Orgchem 2nd Term
Orgchem 2nd Term
Orgchem 2nd Term
c. d.
3. Which of the following has the highest boiling point?
a. Butanol
b. Propanal
c. Propanol
d. Butanal
a. b.
c. d.
a.) I&II
11. Which reagent would you use to convert citronellol
b.) II&III
to citronellal, the chief constituent of citronella oil?
c.) III&IV
d.) I&III
e.) I&IV
a.) KOH
b.) KMnO4
16. Which of the following compounds can be reduced
c.) PCC/CH2Cl2
with lithium aluminum hydride to give 2- methyl -1-
d.0 LiAlH4
propanol (CH3)2CHCH2OH
I. (CH3)2CHCH3
12. Which of the following methods could not be used to
II. (CH3)2CHCH = O
make a methyl ketone (a ketone in which one of the
alkyl groups is methyl)?
IV. (CH3)2C = CH2
a.) oxidation of an alcohol
a.)I and II
b.) reaction of a carboxylic acid chloride with a
b.) II and III
diorganocopper (Gilman) reagent
c.) III and IV
c.) Friedel-Crafts acylation
d.) II and IV
17. Which product would be formed after workup with 22. Acetals are sometimes formed from aldehydes and
dilute sulfuric acid when an excess of ketones to function as“protecting groups.” If one
phenylmagnesium bromide, Ph –Mg-Br, reacts with mole of 1,2-ethanediol (ethylene glycol) were to react
methyl benzoate, PhCOOCH3? with the compound to the right, which of the
a.) Ph3C-OH (Ph =phenyl) carbonyl groups would be protected?
b.) Ph2CH- OH
c.) Ph –CO-Ph
d.) Ph3CH
a.) I and II
b.) I and IIII
c.) I and IV
d.) II and III
e.) II, III and IV
27. Which would be formed in the following reaction?
b.) CH3CH2CH(OH)CH(CH3)CHO a.) III only
c.) CH3CH(OH)CH(CH3)CHO b.) Both I and III
d.) CH3CH2CH(OH)CH2CHO c.) Both I and II
e.) all of these will be formed d.) Both II and III
28. What would be the major product of the following 33. The product formed by the reaction of an aldehyde
reaction? with a primary amine is
a.) Carboxylic acid
b.) Aromatic acid
c.) Schiffs base
d.) Ketone
c.) (a) I, (b) II, (c) III, (d) IV, (e) I&II, (f) III&IV, (g)
d.) both a and b I&III, (h) II&IV
43. Aldehydes differ from ketones in that they 46. The correct order of acidity of the acids shown below
(I) are less reactive than ketones toward nucleophilic (most acidic first) is
addition reactions.
(II) are more reactive than ketones toward
nucleophilic addition reactions.
(III) are less reactive than ketones toward
nucleophilic substitution reactions.
(IV) are more reactive than ketones toward
nucleophilic substitution reactions.
(V) are less easily oxidized than ketones.
(VI) are more easily oxidized than ketones.
(a) I&III
(d) IV>III>II>I,
(b) I,III&V
47. Which reagents would affect the conversion shown?
(c) II&IV
(d) II, IV, &VI
(e) I&V
(f) II&VI
(g) None of the previous answers is correct
(a) CH3MgBr/ether, then H3O+
44. Carboxylic acids are stronger acids than alcohols
(b) CH3 Li/ether, then H3O+
(c) CH3Br/AlCl3
(a) the carboxylate anion is stabilized by resonance to
(d) (CH3 )2CuLi/ether,
a greater extent than the carboxyl group and neither
the alcohol nor its alkoxide anion is stabilized by
48. Which compounds shown below are correctly named (d) Na2CrO4
in the IUPAC system as pentane based, either as
pentanals or pentanones 53. Predict the major products of the following reaction
(a) I, (b) II, (c) III, (d) I&III, (e) None of them.
(a) I
(b) II&III in equal amount, (a) diethyl ether
(c) II&III in unequal amount (b) diisopropyl ether
(d) IV&V in equal amount (c) dipropyl ether
(d) dipropyl ketone
52. What reagent would you use to effect the (e) disec-propyl ether
transformation shown
57. The ether shown in question #1 can be synthesized by
bimolecular dehydration as shown to the right. Which
of the following compounds is most likely to be a
significant byproduct in such a synthesis?
(a) H2 SO4
(b) NaBH4
(c) KOH
58. Which of the following ethers could not be
synthesized by a Williamson synthesis?