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Level of Social Media Addiction among the HUMSS-B Students

Of Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School

S.Y 2021-2022

A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School

Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research 2

Episcope, Ramxel
Mina, Kenneth
De Paz, Lizmer Sigrid C.
Chapter 1

Background of the Study

The computer and the internet have taken on a newfound relevance in human existence in the
Digital Age, and social media has played a significant role in this picture. Apart from convenient,
inexpensive, and quick access to information via computers and the Internet, the expansion of the
communication network is one of the elements that encourage people to use social media. Social
media has grown into a global phenomenon and an essential tool for communicating with
classmates, family, and friends. According to Tuten and Solomon (2015), “Social media are the
online means of communication, conveyance, collaboration, and cultivation among
interconnected and interdependent networks of people, communities, and organizations enhanced
by technological capabilities” . Due to this, people can easily communicate with anyone
anywhere and anytime they want.

These platforms have undoubtedly drawn a considerable number of people, particularly students,
in recent decades. As a result, the widespread use of social media could be a cause for concern,
particularly given the increasing amount of time spent online by students, which may have an
impact on and influence their actions. The fact that these platforms are used in such a way that it
could lead to social media addiction is worrying enough. According to Walker(2011) social
media addiction is where a user spends too much time on social media (e.g Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, TikTok) such that it negatively affects his/her life. In addition, addiction as described
by the American Psychological Association(2014) refers to a "compulsive behavior that leads to
negative effects" wherein one is addicted to a substance they no longer have the ability to stop by
themselves despite negative consequences.
On the other hand, students who uses social media rejects the concept of physical distance, that
enables them to communicate around the world, allow them to use their creativity and create new
job opportunities. Apart from these, social media have many negative impact on students’ life.

It creates a perception that peoples value is estimated by “likes”, “comments”, “views”.

“Surfing” on social networks ruin students time, having negative impact on their grades as well.
Social networks also cause negative effects on health of students such as massive obesity,
psychological downturns because of uncontrolled cyber-bulling.

Statement of the Problem

This study would like to investigate the level of Social Media Addiction among the HUMSS

Specifically, this study will seek to answer the following problems:

1. What is the participant’s background of social media in terms of:

a. Specific social media platform they use

b. Frequency in the usage of the platform

2. What are the possible behaviors of the participants is using social media?
a. Depression

b. Procrastination

c. Withdrawal

3. What is the social media addiction of the HUMSS Senior High School Students?
Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge regarding the
chosen topic from the respondents, recent studies or theses, and related sites needed for the
expected importance to the individuals as follow:

The Students

The direct recipient of the output of this research are the students, it helps them to have an idea
and knowledge on how the level of addiction on social media gives negative effects that could
affect their over-all behavior.

The Teachers

This serves as a guide on how teachers can identify and help their students overcome their social
media addiction.

The Parents

The parents will manage to understand how their children affects their behavior through
excessive usage of social media and will take preventive measures on how to minimize their use
of it.

The School Administrator

The School will help in informing students, teachers and parents about the effects and level of
social media addiction.

The Researchers
The researchers will handle and manage the data collected for further observation on the level of socia
media addiction among the students.

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the level of social media addiction of the HUMSS-B Senior High School
students in Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School(DRECMNHS). The data
collection will be conducted to the class of HUMSS-B in DRECMNHS S/Y 2021-2022 who will
represent the population.

Definition of Terms

‘Social’- interaction with other people by sharing information with them and exchanging
information from them vice versa

‘Media’- the medium/ instrument of communication.

Social Media- forms of electric communication which facilitate interactive base on certain
interests. Social Media include web and mobile technology. Boyd and Ellison(2008) defined
Social Media as a group on internet based application that allows the creation and exchange of
user generated content.
Chapter 2


This chapter presents the literature that have bearing and relationship to the present study. This
gave the researcher broader perspective which aid the researchers in conceptualizing and
understanding the levels of social media addiction. The literature and studies cited will help the
researchers in the interpretation of findings.


Social media platforms are a series of online communication platforms that allow users to
communicate and interact with each other. They include Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. A
majority of people in the Internet age use social media as platforms to socialize, communicate,
seek information, etc. However, the overuse of social media has led to Internet addiction among
users (Vaterlaus, Barnett, Roche, & Young, 2016). According to Shaw and Black (2008), poor
control on behavior regarding the use of computers and Internet usage is defined as Internet
addiction that may lead to impairment or distress among users. In the interim, Akin (2012) has
also stated that Internet addiction, which refers to any online-related activities and compulsive
behavior, can interrupt users’ normal living and cause negative consequences and stress to their
beloved ones. The term addiction is mainly related to alcohol, drugs and gambling (Nayak, 2018).
However, with the increasing use of computers and the Internet, technology addiction has
become a social problem since the mid-1990s (Shaw & Black, 2008). In recent decades, Internet
addiction has attracted the attention of academia, which refers to the obvious social and
psychological damage caused by excessive use of the Internet, and brings serious harm to users’
physical and mental health (Jie et al., 2014; Shaw & Black, 2008). At present, social media use
has become an important part of college students' Internet use. Psychological research points out
that if individuals overuse social media and cannot control their activities on social media, they
are considered to have symptoms of social media addiction (Kimberly, 2009; Tang et al., 2016).
Ryan et al. (2014) argued that using social media can bring satisfaction to users, which is the
main reason for the addiction disorder developed on social media. Due to the diversity of social
media functions, users may be addicted to social activities, such as posting, sharing content, or
other activities, such as playing games (Griffths et al., 2014).

Griffiths (2013) made an important contribution to this discussion by suggesting six essential
components to describe a behavior as addiction. These six components are salience, tolerance,
mood modification, relapse, withdrawal, and conflict (Griffiths, 2013, p.121). He states that a
behavior can be defined as addiction if it has these six components. Then, the critical question
becomes what does each of these six components mean? To make the subject or issue more
understandable, Griffiths (2013) explains these six components as follows:

• Salience: This occurs when social networking becomes the single most important activity in a
person's life and dominates his or her thinking, feelings, and behavior. For instance, even if
people are not actually engaged in social networking, they will be constantly thinking about the
next time that they will be.

• Mood modification: This refers to the subjective experiences that people report as a
consequence of social networking and can be seen as a coping strategy (i.e., they experience an
arousing "buzz" or a "high" or, paradoxically, a tranquilizing feeling of "escape" or "numbing").

• Tolerance: This is the process whereby increasing amounts of social networking activity are
required to achieve the former mood-modifying effects. This basically means that for people
engaged in social networking, they gradually build up the amount of the time they spend social
networking every day.
•Withdrawal symptoms: These are the unpleasant feeling states and/or physical effects (e.g.,
the shakes, moodiness, irritability) that occur when people are unable to engage in social
networking because they are ill, on vacation, prohibited etc.

•Conflict: This refers to the conflicts between a person and those around that person
(interpersonal), conflicts with other activities (social life, hobbies, and interests), or from within
the individual himself or herself (intrapsychic conflict and/or subjective feelings of loss of
control) that are concerned with spending too much time on social networking.

•Relapse: This is the tendency or desire for repeated reversions to earlier patterns of excessive
social networking to recur and for even the most extreme patterns typical of the height of
excessive social networking to be quickly restored after periods of personal control.

Procrastination has existed since the dawn of time. Individuals will occasionally put off attending
to a function, task, or responsibility in order to focus on something else that is more important to
them. Some people become engrossed in the task at hand, but something or someone keeps
distracting them from completing it on time. Others, on the other hand, may continue to put off a
desired endeavor or chore until it is too late. As a result, procrastination is one of the primary
causes of an individual's inability to complete or carry out a task on time. (He, 2017).
Procrastination affects all aspects of human life, including intellectual pursuits. Academic
procrastination can be caused by a fear of failure, a lack of desire, or a lack of confidence in
one's abilities to complete an academic task (Okoiye & Nlemadim, 2017). According to Oriol et
al (2016), teachers have the everyday difficulty of getting pupils actively engaged in order to
achieve promptness in both carrying out academic roles and possible prompt graduation. This is
due to the fact that academically engaged kids are totally focused and excited about their studies
(Alrashidi et al., 2016). This virtue could be an antidote to students procrastinating or postponing
the completion of their scholastic tasks, regardless of gender. Nonetheless, students are
frequently distracted from academic tasks, causing them to either postpone or delay completing
the task. Distractions may arise as a result of the detrimental effects of students' additive
behaviors, one of which is social media addiction.
Chapter 3

This chapter focuses on the research methods and procedures cohered by

researchers in order to execute systematically the issues posed for investigation.
Researchers will present the research method, population and samples, research
instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data used for
the accurate analysis and interpretation under this chapter.

Research Method and Technique Used

This study used quantitative method of research. It utilized the observation of

the relationship between the variables with the principal objective analyzed and
associated mathematically through the use of statistical analysis. This study
operated the level of social media addiction among the HUMSS-12 B students.
Population and Samples

Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National Highschool is currently the largest

secondary school in Villasis in terms of population. An estimation of 5,000
students are enrolled and only 20% of the population are the Grade 12 seniors. The
researcher handeled the willed sampling scheme by selecting only the HUMSS-12
B students.

Research Instrument
In this study, the following instruments used by the researcher to gather all the
data needed to answer specific questions in the study.
Online Survey
The researcher created an online Google Document Form survey to measure
the level of addiciton and how it affects the HUMSS 12-B students.

A handful amount of 11 specific problems were scattered through the survey
to accurately calculate and analyze for the utilization of the research conducted.

The researcher asked for the assistance of each HUMSS-12 B assistance to
check the coherence of questions. The recommendations of the validators are
considered in the final copy of the test.

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