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Social Media Addiction and Its effects on the adults in Bangladesh.

Submitted to:

Dr. Md. Rakibul Haque

Associate Professor
Department of Management Information Systems
University of Dhaka

Submitted by:

Al-amin Mojumder
I/d: 029-14-088
Section: B

Department of Management Information Systems

University of Dhaka

Submission date:14 March, 2023

Background: Now-a-days social media information, entertainment, and self-
becomes the oxygen to the adults and children development [3] [4]. The many benefits of using
in Bangladesh. Without it they can’t a single social media make social media popular among
day. the usage of social media is alarmingly many people. One of the fans of social media
increasing in the adults and children in are adolescents. They are one of the biggest
Bangladesh. Even though, using social media we users of social media and smartphones. Social
can get lots of information, can communicate media addiction is a form of Internet addiction
with others, also get benefits for work and in which adolescent are compelled to use social
every aspect of life. media in excessive amounts. Adolescents who
are addicted to social networking are frequently
Problem statement: the aim of the study is unnecessarily worried with it and are motivated
the social media addiction Its effects on the
by an uncontrollable need to log in to utilize it
adults and children in Bangladesh.
Methodology: this study is conducted through . Mood, perception, physical and emotional
various ways there are four tools was utilized responses, and behavioural and psychiatric
when doing study. Tool-1.Bergen Social-Media disorders are all signs of social network
Addiction Scale(BSMAS). Tool- 2Structured addiction. According to reports, about 12% of
interviewing questionnaire Part (1): Demographic adolescent on social networking platforms
characteristics questionnaire. Part(2) Social media suffer from social media addiction.
history. Tool-3. James Robert’s screening question.
Tool- 4.Social Networking Status Scale.
Social media addiction is a compulsive behavior
in the use of social media so that the symptoms
Introduction: of addictive behavior appear [Hawi, N. S., &
The use of the internet, especially social media, Samaha, M. (2017).]. There are six components of
is increasingly sought by people all over the addiction, namely salience, which is the
world. There are 2.3 million of active social behavior of a person who is focused on
something. Mood modification, namely carrying
media users in the world [ Kircaburun, K. (2016).]
out these activities to get a pleasant feeling.
and as many as 18.9% of people in Indonesia Tolerance, which is when someone increases
use social media as the main reason for using certain activities to get the same feeling when
the internet [Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet they firstly use them. Withdrawal symptoms,
Indonesia. (2018).]. Social media is a medium for when the activity is stopped, a person will
interacting with its users, such as Facebook, experience physical and psychological
Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Youtube, and discomfort. Conflict is when a person
others [. Manning, J. (2014).][ O’Keefe, G. S., Clarke- experiences interpersonal and intrapersonal
Pearson, K. (2011).]. The benefits of social media problems due to using social media and relapse,
can be used as a medium for interaction, namely repeating the behavior [Griffiths, M. D.,
&Kuss, D. (2017).].
communication, sharing of ideas and
Adolescents who experience social-media
Literature Review: Social-media can be
addiction have problems forming online networks that
characterized as those
relationships and social interactions [Oberst, allow individual users to create public profiles,
U., Wegmann, E., Stodt, B., Brand, M., & Chamarro, interact with other online users and meet new
A. (2017)]. Awkwardness, shyness, and less ones (Kuss & Griffiths, 2011). The social media
ability to express themselves when platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,
interacting with others are the Instagram and WhatsApp have allowed people,
characteristics of low self- esteem [Febrina, T. particularly young adults, to interact instantly
D., Suharso, P. L., & Saleh, A. Y. (2018). ]. Someone with the world (Dalvi-Esfahani et al., 2019).
with low self-esteem tends to have difficulty Over that last decade, there has been a
interacting and communicating directly with significant cultural change in social media
people. (Casale, S., &Banchi, V. (2020). This means and also the usage of it. Now It is very
that self-esteem can be a predictor of social- common to spend time each day checking
media addiction behavior. your social media feeds. Social media
scrolling is normal for most people,
Research purpose: although somewhat time-consuming. For
someone or even most of teenagers
The purpose of this study is to find the become addicyeto social media very easily.
effects of social media and addiction of So social media is an addiction.
social media among adults. And why they Social media addiction is a behavioral
are so interested to today’s social media. addiction characterized as being overly
And To understand, due to social media concerned about social media and driven by
addiction how they restraining themselves an uncontrollable urge to log on to or use
from the world. social media. Social media addicts spend so
Research objective: much time on their social apps that it
impairs other important life areas.
The objective of this study is Social media platforms such as Facebook,
Snapchat, and Instagram produce the same
1. The average usage of social media neural circuitry caused by gambling and
on a daily basis. recreational drugs. A constant stream of
2. To find the impact of adult’s life due retweets, likes, and shares affects the
to social media. brain's reward area and triggers the same
Research question: kind of chemical reaction as other drugs,
such as cocaine. Some neuroscientists have
This study has question that will be compared social media interaction to a
answered syringe of dopamine being injected straight
1. Why teenagers step into social into the system.
media and gets addicted and the Social media addiction has negative effect
addiction level in their life. on interpersonal relationships. Social media
2. The effects of social media addiction
in their life
addiction also causes depression in people who which was then back-translated into English by
often gets addicted to social networking sites another researcher.
when compared to the people who don’t. Social
media addiction main affect was being able to Tool-2: Demographic characteristics consists of
communicate with others in real life. It creates related data as age, gender, child's rank,
changes in socialization. In other words social residence, governorate name, and academic
media addiction involves both tolerance and year. Social-media history Which involved daily
withdrawal. use of social media/ hours, duration of social
media uses, number of accounts, availability of
Methodology: monthly internet package and internet at
Research Design: the research design of home(wi-fi)
this study were the Exploratory Research
Tool-3: James Robert introduced some
design(Survey Research) where it seeks the
question on indentifying the social media
insights into the nature of a problem, the addiction on adults like- Salience Tolerance,
possible decision alternatives , and relevant Euphoria Withdrawal, Relapse, Conflict.
variables that need to considered.
Extent of research interference: the Participants:
for this study the participants were the
conducting the study researcher had
teenagers, college and university going students
minimal influenced over the participants. and some children parents also included in this
Study Setting and Unit of Analysis: for the study purposes
research purposes, the study setting this
this research was non-contrived settings
where natural events proceed normally. Respondents
Based on my theoretical framework, I
and unit of Analysis was the individual. As
developed statements related to social
data was collected individually.
networking addiction level in Bangladesh. The
Time Horizon: The conducting the study study is intended to determine the addiction
data was collected in a cross sectional way level of social media among adults in
Bangladesh. Therefore, the summated
where data was collected for only once.
assessment procedure proposed by (5)Likert
To conduct the study I used four tools. (1932) was used to develop the present scale.
those are:
I identified 15 items related to social networking
Tool-1: Bergen Social-Media Addiction usage \. all of the variables are aligned so they
Scale(BSMAS). Tool-2. Structured interviewing could all be answered using a 5-point Likert
questionnaire Part (1): Demographic scale, with each statement rated on five
characteristics questionnaire. Part (2) Social anchors, (Very Often=5, Often=4, Sometimes=3,
media history. Tool-3. James Robert’s screening Rarely=2 and Very Rarely=1). It is much helpful
question. Tool- 4. Social Networking time Status for these items to be strong when used in a
Scale. Likert format (6).

Tool-1: BSMAS: Developed by Andreassen et

al., a group of respondents were recruited from all
[14] to measure the participants’ addictive use over the country. The total number of
of social media. It included 6 items concern respondents in the study comprised 70 adults
experiences occurring over the past year. The (i.e. N =70), 54 male(76.1%) and 16(22.5%)
original English version was compared with the females, who were selected via random
back translated version to resolve any sampling technique.
discrepancies between them. “The researchers
translated the scale into Arabic,
In the initial study questionnaires were
distributed through online, and merely 71
participants’ responses were returned.
The returned questionnaires were carefully
checked for comprehensiveness, respondent
detachment, misplaced outliers and values (7.
Hair et al. 2010). One questionnaire was
rejected due to missing information. The final
and scoured dataset contained of 69 responses
out of 71 adults, 54 male and 16 females.

Data Collection Tool

For the study conduct, the data were collected by
google forms through questionnaire from adults
all over the country and In this study, the
addiction factor of “Social Networking Status
Scale”, developed by (8.) Arslan and Kırık (2013:
223-231), and BSMAS: Developed by Andreassen
et al., were used.
The reliability and validity tests had been
conducted also. Besides addiction factor, it also
consisted of ethics and convergence factors.
Addiction factor consists of 14 items which are
used as the data collection tool in this study. And
70 participants participated in this study.

Data Analysis And Findings

In this section of the study, the findings of the
survey type research model are presented.
Findings include social media addiction scores
with respect to gender, ,
daily time spent on the social media and also
include detailed frequency and percentage data
of each item.

From all over the country several adults were

picked up randomly as participants. The sample
comprises of adults from different division
from the country covering college
students(2.8%), under graduated(88.7%), and
employed(5.6%) and unemployed(1.4%) adults
particularly in the age range of 17-28.
Participants were motivated to complete the
questionnaire with humble request.
Table:4 Questionnaires Daily Usage Adults Frequencie Avg
Std. Sample
Deviation Size(N)
Count s%
very rarely 3 4.2%
Have You e ve r trie d to
rarely 6 8.5%
cut down on the use of 70
sometimes 27 38.0% 3.42 0.957
social me dia without
often 26 36.6%
very often 8 11.3%
very rarely 5 7.0%
Have you use social
me dia so much that it rarely 7 9.9%
has had a ne gative sometimes 18 25.4% 3.6 1.218 70
impact on your often 19 26.8%
job/ studie s
very often 21 29.6%
very rarely 11 15.5%
Howofte n do you lose rarely 17 23.9%
sleep due to be ing sometimes 27 38.0% 2.72 1.115 70
Table 4 shows the social media usage among online? often 10 14.1%
very often 5 7.0%
female and male adults. 32% of male and 16% very rarely 11 15.5%
female use social media 3-4 hours daily. And 26% You fee l an urge to use rarely 0 0.0%
social me dia more and sometimes 26 36.6% 3.31 1.243
of male and 0.4% female use their social media 5- more often 20 28.2%
7 hours very often
very rarely
Do lose track of how rarely 10 14.1%
much you are using sometimes 14 19.7% 3.5 1.100 70
And lastly 5% male and 3% female use social social me dia often 31 43.7%
media daily more than 7 hours. It can be said that very often 11 15.5%
1-2hours 9 12.7%
Male are little bit ahead in terms of addiction How many hours you 3-4hours 34 47.9%
level than female. spe nd on social media? 5-7 hours 21 29.6% 2.34 0.814

more than 7hours 6 8.5%

Table:5 Do You spend a lot of very rarely

time thinking about
sometimes 23 32.4% 2.58 1.173 70
social media or planning
often 13 18.3%
how to use it?
very often 3 4.2%
Have You be come very rarely 7 9.9%
restless or troubled if rarely 16 22.5%
sometimes 27 38.0% 2.91 1.046 70
you are prohibited from
often 16 22.5%
using social me dia?
very often 4 5.6%
very rarely 23 32.4%
Whe n you doe snt have rarely 13 18.3%
access to social me dia, sometimes 16 22.5% 2.47 1.293 70
how do you fee l often 14 19.7%
very often 4 5.6%
very rarely 19 26.8%
You use social media in rarely 11 15.5%
Table 5 shows the daily social media usage orde r to forget about sometimes 19 26.8% 2.62 1.230 70
personal problems. often 19 26.8%
among 17-28 years old adolescents. Here 7% of very often 2 2.8%
17-20 years, 37% people of 21-24 and 4% of 25- Absolutely not
I don’t think so
How often in the last
28 years old adults tends use social 3-4 hours and year have you use d
I’ve been “told off”a
and 4% of 17-20 range and 26% of 21-24 years social me dia so much couple of times
18 25.4%
1.9 1.065 70
that it has had a
people use social media 5-7 hours daily.7% of 21- negative impact on your Only with certain
4 5.6%
24 years adults and 1% 25-28 years adults use re lationships? people
Yes, quite a bit 1 1.4%
social media more than 7 hours. There are only Does use of the social very rarely 15 21.1%
12% people of age-group 21-24 years who use media re sult in failures rarely 17 23.9%
to fulfill major role sometimes 23 32.4% 2.41 1.183 70
social media 1-2 hours. It can be said that 21-24 obligations at work, often 10 14.1%
age group are somehow addicted on social media school, or home? very often 5 7.0%
Have you eve r said no to very rarely 19 26.8%
compared to other age groups an activity with your rarely 25 35.2%
sometimes 12 16.9% 2.61 1.291 70
family or friends due to
often 6 8.5%
social networking site s?
very often 8 11.3%
Have you e ver ignored a very rarely 14 19.7%
re sponsibility like rarely 15 21.1%
sometimes 27 38.0% 2.63 1.106 70
home work or chore s due
often 11 15.5%
to social media site s?
very often 3 4.2%
From the Table:6 the scale items with the highest Table:7
average are 2,5,1 respectively. The 2nd items
stating “Have you use social media so much that
it has had a negative impact on your job/studies”
that has average of 3.60. 5 th items saying “Do lose
track of how much you are using social media”
which has average of 3.50. 1 st items scale refer to
“Have You ever tried to cut down on the use of
social media without success?” has an average of

It also can be seen from the Table:6 that- the Convergent Validity
social media addiction level questionnaire items
of 11,6,12 with lowest average. The 11 th items
Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, calculated to
stating “How 4 in the last year have you used
identify levels of significance between factors,
social networking sites so much that it has had a
revealed higher levels of significant positive
negative impact on your relationships?” has
correlations for all dimensions of social
average of 1.90. 6th scale items refer to “How
networking usage (Social Impact, Behavioral
many hours you spend on social media?” has an
Change, Time spent, Mental health) with total
average of 2.34. the lasty 12th item stating “Does
score of social networking usage. The
your use of the social media result in failures to
interrelationship of these dimensions and the
fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or
total scores, calculated as suggested by Overbeek,
home?” having an average of 2.41.
Scholte, de Kemp, & Engels (2007), and found to
be .605 to .788, suggest convergent validity of
Reliability Analysis
social networking addiction level and usage
questionnaire. This has been shown in Table:8
Usually, The Cronbach’s alpha is used to measure the
internal consistency among the items. According to
(9.) Gliem & Gilem (2003), the reliability coefficient Table:8
Alpha normally ranges between 0 and 1. The rule of
thumb specified by (10). George & Mallery (2003) for
interpreting Cronbach’s alpha is that “above 0.80 is
acceptable.” Hence, the present scale Cronbach’s
alpha of social networking usage (α= .860), indicates
good internal reliability. So, my reliability analysis
suggests that social networking usage questionnaires
is internally consistent. The reliability calculations are
presented in Table 7.
Al so it can be seen that 32% of the total
The current studies provided empirical support population when they don’t have access to the
that social media addiction was negatively internet they feel nothing or agitated, and 18%
associated with college students’ mental health out of 70 people feel like relaxed it doesn’t bother
and academic performance (Pantic et al., 2012; them and 23 % of the people feel like bored when
Jelenchick et al., 2013). Furthermore, in line with they can’t use social media. And only 20% of
previous findings that social media addiction people feel like they are missing something when
negatively affects self-esteem (Andreassen et al., they cant use social media. Only merely 6% of
2017; Błachnio, et al., 2016; people fell agitated and anxious when they are
unable to use their social media.

Chou & Edge, 2012; Vogel et al., 2014) and that There are also 5% of people very rarely lost how
low self-esteem is associated with mental much time they use the social media. And 14% of
disorders (Orth et al., 2008; Orth & Robins, 2013; out of 70 people they rarely lost of time while
Sowislo & Orth, 2013), the current research using social media. And 20% out of 70 peoples are
yielded the first empirical finding that self-esteem tend to sometimes forget how much they are
mediated the relation of social media addiction to using social media. And 48% of adults often have
mental health. no idea of time while browsing social media, and
20% of people are very often lost of their time
Furthermore, the implementation of an how much they use social media daily.
intervention based on the cognitive-behavioral
approach (.Young, 1999, 2007; (Gupta et al., There are also some people where 15% of people
2013) effectively reduced social media addiction very rarely lose their sleeping time in their life
and improved mental health and academic whereas, 24% of people have rarely lost their
efficiency. sleeping track due to social media use. And 38%
adults sometimes lost their sleep due to being on
Here we can see from the table 6 that a 13% of online. 14% of adults often hamper their sleep due
the adults use social media 1-2 hours in their to being online. And 7% of people very often
daily life where 48% adults use social media daily sleeps than their daily hours due to social media
around 3-4 hours which is moderate level usage usage .
and 30% of the adults out of 70 peoples.
The present study differs from Scott, et al. [21], My Contribution:
who studied ''Social media use and adolescent
sleep patterns: crosssectional findings from the My Contribution The theoretical benefit of this
UK millennium cohort study'' and mentioned that research is to become additional knowledge to
the (31.6%, n = 3720) were average social media the pre-existing knowledge, information, theory
and data, and to contribute to the knowledge
use was 1 to <3 hours per day. 33.7% were
social-media addiction among adolescents. The
classed as low users (<1hours: n=3986); 13.9% practical benefits of this research are adding
were classed as high users (3 to <5hours: insight and experience to researchers and
n=160220.8% were classed as very high users adolescent of social media users in discussing
(5+hours: n=2203) about social influence, mental health, personal
relationship and social-media addiction.
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moderate social media addiction level at age References
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