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Old Question Paper Control Systems

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Answer all five questions.

All questions carry equal marks

1. In each question, part a, b, c, are compulsory and part d has internal choice. Part a & b carry 2 marks, part C carry 3
marks and part d carry 7 marks
2. All parts of one question are to be answered at one place only. Answer to the point only.
3. Semi log graph paper would be given.
4. Assume suitable values for missing data. Symbols used have usual meanings
Q No. Marks
1 a Why do we prefer Laplace transform in transfer function calculation of any LTI 02
system over any other transform applicable on continuous LTI system?
b Define transfer function. 02
c How you can convert a traffic light controller from open loop control system to 03
closed loop control system. Draw schematic diagrams for both the controllers.
d Write the differential equation describing the dynamics of the system shown in 07
𝑋2 (𝑠)
figure and find the ratio 𝐹(𝑠) .

e 𝐶
Draw the signal flow graph and determine 𝑅 for the block diagram shown in figure 07

2 a Define the following : In the step response of continuous-time systems 02

(a) Rise time (b) Settling time
b Give at least two reasons why do we prefer unit step response of any system to 02
Judge the second order system performance.
c Consider the closed loop control system given by 03
𝐶(𝑠) 𝑛 𝜔2
= 2 ; determine the value of ξ and 𝜔𝑛
𝑅(𝑠) 𝑠2 + 2𝜉𝜔 𝑛 + 𝜔𝑛
So that the system responds to a step input with approximately 5% overshoot.
d Measurement conducted on a servomechanism shows the system response to be 07
c(t) = 1+ 0.2 e – 1.2 e when subjected to a unit step input.
-60t -10t

(a) Obtain the expression for closed loop transfer function.

(b) Determine the undamped natural frequency and damping ratio of system.
e A unity negative feedback control system has an open- loop transfer function 07
consisting of two poles, two zeros and a variable gain K. The zero are located at -2
and -1; and the poles at -0.1 and +1.
Using Routh stability criterion, determine the range of values of K for which the
closed loop system has 0, 1 or 2 poles in the right-half of s-plane.
3 a What are the advantages, applications and limitation of root locus? 02
b What are the conditions to be satisfied for the root locus to exits at any point in 02
the s plane ?
c How do you determine the gain margin from the root locus? How do you determine 03
the breakaway points on the root locus?
d The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is 07
𝑘 (𝑠+𝑎)
G(s) = 𝑠 (𝑠+𝑏)
(a) Prove that breakaway and break-in points exits only when |𝑎| > |𝑏|
(b) Prove that the complex points on the root locus form a circle which centre at
(-a,0) and has radius √𝑎2 − 𝑎𝑏
e A feedback control system has an open-loop transfer function 07
G(s) H(s) = 2
; find the root locus as K is varied from 0 to ∞.
𝑠(𝑠+3)(𝑠 +2𝑠+2)
4 a What are the advantages and limitation of frequency-response analysis ? 02
b Define the term gain cross frequency and phase cross over frequency. 02
c 1 03
Sketch the polar plot of G(s) = (1+𝑠)(1+2𝑠)
d Determine the open-loop transfer function of a system whose magnitude plot is 07

shown in figure
e Sketch the asymptotic Bode plot for the transfer function given below 07
2 (𝑠+0.25)
G(s) H(s) = 𝑠2 (𝑠+1)(𝑠+0.5) from the bode plot determine
(a) The gain margin (b) the phase margin
5 a Justify the statement : all compensator must be controller but all controllers may 02
not be a compensator.
b What is a phase-lead compensators? Drive the expression for the transfer function 02
of a phase lead compensator.
c What is phase lag compensators? Draw the bode plot of a phase lag network. 03
d The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by 07
G(s) = 𝑠(1+0.2𝑠) design a suitable compensator such that the system will
have Kv = 10 and P.M. = 500 .
e A unity feedback control system is characterized by the open-loop transfer function 07
G(s) = 𝑠(𝑠+3)(𝑠+4)
(a) Determine the value of K if 20% peak overshoot to unit step input is desired.
(b) For the above value of K determine system Kv (velocity error constant) and
settling time.
1. Answer all five questions. All questions carry equal marks
2. In each question part a, b, c, are compulsory and part d has internal choice. Part a & b carry
2 marks, part C carry 3 marks and part d carry 7 marks
3. All parts of one question are to be answered at one place only. write in short and to the
points only. Semilog and regular graph sheets will be provided, if required.
4. Assume suitable values for missing data. Symbols used have usual meanings
Questi m Course
on ar outcom
no ks e
1 a The figure below shows, a closed loop system. Determine how its stability 2 CO1
depends upon, the feedback path of the system(with feedback stability increased
or decreased?)

b Define sensitivity , how it is related with feedback of the system ? 2 CO5

c Where Synchros are used ? Draw its constructional schematic diagrams. 3 CO6
Explain its operations.
d Draw the free body diagram and write the differential equation of the given 7 CO2
system, shown in figure below, and find the ratio 𝐹(𝑆)
= ?

E 7 CO4
For the given signal flow graph find out the overall transfer function,C1/R1,
use Mason’s loop gain formula.

2 a Where Tacho generators are used? Is it giving positive or negative feedback? 2 CO3
b How servomotor is designed ? Draw its schematic constructional diagrams. 2 CO5
c Where a potentiometer can be used as an error detecting device? Explain with 3 CO6
suitable examples.
d Consider a system described by the following state equations 7 CO1
Draw its signal flow diagram ,and hence find out the overall transfer function
= ? use mason’s gain rule

E The diagram given in figure below, represents a closed loop control system for 7 CO2
regulating the speed of a field controlled DC motor. Determine the value of the
reference voltage if the speed is to be maintained at 100 rpm

3 a State how type and order of a control system is determined? 2 CO4

b Where proportional controller is used? 2 CO2
c The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by 3 CO3
G(s)= , Calculate
 The natural frequency of oscillations
 Damped frequency of oscillation

d The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by 7 CO3
G(s)=𝑠(1+𝑠𝑇) where K and T are positive constants. By what factor should the
amplifier gain be reduced so that the peak overshoot of unit step response of the
system is reduced from 75% to 25%
E Find the dynamic error coefficients of a unity feedback system, whose forward 7 CO4
transfer function is G(s)=𝑠(𝑠+5), Find the steady state error of the system for the
input of 4t2
4 a Why Bode plot is drawn in semilog graph sheet, not in regular graph sheet. 2 CO2
b What is M-circle, how it is determined ? 2 CO1
c What is Nichols chart ? what is its utility ? 3 CO3
d Draw the Nyquist plot for the transfer function 7 CO4
G(s)H(s)= . Determine its GM and PM and hence stability.
E The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is 7 CO6
G(s)H(s)= .
Draw its Bode plot. Determine its GM and PM and hence stability.
5 a If any system is unstable in open loop for that system to become stable at closed 2 CO5
loop, what conditions are to be fulfilled , as per Nyquist criteria.
b Explain Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria. If any row first parameter is zero 2 CO2
then how to proceed further for solving the criteria
c Apply Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria, to determine the stability of the 3 CO1
following characteristic equation. s5 +1.5 s4 +7s2 +10s +10=0
d Define absolute and relative stability, of any system, with suitable example. 7 CO3
E The open loop transfer function of a control system is given by 7 CO2

G(s)H(s)= Sketch the root locus and determine, the
𝑠(6+𝑠)(13+4𝑠+𝑠2 )
stability of the system.
1. Answer all five questions. All questions carry equal marks
2. In each question part a, b, c, are compulsory and part d has internal choice. Part a & b carry 2 marks,
part C carry 3 marks and part d carry 7 marks
3. All parts of one question are to be answered at one place only. write in short and to the
points only. Semilog and regular graph sheets will be provided, if required.
4. Assume suitable values for missing data. Symbols used have usual meanings
Question marks CO
1 a Make three comparisons between open loop system and closed loop system. 2 CO1
Which system is more stable & which system is more accurate ?
b Write two major differences between dc servo motor and ac servo motor. 2 CO5
c Where synchro’s are used ? Draw its constructional schematic diagrams. 3 CO6
Explain its operations.
d Consider a system described by the following state equations 7 CO2
Draw the signal flow diagram, and hence find out the overall transfer function
= ? use mason’s gain rule
E Draw the schematic diagram of any armature controlled, separately excited, 7 CO4
DC motor .Its armature resistance and reactance are Ra and La
respectively. Draw its block diagram representations. Now find out its
𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒(ø)(𝑠)
overall transfer function =?
𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒(𝐸𝑎)(𝑠)
2 a Where PI(proportional integral) controller is used ? and how it accomplish 2 CO3
the task.
b Where PD(proportional derivative) controller is used ? and why ? 2 CO5
c How PID(proportional integral and derivative)controller tuning is performed 3 CO6
d A unity feedback system is characterised by an open loop transfer function 7 CO1
G(s)=𝑠(𝑠+10) Determine the gain k so that the system will have a damping
ratio of 0.5.for this value of k determine the settling time, peak overshoot and
peak time for a unit step input.
E Consider a unity feedback control system with the closed loop transfer 7 CO2
𝐶(𝑠) 𝑘𝑠+𝑏
function𝑅(𝑠) = 𝑠2 +𝑎𝑠+𝑏,determine the open loop transfer function. Show that
the steady state error in the unit ramp input response is given by ess= 𝑏
3 a Why Bode plot is drawn in semilog graph sheet, not in regular graph sheet. 2 CO4
b What is M-circle, how it is determined ? 2 CO2
c Draw the Bode plot of any Lag-lead compensator network. 3 CO3
d The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given 7 CO3
by G(s)=𝒔(𝟎.𝟐𝒔+𝟏) Design a suitable compensator such that system will have
Kv=10 and phase margin =50 degree.
E Draw the Bode plot for the transfer function 7 CO4

Determine its GM and PM and hence stability.

4 a Define state of any system. Give suitable examples. 2 CO2
b What conditions should be fulfilled for any system to become fully 2 CO1
observable, write necessary formula
c For analysing any system which method is better , transfer function method 3 CO3
or state variable method. Make comparisons between them
d 𝑌(𝑠) 10 (𝑠+3) 7 CO4
The transfer function of a system is given by 𝑈(𝑆)
=(𝑠+2) (𝑠+1)
Obtain the state model in canonical form. Draw its signal flow diagram
e Apply Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria, to determine the stability of the following 7 CO6
characteristic equation. s5 +1.5 s4 +7s2 +10s +10=0
5 a If any system is unstable in open loop for that system to become stable at 2 CO5
closed loop, what conditions are to be fulfilled , as per Nyquist criteria.
b Explain Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria. If any row all parameters are zero 2 CO2
then how to proceed further.
c A unity feedback control system has an open loop transfer function 3 CO1
G(s)=𝑠(𝑠+4) Draw the root locus and determine the value of K, if the
damping ratio is to be 0.707.
d The open loop transfer function of a control system is given by 7 CO3
G(s)H(s)=s(s+6)(𝑠K2+4s+13) sketch the root locus and determine (i) breakaway
points (ii) the stability condition
E By Nyquist criterion, determine whether the closed loop system having 7 CO2
following open loop transfer function is stable or not
G(s)H(s)= 2
𝑠 (s+1)(2s+1)

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