company’s human resources management.
The Application of Confucianism in Human Resource Management 697

Table 2. Interviews on employee satisfaction in Wuzhou and Sihai (%)

Satisfaction Two factors %
Salary Incentive system Training mechanism Promotion system
Satisfaction 74 12 4 6
General 65 1 4 8
Not satisfied 4 6 6 8

(5) the problem

Although Anta Wulishang Company has certain advantages as a local private
enterprise in Quanzhou, there are some problems in the company’s human resource
management, which are summarized as follows:
1. The division of human resources management group of Anta Wuli E-commerce
Logistics Co., Ltd. is too emphasized. Of course, this is closely related to the
development of the company. The amount of work that the company has divided
into each group is gradually increased because of the increase in business volume.
The links are closely linked, and the assessment of employees will be strict. The
original grouping is for better. Each process is completed in sequence, but there will
be vicious competition between groups when there is an assessment. When there is
a problem, the groups will shirk each other. If there is no problem in time, the
problem will be shirked. The long-term circulation is the whole working environ-
ment. Very unfavorable.
2. The management mode and incentive system of Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics
Company lack comprehensiveness. The current employee performance of the
company is the team’s equal assessment. The incentives are very effective for most
people, but there are also employees who are squirting fish, not doing more than
others, and even the indicators are not up to standard, but the salary is not much less
than others. People do not have a very effective treatment plan. It will be a long time
for employees to compare, and at the same time, it will be unfair to combat the
enthusiasm of those who are willing to do. The broken cans do not care to reward
anyway, such a lazy state salary is also satisfied. The incentive system has improved
the number of people who are willing to be active, but ignores a small number of
passive and passive employees.
3. Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Company lacks a complete basic staff training
system. The company’s training is mainly aimed at management personnel, and the
training of management personnel is very thoughtful. However, the basic standard
staff’s job standard training is not enough. Each group needs to operate the com-
puter or hold it. There is a standard but it cannot be completed. After the employee
enters a group, the person in charge of the group will conduct 3–5 times a week.
The operation standard PPT explains that the work involves more and more
responsible steps. Only a few times of ppt explanations only have new problems in
the training level. Employees will not be flexible and often have differences, and
work overtime to deal with differences.
698 Y. Lv

4. The progress of the promotion process of Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Co.,
Ltd. is longer. After coming to work, you will find that the general level of service
here is 5 years, a radish has a pit, and the sedimentation time is longer. According to
the understanding, some managers still work only after 2–3 years, but they are only
business conversion posts, but for promotion. Still need time to precipitate, and
finally choose to quit, invisible is also brain drain.
(6) Measures
In response to the shortcomings of human resources management in Anta Wuli E-
commerce Logistics, I will present my own suggestions and opinions to solve them,
summarizing the following points:
1. Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Company should recognize the importance of the
comprehensive nature of human resources management. Although the entire man-
agement system of Anta is relatively good at present, it cannot be considered that it
can neglect a small number of people who do not manage, and there are rewards and
restrictions. It is necessary to formulate corresponding treatment plan and imple-
ment it in place, according to the company’s development. Human resource man-
agement activities are needed to improve employees’ sense of belonging and
enthusiasm through activities, and to be passive and active, thereby improving
employee productivity and laying a firm foundation for the company’s sustainable
2. Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Co., Ltd. should establish a complete family-
friendly program between the group and the group. A sound incentive system can
not only improve the enthusiasm and work efficiency of employees, but also attract
a large number of talents needed for the company’s development. We should use a
variety of incentives in a comprehensive way, paying attention to the fairness of
incentives. Of course, we should not only use material as an incentive, nor can we
only target one group. Large teams have great strength. Groups and groups also
need to cultivate a sense of belonging to the big family. As a resource, manpower
cares for employees and cultivates feelings, provides a platform for development,
provides a platform for employees, and combines material incentives and spiritual
3. Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Company should increase investment in human
resource management and attach importance to employee training. The company’s
basic employees must be trained on an irregular basis so that employees can be
more quickly and effectively put into work. It is not enough to do pre-job training.
With the development of time, the company is also developing, and the market will
change from time to time. The employees should be trained regularly and irregu-
larly about the knowledge and skills needed for the work of the employees..
Choosing the right training method is not only responsible for the employees, but
also responsible for the future development of the company.
4. Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Co., Ltd. should establish a more complete
promotion system. In the long-term development, the quality of employees is very
important to the company. If a company wants to have a perfect promotion system
to ensure the promotion of the company’s personnel, it needs a scientific and
The Application of Confucianism in Human Resource Management 699

reasonable performance evaluation system as the basis for promotion. Therefore, it

is necessary for the company to accurately display the performance of employees in
various aspects according to the scientific performance evaluation system while
ensuring objective and fairness, so that the company can carry out the promotion of
personnel according to this performance evaluation system, and also enable
employees to Admitted to the company’s promotion decision.

3 The Conclusion

Through the Anta Wuli e-commerce logistics, the concept of Confucianism’s people-
oriented concept is still reflected in human resource management. “Using corporate
culture to twist all Anta people into a rope” [7] and embodying people-oriented in
corporate culture training Management philosophy: “consumer orientation, focus on
pragmatism, innovation beyond, respect for tolerance, integrity and gratitude” [8] and
so on. This Confucianism’s people-oriented concept is applied to the enthusiasm of
employees in management. During the investigation, it was found that the company has
neglected the comprehensiveness of human resource management in human resource
management, and there are problems such as incentive system, training mechanism and
imperfect promotion system. It is considered that a scientific and reasonable perfor-
mance evaluation system can be formulated through perfecting the system. Business
owners should be fully aware of the importance of human resource management to
address these issues.
With the rapid development of the economy, the management level of the company
is also increasing, and human resource management is an important aspect. The current
competition is becoming more and more fierce, and talent is the core competitiveness
of the company, especially for small and medium-sized companies. Therefore, human
resource management is an indispensable part of enterprise development. As an ethnic
enterprise, Anta Wuli E-commerce Logistics Co., Ltd. needs to recognize the impor-
tance of human resource management to the development of the company, and to solve
problems in a timely manner according to its actual situation. Make good use of human
resources, “with its excellent human resources management, realize the true value of
human resources” [9]. Fully attract talents, train talents, and use talents. Only by fully
doing human resource management can we lay the foundation for the company’s future

Acknowledgments. Fund Project: “KEI Leading Talents Selection of the” Fujian “Thirteen
Five” education planning project (FJJKCG16-508); research team-building project “Oriental
Management and Traditional Cultural Studies” (Lai [2014] No. 121 [LMTD2014112]).
700 Y. Lv

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7. Qi X (2017) Anta Understand the business HR can break the power of the wild. Hum Resour
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Univ (Philos Soc Sci Ed) 01:46–56
Construction of Calculation Model for Critical
Safe Distance of Shared Lanes

Baiyu Chen1, Da Fu2(&), and Yuanyuan Yang1,2

College of Engineering, University of California Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Business School, Sichuan University,
Chengdu 610064, People’s Republic of China

Abstract. This paper describes and extracts the actual objective facts of the
distance traveled by the vehicle after the driver of the rear vehicle receives the
emergency braking signal, gives the calculation model of the distance traveled
by the vehicle in the four links of the calculation of the braking distance, and
then gives the calculation method of the critical following vehicle safety dis-
tance According to the analysis of the braking process of the car, the braking
distance of the car is mainly related to the initial braking speed of the car, the
braking time of the car brake and the maximum braking force. The accuracy of
the model depends on whether the parameter values are selected accurately. The
critical safety distance value can provide useful support for the introduction and
decision making of road traffic management and unmanned vehicle system
original information.

Keywords: Shared lane  Braking distance  Critical safety distance

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, public transportation

in the future will inevitably develop in the direction of shared roads between manned
cars and driverless cars. The unmanned vehicle uses the on-board sensor to sense the
state of the vehicle itself and the surrounding environment [1–3]. According to the
path, vehicle position, security status [4–6] and obstacle information obtained through
perception, the speed and steering of the vehicle are automatically controlled and
executed by the intelligent control network system in the vehicle [7–11]. It is a com-
prehensive intelligent system integrating navigation, environment awareness [12–28],
control, decision-making and interaction [29–37]. As driverless cars are gradually used
in the transportation sector, it will share road resources and transportation networks
with manned cars. Therefore, how to coordinate the relationship between the two to
improve the efficiency of traffic operations, how to create a traffic operation control
network, so that different types of cars can be unimpeded under this traffic network has
become a hot issue in the field of intelligent transportation.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 701–710, 2019.
702 B. Chen et al.

Under the situation that driverless cars and manned cars share roads, how to ensure
the safety of traffic is the most important issue we are currently paying attention to.
Risk control of driving safety involves many fields, for example, drivers’ emotions,
psychology and health [38–53]. A theoretically based critical following distance is the
basis for safety planning. For example, what is the definition of security [54], what is
the threshold, how to define the safety distance from the surrounding environment, and
how to give an overall stable driving instruction system in the case of obtaining
environmental roads [55–57]. From the braking of the car to the calculation of the
critical safe distance of the shared lane, the unmanned vehicle, the system travel
decision, and the traffic road environment constitute a complex interactive intelligent
system with strong learning ability and map construction capability.
The car braking process is a process in which a series of operations are taken to
decelerate the car to a complete stop after receiving an emergency braking signal from
the driver. The braking distance is the distance that the driver takes when the driver
receives an emergency braking signal and decelerates the car to a complete
stop. Removing emotional, psychological, and physical factors [58–60], the vehicle
braking distance is the sum of the driver response phase, the car brake coordination
phase, the car deceleration growth phase, and the distance traveled by the car during the
continuous braking phase of the vehicle. The car brake coordination phase is due to the
installation of a specific spring under the brake pedal, so there is a gap between the
shoe and the brake drum. When the driver puts the right foot to the brake pedal, it takes
a while for the brake to start functioning. The stage of car deceleration growth begins
after the brake overcomes the influence of the clearance. The car starts to brake until it
stops completely, which takes a while.
This paper describes and extracts the actual objective facts of the distance traveled
by the vehicle after the driver of the rear vehicle receives the emergency braking signal.
Without considering the engine function, environment and cooling water quality, the
calculation model of the distance traveled by the vehicle in the four links of the
calculation of the braking distance is given. Then, the calculation method of the critical
vehicle safety distance at a certain moment is given. The critical safety distance value
can provide useful support for the introduction and decision making of road traffic
management and unmanned vehicle system original information.

2 Automobile Braking Distance Calculation Model

The car braking distance is the sum of the distance traveled by the four-stage car. Let
the reaction time of the driver’s reaction phase be recorded as t1 . During the car brake
coordination phase, the driver takes the right foot to the brake pedal and the time
required for the brake to start to function is t2 . The time during which the car’s
deceleration growth phase reaches the maximum braking force is t3 . The time from the
start of braking to the complete stop of the car during the continuous braking phase of
the car is recorded as t4 . The whole braking process of the car is shown in Fig. 1. In the
figure, Fp is the braking force and ab is the braking deceleration.
Define the following vehicle with the same basic parameters as the vehicle in front.
Set the initial braking speed of the rear vehicle to va , and the initial braking speed of the
Construction of Calculation Model for Critical Safe Distance of Shared Lanes 703

Fig. 1. Car braking process

preceding vehicle is vb , the unit is m=s. The maximum brake deceleration is abmax , in
units of m=s2 .
The distance traveled by the car during the driver’s response phase is S1 . At this
stage, after the driver sees the signal, the brake pedal is not depressed in time due to the
conditioning. Then, the braking force is zero at this time. Therefore, at this stage, the
car continues to drive forward at its initial speed, so the distance traveled at this stage
is: S1 ¼ va t1 .
The distance traveled by the car during the car brake coordination phase is S2 ,
which is the driver’s start to step on the brake. Due to the gap between the shoe and the
brake drum, the braking force does not work in time, so the braking force is still zero.
Therefore, at this stage, the car is still driving forward at its initial speed, so the distance
traveled at this stage is: S2 ¼ va t2 .
The distance traveled by the car during the deceleration phase of the car is S3 ,
which is the braking force that starts to act and reaches the maximum value abmax . It can
be seen from Fig. 1 that, according to the actual situation, the increase of the brake
deceleration is a gradual process, not a linear change, so set: dv dt ¼ ae


abmax ¼ aekt3 ð1Þ

So: dv ¼ aekt dt. Solve this integral equation: set the velocity at the end of t3 is
v3 , then there is
v3 ¼ va  ekt3 ð2Þ

dtR¼ va Rk e ,
Because ds a kt

Therefore ds ¼ ðva  ak ekt Þdt,

a kt
S ¼ va t  e ð3Þ

Submitting (1) into (3) to get S3 :

704 B. Chen et al.

abmax t32
S3 ¼ va t3  2
ðln abmax
a Þ

It is assumed that the distance traveled by the car during the continuous braking
phase of the car is S4 . The constant braking deceleration at this stage is abmax , and the
speed of the car is reduced from v3 to 0, so

S4 ¼ ð4Þ

Submitting (2) into (4) to get

v2a va t3 abmax
S4 ¼  þ
2abmax k 2k2

In summary, it can be known that the total braking distance Ssum of the car is

abmax t32 v2a va t3 abmax t32

Ssum ¼S1 þ S2 þ S3 þ S4 ¼ va t1 þ va t2 þ va t3  2
þ  abmax þ 2
ðln abmax
a Þ
2abmax ln a a Þ
2ðln abmax
t3 v2a abmax t32 abmax t32
¼va ðt1 þ t2 þ Þþ þ 
2 2abmax 8 ðln abmax
a Þ

Because t3 is small, the braking distance Ssomeone of a manned car is calculated as:

Ssomeone ¼ va ðt1 þ t2 Þ þ

3 Critical Safety Distance from the Vehicle Calculation


The critical safety distance with the vehicle refers to the distance that is maintained in
order to avoid a rear-end collision with the preceding vehicle when the vehicle is in an
Assume that at a certain moment, the critical safety distance between the two
vehicles is d. Currently, the rear vehicle driver receives the emergency braking signal
and then takes emergency braking. Sa is the distance traveled by the vehicle when the
rear vehicle is braking, Sb is the distance traveled by the vehicle when the front vehicle
is braking, ds is the safe distance that should be maintained after the two cars finally
stop. The whole process is shown in Fig. 2. The literatures study conducted a large
number of experiments on the driver’s car following model, and it is reasonable to
conclude that the final two car stop distance is 3.6 meters. The critical safety distance d
between the two vehicles is:
Construction of Calculation Model for Critical Safe Distance of Shared Lanes 705

Fig. 2. Diagram of safe distance

d ¼ Sa  Sb þ ds ð5Þ

In order to establish a critical safety distance calculation model of two workshops,

the setting conditions are given in combination with actual problems:
The car can be seen as a uniform linear motion in a short period of time. After a
certain moment on the road, the car will advance at the same speed on the same lane
with va and the front car at the speed of vb . Currently, the distance between the front
and rear vehicles is d;
After a period, there are two trends in the distance between the rear and front
vehicles. One situation is that the distance between the two cars is getting larger and
larger. In this paper, another situation is studied. That is, at a certain moment, the car
suddenly brakes. After a certain reaction time, the rear car finds that the distance
between the two cars is continuously decreasing, so immediately take a series of
operations to stop the emergency to avoid a rear-end collision;
Ignore changes in brake air resistance and ground adhesion coefficient;
The emergency braking of the driverless vehicle does not consider the driver
reaction time and the vehicle brake coordination phase when the driver’s car receives
the emergency braking, that is, t1 and t2 . The braking distance Sunmanned of the driverless
car is calculated as: Sunmanned ¼ 2abmax
In the actual problem, the maximum braking deceleration abmax of the car under
different road conditions is different. There are usually two typical road surfaces: dry
pavement and damppavement. The maximum braking speed abmax is shown in Table 1.
Figure 3 shows the brake deceleration diagram:

Table 1. Maximum braking deceleration

Type of pavement Dry pavement Damppavement
Brake deceleration m/s2
Pitch pavement 5.88–7.35 4.41–6.37
Cement pavement 5.39–6.86 3.92–6.37

For example, the maximum braking deceleration of the dry Pitch pavement in the
coastal old city can be selected as 6 m/s2; the maximum braking deceleration of the
urban Pitch pavement can be selected as 4.5 m/s2.
706 B. Chen et al.

Fig. 3. Brake deceleration diagram

At some point, the rear car found that the front car started to brake, and the distance
between the two cars became smaller and smaller. The distance traveled by the rear car
from the start of braking to the complete stop is: Ssomeone ¼ va ðt1 þ t2 Þ þ 2abmax .
The front car braking distance is: S ¼ 2abmax
Bring the braking distance formula of the rear car and the of the front car into
formula (5). In this case, the critical safety distance from the vehicle is:
v2 v2
d ¼ va ðt1 þ t2 Þ þ 2aa bmaxb þ ds .
If the rear car is a driverless car, no matter what model of the front car, then the
critical car safety distance will be shortened at this time, and the reduced distance is:
d 0 ¼ va ðt1 þ t2 Þ.

4 Conclusion

According to the analysis of the braking process of the car, the braking distance of the
car is mainly related to the initial braking speed of the car, the braking time of the car
brake and the maximum braking force. Whether the selection of each parameter value
in the model is accurately related to the accuracy of the model.
Driver response time: According to the research and analysis of relevant data, the
driver’s reaction time is generally between 0.5 s and 0.8 s. In the event of an emer-
gency, the driver’s reaction time will increase, so in order to give the driver enough
reaction time, the driver response time is 0.6 s in this paper.
Automobile brake coordination time: Due to the driver’s pedaling force and the
type of brake, there is a certain difference, so the car brake coordination time is not the
same. Considering that most passenger cars use hydraulic braking, this paper selects the
vehicle brake coordination time as 0.4 s.
Maximum brake deceleration: In the actual calculation process, specific analysis
should be carried out according to the existing historical roads in the local climate
Construction of Calculation Model for Critical Safe Distance of Shared Lanes 707

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Study on Factors Influencing the Choice
of Foreign Students to Study in China—Taking
Yunnan as an Example

Lei Zhang(&)

School of Tourism and Geographical Science, Yunnan Normal University,

Kunming 650500, China

Abstract. In this study, the reasons for 215 foreign students from nine coun-
tries including Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Bangladesh to study in
Yunnan were analyzed and explored by using the revised questionnaire on the
factors of choosing to study abroad (Likert 5 level Scale). Through descriptive
analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and other statistical methods, this
paper conducts in-depth investigation and research on the multiple influence
factors for foreign students to choose Yunnan as their study destination, and
provides useful research results and reference suggestions for adjusting and
improving the educational environment and mechanism of foreign students in

Keywords: Foreign student  Choice of studying abroad  Influence factor

1 Introduction

The international flow of students is the main feature of internationalization of edu-

cation, thus forming an increasingly large industry of studying abroad. In the face of
the active international enrollment action, foreign students will also weigh multiple
factors when choosing the host country to study abroad, so as to make the final choice
of the destination country. Push-pull theory is the most widely used theory in the study
of talent flow. The theory adopts the principle of dichotomy and classifies the factors
affecting the flow of talents into two categories: Push Factors and Pull Factors [1].
When discussing the reasons for international students’ choice of studying abroad,
researchers usually put forward different influencing and restricting factors from the
perspectives of “push” and “pull”, such as natural geographical environment, historical
and cultural traditions, international political relations, economic development level,
national policy on studying abroad, and educational development level [2–6]. With the
continuous development of internationalization of higher education in China, more and
more students choose to study in China, and the number of foreign students studying in
China increases rapidly. Under the influence of various factors, the choice of desti-
nation for international students to study abroad shows certain regularity. To grasp and
adjust these factors as far as possible is helpful to explore the trend of international

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 711–719, 2019.
712 L. Zhang

students’ mobility, to better control the development of international students’ edu-

cation, and to promote the development of international students’ education.

2 Research Design

2.1 Research Tool

The questionnaire of this study consisted of three parts: the first part investigated the
demographic information of international students in China, covering 15 items: gender,
age, nationality, whether or not they are Chinese, identity of studying abroad, school,
study abroad time, educational background, major, experience of going abroad,
understanding degree of Yunnan, understanding degree of schools, understanding
degree of schools outside the province, study experience, and Chinese level. The
second part investigated the factors affecting the choice of foreign students to study in
Yunnan by using the revised questionnaire on the factors of choosing to study abroad
(Likert 5 level Scale), which consisted of 35 items from seven aspects. The third part
investigated the ways for foreign students to understand Yunnan and related colleges
and universities, as well as the harvest and suggestions of studying in Yunnan.

2.2 Reliability and Validity of Questionnaires

After calculation, the internal reliability index Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of the three
parts of the questionnaire was 0.864, and the overall reliability of the questionnaire was
good. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin coefficient of the questionnaire was more than 0.50, and
the significance probability of Bartlett chi-square statistics was 0.000, less than 0.05,
indicating that the structure validity of the questionnaire is reasonable.

2.3 Investigation and Implementation

In this study, foreign students from Yunnan Normal University, Yunnan University,
Yunnan Minzu University, Pu’er University and Honghe University were selected as
the subjects of investigation. The above five universities have a long history of teaching
foreign students. They are the universities where the foreign students are concentrated
in Yunnan Province, and they are representative in the education of foreign students.
The questionnaire results were analyzed by SPSS19.0 software.

2.4 Sample Structure

The demographic information of 215 students from nine countries including Thailand,
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, South Korea, the United
States was analyzed. Due to the space limitation, this paper mainly presents the survey
results of 10 items of sample groups, including nationality, gender, age, whether or not
ethnic Chinese, identity of studying abroad, the time of studying abroad, learning level,
major, understanding degree of Yunnan, and understanding degree of the school they
Study on Factors Influencing the Choice of Foreign Students to Study 713

Students from Southeast Asian countries accounted for 92.5%, those from South
Asian countries accounted for 5.6%, and those from East Asian, European and
American countries accounted for 1.9%. There were 116 male subjects and 99 female
subjects. The youngest was 16 years old, and the oldest was 41 years old, with an
average age of 21.53 years old. 96 were Chinese, 119 were non-Chinese, and there
were slightly more non-Chinese students. There were 155 scholarship students, 60 non-
scholarship students and there were slightly more scholarship students. The proportion
of subjects who studied in school for 13–24 months was the highest, the number of
undergraduates was the largest, the proportion of students who studied Chinese was
larger, followed by the major in humanities and social sciences, and the major in
natural sciences was the least. Before enrollment, 66% of the students did not come to
Yunnan, 37.2% of the students did not know about Yunnan, and 77.2% of the students
did not know or know little about the school.

3 Results and Analysis

3.1 Descriptive Analysis
The Study Abroad Selection Factor Scale adopted in the study consists of seven
subscales: Geographical Environment Factor Scale, Historical and Cultural Tradition
Scale, Economic Development Level Scale, Education and Teaching Level Scale,
National Study Abroad Policy Scale, International Political Relations Scale, and
Individual and Other External Factors Scale. Each subscale is a five-point scale. The
direct feelings of the subjects are scored with “disagreement”, “partially disagreement”,
“general”, “relatively agreement” and “very agreement”. The values are “l”, “2”, “3”,
“4” and “5”. Among the five evaluation scales of each item, 2 scales with higher
effective percentage are the main evaluation criteria.

3.1.1 Geographical Environment Factors

Geographical environmental factors mainly include five items: climate, natural scenery,
geographical location, transportation and tourism resources. 31.60% of the students
think that the climate conditions in Yunnan are more comfortable, while some students
think that the climate conditions in Yunnan are general, especially in autumn and
winter, Southeast Asian students are more difficult to adapt to. In terms of natural
scenery, 39.10% students choose “relatively agreement” and 22.3% students choose
“very agreement”, believing that Yunnan has beautiful scenery and many places of
interest and historic sites. Most students think that “Yunnan’s geographical location is
close to my country or region, and “Yunnan’s transportation is convenient and Yunnan
is closely related to my country or region, so they choose “relatively agreement” and
“very agreement” which account for a higher proportion of the five scales. In terms of
tourism resources, 37.20% and 21.90% of the students choose “relatively agreement”
and “very agreement”, respectively, believing that Yunnan is rich in tourism resources.
Most of the students expressed their intention to travel to different parts of Yunnan
during their study in Yunnan.
714 L. Zhang

3.1.2 Historical and Cultural Tradition

Historic and cultural tradition mainly includes four items: national cultural resources,
historical and cultural heritage, cultural tradition similarity and linguistic system sim-
ilarity. Most students think that “Yunnan’s minority cultures are colorful” and “Yun-
nan’s historical and cultural heritage is rich”, so they choose “relatively agreement” and
“very agreement” which account for a higher proportion of the five scales. 29.30% of
the students think that Yunnan is close to the cultural tradition of their own countries or
regions, 22.30% think that Yunnan is close to the language system of their own
countries or regions, and some think that Yunnan has a general similarity in cultural
tradition and language system with their own countries or regions. This is mainly
reflected in the differences of students’ countries of origin.

3.1.3 Economic Development Level

The level of economic development mainly includes five items: economic prospects,
trade exchanges, consumption level, employment opportunities and employment
assistance. Most students think that “Yunnan’s economy is developing continuously
and has a good prospect”, and “Yunnan’s economic and trade contacts with my country
or region are expanding constantly”, so they choose “relatively agreement” and “very
agreement”. These two scales account for a higher proportion among the five scales.
48.80% of the students think that the average consumption level of living expenses and
daily expenses in Yunnan is general, while 23.70% of the students think that the
average consumption level in Yunnan is low. 30.70% of the students think that
Yunnan’s employment opportunities are general, and they prefer to return home for
employment after graduation. Some students also say that Yunnan has more employ-
ment opportunities, and they are willing to stay in Yunnan or do related work after
study. 34.40% and 30.20% of the students think that their study experience in Yunnan
will be helpful for their future job hunting, so they choose “relatively agreement” and
“very agreement”, which account for a higher proportion among the five scales.

3.1.4 Education and Teaching Level

The level of education and teaching mainly includes seven items: teaching quality,
teachers, teaching facilities, professional settings, curriculum settings, teaching man-
agement and campus activities. 41.90% of the students think that the overall teaching
quality of Yunnan schools is general, while 37.20% of the students think that the
teaching quality of Yunnan schools is higher. 39.10% of the students think that the
teachers in Yunnan schools are strong and their teaching level is high. 37.30% of the
students think that the teachers in Yunnan schools are general. 46.00% of the students
think that the teaching facilities and conditions of Yunnan schools are general, 34.40%
of the students think that the teaching facilities and conditions of Yunnan schools are
better. 41.90% and 47.00% of the students think Yunnan schools are general in terms
of the rationality of specialty setting and curriculum setting and the satisfaction of
needs. Some students with a slightly lower proportion think that the school’s specialty
settings can better meet their own needs, and the curriculum settings are more rea-
sonable. 38.10% and 36.70% of the students think that the teaching management mode
and campus activities arrangement of Yunnan schools are general, while some of the
Study on Factors Influencing the Choice of Foreign Students to Study 715

students with a slightly lower proportion think that the teaching management mode of
Yunnan schools is better and campus activities are more abundant.

3.1.5 National Study-Abroad Policy

The national policy for studying abroad mainly includes five items, namely, the dif-
ficulty of application, whether to obtain scholarships, inter-school cooperation, tuition
expenditure and living conditions. 47.00% of the students think that it is moderately
difficult to apply for a school in Yunnan, and some students think that it is easier to
apply for a school in Yunnan. In terms of whether to get scholarships, 28.80% and
25.60% of the students choose “relatively agreement” and “very agreement”, respec-
tively. Most of the students went to Yunnan to study because they got full or partial
scholarships, including Chinese government scholarships and Yunnan People’s
Government scholarships. 47.0% of the students indicate that the schools in their own
countries have cooperative exchanges with schools in Yunnan, and some students’
choices indicate that the schools of their own countries have not established cooper-
ative exchanges with schools in Yunnan for the time being. 45.60% of the students
think that the tuition fee in Yunnan is not high and the level is moderate, and 23.30%
think that the tuition fee in Yunnan is low. 44.70% think that the learning and living
conditions of studying abroad in Yunnan are general, and 27.40% think that the
learning and living conditions of studying abroad in Yunnan are better.

3.1.6 International Politics Relationship

International politics relationship mainly includes three items: “China’s political situ-
ation and social stability”, “countries of overseas students and China are neighboring
and friendly”, and “Historically, the countries of foreign students have friendly contacts
with China”. Among the three factors mentioned above, 42.30%, 41.90% and 35.30%
of the students choose “relatively agreement”, believing that Chinese society is stable
and has good relations with their own countries, and they are willing to study in China,
which accounts for a higher proportion among the five scales.

3.1.7 Personal and Other External Factors

Individual and other external factors mainly include six items: personal will, parental
arrangement, peer influence, introduction of native teachers, employment needs and
kinship feelings. 31.20% of the students say they like Yunnan very much, and choose
to study in Yunnan by themselves. Some students say that studying in Yunnan is not
their own choice. 28.80% of the students follow the arrangement of their parents or
relatives to study in Yunnan. 41.90% of the students say they have some friends or
classmates to study in Yunnan, and 20.50% of the students say they have more friends
or classmates to study in Yunnan. 42.30% of the students say that the teachers of their
own schools introduce themselves to study in Yunnan, and some students are not
introduced to study in Yunnan by their own school teachers. 34.90% of the students
think that there is a general connection between their study in Yunnan and the needs of
work or employment, and 20.90% of the students think that their study in Yunnan is
closely related to their future work or employment. 66.10% of the students have blood
relationship with Yunnan, and 34.00% of them have close blood relationship with
716 L. Zhang

The survey results show that among the seven factors mentioned above, the number
of students who choose the geographical environment factors and the national policy of
studying abroad as the main reasons for studying abroad is the largest, and most
students rank the two as the most important reasons in ranking, followed by the level of
economic development and the level of education and teaching, followed by personal
and external factors. Historical and cultural tradition and international politics rela-
tionship account for a relatively small proportion.

3.2 Factor Analysis

Through Bartlett sphericity degree test, the KMO value of this questionnaire is 0.760.
According to the KMO range analysis given by statistician Kaiser, the KMO value of
this questionnaire is more than 0.6, which is suitable for factor analysis. Bartlett’s
spherical test gives a concomitant probability of 0.000, which is less than the signifi-
cance level of 0.05, so its null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, the sample of this
questionnaire is suitable for factor analysis.
Researchers used principal component analysis (PCA) to make varimax orthogonal
rotation for the results of factor extraction after factor analysis. After calculation, there
are 10 factors with the characteristic root greater than 1, and the cumulative variance
interpretation rate is 64.763%. The characteristic values of 10 common factors change
significantly, and then the changes tend to be stable, indicating that the extraction of 10
common factors can have a significant effect on the information description of the
original variables (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Common factor scree plot of choice factors for studying abroad
Study on Factors Influencing the Choice of Foreign Students to Study 717

According to the evaluation mark with absolute value no less than 0.5, the first
factor synthesizes six original variables with load no less than 0.520, the second factor
synthesizes four original variables with load no less than 0.643, the third factor syn-
thesizes four original variables with load no less than 0.601, the fourth factor syn-
thesizes three original variables with load no less than 0.562, the fifth factor synthesizes
two original variables with load no less than 0.774, the sixth factor synthesizes two
original variables with load no less than 0.695, the seventh factor synthesizes two
original variables with load no less than 0.714, the eighth factor synthesizes two
original variables with load no less than 0.682, the ninth factor synthesizes two original
variables with load no not less than 0.672, and the tenth factor synthesizes two original
variables with load no not less than 0.537.
According to the analysis, climatic conditions, natural scenery, geographical
location and tourism resources in geographical environmental factors have a significant
impact on the choice of foreign students to study in Yunnan. Historical and cultural
heritage, cultural tradition similarity and linguistic system similarity in historical and
cultural tradition have a significant impact on students’ choice to study in Yunnan. The
economic prospects, trade exchanges, consumption level, employment opportunities
and employment assistance in the level of economic development have a significant
impact on the choice of foreign students to study in Yunnan. Teachers, specialty
setting, curriculum setting, teaching management and campus activities in the level of
education and teaching have a significant impact on students’ choice to study in
Yunnan. The scholarship, inter-school cooperation and living conditions in the national
study abroad policy have a significant impact on the choice of overseas students to
study in Yunnan. International politics relationship has a significant impact on stu-
dents’ choice to study in Yunnan. Among the individual and other external factors,
individual willingness, parental arrangement, peer influence, introduction of native
teachers, employment needs and blood relationship have a significant impact on stu-
dents’ choice to study in Yunnan.

3.3 Discussions on Relevant Analysis Results

After the correlation analysis between the basic situation of the subjects and the factors
of choosing to study abroad, the following results are obtained: Nationality of foreign
students is extremely related to “Yunnan’s climate is superior and comfortable and
pleasant” in geographical and environmental factors, is significantly related to the
“Yunnan is similar to the cultural tradition of my country or region” and “Yunnan is
similar to the language system of my country or region” in historical and cultural
tradition, is extremely related to “Yunnan’s learning experience will help me find a job
in the future” in the level of the economic development, is significantly related to
“China’s political situation and society is stable, so I would like to study in China”, and
is extremely related to “My country and China are friendly neighbors and I would like
to study in China”, and “Historically, my country has friendly contacts with China, so I
am willing to study in China” in international politics relationship. Foreign students’
understanding of the school before entering school is significantly related to the “The
quality of school teaching in Yunnan is higher”, and is extremely related to the
“Yunnan’s school curriculum is more reasonable” in the level of education and
718 L. Zhang

teaching. Whether foreign students are Chinese or not is extremely related to “I have
blood relationship with Yunnan” in personal and other external factors. Foreign stu-
dents’ understanding of Yunnan before they come to Yunnan is extremely related to the
“Historically, my country has friendly contacts with China, so I am willing to study in
China” in international politics relationship. Whether foreign students are scholarship
students or not is extremely related to “I have won scholarship” and “There is coop-
eration and exchange between schools in Yunnan and my own country” in the national
policy of studying abroad.

4 Conclusions and Implications

The study finds that there are many factors affecting students’ choice of studying
abroad. From different perspectives, there are not only social environment factors, but
also family environment and school environment factors. There are internal factors as
well as external factors. There are subjective factors as well as objective factors.
Different factors of studying abroad influence and interact with each other, which
constitutes multiple motivations for students to choose to study abroad.
On the basis of investigation, and quantitative and qualitative analysis, the
researcher puts forward the following countermeasures and suggestions: Yunnan’s
unique geographic and resource advantages should be brought into full play, and
actively developing the cause of foreign students should be taken as an important
breakthrough to promote the internationalization of higher education in Yunnan. The
regional cooperation between Yunnan and its neighboring countries should be
expanded continuously, the level of cooperation in foreign trade, cultural and educa-
tional exchanges and personnel training should be further improved, and the scale of
foreign students enrolled in Yunnan universities should be expanded. The reform and
development of Yunnan’s overseas students’ education should be deepened, the con-
notation construction of international students’ education should be strengthened, the
quality of education and teaching for foreign students should constantly improved, and
the competitiveness of Yunnan’s overseas students’ education should be enhanced. The
application and management of all levels and types of scholarship work should be well
done to provide a good policy environment and conditions for Yunnan’s overseas
students’ education and provide high-quality international education service. External
propaganda should be further expanded, various ways and means should be selected,
and all kinds of media should be fully utilized to broaden the coverage of propaganda,
so as to provide more foreign students with educational information platforms and
channels in Yunnan. The inter-school exchanges and cooperation between Yunnan
universities and foreign universities should be further expanded, long-term and short-
term exchange students, project students, exchange students, advanced students and
other projects should be implemented, the training scale of foreign students should be
expanded, and the training level of foreign students should be upgraded.
Study on Factors Influencing the Choice of Foreign Students to Study 719

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Research on the Status Quo
and Countermeasures of Agricultural
Products Network Marketing in Jilin Province

Ning Zhai(&)

College of Business Administration, Jilin Engineering Normal University,

Changchun, China

Abstract. With the rapid development of e-commerce, the concept of network

marketing has been introduced into the sales of agricultural products. It can play
an important role in promoting the development of regional agricultural econ-
omy by virtue of its ability to break through the limitations of time and space,
visually display product information, and facilitate the integration of production,
supply and marketing of agricultural products effect. This paper takes Jilin
Province agricultural product network marketing as the research object, intro-
duces the status quo of network marketing of agricultural products in Jilin
Province, promotes the necessity of agricultural product network marketing
development, analyzes the problems existing in agricultural product network
marketing in Jilin Province, and proposes a series of solutions Strategy.

Keywords: Agricultural products in Jilin Province  Network marketing 

Current status of network marketing  Strategy

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of e-commerce, the concept of network marketing has
been introduced into the sales of agricultural products. It can play an important role in
promoting the development of regional agricultural economy by virtue of its ability to
break through the limitations of time and space, visually display product information,
and facilitate the integration of production, supply and marketing of agricultural
products. Function [1, 2]. At present, more and more consumers in China choose the
Internet to conduct shopping, and the types of shopping are also from the original
standardized products to the current personalized products [3–6]. The choice of online
consumers is not focused on clothing and digital, and as various fresh products begin to
be popular with consumers, more and more online shoppers are accustomed to starting
to purchase related agricultural products in the network [7–13]. In domestic cities, the
development of e-commerce is changing with each passing day. However, the devel-
opment of e-commerce in rural areas, especially in China, lags behind the development
of cities. As a raw material for people’s daily necessities and industrial products,
agricultural products have very broad prospects for development [14–16]. Product
network marketing refers to the comprehensive introduction of e-commerce system in

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 720–726, 2019.
Research on the Status Quo and Countermeasures 721

the process of agricultural product sales, using information technology to publish and
collect demand and price, relying on the network as the medium, relying on the
agricultural production base and logistics distribution system to improve the brand
image and enhance the local agricultural products. Marketing methods adopted by
customer relationships, improving customer service, developing online sales channels,
and ultimately expanding sales [17, 18].

2 Status Quo of Network Marketing of Agricultural Products

in Jilin Province

Internet marketing is a form of direct marketing. It is a marketing activity of products

using the Internet as a medium and means. Compared with the traditional marketing
method, it has fast communication speed, no time and place restrictions, two-way
communication, no storefront rental cost, help enterprises reduce the cost of interme-
diate links, and use the Internet to quickly establish their own sales network. Network
marketing of agricultural products refers to the process of online sales and operation of
agricultural primary products through the Internet. The completion of sales through the
Internet has increased the circulation of agricultural products and brought many ben-
efits to farmers. The channels of agricultural product network marketing mainly include
websites, third-party platforms and self-media. In order to better promote information
technology and promote marketing, Jilin Province integrates agriculture-related infor-
mation websites, plans and guides, and builds rural e-commerce public services. In
order to ensure the quality of agricultural products, we actively build an agricultural
satellite data platform and vigorously promote “agricultural bases + cities”. The
community has a new model of direct production of fresh agricultural products, “re-
lieving agricultural resources into farmers” and “Internet + community ser-
vices + circulation” to help and guarantee the sale of quality agricultural products.

3 The Necessity of Agricultural Products Network Marketing

Development in Jilin Province

3.1 Internet Marketing Is Not Limited to Time and Space

In the traditional agricultural product sales process, there are many intermediate links,
and it is also affected by specific factors such as sales time and sales location. If you use
the online trading platform for marketing, first of all, for the seller of agricultural
products, since the online platform is online every day, and there is no restriction on the
variety and quantity of agricultural products in the online trading platform, the pur-
chaser can access the sales of agricultural products as long as they can enter the
Internet. information. On this basis, agricultural product sellers will face the big market
of the whole world, instead of facing the customers brought by a place like traditional
channel sales, the sales scope will be expanded infinitely. At the same time, buyers are
more convenient to purchase because they are not limited by sales time.
722 N. Zhai

3.2 Online Marketing Information Is Delivered Accurately and Quickly

In the traditional agricultural product sales process, due to information asymmetry,
many agricultural product sellers and producers cannot effectively grasp the product
price, and thus their products can not get the most reasonable price. At the same time,
due to the slow transmission of information, there is no sufficient middlemen to grasp
the market demand, and there are many forms of income reduction. Through online
marketing, sellers can obtain sufficient information on professional websites such as
online marketing and online trading platforms such as Alibaba to ensure that agri-
cultural products receive the most reasonable prices and obtain more benefits.

3.3 Internet Marketing Revenue and Returns Are More Impressive

Compared with traditional agricultural product marketing, network marketing has
significantly less investment in human capital investment, rental of sales locations,
information search and acquisition than traditional agricultural product sales. And
because of the superiority of the network itself to information dissemination, the input-
output ratio of agricultural product network marketing is more worthy of expectation.

4 Problems in Agricultural Products Network Marketing

in Jilin Province

4.1 Problems with the External Environment of Online Marketing

At present, agricultural product network marketing is gradually being carried out, but
there is no good network marketing environment, and the overall level is low. The main
obstacle is that network marketing started late and the network development level is not
high. In China, network marketing started late, and the farmer Li Hongru opened the
“online flower shop” on the Internet for the first time. At this time, network marketing
began to be tried by Chinese enterprises. After that, many enterprises also started to
develop. Most agricultural products enterprises are private enterprises and are located
in towns and villages. In the era of informationization and networking, they do not have
a strong understanding of the new things such as network marketing. Traditional
marketing concepts still occupy an important position; network penetration rate is low,
and infrastructure is not on. With the advent of informatization, Jilin Province has
accelerated the construction of Internet facilities, and the investment has been
increasing. However, most of the agricultural products enterprises are located in towns
and villages. The problems of slow network speed and unstable network operation are
still relatively common, and the network charges are not low. Unstable networks and
excessive network fees constrain the development of the network market and the speed
of further popularization; the lack of informationized talents and marketing talents.

4.2 Lack of Problems in Online Marketing Professionals

Jilin Province has mastered Internet knowledge, and people who know marketing
knowledge do not have an advantage in terms of quantity. Jilin Province has a large
Research on the Status Quo and Countermeasures 723

population and can lack such talents in the process of agricultural product network
marketing, although some returning migrant workers and rural college students, They
have a certain amount of network knowledge, but they are committed to improving the
rural economy, and there are still a few in the countryside. The sales of agricultural
products in Jilin Province has the characteristics of dispersing the main body. In the
process of selling agricultural products, it is necessary to go through many intermediate
links, but if the producers of the products can get some help, master certain technology
and Internet knowledge, for network marketing coverage and promotion, Jilin Most of
the province’s informatization talents and marketing talents are concentrated in large
and medium-sized cities, and few have arrived in towns and villages. However, most
small and medium-sized agricultural products enterprises are in towns and villages,
which will be greatly promoted. The lack of agricultural product marketing manage-
ment talents is the primary problem that Internet marketing needs to solve.

4.3 The Issue of the Degree of Quality Standardization

When consumers choose agricultural products, the most important selection criteria are
whether the product specifications are convenient for standard product distribution and
whether the products are green and healthy. Through online marketing, information
that consumers are very concerned about can be effectively delivered to consumers as
quickly as possible. This promotion and marketing must be based on standardized
production, sales and distribution of agricultural products. After years of development,
the province’s production and industrialization of agricultural products have been
improved to a certain extent, but there is an urgent need for further improvement in the
quality of agricultural products, pollution-free agricultural products and branding of
agricultural products. The scale of production is relatively small, and the lack of a
unified management mechanism and product standards has become a key issue
affecting the marketing of agricultural products.

5 Solution Measures Adopted in Agricultural Product

Network Marketing in Jilin Province

5.1 Pay Attention to the Quality Standard System of Agricultural

Provide guarantees for the implementation of standardized agricultural production in
order to improve the quality of agricultural products. The concept of standardized
production and operation is a new concept of agricultural production that adapts to the
new situation. The introduction and application of this concept promotes the network
marketing of agricultural products. Jilin Province introduced the network marketing
pilot project for agricultural products network marketing earlier, and has achieved
certain results in standard production. At this stage, Jilin Province should increase
investment in agricultural product standardization construction, accelerate the formu-
lation of relevant standards for agricultural production, processing, packaging, testing,
etc., and integrate standardized production and management into the whole process of
724 N. Zhai

production and sales of agricultural products. Implementing standardized production

and brand strategy While improving the quality of agricultural products, Dangerous
Industry will create more agricultural product brands in Jilin Province, and promote the
rapid development of agricultural marketing network marketing in Jilin Province with
high quality agricultural products and good product appearance. The development of
agricultural products is as shown in Fig. 1.


Fig. 1. Agricultural production

5.2 Establish Network Integration of Agricultural Product Network

Use search engine optimization, website links, online advertising alliances and other
methods to promote agricultural products, and create an online community related to
services or products, allowing customers to participate freely, while attracting more
potential customers to participate and communicate with customers. The network links
agricultural products companies and consumers, providing enterprises with a new sales
channel. This new channel not only simplifies the composition of traditional marketing
brokerage channels, but also integrates pre-sales, sales, after-sales services, and product
information with customer data, which is superior to traditional marketing.

5.3 Improve the Agricultural Product Logistics and Distribution System

Improving the agricultural product logistics distribution system is an important guar-
antee for the development of agricultural product network marketing. To speed up the
development of agricultural product network marketing, we must do the following
work: Improve the construction of rural logistics infrastructure such as road con-
struction, agricultural product transportation facilities, cold storage facilities, storage
facilities, and market circulation refrigeration facilities. Including the quality classifi-
cation of agricultural products, cleaning, disinfection, packaging and preservation of
Research on the Status Quo and Countermeasures 725

agricultural products, etc., combined with regional product characteristics and con-
sumer market demand, a comprehensive or professional logistics distribution center
will be provided to provide professional distribution services for agricultural products.
At the same time, it can actively use third-party logistics to achieve rapid collection and
processing of agricultural product market information. In addition, we will serve and
train professional agricultural product logistics management and technical talents to
provide human resources support for the construction of logistics information support
platform for agricultural product network marketing. Promote the development of
agricultural product logistics software to make agricultural product logistics develop in
the direction of automation, networking and internationalization.

5.4 Conduct Effective Information Training for Talents

To carry out agricultural product network marketing, an effective agricultural infor-
mationization training system should be established. The main body of agricultural
products marketing, namely agricultural leading enterprises, intermediary organiza-
tions, rural grassroots organizations, farmers and brokers, as the main targets of agri-
cultural informatization training, give full play to the role of farmers’ scientific and
technological information brokers and provide agricultural products information ser-
vices to local farmers.

6 Summary

Under the condition that the supply of agricultural products in the country is greater
than the demand, the brand is very important for agricultural products in Jilin Province.
Therefore, in the actual brand building, we must vigorously publicize our brand, focus
on cultivating and protecting our distinctive brands, building brand protection pro-
grams, and gathering in the region. At the same time, give full play to the role of the
network, and use the platform to publish regional brand information for bulk agri-
cultural products trading. In addition, the owners of agricultural products must have
brand awareness, rationally subdivide according to different needs, get rid of a single
brand concept, rational layout, unite homogenous product companies, carry out brand
protection and publicity, and establish a positive brand image. The agricultural product
brands in Jilin Province are bigger and stronger. It is believed that in the near future, the
use of online marketing by agricultural products enterprises in Jilin Province will
develop rapidly and gain more profits.

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Big Data Security and Privacy Protection
in Colleges and Universities

Jinlan Guo(&)

Computer Teaching Department,

Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China

Abstract. An increasing number of universities choose to deploy big data and

cloud computing to integrate information from various departments, and adopt
data mining technology to improve teaching management levels and decision-
making abilities. Based on the acquisition, storage, application and publishing of
data, this paper proposes the whole technology framework of big data security
system from three levels of network, equipment and application, and puts for-
ward to strategies which can protect individual privacy in each link.

1 Introduction

With the vigorous development of information technology, the information construc-

tion of university campuses is developing towards the direction of intelligence [1].
Systems in schools accumulate massive amounts of data; meanwhile, the data continue
to grow explosively. In order to adapt to this situation, many higher education insti-
tutions construct large data centers in campus and deploy cloud computing systems to
optimize and integrate various information systems distributed in different departments,
such as the student system, the educational administration management system, the
scientific research management system, the book lending system, the campus card
system, the financial reimbursement system and the state-owned assets system. These
data resources are integrated in one platform to realize a powerful and convenient
campus network system, so as to facilitate data flow and information sharing. In the
environment of large data and cloud computing, the method of multi-node distributed
data storage is adopted. However, the data transmission and storage links greatly
increase the risks of data theft and virus infection.
Data in universities include a lot of privacy information, such as personal files of
students and teachers, teaching resources, scientific research results and school
infrastructure information. Among them, data about students, teachers and faculty are
of great value to improve schools’ teaching management levels and service abilities.
Student information includes students’ identities, courses they selected, their academic
results, consumption status and activities in campus, their attendances in class, use of
library resources, as well as their preferences and frequencies in Internet surfing.
Faculty information includes teachers’ personal identities, their preferences when
browsing websites in school, and their activities in campus.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 727–735, 2019.
728 J. Guo

In fact, many colleges and universities have begun to use data mining technology to
accurately analyze students’ learning situations as well as the activities of teachers and
staffs. This application trend is developing towards supporting intelligent decision-
making and intelligent evaluation [2].
Although this application based on big data is still in its infancy, these data are
bound to face the trend of continuous open usage. Once the security of big data on
campus cannot be guaranteed, sensitive data may be stolen maliciously, resulting in
information leakage and panic among students and parents. The consequent confusion
in management will directly affect the reputation and future development of the school.
In addition, the inadequate security protection of large data systems may also result in
malicious tampering of teaching results and scientific research information, which can
directly lead to the failure of teaching activities and scientific researches. This paper
studies the framework of big data security system and privacy protection strategies.
Through these measures, we should not only effectively protect users’ privacy and
prevent the leakage of core data, but also meet the needs of schools to carry out various
data mining applications around the big data.

Fig. 1. Data flow diagram

2 Problems in Data Security in Campus

The process of campus big data is shown in Fig. 1. Firstly, campus data are distributed
in information systems of various departments. These data are collected and centralized
at first, and then generally stored by the multi-node distributed storage method. The
rapidly growing data are in large amounts and have many data sources. Thus, security
Big Data Security and Privacy Protection in Colleges and Universities 729

analysis and evaluation on collected data should be carried out to ensure the authen-
ticity and reliability of data sources and prevent information leakage. In the data input
buffer zone, data are pre-processed to encrypt privacy information such as users’
names, ID card numbers, communication numbers, addresses, postcodes and account
numbers. The initial fuzzification and desensitization are implemented to ensure the
security of data in transmission. Secondly, the collected data are integrated, processed
and encapsulated into a data warehouse or a data mart to provide different data services
for data mining parties. After that, the results of data mining algorithm are outputted in
the form of external application requirements. Finally, the publishing link is respon-
sible for the format conversion and the security audit of data mined by each algorithm.
Then the system outputs data after auditing.
There are security risks in the whole process of data acquisition, storage, mining,
application and publication. In the data acquisition link, if the security management
measures are improper, data may be collected into unreliable areas, resulting in data
leakage. In the data warehouse, all data are transparent to users; unauthorized access to
data and data abuse must be prevented. In the process of data mining, due to the mining
algorithm and the black box mechanism of code design, uncontrollable risks are easy to
occur in the process of data analysis and usage. Data mining results can also produce
privacy-preserving data, which must be reviewed before data are released. Then we
will discuss all aspects of data flow, and use some technical means and network tools to
build a secure campus big data environment.

3 Strategies to Ensure Big Data Security in Campus

Technical Framework of the Campus Data Security Management and Control System.
Data security is the primary issue in the process of campus data acquisition, storage,
mining, analysis and application. In view of each link in data flow, we propose easy-to-
operate and achievable security management methods. These methods build the
technical framework for the campus data security management and control system (as
shown in Table 1). From the three levels of network, equipment and application,

Table 1. Technical framework for the campus data security system

Matching Data process
method Data acquisition Data storage Data mining Data auditing
Data Keyword filtering Vulnerability Access Content audit
application detection monitoring
Access protection Data decryption Detection and Behavior audit
Data encryption Watermark Digital signature Real-time audit
Fuzzification/desensitization Data backup and Resource Output
recovery isolation encryption
Data classification Fine-grained Authentication Post audit
730 J. Guo

Table 1. (continued)
Matching Data process
method Data acquisition Data storage Data mining Data auditing
Equipment Equipment physical Storage Server and Access
management protection equipment safety terminal safety equipment
management management safety
Network Firewall Firewall
Intrusion- detection Intrusion-
Channel- encryption detection
Access- detection Channel-
Access detection

feasible data technical specifications and data security methods are put forward, so as to
provide a safe and reliable environment for the application of big data in campus.

3.1 Safety Protection in the Phase of Data Acquisition

The data acquisition stage is responsible for data acquisition and pre-processing. In the
network layer, data security protection methods which can protect network architecture
and system entrance are firewall establishing and intrusion monitoring.
The network firewall transmits data in order according to the structure of TCP/IP
protocol stack, carries out access rules and security checks at the appropriate protocol
layer, detects the protocols, destination addresses, ports and information forms of the
incoming information, sends qualified messages from the network interface and blocks
unqualified messages. In addition, firewalls can be used to prevent important infor-
mation from being illegally exported. Intrusion detection is a reasonable supplement to
firewall. By collecting and analyzing some key points, behaviors violate security
policies and signs of attack can be found. Intrusion detection can also enhance the
security management ability of system administrators, and improve the integrity of data
security infrastructure.
The security protection measures at the equipment level include physical protection
of hardware equipment, storage equipment security requirements, server security
requirements, terminal security management and access equipment security require-
ments. The terminal access controlled application system adopts the method of protocol
data encryption protection to ensure the security of application data and prevent
hackers, viruses and Trojans from intruding. In the protection of mobile terminal data,
the validation of terminal identity is mandatory while the users’ privacy data are
For the application layer, important protection methods include data encryption,
fuzzification and desensitization. In data transmission, data must be encrypted; sensitive
information should be fuzzified and desensitized. Common sensitive data in campus
include names, ID card numbers, addresses, telephone numbers, bank accounts, mailbox
addresses, cities, postal codes, passwords, bank account numbers, transaction dates and
Big Data Security and Privacy Protection in Colleges and Universities 731

transaction amounts. Sensitive information desensitization methods can be generally

divided into two categories: replacement algorithm and generation algorithm. The
replacement algorithm replaces the parts which need desensitization with defined
characters or strings. The generation algorithm is more complex, requiring the desen-
sitization data conform to the logical rules and realize “false data that looks very real”.

3.2 Data Storage Security Protection

Traditional data processing mainly deals with structured data; data are stored in rela-
tional databases. Today there are lots of unstructured data such as logs, documents and
pictures, as well as semi-structured data such as HTML and XML. These data also need
to be queried and analyzed. Currently, NoSQL is used to store the large numbers of
semi-structured and unstructured data. The NoSQL system supports powerful hori-
zontal scalability and high performance. The storage of campus large data is based on
the framework of a distributed system. Hadoop system is a common one. It is a
distributed, column-oriented, multi-dimensional database system with high fault tol-
erance and scalability. Because of the diversified data storage forms, following means
are required to ensure the security of data storage.
The first method is to use data encryption and decryption technology. Data
encryption is an effective measure to ensure data security. Data are stored in any space
of the data set and can be encrypted in database, transmission and secure socket layers.
There are public encryption algorithms in data encryption, such as PGP [3]. Encryption
algorithms can also be provided by professional companies. Data encryption tech-
nology must cooperate with key management mechanism to protect data security. Data
and key should be kept separately, and the key should be encrypted and stored. The key
can be destroyed automatically when it is invaded illegally, and can be maintained
when power is cut off. Therefore, in data encryption technology, the generation,
storage, backup, deletion, destruction and recovery of the life cycles of keys must be
strictly defined [4].
Second is to strengthen the fine-grained authorization management. Granularity
refers to the level of refinement or integration of data stored in data units of a data
warehouse. Higher refinement degree means smaller grain size; lower refinement
degree represents larger grain size. Coarse-grained privilege management includes
authority management of resource types. Resource types include menus, hyperlinks,
pages added by users, users’ information, class methods, and buttons in pages. Fine-
grained authority management is data-level authority management [5]. For example,
department managers can only access the information of their employees; users can
only see their menus; district managers can only refer to orders in their districts. An
example of coarse-grained and fine-grained authority management can be given to
illustrate the issue. One system has a query page of user list. If coarse-grained man-
agement method is adopted, both worker A and worker B have the right to query the
user list. If the fine-grained management is carried out, worker A (from the Admin-
istrative Department) and worker B (from the Development Department) can only
query the user information of their own department. A can only see information about
users in the administrative department; B can only see information about users in the
development department. Fine-grained authorization management is responsible for the
732 J. Guo

access control of database or key tables and columns. It protects core data, repairs its
own vulnerabilities and controls access risks. In addition, batch access needs to be
restricted and constrained; user permissions should be refined and audited regularly [6].
Third, regularly data backup is needed. The data backup system should store and
manage frequently used data and occasionally accessed data separately. According to
the characteristics of different data, different data backup management schemes should
be formulated; different backup methods such as secure backup, incremental backup
and differential backup need to be selected. With the help of data block modification
and tracking technology, only changed data should be backed up; duplicated data
deletion technology can reduce help the large data to reduce storage pressure. Data
compression, transmission and storage techniques can effectively reduce data capacity;
backup data should also be checked and verified to ensure its accuracy.
The fourth measure is to improve the data storage management system. We need to
perfect the account password and anti-virus management system, regularly patches and
checks to achieve hierarchical and graded safety protection. The access approval
process and deploy terminal access management system should be established to ensure
the operations of all maintenance personnel are traceable and can be audited.

3.3 Security Control in Data Application and Result Publishing

Before implementing the data mining algorithm, we must formulate the data range,
mining cycle, mining purpose and the application scope of mining results. Generally
speaking, data warehouse and centralized data are open to data mining personnel;
security control methods must be adopted to ensure data security. Data mining layer
should have strict identity authentication and access control procedures. All data
accessing operations should be kept in complete logs for audit.
It is worth mentioning that, in general, the application system would not clean up its
used memory after using up the information in memory. The information is still stored
in memory after the program’s identity authentication function (or method) exits. If an
attacker scans the memory, he will get the information stored in it. In order to protect
the remaining information, it is necessary for the identity authentication function to
rewrite the memory space that has stored the information after using the username and
password information. It can write irrelevant (or garbage) information into the memory
space, or clean up the memory space. It must be ensured that this measure can be
adopted by developers [6]. Developers can be interviewed to find out whether they
know the concept of residual information protection and whether they have imple-
mented residual information protection codes. These codes should be checked and
tested. In addition, other feasible techniques include data monitoring and alarm, data
signature, resource isolation and so on.
Data audit needs effective technical means to ensure the security of data and
prevent illegal operations such as data embezzlement and write back. All information
about operations to access sensitive data, users’ critical operation behaviors, security
logs, output data and other information should be audited. The available technologies
include behavioral compliance audit, content compliance audit, output encryption
requirements, real-time audit, post-event audit and audit traces.
Big Data Security and Privacy Protection in Colleges and Universities 733

4 Privacy Protection in Campus Big Data

Campus data contains a large number of teachers’ and students’ privacy information,
which originally belongs to information systems of different departments, such as the
personnel system, the scientific research management system, the student information
system, the teaching management system and the curriculum management system. Due
to the implementation of big data and cloud computing, these data are gathered
together, which not only facilitates data mining and application, but also increases the
risks of privacy leakage. If these data are used improperly, serious consequences could
be caused [7]. Therefore, for campus information, we need to dig deeply and tap its
application potential, but at the same time, we must ensure that privacy data are not
abused, and balance the relationship between data openness and privacy protection. It
is necessary to adopt various technical means to carry out data mining without
exposing users’ sensitive information. In this regard, we propose to take corresponding
measures to protect sensitive data in the three links of data source collection, data
mining process and result publication.

4.1 Privacy Protection in Data Source

Data disturbance can be used to distort sensitive data in data acquisition, while keeping
some data or attributes unchanged to achieve the purpose of privacy protection [8].
Data perturbation is an effective method to protect the security of numerical data [4].
For example, the algorithm can independently generate a set of perturbed data which
are identically distributed with the original data. Since the disturbed data is independent
of the original data, the third party cannot reconstruct the original data from the
disturbed data, but they can use the distorted data to obtain some information equiv-
alent to the original data [9]. For example, data perturbation can be achieved by
generating and publishing a set of new data which are independent and identically
distributed with the original data. Through perturbed data we cannot get detailed
information about the original data, but the new data are identically distributed with the
original data. The common classification algorithm can be directly applied to the new
data, thus realizing the protection of privacy data [9]. There are many data perturbation
methods; typical measures include additive perturbation, multiplicative perturbation,
data micro-aggregation and data exchange. The sampling method and analysis method
of probability distribution can also be used to achieve this result. Privacy protection
technologies based on data perturbation include randomization, blocking, switching
and clustering. In practice, different perturbation techniques can be used to hide,
transform and encrypt key/sensitive data without changing the rules of original data.

4.2 Privacy Protection in the Implementation of Mining Algorithms

Privacy information in data mining process includes two parts. One is sensitive raw
data such as identity information, addresses and hobbies. The other is sensitive
information obtained through data mining tools which should also be excluded. In this
process, some method can be used to process the original data [10]. At present, main
privacy protection methods in data mining are establishing privacy constraint rules in
734 J. Guo

the mining algorithm, and randomizing mining data set or increasing offset to replace
the real data of the sample before applying mining algorithm exchanging records. In
addition, we can also restrict the query access and the scope of data miners. By hiding,
sampling and partitioning the data, data miners cannot find complete original data. On
that basis, with the help of distributed computing or probability statistics, the required
data mining results can are obtained. There are some problems in this method.
Although data provided are incomplete, they are all real raw data, which will reduce the
effect of privacy protection. Thus, this method should be combined with random
methods and other mathematical methods to achieve better privacy protection effects.

4.3 Privacy Protection in Result Publication

Data mining results sometimes expose a part of sensitive information. Before pub-
lishing data, it is necessary to make a final audit [6]. If sensitive data are found in the
publishing phase, the data anonymity method should be used. The most commonly
used data anonymity method is to generalize the value of data attributes [11]. For
example, the address of A Community, Xianxia Street, Xuhui District of Shanghai can
be generalized as Xuhui District of Shanghai or larger concepts. Sometimes the gen-
eralization method cannot achieve the goal of anonymity. So we need to combine
generalization with the concealment method. For instance, in a data set, the record in a
quasi-identifier should be the same as at least three other records, so that no individual
can be identified from the group. However, anonymity technology is relatively com-
plex. A record needs to weigh many factors such as raw data, anonymous data,
background knowledge, anonymity technology and attacks. Therefore, in actual situ-
ations, the process mode should be determined according to specific business

5 Conclusions

This paper puts forward technological means and strategies to protect data security in
stages of data collecting, storing, data mining, application and publishing, and proposes
specific technology methods to protect privacy. Further study can be carried out from
the effectiveness of these measures and improvement programs.

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Design and Application of a Steel Bar Roll
Management System

Qiaoshun Wu, Honggang Xu, Jie Li, and Haibo Peng(&)

Yunnan KISC Electronic Information Technology Co., Ltd.,

Kunming 650302, China

Abstract. This paper designs and implements a steel bar rolling management
system for steel enterprises. This system consists of eight modules: roller basic
information module, turning processing module, mating module, assembly mod-
ule, on-line module, main rolling line data acquisition module, online tracking and
setting maximum rolling capacity, groove changing, lower line module, roll
scrapping module. Used by the production preparation team to record the complete
data of the roll during the life cycle to assist the bar rolling production business [1].
This design enables the steel enterprise rolling management data to be complete,
transparent and open, and the production preparation work is favoring, flexible and
orderly [2]. With the production experience and wisdom, the production prepa-
ration team can greatly improve the utilization rate of the rolls and prolong their
service life, ensuring the quality of rolling and greatly reducing the cost of the rolls.

Keywords: Steel  Bar  Roll  Production preparation

1 Introduction

At present, in the steel enterprises, bar rolls are a kind of heavy-duty rolling equipment
that is expensive, easy to wear out, needs to be turned, needs to be assembled, and
needs to be inspected. It is well known that the roll is a key production spare part for
steel companies, so the level of management of the roll can directly reflect, and even
further affect the normal production of the company’s products. Since the 1990s, due to
the huge and strong impact of the steel market, in the steel industry to reduce costs and
improve the quality of the fierce competition, roll quality, use and management
methods are increasingly showing a more important position. Nowadays, the man-
agement method of the rolls is usually prepared by the production preparation team in
the paper workbook, and the roll factory parameters, the storage acceptance data, the
turning data, the pairing data, the online data, the groove change record, and the offline
data are reported [3]. The method has the following problems: the daily production
preparation work intensity is strong, and the time is tight, which may cause the team
members to forget, labor and time, and occasionally, the roll information may not be
filled in time or the information record may be incomplete, scattered, fuzzy, etc. There
is a certain degree of error in the amount of rolled steel or the number of rolled steel
billets; some rolls have multiple holes, the groove rolling record, the maximum rolling
amount and the current rolling amount, due to the lack of records and difficulty to count

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 736–742, 2019.
Design and Application of a Steel Bar Roll Management System 737

by monitoring; when the roll is scrapped, there is a lack of turning records or scrapping
reasons indicating that it can be scrapped [4]. Due to the reasons that large number of
rolls and many rolling specifications, one roll can be applied to various rolling grades,
etc. Convenient, sometimes it is necessary to consult a number of historical workbooks
to achieve what they want, virtually increasing the workload. Therefore, it is very
necessary and necessary to develop a steel bar roll management system that can solve
the above problems by using advanced scientific management methods to collect,
statistically and manage a series of data information of the roll rolling process. In order
to promote the production and processing of enterprises more rational, cost opti-
mization, to achieve a more accurate analysis of various consumption indicators, to
achieve more efficient cost management and control, thereby improving the production
level and comprehensive competition of enterprises [5].

2 Overall Design

This paper designs a steel bar roll management system consisting of eight modules:
basic information modules, processing turning modules, mating modules, assembly
modules, on-line modules, main rolling line data acquisition modules, tracking mod-
ules, scrapping modules, shown in Fig. 1. And the roll management system must not
only meet the technical requirements of the production process control system, but also
comply with the system design principles of reliability, availability, safety, integrity,
advancement, efficiency, operability, manageability, maintainability, etc. And follow
the interface design ease of use, normative, aesthetic coordination, general interactivity,
interface consistency and other principles, in order to guide users to complete the
corresponding operations, to achieve the relevant functions of the guidance [6].

Fig. 1. Overall design

738 Q. Wu et al.

The functions of each module are designed as follows:

Basic Information Module: It mainly realizes the management of the basic data input
by the system, and is used to record the basic parameters such as the factory parameters
of the roll and the matching data parameters according to the roll number and the actual
production. It includes functions such as query function for basic information of rolls,
new functions for information on new ware rolls, basic information functions for
modifying rolls, and basic information input for rolls.
Machining Turning Module: It mainly manages the related information of the roll
grinding condition. The module is used to record the working parameters after the roll
repair, and preset the assembly frame and information.
Matching Module: Mainly realizes the management of the matching information of
the roll, and according to the set rules, such as the material, the same manufacturer, the
difference in the diameter range, etc., select the most reasonable assembly frame for
assembly, and complete the roll matching. jobs. This module is used for roll type
matching, records roll pairing information, and presets roll gap information.
Assembly Module: Mainly realizes the management of the corresponding matching
information between the roll and the assembly frame. The module is used to refer to the
preset assembly frame, select the roll pair to be loaded into the corresponding frame,
and record the assembly frame number.
On-Line Module: It mainly manages the related information of the roll-related rack
situation, completes the matching of the roll, and transmits the parameter information
of the roll on the machine. The module is used to refer to the preset rolling line rack or
assembly rack number, and select the roll pair or the assembled rack to run on the line.
Main Rolling Line Data Acquisition Module: Mainly realizes the management of
the relevant information of the roll storage situation, the related drawings of the rele-
vant rolls (photograph of the roll surface under the roll), the image (accident photo) and
the document (tracking, inspection report) for management, you can also upload the
corresponding images and files to facilitate timely browsing or downloading. The
module is used for collecting the storage of the main rolling line and simultaneously
recording the collection time, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of calculating the
amount of steel for the upper roll.
Tracking Module: Mainly realizes the management of roll history related informa-
tion. This module is used for online tracking, setting large rolling capacity, changing
hole and lower line, starting from the roll on line and recording through the data
collection point of the bar main rolling line to record used amount of rolling of the hole
groove. calculate the current amount of the steel rolling, the cumulative rolling amount
of the groove to be used, and the cumulative rolling amount of steel rolling, and the
maximum limit rolling amount of the hole groove, the hole for use and the lower line to
be replaced are set. It includes functions such as query function for rolling history data,
new rolling history data information function, function of modifying rolling history
data information, and deletion of rolling history data information.
Design and Application of a Steel Bar Roll Management System 739

Scrap Module: It mainly manages the related information about the scrapping situ-
ation of the roll. This module is used for the scrapping of the roll hole groove or the
turning over the minimum work roll diameter and the production process change.
Including the query function of the scrap information of the roll, the function of
scrapping information of the new roll, the function of modifying the scrap information
of the roll, the function of deleting the scrap information of the roll, the function of
scrapping the information of the out-of-stock emulsion, and the function of canceling
the scrapping of the scrap information.
This paper designs the roll used for centralized management of the roll turning
room or production preparation team. The main flow is: roll into the factory inspection
and storage, roll processing turning, roll matching, pairing installation, roll on-line,
online tracking, scrapping, warehousing, turning, online, scrapped and other reports.
Among them: the roll matching is prepared according to the rolling specification plan;
when assembling the roll, the frame is assembled faster according to the roll gap
information; after the roll is put on the line, the running condition of all the rolls on the
rolling line can be tracked, and count accumulated rolling capacity in the life span of
rolling. According to the alarm, the hole is replaced or the roller is replaced to reduce
the wear of the roller; when the roller is disposed of, the turning and rolling data can be
provided in addition to the scrapping cause [7].

3 Specific Implementation

The use method of the steel bar rolling mill management system designed by the paper
in this paper, the realization process is shown in Fig. 2:
The specific implementation is as follows:
101. When the roll enters the factory, the roll is put into the factory for inspection by
the production preparation person. After the test passed, the corresponding roll
number is calculated according to the system roll number rule based on the roll
number, and the factory parameters are entered in the system to complete the roll
storage. The new roller, which does not need to be grooved, can be used directly.
A new roller that needs to be machined for the slot needs to be machined for later
102. roll processing turning, need to record the data of each roll turning, in order to
generate historical turning data, the main record of pre-repaired roll diameter,
repaired roll diameter, hole type, work roll diameter, slot number and slot
information during machining turning, rolling specifications, rolling grade, preset
assembly frame, preset rolling line rack, roll type and other related information.
103. roll pairing, you can choose the rolling specification or the rolling line frame filter
roll, and then choose the pairing. If the flat bar selects one upper roll and one
lower roll, the vertical roll selects one left roll and one right roll.
104. Assembling the paired rollers with the rack, assembling according to the paired
roll gap information, and recording the assembly time and the corresponding
assembly team personnel.
740 Q. Wu et al.

Fig. 2. Specific implementation

105. roll on the line or roll off the line, you can choose the rolling specification or the
rolling line rack filter pairing information, select the pairing on the preset rolling
line rack to change the rolling line operation, and modify the online time when
changing the roll (rack The first-line system is too late to be modified during
operation) and the rolling line rack (the racks in some locations are inter-
changeable). If the rolling line frame already has rolls running, the rolls on the
rolling line frame need to be taken off the line before the rolls can be replaced. The
upper roll is recorded in the online history table of the roll.
106. changing the groove, setting the maximum rolling amount, the lower line, these
three operations should be on the tracking map, click the roll icon on the corre-
sponding rack, and operate on the roll management page that pops up. Enter the
maximum amount of rolling to set the maximum limit rolling amount of the roll.
Select an unused slot to replace the slot you are using. By replacing the rolls on
the mill, you can choose to replace the pairings that are sent to the turning shop or
replace the pairings and wait for the line. When the line is offline, the offline time
and rolling information of the roll online history table are updated.
107. view online tracking, the system generates a roll online tracking chart, records the
amount of steel passing from the line to the current time (the actual weight of the
Design and Application of a Steel Bar Roll Management System 741

steel), the number of steel bars (the theoretical weight of the steel) and the finished
rolling of the current rolling line Specifications. On the tracking map, if the roll
icon on the rack turns red, indicating that the current rolling amount of the roll
exceeds the maximum rolling amount, the roll needs to be replaced during
overload operation.
108. scrap, select the roll to be scrapped, record the reason for scrapping, set to scrap,
the system will record its rolling information and scrap information, and set it in
the system as scrapped state, can no longer be used.
109. issue warehousing, inspection, turning, maintenance, production data, online,
scrap and other reports, you can choose the start time and end time, export the
report within the time period to excel.
Among them, after the production preparation team enters the basic information of
the roll, the hole type and the hole groove are turned according to the rolling plan, the
pairing is performed according to the rolling specifications, the pairing is completed,
the frame is assembled, and finally the entire frame is mounted to the rolling [8]. The
position of the rack on the line, such as (1 to 18), can be officially run after the trial
rolling passed. On-line rolls can be grooved and replaced depending on the amount of
rolling, rolling specifications or hole wear.
The business design rules and features used in this design are as follows:
a. Because the roll number is unique, the management system can br used during the
whole life cycle of the roll, to use, track information such as turning information
and cumulative roll volume of the hole to facilitate tracking and searching of
historical records [9];
b. Rolls must be turned before they can be paired;
c. When the roller type, roll diameter, and hole type are all the same, the roller can be
further matched;
d. The management system has strong flexibility. During the roll-on, the operation of
modifying the online time, using the slot, rolling frame and other information can be
e. The management system supports split rolling;
f. If the current rolling amount of the roll exceeds the limited rolling amount of the
slot, the system will make an alarm sound, and the operator needs to change the
hole or replace the roll according to the alarm sound, so as to reduce the wear
problem of grinding roller as much as possible;
g. The roll off line can be delivered to the turning shop for processing or used as the
paired roll again. The roll off line is replaced by the roll pair without changing the
single roll [10];
h. The management system can collect the rolling capacity of the main rolling line and
store it in the database, and record the collection time. In addition, the method for
calculating the amount of rolling of the upper roll using the hole groove is as
follows: the total rolling amount of the collection time is “the use time of the upper
line of the hole groove” and the current calculation time is used as the steel rolling
amount of the hole groove.
742 Q. Wu et al.

4 Conclusion

The system design has the following advantages and effects: the team masters the
complete and detailed production cycle data of each roll, carry out timely dynamic
tracking, manage to each hole slot, and is comfortable with turning, inspection,
maintenance and rolling of the roll. The production preparation work is orderly and
flexible, the efficiency of the workshop is effectively improved, and the foundation for
future industrial 4.0 and intelligent manufacturing is laid. Roll inventory and produc-
tion data can be exported to the report, transparent and open. Monitor the maximum
rolling amount of the hole groove to ensure the quality of rolling steel; monitor the
rolling state of the main cable. Thanks to the production experience and wisdom
accumulated by the team for many years, the recycling rate of the rolls is greatly
improved, and the life cycle can be extended. (For example, the rolling roll specifi-
cations and grades are adapted to the new rolling requirements; the waste rolls are re-
used and reused; Rolls prevent excessive use, etc.), the company’s roll cost can be
greatly saved.

1. Metallurgical Electromechanical Standardization Technical Committee. Current Metallurgi-
cal Roll Standard Compilation\Metallurgical Electromechanical Standardization Committee.
Metallurgical Industry Press, pp 20–500
2. Hu X (2010) Data acquisition and analysis technology, 2nd edn. Xidian University Press (in
3. Sun R (2008) Design and implementation of roll management system. Fudan University (in
4. Wang J (2008) Design of the management information system for layered management.
Fudan University (in Chinese)
5. Zhang F (2012) Design and implementation of rolling process data management system for
rolls. Northeastern University (in Chinese)
6. Gong C (2012) Research and implementation of web-based cold roll system management
system. Wuhan University of Science and Technology (in Chinese)
7. Guo S (2007) Design and implementation of roll management system. China Iron and Steel
Annual Conference (in Chinese)
8. Wang X, Wang Quick Society, Ma Y et al (2006) Modern roll management based on ERP
system. Metall Equip 27(s1):47–49 (in Chinese)
9. Zhou Q, Tian B, Xu S (2002) Application of computer roll management system in
No. 3 rolling mill. Shanxi Metall (4):5–6 (in Chinese)
10. Gaoyang (2013) Research on key technology and application of roll management system (in
Investigation and Research on College
Students’ Tourism

Guodong Gao(&), Wei Wang, and Hongyun Gao

Qingdao Binhai University, West Jialingjiang Road No. 425,

Qingdao Development Zone, Qingdao, Shandong, China

Abstract. Recently, with the continuous development of Chinese economy,

tourism has gradually become one of the most active trade in various countries.
Tourism, a new kind of consumption form, has attracted more and more people.
As an important part of social communities, college students are quite easy to
accept new things and they have become an unnegligible part of tourist. By
researching college students’ characteristics of tourist cost, cultivating potential
tourist markets, tailoring tourist products from the supply of tourist products, the
setting of the price, propaganda, promotion and etc. to put forward the rea-
sonable advice to explore tourist market of college students.

Keywords: Tourism preference  Tourism behavior  Travel mode

1 Introduction

In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s economy, China’s national
income has generally increased. People begin to pursue the enjoyment of spiritual level.
Outbound tourism has gradually entered people’s vision and been loved by everyone.
People regard tourism as an important part of enjoying a pleasant life [1]. In recent
years, the tourism industry has formed a certain scale, more and more people like to
travel, the scale of the tourism market is expanding [2–4]. As an important member of
the tourism group, college students have developed good independent behavior ability
in college, and play an important role in the tourism army [5]. However, the current
situation of college students’ tourism is not optimistic. College students are faced with
such factors as limited economic capacity, lack of understanding of tourism products
and dissatisfaction with the service in the process of tourism [6]. How to solve these
problems has become the most important thing in developing college students’ tourism
market [7–10].

2 Analysis of Survey Results

Generally this survey is mainly aimed at college students’ travel preferences, travel
behavior and travel mode. On the basis of investigation, the characteristics of college
students’ tourism behavior are analyzed, including the characteristics of college stu-
dents’ tourism preference, tourism behavior and travel mode. A total of 2 500

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 743–753, 2019.
744 G. Gao et al.

questionnaires were distributed through the network questionnaire, and 2341 ques-
tionnaires were effectively recovered, with an effective recovery rate of 93.46%.

2.1 Tourism Preference Analysis

2.1.1 Tourism Attitude
From the following survey data (Fig. 1), 36.65% of college students like tourism and
29.46% of college students like tourism very much. It can be seen that most college
students are optimistic about tourism. These data show that the prospects of college
students’ tourism market are generally very optimistic.

Fig. 1. A survey of college students’ attitudes towards tourism

2.1.2 Tourism Motivation

Tourist motivation is the subjective reason why people choose to travel. People will
relax their minds and satisfy their career and prestige through the activity of tourism.
According to the survey data (Fig. 2), 60.91% of college students are traveling for the
sake of traveling, enjoying the scenery and increasing their knowledge, 43.83% for the
sake of releasing their mood and relieving their pressure, 35.60% for the purpose of
exercising their body and mind and cultivating their ability of independence and
autonomy. The survey data show that the main motivation of college students’ tourism
is to travel, enjoy the scenery, increase their knowledge, release their mood, relieve
pressure, exercise their body and mind, and cultivate their independent ability.

Fig. 2. A survey of college students’ tourism motivation

Investigation and Research on College Students’ Tourism 745

2.1.3 Types of Tourism Landscape

According to the survey data (Fig. 3), 48.15% of college students like to travel to
scenic spots and historic sites, 41.98% to the beach and 37.24% to the famous
mountains and rivers. Some students love landscape and folk customs. However, few
students choose to go to university campuses, theme parks and adventures. Data
analysis shows that college students prefer to travel to places of interest, seashore
beaches and famous mountains and rivers.

Fig. 3. A survey on the selection of tourism landscape types for college students

2.2 Tourism Behavior Analysis

2.2.1 Tourism Frequency
College students’ tourism has become a trend nowadays, and college students have
become an important part of the tourism army. According to the survey of college
students’ tourism frequency (Fig. 4), 93.46% of college students have traveled in the
past year. From these data, we can see that most of college students are fond of
traveling. Travel agencies need to understand this huge market and formulate strategies
to attract college students. In the past year, 61.52% of the college students who have
traveled (Fig. 5) have 1–2 times travel experiences, 21.60% have 3–5 times travel
experiences. These data show that more college students travel 1–2 times a year.

Fig. 4. A survey of travel experiences in the Fig. 5. A survey on the frequency of college
past year students’ tourism
746 G. Gao et al.

2.2.2 Tourism Cycle

With the rapid development of social economy and the continuous improvement of
people’s living standards, college students travel longer. According to the survey of
college students’ travel cycle (Fig. 6), 17.28% of college students travel for one day,
33.12% of college students travel for two to three days, 29.42% of college students
travel for four to six days. From these data, it can be clearly seen that 62.54% of college
students travel for 2 to 6 days, belonging to short-term tourism.

Fig. 6. A survey of college students’ tourism cycle

2.2.3 Travel Time Choice

According to the survey of college students’ travel time choice (Fig. 7), we found that
57.82% of college students travel in winter vacation and summer vacation, 30.25% of
college students travel in national statutory holidays, 29.01% of college students travel
in weekends. The survey results show that most college students want to take
advantage of the plentiful time of winter vacation and summer vacation to increase
their knowledge and experience. In addition, the proportion of college students trav-
eling on national statutory holidays and weekends is also larger, mainly because they
have more time on national statutory holidays and weekends.

Fig. 7. A survey of college students’ travel time choice

Investigation and Research on College Students’ Tourism 747

2.2.4 Travel Location Selection

With the development of social economy, the choice of means of transportation for
people to travel is becoming more and more diversified. We can expand the scope of
places to travel, and gradually transfer the destination of tourism to more distant areas.
According to the following survey data (Fig. 8), 22.22% of college students will
choose to travel in the city and suburbs, 48.56% of college students will choose to
travel in the province, 65.84% of college students love to travel outside the province,
and 19.55% of college students like to travel abroad. From these data, we can see that
most of the students like to leave the local to travel elsewhere, which is also a mani-
festation of the modern transportation convenience, the rapid development of the
country and the increasing richness of people’s lives.

Fig. 8. A survey on the choice of tourist places for college students

2.3 Travel Mode

2.3.1 Tourism Consumption
With the improvement of people’s living standard, college students have more living
expenses. They have enough funds to support themselves to travel through family
support, part-time jobs and scholarship income, etc. In addition, fewer courses in
universities make college students have enough time to arrange themselves. College
students are not as busy as office workers, so they are eager to travel and have a strong
intention to consume tourism. According to the survey of college students’ tourism
expenditure (Fig. 9), it can be seen that 59.46% of the students consume less than 1000
RMB in tourism.

Fig. 9. A survey of college students’ tourism consumption

748 G. Gao et al.

2.3.2 Trip Mode

With the rapid development of science and technology and the diversification of travel
modes, we have more choices. By investigating the travel modes of college students
(Fig. 10), the most college students choose to travel by train (46.50%), by bus
(32.51%), by aircraft (30.66%), by private car (19.75%), by public transport (15.84%),
by steamship (15.64%) and by foot (8.02%), by bicycle (7.41%), and other ways travel
(5.97%). From these data, it can be concluded that train, bus and airplane are the three
main modes of travel. College students mainly travel through these three modes of

Fig. 10. A survey of college students’ travel styles

2.3.3 Travel Partner Selection

According to the following survey data (Fig. 11), 37.64% of college students travel
with their classmates, 25.66% are group tourists, 25.09% are family tourists, 22.47%
are independent tourists, and 19.29% are with friends tourists. 17.23% of college
students travel with their lover and 12.36% travel with donkey friends. Survey data
show that most college students like to travel with classmates, families or groups.

Fig. 11. A survey of college students’ choice of tourism peers

Investigation and Research on College Students’ Tourism 749

2.3.4 Tourism Information Channels

According to the statistics of questionnaire survey (Fig. 12), 35.58% of college stu-
dents’ outbound travel information was recommended by relatives and friends, 40.64%
were browsed online, 25.47% were introduced by classmates, 22.47% were consulted
by travel agencies, and 15.54% were obtained through magazines, newspapers and
15.73% were obtained through brochures respectively. Through the analysis of the
access channels of tourism information, it can be seen that most of the college students’
travel information is obtained by themselves through the network, in addition to the
recommendation of relatives, friends and classmates, a small part of which is obtained
by consulting travel agencies, brochures of travel agencies, magazines and newspapers.

Fig. 12. A survey on the access channels of college students’ tourism information

3 Characteristics of College Students’ Tourism Behavior

3.1 Workshop Air Conditioning System Characteristics of Tourism
3.1.1 Positive Tourism Attitude
As a vibrant group, college students are open-minded and independent, yearning for
freedom, and yearning for new things. They will use their spare time to pursue leisurely
life like tourism. Most college students are fond of tourism (Fig. 1). In today’s society,
tourism can help college students stay away from the sea of books, relieve physical and
mental pressure, make more contacts with nature, appreciate the beauty of nature and
the magnificence of beautiful rivers and mountains, and integrate into society, so as to
understand in advance the social life that college students face after graduation.
Because people’s life is improving day by day, college students have less economic
constraints, and begin to go out of the school and join the tourism army, and college
students’ tourism army is further expanding.

3.1.2 Rich Tourism Content

Tourism motivation is the potential driving force of tourism demand. College students
are lively, passionate, imaginative and pursuing new trends, so they are interested in
traveling. Through the analysis of the results of the survey, 93.46% of college students
have traveling experience (Fig. 4), which is closely related to the interests of college
750 G. Gao et al.

students. College students’ campus life is often a three-point front line of classroom,
dormitory and dining room. This monotonous life makes them usually full of pressure.
Tourism can let them return to nature and regulate their body and mind. In this process,
it alleviates all kinds of anxiety during the school period, and increases their experience
by visiting. Through data analysis (Fig. 3), most college students like to travel to places
of interest, seaside beaches and famous mountains and rivers. These places can better
release themselves, which coincides with the motivation of college students’ tourism.
College students’ tourism objectives are further expanded, including campus, explo-
ration, folk customs, garden scenic spots, theme parks and other landscapes.

3.2 Characteristics of Tourism Behavior

The special status of college students determines that they do not have enough time to
participate in the process of tourism. 61.52% of college students have traveled one or
two times in the past year (Fig. 5). Because the main task of college students is to
complete their studies, they can only use holidays to travel. On this basis, college
students mostly choose short-term tourism in their spare time, and they generally
choose a period of less than six days travel (Fig. 6). Winter holidays and summer
holidays, weekends and national legal holidays such as “May Day” and “Eleventh
Day” have become the focus time of college students’ tourism (Fig. 7). College stu-
dents’ tourism mostly concentrates on winter holidays and summer holidays and
national statutory holidays, because this time holiday is long, enough time, you can go
to places you like and relatively far away, such as provincial and foreign tourism
landscape, stay for a long time. On weekends and other after-school days, they often
arrange short-term travel activities.

3.3 Characteristics of Travel Mode

3.3.1 Diversification of Tourism Traffic
Nowadays, with the improvement of social transportation facilities, there are more
choices for outbound travel. Through the survey of college students’ travel modes
(Fig. 10), it is found that the three most favourite modes of travel for college students
are train, bus and airplane, which are more suitable for long-distance travel. In addition,
college students are very active in thinking. They prefer to travel to distant places
(Fig. 8). They are full of curiosity and like to go to distant places to appreciate the local
conditions and customs of different areas. Because the place they love is far away and
they like to choose the transportation suitable for a long-distance travel, so trains, buses
and airplanes will be their best choice.

3.3.2 College Students Like to Travel Together

College students travel is a process of social interaction and meeting new friends. They
like to give or accept other people’s care and consideration. In addition, they have
strong personality, advocate freedom and strong self-awareness. Most of them do not
like the fixed products of travel agencies and prefer companion travel. For college
students, they like to travel with their classmates and families, as well as group tours
(Fig. 11). This kind of spontaneous travel mode of college students makes college
Investigation and Research on College Students’ Tourism 751

students have more common language, which is conducive to the development of

friendship and emotional exchanges.

3.3.3 Wide Sources of Information

College students learn about tourism information mainly through online channels, in
addition to relatives and friends recommendation, classmates introduction, travel
agency consultation, travel brochures and magazines and newspapers (Fig. 12). Col-
lege students’ tourism information is mainly browsed through Internet channels, in
addition, there are other channels to obtain tourism information. The channels are
diversified, and the sources of college students’ tourism information are extensive.

4 Suggestions on Developing College Students’ Tourism


4.1 Diversification of Tourism Products

According to the characteristics of college students’ tourism motivation and rich
tourism content, travel agencies can offer different types of landscape packages to meet
different tourism motivation and love different types of landscape for college students.
Specifically, travel agencies can develop products of scenic spots and historic sites,
tourism products of natural scenery types, tourism packages enjoying beach flavour,
and tourism packages of garden scenic spots. In addition, it can also design tourism
product plans and product combinations of folklore types for college students who pay
less attention to landscape types.

4.2 Pricing Is Reasonable and Flexible

The cost of college students is proportional to the family income. Travel agencies
should formulate a reasonable tourism product mix to meet the different tourism needs
of college students with high-quality tourism product services. Under the premise that
the quality of service remains unchanged, travel agencies can reduce the price of
tourism products in view of the low consumption capacity of college students, and
provide preferential treatment in terms of boarding, transportation, and landscape
tickets for college students to arrange for college students. Set a clear seasonal price
policy according to the time and create high-end travel packages for college students
with better economic conditions.

4.3 Diversification of Propaganda Means

College students have a positive attitude towards tourism. Travel agencies should
strengthen their own publicity and promotion, and carry out diversified publicity.
According to the results of the survey (Fig. 12), college students’ access to tourism
information mainly includes online browsing, recommendation of relatives and friends
and introduction of classmates. Travel agencies should pay attention to online pro-
motion. They can cooperate with some well-known websites and forums, expand the
752 G. Gao et al.

popularity of travel agencies, and cooperate with software that college students often
browse, such as microblogs, posting bars, and chat tools. Travel agencies attach
importance to word-of-mouth marketing. They can cooperate with universities, sponsor
school activities, promote the image of travel agencies in schools, carry out tourism and
campus activities, and cooperate with associations that have the intention of carrying
out tourism and sponsor their funds. Travel agencies set up tourism direct sales points
in universities, employ college students to manage, and actively use the convenience of
college students’ information and friends to actively carry out tourism promotion.

4.4 Develop Product Packages at Different Times

Most college students choose to travel during winter and summer vacations and
national statutory holidays. A few college students take short-term trips on weekends.
Travel agencies can design product packages based on university student travel time,
launch winter and summer vacation packages, statutory holiday packages, and week-
end and weekend holiday packages. The winter and summer vacation packages are
mainly for college students who travel longer and longer, and statutory holiday
packages are mainly for college students who travel halfway. Weekend weekends are
mainly for college students visiting the province and city outings.

5 Conclusions

Through the investigation and analysis of college students’ tourism behaviour, this
paper studies college students’ tourism preference, tourism behaviour and tourism
mode, summarizes the characteristics of college students’ tourism behaviour, and puts
forward some suggestions for travel agencies to develop college students’ tourism
market, and promotes its vigorous development.

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3. Deng Z, Zhou Y (2015) Study on the influencing factors and market development of college
students’ tourism consumption behavior—take the undergraduates in Bengbu City as an
example. Shang (29):289–290
4. Dong H (2013) The influence of consumer culture on the consumption behavior of
contemporary college students. Electron World (05):156–157
5. Wang L, Jiang X (2013) Analysis of university students’ travel motivation. Sci Technol Vis
6. Wang L, Lu J (2013) An analysis of contemporary college students’ consumption behavior.
Theor Obs (07):125–127
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Investigation and Research on College Students’ Tourism 753

8. Li L (2013) University student tourism product development research. Natl Bus (Theor Stud)
9. Li Q (2017) Investigation and analysis of university students’ tourism consumption behavior
in Nanchang. Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang
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college students. Lanzhou Business School, Lanzhou
Application of Embodied Cognition Theory
in the Education and Management of College
Students’ Mental Health Based on “Internet+”

Jun Luo1 and Yulan Yu2(&)

Department of Management, Guangdong University of Science
and Technology, Dongguan 523083, Guangdong, China
Department of Psychology/Research Center for Quality of Life and Applied
Psychology, Guangdong Medical University, Dongguan 523808,
Guangdong, China

Abstract. Embodied cognition holds that cognition, thinking, memory, learn-

ing, emotion and attitude are shaped by the activities of the body in the envi-
ronment, which provides a theoretical basis and research direction for the
psychological health education and management of college students under the
background of “Internet+”. This article briefly introduces the theory of
embodied cognition and its influence on education, and applies it to the mental
health education and management of college students based on “Internet+”. This
paper explores the course design of college students’ mental health from three
aspects: teaching environment and situation, lesson design and interaction
between teachers and students, and constructs an interactive teaching mode with
physical participation and driving, which provides a new way of thinking for the
reform of the teaching mode of mental health education.

Keywords: Embodied cognition  Mental health education 

Psychological experience

Mental health education for college students in China began in the 1980s. After nearly
40 years of development, mental health education has achieved good results, but also
exposed some deep-rooted problems, that is, it was excessive emphasis on knowledge
imparting, lack of adequate psychological experience and behavior training. At present,
we are in the era of highly developed internet. Various education modes such as
MOOC, flip classroom and micro classroom have emerged. Mental health teachers and
management workers can make full use of internet teaching resources to impart mental
health knowledge and mental health assessment to students. That is to say, in terms of
knowledge imparting and psychological assessment, college students can learn or
acquire by themselves through network resources. In the classroom where teachers and
students are together, they are mainly used for psychological experience and behavioral
training. The theory of embodied cognition emphasizes the interaction between body
and mind, the activation of psychological feeling by physical behavior, and the
influence of psychological feeling on physiological experience. The application of
embodied cognition theory to the mental health education of college students based on
“Internet+” will not only guarantee the imparting of the original knowledge, but also
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 754–760, 2019.
Application of Embodied Cognition Theory in the Education and Management 755

make up for the shortage of psychological experience and behavior training in tradi-
tional mental health education, so as to better impart knowledge, psychological
experience and behavior training into one. The application of mental health education
mode under the background of “Internet+” provides a new perspective for mental
health education in colleges, and finds a way to break through the bottleneck of mental
health education.

1 The Theory of Embodied Cognition and Its Impact

on Education

Embodied cognition, translated by some scholars as experiential cognition, embodied

cognition or involved cognition, is a new research field in psychology [1]. The theory
of embodied cognition mainly refers to the interaction between physical experience and
mental state [2]. Physiological experience “activates” psychological feeling, which
affects physiological experience.
Ye, a famous psychologist in China, believes that embodied cognition refers to the
activities of cognition, thinking, memory, learning, emotion and attitude shaped by the
body acting on the environment [3, 4]. It can be understood from the following three
aspects: firstly, the body directly influences cognition; secondly, the sensorimotor
system of the body, like the brain, plays an important role in the formation of cognition;
thirdly, cognition is in the same cognitive system as the brain, the body and the
environment. Embodied cognition advocates the integration of body and mind rather
than the dualism of body and mind, which is a brand-new cognition of mind. The so-
called body-mind integration theory emphasizes the unity of body and cognition. The
function of body is not only a carrier of psychology, but also the subject of cognition
and thinking. Cognition, learning, thinking, attitude, emotion and emotion depend on
the body’s perception and experience. That is to say, the body and its perception and
movement affect cognition, and cognition also affects the body, and there are inter-
actions between them.
The theory of embodied cognition has a far-reaching impact on education. Tradi-
tionally, education often restricts and regulates the body in order to develop the mind.
Therefore, students are required to “stand as loose as a bell, sit like a bell, walk like
wind, lie like a bow”. In class, students are required to sit upright, and students are
fixed in the “well-shaped” classroom seats, in order to facilitate teachers’ teaching and
classroom management. Such a way of education regulates the body of students, but
also to a certain extent limits the students’ thinking and cognition. Embodied cognition
holds that body, mind and the world are inseparable. Learning is through learners’
actions and in the world of actions, and understanding is embedded in actions.
Therefore, teaching means and educational information technology must be combined
with “embodied” to design teaching programs and teaching modes, create learning
situations and provide learning materials, so as to achieve good teaching results.
756 J. Luo and Y. Yu

2 The Objectives and Requirements of Mental Health

Education Course for College Students

According to the Ministry of Education’s Basic Requirements for the Teaching of

Mental Health Education Course for College Students [5, 6], the course of mental
health education for college students includes three aspects: knowledge imparting,
psychological experience and behavior training. The aim of the course is to make
students clear the criteria and significance of mental health, enhance their awareness of
mental health care and prevention of mental crisis, master and apply mental health
knowledge, cultivate their self-cognitive ability, interpersonal communication ability
and self-regulation ability, improve their psychological quality and promote their all-
round development. Through the course teaching, in the knowledge level, students can
understand the relevant theories and basic concepts of psychology, clear the standard
and significance of mental health, understand the characteristics and abnormal mani-
festations of human psychological development at the University stage, and master the
basic knowledge of self-adjustment. At the skill level, students can master self-
exploration skills, psychological adjustment skills and psychological development
skills. At the level of self-recognition, students should have the autonomous con-
sciousness of mental health development, understand their own psychological char-
acteristics and personality characteristics, be able to objectively evaluate their physical
conditions, psychological conditions and behavioral abilities, correctly understand
themselves and accept themselves, and be able to self-adjust or seek help when
encountering psychological problems, actively explore suitable for themselves and
adapt to society.
To enable students to meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education, mental
health educators can make students learn necessary mental health knowledge by
themselves through Internet resources such as MOOC and micro-classroom. At the
same time, teachers should innovate the teaching methods of mental health education
and improve the teaching methods effectively. Through group activities, psychological
sitcom, games and behavioral training, students have corresponding psychological
experience and feelings, and their body and mind participate in it, so as to achieve the
goal of mental health.

3 The Application of Embodied Cognitive Theory in College

Students’ Mental Health Education
3.1 Teaching Environment and Situation
Traditional teaching is to let students sit in fixed seats in a fixed classroom, teachers
teach and students listen. Students make full use of the parts above the neck. They need
to listen carefully to what the teacher says with their ears, think with their heads, read
the textbook with their eyes, and answer the teacher’s questions with their mouths. The
parts below the “neck” are not involved in learning except for the occasional hand-
writing. Even teachers will control and restrain students’ bodies, so that their bodies do
Application of Embodied Cognition Theory in the Education and Management 757

not participate, that is, they can not “move” in order to avoid affecting learning. Fixed
seats, in a sense, also “fix” students’ bodies through seats, and do not move.
The application of embodied cognitive theory to college students’ mental health
education mainly follows that college students’ cognition can not be separated from the
body. Physical experience and feeling affect college students’ cognition [7]. Students’
cognition, body and environment are a dynamic and interactive process. Therefore, in
mental health education, the body should play the same role as cognition. Students
should be allowed to “move” their body and mind as well as give them freedom and
space for physical activities. For example, students have classes in the psychological
group counseling room or psychological training room and their body aren’t restricted
by the fixed tables and chairs, followed by restrictions and solidification break of
cognitive, thinking and other psychological state. For some special activities, such as
“self-confidence” training, “interpersonal communication” training and so on, the class
can even be moved out of the classroom, carried out in the quality development base,
outdoor natural environment and other places. Teachers create enough visual, auditory,
tactile, taste and other personal experience for students through the real social envi-
ronment or natural environment. Through the change of teaching environment, not only
the students’ brain is learning knowledge, but also the students’ body can move freely,
so that the students’ body can also have full experience and feelings, so as to achieve
mutual promotion and transformation of body, mind, environment and cognition.
In addition to improving the actual environmental factors such as teaching sites,
virtual environment can also be created. Teachers make full use of various multimedia
resources, such as video, audio and other simulation, create the past, present and future
environment, or create setbacks, negative, positive and other situations, through the
simulation of changes in the situation, let students experience, experience different
physical and mental states, in order to cultivate psychological quality and improve the
level of mental health.

3.2 Lesson Design

Unlike other professional courses, the course of mental health education for college
students is not only the imparting of professional knowledge, but also the integration of
knowledge imparting, psychological experience and behavior training. In addition to
teaching the necessary knowledge, students should have experience and perception.
Therefore, educators should create a rich and vivid situation for students and use
physical behaviors such as activities, games and training to trigger students’ internal
emotions, feelings, insights and resonances, and closely integrate the body with cog-
nition, thinking, feeling and experience. Therefore, when designing the classroom,
teachers should fully consider the embodiment of classroom teaching, that is, the
participation of the body.
Firstly, teachers adopt the model of “embodied” introduction. Teachers design the
introduction of body movements into the curriculum, allowing the body and brain to
participate together. Such as “College Students’ Interpersonal Relations” topic,
teachers can design “Friendship Fitness Exercise” (with music: everyone together)
activities [8], to allow students to fully move their bodies in the first five minutes of
class. That is, all of the students circle together and put their left hand on the shoulders
758 J. Luo and Y. Yu

of the students in front of them. Following the beat of the music, they use their right
hand to make “thump his shoulder, pinch his shoulder” and other movements to the
students in front of them. At the same time, they shout the beat together. With the
acceleration of the rhythm, the students’ movements are also accelerated until all the
movements are completed smoothly at a certain speed. Teachers ask students how they
feel after doing “Friendship Fitness Exercise”, and then teachers introduce the topic of
interpersonal relationship. Through such activities, college students’ bodies are not
only involved in the classroom, but also prepared for mental activities such as brain and
Secondly, teachers adopt the embodied teaching model. The core teaching content
of the classroom is designed with “embodied”, especially the psychological experience
and behavior training content in the course of mental health education for college
students. For example, for the topic of “emotional management of College students”,
teachers can design experiential links of body affecting emotions. “James-Langer’s
Emotional Theory [9] holds that when the body produces (physiological) changes, we
feel these changes, which are emotions. Some people think that emotions cause
physical behavior: we cry because we are sad; we run because we are afraid. James-
Langer’s theory holds that physiological reactions lead to emotions, that is, we cry, so
we feel sad; we smile, so we are happy. Some experimental studies support this theory.
For example, S.E. Duclos et al. found that clenching one’s fist to one’s chest can make
one feel angry, while burying one’s head can make one feel sad [10]. Teachers can
make full use of emotional theory to design the lesson of college students’ emotional
management. Firstly, the teacher designs a series of actions (such as frowning, mouth
pulling down, burying head, etc.) so that the students could do the designed actions
several times, and then asks them to recall the three things in life. Then, the teacher
designs a series of opposite actions (such as stretching eyebrows, raising the corners of
the mouth, raising the head, etc.) and asks the students to repeat the designed actions
several times, then asks them to recall the three things in life. Thirdly, the teacher
requires the students to discuss the three things they think of separately after the two
sets of actions, and classify the three things positively and negatively. Fourthly, the
teacher guides them to discuss the effects of the two sets of actions on their memories
(recalling the three things in life), and then continues to guide them to observe, imagine
and experience their emotional changes. This design allows students to fully feel and
experience the emotional changes brought by the changes of body postures or move-
ments, and then students will be guided to manage their emotions through body pos-
tures or movements. Such embodied teaching not only imparts knowledge, but also
teaches students the way to manage their emotions. More importantly, it mobilizes their
physical and mental participation, so that they can get twice the result with half the
effort. Therefore, teachers can add physical activities to the design of curriculum
content, fully mobilize students’ physical perception, so that the body’s movements and
cognitive, thinking are linked.
Thirdly, teachers adopt the model of concrete summary, that is to design body
movements to summarize and consolidate what we have learned in class. For example,
on the topic of “self-confidence cultivation” for college students, teachers can improve
and consolidate classroom learning content by designing physical activities. Based on
some videos and lyrics of the song “I’m really good”, this song was adapted to create
Application of Embodied Cognition Theory in the Education and Management 759

the self-confidence exercises of “I’m great”: I’m great! The right hand touches the left
shoulder; I’m great! Left hand touches right shoulder; I’m really great! Stretch out your
arms and raise your thumbs at the same time; I’m really great! Stretch out your arms
and raise your thumbs at the same time; I’m really, really great! Stretch out your arms
and raise your thumbs at the same time. Students repeat them three times. Such
physical and mental activities are not only the end, but also the consolidation of lesson.

3.3 Teacher-Student Interaction

The embodied classroom is not only students’ physical and mental participation in the
classroom, but also teachers’ physical and mental participation in the classroom.
Teachers’ whole-hearted devotion is not only conducive to the imparting of knowledge,
but also conducive to teachers’ empathy, thus it turns “dead” knowledge into “living”
life, and truly realizes the activity of “influencing another life with one life”. Teachers
change simple knowledge imparting into flesh-and-blood imparting. Knowledge
imparting is no longer so boring. Psychological experience is formed, and spiritual
perception is born.

4 Conclusion

The course of mental health education for college students is not only the imparting of
knowledge, but also the integration of knowledge imparting, psychological experience
and behavior training. The traditional teaching mode can not fully meet its needs. The
theory of embodied cognition based on “Internet+” provides a new way of thinking for
the reform of teaching mode of mental health education. It not only fully guarantees the
acquisition of mental health knowledge of college students, but also has enough time
for students to fully carry out psychological experience and behavior training.
On the premise of making full use of internet teaching resources, teachers construct
an interactive teaching mode of body and mind, which is driven by physical partici-
pation. It attaches great importance to the interaction of students’ physical movements
and psychological experience. Through the “experiential” learning with physical par-
ticipation, physical experience and external knowledge are linked, thus the teaching
requirements are achieved of integration with imparting knowledge, psychological
experience and behavioral training” in the course of psychological health education.

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Research on the Teaching Practice of Java
Program Design Based on OJ System

Qiang Huang1,2, Mantao Wang1,2(&), Zhen Peng1, Jiaxin Yuan1,

Zhiyong Li1,2, Jie Zhang1,2, Haibo Pu1,2, Lanjing Wang1,
and Jinglan Lei1
College of Information Engineering, Sichuan Agricultural University,
Ya’an 625014, China
The Lab of Agricultural Information Engineering, Sichuan Key Laboratory,
Ya’an 625000, China

Abstract. In order to improve students’ Programming ability, improve the

quality of teaching, and enable students to strengthen and consolidate the
understanding of teaching content, a teaching System based on Online Judge
based Java Programming Training System (ojb-jpts) was designed, and the
platform was used to carry out extended Training and stimulate students’
potential. Students release and complete a certain number of programming
questions through the OJ system, and timely and effectively get feedback
information, teachers can complete student performance statistics more effi-
ciently. In addition, the OJ system is basically intelligent and the student score
judgment is more fair and just. Compared with the traditional course platform
system, the teaching platform has achieved more significant teaching results in
the process of practice.

Keywords: OJ system  Development training  Intelligent course platform

1 Introduction

Under the new mode of “Internet + education”, more and more colleges and univer-
sities use this mode to improve teaching quality and efficiency. Online Judge system
was originally used in ACM-ICPC international undergraduate programming compe-
tition and Judge and rank questions automatically in Olympiad in Informatics (OI). It is
widely used in the training of student programming, the training and selection of team
members, various programming competitions, the study of data structure and algo-
rithm, and the automatic submission of homework judgment in colleges and univer-
sities all over the world [1]. In the school of information engineering of Sichuan
agricultural university, there is a serious imbalance in the teacher-student ratio. There
are more than 2,000 students in the college, while there are only about 20 teachers,
which in some ways leads to teachers’ inability to correct a large number of experi-
mental programming assignments. Java programming course is a course offered by
most universities for students majoring in computer science [2]. However, in the
practice of traditional teaching course platform, the learning of this course has not

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 761–767, 2019.
762 Q. Huang et al.

reached the expected results. By analyzing the stranded problem of traditional teaching
course platform, Our school has put forward an online evaluation OJ system suitable
for our students and teachers, which is mixed with educational administration system
and traditional EOL course platform at the same time. Practice has proved that adding
OJ system has significantly improved students’ programming ability and self-learning
ability, while improving the teachers’ work efficiency, achieved for each student
achievement fair judge [3–5].

2 Problems Existing in Traditional Course Platforms

Traditional Java programming course teaching is mainly divided into theoretical

knowledge and computer practice [6]. The teacher puts the questions in the system in
advance. Students can flexibly apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned in
class to the experiment. They can write the source code on the computer and submit it
to the course platform system. Teachers log in the system to randomly check students’
homework, check and correct, and then manually conduct score statistics and import
them into the educational administration system for archiving. The traditional Java
experimental process is shown in Fig. 1. According to practical application, it is found
that the traditional course platform has many disadvantages, mainly including the
(1) The experiment is dull and boring, followed by the content of copying, lack of
motivation and interest in the experiment, do not use the brain, knowledge can not
firmly grasp;
(2) Knowledge points cannot be combined with practical problems and lack of
training in problem analysis ability;
(3) Teachers’ spot check method cannot effectively check the experimental results of
students and give an objective score;
(4) For the completion of students’ experiments, plagiarism cannot be avoided.

According to some problems existing in the traditional curriculum platform,

combined with the development of information technology and the current continuous
exploration of teaching mode, a new teaching mode is designed – the teaching practice
research of Java program design based on OJ system. Through the OJ system, students
can submit the program source code online, the system compiles and executes the
source code, and tests the correctness of the program source code through pre-designed
test data, so as to obtain feedback information in time and make repeated modifications
and submission.
Research on the Teaching Practice of Java Program Design Based on OJ System 763

student Java coding Submit code


Extraction Results Import into

of statistical educational
Teacher correcting administration
system for

Fig. 1. Flow chart of traditional course platform

3 Introduction to OJ System

Online Judge system (OJ) is an Online evaluation system. Users can submit the pro-
gram source code Online. The system compiles and executes the source code, and
verifies the correctness of the program source code through pre-designed test data. At
present, this system is mainly designed for the Java experimental course of our school.
To a large extent, it improves the programming ability of students and their subjective
initiative of learning. It also reduces the burden of teachers to correct a large number of
homework and improves the efficiency and accuracy of work. The code submitted by
students will be subject to strict restrictions relatively when executed by the Online
Judge system, including runtime limit, memory limit and security limit [7]. The results
of the program execution will be captured and saved by the Online Judge system, and
then transferred to a Judge program. The judging procedure compares the output data
of the user program with the standard output sample or verifies whether the output data
of the user program meets certain logical conditions.
Firstly, the OJ platform of the course is established. Users are divided into two
roles: “teacher” and “student”. The teacher role of the course can monitor the progress
of each student’s experiment at the end of the Online Judge experiment training
platform. At the same time, the course teacher conceived the Java experiment content,
constructed the original question bank of “chuannongniu” series together with the class
assistance team, and stored the question bank into the OJ system, which was updated
dynamically in real time. Students who choose courses log into the OJ system to select
topics for experiments. The experiments are time-effective and must be completed
within the specified time range. Then, after the completion of the experiment, the code
is submitted online, and the online correctness of the program is judged by the system.
Students can modify and submit the code multiple times, and query the score and
764 Q. Huang et al.

Teacher Java experimental

The experimental monitoring
content conception

Create "Sicau
Online Judge cattle" series
Platform experimental original question
maintenance training platform bank together

Do the
experiment Moss Code online Program online Real-time ranking
anti-cheating submission correctness judge score query

Batch export of grades

Students take
the class
Educational administration system

Check the records

The experimental archive

Course platform

Fig. 2. Online evaluation of the overall system diagram

ranking in real time. Finally, students’ scores will be imported into the educational
administration system in batches and checked with the student experiment documents
saved in the EOL course platform. In addition, the assistant course team should
maintain the platform at any time to ensure the normal operation of the system. The
overall diagram of OJ system is shown in Fig. 2.
Research on the Teaching Practice of Java Program Design Based on OJ System 765

4 Advantages of OJ System

OJ online evaluation system solves the problems existing in the traditional course
platform, and in the practical application, it is obvious that students’ practical ability
has been significantly improved. As for teachers, Meituan Wang huiwen was quoted as
a management golden sentence: an important responsibility of a responsible manager is
to push his subordinates from the peak of ignorance to the valley of despair [8]. As for
whether he can climb the slope of enlightenment, it is up to each individual to make it.
The application of OJ system is almost the reflection of dunning-kruger psychological
effect [4]. For students, the requirements are significantly increased, and as teachers,
they hope that they can have an Epiphany from the “valley of despair” and finally
blossom a brilliant flower [9, 10].
Through the practical application of Online Judge system, its advantages are as
(1) Task drive, can according to the vivid scene, independent design problem solving
model and algorithm, when the program is finished, can be submitted online,
decision and results output, real-time knowledge application and further modifi-
cations, the problems of similar games, can effectively improve the learning
interest and subjective initiative, rather than passive learning; And the questions
are open-ended, not the only answer.
(2) Through continuous writing and code modification, I gradually mastered pro-
gramming skills instead of memorizing by rote in the process.
(3) OJ online system automatically scores students so that they can know in real time
whether they have problems and whether they have completed the experimental
tasks as required.
(4) Moss checks and rechecks the system to effectively avoid code plagiarism and
copying problems. Teachers can clearly see the evaluation results and ranking
results through the system, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4 respectively.
Another advantage of this system is that it does not exist alone. It is connected with
the educational administration system, and the results can be quickly imported as a
whole. Teachers do not need to make statistics manually, which saves a lot of time. At
the same time, the question bank of OJ system is not imported from the Internet or
specialized question bank, but is composed of Java course teachers and excellent
students of the college to form a class assistance group, and dynamically update the
question bank in real time, so as to mobilize students’ enthusiasm and enhance their
interest in Java programming.
766 Q. Huang et al.

Fig. 3. Evaluation results of OJ system

Fig. 4. OJ system ranking results

5 Conclusion

This paper introduces the teaching platform based on OJ system in detail, improves the
traditional course platform, effectively solves some problems existing in the traditional
course platform, and has practical significance in the actual teaching process. For
students, in the process of experiment, students can timely find problems and solve
problems, effectively stimulate their subject consciousness and interest in learning; For
teachers, the information in the process of student experiment can be obtained in real
time, and the evaluation process is fully intelligent, which reduces the burden of large
quantities of teacher’s grading. Sometimes, in the system, some students observe others
Research on the Teaching Practice of Java Program Design Based on OJ System 767

submitting homework at one or two am, who will rethink themselves why not make
great efforts? This is also a kind of invisible supervision among students, mutual
promotion and common progress. Therefore, this system is not only a grading system,
but also a system to give students pressure and motivation. In short, the application of
OJ system is a beneficial supplement to the traditional course platform, which can
effectively promote the course teaching reform and improve the teaching quality to a
large extent.

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Development of Cultural Tourism Industry
Agglomeration in Hubei Province
from the Perspective of Global Tourism

Minghui Long(&)

Wuhan Donghu University, Wuhan, Hubei, China


Abstract. Hubei Province is rich in tourism resources and plays an indis-

pensable role in the development of tourism in the whole region of the Middle
Triangle. Cultural tourism industry is a potential industry in modern service
industry. Cluster effect plays a very important and positive role in promoting
regional economic development and enhancing regional well-being. The market
demand of cultural tourism in Hubei Province is vigorous and the development
environment is good, but it is faced with such problems as the scattered elements
of cultural tourism and the lack of prominent brand image. Based on the tourism
resources and cultural tourism industry in Hubei Province, this paper studies the
development of cultural tourism industry cluster in Hubei Province based on
global tourism, and puts forward a global construction model of cultural tourism
industry chain in Hubei Province. It promotes the development of cultural
tourism industry cluster through the upgrading of the industry structure, actively
promotes the adjustment and transformation of the industrial structure of cultural
tourism, and serves the regional economic construction and development.

Keywords: Global tourism  Hubei Province 

Cultural tourism industry cluster

1 Introduction

In August 2015, Li Jinzao, Director of the National Tourism Administration, for the
first time put forward a clear strategic plan to comprehensively promote the develop-
ment of global tourism at the National Tourism seminar. In early 2016, the National
Tourism Administration issued the first list of “National Global Tourism Demonstra-
tion Zones”, making the term “global tourism” become a new concept and direction in
the tourism industry. “Global tourism refers to the positioning of tourism as a dominant
industry within a certain region, through the comprehensive and systematic opti-
mization and upgrading of various economic and social resources in the region,
including tourism resources, ecological environment, public services, institutional
mechanisms, policies and regulations.” The global tourism strategy takes tourism as
one of the entry points, which is the positive response of the tourism industry to
people’s yearning for a better tourism life and a better overall life. At the beginning of
2018, the Office of the National Tourism Administration issued a circular confirming
2018 as the “Beautiful China - 2018 Global Tourism Year”. It requires all regions to
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 768–776, 2019.
Development of Cultural Tourism Industry Agglomeration in Hubei Province 769

focus on this theme and do a good job in promoting the transformation and upgrading
of tourism industry, improving quality and efficiency. On March 22, the General Office
of the State Council “Guiding Opinions on Promoting Global Tourism Development”
put forward the development goals of tourism development in a comprehensive way,
the quality of tourism supply, the standardization of tourism governance and the
maximization of tourism benefits. As a result, “global tourism” is the concept of
comprehensive development, and ultimately forms a “large-scale development” pattern
of global tourism.
With the improvement of population quality and the continuous expansion of the
tourism field, cultural tourism with its unique charm is much loved and favored by
tourists. Cultural tourism includes historical relics, architecture, national art, folklore,
religion, etc. It embodies aesthetic interest, rich in educational enlightenment, religious
emotional sustenance and other functions. It is a comprehensive and high-grade
tourism activity that can produce spiritual shock, cultural edification or artistic reso-
nance. Under the background of the “new normal” of economy, the adjustment of
economic structure needs to accelerate the development of service industry and provide
important opportunities for the development of cultural tourism [1]. As a unique cross-
industry, cultural tourism is one of the most dynamic new industries in the future. As
the soul of tourism, culture can constantly enhance the connotation of tourism, and
tourism as the carrier of culture can continuously realize cultural value. In recent years,
China has steadily increased its policy support and investment in cultural tourism. The
management and service of cultural tourism have been strengthened, and the market of
cultural tourism has reached a certain scale. On the basis of regional cultural charac-
teristics and traditions, provinces and municipalities constantly excavate and develop
cultural tourism projects suitable for themselves and present the trend of industrial-
ization development, which has brought good economic benefits, realized the return of
colorful culture and made a successful step in the development of cultural tourism [2].

2 Current Situation of Global Tourism Development

in Hubei Province

At the Eleventh Party Congress of Hubei Province, the report on the work of the
government put forward that “accelerating the development of tourism in the whole
region and building a strong tourism economy province”; and called for speeding up
the establishment of national and provincial tourism demonstration zones. In 2018,
Hubei Province issued the “Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Global
Tourism”, which proposed to promote the integration of tourism and urbanization,
industrialization and commerce; [3] to promote the integration of tourism and agri-
culture, forestry and water resources; to actively build forest parks and “forest health
base” and “water scenic spots”; to support the Yangtze River, Hanjiang River, Qing-
jiang River and lakeside areas where navigation is conditional. To develop inland river
cruise tourism and promote the integration of tourism and culture, education, science
and technology, health and sports.
Global tourism should have a global planning and pay attention to top-level design.
In the 13th Five-Year Tourism Development Plan of Hubei Province, the overall layout
770 M. Long

of “one belt, two poles, three corridors and four plates” is put forward. Promote global
tourism by planning, and promote multi-disciplinary integration by global tourism.
Promote the integration of tourism planning with urban and rural, land, transportation
and environmental planning. One belt is the Yangtze River tourism belt in Hubei
Province, and the two poles are Wuhan and Yichang. Four corridors are the Yangtze
River International Gold Tourism Corridor, the West Hubei Mountains and Waters
Folklore Tourism Corridor, the Hanjiang National Vein Exploration Tourism Corridor
and the East Hubei Red and Green Classic Tourism Corridor [4]. They take four
tourism corridors as the strategic development axis, and take the integration of tourism
resources in the province and the global tourism linkage as the basis to vigorously
promote the linkage development of tourism areas along the corridor.

2.1 Main Advantages of the Development of Cultural Tourism Industry

Agglomeration in Hubei Province
2.1.1 Policy Advantages
Hubei Province accelerates the transformation and upgrading of cultural tourism
industry in an all-round way by means of innovation of development concept, stimu-
lation of market vitality, shaping tourism brand and construction and promotion of
tourism projects. In order to seize the golden opportunity for the development of eco-
cultural tourism and accelerate the scientific development and leap-forward develop-
ment of the eco-cultural tourism circle in Western Hubei, the 13th Five-Year Plan for
the development of the eco-cultural tourism circle in Western Hubei was formulated.
Great progress has been made in the protection and utilization of cultural heritage in
Western Hubei. By the end of 2015, there were three world cultural heritages, 62
national intangible cultural heritages, 78 national key cultural relics protection units, 11
famous historical and cultural towns (villages), 47 traditional Chinese villages and one
national cultural and ecological protection experimental area. Promoting the con-
struction of cultural industrialization project for the benefit of the people and carrying
out cultural festival activities have formed a number of cultural business cards such as
Wudang Taiji and the search for roots in the hometown of Yandi, the world’s Chinese
Emperor, and created a symbolic cultural brand. In 2015, the added value of the
cultural industry in the region reached more than 50 billion yuan, accounting for about
4% of the GDP of the region.

2.1.2 Resource Advantage

Hubei Province has abundant tourism resources and cultural tourism industry foun-
dation. It has formed mature tourism products covering sightseeing, religious tourism,
hot spring tourism, ice and snow tourism, industrial tourism, rural tourism, gully
tourism, red tourism, ecological tourism, shopping tourism and so on. There are not
only religious and cultural resources with a long history, but also leisure tourism and
vacation resources. The hot spring resources in Xianning are rich and high quality.
Taiyi hot spring is mainly open-air hot springs. Xianning has more than 400 years of
Taoist history and profound cultural connotations. The project of Taiyi International
Hot Spring Resort in Xianning covers more than 800 mu. At present, there are six
functional areas planned: Taoist tourist area, health spa park, five-star resort hotel area,
Development of Cultural Tourism Industry Agglomeration in Hubei Province 771

water recreation area, agricultural ecological park and popular science education park
[5]. The Huachao Festival in Old Street of Xinzhou District of Wuhan is well known as
a characteristic tourism festival in Wuhan. The Huachao Festival of Old Street in
Xinzhou District of Wuhan City, Hubei Province, originated in Chunxi Period of
Southern Song Dynasty. It has a history of more than 800 years. It is the largest folk
gathering in eastern Hubei Province. Every year, more than 100,000 tourists and traders
from more than 20 counties and cities in 5 provinces of Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Hunan
and Jiangxi reproduce the modern version of the “Upper River Map of Qingming
Dynasty” in the Old Street. Huachao Festival in the Old Street has been listed as the
intangible cultural heritage of Hubei Province and Wuhan City.

2.1.3 Location Advantage

Located in the central part of China, Hubei Province has four major railways, namely,
Jingguang, Jingjiu, Jiaozhi and Hanyu. It also has the world’s first golden waterway,
the Yangtze River, which runs east and west. It also has two major hydroelectric energy
bases, the Three Gorges Dam and Gezhouba Dam, which are situated in Hubei Pro-
vince. It also has rich historical, humanistic and natural landscapes, showing an open,
inclusive and fashionable style [6].

2.2 Deficiencies in the Development of Cultural Tourism Industry

Agglomeration in Hubei Province
Cultural tourism scenic spots are in the primary stage of tourism utilization. Their
tourism modes are simplified, their activities are monotonous, and they lack activities
that allow tourists to participate directly. As a result, the attraction of scenic spots is
weak and tourists are reluctant to stay for a long time. At the same time, the quality of
tourism is not high, so visitors can not have the desire to visit again. Tourism infras-
tructure is weak, tourism supporting facilities can not keep up with the pace of tourism
development, poor accessibility, poor surrounding environment, food, housing, travel,
shopping and entertainment can not be basically satisfied [7]. Developmental invest-
ment is relatively small, basically “ticket-based tourism”, the economic benefits are
poor, can only be simple because of poor, resulting in inadequate facilities. Many
factors restrict the development of tourism industry agglomeration.
Tourism enterprises are small, scattered and chaotic, lacking of joint efforts for
development. Local governments or tourism development managers lack the investi-
gation and analysis of market environment in the early stage of cultural tourism
development. They fail to compare their own characteristics with the advantages of
other developed resources in the existing market. Blind development and duplication of
construction make cultural tourism projects difficult to develop, difficult to develop,
and difficult to base themselves on the tourism market.
Local historical and cultural excavation is insufficient, leading scenic spots are
lacking, tourism industry system has not yet formed, and tourism agglomeration
advantages are limited. Some tourism resources with great cultural and ornamental
value have not received enough attention, lack of capital investment, inadequate
capacity for pioneering activation and poor comprehensive effect. Because of the
distance between the historical culture and social background and today’s actual life,
772 M. Long

coupled with the loss of information, insufficient research, extraction and excavation,
cultural resources are not attracted by the public [8].
Without deep excavation of their own cultural connotation, blindly copy and
imitate, many tourist attractions are the same design at the entrance, and the cultural
tourism goods sold in the shops are the same. Some developers ignore the cultural
theme of scenic spots and pursue all kinds of tourism projects. They are clearly small
scenic spots with single theme [9]. They insist on expanding into large scenic spots
blindly. The tourism projects launched are different, making the scenic spots big and
tasteless. These cultural tourism scenic spots developed out of the actual scenic spots
have a very high degree of similarity. Each scenic spot has built such model parks:
rockery, artificial lake, pontoon, corridor, copying and imitating the development and
construction, rough artificial landscape, covering up the original characteristics of
cultural tourism attractions, reducing the due taste of cultural tourism, and its market
recognition can be imagined.

3 Development Path of Tourism Industry Agglomeration

in Hubei Province Based on Global Tourism View

Cultural tourism industry cluster is based on tourism consumption demand and high-
quality cultural tourism resources. Tourism-related industries or departments gather in a
certain space and cooperate with each other to form a closely linked tourism industry
network. According to the investigation, the cultural tourism industry in Hubei Pro-
vince has the foundation and internal motive force of cluster development. From the
perspective of industrial agglomeration, compared with the whole country, the cultural
tourism industry has a high degree of specialization and obvious comparative advan-
tages, especially the advantages of tourism resources and the foundation of industrial
clusters. However, the comprehensive index of tourism industry agglomeration has a
downward trend, and the centrifugal force of industry has begun to appear. From the
perspective of industrial connection, the tourism industry departments in Hubei Pro-
vince are closely linked, while the traditional departments pay tribute to tourism rev-
enue. The contribution of commodity sales and entertainment departments with large
demand elasticity and high added value is relatively low, and the tourism industry
structure needs to be further optimized and upgraded.

3.1 Continue to Strengthen the Role of Government Guidance

and Accelerate the Construction of Tourism Industrial
Agglomeration Areas
The cultural tourism industry in Hubei Province is in a critical period of transformation,
upgrading and leapfrogging development. The development of industrial cluster can
not be separated from the guidance and support of the government. The government
can promote the development of tourism industry cluster through the guidance of
industrial policy, the improvement of infrastructure construction, and the support of
relevant enterprises and organizations in the cluster. At present, there are two main
development modes of industrial clusters: top-down government-driven and bottom-up
Development of Cultural Tourism Industry Agglomeration in Hubei Province 773

market-driven. Hubei Province should actively grasp the law of tourism industry
development, give full play to the leading role of the government in promoting the
allocation of resources in the early and long-term development of tourism industry
clusters, accelerate the planning and construction of tourism industry agglomeration
areas, especially in areas with weak cultural tourism, and adopt the government-driven
development model to stimulate its later advantages. In the mature areas of cultural
tourism industry, we should adopt market-driven cluster development strategy, take
leading enterprises as the core, and spontaneously guide the formation of tourism
industry clusters around mature superior resources or markets.

3.2 Promote the Modular Development of Cultural Tourism Industry

Cluster in Hubei Province and Accelerate the Optimization
and Upgrading of Cultural Tourism Industry Structure
Modularization, as an efficient and new organizational form of industrial clusters, can
help enterprises to locate accurately, stimulate their innovation vitality, improve their
ability to respond quickly to the market, promote the restructuring and upgrading of
tourism business processes, and promote the optimization and upgrading of tourism
industrial structure. The modularization of industrial clusters is a process of decom-
posing the large system of tourism industrial clusters into several subsystems and sub-
subsystems along the value chain of tourism industry. Enterprises form cooperative
alliances around the value chain of tourism demand, give full play to their core
advantages, carry out functional positioning of module subsystems, and implement
specialized R&D and production. Therefore, in the process of promoting the modular
development of tourism industry in Hubei Province, first, we should pay attention to
the cultivation of tourism industry integration enterprises and give them policy guid-
ance and support in investment, financing and resource allocation. Secondly, we should
encourage and support the vigorous development of small and medium-sized enter-
prises. They will be important participants in the sub-system module of tourism
industry cluster, so that they can innovate bravely and positioning accurately, provide
specialized and customized services for consumers, enhance tourists’ experience and
satisfaction, and extend the value chain of tourism industry. Third, we should accel-
erate the modularization of tourism product research and development. With the
continuous integration of industrial development and the increasingly fierce industrial
competition, in order to improve the competitiveness of the tourism industry, it is
necessary to strengthen the modularization of tourism product research and develop-
ment, and provide customers with high-quality modular design and customization
services with the help of new technologies such as the Internet.
For example, in light of the precise poverty alleviation work in the old Red
Revolutionary Area and the well-known brand of “Wudang” tourism culture in Wes-
tern Hubei, we should further integrate the tourism resources in eastern Hubei, build the
brand of “Wendang” tourism culture in eastern Hubei, and realize the corresponding
development of “Wudang” and “Wendang”. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said,
“Green mountains and green waters are also resources”. Eastern Hubei is an old and red
area, as well as a famous cultural and tourist attraction. Historically, agriculture was
good at agriculture, but there were some shortcomings in industrialization. Today, in
774 M. Long

the information age, the development of cultural tourism is advantageous. The 4A-level
scenic spot “Triangle Mountain” in Xishui is also a gathering place of literati and poets
in historical legends. It can be changed to “Wendang Mountain” according to cir-
cumstances. In addition, the Wendang Mountain Academy in Ezhou has gathered more
than 100 well-known experts and scholars, which can contribute to the brand building
of Wendang tourism culture and provide support in many ways [10].

3.3 Bring into Play the Advantages of Tourism Industry Agglomeration

and Development, and Innovate Tourism Form and Products
There are abundant industrial sites in Hubei, ranging from ancient industrial smelting
sites of Tonglushan ancient copper mine to modern national industrial sites of
Hanyiping, Hanyang arsenal, Huaxin cement, to modern industrial old workshop of
Wuhan Iron and Steel Company, Huangshi National Mine Park, Dongfeng 1969
automobile industry factory, etc. with complete time sequence and various types. In
recent years, Hubei has successfully held a number of tourism festivals with local
characteristics, creating tourism festival brand, such as the 2017 Xiangyang Zhuge
Liang Cultural Tourism Festival, Wuchangyu International Cultural Tourism Festival,
Liangzihu Fishing Tourism Festival, Red Cliff Cultural Festival and so on. It enriches
the overall development of tourism + industry, tourism + culture, tourism + agricul-
ture, tourism + sports and other industries in Hubei Province, and plays an important
role in building a new brand of tourism in the whole region.
We should seize the development opportunity of “Internet+”, innovate regional
tourism development mode, and enhance the competitiveness of regional tourism
industry. One is to actively promote the construction of tourism information platform,
improve tourism infrastructure, build intelligent tourism network, and improve the
quality of tourism services. Secondly, we should strengthen regional cooperation
within the province and expand the diffusion effect of tourism clusters in southern
Anhui and Wanjiang urban belts. At the same time, we should make full use of the big
data platform of the Internet, monitor and study the dynamic demand of consumers in
real time, design and develop a series of tourism products, guide passenger flow
rationally, and optimize the supply structure of tourism products. Three is to vigorously
develop the “Internet + tourism” O2O mode, through the Internet platform compre-
hensive marketing of Hubei cultural tourism. Especially in northern Anhui, where the
tourism popularity is low, we should strengthen the tourism promotion, innovate the
tourism marketing mode and promote the balanced development of tourism by means
of online publicity and offline experience.

3.4 Improve the Level of Service, Pay Attention to Tourists’ Experience,

and Cultivate Tourist Agglomeration Areas
With the change of tourists from scenic spots to global tourism, some business circles
have become important places for tourism. Quality and personalized catering and
accommodation have become an important carrier to attract tourists. For example,
residential products are especially welcomed by urban white-collar workers and small
capitalists. Their high cost-effective, private and unique services are more in line with
Development of Cultural Tourism Industry Agglomeration in Hubei Province 775

the personalized accommodation needs of family trips, friends gathering and other
people for more than a few days. Hubei Province is rich in tourism resources, but lacks
of design and integration. We should make full use of the gathering advantages of
cultural tourism industry, integrate the advantages of resources, design products
according to the elements of cultural tourism, enhance tourists’ experience, dig deep
into the tourist market, base on the Middle Triangle, expand nationwide and world-
wide, and constantly enhance the influence of cultural tourism in Hubei Province. The
development of cultural tourism agglomeration based on the concept of global tourism
calls for further strengthening infrastructure construction, improving industry man-
agement level, and strengthening the construction of talent team, so as to provide
tourists with the best service.

4 Conclusion

In a word, in the leap-forward development process of Hubei Province from a big

tourism province to a strong tourism province, on the one hand, we should pay
attention to the calculation and promotion of the level of cultural tourism industry
cluster, and we should pay attention to the effective analysis and improvement of the
structure of cultural tourism industry cluster; on the other hand, we should also pay
attention to the important role of cluster development in the adjustment of tourism
industry structure and the promotion of regional economic development. This paper
intends to grasp the inherent economic law of tourism industry development, combine
with the actual situation of tourism development in Hubei Province, rationally carry out
the layout of regional tourism industry, deal with the internal relationship between
industrial agglomeration and diffusion, and promote the process of cultural tourism
industry cluster in Hubei Province in an orderly way.

Acknowledgements. This research was financially supported by the Humanities and social
science research project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education. ([2017] No. 3 Document,
17G080) One of the research results of Humanities and social science research project of Hubei
Provincial Department of Education “The Agglomeration of Cultural Tourism Industry in Hubei
Province and the Research of its Competitiveness”.

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Effect of Medical Insurance on Subjective
Well-Being of the Elderly in China

Xue Chen(&)

Shanghai University, ShangDa Road No. 99, Shanghai, China


Abstract. Medical Insurance has a great value of improving the happiness of

residents. China’s aging population is becoming more and more serious in
recent decades, the medical dividends have attracted the social attention.
Therefore, there exists real significance to concern the effect of medical insur-
ance on the subjective well-being of the elderly. This paper intends to use the
data from CGSS (2012, 2013, 2015) to focus on the effect of Social Medical
Insurance and Commercial Medical Insurance on the elderly, simultaneously
divided into the Urban and Rural samples. Results from The Ordered-Probit
model show that the happiness of the elderly who have participated in Social
Medical Insurance will increase by 10.27%, on other hand, Commercial Medical
Insurance has a positive effect on the happiness of the elderly, but it is not
significant with the level of 10%.

Keywords: The elderly  Medical insurance  Subjective well-being 

Ordered probit

1 Introduction

Playing a very indispensable role in social security system, Medical Insurance has great
significance for burdening the medical risks between urban and rural residents and
improving the level of national health in China. As is known that health is increasingly
becoming the goal of people’s life, China’s medical insurance is constantly under
reformed and improved [1]. Under the gradually server aging population, our gov-
ernment and policy makers should launch the “Medical Care” program for the elderly
which is the same as in USA, shifting attention from administration concerned to this
special group. The actual difficulty and urgent need of the elderly should be taken into
account on insurance system and medical subsidies, so that the elderly can obtain
greater medical services and obtain a more happy life [2].
Medical Insurance has a great value of improving the happiness of residents.
Subjective Well-being (SWB) is an evaluation of the overall condition of one’s living
conditions based on subjective internal standards, and is an emotional judgment of the
individual’s inner life satisfaction [3]. Subjective Well-being (SWB) is an important
comprehensive psychological indicator for measuring people’s quality of life, with
positive emotions, life satisfaction and negative emotional experiences included. It is
based on the individual’s overall evaluation of their own lives, which is the highest
interest and ultimate motivation of human event.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 777–784, 2019.
778 X. Chen

In recent years, the sense of happiness in China has a dilemma of “stagnation of

happiness”, that is, an unbalance exists between happiness and economic growth. And
there has been a stagnation and decline in happiness [4], which has become a shining
focus of many scholars. Since the administration have emphasized more on social
livelihood issues, the promotion of residents’ happiness is attributed with many local
development indicators [5]. But from the perspective of social security and social
welfare, the research, especially on the effect of social insurance programs on Sub-
jective Well-being, are rare.
Combing the existing literature [6–9], we find that they almost study the state and
extent of the impact of welfare on residents’ happiness with wide-area and thick-line.
As for the study on the impact of medical insurance for residents’ Subjective Well-
being (SWB) is few, when they focus on the elderly. Accounting for the existing study,
this study will give more idea on the happiness effect of the medical insurance of the

2 Data Source and Variable Settings

2.1 A Data Source

This paper employ datasets concerning 2012, 2013 and 2015, coming from China
General Social Survey project. With the missing values and the abnormal answers
excluded 9,329 valid observations are obtained.

2.2 Variable Selection and Description

2.2.1 Dependent Variable
The explained variable this paper used is residents’ happiness, which is a sequenced
variable. All of sample, the elderly feel happy in average, and the average score of
Subjective Well-being is 3.86. Among them, the mean value of Subjective Well-being
is 3.92 in urban, and in rural is 3.80.

2.2.2 Core Independent Variables

Two core explanatory variables, social medical insurance and commercial medical
insurance, respectively come from two questions in questionnaire: “Whether to par-
ticipate in urban basic medical insurance/new rural cooperative medical insurance” and
“whether to participate in commercial medical insurance”. We define any variable of
them by a binary discrete value that if one participates in medical insurance. From the
sample we used we can get one who participate in social medical insurance are 8288,
accounting for 88.4%; however, one participate commercial medical insurance are only
355, and with a ratio of 3.81% (Fig. 2).
Effect of Medical Insurance on Subjective Well-Being of the Elderly in China 779

Fig. 1. Participating in social medical insurance

Fig. 2. Participating in commercial medical insurance.

2.2.3 Other Control Variables

Other control variables consist of the gender, age, marriage, ethnicity, party, religion,
hukou, health, number of children, socio-economic status, and other social factors
including social trust and social justice. Among them, the socio-economic status is
divided into absolute indicators and relative indicators. The absolute indicators include
780 X. Chen

status of education, per capita annual household income in logarithmic form and
numbers of properties. Where, the education level is divided into 4 groups, respectively
illiterate, primary, secondary and high school, junior college and above. Relative
indicators comes from the question: “what is the local economic status of your family?”
“Compared with three years ago, your socioeconomic status is?” and “On your situ-
ation, you would imagine that your life outperforms a normal person’s life?”

3 Model Construction and Empirical Analysis

3.1 Model Construction

We may construct the following formula in convenience, where happy represents the
subjective well-being of residents, med represents social medical insurance, commed
indicates commercial medical insurance, X is a matrix of control variables that would
affect residents’ subjective well-being, including religion, gender, ethnicity, hukou,
age, etc., b1, b2 and Z is the estimated partial coefficient vector or matrix respectively.
u is the random error term.

happy ¼ b1 med þ b2 commed þ ZX þ u ð1Þ

3.2 Empirical Analysis

Since the subjective well-being is an ordered selection variable, ordered-probit model is
employed in STATA statistical software to assess the effect of medical insurance on the
well-being of the elderly and the difference between urban population and rural pop-
ulation. Marginal effects analysis of medical insurance would be given for further

3.2.1 Analysis of the Difference on Medical Insurance Between Urban

and Rural Areas
Both of Social Medical Insurance and Commercial Medical Insurance are the necessary
ingredients in China’s medical insurance system. We will inspect effect of them
respectively on subjective well-being of the elderly. Differences between urban and
rural are in further step analysis. These two variables are placed in equation simulta-
neously. The results estimated by STATA software are shown in Table 1 below.
You may quickly shift all your eyes to Social Medical Insurance, it has a significant
positive correlation with the Subjective Well-being of the elderly in total sample, and
the happiness of participating in Social Medical Insurance will increase by 10.27%
(e0.0978 − 1). However, there exists difference in urban and rural. The elderly who take
part in the China’s New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance will feel more happy and
is significant at level of 1%, which is seemingly that china’s reform of this kind of
medical insurance is effective. Based on Zhang et al. research, that new rural coop-
erative medical insurance do reduce the happiness of migrant workers, indicating that
with the constant increase in New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance coverage, rural
residents will get more and more safeguard in medical consumption [10]. In urban
Effect of Medical Insurance on Subjective Well-Being of the Elderly in China 781

areas, although the effect of participating in Social Medical Insurance is positive, but
insignificant. This may be due to the high density of urban population, making medical
resources server scarce in relative. It shows most people can’t afford their medical bills
and hard to schedule an appointment with a doctor.
As for Commercial Medical Insurance, subject well-being is roughly positive to the
elderly, whether in total sample or in urban-rural sample, but these two are not sig-
nificant even though at the level of 10%. Reason maybe that China’s Commercial

Table 1. Estimated effect of medical insurance on SWB of the elderly

Variables (1) Total (2) Urban (3) Rural
Partial coef. S.D. Partial coef. S.D. Partial coef. S.D.
Hukou 0.044 0.031 – – – –
Lavgfinc 0.066*** 0.013 0.109*** 0.026 0.046*** 0.015
Gender −0.171*** 0.027 −0.188*** 0.039 −0.162*** 0.037
Age 0.074*** 0.023 0.043 0.032 0.110*** 0.034
Agesq −0.045*** 0.017 −0.021 0.023 −0.073*** 0.024
Marriage 0.174*** 0.031 0.232*** 0.044 0.117*** 0.042
Party 0.143*** 0.037 0.161*** 0.045 0.086 0.072
Ethnicity −0.042 0.048 −0.137 0.085 0.007 0.059
Religion −0.078** 0.037 −0.064 0.055 −0.084 0.051
Children_num 0.036*** 0.010 0.054*** 0.018 0.027** 0.012
Med 0.098** 0.040 0.031 0.063 0.142*** 0.052
Commed 0.055 0.065 0.050 0.075 0.037 0.140
Housing_num 0.109*** 0.026 0.089** 0.037 0.132*** 0.033
Primary 0.138*** 0.031 0.111* 0.061 0.143*** 0.037
Second_and_High 0.132*** 0.048 0.076 0.071 0.261*** 0.099
College 0.121** 0.060 0.059 0.081 0.135 0.413
Health 0.289*** 0.062 0.449*** 0.103 0.209*** 0.077
Health_up 0.861*** 0.075 1.064*** 0.118 0.747*** 0.098
Ecostatus 0.383*** 0.031 0.413*** 0.044 0.361*** 0.043
Ecostatus_3year_ −0.052* 0.029 −0.040 0.043 −0.078* 0.041
Ecostatus_3year_up 0.126*** 0.044 0.140** 0.065 0.103* 0.062
Feco 0.564*** 0.055 0.584*** 0.100 0.558*** 0.065
Feco_up 1.096*** 0.222 1.199*** 0.230 0.884** 0.437
Trust 0.160* 0.093 0.204 0.124 0.080 0.142
Trust_up 0.738*** 0.104 0.827*** 0.142 0.625*** 0.156
Fair 0.524*** 0.063 0.479*** 0.081 0.574*** 0.104
Fair_up 1.674*** 0.097 1.701*** 0.147 1.701*** 0.139
Year_2013 −0.116*** 0.034 −0.207*** 0.047 −0.027 0.050
Year_2015 0.088*** 0.032 −0.011 0.044 0.204*** 0.047
Observations 9,329 4,514 4,815
Pseudo R-squared 0.100 0.100 0.101
Log likelihood −9,644 −4,537 −5,079
782 X. Chen

Medical Insurance is under initial stage. And people feel that it is costly to purchase
commercial medical insurance, resulting in limited number of people buying com-
mercial medical insurance. Moreover, companies in China are not willing to purchase
commercial medical insurance for employees now. The fact that older people may be
indifferent with the concept of Commercial Medical Insurance and thus likely to reject
it should be concerned.

3.2.2 Analysis of the Marginal Effect of Medical Insurance

Taking the marginal effect into account, since the value of happiness ranges from 1 to
5, higher values indicate that people get more happiness, and the probability under
different degree of happiness with ordered-probit model is as follow:

P1 ¼ Pðhappy ¼ 1 j xÞ ¼ PðXb þ u  a1 j xÞ ¼ Uða1  XbÞ ð2Þ

Pk ¼ Pðhappy ¼ k j xÞ ¼ Uðak  XbÞ  Uðak1  XbÞ; k ¼ 2; 3; 4 ð3Þ

P5 ¼ Pðhappy ¼ 5 j xÞ ¼ 1  Uða4  XbÞ ð4Þ

where, ak represents the truncation point, Ф(•) is the cumulative standard normal
distribution function, and u(•) is the corresponding standard normal distribution
probability density function.
Thus, the marginal effect of medical insurance on the Subjective Well-being of the
elderly in China is estimated by the following formula, social insurance maybe an
example as follow:

ð@P1 Þ=@med ¼ bmed  uða1  XbÞ ð5Þ

ð@Pk Þ=@med ¼ bmed  ½uðak1  XbÞ  uðak  XbÞ; k ¼ 2; 3; 4 ð6Þ

ð@P5 Þ=@med ¼ bmed  uða4  XbÞ ð7Þ

It can be seen from the empirical results that both Social Medical Insurance and
Commercial Medical Insurance have positive effects on Subjective Well-being. With
the marginal effect estimation results taking on following, participation in Social
Medical Insurance can increase the probability of “more happy” and “very happy” for
the elderly by 3.36% and 0.45% respectively. Participating in Commercial Medical
Insurance can increase the probability of “more happy” and “very happy” for the
elderly by 2.03% and 0.24%, respectively. In summary, compared with Commercial
Medical Insurance, Social Medical Insurance manifests more significant effect on the
Subjective Well-being of the elderly, and is easily to improve the Subjective Well-
being of the elderly.
The above two types of medical insurance have different effect on the Subjective
Well-being of the elderly in China. First, the participation rate of Social Medical
Insurance is much higher than that of Commercial Medical Insurance. It is seen in
Fig. 1, the probability of participating in Social Medical Insurance for the elderly is
88.84%, and the probability of participating in Commercial Medical Insurance is only
3.81%, indicating that the number of people owning Social Medical Insurance to a
Effect of Medical Insurance on Subjective Well-Being of the Elderly in China 783

certain extent is greater than the number of people receiving Commercial Medical
Insurance, and in parallel, Social Medical Insurance has a greater impact on happiness
than Commercial Medical Insurance in whole. Second, the attributes and basic role of
Social Medical Insurance and Commercial Medical Insurance are different. Social
Medical Insurance is a non-profit welfare. When residents are in sickness, Social
Medical Insurance institutions provide appropriate subsidies or reimbursement for the
medical expenses they need. This may serve as a great guarantee for people who are
wrapped in basic medical necessities, which can relieve the worries of workers and
maintain peace and stability in society. Commercial Medical Insurance is a kind of
corporate behavior that pursues profits. People should afford all insurance premiums by
themselves. When economic insurers suffer accidents or diseases, they can get part
economic compensation from insurance corporations. This can only reduce the
insurers’ certain losses and cannot give them the safeguard of its basic life, besides it
does not have the function of maintaining social justice. Therefore, compared with
Commercial Medical Insurance, Social Medical Insurance can provide basic living
necessity and medical benefits for a wider group, maintaining social equity and justice,
and thus promoting people’s Subjective Well-being (Table 2).

Table 2. Marginal effect of social medical insurance and commercial medical insurance on
subjective well-being of the elderly
Very unhappy Less happy Medium More happy Very happy
Med −0.0146*** −0.0194*** −0.0041*** 0.0336*** 0.0045***
(0.0012) (0.0002) (0.0015) (0.0004) (0.0006)
ComMed −0.0094*** −0.0117*** −0.0018*** 0.0203*** 0.0024***
(0.0004) (0.0001) (0.0005) (0.0001) (0.0002)

4 Conclusion

This paper employ datasets from China General Social Survey concerning 2012, 2013
and 2015 to analyze the relationship between medical insurance and the happiness of
the elderly and the gap between urban and rural areas. We further analyze the marginal
effects of Social Medical Insurance and Commercial Medical Insurance on Subjective
Underlying the empirical research above, conclusions would be drawn: First, Social
Medical Insurance exerts great active effect on the well-being of the elderly. Rural
elderly people who participate in Social Medical Insurance are more likely to feel
happy, but the effect on urban elderly is not obvious. Commercial Medical Insurance
should enhance the sense of happiness to the elderly, but results are not significant
because it is not widely used. Secondly, the marginal effects of these two medical
insurances show that they affect the happiness of the elderly at the 1% confidence level
significantly. Participating in Social Medical Insurance can make the probability of
being “more happy” and “very happy” for the elderly in our country increase by 3.36%
and 0.45%, respectively. Commercial Medical Insurance significantly affects the well-
784 X. Chen

being of the elderly at the 1% confidence level. Participating in Commercial Medical

Insurance can increase the probability of “more happy” and “very happy” among the
elderly in China by 2.03% and 0.24%, respectively. Social Medical Insurance affects
the happiness of the elderly more than Commercial Medical Insurance.
This paper argues that medical insurance mainly improves people’s Subjective
Well-being in the following ways: Firstly, when people encounter with diseases and
economic difficulties, medical insurance can provide direct material support to alleviate
people’s economic burden and improve their subjective well-being. Secondly, medical
insurance, social medical insurance in special, taking on a great value in social security,
functioning as a tool of “safety valve” and enhancing equity in society. This should
strengthen the sense of security and well-being of the residents. Finally, Social Medical
Insurance is a welfare which can redistribute social wealth and guarantee people’s basic
life, thereby improving overall social happiness.
For Further analysis, China should realize that it is an important aim to establish a
more healthy medical insurance industry and achieve a goal of country’s deepening
reform. First, we appeal to reforming medical insurance continuously to further the step
both in urban and rural. Secondly, we will speed up the optimization of China’s medical
insurance structure, so that Social Medical Insurance should cooperate with Commercial
Medical Insurance to coordinate development and mutual promotion in medical secu-
rity, and finally build a medical security system that will make the elderly more happy.

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well-being. World Agric 3:56–62 (in Chinese)
Design and Implementation of Small Variable
Flow Electromagnetic Pump Control System

Ya-li Ma1(&) and Xue-yi Wang2

Jilin Teachers’ Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Changchun 130052, China
Changchun Colored Oriental Casting Ltd., Changchun 130000, China

Abstract. The application of MCS-51 SCM in the small electromagnetic pump

is introduced in this paper, with detailed explanation of its working principle.
The hardware configuration and software design in the control system also is
presented. The experimental results show that stepless flow regulation can be
achieved by adjusting the voltage or frequency of the electromagnetic pump
pulsating power supply.

Keywords: Electromagnetic pump  Control system  SCM

1 Introduction

For a long time, the pump shaft seal leakage has been puzzling the pump research
designers, manufacturers and users. The phenomena of air running, water drip, liquid
drip, and liquid leakage not only causes great economic loss, but also pollutes the
environment and wastes resources. Some media can also cause combustion, explosion,
poison and other major accidents. As a result of not using bearings, the electromagnetic
pump could not solve the problem of shaft seal leakage.
The proposed electromagnetic pump is a well-developed and widely used pump
product. Instead of using the motor to drive the gear or the crank linkage mechanism, it
directly uses the electromagnetic force generated in the energizing solenoid to drive the
plunger to reciprocate linearly to draw in and discharge the liquid. Through the anal-
ysis, it can be concluded that the electromagnetic pump control system should meet the
following four requirements:
1. Capable of outputting pulsating DC power with adjustable frequency and voltage
(duty cycle).
2. Its frequency is continuously adjustable within the range of 0–100 Hz, and the duty
cycle is continuously adjustable within the range of 10–90%.
3. Accurately displaying the frequency and duty cycle.
4. Its structural size is minimized.
In this paper, the control system implemented by MCS-51 SCM can meet the above

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 785–790, 2019.
786 Y. Ma and X. Wang

2 Flow Regulation Principle for Electromagnetic Pump

The electromagnetic pump’s flow Q depends on two factors. One factor is the piston’s
reciprocating frequency f; the other factor is the volume V of the liquid discharged by
each of piston’s reciprocating stroke. The volume of liquid discharged each time is
determined by the diameter d and stroke length of the piston. Expressed as:

Q ¼ 60fV ¼ 0:015pd 2df

Q - The flow rate of the pump output, in ml/min

f - Piston reciprocating frequency, in 1/s
V - Volume of liquid discharged each time, in ml
d - Piston diameter, in mm
d - Piston reciprocating stroke length, in mm.
To adjust the flow rate Q, the stroke length d and the reciprocating frequency f of
the piston can be adjusted. The reciprocating frequency of the piston is equal to the
frequency of periodic exciting force (electromagnetic attraction). The reciprocating
frequency of the piston is equal to the frequency of the periodic excitation force
(electromagnetic suction). The frequency of electromagnetic force depends on the
frequency of the power supply. The reciprocating stroke length of the piston is not only
related to its own structure, but also related to the frequency of its reciprocating motion,
that is, to the frequency of the power supply of the electromagnetic coil. Therefore, the
voltage (duty cycle) or frequency of the power supply can be adjusted to change the
output flow Q of the pump. Since it is easy to achieve continuous adjustment over the
frequency and voltage (duty cycle) of the power supply, the flow rate of the pump can
implement stepless adjustment.

3 Hardware Design of Control System

3.1 Overall Block Diagram of Control System
The overall block diagram of the control system is shown in Fig. 1. The entire control
system consists of six parts, including the power supply, keyboard, display section, SCM
control section, photoelectric coupling driver and electromagnetic pump driver [1].

Display SCM Output Optical Drive Electrom

AT89C2051 Isolation agnetic
Couplin Pump

Power Supply 1 Power Supply 2

Fig. 1. Overall block diagram of control system

Design and Implementation of Small Variable Flow 787

3.2 Schematic Circuit Diagram for Control System

In Fig. 2, the schematic circuit diagram for the control system is given. The top left is
the AT89C2051 SCM [2], which operates at +5 V, is supplied via the power supply
circuit below, and accessed by 20 pins (Fig. 2).
Design of Power Circuit. The lower part of the figure is the schematic diagram of
the power supply circuit. The +18 V voltage is to power TLP250, +5 V voltage is to
power SCM, and the 220 V voltage output on the right is to power the electromagnetic
Design of SCM Reset Circuit. Pin 1 is RESET (the reset signal input terminal),
which is active high. When the SCM is running, the reset operation can be completed
by adding high power to this pin with a duration longer than two machine cycles.
When SCM is working normally, this pin should be at a low level of 0.5 V. As long as
this pin is connected with a 10 lf capacitor and a 20 k resistor, the reset function can
be achieved.
Design of SCM Clock Circuit. Pins 4 and 5 are XTAL2 and XTAL1, which are
clock pins; XTAL1 and XTAL2 external crystals and on-chip inverting amplifiers
together form an oscillator that provides the clock control signal for SCM. The fre-
quency of external crystal is 12 MHz, so one machine cycle shall be 1 ls.
Design of SCM Keyboard. P1.0, P1.1, P1.2, and P1.3 are connected to four keys
S1, S2, S3, and S4. The keys of S1, S2, S3, and S4 are control keys for increasing and
decreasing the frequency and duty cycles, respectively. These four keys are simulta-
neously connected to the grounding terminal. The four capacitors C36, C37, C38 and
C39 are connected in parallel with the four keys S1, S2, S3 and S4 and play the role of
filtering. When one of the four keys is pressed, the key will be connected to the
grounding terminal, and a low level will appear at the corresponding pin. SCM can
know what operation will be carried out by reading the state of P1 port, so as to realize
continuous adjustment of flow rate [3]. If P1.0 is at low level, it shall be a frequency
increase command. SCM implements the corresponding control by adjusting the fre-
quency increase program.
Design of Drive Circuit. P3.4 and P3.5 are connected to two TLP250s in series,
respectively. These four TLP250s constitute the driver for the power amplifier IGBT.
The reasons for choosing a TLP250 driver are as follows: The isolation voltage of the
built-in optical coupler can be up to 2500 V; their rise and fall times are less than
0.5 ls; the output current can reach 0.5 A, which can directly drive the IGBT within
50 A/1200 V. When it is coupled with push-pull transistor amplifier, it can drive IGBT
with a larger current capacity [4]. The drive composed of TLP250 is characterized by
small volume and low cost, so it is ideal for IGBT drives without over-current pro-
tection. The working voltage of TLP250 is +18 V, which is provided by the rectifi-
cation circuit below. The breakdown voltage of each voltage regulator tube is +18 V.
When the voltage is higher than +18 V, the voltage regulator tube is broken down to
protect IGBT.
Design of Display Circuit. In SCM systems, LED digital displays are often used to
display various numbers or symbols [5]. Due to its clear display, high brightness, low
voltage and long service life, it has a very wide application range.
788 Y. Ma and X. Wang

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram for electromagnetic pump control system

The display circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 3. In the figure, four pieces of
74LS164 are connected in series, and the clock terminals are connected together. When
8 pulses are input, the data output from the SCMRXD terminal enters the first 74LS164
[6]. When the second 8 pulses arrive, the data enters the second 74LS164, and the new
data enters the first 74LS164. Then, when the fourth 8 pulses are completed, the first
sent data is sent to the leftmost 74LS164. Other data will be appeared in the first,
second and third pieces of 74LS164. The two pieces on the left are used to display the
frequency, and the two on the right are used to display the duty cycle [7].
The designs of reset circuit, clock circuit, display circuit and keyboard related to
SCM are described above. The output frequency of P3.4 and P3.5 of AT89C2051 is
0–100 Hz, and the duty cycle is within the 10–90% continuously adjustable rectangular
wave control pulse.
Design and Implementation of Small Variable Flow 789

Fig. 3. Display circuit diagram

System Initialization

Keyboard Blanking Program

Frequency Conversion

Display Program

Waveform Generator

Keyboard Program

Fig. 4. Overall block diagram for control program

790 Y. Ma and X. Wang

4 Software Design for Control System

4.1 Functions Implemented by the Control Program
The control program for SCM must meet the following two requirements:
The first is the continuously adjustable rectangular wave control pulse of the output
frequency and the duty cycle; the second is the value of the display frequency and the
duty cycle [8].

4.2 SCM Main Program Flow Chart

The electromagnetic pump control program is mainly designed to use the P3.5 and P3.4
of SCM89C2051 [9], so as to control the working voltage (duty cycle) and working
frequency of the electromagnetic pump, as well as P1.4, P1.5, P1.6 and P1.7 control
keyboard. [10] The system block diagram is shown in Fig. 4.

5 Conclusions

The control system of the small flow electromagnetic pump described not only greatly
reduces the size and weight of the entire control system, but also realizes the
automation of the control system, which is very simple to apply. It has been experi-
mentally verified that the frequency and duty cycle can be continuously adjusted, which
meets the design requirements.

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4. EL-Genk MS, Paramonov DV (1994) Integrated model of the TOPAZ-II electromagnetic
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and thermoelectric modules based on the peltier effect
Confucian People-Oriented Management—
Wal-Mart as an Example

Yigao Lv(&)

School of Economics and Management,

Liming Vocational University, Quanzhou 362000, Fujian, China

Abstract. Wal-Mart is a well-known chain enterprise and a giant in the retail

industry. A good company needs scientific management. Wal-Mart’s corporate
culture and people-oriented management are very important in business man-
agement. The people-oriented management idea is mainly to manage people and
customers. Employees are a strong team of the company. The success of the
company requires the participation of solidarity and excellent employees. The
company strictly manages employees and becomes qualified managers, so that
employees and enterprises can make progress together.

Keywords: Human management  Employees  Enterprise

1 The Way People Manage

The most important way to manage is the management of people. Enterprises mainly
manage people and customers. The development of human resources in enterprises is
mainly to improve the enthusiasm of employees, so that people can be fully and freely
developed. It is mainly the method of managing people, and the role of talents is the
goal pursued by people-oriented management. “Human-based management should start
with human resources development and maximize utility. Human-centered manage-
ment is the “man” as the core of management in management activities.” [1].

1.1 Talent Management

The first capital of an enterprise is talent, and a successful enterprise will pay attention
to talents. In any enterprise, managers must change their minds, break the mistakes of
traditional human ideology, correct errors in the selection of talents, and add devel-
opment talents to their business plans. With the development of technology, compe-
tition is very strong, and talent is the competition for products and technology.
Knowledge talents are experts with special skills and special skills who create new
things for the company. The key to the success of many companies today is to use
knowledgeable talents. Talents and managers must cooperate with each other and they
have their own obligations. Both are indispensable.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 791–798, 2019.
792 Y. Lv

1.2 Selection of Personnel

Only when companies choose excellent talents can they get good talents. Companies
need to spend time picking the best employees and not saving money on their
employees. Recruitment staff can choose through written test and interview methods,
not just the first impression. Managers must take the risks of recruiting, and companies
will not recruit people because they are afraid. Investigating candidates through
resumes and other information, can not rely on personal judgment, refer to other
people’s opinions, and finally make decisions. Good employees are easy for managers
to work with and easy to get along with customers. “Selecting talents must consider the
overall strategic planning and requirements of enterprise management. This is the
fundamental factor for exerting the maximum effect of enterprises. The basic principles
for selecting and hiring talents are open competition principles, the principle of
employing people, the principle of selecting appropriate conditions, and paying
attention to The principle of potential.” [2] Recruit talents while meeting these prin-
ciples. When you are facing the assessment of new employees, you can test your ability
during the probation period, or you can use scientific methods to test. At the same time,
we must also examine the quality of all aspects of talent. Enterprises must be a fair,
open and fair recruitment.

1.3 Personnel Match

No one is perfect, any talent, there are strengths and shortcomings. You can’t just see
the strengths and ignore the shortcomings, which is very wrong. Enterprises must
rationally allocate jobs and talents. Enterprises should teach students in accordance
with their aptitude and better plan their human resources. The matching of people and
posts has improved labor efficiency and effectively completed the goal of work. Pro-
vide the corresponding positions for talented people, and also determine the best match
by the results of the job performance after the job. Each position should also cooperate
with each other and play their respective roles as much as possible.

1.4 Incentive Measures

The enterprise provides an incentive for employees to work harder, and it is also
helpful for employees’ future career development. Let employees have a strong sense
of collective honor, and motivate them to consciously maintain the collective, so that
the collective can succeed. Inspire employees’ attitude towards work and actively
participate in their work. Enterprises must let employees be full of hope, and employees
will naturally feel that they have a sense of responsibility, and enthusiasm will be
stimulated. Managers should give different incentives to each employee and affirm their
contribution. By expanding the content of the work, work is a factor of motivation.
Managers should also pay attention to their own words and deeds, which will also
affect the enthusiasm of employees. Incentives and incentives for employees, work,
life, and political attention, thus motivating subordinates.
Confucian People-Oriented Management—Wal-Mart as an Example 793

1.5 Critical Skills

Managers should not only praise employees, but also criticize them. Commendation is
an affirmation of the work of employees, and criticism is to raise questions about
employees. The purpose of criticism is to let employees recognize their mistakes and
correct them. Criticism is also a method. Criticism with methods can motivate
employees. With a slight hint, let him reflect on his own mistakes, and can also tell him
how to do it through suggestions, which can make him feel respected and aware of his
own mistakes. When you criticize employees, you need to understand the situation and
grasp the weight of the words. Managers should pay attention to the image when
criticizing, don’t be tempted, and deal with the problem calmly. When you find a
problem, you should promptly criticize it. If you don’t let only more and more mis-
takes, criticism can help those who are criticized and correct mistakes. There are many
ways to criticize, and the sandwich-style criticism method is very good.

1.6 Performance Review

An important part of business management is the regular review of performance. The
assessment of performance is also an objective and fair assessment of employees,
which is related to the development of enterprises and employees. The formal
assessment system allows employees to know how their performance is. To make the
goals of the employees and the company consistent, it is necessary to set the content of
the assessment during the assessment. It includes assessment of employee work results
and abilities, assessment of work attitudes and job potential. There are also many
methods of assessment, such as behavior observation method, weighted selection scale
method and so on. In the assessment, each method will have an error in the assessment.
The company should reduce the error as much as possible and improve the credibility
and validity of the assessment.

1.7 Compensation Management

Salary is a material reward for employee compensation. High efficiency, high wages,
and high wages can motivate employees’ work enthusiasm. Generally, the efficiency of
the enterprise has increased, and the profit has increased, so that there will be higher
wages. Reasonable management of compensation, indirectly to improve the enthusiasm
of employees. The management of compensation must also vary from person to person.
The salary of senior management personnel is not the same as that of general man-
agement personnel. The salary levels at different levels are also different. Managing the
salary can improve the efficiency of the staff and control the cost of labor. The salary is
paid according to a certain level, and the employees are motivated to improve their
level through continuous efforts. Wages are also tied to the performance of employees,
performance has improved, and wages will rise.
794 Y. Lv

2 How Wal-Mart Manages Through Humanistic Thinking

Wal-Mart respects customers, has high efficiency, and respects everyone in the com-
pany, and identifies all people-oriented principles. “Wal-Mart focuses on the encour-
agement of employees, attaches importance to the development of employees’
potential, attaches importance to the cultivation of employees’ quality, attaches
importance to the establishment of each employee, and attaches importance to estab-
lishing a harmonious atmosphere within the company. I feel that I am an important
member of the company. In the company, it is like being in a big family.” [3] Wal-
Mart’s humanistic management thoughts permeate the operation and management of
enterprises and strengthen the cohesiveness between employees and enterprises.
Wal-Mart’s founders and employees have a very good relationship, and he will
discuss issues with employees and inform their employees about their ideas. This
relationship is called “public servant leadership.” “Wal-Mart’s leadership is to serve
every employee, to guide, support, care for, and encourage them to work, creating
opportunities for their success. “Public servants” are not sitting at the desk and giving
orders. Instead, it implements “walking” management.” [4] It is the most important
thing for employees to communicate. Wal-Mart’s managers implement “walking
management”, they will talk face-to-face with employees directly to solve problems. In
the case of employee relations, it is through incentives. If you do well, you will be
praised. Managers will communicate with employees, and the company will save time
in communication through communication. The employee relationship is mainly Wal-
Mart’s information sharing and responsibility sharing, which makes employees
responsible and involved. Wal-Mart’s merchandise management information is pub-
licly released, so that every employee can see the information. They believe that this
kind of information sharing is a big plus. The Wal-Mart employees can express their
opinions and express their opinions. Moreover, the company can pay attention to it, and
employees can not only express their ideas but also vent their dissatisfaction.

2.1 Recruiting Excellent Employees

Wal-Mart has had more than 100,000 employees since its establishment, and has strict
requirements for employee recruitment. It will provide employees with a future pro-
motion direction, giving attractive benefits and compensation. The United States
advocates a free employment, that is, the time of labor is not certain, the two sides can
terminate the labor relationship at any time, and do not have to bear legal responsibility.
Some companies in the United States use the test record when recruiting personnel.
Wal-Mart’s recruitment of personnel is based on the ability to recruit people from all
over the world. It treats everyone equally and does not suffer from malpractice. Each
candidate must be assessed for basic skills and interviews. Only through scientific and
accurate selection can you recruit the right talents.

2.2 Multi-faceted Wage Management

Wal-Mart attaches great importance to pay, and employees’ salaries are based on basic
wages, year-end bonuses and benefits. Wal-Mart’s salary is a joint contract between the
Confucian People-Oriented Management—Wal-Mart as an Example 795

laborers to reach a collective contract. The composition of employee wages is basic

salary and variable salary. The basic salary is the corresponding salary given by the
position, and the variable salary is the incentive and allowance benefits. Others are
additional medical insurance, year-end rewards, etc.

2.3 Stock and Performance Rewards

Many companies motivate employees through a variety of performance rewards. “At
Wal-Mart, there are incentives that are useful to employees. It includes profit sharing,
employee purchases of stocks, and depletion rewards. Profit sharing is guaranteed to
work for more than one year at Wal-Mart and one thousand hours of work per year.
Employees,” [5] can get a certain amount of dividends from the company’s profits
every year. Stock purchase means that employees can buy company stock at a price
less than 15% of the market price. “The loss award is to control theft by sharing the
company’s profit from the loss reduction with employees.” [6].

2.4 Post Promotion

At Wal-Mart, as long as the ability is good enough and the work done is good, it will be
promoted. When entering the company, people with high academic qualifications can
apply for high positions directly, not necessarily starting from the grassroots level. The
performance of the work can determine the speed of improvement.

2.5 Staff Training and Training

Staff training is an important aspect of enterprise manpower management. Now some
companies have specialized training institutions that can train and train employees
more professionally. Wal-Mart regularly conducts various related job trainings for its
employees, and has certain training from the initial entry to the subsequent promotion
stage. The training has a focus on learning courses and an experience.

2.6 Performance Appraisal Evaluation

Performance appraisal is of great help to the improvement of work. Through the
evaluation of performance, problems are found and problems are solved. Through
performance appraisal, the company examines the work effect of employees and dis-
cusses issues in a targeted manner. The salary system in which Wal-Mart employees
are linked to the performance of sales.

2.7 Customer Relationship Management

“Wal-Mart has always adhered to one principle: customer first, customer satisfaction.
Wal-Mart’s service has been doing very well,” [7] Wal-Mart strives to satisfy cus-
tomers. Wal-Mart faces customers with a smile and is called “smile service.” In the face
of customers, smiles will bring a happy shopping mood and indirectly increase the
customer’s desire to buy. At the same time, Wal-Mart’s store selection will also
796 Y. Lv

consider the surrounding environment and choose a convenient place for customers.
Wal-Mart will show its attitude towards customers in action, not just talk about it. Wal-
Mart will give customers a good shopping experience by taking the initiative to go
forward and provide goods through the store. The customer is God, this sentence is the
purpose of every retail industry. Only by giving customers a good shopping feeling can
they create opportunities for the next purchase. At Wal-Mart, if you don’t help because
you don’t have time, it’s not okay to treat customers like this. Wal-Mart has an
assessment of customer service and the results of the assessment are linked to rewards.
Performance indicators are based on customer service, and these are all evaluated. The
company’s requirements for employees are strictly on the customer’s service, and the
quality of the service determines the brand’s reputation. “Wal-Mart provides customers
with unconditional return commitments. It is not just a slogan. By implementing
“accessible return service”, it maintains the interests of customers, reflects the com-
pany’s “satisfying service” and allows customers to purchase products with confi-
dence.” [8].

3 Questionnaire Analysis of Employees’ Perceptions

of WAL-MART Management Style

This survey was conducted by sending employees to Wal-Mart and collecting data on
online surveys and some of the employees who visited Wal-Mart. The questionnaire
uses a single choice and multiple choices to answer questions. In order to be able to
successfully survey the questionnaire, we will consider many aspects when designing
the questionnaire to ensure the authenticity and validity of the questionnaire.
In the course of the investigation, 40 were actually issued and 30 were recovered.
After finishing the results, the fill rate of the 17 questionnaires was 100%, and the
multiple selection rate was 100%. The data was basically in line with common sense,
and the second-hand data was also used. Contrast to ensure that the general direction of
the questionnaire is authentic.

3.1 The Gender Composition of the Survey Sample

A total of 40 questionnaires were distributed in this survey, 30 questionnaires were
returned, and 30 valid questionnaires were used. Among the valid questionnaires
recovered, 70% were boys and 30% were girls.

3.2 The Composition of the Survey Sample

In the effective questionnaires recovered, it can be seen that the proportion of pro-
motion of low-level employees is the smallest, followed by general employees and
senior employees.
Confucian People-Oriented Management—Wal-Mart as an Example 797

4 Insufficient Human Resources of Wal-Mart

4.1 Discriminatory Gender
Mainly because of discrimination against women. Wal-Mart’s managers are rarely
women, basically responsible for comparatively basic jobs, and less promotion. After
the investigation, we can see that the same kind of work, women’s wages are generally
lower than men’s.

4.2 Opaque Promotion

Every year, Wal-Mart has changed a lot about its position, and it has not done a good
job in promoting this aspect. According to the survey data, many low-level employees
are not promoted, and many people want to leave the company. Only senior employees
have the opportunity to get promotion from their superiors. This form of promotion is
very unfair to employees.

4.3 Mandatory “Not Counting” Work

In the course of the operation of Wal-Mart, in order to profit, the company forced
employees to work in an untimely manner to avoid exceeding costs.

4.4 Most of the Employees Are Temporary Workers

“Wal-Mart considers employee costs as a core part of operations management. In order
to save costs, 80% of employees become temporary workers.” [9] In order to reduce
costs, Wal-Mart has done a lot of work on personnel costs.

5 The Solution to the Shortage of Human Resources

Companies must treat each employee fairly, without gender discrimination between
men and women, and pay equal treatment. A fair and transparent publicity is required
for the promotion of employees, and opportunities for promotion are provided to
employees at each level. “Company employees are not called employees, but are called
“partners.” [10] is concerned with the individual abilities of employees, and does not
determine whether employees are promoted because of the level. The company’s
working time system should be arranged reasonably and considered from the per-
spective of employees. Legitimate operations, rather than seeking benefits, reducing
costs, and squeezing employees, will be detrimental to the company’s future
798 Y. Lv

6 Conclusion

There is a saying that “there are always thousands of horses, and Bole does not often
have”, only companies that know how to develop can develop for a long time. Wal-
Mart regards talent cultivation and management as very important. It trains excellent
employees in a strict way, applies people-oriented management ideas in enterprise
management, and promotes enterprises to move in a better direction.

Acknowledgments. Fund Project: “KEI Leading Talents Selection of the” Fujian “Thirteen
Five” education planning project (FJJKCG16-508); research team-building project “Oriental
Management and Traditional Cultural Studies” (Lai [2014] No. 121 [LMTD2014112]).

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2. Shu T, Qiu Q (2015) Humanistic management - the strategy of developing the most valuable
resources of enterprises. Sichuan University Press, Chengdu, p 19
3. Zhong R (2013/2017) Wal-Mart: respect everyone [EB/OL]. http://www.eastobacco.com/
pub/web/tjlm/qywh_301/201307/T20130731_302660.html. Accessed 31 July 2013/20 Jan
4. Wal-Mart’s human resources strategy [EB/OL]. https://www.xzbu.com/3/view-12229373.
htm. Accessed 07 Jan 2017/22 Oct 2017
5. Zhao F (2006) Wal-Mart retail reality. Beijing University of Technology Press, Beijing, p 92
6. Diana L (2007) The world’s largest chain retailer: Wal-Mart. Shanghai University of Finance
and Economics Press, Shanghai, p 104
7. Ting VN (2013/2017) How Wal-Mart is satisfied with customers [EB/OL]. https://wenku.
baidu.com/viEw/1ed01d2dc5da50e2524d7fbc.html. Accessed 07 Dec 2013/22 Jan 2017
8. Chen T (2009) Wal-Mart’s most valuable eight management rules. China Textile Press,
Beijing, p 57
9. Cao G, Zhang S, Gu J (2005) Wal-Mart baise. China Business Press, Beijing, p 240
10. What are the characteristics of Wal-Mart’s human resources strategy [EB/OL]. https://
zhidao.baidu.com/question/2204043639026126748.html. Accessed 27 Nov 2017/30 Dec
Study on the Guidance of Marxist Dialectics
to the Cultivation of the Speculative Ability
of College Entrepreneurs

Guangping Yang(&)

School of Entrepreneurship, Wuhan University of Technology,

Wuhan 430070, China

Abstract. Speculative ability is to follow the scientific dialectics to understand

and analyze the problem. On this basis people can develop the ability to solve
practical problems creatively. The cultivation of speculative ability is the
common goal pursued by higher education in all countries and it is an important
way to cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial talents. Marx dialectics is full of
practical, critical and integral features. The application of Marx dialectics helps
university entrepreneurs to profoundly understand entrepreneurial behavior and
avoid entrepreneurial risks so as to improve entrepreneurial survival rate. How
to strengthen the cultivation of students’ speculative ability in combination with
Marx dialectic in college students’ entrepreneurial education is a very important

Keywords: Marx dialectics  Speculative ability  College students 


The cultivation of speculative ability is the common goal pursued by higher education
in all countries and it is an important way to cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial
talents. The World Declaration on Higher Education for the 21st Century: Imagination
and Action, published at the First World Conference on Higher Education, clearly
states that higher education institutions should educate students to become knowl-
edgeable and well-defined citizens. They can critically think and analyze social
problems and find ways to solve social problems and use them to solve these problems,
thus taking up social responsibility [1]. College students’ entrepreneurship is the
process of identifying, creating and seizing opportunities, integrating resources to meet
challenges and creating new values. It is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of
speculative ability. Knowledge is easy to obtain, but the ability to think is not easy to
learn. Marx’s dialectics is full of variability, contradiction and holistic features, which
should be followed in the cultivation of students’ thinking ability. College
Entrepreneurship Education Combined with Marx Dialectics can promote college
students’ entrepreneurs to think deeply, rationally analyze and treat various problems
arising in the process of entrepreneurship, reduce the risk of failure, and improve the
success rate of entrepreneurship.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 799–804, 2019.
800 G. Yang

1 The Importance of Speculative Ability to College


What is speculation? The basic meaning of speculation is that we must think about
problems, study problems and deal with problems with a dialectical thinking spirit,
scientific spirit and practical exploration spirit [2]. Speculation is not a practical
knowledge and skill, but a more philosophical wisdom of universality and universality.
It is an important methodology [3]. It means scientifically observing, thinking and
examining the social environment in which we live so that we can deal with the
problems with a rational and pragmatic attitude, and respond to challenges from a
positive attitude.
Scholars in different fields of give different definitions of speculation ability, but
basically there is not much difference in essence. Speculative ability is self-awareness
of thinking, regulation and management of self-cognition. This abstract thinking ability
can revolutionize the brain and enable it to efficiently screen and absorb information
and store information for long periods of time, thereby producing knowledge products,
especially innovative knowledge products [4]. In short, speculative ability is the ability
to use cognitive methods and principles to understand, think, express, communicate,
practice, research, and explore, including rational thinking and understanding ability,
dialectical analytical reasoning ability, scientific research and judgment ability, and
flexible coping ability and so on.
The strength of speculative ability is a sign of whether a person is rationally mature.
It is also a kind of thinking ability that college students must have. In recent years, the
country has continuously put out the policy of supporting entrepreneurship. The reform
of China’s innovation and entrepreneurship education is also showing the rising trend
and the number of college students of entrepreneurship has grown by leaps and bounds.
“2017 China University Student Employment Report” show that the proportion of
college graduates that start the business continues to rise from 1.6%(2011) to 3.0%
(2017). Based on the data in 2017, the number of undergraduate students which start the
business is more than 200,000. But the success rate of entrepreneurship is rather low.
The report show shat graduates who start their own businesses six months after grad-
uation, more than half of them quit after three years. Even in provinces with good
entrepreneurial environment, such as Zhejiang, the success rate of college students’
entrepreneurship is only about 5%.Experts and scholars have concluded that the lack of
capital, weak management ability and insufficient social resources are the main reasons
for the failure of college students’ entrepreneurship. The author thinks this is to look at
the problem from superficial level. From a deep perspective, there is a profound rela-
tionship between college students’ entrepreneurial failure and their behavioral cognition
of entrepreneurship, that is, their lack of speculation awareness and speculation ability.

2 Three Characteristics of Marx Dialectics

Marxist dialectics refers to the view of everything from the perspective of connection,
change, and development. It is characterized by practicality, criticality, and integrity [5].
Study on the Guidance of Marxist Dialectics to the Cultivation 801

2.1 Practical Characteristics

Marx believed that the old philosophy does not know how to practice, but only regards
the objective world as the object of understanding rather than the object of transfor-
mation. He pointed out that the new philosophy should be always on the basis of real
history, not to explain practice from the perspective of ideas, but to explain ideas from
the perspective of material practice [6]. The purpose of knowing the world is to change
the world. Cognition should be based on practice and be tested by the practice. It
should solve problems according to the nature of practical activities.

2.2 Critical Characteristics

Critical features are an extension of practical features. Marx believed that the development
of practice is endless, and the development of human cognition is endless. We must
examine old ideas with critical eyes, skeptical attitudes, transcendental spirit, and inno-
vative consciousness. Marx said he discovered the new world in the process of criticizing
old philosophy.” Dialectic in the affirmative understanding of existing things also contains
an understanding of the negation of existing things, that is, the understanding of the
inevitable extinction of existing things; Dialectics for each form of accompaniment is from
constant movement, and thus from its temporary aspect; Dialectics does not worship
anything. By its very nature, it is critical and revolutionary. [7]” “Critique” is both an
“analysis” concept and a “comprehensive” concept. As an analytical concept, criticism is
the criticism, comment, and resolution of the original theory or existing things to reveal the
irrationality of the existence of the object. As a comprehensive concept, critique breeds the
revision and transcendence of existing phenomena.

2.3 The Overall Characteristics

In Marx’s view, all the elements and components of human society are similar to the
various organs of living organisms. They interact with each other and move according
to certain rules. This shows that human society is neither a simple addition of indi-
vidual parts nor a mechanical combination of individuals, but a whole composed of
many interconnected parts. We can’t only understand the problems from one aspect but
understand them as a whole.” We must carefully study the object itself from the
development of the object, and never allow arbitrary division; The rationality of the
thing itself should be developed here as a contradiction of its own. [8]” To correctly
understand and transform the world, we must persist in observing and analyzing
problems with the perspective of connection and development, based on the overall
situation, grasping the overall situation, and acting in accordance with objective laws.

3 Guiding Role of Marx Dialectics on the Speculative Ability

of College Entrepreneurs

Under the preparation and entrepreneurship process, college students should be good at
using Marxist dialectics to improve their self-discipline ability, and guide and test their
own entrepreneurial behavior. They must use scientific methods to observe and
802 G. Yang

examine the entrepreneurial environment in which they are located. They must deal
with the problems faced in the entrepreneurial process in a rational and pragmatic
manner. They must respond to opportunities and challenges from a positive attitude.

3.1 Pay Attention to Practical Thinking and Rational Entrepreneurship,

and Start a Business in Mode of Learning by Doing
College students must be rational and pragmatic in the preparation period of
entrepreneurship, and decide whether to start a business according to their actual
situation. In recent years, the State Council and the Ministry of Education have issued
several documents to encourage and support college students’ innovation and
entrepreneurship. The local governments have also taken actions such as tax incentives,
loan interest subsidies, and various incubators. Universities establish entrepreneurship
education institutions, and put forward incentive policies such as allowing college
students who participate in entrepreneurship activities to be postgraduate without
examinations. Entrepreneurship has become a popular word in society and colleges,
and the environment for entrepreneurship is getting better and better. It is true that
college students must have passion and courage, but only enthusiasm is not enough.
They must analyze all realistic factors calmly and rationally, and must have a clear and
objective understanding of themselves. Not every college student is suitable for starting
a business. First, they must measure themselves and ask several questions: What do
you learn to start a business during college? What kind of resources do you have, such
as funds and connections, can support you to start a business? What is your personality
and whether you can bear the failure of business? What is your interest, do you want to
do a business project that matches your interests? What is your motivation for choosing
to start a business? If you don’t start a business, what is your favorite career? Under the
wave of “entrepreneurship”, if students do not start from their own actual situation,
without thinking carefully, it may waste their time and money.
Undergraduate entrepreneurs should pay more attention to practical learning
methods while learning professional technology and entrepreneurial theory knowledge.
Establishing a company has innate practical characteristics and selecting a project is a
practical process. It is to complete the understanding, confirmation and grasp of the
project in the exploratory practice. It is to find the project in-depth practice and put the
proposed project into practice to test. After the project is identified, the “simulation” is
to use the minimum scale exploration method and the virtual method to complete the
understanding, balance and grasp of the comprehensive application of the project
elements. Enterprise “operation” is a complete practice process. Entrepreneurs under-
stand all aspects of the project operation and practice every step of the company’s
survival. [9] Through learning by doing and doing by learning, entrepreneurs can only
gradually accumulate entrepreneurial experience and improve their entrepreneurial
ability. At the same time, only in the process of practical learning can they exercise
tenacious will and tenacious quality.
Study on the Guidance of Marxist Dialectics to the Cultivation 803

3.2 There Should Be a Critical Thinking Style, Project Selection Should

Be Stable and the Market Should Be Diversified
College students are active, energetic, and like to accept new things, so they like to
make a whim when choosing a project. One person participates in many projects and
imitates others. They conduct the project which teachers mentioned in the class or
duplicate the award projects. Since there is no prior thinking, no objective evaluation,
and no energy input, the project naturally fails one by one. The author has a student
who has 2 projects during the half year. When the author published another project
announcement, she submitted a new business plan again. She lacks sufficient and
rational thinking about entrepreneurship. It is true that entrepreneurship is a process of
continuous trial and error. However, in the case of the coexistence of academics and
entrepreneurship during university, the choice of entrepreneurial projects should be
unique and stable during a certain period of time.
Entrepreneurship cannot be separated from the market. In the Internet era, the
market is changing rapidly, including many uncertainties and diversity. When the
entrepreneurs started, the market seemed to be a “blue ocean”. However, the change of
certain factors “blue ocean” seemed to become “Red Sea” overnight. In the face of a
rapidly changing future, entrepreneurs are at the center of uncertainty storms. While
maintaining the core competitiveness of the project, the entrepreneurs should have the
random response as their important capital. The competitiveness of start-ups should
also be reflected in the speed of response to market demand and changes. College
entrepreneurs must learn to constantly adjust the market response strategy during the
business, in order to maintain the vitality of entrepreneurship [10].

3.3 There Should Be a Systematic Way of Thinking, Grasp the Overall

Situation, and Rationally Integrate Entrepreneurial Resources
College entrepreneurs must have a sense of the overall situation and do a long-term
plan. They must have a certain understanding of national policies, industry dynamics,
and local industrial policies, and grasp the direction of development. Entrepreneurship
is also an organic ecological chain. Many problems will face the risk of failure such as
startup timing, startup team, capital, management and so on. The development inside
the enterprise should have integral concept. It is necessary to look at the problem from
multiple angles and really cut into the problem.
Entrepreneurship is not only a process of identifying and discovering business
opportunities, but also a process of acquiring and integrating resources to develop
entrepreneurial opportunities and expand markets. Entrepreneurs can hardly complete
sustainable development relying on their own efforts. They should learn to rationally
integrate entrepreneurial resources. Firstly they need to form a complementary entre-
preneurial team and exert their collective wisdom and strength. Secondly, they must
seek attention and support from family, friends, classmates and teachers on entrepre-
neurial projects. Communication can gain emotional companionship, technology,
funding and market support and it can alleviate the various pressures brought by
entrepreneurship and reduce the risk of entrepreneurship to some extent. Thirdly they
need to get help from the government and universities. It is necessary to fully
804 G. Yang

understand the various measures taken by the government and universities in helping
entrepreneurs. They must take the initiative to get in touch with the government and
relevant departments of the university and participate in the entrepreneurial activities
organized by the government and settle in the university business incubators. They can
get support in entrepreneurial venues and venture capital and guidance from entre-
preneurial mentors in business operations.

4 Conclusion

The level of speculative ability is the guiding principle for people to adopt certain
behaviors and it is the decisive factor affecting the way people behave. Education is not
simply to impart scientific and advanced cultural techniques to students, but to root a
concept and mode of thinking in the minds of students. The significance of education is
to guide students to think geographically. In order to achieve immediate results, our
current entrepreneurial education is almost always aimed at “emergency success”. It
takes entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial skills as its main content and it
takes start-up training and hold entrepreneurial competitions as the main path. Driven
by skilled entrepreneurial education, the establishment of enterprises has become a
trend. Although the rate of entrepreneurship has been rapidly increased, entrepreneur-
ship lacks stamina and motivation. The success rate of entrepreneurship is extremely
low. Entrepreneurial education workers should examine this education mode and
promote the sublimation of entrepreneurial education from specific skills education to
thinking ability cultivation. This should be the inevitable trend of the in-depth devel-
opment of entrepreneurship education.

1. Huang Z (2010) Strengthening the education of critical thinking and cultivating innovative
talents. Educ Res (5):69–74
2. Zhang B (2016) The train of thought and method of cultivating students’ ability of thinking.
Educ Explor (5):83–86
3. Zhang Z, Liu H, Zhang Z (2014) The connotation of the cultivation of college students’
thinking ability. Sci Educ Wenhui (6):40–41
4. Chen Z (2015) Educational transformation from the perspective of economic transformation.
Educ Today (10)
5. Wang J (2004) The inheritance of marx’s dialectical thinking mode from the important
thought of three represents. Theor Res Mil Polit Work (2):17–19
6. (1972) Selected Works of Marx and Engels, vol 1. People’s Publishing House, p 43
7. (1972) Selected Works of Marx and Engels, vol 2. People’s Publishing House, p 218
8. (1972) Selected Works of Marx and Engels, vol 47. People’s Publishing House, p 8
9. Zhao Y (2017) Entrepreneurship - fundamentals and practice. Beijing University of
Technology Press, p 15 (in Chinese)
10. Zhao Q, Chen G (2018) Occupational values, psychological capital and entrepreneurial
intention of college students. Contin Educ Res 2:48–53 (in Chinese)
Research on Model Algorithms of Supply
Chain of Material Scheduling with Elastic
Variables in Construction Site
for Giant Projects

Xinyue Zhang(&), Renkai Xiong, and Silu Tao

School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment, Xihua University,

Chengdu 610039, Sichuan, People’s Republic of China

Abstract. On the basis of analyzing and studying the existing material

scheduling supply chain model under static constraints in the construction site of
small and medium-sized projects, the supply chain model and algorithms of the
refined digital management is implemented to optimize the dynamic docking of
all material data in the supply warehouse and the construction site, and to
optimize the dynamic docking of each item according to the date and variety.
And the model and algorithm aim at the optimization of costs of material
scheduling. The supply chain model within elastic variable constraints is to be
established, while the constraints are transformed in EXCEL OTF plug-in and
the overall data structure is perfected to realize the linear programming solution

Keywords: Giant project  Supply chain model  Construction scheduling

1 Introduction

The development of giant projects brings many requirements and challenges to the
material scheduling management of construction sites, firstly, the uncontrollable factors
during the material management of construction stage bring great risks to the man-
agement of construction site, and the improper material scheduling management
directly causes losses to economic interests. Secondly, due to the large number of
participants in giant projects, it is difficult to communicate and coordinate. If the
management of construction site fails to meet the requirements, there will be conflicts
and contradictions in resources, schedule and personnel arrangement in the later stage
[1]. Third, due to the huge investment and wide range of huge projects, the intervention
of the government increases, so the internal management of the project construction site
should be done well, in order to do a good job in external coordination. Therefore, this
paper discusses how to optimize the distribution of construction materials on the
construction site of giant projects, and solves the problems such as the great difficulty
in the materials management of construction site and the lack of effective systematic
management and distribution methods, which are conducive to the orderly, accurate
and efficient construction rhythm in the later stage of construction [2].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 805–812, 2019.
806 X. Zhang et al.

2 Review of Research

The management and development process of materials of construction site abroad

mainly includes four stages, extensive management, experience management, scientific
management and modern management [3]. With the continuous development of cap-
italism, the discipline has entered the research scope of researchers. At this stage, ABC
classification method, value engineering method and economic order quantity method
have been applied. In the modern management stage, inventory cost and opportunity
cost should be taken into account in on-site material management, and some new
management concepts have been proposed [4]. Such as JIT (just-in-time production)
and other management methods. Some management ideas, for example, Laurie koskra
introduced the “lean” idea into the construction industry, and the just-in-time idea was
applied by Annie to the delivery system of on-site materials. Marku applied the just-in-
time management idea to the construction process of the construction site and thought
that it could reduce waste. These ideas provide a theoretical basis for the management
of materials of construction site and guide the management of on-site materials [5].
Domestic current situation research is basically qualitative research, quantitative
research is less, the management mode of supply chain in construction site is also less,
mostly for inventory and post-evaluation research. Hu Kepei used the listing technique
in material management research in view of the ever-expanding construction scope in
raw material management of modern construction enterprises, Xiao used ABC analysis
method to “grasp the key points and manage a few” in the classification management of
materials of construction site on the discussion of the construction site materials man-
agement [6]. Tang liu established a grey relational degree evaluation model to evaluate
the material management in the performance evaluation of the construction party’s
material management based on the operating process. However, supply chain man-
agement appeared earlier in manufacturing [7], making construction enterprises fail to
realize that good supply chain material management can bring huge benefits to enter-
prises, and mature methods can be used to study areas that have not been studied [8].

3 Supply Chain Model Under Static Constraints of Material

Scheduling in Construction Site

Based on the idea of supply chain, the supply chain model of a project is formed, that
is, the inventory of warehouse and the demand of each construction site are established
under one time node, and the target function is to minimize the transportation cost,
while the decision variable is the quantity of goods, the means of transportation and the
arrival location of a warehouse at the same time node [9, 10]. The material supply chain
model of construction site is as follows:
8 m
> P
> xij ¼ bj ; ði ¼ 1; 2; . . .; mÞ
< i¼1
m P
P n
min ¼ cij xij s:t ¼ P n
> xij ¼ ai ; ðj ¼ 1; 2; . . .; nÞ
i¼1 j¼1 >
: j¼1
xij  0; ði ¼ 1; 2; . . .m; j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; nÞ
Research on Model Algorithms of Supply Chain of Material Scheduling 807

In the above formula, a1 ; a2 ; a3 ;    am represents the existing warehouse,

b1 ; b2 ;    bn represents the existing construction site; cij represents the unit cost of
construction material distribution and transportation, which is related to the means,
mode and distance of transportation; xij represents the number of allocations. The
corresponding quantities of warehouse am and bm are fixed values [11].
Model evaluation under static constraints: ⑴ due to the interference of uncertain
factors, the budgetary amount of materials is a dynamic value compared with the actual
amount of materials in a certain period of time, and the storage and demand of
materials are dynamic and changeable in quantities. ⑵ because the large number of
warehouses and division sites, the optimization results increase and turn more complex
with the increase of warehouses and sites [12].

4 Supply Chain Model Constrained by Elastic Variables

of Material Scheduling in Construction Site of Giant

In order to solve the problem of “elastic variables”, effective supply and demand
strategies are needed to solve the material overstock and the rough management of
materials management of huge projects in the construction sites. Furthermore, the
modern inventory allocation management of mega-projects will be improved to opti-
mize the allocation of supply and demand. In order to solve the problem of the supply
chain model with static constraints in the construction site, it is necessary to consider
the dynamic range of bn and am of the supply chain model with certain time nodes, that
is to say, 8bn ; am 2 ½0; 1. So it is necessary to change the supply chain model under
static constraints to the supply chain model under the constraints of elastic variables. In
the process of solving the problem, mathematical ideas are used to convert this model
into computing language, and then computer programming is used to complete the
output of the calculation results [13]. but also the elasticity of constraints, as makes it
more difficult to solve. Therefore, computer intelligent solution is to be considered.

4.1 Developing the Supply Chain Model with Elastic Variable

Regarding the disadvantages of the traditional supply chain model under static con-
straints, the elastic variable constraints are introduced here. The basic requirement is
that the warehouse stock bn and the demand of each construction site am are in an
elastic state under one time node. The model is specifically shown in the first place, but
the relationship between the relevant variables is changed as follows:
Firstly, the stock of warehouse has a minimum storage and a maximum storage at a
certain time, and the minimum storage can be 0, and the maximum storage can be
infinite, that is to say, 0  bn  1; xij ¼ bj ; bj is an elastic change. Secondly, there
is a minimum demand and a maximum demand at a certain time node, and the
808 X. Zhang et al.

minimum demand can be 0, and the maximum demand can be infinite. That is to say,
0  am  1; xij ¼ ai ; ai is an elastic change too [14].

4.2 Standardization and Coding Requirements of Supply Chain Model

with Elastic Variable Constraints
This model can not be analyzed by linear programming, so we need to improve the
algorithm and standardize it by using certain rules to solve the problems by linear
programming. (Take elasticity of demand am as an example). According to the actual
distribution situation and the conditions of linear programming, the standardization
principles are as follows: ① Generally, the sum of the highest demand of each site is
satisfied > the sum of warehouse inventory > the sum of the lowest demand of each
site. ② When the maximum demand of any site is “unlimited” or “not limited”, the
maximum demand of the site is equal to the sum of | inventory - the minimum demand.
③ Add “Warehouse 0” and its corresponding inventory = | the sum of the highest
demand - inventory |. ④ the flexible demand of the site is divided into two columns:
one is to add the “site-1” column, the demand is the minimum demand, the unit freight
rate of the corresponding “warehouse 0” is M, which is infinite. The second is to add
“site-2” column, whose demand is the difference between high and low demand,
corresponding to the unit freight of “warehouse 0” being 0. ⑤ The construction site
with the minimum demand of 0 is not split, and the corresponding “warehouse 0” is not
split. ⑥ The inelastic warehouse is not to be split, and the unit freight rate corre-
sponding to “Warehouse 0” is M. These six principles are to write program plug-in
EXCEL OTF in EXCEL. Firstly, a more complete software development and imple-
mentation plan is compiled. The development process includes five aspects: require-
ment analysis, circuit design, function code, test perfection, delivery and maintenance.
In the coding process of EXCEL OTF program, there are the following specific
requirements: ① Write the code according to the function flow chart of the develop-
ment plan strictly, classify and divide the function modules. ② All variables and
constants used in programming should set its name, symbol, meaning, scope and other
related.③ Extract, use and write as many efficient and concise global functions as
possible, and correctly handle the relationship between functions and functions. ④ In
function coding, a function should solve only a small function or problem. ⑤ To give
each function a good name, in order to meet the requirements of knowing the meaning,
which is convenient for the overall and rapid understanding of the program. ⑥ Pay
attention to the comments of program code and write in a consistent format and
method. Ensure the readability of program code is complete and accurate.
Research on Model Algorithms of Supply Chain of Material Scheduling 809

4.3 Standardized Codes of Supply Chain Model with Elastic Variable


Sub Macro52(control As IRibbonControl)

WarehousesNumber = 0: SitesNumber = 0: MinimumDemand = 0
HighestDemand = 0: WarehouseStock = 0
Do Until Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 9, 2) = ""
WarehousesNumber = WarehousesNumber + 1: Loop
Do Until Sheet1.Cells(9, 2 + SitesNumber) = ""
SitesNumber = SitesNumber + 1: Loop
If Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 7, 1) = "TheMinimumDemand" And
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 8, 1) = "TheHighestDemand" Then
klop = Sheet1.Cells(7, 2): Sheet1.Cells(7, 2) = ""
aa = 0: bb = 0
For i = 1 To SitesNumber - 1
MinimumDemand = MinimumDemand + Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 7,
i + 1)
If Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 8, i + 1) <> "Unlimited" Then
HighestDemand = HighestDemand + Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 8, i +
aa = WarehousesNumber + 8: bb = i + 1: End If: Next
For i = 1 To WarehousesNumber - 2
WarehouseStock = WarehouseStock + Sheet1.Cells(8 + i, SitesNumber + 1):
If aa <> 0 Then Sheet1.Cells(aa, bb) = WarehouseStock - MinimumDemand
MsgBox "The number of warehouses is " & WarehousesNumber - 2 & ",The
number of sites is " & SitesNumber - 1 & " The minimum demand is " &
MinimumDemand & " Inventory is " & WarehouseStock & " The highest demand is
" & HighestDemand
k = 0: For j = 1 To SitesNumber - 1
For i = 1 To WarehousesNumber - 2
If Sheet1.Cells(8 + i, 1 + j) > k Then k = Sheet1.Cells(8 + i, 1 + j)
Next: Next: m = 100 * k
Rows(WarehousesNumber + 7).Insert shift:=xlUp
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 7, 1) = "Warehouse 0"
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 8, 1) = "Demand"
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 9, 1) = ""
For ii = SitesNumber - 1 To 1 Step -1: aa = Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 8,
ii + 1): bb = Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 9, ii + 1)
810 X. Zhang et al.

If aa <> bb Then
If aa > 0 Then
Columns(ii + 1).Insert
For j = 1 To WarehousesNumber - 2: Sheet1.Cells(j + 8, ii + 1) = Sheet1.Cells(j
+ 8, ii + 2): Next
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 7, ii + 1) = 0: Sheet1.Cells(8, ii + 1) =
Sheet1.Cells(8, ii + 2) & "-2": Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 8, ii + 1) =
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 9, ii + 2) - Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 8,
ii + 2): Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 9, ii + 2) = "":
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 7, ii + 2) = m: Sheet1.Cells(8, ii + 2) =
Sheet1.Cells(8, ii + 2) & "-1"
Else: Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 7, ii + 1) = 0:
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 8, ii + 1) = Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 9,
ii + 1): Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 9, ii + 1) = "": End If
Else: Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 7, ii + 1) = m:
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 9, ii + 1) = "": End If: Next
j = 2: SiteDemand = 0: Do Until Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 8, j) = "":
SiteDemand = SiteDemand + Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 8, j): j = j + 1: Loop
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 7, j) = SiteDemand - WarehouseStock:
Sheet1.Cells(7, 2) = klop: End If: End Sub

5 Model Solution Processing Under Elastic Variable


The model is transformed for representing am and bn by fixed value by standardization

treatment, in which the transformation can be carried out by using the method of linear
programming. This passage of code of solution of EXCEL programming plug-in
EXCEL OTF is as follows:
Sub MacroSolve(control As IRibbonControl)
Do Until Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 9, 2) = ""
WarehousesNumber = WarehousesNumber + 1: Loop
Do Until Sheet1.Cells(9, 2 + SitesNumber) = "": SitesNumber = SitesNumber + 1
For i = 1 To WarehousesNumber: Sheet1.Cells(8 + i, 1 + SitesNumber).Copy
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 9 + i + 3, SitesNumber + 2):
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 9 + i + 3, SitesNumber + 1) = 0: Next: Loop
For i = 1 To WarehousesNumber + 1
Sheet1.Cells(7 + i, 1). Copy Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + i - 1 + 12, 1)
If i < WarehousesNumber Then
Research on Model Algorithms of Supply Chain of Material Scheduling 811

Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + i + 12, SitesNumber + 1) = "=Sum(B" &

WarehousesNumber + i + 12 & ":" & ColumnName(SitesNumber) &
WarehousesNumber + i + 12 & ")": End If: Next
For i = 1 To SitesNumber: Sheet1.Cells(8, i + 1).Copy
Sheet1.Cells(WarehousesNumber + 12, i + 1): Next
For i = 1 To WarehousesNumber: WarehouseStock = WarehouseStock +
Sheet1.Cells(8 + i, 1 + SitesNumber): Next
For i = 1 To SitesNumber - 1: Sheet1.Cells(2 * WarehousesNumber + 12, i + 1) =
"=Sum(" & ColumnName(i + 1) & WarehousesNumber + 13 & ":" & ColumnName(i
+ 1) & 2 * WarehousesNumber + 11 & ")": Next
For i = 1 To SitesNumber - 1: SiteDemand = SiteDemand + Sheet1.Cells(8 +
WarehousesNumber, 1 + i): Next
Sheet1.Cells(7, 3) = "=SUMPRODUCT(B9:" & ColumnName(SitesNumber) &
WarehousesNumber + 7 & ",B" & WarehousesNumber + 13 & ":" &
ColumnName(SitesNumber) & 2 * WarehousesNumber + 11 & ")"
If WarehouseStock < SiteDemand Then MsgBox "The number of warehouses is
" & WarehousesNumber - 1 & ",The number of sites is " & SitesNumber - 1 &
",Inventory is " & WarehouseStock & " Demand is " & SiteDemand & " The balance
of stock and demand can not be solved.": Exit Sub
aaaa = "$B$" & 2 * WarehousesNumber + 12 & ":$" &
ColumnName(SitesNumber) & "$" & 2 * WarehousesNumber + 12: cccc = "$B$" &
WarehousesNumber + 8 & ":$" & ColumnName(SitesNumber) & "$" &
WarehousesNumber + 8: mmmm = "$" & ColumnName(SitesNumber + 1) & "$" &
WarehousesNumber + 13 & ":$" & ColumnName(SitesNumber + 1) & "$" & 2 *
WarehousesNumber + 11: nnnn = "$" & ColumnName(SitesNumber + 2) & "$" &
WarehousesNumber + 13 & ":$" & ColumnName(SitesNumber + 2) & "$" & 2 *
WarehousesNumber + 11: ffff = "$B$" & WarehousesNumber + 13 & ":$" &
ColumnName(SitesNumber) & "$" & 2 * WarehousesNumber + 11
SolverReset: SolverAdd CellRef:=aaaa, Relation:=2, FormulaText:=cccc:
SolverAdd CellRef:=mmmm, Relation:=2, FormulaText:=nnnn: SolverOptions , , ,
AssumeLinear:=True, AssumeNonNeg:=True
SolverOk SetCell:="$C$7", MaxMinVal:=2, ValueOf:="0", ByChange:=ffff:
SolverSolve False: ActiveWorkbook.Save: End Sub

Finally, click on the “standard model for solution” under the tab of the standard
model for solution, and get the material distribution plan of the construction site under
the elastic variable constraints by this model. However, in the process of operation, the
given conditions need to be sorted out into various standards, such as flexible demand,
then pasted into the corresponding position in EXCEL, and then through the “stan-
dardization” under the flexible demand tab.
812 X. Zhang et al.

6 Cautions in Computer Programming

For the two problems of computing model 8bn ; am 2 ½0; 1 and computation com-
plexity, the following matters should be paid attention to when using this plug-in:
(1) Sheet1 is the model paste table, and the meaning of row and column cannot be
changed when pasting. The head of column is the sequence of the construction site, and
the last column of it is the inventory of the warehouse; The head of line is the sequence
of the construction site, and the last column of it is the demand of the construction site.
(2) Sheet2 is the output table of solving code of lingo software (a kind of software for
solving linear programming problems). When copying this table code, pay attention to
its integrity and the “;” in the lower right corner of the code area; (3) Sheet3 is the
output table of solving code of Matlab (another kind of software for solving linear
programming problems). (4) the tab menu of OTF in Excel is classified according to
mathematical solution method and scheduling supply model. In the process of use, the
corresponding relationship between functions and buttons must be paid attention to.
(5) The number of variable cells (unit scheduling cost) cannot exceed 200 when using
Excel’s built-in programming solution tool to find the optimal solution for the model.
Matlab, Lingot and other software has no such restrictions.

1. Ren H, Zhang W, Zeng D (2011) The core principles of giant projects decision-making. Eng
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2. Wamg J, Lu Y, Cheng L, Song L, Zhao Y (2016) A review of management of national key
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3. Hu Y (2006) The research on cost control mechanism of large-scale engineering projects
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4. Zhao Y (2018) Discussion on construction site management. Hous Real Estate (03):160
5. Jiafeng Ni (2011) Material management in civil construction site. China Hous Facil 04:34–
6. Xiao E. (2008) Discussion on material management of construction site. Cities Towns
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7. Guan Y (2018) Research and practice of material purchase management based on supply
chain management in construction project. Residence (30):113
8. Chen D (2016) Research on cost control of supply chain of construction enterprise based on
EPC mode. Northeast Forestry University
9. Li L (2014) Construction-material logistics management of construction project based on
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10. Xu K (2012) Research on inventory management in building materials based on supply
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11. Yang Y (2012) Simple linear programming. Educ Forum
12. Zhang S (2007) Building material management based on supply chain. Central South
13. Liu Y, Wang Y (2007) How to select the supply logistics mode in large- scaled construction
project. Logist Technol 02:76–78
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logistics and supply chain management
Design of Agricultural Spherical Robot

Hua Liu1, Hui Wang1,2, Yu Shi1, Weiyu Zhang1(&), Yong Wei1,

and Jinfeng Dong1
College of Engineering and Technology, Tianjin Agriculture University,
Jinjing Avenue, Tianjin 300384, China
Student Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
Tianjin Agriculture University, Jinjing Avenue, Tianjin 300384, China

Abstract. “Precision Agriculture” is one of pilot technology to achieve sus-

tainable development of agriculture in the 21st century. For the defects of
destruction crops and soil compaction when large agricultural machinery
working, this paper presents a method robot for the precision agriculture. The
whole robot is spherical, rounded appearance, in the mobile operations will not
damage to crops. The whole system composition by the remote controller and
the robot two parts, both complement each other to achieve the robot move omni
directionally in the fields and fixed collection of greenhouse information, also
live observations the capture images within the camera in robot through the
phone, remote monitoring and service crop, which has a practical value and
theoretical significance.

Keywords: Agriculture  Sphere robot  Omni directionally

1 Introduction

After the emergence of agricultural robot, developed rapidly, and now there have been
many types of agricultural robots in many countries. In the 20th century the late 70s,
national research on agricultural robot gradually start, such as grafting robots, breeding
robot, pesticide spraying robots have been put into use. But at this stage most agri-
cultural robot relatively large size, in the process of moving job easily destroyed crops
and soil compaction, it is not conducive to the growth of crops. This paper presents a
robot for precision agriculture, different with other agricultural robot, such as aircraft
spread drug-like insecticide spraying, fertilization of crops were a wide range of jobs,
but prefer the way as gardeners, and it targeted services to small-scale crops [1]. Robot
outer is spherical shell, it will not harm the crops when moving; the control circuitry
and mechanical drive enclosed in inside of sphere, avoiding farmland dew and dust
impact effectively on the robot; By engagement with the handset enables acquisition
and recording of temperature and humidity data sentinel, return the captured image, in
order to analyze the overall farmland. Sphere robot with small size, simple structure,
easy to operate, it can be used as small and medium sized farmland farm land intel-
ligent housekeeper [2].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 813–820, 2019.
814 H. Liu et al.

2 System Structure

Smart sphere farmland housekeeper includes two parts: sphere robot and handheld
devices. The sphere robot comprises a control circuit, mechanical drive, temperature
and humidity sensors and wireless module foremost, they are encapsulated in a sphere,
for that can avoid the influence of dust and dew effectively at farm work. Spherical
robot structure diagram is shown in Fig. 1. Handheld device includes a control circuit,
a joystick, buttons and display, etc. Performs data communication with the robot sphere
through wireless, user can control the robot remotely. Handheld device structure dia-
gram is shown in Fig. 2.

Power Control Unit

Wireless Transmission
Remote Control Unit

Core Control Unit

GPS Unit Mechanical Drive Unit

Data Acquisition Unit

Fig. 1. Structure diagram of spherical robot

Power Control Unit

Wireless Transmission
MCU Rocker Key Unit

Display Unit

Fig. 2. Structure diagram of handheld device

3 Hardware Design

Hardware circuit use the modular design concept, circuits having different functions is
designed to be independent modular units, it is convenient to improvement and
Design of Agricultural Spherical Robot 815

(1) Core Control Unit

(See Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Pin description

(2) Wireless Transmission Unit

The system wireless universal chip is NRF2401, it is a wireless chip based on a
communication in the ISM band, NRF2401 communicate with the microcontroller via
SPI Interface, The operating voltage range of NRF2401 is 1.9 V–3.6 V, while connect
with STC15F2K61S2, the 5 V level matched with 3.3 V by conversion chip. The
circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Wireless data transmission unit

816 H. Liu et al.

(3) Temperature and Humidity Measurement Unit

System use DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor as temperature and
humidity measurement unit, which is a temperature and humidity composite sensor
comprising a calibrated digital signal output. Sensor comprises a wet resistive element
and a NTC temperature measurement devices, and is connected to a high-performance
8-bit microcontroller. Each DHT11 sensors are calibration in extremely accurate
humidity calibration chamber. Temperature and humidity measurement range: entirely
suitable for the measurement of temperature and humidity in the fields.
(4) GPS Positioning Unit
The GPS positioning unit uses ATK-NEO-6M-V2.3. The module U-BLOX NEO-6M
module, MAXIM’s with high gain (20.5 dB) LNA chip combined with high-
performance ceramic antenna on module, makes up antenna, for better reception, the
system MCU communicate with module by serial ports, configure various parameter
settings, and can be stored in the EEPROM, so it is easy to use.
(5) Monitoring Control Unit
Monitoring control unit use mi sport camera, it can be connected with the phone via
WiFi, achieve the function taking pictures and videos on phone, and observed that the
camera captured images real-time.
(6) Power Supply Unit
Pellets using 7.4 V lithium battery to supply power for the entire system, one way of
battery voltage is supplied directly to the stepping motor, the other way voltage down
to 5 V through the linear power conversion chip ASM1117-5 V directly, thus powered
for the microcontroller and temperature and humidity sensor. The circuit diagram is
shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Power unit

(7) Design of Handset End

Handheld remote control side of the core unit, a wireless transmission unit and a power
unit same as robot.
Joystick KY-023 module and ordinary buttons as the input of remote control, for
detecting a user instructions. X-axis direction to control the ball moving back and forth,
Y-axis direction to control the ball and move around. X-axis and Y-axis joystick
module are two potentiometers, changes resistance value while driving the rocker
Design of Agricultural Spherical Robot 817

potentiometer, use the ADC function of MCU detection can be realized. The key is
non-self-locking normal button, detecting whether pressed the in microcontroller
timing interrupt, it can improve the efficiency of single-chip CPU.
(8) LCD Display Unit
The system uses LCD12864 as the display unit, real-time information is displayed on
the screen after collected by small ball, human-computer interaction. Interface circuit
for display is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Interface circuit for display

4 Design of Mechanical Drive

Mechanical equipment drive unit package consists of two parts, the first part is stepper
motor and motor drive, the second part is mechanical structures. Wherein the stepper
motor is to convert electrical pulse excitation signal to the corresponding angular
displacement or linear displacement of discrete values to control motor, unipolar DC
power supply, as long as energized by a suitable timing to the stepper motor windings
of each phase, thus can make the rotation of the stepper motor stepper. The stepper
motor in system use two-phase three-wire system and 34 mm thick, its holding torque
0.11 Nm, detent torque 0.012 Nm, step angle 1.8°, fully meet the requirements of ball
robot-driven focus [3].
Stepper motor drive use A4988 motor drive module, A4988 is a converter and
overcurrent protection DMOS micro-step driver, the product is available in full, half,
operate bipolar stepper motors 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 step mode, the capability of output drive
up to 35 V, just enter a pulse in the “step”, drives the motor produce a micro-step. Use
them you can program without the phase-sequence tables, so that streamline operations to
improve efficiency [4]. The maximum motor current is 700 mA in system, by adjusting
potentiometer on the module to determine the driver maximum output current. If the
current is too small, the motor torque is not enough. If the current is too high, it will cause
serious heat in the motor lock state, and pitched whistling, by adjusting the actual test, we
adjusted it to 650 mA, at this time the stepper motor works normally.
818 H. Liu et al.

The mechanical part of the ball is within the core of the robot. Including shafts, gear
train, connecting member and stepper motors. X-axis is the main drive shaft, consti-
tuted of 8 mm hollow stainless steel tubes, it used to drive stepper motor torque, to
avoid the influence of route to rotation of the whole machines, it will be interspersed
into tubes center. Y shaft is the support shaft, composed of two 6 mm optical axis with
same size, the adjacent ends are connected together via an internal linear bearings [5].
Further both ends were rigidly connected to shell, propped up the entire drive. Gear
train consists of two standard spur gear and a pair of bevel gears, stepper motor sphere
both pellets power source acts as a center of gravity of the entire robot. The left and
right sides of the stepping motor connecting member connecting the X-axis by a rigid,
different function of each, the left and right stepper motor with spur gear having the
same modulus 1.5, the number of gear are 20 and 40 respectively, the transmission
ratio of move back and forth is 1:2, for thus improving torque of stepper motor. Bevel
gear and bevel gear on the right side of the Y-axis also has the same modulus 1.5, the
number of gear are 20 and 40 respectively, the transmission ratio is 1:2 also.
Both sides of the stepper motors have different functions. While the right of the
motor does not turn but the left of the motor turn, relative movement between the spur
gear makes the two-step stepping motor rotates around the X axis, and then change the
center position of ball, achieving back and forth [6–10]. While the left of the motor
does not turn but the right of the motor turn, the number 40 of gear bevel gear is the
driving wheel of X-axis and Y-axis, it can make right side of the stepper motor torque
is transmitted to the Y-axis, mechanical drive portion around the Y axis, achieve the
small ball around rotation. Mechanical drive assembly is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Mechanical assembly drawing

5 Software Design

This system is used in some of the features of the microcontroller IAP15F2K61S2: I/O
control, program interruption. Modular programming ideas to complete the process in
the main program and the preparation of a large set of flags, almost no delay procedure
used, effectively improve the efficiency and speed of response microcontroller.
Design of Agricultural Spherical Robot 819

After power the robot initialized the each module units first. Then enter standby
mode, if you receive instructions from the remote control of the stepper motor control
to perform the corresponding action, after reaching a specified location, temperature
and humidity collection and return. Then continue to enter standby mode. Program
flow chart is shown in Fig. 8.





Receive instruction


Moving to the
specified location

Collect information
and return

Fig. 8. Program flow chart

Handset segment after power equally be initialized each module, LCD display to
enter the top menu, displays the current date and time. While waiting for the user to
input commands by pressing or pushing the joystick button to the remote control. After
the remote control capture user input instruction carried out parsing, and sends an finish
instruction to the conversion among sphere robot. After the transmission is completed,
wait for the ball return robot data, if done display.
To make the remote control and sphere robot communication convenience, Pro-
gram uses a simple protocol for the use of structures formed. When both the infor-
mation exchange, such a structure is the minimum term to communicate also. Which
comprises: header, this type of device, the real data, parity, and data tail. Wherein the
parity bit in the data before sending the data byte header data, except the end of
exclusive or single-byte processing, after the transmission is complete, the recipient
will do XOR check again after receive the data, the results of the check and sent by
820 H. Liu et al.

check bits are consistent comparison, if the same illustrate data were correct transfer, if
it does not explain the emergence of packet loss, data lost in time. With this operation
to ensure correct data transmission, reducing and eliminating errors.

6 Conclusion

For this situation that body heavy agricultural robot during working will damage crops,
this paper presents a case for the movement in the sphere unit of the sphere robot, using
rounded surface of a sphere, the feature change of the status during the move will not
harm the crop, and on this basis will be gathered in a series of sensors inside the
spherical shell can be realized will be able to detect and control. Smart sphere butler
makes the development of robotic technology for a new exploration, I believe with
good prospects. Due to lack of time and personal capacity reasons, sensor mounted on
sphere robot too less, it is not enough the measuring of more cropland, follow-up will
continue to improve. Increase the variety of sensors to detect environmental farmland,
and considering the wide use of Internet technology, we can also follow this system is
designed based on the wireless gateway and mobile phone APP, control.

Acknowledgments. This work was financially supported by Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Science and

Technology Achievements Transformation Project (17YFCZZC00330); Science and Technology
Development Project of Wuqing District of Tianjin (WQKJ201715); Science and Technology
Support Project of Tianjin (17YFZCNC00250).

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Simulation of Economy-Hydrology Effects
Caused by Water Price Adjustment

Ke Kong1, Xinchao Gao1(&), and Yuan Xiu2

College of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, University of Jinan,
Jinan 250022, China
State Key Laboratory of Eco-Hydraulics in Northwest Arid Region of China,
Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710084, China

Abstract. To find the feasible water price which considers both the economy
effect and the hydrology effect caused by water price adjustment, the Input-
Output (I-O)analysis and simulation technology are used, and the Wohushan
basin in Jinan is studied. To quantify economy effect in basin, a special 15
sectors I-O table which contains an independent sector of water resources
production is induced to calculate the increases of prices of different economic
sectors caused water price rise. To quantify the hydrology effect in basin, the
physical hydrology model SWAT is used to simulate the runoff increases in
basin outlet following the decrease of water use caused by water price rise. The
result showed that when the water price is raised 50% and 100%, the average
social price will increase 0.044% and 0.088%, the outlet runoff will increase
0.19% and 0.44%. It is can be concluded that the water price in basin has wide
space of increasing in the Wohushan basin in Shandong province.

Keywords: Simulation  I-O analysis  Economy-hydrology effect  SWAT

1 Introduction

In China, the reform of water rights and water markets gradually change the traditional
ways to manage water resources which were relied on administrative plans and orders.
[1] Under water market guided by water price signal water users can make their own
decisions and their intrinsic motivation of water saving can be encouraged, so that
water price is an effective measure to allocate water resources. Zhong et al. [17]
analyzed the implementation of economic measures in Chinese urban water, and found
that the utilization of water resources was improved [2–6]. Water price is not only
concern about water resources but also social economy and environment. Any water
price scheme concerns many tissues, Rinaudo et al. [18] illustrated the trade-offs in
Southern France that have to be made between the search for environmental effec-
tiveness, cost recovery, and equity when implementing complex water-pricing struc-
tures such as block rates or seasonal water pricing [7–9]. In general, proper increasing
of water price can reduce water consumption in basin and thus increase the runoff in

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 821–831, 2019.
822 K. Kong et al.

basin outlet, which can be called positive hydrology effect. On the other hand, the water
price increasing can lead general prices increasing in social economic system, which is
called negative economy effect. If the economy effect and hydrology effect can be
quantified, it is useful for make a proper water price which can reach a balance between
negative effect and positive effect [10].
Economy-Hydrology analysis is an important study field in the water resources.
Castellano et al. [2] used GIS, Input–Output models and Social Accounting Matrix
(SAM) to develop a method for establishing water prices and their effects in order to
provide policy makers an environmentally and socially optimal range of regional prices
for irrigation water in Navarra [11]. To evaluate how the water price effect other kinds
social products’ prices, the social economy must be considered as a whole system,
which contains many interaction economic sectors. Every sector must input other
sectors’ products as materials to manufacture and then output its products which also
are other sectors’ materials input [12]. Input-Output analysis method can describes this
relation. To evaluate basin hydrology responds to water saving caused by water price
increases, distributed hydrological model should be used. SWAT (Soil and Water
Assessment Tool) is one of such integrated physical hydrology model based GIS and
DEM. Yesuf et al. used SWAT to identify soil erosion processes and estimate sediment
deposition into lakes [13]. Welde et al. [10] combined SWAT model with ArcGIS to
estimate the potential impact of land cover on hydrological response, and so on. Under
the situation of water resources shortage in China, raising water price to reduce the
amount of water use seems to be necessary. But if the government raises the water
price, the conflict of positive hydrology effect and negative economy effect will rise too
[14–16]. The policy makers must consider the negative economy outcome which may
induce some economic pressures. In this paper the Input-Output analysis and the
physical hydrology model are used to find the balance of the economy effect and the
hydrology effect caused by water price adjustment in the Wohu basin in the north of
Jinan in Shandong province, China. As the Shandong province is suffering serious
water resources shortage [16]. The aim is to find out the feasible range of water price
adjustment in the region. To do this, there are three steps: (1) qualify the prices
variation of different social economy sectors caused by the change of water price;
(2) qualify the variation of water use caused by the change of water price; (3) qualify
the variation of runoff in basin outlet caused by the change of water use [17].

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 The Prices Variation of Different Social Economy Sectors Caused

by the Change of Water Price
An I-O table contains three quadrants: final use, intermediate process, and value added
[12]. The intermediate process quadrant is main part of the I-O table. It is a n  n
matrix with its row vectors represent output and its column vectors represent input, i.e.
the element Eij , means both the output of sector i and the input from sector j. Assumed
that water price changed from Pn to Pn + DPn, so other n−1 sectors would be affected
Simulation of Economy-Hydrology Effects Caused by Water Price Adjustment 823

by the change, and their prices can be calculated based on the principle of input-output
table with the following equation:
> P1 ¼ a11 P1 þ a21 P2 þ    þ an1 Pn þ aN1
P2 ¼ a12 P1 þ a22 P2 þ    þ an2 Pn þ aN2
> ;
Pn1 ¼ a1n1 P1 þ a2n1 P2 þ    þ ann1 Pn þ aNn1

Where ai j is the direct utilization coefficient of products of sector i by sector j; aNi

is the added value of the sector i.
The matrix form is as follows:

Pn1 ¼ ðI  A0 n1 Þ1 ðRPn þ ANðn1Þ Þ ð2Þ

Where R ¼ an1 ; an2 ;    ; an;n1 , consider that the price of the nth sector has
changed from Pn to Pn + △Pn, the formula (2) becomes
Pðn1Þ þ DPðn1Þ ¼ I  A0ðn1Þ ðRðPn þ DPn Þ þ ANðn1Þ Þ ð3Þ

Formula (3) minus formula (2), formula (4) can be derived:

DPðn1Þ ¼ I  A0ðn1Þ RDPn ð4Þ

If the average price change of k sectors is wanted, then:

DMk ¼ hj DPj ð5Þ

Where DMk is the average price; hj is the output value of sector j.

If the I-O table is real good type, DP is the absolute value of price changes; if it is
value type, DP is the proportion of price changes. In this study, the original I-O table is
obtained from the Shandong Province Statistic Bureau, and it is value type.

2.2 The Variation of Water Consumption Caused by the Change

of Water Price
The change of water price inevitably leads the change of water demand based on the
economic theory of supply and demand. The elasticity of demand of water can be used
to describe the relationship between the change ration of water price and water demand,
824 K. Kong et al.

which is an important indicator to measure the sensitivity of the demand of water to the
change of water price. It can be described as

Ep ¼ ð6Þ

Where Ep is elasticity of demand of water price; DQ is change in water demand;

Q is water demand for the original price; DP is changes in price; P is original price.

2.3 The Variation of Runoff in Basin Outlet Caused by the Change

of Water Consumption
SWAT model is a physical hydrological model. In SWAT, a watershed is divided into
multiple sub-basins, which are then further subdivided into hydrologic response units
(HRUs) that consist of homogeneous land use, management, topographical, and soil
characteristics. Users can change a feature to predict the impact of features such as
human activities to the runoff in the basin outlet (Xu et al. [14]).
Several kinds of input data sets are necessary to set up a SWAT model. The
topographic map was analyzed by CAD and GIS software so a DEM in the resolution
of 30 m was acquired. The land cover data was obtained from TM and SPOT, pre-
disposed by ENVI, and calibrated by the data from Google map service. The soil data
was getting for the Shandong Soil and Fertilizer Station, some attributes of soil were
gathered directly and some were calculated by SPAW software. The meteorological
data and hydrological data were collected from the Jinan Hydrology Bureau, the Jinan
Meteorological Bureau and the Wohushan Reservoir Management Station. The col-
lected data should be used to calibrate and validate the SWAT model before running
model. The most frequently used approaches to measure goodness of fit
between two time series are the Square of Correlation Coefficient (R2) and the Nash
Sutcliffe-Efficiency (Ens), which were also used in this study. In common standard
values between 0.65 and 0.75 are satisfactory and values above 0.75 are very good
(Pang et al. [19]).
According the operation manual of SWAT [1] to simulate the impact of water
consumption change, the Edit Sub-basin Input module must be used, the analysis
process is as follows:
(1). Define the total water consumption in each sub-basin. The option of water use is
selected in the operation of SWAT input table under the Edit Sub-basin Input
module. The daily average water intake of each water source in each sub-basin is
specified by setting four parameters: the average daily water removal from the
pond, reach, shallow aquifer and deep aquifer for the month as shown in Fig. 1.
(2). Set irrigation management methods. The option of Management (.Mgt) is also
selected in the operation of SWAT Input Table. The irrigation management
methods were set up by changing the value of the parameters of Irrigation Source,
Sub-basin ID, FLOWMIN, DIVMAX and FLOWER in the Irrigation Manage-
ment module. Sub-basin ID means the location of the water source. FLOWMIN
and DIVMAX are respectively the minimum flow in the river for irrigation and
Simulation of Economy-Hydrology Effects Caused by Water Price Adjustment 825

the daily maximum irrigation water intake in river. FLOWER is the percentage
which irrigation water accounts for the amount of water available. Two schemes
before and after the water consumption change can be brought into the model by
changing the above parameters, then running the model can obtain two watershed
runoff outcomes whose difference can reflect the influence of water price fluctu-
ation on runoff.

Fig. 1. The interface of the operation of water use

3 Study Area

The Wohushan basin locates in the southern mountain area of Jinan city in Shandong
province, as part of Licheng district (shown as Fig. 2). Its total area is about 590 km2
accounts for more than a third of the whole southern mountain area. Three rivers,
Jinxiuchuan, Jinyangchuan and Jinyunchuan consist of water system in the basin. On
the basin outlet there is the Wohushan reservoir which locates the upstream of the Yufu
River. The local climate is continental climatic with an uneven precipitation both in
spatial and temporal distribution. The precipitation decreases from southeast to
northwest and the annually variation is great. Jinan is well known by its springs in
China, so it has an alias ‘spring city’. As the groundwater conservation area of Jinan,
the southern mountain area is very important in terms of water resources protection and
utilization. The main drinking water source of 400,000 people here is surface water
supplied by Wohushan reservoir together with Jinxiuchuan reservoir located in
upstream. The Wohushan reservoir with 6.374  109 m3 utilizable capacity is the only
large reservoir in Jinan. Besides irrigation and municipal water supply, it also under-
takes the task of spring recharge.
In recent years, the economy and population of the southern mountains have grown
rapidly; tourism and industry develops quickly, which caused an increased demand of
water, so that the contradiction between supply and demand is increasingly prominent.
It is known that raising water price can limit water consumption. Some of the saved
water can be kept in basin in forms of river water, shallow ground water or deep ground
water, and some of them will flow to the basin outlet and can be stored in the reservoir.
This phenomenon is so called positive hydrology effect caused by water price
826 K. Kong et al.

adjustment. On the other hand, as the water resources can’t be substituted by other
kinds of resources both in living and in production, raising water price can also
increases the prices of different economy divisions such as industry and agriculture,
which is so called negative economy effect. When a water price adjustment scheme has
been made, people cannot eliminate the negative outcome, the only thing we should
fight for is that the positive effect is larger than the simultaneous negative effect.

Fig. 2. The Wohushan basin

4 Results

We designed two water price adjustment schemes: one is raising water price at the ratio
of 50% and one is 100%, and then simulate the two kinds of effects caused by such
increases using the methods above.

4.1 Economy Negative Effect-the Increase of Social Prices

To simulate the increases of social prices, an Input-Output table is needed. Because the
studied basin is small part of the Shandong province and its economy is also one small
part of the Shandong’s economy, it can be considered as a prices acceptor. So that the I-
O table of Shandong province is used here for calculation. The latest I-O table is
published by statistic office in the year of 2015, which contains two tables: a macro
table with 43 sectors table and a detail table with 139 sectors. Unfortunately, such table
can’t be used directly, because it does not contain the independent ‘water resources
production’ sector. Kong [7] induced a special 15 sectors I-O table contains an inde-
pendent sector of water resources production based on these two tables and the water
resources consumption of Shandong province. A brief table of this table is shown as
Table 1.
After getting the water resources Input-Output table, we can use formula (4) and
formula (5) to calculate the prices variation. Two schemes of water price adjustment are
Simulation of Economy-Hydrology Effects Caused by Water Price Adjustment 827

considered, i.e. the price increase 50% and 100%. As a matter of convenience, the 15
sectors are summed up to four main sectors, i.e. agriculture, industry, business and
public services. The comprehensive price changes of those four sectors are shown in
Table 2.

Table 1. Water resources input-output Table 104Yuan

Inter usage Final consumption
(1) Agriculture (2) Mining … (14) Water (15) Public Household and Others
… resources service government
Inter (1) Agriculture 15185945.95 10277.14 … 283323.89 19398896.36 19398896.36 −37613800.1
input …
(2) Mining 11082.23 3581786.14 … 15971.70 1135079.05 1135079.05 −58238868.9

…… …… …… … …… …… …… ……

(14) Water 58548.01 33597.51 … 27617.13 983131.88 983131.88 20532.73
resources …
(15) Public 100250.98 112080.05 … 3736492.06 62976705.35 62976705.35 −285550.91
service …
Added Total added 42817000.00 16065637.20 … 47266731.92
value value …

Table 2. Influence of water price adjustment on average price of main four sectors
Water price increase proportion Average rate of increase in commodity prices
Agriculture Industry Business Public services
50% 0.0612 0.0527 0.0178 0.0716
100% 0.1225 0.1053 0.0355 0.1432

4.2 Hydrology Positive Effect-the Increase of Runoff in Basin Outlet

4.2.1 The Saving of Water Consumption Caused by the Increase
of Water Price
The water consumption saving is estimated by elasticity coefficients of water demand.
Water price elasticity is generally insensitive to water price changes (Hoyos et al. [4])
In some other areas, the elastic coefficient of water price is obvious [3]. In China, the
elastic coefficient of agriculture water price is generally about −0.2 according to the
study made by Jia et al. [5], Wei et al. [11] and Yu et al. [15]. So in the paper, this
coefficient is determined to be −0.2 when the water is used in irrigation. As for the
municipal water use, according to the study of Shen et al. [8], the elasticity of demand
and price of urban water in north China was −0.24. Based on the economic devel-
opment status of Jinan, it is −0.25 in this paper.
(1). Determine agricultural water consumption. Based on the analysis of the frequency
curve of precipitation data in the last three decades, this study selects year 2009 as
the typical year (p = 50%). According to the irrigation quota of main crops in
Shandong province (DB37/T1640-2010), it can see that the current winter wheat
828 K. Kong et al.

irrigation quota is 288 m3/mu and the irrigation coefficient is 0.92. The land area
of the basin calculated from GIS is 110,000mu, which means that the con-
sumption of agricultural water before adjustment is 29.41 million m3. Agricultural
irrigation water consumption was calculated by formula (6). When the water price
is increased by 50%, irrigation water consumption will be reduced by 10%, and
the irrigation water consumption is 26.47 million m3. If the price of water is
increased by 50%, irrigation water consumption will be reduced by 20%, and the
irrigation water consumption is 23.53 million m3.
(2). Determine urban water consumption. From the water resources bulletin of Jinan
city, the daily domestic water quota for urban residents and rural residents are
129.6 L/person and 76.8 L/person, separately. While the upstream of the reservoir
is located in the suburban hilly area, the domestic water quota for actual residents
should range from 76.8 to 129.6 L/person, in this study it is decided that per
person per day need 100 m3 of water. The population of the urban area is 233,000
based on the urban statistical yearbook, so it is calculated that the urban water
consumption is 8.5 million m3. Through analysis of formula (6), the results
showed that when the water price increase by 50%, the domestic water con-
sumption will decrease from 8.5 million m3 to 6.44 million m3, a 12.5% decrease;
when the water price increase is doubled, the domestic water consumption will
decrease by 25%, and the consumption will be 6.38 million m3.
Therefore, we can get the total water consumption in the study area under two water
price adjustment scenarios, 32.91 million m3 and 29.91 million m3 respectively.

4.2.2 Hydrology Simulation

The whole basin was divided into 21 sub-basins and 274 HRUs. The water intake
module in SWAT is stored in the Wus file with the order of sub-basins. Each sub-basin
corresponds to a month-by-month input file, which can be used to edit the water
consumption per sub-basin. The dataset is divided into two parts: a calibration period
(2007–2011) and a verification period (2012–2014). The monthly water consumption
before water price regulation in the calibration period was input into the model to run.
Then the sensitivity of the parameters is analyzed by using SWAT-CUP software, and
the parameters are adjusted accordingly. In this simulation the final outcomes are that
R2 is 0.83 and Ens is 0.81 in the calibration period, which are consistent with the
standard. The simulated value and measured value were shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Measured and simulated monthly runoff for Wohushan Basin during calibration period
Simulation of Economy-Hydrology Effects Caused by Water Price Adjustment 829

The calibrated SWAT was used to simulate the runoff of the verification period, as
shown in Fig. 4. In the same way, the values of the two parameters are 0.85 and 0.81
respectively, which are in accordance with the evaluation criteria and the simulation
results are satisfactory.
Using the methods described in Sect. 2.3, the monthly water consumption of the
typical year under different price scenarios are input into water intake module in the
calibrated SWAT above, and the variation of runoff in basin outlet caused by the
change of water consumption can be simulated. The results are shown in Table 3.
It can be seen that a 50% increase in water price would result in a 0.19% increase in
the runoff of the basin, and a 100% increase in water price would increase the runoff of
the basin by 0.44%.

Fig. 4. Measured and simulated monthly runoff

Table 3. Simulation results of runoff under different price levels

Water price increasing Volume of runoff
proportion Before After Increase
adjustment adjustment proportion
50% 3399.1 3405.6 0.19%
100% 3414.1 0.44%

5 Discussion

From Table 2, it is can be seen that not only the prices increases of other economy
sectors are lower than the increase of water price, but also the former increases are very
low. Even when the water price is doubled, the highest price fluctuation among other
sectors is not more than 0.15%, which means that the water price has little influences
on social economy. From Table 3, we can see that the influence of water price increase
on runoff is on the whole relatively large, especially when the water price increased by
100%, the increase proportion is 0.44%. The runoff increase is caused by the reduction
of irrigation water made by farmers as a reaction to water price increase. Water price is
still an effective method to save water resources in local district. When local govern-
ment raise water prices, more runoff will be received in the outlet of basin. Those water
resources can be used to meet with other urgent water resources demand or be used to
environment purpose, such as ground water replenishment, which is important for the
protection of the Jinan’s springs.
830 K. Kong et al.

Combing Tables 3 and 2 together, the negative economy effectives and the positive
hydrology effectives under different water price raising scheme are shown in Table 4.
We can see that when the water price is raised, both the increases of social products’
prices and the increase of runoff in basin are not too much. Even this, it is still obvious
that the hydrology effectives are larger than the economy effectives.
From above, we can say that the water price in the study districts is somehow
underestimated and it has such a wide range as 50%–100%, to promotion. When the
water price is raised, the overall effect is good, although there are small negative
economy effects.

Table 4. Economy effects and hydrology effects under two water price scheme
Water price Economy effective (prices increases in other Hydrology effective
increasing sectors) (%) (runoff increases in
proportion Agriculture Industry Businesses Public basin) (%)
50% 0.0612 0.0527 0.0178 0.0716 0.19
100% 0.1225 0.1053 0.0355 0.1432 0.44

6 Conclusions

This paper quantitatively analyzed the response of hydrology and economy to water
price under two water price adjustment scenarios using I-O analysis and SWAT sim-
ulation. Main achievements of this paper were as follows:
(1) The price elasticity of water demand of agricultural water and domestic water are
selected to be −0.2 and −0.25 respectively. When the water price increased by
50% and 100%, the total water consumption of the basin at middle level year
(p = 50%) would be reduced from 37.91 million m3 to 32.91 m3 and 29.91
million m3 respectively, which are about 13% and 21%.
(2) The responses of economy to water price were calculated by Input-output price
model and the results showed that the increase of water price of 50% and 100%
would lead to small increases in the prices of agricultural products, industrial
goods, businesses and public service. The largest increases happens in the public
service sector, and it is below 0.15%. The effect of water price regulation on
economy and society was weak, even if the price is doubled, which means that the
current water price is relatively low or the amount of water consumption by
economy sectors are not entirely measured.
(3) If the price of water increased by 50% and 100%, the runoff would correspond-
ingly increase by 0.19% and 0.44%. Compared with the increases of water price,
it can be seen that the positive effect on hydrology is 2–3 times the amount of the
negative effect on the economy. It is indicated that there are wide space to increase
the water prices. The appropriate increase in water price can abate the conflict
between water supply and demand and improve the efficiency of water use
without causing great fluctuation in economic society.
Simulation of Economy-Hydrology Effects Caused by Water Price Adjustment 831

Acknowledgements. This paper is supported by the research project of Jining Water Bureau of
Shandong province, and the science and technology project of Shandong Water Conservancy
Department (SDSLKY201803).

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Analysis and Research on Resettlement Mode
of Luola Hydropower Station Development
in Tibet

Liyuan Dai(&), Cheng Zhang, and Liya Yang

Wanjiang Engineering College, Ma’anshan 243000, Anhui, China


Abstract. Reservoir resettlement is accompanied by the construction of water

conservancy and hydropower projects, which is closely related to the popula-
tion, resources and environment problems facing the world today. Tibet is the
only minority Tibetan inhabitant-dominated area in China. At present, the
resettlement problem of land expropriation and resettlement brought about by
hydropower projects is one of the difficulties affecting hydropower development
in Tibet. Taking the Luola Hydropower Station in Tibet as an example, we
analysis and evaluate the resettlement mode and suitability of the resettlement
mode, and get corresponding conclusions.

Keywords: Hydropower migration  Resettlement mode  Suitability analysis

1 General Situation of Engineering

Luola hydropower station is the tenth of the twelve level plans in the upstream of
nujiang river planning [1]. The reservoir is connected with the upstream lalong
hydropower station and the downstream with the angqu hydropower station [2–5]. The
luola dam site is located on the nujiang river and about 10 km downstream of jinxiang
zuoba village, zuogong village which is about 1.5 km downstream of buja longba
valley [6–8]. At the beginning of the planning stage, the normal water level is
2525.0 m, the reservoir capacity under the normal water level is about 36197 million
m3, the installed capacity is 2900 MW, and the initial dam type is concrete double-
curvature arch dam. The maximum dam height is 295 m and using 243 m of water
head. The main task of development is hydroelectric power generation, which has the
comprehensive benefits of promoting ecological environment protection and social
economic development [9–12]. The main building level is 1, and the secondary
structure level is 3.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 832–840, 2019.
Analysis and Research on Resettlement Mode of Luola Hydropower Station 833

2 Analysis the Production and Resettlement Mode

of Immigrant
2.1 Population Calculation for Production and Resettlement of Luola
Hydropower Station
Production resettlement population is an important indicator to measure the size of
resettlement tasks. The determination of production resettlement population should be
based on the data of the design base year. According to the calculation unit, the natural
growth population should be considered and calculated to the planning and design level
year 1–5. The calculation formula is as follows:
R¼ Ri  ð1 þ kÞðn1 n2 Þ ð1Þ

Slevy þ Selse
Ri ¼  Niinner ð2Þ
Sibefore levy =Ridatum

Formula: R- total population of production and resettlement at planning and design

level year; Ri- population of production and resettlement in calculating unit design base
year; Slevy-area of cultivated land (garden) levied in calculating unit design base year;
S else- area of cultivated land (garden) that original land resources can’t be used for
other reasons; Si-before levy -total area of cultivated land (garden) before land req-
uisition in base year calculation unit design; Ri-datum-the number of agricultural
population in the base year of calculating unit design; i-the number of calculating unit;
k-natural growth rate of population; n1-planning and design level year of immigration
resettlement; n2-the base planning and design year of resettlement; Ni-inner- the gra-
dation coefficient between cultivated (garden) quality and cultivated (garden) quality
within the scope of land expropriation treatment of calculating unit. The difference of
output value per mu can be used for analysis and calculation.
However, the annual production and resettlement population at the planning and
design level calculated by the above methods must satisfy the following conditions:

R  Rdatum  ð1 þ kÞðn1 n2 Þ ð3Þ

Formula: Rdatum - the total agricultural population in the design and datum year.
The main income sources of grassland, forest land, aquaculture water surface or
economic forest land in pastoral areas can be calculated by referring to the calculation
method of cultivated land.
Most of the counties in Tibet are semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral counties.
Because of the poor climate conditions on the plateau, the income of the primary
industry in many areas is mainly from animal husbandry. The flooded villages of luola
hydropower Station have the same characteristics. Therefore, the production and
resettlement population of luola hydropower Station is calculated by the amount of
cultivated land and grassland collected divided the per capita amount before land
expropriation for the construction of the village (on-line cultivated land area is
834 L. Dai et al.

combined with field survey and determined according to detailed land survey data), and
then respective figure out the production and resettlement population of cultivated land
and grassland. According to the contribution rate of agriculture and animal husbandry
to the income of farmers and herdsmen. Convert the final production and resettlement
of population, and take into account the natural growth of population to calculate the
planning level year 6–8.
According to the analysis and calculation, the production and resettlement popu-
lation of luola hydropower Station is 1907 peoples on planning level year, of which
1741 peoples are in the affected area of reservoir inundation, 166 peoples are in the
construction area of hub construction and 2325 peoples were relocated and resettled.
See Table 1 for details.

Table 1. Calculating table of production and resettlement population in reservoir submerged

affected areas
Cultivated land grassland production
Production and
Total Production Production Resettlement
Per resettlement of
population Total Construction and Total Per capita Construction and Population of
Order number villages capita population
area levy area resettlement of area area levy area resettlement of level year
area convert
population population
mu/pe Millio mu/pers
person mu mu person mu person person person
rson n mu on
1 town
853 910.1 4.3 351.71 269 21.1 1083.27 10030.95 39 288 332
2 town
1936 1256 4.97 335.74 582 32.2 1436.27 9478.23 75 594 683
3 a town
910 2.63 12.4 494.16 2690.94 20 20 23

4 Xialinka 2609 1719.1 7.56 632.71 582 34.6 1415.32 11413.26 87 612 703
total 1311.16 1433 33613.38 221 1514 1741

2.2 Population Calculation for Production and Resettlement of Power

Stations Under Construction and Proposed in Tibet
Due to the late start of power station development in Tibet, the construction of large
and medium-sized power stations began in the “11th Five-Year Plan”. At present, only
Tiger Tsui Power Station is built in large and medium-sized power stations, and the rest
are all small power stations built to solve local electricity consumption; construction of
large and medium-sized power stations have zangmu, guoduo and duobu station; and
power stations ready to start construction during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period
are Jiacha Power Station, Jiexu Power Station, Dagu Power Station and Suwalong
Power Station. Calculate the production and resettlement population of the above-
mentioned power stations in Table 2.
From Table 2–1 and Table 2–2, it can be seen that the calculation of production
and resettlement population on above-mentioned power stations is based on the total
area of submerged cultivated land divided by the per capita cultivated land area of each
village, but without considering the impact of grassland. Among the above-mentioned
power stations, the income of the immigrants involved in Suwalong power station,
Jiedu power station and Guoduo power station is mainly from animal husbandry, the
income of seed industry and animal husbandry of Doubu power station is basically the
same. This calculation method does not take into account the impact of the main source
Analysis and Research on Resettlement Mode of Luola Hydropower Station 835

Table 2. Calculate table for the production and resettlement population of power station under
construction and proposed to be built in Tibet
Order Name of Main income Number of Number of The method of Computational
number power sources of submerged submerged calculating the results (person)
station migrants in farmland grass/woodland population of
submerged (Mu) (Mu) production
power station and
areas resettlement
1 Guoduo Six towns, the 1198.07 55.73/ Expropriation 651
power income of 3678.95 of farm land is
station planting divided by per
(under industry was capita
construction) 32.038 million agricultural
yuan, acreage
accounting for
19% of the
total income;
the income of
husbandry was
59.84 million
accounting for
35.6% of the
total income
2 Duobu Gengzhang 2051.7 1593.23/ Expropriation 354
power town’s income 3742.27 of farm land is
station of planting, divided by per
(under animal capita
construction) husbandry and agricultural
forestry acreage
were 18.74
million yuan,
18.77 million
yuan and 44.01
million yuan
3 Jiacha power 432.87 19.96/ Expropriation 305
station 1652.56 of farm land is
(feasible divided by per
study) capita
4 Jiexu power Residents’ 0 604.36/ Expropriation 0
station family income 1534.64 of farm land is
(feasible of primary divided by per
study) industry on capita
jiexu power agricultural
station involves acreage
89.81% of the
total income,
836 L. Dai et al.

Table 2. (continued)
Order Name of Main income Number of Number of The method of Computational
number power sources of submerged submerged calculating the results (person)
station migrants in farmland grass/woodland population of
submerged (Mu) (Mu) production
power station and
areas resettlement
7.93% of the
crop farming
60.68% of the
20.55% of the
income and
0.65% of the
fishery income
5 Suwalong The income of 1044.11 2416.1/ Expropriation 1127
power planting 4381.3 of farm land is
station industry in divided by per
(feasible Zhubalong capita
study) town was 4.172 agricultural
million yuan acreage
husbandry was
5.5514 million
yuan (12.9%),
forestry was
3.29 million
yuan (8.4%).
town’s income
of planting
industry was
8.788 million
yuan (21.4%),
husbandry was
15.429 million
yuan (37.6%),
forestry was
9.71 million
yuan (4.8%)
Analysis and Research on Resettlement Mode of Luola Hydropower Station 837

of migrants’ income on the production resettlement population, and can not accurately
reflect the resettlement population. At the same time, it only calculates the resettlement
population based on cultivated land. When there is more submerged cultivated land,
more resettlement population will be calculated than the actual population. When there
is less or no submerged cultivated land, less resettlement population will be calculated,
even the population is zero (e.g. jiexu power station). It will also affect the choice of
resettlement methods.
The production resettlement population of luola hydropower station is calculated
the resettlement population separately from various main sources of income, and then
the final production resettlement population is calculated according to its contribution
rate in income. The impact of various incomes on production resettlement is considered
when the main income of migrants is diversified in this way, and the calculated pop-
ulation of production resettlement is more realistic. However, we still need to study the
impact on the production resettlement population with how much the proportion of
various income in total income. It increase the difficulty of resettlement when we have
to consider the impact of many factors on immigration.

3 Suitability Analysis of Immigrants’ Production

Resettlement Modes
(1) Agricultural resettlement
The construction of hydropower stations are mostly in high mountain and gorge
areas. Agricultural farming is the main method in river valley areas’ people. The
advantage of agricultural resettlement is that the resettlement mode can continue
planting without changing its original mode of production after resettlement,
which is convenient for immigrants adapt and accept to new life. It is also
common and widely used in the current resettlement mode. The large amount of
total land resources in each towns involved by the flooding of luola hydropower
station, but the available reserve arable land resources are insufficient, the arable
land resources of this region are mostly distributed in the valley with relatively
good natural conditions. The loss of land resources, especially arable land
resources caused by the land acquisition of power station construction is large and
difficulty recovery.
(2) Second and third industry resettlement
According to the fact that the cultural level of the immigrants in loula hydropower
station is generally low, most of them have no skills and the low level of regional
economic development. The second and third industry can be resettled for the
immigrants who are engaged in the second and third industry before resettlement.
Many of the former immigrants have no relevant experience and skills who are
engaged in agriculture have large people wish to engage in secondary and third
industry. This requires local governments to conduct relevant training and guid-
ance, through relevant government departments and legal persons of power station
projects establish enterprises, restricts the large-scale implement.
838 L. Dai et al.

(3) Resettlement of relatives and friends

The resettlement of relatives and friends is a voluntary choice for immigrants
which is conducive to the psychological balance, alleviates the feeling of foreign
visitors after resettlement, and the high stability in the latter period. The choice of
this resettlement for immigrants depends on the fact that they have certain reliable
social network resources, enough land resources to meet the resettlement
requirements and their relatives and friends have the ability to support. According
to the analysis of the characteristics of the ethnic, religious and social network
relations of the immigrants in loula hydropower station, the resettlement mode can
only be used as an auxiliary one.
(4) Endowment insurance resettlement
The endowment insurance resettlement is one of the main ways of land expro-
priation compensation and resettlement in urban construction areas. It is wel-
comed by the elderly immigrants that the statutory retirement age can receive a
monthly pension. But for young laborers, they will not receive pensions until
twenty or thirty years later. If they do not have special life skills, the possibility of
maintaining or improving their living standards will be greatly threatened during
this period. The cultural quality level of the residents in the reservoir area of luola
hydropower station is generally backward, single labor skills, and low level social
and economic development. For the young immigrants, if this placement method
is adopted before reaching the year of pension payment, the unemployment lead
the loss life and high risk coefficient. Comprehensive analysis shows that it is
unrealistic to implement pension insurance placement on a large scale in this
(5) Annual monetary compensation and resettlement
The construction of hydropower stations has deprived the immigrants of all or part
of the original land resources such as cultivated land and garden land. On annual
monetary compensation and resettlement, they can obtain a long-term fixed output
even they don’t engage in the original work for a relatively long period of time.
The idle workers who adopt this kind of resettlement method can work in cities or
find new ways to work, which is not only accelerate the construction of urban-
ization, and broaden the income sources of immigrants, then reducing the social
instability factors. This way liberates the peasants from the land and the allocation
of land resources is no longer a restrictive factor for relocation. Also, it meets the
reserve wishes of immigrants to use the reserve resources.
Based on the comparative analysis of agricultural resettlement, second and third
industry resettlement, relatives and friends resettlement, pension insurance resettlement
and annual monetary compensation resettlement, it can be found that annual monetary
compensation resettlement is the most appropriate way.
Analysis and Research on Resettlement Mode of Luola Hydropower Station 839

4 Conclusion

Through the analysis of environmental capacity and adaptability of resettlement

methods, according to the luola hydropower station is lack of reserve arable land
resources, the loss of land resources especially arable land resources caused by land
acquisition for power station construction is difficult to restore. also the less remaining
arable land resources around the reservoir, the low quality and the output, the
prominent contradiction between human and land, and the great difficulty in raising
arable land resources. There are basically no terraces and floodplains around the
reservoir, the relatively poor natural utilization conditions of land, climate, light and
heat, water conservancy, the fragile ecological environment, and the limited remaining
grassland resources available for cultivation. More, combined with the fact that the
residents in the region have a low level of cultural education, poor labor skills, a great
dependence on grassland resources, and delimitation management of resources.
According to comprehensive analysis and comparison, it is more appropriate to
adopt the annual monetary compensation as the main resettlement method in loula
hydropower station.

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3. Zhang S (2005) Development and reform of compensation mechanism for resettlement in
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5. Liu J, Du J, Long S et al (2012) Discussion on land expropriation and resettlement for
hydropower projects in Tibetan areas. People’s Yangtze River 43(SL):157–159
6. Shi A (2008) Research on ethnic factor assessment mechanism in major projects. Central
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7. Li J et al (2007) Policy study on religious facilities relocation during reservoir migration in
Tibetan region. J Southwest Univ Natl (7)
8. Ministry of Water Resources (2003) China water statistics. China Water Resources and
Hydropower Publishing House, Beijing, p 76
9. Shi G, Tang J (2008) Innovation of resettlement mode for large reservoir resettlement —
Probe into long-term compensation and resettlement mode for submerged cultivated land in
reservoir area of Changzhou Water Conservancy Project in Guangxi. China Hydropower
Papers Collection. China Electric Power Press, Beijing
10. Yang H et al (2012) Talking about the suitability of the agricultural production resettlement
mode supplemented by “annual compensation” for resettlement of hydropower projects in
Southwest China. Collection of papers on technical management of hydropower resettlement
policy in 2012, pp 553–557
840 L. Dai et al.

11. Cheng Z, Liu Y, Gao C, Hu J (2018) Long-term runoff classification prediction of

Danjiangkou reservoir based on Mahalanobis distance discrimination. Rural Water Resour
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Water Resour Hydropower (02):159–163+167
Application of TOPSIS Method Based
on Entropy Weight in Economic Activity
Analysis of Power Grid Companies

Shanshan Wu1(&) and Xuanqi Liang2

State Grid Energy Research Institute, Beijing, China
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China

Abstract. Analysis of economic activities can analyze and evaluate the oper-
ating results of enterprises effectively, and it has a profound impact on decision-
making and strategy formulation of enterprises. At present, in the analysis of
power grid companies, the evaluation of business results are usually the com-
parison of a single index, and lacking a comprehensive evaluation. TOPSIS
method, as a common method to evaluate the relative merits of finite objects, has
been widely used in various fields. In this paper, on the basis of determining the
relevant indicators of operating results of power grid companies, we take a
provincial power grid company as an example, and use TOPSIS method to
analyze the operating conditions of the company in each quarter since 2014, and
conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the operating results of the power grid
company. At the same time, we verified the rationality and feasibility of TOPSIS
method in evaluating the operating results of power grid companies.

Keywords: Analysis of economic activities  Power grid company 

Operating results  TOPSIS

1 Introduction

With the deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises in China, the requirements
for state-owned enterprises to enhance social services, improve capital efficiency,
improve the asset structure and clarify the power and responsibility assessment have
been constantly raised. As a Service-oriented state-owned enterprise, power grid
companies have been promoting supply-side structural reform, state-owned enterprise
reform and power system reform actively [1].
Analysis of economic activities is an important way to assess performance, clarify
responsibilities and analyze indicators for power grid companies in China, However,
the current research on analysis of economic activities mainly focuses on the study of a
single index or a certain category of indicators (especially financial indicators), and
lacks a comprehensive and overall evaluation.
At present, there are many methods for the comprehensive evaluation of the
company’s operating conditions, which can be summarized as subjective evaluation
method, objective evaluation method and the combination of them. Subjective

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 841–849, 2019.
842 S. Wu and X. Liang

evaluation methods mainly include AHP [6], evidential reasoning [7], fuzzy compre-
hensive evaluation [8] and their derivative methods, These methods require high
professional knowledge and experience of evaluators and they are difficult to be
popularized in a wide range. Objective evaluation methods mainly include TOPSIS [9],
DEA and their derivative methods. Such methods require high comparability, integrity
and accuracy of relevant data. At present, the evaluation method combining subjective
and objective is a common research method in the industry and academia considering
the universal existence of unquantifiable information [10–12], the general research idea
is to give a subjective weight to each index, and then evaluate each object objectively
according to the weight.
According to the characteristics of power grid companies, and considering the
acquisition of data, the interpretability of research results and the popularization of
research methods, we chose the method of combining entropy weight with TOPSIS.
Based on the above methods, we evaluate the operating results of a provincial power
grid company in each quarter since 2014, and then, we verify the rationality and
feasibility of the method in evaluating the operating results of power grid companies
according the evaluation results.

2 Theoretical Basis

2.1 Basic Principles of TOPSIS Method

TOPSIS method was first proposed by C.L. Hwang and K. Yoon in 1981. It is based on
the similarity between a limited number of evaluation objects and the ideal target to
sort. It is an evaluation method of relative merits and demerits among existing objects.
The basic principle of TOPSIS method is to sort the evaluation objects by detecting the
distance from the optimal solution and the worst solution, if the evaluation object is the
closest to the optimal solution and the furthest away from the worst solution, it is the
optimal, and otherwise it is not the optimal. In other word, each index value of the
optimal solution reaches the optimal value, and each index value of the worst solution
reaches the worst value.
The ideal solution and the negative ideal solution are two of the most important
concepts in TOPSIS. The ideal solution is the optimal solution (or optimal scheme)
envisaged. In the ideal solution, each attribute value reaches the best value among the
alternatives. And the negative ideal solution is the worst solution (or optimal scheme)
envisaged, in the negative ideal solution, each attribute values reach the worst value
among the alternatives. The sorting rule is to compare all the alternatives with the ideal
solution and the negative ideal solution. If one of the alternatives is closest to the ideal
solution and far away from the negative ideal solution, it is the best alternative.

2.2 Basic Principle of Entropy Weight Method

The basic idea of entropy weight method is to determine the objective weight according
to the index variability. Generally speaking, the lower the information entropy Fj of an
index, the greater the degree of variation of the index, and the more information it
Application of TOPSIS Method Based on Entropy Weight 843

provides, the greater the role it can play in the comprehensive evaluation, therefore the
greater its weight. On the contrary, the greater the information entropy Fj of an index is,
the smaller its weight will be.

3 The Calculation Process

3.1 Calculate Index Weight Based on Entropy Weight Method

Firstly, based on the optimal scheme and the worst scheme obtained from data analysis,
the target value of normalized processing is determined, and based on this target value,
carrying out the standardized treatment. Among them, the optimal scheme is deter-
mined by the maximum value corresponding to each positive indicator and the mini-
mum value corresponding to the negative indicator, while the worst scheme is
determined by the minimum value corresponding to each positive indicator and the
maximum value corresponding to the negative indicator.
Next, for dimensionless data, we use information entropy to calculate the weight of
each index. The specific calculation process is as follows:
The entropy value Fj of each index is calculated as follows:

1 Xn  
Fj ¼  x ij ln xij ð1Þ
lnðnÞ i¼1

Using the results of formula (1) to calculate the degree of differentiation Fi , the cal-
culation formula is as follows:

Fi ¼ 1  Fj ð2Þ

The weight of each evaluation index wj is calculated as follows:

wj ¼ Pn ð3Þ
k¼1 Fk

3.2 Use TOPSIS Method to Evaluate Business Results

Firstly, the original decision matrix X ¼ ðxij Þmn is obtained from the collected data,
where m is the number of evaluation objects and n is the number of evaluation indi-
cators. Based on the original decision matrix, the following calculation steps are as
Construct a normalized decision matrix. Normalize processing vector to form
decision matrix Y ¼ ðyij Þmn , Where yij ’s calculation formula is:

yij ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pm 2ffi ð4Þ
i¼1 xij
844 S. Wu and X. Liang

Construct the normalized weighted decision matrix. Combined with the weight of each
evaluation index calculated by formula (3), calculated the weighted decision matrix
Z ¼ ðzij Þmn . The specific calculation formula is as follows:
Z ¼ wj yij mn ð5Þ

Get the ideal solution and the negative ideal solution. The ideal solution and the
negative ideal solution are used to represent the best solution and the worst solution
respectively, where the ideal solution is A þ ¼ z1þ ; z2þ ; . . .; znþ , and the negative
ideal is A ¼ z  
1 ; z2 ; . . .; zn .
zjþ ¼maxi zij ; j 2 T1 ; zjþ ¼ mini zij ; j 2 T2
j ¼mini zij ; j 2 T1 ; zj ¼ maxi zij ; j 2 T2

T1 is the benefit (positive) indicator, and T2 is the cost (negative) indicator.

Calculate the Euclidean distance from each scheme to the ideal solution. including
the distance between each evaluation object and the ideal solution Siþ , the distance
between each evaluation object and the negative ideal solution S i :
Siþ ¼ j¼1
zij  zj þ

rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð7Þ
Xn  2ffi
Si ¼ j¼1
zij  zj

Calculate the relative approximation Ci between each scheme and the ideal solution.
Then sort the operating conditions of the company in each quarter according the size of
Ci .

Ci ¼ þ ð8Þ
i þ Si

4 Determination of Evaluation Index

On the basis of the existing research results, combined with the industry characteristics
of power grid companies, fully consider the data representativeness, comparability,
accessibility and the compatibility with TOPSIS method, we finally determined the
three index selection principles: scientificalness, comparability and operability. Based
on the above principles, we determine the key indicators related to the company’s
operating results. The evaluation index system of the company’s operating results is
shown in Table 1.
Application of TOPSIS Method Based on Entropy Weight 845

Table 1. The evaluation index system of the company’s operating results.

Object level Criterion layer Indicator level
To construct the evaluation index Production and Power sale quantity A1, net purchase
system of the company’s management A power A2, company’ s market
operating conditions occupation rate A3, Net expansion
capacity A4, Price difference
between purchase and sale power
A5, line loss rate A6
Electricity Total electricity consumption B1,
market B Total social electricity generation B2,
Power generation from its own
power plant B3
Enterprise Fixed-asset investment C1, New
development C construction starts at 66 kV and
above line length C2, Newly started
substation capacity C3, Put into
operation 66 kV and above line
length C4, Put into operation the
transformer capacity C5
Financial index Total profit D1, operating revenue
D D2, operating costs D3, Total assets
of the company D4, Total liabilities
of the company D5
Talent and Technology input (technical
technology reform + information construction)
development E E1, Talent proportion (The
proportion of people with bachelor’s
degree or above) E2, staff
productivity E3
First-rate Power grid/equipment accident F1,
service F Reliability rate for urban users F2,
Reliability rate for rural users F3

5 Analysis of Examples

Taking a provincial power grid company as an example, we selected the operating data
of each quarter of the company from 2014 to now, and evaluated the operating results
of each quarter of the company with the entropy weight TOPSIS method.
Firstly, the data are normalized to form a canonical matrix. By using entropy weight
method to calculate the weight of the standard matrix, the weight of the index under
each criterion and the final weight of the index are obtained. The weight of the
company’s operating condition evaluation index system is shown in Table 2.
846 S. Wu and X. Liang

Table 2. The weight of the company’s operating condition evaluation index system.
Object level Criterion Indicator Weight Final
layer level weight
To construct the evaluation index system of A A1 0.192 0.044
the company’s operating conditions A2 0.105 0.024
A3 0.153 0.035
A4 0.205 0.047
A5 0.170 0.039
A6 0.175 0.040
B B1 0.500 0.044
B2 0.364 0.032
B3 0.136 0.012
C C1 0.198 0.049
C2 0.200 0.049
C3 0.200 0.049
C4 0.219 0.054
C5 0.184 0.045
D D1 0.277 0.051
D2 0.188 0.035
D3 0.136 0.025
D4 0.222 0.041
D5 0.178 0.033
E E1 0.567 0.076
E2 0.246 0.033
E3 0.187 0.025
F F1 0.184 0.022
F2 0.360 0.043
F3 0.456 0.054

Based on the normal matrix and the weight of each index, the normalized weighted
decision matrix is calculated, and then the ideal solution and the negative ideal solution
of each index are determined, the distance Siþ and S i between the company’s oper-
ating status data and the ideal solution and the negative ideal solution in each quarter
are calculated, the proximity degree of Ci between each scheme and the ideal solution
is obtained, and the company’s operating status in each quarter is sorted according to
the proximity degree. The full ranking of the company’s operating conditions in each
quarter is shown in Table 3.
Application of TOPSIS Method Based on Entropy Weight 847

Table 3. The full ranking of the company’s operating conditions in each quarter.
Quarter A B C D E F Comprehensive ranking
2014Q1 16 13 4 19 17 1 13
2014Q2 10 15 5 18 19 3 14
2014Q3 8 9 6 17 18 4 12
2014Q4 17 11 7 16 13 6 15
2015Q1 19 19 16 15 16 2 17
2015Q2 15 18 17 14 15 5 18
2015Q3 9 10 18 13 14 7 16
2015Q4 18 12 19 12 12 12 19
2016Q1 14 17 12 11 11 8 9
2016Q2 11 14 13 10 4 11 10
2016Q3 12 7 14 6 6 15 11
2016Q4 13 5 15 2 10 14 8
2017Q1 6 8 8 3 2 9 4
2017Q2 7 16 9 5 5 13 7
2017Q3 4 4 10 1 3 18 5
2017Q4 5 2 11 4 1 19 6
2018Q1 1 3 1 7 8 10 1
2018Q2 2 6 2 8 9 16 3
2018Q3 3 1 3 9 7 17 2

According to the full ranking results, it can be seen that the overall ranking of the
company’s operating results shows a good trend year by year, except that the decrease
in 2015 compared with 2014. In terms of classification, the ranking change of each
criterion layer is different from that of comprehensive ranking, and even some ranking
changes are quite different.
The comprehensive ranking of indicators under the company’s production and
operation (A), power market (B) and company development (C) criteria is basically
consistent. The relevant indicators under these three criteria are greatly affected by the
macroeconomic environment. From 2015 to 2016, the major macroeconomic indicators
of the province where the power grid company is located have all declined. Fixed asset
investment and GDP growth of the province have declined significantly. Affected by
this, the electricity market of the province has been in a continuous downturn. In 2016,
the company’s electricity sales even showed negative growth, and the revenue of main
business decreased year on year. In addition, the company’s fixed asset investment is
also at a low level in history, which is affected by national policies, environmental
protection and other factors. In 2015, the newly started/put into operation lines and
substation capacity all showed a significant decline compared with 2014. With the
improvement of the macro-economic environment of the company in 2017, both the
production and operation indicators and the development indicators of the company
have shown a good trend.
848 S. Wu and X. Liang

The comprehensive ranking of the company’s financial indicators (D) basically

shows an upward trend year by year. The decline in the ranking in 2018 is mainly
affected by the transformation of east-west supporting assets. The ranking of the
company’s indicators under the talent and technology development (E) criteria showed
an upward trend from 2014 to 2017, and the ranking of 2018 was lower than that of
2017. However, the ranking of indicators under the criterion of quality service
(F) shows a declining trend year by year. The reasons include the decrease in reliability
rate of power supply for urban/rural users and the high occurrence of power grid/device
events after 2017. Therefore, in the follow-up business activities, we should pay special
attention to the improvement of the company’s service level.
Considering the overall ranking of the company’s operating conditions and the
ranking results of each criterion layer, it can be concluded that: Although the overall
operating status of the company is at a good level, but there is still a large range of
improvement in quality services. In addition, through the analysis of the ranking
changes under various criteria, it can be seen that the evaluation results are basically
consistent with the actual situation, and it is reasonable to use this method to evaluate
the operating results of power grid companies.

6 Conclusion

This paper mainly studies the application of entropy weight TOPSIS method in the
evaluation of the company’s operating results. Firstly, 29 relevant indicators under 6
criterion layers were determined based on the data requirements of entropy weight
TOPSIS method and the industry characteristics of power grid companies. Then, we
use the relevant data of a provincial power grid company for example analysis. Based
on the analysis results of the example, we propose relevant Suggestions for the power
grid company. What’s more, we verified the rationality of entropy weight TOPSIS
method in evaluating the operating results of power grid companies. The main con-
clusions of this paper are as follows: (1) The evaluation of the company’s business
results is a multi-criteria and multi-index decision making problem. In the case of high
comprehensive ranking, we should also pay attention to the indicators under each
criterion, and then find relevant indicators with a wide range of improvement. (2) It is
reasonable to evaluate the operation results of power grid companies based on the
entropy weight TOPSIS method.

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Design and Practice of College English
Micro-course Based on Information
Technology Background

Haixia Yin(&)

Xi’an Fanyi University, Chang’an District, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China


Abstract. With the development of information technology, education has

gradually evolved towards individualization, diversification and fragmentation.
As an innovative educational technology, micro-course has become an impor-
tant teaching method for primary education, secondary education, higher edu-
cation and vocational education. This paper focuses on the teaching status of
college English, combines the characteristics of micro-course teaching, conducts
a theoretical exploration of the micro-course teaching mode, makes a design
proposal in the college English micro-course teaching, and discusses its practical
operation, showing the necessity of the application of micro-course in college
English teaching.

Keywords: Micro-course  College English  Design and practice

1 Introduction

College English classroom teaching has been closely integrated with information
technology. On the university campus, students basically have advanced electronic
equipment, which lays a foundation for students to receive network information
resources. The rapid development of information technology has triggered a series of
changes in the field of education. College English needs to break the traditional pattern
and establish a new type of efficient, convenient and easy education and learning mode.
The emergence and development of micro-course is to improve the quality and promote
the efficiency of college English teaching. The rapid development of modern infor-
mation technology has brought a large number of foreign language resources on
Internet which flow into college English classroom. The teaching mode of college
English has also changed. Some teachers apply the superiority of electronic equipment
to transfer the classroom onto Internet, and students can use electronic devices such as
computers or mobile phones for viewing, breaking the time and space restrictions.

1.1 Teaching Status

At present, many colleges and universities are consciously adding micro-course to
classroom during the teaching reform to help teachers achieve a good teaching results.
The design of college English micro-courses must first be based on subject knowledge

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 850–856, 2019.
Design and Practice of College English Micro-course 851

to carry out teaching. The learning materials are from real language materials. The
excellent teaching materials should be selected. The content of the textbooks should
contain new information. The language points should be systematic and convenient for
students to master. The purpose of learning is to satisfy students professional learning
and the needs of future work. According to these standards, teachers can design micro-
courses by combining the characteristics of subject, so that teaching helps to stimulate
students’ interest and motivation in language learning.

1.2 Analysis of the Students

Through continuous accumulation in high school, students could have a certain mastery
of basic English grammar and language points, and already have the basic ability of
listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore, when they enter into university, if
the college English teaching mode continues the vocabulary and grammar-based
English teaching mode in high school, it will be difficult for students to meet with the
basic requirements of college graduates in today’s increasingly innovative society. At
the same time, in the practice of college English teaching, it is found that the char-
acteristics of English learning in different majors are different. The college English
curriculum needs to take into account the needs of students in different majors, which is
a test to the instructors’ academic ability. At this time, the emergence of micro-courses
provides conditions for creating a new mode of college English teaching with its own
characteristics and advantages.

2 Information Technology Background

2.1 Analysis of Teaching Equipments

Now, with the development of information technology, almost all the classrooms on
campus are equipped with computer equipments. The current English teaching mode in
domestic universities is to use multimedia teaching equipment for classroom teaching,
combining with students’ independent learning after class with online resources. The
content of this teaching mode is that our college English teachers display their class-
room teaching content to the students in the form of multimedia courseware. The
teachers always have to guide them correctly during the teaching process. The students
learn and master the teaching content of the multimedia courseware. Today’s multi-
media teaching mode is not perfect. There are some obvious shortcomings: for
example, in the process of demonstrating multimedia courseware to students, if there is
some improper instruction in the guiding part, the language points are quickly skipped,
then the students can’t extract the effective points in the courseware, which makes the
students unable to grasp the key points. And their thinking cannot keep up with the
rhythm of teaching. Sometimes even though it looks very perfect, there is no time to
record, which will result in forgetting the knowledge. At the same time, students will
feel very lost. In the long run, they will lose interest in the study of English.
852 H. Yin

2.2 Teacher’s Technology Capacity

Compared with teachers in the compulsory education stage, college English teachers
generally have relatively higher academic qualifications, and their ability to accept new
things is mostly stronger than that of teachers in the basic education stage. According to
the survey, the average age of teachers who are engaged in higher education is around
30 years old, and their ability to accept new things will be stronger. Young college
English teachers must also have a certain sense of innovation in order to achieve
innovative teaching, which is also the basis for the introduction of micro-teaching
resources in college English teaching. After the reform of college English teaching,
most college English teachers can quickly master the use of computer technology.
Therefore, college English teachers will lay a solid foundation in the production of
micro-courses, the search for micro-course resources and the processing of various
tasks. Through such observation and analysis, we can know that such ability of the
college English teachers provide a basis for the establishment and effective application
of the college English micro-teaching mode.

3 The Theoretical Basis of the Micro-course

3.1 Cognitive Load Theory

Cognitive load theory divides the cognitive load into natural cognitive load, irrelevant
cognitive load, and related cognitive load. The inherent cognitive load is fixed and
immutable. It is derived from the complexity of the knowledge itself and the learner’s
original knowledge structure. When the topic of a micro-course is determined, the specific
learner and the cognitive structure of the learner is immutable, so the load of primary
understanding is fixed. Involuntary cognitive load refers to the load caused by psycho-
logical activities that are not conducive to learning and do not contribute to learning during
the learning process. For example, inappropriate instructional design, lengthy teaching
time, irrelevant language points about teaching content, and inappropriate course pre-
sentation methods, etc., which are not helpful for students to learn, and should be avoided
in teaching. Related cognitive load is effective in promoting students’ learning.

3.2 Constructivism Theory

Constructivist believes that learners are the active information builders in the learning
process. Teachers no longer blindly inculcate knowledge but promote and help
learners. Teaching activities focus on contextual and cooperative learning. Construc-
tivist believes that the acquisition of knowledge must have: a certain situation, the
cognitive structure of the learner and the meaningful construction. Among them, the
situation refers to the social environment in which the learner is located. The learner
and the teacher coexist in this situation. The teacher’s teaching and the student’s
learning must be in this situation, especially the micro-course form must be created in
an immersive way. It can narrow the gap between the learning situation and the
external environment. The design, topic selection, production and application of the
college English micro-course are all completed under the constructivism theory.
Design and Practice of College English Micro-course 853

3.3 Mastering the Theory of Learning

Carol believes that “a student’s aptitude refers to the amount of time he needs to master
a learning task”, which he concludes with the Carol formula, aptitude = learning speed.
On this basis, Bloom made further research and established a learning mode: academic
achievement = actual learning time/necessary learning time. He believes that students
need a certain learning time, the longer the actual learning time, the higher the aca-
demic achievement. The college English Micro-course is a good example for mastering
the theory of learning. First of all, if the teacher records the micro-course before class,
the students with poor foundation can preview before learning the text. Especially the
micro-course mainly explains the difficult problems in the class. The students famil-
iarize the language points in advance or improve their academic achievement in
practice. On the other hand, if the students do not fully grasp the language points in the
classroom, after the class, the students can review, consolidate and practice what they
don’t understand in class.

4 Designing Micro-course Teaching Mode in College English


According to the micro-course design mode and the characteristics of the college
English, the course is mainly designed from the pre-course analysis, instructional
design, teaching activities and teaching summary as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Flow chart of micro-course teaching design

4.1 Pre-course Analysis

The platform of the micro-course is an important measures that is different from the
ordinary textbooks. The construction of the platform is also the part that needs to be
further strengthened in the later stage of the micro-course. The form of the curriculum
and the supporting resources construction are also aspects that the micro-course needs
to be continuously improved. Students said that technical aspects such as scalability
and interestingness also need to be improved. College students do not fully grasp the
854 H. Yin

basic knowledge of English. Most of the students said that teachers rarely mentioned
basic knowledge of English and seldom organized conversational exercises in English.
So the difficulty of the course, the design of the courseware all should be in line with
the actual situation of the students.

4.2 Instructional Design

In the teaching design theory, students are the center of learning and the main body of
learning. The micro-curriculum is produced to provide services and convenience for
individual student learning. The learning phase includes three stages: pre-class
preparation, teacher-teaching class, and teacher-student interaction. The micro-course is
short and brief, but micro-teaching materials are carefully prepared and recorded by the
teacher. The content mainly focuses on the language points and the new information of
the course. Although the micro-course is short, the teaching link is complete. There-
fore, in the process of learning, on the one hand, students should carefully read the
contents of the micro-course, finish the problems that the teacher designed, and actively
participate in the discussion and answering questions. On the other hand, the teacher
selects the questions that are worthy of inquiry after focusing on the students’ feedback,
and saves more time for the students to interact in the form of groups to discuss the
problems and difficulties encountered in the process of video learning in the micro-
courses. In this learning process, teachers are more like a leader and information
transmitter in the activities of student cognitive learning.

4.3 Teaching Activities

Teaching knowledge should take account of applicability. And the teachers need to
lead students to be purposeful and targeted in learning. The advantage of the micro-
course is that it can use pictures, images, sounds, texts and other means to stimulate
students’ visual, auditory and tactile senses. Feelings and other senses can help students
transform the original boring book knowledge into a vivid and lively learning scene,
thus achieving the effect of stimulating students’ potential and quickly grasping the
content of the text. Teachers can use the micro-teaching resources to conduct scene
activities such as “interview” or “role-play” to make the class become lively and
interesting, enhance students’ ability to use language flexibly in the real situation, and
increase students’ interest in English learning. Individualized teaching should also be
carried out according to the characteristics of students.

4.4 Summary System

At the end of the micro-course teaching, students can conduct online consultation with
the teachers on the micro-course platform if they don’t understand the problems in the
classroom. In this way, not only can they grasp the content learned in the classroom
more firmly, but also enhance the students’ reflection and summary ability. The teacher
should pay attention to observing the completion of the student’s micro-class teaching
task and the performance of student, and analyzing the actual effect of micro-course in
college English teaching. Of course, the teacher can establish a list to record the student
Design and Practice of College English Micro-course 855

micro-course video learning situation. So that the situation will be investigated, and
some students with poor self-discipline can be effectively supervised, finally the
learning situation will be analyzed and summarized. A targeted database of micro-
teaching learning can be established, so the students will be assisted and directed in a
timely and targeted manner. Students can make reasonable adjustments to their learning

5 Practical Application of College English Micro-course

5.1 The Teaching Mode of the Innovative Micro-course

In the past, traditional teaching modes were mostly based on teachers’ explanations and
blackboards. When students received knowledge, they were mostly passive and their
learning effects were poor. In the classroom teaching, when the micro-teaching mode is
adopted, students can obtain information through pictures, sounds and videos, which
makes the teachers’ teaching much easier and more convenient, and can effectively
stimulate students’ enthusiasm and initiative in learning English. Innovative college
English teaching mode, must not only flexibly apply micro-course teaching technology,
but also carry out personalized teaching. Carrying out personalized teaching in the
process of classroom teaching is conducive to stimulating students’ interest in learning.
Teachers can use the appropriate pictures, sounds and images to create teaching situ-
ations and guide students to use a variety of senses to participate in the situational
experience activities. Innovating the traditional micro-course teaching mode can
effectively stimulate students’ thirst for knowledge, so as to achieve good English
classroom teaching results.

5.2 Simplify Micro-course Language Points Scientifically and Rationally

The time of the micro-course video is usually short, generally it will not exceed
20 min, and its resource capacity is relatively small. In addition, the “micro-teaching
case”, teaching courseware, teaching reflection and expert comments, which are mat-
ched with the teaching theme, are also included. Only a few megabytes. Therefore,
teachers must reasonably simplify the teaching content of the micro-course. When
arranging the language points of the micro-course, the teacher should highlight the
topic of the text and clarify the teaching direction. The emergence of micro-course is
mainly to solve the problems of a certain language point in teaching, or to reflect the
“teaching” and “learning” activities of a certain English teaching link and theme.
Therefore, in micro-class, teachers must scientifically organize and rationalize the
language points in teaching to make their teaching content more streamlined, the
subject is more prominent, and the direction is clearer, thus improving the effectiveness
of micro-course teaching.
856 H. Yin

5.3 Constantly Learn from Each Other

As a new type of teaching method, the micro-course should be continuously improved
and promoted. The past “classroom recording” video resources are too large and very
lengthy, which is not helpful to students’ learning. The current micro-curriculum has a
prominent teaching theme and clear knowledge points which are easy to communicate
and use. However, closed construction is not conducive to long-term development.
Therefore, teachers should make full use of the micro-course platform and continue to
learn and observe other excellent micro-course works, study and discuss the high-
quality resources in the micro-curriculum platform, thus promoting the resources
sharing of excellent micro-course videos.

6 Summary

The application of the micro-course breaks through the definition of teaching in the
past, and the teaching is no longer limited to the simple rigid classroom, but expanded
to the Internet and mobile teaching. It is no longer repeated in the same way but in a
targeted manner. Learning from a certain language point and turning students from
passive listeners in the classroom into masters of their own. It is a very efficient and
practical way of teaching which is worthy to explore.

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Digital Restoration for Damaged
Thangka Image

Wenjin Hu1,2(&), Fuliang Zen1, Jiahao Meng2, and Yuqi Ye1

School of Math and Computer Science, Northwest Minzu University,
Lanzhou 730030, China
Key Laboratory of China’s Ethnic Languages and Information Technology of
Ministry of Education, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730000, China

Abstract. The “Thangka” is a special artistic presentation from Tibetan, which

is also widely regarded as one of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Because of a
long history and its ingredient (paper and silk) being hard to conserve, Thangka
has been damaged by different degrees. In this paper, the technology of damaged
Thangka image inpainting is introduced, which included damaged region seg-
mentation, image inpainting and image inpainted quality assessment. The
technology not only provides a technical route for the developer to repair the
image of the Thangka, but also supply a theoretical reference for the Thangka
researchers in other fields, and finally we promote some protection in the
Thangka intangible cultural heritage.

Keywords: Intangible cultural heritage  Damaged Thangka image 

Damaged region segmentation  Image inpainting 
Image inpainted quality assessment

1 Introduction

The ReGong art is a special painting presentation from Tibet which is included in the
“Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity” [1]. Re Gong
Art-Thangka, which is known as Tibetan scroll painting or Buddhist cloth painting has
been transformed as a unique painting art decorated by the fabric. Thangka has a long
history, dating back at least to the Songtsan Gambo era. At the beginning, Thangka was
used to missionary, and then it became popular in temples as a painting. With the Tubo
Dynasty scaling up fast, after hundreds period of progress, Thangka grew at the height
of power and splendor in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Thangka has distinctive
features of Tibetan and a strong religious meaning, which including Buddhism, history,
medicine, astronomy, drama, and folk stories, etc. Identified as an encyclopedia of
Tibetan culture the history, Thangka has extremely costly image data and historical
material, having highly learning value and appreciate beauty the value.
Under the globalization of conservation for intangible cultural heritage, Thangka art
inheritance and protection has become the consensus of people. Because of a long
history and its ingredient (paper and silk) being hard to conserve, Thangka has been
damaged by different degrees. The common damage form of Thangka is the core and

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 857–865, 2019.
858 W. Hu et al.

the edge of painting, such as edge piping fragmentary, suture setting out, smudging and
oil pollution and water stains and insect excretions. There are many causes of Thangka
damaged. The main reason is poor storage condition and the technology of preservation
which fail to meet the requirement.
At present, there are few professionals engaged in the protection and repair of
Thangka in China. They have used traditional methods and technologies to repair
damaged Thangka. The painters should have a certain professional level and skill.
Because the treasure painting will have serious consequences once this restored process
is an error or deviation. On the other hand, with the vigorous development of image
processing technology, digital image restoration technology came into being. The staff
scans the Thangka into the computer first, and then uses the software or program to
complete the repair. There is no doubt that digital image restoration technology avoids
the valuable art destroyed, reduces the irreversibility of manual repair and speeds up the
repair processing. Therefore, image inpainting has become the most safe and conve-
nient way to repair the ancient works of art.

2 The Process of Thangka Image Inpainting

For the Thangka image inpainting, we should take pictures, mark the damaged area,
and then repair the damaged area. If the repaired Thangka was satisfied the require-
ments, the whole process is over. If not, we could adopt another image inpainting
method to restore. Due to the development of photography, the technology of Thangka
image digital is very mature. Therefore, damaged regions segmentation of Thangka
image is the primary problem which was solve.

2.1 Damaged Regions Segmentation

Damaged regions segmentation is an indispensable part in the process of Thangka
inpainting, and the quality of which will directly affect the inpainting quality. A large
proportion of the damaged areas are marked manually and by semi-automatic seg-
mentation means, which process are slow, time-consuming and prone to human error.
Damaged area segmentation essentially belongs to image segmentation.
However, damaged regions segmentation is however similar but different from the
methods proposed for the defect detection and thus are not applicable for Thangka
concurrent damaged area. The reasons are as following: (1) There are varieties of
damaged forms. Due to time went by and improper preservation method, the main
destruction forms are cracking and embrittling of material, fade of color, moldy, worm
eaten, creases and etc. Damage form is different, so the detection methods are different.
(2) Thangka image have rich texture and complex structure. It is difficult to distinguish
the damaged area and the surrounding pixel as these are similar to. Sometimes these
small scratches resemble the inherent texture unit. The image segmentation based on
gray level or color information, which using the edges or looking for threshold in the
whole image, is difficult to directly to segment the damaged area. Therefore, finding a
Thangka image segmentation method is particularly important and challenging.
Digital Restoration for Damaged Thangka Image 859

In [2] Thangka image scratch detection algorithm based on wavelet analysis is

presented. But this method can only apply to the vertical scratches. In [3] Thangka
faded regions segmentation algorithm is presented. The initial result is first segmented
by the threshold segmentation, morphological segmentation, and block segmentation.
Then small area and pseudo damaged area are eliminated by using human interaction
and domain knowledge. However, how to obtain domain knowledge and used in the
damaged region segmentation were did not mentioned. In [4] proposed the method that
can segment the consistent broken area of Buddha thangka image. Firstly, head light
area is projected and the symmetry axis is obtained by one-dimensional function
symmetry detection method, then the initial segmentation result is received based on
symmetric axis block segmentation. Secondly, using Gabor transform to extract the
texture feature, combining with the Lab color space feature, constructing the multi-
scale features set, and the consistent broken area template is ultimately achieved by
KNN classification. In [4] the algorithm based on maximum entropy and local priority
was proposed to segment damaged regions of rip Thangka. Firstly, the gray image of
Thangka is segmented using maximum entropy algorithm. The false damaged regions
are removed and the seriously damaged regions are obtained. Secondly, the gray image
of Thangka is segmented by local priority algorithm, the false damaged regions are
removed and the transitions of the damaged regions are achieved. Finally, the serious
damaged regions are combined with the transition of the damaged regions and the
ultimate segmentation result is gained.
In a Thangka paintings, there are many different damage forms, such as scratch,
spotty defect and the region where contains large area to fall off. As is known to all,
physical or man-made reasons which led to a variety of forms of damage types may
appear in Thangka image at the same time. Therefore the breakage region segmentation
algorithm has not unified framework from the perspective of image processing. In
addition, Thangka image have rich texture and complex structure. It is difficult to
distinguish the damaged area and the surrounding pixel even if the people manual
segmentation using human eye. There is still a long way to explore and discover
damaged region segmentation algorithm which could integrate variety of forms of
damaged region.

2.2 Damaged Regions Restoration

Image inpainting as an automatic digital filling technical was firstly proposed, which is
to paint the missing region based on the image information available outside.
Numerous scenarios had been applied: automatic scratch restore in digital photos and
old films, document or logo expurgation, interpolation, and more complex ones such as
taking away from objects or persons, and so on. Since 2007, the research achievement
on this topic has used for damaged Thangka inpainting [5]. Image inpainting algo-
rithms can be classified easily in three major classes: diffusion-based inpainting
algorithms, exemplar-based restoration means and hybrid ways. In the process of
Thangka image restoration, we also attempt to use these three methods.
860 W. Hu et al.

2.2.1 Diffusion-Based Inpainting Techniques

In the majority of Thangka image, the damaged areas are long and thin. The key
challenge is to find which direction to spread the local structural information smoothly
from given regions to unknown areas. The BSCB model was first designed by Ber-
talmio et al., which placidly spread content from the circumambient regions in the
isophote direction. This facilitated Chan and Shen [6] to develop a total variation
(TV) inpainting model based on the representative TV denoising equation. Later Chan
and Shen proposed the Curvature-Driven Diffusions (CDD) inpainting model [7],
aiming at using the curvature of the isophote to implement the Connectivity Principle.
The diffusion-based restoration algorithms can obtain good results when applied to
images composed of structure information or while the target area is small. These three
models will be introduced as following.
1. Bertalmio’s Algorithm
Let X stands for the area to be restored, and @X for its periphery. The purpose of
the algorithm is to spread the information along isophote lines that crosses the contour
@X. The information transmission in mathematics can be expressed as the following

@I @L
¼ ¼ rL  N ð1Þ
@t @N
@I @L
where @t is the intension variation of the picture elements, @N
¼ rL  N express the
information L changing along the direction of spread N. Because we want the prop-
agation to be smooth, the information L should be an image smoothness estimator.
Therefore, we may use a simple implementation of the discrete form of the Laplacian
transform: Ln ði; jÞ ¼ Ixx
ði; jÞ þ Iyy
ði; jÞ. The ideal propagation direction is isophote. The
! ? n
isophote line direction is represent as N ¼ r I ði;jÞ
jrI n ði;jÞj .

2. TV Model
As practiced in the variational methodology, it is more convenient to solve the
unconstrained TV inpainting problem:
Jk ðuÞ ¼ jrujdxdy þ ju  u0 jdxdy ð2Þ
E[D 2 E

The Euler-Lagrange equation for the energy functional Jk

rð Þ þ kðu  u0 Þ ¼ 0 ð3Þ
Digital Restoration for Damaged Thangka Image 861

The infinitesimal steepest descent equation for Jk ðuÞ is therefore given by:
> @u ru
< ¼ r  þ kðu0  uÞ
@t jruj
: @u j ¼ 0; uðx; y; 0Þ ¼ u0 ðx; yÞ
@n @X
Here the numerical computation algorithm, which is usually slow due to the time
step constraints imposed by numerical stability, solved above differential equations
(Eq. 2) instead of by time marching.
However, TV model may mistake noise as a significant feature thus creating
unwanted artifacts or false edges. Therefore, Zhang et al. [8]. proposed P-Harmonic
Energy Minimization image inpainting model (Eq. 5).
1 p
Jk ðuÞ ¼ jruj dxdy þ ju  u0 jdxdy ð5Þ
E[D p 2 E

In fact, iteration is a process of anisotropic information diffusion. When damaged

area is relatively thin and horizontal, the problem of slow information diffusion is even
more acute. Therefore, image inpainting takes more iteration. For this reason, Lu et al.
[9] proposed fast image inpainting algorithm for Thangka which define priorities to
ensure damaged picture elements have more available information, which making the
diffusing information as much as possible at each iteration. In addition, Li et al. [10] set
the weighting for neighboring pixels according to their correlation with the target point
so as to discriminate the effect of nearby pixels.
3. CDD Model
Chan and Shen proposed the Curvature-Driven Diffusions (CDD) inpainting model:
@u gðjjjÞ
@t ¼ r  jruj ru ð6Þ
@n j@X ¼ 0; uðx; y; 0Þ ¼ u0 ðx; yÞ

In the TV model, the diffusion depends on the contrast or strength of isophotes,

which is reflected in the expression for the conductivity coefficient D ¼ jruj
. In order to
applies to non-textured images, the diffusion coefficient was modified to D ¼ gðjjjÞ
jruj .

2.2.2 Exemplar-Based Inpainting Methods

However, these methods were used to restore Thangka image when target regions
composed of much texture, which introduce blur to the restored images. Criminisi et al.
[11] introduced the exemplar-based image inpainting method, which had better effect
on texture picture.
862 W. Hu et al.

The process has two steps. First one applies a priority formula to estimate the next
target patch to be restored. The priority function P(p) is defined as

PðpÞ ¼ CðpÞDð pÞ ð7Þ

where the confidence term C(p) computes the quantity of faithful information sur-
rounding the pixel p, which is evaluated by
q2Wp \ ðIXÞ CðqÞ
CðpÞ ¼   ð8Þ
W p 

where jWpj is the total number of pixels in the target patch Wp(Seen from Fig. 5). The
data term D(p) represents the strength of the isophote hitting the boundary @X as
rI  np 
DðpÞ ¼ P
where a is a normalization factor. np is a unit vector orthogonal to the boundary @X at
point p and ? denotes the orthogonal operator. Pixels where structure information
located have higher priorities.
The second procedure minimizes the sum of squared differences to look for the best
matched block from elsewhere in the image to fill the target block, which can be written
X m
dðWp; Wq Þ ¼ ðvip  viq0 Þ2 ð10Þ

This method is able to restore most of the texture information within a missing area.
It produces the valid result when repairing region is large. The main reasons of this
technology are computing priority and the search for optimum matching block. The
only drawback is the value of priority is influenced by noise and complicated textures.
This is due to higher priority obtained than other structural section. Therefore many
researchers have proposed improved algorithms for computing priority. The methods
[12–14] was proposed in order to improve calculating priority and got good results.

2.2.3 Hybrid Methods

Diffusion-based inpainting approaches have proven to reestablish global structures
effectively, but often fail at rebuilding textures. On the other hand, exemplar-based
inpainting methods are suitable for filling-in textural information, but have more dif-
ficulties to reestablish missing structural information globally. Hybrid inpainting
algorithms combine both the diffusion-based restoration and exemplar-based inpainting
algorithm to recover the textural and structural information. The [15] and [16] were first
one to decompose the image into structure and texture components and inpainted
independently with different methods. After inpainted, the two parts are recombined to
reconstruct the final restored Thangka. Image decomposition is mainly process of these
Digital Restoration for Damaged Thangka Image 863

methods. In the process of image decomposition, a given image is often formulated as

the cartoon component and the texture component, which is usually modeled as an
inverse problem: given f, find another image u, “close” to f, such that u is a cartoon
component of f. Most models assume the following relation between f and u: f = u+v,
where v is noise or small scale repeated detail (texture). There are many image
decomposition models, which produces images that are suited for diffusion-based
inpainting and exemplar-based inpainting techniques very well. There the algorithms
can be used which described in the above sections. Of course the defects of these
methods are more time-consuming.

2.3 Image Inpainted Quality Assessment

Most of early works evaluated their inpainting quality by simple objective metrics such
as MSE, PSNR or visual comparisons. The PSNR or the MSE as a conventional fidelity
metric works well for evaluating the quality of images sharing the same content and the
same distortion type. However, quality rating evaluated by PSNR or MSE do not
relevant well with human beings’ subjective fidelity scores when diversiform images or
various distortion kinds are involved. Qualitative human comparisons are often used to
quantify the quality of painting. However, despite it provide accurate results, qualita-
tive human comparisons is an evaluation methodology that requires resources and time.
Therefore, to evaluate inpainted image quality, the index combined with the
structural feature and visual salience in [17]. Viacheslav [18] introduced an index for
objective inpainting quality assessment based on natural image statistics and machine
learning means. Oncu et al. [19] adopted four inpainting image quality metrics and
eight image quality indexes considered for performance assessment, against a database
of 48 images. The results of the experiment shows that none of the indexes have been
gaining a high reputation over all picture databases, but certain indexes achieve well for
particular pictures. In Thangka image inpainted quality assessment, the research [20]
proposed a novel metrics to evaluate Thangka image inpainting consequence. The key
is that the metric to decompose the reference and distorted Thangka and to compare the
intensity of fuzzy edge for structural part and similarity for textural portion.

3 The Problems and Prospects

In this paper, Thangka image restoration technology was studied. For Thangka, due to
physical and artificial reasons, there are many different types of damage forms. So the
damaged area segmentation algorithm adopted from the perspective of image pro-
cessing is not the same. Therefore, there is still a long way to go in the exploration of an
integrated region segmentation algorithm that can divide multiple damaged regions.
For Thangka image inpainting, how to build an image restoration processing frame-
work combining human visual characteristics and image analysis, which diffuse and
maintain effectively the structure and texture information of the image, which will still
have a long way to go. It was also crucial to select the parameters of algorithm that lead
to the best visual effect. For Thangka image inpainting quality evaluation, there is no
864 W. Hu et al.

original image to refer to. It is necessary to design a non-reference image quality

evaluation system.

Acknowledgement. This study was sustained partly by Nature Science Foundation of China
(No. 61561042) and Key Laboratory of China’s Ethnic Languages and Information Technology
of Ministry of Education.

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Construction and Application of Intelligent
Campus in Colleges and Universities Under
the Background of Big Data

Yanmei Jia(&)

China West Normal University, Nanchong 637002, Sichua, China


Abstract. With the advent of the era of “Internet plus”, information technology
in Colleges and universities is facing unprecedented new situations and new
challenges. Intelligent campus is a new stage in the development of educational
informatization. This paper analyses the connotation and characteristics of smart
campus, puts forward the idea of building smart campus, and takes S University
as an example to introduce the specific application of smart campus. Colleges
and universities should take the construction of intelligent campus as an
opportunity to continuously promote the realization of educational

Keywords: Smart campus  Education informatization  Cloud computing

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of big data, cloud computing and Internet of Things
technology, educational informationization is facing new opportunities and challenges.
Traditional campus will change from digital campus to intelligent campus. Intelligent
campus is a new stage of educational informationization development. “Thirteenth
Five-Year Plan of Education Informatization” points out that “we should rely on
information technology to create an information-based teaching environment and
promote the reform of teaching concepts, teaching modes and teaching contents” [1].
Intelligent campus mainly provides intelligent services for teaching, scientific research,
management and life of teachers and students through one-stop service hall, relying on
cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, mobile interconnection, virtual reality
and other key technologies.

2 Connotation and Characteristics of Intelligent Campus

In 2008, IBM first proposed the “Smart Earth” strategy, which is widely recognized in
different countries and fields. At the end of 2012, China officially launched the National
Smart City pilot project. In 2016, the smart campus was written into the main points of
national education informatization work, and then all kinds of schools across the
country set off a wave of building smart campuses. From the perspective of the Internet

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 866–872, 2019.
Construction and Application of Intelligent Campus 867

of Things, in order to highlight its intelligent perception Functions, intelligent campus

is positioned as a highly integrated information technology, in-depth integration of
information applications, and the construction of a widely perceived information ter-
minal, with network, information and intelligent characteristics of the campus [2].
From the point of view of management, smart campus is defined as a kind of
campus mode. It mainly uses cloud computing, Internet of Things and other related
technologies to change the way of interaction between teachers, students and various
resources on campus. It reengineers and integrates the process of teaching and research,
management services, various resources and application systems in schools, and
improves the accuracy, flexibility and response of various application interactions.
Speed to achieve intelligent service and management [3]. Chen and others believe that
the essence of smart campus should lie in two aspects: one is to support and serve the
innovation, reconstruction and rebuilding of the educational mode, mode and process,
and the other is to support and serve the cultivation of innovative and creative talents.
Without these two “support and service” innovations, it must not be a smart campus
Scholars in different fields define smart campuses according to different emphases.
This study considers that smart campus is an intelligent ecosystem based on big data,
cloud computing, mobile interconnection, Internet of Things and other technologies. It
is a product of the advanced development of digital campus. It aims to improve the
level of intelligence of the educational ecological environment and realize the deep
integration of technology and mainstream business of education. Combining with the
definition of smart campus, the characteristics of smart campus are mainly reflected in
the following aspects.

2.1 Technical Characteristics of Intelligent Campus

Intelligent campus construction is ubiquitous, all-inclusive and omnipotent ubiquitous
network, which realizes the acquisition, transmission, storage, analysis, management
and use of information between various terminals such as “people and people” and
“people and things”, and provides smooth communication at any time and anywhere.
[5]. “Cloud” refers to cloud platform, cloud storage and cloud computing. Data centers
based on cloud technology provide virtual servers for the infrastructure construction of
smart campus, as well as data computing and service capabilities. Based on data, a data
model that can reflect the real state is constructed. Through data and information
transmission between “cloud” and users, users can obtain intelligent, personalized and
convenient services. In the aspect of application security, the application program is
unified through nginx agent. The software installation adopts non-root users, database
firewall, and core firewall technology to ensure the operation security of the whole
intelligent campus platform system.

2.2 Data Characteristics of Intelligent Campus

With the rapid development of the Internet of Things and Internet, teaching, scientific
research, management, educational administration and so on produce a large amount of
data every day. The data of smart campus presents multi-source and heterogeneous data
868 Y. Jia

form. These data have the characteristics of 4 V, multi-dimensional space-time, multi-

scale and multi-granularity, multi-heterogeneity, mainly semi-structured and unstruc-
tured data [6]. Through data management, application and analysis technology such as
big data analysis and data mining, information can be extracted and integrated from
complicated data to serve the construction of intelligent campus. In the aspect of data
security, it strengthens the protection of security policy from reading, writing, deleting,
transmitting, storing and backing up data in different places. A core feature of “Internet
plus” is the rapid leap from IT (Information Technology, information technology) to
DT (DataTechnology, data technology). The difference between IT and DT is not only
reflected in the technical level, but more importantly in people’s thinking level [7].
McLuhan believes that the media is the extension of the human body, and the essence
of information technology is information dissemination technology, which extends the
organs of human information transmission. In the IT era, everyone can become a source
of information dissemination and enhance people’s ability to perceive the world. DT
will extend people’s cognitive, thinking and decision-making abilities, data will flow
more fully and transparently, and pay more attention to responsibility and experience in
the use of data, so as to stimulate everyone’s vitality.

2.3 Spatial Characteristics of Intelligent Campus

The traditional campus is restricted by geography and physical space, and the boundary
of the campus is distinct. Intelligent Campus provides personalized customized services
for teachers and students. No matter where and whenever there is network signal
coverage, local teachers can check the important news pushed by OA system, salary
query, hydropower query, curriculum arrangement, students’ feedback on learning and
life, etc. Intelligent services; Students can view classes on the platform of one-stop
service hall. Table, performance inquiry, leave, smart library, one-card and other ser-
vices. Wisdom service at anytime and anywhere breaks the limitation of physical
boundary, breaks through the limited campus vision, forms a vast learning space, and
presents a new form of campus space.

2.4 Knowledge System of Intelligent Management

Colleges and universities take the creation and dissemination of knowledge as their
own responsibility, and support the creation, dissemination, management and use of
knowledge is an important task of smart campus, as well as its core characteristics. By
providing a complete knowledge storage, classification and sharing tool for individuals,
we can help individuals turn all kinds of data and information they have into more
valuable knowledge, and realize the collection, digestion, absorption, sharing and
innovation of knowledge. Through the construction of a knowledge management
system to support the team in schools, information and knowledge can be continuously
returned to the knowledge system through the process of creation, sharing, access,
renewal and innovation, thus forming an uninterrupted cycle of school wisdom,
improving the overall intelligence of schools, and promoting school knowledge
innovation [8].
Construction and Application of Intelligent Campus 869

3 Thoughts on the Construction of Intelligent Campus

The success of the construction of intelligent campus in Colleges and universities does
not depend on the scale of construction, but on whether it can be based on the actual
situation and orientation of running a school, give full play to its advantages, and build
a style and characteristics in line with the development concept of colleges and uni-
versities. One of the key problems facing the reform and development of higher
education nowadays is the characteristic development of the school, which is the key
factor determining the level, advantages, competitiveness and vitality of the school.
The construction characteristic is to integrate the characteristics and advantages of the
university into the construction of the smart campus according to the development
orientation of the university itself and the current actual situation, and to form the
characteristics by enlarging the characteristics and advantages of the construction.
Under the background of big data, the construction of smart campus in Colleges and
universities should make use of cloud computing, Internet of Things, SOA, data mining
and other technologies to build a unified large data exchange platform, integrate
structured and unstructured data hierarchically and classify, and complete the con-
struction of unified authentication, data center and security protection system. [10] The
construction of the infrastructure network environment of the smart campus, on the
basis of the original network construction, sets up hardware and software equipment,
such as the use of a new Hyper-Integrated storage system to ensure the security of data
reading, writing and storage.
The core position of wisdom campus construction is a service network platform,
cloud platform, wisdom, wisdom, wisdom perception fusion analysis are services for
the teachers and students. The wisdom of the campus core essence is people-oriented,
providing support and services for the cultivation of innovative talents, only understand
the essence, in order to avoid quick success, not be blinded by all kinds of formalism
and impetuous phenomenon. The information construction of colleges and universities
is the pain point data management information system construction, uneven chimney
type split phenomenon serious, the system data model is not uniform, the accuracy of
the data, data quality is difficult to guarantee, data acquisition and dispersed repeat.
A large number of valuable data assets can not be shared and utilized, unable to obtain
a higher degree of value, the school data has become the bottleneck of information to
The smart campus takes S school as an example to build data center management
platform, unified identity authentication platform, one-stop management platform,
resource cloud service platform, data platform and mobile cloud platform, and the
building of the platform is the core of the smart campus. Standardized management
system is the basic guarantee for smart campus. For example, from the school lead-
ership level, we should attach importance to the construction of smart campus, and set
up a leading group of network security and informatization work. The head of the
group is the headmaster in charge of information construction, and the deputy leader is
the leading cadre of information center, experiment center and experimental estab-
lishment. The organizational chart is as follows (Fig. 1):
870 Y. Jia

Leading group on network security and

informa za on

Expert Network and informa on

commi ee management center

A part- me informa on Part- me informa on

officer in the department worker of the department

Fig. 1. Information work leading group organization chart

The top level of the organizational structure chart of the leading group of infor-
mation work is the leading group of network security and information work, which is in
charge of the expert committee and the network and information management center
(referred to as the network management center). The members of the expert committee
are composed of experts in the field of education informatization such as computer
academy, education information technology center and education institute. The net-
work management center is responsible for the part-time information officers of the
departments in charge and the part-time information officers of the departments and
colleges. The ultimate goal of the construction of smart campus is to cultivate talents
and apply teaching and research, provide personalized customized services, and ulti-
mately build an Ecosphere of smart campus .

4 Construction of Smart Campus in S University

As a normal university serving the basic education in the West and featuring teacher
education, S University is undergoing profound changes in the educational mode, form,
content and learning mode in the world today. The school has clearly put forward the
strategy of implementing intelligent campus construction and formulated the top-level
design scheme. S University Intelligent Campus Demonstration Area includes large
data center, network security system and modern information management system. Big
data center includes intelligent information perception platform, intelligent data fusion
platform, intelligent data analysis platform, intelligent data service platform and
technical personnel training platform. As shown in the (Fig. 2):
S University Intelligent Campus Phase I Construction Platform:
1. Construction of Data Center Management Platform
Through cooperation with manufacturers, S University will carry out information
standard formulation and data flow planning to realize 11 systems, including per-
sonnel system, OA office system, financial system, scientific research management
system, student-work system, state-owned assets system, library management sys-
tem, one-card system, mail system, faculty hydropower system and logistics
Construction and Application of Intelligent Campus 871

Fig. 2. Smart campus demonstration zone

management system, including organizational structure, faculty information, and so

on. The management and exchange of data such as student information, perfor-
mance information, payment information, salary information, scientific research
projects and scientific research results information is aimed at solving the problem
of data islands among different systems, ensuring the uniqueness and validity of
data sources, and improving the value of data utilization.
2. Building a Unified Identity Authentication Platform
Through the unified authentication platform, more than 30,000 account information
of S school will be managed, and the access and use of data will be licensed,
controlled and managed at all levels. The setting of password has the requirement of
security level, which protects the data security of data owner and user, realizes that a
school account and password can access all platforms and systems, and realizes the
management of Unified School account.
3. Construction of one-stop service hall
The functions of the existing business system of S school are integrated into the
application service portal platform by redefining and encapsulating. It will realize
the authentication of OA office automation system, teaching management system,
financial system, state-owned assets system, scientific research system, student-
worker system, mail system, logistics management system, network course plat-
form, cloud disk and other systems, and realize the combination of Teachers and
students. Unified login convenience, different users have different service content,
can personalize their own interface style.
4. Construction of Public Service Application
S university will build more than 20 public services, including annual assessment,
personal data center, personal schedule, bus service, campus yellow pages, ques-
tionnaire, online consultation, my salary, one-card information, campus activities,
announcements, performance queries, examination arrangements, information sys-
tem management, network security management, staff and Hydropower queries,
872 Y. Jia

financial information, temporary. Personnel application, business through train,

business resource center, logistics repair and other content construction, in order to
achieve different users have different private customized services.
5. Building a Unified Website Cluster System
The first phase of website group construction will complete the resource integration
of 70 sites including S school official website and school institutions; solve the
problems of multi-screen display construction, design, management, operation and
peacekeeping security, and realize the centralized management of security mecha-
nism and publishing mechanism of each site.

5 Conclusion

Intelligent campus construction in Colleges and universities is not only a new stage of
campus informatization construction, but also a new change of teaching, management
and service mode in Colleges and Universities under the background of “double-first-
class” construction in national colleges and universities. College administrators should
follow the trend, clarify the connotation and extension of the concept of smart campus
and the relationship with related concepts, make top-level design based on the reality
and advantages of the University itself, innovate the system and mechanism, and
promote the construction of smart campus in an orderly manner. Smart campus will
continue to promote the development of educational informatization and further pro-
mote the realization of educational modernization.

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2. Chen M, Xu Y (2012) Research on intelligent campus construction and development based
on Internet of Things. J Distance Educ (4):61–65
3. Li Y (2018) Comprehensive and so on some thoughts on the construction of intelligent
campus in colleges and universities. China’s Audio-visual Educ (1):112–116
4. Chen L, Hua L, et al (2018) Four wisdom and its connotation of wisdom campus. China
Audiov Educ (2):84–89
5. Wang X (2016) The three-dimensional architecture and application of “Internet plus smart
campus” China Audiov Educ (10):107–111
6. Li D, Yao Y, Shao Z (2014) Big data in smart city. J Wuhan Univ (Inf Sci Ed) (6):631–640
7. Wu M, Liu H, Ren (2015) You group “Internet plus” campus: the new stage of intelligent
campus construction in universities. J Distance Educ (4):8–13
8. Jiang D, Fu X, et al (2015) Exploration of university intelligent campus construction under
the background of big data. J East China Normal Univ (3):119–131
9. Han Y (2010) Chinese colleges and universities must vigorously promote the development
of their own characteristics—perceived from the study of Mr. Pan Maoyuan’s theory of the
development of their own characteristics. High Educ Res 31(8):35–41
10. Zhang S, Lin P, et al (2017) Exploration of intelligent campus construction in universities
under the background of big data. China Adult Educ (06):71–73
Cold Start Emission Characteristics and Its
Effects on Real Driving Emission Test

Xiaowei Wang(&), Xiaojun Jing, and Jingyuan Li

China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd.,

Tianjin 300300, China

Abstract. Worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycle (WLTC) and real
driving emission (RDE) tests were conducted for a light duty vehicles equipped
with a gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine in accordance with the China 6
emission regulation of light-duty vehicles. Results show that compared to the
cold WLTC test, the emissions of CO, NMHC, THC, PM, PN and NOx from a
hot WLTC test are reduced by 91%, 71%, 61%, 39%, 37% and 27%, respec-
tively. For RDE test, when calculating the cold start phase, the emissions of CO,
PN and NOx are 24.2%, 2.2 and 3.4% higher than the emissions when excluding
the cold start phase. CO2 emission from a hot WLTC is lower than that from a
cold WLTC. Especially in the low speed phase, CO2 emission from a hot WLTC
is 14% lower than that from a cold WLTC. When using CO2 emission from a
cold WLTC and a hot WLTC respectively for move average window
(MAW) calculation, the result shows that CO2 value has little effect on the
conformity factor of each emission, but has a significant effect on verification of
trip completeness and normality.

Keywords: Light-duty vehicle  Cold start  Real driving emissions 

Emission characteristics  Move average window

1 Introduction

Vehicle emissions and fuel consumption shall be deteriorated at cold start [1–3]. In
principle [4], the mixture will be enriched during cold start, and the fuel atomization
will be worsen in the presence of quenching on cylinder wall. Since the light-off
temperature of catalyst after the cold start has not yet been reached, the catalytic
efficiency at this time is extremely low. Elevated engine raw emissions and very low
catalytic efficiency lead to high vehicle emissions during cold start. Therefore, emis-
sions from cold start of gasoline engines cannot be ignored.
The China VI emission Standard of Light Duty Vehicle (GB 18352.6-2016) has
been released at the end of 2016 [5]. Compared with the China V Standard, a sig-
nificant difference in the China VI Standard is that the real driving emission (RDE) test
is defined as a Type II test. A great number of research have been conducted by
companies and research institutes [6–8]. According to the Standard requirements, the
RDE data was acquired once the engine was started. However, cold start emissions
were excluded in the data processing. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study on

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 873–882, 2019.
874 X. Wang et al.

the emissions during the cold start phase of the RDE test. In addition, the RDE
calculation method is the moving average window method. The basis of this method is
the CO2 emission measured by the type I test (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles
Test Procedure, WLTC). However, the CO2 emission from type I test involved the
emission at the cold start phase. Therefore, it is essential to study the effects of CO2
emissions from cold and hot WLTC tests on RDE calculation results.
In this context, RDE tests were conducted to study the effects of cold start on
emission for a light duty vehicle equipped with a gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine
by using a portable emission measurement systems (PEMs) in accordance with
China VI Standard. Additionally, the cold and hot WLTC tests were performed. And
the RDE test results were calculated based on the CO2 emissions measured by cold and
hot WLTC respectively. The effect of the cold and hot WLTC test results on the RDE
was analyzed.

2 Experiment

The main technical parameters of the tested vehicle are shown in Table 1. The fuel
used in the test was China 95# gasoline.

Table 1. Test vehicle

Engine volume Rated power After-treatment Injection Emission status
1.4 L 110 kW TWC GDI China V

WLTC tests were conducted in a four-wheel drive chassis dynamometer with a

rated power of 250 kW. The exhaust emissions after a constant volume dilution were
then measured by AVL AMA i60 gas analyzer, AVL 489 particle number meter and
AVL 472 particle mass analyzer.
RDE tests were implemented by using a set of AVL M.O.V. E PEMs. This PEMs
includes GAS PEMs, particle number (PN) PEMs, exhaust flow meter (EFM), global
positioning systems (GPS), weather station, and OBD recorders. GAS PEMs measured
CO and CO2 by a non-dispersive infrared analyzer, NO and NO2 by an ultraviolet
analyzer. PN was measured by PN PEMs.

3 Result and Discussions

3.1 Chassis Dynamometer Test

3.1.1 Vehicle Emission Status
The test vehicle has traveled about 20,000 km, the emission status of the test vehicle
was first confirmed. The New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) was carried out for this
vehicle which should be met the China V emission standard requirements. The results
of the emissions are shown in Table 2. The vehicle’s emission level is in full
Cold Start Emission Characteristics and Its Effects on RDE Test 875

compliance with the China V emission standard. Even more, the emissions can meet
the China VI standard limitation. It shows that the vehicle’s emission status is good.

Table 2. NEDC results

Unit mg/km #/km
NEDC 152 18 0.5 30 25 5  1011
China V limitation 1000 60 4.5 100 68 None

3.1.2 WLTC Results

The calculation of the test results of the RDE requires the CO2 emission value of the
WLTC according to the Standard’s requirements, a cold and hot WLTC was separately
carried out on chassis dynamometer. The cold WLTC was started at a coolant temperature
of 25 °C, while the hot WLTC was conducted at a coolant temperature of 70 °C. The
results are shown in Fig. 1.

180 30

150 Hot WLTC 25

120 20

90 15

60 10

30 5

0 0
g/km mg/km mg/km mg/km mg/km mg/km 1E+11#/km

Fig. 1. Emissions of cold and hot WLTC

It can be seen from the Fig. 1 that, the emissions meet the requirements of the
China VI emission standard regardless of the hot WLTC and the cold WLTC. Com-
pared with the cold WLTC, all emissions of the hot WLTC have declined to some
extent. CO emission shows a significant reduction of 91%, followed by NMHC and
THC, which decreased by 71% and 61%, respectively. PM and PN decreased by 39%
and 37% respectively. The NOx only presents a reduction of 27%. As can be seen from
the transient emission data of cold WLTC (Fig. 2), CO, THC and NMHC emissions are
mainly exhausted in the cold start phase. The PN has a smaller peak in other operating
conditions, and NOx has significant peaks during the high speed phase. Therefore, the
cold start has a great impact on the emission, especially for CO and HC emissions.
876 X. Wang et al.





0 500 1000 1500

Fig. 2. Transient emission of cold WLTC (Emissions have been normalized)

3.2 RDE Test

3.2.1 Test Route
The RDE route needs to cover the urban, rural and motorway trip, and each trip must
travel at least a distance of 16 km. The distance requirements for each trip are: urban
(29%–44%), rural (23%–43%), and motorway (23%–43%). The total time must be well
controlled between 90 and 120 min. There is also a corresponding requirement for the
average speed and parking time at urban trip. The final route selected satisfies the
requirements of a RDE test, and the urban trip is achieved on motorway with a driving
velocity between 60 km/h and 90 km/h. The actual driving velocity is shown in Fig. 3.
The driving is continuously implemented following the sequence of urban, rural and
Cold Start Emission Characteristics and Its Effects on RDE Test 877





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Fig. 3. Velocity of RDE test

3.2.2 Environment and Trip Dynamics Parameters

Table 3 lists the environmental and trip dynamics parameters of this RDE test. The
average temperature (Ta) is 32 °C. During 92% of the driving time, the ambient
temperature reaches the extended temperature condition (30–35 °C). The correspond-
ing emission will be divided by a factor of 1.6. The average altitude (Aa) is the sea
level and the average humidity (Ha) is 37%. The trip dynamics parameters such as
relative positive acceleration (RPA) shows this RDE is a mild driving.

Table 3. Environment and trip parameters of RDE test

Parameter Value Parameter Value
Ta/°C 32 RPA(Urban)/m.s−2 0.148
Ha/% 37 RPA(Rural)/m.s−2 0.087
Aa/m 4 RPA(Motorway)/m.s−2 0.069
T/min 98 (v.apos)[95] (Urban)/m2.s−2 8.635
2 −2
D/km 63 (v.apos)[95] (Rural)/m .s 19.556
Va/km.h−1 38 (v.apos)[95] (Motorway)/m2.s−2 21.907

3.2.3 Cold Start Emission of RDE

The test results were calculated using moving average window (MAW) method based
on the CO2 emission from the cold WLTC. China VI standard define the cold start as
the first five minutes after the engine is started or the duration when the coolant
temperature reaches 70 °C. And the cold start emissions are excluded during the cal-
culation. The variation of coolant temperature is shown in Fig. 4. It can be found that
the duration from coolant temperature of 30 °C to 70 °C was 229 s since the RDE test
was conducted in summer in which the initial coolant temperature of the coolant was
already 30 °C. Therefore, the RDE emissions with and without the first 229 s were
calculated respectively. Tables 4 and 5.list the results for RDE total trip and urban trip.
878 X. Wang et al.


Coolant temperature /




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000


Fig. 4. Variation of coolant temperature during RDE test

For the total trip, the emissions of CO, NOx, and PN with the cold start are 24.2%,
2.2%, and 3.4% higher than that without cold start respectively. For the urban trip, the
emissions of CO, NOx, and PN with the cold start are 92.5%, 2.6%, and 9.6% higher
than that without cold start respectively.
For the total trip, the emission results of CO and NOx are similar to the results of
the literature [9], that is, eliminating the cold start emission has a greater impact on CO
and less impact on NOx [9]. However, the effect of cold start on PN (with a difference
of 3.4%) is less insignificant than the result in literature (16.3%) [9]. It may be ascribed
to the difference in vehicle type (including the engine) and the driving conditions [10–

Table 4. RDE results with and without cold start for the total trip
CO (g/km) NOx (g/km) PN (#/km)
Without cold start 0.05 0.045 3.2E + 11
With cold start 0.066 0.046 3.3E + 11
Difference(%) 24.2 2.2 3.4

Table 5. RDE results with and without cold start for the urban trip
CO (g/km) NOx (g/km) PN (#/km)
Without cold start 0.004 0.074 3.1E + 11
With cold start 0.053 0.076 3.4E + 11
Difference (%) 92.5 2.6 9.6

3.2.4 Effect of CO2 Emission on RDE Results

As mentioned earlier, the calculation of RDE test results uses the MAW method. CO2
emission of WLTC test will be applied twice when using this method. First, the vehicle
Cold Start Emission Characteristics and Its Effects on RDE Test 879

CO2 characteristic curve needs to use the vehicle CO2 emission results at low speed
phase, high speed phase and ultra-high speed phase of WLTC. Secondly, the average
window is defined as the duration which the accumulated CO2 mass attains half of the
actual CO2 mass emitted by the vehicle in the WLTC test. Table 6 shows the results of
CO2 emission at different speed phases in cold and hot WLTC tests. The cold WLTC
exhibits a 4% higher total CO2 emission than the hot WLTC. In the low speed and high
speed phases of the cold WLTC, the CO2 emission presents a 16% and 3% higher than
the hot WLTC respectively. The CO2 emissions of cold and hot WLTC tests show
almost the same in the ultra-high speed phase.

Table 6. CO emission of cold and hot WLTC test

WLTC CO2 emission
Low speed High speed Ultra-high speed Total
Cold 193 g/km 118 g/km 140 g/km 3224 g
Hot 167 g/km 115 g/km 140 g/km 3102 g

The CO2 emissions obtained from the cold and hot WLTC tests were used to
calculate the RDE data which excludes the cold start phase and the results can be seen
in Fig. 5. It can be found that though the CO2 emissions of cold and hot WLTC tests
are quite different, the RDE results including the brake specific emissions of NOx, CO
and PN show little differences for these two calculations. This indicates that the CO2
emission for calculation has minor impact on the final RDE emission results. However,
does this mean that CO2 emission difference can be ignored? The answer is negative.


Emission value





Fig. 5. RDE results using CO2 emission from cold and hot WLTC tests for calculation

Figure 6 shows the MAW CO2 using CO2 values of the cold and hot WLTC tests.
It can be seen that the characteristic curve of CO2 and its tolerance curve all move
downward, and these variations are obvious mainly at the low and high speed phases.
880 X. Wang et al.

For a valid RDE test, the completeness should meet the requirements that the window
numbers of urban, rural and motorway trips should all account for more than 15% of
the total window numbers. And more than 50% window numbers of urban, rural and
motorway trips must fall within the basic tolerance defined by the CO2 characteristic
curve based on the normality requirements. The shift of CO2 characteristic curve may
affect the judgement of completeness and normality.

Fig. 6. MAW CO2 comparison using CO2 emissions from cold and hot WLTC test

The Table 7 proves the assumption above. The normal window percentage has
been reduced when using the CO2 emission of the hot WLTC test for calculation, but it
still meet the requirement of above 50%. However, the completeness verification is
failed after using the CO2 emission of the hot WLTC test for calculation because the
percentage of motorway window number in the total window number is only 14.7%
which is less than 15%. In other words, this RDE test is invalid if the CO2 emission of
the hot WLTC test is used for calculation.

Table 7. Completeness and normality window using CO2 emission from cold and hot WLTC
tests for calculation
WLTC Completeness window Normal window
percentage (%) percentage (%)
Urban Rural Motorway Urban Rural Motorway
Cold 54.8 29.4 15.8 100 97.8 100
Hot 54.9 30.4 14.7 100 86.8 97.9
Cold Start Emission Characteristics and Its Effects on RDE Test 881

In RDE test, the driving style cannot be very moderate. One of the main reasons is
to satisfy the normality and completeness requirements, especially in the urban
trip. From the above analysis, it can be known that the RDE calculation eliminates
cold-start emissions, resulting in lower CO2 emissions in urban trip. In contrast, the
CO2 characteristic curve chooses the CO2 emission value from the cold WLTC test, in
which the CO2 emission is relatively high. The contrast is easy to cause the normality
and completeness over the requirements then fails the RDE test. In theory, CO2
emissions from hot WLTC should be more reasonable for the current RDE calculation
which excludes the cold start phase. However, the type I test of CHINA 6 regulation is
a cold test. It will increase the burden on the company if implementing an extra hot
WLTC. In addition, there is little impact on the emission results. Therefore, it is still
feasible to use the CO2 results of Type I test to perform RDE test calculation at this
stage. But this issue should be considered in the regulation revision.

4 Conclusions
(1) Compared with the cold WLTC, the hot WLTC has a certain degree of decline in
all emissions. The cold start has a great impact on the WLTC emissions especially
on CO and HC emissions.
(2) For the RDE total trip, the emissions of CO, NOx, and PN with the cold start are
24.2%, 2.2%, and 3.4% higher than that without cold start respectively. For the
RDE urban trip, the emissions of CO, NOx, and PN with the cold start are 92.5%,
2.6%, and 9.6% higher than that without cold start respectively. Therefore, if the
cold start emission is considered in the future legislations, CO emissions need to
be paid more attentions.
(3) Different CO2 emission values from cold and hot WLTC tests have little effect on
the RDE emissions based on the MAW method, but it will affect the normality
and completeness judgment of RDE test.

Acknowledgement. Supported by China Ministry of Science and Technology’s Air Pollution

Cause Control Technology Special Project (2016YFC0208002).

1. Clairotte M, Adam W, Zardini A et al (2013) Effects of low temperature on the cold start
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port fuel injection (PFI) vehicle emissions: emission certification standards, cold-start,
secondary organic aerosol formation potential, and potential climate impacts. Environ Sci
Technol 51(11):6542–6552
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4. Liu Y (2005) Internal combustion engine emissions and control. Machinery Industry Press,
5. Ministry of Environment Protection (2016) GB 18352.6—2016 Limits and measurement
methods for emissions from light-duty vehicles (Chinese stage 6) 23 December 2016
6. Wang B, Dai, C, Li J, et al (2017) Research on RDE test methods for light-duty vehicle.
Autom Parts (3):6–9
7. Fu B, Yang Z, Yin H et al (2017) A research on the real driving emission characteristics of
light-duty gasoline vehicles. Automot Eng 39(4):376–380 (in Chinese)
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9. Ma Z (2017) Research on the characteristics of Real Driving Emissions (RDE) for light duty
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10. Luján M, Bermúdez V, Dolz V et al (2018) An assessment of the real-world driving gaseous
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11. Khan T, Christopher H (2018) Comparison of real-world and certification emission rates for
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12. Wang H, Hu J, Bao X (2010) Emission characteristics of gasoline taxi cabs complying with
China 4 emission standards during cold and hot starts. J Automot Saf Energy 1(2):146–151
Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Gear
Shift Indicator on Vehicle Fuel Consumption

Sun Long(&), Sun Qiuchen, Ning Jun, Xie Nan, and Zhu Kai

China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co. Ltd,

Tianjin 300300, China

Abstract. In order to analyze the influence of gear shift indicator on fuel

consumption, a set of tests on the effect of gear shift indicator on fuel economy
was designed based on EU regulation, and the specific test and analysis were
carried out. According to the test method of EU regulations, the vehicle speed of
gear shift points are collected, the engine speed and vehicle speed are read
through the OBD-II data acquisition module, and the fuel consumption data is
recorded by the fuel consumption meter. The fuel consumption of GSI recom-
mendation and normal conditions are calculated. The fuel saving rate is 1.63%
when used GSI recommendation shifting gear point. The results indicates that
GSI has favorable fuel saving effect for normal vehicles.

Keywords: Gear shift indicator  Fuel economy  Fuel saving rate analysis

1 Preface

Reducing fuel consumption while driving helps saving energy and reducing harmful
emission. The fuel economy taken into account when calibrated vehicle with automatic
gearbox [1]. However, the timing of shift gears may different for vehicle with manual
gearbox duo to different driver’s mentality, behavior and habits [2]. The vehicle with
manual gearbox will achieve energy- saving and emission-reducing effects through GSI
(gear shift indicator) which provides drivers the information of shift timing and rea-
sonable shifts [3]. GSI is a visible indicator that provide advice for used gears to drivers
[4]. GSI provides tell-tales that indicate gear up/down or target gear in order to tell
driver to shift gears [5]. EC 661/2009 requires the installation of GSI for all M1
vehicles with manual gearbox and reference mass not exceeding 2610 kg [6]. EC
65/2012 specified test procedure and technical requirement [7].
At present, some vehicle with manual gearbox start to equip with GSI in China [8].
However, some vehicle’s strategy of GSI don’t make good performance in vehicle
power and fuel economy [9]. Meanwhile the vehicle made in China want to expand
European market, the vehicle also need to fulfill EU regulations. Thus, this article
organized the saving fuel test under GSI based on the requirement of EU regulation.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 883–892, 2019.
884 S. Long et al.

2 ECE Requirement of Test Method of Saving Fuel Rate

by GSI

There are five aspect that affect fuel economy according to EC 65/2012.

2.1 The Speed of GSI

Vehicle was tested on a chassis dynamometer for GSI testing. Firstly, vehicle need to
be warmed up to normal running temperature. The speed of shift up point shall be
measured according to GSI graphical representation as show in Fig. 1. The max speed
is 140 km/h, total time is 150 s. The speed of GSI recommends shifting up point shall
be recorded as VGSI ðn ¼ 1; 2; . . .; #gÞ. VGSI
denote the speed at which the GSI rec-
ommends shifting up from gear n into gear n+1. And #g denote the number of vehicle
forward gears. The test is repeated 3 times. And the average speed was final VGSI n
VGSI ¼ 0, and VGSI is the minimum vehicle speed between 140 km/h and Vmax .



120 Speed (km/h)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

Fig. 1. GSI Graphical representation

2.2 Correction of Standard Gear Shift Points

Vstd denote the speed at which a typical driver is assumed to shift up from gear n into
gear n + 1 without GSI recommendation. Based on the gear shift points defined in the
type 1 emission test (NEDC) the following standard gear shift speeds are defined in
Table 1.

Table 1. Speed of standard gear shift points

n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Speed (km/h) 0 15 35 50 70 90 110 130 VGSI
Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Gear Shift Indicator 885

The vehicle speed may not reach the speed of standard gear shift points because
different vehicle with different speed range in different gears. Thus, the speed of
standard gear shift points need to be corrected according to minimum speed Vmin and
maximum Vmax .
nþ1 nþ1
a. If Vstd \Vmin n
, Vstd ¼ Vmin :
b. If Vstd [ Vmax , Vstd ¼ Vmax :
n n n n
#g #g
c. If Vstd \VGSI n
, Vstd ¼ VGSI :

2.3 Fuel Consumption Speed Curves

FCindenote the fuel consumption when the vehicle is driven with the constant vehicle
speed vi ¼ i  5 km/h  2:5 km/h ði ¼ 1; . . .; 28Þ, and Vmin
 vi  Vmax
. The fuel
consumption speed curves denote the relationship between speed vi and fuel con-
sumption FCin . The curves may supplied by manufacturer or test directly.

2.4 Correction of Vehicle Speed Distribution

Vehicle speed distribution is relationship between the speed vi and probability Pi when
vi  2:5 km/h \vi  vi þ 2:5 km/h ði ¼ 1; . . .; 28Þ. The distribution shows in Table 2
according to EU regulation. When the speed of the vehicle <140 km/h, the values of
P i þ 1 to P28 shall be added to Pi .

Table 2. Distribution of speed

i Pi i Pi
1 4.610535879 15 2.61326375
2 5.083909299 16 2.275220718
3 4.86818148 17 2.014651418
4 5.128313511 18 1.873070659
5 5.233189418 19 1.838715054
6 5.548597362 20 1.982122053
7 5.768706442 21 2.124757402
8 5.881761847 22 2.226658166
9 6.105763476 23 2.137249569
10 6.098904359 24 1.76902642
11 5.533164348 25 1.665033625
12 4.761325003 26 1.671035353
13 4.077325232 27 0.607049046
14 3.533825909 28 1.838715054
886 S. Long et al.

2.5 Calculation of Fuel Consumption

FCiGSI denote the fuel consumption of the vehicle when the driver follows the advice of
the GSI in case the vehicle speed vi ¼ i  5 km/h  2:5 km/h. The calculation is:
a. FCiGSI ¼ FCin where Vn1
 vi \VnGSI ðn ¼ 1; . . .; #gÞ
b. FCi ¼ 0; where vi  VGSI :

The total fuel consumption is:

FCGSI ¼ i¼1
i =100 ð1Þ

FCistd shall denote the fuel consumption of the vehicle when standard gear shift
points are used in case the vehicle speed vi ¼ i  5 km/h  2:5 km/h. The calculation is:
a. FCistd ¼ FCin where Vn1
 vi \Vnstd ðn ¼ 1; . . .; #gÞ:
b. FCistd ¼ 0 where vi  Vstd :
The total fuel consumption is:
FCstd ¼ i¼1
Pi  FCstd
i =100 ð2Þ

The relative saving of fuel consumption by following the advice of the GSI and the
standard condition is calculated as

FCrel:Save ¼ ð1  FCGSI =FCstd Þ  100% ð3Þ

3 Test of GSI Fuel Consumption

3.1 Test Condition

The tested vehicle is manual gearbox and equipped with GSI. See the vehicle parameter
shows in Table 3. The reference mass Rw was setup to 1640 kg on a chassis
dynamometer. Then it will simulate the road load according to the reference mass.

Table 3. Parameter of tested vehicle

Item Parameter
Unladen mass/kg 1640
Total mass/kg 2100
Seat number 5
Number of forward gear 6
Engine power/kW 110
Engine capacity/L 1.4
Drive wheel Front axle
Engine position Front
Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Gear Shift Indicator 887

Vehicle was testing on a chassis dynamometer in emission durability lab. The

dynamometer was able to simulation road testing, including vehicle power testing, fuel
economy testing and edit several driving conditions, etc. [10].
Vehicle was testing on AVL 48 inch chassis dynamometer. The speed was con-
trolled by STAHLE autopilot equipment during fuel consumption measurement test.
The test condition and speed were displayed by driver auxiliary system. There were 2
person seating on the driver and front passenger seats (when measure fuel consump-
tion, the driver was replaced by autopilot equipment). The driver shift gears according
to GSI tell-tale displayed on vehicle instrument. The test data were collected by OBD-II
data acquisition module. The engine speeds, vehicle speeds were directly sent to laptop
by Wi-Fi during testing. And it always stored on laptop. The fuel consumption date
measured and recorded by fuel consumption meter. Thedata acquisition frequency is
10 Hz. Test equipment as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Test equipment (1. driver auxiliary system, 2. a chassis dynamometer, 3. tested vehicle,
4. OBD-II data acquisition module, 5. fuel consumption meter, 6. STAHLE autopilot equipment)

There are 3 sub-test:

1. Measurement of maximum and minimum speed of each gears (or supplied by
2. Measurement of fuel consumption for different speed of each gears.
3. Measurement of vehicle speed when following the GSI recommends shifting up
888 S. Long et al.

3.2 Measurement of GSI Shifting Points

The vehicle tested on a chassis dynamometer. First the GSI conditioning requirement
should be write in driver auxiliary system. For one thing the driver need to control
speed according the driver auxiliary system, for another to shift the gear according to
GSI recommends. The tester seated on the front passenger seat recorded the vehicle
speed when shift gears. Meanwhile, the engine speed and vehicle speed were recorded
by OBD-II data acquisition module. Total 3 tests, the recorded test data show in
Table 4. The average value of 3 tests will be used in calculation. The curve of engine
speeds and vehicle speeds shows as Fig. 3. When the engine speed change greatly, the
gear will shift at once.

Table 4. The speed of GSI recommend shift point

n Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Average
2 21 19 19 19.67
3 35 33 33 33.67
4 49 49 46 48
5 63 61 62 62.33
6 75 72 74 73.67

3.3 The Maximum and Minimum Vehicle Speed of Each Gears

The maximum and minimum vehicle speed are used to determine the speed range for
curve of speed and fuel consumption and reference value as standard gear shift points
The vehicle tested on a chassis dynamometer. Firstly, the vehicle used gear 1, keep
the engine running while accelerator pedal not apply. When the speed stability, record
the speed on driver auxiliary system. And this speed will be the minimum speed Vmin
for this gear. Then, driver pushed accelerator pedal, engine speed going up, vehicle
speed also going up until reach vehicle maximum speed which can be driven in that
gear without creating damage to the engine. This speed will be the maximum speed
Vmax .The test will be repeat for gear 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and all speeds were recorded. The test
for all gears will be repeated 3 times. The average value will be the final results. Test
results shows in Table 5.

3.4 Curve of Speed and Fuel Consumption

The curve denote the relationship for gears, vehicle speed and fuel consumption, and it
used for fuel consumption calculation.
The vehicle is tested on a chassis dynamometer. Firstly, the vehicle used gear 1, the
speed is controlled by autopilot equipment. The speed started from the lower speed of
this gear, and increase speed of vi ¼ i  5 km/h  2:5 km/h ði ¼ 1; . . .; 28Þ. The tol-
erance is ±0.2 km/h. When the speed is stability 10 s, start to record the fuel con-
sumption for 30 s. The average value will be FCi1 which is fuel consumption of speed
Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Gear Shift Indicator 889

3500 160
Engine speed
3000 140

Engine speed /rpm

Vehicle speed 120

Vehicle speed/(km/h)
1000 40
500 20
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

3500 160
Engine speed
3000 140
Engine speed/rpm

Vehicle speed 120

Vehicle speed/(km/h)
1000 40
500 20
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

3500 160
Engine speed
3000 140
Vehicle speed
Engine speed/rpm

2500 120
Vehicle speed/(km/h)

1000 40
500 20
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


Fig. 3. Curve of engine speed and vehicle speed

vi in gear 1. Where the speed range is Vminn

 vi  Vmax
. The repeat test used gear 2, 3, 4,
5, 6 where vi ði ¼ 1; . . .; 28Þ. The fuel consumption shows as Fig. 4 for all gears.

Table 5. Max and min speed for each gears

Gear Min speed (km/h) Max speed (km/h)
1 5.5 43.9
2 11.7 78.1
3 18.9 125.8
4 25.7 171.4
5 34.5 187
6 43.7 178
890 S. Long et al.

Gear1 Gear2

Gear3 Gear4
10000 Gear5 Gear6

Fuel consumpƟon /
0 27.5 52.5 77.5 102.5 127.5


Fig. 4. Curve of speed and fuel consumption

4 Analysis for Calculation of Fuel Saving Rate by GSI

The test results according to EU regulation and testing shows as Figs. 5 and 6.

90 VnGSI
80 Vnstd


Gear1 Gear2 Gear3 Gear4 Gear5 Gear6

Fig. 5. Comparison between GSI shifting gear points and standard shifting gear point


Fuel consumpƟon (kg/h)


8 FCstdi

2.5 27.5 52.5 77.5 102.5 127.5


Fig. 6. Fuel consumption comparison between bet GSI and standard

Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Gear Shift Indicator 891

After the correction of standard shifting gear points and GSI shifting gear points
finished and collected all fuel consumption data, we make calculation according to the
formula in EU regulation. Results shows that the fuel consumption from standard
shifting gear point is 2.45 L/100 km, and from GSI recommends shifting gear points is
2.41 L/100 km, the fuel saving rate is 1.63%.
The fuel consumption of the GSI condition which driver shifts gears following GSI
recommendation is better than normal condition which driver shifts gears following
standard shifting gears points. The results indicates that GSI has favorable fuel saving

5 Conclusion
(1) According to EC 65/2010, the fuel consumption testing was designed. The test
vehicle perform a test on a chassis dynamometer, the tester controlled the gears
and acceleration pedal, measured maximum and minimum vehicle speeds, fuel
consumption for each gears and found the relationship of gears, speeds and fuel
consumption. The driver controls speed according to the auxiliary system which
shows the conditions, and shifts gears following GSI recommendation. Finally, all
gears shifting points was achieved.
(2) Based on the test results, calculated and analyzed the fuel consumption for normal
condition and GSI recommendation conditions. The saving fuel rate of testing
vehicle is 1.63%.
(3) The designed test is able to test GSI performance of vehicles and the test results
can provides basic data for Chinese vehicles getting ECE homologation and
expanding EU market.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China

1. Quan X (2016) Control logic design of gear shift indicator for MT vehicle. Autoelectric Parts
2. Ye M (2017) Control strategy and matching principle of shift indicator function. Cnautotime,
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6. Commission Regulation (EU) No 65/2012 of 24 January 2012 implementing Regulation
(EC) No 661/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards gear shift
indicators and amending Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council. OJ L 28, 31 January 2012
892 S. Long et al.

7. Wei D (2013) The developing trends of EU directives and regulations on motor vehicles.
Auto Eng (4)
8. Liu N (2017) Control strategy analysis on gear switch indicator of manual transmission
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9. Zhu H (2013) Explore the law and application of vehicle shift. Innov Appl Sci Technol (14)
10. Lei L (2017) Study on impact of dynamometer resistance configuration to catalyst
temperature of the vehicle under AMA cycle. Technol Inf (27)
The Promotion of Internet Technology
to Thinking and Political Education

Yanmin Yu(&)

School of Marxism, Jilin Engineering Normal University,

Changchun 130052, China

Abstract. With the development and popularization of information technology,

people’s lives have been changed. Today’s Internet has become the main way
for people to obtain information and knowledge, and it also plays a role of
public opinion, which also affects the thinking and political education of college
students. The development and innovation of political education provides a new
way. This paper mainly studies the new problems and situations encountered in
thinking and political education under the Internet environment, studies how to
transform traditional educational methods, and guides students to science and
advanced with new thinking and methods. And healthy thinking, improve the
effect of college students’ thinking and political education.

Keywords: Internet technology  College students 

Thinking and political education  Innovation

1 Introduction

Today’s Internet is not only affecting our lives, but also affects our politics, economy
and education, and plays an important role in it [1]. According to statistics, the Internet
penetration rate in China has reached more than 95% today, and it has reached 100 in
the college student population [2]. They use the Internet to obtain information about
academic frontier knowledge and extracurricular information. At the same time, some
negative and reactionary information on the Internet will also affect the ideological
concepts and values of college students [3–5]. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention
to the thinking and political education of college students at all times to avoid the
negative impact of the network [6–15]. In view of the problems arising in the process of
network thinking and political education, we strive to explore ways to strengthen the
development path of thinking and political education in colleges and universities.
Important practical significance [16]. This paper mainly studies the thinking and
political education under the Internet technology, including the influence of the Internet
on the content of thinking and political education, the influence of the teaching
methods of thinking and political education, and the new problems in the thinking and
political education in the current situation of the Internet. The level and effect of
thinking and political education in the context of the Internet, improve the under-
standing of the network in the process of thinking and political education, strengthen
the construction of thinking and political education in the context of the Internet [17],

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 893–900, 2019.
894 Y. Yu

and provide a theoretical basis for the construction of an Internet-based thinking and
political education platform. And provide reference methods for college thinking and
political education under the Internet [18–20].

2 The Significance and Influence of Internet Technology

on College Thinking and Political Education

The generation and application of the Internet is not only a milestone in the history of
human communication technology, but its production has been serving humans almost
from the beginning. Therefore, the influence and role of the Internet on contemporary
society is enormous. Today’s university’s thinking and political education has several
new features.

2.1 The Impact of the Internet in Terms of University’s Thinking

and Political Education
Because college thinking and political courses have the characteristics of large class-
room content and rich knowledge system, in the traditional thinking and political
education work of colleges and universities, teachers mainly focus on textbooks,
aiming to catch up with the curriculum progress. There is less concern about whether
students can absorb the knowledge they have learned in the classroom. They mainly
use the limited time in the classroom to tell the knowledge and lack certain classroom
vitality. Because students do not understand the important role of thinking and political
education in their own thinking, and today’s thinking and political courses are more
theoretical than other courses, away from the real life of students. Students do not pay
attention to thinking and political education in their consciousness. With the popularity
and deepening of the Internet, the Internet has provided a new way for thinking and
political education. Knowledge sharing and communication on the web platform brings
a wealth of knowledge. In terms of classroom teaching methods, the Internet has
changed the way teachers teach. These ideas and methods have made thinking and
political education boring.

2.2 Change the Thinking and Political Education of College Environment

Big data, along with the advent of the Internet era, has changed or improved the
teaching environment of thinking and political education in colleges and universities.
College thinking and political courses are no longer limited to relatively rigid text-
books, but are presented in front of students in a rich and diverse form, which can
attract students’ attention and interest.
On the broad scope of knowledge, the Internet has obvious advantages, and it is itself
a carrier of information dissemination. The Internet has accelerated the circulation and
updating of information. To a certain extent, it has changed and improved the way of
disseminating and consuming thinking and political knowledge. The emergence of new
things emphasizes the combination of advantages and disadvantages. While the Internet
brings more scientific and cultural knowledge to college students, it is accompanied by
The Promotion of Internet Technology to Thinking and Political Education 895

some infiltration of negative culture. For individual students with poor personal thinking
and political literacy, they do not have enough willpower or correct judgment of right and
wrong, and they are easily affected by cultural dross. Therefore, in this respect, college
thinking and political education is accepting and When applying the Internet knowledge
culture, you must be cautious. thinking and political education is related to the political
ideological quality and moral cultivation of college students in China.

2.3 Promote the Integration of Universities and Society

The application of the Internet has greatly promoted the exchange between college
students and the society. Modern college education is intended to train professional
technical talents and related scientific research personnel for the country and society.
Therefore, the purpose of college education is to teach students knowledge and learn to
apply what they have learned. After graduation, they will produce fear or despair in the
continuous integration with society. College thinking and political education is
delivered to the student methodology and the basic principles of being a person.
University graduates who receive university’s thinking and political education can
quickly integrate into society and exert their talents and abilities.

3 The Characteristics of University’s Thinking and Political

Education Under the Internet Technology
3.1 Richness of Ideas and Sharing of Information and Political Education
Compared with other media, the Internet is not only rich in information, but also the
fastest. It allows people to easily publish information and retrieve information on mobile
devices. It facilitates the exchange of information between people in different regions. It
also provides a channel for college thinking and political education workers to share
educational resources, and provides a new carrier for enhancing the interaction between
the subject and object of thinking and political education in colleges and universities, thus
continuously enriching and developing thinking and political education resources. Tra-
ditional thinking and political education is often limited to classroom teaching. Most
college students passively receive educational information. In the Internet age, infor-
mation resources are diversified. College students can actively find the educational
content they are interested in. When they are confused, they can Online anonymity and
thinking and political education workers exchange and discuss, which not only solves the
difficulties of information sharing in thinking and political education classroom educa-
tion, but also solves the fear that college students are afraid of revealing their personal
information, and enhances the equal exchange between educators and students. Educa-
tional resources can be fully shared to facilitate college students to learn more.

3.2 Flexibility and Diversity of Thinking and Political Education of

The thinking and political education in traditional colleges and universities pays attention
to the teaching of classroom educators. The educators are in the educational object status
896 Y. Yu

and can only passively accept the teaching content in the classroom, which leads to the
lack of flexibility and diversified teaching methods in the thinking and political education
classrooms. Under the Internet perspective, college thinking and political education has
made up for the solidification mode of traditional education methods. Educators use the
Internet to use different teaching methods for educational carriers, such as using the
statistical analysis function of Internet data to understand the different students’ ideo-
logical trends and hot concerns. Point, analyze the most urgent needs of students, com-
municate with them on an equal footing, and make up for the lack of classroom teaching,
and enrich the diversity of thinking and political education in colleges and universities.

3.3 Permeability and Breadth of Political and Ideological Education

The main sources of traditional university’s thinking and political education include
books, newspapers, and television. These dissemination carriers have a small amount
of information and the updated content is relatively lagging behind. This is also one of
the factors that have always been lagging behind in thinking and political education.
Under the condition that Internet technology is becoming more and more perfect, the
information transmission speed on the Internet is improved, and the information that
can be shared is more and more abundant. The information resources involve various
fields of society, and people can obtain the information they want by simply searching
through the Internet. university’s thinking and political education uses the Internet to
enrich the content of thinking and political education, so that teaching is not limited to
teaching textbooks, and educators can obtain advanced academic achievements and
teaching experience at home and abroad through the Internet.

4 The Countermeasures to Strengthen Thinking and Political

Education Under Internet Technology
4.1 To Build a New Platform for Thinking and Political Education
Through the establishment of a sound and complete campus network system to enhance
the attraction of college students and timely understanding of college students’ pref-
erences and ideas. First of all, we can make good use of the broad platform of the
campus network to carry out thinking and political education for college students,
including instilling Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought, the theoretical system of socialism
with Chinese characteristics, and using socialist core values to correct them in a way
that is of interest to college students, such as audio, video and pictures. The guidance,
the educational method is as vivid as possible, serious and lively. From the perspective
of students, students can be motivated by the way that students can accept, and students
should be taught according to their characteristics. Secondly, we must make full use of
the convenient Internet tool of mobile phones to spread the correct ideas and concepts
through Weibo, WeChat, QQ and other communication platforms, and enhance the
effectiveness and extensiveness of thinking and political education for college students.
The Promotion of Internet Technology to Thinking and Political Education 897

4.2 To Explore New Methods of Thinking and Political Education

in the Internet Environment
The two obvious advantages of the Internet are its powerful storage and retrieval
functions. Universities can make full use of these two characteristics of the Internet and
establish the thinking and political education information database of the university
network combining with the school server and the campus network. On the one hand, it
is helpful for college educators to fully understand the psychological situation and
actual needs of individual students and teach students according to their aptitude
according to their personal problems; on the other hand, it is also helpful for students to
search the information they need on the Internet for independent education and improve
the effectiveness of education. From this we can see that the benefits of this information
base are two-way, so that the educator’s educational work and the educatee’s learning
process are more convenient.

4.3 Strengthen Supervision and Management of the Internet

Today, with the rapid development of Internet technology, we need to improve the
supervision and management of the Internet, including not only the improvement of
network content, but also the monitoring of Internet tools such as computers and
mobile phones. To strengthen the supervision of the network, on the one hand, it is
necessary to establish and improve relevant laws and regulations to promote the orderly
operation of the network according to law, and to constrain the behavior of information
disseminators and information receivers on the network; on the other hand, it is nec-
essary to establish through various network technologies. Information firewalls or
information filters to prevent harmful information from eroding college students’
thoughts and behaviors. Of course, it is necessary to do a good job of guiding and
educating college students, improve the media literacy of college students, and enable
university students to enhance their ability to distinguish and identify scientifically and
rationally in the complex information. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out
timely and scientific guidance, enhance the psychological quality and self-control
ability of college students, prevent college students from indulging in psychological
barriers to interpersonal relationships, and have the determination to resist bad infor-
mation. Colleges and universities should also improve the information monitoring
mechanism, enhance the effectiveness of thinking and political education, and form a
harmonious thinking and political education campus environment.

5 Survey Results of Thinking and Political Education

in the Next Generation of Internet Technology

From the analysis of colleges and universities, the majority of students who support the
Internet combined with thinking and political education, only part of it does not matter,
very few said that it does not support, as shown in Fig. 1.
898 Y. Yu

Fig. 1. Support rate survey analysis

After combining the Internet thinking and political teaching, the attendance rate of
the thinking and political classes has also increased significantly. As shown in
Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Before and after the class rate comparison

The Promotion of Internet Technology to Thinking and Political Education 899

6 Conclusion

This article closely focuses on the research object of the Communist Party of China’s
thinking and political education in the Internet era. Based on Marxism and thinking and
political education, it draws on communication, political science, sociology, education,
psychology, management and other related disciplines. Theoretical knowledge and
research results, through the analysis of the historical experience and main enlight-
enment of the CPC’s thinking and political education dissemination, combined with the
challenges and opportunities faced by the Communist Party of China in the thinking
and political education in the Internet era, and based on the Internet age, the Com-
munist Party of China thinking and political education spread itself The characteristics
and development trends, and then from the different levels of communication elements
put forward the optimization path of the CPC’s thinking and political education
communication. Taking the optimization of each element as the starting point, paying
attention to and taking care of the internal links between the various elements, in order
to achieve the overall optimization as the foothold, highlighting the hierarchical and
systematic nature of the optimization path, thus effectively enhancing the dissemination
of the thinking and political education of the Communist Party of China in the Internet
age. Effectiveness, time, science and artistry.

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technology in the thinking and political education of college students. In: Conference on
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2. Dong X, Wu M (2014) Reflection of the value realization of network thinking and political
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education in art colleges. J Leshan Normal Univ
4. Wei W (2017) On the promotion of the thinking and political education functions of official
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5. Long B, Yan S (2017) On the thinking and political education dimension of university
students’ social responsibility and the ways to improve it. Sci Educ Article Collects
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and countermeasures. Guide Sci Educ
7. Li Z-W (2016) Exploration of university’s thinking and political education in the
information age. J Hebei Energy Inst Vocat Technol
8. Jin YT (2016) The influence of mobile phones and network on the higher vocational college
students’ thinking and political education. Times Agric Mach
9. Li P, Guo Z, University SA (2017) On the promotion of the effective integration of thinking
and political education and aesthetic education in universities. J North Univ China
10. Lei YQ, Marxism SO (2017) The promotion of the subjectivity of the object of thinking and
political education. J Hebei North Univ
11. Liu Y, Yin Y (2016) Research on the role of micro public welfare in the thinking and
political education of college students. Shanxi Sci Technol
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12. Yan JI (2018) On the affinity and pertinence promotion of thinking and political education in
colleges and universities. J Huaihai Inst Technol
13. Qiao DD, Wang RX (2016) The promotion of Chinese characteristics elements in college
thinking and political education system. Heilongjiang Res High Edu
14. Sun Y, Cui T, Liu D (2017) Thinking and political education innovation education under the
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15. Rong J, Wang X, University H F. The Effectiveness Research on Thinking and Political
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16. Shu-Min LI (2016) University J research on the carrier of thinking and political education of
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17. Yang L (2017) Research on the application and promotion strategy of the support mode in
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18. Guo ZL, Yin XJ (2018) Affinity promotion of thinking and political education of college
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Study on Wet-Skid Resistance of Tire Tread
Compound with Bionic Coupling

Chunyu Mao1,2,3, Yunhai Ma1,3(&), Junwei Li1,4,

and Chuangfa Chen1,3
Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Jilin University,
Changchun 130022, China
Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun, China
The State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Beijing, China
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shihezi University,
North Four Road, Shihezi 832000, People’s Republic of China

Abstract. This paper adopts the bionics method, takes the honeycomb shape
with typical characteristics as the bionic prototype, and discusses the complete
bionic coupling design method of the tire tread compounds. Through the
analysis of the honeycomb structure and arrangement, the mechanism of wear
resistance and wet-skid resistance was found. Combining the characteristics of
automotive rubber materials, a tire tread compounds formula with strong
abrasion resistance and a tire tread compounds formula with high wet-skid
resistance were designed, and the wear-resistant tread materials and high-slip-
resistant tread-tread materials were respectively The designed biomimetic model
was prepared into a wear-resistant bionic unit and a wet-sliding bionic unit, and
then the bionic structure of two kinds of tire tread compounds was optimized by
using a press molding method to form a composite bionic tire tread compounds.
The experimental results show that the mechanical properties of the composite
bionic tire tread compounds are between the wear-resistant tire tread compounds
and the anti-slip tire tread compounds, and the wear resistance increases with the
increase of the length of the hexagonal side, and the wet-skid resistance The
sliding performance decreases with the increase of the hexagonal side length.

Keywords: Bionics  Tire tread compounds  Wet-skid resistance 


1 Introduction

Tire tread is the only part of a car that directly touches the ground. It is exposed to the
harshest external stress and is subjected to various external environmental shocks,
including friction with the ground, penetration of sharp objects from the outside, and
shocks from rough surfaces. As well as the impact and so on. This requires the tire to
have excellent wear resistance, cut resistance, tear resistance, wet-skid resistance, low
rolling resistance, low heat generation, and aging resistance [1]. However, the various
properties of the tires are often in conflict with each other, it is difficult to improve the
performance at the same time, one or two properties are improved at the same time, the
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 901–908, 2019.
902 C. Mao et al.

third performance tends to decrease, the tire’s wear resistance, rolling resistance and
anti-slip (scratching The three major properties are called “Devil Triangle”. Therefore,
developing “green tires” to reduce the rolling resistance of tires and ensure that the
wear resistance, grip and other properties are not reduced is the key and difficult point
we must study. Raising the three performances of tire treads is a technical support and
guarantee for China’s tire companies to become bigger and stronger. At the same time,
it has strategic significance for energy conservation, emissions reduction, and envi-
ronmental protection.
Bionics as a new interdisciplinary discipline provides researchers with new research
ideas and effective research methods when it comes to solving problems such as wear
resistance, grasping behavior, and low energy consumption of automobile tires. In
1999, China officially listed the development of bionic tires as a high-tech industrial-
ization project, making it the first national-level technology innovation project. Li Jie,
Zhuang Jide et al. designed the Camelfoot Bionic Tyre, which is a new type of tire
designed and developed according to the principle of bionics to simulate the action of
camel hooves and sand. Laboratory research shows that the Camellia Bionic Bionic
Tire has a better performance than ordinary tires. Good traction performance [2]. Wang
Guolin et al. designed the radial tire crown structure of the worm’s foot to increase the
uniformity of the crown stiffness distribution, control the deformation of the tire crown
in the grounding process, and improve the tire’s wear resistance and grip performance
[3]. Zhou Likun and Wang Hongwei designed an imitation octopus sucker type tread
pattern. Through simulation analysis, the structural design of the octopus sucker type
tire tread is more reasonable [4]. The tensile and pressure properties are obviously
improved, and it can be effectively adsorbed to the ice surface to ensure the tire’s
Adsorption anti-slip performance.
In the formulation of tread rubber compounds, Schwarz believes that silica has
replaced carbon black in most tire tread compounds materials, and the average
replacement ratio is 1/2 (i.e., 1 part carbon is replaced by 2 parts of silica). Black),
which can save fuel, especially to reduce the tire’s hysteresis loss [5]. Arlod’s research
shows that in the ESBR/BR combined tire tread compounds, blending a 50% by weight
silane coupling agent modified silica can reduce the rolling resistance by 25% without
losing its moisture resistance. Slip performance and wear resistance [6]. CSDPF con-
sists of a carbon black phase and a white carbon phase dispersed in the carbon black
phase, which can increase the interaction between the rubber and the filler, reduce the
interaction between the filler and the filler, and significantly reduce the rolling resis-
tance of the tire. Its traction, but it does not reduce the wear resistance of traditional
carbon black [7].
At present, the mutual influence and interaction of biomimetic structures and
materials, manufacturing processes, and the environment are receiving more and more
attention. Some scholars have conducted research on the coupling of biomimetic
structures and materials, processes, and environmental factors. For example, Huang
et al. used a desert lizard as a bionic prototype to design a two-layer composite
structure composed of a hard shell and a soft core, which has better erosion resistance
than a single hard material [8]. Studying the formula of tire tread compounds to
improve the three properties is still the mainstream at this stage. However, the research
progress is slow, and it has not been able to catch up with the rapid development of the
Study on Wet-Skid Resistance of Tire Tread Compound 903

automotive industry. In this paper, a typical bionic honeycomb is used as a bionic

prototype to explore a more complete design method for bionic coupling of tire tread

2 Imitation Honeycomb Shape Tire Tread Compounds

Structure Design

The honeycomb shape tread material designed in this paper is composed of two dif-
ferent formulations of tire tread compounds composition, wear-resistant unit: with
extremely high wear resistance and good rolling resistance, the shape of the sample is
shown in Fig. 1. As shown. Anti-sliding unit: With strong grip performance and good
rolling resistance, the shape of the sample is shown in Fig. 2. At the same time, other
properties of the two types of tire tread compounds meet the normal use standards; The
two different formulations of the tire tread compounds are completed according to a
certain preparation method of the rubber material. Finally, the two tire tread com-
pounds are combined to realize the production of the tire tread compounds as shown in
Fig. 3.

Fig. 1. Wear-resistant unit diagram Fig. 2. Anti-slip unit structure

Fig. 3. Composite bionic tire tread compounds structure diagram

904 C. Mao et al.

Among them: H1. Honeycomb depth of anti-slippery units H2. Base height of
wear-resisting units H3. Height of hexagonal prisms of wear-resistant units H. Total
height of tire tread rubbers of bionic structure Material A1. Length of hexagonal
columns of wear-resistant units A2. Honeycomb hexagonal side lengths for wet skid
resistant units D. Distance between two hexagonal prisms of wear resistant units L.
Thickness of honeycomb walls resistant to wetted slides.

3 Experiment

3.1 Main Raw Materials

Natural Rubber (NR), Malaysian Products; Butadiene Benzene Rubber (SSBR-1502),
PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company; Shunde Rubber (BR-9000), Sinopec
Beijing Yanshan Petrochemicals Co., Ltd.; Carbon Black N220, N330, Cabot Com-
pany’s products; highly dispersed silica, Solvay (chemical) Shanghai Co., Ltd. (for-
merly Rhodia Corporation) products; coupling agent Si69, Jiangxi Hongbai Chemical
Technology Co., Ltd. products; environmental protection oil V700, Germany Han St.
company’s products.

3.2 Major Equipment and Instruments

1.45 L mixer, Germany Krupp products; CZ-3001D rubber rotorless vulcanizer,
Yangzhou Changzhe Test Machinery Co., Ltd.; Gabometer 4000 dynamic viscoelas-
ticity testing machine, Germany GABO products. TS-2000 M Rally Machine, Taiwan
High Speed Rail Testing Instrument Co., Ltd. Products; DMTS-EPL Dynamic
Mechanical Performance Spectrum Analyzer, Germany GABO Company; XK-160
Small Experimental Open Mill, Wuxi Mingda Rubber & Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd.;
DIN Abrasion Tester, Beijing Zhongke Road Construction Equipment Co., Ltd.; Shore
Hardness Tester, Jiangdu Pearl Test Machine Factory; XLB-D400  400 Flat Curing
Press, China Huzhou Dongfang Machinery Co., Ltd.

3.3 Sample Formulation

In general, as the total amount of filler increases, the wet-skid resistance decreases; and
as the amount of aromatic oil increases, the wet-skid resistance improves. For the
rolling resistance, the rolling resistance increases with the increase in the amount of
aromatic oil, and the rolling resistance decreases with the increase in the total amount
of filler. As the amount of silica increases, the wet-skid resistance performance does not
change much and the rolling resistance slightly decreases. The components of the wear-
resisting unit and the anti-slippery unit are expressed in parts by weight. The number of
components is shown in Table 1.
Study on Wet-Skid Resistance of Tire Tread Compound 905

Table 1. Tire tread compounds formula

Formula Wear-resistant tread Anti-slip tread
compound (S1) rubber (S2)
NR 40 40
BR9000 50 10
SBR1502 10 50
N220 10 5
N330 30 5
Silica 10 30
Zn O 3.5 3.5
Stearic acid 2 2
SI69 4 3
S 1.3 1.3
TBBS 1.0 1.0
DTDM 0.2 0.15
Anti-aging agent 2 2
ctp 0.1 0.1
Aromatic oil 0 10
Resin 0 5

3.4 Sample Preparation

1. Prepare the wear-resistant unit tire tread compounds and the anti-slip unit tire tread
compounds separately. The specific preparation process according to the formula in
Table 1 is as follows: First, raw rubber (NR, BR, SBR) is added to the BB-2 mixer,
Temperature 140 °C, Rotational speed 60 r/min, Stirring 180 s, Then add carbon
black, white carbon, temperature 150 °C, Rotational speed 60 r/min, stir for 180 s,
finally add other small materials except sulfur, temperature 150 °C, Rotation speed
60 r/min, after 240 s, the glue was discharged, and the mixer was left on the open
mill for 8 h. The temperature was increased by 90 °C with sulfur, and the film was
dropped for 24–48 h.
2. Preparation method of composite bionic tire tread compounds
(1) Place the tire rubber compound of the wear-resistant unit into the corresponding
mold to make a hexagonal column-shaped tire rubber compound as shown in
Fig. 2. The height H2 made of the base is 2 mm, the hexagonal height H3 made
is 5 mm, and the hexagonal side length A1 made is 3, 4 mm, and the distance D
between the two hexagonal prisms is 3 mm.
(2) The tire rubber material made of anti-slippery units is placed in a corresponding
mold, and the honeycomb-shaped tire rubber composition is shown in Fig. 3.
The prepared honeycomb depth H1 is 4 mm, and the hexagonal side length A2
of the prepared honeycomb is 3, 4 mm, and the thickness L of the honeycomb
wall is 3 mm.
(3) Combine the hexagonal column shape tire material of Fig. 2 and the honey-
comb shape of the tire rubber composition of Fig. 3 according to Fig. 4,
906 C. Mao et al.

pressurize and warm vulcanize, and finally prepare a composite tire tread
compounds with a bionic structure. This model does not consider the effect of
honeycomb depth on performance. The height of the hexagonal prism of model
S3 is 5 mm, the depth of the honeycomb is 5 mm, the length of the hexagonal
prism is 3 mm, and the distance between two hexagonal prisms is 3 mm. The
hexagonal height of the model S4 is 5 mm, the honeycomb depth is 5 mm, the
length of the hexagonal prism is 4 mm, and the distance between two hexag-
onal prisms is 3 mm. The hexagonal height of the type S5 is 5 mm, the hon-
eycomb depth is 5 mm, the length of the hexagonal prism is 5 mm, and the
distance between two hexagonal prisms is 3 mm.

4 Analysis and Discussion of Results

The small sample performance test according to the formulation and the preparation
method is shown in Table 2, and the tests were conducted in accordance with inter-
national standards. The coefficient of friction is measured on the glass flakes.

Table 2. Sample performance comparison

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
M100 (MPa) 2.2 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.1
M300 (MPa) 13.2 11.9 12 12.5 12
Tear strength (KN m−1) 55.4 40.3 48.2 50.1 52.3
Break elongation (%) 383 393 393 392 392
Break permanent deformation (%) 12 13 12 12 13
Hardness (Shore A) 67 56 / / /
Abrasion loss (mm3 40 m−1) 85 150 125 120 110
Dry friction coefficient 0.68 0.91 0.91 0.88 0.85
Wet friction coefficient 0.55 0.86 0.98 0.89 0.87

4.1 Mechanical Properties Analysis

It can be seen from Table 2 that the tensile strength and tear strength of formula S2 are
the largest, which shows that the carbon black in formula S2 is more uniformly dis-
persed in the rubber matrix, and the compatibility between the rubber molecular chains
and the carbon black is increased. To enhance the ability to combine the two. The
molecular chain of rubber is limited by carbon black, the ability of segmental move-
ment is reduced, and the double action of BR in the course of stretching makes the
tensile strength and tear strength of the composite material significantly improved. The
300% elongation strength of S1 is the largest, but the elongation at break is the
smallest. This is because of the good compatibility between carbon black and rubber
molecules, which forms a certain cross-linked network structure and reduces the
deformability of rubber composites [9]. In addition, due to the large content of filler
carbon black, it has certain restrictions and hindrance to the movement of molecular
Study on Wet-Skid Resistance of Tire Tread Compound 907

chains, and improves the ability of natural rubber to resist stretching. Therefore, the
ultimate strength of the composite material in A2 formula is the largest and the
elongation at break is high. The smallest. The mechanical properties of S3, S4, S5 are
between S1 and S2.

4.2 Comparison of Abrasion Resistance and Wet-Skid Resistance

DIN wear is based on wear and fatigue wear. From the morphology of the wear debris,
it can be seen that the abrasive debris is lumpy and is mainly due to shear tensile
deformation. It can also be seen from the figure that the least wearable S2 has more
shear stretch marks than the S1 figure, indicating that its toughness is poor, and it will
fall off with larger mass when it falls off [10]. Bigger. The main reason is that the
carbon black has better wear resistance than the silica, and the abrasion resistance of the
BR is better than that of the SBR.
It can be seen from Table 2 that the wet-skid resistance of S2 is much better than
that of S1, mainly because the wet-skid resistance of silica and SBR is better than the
wet-skid resistance of carbon black and BR. The wear resistance and wet-skid resis-
tance of the composite bionic tire tread compounds S3–S5 have been improved, and the

Fig. 4. S1 wear surface map

Fig. 5. S2 wear surface map

908 C. Mao et al.

wear resistance and wet-skid resistance have been inherited by S1 and S2, and their
excellent performance has been preserved [11]. The probable reason is that the com-
pound bionic tire tread compounds shows a convex-concave appearance after being
worn out, so that the wear resistance and wet-skid resistance are improved (Fig. 5).

5 Conclusion

The honeycomb biomimetic tread material structure designed in this paper has been
constructed of wear-resistance units and anti-slip performance units. After wear, the
surface has a convex-concave appearance, which improves wear resistance and wet-
skid resistance, but The lack of improvement in ground grip is mainly due to the fact
that the rough surface facilitates the piercing of the water film to improve the wet-skid
resistance, but the smaller contact area reduces the friction coefficient of the dry
ground. However, the overall wear resistance and wet-skid resistance have been
improved, demonstrating that this method is effective as tire wear resistance and wet-
skid resistance.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by the State Key Laboratory of Automotive
Safety and Energy (Grant No. KF1814), and Program for Innovative Research Team of Jilin
Engineering Normal University.

1. Ge H (2007) Research on structure and properties of green tire tread rubber. Beijing
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2. Li J, Zhuang J, Wei D, Wan Y (2006) Contrast test of traction performance between bionic
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of aphid-like beetle. Chin J Mech Eng (12)
4. Zhou L, Wang H (2013). Design and finite element analysis of octopus sucker type tire tread.
J Xi’an Univ Technol (02)
5. Kon K, Brauer CN, Hidaka K, Löhmannsröben H-G, Karthaus O (2010) Preparation
Patterned ZincOxide Films by Breath Figure Templating. Langmuir 26(14):12173–12176
6. Zhang S (2014) Structural design, preparation and properties of energy-saving tire tread
compounds and nanocomposites. Beijing University of Chemical Technology
7. Song Y, Hua L, Lei J, Sun C, Hou S (2012) The basic properties of domestic industrial rare
earth butadiene rubber. Synth. Rubber Ind (05)
8. Yan J, Chen H (2007) Effect of tire tread compounds on tire rolling resistance. Tire Ind (01)
9. Wang Y (2011) Study on wet-skid resistance and its mechanism of tire tread rubber. Beijing
University of Chemical Technology
10. Wang QG, Liu JR, Cui QD, Xiao X (2016) Effect of elastomer nanoparticles on improving
the wet skid resistance of Sbr/Nr composites. Rubber Chem Technol 89:262–271. https://doi.
11. Sengloyluan K, Sahakaro K, Dierkes WK, Noordermeer JWM (2014) Silica-reinforced tire
tread compounds compatibilized by using epoxidized natural rubber. Eur Polym J 51:69–79.
The Indication of Network Chat Text Security
Based on the Analysis of Modal
Particles Emotion

Meiyun Zhang and Yali Liu(&)

Sanya University, Sanya, Hainan, China


Abstract. Based on the theory of emotional semantic analysis and modal

particles analysis, marked the emotional sentiment, established the database of
modal particles emotion, and combined with the analysis of traditional text
emotion, this paper analyzes the emotional sentiment and intensity of network
chat text. Through the machine learning and natural language computing
technology in big data technology, using multi-mode learning method, the chat
text statement is trained and learnt, the emotion is automatically calculated and
predicted, and the accuracy of text sentiment analysis is increased. This paper
aim to find emotional security risks in time. Thus the emotional security risks of
Internet chat to take effective security warning.

Keywords: Modal particles  Network chat text  Emotion analysis 

Security indication

Text sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, is the process of analyzing,
processing, inducing and reasoning subjective texts with emotional color. With the
continuous development of the era of self media, micro-blog, WeChat, QQ and other
network chat tools have become an important auxiliary tool for people to study, make
speech, and exchange feelings. Especially because of its convenience, casual, instant
and other characteristics, loved by young people. Therefore, collecting web chat tool
corpus for text sentiment analysis. It is not only a scientific research task, but also can
benefit the field of sociology, psychology, education, medicine and even criminology.

1 Emotional Analysis of Network Chat Text

The Internet has the characteristics of openness, virtuality, concealment, divergences,

penetration and randomness [1]. More and more netizens express their views through
this channel, and gradually become the main sites for the generation and dissemination
of public opinion topics [2]. The direct impact of the integration of network infor-
mation and social information on society is more and more serious, and even related to
national information security and long-term stability. Therefore, social managers
should timely feedback these opinions [3–8].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 909–915, 2019.
910 M. Zhang and Y. Liu

At present, the corpus of emotional analysis of Chinese text is rich, and the
application in news reviews and product reviews is becoming more and more exten-
sive, which fully embodies its value in the political and economic fields. However, the
use of these corpora in sentiment analysis of web chat text needs further improvement.
For example, the granularity of text processing text in existing text emotional corpus is
arranged from word, phrase, sentence, text and multi text level, but the source of the
text is different from the text of network chat, or the text of the network chat is not the
main source of the language. The complexity of the mode of expression, the richness of
the language form, the diversity of the style of the language and the indeterminacy of
the expression subject have become the constraints of the emotional analysis [9].
This paper tries to build a convenient platform on the basis of the existing research
results [10]. According to the characteristics of the high degree of colloquial text of the
network chat text, this paper explores the significance of the grammatical function of
the special words, such as tone words, on the text emotion analysis, and then sum-
marizes the effective path of the emotional analysis of the Internet chat text.

2 The Role of Modal Particles in Online Chat Text Sentiment


Modal particles are modal words that express mood. They are often used at the end of
sentences, and sometimes they are used to express various tones in the pause of
sentences. There are two aspects in the grammatical features of mood words: one is
strong attachment and can only attach to sentences or other words and play a certain
grammatical role; and two, modal particles often share the mood together with the
intonation, so modal particles can express a variety of mood. The mood of the text is
different from different modal particles of the text.
The abundance of modal particles is an important grammatical feature in modern
Chinese. Modal particles are highly related to emotional factors. In the study of the
mood of the sentence, a variety of tone, such as emphasis or conviction, reluctance or
doubt, guessing or reminding, hesitation or dissatisfaction, is an expression of a feeling.
The basic semantic meaning of the mood word is the basic semantic meaning of the
mood word itself in various pragmatic environments. For example, the basic sememe of
the mood word “啊” is:
啊: [Increasing the emotional color and making the mood soothing] (Note: “啊”
sound change (呀, 哇, 哪) this article is not totally written, only one “啊”, easy to
However, the specific emotion of “啊” is rather complicated. It can be classified
according to specific context and sentence structure.
啊a: [Exclamation, surprise, excitement] (“啊” appearing at the end of an
exclamatory sentence with adverbs of degree “真, 真是, 多, 多么”. Example: 天气真
啊b: [Interpreting, explaining, declaring, threatening, implying mandatory accep-
tance.] (“啊” appearing at the end of declarative sentences, and it is generally used in
emphatic sentences or sentences that are often judged by “是” and so on. Example: 你
The Indication of Network Chat Text Security 911

啊c: [To strengthen the positive or negative tone] (“啊” appearing at the end of a
response statement and it is generally used when answering questions. Example: 谁干
的?——张三啊. 我没去过北京啊).
啊d: [To strengthen the negation, and make the feeling strong] (“啊” appearing at
the end of a rhetorical question, and contains “怎么这么”, “怎么那么” and so on.
Example: 你怎么这么烦啊).
啊e: [Urging, reminding, instructing] (“啊” appearing at the end of an imperative
sentence. Example: 别迟到啊!).
In addition, six modal particles can be divided into two or three and be redupli-
cated, and the meaning is the addition of their basic semantemes, such as:
的啊(哒): 的 [It would have been so. That’s true.]+啊c[Strengthen the affirmative,
make the tone soothing] = Believe in something that is thought to be true. Example: 美
了啊(啦): 了[Change has been realized] + 啊[Strengthen the affirmative, make the
tone soothing] (The emotional color of “啊” here is determined according to specific
sentences). Example: 这是我的啦(了啊b)——Declaration of possession; 走啦(了啊
c)!——Confirm and affirm the action of “走” that has occurred; 你怎么把它吃啦(了
啊d)?——The attitude of denying and opposing.
However, the specific emotion of “啊” is rather complicated. It can be classified
according to context and sentence structure.

3 Emotional Semantic Analysis Based on Modal Particles

The network chat record is a social text presented in the phrase pattern. The charac-
teristics of the short text make the text semantic feature more sparse, and the traditional
method of text computing can not satisfy the requirements of the semantic computing.
At the same time, the chat language has a lot of exchange interaction times, especially
in the WeChat circle. If a response is analyzed each time, it may not be able to get
semantics, but also requires high computation intensity and efficiency. From the per-
spective of linguistics, using computational language, semantic computation experience
and machine learning algorithm, this paper applies the semantic computing experience
of computational language and machine learning algorithm to construct an emotional
semantic analysis model based on modal particles. The model is designed and realized,
and a better calculation result is obtained [6].

3.1 Participle and Custom Modal Particles Dictionary

Based on the word segmentation tool, this paper deals with the segmentation of training
texts. According to (statement label designator SLD) the characteristics of emotional
analysis of modal particles, the rules of the custom dictionary of the knot segmentation,
the word library is introduced into the result of the participle, and the negative word
bank and the degree Deputy word bank are introduced. The results are as follows:
怎么这么/d漂亮/a 啊/y
912 M. Zhang and Y. Liu

When the modal particles are not used as an emotional analysis discontinuation
word, and the emotion analysis corpus of modal particles is established, the result of
the segmentation can be more clearly expressed.
Through the analysis of semantic dependency relations, we can also see the sig-
nificance of modal particles in emotion analysis to grasp the polarity and intensity of
emotions. As shown in the following figure (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Contrastive effect of modal particles in short sentences

It can be seen from this that modal particles are involved in emotional analysis.
There is a multi mTone semantic relation between “漂亮” and “啊”, and played a
certain role to strengthen the emotional color.

3.2 Emotional Analysis of Network Chat Text

In order to solve the semantic sparsity of short text in Web chat, to improve the
computational efficiency of the tex, a new long text is constructed
P by using the
utterance combination of the same speaker. This is defined: D ¼ ni¼o Diðn  1Þ, Di is
a discourse text of D at some time. And then the text calculation can improve the
accuracy of calculation.
In a period of time, the A and B text records of the utterant are as follows:

After the integration of text B, it is: Yes, that’s right. Now you know what he is (了
啊). The human heart is unpredictable!
Take the text A as an example to analyze the semantic dependency relation. The
result is as shown in the following figure (Fig. 2).
As we can see from the above, in the text A, the core emotion is expressed as: 真,
这样, 疯, these words have more than 5 relational objects in semantic dependency.
These three words have strong emotional color and all of them have an emotional
relationship with the modal particles “啊”: The “啊” behind “真” is “感叹, 惊奇”.
The Indication of Network Chat Text Security 913

Fig. 2. Modal particles involved in the emotional analysis of short text

The “啊” behind “这样” and the front “怎么” means “感情强烈”. And the chorus of
“啊” and “了” after “疯” can be read as “啦”, expressing emphasis and affirmation. The
use of these modal particles actually enhances the emotional polarity of sentence A.
Similarly, the core expression of the analysis results after the integration of text B
is: 是, 明白, 是. These words are neutral words, and the mood is relatively objective
and stable. The addition of modal particles does not change their emotional polarity.
From this, we can draw a conclusion that the mood of the spokesman A is more
excited and the factors of psychological instability are enhanced. It is necessary to keep
more attention on it and eliminate the hidden danger of psychological safety.
In traditional sentiment analysis, modal particles are regarded as stop words.
Taking text A as an example, if “啊” is used as a stop word, the semantic dependency
relation is shown in the following figure (Fig. 3):

Fig. 3. Modal particles not involved in the emotional analysis of short text

Its core emotions are expressed as: 说, 疯. There is a great deviation from the result
of emotion analysis including modal particles, and their emotional intensity is obvi-
ously weakened.

3.3 Design and Implementation of Semantic Emotion Computing Model

In order to accurately analyze semantic emotion from short text, multi-mode machine
learning can be used, namely, supervised learning based naive Bayes algorithm and
rule-based modal learning model. As shown in the picture (Fig. 4).
Using python 2.7 to implement machine learning semantic computing model, 1000
positive and negative 500 chat short texts are calculated. The computing results are
compared with modal particle multimodal algorithm and modal characteristic words.
Through the comparison of Precision (P) and Recall rate (R), it is known that the use of
914 M. Zhang and Y. Liu

Fig. 4. Modal particle algorithm model

modal multimodal algorithm is more effective than simply using the traditional
semantic analysis of modal words as discontinued words. The effect are more ideal.
The results are as follows:

Emotional polarity intensity P R

SLD + Emotional characteristics Positive 0.973863 0.890000
Negative 0.867156 0.956000
Emotional characteristics Positive 0.859123 0.780000
Negative 0.760561 0.891000

4 Conclusion

Aiming at the problem of emotion polarity and intensity classification in short text field
of chat text, a method based on emotional dictionary is proposed to extract emotional
features with modal particles. The accuracy of emotional analysis of text can be
increased by the analysis of semantic words, the annotation of emotional polarity, the
establishment of emotion library of modal particles and the combination of traditional
text emotion analysis. This provides a new way to monitor short text emotion in chat
room, QQ group and WeChat circle.

Acknowledgement. HaiNan Philosophical and Social Sciences Planning Subject (2019 Key
Research Project) Construction of a New Chinese Teaching Model Based on the Fourth Research
Paradigm. Hainan provincial philosophy and social science base project in 2016 NO, HNSK(JD)
The Indication of Network Chat Text Security 915

1. Zhao H, Liu J (2018) Research on complex event big data processing system test data
generation method based on Bayesian network. Appl Res Comput 35(08)
2. Zhou Y, Yang J, Yang A (2013) A method on building Chinese sentiment lexicon for text
sentiment analysis. J Shandong Univ (Eng Sci) (06)
3. Xie L, Zhou M, Sun M (2012) Hierarchical structure based hybrid approach to sentiment
analysis of Chinese micro blog and its feature extraction. J Chin Inf Procession (01)
4. Yang J, Yang A, Zhou Y (2014) Sentiment classification method of Chinese Micro-blog
based on semantic analysis. J Shandong Univ (Nat Sci) (11)
5. Zong X (2015) Pragmatic function of chinese final particle a in interrogative sentence.
J Hebei Univ (Philos Soc Sci) 40(04)
6. Zhang C, Guo M (2015) Research and realization of improved native Bayes classification
algorithm under big data environment. J Beijing Jiaotong Univ 39(02)
7. Xie X, Chen G, Ding B (2016) A naive Bayes classification algorithm based on attribute
weighting and kernel density estimation. J Guilin Univ Electron Technol 36(03)
8. Yang N (2018) An interpersonal pragmatic analysis of negative mitigation in web-based
journalistic interactions. Foreign Lang Teach (02)
9. Ran Y, Gong L, Yang Q (2018) The recent trends from “pragmatics in the real world”.
Foreign Lang Teach 50(01)
10. Zhang X (2017) A summary of the studies on historical pragmatics. J Yunnan Normal Univ
(Teach Res Chin A Foreign Lang) 15(06)
Influence of Installation Position
of Internal Voltage Sensing Board
on Stray Capacitance of GIS

Xiaochen Niu1, Jie Huang1, and Xinglan Guo2(&)

State Key Laboratory of Advanced Power Transmission Technology,
Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co., Ltd.,
Beijing 102209, China
School of Electric and Electyonic Engineering,
North China Electric Power University,
Changping District, Beijing 102206, China

Abstract. This paper mainly focuses on the voltage measurement of the stray
capacitance partial pressure of the installation position of the induction board in
the GIS equipment, and studies the feasible range of the stray capacitor value
variation of GIS equipment under different condition parameters. By estab-
lishing the finite element calculation model of the internal stray capacitance of
GIS, study the law of the influence of the installation position of GIS internal
voltage measuring device on stray capacitance, and the analysis of stray
capacitance between the induction mounting plate and the conductive rod is
emphasized. Furthermore, the design method of the grounding induction plate
structure based on the bleeder voltage principle of stray capacitance is studied,
and influences of installation position and structural parameters of the induction
plate on stray capacitance are also revealed.

Keywords: Finite element method  Stray capacitance 

Partial pressure principle  GIS

1 Introduction

With increasing growth of countryside and urban power load, an increasing number of
transformer substations have been developed in cities, which undertake the responsi-
bility to be the important load in power supply of the city. At the meantime, the growth
has made higher requests for the reliability of transformer equipment and the land
occupation, which promotes the production and development of the compact GIS
equipment. However, the voltage transformers of common GIS equipment are mainly
applied with traditional structure of capacitive voltage divider type, which not only
need self-contained isolation, but also require the higher land occupation and equip-
ment costs. If the voltage-sensing function can be compacted to the inner part of GIS,
the isolation of the voltage mutual inductor can be moved, which can save the 20%
land occupation of the traditional GIS equipment and reduce the construction costs of
the power substation. In this way, the research over key problems of the procedures

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 916–923, 2019.
Influence of Installation Position of Internal Voltage Sensing Board 917

during development and research of the new type GIS, which can integrate and
compact the voltage sensor of great significance.
To solve this problems, the knowledge of installation and site commissioning of
GIS equipment is introduced, and the simplified model of GIS electric field is analyzed
in [1–3]. The voltage transformer applied in the GIS is introduced in [4, 5]; the
calculation of its electromagnetic field is mainly focused in [6], to solve the problem
from the aspect of electromagnetic field; the current situation of electronic transformer
with capacitor voltage divider type is introduced in [7, 8]. Finite element model in
detail from its establishment, excitation insertion, boundary conditions and simulation
outcomes, which includes the selection of 2-D and 3-D field, are introduced in [9]. The
introduction and comprehension of some concepts, such as self-capacitance and stray
capacitance, are main focuses in [10].
This paper mainly studies the influence of installation position on the internal
voltage sensing board on stray capacitance of GIS based on the finite element method,
to further illustrate the influence law of installation position of hover-board on the stray
capacitance, we calculate the stray capacitance when the external and internal hover-
board is changing between axial direction and radial direction. The achievement of this
paper provide a technique support for development of the new-type GIS, which can
serve as the impulse to lower the construction costs of the transformer substation and
enhance the compaction of equipment and integrate technologies.

2 Measuring Principle

New-type voltage transformer is suspended installed at the high voltage side of other
isolation of the GIS, which do not need to be installed with complicated grounding
devices by grounding stray capacitance to conduct the voltage measurement, thus to
save costs for voltage transformers. The voltage transformer which is integrated with
other isolation can rebuild the form of voltage measurement devices in the power
substations. The internal measurement principle is illustrated in Fig. 1. It can be
concluded that the voltage-divider stray capacitance CE is the voltage divider devices
in the voltage divider circuit, and DSP is the digital signal processor, DAC stands for
the digital-analog converter, ADC is analog-to-digital converter and OPA is the
operational amplifier. The stray capacitance value provides the reference for output

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of active calibration voltage measurement scheme without space
stray capacitance
918 X. Niu et al.

voltage signal acquisition and post-processing device design. In this way, the research
on the typical value and magnitude of stray capacitance in the internal GIS has pro-
vided important data supporting for the installation position of the sensor board.

3 Simulation Model

Components of GIS include bus bar, circuit breaker, isolator, mutual inductor, insu-
lator, arrestor, earth switch, bushing and so on. To figure out the stray capacitance of
the internal GIS equipment, simplify the shape of the two poles of the irregular
capacitor. The stray capacitance can be calculated by conducting the series and parallel
connection method of capacitor, and it can be calculated by analyzing the internal
structure of the GIS of finite element software.
The basic structure of GIS is shown in Fig. 2. Two layers of hover-boards is inserted
into the enclosure of the GIS, as shown in Fig. 3, the conductive copper rod is in the
center, and the distance between the conductive rod and the two layers of hover-boards
cannot be lower than 65 mm. Figure 4 is the sectional drawing of GIS, each part can be
illustrated from the inside to the outside as the center copper rod, internal hover board,
external hover board and the GIS enclosure. Figure 5 is a meshing element used in finite
element analysis. The details of parameters are given in Table 1, where d1 is the diameter
of the copper rod, h1 is the axial length of the copper rod; D1 is the inside diameter of the
internal hover board; D2 is the outside diameter of the internal hover board; h2 is the axial
length of the internal hover board; D3 is the inside diameter of the external hover board,
D4 is the outside diameter of the external hover board; h3 is the axial length of the external
hover board; D5 is the inside diameter of the GIS enclosure; D6 is the outside diameter of
the GIS enclosure; and h4 is the axial length of the GIS enclosure.

Table 1. Sizes of the simplified model: (unit: mm)

Copper rod d1 = 110; h1 = 1230
Internal hover board D1 = 240; D2 = 272; h2 = 815
External hover board D3 = 399; D4 = 415; h3 = 815
GIS enclosure D5 = 431; D6 = 601; h4 = 900

Fig. 2. GIS model

Influence of Installation Position of Internal Voltage Sensing Board 919

Fig. 3. GIS model with hided shell

Fig. 4. GIS sectional view

Fig. 5. Split setting diagram

With Ansoft Maxwell 3D software, this paper analyzes the capacitance between the
aluminum hover board and the copper rod in the electromagnetic field according to
conditions illustrated above and respectively set voltage values of GIS enclosure,
internal hover board, external hover board and the center copper rod as 0 V, 5 V, 5 V
and 220 kV. Parameters are set and the calculation results are shown in Table 2.
920 X. Niu et al.

Table 2. Calculation outcomes of capacitances based on finite element model: (unit: pF)
GIS Inner Out Pole
GIS 2884.6 −4.91 248.9 −15.88
Inner −4.91 2179.8 −119.2 −61.18
Out 248.9 −119.2 2979.5 −0.41
Pole −15.88 −61.18 −0.41 77.46

4 Effect of the Installation Position of Voltage Measurement

on Stray Capacitance

4.1 Variation with Radial Position of the Plate

According to data from the calculation model of last section, the main factors that affect
the capacitance are the installation position of the board and the structure parameter of
the installation board itself. The effect of the changing axial position of the hover board
on the stray capacitance is calculated, and the variation of the stray capacitance fol-
lowed by the axial distance between hover boards is simulated and calculated by
adopting several suitable lengths and changing relative distance between internal and
external hover rods. As shown in Fig. 6, the x-axial distance between the two hover
boards; and the y-axis represents the stray capacitance in the internal hover board and
center copper rod. It can be concluded that the change of the axial distance of the hover
board will lead to the change of stray capacitance: the value of stray capacitance
between the center copper rod and the internal hover board will increase when the axial
distance between two hover boards increases.






40 45 50 55 60 65

Fig. 6. Curve of capacitance versus radial distance between suspension plates

4.2 Variation with Axial Direction of Hover Board

For studying the effects of the axial change of hover board on stray capacitance, and
three situations should be discussed, that is, two hover boards are both changing with
axial direction, the internal hover board is solely changing, and the external hover
board is solely changing.
Influence of Installation Position of Internal Voltage Sensing Board 921

(1) Two hover boards are both changing with axial direction
Figure 7 is the curve between the changing axial distance of two hover boards and
the capacitance value, among which the x-axis represents the simultaneous
changing range of two hove boards, and the y-axis represents the stray capacitance
between the internal hover board and center copper rod. It can be concluded that
when axial distances of two hover boards both change, the stray capacitance also
changes, and the trend is that the value of stray capacitance between the center
copper rod and the internal hover board increases when the axial distances of two
hover boards increase.




600 800 1000 1200

Fig. 7. Capacitance curve along the axial distance of two suspension plates

(2) The external hover board is unchanged

Figure 8 is the variation of the capacitance followed with the change of axial
distance of the internal hover board, in which the x-axis represents the changing
range of internal hover board, and the external hover board remains unchanged;
the y-axis represents the stray capacitance between the internal hover board and
center copper rod. It can be concluded that when external hover board stays stable,
the change of the axial distance of internal hover board may lead to the change of
stray capacitance, whose trend is that the stray capacitance between the center
copper rod and internal hover board increases when axial distance of the internal
hover board increases.






600 800 1000 1200

Fig. 8. The relationship between the capacitance and the axial distance of the inner suspension
922 X. Niu et al.

(3) The internal hover board is unchanged

Figure 9 is the variation of capacitance with the axial distance of the external
hover board, where the x-axis represents the changing range of the external hover
board when the internal hover board stays stable; the y-axis represents the stray
capacitance between the internal hover board and center copper rod. It can be seen
that when the internal hover board remains unchanged and the axial distance of
the external hover board changes, the stray capacitance can also change. Its trend
goes that the stray capacitance increases with the increases of the axial distance of
the external hover board.




600 800 1000 1200

Fig. 9. Capacitance curve with axial distance of external suspension plate

5 Experiment Verification

The experimental validation for voltage transformer with capacitive voltage divider
type is conducted with test rig, as shown in Fig. 10. The signal processing circuit is
connected as the request from the test, and the instantaneous output voltage from the
voltage transformer can be measured by the power analyzer, and the data are shown in
Table 3, the comparison of output voltage between situations with and without stray
capacitance is also taken into consideration. It can be concluded that it is necessary to
consider the stray capacitance in practical experiment.

Signal processing circuit

Inductive capacitor plate

Fig. 10. Initial experimental device

Influence of Installation Position of Internal Voltage Sensing Board 923

Table 3. Measured value of voltage during stray capacitance calculation

Input voltage (kV) 5 10 15 20
Output voltage with stray capacitor (kV) 0.08 0.17 0.28 0.34
Output voltage without stray capacitor (kV) 0.075 0.15 0.25 0.315

6 Conclusion
(1) The detailed plan for special installation position has been analyzed by finite
element analysis, on the basis that the properties of sensing board and data from
various installation positions are taken into consideration.
(2) The effects of various installation positions of sensing board in internal GIS on
stray capacitance is researched, and changing law of installation sizes of two
sensing boards is also developed, which shows that the stray capacitance may
relatively increase or decrease when axial distances of two hover boards are both
increasing or decreasing; if one of the two is increasing or decreasing, the stray
capacitance also change but in a small scale.

Acknowledgments. This paper is supported in part by Technology Project of State Grid Cor-
poration of China (SGRIDLKJ (2017) No. 266).

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Research on Transformation Strategy
of Enterprise Marketing Mode Under New
Media Technology Environment

Guohong Zhen(&)

Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun 130052, Jilin, China


Abstract. New media is a new form of media produced with the development
of the times and the progress of science and technology. New media is a
changing concept, which is the sum of new media forms relative to traditional
media, such as television relative to newspapers and magazines, and network
relative to television. For the former, television is the new media. For the latter,
the Internet is the new media. Under the new media technology environment, the
way of information dissemination has undergone tremendous changes, which
makes a huge difference between new media marketing and traditional mar-
keting. Compared with the traditional marketing, new media marketing has
obvious advantages, such as improving the advertising creative space, increas-
ing interactive information, etc. [1]. However, due to the short development time
of new media marketing in China and the uneven level of new media marketing
in different enterprises, the existence of new media marketing problems has
seriously restricted the transformation of enterprise marketing mode and the
improvement of enterprise marketing level. Relevant people must study the
relevant issues in depth, and actively design strategies to optimize the new
media marketing, so as to lay a solid foundation for the healthy development of
enterprises. This article discusses this issue, hoping to provide reference for the
relevant people.

Keywords: New media technology  Enterprise marketing mode 

Transformation  Development

1 Introduction

With the development of science and technology and the development of network
technology, new media has emerged, which has changed people’s life and work
imperceptibly, and affected people’s consumption concept and consumption mode.
Compared with the traditional media such as newspapers and magazines, the new
media has obvious advantages, such as fast speed of communication, wide coverage,
strong pertinence and so on. With the help of new media, people can get to know all
kinds of information and realize shopping and chatting without leaving home.
Therefore, work and life become infinitely convenient. Enterprise marketing based on
new media technology has obvious advantages. The development of new media
marketing has impacted the traditional marketing and real economy of our country.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 924–931, 2019.
Research on Transformation Strategy of Enterprise Marketing Mode 925

This has promoted the economic development of our country to a certain extent, but
also brought the impact to the health development of our economy [2]. New media
marketing is the general trend of enterprise marketing. Enterprises need to face up to
new media marketing, fully understand the characteristics of new media, new media
marketing characteristics, and give full play to the advantages of new media, in order to
promote the healthy development of enterprise marketing.

2 Definition and Characteristics of New Media

2.1 Definition of New Media

New media is a new media form, which is based on the digital mobile network
technology, computer, mobile phone and other terminals, after the traditional media
such as broadcasting and television, aiming at providing entertainment services for
customers and realizing information transmission [3]. New media is a concept of
change, and a concept relative to traditional media. For example, television can be
regarded as a new media for newspapers and broadcasting, but compared with micro-
blogs and the Internet, it will be included in the traditional media category. In terms of
the current broad sense, new media mainly refers to the media based on computer
information technology.

2.2 Characteristics of New Media

There are great differences between the new media and the traditional media. First, the
new media takes the customer as the core, based on the network computer. In the aspect
of information dissemination, it follows the principle of one-to-one dissemination [4].
Both sides of information transmission and receiving can use the corresponding
channels to communicate with each other. Second, the new media emphasizes technical
means and the traditional media emphasizes the dissemination of content. The devel-
opment of new media has a strong dependence on the use, construction and R&D of
technological platforms. Once divorced from the above work, it is difficult to carry out
a series of related work smoothly. In addition, new media publishing content has a
stronger pertinence, fragmentation, randomness and personality, which is more free-
dom and flexible than traditional media, with faster transmission speed and wider
coverage, and can produce a greater impact [5].

3 The Difference Between New Media Marketing

and Traditional Marketing

Marketing is the plan and execution about the commodity, service and creative ideas of
pricing, promotion and distribution, and the process of creating the change in line with
individual or organizational goals. Marketing is the three-dimensional dissemination of
the commodity, service and creativity. To ensure the dissemination effect, enterprises
926 G. Zhen

need to conform to the trend of the times, broaden the dissemination of ideas, and
constantly refresh the traditional marketing concepts of enterprises.
Taking the commodity marketing as an example, commodity marketing must sat-
isfy different consumers’ personalized consumption needs. Therefore, for different
consumers, the way of marketing can not be consistent. Under the traditional marketing
mode, in order to realize commodity marketing, enterprises often adopt the means of
increasing products and corresponding services, that is, they strictly follow Professor
McCarthy’s 4p portfolio theory, that is the reasonable allocation of products, prices,
channels and promotion based on enterprise profits [6]. 4p portfolio theory has its
theoretical basis, but the traditional marketing based on 4p theory fails to put the
economic profits of enterprises on the same level with the individual needs of cus-
tomers, customers can not really participate in the marketing process, there is a serious
lack of interaction between enterprises and customers, and there are many links
between product sales, including wholesalers, retailers and so on, so there are many
links between products from the enterprises to the customers, the timeliness of the
product is difficult to guarantee, the cost of the enterprise is difficult to control, and the
effect is difficult to be satisfactory.
New media marketing is based on the new media, breaking through the short-
comings of traditional marketing, while highlighting its own marketing characteristics,
for example, advertising implantation and propaganda of new media marketing can be
instilled into consumers in a subtle way, which makes it easier for consumers to accept.
For another example, the new media marketing is open and enterprises and customers
can communicate directly, not only conducive to the enterprise to obtain market
information, but also conducive to improving customer trust in enterprises, thus, the
marketing products of enterprises will be more in line with social needs and market
demands. In addition, new media is the trend of the times. It is inevitable that new
media will replace traditional media, which determines that new media marketing will
replace traditional marketing. The change of marketing mode will affect the commu-
nication mode of marketing target groups, and eventually become the mainstream of
marketing which affects people’s working and lifestyle.

4 Advantages of New Media Marketing

New media marketing has many advantage, but from a global perspective, there are the
following points:
First, the new media has a strong interactivity. Therefore, new media marketing can
strengthen customer communication, in order to ensure that both sides get more useful
information. As enterprises can face customers directly, the initiative and autonomy of
marketing are greatly improved. Enterprise marketing is no longer relying solely on
advertising promotion. Enterprises understand customer needs, understand the market
channels to diversify, and the market adaptability is stronger, more conducive to timely
adjustments based on market demand decision-making.
Second, in the new media environment, such as the continuous emergence of
community marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, interactive marketing, reverse mar-
keting and other marketing methods, advertising creativity has become a powerful
Research on Transformation Strategy of Enterprise Marketing Mode 927

force to improve marketing efficiency [7]. If creativity can effectively stimulate cus-
tomer participation, the efficiency of marketing will be immeasurable. New media
marketing provides a broad operating platform for advertising creativity. New mar-
keting methods, new marketing channels and new marketing means effectively elim-
inate the problem of traditional marketing creativity exhaustion. New media carriers
and new media elements are constantly integrated with advertising, the diversity of
advertising is enhanced, and the creative energy of advertising is constantly increased
and gradually becomes a powerful weapon to improve product competition.
Third, enterprise brand building is conducive to building a good social image for
enterprises, and is conducive to improving social trust in enterprises. Commodity
marketing based on new media can provide a channel for enterprises to create a good
image. The audiences rely on the new media to understand and contact the marketing
information of enterprises. They unconsciously enter the marketing activities of
enterprises and experience the marketing of enterprises themselves [8], which is con-
ducive to the enterprise brand rooted in customers’ minds, thus effectively improving
the brand image of enterprises and enhancing the brand benefit of the enterprise.
Fourth, under the new media marketing model, enterprises need to set up various
official accounts, and use various open platforms to share resources with stakeholders.
The utilization of the platform can not only improve the resource utilization rate of
enterprises, but also provide low-cost communication channels for enterprises. Enter-
prises no longer absolutely need to rely on expensive promotion [9]. As long as they
improve their marketing creativity and with the help of a variety of promotion plat-
forms, they can achieve a large area of advertising, the cost of enterprises is thus
reduced, and the economic efficiency of enterprises is thus improved.
Fifth, due to the diversity of customer groups, enterprise marketing can not be
absolutely perfect, and any product and service in some levels may have “defect
problem”. Defected products and services may trigger various public opinions under
the fermentation of free speech environment, thus bringing public relations crisis to
enterprises. Under the multi-media environment, enterprises can design public relations
countermeasures against bad public opinion in time, and enterprises can formulate
corresponding public relations crisis pre-treatment plans in combination with past
experience [10]. Bad public opinion control is more timely, and the bad public opinion
has less impact on the image of enterprises, so the healthy development of enterprises is
more secure.

5 New Media Marketing Issues

New media has created a good environment for enterprise marketing, and the mar-
keting pattern of enterprises has undergone tremendous changes. From the overall point
of view, the new media marketing of Chinese enterprises is in a benign state of
development. However, due to the short development time of new media marketing,
insufficient relevant experience, and uneven corporate strength and new media mar-
keting level, new media marketing problems are more serious from the perspective of
details, and the following four points are most significant:
928 G. Zhen

5.1 Lack of Ideological Attention

Although in the current stage, Chinese enterprises have generally established corporate
websites, registered official micro-blogs, WeChat official account and so on, and have
also used the above new media channels to carry out some marketing activities, many
enterprises have not fully realized the importance of new media marketing to enterprise
marketing and enterprise development. The focus of marketing is always on physical
marketing, and the advantage of new media marketing is hard to play. At the same
time, enterprises do not have the awareness of seizing the virtual market, virtual market
resources are wasted, enterprise competitiveness is difficult to improve, and marketing
costs are difficult to control.

5.2 Poor Quality of Marketing Personnel

Compared with developed countries, the development of new media industry in our
country is relatively backward, and the marketing level based on new media is rela-
tively low. New media marketing has not formed a system and clear process, which
results in the strong randomness and blindness of new media marketing. At the same
time, the number of new media marketing professionals in China is small, and many
people who engage in new media marketing are not professionals. Due to the lack of
relevant knowledge, experience and skills, the overall quality of marketing personnel is
poor. When encountering specific problems, it is difficult to put forward corresponding
solutions in time, which will undoubtedly restrict enterprises from forming new media
marketing pattern and affect the effect of new media marketing.

5.3 Inaccurate Target Customer Orientation

Under the background of new media era, information is constantly diversified, and the
information received by customers is also diversified. The objective conditions lead to
the increasing individuality of consumer behavior, the increasing complexity of con-
sumption, the difficulty of effectively determining consumer goals, and the weakening
of new media’s ability to choose target customers. At the same time, the consumer
structure and various liquidity factors will affect the target customers, and it is more
difficult for enterprises to choose targeted customers. Although multi-media provides a
variety of channels for enterprises to choose target customers, the increase of channels
will increase the corresponding selection costs, the cost control of enterprises will be
more difficult, the marketing dissemination will be more controlled by funds, and the
marketing difficulty will increase linearly.

5.4 Lack of Perfect Crisis Mechanism

The existence of things has its two sides. New media marketing is like a double-edged
sword, which has both its application advantages and its application risks. For example,
when enterprises use micro-blog for marketing, micro-blog’s interaction and openness
can provide favorable conditions for enterprise marketing. However, if the micro-
blog’s interaction and openness are not properly utilized, it is very likely that there will
Research on Transformation Strategy of Enterprise Marketing Mode 929

be a public relations crisis or other uncontrollable crisis, and the impact of the crisis can
not be estimated artificially. However, at the present stage, Chinese enterprises gen-
erally lack the idea of building a new media marketing crisis mechanism, and new
media marketing risks are ignored. Once they encounter problems, they are bound to
face immeasurable losses.

6 Transformation Strategy of Enterprise Marketing Mode

in New Media Technology Environment

New media is the product of the development of the times, and new media marketing is
also the product of the development of the times. Undoubtedly, with the continuous
development of network technology, the proportion of new media and new media
marketing in enterprise management will continue to increase, new media marketing
will inevitably become the main means of enterprise marketing, and will inevitably
become a key factor to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises. For this reason,
the relevant people should face up to the new media marketing, actively carry out the
transformation of enterprise marketing methods, fully consider the actual situation of
enterprises, and adapt to the trend of the times to promote the development of enter-
prise marketing (Fig. 1).

New media culture of enterprises

New media marketing concept

Consumers dominate Smooth expression of consumer demand

New media marketing network system New media marketing team

Enterprise network early warning mechanism

Fig. 1. Strategy diagram of transformation of enterprise marketing mode under new media
technology environment

6.1 Establishing New Media Marketing Concept

Under the new media marketing mode, consumers occupy the leading position in
marketing activities. On the one hand, consumers can capture all kinds of information
through new media, and can communicate with enterprises instantly. On the other
hand, consumers can express their own wishes and needs, and provide enterprises with
the means of communication to meet the needs of consumers. For this reason, enter-
prises should actively innovate their traditional marketing concepts, actively establish
930 G. Zhen

new media marketing concepts with customers as the core, pay attention to consumer
needs, meet consumer service needs, and optimize service quality.

6.2 Construction of New Media Marketing Network System

and Establishment of High-Quality Marketing Team
First of all, the new media marketing is based on the perfect marketing network
foundation. Enterprises should strengthen the market information infrastructure, speed
up the construction of enterprise information, and update all kinds of new media
information in time, so as to gradually strengthen the marketing management of
enterprises and improve the marketing management level of enterprises. Secondly, the
new media marketing is an innovative model of enterprise marketing. Under this new
marketing pattern, in order to ensure the marketing effect, enterprises need high-quality
talents with professional quality. Therefore, enterprises should strengthen the education
and training of existing marketing personnel, increase the introduction of new media
marketing personnel, set up high-quality marketing team, and improve the overall
marketing quality of the marketing team, so as to ensure that new media marketing can
be carried out smoothly, and the relevant personnel can cooperate.

6.3 Establishing Network Crisis Early Warning Mechanism

The openness and interaction of new media will bring many uncontrollable crises to
enterprise marketing. Ensuring timely and effective crisis management can reduce the
impact of harm and optimize the marketing results. Therefore, enterprises should
actively use the new media to establish a standardized network crisis detection system,
and make good use of various network resources to collect all kinds of information, so
as to timely find crisis problem and prevent and deal with them.

6.4 Attaching Importance to Enterprise’s New Media Culture Innovation

Corporate culture is the core of ensuring the development of enterprises and the source
of the survival strength of enterprises. Enterprises need to adhere to their own culture,
but they should also attach importance to cultural innovation in the new media envi-
ronment, break the traditional and conservative corporate culture, and actively accept
the new corporate culture under the new media technology, ideas and new media
marketing to ensure that corporate culture can keep pace with the times.

7 Conclusions

To sum up, new media marketing is a brand-new marketing model in the new era.
Enterprises should follow the trend of the times, choose marketing methods with their
own characteristics, echo their own brand development, and actively implement
accurate marketing, smooth marketing and effective marketing. It is worth mentioning
that new media marketing has opened up a new path for enterprise marketing and
enterprise development. However, compared with large enterprises, the strength of
Research on Transformation Strategy of Enterprise Marketing Mode 931

small and medium-sized enterprises is relatively insufficient. In implementing new

media marketing, small and medium-sized enterprises should give full consideration to
their own actual situation, should not blindly follow the fashion trend, should not
increase their own technical deployment and communication plan burden for the
development of new media marketing, but should fully understand the role of new
media and new media marketing value, and gradually develop new media marketing
means to ensure that their marketing effectiveness is the greatest.

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media age – taking WeChat public number as an example. China Bus Update (15)
4. Xue W, Li Q (2015) Research on the development strategy of small and medium sized
enterprises network marketing under the new media environment. E-commerce (10):53–54
5. Cao X (2017) Analysis of transformation of enterprise marketing mode in the new media era.
Consume Guide (10)
6. Li H (2016) Analysis of the transformation of enterprise marketing mode and strategy from
the perspective of new media. Econ View (5):91
7. Liu Z (2014) Analysis of enterprise marketing strategy from the perspective of new media.
Stat Manag (4):127–128
8. Du H (2014) Research on the application of mobile internet and new media technology in
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thinking. Market Mod (19):40
Current Status and Prospects of Big Data
and Urban Emergency Management

Yining Jin(&), Danhui Fang, Hongqian Xu, and Weiyang Zeng

China Research Center for Emergency Management,

Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China

Abstract. In recent years, social emergencies have occurred frequently, and the
losses caused by society have become more and more serious. Effectively
dealing with emergencies has aroused widespread concern in society, and
responding to emergencies is the key to emergency decision-making. This paper
summarizes the development and research status of big data emergency
decision-making at home and abroad through the analysis and combing of
related literatures at home and abroad, and puts forward the opportunities and
challenges faced by big data emergency decision-making at present, and puts
forward relevant development suggestions.

Keywords: Big data  Emergency management  Review

1 Review of Big Data Decision Research at Home

and Abroad

From the SARS crisis in 2003 to the Wenchuan earthquake relief on July 23, 2008,
China has initially established an emergency management system to further improve
the emergency management system. However, in recent years, there are still some
structural problems in some major emergency response systems. Public security is the
cornerstone of national development and social stability. Frequent incidents in today’s
society have caused serious harm to economic development and social stability. On
April 16, 2018, China’s Emergency Management Department was established, which
shows that the Chinese government attaches great importance to emergency manage-
ment. Accelerating the wisdom of public safety and emergency management is an
important measure to improve the national governance system and modernize its
governance capabilities. Promoting public safety management innovation and realizing
intelligent, accurate, and efficient all-round, three-dimensional management decision-
making is of great significance to the national social governance in the new era.
Emergency decision-making is an important part of emergency management. The
formulation of emergency decision-making is the primary condition for emergency
response and the key to determining the success or failure of emergency response.
Effective emergency decision-making can reduce casualties and incident losses [1]. To
this end, effective response to emergencies, emergency decision-making is the key.
Emergency decision-making means that when an emergency occurs, the decision-

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 932–939, 2019.
Current Status and Prospects of Big Data and Urban Emergency Management 933

makers determine the response plan in order to minimize casualties, property damage,
environmental damage or social impact in the event of time constraints, limited
resources and high event uncertainty. And the process of emergency measures [2]. In
today’s big data era, the widespread use of social networking, mobile devices and other
technologies in the fields of business, public and social life has brought social and
social life convenience, but also caused The complexity of emergency management.
Traditional emergencies have undergone tremendous changes in terms of incentives,
forms of expression, speed of dissemination, scope of communication, and patterns of
influence on society. The multi-heterogeneous, large-scale and complex, and rapid
spread of big data all pose new challenges to traditional emergency management
methods and promote the transformation and development of traditional emergency
management models.

1.1 Contemporary Big Data Emergency Decision-Making Features

Therefore, in today’s society, the development of information requires a comprehensive
grasp of information. In the era of big data, the amount of data is very large. At the
same time, it also facilitates the mutual exchange of information across the world. It has
the following new features. Promoting multidisciplinary and professional The era of
big data integration has spurred the disciplines of nature and society to be independent
and to blend together. The division of labor in various professions has indeed played a
certain role in the traditional era, but with the development of society, management is
more complicated. If the profession is still divided and the division of labor is too fine,
many problems will arise, such as the emergence of professional barriers. Under big
data, people can rationalize complex network through huge data, quickly find target
data and confirm and analyze it, so that complex social management problems can be
solved. The extensive application of big data technology in the field of management, an
important role is its powerful data capture and analysis capabilities, which enable
managers to discover potential connections and problems from massive and fragmented
data. This prompts the next management action. As the study of international complex
network research believes: in the context of big data, the synergy of data, science, and
technology can make humans much easier to predict than expected. Obviously, this is
extremely important for management in modern high-risk societies. Realizing the
transformation of social governance from extensive to refined in the era of big data, the
database is very comprehensive, and the relevant departments of social management
can find the information they need in the huge data, so that the efficiency of the work is
improved and is proceeding. In social governance, we can formulate corresponding
urban services according to local conditions and the characteristics of residents, achieve
refined social governance, and change the traditional way of extension. Improving the
scientific nature of government decision-making in the era of big data, the spread of
network information is very rapid. Some information is spread on the Internet before it
is confirmed, which is easy to cause public crisis. Government departments can use big
data technology, find social hotspots in huge data, find out the causes of the crisis, and
why the spread is carried out, so that the truth of the crisis can be restored. In addition,
the government can also grasp and analyze the hot spots of public concern based on the
934 Y. Jin et al.

information records that people browse on the Internet, so as to ensure that the deci-
sions are in line with public opinion and are scientific.

1.2 Main Research Focus of Big Data Decision Making at Home

and Abroad
At present, most of the research points can be roughly divided into the following
points: Research on big data emergency decision-making system. The construction of
big data emergency decision-making system provides direction and guidance for the
application of big data in emergency decision-making, promotes the use of big data in
emergency decision-making of relevant departments, and makes scientific and efficient
decision-making. Research on big data emergency decision-making mechanism. The
research on domestic big data emergency decision-making mechanism mainly involves
the reform brought by big data to emergency decision-making mechanism and the
innovation of big data emergency response mechanism. Research on big data emer-
gency decision-making system. The research on domestic big data emergency decision-
making system mainly focuses on the changes brought by big data to the traditional
emergency decision-making system, and proposes the proposal of constructing big data
emergency decision-making system according to the existing problems. Research on
big data emergency decision-making platform. Domestic research on big data emer-
gency decision-making platform has attracted the attention of relevant scholars,
especially for the construction of big data emergency decision-making platform in a
specific field.
Onorati et al. [3] proposed a semantic method based on ontology filtering text
extraction topic for monitoring specific events on social networks, so that emergency
intelligence personnel can collect more information about disasters and disasters in an
emergency. Sun et al. [4] pointed out that knowledge representation methods are
widely used in emergency case-based reasoning and machine learning. A method for
extending Dempster-Shafer theory fusion data is proposed, and multi-attribute fusion is
handled by using knowledge element model. Hong et al. [5] explained the need to
quickly assess the damage degree of buildings after the earthquake, and proposed the
use of pre-earthquake digital topographic maps and post-earthquake imagery for
automatic three-dimensional (3-D) building damage detection method. Kropivnitskaya
et al. [6]. Yang and Gang pointed out that it is especially necessary to construct and
improve the emergency decision-making information system in the context of big data
[7]. He takes the case of China’s international oil cooperation emergencies as an
example, proposed the construction of an emergency decision-making command sys-
tem based on big data technology, looking for a new direction to solve the current
single command system, and also an emergency decision-making command system for
big data technology. Software development provides a theoretical basis [8]. Yang et al.
analyzed the challenges and opportunities faced by the traditional emergency decision-
making model in the era of big data, and proposed two new paths for the innovation
and transformation of traditional emergency decision-making models: building an open
information system for big data and open source information; Professional consulting
system [9].
Current Status and Prospects of Big Data and Urban Emergency Management 935

After literature collation and research, it is found that domestic and foreign scholars
have carried out a series of research on big data emergency decision-making, which has
the overlap of angle and content, and also has different emphasis. First, domestic
research on big data emergency decision-making mostly conducts research on big data
emergency decision-making platforms, systems, systems, models, mechanisms and
data quality control from the perspective of the impact and change of big data on
emergency decision-making. In view of the construction of big data emergency
decision-making system and mechanism, the research is still in the primary exploration
stage, and there are few deeper analysis and research. For the research of big data
emergency decision-making mode and system, it is proposed to establish a corre-
sponding emergency decision-making mode from the perspective of optimization of
emergency decision-making system. Second, foreign countries focus on the methods,
platforms, systems, models, data collection and integration of big data emergency
decision-making from the perspective of big data technology and big data processing
methods, and combine intelligent technologies such as machine learning with big data.
To promote the application of big data in emergency decision-making. Thirdly, for the
research of big data emergency decision-making methods and models, there are many
related researches abroad, and the field is strong, mostly for the development of specific
areas, based on case analysis to study the practicability and reliability of the platform
and model. Fourth, domestic and international research on big data emergency
decision-making systems, platforms and emergency decision-making data has been
carried out. Domestic research on big data emergency decision-making systems is
mostly aimed at the problems existing in existing emergency decision-making systems,
and proposes to build a big data emergency decision-making system. Suggestions. In
foreign countries, social data such as social media is integrated into the big data
emergency decision-making system, emphasizing the active participation of citizens,
and building a big data emergency decision-making system for emergency decision-
making needs in specific areas. For emergency decision data research, China focuses
more on the quality research of emergency data. Foreign countries mainly integrate
social media and network volunteer data into emergency decision data sets from the
perspective of data collection and analysis and calculation. Fifth, in general, research
on big data emergency decision-making at home and abroad involves a wide range of
issues. However, there are few references to big data emergency decision-making
talents and privacy protections involved in decision-making. Compared with foreign
countries, China’s big data emergency decision-making research is more focused on
management perspective, and research on big data technology research and develop-
ment, big data emergency decision-making platform and model construction needs to
be further strengthened.

2 Challenges Facing Domestic Big Data Emergency


Compared with the massive data and processing power emerging in the era of big data,
the current emergency management information capability is seriously insufficient, and
the massive data is not fully utilized for emergency management services. The
936 Y. Jin et al.

government emergency management is facing difficulties, which are highlighted in the

following aspects.
Departmental management fragmentation does not adapt to big data diversification
Big data including text, pictures and video, its diverse forms can help people to mine
valuable information. However, the current lack of emergency management informa-
tion sharing, insufficient business linkages and low service efficiency have caused
serious fragmentation of departmental management and the phenomenon of “high cost
and low efficiency”.
Lack of big data thinking consciousness leads to incomplete data. Currently,
government emergency managers do not have big data thinking consciousness, and fail
to raise the opportunities and challenges brought by the big data technology revolution
to the national strategic level, directly causing incomplete data and lack of data. Use
data to describe facts and use data to make sense of decision-making, thus affecting the
scientific and effective implementation of emergency decision-making.
Data security risks and privacy leakage risks Big data emergency decision-making
makes us pay more attention to the correlation between things, not the causal rela-
tionship of things. In the event of an emergency, big data technology collects and
analyzes massive and comprehensive data. And processing, discovering the laws
governing the development of things, and making scientific predictions and early
warnings to make effective and scientific emergency decisions. This process, whether it
is data collection or analysis, is inseparable from comprehensive and complete data
support, including sensor data, social data, etc., mainly from the society and the public.
This inevitably leads to public data security and privacy issues. For example, in the pre-
prevention phase of emergency management, it is necessary to monitor the public
activity information in real time to facilitate the emergency decision-making of the
emergency, to understand the geographical location of the public, the disaster situation,
and to rationally distribute relief materials and carry out rescue operations. Real-time
monitoring of the public is, to a certain extent, a violation of citizens’ privacy rights. If
it is slightly inadvertent, it may lead to the disclosure of public privacy data. Once used
by criminals, these data directly threaten the public’s personal security. In addition,
when a major enterprise has a major emergency, big data emergency decision-making
needs to collect information about the enterprise and related enterprises, and sometimes
it will inevitably involve the business secrets of the enterprise. If these data information
form predictive information or new information after big data analysis, it will seriously
affect the development of the enterprise and cause certain economic losses if it is poorly
preserved or leaked in the middle.
The lack of big data emergency decision-making talents Due to the relatively short
development time of big data in China, the related big data talents are relatively scarce.
At present, there are only 460,000 big data talents in the country, and the gap of big
data talents in the next 3 to 5 years is 1.5 million. There are many. At present, China
has not yet established a complete system for training big data application talents, and
there is a clear shortage of big data emergency decision-making talents. Although there
are emergency decision-making experts and emergency decision-makers in China’s
emergency decision-making advisory institutions, big data emergency decision-making
talents are like morning stars. Big data emergency decision-making is inseparable from
professional emergency decision-making talents. From the collection, storage, analysis
Current Status and Prospects of Big Data and Urban Emergency Management 937

and processing of data to the visual presentation of results, professional emergency

personnel are required to participate. However, the development of big data emergency
decision-making in China has just started, and all aspects are still immature. The
matching of related hardware, software and talents needs development time, which is
also the key factor for the development of big data emergency decision-making. The
research teams and faculty of relevant big data, as well as the big data technology
equipment are also limited. The big data emergency decision-making talents are
complex talents who need both big data knowledge and emergency management
knowledge. The training also needs the public, enterprises, Full support from all walks
of life.

3 Suggestions for the Development of Future Big Data

Emergency Decision-Making

In the era of big data, government emergency management faces many difficulties.
Improving data utilization efficiency and improving data management-based emer-
gency management system construction are the only way for government emergency
management reform in the era of big data. Summarize the practical cases of big data in
emergency management, draw on the successful experience of developed countries,
and refer to the relevant literature. The innovative measures for government emergency
management of urban emergencies in the big data era are as follows:
Based on big data thinking, innovative government emergency management model
Big data thinking is a new concept of thinking, from the core of “process” to the core of
“data”, from function is value to data is value, big data thinking has opened a major era
transformation. In this era of “data creation effects”, it is necessary to integrate diverse
data and make decisions based on data. Innovation around the management model of
big data has become a new direction for emergency management reform. It is necessary
to innovate the emergency management mode, use the core thinking of data to think
about problems, continuously expand the application value of data in emergency
management, and provide guarantee for all aspects of emergency management.
Focusing on big data and reshaping the government’s emergency management
system. After years of development, the “one case, three systems (preplan, system,
mechanism, legal system)” structure of China’s emergency management has been
initially formed. The existing emergency management system is based on the gov-
ernment. The core, the organizational system in which other social organizations and
the public participate. However, faced with the complicated and ever-changing emer-
gency management situation, the public crisis awareness is weak and the management
methods are backward, which leads to the failure of many aspects of the emergency
management system. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a new data-based man-
agement system to resolve the asymmetric relationship between rights and data and
avoid the formation of “grey zones”.
Big data emergency decision-making plays a key role in making scientific and
effective decision-making for emergency decision-makers. On the other hand, data
collection and data analysis inevitably bring about data security and privacy leakage,
especially to the public. Real-time monitoring and collection of corporate information,
938 Y. Jin et al.

etc., will lead to data and privacy exposure. The comprehensive protection of privacy
data is a very big challenge in the era of big data [10]. Legislation is the fundamental
way to protect the security of private data. Therefore, it is essential to improve the data
security and privacy of the public or enterprises from a legal perspective to improve the
laws and regulations related to big data emergency decision-making. First of all,
improve the “Emergency Response Law”, to address the data security and privacy
leakage involved in emergency data big data emergency decision-making, how to
prevent and protect, to add specific provisions. Second, in addition to promoting
personal information protection legislation, laws on trade secrets should also be
improved to maintain corporate data security. Finally, it is also essential to establish
and improve a special big data legal system that is in line with China’s national
conditions. According to the application of big data in different fields, the common
problems that may be involved are clearly defined. In 2014, “Big Data” was written
into the “Government Work Report”, which marked the official opening of the era of
big data development in China. In the 2018 “Government Work Report”, the big data
development action was also mentioned many times [11]. The development of big data
emergency decision-making is inseparable from the support of big data emergency
talents. Therefore, cultivating big data emergency talents and perfecting the big data
emergency talent system are necessary conditions for the development of big data
emergency decision-making, which requires the state, government, social groups, the
common cooperation of all walks of life. According to the Ministry of Education’s
March 21, 2018 notice, 250 universities have added “Data Science and Big Data
Technology”. In the field of data science and big data technology, universities can set
up majors or directions for training big data emergency talents, and actively cooperate
with relevant big data companies to effectively promote the training of big data
emergency talents. At the same time, considering the practicality of emergency
decision-making activities, it is necessary to promote cooperation between universities
and enterprises to establish a training base for big data emergency talents, and
encourage college emergency personnel to actively participate in the training base of
big data emergency talents and conduct training on big data and emergency decision-
making. The state gives preferential policies to big data-related enterprises and
encourages enterprises to build a training base for big data emergency personnel.

4 Conclusion

The characteristics of big data technology determine that it can effectively help China’s
emergency management system overcome the fundamental defects of its intrinsic,
achieve the goal of specialization and integration, and form a highly predictive and
scientific emergency management system. In short, it is inevitable to introduce big data
technology and corresponding management mode into the reform of China’s emer-
gency management system and build a new Chinese emergency management system
based on big data.
Current Status and Prospects of Big Data and Urban Emergency Management 939

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by Scientific Research Project of Hubei

Provincial Department of Education (Grant No. B2013209), and 2013 Wuhan Textile University
Students’ Innovative Training Program (project number: 2016YFC0802509).

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China Sankei News 3(17):20–26
The Research of Big Data Management
Capability on the E-commerce
of Cultural Industry

Yuxia Hu1 and Haiying Ma2(&)

School of Economics, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730124,
People’s Republic of China
The Provincial Key Laboratory of E-commerce of Ethnic Information,
Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730124, People’s Republic of China

Abstract. With the application and development of new network technologies

such as cloud computing and mobile Internet, the generation and flow of
massive data has become the norm. Data management, as the basis of the
development of E-commerce, provides technical support for the daily operation
of E-commerce economic unit. Its quality directly affects the success or failure
of E-commerce. Based on a series of problems existing in the current E-
commerce activities in the cultural industry, this paper analyzes and studies the
innovative modes of different E-commerce applications, explores the transfor-
mation from management concepts to new management methods, and sum-
marizes the application value of data-driven management.

Keywords: Electronic commerce  Data management  Big data capability

1 Introduction

After McKinsey first systematically expounded the concept of big data in its 2011, big
data has gradually become a buzzword. Internet companies, venture capitalists, tradi-
tional industries, government departments, experts and ordinary people are in a colorful
big data carnival. The big data industry is an information service industry which
collects, stores, excavates and intelligently processes data based on Internet of Things
and Internet of Things. At present, the global community is producing a huge amount
of data at an unimaginable speed. It is estimated that the world will have 35 ZB of data
by 2020 [1]. Compared with 2010, the amount of data will increase nearly 44 times. As
the main content of the new generation of information technology, large data has
become the major countries in the world to vigorously develop the industry [2].
Another remarkable development of the Internet information world is the opening
of the era of E-commerce in the whole society. According to all kinds of data, the total
consumption based on online transactions in China has reached 15% in 2015 from 3%
in 2010, and the annual growth rate continues to climb, and is expected to reach 24% in
2020. As the gross social consumption base is also growing, the total consumption may

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 940–948, 2019.
The Research of Big Data Management Capability on the E-commerce 941

exceed 400 million RMB by 2020 [3]. This level of consumption almost covers the
absolute aspects of individual retail consumption, including daily consumption,
enjoyment of services and the pursuit of quality of life.
E-commerce has become a new engine to promote the rapid growth of social
economy in China, a new way to provide employment and entrepreneurship for the
whole society, a new way to provide all kinds of public goods and public services for
the public, and a new retail model to promote China’s enterprises and consumers into
economic globalization [4]. By June 2016, China’s E-commerce service enterprises had
more than 2.85 million direct employees and 21 million indirect employees. China’s E-
commerce market transactions in 2014 to 13.4 trillion Yuan, 2015 reached 18.3 trillion
Yuan, and this figure in 2016, only the first half of China’s E-commerce transactions
reached 10.5 trillion Yuan, of which the growth of cross-border E-commerce con-
tributed more than 2.6 trillion Yuan [5]. The value of big data is gradually recognized
by people. It is clear that many business areas can be effectively innovated with the
help of big data, including the traditional business model.

2 Big Data Management and E-commerce

2.1 Big Data and Traditional Data

Compared with the traditional data, the main characteristics of large data can be sum-
marized as follows: large amount of data, complex data types and unlimited data value.
However, in the process of practical application of large data in E-commerce, Table 1
compares and analyzes the main differences between large data and traditional data.

Table 1. Comparisons between Big data and Traditional data

Data type Traditional data Big data
Data type Based on structured data Non structural and semi-structured
data are the main data
Data Manual input Crawler grabbing, user retention, user
acquisition uploading data transaction and data
Data Focus on object description Tend to record the data process
Data Offline traditional files, mail or third
API interface transmission, radio
transmission party software for transmission frequency identification (RFID),
sensor networks
Data storage Relational Database, Data Warehouse, New Database Cluster Based on MPP
Things Database, Advanced Database Architecture Hadoop Technology
System, Expanded Files and WWW, Extension and Encapsulation of Large
etc. Data Integrator
Data Descriptive statistical analysis, Visual analysis, data mining algorithm
analysis exploratory data analysis and and pre analysis
confirmatory data analysis.
942 Y. Hu and H. Ma

The core difference between big data and traditional data lies in its immeasurable
value. The value of traditional data is embodied in information transmission and rep-
resentation, which is the description and feedback of phenomena, allowing people to
understand data through data [6]. Big data is a complete record of the occurrence of
phenomena. Through data, we can not only understand the object, but also analyze the
object, grasp the law of object operation, excavate the internal structure and charac-
teristics of the object, and even understand the information that the object itself does
not know.

2.2 Big Data Governance and E-business

In the Internet era, almost all enterprises are faced with the challenge of managing data
from a large number of internal departments. The large data technology represented by
Hadoop/Map Reduce 6 technology has the ability of complex data analysis, and the
cost is relatively low, but also can achieve the maximum data scalability, which can be
said to be the dominant. Hadoop is unlikely to replace the traditional relational database
management system (DBMS) entirely in the future, and because of their unique fea-
tures, the two technologies are more likely to coexist. One of the challenges posed by
Hadoop is metadata management [7]. Without good metadata management and data
governance, Hadoop will lack transparency, standardization and reuse of data, and
become a data island in the environment. In fact, businesses still need visibility of key
information about data, such as its source, quality, and ownership. These capabilities
are critical to preventing large data from being isolated in the enterprise and governed
like any other data source.

2.3 Big Data Management Capabilities

Resource-Based View (RBV) holds that enterprises are aggregates of various resour-
ces. From the perspective of resources, big data includes data resources and related
human resources and technology resources. In a relatively stable environment, as an
important asset of enterprises, large data resources themselves are the source of core
competitiveness of enterprises. However, under the current background of large data,
with the explosive growth of data, the market competition is becoming fiercer, the
amount of information enterprises are facing is dramatic, and the uncertainty of the
environment is increasing day by day. Under this situation, the key for enterprises to
achieve sustainable development is to cultivate the ability to adapt to environmental
changes, that is, dynamic capabilities.
(1) Big Data Resources as the Premise. The three most important resources are data
resources, human resources and technological resources. Data resources mainly
come from inside and outside the enterprise, and the internal data is the most
mature and well-known data in the enterprise. Human resource refers to the
professional data personnel who master the key technology of large data analysis,
familiar with business processes and have the ability of rapid learning. Large data
technology resources refer to a series of key technologies that enterprises need to
realize large data collection, storage, mining, analysis, supervision and data
The Research of Big Data Management Capability on the E-commerce 943

visualization. From the perspective of resource base, large data resources have
already brought competitive advantages for enterprises, but only owning large
data resources cannot bring sustainable competitive advantages for enterprises.
(2) The Core capability of Excavation and Intelligent Analysis. In the era of large
data, how to excavate and maximize the huge commercial value of large data has
become an urgent and strategic issue for modern enterprises. Under this back-
ground, the core competence of enterprises based on large data competition is
Business Analysis, which is oriented to large data analysis. This rigorous and in-
depth analysis can help enterprises make better decisions in the changing dynamic
environment. Based on the modern Internet platform, enterprises with large data
capabilities can provide sufficient high-quality information for strategic decision-
making by using large data technology, making full use of complete historical
databases, mining and intelligent analysis, thus providing a strong guarantee for
the scientific and real-time strategic decision-making of enterprises [8].
(3) The Core Value to Prediction. Prediction capability has played an important role.
Traffic travel relies on existing road resources and modes of transportation. With
the introduction of large data, intelligent transportation system can realize the
rational allocation of road resources, and can also match the mode of travel with
the demand accurately. People can complete the customized service of travel
routes according to their own needs and fully upgrade the public. For enterprises,
the core of operation is also based on the correct decision-making made by the
prediction, based on the mass of data on the basis of the prediction system
accuracy greatly improved. The prediction based on large data can accurately
grasp the trend of customer demand change, market dynamic analysis and tech-
nological innovation, realize the real-time insight of enterprises, and improve the
ability of enterprises to adapt to environmental changes, and help enterprises to
gain competitive advantage.

2.4 The New Way of Managing Big Data

In the study of E-commerce enterprise management strategy, the problem that the
traditional enterprise management methods cannot keep up with the development of the
industry has been plaguing decision makers. Through the use of Internet technology as
a breakthrough, how to make full use of data, mining the value of data to drive
management, has been the focus of E-commerce enterprises (Fig. 1).
As the above figure shows, data governance exists earlier than big data. It is an
effective way for the public to administer information society or enterprises. In fact,
data governance sets up corresponding management rules for each organization to use
data. Generally speaking, there are several processes: (1) Data acquisition is the basis of
data resources to form large data. All kinds of E-commerce platforms are always
producing a large amount of user transaction data, while this kind of data is scattered on
the E-commerce platform of each enterprise, so data is needed. (2) The second is how
to store the data. The storage here does not refer to the physical storage of information
data in the information system, but refers to the whole network data management
resources configuration related to E-commerce in the whole society. In addition to
cross-sectoral and cross-regional configuration, the participation of social organizations
944 Y. Hu and H. Ma

Fig. 1. Big data management analysis on E-commerce enterprises

should also be considered. The communication mechanism mentioned in data gover-

nance theory clarifies the effective application of data governance. (3) Large data must
be mined and cleaned, because the value density of data in large data areas is extremely
low, if the data is not processed directly stored or displayed, for management is
meaningless. So the data needs to be classified according to the organizational struc-
ture, so that professional people are good at analyzing their own data [9].

2.5 Enterprise Big Data Management Capability Analysis

Based on the Dynamic Capability Theory, large data capability is a kind of dynamic
capability, which is the ability of enterprises to integrate internal and external large data
resources, through in-depth analysis, prediction and adaptation to external environment
changes. Traditional E-commerce needs to cultivate and build enterprise’s large data
management capability from three dimensions: resource capability, analysis capability
and prediction capability. The following three dimensions will be discussed in detail.
(1) Big data Resource Capability. Big data is a kind of resource capability of an
enterprise. It is easy to collect consumer behavior data and social data through the
Internet. Then it can help enterprises understand user needs and product prefer-
ences by using big data analysis. It can design and implement regional posi-
tioning, demand positioning, preference positioning. It is precise and personalized
advertising and provides user driven products and services. Big data can help
enterprises to enhance the ability to lock resources, form a resource distribution
map based on enterprise business, and present the original virtualized resources in
the form of data and image, thus further strengthening the operational capacity of
enterprises. Enterprises can use their own data resources and massive external
data, through correlation analysis, make the operation between different market
data more intuitive and clear (Fig. 2).
The Research of Big Data Management Capability on the E-commerce 945

Fig. 2. Big data management analysis on data resources capability of E-commerce enterprises

Specifically, enterprise data resources include the internal and external data of the
enterprise, including operation and management data, process data, business data, user
data, etc. External data includes Market Research data, network data or data resources
obtained from third-party organizations, only when the internal and external data are
integrated and processed, can we grasp the activity state of enterprises more accurately
and provide scientific and reasonable decision-making basis for enterprises. However,
in many enterprises, the size and scope of some internal data are too large and diverse
to be managed in traditional systems.
(2) Big Data Analysis Capability. Strong analytical capabilities, that big data creates
value only when it is used to meet important business challenges, requires access
to more diverse types of data and powerful analytical capabilities, including
software tools and the skills necessary to use them. Therefore, modern enterprises
must adopt various methods and measures to enhance the capability of Big Data
Analysis (BDA). The following article will discuss the three sub-dimensions of
BDA infrastructure flexibility, BDA management capability, and BDA employee
professionalism proposed by Kim et al. 2012 [10].

BDA Infrastructure Flexibility. The era of big data puts forward higher requirements
for the hardware and software infrastructure of enterprises. At present, enterprises
generally establish integrated enterprise-level data centers, which can basically meet
the daily business needs of enterprises, but cannot meet the needs of large data. The
946 Y. Hu and H. Ma

enterprise’s powerful hardware facilities have the characteristics of four high and one
low, namely, high capacity, high performance, stability, high security and low cost. At
the same time, the explosive growth trend of data also necessarily requires high
scalability of software facilities, because large data era needs to deal with a variety of
data types, structured data can be processed repeatedly through a relational database
management system in the past, but semi-structured data must be readily available to
people who need data. Used and acquired by members, this can only be done in a
scalable distributed environment.
BDA Management Capability. Large data analysis is to discover potential, novel and
useful knowledge from massive data through data mining technology in the context of
large data, aiming to support the management and decision-making of organizations.
Large data analysis capability requires enterprises to master a series of advanced
information analysis methods. Enterprise information system includes the formulation
of management rules and systems related to enterprise big data activities, scientific,
reasonable and sound enterprise information system will optimize the management of
large data process and other work, but also to ensure that enterprise big data activities
can be carried out smoothly and effectively. Specifically, enterprises can often find
problems in existing business processes based on large data analysis, and constantly
adjust and optimize business processes to improve operational efficiency (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Three dimensional capability management of E-commerce enterprises

The Professionalism of BDA Staff. The comprehensive quality and ability of large data
workers not only directly affect the quality and effect of large data work in enterprises,
but also affect the ability of large data in enterprises. Large data and the characteristics
of its work determine that enterprise large data staff must be a new type of compound
talents, must have higher comprehensive quality and stronger business ability.
Specifically speaking, the outstanding talents of large data in enterprises should have at
least five characteristics: a strong sense of large data and a broad view of large data; the
The Research of Big Data Management Capability on the E-commerce 947

latest theory, technology and methods of large data analysis, a solid mathematical
ability and professional skills in statistics and machine learning.
(3) Big Data Prediction Capability. Big data prediction is the core and most valuable
application. Big data research is different from the traditional logical reasoning
research. It needs statistical search, comparison, clustering as well as classifica-
tion. Accurate prediction is based on the acceptance of data mixing. The collected
data can also be planned to guide the development of greater consumer power.
The analysis based on historical and current mass data enables enterprises to have
the ability to predict the future. This ability shows that enterprises can accurately
predict the future market demand changes, so as to adjust production or services in
time, accurately predict changes in the external environment, so as to better adapt
to dynamic changes.

3 Conclusions

The application of large data in various platforms has become more familiar with the
management and control capabilities, and the analysis of the operation behavior of
market players have initially completed the whole process of real-time management
and control capabilities. For consumer behavior supervision, at present, the main use of
the Internet platform for large-scale data analysis, and help control departments to use
their data and analysis mining capabilities, the effect is obvious. At present, through the
data analysis system constructed on various E-commerce enterprise platforms, we are
making use of various advanced Internet technologies, nearly 100 different dimensions
of data components and models to integrate and analyze the data within the platform,
the Internet, and cross-data resources, and complete the real-time data statistics and
scoring of the entire industry.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by Laboratory Opening Project 2018, the
Provincial Key Laboratory of E-commerce of Ethnic Information of Northwest Minzu University
(Grant No: 2018-4).

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Research on New Computer Software
Teaching Method Combining Virtual Display
Technology and Multimedia Technology

Wenjie Deng(&)

Haikou University of Economics, Haikou 571127, Hainan, China


Abstract. The application of multimedia teaching technology in college

teaching has promoted the development of quality education in colleges and
universities and improved the quality of teaching. Contents of the computer
software integrated management system more complicated, but also relatively
high construction mode, there are some of the more complex situation in the
management structure, so there will be many difficulties in the implementation
and management, computer software, computer software resources from the
investigation, statistical analysis, computer software prediction and modeling,
layout optimization, etc. have a large construction scale, so the system is more
complicated. This paper combines virtual display technology with multimedia
teaching technology, and researches on innovative computer software teaching
methods. It lists some feasible and simple integration methods to overcome the
teaching shortcomings and achieve better teaching results.

Keywords: Virtual display technology  Multimedia technology 

Computer software  Teaching method

1 Introduction

Computer software is the basic compulsory course of Internet technology. More and
more schools and majors have opened this course. It is a theoretical and practical
course. Under the background of “new engineering”, especially for applied under-
graduate colleges [1–3], we should promptly reform and explore the traditional
teaching methods of computer software courses, introduce new technologies, combine
theory and practice, and stimulate students’ interest in learning and initiative. Improve
the teaching effect of the classroom and let the students better grasp the knowledge
points they have learned. As an emerging experimental teaching method, virtual dis-
play technology provides a new platform for experimental teaching, which can over-
come the limitations of traditional experimental teaching; it can also improve students’
comprehensive quality and innovation ability. Virtual display technology is used in
computer software experiment teaching [2, 4–7]. The advantages are obvious. In this
paper, the application of virtual display technology and multimedia technology in
computer software teaching is the embodiment of the “Internet+” strategy [2, 8, 9]. It is
also a necessary means to deepen the reform of education. It also expounds the teaching

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 949–955, 2019.
950 W. Deng

characteristics of computer software courses and points out that the current multimedia
technology is teaching. In the end, the problems of virtual display technology and
multimedia technology are proposed.

2 Virtual Display Technology

Virtual display technology can also be called “virtual simulation technology” [10, 11]
or “network simulation technology” [12, 13] or “network model technology”. By using
virtualization technology to build simulation software on computer network equipment
and link mode, it has relatively independent logic, and relevant physical data can be
obtained in simulation operation. Virtual display technology is one of the scientific
means to measure network performance. Virtual display technology to easily build
computer software education teaching platform to provide conclusive data to computer
software design and computer software teaching teaching plan and develop informative
programs. At the same time, it can also provide reference for optimizing software
design and implementing teaching decisions.
“Virtual Simulation Technology” has been in the developed countries of the United
States, Japan, Germany and other countries for more than 20 years, mainly in the
openness of network equipment and network protocols. “Virtual Display Technology”
mainly focuses on digital cybernetics, analog system theory and information exchange
technology, and dynamically manages actual digital and information systems. There
are two main types of “virtual display technology” applied to computer software
teaching and teaching. One is to establish a network model technology, and the other is
to conduct a network simulation technology experiment. Introducing “virtual display
technology” in the teaching of computer software helps to improve students’ interest in
learning, solve the doubts and difficulties encountered in teaching, and help to improve
the quality of teaching and the quality of students’ learning.

3 There Are Problems in the Teaching of Computer Software


3.1 Knowledge Points Are Complicated, the Overall System Is Difficult

to Form
Computer software learning is a long-term coherent process, which requires high
learning time. However, due to the limitations of modern teaching time, most computer
theory teaching classes are difficult to concentrate, which directly leads students to
learn this content. It is difficult to remember in the next lesson. Over time, students are
bored in computer theory learning, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of computer
theory teaching.
Research on New Computer Software Teaching Method 951

3.2 Insufficient Convergence of Theory and Practice

The course is both theoretical and practical, focusing on the combination of theory and
practice. Therefore, the course requires practical demonstration and operation while
explaining theoretical knowledge. The network experiment equipment is relatively
large, and it is generally difficult to appear in the theoretical classroom. The teacher
generally only uses the principle, can not demonstrate and operate, and the students do
not know how to apply it. As a result, students cannot use the theoretical knowledge
they have learned to apply to the actual situation. It has deepened the difficulty of
students’ understanding of knowledge, and it is also easy to lead to the inability of the
theoretical course content and the experimental course content to be connected.

3.3 A Single Form of Teaching

Most of the teachers of computer software course theory adopt the traditional teaching
mode. A teacher, a book, and a PPT courseware constitute all the elements of teaching.
This kind of teaching form is generally based on the book or PPT, it is difficult to make
a big breakthrough, so that students can not understand the content of the textbook
well, reduce the interest in the course, the classroom teaching effect is relatively poor.
Based on the characteristics of computer software and the problems of theoretical
teaching, the author believes that the integration of virtual display technology and
multimedia technology is introduced into the theory of computer software theory,
keeping the advanced nature of computer network teaching content theory and practical
knowledge, and keeping abreast of the latest development of the subject. Only by
studying the development dynamics and frontiers can we cultivate high-level and high-
quality talents with practical and innovative capabilities.

3.4 Combination of Blind and Multimedia Teaching Modes

Some teachers have blindness in using multimedia technology, especially ignoring the
integration of traditional teaching and multimedia teaching. Such results can only affect
the effect of multimedia teaching: First, the efficiency of classroom teaching is reduced.
Some teachers have lazy thoughts in teaching. In order to complete the teaching tasks,
they will directly download the teaching courseware from the Internet for teaching. The
results can not adapt to the actual situation of higher vocational students; the second is
to hinder the interaction between teachers and students. Excessive adoption of multi-
media technology has made fewer opportunities for face-to-face communication
between students and teachers. In the long run, it will affect the relationship between
teachers and students.
952 W. Deng

4 The Characteristics of Virtual Display Technology

and Multimedia Technology in Computer Software

Multimedia is a combination of text, graphics, images, animation and other expressions

and information through a computer to complete a series of interactive operations.
Apply virtual reality technology and multimedia technology to computer software
teaching to implement the “Internet+” strategy. Applying virtual display technology
and multimedia technology to computer teaching presents the following characteristics.

4.1 Enrich the Teaching Content

Computer teaching is mainly about the computer theory and related programming
procedures, and this knowledge is very boring, especially when students are learning,
the lack of passion leads to low learning initiative. However, if multimedia technology
is applied to specific teaching, the problem can be effectively solved. The integration of
text, image and sound is realized through multimedia technology, and a new teaching
content system is presented to the students.

4.2 Expand the Form of Teaching Organization

The traditional computer teaching mainly adopts the mode in which teachers speak in
the classroom and the students listen in the lower part. The application of multimedia
technology to teaching realizes the teaching mode of various modes. In combination
with practice, the current common teaching modes mainly include: multimedia
courseware, electronic classrooms and online teaching.

4.3 Comply with the Trend of Quality Education

Students are prone to exhaustion of interest in the process of learning, so they need to
use multimedia technology to enrich students’ learning interest. In addition, the
school’s educational purpose is to cultivate students’ comprehensive quality. Through
the introduction of multimedia technology, it is helpful to cultivate students’ com-
prehensive quality and exercise students’ independent expression and communication

5 Application of Virtual Display Technology and Multimedia

Technology in Computer Software Teaching

In the application process of computer software, if the user is unable to grasp the
relevant use of the computer software and the knowledge of the computer software
application, or the computer operation is ignorant, the computer software will not be
used. Therefore, in the process of teaching computer software, you should know the
Research on New Computer Software Teaching Method 953

relevant professional knowledge and related operational skills. Computer software

teaching has a strong application significance and practical significance. It can solve
these problems with high quality through virtual display experiment and practical
teaching, which not only saves the cost of teachers but also guides students to effec-
tively grasp and understand the teaching content of computer software, stimulate and
improve Students’ interest in computer software teaching and subjective initiative can
definitely guarantee the quality of teaching and the quality of learning.
Undoubtedly, there is a chain of links that cannot be ignored between the teaching
of virtual display technology and the course of computer software. This requires
computer software teaching educators to first research and analyze the two, and to carry
out virtual display technology and computer software teaching. Seamless docking, so
that the concept of abstraction, the content of the course that students are difficult to
understand and understand, vividly displayed in front of everyone, to help students
receive and accept. In the actual operation of classroom teaching, teachers can
appropriately combine the “problem introduction method” teaching in a timely manner
to guide students to think and enter the essence of the teaching content and under-
standing learning; teachers can also let students conduct self-evaluation of theoretical
knowledge. And mutual evaluation, effectively promote students’ activation and
mastery of knowledge; use practical reality as the ultimate teaching purpose, enlighten
and teach students to apply the course knowledge to a specific scene, in order to deepen
students’ mastery of knowledge and promote students Solid memory and flexible
Compared with the new teaching method combining the virtual display technology
and the multimedia technology, the traditional multimedia teaching method has a
higher absorption rate and higher attention in the class. The traditional teaching method
has relatively low attention (Fig. 1).

Method of this paper Traditional method

Fig. 1. The method of this article and the traditional method of student attention
954 W. Deng

The case teaching method helps students to understand more theoretical knowl-
edge, and can apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems, strengthen
students’ understanding of computer software learning knowledge, and change the past
“I want to learn” as “I want to learn”. “Let the students grow into the protagonists of
learning and be able to actively and actively learn”. The design of computer software
teaching can’t be too simple and straightforward. It should be gradual, step by step, and
gradual. Experiments that divide the purpose of different teachings, and state that the
previous experiment is the basis of the next experiment. In order to improve students’
hands-on practical ability, students can master the basic knowledge in a solid way, and
when the knowledge needs to be updated, they can follow up and apply actively. In the
virtual display technology experiment exercise, by setting up a simple example, the
students are taught to fully understand the basic knowledge and usage of the simulation
software, and then proceed to the next experimental project in a step-by-step manner. In
the previous computer software teaching process, due to the knowledge of virtual
display technology, there is a certain understanding of the virtual display technology.
Therefore, in the following process, teachers should focus on guiding students to the
application of virtual display technology and the recognition of software structure.
Know and divide. Under this condition, the knowledge learning can be simplified and
intuitive as much as possible, and students can gradually complete the teaching tasks in
the experimental teaching of virtual display technology. After receiving the encour-
agement and praise of the teacher, the subjective initiative and knowledge of learning
are improved.

6 Conclusion

In the experimental process and practical operation of computer software teaching,

teachers can design the corresponding virtual display model in combination with the
teaching practice, and embed the students’ cognitive views and innovative wills in the
virtual display model, so as to cultivate the students’ overall grasp of the theoretical
curriculum. Based on the various knowledge points, students can also develop their
creative ability and creative consciousness. Throughout the teaching process, teachers
can integrate the knowledge points of computer software teaching. Set the “main line”
and “auxiliary line”, extend the “main line” for teaching, so that students do not feel the
fragmentation of knowledge points; extend the “auxiliary line” for teaching, so that the
students’ overall learning ideas are exceptionally clear. Applying virtual display
technology to computer software courses can reduce teaching costs and improve
teaching efficiency. In this way, students will have a deeper impression on the
knowledge of books and the actual operation process. On the basis of the application
effect of the theory and practice, they can consolidate the theoretical basis for better use
of various devices in the future. In summary, the new computer software teaching
combining virtual display technology and multimedia technology is instructive and
practical, and it is worthy of praise and promotion.
Research on New Computer Software Teaching Method 955

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Geomatics Spatial Inf Technol
Application Research of Employment
Recommendation Based on Improved
K-means++ Algorithm in Colleges
and Universities

Zhengce Cai1(&), Cheng Zhou1, and Xianwei Li2

School of Information Engineering, Anhui Institute of International Business,
Hefei, China
School of Information Engineering, Suzhou University, Suhou, China

Abstract. Clustering algorithm is an important algorithm system in the field of

machine learning. It has been extensively studied and widely used, with a
primary focus on similar distances. The k-means algorithm is a classic algorithm
in cluster analysis. Relying on the Hadoop platform, we study the employment
recommendation of colleges and universities using the improved K-means++
algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has certain
theoretical research value and promotion significance.

Keywords: Clustering  Employment  Hadoop  K-means++

1 Introduction

Algorithm is one of the most important cornerstones in the field of computer science.
K-means algorithm is an unsupervised clustering algorithm. It is simple to implement and
has good clustering effect. Therefore, it is widely used [1]. This paper studied the
application of K-means algorithm in employment recommendation, including data
acquisition, cleaning, analysis and visualization. The universities adhere to the educa-
tional philosophy of “promoting learning by competition and promoting education by
competition”, and actively promote the school-running model of “integration of pro-
duction and education, cooperation between schools and enterprises” to train the
internship and employment enterprises of the majority of students, and to train a group of
skilled talents with innovative spirit and practical ability for the society. The research of
this algorithm plays an important role in promoting the training of skilled talents. It can
help college students to recommend suitable jobs according to their own situations,
analyze the results of this research, and extract the skills of today’s job requirements.
Thus, providing theoretical basis for colleges in terms of personnel training, employment,
and professional development. The K-means algorithm is a classic algorithm in cluster
analysis. The algorithm calculation is fast and easy to implement but the idea is not
simple, so it is widely studied and used [2]. The algorithm itself has defects, because the
clustering required to be divided before the cluster is unknown, so it is necessary to

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 956–963, 2019.
Application Research of Employment Recommendation 957

artificially determine the number of clusters, that is, the value of K, and determine the seed
center point in advance, so that the clustering result will produce the local maximum.
Excellent solution, and the incorrect K value setting will have a great impact on the final
data, so this paper uses the improved K-means++ algorithm for application research.

2 Improved K-means++ Algorithm

2.1 The Principle of the K-means Algorithm
The principle of maximum and minimum is to first randomly select a seed point as the
center point A, then calculate the distance from the remaining point in the set C to the
point A, and select the point with the largest distance as the point. The second seed
point B, then calculate the distance from the remaining points in C to the two seed
points, and obtain the point min (dA, dB) with the smallest distance between the two
centers [3], and find the maximum value of the distance max (min(dA, dB)), if the
iterative condition is met:

DistC ¼ Max(min(dA, dB)) ð1Þ

DistM ¼ Max(min(dA, dB. . .dMf gÞÞ ð2Þ

where dA and dB represent the distance from point to point A and point B, respec-
tively. If it is met, the point is the third seed point. According to this method, iteration
continues until the condition is not met, so the seed points are all obtained, and the
value of K is obtained. However, there is a flaw in this method. Every time a seed point
is determined, it is necessary to traverse all the data in the set. If the amount of data is
large, it is undoubtedly a catastrophic waste of time [4].

2.2 Introduction to Improved K-means++

The original K-means algorithm initially randomly selects K points in the data set as
the cluster center, and K-means++ selects K cluster centers according to the following
idea: Assume that n initial cluster centers have been selected (0 < n < K), when the
n + 1th cluster center is selected: the farther away from the current n cluster centers, the
higher probability is selected as the n + 1th cluster center [5]. The random method is
also used when selecting the first cluster center (n = 1). It can be said that this is also in
line with our intuition: the cluster centers are of course separated from each other as far
as possible. Although this improvement is intuitive and simple, it is very effective. In
fact, this algorithm is only an improvement on the choice of the initial point, the other
steps are the same. The basic idea of the initial centroid selection is that the distance
between the initial cluster centers should be as far as possible.
The algorithm is described as follows:
• Step 1: randomly select a sample as the first cluster center c1;
• Step 2: Calculate the shortest distance between each sample and the current existing
cluster center (the distance from the nearest cluster center), denoted by D(x); the
958 Z. Cai et al.

larger of the value, the probability of being selected as the cluster center Larger;
finally, use the roulette method to select the next cluster center;
• Step 3: Repeat step two until you select k cluster centers.
After selecting the initial point, continue to use the standard k-means algorithm.

2.3 Spark Implementation of K-means++ Algorithm

The idea of implementing K-means++ algorithm based on Spark is as follows:
The RDD abstracts the massive data distribution to different computing nodes. The
cluster center point coordinates are shared among different computing nodes through
the Spark Context broadcast method, and the Map function is used to complete the data
distribution work. Use the Reduce function to complete the update of the Mean Center
[6]. When parallelizing the design and implementing the algorithm, all the clustered
data blocks can be operated in parallel, and the process of updating the cluster center
value is to calculate the average value, or it can be done in parallel [7]. Therefore,
Spark’s parallel implementation of the K-means++ algorithm can be expanded as
shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Process chart of parallel implementation of spark to k-means++ algorithm

Specific steps are as follows:

(1) Read in the data stored on the HDFS and divide it according to a fixed size [8];
(2) Randomly select K cluster centers, where K is the number to be clustered;
(3) Broadcast the current cluster center data to all nodes;
(4) Calculate the nearest cluster center and corresponding distance for the records in
each data block. The distance formula is:

c = arg minkxi - ujk2 ð3Þ

(5) Add tags according to their category;

(6) Calculate the sum of the category data of each cluster center;
(7) Calculate the mean of each cluster center, and then update the new cluster center
according to the mean

1 X
uj = Xi ð4Þ
jSjj xi2Sj
Application Research of Employment Recommendation 959

(8) Determine whether the result converges to a specified threshold, and if the
threshold is not reached, continue to repeat the preamble step until convergence.

3 Technical Route and Evaluation Process of Employment


3.1 Technical Route

Guided by the “three-dimensional goal” of family, school and society, we will make
full use of the technological advantages of automation and humanization of employ-
ment management system software to encourage all graduates to actively participate in
employment management, improve employment rate and quality, and explore
employment in the era of big data. A new strategy for management driven by the
development and application of the employment management system to explore new
ways for school modernization to promote employment. The technical route of the
study is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Technical route Fig

3.2 Design and Development of the Employment Recommendation

Evaluation Process Chart
The employment recommendation system for college students based on Hadoop
platform consists of two main modules: job information collection and storage, data
analysis and visualization. As shown in Fig. 3:
960 Z. Cai et al.

Fig. 3. Employment recommendation evaluation system process

4 Simulation Experiment and Result Analysis

Recommend a position suitable for the student, and use the mahout similarity algorithm
to train a data model. Through the student’s input of the skills he is good at, he can
recommend the position suitable for him [9]. For example, the algorithm experiment
for recommending jobs for students majoring in cloud computing is shown in the

4.1 Data Cleaning Experiment Analysis

Data cleaning is performed using MapReduce. The main cleaning is the job title, job
date and job description [10]. The job title is unified. If there are sales, managers,
supervisors and other words in the job name, such job reference documents will be
discarded. If there are such skills as java, big data, cloud computing, etc., the class will
be the name of the post is unified [11]. For example: when the word “java” appears, this
position is unified into a java development engineer. When big data words appear, this
position is unified into a big data engineer for the job description, the useless fields are
washed away, and only the words such as skills are retained (Fig. 4).
Application Research of Employment Recommendation 961

Fig. 4. The number of job recruitment changes at different times.

4.2 Job Skill Demand Simulation Experiment Analysis

Through the K-menas++ algorithm, the demand for skills in different positions is
mined, and the weight value of the skills in the same position is also obtained [12]. The
mined data is finally displayed by d3.js as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. The number of job recruitment changes at different times.

962 Z. Cai et al.

4.3 Job Recommendation Simulation Experiment Display

Through the students to enter their professional scores, match the data model, rec-
ommend the appropriate position for the student, and finally show through the tree
diagram as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Experimental chart of recommended job skills

Combined with the above simulation results and data analysis, it can be concluded
that the improved k-means++ algorithm can help university students to choose
employment positions according to their professional skills, and at the same time, it
points out the direction for the development of university-based technical talents, which
helps colleges to adjust and optimize talents training program.

5 Conclusion

This paper applies the application of K-means++ algorithm in university employment.

In the first stage, the algorithm counts the post changes of employment and statistics for
a certain period of time, and then counts the students according to the skill points in the
Application Research of Employment Recommendation 963

second stage. Finally, according to the skill points required for different positions, the
students are recommended for employment. This paper has theoretical value and
generalization significance for the K-means clustering algorithm research.
In the future work, we will extend our research to other aspects of the university for
in-depth research, and to study other aspects of the application, such as student con-
sumption recommendations.

Acknowledgments. This paper is supported by the following projects, Anhui Provincial Quality
Engineering Teaching Research Project of C language programming Smart classroom pilot, and
Anhui Provincial Project Maker space of “Cloud enthusiasts” maker space (S2015ckjh150).

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Pins, France, pp 235–248
Optimization of Education Management Work
for Undergraduate Education Based
on Big Data

Han Guan(&)

Student Affairs Office, Heilongjiang College of Business and Technology,

Harbin 150025, China

Abstract. The effectiveness of student education management is related to the

development of colleges and universities. With the rapid development of
information technology, the arrival of the era of big data has brought opportu-
nities and challenges to the education management of undergraduate college
students. As a frontier of exchange of ideas, information and knowledge, col-
leges and universities, how can college students’ ideological educators under-
stand students through big data, approach students, guide students, and how to
deal with the management of college students in the era of big data. The article
has studied this and proposed an optimization approach.

Keywords: Big data  Undergraduate education  Education management

With the development of science and technology, the state of the Internet has under-
gone tremendous changes. Since the beginning of the big data year in 2013, the era of
big data has arrived, more and more people are aware of the importance of the Internet.
The era of big data has made people face challenges, and politics, economy, culture,
and education will all have an impact. As the most active frontier position, the most
intensive knowledge, and the most fully used network information technology, colleges
and universities [1, 2], how to take advantage of the big data resources, promote the
development of college students’ work, and make the education management of stu-
dents scientific and refined. Under the era of big data, how to optimize the education
management of undergraduate colleges and universities and further deepen the edu-
cation management of students is the key content of current research [3, 4]. In order to
further improve the efficiency of student management education, it is feasible to design
a set of efficient student education management system by designing different modules
and using the collected data to accurately and scientifically complete various tasks.
Construct a basic information management system for students based on “Big Data”,
understand the student’s information through the reported data, analyze the data
through the collected information, and understand the dynamics of the students. This is
the dynamic management of student education management.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 964–973, 2019.
Optimization of Education Management Work for Undergraduate Education 965

1 The Concept and Significance of Big Data

Big data mainly refers to a collection of data that is difficult to manage and process in a
unified manner using conventional tools and methods. It is an emerging technology that
is different from traditional technology systems and structural frameworks. It has
significantly improved the ability of data search and analysis, and it can also timely and
accurately extract valuable information data from huge databases [5–7]. The definition
given by the McKinsey Global Institute is a collection of data that is large enough to
capture, store, manage, and analyze much beyond the capabilities of traditional data-
base software tools. It has a massive data volume and fast data flow (Velocity), diverse
data types (Variety) and low value (Value).
Undergraduate college students’ education management involves students’ student
achievement, internship employment, reward and punishment loans, mental health, and
social practice. College students’ ideological and political workers have many func-
tions and low work efficiency in practical work. In the era of big data, students’
information data is sorted and classified at the beginning of enrollment, and the data
accumulated in daily management can be an important basis for management.
Undergraduate colleges and universities accumulate students’ personal information,
hobbies, academic achievements, rewards and punishments, social networking plat-
forms and other resources to classify and organize, to achieve data collection, trans-
mission and aggregation, so as to achieve refined, scientific student education
Management work.

2 The Status Quo of Education Management

of Undergraduate College Students Under the Big Data
2.1 College Students’ Ideological and Political Education Workers Lack
Awareness of Thinking Change
At present, most education management workers lack informationization. They cannot
fully grasp the use of information systems, and even some basic operations cannot be
carried out [8]. Under the traditional mode of thinking, education management relies
mainly on rules and regulations and the experience and capabilities of managers. The
effectiveness of management must rely on the accumulation of time and the accumu-
lation of capabilities. Experience and experience become important indicators of
management success. For the managers of the big data era, in addition to the traditional
management capabilities, it is necessary to change the inherent thinking mode and pay
attention to the new changes brought by big data. The emergence of big data allows
students to start analyzing data and statistics, which puts higher demands on managers’
data analysis and interpretation skills.
966 H. Guan

2.2 The Ideological and Political Workers of College Students Lack

the Level of Big Data Management
The development of the Internet has played a decisive role in the collection of big data,
and it is a task that can be accomplished for a comprehensive understanding of stu-
dents. As long as you use the Internet and leave a record, you will gather the infor-
mation together and let the data appear. At the same time, as data collection and
informationization improve the data obtained by student management workers, it is
necessary to analyze and interpret the data of these managers. This requires specialized
people to organize data, analyze data, and interpret data to improve the efficiency,
relevance, and system of student work.

2.3 Lack of Corresponding Big Data Technology

At present, many colleges and universities already have a certain understanding of
Internet big data, but some college departments have not really used big data to carry
out their work. First, some colleges and universities did not really realize the advan-
tages of big data. Second, colleges and universities were conscious, but due to funding
and other reasons, there was no organization of professionals to learn how to use big
data to collect, analyze and interpret student information, and also did not understand
the convenience and advantages brought by big data to work.

2.4 Lack of Collection of Student-Related Data and Protection

of Personal Information
With the emergence of big data, colleges and universities are more likely to collect
personal information such as personal basic information, academic performance, daily
performance, rewards and punishments, social practice and other personal information.
Student education management workers can analyze and interpret this information
collected. Therefore, the education management of students is more efficient and sci-
entific. The emergence of big data makes it easier to collect and record people’s data
and information. Shopping websites record people’s shopping habits and web pages
record people’s web browsing habits. In the era of big data, it is a new “secondary use
or development” of decentralized related personal information. Some data is not per-
sonal data on the surface, but it can be traced back to individuals after processing
through big data [9]. Once the student’s personal information is stored in a data format;
it is easy to be “re-used or developed”. After a series of tracking, the data can be
processed to trace the students themselves, especially the colleges and universities use
the rewards and punishments to help the loan, the publicity of the party, etc. to pub-
licize or check the student information, it is easy to cause the leakage of student
information, so it is difficult to protect Basic information about students. When big data
becomes extremely common, student information security becomes a more important
Optimization of Education Management Work for Undergraduate Education 967

3 The Optimization Approach of Education Management

for Undergraduate Education Students in the Era of Big
3.1 Changing Traditional Thinking and Strengthening Innovation
The arrival of the era of big data for college students’ ideological and political workers,
it is extremely important to break the traditional thinking and strengthen the ability to
innovate. The emergence of big data, a large amount of realistic data, on the basis of
data analysis, provides a refined and scientific guarantee for the education management
of students, so that students work more efficiently and accurately. At present, under-
graduate college ideological and political workers lack big data awareness and the
acceptance of informationization is in a passive state. At present, it belongs to the
primary exploration stage of big data. College students’ ideological and political
workers integrate big data thinking into practical work, analyze, count, and research the
data collected in daily work, and provide data support for students’ education man-
agement. For college students’ ideological and political workers, through the analysis
of big data, problems can be found and problems solved, so that the education man-
agement of students can be refined and scientific.

3.2 Strengthening the Training of College Students’ Ideological

and Political Workers’ Information Skills
At present, with the all-round use of big data, its value is more and more people’s
attention. Therefore, in the process of using big data to work, college education
management workers should improve their ability to analyze data information [10]. The
arrival of the era of big data, let college students’ ideological and political workers
break the traditional thinking mode, learn fresh knowledge and cultivate new skills.
The ability to handle information is an urgent task for college ideological and political
workers. How to deal with huge data, select valuable data, analyze and interpret the
deep meaning of these data, and ask university student management workers to learn.
Undergraduate colleges should strengthen the training of information management
skills of student education management workers, master the theoretical research
methods of data, and improve the ability to use, process, analyze and interpret data.
Through the analysis of big data, we can grasp and understand the students’ thoughts in
a timely manner. At the same time, when the time is ripe, actively build a platform for
the exchange of experience of university education management workers. Excellent
college workers can share and discuss work experience in exchange meetings. Of
course, the basis and premise of these is that undergraduate colleges hire experts to
train workers and introduce advanced and cutting-edge big data technology into the
ideological and political work team of college students. Thoughts are in place, actions
are in place, and work is efficient.
968 H. Guan

3.3 Constructing a Big Data Exchange Platform for Undergraduate

Colleges and Universities, and Fully Exerting the Role of Big Data
With the all-round use of big data, its meaning value has been paid more and more
attention. Nowadays, undergraduate colleges and universities have more or less sta-
tistical data on the various types of information of the students, but the methods and
methods of statistics are not the same. But how can we share the data information of
undergraduate colleges and better serve the students? The student education manage-
ment workers of each university can analyze the students’ academic performance,
subject competition, living habits, network habits, consumption situation, etc.
according to the information obtained by the big data system. Collecting student
information through the big data platform can make student education management
more efficient and accurate.

3.4 Conquering Information Technology and Strengthening Student

Information Supervision
The arrival of student management in the era of big data has brought convenience, and
it is also easy to lead to the leakage of student information. Strengthening network
security management and protecting students’ personal information, colleges and
universities are duty-bound. The most effective way to protect student information from
being leaked or illegally used is to overcome the information technology. This is the
bottom line of the big data era, this is an important link. With the development and
rapid development of new technologies such as the Internet, the Internet of Things, and
cloud computing, new security challenges have been brought to the mobile phones,
processing and applications of big data. Information security is a technical issue and a
management issue. On the management issue, colleges and universities should pay
special attention to the disclosure of student information. To protect student informa-
tion, it is necessary to strengthen the training and confidentiality awareness of staff,
strengthen the information management of students, and establish a sound data security
protection system. On this basis, strictly regulate the daily operation of the big data

4 The Student Education Management System Model Design

The comprehensive information management system of a university student is the

working platform of the student education management worker. The system is based on
the actual needs of the university student integrated management system, adopts the
B/S structure as the basic framework of the system. According to the technical level of
the current B/S structure, the J2EE development platform and its technical components
are selected for system development. J2EE provides a multi-layer distributed enterprise
model for enterprise application system development. The MVC model is one of the
most important development models. The student integrated management system using
the MVC model for development can reduce development difficulty, reduce develop-
ment costs, and increase system stability.
Optimization of Education Management Work for Undergraduate Education 969

The working model of the MVC structure is shown in the Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. MVC working model

The education management of college students is an extremely cumbersome and

complicated task. The combination of big data system and intelligent equipment,
students engaged in education management can use the data analysis of comprehensive
information system to track and interpret the students’ status. The data input method of
the integrated information management system can be completed through a variety of
technologies, so that the student education management workers can more easily enter
or extract the corresponding information of the students, complete the student educa-
tion management work efficiently and accurately. Therefore, before designing and
developing a system, it is necessary to analyze the entire system from all sides. After
preliminary system analysis, the practical comprehensive information management
system for college students must satisfy the school’s understanding and mastery of
dynamic real-time information, and the need for supervision and management of stu-
dents must meet the needs of promoting the efficient work of ideological and political
education workers. In view of the above analysis, the modular design of the student’s
comprehensive information management system, combined with the actual functional
requirements of the function, we design the student’s comprehensive information
management system from four parts: the off-campus residential management module,
the student disposition management module, the student dynamic management module
and the reward competition module. Each module is interdependent, interacts, and is
interrelated. Each module is independent and specific to other modules, but for system
administrators, you can master the functions of all modules in the system and modify
the information about all modules in the system. The comprehensive system man-
agement model of a university is as follows. It is shown in Fig. 2.
970 H. Guan

Fig. 2. Scientific system function module diagram

(1) Off-campus housing management module

The off-campus housing module includes basic information such as the student’s
student number, name, and department. It can also upload supporting materials such as
student cases, ID cards, and parental orders. After the counselor logs into the system,
fill in the basic information of the student, and approve whether the student agrees to
live outside the school.
(2) Student Discipline Management Module
In addition to the basic information of the students, the student disposition management
module also fills in the information such as the facts of violations of disciplines,
violations of disciplines, types of dispositions, and the basis for processing. After the
counselor logs in to the system, fill in the basic information of the student, and approve
whether or not to approve the student’s disposition.
(3) Student Dynamic Management Module
The student dynamic management module includes information such as department,
reporter, leave start event, sales time, student professional class, student number, name,
leave time, class time, consecutive days, total time of class, counselor, etc. After
logging in the system, the director of the student work office fills in the relevant
information sends it to the clerk, and the clerk approves it and sends it to the student
office to stay at the end. The Student Dynamic Weekly Report is completed.
(4) Award competition management system
The reward contest management system module includes basic information of students,
name of the competition (name of the award), time of award, category of awards, level
of awards, and the like. In the October of each year, the student competition of the
previous school year was awarded. After logging in the system, the director of the
student work office fills in the relevant information sends it to the clerk, and the clerk
approves it and sends it to the student office to stay at the end. The reward contest
Optimization of Education Management Work for Undergraduate Education 971

summary work is completed. The overall flow chart of the student information man-
agement system module. It is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. System management flow chart

The counselor enters the integrated management module by entering the correct
username and password through the login interface. The core function of this function
module is the application and review of various types of information. For example, the
off-campus residence application form is first submitted to the department secretary,
which is initially reviewed by the department secretary. After review, it is submitted to
the Student Education Management Section. After the student education management
section is reviewed, it is submitted to the Director of the Student Division. The Director
of the Student Affairs Department has a comprehensive opinion. Give the audit results.
The timing chart of the off-campus residence application review is as Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Timing diagram of off-campus residence declaration approval

972 H. Guan

According to the data design database table, the administrator is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Administrator information table (t_administrator)

Column name Type of data Whether Description
to allow null
user_id int 0 User ID, primary key, automatic numbering
Version int 0 Software version number
user_name varchar(255) 1 Username
login_name varchar(255) 1 Login account
Login_pass varchar(255) 1 Login password
Popedom varchar(255) 1 Permission
reg_date datetime 1 Registration date
uer_description varchar(255) 1 User description

5 Analysis of Operational Data of Students’ Comprehensive

Information Management System

According to the comprehensive system of a university student, there are 7788 students
in a certain university. From September 18, 2017 to September 27, 2018, there are 30
students living outside the school, the ratio is 0.385%. According to the comprehensive
system of a university student, there are 7788 students in a certain university. From
September 18, 2017 to September 27, 2018, the number of students was 182, with a
ratio of 2.3%. According to the comprehensive system of a university student, there are
7788 students in a certain university. The number of students who have taken leave
from September 18, 2017 to September 27, 2018 is 1960, with a ratio of 25%.
According to the comprehensive system of a university student, there are a total of
7788 students in a certain university. From September 18, 2017 to September 27, 2018,
the number of award contests was 532, with a ratio of 6.8%. It is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Data analysis table (data_analysis_table)

Application type Number of applicants Total people Ratio
Student off campus 30 7788 0.385%
Student disciplinary action 182 7788 2.3%
Student dynamics 1960 7788 25%
Reward competition 532 7788 6.8%

6 Conclusion

The education management of undergraduate college students has always been a fixed
model. The students’ education management workers lack information awareness, and
at the same time do not pay enough attention to the preservation of student information
Optimization of Education Management Work for Undergraduate Education 973

data. There are cases where data storage utilization is not high and resource sharing is
insufficient. In the era of big data, colleges and universities should pay attention to the
use of big data; managers should break the traditional concept and accept new things.
Colleges and universities should also actively build a platform for big data learning
exchanges. Student education management workers should actively participate in
information technology training, expand thinking and learn relevant knowledge, and
provide strong support for students’ growth and development, so that the application of
big data will to improve the efficiency of student education management in an all-round
way, the education management of college students will rise to a new height.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by National Education Innovation Science

Research Planning Project (CMAS180305).

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5. Liu X, Zhang N, Deng F (2017) On the OEC education and management mode of
undergraduate talents with chemical technology skills. Tianjin Chem Ind 31(06):56–58
6. Zhang X (2017) Research on the Innovation of educational management model of newly-
built undergraduate universities based on social demand. Adult Educ China (12):50–53
7. Xu S (2016) Fuyu, problems and countermeasures in the management of entrepreneurship
education in local undergraduate colleges and universities. Vocat Tech Educ 37(35):41–43
8. Chen X (2016) Study on the optimization of college students’ ideological and political
education after the big data era. Educ Modernization (7):13–14
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10. Seismological Science Data Sharing Management Measures. http://data.earthquake.cn/
Research on Differences of the Impact
of Internet Development on Consumption
of Urban and Rural Residents in China

Guanghai Tang1(&) and Huanli Su2

School of Economic and Management,
Weinan Normal University, Weinan, China
School of Foreign Study, Weinan Normal University, Weinan, China

Abstract. Based on China’s provincial panel data from 2003 to 2016, empirical
analysis was made on the relationship between Internet development and urban-
rural residents’ consumption growth. The results show that the Internet on the
whole significantly affected the consumption of urban and rural residents, and
the impact on the per capita consumption of urban residents is greater than that
of rural residents. And the impact on the east is more than that of the Mid-west.
In the regional differences, the impact of Internet on the consumption of urban
and rural residents in the east is not significant, but the impact of Internet in the
Mid-west on the consumption of urban residents is significantly greater than that
of rural residents. Among them, mobile phone penetration rate has a significant
impact on the consumption in rural areas, especially in the Mid-west of the
country, but the impact difference is relatively small, which may be an important
tool for the rural residents in the Mid-west to make up the difference between
urban and rural residents. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the con-
struction of rural Internet infrastructure in the Mid-west, further improve the
urbanization, market circulation and social security system, raise rural incomes,
and promote residents’ consumption and economic growth in the Mid-west

Keywords: Internet plus  Consumption of urban and rural residents 

Electronic commerce  Consumption growth

1 Introduction

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
(CPC) pointed out that “perfecting the mechanism system of promoting consumption
and strengthening the basic role of consumption in economic development”, thus
expanding consumption demand has become one of the important tasks of macro-
control of governments at all levels in the new era. There are two phenomena of
consumption in China: consumption differences between urban-rural areas and regional
consumption differences. The per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents in
China was 29,219.00 yuan in 2016, while the per capita consumption expenditure of
rural residents is 10752 yuan, which is 36.8% of that of urban residents. The regional

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 974–981, 2019.
Research on Differences of the Impact of Internet Development 975

differences of residents’ consumption are also obvious. In 2016, the maximum per
capita consumption of residents in various regions in China was 40885.90 yuan, while
the minimum was only 901.00 yuan. The difference in regional per capita consumption
level is as high as 45.38 times. In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet
technology, in particular, the popularity of smart phones, new consumption patterns
such as e-commerce, online booking, O2O and sharing economy are constantly
emerging, the impact of the Internet on consumption of urban and rural residents is also
growing. The government regards “Internet plus” as an important strategy for economic
structural adjustment and transformation of economic growth mode. “Internet plus”
links consumption with production and services, forming a value chain based on the
Internet production, supply and sale, and promoting the supply side reform, which help
to further upgrade the consumption level of residents and improve the consumption
structure of residents. Will do the differences in infrastructure, service system and
human resources between urban and rural areas lead to differences in the impact of the
Internet on the consumption of urban and rural residents? How will this effect be
different in regions with different levels of economic development in China? This
article will explore these problems.

2 Literature Review

Residents’ consumption, as one of the three carriages of economic growth, can play a
fundamental role in economic development, and is also one of the hot spots of aca-
demic research. The theory of residents’ consumption can be traced back to the rela-
tionship between consumption and income in General Theory by Keynes in 1936, and
Keynes pointed out that consumption is mainly determined by current income [1];
Duesenberry (1948), Friedman (1957) and Modigliani (1954, 1963) pointed out that the
consumption level of residents is not only affected by income, but also affected by their
own past consumption habits, the consumption level of others around them, long-term
income expectations and the optimal consumption allocation in the life cycle [2–4];
Leland (1968) further analyzes the relationship between residents’ consumption and
savings, pointing out that residents’ consumption is significantly affected by residents’
savings [5]. On the basis of these consumption theories, Chinese scholars have studied
the relationship between residents’ consumption and economic growth. Xu and Jin
(2009) conducted empirical studies based on the data of China’s GDP and residents’
consumption expenditure, and concluded that consumption plays the long-term and
stable roles in economic growth, and stimulating consumption is an effective means to
drive economic growth [6]. Xiong (2010) pointed out that it is necessary to give full
play to the boosting role of residents’ consumption in economic development in order
to curb the slowdown of China’s economic development [7]. Some scholars have
studied the influence factors of residents’ consumption, such as residents’ income (Chu,
Huang, Zhao, 2013) [8], finance and taxation policies (Mao, 2015) [9], social security
(Liu, 2016) [10], population structure (Liu, 2016) [11].
There are few literatures on the different impacts of Internet on the consumption of
urban and rural residents. Zhang and Tu (2017) studied the different impacts of Internet
Finance on the consumption of urban and rural residents, pointing out that the impact
976 G. Tang and H. Su

of Internet Finance on the consumption of urban residents is greater than that of rural
residents, and its development may widen the consumption gap between urban and
rural residents [12]. This paper aims to research on the impact of the rapid development
of Internet resources, the popularity of Internet users and mobile phones more acces-
sible to rural netizens on the consumption of urban and rural residents, as well as the
impact of the Internet on the consumption structure and regional differences between
urban and rural areas, in order to put forward countermeasures and promote the
development of urban and rural economic integration.

3 Model Construction and Data Interpretation

3.1 Model Construction

In order to investigate the impact of Internet resources and applications on urban and
rural residents’ consumption expenditure, the following models are established:

Consit ¼ a þ bj Internetjit þ dk Controlkit þ li þ eit ð1Þ

Variable Cons is interpreted variable, indicating residents’ consumption expendi-

ture. To compare different impacts of Internet on the consumption of urban and rural
residents in different provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, the
consumption variables include three parts: the per capita consumption of all residents
(Pxf), per capita consumption of urban residents (Pczxf) and per capita consumption of
rural residents (Pncxf). Internetjit represents Internet resources and measurement of
developing level variables; Controlkit represents control variables; a represents
autonomous consumption. bj and dk represents variables of Marginal propen-
sity to consume; j and k represent the types of Internet and control variables; µi rep-
resents individual effects, indicating random errors.
Recent studies by many scholars have shown that the main variables to measure the
level of application and development of Internet resources are Internet penetration rate
(Pwm), mobile phone penetration rate (Psj) and the number of websites per 10,000
people (Pwz).
According to Keynes’s consumption theory, the controlling variable that plays an
important role in consumption is income, which is generally measured by per capita
disposable income. Here are three kinds of explanatory variables which are suitable for
residents’ consumption. The disposable income is also divided into per capita dis-
posable income of all residents’ (Psr), per capita disposable income of urban residents
(Pczsr) and per capita disposable income of rural residents (Pncsr). Another important
factor affecting consumption is the inertia consumption brought by residents’ pre-
According to the Leland’s hypothesis, household deposits have an impact on
household income and consumption expenditure, and the amount of deposits has a
direct impact on the trend of household consumption. The residents’ deposit is mea-
sured by the per capita deposit balance (Pck). The division index of urban and rural
residents is the urbanization rate (Pczl), that is, the ratio of urban population to the total
Research on Differences of the Impact of Internet Development 977

population of the region. China’s recent implementation of Urban-Rural co-ordination

and Urbanization strategies constantly changed the structure of Urban- Rural residents
and Urban-Rural industrial structure, and urbanization rate is one of the important
adjustment variables of urban and rural consumption.
Combining indicators and control variables of the Internet development level, and
taking logarithm of each variable of the model to reduce the influence of variance
fluctuation, Model (1) can be extended to model (2):

LnPxf it ¼ a þ b1 LnPwmit þ b2 LnPsjit þ b3 LnPwzit þ d1 LnPsrit þ d2 LnPckit þ d3 LnPczlit þ li þ eit


3.2 Data Interpretation

The data of Internet penetration rate, mobile phone penetration rate and the number of
websites are from the China Internet Development Statistics Report (2003–2016). The
data of consumer spending, disposable income, balance at Year-end and urbanization
rate are from China Statistical Yearbook (2004–2017), or is calculated based on the
relevant data of the Yearbook.

4 The Analysis of Measurement Result

4.1 The Result of Internet Impact on Consumption of Urban and Rural

Firstly, F statistic is used to test whether mixed regression model or fixed effect model.
Secondly, Secondly, Hasuman test is used to judge whether fixed effect or random
effect model. The results show that the fixed effect model should be chosen for the
measurement models of per capita consumption expenditure, urban per capita con-
sumption expenditure and rural per capita consumption expenditure. The impact of
Internet on per capita consumption expenditure of urban and rural residents in China is
estimated as shown in Table 1.
The R2 of the model is relatively large, and the F value is significant at 5%, the
fitting degree of the model is better. The empirical results of the model show that
Internet penetration rate, mobile phone penetration rate and the number of websites
have positive impacts on residents’ consumption; Moreover, impacts of Internet pen-
etration rate, mobile phone penetration rate and the number of websites on urban
residents’ consumption are greater than that on rural residents’ consumption. The
impact of mobile phone penetration rate is more significant, which can be seen that in
the mobile Internet era, rural residents’ consumption potential has been released. The
influence of Internet penetration rate on the per capita consumption of urban residents
is more than twice that of rural residents, while the influence of mobile phone pene-
tration rate on urban residents is only 20% more than that of rural residents. It is
obvious that the development of smart phones has promoted the consumption of rural
residents and has certain influence to narrow the per capita consumption gap between
978 G. Tang and H. Su

Table 1. Results of Internet impact on per capita consumption of urban and rural residents
Per capita Per capita consumption Per capita consumption
consumption expenditure of urban expenditure of rural
expenditure of residents residents
LnPxf(-1) 0.733044*** 0.700762*** 0.839774***
(0.022297) (0.02276) (0.020543)
LnPwm 0.010399* 0.011707** 0.005225*
(0.007524) (0.007681) (0.013133)
LnPsj 0.049286*** 0.059485*** 0.048624***
(0.012082) (0.012262) (0.021175)
LnPwz 0.006075** 0.00764* 0.004947
(0.002479) (0.002501) (0.004273)
LnPsr 0.223662*** 0.259012*** 0.157879***
(0.023181) (0.023432) (0.022989)
LnPczl 0.052477*** 0.066392*** −0.011231
(0.011604) (0.01262) (0.020173)
LnPck −0.01857* −0.028801*** 0.003846
(0.010085) (0.010139) (0.017762)
C 0.059873** −0.011643** −0.006072**
(0.100327) (0.127054) (0.157487)
R2 0.996469 0.993346 0.990817
F-statistic 15923.28 8423.418 6088.324
Prob 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
F-test 13.478122** 14.060177** 22.346048**
Hausman 0.0000
Model FE FE FE
Note: “*”, “**”, “***” indicate significant levels of 10%, 5%, and 1%, respectively. Standard
errors are in brackets, and FE indicates fixed effect models.

urban and rural residents. Under the influence of control variables on residents’ con-
sumption, pre-resident consumption has a greater impact on the current consumption,
and residents’ consumption has a significant characteristic of inertial consumption.
Residents’ income has a great restrictive effect on Residents’ consumption. Urban-
ization has positive impacts on urban residents’ consumption and all residents’ con-
sumption, but it is not significant for the consumption of rural residents, which shows
that China’s urbanization strategy is effective in promoting residents’ consumption.
Residents’ deposits have significant impacts on the per capita consumption of residents
and per capita consumption of urban residents, but the coefficient is negative. It is very
important to improve the social security of residents and make them “be willing to
consume, dare to consume and be able to consume”.
Research on Differences of the Impact of Internet Development 979

4.2 The Test for Regional Differences in the Internet Impact

on Consumption of Urban and Rural Residents in China
To further test the impact of the Internet on the per capita consumption of urban and
rural residents in China, this paper verifies that the per capita consumption expenditure
of residents, urban residents and rural residents is divided into eastern, central and
Western regions. The results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. The test results of the impact of the Internet on the per capita consumption expenditure
of residents in the eastern, central and western regions of China
Per capita consumption expenditure of
East Middle West
LnPxf(-1) 0.625001*** 0.634608*** 0.602886***
(0.04195) (0.045652) (0.053112)
LnPwm 0.016416** 0.014276* 0.011019*
(0.011833) (0.016552) (0.013976)
LnPsj 0.055830** 0.040779** 0.01829*
(0.020779) (0.023947) (0.023838)
LnPwz 0.004963** 0.003706* 0.002585*
(0.00481) (0.006255) (0.005544)
LnPsr 0.343726*** 0.373346*** 0.290368***
(0.044321) (0.050707) (0.050488)
LnPczl 0.110258** 0.088265** 0.076108*
(0.024669) (0.029688) (0.020179)
LnPck −0.037731** −0.084448*** 0.049043
(0.015991) (0.01654) (0.023749)
C 0.193502*** 0.219824** 0.141354***
(0.102777) (0.151573) (0.083264)
R2 0.997056 0.996851 0.994758
F-statistic 6531.403 4341.161 4012.173
Prob 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
F-test 4.092627** 2.565248** 5.555200***
Hausman 0.0000
Model selection FE FE FE
Note: “*”, “**”, “***” indicate significant levels of 10%, 5%,
and 1%, respectively. Standard errors are in brackets, and FE
indicates fixed effect models.

In Table 2, the increase of Internet penetration rate, mobile phone penetration rate
and the number of websites have significant impacts on the per capita consumption of
residents in the east, middle and west of China, and the impact on the eastern part of
China is greater than that on the middle and the west. Especially the growth of mobile
Internet has a significant impact on the consumption of residents. The impact of mobile
980 G. Tang and H. Su

phone in the east is far greater than that in the middle and in the west. It can be seen that
mobile Internet development in the Midwest has great potential, and its driving
capacity to the consumption of residents in the Midwest has yet to be developed.
Resident income has the greatest impact on the per capita consumption of the
central residents, urbanization has a great impact on the per capita consumption of the
eastern residents, and the policy of urbanization in the middle and in the west needs to
be further implemented. Deposit balance has a significant negative impact on the
middle and eastern regions, but has no significant impact on the consumption of
residents in the west.

5 Conclusion and Policy Recommendations

The results show that the Internet has significant impacts on the consumption of urban
and rural residents in general, and the impact on the per capita consumption of urban
residents is greater than that of rural residents, and the impact on the East is greater than
that on the central and the west. In the regional differences, the impact of the Internet on
the consumption of urban and rural residents in eastern China is not significant, but in
the central and the west, the impact of the Internet on the consumption of urban
residents is significantly greater than that of rural residents. Comparatively speaking,
the penetration rate of mobile phones has significant impacts on the consumption of
rural residents, especially the rural residents in the central and the west. Among the
control variables, pre-consumption inertia and income have a significant impact on the
consumption of urban and rural residents, and has the largest impact on the per capita
consumption of urban and rural residents in the west; urbanization rate has the greatest
impact on the per capita consumption of urban and rural residents in the east; In terms
of social security, rural and urban residents in central China and Western China are
more willing to hold deposits than dare to increase consumption. They worry about
social security and have huge consumption potential. To sum up the above analysis, we
have the following policy recommendations:
Strengthen the construction of Internet infrastructure, especially in the central and
western regions. Strengthen the construction of mobile Internet infrastructure, and
popularize the basic knowledge of mobile Internet and brand-building, publicity, in
order to benefit urban and rural residents in the central and Western regions, especially
the vast rural areas in the central and Western regions.
Increase special products of the central and western regions, tourism resources,
culture and other products, build a network resource website group, promote the
growth and upgrading of network consumption, and promote the economic growth in
the central and western regions.
Strengthen the construction of urbanization in the central and Western regions,
provide a convenient market environment for rural consumption, improve the circu-
lation channels for rural products, improve the quality of rural consumer goods, help
the rural areas increase sales income and promote the consumption level and capacity
of rural residents in the central and Western regions.
Speed up the construction and improvement of the social security system, build a
social security system for the aged, medical care and education, reduce residents’
Research on Differences of the Impact of Internet Development 981

concerns about social security, increase residents’ income, release residents’ con-
sumption potential, especially in the central and Western regions, and promote the
simultaneous growth of residents’ consumption and social economy.

1. Keynes JM (1936) The general theory of employment interest and money. Cambridge
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2. Duesenberry JS (1948) Income-consumption relations and their implications. In: Income,
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3. Friedman M (1957) A theory of the consumption function. Princeton University Press
4. Modigliani F, Brumberg R (1954) Utility analysis and the consumption function: an
interpretation of cross-section data. In: Kurihara K (ed) Post Keynesian economics. Rutgers
University Press
5. Leland HE (1968) Saving and uncertainty: the precautionary demand for saving. Q J Econ
6. Xu F, Jin K (2009) An empirical study on the relationship between household consumption
and economic growth in China. J Beijing Technol Bus Univ (Soc Sci Ed) 2:109–113 (in
7. Xiong A (2010) Analysis of residents’ consumption and economic growth in China.
J Shandong Univ (Philos Soc Sci Ed) 6:126–131 (in Chinese)
8. Chu D, Huang W, Zhao F (2013) Regional disparity, income inequality and consumption of
urban and rural residents. Econ Perspect 1:46–52 (in Chinese)
9. Mao J (2015) The mechanism and empirical study of fiscal and taxation policies affecting the
consumption of Chinese residents. Hunan University, Chasha (in Chinese)
10. Liu S (2016) The impact of social security on rural residents’ consumption behavior.
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11. Liu K (2016) Study on the effect of age structure change on the consumption rate of urban
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12. Zhang L, Tu B (2017) Different effects of internet finance on the consumption of urban and
rural residents in China—from the functional perspective of consumer finance. Financ Trade
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Research on Evaluation of Operation
Management Efficiency of Listed Companies
in China’s Financial Trust Industry
Based on SFA Model

Qu Yi1(&), Zhong Shen2, and Du Lei2

Harbin Vocational College of Science and Technology, Harbin 150300, China
School of Finance, Harbin University of Commerce, Harbin 150028, China

Abstract. At present, our country’s financial degree is deepening, the trust

industry plays a very important role in improving the rational allocation of
resources, promoting the accelerated development of the financial industry, and
reconciling the relationship between the investors and the suppliers. Based on
the research literature on the efficiency of financial institutions both at home and
abroad, the data of 20 trust companies in China were used to conduct empirical
analysis of these sample companies’ data from 2010 to 2017 through the SFA.
After empirical analysis, the overall efficiency of the trust industry in China is
not high, and the gap between the two poles is obvious. In terms of efficiency
factors, the quality of human resources and the trust rate of return have a
significant positive impact on their efficiency. The background of shareholders
has little effect on the operating performance of China’s trust companies.
Enhancing operating efficiency will help improve business performance.
Therefore, trust companies should not only focus on the expansion of scale, but
neglect their own operational efficiency.

Keywords: Trust company  SFA model  Efficiency evaluation

1 Introduction

The trust has a long history. The original trust first appeared in ancient Egypt. The
modern trust was first developed in the 19th century. Since then, it has been contin-
uously innovated and developed in the western countries. At present, the trust has
shown a trend of integration and internationalization in developed countries. China
International Trust and Investment Corporation was formally established in 1979, and
China’s trust industry started. After China enacted the Trust Law in 2001, China’s trust
industry has undergone a certain degree of change. After the issuance of the Measures
for the Administration of Trust Companies and the Measures for the Administration of
Collective Fund Trust Plans of Trust Companies, the positioning of trust companies in
China’s financial system has become clearer and clearer. Since then, various trust
companies have tried their best to enhance their business performance through the
development of trust business, and then enter the new era of transformation of the trust
industry in the overall financial context. To this end, this paper uses stochastic frontier
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 982–989, 2019.
Research on Evaluation of Operation Management Efficiency 983

analysis (SFA) to conduct empirical research on the management efficiency of trust

companies in China, and conducts in-depth analysis to find out the main factors
affecting the efficiency of trust companies, in order to provide a perfect performance
evaluation system for trust companies in China. Valuable reference to promote the
long-term stable development of China’s trust industry.

2 Literature Review

Khaled (2012) Statistical research on the life insurance industry in North America and
the United Kingdom has yielded mixed results in terms of economies of scale and
scope. Although small companies can benefit from economies of scale, the best
companies are small, and the scale returns of large and medium-sized companies
remain largely unchanged [1].
Sathye (2013) Using data envelopment analysis to measure the efficiency of three
types of banks (i.e. public, private and foreign banks), the research report suggests that
existing policies to reduce non-performing assets and rationalization of staff and
branches can be implemented to improve efficiency [2].
Zhang and Ding (2015) The empirical data of 65 trust companies were selected to
comprehensively evaluate and analyze the efficiency of China’s trust industry, and to
analyze the factors affecting the operating efficiency of trust companies. The main
reason for restricting the overall efficiency improvement of China’s trust industry is that
the company’s pure technical efficiency is not high [3].
Gu and Liu (2015) After studying 68 institutions in the trust industry, this paper
analyzes the current situation of the operational capabilities of China’s trust companies.
The conclusions point out that the main influencing factors of the risk operation effi-
ciency evaluation of trust companies in China are solvency, asset management ability,
trust business profitability and risk. Control ability [4].
Li et al. (2016) In the new economic normal view, the management efficiency of
China’s trust industry and the factors affecting the efficiency of China’s trust industry
management and management, the trust industry from the bank-trust business to the
development of trust business and asset management business, its management effi-
ciency is Improved [5].
Guo and Deng (2016) In the “Research on the Factors Affecting the Efficiency of
Capital Allocation in China’s Trust Industry”, it is pointed out that under the premise
that the influence of institutional change is gradually declining, the macroeconomic
environment cannot be improved in a short period of time. Therefore, only the com-
panies within the trust industry pass the excellent ownership structure. To improve the
management level, it is hoped that the efficiency of the capital allocation of the trust
industry will be reduced, so as to improve the necessary conditions for the healthy and
stable development of the trust industry [6].
Xu and Gao (2016) By studying the efficiency of trust company personnel and the
impact of employee structure on efficiency, it is believed that trust companies should
improve the transformation of human resources arrangements and management, reform
the back-end organization management system, and promote the transformation of
profit model [7].
984 Q. Yi et al.

Papadopoulos (2016) used Fourier function form and stochastic cost frontier
method to discuss the efficiency of large sample banks in Southern Europe. The results
show that the largest banks usually have the lowest efficiency, while the smallest banks
have the highest efficiency. Therefore, the concept of economies of scale increases with
the size of banks can not be confirmed [8].
Guo et al. (2017) put forward the ideas and suggestions that the trust industry
should be transformed into “platform”, “fund”, “flat” and “automation” under the
background of the new normal economy [9].
Li (2017) pointed out that there are some problems in asset management industry,
such as vague nature, numerous institutions, multi-supervision, rigid payment and low
legal rank. China should formulate the Trust Industry Law as soon as possible to clarify
the trust nature, operating rules and regulatory bodies of asset management, so as to
standardize the development of asset management market [10].

3 Empirical Analysis of the Efficiency of Listed Companies

in Financial Trust Industry
3.1 Establishment of SFA Model
In 1992, Battese & Coelli proposed a random boundary analysis function for panel
data, which is suitable for panel data that assumes obeying a normal distribution and
changing system over time. The formula of the model can be expressed as follows

Yit ¼ Xit b þ ðVit  Uit Þ; i ¼ 1;    N; t ¼ 1;    T ð1Þ

In Table 1, Yit represents the logarithm of the output of company i in period t; Xit
represents the transposed vector of the t-th input of the i-th company; b is the parameter
to be estimated.
Considering that the data selected in this paper is panel data, and to achieve the
purpose of efficiency evaluation, this paper selects the random frontier model proposed
by Battese & Coelli in 1995. The model can measure the technical efficiency value and
simultaneously estimate the influencing factors of technical inefficiency. The basic
expression of the model is as follows:

Yit ¼ Xit b þ ðVit  Uit Þ; i ¼ 1;    N; t ¼ 1;    T ð2Þ

mit ¼ zit d ð3Þ

3.2 Model Selection

This study evaluates and analyzes the efficiency of trust companies. The main purpose
is to evaluate the efficiency of listed companies in the financial trust industry and to
identify factors that affect or even limit the efficiency of the trust industry. Therefore,
this paper selects the stochastic frontier analysis method (SFA) to study this. Con-
sidering that the data selected in this paper is the panel data, the output and input
Research on Evaluation of Operation Management Efficiency 985

indicators are selected as the main variables, and the model established by the
stochastic frontier analysis method is used. The formula is as follows (Tables 2 and 3):

LnYit ¼ b0 þ b1 LnðKit Þ þ b2 LnðLit Þ þ Vit  Uit ð4Þ

Table 1. Specific definitions of variables

Variable name Specific interpretation
Yit Output variable, total profit
Kit Capital input, total assets
Lit Labor input variable, number of workers
i Number of sample companies, i ¼ 1;    N; N ¼ 20
t Period, t ¼ 1;    T; T ¼ 8

Vit Random error term, subject to iidN 0; r2v , and independent of Uit

Uit Obey Truncated normal distribution at zero N mit; r2u
b0 , b1 , b2 Pending parameter

TEit ¼ expðUit Þ ð5Þ

Table 2. Specific definitions of variables
Formula or variable Specific interpretation
TEit ¼ expðUit Þ Technical efficiency level of the i-th trust company during the t
Uit ¼ 0 时, 即 TEit ¼ 1 The sample company is in a technically efficient state
Uit [ 0 时, 即 The sample company is in a technically inefficient state
0\TEit \1

mit ¼ d0 þ d1 ðz1 Þit þ d2 ðz2 Þit þ d3 ðz3 Þit þ d4 ðz4 Þit þ d5 ðz5 Þit ð6Þ

Table 3. Formula and specific interpretation of each variable

Formula or variable name Specific interpretation
mit ¼ d0 þ d1 ðz1 Þit þ d2 ðz2 Þit þ d3 ðz3 Þit þ d4 ðz4 Þit þ d5 ðz5 Þit Inefficient model
d0 , d1 , d3 , d4 , d5 A set of parameters to be
z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 , z5 Employee quality, business
composition, shareholder
background, trust rate of
return, and place of registration

c¼ ð7Þ
r2u þ r2v
986 Q. Yi et al.

Equation 7 is used to determine whether the model is available. c is the ratio of the
technical inefficiency in the random error term. When c is close to 0, it indicates that
the random error caused by the uncontrollable factor is between the actual output and
the maximum output. The main reason for the larger gap is that it is not appropriate to
use a random frontier analysis model. When c is close to 1, it indicates that the
inefficiency term is the main component in the deviation of the production frontier
surface. At this time, the equation should be estimated by the stochastic frontier
analysis model. For the gamma statistic, a null hypothesis statistical test is needed,
which is the fundamental basis for judging whether the frontier function is valid.
Foreign scholars Battese & Coelli proved that as long as the null hypothesis of c is
rejected, the random frontier function has sufficient explanatory power.

4 Empirical Analysis

By applying Frontier 4.1, the estimator of the stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) is

Table 4. Analysis of empirical results of stochastic frontier analysis

Variable Coefficient Coefficient Standard deviation T test value
Production function
Constant b0 −1.875191 1.327080 −1.423593*
LnðK Þ b1 1.039864 0.112927 8.872908***
LnðLÞ b2 0.057453 0.214230 0.344314
Inefficient function
Constant d0 2.864265 0.865899 3.277676*
Z1 d1 −0.054334 0.028593 −1.874434**
Z2 d2 0.013592 0.017507 1.468486*
Z3 d3 −0.452628 0.590780 −0.765441
Z4 d4 −0.928169 0.586751 −1.580181*
Z5 d5 −1.341296 0.795210 −1.687786**
r2 1.138342 0.517681 2.200238**
c 0.921219 0.048616 19.01722***
Log likelihood −107.805400*** LR test of the one- 55.92028***
function sided error
Note: * in the table indicates significant at 10% level; ** indicates significant at 5% level; ***
indicates significant at 1% level. LR is the likelihood ratio test statistic, Here is the Mixed chi-
square distribution

As can be seen from Table 4, the estimated value of the parameter c in the model is
0.921219, which is very close to 1, and is significantly at the 1% level. The results
Research on Evaluation of Operation Management Efficiency 987

show that the error term in the model mainly comes from the inefficiency of the
technique, the random error term. Less affected; The value of LR is 55.92028, and the
null hypothesis is rejected at a significant level of 1%, which indicates that the pro-
duction function is technically inefficient. Therefore, it can be judged that the error term
has a distinct composite structure, that is, the efficiency factor selected in this paper is
for the trust. The efficiency of the company does have an impact, so it is appropriate to
use the stochastic frontier analysis method (SFA) to estimate the model.
As far as the production function is concerned, the output elasticity representing
capital input is positively correlated with output, and is significant at the 1% level. The
results show that the capital investment of China’s trust companies has increased by
1%, and the output can increase by 1.03%. Assets will increase as profits increase; b2
represents labor input, and the data in the above table indicates that labor input is
positively correlated with output, but not significant.

5 Policy Suggestion

With the full liberalization of China’s financial industry, many foreign-funded financial
institutions entering China will compete for the wealth management market as one of
the main strategies for the layout of China. This will be the domestic trust industry that
has just established a professional financial institution based on asset management.
Bringing huge challenges. However, the development of the trust industry in China has
always had mixed problems. The trust company’s trust business cooperates with
financial institutions such as banks, securities and insurance. Therefore, its business
scope is relatively wide, which leads to the characteristics of the trust company’s mixed
operation. In recent years, China’s financial sector has mainly focused on classified
supervision, but it also has certain limitations when it comes to regulating different
areas of business. The introduction of the “functional supervision” model can make up
for this shortcoming, that is, the financial services of trust companies involved in
different fields are handed over to different regulatory authorities for supervision and
management. At the same time, the regulatory authorities also need to upgrade their
own regulatory and regulatory levels, and establish a unified regulatory system based
on the coordination of various business supervision departments.
The trust industry should strengthen its emphasis on information disclosure,
thereby reducing the potential risks of investors and improving the transparency of
transactions in the trust industry, which is conducive to the healthy and sustainable
development of the trust industry. Enhance the overall information disclosure intensity
of the trust industry, starting from the following two aspects: First, to meet the social
supervision of the development of the trust industry, which requires the trust company
to have industry self-awareness, timely disclose the corresponding information
according to regulations; secondly, to meet the supervision of the CBRC Conditions,
this also requires the CBRC to make corresponding mandatory requirements. The trust
company not only needs to publish the annual report, but other major events occurring
within the enterprise also need to be publicly notified to the public, so as to improve the
health of the trust industry in China.
988 Q. Yi et al.

With the continuous deepening of China’s financial development, the competition

in the financial industry is becoming increasingly fierce, and the contradiction of talent
demand in the trust industry has become increasingly prominent. It can be seen from
the empirical results of this paper that the quality of human resources cannot be
improved, which will affect the company’s operating efficiency, and ultimately will
result in a lower level of company performance. Therefore, it is first necessary to guide
the policy so that the trust company can gradually return to the trust business, build a
trust industry with core competitiveness, and enhance the attraction of the trust industry
to outstanding financial talents. Fundamentally solve the problem of talent introduction
difficulties in the trust industry and serious internal brain drain; Secondly, it is rec-
ommended that the regulatory authorities and industry associations try to establish
various forms of talent training mechanisms for colleges and universities to provide a
solid talent reserve for the development of the trust industry. Finally, it is recommended
that the company strengthen its internal incentive mechanism to provide employees
with good promotion opportunities and an industry-competitive compensation system
to cope with talent competition with other financial institutions.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by Heilongjiang Province ordinary under-

graduate colleges and universities young innovative talents training plan. Research on the allo-
cation efficiency of financial resources in China from the perspective of contract theory (item
number: UNPYSCT-2016058); Heilongjiang Social Science Youth project. Research on the
allocation efficiency of financial resources in Heilongjiang province from the perspective of
contract theory (item number: 16JYC06) and Harbin University of Commerce graduate student
innovation research project. Research on the promotion of total factor productivity in manu-
facturing industry from the perspective of spatial spillover from financial agglomeration (item
number: YJSCX2018-493HSD).

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2013. Shandong Soc Sci (11):115–120
4. Gu H, Liu D (2015) China trust company’s risk operation efficiency evaluation system and
empirical research—evidence from 68 trusts in the trust industry. Contemp Econ Sci 37
5. Xue W, Liu Y, Feng L (2015) Research on the measurement of operating efficiency of
China’s trust industry and its influencing factors—based on CCR-BCC mixed data envelope
method. Humanit Mag (12):51–57
6. Li J, Yang H, Peng W (2016) Is the development of China’s trust industry effective in the
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7. Guo D, Deng X (2016) Research on the influencing factors of capital allocation efficiency in
China’s trust industry—based on the analysis of Wurgler and structural equation model.
Financ Prob Res (07):60–65
8. Papadopoulos S, Karagiannis S (2016) New evidence on efficiency in southern European
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Construction of “3 + 2” Accounting
Professional Training System in Middle
and Higher Vocational Colleges
of Jilin Province

Yanli Wang(&)

University Jilin Engineering and Technology Normal University,

Changchun, China

Abstract. In the teaching of accounting courses, the “3 + 2” talent training

mode in secondary and higher vocational colleges can improve the compre-
hensive quality of accounting professionals, promote the teaching level of
accounting courses, and save the learning time of accounting students. However,
at present, the special “3 + 2” talent training mode has not been fully applied,
which restricts the improvement of the training effect of accounting profes-
sionals in secondary and higher vocational colleges. We need to take measures
to improve the following aspects: correctly positioning the training objectives of
talents, building a post-integrated curriculum system, improving the methods of
talent evaluation, paying attention to the education of accounting professional
ethics, and strengthening the construction of teachers.

Keywords: Professional talents  Secondary and higher vocational education 

Personnel training  Training mode

1 Brief Introduction

In the process of training traditional accounting professionals, it is difficult to improve

students’ practical skills and knowledge application level, which is limited to the
explanation and learning of basic knowledge. It may also have a negative impact on
students’ future employment. In order to make up for this deficiency, it is necessary to
innovate the training mode of talents, stimulate students’ interest and enthusiasm, and
improve students’ practical skills [1–3]. This paper combines the background of
“3 + 2” section and the goal of personnel training, and puts forward some counter-
measures on how to better train professional accounting talents, hoping to provide
enlightenment for improving the quality of accounting professional personnel training
[4–7]. With the convergence of higher education, the convergence of secondary and
higher vocational education has also appeared, that is, different secondary and higher
vocational education in professional settings, personnel training and other aspects show
greater similarities and similarities [8–13].
The emergence of this convergence has had a serious impact on the development of
China’s secondary and higher vocational education [14–18]. Taking Jilin Province as

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 990–998, 2019.
Construction of “3+2” Accounting Professional Training System 991

an example, this paper makes a thorough study on the phenomenon of “convergence”

of the talent training mode in Jilin Province, carefully analyses the origin and devel-
opment of this problem, and ponders on its negative impact, thus putting forward that
the prerequisite for the sound development of secondary and higher vocational schools
is to carry out the construction of characteristic specialties. To avoid the problem of
convergence of talent training mode, we should start from the macro and micro per-
spectives and combine the solutions at the meso level, so as to gradually reform the
disadvantages of convergence of talent training mode in middle and higher vocational

2 The Concept and Significance of “3 + 2” Sub-section

in Secondary and Higher Vocational Education of Jilin

As an important talent training mode, the “3 + 2” subsection of secondary and higher

vocational education in Jilin Province has been paid more and more attention in
teaching, and its application has become more and more widespread.

2.1 The Concept of “3 + 2” Section in Secondary and Higher Vocational

Education of Jilin Province
The “3 + 2” talent training mode in secondary and higher vocational education is an
innovation of the modern education and teaching system, and also a way to construct
and improve the modern vocational education system. Specifically, it refers to three
years of full-time study in a college, and two years of full-time study in an under-
graduate college after passing the examination and passing the results. This mode
integrates undergraduate and specialized teaching resources, helps students change
from skilled talents to professional talents, helps to cultivate talents in secondary and
higher vocational colleges, enhances students’ adaptability to the employment market,
and also plays a positive role in improving teaching quality.

2.2 Significance of “3 + 2” Subsection in Jilin Province’s Secondary

and Higher Vocational Education
Adopting the “3 + 2” teaching mode in secondary and higher vocational colleges is not
only the need of social development, but also an important way to improve the quality
of personnel training. Its significance lies in the following aspects.
(1) Strengthen the cooperation between faculty of specialized and undergraduate
schools, and promote in-depth exchanges between teachers of the two schools.
Both the undergraduate college and the specialized college have a large number of
teachers with reasonable structure, rich practical and teaching experience, and are
good at teaching and educating people. However, the teachers of undergraduate
colleges embrace broader and deeper knowledge of accounting theory, pay more
attention to the research and development of theory, pay more attention to the
992 Y. Wang

cultivation of students’ plasticity, the colleges pay more attention to the cultiva-
tion of accounting students’ practical operation ability, and the cooperation
between the two sides can take what they need; the undergraduate and specialized
colleges can further strengthen the construction of teachers’ association between
the two schools. Through the establishment of teaching exchange mechanism,
teacher training mechanism, cooperation between the two sides to train key
teachers, seminars, classroom observation, cooperative declaration projects,
cooperative development of teaching materials and other forms of interactive
(2) Improve the comprehensive quality of accounting professionals. Education for
academic qualifications cannot represent ability, but undergraduate students need
to pay more hard work. Students should not neglect the study of basic theoretical
knowledge in order to broaden their horizons, improve their knowledge appli-
cation skills, enhancing their working ability and adaptability to the job market.
For junior college students, the “3 + 2” talent training mode in secondary and
higher vocational education can achieve the leap from junior college to under-
graduate degree. After learning, it has a more solid theoretical basis. And then
improve the knowledge application skills, promote the comprehensive quality of
students, their learning ability, knowledge application skills have also been
(3) Promoting the teaching level of accounting course. Accounting professional
knowledge learning is relatively systematic and complex, which requires students
to strengthen a variety of learning and exercise. Adopting the “3 + 2” talent
training mode in secondary and higher vocational colleges can not only inspect
basic knowledge, but also highlight the competitiveness of examinations, better
stimulate students’ potential and wisdom, mobilize students’ enthusiasm for
learning, and also put forward higher requirements for teaching activities.
(4) Integrating the teaching resources of the two schools to achieve in-depth sharing.
Most of the “3 + 2” sub-level docking academies and colleges in the same city,
both sides in and out of the school training room, teaching mode, teaching
materials, teaching results and other resources to achieve in-depth sharing.

3 Insufficient Training of Accounting Professionals

in Secondary and Higher Vocational Schools in “3 + 2”

Although the “3 + 2” talent training mode in secondary and higher vocational colleges
has a positive effect on the development of teaching activities, it is conducive to
improving the practical skill and knowledge application level of accounting profes-
sionals. However, at present, the mode of secondary and higher vocational education
has not been widely promoted, and there are some shortcomings in the following
Construction of “3+2” Accounting Professional Training System 993

3.1 The Training Objective Is Not Clear

The aim of “3 + 2” talent training mode in secondary and higher vocational colleges is
to meet the needs of the employment market, enable students to effectively integrate
into the work, make efforts to make achievements, and enhance the adaptability to the
accounting employment market. However, at present, the training objectives of
accounting professionals in secondary and higher vocational colleges are not clear,
ignoring the cultivation of talents with high practical skills and innovative ability.
Some schools fail to highlight the characteristics of running schools when formulating
teaching objectives and personnel training plans. Accounting curriculum lacks its own
characteristics, which makes it difficult to improve students’ practical skills and has
negative effects on students’ future employment.

3.2 The Curriculum System Is Not Perfect

The neglect of docking with the employment market in curriculum design is not
conducive to the training of accounting professionals in secondary and higher voca-
tional colleges. The society is constantly changing and developing, and the employ-
ment market is constantly improving the training objectives and requirements of
accounting talents in secondary and higher vocational colleges. However, in the
“3 + 2” teaching and learning of secondary and higher vocational colleges, the renewal
content is ignored, the curriculum is not comprehensive, and the teaching curriculum is
not perfect. In addition, the single teaching mode and insufficient practice hours make it
difficult to effectively improve students’ practical skills. There is no docking between
the curriculum and the employment position, which needs to be improved.

3.3 The Evaluation Method Is Not Scientific

For example, it is not conducive to improving students’ accounting knowledge
application skills because of the incomplete record of their performance in peacetime
and the neglect of effective record of students’ participation in practical exercises. The
subject of evaluation is single, and the evaluation of students’ learning situation by
teachers is incomplete, which has a negative impact on the training of accounting
professionals in secondary and higher vocational colleges.

3.4 The Moral Education Does Not Attach Importance to It

Professional ethics education is a very important content in the training of accounting
professionals in secondary and higher vocational colleges. However, some teachers do
not attach importance to this problem and there are few teaching cases, which is not
conducive to arousing students’ interest and improving students’ professional ethics.
994 Y. Wang

4 Traditional Cultural Concepts and Social Status Restrict

the Individualized Development of Personnel Training
Mode in Secondary and Higher Vocational Schools

Although traditional cultural concepts are not like the direct and obvious compulsory
system of education management system in secondary and higher vocational education,
they have led to the convergence of talent cultivation mode in secondary and higher
vocational schools in China in a more subtle and concealed way. The reform of
secondary and higher vocational education in China is generally a top-down reform
mode, which is rooted in the minds of stakeholders in Vocational education: govern-
ment officials, managers, teachers, students and parents through information dissemi-
nation. So that they have a deep-rooted “normative” concept on “what is good in
secondary and higher vocational schools” and “how to run secondary and higher
vocational schools”. Under the guidance of this normative concept, different leaders
have similar expectations for secondary and higher vocational schools. It is precisely
this expectation that has become an important source of the convergence of personnel
training mode in secondary and higher vocational colleges.

4.1 The Overall Mode of Thinking Leads to the Convergence

of the Personnel Training Mode in Secondary and Higher Vocational
The characteristics of Chinese traditional mode of thinking are as follows: the whole
Chinese philosophy regards the whole world as a whole, and everything is grasped as a
whole. It holds that “one” means “many” and “many” means “one”. Focus on the
overall grasp of the way of thinking, from the perspective of the overall, development,
movement and linkages of Higher Vocational education, it has an overall system,
overall integration of the ideological elements, guiding the managers of vocational
schools from the overall interests of the school, thinking, research issues, emphasizing
its overall values. On the contrary, this way of thinking has a significant disadvantage:
it cannot fully recognize the relationship between the overall part and the details of
secondary and higher vocational education. However, it brings uncertainties to the
vocational education system, ignoring the system composition of the theory of talent
training mode in Vocational education. Because we are accustomed to the traditional
way of thinking of things using the mean, vague and lack of logical analysis. Therefore,
in the development of Vocational education, to a certain extent, it has resulted in the
characteristics of the reorganization of secondary and higher vocational education,
which emphasizes local, common and individuality. Under the guidance of this mode
of thinking, the development of secondary and higher vocational education tends to
“seek unity and neglect its essential law”, which leads people to use the same standard
for different levels and types of secondary and higher vocational schools, ignoring the
existence of differences between them. It also leads to people’s general understanding
of things, unable to make further detailed and specific analysis, and thus the conver-
gence of personnel training mode in secondary and higher vocational schools.
Construction of “3+2” Accounting Professional Training System 995

4.2 The Behavior Habit of Blind Comparison Leads to the Lack

of Unique Personality in Secondary and Higher Vocational Schools
People will form relatively stable and tendentious behavior habits, which are not easy
to change. Since ancient times, there have been some negative habits restricting and
hindering people’s rational behavior, such as blind obedience, blind obedience, mutual
comparison, conformity psychology, etc. in our traditional culture. Nowadays, blindly
following and comparing with each other are prevalent in the whole field of Vocational
education, which results in the emphasis on results, process, form and content in
secondary and higher vocational education. In addition, the individual status of China’s
secondary and higher vocational education is relatively low, and it is very normal to
blindly follow the vane of the development of higher education in order to develop,
while facing many external pressures. Professor Yi Zhongtian believes that because of
the unique cultural background in China, people are not facing independent and
independent people, but the core of their ideology is group consciousness, and people
must define themselves through others and their “relationship” with others to confirm
themselves, so as to realize their own value.

4.3 The Requirements of the Masses, Enterprises and Society Restrict

the Development of the Training Mode of Middle and Higher
Vocational Students
No matter the leaders, researchers, scholars or managers and scholars of Vocational
education, they all realize that the characteristics of vocational schools and the diver-
sification of running schools are in line with the needs of current social development
for talents, and are also the ways to improve the efficiency of training talents in
Vocational schools. However, in real society, if any secondary and higher vocational
school wants to develop, it must take into account the expectations of the society and
the people’s identification with it. In addition, China is a country with extremely
unbalanced development of social productive forces. There are great differences among
regions, and the market economic system is not sound enough. When selecting talents,
employers pursue high education. Originally, we can use the work of secondary school
students, but we want higher education to employ junior college students; otherwise,
we can use the work of junior college students to employ undergraduate students, even
graduate students and so on in a vicious circle.

5 The Construction of Training Program for Accounting


5.1 Setting up and Carrying Out the Project Smoothly, Leading

the Development and Connecting System
The subject research promotes the close cooperation between secondary and higher
vocational schools, promotes the systematization of running schools between the two
schools, improves the quality of education and teaching, and enables students to
996 Y. Wang

successfully complete the diploma education of secondary and higher vocational

schools within five years.

5.2 Strengthen Contacts, Close Exchanges, Resource Sharing

and Win-Win Cooperation
Teachers of the two schools conduct business exchanges and teaching seminars from
time to time, advocating collective teaching and research activities led by secondary
and higher vocational schools. Teachers and curriculum arrangement, teaching content,
selection of textbooks and other projects can effectively communicate in business
exchanges and reach consensus. Weihai Vocational College’s accounting major is an
old one, but Wendeng Normal School’s accounting major is very young (the first batch
of accounting students were recruited in 2010, accounting teachers are also new
teachers recruited in recent years). By means of joint education and relying on the
resource advantages of colleges and universities, secondary vocational schools have
developed rapidly in a short time. It is advocated that secondary vocational schools
should send excellent professional teachers or head teachers to join classes in Higher
Vocational schools, timely understand students’ learning and living conditions, par-
ticipate in university management mode and assist in the completion of teaching tasks.
The problems found in the survey are fed back to secondary vocational schools in time,
and the requirements of vocational schools for vocational training are brought back.
This will help secondary vocational schools to improve the current student manage-
ment in time and manage students dynamically according to the situation of students in
the past.

5.3 Emphasis on Professional Knowledge and Cultural Influence

(1) To adjust the proportion of professional and cultural courses, and enhance the
comprehensive quality. To improve the proportion of class hours in basic cultural
courses, three cultural courses, namely, Chinese, Mathematics and English, have
been upgraded from one school year (2 classes per week) to two school years (3
classes per week). The study of cultural courses has been carried out throughout
the whole process of education and teaching, so as to cultivate students’
humanistic quality and rational judgment. Considering the poor foundation and
uneven level of secondary vocational students, the teaching mode of stratified
teaching is adopted in teaching, so that students of different levels have different
(2) Major courses should realize the hierarchy and systematization of theoretical
knowledge in secondary and higher vocational schools. The curriculum content
design of secondary vocational and higher vocational colleges is not only related
but also different, which is not repetitive. See our talent training program in detail.
What we need to explain here is that the program needs to be refined in detail.
(3) Setting up practical training courses. Accounting is a highly practical major, but
students are confined to the school for professional theoretical study, students
cannot see the practicality of accounting theory knowledge, learning enthusiasm is
Construction of “3+2” Accounting Professional Training System 997

not high. It is suggested that the first school year should be designed for 1 to 2
months of collective practice, so that students can go out of the campus and
participate in enterprise practice, so as to combine theory with practice and
enhance their enthusiasm for learning.

5.4 Full Participation, Process Management, Separation of Teaching

and Examination, and Improvement of Evaluation System
The basic courses of culture should be included in the evaluation system of public basic
courses in the whole school, and the specialized courses should be established in the
evaluation system of mutual recognition between secondary and higher vocational
schools (it is suggested that the mode of separation of teaching and examination should
be adopted. According to the teaching plan, class hours and textbooks, the designated
full-time teachers of secondary and higher vocational schools should be responsible for
the final examination papers.

6 Summary

Although Jilin Province’s secondary and higher vocational education is to train skilled
and technical talents needed by the national economic development, they do not meet
the high requirements of the current society, and the development of secondary and
higher vocational education encounters great difficulties. It can be seen that there is a
certain driving force behind any social event and any social action, which is closely
related to the cultural and social background of the economy and society. In the training
of accounting professionals, adopting the “3 + 2” subsection mode of secondary and
higher vocational education is conducive to improving students’ practical skills,
increasing their adaptability to employment posts, and improving their plasticity and
sustainable development ability. Enhance students’ practical skills and adaptability to
the job market, and train more excellent accounting professionals for the whole society.

Acknowledgments. Foundation Project: The Phased Achievements of the Teaching Reform of

Vocational Education and Adult Education in Jilin Province in 2016: “Research and Practice of
Accounting Professional Training System in Higher Vocational Education and Secondary
Vocational Education” (Project No. 380).

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The Impact of Modern Educational
Technology on College Teaching and Its
Application Strategies

Yuzhen Wang1, Chundi Zhao2, and Rengui Zhao3(&)

Chinese Medicine Materials College, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun,
People’s Republic of China
Agricultural College, Jilin Agricultural University,
Changchun, People’s Republic of China
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College,
Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun,
People’s Republic of China

Abstract. With the development of economy and the progress of human rights
civilization, human-based management has become a more acceptable and
universal management mode. Whether the student management work is carried
out effectively or not has a great influence on the living standard and learning
quality of College students. Flexible management is a new management method
which is different from the traditional mode. According to the law of human
psychology and behavior, it makes students self-identify with the new man-
agement method in a non-compulsory way. Flexible management implements
the concept of “people-oriented” and uses non-compulsory methods to manage,
so that people gradually accept the management requirements consciously. The
premise of flexible management concept is the change of thinking mode, which
depends on the individual psychological process, especially the students’
inherent potential and innovative spirit, and has significant internal driving
force. At present, the increasingly diversified development of College Students’
ideas is a major problem in the management of College students. Flexible
management in Colleges and universities is conducive to improving the effec-
tiveness of College management.

Keywords: College students  Management work  Flexible management 

Innovation path

1 Introduction

The Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) interprets

and defines modern educational technology: Modern educational technology refers to
the process of exploiting, designing, utilizing and evaluating the teaching process and
learning resources by means of modern means [1–3]. According to AECT, “Modern
educational technology has two characteristics: one is to emphasize the application of
system theory in educational technology [4, 5]. Modern educational technology is a

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 999–1006, 2019.
1000 Y. Wang et al.

systematic project, not only relying on a certain element, but also focusing on the
renewal of teaching methods while paying attention to the renewal of students’ learning
methods [6–10]. Secondly, it emphasizes the application of modern information
technology, virtual reality technology and artificial intelligence technology represented
by computers in teaching. At present, with the advent of the digital era, modern
educational technology has become an important tool and assistant in the education and
teaching of colleges and universities in China. It is of great significance to explore the
role of modern educational technology in promoting the reform of higher education and
teaching so as to better serve the reform of higher education and teaching with modern
educational technology [11–14].
In recent years, with the rapid development of computer and Internet, China has
entered the era of knowledge economy and information society [15, 16]. The wide
application of modern educational technology represented by computer and Internet in
teaching has brought new vitality and vigor to classroom teaching in Colleges and
universities [17–20], provided more abundant teaching methods, expanded teaching
contents, and provided favorable conditions for the construction of new digital, net-
worked and intelligent teaching. But at the same time, it also puts forward higher
requirements for the reform of higher education. There are still many problems in the
application of modern educational technology to college teaching, which need further
improvement and improvement. This paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the role
of modern educational technology in promoting the reform of higher education and
teaching, and puts forward some suggestions on speeding up the application of modern
educational technology in higher education and teaching.

2 The Influence of Modern Educational Technology

on the Transformation of Teaching Mode

With the introduction of information technology with the core of computer multimedia
and networks technology into the field of education and teaching, the application of
modern educational technology as a modern teaching theory in education and teaching
has received great technical support. The application of modern educational technology
has promoted the transformation of traditional teaching mode in Colleges and uni-
versities, and gradually formed a comprehensive research field combining pedagogy
with computer network and other related disciplines.

2.1 Modern Educational Technology

Modern educational technology is the technological basis for the transformation of
teaching mode in Colleges and universities. The basic elements of constructing
teaching mode include theoretical basis, teaching environment and resources, teaching
activities and their various elements. Many of these factors are directly or indirectly
related to educational technology, such as teaching environment, teaching resources,
teaching media, etc. Colleges and universities should take the application and devel-
opment of modern educational technology as the basic link of educational reform. In
order to transform traditional teaching mode into modern teaching mode, modern
The Impact of Modern Educational Technology on College Teaching 1001

educational technology must be taken as the technical basis. Without the support of the
progress of modern educational technology, it is difficult to improve the level of
education and teaching in our country, especially the quality of higher education, only
by system reform.

2.2 Computer Teaching Management

Computer teaching management is an important part of computer-aided education. The
traditional teaching management mode is mainly based on “manual” management, with a
great intensity of work, which to some extent increases the human factors in the process of
teaching management. Computer database and network technology are widely used in
teaching management to realize the multi-level development and rational allocation of
human and material resources in education and teaching. The use of computer teaching
management in Colleges and universities covers all aspects of school education and
teaching management, such as business management system, teacher preparation system,
multimedia courseware production system, student examination and assessment system,
office system, etc. School teaching management has become scientific and efficient
through the use of computer teaching management system.

2.3 Process of College Teaching

In the process of College teaching, the reasonable use of computer multimedia network
technology can greatly improve the classroom teaching effect. In the traditional
classroom teaching mode, it is often impossible for teachers to give timely feedback on
the diagnosis and evaluation of students, because students are passively accepted by
teachers to teach the content of teaching, and then teachers analyze students’ reactions,
diagnose and evaluate. In modern teaching mode, computer system, as a teaching
medium, is two-way communication. It can not only show the teaching content, but
also feedback the teaching effect of students to teachers in time. Teachers can sum-
marize the feedback information in time, so that teachers’ teaching ability and teaching
management ability can be improved. Classroom teaching process becomes a closed-
loop structure, which makes teaching and learning form a seamless link and achieves
the best cooperation between teachers and students and the best teaching effect.

2.4 The Development of Educational Technology

The development of educational technology has created a new teaching environment
and teaching methods. The application of computer-based multimedia and network
technology in teaching can give full play to students’ subjective initiative in learning
and stimulate students’ innovative consciousness. In this new teaching environment,
teachers should play the role of arousing students’ interest in learning, arousing and
maintaining students’ learning motivation, so that the learning environment can be
changed into a learning atmosphere that can stimulate creativity and combine teaching
content organically at any time. Under the inspiration and guidance of teachers, stu-
dents as cognitive subjects can explore freely and cooperate with each other. In this
new teaching mode, the roles of students and teachers are exchanged, students become
1002 Y. Wang et al.

the main body of information processing, and teachers become the promoters and
helpers of students’ learning.

3 Problems Existing in the Application of Modern

Educational Technology in Colleges and Universities

3.1 Lack of Classroom Atmosphere

In classroom teaching, courseware design is dominant, emphasizing the “technicality”
of courseware production, while neglecting the close connection between its content
and curriculum. Too much attention is paid to the use of animation and sound, so that
students should play a leading role in teaching “intentional attention”, which is
replaced by “unintentional attention” produced by courseware, which deviates from the
basic cognitive law and affects students’ attention to teaching content. Colleges and
universities have a certain foundation in the construction of hardware equipment, and
also provide conditions for modern classroom teaching. However, although these
schools have begun to take shape, in terms of hardware, there are also many equipment
and facilities that need to be further updated; from the point of view of the construction
of software resources, the emphasis among colleges and universities is also different.
However, there is a common weakness, that is, these higher vocational schools basi-
cally do not have their own special teaching resource bank, the lack of teaching
resource database material has become a bottleneck in the development of information-
based teaching in Colleges and universities. The proportion of equipment impact is
shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Equipment condition

42.1% of the students thought that the modern educational technology equipment
used for teaching was advanced; 36.5% thought that the equipment was backward, but
enough for learning; 12.3% thought that the hardware equipment was obsolete, which
affected teaching; 9.1% thought that the equipment was aging and needed to be
The Impact of Modern Educational Technology on College Teaching 1003

updated. This shows that some colleges and universities need to update the teaching
hardware equipment to meet the students’ learning needs.

3.2 Instillation Teaching “Return from Death”

Instillation teaching is a kind of teaching method which has been denied in the early
stage of quality education promotion. However, the wide application of modern edu-
cational technology makes this traditional inefficient teaching method reappear. On the
one hand, in the environment of modern educational technology such as computer and
network, courseware is projected and explained according to curriculum design, and
teaching is changed from traditional “teacher inculcation” to “computer inculcation”,
the essence of inculcation teaching has not been changed. As inculcated students, they
do not play their main role in learning. On the other hand, the interaction between
teachers and students is poor in teaching. Compared with the general teaching method,
although modern educational technology has increased the effect of sound and picture,
because most of the classroom time is occupied by CAI courseware, teachers and
students interact less, it is still in the mode of “courseware speaking-students listening”,
which cannot achieve effective docking between teachers and students, and cannot
better mobilize students’ subjective initiative in learning.

3.3 Unreasonable Teaching Evaluation

Some teachers regard computer and network as the tools of “examination”, and still
carry out the teaching evaluation method with the final score as the sole criterion. They
lack intelligent and process-oriented personalized tracking evaluation and feedback.
They just change the traditional “written examination” into “answering paper on the
computer” and “marking paper on the computer”. In the teaching evaluation, teachers
are still the main evaluation method, students are not included in the teaching evalu-
ation, lack of humanized learning support environment, and lack of use of the Internet
to form a space for communication and interaction.

4 The Countermeasure of Modern Educational Technology

in College Teaching
4.1 Improving the Introduction and Management System of Hardware
There are some problems in some universities, such as aging equipment, improper
management and maintenance. In view of this problem, the leaders of schools and
colleges at all levels should pay full attention to it. On the one hand, schools can raise
funds to update aging equipment or buy new information equipment to meet the
teaching needs according to the needs of colleges at all levels and the suggestions of
professional teachers. On the other hand, for the management of equipment, schools
should establish special departments to take responsibility for people, avoid unneces-
sary damage to equipment, and coordinate the use of time and frequency of equipment
1004 Y. Wang et al.

in an all-round way, so as not to let one equipment idle and to maximize the value of
equipment. It is very necessary to strengthen the construction of campus teaching
resource bank. In the teaching resource database, the most important thing is to build
multimedia material resources and multimedia courseware resources, so as to facilitate
teachers and students to search for learning. Material library includes a large number of
text, pictures, video and audio, animation resources, while courseware resources
include some multimedia courseware for learning, such as PPT, Flash, authorware, etc.,
which can be used by teachers and students. From the previous survey, we know that
some teachers’ courseware comes from their own production, while others come from
purchasing. If teachers’ courseware making ability is general, it is difficult to produce
interactive and exquisite courseware, and the purchased courseware may not match the
content of the textbooks used by the school. Therefore, in the construction of teaching
resources, schools can develop new teaching courseware and teaching materials
together with teachers and students or jointly with other colleges according to the
specialty of each college.

4.2 Enhancing the Training of Information Literacy of College Students

College students differ in knowledge acquisition and knowledge response. Some stu-
dents have higher information literacy, while others lack it. Therefore, the cultivation of
their information literacy is also conducive to better grasp and use of knowledge.
Information ability includes cognitive, information acquisition, information processing
and other abilities. The cultivation of students’ information ability is also a part of
improving students’ information literacy. Only when college students have high
information literacy, can they successfully apply modern educational technology to
study, develop in an all-round way, enhance their comprehensive quality and lifelong
learning ability, and is also the prerequisite for teachers to use modern educational
technology to carry out classroom teaching smoothly. It is the foundation to construct
the system structure of students’ information literacy in the process of University
construction, and the core is to construct the cultural atmosphere of campus information
technology. So information literacy is a comprehensive goal, including many goals,
contents and methods. Only by strengthening the cultivation of students’ information
literacy can students be closely integrated with the times and train modern youth.

4.3 Establishing Relevant Management, Incentive and Evaluation

Teachers are encouraged to use modern educational technology in classroom teaching,
and corresponding rules and regulations are established to ensure the efficient and
smooth implementation of modern educational technology. Only in this way can
teaching meet the needs of modernization, is conducive to the reform of education and
teaching, and is conducive to enhancing the comprehensive quality of students. Theory
is the forerunner of practice, and practice is the source of theory. In the process of
education and teaching, teachers are encouraged to explore and study the theory and
practice of modern educational technology in depth according to the actual problems in
classroom teaching. Only in this way can it be more conducive to the use and
The Impact of Modern Educational Technology on College Teaching 1005

development of modern educational technology and make it more in line with the
actual needs. Relevant professionals can be organized to specialize in researching and
discussing the problems of modern educational technology in classroom teaching and
practice, studying new situations, summarizing new theories and putting forward new
ideas, so as to improve the decision-making and basis for the further use of modern
educational technology in college classroom teaching.

5 Summary

To sum up, with the development of modern educational technology, the multimedia
teaching methods in Colleges and universities are approaching popularization, and it is
urgent to reform and innovate teaching modes. In practical teaching, we can only give
full play to the advantages of modern educational technology with multimedia teaching
as the main means. Only by combining teaching mode with modern education rea-
sonably can we realize the requirement of quality education. Only in this way can we
promote the continuous, healthy and rapid development of education and teaching, and
adapt to the new concept of modern education and teaching in Colleges and univer-
sities. Only by realizing the transformation from emphasizing teachers to emphasizing
students in classroom teaching can we realize the transformation from emphasizing
knowledge imparting to emphasizing ability training; only by realizing the transfor-
mation from emphasizing cognition to emphasizing development, can we realize the
transformation from emphasizing inheritance to emphasizing innovation, and finally
realize the requirement of modern society for training innovative talents [21].

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by Education scientific planning project in

jilin province–Education research on undergraduate entrepreneurship in agricultural colleges and
universities (GH170276).

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Research on the Training Path of Building
Decoration Engineering Technology
Professionals Under the Background of 2025
Manufacturing in China

Aimin Wei(&)

Guangzhou City Construction College,

Guangzhou 510925, Guangdong Province, China

Abstract. The strong manufacturing industry and economic development in

China require workers to have good professional competence and spirit, thus
better meet the requirements of the era of “Made in China 2025”, and better
develop the ability of vocational education to serve the economy and society.
Therefore, vocational education should be able to train skilled workers, students
should have both professionalism and professional ability, and the two should be
deeply integrated. In the new era of high-speed development of information
technology, it is very important to call for the return of craftsman spirit and give
it the characteristics of the times, and carry out modern interpretation. Craftsman
spirit is the basis of innovation, and innovation spirit is the inevitable require-
ment of craftsmen. The cultivation of craftsman spirit is an essential quality for
vocational education graduates and an important issue that vocational educators
need to pay attention to. Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges, as an
important institution for the cultivation of skilled personnel, how to integrate the
cultivation of craftsman spirit into the cultivation of skills, and how to change
the system of talent cultivation which emphasizes skills rather than spiritual
connotation, is particularly important.

Keywords: Craftsman spirit  Chinese manufacturing  Professionals

1 Brief Introduction

Decoration engineering technology expertise structure involves a wide range of theo-

retical, many structures and abstract concepts so that students cannot easily understand,
cannot be familiar with the role of these structures and concepts in practical work. At
present, the main modes of teaching and training are as follows: the first year focuses
on the study of cultural theory, moral education, corporate culture and professional
awareness [1–3], the second year enters professional learning and arranges some
simulation projects for one to two weeks’ training in the school according to the needs.
In the third year, we will go deep into professional study, arrange comprehensive
practice projects for graduation design in the last semester, and arrange students to
enter enterprise internship in the next semester [4]. Although this model has great

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1007–1014, 2019.
1008 A. Wei

advantages over the previous pure classroom teaching [5–9], it still fails to put learning
into practice and cannot fully integrate theory with practice. In the stage of learning
theory, lack of mobile phone will not be able to deeply understand the theory [5, 10–
15]; while in the stage of training, it is a long time away from the stage of theoretical
learning and strangers to the theory, and cannot well complete the post-practice.
Decoration engineering technology specialty is a highly practical specialty.
Although in recent years, higher vocational colleges are exploring and reforming their
curriculum system, there are still many problems in classroom teaching and practice at
this stage [16–18]. Based on the analysis and comparison of the training modes of post-
practice, school-enterprise co-operation, order-based school running and school-
enterprise integration, the training mode of decoration engineering technology pro-
fessionals from the perspective of “zero-distance employment” is worthy of our in-
depth discussion in accordance with the tenet of “service-oriented, employment-
oriented” school running.

2 Problems Existing in the Personnel Training

of Architectural Decoration Engineering Technology
2.1 Is Not Highly Targeted
Architectural decoration engineering professionals ultimately aim at service, which
requires professionals to meet the individual needs of everyone. But in today’s higher
vocational education process, the implementation of the curriculum is generally not
different, for some personalized work is often not competent. For example, some
enterprises and individuals in society want to add Uygur decoration to the architectural
decoration, but there is no special explanation of the decoration materials, patterns,
styles and colors in the higher vocational education, which makes the professional
pertinence weak in practice and difficult to achieve the original architectural decoration

2.2 The Level of Teaching Staff Needs to Be Improved

The goal of training talents in Colleges and universities is employment-oriented, and
ultimately to enter the forefront of enterprise construction. Teachers are in a very
critical position in talent training. At present, it is a very common problem that
teachers’ theoretical knowledge far exceeds their practical ability in Higher Vocational
colleges. Teachers’ lack of time ability cannot provide a good teaching model for
students. In real teaching, there will be shortcomings, which hinders the training of
architectural decoration engineering technology professionals in Higher Vocational
colleges. The level of teaching staff has been constantly improving and improving.
Research on the Training Path of Building Decoration Engineering Technology 1009

2.3 Teaching and Practice Separation

Combining work with study is the characteristics of talent cultivation in Colleges and
Universities. The theory of teaching should ultimately be attributed to practice. In
practice, theoretical knowledge can be used most effectively. This requires learning and
practice cannot be separated, should be synchronized. Separation of teaching and
practice is also one of the urgent problems to be solved. In higher vocational colleges,
teachers have carried out professional knowledge teaching, but there is also a lack of
real professional laboratories in schools and professional practice enterprises outside
schools. The professional knowledge learned cannot be put into practice in time, and
the practical ability of training talents is weak. For the future work, the completion rate
of personalized architectural decoration will be relatively low.

3 Analysis and Comparison of Several Main Training Modes

Comprehensive analysis of regional economy, combined with local characteristics,

market-oriented, so that people can match jobs. By analyzing the characteristics of
regional economy and understanding the living standard of residents and the structure
of talents in the region, we can understand the shortage of all kinds of professionals in
decoration engineering technology, so as to achieve market-oriented, planned and
targeted training plan. Enrich the training mode and integrate the employment situation.
At present, all the major Higher Vocational Colleges in China have proposed “zero-
distance employment”, but their training modes are different, mainly including post
practice, school-enterprise co-operation, order-based education and so on.

3.1 Internship
At present, many vocational colleges’ internships are mostly formalistic because they
emphasize theory more than practice. Moreover, in the process of internship, the school
neglects to provide psychological guidance to students, which causes unfair psychol-
ogy in the process of internship because of different pay for equal work, leading to
students going through practice and creating obstacles to “zero distance employment”.
Therefore, in the process of post-practice, the school establishes and improves the post-
practice system and clarifies the responsibility system of post-practice. We should
construct supporting services for post-practice, guide students’ practice psychology,
correct students’ practice attitude, complete the task of practice, and improve it from

3.2 School Enterprise Cooperation

School enterprise cooperation is one of the most direct ways of training with the market
orientation. Enterprises participate in the whole process, based on the long-term job
needs of enterprises, cooperate with schools, and cultivate talents in a targeted way.
Strengthen the docking between enterprises and schools, clarify the job needs of
1010 A. Wei

enterprises, and timely adjust the number of professional enrollment, which is con-
ducive to ensuring the supplement of enterprise staff and the outflow of school students.

3.3 Order Form

School enterprise cooperation is one of the most direct ways of training with the Order-
based school-running is a more targeted training mode than school-enterprise co-
operation, which is based on enterprise orders. In the early stage of enrollment, we
know how many jobs enterprises need. The so-called “one radish and one pit” means
employment. Because of its strong pertinence, order-based schools can make the best
use of every educational resource. But it is precisely this kind of high pertinence, easy
to cause students to study in the process of laziness, so it is necessary to ensure that
schools in the reform of training methods to ensure the quality of education.
Comprehensive use of these training methods, and then enrich the training mode of
decoration engineering technology professionals, improve the flexibility, pertinence
and effectiveness of training methods, and further ensure “zero-distance employment”.

4 Build a Curriculum System to Meet the Needs of Post


Constructing a curriculum system that meets the needs of post competency is the key
content of “how to train”. According to the analysis of the ability composition of the
five members of the construction industry, according to the needs of post vocational
ability training, we should focus on post vocational ability training, and construct the
curriculum system of construction engineering technology specialty.

4.1 Characteristic Curriculum Development

In view of the lack of relevant textbooks on construction technology of building
industrialization in the market, it is necessary to actively promote the development and
construction of characteristic courses of building industrialization. From the current
trend of construction industry to green civil engineering, industrialization and infor-
mation technology, it is necessary to speed up the development of “prefabricated
assembly structure construction technology” and “BIM technology of construction”. It
is necessary to organize extensive research, fully understand the development of fab-
ricated structure construction and the requirements for workers’skills, determine the
teaching objectives and contents of this course, ensure that the teaching objectives meet
the needs of construction site operation, and closely integrate the teaching contents
with the practical application of construction site. The course “Construction Tech-
nology of Assembled Structures” was jointly developed by technical leaders of con-
struction enterprises, relevant professional technicians and technicians with rich
experience in construction of assembled structures, and experts were organized to
compile the textbook “Construction Technology of Prefabricated Assembled Concrete
Research on the Training Path of Building Decoration Engineering Technology 1011

4.2 Curriculum System Construction

Integrate the professional post standards into the talent training program, so as to
realize the docking between the training objectives of talent ability and the post
requirements. Experts are invited to analyze the professional competence of the post
group of assembly construction enterprises, to master the competence and knowledge
structure needed by the post, and to determine the professional competence and
knowledge structure that students should possess. In the course system construction,
the proportion of practical training courses should be further increased in accordance
with the requirement of training post vocational ability as the main line. The core skills
of construction engineering technology specialty are: construction drawing skills,
construction skills, assembly building construction skills, compiling sub-project con-
struction plan skills, compiling construction organization and design skills, editing
skills of building documents. In the corresponding curriculum setting, the course of
construction engineering economics has been deleted, prefabricated construction
technology, BIM theory and application have been added, and the practical training
link of assembly building installation has been added. It is clear that the core cur-
riculum of this major is: Architectural Mapping and Construction, Architectural
Structure, Architectural Engineering Survey, Architectural Materials, Architectural
Construction Technology, Assembled Architectural Construction Technology, Archi-
tectural Construction Organization and Management. The decomposition table of
professional ability and knowledge structure of building engineering technology is
shown in Table 1.

4.3 Construction of Teaching and Research Base

The combination of production, teaching and research in the construction of produc-
tion, teaching and research bases is the concrete embodiment of the construction of
education services in the new period, and an important way to cultivate students’
technical application ability. In view of the current situation that the docking link
between construction industrialization and higher vocational education is relatively
deficient, we should actively build assembly-type construction production, teaching
and research bases, build service platforms and technology platforms for industries and
industries, and actively build “master studios” with the help of industry superior
resources. Form a systematic platform for the practice and training of technical per-
sonnel, and create a training mode of architectural engineering and technical personnel
with the characteristics of the times. Through the construction of production, teaching
and research base, we can make full use of various teaching environments and
resources, organically combine school education with production and scientific
research practice, and effectively solve the problem of assembly in construction
The demand for construction talents of type structure will be met to upgrade the
technology of industrial technical managers and form a technological innovation sys-
tem combining production, teaching and research.
1012 A. Wei

Table 1. Decomposition table of professional ability and knowledge structure of building

engineering technology specialty
Comprehensive Special ability Course
Basic quality Love the motherland, establish a Deng Xiaoping Theory;
correct outlook on life and the ideological and moral cultivation
world; have a good professional and legal basis, advanced
ethics; master the scientific method mathematics
of exercising Sports, college students safety
Foreign Ability to listen, speak, read and English: English and speaking
language write in foreign languages; access
application to professional foreign language
Reading and Ability to draw architectural Architectural map and structure;
drawing drawings; Ability to read building concrete structure, plan view;
construction plans; Ability to read construction building structure, foundation and
drawings drawings foundation; construction
Application of It has the ability to enter the field Building materials
building of common building materials;
materials familiarizes with the performance
and performance of commonly
used building materials, and tests
common building materials;
reviews the building materials
inspection report
Checking and Ability to recognize common Building mechanics; building
design of basic structural systems; recognize and structure; steel structure,
structural parts deal with structural problems foundation and foundation
during construction; design and
check basic components
Building With positioning, flattening, Building construction technology
construction verticality control; building
survey deformation observation capability

4.4 Building a “Double Quality” Teaching Team

The construction of teaching staff is an important guarantee for the smooth imple-
mentation of the talent training model. Whether full-time teachers have double-
qualified teachers is the key to the cultivation of students’ vocational post ability.
Through the practice of selecting professional teachers to serve the frontline projects of
“production”, “construction” and “management”, we have hired experts to train
teachers in theoretical and practical skills, and regularly appointed young teachers to
study in higher vocational teacher training bases to cultivate a double-qualified teacher
Research on the Training Path of Building Decoration Engineering Technology 1013

who is familiar with the vocational field. Double-qualified teaching team can make
schools better understand the talent market, timely adjust their school-running goals,
and train higher-quality talents for the society.

5 Summary

The cultivation of architectural decoration engineering technology professionals is the

requirement of social development, and also requires the mutual efforts of social
enterprises, higher vocational colleges and students. Educational system and teaching
methods need to be improved, as well as providing students with a good training base,
improving and innovating from various angles, and providing a good talent training
environment. This kind of training mode is more conducive to satisfying different
personalized requirements in architectural decoration projects, to a certain extent,
promoting deeper cultural integration, and playing a positive role in the dissemination
of culture among various ethnic regions in China. To improve the quality of higher
vocational education, it also brings more cultural symbols for architectural decoration.
According to the current demand for skilled talents in construction enterprises, the
ability of talents has two dimensions: professional skills and craftsmanship. The cul-
tivation of architectural decoration engineering technology professionals is the
requirement of social development, and also requires the mutual efforts of social
enterprises, higher vocational colleges and students. Educational system and teaching
methods need to be improved, as well as providing students with a good training base,
improving and innovating from various angles, and providing a good talent training
environment. This kind of training mode is more conducive to meet the different
personalized requirements in architectural decoration projects, and to a certain extent,
to promote a deeper cultural integration. It plays a positive role in the cultural dis-
semination among various ethnic regions in China, and improves the quality of Higher
Vocational education, at the same time, it also brings more cultural symbols for
architectural decoration.

Acknowledgments. This article is supported by the National Study Abroad Fund “2016 Higher
Education Teaching Law to study abroad project” (project number: stay blonde [2016] 5054),
Guangdong Brand Specialty Construction Subsidy Project (Grant No. 2016gzpp016), Guang-
dong Institute of Higher Vocational and Technical Education Key Project in 2017, “Research on
the training path of building decoration engineering technology professionals under the back-
ground of 2025 manufacturing in China” (Grant No. Z201703).

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13. Yang YR (2017) The research on the orientation of market-oriented training of professional
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Preliminary Study on Interior Space Design
of KTV

Guijun Yang(&)

Art Institute of East China University of Technology,

Nanchang 330003, Jiangxi, China

Abstract. This paper is divided into two parts to illustrate the current domestic
KTV interior space design points. The first part mainly discusses the formation
and development of KTV, and analyzes the situation of KTV in China. The
second part mainly studied the current KTV popular decoration design style, and
will be different styles of comparison, summed up the characteristics and
advantages and disadvantages of various styles of design. Then from the KTV
design development direction and characteristics to study the current KTV
interior space design in the common mistakes, and designers in the future KTV
interior space design should pay attention to the design points.

Keywords: Interior design  KTV design  Space design

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of national economy, people pay more and more attention
to the way of leisure life, and the concept of consumption is gradually changing. This
new form of entertainment, KTV was introduced into China in the 1980s, has been
accepted and enjoyed by the general public. In order to adapt to the market competition
and promote the prosperity of KTV industry, interior space design of KTV has been
paid more and more attention. After a hard day’s work, people yearn for a complete
relaxation in spirit. “Material needs are subtracted and spiritual needs are spent” has
become the common aspiration of most people [1]. At present, KTV plays an
increasingly important role in satisfying people’s entertainment life. Although in recent
years, some scholars in research KTV design have made some achievements from the
academic theory research, but the results of this theory into the KTV design practice
case is less, and there is no real, successful case, most of the paper, and even some
practical cases at home and abroad is only through some books or see some cases about
the urban reality environment, lack of practical experience, the depth of the research
only stay on the surface of comments [2]. Based on the theoretical research of KTV
interior space design, this paper will preliminarily discuss the spatial treatment cases of
a set of KTV interior space design that has been put into use and designed by the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1015–1022, 2019.
1016 G. Yang

2 The Formation and Development of KTV

2.1 The Formation of KTV
KTV is still a fashionable name nowadays. KTV is an updated version and a short form
of the word “Karaoke”, the 1st word “K” after the first word in the word “Karaoke” and
the word TV after the word Television. [3] The earliest form of KTV was Karaoke
which was invited by Japanese in 1970s. In Japanese, “カ ラ空 (KALA)” means empty.
OK is from English word “ORCHESTRA”, and here it means accompaniment. The
combination of these two words means “no accompaniment”, which means that when
consumers or singers sing, there is only video accompaniment and no real band
accompaniment [4]. Generally, the original song of the singer is not played while
recording on a specific storage media and accompanied by music accompaniment.
However, the lyrics will be played synchronously on the screen with the beat of music,
so as to prompt the singer to participate in the singing. The singer can watch the lyrics
and sing the song at the same time. To put it bluntly, “karaoke” is a kind of accom-
paniment system. Its fundamental purpose is “unaccompanied singing”, so that anyone
can play it at any time with a pre-recorded music accompaniment. “Karaoke” can not
only get the corresponding artistic treatment of the singer’s voice, but also perfectly
cooperate with music accompaniment, so as to feel like a stereo song. This will let the
singer have a kind of unspeakable pleasure also brought them great convenience. With
the rapid development of social science and technology, accompaniment effects emerge
in endlessly and various forms of accompaniment emerge at the right moment. The
accompaniment media can not only prompt the lyrics for the accompaniment music
beat singer, but also present the scene with the artistic conception of the song and the
performance image of the original star. Karaoke, as a form of entertainment serving the
common people, first became popular in Japan and then in western developed coun-
tries, and now it has become popular all over the world [5]. All over the world as
mushrooming all kinds of consumption types and marketing methods of entertainment
venues, such as KTV, bars, dance halls, performance halls and so on. Karaoke, which
requires an enclosed space for independent consumption, first appeared in Taiwan and
Hong Kong in China and entered China after the reform and opening up in 1978. Some
production enterprises in China successively developed and produced VCD and DVD
systems in the 1990s, and upgraded to VOD (video-on-Demand) systems in the late
19th century. [6] This system can facilitate users to randomly access the tracks in the
system, but also can optionally control the track playing speed and progress, so that the
tracks played more flexible and more convenient, faster playing speed, the use of
functions will be more in line with the needs of consumers and the desire to use the
product. With such advanced products, different types of entertainment projects and
various performing arts companies, enterprises and groups have emerged in the society,
such as KTV square and KTV city.

2.2 The Current Development Situation of KTV

KTV has gone through decades of changes from entering the Chinese market. Different
cities and regions have different development characteristics. Plus some KTV cannot
Preliminary Study on Interior Space Design of KTV 1017

adapt to market needs and the change of the society, lack of new power into the
operators too much lead to oversupply, customer source limited number, business
management chaos, in order to survive with this or that marketing, appears unavoidably
some vicious competition situation, the part of the KTV project or enterprise transfer,
turned or closure. But with the further development of economy, people demand for
leisure way diversification, KTV leisure way and get a degree of development, then
there will be new investors to enter this industry, perhaps old operators will be planting,
it will form a windfall profit - profits - the regular cycle of small profits, and the final
winner will be no profiteering has good service brand enterprise [7].
In general, KTV design will be updated and developed with the changes and
demands of the market. In addition, the current market prospect is huge, and the
number of China’s young population is large, the entertainment market is too large, the
level of consumer groups is different, so KTV, bars, dance halls, performing arts halls
and other entertainment venues will always exist, a variety of forms of consumption
and entertainment will always have vitality. The market share of mass-market will
increase, which will become the trend of KTV development and may occupy the main
body of the entertainment market. However, nightclubs for high-end consumption and
small karaoke bars for low-level consumption will also exist. So every place of
entertainment will have an inherent need for decoration and renovation. This kind of
demand brought huge market space to KTV interior design undoubtedly (Table 1).

Table 1.
Entertainment venues KTV Bar Club
The number of consumers Increased Flat Decreased
Design requirements Adapt to diverse markets Same Barely unchanged

3 The Style and Development Trend of KTV

3.1 Decoration Design Style of KTV
Nowadays, the styles of KTV decoration are multifarious, different design decorates a
style to show different design concept. The interior space design of KTV is to create an
entertainment space environment that can meet people’s material and spiritual needs.
With the improvement of living standards, people’s entertainment life has also chan-
ged, and the requirements for the entertainment space environment tend to be spiritual.
Karaoke is the main force of the entertainment industry, enough to feel the importance
of his karaoke design. Although karaoke interior space design appears in a variety of
modeling forms and forms of expression, but karaoke interior space design as a
commercial art form of art, or to follow a certain law of the form of beauty, interior
decoration modeling law. At present a few kinds of common karaoke decoration design
style on the market are divided into: natural national style, modern style, classical
neoclassical style, individualism, surrealism style, etc.
1018 G. Yang

3.2 Natural Ethnic Style KTV

KTV decoration design of natural national style is to use natural log furniture + rattan
products + natural color late-stage accessories – the decoration modeling is simple and
simple, showing a school of rural nostalgia [8]. The log of balmy, soft textile, the life
environment like that kind of poetic flavour rural, can let the person that use chang ran
lets go of one’s feelings, feel the optional of body and mind and loose completely. Give
full play to local characteristic elements, deserve to act the role of a few have rustic
breath or the object of furniture of all sorts of interior decoration of each national
characteristic amorous feelings and highlight local amorous feelings.

3.3 Modern Style KTV

Decorates a design to be to use inferior light metal + ground glass + ceramic
tile + marble to wait, reduce formaldehyde pollution already, have contemporary and
fashionable breath again. Architecture and interior decoration material with the pro-
gress of the development of The Times and technology type also more and more, KTV,
as a kind of entertainment space, relatively high to the requirement of decorative
materials, the use of different regions of different, the function is different, so choose
the color of the material, material, texture and pattern on the feeling is also a corre-
sponding difference. But we must follow the material function, the durability and the

3.4 Classical Neoclassical Style KTV

Decoration design is an organic combination of traditional precipitation art essence and
contemporary design elements, generally using exaggerated colors to express the
aesthetic standards of the new era [9]. The design style of neoclassicism is to pass
improved classicism to decorate a style actually. European culture rich artistic deposits,
open, innovative design ideas and noble appearance, have been popular with the public
and pursuit. Neoclassicism decorates a style to arrive from simple multifarious, arrive
from whole local, carve meticulously, set beautiful carve the impression that gold gives
a person meticulous.

3.5 Individualistic Style KTV

Decoration design is more than single or artists and other personages with personality
preference. In decorating, can use a few bold and exaggerated design style. From
material, we can multi-purpose natural material, and do simple processing so that it can
show the unity of ego feeling and man-made art.

3.6 Surrealist Style KTV

Decoration design is the use of beyond time and space interface processing techniques,
popular interface, exaggeration or strong color, very tasteful lighting and avant-garde,
gorgeous feeling, KTV space is full of vitality, reflect the individuality of not having a
Preliminary Study on Interior Space Design of KTV 1019

style of one pattern taste. Surrealist art style originated in France in the 1920s and was
developed under the influence of Freud’s psychoanalysis and the theory of subcon-
scious psychology. Surrealist artists advocate “spiritual automaticity” and advocate not
being bound by any logic, unnatural and reasonable existence, confusion between
dreams and reality, or even a combination of contradiction and conflict. This imagi-
native pattern has deeply affected the clothing industry, leading to an unprecedented
emphasis on creative design.

3.7 Mixed Style KTV

Mixed style is a kind of modern architectural style, which is diversified and inclusive in
architectural design and interior design. In recent years, KTV entertainment space
interior decoration also tends to be modern and practical, and absorb the characteristics
of the traditional, in the decoration and furnishings in the integration of ancient and
modern Chinese and western, such as the traditional screen, decoration and tea table,
with a modern style of wall and window’s decoration, new sofa, European classical
glazed lamps and lanterns and wall decoration, with Oriental traditional furniture and
Egyptian furnishings, gadgets and so on. Although the mixed style is not limited to one
style in design, and USES a variety of styles, while in the design, it is still ingenuity
unique, in-depth consideration of the shape, color, material and other aspects of the
overall composition and visual effects. Mixed style emphasizes “form disperses but god
does not disperse”. On the surface, all kinds of styles exist in the same space. Messy
styles are everywhere in sight. A Chinese painting, a painting by Matisse, can also be a
corner bookcase, but in fact all the aggregation is just to create a theme for the home
environment style. The environment that the atmosphere of each corner combines in
the space is the embodiment that mixes build an effect.

4 The Future Development Direction and Characteristics

of KTV

KTV interior space design must adapt to the time, grasp the characteristics of fashion
design. The characteristics of fashion change rapidly, so in the future of KTV interior
space design creativity to pay special attention to the network, popular, thematic,
modern design and other issues, the design process must grasp the people-oriented

4.1 Networked
Today, we live in the ubiquitous information network, almost all industries can connect
to the Internet, KTV is no exception. Now KTV services and marketing are completed
on the Internet, the number of people booking KTV through the Internet every year is
increasing year by year. KTV’s internal network can help KTV operators fully grasp
the operation and management of KTV, KTV turnover and operation status can also get
timely feedback in the KTV management network.
1020 G. Yang

4.2 Popularization
At present, governments at all levels are against extravagance and waste and extrav-
agance. Therefore, the current market economy environment, KTV consumers should
be the general public. As KTV operators, KTV profit is to seek profits for the purpose
of inevitable, so KTV design and decoration should also conform to the current trend.

4.3 Thematization
KTV with distinct theme is the general trend of KTV industry development in the
future. Thematic change is to do not want KTV design to be flowery, glittering treasure
gas, want to let thematic KTV have distinctive pure and fresh and decorous style. Such
can reflect elaborate design won’t too costly also let a guest produce mysterious feeling
to KTV, produce the desire that goes in consumption thereby.

4.4 Modem Design

Surrealism refers to the concept of avant-garde design in terms of lines, materials,
colors, lights, decorations and other aspects that incorporate elements of modern art
into KTV design [10]. Stainless steel materials, fine natural stone and large plane
modern glass use, and then decorative collocation simple box furniture supplies and
fine art decorations, let consumers linger on.

4.5 People Oriented

We now do anything to advocate the people-oriented, people-oriented is to consider
humanized design in the service level and technical aspects of the corresponding
improvement and innovation, make KTV design more humanized. [4] The details are
decided. So when KTV designers carry out KTV design, they should pay more
attention to refinement.
KTV design in the premise of safety and function, the use of modern design style,
design a modern fashion space effect. In the design according to the overall KTV
environment design, KTV industry in full study of the status quo, made this design.
From the concept of the whole design from the culture and theme has been a certain
depth of thinking, KTV style positioning of the formation of the theme of the mass
market type box design elements, from the box color, decorative style and material
selection have made efforts. Of course to the lamps and lanterns of box, sofa, adorn
article choose and put, different put can produce different effect. The layout design of
the box to meet the needs of customers, decoration style selection needs to be com-
bined with the local consumer level of consumption, consumer level, and party a’s
investment and other aspects of the face to consider.
There may be some deficiencies in the design. First of all, the subject matter is not
strong, because party a’s capital problem, cannot open hands to deal with. Design
details are also inadequate, such as some box TV background wall with silver mirror or
tea mirror, due to reflection, some people will not open, affect the atmosphere. In
Preliminary Study on Interior Space Design of KTV 1021

addition, there is no cabinet for storing articles in public toilets. Individual box sound
insulation effect is not very ideal, by the central air conditioning, fire pipe, or exhaust
air system.

5 Conclusion

Through KTV design we can realize that a good design involves not only simple layout
processing, interface design, but also in many aspects, such as environmental lighting,
artistic, thematic considerations. We want to let consumer experience life in rest and
recreation, experience the communication between person and stylist, let consumer
experience the real meaning of the design.
The entertainment space design of KTV is an emerging field, the direction of design
development has many uncertainties, a new product or new technology can bring about
significant changes to the design. Accordingly, KTV entertainment space design must
have considerable foresight in the application of technology. The introduction of any
new technology must go through a process of transformation and adaptation according
to the communication rules of entertainment and the needs of content expression. For
the entertainment space, it means that it can make better planning in the continuously
developed and extensible functional modules, meet the current needs of the audience
and have the ability to further update, replace and expand. In other words, it refers to
the coordinated development of subject knowledge, technological progress and social
and political affairs. They are an inseparable system, which should not only achieve the
purpose of fully and aesthetically displaying the content, but also leave the technical
space for expansion and adjustment.
In the rapidly changing digital age, the realization of novel ideas depends on
technological innovation. In the entertainment space design introduced in the forefront
of digital media broadcast control technology, fully embrace the technology created the
new perception of form, not only brings special extra sensory experience, also greatly
accelerate the speed of communication and interaction, even makes the audience
become a part of the display, many present results are different because the participants
and different reaction and operation, KTV entertainment to shape and a new inter-
pretation of the meaning.

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2. Wang Y, Zhang T (2014) Public interior. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing, p 35
3. Wang J (2009) Leisure club interior space design research. Xian University of Architecture
and Technology, Xi’ an, p 85
4. Zhou X (2014) Interior Design of Commercial Retail Space. Chemical Industry Press,
5. Wang C (2013) On the influence factors of the style of illustration in ming and qing operas.
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1022 G. Yang

6. Wang C (2016) On the traditional art of jewelry design. J East China Univ Technol (Soc Sci)
7. Wang J (2009) Leisure club interior space design research. Xi’an University of Architecture
and Technology, p 27
8. Liu C (2008) Research on aesthetic communication of lighting landscape design. Wuhan
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University, p 7
Research on the Cultivation of English
Translation Ability of Undergraduates
in Smart Learning Environment

Xiaofang Wang and Cheng Liu(&)

School of Humanities, Jiangxi University of TCM, No. 1688 of Meiling Road,

Wanli District, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China

Abstract. Nowadays, college students have grown up in the information age.

How to effectively use advanced information technology to improve college
English teaching, and how to translate Internet terminals into powerful tools for
English teaching have become an important topic in college English education.
On the basis of discussing the superiority of smart learning environment in
college English teaching, this paper uses teaching practice and elaborates the
concrete class design in the context of smart class. Although there are difficulties
in the building and application of smart class platform, the practice of smart
class helps to change the teaching idea and reform teaching methods, improve
students’ learning interest, and solve the problems existing in current teaching.
Eventually, it will provide a new direction and thought for the improvement of
teaching effect of college English.

Keywords: Smart learning environment  Undergraduates  College English 


1 Brief Introduction of Language Ability and Translation


As is known to us, language ability refers to the familiarity and mastery of a language’s
pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and discourse knowledge. As far as English-
Chinese translation is concerned, it refers to the mastery of language knowledge and
language use in English and Chinese. They are often called bilingual ability. Bilin-
gualism is the foundation of translation work, and there is no doubt about this [1]. We
can’t imagine that people who don’t have bilingual ability in present society can
engage in translation. Lin Shu’s co-translation is no longer an example to follow,
because traditional textbooks and other aspects focus on this aspect of the discussion,
such as translation skills, etc., which will not be discussed in details.
The study of translation ability is a hot topic in translation studies at home and
abroad. There is no interruption for this topic through these years. In general, most of
the researches are limited to the ability of foreign languages translated into mother
tongues, and lack the translation ability from mother tongues to foreign languages [2].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1023–1028, 2019.
1024 X. Wang and C. Liu

Smart Education is a new realm of education informatization and a high-level

development stage of digital education. Smart Education relies on technologies such as
Internet, cloud computing, and big data to build an educational ecosystem which is
intelligent, materialized, perceptual, and ubiquitous, and builds a smart learning
environment that supports collaborative learning and personalized learning, and real-
izes information technology and the in-depth integration of the education business to
help learners carry out smart learning and cultivate intelligent talents through the use of
smart teaching methods [3]. In addition, the Smart Education focuses on learners and
provides open learning resources such as micro-courses, e-textbooks, mobile course-
ware, and MOOCs, and supports learning methods such as cloud learning, ubiquitous
learning, and seamless learning [4].

2 Definition of Smart Learning Environment and Its Main


Smart campus refers to the use of new technologies such as Internet, virtualization and
cloud computing to change the way teachers, students and campus resources interact
with each other. School teaching, research, management and campus resources and
application systems are integrated; the core elements of environment, teaching, cur-
riculum, learning, evaluation, management, schools, and teachers have a substantial
transformational effect, which can improve the responsiveness, openness, individuality,
flexibility, and clarity of educational and teaching applications, and then achieve
intelligence and humanity as well as ecological, interactive, and efficient campus ser-
vices and management models [5]. As an important area of smart campus research,
building a good smart learning environment and promoting the change of learning style
have received more and more attention.
Smart classroom refers to intelligent and efficient classroom, which is based on the
constructivist learning theory, making use of the new generation technology of big
data, cloud computing, the Internet and the mobile internet to achieve the implemen-
tation of the whole process of education. Its essence is based on dynamic data analysis,
the application of modern information technology, the construction of teaching
decision-making data, evaluation feeding instantiation, interactive interaction, three-
dimensional, resource-based intelligent learning the environment promotes the devel-
opment of students’ individualized wisdom [6]. In the smart classroom, the learning
process is divided into three stages: pre-course, in-class and after-class, including
learning situation analysis, preview assessment, instructional design, subject intro-
duction, inquiry learning, real-time assessment, summary improvement, after-school
assignments, micro-course tutoring and reflective review [7].
At present, college campuses have basically achieved full network coverage.
Online education teaching resources and platforms can be used anywhere in the
schools. This study starts from the students’ learning needs, determines the students’
learning ability and learning goals, determines online learning resources and learning
content, and uses the smart learning environment to guide students to break through the
limitations of textbooks and classrooms in English learning. The teaching is extended
from the classroom to the outside, which encourages students to learn effectively in
Research on the Cultivation of English Translation Ability 1025

both real and virtual situations. Teachers provide students with a series of English
learning resources, arrange specific learning tasks, let students complete tasks through
mobile phones or computers, establish WeChat groups, QQ groups, exchange learning
experiences and experiences, and achieve timely interaction. At last, the teachers
conduct dynamic tracking and evaluation for the learning process and effects of

3 The Specific Content of Our Research Design

Students are divided into several groups, each group with 3–5 people and one of them
as the team leader, who is responsible for checking the completion of the study tasks,
preparing for the group study and formulating the group study plan. The teacher shares
the teaching courseware and related English learning audio, video and other materials
to the students, thus the students can learn anytime and anywhere. The teacher ran-
domly checks the student’s homework completion, records the student’s learning files,
and establishes a formative evaluation manual. In the final exam, the daily perfor-
mances account for 30% of the weight, guiding the students to learn actively.
Students are required to install the application of VOA Standard English on their
mobile phones, and listen to 5 pieces of news every day. They are required to imitate
and listen to two news intensively, two minutes for each news. All these are checked by
each other in the study team, and the teacher randomly checks the tasks, promptly
points out and corrects the problems that the students have, guarantees the learning
effect, and strives for the students to make progress every day. The application of VOA
English with normal speed classifies various news, updates effective news every day,
and all the news are with Chinese translation, which can ensure students’ reading
accuracy. The application can be listened to online, or you can download the news and
learn in a network-free environment, and support background playback; you can click
on any word to view the interpretation, listen to the pronunciation, and add to the new
wordbook; and learners can add the new words to the new wordbook. When it is used
in a network environment, the automatic networking updates the definitions to the
vocabulary; the order of the words in the vocabulary is processed by the memory rule,
which can help the students to master the words effectively. The webpage and the
mobile phone can share the vocabulary and use the words. Online dictionary search can
help students query the words they remember when they remember words; it also
provides search function, search for interesting keywords, and find articles for listening
and learning. Daily online update can get a total of thousands of articles. This appli-
cation can support online and offline learning. With comprehensive systematic
recording and analysis, students can intuitively grasp their own learning.
Students are required to install the Haici Dictionary on their mobile phones,
complete the Daily Hot Words and Daily Scenario Learning every day, and use the
random function of College English Test Band 4 to learn 20 random words every day.
The team members complete the task and the team leader is responsible for the record
and inspection.
Teachers can use Jukuu.com to arrange writing and translation tasks twice a week.
This website is the largest English writing platform for writing in China. The platform
1026 X. Wang and C. Liu

can correct the submissions submitted by the students in real time, and immediately
give the composition scores and analysis feedback, so that after the writing, the stu-
dents can quickly strike while the iron is hot and quickly correct the errors in the
composition; the platform can inspect the spelling, grammar, vocabulary, collocation
errors in each sentence of the composition, and supply revision suggestions. Mistakes
in composition is clearly showed; this website also provides students with extended
training, matching recommendations, reference examples, etc. for specific users, and
provide students with comprehensive writing guidance to help them learn
In addition, after receiving the essay submitted by the student, jukuu.com will
check whether the essay has duplicate content with other classmates’ essays in the
class, whether there is duplication with the essays of students in the school or with the
corpus and the Internet content. And it can provide repeatability indicators to the
relevant teachers for reference. This website also records the growth conditions of
writing ability of a school, a class or a specific student. The report is helpful for schools
and teachers to grasp the overall weaknesses and individual weaknesses of schools and
class students, to understand the changing trends of the knowledge level of each
knowledge point, and to provide data support for the planning of English teaching for
schools and teachers.
We will establish English WeChat groups and QQ groups for each class, in which
the teachers will also arrange learning tasks, share learning resources, summarize
learning effects and feedback information in the two groups. Students can communicate
in any group, share their learning experiences, discuss problems encountered in the
study, and the teacher would answer their questions in the two groups.
This study uses a combination of formative evaluation and summative evaluation.
The teacher observes and records the performance of students in extracurricular
learning, and quantitatively and qualitatively evaluates students’ classroom perfor-
mance by videos and photographs, including students’ self-evaluation, mutual evalu-
ation and teacher evaluation, and establishing a growth portfolio for students. Through
language incentive evaluation, praise evaluation, written evaluation, and result evalu-
ation, teachers praise the progress and whims of students in a positive way, encourage
and affirm the efforts of students in a timely manner, and protect students’ active and
agile thinking. Teachers would maintain a good classroom learning atmosphere, help
each student to develop his or her strengths and avoid weaknesses, comprehensively
develop and improve their English application ability. Through the final exam and
translation level test, teachers can check the students’ learning effects and existing
problems, sum up experience and further improve the quality of teaching.

4 Technical Elements of College English Smart Learning


Technological development is the basis for reconstructing the university English

learning environment, only under much support of various kinds of technology can
truly realize the intelligentization of the college English learning environment. The
technical elements of the college English smart learning environment are concentrated
Research on the Cultivation of English Translation Ability 1027

in the following four aspects [8]. The first one is situational awareness technology.
A large amount of language communication is the basics of English acquisition.
Effective language communication is inseparable from the real rich context. Use the
above perceived computer context-aware technology can help construct foreign lan-
guage interaction contexts, meet the needs of English learning with a real sense of
context, but also find for learners an optional learning partner to receive effective
learning activity advice [9]. Situation perceptual technology for learning English can
make the process more smart. More and more intelligent learners can use the envi-
ronment to start an English dialogue. The second aspect is mobile communication
technology. With the rapid development of mobile technology, more video teaching
resources such as English movies, English news and TV shows, English micro Classes,
MOOCs, etc. are no longer limited by bandwidth resources, and they can make English
learners feel more immersive. The third one is social networking technology. From the
development of the Internet to user-centered Web2.0, using social network technology
to reconstruct the network learning environment has been an important development
direction of the learning environment. Web2.0 has characteristics of interaction and
personalization, etc. The most critical feature is the ability to use social software, such
as instant messaging, blogs, Weibo, online social networks, etc., to supply diversified
services for learners. The last one is learning analytical techniques. Learning to analyze
can be used in the English learning process for students to generate a large amount of
learning behavior data for collection, analysis and reporting to discover the occurrence
characteristics and preference characteristics of English learning, find the law hidden
behind the behavior [10]. On this basis, for students’ self-directed learning and self-
evaluation provides effective data support and recommends English language that
meets their personality preferences. Teachers can also analyze the results based on
learning. Solve the students’ English learning needs, adjust the teaching strategies in
time, and effectively provide teaching effect.

5 Summary and Outlook

This research aims to explore the potential of the smart learning environment in college
English translation teaching. The following conclusions are drawn: The translation
process is essentially the translator’s own psychological development process for
translation. The translators continuously use the strategy to make decisions throughout
the process. The strategic abilities of students vary greatly. The students are translating
The types of strategies used in the process are diverse and related to translation results.
Then, using the quantitative experiment method-questionnaire to understand the stu-
dents’ strategic behavior in the real teaching environment and based on the analysis and
results of the experiment, translators can make their translation course models centering
on the ability of developing students’ translation strategies. In the new teaching mode,
students become the main body of translation teaching, and teachers and other teaching
elements become positive factors to help students complete translation. Therefore,
students’ learning autonomy, strategic ability and their psychological activities in the
learning process become the focus of the teaching model.
1028 X. Wang and C. Liu

There are a series of follow-up research plans. After the completion of this research,
we will plan to study the smart learning environment in the cultivation of college
English. We will explore the effectiveness for the ability of listening and speaking, and
the study of college English teaching, to completely master the characteristics of
college students’ English learning, the problems and countermeasures of English
teaching, sum up the methods to effectively improve English teaching, and find the
rules of students’ English learning.

Acknowledgments. Research of Education Science Planning Projects of 13th Five-Year in

Jiangxi Province (No: 17YB145) (The sponsor of this project is Cheng Liu); Teaching Reform
Research of Jiangxi Province in 2017 (No: JXJG-17-12-8) (The sponsor of this project is
Xiaofang Wang).

1. Tong Y (2017) The cultivation of college students’ thinking ability in English wisdom
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8. Xu H (2016) Application of informational elements in the construction of English-speaking
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9. Li W, Wang W, Zhong S, Fu Y, Feng F (2017) Strategic research of wisdom generation in
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A Judging Method of Electric Larceny
in the Guise of Saving Electrical Energy

Heng Yang1, Yang Xue2, Sha Liu2, Bo Gao2, Yifei Shu3,

Yinghui Xu2, and Jinyu Wang4(&)
State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing 100031, China
Institute of Measurement, China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd.,
Beijing 100192, Haidian District, China
Institute of Measurement, Ningxia Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd.,
Ningxia 750002, JinFeng Distict, China
School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China

Abstract. In this paper, a judging method of electric larceny in the name of

power saving is proposed, and the energy saving effect of typical power savers
in the market is tested and compared by this method. On the basis of investi-
gating the existing types of power savers in the market, the voltage and current
waveform are tested, with and without the power savers, at the same time, and
the function of energy saving are also determined by comparing the energy
consumption. Ultimately determine whether there is electricity larceny in these
power saving devices.

Keywords: Home appliances  Different load conditions  Power savers

1 Introduction

Electric power metering refers to the use of special metering devices to accurately
measure the actual electricity consumption of power users, and collect corresponding
electric power charges according to the current national electricity prices, which is an
important basis for power enterprises to recover funds. The management of electric
power measurement directly affects the state’s financial revenue, the economic benefits
of electric power enterprises and the reasonable undertaking of electric power users’
fees [1–4]. The power grid in our county has the characteristics of long grid structure
and complex distribution network, and the electric power customers are more diver-
sified. Therefore, accurate electric power metering and reasonable power saving
technology is benefit for power enterprises and customers [5].
There are large numbers of power savers in the market in the name of energy saving
[6–10], some of them can achieve the energy saving effect, but the others are just fake
products. In order to verify the energy saving effect of different power savers, based on
the investigation of the existing types of power savers in the market, this paper studies
the electrical characteristics after they are put into operation by analyzing their

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1029–1037, 2019.
1030 H. Yang et al.

principles and their electrical parameters. And the energy saving effect is also verified
by experimental comparison.

2 The Judging Method of Electricity Larceny

Based on the classical theory, active power can be calculated by the following formula:
P¼ uðtÞiðtÞdt ð1Þ
T 0

where, u and i are measured voltage and current, T is the period of power supply, P is
active power.
As to the reactive power, the classical calculation method cannot be used if the
higher frequency harmonic component is considered. Therefore, the improved method
based on Budeanu theory is adopted in this paper, the formulas are as follows:
u 1 X 2048
Urms ¼t u2 ð2Þ
2048 k¼1 k

u 1 X 2048
Irms ¼t i2 ð3Þ
2048 k¼1 k

Active power is as follows:

N 1
P¼ Un;rms In;rms cos u ð4Þ

Apparent power is as follows:

S ¼ Urms  Irms ð5Þ

The apparent power of fundamental wave is as follows:

S1 ¼ U1  I1 ð6Þ

The true power factor is as follows:

k ¼ P=S ð7Þ

The power factor of fundamental wave is as follows:

A Judging Method of Electric Larceny in the Guise 1031

DPF ¼ cos u1 ð8Þ

Reactive power is as follows:

N 1 X
N 1
QB ¼ Un;rms In;rms sin un ¼ Qn ð9Þ
n¼0 n¼0

The reactive power of fundamental wave is as follows:

Q1 ¼ S1 sin u1 ð10Þ

Based on the above calculation method, the judging method can be presented. And
the process is shown in Fig. 1, the high precision data acquisition system is used to
collect electrical data. Active and reactive power P1O, P1C, Q1O and Q1C of node 1 are
collected by smart meter. Active and reactive power P2O, P3O, P2C, Q2O, Q3O and Q2C
of node 2 and node 3 are collected by high precision acquisition system. Subscript O
indicates that switch K1 is opened and subscript C indicates switch K1 is closed.

Fig. 1. The acquisition and analysis system

The process is as follows.

(1) If P1O = P2O = P3O = P2C and Q1O = Q2O = Q3O = Q2C, it is judged as power
saver without power saving function, it will enter the stage of comprehensive
comparative judgment;
(2) The active power, reactive power and waveforms data are used to judge in the
comprehensive comparative judgment stage.

① If reactive power Q1O = Q2O = Q3O > Q2O, it is judged as power saving,
otherwise it is judged as electricity larceny by using algorithm defect; if the
error of P2O and P3O caused by harmonics △e > 1%, it is judged as elec-
tricity larceny, otherwise, it will turn to judge whether the power saver
reduces the system’s external work;
② If the magnitude and frequency of the supply voltage are changed, the
judgment of whether the power saver reduces the system’s external work
1032 H. Yang et al.

will be turned. Otherwise, the judgment of whether the harmonic which

can’t be measured by the meter is injected. If it is judged as electricity
larceny, otherwise, it will turn to judgment whether the power saver reduces
the system’s external work;
③ If the power saver reduces the system’s external work and satisfies the load
demand, it will be judged as electricity larceny, otherwise it will be judged
as power saving, if the power saver does not reduce the system’s external
work, it will be judged as power saving.

3 Experimental Study

The energy saving effect of power savers and DELIXI-TND-10kVA voltage regulator
is studied experimentally. The energy saving situation of these devices under micro-
wave oven, electromagnetic oven and laptop is tested respectively, and the voltage and
current waveform under various loads are recorded and compared. According to the
formulas mentioned above, the active power, reactive power and power factor before
and after installation are calculated respectively. The sampling frequency is 2048 points
for 10 cycles.

3.1 Experimental Study on Power Saver

3.1.1 Microwave Oven Load
For microwave oven load, the voltage, current, power, power factor and other data
before and after installing the power saving device are shown in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1. Electrical parameters of microwave oven before of power saver

U(V) I(A) P(kW) S(kVA) Q(kVar) k
218.38 5.8306 1.2044 1.2733 0.41308 0.9459

Table 2. Electrical parameters of microwave oven after of power saver

U(V) I(A) P(kW) S(kVA) Q(kVar) k
219.00 5.9730 1.2350 1.3081 0.43111 0.9411

Comparison of voltage and current waveform before and after installation is shown
in Fig. 2. It can be seen that for microwave oven load, the voltage and current
waveform of them before and after the installation of the power saver have not
A Judging Method of Electric Larceny in the Guise 1033

Fig. 2. Comparison of voltage and current waveform before and after installation

3.1.2 Electromagnetic Oven Load

For electromagnetic oven load, the voltage, current, power, power factor and other data
before and after installing the power saving device are shown in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 3. Electrical parameters of electromagnetic oven before installation of power saver

U(V) I(A) P(kW) S(kVA) Q(kVar) k
216.13 6.9899 1.5066 1.5107 −0.1125 0.9972

Table 4. Electrical parameters of electromagnetic oven after installation of power saver

U(V) I(A) P(kW) S(kVA) Q(kVar) k
216.55 7.0443 1.5212 1.5255 −0.1445 0.9972

Comparison of voltage and current waveform before and after installation is shown
in Fig. 3. It can be seen that for electromagnetic oven load, the voltage and current
waveform of them before and after the installation of the power saver have not

Fig. 3. Comparison of voltage and current waveform before and after installation
1034 H. Yang et al.

3.1.3 Laptop Load

For laptop load, the voltage, current, power, power factor and other data before and
after installing the power saver are shown in Tables 5 and 6.

Table 5. Electrical parameters of laptop before installation of power saver

U(V) I(mA) P(W) S(VA) Q(Var) k
226.43 11.629 1.5066 2.6333 2.1519 0.5763

Table 6. Electrical parameters of laptop after installation of power saver

U(V) I(mA) P(W) S(VA) Q(Var) k
226.56 13.012 2.0501 2.9482 2.1187 0.6984

Comparison of voltage and current waveform before and after installation is shown
in Fig. 4. It can be seen that for laptop load, the voltage and current waveform of them
before and after the installation of the power saver have not changed.

Fig. 4. Comparison of voltage and current waveform before and after installation

Through the above comparative study, we can find that no matter for microwave
oven load, electromagnetic oven load or laptop load, the voltage and current waveform
of them before and after the installation of the power saver have not changed. Because
of the loss of the power saver itself, the active power loss after the installation of it is
even greater than the active power loss before the installation.

3.2 Experimental Study on DELIXI-TND-10kVA Voltage Regulator

It is well known that voltage regulator has the obvious energy saving effect for the load
characteristics of resistance, such as lamp, fans and so on. In this paper, in order to verify
power saving effect of this regulator on the other load type, the microwave oven is used
for experimental verification. The voltage, current, power and power factor of the
microwave oven before and after installing the regulator are shown in Tables 7 and 8.
A Judging Method of Electric Larceny in the Guise 1035

Table 7. Electrical parameters of microwave oven before installation of regulator

U(V) I(A) P(kW) S(kVA) Q(kVar) k
221.08 5.8416 1.2170 1.2915 0.43230 0.9423

Table 8. Electrical parameters of microwave oven after installation of regulator

U(V) I(A) P(kW) S(kVA) Q(kVar) k
225.72 6.0148 1.2587 1.3577 0.50904 0.9271

Comparison of voltage and current waveform before and after installation is shown
in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Comparison of voltage and current waveform before and after installation

Through the above experimental research, we can find that the voltage and current
waveform of the microwave oven have not changed before and after the installation of
the regulator, and the active power loss is basically the same before and after the

3.3 Judgment Process

Through the above experiments, for each working condition, 2048 points of 10 cycles
are sorted out, calculating active power by formula:
P¼ uðtÞiðtÞdt ð11Þ
T 0

and calculating native power by formula:

N 1 X
N 1
QB ¼ Un;rms In;rms sin un ¼ Qn : ð12Þ
n¼0 n¼0
1036 H. Yang et al.

After comparative analysis of the electrical data of three nodes before and after the
closure of switch K1, it can be found that, regardless of the power saver or the voltage
regulator, for each of the above loads, because Q1O = Q2O = Q3O = Q2C is not satis-
fied, it has entered the stage of comprehensive comparative judgement. In the stage of
comprehensive comparative judgement, the measured data of active and reactive power
are compared comprehensively. It can be seen that before and after the power saver and
voltage regulator are connected to the system, considering the power consumption of
itself, the active power is basically unchanged. The transformer itself also has a resolver
and consumes a certain amount of reactive power, which results in little difference
between the measured Q2C, Q3O and Q2O. Therefore, according to the judgment method
specified in chapter 2, it can be judged that the power saver and voltage regulator
neither save electricity nor steal electricity.

4 Conclusion

On the basis of investigating several power savers and regulators widely existing in the
market, and through a large number of experimental studies, this paper carries out a
judging method of electricity larceny in the name of power saving. By comparing and
analyzing the electrical parameters and voltage and current waveforms before and after
installing the power saver and voltage regulator under different loads, it can be seen
that, for three specific loads in this paper, power saving effect is unobvious. Further
through the judging method, it is found that the power saver and the voltage regulator
selected in this paper do not save or steal electricity. The validity and practicability of
the method are verified.

Acknowledgement. The work is supported by the Science and technology Project of State Grid
Corporation of China “Study on Key technologies of anti-electric theft, inspection and moni-
toring”, 5442JL180013.

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North China Electric Power University (in Chinese)
Dongfeng Nissan Marketing Strategy Research

Jiaqi Zhang and Ze Gao(&)

College of Business Administration, Jilin Engineering Normal University,

Changchun, China

Abstract. With the rise of multinational corporations, foreign auto companies

have entered the country. In order to promote the development of the domestic
auto industry and provide quality products and diversified choices for domestic
auto consumers, a large number of joint ventures Cars took root in China and
began to develop gradually. Among them, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., with its own
product advantages and international marketing strategy, has been in the leading
position in China’s civilian passenger vehicles after years of operation and
personnel training in China. This paper first briefly introduces the background
and significance of research on the topic of Nissan’s marketing strategy in
China, and then determines the brand positioning of Dongfeng Nissan in China.
Through the summarization and extraction of existing marketing theory and
automobile marketing theory at home and abroad, the theoretical basis of this
research is determined.

Keywords: Dongfeng Nissan  Brand positioning  Younger 

Marketing strategy

1 Introduction

After 10 years of high-growth gold in China’s auto market, the growth rate has slowed
down, but at the same time, the rise of new consumer groups has brought new growth
points to enterprises. The main body of automobile consumption has undergone a
fundamental change. After 80 and 90 Consumer groups have poured into the auto-
mobile market, and young, highly educated people have become the mainstay of car
purchases [1–4]. All major car companies fight against each other and strive to seize the
young market [5]. In a new normal, in order to achieve the sales target of one million
cars, to ensure the high-quality growth of enterprises, to change the way of sales
growth in the past, to actively communicate with young people, to establish a young
Japanese product brand, it is imperative [6–9]. n the formulation and implementation of
Nissan’s marketing strategy in China, it actively explored and formed a development
model based on Dongfeng Nissan’s localized brand, which promoted its rapid devel-
opment by citing advanced technologies [10–14]. With its unique development concept
and marketing strategy, it promotes the prosperity of the domestic automotive industry
[15–17]. In response to the problems, disadvantages and threats mentioned above,
Nissan’s marketing strategy improvement measures, product strategy, price strategy,
talent strategy, after-sales service and other corresponding service measures were

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1038–1045, 2019.
Dongfeng Nissan Marketing Strategy Research 1039

proposed [17–19]. Through the analysis of the implementation guarantee of Nissan’s

marketing strategy in China, it is concluded that it has the corresponding guarantees
corresponding to marketing activities in the platform-based integration strategy, sales
management system, automobile circulation system, existing structure of marketing
channels, and after-sales service [20].

2 The Background and Significance of Dongfeng Nissan

in China Since the Beginning of the New Century, Nissan
Has Targeted China’s Vast Market

At the beginning of the 20th century, Dongfeng Motor Corporation established a

strategic partnership and established Dongfeng Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. in the form of
joint venture. Dongfeng Nissan has achieved good results in the past ten years and has
become the company with the highest growth rate and the best operation in Nissan.

2.1 After the Ten Years of Gold, the Consumers in the Chinese Auto
Market Are Slowly Changing
Not only staying at the stage of “owning” the car, but growing into the requirement of
“differentiation” and “personalization” for the car. Nowadays, after 80 years, he has
been working hard in the workplace for many years. He also has certain economic
strength and right to speak. After the 90s, the new generation is gradually entering the
workplace and has the demand for automobile consumption. They have flooded into
the auto market and become a purchasing power that cannot be underestimated in the
market. Their huge consumption potential has injected powerful fresh blood into the
auto market. For them, cars are not like their fathers. They are a kind of “asset”. They
are more about car as a daily consumption and have more personalized needs for cars.

2.2 Under Such a New Trend of Rejuvenation of Automobile

In order to achieve high-quality million-dollar goals, ensure high-quality growth of
enterprises, change the way of sales growth in the past, actively communicate with
young people, and establish a young Japanese product brand. It must be done. In the
early stage, Dongfeng Nissan officially put forward the “YoungNissan” strategy and
the brand slogan “for the young and full of anger”, and strive to share a slice of the
young people market. It is the focus of this paper to explore how Dongfeng Nissan
transforms into a younger market through corporate strategy, product positioning and
R&D, brand marketing, etc. The results of the study will provide a more effective and
youthful marketing communication for car companies, achieve effective communica-
tion with young people and occupy the young market, and provide reference for the
improvement of business efficiency and the establishment of brand image.
1040 J. Zhang and Z. Gao

3 Dongfeng Nissan and Its Brand Development Status

3.1 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Was Established in 1933
It has 21 manufacturing centers in 17 countries and auto business in nearly 200
countries and regions around the world. It is one of the top ten auto companies in the
world. Nissan Motor entered the Chinese market and established a strategic partnership
with Dongfeng Motor Corporation to form Dongfeng Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. in the
form of a joint venture. Dongfeng Nissan currently has four passenger car production
bases in Guangzhou, Fuyang, Zhengzhou and Dalian, with approximately 20,000
employees. Headquartered in Guangzhou Huadu Factory, it mainly produces entry-
level, mid-size cars and electric vehicles. It is the largest production base of Nissan
Motor Co., Ltd.; the Xiangyang factory mainly produces high-end models Loulan and
Tianzhu. The Zhengzhou factory is responsible for the new Qijun and hacker models.
Production; Dalian factory is a production vehicle factory, mainly used to produce
Nissan brand models. For the four major production bases. In addition, Dongfeng
Nissan has strong research and development capabilities. Dongfeng Nissan Technology
Center is the fourth technology center of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. with the same R&D
platform in the world. It is also the largest passenger car technology center in South
China, with Europe and America. Other countries in Asia have started research and
development simultaneously.

3.2 The Market Prospects of Dongfeng Nissan Are Very Impressive

First of all, the three new models of the medium-sized SUV, the new building, the
MURANO, the B-class bluebird LANNIA, and the compact SUV, the new hacker
QASHQAI, will bring momentum to Dongfeng Nissan sales and help achieve the goal
of millions of sales by the end of the year. Secondly, based on the strategy of
“YoungNissan” requires that Dongfeng Nissan’s e-commerce platform will be laun-
ched in the second half of the year. It will build an online e-commerce platform for
young people and broaden the sales channels of enterprises. Finally, the Dongfeng
Nissan Advanced Engineering Technology Center will be put into use. Improve the
R&D capabilities of Dongfeng Nissan and the strength of the front end of the value
chain, and accelerate the localization of new technologies.

3.3 Brand Is One of the Most Important Resources for Sustainable

Development of a Company
As far as a company is concerned, the corporate image is at the first level, the brand
image is at the second level, and the product image is at the third level. A brand must
exist in the enterprise and must be based on a tangible product (service), but the brand
can be independent of the company it represents, independent of the products it relies
on. Because companies can be merged, united or restructured, they may also go
bankrupt, products can be changed or updated, but the value of the brand is eternal and
is constantly adding value. A car is different from ordinary goods, and it has the
characteristics of high price, repeated use, and multiple inputs. Therefore, another more
Dongfeng Nissan Marketing Strategy Research 1041

important driver of user satisfaction is the diversification of the service level and
function of the marketing system. That is to say, the dealer is the concrete embodiment
of the branding, and can not only have the single function of selling the product and
obtaining the benefit. It should also have many functions such as market development,
spare parts supply, maintenance, vehicle beauty, insurance on the card, financial
leasing, installment payment, old car re-transaction, information feedback and so on.
The marketing channel is a bridge to build a brand to communicate directly with users,
and is an important area to improve user satisfaction.

4 Domestic and Foreign Automobile Marketing Theory

4.1 Dongfeng Nissan Marketing Strategy Research

At present, the international mainstream marketing form is the combination of pro-
duction and sales. This method determines the current popular international automobile
distribution channel modes: franchise stores, auto chain stores or auto supermarkets,
automobile market or automobile avenue, direct sales (network direct sales). Telephone
direct sales).
Automotive products are oriented and technological innovation is the core mar-
keting stage. Early car products were a symbol of the nobility and a symbol of identity.
The output is low and the supply is in short supply. As an ordinary consumer, there is
no option. At this time, as a rare commodity, automobile products are strictly a seller’s
market in a strict sense. Who can mass-produce the cars that consumers buy, and
consumers who buy them. Ford’s T-car is the interpretation of the first generation of car
The emergence of personalized customer needs, marketing innovation as the core
marketing stage. The single product of the automobile industry and the huge market
demand have brought more profit seekers. More capital has entered this market, and the
company has expanded its production scale and product competition has emerged. Rich
and diverse products appear in front of consumers, and consumers have the choice,
although this choice is only relatively basic. In order to gain greater market share and
profits, new models, new colors, new prices, new marketing tools, new advertising,
cars have entered the era of multiple marketing tools. At this time, GM surpassed Ford
to become the leader of the new generation of cars.
The value strategy marketing stage highly emphasizes the interests and values of
consumers, and requires manufacturers to find ways to maximize consumer value in the
context of cost and expense support.

4.2 Domestic Marketing Methods

The traditional domestic marketing system is unlikely to improve user satisfaction and
shape the brand image. Because they are horizontal, diverse, and non-integrated. As far
as dealers are concerned, the result of unbranded or multi-brand sales is bound to be
horizontal development, simplification of functions, and extension to other business
areas. As a result, risks are high, difficult to manage, and no image. At present, the
1042 J. Zhang and Z. Gao

marketing network of Buick, Honda and Audi is developing in depth. Their basic
characteristics are that dealers are exclusive in their operations, that is, products that are
specific to a particular brand. Distributors have independent or relatively independent
legal status, have independent financial accounting functions, multi-functional inte-
gration, unified image, and the entire network system. It has a flat structure and is
directly sold to the end users.
The development of China’s automobile marketing is basically a microcosm of the
development of the world’s automobiles. The development of China’s automobile
industry over the past two decades has, to a certain extent, reproduced the character-
istics and characteristics of the previous stages of the development of the global
automotive industry.

5 Dongfeng Nissan Marketing Strategy

5.1 Promotion of Mass Communication Channels

The release of a brand new brand declaration, Huanxin brand image Although the
word-of-mouth communication plays an increasingly important role in the process of
brand communication, it is undeniable that advertising communication, especially
brand image advertising, is still the brand of current car companies. The most important
way of communication. The author uses “Dongfeng Nissan” as the key word in
advertising monitoring, and can monitor the number of TV, radio, newspapers,
magazines, online and outdoor advertisements as shown in Fig. 1:

Fig. 1. Monitoring comparison ratio

It can be seen that Dongfeng Nissan mainly uses the combination of traditional
media and the Internet to carry out media distribution, with emphasis on online media.
From the perspective of TV commercials, CCTV sports, news and integrated channels
are mainly used. The audience coverage is relatively wide, and the media such as
Zhejiang Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV, which have a relatively large proportion
Dongfeng Nissan Marketing Strategy Research 1043

of young audiences, mainly distribute brand image and automobile product


5.2 Forces Offline Public Relations Activities to Expand and Strengthen

the Image of “Young Nissan”
After releasing a brand new brand declaration in the first stage and leaving consumers
with a brand new brand impression, further offline public relations and experience
activities are needed to expand and strengthen the image of “Young Nissan”. Dongfeng
Nissan Marketing Communication Strategy Issues and Improvement Suggestions
Through the above analysis, we can see that Dongfeng Nissan has launched a Young
Nissan strategy for nearly a year, and has launched a product-to-brand communication
center around the core of “Bringing for Youth”. The series has changed, which has also
brought about the growth of automobile sales and the initial establishment of a young
brand image. However, in combination with the new features of the entire automotive
market and the internal and external challenges and threats facing Dongfeng Nissan,
Dongfeng Nissan can make many improvements. For example, the long-term devel-
opment strategy leads the brand to rejuvenate, accelerate the launch of new cars, and
establish a brand image.

5.3 Dongfeng Nissan Cross-Cultural Market Development

When Nissan Motors conducts cross-cultural operations and sells automotive products,
it is important to pay full attention to the differences between cultures. For example,
customers in the Chinese market are far more concerned with the security requirements
than the individualized requirements. The low-key and steady color appeal far exceeds
the color appearance. The spaciousness of the inner space is greater than the interior
and its design, so it is only fully understood. The differences in laws and regulations
between different regions, the setting of industry standards and the gaps in product
marketing, as well as the customer’s demands for the most core products, can be used
to develop product sales channels in this market. At the same time, when the product is
still in the design stage, it is necessary to hire market experts and distributors to observe
and discuss. Work together to brainstorm the prospects of the product. Because the
marketer’s perceptual knowledge of local consumers is far more accurate than the
rational data in the company’s database, it is worthwhile to conduct such consultations
to avoid the possibility of encountering Waterloo in China.

5.4 Enrich the Offline Experience Activities and Strengthen the Rational
Understanding of the Brand
Experiential marketing is to stimulate and mobilize consumers’ emotions (Feel),
Senses, Relate, and thinking by means of See, Hear, Use, and Participation. Think), Act
(Act) and other emotional factors and rational factors, redefining, designing a way of
thinking about marketing methods. The competition in the automotive market is
becoming more and more fierce. Through rich experience activities, the car owners can
fully display the performance of the car, and interact with the consumers in the play,
1044 J. Zhang and Z. Gao

and subtly convey the brand image and brand information to the target in a happy and
relaxed atmosphere. group. According to the above analysis, Dongfeng Nissan has
sponsored many campus activities, sports events and variety entertainment programs
throughout the year, and has also launched many advertisements in the mass media.
Consumers have already formed a preliminary impression of young Nissan in their
minds. What needs to be strengthened is rational understanding. to sum up Because the
market space, profit space, and development space of automobile services are far
greater than simply selling cars. With the decrease in the profit of automobile sales and
the fierce competition, service competition will surely become the main battlefield for
future competition in the automotive industry. Service-oriented, service marketing as a
way to create and maintain their own brand is a strategic measure for automotive
development. Dongfeng Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. can improve the club’s functions from
organizational construction, cultural creation, service provision, brand building,
supervision and management of club activities. At the same time, strengthen infor-
mation construction and provide services in the form of network information sharing.

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Investigation and Analysis on Brand
Promotion Strategy of Wenzhou Yandang
Mountain Scenic

Guodong Gao(&), Haijun Xie, and Xiyang Yu

Qingdao Binhai University, West Jialingjiang Road No. 425, Development Zone,
Qingdao, Shandong, China

Abstract. With the development of society, the pace of people’s life has
become faster and faster. At the same time, people’s pressure on life and work
has increased gradually, which has led to a significant increase in demand for
tourism at present. To achieve physical and mental pleasure, more and more
people are willing to travel through this unique way to vent their pressure in
leisure time. By reviewing the relevant data of Wenzhou Yandang Mountains
and combining the relevant data of the questionnaire, the tourist administration
has conducted in-depth understanding and research on its existing brand pro-
motion strategies, discovered and analyzed the problems and causes in the brand
promotion strategies of Wenzhou Yandang Mountain, and proposed targeted
improvement measures. This will deepen the understanding of the brand image
and the value of Wenzhou Yandang Mountain by consumers and social orga-
nizations, and enhance the popularity, satisfaction, and reputation of the scenic
brand to it.

Keywords: Brand promotion strategies  Emerging media 

Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Scenic

1 Introduction

In recent years, on the basis of the increasing income, residents of our country are
increasingly in need of spiritual consumption [1]. Travel has become an important way
for people to relax, enhance their emotions and broaden their horizons [2]. At the same
time, with the rapid development of the national economy and the promulgation of the
new vacation system for the benefit of the people, people have more money at their
disposal and more vacation travel time [3–7]. This has created a good space for the
development of tourism, making domestic tourism in recent years [8]. Domestic
tourism has been heating up recently. As the leading tourist area in Zhejiang province,
Wenzhou Yandang Mountain scenic spot should seize the opportunity under the
background of tourism, continuously improve the popularity, satisfaction and reputa-
tion of the scenic spot itself, and play an exemplary role in the province and the whole
country, promoting the development of local and national tourism [9, 10].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1046–1055, 2019.
Investigation and Analysis on Brand Promotion Strategy 1047

2 The Present Situation of Brand Promotion Strategy

in Yandang Mountain Scenic
2.1 Target Market
The current brand promotion strategy of Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Scenic does not
have a clear positioning for the target market. It does not set the target market according
to its aesthetic value of landscape, historical and cultural value and natural science
value, but only emphasizes the aesthetic value of landscape in the process of brand
promotion. The target group for promotion is chaotic, without clear distinction, and it
can be said that almost all consumers.

2.2 Advertising Promotion

2.2.1 Advertising Content
The content of the advertising promotion of the Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Scenic is
mainly centered on its aesthetic value of landscapes. Its content is nothing more than
the introduction of Yandang Mountain’s unique strange peaks and waterfalls. Among
them, the three scenic spots of Lingfeng, Lingyan and Dalongyu are the most. In
addition, there are occasional sections in the advertisement that mention the unique
rhyolite geological structure and long cultural heritage of Yandang Mountain.

2.2.2 Advertising Forms

Using local radio stations in Wenzhou to introduce Yandang Mountain scenic spots and
share some historical stories; Some video software such as Youku, Aiqi and Potato
Video are used to broadcast Yandang Mountain Scenic. Manager published the scenery
of Yandang Mountain Scenic and the story of celebrities in local newspapers and
magazines. New media such as WeChat Public Number, Weibo Official Account and
Forum are used to promote the soft text of Yandang Mountain Scenic and introduce the
scenic spot. Managers use outdoor large-scale billboards to promote advertisements
along some key road sections and landmark buildings.

2.2.3 Launch Time

Usually during the rest of the day, such as from 7:00 to 8:00 in the morning and from
5:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon, use Wenzhou’s local radio station to introduce the
Yandang Mountain scenic and share some historical stories. The timing of the use of
video software such as Youku, Aiqi, and potato videos for the broadcast is not clear,
and the uploading time of each video will be separated by months or even more than a
year; There is no regularity in the timing of advertising and the stories of celebrities in
local newspapers and magazines. The sharing time of each article when using the
WeChat Public Number for advertising promotion is not continuous. Sometimes it is
about a week apart. The official Weibo account does not regularly share blog posts
every day. Its outdoor large-scale billboards have a long cycle, and generally each
large-scale billboard will be put in more than one year.
1048 G. Gao et al.

2.2.4 Investment Intensity and Sustainability

Compared with the famous scenic, Wenzhou Yandang Mountain advertising investment
is much smaller. First of all, in the popularity of advertising carriers, the advertising
carrier is basically limited to some smaller and very limited carriers, such as local radio
and television stations and newspaper journals. Second, its advertisements number is
very limited. It has the following performances in terms of the continuity of advertising
input. The promotional videos on some video software such as Youku, Aiqi and potato
videos have not been updated in time. Usually, a promotional film will be placed for
more than a few months. The articles and shares on WeChat’s public number and Weibo
accounts are not regularly released, sometimes several days or one week. The outdoor
large-scale billboard replacement cycle is not fixed, billboards are not replaced in time.

2.3 Media Promotion

2.3.1 Traditional Media
As one of the most widely covered traditional media, television media can effectively
convey the core value of the brand and display the image of the brand to consumers. It
can influence the awareness of consumers in a subtle way, allowing consumers to better
understand and identify with the brand. It will show some promotional images for
consumers to understand on local television stations, such as Wenzhou TV and
Leqing TV. Although the broadcast media does not have a wide range of television
media coverage and rich information, it can use unique sound effects and language
effects to make the audience rich in association and imagination. It once cooperated
with Wenzhou local radio and television stations to introduce scenic spots and brand
promotion. In terms of print media, it once published an introduction to scenic spots,
attractions, and hot news in the local Wenzhou newspaper, and also published articles
in local geographic tourism magazines. These traditional media have increased the
brand popularity to a certain extent.

2.3.2 New Media

Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Scenic has established an official website to display the
brand concept, cultural history, scenic introduction, and scenic spot service. To a
certain extent, it has established its own brand image. Let more consumers through the
Internet to learn about the brand. In addition, it has also opened official microblogs and
WeChat public numbers.

2.4 Public Relations Promotion

Wenzhou Yandang Mountain scenic has recently carried out an exhibition. The
exhibition invited a group of famous contemporary Chinese painting artists and created
a number of fine works. At the same time, it also exhibited some excellent works of
famous masters of modern Chinese painting. Through a series of beautiful landscape
paintings, more groups have experienced the unique and beautiful scenery and
improved the popularity. The foundation has upheld the spirit of perseverance and
fortitude for many years, actively participated in social public welfare undertakings,
and helped social vulnerable groups and established a good social image.
Investigation and Analysis on Brand Promotion Strategy 1049

2.5 Service Promotion

2.5.1 Traffic in Scenic Spots
Yandang Mountain Scenic has opened a bus for the scenic spot. It is a public trans-
portation. In addition to the inconvenience of the Xianqiao Scenic Area, the eight
scenic spots have direct access to highways. The transportation mode has improved the
consumer’s travel experience and satisfaction to a certain extent.

2.5.2 Staff
The staff mainly have the following categories. First, there are staff responsible for
ticket sales at the entrance of the scenic spot. Second, there are officers responsible for
ticket checking in the ticket office of the scenic spot. Third, there will be a small
number of police patrols at important attractions. Fourth, it is responsible for the
tourists to explain the attractions, the introduction of scenic tourist features of the
guide. However, it lacks necessary staff in terms of safety and security, consulting
services, etc.

3 Problems and Reasons of Brand Promotion Strategy

in Yandang Mountain Scenic

3.1 Target Market Is Uncertainty

The target customer orientation of Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Scenic is ambiguous,
and the target customer is basically all consumers. There is no clear positioning. This
leads to the fact that the brand promotion strategy is difficult to start from reality and
can not be suitable. It has not clearly distinguished the target consumers according to
their brand value and characteristics, resulting in the high degree of similarity in most
brand promotion strategies and similar dissemination content. This makes most con-
sumers do not feel the brand value and characteristics, reducing brand attention.

3.2 Advertising Promotion

3.2.1 Advertising Content Lacks Expression of Brand Value
Wenzhou Yandang Mountain belongs to Huaxia Mountain, which integrates landscape
aesthetics, history, culture, and natural sciences. They together constitute the core
value. However, the managers mainly focused on landscape aesthetics when adver-
tising and promoting brand. Advertising promotion largely ignores the display and
expression of historical values and natural science values, which makes many con-
sumers know little about their historical values and natural science values.

3.2.2 Lack of Continuity in Advertising Inputs

According to the results of the survey (Fig. 1), 55% of the respondents believed that
Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Scenic needs improvement in terms of the continuity of
advertising input. Brand promotion advertising is a process of gradual accumulation.
Advertising must continue to accumulate in excess in order to continuously expand the
coverage area and produce a large scale effect. Through a large number of continuous
1050 G. Gao et al.

advertisements, its brand can make a deep impression on consumers’ minds, increase
brand awareness, and let consumers gradually understand the brand and increase
consumer brand loyalty. However, advertising promotion is very poor. For example,
the low frequency with which commercials are broadcast on the television media has a
significant impact on the brand’s exposure. The promotional articles on the Internet
website were not updated for months or even more than one year, and the software
updates of Weibo and WeChat Public were not timely.

Fig. 1. Investigation on consumer perception of the need to improve advertising

3.3 Media Promotion

3.3.1 Low Impact of Traditional Media
In terms of television media promotion, Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Scenic will show
some promotional images on local television stations, such as Wenzhou TV and
Leqing TV. The main ratings of these television media come from local audiences,
while the national audience knows very little about its brand. This has greatly affected
the publicity. Most consumers have never heard of it. In terms of broadcast media
promotion, it once cooperated with Wenzhou local radio and television to introduce
scenic spots and brand promotion. This has increased the brand awareness to a certain
extent, and has also enabled more consumers to understand its brand concept. How-
ever, because of the small influence of its broadcast platform, it is difficult to improve
the brand awareness and reputation.

3.3.2 Inadequate Maintenance of New Media

Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Scenic opened an official Weibo account and WeChat
Public Number to promote the scenic spot, but it did not pay attention to the main-
tenance of the media. In the promotion of WeChat Public Number and official Weibo, it
is mainly reflected in the small number of soft text sharing, the slow updating of soft
text, and the single content. Soft text is not pushed every day but will be updated after a
long interval. The content of the promotion of WeChat Public Number and official
Weibo is basically limited to its aesthetic value of landscapes, and it is rarely involved
in historical and cultural values and natural science values.
Investigation and Analysis on Brand Promotion Strategy 1051

3.4 Public Relations Promotion

According to the results of the questionnaire (Fig. 2), 41.33% of the respondents
believed that the public relations activities were moderate. In recent years, it has been
extremely inactive in public relations. Apart from occasionally conducting exhibitions,
forums, and public welfare activities, it has rarely been involved in other aspects. The
insufficient publicity of public relations activities has led to limited promotion of brand
awareness and reputation.

Fig. 2. Investigation on the frequency of public relations activities

3.5 Services Promotion

3.5.1 Traffic Management in Scenic Areas Is not in Place
In recent years, Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Scenic has made some efforts in terms of
traffic. It has opened local minibuses. During the peak season, minibuses can reach all
major scenic spots in the scenic spot. At the same time, major famous scenic are also
basically open to traffic. In addition to individual scenic spots that are constrained by
the inconvenience of special terrain, all other scenic spots have direct roads. However,
the traffic situation of the scenic spot is still not optimistic during the peak season.
Every holiday, once tourists drive on the scenic spot, it is difficult to drive down again.
Sometimes a traffic jam can last 4–5 h. This is subject to the reasons for the scenic spot
itself, because it is a very narrow road in the scenic spot. There are few road resources
available for development and utilization. On the other hand, traffic management is not
in place, and there is no scientific and reasonable planning for traffic flow and traffic
route arrangement in scenic spots.

3.5.2 Insufficient Staff Number

There are very few staff in the scenic. There are several staff members at the ticket gates
of the scenic spot. There are occasional police patrols in the scenic spot. Most tourists
may have some confusion and need for advice on the location of the scenic spots,
catering services, road traffic and accommodation conditions within the scenic spot. At
this time, it is necessary for sufficient staff in the scenic spot to provide timely assis-
tance to tourists. However, the personnel arrangement of Wenzhou Yandang Mountain
Scenic does not have such ability, which has seriously affected the service quality of
the scenic spot, causing tourists to reduce their satisfaction with the brand. At the same
1052 G. Gao et al.

time, it is also a very densely populated place, requiring appropriate staff to deal with
accidents in a timely manner.

3.5.3 Lack of Essential Catering Services

According to the survey results (Fig. 3), 58.67% of tourists are dissatisfied with
catering services. In order to prevent the ecological environment from being damaged,
the managers stopped all the restaurants in the scenic spot. All tourists can only go to
the village outside the scenic spot or the town to eat. After a few hours of play, tourists
are physically and mentally exhausted, but the scenic spot can not provide normal
catering. This will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among tourists and reduce tourists’

Fig. 3. Survey on dissatisfaction with consumer services in scenic areas

4 Yandang Mountain Scenic Brand Promotion Strategy

Improvement Measures
4.1 Identify the Target Market for Brand Promotion
Wenzhou Yandang Mountain belongs to Huaxia Mountain, which integrates landscape
aesthetics, history, culture, and natural sciences. Therefore, it should distinguish the
target market according to the value of these three brands, and in the promotion of the
brand, we must formulate targeted promotion strategies based on the characteristics,
consumption habits, and behaviors of the three target markets. It aims to maximize the
value, image and concept of the brand to the most interested target consumer groups, so
that the target consumer has a deep sense of identity and belonging to the value and
concept of the brand.

4.2 Advertising Promotion Improvement Measures

4.2.1 Advertising Content Highlights Brand Value
At present, the content of the advertisement promotion is mainly focus on the aesthetic
value of landscapes. In the course of advertising promotion in the future, it is necessary
to rationally coordinate the expression of three values: landscape aesthetic value,
Investigation and Analysis on Brand Promotion Strategy 1053

natural science value, and historical and cultural value. The unilateral highlighting of a
certain value is not conducive to the display of the uniqueness. However, if consumers
can realize that its brand has both landscape aesthetic value, natural science value, and
historical and cultural value, then its brand competitiveness will be greatly enhanced. In
the eyes of consumers will leave a unique impression, which is very beneficial to the
brand’s popularity and reputation.

4.2.2 Maintain Continuity of Advertising Input

Advertising promotion is a process of gradual accumulation. Advertising must continue
to accumulate in excess in order to continuously expand the coverage area, and thus
produce a larger scale effect. Through a large number of continuous advertisements, its
brand has left a deep impression in the minds of consumers and improved brand
awareness. In the area of television media advertising, television commercials and
promotional materials are broadcast during key hours, and the frequency of broad-
casting should be maintained at least three times a day. In the field of outdoor
advertising, during major holidays, we must maintain the update and quantity of large-
scale outdoor advertising. In the area of print media advertising, articles and materials
are regularly published in local and national newspapers and magazines with large
reading volumes and coverage, and local frequencies are maintained once a week and
national frequencies are maintained once a month. In terms of new media advertising,
Weibo and WeChat Public Articles are updated at least once a day.

4.3 Media Outreach Improvement Measures

4.3.1 Use of High-Impact Traditional Media
As a 5A class scenic, its goal must be to go to the country and even the world.
Therefore, in the choice of traditional media, we should choose traditional media with
large influence, wide coverage, and large audience groups. It can adopt a step-by-step
approach and first target the traditional media at the provincial level, such as provincial
television stations and provincial-level geographical magazines, until the propaganda
level and funding conditions are further improved and satisfied. Then it can choose
national television stations and National Geographic magazines for advertising

4.3.2 Increased Maintenance of Emerging Media

The WeChat public number can effectively use its public platform by establishing
exclusive areas for members and releasing topics of interest to consumer. At the same
time, various thematic entertainment and leisure activities held can be synchronized to
the WeChat public platform, allowing consumers to generate a sense of trust and
establish a brand image. Every brand event can be released simultaneously, including
the proposal of the activity plan, the process of activity planning, the preparation of
event props, the layout of the event site, the degree of activity, and the successful
conclusion of the event. The sharing of these details can show that it is a real, everyone
can pay attention to the tourist experience of the scenic spot brand.
1054 G. Gao et al.

4.4 Public Relations Promotion and Improvement Measures

4.4.1 Appropriate Increase in the Number of Public Relations Activities
Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Scenic needs to increase the frequency of public relations
activities. As far as possible, there are different forms of public relations activities every
month. By increasing the frequency of public relations activities, more consumer
groups can understand it. Let the brand value, image and concept more effectively
spread to the consumer’s mind, eventually enhance its brand popularity and reputation.

4.4.2 Innovative Forms of Public Relations Activities

In addition to the three forms of public relations activities such as tour exhibitions,
public welfare activities, and forums, it can also carry out public relations activities
such as evening parties, press conferences, symposiums, and road shows. For example,
in the evening party, managers can establish a professional art group to perform per-
formances throughout the country and display the natural scenery and customs to
audiences across the country. For example, if a press conference is held, the man-
agement personnel can inform people through a press conference about the newly
developed special tourism projects, film and television.

4.5 Service Extension Improvement Measures

4.5.1 Scientific Management of Traffic in Scenic Spots
The management should reasonably plan the internal traffic routes of the scenic spot so
that all the routes in the scenic spot can be fully connected and jointly bear the burden
of traffic flow in the scenic spot instead of blocking most of the traffic flow on one
traffic route. Traffic flow control, the rules of control should be in accordance with
holidays and ordinary days and each traffic route can accommodate the volume of
targeted control.

4.5.2 Increase in the Number of Staff in Scenic Spots

The management should arrange a suitable staff number and patrol police inside the
scenic spots. The scope of responsibility of each staff and police should also be
carefully divided to ensure that the scope of responsibility does not overlap, improve
the efficiency of work, and improve the satisfaction of tourists.

4.5.3 Rational Provision of Catering Services

Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Scenic needs to provide tourists with necessary catering
services. The management personnel can reasonably plan a specific range of catering
services within the scenic spot to ensure that the catering services are orderly. At the
same time, we will formulate specific plans for the discharge and disposal of catering
sewage and waste in scenic spots to prevent the catering service industry in scenic spots
from damaging the ecological environment of scenic spots.
Investigation and Analysis on Brand Promotion Strategy 1055

5 Conclusions

The paper analyzes the current status of brand promotion strategy of Wenzhou Yan-
dang Mountain scenic, combining questionnaire survey. It is found that there are
problems in the brand promotion strategy such as unclear target market, lack of con-
tinuity of advertising investment, lack of new media maintenance, small number of
public relations activities and imperfect service promotion. In view of these problems,
some suggestions for improving measures are put forward, starting from the target
market, advertising promotion, media promotion, public relations promotion and ser-
vice promotion, and starting with a new round of brand promotion. We hope to
improve the brand popularity, reputation and satisfaction, promote the development of
Wenzhou Yandang Mountain scenic and tourism in the province, and carry forward
and inherit the effects of Chinese culture and art.

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Research on the Innovation and Development
of University Education Management
Informationization Based on Big Data

Fu Yong(&)

Sichuan Agriculture University,

Ya’an 625014, Sichuan, People’s Republic of China

Abstract. With the development of information technology, information

technology has received more and more attention. As the forefront of education
informatization, the process of higher education informatization has had an
unprecedented impact on the teaching work of higher education institutions. In
the information age, big data has become an important production factor, and
human capital and physical assets will become important factors for enhancing
competitiveness. This paper analyzes the root causes of the problems in the
innovation and development of the current educational management informa-
tionization in the context of big data, and explores the methods of innovation
and development.

Keywords: Big data  College education  Informationization 

Innovation and development

1 Introduction

With the popularization of higher education, the connotation of education management

is constantly increasing and extending, which has led to the increasing complexity of
education management [1, 2]. Under the new situation, college education management
faces many new challenges. Networking, informationization and standardization are the
inevitable choices for college education management reform. For a long-term survival
and sustainable development, colleges must not only have a high level of teaching, but
also have a high level of management. In the process of education management
information construction in colleges and universities, focus on establishing a sound
education management information system [3–6]. The system can carry out overall
planning and step-by-step implementation of the work, allowing participants to work
closely together, which can reflect the school education informationization strategy.
The management information system can play an important role in school teaching,
scientific research, personnel training, social services, and external communication.
The main content of big data is to use scientific, advanced technology and methods to
extract more valuable information from data objects. On the basis of analyzing the
development of the entire education industry, big data not only helps to improve the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1056–1063, 2019.
Research on the Innovation and Development 1057

level of information technology, but also contributes to the concept of innovative

education management and education management [7–10]. In the context of infor-
mation education, college education and teaching management has new characteristics
and has a new development direction. We hope to reveal the essence of educational
information through the in-depth study of the current situation of education manage-
ment informationization, innovation problems and development trends, and discover
the role of information technology in college education management [11].

2 Innovation in the Education Management of Colleges

and Universities in the Era of Big Data

2.1 In the Era of Big Data, the Concept and Thinking of College
Education Management Are Innovated
The teaching materials developed in the traditional educational model are usually some
teachers develop a more subjective research project through their own teaching
experience materials, and in the era of big data, we can conduct existing materials very
quickly through network surveys and statistics. In this way, we can find out the
advantages and disadvantages of the textbook. In the shortest time, these advantages
and disadvantages are often more objective and there is not much subjective

2.2 The Era of Big Data Has Revolutionized the Educational Model
of Colleges and Universities
In traditional college teaching, only university courses are open and can allow non-
professional students to participate. In the era of big data, teachers can upload their own
courses to the Internet through the network, so that students on the network can let
students listen to deeper impressions and grasp the key points on the one hand; on the
other hand, online teaching faces a wider audience. Students and social staff at uni-
versities or other universities give lectures, so education is no longer limited to uni-
versities. The impact of this online teaching model in the era of big data and
management in higher education is far-reaching. It requires not only traditional
classroom education management, but also network education to ensure good teaching

2.3 The Specific Situation of Applying Big Data Technology to College

Education Management
The traditional education model is mainly based on prior education and does not pay
attention to the cultivation of students’ individuality. The common classroom teaching
mode makes it difficult for teachers to comprehensively and profoundly understand the
actual learning state of students. Through big data technology, we can better under-
stand the learning process of students, and then summarize the best teaching methods
and teaching order, find problems in time, and take effective measures to effectively
1058 F. Yong

provide students with personalized learning in a timely manner service. School man-
agement decisions can also leverage big data technology to play an important role in
stimulating and supporting decision making (Fig. 1).

Proportion of big data applications in universities

in various provinces

Fig. 1. Proportion of big data applications in universities in various provinces

3 Problems in the Innovation of University Education

Management Informationization Big Data Environment

3.1 Education Management Information Lacks Empirical Evidence

In the era of big data, the acquisition of information is extremely simple. However, the
information obtained is also complicated. Some managers download the rules and
regulations of other institutions directly from the Internet while ignoring the actual
investigations. This is very common in the implementation of education management
rules and regulations. Under the condition that limited information technology
knowledge only provides us with “hard information” about “when”, “where” and
“what”, if we only consider our results, we can not bring us thinking and dealing with
problems. Method, this is not enough. If information technology can’t respond to
reality, it can only be a blunt, non-vibrant application. Therefore, under the support of
modern information technology, the combination of information and practice is a
problem that must be paid special attention to in education management.
Research on the Innovation and Development 1059

3.2 Information Security and Confidentiality Are Major Issues

in Education Management Information
Information such as teachers, students, courses, school records, teaching materials,
teaching, and teaching websites constitute educational management information. Under
the support of modern information technology, especially in the information system of
education management, because of its openness and interaction, under the complicated
procedures, the weaknesses and omissions of the information and education manage-
ment system itself make the information extremely likely to be taken out, copied and
Intercepting problems are very common in the storage and transmission process,
resulting in information leakage and security risks. Although access is established and
has certain permissions, some confidential information will be stolen or tampered with
(such as hacking). Like other computer programs, computer virus attacks are extremely
harmful to the education management system. If the system is flawed, school-wide
teaching will be difficult to wake up, and the resulting losses will be enormous.

4 Problems Arising from the Informationization of College

Education Management

4.1 Management Concept and System Lag

Too many colleges and universities still focus on the main building and hardware
platforms, ignoring the modern, efficient and intelligent education management phi-
losophy, the understanding of education management, the serious lag of education
management, the concept of management, the theory, or the habit of traditional
teaching mode. The management model has not kept pace with the times. The sepa-
ration of management makes the data sharing of education management not fully
realized, which makes the parts disconnected, generates a lot of unnecessary behaviors,
and greatly reduces the accuracy of data. In addition, some colleges neglect the core
tasks of education management and emphasize management; in terms of institutional
setup, the problem of staffing has not been solved, there is no corresponding infor-
mation and scientific construction team, backward thinking, in a complicated and
chaotic situation, still There is a lot of work, and at present, information technology
cannot be applied effectively, and management is not perfect.

4.2 Development of Education Management Information System

The Education Management Information System is the core software used to support
and implement multi-campus distance education management. As a complex project, it
requires a lot of capital investment, can cover many areas, is very powerful, and has
high technical requirements, which requires long-term development. In the process of
development, software programming and code writing require professional talents and
a large amount of experience. At the same time, they understand education manage-
ment, have experience in education management, and should have the conditions and
mechanisms for software development. In fact, for ordinary colleges and universities, it
1060 F. Yong

is advisable to adopt a combination of introduction and purchase. This can shorten the
software development cycle and reduce costs. The development of the two is mainly to
personalize their management characteristics according to the actual management of
the school.

4.3 ICT and Education Management Are Not Harmonious

From the simple management theory and the law of education and teaching, the lack of
ICT support is studied. Inheriting the traditional education management model, dealing
with new problems and new technologies, and without the guidance of theories and
ideas that keep pace with the times, I am at a loss. The application of information
technology to teaching and education management is not ideal, and the phenomenon of
low management efficiency is still very serious, and the phenomenon of waste of
resources is still widespread. The standardization of information is not uniform, unified
planning and coordination, and lack of information construction of education man-
agement. The integration of ICT and education management is also difficult to achieve.

5 Innovative University Education Management System

5.1 The University Education Management System Needs to Be
Reformed Under the Informationization
Change the traditional education management system and create an education man-
agement system. In today’s information age, the school’s environment has become
more complex and diverse, requiring schools to be managed in a variety of ways, as
well as individualized. In the process of reform, information technology has provided
strong support, injected new vitality into the reform of education management system,
and has been widely used in the school management organization system. Since the
system is based on the implementation of a fundamentally different campus network
education management system reform program, the education management of the
campus network often grows from the grassroots movement of the school, which is the
main user and promotion of a school faculty and staff. The majority of teachers and
students are the owners of network information technology. They have the knowledge
and ability to participate in the reform and are the leaders in the reform of the education
management system. At the same time, the arrival of the information society has placed
higher demands on the quality of education managers.

5.2 Re-division of University Education Management Authority

Colleges and universities should carry out strong management of all majors in the
entire school and implement corresponding policies and policies. The specific contents
of management include leading school enrollment and distribution work, making
decisions on major issues of education management in the whole school, formulating
rules and regulations for school education management, establishing a scientific and
reasonable evaluation system for teaching quality, making reasonable training plans,
Research on the Innovation and Development 1061

and formulating or revising teaching plans. Requirement, arrange internships, arrange

public elective courses and cultural quality courses, manage students, strengthen the
information systems required for teaching and research, and establish teaching
infrastructure. Giving teachers and students more power and more freedom can make
teaching activities both effective and fun.

5.3 Reform and Improve the Management of College Education

Introduce advanced management ideas, including the idea of active adaptation and the
concept of people-oriented. The idea of active adaptation. Active adaptation thinking
means that education management should actively adapt to the needs of social
development, to capture the needs of the information society at any time and place,
adjust education management ideas in a timely manner, and adapt to the trend of the
times. People-oriented philosophy, teachers and students in the process of work and
study, while participating in management activities, but also improve physical and
mental, ability, knowledge and so on. In the management process, it is necessary to
fully utilize and mobilize the creativity and subjective initiative of teachers and stu-
dents, and all aspects of management activities should be noted in order to improve the
quality of teaching.

6 Specific Reform Implementation Methods

6.1 The Formulation of College Teaching Plans Under the Big Data
It is necessary to design a variety of talent training models according to the require-
ments of the socialist market economy, and also consider the changes in the future
environment as much as possible to design a variety of intelligent structures. Students
need to find a model that suits their development potential. Schools should provide as
many different models as possible. Establish a reasonable professional training goal and
set up a suitable course. Because the quality standards of professional training objec-
tives, the setting of the curriculum and the development of talents are closely related.

6.2 Reform Students’ Training Methods and Management Models

The information age requires talents to have higher quality, and it is necessary to
reform the educational methods and management models of talents. The teaching
method of promoting “participatory” (also called cooperative teaching or cooperative
learning) in teaching is characterized by question-based teaching and open content, so
that students not only master the ability to solve various problems through the network,
but also learn. Knowledge related to “problems”. Strive to cultivate students’ social
practice ability and strengthen practical teaching. We can use computers and networks
to compile software that has the functionality of a virtual lab where students can
simulate operations. Encourage students to study across disciplines and develop
comprehensive talents. Based on the training plan, students are selected for compulsory
1062 F. Yong

courses. These courses are interdisciplinary, including literature, science, engineering

and other fields, in order to cultivate students’ comprehensive analytical ability and
stimulate students’ innovative ability.

6.3 Strengthening the Reform of Curriculum Teaching Management

Focus on updating the teaching content, the teaching content should be ideological,
scientific, cutting-edge and innovative. The content of the course should be updated in
a timely manner, and the latest scientific research results can be introduced into the
curriculum to stimulate students’ interest in learning, and a combination of classroom
teaching and online teaching can be carried out to actively carry out online teaching.
Attach importance to summarizing the achievements and experiences of the reform of
the curriculum system and teaching content in recent years, and absorb useful com-
ponents from it, actively expand the teaching content, and carry out teaching reform.
Paying attention to the reasonable setting of the course proportion, students can choose
to add some corresponding courses according to their professional direction and their
own interests.

6.4 Scientific and Standardized Establishment of Teaching Evaluation

Teaching evaluation is crucial in educational evaluation. Teaching evaluation is to
collect information, accurately understand, and finally scientifically and comprehen-
sively analyze according to the specific teaching objectives in a certain teaching sys-
tem, so that the evaluation can be objective and make teaching The improvement of
quality can have a support and provide some evidence for reform. According to the
characteristics of college teaching, the system of teaching evaluation should be com-
prehensive and diversified. Firstly, the object and subject of teaching evaluation are
determined as overall teaching evaluation, professional teaching evaluation and
teaching evaluation. Secondly, teaching evaluation methods are determined, such as
qualitative and quantitative evaluation, comprehensive evaluation and special evalua-
tion, diagnostic evaluation and summary evaluation, and so on.

7 Summary

Nowadays, with the development of information technology, information technology

has received more and more attention. As the forefront of education informatization,
the process of higher education informatization has had an unprecedented impact on the
teaching work of higher education institutions. Education management relies more on
information networks and the way in which decisions are made online. This is a kind of
support and an improvement. Computer information systems have been systematically
used today, and more of them are the role of a tool, which plays an important role in the
use of information and support for decision-making. In the era of information man-
agement, under the influence of developed information, there is a higher demand for
human capabilities. The high comprehensive and comprehensive quality requirements
Research on the Innovation and Development 1063

have also changed the personnel structure. Therefore, to achieve innovation to meet the
requirements of the information age, it is more urgent to make education management a
higher level.

1. Grover V, Jeong SR, Kettinger WJ et al (1993) The chief information officer: a study of
managerial roles. J Manag Inf Syst 10(2):107–130
2. Peppard J (2010) Unlocking the performance of the chief information officer (CIO). Calif
Manag Rev 52(4):73–99
3. Penrod JI et al (1990) The chief information officer in higher education. Professional paper
series. Attitudes, p 51
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5. Gottschalk P (2002) The chief information officer: a study of managerial roles in Norway. In:
2014 47th Hawaii international conference on system sciences. IEEE Computer Society,
p 241
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7. Mcclure CR, Bertot JC (2000) The chief information officer (CIO): assessing its impact. Gov
Inf Q 17(1):7–12
8. Barnes D (2011) Technology: tech vision - Martin Davis - Wachovia’s corporate chief
information officer views outsourcing as a partial solution to the slowdown in banking
innovation resulting from industry consolidation. Dan Barnes reports. Intensiv Care Med 28
9. Estevez E, Janowski T (2013) Landscaping government chief information officer education.
In: Hawaii international conference on system sciences. IEEE, pp 1684–1693
10. Jordan E (1993) Executive information systems for the chief information officer ☆. Int J Inf
Manag 13(4):249–259
11. Cotter CM (2007) Making the case for a clinical information system: the chief information
officer view. J Crit Care 22(1):56–65
“Mutualism” – Research on the Sponge System
Construction Strategy of Nanping Mountain
Park in Chuzhou

Cheng Zhang1(&), Xiaolan Tang2, and Liyuan Dai1

Wanjiang Engineering College, Ma’anshan 243031, Anhui, China
College of Landscape Architecture, Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China

Abstract. Taking the planning and construction of Nanping Mountain Park in

Chuzhou as an example, the ecological sponge system is constructed, and the
urban ecological corridor formed by the green area formed by the park green
area is used to construct the internal and external links in the park, and the
natural resources and artificial facilities are used to construct the ecological
system of road, green belt and water system. The park is fully integrated inside
and outside the matrix, focusing on the construction of pervious pavement, grass
planting ditch, rainwater garden, subsidence green space and vegetation buffer
zone, using the rainwater strategy, purification strategy, conservation strategy,
restoration strategy and plant ecological community strategy in the sponge
system to achieve sustainable development in the green space environment of
the public garden. It embodies the tolerance and development of “reciprocal

Keywords: Sponge  Ecosystem  Matrix  Strategy  Mutualism

1 Introduction

The construction of sponge city has been pursued as a hot spot in recent years, and the
essence is to build a rainwater management system under low impact development. In
the process of site development and construction, the use of nature, adapt to nature,
maintain hydrological characteristics, and achieve the purpose of effectively reducing
stormwater runoff flow, storm flood peak flow, and reducing stormwater runoff pol-
lution. The construction of a harmonious and win-win low-impact development rain-
water system has been widely highlighted in the construction of the park. Especially the
current urban center comprehensive parks are generally connected by water system
according to the topography and terrain, and can be divided into initial rainwater
abandonment devices from the source, the middle and the end. Infiltration wells,
shallow vegetation ditch, permeable pavement, recessed green space, wet pond, con-
structed wetland, etc., which not only need to connect and cooperate with each other,
but also closely interact with natural elements, relying on each other [1].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1064–1072, 2019.
“Mutualism” – Research on the Sponge System Construction Strategy 1065

2 Interpretation of the Concept of “Mutual Reciprocity”

Reciprocal symbiosis refers to both sides living together, and each other can rely on
each other to obtain a certain benefit in order to live together. It was originally derived
from the theory of ecology. Nowadays, the theory of ecology is widely guiding us to
carry out various landscape planning and construction. In the park environment, the
existing space and natural conditions of the site are used to sort out the water resources
in the site and make rational use of vertical. The difference in height and the various
functional elements given to the site are all connotations of “reciprocal symbiosis”
sustainable construction advocated by ecological principles.

3 Park Greenland Ecological Element Planning

Park green space is of great significance in the city, with the role of protecting the urban
ecological environment, improving the urban microclimate, reducing urban noise and
safety protection. In the process of urbanization, the number of park green spaces is
increasing, and the greenway will be organically connected in series inside and outside
the park [2]. As a kind of traffic corridor, the internal layout of the landscape elements
is reasonable, the function is complete, and the environmental and ecological benefits
are good. Usually, the park green space sponge system is built, relying on the water
system to create a water ecological landscape, constructing an internal and external
ecological corridor, using the topography, paving, plants and other to establish a cir-
culation channel, so that the green infrastructure can balance in ecological conservation
and leisure recreation. It reflects the tolerance and development of “mutual reciprocity”.

3.1 Road Landscape Ecology

In the process of road planning construction and management, we must respect the
ecological principles and build an “ecological road” to achieve the unification of
economic, ecological and social benefits. The width, curvature, density and spatial
structure of the road should be selected according to actual needs. Pay attention to the
harmony with the surrounding environment, road trees and shelter forests should
choose the evergreen trees with strong resistance, strong absorption and purification
ability to ensure the function throughout the year. Some sensitive indicator plants can
also be properly deployed in the environment for environmental monitoring services.

3.2 Green Belt Landscape Ecosystem

At present, spotted green spots, lack of connection between hills and water bodies, and
no connection with the structure and function of park green spaces. Through the
construction of green belts, the urban ecological landscape will be highlighted. The
green corridors in the park are connected by external roads, and the green belts on both
sides of the road are used as the corridors of the corridors. The incomplete point-like
green spaces are connected together to form a green island combination in which a
plurality of green corridors are connected in parallel, and the natural resources such as
1066 C. Zhang et al.

the hilly water system are maintained. The spatial connection between [3]. At the same
time, it should be noted that the development process of connecting suburban ecology
with urban greening basically constitutes the overall landscape of urban landscape

3.3 Water System Ecosystem

An ecological revetment is constructed along the water system around the greenway,
and a natural community is formed mainly by aquatic plants to construct a landscape
protection forest. Strengthening the transitional relationship between the aquatic
environment and the terrestrial environment plays an important role in maintaining the
continuity of the landscape ecosystem and beautifying the greening environment. At
the same time, it can solidify the foundation, prevent floods and reduce disasters, and
ensure the purification and utilization of water resources [4]. The water system is built
in a comprehensive park facing the city to selectively construct green corridors with
cultural and leisure features. For the landscape construction of urban drainage ditches,
the construction and remediation of the project should be intensified, so that the natural
ecosystem with water flow as the main body is stable and continuous. A green corridor
network with water system and coastal green space as the main body should be formed
on the landscape, and should not be blocked or occupied.

4 Construction Strategy of Green Space Sponge System

in Nanpingshan Park

4.1 Regional Background

Nanpingshan Park is located on the west side of Nanping Mountain in Bozhou City,
Anhui Province. It is along the banks of the Laojiao River, Wujingtun Road and
Nanping Road. It is surrounded by mountains and waters. It is rich in water resources
such as Tuqiao Reservoir and Garden Reservoir, relying on the Weihe River Ecology.
The landscape belt forms a central park and uses the wetlands of the reclamation area to
form a good water supply (Fig. 1). As the urban green lung, the public leisure center,
the surrounding land is mainly residential area, commercial and ancillary service
facilities, using the park green space to radiate the surrounding environment to form the
“idyllic city” effect (Fig. 2).

4.2 Overall Strategy

Taking the Quanjiao Cultural and Sports Park in Cangzhou City of Anhui Province as
an example, we established a multi-reciprocal connection of “reciprocal symbiosis”,
using the greenway as an ecological green corridor to connect the entire ecological
plaques inside the site, and constructing various elements to form a sponge system for
accumulation, infiltration and purification. Forming the core ecological experience
circle layer and taking into account the cultural leisure activity circle layer and the
street image display circle layer (Fig. 3). With the formation of the street interface, the
“Mutualism” – Research on the Sponge System Construction Strategy 1067

Fig. 1. Ecological pattern of Nanpingshan Fig. 2. Nature of land around Nanpingshan

Park Park

landscape is progressively inward from the image display along the road, cultural
leisure activities and core ecological experience. On the background of the Nanping
Mountain side, the Chengcheng Mountain Trail, north to the existing East Gate of the
Forest Park, gradually forming a loop. Approach the corner of the open green space,
look at the mountain wall, enter the water monument, experience the birds and flowers,
and then look at the pen. Lead people into different landscapes. Make the park matrix
internal and external complete and sustainable development [5].

4.3 Route Selection Ecological Strategy

The main park is routed to the east side of the park, and the surrounding areas are
undulating, giving places for residents to enjoy, view and communicate. The decoration
of the leaves and flowers of different themes is carried out, and the elements such as
landscapes, humanities and engravings in Zhangzhou culture are connected in series.
On the background of the Nanping Mountain side, the Chengcheng Mountain Trail,
north to the existing East Gate of the Forest Park, gradually forming a loop. Create a
graded greenway with a cultural experience and an ecological sponge system [6].
Forming a cultural artery that is connected and vibrant in ancient and modern times
(Fig. 4).

4.4 Construction Factor

(1) Permeable pavement construction

Permeable paving applies a material with high porosity and good water permeability to
the road surface. It allows rainwater to enter the interior of a permeable pavement, store
an appropriate amount of rainwater or discharge it with an internal drain to reduce peak
flow and reduce runoff coefficients.
1068 C. Zhang et al.

Fig. 3. Base inner layer analysis Fig. 4. Route selection ecological strategy

The runoff coefficient of a permeable pavement is typically between 0.05 and 0.5.
The runoff coefficient is mainly related to the materials used in the permeable pave-
ment, porosity, permeability characteristics and type of use. The runoff coefficient
determines the extent of rainwater infiltration and plays an important role in the design
process [7].
(2) Planting grass construction
The construction of the grass ditch can effectively retain the rain and promote the
penetration of the soil. At the same time, it can also reduce rainwater flow, maintain
water and soil, reduce runoff, and also play a good role in the removal and migration of
pollutants. The main reduction of runoff is mainly as follows: When rainfall is small, it
is mainly based on soil infiltration; when rainfall is moderate, it mainly reduces flow
and reduces runoff; in high-intensity rainfall, it is mainly based on the characteristics of
rainwater transfer. The decrease in peak runoff is mainly reflected in the infiltration
time and the rainwater infiltration process [8].
(3) Rain garden construction
Rainwater gardens are constructed primarily through aquifers, overburdens, planting
soils, man-made packing layers and gravel layers (Fig. 5). In the topographical area
around the park’s green space, it is necessary to fully combine the topography and
geomorphology of the area and use the original resources to build a rainwater garden.
Rainwater gardens should pay attention to their own ecological functions, ensure the
requirements of soil quality, make full use of the detention pool for rainwater circu-
lation, and ensure the retention, penetration and absorption of rainwater. In the process
of vegetation selection, try to select local species; choose plants with strong purification
ability, resistance to flood and root system, and strong resistance to cold and drought
[9]. The soil should be tight and the amount of fertilizer applied should be small.
“Mutualism” – Research on the Sponge System Construction Strategy 1069

Different types of plants can be chosen to improve biodiversity and maintain stability
throughout the system. Plant selection should follow the tone color, mainly in the
evergreen tree species, in order to maintain its basic form.

Fig. 5. Rainwater garden construction profile

(4) Vegetation buffer zone construction

The vegetation buffer is located in a relatively flat slope. Reduce the runoff of rainwater
and reduce runoff pollution by performing space interception and soil infiltration in
plants in the area. It is suitable for the perimeter of impervious surfaces, such as
roadsides. At the same time, it can also be used as a green belt around the urban water
system to enrich the linear green space of the waterfront. In the construction process,
attention should be paid to the requirements of slope and width: the slope should be
between 2% and 6%, and the width should not be less than 2 m.

4.5 Build Strategy

(1) Rainwater strategy

The rainwater drainage channel or rainwater channel is used in the activity site to
enrich the ground decoration effect and achieve the purpose of guiding and conveying
rainwater. In the pavement design, it is necessary to adjust the elevation relationship
between the hard ground and the green ground, pay attention to the height difference of
the rainwater overflow, and form a diffuse catchment mode to guide the rainwater to
flow through the green space and then enter the rainwater overflow. Contrast materials
were selected for comparison with different paving materials.
(2) Purification strategy
Initial rainwater usually has a high concentration of contaminants. According to the
level of relevant pollution indicators, relevant pre-treatment measures for the initial
rainwater are taken from the source, including: centralized collection of abandonment,
interception or filtration. Ensure the normal smoothness of the natural drainage chan-
nel, use the belt wetland along the river or the group wetland to intercept, purify the
external pollutants and optimize the water quality. Surround the greenway to create
1070 C. Zhang et al.

rainwater wetland space, collect rainwater from the exterior roads of the park, inspect
the infiltration under the road, and the ecological detention measures on the outer side
of the curb, through the pre-set pond, swamp belt, and outflow pool for classification
and control, and quality purification [10].
(3) Recovery strategy
Based on the different water conditions, the habitat restoration and reconstruction in the
park waters are proposed. In the original waters, the sediments are removed by silt and
excess nutrients are removed to remove the chaotic woody plants in the lakes and
swamps, and the associated species of the reeds introduced into the local reeds to
promote the optimization and stability of the plant community structure (Fig. 6). In
intermittent waters, control is required for water replenishment, hydration frequency
and periodicity. Maintain local aquatic plants such as reeds as the dominant species,
and select the species that are resistant to flooding, such as lycopene, etc. In the natural
aquatic plants, reeds should be harvested regularly and seasonally replenished. Main-
tain local reeds as the dominant species and introduce their associated species.
A continuous reed wet space is formed in the area, which is convenient for placing food
and attracting birds and ducks for food and nesting [11].

Fig. 6. Reconstruction of habitat restoration in primary waters

(4) Plant ecological community strategy

According to the principles of ecology, follow the “reciprocal symbiosis”, The park is
connected by greenways, and the terrestrial plants and aquatic plants are comprehen-
sively planned, with emphasis on the combination of long-term and near-term. High-
light the plant characteristics of the park, attach importance to plant landscaping, and
pay attention to the plant’s keynotes and the planning of the main layout of the scenic
spot. Fully meeting the functional requirements, the design of the four seasons land-
scape and the professional ornamental garden is the highlight of the plant landscape,
paying attention to the ecological conditions of the plants and creating a suitable
environment for plant growth (Fig. 7).
“Mutualism” – Research on the Sponge System Construction Strategy 1071

Fig. 7. Plant ecological community construction structure

5 Conclusion

The construction strategy of the city park sponge system should meet the planning
background for reasonable layout. Through the corridors, the various landscape
resources in the region are organically connected in series. In the strategic require-
ments, not only must the macro-control be carried out relying on the environmental
bearing conditions, but also the ecological connectivity system and the use of water-
permeable green materials facilities. Highlight the six core elements of “infiltration,
storage, stagnation, clean, use and drainage” in the construction of sponge cities,
strengthen the design of green space in urban park planning, and improve the green
facilities project. In the future development and construction, attention should be paid
to the evolution of ecological stability and humanistic characteristics within the envi-
ronment, emphasizing the biodiversity between various natural elements [12]. The
“reciprocal symbiosis” is flexibly applied to the construction of the park sponge sys-
tem. Taking Nanpingshan Park in Wuzhou, Anhui Province as an example, it is willing
to provide some theoretical and practical guidance for the park sponge system and other
related strategies.

1. Xiao Y (1999) Landscape Ecology: Theory, Method and Application. China Forestry
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3. Xiao H, Ouyang Z, Zhao J (2001) Analysis of the spatial structure of Hainan Island
landscape. Acta Ecol Sin 21(1):20–27
4. Fu B, Li Chen (1996) Types of landscape diversity and its ecological significance. Acta
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5. Huang C (2005) Discussion on urban landscape ecological planning and evaluation. For
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6. Liu Y, Zhang J (2017) Study on planning strategy of rural greenway—taking the rural
section of Caoxi River green road in Zigong as an example. J Southwest China Norm Univ
(Nat Sci Ed) (01):103–108
7. Li W, Wang Y, Jiang Y (2003) The spatial approach of urban regional ecological regulation–
taking Shenzhen as an example. Acta Ecol Sin 23(9):1823–1831
8. Cao H, Hu F, Li H (2002) Evaluation of sustainable development of urban ecosystem in
Nanjing. J Ecol 22(5):787–792
9. Zhang Y, Qiu J (2017) Discussion on the landscape planning concept of Xinjin Baodun
archaeological site park. J Southwest Univ (Nat Sci Ed) (07):155–160
10. Zhang C, Li Y (2017) Landscape planning of Wadong main canal based on ecological
theory. J Changchun Univ Technol (04):410–416
11. Xiong X, Tang X, Zhou M (2016) Reconstruction strategy of riverside landscape on Jianghe
Island based on greenway theory—taking Jiangxinzhou as an example. Jiangsu Agric Sci 44
12. Huang F (1998) New ideas of urban landscape and urban planning. Urban Plan J 1:52–58
The Economic Activity Analysis Model
and Application of Power Grid Company
Based on AHP-DEA

Shanshan Wu1(&) and Xuanqi Liang2

State Grid Energy Research Institute, Beijing, China
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China

Abstract. The level of business performance is an important basis to measure

the development prospect of an enterprise, and it is the current performance of
the future development of the company. Combined with expert experience and
economic activity analysis report of power grid companies, we established the
input-output index system of power grid companies. Then, we build the AHP-
DEA model to evaluate the business performance of power grid companies: we
construct the judgment matrix of power grid companies’ business performance
by DEA method, calculate the maximum eigenvalue and its corresponding
eigenvector according to the judgment matrix, based on which we rank the
business performance according to the value of the eigenvector. Finally, we give
an analysis example by using the data of six provincial power grid companies,
and get the conclusion of the target company’s operating performance and it’s
longitudinal variation.

Keywords: Power grid enterprises  Performance evaluation  AHP  DEA

1 Introduction

As a service-oriented state-owned enterprise, power grid companies have long stressed

the scale of the company, while paying less attention to the operating performance.
However, in the process of power market reform, it is no longer appropriate to pay
attention to the development scale but ignore the operation performance. Since the 19th
CPC National Congress, as an important enterprise related to the lifeline of national
economy and national energy security, power grid companies have raised the
requirements for improving quality and increasing efficiency [1].
In the analysis of economic activities of power grid companies, the general research
method is to compare and analyze a single index [2, 3] or a specific category of
indicators [4, 5], such as a simple vertical comparison of the company’s assets and
liabilities. This analysis method is not only lack of comprehensive and overall evalu-
ation of the company’s business performance, but also significantly affected by the
external environment. For example, the poorer the socio-economic environment, the
worse electricity sales indicators usually perform. Therefore, it is more reasonable to

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1073–1080, 2019.
1074 S. Wu and X. Liang

measure the production and operation level of power grid companies according to
operating performance (i.e. input-output situation).
At present, the research on business performance of a company mainly focuses on
two types: multiple inputs corresponding to one output and multiple inputs corre-
sponding to multiple outputs. Multiple inputs corresponding to one output model,
which is mainly applied to situations where the evaluation purpose is clear and single
(or can be replaced by a purpose), for example, research on the impact of various inputs
on innovation results [6], the impact of capital structure of an industry on the return on
assets [7], etc. The results of its business performance are usually calculated by
econometric model. Multiple inputs corresponding to multiple outputs has a wider
scope of application, However, due to the inherent complexity between input and
output in this model, we cannot observe the impact of each input index on each output
index directly, that is, multiple inputs corresponding to multiple outputs model is
usually a black box. At present, the commonly used multiple inputs corresponding to
multiple outputs models are DEA models [8–11], including CCR, BCC and SBM.
In this paper, considering the requirements of state-owned enterprises to optimize
the asset structure and improve the quality and efficiency, the social service functions of
power grid companies, and the strategic objectives of the company to build an energy
internet enterprise, we determined to use the multiple inputs corresponding to multiple
outputs model to study the business performance of the company. On the basis of
determining the research method, we determined the input-output index system based
on expert experience and economic activity analysis report of power grid enterprises,
and then constructed the AHP-DEA model. Finally, we collected each quarter’s
operating data since 2014 about company A and operating data for the first three
quarters of 2018 about company A-F and did an example analysis. Based on the
calculation results, we provide relevant suggestions to company A and verify the
applicability of the method to power grid companies.

2 Theoretical Basis

2.1 Introduction of AHP

Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a method to solve multi-criteria decision-making
proposed by professor T.L. Saaty in the early 1970s. It is a decision analysis method
what combined qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, which is often used in
multi-objective, multi-criterion, multi-element and multi-level decision problems.
AHP model is a process of modeling and quantifying decision maker’s thinking
process. Through this method, the complex problem can be decomposed into several
simple problems, and simple comparison and calculation can be carried out among the
factors. According to the importance degree of different schemes, the weight is
obtained, and then provides the basis for the selection of schemes.
The Economic Activity Analysis Model and Application of Power Grid Company 1075

2.2 Introduction of DEA

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was first proposed by American operational research
scientists Charnes and Cooper in 1986, and it is used to evaluate the relative effec-
tiveness of the same departments. In DEA model, input and output variables can be
intangible, unweight or unmeasurable indicators, that is, DEA method only relies on
the data of input index and output index, and does not rely on any form of production
function. Therefore, DEA model has significant advantages for the study of multiple
inputs corresponding to multiple outputs problems.
Since DEA method appeared, many DEA models have been proposed successively.
And it has been widely used in real life, for example, DEA method has been used for
comprehensive evaluation of economic benefits, analysis of technological progress of
enterprises, evaluation of investment projects, etc., and a lot of application results have
been achieved.
C2 R is the first and one of the most classical DEA models, and the research in this
paper mainly uses C2 R. Based on the concept of relative efficiency, C2 R is used to
evaluate the relative effectiveness of decision making units about multi-index input and
multi-index output. C2 R takes optimization as the tool, takes the weight coefficient of
input and output as the decision variable, so it not only avoids the determination of
index weight coefficient, but also has strong internal objectivity. In addition, C2 R does
not need to determine any form of expression between inputs and outputs. Therefore,
using C2 R to evaluate the performance of the company has its unique advantages.

3 Model Building

3.1 Model Idea

DEA can be used to obtain the effectiveness of a certain decision unit, but not the
relative order of the effectiveness of all decision units, and AHP can rank the selected
samples by finding the maximum eigenvalue and its corresponding eigenvector.
Therefore, we can construct the judgment matrix by calculating the relative perfor-
mance value of each unit, and then calculate the eigenvalue and eigenvector of the
judgment matrix by AHP. Finally, we can rank the performance of each unit and judge
the relative quality of business performance according to the ranking.

3.2 The Calculation Process

(1) Construct the judgment matrix based on DEA. First, we calculate whether the
operating performance of each unit (each quarter of company A or performance of
companies A-F in 2018) is DEA effective. The specific calculation formula is as
1076 S. Wu and X. Liang

PmaxDi ¼ h
s:t: aij xi þ s
j ¼ aij h
bik xi þ skþ ¼ 1
xi ; s 
j ; sk  0

Where, aij represents the coefficient of input index and bik represents the coeffi-
cient of output index.
For any two units, such as unit A and unit B, we calculate their relative perfor-
mance values EAB and EBA respectively, and the solution process is as follows:

EAB ¼ max ur yrA
Pm r¼1
Ps s:t: PvimxiA ¼ 1
i¼1 ð2Þ
r¼1 ur yrB  i¼1 vi xiB  0
ur  0; r ¼ 1; 2; . . .; s
vi  0; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; m

Where, xiA represents the value of the ith input index of unit A, yrA represents the
value of the rth output index of unit A, xiB represents the value of the ith input index of
unit B, yrB represents the value of the rth output index of unit B. EAB represents the
relative performance values of unit A and unit B, EBA represents the relative perfor-
mance values of unit B and unit A.
After obtaining the relative performance value of each unit, we can further calculate
the relative efficiency ratio of performance. aAB . The solution formula of aAB is as

aAB ¼ ð3Þ

Where aAA ¼ 1, aAB ¼ a1BA . The judgment matrix I is shown below:

2 3
1 a12 a1n
6 a21 1  7
6 a2n 7
I¼6 .. .. .. 7 ð4Þ
4 . . . 5
an1 an2  1

From the above analysis, aAB [ 1 indicates that the operating performance of unit
A is better than that of unit B. aAB \1 indicates that the operating performance of unit
B is better than that of unit A. aAB ¼ 1 indicates that the operating performance of unit
A and unit B is equal.
The Economic Activity Analysis Model and Application of Power Grid Company 1077

(2) Ranking based on AHP.

After the judgment matrix I is obtained by DEA method, we calculate the maxi-
mum eigenvalue of the matrix and its corresponding eigenvector according to AHP
method, and then rank the operating performance level according to the value of the

4 Determination of Evaluation Index

DEA model requires that the value of input index and output index should be greater
than zero. Therefore, for indicators that may be negative, we should either discard them
or select indicators similar to them to replace them (such as replacing the growth rate
with the original data value). Considering the current size, structure and development
capacity of the company, we have determined relevant input-output indicators. The
input-output indicators related to the company’s operating performance are shown in
Table 1.

Table 1. The input-output indicators related to the company’s operating performance.

Input indicators Output indicators
Net purchasing power X1 Power consumption Y1
Operating costs X2 Total profit Y2
Total assets X3 Operating income Y3
Fixed asset investment X4 Power grid/equipment accident Y4
New construction starts at 66 kV and above X5 Staff productivity Y5
line length
Newly started substation capacity X6 Put into operation 66 kV and Y6
above line length
The number of employees of wholly-owned X7 Put into operation the Y7
and holding enterprises transformer capacity
Proportion of staff with bachelor degree or X8

5 Analysis of Examples
5.1 Longitudinal Comparison of Company A’s Operating Performance
In this part, we select the operating data of company A from 2014 to now, and evaluate
the company’s business performance in each quarter based on AHP-DEA method.
First, we analyze the business performance of each quarter based on DEA method,
and get the DEA value of 19 quarters. According to the calculation results, we know
that the business performance of each quarter is DEA effective. Next, we make a
comparative analysis of company A in each quarter. According to formula (2) and
formula (3), we calculate the judgment matrix I of company A, and calculate the
1078 S. Wu and X. Liang

maximum eigenvalue of the judgment matrix and its corresponding eigenvector.

Where, the maximum eigenvalue is: kmax ¼ 19:6879, The eigenvector corresponding
to the maximum eigenvalue is: W = (0.194 0.180 0.179 0.188 0.298 0.292 0.282 0.336
0.205 0.220 0.201 0.181 0.170 0.160 0.158 0.258 0.250 0.250 0.248). According to the
result of the maximum eigenvalue, the consistency test of the judgment matrix is
carried out. CI = 0.03871 from CI ¼ kmax
n1 and RI = 1.6207 was obtained by referring
to the table of random consistency indexes, and CR = 0.0238 from CR ¼ CIRI, CR < 0.1
indicates that the judgment matrix has good consistency. According to the eigenvector
results corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue, the full ranking of the company’s
operating performance can be obtained. The full ranking of operating performance of
company A since 2014 is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. The full ranking of operating performance of company A since 2014.

Time Eigenvector Ranking
2014Q1 0.194 12
2014Q2 0.180 15
2014Q3 0.179 16
2014Q4 0.188 13
2015Q1 0.298 2
2015Q2 0.292 3
2015Q3 0.282 4
2015Q4 0.336 1
2016Q1 0.205 10
2016Q2 0.220 9
2016Q3 0.201 11
2016Q4 0.181 14
2017Q1 0.170 17
2017Q2 0.160 18
2017Q3 0.158 19
2017Q4 0.258 5
2018Q1 0.250 7
2018Q2 0.250 6
2018Q3 0.248 8

According to Table 2, the company’s business performance in 2015 was at the peak
in recent years. But since 2018, the company’s business performance has shown signs
of improving. In 2014 and 2017, although the company’s electricity purchase, elec-
tricity sales, fixed asset investment and other indicators perform well, the company’s
development depends on the welfare with a good social and economic environment
largely. However, in 2015, although the index values of the company’s fixed asset
investment, new construction and other projects were poor, the company implemented
the reform measures of “electricity price adjustment, cost reduction and efficiency
The Economic Activity Analysis Model and Application of Power Grid Company 1079

increase, and profit space improvement” actively, and the company’s profit achieved
positive growth. Therefore, it is reasonable that the operating performance of the
company in 2015 is better than the other of years.

5.2 Horizontally Comparison of Company A-F

In this section, we selected relevant data of company A and company B-F in the first
three quarters of 2018 for horizontal comparison of business performance, where
company B is the top company in the industry, and company C-F is about the same size
as company A. Combined with the data acquisition of various companies, we excluded
X5, X6 and X8, increased the net expansion capacity, replaced the net purchasing
power with purchasing power from the input index. And we excluded Y4, Y6 and Y7
from the output index. In addition, the calculation process is similar to the previous
section. The full ranking of the companies’ business performance in the first three
quarters of 2018 is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. The full ranking of the companies’ business performance in the first three quarters of
Companies Eigenvector Ranking
Company B 0.879 1
Company C 0.255 2
Company A 0.244 3
Company D 0.224 4
Company E 0.178 5
Company F 0.143 6

As we can seem from Table 3, there is still a large gap between company A and top
enterprises in the same industry, and the business performance of company A is at a
relatively high level among enterprises with the same scale.

6 Conclusion

This paper mainly studies the establishment and evaluation process of operating per-
formance evaluation system of power grid companies based on AHP-DEA method.
Firstly, the input-output index system is determined according to the research objective,
research method, industry characteristics and expert knowledge. On this basis, AHP-
DEA model is used to analyze the relevant data of company A in each quarter from
2014 to now, and the relevant data of company A-F in the first three quarters of 2018,
through the analysis of A company’s operating performance, the following conclusions
can be drawn: (1) For company A, in a year with good economic environment,
attention should be paid to the operation and development scale of the company as well
as the quality of operation and investment. In addition, compared with top enterprises
in the same industry, company A still has a large range of improvement in business
1080 S. Wu and X. Liang

performance. (2) According to the analysis of calculation examples, AHP-DEA model

has a good feasibility and practicability in the operation performance evaluation of
power grid companies.

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The Study on VOC Emission Characteristics
of Fabric Materials

Guangliang Zhong(&), Tianqi Ren, Haiying Zhao, Changyou Jin,

and Hua Wang

Beijing Automobile Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., Beijing 10000, China

Abstract. This paper mainly introduces the VOC characteristics of automobile

interior fabric material under different conditions, the research on the influence
of temperature/time on the material VOC, and the relationship between the
material VOC and the different temperature/time, and probes into the relation-
ship between the automobile interior fabric material and the parts and the whole
vehicle. Thus more scientific and reasonable formulation of components and
materials VOC limits and test methods to guide the development of VOC,
assessment work. By understanding the reasonable relationship and setting
reasonable limit value, it provides the necessary basis for the whole vehicle
index decomposition and simulation calculation, and also can provide the
suitable materials for people to meet the increasing environmental health

Keywords: VOC  Temperature  Ratio

1 Preface

As the second living space, the vehicle environment is paid more and more attention to
its healthy environmental protection and perceived quality by consumers. In 2011, the
country released the GB/T 27630 “Guidelines for the Assessment of Air Quality in
Passenger Vehicles” [1]. The draft guidelines for mandatory standards have been
publicly consulted in January 2016 and are scheduled to be revised to mandatory
standards in 2018. As one of the important perceptual characteristics, the odor in the car
becomes a hot topic. More and more complaints against the odor in the car and its toxic
environment make great impacts on the image and sales of automobile products [7, 10].
The domestic automobile factories and parts factories have invested a lot of
manpower and material resources in the air quality control in the car, and they have
carried out the tests, analysis and improvement researches for many years [9]. Although
there have been some achievements, the VOC relationship between materials and
components and the VOC relationship between parts and vehicles are not clear. From
the standard system, the technology requirements of the VOC and smell of the
materials and components still adopt the method of setting - trial - improvement – trial
[4]. Although some progresses have been made in simulation analysis and verification
methods, there is still a long way to go to master the methods and laws. The concept of
VOC forward design has been widely recognized and implemented, but it remains to be

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1081–1092, 2019.
1082 G. Zhong et al.

studied on that how the components and material targets can be properly decomposed.
From the control strategy, the detection has been moved to the selection and part design
stage, however, it still has not changed the nature of the trial and error method, which
can not constitute the effective analytical calculation and design guidance. Aimed at
this situation, we carried out the research based on the material properties of the VOC
to lay the foundation to building a reasonable standard system, getting rid of the
development process of trial and error and achieving true VOC forward design.

2 Test Condition Setting and Material Definition

The test methods used in the GB/T 27630-2011 “Guidelines for the Assessment of Air
Quality in Passenger Vehicles” and the HJT400-2007 “Car Volatile Organic Com-
pounds and Aldehyde Ketone Material Sampling Method” [2] stipulate that the vehicle
VOC cultivation temperature is 25 °C ± 1 and the time is 16 h [8]. However, the
detection method for the mainstream parts is the Bag Method. In order to improve the
test efficiency and improve the detection rate, the cultivation temperature is set as 65 °C
or 60 °C and the time is 2 h [5]. If the temperature becomes higher, it will be out of the
actual temperature of the air inside the car [3], which will add more uncertain factors,
such as the increase sending of high boiling point materials which is not easy to send
out, which will result in the failure simulation conditions. So the characteristic relations
between the VOC of different cultivation temperature and time become the key factors
and research subjects of the component standard setting. The fabric material inside the
car interior is one of the main sources of VOC in the car. Generally, the higher the
temperature is, the higher the VOC will be. This study selected several kinds of
representative materials commonly used in automotive interior fabrics, and set the test
conditions for VOC comparison test according to the different temperature and time
and make analysis of changes of the characteristics of VOC in various materials under
different conditions [6].

2.1 Test Condition Setting

HJT400-2007 “Car Volatile Organic Compounds and Aldehyde Ketone Material
Sampling Method” stipulate that the vehicle VOC cultivation temperature is 25 °
C ± 1. The cultivation temperature of the parts in general enterprise standard is 65 °C,
so the test temperature selected are 25 °C and 65 °C, but in fact, the inner temperature
can not reach 65 °C. At the same time, as the temperature becomes higher, the high
boiling point materials which are not easy to send out increase, so the middle tem-
perature 40 °C is added to make analysis of the temperature condition. HJT400-2007
“Car Volatile Organic Compounds and Aldehyde Ketone Material Sampling Method”
stipulate that the vehicle VOC cultivation time is 16 h, and in general enterprise
standard, it is 2 h. So the cultivation time is 16 h under the temperature of 25 °C and
2 h under the temperature of 40 °C and 65 °C.
The selected Bag Method which is commonly used is of great representative sig-
nificance and comparative value. The bags of 50L are chosen for easy controlling and
testing and the gas is sufficient [6].
The Study on VOC Emission Characteristics of Fabric Materials 1083

The specific test parameters are summarized as follows:

Test method: Bag Method.
The main parameters of the test are shown in Tables 1 and 2:

Table 1. Training parameters

Serial Cultivation Cultivation Volume of Filling nitrogen
number temperature time sample bag volume
1 65 °C 2h 50 L 5L
2 40 °C 2h 50 L 5L
3 25 °C 16 h 50 L 5L

Table 2. Acquisition parameters

Project 50–3500 L sampling bag
Benzene series Aldehydes and Ketones
Sampling tube Tenax tube DNPH tube
Collection flow (ml/min) 200 800
Acquisition time (min) 15 15
Collection volume (L) 3 12

Analysis are made according to the HJT400-2007 “Car Volatile Organic Com-
pounds and Aldehyde Ketone Material Sampling Method”.

2.2 Material Definition

The seat fabric materials which are widely used, largely obtained in automobile inte-
riors, of great representative significance and easily sampled are chosen, at the same
time, they include various kinds which are of representative significance. Ultimately,
three kinds of materials are chosen as the test objects. In order to reflect the final state
of the products, the material sample is sampled on the finished product.
Since 50 L small bags are selected, the material samples are selected in 50 cm
50 cm or similar size for easy calculation and easy to hold material samples.
Specific material type selection and sample specification parameters are shown in
Table 3:

Table 3. Type selection of seat fabric material and sample specification parameter
Serial number Sample material Sample size (cm) Quantity
1 PVC fabric sample 1 50  50 3
2 PVC fabric sample 2 50  50 3
3 PU fabric sample 1 50  50 3
4 PU fabric sample 2 50  50 3
5 Fabric sample 1 50  50 3
6 Fabric sample 2 50  50 3
1084 G. Zhong et al.

3 Test Data and Analysis

Temperature contrast + adsorption contrast.

TVOC: The TVOC detection data of several materials are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. TVOC detection data of seat fabric materials

Material sample Detection result (lg)
65 °C/2 h 40 °C/2 h 25 °C/16 h
PVC fabric sample 1 453.25 94 14.67
PVC fabric sample 2 443.33 83.17 17.75
PU fabric sample 1 213.17 15.67 5.92
PU fabric sample 2 216.25 17.58 5.92
Fabric sample 1 425.08 38.42 12.92
Fabric sample 2 460 41.58 13.42

The ratios of TVOC volatilizing quantity under the condition of 65 °C/2 h to 25 °

C/16 h, 40 °C/2 h to 25 °C/16 h of Several kinds of materials are shown in Fig. 1.

The ratio of
30 65 /2h to
25 /16h
The ratio of
10 40 /2h to
25 /16h

Fig. 1. The ratios of TVOC volatiles under different conditions

As you can see from the data, the TVOC numerical differences of different fabrics
materials is larger. The maximum TVOC volatile quantity ratio of materials under the
condition of 65 °C/2 h to 25 °C/16 h is 37 times and minimum 25 times. The maxi-
mum TVOC volatile quantity ratio of materials under the condition of 40 °C/2 h to
25 °C/16 h is 6 times and minimum 3 times. The volatile characteristics of the fabric
material TVOC are determined by the material types, and the difference is large. And
the change in temperature is extremely variable.
Benzene: The detection data of benzene in several materials is shown in Table 5.
The Study on VOC Emission Characteristics of Fabric Materials 1085

Table 5. Test data of benzene in seat fabric materials

Material sample Detection result (lg)
65 °C/2 h 40 °C/2 h 25/16 h
PVC fabric sample 1 0.08 N.D. N.D.
PVC fabric sample 2 0.08 N.D. N.D.
PU fabric sample 1 N.D. N.D. N.D.
PU fabric sample 2 N.D. N.D. N.D.
Fabric sample 1 N.D. N.D. N.D.
Fabric sample 2 N.D. N.D. N.D.

The N.D. means that Benzene is not detected. As can be seen from the data,
Benzene volatilization in each condition is extremely low, even cannot be detected. It
can be explained that the Benzene volatilization in car interior fabric materials is
extremely low. You can pay less attention to it.
Acrolein: The detection data of Acrolein in several materials are shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Test data of Acrylic Aldehyde in seat fabric material

Material sample Detection result (lg)
65 °C/2 h 40 °C/2 h 25 °C/16 h
PVC fabric sample 1 0.08 N.D. N.D.
PVC fabric sample 2 0.08 N.D. N.D.
PU fabric sample 1 N.D. N.D. N.D.
PU fabric sample 2 N.D. N.D. N.D.
Fabric sample 1 N.D. N.D. N.D.
Fabric sample 2 N.D. N.D. N.D.

It can be seen from the data that the volatilization of Propylene Aldehyde under
each condition is extremely low, and can not even be detected. It can be explained that
the car interior fabric material Benzene volatilization is extremely low. You can pay
less attention to it.
Acetaldehyde: The test data of acetaldehyde in several materials are shown in
Table 7.

Table 7. Test data of Acetaldehyde in seat fabric materials.

Material sample Detection result (lg)
65 °C/2 h 40 °C/2 h 25 °C/16 h
PVC fabric sample 1 1.2 0.4 0.4
PVC fabric sample 2 1.2 0.6 0.6
PU fabric sample 1 2.9 0.4 0.6
PU fabric sample 2 2.9 0.4 0.6
Fabric sample 1 7.9 1.5 1.9
Fabric sample 2 8.8 1.5 1.9
1086 G. Zhong et al.

The ratios of Acetaldehyde volatilizing quantity under the condition of 65 °C/2 h to

25 °C/16 h, 40 °C/2 h to 25 °C/16 h of Several kinds of materials are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. The ratio of acetaldehyde volatilization under different conditions

As you can see from the data, the numerical differences of Acetaldehyde in different
fabrics materials is larger. The maximum Acetaldehyde volatile quantity ratio of
materials under the condition of 65 °C/2 h to 25 °C/16 h is 5 times and minimum 2
times. The maximum Acetaldehyde volatile quantity ratio of materials under the
condition of 40 °C/2 h to 25 °C/16 h is 1 times and minimum 0.7 times. The volatile
characteristics of the fabric material TVOC are determined by the material types, and
the volatile quantity of Acetaldehyde in the condition of 40 °C/2 h to 25 °C/16 h is
Formaldehyde: The detection data of Formaldehyde in several materials are shown in
Table 8.

Table 8. Test data of formaldehyde in seat fabric materials

Material sample Detection result (lg)
65 °C/2 h 40 °C/2 h 25 °C/16 h
PVC fabric sample 1 1.2 0.6 N.D.
PVC fabric sample 2 1.2 0.4 N.D.
PU fabric sample 1 4 1.9 0.4
PU fabric sample 2 4.2 1.7 0.2
Fabric sample 1 0.8 0.2 N.D.
Fabric sample 2 0.8 0.2 N.D.

It can be seen from the data that Formaldehyde of different kinds of PU fabrics
varies greatly with temperature changing and has no specific rule. Due to the fabrics of
other two materials under the condition of 25 °C/16 h cannot be detected, the clear
regulation features can not be analyzed between the condition of 25 °C/16 h and that of
The ratios of Formaldehyde volatilizing quantity under the condition of 65 °C/2 h
to 25 °C/16 h are shown in Fig. 3.
The Study on VOC Emission Characteristics of Fabric Materials 1087

Fig. 3. The ratio of formaldehyde volatilization under different conditions

Under the two conditions, the ratio interval is 2–4, indicating that the volatile
properties of Formaldehyde in fabric materials are determined by the material types,
and the difference is large. It is indicated that Formaldehyde volatilization of fabric
materials changes as temperature changes.
Styrene: The test data of Styrene in several materials are shown in Table 9.

Table 9. Test data of Styrene in seat fabric materials

Material sample Detection result (lg)
65 °C/2 h 40 °C/2 h 25 °C/16 h
PVC fabric sample 1 N.D. N.D. N.D.
PVC fabric sample 2 N.D. N.D. N.D.
PU fabric sample 1 0.25 N.D. N.D.
PU fabric sample 2 0.25 N.D. N.D.
Fabric sample 1 0.15 N.D. N.D.
Fabric sample 2 0.15 N.D. N.D.

As you can see from the data, volatilize quantities under the condition of 40 °C/2 h
and 25 °C/16 h are very low, and not detected, so it is unable to analyze the ratios of
Styrene in various conditions.
Toluene: The test data of Toluene in several materials is shown in Table 10.

Table 10. Test data of Toluene in seat fabric materials

Material sample Detection result (lg)
65 °C/2 h 40 °C/2 h 25 °C/16 h
PVC fabric sample 1 0.67 0.33 0.17
PVC fabric sample 2 0.67 0.33 0.17
PU fabric sample 1 2.33 0.33 0.25
PU fabric sample 2 2.17 0.42 0.25
Fabric sample 1 15.92 0.92 0.42
Fabric sample 2 16.42 1 0.42
1088 G. Zhong et al.

The ratios of Toluene volatilizing quantity under the condition of 65 °C/2 h to

25 °C/16 h are shown in Fig. 4.


Fig. 4. The ratio of Toluene volatilization under different conditions

As you can see from the data, the numerical differences of Toluene in different
fabrics materials are very large. The maximum ratio of Toluene volatilizing quantity
under the condition of 65 °C/2 h to 25 °C/16 h is 39 times and minimum 4 times. The
maximum ratio of Toluene volatilizing quantity under the condition of 40 °C/2 h to
25 °C/16 h is 2 times and minimum 1 times. The volatile characteristics of the fabric
material Toluene are determined by the material types, and the difference is very large.
The volatile quantity of Toluene varies as the temperature and materials change.
Ethylbenzene, Xylene: The detection data of Ethylbenzene and Xylene in several
materials are shown in Tables 11 and 12.

Table 11. The detection data of Ethylbenzene in seating material

Material sample Detection result of Ethylbenzene
65 °C/2 h 40 °C/2 h 25 °C/16 h
PVC fabric sample 1 0.17 0.08 N.D.
PVC fabric sample 2 0.17 0.08 N.D.
PU fabric sample 1 0.33 0.08 N.D.
PU fabric sample 2 0.33 0.08 N.D.
Fabric sample 1 0.25 0.17 N.D.
Fabric sample 2 0.25 0.17 N.D.
The Study on VOC Emission Characteristics of Fabric Materials 1089

Table 12. The detection data of Xylene in seating material

Material sample Detection result of Xylene (lg)
65 °C/2 h 40 °C/2 h 25 °C/16 h
PVC fabric sample 1 0.5 0.42 N.D.
PVC fabric sample 2 0.5 0.42 N.D.
PU fabric sample 1 1.17 0.33 N.D.
PU fabric sample 2 1.17 0.42 N.D.
Fabric sample 1 0.83 0.5 N.D.
Fabric sample 2 0.67 0.5 N.D.

The ratios of Toluene volatilizing quantity in several materials under the condition
of 65 °C/2 h to 40 °C/16 h are shown in Figs. 5 and 6.


Fig. 5. The ratio of Ethylbenzene volatilization under different conditions


Fig. 6. The ratio of Xylene volatilization under different conditions

You can see from the data, Ethylbenzene and Xylene in 25 °C/16 h conditions are
not detected. The volatilizing quantity ratios of two kinds of gas under the condition of
65 °C/2 h and 40 °C/2 h are between 1–4 times. The ratios of two kinds of gas of same
materials are closer. The ratios of two fabrics under two conditions are not high. It is
indicated that the change trend and amplitude of Ethylbenzene and Xylene changing
with temperature is relatively consistent and the volatilizing quantity in PVC fabrics and
fabrics with the temperature changes within the range of 40 °C and 65 °C is smaller.
1090 G. Zhong et al.

4 VOC Characteristics Under Combination of Fabric

4.1 Test Condition Setting and Material Definition
In order to achieve the continuity and comparison of the study, two materials which are
not used in experiments are tested, which means the PVC fabric of high volatilization
and the fabric with adsorption effect.
The specific test combination and the main test conditions are set as shown in
Table 13:

Table 13. Test conditions

No Combination Size Temperature Time Volume Filling Nitrogen
PVC Fabric (cm) volume
1 1 1 50  50 65 °C 2 h 50 L 25 L
2 0 0 50  50 65 °C 2 h 50 L 25 L
3 1 1 50  50 65 °C 2 h 50 L 25 L
4 1 1 50  50 65 °C 2 h 50 L 25 L
5 2 0 50  50 65 °C 2 h 50 L 25 L
6 0 2 50  50 65 °C 2 h 50 L 25 L

The samples are required to be tested under the same Temperature difference as

4.2 Test Data and Analysis

In this experiment, TVOC of high number and marked significance is selected to
conduct data analysis, and the specific data are shown in Table 14:

Table 14. TOVC content under different conditions

Serial number Combined TVOC (lg)
Basic material Materials added
1 1 piece of fabric 0 277
2 1 piece of PVC fabric 0 1169
3 1 piece of PVC fabric 1 piece of fabric 1381
4 1 piece of PVC fabric 1 piece of fabric 1393
5 1 piece of fabric 1 piece of fabric 489
6 1 piece of PVC fabric 1 piece of PVC fabric 1446
The Study on VOC Emission Characteristics of Fabric Materials 1091

The ratios of group 3, 4, 5, and 6 between the TVOC net increase and the
volatilization of materials which are tested alone are shown in Fig. 7.


Fig. 7. The ratios of group 3, 4, 5, and 6 between the TVOC net increase and the volatilization
of materials tested alone

It can be seen from above data that there is no significant change of TVOV Net
increase ratio both for the Fabric foundation material and PVC foundation material
after the woven fabric is added to the basic materials. So it can be judged that
adsorption effect in the fabric under the condition of 65 °C is not obvious. In enclosed
space, as the concentration of volatiles grows higher, the volatilizing quantity becomes
lower, namely “saturation effect”, and PVC fabric belongs to optical surface materials,
so the effect of adsorption is low, but the Net increase ratio of the combination of
PVC + PVC is apparently lower than other three groups. When the volatilizing
quantity goes to a certain number in enclosed space, the effect the saturation effect
makes on it is more obvious.

5 Conclusion

This paper mainly introduces the different VOC characteristics of fabric materials under
different conditions:
Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, Ethylbenzene, Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein,
TVCO in Seat fabric materials show different characteristics under different conditions.
The characteristics of specific volatiles for specific materials are regulated according to
their characteristics, among which, Benzene, Acrolein, Styrene volatilization is extre-
mely low, Toluene, Formaldehyde and TVOC multiplying change with temperature
variation. There is no obvious relationship between the volatilizing quantity under the
vehicle standard test conditions and the components or materials standard test. Con-
version difficulty is high and the conversion coefficient is big. The change trend of
ethylbenzene and xylene was consistent with temperature. Acetaldehyde is the most
mild with temperature, and is the least affected by temperature. The vehicle is a
complex space composed of several different materials and different parts. In addition
to the absorption effect, the saturation effect should also be paid attention to in the study
of the distribution law of the vehicle.
1092 G. Zhong et al.

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Shanghai Plast (01):7–12
Correlation Analysis of Light Passenger
Vehicle Energy Consumption and Driving

Xin Guo(&), Guolin Wang, Shupei Zhang, and Wei Zhang

School of Automobile and Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University,

Zhenjiang 212013, People’s Republic of China

Abstract. In light of the difference of driving characteristics of light passenger

cars, only the overall fuel consumption characteristics of light vehicles as
evaluation indexes can’t accurately distinguish the correlation between driving
characteristics and fuel consumption of light vehicles. Based on the collected
light vehicle driving data based on WLTC driving cycle construction process
conditions were constructed by the short trip by taxi and private cars; extracting
the corresponding characteristic parameters, and using the method of clustering
analysis of independent variables related to vehicle fuel consumption model
running parameters for classification. Then, the VSP fuel consumption estima-
tion model is used to analyze the relationship between speed characteristic
parameters and acceleration characteristic parameters and fuel consumption
respectively. The results show that the velocity and acceleration level is the main
factor affecting the taxi and private car fuel consumption difference; in the
driving speed range of the vehicle, the vehicle deceleration impact on fuel
consumption is relatively small; in the low speed range, the acceleration changes
are the main factors affecting taxi and private car fuel consumption rate.

Keywords: Integrated transportation  Acceleration  VSP 

Light passenger vehicles  Driving characteristics

Currently, light-duty vehicle has a relatively high proportion in the vehicles in urban
road network; the energy consumption has significant influence on the energy con-
sumption in road network. The research on the correlation between the traveling
characteristics of taxis and private cars and energy consumption plays key role in
energy conservation and emission of urban traffic road network [1].
Driving cycle is concentrated reflection of driving pattern of vehicle, providing a
powerful means for research on driving pattern of light-duty vehicle. Light-duty
vehicles in urban road network mainly include private car and taxi. Different aims of
driving them results in different driving behavior of the drivers of the vehicles, further
resulting in different driving cycles of them in urban road network [2]. The analysis of
driving patterns of these two kinds vehicles can explore the factors influencing the
difference between these two kinds of vehicles in fuel consumption, propose reference
and suggestion on the planning for the stock ratio between urban private cars and taxis.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1093–1102, 2019.
1094 X. Guo et al.

In this paper based on the driving cycle of private car and taxi, corresponding
driving pattern parameters were extracted; by combining VSP fuel consumption esti-
mation model we focused on the analysis of the difference between urban taxi and
private car in the correlation between driving pattern and fuel consumption, further
analyzed the cause of such difference to further conclude the difference in driving
pattern between taxi and private car.

1 VSP Correction Model for Fuel Consumption Estimation

Vehicle specific power (VSP) is the transient power under unit mass of a vehicle, the
parameter VSP centrally embodies velocity and acceleration variation characteristics of a
vehicle during travelling, which is one of the parameters closest to actual condition among
current modular parameters [3–5]. VSP calculating formula is shown in formula 1.

VSP ¼ vð1:1a þ 9:81grade þ 0:132Þ þ 3:02  104 v3 ð1Þ

Where, v stands for velocity, a stands for acceleration, grade stands for the slope of
VSP fuel consumption model has advantages such as higher calculation accuracy,
less input parameters, simple calculation, etc. compared with engine load based fuel
consumption model or velocity-acceleration based fuel consumption calculating model,
which is a vehicle fuel consumption model used more widely [6]. VSP fuel con-
sumption model is a kind of modified fuel consumption calculating model whose basic
principle is that the fuel consumption calculating model for real vehicle under different
VSP Bin by calculating fuel consumption rate distribution of the real vehicle under
different VSP Bin, then the undetermined coefficient is determined through standard
operating condition [7]. Its calculation steps are as follows:
Step 1: Calculate VSP at every second based on formula 1
Step 2: Conduct internal division of the value of VSP in 1kw/kg, and make statistics for
time proportion of every VSP Bin
Step 3: Calculate fuel consumption under different VSP Bin according to formula 2, the
formula is as follows
8 9
< f ; vsp\10W=kg =
Fuelðg=sÞ ¼ aVSP2 þ bVSP þ c; 10W=kg\VSP\10W=kg ð2Þ
: ;
mVSP þ d; VSP [ 10W=kg

Where a, b, c, d, m, f are undetermined coefficients

Step 4: Acquire actual fuel consumption in low speed interval and high speed interval
under actual working condition to determine the undetermined coefficients a, b, c, d,
m, f and correct the fuel consumption model, making it characterize the energy
consumption in calculated interval more precisely.
It can be known from the fuel consumption model of VSP that the characteristic
parameters able to influence the fuel consumption of private cars and taxis are mainly
Correlation Analysis of Light Passenger Vehicle Energy Consumption 1095

correlative to the velocity and acceleration. So, in this paper driving pattern parameters
were divided into velocity type and acceleration type to compare and analyze fuel
consumption correlation respectively.

2 Analysis of the Fuel Consumption Results of Private Car

and Taxi

2.1 Construction of Driving Cycle

The data used in the research came from the driving date of 10 private cars and 5 taxis in
Zhenjiang City collected using autonomous driving method. The data was collected from
October 1, 2016 through November 1, 2016. The test system consists of vehicle borne
data acquisition terminal (sampling frequency is 1 Hz) and data management platform.
The vehicle borne data acquisition terminal encoded the collected information according
to unified data protocol and sent to working condition data management platform in real
time through GPRS. The data of the vehicle borne data acquisition terminal came from
two sources: GPS signal and on-board diagnosis system (OBD) signal.
In this paper the driving cycle of private car and the driving cycle of taxi were
constructed respectively by using collected driving data of private car and taxi, using
short travel analysis method to extract the characteristic parameters of these two kinds
of driving cycle (21 pcs) [8–10]. Constructed working condition is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. (a) Driving curve of private car. (b) Driving curve of taxi
1096 X. Guo et al.

Based on completely constructed driving cycle, the driving pattern of the vehicle
was analyzed.

2.2 Analysis of the Fuel Consumption Results of Private Car and Taxi
First, by combining the calculating model and the driving cycle curve of private
car/taxi, the VSP distribution of private car/taxi can be calculated respectively, as
shown in Fig. 2:

Fig. 2. (a) VSP distribution map of private car. (b) VSP distribution map of taxi

It can be found from the analysis of Fig. 2 that the VSP with absolute value more
than 20 kw/t has a very small proportion of the total sample, with a very low contri-
bution to fuel consumption, so the research on fuel consumption of private car/taxi is
only conducted in the interval of VSP Bin value of [−20, 20] kw/t.
By combining constructed private car and taxi driving cycle, using VSP fuel
consumption model can obtain the fuel consumption-VSP distribution map of private
car and taxi. As shown in Fig. 3.
Correlation Analysis of Light Passenger Vehicle Energy Consumption 1097

Fig. 3. Fuel consumption distribution of private car/taxi under different VSP Bin

It can be found from Fig. 3 that the fuel consumption of taxi and private cars in
every ASP Bin within the interval [−20, 20] is roughly equal. But it can be found from
previous working condition curve that the private car had an obvious medium and low
speed operation interval and high speed operation interval, taxi had higher proportion
of medium and high speed than private car, which reflects special usage of vehicle and
driving habit of driver of taxi. At the same time, max speed of taxi is 70 km/h, while
private car is 90 km/h; the proportion of idle time of private car is higher than taxi; all
these reflect that these two kinds of vehicles have obvious difference in driving pattern.
Different driving pattern of private car and taxi resulted in similar fuel consump-
tion, however, so we need to analyze the characteristic parameters of private car and
taxi to determine the cause of such result and assess the difference of private car and
taxi in driving pattern from other perspective.

3 Analysis of Driving Pattern of Private and Taxi

3.1 Relation Between Velocity Type Characteristics and Fuel
The influence of velocity type characteristic parameter on fuel consumption is mainly
the influence of average velocity on fuel consumption. It can be known from previous
working condition curve of taxi and private car that max operating velocity of taxi is
71.6 km/h, max operating velocity of private car is 89.9 km/h. In order to quantify the
relation between velocity and fuel consumption, velocity is divided into the velocity
intervals of private car and taxi every 10 km/h.
Statistics of total fuel consumption rate and average fuel consumption rate of taxi
and private car in every velocity interval was made respectively, the result is shown in
Fig. 4 respectively.
1098 X. Guo et al.

Fig. 4. Fuel consumption rate distribution diagram of private car/taxi in different speed range

It can be found from Fig. 4 that, ① in low speed interval the fuel consumption rate
of taxi and private car is basically equal and decreases as average velocity increases; ②
in medium velocity interval the fuel consumption rate of taxi and private car increases
slowly in general, and the fuel consumption rate of taxi is obviously higher than that of
private car; ③ in high velocity interval the fuel consumption rate of taxi and private car
shows a trend of decline in general, and the fuel consumption rate of private car is
higher than taxi’s fuel consumption rate. Through above analysis it can be found that
the value of average velocity of velocity type parameters has little influence of average
fuel consumption of taxi and private car.

3.2 Relation Between Acceleration Type Characteristic Parameter

and Fuel Consumption
It can be known from the definition of VSP that acceleration is an important variable
that influences VSP parameter and influences the result of fuel consumption. In order to
analyze the relation between taxi and private car driving pattern and fuel consumption,
it needs to be analyzed from the angle of acceleration. In case of the influence of
velocity on analysis result, when analyzing the relation between acceleration type
characteristic parameter and fuel consumption, it needs to be analyzed in low speed,
medium speed and high speed interval respectively. Here low/medium/high speed
interval take (10, 20], (40, 50] and (60, 70] respectively. First conduct appropriate
interval division of acceleration according to the definition of WLTC and define the
operating condition of the vehicle.
First estimate the proportion of the private cars and taxis in different speed intervals
under different operating condition, as shown in Fig. 5a, b.
Correlation Analysis of Light Passenger Vehicle Energy Consumption 1099

Fig. 5. (a) The proportion of private cars running at different speed intervals. (b) The proportion
of taxis running at different speed intervals

It can be known from Fig. 5 that according to the proportion statistics of private
cars and taxis accelerating/decelerating operation in medium/high speed interval, it is
found that the amplitude of acceleration variation of vehicles in medium and high speed
interval is very small, the vehicle are in constant speed running stage at most time, so
the influence of acceleration/deceleration in medium and high speed interval on fuel
consumption can be negligible.
The relatively smaller one of the max decelerations of private car and taxi in low
speed interval is −1.9 m/s2, the relatively smaller of max accelerations is 2.64 m/s2, so
the acceleration in low speed interval is divided within (−2 m/s2, 2.7 m/s2), interval is
0.3 m/s2. namely the deceleration intervals are (−2 m/s2, −1.7 m/s2], (−1.7 m/s2,
−1.4 m/s2], (−1.4 m/s2, −1.1 m/s2]; constant speed intervals are (−1.1 m/s2, 1.1 m/s2];
acceleration intervals are (1.1 m/s2, 1.4 m/s2], (1.4 m/s2, 1.7 m/s2], (1.7 m/s2, 2 m/s2],
(2 m/s2, 2.3 m/s2], (2.3 m/s2, 2.7 m/s2], which are represented with D3, D2, D1, O,
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 respectively.
First record the result of fuel consumption rate of private car and taxi at
accelerating/constant speed/decelerating state in low speed interval as shown in Fig. 6.
1100 X. Guo et al.

Fig. 6. Fuel consumption rate of private car/taxi under different driving conditions

It can be found from Fig. 6 that the fuel consumption rate of private car and taxi is
the same basically, the fuel consumption rate when accelerating is the largest obvi-
ously. So, it can be found that the main factor influencing the fuel consumption of
vehicle is acceleration.
In order to determine the influence of acceleration on fuel consumption rate, dis-
tinguish the characteristic difference of private car and taxi during running on road, fuel
consumption rate in different acceleration range was compared and analyzed, with
result as shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Relationship between fuel consumption rate and acceleration of taxi/private car in low
speed area

It can be known from Fig. 7 that at decelerating and constant speed, the fuel
consumption rate of private car and taxi is the same basically, and fuel consumption
rate increases gradually as deceleration decreases; when accelerating, fuel consumption
rate of taxi is obviously higher that fuel consumption rate of private car, and as
acceleration increases, fuel consumption rate also increases gradually. So, acceleration
when running at low speed is the main characteristic parameter that results in difference
of private car and taxi in driving pattern.
Correlation Analysis of Light Passenger Vehicle Energy Consumption 1101

4 Conclusion

In this paper we constructed the driving cycle of private car and taxi on the basis of
collecting the driving data of vehicles in Zhenjiang City, we calculated and obtained
fuel consumption distribution of private car and taxi by combining the fuel con-
sumption model of VSP, finding that there is obvious different between driving pattern
of private car and taxi, but the fuel consumption distribution of both is consistent
basically. Next, the relation between the driving pattern parameters of private car and
taxi with fuel consumption were compared and analyzed in this paper to distinguish the
different between private car and taxi in driving pattern.
Among velocity type characteristic parameters, the value of average velocity has
little influence on average fuel consumption of taxi and private car, and the cause
resulting in obvious difference of taxi and private car in total fuel consumption in
different velocity intervals is the proportion of the running time in every velocity
interval in total running time.
Among acceleration type characteristic parameters, what influences the fuel con-
sumption of private car and taxi is the speed grade of vehicles. When the vehicle runs at
medium and high speed, acceleration and deceleration of vehicle have hardly any
influence on fuel consumption, so constant speed running becomes the main factor
influencing fuel consumption in this stage. When the vehicle runs at low speed, fuel
consumption rate of the vehicle increases as acceleration increases, during deceleration
and constant speed stage, the difference between private car and taxi is small; during
acceleration stage, fuel consumption rate of taxi is obviously higher than that of private
Through analysis of overall running process of the vehicle it can be concluded that
a very big proportion of overall running process is constant speed running, likewise, the
proportion of fuel consumption at constant speed running is also the biggest; there is a
big difference in average speed and total fuel consumption between taxi and private car
in whole running process.

1. Wang NN (2012) Study on driving condition construction and fuel consumption of urban
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2. Jiang P (2011) Study on the construction of urban mixed road driving cycle. HeFei
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3. Wang AJ (2010) Study on the relationship between driving characteristics and emission
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4. Song G, Yu L (2009) Estimation of fuel efficiency of road traffic by characterization of
vehicle-specific power and speed based on floating car data. Transp Res Rec: J Transp Res
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5. Jiménez-Palacios JL (1999) Understanding and quantifying motor vehicle emissions with
vehicle specific power and TILDAS remote sensing. Doctoral thesis, Université de
Technologie de Compiègne, France
6. Luin B, Petelin S, Al Mansour F (2017) Modeling the impact of road network configuration
on vehicle energy consumption. Energy 137:260–271
1102 X. Guo et al.

7. Duarte GO, Gonçalves GA, Farias TL (2014) Establishing bonds between vehicle
certification data and real-world vehicle fuel consumption – a vehicle specific power
approach. Transp Res Part D 92:251–265
8. Zhang SP (2014) Research on formulation method of standard cycle conditions for urban
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9. Huang X (2014) Modal analysis of regenerative braking test and evaluation for electric
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10. Tutuianu M, Bonnel P, Ciuffo B (2015) Development of the World-wide harmonized Light
duty Test Cycle (WLTC) and a possible pathway for its introduction in the European
legislation. Transp Res Part D 40:61–75
The Construction of Taiyuan City Bus
Driving Cycle

Jianjun Zhu1(&), Zhiliang Zhang1, Peng Li1, and Kexun He2

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Graduate School of Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
China Automotive Technology and Research Center, Tianjin 300300, China

Abstract. Taking the road and bus of Taiyuan City as the research object, the
data of bus driving cycle are collected through the CATC vehicle data acqui-
sition terminal. The two-way method of constructing the integrated driving cycle
of Taiyuan City bus is established by the fixed length intercept method and the
stroke analysis method. Through the analysis of the joint error and the K-S test
with the experimental data, it is concluded that the driving cycle obtained by the
fixed length intercept method is better than the stroke analysis method, and
compared with the domestic urban and EU driving cycle. The results show that,
Taiyuan City in these cities in addition to the maximum speed and average
speed of the lowest, the idling speed ratio is higher, the proportion of uniform
rate is low, the acceleration and deceleration ratio in the middle level, and there
is a certain degree of difference with the EU driving cycle.

Keywords: Bus  Driving cycle  Fixed length intercept method 

Stroke analysis method

1 Introduction

Nowadays, considerable attention has been paid to global environmental issue, the
situation pollution in China also has become increasingly serious in recent years.
Meanwhile, with the continuous increase amount of automobiles, governments of
various countries have constantly increased their efforts to develop increasingly
stringent emission standards based on national traffic and vehicle conditions. Now, the
United States, Japan, and European Union have relatively complete emission standards
and the vehicle driving cycles, such as the FTP 75 in the United States, 10–15 in Japan,
ECE 15 in Europe. However, the European Union driving cycle is still used in China,
which will be large deviations from testing the vehicle emissions because it is
incompatible with local roads and traffic conditions in China. For the driving conditions
of urban roads, foreign countries have done a lot of research [1, 2] over the years, and
China’s research on this is still scarce. Therefore, the construction of vehicle driving
conditions in this city is of great significance for formulating more accurate and more
realistic emission standards [3, 4].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1103–1113, 2019.
1104 J. Zhu et al.

2 Data Acquisition

In the study of the changing laws of the driving cycles of vehicles, the driving cycle test
system of this study consists of test buses and CATC information systems. The China
Automotive Condition System (CATC) information system consists of vehicle data
acquisition equipment, GPS antennas, GPRS antennas, and SIM cards. The vehicle
data is acquired by the vehicle data acquisition equipment through connection with the
CAN bus of the bus to obtain various types of data during the operation of the vehicle.
It is wirelessly transmitted to the China Automotive Condition System (CATC)
information system platform through GPS and GPRS antennas. The sampling fre-
quency of the system is 1 Hz. The device is hidden and installed in the vehicle. The
investigation of the driving cycle of buses selected the typical 9 bus routes in Taiyuan
City. During the test, the car was normally driven according to the usual conditions.
The bus lines are shown in Fig. 1 and basically cover the entire city of Taiyuan.

Fig. 1. Bus route map

3 Data Processing

The driving cycle refers to the process of the vehicle speed changing with time in a
period of time and the construction of the driving condition of the vehicle must be
based on a large number of measured vehicle speed variation data. Then the statistical
methods are used to extract actual data from actual measured large amounts of data to
reflect the real driving cycle. In this paper, the fixed-length interception method and the
stroke analysis method are used to construct the vehicle driving conditions. The fol-
lowing concepts are used in the construction process [5]:
1 1 Idle state: continuous operation with a speed not greater than 1 km/h and the
absolute value of acceleration is no more than 0.1 m/s2;
2 Accelerating state: continuous running process where the speed is not zero and the
acceleration is no less than 0.1 m/s2;
3 Constant speed state: the continuous running process with the speed is no less than
1 km/h and the absolute value of acceleration is no more than 0.1 m/s2;
4 Deceleration state: The continuous operation process is that the speed is not zero
and the acceleration is no more than −0.1 m/s2.
The Construction of Taiyuan City Bus Driving Cycle 1105

Twenty parameters were used as sample characteristic value parameters [6] in the
test: running distance, running time, acceleration time, constant speed time, decelera-
tion time, idle time, maximum speed, average speed, running speed, run-stop ratio,
speed standard deviation, maximum acceleration, acceleration section average accel-
eration, maximum deceleration, deceleration section average deceleration, acceleration
standard deviation, idle ratio, acceleration ratio, uniform ratio, and deceleration ratio.

4 Construction of Driving Cycle Based on Fixed-Length

4.1 The Basic Theory of Fixed-Length Interception
The fixed-length interception method is to first integrate all the original data together,
and then cuts out the data segments from the overall data in fixed time intervals as an
alternative condition, and eigenvalues of each condition are calculated through
MATLAB programming. The final calculation is the correlation coefficient between
each alternative condition and the overall data, and taking the five alternative condi-
tions with the largest correlation coefficient as the candidate conditions. Using the VA
(velocity-acceleration) matrix analysis method calculated the difference between the
five candidate conditions and the overall data of the speed-acceleration probability
distribution (the DIF value) and compared the values, and the candidate condition with
the smallest DIF value is selected as the last selected driving condition [7]. The smaller
DIF value indicates that the smaller the deviation between the candidate conditions and
the overall data, the stronger the representativeness of conditions. The method of
dividing the data segment of the original data in this paper is as follows: after con-
firming 1000 s, if the speed is 0 km/h, then this time is used as the ending point of a
new data interval. If it is not 0 km/h, it will be looked down until the time closest to
0 km/h (maximum 1200 s) appears, and it is determined to be an optional condition
until this time; if the time of 0 km/h is still not found after 1200 s, it will be ended at
1200 s.

4.2 Results of the Fixed-Length Intercept Method

This paper selects more than 280,000 pieces of original data and divides the original
data into 271 alternative conditions. Through the calculation and analysis, five alter-
native conditions with the largest correlation coefficient of the overall data are selected
as candidate conditions. The correlation coefficient with the overall data is shown in
Table 1.

Table 1. The correlation coefficient between candidate condition and global data
Candidate condition 30 175 271 264 236
Correlation coefficient 0.999954 0.999953 0.999934 0.999933 0.999925
1106 J. Zhu et al.

The driving cycle for the five candidate conditions are shown in Fig. 2.

candidate condition 30 candidate condition 175

50 50

40 40

30 30

V km/h

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
s t s

candidate condition 271 candidate condition 264

40 40
30 30
V km/h


20 20
10 10
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0 200 400 600 800 1000
t s t s

candidate condition 236



V km/h



0 200 400 600 800 1000
t s

Fig. 2. Candidate conditions

The DIF value of the 5 candidate cases and the overall data is obtained through
calculation [8], as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Candidate condition and overall data DIF value

Candidate conditions 30 175 271 264 236
DIF value 14.87 17.88 20.5 25.73 25.53
The Construction of Taiyuan City Bus Driving Cycle 1107

It can be seen from Table 2 that the DIF value of the candidate case 30 is the
smallest, so it is finally determined to be a driving condition that can reflect the actual
traffic condition.

5 Construction of Driving Condition Based on Travel


5.1 Basic Theory of Stroke Analysis

The method of stroke analysis mainly refers to dividing the original data into a kinematic
fragment according to a certain rule, taking each of the kinematic segments as the sample
of driving conditions, calculating the eigenvalues of each sample by software, and then
using the principal component analysis and clustering analysis method to divide the
original sports segments into several categories, then through the plan. The time ratio of
each kind of kinematic fragment to the whole sample data is calculated. According to this
proportion, the time of each kind of kinematic fragment in the integrated working con-
dition is determined. Then, according to the comprehensive characteristic values of each
kind of kinematic fragment, the segments with the highest correlation coefficient are
extracted and the comprehensive working condition is fitted [9].

5.2 Division of Kinematic Fragments

Kinematic segments refers to the running process of vehicle starting from an idle speed
to the next idle speed. A kinematic fragment contains four operational states: idle
speed, acceleration, deceleration and uniform speed. In this paper, 1050 kinematic
fragments are extracted from original data samples and the eigenvalue matrix is

5.3 Principal Component Analysis

During the construction of vehicle actual driving conditions, the kinematic segments
need to be classified according to the different eigenvalues of kinematic segments. The
only use of two or three eigenvalues as a classification index will lose some infor-
mation, and the classification with more eigenvalues will not only make the calculation
too complex, but also against to analysis. In addition, although each characteristic value
provides some information, there are some characteristic values that are not indepen-
dent of each other. But there is a certain correlation, which leads to duplication of
information provided by these eigenvalues. Principal component analysis (PCA) is to
construct a series of linear combinations which are uncorrelated and canreflect the
original eigenvalue information to the greatest extent. This paper selects a linear
combination which can represent more than 80% of the original eigenvalue variables.
1108 J. Zhu et al.

In this paper, the principal component analysis of the original eigenvalue variables
is accomplished by SPSS software. The original eigenvalue matrix values are input to
the SPSS statistical analysis software. Because the eigenvalues are different, the
original variables are normalized first and the principal component analysis [10] of the
eigenvalue variables is completed. The principal component matrix is obtained through
principal component analysis, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Principal component matrix

Kinematic The first The second The third The fourth
segments principal principal principal principal
component component component component
1 425.43 196.37 250.61 −281.80
2 158.70 40.23 26.07 −47.69
3 193.62 57.50 33.96 −58.54
… … … … …
… … … … …
1049 249.76 65.94 30.46 −68.83
1050 254.67 89.98 60.93 −82.24

5.4 Cluster Analysis

Cluster analysis is a method to classify the individual according to the inherent char-
acteristics of things. The principle is that the individual correlation is larger in the same
class, and the individual in the different classes is very different. In this paper, the
sample clustering method is adopted because 1050 samples of kinematic segments are
classified. Sample clustering is a cluster of observation values. This paper is classified
according to 20 eigenvalue variables that reflect the kinematic fragment, and usually
uses the distance between sample points as a measure of correlation. The eigenvalue
sample obtained by the principal component analysis is a four dimensional vector, and
the 1050 eigenvalue samples are used as 1050 points in the four dimensional space,
then the distance between the two points in the four dimensional space can represent
the correlation between the 2 samples. The smaller the distance is, the stronger the
correlation between the samples, the bigger the distance is, the weaker correlation
between the samples.
According to the theory of cluster analysis, the SPSS software is used to classify the
principal component matrix, which makes the kinematic fragments of high correlation
value converge to the same class. Through clustering analysis, the whole sample of
kinematic segment eigenvalues can be divided into three categories, as shown in
Table 4.
The Construction of Taiyuan City Bus Driving Cycle 1109

Table 4. All kinds of kinematic fragments

Comprehensive feature value The first The second The third
category category category
Running distance S 296 674 1382
Running time T 92 148 263
Average velocity Vm 11.57 16.41 18.90
Maximum velocity Vmax 51.40 74.50 75.20
Velocity standard deviation 8.97 10.68 10.64
Average acceleration aa 0.42 0.40 0.38
Average deceleration ad −0.52 −0.48 −0.44
Maximum acceleration amax 1.89 1.89 1.83
Maximum deceleration amin −1.89 −1.89 −1.81
Acceleration standard deviation 0.38 0.41 0.40
Idling time Proportion Pi 0.3184 0.1897 0.1225
Acceleration time Proportion 0.2844 0.3334 0.3356
Deceleration time Proportion 0.2367 0.2816 0.2924
Constant time Proportion Pc 0.1605 0.1953 0.2496

In this paper, the time of the integrated working condition is 1000 s. According to
the time ratio of each kind of kinematic fragment to the whole sample, the fragments
with high correlation with the integrated eigenvalues are selected in each category of
kinematic fragments. The number of kinematic segments contained in each kinematic
segment, the time ratio of the total sample data and the selected motion segments is
illustrated in Table 5.

Table 5. Information for each kinetic fragment

The third The number of Time Selected kinematic segments
category segments Proportion
The first 629 44% 58, 183, 429, 510, 526, 535,
category 546
The first 332 38% 153, 362, 536
The third 89 18% 170

Fitting the 11 kinematic segments selected from the three kinematic segments is
based on the travel time analysis method, as shown in Fig. 3.
1110 J. Zhu et al.

Comprehensive condition
V km/h

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

t s

Fig. 3. Driving conditions based on stroke analysis method

6 Result Analysis

9 typical bus routes in Taiyuan are taken as an example. Taking the above 20 eigen-
values as the criteria, the driving conditions representing the actual road conditions of
the Taiyuan bus are constructed according to the fixed step length interception method
and the travel analysis method. The comparison of working conditions and test data
constructed by two different methods is shown in Table 6 and Fig. 4. It can be seen that
the average relative error between the fixed step method and the experimental data is
4.9%, the average relative error of the travel analysis method and the experimental data
is 7.14%, and the DIF value of the driving condition obtained by the travel analysis
method is 24.06, which is higher than the DIF value of the running condition based on
the fixed step length interception method. In contrast, the fixed step interception
method is better than the stroke analysis method, and it can represent the actual driving
In order to further verify the similarity of the acceleration distribution between the
representative working conditions and the experimental data, the K-S test of two
operating conditions was carried out through the SPSS software, as shown in Table 7.
It can be seen that the similarity between the working condition and the test data
synthesized by the fixed step truncation method is better than the stroke analysis
method when the acceleration is greater than −0.4 m/s2. When the acceleration is less
than 0.4 m/s2, it is slightly inferior to the stroke analysis method.
The Construction of Taiyuan City Bus Driving Cycle 1111

Table 6. Comparison of characteristic data between test data and representative driving
Characteristic value Experimental The fixed step length The travel analysis
data interception method method
Row stop ratio Txt 2.88 2.91 3.22
Average velocity Vm 14.03 13.92 14.68
Running velocity Vmr 18.91 18.71 19.24
Velocity standard deviation Vsd 11.73 11.27 12.23
Average acceleration aa 0.41 0.46 0.43
Average deceleration ad −0.49 −0.50 −0.55
Maximum acceleration amax 1.89 1.69 1.81
Maximum deceleration amin −1.89 −1.78 −1.81
Acceleration standard deviation asd 0.42 0.44 0.47
Idling time proportion Pi/% 23.72 25.60 23.71
Acceleration time proportion Pa/% 30.68 29.00 34.54
Deceleration time proportion Pd/% 25.82 26.40 27.02
Constant time proportion Pc/% 17.71 19.00 14.73

the fixed step length interception method the travel analysis method


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

t s

Fig. 4. Two methods to be synthesized into representative cases

From Table 4 [11], it can be seen that in these cities, in addition to the maximum
speed and the lowest average speed in these cities, the proportion of idle speed is high,
the proportion of uniform speed is low, and the proportion of acceleration and
deceleration is at the middle level in Taiyuan. The characteristics of the operation in
Taiyuan are closely related to the public transport system and the urban road network
system. In terms of public transport system, Taiyuan has no subway and bus rapid
1112 J. Zhu et al.

transit system (BRT). The subway system can greatly reduce the carrying capacity of
regular buses on the ground, thereby reducing the idle time ratio of buses and
improving average speed. The characteristics of BRT bus rapid transit system are fast
speed, which can increase the maximum speed, average speed and uniform speed ratio
of buses.

Table 7. K-S test of representative working conditions

Method Acceleration distribution (m/s2)
−∞ * −0.4 −0.4 * 0.4 0.4 * +∞
The fixed step length interception method K-S value 0.253 0.323 0.354
Similarity level 0.858 0.986 0.996
The travel analysis method K-S value 0.287 0.276 0.250
Similarity level 0.948 0.927 0.849

In the urban road network system, the number of expressways and main roads in
Taiyuan are relatively small compared to other cities, and most of the roads are flat
intersecting, which is not conducive to the traffic of vehicles at road intersections. The
relatively narrow secondary roads, coupled with the phenomenon of mixed people and
vehicles and the close distance from the bus stations have caused buses to run at slow
speeds, frequently accelerate and decelerate, and reduced the proportion of bus uniform
speed. In addition, the few bus lanes in Taiyuan and the lack of bay-type bus stops on
the road have caused the bus and other vehicles to interfere with each other, which has
not only reduced the speed of the bus, but also done not good for passengers get on and
off, increasing the proportion of the idle speed of the bus.
Through comparison with EU operating conditions, there is still a certain degree of
difference with Taiyuan City. At present, our country uses the EU operating conditions
to evaluate the emission and fuel consumption of urban vehicles, obviously, it can not
accurately reflect the actual situation. Therefore, it is of certain significance to establish
a driving condition that meets the actual road traffic conditions in China (Table 8).

Table 8. Comparison of typical operating conditions at home and abroad

Driving cycle type Maximum Average Idling Acceleration Deceleration Uniform
speed speed rate rate rate ratio
Taiyuan actual driving 75.20 14.03 23.72 30.68 25.82 17.71
Taiyuan synthesis 43.10 13.92 25.60 29.00 26.40 19.00
driving cycle
Nanchang driving cycle 54.00 18.56 22.91 37.67 21.69 17.73
Beijing driving cycle 65.26 19.98 16.52 25.29 30.85 27.34
Tianjin driving cycle 50.25 19.05 17.74 26.88 27.64 27.75
Dalian driving cycle 72.00 33.50 6.14 38.60 22.06 33.19
Shanghai driving cycle 44.00 14.94 31.61 22.83 23.28 22.28
Guangzhou driving 50.38 14.14 17.77 29.11 27.16 25.95
EU driving cycle 50.00 18.70 30.80 21.50 18.50 29.20
The Construction of Taiyuan City Bus Driving Cycle 1113

7 Conclusion
(1) The comprehensive driving cycle of Taiyuan buses is constructed with two dif-
ferent methods. Through the analysis of the joint errors and the K-S test, it is
concluded that the driving cycle based on the fixed step length interception is
better than the travel analysis method, and it can represent the actual driving cycle
(2) Through the comparison and analysis of the bus driving cycle in Taiyuan and
some cities in China, the characteristics of bus driving cycle in Taiyuan are
obtained: In addition to the lowest maximum speed and average speed in these
cities, the idle ratio is high and the uniform speed ratio is low. The rate of
acceleration and deceleration is at a medium level.
(3) Comparing the driving cycle of Taiyuan city with some of the domestic cities and
the EU, it is concluded that there is a certain difference of urban roads driving
cycle between our country and EU. The EU driving cycle cannot accurately reflect
the actual driving cycle of urban roads in China.

Acknowledgement. Supported by China’s new energy vehicle product testing conditions

research and development projects.

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The Current Situation, Problems
and Countermeasures of the Application
of Double Qualified Teachers’ Education

Chunbo Zuo(&)

Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun 130052, Jilin, China


Abstract. Double qualified teachers are the backbone of vocational education.

They need to have both teacher qualifications and professional qualifications,
that is, they are compound talents with both educational and teaching skills and
professional operational skills. At present, the education and teaching ability of
double-qualified teachers is of vital importance to the cultivation of skills-
oriented talents urgently needed by the society. Modern educational technology
is an important part of education and teaching ability, but in the process of use, it
also presents a variety of problems. This paper studies the application of modern
educational technology of double qualified teachers and proposes some corre-
sponding countermeasures.

Keywords: Double qualified teachers  Education technology 

Application status  Problems  Countermeasures

1 Introduction

The “double-qualified” teacher is a relatively special group of teachers, and refers to

teachers who have both teacher qualifications and vocational qualifications and are
engaged in vocational education. The double qualified teachers have requirements for
teachers’ teaching ability and practical ability, and they are a kind of compound talents.
The double qualified teachers are of great significance in improving the teaching level
of vocational education and improving the quality of vocational education personnel
training. In the “National Medium- and Long-Term Talent Development Plan (2010–
2020)”, the issue of training “double qualified” teachers was specifically raised [1].
Since the country put forward the application-oriented transformation and development
of colleges and universities in 2015, the training of “double qualified” teachers is not
only reflected in the vocational education institutions of middle and high vocational
schools, but also for the institutions of higher learning.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1114–1121, 2019.
The Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of the Application 1115

2 The Characteristics of Double Qualified Teachers

2.1 “Double Qualified” Teachers Are Compound Talents
The “Double Qualified” teachers are compound talents. The general talent training only
needs to work in one field, but the “double qualified” teacher must first be a qualified
teacher, with the knowledge, ability and quality that a teacher should have. At the same
time, it is a qualified professional talent with a wide range of knowledge and skilled
professional skills in the professional field. The double qualified teachers should be
able to freely transform between the two roles, and they must have extremely solid
basic skills and professional abilities in both fields.

2.2 “Double Qualified” Teachers Have Creativity

The “double qualified” teacher is neither a simple bookmaker nor a “master” of the past
mechanics. Although vocational education is mainly based on basic skills, due to the
“double-creative” talent training thought advocated in recent years, it is required that
the talents cultivated in vocational colleges must have certain creative ability. This task
naturally falls on the ability to teach. The theory can also teach the “double qualified”
teachers of skills, so the “double qualified” teachers are required to have certain

2.3 The Growth of “Double Qualified” Teachers Has a Dual Nature

The cultivation of “double qualified” teachers is not easy. It is not a teacher-only
institution or a factory that can be cultivated. It must be cultivated through both
professional teacher training and professional skills learning. There are currently four
more viable training methods [2] (Table 1):

Table 1. Training mode of double qualified personnel

The first stage The second stage The third stage The fourth stage
Mode 1 Engineering Engineering Vocational and Vocational and
technology technology practice technical normal technical education
education education practice
Mode 2 Vocational and Engineering Engineering Vocational and
technical normal technology practice technology technical education
education education practice
Mode 3 Engineering Vocational and Engineering Vocational and
technology technical normal technology practice technical education
education education practice
Mode 4 Vocational and Engineering Engineering Vocational and
technical normal technology technology practice technical education
education education practice
1116 C. Zuo

Among these four methods, mode one and mode three are more common, that is,
selecting excellent vocational and technical talents to receive professional teacher
education, and introducing professional teacher education in the process of engineering
technology education, and then separately carrying out engineering technology and
vocational education practice. Relatively speaking, Mode 3 is better and takes less
time. However, due to the relationship between the time of schooling, there may be
situations in which both aspects are not proficient, and schools that need to train talents
are carefully examined.

2.4 The “Double Qualified” Teacher Is Realistic

“Double qualified” teachers are those who cultivate practical and operational technical
talents. With the rapid development of the times, the technical upgrading has been
accelerating, and the requirements for skilled workers are getting higher and higher.
Naturally, “double qualified” teachers are required to cultivate talents that can adapt to
social development. Therefore, the double qualified teachers must have strong realism,
and must closely follow the development of the times, and the ability to adapt to the
development of technology [3]. This determines that the standard for the evaluation of
“double qualified” teachers is a dynamic standard. Teachers with outdated technical
ability should be eliminated from the “double professional” team in due time.

3 The Status Quo and Problems of the Application

of “Double Qualified” Teachers to Educational Technology

Modern educational technology, with its more intuitive expressions and rich multi-
media technology, has the functions of attracting learners, improving learners’ interest
in learning, and visually expressing teaching materials. It has already entered the
classroom and has been adopted by teachers. There are many forms of modern edu-
cational technology, such as multimedia teaching, online teaching platform, TV
teaching, and mobile phone teaching. For the “double qualified” teachers, personal
qualities and abilities are excellent, but there are still some shortcomings in the use of
modern educational technology [4], and some problems have arisen.

3.1 Explaining and Demonstrating Are Separate

Explaining and demonstrating these two teaching links are the basic skill of the “double
qualified” teacher. As a double qualified teacher, he must be able to explain and
practice. There are many kinds of drills. There are two kinds of exercises: teacher
demonstration and multimedia technology demonstration. In the process of using
multimedia technology demonstration, many teachers grasp the bad rhythm, forget the
multimedia presentation when the language is explained, and forget the language
explanation and the writing of the board while the multimedia presentation. This
situation leads to separation of lectures and performances, which makes lectures and
presentations impossible to perform at the same time, resulting in a disconnection of the
teaching process and a poor teaching process.
The Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of the Application 1117

3.2 Educational Technology Applications Are Less

For the “double qualified” teachers, it is necessary to understand both the teaching and
the vocational skills. The dual ability requirements bring about double pressure. Under
the limited teaching and learning time, it is difficult to take time and energy to learn a
new one. With the rapid development of computer technology, modern educational
technology is also developing very fast. It has evolved into a more powerful educa-
tional technology such as multi-functional interactive courseware and software plat-
form from the earliest and simplest electronic courseware technology. Each type of
software requires a lot of effort to learn, which makes the “double qualified” teachers
able to master a relatively small variety of educational technologies [5].

3.3 Can’t Keep Pace with the Times and not Much Use of New
Educational Technologies
The “double qualified” teachers have great stress in their academic work and have no
time to take into account the rapid development of new educational technologies. It is
very difficult to apply the existing educational technology in the curriculum. For some
older teachers, it is almost impossible to master new educational technologies, espe-
cially for some online teaching platforms. Most colleges and universities have opened
an online education platform, and through the official website, can provide students
with independent learning materials, and students can also learn communication and
interaction through the network platform. Teachers need to upload relevant learning
materials to the online learning platform. This online learning platform is currently a
relatively simple and popular new educational technology, but for many teachers,
especially the old teacher, it is basically difficult to accept and use, which also makes
this technology popular among college students. The promotion of teachers is slow,
and the strange phenomenon of teacher reform is promoted by students. And the
similarity of webcasting teaching, which is popular among young people, and is rarely
used in “double qualified” teachers [6].

3.4 The Application of Computer Simulation Technology Is not in Place

Computer simulation teaching technology is very beneficial to the study of practical
courses. Teachers move the laboratory to the classroom through computer simulation
teaching technology, enabling the students to carry out simulation experiments and
achieve the same results as the actual experiments. This kind of teaching method
greatly saves teaching time, and enables both theoretical teaching and practical
teaching to operate at the same time. Through simulation, students can carry out
simulation practice without grasping the practice internship, master the operation
process, improve learning efficiency [7], and avoid errors in actual operation. However,
due to the lack of funds and teachers’ mastery of computer simulation technology, this
kind of economical and practical computer simulation technology teaching method is
not in place. Even with equipment and technology, it is rarely used in practical
1118 C. Zuo

3.5 Micro-Curriculum and MOOC Skills Are not Well Understood

The technology of micro class and MOOC(massive open online courses) has been
appearing for a long time, but many teachers, especially the “double qualified”
teachers, still have many misunderstandings about this technology, and do not
understand the significance and value of micro-curriculum and MOOC. In particular,
“double qualified” teachers, who attach great importance to their technical ability, do
not agree with the way in which their technology is recorded as a video and widely
circulated. “Double qualified” teachers can “not hesitate to teach” in the classroom, but
they are also very valuable in their own hard-won technical skills. They don’t agree
with the “shared” thinking in the “shared” economy, at least they can’t easily share
their own technology. They think that it’s incomprehensible to make a video for people
to share for free. They do not understand the function of micro teaching and MOOC
aided teaching. Due to some propaganda and some factors that schools use adminis-
trative orders to promote, some teachers think that micro-curriculum and MOOC have
the possibility of replacing teachers, so there is also great resistance psychology.

4 The Countermeasures of the Application of “Double

Qualified” Teachers’ Education Technology

4.1 Increasing the Attention of Relevant Management Departments

Regarding the application of educational technology of “double qualified” teachers, the
attention of relevant management departments needs to be improved. In the past, the
management department mainly focused on the education and teaching ability and the
operational skills of the “double qualified” teachers, but the attention to the application
ability of modern educational technology was not high. Although in the process of
cultivating talents in normal schools, there is a study of modern educational technol-
ogy, but the modern educational technology is updated quickly, and the computer
abilities of students in normal colleges are not studied as the main subject, and the
computer use ability is insufficient. As a “double qualified” teacher, the pressure of
study is very large, and naturally the ability to master modern educational technology is
slightly poor. The relevant management departments did not pay corresponding
attention, which led the teachers themselves not to pay much attention to this problem
[8]. Therefore, it is very common for a teacher to teach in chalk or in PPT electronic
courseware, and the supervision of the teaching ability of applying modern educational
technology is insufficient.

4.2 Equipped with Facilities and Equipment

While colleges and universities fully advocate the use of modern educational tech-
nology, there are problems of inadequate facilities and equipment in various schools.
For example, in the course of teaching, teachers often encounter the problems that the
prepared teaching materials can not be opened, the software installed in the equipment
is not complete or the version is incompatible. On the one hand, the school does not
The Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of the Application 1119

understand what teachers should be equipped for. On the other hand, it also reflects that
the knowledge updating of school equipment maintenance personnel does not keep up
with the speed of version updating. Finally, there is the problem that the facilities are
more advanced and the teachers can not use them. Teachers and equipment intro-
duction management belong to the two departments of the school, and there is little
communication between them. Equipment introduction management department pur-
chases equipment from the market point of view, and does not consider the actual
teaching situation of teachers, so the purchase of equipment is not suitable for teaching
use. Therefore, the equipment management and purchasing department should com-
municate with the teachers before purchasing the equipment to explore the most
suitable teaching equipment for the development of the times. It is also necessary to put
an end to the abandonment of facilities and equipment, give teachers proper training in
the use of equipment, and form necessary supervision measures to supervise the
rational use of teaching equipment of teachers.
Any facility will wear out during use. This loss will cause different degrees of
damage to the equipment, so maintenance and updating are necessary. This requires the
school maintenance department to strengthen staff training, and pay attention to follow-
up maintenance and updating maintenance issues. In addition to purchasing machines,
schools should also pay attention to the after-sales service ability of the manufacturer
and train the maintenance personnel of the school through cooperation with the
manufacturer [9].

4.3 Paying Attention to Teacher’s Education Technical Training

Attention should be paid to the training of “double qualified” teachers’ educational
technology ability. Although the double qualified teachers are under great pressure, they
are the backbone of vocational education and teaching. They can use modern educa-
tional technology reasonably, scientifically and skillfully in teaching, which is very
conducive to personnel training. There are two main channels to train teachers’ edu-
cational technology. The first is to send teachers out to study or introduce expert for
training. This channel through the way of curriculum training can quickly improve the
application and understanding level of teachers on modern educational technology.
Only by understanding the new technology can teachers apply it reasonably. However,
this way undoubtedly increases the burden on teachers, which adds pressure to teachers’
work and study. The second is to accumulate experience through practical teaching and
enhance the ability to use educational technology. Although this method is slow, it is
practical. Especially for the practical courses that double-qualified teachers must teach,
teachers should be trained to use the new equipment of practical courses, and the
application level of teachers should be improved through the practical training [10].

4.4 Scientific and Reasonable Use of Modern Education Technology

At present, the modern educational technology refers not only to multimedia teaching,
but also to the use of modern teaching facilities such as new equipment, new facilities,
new software and new platforms. These modern teaching techniques have their
rationality and inevitability as well as problems caused by improper application. For
1120 C. Zuo

example, for the MOOC which is a modern teaching technology, while fully advo-
cating its superiority, we should also see that MOOC requires higher learning auton-
omy for students. When the students’ learning autonomy is low, it is difficult to achieve
their teaching objectives. Therefore, many teachers set up curriculum assignments and
ensure that students can not fast forward by technical means. However, there is still a
phenomenon of “watching video quickly”, that is, while playing the course, they are
doing their own thing, so that the course plays in vain, and does not achieve the goal. In
addition, some teachers have completely replaced the classroom with the MOOC and
micro-classes, which will also lead to students’ rebellious psychology in learning, and
the poor communication between teachers and students will also lead to frequent
learning problems. Therefore, no matter whether it is a MOOC or a micro lesson, it can
only be a supplement to normal teaching and can not replace teachers.

5 Conclusions

“Double-qualified” teachers are the backbone of vocational education and teaching,

and they shoulder the dual mission. In teaching and educating people, the rational use
of modern educational technology can achieve twice the result with half the effort.
Especially in today’s era of strong dependence on facilities and equipment, the rapid
development of computer aided technology brings a more convenient experience to
education and teaching, making teaching more intuitive, more visualized, and more
conducive to personnel training. Although there are still some problems in the use of
modern educational technology by “double-qualified” teachers, it is not a very difficult
thing to master and use the modern educational technology in teaching as long as the
school cooperates with teachers and trains and educates them.

1. Outline of National Medium and Long Term Talent Development Plan (2010–2020)
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Vocat Educ (3)
3. Zhang K (2018) Research on the application of modern educational technology in higher
education, no 6
4. Li C (2010) Research on the application of modern educational technology in higher
education, no 4
5. Lin H, Huang Z, Liu G (2008) Application of modern educational technology in college
teaching. Educ Teach Res 22(5):88–90
6. Hou Y (2014) Research on the application of modern educational technology in higher
vocational colleges. Intelligence (12)
7. Xie Q (2017) Application of modern educational technology in higher mathematics teaching.
Educ Mod (10)
8. Gao Q, Zhou H (2011) On the application of modern educational technology in the teaching
process of higher vocational colleges. J Shandong Agric Eng Univ (12)
The Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of the Application 1121

9. Feng M (2011) The role of modern educational technology in the teaching reform of higher
vocational colleges. Manag Technol SME (periodical of the first ten days of a month) (9)
10. Cui T (2008) Application of multimedia and network technology in higher education. Jinan
University, no 5
Exploration on Teaching Design of Linear
Algebra Under the Concept of New
Engineering and Technical Disciplines

Meijia Wang(&)

Department of Information Engineering, Heilongjiang International University,

Harbin 150025, China

Abstract. In recent years, in order to actively respond to the new round of

scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, the government
has been supporting development driven by service innovation and actively
promoting the establishment of new engineering and technical disciplines.
Under such concept, universities and colleges bring up new requirements for
classroom teaching. This paper explores the establishment of a teaching design
for linear algebra where basic courses are organically integrated with profes-
sional knowledge, information technology is deeply combined with linear
algebra teaching, and mathematical software closely cooperates with the con-
ventional content of linear algebra courses. In such design, while leading stu-
dents to consolidate the basic knowledge of linear algebra, their ability to
analyze and solve practical problems with linear algebra thinking is also culti-
vated, which effectively improves the teaching effect of linear algebra courses.

Keywords: New engineering  Linear algebra  Organic unity 

Deep integration

1 Introduction

In June, 2016, China became the 18th member of Washington Accord, at which time
the concept of ‘new engineering and technical disciplines’ is first introduced into the
field of engineering education [1–3]. On February 18th, 2017, the Ministry of Edu-
cation held the Symposium on the Strategy of Developing Higher Engineering Edu-
cation in Fudan University, calling for the research and practice on new engineering
and technical disciplines. On April 8th, Seminar on the Establishment of New Engi-
neering and Technical Disciplines is held in Tianjin University. On June 9th, ‘Research
and Practice on New Engineering’ is founded in Beijing, and held its first meeting,
arranging and starting the establishment and development of new engineering and
technical disciplines. So far, a trilogy of the establishment of new engineering con-
sisting of ‘Fudan Consensus’, ‘Tianjin University Action’ and ‘Beijing Guidelines’ was
formed [4, 5].
This trilogy calls for re-planning the talent training program and re-shaping the
reform pattern of engineering education. Diversified, innovative and outstanding

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1122–1132, 2019.
Exploration on Teaching Design of Linear Algebra 1123

engineering talents shall be cultivated taking moral values and talent cultivation as
guidelines, taking coping with changes and shaping the future as concept, taking
inheritance and innovation, intersection and combination, coordination and sharing as
main approaches [6, 7]. Such new engineering and technical talents not only have
practical ability to solve existing problems with established knowledge, but also can
continue learning and updating themselves, and can follow up the iteration of
knowledge and technology, who will become the backbone leading the innovation of
science and technology and the development of industry.
Compared with the traditional engineering and technical disciplines, ‘new engi-
neering and technical disciplines’ has three main improvements: emerging, new and
new. ‘Emerging’ refers to a discipline facing the development of new technologies and
new industries in the future, which is conceived, extended and expanded from other
non-engineering disciplines such as applied science and other basic disciplines [8].
‘New-type’ refers to the transformation, modification and upgrading of traditional and
existing (old) disciplines. For example, due to the subversive influence brought by the
Internet and artificial intelligence on traditional industries, traditional engineering
disciplines such as machinery, civil engineering and chemical engineering, these dis-
ciplines need to be transformed into new engineering for the urgent needs of current
and future industrial development [9, 10]. ‘Newborn’ refers to the cross-integration of
traditional engineering and other disciplines, such as engineering and science, man-
agement, economy, humanities, medicine, news, law and other disciplines. This cross-
integration is the need of the development of modern industry [11].
Linear algebra is a basic mathematics course for science and engineering majors
and economics and management majors in colleges and universities. It is one of the
necessary leading courses for the professional courses that follows. Linear algebra
mainly trains students’ ability of abstract thinking, logical reasoning, spatial imagi-
nation and calculation. In addition, with the continuous progress and development of
science and technology, linear algebra has played an extremely important role in all
kinds of disciplines based on the highly integration of multi - disciplines. However,
many students often find the course difficult to understand when they have just started
studying the course of linear algebra, the reason for which is that for students’ existing
experience, the abstraction and strict symbolic system of linear algebra is still a big
challenge in the learning process. In order to meet the needs of the development of new
engineering and technical disciplines, colleges and universities should take the char-
acteristics of linear algebra into fully account: abstract content, more knowledge points
and less class hours. Under such background, educators need to further improve and
perfect classroom teaching design to allow students to acquire the ability to solve
practical problems with linear algebra through learning about its theoretical knowledge,
and to improve the teaching quality of linear algebra.

2 Design Principles

In a traditional classroom, teachers explain knowledge in a face-to-face manner and

students listen passively. Teachers play a leading and dominant role in such teaching
process. ‘New engineering and technical disciplines’ put forward new requirements for
1124 M. Wang

classroom teaching. It requires changing the dominant role of teachers in traditional

classroom teaching process, weakening the role of teachers but strengthening the role
of students. Thus, classroom teaching is carried out taking students as main body,
teachers as leading factor, discussion-based teaching as approach, and innovative
thinking as goal. Therefore, educators in universities and colleges should follow two
basic principles in designing the classroom teaching of linear algebra: First, teachers
should fully mobilize students’ enthusiasm for learning by using various teaching
methods and encourage students to think and ask questions, so that students can
psychologically actively accept the knowledge of linear algebra and form a knowledge
system; Secondly, teachers should be aware that information technology is not only an
teaching aid, but also an optimization of teaching pattern and make full use of infor-
mation technology to serve the teaching process of linear algebra, allowing information
technology to fully play its positive role in the teaching process.

3 Teaching Design of Linear Algebra Course Under the New

Engineering Concept
3.1 Establish a Unified Teaching Mode of Basic Courses and Professional
There is a common problem of teachers teaching linear algebra courses in colleges and
universities, that is, in preparing for the lessons, they do not fully consider the dif-
ferences between different disciplines. When teaching students from different disci-
plines, they use the same set of teaching content, curriculum outline and teaching
calendar. Such teaching process cannot reflect the characteristics of the disciplines. All
the knowledge received by students, including cases, has only universal characteristics
and is not targeted, resulting in the disconnection of the knowledge in linear algebra
from the knowledge in their own disciplines. Students can not apply what they learn,
lose motivation to study and thus the quality of teaching decreases.
After realizing the above problems, the author of this paper has added, deleted and
improved the teaching contents for students from different disciplines, where profes-
sional cases are cited when explaining the concepts, theorems and axioms of linear
algebra. In such teaching process, a knowledge system of linear algebra can be grad-
ually constructed based on solving practical problems. This approach can fully deepen
students’ understanding of knowledge on textbooks and help students develop the
awareness of questions. Thus, after a period of study and training, students can get the
ability to carry out scientific research projects independently. For example, in the linear
algebra courses for students majoring in computer science and technology, teachers
should consider the characteristics of this disciplines. Teachers can extract the inno-
vation and application of linear algebra knowledge in this discipline by data mining,
and selecting teaching cases according to its specific requirements, such as designing
matrix operation teaching by using image transformation problems, designing linear
combinations of vector groups and matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors by using face
recognition problems, and designing quadratic and positive definite matrices by using
machine learning problems, etc.
Exploration on Teaching Design of Linear Algebra 1125

Case 1. Teaching Design of ‘Linear Combination of Vector Groups’ Based on Face

Based on the problems above, the teaching process can be designed as four sec-
tions: raising the question, technology transfer, data mining, conclusion and prospect.
With the method combining problem introduction with discussion, the theoretical
knowledge of linear algebra and computer technology are deeply integrated to guide
students to transform abstract thinking into image thinking, and the corresponding
knowledge points are elicited in the case.
(1) Put forward a question. By illustrating an example of companies using face
recognition technology to implement employee clock-in management system,
introduce how such application of the technology can be explained with linear
algebra knowledge.
(2) Technology transfer. Point out that the face recognition technology in computer
science is actually image processing technology, and the theoretical core of image
processing technology is the relationship between one vector group and another
vector in linear algebra, then introduce the classroom teaching content.
(3) Data mining. When the sensor collects face data, it will collect massive data due to
the influence of many parameters such as angle, clothing and so on. How to mine
the data from such massive data that matches the original data stored in the
database can be attributed to the problem of vector equation solution in linear
(4) Conclusion and Prospect. Take face recognition as a case to summarize the
content in this class section, and ask students to extend their thinking and to
consider how the knowledge on vector group can be used to solve other practical
problems, and introduce the content to be learned in the next lesson.

3.2 Promote the Teaching Design that Deeply Integrates Information

Technology and the Teaching of Linear Algebra
With the continuous development of information technology, teaching aids are
becoming numerous diversified. For example, PC-based Geometric Sketchpad,
Mathtype Formula Editor, ChemDraw Chemical Drawing Tool, Sigma Plot Scientific
Drawing Software and Maple Mathematical Modeling Tool. Namely the apps based on
mobile terminals and curriculum system developed on the basis of these teaching aids
such as microlecture, massive open online course and SPOC. Practice has proved that
multimedia teaching approaches can not only greatly stimulate students’ enthusiasm
and creativity in learning, but also provide teachers with a large number of high-quality
resources for preparing lessons and designing classrooms to optimize classroom
structure and improve teaching quality.

3.2.1 Maximize the Optimal Effect of Multimedia Teaching and Improve

Classroom Efficiency
Matrix, determinant, linear correlation of vector groups, structure and solution of linear
equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix, quadratic form are the core contents
of linear algebra. Making full use of vivid characteristics of multimedia teaching to
1126 M. Wang

analyze the knowledge of linear algebra is one of the first choices for teachers. For
example, animation can be designed with multimedia software to dynamically present
the relationship between geometry and linear algebra and to dynamically demonstrate
the calculation of large-scale linear equations. With multimedia technology, it is also
possible to distribute the test online, to analyze the test and to summarize the contents
of the test.

3.2.2 Online and Offline Interactive Teaching Based on Platforms Such

as MOOC and Microlecture
Microlecture, MOOC and SPOC are high-quality teaching systems developed through
the reform of multimedia teaching. The development of multimedia teaching reform
has so far integrated a wealth of teaching resources in the field of mathematics teaching
in universities and colleges, including courseware, micro-videos, tests, etc. From
teaching outline, teaching calendar, teaching plan and other teaching documents to
teaching process design and after-school evaluation system, multimedia teaching under
the background of new engineering and technical disciplines has made great progress
and improvement over the traditional teaching system. Microlecture, MOOC and
SPOC allow teachers to determine the progress of teaching for students, to arrange the
contents of online learning, tests and summarization, to solve personalized problems
for each student offline, and to finally define the teaching priorities and difficulties so
that students are able to build a knowledge system and expand their knowledge level.

3.2.3 Optimize the Classroom Quality by Using the Latest Teaching

Management Tools Such as Mythware, Lingbo and Red Spider
Teaching management software has powerful functions that can conveniently and
effectively manage classroom teaching. Classroom teaching: screen broadcasting,
network cinema, projection broadcasting, video live broadcasting, voice broadcasting,
student demonstration, group teaching, group discussion, document distribution, doc-
ument collection, screen recording, homework submission, screen monitoring; teaching
evaluation: start examination, marking analysis; classroom management: U-disk
restriction, Internet restriction, and so on. Program restriction, screen silence, remote
command grouping management, etc. Most of such management software has the
following functions. These functions can help teachers understand students’ listening
situation in time and achieve the synchronous control and optimization of classroom
Of course, the teaching process of linear algebra cannot rely solely on modern
information education approaches. Traditional teaching approaches should also be
allowed to play an irreplaceable role. First of all, the linear algebra course is highly
logical, making it very suitable for teachers to demonstrate the derivation process with
blackboard writing. In this way, the knowledge context can be made clearer and
students can be guided to form mathematical thinking more easily. Rich and colorful
multimedia materials are more suitable for analysis of parts of the whole knowledge
system. Secondly, traditional teaching approaches can set up a good platform for
teacher-student interaction. Students can feedback questions in time. Teachers can also
adjust the teaching plan in time according to students’ acceptance and understanding of
knowledge and answer targeted questions at the same time. Therefore, in order to
Exploration on Teaching Design of Linear Algebra 1127

improve the teaching quality of linear algebra, modern educational approaches must be
combined with traditional educational approaches, and the teaching process shall be
designed attentively to complete the teaching task.

3.3 Explore the Teaching Design in Which Mathematical Software

Closely Cooperates with the Content of the Regular Linear Algebra
At present, there are about 30 kinds of mathematical software commonly used in
scientific research and engineering calculation, which can be divided into general and
special categories. Special software is mainly designed to solve the special problems of
a branch of mathematics, such as SAS and SPSS, Lindo, Lingo and CPEX, Cayley and
GAP, PARI, Origin, DELiA, ANSYS. General software can solve most of the prob-
lems in many branches of mathematics. General software can be divided into numerical
calculation and analytical calculation. The numerical calculation type includes matlab,
Xmathe, Gauss, MLAB, and the analytical calculation type includes Maple, Mathe-
matica, Macsyma, Axiom and Reduce. Matlab, Mathematica, Maple and Mathecad are
the most frequently used in these softwares. These kinds of software combine math-
ematical problems such as numerical calculation, symbolic calculation, function cal-
culation, linear programming, integer programming, quadratic programming, linear and
non-linear equations and problems in computer science such as graphics, animation and
sound. The operation speed is way beyond manual operation. Meanwhile, they mod-
ularize complex mathematical problems, provide a clear structure and improve the
operation efficiency. Selectively using such software in the teaching process of linear
algebra not only avoids students’ repetitive computational work, but also vividly helps
students to understand the ‘advanced’ theoretical knowledge of linear algebra. For
example, when explaining linear and nonlinear equations, modeling language and
commonly used mathematical functions built in Lindo to describe large-scale opti-
mization problems in real life conveniently and intuitively, which can help students
realize the practicality of linear algebra in solving specific problems and further deepen
their understanding of abstract theoretical knowledge.
Of course, not all knowledge of linear algebra is suitable for teaching with math-
ematical software. The more suitable parts of knowledge are determinant calculation,
matrix operation, inverse matrix calculation, matrix eigenvalue and eigenvector cal-
culation, linear equations solution, etc.
Case 2. Teaching Design of Inverse Matrix of Square Matrix.
(1) Starting from the simple three order square matrix, we first solve it by two kinds
of calculation methods. Firstly, according to the definition, the adjoint matrix is
first obtained, then the inverse matrix is obtained; secondly, the inverse matrix is
obtained by elementary transformation2method. 3
A11    An1
6 . .. .. 7 1 A
① According to the definition A ¼ 4 .. . . 5, A ¼ jAj
A1n    Ann
② The inverse matrix is solved by elementary transformation method.
1128 M. Wang

ðAjEÞn2n ! EjA1 .
(2) Find the inverse matrix of the square above four orders. At this point, students
may feel cumbersome, can further introduce the inverse matrix Matlab mathe-
matical software method.
Open MATLAB software, it is shown in Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Fig. 1. Input code, clear screen and Fig. 2. Enter your own matrix, such as
workspace. setting a matrix

Fig. 3. Input the procedure to solve matrix Fig. 4. Verify that the inverse of the solu-
inverse, B = inv(A) tion is correct

Case 3. Teaching Design for Solving Linear Equations.

(1) Starting from the simple three element linear equations, we first solve them by two
methods. One is to use the method of adding and subtracting elements learned in
middle school, the other is to use elementary transformation to solve linear
Exploration on Teaching Design of Linear Algebra 1129

(2) Solving linear equations of more than four yuan. At this time, students may
encounter difficulties. The MATLAB mathematical software for solving linear
equations can be further introduced: Gauss elimination method; column principal
element elimination method.
① Gauss elimination method and its Matlab program to solve linear equations
AX = b.
1130 M. Wang

② Column principal element elimination method and its Matlab program to

solve linear equations AX = b.

4 Conclusion

With the advent of the era of artificial intelligence and the gradual progress of the
establishment of new engineering and technical disciplines, basic courses of mathe-
matics such as linear algebra have ushered in broad prospects and important devel-
opment opportunities, providing the necessary knowledge and application ability for
thoroughly studying in other disciplines. In the process of teaching practice, we found
that the teaching pattern of organic unity of linear algebra knowledge and professional
knowledge, deep integration with information technology and close cooperation with
Exploration on Teaching Design of Linear Algebra 1131

mathematical calculation software can not only make the teaching content more sys-
tematic, scientific, forward-looking and interesting, but also strengthen real-time
interaction, adjust the courses synchronously according to feedback, provide students
with the best quality learning resources, facilitate them to ‘customize’ personalized
learning programs according to their knowledge structure and demands at anytime and
anywhere, and to carry out autonomous learning, and to truly ‘form a learner-centered
engineering education mode’. Of course, there are still several problems in the class-
room teaching design that calls for consideration emphatically. First, select the cor-
responding information technology tools according to the characteristics of the
teaching content. Second, design different application examples and schemes according
to different disciplines and different levels of students. Third, when integrating with
disciplinary knowledge and information technology, take the linear algebra course
itself as a foothold and consider the principle of moderation.
The reform of new engineering and technical disciplines still has a long way to
explore. Under the background of new engineering and technical disciplines, the
classroom teaching design and teaching reform of linear algebra courses are bound to
encounter many problems. For example, funding investment by universities, teachers’
various teaching ability and scientific research level, changes in traditional teaching
methods and mathematics teachers’ application and mastery of mathematics software
will all restrict the development of the establishment of new engineering and technical
disciplines. Under such background, problems such as how to implement the teaching
strategy of new engineering and technical disciplines and how to reform the teaching
paradigm all require educators to carry out continuous in-depth thinking and practice
according to the specific progress of the development of new engineering and technical

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by National Education Innovation Science

Research Planning Project (CMAS180506).

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Study on the Difficulties and Countermeasures
of Rural Human Resources Development
in Jilin Province

Lei Zhou and Yue Hao(&)

College of Business Administration, Jilin Engineering Normal University,

Changchun, China

Abstract. Human resources play a decisive role in economic development.

With the development of knowledge economy and global economic integration,
all countries in the world have increased the strength of human resources
development. Jilin province is a large agricultural province, about 50% of the
human resources are in rural areas, but the quality is relatively low, which has
seriously restricted the development of Jilin province and even the national
economy. It is also the key to achieve a well-off society in an all-round way.
This paper explores the strategy of rural human resources development in Jilin
province, mainly based on the analysis of the human resources structure of Jilin
province, the current situation of human resources development and the existing
problems, and explores the strategy of developing rural human resources in Jilin

Keywords: Rural human resources  Human resources development dilemma 

Educational quality  Development strategy

1 Introduction

According to China’s current development, in recent years the Party Central Committee
has done a great deal of work and adopted a number of reform measures to solve the
problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and has promoted the relevant
development of agriculture in the past few years. To some extent, the living envi-
ronment and living conditions of rural areas and farmers have been improved. How-
ever, the development of rural human resources has not yet been truly solved. There are
still a large number of problems that are not enough to face the complex economic
situation today [1]. This makes the development of rural human resources in China, to a
certain extent, a serious obstacle to the rural economy, so that the core idea of rapid
development has been serious constraints [2]. The inadequacy of rural human resources
development not only restricts the development of rural economy, affects the income
growth of farmers, but also restricts the process of industrialization and urbanization in
China [3, 4]. In terms of quantity, China has abundant rural human resources, which
can only be transformed into human capital through effective development and
improvement in quality, thus creating higher value in the labor combined with other

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1133–1140, 2019.
1134 L. Zhou and Y. Hao

factors of production. Become a real driving force for rural economic development [5,
6]. Efforts to promote the level of human resources development in rural areas of our
province are necessary ways to increase the economic activity in rural areas, adjust and
improve the industrial structure, raise the living standards of people in rural areas and
narrow the gap between urban areas [7–9].

2 The Connotation of Rural Human Resources Development

The concept of human resources development in rural areas. Human resources in rural
areas should be the foundation of rural socio-economic development. Rural labor force
is the main component of rural human resources. In general, the number of rural labor
force includes people who can work in rural areas. Traditional economics believes that,
Economic growth requires investors in land, Labour and capital. However, in the era of
knowledge economy, the driving force of Du Hui’s economic development is no longer
the increase in the amount of land, labor force, and capital stock, but it is more often
manifested in the separation of human knowledge, ability, and technology. The
determinant of productivity is not the number of laborers. It lies in the knowledge,
scientific and technological level and the quality of the work that the laborers have.
Therefore, only the concept of human resources in the quantitative sense can no longer
reflect the essence of the question. Human resources should be transformed into human
capital through development, that is, the quality level of human resources on the basis
of quantity can truly become the main resource and fundamental engine for social and
economic development. The theory of human capital in economics was first proposed
by the laughing country scholar Schulz in the 1960s. Its core emphasizes the quality of
human resources and investment in human capital. The theory of human capital holds
that human resources can not be automatically converted into human capital unless
investment is made in human resources travel. Therefore, in this sense, Human capital
is a form of capital formed by the quantity and quality of laborers after the investment
in human resources. It is the fundamental driving force for the development of agri-
culture and rural areas. The important forms of investment in human capital are training
and education. According to this, the understanding of the development of rural human
resources in China can be expressed as follows: “The development of human resources
in rural China refers to the basis for careful analysis of the entire rural population.
Identification of differences in quality (knowledge and skills) among different groups of
rural population dominated by farmers. At the same time, training and education are
used to effectively invest in human capital and strive to improve the quality of rural
people. The strategic concept of rejuvenating the country through science and educa-
tion is implemented through practical actions. The development of rural human
resources is an effective way to improve the quality of farmers. The development of
human resources in rural areas in China refers to the quality difference among different
groups of rural population, which are mainly farmers, based on a careful analysis of the
whole rural population. At the same time, using various channels such as training and
education, we can effectively invest in human capital and strive to improve the quality
of rural population.
Study on the Difficulties and Countermeasures 1135

3 Current Situation of Rural Human Resources Development

in Jilin Province

Jilin province is actively committed to the development of modern agriculture, solve

the problem of “three peasants”, and speed up the construction of a new socialist
countryside. It is an inevitable requirement for building a harmonious society and an
important task for realizing a well-to-do society in an all-round way, and thus realizing
socialist modernization. By implementing the strategy of “talents strengthening agri-
culture”, the development of rural human resources will help solve the above problems.
Although there are many favorable factors for the development of rural human
resources in Jilin province, such as state policy support and financial support, there are
still some constraints, mainly manifested in the following aspects.

3.1 Low Overall Literacy Level

The development of rural human resources is an effective way to improve the quality of
farmers. The development of human resources in rural areas in China refers to the
quality difference among different groups of rural population, which are mainly
farmers, based on a careful analysis of the whole rural population. At the same time,
using various channels such as training and education, we can effectively invest in
human capital and strive to improve the quality of rural population. At present, farmers
in Jilin Province have an average education of about 7 years. The literacy rate of
farmers exceeds 90%, about 30% of primary schools and below, about 40% of junior
high school culture, about 10% of high school culture, and about 7% of junior colleges.
Less than 3% and young people. With the development of urbanization, the labor force
has shifted greatly, and young people with high academic qualifications have been able
to find jobs in cities. Many people are limited by their lower intellectual and cultural
background and have a narrow space for employment outside the city. Some people
can only engage in low-skilled, high-intensity, environmentally poor and low-paid
occupations. The farmers who remain in rural areas show a low level of scientific and
cultural quality and tend to age. These farmers have poor ability to accept new tech-
nologies, new products and new information, and most of them are old and conser-
vative, have fragile psychological qualities, and lack the sense of reform. It often
engages in agricultural production and management based on traditional experience,
does not dare to take risks to try new varieties and technologies, rejects modern
business ideas and scientific management, and the economic benefits of agriculture are
improved slowly, which hinders the process of agricultural modernization. Agricultural
development accounts, for example (Fig. 1).
1136 L. Zhou and Y. Hao


primary school junior high school High school College Bachelor

Fig. 1.

3.2 Ideology Is Conservative, and the Level of Concurrent Business Is

The old-fashioned concept of leaving the well and not leaving the country limits the
labor force’s outward transfer and also limits the farmers’ increase in income. Judging
from the situation of the first agricultural census in the country, the employment areas
of rural workers in Jilin Province are mainly in local villages, accounting for 94.1% of
the employees in local villages, 3.1% in rural areas outside the county, and 1.7% in
counties outside the province. The proportion of people who work outside the province
accounts for 1.1%, and the proportion of people who work outside the province also
accounts for a certain proportion, totaling 5.9%. Compared with the whole country, the
proportion of rural employees in the province is 6.9% points higher than that of the
country. The proportion of employees in the county, province, and province is 6.9%
points lower than that of the country, and the proportion of employees outside the
province is 3.1% points lower than that of the country.

3.3 Uneven Distribution of Employment Flows

Judging from the situation of employment flow, the development of the Eastern,
Central and western regions of the province is also uneven, and the performance is
weakened from the East to the West. The reason is that the rural economy in the
Eastern and central regions has been relatively developed for a long period of time, the
peasants’ ideas have been more liberated, the pace of outward transfer and expansion
has been relatively fast, and there are relatively many employees who have left the
country, accounting for 6.2% and 9.0% of the employees in the region. The rural
economy in the western region is relatively underdeveloped, the concept of peasants is
relatively old, the flow of employees is relatively small, and the movement and
expansion of workers is slow. The number of employees who have left the country is
only 2.2%, which is much lower than that of the Eastern and central regions.
Study on the Difficulties and Countermeasures 1137

4 Analysis on the Dilemma of Rural Human Resources

Development in Jilin Province
4.1 The Main Body of Rural Human Resources Is Single
Rural human resources development is too single, relying on government investment
for a long time. After the reform and opening up, the government’s financial resources
are very limited, and enterprises and social subjects are even more long-term blocks.
The development of human resources by the state, the contribution of schools, and the
use of people by enterprises for free is an important function of the government.
However, it is not only the function of the government, but also the function of the
enterprise and the whole society. If Chinese enterprises and society can consciously
become the main body of rural human resources development, it depends on the deep
people of the educational system and economic system reform.

4.2 Government Support for Rural Education Is Inadequate

In the development of rural human resources, the government should be in the leading
position. However, the existence of dual economic structures in China’s urban and rural
areas has caused serious imbalances in the development of education, and China’s
investment in education has been heavily skewed towards urban and higher education
for a long time, resulting in a serious shortage of funds for education at all levels in
rural areas, outdated teaching equipment and arrears in teachers’ salaries. The problems
such as the daily running funds of primary and secondary schools and the recon-
struction of dangerous houses and the lack of funds for school building can not be
effectively solved, which affects the continuous and effective development of rural
human resources.

4.3 There Is a Lack of Enthusiasm for Human Resources Development

in Rural Areas
There is also a great shortage of intermediary organizations involved in the develop-
ment of rural human resources, providing specialized vocational and technical training
and adult education for farmers. To meet the needs of the urban labor market and the
technical management needs of agricultural prenatal and post-natal services, there are
fewer public welfare or business organizations that provide farmers with employment
training, technical guidance, etc. In addition to public education provided by the
Government, the lack of continuing education and training for farmers has led to a lack
of in-depth development of the rural labour force.
1138 L. Zhou and Y. Hao

5 Jilin Province Rural Human Resources Development Ways

and Measures
5.1 We Will Strengthen Human Resources Development in Rural Areas
The main method is to improve farmers’ knowledge and skills through human capital
investment, and improve the quality of workers as a whole. In particular, the following
main measures should be taken: First, the government departments should open
channels to raise funds to improve the level of local education and training. The
application of modern science and technology to production depends on the quality of a
certain number of junior high school technicians and farmers’ professional households
and demonstration households. Funding for education and in-service education in this
area should be increased as a guarantee of the scientificalization of the project. At
present, capital of Jilin provincial party committee carries out “one village one uni-
versity student” talent development project is developing step by step, opened up a new
road for training rural high-tech talents. Second, it is necessary to prevent the unrea-
sonable flow of talents and do not allow the reasonable flow of talents. To create a
suitable working environment, living environment and interpersonal environment to
attract and retain talents. Third, the improvement of farmers’ quality is included in the
construction of agricultural infrastructure. In Jilin province, the improvement of
farmers’ quality has never been taken into account in the construction of agricultural

5.2 Government’s Investment in Rural Education and Improvement

of Rural Education System
The state shall, within the scope of such legal systems as taxation, finance, transfer
payments and industrial policies, give preferential treatment to the development of rural
human resources, so that the development of rural human resources has sustained
financial security. In addition to increasing investment in rural basic education, a multi-
level rural education system should also be established. For example, training in
modern agricultural scientific and technological knowledge and skills for agricultural
production and operation and employment training for urban industrial enterprises will
be extended to employees before, during and after childbirth. The training content is
extended to train farmers’ market awareness, competition awareness and cooperation
spirit, so that rural human resources development activities are systematic and holistic.

5.3 Strengthening Training in Rural Technology

The timely updating of farmers’ knowledge and skills is the result and inevitable
requirement of the rapid development of the economy and society and the rapid
development and popularization of new technologies. Therefore, we should constantly
strengthen practical training in rural areas to enhance the employment capacity of
farmers. First, we will strengthen guidance and training for the employment of surplus
rural workers. Governments at all levels should make great efforts to mobilize all social
resources, provide targeted employment training for the show, and make orderly
Study on the Difficulties and Countermeasures 1139

progress in the direction of “order training”. Second, strengthen the training of migrant
workers who have already entered the city. Migrant workers generally have low aca-
demic qualifications, lack of knowledge, weak legal awareness and other phenomena.
Through training, they can effectively strengthen their legal awareness, enhance their
cultural and personal qualities, so that they can be faster and better integrated into
urban life. At the same time, through systematic training, it can effectively reduce the
pressure of social security and urban environmental management.

5.4 Actively Carry Out Scientific Research and Academic Exchanges

in Rural Education
We will strengthen the exchange of scientific research achievements in rural areas and
introduce high-tech products in a timely manner. The role of science and technology
education in helping the poor, boosting agriculture and developing superior industries
should be maximized. We will strengthen research and exchange on the political,
economic, psychological and ecological relationship between rural education and rural
areas, promote cross-cultural and interdisciplinary research and exchanges, constantly
improve the rural education system, and establish pilot rural education zones and
experimental schools. Carry out advanced education and technological leapfrogging
experiments and research. We will actively carry out international cooperation and
exchanges, establish a network of rural Research Fund systems, and give full play to
the role of information technology as a catalyst.

6 Summary

As a major agricultural province, Jilin province should further seize opportunities, take
the construction of a new socialist countryside and take the lead in realizing agricultural
modernization as the guiding ideology, and actively invest in the development of rural
human resources, so as to improve the quality of farmers, raise the level of agricultural
production and management, and promote farmers’ increase in income and agricultural
efficiency. We will maintain national food security and work hard to promote the
integration of urban and rural areas so as to lay a solid foundation for the realization of
a moderately prosperous society in all respects and for the realization of socialist
modernization. At the same time, we must speed up the construction of rural human
resources in Jilin Province. Rural human resources development is a long-term and
arduous system engineering, which is related to economic development, social progress
and whether the new rural construction can be carried out smoothly. Therefore, gov-
ernments at all levels should be down-to-earth, brave in innovation, mobilize all
resources, maximize the benefits of rural human resources, and promote the transfor-
mation of the rural population burden in Jilin Province and even the whole country into
the advantages of human capital to build a socialist harmonious society.
1140 L. Zhou and Y. Hao

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management in small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises. J Zhejiang Univ Sci
Vehicle Interior Methods for Evaluating
the VOC and Odor of Materials

Guangliang Zhong(&), Haiying Zhao, Tianqi Ren, Changyou Jin,

and Hua Wang

Beijing Automobile Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., Beijing 100000, China

Abstract. This paper mainly introduces the improvement of the measuring

method of VOC and odor of automobile interior materials. In the process of
traditional method application, we encounter many difficult problems and
invariant, for these problems and inconvenience. A method for measuring the
VOC and odor of materials is designed to achieve accurate evaluation, con-
trollable environment, convenient operation and flexible use. By designing the
parameters of volume, vessel form, olfactory mode and gas fluidity, a more
reasonable standard detection and analysis method is established. The rationality
and validity of the method are verified by experiments. In order to improve the
efficiency, reduce costs, scientific and practical purposes, in order to improve the
air quality control and control capacity and lay a foundation for research.

Keywords: VOC  Illumination  Time  Contrast

1 Preface

With the improvement of consumption level and the popularization of green envi-
ronmental protection concept, consumers are paying more and more attention to the
indoor environment of cars. As an important part of the interior environment, the air
quality in the car needs satisfy consumers’ most direct perception quality improvement
and health protection requirement. In-car air quality is a general concept, containing a
lot of content, such as the amount of odor in the car, the concentrations of the volatile
organic compounds inside the car and the concentration of in-car particulate matters
(PM2.5 and PM10, etc.), etc. [10].
In 2007, HJ/T400-2007 car volatile organic compounds and Aldehyde Ketone
Material Sampling Method was published in China to determine the detection method
of VOC in vehicle [3]. GB/T 27630 “Air Quality in Passenger Car Evaluation Guide”
[2] (hereinafter referred to as the “evaluation guidelines”) was published in 2011. The
standard sets limit to concentrations of eight kinds of volatile organic compounds
(VOC) in January 2016. The country issued a draft guideline for mandatory standards
for air quality assessment in passenger vehicles, and plan to revise it as a mandatory
national standard in 2018. 5 parts of ISO 12219 the road vehicle interior air was also
released in 2012 [1], combined with current methods of all countries, the standard
issued many methods such as the vehicle simulated illumination test method, Com-
ponent Bag Method, Parts Module Method, Material Micro-tank Method. The Bag
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1141–1151, 2019.
1142 G. Zhong et al.

Method used for the evaluation of materials and odor (see VDA270), and the Head
space method for volatile organic compounds (see VDA278) and so on are also widely
used in the industry [7, 8].
There have been a lot of researches on the evaluation methods of material grade
VOC and odor which are the main sources of “non-metallic materials” of air pollution
in the car, and two main methods have been formed [4]. The container of 1 L glass
bottle is used to evaluate the odor. The Bag Method, which means the bags of 10 L or
50 L Polytetrafluoroethylene are used to test VOC. In recent years, domestic and
foreign makers, parts factory, and the third party inspection agencies have contributed
quite amounts of manpower and material resources to the evaluation of VOC and odor,
striving to control the air inside the car from the source, and have achieved some
results. However, both the mainstream approaches have many problems, such as small
amount of gas, large temperature change, bad temperature consistency and small
amounts of sample, all those result in the poor consistency. That testing VOC and odor
separately by two group of different tests results in many problems such as poor
consistency, complex operation, high cost, and that parts and vehicle cannot be con-
verted. This evaluation method which is not scientific has caused above problems to the
main engine plant, parts factory and testing institution. But there is no better alternative.
Thus, we conducted studies on evaluation methods of VOC and odor to build a rea-
sonable evaluation method of VOC and odor, gradually sorting out the relationship
between materials and spare parts, the relationship between materials and the vehicle
and getting rid of the difficult situation, which means the inaccurate and false con-
trolling of the test.

2 Research Purpose

The bottle of 1 L and 3 L are usually used in the evaluation of material level odour,
among which the bottles of 1 L are used in a large number. The volume of the bottle is
only 1 L (or 3 L), and the volume of gas in the bottle is very small, which requires a lot
of people to participate in the evaluation. The first and last two people feel differences
in the smell of the bottle. After being heated, the bottle needs to be cooled to the
operating temperature for evaluation. The bottle cools rapidly, and the temperature
difference of the evaluation by the evaluator is greater. Because the bottle space is
small, the sample that can hold is smaller, such as 20 g, and the material itself can not
be uniformly consistent, there is no enough representative significance for the material
usage in large area or in large amount.
The material grade VOC is usually tested with 10 L or 50 L polytetrafluoroethylene
bags as containers [5]. In the case of 10 L bag, the gas volume in the bag is small,
which can not collect enough gas, and it can not be detected by the high concentration
range. The bag is too small that it only can hold small samples, such as 50 g, and the
material itself can not be uniformly consistent, there is no enough representative sig-
nificance for the material usage in large area or in large amount. The bag space airtight
cannot be simulated and matched with the humidity, airflow and other environmental
factors of the actual parts.
Vehicle Interior Methods for Evaluating the VOC and Odor of Materials 1143

Moreover, because the odor and VOC are evaluated through two different con-
tainers, temperature methods and processes, no data relationship can be established
between them. Therefore, we should improve the design on the material level evalu-
ation method of the containers, VOC and odor, evaluating mouth, air volume function
and parameters to eliminate the disadvantages of the two methods, make relations
between VOC and odor data, thus improving the efficiency of evaluation.
Material grade VOC and odor evaluation method directly determines the devel-
opment effect, development cost, and cycle of parts and vehicles. Generally, the more
parameters are adjusted, the more gas can be used, the closer the simulation effect is to
the actual parts or the whole vehicle, and the results will be more practical. Based on
several important factors, the study improve the design, and according to the design
validation prototype, we choose several representative automobile interior trim mate-
rials for physical evaluation to be used in practical evaluation, in order to establish a
more reasonable evaluation solution of VOC and odor.

3 Scheme Design

The Fig. 1 is physical picture box of VOC and odor evaluation method. As shown in
Fig. 1, The physical picture box includes: the box 1 to hold the gas to be tested; the box
door 2, odorant evaluation mouth 3, VOC sampling port 4 and temperature sensor 5 are
set. A cover is set for the odor meter mouth 3, and a cover is set for each VOC
sampling port 4. There is a heater 6 on one side of the box, and air stirring fan 7 is
opposite the heater 6. The temperature sensor 5 can display the temperature value.
VOC sampling port can be connected to the air duct as a vent.

Fig. 1. Physical picture box of VOC and odor evaluation method

1144 G. Zhong et al.

Main parameter definition and function description:

(1) Cabinet: inorganic glass material, volume 50 L; Contains the tested sample and
the main frame.
(2) Box door: inorganic glass material; sample inlet and outlet channels and sealing
(3) Odor evaluation port: inorganic glass material, the opening area is 65 * 65 mm,
and the mouth edge is 65 mm above the surface of the box. The evaluators
evaluate the location of the sample odor.
(4) VOC sampling port: 7 mm in diameter; The VOC sampling guide tube is con-
nected to make the air and humidifying gas in and out.
(5) Heater: used to heat the gas in the sample cabinet. (side wall)
(6) Stirring fan: the air flow is formed and the gas in the box is stirred to make the
distribution of various gases as uniform as possible. (side wall)
(7) Infrared light: sunlight simulates the heating lamp through the sunlight. (This
function is not used in this experiment.)
(8) Overflow valve: adjustable overflow valve (This function is not used in this test).
Introduction to usage:
Put the test samples in case 1, open the heater 5, heating the inside of the case and
sample. During the heating process, the evaluator should stir it to make the distribution
of various gases as uniform as possible. When the air temperature in the box reaches a
predetermined temperature value or maintains the preset temperature at a specific time,
it can begin to sample the VOC and measure the odor. Open the mouth of odor
evaluation 3, then make the nose close to the mouth of odor evaluation 3 to evaluate the
odor. Cover up the body to avoid the odor to send out. People alternate with each other
to make the test. To test the VOC, insert the sampling airway to VOC sampling 4
mouth, use sampling to pump out the gas adsorption on the tube, then send using tube
to the laboratory analysis, or directly connected VOC rapid equipment for testing.
Throughout the evaluation process, the airway can be connected in the rest VOC
sample mouth to flow the clean air outside, add moisture and make natural air flow
according to set flow to simulate various working conditions.
Because the box is made of the inorganic glass, the box can be covered with five
sides, and one side uses the external red lamp to heat the box to simulate the effect of

4 Test

4.1 Sample Selection

Since this scheme has both VOC and odor evaluation capacity, it is necessary to select
the representative materials of odor and VOC test, and then convert them according to
the traditional method.
Materials categories: seat Polyurethane foam is one of the most used and repre-
sentative materials of high quantity of VOC emissions and one of the main contribution
Vehicle Interior Methods for Evaluating the VOC and Odor of Materials 1145

materials. The odor type is of brilliant representation. Therefore, the seat polyurethane
foam is selected as the test verification material.
Material consumption: the Polyurethane foam material of the seat is taken in 50 1 L
in the odor test of the glass bottle. The volume of this box is 50 L, and it is 50 times the
volume of the odor bottle, so the seat polyurethane foam sample is 50 cm3  50 =
2500 cm3 [6].

4.2 Parameter Setting

The ambient temperature of HJT400-2007 in the sampling and determination of
volatile organic compounds and Aldehydes and Ketones in the vehicle is set at 25,
while the measured temperature in the whole vehicle in summer is 40–65. According to
the measured data, it is shown that the temperature of 40 °C–50 °C is an important
interval of the change of the material odor and the VOC property. Therefore, two
conditions of temperature in the box are set at 25 °C and 50 °C. In order to compare
with the traditional test method, ceramic lamp heating and fan stirring are selected, and
the effect is similar to that of blast heating.

4.3 Test Data

Heat the air in the box first and put it into the sample after the preset temperature is
reached. The specific parameters and detection data are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Test parameters and testing data of polyurethane foam material of seat
Vehicle Material Parameter Evaluation result
model Volume Inside Ambient Cultivation Formaldehyde Odor
(cm3) temperature temperature time (H) (ppm)
(°C) (°C)
Vehicle Seating 2500 50 24 1.5 - Series
model A PUR 3.5
Vehicle Seating 2500 50 24 3 0.15 Series
model A PUR 4.0
Vehicle Seating 1250 50 24 3 0.11 Series
model B PUR 3.5
Vehicle Seating 1250 50 24 5 0.23 Series
model B PUR 3.5
Vehicle Seating 2500 50 24 3 0.19 Series
model B PUR 4.0
Vehicle Seating 2500 25 24 3 0.01 Series
model B PUR 2.5
Vehicle Seating 2500 25 24 24 0.02 Series
model B PUR 3.5
Note: “-” means it is not detected.

5–6 people make evaluations of the odor in the interval of 3–5 min. The results of
the evaluation are consistent with no air flow, dispersion desalination, temperature
change influence, and odor feeling homogeneity is good.
1146 G. Zhong et al.

4.4 Comparison Group of Traditional Odour Bottle Method

Samples and data are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Test parameters and data of seating Polyurethane foam by odor bottle method
Vehicle Material Parameter Evaluation result
model Material Heating Cultivation Bottle Formaldehyde Odor
volume temperature time (H) volume (ppm)
(cm3) (°C) (L)
Vehicle Seating 50 80 2 1 - Series
model A PUR 4.0
Vehicle Seating 50 80 2 1 - Series
model B PUR 4.0
Note: “-” means that it can not be detected.

5 Data Analysis
5.1 The Newly Designed VOC and Oder Evaluation Method

(1) When the sample is 2500 cm, the law that the oder and Formaldehyde change
with temperature various is more obvious.
(2) When the temperature is 50 °C, the law that the oder and Formaldehyde change
with temperature various is obvious.
(3) Formaldehyde is low when the temperature in the cabinet is 25 °C, but it is of
comparability with the vehicle test data and data can be identified clearly.
(4) It can be evaluated if the temperature is 25 °C and the cultivation time is 3 h.
(5) It can not be evaluated until the temperature is 25 °C and the cultivation time is
3 h.
(6) At 50 °C temperature in the incubation time for 3 h, the odor and Formaldehyde
data is significantly higher than the temperature at 25 °C and training time for
24 h in the cabinet.

5.2 Traditional Odor Bottle

Unable to accurately detect VOC, the result is similar to the new method.

6 Combination Scheme of Fast Gc-Ms Device and Data

Analysis Method

Because the new VOC and odor evaluation method is controllable, simple and
adaptable, the new VOC and odor evaluation scheme can be combined with fast gc-ms
equipment to play a strong role.
Vehicle Interior Methods for Evaluating the VOC and Odor of Materials 1147

6.1 Fast Gc-Ms Device Parameters

(1) Direct current or 220VAC + 10%, 50 Hz ac;

(2) Instrument working environment temperature: between 5 and 45 °C;
(3) Continuous working time: more than 24 h;
(4) Dynamic range: 7 orders of magnitude;
(5) Detection value limit: <10 ppb can be checked;
(6) Portability: weight less than 16 kg (gas analysis host);
(7) Analysis speed: the sampling time is less than 10 min, and the analysis time is
less than 20 min;
(8) Atlas and standard: the international standard and technology research institute
quality spectrum library, with over 30 important gas calibration lines;
(9) Analysis and feedback: qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of organic
volatiles between molecular weight of 40 and 260;
(10) Remote control: built-in wifi, which can be operated remotely by computer via
wireless network.

6.2 Combination Scheme of Evaluation Box and Fast Gc-Ms Device

and Data Analysis Method
Connect the fast GC - MS equipment sample tube with the VOC thief hatch of VOC
and odor measuring box. Train samples by using the VOC and odor measuring box
according to the conditions or other required conditions described in part 4 of this
paper. Make evaluation of odor in thief hatch of VOC and odor measuring box, Use
fast GC - MS equipment to make acquisition and analysis of the VOC content in the
(1) Make rapid and accurate quantitative analysis of Benzene, Styrene, Toluene,
Ethyl benzene, Xylene and TVOC. To make eligibility determination and data
calculation and analysis of those important VOC data according to the test
(2) Make quantitative and semi-quantitative detection of other volatile matter, using
the method based on the principle of smell threshold library and auto fetor
identification to Judge and analyze the gas objectively. At the same time, the
objective odor analysis method was validated and improved by combining the
results of odor level evaluation and type evaluation.
(3) VOC and odor evaluation box structure is simple, easy to use, of light weight and
low cost, and the improvement space is large. Fast gc-ms equipment is light, easy
to carry, of fast detection and large database. The combination of two can be a
multi-functional laboratory for the evaluation of VOC and odor.

6.3 Quick Gc-Ms Device Application Cases

As shown in Table 3, the concentration of volatile organic gas in a sample is measured,
and the odor evaluation shows a strong volatile odor with slight sweetness [10].
1148 G. Zhong et al.

Table 3. Concentration of volatile organic gas in a sample.

The serial number Gas name Concentration (ppb)
1 Volatile organic gas 1 2.15
2 Volatile organic gas 2 3.3
3 Volatile organic gas 3 3.1
4 Volatile organic gas 4 34.2
5 Volatile organic gas 5 64.9
6 Volatile organic gas 6 56.1
7 Toluene 20.23
8 Volatile organic gas 7 7.45
9 Volatile organic gas 8 9.2
10 Volatile organic gas 9 18.6
11 Volatile organic gas 10 11.2
12 Volatile organic gas 11 7.7
13 Volatile organic gas 12 9.3
14 Volatile organic gas 13 11.2
15 Ethyl benzene 23.5
16 Volatile organic gas 14 8.1
17 Paraxylene 23.6
18 Volatile organic gas 15 8.9
19 Volatile organic gas 16 3.7
20 Volatile organic gas 17 4.8
21 Styrene 8.36
22 O-xylene 39
23 Volatile organic gas 18 15.2
24 Volatile organic gas 19 24.7
25 Volatile organic gas 20 8.2
26 Volatile organic gas 21 3.9
27 Volatile organic gas 22 9.8
28 Volatile organic gas 23 8.7
29 Volatile organic gas 24 10.3
30 Volatile organic gas 25 11.5
31 Volatile organic gas 26 12.1
32 Volatile organic gas 27 13.9
33 Volatile organic gas 28 5.7
34 Volatile organic gas 29 16.8
35 2,2,4,4,6 - Pentamethyl heptane 309
36 Volatile organic gas 30 96.8
37 Volatile organic gas 31 64.6
38 4 - Methyl Decane 109
39 2,2,4,4 - Tetramethyl Octane 184
40 Volatile organic gas 32 36
Vehicle Interior Methods for Evaluating the VOC and Odor of Materials 1149

Table 3. (continued)
The serial number Gas name Concentration (ppb)
41 Volatile organic gas 33 21
42 Volatile organic gas 34 165
43 Volatile organic gas 35 103
44 Volatile organic gas 36 65
45 Volatile organic gas 37 46
46 Volatile organic gas 38 35
47 Volatile organic gas 39 21
48 Volatile organic gas 40 18

However, the 2,4,4,6 2-Pentamethyl heptane, 4 - Methyl Decane, 2,2,4,4 -

Tetramethyl Octane are the obvious Alkane gases of high concentration. The results of
using the method based on the principle of smell threshold library and auto fetor
identification to judge and analyze the gas objectively are consistent with smell sub-
jective evaluation results, and ensure the odor source. And a targeted odour
improvement method is developed for the odor source.
Benzene detected, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene, Styrene data can be used for
VOC analysis and comparison.
It takes a short time from the odor evaluation, gas sampling to the result analysis. It
is more efficient, easier and more accurate than the traditional VOC and odor evaluation

7 Multi-box Combination with Fast Gc-Ms Device

A single box can measure VOC and odor of a material or a set of materials specific
combinations. With the combination of multi-box and fast gc-ms devices, more in-
depth and extensive research schemes can be achieved.
(1) Gas combination effect: the enclosure can be connected by a closed air pump pipe.
When the valve is closed, the air pump can simultaneously evaluate different
odors and concentrations of different odors at the same time. After the valve is
opened, the air pump can be evaluated at the same time after the setting param-
eters, and the odor and concentration performance of several gas mixtures can be
evaluated simultaneously.
(2) Material combination effect: the enclosure can be connected through a closed air
pump pipe. When the valve is closed, the air pump can simultaneously evaluate
the individual odor and VOC concentration of different materials at the same time.
After the valve is opened, the air pump can evaluate the odor and VOC con-
centration of several materials at the same time after working with the set
1150 G. Zhong et al.

8 Conclusion
(1) The large gas capacity and sufficient VOC detection gas reduce the detection limit
of the equipment caused by reduction of air quantity, thus improving VOC
detection repeatability, detectability and relative property.
(2) The large gas capacity, sufficient gas and good temperature maintenance eliminate
the inconsistent objective conditions of the evaluation of different evaluators
caused by dissipation of gas and the temperature change. The independent design
of odor evaluation port eliminates the influence of air flow on odor perception and
makes the odor evaluation more objective.
(3) The sample size of the material is large, and the negative influence of the material
is reduced, so that the material sampling is more representative.
(4) The large space in the box makes it easy to adjust the parameters of the material
sample, especially when it is used in different materials, it is easier to simulate the
actual condition of the real vehicle.
(5) VOC and odor can be evaluated at the same time to improve the efficiency of the
material test and facilitate the establishment of the data relationship between VOC
and odor.
(6) Preliminary confirmation of the sample size conversion benchmark. Preliminary
confirmation of two evaluation criteria of 50 °C/3 h and 25 °C/24 h.
(7) It lays the foundation to the changing from testing material separately to the
material mixed evaluation, and unit building foundation for comparative study of
separate gas evaluation and mixed gas evaluation.
(8) That the scheme of combining evaluation box of VOC and odor and fast gc-ms
equipment realizes test research and quality control scheme of low cost, fast and
mobile multifunctional. A new generation of VOC and odour evaluation methods
were constructed. The gas source and material source of odor can be identified
quickly, so as to develop targeted solutions based on this. At the same time, VOC
and odor can be adsorbed, saturated, distributed, inhibitive and beneficial under
certain combination conditions of gas and materials. According to the set target,
material grade VOC and odour positive design was carried out by using objective
odour tracing method and test result database.

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4. Zhong G et al (2018) Research on the forward design of vehicle air quality. Automobile
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5. Interior air of road vehicles - Part 2: Screening method for the determination of the emissions
of volatile organic compounds from vehicle interior parts and materials - Bag method (ISO
6. Zhong G et al (2017) The interior parts and materials of a certain model VOC characteristics
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Shanghai Plast (01):7–12
Research on the Correlation Between Test
Cycles and RDE Test

Feng Yan(&), Yuwei Wang, Sikai Zheng, Yang Meng,

and Jinyong Xie

China Automotive Technology and Research Center, Tianjin 300300, China


Abstract. WLTC cycle, CLTC cycle and RDE tests are carried on 3 vehicles
with different technical types – PFI natural aspirated vehicle, DI natural aspi-
rated vehicle and DI charged vehicle, the relationship between test cycles and
real driving tests of 3 different vehicle types are studied. It is found that neither
test cycles can completely cover the speed-acceleration range contained in the
RDE tests, but the CLTC cycle covers a wider speed-acceleration range com-
paring to the WLTC cycle, which can cover more range of kinematic charac-
teristics in the real driving process of each vehicle type. For 1.6 L PFI natural
aspirated vehicle and 2.5 L DI natural aspirated vehicle, CLTC cycle shows a
more similar overall acceleration distribution with the RDE comparing to
WLTC cycle, but for 2.0 L DI charged vehicle, it is hard to tell which cycle is
more close to RDE on the overall acceleration distribution. In general, for the
wider coverage on the speed-acceleration range and more closer to the RDE test
on the acceleration distribution ratio, the CLTC cycle can reduce the difference
between the laboratory test cycles and the actual kinematic characteristics of
real-world based RDE tests to a certain extent.

Keywords: WLTC cycle  CLTC cycle  RDE test

1 Introduction

In the past 25 years, the upgrading of vehicle emission regulations had not lead to
significant improvement on real world atmosphere environment, several key pollutants
that vehicle emitted, especially NOx, had not been improved [1, 2]. Significant devi-
ations between real-world and type approval emissions have been reported by several
individual institutions [3–11], which they believe is caused by distinguished differences
between test cycles during type approval and vehicle actual use situation in real-world
conditions. To reduce such deviations, many efforts have been done worldwide, take
European Union as an example, from Euro 5 to Euro 6, the framework has been
completely modified, and WLTP procedure and real driving emission (RDE) have been
introduced as type I and type IA test. Follow the experience of Europe, WLTP pro-
cedure and RDE is also introduced as type I and type II test in China 6 regulation. Form
many aspects, there still exist a close connection between WLTP and RDE, the CO2
emission of phase 1, phase 3, phase 4 in WLTC cycle are key inputs of trip validation
and result evaluation in RDE. The fuel consumption regulation, on the other hand, is

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1152–1159, 2019.
Research on the Correlation Between Test Cycles and RDE Test 1153

now still based on test cycle, China is still using NEDC to evaluate the fuel con-
sumption, this is sure cannot represent and will lead deviations from real-world fuel
consumption, the deviations are becoming more and more significant for the ever-
changing of traffic conditions caused by rapid growth of vehicle numbers, which affects
the public credibility of the government [14, 15]. In view of this, the Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China commissioned
the China Automotive Technology & Research Center in 2015 to take the lead in
organizing the industry to carry out research on ‘China conditions’. The research were
carried in 41 representative cities, with a fleet of 4872 vehicles, and data of about
51,000,000 km of motion characteristics, dynamic characteristics and environmental
characteristics was collected. Based on the velocity and acceleration distribution of
each speed range, the best fragment combination is selected by the chi-square test
method to form the China Light-duty Test Cycle (CLTC). Tentative experiments
demonstrated that the CLTC test cycle is more similar to the real-word conditions in
aspects of average speed, average acceleration, average deceleration, average speed and
idle speed distribution ratio than the NEDC, FTP75 and WLTC test cycle.
In view of the fact that the current emission and fuel consumption regulation are not
uniform, and the fact that strong connections are exist between test cycles and RDE, so
in this research, we will focus on the two latest test cycle, studying on the relationship
between WLTC cycle, CLTC cycle and RDE.

2 Basic Information
2.1 Test Vehicle
To fully understand the relationship between test cycle and RDE, 3 vehicles with
different types of technology were selected – 1.6 L PFI natural aspirated, 2.5 L DI
natural aspirated and 2.0 L DI supercharged – all are pre China 6 certification proto-
types with mileages around 3,000 km and in good test conditions. In this study, CLTC,
WLTC and RDE tests are carried out on those 3 prototypes with the same driver
operating throughout this series of tests to avoid test differences caused by driving

2.2 Test Conditions

The WLTC cycle consists of four parts: in sequence of low speed, medium speed, high
speed and ultra-high speed phase, with each phase last 589 s, 433 s, 435 s and 323 s
respectively, which in total is 1,800 s.
The CLTC cycle consists of three parts: in sequence of low speed, medium speed
and high speed phase, which also last 1,800 s with a phase share of 674 s, 693 s and
433 s respectively. The parameter differences are shown in Table 1.
1154 F. Yan et al.

Table 1. Parameter difference between WLTC and CLTC

Parameter WLTC CLTC
Average speed (km/h) 46.40 28.96
Average acceleration (m/s2) 0.53 0.45
Average deceleration (m/s2) −0.58 −0.49
Acceleration ratio (%) 30.90 28.61
Deceleration ratio (%) 28.60 26.44
Constant speed ratio (%) 27.80 22.83
Idling ratio (%) 12.70 22.11

The basic information of the RDE test route is shown in Table 2, the distance of urban,
rural and motorway is 20.5 km, 21.3 km and 23.4 km respectively, the trip share is
31.4%, 32.7% and 35.9%, all these parameters including distance, trip share, total
duration, average speed, stop time and so on fulfill the RDE requirement of China 6

Table 2. Basic information of RDE test route

Urban Rural Motorway Total Unit
Average speed 20.5 76.2 110.8 - km/h
Distance 20.5 21.3 23.4 65.2 km
Duration 60 17 13 90 min

3 Result and Analyses

Figure 1 is the distributions of acceleration - velocity/vehicle speed (a-v) of the 1.6 L

PFI natural aspirated vehicle during CLTC cycle, WLTC cycle and RDE test. The red
dots, the black squares and the blue diamonds are the a-v distribution during CLTC

Fig. 1. Distributions of a-v of the 1.6 L PFI natural aspirated vehicle during CLTC cycle,
WLTC cycle and RDE test
Research on the Correlation Between Test Cycles and RDE Test 1155

cycle, RDE test and WLTC cycle respectively. The blue line circles the a-v coverage of
the WLTC cycle while the red line circles the coverage of the CLTC cycle.
It is shown in Fig. 1 that for the tested 1.6 L prototype, neither WLTC cycle nor
CLTC cycle can fully cover the acceleration - vehicle speed distributions of the RDE
test, and this situation becomes worse for there are lots of high acceleration points at
low speed area and high deceleration points at low and medium speed area. The main
cause is assumed to be the frequent traffic lights and driver’s subconscious emergency
brake in complex traffic situation during real-world driving. In general, as shown in
Fig. 1, the CLTC cycle can cover a wider range comparing to WLTC cycle, which is
more competitive in representing the a-v distributions during RDE test of the 1.6 L PFI
natural aspirated prototype. As we can tell in Fig. 1 that lots of a-v points of RDE test
fall beyond the range of the WLTC cycle when the vehicle speed is higher than
60 km/h, as the vehicle speed reached 100 km/h, the WLTC cycle can only cover an
acceleration range of about ±3 m/s2, while the CLTC cycle is still capable of repre-
senting the ±4 m/s2 acceleration of RDE test at that speed point.








-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 2. The acceleration distribution ratio of the 1.6 L PFI natural aspirated prototype during
CLTC cycle, WLTC cycle and RDE test

Figure 2 shows the acceleration distribution ratio of the 1.6 L PFI natural aspirated
prototype during CLTC cycle, WLTC cycle and RDE test. The pink, red and blue
columns represent the proportion of each acceleration interval during RDE test, WLTC
cycle and CLTC cycle respectively. It is revealed in Fig. 2 that both WLTC and CLTC
cycle underestimated the ±1 m/s2 proportion while overestimated acceleration pro-
portion beyond ±1 m/s2 during RDE test. Despite these deviations, we can still tell in
Fig. 2 that the CLTC cycle shows more similar acceleration distributions to the RDE
test in intervals of −5–−4, −3–−2, −1–0, 0–1, 3–4, 4–5, 5–6 m/s2, while WLTC cycle
is more close in intervals of −1–−2, 1–2, 2–3 m/s2. In general, for 1.6 L PFI natural
aspirated prototype, CLTC cycle is more capable in representing the RDE’s acceler-
ation distribution ratio than WLTC cycle.
Figure 3 is the distributions of a-v of the 2.5 L DI natural aspirated vehicle during
CLTC cycle, WLTC cycle and RDE test. Comparing Fig. 3 to Fig. 1, it reveals that
1156 F. Yan et al.

both WLTC and CLTC cycle show a better speed - acceleration coverage of the 2.5 L
DI prototype than the 1.6 L natural aspirated prototype. The stronger powertrain in
2.5 L DI prototype can provide more efficient acceleration at real-world driving
resulting in smaller maximum positive acceleration points in each velocity section than
the 1.6 L PFI prototype leading the a-v distribution of RDE test can almost fall within
the coverage range of the CLTC and WLTC cycle. Despite there still exist acceleration
points higher than ±3 m/s2 when vehicle speed higher than 100 km/h where WLTC
cycle can’t cover, but the situation is better than the 1.6 L PFI natural aspirated pro-
totype. For the 2.5 L DI prototype, high deceleration points at low and medium speed
area still exist due to the driver’s subconscious emergency brake.

Fig. 3. Distributions of a-v of the 2.5 L DI natural aspirated vehicle during CLTC cycle, WLTC
cycle and RDE test

In general, from Fig. 3, we can see that both WLTC cycle and CLTC cycle have a
better v-a distribution coverage for the 2.5 L DI natural aspirated prototype. Comparing
to WLTC cycle, the CLTC cycle covers a wider range of the v-a distribution, which can
better represent the kinematic characteristics during the RDE test.
Figure 4 shows the acceleration distribution ratio of the 2.5 L DI natural aspirated
prototype during CLTC cycle, WLTC cycle and RDE test. The distribution ratio of
2.5 L prototype shows the same trend as the 1.6 L prototype for both the WLTC and
CLTC cycle underestimate the proportion within ±1 m/s2 while overestimated accel-
eration proportion beyond ±1 m/s2 during RDE test. In general, the CLTC cycle shows
more similar acceleration distributions to the RDE test in intervals of −5–−4, −4–−3,
−3–−2, −1–0, 0–1, 3–4, 4–5, 5–6 m/s2, while WLTC cycle is more close in intervals of
−1–−2, 1–2, 2–3 m/s2, and for 2.0 L DI natural aspirated prototype, CLTC cycle is
more capable in representing the RDE’s acceleration distribution ratio than WLTC
Research on the Correlation Between Test Cycles and RDE Test 1157

Fig. 4. The acceleration distribution ratio of the 2.5 L DI natural aspirated prototype during
CLTC cycle, WLTC cycle and RDE test

Figure 5 is the distributions of a-v of the 2.0 L DI supercharged vehicle during

CLTC cycle, WLTC cycle and RDE test. As we can see from Fig. 5 that for 2.0 L DI
supercharged prototype, either WLTC cycle or CLTC cycle can hardly represent the a-
v distribution of the RDE test, by comparing Fig. 5 to Fig. 1, it seems more points fall
beyond the a-v range of both cycle. The 2.0 L DI supercharged prototype has higher
acceleration conditions in the speed range of less than 30 km/h, 70–80 km/h and over
90 km/h, which shows that the acceleration response of the supercharger is quite
sensitive in the conditions when speed up is needed, as a consequence, the high
deceleration points also increased accompany with the driver’s subconscious safety
behavior when in real traffic conditions. Even though the poor representativeness of
both cycles, we can still tell that the CLTC cycle has more potentials of reducing the
kinematic characteristics difference between lab test and RDE in real-world for the
bigger a-v coverage range comparing to WLTC cycle.

Fig. 5. Distributions of a-v of the 2.0 L DI supercharged vehicle during CLTC cycle, WLTC
cycle and RDE test
1158 F. Yan et al.

Figure 6 shows the acceleration distribution ratio of the 2.0 L DI supercharged

prototype during CLTC cycle, WLTC cycle and RDE test. Unlike the natural aspirated
PFI and DI prototypes, it seems difficult to characterize the motion behavior for both
cycles, which are unlikely to cover the high acceleration (>5 m/s2) and deceleration
state (<−5 m/s2) during the RDE test of the DI supercharged prototype.








-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 6. The acceleration distribution ratio of the 2.0 L DI supercharged prototype during CLTC
cycle, WLTC cycle and RDE test

4 Conclusions

The correlations between WLTC cycle, CLTC cycle and RDE tests are studied among
3 vehicles with different types of technology - PFI natural aspirated, DI natural aspi-
rated and DI supercharged, the following conclusions are obtained:
(1) Neither WLTC cycle nor CLTC cycle can fully cover the acceleration - vehicle
speed distributions of the RDE test, but the CLTC cycle reveals a wider a-v range
comparing to WLTC cycle, which is more competitive in representing the a-v
distributions during real-world driving conditions.
(2) For 1.6 L PFI natural aspirated and 2.5 L DI natural aspirated prototypes, CLTC
cycle is more capable in representing the RDE’s acceleration distribution ratio
than WLTC cycle. But for 2.0 L DI supercharged prototype, it seems difficult to
characterize the motion behavior for both cycles.
(3) In general, the CLTC cycle has more potentials of reducing the kinematic char-
acteristics difference between lab test and RDE in real-world for the bigger a-v
coverage range comparing to WLTC cycle.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China
Research on the Correlation Between Test Cycles and RDE Test 1159

1. Proposal for a new global technical regulation on the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles
Test Procedure (WLTP). Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee,
World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, 162nd session, Geneva, 11–14
March 2014
2. Cuenot F Realistic real-world driving emissions tests: a last chance for diesel cars? http://
3. Rubino L, Bonnel P, Hummel R, Krasenbrink A, Manfredi U, De Santi G, Perotti M,
Bomba G (2007) PEMS light-duty vehicles application: experiences in downtown Milan.
SAE 2007-24-0113
4. Rubino L, Bonnel P, Hummel R, Krasenbrink A, Manfredi U, de Santi G (2009) On-road
emissions and fuel economy of light duty vehicles using PEMS: chase-testing experiment.
SAE Int J Fuels Lubr 1454–1468
5. Vojtisek-Lom M, Fenkl M, Dufek M, Mareš J (2009) Off-cycle, real-world emissions of
modern light duty diesel vehicles. SAE 2009-24-0148
6. Weiss M, Bonnel P, Hummel R, Provenza A, Manfredi U (2011) On-road emissions of light-
duty vehicles in Europe. Environ Sci Technol 45:8575–8581
7. Hu J, Wu Y, Wang Z, Li Z, Zhou Y, Wang H, Bao X, Hao J (2012) Real-world fuel
efficiency and exhaust emissions of light-duty diesel vehicles and their correlation with road
conditions. J Environ Sci 24:865–874
8. Carslaw D, Beevers S, Westmoreland E, Williams M, Tate J, Murrells T, Stedman J, Li Y,
Grice S, Kent A, Tsagatakis I (2011) Trends in NOx and NO2 emissions and ambient
measurements in the UK. In: Version: 3rd March 2011. Draft for Comment. Leeds
University, UK
9. Weiss M, Bonnel P et al (2012) Will Euro 6 reduce the NOx emissions of new diesel cars? –
insights from on-road tests with Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS). Atmos
Environ 62:657–665
10. Eom M, Park J, Baik D-S (2015) Study on real driving emission for light-duty vehicle. In:
Advanced science and technology letters, vol 90 (Mechanical Engineering 2015), pp 10–13
11. Lightrink N, Kadijk G et al (2013) Investigations and real world emission performance of
Euro 6 light-duty vehicles. TNO report, TNO 2013 R11891, 5 December 2013
12. Merkisz J, Pielecha J Analysis of emission factors in RDE tests as well as in NEDC and
WLTC chassis dynamometer tests. SAE 2016-01-0980
13. Emission and test procedure of light-duty vehicle (China 6). Regulation of People’s Republic
of China. GB18352.6-2016
14. (2016) Annual report on the difference between the Actual and Declared fuel consumption
15. (2017) Annual report on the difference between the Actual and Declared fuel consumption
Design and Research of RDE Test Routes

Yuanjun Zhang(&), Dongfeng Tian, Hongyun Du, Hongquan Pan,

Wenshen Fang, and Ying Wang

Xiang Yang DA’AN Automobile Testing Center Limited, Xiangyang, China


Abstract. In the emission off light-duty vehicle, the test vehicle is required to
meet the requirements of speed distribution, distance distribution and driving
habits. The selection of test routes is crucial to the success of the test. This paper
uses V-box to collect the actual road line in advance, Optimize the chosen path
line based on the National VI emission standards of China. The results of
practical verification show that the test path is optimized to improve the test
success rate, and the test reproducibility is better.

Keywords: RDE  Test routes  PEMS

1 Introduction

With the development of the economy and the improvement of the living standards, the
number of motor vehicles in China has increased dramatically. The pollution caused by
motor vehicles has become a worldwide problem [1–3]. At present, light vehicle
emission tests prescribed by national laws and regulations are carried out in the lab-
oratory in accordance with the prescribed test cycles [4]. A single test cycle cannot
completely cover actual driving conditions, there is a large difference between labo-
ratory test results and actual road emission results [5–7]. The Volkswagen emissions
incident prompted RDE testing to become a mandatory standard [8–10].
The “Pollutant Emission Limits and Measurement Methods of Light Vehicles
(China phase 6)” standard (added real road emission test (RDE)) was released on
December 23, 2016 and will be implemented by July 1, 2020. Beijing, Shenzhen,
Henan and other regions have announced that they will implement the standard in
The RDE test originated in the United States and was optimized in Europe. RDE
was first used to test the emissions of heavy-duty vehicles. Later, it was used to test the
emissions of light-duty vehicles and off-road machinery, testing methods also have
been continuously improved. The biggest difficulty with RDE test is the repeatability of
actual road tests and the validity of test data. Domestic and foreign institutions have put
forward requirements for the road conditions of RDE test and have made provisions on
the actual driving habits, requiring that the vehicle’s travel dynamics must meet the
requirements of the regulations.
Therefore, the problem that needs to be solved before the RDE test is to establish a
test route, which is also the most important step in the test process. According to the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1160–1169, 2019.
Design and Research of RDE Test Routes 1161

traffic conditions of different cities, the test routes are also different, but all boundary
conditions need to be met.
According to the requirements of RDE test standards for light vehicles, we chose a
test route in Lanzhou that met the requirements and verified it with PEMS equipment.
A series of design methods of RDE test routes are summarized and successfully

2 RDE Test Standard

According to the “Pollutant Emission Limits and Measurement Methods of Light

Vehicles (China phase 6)” standard, a RDE test route must include urban, rural and
highway, so, a designed test route need to include these three parts. The proportions of
urban, rural and highway are 34%, 33% and 33% respectively. According to the
standard: speed lower than 60 km/h is urban road section, speed between 60 km/h–
90 km/h is rural road section, speed greater than 90 km/h is motorway road section
(Table 1).

Table 1. RDE test standard

Requirements Details
Urban Rural Motorway
Routes Road RDE tests shall be conducted on paved roads and streets
Driving sequence The urban, rural and motorway operation shall be run
continuously. Rural operation may be interrupted by short
periods of urban operation when driving through urban
areas, motorway operation may be interrupted by short
periods of urban or rural operation
Speed  60 km/h 60–90 km/h 90–120 km/h
Distance proportion 34% (29%–44%) 33% (24%– 33% (24%–44%)
Distance  16 km  16 km  16 km
Special requirements Special —— Special
requirements① requirements②
Elevation difference The start and the end point shall not differ in their
elevation above sea level by more than 100 m,
accumulated positive altitude is less than 1200 m/100 km
Duration The trip duration shall be between 90 and 120 min
Conditions Altitude  700 m
Ambient temperature 0–30 °C
Basic extension >700 m,  1300 m;  −7 °C, <0 °C; or >30 °C, <35 °C
1162 Y. Zhang et al.

Table 1. (continued)
Requirements Details
Urban Rural Motorway
Further extended  1300 m,  2400 m
Others 1. The total mass of the basic and
artificial payload does not exceed
90% of the sum of the “mass of the
passengers” and the “pay-mass”
2. The air conditioning system or
other auxiliary devices shall be
operated in a way which corresponds
to their possible use by a consumer at
real driving on the road
3. If regeneration occurs during the
repetition of the RDE test, pollutants
emitted during the repeated test shall
be included in the emissions
4. Violations of local speed limits do
not invalidate the results of a PEMS

The average speed (including stops) of the urban driving part of the trip should be between 15
and 40 km/h. Stop periods, defined as vehicle speed of less than 1 km/h, shall account for 6–30%
of the time duration of urban operation. Urban operation shall contain several stop periods of 10 s
or longer. If a stop period lasts more than 180 s, the emission events during the 180 s following
such an excessively long stop period shall be excluded from the evaluation.

The vehicle velocity shall normally not exceed 135 km/h. This maximum speed may be
exceeded by a tolerance of 15 km/h for not more than 3% of the time duration of the motorway
driving. Local speed limits remain in force at a PEMS test, notwithstanding other legal

3 RDE Route Design

According to the RDE standard, we need to choose a route that covers the urban, rural
and motorway parts.
Our design method is: In order to make RDE testing more efficient, the test route
starts from the laboratory and ends near the laboratory, trying to make the route a loop.
To design a test route, we need to consider urban, suburb, highway distribution
order, and the linkup between two parts, for the test Process is continuous.
We select the city Lanzhou to make experiments to design test route, owing to next
three points.
(1) The city is long and narrow, it’s more difficult to design a test route.
(2) High latitude fluctuations, Mountainous.
(3) Traffic congestion in many places for the city construction.
Design and Research of RDE Test Routes 1163

To design a satisfied test route is more difficult because of above three reasons. On
the other hand, we can examine whether the design method is effective through
selecting such a city.
According to the actual transportation condition of Lanzhou, three is about 10 km
section is maintaining in highway, is One-way road section, this section is rural driving
condition. So actual segment distribution is urban 24.5 km, rural 35.7 km and
motorway 35.5 km. Basically meet the requirements. (According to experience, shorter
routes should be chosen in the urban area because some working conditions in the rural
and motorway areas will fall into urban areas.) Total 95.7 km, time about 100 min
(Figs. 1 and 2).

Fig. 1. The urban part of the route Fig. 2. The rural part of the route

Fig. 3. The motorway part of the route

After selecting a designed route through the electronic map on a computer, install
the V-box on the vehicle (as shown in the Fig. 3), to collect real-vehicle data.
The collected speed data is shown in the Fig. 5.
According to the standard definition, we use EXCLE data processing tools, analyze
the collected data, study how many boundary condition reach the standard, verify the
validity of the test route, and obtain the verification results as shown in the following
Table 2.
1164 Y. Zhang et al.

Fig. 4. Velocity diagram with V-Box (1)

Table 2. Boundary conditions (1)

Trip duration (min) Altitude difference (m) Pos-elevation (m)
96.9 27.1 788.4
Urban distance (km) Rural distance (km) Motor-distance (%) distance (km)
27.0 34.9 33.6
Urban share (%) Rural share (%) Motorway share (%)
28.3 36.5 35.2
Urban ave-speed (km/h) Urban < 1 km/h (%) Number of stops > 10 s
32.8 9.5 12.0
Motor > 120 km/h (%) Motor > 100 km/h (min) Number of stops > 180 s
0.033 14.3 0

Through analysis, we can see that all parameters such as travel time, average urban
speed, and altitude difference meet the requirements, but the proportion of urban
journey (28.3%) doesn’t meet the requirement (29% to 44%). According to the speed
curve Fig. 4 and Lanzhou’s traffic conditions, except for some congestion in the rural
and motorway transitional sections, the overall road conditions in the rural and
motorway are relatively smooth, resulting in a relatively low proportion of urban road.
Because of Lanzhou’s traffic conditions (rural road and motorway are relatively
unobstructed) and regulatory requirements (proportions of urban, rural and high-speed
trips are: 34% (29%–44%), 33% (23%–43%), 33% (23%–43%)) respectively.
According to the results of the validity of the trip in Table 2, an increase of 7 km in
urban roads which makes urban, rural and highway become 31.5 km, 35.7 km,
35.5 km will meet the proportion requirements of each driving road. The route of the
adjusted urban road is shown in Fig. 5. The collected speed data with V-Box is shown
in the Fig. 6.
Design and Research of RDE Test Routes 1165

Fig. 5. The adjusted urban road Fig. 6. Velocity diagram with V-Box

The validity of the test route is shown in the Table 3.

Table 3. Boundary conditions (2)

Trip duration (min) Altitude difference (m) Pos-elevation (m)
107.2 61.2 790.1
Urban distance (km) Rural distance (km) Motor-distance (%) distance (km)
36.2 33.6 32.7
Urban share (%) Rural share (%) Motorway share(%)
35.4 32.8 31.9
Urban ave-speed (km/h) Urban < 1 km/h (%) Number of stops > 10 s
35.3 10.5 14
Motor > 120 km/h (%) Motor > 100 km/h (min) Number of stops > 180 s
0.016 13.0 0

After adjustment, the actual driving range of urban, rural and high-speed trip is
36.2 km, 33.6 km and 32.7 km, respectively, accounting for 35.5%, 32.8%, and 31.9%
of the total, which meet the requirements of the standard. Other parameters also meet
the regulations. The modified route can be used for RDE tests.

4 Vehicle Emission Test Verification

After modifying the RDE route, an actual road emission test was carried out with
PEMS to verify the rationality of the route.
The actual road emission test (RDE) is carried out according to the designed route
using PEMS equipment. PEMS consists of a main analysis unit, an exhaust gas flow
meter, a Global Positioning System (GPS), and a temperature and humidity meter. The
test results are shown in Table 4.
1166 Y. Zhang et al.

Table 4. The result of vehicle emission test

Test validity check Result Criteria Validity
Urban distance (km) 31.92 >16 Valid
Rural Distance (km) 32.76 >16 Valid
Motorway distance (km) 26.36 >16 Valid
Trip duration (min) 112 >90, <120 Valid
Urban > 60 km/h (%) 35.06  29,  44 Valid
Rural < 90 km/h (%) 35.99  23,  43 Valid
Motorway > 90 km/h (%) 28.96  23,  43 Valid
Urban ave-speed (km/h) 26.87  15,  40 Valid
Urban speed < 1 km/h (%) 24.60  6,  30 Valid
Urban low speed > 10 s 31 >2 Valid
Motor max-speed (km/h) 118.62  135 Valid
Motorway > 120 km/h (%) 0 <3 Valid
Motorway > 100 km/h (min) 12.6 >5 Valid
Elevation difference (m) 50.2 <100 Valid
Positive alt gain (m) 378.84 <1200 Valid
Urban > 0.1 m/s2 1401  150 Valid
Rural > 0.1 m/s2 575  150 Valid
Motorway > 0.1 m/s2 329  150 Valid
Urban RPA 0.213  0.133 Valid
Rural RPA 0.158  0.0545 Valid
Motorway RPA 0.110  0.025 Valid
Urban V * A [95] 13.58  18.09 Valid
Rural V * A [95] 17.09  24.58 Valid
Motorway V * A [95] 15.77  26.86 Valid

5 Methods Extension

According to the method of route design as stated, three routes in Xiang yang city have
been designed that meet the test requirements. See the following Figs. 7, 8 and 9.

Fig. 7. RDE test route 1 in Xiang yang Fig. 8. RDE test route 2 in Xiang yang
Design and Research of RDE Test Routes 1167

Fig. 9. RDE test route 2 in Xiang yang

Through the real vehicle PEMS emission test, the distance proportion distributions
of designed routes are reasonable, and all boundary conditions can meet the require-
ments of the regulations well. So the designed routes can be used as the standard route
of RDE test.
We selected different cars to carry out RDE test on “RDE test route 1 in Xiang
yang”. Among all the tests, six test data of which all the boundary conditions are
satisfied were choose to make a contrast. Distance distribution contrast, v * (a) - [95]
contrast, and RPA comparison seen as Figs. 10, 11 and 12.

Fig. 10. Distance distribution contrast Fig. 11. v * (a) - [95] contrast

Fig. 12. RPA comparison

1168 Y. Zhang et al.

Through comparison, we find that the distance distribution proportion of the same
test route varies little as long as the boundary is satisfied. (v * a) - [95] are basically in
the same range, with little fluctuation; RPA varies from vehicle to vehicle, but the
variation is basically stable, which is related to the unknown vehicle power level and
mass power ratio.

6 Conclusion

The following points can be summarized through the verification and analyze RDE test
(1) The RDE test routes can be designed to be a loop to get a shorter distance between
the start point and endpoint according to the following two considerations. Firstly,
loop routes can reduce test time and improve test efficiency; secondly, loop routes
can meet the altitude requirement according to GB18352.6-2016 that the altitude
difference between the start point and endpoints is less than 100 m.
(2) The distance of each phase should be over 16 km according to GB18352.6-2016.
When designing the test route, the total distance designed between 80 and 100 km
is reasonable. The total test time is between 90 and 120 min, if the total distance is
too short, the average velocity tends to be too low which will lead to dissatis-
faction about the normality judge of CO2 according to GB18352.6-2016.
(3) The urban phase is short relatively. According to GB18352.6-2016, the velocity
of urban phase is lower than 60 km/h, the velocity of suburban phase is between
60 and 90 km/h. But in actual driving, the velocity of suburban phase is possible
to be lower 60 km/h, and the velocity of highway phase is probably to be lower
90 km/h or even lower than 60 km/h when encounter traffic jam or heavy traffic.
Under such circumstance the distance of urban phase and suburban phase will
increase correspondingly. So when designing test route, the urban distance should
be reduced in proportion to leave a margin. The initial distance allocation will be
adjusted according to the actual road condition and analysis results.
RDE test is one of the required testing projects according to GB18352.6-2016, and
RDE emission can reflect the vehicle emission level more really. Vehicle manufac-
turing enterprises need calibrate the ECU under different working conditions and in full
load range when dealing with the emission regulations. A test route – which could
satisfy the requirement of RDE test route, and has good repeatability – can make
emission calibration and development work more targeted, improve the efficiency of
development, save development time effectively. It is of great significance.
Design and Research of RDE Test Routes 1169

1. Ministry of environmental protection of the People’s Republic of China (2015) Annual
report on the prevention and control of motor vehicle pollution in China. (2016) Ministry of
environmental protection of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing, pp 1–5
2. Wang G, Bai S, Ogden JM (2009) Identifying contributions of on-road motor vehicles to
urban air pollution using travel demand model data. Transp Res Part D: Transp Environ 14
3. Huang Z, Tang D (2008) China’s vehicle emissions of toxic and harmful air pollutants
estimated. Environ Sci Res 21(6):166–170
4. Merkisz J, Fuc P, Lijewski P et al The comparison of the emissions from light duty vehicle in
on-road and NEDC tests. SAE Paper 2010-01-1298
5. Weiss M, Bonnel P, Hummel R et al (2011) On-road emissions of light-duty vehicles in
Europe. Environ Sci Technol 45(19):8575–8581
6. Vojtisek-Lom M, Fenkl M, Dufek M et al Off-cycle, realworld emissions of modern light
duty diesel vehicles. SAE Paper 2009-24-0148
7. Pathak SK, Sood V, Singh Y et al (2016) Real world vehicle emissions: their correlation
with driving parameters. Transp Res Part D: Transp Environ 44:157–176
8. GB 18352.6-2016 (2016) Emission limits and measurement methods for light vehicle
pollutants (China stage 6). China Environment Press, Beijing, pp 159–162
9. (2016) Annual report on the difference between the Actual and Declared fuel consumption
10. (2017) Annual report on the difference between the Actual and Declared fuel consumption
New Media Technology Path for Children’s
Literature Dissemination

Mingxiu Ding(&)

Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun 130052, Jilin, China


Abstract. Children’s literature is a special literary category created for chil-

dren. Its audiences are more special, which are the children with weak resolution
and weak language ability. Through reading children’s literature, children can
improve their language ability and learn to distinguish right from wrong. In the
past, the dissemination of children’s literature was relatively simple, mainly in
paper media. However, in the new media era, the transmission route of chil-
dren’s literature has also been subverted and changed. This article focuses on the
ways and means of children’s literature dissemination in the new media era.

Keywords: Children’s literature  Dissemination  New media 

Technology path

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of computer information technology, paper media has
gradually declines, and then the new media rises, which dominates the market. New
media, closely connected with computer information processing technology and
inseparable from “media”, are instant media based on computer information technol-
ogy. As the media, it has the function of one-way transmission of traditional media. As
the “new” media, it also has the function of instant messaging function of Internet, and
is a new form of media that can highly integrate interaction and communication. With
the continuous development of new media technology, it is involved in more and more
industries, and gradually becomes the driving force of literary reform. As an important
category of literature, children’s literature is greatly influenced by new media. At
present, the wide application of new media has changed the creation, reading and
dissemination habits of children’s literature, and has become a practical issue worthy of
attention [1].

2 Obstacles to the Dissemination of Children’s Literature

2.1 Technical Barriers

The main medium for the dissemination of children’s literature is paper media. As a
traditional medium, paper media has always been the main form of transmission of
traditional literary works. Children’s literature, as the main category of literature,

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1170–1176, 2019.
New Media Technology Path for Children’s Literature Dissemination 1171

naturally uses paper media as the main carrier media. Newspapers and periodicals such
as Children’s Literature, Literature and Art for Juveniles, and Chinese Juveniles have
nourished generations of people and are well-known children’s literature books. As a
means of literary communication, paper media has many advantages and features. Its
associative function, retaining function and disseminating function are all its important
functions. Through the paper media reading, recipient can complete the information
processing through individual imagination, and form the object of his perception. As
people say, “if there are a thousand readers, there will be a thousand hamlets”. With the
emergence and rapid development of new media, this kind of plane paper media is
gradually replaced by three-dimensional, dynamic and interactive new media. Literary
image is gradually replaced by audio and video information. For a time, the diversified
communication channels are all over the place. Although there is a flourishing scene of
a hundred flowers blossoming, it also makes the children’s literature with the help of
paper media into a “dead end”. Children tend to think in images and are more receptive
to graphic animation information, while boring paper reading is becoming increasingly
unattractive. Mobile phones, computers, tablet computers and other electronic products
have gradually become children’s new favorite. Children’s literature is facing a realistic
problem, that is, either abandoned by children readers or combined with new media,
breaking through technical barriers and realizing transformation and development.

2.2 Communication Barriers

Children’s literature is the main way for children to read literature knowledge, to
accumulate language ability and to understand the world. Through reading children’s
literature, children can preliminarily distinguish right from wrong, and understand the
world. Therefore, reading children’s literature is the normal needs of children, and also
the first step in language learning. However, the current academic pressure is high, and
parents and teachers generally do not realize the importance of children’s literature.
They regard reading children’s literature as a waste of time, refusing or even preventing
children from reading. Therefore, it causes a series of strange phenomena. On the one
hand, children rush to various tutorial institutions, reading a large number of teaching
and auxiliary books. On the other hand, children lack the reading of children’s liter-
ature, resulting in inadequate reading, affecting language learning, restricting writing
ability. In particular, the lack of understanding of children’s literature among kinder-
garten, primary and secondary school Chinese teachers is an important reason for the
unsustainability of children’s literature reading. A survey of Chinese teachers in
kindergartens and primary and secondary schools has led us to ponder over:
1172 M. Ding

Table 1. A survey of children’s literature literacy of Chinese teachers in kindergartens and

middle and primary school

Consciously realize the difference

between children’s literature and
other literature

Understand and guide children’s


Can name one or two contemporary Proportion

children’s literature writers and

Enjoy reading children’s literature

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

From the above Table 1, it can be seen that the Chinese teachers in primary and
secondary schools and kindergartens, who should be the guide of children’s reading,
know little about children’s literature. Only 25% of them can realize the difference
between children’s literature and other literary works, only 30% of them can understand
and guide children to read children’s literature, only 20% of teachers can understand and
name one or two contemporary children’s literature writers or works, and only 30% of
teachers like to read children’s literature. We are surprised by the lack of teachers’
children’s literature literacy. This is the case for teachers, not to mention parents. Few
parents are able to guide children’s literature reading, so experts have commented that
children’s literature reading in China is self-reading without guidance [2].

2.3 Language Barrier

Children’s literature is created by adults, but also guided by adults to read, so whether
the work itself or the language used to explain the guidance, there inevitably will be
adult language. There are essential differences between children’s language and adult
language. Influenced by age and experience, children’s language tends to be visualized,
and children are unable to understand more logical and abstract adult language.
However, in children’s literature, the author and the guide will use the adult language,
so they will impose adult consciousness on children. For example, in the work of
Zheng Yuanjie, the “King of Fairy Tales”, there are such narratives: “The whole family
of Pipilu laughs. They finally knows what is “knowledge”, and finally understand the
connotation of “authority”. They also understand that, for the same words, people of
different identities mean different meanings. People who have no identity are talking
nonsense. Those with identity are doctrines”, and “The real meaning of iron bowl is not
to eat for a lifetime in one place, but to eat wherever you go”. Such a language is
enjoyable and philosophical to adults, but it is really unacceptable to children.
New Media Technology Path for Children’s Literature Dissemination 1173

In addition, language that is too old and unoriginal also influences the effective
dissemination of children’s literature. Children are naturally lively, like to explore, and
like the pursuit of novelty, so they are particularly fond of imaginative adventures and
fairy tales. For a period of time, because of the influence of the mainstream literature,
the war literature formed in the special period occupies a major position, and the image
of the small heroes of the war of resistance is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
This is originally a sign of the times formed under the mainstream political ideology,
and because of the adventure spirit of small heroes, it is also really loved by children.
However, the creators who have become rigid in their thinking continue to use this
language of war literature. Even though the time has changed, they still use the lan-
guage that is too old and unoriginal to create the children’s literature, which can hardly
arouse the resonance of contemporary children [3].

3 New Changes in Children’s Literature Creation in the New

Media Era

3.1 Content Change

In the new media era, netizens have gradually become younger, and the Internet has
become an important part of life. With the growth of the Internet, their thoughts can no
longer satisfy the associative experience brought by paper media. Therefore, the cre-
ative content of children’s literature pays more and more attention to children’s living
conditions in the new media era, and children’s literature gradually merges with film,
television and network, forming a relatively new content of children’s literature cre-
ation. As children’s literature writer Hong Xuntao said: “Children’s literature view
should not be confined to the words in newspapers and books, but should be extended
to film, television, radio, drama and so on, so as to expand the world of children’s
literature, expand the radiation and coverage of children’s literature, and make 300
million Chinese children and children’s literature closer” [4]. Network language and
network stories are the cornerstones of contemporary children’s literature creation, and
a large number of negative phenomena brought about by the network, and moral
worries have become the theme of new media children’s literature creation. Focusing
on social hot issues, providing children with the correct values, and guiding children to
face the network correctly can not only enrich the creative theme, but also have a strong
flavor of the times.

3.2 Structural Changes

In the traditional paper media era, the creative style of children’s literature is a linear
structure, that is, under the arrangement of a certain sequence of stories, it is more
solidified in accordance with the author’s established line of development and ending.
For example, the final result of the love story between prince and princess is “happy life
together”. In the new media era, with the integration of computer technology, chil-
dren’s literature can use an interactive network structure. The network structure pre-
sents an open and diversified posture, and readers can choose different story endings
1174 M. Ding

according to their reading ability and interest. Because of the open structure arrange-
ment, the association and imagination space of reading is enlarged infinitely, which is
like the “radiation and extension to multiple space-time at the intersection of multiple
dimensions, with infinite structural gaps and vast space for readers to participate in
creation [5].” The network structure deconstructs the linear structure, and the story
becomes more diversified. “Different possibilities are set at the joints of the plot
development. Readers can choose for themselves (or help the character to choose).
Different choices lead to different stories and results. When readers read a book, as if
they had read many books. When they read a story, as if they had read many stories
[6].” This setting liberates the mind, opens the “imagination”, activates more abundant
association and imagination, and cultivates a new reading ability.

3.3 Language Change

The information dissemination in the new media era has a notable feature, that is the
form of graphics and image dissemination. Due to the powerful and convenient
function of mobile phone camera function, graphic and image information occupies the
majority of the new media transmission process. Because of netizens’ dependence on
graphic and image information and children’s interest in intuitive graphic and image
information, the language of children’s literature creation is gradually visualized. The
pictorial language presents the characteristics of intuition and image, with a sense of
picture. Yang Hongying is the representative of the use of this language. Child liter-
ature critic Zhu Ziqiang once commented on Yang Hongying’s works. “When reading
Yang Hongying’s best selling works, there are “images” constantly changing in front
us, which will not make readers stop to savor and think, which is totally different from
the reading status of classic children’s literature. The setting of the image is quite
arbitrary [7].”
In the new media era, another characteristic of language is carnivalization. The so-
called carnival language refers to the combination of daily life language and network
language, the flexible use of life, network and humor language, with more language
tension. This kind of language is more easily understood and accepted because it is
lively and vivid, and it is closer to life. Children’s language is naive and simple. The
combination of naive and simple language and network language is not only close to
life but also close to the network, with a kind of affinity, but also with a kind of carnival

4 Exploration of the Communication Path of Children’s

Literature in the New Media Era

4.1 Diversified Communication

In the era of paper media, children’s literature has a single mode of communication,
and books, newspapers, magazines and other channels are more common. In the new
media era, the creation of children’s literature has changed dramatically under the
changes of the overall social environment, and the way of communication has also been
New Media Technology Path for Children’s Literature Dissemination 1175

overturned. Although the publication of paper books is still the main channel of
children’s literature publication, the combination of well-bound books and the Internet
is a new change. Paper books absorb the interactive and open characteristics of new
media, strengthen the communication and interaction between publications and readers,
and integrate the resources of text, image, sound and image into one, thus forming a
multi-dimensional and open reading experience and producing a new artistic effect. For
example, “Hello, Hualiandao” published by China Chaohua Children’s Publishing
House is regarded as an interactive novel between literature and computer. It is the first
juvenile book that combines paper media with electronic media in China. It has created
a new concept and new situation for the creation and publishing of children’s books,
that is a three-dimensional creative and publishing mode that reflects the characteristics
of the information age and the interaction and complementarity of various media [8].

4.2 Combining Online and Offline

In the new media era, there is no separate offline or online communication. Only by
combining online and offline can the best results be achieved. At present, most chil-
dren’s literature books have online reading platforms. By scanning two-dimensional
codes, children can enter online reading platforms. They can share reading, exchange
experience, play games with readers who share their hobbies online, so as to increase
reading interest and guide children to read more correctly. On the other hand, through
online platform dissemination, better reading materials will be known by more people
through the network platform, and more people will participate in it. Through online
reading, the linear structure can be broken, and an open net article structure can be
constructed, forming a brand-new children’s literature.

4.3 Cross Media Communication

New media is a general term for a variety of media types in the new era, which is a
form of media relative to traditional media. Relying on computer information platform
and information technology means, it can extend and expand a variety of art forms.
Similarly, various forms of art can be combined to form a completely new way of
reading. In the new media era, children’s literature forms an artistic style that can be
spread across the media through the combination of film, television, music, writing,
pictures and other artistic forms, forming a kind of literary carnival. For example, for
the youth pain series of “The Skirt of School Uniform”, “The Left Ear”, and “The End
of Left ear”, audio and video materials, single works, MV and other works are inte-
grated together, resulting in a new form of cross-media communication.

4.4 Multi Channel Communication

In the new media era, all kinds of Internet platforms can become a channel for chil-
dren’s literature dissemination, such as the WeChat official account, micro-blog, var-
ious forums, APP, small programs and many other channels of communication. The
author Shang Xiaona’s “Blog of Our Class” has won the reputation of campus blog
novels by taking blog as a communication channel and narrating diary novels with
1176 M. Ding

“blog” [9]. Various network channels have long been familiar to small netizens, using a
variety of network channels to interact with children’s readers, disseminating children’s
literature, and unconsciously bringing art edification to children’s edification and
cultivating reading habits.

5 Conclusions

The transmission path of children’s literature can no longer be confined to the old form.
In the new media era, through the means of network technology, after the new sub-
version, children’s literature, with its open and network structure, is more suitable for
new media dissemination, and more close to children’s reading habits. Computer
technology integrates film and television, music, text, graphics and other art forms to
form a cross-media communication [10]. Although it is still young and advanced, it can
be regarded as an attempt in the new media era, and it has proved to be very effective.
The dissemination and development of children’s literature is an important matter for
children to accumulate experience, improve language literacy, understand the world
and establish correct values. Parents and teachers should be able to guide and correct
them. Especially, in the new media environment, the phenomenon that the quality of
the works is uneven can not be ruled out. As parents and teachers, they should be able
to teach children to distinguish correctly, so that children’s literature can play its due
positive guiding value.

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8. Wang Q (2000) The docking of literature and computers: two media interactive novels. J Lit
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Mongolia Soc Sci 9. (Chinese)
Research on Optimization of Rural Tourism
Industry Chain in Jilin Province

Nan Jiang and Yue Wang(&)

College of Business Administration, Jilin Engineering Normal University,

Changchun, China

Abstract. Jilin Province has a high forest coverage rate, a superior forest
environment and landscape, and can be excavated. The tourism industry has
been listed as an economic pillar industry by Jilin Province. Travel is more than
just a simple viewing, and visitors are more than happy to enjoy the process.
Based on the analysis of forest tourism resources in Jilin Province, combined
with the results and development of domestic tourism construction, this paper
compares with Jilin Province and proposes some countermeasures and solutions
for the problems of tourism in Jilin Province.

Keywords: Jilin Province  Tourism industry chain  Rural tourism industry 

Optimization plan

1 Introduction

In modern society, the acceleration of urbanization, urban environmental problems

such as traffic congestion and noise pollution, and the fast-paced life, cause most people
to work under pressure, physical and psychological fatigue, many people I hope to
relax and rejuvenate through tourism [1–3]. The psychology that accompanied people’s
desire for health and the pursuit of health has become more urgent, and nature tourism
has also developed. The summer leisure industry is a new form of summer economy
and a new field for the revitalization of Jilin Province [1–7]. Based on the excellent
ecological environment, we will take advantage of the strategic climate resources of the
whole region, re-establish the starting line, develop the new economy, innovate and
promote the high-quality development of the summer leisure industry, develop the
summer leisure industry, and expand the scale and quality of the summer leisure
industry. Forming a “two-season prosperity and driving the spring and autumn” with
the winter ice and snow industry, it is of great significance for taking the lead in
building tourism into the fourth pillar industry of our province and promoting the
economic development of the province to a higher level [8–15]. Firmly establish the
development concept of “Green Water Qingshan is Jinshan Yinshan” and “Ice and
Snow is also Jinshan Yinshan”. It regards tourism as an important starting point for
supply-side structural reform, promoting high-quality development, and accelerating
the transformation of new and old kinetic energy. High-quality construction and high-
level management have promoted the rapid development of Jilin tourism industry

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1177–1184, 2019.
1178 N. Jiang and Y. Wang

[16–19]. At present, with the advent of the mass tourism era, summer recreation has
become a popular tourist method [20].

2 Jilin Province Tourism Construction

2.1 The Status Quo Tourism Is a Brand New Tourism Concept

and Method Produced by China in the Information Age
At present, Jilin Province’s tourism construction is still in its infancy. In 2012,
Changchun City led the province to build a tourist city. In early 2016, with the strong
support of the Tourism Bureau, Jilin City, Jilin Province set out to build a tourism card
project. Nowadays, Jilin Province has gradually improved the major tourism service
platforms, such as: Jilin Provincial Tourism Administration Government Network, Jilin
Tourism Information Network, Jilin Province Tourism Bureau official Weibo, official
WeChat public platform. In the future, we will soon develop a semi-self-service travel
service platform, and so on. However, there are still many shortcomings in Jilin Pro-
vince tourism, such as low capital and brain drain. In the process of tourism con-
struction, the province should make rational use of existing tourism resources, learn
from other provinces and foreign excellent tourism projects, highlight the character-
istics of Jilin Province’s own tourism, and constantly summarize and improve, so as to
build an excellent tourist city in Jilin Province.

2.2 Status of Rural Tourism Development

There are a large number of townships (towns) in Jilin Province, with a total of 628
townships (towns), including 195 townships, 433 towns, and 9441 administrative
villages. For Jilin Province, the rural population is large. Due to the formation and
development of rural tourism areas, a large number of tourists have visited the rural
areas of Jilin Province, which has brought corresponding benefits to the rural residents
of Jilin Province, and also improved the rural areas of Jilin Province. Residents’ living
standards and the social awareness of rural residents in Jilin Province. Actively develop
the construction of rural tourism areas in Jilin Province, which will promote and
improve the rural tourism development and farmers’ income in Jilin Province, and
promote the domestic demand of Jilin Province, promote the economic growth of Jilin
Province, and enrich the spiritual and civilized life of rural farmers in Jilin Province.
Under the new era of rural tourism, China’s socialist new rural economic construction
has an extremely important role.

3 The Qtatus Quo of Domestic Tourism Development

At present, the updating and use of tourism information is more convenient and con-
venient, which makes the country further develop tourism e-commerce. The National
Tourism Administration and the National Surveying and Mapping Geographic Infor-
mation Bureau jointly developed and built the “National A-level Tourism Scenic Area
Research on Optimization of Rural Tourism Industry Chain 1179

Management System”, and cooperated with Baidu to develop “National Tourism

Scenic Area Dynamic Monitoring and Visitor Evaluation System” and four demon-
stration projects, respectively for tourism shopping demonstration. Point, tourism IT
listed companies, smart hotel demonstration projects, digital scenic area demonstration
projects, and the construction of “tourist cities” pilot projects. In 2014, the nationwide
construction of “tourism” was enthusiastic and became the theme of annual tourism
promotion. Information collection, university research is on the right track, relevant
forums are actively carried out, the scope of tourism technology and equipment sup-
pliers is broadened, and the project is initiated accordingly and cooperates with the
government in many aspects.

3.1 Beijing
As the capital of China, Beijing is an urgent task for the construction of tourist cities.
Beijing has begun to plan to build a tourism public service system, a tourism service
system and a tourism administration management system. During the “Twelfth Five-
Year Plan” period, several tourism projects will be launched simultaneously. Beijing is
committed to creating a convenient, diversified and international tourism city for
domestic and foreign tourists.

3.2 Hangzhou
Hangzhou is known as the “paradise on earth” and is an important tourism economic
development city in China. The construction of tourist cities is officially launched.
Nowadays, the comprehensive wireless network coverage of the 5A scenic spot and the
high-star hotel has been realized; the website group of all kinds of tourist information
has been launched; and the “Hangzhou Travel Passport” has been jointly launched with
Alibaba to realize online and offline payment, and covers navigation, reservation, and
Offers, taxis and many other services. Now, Hangzhou is making efforts to build a
comprehensive tourism public service platform that integrates information technology
and tourism industry.

3.3 Hainan
Hainan is a major tourist province, and Wanning City is the first “tourist pilot city”, and
the construction results are considerable. Wanning City established a tourism industry
alliance, which enables information sharing, resource sharing and mutually beneficial
cooperation among enterprises, and greatly enhances the competitiveness of Wanning
tourism; now it has basically established an international information tourism platform;
a global marketing system platform; now Hainan Province and telecommunications
companies Launched the “Sunshine Wing” mobile phone software to achieve a variety
of services such as eating, living, traveling, and attraction recommendation, and bring a
better travel experience for tourists.
1180 N. Jiang and Y. Wang

4 Problems in the Development of Rural Tourism in Jilin

4.1 Lack of Scientific Rural Tourism Development Planning
The development of rural tourism in Jilin Province requires a clear development
direction and specific development ideas, characteristic development themes, scientific
development goals and a sound development framework. The mining and utilization of
rural tourism resources in Jilin Province is low, the related projects have not formed
scale, the funds and related facilities services are not perfect, and the sustainable
protection mechanism of rural tourism resources needs to be improved. All of these
require the long-term scientific rural tourism development plan of Jilin Province.

4.2 Rural Tourism Products Have Low Levels and Insufficient Depth
Tourism development time is short, and rural tourism has homogenization problems.
Most development models rely on superior forest environment, and through the
development of forest eco-tourism tourism products, visitors can enjoy the pleasure of
relaxation, thus achieving the purpose of relaxation. The rural tourism products in Jilin
Province are still dominated by traditional sightseeing, with fewer natural scenery
tourism products and holiday leisure tourism products, lower levels of natural scenery
products and insufficient development depth, making Jilin Province rural tourism
products influential in and outside the province. Not large, seriously restricting the
development and development of rural tourism in Jilin Province.

4.3 Rural Tourism Is Lowly Known

Rural tourism in Jilin Province is in its infancy, and some people are not aware of the
physical and psychological healing effects brought by natural scenery. Many natural
scenery tourism resources have low social visibility, and it is difficult for the public to
obtain relevant information about rural tourism. The attraction attracts visitors to
participate in rural tourism. Therefore, it is necessary for all levels of departments to
increase publicity so as to effectively promote the development of rural tourism
economy in Jilin Province.

4.4 The Scenic Spot Was Developed Blindly and the Propaganda Was
Not Enough
With the development of global information technology, the existing technology
applied to the construction of rural tourism cities is no longer a problem, but because
Jilin Province is in the initial stage of construction, the developed rural areas and their
affiliated products and markets and even tourists can not be effectively applied, and In
the early stage of research and development, a large amount of manpower, material
resources and financial resources are also required. No matter the pressure of the
enterprise or the scenic spot itself, but the users are few, the rural products are not
effectively applied and the resources are wasted. Jilin Province has little influence on
Research on Optimization of Rural Tourism Industry Chain 1181

the tourism industry in China and even in the three provinces. Although the resources
are abundant, its popularity is much weaker than that of Dalian and other cities in
Liaoning. In the era of rapid development of new media, Jilin Province should seize the
opportunity and increase publicity to make the countryside The tourism products can
be developed reasonably in the market and attract more tourists, thus rapidly devel-
oping the tourism economic system of Jilin Province.

5 Development Strategy of Rural Tourism Industry in Jilin


See Fig. 1.




Fig. 1. Rural tourism development map

5.1 Focus on Promoting Rural Travel

With the summer tourism and parent-child travel as the main target markets, we will
carry out teaching and sightseeing such as patriotic education bases, exhibition halls,
cultural and educational bases, and the second is to develop characteristic rural prod-
ucts. Promote the integration of rural tourism into the curriculum plan for primary and
secondary schools, and innovatively develop rural travel products with diverse and
individualized industries, culture, science, ecology, folklore, etc.; third, to improve
rural operational capabilities.

5.2 Upgrade Quality and Upgrade Rural Leisure

To transform value-added leisure agriculture. Improve the added value of agricultural
products, promote the agricultural production chain to connect leisure experience
consumption; to comprehensively enhance rural tourism, promote the beautiful rural
construction to undertake the function of livable and suitable for tourism, realize the
1182 N. Jiang and Y. Wang

rural construction scenic spot, rural traditional living, rural entertainment; It is neces-
sary to expand the space for farmers to increase their income. Promote the integration
of new professional farmers to serve the economy, develop vocational skills training,
revitalize traditional crafts, and achieve diversification of the rural economy.

5.3 It Is Proposed to Increase the Intellectual Intelligence Supply

The first is the way of training innovative talents. Encourage all kinds of colleges and
universities to set up summer recreation industry talent cultivation courses, strengthen
vocational education in summer recreation; implement the province’s summer leisure
industry talent training project, train a group of management personnel, enterprise
senior management and other management talents, and accelerate the training of a
group of health, There are shortages of service talents such as medical care, sports,
forestry, real estate transformation, red, industry, and rural tourism; the second is the
innovative flexible talent introduction model. Optimize the talent entrepreneurial
environment, explore a new model of flexible talents, give play to the talent pooling
effect, optimize the talent development environment, attract high-level composite
modern service industry talents outside the province, and provide intellectual support
for the province’s leisure service economic development.

5.4 Rationally Develop and Increase Rural Propaganda

In the marketing model, with the advent of mobile phones, Weibo WeChat has become
the fourth media outside of radio, television, newspapers and magazines, and is also a
new type of marketing channel. Many companies integrate smart payment methods
such as mobile payment, intelligent software and QR code into corporate marketing,
providing convenience for people and increasing efficiency for enterprises. Through the
monitoring and analysis of these marketing channel data, more tourism companies and
relevant government organizations can launch new products and projects suitable for
the market based on these data, rationally utilize new media marketing, and open more
new marketing models. In particular, we will play an important role in the Internet,
increase publicity, create a certain degree of social awareness, and effectively improve
the visibility of rural tourism in Jilin Province and help the development of rural
tourism in Jilin Province.

5.5 Develop a Scientific Plan for Rural Tourism

The development of rural tourism tourism should combine planning, development,
management and protection organically, and adopt the principle of “first planning and
post-development” as the first principle of planning. Government departments should
strengthen macroeconomic regulation and control, actively carry out rural tourism
strategic planning, conduct comprehensive system planning according to the resources
and development conditions of rural tourism in Jilin Province, integrate regional
resource advantages, and formulate tourism planning for Xiangxi in Jilin Province.
Based on the rural tourism development plan of Jilin Province, we must conscien-
tiously do a good job in forest park tourism, focus on improving traffic conditions,
Research on Optimization of Rural Tourism Industry Chain 1183

improve the reception facilities of tourist destinations, meet the needs of ecotourism
allocation, and determine the continuous protection of rural ecotourism resources.

6 Summary

Nowadays, tourism is a form of relaxation and decompression under the high stress life,
which will inevitably lead to social and economic development. For example, self-
guided tours, self-driving trips, eco-tourism and other new types of tourism are
developing at a rapid pace. How can the tourism industry use these new methods to
develop new products to meet the needs of tourists? It is also inseparable from the
innovation of its own technology, that is, to achieve “rural tourism”. As a minority in
the northeast region, Jilin Province first develops a rural tourism model, which will
surely seize the opportunity, accelerate the development of rural tourism construction,
and strengthen the concept of “experience, service, management and marketing”.
Promote the improvement of rural tourism construction and tourism services in Jilin
Province and bring a new revolution to the tourism industry in Jilin Province and even
the whole country.

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Geograph Res
Architecture Design and Cultural Deficiency
of College English Computer Aided Reading

Lu Wei1(&) and Binquan Liu2

Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Jingdezhen, China
Jingdezhen University, Jingdezhen, China

Abstract. Language is one of the important tools for human communication. It

carries cultural information and reflects the life of human society. Language and
culture are inseparable. The use of information technology to reduce the com-
munication barriers caused by the differences between language and characters
is an urgent problem to be solved in the management of English information
resources. The system uses the “simplified general semantic code system” as the
logical basis for the positioning, association and retrieval of English synony-
mous morphemes and the logical intermediary of semantic information trans-
formation. Western culture is very different from Chinese culture in many
respects. For foreign language learners, it is inevitable to learn from culture. This
paper analyzes the lack of Chinese culture in English teaching from the per-
spective of reading system and culture, English reading architecture design,
teaching evaluation and teachers. It discusses the factors and treatment measures
of computer-aided reading and cultural loss in college English.

Keywords: Computer aided system  Architecture design  Learning English 

Cultural lack

1 Introduction

At present, there are many forms in computer-assisted English teaching [1]. Such as
helping teachers prepare lessons, select topics, download volumes, read, test, and help
students fill in exercises, memorize words, modify errors, and more. But most of them
are simple, fixed invariant patterns, which can’t be varies from person to person, neither
intelligent [2–6]. There are three problems in computer-assisted instruction in college
English: the students’ needs are out of line with the teacher’s thin teaching content, the
teacher’s role is lost and the lack of humanities education in English teaching [7–9]. To
this end, the teaching content should be properly enriched, and the use of computer-
aided teaching should be rationally used. The role of the teacher must be correctly
positioned and the concept model of “teacher-led-student subject” should be imple-
mented. In addition, we must choose the opportunity to integrate humanities education,
improve the students’ comprehensive cultural quality, and achieve the harmonious
unity of the instrumental and humanistic nature of foreign language education [10, 11].
The lack of British and American culture will inevitably lead to cognitive difficulties
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1185–1191, 2019.
1186 L. Wei and B. Liu

for learners. Therefore, the introduction of British and American culture is especially
important in the teaching of English, especially in the teaching of English reading.
Through a series of compensation strategies to deepen the understanding of English
national culture to improve the intercultural communication ability is also the goal of
English reading class. One [12–16]. The “Syllabus” requires all kinds of relevant
professional knowledge courses for English majors, and it is recommended to open the
“Introduction to Chinese Culture” course. According to the requirements of the syl-
labus, in today’s internationalization and globalization process, China is gradually
gaining worldwide attention. It is particularly important to cultivate the dual-language
and dual-cultural ability of English majors. In language testing, it can also play a huge
role. Computer-assisted college English teaching has become an effective teaching
method to promote it, which has far-reaching significance in teaching [17–19] [20].

2 College Students’ Design of English Reading Structure

for Students

2.1 Problem Space Law

Think of students learning English as a structured activity to solve problems. In this
activity, the person solving the problem starts from the starting state, goes through a
series of intermediate states, and finally reaches the target state. Research on artificial
intelligence shows that there are two ways to reach the goal. One is to give all possible
states and test whether the final state meets the desired goal; the other is to use the
additional information available to find the correct solution path. In the process of
learning or reading English, the text given is the initial state of the problem. The goal is
to link the content of the text to the knowledge structure that the reader already has. The
problem-solving activity forms a problem space in which to seek the correct solution
based on the additional information available.

2.2 Extended Transition Network (ATN) Method

The ATN is a series of state structures with identifiers and their connections. It
describes a very simple network for analyzing English sentences. This network is
called an “S” network. In such a network, from one state to another, the input signal
must be confirmed as a verb. That is, one state to another state is connected by the
necessary behavior. And only allow the line from the initial state, there will always be a
line starting from the initial state, until the send line. The other is the NP network,
which is divided into search lines and classification lines between the states.
Architecture Design and Cultural Deficiency 1187

3 English Teachers Contact Computer-Aided Reading

System Experts

English teachers have at least three conditions superior to students, that is, teachers
have a large number of vocabulary; understand grammar rules; read the texts to be read
before the students. These are the tasks that experts have to do when reading English.
Therefore, the English teacher is regarded as a domain expert in reading English. The
teacher divides the students into several reading groups, each with 2 to 3 people. Enter
the text to be read into the computer in advance, and specify a group of students to read
the passages on the screen. Each time you press the space bar, a sentence is displayed.
If necessary, consult the dictionary and read it sentence by sentence. If the student
encounters difficulties in reading the text, start the device that solves the problem. This
is the TSF software. TSF software can serve as a teacher in this situation, that is, it can
do the work an English teacher does in this situation. For example, to help students
determine the meaning of certain words in the sentence, check and determine whether
the word belongs to a phrase or idiom. TSF can analyze the sentences that are difficult
to read with the students in one word.
When some elements of a college text cannot be processed by ATN analysis, such
as idioms or some rare structures that cannot be accepted by the analysis program. TSF
resources such as a special dictionary (word class, morpheme word appearance rate,
entry number, similar words, etc.) have run out of content, and still can not answer the
user (reader) problems, they will be recorded on the disk, Leave it to the teacher to
explain to the user.

4 The Reasons for the Lack of British and American Culture

and the Necessity of Reading Teaching
4.1 Cultural Learning Is Separated from Language Ability Training
In the West, the emphasis on cultural factors in language teaching can be traced back to
the end of the 19th century. To achieve this goal, if only traditional reading methods are
adopted, after learning vocabulary and entering World War II, cultural teaching is
universally valued by the language teaching circles of various countries. However, the
previous line grammar analysis to learn reading is not expected, only through the more
linguistic and cultural teaching practice of culture is basically a “separate”; culture as a
kind of can be separated from the language The “knowledge” that comes is regarded as
the fifth skill beyond listening, speaking, reading and writing. Such a teaching mode
will inevitably lead to two kinds of tendencies, namely, “heavy grammar”; the second
is “heavy grammar and light function.” In fact, language teaching and cultural teaching
should be integrated into one, and should not be separated, but cultural teaching should
be organically combined while teaching language.
1188 L. Wei and B. Liu

4.2 Lack of Necessary Linguistic Knowledge

“The more English learning develops, the more complex the language structure
becomes, the more obvious the language barrier will be. The latest research shows that
English learners have poor oral ability, low pragmatic level and lack of reading diffi-
culties and language. The understanding of culture and the lack of intercultural com-
munication knowledge are closely related. When language knowledge is weak, facing
complex expression techniques and complex sentence structure often make students
lose confidence in the next step of learning. The differences in cultural traditions,
values, thinking and expressions make the language of the same form have different
pragmatic functions in different cultures. Transferring a set of cultures to another
culture often leads to cross-cultural language. Use mistakes. “(Richards) Therefore, in
English reading teaching and English learning, language basic skills training has
always been a central task for a long time.

4.3 Lack of Practical Teaching Materials

Many domestic related textbooks do not consider the rules of English teaching in China
and the actual needs of students. Most of the content is obsolete, fragmented, lacks
internal connection, and cannot carry out cultural knowledge transfer in the system.
Students cannot read the materials in the process of reading materials. Content and
cultural background knowledge are organically linked, so that they can apply what they
have learned.

4.4 The Lack of Foreign Language Material for Cultural Information

Taking the most common foreign language in China, the English textbook, for
example, in the current English textbooks, too much emphasis is placed on the study of
English culture, and there is not much introduction to the interaction between Chinese
culture and Chinese and Western culture. Most students recommend the introduction of
Chinese cultural knowledge in the preparation of English textbooks. More than 90% of
the students believe that in the exchanges with foreigners, we must adhere to the
excellent tradition of promoting Chinese culture. Most teachers who teach English also
have the same cravings.

5 Cultural Deficit Measures

Faced with such a dilemma, deepening the understanding of the English curriculum,
rethinking the curriculum, outlines, teaching materials, classrooms, teachers, students,
etc., is an important means to solve the problem of Chinese culture in English teaching,
so that college students can learn in English. In the process, you can reach more
different cultures, and learn to express Chinese culture in English, so that more for-
eigners can re-recognize China. Starting from the following aspects, it may provide a
new solution to the lack of Chinese culture in English teaching (Fig. 1).
Architecture Design and Cultural Deficiency 1189

Cross-cultural 52%

Fig. 1. Results of different methods

5.1 Develop Students’ Cross-Cultural Awareness

The rules of language show differences, sexuality and specificity for people of different
cultural backgrounds. These rules are long-term unconsciously learned in the life of a
particular cultural group. These language rules involve a very wide range of cultural
content and have a great influence on the formation of language habits. When students
are reading, they often develop their own mindsets and lack their own cultural back-
ground knowledge. When encountering articles with a lot of cultural connotations, they
will understand the meaning according to the inertia of their mother tongue, which will
inevitably lead to dyslexia. Therefore, for reading teaching, it is necessary not only to
emphasize the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, instilling the back-
ground of English and American cultural knowledge, but more importantly, to cultivate
students’ ability to actively precipitate culture in daily life. At the same time, teachers
must constantly improve their cross-cultural communication awareness and introduce
British and American culture into the English reading class. For colleges and univer-
sities, their foreign language majors should cultivate high-level professionals who love
the motherland, have rich knowledge, skillful use of language, quick thinking, inno-
vative and innovative ability, academic research ability and cross-cultural communi-
cation ability.

5.2 Choose a Good Textbook

A certain percentage of the original textbooks can be used in the teaching process. If
the content of the textbook is separated from the real language environment and the
students are not provided with sufficient content related to their own national culture for
comparative learning, then the students learn at best the basic skills of language,
namely listening, speaking, reading, writing, Translation skills, and these skills do not
1190 L. Wei and B. Liu

play their true role in practical applications. Some foreign publications involve a rich
cultural background, customs, and create a good reading situation for students, thus
providing students with first-hand effective learning resources. At the same time, stu-
dents can choose the original newspapers and magazines of various subjects to read, to
understand the current social dynamics, and to understand the various social problems
and social relations, which also contribute to the cultural penetration.

5.3 Use Modern Teaching Techniques

Multimedia teaching methods can effectively simulate real-life situations, and combine
text, music, images and other information to be transmitted to students, which can fully
mobilize students’ eyes, ears, mouth and other senses, improve students’ interest in
learning and promote their positive Participation. Students can be organized to listen to
English radio stations to maximize their enthusiasm for learning. In addition to media,
students can supplement cultural knowledge through television, radio teaching pro-
grams, movies and other media tools, they can also download the latest and most
cutting-edge news materials for students to read, make ppt, and enhance the timeliness
and practicality of reading materials. Or use email to communicate with students to
effectively solve problems left in class or under the class.

For a long time, a large amount of historical data has been accumulated in different
businesses and enterprises. The fierce competition in modern society requires real-time,
in-depth analysis and summarization of these data, and finally obtains high-level
decision makers for business and enterprises. Provide decision support. Data ware-
housing technology not only provides a place to hold a large amount of information,
but also through its data mining technology can find a large amount of truly valuable
information and knowledge. With the continuous development and improvement of
this technology, it will inevitably bring huge benefits to users. Of course, language
can’t be separated from culture. Cultural characteristics permeate all aspects of reading
teaching. The lack of culture will inevitably have a serious impact on reading teaching.
Teachers should actively cultivate students’ cultural awareness from the reality of
language teaching. Effective compensation strategies help students overcome.

Acknowledgement. This research originates from Social Science Research Projects of Jing-
dezhen Ceramic Institute in 2014, Analysis on the Deficiency of Chinese Culture in College
English Teaching and Its Countermeasures.

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Simulation and Optimization of Filler Tube
on Fuel Tank Based on ORVR Technology

Chongzhi Zhong, Ying Wang, Taiyu Zhang(&), and Ke Wu

China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300300,

Abstract. The simulation and optimization have been done to study the refu-
eling smoothness of the filler tube which is based on on-board refueling vapor
recovery (ORVR). Both liner of filler tube (4 cases) and straight tube section at
the bottom of refueling tube (4 cases) have been studied. The results show that
extending the end of the inner to the first elbow of the filler tube can effectively
control the phenomenon of fuel back stroke in the refueling process and promote
the refueling process to be smoother; and compared with the base of the original
refueling tube, extend the bottom length to 100 mm, adding the upper open form
in check valve structure, the result shows that in the process of refueling,
dynamic fluid seal can be formed to meet the design requirements.

Keywords: Filler tube  Simulation  ORVR

1 Introduction

The continuous development of the automotive industry has brought convenience to

people’s lives, but it has also brought about global problems such as energy shortages
and environmental pollution. From 2007 to 2017, the dependence on imported oil of
China has increased year by year. By 2017, the foreign oil dependence of China has
reached 67.4%. Before the fuel tank is refueled, there is a certain concentration of oil
and gas stay in the tank. During the refueling of vehicles, as the liquid oil is contin-
uously added through the fuel gun, the pressure in the fuel tank rises due to the liquid
surface rising, and the fuel flow which is rapidly leading to the mixing severely
disturbed, so that the oil and gas are discharged from the return air pipe through the fuel
tank port [1–4]. The evaporative emission from cars can promote the formation of
ozone and seriously harm to human health. To this end, many researchers have con-
ducted a large number of theoretical studies on automotive evaporative emissions.
Lockhart from Ford Motor Company proposed three mathematical models for calcu-
lating HC evaporative emissions when refueling in 1997 [5]. It is an ideal solution
model, a model for calculating molecular weight based on pressure, and a direct
empirical model respectively. Mastroianni, University of Windsor, Canada, designed a
simplified transparent rectangular fuel tank to explore the effect of diameter of return air
pipe and refueling test conditions on PSO (Pre-mature Shut-Off) [6]. Dr. Christopher
John Quigley of the University of Texas at Austin studied the refueling emissions,
running loss emissions, hot-soak loss emissions, and diurnal breathe loss emissions
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1192–1200, 2019.
Simulation and Optimization of Filler Tube on Fuel Tank 1193

related to automotive evaporative emissions, and analyzed the specifics of automotive

evaporative emissions, and studied the potential of various evaporative emissions for
the formation of ozone by oxidation [7]. Yamada et al. studied the control of fuel
vapors in the Japanese about vehicles. The study of the fuel composition shows that C4
olefins have a greater impact on refueling emissions. The impact of C4 olefins on
refueling emissions controlled based on chemical methods can achieve similar levels
compared with ORVR vehicle refueling emissions [8]. Kim et al. studied the kinetics of
adsorption and desorption of canisters which is matching ORVR systems, and provided
a reference for matching ORVR systems by establishing dynamic models [9]. Cai from
Jiangsu University introduced the refueling emission mechanism of ORVR and con-
ducted a pilot study. The results show that if only canisters installed could reduce
refueling emissions by approximately 15.7%, while installing an on-board refueling
vapor recovery system on average reduced by more than 94% [10]. Overall, most
studies are tending to principles and mathematical calculations, and there is almost no
publicly available research for forward development designs.
Based on the idea of forward design and development, the optimization of the
bottom of the filler pipe bushing and the bottom of the filler tube makes the filling pipe
smoothly and forms a liquid seal during the refueling process based on Star CCM+,
which provides a basis for implementing the ORVR function.

2 3D-Model Set up

The entire fuel tank model of surface and grid are processed by Hypermesh. And then
import StarCCM+ to generate a hexahedral structured grid for 3D modeling. As shown
in Fig. 1(a), the surface treatment of the fuel tank and the refinement of the grid. The
fuel tank system includes a fuel filler tube, a canister, a fuel tank body, a GVV valve, an
FLVV valve, an ICV valve, a canister solenoid valve, etc. In order to keep the same
with the actual original model, the grid encryption is performed at the filler port and the
place where the fuel gun contacts, and the connection between the return gas pipe and
the filler port. Figure 1(b) shows the division of the surface grid of the fuel system. In
order to shorten the calculation time, the canister does not participate in the simulation
calculation and the outlet pressure of 900 Pa is used instead of the ventilation resistance
of the canister.

Fig. 1. 3D model of fuel system

1194 C. Zhong et al.

2.1 Boundary Conditions

Table 1 is the input of boundary parameters. Gasoline density is based on the test in
laboratory. The inlet pressure input is 900 Pa which is reference about the adsorption
resistance of the canister. According to the requirements in the regulations of China 6,
the fueling rate is set to 37 L/min, fuel temperature is set to 20 C.

Table 1. Boundary parameters

Gasoline q (kg/m3) 740
Gasoline l (Pas) 0.042
Airq (kg/m3) Ideal gas
Air l (Pas) 1.855E-5
Inlet pressure 0 Pa
Outlet pressure 900 Pa
Refueling rate 37 L/min
Fuel temperature 20 C
Tank volume 55L
Number of grids 3420000

During the refueling process of the fuel system, the fluid motion includes various
phenomena and characteristics such as unsteady, incompressible, turbulent, tumble,
mass transfer, heat transfer, etc. During the calculation, the basic control equation of the
gas flow must be satisfied: mass conservation equation, equation for conservation of
momentum and energy conservation equation. If the fluid contains a mixture or
interaction of different components, the system also needs to satisfy the component
conservation equation.
(1) Mass conservation equation:

@q @ðquÞ @ðqvÞ @ðqwÞ

þ þ þ ¼0
@t @x @y @z

where q is the density, t is time, u, v, w is the component of the velocity vector in

the x, y, z direction.
(2) Equation for conservation of momentum:

@ðquÞ @p
þ divðquuÞ ¼ divðlgraduÞ  þ Su
@t @x
@ðqvÞ @p
þ divðqvuÞ ¼ divðlgradvÞ  þ Sv
@t @y

@ðqwÞ @p
þ divðqwuÞ ¼ divðlgradwÞ  þ Sw
@t @z

where, l is the dynamic viscosity, Su , Sv , Sw is the generalized source term of

momentum conservation equation.
Simulation and Optimization of Filler Tube on Fuel Tank 1195

(3) Energy conservation equation:

@ðqTÞ k
þ divðquTÞ ¼ divð gradTÞ þ ST
@t cp

where cp is the specific heat capacity, T is the temperature, k is the heat transfer
coefficient of the fluid, ST is the heat transfer coefficient of the fluid, sometimes
referred to simply as the viscous dissipative term.
(4) Component conservation equation:

@ðqcs Þ
þ divðqucs Þ ¼ divðDs gradðqcs ÞÞ þ Ss
where cs is the volume concentration of the component “s”, qcs is the mass
concentration of the component, Ds the diffusion coefficient of the component, Ss
is the mass of the component produced by the chemical reaction per unit volume
per unit time within the system.

3 Optimized Design

3.1 Refueling Liner Optimization Design

Three optimization case designed based on the original model were calculated by Star
CCM+. The original liner has a vent. The case 1 seals the vent; case 2 seals the vent
and extends the liner; case 3 extends the liner on the basis of the original model. The
specific optimization case is as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Refueling liner optimization design

original Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

1196 C. Zhong et al.

Case1: For the vent is sealed to prevent the backflow of oil from flowing into the
refueling muzzle from the vent during the refueling process, causing the fuel gun
Case 2: The vent is sealed and the inner bottom section is extended by 30 mm. The
inner substrate and the refueling port at the retracted port are exactly connected to
prevent the fuel splash during refueling;
Case 3: Extend the liner 30 mm on the basis of the original model. The optimization
not only ensures the venting effect at the refueling nozzle, but also prevents the fuel
splash because of the fuel collides directly with the bend of the filler tube leading to

3.2 Optimization Design of Filler Tube Bottom

The optimization at the filler tube port is conducive to promote refueling smoother,
while the optimization at the bottom of the filler tube is mainly to form a dynamic
liquid sealling during the refueling process. Therefore, the bottom of the filler tube is
simulated and optimized. The specific optimization case is as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Optimization design of filler tube bottom

Case 1 Case 2

Case 3 Case 4

Case 1: The case 1 does not add the ICV valve when building the model, which is
directly set an outlet pressure to simulates the refueling process.
Case 2: The case 2 adds ICV valve when set up the model, but the length of the
straight tube is short, and the outlet pressure 900 Pa is set at the outlet to simulate
the resistance given to the oil at the ICV valve.
Case 3: The case 3 lengthened the length of the straight tube section based on case 2
to 100 mm. The structure of the ICV valve is also slightly different from case 2.
The ICV valve is the upper open type, and the ICV valve face is perpendicular to
the bottom edge. T
Case 4: On the basis of case 3, the length of the straight tube section is further
increased to 170 mm. The structure of the ICV valve is the same as that of case 2.
Simulation and Optimization of Filler Tube on Fuel Tank 1197

4 Simulation Results
4.1 Refueling Liner Optimization Results
Table 4 shows the results of the optimization about 4 cases of refueling liner. The
comparison between the original and case 1. The figure shows that at 5 s, the fuel of
original is at the bottom of the liner, but the case 1 mixing of has reached the filler port.
The main reason is that the ventilation performance deteriorates and the fuel flows not
so smooth as before, after the vent plug is sealed. In 10 s, the fuel have been immersed
in the fuel gun both the original and case 1 the original model and the case 1 has
reached the filler tube port. At 15 s, the entire filler tube port of case 1 is filled with
fuel, indicating that the fuel has overflowed leading to the fuel gun PSO. The original
was already in a stable state after 10 s. After 15 s, there was not much change in the oil
at the fuel gun, but there was also accumulation of oil. The smoothness of refueling was
poor and there was a risk of PSO.

Table 4. Comparision about the refueling liner optimization

Time(s) original Case 1 Case 2 Case 3





1198 C. Zhong et al.

The comparison between the original and case 2. The figure shows that the refu-
eling status of case 2 in the first 4 s is better than the original, but at 5 s, the mixing
begin to spread quickly at the refueling nozzle, and the gas-liquid ratio reaches 60%.
However, because of the liner, the oil and gas cannot temporarily overflow. In 10 s, the
fuel have been immersed in the fuel gun both the original and case 1 the original model.
However, the ratio of gas-liquid at the muzzle of option 2 is not as large as that of the
original. At 15 s, the entire filler tube port of case 2 is filled with fuel, indicating that
the fuel has overflowed leading to the fuel gun PSO. Compared with case 1 and case 2,
because of the lengthened liner of case 2, the smoothness of the fuel flow is better than
that of case 1 before 7.5 s, while the smoothness of case 1 and case 2 is basically the
same at 10 s. Therefore, extending the liner helps smooth fuel flow and avoids the fuel
gun PSO. However, the oil gas generated during the refueling process diffuses into the
filler port, and the flow resistance of the refueling fluid is increased, w due to the
sealling of the liner vent.
The comparison between the original and case 3. The figure shows that the refu-
eling status of case 3 is better than original and both the case 1 and case 2. The fuel is
not splashe during the refueling. The figure shows that at 5 s, the oil gas of the original
has reached the fuel port. At 15 s, the entire filler tube port of case 1 is filled with fuel,
indicating that the fuel has overflowed leading to the fuel gun PSO. The comparison
between the case 1 and case 3. The figure shows that at 5 s, the oil gas of the case 3 still
stay in the bottom of the liner because of the vent of case 3 is not sealed and the liner
extended. Therefore, extending the liner helps smooth fuel flow and avoids the fuel gun
PSO. After 15 s, there was not much change in the oil at the fuel gun port. It can be
concluded that in the case where the model keeps the vent open, extending the liner
helps to smooth the lubrication and prevents the oil from returning to the filling port.

4.2 Optimization Design of Filler Tube Bottom Results

Table 5 shows the results of the optimization about 4 cases of filler tube bottom. The
comparison between the case 1 and case 2. It can be seen from the figure that at the
beginning, there is no fuel flow to the bottom of the filler tube both the case 1 and case
2. After 1 s, the oil flows to the bottom and enters the fuel tank. At 5 s, the fuel flow
rate for case 1 is stable, while for case 2 the fuel flow rate is stable later. The bottom of
the filler tube of case 1 can be clearly seen that there is no dynamic liquid seal formed.
Case 2 also does not form a good liquid seal at the bottom of the filler tube same as the
case 1. There is always a vortex formed at the straight pipe section where the filler tube
is connected to the ICV valve. This is not conducive to the formation of a stable
dynamic liquid seal, which may cause bubbles to burst, resulting in a more intense oil
gas extension pipe wall facing upwards, eventually causing splashes at the filler tube
port. Therefore, this case 2 is not the best optimization solution.
The comparison between the case 3 and case 4. It can be seen from the figure that at
the beginning, there is no fuel flow to the bottom of the filler tube both the case 3 and
case 4. After 1 s, the oil flows to the bottom and enters the fuel tank. At 5 s, the fuel
flow rate of the case 3 is stable and a liquid sealing is formed. For case 4, the fuel flow
rate is stable after 3 s and a better liquid seal is formed. However, the straight line is too
long which is leading to the ICV equipped too long in the fuel tank. The fuel may flow
Simulation and Optimization of Filler Tube on Fuel Tank 1199

Table 5. Comparison of design of filler tube bottom

Time(s) Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4



directly into the fuel tank and impact the level float of oil pump. And the length of the
straight pipe is longer, resulting in a longer liquid seal, leading to increasing resistance
to fuel flow which cause the smoothness of refueling. Therefore, case 3 is the best as
the optimization.

5 Conclusions

In this work, refueling liner and filler tube bottom has been researched. The results can
be summarized as follows:
(1) For refueling liner optimization, the original, case 1 and case 2 can easily lead to
oil splash leading to the fuel gun PSO. While the case 3 which is on the basis of
original extending the length of the lower end of the liner to the first elbow of the
1200 C. Zhong et al.

filler tube can effectively control the refueling process that the fuel backstroke
phenomenon and promote the refueling process more smoothly;
(2) For filler tube bottom optimization, case 1 and case 2 are difficult to form a
dynamic liquid seal at the bottom of the filler tube. The case 4 can easily form
liquid seal, but the straight tube is too long leading to the length of the ICV valve
into the tank is too long, which is not conducive to the layout of the internal space
valve body. The case 3 extending the length of the bottom of the filler tube to
100 mm can form liquid seal meeting the design requirements.

Acknowledgements. The author would like to acknowledge the team in China Automotive
Technology & Research Center Co., Ltd. This work was financially supported by “Gasoline
Vehicle Particle Capture and Clean Discharge Integration Technology” (NO. 2017YFC0211001;
NO. 2017YFC0211004; NO. 2017YFC0211005), without which this work could not have taken
place and National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFC0208002).

1. Yang X, Liu H, Cui H et al (2015) Vehicular volatile organic compounds losses due to
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3. Glenn W (2017) Passavant Summary and Analysis of 2000–2015 Model Year IUVP
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6. Mastroianni M (2000) Experimental investigation of automotive fuel tank filling, MASc.
thesis, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering Department, University of
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7. Quigley CJ (2007) Refueling and evaporative emissions of volatile organic compounds from
gasoline powered motor vehicles. The University of Texas at Austin
8. Yamada H Refueling emissions from cars in Japan: Compositions, temperature dependence
and effect of vapor liquefied collection system. Atmos Environ. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
9. Kim DK (2006) Adsorption and desorption dynamics of evaporative fuel gas in canister of
ORVR (On-Board Refueling Vapor Recovery) system. Elsevier Science & Technology,
pp 701–704. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0167-2991(06)81693-9
10. Cai J (2010) Designing and modeling of onboard refueling vapor recovery system &
experiment research. Jiansu University Suzhou
Experimental Study on Effects of OBD II
Diagnostics on of Emissions for Light Vehicles

Le Liu(&), Jingyuan Li, Lihui Wang, Wei Zhao, Hongyu Qin,

and Yuwei Wang

Testing Laboratory, China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd.,
Tianjin 300300, China

Abstract. In view of various types of test vehicles (including American

Standard vehicles and China 5 Standard vehicles), tests were carried out in
accordance to requirements of American OBD II and China 5 OBD standards.
Our measured results indicate that some emission pollutants may rise by about
10 times while the catalytic converter or oxygen sensor is failure or any misfire
occurs for a China 5 Standard vehicle; and intensified monitoring requirements
shall necessarily continue; on the other hand, NMHC, CO and NOx emission
pollutants may grow by 100–900% for the engine cooling system, EGR, fuel
system and VVT, respectively due to there being unique diagnostics cold start
emission reduction strategies for OBD II; thus, the specific diagnosis require-
ments shall be necessarily introduced into Chinese OBD standards.

Keywords: Light vehicles  OBD II  Fault diagnosis  Emission

1 Introduction

OBD diagnostics were added in vehicle emission rules in American Standards since the
1980s and OBD diagnostics standards were revised in the 1990s so that more complete
OBD II standards may be formed [1, 4–7]; thus, those system function faults greatly
influencing vehicle emissions may be effectively monitored to ensure the actual vehicle
emissions shall be effectively controlled and vehicles shall be easily and timely
OBD II emission standards were followed by EU and China GB standards at the
beginning of this century, where some fundamental OBD diagnostics were incorpo-
rated [5–7]. After practical applications for more than ten years, defects of China 5
OBD standards gradually came out.
There are only a few diagnostics in China 5 OBD standards which clearly require
about 5 diagnosis items [3]; each of them need less diagnosis fault types and narrower
range of monitored operating modes than those of OBD II. On the other hand,
American OBD II standards include the clear requirements for monitoring 16 items [1];
each of them clarifies the requirements for fault monitoring guidelines.
In contrast, China 5 OBD diagnostics standards have vague requirements, where
diagnosis of some particular systems is relatively definitely described but diagnosis of
most of other emission control systems is classified as “other emission systems” [3].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1201–1212, 2019.
1202 L. Liu et al.

There is no any specific description for which faults of these systems to be necessary
for OBD monitoring so that the vehicle emission monitoring agencies and automobile
manufacturers difficultly have a clear basis for implementation of standards and there
may be many ambiguous understandings; thus, there shall be great difficulties to
implement standards. The specific differences are shown in Table 1 [1, 3].

Table 1. Differences in OBD standards

Diagnostics OBD-II E-OBD and China 5 OBD
Catalytic converter Deterioration, 50%NMHC Deterioration
Misfire Single or multi-cylinder misfire Similarity, but deleting the
specific requirements
Oxygen sensor Slow response, delay, electric circuit Faults influencing emissions,
diagnosis only a few specific
Heating catalytic Heating function fault No specific requirements
Evaporation 0.5 mm, 1 mm and desorption gas Disconnected desorption
system flow fault valve
Fuel system Too rich or lean and uneven No specific requirements,
emission-related fault
Cold start emission Emission reduction strategy fault No requirements
reduction strategy
Cooling system Thermostat or temperature sensor No specific requirements,
fault emission-related fault
EGR EGR flowrate being too high or low No specific requirements,
emission-related fault
VVT Target standards error and slow No requirements
Air conditioning Strategy failure No requirements
DOR Attenuation of emission reduction No requirements
PCV Disconnect pipeline fault No requirements
Secondary air Function, electric circuit diagnosis No specific requirements,
emission-related fault
Comprehensive Functional diagnosis (electric circuit No specific requirements,
parts diagnosis of non-functional parts) emission-related fault
Other emission Function diagnosis No specific requirements,
control systems emission-related fault

For the sake of those problems, this study focused on OBD II, EOBD and China 5
OBD standards, and experimental study was carried out to those specific diagnostics in
American OBD II standards. Effects of various types of faults on vehicles exhaust
emissions and the specific test methods were studied to provide a basis for establish-
ment of next stage OBD standards.
Experimental Study on Effects of OBD II Diagnostics 1203

2 Test Vehicles

For performance of experimental study of its diagnostics, vehicles conforming to

requirements of American OBD II standards shall necessarily found at first; and only
those vehicles to be sold in the American market may fully conform to requirements of
American OBD II standards; namely, only those American Standard vehicles shall be
the subjects in this study.
For this purpose, 2 Japanese companies and 1 American company were selected as
our cooperation partners, through which 3 vehicles conforming to requirements of
American SULEV 30 emission standards were found in the American market for this
study. Their specific parameters are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Parameters of test vehicles

Parameter Japanese Car Series 1 Japanese Car Series 2 American Car Series
Model Car Car SUV
Fuel 95# 95# 95#
Displacement (L) 2.5 1.6 2.0
Emission level SULEV30 SULEV30 SULEV30
Catalytic converter Yes Yes Yes
Oxygen sensor Yes Yes Yes
VVT No Yes Yes
EGR Yes No No

In addition to vehicles conforming to requirements of American OBD II standards,

emission tests were carried out to catalytic converters, oxygen sensors and misfire
faults of 5 vehicles conforming to requirements of China 5 OBD emission standards.

3 Test Method

3.1 Fault Implantation Method

There are more faults and types based on requirements of OBD II standards. Various
faults shall be simulated by means of various simulation modes; for example, the fault
hardware shall be replaced as for some faults to simulate them; and some faults may be
simulated by means of fault simulators; but some faults (such as the cold start emission
reduction strategy, VVT and fuel system faults) may be difficultly simulated by means
of the above two methods. Moreover, calibration parameters in ECU may be revised by
means of the engine calibration tools on approval of the regulatory agency to achieve
simulation of such faults. The fault simulation modes for all demonstration tests in this
study are shown in Table 3.
1204 L. Liu et al.

Table 3. Various fault insertion methods

Fault type Japanese Car Japanese Car American Car
Series 1 Series 2 Series
Oxygen sensor Fault oxygen Software X
Misfire Misfire generator X X
Fuel system-lean Software X Software
Fuel system-rich X Fault fuel X
Fuel system-uneven X Fault fuel Software
Cold start Emission reduction Software X Software
EGR Fault EGR valve X X
VVT X Software Software
Cooling system-thermostat X X Software

3.2 Test Procedures

For satisfying a variety of fault diagnosis conditions, vehicles may necessarily operate
for a certain amount of time in accordance with various test cycles and modes prior to
any fault demonstration test so that the fault diagnosis functions may be triggered [1, 8–
10]. The cycles and operation modes for the fault demonstration tests in this study are
shown in Table 4, where “General Method” refers to “preconditioning: UDDS, and
test: FTP75”; as for some special diagnostics, OBD II allows those companies to
flexibility regulate the test procedures based on General Method in accordance with
their own diagnosis logics; for example, those cycles such as HWFET and US06 are
added for stabilization of emissions or the diagnosis strategy in preconditioning cycles.
In addition, MILs may not be activated in FTP75 cycles as for some faults; and
companies are allowed to add UC cycles for first activation of MILs and then OBD
emission compliance may be measured and verified by means of operation of faulty
FTP75 emission tests. “X” in Table 4 represents no such test item in this study.
Similar practice is also introduced in the new China 6 OBD standards so that those
companies may adopt more flexible and diverse diagnosis principles to satisfy the
requirements of standards.
Experimental Study on Effects of OBD II Diagnostics 1205

Table 4. OBD test procedures

Fault type Japanese Car Series 1 Japanese Car American Car
Series 2 Series
Oxygen General Method General Method X
Misfire General Method X X
Fuel system- Preconditioning: additional X Preconditioning:
lean operation (@60 km/h) for additional
10 min + operation HWFET
(@100 km/h) for 10 min + idle
operation for 10 min
Fuel system- X Preconditioning: X
rich additional
Fuel system- X Preconditioning: Like Japanese
uneven additional Car Series 2
Tests: UC and
Cold start General Method X General Method
EGR General Method X X
VVT X General Method General Method
Cooling X X General Method

4 Analysis of Test Results

4.1 Fault Emissions of Fuel System
In view of faults such as the cylinder-to-cylinder unevenness and lean and rich mixture
of the fuel system, 3 test vehicles were measured, respectively.
The emission results indicate that various pollutants rise by 100–750% for these
faults such as such as the cylinder-to-cylinder unevenness and lean and rich mixture of
the fuel system with reference to their emissions under the normal states, respectively;
especially, the cylinder-to-cylinder unevenness fault even leads to growth of NOx by
750%. Thus, the fault diagnosis requirements shall be added to the fuel system in
Chinese OBD standards in future, where diagnosis fault modes shall be clearly spec-
ified; moreover, the more stringent fault emission limits shall be approved so that any
fault shall be found in the OBD system as soon as possible. On the other hand, as for
the engine air intake system, the exhaust system and the oxygen sensor location, EGR
1206 L. Liu et al.

functions affects diagnosis of the cylinder-to-cylinder unevenness fault. General

companies need 2–5 years (research and development) to meet the diagnosis require-
ments for the cylinder-to-cylinder unevenness fault of OBD standards; whereas, effects
of faults on emissions are great so that the corresponding diagnosis requirements shall
be added in standards and a sufficient development preparation period shall be provided
for companies (Figs. 1 and 2).

Fig. 1. Cylinder-to-cylinder unevenness emission results for Japanese Car Series 2/1

Fig. 2. Cylinder-to-cylinder unevenness emission results for American Car Series

4.2 Fault Emissions of Cold Start Emission Reduction Strategy

The fault emission results show that the cold start emission reduction strategy can
indeed achieve the vehicle emission reduction; whereas, while its functions are out of
order, various pollutants remarkably increase by 200–900%. Though the fault emis-
sions are no more than the OBD emission limit due to the fault calibration, they are
above the conventional emission limit to greatly pollute atmosphere. The cold start
emission reduction strategies (such as high idle speed and ignition angle delay) exist in
all vehicles based on China 5 standards; thus, the fault diagnosis shall be necessarily
Experimental Study on Effects of OBD II Diagnostics 1207

required for cold start emission reduction strategies in China GB OBD standards as
soon as possible so that new technologies may be applied practically and the pollutant
emissions due to vehicle faults may be reduced fundamentally (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Emission results of the cold start emission reduction strategy fault for Japanese Car
Series 2 and 1

4.3 Fault Emissions of VVT

Results indicate that pollutants rise by 100–600% while the VVT is under fault so that
vehicle emissions may be greatly affected; that is to say, diagnostics shall be specially
monitored based on requirements of OBD standards. Based on requirements of China 5
OBD standards, more detailed fault diagnosis requirements (such as errors of control
target standards and slow response of the VVT system) shall be added (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Emission results of the VVT fault for Japanese Car Series 2 and American Car Series
1208 L. Liu et al.

4.4 Fault Emissions of Cooling System Thermostat

The thermostat fault is one type of cooling system faults; besides, diagnosis is nec-
essary for the coolant temperature sensor fault for the cooling system. The cooling
system is a very important for the engine whose normal operation depends on the
normal operation of the cooling system. In addition, most of faults of the OBD II
system are triggered for diagnosis while the coolant temperature and the cooling system
are normal. If the cooling system works abnormally, the diagnosis functions of the
OBD system will be basically collapsed; moreover, emission results indicate that
emissions will grow significantly by 100–250% while a thermostat fault occurs in the
cooling system. Thus, the fault diagnosis requirements shall be added as soon as
possible for the cooling system in China GB OBD standards (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Emission results of the cooling system fault for American Car Series

4.5 Misfire Fault Emissions

The misfire emission fault results show that the significance of the misfire fault diag-
nosis could not be misunderstood. China 5 OBD standards include the misfire fault
diagnosis requirements; but the diagnosis engine operating modes are only within a
small region and the start point is not clearly specified for the misfire diagnosis;
moreover, the accuracy of the diagnosis strategy is not clear under various engine
operating modes to go against supervision and management. Thus, the current Chi-
nese GB OBD standards shall be perfected in future to expand the range of the misfire
diagnosis operating mode and lower the emission limit of the misfire fault. The
capacity of the misfire diagnosis shall be intensified for the OBD system and the ability
of finding out any misfire fault shall be achieved as soon as possible; thus, the emis-
sions due to misfire may be reduced (Fig. 6).
Experimental Study on Effects of OBD II Diagnostics 1209

Fig. 6. Emission results of the misfire fault for Japanese Car Series 1

4.6 Fault Emissions of Oxygen Sensor

China 5 OBD standards include the diagnosis requirements for the oxygen sensor fault;
but clear regulations are not presented to the oxygen sensor fault modes. Whereas,
oxygen sensor fault modes are described in detail in OBD II standards, where there are
7 types of faults (signal offsets and slow response) in total. The increasing multiples of
emissions under fault states (Fig. 7) show that emissions may be greatly affected by the
oxygen sensor fault. The fault modes shall be specified in detail in future in China GB
OBD standards so that diagnosis shall be performed to all simulation faults. On the
other hand, because the occurrence rate of any asymmetric fault is very small for the
oxygen sensor in actual situations, it cannot be considered. In addition, vehicle
emissions are not above the OBD emission limit (250% of the emission limit for
SULEV [1]) while an oxygen sensor fault occurs based on requirements of American
standards. The fault emission limits for EOBD and China GB OBD standards are above
those for OBD II standards so that faults may be found as early as possible for vehicles
conforming to requirements of OBD II Standards for timely alarming and maintenance;
and the atmospheric pollution may be relieved; thus, appropriate reduction of the OBD
threshold may intensify actual emission control effects of the OBD standards.

Fig. 7. Emission results of the misfire fault for Japanese Car Series 2 and 1
1210 L. Liu et al.

Statistical analysis was carried out to the emission results under the above various
fault modes and OBD emission data certified under requirements of China 5 standards
(Table 5).

Table 5. Effects of OBD diagnostics on emissions

Diagnostics NMHC NOx CO
Cold start Emission reduction system 4.2–5.0 2.1–2.2 8.8–9.0
Engine cooling system 3.5 1.3 3.1
EGR 1.6 4.3 1.0
Fuel system-rich 3.8–5.0 1.1–1.5 1.8–3.6
Fuel system-lean 0.7–1.4 3–5 1.8–2.5
Fuel system-unevenness 1–2.6 2.5–7.5 2.4–3
VVT-target standards error 1.2–2.9 1.6–6.1 1.5–1.7
Catalytic converter 4–12 5–15 3–10
Oxygen sensor 1–8 1–9 2–5
Misfire 3–12 0.4–2 1–6

The above data indicate that the monitored faults in American standards may
greatly affect emissions as the vehicle are calibrated with such faults for low emission
under the normal temperature. If diagnosis were not required in the standards, the
emissions would be higher.
Except for those fault items in Table 5, the evaporation leakage fault may increase
significantly vehicle evaporation emissions; and any fault in the secondary air system
or comprehensive parts may give rise to growth of emissions on different levels. In
addition, gasoline vehicles would be equipped with GPFs in future due to the more
stringent PN limit. If such case came true, diagnosis would be necessary for corre-
sponding faults. Thus, these fault diagnostics shall be necessarily required in China GB
OBD standards in future and the fault diagnosis guidelines shall be clearly specified to
each type of faults so that functions of all systems, parts and strategies for the engine
system shall be monitored in the OBD system; and the emission limit requirements
shall be lowered for the OBD faults so that any fault may be found out in time. Thus,
the emission growth due to vehicle faults will be reduced and the atmospheric envi-
ronment may be protected.

5 Conclusions

Based on our study of OBD II and China 5 OBD standards and experimental study of
exhaust emissions in view to the OBD II unique fault diagnostics of test vehicle
conforming to American standards, it can be concluded as follows:
(1) In comparison of EU and China 5 OBD standards, detailed requirements and
regulations are presented to diagnostics and fault guidelines in OBD II standards
Experimental Study on Effects of OBD II Diagnostics 1211

for clear understanding performance for regulatory agencies and companies; thus,
effective supervision may be achieved.
(2) The unique diagnostics fault of OBD II may lead to great growth of vehicle
exhaust emissions; especially, some specific pollutant rises by more than 1000%.
Clear fault diagnosis requirements shall be necessarily presented to these items
and the OBD fault emission threshold shall be lowered so that any fault may be
found out as early as possible in the OBD system; thus, timely maintenance may
be performed to reduce pollutions.
(3) OBD II requires diversified diagnostics and singular test cycles or procedures so
that fault diagnosis may not be achieved successfully to all types of faults due to
triggering conditions for diagnosis of various faults being different. All necessary
diagnosis conditions for each type of faults shall be satisfied based on various test
cycles and procedures. Thus, flexible testing procedures shall be necessarily
prepared by integration of specific situations and suggestions for each company.
(4) Emission reduction may not be achieved only based on the OBD system. If the
fault is found out and MIL is ON while any vehicle fault occurs and emissions
rise, it will be only prompted that the vehicle shall be maintained in time. If the
user does not perform maintenance to the fault, emissions may not be controlled.
Thus, requirements of OBD standards shall be optimized; moreover, the actual
usages (such as I/M, on-road inspection, random inspection) of the OBD system
shall be effectively monitored. Emissions may be actually under control by means
of the OBD system.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China

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China 5 stage (2013). State Environmental Protection Administration, General Administra-
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4. Lu J, Zheng H (2012) The statement of vehicle’s OBD system. Equipment Manuf Technol
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6. Pan P, Yan F, Fang M (2007) Current situations and development trends of OBD system.
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7. Niu X, Liu Q (2010) The overview of on-board diagnostics system. Automobile Parts
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8. Gardetto E, Bagian, T, Lindner J (2005) High-mileage study of on-board diagnostic

emissions. J Air Waste Manag Assoc 55(10):1480–1486
9. Daniel R, Brooks T, Pates D (2009) Analysis of US and EU drive styles to improve
understanding of market usage and the effects on OBD monitor IUMPR. SAE Technical
Paper. https://doi.org/10.4271/2009-01-0236
10. Yun H, Lee S, Kwon O (2011) Vehicle generated data exchange protocol for remote OBD
inspection and maintenance. Comput Sci Convergence Inf Technol (ICCIT) (6):81–84
Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing
Optimization with Consideration
of Carbon Emission

Heng Wang(&), Shiyu Jin, Dechun Tian, Jialu Zhang,

and Guanfeng Li

College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,

Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China

Abstract. In the urban logistics distribution, reasonable distribution of distri-

bution routes can effectively improve the efficiency of distribution, reduce the
cost of distribution and carbon emissions. In actual distribution, vehicle load,
speed, distance and traffic condition have important influence on distribution
cost, fuel consumption and carbon emissions. Therefore, according to different
road conditions, a speed characteristic model is first established. Finally,
motivated by simulated annealing thinking, an improved adaptive genetic
algorithm is proposed.

Keywords: Vehicle routing optimization  Carbon emission 

Heterogeneous vehicle  Adaptive genetic algorithm

1 Introduction

With the increasing problems of shortage of resources, environmental pollution and

other issues, the energy saving, green economy, and other concepts have received more
and more attention. Therefore, how to arrange the distribution routes and reduce dis-
tribution costs and carbon emissions has become one of the most important issues.
At present, scholars home and abroad have carried out a lot of research work on the
issue of vehicle route optimization. Li [1], based on comprehensive consideration of the
distribution distance, fixed vehicle cost and other factors, the establishment of a multi-
model vehicle routing problem with a soft time window for circulation; Liu et al. [2]
proposed a hybrid algorithm combining Tabu search with artificial bee colony algo-
rithm; Woensel [3] considered the dynamic driving speed and proposed an improved
Tabu search. Although the above study considered the time-varying vehicle speed in
the optimization process, it did not establish a link between different road conditions
and distribution optimization models.
In view of this, this paper first established a vehicle speed feature model under
different road conditions. Then, the influence of vehicle load, driving speed, driving
distance, traffic status and other factors on the fuel consumption of the vehicle is
analyzed. With the goal of minimizing distribution costs and carbon emissions, a multi-
model vehicle distribution route optimization model was constructed. Finally,

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1213–1222, 2019.
1214 H. Wang et al.

combined with the idea of simulated annealing, an improved adaptive genetic algo-
rithm is proposed to solve the optimization problem.

2 Model Establishment

2.1 Problem Description

The distribution center needs to complete the distribution tasks of the customer groups.
The distribution center has a number of distribution vehicles of different rated loads that
can be dispatched. The distribution center arranges vehicles for distribution. According
to the customers’ product demand. From the distribution center, the vehicles are dis-
tributed one by one according to the planned driving route, and will finally return to the
distribution center. One distribution point is delivered by one vehicle, and the total
demand on the distribution line cannot exceed the maximum load of the vehicle. So as
to minimize the distribution costs and carbon emissions generated during the distri-
bution process.

2.2 Model Analysis and Establishment

Firstly, this paper analyzes the influence of vehicle load, driving speed, driving distance
and traffic status on the fuel consumption of the vehicle, and the calculation model of
vehicle fuel consumption is established.

2.2.1 Analysis of Vehicle Running Time

In the actual distribution process, weather conditions, morning and evening rush hour
periods, special holidays and other factors have direct effects on the delivery vehicle’s
speed. In order to fit the actual distribution situation, this paper first analyzes the impact
of weather conditions, morning and evening rush hours, and other factors on the speed
of the vehicle.
Weather conditions are one of the important factors affecting the traffic environ-
ment, people, roads, and cars in the urban road traffic system, which in turn may change
the status of the traffic network, especially in bad weather conditions. For example,
rainy and foggy weather reduce air visibility and road adhesion coefficient, affecting the
drivers’ perception of the surrounding environment and reducing vehicle handling
performance; snowy weather causes the vehicle slide, brake loss, etc. In addition, the
morning and evening rush hours of the traffic network will also have a large impact on
the speed of the vehicle. According to the statistics. In order to better construct the
distribution model, this article refers to the existing theoretical research results [4–6],
and combines actual research data to establish a vehicle speed feature model under
different weather conditions and different time periods, as shown in Fig. 1. Different
weather conditions (Sun, Rain, Snow, Fog) and time periods impact rate on speed of
vehicles 1con , (con = sun, rain, snow, fog) are represented by
Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Optimization 1215

Fig. 1. The influence of different weather conditions and different time periods on vehicle speed

⎧0 0≤t <6 22 ≤ t < 24

⎪⎪0.225 ⋅ t − 1.35 6≤t <8
ζ sun = ⎨−0.05 ⋅ t + 0.85 8 ≤ t < 12 ð1Þ
⎪t 30 − 0.15 12 ≤ t < 18

⎪⎩−0.1125 ⋅ t + 2.475 18 ≤ t < 22

⎧0.2 0≤t <6 22 ≤ t < 24

⎪⎪0.2 ⋅ t − 1 6≤t <8
ζ rain = ⎨−0.05 ⋅ t + 1 8 ≤ t < 12 ð2Þ
⎪t 30 12 ≤ t < 18

⎪⎩−0.1 ⋅ t + 2.4 18 ≤ t < 22

⎧0.5 0≤t <6 22 ≤ t < 24

⎪⎪0.1⋅ t − 0.1 6≤t <8
ζ snow = ⎨−0.05 ⋅ t + 1.1 8 ≤ t < 12 ð3Þ
⎪t 30 + 0.1 12 ≤ t < 18

⎪⎩−0.05 ⋅ t + 1.6 18 ≤ t < 22
1216 H. Wang et al.

⎧0.5 0≤t <6 22 ≤ t < 24

⎪⎪0.05 ⋅ t + 0.2 6≤t <8
ζ fog = ⎨−0.075 ⋅ t + 1.2 8 ≤ t < 12 ð4Þ
⎪0.025 ⋅ t 12 ≤ t < 18

⎪⎩0.0125 ⋅ t + 0.225 18 ≤ t < 22

The speed of the vehicle under different weather and time periods
^Sv ¼ Sv  ð1  fcon Þ, and the average speed of the delivery vehicle  Sv . Therefore, the
travel time of the delivery vehicle from one delivery point i to another delivery point j

is tij ¼ dij ^Sv , dij is the distance from the between two delivery points.

2.2.2 Vehicle Fuel Consumption Measurement Model

This article uses the comprehensive calculation model [7] to measure vehicle fuel
consumption. The fuel consumption FCij of the delivery vehicle from one delivery
point i to another delivery point j is expressed as
h  2 i
FCij ¼ n0ij ðwv þ wvij Þ þ f0 ^Sv dij ð5Þ

where wv means the delivery vehicle’s own weight; wvij represents the vehicle’s weight
from the delivery point i to the delivery point j; n0ij and f0 are the parameters, the value
range of n0ij is [0.09, 0.2], f0 ¼ 0:5Cd Aq, Cd is the traction coefficient; A is the wind-
ward area of the vehicle; q is the air density.

2.2.3 Model Establishment

This paper establishes a multi-vehicle vehicle path optimization model with a minimum
of distribution costs:

min Z ¼ ~ck  vuk
k¼1 uk ¼1
þp  FCij  xijku
i¼0 j¼0 k¼1 uk ¼1

where kðk ¼ 1; 2;    ; KÞ is the vehicle type number; uk ðuk ¼ 1; 2;    ; Uk Þ is the

vehicle number; ~ck is the operating cost, which mainly includes the fixed loss cost and
the driver’s salary cost; vuk is a variable, when the uk model k car is used, vuk is 1,
otherwise, vuk is 0; p represents the fuel unit price; xijku is a variable, when the uk model
k car travels from the distribution point i to the distribution point j, xijku is 1, otherwise,
it is 0.
Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Optimization 1217

3 Algorithm Design

The HVRP problem is usually solved using a heuristic algorithm [8]. Genetic Algo-
rithm (GA) simulates the natural selection and genetic mechanism of Darwin’s evo-
lutionary theory to search for the optimal solution. It is a search heuristic algorithm that
imitates the natural evolution process and has an ideal search effect in solving HVRP
problems [9]. Therefore, in this paper, combined with the idea of simulated annealing,
Adaptive Genetic Algorithm embeded Annealing (AGAeSA) algorithm is proposed to
solve the HVRP problem. The main components of the algorithm are as follows:
(1) Coding and decoding
According to the characteristics of the model constructed in this paper, a random
array is used to encode the feasible solution: assuming  the population size is L, the
‘ individual is expressed as S‘ ¼ r1 ;    ; rn ;    ; rN~ , where rn ð0\rn \1Þ is the
genetic information of the individual and is generated by a random function; N ~ is
the number of genes and equal to the sum of the number of delivery points and the
theoretical maximum required number of delivery vehicles. For example, there are
4 distribution points in the distribution network, and the theoretical maximum
required number of distribution vehicles is 4, and the individuals after coding are
expressed as [0.25, 0.32, 0.41, 0.40, 0.36, 0.68, 0.16, 0.88].
In the process of chromosome decoding, the algorithm compares each gene in the
chromosome and obtains its position in the array from the smallest to the largest.
When the value is greater than the number of distribution points, the value
becomes zero. When there is a value of 0 adjacent, the deduplication operation is
performed to obtain a delivery solution. For example, the above individuals [0.25,
0.32, 0.41, 0.40, 0.36, 0.68, 0.16, 0.88] are decoded as [2, 3, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0], where 0
represents the logistics distribution center, and others The numbers represent
different delivery points. It can be seen that the delivery paths are 0-2-3-0, 0-4-0,
and 0-1-0, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of chromosome decoding

(2) Fitness calculation

The high fitness of the individual indicates that the individual is excellent and the
survival probability is high; on the contrary, it is difficult to survive. Simulated
annealing [10] simulates the thermal equilibrium of the solid material annealing
1218 H. Wang et al.

process and the similarity of the random search optimization problem to achieve
the goal of finding a global optimum or an approximate global optimum. In order
to ensure the ideal search effect for the constructed HVRP problem, this paper
combines simulated annealing to construct the fitness function.

expfWðgÞ  ½1 þ Z g1
F‘ ¼ PL 1
‘¼1 expfWðgÞ  ½1 þ Z g

WðgÞ ¼ w0  agw g ¼ 1; 2;    ; gmax ð8Þ

Where F‘ represents the fitness degree of the ‘ individual, ‘ ¼ 1; 2;    L; WðgÞ

represents the function of the annealing temperature and is related to the popu-
lation algebra g; in the formula. In (9), w0 ¼ gmax represents the initial annealing
temperature is expressed to represent the maximum evolutionary generation of the
population; aw is the annealing temperature coefficient. The fitness function can be
adjusted adaptively as the population evolves. Obviously, at the beginning of the
evolution of the population, the self-adaptive difference between individuals is
large, which helps the algorithm to select individuals with greater fitness for
crossover and mutation operations; with the increase of population evolution
algebra, the fitness gap between individuals Will be gradually reduced, which
helps to enhance the ability of the algorithm to local optimization.
(3) Individual selection
The algorithm uses roulette law to select excellent individuals from the population
for crossover and mutation, and the greater the individual’s fitness, the greater the
probability of being selected in the selection of roulette.
(4) Crossover operation
Crossover refers to the process of the mutual pairing of individuals exchanging
genetic information in a certain way to form a new individual. The cross strategy
of this paper is achieved by adjusting crossover probability adaptively. The cross
probability between two mutually matched individuals pc is expressed as:
( 0 
k10  ðk10  k20 Þ FðFmaxFÞF 
F0  F
pc ¼ ð9Þ
k10 0
F \F 

where Fmax represents the maximum fitness in the current population; F  represents
the average fitness of the population; F 0 represents the higher fitness value among
0 0
the paired individuals; k1 and k2 represents the cross parameter. When F 0 \F, the
algorithm chose a higher crossover probability and encouraged the paired
individuals to interact with each other to generate better individuals. The
algorithm uses arithmetic crossover [11] to implement crossover operations.
(5) Variation operation
The mutation operation is the process of replacing certain genetic information of
an individual with other genetic information to form a new individual. This paper
uses adaptive mutation probability to implement mutation operation. The muta-
tion probability p‘;m of the ‘ individual is defined as:
Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Optimization 1219


k30  ðk30  k40 Þ FðFmax
‘ FÞ

F‘  F
p‘;m ¼ F ð10Þ
k30 F‘ \F

0 0
Where F‘ indicates the fitness of the ‘ individual; and k3 and k4 indicates the
variation parameter. When the individual’s fitness is greater than the population’s
average fitness, choose a lower mutation probability; otherwise, choose a higher
mutation probability. The algorithm uses Gaussian mutation [12] to implement
mutation operations.
The algorithm generates new populations through individual selections, crossovers,
and mutations, and then proceeds to the next iteration. In the end, the algorithm will get
the optimal number of delivery vehicles and delivery routes.

4 Algorithm Simulation and Analysis

In order to verify the algorithm performance of the proposed algorithm, a multi-vehicle

vehicle path optimization model was constructed, and the AGAeSA algorithm and the
existing research methods were compared: Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm [13]
(ABC), ant colony Algorithm [14] (Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, ACO) and
traditional genetic algorithm [9] (Genetic Algorithm, GA) simulation results. Simula-
tion environment: Windows 10, Intel i5-6300HQ, 4G memory; Simulation platform:
Matlab R2016b.

4.1 Simulation Settings

A distribution company owns a number of distribution vehicles with a rated load of 5
tons and 15 tons, and provides cold chain distribution services for 30 distribution
points. The operating costs are 150 yuan/vehicle and 350 yuan/vehicle respectively.
The location, demand, etc. of each distribution point are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The
distribution center number is 0, the distribution center coordinates are (18.70, 15.29),

Table 1. Demand for distribution points (ton)

No. Demand No. Demand No. Demand
1 0.68 11 0.21 21 0.69
2 0.84 12 1.40 22 1.22
3 1.86 13 1.00 23 0.97
4 1.62 14 1.88 24 0.95
5 1.59 15 0.28 25 1.61
6 1.95 16 1.65 26 1.63
7 1.45 17 1.17 27 1.34
8 0.07 18 0.37 28 0.57
9 1.94 19 0.03 29 1.56
10 0.90 20 1.51 30 1.69
1220 H. Wang et al.

Table 2. Distribution point coordinates

No. Coordinate No. Coordinate
1 (16.1, 13.6) 16 (2.5, 20.7)
2 (10.4, 19.3) 17 (14.6, 21.2)
3 (16.9, 17.7) 18 (9.3, 13.9)
4 (27.7, 5.3) 19 (9.1, 13.0)
5 (16.4, 2.2) 20 (22.6, 15.1)
6 (2.8, 16.7) 21 (9.5, 8.1)
7 (2.1, 8.9) 22 (5.3, 10.1)
8 (12.9, 28.1) 23 (27.3, 1.3)
9 (19.7, 12.7) 24 (20.4, 10.1)
10 (29.7, 5.5) 25 (24.8, 1.7)
11 (21.7, 5.5) 26 (2.1, 2.7)
12 (3.7, 8.6) 27 (28.4, 5.1)
13 (23.8, 25.5) 28 (2.1, 23.2)
14 (7.6, 15.8) 29 (17.9, 2.4)
15 (29.6, 27.3) 30 (10.7, 13.3)

the delivery vehicle average travel speed is 35 km/h, and the diesel price is 6.05.
Yuan/liter. The population size of AGAeSA algorithm L ¼ 200, the maximum number
of iterations gmax ¼ 1200, annealing temperature coefficient aw ¼ 0:99, cross-
0 0 0 0
parameters k1 ¼ 0:85 and k2 ¼ 0:6, and mutation parameters k3 ¼ 0:1 and k4 ¼ 0:05.

4.2 Simulation Results and Analysis

Figure 3 depicts the optimal delivery routes for different algorithms in the sunny state.
The optimal delivery scheme for the AGAeSA algorithm is: the delivery vehicle path
with a rated load of 15 tons is: 0-21-19-18-2-3-8-16-28-17-15-13-0; 0-30-22-6-11-4-5-
12-7-26-0; 0-1-14-24-23-25-10-27-29-20-9-0; Distribution vehicles with a rated load of
5 tons are not liable Delivery tasks. The optimal distribution plan for the ACO algo-
rithm is: the delivery vehicle path with a rated load of 15 tons is: 0-18-19-11-23-25-26-
14-16-28-6-30-4-2-17-29-0; 0-13-5-20-9-24-27-10-15-3-8-1-0; Delivery vehicle path
with a rated load of 5 tons: 0-21-22-12-7-0. The optimal delivery scheme for the ABC
algorithm is: the delivery vehicle path with a rated load of 15 tons is: 0-28-8-13-10-26-
7-6-16-9-5-1-17-0; 0-19-22-12-2-14-21-30-18-11-24-3-20-29-0; The delivery vehicle
path with a rated load of 5 tons is: 0-15-4-27-25-23-0. The optimal delivery scheme of
the ABC algorithm is: the delivery vehicle path with a rated load of 15 tons is: 0-15-29-
24-1-25-4-11-10-27-13-23-20-0; 0-9-5-21-19-14-22-12-7-0; 0-3-17-28-6-16-8-2-26-
Figure 4 depicts the optimization curves for different algorithms in sunny condi-
tions. It can be seen that in the early iteration of the AGAeSA algorithm, the search for
the optimal solution is faster. As the evolution process proceeds, the optimization curve
tends to be flat, the individual optimal value in the population gradually converges, and
converges at the 480th iteration. At about the 850th iteration, the optimal solution is
Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Optimization 1221

Fig. 3. Optimal distribution route for different algorithms in sunshine. (a) AGAeSA; (b) ACO;
(c) ABC; (d) GA

searched. ACO algorithm converges faster, but the optimal solution obtained by
searching is not ideal. The GA algorithm is not optimized after the 100th iteration, and
premature convergence occurs.

Fig. 4. Optimization curves for different algorithms in sunshine.

Table 3. Simulation results for different algorithms in sunshine

Algorithm Distribution cost (Yuan) Carbon emission (kg) Running time (Second)
AGAeSA 1678.21 256.76 137.05
ACO 1758.97 258.92 129.47
ABC 1792.30 261.34 115.34
GA 1698.46 265.81 109.96
1222 H. Wang et al.

Table 3 shows the distribution costs and customer satisfaction obtained by different
algorithms in the sunny state. Obviously, the AGAeSA algorithm outperforms the
ACO, ABC, and GA algorithms. In terms of distribution costs, the distribution cost
required for the AGAeSA algorithm’s distribution route is 1678.21 yuan. Obviously,
distribution routes based on the AGAeSA, ACO, and ABC algorithms are delivered
with lower distribution costs and carbon emissions. Through the above experimental
simulation, it can be seen that the AGAeSA algorithm has an ideal search effect and can
find a distribution plan during the optimization of the distribution route.

5 Conclusion

With the goal of minimizing distribution costs and carbon emissions, a multi-model
vehicle distribution route optimization model was constructed. The results show that
the model can effectively reduce them. The algorithm also achieved good results.

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Research and Implementation of WEB
Application Firewall Based
on Feature Matching

Hui Yuan(&), Lei Zheng, Liang Dong, Xiangli Peng, Yan Zhuang,
and Guoru Deng

Information and Communication Company of Hubei State Grid Corporation,

No. 197 Xu Dong Street, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Abstract. The rapid development of the Internet has brought great convenience
to our lives. Correspondingly, the rapid development of the web relies on the
continuous development of Internet infrastructure such as hardware and appli-
cation software and related protocols. However, with the rapid development of
Web applications, the security situation is not optimistic. Most Web applications
have security vulnerabilities, and traditional network security devices have
limited protection against attacks at the application layer. A traditional firewall
can only protect the network layer. IDS and IPS cannot effectively protect
against application layer attacks through flexible coding and packet segmenta-
tion. Therefore, this paper analyzes HTTP protocol and mainstream Web attacks
and their bypass methods. Aiming at the shortcomings of HTTP protocol and
pattern matching, this paper proposes a Web application firewall system based
on feature matching. Experiments show that the Web application firewall system
can defend against various web application layer attacks and effectively solve
the omission problem of Web attack detection.

Keywords: Web attack  Web application firewall  HTTP  Block search

1 Introduction

In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, Web services with its
unique efficiency, ease of use, interactivity and timeliness have won the favor of a large
number of enterprises, and have transferred business to the Web application layer, such
as e-commerce, online banking and social networking sites [1]. On the other hand, due
to the lack of security mechanism of HTTP protocol and the neglect of security in the
process of Web application writing, network attack technology for Web application is
increasing day by day, which makes the security problem faced with a very serious
challenge. According to statistics, 80% of the current network attacks occur in the
application layer, so a new Web security protection technology - Web Application
Firewall (WAF) came into being. WAF can effectively intercept HTTP requests of
application layer, analyze and filter them, and improve the security of Web applications
[2–9]. Most WAF detection methods use regular matching or logical pattern matching
to identify attacks, but some Web attacks bypass pattern matching detection methods
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1223–1231, 2019.
1224 H. Yuan et al.

[10–18]. Aiming at this problem, this paper introduces the attack and bypass mode of
HT TP protocol and mainstream Web application layer, uses block retrieval technology
to match features, and proposes a Web application firewall system based on feature
matching. The system can effectively prevent malicious attack of mainstream Web
application layer.

2 The Shortage of Traditional Firewall

The traditional firewall and IPS defense architecture is based on IP packet filtering
strategy. Administrators can strictly control the properties of source address and source
IP port, destination IP address and destination port, communication protocol type,
traffic, value, source domain by creating network access control list (ALCs) on TCP/IP
protocol. Filtering and defending attacks by hackers and invaders.
Traditional firewalls use administrators to configure ACL access control list rules to
defend against network attacks. The main drawback is that when there are Web
applications, database systems and mail systems in the intranet, the corresponding ports
must be opened, such as the default 80 ports of the web, database service ports 1433,
3306, and so on. And it can not block the attacks against the application layer through
these ports, whether from the firewall internal attacks or external attacks, can not
effectively detect and block. And the traditional firewall protection is for data stream
keyword judgment filtering, can not effectively against the application layer security

3 Web Application Firewall Related Technology Analysis

3.1 Web Security Foundation

One of the most important protocols in web applications is the Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP). HTTP protocol specified in detail how the Web client sends a request
to the Web server, the Web server and how to return the requested data to the Web
client, while the data format standardized requests and responses. It is the basis for
resource sharing on the Internet.
The HTTP protocol is a standard client-server model whose working process
consists of two main actions: HTTP request and HTTP response. An HTTP request is a
request action for a resource sent by a client (usually a user’s browser) to a server; an
HTTP response is a response action when the server receives a resource request from
the client. The communication process is shown in Fig. 1.
Out of Web data security considerations, but also cited the security protocol
HTTPS version of the HTTP protocol (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure
Socket Layer). The security foundation of HTTPS is the SSL protocol, so both parties
need to use SSL to encrypt and decrypt Web data. HTTPS and HTTP are connected
differently and work differently. The transport layer port used is different. By default,
the former is 43 and the latter is 80.
Research and Implementation of WEB Application Firewall 1225

Hypertext link Hypertext link

Web server Web server Web server

TCP port 80
TCP port 80 TCP port 80

TCP connecƟon

Web client

Fig. 1. HTTP protocol working process

HTTPS introduces the SSL encryption transport protocol, and its working process
is much more complicated than HTTP.

3.2 Web Attack Detection Technology

Because of the complexity of Web applications, attackers can use a variety of encoding
methods and different character sets to encode the attack code, thus bypassing some
Web intrusion detection systems to hide the attack.
Common Web application coding technologies include URL coding, HTML entity
coding, Unicode coding, decimal coding (including hexadecimal, 8-decimal coding,
etc.), Base64 coding, etc. In practical use, the attack code is usually encoded many
times, and different combinations of coding for different input and output points.
Especially in XSS attacks, attackers need to determine the location of the attack, and
adjust the encoding strategy in time to ensure the normal completion of the attack.
The consideration of character sets in Web applications usually occurs in attacks
against clients. Character set is a set of characters. Due to the diversity of world
languages, there are many character sets supported by computers. More characters are
used in computers, such as ASCII, GB2312, BIG5, Unicode and so on. When storing
text and other data in a computer, it is necessary to encode the characters. Corre-
spondingly, when the computer recognizes a certain character, it must also have a
corresponding character set for reference. In general, Web applications specify the
character set that browsers should use to parse data in the data returned by the server.
But there is no uniform way to deal with it without specifying the character set or
spelling errors of the specified character set name. Due to the variety of browsers used
by the client, so the processing methods are different, resulting in some problems, such
as XSS wide character encoding bypass.
1226 H. Yuan et al.

In addition to encoding and character set methods, you can also use case mixing of
keyword letters, use annotations and other bypassing techniques.
(1) hybrid
For feature strings, such as “select”, it is the most commonly used keyword in
SQL injection attacks. If the detection system only detects two writings of select
or SELECT, the attacker can bypass the detection system using sElECt, SelEct,
(2) annotations
Annotators are basic functions in Javascript, databases, and are automatically
removed when Javascript or SQL statements are parsed. An attacker can use this
feature to deform keywords such as UN /**/ION /**/SE /**/LECT, /*! 50000UN
ION */*! 50000SE LECT */, etc.

4 Common Web Attack Methods

The attack methods for the Web are mainly divided into two types. According to the
location and impact target of the attack, it can be divided into a server-side attack and a
client-side attack. This article discusses two types of attacks.

4.1 For Server-Side Web Attacks

For the server-side web attack method, the attack mainly occurs on the server side. By
constructing a series of HTTP data packets containing malicious payloads, the mali-
cious code in the web application or the server is used to execute the malicious code to
achieve the influence or control on the target server. Because such attacks directly
threaten the security of the Web server, the impact of the attack will be enormous.
Common attack methods are: SQL injection, file upload, server vulnerability, etc.

4.2 For the Client’s Web Attack

The web attack against the client does not necessarily lead to the security problem of the
web application or its server. The main purpose is to attack the user of the web appli-
cation, and to control or forge the user account and user behavior through some attack
means. In the end, the attacker’s identity is used to achieve the purpose of attack, such as
transferring money, making inappropriate comments, and brushing tickets. Common
methods for such attacks are: XSS, CSRF, clickjacking, Web worms, and more.

5 The Analysis and Design of the Web Application Firewall


The web application firewall system is mainly composed of a packet parsing module, a
feature matching engine, a log auditing module, and an attack signature database. Web
application firewall architecture diagram Hubei designed by design shown in Fig. 2.
Research and Implementation of WEB Application Firewall 1227

Web applicaon firewall

Log audit module

I Feature matching engine E
N Message
T parsing
module Black and Feature Feature
white list parsing matching
detecon submodule submodule

Fig. 2. Hubei company web application firewall architecture design

Figure 2 as shown in the figure, the packet parsing module analyzes the
HTTP/HTTPS packet, obtains the field to be detected, and submits it to the feature
matching engine for web attack detection. The feature matching filtering engine is the
core of the web application firewall system. It parses the features extracted by the
HTTP protocol, uses the rules of the attack signature database, performs deep scanning
to detectweb attacks, and is processed by the action response module. The attack
signature database changes and updates the newly added applications and new software
modules in the network, and implements a more complete defense mechanism in a
targeted manner.

5.1 Message Parsing Module Design

The output of the message parsing is the operation object of the next module rule
matching filter detection, and the parsing effect directly affects the WAF defense effect.
The main function of the packet parsing module is to analyze the HTTP/HTTPS
packets, obtain the fields to be detected, and submit them to the feature matching
engine for Web attack detection.
The message parsing module includes three sub-modules: SSL encryption and
decryption and encoding normalization, and extracting fields of the message.
The SSL encryption/decryption sub-module processes the HTTPS message,
determines the destination Web server to be forwarded according to the HOST domain,
and invokes the corresponding SSL certificate and key to decrypt the message and
sends the plaintext to the next module. At the same time, the module is responsible for
the server. The response message is encrypted and forwarded.
1228 H. Yuan et al.

The encoding normalization sub-module processes HTTP messages, first normal-

izes and standardizes various encodings such as URL encoding, Unicode encoding, and
various character sets such as UTF-8, GB2312, etc., and effectively identifies various
encodings and Restore to prevent defensive measures from being exploited by mor-
phing attacks using different encoding methods or different character sets.

5.2 Feature Matching Engine Design

The feature matching engine is the core of the web application firewall, including three
sub-modules: black and white list detection, feature analysis, and feature matching.

Server response message

Read response message


Update library
Feature analysis

Refuse to respond Aack signature
Judge match
to the log database


Whether HTTPS SSL encrypon
message and decrypon


Response forwarded Cerficate

to the server keystore


Fig. 3.
Research and Implementation of WEB Application Firewall 1229

The main content detected by the feature matching engine is black and white list
detection and feature matching detection. If the corresponding IP address exists in the
blacklist or whitelist, choose to reject or forward directly. When the packet arrives, if it
is an HTTPS packet, the decryption process is performed; if it is an HTTP packet, the
various encoded fields of the malicious attack packet are first restored, then the normal
HTTP object is subjected to Simhash dimension reduction, and finally, the feature is
called. The library uses the detection method of the block search to match and deter-
mine the attack behavior, and intercepts it in time.
In order to improve the security of the system, the module uses a two-way detection
mechanism to filter abnormal packets in response packets. For successful intrusion
behaviors, if a large number of email addresses, bank accounts, and other information
response packets are sent, timely Intercept. A complete HTTP response packet
detection process is shown in Fig. 3.

5.3 Log Audit Module Analysis

The log audit module is an important part of the system. When an attacker implements
a web application attack and is detected, the module records detailed attack information
and records the information in a file in the server log directory for verification and
audit. For example, for SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks, basic attack
information and user-entered form data are recorded, and for a session fraud attack, the
user’s cookie value is recorded.

5.4 Testing and Analysis

The test environment is: Windows Server 2008, Apache, IBM Appscan, websites with
various application vulnerabilities as attack test objects; Windows 10, application layer
distribution tool Burp Suite.
In the test experiment, the application layer issuance tool Burp Suite is used to
simulate the application layer attack, and the web application firewall is fully tested, as
shown in Figs. 4 and 5.

Fig. 4. Comparison of two groups of defense tests of Hubei company

1230 H. Yuan et al.

Fig. 5. Hubei company defense test simulation results

The experimental results show that the Web application firewall can effectively
defend against various deformed SQL injection attacks, violent cracking and sweeping
attacks, Web shell detection, XSS cross-site scripting attacks, information leakage and
other mainstream Web application layer attacks. By encrypting and decrypting HTTPS
packets and normalizing and normalizing all kinds of coded packets, the vulnerability
of HTTP protocol parsing is solved to prevent attackers from constructing abnormal
HTTP packets to extract variables normally. By using Simhash to extract message
features and block retrieval technology to match features, the dimension of attack
features is reduced and matching omissions are avoided. The problem of Web vul-
nerability leakage existing in most Web application firewalls is effectively solved and
the security of Web applications is guaranteed.

6 Conclusion

With the development and popularity of computers and computer networks, more and
more people use computers to process all kinds of data. The development of the
accompanying network is the further expansion of the Web attack, the lowering of the
attack threshold, the more mature black industry, and the emergence of various Web
attack events. How to solve the increasingly serious Web security problems and
maintain the Internet security of the majority of Internet users has become more and
more worthwhile to study. This paper combines the theory and the actual research,
analyzes the HTTP protocol, introduces the attack of the mainstream Web application
and its bypass method. For the defects of the HTTP protocol and the shortcomings of
the pattern matching, the feature matching is implemented by using the block retrieval
technology. Feature-matched web application firewall system. The experimental results
show that the Web application firewall system can effectively defend against attacks
from the mainstream Web application layer, effectively solve the problem of Web
Research and Implementation of WEB Application Firewall 1231

vulnerability leakage, and ensure the security of Web applications. In addition, the
overload of the Web application layer defense, Web application firewall load balancing
and the realization of availability and security are the focus of future research.

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Experimental Research on MMT
of the Influence on Particulate Emission
of GDI Engine

Ying Li1(&), Tiecheng Zhang2, Jun Qiu1, and Xiaojun Jing1

China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd.,
Tianjin 300300, China
Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China

Abstract. The effects of methyl cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl

(MMT) on emissions for the gasoline engine were studied using the DMS500
instrument on a chassis dynamometer. The fuels used in this study were one
base gasoline and three types of blend oil (base gasoline with MMT). Different
revolutions per minute and load were tested. Results showed that: under the full
load, the same fuel emissions number concentration increases with the
increasing trend with the revolutions per minute; the number concentration of
emissions used same fuel reached the minimum in medium load, when revo-
lution is constant, which will increased dramatically in heavy load; with
increasing concentration of manganese in gasoline, the number of PM2.5 in
vehicle exhaust emission was increased.

Keywords: Methyl cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl 

Revolutions per minute(r/min)  Load  Number concentration 
Particulate matter

With the increasingly severe environmental problems in China, especially in major

cities in recent years, frequent occurrence of haze, motor vehicle emission regulations
tend to be strict. The latest release of “Light Vehicle Pollutant Emission Limits and
Measurement Methods” [1] increased particulate matter emission limits, which shows
that China’s emphasis on limiting motor vehicle PM2.5 emissions. Motor vehicles are
one of the major emission sources of PM2.5 [2]. In order to control the PM2.5
emissions from motor vehicles, China has accelerated the upgrading of oil products
quality, of which the Beijing V gasoline standard system has attracted much attention.
One of its main concerns is whether to artificially add manganese (in the form of
MMT). MMT is methyl cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl manganese (formula
C9H7MnO3), which is an economical and efficient petrol antiknock agent, but there are
also remain some controversies, mainly on whether MMT has an effect on particulate
emissions from automobile engines.
It has been pointed out in the literature that particulate emissions from in-cylinder
direct injection gasoline engines (GDI engines) are more severe than those of con-
ventional Port Fuel Injection (PFI engines): GDI gasoline engines do not mix enough
oil and gas, and there are also fuel-impact phenomena that eventually lead to Excessive

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1232–1241, 2019.
Experimental Research on MMT of the Influence on Particulate Emission 1233

air in the area, excessive fuel in some areas, resulting in incomplete combustion,
resulting in a large number of particles [8]. In order to explore the impact of MMT on
particulate emissions from GDI engines, this experiment was based on 92# gasoline,
and mixed MMT with different contents according to different proportions to investi-
gate the impact of PM2.5 emissions from GDI engines under different operating

1 Test Conditions and Program

1.1 Test Conditions

The engine used in the test was a 2.0L direct-injection 4-cylinder naturally-aspirated
gasoline engine. The main parameters are shown in Table 1. The device used to
measure the concentration of particulate matter was a rapid particle spectrometer
(DMS500) manufactured by Cambustion, UK, which particle size range was 5 nm–
1 lm. In the test, the sample was sampled by the dilute dilution sampling method. The
sampled gas first entered the rotary separator to remove particles >1000 nm in diam-
eter. The DMS500 particle spectrometer was used to measure the number concentration
of the particles afterwards. Two-stage dilution in the DMS500 system: a metered
amount of compressed air is blown in, the first dilution ratio is 5:1 and heated to 150 °
C; the secondary dilution is diluted with a turntable dilutor, and the secondary dilution
ratio is 12:1 to 500: 1. By means of high-voltage power-on, the diluted particles carry
charge into the classifier, and the particles are classified according to the size of the
particle offset in the electric field. Particles of different particle sizes enter the corre-
sponding electrometer and generate electric currents. By measuring the current value,
the number of particles in the particle size range can be determined.

Table 1. Engine specification

参数 值
发动机类型 缸内直喷自然吸气
冲程数 四冲程
压缩比 10:1
总排量 1997mL
缸径 83mm
行程 91mm
最大功率⁄转速 105kW⁄5200rpm
最大扭矩⁄转速 189N.m⁄4400rpm

The research oil is 92# lead-free base oil (excluding MMT, which is referred to as
Beijing V gasoline) and three kinds of Manganese-containing oil samples. The
manganese-containing oil samples were obtained by adding different volume fractions
1234 Y. Li et al.

(8%, 12%, and 18%) of MMT to the base oil, which were designated as MMT8,
MMT12, and MMT18, respectively.

1.2 Test Program

The test was performed on a chassis dynamometer. The structure of the system is
shown in Fig. 1. The test conditions for the four fuel tests are a constant operation
mode within 8 speeds (1200, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3200, 3600 and 4000 (in r/min)),
and 6 loads (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 (in N/m)) to represent the traffic pattern of the
current city. In order to minimize the impact of exhaust temperature, to ensure stable
and reproducible data, each operating condition is measured 4–5 times to average [9].

Fig. 1. Testing bench system structure

2 Test Results and Analysis

The particles are mainly divided into nuclear (modem) particles (5 nm < Dp < 100
nm) and accumulation particles (100 nm < Dp < 1000 nm) in order to reveal the
distribution characteristics of different particle sizes, the number concentration of
particles (units/mL) was used as the basic analysis parameter.

2.1 Effect of Rotational Speed on Particle Emission After MMT Fuel

In order to study the influence of the rotational speed on particulate matter emissions
after combustion of MMT fuel, various rotational speed conditions at full load
(180 N m) were analyzed.
Experimental Research on MMT of the Influence on Particulate Emission 1235

Figure 2 shows the total number concentration of the particle size of the 4 kinds of
fuel after burning at different speeds. It can be seen from the figure that within a certain
range of speed, the basic trend of PM emissions is MMT18> MMT12> Beijing V>
MMT8. For low rotational speed, the number concentration of MMT12 and MMT18
particles is higher than that of high rotational speed. However, Beijing V and MMT8
have the opposite trend, which may be due to the influence of the content of manganese
on the emission after adding different concentrations of MMT.

Fig. 2. Total concentration weighted by number of particulates under full load condition

In order to observe the number concentration and particle size distribution patterns
of the two-fuel particle emissions on Beijing-V and MMT8. Analyze the data to find
out the variation pattern of particulate emission concentration and the pollution to the
atmosphere, find out the reason and mechanisms that affect emissions.
Figure 3 analysis from the revolutions per minute. At full load (180 N m), when
Beijing V gasoline rotates at high speed (3600, 4000 r/min), the particle concentration
in the range of 200–1000 nm is significantly higher than that in other rotations. In the
range of 5–200 nm, there is nearly no difference in the concentration of particles. On
the other hand, the concentration of particles in the MMT8 at different revolutions per
minute was not significantly different. The concentration of particles in the low rota-
tional speed (1200 r/min) is relatively the lowest, and slightly increases with the
increase of the rotational speed. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:
Firstly, the volume fraction of MMT in gasoline is different; second, at full load, the
increase in rotational speed is beneficial to strengthen the airflow, so that the com-
bustion speed is accelerated, promotes the soot particles mixed with air under high
temperature conditions. Therefore, the emissions of soot-based particulates decrease
with increasing rotational speed. In summary, as the rotational speed increases at high
loads, there is almost no difference in the concentration of particulates.
1236 Y. Li et al.

a Beijing b MMT

Fig. 3. Concentration weighted by number of particulate under full load condition with different

The concentration of total particles increases with the increase of the rotational
speed, which is consistent with the results of the literature [9, 10]. The main reason for
this result is that under high rotational speed and high power, the equivalent air-fuel
ratio cannot be maintained, the injection amount increases, the combustible gas mixture
increases, the mixing in the combustion chamber is not uniform, and the incomplete
combustion can result in increased emissions of certain volatile organic compounds
[10–12]. At the same time, due to the high rotational speed and high combustion
temperature, lead to dehydrogenation of fuel. The inability to fully combust and pro-
duce more carbon particles, increasing the number of accumulated states and gener-
ating more particles. As a result, the particle emissions at high speeds are much larger
than other operating conditions. From the particle size analysis, the number of particles
in the nuclear state is much larger than the number of particles in the accumulation
The emission of MMT8 is similar to Beijing V. That is, the concentration of nuclear
particulates is higher than the accumulation state. At high-speed operating conditions,
the concentration of accumulated particulates increased.

2.2 Effect of Load on Particle Emission After MMT Fuel Combustion

The effect of load on the particulate emissions after combustion of the four fuels was
studied. The speed was selected at 2000 r/min and analyzed under different load
Figure 4 shows the total number concentration of the particle diameters of the four
fuels under different loads. It can be seen from the figure that the number concentration
of particles emitted from the fuel combustion of Beijing V and MMT8 increases with
the increase of the load, and the increase speed is relatively large; while MMT12 and
MMT18 decrease with the increase of the load, and the higher the concentration of
MMT blended under the fixed load, the greater the concentration of particulate matter,
which is consistent with the basic trend of particulate emissions under different rota-
tional speeds.
Experimental Research on MMT of the Influence on Particulate Emission 1237

Fig. 4. Concentration weighted by number under different load conditions

Therefore, mainly by analyzing Beijing V and MMT8, to further observe the

regularity of the total amount concentration and particle size distribution of particulate
matter emissions.
Figure 5(a) shows the particulate emission characteristics of Beijing V gasoline
under different load conditions. At full load (180 N m), the particle concentration
sharply increases, while at other loads, there is almost no difference in particle con-
centration. The main reason for this phenomenon is that at full load, due to the large
amount of fuel injection, the mixed gas is gradually enriched, and the over-
concentration area with insufficient mixing will gradually increase. The lack of air
during combustion will cause the oxygen shortage, and the combustion will be
insufficient. A large amount of incompletely burned fuel accumulates and discharges,
resulting in a sudden increase in emissions. At the same time, due to the high com-
bustion temperature at full load, dehydrogenation of carbon occurs in the fuel, the
amount of carbon particles that can not be fully burned increases, the concentration of

a Beijing b MMT8

Fig. 5. Concentration weighted of different fuel by number of particulate under different load
1238 Y. Li et al.

accumulated state increases, and more particles are emitted. Therefore, the amount of
particulate emissions at full load is much higher than other conditions. Analysis of
different particle sizes, the figure shows that the number of particles in the nuclear state
is much larger than that in the accumulation state.
It can be seen from Fig. 5(b) that when the MMT8 gasoline is at full load
(180 N m), the amount of 5–10 nm particles is general, however it sharply increased
above 10 nm, the number concentration is significantly higher than other conditions.
This phenomenon is due to the high combustion temperature at full load, resulting in
the burning of fuel carbonization, the formation of more carbon particles, resulting in
higher particulate emissions. In the range of 5–10 nm nuclear particulates, the maxi-
mum emission amount is 30 N m, and 60 N m next. The reason is that the combustion
temperature is low at a small load, the combustion is unstable, and the cycle variation is
large, resulting in insufficient fuel combustion, and
The incompletely combust fuel forms more nuclear particulate matter. When the
load is large (150 N m, 120 N m), more particle emissions are larger than 50 nm. The
reason for this phenomenon is that the temperature is high.
At a high-load, the mixture is concentrated, the local mixing is uneven, the com-
bustion is lack of oxygen, the fuel is carbonized at a high temperature, and large-sized
carbon particles are formed to be discharged, resulting in an increase in the accumu-
lation of particulate matter.
The emission of MMT8 gasoline is similar to Beijing V, that is, the concentration
of nuclear particulate matter is greater than that of accumulated particulate matter. At
high load conditions, the number of particles in the state of accumulation increases, and
in the low-load area, due to the low combustion temperature, particle emissions also
increase, but the magnitude is smaller than the large load. The difference is that in the
nuclear particulate region, Beijing V has the largest number of full-load emissions, but
MMT8 has the largest emission at a small load of 30 N m, while 60 N m emissions are
equivalent to the full load, which may be due the combustion produces small particle
size manganese oxides that form part of the particulates after the addition of MMT.

2.3 Effect of Different Concentrations of MMT Fuel Combustion

Particulate Emissions
As the cars are running at low load in the city, the speed will not be too high. Therefore,
the high-, medium-, and low-load on 180 N m, 90 N m, and 30 N m in 2000R/min
were selected in this paper. To analyze the effects of different concentrations of MMT
fuel combustion particulate emissions.
From Fig. 6(a), it can be seen that, at 180 N m, the particle concentration of
MMT18 gasoline particle size of around 5–25 nm is higher than that of other fuels. The
reason for this phenomenon is that a large amount of MMT is added to MMT18, so that a
large amount of manganese oxide is generated in the combustion process, and then
combined into manganese sulfate, and the sulfate particles are discharged from the
exhaust pipe, resulting in the number of small-sized particles increases. The number
concentration of nuclear particulate matter emissions is higher than that of the accu-
mulation state, and the basic trend of particulate matter emissions is MMT18> MMT12>
MMT8> Beijing V. Indicating that the addition of MMT, the manganese-containing
Experimental Research on MMT of the Influence on Particulate Emission 1239

a 180N·m b 90N·m

c 30N·m

Fig. 6. Concentration weighted of different fuel by number of particulate under different load

oxides and inorganic salts produced after combustion cause the particulates emitted by
automobiles to increase, and with the increase of the amount of MMT added, the
increase in the concentration of manganese is greater, and the nucleation and accu-
mulation of particulate matter are increased.
From Fig. 6(b), in terms of the overall change, particle concentration MMT18>
MMT12> Beijing V> MMT8 is basically consistent with the trend of 180 N m. In the
nucleation state, the number is largest and the number of accumulation states is the
smallest, and the nucleated particles are higher than the accumulation state by one order
of magnitude. Since MMT is added, more small-particle manganese oxides are gen-
erated. In the range of more than 100 nm, the regularity basically accords with the
small particle size. The particulate emission of MMT8 is lower than that of Beijing V
gasoline, which indicates that the small amount of MMT added may promote the
oxidation reaction of some part of the fuel in the combustion chamber to make it fully
combust and reduce the emission of incomplete fuel and accumulated carbides.
Although a certain amount of manganese-containing particles was generated, the
overall particulate emission was reduced.
From Fig. 6(c), it can be seen that the particle size distribution tends to be con-
sistent with large load and medium load, and for the concentration of particles,
MMT18> MMT12> Jing V> MMT8. In the 5–20 nm particle size range, with the
increase of the amount of MMT added, the amount of particulate emissions increased
1240 Y. Li et al.

3 Conclusion

At the full load, the emission concentration of the same kind of fuel increases as the
rotational speed increases.
When the rotational speed is constant, the same kind of fuel at a small load emits
slightly more than a medium load, and the medium-loaded particulate emission is the
lowest, and increases sharply at a large load.
Comparing the particulate emissions of different fuels under different loads under
the same rotational speed, it was found that the addition of MMT does increase the
particulate emissions to some extent. At the heavy load, due to the uniform mixture of
gasoline, high temperature and lack of oxygen, leading to incomplete combustion,
increased particulates, and lower intermediate load discharge, but the regularity is
obvious, showing the rule of MMT 18> MMT12> Beijing V> MMT8.
At low and medium load, MMT8 gasoline will make particulate emission lower
than Beijing V gasoline, but when the added amount of MMT increases, particulate
emissions will increase sharply. Low concentration of MMT will only benefit partic-
ulate emissions in some operating conditions. Therefore, when considering the use of
MMT, it is necessary to reduce the use of gasoline as much as possible on the basis of
ensuring the anti-explosion of gasoline, so as to reduce particulate emissions from GDI
gasoline engines.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China

1. GB 18352.5 (2013) Emission limits and measurement methods for light vehicle pollutants
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2. Morawska L, Bofinger N, Kocis L et al (1998) Comprehensive characterization of aerosols
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3. Shimizu C, Ohtaka Y (2007) Parametric analysis is of catalytic converter plugging caused by
manganese-based gasoline additives. SAE Technical Paper, 2007-01-1070
4. Tsuchiya K, Atsushi (2010) Influence of metal-containing additives on particle emissions. J-
SAE Pap 41(5):1183–1188
5. Yao C, Wei H, Geng P et al (2015) Effects of MMT on particle emission of GDI PFI
gasoline engine. J Environ Sci (9):2766–2772
6. Chen J, Shuai S, Xiao J (2012) Experimental study on the effect of MMT gasoline on the
aging performance of tri-effect catalyst. Automot Eng 34(2):129–132
7. Ministry of Environmental protection of China (2016) The Chinese annual report on the
prevention and control of motor vehicle pollution of 2015. Ministry of Environmental
protection of China, Beijing
8. Fu H, Li X, Wang J et al (2014) Experimental study on particulate emission characteristics of
GDI and PFI gasoline vehicles. Automot Eng 36(10):1163–1170
9. Wang J, Chen D, Ning Z et al (2006) Experimental study on the characteristics of ultrafine
particles emitted by different fuel vehicles. Environ Sci 27(12):2382–2385
Experimental Research on MMT of the Influence on Particulate Emission 1241

10. Wang J, Ge Y, He C et al (2009) Study on particulate emission characteristics of gasoline

vehicles and natural gas vehicles. Automot Eng 31(2):137–140
11. Li TZ, Chen XD, Yan ZX (2013) Comparison of fine particles emissions of light-duty
gasoline vehicles from chassis dyn-amometer tests and on-road measurements. Atmos
Environ 68:82–91
12. Lu Y, Chen Q, Sun Z et al (2014) Experimental study on the characteristics of particle
number concentration and particle size spectrum in automobile emission. Environ Sci 35
Study on In-cylinder Purification Technology
for Gasoline Engine Based on Chemical
Reaction Kinetics

Jun Shi(&), Jianjun Zheng, Zhao Luo, Xiaodong Chen,

Huibing Qin, and Bin Liu

Powertrain Engineering R&D Institute, Chongqing Changan

Automotive Co. Ltd., 589 Konggang Road, Chongqing 401120, China

Abstract. The increasingly stringent regulations on automobile exhaust emis-

sion make it more and more important to study and improve the in-cylinder
purification technology for gasoline engine. In the process, it is the core tech-
nology that using the three-dimensional CFD coupled chemical reaction kinetic
mechanism to analyze the combustion and initial emission in the engine
cylinder. Furthermore, the key point of this method is to develop high accuracy
chemical reaction mechanism. Based on the physical and chemical properties of
domestic 92# gasoline, this paper built a new model of multi-component
alternative fuel, and then constructed and optimized the combustion chemical
reaction mechanism according to the composition of alternative fuel. The results
showed that physical and chemical characteristics of the domestic 92# gasoline
are consistent with those of the alternative fuel consisted of iso-octane, n-
heptane, toluene, diisobutylene (DIB) and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE)
by the percentage of 26%, 20%, 37.5%, 10.5% and 6%. The combustion
reaction mechanism for multi-component alternative fuel includes 135 species
and 635 elementary reactions. It can accurately predict the ignition delay time
and flame propagation speed, and also can calculate the in-cylinder pressure and
temperature in combustion process. This reaction mechanism can be used for in-
cylinder three-dimensional combustion and initial emission simulation.

Keywords: Reaction mechanism  Alternative fuel  Mechanism optimization 

Mechanism building  92# gasoline

1 Introduction

As the environment pollution is becoming more and more serious, and many more
stringent automobile emission regulations have been introduced around the world.
With the implementation of the CHINA VI Emission Standard, hydrocarbon and
particulate matter in gasoline vehicle exhaust become important evaluation criteria, so
many domestic vehicle makers have paid attention to the control of gasoline vehicle
exhaust emissions. At present, the main technical routes to achieve the CHINA VI
emission standard are reducing the initial emission of the engine and improving the
exhaust after-treatment [1–3]. The way to improve after-treatment is generally to

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1242–1251, 2019.
Study on In-cylinder Purification Technology for Gasoline Engine 1243

improve the efficiency of Three-Way Catalytic Converter (TWC), meanwhile add a

Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF) to catch particulate matter in the exhaust. This method
not only greatly increases the cost, but also leads to difficulty calibration and control.
The method to reduce the initial emission in cylinder is mainly to optimize the com-
bustion system and improve the mixing quality of oil and gas, thus to improve the
combustion efficiency and reduce the initial emission in cylinder. This method has little
cost and is widely adopted.
Three-dimensional computational flow dynamics (CFD) simulation technology has
become the main tool of engine combustion system design. Coupling detailed chemical
reaction mechanism and CFD to simulate the in-cylinder combustion and initial
emission is one of the main methods of calculating in-cylinder combustion, which can
predict the whole process of fuel oxidization and main emission species generation, and
also can accurately calculate the pressure and temperature in cylinder. It is helpful to
improve combustion efficiency, optimize combustion system design, improve engine
power performance and reduce fuel consumption. The detailed chemical reaction
mechanism is a series of elementary reactions to describe the internal relation of
complex reactions. It is very important for combustion and emission simulation in
cylinder. At present, there are many researches on the chemical reaction mechanism of
gasoline combustion [4–7] and several common reaction mechanisms are shown in
Table 1. Tianjin University and the Wisconsin University together proposed a primary
reference fuel (PRF, iso-octane and n-heptane) reaction mechanism in 2013, which can
calculate combustion process, not only predict the CO2, NOX and other products, also
can predict the macromolecular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and carbon
particles [8]. Aim to further improve the reaction mechanism, they used the toluene to
represent the aromatic hydrocarbon of gasoline, and added it into the existing PRF fuel
in 2015, and built the toluene reference fuel (TRF, isooctane, n-heptane and toluene)
reaction mechanism. The reaction mechanism of TRF makes the combustion calcula-
tion and carbon particles prediction more accurate [9]. In addition, Stanford University
and Dalian University of Technology research team also proposed their PRF fuel
reaction mechanism [10, 11] respectively. Tsinghua University built an alternative fuel
with five kinds of composition including oxygen-contain fuel, and proposed a multi-
component reaction mechanism [12]. This mechanism has better accuracy.

Table 1. The combustion reaction mechanism of several gasoline alternative fuel

No. Research institution Fuel Species Reactions Journal
1 University of Wisconsin-Madison, TRF 109 543 Combustion
Tianjin University and Flame
2 University of Wisconsin-Madison, PRF 73 296 Energy & Fuel
Tianjin University
3 Stanford University PRF 203 1073 Combustion
and Flame
4 Tsinghua University Multi- 89 355 Fuel
5 Dalian University of Technology Iso-octane 38 69 Fuel
1244 J. Shi et al.

The analysis above shows that the proposed reaction mechanism can accurately
predict the combustion process of simple alternative fuel. However, comparing to the
gasoline, the TRF and PRF alternative fuel is too simple, which can not actually reflect
the physical and chemical properties of gasoline, and make the carbon particle cal-
culation and knock prediction in the combustion process inadequate. Therefore, based
on the physical and chemical characteristics of 92# gasoline in China, this paper
reasonably constructed its alternative fuel by determining fuel composition and pro-
portion. Then, the detailed combustion reaction mechanism is built according to the
composition of the alternative fuel. Through the analysis and optimization, the cal-
culation accuracy of reaction mechanism is improved. Finally, the mechanism is ver-
ified by comparing the simulation with experiment result.

2 Alternative Fuel Construction

2.1 The Physical and Chemical Properties of 92# Gasoline

In order to obtain the physical and chemical characteristics of the current 92# gasoline,
the detailed analysis was conducted, and the main physical and chemical parameters
were shown in Table 2. It can be found that the main substance categories and volume
ratio are as follows: aromatic hydrocarbon takes up 29.82%, and alkane and naphthenic
hydrocarbon account for 52.9%, olefin takes up 12.1%, oxygen-certain specie occupies
5.49%. The octane number is 93.4, the calorific value is 42.96 MJ/kg, and the per-
centage of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen element is 85.5%, 13.4% and 1.02%,
respectively. In particular, the analysis results show that the oxygen-containing sub-
stance is mainly MTBE (C5H12O) whose octane number is 120. It is usually used as an
additive to improve the octane number of gasoline in China.

Table 2. The physical and chemical properties of domestic 92# gasoline

Name Value
RON 93.4
C% 85.50%
H% 13.48%
O% 1.02%
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 42.96
Density (g/ml) 739.4
Benzene (v/v) 0.42%
Alkane (v/v) 48.90%
Aromatic hydrocarbon (v/v) 29.40%
Naphthenic hydrocarbon (v/v) 4.00%
Olefin (v/v) 12.10%
Oxygen-contain specie (m/m) 5.49%
Study on In-cylinder Purification Technology for Gasoline Engine 1245

2.2 Composition and Proportion

According to the analysis results of the physical and chemical properties of 92#
gasoline, it can be found that the current TRF alternative fuel is reasonable, but it can
not fully reflect those important components of domestic 92# gasoline. The TRF
alternative fuel includes iso-octane, n-heptane and toluene replacing the alkane and the
aromatic hydrocarbon of gasoline. However, TRF alternative fuel does not include
oxygen-contain species, and it all lacks the representative substance of olefins. So it
also can not accurately reflect the physical and chemical properties of 92# gasoline.
Therefore, it is necessary to construct an alternative fuel which is more reasonable to
reflect the physical and chemical characteristics of gasoline.
In this paper, based on the current TRF alternative fuel components, MTBE was
added to replace the oxygen-contain species. MTBE is a real substance in gasoline, and
is added to increase the octane number of gasoline, and is the most important oxygen-
containing species in gasoline. The research on the alternative of olefins in gasoline has
been reported. DIB (JC8H16) has the similar physical and chemical properties (such as
density, volatile, ignition temperature, etc.) with the actual gasoline. The research
group in Tianjin University and Tsinghua University used DIB to replace olefin in
gasoline [12, 13], and built complex chemical reaction mechanism. Therefore, it was
selected as a substitute for olefins in this study. Finally, this paper built a new alter-
native fuel with those compositions of iso-octane, n-heptane, toluene, DIB and MTBE,
as shown in Table 3. This result is similar with the multi-component alternative fuel
proposed by Tsinghua University research group.
According to the composition of the alternative fuel in this paper and test results of
92# gasoline, the mixture proportion of the alternative fuel compositions was deter-
mined with the basic principle proposed by French Oil Science Institutes [14]. By a
large number of calculations, the percentage of each composition was shown in
Table 3. it can be concluded that the parameters of alternative fuel, such as main
substance categories and volume ratio, octane number, the percentage of carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen element, calorific value and density are basically consistent with
those of 92# gasoline.

Table 3. The alternative fuel compositions and proportion for domestic 92# gasoline.
Name IC8H18 NC7H16 C7H8 C5H12O JC8H16 Surrogate 92#
Molecular weight 114 100 92 88 112 / /
RON 100 0 115 118 162 93.22 93.40
C% 96 84 84 60 96 85.93% 85.50%
H% 18 16 8 12 16 13.13% 13.48%
O% 0 0 0 16 0 0.95% 1.02%
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 44.6 44.93 40.94 38.21 44.41 42.89 42.96
Density (g/ml) 691 682 865 740.6 715 759.95 739.40
Mole fraction of 26.0% 20.0% 37.5% 6.0% 10.5% / /
1246 J. Shi et al.

3 Reaction Mechanism Development

3.1 Reaction Mechanism for Alternative Fuel
The new reaction mechanism developed in this paper should include all the component
of the alternative fuel of 92# gasoline. The TRF mechanism contains three components,
iso-octane, n-heptane and toluene, and there are many studies on this reaction mech-
anism [8, 9, 12, 15–17], and the latest TRF reaction mechanism is accurate and
acceptable. Therefore, this paper selected the TRF reaction mechanism proposed by
Tianjin University and Wisconsin University [9]. The mechanism includes 109 species,
543 elementary reactions, including NOx reaction mechanism, carbon particle pre-
cursor formation mechanism, and the reaction mechanism of PAHs. For the combus-
tion of DIB and MTBE, the reaction mechanism developed by the National University
of Ireland combustion chemistry center and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
[18, 19] was adopted in this paper. The reaction mechanism of DIB includes 897
species and 3781 elementary reactions, and the reaction mechanism of MTBE contains
214 species and 1051 elementary reactions. They are too complex and not suitable for
the calculation coupling with three-dimensional CFD simulation. Therefore, it need to
simplify the complex DIB and MTBE reaction mechanism firstly to obtain the skeleton
structure mechanism.

6 6
10 10

5 5
10 10
Ignition time (µs)
Ignition time (µs)

4 4
10 10

10 3 DIB 10 3
DIB1 10
10 1 10 1 MTBE3
0 0
10 10
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
1000/T (1/K) 1000/T (1/K)

Fig. 1. The ignition delay time of DIB and MTBE reduced mechanism comparing with that of
original mechanism

From the Fig. 1, it can be concluded that when the DIB reaction mechanism is
reduced to a size of 50 species and 119 elementary reactions (DIB1), the skeleton
mechanism has an acceptable accuracy. The ignition delay time calculated by the
reduced reaction mechanism is basically consistent with that of original mechanism.
Similarly, when the combustion reaction mechanism of MTBE is simplified to the size
of 44 species and 204 elementary reactions (MTBE2), the predicted ignition delay time
has small error. To build the new reaction mechanism, it need to add the DIB and
MTBE reactions to the TRF reaction mechanism selected in this work. Due to the
reaction mechanism of small molecules species (C3-C1) at high temperature is similar
for current several hydrocarbon fuel, so it is reasonable to keep the small molecule
Study on In-cylinder Purification Technology for Gasoline Engine 1247

reaction mechanism of the TRF for new mechanism. And then the macromolecules
reaction mechanism of DIB and MTBE for low temperature reaction stage are added
into the TRF reaction mechanism. Finally, the original reaction mechanism (M-1) of
alternative fuel of domestic 92# gasoline was obtained.

3.2 Mechanism Optimization

In the process of mechanism development of alternative fuel for 92# gasoline, the small
molecule reactions of DIB and MTBE have been deleted, so the prediction of two fuel
combustion by the new mechanism is not accurate enough. The calculated ignition
delay time of MTBE using the new reaction mechanism M-1 is different with that
obtained by Curran et al. [20] in a shock tube experiment. Besides, as the addition of
the low temperature reaction mechanism of DIB and MTBE also changed the reaction
paths of TRF fuel. Therefore, the new reaction mechanism needs to be optimized to
ensure the calculation accuracy in predicting each reactant of the alternative fuel. In this
paper, on the basis of a large number of experimental results, by analyzing the ignition
delay time and flame propagation speed of premixed combustion, the new mechanism
was optimized and the calculation accuracy was improved.
According to the calculation result of ignition delay time of DIB and MTBE fuel
using the mechanism M-1, a large amount of species yield analysis, sensitivity analysis
and the reaction path analysis were conducted. And then the kinetic parameters of DIB
decomposition reactions and dehydrogenation reactions with hydroxyl were optimized.
Besides, the kinetic parameters of MTBE dehydrogenation reactions and methanol
consumption reactions were also improved. The rate constants of those reactions were
modified and shown in Table 4. The optimized reaction mechanism is recorded as
mechanism M-2, and has 135 species and 635 elementary reactions, which is suitable for
the combustion simulation in engine cylinder coupling with three-dimensional CFD.
Figures 1 and 2 show the results of the simulation of ignition delay time and flame
propagation speed under different reaction conditions using the optimized reaction
mechanism M-2. It can be found that the ignition delay time of n-heptane, isooctane
and toluene fuel under different reaction conditions are consistent with that obtained by
Wang et al. [8, 9] in an experiment. The mechanism optimization improved the pre-
diction accuracy of those three basic fuel. In addition, the ignition delay time of DIB
and MTBE fuel calculated by the optimized reaction mechanism are also consistent
with the experimental values. Simulation results show that the optimized reaction
mechanism is more accurate than original mechanism on the ignition delay time pre-
diction, especially for MTBE fuel.
Figure 2 shows that the combustion flame propagation speed of n-heptane,
isooctane and toluene fuel under different reaction conditions calculated by the opti-
mized reaction mechanism of M-2 are same with the experimental results, and the
prediction of the flame propagation speed of iso-octane fuel is more accurate than
original mechanism M-1. Since iso-octane accounts for the largest proportion in the
alternative fuel of 92# gasoline, the optimized reaction mechanism is more accurate in
cylinder combustion simulation. Therefore, it can be deduced that the optimized
reaction mechanism M-2 has better accuracy for calculating the ignition delay time and
flame propagation speed with the alternative fuel of 92# gasoline (Fig. 3).
1248 J. Shi et al.

Table 4. The optimization of the rate constant of partial elementary reactions

No. Reactions A (1/s) n Ea (kcal/mol) f(x)
1 JC8H16 = TC4H9 + IC4H7 1.13E+91 −21.99 1.10E+05 /10
2 JC8H16 + OH = JC8H15 − A + H2O 5.26E+06 1.8 2.78E+02 /5
3 JC8H16 + OH = JC8H15 − B + H2O 6.34E+05 2 −1.43E+03 /5
4 JC8H16 + OH = JC8H15 − D + H2O 6.00E+05 2 −2.39E+02 /5
5 MTBE(+M) = IC4H8 + CH3OH(+M) 1.70E+15 0 6.08E+04 *10
6 MTBE + OH = TC4H9OCH2 + H2O 1.38E+01 3.94 3.05E+03 *10
7 MTBE + OH = CH3OC4H8I + H2O 1.58E+11 0.97 1.59E+03 *10
8 MTBE + HO2 = TC4H9OCH2 + H2O2 2.38E+05 2.55 1.65E+04 *10
9 MTBE + HO2 = CH3OC4H8I + H2O2 7.14E+06 2.55 1.65E+04 *10
10 MTBE + H = TC4H9OCH2 + H2 9.81E+06 2.75 3.90E+03 *10
11 MTBE + H = CH3OC4H8I + H2 2.00E+07 2.54 6.76E+03 *10
12 IC4H7 + HO2 = IC4H7O + OH 3.50E+13 0 −1.00E+03 *5
13 IC4H7 = C3H4 + CH3 1.23E+46 −9.74 7.43E+04 /10
14 CH3OH + OH = CH2OH + H2O 1.54E+05 2.65 −8.07E+02 *5
15 CH3OH + HO2 = CH2OH + H2O2 5.40E+04 2.55 1.05E+04 *5
16 CH3 + HO2 = CH3O + OH 5.00E+12 0.269 −6.88E+02 *5
17 HCO + O2 = CO + HO2 3.79E+13 0 4.10E+02 *5
18 CH2O + HO2 = HCO + H2O2 9.40E+04 2.7 1.15E+04 *5
Formula for rate constant: k = Aexp(−Ea/RT)

100 100 100

N-Heptane/Air, P=40Bar Iso-Octane/Air, P=40Bar Toluene/Air, P=50Bar
Ignition_time (msec)

Ignition_time (msec)

Calculated results M-1 M-2 Exp.

M-1 Phi=0.5 Phi=1.0
Iginition delay (ms)

10 M-1 Phi=1.0 10 10 Phi=0.5

M-2 Phi=0.5 Phi=0.25
M-2 Phi=1.0
1 1 1

Exp. M-2 M-1

0.1 0.1 Phi=1.0 0.1
Open symbols-Exp. at Phi=0.5 Phi=0.25
Solid symbols-Exp. at Phi=1.0
0.01 0.01 0.01
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00

1000/T (1/K) 1000/T (1/K) 1000/T (1/K)

100 10 100
DIB/Air, Phi=1 MTBE/Air, P=3.5atm TRF+DIB/Air, Phi=1
Model Cal. Exp. Phi=1
Iginition delay (ms)
Iginition delay (ms)

Iginition delay (ms)

10 M-1 10
M-1 P=1atm
1 1

P=4atm 0.1 M-2 M-1 Exp.

0.1 M-1. M-2 Exp. 0.1 P=10atm
0.3%Mtbe P=30atm
0.6%Mtbe P=50atm
0.01 0.01 0.01
0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
1000/T (1/K) 1000/T (1/K) 1000/T (1/K)

Fig. 2. Comparison of ignition delay time calculated by original mechanism M-2 and optimized
mechanism M-1 respectively. Experimental data of n-heptane, iso-octane and toluene fuel are
obtained from the literature [8, 9], and experimental data of DIB and MTBE fuel are obtained
from the literature [18] and [19] respectively.
Study on In-cylinder Purification Technology for Gasoline Engine 1249

50 50 50
Iso-octane/Air, N-heptane/Air, Toluene/Air, T=298K Flame Speed

Flame_speed (cm/sec)

Flame_speed (cm/sec)
P=1.0Bar, T=298K P=1.0Bar, T=298K P=1atm Model Cal. M-2
Flame speed (cm/s)

40 40 Model Cal. M-1


30 30 30

20 20 20
Exp. Exp.
Model Cal. M-1 Model Cla. M-1
10 Model Cal. M-2 10 Model Cal. M-2 10

0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Equivalence Ratio Equivalence_Ratio Equivalence_Ratio

Fig. 3. Comparison of the flame propagation speed predicted by original mechanism M-2 and
optimized mechanism M-1 respectively. Experimental data of n-heptane, iso-octane and toluene
fuel are obtained from the literature [8, 9].

4 Reaction Mechanism Verification

In order to verify the calculation accuracy of the optimized reaction mechanism M-2,
some engine bench test data of a Changan automobile engine were used to verify
simulation results. The test data were used to calibrate GT-SUITE software, and then
the real pressure and temperature curve of the combustion in cylinder were obtained.
A one-dimensional simulation of the combustion in cylinder was conducted using the
optimized reaction mechanism M-2 to analyze the pressure and temperature in cylinder.
The comparison of the results is shown in Fig. 4. The engine working condition is 3000
RPM and 3 bar.

Fig. 4. Comparison of the in-cylinder pressure and temperature calculated using optimized
reaction mechanism M-2 and multi-component alternative fuel of 92# gasoline with the
experimental values.

By comparing the simulation results with the experimental curves in Fig. 4, it can
be concluded that the simulated cylinder pressure curve is completely consistent with
that obtained in the experiment, and the prediction temperature in cylinder is slightly
higher. It indicates that the composition and proportion of alternative fuel of 92#
gasoline proposed in this work, as well as the construction and optimization of the
combustion reaction mechanism of alternative fuel are reasonable. The optimized
1250 J. Shi et al.

reaction mechanism M-2 has a good prediction accuracy, and can be used in the
combustion and emission calculation in cylinder by three-dimensional simulation.

5 Conclusion

Based on the actual physical and chemical characteristics of 92# gasoline, this paper
built an alternative fuel by determining its compositions and proportion, then con-
structed and optimized the combustion reaction mechanism based on the compositions
of alternative fuel. Finally, an accurate detailed chemical reaction mechanism was
obtained to predict the combustion and emission in the engine cylinder. The specific
conclusions are as follows:
1. The volume ratio of main substance category in the domestic 92# gasoline: aromatic
hydrocarbon accounts for 29.82%, chain alkane and naphthenic substance account
for 52.9%, olefin account for 12.1%, oxygen-containing species occupies 5.49%.
Octane number is 93.4, and calorific value is 42.96 MJ/kg. The percentage of
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen element account for 85.5%, 13.4% and 1.02%,
respectively. Iso-octane, n-heptane, toluene, DIB and MTBE five kinds of fuel were
selected to be the alternative fuel composition, and the percentage of each fuel take
up 26%, 20%, 37.5%, 10.5% and 6%. The physical and chemical characteristics of
alternative fuel were highly consistent with domestic 92# gasoline.
2. According to the compositions of alternative fuel, based on the current TRF reaction
mechanism, the combustion reaction mechanism M-2 for the multi-component
alternative fuel of domestic # 92 gasoline was built and optimized. The mechanism
includes 135 species, and 635 elementary reactions, and can accurately predict the
ignition delay time and flame propagation speed of each component in alternative
3. Through the calculation of one-dimensional combustion in engine cylinder, it is
indicated that the cylinder pressure curve of simulation perfectly match with that of
experiment, and the temperature of simulation in cylinder is slightly higher. The
multi-component alternative fuel of domestic 92# gasoline and combustion reaction
mechanism M-2 were preliminary verified, and can be used in three-dimensional
simulation calculation in the engine cylinder combustion and emission.

Acknowledgment. This work is sponsored by the Project of Key Technologies Research for New
Generation High-efficiency and Environment-friendly Gasoline Engine, No. cstc2014jcyjjq60001.

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Research of Emission Evaluation Method
for Heavy Duty Vehicle

Junhui Xu(&), Bo Li, and Yong Guo

China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd.,

Tianjin 300162, China

Abstract. With the increasingly supervision of emission for heavy duty vehi-
cles, the Europe regulation and the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
require a real road emission test using portable emission measurement system
(PEMS). This article aims at the evaluation method for real road emissions of
heavy duty vehicles and compares the emission results evaluated from work
based method, CO2 mass based method and NTE method. The results show that
work based and CO2 mass based average moving window method usually
covers more operation conditions of vehicle and engine than NTE method do.
The results evaluated from work based method and CO2 mass based method
shows proportional relationship of approximately one. The CO2 mass based
method shows a more extensive applicability due to not using ECU data from
OBD. Besides, depending on different type of tested vehicles, the evaluation
results get worse when the window threshold reduced accordingly.

Keywords: PEMS  Work based method  CO2 mass based method 

NTE method  Window threshold

1 Introduction

With the development of automotive emission testing technologies, domestic and

foreign countries have strengthened their emission regulatory requirements for heavy-
duty vehicles. Due to the large number of heavy-duty vehicle variants and the shortage
of dynamometer and emission measurement resources, Europe and the United States
require the heavy duty vehicle to carry out real road tests by using portable emission
measurement system (PEMS). The real road emissions test for heavy-duty vehicles is a
good complement to engine bench tests. China will increase the use of Portable
Emission Test Equipment (PEMS) in the forthcoming implementation of the China IV
emission standard on the vehicle emission test requirements. This test method requires
heavy-duty vehicles to be tested in urban area driving conditions, rural area driving
conditions and motor way driving conditions in a certain proportion under real road
conditions and then to evaluate the emission test data [1].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1252–1263, 2019.
Research of Emission Evaluation Method for Heavy Duty Vehicle 1253

2 Emission Evaluation Method

2.1 Introduction of Test Methods
In European regulations, after the test vehicle is driven in accordance with a certain real
road conditions, based on the CO2 mass or the engine work, an average moving
window method is used to calculate emission results. The ratio of cumulative emissions
and the work for each window is calculated. The length of each window should be
determined by the principle that the CO2 mass or engine work is equivalent with the
corresponding results in the reference laboratory transient cycle. The moving average
calculation should be performed at time intervals equal to the data sampling period.
These subsets used for average emission data are called Average Windows. The results
can be calculated by the CO2 mass based method and the work based method. The pass
or fail criteria should be based on the results of the two method. The regulations require
that the 90% of the windows’ brake specific emissions under the limit values [2, 3].
In the U.S. regulations, the NTE (Not-To-Exceed) method is used, that is, the
method of evaluating vehicle emissions through NTE event passing rates. In the engine
external characteristic curve, an inner closed area composed of an engine torque (Ttq)
curve, an engine curve of the speed n15, an engine curve of the 30% maximum power
and an engine curve of the 30% maximum torque is constructed. A segment of
operating conditions in which the engine operating point continues for a period of 30 s
or longer falls within the zone as an NTE event. Calculate the NTE event-to-emission
and NTE event weighted time [4].
Under the condition of guaranteeing the normal use and maintenance of the pro-
totype vehicle, a portable vehicle exhaust emission test system (PEMS) is used to
directly sample the exhaust gas of the test vehicle, and the transient data of the exhaust
gas flow meter includes the exhaust of each pollutant component. Concentration,
exhaust flow, and necessary instantaneous emission data such as temperature,
humidity, and pressure. The PEMS equipment external weather station collects
atmospheric temperature, appropriateness and pressure in real time. PEMS collects
sample engine speed, engine torque, vehicle speed, and necessary auxiliary information
such as coolant temperature through OBD. In order to ensure synchronism of the data,
it is required that the data recording frequency of each part be at least 1 Hz, and the
data collected by the gas analyzer, the weather switch, and the OBD be aligned [5–7].

2.2 Emission Calculations

Emissions are calculated using a average moving window method based on CO2 mass
or engine work. The principle is as follows: Calculate the subset of data. The length of
each subset should be determined by the CO2 mass or engine work. The moving
average calculation is performed at intervals Dt where the data sampling period is
1254 J. Xu et al.

2.2.1 Work Based Method

Based on the time axis, the work based window method determines the collected data
according to the accumulated work of the engine. Starting from the first second of the
test, the length of the window is calculated backwards, as shown in Fig. 1.

Emissions [g]
Work based method

Work [kWh]

Fig. 1. Work based window

When the length of the ith average window (t2,i − t1,i) is determined by the fol-
lowing equation:
W t2;i  W t1;i  Wref ð1Þ

Where W(t2,i) is the engine cycle work from the beginning to the time (tj,i). Wref is
the WHTC cycle work of the engine test. t2,i should be selected by the following
W t2;i  Dt  W t1;i \Wref  W t2;i  W t1;i ð2Þ

The data sampling period Dt is less than or equal to one second. From this, the
window length per second is calculated backwards until the subsequent accumulated
work cannot reach the WHTC cycle work of the engine. All windows are evaluated for
emission evaluation items.

2.2.2 CO2 Mass Based Method

The CO2 mass window method is similar to the function base window method. The
only difference is that the cumulative CO2 mass are used as the basis for calculating the
window size. From the first s of the test start, the length of the backward calculation
window, the period of the i-th average window (t2,i − t1,i) is determined by the fol-
lowing equation:
mco2 t2;i  mco2 t1;i  mco2;ref ð3Þ
Research of Emission Evaluation Method for Heavy Duty Vehicle 1255

Where: mCO2(t2,i) is the mass of CO2 from the beginning to the time (tj,i); mCO2,ref is
the mass of CO2 produced by the WHTCC cycle; (t2,i) should be determined by:
mco2 t2;i  Dt  mco2 t1;i \mco2;ref  mco2 t2;i  mco2 t1;i ð4Þ

Where t is the data sampling period, shorter than or equal to one second. From this,
the window length per second is calculated backwards until the accumulated mass of
CO2 behind cannot reach the WHTC cycle work mass of the engine. Evaluate all the
emission evaluation indicators from the window. The quality of the CO2 at each
window is calculated from the instantaneous emission test for its concentration and
exhaust gas flow.

2.2.3 NTE Method

The following area is defined as the NTE area. In the engine’s external characteristic
curve, the engine torque curve, the engine speed n15 curve, the 30% maximum power
curve, and the 30% maximum torque curve constitute the area. When an on-board
emission test test is performed, when the engine operating condition falls within the
NTE region for more than 30 s, it is called an NTE event. In the on-board emission test
test, the NTE evaluation method only considers the emission within the NTE event
time and passes the analysis. It is known that NTE events generally occur during
continuous high-power and high-torque driving, such as continuous high-speed

2.3 Evaluation Items

2.3.1 Brake-Specific Emissions
When the evaluation method is determined, various pollutant specific emission egas for
each window or each event can be calculated using the following formula:
egas ¼   ð5Þ
W t2;i  W t1;i

Where m is the pollutant discharge quality of the i-th window or event and
W(t2,i) − W(t1,i) is the cumulative engine work of the i-th window or event in kWh. The
unit for the emission egas is mg/kWh.

2.3.2 Conformity Factors

The Conformity factors for each valid window and each pollutant is calculated as
m m
CF ¼    co2;ref ð6Þ
mco2 t2;i  mco2 t1;i mL

In the formula, m is the emission quality of each pollutant, mg/window;

mco2(t2,i) − mco2(t1,i) is the CO2 mass of the i-th average window, and the unit is kW.
1256 J. Xu et al.

mco2,ref is the engine CO2 mass determined by the WHTC, in mg. mL is the reference
emission mass of exhaust pollutants in the WHTC cycle of the engine in unit of g.

2.3.3 Valid Window and Threshold

For work based average moving window method, the effective window is the window
where the average power is greater than 20% of the engine’s maximum power. The
20% is called the window threshold or window power threshold of the work based
window method. If the proportion of valid windows is less than 50%, the window
average power threshold is gradually reduced in steps of 1% until the proportion of
valid windows reaches 50%.
For the CO2 mass window method, the valid windows should be those windows
that do not last longer than the longest duration. The maximum duration can be cal-
culated as:

Dmax ¼ 3600  ð7Þ

In the formula, Dmax is the maximum duration of the window; Pmax is the max-
imum engine power in kW; 0.2 is the window threshold of the CO2 mass based
method. If the proportion of valid windows is less than 50%, the data should be re-
evaluated by extending the window duration. The value of 0.2 in Eq. 7 is gradually
reduced in steps of 0.01 until the proportion of valid windows is greater than or equal to
50%. When the proportion of valid windows reaches 50%, we say that the test is valid,
otherwise we will reorganize the PEMS test.

2.3.4 Pass Rate and Test Conformity Judgment

The test result of conformity can be conducted using the brake specific emission or
conformity factors. When the number of the result below the limits value of the
effective window meets 90% of all valid windows, the passing rate reaches 90% or
more. Determine the test vehicle emissions pass the exam.
In addition, conformity factors and brake specific emissions are important items to
evaluate the emission characteristics of a vehicle. The conformity factors is the ratio of
the actual road emissions of the vehicle to the work of the engine on the bench for
WHTC or ETC cycle tests [8–10]. The conformity factors normalize pollution emission
units and can more effectively evaluate vehicle emissions with engine emissions.

3 Test Vehicle and Results Analysis

3.1 Test Vehicles

In order to analyze the relativity of test methods and evaluation results of heavy-duty
vehicles and their applicable conditions. Two trucks with China VI after treatment were
selected to conduct PEMS tests. The instantaneous concentration of NOx emissions,
flow rate, environmental data and engine ECU data were recorded. The vehicle, engine
and after treatment parameters of vehicle 1# and vehicle 2# are shown in Table 1.
Research of Emission Evaluation Method for Heavy Duty Vehicle 1257

Table 1. Information of test vehicles

Test vehicle 01# 02#
Model BJ1099VEJEA-F3 DFH1160B82
GVM[kg] 8500 12000
Engine modle ISF3.8E6154 ISD6.7E5
Displacement [L] 3.76 6.7
Rated Power[kW] 115 239
WHTC work[kWh] 9.7 18
NOx emission[g] 4.46 8.28
CO2 emission[g] 7026 13239
Emission level VI VI
After-treatment DOC + SCR + DPF EGR + DOC + SCR + DPF

Test first Vehicle is a gross vehicle mass of 8300 kg and belongs to category of N2.
Test second vehicle is a gross vehicle mass of 12000 kg and belongs to category of N3.
As shown in Figs. 2 and 3.

Fig. 2. Test vehicle 1# of category N2 Fig. 3. Test vehicle 2# of category N3

Under the same load conditions, with the same portable emission measurement
equipment, we perform repeated PEMS tests on two sample vehicles, Instantaneous
emission data, GPS, weather stations and ECU data collected through OBD were
recorded for analysis and comparison of emission evaluation methods.

3.2 Test Result and Emission Calculations

Emission calculations were performed for 7 trials of prototype vehicle #1 and prototype
vehicle #2, and the specific emissions, the CO2 mass window method, and the NTE
method’s specific emissions, the conformity factors, and the window pass rate were
calculated. See Tables 2 and 3 for calculations. The conformity factorss in Tables 2
and 3 are all the 90% conformity factorss of the valid window, that is, the window
conformance coefficients are arranged from small to large, and the corresponding
window’s coincidence coefficient is found to be 90% of the effective window number.
1258 J. Xu et al.

Table 2. Emission results of vehicle 1

No. Work method CO2 method NTE method
EBS CF Pass rate CF Pass rate Pass rate
1 0.24 0.43 100% 0.45 100% 100%
2 0.28 0.26 100% 0.28 100% 100%
3 0.29 0.91 100% 1.11 100% 93%
4 0.36 0.19 100% 0.21 100% 100%
5 0.20 0.19 100% 0.20 100% 100%
6 0.28 0.61 100% 0.65 100% 100%
7 1.89 2.82 79% 2.88 79% 100%

According to the sixth stage emission standard, the conformity factors should be
less than 1.5. The results from the 1st to the 6th test in Table 2 are normal, the
conformity factor is less than 1.5, and the emission characteristics of test vehicle are
normal. However, due to the after-treatment failure of the 7th test, the compliance
factor exceeded 1.5, and the window pass rate was less than 90%, and the vehicle
emission was abnormal. Therefore, the follow-up analysis must be excluded from the
7th discharge result for comparison and analysis.

Table 3. Emission results of vehicle 2

No. Work method CO2 method NTE method
EBS CF Pass rate CF Pass rate Pass rate
1 0.14 0.63 100% 0.76 100% 100%
2 0.13 0.52 100% 0.51 100% 100%
3 0.16 0.64 100% 0.64 100% 96%
4 0.20 0.99 99% 0.54 100% 94%
5 0.19 0.79 100% 0.88 100% 93%
6 0.17 0.33 100% 0.37 100% 98%
7 0.17 0.60 100% 0.40 100% 100%

For the 6th stage discharge standard of prototype vehicle, the conformity factors
should be less than 1.5, and the pass rate should be greater than 90%. The experimental
results are all normal.

3.3 Evaluation Method Analysis

3.3.1 Average Moving Window Method and NTE Method
The results of one on-board emission test of the sample vehicle #1 were analyzed, and
the difference between the average moving window method and the NTE method was
analyzed. This time trial will analyze the speed, window, and NTE events according to
the time axis, as shown in Fig. 4. The prototype car was tested in accordance with the
urban, suburban and high-speed conditions. The speed is shown in the blue curve in
Research of Emission Evaluation Method for Heavy Duty Vehicle 1259

Fig. 4. At the beginning of the test, the vehicle was cold and the exhaust gas exhaust
temperature did not reach the optimal state. The emission was high and the conformity
factor was also high. The red curve is shown in Fig. 4. In the urban working condition,
the load of the prototype 1# engine is small, so the average window power is small and
does not reach the effective window threshold. At this time, the window is invalid.
When entering the suburban working conditions, the sample vehicle speed increases
and the engine load increases. At this point, the average power of the window increases
and enters an effective window, as shown in the green curve of Fig. 4. When entering
the high-speed working conditions, the engine operating conditions enter the NTE
region, and the high-speed driving continues at this time, and the engine runs in the
NTE region for a certain period of time. At this time, the prototype vehicle enters the
NTE event as shown in the blue-green curve of Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Valid window and NTE event

From the time axis, road speeds were tested in urban, suburban, and high-speed
conditions. According to the analysis of window power threshold of 20%, the effective
window is mostly concentrated in the suburbs, high-speed or near high-speed areas.
NTE incidents accounted for a very small part of the entire test process, and NTE
events concentrated in the high-speed operating conditions of the prototype.
In the engine external characteristics, the engine operating conditions within the
effective window of the test data and the engine operating conditions within the NTE
event are plotted as follows (Figs. 5 and 6).

Fig. 5. Operation in valid window Fig. 6. Operation in NTE

1260 J. Xu et al.

It can be seen from the engine operating condition map that the duration of the
effective window is much longer than that of the NTE event, and the engine operating
condition region of the effective window is much larger than the engine operating
condition region during the NTE event.
From the above analysis, it can be seen that the data used in the average moving
window method evaluation in a single test is more, and the vehicle operating conditions
and engine operating conditions covered by it are more extensive, and thus the char-
acteristics of heavy vehicle emissions can be more comprehensively evaluated.
The NTE evaluation method is suitable for the complete vehicle operating conditions.
The emission calibration of the engine is easy to optimize for this operating condition
and ignore other operating conditions.

3.3.2 Work Based Method and CO2 Mass Based Method

The results from 6 experiments of vehicle 1# and 7 tests from vehicle 2# were ana-
lyzed. Analyze the correspondence of the conformity factorss of the effective window
at the 90% pass rate. The calculation results of Tables 2 and 3 are plotted in Fig. 7
using the CO2 mass based method for the conformity factors and the ordinate axis for
the conformity factors calculated using the power matrix window.

Fig. 7. Correlation of CF

From Fig. 7 it can be seen that the calculation using the word based window
method is linearly related to the results calculated using the CO2 mass based method.
The proportional coefficient is approximately one, and the constant term is close to
zero, indicating that the correlation between the calculation results using the work base
method and the CO2 mass based method is high, and the calculated coincidence
coefficients are basically equal.
Therefore, in some cases, for example, the OBD data of heavy-duty in-use vehicles
of many countries three or four or even five countries do not have a unified data format,
or if the engine torque is difficult to collect or the reliability and authenticity of the
collected data cannot be guaranteed. The vehicle’s vehicle emission evaluation brings
certain difficulties. Because the CO2 quality window method has a high correlation
with the work-base window method, the CO2 quality window method can well com-
pensate for the shortcomings of the work-based window method for high OBD data. It
uses only the vehicle exhaust emission transient data and GPS data. As well as the
Research of Emission Evaluation Method for Heavy Duty Vehicle 1261

meteorological data and basic data of some engine bench tests, the vehicle emissions
can be calculated and evaluated. In European regulations, any method is permitted for
emission evaluation.

3.3.3 Window Threshold and Emission Characteristics

Carry out the calculation of the emission of the power base window method for the test
datas of vehicle #1 under different power thresholds. Take a 1% step length and
gradually reduce the power threshold from 20% to 10% and calculate the conformity
factors for different power thresholds. Emission calculation results are shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8. CF@ 90% and window threshold of vehicle1

As can be seen from Fig. 8, in addition to the fifth test, the other test data decreased
with the power threshold from 20% to 9%, the conformity factors increased, which
means the results deteriorated. This is due to the fact that when the power threshold is
reduced, the number of valid windows increases and the low-power conditions of the
engine under low-speed conditions increased. At this time, the exhaust temperature is
lower and the after treatment performance does not reach the optimum state, so
emission performance deteriorated.

Fig. 9. CF@ 90% and window threshold of vehicle 2

It can be seen from Fig. 9 that prototype vehicle #2 does not change as the test
vehicle #1, as the window power threshold is reduced in step, the emission charac-
teristic of the test vehicle #2 does not very much, because test vehicle #2 belongs to the
N3 prototype vehicle. In the test conditions, the urban working conditions are small and
the engine load is high. The decrease of the power threshold does not result in a
1262 J. Xu et al.

significant increase in the number of effective windows, and therefore the emission
characteristics do not change much at this time.

4 Conclusions
(1) Through the analysis of the PEMS test results from two heavy duty vehicles, it
can be concluded that the NTE method only use very slice section data which
means single driving condition. Compare with NTE method the average moving
window method is more comprehensive and can cover most of the vehicle driving
conditions or engine operation condition, which means more reasonable.
(2) The work based method has a strong correlation with the CO2 mass based method.
The evaluation results of the two evaluation methods using the conformity
coefficient for the emission evaluation have a proportional relationship of one and
are therefore very applicable. In the case of non-standard OBD data, non-output
data or suspicious or even fraudulent OBD data in the engine stage of III, IV or V,
the CO2 mass based method can solve this problem.
(3) The selection of window power threshold in heavy vehicle emission evaluation
methods is more sensitive to test vehicles with a higher percentage of urban areas
in the driving conditions and to the test vehicle with a smaller proportion of
engine load. When the window power threshold is reduced in steps, the emission
results get worse. The window power threshold is not sensitive to a test vehicle
with a heavy load, a high speed ratio, and a heavy engine load. When the window
power threshold is decreased in steps, the emission characteristics do not change
too much.
(4) The dimension of the evaluation index of conformity factor is 1. In many cases,
the use of the conformity factor can more accurately and effectively describe the
relationship between vehicle emissions and engine emissions and can more
effectively establish the connection between the work based method and the CO2
mass based method.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China

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Environ Sci 35(12):3521–3534
The Design Development Research
of Computer Music System Based
on College Vocal Music

Haijing Shi(&)

Xi’an University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China


Abstract. Computer music has become one of the important means in modern
music teaching because of its simple and easy to operate characteristics. The
combination of computer music technology and multimedia has brought great
convenience to our music teaching. It not only updates the traditional teaching
mode, expansion the teaching content, but also makes the traditional music
theory to be realistic and lively. It greatly enlarge the students’ musical vision,
activates the students’ musical viewing, promote the students’ enthusiasm for
learning, and greatly improves the efficiency of music learning.

Keywords: College vocal music  Computer  Music system 

Development and design

1 Introduction

Computer music technology is a new discipline formed by the combination of com-

puter technology and music theory. It enters the 21st century. With the rapid devel-
opment of computer technology, the field of computer application has become more
and more extensive, and its application has penetrated into society. In all aspects, music
teaching in colleges and universities is no exception. Application computer multimedia
technology to music teaching in schools not only solves the problems that have been
plagued by traditional teaching in the past, but also receives better teaching effects.

2 The Necessity of Computer Technology Application

in College Music Teaching

In foreign countries, with the great development of computer music teaching tech-
nology and multimedia, computer music teaching technology has gradually penetrated
into classroom teaching. However, in the music teaching of colleges and universities in
China, blackboard and piano are still the main teaching tools of most music courses.
This teaching method has affected the in-depth development of teaching. For example,
in the process of harmony teaching [1]. The sound popping up on the piano is fleeting.
Because students cannot see the form of their music, they often have the psychological
confusion of “invisible, inaudible”. Although our teachers are very serious and students

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1264–1272, 2019.
The Design Development Research of Computer Music System 1265

learn hard, the students end up with only abstract and cumbersome rules. At the end of
the study, most students lost interest in harmony learning.
To this end, that is considering to establish good sound quality and stereo sound
effects in the teaching process. Which enhances the enthusiasm of students to learn the
course, thus further grasping the general rules of harmony and making students
understand and broaden the scope and vision of harmony and improve the efficiency of
learning [1]. Computer music technology is the most effective that is to implement this
teaching idea. Using it to teach can constitute a multimedia teaching of visual and audio
integration. This intuitive teaching method will certainly achieve better results.
It can be seen that the introduction of computer music technology in college music
courses in China is extremely urgent. It is beneficial to improve students’ music interest
in learning and is an indispensable teaching tool to improve music teaching quality.

3 The Specific Application of Computer Music System

in Music Teaching

The specific application of computer music software in the teaching of music theory is
mainly reflected in the following three aspects:
The Application of Education in the Subject of Basic Technology Theory. There
are two main teaching modes: the teaching mode of teaching tools through computer-
assisted music software with the aid of teachers, and the automated teaching mode
based on computerized systematic teaching. These two teaching modes can be used
alone or in combination [2].
The teaching of music theory and compositional technology theory under the tra-
ditional teaching mode, due to the limitations of teaching tools, often leads to the
separation of theory and practice, which seriously affects the quality of teaching and the
level of education [2]. For example, in traditional harmony education, blackboard and
piano have always been important auxiliary tools in harmony teaching. The spectrum
written by teachers on the blackboard cannot form auditory association and resonance
in the students’ minds, which leads students to have a kind of “seeing”. The feeling of
not being able to touch it. Paying attention to the writing of music scores leads to the
students’ focus on how to avoid writing mistakes in the teaching process, which makes
the teaching purpose and teaching effect greatly reduced [3]. After the introduction of
computer professional software, students can use the powerful editing function of
professional software to teach students the integration of audiovisual.
At the same time, because the professional software has a very intuitive music score
display function, through this advantage, the spectrum and the actual sound effects can
be displayed in front of the students in the teaching process, and the demonstration can
be repeated to enhance the learning efficiency. In addition, you can also use its
recording function; press the record button before playing the track, the playing and
recording work can be completed simultaneously [2]. By using professional computer
music software to assist in teaching activities, any theory can be practiced and tested on
the computer music system platform at any time, because computer music software is
based on digital music modules, trying to create a tool that covers all instruments while
1266 H. Shi

meeting any difficulty. Whether it is basic music theory, harmony, soundtrack, or any
theoretical knowledge of composition, it is effectively practiced in computer music
systems [3]. The computer professional system plays a role of “super teaching aid” in
the theoretical teaching of music teaching. In the aspects of the autonomy of teaching
content, the flexibility of learning progress, and the rationality of learning time
arrangement, it is unmatched by the traditional teaching mode.
The Application of Music Appreciation, Work Analysis and Teaching Activities.
Using computer professional software digital audio and image processing technology,
massive data storage capabilities, computer professional software can play any form of
digital audio data. More valuable is that computer professional software as an editable
player, any music clip retrieval, positioning, playback, and transposition, addition and
subtraction effects, acceleration and deceleration, and even cutting operations, can be
easily on the computer. The completion of the operation has greatly reduced the time
and intensity of manual labor in the analysis and appreciation of the work [4]. Coupled
with the advantages of computer professional software, it can be accompanied by the
simultaneous presentation of video materials, text materials, picture materials and
music scores, etc., which is more conducive to the improvement of teaching effects. As
a super multimedia playback system, the computer has fundamentally changed the
teaching mode of appreciation teaching, and greatly improved the teaching efficiency of
the analysis and music appreciation [4]. At the same time, with the fast development of
computer technology, the degree of intelligence of computer music software is also
constantly strengthened, so that the auxiliary role of professional teaching will continue
to increase.
The Application of Teaching Activities in Comprehensive Music Subjects. Pro-
fessional teaching activities through professional software is the most common form of
teaching in all disciplines in the current computer age, that is, through the teaching
software, the content of each teaching unit is edited into courseware. The traditional
teaching mode is presented in a multimedia way, and the computer professional soft-
ware plays the role of “super blackboard” in this process [5]. This kind of teaching
mode can simplify the curriculum with large teaching information and relatively
complex knowledge system. Under the systematic presentation of pictures and audio,
audio, and video integration, compared with the traditional teaching mode, the
advantages of information transmission and student understanding are incomparable.
At the same time, in the teaching of knowledge points, it also changed the linear chain
mode of the traditional teaching mode, and expanded into a network link structure,
which is close to the structural characteristics of information links in the human brain,
which is more conducive to student structure [5]. Knowledge system and improved
learning efficiency. The extensive application of computer music software in the
comprehensive music subject teaching activities is very effective in promoting the
teaching efficiency and teaching effect of music theory courses.
The Design Development Research of Computer Music System 1267

4 Computer Music System Design Technology

Sampling Technique. Sampling is the sampling of analog signals. Sampling is an

analog signal in time and amplitude. It is converted into a discrete analog signal that is
discrete in time but continuous in amplitude. This concept, when discussing the cat-
egory of music, refers to a process of discretizing and granulating a sound wave. In
other words, it is the process of converting an analog audio signal into a digital audio
signal [6]. The main equipment used in this process is the analog/digital ADC converter
and the digital-to-analog DAC converter. The process of sampling actually converts the
electrical signals of the usual analog audio signals into binary codes 0 and 1, which
form a digital audio file.
Specifically, when an analog sounding device such as a microphone receives an
analog sound wave signal, it will be based on the received waveform.
Different Produces Different Sound Pressures. In order for the computer to analyze
and process this sound wave, the analog signal will program a series of digital com-
binations through AD conversion. This conversion process relies heavily on the fact that
the analog signal is represented as an instantaneous sound pressure amplitude at the time
of sampling [6]. Since the computer does not continuously change the amplitude of the
sound pressure, the signal output by the sampling process is a discrete digital signal.
Musical instrument digital interface technology. MIDI refers to the digital interface
of the instrument, originally proposed to solve the communication problem between
electroacoustic instruments. MIDI transmits not a sound signal, but a note, control
parameters, etc., which tells the MIDI device what to do, such as which note to play,
how loud. They are uniformly represented as MIDI messages. Asynchronous serial
communication is used for transmission, and the standard communication baud rate is
31.25  (1 ± 0.01) KBaud. The MIDI system is actually a performance system for
composition, orchestration, and electronic simulation. The data that is transferred from
one MIDI device to another is MIDI information [7].
A word processor that allows you to record, play, and edit songs played by a variety
of different MIDI instruments. The sequencer does not actually record sound, it only
records and plays MIDI messages. MIDI itself does not produce music, but it contains
all the instructions needed to produce music, such as what instrument to play, what
notes to play, how fast to play, how strong it is, and so on.
To do this, you can call the MIDIOutOpen function, the midiOutShortMsg function,
and finally the midiOutClose function to emit a sound. The following code is the code
for the midiOutShortMsg function. Because the code for the MIDIOutOpen and mid-
iOutClose functions are the same, to use the code below for midiOutShortMsg, you need
to write the following in the Load event and QueryUnload practice [8]. Such as Code:
Dim midiHand As Long ‘Window level global constant
Private Sub Form_Load ()
MIDIOutOpenmidiHand, MIDI_MAPPER, 0, 0, 0 ‘ to open Midi media
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Query Unload (Cancel as Integer and UnloadMode)
midiOutClosemidiHand ‘ turns off Midi media
End Sub
1268 H. Shi

FM Sound Synthesis. Frequency Modulation (FM) is a modulation scheme in which

the information representes by changing in the instantaneous frequency carrier [9]. In
the field of digital applications, the frequency of the carrier is discretely jumped
according to the value of the data sequence, so-called Frequency keying (FSK). The
frequency modulation technology is mainly used here in the synthesis of audio, so-
called FM synthesis. The basic principles are as follows:
If the signal to be transmitted is Xm(t), the amplitude limit cannot be greater than 1
i.e.: jXmðtÞj  1. The carrier is:

Xc ðtÞ ¼ Acosð2pfctÞ

fc is the carrier center frequency in Hertz. A is an arbitrary amplitude. The trans-

mitted signal will be:
Z t Z t
Xc ðtÞ ¼ Acosð2p f ðtÞdtÞ ¼ Acosð2p ½fc þ f DXm ðtÞdtÞ
0 0

Here, f ðtÞ ¼ fc þ f DXm ðtÞ; f ðtÞ is the instantaneous frequency of the oscillator, and
f D is the frequency offset (frequency offset), which represents the maximum relative to
fc in one direction [9]. Frequency deviation, here we assume that Xm ðtÞ is a finite
amplitude limited to between ±1. The specific application in Max MSP is shown in
below Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. FM patch
The Design Development Research of Computer Music System 1269

Audio signal changes are often periodic. One of the easiest examples of audio
modulation techniques is the violin and chord. The chords quickly tremble on the
strings with fingers and wrists, causing the length of the strings to change rapidly,
ultimately affecting the violin sound. Softness. Like the FM radio wave, the “FM
synthesis theory” also has two elements: the sound body (carrier) and the modulation
body. The pronunciation body or carrier body is a frequency oscillator that actually
emits sound; the modulation body or modulator is responsible for adjusting the sound
generated by the varying carrier [9, 10]. The carrier frequency, the modulation body
frequency, and the modulation value are important factors influencing the theory of FM
In the frequency modulation technique, the amplitude of the modulation body also
plays a key role in frequency modulation.
The depth of the change after the carrier frequency modulation is heard. If the
amplitude of the modulated signal is 0, no modulation will occur. Therefore, just as in
amplitude modulation (AM), the frequency of the modulation has an effect on the
amplitude of the carrier. In frequency modulation (FM), the frequency variation of the
carrier is also affected by the change in the amplitude of the modulation [10]. There-
fore, in the frequency modulation process, we can find:
• The frequency of the modulation body affects the speed variation of the frequency
of the carrier.
• The amplitude of the modulation body affects the depth variation of the carrier
• The waveform (or tone) of the modulation body affects the waveform variation of
the carrier frequency.
• The amplitude of the carrier body remains constant during the frequency modula-
tion process.
Amplitude modulation and ring modulation sound synthesis. Amplitude Modula-
tion (AM) is the purpose of transmitting information by changing the amplitude of the
output signal. Generally, the amplitude change of the high-frequency signal outputted
at the modulation end is in a certain functional relationship with the original signal, and
demodulation is performed at the demodulation end to output the original signal. The
actual function relationship is generally a proportional relationship. The biggest
advantage of this modulation method is that modulation and demodulation are very
simple [10, 11]. Only one diode and one capacitor are needed. Of course, the biggest
disadvantage is that the distortion is relatively large and sensitive to interference.
A simple amplitude modulation diagram is as follows Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Amplitude modulation diagram

1270 H. Shi

The basic principles are as follows:

Consider a modulation signal mðtÞ, which may contain all cases. The mathematical
formula after modulation is written as follows:

yðtÞ ¼ ½C þ mðtÞcosðwc tÞ

Or in the plural form:

ejwc t þ ejwc t
yðtÞ ¼ ½C þ mðtÞ

Then make a fourier transform:

yðwÞ  ¼ pCdðw  wc Þ þ pCdðw þ wc Þ þ 1 M ðw þ wc Þ

Here dð xÞ is the unit impulse function, the unit pulse on x).

Ring Modulation (RM) is a method of achieving amplitude modulation or fre-
quency mixing.
Sub-signal processing technology. It behaves as two signals multiplied by execu-
tion, usually a sine wave or other simple waveform. It is called “ring” modulation
because the diode’s original analog circuit implements a waveform similar to the shape
of a ring. This circuit is very similar to a bridge rectifier circuit except that the diode
replaces the “left” or “right” and “clockwise” or “counter clockwise”.
Ring Modulation (RM) is an electronic signal processing technique that implements
amplitude modulation or frequency mixing. It behaves as two signals multiplied by
execution, usually a sine wave or other simple waveform. It is called “ring” modulation
because the diode’s original analog circuit implements a waveform similar to the shape
of a ring [11].
However, the difference between amplitude modulation and ring modulation are the
ring modulation that is the multiplication of two audio signals with two stages. Its
carrier signal is C, multiplied by a modulation signal M to create the new signal R:

RðtÞ ¼ C ðtÞ  M ðtÞ

Amplitude modulation somewhat is similar with ring modulation, but it uses a

unipolar modulator in the traditional sense, so amplitude modulation uses a set of DC
off sets.
The application of the two in Max MSP is shown in the following Fig. 3.
The Design Development Research of Computer Music System 1271

Fig. 3. RM patch 和AM patch

5 Summary

The combination of computer music technology and multimedia. It has brought great
convenience to our music teaching. It not only updates the traditional teaching mode.
Enriched the teaching content, and made the abstract music theory become realistic and
lively. It greatly broadens the students’ musical vision, activates the students’ musical
idea, stimulates the students’ learning enthusiasm, and greatly improves the efficiency
of music learning.

Acknowledgement. Fund Project: This paper is the outcome of the research, The Combination
of Cong-wu Feng’s Guanxue Thought and Modern Music Art: the Creation of Musical Theater
Cong-wu Feng, which is supported by the Foundation for Social Sciences Projects of Xi’an
Planning and Management Office. Project Number: 18ZT03.

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5. Chen PY, Chen WM (2006) Design and production of multimedia computer courseware for
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8. Zhang JH (2010) On the application of modern computer technology in music teaching.
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universities. Sci Technol Inf 33:175–178
11. Tan BC (2013) Computer music system and vocal music teaching. J Anshun Univ 2:112–
Study on the Effect of Olefins on the Particulate
Matter Emission of GDI Engines

Yin Zenghui1,2(&), Jing Xiaojun1, Li Dong3, Li Zhijun2,

and Fang Maodong1
China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd.,
Tianjin 300300, China
Tianjin University, Tianjin 300000, China
Tianjin Motor Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Control Center,
Tianjin 300191, China

Abstract. By using of the AVL MOVE test equipment, an experimental study

on the particulate matter (PM) emissions from a turbocharged GDI gasoline
engine operating on o kinds of fuels with different amount of olefins were
examined and compared. The two kinds of fuels are meeting China-V gasoline
fuel standard and contain nearly the same content of aromatics, but 8.2% and
17.2% olefins in volume, respectively. The results indicated that, the specific
PM emission, particle number (PN) concentration and smoke intensity
(FSN) show the trend of first decrease and following increase with the increase
of engine load (approximate to “U” pattern). The fuel with higher olefins could
lead to higher values of specific PM emission, PN and FSN at different degrees,
especially for the number concentration of nucleation particles under the con-
dition of low speed, and accumulation particles under the high speed and load
condition. The correlation analysis between the smoke intensity and the specific
PM emission, particle number concentration were established, and found that
neither specific PM emission nor particle number concentration has a definite
correlation with smoke intensity, but are two key parameters determining the
smoke intensity.

Keywords: Olefins  PM emission  Particle number concentration 

Smoke intensity  GDI engine

1 Introduction

Due to the characteristics of oil refining process in China, FCC gasoline occupies the
leading position, accounting for about 70%–85% [1, 2]. The volume fraction of olefin
in FCC gasoline is 40%, so the olefin content in gasoline is high in China. Olefin
(CnH2n) is an unsaturated hydrocarbon containing carbon-carbon double bonds. It is a
high octane gasoline component with poor spontaneous combustion characteristics.
The reactivity of olefin is higher than that of alkane and aromatics, and flame propa-
gates faster, which is beneficial to increase the combustion rate in cylinder [3, 4] and
promote the complete combustion of fuel. In addition, alkenes are more likely to
convert in combustion and catalytic converters than alkanes and aromatic compounds.
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1273–1283, 2019.
1274 Y. Zenghui et al.

Therefore, higher olefin content is beneficial to reduce vehicle emissions. However, the
higher vapor pressure of light olefins in the olefin component may increase engine
evaporation emissions. Because of double bonds, the instability of heavy olefin can
form colloid at different working temperature and deposit in the fuel intake system [5].
In addition, as an active component, olefin evaporates into the atmosphere and forms
ozone through chemical reaction. Toxic polyene compounds are generated in the
combustion process.
Scholars have carried out a large number of research on the engine emission
characteristics of olefin in gasoline. For example, Guo et al. [6] measured the exhaust
emissions of five vehicles in eight different olefin fuels, finding that the olefin content in
gasoline increased from 25% to 35%, the THC and CO emissions increased by 10.2%
and 4.2% respectively, while the NOx emission decreased by 23.2%. The test results of
the AQIRP [7] project in the United States show that the increase of olefins in gasoline
components can reduce the THC emission by 5% and increase the NOx emission by
6%, but it has no obvious effect on the emission of CO. By studying the effect of olefin
content on gaseous pollutants and particulate matter emissions, Zhu [8] found that
olefin content had little influence on gaseous pollutant emissions from gasoline engi-
nes, and that increasing olefin content in fuel increased PM emissions, especially in
gasoline engines, but the amount of particles decreased in the ultra-high speed con-
dition. According to the existing research results, researchers mainly focus on the
influence of olefin on conventional emissions such as HC, CO and NOx, but the
research on particulate emissions is scarce. The influence of olefin content on the
quantity concentration and exhaust smoke of particulate matter is seldom reported.
Since the emission limit of particulate matters from gasoline vehicles has been added to
CHINA V emission standard, it is urgent to study the concentration of particulate
matter. Conventional particle counting instruments, such as EEPS and DMS500 par-
ticle size sampling analyzer [9, 10], count the non-carbon volatile particles, and the
results are often higher than those of the CPC principle specified in CHINA standard.
Therefore, according to the CHINA standard of particulate matter testing method, the
volatile particle remover (VPR) was installed in the upstream of particle counter in this
research. The whole dilution system was connected by a sampling tube or a sampling
probe in a uniform mixture and a suitable transfer tube. In order to find out the
influence law of different olefin contents in gasoline components on engine particulate
emissions, the emission of particulate matter from engine was measured when two
different olefin contents were used in trial gasoline (CHINA V fuel standard), expecting
to provide theoretical and experimental basis for oil upgrade in the future.

2 Test Equipment and Test Methods

2.1 Test Equipment
A turbocharged 4-cylinder 2.0T gasoline engine was used in the test. The main technical
parameters are shown in Table 1. Engine performance and emission test platform for test
was used, and the platform was equipped with AVL electric dynamometer and PUMA
measurement and control system. The emissions of particulate matters were measured by
Study on the Effect of Olefins on the Particulate Matter Emission of GDI Engines 1275

AVL Company’s MOVE PEMS. In this paper, the quantity and mass concentration of
particulate matters in the engine were measured with the PN and PM modules.

Table 1. Main technical specifications of GDI engine

Engine mode Inline 4-cylinder
Operating mode Turbocharging
Cylinder diameter/mm 88
Piston stroke/mm 82
Compression ratio 10
Displacement/L 2.0
Maximum power/kW 162
Maximum power speed/(r * min−1) 5000–5300
Maximum torque/(Nm) 350
Maximum torque speed/(r * min−1) 2500–4000

The MOVE PN PEMS module used the advanced diffusion charging technology to
further optimize the corona discharge test method for particulate matters. The particle
size measurement range of the PN module is 23–1000 nm, the test response time is
200 ms, the data acquisition frequency is 10 Hz, the dilution ratio of the electric
mobility is 1:1–1:2000, the dilution ratio is 10:1, the sampling flow rate is
0.5 mLmin−1, the dilution ratio of the PM module is 5:1, and the sampling flow rate is
5Lmin−1. In addition, the exhaust smoke of the engine was measured by AVL 415 s
smoke meter.

2.2 Test Methods

The fuel used in this study is two kinds of gasoline supplied by a company, labeled
OL1 and OL2, respectively. The olefin volume fractions in OL1 and OL2 are 8.2% and
17.2%, respectively. The octane values and aromatics contents of the two kinds of fuel
remained basically unchanged. The main physicochemical indexes are shown in
Table 2.

Table 2. Main properties of the fuel

Gasoline type OL1 OL2
Density/(kg * m−3) 769.3 765.7
Olefin content (v%) 8.2% 17.2%
Benzene content (v%) 0.14% 0.13%
Aromatics content (v%) 35.1 34.4
T50/°C 109.5 107.7
T90/°C 186.9 184.3
Vapour pressure kPa 47.2 48.0
Sulfur content (mg/kg) 5.8 6.1
Octane value 92.0 91.8
1276 Y. Zenghui et al.

The original discharge characteristics of particulate matters (not treated by post-

treatment equipment) under different loads of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the two
fuels were measured at the common rotation speed of 1500 rmin−1 (low) and 3000
rmin−1 (high) in the experiment. After one kind of gasoline was tested, the residual
gasoline in the fuel tank and the fuel line was emptied, and the other kind of gasoline
was added. In order to ensure the purity of the oil in the test, the engine was operated
for 30 min under the operating condition of 1500 rmin−1 and 52%. The particulate
matter emissions were tested at each operating point after the operating parameters
(rotational speed, load and fuel consumption) were stabile. In order to reduce the
random error, each test point was tested twice and three times, and the final result was
the average value of the recorded data. The oil temperature, cooling water temperature
and inlet temperature were kept unchanged during the test.

3 Test Results and Discussion

3.1 Effect of Olefin Content on Emission of Particulate Matters in Engine
Figure 1(a) and (b) show the effects of olefin content in fuel oil on the emissions of
particulates under the conditions of rotational speed 1500 r/min and 3000 r/min, with
different loads of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%.

a) 1500r/min b) 3000r/min

Fig. 1. Effect of olefins on the specific PM emission

It can be seen from the figure that the specific emissions of particulate matters of the
two fuels decrease first and then increase with the increase of load (approximate “U”
type), and the change trend does not change with the different rotational speed. Under
low load condition, the temperature in the cylinder of the engine is lower, the
atomization of fuel is poor, and the mixing is not uniform, which results in incomplete
combustion and more particles are formed. With the increase of engine load, the
temperature in the cylinder increases, and the atomization effect in the cylinder is
improved. Meanwhile, the oxidation process of soot particles and their intermediates
accelerates at high temperature, and the concentration of particulates decreases. As a
Study on the Effect of Olefins on the Particulate Matter Emission of GDI Engines 1277

result, the emission of particulate matters is decreased. At full load, in order to realize
the maximum torque and power, the mixture in cylinder is thickened, resulting in more
local anoxic regions and worse combustion. Under the condition of high temperature
and rich fuel, carbon smoke is generated by thermal cracking of the fuel, and the
specific emission of particulate matter is obviously increased.
Compared with OL1, the particulate matter emission of OL2 is higher than that of
OL1 under the same operating condition. Since the combustion temperature and
pressure of the two fuels are almost the same, this may be caused by the difference in
olefin content. The aromatics contents in the two kinds of gasoline remain basically
unchanged, and the increase of olefin content means that the alkane content decreases,
that is, the alkane content of OL2 is lower than that of OL1. Alkane is saturated
hydrocarbons, and olefin is unsaturated hydrocarbons. The proportion of C element in
molecule is higher than that of alkane, and the tendency of carbon particle formation is
higher than that of alkane molecule [11]. Moreover, OL1 and OL2 are mainly com-
posed of three elements: C, H and O. Since the oxygen contents in the two fuels are
almost the same, that is, the ratio of H to C in OL2 fuel is lower than that of C, lower
proportion of H element may reduce the chance of reaction with O2 in combustion
space. As a result, the resulting particles have fewer active sites, and there are fewer
oxidation opportunities for the particles [12]. Therefore, the specific particulate matter
emission of OL2 is higher than that of OL1. Moreover, the difference between the two
fuel particle specific emission values is mainly reflected in the small load and full load
conditions. With the increase of the speed, the difference in the specific emission of
particulate matters between the two fuels tends to increase.

3.2 Effect of Olefin Content on the Quantity and Concentration

of Particulate Matters in Engine Exhaust
Figure 2(a) and (b) show the effect of olefin content on the quantity concentration of
particulates emitted under different loading conditions and rotational speeds of
1500 r/min and 3000 r/min. The concentration of particulate matter from the two fuels
decreases first and then increases sharply with the increase of load. The temperature
and pressure in the cylinder are low at small load. The vaporization of fuel atomization
is poor and the mixing is not uniform, which results in incomplete combustion and
more particulate matters. Moreover, the lower temperature and pressure in the cylinder
at the late stage of combustion limit the oxidation of particulate matters. Therefore,
more particulate matters are emitted in small load condition. With the increase of the
load, the engine temperature rises, and the fuel atomization evaporation is better. The
fuel is mixed evenly with the air, and burns more fully, leading to the decrease of
particulate matters. As the load continuously increases, the air-fuel ratio of the engine is
reduced, and the combustion temperature is high, leading to pyrolysis and dehydro-
genation of fuel molecules in the high-temperature environment. As a result of envi-
ronmental hypoxia, a large number of particle precursors are formed by recombination
of ions. The precursors are further dehydrogenated and nucleated to form nuclear mode
particles [9].
Under the large number of nuclear mode particles and the anoxic environment, the
initial particles are formed by surface growth and aggregation. The initial particles
1278 Y. Zenghui et al.

converge and agglomerate in the course of motion, forming a longer chain structure,
namely, the accumulated modal particles. Finally, the emission of particulate matters
with different particle sizes is increased. Although the high temperature and high
pressure environment in the later combustion stage is favorable to the oxidation of
particulate matter, the sharp decrease of oxygen concentration in the cylinder limits the
further oxidation of particulate matter. Particularly, the oxidation duration of particulate
matter in cylinder is relatively short at high rotational speed, and the emission of
particulate matter quantity concentration increases sharply (Fig. 2(b)).

a) 1500r/min b) 3000r/min

Fig. 2. Effect of olefins on particle numbers emission

The quantity concentration of particulate matter emitted by OL2 under different

rotational speed and load conditions is higher. There are more olefin molecules in OL2
fuel, the boiling point of which is high and the evaporation process is slow, which leads
to non-uniform mixing with the air, deterioration of combustion process, and obvious
increase of particulate matter emission. The number of particulate matters increased by
22.6 and 4.1 times at the small loads of 1500 r/min and 3000 r/min, and 5.9 and 1.2
times at the large loads. Therefore, it can be inferred that the olefin content in the fuel
has a more significant effect on the emission concentration of particulate matter in the
low load and full load conditions of the engine.
In order to further study the effect of olefin content on the emission of particulate
matters, the normalized treatment was carried out for the specific particle emission and
quantity concentration of OL1. Figure 2 shows the variation of specific emissions and
quantitative concentration ratios of particles in OL2 and OL1 under different loading
conditions at the rotational speeds of 1500 r/min and 3000 r/min. The dotted lines (—)
are the specific emission and quantitative concentration of particulate matters in nor-
malized OL1.
As shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b), the specific emission of particulate matters in OL2
increases under different operating conditions. That is, the increase of olefin content in
fuel oil can promote the formation of particulate matters.
The particulate matters of gasoline engine are mainly nuclear particle (less than
50 nm) and aggregate particulate matter (50–1000 nm). The nuclear particle accounts
Study on the Effect of Olefins on the Particulate Matter Emission of GDI Engines 1279

a) 1500r/min b) 3000r/min

Fig. 3. The ratios of specific PM and particle number emission of the two test fuels under
different loads

for most of the total particulate matters, but the proportion of particulate matter is small.
The mass concentration of particulate matters is mainly determined by the quantity of
aggregate particles. Although the concentration of particulate matter in different particle
size ranges was not measured in this study, the effects of olefin components on the
emission of nuclear and accumulative particles could be inferred indirectly by com-
paring and analyzing the emission mass and particulate matter data. The difference the
two fuels in the specific emissions and the quantity of particulate matter emissions is
mainly reflected in the small load and the full load conditions. At small load condition
(1500 and 3000 r/min; 25%), the specific emissions of particulate matter in OL2 are 2.9
and 1.8 times of that in OL1, but the emissions of particulate matter are 23.6 and 5.1 of
that in OL1. At full load condition (1500 and 3000 r/min; 100%), the specific emis-
sions of particulate matters in OL2 are 1.3 and 2. 5 times of that in OL1, while the
emissions of particulate matters are 6. 9 and 2. 1 times of that in OL1. The amount of
particulate matter emitted at low rotation speed is more sensitive to olefin content in
fuel compared with high rotation speed. The high content of unsaturated olefin
hydrocarbons in OL2 fuel is beneficial to increase the formation rate of particulate
matters [11]. Moreover, the probability of local anoxia in high olefin fuel increases due
to the relatively high ratio of C element in the molecule. Therefore, more nuclear
particles are formed in OL2 at low speed. In full load operation, the specific emission of
particulate matter at low speed has little change compared with the quantity of par-
ticulate matters. However, the emission changes sharply at high speed. In other words,
the emission of particulate matter is more sensitive to olefin content in fuel. Due to the
large proportion of accumulated particles in the mass of particles, it can be inferred that
the accumulated particles increase more at high rotational speed and high load. Under
the condition of high speed and high load, a large amount of fuel is injected into the
cylinder. There are a large number of local anoxic zones in the cylinder, and the
amount of particulate matters increase sharply. Because of the high content of olefins in
OL2, the wet wall phenomenon is likely to occur. Its boiling point is high, and
evaporation is slow. The fuel cannot be fully burned, and is adsorbed on the carbon
1280 Y. Zenghui et al.

particles, resulting in the formation of a large number of particles with larger size. Also,
the characteristics of high C element in olefin fuel increase its tendency of combustion
hypoxia. Therefore, at high speed and full load, there are more aggregate large par-
ticulate matters in OL2 than OL1. The temperature in the cylinder is increased and the
fuel mixes with the air more uniformly at medium load (50% and 75%). Fewer par-
ticulate matters are formed and the oxidation of particles increases at high temperature.
The difference of olefin content in fuel does not result in significant difference of
particulate matter emissions at low load.

3.3 Influence of Olefin Content on Exhaust Smoke of Engine

Figure 4(a) and (b) shows the influence of olefins content in fuel oil on exhaust smoke
at the rotation speeds of 1500 r/min and 3000 r/min and different loading conditions.

a) 1500r/min b) 3000r/min

Fig. 4. Effect of olefins on smoke intensity

As shown in the figure, it can be seen that the exhaust smoke decreases first and
then increases sharply with the increase of load under different rotational speeds of the
two fuels, and the minimum value appears in the medium/medium high load. Com-
pared with low-load working condition, the in - cylinder temperature of the
medium/medium high-load working condition is improved, and the fuel atomization
effect is enhanced. The oxidation of soot particles and their intermediates accelerate at
high temperature. Compared with the full load condition, fewer local concentration
mixing areas are formed in the cylinder, and the fuel combustion deterioration degree is
greatly reduced.
In addition, under different rotation speeds and loads, the smoke value of OL2 fuel
increases in varying degrees compared with that of OL1 fuel. This shows that the
increase of olefins in the fuel oil can promote the formation of particulate matter and
increase the smoke value. Under the rotation speed of 1500 and 3000 r/min, the
exhaust smoke value increases by 5.8 times and 7.0 times at small load, and 7.0 times
and 3.3 times at large load. Therefore, it can be inferred that the olefin content in the
fuel oil has a more significant effect on the exhaust smoke value of the engine under
low load and full load conditions.
Study on the Effect of Olefins on the Particulate Matter Emission of GDI Engines 1281

3.4 Analysis of Correlation Between Exhaust Smoke and Mass

and Quantity Concentration of Particulate Matters
In this paper, AVL 415 s was used to measure the exhaust smoke. The smoke value of
soot particles was determined by optical method to determine the black degree of filter
paper which was proportional to the smoke size of the collected smoke. In this study,
VPRA was added to the measuring instrument for smoke, quality and quantity of
particulate matters based on the emission regulations for particulate matter testing to
effectively reduce the influence of non-carbon volatile particles on the particle testing
results. Under different rotation speeds, the smoke intensity of particulate matters is
similar to the change trend of particle mass and quantity concentration with load. That
is, the exhaust smoke intensity is related to the mass and quantity concentration of
particulate matters. The influence of the quantity concentration of particulate matters on
the exhaust smoke intensity is seldom reported. Therefore, based on the collected data,
the origin linear fitting tool was used to explore the correlation between exhaust smoke
and mass concentration and quantity concentration of particulate matters, as shown in
Fig. 5. Since the mass concentration of particulate matters varies at the same specific
emission under different working conditions, the correlation between the mass con-
centration of particulate matter and the exhaust smoke is studied by using the mass
concentration of particulate matters.

Fig. 5. Smoke intensity as a function of specific PM emission and particle numbers

It can be seen that there is a similar linear correlation between the mass concen-
tration, the quantity concentration and the exhaust smoke intensity of particulate matter,
and the R values re 0.727 and 0.730, respectively. The higher the linear correlation, the
closer the correlation. Therefore, it can be inferred that the mass concentration of
particulate matters is not the only parameter which can determine the exhaust smoke
intensity, and the quantity of particulate matter is also the parameter that cannot be
ignored. In other words, the exhaust smoke intensity is related to not only the mass
concentration of particulate matter, but also the quantity and concentration of partic-
ulate matters.
1282 Y. Zenghui et al.

4 Conclusions
(1) At the rotation speed of 1500 r/min (low) and 3000 r/min (high), with the increase
of the load, the specific emission, quantity concentration and exhaust smoke
intensity of particulate matters decreased first and then increased (similar to “U”
(2) The increase of aromatics content in fuel is conductive to the formation of par-
ticulate matter, which leads to the increase of specific emission, quantity and mass
concentration of particulate matters, especially in the low load and full load
conditions of the engine.
(3) The olefin content in fuel significantly influences the emission of nuclear par-
ticulate matters, especially in the low speed and low load condition (1500 r/min;
25%). At high rotation speed and high load (3000 r/min; 100%), olefin content
has a greater effect on the emission of accumulated particulate matters.
(4) The mass concentration of particulate matters is not the only parameter deter-
mining the smoke intensity. Smoke intensity is related to both mass concentration
and quantity concentration of particulate matters.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the key project of China Automotive
Technology & Research Center (17180109) and the project of CATARC Automotive Test Center
(Tianjin) Co., Ltd (TJKY1718009) and National Key R&D Program of China

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7. Hochhauser A, Benson J (1991) The effect of aromatics, MTBE, olefines and T90 on mass
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8. Zhu R, Hu J, Bao X et al (2017) Effects of aromatics, olefins and distillation temperatures
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9. Yao C, Liu M, Dou Z (2016) Effect of aromatics on the particulate matter emission of a GDI
engine. Acta Sci Circum 36(11):3922–3928
Study on the Effect of Olefins on the Particulate Matter Emission of GDI Engines 1283

10. Zhang X, Wei J, Lv G (2017) A comparison of number and size distribution and mass of
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Environ 544:450–459
An Analysis of the Carbon Emission of PHEV
Based on Travelling Pattern
in China Mega Cities

Hao Xu(&), Wang Hewu, Li Weifeng, and Ouyang Minggao

State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy,

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Abstract. The high thermal power ratio in China’s power grid and the com-
plexity of PHEV driven energy make the study of PHEV’s carbon emissions
complicated. The existing researches lack the analysis based on the actual PHEV
driving data, which leads to inaccurate calculation results. This paper aims to
accurately assess the carbon emission levels of PHEVs in typical mega cities in
China and to analyze the potential for carbon reduction under different driving
patterns. This study investigated the carbon emission levels of PHEV vehicles
with different driving range and charging frequency from the perspective of the
automotive energy production and use processes. Study is based on the char-
acteristics of Shanghai’s 50 PHEV70 and cumulative mileage of 130,000 km,
and the carbon emission levels of PHEV, HEV and ICE are compared. As for
the method, distribution of driving range and battery state of charge (SOC) was
achieved by cleaning and cutting the PHEV monitoring big data. Based on this,
electric drive ratio was calculated. Combining the carbon emission levels of
electricity and gasoline in the energy production to the use, the carbon emission
levels of different driving frequency and electric vehicle driven mileage and oil-
driven mileage at different charging frequencies can be calculated during the
energy production of PHEV vehicles of different driving ranges. Carbon
emissions of PHEV vehicles with different driving ranges at different charging
frequencies can be derived combining the carbon emissions of electricity and
gasoline from energy production to use. The result shows that the average
carbon emissions of PHEV70 vehicles in Shanghai are 155 g/km, including
71 g/km for electric distance and 84 g/km fuel distance, which is 5% and 16%
lower than those of HEV and ICE respectively. PHEV carbon emissions
decreases with the increase of charging frequency and driving range, the carbon
emission of charging more than once a day can be improved by 4.0% over the
average charging frequency. Considering carbon emission and marginal revenue
comprehensively, the optimal driving range of PHEV is 100 km, which is 4%
lower than that of PHEV50. Therefore, increasing the PHEV driving range to
100 km is possible to achieve emission reduction level similar to that provided
by the carbon effect of increasing the charging frequency.

Keywords: PHEV  Carbon emission  Travel pattern

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1284–1294, 2019.
An Analysis of the Carbon Emission of PHEV 1285

1 Introduction

As one of the important components of the electric vehicle (EV) market, plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles (PHEVs) have developed rapidly in recent years. According to EVI,
the global PHEV quantity in 2015 was 517,000, accounting for 41.56% of the EV
market. In some areas or countries, such as United States, Canada, Norway and
Sweden, the market of PHEV has higher increase rate than that of BEV from 2015 to
2016 (70% vs 22%, 147% vs 19%, 164% vs 6%, 86% vs 0%) [1]. In China, sales of
PHEVs in 2017 are 107,000 units, with an increase rate of 47.5%, accounting for
19.2% of the EV market [2].
The popularization of PHEV makes the carbon emission sources of vehicles shift
from fossil fuels to the electricity, so the carbon emissions from the use of vehicles are
rapidly reduced. However, there are still two problems: First, China’s power grid has a
high proportion of thermal power, and it may also cause high carbon emissions in the
electricity production. Second, PHEV can use electricity or fuel to drive vehicles. The
actual energy efficiency and carbon emissions are affected by many factors such as
driving conditions, actual distance travelled, travelling patterns and charging behavior
with significant individual differences. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively
consider the impact of vehicle energy production and vehicle travelling pattern of the
actual carbon emissions of PHEVs.
The introduction of electricity production to analyze the carbon emissions of
PHEVs has been a commonly used analytical method [3–5]. However, the relevant
researches lacked the real-world driving data of PHEV and usually used traditional
vehicles’ travelling pattern to calculate the proportion of electric distance for different
PHEV driving ranges, that is, the utility factor (UF). Energy consumption and the
carbon emissions brought by energy production (well to pump, WTP) and vehicle use
(pump to wheel, PTW) were comprehensively calculated. And the results showed that
electric vehicles had great advantages in carbon emission reduction [6]. However, due
to the different driving conditions, travelling patterns and charging behaviors between
PHEVs and conventional vehicles, actual PHEV energy consumption might be quite
different from that in estimation. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out carbon emis-
sions research based on actual PHEV real-world driving data.
This paper aims to accurately assess the carbon emission levels of typical PHEVs in
typical first-tier cities in China, and to clarify the potential of carbon emission reduc-
tions for PHEVs based on actual travel patterns. This paper is based on the real-world
driving data of 50 PHEVs in Shanghai with 130,000 km in total. Through the data
cleaning and data cutting, the distance and battery state of charge (SOC) are obtained
via the massive PHEV monitoring data, and the pure electric driving distance ratio is
calculated accordingly. Combining the carbon emissions of electricity and gasoline in
energy production process, PHEV carbon emissions of different ranges at different
charging frequencies are compared in the whole process from energy production to the
1286 H. Xu et al.

2 Methods
2.1 Data Collection and Processing
The research is based on the real driving data of the massive PHEVs collected by the
monitoring platform. Benefiting from the marketization and promotion of PHEVs,
China has accumulated rich PHEV vehicle actual driving data, which makes it possible
to calculate the actual carbon emissions of PHEVs [7]. After 2014, new energy vehicle
data collection platforms were gradually founded. By directly collecting PHEV vehicle
driving data, more accurate PHEV distance distribution can be obtained. Based on
more abundant battery data, distance driven by electricity and gasoline can be separated
and can be adopted to derive carbon emissions separately. Local platforms such as
Shanghai New Energy Automobile Public Data Collection and Monitoring Research
Center [3] and Beijing Electric Vehicle Monitoring Service Platform (BEVMSC) [8]
can provide PHEV driving data based on monitoring platform.
Data preprocessing includes data transformation and data cleaning. Data transfor-
mation needs to adjust the time sequence in reverse order that may occur during data
transmission from vehicle to platform. Data cleaning mainly filters out missing points
due to data overflow or transmission loss. The data is then further divided when two
adjacent driving data points stop more than 30 min and are defined as different trips.
Trips lasting less than 5 min or 1 km are dropped to avoid individual deviations.
According to the regulations on speed limit of 120 km on expressways in China and
forced rest after continuous driving for 4 h [9], travel range for single trips above
480 km are also deleted. Trips with same departure date are defined as the trips on the
same day, and travel distance of trips on the same day are summed to get the daily
vehicle kilometers travelled (DVKT).
The initial data collection often does not include SOC data during charging or
parking, so the charging behavior is divided according to the operation data.
A charging behavior is defined when the interval between two adjacent trips exceeds
30 min and is less than 2 days with the SOC rising more than 10%. In this paper, the
definition of charging twice a day is that the adjacent two charging behaviors happen
within 24 h, and charging once a day is defined as the adjacent two charging behaviors
occur within 24–48 h, and so on.

2.2 Electric Drive Distance Ratio

The electric drive distance ratio can be divided into theoretical values and actual values.
The theoretical value of electric drive distance ratio can be calculated directly based
on the DVKT distribution. Assuming that the SOC is 100% at the start of the first trip
for each day, the electric drive distance ratio can be expressed as a function of the
DVKT distribution, i.e. the utility factor (UF):
dk minðdk ; RCD Þ
UF ðRCD Þ ¼ P ð1Þ
dk dk
An Analysis of the Carbon Emission of PHEV 1287

dk refers to DVKT on day k, and k here includes all the days in dataset. RCD means
the range of PHEV. Electric drive distance ratio can be obtained for PHEVs of different
The actual electric drive distance ratio is mainly derived based on SOC analysis.
The decrease of SOC represents battery discharging, and the rise of SOC during
operation represents the charging process of the battery by the engine. Only the process
driven by electrical energy from the grid is defined as the actual electric drive distance.
It is derived from the distance accumulated when each SOC value is passed for the first
time after the charging.
The actual electric drive distance ratio can be used to adjust the theoretical value.
The actual value provides a standard for PHEV with specific driving range (PHEVX).
The theoretical value of PHEVX can be adjusted in proportion to the actual value. The
theoretical value of other driving range PHEVs can be corrected with the same pro-
portion. In the subsequent formula, UF is used to characterize the theoretical and actual
electric drive distance ratios.

2.3 Energy Consumption of PHEV

China’s PHEV vehicle energy consumption test adopts “Test methods for energy
consumption of light-duty hybrid electric vehicles (GB/T 19753-2013)”. The PHEV
energy consumption tests are under Condition A and Condition B, that is, the highest
SOC (full battery) and lowest SOC to start the engine, A weighted average of the fuel
consumption is derived from the test results respectively:

De  c1 þ Dav  c2
C¼ ð2Þ
De þ Dav

C is weighted fuel consumption (L/100 km); c1 and c2 refer to fuel consumption

under Condition A and Condition B and c1 for PHEV is usually zero. De is electric
range for PHEV. Dav is travel range between two charging events and is set as 25 km
C and De are publicly disclosed, so according to this formula c2 can be obtained,
which is also fuel consumption (FC) for PHEV when it is driven in fuel:

C  ðDe þ Dav Þ  De  c1
FC ¼ c2 ¼ ð3Þ

At the same time, based on De and battery capacity Q, the electricity consumption
(EC) of PHEV can be estimated in kilowatt-hours per 100 km (kWh/100 km):

EC ¼  100 ð4Þ
1288 H. Xu et al.

2.4 Carbon Emission of Electricity Production and Vehicle Use Processes

Based on the electric drive distance ratio, we can calculate the carbon emissions per
kilometer of the PHEV including energy production and vehicle use processes. The
unit for measuring carbon emissions is the carbon dioxide equivalent produced per
kilometer travelled. PHEV’s carbon emissions include carbon emission for electricity
driven distance and carbon emission for fuel driven distance. Both include energy
production and vehicle energy use processes. And for each kilometer distance, the
carbon emission can be described as:

CO2E ¼ UF  EC  CO2e  10 ð5Þ

CO2F ¼ ð1  UF Þ  FC  CO2f  10 ð6Þ

CO2E refers to carbon emission per kilometer driven by electricity and CO2F refers
to carbon emission per kilometer driven by fuel. Units for CO2E and CO2F are g/km.
CO2e refers to carbon emissions to produce 1 kWh electricity and CO2f measures how
much CO2 is emitted to produce 1L gasoline. The units are kg/kWh and kg/L.

3 Results

3.1 Travel Pattern

3.1.1 DVKT Distribution
This study collects 8-month driving data of 50 1750 kg-PHEV70 in China’s typical
first-tier city, Shanghai, from 2014.4 to 2014.12. The data mainly includes GPS data
and battery SOC data, in a total of 138,000 km. This data can be divided into 8096
trips, distributed in 4168 car-days, the average is 1.9 trips per day. There are total 1901
charging events and the average charging frequency is 2.2 days. Distance for each trip
is concentrated within 50 km, and the average distance is 33.15 km for each trip. More
than 85% DVKTs are less than 70 km.
Figure 1 shows the cumulative distribution probability of DVKT varies with
charging distribution and the DVKT is further divided according to the charging fre-
quency. As the DVKT increases, the accumulative distribution probability increases
from 0 to 1 at a decreasing speed. The bigger the average DVKT is, the cumulative
distribution curve increases slower in the shorter distance and faster at longer distance.
The higher the corresponding charging frequency is, the longer the average daily travel
mileage: the average daily travel distance is 37.60 km when charging once every two
days, and the DVKT is 40.55 km for charging once a day. The average DVKT is
approximately 50.05 km for charging twice a day. This is due to the fact that when
consumers plan to travel longer, they will have priority to meet long-haul travel needs
by increasing the frequency of charging.
An Analysis of the Carbon Emission of PHEV 1289

DVKT Distribution at Different Charging Frequencies


0.9 all data

charge per two days
charge once a day
0.8 charge twice a day








0 50 70 100 150 200 250 300

Fig. 1. DVKT distribution at different charging frequencies

3.1.2 Electric Drive Distance Ratio

The average actual UF obtained by using the SOC analysis is 0.53. As the charging
frequency decreases, the actual electric drive distance ratio decreases, as shown in
Fig. 2. When charging more than once a day, the actual UF is 0.66. In the case of
charging once a day, the actual UF is 0.62. When charging once every two days, the
actual UF is 0.55.
Combining with the average DVKT, further specific electric-driven distance and
fuel-driven distance can be derived (Fig. 2). The average daily electric driven distance
is 17.6 km, which is highly correlated with the charging frequency. When it is charged
more than once a day, the electric driven distance is 33.0 km, the electric driven
distance charging once a day is 25.1 km, and is 22.9 km when charging once every two
days. The gasoline distance is relatively more stable, with the increase in charging
frequency, the fuel range is 17.0 km, 15.4 km, and 14.7 km, respectively, which is not
much different from the average of 15.6 km.

Fig. 2. electric driven distance ratio variation with charging frequency

The actual electric drive distance ratio (0.62) of PHEV70 charging once a day is
adopted to adjust the ratio of theoretical UF for each driving range. When the driving
1290 H. Xu et al.

range increases from 10 to 150 km, the proportion of UF increases from 0.18 to 0.76,
and the increase rate decreases; UF for PHEV50 is about 0.53 and for PHEV90 is 0.68.

3.2 Vehicle Energy Consumption

According to the weighted average fuel consumption of 1.6 L/100 km and the range of
70 km for this PHEV70, FC is 6.08 L/100 km. According to battery capacity of
13 kWh and formula (4) above, EC is 18.57 kWh/100 km.

3.3 Energy Production

3.3.1 Electricity Production
Thermal power generation is the main form of electricity generation in China. From the
view of structure. Coal-fired power generation has long accounted for about 70% of the
total installed capacity and total power generation. In 2016, China’s power generation
amounted to 6.02 trillion kWh, of which the proportion of thermal power exceeded 4
trillion kWh. [11]. However, this proportion kept declining year by year. From 2006 to
2016, thermal power generation has decreased from 83.3% in 2007 to 73.1% in 2015
and 66% in 2016 [12].
According to a statistical analysis by China Electricity Council (CEC), in 2016 the
CO2 emissions from thermal power generation nationwide was approximately
0.82 kg/kWh, with a decrease of 21.6% from 2005. Due to the improvement of carbon
emissions from renewable energy sources, the integrated carbon emission intensity of
the power grid is 0.61 kg/kWh. Taking further account of the electricity transmission
loss of 6.5%, the CO2 emission intensity of electricity during the whole life cycle is
0.65 kg/kWh in China. Considering the loss from the charging, if we calculate the
maximum loss (10% for fast charging), the total CO2 emission intensity of China’s
electricity will be 0.72 kg/kWh, which is the carbon emission intensity of electric
vehicles in 2016. If renewable energy is widely used in the future, carbon emission
intensity is expected to drop to 0.05 kg/kWh.

3.3.2 Fuel Production

Carbon emissions are thoroughly considered from the life cycle view from fuel pro-
duction to use (well to wheel, WTW). Comprehensive current research results are
showing, with the increase of energy efficiency, the total life cycle carbon emissions of
gasoline and diesel have decreased slightly from 2008, and the greenhouse gas emis-
sions in the production of gasoline in China: the life cycle carbon emissions of gasoline
is 2.95 kg/L (of which fuel production is 0.65 kg/L using link 2.30 kg/L) [3, 13–18].

3.4 Carbon Emission Reduction of PHEV

According to the PHEV electric drive distance ratio, the carbon emissions per kilometer
of PHEV can be obtained. For PHEV70, the average carbon emission is 155 g/km,
among which, carbon emission for electric driven distance is 71 g/km, and for the
distance driven by gasoline is 84 g/km, as shown in Fig. 3.
An Analysis of the Carbon Emission of PHEV 1291

Compared with HEV and ICE, PHEV’s carbon emission levels are 5% and 16%
lower respectively. The carbon emissions of the HEV with a 5.5 L/100 km compre-
hensive fuel consumption according to the Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology are 162 g/km, and the carbon emissions from a conventional car of 6.9
L/100 km are 179 g/km, which are 7 g/km and 24 g/km, respectively higher than the
average carbon emission level of PHEV70. If renewable energy can be used to generate
electricity, the carbon emissions of PHEV’s electricity mileage can be significantly
reduced to about 5 g/km. And then its comprehensive carbon emission is mainly
determined by the fuel distance, so that the PHEV emits 73–95 g and 90–112 g less
than HEV and ICE, respectively.
PHEV carbon emissions reduce with the increase of charging frequency. Carbon
emissions for charging once every two days is 152 g/km and when charging more than
once, the carbon emission decreases to 149 g/km with 4.0% improvement in carbon
reduction. The main reason is that electric drive distance ratio increases with charging
As the CO2 emissions from 4.1 kWh electricity in China’s grid is equivalent to that
of 1 L of gasoline in 2016, when the power consumption increases by less than 4.1
times of the fuel consumption of gasoline vehicles, the carbon emissions from EVs will

Carbon emission for electric distance, g/km
Carbon emission for fuel distance, g/km








charge more charge once a charge every average PHEV100 PHEV50 HEV ICE
than once a day two days

Fig. 3. Carbon emission of PHEV

As PHEV’s driving range increase from 0 to 150 km, carbon emissions decrease
from 180 g/km to 145 g/km, as shown in Fig. 4. When charging once a day, PHEV70
has a carbon emission of 151 g/km, of which the carbon emissions from electric
mileage are 83 g/km, and the carbon emissions from gasoline mileage are 68 g/km.
The carbon emission of PHEV50 is 155 g/km, and the carbon emission of PHEV100 is
148 g/km, PHEV100 is 2% improved compared with PHEV70, and 4% relative to
PHEV50 in carbon emission reduction.
As the range of PHEV increases, the marginal revenue for reducing carbon emis-
sion decreases. For every 10 km increases from 0 to 150 km, the value of carbon
1292 H. Xu et al.

emission reduction is reduced from 8.2 g/km to 0.4 g/km. When the driving range is
more than 100 km, the value of carbon emission reduction is less than 1 (g/km)/10 km.
The main reason is that PHEV trips are concentrated in short distance. Taking the
additional carbon emissions in producing larger battery capacity required for longer
driving range into account, 100 km is the optimal driving range for PHEV from the
perspective of optimizing carbon emissions.

Fig. 4. PHEV carbon emissions for different ranges

Comparing PHEV carbon emissions varying with driving range and charging
frequency, the carbon emissions of PHEV50 charging once a day is similar to that of
PHEV70 under actual charging frequency (154.89 g/km and 155.16 g/km). The carbon
emissions of PHEV100 charging once a day are close to or even better than the carbon
emissions of PHEV70 that charging multiple times per day (147.52 g/km and
149.23 g/km). The massive increase in fixed charge piles is constrained by objective
conditions such as population density limit. Without being able to further improve the
charging frequency, it may be more reliable to improve PHEV driving range to about
100 km to achieve the optimal carbon emissions.

4 Conclusions

This paper investigate carbon emission reduction of PHEV of different travel ranges
and charging frequencies from the view of energy production to vehicle use based on
real-world travel data of 50 PHEV70s in Shanghai. And the main conclusions are:
• Electric drive distance ratio improves when charging frequency improves or range
of PHEV increases. Average UF for PHEV70 is 0.53 and it increases to 0.62 when
charging once a day. UF for PHEV50 and PHEV100 are 0.53 and 0.68,
An Analysis of the Carbon Emission of PHEV 1293

• PHEV can reduce 5% and 16% CO2 emissions compared to HEV and ICE. Average
carbon emissions for PHEV70 is 155 g/km, including 71 g/km for electricity driven
distance and 84 g/km for fuel driven distance. Carbon emissions for HEV and ICE
are 7 g/km and 24 g/km higher than that of PHEV. If electricity for PHEV all
comes from renewable energy, PHEV can reduce 73–95 g and 90–112 g CO2 per
• PHEV carbon emission reduces with higher charging frequency. Carbon emissions
are 152 g/km for charging every two days and emissions can be 149 g/km if
charging more than once a day. And charging more than once a day can improve
carbon emissions at 4.0% compared to average charging frequency.
• Carbon emissions reduce with longer range and marginal revenue reduces. If
charging once a day, carbon emissions for PHEV70 are 151 g/km, and are
155 g/km for PHEV50, 148 g/km for PHEV100. And the optimal range for PHEV
is 100 km considering the marginal revenue and cost.
• The massive increase in fixed charge piles is constrained by objective conditions
such as population density limit. Without being able to further improve the charging
frequency, it may be more reliable to improve PHEV driving range to about 100 km
to achieve the optimal carbon emissions.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of
China (grant numbers 2018YFB0106404 and grant numbers 2016YFE0102200).

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Study on Correlation of DF in Different
Durability Tests

Li Jingyuan(&), Fu Tieqiang, and Liu Le

China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd.,

Tianjin 300162, China

Abstract. As for 3 vehicles in the same model, temperature data acquisition

was carried out to catalytic converters under AMA, SRC and SBC durabilities
and theoretical analysis was performed to deterioration degrees of pollutants
under various durabilities in accordance with Arrhenius Equation; and the
corresponding real tests were carried out to perform further analysis of corre-
lation of deterioration factors (DFs). Results indicate that the calculated and
measured results on correlation of DFs tend to deviate more and there exist a
certain correlation between DFs under various durabilities. Therefore, it is
necessary for manufacturers to study the correlation of various durability tests
for their own models and select the appropriate durability for certification tests
in accordance with technical characteristics of their vehicle.

Keywords: Catalytic converter  Temperature acquisition  Durability 

Deterioration factor

1 Introduction

Along with deterioration of the environment and the grow in quantity of motor vehi-
cles, more and more attentions have been being paid to environmental disruption,
energy crisis and harmful effects on human health due to continuous development of
the automobile industry all over the world; especially, the environment and human
hazards are significant for vehicle emissions in big cities. Based on Beijing Assessment
Report, permanent residents, population of vehicles and total energy consumption grow
by 70%, 303% and 77% in Beijing over the past 15 years, respectively; and motor
vehicles become the main source of pollutions; for example, NOx and VOCs from
motor vehicles account for about 58% of the total NOx and 40% of the total VOCs in
Beijing, respectively. NOx and VOCs may also chemically react to form fine particles
(PM2.5) and ozone pollutions, PM2.5 due to emissions of motor vehicles accounts for
about 22.2% of the PM2.5 source. Traffic pollutions become a significant cause for
growth of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases [1, 2]. For effective improvement of
the environment, a series of regulations were correspondingly come out by national
governments to restrict emissions of motor vehicles; moreover, regulations are also
increasingly stringent along with continuous deterioration of the environment. EU VI
Standards come into effect in 2014 were progressively updated to more stringent EU VI
(C) Standards; and LEV III Rules were gradually introduced in USA California to deal

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1295–1302, 2019.
1296 L. Jingyuan et al.

with deterioration of the environment. Environmental legislation started late but

developed rapidly in China. It projected that China Phase V and VI Emissions Stan-
dards will have come into effect by about 2018 and 2020, respectively.
As for durability tests, the enrichment method and durability were introduced into
China Phase V Standards but are somewhat limited; on the other hand, the enrichment
method are unlimited in China Phase VI Standards (draft for comment) so that the
enrichment method and durability would be a primary trend for durability assessment
to save costs and time.

2 Durability Ageing and Regulations and the Principle

of the Enrichment Method

2.1 Durability Ageing and Regulations

In accordance with rules of China Phase VI Standards (draft for comment), a manu-
facturer may select 3 methods for determination of DFs, which are as follows:
(1) the actual road modes such as AMA and SRC in the original China Phase V
(2) the enrichment method in China Phase VI Standards (draft for comment) where
the basic model limitations were cancelled (SBC was recommended for the
enrichment method in the standards); and
(3) the DF was recommended in China Phase VI Standards.
However, there are 2 primary factors to restrict manufacturers to select the dura-
bility DF method:
(1) Size of DF: the size of DF will affect the stringency of consistency of vehicles;
manufacturers are usually willing to choose lower DFs in theory to ensure safety
of consistency checking; especially, such cases are more after environmental
pollutions were specified in the atmospheric law and strict punishment regulations
were formulated [3].
(2) As for saving time and costs as can as possible, the recommended DF shall be
surely the most time-saving in theory; at the same time, DFs may be larger. Thus,
the correlation between DFs under 3 deterioration methods shall be the biggest
concern of manufacturers. This issue was focused here to study the correlation
between DFs under various durability tests.

2.2 The Principle of the Enrichment Method and Calculation

Catalytic converters are the most important components for purification of emissions of
vehicles where more than 90% of pollutant emissions may be converted; thus, as far as
the durability of emissions of vehicle is concerned, deterioration of three-path catalytic
converters of gasoline vehicles is primarily due to thermal deterioration beyond which
those factors may be included by multiplying a factor [4, 6]. That is to say, while a
three-path catalytic converter is continuously maintained under high temperature, the
equivalent deterioration effect of the three-path catalytic converter may be achieved
Study on Correlation of DF in Different Durability Tests 1297

after a period of time when the vehicle is driving in a normal way. The principle of the
enrichment method bench aging instead of road aging is based on the fact (namely
thermal deterioration dominating deterioration of three-path catalytic converters),
which is expressed by Arrhenius Equation (Eq. (2-1)):

1 1
Te ¼ Th  exp½Rð  Þ ð2  1Þ
Tr þ 273 Tv þ 273

The final aging time for the enrichment method is expressed by [5]:

Enrichment method aging time ¼ A  total Te ð2  2Þ

Where: Tv: the temperature of the intermediate point of the temperature spectrum of
the three-path catalytic converter (°C);
Th: the time within the temperature spectrum of the three-path catalytic converter
adjusted in accordance with the life cycle (h);
Tr: the effective standard temperature of the three-path catalytic converter during
the bench aging cycle (°C);
R: the temperature response factor of the three-path catalytic converter (17500);
A: the adjustment factor for deterioration except thermal deterioration (1.1); and
Te: the equivalent effect time fitted to the standard effective temperature (Tr) (h)
[9, 10].

3 Testing Program

3.1 Test Vehicles and Oil Quality

Effects of durability on DFs were focused here; thus, vehicles at the current mainstream
typical emissions level (China Phase V Standards) were selected to perform the related
experimental study, which were transported to the laboratory by a trailer truck to ensure
their initial states; moreover, an engine in the same model was equipped per vehicle.
The parameters and applications of the vehicle are shown Table 1.

Table 1. Vehicle parameters and applications

Model Emissions level After- Application Remark
treatment AMA/SRC SBC 1 engine
The 3 vehicles (China Grade 2 TWC ● ● 2 sets of after-
same phase V standards) treatment units
1298 L. Jingyuan et al.

93# standard oil (conforming to China Phase V Standards) was used for all tests,
whose key indexes are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Testing indexes of test oil

Oil Test items
Sulfur content Manganese content Oxygen content (% Octane
mg/kg g/L (m/m))
Test oil 4 0.001 1.21 93.6

3.2 Test Preparation and Program

The selected test vehicles were simply checked to ensure they shall be normal and the
test oil was replaced to the vehicles; and then the following tests were carried out:
(a) I-type tests: to determine emission levels of vehicles at 0 km and the normal
driving in accordance with requirements of GB 18352.5-2013 (Limits and mea-
surement methods for emissions from light-duty vehicles (CHINA 5)) [6].
(b) I-type tests were carried out to vehicles after running-in for 3000 km.
(c) Installation of temperature sensors: each high temperature sensor (acquisition
frequency: 10 Hz) was equipped at the intermediate point of Section 1/3 of the
front face away from the three-path catalytic converter in accordance with EU 5/6
Regulations (EC692/2008) to ensure that the highest temperature may be acquired
for the catalytic converter [7, 8].
(d) Acquisition of temperature data: temperature data of 2 cycles (AMA + SRC) and
1 SBC cycle (at least 20 min) of each catalytic converter were collected by means
of the temperature acquisition system (SBC/SRC operating diagrams are shown in
Figs. 1 and 2)
(e) Durability tests: AMA, SRC (at the rotary drum) and SBC durability tests were
carried out to 3 vehicles in accordance with China Phase V Standards, respec-
tively; and then I-type tests were performed after durability tests.

Fig. 1. AMA/SRC operating diagram

Study on Correlation of DF in Different Durability Tests 1299

Fig. 2. SBC operating diagram

4 Theoretical Calculation and Analysis of Correlation of DFs

Under Different Durability Tests

In accordance with the principle of the enrichment method, the durability related to
emissions of all vehicles primarily is thermal cracking, and Tr and the enrichment
method aging time (A * total Te) under each durability may be figured out in accor-
dance with Eqs. (2-1) and (2-2). While assuming Tr and the enrichment method aging
time as the baselines under the SRC cycle, temperature and time data for other cycles
are presented in Table 3 (the collected temperature data of catalytic converters are
shown in Fig. 3).

Table 3. Calculated time of each cycle with reference to those parameters of the SRC cycle
Cycle Actual durability Tr (°C) A * total Te (h) A * total Te converted to Tr
time (h) under the SRC cycle (h)
AMA 3313 754.6 2709 0.75425 * 1256
SRC 2148 793.8 1256 1256
SBC A * total Te 828 1193 >0.95 * 1256

The actual durability time for AMA and SRC cycles in Table 3 is calculated by: the
actual durability time = the durability mileage (160,000 km)/the mean velocity of the
cycle (km/h). Table 3 indicates that the deterioration degree is equivalent to about 75%
of that of the SRC cycle if a manufacturer selects the AMA cycle. On the other hand,
the durability time of the SBC cycle is converted by means of that of the SRC cycle and
their deterioration degrees are the same in theory; moreover, above 95% of the aging
time is only calculated in accordance with the requirements of the emission standards;
thus, SRC and SBC are equivalent and they may be slightly different in accordance
with their actual aging periods. The theoretically calculated correlation of DFs under 3
types of durability tests may be listed as: DF (AMA) < DF (SRC)  DF (SBC); but
their durability period are sequenced as: SBC < SRC < AMA. Thus, if a manufacturer
takes the time costs into account, the SBC cycle may be selected to be the most time-
saving; and the AMA cycle may be selected to be the most favorable if a manufacturer
thinks easily passing the consistency.
1300 L. Jingyuan et al.

Fig. 3. AMA/SRC temperature acquisition results

5 Analysis of Test Results of Correlation of DFs Under

Various Cycles

Figures 4, 5 and 6 presents the emission test results of 3 pollutants of 3 vehicles (AMA
and SRC: rotary drum durability, I-type test/10,000 km; and SBC durability),
respectively. Figures indicate that slopes reflect the deterioration degrees of various
pollutants (HC: DF (SBC) < DF (SRC)  DF (AMA); CO: DF (SBC) < DF
(AMA)  DF (SRC); and NOx: DF (AMA) < DF (SRC) < DF (SBC)).

Fig. 4. Durability DFs for HC

Fig. 5. Durability DFs for CO

Study on Correlation of DF in Different Durability Tests 1301

Fig. 6. Durability DFs for NOx

The test results and the theoretically calculated results (DF (AMA) < DF (SRC)
 DF (SBC)) are inconsistent.
As for analysis of mechanisms of pollutants formation, actual mechanisms of CO
and HC formation are the same and they are primarily products of incomplete com-
bustion; thus, their aging effects are affected by temperature and deteriorating engine
combustion. The SBC aging time is short. Though the thermal aging of the catalytic
converter achieves the actual aging requirement (160,000 km), the deterioration degree
of the engine just being aged for about 1.5 months is lower than that of AMA or SRC
under the durability for up to 8–10 months. Thus, CO and HC show this trend (DF
(SBC) < DF (SRC)  DF (AMA)). On the other hand, the mechanism of NOx for-
mation is high temperature air combustion with enriched oxygen content, and the trend
of 3 durability temperatures is just as follows: SBC > SRC > AMA and the corre-
sponding DFs for NOx shall also be theoretically as: DF (AMA) < DF (SRC) < DF
Table 4 shows the measured DFs for the same model under various durability tests
(160,000 km), DFs for the SBC cycle is lower by about 20% than those for AMA and
SRC cycles as for HC; in contrast, DFs for the AMA cycle is lower by about 30% than
those for the SRC cycle and DFs for the SRC cycle is lower by about 30% than those
for the SBC cycle as for NOx.

Table 4. Durability DFs

HC 1.98 1.92 1.51 1.03 1.00 0.79
CO 1.92 1.95 1.65 0.98 1.00 0.85
NOx 1.70 2.54 3.39 0.67 1.00 1.33

Thus, what kind of way a manufacturer chooses to perform the durability tests shall
conform to the technical characteristics of its own vehicles and perform sufficient study
of correlation of typical representative models under various durability tests; moreover,
time costs and the stringent rules shall be taken into account to select the appropriate
1302 L. Jingyuan et al.

6 Conclusions
(1) The durability tests (the thermal cracking enrichment method) for the three-path
catalytic converters of vehicles may be theoretically calculated to save more time
and costs; however, the actual DFs for all pollutants may really represent the road
durability DFs due to their different mechanisms of formation. DFs for HC and
CO are relatively low.
(2) As for our study, the correlations of DFs under different durability tests are as
HC: DF (SBC) < DF (SRC)  DF (AMA);
CO: DF (SBC) < DF (AMA)  DF (SRC); and
NOx: DF (AMA) < DF (SRC) < DF (SBC)

(3) Any manufacturer shall conform to the technical characteristics of its own vehi-
cles and perform necessary study of correlation of typical representative models
under various durability tests to select its appropriate durability.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China

1. Chen W, Wu Z Current status, challenges, and future sustainable development strategies for
China energy
2. Beijing’s air pollution control processes, 1998–2013, UNEP Global Report on Air Quality
Action Conference 2016, p 5
3. The law of the People’s Republic of China for the prevention of atmospheric pollution,
bulletin edition of the standing committee of the NPC, China Democracy and Law Press,
2015, p 30, Clause 33
4. Lu H, Fu T, Li J (2011) Calculation method for bench cycle aging time in EU V-VI
standards. Autom Eng 33(1):1085–1087
5. Lu Q, Lu C (2014) On main factors and failure mode for three-way catalytic converter
damage. Auto Eng (03)
6. National Environmental Protection Agency (2013) National Quality Supervision and
Inspection Bureau, GB18352.5-2013 (Limits and measurement methods for emissions from
light-duty vehicles (CHINA 5)), Environmental Science Press, pp 108–115
7. Commission Regulations (EC): No. 692/2008 of 18 July 2008. Office Journal of European
Union, pp 77–86
8. Ruetten O, Pischinger S, Küpper C, Weinowski R, Gian D, Ignatov D, Betton W, Bahn M
Catalyst aging method for future emissions standard requirements. SAE, 2010-01-127
9. Fu X, Shen W, Yao T (2006) Physical Chemistry, vol 1, p 44, 5th edn. Beijing Higher
Education Press, Beijing
10. Jin F (2007) The arrhenius equation. Univ Chem 22(5):45
Experimental Study on Consistency
of Different PEMS Devices

Wang Changyuan(&), Gao Dongzhi, Yu Quanshun, Guo Yong,

and Xu Junhui

China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd.,

Tianjin 300300, China

Abstract. The experimental object is a heavy duty vehicle fueled with diesel.
The PEMS test was carried out in the environmental room with the chassis
dynamometer to study the consistency of different PEMS equipment. The four
kinds of PEMS equipment were used to detect the same vehicle. The environ-
mental room can simulate the conditions at an altitude of 2400 m, 2000 m,
temperature −7 °C and the normal temperature and pressure conditions. The test
used the 1800 s world transient vehicle cycle (C-WTVC) and measure 4 cycles
continuously. The test results are compared and analyzed with the results of
HORIBA-CVS at the same conditions. Finally, the consistency of CO2, CO,
NOx, PN via different PEMS were studied under different environment condi-
tions. This study has guiding significance for the application of PEMS equip-
ment in emission testing of China’s sixth stage.

Keywords: PEMS  Emission test  Consistency  Comparison test

1 Background

Vehicle emission testing technologies have continued to improve synchronize with the
increasingly stringent vehicle emission standards in various countries. The Europe VI,
US EPA 2010 emission standard, and China 5, China 6 emission standards have all
introduced the PEMS testing method as an important vehicle emission testing and
management method. According to the engine bench exhaust test can not reflect the
emission characteristics of the motor vehicle under actual road conditions. The vehicle
emission test technology adopts the Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS),
which widely used can measure the emission level under the actual road conditions in
real time. On the other hand, with the emergence of the “Volkswagen emission event”,
countries all over the world are paying more attention to the test method of vehicle
pollutant emissions based on actual roads.
In 2013, Beijing released the DB11/965-2013 “Limits and Measurement Method of
Emissions from heavy-duty vehicle” took the lead in adopting actual road emission
testing methods. In 2017, the Beijing EPA carried out a second revision to publish and
implement the “Limits and Measurement Method of Emissions from heavy-duty
vehicle” standard. In September 2017, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued
and implemented HJ857-2017《In September 2017, the Ministry of Environmental

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1303–1312, 2019.
1304 W. Changyuan et al.

Protection issued and implemented HJ857-2017 in October》, In November 2016, the

Ministry of Environmental Protection of China issued a request for national environ-
mental protection standards《Limits and measurement methods for exhaust pollutants
from compression ignition and gas fuelled positive ignition engines of vehicles
(CHINA VI)》, which Increased vehicle actual road emission test requirements and
limits (PEMS). The above standards all stipulate the actual road emission test methods
for heavy vehicles, which make up for the defects that some road driving conditions
cannot be fully reflected in bench tests.
Due to the introduction of heavy-vehicle vehicle emission test methods, according
to China’s laboratory management requirements, test equipment needs to be tested in
accordance with China’s environmental conditions, including high altitude and low
temperature test conditions. Scholars have conducted relevant research from various
aspects focusing on the emission characteristics of gaseous pollutants under the actual
road conditions of diesel vehicles [1, 2]. Li [3] conducted a PEMS-based evaluation of
the emissions and fuel consumption performance of hybrid buses, and concluded that
for the evaluation of fuel consumption and emissions of hybrid vehicles, especially for
emissions, an evaluation method based on complete vehicles should be adopted;
Cocker [4], Satoshi [5], Zhihong [6] conducted PEMs on heavy-duty diesel vehicle
exhaust gas pollutant temperature sensitivity test study, It shows that exhaust pollutants
are significantly affected by the exhaust gas temperature under the road conditions of
the National V heavy-duty diesel vehicles; Chen [7–9] conducted actual road tests on 7
heavy-duty diesel vehicles based on PEMS, and concluded that low-speed driving and
acceleration/deceleration conditions are important causes of motor vehicle pollution;
Wang [10] conducted comparative tests on heavy-duty trucks through a portable
vehicle emission test system and a vehicle chassis dynamometer. It was found that NOx
emissions were 90% higher when the vehicle was overloaded than when it was
Combining the geographical conditions of China’s high altitude distribution and
large latitudes, the environmental conditions have a severe impact on PEMS equip-
ment. In this paper, the conventional heavy-duty vehicle adopts four different PEMS
devices in the environmental chamber with chassis dynamometer for the detection of
conventional gas pollutants and PN emissions, and records the HORIBA CVS emission
test results at the same time as a reference value for comparative verification. Analyze
the effect of environmental conditions on the consistency of different brands of PEMS

2 Test Equipment and Methods

2.1 Test Equipment

2.1.1 Chassis Dynamometer and Environmental Chamber
The test was conducted in an environmental chamber with a chassis dynamometer. The
test equipments used includes rotational speed, adjustable load chassis dynamometer,
controllable temperature, altitude environmental storage, Horiba CVS full flow dilution
emission test equipment, and 4 sets of PEMS emission test equipment. Connect the
Experimental Study on Consistency of Different PEMS Devices 1305

PEMS device to the CVS test system. Figure 1 shows the connection diagram of test
equipment, The exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle is first connected to the sampling
pipe, and then it is connected to the Horiba CVS full flow dilution and discharge test
equipment through the insulation pipe. The sampling tube is connected with 4 kinds of
PEMS emission testing equipment, and each emission testing equipment starts to
collect exhaust pollutants synchronously. The test adopts HORIBA-CVS, which is a
full-flow diluted automobile exhaust gas analyzer, as a reference for measurement. It
can accurately measure gaseous pollutants such as CO2, CO, and NOx. The test results
are compared with the PEMS test results.

Fig. 1. Connection diagram of test equipment

2.1.2 PEMS Equipment

PEMS equipments mainly consists of main control system, emission pollutant analyzer,
exhaust flow meter, weather station, GPS, vehicle OBD reading module, calibration gas
cylinder and so on. PEMS equipment installation as shown in Fig. 1, four kinds of
PEMS equipment connected to the sampling tube. The sampling tube has a length of
850 mm and an inner diameter of 100 mm. Four sampling probes are arranged on the
sampling tube and are connected in series with four PEMS devices. The spacing
between the probes is 1.5 times the inner diameter of the sampling tube, and the probes
on both sides are 200 mm from the sampling tube end. The PEMS equipment sampling
probe is vertically connected with the sampling tube wall, the probe extends to the tube
within 50 mm (the radius of the sampling tube), and the angle between adjacent probes
is 75°. This sampling tube is designed and installed so that there is no interference
between the sampling probes.

2.2 Test Design

2.2.1 Test Cycle and Vehicle Parameters
The test cycle is the operating conditions (C-WTVC cycle) used for the measurement
of the comprehensive fuel consumption of the heavy-duty diesel vehicle recommended
1306 W. Changyuan et al.

by GB/T27840-2011 “Measuring Methods for Fuel Consumption of Commercial

Vehicles”, The cycle curve is shown in Fig. 2. A total of 1800 s of this cycle, including
the city road conditions, highway conditions and high-speed road conditions, the test
vehicle’s speed and test curve deviation does not exceed ±3 km/h. The environmental
conditions for setting the boundary conditions are shown in Table 2.

Fig. 2. C-WTVC test cycle speed curve

The test vehicle for this study is a heavy-duty passenger vehicle using diesel fuel.
The parameters of the vehicle and engine are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Test sample parameters

Parameters Value
Maximum total mass 3700 kg
Fuel Diesel
Standard stage China V
Engine capacity 2.198L
Number of passengers 15
Rated power 100 kW
Maximum net power 99 kW
Post-processing technology DPF
Production Date 2016/08

2.2.2 Test Plan

Connect the experimental equipment according to Fig. 1 and set the equivalent inertia
of the chassis dynamometer. Preheating the vehicle so that the engine coolant tem-
perature is above 70 °C, or when the temperature of the coolant changes within 5 min
is less than 2 °C; Chassis dynamometer, HORIBA CVS full flow dilution and dis-
charge test equipment and 4 PEMS emission test equipments are warmed up to make
them ready. The PEMS sampling system performs gas leak inspections and performs
gas calibration (zero calibration and span calibration) in accordance with equipment
Experimental Study on Consistency of Different PEMS Devices 1307

operating requirements. adjusting the environmental warehouse, the environmental

conditions were as follows: elevation 2400 m, altitude 2000 m, temperature −7 °C,
normal temperature and atmospheric pressure test, 4 C-WTVC road conditions simu-
lation under each condition, and experimental data recorded. The test conditions and
different PEMS equipment are shown in Table 2, and the boundary conditions of
environmental warehouse are shown in Table 3.

Table 2. Test conditions

Equipments Test cycle Test conditions Test parameters
PEMS #1: SENSORS C-WTVC (7200s) Altitude 2400 m CO2, CO, NOx, PN
Semtech-Ecostar plus Altitude 2000 m
Temperature −7 °C
Normal P and T
PEMS #2: HORIBA C-WTVC (7200s) Altitude 2400 m CO2, CO, NOx, PN
OBS-ONE Altitude 2000 m
Temperature −7 °C
Normal P and T
PEMS #3: AVL M.O.V.E C-WTVC (7200s) Altitude 2400 m CO2, CO, NOx,
Altitude 2000 m
Temperature −7 °C
Normal P and T
PEMS #4: TESTO C-WTVC (7200s) Altitude 2400 m PN
Nanomet 3 Altitude 2000 m
Temperature −7 °C
Normal P and T
HORIBA-CVS C-WTVC (1800s) Altitude 2400 m CO2, CO, NOx,
MEXA-7200DTR Full Altitude 2000 m
flow dilution exhaust Temperature −7 °C
analyzer Normal P and T

Table 3. Environmental compartments set boundary conditions

Test Temperature/ Altitude/m Humidity/ 测试时间/h
conditions °C %
Altitude 20 2400 Unlimited 4 (Lifting altitude 2 h, testing time 2 h,
2400 m linearization and other operations
(79.06 kPa) outside the warehouse)
Altitude 20 2000 4 (Lifting altitude 2 h, testing time 2 h,
2000 m linearization and other operations
(75.38 kPa) outside the warehouse)
Temperature −7 0 4 (Test time 2 h, constant speed 0.5 h,
−7 °C linearization time 1.5 h)
Normal P 20 0 4 (Test time 2 h, constant speed 0.5 h,
and T linearization time 1.5 h)
1308 W. Changyuan et al.

3 Contrastive Analysis of Consistency of Different PEMS


This chapter compares the emission testing of various PEMS devices under environ-
mental conditions of 2400 m above sea level, 2000 m above sea level, −7 °C tem-
perature, and ambient temperature and pressure conditions, including emissions of
CO2, CO and NOx, and PN emissions from particulate matter. The CVS test result is a
single C-WTVC cycle value; the corresponding result of the PEMS device is the
average of four C-WTVC cycles. Bar error bars indicate the standard deviation of the
measurement results relative to the average fluctuation; The percentage above the
histogram indicates the relative deviation of the PEMS device from the CVS test result.
The comparative analysis of different pollutant emissions is as follows.

3.1 Comparison and Analysis of CO2 Emission from Different PEMS

Figure 3 shows comparison of CO2 Emission Tests for Various Equipments under
Different Environmental Conditions. As can be seen from the figure, under the four
environmental conditions, the measurement results of three PEMS devices are lower
than CVS. Comparing the relative deviations between the PEMS devices and the CVS
test results, it can be seen that the PEMS devices are closest to the CVS test results at an
altitude of 2400 m. The relative deviation between PEMS#1 and CVS test results is only
−1.97%. Under normal temperature and pressure, by comparing the standard deviations,
it can be seen that the 4 measurements of the PEMS equipment have the smallest degree
of fluctuation with respect to the average value, indicating that the repeatability of each
equipment is good, but under this environmental condition, the difference between the
PEMS equipment and the CVS test results is the greatest. About 10%.

Fig. 3. Comparison of CO2 emission tests for various equipments under different environmental
Experimental Study on Consistency of Different PEMS Devices 1309

3.2 Comparison and Analysis of CO Emission from Different PEMS

Figure 4 shows comparison of CO Emission Tests for Various Equipments under
Different Environmental Conditions. There is a big difference between the results of the
emission test of each PEMS device and CVS. At an altitude of 2400 m, the relative
deviation between PEMS#1 equipment and CVS reached 218%. Under the high alti-
tude (2400 m and 2000 m) conditions, the CO emission test of PEMS#1 and PEMS#2
equipment is higher than CVS. Comparing the standard deviations of the PEMS
devices, it can be seen that the fluctuations between different cycles of the PEMS
devices are greater at altitudes of 2400 m, 2000 m, and temperature of −7 °C. Under
normal temperature and pressure conditions, the fluctuation between devices is small.

Fig. 4. Comparison of CO emission tests for various equipments under different environmental

3.3 Comparison and Analysis of NOx Emission from Different PEMS

Figure 5 shows comparison of NOx Emission Tests for Various Equipments under
Different Environmental Conditions. PEMS equipment measure NOx emissions results
are higher than CVS. At a temperature of −7 °C, the PEMS device measured the largest
difference from the CVS result, and all three devices reached more than 15%. Com-
paring the standard deviation can be obtained, the temperature −7 °C, the largest
fluctuations in the measurement results of all equipment, indicating that low temper-
ature conditions have a certain impact on the stability of PEMS equipment. Under
normal temperature and pressure conditions, each PEMS device is most consistent with
the CVS emission test results. The relative error between the PEMS#2 device and the
CVS emission test is a minimum of 1.6%, and the fluctuation between the four test
results of each device is small, indicating that the device is at room temperature. The
stability under normal pressure is the best.
1310 W. Changyuan et al.

Fig. 5. Comparison of NOx emission tests for various equipments under different environmental

3.4 Comparison and Analysis of PN Emission from Different PEMS

Figure 6 shows comparison of PN Emission Tests for Various Equipments under
Different Environmental Conditions. At a temperature of −7 °C, PN emissions are
highest compared to the other three conditions; At an altitude of 2400 m, 2000 m and a
temperature of −7 °C, the PN test results of the equipments differ greatly, and the test
results of the PEMS#2 equipments are small, especially at an altitude of 2000 m.
Comparing the standard deviations can be obtained, the temperature −7 °C, the
maximum fluctuations between the four test results of the equipment. Under the
condition of normal temperature and pressure, the difference between the measurement
results of each device is the smallest, and the standard deviation is small, indicating that
under this condition, the consistency between different devices is good and the devices
are relatively stable.

Fig. 6. Comparison of PN emission tests for various equipments under different environmental
Experimental Study on Consistency of Different PEMS Devices 1311

4 Conclusion

This experiment takes a diesel fuel heavy-duty vehicle as the research object, and
carries out different environmental conditions (elevation 2400 m, altitude 2000 m,
temperature −7 °C and normal temperature and pressure) in a environmental ware-
house with a chassis dynamometer to affect the PEMS test the study. Draw the fol-
lowing conclusions:
(a) For the CO2 emission test, the consistency between the PEMS devices is good,
and the difference between the CVS emission results is basically within 10%, and
under the normal temperature and pressure, the stability of each device is the best.
(b) For the CO emission test. The PEMS and CVS test results have large deviations,
the maximum deviation of up to 218%; in high altitude and low temperature
conditions, the test results between the various cycles of equipment fluctuations.
(c) The PN measurement results of different equipments vary greatly. Under the
temperature of −7 °C, the stability of PEMS equipment is the worst, and the
stability and consistency are better under normal temperature and pressure.
(d) For the measurement of high concentration pollutants (for example, CO2 and
NOx), the consistency of different PEMS devices and CVS test results is good; for
low-concentration pollutants (CO and PN), the stability of each device’s different
test cycles and the results of CVS test Consistency is poor, especially at ambient
conditions of −7 °C.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China

1. Li Z, Hu J, Bao X et al (2009) Gaseous pollutant emission of China 3 heavy-duty diesel
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2. Mark AD, James WB, Alex C et a1 SemtechD: the chassis roll evaluation of a commercial
portable emission measurement system (PEMS). SAE Paper 2005-01-0673
3. Li M, Liu F, Chen Y et al (2006) Emission and fuel consumption performance evaluation of
hybrid buses based on PEMS. J Jiangsu Univ 27(1):27–30
4. Cocker DR, Shan SD, Johnson K et al (2014) Development and application of a mobile
laboratory for measuring emissions from diesel engines. 1. Regulated gaseous emissions.
Environ Sci Technol 38(7):2182–2189
5. Satoshi S, Shinya S, Hosoya M (2013) Improvement of low-temperature performance of the
NOx reduction efficiency on the urea-SCR catalysts. Sae World Congress
6. Wang Z, Qian C, Zheng Y et al (2017) Experimental study on sensitivity of exhaust air
pollutant temperature of heavy duty diesel vehicle based on PEMS. Autom Technol 2:171–
1312 W. Changyuan et al.

7. Chen C, Jing Q, Wang H et al (2005) Study on actual emission characteristics and

influencing factors of heavy-duty motor vehicles. Acta Sci Circum 25(7):870–878
8. Jing Q, Chen C, Pan H et al (2006) Preliminary analysis of on-road emission characteristics
of diesel buses. Acta Scientiac Cirsumstantiae 26(9):1400–1405
9. Cheng H, Chen C, Jing Q et al (2007) Onboard emissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicle
and its relationship with driving behavior. Acta Sci Circum 27(2):177–184
10. Wang Y, Ji W, Yin H et al (2014) Influencing factors of pollutant emission factor
measurement for heavy diesel vehicles. Environ Sci Res 27(3):232–238
Effect of Fuel Injection Advance Angle
on Combustion and Emissions of Dual Fuel
Compression Ignition Engine

Peng Li(&), Jianjun Zhu, and Wenjie Wu

School of Mechanical Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology,

Taiyuan 030024, China

Abstract. In order to study the influence of the fuel delivery advance angle and
the methanol energy proportion on the combustion and emission performance of
a dual-fuel engine, polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers (PODE) were used to
ignite the methanol premixed gas. The results show that with increasing the
methanol energy proportion, the peak of in-cylinder pressure gradually
decreases, the maximum pressure rise rate and the peak of heat release rate at the
low speed were increased first and then decreased, the peak of pressure rise rate
and the peak of heat release rate were both increased at high speed. Proper
increase the fuel delivery advance angle could improve in-cylinder combustion.
With increasing the methanol energy proportion, the emission of CO, THC and
formaldehyde were gradually increased, the emission of NOx was increased first
and then decreased. Appropriate postponement of the fuel delivery advance
angle would reduce emissions from dual-fuel engines.

Keywords: Dual-fuel engine  Polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers  Methanol 

Combustion  Emission

1 Introduction

The combustion method of the traditional diesel engine adopts diffusion combustion,
which results in extremely uneven spatial distribution of the mixture gas and com-
bustion temperature in the cylinder, resulting in high NOx emission and particulate
emission. In order to reduce the NOx emission and the particulate emission, it is
important to study homogeneous charge induced ignition for achieve higher thermal
efficiency and lower emission [1–3].
As a colorless transparent liquid with high oxygen content, methanol has a high
octane number. It has the characteristics of flammable, volatile, fast burning, high latent
heat number and so on. It is the first clean energy for used in the market. In the
international field, IEA has chosen different fuel for vehicle for emission comparison
tests. The results showed that the list of good to bad of the regular emissions of differ
fuel were: dimethyl ether, methanol, natural gas, petroleum gas, diesel, gasoline [4].
Methanol has several advantages as alternative energy: the long-term availability of
resources can be guaranteed [5]; the regular emissions from engines can be reduced [4];

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1313–1323, 2019.
1314 P. Li et al.

If methanol is used to prepare by using coke oven gas, CO2 capture and storage, and
direct vaporization of high-sulfur coal, it will greatly reduce the greenhouse gas
emission of the methanol vehicle’s entire life cycle, and it can achieve the full life cycle
greenhouse gas emissions of the methanol vehicle as same as battery electric vehicle
[6]. Polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers is an ideal alternative fuel that can be added to
diesel in any proportion to reduce engine emissions [7].
Methanol has the characteristic of self-oxygenation, and the latent heat of vapor-
ization is 3.5 times of that of gasoline, which is helpful to reduce the maximum
combustion temperature in-cylinder and the emission of NOx and particulate emission.
PODE has lower kinematic viscosity, can be made small particle size and improve
atomization effect after inject into the cylinder, which can make the uniformity of the
mixture in the cylinder be better. In addition, the cetane number of PODE is about 1.5
times than diesel, which will greatly increase the ignition energy. PODE has self-
contained oxygen characteristics, it can promote the complete combustion of the
mixture in the cylinder, reducing the emission of the engine. The ratio of methanol and
the fuel delivery advance angle of PODE have significant effects on the combustion
and emission characteristics of the engine. In this paper, the effects of changing the
methanol energy proportion and the fuel delivery advance angle of PODE for the
combustion and emission characteristics of a dual-fuel engine are investigated.

2 Experimental Setup and Procedure

2.1 Experimental Setup

Figure 1 is an engine bench diagram. Table 1 shows the operating parameters of the
test engine.

PODE tank Methanol

Methanol filter
Methanol tank
Methanol inlet
Fuel consumption meter
Fresh air
Single cylinder diesel
engine Pressure transdcer

Combustion analyzer
control Dynamometer

Exhaust gas

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental setup

Effect of Fuel Injection Advance Angle on Combustion and Emissions 1315

Table 1. Major parameters of the test engine

Item Parameter
Bore  Stroke 115  120 mm
Rated power 14.7 kW/(2200 r/min)
Maximum torque 70 kW/(1600 r/min)
Displacement 1.25 L
Compression ratio 17:1
Combustor type x
Fuel supply advance angle 22 °CA BTDC

2.2 Experimental Procedure

In the experiment, the engine was stayed a stable condition that the speed was
1200 rmin−1 and the brake mean effective pressure was 0.3 MPa. Then the maximum
methanol injection pulse width was searched which could make the engine maintain the
stable operation. Then the injection pulse width of the methanol was reduced gradually,
and the circulating oil supply of the PODE was increased, meanwhile the data of the
different methanol energy proportion under this working condition was recorded. The
next, the engine speed was changed, and the operations that mentioned above was
repeated, meanwhile the methanol energy proportion data under different engine
conditions was recorded. Finally, the fuel delivery advance angle of the ignition fuel
PODE was changed, and also the operations that mentioned above to obtain the
methanol energy proportion data at different fuel delivery advance angles was repeated.
The methanol energy proportion is defined as the ratio of methanol energy con-
sumed to total energy per cycle of the engine.

3 Test Results and Analysis

3.1 Combustion Characteristics

3.1.1 The Peak of In-Cylinder Pressure and the Peak of Pressure Rise
The influence of fuel delivery advance angle on the peak of in-cylinder pressure is
shown in Fig. 2. With the increase of methanol energy proportion, the peak of in-
cylinder pressure decreases. However, the high latent heat number of methanol would
lead to decrease the temperature in the combustion chamber, which would affect the
atomization mixing of PODE in the combustion chamber and reduce the number of
PODE mixtures be formed during the ignition delay period. This phenomenon would
offset increase the peak of in-cylinder pressure caused by the pre-mixed combustion
mode. Therefore, with the increase of the methanol energy proportion, the temperature
in the combustion chamber is gradually reduced, and the effect of mixing of PODE in
the combustion chamber gradually becomes worse, which leads to the gradual decrease
of the peak of in-cylinder pressure.
1316 P. Li et al.

At low speed, compared with 22 °CA BTDC, the increase or decrease of the fuel
delivery advance angle would reduce the in-cylinder pressure. However, at high speed,
the in-cylinder pressure corresponding to the fuel delivery advance angle of 24 °CA
BTDC is highest, and the difference of the combustion pressure between 20 °CA
BTDC and 22 °CA BTDC advance angle is small. Because at a low speed, although
the increase of fuel delivery advance angle would prolong the ignition delay period and
form more mixture gas, which is beneficial to increase the maximum combustion
pressure. The temperature in the combustion chamber become low at this time, and the
evaporation of methanol absorbs a lot of heat, which would inhibit the atomization and
evaporation of PODE, and reduce the number of mixture gas formed in the ignition
delay period, so that the peak of in-cylinder pressure would be reduced. However,
when the fuel delivery advance angle were decreased, the ignition delay period was
shortened, and the number of mixture gas formed during the ignition delay period was
reduced, and the temperature in the cylinder decreases, so the peak of in-cylinder
pressure was decreased.
At high speed, the air flow in the mixing gas in cylinder was strong, which ben-
eficial to mix the fuel in the cylinder. With increasing the fuel delivery advance angle,
the ignition delay period was prolonged, and the number of mixture gas in the ignition
delay period was increased obviously. Meanwhile, although the vaporization of
methanol would still reduce the temperature in the combustion chamber, the rapid
combustion of a large number of mixture gas offset the negative impact of the com-
bustion chamber temperature reduction on the maximum combustion pressure, so the
peak of in-cylinder pressure was increased. When the fuel delivery advance angle was
reduced, the ignition delay period was shortened, the number of mixture gas formed in
the ignition delay period was affected by the strong flow of air flow and the shortening
of the ignition delay period, so it was possible that the decrease of the fuel delivery
advance angle does not lead to the decrease of the maximum combustion pressure.

20°CA BTDC 6.5 20°CA BTDC
The peak of in-cylinder pressure/MPa

The peak of in-cylinder pressure/MPa

6.0 24°CA BTDC


5.0 5.5

4.5 5.0


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 4.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Methanol energy proportion Methanol energy proportion
(a) n=1200 r·min-1 (b) n=1800 r·min-1

Fig. 2. The influence of fuel delivery advance angle on the peak of in-cylinder pressure

The effect of the fuel delivery advance angle on the peak of pressure rise rate is
shown in Fig. 3. With the increase of methanol energy proportion, at low speed, the
peak of pressure rise rate rises first and then decreases, while at high speed, the peak of
Effect of Fuel Injection Advance Angle on Combustion and Emissions 1317

pressure rise rate gradually increases. At low speed, the premixed combustion mode of
methanol is beneficial to the increase of the combustion rate in the cylinder, which
leads to the increase of the peak of pressure rise rate. With the increase of the methanol
energy ratio, the maximum pressure increase rate gradually increases. However, when
the energy ratio of methanol is increased to a certain limit, the reduction of the com-
bustion chamber temperature caused by methanol vaporization counteracts the bene-
ficial effect of the premixed combustion mode on the increase of the pressure increase,
resulting in a decrease in the maximum pressure rise rate, and the more obvious the
temperature drop in the cylinder decreases with the increase of the energy ratio of
methanol. Therefore, under the condition of low speed, the peak of pressure rise rate
first increased and then decreased. In high speed condition, the movement of air in the
cylinder is more intense, and the strong airflow reduces the influence of the cylinder
temperature drop on the atomization and evaporation of the ignited fuel. Therefore,
under the condition of low speed, the peak of pressure rise rate first increases and then
decreases. At high engine speeds, the air flow in the cylinder is relatively intense. The
strong air flow weakens the influence of the temperature drop in the cylinder on the
atomization and evaporation of the fuel. In addition, the premixed combustion of
methanol contributes to the increase of the pressure rise rate. As a result, the maximum
pressure rise rate peaks gradually as the methanol energy proportion increases.
With the increase of the fuel delivery advance angle, the ignition delay period is
prolonged, the amount of methanol premixed gas formed in the Ignition delay period
increases, although an increase in the methanol would lead to the reduction of the
temperature in the cylinder, thus inhibiting the atomization evaporation of PODE, when
the PODE was fired, more methanol premixed gas can be burned at a faster rate.
Therefore, the maximum pressure rise rate has increased. Conversely, when the fuel
delivery advance angle was reduced, the ignition delay period was shortened, the
combustible mixture quantity in the Ignition delay period was decreased, which leads
to the decrease of the peak of pressure rise rate.




The peak of pressure rise rate/MPa·°CA

The peak of pressure rise rate/MPa·°CA




0.3 0.5

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Methanol energy proportion Methanol energy proportion

(a) n=1200r·min-1 (b) n=1800r·min-1

Fig. 3. The effect of the fuel delivery advance angle on the peak of pressure rise rate
1318 P. Li et al.

3.1.2 Heat Release Rate

The effect of the fuel delivery advance angle on the peak of heat release rate is shown
in Fig. 4. Comparing the change trend of the peak of heat release rate with the change
trend of maximum pressure rise rate, it is found that the fuel delivery advance angle has
the same effect on both. It shows that the PODE-methanol dual fuel engine is consistent
with the diesel engine, that is, the maximum pressure rise rate corresponds to the
instantaneous heat release rate peak. Therefore, the influence mechanism of the
methanol energy proportion and the fuel delivery advance angle on the peak of heat
release rate is consistent with the mechanism of the peak of pressure rise rate.

160 20°CA BTDC 22°CA BTDC
22°CA BTDC 140

The peak of heat release rate/J·°CA



The peak of heat release rate/J·°CA

120 120



0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Methanol energy proportion Methanol energy proportion

(a) n=1200r·min-1 (b) n=1800r·min-1

Fig. 4. The effect of the fuel delivery advance angle on the peak of heat release rate

3.2 Emission Characteristics

3.2.1 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Emissions
The effect of fuel delivery advance angle on CO emissions are shown in Fig. 5. The CO
emission was lower when the PODE was used only, and the CO emission increases
linearly with the increase of methanol energy proportion. Because CO is a product of
incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon-containing fuels, and methanol latent heat is
high, and would absorb a lot of heat in the cylinder, resulting in-cylinder temperature
drop. With the increase of methanol energy proportion, the in-cylinder temperature
drop more obvious, hydrocarbon fuel combustion in the cylinder has adverse effects,
resulting in a significant increase of CO emissions.
At low speed, the change of the fuel delivery advance angle has no obvious
influence on CO emission; at high speed, when the fuel delivery advance angle was
postponed from 22 °CA BTDC to 20 °CA BTDC, CO emission has no obvious
change, while the fuel delivery advance angle from 22 °CA BTDC advance to 24 °CA
BTDC, CO emission will be reduced. This is because at high speed, the air flow in the
cylinder was intense. When the fuel delivery advance angle was extended from 22 °CA
BTDC to 24 °CA BTDC, the mixture gas which was formed in the ignition delay
period was increased, which leads to increase the peak of combustion temperature in
the cylinder, and it was beneficial to the oxidation of CO in the cylinder, so the CO
emission is reduced.
Effect of Fuel Injection Advance Angle on Combustion and Emissions 1319


3500 22°CA BTDC 3000 22°CA BTDC
3000 2500






500 500

0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Methanol energy proportion Methanol energy proportion

(a) n=1200r·min-1 (b) n=1800r·min-1

Fig. 5. The effect of fuel delivery advance angle on CO emission

3.2.2 Total Unburned Hydrocarbon (THC) Emissions

The effect of fuel delivery advance angle on THC emissions are shown in Fig. 6. When
engine fueled with PODE fuel, THC emissions were relatively low, and THC emis-
sions increased significantly with the increase of methanol energy proportion. THC
emissions from diesel engines include hydrocarbon fuels and their incomplete com-
bustion products, lubricants and their cracking and partial oxidation products. For the
premixed ignition mode, the causes of the THC emission include incomplete com-
bustion, the quenching effect of the chamber wall, the narrow gap effect in the com-
bustion process, and the adsorption of the lubricating film and sediment on the
combustion chamber wall. As methanol is injected in the intake port, the increase of
methanol premixed gas detention time leads to an increase in THC emissions generated
by the narrow gap effect. The spray evaporation of methanol in the cylinder will lead to
a reduction in the temperature inside the cylinder, which will inhibit the complete
combustion of hydrocarbon fuels and increase THC emissions. With the increase of
methanol energy proportion, THC emissions gradually increase.
At low speed, the fuel delivery advance angle has no significant effect on THC
emissions. At high speed, when the fuel advance angle is delayed from 22 °CA BDTC
to 20 °CA BTDC, the ignition delay period of the engine was shortened. However, due
to the high cetane number of PODE, it was easier to press and ignite in the cylinder,
and THC emissions have not been significantly affected. When the fuel supply advance
angle is advanced from 22 °CA BTDC to 24 °CA BTDC, the delayed ignition period is
prolonged and the air flow in the cylinder is stronger, resulting in the formation of more
PODE combustible mixture. The combustion temperature increases, which is beneficial
to the complete combustion of the hydrocarbon fuel, thus the THC emission is slightly
reduced at the high speed. No matter the increase or decrease of the oil supply advance
angle, the impact on THC emissions is relatively small. It is considered that the change
of the oil advance angle has no obvious effect on the THC emissions.
1320 P. Li et al.


7000 22°CA BTDC 6000 22°CA BTDC




2000 2000

1000 1000

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Methanol energy proportion Methanol energy proportion
(a) n=1200r·min-1 (b) n=1800r·min-1

Fig. 6. The effect of fuel delivery advance angle on THC emissions

3.2.3 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Emissions

The effect of fuel delivery advance angle on NOx emissions are shown in Fig. 7. With
the increase of methanol energy proportion, NOx emissions increased firstly and then
decreased. The main influencing factors of NOx emission were high temperature,
oxygen enrichment and reaction time. Methanol, as an oxygenated fuel, would increase
the oxygen content in the cylinder when it was burned in the cylinder. When the
methanol energy proportion is small, the influence of methanol on the temperature
inside the cylinder is relatively weak. But methanol will increase the oxygen content in
the cylinder, which will lead to an increase in NOx emissions. With the further increase
of the methanol energy proportion, the effect of methanol on the temperature in the
cylinder increases gradually. And as the intake of the engine keeps constant, the
increase of the methanol content will lead to the drop in the air quality into the cylinder
during the intake process. Therefore, when the methanol energy proportion exceeds a
certain value, the NOx emission will be reduced. With the increase of methanol to
energy ratio, NOx emission gradually decreases.
At low speed, when the fuel advance angle is delayed from 22 °CA BTDC to
20 °CA BTDC, the NOx emission has a slight decrease. This is because the reduction of
the fuel delivery advance angle leads to the reduction of the ignition delay period, the
reduction of the number of combustible mixture and the reduction of the maximum
combustion temperature. When the fuel delivery advance angle is advanced from
22 °CA BTDC to 24 °CA BTDC, the ignition delay period is prolonged. Although the
vaporization and absorption of methanol will inhibit the atomization evaporation of
PODE, the cetane number of PODE is higher and is easily pressed. Ahead of time, the
ignition point started earlier, increasing the duration of combustion and increasing NOx
emissions. The fuel advance angle is delayed from 22 °CA BTDC to 20 °CA BTDC.
Under high speed conditions, the motion of air in cylinder mixture is strong. The number
of combustible mixture may not be reduced in the ignition delay period, and there is no
obvious change in the temperature and NOx emission due to the combined effect of the
length of the ignition delay period and the effect of the strong air flow. When the fuel
advance angle is advanced to 24 CA BTDC, the ignition delay is prolonged. Under the
Effect of Fuel Injection Advance Angle on Combustion and Emissions 1321

dual action of strong air flow and prolonged ignition delay, the number of combustible
mixture formed during the ignition delay period increases. The increase of combustion
temperature leads to an increase in NOx emissions.


800 800 22°CA BTDC
700 24°CA BTDC 24°CA BTDC

600 600

500 500


400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Methanol energy proportion Methanol energy proportion

(a) n=1200r·min-1 (b) n=1800r·min-1

Fig. 7. The effect of fuel delivery advance angle on NOx emissions

3.2.4 Methanal Emissions

The emission of methanal is lower when the engine is only burned with PODE. The
emission of methanol will lead to the formation of methanal emission. With the
increase of the methanol energy proportion, the emission of methanal will increase
gradually. There are two main sources of methanal in the exhaust: one is that the
incomplete combustion of methanol fuel in the cylinder leads to the formation of
methanal, and the second is that the unburned methanol is heated and oxidized to in the
exhaust port [10]. With the increase of the methanol energy proportion, more methanol
is burned in the cylinder, and the temperature in the cylinder decreases gradually,
which leads to the increase in the proportion of methanol not to be completely burned,
and the increase of unburned methanol will also lead to the increase of the content of
methanol in the exhaust duct to produce methanal. The emission of methanal increased
At low speeds, when the fuel supply advance angle is deferred from 22 °CA BTDC
to 20 °CA BTDC, the ignition delay period is shortened, the amount of PODE com-
bustible gas mixture formed during the ignition delay period is reduced, and the
combustion temperature in the cylinder is decreased, which is favorable for the
increasing of methanal in emissions, but the unburned methanol emissions did not
change significantly at this time, while the exhaust temperature has decreased, the
amount of unburned methanol in the exhaust passage lead to reduce the amount of
methanal generated, resulting in a combination of lower methanal emissions. When the
fuel delivery advance angle is advanced from 22 °CA BTDC to 24 °CA BTDC, the
ignition delay period is prolonged, but the in-cylinder temperature at this time is at a
lower level as a whole, and the influence of the vaporization of methanol on the
temperature of the cylinder is severe. Seriously affecting the atomization evaporation of
PODE in the cylinder, resulting in the reduction of the amount of combustible mixture
formed in the non-flammable period and the decrease of the temperature in the cylinder,
1322 P. Li et al.

which is beneficial to the generation of methanal, resulting in the increase of methanol

emission. Under high-speed operating conditions, when the fuel supply advance is
postponed from 22 °CA BTDC to 20 °CA BTDC, the combined effect of the strong air
flow and the reduced flame retardancy will result in the formation of a combustible
mixture in the post-ignition period. It may not be reduced. There is no significant
change in the combustion temperature, but the start of combustion is postponed. More
combustible mixture is combusted in the down-stroke phase of the piston, resulting in
an increase in the temperature of the exhaust gas. This promotes the oxidation of
unburned methanol to produce methanol, resulting in increased methanal emissions.
When the fuel supply advance angle is advanced from 22 °CA BTDC to 24 °CA
BTDC, the ignition delay period is prolonged and the temperature in the cylinder is
high, which is favorable for inhibiting the formation of methanal, resulting in the
reduction of methanal emission (Fig. 8).


300 300 22°CA BTDC
250 250

200 200


150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
methanol energy proportion Methanol energy proportion

(a) n=1200r·min-1 (b) n=1800r·min-1

Fig. 8. The effect of the fuel delivery advance angle on methanal emission

4 Conclusion
(1) At low speed, with the increase of methanol energy proportion, the maximum
combustion pressure gradually decreases, and the peak of pressure rise rate and
the peak of heat release rate increase at first and then decrease; at high speed
conditions, with the increase of methanol energy proportion, the maximum
combustion pressure gradually decreased, and the maximum pressure rise rate and
the peak of heat release rate gradually increased.
(2) In the low-speed working conditions, when the fuel delivery advance angle is 22 °
CA BTDC, the highest combustion pressure is highest, and the fuel delivery
advance angle is 24 °CA BTDC, the maximum pressure rise rate and the peak of
heat release rate are the highest; Under the conditions of 24 °CA BTDC, the peak
of in-cylinder pressure, maximum pressure rise rate and the peak of heat release
rate are the highest. Therefore, proper fuel delivery in advance helps to achieve
better combustion performance.
Effect of Fuel Injection Advance Angle on Combustion and Emissions 1323

(3) With the increase of methanol energy ratio, CO, THC and methanal emissions
will gradually increase, and NOx emissions will increase first and then decrease
(4) The change of fuel supply advance angle had not significant effect on THC and
CO emissions under low-speed operating conditions. Under low-speed operating
conditions, NOx and methanal emissions were the lowest when the fuel delivery
advance angle was 20 °CA BTDC; Under high speed conditions, the CO and
NOx emissions were the lowest when the fuel delivery advance angle was 20 °CA
BTDC, and the methanal emission was the highest. Properly reducing the fuel
delivery advance angle is beneficial to reduce the harmful emissions of the PODE
igniting methanol premixed.

Acknowledgement. Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Provence in China

(No. 201701D121125).

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8. Wei L, Yao C, Han G et al (2016) Effects of methanol to diesel ratio and diesel injection
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9. Yao C, Wei H, Wang Q et al (2016) Irregular exhaust emissions from a diesel engine with
diesel/methanol dual fuel. Huanjing Kexue Xuebao 36(6):2201–2209
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compound combustion mode. J Combust Sci Technol 16(2):155–159
Study on Management of Non-road Diesel
Machinery Emission and DPF Retrofit
Evaluation for Tianjin

Dong Li1, Jiguang Wang2(&), Jiang Yin1, Hao Chen1, Mengliang Li2,
Xiyu Fang2, and Zhengnan Yuhan2
Tianjin Motor Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Control Center,
Tianjin 300191, China
China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd.,
Tianjin 300300, China

Abstract. Based on requirements of control emissions of non-road diesel

machines in Tianjin, research and statistics were carried out to 2016 operation of
non-road diesel machines in central areas of Tianjin and a non-road diesel
machinery emissions management inventory which focused on those factors
such as machinery type, emission standard, displacement and power, emission
level and usage hours was established for analysis of characteristics of distri-
bution of non-road diesel vehicle machines in various types conforming to
various emission standards, activity levels and distribution of PM sharing ratios
by combining the technical guidelines for preparation of the inventory of non-
road mobile pollution source emissions (trial implementation) issued by Min-
istry of Environmental Protection. Demonstration evaluation was performed to
management of adding DPF emissions by taking 2 excavators/loaders. Results
indicate: PM emissions of non-road diesel machines in central areas are mainly
from excavators and loaders whose ownership number accounts for 57% of
diesel machines in central areas and PM sharing rate accounts for 68.2%; their
primary operation periods are 09:00–11:00 and 14:00–17:00. While excavators
and loaders are put into operation, their exhaust temperatures are higher (above
250 °C); and their DPF emissions account for 56% and 31%, respectively.
Emission management may be updated by selection of passive regeneration
DPF. While the DPF is under continuous passive conditions, PM emissions may
fall by above 98% per machine. If all excavators and loaders conforming to
China Phase II Emissions Standards were used in central areas, the PM emis-
sions of non-road diesel machines would fall by 59.8% in central areas

Keywords: Non-road diesel machinery  Emission management 

Passive regeneration DPF  Management evaluation

1 Introduction

Non-road mobile pollution sources are one of the important sources of PM2.5 emis-
sions and an important cause of haze and photochemical smog pollutions. Non-road
diesel machines having characteristics such as low emission level, long service life,

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1324–1333, 2019.
Study on Management of Non-road Diesel Machinery Emission 1325

poor maintenance, high fuel consumption and big pollutant emissions per machine
have become an ignored pollutant emission source [1, 2].
Controlling emissions and pollutants is based on establishment of the management
inventory of emissions of non-road diesel machines. Zhang et al. [3] developed the
inventory of non-road mobile source pollutants and emissions for Tianjin for analysis
of time and space distribution of various types of non-road mobile source emissions.
Xiao [4] established the inventory of non-road mobile source emissions for Beijing-
Tianjin-Hebei Region and presented that non-road mobile source emissions were
focused in the southeast of the region. Li et al. [5] carried out the study of fuel
consumptions of China typical diesel machines and emission inventory and pointed out
that diesel machines became an unignorable source of pollutants and emissions, in
which excavators and loaders contributed significantly fuel consumption and emis-
sions. Lu, Zhang, Yang et al. [6–8] studied the inventories of emissions of non-road
mobile machines in typical cities such as Shanghai and Hangzhou in Yangtze River
Delta Region and found that NOx emissions of non-road mobile machines accounted
for 11.1% and 16.1% of all pollution sources in Shanghai and Hangzhou, respectively
[9, 10].
Based on requirements for controlling pollutants of non-road diesel machines in
Tianjin, research and statistics were carried out to 2016 operation of non-road diesel
machines in central areas of Tianjin and a non-road diesel machinery emissions
management inventory which focused on those factors such as machinery type,
emission standard, displacement and power, emission level and usage hours was
established for analysis of characteristics of distribution of non-road diesel vehicle
machines in various types conforming to various emission standards, activity levels and
distribution of PM sharing ratios by combining the technical guidelines for preparation
of the inventory of non-road mobile pollution source emissions (trial implementation)
issued by Ministry of Environmental Protection. Demonstration evaluation was per-
formed to management of adding DPF emissions by taking non-road diesel machines
whose ownership number was large and PM sharing rate was high. Thus, the technical
supports and means may be provided for control and management of emissions of non-
road diesel machines in Tianjin.

2 Materials and Method

Our study objects are non-road diesel machines in construction sites and factories and
companies in central areas of Tianjin in 2016. An inventory for classification man-
agement of non-road diesel machines by two ways (namely survey of users and reg-
istration and filing documents from the administrative department) and a management
inventory of emissions of non-road diesel machines (hereinafter referred to as “diesel
machines”) in Tianjin was formed by integrating the emission factor database of the
technical guidelines for preparation of the inventory of non-road mobile pollution
source emissions (trial implementation) (hereinafter referred to as “Guidelines”).
1326 D. Li et al.

2.1 Distribution Characteristics of Types and Powers/Displacements

of Diesel Machines
2.1.1 Distribution Characteristics of Types and Emission Standards
of Diesel Machines
Figure 1 shows the statistical results of types of diesel machines under operation in
central areas of Tianjin in 2016. In accordance with types of machines, the ownership
number of excavators accounts for the maximum weight (35%) of the whole diesel
machines; and loaders were in the second place (22%). Excavators and loaders account
for nearly 54% of main diesel machines in China [2].

Fig. 1. Distribution characteristics of types of diesel machines in central areas of Tianjin

Fig. 2. Distribution characteristics of non-road diesel machines in various types according to

their ownership quantities in central areas of Tianjin
Study on Management of Non-road Diesel Machinery Emission 1327

Figure 2 shows the distribution characteristics of various types of diesel machines

based on emission standards, in which those machines imported from Europe, United
States, Japan and other countries were converted into non-road diesel machines in the
China corresponding emission phase in accordance with their emission standards. On
the whole, diesel machines in central areas of Tianjin primarily conform to China
Phase II Emissions Standards, which account for 52% of the ownership number of
diesel machines; in contrast, those conforming to China Phase III and I Emissions
Standards account for 19% and 24%, respectively.

2.2 Accounting of PM Emissions of Diesel Machines

Based on the management inventory of emissions of non-road diesel machines in
Tianjin and by integrating the method in Guidelines, the related mathematical model
and emission factors database were established to calculate the inventory of emissions
of various types of non-road diesel machines.
Figure 3 shows calculated PM emissions of various types of diesel machines. In
view of sharing rates of annual mean PM emissions of various types of diesel machines,
the annual mean PM emissions of diesel machines in the central areas are about 155
tons, whose components are as follows:

Items Amount Sharing rate

Excavators 71.4 tons 46%
Loaders 34.5 tons 22.2%
Bulldozers 15.3 tons 9.9%
Rollers 13.7 tons 8.8%
Forklift trucks 2.1 tons 1.3%

In view of PM emissions per diesel machine, PM emissions per excavator or bulldozer

is about 63–67 kg/year; and PM emissions per loader or roller is about 52–56 kg/year.

Fig. 3. Annual mean PM emissions of non-road diesel machines in the central areas of Tianjin
1328 D. Li et al.

Taken together, excavators and loaders with the large ownership numbers and high
PM sharing rates shall be key objects for management and monitoring in the central
areas of Tianjin; but PM emissions per loader/roller are close to those per
excavator/loader; thus, they shall be under management for effective reduction of total
PM emissions of diesel machines.

3 Design of the Program for Management of Emissions

of Diesel Machines
3.1 Test Machines
1 excavator and a loader conforming to China Phase II Emissions Standards were
selected to perform DPF management evaluation tests, whose parameters are shown in
Table 1. The test fuel is conventional diesel (S content: <50 ppm) from market.

Table 1. Parameters of tested excavators and loaders

Excavator Machine type KATO HD820 III Engine 5.86
Engine model 6D34-TLE2A Air inlet Naturally
Engine type In-line, 6-cylinder, Rated power/kW 110
Fuel injection Machine fuel injection Maximum total 19500
system pump mass/kg
Loader Machine type XG951 III Engine 6.8
Engine model YC6M290-33 Air inlet Naturally
Engine type In-line, 6-cylinder, Rated power/kW 92
Fuel injection Machine fuel injection Maximum total 10300
system pump mass/kg

3.2 Selection of DPF Technical Program

The type of the DPF per diesel machine is primarily based on those actual situations
such as machine emission level, operating conditions and exhaust temperature. The
operating exhaust temperatures of 1 excavator and 1 loader for our tests were collected
continuously by means of our environmental information terminals for 1 month.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of exhaust temperatures for measured excavator
and loader. The exhaust temperatures above 250 °C during their entire operating
periods account for about 56% and 31%, respectively; and the exhaust temperatures
above 300 °C during their entire operating periods account for about 20% and 8%,
Study on Management of Non-road Diesel Machinery Emission 1329

Fig. 4. Distribution characteristics of exhaust temperatures of our tested excavator and loader

The exhaust temperatures of our tested excavator and loader preliminarily met
requirements of DPF passive regeneration conditions during their actual operation
processes. Our study is to evaluate effects of application of the passive regeneration
DPFs in the excavator and loader for management of PM emissions. The specific
parameters of DPFs are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Parameters of passive regeneration DPFs

Item Parameter
Regeneration program Passive regeneration
Product configuration DOC + DPF
DOC Precious metal type and proportion content Pt:Pb:Rh = 2:1:0
Carrier material/volume (L) Cordierite/7 L
DPF Precious metal type and proportion content Pt:Pb:Rh = 1:0:0
Carrier material/volume (L) Cordierite/8.5 L

By taking the relatively small space of the exhaust system of the diesel machine, the
installation space shall be measured and those electrical, gas and oil pipelines shall be
inspected prior to loading DPF which shall be equipped, debugged and detected in
accordance with the installation diagram and operation instructions [14]. Comparison
of structure diagrams before and after the excavator being equipped with the active
regeneration DPF is shown in Fig. 5.
1330 D. Li et al.

Fig. 5. Main structure changes before and after the installation of the DPF

4 Results and Analysis

4.1 Analysis of DPF Passive Regeneration Characteristics

Figure 6 shows the entire regeneration processes of DPFs in our tested excavator and
loader under the passive regeneration modes. The excavator was taken as an example
for detailed analysis.

Fig. 6. The passive regeneration processes of DPF

Figure 6 indicates: the exhaust temperature and the pressure difference of DPF
gradually rise during the operation process of the excavator. While the exhaust tem-
perature is up to 250 °C, the passive regeneration occurs together with loading the
DPF; however, the loading rate is larger than the regeneration rate primarily due to the
excavator being equipped with a machine fuel injection pump system and generally
under high load operation so that the smoke emissions of the excavator may increase
the carbon loading amount; unfortunately, the catalyst activity remains relatively low at
this time and the regeneration efficiency is not relatively high. While the exhaust
temperature is up to 380 °C, the pressure difference of the DPF tends to fall primarily
Study on Management of Non-road Diesel Machinery Emission 1331

because the catalyst activity is fully activated so that the regeneration rate may be more
than the loading rate. While the pressure difference of the DPF falls to 8 kPa, it remains
basically unchanged although the front end temperature of the DPF gradually rises;
such case indicates that DPF shall be under the balancing temperature (300 °C) and the
regeneration and loading rates may be basically the same. The engine balancing
temperature is also 300 °C.

4.2 Analysis of Characteristics of the Filtration Efficiency of DPF

Due to the unique operating characteristics of our tested excavator and loader, there are
two operation modes (namely low and high idle speeds) during the idle speed stage to
meet the complicated operating conditions and environments. While the operation load
is not large, the machine works at the high idle speed mode to achieve requirements of
various tasks and ensure the economy of the machine. While the operation is shut down
for the time being, the machine works at the low idle speed mode (or the normal idle
speed mode). The high idle speed may be regarded as one characteristic for distin-
guishing operating conditions of excavators and loaders and those of other machines.
Thus, excavators and loaders may freely accelerate or decelerate by means of the low
idle speed mode after their starting; on the other hand, the operating conditions may be
measured by means of integration of the high idle speed mode and the simulation
operation (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. PEMS test for the excavator after installing the DPF

Figure 8 shows changes of the front and rear end PM concentrations and filtration
efficiency of the DPF during the entire measurement process. Figure 8 indicates: the
front end PM concentration of the DPF is relatively low under the low idle speed
operating condition; and the PM concentration tends to significantly rise or fall under
the freely loading or deceleration operating condition. On the other hand, the PM
concentration under the high idle speed operating condition is among those under the
low idle speed and loading operating conditions.
1332 D. Li et al.

Fig. 8. Changes of the front and rear end PM concentrations and the filtration efficiency of the

4.3 Evaluation of PM Emission Reduction Effects After Loading the DPF

After our excavator and loader conforming to China Phase II Emissions Standards were
equipped with passive regeneration DPFs, their PM emissions may be reduced by
about 61.7 kg/year and 51.0 kg/year per vehicle. While assuming all excavators and
loaders conforming to the prior China Phase II Emissions Standards in the central areas
of Tianjin (they account for about 41% of diesel machines in these central areas) were
equipped with DPFs, their PM emissions may be reduced by about 55.7 tons and 26.6
tons; and their total PM emissions account for 59.8% of those of diesel machines in the
central areas of Tianjin.

4.4 Uncertainty Analysis

The uncertainty is mainly from the local emission factor and shortage of those key data
such as the ownership numbers of diesel machines conforming to various emission
standards and diesel machines in various types in our study. The key cause lies in the large
mobility of diesel machines and being lacking of the effective registration and manage-
ment system so that the activity level data may be difficultly gained; moreover, the data
statistic scopes are different and there is uncertainty in the representativeness of samples.
Our study of activity level characteristics of diesel machines is primarily based on
statistical data of a small number of samples so that there may be certain errors with
reference to the actual operating periods and loads of various diesel machines. In
addition, there is the current shortage of emission factor data for diesel machines in
various types and conforming to various emission standards in Tianjin; however, the
emission factors recommended in Guidelines are primarily from EU EMEP/
CORINAIR data, China and foreign research findings and some actual measurement
results and general data. The actual measurement results of emission factors for non-
road mobile machines remain very limited for reference [6] so that actual operating
conditions of diesel machines in various types, engine power ranges and performance
of various emission standards and their corresponding emission levels may not be truly
and fully reflected.
Study on Management of Non-road Diesel Machinery Emission 1333

5 Conclusions
(1) The management inventory of emissions of non-road diesel machines in Tianjin
was established based on survey data. PM emissions of diesel machines in central
areas of Tianjin are mainly from excavators and loaders whose ownership num-
bers account for 57% of the diesel machines there; but their sharing rate of PM
emissions is up to 68.2%. Thus, excavators and loaders shall be the key moni-
toring and management objects in next stage.
(2) Intermittent usage of excavators and loaders are in high frequency; and their mean
cumulative operation period is 6–8 h/day (main usage periods: 09:00–11:00 and
14:00–17:00); and the two periods account for 88–92% of the whole day oper-
ation time. Reference guides may be provided for those management departments
to perform field inspection of emissions of diesel machines.
(3) Excavators and loaders conforming to China Phase II Emissions Standards may be
equipped with passive regeneration DPFs for updating their emission management
modes. The PM emissions may be reduced by more than 98% per machine under
the continuous passive conditions; and the PM emissions may be lowered by about
61.7 kg/year and 51.0 kg/year per vehicle. While assuming all excavators and
loaders conforming to the prior China Phase II Emissions Standards in the central
areas of Tianjin were equipped with DPFs, their PM emissions reduction would
account for 59.8% of those of diesel machines in the central areas of Tianjin.

1. Bao X, Liu Z, Zhu R (2015) Current situation and countermeasures of mobile emission
reduction in China. Environ Protect 43(21):25–27
2. Kean AJ, Sawyer RF, Harley RA (2000) A fuel-based assessment of off-road diesel engine
emissions. J Air Waste Manage Assoc 50(11):1929–1939
3. Zhang Y, Andre M, Li D et al (2017) Development of non-road mobile source emissions
inventory for Tianjin. Environ Sci 38(11):518–523
4. Xiao K (2013) Establishment of non-road mobile source emissions inventory for Beijing-
Tianjin-Hebei. 2013 CSES annual conference proceedings of the Chinese society for
environmental sciences, CSES, vol 3, pp 1631–1637
5. Li D, Wu Y, Zhou Y et al (2012) Fuel consumption and emission inventory of typical
construction equipment in China. Environ Sci 32(2):518–524
6. Lu J, Huang C, Hu Q et al (2017) Air pollutant emission inventory of non-road machineries
in typical cities in Eastern China. Environ Sci 38(7):1–14
7. Zhang L, Zheng J, Yin S et al (2010) Development of non-road mobile source emission
inventory for the pearl river delta region. Environ Sci 31(4):886–891
8. Yang L, Zeng W, Zhang Y et al (2015) Establishment of emission inventory and spatial-
temporal allocation model for air pollutant sources in the pearl river delta region. China
Environ Sci 35(12):3521–3534
9. Xu J, Li M, Xu D, Su M (2006) Study on portable emission measurement system.
Tianjin AUTO (03):30–33
10. ECE Regulation No.49. Uniform provisions concerning the measures to be taken against the
emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines and
positive ignition engines for use in vehicles
Short Papers
Improvement and Research on Innovative
Cultivating Mode Through Cooperation
Between Higher Vocational Colleges
and Enterprises

Boru Yang(&) and Kai Liu

Yunnan College of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Language,

Yang Lin, Kunming 651700, China

Abstract. According to the analysis of the cooperation mode for talent training
between higher vocational colleges and enterprise at present stage, the present
situation of the cooperation mode for talent training between colleges and
enterprises is summarized, and the improvement measures for this model can be

Keywords: Higher vocational colleges and enterprises  Cooperation 

Cultivating mode  Improvement requirement

At the present stage, higher vocational education should keep pace with the times on
the educational policy published by the state, renew the concept, and constantly
enhance its educational ability. Taking Scientific Outlook on Development as the core,
It should adhere to innovation education and cultivate new type of talents that meet
social needs. Therefore, in the face of the restrictions caused by traditional mode on
improving the innovative method of cultivating talents in higher vocational colleges, it
is necessary to remove the traditional backward concepts to build the cooperation and
exchange platform between colleges and enterprises, carry out the interaction between
engineering and work, and improve the cultivating modle to implement the concept of

1 First, the Status of School-Enterprise Cooperation

in Higher Vocational Colleges

The history of China’s higher vocational colleges is relatively short, most of which
were first built in 1989–1995. After more than 20 years of effort, a good mode of
cooperation has been built between schools and enterprises, and a variety of personality
training models have been created. At present, the cooperation between schools and
enterprises in higher vocational education can be divided into three levels according to
the depth of their cooperation [1]. The first layer is the shallow cooperation. The main
target is to establish the training base of the school in the enterprise. The key point of
this model is that the members of the professional guidance committee are required,

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1337–1341, 2019.
1338 B. Yang and K. Liu

and most of them are enterprise experts. Then the model is developed by the members
to form a mechanism of production and learning cooperation. This model is most
widely used at present, but the basis of cooperation between the two sides is relatively
weak and has no clear purpose, mostly only on the surface of the form. The second
layer is middle-level cooperation. Instead of staying in form, schools and enterprises
form a horizontal consortium and investment entities, which are characterized by
diversification. Schools and enterprises invest together in the construction of training
centers to cultivate talents. The training center enables students to practice live training
in enterprises [2]. The channel of mutual benefit between schools and enterprises is
created and the school is responsible for the development of the project, the cultivation
and the input of the talents needed for the professional innovation enterprise. The
enterprise is responsible for providing the necessary equipment for the school, and the
two sides continue to interact in depth through the construction of the training center to
carry out special training for the students. At present, some vocational colleges grad-
ually apply this mode to achieve win-win results with enterprises. The third level is the
deep cooperation. The school and enterprise penetrate each other deeply, aiming at the
development demand and orientation of the enterprise, the school designs and studies
the direction of economic development and scientific research so that the results of
development can be transformed into operational decisions, skills and products to
achieve overall improvement in efficiency [3]. The enterprise is responsible for the
investment of the scientific research, equipment, and expansion of the school. The
model of mutual benefit sharing is set up between the two sides, and the model of the
three integration of the teaching, scientific research and development is realized. At
present, this mode has not yet been fully implemented, and is still under study.
At present, in order to adapt to the rapid development of the market economy and
the purpose of survival, more and more colleges are seeking to cooperate with enter-
prises actively, but the enterprises are becoming more and more passive at present [4].
Most of the enterprises only stay on the financial support of the training base, training
staff and the development of the project. It is quite different from the ideal deep
cooperation between school and enterprise to achieve the sustainable and mutually
beneficial development.

2 An Analysis of the Cultivating Mode of School-Enterprise


2.1 The Existing Model of School-Enterprise Cooperation

1. Order-based cultivating model

At present, the urgent task of the higher vocational colleges should be to study and
analyze the needs for tanlents of the enterprises at the present stage and to build or
improve the education program in accordance with these needs. According to the needs
of enterprises, targeted training in division and class should be carried out. School
teachers teach students theoretical knowledge, and relevant practical training is carried
out by training personnel in enterprises [5]. After graduation, students can start to work
Improvement and Research on Innovative Cultivating Mode 1339

in the enterprise, so that they can better adapt to the internal work needs and working
environment. But this kind of cultivation will only lead to the poor adaptability of the
students to other companies, so that they do not have good adaptability and devel-
opment ability after leaving the order business, and the forming capacity will be
2. The practical cultivating mode out of school
This mode requires higher vocational colleges to provide practical sites and engi-
neering projects with the help of enterprises, arrange to visit the enterprise production
base during the students’ practice, and carry out practice here. In the base, students will
be able to apply the theoretical knowledge learned in the school and fit into the
production practice.
3. The mode of engineering-project cooperation
Schools and enterprises can cooperate with engineering and scientific research projects
so as to build a platform conducive to students’ practice. Schools can use these projects
as a carrier to rationally arrange practical teaching content and time, and make the
teaching system more suitable for the improvement of enterprises. The cooperation
between school and enterprise has multiple interests. For the enterprise, it is beneficial
to the research and development of the project and can promote the innovation of the
product in order to drive the economic benefit of the enterprise, and can stand firmly in
the increasingly fierce market. However, this mode requires the teachers of vocational
schools to have scientific research ability instead of just explaining in class [6]. In
addition, suitable projects are needed to cooperate with enterprises.
4. The model of part-time teachers in enterprises
Vocational schools can hire staff from some enterprises as teaching instructors, so as to
improve students’ abilities in practice in all aspects. At the same time, we can invite
experts from relevant enterprises to come to the school to give lectures and to teach the
students the new technology, the innovative production craft and the development of
the latest industry. In addition, teachers can be sent to the enterprise to provide
guidance and professional training for their employees [5]. In this way, we can break
the traditional cooperation mode of hardware and equipment sharing between schools
and enterprises, and transform it into a pattern of sharing knowledge.

2.2 The Shortcoming of Cultivating Talents by Cooperation Between

School and Enterprise
Although enterprises provide training bases for schools and relevant agreements have
been signed between schools and enterprises to enable students to enter the enterprises
for training and internship, in fact, most enterprises let students visit and carry out
temporary practice in, but at present, the practice training for students has not reached
the quality required by the teaching [7]. The students’ practice in the enterprise is only
superficial to pipeline engineering and operation. There are no relevant agreements
1340 B. Yang and K. Liu

between the school and enterprise, and there is no agreement on training between the
enterprises and the enterprises. It is necessary for the teachers to contact the enterprises
to discuss the training for students leaded by themselves [8]. But this is only the
personal cooperation between the enterprises and the teachers. Because the level is not
enough, even if they get the cooperation of the practice, it is just superficial to a great
extent. Students may not learn the needed abilities and experiences in practice.

3 Cooperation of the Training Mode of Creative Talents

Between School and Enterprise
3.1 The Grounds of Taking School-Enterprise Cooperation as the Basis
for Setting Up the Curriculum System
Taking majors as standard and basis for dividing curriculum system, the traditional
colleges tend to teach the theoretical knowledge and neglect practice. In the school-
enterprise cooperation mode, the colleges should make full investigation of the industry
and the position, set up a reasonable and scientific curriculum system, which can apply
to the enterprise, and deeply analyze the vocational skills and the needs. Ensuring that
the school curriculum will not be divorced from the reality, the curriculum system of
the university can have the systematic and project driven advantages [9]. In the course
setting, we should discuss and study with the technical personnel of the enterprise so
that the curriculum, the specialty and the enterprise can have a higher degree of
agreement, and the integration of teaching and practice is achieved.

3.2 Build School-Enterprise Cooperative Teaching Team

The key to nurturing talents lies in teachers. Vocational schools need to rely on
excellent teaching teams to cultivate skilled and applied innovative talents. This
requires a teacher team not only to master professional theory knowledge, but also have
practical ability. Therefore, teachers can put into the process of actual project pro-
duction in order to improve their ability in practice.

3.3 Promote the Combination of Production, Study and Research

in School-Enterprise Cooperative Modle
This is one of the effective ways to cultivate talents, to realize the model of double track
training, to arrange students to internship in the enterprise, and to give students sub-
sidies according to the standard. After completing the first stage of internship, students
need to learn corporate culture and train their working skills [10]. In the production
position, the master instructed the students to operate personally, let the students work
together with the staff, and experience the working environment and process in the
Improvement and Research on Innovative Cultivating Mode 1341

4 Conclusion

School-enterprise cooperation requires the consistency between school and enterprise

to achieve goals and educational tasks, and emphasizes the combination and applica-
tion of theoretical knowledge and practice. So that students can apply their theoretical
knowledge to work in practice. The two sides should rely on each other and win the
situation together.

1. Jin X (2016) Improvement and exploration of innovative cultivating mode in school-
enterprise cooperation in higher vocational colleges. Technol Innov 14:133
2. Zou J (2016) Research on cultivating mode of school-enterprise cooperation in mechan-
otronics in higher vocational colleges. Sci Technol Innov Herald 13(1):142–143
3. Jiang X (2016) The innovation and practice of cultivating mode of school-enterprise
cooperation in interior design in higher vocational. Art Educ Res (9):159–160
4. Wang Y (2016) Analysis of the connotation of the innovative cultivating mode of “school-
enterprise cooperation” in higher vocational colleges. Intelligence (32):104–105
5. Cui H (2012) Adaptive adjustment of innovative cultivating mode of “school-enterprise
cooperation” in higher vocational colleges. Continu Educ Res 05:56–58
6. Huang M, Zheng S (2016) Research on the performance management of teachers in private
vocational colleges. Hum Resour Manage (09):116–118
7. Zhao Y (2015) On the construction of teachers’ team in the transition from private higher
vocational education to applied undergraduate course. Mark Weekly (Theor Res) (12):140–
8. Yao Y, Wang K, Xu Y (2015) Research on the status quo, problems and countermeasures of
teaching staff construction in private higher vocational colleges—taking Jiangsu Province as
an example. Vocat Educ Res (12):38–42
9. Bao G (2015) The restricted factors and path selection of teacher staff construction in private
higher vocational colleges. J Jiamusi Vocat Coll (11):8–9
10. Zheng M, Liao D (2017) Research on applied innovative cultivating mode of cloud
computing in higher vocational colleges. Comput Knowl Technol 1303:157–158+162
An Analysis on the Translation of Public
Signs in Wuhan

Hao Peng(&)

Foreign Languages School, Wuhan Polytechnic University,

Wuhan 430024, China

Abstract. As an important language phenomenon, public signs perform great

social functions in people’s daily life. Public signs, which can be seen in public
place affect us in many ways are necessary to us. With China’s development,
more and more foreigners come to China for their business, tour and study.
Public signs can bring convenience for their daily life; meantime, it also can help
them know better about China. However, there exist many problems in the
translation of public signs causing the pragmatic failure and damaging our
international image. So we should pay more attention to it. Only when trans-
lation of public signs achieves the intended purpose can we say our translation is
successful. This paper attempts to choose the Chinese-English translation of
public signs in Wuhan as the subject of research, analyze the problems and put
forward some solutions. Moreover, the SPSS is used to make a T testing of
independent sample to data so as to analyze the pragmatic failure during the
course of the application of translation.

Keywords: Public  Signs  Translation  Pragmatic

1 Introduction

With the increase of economic and cultural exchanges, more and more foreigners have
come to China. The importance of English as “the world’s the language” seems par-
ticularly outstanding especially through the Olympic Games and World Expo [1].
Public sign, as a city card, leaves the first important impression to foreign people.
Therefore, the English translation of Chinese public signs becomes more necessary
than ever before. But there are still many problems in the translation of public signs,
and some of them are serious. Even in international metropolis such as Beijing,
Shanghai, the situation is not optimistic. The situation doesn’t match with the rapid
development of our economy, culture and expansion of international communication.

2 How to Define and Classify the Public Sign

In Collins Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, a sign is a mark or shape that always

has a particular meaning, for example in mathematics or music.; a sign is a piece of
wood, metal, or plastic with words or pictures on it. Signs give you information about

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V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1342–1346, 2019.
An Analysis on the Translation of Public Signs in Wuhan 1343

something, or give you a warning or an instruction according to the Webster’s Third

New International Dictionary, it is defined as a public display of a (usually written)
message or structure displaying a board on which advertisements can be posted.
Sign is a fundamental linguistic unit linking a signifier to that which is signified. It
contains many different signs in the public, for instance, posters, slogans, outdoor
advertisements, traffic notices etc. In detail, it includes neighborhood signs, parking
signs, non-smoking signs, slogans and so on.
There are many different signs in the public. They tell you what to do or what not to
do in a place. Do you know what they exact mean? For example, if you go to see a film,
you should enter the cinema at the ENTRANCE and leave for the EXIT. You will
either find NO SMOKING signs in many cinemas. If you visit a museum, don’t take
some photos inside the halls. You are not allowed. You will find NO PHOTOS signs in
many museum. When you drive a car, don’t park in a street without a NO PARKING
sign. Making sure you understood the signs and you won’t get into any trouble.

3 Effects and Features

Public signs in social terms as an important part of the language are areas of social
management. Public signs as a specific functional form of text has a long history in the
nations of the world’s socio-cultural and economic development process are playing a
standard, coordination, security, stability of the functional mechanism [3]. Public Signs
covers a wide range, from the stylistic characteristics of English public signs five
characteristics: First, use all capital generally, without a period; Second, words are few,
at least in some only a word; third term streamlined, common noun, gerund, or noun
phrase; fourth, sometimes using the imperative; five is sometimes also use an informal
style. From the applications point of view, public signs possess indicative, suggestive,
restrictive, mandatory four prominent features.
Public signs reflect the different functions, information display state is different: to
highlight the services indicator is often displayed with a “static” in the information;
highlight tips, restrictions, mandatory features more use of public signs of “dynamic”
significance of the word. For English signs, the two major difference is: more use of
public signs in Chinese is imperative, simple and concise; more use of public signs in
English expressions is physical presentation, tactful and indirect; Chinese tend to use
more verbs, narrative is dynamic; English tend to use more nouns, narrative was static.

Table 1. Functions & characteristics of public signs in English & Chinese

Public signs Functions
Standard Coordination Security Stability
Indicative Suggestive Restrictive Mandatory
English Static Imperative Simple Concise
Chinese Dynamic Physical Tactful Indirect
1344 H. Peng

From Table 1, we can easily find the similarities between the two languages, in which
the language style is simple, convenient, conspicuous, and often use rhetorical devices.
However, a series of differences remain. This stylistic analysis focuses more on its
functional meaning in symbolic translation than on the formal features of the text itself.

4 Translation Principle

The diversity of language structure and expression is caused by the differences between
the two cultures in social system, values and ways of thinking. Based on Skopos’
theory, A-B-C method has a clear functional orientation and is an effective translation
principle of public signs [4].
A-B-C method refers to adaptive method, borrowing method and creating method.
If there are similar signs in English-speaking countries, then the original signs need to
be adjusted. If you can refer to the corresponding English equivalents, you can borrow
them directly. For some public signs with Chinese characteristics, translators need to
create appropriate expressions according to the purpose of the target text.
The result of A-B-C method is that the text with the same function as the original
text can be realized. When the target text function is the same as the source text
function, it can be called equivalent function translation [5]. The A-B-C approach
makes functional equivalence a reality, and therefore corresponds to what Reiss calls
communicative translation, in which case the recipient would ideally not notice or even
be interested in the fact that they are reading the translation (Table 2).

Table 2. The pragmatic instances of A-B-C approach

Translation principle Instances
A (adapt Adapt the existing English Subject to availability
approach) signs Twists ahead. Drive with care
Mime the English sayings All over the world, Guilin Landscape is best!
Using is believing
B (borrow Parking signs borrowed Time limit parking
approach) Pay parking
The established Variety store
expressions borrowed Mail order retailing
C (create No conventional It’s much better to be late in this world than
approach) expressions to borrow to be early in the next
Drink and drive costs your life

A Public sing is an application text. As a special pragmatic material, it has obvious

communicative purposes. As for pragmatic and cultural issues, most of them can be
based on the A-B-C method. Symbols may contain only a few words, but their
translation is by no means easy. In order to establish a good image of Wuhan and better
communicate with the outside world, we must attach importance to the translation of
public signs.
An Analysis on the Translation of Public Signs in Wuhan 1345

5 Investigation Results and Analysis of the Translation


Public Signs usually appear in the striking position, with a window function, its
application is very extensive, involving almost all aspects of our daily lives [6]. Where
is the most widely used public facilities, public transport, tourist attractions and other
places, such as gas stations, ticketing centers, museums, historical sites, parks and so
on. In addition, there are street district, foreign institutions, public institutions, com-
mercial facilities, sports facilities, cultural facilities, health facilities, services for the
disabled and many other places [7]. However, on account of the lack of attention to
bilingual public language and unified management, the translation of public signs is far
from satisfactory, resulting in the translation errors being found everywhere.

Table 3. The results of T testing independent sample of translation errors

Positions Errors
Varieties of translation errors
Spelling Syntax Chinglish Irregular Tone of
errors error language discord
Public facilities 3.2523 0.6534 3.4033 0.6945 0.069
Public transport 2.743 0.6554 2.8421 0.6131 0.104
Public 3.1376 0.7181 3.2351 0.6617 0.114
Tourist 2.9720 0.7098 3.0531 0.7364 0.206
Commercial 2.7472 0.7785 2.7481 0.7481 0.837
Sports facilities 2.7384 0.7125 2.7063 0.7367 0.741

This results of translation errors come from the records from the writer’s on-the-
spot investigation, of which 192 valid questionnaires are obtained. After the scores of
six positions of translation errors are counted, the data is inputted into computer for
analysis by means of SPSS so that the total mean scores can be acquired. Then the data
is counted with T testing of independent sample.
From Table 3, it can be found that Pinyin translation of public signs in question is
the most common and most easily overlooked an error, including direct write alphabet
and misspellings. Directly written alphabet, to understand Chinese people will know
what that means, and let the newly arrived foreigners would be incomprehensible.
Spelling errors, mainly caused by the careless, this error though not misleading, but
will affect the city’s image.
Syntax errors are wrong with the singular and plural nouns, articles used
improperly, using the wrong verb form, and part of speech abused. Singular and plural
nouns error, such as Man’s Restroom should be Men’s Restroom; part of speech abuse,
such as “be careful meet” translated as “Be mind your head”, mind is a verb not an
adjective, should be directed to “Mind your head”.
1346 H. Peng

Since both English and Chinese cultural backgrounds, the two languages have their
own language habits and thinking [8]. Direct expression of Chinese public signs are
bright, such as “No Smoking”; English puts greater emphasis on the object, the
expression of euphemism, but also takes into account the politeness principle, there is
no lack of humor.

6 Conclusion

Public sign in society is an important information carrier, especially economic glob-

alization, the quality of translation cannot be ignored public signs [9]. The English
translation of public signs should first consider using the proper norms and standards in
English-English one on one replacement, no corresponding translation in the case of
public signs in reference to the functional requirements for translation and language
style to ensure that public signs the translation is accurate, specifications, and truly play
an effective role in transmitting information to promote the inter-understanding as well
as communications with other countries, thus making Wuhan more open and inclusive
to embrace the culture from the outside world [10].

Acknowledgements. This work was financially supported by the 2018 Scientific Research
Project of Wuhan Polytechnic University: A Normalized Study on the Chinese-English Trans-
lation of Public Signs in Wuhan.

1. Dollerup C (2006) Perspectives: studies in translatology, vol 2. Tsinghua Press, Beijing no 4,
p 81
2. Nord C (2006) Text analysis in translation. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,
China, pp 101–104
3. Searle JR (2001) Expression and meaning: studies in the theory of speech acts. Beijing
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, China, p 54
4. Newmark P (2001) Approaches to translation. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,
China, pp 98–99
5. Nida EA, Taber CR (2001) The theory and practice of translation. Shanghai Foreign
Language Education Press, China, pp 48–50
6. Seneff S (1992) A natural language system for spoken language applications. Comput
Linguist 18(1):61–86
7. Och FJ, Tillmann C, Ney H (1999) Improved alignment models for statistical machine
translation, vol 6. no 2, pp 111–112
8. Miller S, Bobrow R, Ingria R, Schwartz R (1994) Hidden understanding models of natural
language, vol 3, no 1, pp 25–32
9. Kuhn R, de Mor R (1998) Sentence interpretation. Academic Press, Cambridge, pp 485–522
10. Information on http://www.smashingmagazine.com
Research on Parameter Optimization
of Improving Machining Accuracy
and Productivity of CNC Milling
of Complex Parts

Xiurong Zhu(&)

College of Mechanical Engineering, Jilin Teacher’s Institute of Engineering

and Technology, Changchun 130052, Jilin, China

Abstract. Through of complex thin-walled parts milling process analysis,

expounds the process route of part of the formulation principle, tool radius
compensation and the processing method, the test method, of processing
parameters were adjusted optimization research, choosing the optimal parame-
ters, and automatic programming and machining simulation, meet the require-
ments of precision, at the same time, improve the machining productivity.
Research results first in the sixth national competition CNC milling machine
workers group application and achieved very good results, in school students
training courses and graduate design application, the effect is very good. Is of
practical value. To promote enterprise, improve enterprise competitiveness.

Keywords: Complex parts  CNC milling  Machining accuracy 

Productivity  Parameter optimization

1 Introduction

With the continuous development of industry, output of spiral bevel gear production
also in rapid growth. In gear transmission, especially in the axis of intersection of
mechanical transmission, straight bevel gear is applied widely [1, 2]. Because of the
straight bevel gear spiral bevel gear is easy to design and processing, the tooth line in
mechanical transmission also does not produce axial force [3]. However, in the process
of mechanical transmission, in terms of motion stability and bearing capacity [4–6].
Straight bevel gear is not spiral bevel gear. Spiral bevel gear has high strength, able to
work more steadily, suitable for relatively large gear deceleration, tooth wear uniform,
improve the contact area, can improve the tooth face roughness and a significant
reduction in noise [7, 8]. So in the car almost universal use of spiral bevel gear [9]. To
this end, we propose spiral bevel gear design and processing theory parameters and
simulation research is very necessary. Computer aided process design, in the spiral bevel
gear CNC machining plays very important role, to improve the product quality [10].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1347–1352, 2019.
1348 X. Zhu

2 Process Analysis of CNC Milling of 2 Thin Wall Parts

2.1 Analyze the Drawing and Select the Clamping Positioning Surface
Complex parts as shown in the diagram, parts have curved surface, slope, trough, side
slot and surface and the cube frame separation requirements. According to the struc-
tural shape of the part, it is applied in practical processing. machine tool processing
characteristics, choose the part of the bottom surface for clamping and locating surface
and fixture with thumb forceps. Trough camber can be used special fixture. Taking into
account the parts of the long, wide, high maximum size, so choose blank size is a
cuboid. Considering the CNC milling machine processing capacity is not very good
and the rigidity is poor, however, parts of the surface roughness, high size precision
request, so choose optional parts of the blank material is aluminum alloy, because
aluminum alloy parts machining performance and do not need to do heat treatment
processing (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Parts of complex parts

2.2 Determination of Processing Methods

The roughness of the parts of the groove is not required, according to the standard
requirements of 1.6, Therefore, during the milling process, rough milling is performed
first, followed by finishing milling. And considering the selection of The blank is made
of aluminum alloy and has good cutting performance. and no crusts on the surface, so
the machining by milling method. Only in this way can improve the machining surface
Research on Parameter Optimization 1349

roughness, and can reduce the tool wear. In the groove and working hours, considering
the machining precision and positioning accuracy, can use ø10 end mills are rough
milling bottom surface trough, the slope and the side groove the ø8 end mills are rough
milling and finish milling processing can meet the requirements of machining accuracy
of parts.

2.3 Selective Processing Route

In the processing of groove contour, because the blank is a aluminum alloy parts,
cutting performance good, so it should be using CIS milling processing method of
milling processing, to improve the machining precision. At the same time, in order to
avoid tool in cutting and cutting provenance leave feed and retreat knife marks, in the
tool cut in and cut out the cycloid cutting method. Therefore, According to the nature of
the blank material, during the processing, the bottom surface is selected as the reference
surface. surface as the positioning reference plane, by successively order rough milling
part shape and groove surface, in does not lift the knife, finishing, considering the
rigidity of the parts so need making a special fixture to ensure the positioning precision
of the work piece.

2.4 Selection of Processing Parameters

CNC milling machine by considering the characteristics of actual performance and
processing, we use the high speed machining of cycloid, the cutting depth is part of the
final depth of 19 mm. The roughness of the machined surface is higher, so the need for
crude, in the process of finishing, in rough machining, cutting depth MID choose
0.3 mm, choose the precision machining allowance is 0.5 mm and the amount of feed
of the machine is 10000 mm/min, so in order to improve the processing efficiency. In
the rough, the contour of feed selection (FFP1) is 1500 mm/min, depth is not involved
in cutting in program design, so the amount of feed (FFD) machine for the fastest
speed, which is 1500 mm/min in precision machining, in order to ensure Surface and
contour machining accuracy requirements, the choice of the contour direction of the
feed rate (i.e. FFP1) is 2000 mm/min the member of parts made of aluminum alloy
material, the cutting performance good, and the feed rate and depth are relatively small,
so the investigation table reference, the cutting speed can get bigger, so the choice of
cutting speed for the 1500 m/min so when 10 vertical milling cutter milling processing
of parts, the spindle speed:

1000  v
n¼ ¼ 2400 r=min

After calculation can be obtained, can choose its rough machining spindle speed of
3000 r/min, precision machining spindle speed is 3000 r/min (Figs. 2 and 3).
The choice of three elements of rough machining is shown in Table 1.
The machining allowance of the bevel processing and surface processing is
0.01 mm, machining accuracy is 0.01 mm, interference margin is 0.01 mm, select ø8
end mills are rough milling and finish milling processing (Table 2).
1350 X. Zhu

Table 1. Three elements of groove cutting

Spindle speed (r/min) Feed rate Every time you eat a knife (mm)
Rough machining 3000 1500 – 10
Finish machining 3000 2000 – 10

Table 2. Three factors of slope cutting

Spindle speed (r/min) Feed rate Every time you eat a knife (mm)
Rough machining 3000 2000 – 10
Finish machining 3000 2000 – 10

Fig. 2. Bottom surface processing

Fig. 3. Above processing chart

2.5 Select Tool

Due to this part for big batch production so in order to reduce tool change time and
auxiliary time so choose solid cemented carbide blade grinding tool and must be coated
with, according to part drawing analysis of bottom surface trough roughing tool selection
D10 standard long tool must be for blade 4 to meet the rigidity of the work piece, and the
timeliness. At the end of surface finishing groove, surface rough machining, tool groove
side with D8, in the premise of satisfying accuracy, improve productivity.

3 Simulation Process

Through drawing analysis, determine the rough and finish machining route, choosing
the suitable processing tool, rough machining and finish machining. In processing prior
to machining simulation, repeated machining simulation, optimization of machining
Research on Parameter Optimization 1351

parameters, determined the final processing scheme. After simulation and optimization
of processing parameters, using the data or if card, the automatically generated program
transmission to the CNC milling machine, processing to meet the precision require-
ments of the parts. At the same time, can effective use of CNC machine tools, improve
productivity (Figs. 4, 5 and 6).

Fig. 4. Simulation of bot- Fig. 5. Surface simulation Fig. 6. Processing the final
tom surface process graphics

4 Concluding Remarks

Through the complex thin-walled parts milling process analysis, making parts
machining process route of the principle of tool radius compensation and the pro-
cessing method, the test method of machining parameters for the adjustment and
optimization of selecting the optimal parameters, and then automatic programming and
Simulation of processing, to meet the machining accuracy requirements, and at the
same time, improve the machining productivity. Processing parameters optimization in
the sixth session of the national competition of numerical control milling machine
worker group application, achieved very good results, individual ranked in the top 20.
In the school student training courses and graduate design application, the effect is very
good. There is practical value to business promotion, to improve the enterprise

1. Yu J, Xu G (2010) Numerical control processing technology and programming. National
Defence Industry Press, pp 42–45
2. Pu Y, Jiang F (2010) Numerical control milling and processing practical technique.
Mechanical Industry Press (10)
3. Wu L (2014) Discussion on CAM software in China today. Electron Technol Softw Eng
4. Han H, Wang C, Wu H (2009) NC milling machining center operator/technician training
course in full. Chemical Industry Press (6)
5. Tang J, Huang Y, Zhou C (2009) Spiral bevel gear tooth surface geometry modeling
computer simulation 26(2):293–297
1352 X. Zhu

6. Zhu M (2013) Parametric design of non circular gear and development of automatic
programming system. Lanzhou University of Technology
7. Wang K, Feng J (2013) High efficiency machining technology for large forgings. J Harbin
Univ Sci Technol (2):65–67
8. Cheng Y, Liu L, Qian J, Gong Y, Shi H (2013) Automotive panel die machining technology
of hardened steel. J Harbin Univ Sci Technol (2):13–15
9. Zhao J (2008) The research of the special programming method of the numerical control and
the realization of the compiler function. Shanghai Jiao Tong University (01)
10. Gu Y (2010) Numerical control milling technology. Beijing Institute of Technology Press
Study on Operation and Maintenance
Management Mode of High-Voltage
Transmission Lines

Huigang Wang(&), Jian Han, Kan Zhang, Feng Wang, and Sheng Fan

State Grid Maintenance Co.,

SEPC, Shanghai 030031, Shanxi, People’s Republic of China

Abstract. With the widespread use of electricity since the reform and opening
up, people have become more and more dependent on electricity in production
and life. As a main part of the power grid, the operation and maintenance of
high-voltage transmission lines have a direct bearing on the stability of people’s
use of electricity and the degree of power supply. It is necessary to set the
operation and maintenance management mode of high-voltage transmission
lines. Its regular maintenance and operation can ensure the safety and stability of
the grid to a large extent, and to ensure the stability and security of electric
energy. This paper will analyze the current situation of maintenance and man-
agement of high-voltage transmission lines in China to find out the unreasonable
phenomena existing in the current operation and maintenance. This paper will
also study a set of more practical maintenance and management mode of high-
voltage transmission lines, aiming to improve the maintenance of high-voltage
transmission lines and to bring people a better life experience.

Keywords: High-voltage transmission line  Operation and maintenance 

Management mode  Power grid safety

With the continuous development of China’s economy, the high-voltage transmission

lines are spreading all over the regions, and the demand for electricity in people’s lives
and work is also growing. High-voltage transmission lines are in the entire grid. The
system has taken on the main role of power transmission, and its operation and
maintenance and maintenance have largely determined the stability and safety of power
grid [1]. Therefore, in order to avoid the functional problems caused by lightning
strikes, line aging and storms, electricity enterprises should implement reasonable
operation and maintenance management to constantly improve the quality of service
and strengthen the maintenance of high-voltage lines.

1 Problems Existing in the Process of Maintenance

and Operation of High-Voltage Transmission Line Circuits

1.1 Risk Prevention Measures for Natural Factors Are Unsatisfactory

There are all kinds of natural phenomena in the earth, such as lightning, storms and bird
activities, which affects the integrity of the high-voltage transmission lines to a certain
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1353–1357, 2019.
1354 H. Wang et al.

extent. Once the natural risk prevention measures are not in place, it is difficult to do the
relevant protection work before the risk comes. It is too late to carry out the corre-
sponding remedial work after natural disaster occurs. The emergence of this situation is
easy to affect the power supply function of the grid [2]. However, during the operation
and maintenance of high-voltage transmission lines, most of the maintenance staff fail
to adjust the location of the high-voltage transmission lines according to the actual
natural conditions, and fail to carry out the relevant risk assessment and risk prevention,
which is likely to lead to the damage of high-voltage transmission lines when they
encounter lightning strikes and other problems. It does not work properly, affecting
people’s production and daily life.

1.2 The Operation and Maintenance Management Level of Some Power

Managers Can Not Meet the Corresponding Requirements
Most of the staff who carry out management work in power enterprises are functional
departments, and they do not know enough about the operation and maintenance work
of the activity departments. Besides, they do not know much about the relevant
operation and maintenance expertise. So, in the implementation of operation and
maintenance management, there are often problems such as obstacles in the commu-
nication between departments. The problems existing in the high-voltage transmission
line can not be solved well, which also reflects the problem that the overall manage-
ment level of the electricity enterprise managers does not meet the corresponding
requirements. In addition, due to the existence of various objective and subjective
factors, the communication between the activity departments and the functional
departments is not sufficient, so it is impossible to form a good atmosphere for mutual
exchange of experience and mutual learning, which is also very unfavorable to solve
the problem of operation and maintenance of high-voltage transmission lines. As a
result, the implementation standards of two departments are not consistent, and the
management level of operation and maintenance can not be further improved.

1.3 Each Region Is Solely Responsible for Its Regional Power Grid,
and It Is Difficult to Achieve Unified Optimization of Power Supply
Since the power supply in the area is independently supplied by the power supply
stations in various regions, power supply imbalance is often caused in the power
supply, and this is not conducive to the unified and optimized management of power
supply facilities. The power supply stations in each region will only be responsible for
the supply and maintenance of the power supply and the operation and maintenance of
the power grid in the region, but the division of the area can not be very precise. Once
there is a problem with the cross-regional high-voltage transmission lines, it is
impossible to determine which area of the operation and maintenance personnel to
perform maintenance management. It may result in two or more power supply stations
dispatching professionals to carry out the operation and maintenance of high-voltage
transmission lines when problems occur on the trans-regional lines, which wastes a lot
of manpower, financial and material resources. It does not conform to the principle of
Study on Operation and Maintenance Management Mode 1355

action economy and efficiency economy, which greatly reduces the efficiency of power
supply units. What’s more, the power supply unit is solely responsible for the optimal
management of the power supply facilities in the region. There is no unified imple-
mentation management standard as a whole, which can easily lead to unreasonable
allocation, and the shortage or excess of allocation optimization.

2 Exploration on the Reform of Operation and Maintenance

Management Mode of High-Voltage Transmission Lines
2.1 To Establish a Complete Operation and Maintenance Management
A professional operation and maintenance team can largely guarantee the safety and
stability of high-voltage lines and make a good internal management system. The
internal management and supervision system for the implementation of circuit opera-
tion and maintenance is of great significance. The power enterprises can implement the
system of mutual supervision and management of internal personnel, and form a
responsibility management system from bottom to up according to the principle “who
manages, who is responsible” [3]. By the internal supervision and management of the
team, the operation and maintenance management team can be improved to further
develop a unified and high-quality management. When there is a problem in the line,
the problem will be fed back to the operation and maintenance management team. The
operation and maintenance management team will carry out the internal resources to
reduce all kinds of problems caused by insufficient communication and lack of pro-
fessional knowledge, which is convenient for unified management.

2.2 To Strengthen Management Experience Exchange Among Staff

in Power Supply Areas
Due to the lack of experience exchange within the maintenance management team, it
will lead to a series of problems such as inconsistent standards of implementation. The
lack of external communication may waste the human resources and material resources
of power supply enterprises, making the management efficiency of power supply units
not high. Therefore, in the internal management, it is necessary to strengthen the
communication between various departments, strengthen the training of professional
skills of employees, and enhance the interaction between administrative departments
and activity departments, so that they can understand the operation of each department
and solve the starting point of the problem, so as to achieve the unified standard within
the power supply unit management [4]. It is also necessary to maintain long-term
communication between the power supply units. Regular meetings can be held to
enhance the exchange of experience and learning between the two sides. At the same
time, in case of cross-regional high-voltage transmission line problems, the relevant
regional responsible units should be timely communication with each other to negotiate
a reasonable solution, and proceed to the next management solution.
1356 H. Wang et al.

2.3 To Prevent the Damage Caused by Natural Factors and Formulate

Solutions in Advance
The problem of high-voltage transmission line caused by natural factors such as
lightning, ice and snow disasters and bird activities is also very serious. Therefore,
power supply operators and maintenance personnel must pay attention to this problem
and fully consider various kinds of high-voltage transmission lines, and carried out
before the problems occur. For example, in colder areas, the area covered by snow and
ice is wider. When setting up high-voltage transmission lines, a method of shortening
the setting points of two transmission lines can be adopted, and the influence time of
snow and ice on high-voltage transmission lines is relatively high-wind and lightening
strike. It takes longer for natural hazards, so the professionals should study the natural
snow cover and the time of ice disaster in this area according to the actual situation in
the area, and then determine the specific preventive measures. Because some natural
disasters are very difficult to fundamentally eliminate the natural safety hazards of the
circuit from the prevention, therefore, we are doing the corresponding disaster reso-
lution policy while preventing natural disasters, so that high-voltage transmission line
can achieve the highest efficiency.

3 Discussion

The operation and maintenance management of high-voltage transmission lines are the
major issue that power units must pay attention to. It is related to the security and
stability of power grid. At present, the main problems in the process of the operation
and maintenance of high-voltage transmission lines mainly include the unsatisfying
prevention measures of natural disasters, the problems of the maintenance and man-
agement of the lines and the uniform implementation standards between the units. In
order to effectively solve the operation and maintenance management problem of high-
voltage transmission lines, it is necessary to optimize the construction scheme of
management team and strengthen the internal and external exchange of the unit. When
setting up high-voltage transmission lines, risk judgment should be made according to
the actual situation of the erected area, hazards caused by natural factors should be
prevented, and relevant solutions should be formulated in advance. Only in this way
can the management level of operation and maintenance of high-voltage transmission
lines be improved, the security and stability of power supply be guaranteed, and people
enjoy better quality of power supply services.

1. Qi Y (2017) Application research of state patrol in operation and maintenance of 500 kV
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and maintenance. Innov Appl Sci Technol (18):186–186
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6. Wei Z (2016) Discussion on technical difficulties and countermeasures of high voltage
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Analysis of Excavation Procedure and Stability
in Jointed Rock Masses of the Large
Underground Caverns

Wen Wang1,2(&), Guangwen Liu1, Qiang Su1, and Rui Han3

Shandong Urban Construction Vocational College, Jinan 250103, China
Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
Shandong Zhengyuan Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.,
Jinan 250100, China

Abstract. As the construction of key projects in rocky areas increases, the

study of rock properties have become a focus of research. In the long forming
process of rock masses, tectonic forces would result in all kinds of discontinuity
surface in rock masses. In this paper, a hydro-power station was taking as a case
study, which was constructed in rock masses comprising a lot of joints and
fissures. Then, the excavation procedures were studied to obtain some sugges-
tions of the surrounding rock stability of the underground caverns. Next, the
better scheme was selected basing on the surrounding rock stability. In addition,
some relevant comments and suggestions were put forward for the real problems
in the surrounding rock stability.

Keywords: DDA (discontinuous deformation analysis) 

Numerical simulation  Crack propagation  Surrounding rock stability 
Underground caverns

1 Introduction

Discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) pioneered by Shi in the late 1980s has
received considerable attention in recent years. With its use of block kinematics in
dealing with the complicated interaction between discrete blocks under ensured equi-
librium conditions at anytime by minimizing the total potential energy of the system, it
is probably the most suitable method for analysis of a discrete block system involving
large movements. Since DDA is a displacement method, it requires six unknown
displacement variables to describe the first order linear displacement field in a block
[1–7]. With the developments of DDA, DDA is now a powerful tool for problems in
discontinuous media and has already been used in the solution of some geotechical
In recent years, geotechnical engineering in the domestic develops rapidly, the great
deal of rock, engineering excavation, support work will be involved in these basic
construction and production and construction. The weak parts of rock control its
mechanical properties, strength and the engineering stability in excavation engineering.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1358–1362, 2019.
Analysis of Excavation Procedure and Stability in Jointed Rock Masses 1359

Therefore, the original crack, the expansion and evolution process and the influence of
engineering rock mass in crack of the rock has been for related engineering to become
the research focus. Research in the rock mass cracks initiation, expansion, link up the
process and its failure mode is very important basic research work, which has very
important practical significance to reveal the destruction mechanism of rock mass, the
safety and reliability of the geotechnical engineering evaluation. The study object of the
DDA is joints cut the surface structure of block system. This paper is to use
JiaoYuYong developed the new method of crack extension DDARF software based on
the original DDA software to study the jointed rock masses of fissure expansion,
deformation and strength and engineering application problems [8–10].
DDARF (discontinuous deformation analysis for rock failure) is a new method.
Based on the proposed algorithm, the corresponding VC++ program module is
developed [11–14]. DDARF has successfully realized the simulation on crack initia-
tion, propagation, penetration of rock masses.
In this paper, a hydro-power station is taking as a case study, which is constructed
in the rock masses comprising a lot of fissures and joints. The propagation and pen-
etration of fissures and joints can be potential danger to rock stability after excavation.
Then, the excavation procedures are studied to obtain some suggestions of the sur-
rounding rock stability of the underground caverns.

2 The Computation Model and Mechanical Parameters

of the Caverns

The computation model of the large underground caverns and load method is adopted
first, which is shown in Fig. 1. Then, the mechanical parameters of the rock masses and
the interface of the rock masses are shown in the Tables 1 and 2.

Fig. 1. The computation model and load method of underground caverns

1360 W. Wang et al.

Table 1. Mechanical parameters of rock masses

Rock Density Poisson’s Young’s Friction Cohesion
classification (kN/m3) ratio modulus (GPa) angle (°) (MPa)
Sandstone 25.4 0.21 3.8 30 2
Sand 25 0.27 1.6 27 1.7
Coal 15.6 0.35 0.7 20 0.4
Shale 21 0.32 0.8 25 1.3

Table 2. Mechanical parameters of the interface of the rock masses

Friction angle (°) Cohesion (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa)
30 2 1

3 Three Excavation Procedure of the Caverns

The excavation of the caverns is divided into three common excavation sequences,
which is shown in Fig. 2. The excavation of underground caverns is divided mainly
into three parts, and the three parts are the excavation of the main powerhouse, the
main transformer and the tailrace surge chamber.

8 1 1
1 1 1
2 9 2 2 2 2
6 6 1
3 7 10 3 7 3 3 2 3

11 4 4 4
4 4
5 12 5 5 5 5

a Scheme 1 b Scheme 2 c Scheme 3

Fig. 2. Sketch of three excavation sequences of underground caverns

4 Investigation on the Excavation Procedure

Comparison of the largest displacements for three schemes after excavation are shown
in the Table 3. Then, the crack propagation of underground caverns after the exca-
vation is shown in Fig. 3.
Analysis of Excavation Procedure and Stability in Jointed Rock Masses 1361

Table 3. The displacement of key points of the underground caverns after the excavation (cm)
Location Main powerhouse Main transformer Tailrace surge chamber
scheme Side Crown Bottom Side Crown Bottom Side Crown Bottom
walls walls walls
Scheme 1 6.3 5.7 1.7 4.5 2.8 1.8 19.8 16.9 3.8
Scheme 2 4.7 4.9 1.3 3.7 1.9 0.7 14.7 11.3 2.1
Scheme 3 5.4 7.2 1.8 4.2 3.1 1.6 13.6 14.2 4.6

a Scheme 1

b Scheme 2

c Scheme 3

Fig. 3. The crack propagation of underground caverns after the excavation

1362 W. Wang et al.

5 Conclusion

The following conclusions are obtained based on the numerical simulation results: as
shown in Table 3, the displacement of key points of the underground caverns after
excavation by the scheme 2 is basically smaller than the scheme 1 and scheme 3.
Then, as shown in Fig. 3, the crack propagation of underground caverns after exca-
vation by the scheme 2 is basically smaller than other schemes. Collecting above-
mentioned results, the scheme 2 excavation sequence of the underground caverns is
better than the other schemes, and can be used in this hydro-power station.

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Discussion on the Necessity of Establishing
Directly Affiliated Hospitals in Colleges
and Universities Under the Background of Big
Data: Case of Longdong University

Erzhong Xve(&) and Xing Li

College of Economy and Management, Longdong University,

Qingyang 745000, Gansu, China
XveErzhong@126.com, leebj@189.cn

Abstract. This paper is compared with big data, it was found that institutions
of the State affiliated hospitals related policies, based on the analysis of the
external and internal environment of the development of LongDong University,
it is considered that the establishment of the affiliated hospital is the inevitable
requirement of the application-oriented university to serve the society, and it can
effectively promote the development of private colleges and regional economy,
and form the characteristics of running a school. To meet the need for the
transformation and development of higher education, further promote the
development of the subject and teaching quality in applied universities.

Keywords: Big data  Medical quality  Hospital construction 

Affiliated hospital

1 Introduction

Affiliated hospitals of colleges and universities not only shoulder the medical service
function of serving the society and the public, but also shoulder the responsibility of
training clinical medical personnel [1, 2]. As the only independent undergraduate
university in Longdong area, Longdong University has become a local-oriented, grass-
roots service, application-oriented, multi-disciplinary and coordinated development of
Applied Undergraduate Universities after 40 years of progress [3, 4]. With the pro-
mulgation of the National Policy Documents such as the Opinions of the State Council
of the CPC Central Committee on Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health
System, the Outline of the National Medium and Long-term Educational Reform and
Development Plan, and the Law on Promoting Private Education, great changes have
taken place in the medical and health undertakings, and the demand for regional
medical and health care has gradually increased [5–8]. The standards of medical
specialties and the quality of personnel training have put forward higher requirements.
Under this background, Longdong University put forward the strategic idea of creating

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1363–1368, 2019.
1364 E. Xve and X. Li

a modern large-scale comprehensive directly affiliated hospital which integrates med-

ical treatment, scientific research, teaching, prevention, health care, family planning
and first aid [9, 10]. This paper examines the necessity of establishing a directly
affiliated hospital in Longdong University, and provides reference for local colleges
and universities to establish a directly affiliated hospital. Theoretical support [11].

2 Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Directly Affiliated Hospitals in Colleges and Universities
The establishment principles and functions of affiliated hospitals directly under the
Central Government require that the former State Education Commission, the Ministry
of Health and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly issue
the Interim Regulations on the Management of Clinical Teaching Bases in Medical
Colleges and Universities. Teaching is one of the basic tasks of affiliated hospitals, and
the establishment, scale, structure and working level of affiliated hospitals are one of
the important bases for the condition assessment of medical colleges and universities.
The Affiliated Hospital of medical colleges and universities is a teaching hospital which
integrates teaching, medical treatment and scientific research.

2.2 Basic Conditions for Directly Affiliated Hospitals

According to the national hospital classification standard, the affiliated hospitals
directly under medical colleges and universities should reach the national level of
Class III and Class A. The general affiliated hospital should have more than 500 beds
with complete departments, of which the total number of internal, external, maternal
and child beds accounts for more than 70% of the beds. Doctors in undergraduate and
junior college diplomas accounted for more than 95% of the total number of doctors, of
which more than 25% had senior and Vice-Senior titles, and a certain proportion of
master’s and doctoral students. Necessary teaching environment and teaching building
area should be provided, including clinical skills room, physical examination and
diagnosis room, demonstration classroom, classroom, student duty room, sport venues,
student dormitories and canteens.

2.3 Management Mode of Directly Affiliated Hospitals

Higher medical institutions are affiliated with affiliated hospitals, and medical institu-
tions carry out vertical management of affiliated hospitals. The advantage of this
management model is that the concept of discipline-based construction in schools will
be a good foundation for the construction of affiliated hospitals, which are conducive to
improving the level and quality of affiliated hospitals.
Discussion on the Necessity of Establishing Directly Affiliated Hospitals 1365

3 Analysis
3.1 Necessity of Establishing Directly Affiliated Hospitals in Local
Applied Universities
Establishing affiliated hospitals are an inevitable requirement for Local Application-
oriented Universities to serve the social orientation of running schools. Most Local
Application-oriented Colleges and universities are intended to serve the regional eco-
nomic and social development. Their specialties and curricula are mostly based on the
actual needs of the region, and their research is based primarily on applied research and
practical technology. Locally applied universities depend on local government and
social forces. At the same time, as a collection of knowledge, intelligence and scientific
and technological advantages, locally applied universities, if closely combined with
social reality, will play a role in promoting regional social development.
In March 2010, the Opinions of the State Council of the CPC Central Committee on
Deepening the Reform of Medical and Health System put forward the idea of forming a
diversified medical structure, encouraging and guiding social capital to develop med-
ical and health undertakings, encouraging social capital to set up non-profit medical
institutions according to law, so as to increase medical and health resources, expand
service supply and meet the needs of the people. Many levels and diversified demands
for medical services. Subsequently, the Opinions on Further Encouraging and Guiding
Social Capital to Run Medical Institutions encouraged social capital to run non-profit
medical institutions, to increase medical and health resources, to expand the supply of
services, to form a diversified medical pattern, to solve the uneven distribution of health
resources, the weak service capacity of health institutions, and to “see a doctor difficult,
see a doctor.” “Expensive” and other issues to make sure that everyone enjoys basic
medical and health services. For Longdong area, the above measures are of great
importance to the development of medical and health services. Although total eco-
nomic volume of Qingyang City is at the forefront of Gansu Province, many indicators
of the level of health development have been below the national average. There is a big
gap in health human resources, uneven distribution, and a large increase in the average
outpatient expenses and the average hospitalization expenses of tertiary and higher
hospitals. Faced with such a severe situation, Longdong University proposed to
establish affiliated hospitals, develop non-profit medical institutions, alleviate the
shortage of local medical resources, which will play a very important role in ensuring
the reform of medical and health system and the healthy and sustainable development
of health undertakings.

3.2 The Establishment of Affiliated Hospitals Will Help Promote

the Linkage Between Private Colleges and Regional Economic
Development and Form School-Running Characteristics
The sustainable development of Application-oriented Colleges and universities must
meet the mainstream needs of social development, integrate into the regional economy,
and turn them into service-oriented colleges and universities with the purpose of
serving the region and society. Qingyang City, the seat of Longdong University, is in
1366 E. Xve and X. Li

the core position in the development strategy because of its superior economic foun-
dation, strong carrying capacity of resources and environment, and great potential for
development. The social and economic level will be greatly improved in the future, and
the demand for the medical and health industry will be further increased. Under this
background, Longdong University and regional economic and social interaction, to
explore the school in medical personnel training model, medical discipline and pro-
fessional construction and other aspects of regional economic and social integration,
the establishment of a high standard, first-class technology comprehensive hospital,
vigorously develop regional medical and health undertakings, will enable schools to
fully seek, open. Developing and strengthening its own advantages, on the one hand, is
conducive to the development and innovation of schools in combination with regional
characteristics, forming a brand with regional characteristics; on the other hand, it can
effectively make up for the shortage of regional health and medical institutions, provide
quality medical and health care services for local people, and ensure the effective
implementation of economic construction in the region. We should effectively realize
the progress of schools and regional economies and achieve a win-win situation.

3.3 Establishing Directly Affiliated Hospitals Is the Need to Adapt

to the Transformation and Development of Medical Education
in Applied Local Universities
The Outline of National Medium and Long-term Educational Reform and Development
Program (2010–2020), issued by the Fourth National Conference on Education,
hereinafter referred to as the Outline, clearly sets out the strategic goal of “basically
realizing the modernization of education, basically forming a learning society, and
entering the ranks of powerful human resource countries” by 2020. This shows that in
the 12th Five-Year Plan period, China’s higher education will shift from quantity
expansion to quality construction, from scale extension to connotation construction.
For the application-oriented local colleges and universities, “Outline” is a “double-
edged sword”, on the one hand, the importance of Application-oriented Education to an
unprecedented height; on the other hand, based on the overall situation of building a
powerful human resource to the application-oriented local colleges and universities put
forward high standards. This will force the application-oriented local colleges and
universities to change from relying on scale expansion to building quality brand and
paying attention to connotation development, from touching the stones to crossing the
river, to paying attention to the law of education and market, and ensuring sustainable
development. Therefore, the application-oriented local medical colleges and universi-
ties must conform to the development trend of medical education, refer to the setting
standards of medical education specialty, constantly improve and develop the software
and hardware construction of teaching management and teaching resources, standardize
the running of medical education, and ensure the quality of medical education. In this
process, we should attach equal importance to both teaching and scientific research.
Construction of affiliated hospitals not only meets the needs of the vigorous devel-
opment of higher medical education, but also effectively promotes the transformation
from applied local medical colleges to intensive development.
Discussion on the Necessity of Establishing Directly Affiliated Hospitals 1367

3.4 Establishing a Directly Affiliated Hospital Is Conducive

to the Development of Disciplines and the Improvement of Teaching
Quality in Applied Universities
Adhering to the motto of “constantly striving for self-improvement, advocating virtue
and practicality” and the school-running tenet of “basing on Longdong, facing the
whole province and serving the local economic and social development”, Longdong
University has constructed a personnel training mode of “combining undergraduate
education with vocational skills”, which has trained a large number of talents with
strong vocational adaptability for the country. Applied high-level professionals who
have to move, stay and use. Efforts should be done to train general practitioners facing
the grass-roots level and gradually promote the construction of medical postgraduate
education. Affiliated hospital is not only an important base for medical colleges to carry
out scientific research, but also a necessary support for medical colleges to realize the
three functions of schooling, research and social service. At the same time, the affiliated
hospital is the training base of continuing education for clinical professionals, and also
the base of absorbing high-level clinical medical talents. On the one hand, it can
guarantee the educational resources needed in the three phases of medical education
curriculum system: basic medical courses, clinical specialized courses and clinical
practice; on the other hand, it conforms to the development trend of “medical students’
early contact with clinical practice, breaking the boundary between basic teaching and
clinical teaching” put forward by medical education reform, and is a modern social
science. The inevitable trend of the integration of technology, the intensification of
economic development and the socialization of higher education.

4 Conclusion

Consequently, the healthy and sustainable development of local applied undergraduate

colleges must be built on the affiliated hospitals. The establishment of affiliated hos-
pitals will, to a great extent, solve the contradiction between the growing medical
schools of Applied Undergraduate Colleges and the insufficient reserve forces for
scientific research, the increasing number of schools and insufficient clinical practice
bases. It will bring vitality to the progress of medical colleges and universities, help to
further optimize the structure of clinical disciplines and enhance the comprehensive
strength of schools. At the same time, the affiliated hospitals, relying on medical
colleges and universities, can create a good academic atmosphere for teaching and
scientific research, improve the level of medical theory and scientific research and
teaching ability of medical staff, and constantly promote the overall level of hospital
management and the effective improvement of medical, educational and scientific
research level. It will gradually form an optimized combination of teaching, scientific
research and medical resources, from a school-running mode of mutual complemen-
tarity, resource sharing and common development, and create a win-win situation for
Applied Undergraduate Colleges and affiliated hospitals.
1368 E. Xve and X. Li

Acknowledgements. Supported by a project grant from Longdong University doctoral research

(Grand No. XYBE1605). Qingyang youth social science research project (No. QYB201712C2).

1. Xu E, Lu C, Feng X (2015) Mining. “Undergraduate Standard + Vocational Ability” -
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technology policy and management in China, Jilin, Changchun
3. Li X, Qu T, He JM, Hou BJ (2016) Seek excellence on the hospital quality management
competition. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 119(S4):HHME16–H24
4. Wahlster W (2012) Industry 4.0: from the internet of things to smart factories. 3rd European
Summit on Future Internet
5. Xing L, Qiu W, Zhang P (2017) Discussion on service innovation of cultural and Creative
Park: cultural value perspective. Macroecon Manag (S1):34–36
6. Xu E (2015) The transformation of local undergraduate colleges and universities is a perfect
process. Teach Educ (High Educ Forum) (06):23
7. Xu E (2015) The transformation of local undergraduate colleges and universities is an
independent process. Teach Educ (High Educ Forum) (06):40
8. Xu Z (2015) The transformation of local universities is a process. Teach Educ People (High
Educ Forum) (06):15
9. Xu E, Lu C, Feng X (2014) Rational thinking on “Applied” school-running in newly-built
local undergraduate universities. High Sci Educ (05):54–58
10. Xu E, Lu C (2014) Exploration of the way to an applied university–taking Gansu Longdong
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Comparison of the Key Structures Between RV
Reducer and Spinea Reducer Based on Finite
Element Method

Song Lei1,2(&), Liang Shunke3, Li Weihua1, and Chen Feixin1

School of Mechatronic Engineering, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal
University, Guangzhou 510665, China
South China Robotics Innovation Research Institute, Foshan 528315, China
Guangzhou College of South China University of Technology,
Guangzhou 510800, China

Abstract. In this paper, key structures of the RV reducer and Spinea reducer
are calculated by finite element method respectively, including the stress and
deformation of cycloidal-pin wheel and eccentric shaft. The results show that the
contact stress and equivalent stress of cycloidal-pin wheel and eccentric shaft are
far less than the strength of materials. It means the strength is not the main
consideration of design and manufacture. The stiffness of eccentric shaft is less
than the cycloidal-pin wheel, which had a great influence on the transmission
accuracy of the machine. In order to improve the rigidity so as to improve the
transmission accuracy of gear reducer machine, the modification methods and
modification should be chosen to design by the deformation.

Keywords: RV reducer  Double cross sliders  Cycloidal-pin wheel 

Eccentric shaft  FEM

1 Introduction

Cycloidal-pin wheel reducer was invented by L. Braren [1, 2], because of its advantages,
such as high-efficiency, high transmission accuracy, large reduction ratio, compact
physical structure, high shock-resistant ability, it has become one of popular types
transmission mechanism for robotics, machine tools and other automatic machinery [3–
5]. RV (Rotate Vector) gear reducer and double cross sliders cycloidal-pin wheel
reducer, which is usually called Spinea reducer, are two main types of cycloidal-pin
wheel reducer for practical application. They are all originated from cycloidal-pin wheel
reducer, but there are structural differences in output mechanism and cycloid wheel, the
main performance index and static, dynamic features are distinct.
In theory, cycloid gear and pin gear are completely tangent and there is no gap
between each other. However, because of the manufacturing error and installation
error, in order to install the cycloid gear and pin gear smoothly, the teeth profile have
been modified, which causing the clearance and idle and decreasing the torsional
stiffness and transmission accuracy of the RV reducer. Kumar [6] have established the

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V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1369–1374, 2019.
1370 S. Lei et al.

single-stage elastic torsional flexibility of cycloidal-pin wheel transmission and torque

transfer efficiency by static experiment and finite element analysis, which helps to
realize the dynamic optimization design of cycloidal-pin wheel transmission and
standardization. Blanche [7, 8] studied the single rotary precision of the cycloid-pin
gear planetary reducer with pure geometry method, including torsional vibration
causing by backlash and fluctuating ratio of speed, deduced several kinds of calculation
formulas about machining error and backlash caused by installation error. Song [9]
took Spinea precision cycloid reducer as the research object, applied Adams and
ANSYS to carry out simulation analysis, and obtained the speed curve of crankshaft
and cycloid gears, as well as the vibration mode diagram of cycloid gears in the first
fourteen modes. Liang [10] developed the contact analysis model of the teeth of
cycloidal-pin wheel drive, obtained the instantaneous meshing state and meshing area
of cycloidal-pin wheel drive under the traditional modification mode, and obtained the
transmission error curve and return error curve.
At present, the research works mainly focused on RV reducer and Spinea reducer
respectively, revealed relation between structure parameters and performance indexes,
but few works pay attention to the structure comparison of two types cycloid gear
reducer. FEM provide an effective approach to investigate static and dynamic features
of key components in mechanism. This paper will conduct FEM analysis with RV
reducer and Spinea reducer, attempt to uncover the static features rooted from the
different structure.

2 The Finite Element Simulation Analysis of the Reducers

2.1 Construction of a Finite Element Model
The RV-40E and TS170 are two a kind of RV reducer widely used, the rated load and
speed of them are identical approximately, and this paper selects them as the research
object. The geometric models of two reducers are established in the Pro/E, and the
models are imported into ANSYS15.0, hexahedron mesh is used into FEM models
dividing. According to the rated parameters respectively, the input torque of RV is
4.77 Nm, and the output torque of RV is 572 Nm, the input torque of Spinea is
3.96 Nm, the output torque of RV is 495 Nm. The models are shown in Fig. 1.

2.2 Simulation Results of Key Components in Reducers

The Finite Element model of reducers are posted to the ANSYS solver to calculate and
get the Results. The contact stress, equivalent stress and equivalent deformation of the
reducers’ cycloid-pin wheel are shown in Fig. 2. The maximum contact stress of RV
between cycloid wheel and pin is 166.22 MPa, according to the contact stress
nephogram and each cycloidal gear only has half area existing contact stress. The
maximum equivalent stress of RV is 279.48 MPa between cycloidal gear and pin,
which is bigger than the contact stress of 113.26 MPa. The maximum contact stress of
the cycloid-pin wheel mechanism in Spinea is 32.236 MPa and the maximum equiv-
alent stress is 64.725 MPa. It shows that the cycloidal-pin wheel mechanism loads the
Comparison of the Key Structures Between RV Reducer and Spinea Reducer 1371

(a)Finite Element model of RV reducer (b)Finite Element model of Spinea reducer

Fig. 1. Finite Element models of reducers

main driving force. The contact stress and internal stress all have important influence to
cycloidal-pin wheel mechanism. The maximum contact stress and equivalent stress of
cycloidal-pin wheel mechanism is far less than the yield limit. So the strength is
enough. The maximum deformation of cycloid gear in RV is 0.0365 mm, while the
deformation of pin is approximate to zero. It is mainly due to the pin and the pin gear
connected through the pin hole and the large stiffness. The deformation is not easy to
happen when it would be loaded. The calculation result of the deformation of cycloidal-
pin wheel mechanism in spinea is shown in Fig. 2(e). The larger deformation is mainly
distributed at the contact point with the cross slider mechanism. The maximum
deformation is 0.003367 mm.

(a) The contact stress nephogram of (b) The equivalent stress nephogram (c) The equivalent deformation nephogram
cycloid-pin wheel in RV of cycloid-pin wheel in RV of cycloid-pin wheel in RV

(d) The contact stress nephogram of (e) The equivalent stress nephogram (f) The equivalent deformation nephogram
cycloid-pin wheel in Spinea of cycloid-pin wheel in Spinea of cycloid-pin wheel in Spinea

Fig. 2. Simulation results of cycloid-pin wheel in Reducers

1372 S. Lei et al.

The contact stress, equivalent stress and deformation calculation results of the
eccentric shaft mechanism are shown as Fig. 3 respectively. The maximum contact
stress of the RV reducer eccentric shaft mechanism is 113.99 MPa and the maximum
equivalent stress is 51.46 MPa. The maximum contact stress between the eccentric
shaft and the eccentric bearing in Spinea is 105.11 MPa and there are only half of the
rollors with contact stress. The maximum equivalent stress between the eccentric shaft
and the eccentric bearing in Spinea is 28.305 MPa, which is less than the contact stress
of 76.805 MPa.The contact stress is bigger than the equivalent stress, meaning the
eccentric shaft mechanism is mainly composed of contact stress. Both the maximum
contact stress and the maximum equivalent stress of the eccentric shaft mechanism are
far less than the yield strength. So the strength is enough. The deformation calculation
results of RV reducer eccentric shaft are as shown in Fig. 3(b). The deformation in
mechanism is mainly distributed on the eccentric shaft, which is similar to the stress
distribution. The maximum deformation is 0.045 mm. The maximum deformation of
the eccentric shaft mechanism in Spinea is 0.09027 mm. The deformation also presents
obvious annular, meaning the torsion deformation is the main deformation form of
eccentric shaft. The larger deformation areas are mainly distributed on the two eccentric
shaft sections. Under the condition of rated load, the eccentric shaft deformation is
larger. It will be one of the main factors affecting the whole transmission stiffness.

(a) The equivalent stress nephogram of eccentric (b) The deformation nephogram of eccentric
shaft in RV shaft in RV

(c) The equivalent stress nephogram of the eccentric (d) The deformation nephogram of the eccentric
shaft mechanism in Spinea shaft mechanism in Spinea

Fig. 3. Simulation results of eccentric shaft mechanism in Reducers

Comparison of the Key Structures Between RV Reducer and Spinea Reducer 1373

2.3 Analysis of Calculation Results

The finite element calculation results show that the cycloidal-pin wheel mechanism
transmit the main force. The stress status of eccentric shaft and eccentric bearing
mechanism is mainly contact stress. The internal stress of components is smaller and
far less than the corresponding material strength. It suggests that the strength is not the
main consideration of the RV reducer and Spinea reducer components in design and
manufacture. In order to ensure the accuracy in the process of the RV reducer and
Spinea reducer working, stiffness of the components is the key problem in the process
of design and manufacture. The above calculation results show that the deformation of
cycloidal-pin wheel mechanism is less than that of the eccentric shaft mechanism. In
order to ensure the transmission precision of the reducer machine, the stiffness of
eccentric shaft mechanism should be ensure firstly in the process of design and man-
ufacture. The deformation of the eccentric shaft and cycloid-pin wheel are roughly
along the radial direction from inside to outside increasing gradually. In the process of
manufacture, the materials and manufacture processes of the eccentric shaft should be
rational chosen to improve its stiffness. In the process of the cycloid gear tooth profile
modification, the reasonable modification method and modification should be chosen.

3 Conclusion

In this paper, the finite element method are used to analyze the key structures of the RV
reducer and Spinea reducer, such as the cycloidal-pin wheel mechanism and the
eccentric shaft mechanism. The results are shown as follow:
(1) The stress status of cycloidal-pin wheel mechanism is mainly equivalent stress,
while that of the eccentric shaft mechanism is mainly contact stress. The internal
stress of the components is smaller and far less than the corresponding material
strength. It suggests that the strength is not the consideration of RV reducer and
Spinea reducer components in design and manufacture.
(2) The stiffness of eccentric shaft is smaller than the cycloidal-pin wheel, which has a
great influence on the transmission accuracy of the whole machine. Therefore, the
materials and manufacturing processes should be reasonable selected to improve
its stiffness. As for the cycloid gear, it needs to choose the modification methods
and modification according to the deformation reasonably so as to improve its
rigidity. Finally, the transmission accuracy of reducer will be improved.

Acknowledgments. This work was financially supported by the Guangdong Natural Science
Foundation (2018A030313509) and Major Special Project of Guangdong Provincial Science and
Technology Plan (2017B090910007).
1374 S. Lei et al.

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4. Lin WS, Shih YP, Lee JJ (2014) Design of a two-stage cycloidal gear reducer with tooth
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5. Hsieh CF (2014) The effect on dynamics of using a new transmission design for eccentric
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6. Kumar N, Kosse V, Oloyede A (2016) A new method to estimate effective elastic torsional
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7. Blanche JG, Yang DCH (1989) Cycloid drives with machining tolerances. ASME J Mech
Transm Autom Des III:337–344
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Study on the Causes of Valve Leakage
and Detection Methods in Natural Gas Station

Guanghui Xia(&)

Automotive Engineering, Beijing Polytechnic, Beijing 100176, China


Abstract. Valve is the key to control gas in natural gas terminal equipment,
valve leakage will directly affect the safety of pipeline operation, in this paper,
according to the characteristics of natural gas terminal valve structure and
operation of the valve damage in the process of running leakage form has carried
on the detailed analysis, at the same time the valve leakage NDT analyzed
several methods of research, combining with the characteristics of natural gas
terminal to the valve, this paper puts forward the efficient valve leak detection
related Suggestions.

Keywords: Field station valve  Leakage  The reason  Nondestructive testing

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of China economy, the increasing demand for energy, to
make efforts in the construction of gas pipeline is also increasing year by year, more
than natural gas pipeline in our country for high pressure, large diameter pipelines,
design pressure generally in more than 10 Mpa, the valve in the gas yard cutting rise to
adjust, control and key components of the gas flow, especially under the condition of
the valve closed cannot occur within the leakage, the valve in the long run, however,
tube gas in the process of corrosion and solid particle impact, the valve seal failure
resulting in leakage, the phenomena of valve leakage not only affects the safe operation
of gas pipeline, At the same time, it will also pose a great threat to the environment and
personnel, and seriously cause the occurrence of explosion and other accidents [1].
Therefore, only a good grasp of the main causes of valve leakage, effective detection
technology can be used to scientifically ensure the safety and reliability of station
valves. At present, a variety of detection techniques have been proposed for valve
leakage at home and abroad, and some results have been widely used [2]. Based on the
actual characteristics of natural gas station, this paper summarizes and compares the
common causes of valve leakage and detection technology, and puts forward a pro-
posal of efficient valve leakage detection.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1375–1378, 2019.
1376 G. Xia

2 Analysis of Leakage Location and Cause of Valve

Valve leakage is mainly divided into internal leakage and external leakage. Internal
leakage refers to the leakage of gas or liquid in the pipeline along the direction of
circulation, while external leakage refers to leakage into the external environment of the
pipeline. Common valve leakage forms of natural gas field station mainly include:
leakage of valve packing, leakage of valve body and cover, leakage of sealing cover,
leakage of sealing ring, leakage of closing piece and leakage of flange connection [2, 3].
Generally, the leakage of valve can be caused by the following reasons: 1. Prob-
lems in valve design and manufacturing process. Defects such as sand holes and slag
inclusion are found on valve body and cover body, resulting in leakage caused by poor
sealing of valve. 2. Improper storage leads to severe corrosion of the valve and leakage.
The management of the valve in the field station needs to establish a scientific man-
agement system. 3. Insufficient packing number and damage of gland and bolt will lead
to leakage at packing place; the maintenance process shall properly install the packing
according to relevant regulations, and timely replace the packing that has been used for
too long, aging and damage. The damaged gland and bolts shall also be replaced in a
timely manner. 4. Improper selection of sealing material quality, uneven sealing sur-
face, hard impurities (sand, welding spatter, welding slag, etc.) in the gas transmission
process of pipeline caused damage to the sealing surface; Cleaning should be paid
attention to when repairing and installing gaskets, and damaged gaskets should be
replaced according to working conditions. 5. Loose crushing of sealing ring, corrosion
of sealing ring connection, connection thread, screw, loose pressing ring and other
reasons will lead to leakage of sealing ring joint; If the sealing ring joint surface is
corroded, it can be repaired by grinding and pasting. 6. Loose connection of the closing
piece and operation error can lead to leakage when the closing piece falls off; The
operation shall be conducted in accordance with relevant codes, and the force should
not be too high. 7. Loose welding at flange welding and loose bolts lead to leakage at
sealing ring; Reweld during maintenance.
The above are common leakage reasons and maintenance measures of gas station
valves. Therefore, in the daily valve management and operation process, only strict
management, correct selection, standard operation and regular maintenance can
effectively reduce the occurrence of valve leakage accidents.

3 Comparison of Testing Technology of Valve Leakage

In order to ensure the safety of the valve, the valve should be tested regularly to
determine whether it is leaking and the degree of leakage. Valve testing technology is
constantly developing, but there is still a lack of effective detection means for leakage
detection. People mostly rely on hearing, vision and other senses and experience.
Currently, the non-destructive testing technology for valve leakage has been proposed
and applied, mainly including the following [4]:
(1) Ultrasound: valve leakage would produce ultrasonic phenomenon, using the
phenomenon of ultrasonic detector can be used for testing, this method is high
Study on the Causes of Valve Leakage and Detection Methods 1377

sensitivity directivity is good, but only a small and simple structure of the valve
leakage gap testing for large, complex cases leakage detection effect is not
(2) Air pressure detection method; Through sampling and analysis of the pressure
difference of the valve after filling and pressurizing the sealing on both sides of the
valve, the silver ear is used to determine whether the valve is leaking or not.
However, this method requires the pressure test after the valve is removed from
the pipeline. The complicated operation process affects the positive operation of
the pipeline, which is not suitable for the natural gas station.
(3) Vibration detection method; By analyzing the variation of vibration signal
amplitude of valve body in different open degrees of love, the correct measure-
ment position and reference standard should be determined in the detection pro-
cess, and this method can only detect the valve with vibration.
(4) Closed pipeline detection method: the gas transmission pipeline can be sealed
every certain interval to analyze the change of gas quality after a period of time.
However, the quality measurement is difficult, and can only be used for static
process measurement of the pipeline.
(5) Acoustic emission detection method: as a new non-destructive testing technology,
acoustic emission detection technology has been proposed in recent years.
Acoustic emission refers to the object when the deformation or affected by the
outside world, because of the rapid release of elastic energy generated and stress
wave of a physical phenomenon, acoustic emission testing technology applica-
tions, including leak detection is an important direction of the valve leakage, in
the process of gas leakage through gaps will produce high-speed jet noise, jet
noise transmitted through the wall, using acoustic emission sensor can detect this
kind of “stress wave”, through the analysis of the stress wave size can determine
whether the valve leakage and leakage.
Analysis of the above five kinds of nondestructive testing methods and relevant
literatures can see [5]: ultrasonic testing to structure the demand is higher, the pressure
test is for online detecting faults, acoustic emission detection method has the following
advantages: the valve can be on-line detection, do not need to remove the affect of
valve complete don’t think so; The ability of on-line detection and continuous moni-
toring of leakage detection will not affect the normal operation of the pipeline. The
sensor is small in size and can easily contact the valve which is difficult to detect. The
inspection process is convenient, and the damage situation of valve can be understood
quickly and intuitively.
As a series of advantages, the acoustic emission testing technology makes the
acoustic emission testing technology become a new kind of natural gas terminal valve
nondestructive testing and the method of predictive maintenance, this method can
identify the valve status online non-destructive, and to evaluate the safety of the valve,
reduce the maintenance cost, also can in time found that damage to the valve at the
same time, guarantee the safe operation of pipeline. Acoustic emission testing tech-
nology, as a kind of valve leakage of nondestructive testing technology is also put
forward by the recent exist some shortcomings and the insufficiency, mainly displays
in: in the process of valve leakage acoustic theory is not mature enough, and the
1378 G. Xia

detection of acoustic emission signals are vulnerable to external environment noise,

also is the future valve leakage acoustic emission testing technology development
urgently needs to solve the problem.

4 Conclusion

In this paper, the natural gas terminal valve leakage reasons have detection methods are
analyzed and compared, concluded that terminal valve for high pressure large diameter
valve leakage position mainly in the packing place of valves, valve body, valve cover,
sealing, sealing ring, close, and the place such as flange, leakage by design and
manufacture, storage, installation, corrosion, artificial operation, and other factors;
Comparing and analyzing different valve testing technologies, it is determined that
acoustic emission testing technology is most suitable for the regular non-destructive
testing of gas station valves in the future by virtue of its online, convenient and rapid

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based on acoustic emission detection. J Dyn Eng 33(6):455–461
6. Ren SZ (2008) Natural gas pipeline nondestructive testing technology. Qual Test 07:243–
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University Press
Research on Operation Strategy of Liaoning
Smart City Based on Data Analysis of Star
Hotels in Three Northeast Provinces

Bingjie Xu1 and Yuanchun Huang2(&)

College of Economic and Management, Shenyang Agricultural University,
Shenyang, China
College of Management, Bohai University, Jinzhou, China

Abstract. Smart tourism is a new form of tourism development in China, the

mainland’s smart tourism based on big data is always present, the competitive
advantage of smart tourism has always been in dynamic change. At the same
time, smart tourism is also developing with urban tourism as its carrier, urban
tourism is the foundation of tourism development in China, hotels are the
foundation of urban tourism, Tourism competition between cities is becoming
increasingly fierce, the competition between hotels will also become increas-
ingly fierce. In this situation of fierce competition, this paper takes 34 prefecture-
level cities in the three northeastern provinces as the research object, and ana-
lyzes the market operation situation of star-rated hotels in the three northeastern
provinces from the aspects of quantity, operating revenues, net profits and
human resources. It is pointed out that only by strengthening the co-cooperation
among the three northeast provinces can realize the sustainable development of
Liaoning smart city.

Keywords: Three northeast provinces  Star-rated hotels  Smart city 

Data analysis

1 Smart City, City Tourism and Hotel Development

China’s tourism industry has experienced the stages of formation, rapid growth and
steady development since 1978 and now has developed into one of the fastest growing
industries and a new growth point of China’s national economy [1]. As the core and
foundation of the development of China’s tourism industry, urban tourism has made an
important contribution to the rapid prosperity and growth of China’s tourism industry
in the past 40 years. The industrial status of tourism industry in the urban economy has
raised to become a key industry and one of the pillar industries of urban tertiary
industry and has also become the core of urban vigorously development of tertiary
industry so as to optimize the urban industrial structure. So in depth study of the
development of urban tourism industry is not only the objective requirement of the
promoting the development of china’s tourism industry but also the reality need of
optimizing the promote the urban economic growth [2]. In order that tourism can
develop comprehensively, harmonically and sustainably, we should transform the
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1379–1384, 2019.
1380 B. Xu and Y. Huang

growth pattern and factors integration and enhance regional cooperation and regional
whole competitiveness which has become a necessary trend, following the scientific
outlook on development [3]. The development of tourism is not separated which has a
high openness and relevance. Regional information, resources, markets and other
regional characteristics determine the competitiveness between regions. Competition
and cooperation exists at the same time, natural of cooperation are improving com-
petitiveness and cooperation is the advanced form of competition. Cooperation can
realize the sharing of resources, opportunities and difficulties [4].
The national strategy for the revitalization of northeast old industrial base has
brought an important opportunity for the development of the northeast economy and
tourism, and has attracted people from all walks of life to take an active part in the
development of tourism [5]. But due to the speed of economic growth in northeast
China, backward infrastructure conditions, the institutional environment, coupled with
the poor, small scattered, weak tourism enterprises, the regional tourism industry did
not realize the leap-forward development yet under the effective national policy tilt. In
order to improve the northeast regional tourism competitiveness and efficiency of
tourism resources, accelerate the specialization process and consolidation speed of
northeast tourism companies, as well as to promote the economic development and
social progress, regional tourism cooperation is the inevitable choice [6]. One of the
main bodies of urban tourism development is the hotel industry, according to the
general status of the hotel industry in northeast China, this paper will analyze the
distribution of star-rated hotels by quantity, operational revenues, net profit and human
resources of the hotel industry in order to provide a reference for the further con-
struction of a smart city operation mode and promote the healthy and sustainable
development of Liaoning’s smart city.

2 Analysis of Star-Rated Hotel Industry in Northeast China

2.1 Distribution of Star-Rated Hotels by Quantity

In terms of quantity distribution, the total number of star-rated hotels in Northeast
China was 716 [7]. The Graph breaks down as 34 five-star hotels, accounting for 4.75%
of the total number of star-rated hotels in Northeast China; four-star hotels totaled 160,
accounting for 22.35% of the total; three-star hotels totaled 382, accounting for 53.35%
of the total, sharing the biggest part of the total; two-star hotels totaled 137, accounting
for 19.13% of the total; one-star hotels totaled 3, accounting for 0.42% of the total.
In terms of quantity distribution, the distribution of star-rated hotels in various
provinces was uneven, with Liaoning sharing the biggest number and Jilin sharing the
smallest part. The Graph shows that there was 349 star-rated hotels in Liaoning,
48.74% of the total number for Northeast China; there were 169 star-rated hotels in
Jilin, 23.60% of the total number for Northeast China; there were 198 star-rated hotels
in Heilongjiang; 27.65% of the total number for Northeast China [7]. The quantity of
star-rated hotels played dominating role in every province, with the number of star-
rated hotels at all grade reaching the maximum in Liaoning.
Research on Operation Strategy of Liaoning Smart City 1381

The Graph shows an uneven distribution for star-rated hotels in Northeast China,
with the quantity of three-star hotels largely surpassing that of other star-rated hotels by
53.35% [7]. As for different provinces, the total number of three-star hotels played a
dominant role in every province by over 50% on average. The breakdowns consisted of
25 five-star hotels in Liaoning, 7.16% of the local star-rated hotels; 72 four-star hotels,
20.63% of the local star-rated hotels; 186 three-star hotels, 53.3% of the local star-rated
hotels; 64 two-star hotels, 18.34% of the star-rated hotels; and only 2 one-star hotels.
There were 6 five-star hotels in Heilongjiang, 3.03% of local star-rated hotels; 46 four-
star hotels, 23.23% of local star-rated hotels; 109 three-star hotels, 55.05% of local star-
rated hotels; 36 two-star hotels, 18.18% of local star-rated hotels; and no one-star
hotels. There were 3 five-star hotels in Jilin, 1.78% of local star-rated hotels; 42 four-
star hotels, 24.85% of local star-rated hotels; 87 three-star hotels, 51.48% of local star-
rated hotels; 37 three-star hotels, 21.89% of local star-rated hotels; and no one-star

2.2 Distribution of Star-Rated Hotels by Operational Revenues

2.2.1 Operational Revenues and Compositions
Statistics from the National Tourism Administration show that, in 2016, the operational
revenues of star-rated hotels in Northeast China totaled 7.948 bn yuan, in which
revenues from room service was the major source for the total revenues of star-rated
hotels. The star-rated hotels in Northeast China realized room service revenues of 3.741
bn yuan, accounting for 47.07% of the total operational revenues for star-rated hotels in
Northeast China [8]; the star-rated hotels in Northeast China realized food and bev-
erage service revenues of 3.246 bn yuan, accounting for 40.84% of the total operational
revenues for star-rated hotels in Northeast China; the star-rated hotels in Northeast
China realized revenues of 0.961 bn yuan from other services, accounting for 12.10%
of the total operational revenues for star-rated hotels in Northeast China. The revenues
gap between provinces were large. The Graph shows that Liaoning got the highest
revenues, reaching 4.551 bn yuan; Heilongjiang got revenues of 1.849 bn yuan, and
Jilin got revenues of 1.538 bn yuan. From the perspective of the proportion of oper-
ational revenues of the provinces in northeast China in 2016, room revenues became
the major source for star-rated hotels, accounting for 47.07%. The revenues from food
and beverage was the second big revenues, accounting for 40.84%. Revenues from
other services accounted for 12.10% [9]. There was certain kind of gap of revenues
between different provinces. The operational revenues of star-rated hotels in Hei-
longjiang and Liaoning mainly depended on the revenues from room, with 51.27% for
Heilongjiang and 45.86% for Liaoning. The revenue gap between food and beverage
and room service was not noticeable for various star-rated hotels, with revenue from
food and beverage only exceeding revenues from room service only by 200 m yuan.

2.2.2 Operational Revenues of Each Hundred-Yuan Fixed Assets

In terms of the revenue of fixed assets investment, each hundred-yuan fixed assets
investment brought the revenues of 27.91 yuan for the star-rated hotels in Northeast
China. As is shown in the Graph, the fixed assets investment in the star-rated hotels in
Heilongjiang shared the biggest part, realizing the revenues of 30.95 yuan for each
1382 B. Xu and Y. Huang

hundred-yuan fixed assets; Jilin has brought about the revenues of 26.98 yuan for each
hundred-yuan fixed assets; Liaoning has brought about the revenues of 25.79 yuan for
each hundred-yuan fixed assets, sharing the smallest part.

2.2.3 Operational Revenues of Each Room

In terms of operational revenues of each room, in 2016, star-rated hotels in Northeast
China realized the operational revenues per room of 91,600 yuan [10]. As is shown in
the Graph, in 2016, the star-rated hotels in Liaoning was comparatively powerful in
generating revenues per room, Jilin was most powerful in generating revenues per
room, while on the contrary, Heilongjiang could generated the least amount of rev-
enues per room. The star-rated hotels in Liaoning realized the operational revenues of
90,900 yuan per room, with 9,000 yuan reduced year on year, down by 9%; the star-
rated hotels in Jilin realized the operational revenues of 98,000 yuan per room, with
10,000 yuan increased year on year, up by 11.36%; the star-rated hotels in Hei-
longjiang realized the operational revenues of 86,100 yuan per room, with 6,600 yuan
reduced year on year, down by 7.11%.

2.2.4 Fixed Assets for Hundred-Yuan Operational Revenues

In terms of operational revenues generating capacity for local star-rated hotels, In 2016,
the fixed assets for hundred-yuan operational revenues of star-rated hotels in Liaoning
was reduced while that of Heilongjiang and Jilin was improved [7]. The fixed assets for
hundred-yuan operational revenues in Jilin reached 370.59 yuan, an increase of 45.93
yuan, up by 14.14%; the fixed assets for hundred-yuan operational revenues in Hei-
longjiang reached 323.05 yuan, an increase of 28.92 yuan, up by 9.83%; the fixed
assets for hundred-yuan operational revenues in Liaoning reached 387.8 yuan, decrease
of 18.93 yuan, down by 4.65%.

2.3 Distribution of Star-Rated Hotels by Net Profit

Statistics from the National Tourism Administration show that, in 2016, the star-rated
hotels in Northeast China suffered a total loss of 1.03 bn yuan. The star-rated hotels in
Liaoning shared 825 m yuan in the loss, the star-rated hotels in Jilin shared 189 m yuan
in the loss and the star-rated hotels in Heilongjiang shared 17 m yuan in the loss.

2.4 Distribution of Star-Rated Hotels by Human Resources

Statistics from the National Tourism Administration show that, in 2016, there were
60,900 employees working for star-rated hotels in Northeast China [7]. The Graph
shows that the employees in star-rated hotels of Liaoning totaled 34,000, accounting
for 55.92% of the total number of star-rated hotels in Northeast China, 2.31 percentage
point of occupancy rate reduced; the employees in star-rated hotels of Jilin totaled
13,900, accounting for 22.86% of the total number of star-rated hotels in Northeast
China, 0.51 percentage points of occupancy rate reduced; the employees in star-rated
hotels of Heilongjiang totaled 13,000, accounting for 21.38% of the total number of
star-rated hotels in Northeast China, 0.09 percentage points of occupancy rate reduced.
Research on Operation Strategy of Liaoning Smart City 1383

The ratio of employee to room for star-rated hotels in Northeast China was 0.72
person/room in 2016, on average each employee operating 1.43 rooms, 0.02 rooms
more than 2015. The Graph shows that the ratio of employee to room for star-rated
hotels in Liaoning was 0.67 person/room, with 0.05 rooms reduced, down by 6.94%,
on average each employee operating 1.47 rooms; the ratio of employee to room for
star-rated hotels in Jilin was 0.88 person/room, with 0.13 rooms increased, up by
17.33%, on average each employee operating 1.12 rooms; the ratio of employee to
room for star-rated hotels in Jilin was 0.61 person/room, with 0.04 rooms reduced,
down by 6.15%, on average each employee operating 1.65 rooms.

3 Strengthen the Cooperation Among the Three Northeast

Provinces to Promote the Construction of a Smart City

3.1 Market Co-construction

The three Northeast provinces should strengthen market co-construction, take the lead
of the governments of the three northeastern provinces, organize enterprise exhibitions,
hold tourism trade fairs around the country in turn or attend tourism trade fairs outside
the country, and realize the alliance of tourism enterprises in the northeast region to
jointly explore the regional and domestic tourism markets [11]. According to the
attenuation law of tourism distance, tourists in northeast China are more likely to come
from within the region. Therefore, tourism enterprises in the three provinces should
actively promote and provide free travel information to tourists from other provinces.
The tourism hotels in the three northeast provinces should strengthen their ties with
each other, joint development and construction of markets in the northeast region, and
formation of market and source sharing mechanism.

3.2 The Establishment of Tourism Information Sharing Mechanism

Establish a personal file system for tourists in northeast China, and classify statistics the
personal information of team tourists and individual tourists [12]. On the one hand, it
provides better travel services to tourists by understanding their travel preferences, and
on the other hand, it is convenient for tourism statistics and tourism behavior analysis
to provide support for the construction of smart city operation mode.

3.3 Pay Attention to the Coordinated Development of Human Resources

Talent is the guarantee for the effective operation of tourism, and it is the key factor of
tourism competitiveness. The business cooperation among different tourism enterprises
in the three northeast provinces has promoted the coordination and cooperation of
tourism human resources among tourism enterprises. On the one hand, breaking the
barriers of tourism market and the ice of local protectionism, On the other hand, they
train their employees to learn from each other’s strong points, to realize the sharing and
docking of human resources, knowledge and information, to improve the tourism
operation capacity of smart cities.
1384 B. Xu and Y. Huang

Acknowledgement. This paper serves as one of research results for “2015 Liaoning Provincial
Fund Project for Social Science” (Registration No.: L15BJY010) and “2016 Education depart-
ment of Liaoning Province” (Registration No: WY2016002).

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2. Ma X, Li W (2016) Urban tourism complex: its construction and theoretical origin. Hum
Geogr (01)
3. Guo J, Wang S, Li B (2016) The spatial effect of Harbin-Dalian high-speed rail to the
Northeast City tourism economic link. Sci Geogr Sin (04)
4. Jiao A, Li C (2015) Research on tourism competitiveness in Northeast China. Econ Rev (10)
5. Hou L, Zheng X (2016) Relationship between market structure, efficiency and performance
of Chinese star-rated hotels based on test of market power hypothesis and efficient structure
hypothesis. Resour Dev Mark (06)
6. Yang Y, Wang R, Li Q (2015) The evolution characteristics of tourism resources
endowment in Northeast China and its industry space refactoring. Econ Geogr (10)
7. (2018) Research report on the development of star-rated hotels in China (2017). China
Travel Press (01)
8. Li M, Ma S (2016) An empirical research on China’s high-star hotel revenue management
performance influencing factors. Tourism Sci (03)
9. Shang T, Zhang K, Liu P (2015) Influencing factors on star hotel room rate in China.
J Tianjin Univ (Soc Sci) (04)
10. Tian X, Wang X, Li K (2014) The Driving factors of hotel revenue management strategy: an
empirical study based on Chinese star-rated hotels data. Tourism Sci (04)
11. Guan W, Cao J, Xu S (2015) The evolution of the development space polarization and
driving factors in the service industry in Northeast China. Sci Geogr Sin (06)
12. Wang J, Li C, Xiong Z (2014) Survey of data-centric smart city. J Comput Res Dev (02)
On Computer Operating System
and Its Development

Ming Xin(&)

School of Computer Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology,

Xi’an 710000, Shaanxi, China

Abstract. Operating system is a standard suite of software required in a

computer system. It is an important part of a computer system and can meet the
needs of most users. With the continuous development of information tech-
nology, the operating system of the computer is constantly updated and
developed, and its functions are constantly increasing. With the improvement of
user demand, the functions of the computer operating system are also increasing,
and a platform is gradually formed: from development tools to system tools to
application software, it is gradually diversified and multi-layered, which can
better meet the diversified needs of users. Based on the concept of computer
operating system, this paper will analyze the classification and development
history of computer operating system, and put forward the prospect of computer

Keywords: Computer  Operating system  The development history

At present, with the development of science and technology, the computer has shown
the characteristics of intelligence, super-high speed and so on, which can better meet
the diversified demands of users. Operating system is a system software, and other
systems together as Operating system is the main body of computer operating system.
Operating system is a manager in the computer system, mainly responsible for the
Computer hardware resources and Computer Software Resources, Is the soul of the
computer system and the same existence as the foundation. It is mainly an important
member of other software supporting computer systems, exert the resource of computer
system to its function to the maximum extent, and provide more convenient, effective
and humanized service interface for users.

1 Raising Questions

On September 29, 2018, the seventh robot operating system developer conference
ROSCon 2018 was held in Madrid, Spain. Meanwhile, Microsoft officially announced
that Windows 10 will be officially introduced into the robot operating system – ROS.
Mobile devices have Android and iOS operating systems, desktop PCS have macOS
and Windows operating systems, and robots have their own operating systems. ROS
released in 2007 is one of the mainstream operating systems for robots. ROS is an

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1385–1390, 2019.
1386 M. Xin

open-source system maintained by Willow Garage and the Stanford artificial intelli-
gence laboratory for standardized robot design - a platform that every robot designer
can use to develop robotic software. ROS are widely used in many cutting-edge
robotics projects, enabling device control, hardware abstraction, and other services.
This ROS, first released in Windows, is seamlessly integrated with Microsoft’s inte-
grated development environment, Visual Studio, and demonstrates Machine Learning
Windows Hardware Acceleration, computer vision, computer vision, Azure IoT cloud
services, and Azure cognitive services [1].

2 Overview of Computer Operating Systems

2.1 Concept
Operating System, commonly referred to as OS, is a System software, together with
other systems as Operating system is one of the main parts of computer operating
system. The hardware and software data in the computer system, the running programs
and working order in the computer, the coordination between the components of the
computer system, as well as the relationship between the computer system and users,
users and users are all managed and coordinated by the computer operating system.

2.2 Classification of Computer Operating Systems

A platform is needed to manage computer hardware and software resources. It’s the
operating system. In the history of the personal computer, there have been many
different operating systems, five of which are most commonly used: DOS, Windows,
Linux, Unix(Mac)/Xenix, and OS/2.

2.2.1 DOS Operating System

Since its release in 1981, DOS has undergone seven major version upgrades, from
version 1.0 to the current version 7.0, constantly improving and improving. However, the
single user, single task, character interface and 16-bit pattern of the DOS system did not
change, so its memory management was limited to 640 KB. DOS was originally an
operating system developed for ibm-pc, so it has very low requirements on hardware
platform. Even for high version DOS like DOS6.0, it can run normally under the
environment of 640 KB memory, 40 MB hard disk and 80286 processor. Therefore,
DOS system is suitable for both high-end microcomputer and low-grade microcomputer.

2.2.2 Windows System

Windows was Microsoft’s first Windows multitasking system, released in November
1985, and it launched the PC into the era of so-called graphical user interfaces. An icon
represents an application, which is embodied in the user’s graphical interface. Our
users move the mouse over the icon represented by the application, then press the
mouse button one or two lines to enter the software twice.. This interface mode pro-
vides great convenience for the user and promotes the use of the computer to a new
stage [2].
On Computer Operating System and Its Development 1387

2.2.3 Linux System

Linux, the glitzy name of today’s computing world, is by far the world’s largest free
software, a fully networked operating system that can rival Unix and Windows. Linux
was originally developed by the Finn Linus Torvalds, a source program released on the
Internet, as a result, caused the development of the global computer enthusiasts, many
people download the source program and the function of the perfect one you desire,
and then back to the Internet, Linux also therefore was carved into a world’s most
stable, the operation of the most promising systems [3]. There was a joke that if Bill
Gates had done the same with the source code for Windows, many of the bugs that
remain in Windows would no longer be there, because computer enthusiasts around the
world would be the free testers and programmers for Windows.

2.2.4 Unix System

Unix was introduced in 1969 and was first used on many computers, including small
and medium computers, the first step is to transplant them to 80286 Unix system.
Microcomputer was known as Xenix. Xenix systems are characterized by short, lean,
low overhead, and speed. After years of development, Xenix has become a very mature
system, and the latest version of Xenix is SCO Unix and SCO CDT. Unix is a multi-
user system that typically requires more than 8M of memory and a larger hard disk.
Apple’s Mac system is also based on the Unix system, and the Unix system is by far
the most secure and stable system [4].

3 History of Computer Operating Systems

Operating system is not born together with computer hardware. It is formed and
perfected step by step with the development of computer technology In addition, in the
process of people’s application, computers need to meet two major needs of our users:
Improve the performance of computer system and resource utilization [5–8]. There are
three basic types of operating systems: multi-batch, time-sharing and real-time [9–12].

3.1 Manual Operation

From 1946 to the mid-1950s, the first computer appeared. The computer was mainly
operated by hand, but there was no operating system at that time. We put the input
machine into the programmer, and input data to the corresponding punched tape (or
card) corresponding to the program, and then in the computer memory, need to start the
input machine and program. When the calculation is completed, the result will be
output by the printer. The user removes the result and unloads the paper tape (or card)
before letting the next user on. The input/output of the work is processed by CPU, and
the online batch processing system is the first one.

3.2 Offline Batch System

Man-machine conflict began in the late 1950s: there was a very serious contradiction
between the high speed of computer and the slow speed of manual operation. (reducing
1388 M. Xin

the utilization rate of resources to a few percent or less), which can not last for a long
time. The only way to realize the automatic conversion of work is to get rid of manual
operation. The contradiction between high-speed mainframe and low-speed peripheral
must be solved and buffered. The utilization of CPU has been improved. So an off-line
batch processing system is introduced, that is, input and output are not controlled by
mainframe. On-line batch processing system and off-line batch processing system are
divided into batch processing system.
At that time, a batch of processing systems appeared, which were loaded on the
computer and controlled by the system software. Add a storage device – tape between
the host and the input machine. Under the automatic control of the supervisor running
on the host, the computer can be completed automatically: the user jobs on the input
machine are read into the tape in batches, and then the user jobs on the tape are read
into the host memory and executed, and the calculation results are output to the output
machine. After finishing the last batch of work, the supervisor inputs another batch of
work from the input machine, saves it on tape, and repeats the process as described
above. The monitor program continuously processes each job, thus realizes the auto-
matic transfer from job to job, reduces the time of setting up operation and manual
operation, effectively overcomes the man-machine contradiction, and improves the
utilization rate of the computer. However, the host’s high-speed CPU is still idle while
the job input and result output are performed, Output device completes work/waits for
slow input: the host is in a “busy” state.
Offline batch processing system is introduced in the mid-1960s The contradiction
between high-speed mainframe and low-speed peripheral needs to be overcome and
alleviated, and the utilization of CPU should be improved. After introducing multi-
channel programming technology, a multi-channel batch processing system (referred to
as batch processing system) has been formed in the above batch processing system.
A technology that allows multiple programs to run simultaneously in memory is what
we call multiprogramming.

3.3 Real-Time Systems

Multi-batch time system has many advantages, such as satisfactory resource utilization
and system response time, but it can not be ignored. It can not satisfy real-time control,
nor can it process real-time information. So he will become a real-time system, and the
system can respond to random external events in a timely manner and deal with events
strictly within the time frame.
Real-time control system. If we use it in the automatic control system of aircraft
flight and missile launching which need computer control, we need the computer to
process the data as soon as possible and measure the system, in order to control the
aircraft or missile in time, or to provide the relevant content to the decision-maker of
the display terminal. If it is used in rolling, petrochemical and other industrial pro-
cesses, the computer also needs to process the data sent by the sensors in time, and then
control the corresponding executing mechanism.
Or for the banking system, intelligence retrieval systems, computers are required to
give timely and correct answers to service requests sent by terminal equipment. Such
requirements for response timeliness are slightly weaker than those for category 1.
On Computer Operating System and Its Development 1389

3.4 General Operating System

General - purpose operating system, operating system with a variety of operating
characteristics. Multi-batch, real-time and real-time processing functions can exist at
the same time. Or more than two of them. Since the mid-1960s, a number of large
universal operating systems have been developed internationally. These systems
attempt to achieve the goal of a fully functional environment that is adaptable to a
variety of applications and operating modes. However, these systems are too complex
and bulky, not only at great cost, but also with great difficulty in resolving their
reliability, maintainability, and comprehensibility.

3.5 New System Development

3.5.1 Personal Computer Operating System
On personal computers, the main function of operating systems is to provide on-line
interactive functions similar to those of general time-sharing systems for a single user.
Because it’s personal, some features are much simpler. However, with the popularity of
personal computers, the need for a more user-friendly and feature-rich file system
becomes more and more urgent.

3.5.2 Network Operating System

A computer network that interconnects geographically dispersed computer systems
with autonomous functions through communications facilities to realize information
exchange, resource sharing, interoperability, and collaborative processing. Network
operating systems, on the original computer operating systems, add network man-
agement modules according to the protocol standards of the network architecture,
including: communication, resource sharing, system security and various network
application services.

3.5.3 Distributed Operating Systems

On the surface, distributed systems are not much different from computer network
systems. Distributed operating systems are also used to connect geographically dis-
persed data processing systems or computer systems with autonomous functions
through communication networks, to achieve information exchange and resource
sharing and to accomplish tasks cooperatively – same hardware connection.

4 Conclusion

Operating system is a manager in the computer system, mainly responsible for the
computer hardware and software resources of the program, is the kernel and corner-
stone of the computer system. With the continuous development of information
technology, the operating system of the computer is constantly updated and developed,
and its functions are constantly increasing, which can better meet the diversified needs
of users. There are five commonly used computer operating systems such as DOS,
Windows, Linux, Unix(Mac)/Xenix, and OS/2. After four steps of development and
improvement, the present computer operating system was gradually formed.
1390 M. Xin

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production in cold region. Asian Agric Res 9(3):106–109
7. Ouyang Y (2016) Virtual reality technology based vocational education study. In:
International conference on management science and innovative education
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Geomatics Spat Inf Technol
Simulation Research of Influence of the Depth
of SEN on Flow Field in Continuous Casting
Mold with EMBr-Ruler

Fei Li(&), Nannan Yang, and Zhuojuan Yang

College of Mechanical Engineering, Jilin Engineering Normal University,

No. 3050 Kaixuan Road, Changchun, China

Abstract. In order to research the brake effect of EMBr-Ruler technology with

different depths of submerge entry nozzle (SEN) in continuous casting process,
the three-dimensional calculation model is established, it is used to solve the fluid
flow distribution in mold by commercial software. The results indicate that the
brake effect of EMBr-Ruler is affected by the distance between the SEN and the
position of magnetic pole, the change of the main jet direction is more obviously
with the depth of SEN increasing. The shock strength of main jet from the SEN to
slab narrow surface of mold is decreased greatly, the flow velocity of lower
circulation zone is reduced obviously, and the vortex center of lower circulation
zone is raised up with EMBr-Ruler. The above are beneficial to avoid leakage of
liquid steel, reduce flow velocity in lower circulation zone and separate bubbles
and non-metallic inclusions. Which can improve the slab purity.

Keywords: Electromagnetic brake  Flow field  Submerge entry nozzle

1 Introduction

The EMBr-Ruler technology developed in the early 1990s can obtain stable electro-
magnetic braking effect and has a good function of suppressing mixing. In different
steel types production during continuous casting, the length of the mixing section of the
slab is shortened and the yield of the metal is increased with EMBr-Ruler [1–5]. The
submerged entry nozzle (SEN) is mostly carried out in slab continuous casting process,
the main liquid steel jet from SEN will flow to the mold narrow surface and then form
the upper and lower circulation zones, so the parameters of the SEN will directly affect
the flow field pattern in the mold [6–8]. In actual use, the slag line will be adjusted as
needed by changing the depth of SEN sometimes, which will cause the flow field
changing. When the depth of SEN changes, this paper mainly calculates the three-
dimensional molten steel flow in the slab continuous casting mold before and after
applying the EMBr-Ruler technology, which provides a theoretical basis for studying
the metallurgical effect of EMBr-Ruler technology.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1391–1396, 2019.
1392 F. Li et al.

2 Calculation Model

The Numerical simulations are performed using commercial software (ANSYS,

FLUENT). The magnetic flux density in mold by EMBr-Ruler is the load that calcu-
lates the fluid flow distribution. The turbulence model is a standard Reynolds number
k-e equation model, and the MHD module is called out by FLUENT. Using the
SIMPLE method solves the results of fluid field. Some main parameters are shown in
Table 1. The key control equations for calculation are as follows [9, 10].

Table 1. The numerical simulation parameters

Parameter Value
Slab length 1500 mm
Slab width 240 mm
Electric conductivity of steel 714000 S/m
Magnetic pole height 200 mm
Angle of SEN −15°
Casting speed 1.4 m/min
Steel viscosity 0.0062 m/s
Density of steel 7020 kg/m3
Active current intensity 850 A
Depth of SEN 170 mm, 200 mm, 220 mm

The electric current density equation

J ¼ rðr/ þ U  BÞ ð1Þ

The electric field intensity vector equation

E ¼ r/ ð2Þ

The J continuity equation

rJ ¼0 ð3Þ

The electromagnetic force equation

Fm ¼ B  J ð4Þ

The continuity equation

r  ðqs UÞ ¼ 0 ð5Þ
Simulation Research of Influence of the Depth of SEN 1393

The momentum equation

@ðqs Ui Uj Þ @P @ @Ui @Uj

¼ þ  ½leff ð þ Þ þ Fm þ qs gi ð6Þ
@xj @xj @xj @xj @xi

k – e equations
k equation

@ðqs kUj Þ @ l @k @k 1=2 2
¼ ½ðl þ t Þ  þ Gk  qs e  2lð Þ ð7Þ
@xj @xj rk @xj @n

e equation

@ðqs eUj Þ @ l @e C1e e e2 ll @ 2 U
¼ ½ðl þ t Þ  þ Gk jf1 j  C2e qs jf2 j þ 2 t ð 2 Þ2 ð8Þ
@xj @xj re @xj k k qs @n

In the above equations, J represents the electric current density; r represents the
steel conductivity; / represents the electric potential; U represents the molten steel
velocity; B represents the magnetic induction density; E represents the electric field
strength; Fm represents the electromagnetic force; Ui and Uj are the velocity component
of xi and xj direction respectively; qs represents the steel density; P represents the liquid
steel pressure; leff represents the effective viscosity; gi represents the volume force in
the i direction; k represents the kinetic energy of turbulent oscillation; Gk represents the
growth rate of turbulent flow energy; e represents the dissipate rate of turbulent flow
energy; l represents the steel dynamic viscosity; lt represents the turbulent flow vis-
cosity coefficient; C1e, C2e, re and rk are constants; f1 and f2 are the corrections of C1e
and C2e in Reynolds equations.

3 Numerical Simulation of Influence of the Depth of SEN

on Flow Field in Mold

When the magnetic pole is 500 mm below the free surface, the molten steel flow
process in mold before and after applying EMBr-Ruler are simulated. Figures 1 and 2
show the molten steel flow vector. The molten steel flow vector and turbulent flow
energy of narrow surface are expressed in Fig. 3.
As the depth of SEN increases, the flow velocity in upper circulation zone becomes
slower gradually, and the vortex center of lower circulation zone moves downward.
The surface flow velocity is gradually reduced due to the widening of the range of
upper circulation region, and the increase in the distance of molten steel swirl increases
the dissipation rate of the molten steel flow (see Fig. 1). The narrow face impact point
of the slab affected by the main jet of molten steel moves downwards, but the velocity
and shock strength of the main jet does not decrease (see Fig. 3). The surface velocity
reduction helps to reduce the fluctuation and the slag of free surface, but the movement
of vortex center downward in lower circulation zone makes the impact depth in lower
1394 F. Li et al.

(a) 0.3 (b) 0.3 (c) 0.3

Fig. 1. Flow vector without EMBr-Ruler (a) 170 mm (b) 200 mm (c) 220 mm

(a) 0.3 (b) 0.3 (c) 0.3

Fig. 2. Flow vector with EMBr-Ruler (a) 170 mm (b) 200 mm (c) 220 mm
Simulation Research of Influence of the Depth of SEN 1395



k (m2/s2)

No EMBr EMBr-Ruler No EMBr EMBr-Ruler No EMBr EMBr-Ruler

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3. The flow vector and turbulent flow energy contour of narrow surface (a) 170 mm
(b) 200 mm (c) 220 mm

circulation zone deeper, which is not conducive to separate and remove the bubbles and
non-metallic inclusions. And it is also not conducive to the growth of the initial
solidified shell.
After applying EMBr-Ruler technology, the change of flow velocity in upper cir-
culation zone is not obvious, the surface flow velocity is increasing, the impact of main
jet of molten steel on the narrow surface of the slab is weakened, and the vortex center
of lower circulation zone is obviously moving upward. With the distance between the
SEN and magnetic pole decreasing, the change of the main jet direction is more
obviously (see Fig. 2). It is quite obvious that the dispersion of irregular flow of main
jet of molten steel and its surrounding area almost disappears, which is replaced by a
regular and orderly flow. The turbulent flow energy of narrow face of the slab is
decreased (see Fig. 3). This indicates that EMBr-Ruler can effectively control the main
jet of molten steel flowing out of the SEN, suppress the impact depth of lower cir-
culation region in the mold, and the impact zone of narrow surface is effectively
braked. This facilitates the separating and removing of bubbles and non-metallic
inclusions, and prevents steel leakage. However, the surface flow velocity cannot be
well controlled. The flow velocity in upper circulation cannot be effectively controlled.
Therefore, EMBr-Ruler helps to prevent the leakage of molten steel, reduces the
influence on initial solidified shell, and promotes the separating and floating of bubbles
and non-metallic inclusions by the different depths of SEN, the brake effect is affected
by the distance between the SEN and magnetic pole.
1396 F. Li et al.

4 Conclusions

When the depth of SEN is changed, the simulation results of flow field under EMBr-
Ruler show that the impact force of main jet from SEN to the narrow side of mold is
greatly reduced. The impact depth of lower circulation zone in continuous casting
process is also shallowed. The EMBr-Ruler brake effect is affected by the distance
between the SEN and position of magnetic pole. It helps to avoid some casting defects,
such as entrained oxide inclusions and the leakage of molten steel.

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Promotion of Information Technology
Teaching Ability of Food Specialty Teachers

Yuanbin Sun(&), Fengxiang Li, and Zhuo Zhang

Jilin Business and Technology College, Changchun, Jilin, China


Abstract. Under the background of big data era, information technology has
occupied a very important position in modern education, especially in modern
vocational education, vocational education informationization has become an
inevitable trend of vocational education development, vocational education
workers to enhance the ability of informationization has become an inherent
requirement of the development of vocational education. Based on discussing
the current situation of information-based teaching reform in food specialty, this
paper studies the measures to optimize the information-based teaching reform.

Keywords: Food specialty  Informatization  Teaching ability

1 Introduction

The application of information technology in higher vocational education has inno-

vated the traditional teaching mode, which can effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of
students’ participation in education and plays an important role in improving the
quality of classroom teaching [1, 2]. In the new period, each higher vocational college
has gradually realized the necessity of information-based teaching reform, and has
taken a series of reform measures, and achieved certain results [3, 4]. However, the
information-based teaching reform of food specialty in some higher vocational colleges
is still imperfect, and the education function of information technology has not been
brought into full play [5–9]. Therefore, this paper focuses on the reform of information-
based teaching of food specialty in Higher Vocational colleges, in order to provide
guidance and reference for the reform of information-based teaching in Higher
Vocational colleges [10].

2 Problems in Information Technology Teaching Reform

of Food Specialty

2.1 Lack of Information Cognition

Information-based teaching, relying on information technology and emphasizing the
guidance of new educational concepts, is the inevitable trend of modern higher
vocational education reform. At present, the informationization construction of higher
vocational colleges has not yet entered a perfect stage. Some food teachers and students

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1397–1402, 2019.
1398 Y. Sun et al.

do not know the phenomenon of informationization teaching. Their enthusiasm to

participate in the informationization teaching reform is not high, which affects the
further promotion and implementation of the informationization teaching reform of
food specialty. Some food professional teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges stick to
the old teaching ideas and teaching models, while the higher vocational colleges do not
attach importance to teacher training, resulting in the weakening of teachers’ awareness
of information technology application and application ability. Some teachers are
accustomed to the traditional teaching methods. They think that the informationization
teaching mode is tedious, time-consuming and energy-consuming. In addition, the
higher vocational colleges do not require informationization teaching, and are
unwilling to make changes, and also unwilling to learn related application technology,
which leads to the informationization teaching construction in Higher Vocational
Colleges staying on the surface, information technology. The degree of integration with
professional teaching is not high. Under the influence of this teaching environment,
there are few opportunities for higher vocational students to participate in information-
based teaching. Many students can not fully adapt to the reform of teaching mode,
which affects teachers’ judgment of the value of information-based teaching. So
teachers and students gradually fall into a vicious circle and can not give the basis for
information-based teaching reform.

2.2 Imperfect Information Construction

In recent years, under the impetus of the Ministry of Education, each higher vocational
college gradually realized the importance of information-based teaching reform, and
strengthened the relevant construction. However, some higher vocational colleges are
constrained by limited construction resources, resulting in the information-based
teaching reform plan can not be effectively implemented. In addition, with the devel-
opment of China’s education, higher vocational colleges are facing the pressure
brought by the rapid growth of the number of students. In order to meet the needs of
education development, they continue to expand the scale of construction, which
makes the construction of Higher Vocational Colleges short of funds. Some higher
vocational colleges have not balanced the relationship between scale construction and
informationization construction, which leads to the unreasonable school construction
plan and the insufficient input of informationization teaching reform, thus narrowing
the scope of informationization teaching and far from meeting the needs of informa-
tionization teaching. In addition, some higher vocational colleges blindly emphasize
the construction of hardware facilities, neglect the construction of software environ-
ment, such as teaching environment construction, professional faculty construction,
etc., reducing the utilization of information technology, affecting the effectiveness of
information-based teaching, information-based teaching reform is superficial.

2.3 Informational Teaching Management Is Not Strict

Under the background of information-based teaching reform, the management system
of higher vocational colleges should be adjusted and optimized. However, from the
analysis of the actual situation, some higher vocational colleges only pay attention to
Promotion of Information Technology Teaching Ability 1399

the investment of resources, put most of the time and energy into infrastructure con-
struction, but did not realize that information technology brings about a system change,
need to be adjusted in all directions. The traditional teaching management system does
not involve the assessment of information technology, which has an impact on teachers
and students’ ideological cognition, leading to their ignorance of the application of
information technology or application of deviation, and ultimately weakened the effect
of information technology teaching. Higher vocational colleges should perfect the
management system in detail, including assessment system, evaluation system,
incentive system and training system, aiming at the teaching characteristics of food
specialty, so as to create a good information technology application environment and
guarantee for teachers and students. As the reform of information-based teaching is not
closely related to teaching evaluation and incentive system, teachers’ enthusiasm for
participation is affected. In addition, most of the higher vocational colleges have not set
up a special information-based teaching reform institutions, the implementation of the
school’s management system is not in place, once problems arise between the various
departments to shift blame each other, restricting the progress of information-based
teaching reform of food specialty in Higher Vocational colleges.

3 Higher Vocational Colleges Food Professional Information

Teaching Reform and Optimization Measures

Teachers’ informationization ability requires teachers to fully integrate information

equipment, information means and classroom teaching. This requires teachers to
practice a different set of classroom teaching, management skills, the ability to use
appropriate information-based means to design teaching links according to students’
professional and level, targeted implementation of teaching.

3.1 Strengthening the Training of Information Technology Teaching

The teaching reform of food specialty in Vocational Colleges and the construction of
professional teachers are synchronous. Teachers are the leaders of education and the
implementers of information-based teaching. Their professional qualities and profes-
sional abilities directly determine the quality of information-based teaching reform.
Therefore, higher vocational colleges must strengthen teacher training, know the
requirements of information-based teaching reform for food teachers, and carry out
teacher training on this basis. In this process, higher vocational colleges can organize
relevant professional teachers to study information technology regularly, invite pro-
fessionals to hold knowledge lectures, introduce relevant experience, and enhance
teachers’ understanding of information-based teaching from the theoretical and prac-
tical levels as a whole. Teachers can combine their own specific work and experience,
exchange with experts and peers, on-the-spot practice, collision in comparison, forward
in reflection, improve the ability and level of information-based teaching. So that
teachers understand the convenience and advantages of information-based teaching,
update their teaching concepts and methods, guide them to effectively combine
1400 Y. Sun et al.

information technology with subject teaching, maximize the function of information-

based teaching. At the same time, higher vocational colleges should also incorporate
the information-based teaching ability into the teacher assessment system, give teachers
some rewards for good performance, actively promote excellent teaching examples,
encourage teachers to conduct teaching research, so that teachers become participants
in the information-based teaching reform.

3.2 Learning the Concept of Information Technology Teaching

Vocational educators should grasp the pulse of the times, earnestly study the relevant
policies of national education and teaching, understand and grasp the role of infor-
mationization in promoting vocational education, understand the powerful role of
informationization in promoting vocational education, strengthen their ideological
awareness and firmly establish the concept of informationization teaching. This concept
determines whether teachers are willing to apply information technology to teaching
and whether they will use information technology to solve teaching problems. Teachers
should realize the importance of this concept, internalize this concept into a kind of
responsibility, orientate information-based teaching as the main object of exploration in
their own development, earnestly study in teaching and practice, actively explore and
apply information-based teaching, constantly realize the renewal of self-knowledge,
and keep pace with advanced technology. Study the knowledge base and basic skills of
information-based teaching. After establishing a firm concept of information-based
teaching, teachers need to master the knowledge base and basic skills of information-
based teaching. Knowledge base refers to a solid reserve of teaching theoretical
knowledge and teaching methods suitable for different environments, which can clarify
the deep meaning of informationization and curriculum integration. The basic skills
include three aspects: first, teachers should be able to operate computer, projector and
other commonly used multimedia equipment, and be able to carry out simple main-
tenance, and can guide students to operate; second, teachers should be able to skillfully
use a variety of commonly used software, and these information technologies are
properly applied Finally, teachers should be able to grasp a variety of information-
based teaching evaluation tools, multi-level evaluation of the whole learning process of
students, find problems, and adjust the teaching process in a timely and reasonable
manner. The mastery of the theoretical knowledge and basic skills of information-based
teaching is the key factor to measure teachers’ information-based ability, which is also
the most basic requirement for teachers to apply information technology.

3.3 Strengthening the Construction of Informationalized Teaching

To enhance teachers’ information-based teaching ability, schools need to provide
financial and technical support. First of all, the application of Internet technology in
teaching needs the support of various teaching software and teaching platform.
Moreover, with the rapid development of the Internet, all kinds of software and
technical fluid need to be upgraded and transformed, the teaching equipment should be
updated in time, and the development and utilization of various kinds of application
Promotion of Information Technology Teaching Ability 1401

software and resource database of information-based teaching should be strengthened.

Schools can set up information service teams to provide technical support for teachers
to record videos, video animation and processing, curriculum website construction, and
provide convenient conditions for teachers to carry out information-based teaching.
Thirdly, the cultivation of applied talents has always been the goal of many colleges
and universities in China. The application of the Internet in education has improved the
means and methods of training applied talents, and can better meet the needs of social
development. Therefore, teachers should also take part in relevant training, constantly
improve their professional level and serve the students better.

3.4 Improve the Management System

A sound management system is the basis for ensuring the smooth implementation of
information technology teaching reform in higher vocational colleges. In view of the
problems mentioned above, higher vocational colleges should not only attach impor-
tance to the infrastructure construction, but also strengthen the management system
construction, clarify the requirements of the information-based teaching reform,
improve and refine the various teaching management systems, effectively reform the
information-based teaching and teaching assessment, incentives. The system is linked
together. Specifically, higher vocational colleges should recognize the technical char-
acteristics of information-based teaching, deeply understand its role and significance in
the teaching and application of food specialty, carefully analyze the factors that affect
the effectiveness of information-based teaching, such as equipment factors, personnel
factors, environmental factors, and so on, so as to formulate a set of perfect manage-
ment measures and systems. It is possible to eliminate the negative effects of these
factors, encourage teachers and students to actively participate in the reform of
information-based teaching, actively listen to their effective opinions or suggestions,
and strengthen their cognition, so as to urge them to actively abide by the management
rules. In order to further guarantee the quality of information-based teaching reform of
food specialty, higher vocational colleges should also set up special management
institutions to unify the responsibilities, rights and interests of information technology
management in their own schools, with special personnel responsible for the imple-
mentation of reform plans and systems, and to improve and optimize them in constant
practice so as to maximize their play. The advantages and benefits of information
technology in food specialty teaching.

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higher vocational colleges. Educ Forum
2. Zhang C, Ruiting Z (2018) Exploration of improving the information technology teaching
ability in modern vocational education. J Beijing Vocat Coll Finance Commer
3. Zhou H, Chun, Wang Y (2012) Exploration on the cultivation of university teachers’
informationalized teaching ability. Chin J Educ Inf
1402 Y. Sun et al.

4. Wei M (2014) Improving the informationization level of vocational education and

accelerating the construction of modern vocational education system. Vocat Tech Educ
5. Gao D (2015) Exploration of the ways to improve the teachers’ informatization ability in
vocational colleges and universities under the modern educational environment. Wirel
Interconnect J Sci Technol
6. Yan Y (2012) Research on informationization of teaching management in colleges and
universities. High Agric Educ
7. Tao Y (2013) Analysis of the construction plan of vocational school’s information-based
teaching system. J Zhenjiang High Vocat Coll
8. Rothwell W (1996) Beyond training and development: state-of-the-art strategies for
enhancing human performance. AMACOM, New York
9. Darling-Hammond L (1994) Professional development schools: schools for developing a
profession. Teachers College Press, New York
10. Tien CY (2009) Conflict and accommodation in classroom codeswitching in Taiwan. Int J
Biling Educ Biling 12(2):173–192
Research on the Reform of Higher
Mathematics Teaching in Applied
Undergraduate Colleges

Lisa Zhu(&)

College of Applied Science, Jilin Engineering Normal University,

3050 Kaixuan Street, Changchun, China

Abstract. On account of the poor mathematical foundation of students in

application-oriented universities, finding the right teaching method for them has
become an urgent task. This paper starts from the current situation of higher
mathematics teaching in application-oriented universities and in-depth study of
advanced mathematics teaching methods for students in application-oriented
universities from the aspects of teaching content and teaching forms, in this way,
some training methods and ways to solve the mathematics application ability are

Keywords: Higher mathematics  Teaching method 

Students from counterpart admissions

1 Introduction

With the continuous development of the social development process and the increasing
demand for talents at different levels in the economic society, higher education tends to
be popular and popularized and the enrollment scale of applied undergraduate colleges
is also expanding. Their education training objectives are becoming more and more
clear, to train them to have a solid theoretical basis for the application of talent. At
present, in the process of higher mathematics teaching in application-oriented uni-
versities, teachers often emphasize the inculcation of knowledge and neglect the
teaching of mathematics application ability [1], therefore, we should change the
original single teaching concept of pure mathematics, strengthen the cultivation of
students’ consciousness of application of mathematics, and pay attention to the
improvement of students’ ability to solve practical problems by applying mathematics
knowledge in teaching.

2 The Significance of Higher Mathematics Teaching Reform

in Application-Oriented Universities

Mathematics, arising out of practical necessity, has a profound impact on the devel-
opment of natural science and technology. It is as important to natural scientists as
telescopes are to astronomers and microscopes are to biologists, and its role as the basis

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1403–1408, 2019.
1404 L. Zhu

and tool of natural science is well known [2]. However, there is no adequate recog-
nition of the role and status of mathematics in application-oriented universities. Most of
them believe that higher mathematics is only a discipline for a few “intelligent aris-
tocrats” to hunt and enjoy [3]. Few of them know that mathematics is closely relate to
their professional study in the future, nor is it known that mathematics has been applied
to numerical calculations in all areas of social life. A series of economic activities, such
as the need for calculation in business, the measurement of land and the prediction of
astronomical events, are related to mathematics, and few people realize that mathe-
matics is the necessary foundation for cultivating people’s comprehensive quality and
receiving lifetime education. Therefore, the research on the mathematics teaching of
application-oriented universities students, explore and study the appropriate teaching
methods of higher mathematics education due to the particularity of education, to solve
the problem of low interest and low efficiency of students in higher mathematics
teaching. Whether it is the construction of theory or the practice, it has guiding sig-
nificance for the teaching of this subject and other subjects.

3 Present Situation of Higher Mathematics Teaching

in Application-Oriented Universities

At present, the talent training of application-oriented universities focuses on the

training objectives, and the overall design is centered on students. The school-
enterprise cooperation and the combination of work and study are the entry points,
taking the integration of “teaching, learning and doing”, the alternation of work and
study, and the internship as the approach, facing the needs of the first line of various
industries, aiming at meeting the needs of jobs, we will build a talent training model
that closely integrates engineering and learning, and train high-quality skilled profes-
sionals [4]. Stu-dents have a strong advantage in practical ability. However, due to the
lack of knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry in high school, students have
difficulty in understanding advanced mathematics theoretical courses which are rela-
tively boring and have few practice opportunities, and lack of interest in learning.
According to statistics, there are three main types of mathematics courses in applied
undergraduate colleges, namely calculus, linear algebra, probability and mathematical
statistics. The purpose of education is to increase the training of college students’
professional skills, increase the practice links and reduce the teaching time of theo-
retical courses.
For a long time, the application of undergraduate college education in China is
basically a teaching mode of applying ordinary higher education. Among them, the
teaching of mathematics is particularly prominent. The teaching content is a com-
pressed version of the general university teaching content, and the teaching method
basically adopts the teaching method and the teaching form is based on classroom
teaching [5], which makes the students who have difficulty learning mathematics even
worse. The traditional mathematics teaching in traditional colleges and universities is
that the majority of mathematics teachers take the trouble to talk about concepts,
principles, and exercises, while quite a few students are overwhelmed and self-
destructive, and they are far away from higher mathematics. Therefore, the original
Research on the Reform of Higher Mathematics Teaching 1405

method of teaching methods can no longer meet the needs of students who are studying
in the right place. Therefore, it is imperative to improve the teaching methods in
combination with the characteristics of students.

4 Practice of Higher Mathematics Teaching Reform

in Application-Oriented Universities

Applicative undergraduate students are an important group on the university campus.

They need to be guided and helped by the teachers, so that they can really gain
something in the four years of college life. As teachers, therefore, we should do our
utmost to explore and study the reform practice of higher mathematics, find better ways
and means to achieve the best teaching results in the study of higher mathematics, and
help students to enter the society smoothly.

4.1 Transformation of Educational Thought

For those students who have just entered the university, some of them already have a
relatively solid theoretical foundation and the ability to analyze and reason problems.
Therefore, our teaching goals are to enable students to obtain satisfactory knowledge
conclusions, cultivate students’ rigorous logical thinking ability, and improve mathe-
matics literacy. And for those whose mathematics foundations are generally poor, and
some even stay at the junior high school level, the teaching goal should be to apply for
the purpose, to be necessary enough, to take the “practical” way, to reflect the char-
acteristics of “connecting with reality, focusing on application, paying attention to
innovation, and improving quality” [6].

4.2 Arrangement of Teaching Content

The teaching content of higher mathematics is divided into two parts: basic theory and
practical application. The teaching of basic concepts and theories must enable students
to understand the essence, clarify their context and inter-relation, establish the logic
system between mathematical concepts, and have an overall grasp of the whole the-
oretical system. For some basic theories, the ideas and methods of proof should be
introduced to the students first, because of their foundations are relatively weak, they
need to have clearer arguments in their minds. And then concretely demonstrate that
this will enable students to be able to do their best and have a clear focus. For some
important but complicated conclusions, it is necessary to introduce them without any
proof, and introduce them directly in the lectures. This is thick and detailed, which can
reduce the difficulty without missing the knowledge focus and ensure the integrity of
the theoretical system.
For the application of mathematics, in the course of preparing lessons, the instructor
should use the textbooks used in the teaching of this major as a blueprint, and consult
the data in multiple ways to clarify the reasoning process of each knowledge point, that
is, it is not only necessary to clarify the content of the lecture, but also to supplement
the basic theoretical knowledge involved in the content of the pilot course. Based on
1406 L. Zhu

professional knowledge and basic mathematical calculations at the same time, com-
bined with the content of this professional and should not be broad and no target. For
example, in the financial management profession, there are many contents related to
mathematics. Students should be able to clear and definite what mathematical theories
should be used, how to apply them, and what goals should be achieved. In this way,
through specific case analysis, students can be interested in mathematics, mathematics
as a useful tool for my use.

4.3 Reform of Teaching Methods

4.3.1 Eliminate Mental Boredom in Mind
The students of application-oriented universities all have certain fear and boredom in
their study of mathematics and think that they have poor foundation and mathematics is
boring [7]. Therefore, for advanced mathematics learning, they are passive from the
beginning. As a teacher, after recognizing such facts, we should help students remove
obstacles psychologically, adjust their emotions, infect students with their own passion,
and let them concentrate their attention on the teachers. Their thoughts will naturally
become active and the teaching will go on step by step.

4.3.2 We Should Carry Out Targeted Teaching Activities

Due to the poor mathematical foundation of students in application-oriented univer-
sities, the teaching time of higher mathematics is limited. So we can use Admiring
Teaching mode to teach. The purpose is to require students to prepare lessons before
class and attend lectures with emphasis on problems. In this way, we can save time
after class and improve classroom efficiency and avoid passive teaching. Help students
review what they have learned before each lesson. Summarize the knowledge of the
lesson in the last few minutes of the class. Clear the position and role of this part in the
whole system of mathematical theory. Clear the minimum and highest requirements
that should be mastered [8]. After class can be properly arranged with different diffi-
culty exercises, students in accordance with the degree of mastery and understanding
level of self-examination, in this learning process to consolidate knowledge, find their
own weak points in knowledge, find problems, and then to solve problems.

4.3.3 We Should Introduce Practical Training in the Teaching Process

The so-called mathematics practice is to take the mathematics teaching content as the
center, take the simple practical application as the background, through the student
personality study way, achieves the goal that students to understand, the use mathe-
matics, enhances the study initiative, produces the thick study interest. So that students
can skillfully grasp the computational skills necessary to solve the problem, and can
analyze and judge from a quantitative point of view, so as to solve the problem, fully
embody the practicality of mathematics [9].

4.3.4 Be Skillful at All Kinds of Computing Tools

In today’s society, multimedia technology is developing unprecedentedly, and all kinds
of software related to mathematics are quite popular. To help students through the
application of MATLAB mathematical software, to establish the relationship between
Research on the Reform of Higher Mathematics Teaching 1407

concepts and images, establish the relationship between the various senses. Make
abstract mathematical problems concrete, dry mathematical problems interesting, static
mathematical problems dynamic, complex mathematical problems simplified. Cultivate
students’ ability to solve practical problems by using various computing tools

4.4 Application of Teaching Methods

With the successful application of multimedia in teaching, the connotation of mathe-
matics has been extended. Teachers cannot keep up with the needs of modern teaching
development by books, blackboards and chalk [10]. Mathematics teachers in
application-oriented universities should also combine the characteristics of students,
reasonably use multimedia to teach, and constantly explore the skills of using multi-
media courseware in practice. Free the rigid “blackboard writing” of higher mathe-
matics and become more vividly, clearly and expressively. It makes the formation of
mathematical concepts, the generation and development of graphics visible. At the
same time, it mobilizes students’ enthusiasm for learning, reduces the abstraction of
higher mathematics itself, and enables students to truly understand what they have
learned and improve learning efficiency.

5 Conclusion

Because of its systematic, theoretical and abstract characteristics, higher mathematics is

a difficult course for students who are promoted to apply undergraduate colleges and
universities [11]. Therefore, we should change the traditional teaching ideas and
methods in the actual teaching process, combining with the actual situation of students,
to make the higher mathematics curriculum lively and interesting. According to dif-
ferent teaching contents and professional characteristics, the teaching quality of
advanced mathematics should be improved by combining advanced mathematics with
subsequent majors, so as to achieve the purpose of training applied talents.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by 2018 Project of Jilin Education Science
(project approval number: GH180607), and 2018 Higher Education Research Projects of Jilin
Province Higher Education Society (project number: JGJX2018D67), and 2018 College Stu-
dents’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Project (project number: 201810204042), and
2018 Education and Reaching Research Project of Jilin Engineering Normal University.

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J Henan Inst Sci Technol 12:13–15+36 (2015) (in Chinese)
2. Yang J (2004) Exploration and practice of calculus teaching reform in secondary vocational
schools. Liaoning Norm Univ (in Chinese)
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3. Zhu L (2017) A teaching reform on the course of higher mathematics in application-oriented

universities based on social demands over talents. J Jilin Eng Norm Univ 33(12):54–56 (in
4. Sun F (2016) Research on teaching reform of advanced mathematics in universities with
technical skills. J Changchun Norm Univ 35(02):107–109 (in Chinese)
5. Yang J (2011) The higher vocational colleges and universities teaching reform of
mathematics research and exploration. Liaoning High Vocat Tech Inst J 13(01):29–30 (in
6. Zhu L (2016) On measures for cultivation of application ability in teaching of higher
mathematics of vocation-technical teachers’ colleges. Vocat Tech Educ 37(35):54–56 (in
7. Liu W (2016) Investigation and analysis of the diversity of students in higher vocational
colleges. J High Educ 22:32–33+36 (in Chinese)
8. Huang N, Lin L (2004) How to carry out appropriate teaching for students graduated from
technical secondary school. J Jilin Inst Chem Technol 12:78–80 (in Chinese)
9. Huang M (2006) Studying characteristics of geared students in higher technical colleges and
the corresponding teaching research. Hunan Norm Univ (in Chinese)
10. Wang D (2010) Teaching reform of higher mathematics based on major requirement.
Liaoning High Vocat Tech Inst J 12(06):27–28+83 (in Chinese)
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The Training Course on Numerical Control
Programming in Higher Vocational Colleges

Yiying Chen(&)

Chang Chun Science and Technology University, Changchun, China


Abstract. As the continuous improvement of machining technology, the

application of CNC machine tools widely used in many occasions. Combined
with the goal of the school vocational training, we implement the curriculum
reform of “Demand-driven” “Industry-guidance” “School-enterprise coopera-
tion” “project–orientation”. This paper starts with the practical training of CNC
machining programming, and let students use CNC lathes to process parts.

Keywords: CNC programming  Practice  Operation

1 The Introduction of CNC Lathes and Procedures

Its productivity and degree of automation is higher than traditional machine tool,
mainly used for machining shaft parts plate parts inside and outside the cylinder bore
hole and boring now commonly used numerical control lathe program are: Japan’s
Mitsubishi FANUC numerical control system of Germany’s Siemens CNC system
company Mitsubishi CNC system German Hyde han (Heidenhain) numerical control
system of wuhan huazhong numerical control system, this paper mainly make students
horizontal CNC lathe operation, master the basic operation of numerical control car.
Numerical control lathe is a kind of CNC tool used in machining, which is divided into
horizontal numerical control lathe and vertical numerical control lathe, which the
horizontal numerical control lathe is more widely used than vertical [1–3].

2 Introduction to CNC Lathes and Systems

Based on the actual situation of the university, the hnc-211 numerical control lathe of
central China century star is adopted in combination with the central China numerical
control system, which is simple in programming, reliable and cost-effective.

2.1 The Display

In the upper left corner is the display, the main display program coordinates, cutter and
spindle position coordinates. In addition, the monitor can also display system status,
fault alarm and graphic simulation of processing track.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1409–1412, 2019.
1410 Y. Chen

2.2 The Keyboard

Keyboard is used for programming input, including basic number, coordinate function
selection, cutter spindle selection, function keys. Among them, the function keys are
from F1 to F10, respectively representing the selection of basic operation of the
machine tool.

2.3 Control Panel of Machine Tool

The control panel of the machine tool is used to directly control the movement or
processing of the machine tool, including panel indicator light, operation mode indi-
cator switch, multiplier switch, selection mode and other functions.

2.4 Handheld Unit

The handheld unit is mainly used for setting the mechanical working origin, incre-
mental feed coordinate axis, manual step adjustment, interrupted insertion in machining
and other actions in the CNC machine tool, so as to better assist the machine tool

2.5 Emergency Stop Button

In addition, there is an emergency stop button in the upper right corner of the CNC
lathe operator, which is used in very critical situations. Such as programming errors,
tool or work-piece collisions, and so on.

3 Program Programming

As the practical training course of this course is carried out on the basis of the theory
course, the selection of installation jigs for rough parts, and the installation of circular
turning tool and cutting tool are prepared in advance, this paper focuses on the pro-
gramming steps of CNC lathe. As shown in Fig. 1 to processing the blank, blank
dimensions for U 100 mm  50 mm, material for profile.

Fig. 1. The blank

The Training Course on Numerical Control Programming 1411

3.1 Program Contents

The programming content is as follows:
N10 T0303;
N20 M03S1000;
N30 G00 X30 Z2;
N40 G71 U1.5 R1.5 P1 Q2 X0.3 Z0.2 F150;
N50 N1 G00 X5 Z0;
N60 G01 X10 Z0 C2 F80;
N70 Z10;
N80 X15;
N90 X20 Z-25;
N100 Z-30;
N110 X25;
N120 N2 Z-40;
N130 G00 X30;
N140 X150 Z150;
N150 T0404;
N160 G00 Z-40;
N170 X30;
N180 G01 X-0.1 F80;
N190 G00 X30;
N200 X150 Z150;
N210 M05;
N220 M30;

3.2 The Summary of Practice Contents

Through the programming of central China system, we can summarize some knowl-
edge points that are ignored by students in the theory course, such as:
(1) The program has the program number at the beginning, which also marks the start
of the program. Students often forget to write the program number in the pro-
gramming. Through the operation of the practice class, some students will deepen
their impression [4–7].
(2) The rotation speed of the spindle and the cutter are usually set according to the
size requirements of the machine tool and the work-piece in practice. In the
programming of the theory course, students may not understand the setting of the
spindle and the cutter rotation speed, so students can learn about the spindle and
the rotation speed through practice.
(3) The selection of radial and axial precision car allowance and retracting depth also
needs to be accumulated in experience. Then the part N1 to N2 is the precision car
path, and students will understand the concept of precision car allowance through
modification [8–10].
1412 Y. Chen

(4) For the circular turning tool and cutting tool used in this program, the two kinds of
cutting tools should undertake different processing stages respectively. In the
practical operation, students will have a deeper understanding of the original
knowledge and the previously learned knowledge of cutting tools.
(5) In addition to the understanding of this course, also can cultivate higher vocational
students’ practical ability, inspire their interest in programming, in the G71
command parameters, for example, U, R on the set of original to 2 mm, the
processing time is about 15 min, then we will U, R is set to 1.5 mm, the pro-
cessing time is about 20 min, with higher quality and no burr on the surface of the
parts, the phenomenon such as flash, these links are students through summing up
the operation.

1. Zhang T, Xu W (2018) Research on CNC machining and forming technology of complex
parts of agricultural machinery. Res Agric Mech 4
2. Zhong J, Wang J (2018) Teaching exploration of numerical control processing and
programming courses in higher vocational colleges. South Agric Mach 12
3. Yang W (2017) Analysis on the programming technology of mechanical NC machining in
the new situation. Electron World 9
4. Yu W, Li K (2017) Design and implementation of optimal scheduling model for NC
machining path. Mod Electron Technol 12
5. Li Z (2017) Discussion on manufacturing technology and application of CNC machining of
mechanical molds. China Equip Eng 14
6. Liu X (2017) Research on the application of wide slot instruction in CNC machining of
FANUC system. Electromech Eng Technol 7
7. Huo C (2017) Application of numerical control processing in machining technology. Times
Agric Mach 7
8. Gu J (2005) National excellent course – course construction of “numerical control
programming”. Mech Prof Educ 8
9. Shan S, Zhang C, Wang W, Zhai X (2005) Exploration and thinking on the teaching reform
of numerical control major in vocational colleges. High Vocat Educ (J Tianjin Vocat Univ) 3
10. Liu Q (2003) Several measures on the teaching reform of motor driving. Teach Res 2
An Analysis on the Cultivation Method
of Studio Model Taking Craftsmanship
as the Core of Occupational
Quality—in Master Studio Case

Minhong Dai(&) and Cui Wen

Hainan Vocational College of Software Technology, Qionghai 571400, China


Abstract. The action agenda of Made in China 2025 proposed a fundamental

principle features in talented orientation. The establishment of master studio as
the new spot of the educational reform of Hainan Vocational College of Soft-
ware Technology and provides a reference signification on a brand new training
mode. This paper analyzes how to incorporate the craftsmanship into the studio
mode forming a long term mechanism. Under the promotion of studio mode,
craftsmanship enables the core occupational quality to lead practice and inno-
vate the educational mode.

Keywords: Craftsmanship  Occupational quality  Personal training

1 Introduction

The establishment of great master studio is a new mode in animation major teaching
practice of Hainan vocational and technical college [1–5]. The craftsmanship plays a
central role in the found of studio and the spirit cultivation of craftsman is determined
as an important orientation [6, 7]. But under the studio’s mode, the specific cultivation
approaches, practices of craftsman’s spirit are still questions worth studying [8–10].

2 Craftsmanship’ Core Role and Influence in Occupational


Occupational quality reflects the connotation of skilled people with the core of
craftsmanship, a pursuit of seriousness, dedication and innovation. In the process of
cultivating occupational quality, only with craftsmanship can we train master in pro-
ficient of technology with skill. As the core of professionalism, craftsmanship requires
more sophisticated in working and even struggling the slight difficulties. It is worth
mentioning that professionalism is a valuable character when recruiting.
Possessing outstanding feature is a key advantage entering enterprises amid the
training of professionalism. In the process of establishing the great master studio, it was

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1413–1417, 2019.
1414 M. Dai and C. Wen

the students as the pioneer with craftsmanship exerting the leading role and popular-
izing this new spirit to occupational education.

3 Promoting Craftsmanship Leading New Type Apprentice

in Studio and Innovating New Mode of Personal Training

Featuring in professional spirit comparing with the normal classes, studio mode is not
merely a space for producing creation and working. Being more agile in the contrast of
company, the great studio takes tutor with rich practical experience and noble character
as core being more appealing. Great studio in our college introducing masters in fields
forming group and dividing them into masters, chief teacher and mentor a 3 levels
training within apprenticeship system. Masters centers to lead the development of
studio, teachers and entrepreneurs are responsible for designing and planning details of
training. As for studio, it is used to train apprentice to become general director.
Craftsmanship is always the core of us, we should around masters with craftsmanship
to become a team.

4 Cultivation Method of Studio Model Taking Craftsmanship

as the Core of Occupational Quality

4.1 Bring the Enterprise Culture with Craftsmanship to Studio Mode

and Setting the Concept of Professionalism
As the core of enterprise culture, craftsmanship highlights students’ professional atti-
tude such as committed and dedicated. As for company, the criteria of recruitment
should be focus on professional attitude a new measuring standard instead of qualifi-
cations and skills. The above convert poses technical schools a higher demand—
combining the craftsmanship with the establishment and cultivation of enterprise cul-
ture contributing to the forming of occupational spirit of cherishing posts and devoting
wholeheartedly to work. According to the graduate information from great master
studio, parts of them are more satisfied with the post comparing peers in ordinary
classes. It has proven that incorporating craftsmanship into business culture is con-
ductive to students’ future promoting capacities of social adjustment, management and
intercourse to achieve docking without distance with business.

4.2 Incorporating Craftsmanship into the Rules and Criteria of Studio

to Train Strict Professional Attitude
We must strictly and carry out incorporate craftsmanship into the system construction,
because, system guarantees the smooth process of a module teaching integrating of
production, teaching and leading projects, which includes behavior standard, the pro-
tective system of intellectual property rights and other incentive system of studio
constraining the occupational attitude of students’ professional core values. And the
implement stands out the professionally significantly.
An Analysis on the Cultivation Method 1415

The formulating and improvement of studio’s principle are specific embodiment of

craftsmanship. In terms of setting the rules of studio’s principle, we could make
everything has standard to follow such as teaching achievements the extent on
embodiment of students’ abilities. What can students learn at the train integrating
producing and teaching, and the required qualities and techniques should be identified.
Moreover, employment with craftsmanship must observe all kinds of occupational

4.3 Incorporating Craftsmanship into the Curriculum as the Center

of Professionalism in Great Master Studio
Relevant standard Description of evaluation factors
Responsibility 1. Pull your weight on work and shoulder responsibility
2. Good work attendance
Work quality 1. Understand the communication of every factors
2. Having professional ethics and obey operation specification
Working 1. Can accelerate the working efficiency through an innovative thought
efficiency 2. Speed up efficiency actively according to conditions
3. Can achieve work tasks timely
1. Can understand the requirement of task clearly
Teamwork 1. Can make personal sacrifice for group interests
2. Adopting proper method express different views
3. Can cooperate effectively with colleague

The first thing about designing the courses of the great master studio is the top-
down, refining the core elements covers highlights details, strictness, persist and
dedication as the direction of training students, making all sections of studio are more
targeted. On the courses teaching methods adopts the integration of production and
education and craft model as much as possible, trying projectization of course and
systematization of working process to let students feel the atmosphere of career. On the
evaluation of curriculum, emphasizing on the incorporation core literacy into evalua-
tion Systems, highlighting the combination of process assessment and outcome
assessment. Taking the must be weekly record of work as example, giving remarks on
periodic log in this period, core literacy has grown, as illustrated in the table below.
In the construction of great master studio, we always targets at the core literacy of
craftsmanship, treating it as the center of curriculum building and constantly improve it
to achieve a optimizing and sustainable development. The professional core compe-
tence can inculcate the occupational quality and competence, comprehensive courses to
all kind of learning modular of post. Which solves the problem of “what king of talent
we should cultivata”.
1416 M. Dai and C. Wen

5 Incorporating Great Studio Business Project

into Craftsmanship to Promote the Sustainable
Development of Core Literacy Training

In the project of great master project, in view of the practical project has higher
demands than ordinary teaching project with strict principle and urgent timeline, we
need to combine the craftsmanship into business project, require students in studio to
complete tasks seriously. Teachers should inspect every key links. Under new
Apprenticeship in business, craftsmanship reflects in every chain of items. The
adopting practical business projects enable students to gain wonderful occupational
skill and quality training.

6 The Confronting Problems and Countermeasures in Studio

Training of Craftsmanship

The training of craftsmanship requires joint efforts to create an atmosphere of education

and poses several problems.
The overdue of focus on theory ignoring practice in the training process, hence, we
need to strength practical courses such as the situation course of ethics and professional
conduct to lead students delivering speech on craftsmanship or opening debates.
Rewarding people with lofty occupational quality as a role model to expand the
influence of this spirit and establish a correct attitude towards learning and career
Promote the talents introducing with high skills, advancing guaranteeing system to
appeal more teachers with craftsmanship to join us solving the problem of teacher

7 Conclusion

The great master studio as a new mode of training occupational qualities and practice
craftsmanship carry out research in certain degree. To train this spirit we still have a
long way to go, with in-depth training mechanism to promote cultivating path so as to
open a window for highly skilled workers.

Acknowledgement. The Project “Exploration and Practice of Talent Training Mode of Ani-
mation Production Technology Based on Modern Apprenticeship System” (Project
No. Hnjg2018-88) is funded by 2018 Hainan Research Project of Higher Education and Teaching
Reform. Project supported by the Education Department of Hainan Province, project number:
An Analysis on the Cultivation Method 1417

1. Zhong X, Liu Y (2015) Crafsmanship and its contemporary value. Hunan Soc. Sci. 6:6–10
2. Ye A, Liu L (2015) On red culture and contemporary craftsmanship cultivation of vocational
colleges. Vocat Tech Educ Forum 34:80–85
3. Chan G (2016) The modern value of the spirit of craftsman. Vocat Tech Educ Forum 7:72–
4. Wang X (2016) An analysis from the perspective of Made in China “training higher
vocational students” the spirit of craftsman. Vocat Educ Res 2:14–17
5. Sun B (2016) The practice of Higher Vocational Colleges cultivates in “the spirit of
craftsman”. J Ningbo Univ (Educ Sci Ed) 3:53–56
6. Hu B, Li X (2016) The new mission of ideological and political education in higher
vocational school. High Educ Explor 5:85–89
7. Yang H, Su W (2016) “The spirit of craftsman” Cultivating research based on the
contemporary modern apprenticeship. 16:27–32
8. Li Q (2016) Starting with the spirit of craftsman creating ideas of urban public space
exploration. East China University of Political Science and Law
9. Li H, Bie Y (2015) Historical heritage and contemporary development of artisan spirit. Stud
Dialectics Nat 8:54–59
10. Liu Z (2017) Personalized e-learning resource recommendation method based on multi-
objective particle swarm optimization algorithm with neighborhood learning strategy.
Zhejiang University of Technology
Research on the Status and Countermeasures
for the Development of Rural E-Commerce
in China

Jun Wang(&)

Hubei Business Service Research Development Center,

Wuhan Technology and Business University, No. 3, Huangjiahu West Road,
Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China

Abstract. As the representative of “Internet + agriculture”, rural e-commerce

has developed rapidly. While facing many opportunities, such as the great
support from the government, facilitating the growth of rural e-commerce with
investment, and the rapid growth of rural netizens, it is also encountered with
several bottlenecks at the same time. Therefore, we should provide a favorable
environment to the healthy development of rural e-commerce by stepping up
infrastructure construction, improving rural logistics system, increasing public
service supply, and perfecting laws, regulations and the standardization system.

Keywords: Rural e-commerce  Development status 

Infrastructure construction  Public services

1 Status of Development for Rural E-Commerce

As the representative of “Internet + agriculture”, rural e-commerce has developed

rapidly [1]. The comprehensive demonstration for e-commerce to enter rural areas has
cumulatively supported 756 counties. Currently, 204,000 villages in China have built
pro-farmer information clubs to provide public welfare services, convenient services, e-
commerce and training experience [2]. It is estimated that pro-farmer information clubs
will be built in over 80% of administrative villages in the next two to three years. In the
first half of 2018, the scale of online retail sales in rural areas continued to expand to
reach RMB 632.28 billion, up by 34.4% year on year (4.3% points higher than the
national growth rate) and accounting for 15.5% of the national online retail sales
volume in China [3–6].
From 2017 to 2018, China’s rural e-commerce is experiencing four transforma-
tions: from downward transfer of industrial products to upward transfer of agricultural
products, from simple e-commerce transactions to rural integrated services, from
stressing the development of rural economy to facilitating the construction of beautiful
villages, and from alleviating poverty through e-commerce public welfare to sustain-
able and systematic poverty alleviation [7–10].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1418–1423, 2019.
Research on the Status and Countermeasures 1419

2 Opportunities for the Development of Rural E-Commerce

2.1 Greater Support from the Government
Since 2014, China has constantly rolled out favorable policies for the agricultural e-
commerce industry. Rural e-commerce has been written into the No. 1 Document for
four consecutive years. In 2017, a special section of No. 1 Document was dedicated to
rural e-commerce at a higher level and from a broader perspective (agricultural oper-
ators, agricultural produce, comprehensive demonstration for e-commerce to enter rural
areas, and e-commerce industry parks, etc.). In 2018, Ministry of Finance released
Notice on Carrying out Comprehensive Demonstration for E-commerce to Enter Rural
Areas in 2018, expressing that the central government will support the development of
rural e-commerce through multiple means of financial support and will cultivate a
group of rural e-commerce demonstration counties in China in 2018 to serve as models.
CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to e-commerce.
Such projects as comprehensive demonstration for e-commerce to enter rural areas and
“Internet+” modern agriculture have been launched by central and local governments
successively. A series of policies have accelerated the development of rural

2.2 Facilitating the Development of Rural E-Commerce with Investment

According to incomplete statistics of open data, at the end of 2017, over 59 financing
incidents on rural e-commerce had been disclosed and monitored. The total financing
amount of the industry was no less than RMB 6.2 billion. The top 10 investment and
financing companies in the rural e-commerce industry and their amount are: Yiguox-
iansheng (USD 300 million), MISSFRESH (USD 330 million), Huitongda (RMB 500
million), SINOAGRI E-COMMERCE (RMB 307 million), Xcener (tens of millions of
USD), Great Harvest Agricultural Material Shopping Mall (RMB 200 million), Jiuye
Supply Chain (RMB 200 million), Fenfenzhong Food Material (RMB 110 million),
Agricultural Installment (RMB 100 million), and Lecuntao (RMB 100 million). The
investment and enthusiasm of investors have undoubtedly facilitated the development
of rural e-commerce and promoted the growth of rural e-commerce enterprises.

2.3 The Penetration Rate of the Internet Is Increasing and the Number
of Rural Netizens Has Grown Rapidly
From 2012 to 2017, the number of rural netizens in China increased continuously from
156 million in 2012 to 209 million in 2017. In December 2017, the Internet penetration
rate in rural areas in China was 35.4%, up by 2.34% points on average each year. With
the perfection of rural information network infrastructure and the improvement of rural
residents’ living standard, the Internet penetration rate for rural residents and the
number of rural netizens will further increase. In turn, it will further the development of
rural e-commerce in China.
1420 J. Wang

3 Problems in the Development of Rural E-Commerce

3.1 The Rural Network System Is Incomplete and Rural Residents Suffer
from a Lack of Knowledge on the Internet
Information infrastructure is the prerequisite for e-commerce. China suffers from
imbalance in regional development, particularly in the construction of information
infrastructure. In recent years, the scale of rural netizens and Internet penetration rate in
rural areas have been expanding, but there is still a certain gap with urban areas.
Though many rural netizens know how to use computers, they don’t have the latest
critical professional knowledge on online payment and e-commerce logistics.

3.2 The Rural Logistics System Is Imperfect with Poor Logistics

Distribution and a High Cost
Since China has a vast territory, its population is widely distributed. Some regions
suffer from backward transportation and an underdeveloped logistics network, bringing
difficulties to logistics distribution for rural e-commerce. Due to the lack of professional
agricultural transportation technical equipment and the relative backwardness of
existing technical equipment, fresh products can easily rot away. Moreover, the
underdeveloped rural transportation and scattered distribution points directly impede
the development of rural e-commerce. Meanwhile, the five-layer circulation structure
of “brokers—wholesalers at the production area—wholesalers at the sales area—re-
tailers—consumers” is the dominant circulation model for agricultural produce in
China. There are complicated intermediate links and the scale of rural households and
retail sales terminals is small, leading to a high cost of circulation and the difficulties in
the further promotion of commercialization.

3.3 There Is a Shortage of Rural E-Commerce Businessmen

Due to talent scarcity, the industry does not have adequate momentum for growth. The
development of rural e-commerce requires professional talents, in particular those
excelling in online technology, logistics management, platform operation, and online
marketing, and mastering the operation laws of agricultural economy. Correspondingly,
many rural young adults are migrant workers throughout the year, leaving behind
mostly old and weak women and children. Inadequate labor and particularly the
shortage of professional talents have become prominent problems constraining the
development of rural areas. Meanwhile, inadequate trainings are provided to cultivate
rural e-commerce talents. Moreover, there is an absence of relevant policy measures to
guide and encourage Internet talents to start their businesses in villages. These factors
lead to the serious shortage of talents on rural e-commerce, so the industry does not
have adequate momentum for growth.
Research on the Status and Countermeasures 1421

3.4 Laws, Regulations and Standardization Building Are Incomplete

Currently, the legislation in the field of e-commerce seriously lags behind the devel-
opment of practice. On the one hand, China has not issued any specialized law or
regulation on commodity circulation and e-commerce, leading to blind market
investment and serious disorderly competition. On the other hand, the standardization
construction on the standards and credits related to agricultural and sideline products is
incomplete. For example, there is no relevant standard on production and processing.
The quality of agricultural and sideline products is uneven, which is not conducive to
market segmentation, scientific pricing and the improvement of product competitive-
ness; standards for production and circulation are not effectively matched, affecting the
circulation efficiency; the traceability system “from farms to dining tables” is faulty, so
product quality and food safety can hardly be fully guaranteed.

4 Countermeasures

4.1 Step up the Construction of Relevant Infrastructure

We should increase input to improve infrastructure such as rural highways and elec-
tricity. In particular, we should accelerate the construction of broadband infrastructure
in rural areas, expand the coverage of the 4th generation mobile communication net-
work in rural areas, increase the communication and penetration rate among rural
residents, and gradually shorten the gap between urban and rural areas to provide better
network security to the development of rural e-commerce. We should build various
information service platforms, integrate information resources on agriculture and
agricultural products, and increase the degree of matching between agricultural prod-
ucts in production and sales areas.

4.2 Perfect the Rural Logistics System

We should integrate logistics information and enterprises, particularly third-party
logistics enterprises. We should adopt advanced information, warehousing and cold-
chain technology and build an integrated transportation system and modern enterprise
management system. We should build a real-time logistics information sharing plat-
form centering on e-commerce transactions, cultivate high-quality logistics distribution
talents and form a complete set of scientific and efficient logistics support system.

4.3 Increase the Supply of Public Services and Improve the Guarantee
Firstly, we should strengthen the training of professional skills so that farmers can
quickly master the basic skills of the Internet and the laws of market economy. We
should provide entrepreneurial guidance to young people born after 1980 or 1990 and
returning to their hometowns to start businesses, arouse their entrepreneurial enthusi-
asm, and solve their problems during the process of business starting. Secondly, we
should encourage and support powerful e-commerce enterprises to participate in the
1422 J. Wang

operation of public service centers to provide farmers with individualized, professional

services on training, planning, operation, settlement, and financing and improve their
market competitiveness. Thirdly, we should further explore new models and means of
agricultural production and operation. We should guide agricultural cooperatives and
large agricultural enterprises to organize large-scale, professional production and
information-oriented and Internet-based operations among farmers to open up the
whole industry chain of production, supply and sales and promote cooperation and
reciprocity among different market players.

4.4 Improve Laws, Regulations and the Standardization System

and Regulate Market Operation
Targeting various existing market confusion problems, it is necessary to strengthen and
improve laws, regulations and the building of standardization systems and mechanism
and give full play to the leading, regulating and guaranteeing functions of systems.
Firstly, we should perfect the legal standard systems in the field of circulation. We
should timely study the legislation on commodity circulation and e-commerce, estab-
lish systems on transportation facility construction, commodity circulation assurance,
and circulation order maintenance, and solve deep-rooted problems for systems and
mechanisms in the field of circulation. Secondly, we should comprehensively sort out
provisions of current laws and regulations incompatible with the innovation application
and management of the Internet in the field of circulation, accelerate the revision and
perfection of systems, and unify online and offline rules. Thirdly, we should improve
the standard systems for wholesale, retail sales, logistics, life services, and commercial
services. We should improve the building of the standard systems for agricultural
product production, harvest, inspection and quarantine, sorting, classification, packing,
and distribution in line with the requirement of the current development of e-
commerce. We should improve the building of agricultural product traceability system,
standardize the behaviors of market players, guide the sound development of enter-
prises, and try to create a legalized business environment for the development of rural

1. Li G (2015) Deconstruction of China’s modern agricultural industry chain and business
model. Rural Econ 9
2. Li Y (2015) Driving force mechanisms and strategies for the development of China’s
agricultural e-commerce. Seeker 3
3. Shen H et al (2014) Research on the cultivation mechanism for new professional farmers.
Mod Econ Res 1
4. Shan W, Gong F (2016) Research on agricultural industry integration and its industry chain
optimization under the industry internet model. Mod Econ Res 3
5. Ding M (2016) New paths for the development of rural e-commerce in china through
“Internet + Agriculture”. J Commer Econ 15:97–98
6. Guo C (2015) Exploration into rural e-commerce model – a survey based on Taobao
villages. Reform Econ Syst 5
Research on the Status and Countermeasures 1423

7. Chen L (2016) Problems and countermeasures for the development of rural e-commerce.
Bus Econ 2
8. Zhu J (2008) Development strategies for china’s rural e-commerce from the perspective of
building the new countryside. Agric Econ 11
9. Chen M (2014) Agricultural e-commerce risks and prevention measures from the perspective
of building the new countryside. Agric Econ 7
10. Cheng H (2014) Analysis framework and model selection for the development models of
rural e-commerce – from the research perspective of rural households as producers. Jiangsu
Commer Forum 11
On College English Translation Teaching
and Quality Bettering Paths

Xiaoyan Geng(&)

Jilin University of Finance and Economics,

Jingyue Street No. 3699, Changchun, Jilin Province, China

Abstract. With the rapid development of information technology, applied

translators are increasingly demanded day by day in the translation market. The
teaching and research of college English transition should comply with the
development trend in this network age. College English translation teaching has
been paid less attention compared with professional English translation teaching
for English majors. However, excellent English learners only accounting for
around 10% is far away from enough. This article introduces how blending
teaching mode is used with offline classroom study to learn effectively, promote
interaction and improve translation ability. Besides, this article analyzes some
students’ translation problems of misunderstanding target language and English
expression. Based on these problems and the reasons for them, some advice is
thrown out about the improvement of college English translation teaching here.

Keywords: College English  Translation teaching  Students

1 Introduction

Teaching translation is divided into two categories, college English translation teaching
and professional translation teaching, and college English translation is offered in a
college curriculum to non-English majors in humanities and students of science and
engineering. The status quo is that English translation teaching in colleges focuses its
attention on college professional translation teaching, so how to teach non-English
majors translate is barely discussed or researched [1].
With the development of economy and culture, China increasingly needs foreign
language workers with high translating level and proficiency in all subjects. However,
the total number of qualified translators in English major and getting Master’s degree
accounts for only about 10% of all the graduates. University education should not catch
one and lose another, which means we should not ignore college English translation
teaching just because of professional translation teaching. In the context of frequent
economic and cultural communication in the era of globalization, excellent interpreters
and translators are desperately needed. Only a few people are taught how to translate or
interpret is far away from enough. Only by college English translation teaching can this
issue be solved. The efforts devoted by college English translation teacher will make
great contribution to Chinese economic construction in the following decades. Luo
pointed out that a number of scientific translators will be cultivated and trained in the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1424–1429, 2019.
On College English Translation Teaching and Quality Bettering Paths 1425

program of college English translation teaching in the future [5]. If we pay more
attention to college English translation teaching, countless graduates will get the

2 Current Situation of College English Translation Teaching

2.1 Unitary Teaching Mode

The process of translating only can be undertaken by students with comprehensive
ability, who have a strong grammar foundation and varied vocabulary. The translation
skills taught in the class hardly makes students fully equipped. Without arousing their
enthusiasm and participation, teachers only cram translating theories and skills into
students and will not help them solve translating problems by those skills [2]. In
addition, it is nearly impossible to find out their common problems and also hard to
adjust translation strategies under the premise of targeting them.

2.2 Lack of Translation Teaching Link

In some colleges, especially the ones that do not set up courses specialized in applied
translation, the importance of cultivating applied translating ability and the methods of
translation teaching are not included in their syllabus. As a result, the program they
arrange is lack of teaching links and activities targeted on developing students’ applied
translating ability. Even though sometimes teachers introduce translating skills while
explaining texts or ask students to translate texts, their objectives are to check if
students really understand the texts, the relative vocabulary, sentence patterns or
grammars, instead of checking if they have the ability to flexibly conduct translating
practices in English, which deviates from the purpose of cultivating applied talents.

2.3 Lack of Teaching Content and Practice Targeting English

There is not enough applied translating practices in college English textbooks.
Translation theory and skills are included in most textbooks, but applied translating
practices are not. Besides, a lot of translating practices after texts aim to make students
more flexibly use the words, phrases and sentence patterns in the texts, not for con-
solidating the knowledge of translating. Therefore, at present, the English translation
teaching in colleges and universities should center attention on “applied knowledge”,
which is an important objective in cultivating quality students. The translating ability to
practical writing should be mainly emphasized in order to meet the demands of
practical talents from the society.

2.4 Slow Improvement of Teaching Quality

It is undoubted that there are not enough quality translation teachers in domestic
colleges and universities, and these schools are confined to provide advanced trans-
lation teaching and practical platform [3]. With the development and improvement of
1426 X. Geng

information and Internet technology, the methods of translation teaching in colleges are
updated. Multimedia technology is widely adopted in the teaching process, and student
could find lots of materials on self-study platform. However, extra-curriculum teaching
through network resources still could not be accomplished, and student self-study
platform is not fully built up, so that students are not furnished with effective assistance
in the process self-study. Hence the improvement of academic level and more financial
support should be stressed at the national level, so as to enhance students’ competi-
tiveness of employment and inspire the colleges to pursue teaching methods of their
own characteristics.

3 Teaching Emphases at Student Level

As the improvement of the national requirements for English teaching are undertaking,
students should not only master grammar usage and lexical knowledge, but also solve
the practical problems with applied language knowledge and cultural background
comprehensively. It is essential for translating teachers to be qualified for imparting
knowledge. At the meantime, there still are these points teachers should pay attention to
in the process of teaching.

3.1 Emphasizing the Significance of Translating Ability

Teachers should help students realize the importance of translating skills and the status
the translation teaching has in college English teaching. The ultimate aim of learning
language is to require the comprehensive ability to use this language. That is to say,
students should have the command of five main basic skill, listening, speaking, reading,
writing and translating [4]. Cultivating translating ability is an important objective in
the college English teaching, and practicing translating is a good way to lay a solid
foundation of learning a language. On one hand, some teachers do not pay enough
attention to translation learning from the perspectives of both teaching ideology and
practical teaching process. On the other hand, a lot of students hold wrong ideas about
translation. They think that it is reading and writing abilities that help them understand
passages and translation is easy. With the acceleration of economic globalization,
translation is indispensible communicating method between countries as a bridge.
Students should clearly realize that translating ability is essential in the future academic
field and workplace and it must be acquired by systematic study and practice. Besides,
colleges and universities are trying to increase the proportion of translation teaching in
English teaching program, provide students with practical translating textbooks, and
create ways to improve their translation skills by MOOC platform and selected courses.

3.2 Further Strengthen the Language Foundation of Students

College teachers should help students enhance their basic language abilities, which are
vocabulary and grammar. Using words accurately is precondition and foundation of
successfully accomplishing translation, and determines the quality of translation.
Teachers should add more explanation for the usage of new words intentionally in
On College English Translation Teaching and Quality Bettering Paths 1427

every section of teaching, instruct them to keep the words in mind in a scientific way,
and try to use the words properly right in the class. Students should be encouraged to
intensify their extracurricular reading in both extensive and intensive ways and better
the accurate use of words. What’s more, Chinese culture, history, economy and arts,
etc. should also be added for students.
Only English words ready is not enough. Grammar counts a lot. It is harder to
translate paragraphs than single sentence, because context and structure are not con-
sidered when translating sentences. When paragraphs are translated, not only do stu-
dents consider proper sentence pattern, but also they take into account cohesive means
in the context. Thus, college teachers should do a favor to choose an authoritative and
comprehensive English grammar book for students to help them firmly master the
knowledge of grammar and accuracy of using words in the process of translating.

3.3 Develop Cross-Culture Awareness

In order to possess excellent translating ability, translators not only should know about
cultures of English-speaking countries, but also all kinds of knowledge in Chinese
culture, prevent translation deviating from cultural background of the target-language
countries. Translation, as a communicative activity of cross-language and cross-culture,
requires translators to understand many kinds of knowledge besides languages.
Therefore, translators must constantly learn and are enriched with knowledge of all
fields. Policies, economy, culture and customs of target-language countries must be
acquainted with, or translation is prone to be unidiomatic, which is the last thing a
translator hopes to see. For this reason, developing cross-culture awareness is a
indispensible part in college English translation teaching.

4 Teaching Methods with New Orientation and in Internet


When conducting applied translation, relevant theoretical knowledge should be taught

to students from the very first beginning. Fostering objectives and training modes
should be clearly included in the teaching program, and teaching activities and links are
supposed to be designed when making a plan for teaching [6]. Teachers should instruct
students to make use of what they learn through practices to cultivate their translating
and creating abilities. In the context of the new age, colleges and universities are
always the first places where brand new ideas are created and new equipment is
experienced. Translating teachers in colleges have an advantage to teach their students
under new environment, in new ways, and with new ideas.

4.1 Blended Learning Based on MOOC for Translation Teaching

Blended learning was first put forward by a foreign training center, which means online
and offline programs are combined to improve the inadequacy of E-Learning by
introducing face-to-face teaching. Subsequently, the mode of blending learning was
brought into colleges and universities and attracted widespread attention [7].
1428 X. Geng

MOOC is short for Massive Open Online Course. Theoretically, the enrollment on
MOOC is unlimited, and this new kind of way of learning is open and free to anyone
who is willing to study online in a structured program. MOOC is the result of tech-
nology and culture and creates new energy around E-Learning. As for college English
translation teaching, it is possible for teachers to choose effective resources on MOOC
and combine face-to-face classroom teaching method and online teaching platform to
more efficiently impart knowledge and encourage students to supplement traditionally
inputting knowledge in a paperless way.

4.2 Blended Learning Based on Flipped Classroom for Translation

Flipped classroom currently is common in college English translation teaching, with
relaxed and free academic atmosphere, suited to college English teaching. In the
process of flipped classroom teaching, teachers pass on knowledge to students vividly
by making clips of teaching video. Classroom is a place where teachers and students
interact in order to solve problems and discuss opinions. In English translation class,
teachers could edit or make videos in which how a conventional translator performs
process of translation to promote students complete the practices out of classroom [8].
This way in college English translation class gives students maximum freedom, but still
under good surveillance, making up for the deficiency of traditional classroom

4.3 Blended Learning Based on Micro-lesson for Translation Teaching

Micro-Lesson is referred to as a clip of video which has just one strictly defined topic
with the purpose of explaining a specific knowledge point. It is in the form of a short
and well-explained video and used for learning and teaching application. In the college
English translation teaching class, it is a good choice for students to understand an
important knowledge point [9]. For example, a video about inversion could be dis-
played in this form. Usually, a fully-prepared micro-lesson is the combination of audio
and video, which are more likely to attract students’ attention. Pre-prepared practices
also could be added in the video, which makes the clip of micro-lesson more complete
and ordered.

4.4 Teaching in the Network Environment

College students living in the new era of network adapt to teaching methods of network
interaction fast and accept it even faster. Some even say that it is better than the
traditional way of being teacher-centered. Therefore, some applications can implement
the function of assisting teaching [10]. “Ketangpai” is a useful application which can
post previewing courseware and relevant videos, raise question to discuss ahead of
time, and help teachers to check if students finish their tasks. In the class, teachers will
assist students to solve the problems encountered when previewing through many
question types in the application. Scattered learning resources are gathered into a
systematically theoretical knowledge by this application. Besides, “Pigaiwang” is a
On College English Translation Teaching and Quality Bettering Paths 1429

website where some simple spelling and grammatical mistakes can be corrected.
Students can finish their self-learn translating tasks on this website, and teachers can
save their time to arrange their class more reasonably and efficiently.

1. Chen X (2018) On college english translation teaching in the mode of Internet+ teaching.
Engl Square 12:62–63 (in Chinese)
2. Yang H (2018) College english translation teaching under applied translation theories.
Contemp Educ Pract Teach Res 11:81–82 (in Chinese)
3. Zhen W (2018) On college english translation teaching combined with common problems in
CET-4 paragraph translation. Engl Square 12:74–75 (in Chinese)
4. Li A (2016) The building of college English translation teaching mode in internet era.
Heilongjiang High Res 4:168–170 (in Chinese)
5. Luo X (2002) Translation teaching in China: problems and prospect. Transl China 10:56–58
(in Chinese)
6. Pei Q (2016) On micro-course being applied in college english translation teaching.
J Lanzhou Educ Coll 11:145–147 (in Chinese)
7. Huang T (2013) Translation teaching: cultivation of college students’ intercultural
consciousness. Heilongjiang High Res 8:199–200 (in Chinese)
8. Li T (2015) Cultivation of college students’ intercultural consciousness in college english
translation teaching. J Xinzhou Normal Coll 5:96–98 (in Chinese)
9. He G (2018) College english translation teaching in the mode of flipped classroom. Educ
Mod 5:231–234 (in Chinese)
10. Xu H (2017) New media being applied in college english teaching. Engl Square 10:12–14
(in Chinese)
Data Collection on Second Language Learners’
Performance in Different Learning

Chenxi Li(&)

Jilin University of Finance and Economics,

Jinyue St. 3699, Changchun, Jilin, China

Abstract. In studying second language (L2) learner’s performance, researchers

have addressed questions about the learning style, fluency attainment and social
context of L2 learners. The goal of this paper is to present a perspective on L2
performance that goes beyond description by analyzing specific data. This
framework focuses on the cognitive processing that underlies L2 learners’
performance. This framework provides a dynamic and concrete perspective and
credible consequences for a research program in L2 learner’s performance in
different learning environment. This frame gives rise to the question whether a
L2 learner will perform better when learning in an immersion environment, such
as an English-speaking country.

Keywords: Second language acquisition  Transfer of first language 


1 Introduction

An increasing number of teenagers from China between 15 to 25 years old tend to go to

English-speaking countries to improve their English fluency and competence. They
believe an English-immersion circumstances may benefit their second language
acquisition (SLA). Twenty years ago, only a limited number of Chinese adolescents
had chances to go abroad with the help of government; meanwhile, they usually stayed
in English-speaking countries for a short period, one or two years, for their professional
study. In the situation, it is hard to investigate the relation between their English
competence and the time they spend on learning and living in an English-speaking
country. However, more and more teenagers would like to spend longer time to stay in
an English-speaking country in order to get involved in local language circumstances.
Such behaviors provide valuable insights into the relationship between a student’s
English competence and the time they stay in an English-speaking country.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1430–1436, 2019.
Data Collection on Second Language Learners’ Performance 1431

2 Current Situation of L2 learners

It is universally acknowledged that many factors can be considered as influencing

elements for teenagers to acquire second language – English, such as learning time,
learning environment, mother tongue transfer and family education. According to the
Steve Kaufmann, the best way of learning a language is to return to the state of
childhood; and a child learn a language without any rules or grammars, as they just
listen, and just negatively accumulate [1]. His argument concentrating on the impor-
tance of natural state like childhood to the development of language. However, there is
little doubt a great number of people do not come into contact with a foreign language
until they are adults, but they eventually master the language well. Goldman-Eisler
wrote that the complete speech act is a dynamic process, demanding the mobilization in
proper sequence of a series of complex procedures and is the temporal integration of
serial phenomena [2]. In this essay, I will focus on these juveniles who go to English-
speaking countries to acquire English as their second language. To be specific, I
attempt to collect data showing the relationship between L2 learners’ performance and
the time they spend on learning English and living in an English-speaking country.
In this data collection task, I will concentrate on the L2 learners’ competence –
whether they can correctly and properly use past tense in their oral English, and then
establish the relationship between their performance and the time they have studied in
English-speaking countries. L2 utterance fluency refers to the fluidity of the observable
speech as characterized by measurable temporal features, such as syllable rate, duration
and rate of hesitation, filled and silent pauses [3]. When I communicated with them
talking about certain events happened in the past, they usually used past tense at the
beginning of our conversation properly and used present tense after a period of time.
This is because English L2 learners always pay attention to grammar rather than
content when they begin a conversation; but it is difficult for them to take care both of
grammar and content for a long time. This phenomenon can also be illustrated by
Segalowitz’s argument that speaking fluidly requires shifting attention focus continu-
ously while packaging information to make the utterance unfold properly [4]. And
there is another reason that when expressing past tense, we use verb with inflectional
derivation (-ed, -d, or -t), and sometimes together with some words and phrases which
are used to refer to past tense (ago, last year, the day before yesterday) in English.
However, in Chinese, people only use certain characters to refer to past tense; in other
words, there is not any inflectional derivation in Chinese for past tense. The transfer of
first language (L1) can be roughly classified into two aspects: a positive part and a
negative part [5]. In the English past tense expression, Chinese L2 learners’ L1 defi-
nitely makes a negative influence.
In collecting data, all the six participants are Chinese and now are studying in
Portland, the U.S. But their ages are varied from 14 to 25. I preferred to concentrate on
the relationship between these participants’ competence and the time they spent on
learning second language, so the years they have spent on learning English and living
in the US are varied greatly. I prefer to use research paradigm lies somewhere between
the nominal and interpretive approaches. Since my interviewees are all L2 learners and
I still learn English as my second language, it is more reasonable and easier for me to
1432 C. Li

control variables and learn their psychological and social contexts by quantitative and
qualitative methods. The goal of this task involves describing L2 speakers’ fluidity in
order to highlight differences between their speech and that of native speakers, and then
sometimes following up with analyses to make inferences about possible reasons for
the observed disfluencies [6]. Specifically, I used two contrasting methods of data
collection: one is experimentally elicited method and the other is clinically elicited

3 Sentence Completion Test

In order to collect experimentally elicited data on the application of English past tense,
I administered a sentence completion test. The design of test is important because it is
known that the nature of a speech task can affect speech production [7]. But the test is
different from the traditional sentence completion test – learners are given the begin-
ning of a sentence and asked to complete the sentence. In my test, learners can read the
Chinese sentence to gain the main meaning, and then a part (beginning or ending) of
sentence will be given in English, and learners are asked to translate and complete each
sentence. Fluent speech requires rapid smooth retrieval of information for formulating
and articulating the intended message [8]. In this test, both Chinese translation and part
of the English sentence can be treated as “prompts” to elicit the feature that is being
targeted. The reason why I provided two prompts was that I would like to lead par-
ticipants to concentrate on the content of the sentence rather than the grammar, and I
could successfully collect effective data in a more natural context. I have listed these
five questions in Table 1.

Table 1. Sentence completion task

In the experimentally elicited data, most of the participants’ behaviors were great; I
have listed their number of mistakes, the total years of learning English, and the years
of staying in the U.S. in Table 2. Based on this data, I realized that when learners can
recognize certain phrases expressing past time, such as yesterday (the third sentences),
last Friday (the first sentence), it seems to be easier for learners to realize that they
should use past tense to complete following sentence, especially when these phrases are
Data Collection on Second Language Learners’ Performance 1433

shown at the beginning of sentences: nobody made mistake in the first three sentences.
Besides, the fifth and sixth participants who have learned English more than ten years
and lived in the U.S. more than five years answered all the questions correctly; how-
ever, the second participant who have learned English for seven and lived in the U.S.
for half of one year made two mistakes. In this regard, it can be predicted that the time
spent in learning English is not closely related to ESL learners’ English proficiency, but
the time spent in English-speaking countries is positively related to their English
proficiency. This can sufficiently prove that learners can subconsciously give correct
answers when they spend more time living in an English-speaking country.

Table 2. Results of sentence completion task

Interviewee Mistakes Years of learning English Years of staying in the U.S.
No. 1 1 10 9
No. 2 2 7 0.5
No. 3 1 7 2
No. 4 1 10 2
No. 5 0 12 8
No. 6 0 17 15

4 Text Reconstruction Task

Besides, I employed a short paragraph as a text reconstruction task to collect my

clinical elicited data. I chose a short story (refer with: Table 3) about Laura written in
simple past tense. Participants have two minutes to read this story and then they are
asked to reconstruct the text in their own words. In this article, when they paraphrase
the short passage, fourteen verbs should be used in the past tense. This can be illus-
trated by Meisel’s recognition that speech acts must also have good communicative fit
with interlocutor’s expectations [9]. The reason why I did this task is that I would like
to lead participants to pay attention to content rather than grammar. And when they
were forced to reconstruct the text, they had to draw their own linguistic resources. The
purpose was that in the less controlled approach of an oral task, participants would
produce more spontaneous and natural language based on their own limited knowledge
than in the experimentally elicited data. The result which I was hoping to elicit was
whether L2 learners can properly use simple past tense when describing something
happened in the past.

Table 3. Text reconstruction task

Sample Text: Laura was born in Bristol. Her parents came from Ireland. Laura’s father was a
customs officer. Unfortunately, he died a few years ago. Laura grew up in the suburbs of
Bristol. She started her education at a local school. When she was 18, she went to Bristol
University. She majored in economics. While she was at university, she joined a folk group
and started singing. When she was 21, she married to Tony Harper. Now they have two
1434 C. Li

In the clinically elicited data, it seems to be more apparent show the relationship
between learners’ performance and the time they have spent on learning English and
living in an English-speaking country. Based on this experiment, only the last partic-
ipant who have learned English 17 years and stayed in the U.S. 15 years answered all
the questions correctly. In other words, when a learner has learned English and lived in
an English-speaking country for a relatively long time, they can successfully manage
both content and grammar when speaking English. They can correctly express them-
selves in their daily communication. On the contrary, the second learner who spend the
shortest time learning English (seven years) and living in the US (half of one year) only
gave the first two answers correctly. This indicates the learner has realized he should
apply simple past tense in his expression because he understands the basic usage of
simple past tense. But in order to convey the content thoroughly and effectively, he
subconsciously overlook the correct application of tense in his oral English. This means
lack of immersion learning, the learner took grammar into consideration at the
beginning of his oral text reconstruction, but in the following part when he concen-
trated on the content, he failed to apply past tense into his reconstruction till the ending
of his speaking.
Besides, the first, third and forth participants successfully managed both content
and grammar in the first two or three sentences, but in the following part, grammar was
ignored by them obviously. Personally, I think the first participant have a relatively
strong sense to pay certain attention to the application of grammar when speaking
English because from the third sentence, he sometimes used present tense and some-
times used past tense. In other words, he knew he ought to use past tense to describe
something happened in the past, but since the relative short time he spent living in the
US, he still failed to manage the past tense very well. The fourth and the fifth inter-
viewees both have learned English for twelve years, but the fourth interviewee only
spend two years learning in the U.S compared with the fifth interviewee learning in the
U.S. for eight years. Although they have spent same time learning English, the later
who immersed in a thorough English-speaking environment definitely have a better
performance in language management. Moreover, the third and the forth interviewees
both stayed in the U.S. for two years, and latter spent five more years learning English
in non-English speaking countries than the former. They both made eight mistakes in
this task; this indicate the years of learning English in non-English country does not
have a clear influence on one ESL learner’s English competence. This can prove the
common phenomenon that a great number of teenagers who have learned English for
more than ten years in their own country, but they still fail to communicate fluently
with English speakers. On the contrary, for the first interviewee, nine out of ten years
have been studying in the United States, made the least mistakes in the task; this also
can demonstrate the years of learning English in an immersion environment will benefit
ESL learners to a large degree (Table 4).
Data Collection on Second Language Learners’ Performance 1435

Table 4. Results of text reconstruction task

Interviewee Mistakes Years of learning English Years of staying in the U.S.
No. 1 4 10 9
No. 2 12 7 0.5
No. 3 8 7 2
No. 4 8 12 2
No. 5 6 12 8
No. 6 0 17 15

5 Conclusion

In the experimentally elicited test, these six questions were similar to traditional
English test for L2 learners, and participants had enough time to think and revise their
answers, thus their performance seems to be great. However, in the clinically elicited
experiment, their performance was not very good; it proves that they cannot thoroughly
manage simple past tense and their mother tongue makes an unfavorable influence on
their performance. Tomasello developed this attention/intention perspective in terms of
its implication for L1 acquisition [10]. In the case of experimentally elicited data, there
was no time limitation for participants and they could correct as many times as they
want. Next time I will give a clear time-limitation for participants because this can
reflect their real performance apparently. Besides, in the clinically elicited experiment,
a number of grammar features were reflected besides the application of past tense, such
as certain mistakes of pronoun and determiner. Thus, as an interviewee collecting their
oral data, it was hard for me to concentrate on the linguistic feature I hoped to
In conclusion, the data I collected can show the relationship between L2 learners’
performance and the time they spent on learning English and living in an English-
speaking country – the more time they spend, the better performance they have. Fur-
thermore, the time living in an English-speaking country seems to be more important
than the time spent on learning English. When a L2 learner spend long enough time on
living in an English-speaking country, clearly it is easier for them to manage both
content and grammar. In addition, there are still several defects in planning and
designing my experimentally and clinically elicited experiments, and in the future, I
will pay more attention on details of experiments.

1. Kaufmann S (2003) The linguist: a personal guide to language learning, Canada
2. Goldman-Eisler F (1968) Psycholinguistics experiments in spontaneous speech. Academic
Press, London
3. Segalowitz, N (2016) Second language fluency and its underlying cognitive and social
1436 C. Li

4. Segalowitz N, Frenkiel-Fishman S (2005) Attention control and ability level in a complex

cognitive skill: attention-shifting and second language proficiency
5. Liao F (1998) An analysis of mother language transfer in second language transfer
6. Tavakoil P (2011) Pausing patterns: differences between L2 learners and native speakers
7. Tavakoli P, Skehan P (2005) Strategic planning, task structure, and performance testing. In:
Ellis R (ed) Planning and task performance in a second language. John Benjamins,
Adsterdam, pp 239–273
8. Levelt W (1989) Speaking: form intention to articulation. MIT Press, Cambridge
9. Meisel J (1987) A note second language speech production. In: Psycholinguistic models of
production. Ablex Publishing Corporation, Norwood, pp 83–90
10. Tomasello M (2003) Construction a language. Harvard University Press, Cambridge
Regulation of Sharing Economy
by Ethics and Law

Mei Xu(&)

Jingzhou Institute of Technology, Jingzhou 434020, Hubei, China


Abstract. Sharing economy has been proved to be effective in promoting the

reformation of economic development model and benefiting people’s livelihood,
however, the disorderly growth of sharing economy also gives rise to many
other problems. Despite capital surplus, shortage of creativity and absence of
supervision existing in sharing economy, the paper expounds the problems and
countermeasures for the development of sharing economy from the aspect of
ethics and law. Lots of evidence has proved that ethics and law maybe the key to
the orderly progress of sharing economy.

Keywords: Sharing economy  Sharing bicycle  Ethics  Law

If the year 2015 is the first year of sharing economy in China, then the year 2017 can be
said to be its heyday. Together with the successive emergence of all sorts of sharing
economy products and “counterfeit products”, products and services in the disguise of
“sharing” are stepping into the daily life, and are changing or have changed the ideas,
way of thinking and behavioral habits of people. Irrespective of the defects hidden
behind the uproar of sharing economy such as capital surplus, shortage of creativity and
absence of supervision, this paper starts from the perspective of ethics and law to
discuss the problems and solutions in the development process of sharing economy. As
evidenced by numerous facts, ethics and law probably decide the destiny of sharing
economy in pursuit of orderly development.

1 Origin of the Sharing Economy

As early as 1978, American Professor Felson and Spance proposed the concept of
“sharing economy” for the first time [1]. It is defined to be the economic mode by
which people earn remuneration and create additional values through sharing idle
resources with others in need. As pointed out by Opinions on Promoting the Devel-
opment of Sharing Economy co-released by eight departments represented by NDRC
(National Development and Reform Commission), “in current stage, sharing economy
appears to be a new economic pattern which optimizes disperse resources and improves
resource use efficiency by virtue of network information technology via the Internet
platform”. The most prominent highlight of this descriptive definition which replaces
“disperse resources” with “idle resources” more caters to the reality of sharing econ-
omy in modern times. This economic pattern is the product of market economy in

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1437–1442, 2019.
1438 M. Xu

response to the advancement of social informatization. The foremost characteristic is

that it upgrades traditional trading behaviors to online trading behaviors, and realizes
direct product or service-sharing economic development mode and consumption style
on the premise of market resource allocation via the information technology-based
network platform.
The rise of sharing economy is inseparable from two fundamental material bases.
First of all, idle or disperse resources (including products or services) make sharing a
necessity. According to current situations of sharing economy in China, the target of
sharing is not idle resources anymore, but the product or service proactively developed
and created by the company instead. Secondly, the appearance and popularity of
Internet, especially the development of third-party Internet application platform, offer
technical support to trading payment and assessment and make sharing possible.
In essence, sharing economy refers to a sort of economic pattern and consumption
means which integrates offline idle or disperse resource owners, and offers products or
services to online consumers at a lower price through the Internet. On the part of the
company - namely the supplier, it obtains economic returns by paid transfer of idle
resource use right or supply of services. On the part of consumers - namely the
demander, they do not have to possess resource ownership, but just need to access
resource use right by leasing or other means. Under sharing economy, the most
impressive feature should be the separation of resource use right and ownership. By
virtue of Internet information platform, sharing economy realizes the repeated and
effective use of idle or disperse resources and maximizes resource values and earnings.
After being introduced to China, sharing economy exactly runs across the oppor-
tunity of power population welfare, market vacancy and economic transformation, and
exposes great momentum. It quickly spreads across every aspect of life [1]. Typical
products such as Didi, sharing bicycle, sharing umbrella, sharing power bank, sharing
gymnasium successively emerge in the market. As proved by its development condition,
sharing economy is becoming the most active field of innovation, and accelerating the
innovation and development of asset ownership, organization form, employment pat-
tern, and consumption means. Its realistic meaning could be seen from three aspects as
below. Firstly, it helps implement national big data strategy, national cyber development
strategy, innovation-driven development strategy, promotes mass entrepreneurship and
mass innovation, rebuilds social organization and labor division and cultivates new
motivation of economic growth. Secondly, it helps practise employment priority strat-
egy, effectively counteracts the employment squeeze effects brought about by technical
progress and slowdown of economic growth, further increases employment posts and
improves the matching capacity of the employment market. Thirdly, it helps propel
supply-side structural reform, solves overcapacity, activates market resources, effec-
tively boosts social resource use efficiency and creates convenience for mass production
and life.
In 2006, over 600 million people had joined in sharing economy. In future few
years, the sharing economy of China will maintain the high-speed annual growth rate at
40%. The orderly development of sharing economy must tolerate the attestation of
ethics and law.
Regulation of Sharing Economy by Ethics and Law 1439

2 Ethics of the Sharing Economy

Sharing economy is in the scope of economy. Economics and ethics belong to different
fields and obey different rules. The subject in the economic field as “broker” aims to
earn maximal profits, while the subject in the ethics field lays emphasis on integrity,
dedication, altruism, mutual-help spirits. In reality, ethics prevails in the field of
economy at any time. To be specific, ethics and economy mutually penetrate, depend
and promote each other. From the perspective of ethics, sharing economy not only
involves consumer behaviors, but also corporate behaviors too.
From the perspective of consumers, the main problem in sharing economy is how
to use in an ethical way. “Sharing” is originally an ethical concept. If idle or disperse
resources and science technology constitute the backbone of sharing economy, civi-
lized ethics should be regarded as the mainline in the sustainable development of
sharing economy. When people get rid of poverty and gradually turn prosperous, some
of them can hardly obey the ethical disciplines in their mind after wasting materials.
Sharing is impossible in the barbarous age when human still lived the life of a savage.
When people turn affluent, they start to have a try in sharing and such behavior has
great ethical meaning. In modern society, sharing economy is not merely certain
economic behavior. Instead, it raises higher requirements on the promotion of indi-
vidual ethical quality. For instance, sharing economy as the credit economy between
strangers must take integrity as the prerequisite. If companies commit fraud on the
pretext of sharing, or close down business and refuse to refund the deposits of con-
sumers in case of any deadlock, such actions not only damage the rights and interests of
individual consumers, but also affect the survival of overall sharing economy [2].
While enjoying sharing products or services, consumers need to improve their moral
accomplishment, adhere to social ethics, and maintain social ethical order. It is the
premise to develop sharing economy, and meantime the social responsibility and
mission of modern citizens. Under sharing economy, consumers’ use of sharing
products as green consumption and ethical action should be greatly advocated. How-
ever, in addition to the compliance with laws and regulations, consumers should also
take civilized and ethical concerns into account. When using sharing bicycle, some
consumers may illegally park or place it, or even steal and smash it. Such action
violates ethics, and even the law [3]. For instance, the direct cause that leads to the
bankruptcy of Wukong Bike which just exists for six and a half months is that con-
sumers “steal” 12000 sharing bicycles on Chongqing street. Sharing bicycle reflects the
morality of Chinese people. The nature of sharing is collective ownership instead of
private possession. In this sense, sharing requests the support of the high ethical
morality of the social public.
From the perspective of companies, the development of sharing economy demands
them to consciously perform social responsibilities and social ethics. For instance,
sharing bicycle is favored by consumers because of its ability to satisfy their last-mile
transportation needs. Whereas, without any awareness of standardization and respon-
sibility among operators, relevant companies driven by venture capital release lots of
new vehicles to seize market shares and accordingly generate disorderly vicious
competition. The over-supply of sharing bicycle wastes social resources, squeezes
1440 M. Xu

public space and more seriously damages the city environment and transportation. The
radical cause of such phenomenon is that some companies refuse to assume social
responsibilities, but solely seize market shares for sake of economic interests. The spirit
of contract fabricates the keystone of modern economic society, while sharing economy
heavily relies on the contract spirits and credit guarantee system [4]. Sharing economy
companies have the due responsibility to explore and establish the credit guarantee
system and guide the development of sharing economy in an ethical way. In the
development process of sharing economy, companies have to resist the lure of
“counterfeit needs” and “counterfeit sharing”, and prevent ethical risks caused by
disorderly supply-demand actions as well as fraud actions in the disguise of sharing.

3 Law of the Sharing Economy

Sharing economy is the new business type produced in the development of socialist
market economy of China. Sharing economy must be run by law. From the perspective
of rule of law, the sharing economy uproar primarily examines the compliance of
sharing economy. Although sharing economy has been codified in government work
report and the 13th Five-Year Development Program to enjoy policy dividend and seek
fast development, there still exists a gap of law in sharing economy. For instance, Piggy
Short Tenancy has been frequently queried in its development process, such as “is it
legal for accommodation sharing platforms to afford accommodation services to
users?”, or “does accommodation sharing platforms violate the law by tax evasion?”
[5]. Although it is not feasible to follow the old practice to manage the new business
type, it remains unclear what the new legal practice is. Even the law enforcement
department is still confused. After all, no precedent could be found for such innovative
economy. Without any reference, the law enforcement officers could only cross the
river by feeling the stones.
In the past year, in the family of sharing economy, sharing bicycle obtained fastest
development and left maximal influences on social life. Out of this reason, disorderly
development momentum of sharing bicycle posed the largest challenge to rule of law.
Driven by venture capital, sharing bicycle companies spring up in every street over-
night, seize the market by quantity and seek profits by collecting user deposits.
However, numerous companies close down eventually. The bankruptcy of business
damages public resources, and the blind investment of companies wastes social
resources [6]. Moreover, users can hardly recollect their deposits. Sharing bicycle
makes overall sharing economy suffer from criticism and censure. Regardless of the
sophisticated causes, the development of sharing bicycle still lacks the support of law.
In face of the disorderly development of sharing bicycle, relevant government
departments could only awkwardly restrict the problem by negotiation and issue
documents without legal binding force such as Instructions for Promoting the Devel-
opment of Sharing Economy. Such problems existing in the disorderly growth of
sharing economy fully demonstrate the fact that the orderly development of sharing
economy should not take any stop-gap measures, but should supervise the development
of sharing economy by law, and defend the free, fair and orderly competition of the
market. Besides the explanation and revision of law, the government must draw lessons
Regulation of Sharing Economy by Ethics and Law 1441

from Circular Economy Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China to enact
special laws for sharing economy like Sharing Economy Promotion Law of the Peo-
ple’s Republic of China. It is the foundation in the governance of disorderly phe-
nomenon in sharing economy [7].
In addition, the underlying problems confronted by sharing economy also request
concrete definition in legal terms, such as user’s private information security problem
on big data platform, i.e. how should sharing economy operators prevent information
disclosure or misappropriation after acquiring users’ private information [9]. As a
matter of fact, it involves the protection of citizen privacy or private rights. Although
government management departments have noticed the information security problem in
sharing economy development process, and clearly proposed the requirement of “re-
inforcing sharing economy information security protection”, no laws and regulations
have been formulated to protect private information yet. In consequence, under sharing
economy, it is essential to clarify what information could be shared or disclosed, how
to share and disclose such information, what information could not be shared or dis-
closed, etc. Any action violating citizen privacy right must be sanctioned by law [8].
The fundamental policy of governance consists in legal determination rather than the
warning of individual case.
At present, ecological expansion of sharing economy has become the highlight in
the economic transformation development process of China, and also the new major
motivation in the future economic growth of China which will bring about drastic
changes to industrial production mode, company operation mode and individual con-
sumption mode. The development of sharing economy requests the attestation of ethics
and law in market operation process. Only the collaborative and integrated governance
of government supervision departments, related industries and companies could propel
co-construction, co-governance and co-sharing, and build a more harmonious and
happy economic society [10]. Or otherwise, sharing economy will run against the
original intention of sharing, and even develop to be the evil force of the market which
triggers social ethical and legal problems.
In this new age, people should bear ethical codes in mind, strictly abide by the law,
press ahead with the Internet-based and sharing-cored sharing economy which takes
trust as the premise and law governance as the security so as to satisfy the growing
needs of the public for a happy life!

1. Jin B, Hao D (2018) Economic analysis on sharing economy. Guangming Daily 11 (in
2. Chen B (2017) Operation of sharing economy requires the rule of law. People’s Tribune 34
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3. Tang Q (2015) Regulation of “Vehicle-type” sharing economy. China Legal Sci 4 (in
4. Xiao M (2018) The troubles in the growth of the shared economy must be ruled out by the
“rule of law” and “morality”. Zhongguancun 1 (in Chinese)
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5. Wuchuanyi.xijinping shares the concept of the rule of law, the source of the rule of law and
the realization of the rule of law. J Chin Acad Gov 6 (2017) (in Chinese)
6. Che H (2016) Advances on the market and rule of law track sharing economy. China Dev
Convention 15 (in Chinese)
7. Zhangxuebo (2017) Shared economy. Urban governance and rule of law. South Law Rev 2
(in Chinese)
8. Chenbing (2017) The dimension of the rule of law to help share economic development.
Acad Forum 5 (in Chinese)
9. Zhoulei (2017) Shared economy is also a rule of law economy. Hubei Daily 5 (in Chinese)
10. Ma C (2017) Explore the “Building and Sharing” rule of law road in China. Jianghai Act
Course 2 (in Chinese)
The Research on Value Evaluation of B2C
Online Shopping Platform in Jiangxi Province
with EVA Model

Yujuan Xie(&)

College of Modern Economics and Management,

JUFE, Nanchang 341000, Jiangxi, China

Abstract. The scale of China’s home appliance business market has expanded
geometrically in recent years. The online marketing platform for home appliance
industry has gradually formed a unique sales pattern, and the competition
between them has become increasingly fierce, such as Suning. Based on EVA
enterprise value assessment, the company’s current situation is analyzed in
detail. What’s more, this essay explain the reason of the use of EVA in detail.
Suning’s problems in recent years have also been analyzed, such as financial
issues and operational issues. Moreover, some systematically put forward rel-
evant recommendations for these issues. SWOT analysis methods are also used
to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Suning in
turn, and propose relevant Strategy.

Keywords: Business market  EVA enterprise value assessment 

SWOT analysis

In Jiangxi province, the development of B2C enterprises is very slow, and a few B2C
companies can develop steadily in the market for a long time. In the face of financing,
listing, mergers and acquisitions reorganization or fundraising issues, B2C companies
will inevitably need accurate corporate value assessment. The essay takes the high level
of development Suning Tesco Group Co., Ltd in Jiangxi province as an example.
Suning Tesco Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Suning Tesco) was established
on May 15, 1996. As an e-commerce service company, Suning Tesco has always been
a retailer and has become a retail service provider.

1 The Status Quo of the Company and the Application

of Assessment Methods

1.1 Application of EVA Model in Enterprises

1.1.1 General Ideas
The first is to find the EVA for each year between 2011 and 2015.
Second, according to the company’s industry background, the current status of the
company, and financial data analysis, select the appropriate assessment model to
predict the EVA value from 2016 to 2020.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1443–1448, 2019.
1444 Y. Xie

The third is to substitute the calculated EVA value from 2011 to 2015 and the
predicted EVA value into the model, calculate the intrinsic value of the company, and
finally evaluate the results.

1.1.2 Concrete Steps

(1) Adjust the accounting items that need to be adjusted to calculate the historical
The first is to calculate the net operating profit after tax (NOPTA). Based on the
definition of net operating profit after tax, the net operating profit after tax is the
operating profit after the enterprise deducts income tax. In the process of using
EVA to evaluate the company’s value of Suning Tesco, it is necessary to adjust
the R&D expenses and taxes. For the adjustment of R&D expenses, the proceeds
from Suning’s R&D activities will be obtained in the coming year and will not
affect the profit or loss during the current period. Therefore, when calculating
EVA, the R&D expenses that have been included in the current profit and loss
shall be capitalized. The post-tax value of the expense is added to the operating
profit, and the total amount of capitalization is amortized over a certain period of
time. This article assumes that Suning’s R&D expenses will be amortized over 3
years [1]. There are also adjustments to deferred taxation. The increase in deferred
income tax assets for the current year will be excluded from the net profit after tax,
and the deferred income tax liability for the current year will be added to the net
profit after taxation. Calculate NOPTA after adjustment.
Then calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), the weighted
average cost of capital = equity capital cost  equity capital cost ratio + debt
capital cost  (1-income tax rate)  debt capital cost proportion. The calculation
of equity capital costs uses the asset capital pricing model, according to the
formula of the capital asset pricing model:

KS ¼ Rf þ bðRm þ Rf Þ ð1Þ

Where Rm is the expected rate of return, this paper selects the market’s historical
rate of return for five years and calculates the average rate of return as a parameter.
According to the beta coefficient of China’s e-commerce industry published in the
past five years, the average value of b is calculated as a parameter. R then selects
the one-year Treasury bond interest rate of 3.09% in September 2017 as the risk-
free market interest rate. The cost of debt is the post-tax interest rate of the
company and is equal to the interest x (1-tax rate). The cost of the debt capital
considered in this paper only considers long-term debt and neglects short-term
debt. Finally, calculate the WACC according to the formula.
Finally, according to the formula:


calculate the historical EVA for each year for 5 years.

The Research on Value Evaluation of B2C Online Shopping Platform 1445

(2) Predict EVA for the five years from 2016 to 2020.
Analysis of development prospects: At present, the rapid development of tech-
nology such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things will not
only provide Suning’s e-commerce with a broader space for the development of
smart retail, but also give him more powerful technical support [2].
Based on the above analysis, this paper believes that the top four of Suning’s
e-commerce will be in a period of rapid growth within five years [4]. After 2018,
Suning’s e-commerce will enter a stable development stage in 2019, so a two-
stage model should be adopted. According to the formula:
Corporate value = initial investment + growth period EVA discounted value
within n years + stable growth period m year EVA discounted value

EVA EVAn þ 1
¼ Cþ tþ ð3Þ
t¼1 ð1 þ RWACC Þ ðR WACC  gÞð1 þ RWACC Þn

Get the company’s intrinsic value. Finally, analyze the results of the assessment.

2 Analysis of Problems and Problems Faced by Enterprises

Analyze the problems existing in the enterprise from the EVA adjustment project:
(1) The average R&D expenditure of Suning continues to increase, even doubling
between 2014 and 2015. The adjustment of EVA in R&D expenses will change
with the difference between R&D expenses and average R&D expenses. Changes,
excessive growth in R&D expenditures, have caused a large impact on EVA
changes in recent years [5]. In recent years, R&D expenditure adjustments have
always been positive, but research and development costs have always been more
difficult to measure. Its impact on the product is difficult to see in a short time, so
the research and development costs lead to Suning’s net operating profit after tax
this year may be inflated, whether it is because Suning has just listed, in order to
create a higher book value It is difficult for us to use data to judge the inflated
(2) From the adjustment of deferred income tax expenses, we can see that Suning’s
overall development during this five-year period is relatively stable, and there is
no big difference between after-tax profit and after-tax net operating profit, but in
2013 In the adjustment, the profit after interest and interest is changed from a
positive number to a negative number, with a large difference, so there may be
some financial risks [6]. There may be technology for accelerated depreciation on
depreciation, and intangible assets may be too amortized. The fair value of some
investment projects has been reduced, and advertising costs may have risen
sharply. Therefore, the dramatic changes in NOPAT in 2013 are worth noting.
By calculating the total amount of capital, we can see that the proportion of equity
capital is continuously declining, because capital = debt + owner’s equity, debt capital
is constantly rising, so Suning is weakening the capital, such capital weakening can
1446 Y. Xie

increase the deduction before tax The borrowing costs, such as financial expenses, can
be deducted before tax and the share capital can not be deducted, but the increase in
debt capital leads to an increase in the company’s risk, which is detrimental to the long-
term development of the company.

3 Suggestions for the Company

In this regard, we should increase the company’s earnings, reduce the company’s
capital costs, and allow the company to obtain The income is greater than the capital
cost of the project investment, so that the company can create new value and contribute
to the company’s long-term continuous development. In this regard, we propose rel-
evant recommendations as follows:
(1) Suning is in the retail industry. Its main business income comes from selling
products to customers. Therefore, customer needs and customer experience are
particularly important. Customers who meet consumer demand and have a good
shopping experience will be able to Purchase this product. Su Ning’s successful
development of e-commerce model is an important condition is to value customer
needs, improve customer experience, and thus improve the company’s prof-
itability. First of all, Suning can extend the upstream, downstream and down-
stream industries such as financing, logistics, and after-sales services on the basis
of the main line of household appliances, and form a complete industrial chain to
provide customers with one-stop home shopping services and supporting solu-
tions. Second, Suning has the advantage that e-commerce platforms such as
Taobao and Jingdong do not have, and it is the experience service of offline stores.
The biggest problem of the e-commerce platform is that after-sales service cannot
be guaranteed, especially for home appliances, and the requirements for after-sales
service are even higher. Suning can use physical retail stores throughout the
country to achieve better after-sales service. Finally, when consumers purchase
goods, in addition to saving time, effort, and money, they must also have a
genuine physical experience [7]. Suning will strengthen the customer experience
in the offline stores, increase the credit in the minds of consumers, strengthen the
stickiness of online Suning’s customers, attract new customers, consolidate old
customers, actively generate income, increase profitability, and increase revenue.
(2) Suning should speed up the construction of the logistics system, use computer
technology and the Internet, upgrade the logistics system and introduce high-tech
equipment, improve the distribution system’s ability to operate, and let the
logistics system run through the entire operation process of the company. The
upgrade of the logistics system will help Suning improve the entire operating
network, increase the overall deployment capacity of online e-commerce and
offline stores, make the company’s entire system more efficient, shorten transac-
tion time, and complete more orders in the same amount of time. Increase sales
[8]. At the same time, we will accelerate the construction of a nationwide logistics
system and actively expand into third- and fourth-tier cities. Most e-commerce
platforms are not perfect for the logistics construction of third- and fourth-tier
The Research on Value Evaluation of B2C Online Shopping Platform 1447

cities. Suning should seize the opportunity to actively construct Suning’s logistics
system in untapped areas, occupy the leading third-tier cities’ logistics market,
and create competitive advantages [9]. At the same time, we will strengthen the
development of international logistics and cater to consumer demand for foreign
goods. Constantly expand the market and increase profits.

4 Swot Analysis

(See Table 1).

Table 1. SWOT analysis

Opportunity (O) Threat (T)
Governmental support Competition with the industry
Rapid development of logistics Price war
Advantage (S) SO Strategy ST strategy
Logistics • Fully tap the market, look for other Expand new business, use its own
Talent consumers who have shopping advantages to find new business, and
Product needs, make full use of their own minimize the impact external
User experience advantages and opportunities for environmental threats on the
the external environment company
• The cultivation and retention of
talents, especially the training of
professionals, formulate a series of
policies for the retention of talents
Disadvantage (W) WO strategy WT strategy
Products do not • Independent research and Conduct business adjustments,
have differentiation development of specialty products, adjust the proportion of the
Internet shopping using external opportunities to company’s business segments, and
market share is promote specialty products in the focus its operations on those
small market [10] businesses that are expected to have
• Utilizing the rapid development of better business results, so as to avoid
logistics to stand out in the online the influence of the company’s own
consumer market disadvantages and threats from the
external environment on the overall
operating status of the company

5 Conclusion

Based on the EVA enterprise valuation method, this article deeply analyzes the current
situation of the company and gives a detailed introduction on how to use EVA to
evaluate the value of the company. It analyzes Suning’s problems in recent years,
including financial issues, from an objective and fair perspective. And the management
1448 Y. Xie

issues are related to these issues and put forward relevant suggestions systematically.
At the end of this paper, we use SWOT analysis method to analyze the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Suning in turn, and put forward relevant

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by Jiangxi University Humanities and Social
Science Research Project in 2018 (topic number: GL18214).

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Proceedings of the 2016 2nd international conference: arts, design and contemporary
education (ICADCE 2016). International Science and Culture for Academic Contacts, p 3
5. Ni H (2012) An empirical analysis of online shopping intension and its influencing factors in
B2C E-commerce. In: Proceedings of 2012 third international conference on information,
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Influencing Factors of Language Attrition
and Loss of Aged People and Training

Lin Lv(&)

School of Media, Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun, China


Abstract. Both individual families and the whole society are being confronted
with the influences of aging society which does not only mean population
increase but comes with problems of healthcare and social security of the aged
people. Owing to their unique linguistic codes, limited access to new media and
damages to linguistic function as a result of certain diseases, they often find
difficulties in communication with others. Since language is of significance for
communication, sufficient attention should be paid to these people’s language
attrition and loss. In the paper below, some possibly effective training methods
were presented on the basis of a series of investigations, analyses and instru-
mental inspection in order to reconstruct their social status and values.

Keywords: Aged people  Language attrition and loss  Training methods

1 Introduction

Average life of human beings is being prolonged along with social development and
progress, social environmental improvement and medicare development. This is
reflected by the statistics released by the National Statistics Bureau that the total
population in the mainland of China (including people from 31 provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities but excluding those living in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan
and overseas) has reached 13,900,800,000 by Dec. 31, 2017 (7,370,000 more than the
number at the end of 2016), of which 64.9% are between the age of 16 and 59 and
17.3% at or above the age of 60, namely, the criterion for aged people by relevant
studies in terms of calendar, psychology, physiology and society [1]. As is shown in the
Statistic Figure of the Proportion of Aged People at and above 60 to the Total Pop-
ulation released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs at the end of 2016, the concerned group
of people is growing annually. Another figure released by the same ministry in 2013
Statistical Communique of Social Service Development also shows that the population
at and above 60 is expected to reach 480,000,000, accounting for over 30% of the total,
in the year of 2050 [2]. All these figures determine that China has to endeavor to keep
an aging society develop in a healthy way.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1449–1454, 2019.
1450 L. Lv

1.1 Factors Resulting in Language Attrition or Loss of Aged People

One’s growth in age usually comes with the degradation or lesion of body organs,
which definitely results in certain functional disorders and in turn has negative effects
upon his or her mental state [3]. On the one hand, aged people may suffer weaker and
weaker social presence because of their less social contact with other people and even
their children who are busy with their own work due to the change of social roles,
considerable differences from others at lower ages in language use, unfamiliarity with
new media; on the other hand, their hearing and sight will deteriorate more or less when
they are aging. All of these will result in their functional disorder in language, which in
turn undermines their physical and mental health.
Another factor that leads to aged people’s failure in social communication with
people of other ages is their relatively slower speaking pace as a result of the degra-
dation of audio organs. As is known to all, young people are often found not willing to
communicate with aged people because the latter usually have difficulty in catching up
with their comparatively swiftness in linguistic code using, information receiving and
processing and restating pictured information. Less and less interpersonal communi-
cation will lower aged people’s initiative to communicate, which may gradually leads
to the disorder of speech organs and final ahemia [4]. Worse still, the muscular atrophy
of speech organs due to the damages to their speech function gives rise to a disorder of
swallowing function in addition to the negative effects upon their psychological health.
Besides social and psychological factors, diseases like cerebral stroke, PD and Alz-
heimer disease can deprive an aged person of the opportunity for linguistic communi-
cation because his or her damaged ganglia prevents him or her receiving information.
Typically, people with any of the 3 diseases will have difficulty in normal linguistic
communication due to the symptoms including vague consciousness in information
receiving and damaged speech function (e.g. blurred voice in expression) [5].

2 Assessment of Aged People’s Language Function

and Analysis of Those with Language Attrition or Loss

A field assessment was organized for aged people’s language function in terms of voice
reception, ganglia interpretation and linguistic expression in some domestic commu-
nities, nursing homes and hospitals in the cities and the countryside to classify them
into different types by means of a clinical screening assessment scale for swallowing
disorder, a WAD aphasia assessment tester and BDAE (Boston Diagnostic Aphasia
Examination), etc. [6].
To achieve a better result, the following survey was conducted for the aged people
to whom language attrition or loss has occurred:

2.1 Preference of Aged People in Verbal Communication

Whereas a healthy aged person prefers talking about their past, their childern’s life and
other daily chores, those with language attrition are often reluctant to express them-
selves actively via verbal means. Instead, they tend to employ body language in
Influencing Factors of Language Attrition and Loss of Aged People 1451

communication and will only reveal their intentions with limited number of words
passively when the other speaker does not express himself explicitly. As for those with
language loss, they are basically unable to communicate with others.

2.2 Current Verbal Communication of Aged People Living Alone

These aged people are found to fall into 2 dinstint categories, namely, those who are
healthy enough and those who are perplexed by certain diseases. The former, though
not all, are willing to communicate with peer people around or in social events about
what they are interested in or familiar with. On the contrary, most people of the latter
group who are nursed by a housekeeper instead of living with their children will
hesitate to communicate with others except their care givers. However, verbal com-
munication are often rarely seen among them because body language serves as prin-
cipal means of communication.

2.3 Survey of Aged People’s Relationship with New Media

With the development of science and technology, human beings have started an
internet+ age, wherein one is able to enjoy awesome meals and fresh vegetables or
fruits without going out or waiting in a long queue in supermarkets or somewhere else,
or wait at home for his or her favorite cosmetics or fashionable wearings from deliv-
erymen no matter how far he or she is away from the service as along as they are
equipped with a cell phone and internet access. However, aged people have only
limited access to the convenience brought forth by modern technology, esp., compared
with young people. A survey shows that only 25.3% among the 71.5% of healthy aged
people owning their own smart phones know about using these smart functions, and
those with diseases never use any mobile phones or most of them still stick to land
phones or mobile phones simply designed for them. In general, aged people as a whole
have very limited communication with other people compared with young people so
that they have much less access to external information due to their lower acceptance of
new media.

2.4 Effects of Partners’ Attitude, Speaking Pace, Pitch, Vocabularies

and Body Language Upon Aged People in Verbal Communication
A field investion in Japan shows that aged people there live a life completely different
from their counterparts in China. This can be exemplified by their essentially different
views about life from those of aged people in China. Owing to a high-level social
security system, aged people in Japan are able to enjoy living a colorful life alone in the
rest of their existence, and most of them even drive out by themselves. They are not
worried about their children for they have to be independent economically when they
grow into adulthood. In a word, aged parents and children live independently from each
other in Japan, which indicates that aged people in Japan live by and for themselves in
a true sense [7].
Yet in China it is totally different, for any problem related to the old age of aged
parents and education and nurture of children is a problem for the whole family.
1452 L. Lv

Therefore, all the people, no matter what age they are at, are very stressful because
everyone is responsible for the solution of such a problem. This is especially true of
those retired since they often find that they are not needed by other family members for
they are more and more isolated from this information society and know less and less
about what their children are interested in. In communication, an aged person tends to
be sensitive to the partner’s attitudes, speaking speed, pitch, vocabularies and auxiliary
body language. It has been found that attitude plays a decisive role in the communi-
cation with aged people for they are often identified with a nice and amiable speaker
and will not be afraid of being rejected or negated in verbal communication. In
addition, a partner’s speaking speed and pitch are also important factors for aged
people who favor a slow speaking pace and high pitch. This is especially true of those
aged people with damaged hearing. Meanwhile, words and topics featuring their
experiences and making them interested can excite aged people’s desire to commu-
nication. Another factor of great significance in communication with these people, esp.,
those with certain diseases, is body language because it helps them receive information
more directly and rapidly as an effective auxiliary means for communication.

2.5 Changes of Aged People with Language Attrition or Loss

in Expressive Desire, Mood and Physical Functions
For those with language attrition: Relatively, they show willingness to communicate
with others, but some indispensable factors like partners’ attitude, speaking pace, pitch
and body language do play a decisive role in the process [8].
For those with language loss: The factors said above are of greater importance for
them because they will not communicate with others voluntarily unless necessary. This
is due to the fact that they can only produce vague and blurred words instead of clear
utterances so that they will only call for help when it is necessary [9].

3 Training Methods to Cope with Language Attrition

and Loss of Aged People

3.1 For Those with Language Attrition

Stage 1:
Picture reading practice: ask him or her to read what is written on a card through
visual stimuli and practice the pronunciation repeatedly until it is correct.
Stage 2:
Breathing practice: ask him or her to practice breathing through tongue twisters which
help to improve both flexibility of tongues and lips and vital capacity so that air
supply is to be increased for verbal communication.
Stage 3:
Comprehensive drilling: ask him or her to practice singing a song, reading an essay
aloud or telling a story about their past, which is not only a drilling for breathing or
speaking, but a stimulus to build up their confidence in voluntary communication.
Influencing Factors of Language Attrition and Loss of Aged People 1453

3.2 For Those with Language Loss

Language loss of aged people is not only represented by the degradation or loss of
language function but by swallowing disorder as a result of muscular atrophy, the latter
of which brings forth inconvenience to dining and negative mental effects upon them.
To avoid language loss, necessary attention should be paid to possible changes of
functional organs responsible for hearing and sighting as well as the status of ganglia
(that can be judged from momentary and long-term memory). Besides, their spare time
should be carefully arranged, e.g. children’s care is necessary to stimulate them to talk
about something they are interested in [10].
Stage 1:
Picturing reading practice: ask him or her to read what is written on a card through
visual stimuli and even exaggerated instructor’s demonstration, and practice the
pronunciation repeatedly until it is correct.
Stage 2:
Breathing practice: Practice breathing by means of blowing out candles. It is a 3-step
practice and the spans are respectively 5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm (a longer distance is
not proper). Such a practice is able to improve aged people’s vital capacity and
increase air supply in their verbal communication.
Stage 3:
Body language should be encouraged as an auxiliary means of verbal language in
communication with aged people to increase interaction with them and arouse their
desire to communicate.

4 Conclusion

In this aging society, not only individual families but the whole society is being
confronted with its influences, whether positive or negative. An aging society does not
only mean population increase but comes with problems of healthcare and social
security of the elderly. Thus, respecting, loving and caring the aged people are all
indispensable for social harmony and development. To help them keep healthy phys-
ically and psychologically, aged people with language attrition or loss should be kept
under regular monitoring so as to encourage them to face up to their own physical and
mental status, rebuild their social roles and realize their social values. To sum up, it is
of great importance for us to pay close attention to aged people’s physical and mental
health as it is an inevitable demand by social progress and development.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by Scientific Research Project of School level
key projects (Grant No. XZD201806).
1454 L. Lv

1. Hua H (2013) All-round explorations into “active elderly care”: a study on guidelines,
content and dynamics to cope with population aging. Fudan University Press (9):17
2. See 2013 Statistical Bulletin on Social Service Development released by the Ministry of
Civil Affairs. http://www.mca.gov.cn/article/zwgk/mzyw/201406/20140600654488.htm1
3. Lihe H (2015) The study of language aging in last decade: retrospective and prospective.
J Beijing Int Stud Univ 37(10):17
4. Verhaegen C, Poncelet M (2013) Changes in naming and semantic abilities with aging from
50 to 90 years. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (19)
5. Zhao J (2012) A functional approach to the discourse of Alzheimer’s patients. Southwest
6. Wu D, Cao Y, Li C, Li A, Jiang M (2017) Idiosyncratic disorder, evaluation, treatment and
rehabilitation of bilingual aphasia. Chin Sci J Hearing Speech Rehabil (05)
7. Li Y (2016) An empirical research on speech communication disorders of the elderly. Jilin
8. He H (2013) A tentative study on the skills to communicate with aged people. Orient Enterp
Cult (18)
9. Lu M, Li Y (2016) A survey of speech communication habits of the elderly. Soc Sci Front
10. Rao Y, He X (2015) Development of studies on aphasia rehabilitation and nursing. J Nurses
Train (22)
Design and Implementation of Automatic
Sorting Control System for Melon
and Fruit Products

Zuliang Wang(&), Qi An, Chuanglue Cao, and Ting Zhang

Xijing University, Xi’an 710123, Shaanxi, China


Abstract. Melon and fruit sorting system is mainly used in the agricultural
field, can be sorted according to the size of melon and fruit, thus improving the
efficiency of melon and fruit sorting. The system is mainly composed of con-
troller, conveyor belt conveyor system, weight measurement system, fruit
position detection system, fruit selection system and so on. In the system, the
SCM STM32F103C8T6 is used as the main controller, and the M1 card is
brushed on the reader to identify the kinds of fruits. After confirmation, the
corresponding fruits are put on the tray of the weighing sensor to measure. The
processor processes and judges the measured values, completes the classification
of large, medium and small, controls the corresponding LED indicator lights,
indicating that the melons and fruits belong to the same category. Which kind of
size, at this time the conveyor belt motor start, and then pick up the analog
melon and fruit on the conveyor belt, after infrared probe detection object
trajectory, to the melon and fruit transmission to the size of the corresponding
position, DC motor stopped running, the corresponding LED indicator lights,
complete the transmission of melon and fruit classification. Repeat execution to
achieve the purpose of sorting. The experimental results show that the automatic
sorting system can distinguish the size of melons and fruits according to the
weight of melons and fruits, achieve more accurate sorting effect, fast speed,
small error, and can be applied to actual production.

Keywords: Automatic sorting  STM32F103C8T6  Radio frequency card 

Propelling device

1 Introduction

With the progress of society and the development of automatic control technology, more
and more people are gradually liberated from the busy and complicated labor in the
fields of busy agriculture, aquaculture, forestry and gardens. Since ancient times, China
has mainly relied on agricultural production, now is the era of automatic control tech-
nology, agriculture is also a part of China’s comprehensive strength. The Party Central
Committee has also proposed to strengthen the development of agriculture, apply
advanced technology and equipment to agriculture, improve the advanced productive
forces, solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and improve the living

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1455–1459, 2019.
1456 Z. Wang et al.

standards of Chinese farmers. In the near future, a large number of automatic control
equipment will be used in agriculture to help farmers solve practical difficulties [1–3].
The automatic sorting system of melon and fruit products mainly solves the complex
situation in agricultural production in our country. People only need to look at the
computer and control its execution. In order to achieve an intelligent production man-
agement system, automated control technology has been applied to various fields of
production, and it gradually replaces the manual, reducing the labor force. The detection
system of melon and fruit weight in this subject applies the way of weighing sensor
detection and mechanical transmission. Using weight detection and mechanical control
technology to collect the weight of fruits and intelligently distinguish the size of melons
and fruits can not only reduce labor force, but also improve sorting efficiency [4–7].

2 System Design

The automatic sorting system of melon and fruit products has the functions of melon
and fruit weight collection, data processing, melon and fruit classification, etc. The
operation state of the system can be seen more intuitively by LED light indication, and
the transportation of melon and fruit by conveyor belt can not only avoid the damage
during transportation, but also reduce the labor of fruit farmers. The block diagram of
the system is shown in Fig. 1.

The weighing

Card Conversion
reading chip
Power module HX711

STM 32f 103C8T6 Singlechip

DC motor
LED modular module

Fig. 1. The block diagram of the system

The sorting system uses single chip microcomputer as the main control core, M5
radio frequency module to identify which fruit, PVC belt to transport fruit, DC motor to
provide power for the conveyor belt, weighing sensor to detect fruit weight, weighing
sensor to bear different weights will output different sizes of analogue, with 24-bit high.
The HX711 ADC chip with high precision can convert the analog output of the
weighing sensor into digital output and send it to the MCU for data processing. M1
card acts as a fruit, and when RFID module identifies which kind of fruit, the program
Design and Implementation of Automatic Sorting Control System 1457

corresponding to the size of the fruit is called by the single chip computer to compare
with the fruit under test. The mechanical part uses the DC motor to control the con-
veyor belt movement, and then uses the electric pusher to send the melon and fruit to
the designated position; the fruit position detection is realized by the infrared sensor,
when the fruit will be detected by the main control core [8–10].
The working principle of the weighing sensor is a bridge made up of four resistors.
The resistance values of the four resistors are equal. So when there is no load, the signal
will not be output. In the special analog-to-digital conversion chip conversion, the
output of digital signals through the master microcontroller data processing to get the
basic weight of the object [11–14]. HX711 is used as analog signal to convert digital
signal conversion chip. The interface between the module and MCU is very convenient,
and the program is also very easy to write. Just connect the data line and operate directly.
Input selector switches can select channel A or channel B. The programmable gain of
channel A is 64–128, and the difference input amplitude of channel A is ±20 mv–
±40 mv, respectively. The channel B is often used for system parameter detection and
fixed 32 dB gain. Module internal with regulated power supply, no need to use other
power supply, the module automatically reset after power on, initialization. Infrared
sensor is also known as infrared photoelectric switch sensor, 0 or 1 output state, test
distance, visible light interference is small, low cost, easy to install and so on [15].

3 Test Result

Connect the power supply, first boot, wait two seconds, initialize the system, and then
the system starts running, as shown in Fig. 2. Brush the M1 card to confirm that the
apple is measured, and the apple light is bright, as shown in Fig. 3. Place the apple on
the tray of the weighing sensor and measure it. The small LED indicator lights up to
indicate that the apple is a trumpet. The belt motor starts, as shown in Fig. 4. Then the
apple picked up the analog on the conveyor belt, through a small frame of infrared
probe DC motor stop, the corresponding LED light. The transmission and classification
of melon and fruit is completed, as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 2. Initial stage Fig. 3. Brush the M1 card

1458 Z. Wang et al.

Fig. 4. Lighting up indicates that the apple is a Fig. 5. The corresponding LED lights

4 Conclusions

STM32F103C8T6 as the main controller, in the reader to brush M1 card to identify the
types of fruit, after confirmation of the corresponding fruit on the weighing sensor tray
measurement, the processor processing and judgment of the measured value, complete
large, medium and small classification, control the corresponding LED indicator lights,
indicating which kind of melon and fruit belong to which big Small, at this time the
conveyor belt motor start, and then pick up the analog melon and fruit on the conveyor
belt, after infrared probe detection object trajectory, to the melon and fruit transmission
to the size of the corresponding position, DC motor stopped running, the corresponding
LED indicator lights, complete the transmission of melon and fruit classification.

Acknowledgements. This study was funded by Key Research and Development Plan Project of
Shaanxi Provincial Science & Technology Department (Program No. 2018ZDXM-NY-014).

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intelligent sorting system. Electromech Eng Technol 47(03):85–88
8. Li S, Tan Y, Wu HW (2018) Intelligent express sorting system design. Mech Eng (03):108–
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sorter. Agricultural Mech Res 40(09):154–157
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Technol Appl 22(01):116–118
Study on Infrastructure Construction
of Higher School

Qiang Li(&)

Jilin Engineering Normal University, 3050 Kaixuan Street, Changchun, China


Abstract. In this paper, the author fully recognized and grasped the opportu-
nity brought by now economic trend to higher school. Based on infrastructure
construction present situation of higher school, the significance and effect of
development in line with its national conditions and the requirement of times to
higher school infrastructure construction has been elaborated and the ideas of
infrastructure construction to higher school have been proposed.

Keywords: Teaching infrastructure  Higher school

1 Introduction

People-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development concept and

promoting the all-round development of economy, society and human beings are new
ideas and concepts that must be firmly established in the current reform and devel-
opment of higher education [1]. The basic teaching conditions in Colleges and uni-
versities mainly refer to the teaching environment facilities, laboratory equipment,
teaching practice base, library construction, network and information facilities, sports
ground and sports facilities, etc. These conditions involve the quality of school per-
sonnel training and are the important basis for running schools. Under the current
economic situation, how to highlight the characteristics, build a brand, improve their
own efficiency, carry out the construction of teaching infrastructure, and achieve their
own sustainable development is a new issue facing the sustainable development of
colleges and universities.

2 The Role of Teaching Infrastructure Construction

The first essence of the scientific outlook on development is to promote sustainable

development [1]. The development of higher education is an important part of it. The
basic conditions of higher education are the material basis on which higher education
depends [2–8]. Therefore, the scientific outlook on development poses new challenges
and requirements for the construction of teaching infrastructure in Colleges and uni-
versities, as well as for the development of higher education [9]. The development of
society and economy is of great significance [10, 11].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1460–1464, 2019.
Study on Infrastructure Construction of Higher School 1461

2.1 Stimulating Consumption Demand and Sustainable Development

In the context of the financial crisis, the over-dependence on families in education
investment has seriously squeezed private consumption space, resulting in insufficient
demand for other aspects of social consumption, inhibiting the internal driving force of
economic growth and increasing education investment. The proportion of financial
education expenditure in developed countries has reached 7%, and in some fast-
growing countries, it is also 5%. About 4% has not been achieved in China. Increasing
the construction of teaching infrastructure can stimulate domestic demand and create
new growth points for local economy [2]. Local governments at all levels should also
keep in line with the state, focusing on increasing investment in school infrastructure
and equipment, improving school-running conditions and standards, and promoting
consumption, stimulating domestic demand with livelihood investment, alleviating
down-ward pressure of the economy and maintaining stable economic growth.

2.2 Creating Good School Running Conditions and Campus

The development of colleges and universities should be guided by the scientific outlook
on development, firmly grasp the rhythm of development, pay attention to the con-
notation of development, adhere to the development path of giving consideration to
both quantity and quality, giving priority to quality, and take improving the quality of
personnel training as the fundamental task [3]. We should carry out rational campus
construction planning, expand learning, research, exchange and discussion, craft and
sports activities, create a beautiful overall environment, a humanistic atmosphere and a
strong academic atmosphere of campus culture, so that students can be subtly edified
and edified [4].

3 Current Situation of Teaching Infrastructure Construction

At present, colleges and universities are student-oriented, cultivating students’ broad

knowledge, strong practical ability and innovative spirit, so that students’ knowledge
ability can meet the needs of social economy and scientific development and achieve
sustainable development. However, the development of basic teaching conditions can’t
meet the requirements of social needs for talents’ quality and ability. These problems
are the main ones. It should be reflected in the following aspects:

3.1 Campus Land Is Difficult, and School Buildings Are Tight

Colleges and universities are mainly concentrated in cities, and urban land is just tense.
With the further development of urbanization, the population will continue to migrate
to cities. The contradiction of campus land shortage caused by the expansion of col-
leges and universities is more prominent. Although in recent years many colleges and
universities have taken over land and opened up new campuses, the construction of
1462 Q. Li

campuses needs a lot of funds. At present, colleges and universities generally lack
funds, and the construction of campuses encounters great difficulties [5].

3.2 Lack of Foresight and Scientificity in Resource Allocation

Lack of rigorous demonstration of equipment allocation, blind purchase, repeated
purchase, lack of awareness of its importance, lack of management awareness,
rebuilding light management, not only a strong inspection and supervision mechanism,
the relevant liability compensation and investigation system is not perfect, or mere
formality, teaching facilities management confusion, or even loss and waste, It leads to
waste of assets, shortage of funds and contradiction between supply and demand.

3.3 Library Information Can’t Meet the Demand

At present, apart from a few stable sources of funds for University books and materials,
many universities lack funds for books and materials. Especially some newly-built
universities lack funds for purchasing necessary books and information resources. The
price of books has been rising continuously in recent years, and the phenomenon of
sharp decrease of newly-added books in universities and colleges has appeared. There
is a serious shortage of books and materials, but on the other hand, some new books
and materials purchased are not well managed, the borrowing rate is not high, the
turnover rate is not high, and even some books are left unattended for a long time,
resulting in a waste of resources [6].

3.4 Educational Resources Inside and Outside Schools Haven’t yet Been
Some university laboratories are still using the instruments and equipment of the 1980s
and 1990s. Some university laboratories have very low utilization rate, the utilization
rate of large-scale instruments and equipment is low or even idle. There is a lack of
communication and connection between the University and the laboratories of other
scientific research institutes and colleges, and the speed of network and information
construction. Slowly, resources can’t be shared.

4 Practice of Higher Mathematics Teaching Reform

in Application-Oriented Universities

Applicative undergraduate students are an important group on the university campus.

They need to be guided and helped by the teachers, so that they can really gain
something in the four years of college life [7]. As teachers, therefore, we should do our
utmost to explore and study the reform practice of higher mathematics, find better ways
and means to achieve the best teaching results in the study of higher mathematics, and
help students to enter the society smoothly.
Study on Infrastructure Construction of Higher School 1463

4.1 How to Do Well the Construction of Teaching Infrastructure

in Universities
The growth rate of higher education should not be higher or slightly lower than that of
national economic growth, but because of the blind enrollment expansion in some
places, the growth rate of higher education has actually far exceeded the growth rate of
national economy, and the single investment mechanism of central and local finance
has been unable to meet the requirements, so colleges and universities should be
encouraged to go. Diversified investment path [8]. Diversified investment means
reforming the traditional single government school-running mechanism, advocating
and encouraging enterprises and economic entities and consortia to invest in education.
Colleges and universities can use their own resource advantages to raise funds through
cooperation, service or donation, fund-raising, financial, credit and other means to
develop the basic conditions of teaching.

4.2 The Structure of Personnel Training Is Compatible with the Needs

of Social Talents
The reform in the field of higher education has not kept up with the pace of enrollment
expansion in Colleges and universities, but still has a strong color of planned system.
The construction of basic teaching conditions in Colleges and universities should
proceed from reality, distinguish different situations and requirements, determine the
construction standards of practical teaching bases, pay attention to investment benefits
and accelerate the construction of practical teaching conditions. While completing the
enrichment, rectification, matching and improvement of the basic conditions, we
should pay attention to the efficiency, raise the level, study the construction plan, carry
out the necessity and feasibility demonstration, and establish the planning and con-
struction on the scientific basis.

4.3 Maximize the Efficiency of Resource Allocation

In order to optimize the allocation of teaching resources in Colleges and universities,
maximize the efficiency of resource allocation, prevent blind investment and short-term
behavior, we should focus on the future, lay a good foundation and make overall
planning [9]. The optimization of teaching resources allocation means that the orga-
nization, decision-making and management methods of the allocation process are in the
optimal state, so as to achieve the best effect of teaching resources allocation. Facing
the problem of insufficient innovation and practicality in the construction of basic
teaching conditions in Colleges and universities, we should actively explore new ideas
and methods in the allocation of teaching resources, change the old management
system, and establish an operational mechanism for the construction and management
of basic teaching conditions adapted to the characteristics of market economy system
and teaching reform in colleges and universities [10].
1464 Q. Li

4.4 The Combination of Infrastructure Construction with Cultural

Construction and Distinctive Brand Building
While doing a good job in the construction of teaching infrastructure in Colleges and
universities, we should combine it with the construction of campus culture and the
building of distinctive brand, pay attention to the promotion of school cultural taste and
the improvement of school educational environment, so as to promote and complement
each other in the construction of teaching infrastructure and cultural construction and
the building of distinctive brand [11]. To realize the people-oriented, comprehensive,
coordinated and sustainable development of colleges and universities in the true sense.
It can be said that the scientific outlook on development has brought new opportunities
to the development of higher education. The basic conditions of teaching in Colleges
and universities are the important support to ensure the development of colleges and
universities and the steady improvement of the quality of personnel training. Institu-
tions of higher learning should adhere to the scientific outlook on development to guide
the construction of teaching infrastructure, constantly highlight their characteristics,
upgrade the level of running schools, improve the quality of teaching, and realize the
leapfrog sustainable development of higher education.

1. Liqiang (2009) Problems and countermeasures in the construction of teaching basic
conditions in vocational normal colleges. Vocat Tech Educ 30(32):77–78 (in Chinese)
2. Wang D, Gao Y (2007) On the optimization of the educational resources in Hebei higher
educational institutions. J Hebei Normal Univ/Philos Soc Sci Ed 30(3):153–155 (in Chinese)
3. Yang J, Ding K (2000) Thoughts on strengthening the construction of teaching basic
conditions in University. High Educ Build Mater Sci 19(1):97–99 (in Chinese)
4. Yan Q (2007) Striving to improve teaching quality and academic level under the guidance of
scientific concept of development. J Longdong Univ (Soc Sci Ed) 18(1):1–4 (in Chinese)
5. Li B (2013) On structural contradiction of employment in China. J Changchun Univ Sci
Technol (Soc Sci Ed) 26(08):63–65+71(2013) (in Chinese)
6. Li L (2000) Retrospect and prospect of Chinese university quality. Res Educ Tsinghua Univ
03:83–88 (in Chinese)
7. Yang D (2011) Problems and reflections on the construction and management of teaching
infrastructure in colleges and universities. Young Writers 23:242 (in Chinese)
8. Pang S, Liu C (2004) A research for teaching facilities in higher education institutions and
security system. J Beijing Inst Technol (Soc Sci Educ) 03:68–69+71 (in Chinese)
9. Xie W (2003) Optimal allocation of resources for higher education and suggestions in China.
Heilongjiang Res High Educ 03:10–12 (in Chinese)
10. Yang J (2014) Resources allocation situation of higher vocational education in china and its
optimization strategies. Vocat Techn Educ 35(16):51–54 (in Chinese)
11. Chen W, Zhang L, Chen S, Liu Q (2013) Empirical analysis on infrastructure construction of
ICT using in university. J Univ Shanghai Sci Technol 2:54–56 (in Chinese)
Innovation of Humanized Thinking in College
Students’ Management

Yonghai Yu(&)

Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, China


Abstract. With the continuous reform and innovation of higher education in

China, how to improve the teaching quality and teaching level of colleges and
universities has become an urgent problem for colleges and universities. As one
of the important systems in a school, the teaching management system is an
important foundation and guarantee for improving the teaching quality and
teaching level of colleges and universities. Therefore, the reform and innovation
of the teaching management system of colleges and universities is the key work
that should be carried out in the current development of colleges and

Keywords: Innovation  Students’ management  Humanized thinking

1 Introduction

Under the current environment of advocating innovative education, the teaching

management of colleges and universities began to attract the attention of different social
groups [1]. The leaders and managers of colleges and universities began to re-examine
the importance of teaching management, and carried out reforms and innovations in
line with the current situation, maximizing the teaching effect of teachers and culti-
vating higher-quality talents [2–5]. In the current education management of colleges
and universities in China, the innovative teaching mode has become the main entry
point [6]. However, many colleges and universities do not recognize their most
important problems and blindly carry out reforms and innovations [7]. Therefore,
innovation in education management has little effect, and it does not help much in
improving the level of education management in colleges and universities. Therefore,
the teaching management of colleges and universities must keep up with the current
educational situation [8–10].

2 The Present Situation and Characteristics of Student

Management in Colleges and Universities

At present, college student management mainly depends on the team of counselors,

counselors are the most frequent contact with the students of the teacher group. At
present, the counselors present more and more young structural characteristics. The

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1465–1468, 2019.
1466 Y. Yu

post-80s and post-90s graduates gradually become the main body of the counselors,
and the student groups are mainly the post-90s, and they have very obvious personality
characteristics. The characteristics of consciousness. The traditional student manage-
ment model adopted by most colleges and universities emphasizes mainly collective
management, hard management, standardized management, and constraining the
behavior of counselors and students. To a large extent, it neglects to the extent that this
management mode is easy to deal with 90% of the students. After the university
students’ character characteristic produces the collision and the conflict, causes their
conflict and the reverse psychology, already has been difficult to adapt to the man-
agement demand to the new group, the contradiction between the two has become
increasingly prominent.

3 Application of Humanized Thinking in Student


The implementation of humanized management in the management of college students

has become the requirement of the times. In view of the characteristics of college
students’ increasingly prominent consciousness of independence, subject and equality,
the school should adhere to “people-oriented, student-oriented,” and so on. The prin-
ciple of serving students is to carry out humanized management thinking and innovate
management system. Generally speaking, it can be divided into two aspects: humanized
management of counselors and humanized management of student groups.

3.1 To Give Humanistic Care to Counselors and Arouse Their

The importance of counselors in student management is self-evident. Therefore, col-
leges and universities should, according to the personality and development charac-
teristics of the current counselors, give humanistic care to the counselors in the aspects
of work, life, personal professional career development, and pay attention to them in
their daily life. Support and help should be given when the work is difficult, and
various kinds of training should be organized and carried out to meet the needs of the
counselors’ own development, so as to strengthen the collective consciousness of the
counselors. We should adhere to the principle of combining rigid management with
flexible management for counselors. Some institutional reforms in schools can fully
listen to the opinions of young counselors and encourage counselors to understand how
to do so. In order to enhance the sense of belonging of counselors, arouse their
enthusiasm and improve the efficiency of student management. According to the ide-
ological characteristics of the post-90s counselors, the regulations and regulations of
the school and the regulations of student management are explained in detail to help the
counselors understand and understand the starting point and consideration of the school
regulations correctly and objectively, so as to carry out the regulations thoroughly.
Innovation of Humanized Thinking in College Students’ Management 1467

3.2 To Give Humanistic Care to Counselors and Arouse Their

3.2.1 Perfecting and Perfecting the Management Mechanism of Students
and Respecting the Development of Students’ Personality
All along, colleges and universities have been carrying out more unified, rigid and
standardized management. When formulating programs and plans for the training of
talents, as well as regulations on student status, rewards and punishments, and so on,
they pay more attention to the restraint of students and place too much emphasis on the
obligations of students. And ignored the student’s rights, the individuality, the body
and mind development need and so on. The school should change the rigid manage-
ment thinking in the past, respect the students’ personality and needs, take the initiative
to care, care and pay attention to the students according to the needs of the students. To
amend the relevant provisions that have been too harmful to students’ subjectivity,
consciousness, and initiative in the past, and to put themselves in consideration of
students’ study, life, and development from a student’s point of view. Employment, etc.
Through the organization of various forms of conferences, promote democracy, open
mind to listen to students, and encourage students to be motivated and motivated.

3.2.2 Raising the Consciousness of “Serving Students” and Carrying Out

Humanistic Solicitude
Schools and counselors should abandon the consciousness of “managing students”, set
up the humanized management concept of “serving students” and pay close attention to
the state of students. Make active use of the role of student organization, from all
aspects of the service to students, let students feel the warmth of the class, school
family. Redefine and emphasize the responsibility range of class, grade study com-
mittee, life committee, psychology committee, employment information officer, and
reflect the students’ learning situation through the study committee. The school should
give help to the students who have learning difficulties in time. In ordinary life, the
members of the life committee shall make use of the observation and collection of
works that reflect the living conditions of the students Use, for poor students, timely
feedback, and then by the counselors or schools to grant scholarships, work-study and
other assistance. Through the role of class cadres, grade cadres and school-level cadres,
the formation of a more complete network of services, all-round support for students.

3.2.3 Using New Information Technology to Broaden the Channels

of Student Management
The development of information technology provides more means and channels for
student management. Contemporary college students have a strong ability to accept
new things, and full of curiosity, can accept new things in the shortest time. At present,
college students widely use QQ, Renren, WeChat and other communication and chat
tools, like to upload photos and friends to express their ideas and ideas. Counselors
should make full use of this characteristic, keep up with the speed and thinking of
students in time, understand students’ joys, emotions and latest psychological trends
through WeChat friends circle, and use QQ, WeChat with students in time. Renren and
other tools for communication and communication, drawing closer with The distance
1468 Y. Yu

between students. More direct, more convenient and faster solution to students’ ide-
ological confusion will play an important role in promoting students’ mental health and
maintaining an optimistic and positive attitude.

4 Conclusion

The management of counselors and student groups is an important part of student work
in colleges and universities. In the work of college students, the humanized manage-
ment concepts such as “people-oriented, student-oriented”, “serving students”, “ev-
erything for students” and so on, are adhered to. It is the demand of the situation to the
comprehensive reform of colleges and universities, at the same time, the foundation of
the management system of colleges and universities, it is also the demand of the
students’ overall personality and healthy development.

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7. Corréa A, Langevin A, Rousseau LM (2007) Scheduling and routing of automated guided
vehicles: a hybrid approach. Comput Oper Res 34(1):1688–1707
8. Dijkstra EW (1959) An appraisal of some shortest path algorithms. Oper Res (17):395–412
9. Hammond G (1986) AGVS at work: automated guided vehicle systems. Springer, Berlin
10. Chow WM (1986) Development of an automated storage and retrieval system for
manufacturing assembly lines (1):490–495
Countermeasures for the Development
of Agricultural Product E-commerce

Jun Wang(&)

Hubei Business Service Research Development Center,

Wuhan Technology and Business University, No. 3, Huangjiahu West Road,
Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Abstract. China is a traditional big nation of agriculture production. China’s

vast territory and regional disparity have led to diversified agricultural products
of distinctive features. The development of Internet+ agriculture has also
launched completely new sales means for the development of agricultural
products, namely agricultural product e-commerce. With the new development
trend of agricultural product e-commerce, it is necessary to adopt a series of
measures to promote its better development.

Keywords: Agricultural product e-commerce  Development trend 

Agricultural product brands

1 Relevant Concepts on Agricultural Product E-commerce

1.1 Definition of Agricultural Product E-commerce
Agricultural product e-commerce refers to the comprehensive adoption of e-commerce
system in the such sections as production, sales and management of agricultural
products. It adopts information technology to release and collect information such as
supply and demand and prices [1]. It takes the Internet as the media and relies on
agricultural product production base and logistics distribution system to achieve pro-
duct transactions and currency payment in a fast and safe manner.

1.2 Characteristics of Agricultural Product E-commerce

Firstly, promote development and strengthen supervision.
China’s agricultural product market and e-commerce have entered the period of
development. During this period, we need to adopt the dual measures of promoting
development and standardizing supervision [2]. This stage mainly focuses on trans-
formational upgrade. In 2017, the State Council released No. 1 Document, clearly
pointing out the future direction for the development of rural e-commerce.
Secondly, fresh product e-commerce has developed rapidly.
In 2017, China’s cold chain logistics developed rapidly [3]. In 2017, the total
volume for China’s agricultural product cold-chain logistics reached RMB four trillion,
up by 17.6% year on year. Driven by cold-chain logistics, the transaction volume of

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V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1469–1473, 2019.
1470 J. Wang

China’s fresh product e-commerce in 2017 reached RMB 139.13 billion, up by 50% on
average each year. In turn, the consumption demand for fresh products also boosted the
development of cold chain logistics. The potential huge market demand for fresh
product e-commerce also drove the development of cold-chain logistics.
Thirdly, gradual shift toward brand-based agricultural products.
Consumption upgrade has boosted the emergence of agricultural product brands.
The improvement in the purchase awareness of consumers has pushed forward the
trend of brand-based agricultural products [4]. Through brand management, we can
select product more rigorously. Since consumers pursue better quality, the fresh agri-
cultural products have undergone strict assorting, packing and processing to ensure that
product packaging and taste have reached a certain standard. Standardization of fresh
agricultural products based on brands can increase consumer trust.
Fourthly, the development of e-commerce ecosphere and eco-chain.
The development of rural e-commerce has gradually formed corresponding
development trends for ecosphere and eco-chain. Through such modern technologies as
computers, the Internet, mobile network, cloud computing, blockchain, big data, and
man-machine interaction, we can integrate websites and platforms with the stages
before, during and after production to form a dynamic ecosphere and eco-link rela-
tionship with online and offline interaction based on platforms and websites.
Fifthly, agricultural product e-commerce attaches greater importance to services
and experience.
Agricultural product e-commerce is the core of rural e-commerce. Only in this way
can China’s rural e-commerce develop in a sustainable way, such as agricultural
product e-ecommerce + renewable resources, agricultural product e-ecommerce +
food safety, agricultural product e-ecommerce + catering, and agricultural product e-
ecommerce + leisure and sightseeing + entertainment, etc. [5].

2 Development Trends for Agricultural Product E-commerce

2.1 The Trend of Integration

The mutual integration of all categories, all channels, online and offline channels, the
stages before, during and after production, and multiple dimensions is the most obvious
trend for the upward development of agricultural product e-commerce. We should not
only innovate offline physical market models, but also innovate online market models
[6]. We should also integrate online and offline development to form a relationship with
mutual interaction.

2.2 The Trend of Internationalization

With the implementation of “One Belt and One Road” initiative and China’s greater
effort in reform and opening up, the internationalization of agricultural product e-
commerce will become a normal trend of development. For example, we can add the
trade function to the agricultural product market to not only “bring in” but also “go
out”. Such places as Gansu Province, Guangxi Province, Sichuan Province and Qiqihar
Countermeasures for the Development of Agricultural Product E-commerce 1471

City have launched China-Europe Express Freight Trains for agricultural products,
even including China-Europe Cold-chain Freight Trains. Frequent interaction has been
conducted between Chinese and overseas agricultural product markets, promoting
mutual exchanges and satisfying the needs of both markets.

2.3 The Trend of Standardization

With the successive launch of various standards on agricultural product markets,
product planting and breeding, purchase, supply means, and market operation and
management have become increasingly standardized. With the release of standards, we
will focus on vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, eggs, and tea to raise standardized require-
ment on basic product requirement, grade specification, safety testing, package and
identification, product requirement, storage and preservation, and transportation man-
agement. The standards here not only include domestic standards but also foreign ones.
A lot of international standards for agricultural products have been introduced into
China and China has also actively participated in the formulation of international
standards with some Chinese standards becoming international standards.

2.4 The Trend of Intellectualization

Intellectualization runs through the whole supply chain including the production, cir-
culation, and sales. Quite a few agricultural product wholesale markets, vegetable
markets, smart stores, and self-service shops adopt intelligent technology to accelerate
their upgrade. The orders, purchase, precooling, storage, transportation, distribution,
sales, refund, recall, packing, and recycling of agricultural products will be more
intelligent and standardized. Through the application of new technology and new
models, we can promote the precise matching between production and sales and
achieve the seamless matching of various sections under the condition of high degree
of informationization [7–10].

2.5 The Trend of Distinctive Features

The development of distinctive agricultural product e-commerce renders possible the
dislocation competition for the upward development of rural e-commerce. The emer-
gence of coordinated, innovative, open and interconnected ecosphere and eco-link
system has dramatically boosted the transformational upgrade of traditional e-
commerce to new e-commerce.

2.6 The Trend of Supply Chain

With the progress made in the building of model cities for supply chain, the agricultural
supply chain with distinctive features may take shape under the guidance of model
enterprises. For example, In January 2018, Ministry of Commerce made public four
“Agricultural Product Cold-chain Circulation Standardization Model Cities”: Xiamen
City, Chengdu City, Weifang City, and Yantai City. Meanwhile, it also made public
nine agricultural product cold-chain circulation standardization model enterprises.
1472 J. Wang

2.7 The Trend of Brand-Based Operation

The year 2017 is the year of brand promotion. The year 2018 is the year of agricultural
quality. Chinese agricultural products have entered the quality-oriented stage of brand
development, focusing on “pollution-free agricultural products, green food, organic
agricultural products, and agro-product geographical indications”. We are now pro-
moting the transformational upgrade of Chinese agriculture to quality and services. We
should rely on advantageous enterprises, farmer cooperative confederations, and industry
associations to build regional brands with distinctive features, introduce e-commerce
transformation to strengthen the operation of traditional famous brands, and turn local
specialties and small varieties into big industries to drive the increase of farmers’ revenue.

3 Countermeasures for Agricultural Product E-commerce

3.1 Improve the Comprehensive Service Capacity for the Upward Online
Mobility of Agricultural Products
We should further focus on the upward online mobility of agricultural products and
build and perfect the agricultural product supply chain management system. We should
encourage e-commerce model counties to increase capital, technology and talent input,
and give full play to the role of rural e-commerce public service centers, pro-farmer
information clubs, industry organizations, farmer cooperatives, flagship enterprises,
and professional operation companies. We should promote the transformation of
production means for traditional agricultural enterprises to improve the capacity for
product design and increase the commercialization rate and the proportion of e-
commerce sales for agricultural products.

3.2 Strengthen the Development and Application of Big Data

in Agricultural Product E-commerce
Through such means as government purchase of services, we should strengthen the
application of big data technology, dynamically analyze the changes in villages and
agricultural product markets, help enterprises accurately position themselves, and
promote individualized customization and flexible production. We should organize
pilot counties on product sales through e-commerce outside villages to thoroughly
investigate their agricultural product categories, quality, quantity, sales period, enter-
prises and their qualifications and match them with e-commerce transaction data.

3.3 Vigorously Cultivate Agricultural and Rural Brands

We should give top priority to brand development, adhere to the principles of market
guidance and consumer superiority, and take safety, high quality and green products as
the basic requirement for improving product and service quality. We should rely on
advantageous enterprises, farmer cooperative confederations, and industry associations
to build regional brands with distinctive features, introduce the elements of e-
commerce to strengthen the operation of traditional famous brands, and turn local
Countermeasures for the Development of Agricultural Product E-commerce 1473

specialties and small varieties into big industries to drive the increase of farmers’
revenue. In the construction of distinctive agricultural product advantageous areas,
modern agriculture demonstration zones, and national agricultural product quality and
safety counties, we should coordinate the progress in brand building, encourage e-
commerce enterprises to step up the effort in publicity, and support local governments
in jointly cultivating a group of highly recognized agricultural enterprise brands and
agricultural product brands. We should take new agricultural operation entities as the
major carriers to create agricultural product brands with distinctive regional features.

3.4 Perfect the Quality and Safety Detection System and Traceability
System for Agricultural Products
With the help of modern information technology, we should build the agricultural pro-
duct quality and safety traceability system with agricultural product production record as
the major content, responsibility subjects and flow management as the core, and trace-
ability code as the carrier. The adoption of the agricultural product quality and safety
traceability system will strengthen the building of quality and safety traceability capacity,
and tighten the quality and safety traceability management to achieve the goal that
production records can be stored, product flow can be traceable, and storage information
can be checked; we should integrate the whole process of agricultural products from
production to processing and sales and gradually form the agricultural product quality
and safety traceability information network that integrates production and sales areas.

1. Chen L (2015) The development trend for agricultural product e-commerce from ali
platform. China Bus Mark (6)
2. Xu Z (2015) Review of overseas fresh agricultural product circulation “experience”. Econ
Manage (3)
3. Liu J, Zhao Y, Huang R (2017) Discussion of China’s agricultural product e-commerce
development from the perspective of industry value [J/OL]. J Commer Econ (24):133–136
4. Hou Z, Lv Y (2017) Research on the text measurement for regional policies on agricultural
product e-commerce – Gansu Province as an example. China Bus Mark 31(11):45–53
5. Hong T, Zhang C (2015) 2014-2015 development report on china’s agricultural product E-
commerce. China Bus Trade (05): 44–54
6. Zhang R, Jiang Z (2015) White paper on ali agricultural product e-commerce (2014).
Aliresearch, Hangzhou (9)
7. Zhao Z, He Y, Yang J (2014) Logistics theory construction and empirical research for
agricultural product e-commerce. J Bus Econ (07)
8. Zhong J, Liu Z (2016) Predicament and relief for china’s agricultural product e-commerce.
Foreign Econ Relat Trade (05)
9. Fan X (2017) Upgraded development of rural e-commerce. China Info (3)
10. Liu S (2017) Reflections on developing rural e-commerce and accelerating innovation in
rural circulation system innovation. Hunan Soc Sci (3)
Research and Practice of Carrying Out
Entrepreneurship Education-Taking Jingzhou
Institute of Technology as an Example

Xu Mei(&)

Jingzhou Institute of Technology, Jingzhou 434020, Hubei, China


Abstract. Higher vocational institutes mainly focus on the cultivation of

applied and operating skilled talents, and emphasize that students must have
good practical skills. Carrying out entrepreneurship education in the higher
vocational institutes can strengthen their training objectives and is an effective
approach to cultivate applied talents.

Keywords: Vocational institutes  Entrepreneurship  Education

At present, it has become a significant constituent part in the contemporary university

education to promote entrepreneurship education quality in universities, so as to make
students to “have career consciousness and create employment opportunities”. Jingz-
hou Institute of Technology attaches great importance to enhance the guidance of
university students entrepreneurship, which has created favorable conditions for uni-
versity students entrepreneurship. The school has conducted extensive cooperation
with Jingzhou Labour Employment Bureau and the specialized entrepreneurial guid-
ance teachers will give instruction to the students. There are many teacher in the school
who undertake the review work of entrepreneurship program in Jingzhou. Through the
smoothing cooperation between two sides, students have intensified their career con-
sciousness and their entrepreneurial abilities have been enhanced. Now more and more
university students actively stay in Jingzhou to start up business and a number of
influential local entrepreneurship stars have emerged.

1 The Significance to Carry Out Entrepreneurship Education

1.1 Carrying Out Entrepreneurship Education Is Conductive to Alleviate

the Problem of Difficult Employment for Students and Improve
the Employment Quality
At present, the higher education in China has entered into the era of mass education. In
the past few years, due to the influence by many factors, the university students have a
severe employment situation, while for the graduates of vocational technical institutes,
it is rather not optimistic [2]. Even they have been employed, their wage and treatment
are not satisfactory. Therefore, they have more imperious desire to change their destiny

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V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1474–1478, 2019.
Research and Practice of Carrying Out Entrepreneurship Education 1475

through entrepreneurship. Now various regions have formulated preferential policies

for university students to start up business, which brings about opportunities for their

1.2 Entrepreneurship Education Is Beneficial to Stimulate Learning

Enthusiasm of Students
In recent years, Jingzhou Institute of Technology has carried out entrepreneurship
education with various forms, which gains widespread popularity from students. Stu-
dents extremely cherish the learning opportunities. For example, school and Jingzhou
Labour Employment Bureau jointly set up entrepreneurial training class and students
have strong passion to participate. In addition, school has organized a number of
entrepreneurship knowledge and skill competitions and students actively participate in
the competitions from beginning to end [2].
Excellent school culture is in favor of full implementation of quality-oriented
education and promoting healthy growth and comprehensive development of students,
which is of great importance for talent cultivation. Carrying out entrepreneurship
education in the school is conductive to promote students’ creativity and imagination.
Through organizing and participating many kinds of entrepreneurial practical activities,
students can display their talents and develop individuality [3]. Through a variety of
activities, students are personally on the scene, develop their interests and hobbies and
exert their strengths. Furthermore, through entrepreneurship education, the character
traits of students will also have positive changes and students will be more confident
for their future path of life.

2 Existing Problems of Entrepreneurship Education

in the Higher Vocational Institutes in China

Entrepreneurship education produces concrete results, at the same time, there are some
problems, mainly in the following aspects.

2.1 Lack of Complete Entrepreneurship Education Curriculum System

Results in Badly Lagging Behind of Entrepreneurship Education
Entrepreneurship education has not long history in the higher vocational and technical
institutes, and there are still many deficiencies in the entrepreneurship curriculum
design, together with strong timeliness of entrepreneurship education, big development
difficulty, lack of entrepreneurship experience for the majority of teachers in each
university and not high positivity to develop entrepreneurship course, which leads to
the messy development of entrepreneurship teaching material and course in universities
in China. The current entrepreneurship education is mainly the liberal education, while
each university has its own characteristics of running a school. As a result,
entrepreneurship teaching material and courseware are obviously short of pertinence,
with big and broad manifestation, which obviously lags behind the requirements of
university students entrepreneurial practice in China.
1476 X. Mei

2.2 The Shortage of Teachers Restricts the Development

of Entrepreneurship Education
Teaching staff with high level is the key for entrepreneurship education to achieve
tangible results. Now our country has formulated a lot of measures to train
entrepreneurship education teachers, which has achieved remarkable results. But we
also need to know that at present, many teachers engaged in the entrepreneurship
education have no entrepreneurial experience and even have no working experience in
the enterprise, which affects the quality of entrepreneurship education [4].

2.3 The Insufficient Cooperation Between School and Enterprise

Restricts the Deep Development of Entrepreneurship Education
From the entrepreneurship education practice at present, it can be seen that
entrepreneurship education can not be well-developed without strong support of social
enterprises. However, the current situation is that the purpose of school is to cultivate
talents required by the society while the purpose of enterprise is to pursue benefits. Due
to the different purposes, many enterprises lack of cooperative drive. Even though some
enterprises are willing to make cooperation, their cooperation is not enough. For
example, we organize students to carry on entrepreneurship practice [5]. In most cases,
we often give a hurried and cursory glance at the development history of pioneering
enterprise, without any practical effect. In addition, not efficient supportive policies of
entrepreneurship education, unreasonable school assessment and so on will have bad
effect on entrepreneurship education [6].

3 Countermeasures and Suggestions for Jingzhou Institute

of Technology to Do Entrepreneurship Education Well

3.1 Painstakingly Select or Write Entrepreneurship Education Teaching

Materials to Make a Good Start for Entrepreneurship Education
Through practice in many years, Jingzhou Institute of Technology has accumulated a
large amount of valuable experience in for entrepreneurship education. With the
growing importance of entrepreneurship education, according to the actual require-
ments, we can take the entrepreneurship education course as part of the compulsive
course and ensure the corresponding teaching period [7].
From the current view, entrepreneurship education teaching material still have
many places to be improved. For example, many students choose to start a business on
the website, but the current teaching materials are rarely involved. Accordingly, we
must select or write the teaching material that conforms to the actual situation of
entrepreneurship, which will help students to start up a business in the future.
Research and Practice of Carrying Out Entrepreneurship Education 1477

3.2 Continuously Enhance the Teaching Staff Construction

of Entrepreneurship Education
Teachers is the key to determine whether the entrepreneurship education is successful.
At present, the overall quality of entrepreneurship teaching staff in the school remains
to be improved [8]. Many entrepreneurship education teachers are major in economic
management with less practical experience. Entrepreneurship education teachers need
not only economic management knowledge, but also good social practical experience
[9]. Therefore, teachers can be strengthened in the following methods. Firstly, further
enhance the communication and cooperation with local Labor Bureau and employ
some entrepreneurship tutors with high level to teach students. Secondly, encourage
teachers at school to go deep into the enterprise and cultivate their practical experience
and level so as to make them have a deep understanding to the entrepreneurial practice.
Thirdly, graduated students who have started up business can be invited to exchange
the experience and students will have deeper understanding and cognition of

3.3 Actively Carrying Out Cooperation Between the School and

Enterprise to Provide Place and Guarantee for the Entrepreneurship
Cooperation between the school and enterprise is the effective method to carry out
entrepreneurship education, which must pay high attention to. Actually, Jingzhou
Institute of Technology has many external resources, which can encourage teachers to
actively contact cooperative enterprise and establish platform for the school
entrepreneurship education. On the one hand, students are supported in substituted post
exercitation to enhance their knowledge understanding of production management,
marketing management of enterprises and lay a good foundation for entrepreneurship
[10]. On the other hand, the school can set up long-term cooperative mechanism with
enterprises. Enterprises provide funds and places for schools while schools offer
consultation services to enterprises and provide intellectual support, which realizes the
mutual benefit.

1. Lihang X (2007) Practical research of enterprising education for college students. J Wuhan
Univ Sci Technol (Soc Sci Ed) 4 (in Chinese)
2. Sun W (2003) Study on the implementation of pioneering education through extra curricular
activities. High Agric Educ 11 (in Chinese)
3. Wangwenfen (2017) Research on the training model of innovation and entrepreneurship in
higher vocational colleges under the background of “double creation”. Cult Educ Inf 14 (in
4. Yaoyuju (2017) Research and practice of students ‘innovation and entrepreneurship in
higher vocational colleges: research on Rizhao Vocational and Technical College. Curric
Educ Res 3 (in Chinese)
1478 X. Mei

5. Luo F (2017) Discussion on the deep cooperation model of Chinese vocational colleges and
enterprises. 11 (in Chinese)
6. Ludaxing (2017) Research and practice on innovation and entrepreneurship education in
higher vocational colleges. Curric Educ Res 20 (in Chinese)
7. Peirui (2017) “Internet + ” under the vision of innovation and entrepreneurship education
into higher vocational thinking course path exploration. Curric Educ Res 38 (in Chinese)
8. Yin L (2018) Research on innovation and entrepreneurship education in higher vocational
colleges under the perspective of supply-side reform talented 5 (in Chinese)
9. Liu W, Deng Z (2014) The Feasibility of Higher Vocational Innovation and Entrepreneur-
ship Education Based on “School-Enterprise Integration”: Survey and Policy Suggestions on
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Chinese Universities-Based on Sampling
Analysis of 8 Universities Education science 6 (in Chinese)
10. Zhuaisheng, Xumin, Yulin (2014) Research on the Optimization Strategy of Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Vocational Colleges Jiangsu Gaojiao 6 (in Chinese)
Application of Situational Experience Teaching
in the Course of Architectural Decoration

Hongxing Yi(&)

City College of WUST, Wuhan, China


Abstract. According to the training objectives of applied talents in interior

design in colleges and universities, this paper analyses the current situation and
shortcomings of the teaching of Architectural Decoration Construction. Taking
the interior design and decoration construction drawings of hotel buildings as an
example, this paper uses situational experience teaching to put forward sug-
gestions on teaching contents and methods, which can provide reference for the
teaching reform of Architectural Decoration Construction.

Keywords: Decorative construction  Indoor map and drawing 

Situational experience teaching  Interior design

1 Background Overview

Architectural Decoration Construction is the core professional course of interior design

specialty [1]. It not only has theoretical teaching, but also has strong comprehensive-
ness and practicality. Its contents include basic knowledge of interior drawing, drawing
and expression of construction drawings of architectural decoration engineering, etc.
[2]. The goal of curriculum training includes three aspects: professional ability,
methodological ability and social ability [3]. Professional ability is to cultivate stu-
dents’ ability to analyze and solve problems and to imagine indoor space; method
ability is to cultivate students’ ability to correctly read interior design construction
drawings, to standardize the drawing of interior design construction drawings and to
express freehand drawing; social ability is to cultivate students’ communication ability,
team spirit and good professional ethics of loving their jobs [4]. Through the study of
this course, students can lay a solid foundation in the following professional courses:
Interior Design of Home Space, Interior Design of Office Space, Interior Design of
Commercial Space and Graduation Design [5]. After graduation, students can engage
in engineering management, decoration design and construction, engineering cost,
engineering supervision, engineering consulting and other work [6].
The traditional teaching method of Architectural Decoration Construction has
limitations, and the following problems need to be solved urgently: students’ passive
learning; teachers use multimedia to play PPT teaching courseware to explain the linear
and symbols of construction drawings, the content is boring and lack of interaction;
teaching location is in the drawing training room, teaching content is divorced from

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V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1479–1484, 2019.
1480 H. Yi

practice, sophomores’ foundation is weak, and they have not yet mastered the room.
The professional knowledge of interior design lacks certain three-dimensional space
imagination, lacks understanding of decorative materials and construction technology
of architectural engineering, and the teaching effect is not ideal. Therefore, based on the
theory of situational experience teaching mode, the research group tries to reform the
classroom teaching of the course Architectural Decoration and Construction. Taking
the construction drawings of hotel interior design as an example, it uses situational
experience teaching method to effectively improve the teaching effect, complete the
teaching task and achieve the training goal of applied talents in colleges and univer-
sities [7–10].

2 Situational Experience Teaching Model

The concept of situational experiential teaching refers to the creation of situations by

teachers and experiential learning by students in the teaching process. According to the
teaching content, teachers use teaching facilities and teaching means to set up teaching
situations, stimulate students’ enthusiasm, experience and perception of learning tasks,
interact with teachers, achieve teaching objectives and enhance learning effects.
Situational experience teaching system originated from outdoor education and
progressive education movement in the west. They advocate three centers: students,
activities and experiences, teachers, classes and textbooks. They advocate that students
should develop in the real society and integrate theory with practice rather than pub-
licizing knowledge according to the texts. Compared with traditional teaching mode,
situational experience teaching mode has the following characteristics:
Firstly, from practice to theory, students acquire new knowledge and experience by
actively recognizing and analyzing objects, and integrate theoretical knowledge to
acquire new knowledge. Secondly, they pay attention to the differences of individual
learning, respect the thinking characteristics of different individuals, and communicate
and communicate in time when they encounter problems. Finally, stimulate interest,
encourage innovation, and task-oriented situational teaching to stimulate students’
desire for knowledge and explore new knowledge, which is conducive to cultivating
students’ innovative ability.

3 The Implementation of Situational Experience Teaching

in the Course of Hotel Interior Building Decoration
and Construction

3.1 Reform of Course Content

The curriculum content meets the requirements of teaching objectives, arranges the
curriculum content reasonably, and reflects the key and difficult points of teaching.
There are 64 class hours in the whole course, of which 28 are for theoretical teaching
and 36 are for practical teaching, highlighting the importance of practical practice. The
teaching content of the course Architectural Decoration Construction is divided into
Application of Situational Experience Teaching 1481

seven chapters. The first chapter is the basic knowledge of drawing, including the basic
drawing standards and specifications, which belong to the basic chapters. The second to
seventh chapters are the important chapters of this course, including the construction
drawing knowledge of each interface of building decoration engineering and the
construction drawing knowledge of equipment engineering. Among them, the
knowledge of roof and wall decoration engineering construction drawings is the key
and difficult chapters of this course. The subject group adjusts the teaching contents,
reduces the contents of floor and window decoration projects, and increases the
teaching of construction drawing knowledge of roof and wall decoration projects.
Taking the hotel interior design construction drawing as an example, this paper illus-
trates the contents of the decoration engineering plan, top plan, ground plan, elevation
plan, section plan and detailed drawing of large-scale nodes, and teaches the structure
and construction process of each interface model, so as to cultivate students’ practical
ability and knowledge skills required by their specialty.

3.2 Reform of Teaching Methods

In the situational experience teaching of the course Architectural Decoration Con-
struction, many teaching methods such as open and flexible, task-oriented teaching and
situational teaching should be integrated. When setting up the situation, we should
follow three elements: adapting to the students’ psychological characteristics and
knowledge level; deriving from the examples in social production and life. Teachers
and students participate in and interact with each other in the teaching process, which is
composed of teachers’ creating situations, students’ discussion and hands-on training,
teachers’ comments and students’ mutual evaluation, etc. to stimulate students’
enthusiasm for learning and achieve teaching objectives.
For example, the course introduces a set of practical cases, such as reading and
drawing of hotel interior design construction drawings, task-oriented, phased drawing
analysis and training, highlighting the real situation design and role-playing in the
teaching process, focusing on improving students’ autonomy and enthusiasm for
learning. The whole teaching process is as follows:
Firstly, the teacher assigns tasks: to provide a set of construction drawings for
interior design of Chinese hotels, including layout drawings, top lamp layout drawings,
ground material drawings, elevation drawings, section drawings, node details and other
drawings. Set up the role-playing situation. Assume that the students represent the hotel
interior design team and the teachers represent the hotel builders. Ask the students to
familiarize themselves with and analyze the drawings. The design team will hand over
the construction drawings to the builders. The builders will ask questions and the
design team will answer them. The second step is to divide the students into groups,
consisting of 4–5 students. Each group of design groups will answer the questions
raised by the constructors through learning, discussing, researching and reading
drawings. Third, each group of students records the drawings to complete the teaching
task. Fourth, after the students finish their homework, the students’ group will show the
homework, make self-evaluation, other groups will evaluate each other, and the
teachers’ general evaluation. Encourage excellent work and correct mistakes.
1482 H. Yi

In addition, teachers use examples of social production and life to create teaching
situations, such as: combining the living space of students to explain the interior design
and construction drawings. Think about how the living space is designed? What
unsatisfactory designs need to be changed? Through the space of students’ daily life,
each draws the plan, top, elevation, section and node details of the indoor space. After
the completion of the discussion, the works are displayed to deepen students’ under-
standing of the knowledge they have learned.

3.3 Conditions for Teaching Implementation

The teaching conditions of this course are adequate, including multimedia video,
hydro-power woodworking and other indoor teaching and training rooms, school-
enterprise cooperative enterprise base, etc. Teachers use multimedia animation and
video to play and teach the scene and effect drawing of hotel interior design and
construction. For example, in the course of layout drawing and drawing of ceiling
ceiling, students can deepen their understanding of ceiling layout by playing con-
struction video of ceiling gypsum board and installation video of ceiling lamps and
At the same time, in the course of reading and drawing elevation and section
drawings, teachers take students to visit indoor teaching and training rooms such as
hydro-power woodworking in school, so that students can understand more intuitively
the expression of decorative materials and construction technology on drawings. In
extra-curricular time, organize students to go out to investigate the school-enterprise
cooperation base, take photos of the actual construction site of indoor design and Study
on site, including visiting hydro-power construction projects, woodworking construc-
tion projects, painting construction projects, etc. Understanding and detailed recording
the construction process and technology is conducive to deepening students’ under-
standing of construction drawings.
In the situational teaching of the course, teachers can also use auxiliary facilities,
such as classroom space to realize the knowledge explanation of three-dimensional
space, using the ground, four walls and the top of the classroom as the material, so that
students can have the actual perception of three-dimensional space, and understand the
projection knowledge more easily and profoundly. The assistant function of teaching
implementation conditions is to mobilize students’ learning attention, let them stay in a
vivid teaching situation, enhance students’ understanding, imagination and perception
of the knowledge they have learned, let students understand the drawings first, then
practice drawing, strengthen practical teaching, and accomplish teaching objectives.

3.4 Assessment and Evaluation

The evaluation method of the course Architectural Decoration Construction is com-
prehensive evaluation, which is based on students’ learning attitude, situational
learning performance and homework completion (Table 1).
Application of Situational Experience Teaching 1483

Table 1. Assessment method

Assessment Examination contents Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel
method interior interior interior interior
design design design design
Construction Construction Construction Construction
drawing drawing drawing drawing
Situation 1 Situation 2 Situation 3 Situation 4
Plan Elevation Section Detail
(30%) (30%) (20%) drawing
Evaluation of core Ability to draw drawings strictly in accordance with
competence level drawing standards, with clear graphics, high quality, neat
70% and standardized fonts
Assessment of The drawing content is complete, the scale is correct, the
mission completion dimension is appropriate, the material is complete, and
20% the layout is beautiful
Work attitude Hand in homework on time and work carefully
Total 100%

4 Summary

The research group tracked the teaching effect of situational experience teaching in the
course of construction drawing of hotel interior design and decoration engineering, and
made the following summary: students’ interest in learning has increased, problems
have deepened understanding, and practical problems encountered in learning can be
solved by team analysis and self-determination. Team cooperation is strengthened,
teachers and students jointly enter the role situation simulation, forming a good
teaching atmosphere, teaching effect is improved significantly. The teaching reform of
situational experience teaching in this course is of great practical significance to the
cultivation of practical talents in interior design specialty.

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Training Division Innovative Thinking
in the Higher Vocational and Technical
Teachers College

Lingyu Wang(&)

College of Trade and Economics, Jilin Engineering Normal University,

3050 Kaixuan Street, Changchun, China

Abstract. This article concerns the significance of fostering innovative talents.

It presents the status quo and the exiting problems of the pedagogical
methodology to cultivate innovative talents in the current vocational and tech-
nical schools; and elaborates the new explorations and practices that some of the
vocational and technical schools have carried out in terms of innovative-talent
training model.

Keywords: Vocational and technical college  Talent training model 


1 Introduction

Innovation is a soul and inexhaustible power of national development. A nation,

without innovative talents, is difficult to stand among the nations of the world [1].
Vocational and technical teachers college take training vocational education teachers as
the fundamental task, the innovative talents affect the development of our nation’s
vocational education directly, therefore, Vocational and technical college establish the
center of teaching work is to take training talents as the fundamental task, create
innovation mechanism, train innovative talents, try to explore and form the cultivation
system of innovative talents growth [2].

2 The Significance of Training Innovative Talents

in the Higher Vocational and Technical Teachers College

Generally, innovation is able to make new breakthrough, include make a new dis-
covery, put up new opinion, explore new areas, solve new problems, create new things
and invent new applicants, based on the other people’s creative resultant. Innovation
included discovered invention, that is to say, discovery of things not discovered by
predecessors and creations of things not existing in the past, that is discovery of new
relations between things, and creation of new works according to new relations [3]. At
the same time, it also includes knowledge innovation, technology innovation and
integrated innovation. Therefore, the so-called innovation talents are those who have

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V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1485–1490, 2019.
1486 L. Wang

these innovation qualities and capabilities. Creative people are the “creators of new
knowledge, of new technologies, of new disciplines, or of new path’s in our society [4].
Skill only normal colleges and universities on the characteristics, makes the
“double type” teachers, “double division type” talent cultivation of innovation ability
and practical ability and training. So that the students there are both of teacher and
skills, the skills of teacher’s organic integration, the integration of culture, is the most
distinctive feature of school personnel training. Its innovation talents is to cultivate
thinking.2 it is to train the beginning ability. Which is to cultivate qualified personnel
vocation-technical teacher’s colleges of the most important factors. Paying attention to
the cultivation of innovative spirit and practical ability is not only the need of culti-
vating the spirit of the Times, But also the inevitable choice of cultivating double-
qualified talents in schools. The leader of vocational and technical teachers should pay
attention to the cultivation of talents, employees should be self-conscious, and students
should participate in the training of innovate talents actively, so as to learn, discuss with
each other and improve together, and also enable students to establish the awareness of
competition, cooperation and struggle.

3 Status and Problems of Training Innovative Talents

in Vocation-Technical Colleges

According to the investigation and research, there are the following problems in
education teaching in higher vocational college in China.

3.1 Teaching System

For a long time, the education system of China has been focusing on the cultivation of
professional talents with knowledge learning, but little on the cultivation of profes-
sional application. Even if it strengthens the cultivation of students’ professional skills,
it is also a simple training of professional skills, which falls to achieve the cultivation of
operational capability, many growing points of knowledge of the vocational education
innovation mostly appear in the discipline overlapping, combination and synthesize the
field, at present, the school makes full use of expanding the scale of enrollment,
widening specialty caliber, carrying through credit system reform, opening optional
classes, and so on a series of measures, to make up for the inadequacy of education
system brings, but these reforms to student’s learning will still be limited, many stu-
dents often can’t according to their own interests to acquire knowledge in the related

3.2 Teaching Content

Schools are too strict in managing teaching contents teaching methods and curriculum,
only pay attention to the teachers rights into position and imparting knowledge,
neglected the students’ main body status and the cultivation of autonomous learning
ability [5], teaching content seriously out of production and life practice, knowledge
accumulation and examinations became the highest purpose, on the curriculum, many
Training Division Innovative Thinking 1487

compulsory courses are almost the same as the ordinary undergraduate course, which
creates a fostering talent ‘thousand school side’ on the whole structure, not highlight
the technology of normal colleges and universities to build “double division type”
teacher team. The characteristics of “double division type” talent.

3.3 Professional Settings

The school is too meticulous in terms of major settings, while there are still some major
settings and constructions that lack analysis, investigation and research. As a result, the
major settings of colleges and universities are seriously out of line with the social
demands. In order to cultivate innovate talents, students must master some special
knowledge and techniques in a short time. At present, the degree of specialization of
vocational and technical teachers tend to become deeper and deeper [6]. The cultivation
of students ‘innovation ability in schools is not based on the common development
students’ intelligence factors and non-intelligence factors, which has not played an
effective role in promoting the development of students’ innovation ability.

3.4 Evaluation Methods

For innovative talents, solid basic theories, rich scientific knowledge, rigorous research
methods, courage to explore unknown fields, as well as dedication to truth and good
scientific morality, which are important components of their innovative quality [7]. At
present, the school evaluate the comprehensive qualities of students still adopts the
traditional evaluation model, except through the written test to evaluate, but also from
several aspects, such as moral, intellectual, physical to make comprehensive evaluation,
it is not match between evaluation system and innovative talents training target, it is
difficult to play a proper role of training students’ comprehensive innovative quality.

4 How to Build an Innovative Talent Cultivation Model

in Vocation-Technical Colleges

The cultivation of innovative talents in higher vocational and technical colleges should
extrude academic, vocational and normal characteristics. In the process of talent cul-
tivation of innovate talents in vocational and technical colleges universities needs
various reforms and practices in the teaching management system, student training
mode, professional teaching team and innovative mechanism, so as to create an
atmosphere for cultivating high quality innovative talents.

4.1 Update Education Concept and Set up Scientific and Innovative

Talent Cultivation Concept
The cultivation of innovative talents is a systematic project, which contains many
factors, such as concept, content, system and technology. To understand correctly grasp
the basic features of education teaching in vocational and technical teachers, innovate
personal training mode and cultivate high quality talents is an important prerequisite
1488 L. Wang

and fundamental guarantee for realizing the overall development goal of education. In
addition to quantity, vocational-technical colleges and universities should provide
sufficient personal guarantee for social and public economic development and continue
reform in terms of quality. High quality talents should not only have broad and pro-
found knowledge foundation, but also have an open, cooperative, flexible and
changeable adaptability. It should not only have the ability to use knowledge to serve
the actual situation, but also have the potential and connotation of insight into the
future, continuous improvement and innovation. Therefore, in professional school
education, we should not only pay attention to the accumulation of knowledge and
ability of students, but also pay attention to the cultivation of students’ innovative
thinking innovative ability [8].

4.2 Deepen Education Teaching Reform and Incorporate Innovation

Activities into the Whole Process of Education Teaching
The higher vocational and technical teachers college should deepen the teaching
reform, training students’ ability of innovation is embodied in personnel training mode,
according to the needs of training innovation ability, the revised syllabus, courses in
innovation to guide, to set up innovation credits, opening lab, strengthen the guidance
and training, so that the cultivation of students’ innovation ability is really an important
content of teaching. We should put the cultivation of college students’ innovative
ability into the theoretical teaching, constantly updating the teaching contents
improving teaching system, optimize the structure of teaching, pay attention to the
heuristic, case teaching, and make the cultivation of the college students ‘innovation
ability through every link of education teaching.

4.3 Build an Innovation Platform Actively and Encourage College

Students to Carry Out Innovation Activities
Vocational and technical teacher’s colleges through series of student’s innovation
activities, providing students with display results stage, students are encouraged to
conduct innovation activities, to be held in national regions and the college students’
extracurricular science and technology work competition, challenge cup competition,
college students electronic design contest, robot contest, college students encyclopedic
knowledge contests and other kinds of events as the guidance, organize such cam-
paigns actively in the school, for the province, regional and national competitions [9].
At the same time, the school should provide policy support. In addition to increasing
input, it should also constantly expand the funding channels of college students’
innovation activities, strive for project cooperation, attract social capital input, and
provide a strong guarantee for the vigorous development of students” scientific and
technological innovation activities.
Training Division Innovative Thinking 1489

4.4 Build Innovative Teachers Teams, Improve Their Innovation

and Guidance Ability
Vocational and technical teacher’s colleges must raise awareness of the education of
teachers, improve teachers” education of the sense of mission and responsibility, to
strengthen innovation personnel training and team support should be clear [10]. The
school had better create innovative teachers incentives for planning and participate in
the activities of students” innovation and encourage teachers to participate in guiding
students actively, and further improve and implement the student to participate in the
teacher’s scientific research project plan, encourage support outstanding students to
participate in the teacher’s scientific research project. For teachers, they should
establish the sense of responsibility to cultivate innovative talents for social develop-
ment and consciously improve their professional ability to cultivate innovative talents.

4.5 Adhere to the Interactive Development Between Universities

and Establish a New Mechanism for Cultivate Innovative Talents
In the end, the applied talents is the enterprise growth and the role of place, therefore,
multi-skill innovation of colleges and universities applicants into vocational-technical
teacher’s colleges, should be geared to the needs of the local economy, based on
regional resources, rooted in the enterprise, the cooperation between colleges cultiva-
tion, enterprise customization, ordering cultivation, short-term and long-term cultiva-
tion and other model combining applied creative talents. Vocational and technical
teachers should integrate the cultivation of students’ scientific and technological
innovation ability into the practice link. Through practical teaching links such as
“school enterprise linkage, industry-university-research integration and teaching
alternation” [11], they should encourage and support students to participate in the
training projects such as research and development and creative design, and highlight
the training of students’ practical operation and innovation ability. Through the
establishment of school enterprise cooperation mechanism, the two sides will develop
broad space for cooperation in innovative talent cultivation, scientific research, tech-
nological innovation and student employment.

1. Zhang S (2009) Building innovative ecological environment and training high-level
innovative talents. High Educ China 22:16–18 (in Chinese)
2. Fang J, Wan J, Meng X, Fan S, Zhang C (2009) Construction and practice of high-level and
innovative talents training system. J Beijing Univ Aeronautics Astronautics (Soc Sci Edn) 22
(9):24–26 + 31. (in Chinese)
3. Wang P (2005) Exploration on the innovation of undergraduate training mode in research
universities. Educ Res Liaoning 01:66–68 (in Chinese)
4. Liu H, Yong-an G (2014) On the strategic reform and transformation of talents cultivation
elements of applied university of technology in China. Vocat Tech Educ 35(10):11–16 (in
1490 L. Wang

5. Chen S (2010) The research on the teaching management institutions reform in search-
oriented universities of china. Lanzhou University. (in Chinese)
6. Xu B (2011) Analysis of innovative talents training mode. J Inner Mongolia Univ
Nationalities 17(2):120–195. (in Chinese)
7. Zhang B, Li J (2007) Establishing students’ dominant position and cultivating students’
autonomous learning ability. J Yuncheng Univ 25(4):90–92 (in Chinese)
8. Zhong M (2009) Why do i advocate elite education? Southern Window 13:61–63 (in
9. Gu Y, He D (2009) The practical exploration on the innovative talent training for locally
applied college graduates. China Adult Educ 23:115–116 (in Chinese)
10. Liao Z (2010) Problems and countermeasures of cultivating innovational science and
technology talents based on competency in universities. J Hefei Normal Univ 28(01):107–
109 (in Chinese)
11. Lin X (2011) The discussion of application-oriented talents from the application-oriented
college education perspective. J Jimei Univ 01:83–85 (in Chinese)
Research on the Development of Musical
Opera “Localization” Based on the Integration
of Multiple Arts—Take Two Versions
of Musical Opera Tang Xianzu as an Example

Qing Zhang and Quan Sun(&)

Art Institute of East China University of Technology,

Nanchang 330003, Jiangxi, China
406589470@qq.com, 7700479@qq.com

Abstract. In a relaxed and pleasant way, the musical opera makes the audience
follow the rhythm of the music and merge into the story. Tang Xianzu is a
“localization” musical opera with “China favor” based on this kind of art,
integrating eastern drama, Kunqu opera, Fuzhou tea-picking opera and Nanfeng
Nuo dance. The opera shows the excellent cultural spirit and values of the
Chinese nation by telling Tang Xianzu’s legendary life. It has won wide acclaim
from the industry and audience after its public performance, giving the local-
ization of Chinese musical opera an excellent example. This paper takes two
versions of the musical opera Tang Xianzu as an example to study the “local-
ization” of the musical opera based on the integration of multiple arts, hoping to
broaden the perspective of thinking about the development and prosperity of the
musical opera in China, especially by promoting the inheritance and dissemi-
nation of local traditional music through this kind of music form that people can
easily accept.

Keywords: Musical opera Tang Xianzu  Kunqu opera  Tea-picking opera 


1 Introduction

Musical operas evolved from Opera Comic and Light Opera (which was also known as
Operetta) and was called “musical comedy” in the early days and “musical opera” in
the later. Musical operas originated from England in the late 19th century and was a
form of opera performed by combining dialogue and singing as a whole. “Musical
opera is a popular form of structure that gathers songs, dances and other elements. It
has developed into a unique type of stage opera as early as the early 20th century and
has gradually become a major popular form of stage opera in the United States. The
original musical opera was more about comic opera, vaudeville and comic perfor-
mances. In the United States, this form gradually replaced Europe’s operetta and spread
to the world” [1]. The more popular saying is as Stanray Green, an American expert in
musical opera studies, wrote in The World of Musical Opera that “Musical opera is
fundamentally a drama composed of beautiful costumes, happy dances and relaxed and

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1491–1496, 2019.
1492 Q. Zhang and Q. Sun

interesting music and lines” [2]. The musical opera Tang Xianzu, with its unique
“Chinese flavor”, integrates Chinese spiritual ideology and traditional opera elements
into this western art forms that are easily liked by the audience, especially the majority
of young people. Through combining sound and dance and various art forms into opera
and entertainment, the audience have a spiritual journey in the tunnel of time.

2 The Value of Musical Opera

Musical opera creation reflects a country’s “deep concept culture” and embodies a
country’s and a nation’s core values, as well as the whole spiritual and ideological
system of the cultural essence of a region. For example, the overall appearance of the
earliest flourishing Broadway and Western musical operas is based on the similarity of
British and American cultures, which constitutes the “British and American compre-
hensive culture”. Many musical operas of British and American originate from films
and operas, but they can still flourish because they embody the spirit of reality and
innovation everywhere, not just “re - arranging” or “re - introducing the same theme
after changing forms”. The value of musical opera is just like its own, constantly
innovating in reality, and truly reflecting the positive ideological value culture
belonging to a country and a nation in innovation. The musical opera Tang Xianzu was
created by writers and songwriters following this line of thinking. Both the two ver-
sions have brought the audience novel feeling, and the musical opera once played, it is
a baptism of cultural spirit that makes the audience be intoxicated with the moving
story lines, the beautiful music as well as the pictures.

3 The Musical Opera Tang Xianzu

The musical opera Tang Xianzu (hereinafter referred to as Tang) selected several
important life experiences of the Oriental drama master Tang Xianzu, and cleverly
implanted the content materials and creative thoughts of his “Linchuan Four Dreams”
(Zichai Ji, Mudanting, Nanke Ji, Handan Ji), comprehensively and profoundly
recreating Tang Xianzu’s unusual life course and revealing the reason why great
writers and dramatists are great [3]. He turned his personal love into a great love of the
world, and his heroism of sticking to his ideals, holding high his own dignity, ignoring
his own gains or losses for a while, and dedicating himself to serving the country and
the people, all of which is shown in this opera one by one. Ms. Wu, the late wife of
Tang in the opera, is the embodiment of good ideals and loyalty, symbolizing Tang
Xianzu’s spiritual belief of “never changing his mind”, accurately portraying a new
image of a cultural great man worthy of Chinese pride, reflecting the Chinese nation’s
unremitting pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty, and integrating modern art with
traditional culture. Tang is a bold attempt to show the Chinese spirit, its cultural beliefs
and the essence of traditional art in the form of a musical opera. The opera was
performed by teachers and students from Shanghai Conservatory of Music and East
China University of Technology successively at “the 400th Anniversary of the Death of
Tang Xianzu, Shakespeare and Cervantes”, “the first Tang Xianzu International Art
Research on the Development of Musical Opera “Localization” 1493

Festival” and “The Elegant Music of Jiangxi Province Enters the Campus” and won
high praise. According to the feedback from several questionnaires on Fuzhou’s local
dialect version of Tang, the popularity of the comprehensive art Tang opera is due to
various reasons: 53% of the audience like the plot, 27% like the music of the opera,
14% enjoy the dance, 9% feel the beauty of the dance is attractive, and 7% of the
audience think that the opera is the highlight.

Feedback on the Favorite Aspects of the Audience of the Musical Opera Tang
Dance arts
Story plot


The Tang opera combines a variety of traditional Chinese music and opera art
forms, and with ancient costumes, headdresses, scenery and props, it shows a strong
flavor of Chinese classical culture everywhere. At the same time, with the unique
charm of musical operas, the combination of modern dance beauty, lighting, multi-
media and other technologies highlights the best traditional spiritual culture in China.

3.1 Structure Arrangement of Musical Opera

In Tang opera of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, the structure of “opera in opera” is
an outstanding feature. This kind of structure is a common method in both Song and Jin
operas and Yuan Sanqu of Chinese classical operas, and it is an important means to lay
out the plot and solve the conflict. In Tang opera of Shanghai Conservatory of Music,
there are stories of two time lines. On the stage, students who acted as the students
playing the opera also acted as Tang Xianzu, Ms. Wu, Mr. Shen, Master Cao and other
characters. In the modern part, the actors such as Xin An gradually realized the joys
and sorrows of Tang Xianzu at different stages of his life from the perspective of
modern people through the deepening of the story of the role. The structure of “opera in
opera” has brought certain significance to the uncertainty of the story and characters,
and plays an important role in promoting the development and evolution of the plot,
connecting the characters inside and outside the opera, revealing Tang Xianzu’s
character and deepening the theme of the whole opera [4]. There is a unique
arrangement in the structure. During the cross-over between reality and the opera plot,
characters’ emotions, spiritual beliefs and so on penetrate each other and have meta-
phors. The effect of repeated comparison caused by the parallel structure between
“main story” and “sub - story” shows a general picture of mankind from ancient to
present [5].
In Fuzhou local dialect Tang by actors from East China University of Technology,
the modern part has been deleted. Although different interpretations based on the effect
1494 Q. Zhang and Q. Sun

of changing characters have been reduced, the theme of the opera has become more
coherent and the continuity of the plot can give the audience a sense of substitution.
The plot with a single line more directly presents the beautiful love between Tang and
Wu and Tang Xianzu’s spiritual feelings of “making contribution to the society and
people”, [6] the interlocking plot of the story and the progressive emotional continu-
ation giving audience an audio-visual feast with the heart fluctuates with Tang Xianzu’s

3.2 Music Style Creation

Tang opera is based on simple and moving national music tunes, with various modern
music elements inserted. In Tang opera of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, a large
number of Kunqu opera melody elements are used. Kunqu opera is one of the oldest
operas in our country and is the quintessence of Chinese culture renowned at home and
abroad. It can be said that Tang Xianzu’s operas with 400 years of history, especially
his Linchuan Four Dreams, are the most brilliant in the inheritance of Kunqu opera
with 600 years of history. In the musical opera Tang Xianzu, composers used the tune
of Si Fan, the representative work of Kunqu opera, as the theme of the character music.
The simple and long musical image of Tang Xianzu is more gentle and stable with the
combination of Kunqu opera tones and modern musical techniques over the years, and
the character of Tang Xianzu are clearly shown in the form of music [7]. In addition,
the tune elements of Kunqu opera were directly embedded in many places in Tang
opera of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, showing the beauty of Kunqu opera and the
clever musical conception, which can be described as tasting classics in classics and
showing classics in classics. In addition, composers used a large number of music
elements from Tang Xianzu’s hometown and the place where Kunqu opera has spread
and developed. Fuzhou tea-picking opera, Yihuang opera, Huaihai opera and folk
songs from South China have greatly enriched the music categories of the whole opera,
and at the same time, they have been combined with western music, making the melody
novel in style and full of ancient rhymes. In Tang Xianzu’s hometown, the local opera
culture in Fuzhou was even more emphasized in the local opera Tang, and the classical
fragments of Fuzhou tea-picking opera were selected in the singing passages of both
Actors at Home and Mudanting. The integration of the opera performance with unique
local flavor made this version of Tang opera more grounded and promoted the “lo-
calization” of Fuzhou’s local musical development, while inheriting and developing the
traditional music art in one area with modern western European musical operas.

3.3 Art Expression Form

The musical opera has three main requirements for actors: singing, dancing and the-
atrical performance. In Tang opera by Shanghai Conservatory of Music, the actors
performed relatively skillfully and naturally, reflecting the overall professional level of
the musical opera of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. As far as theater effect is
concerned, the body shape and voice of actors on the stage are the most sensual, and
the combination of singing and dancing is the real soul, which is the biggest challenge
for the local dialect version of Tang opera from casting to rehearsal. As teachers and
Research on the Development of Musical Opera “Localization” 1495

students in science and technology college, the usual training tends to be based on a
single vocal performance or dance performance with only a little theatrical perfor-
mance, but it is also in the process of rehearsal that various skills are rapidly improved
and developed.
Singing in a musical opera is the main way to express the feelings of characters and
promote the development of the plot of the story. Music is used to convey feelings, to
express feelings, and dialogue is also in a way of singing. In Tang opera of Shanghai
Conservatory of Music, the actors are more inclined to use the gentle and natural
popular singing method which is similar to speaking. However, because of the opera
and the national phonological features of the story itself, and the characters in the story,
the performance style is different from that of ordinary musical operas in both singing
and performance. On the other hand, in the local dialect Tang opera, the charm of local
features is paid more attention to and the male and female protagonists use folk singing
methods. However, no matter what kind of singing methods, the delicate coordination
of lyrics and music is sincere, touching and unforgettable. For example, in the aria of
Meet Not to Waste My Life, “Tang Xianzu: The eyes of the world are sentient because
of you; Ms. Wu: The pace of time has stopped for me; Tang Xianzu: At this moment,
it’s very precious. Ms. Wu: It’s not a dream. I don’t want to wake up. Tang Xianzu: I
painted eyebrow for you. Ms. Wu: I’ll warm the cold blanket for you.” The music that
expresses feelings is full of literary artistic language, which expresses the bosom and
intimacy of the couple in a simple and gentle way of dialogue. It conveys the love
between Tang and Wu, and directly reflects the happiness and sweetness of the cou-
ple’s life and their mutual trust and support. As a Chinese musical opera, no matter
which version or style of singing is used, the singing should be performed in a stan-
dardized voice, emphasizing the pronunciation process of “singing words, returning
rhymes and receiving sounds”. The words should be clear, plain, friendly and unique,
greatly enhancing the appeal of the songs and making the characters more vivid and the
plot more sincere and moving [8].
The change of music forms and the difference of singing styles in different music
passages make the musical opera Tang be very popular. In Song of Longitudinal Prison
“The Prisoner’s Wheel: I was not a thief, but just stole a grass from my neighbor
(background voice: hush him). I was not disobedient or unfilial, but Dou was so
confused to sue me (background voice: bah him). I was not a drinker of Gaoyang, I just
pinched a girl’s foot when I was drunk (background voice: laugh at him). I was not a
good talker, and I was cheated to get money (background voice: beat him)” [9].
Elements of rap music and the corresponding forms of singing were used. Actors gave
a humorous account of the prisoners’ personal experience under the careful arrange-
ment of composers. In the complicated story lines, they were talking about their own
stories by the styles of singing and speaking. This wonderful presentation makes the
scene that was easy to dull in the opera be different with the changes of rhythm, the ups
and downs of melody and the continuous interlacing of language. The tones of the
characters are matched with the expression and posture of actors, which highlight the
uniqueness of different characters. In Tang opera of Shanghai Conservatory of Music,
the actors fully demonstrated the variety and individuality of the language in the
musical opera, both in tone, rhythm and timbre, and more accurately expressed the
voices and appearances of different prisoners through rap.
1496 Q. Zhang and Q. Sun

The performance of dance in the musical opera is to make the story more vivid and
to arouse the audience’s interest more than the simple performance in drama or opera
[10]. The dance performance in the local dialect version of Tang is a combination of
drama, Chinese classical dance, Nanfeng Nuo dance and modern dance, which can be
integrated into the same opera and give the audience a visual impact continuously,
rendering the atmosphere through a variety of dances: sometimes elegant, sometimes
stirring, sometimes humorous and sometimes solemn and stirring, truly embodying the
charm of “song, dance and story” of the musical opera as a whole.

4 Conclusion

The charm of the musical opera Tang Xianzu does not only lie in the comprehensive art
based on the “localization” opera music art, but also in the lofty aspirations and his life
feelings of Tang Xianzu who was known as the oriental Shakespeare through the
concentration of the musical opera. At the same time, as a member of cultural
renaissance, the two versions of Tang Xianzu show the spirit of integrity and cultural
heritage of the Chinese nation in a story concentrated on the stage. To promote the
development of national traditional art with musical operas, to return to the native place
continuously on the basis of “using the Western concepts” and then to grow interna-
tionally, and to develop and inherit the true Chinese traditional beauty in various forms.

Acknowledgments. This paper is part of the results of Fuzhou Social Science Foundation
project “Comparative Study of Two Versions of Musical Opera Tang Xianzu (Project
No. 18SK017).

1. “The New Grove Dictionary of American Music” Volume Three L-Q (2004) Edited By H.
Wiley. Hitchcock and Stanley Sadie. Oxford University Press, USA (289)
2. Mu Y (2004) History of western musical operas. Shanghai Music Publishing House,
Shanghai (116)
3. Lu D (2018) Comment on the Chinese style musical opera Tang Xianzu. Drama House (03)
4. Wang A (2017) Combing ancient and modern Chinese and foreign techniques to explore
Chinese style opera - comments on the musical opera Tang Xianzu. Music Life (01)
5. Yang M (2012) Oriental charm and modern fashion - diversified development of Chinese
original musical operas in the context of globalization. Drama Lit (10)
6. Hua C (2017) The screenplay art of the original musical opera Tang Xianzu. Drama House
7. Wang Z (2012) Development and current situation of Chinese musical opera. Opera (07)
8. Edited by Teaching Professional Committee of Chinese Musical Opera Research Associ-
ation (2016) Musical opera education in China-Chinese musical opera teaching and creation
collected works. Culture and Art Publishing House, Beijing
9. Luo W (2013) Broadway musical. Tsinghua University Press, p 123
10. Ju Q (2016) Sunrise art and sunrise industry - the destiny of musical opera in China. Central
Conservatory of Music Publishing House, Beijing, p 189
Vibration Table and Numerical Simulation
for Safety Evaluation of Masonry Structures
Under Earthquake Action

Li Lingxu1(&) and Ma Minchang2

Dianchi College of Yunnan University, Kunming, China
Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun, China

Abstract. The masonry structure is listed as one of the most easily collapsed
structures due to the poor structural form of the masonry structure, but the study
of the collapse of the masonry structure is very rare. In this paper, the numerical
analysis of the domestic masonry structure collapsed research has carried on the
induction and summary, at the same time also to our country the development of
masonry structure and the research content is discussed.

Keywords: Earthquakes  Masonry structures  Collapse 

Numerical simulation

1 Introduction

The building of China now has many masonry structures, however, after many
earthquakes, the masonry structure is undoubtedly listed as one of the most vulnerable
structures. Because most of the masonry structure for brick masonry and stone masonry
structure, brick, stone block masonry by building mortar and its integrity is poorer, at
the beginning of the earthquake, there is no sign of sudden destruction, is a typical
brittle structure. Especially in the case of strong earthquakes, the probability of collapse
of the masonry structure is greater, the loss of incalculable damage to people’s lives
and property, Therefore, the seismic design of masonry structure, the prediction of the
disaster and the collapse of the structure, the demolition of the old structures and so on
are of great significance to [1].

2 Study of Masonry Structure Collapse

During the investigation and analysis of the problems of masonry structure collapsed
after the earthquake and study its conclusion is that the most accurate, however, the
study of masonry structure collapse is not confined to after the earthquake and brings
huge damage. Therefore, can be to summarize the common features of houses col-
lapsed after the quake and statistics, and then study the counter measures of masonry
structure collapsed [2], late and the analysis of the collapse of masonry structure using

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1497–1501, 2019.
1498 L. Lingxu and M. Minchang

shaking table experiment simulation, numerical analysis and other methods for further
analysis, so that the applied to the practical engineering in the future.

2.1 Vibration Table Simulation Experiment

Which most truthful and accurate simulated earthquake shaking table experiment of,
make a building model is given priority to with practical construction material in
vibration table, and enter a region of seismic wave, simulate real seismic action, and
recorded in the building model in the process of vibration damage and damage, col-
lapse process and the key parts of strain for the analysis of the characteristics of the
structure collapse. Cao and Zhou [3] respectively through the shaking table experiment
of four rural masonry structure model was simulated, the simulation results with real
collapse process are similar, then adopt different seismic measures again collapse
analysis, the results show that the seismic resistance of the masonry structure were
increased, and is suitable for the construction of the rural houses. Shaking table
experiment also has certain limitation, however, in the process of the experiment must
be made in actual engineering construction scale model, for the results of some
parameters, often need to do a lot of model, repeated experiments, more than input
seismic waves, sometimes only a structure under the action of a seismic damage occurs,
when multiple seismic wave function at the same time make the subsequent damage to
the structure cannot be accurately assess. However, in the process of making models
and experiments, it will also cost a lot of manpower, material and financial resources,
although the vibration stage experiment is still an important way to study the collapse
analysis of masonry structure.

2.2 Numerical Simulation and Analysis Results

When the accuracy of vibration table experiment can not meet the practical application
of engineering, computer numerical simulation analysis method can be used. Due to
masonry structure is a typical brittle structure, before it collapsed in the symptom is not
obvious, collapse process is more complex, also can make full use of modern computer
technology to restore the whole process of masonry structure collapsed, and can find
out the reason of the collapsed by computer, the collapse of the late prevention and
corresponding reinforcement measures, etc., and can fully save the amount of time
making model, experiment, etc., therefore, the computer numerical simulation of high
speed development today, people become the main means of structure problems.
Miao and Gu [4] established a three-dimensional discrete element model of rigid
body reaction of masonry structure plane, and in view of the typical masonry structure
computer program is compiled, simulate the collapse of masonry structure under
seismic action, the simulation results with previous similar vibration table of the
experimental results.
Li [5] according to the current specification typical masonry structure model is set
up and use the most suitable for analysis of collapse of masonry structure analysis
software ANSYS/ls-dyna analysis respectively the model in large, medium and small
earthquakes and seismic behavior of the large earthquake cases, the results showed that
the current specifications can meet the “small earthquakes not bad, the shock
Vibration Table and Numerical Simulation for Safety Evaluation 1499

repairable, flame fail” of the requirements for seismic resistance, but in the case of large
earthquake, masonry structure collapsed entirely. It is shown that the structure can not
only depend on the current specification, but also the strength of mortar, the opening
rate of the structure and the high width ratio. If the concrete structure is applied to the
collapse of masonry structure, it can be improved obviously.
Liu and Qiu [6] using IS-DYNA software for two same collapse simulation of
masonry structure under different working conditions, the underlying framework
destruction make integral masonry structure instability, eventually lead to structural
collapse, the collapse process is consistent with the real situation, so back to the
original masonry structure reinforcement and renovation, increase its underlying
structure of frame column to reduce the degree of damage, this conclusion is fully
verified in the numerical simulation of collapsed.
Ge and Chen [7] a typical old masonry structure building in Beijing as an example,
the finite element analysis software ABAQUS collapsed in the numerical simulation of
the masonry structure, selection of 7 seismic wave respectively in the cases of the
reinforcement before and after reinforcement process is simulated, and the collapse of
the unreinforced masonry structure with 6 kinds of working condition of collapse,
constructional column and ring beam are used for this jacket structure reinforcement
two methods for seismic strengthening. The analysis results show that the masonry
structure of the reinforced form of the coat can meet the target of “dazhen failure”, and
the reinforcement method of the structure column of the ring beam collapses in the case
of large earthquake.
Lin, Lu and Ye [8] earthquake of wenchuan earthquake in sichuan has made the
analysis report and post-disaster reconstruction, the report by finite element method of
autologous contact algorithm and unit control life and death to simulate the collapse of
masonry structure, fully consider the various factors influencing the collapse of
masonry structure, such as the structure of masonry structure itself, construction
measures and ground motion form, and so on. The study shows that the strength of
masonry structure, such as the strength of the structure, the girder and the structure
column, have a great influence on the seismic performance of the masonry.
Relative through the shaking table experiment of the collapse of masonry structure
is analyzed, using the finite element analysis software to analyze the seismic perfor-
mance and save more staff for their reinforcement and reconstruction after the quake,
economic, and time, etc., and previous research results also show that the finite element
analysis results and the shaking table experiment results and the real earthquake col-
lapse process, the simulation of the reinforcement measures can make full use of in the
masonry structure seismic research.

3 Research Prospect of Masonry Structure Collapse

Due to the limitation of masonry structure, masonry building has fewer in the city, and
in the township, the larger proportion, Through all previous earthquakes, masonry
structure be collapsed earthquake cases structure form, the largest and the research on
the collapse of masonry structure under seismic action are relatively small, so to carry
1500 L. Lingxu and M. Minchang

out the analysis and research of the masonry structure under the action of earthquake
collapse is imminent [9].
With the development of finite element software and modern numerical simulation
technology, the demand for computers is getting higher and higher [10]. Through the
numerical simulation of forefathers’ research, will masonry structure modeling process
as a whole model, and did not reflect the inhomogeneity of masonry structure, the
collapse of the masonry structure analysis has certain influence, and shaking table test
model is also a rule model of masonry structure make it, than in the real world is bound
to use for several years or even decades of stiffness has been degradation of masonry
structure has better seismic performance, the results to guide seismic design. Therefore,
the discrete model is an important trend to study the collapse of masonry structure in
the future [2]. So, the researchers can not stay in the comparison between the vibration
table experiment and the numerical simulation, which should be developed in the
computer refining model and the construction of masonry structure.

4 Conclusion

Focus on rural structural safety, pay attention to vulnerable groups has been a hot spot
in our country, but in our country, there are few research on the seismic collapse
analysis of masonry structure, therefore, in view of the masonry structure under seismic
action experiment and numerical simulation analysis of the needs in detail. For shaking
table experiment research scholars to study, but in time and economic cost is larger, can
replace part of the shaking table experiment and numerical simulation analysis, and the
result of the analysis results conform to the real collapse of masonry structure. From the
results of numerical analysis research, the present stage can only analyze the model as a
whole, is not in conformity with the actual, and collapsed in the reality of the masonry
structure is collapsed after several times of vibrations, stiffness degradation, step by
step in the process of vibration material performance etc., a series of changes have
taken place in the structure due to the creep damage, while the computer function has
gradually accurate but still does not consider the above elements, reason for the col-
lapse of masonry structure under the action of earthquake analysis still need further

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Study on Location Planning
and Countermeasures to Resettle Residents
in Poor Areas - Taking Anle Village, Yunxian
County, Yunnan Province as an Example

Lingxu Li1, Zongheng Xu2(&), and Minchang Ma3

Dianchi College of Yunnan University, Kunming, China
Department of Tourism and Geographic Science, Yunnan Normal University,
Kunming, China
Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun, China

Abstract. As a special poverty alleviation method, relocation poverty allevia-

tion plays an irreplaceable role in the process of poverty alleviation and
development in areas with limited natural resources and inconvenient trans-
portation. It fundamentally changes the production and living conditions of
people living and solves the poverty problem of the poor population in such
areas. But in the process of relocation, some problems should not be overlooked.
Taking Anle village, Yunxian County, Yunnan Province as the research object,
based on the analysis of the location and geological features of Anle village and
the introduction of the current poverty alleviation relocation, At the same time,
the necessity of relocation poverty alleviation in Anle village is analyzed, and
the problems are explored from the perspective of site selection planning, and
the corresponding measures are proposed at last.

Keywords: Relocation  Site selection planning  Poverty alleviation 


1 Introduction

Since the 1980s, with the continuous introduction of new poverty alleviation guidelines
and policies, various regions have explored various forms of poverty alleviation, such
as industrial poverty alleviation, regional development poverty alleviation, relocation
poverty alleviation and counterpart poverty alleviation [1]. As a special poverty alle-
viation method, relocation poverty alleviation plays an irreplaceable role in the process
of poverty alleviation and development in areas with limited natural resources and
inconvenient transportation. It fundamentally changes the production and living con-
ditions of people living in this area and solves the poverty problem of the poor pop-
ulation in such areas [2]. Since then, this exploratory policy has played a larger role in
the subsequent poverty alleviation and development process.
Yun county is a county, analogue village is one of the funding, because of the poor
geographical environment, geological disasters, such as traffic conditions for the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1502–1507, 2019.
Study on Location Planning and Countermeasures to Resettle Residents 1503

inconvenience for farmers’ production and living conditions, with the aid of national
policy, must implement the change to move in order to improve the lives of the people,
by the investigation, many problems encountered in the process of the relocation, if
can’t solve properly, will affect the country’s development [3]. Anle village, as a
member of this national relocation project, is located in the mountainous area of
southwest China. The problems it faces in the process of relocation are universal in
China’s mountain relocation project. Through the study on the site selection of anle
village in the relocation process, it can provide a meaningful reference for the relo-
cation of other mountainous areas.

2 Geographical Location and Basic Information of the Study


Yun county, belonging to Lincang city in the southwest of Yunnan province, Dali,
Pu’er, Lincang three city at the junction, the county north and south 90.4 km, maxi-
mum horizontal distance of 82.4 km, the county a total area of 366835.4 ha, criss-
crossing mountains in the county, as a result of the long-term erosion and weathering,
and formed the canyon topography broken three geomorphic types, namely valley
basin area, cutting wide valley area and deep cutting in the gorge area, this article
research object Anle village is cutting canyon area.
Anle village belongs to Maolan town, located in the northwest of Maolan town,
Yun county in the northeast (as shown in Fig. 1), 9 km away from the town, the village
land area of 31.71 km2, with Shao village, adjacent village committee with an altitude
of 1400 m, the highest elevation 1800 m, the lowest elevation 1400 m, as previously

Sliding boundary

Dapingzhang group of Anle village

Fig. 1. Topographic map and landslide distribution of Dapingzhang formation

1504 L. Li et al.

mentioned, Anle village belongs to deep cutting valley area, the mountain village is
numerous, fragile ecological environment, geological disasters, for people to use the
land is very scarce, really a treasure land, well-being village has been contradiction
between human and land are faced with the problem, belongs to the typical poverty
mountainous area [4].
The majority of local houses are civil structures, and long in disrepair, many houses
have leakage of rain, damage phenomenon, with a very large safety risk. Young people
go out for work all the year round, and only the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled
are the basic groups in the village. Although the government has given industrial
assistance policies, due to the lack of labor force, abandoned farmland, economic
development is impossible, and people live in poverty. To sum up the above reasons,
the relocation of the area must be carried out to improve living conditions, infras-
tructure, provide security for residents’ life, attract young labor force to return, develop
local economy, and effectively improve education conditions, promote development
with education, in line with the national poverty alleviation concept [6].

3 The Problems of Relocation Site Selection in the Area

Anle village Dapingzhang group in the relocation process of the existing problems
mainly have the following aspects:
One is the separation of people and land [7]. Because happiness village site with the
original settlement of the group of Pacific Ocean distance and the lack of young
workers and farmers in a new place to live for agricultural activities will need to travel
long distances, the crops cannot be timely care, and for some farmers have no traffic
tools, most of the time walking instead of working, so many villagers are reluctant to
move. Just had to move to earn your living conditions, let farmers to move in this
mood, is not conducive to farmers out of poverty.
Secondly, the evaluation of the geological and geomorphological conditions of the
resettlement site lacks of sustainable development. The relocation site of Anle village
also belongs to building houses on open hills. The mountain soil is loose and the
mountain potential is high. In the long run, on the one hand, natural causes such as
precipitation will cause new geological disasters [8]; on the other hand, human
activities will intensify the damage of the ecological environment, so it is not con-
ducive to long-term high-density living.
Thirdly, forced relocation, increasing the economic burden on farmers. State it is
frequent geological disasters, food production precipitously, often combined with the
soil is not fertile, in the mountain tea is almost no harvest, cause local farmers live in
severe poverty, if not to relocate to move don’t enjoy relevant preferential policies for a
house, so had to move, the lack of humanistic care, thereby deepening their difficulties.
Fourthly, in the site selection planning, the emotional needs of farmers in the
neighborhood were ignored. Villagers have lived in this small mountain village for
generations, and have formed their own unique neighborhood emotional culture, which
is also the sustenance of their spiritual life. This time, the neighbors of Anle village
were all planned by the government when they moved, completely ignoring this kind of
neighborhood relationship, which will seriously affect the lives of farmers.
Study on Location Planning and Countermeasures to Resettle Residents 1505

Fifth, when site selection blindly pursue scale relocation, resulting in crowded
settlements. In Anle village, every inch of land is precious, and the land available for
use is more scarce due to its location on the slope. The relocation site is also very small.
For the sake of convenience and convenience, the scale relocation is blindly imple-
mented, ignoring important issues such as the environmental carrying capacity of the
relocation site [9].
Therefore, it can be seen that the problem of site selection planning was not
properly dealt with in the process of relocation, which not only could not help people
out of poverty, but also aggravated their poverty, let alone became rich. Contrary to the
original intention of the country to implement relocation, it highlighted the extreme
importance of site selection planning in the process of relocation.

4 Countermeasures and Measures

After many years of relocation experience, many places have summed up a lot of
methods, but also put forward some feasible measures. According to the principle of
adapting measures to local conditions, the following measures should be taken by
Dapingzhang group of Anle village in the process of relocation site selection.
The first is to pay attention to the close combination of human and earth. Land is
the basis of farmers’ production and living, let soil and keep up a “party”, will be a
reasonable location, guarantee the farmers have to kind of, happiness village, in
addition to the cultivated land, there are no other economic income, so be sure to ensure
that existing land can effectively use and therefore should be improved from site to
farmers of arable land refers to the road construction of facilities, for comfort village,
solve good site to farmers farmland 2 h problem is crucial.
Secondly, the geological and geomorphological conditions of the resettlement site
should be taken into full consideration in site selection and its habitability should be
evaluated scientifically [10]. For the relocation site of Anle village, high-density living
is not suitable, so the number of farmers should be considered to reduce, ensure that the
environmental bearing capacity can be sustained for a long time, in order to achieve
sustainable development.
Thirdly, coordinate resettlement on the spot to eliminate forced relocation. The
moving objects are vulnerable to geological disasters, extremely poor farmers and
housing condition, the change of relocation is financial support, but relocated farmers
or require a lot of money, so will increase their difficulty, for this part of the extremely
poor farmers government should be suitable to live with the local farmers in consul-
tation, on-site coordination placed to them, the government can also to give them a
little more policy preferential policies to reduce their production and living costs.
The fourth is to consider the emotional needs of farmers in the neighborhood when
selecting a site. Anle village in the relocation can be carried out in accordance with the
original neighborhood to move, to the rights of farmers, let them choose their own
neighbors, due consideration when siting the wishes of farmers, and happiness village
households is not much, the relocation of a total of 150 households, steps can be taken
to Suggestions and comments for farmers, after considering reasonable location.
1506 L. Li et al.

The fifth is to use the form of scattered flower arrangement for relocation. Let the
villagers to the designated place to move at the same time, the piece village should be
on the one hand, to encourage the villagers themselves, can with relatives, government
and village cadres, on the other hand also to help contact and coordination, the sur-
rounding environment is better, and less poor village area larger village, also is helpful
for the construction of infrastructure, whistle and happiness village, adjacent terrain
were similar, but the whistle village population density than happiness school, hap-
piness can communicate with Shao village, part of farmers planted to whistle village,
and well-being of village and the surrounding village villagers are related, the most
common is caused by the marriage relation, So it will be easier to implement, what’s
more, some villagers’ farmland is right next to those villages, which is convenient for

5 Conclusion

This paper studies the problems in the process of relocation and site selection of Anle
village in Yun county, Yunnan province, deeply understands the problems, puts for-
ward some feasible Suggestions and countermeasures for the problems, and provides
Suggestions and strategies for the ongoing relocation of Anle village in full swing, so
as to facilitate the smooth implementation of the national poverty alleviation plan,
which is of practical significance. Based on the comprehensive analysis, the main
problems in the process of relocation site selection are as follows: one is the separation
of people and land; Secondly, the evaluation of the geological and geomorphological
conditions of the resettlement site lacks of sustainable development. Thirdly, forced
relocation, increasing the economic burden on farmers; Fourthly, in the site selection
planning, the emotional needs of farmers in the neighborhood were ignored; Fifthly,
when site selection blindly pursue the overall relocation, resulting in crowded reset-
tlement points. Aiming at the existing problems and combining with the actual situation
of Anle village, the measures proposed in this paper are as follows: 1. Secondly, the
geological and geomorphological conditions of the resettlement site should be taken
into full consideration in site selection and its habitability should be evaluated scien-
tifically. Thirdly, coordinate resettlement on the spot to eliminate forced relocation; The
fourth is to consider the emotional needs of farmers in the neighborhood when selecting
a site; Five is to use the form of scattered flower arrangement for relocation.

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Author Index

A Dong, Li, 1273

An, Qi, 1455 Dong, Liang, 1223
Dong, Shiyong, 414
B Dongzhi, Gao, 1303
Bao, Yun, 191 Dou, Xiaoning, 429
Du, Hongyun, 1160
C Du, Huihui, 176
Cai, Zhengce, 956 Duan, Jingli, 522
Cao, Chuanglue, 1455 Duan, Xinglong, 246
Cao, Lei, 204
Ch., Hima Bindu, 216 F
Chang, Yan, 474, 567 Fan, Jun, 182
Changyuan, Wang, 1303 Fan, Sheng, 1353
Chen, Baiyu, 701 Fan, Yufeng, 364
Chen, Chuangfa, 901 Fang, Danhui, 932
Chen, Hao, 1324 Fang, Wenshen, 1160
Chen, Xiaobin, 449 Fang, Xiyu, 1324
Chen, Xiaodong, 1242 Feixin, Chen, 1369
Chen, Xue, 777 Feng, Suqiong, 210
Chen, Yi, 686 Feng, Yanfei, 612
Chen, Ying, 255 Fu, Da, 701
Chen, Yiying, 1409
Chu, Chengyang, 449 G
Ci, Xujia, 239 Gao, Bo, 1029
Cui, Niu, 86 Gao, Guodong, 743, 1046
Cui, Yuna, 545 Gao, Hongyun, 743
Gao, Li, 323
D Gao, Xinchao, 821
Dai, Liyuan, 832, 1064 Gao, Ze, 1038
Dai, Minhong, 1413 Ge, Yi, 456
Deng, Guoru, 1223 Geng, Xiaoyan, 1424
Deng, Wenjie, 949 Guan, Han, 964
Ding, Mingxiu, 1170 Guan, Li, 493
Dong, Jie, 293 Guixin, Chen, 652
Dong, Jinfeng, 813 Guo, Jinlan, 727

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

V. Sugumaran et al. (Eds.): MMIA 2019, AISC 929, pp. 1509–1513, 2019.
1510 Author Index

Guo, Xin, 1093 Li, Chenxi, 1430

Guo, Xinglan, 398, 449, 916 Li, Dong, 1324
Guo, Yong, 1252 Li, Fei, 1391
Li, Fengxiang, 1397
H Li, Guanfeng, 1213
Han, Caihong, 60 Li, Gui, 293
Han, Jian, 1353 Li, Hongyuan, 637
Han, Rui, 1358 Li, Hu, 456
Han, Wei, 231 Li, Jia, 323
Hao, Yue, 1133 Li, Jiafa, 176
He, Kexun, 1103 Li, Jie, 499, 736
He, Lin, 414 Li, Jingyuan, 873, 1201
Hewu, Wang, 1284 Li, Juan, 3
Hu, Wei-Li, 456 Li, Junwei, 901
Hu, Wenjin, 857 Li, Kai, 267
Hu, Yuxia, 506, 940 Li, Lianzhi, 585
Hua, Xing, 317 Li, Lingxu, 1502
Huang, Dawei, 414 Li, Mengdong, 414
Huang, Hueiling, 466 Li, Mengliang, 1324
Huang, Jie, 398, 449, 916 Li, Peng, 1103, 1313
Huang, Qiang, 761 Li, Penghui, 284
Huang, Yuanchun, 1379 Li, Qiang, 1460
Li, Qianwen, 388
J Li, Sha, 515
Jia, Yanmei, 866 Li, Shuling, 604
Jiang, Congdie, 67, 80 Li, Shuming, 338
Jiang, Miangyang, 223 Li, Xianwei, 956
Jiang, Nan, 1177 Li, Xiaohua, 364
Jiang, Wei, 231, 330 Li, Xing, 1363
Jin, Changyou, 1081, 1141 Li, Ying, 1232
Jin, Huxin, 255 Li, Zhiyong, 761
Jin, Shiyu, 1213 Liang, Xuanqi, 841, 1073
Jin, Yining, 483, 932 Liao, Wenyuan, 522
Jing, Xiaojun, 873, 1232 Lin, Ying, 499
Jingyi, Chen, 301 Ling, Li, 105
Jingyuan, Li, 1295 Lingxu, Li, 1497
Jun, Jin, 124 Liu, Baifang, 545
Jun, Ning, 883 Liu, Bin, 1242
Jun, Yang, 169 Liu, Binquan, 1185
Junhui, Xu, 1303 Liu, Cheng, 686, 1023
Liu, Chengyong, 466
K Liu, Guangwen, 1358
Kai, Zhu, 883 Liu, Hua, 813
Kong, Ke, 821 Liu, Jian, 255
Liu, Kai, 1337
L Liu, Le, 1201
Lai, Li, 345 Liu, Liangjun, 98
Le, Liu, 1295 Liu, Qiang, 246
Lei, Cao, 118, 144 Liu, Sha, 1029
Lei, Du, 982 Liu, Siyuan, 585
Lei, Jinglan, 761 Liu, Wu, 414
Lei, Song, 1369 Liu, Yali, 909
Li, Bing-Jie, 456 Long, Minghui, 768
Li, Bo, 1252 Long, Sun, 883
Author Index 1511

Lu, Hu, 15 Qu, Yi, 604

Lu, Lin, 204 Quan, Yuan, 118, 144
Lu, Shangqian, 466 Quanshun, Yu, 1303
Luo, Jun, 754
Luo, Xi, 74 R
Luo, Zhao, 1242 Ren, Tianqi, 1081, 1141
Lv, Lin, 1449 Ruan, Guolian, 239
Lv, Yigao, 693, 791 Rui, Dai, 422

Ma, Chenglian, 414 Saraswathi, Sailapathi Sekar, 536
Ma, Haiying, 506, 940 Shan, Hailan, 112
Ma, Minchang, 1502 Shan, Mei, 373
Ma, Ronghua, 131 Shao, Heng, 536
Ma, Shulan, 156, 163 Shao, Wenming, 560
Ma, Xiaofeng, 536 Shao, Zhengyi, 536
Ma, Ya-li, 785 Shen, Zhong, 982
Ma, Yunhai, 901 Sheng, Mingquan, 545
Mao, Chunyu, 356, 901 Shi, Haijing, 1264
Maodong, Fang, 1273 Shi, Jing, 456
Mei, Qingbu, 284 Shi, Jun, 1242
Mei, Xu, 1474 Shi, Yu, 813
Meng, Jiahao, 857 Shu, Yifei, 1029
Meng, Xiuyan, 34 Shu, Yuchun, 536
Meng, Yang, 1152 Shunke, Liang, 1369
Miao, Jianwei, 585 Su, Huanli, 974
Minchang, Ma, 1497 Su, Qiang, 1358
Minggao, Ouyang, 1284 Sugumaran, Vijayan, 216
Mo, Xiaolin, 567 Sun, Haitao, 246
Sun, Liang, 620
N Sun, Li-Jie, 456
Na, Zhu, 197 Sun, Nuan, 529
Nan, Xie, 883 Sun, Quan, 1491
Niu, Dong-Xiao, 456 Sun, Wei, 267
Niu, Xiaochen, 398, 916 Sun, Xirui, 356
Sun, Xiyang, 150
P Sun, Xueyang, 293
Pan, Hongquan, 1160 Sun, Yuanbin, 1397
Pan, Jiajia, 191
Pei, Zhili, 223 T
Peng, Haibo, 736 Tang, Guanghai, 552, 974
Peng, Hao, 1342 Tang, Wenli, 552
Peng, Xiangli, 1223 Tang, Xiaolan, 1064
Peng, Zhen, 761 Tao, Silu, 805
Pu, Di, 456 Tian, Dechun, 1213
Pu, Haibo, 761 Tian, Dongfeng, 1160
Tieqiang, Fu, 1295
Qi, Xiaodong, 246 W
Qiao, Shicheng, 223 Wang, Feng, 1353
Qin, Hongyu, 1201 Wang, Fengying, 293
Qin, Huibing, 1242 Wang, Guolin, 1093
Qiu, Jun, 1232 Wang, Hailong, 574
Qiuchen, Sun, 883 Wang, Heming, 338
1512 Author Index

Wang, Heng, 1213 Xie, Haijun, 1046

Wang, Hongzhi, 406 Xie, Jinyong, 1152
Wang, Hua, 1081, 1141 Xie, Yujuan, 1443
Wang, Hui, 813 Xin, Ming, 1385
Wang, Huigang, 1353 Xing, Dapeng, 323
Wang, Jiguang, 1324 Xiong, Renkai, 805
Wang, Jing, 414 Xiu, Yuan, 821
Wang, Jinyu, 1029 Xu, Bingjie, 1379
Wang, Jun, 1418, 1469 Xu, Guangnian, 239
Wang, Lanjing, 761 Xu, Hao, 1284
Wang, Leigang, 182 Xu, Honggang, 736
Wang, Lihui, 1201 Xu, Hongqian, 932
Wang, Lingyu, 1485 Xu, Junhui, 1252
Wang, Mantao, 761 Xu, Mei, 1437
Wang, Meijia, 1122 Xu, Wang, 301
Wang, Qiang, 679 Xu, Yinghui, 1029
Wang, Qinghu, 223 Xu, Zongheng, 1502
Wang, Rong, 67, 80 Xue, Wanyu, 323
Wang, Shaozong, 246 Xue, Yang, 1029
Wang, Wei, 743 Xve, Erzhong, 1363
Wang, Wen, 1358
Wang, Xianghong, 499 Y
Wang, Xiaofang, 686, 1023 Yan, Feng, 1152
Wang, Xiaowei, 873 Yang, Boru, 1337
Wang, Xue-yi, 785 Yang, Guangping, 799
Wang, Xun, 373 Yang, Guijun, 1015
Wang, Yang, 284 Yang, Han, 9
Wang, Yanli, 990 Yang, Heng, 1029
Wang, Ying, 1160, 1192 Yang, Jingqiu, 662
Wang, Yue, 1177 Yang, Jun, 53
Wang, Yuwei, 1152, 1201 Yang, Jun-Yi, 456
Wang, Yuzhen, 671, 999 Yang, Liya, 832
Wang, Zuliang, 1455 Yang, Mingliang, 414
Wei, Aimin, 1007 Yang, Nannan, 1391
Wei, Linghui, 574 Yang, Yang, 27
Wei, Lu, 1185 Yang, Yuanyuan, 701
Wei, Pengyi, 379 Yang, Zhuojuan, 1391
Wei, Yanying, 21 Yao, Canjiang, 574
Wei, Yong, 813 Yao, Liya, 441
Weifeng, Li, 1284 Ye, Yuqi, 857
Weihua, Li, 1369 Yi, Hongxing, 1479
Wen, Cui, 1413 Yi, Qu, 982
Wenhong, Zu, 309 Yi, Xue, 138
Wu, Ke, 1192 Yin, Haixia, 850
Wu, Qiaoshun, 736 Yin, Jiang, 1324
Wu, Shanshan, 841, 1073 Yin, Yanhua, 637
Wu, Wenjie, 1313 Ying, Wang, 92
Wu, Xiaowei, 3 Yong, Fu, 1056
Yong, Guo, 1303
X Yu, Mingsheng, 356
Xia, Guanghui, 1375 Yu, Xiaoze, 620
Xia, Jinglin, 267 Yu, Xiyang, 1046
Xiang, Wanhong, 612 Yu, Yanmin, 893
Xiaojun, Jing, 1273 Yu, Yonghai, 629, 1465
Author Index 1513

Yu, Yulan, 754 Zhang, Zhigao, 223

Yu, Zhengkui, 499 Zhang, Zhihe, 338
Yuan, Hengyi, 585 Zhang, Zhiliang, 1103
Yuan, Hui, 1223 Zhang, Zhuo, 1397
Yuan, Jiaxin, 761 Zhao, Chundi, 671, 999
Yuan, Jizhong, 338 Zhao, Haisen, 449
Yuan, Xinmei, 267 Zhao, Haiyan, 545
Yue, Qi, 317 Zhao, Haiying, 1081, 1141
Yuhan, Zhengnan, 1324 Zhao, Jing, 429
Zhao, Qu, 596
Z Zhao, Rengui, 671, 999
Zen, Fuliang, 857 Zhao, Wei, 1201
Zeng, Weiyang, 483, 932 Zhao, Xuan, 338
Zenghui, Yin, 1273 Zhao, Yan, 379
Zhai, Ning, 720 Zhao, Yue, 645
Zhang, Bing, 323 Zhen, Guohong, 924
Zhang, Cheng, 832, 1064 Zheng, Jianjun, 1242
Zhang, Haiyan, 284 Zheng, Lei, 1223
Zhang, Hongmei, 223 Zheng, Mingjun, 246
Zhang, Jialu, 1213 Zheng, Ningkang, 474, 567
Zhang, Jiaqi, 1038 Zheng, Sikai, 1152
Zhang, Jie, 761 Zhijun, Li, 1273
Zhang, Kan, 1353 Zhong, Chongzhi, 1192
Zhang, Lei, 711 Zhong, Guangliang, 1081, 1141
Zhang, Meiyun, 909 Zhou, Cheng, 956
Zhang, Qing, 1491 Zhou, Lei, 1133
Zhang, Qingyang, 267 Zhou, Min, 323
Zhang, Shina, 499 Zhou, Zenan, 483
Zhang, Shupei, 1093 Zhu, Daisen, 345
Zhang, Taiyu, 1192 Zhu, Fenfen, 47
Zhang, Tiecheng, 1232 Zhu, Jianjun, 1103, 1313
Zhang, Ting, 1455 Zhu, Jiguang, 239
Zhang, Wei, 1093 Zhu, Jinghu, 604
Zhang, Weiyu, 813 Zhu, Jingsi, 40
Zhang, Xinyue, 805 Zhu, Lei, 456
Zhang, Xuegang, 388 Zhu, Lisa, 1403
Zhang, Yaofu, 529 Zhu, Xiurong, 1347
Zhang, Yarong, 223 Zhu, Yi, 474
Zhang, Yu, 276 Zhuang, Yan, 1223
Zhang, Yuanjun, 1160 Zhuo, Yuanhong, 255
Zhang, Yuwei, 191 Zou, Feng, 379
Zhang, Zhifeng, 223 Zuo, Chunbo, 1114

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