III12 q1 Mod1 BrainstormingforResearchTopics
III12 q1 Mod1 BrainstormingforResearchTopics
III12 q1 Mod1 BrainstormingforResearchTopics
and Immersion
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Brainstorming for
Research Topics
Unlocking of Keywords
Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.
10. Which among does not belong to ruin a brainstorm?
a. early criticism of ideas
b. having no clear focus or objective
c. need evaluation
d. settling for too few ideas
11. What is a systematic investigation for information?
a. curiosity c. questions
b. inquiry d. research
12. What is defined as seeking truth, information, or knowledge?
a. curiosity c. questions
b. b. inquiry d. research
13. What is the first element of inquiry-based learning?
a. formulation of appropriate questions
b. identification of key issues
c. search for valid and relevant evidence
d. selection of appropriate questions
14. What is the last element of inquiry-based learning?
a. application of evidence to identified issues
b. interpretation and assessment of evidence
c. presentation of coherent, conclusion, final or tentative
d. reflection on and assessment of the learning process
15. Which of the following are the most distinguishing characteristics of
inquiry- based learning?
a. it begins with a question
b. students use hand-on instruction
c. it is student-centered
d. it is teacher-centered
1 Natural Inquiry
Activity 1
Write your own ideas on the importance of research based in your knowledge and
experiences. Copy the graphic organizer and write your answer in a separate sheet
of paper.
Discovering Concept
Research is an investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and
interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts,
or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws. It is also a practice
of collecting information about a particular subject.
Research provides the best solution to some of the world problems and also
enhance the knowledge of the researchers. It can give explanations to certain
questions stated in the research problem. Through the explanations, it serves as a
tool for building knowledge and for facilitating new learning.
Research also introduces new ideas, helps the researchers identify problems
and appropriate solutions in new ways and provide new framework to guide
thinking and action. It informs action, proves a theory and contributes to develop
knowledge in a field or study. Therefore, it understands various issues and
increases public awareness.
The following shall help you recall some significant details relevant to your
previous understanding about the types of research namely: qualitative and
quantitative researches.
An inquiry is a method that has the aim of extending knowledge, undertaking doubt,
or solving a problem. A theory of inquiry is an interpretation of the various types of
inquiry and action of the ways that each type of inquiry attains its aim.
Now, to give you an idea of how to prepare for research, you may do the
inquiry- based learning using the following steps mentioned below:
Brainstorming is a way of inquiring ideas that will help you to develop concepts
and focusing techniques by asking questions and knowing the interests of the
persons involved in the said issues. The potential ideas can be visualized for
The following are the things that may be considered before starting the
research activity:
1. A problem that is most interesting to you
2. Existing problems in the class/school/campus which one may want to solve
3. Existing needs of the community or society
4. Area of interest, specialization or event from related fields
5. Prevailing theories and philosophy
Here are some examples of possible basis of issues applicable for senior high
school learners. These are useful in crafting a research agenda that will lead in the
writing of the title and research problem.
Topic/Issue Causes Effects Projects/ Programs
Community Waste - improper waste - widespread waste - Clean and Green
Problem disposal disposal Project
- inconsistent - health problem - Health and Sanitation
implementation of Programs
community waste
program/ project
If you already identified the possible topic in the agenda of your research
study, you may think of the identity of your research either a qualitative or a
quantitative research then decide on the methodology by not disregarding the
importance of your research to others, to the community, to the society or to the
nation as well.
Observe the given example as a guide about the mentioned concerns in your
research agenda.
RESEARCH AGENDA - Academic Track
TOPIC Community Waste Problem
TYPES OF RESEARCH Qualitative Research
METHODOLOGY Interview and Survey Questionnaire
IMPORTANCE Provide awareness and information about Clean and
Green Project and Health & Sanitation Program
TOPIC Level of Effectivity of TVL - SMAW Offering
TYPES OF RESEARCH Quantitative Research
METHODOLOGY Interview and Survey Questionnaire
IMPORTANCE Provide data as basis for the improvement and
enhancement of the TVL- SMAW offering
Explaining Learned Concepts
Activity 1
List down three (3) causes and effects of the given problem or issue. Write
your answer in a separate sheet .
Causes: 1.
Activity 2
Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
___________________8. Which of the following is a limitation to brainstorming?
a. free riders work harder in a group.
b. only a few people can contribute.
c. people are more willing to talk because they are part of a group
d. only one person can speak at a time
__________________9. Which among them does not belong to ruining a brainstorm?
a. early criticism of ideas
b. having no clear focus or objective
c. need evaluation
d. settling for too few ideas
__________________10. Which of the following are the benefits of brainstorming when compared to the
nominal group technique?
a. brainstorming is more fun
b. brainstorming can create a positive organizational climate
c. brainstorming can encourage talented and highly skilled employees to remain in an organization
d. all of the above
__________________11. What is the first element of inquiry-based learning?
a. formulation of appropriate questions
b. identification of key issues
c. searches for valid and relevant evidence
d. selection of appropriate questions
___________________12. Which of the following is the most distinguishing characteristics of inquiry
based learning?
a. it begins with a question
b. students use hand-on instruction
c. it is student-centered
d. it is teacher-centered
___________________13. What is a systematic investigation for information?
a. curiosity b. questions c. inquiry d. research
___________________14. What is defined as seeking truth, information, or knowledge?
a. curiosity b. questions c. inquiry d. research
____________________15. What is the last element of inquiry-based learning?
a. application of evidence to identified issues
b. interpretation and assessment of evidence
c. presentation of coherent, conclusion, final or tentative