What Is An Echinoderm?
What Is An Echinoderm?
What Is An Echinoderm?
Echinoderms are
found in all the
oceans of the world.
Echinoderms have endoskeletons
SKIN: all have a hard, spiny, or bumpy
endoskeleton covered by a thin epidermis.
Endoskeleton of all echinoderms is made
primarily of calcium carbonate, the compound
that makes up limestone.
Echinoderms have endoskeletons
Some spines have become modified into
pincerlike appendages called pedicellariae
(PEH dih sih LAHR ee ay).
Radial symmetry
enables these animals
to sense potential food,
predators, and other
aspects of their
environment from all
The water vascular system
The water vascular system is a hydraulic
system that operates under water pressure.
About one-fourth of
these species are
in the class
Asteroidea (AS tuh
ROY dee uh), to
which the sea stars
Diversity of Echinoderms
Section 29.1 Summary – pages 763-769