Christian Human Formation 7: University of San Agustin - Basic Education Department School Year 2022-2023
Christian Human Formation 7: University of San Agustin - Basic Education Department School Year 2022-2023
Christian Human Formation 7: University of San Agustin - Basic Education Department School Year 2022-2023
Formation 7
Pre-assessment Test:
Performance standard:
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
Discuss the significance of Resurrection for us followers of Christ.
Point out how to value and uphold the truth of Resurrection of our
Celebrate the joyous and glorious Easter event of Jesus Christ.
Confirm that the celebration of Easter becomes the affirmation of
our faith in Jesus Christ.
Another Chance
By: Helen Steiner Rice
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Mark 16:1-8
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
16 When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother
of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint
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Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________
Draw a heart before the number the statement is true and a square
if the statement is false.
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Second, Jesus in His risen Body passes from the state of death to
another beyond time and space, it is not the simple return to
earthly life like what happened to Lazaruz or to the daughter of
Jairus, who were revived but eventually died again (cf. Jn. 11:43f;
Lk 7:15, Mk 5:41f) Jesus arose to a glorified Bod, which means that
Jesus who was raised from the dead will die no more, that death
no longer has power over Him (Romans 6:9)
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The Resurrection the work of the Trinity and a real event, Jesus rising
from the dead to a new, glorified life and new becomes the source
of new life for all of us. (CFC 628,666)
- To bring to completion; achieve; carry out
- Confusion; puzzlement
- The highest point; culmination; the most exciting part of the
story that occurs usually near or at the end.
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- To say or declare (something) openly; to believe in
Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
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Pre-assessment Test:
Performance standard:
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
Describe the Kingdom of God in many ways;
Cite ways on how to help other people around that they may also
experience the Kingdom of God here on earth;
Compose a prayer that expresses gratitude to Jesus for the gift of
God’s Kingdom;
Jesus during His public life performed His public ministry through His words
and deed. He proclaims the Kingdom of God, proceeds to the other tasks
of healing, forgiving, teaching, praying, and choosing the twelve.
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This was the start of something extraordinary. Since that day and the
founding of the Championing Community Children, Kesz has gone on to
achieve great success. Both Kesz and his charity have delivered over
7,000 “Gifts of Hope” containing rubber shoes, food, clothing, and toys to
street kids. Kesz Wealthy Health Outreach program that he runs with the
help of other children volunteer’s, has tended over 3,000 children’s
wounds and handed out thousands of toothbrushes, whilst educating
them about nutrition, hygiene, gardening, and children’s right.
At thirteen, Kesz has done more than what most adults have ever done in
a lifetime. He is an inspiration and an example to us all that one person
can make a difference, even a child like that!
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1. How does the story show that no one is too poor or too young to help
those who are in need?
3. In your own way, how will you make a difference in the life of the
people around you, especially those who need help?
23 Let anyone with ears to hear listen!” 24 And he said to them, “Pay
attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you
get, and still more will be given you. 25 For to those who have, more will
be given; and from those who have nothing, even what they have will be
taken away.”
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Word bank
Fill in the blanks with the correct missing word/s. use the choices given in
the box above.
1. The hope of the Israelites for liberation from Roman rule was kept alive by
their expectation of the __________________.
2. Jesus was not what the Israelites expected to become a warrior but was the
son of a ___________________.
5. Jesus did not advocate the use of violence and instead preached about
_____________ and reconciliation.
7. The seed, sign, and instrument of the Kingdom of God is the _____________.
8. To help the people understand what the Kingdom of God is, Jesus made
use of __________________ .
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Young and old, rich and poor, all of us are called to respond to
God’s call to show compassion for the poor. By doing so, we
announce to them that the Kingdom of God has, indeed,
During the time of Jesus, the social, political, and even religious
conditions were unpleasant. Injustice crime, disorder and
hypocrisy were rampant.
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A very, very tiny seed but the tree that comes from this tree
could grow very big that birds could find shelter in its branches,
and it produce plenty of fruits.
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The Church is not the end unto herself, since she is ordered
toward the Kingdom of God of which she is the seed, sigh, and
instrument (Rmi 18)
Faith Messiah
Means anointed, the savior, the one who has been prophesized
in the Hebrew scripture to save the Jesus from the adversaries
Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________
LESSON 14- Activity 5. Let’s see what you have learned (reflection):
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Pre-assessment Test:
Performance standard:
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
Explain how Jesus bring healing and forgiveness today.
Give some elements and a way of conversion in one’s life.
Make a firm decision to go to Confession at soonest time as
Recite/ give the steps of a good Confession
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2. Who was responsible for the unfortunate incident? Describe the person.
3. What good example did Pope John Paul II show us in the story?
4 What effect did John Paul II’s act have on the person responsible for the
unfortunate incident?
5 Can you do the same act the Pope did? Explain your answer.
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Matthew 9:1-8
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
9 1 And after getting into a boat he crossed the sea and came to his
own town.
2 And just then some people were carrying a paralyzed man lying on a
bed. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Take heart, son;
your sins are forgiven.” 3 Then some of the scribes said to themselves, “This
man is blaspheming.” 4 But Jesus, perceiving their thoughts, said, “Why do
you think evil in your hearts? 5 For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are
forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Stand up and walk’? 6 But so that you may know that
the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he then said to the
paralytic— “Stand up, take your bed and go to your home.” 7 And he
stood up and went to his home. 8 When the crowds saw it, they were filled
with awe, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to human
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Complete the following story of the healing of the paralytic by supply the
missing word. Write the words in the line provided.
1. Jesus entered a boat, made the crossing, and came into His own
6. Jesus knew what they were thinking, and said, “Why do you
harbor ___________ thoughts? Which is easier, to say, “your sin is
forgiven,’ or to say,
7. ‘Rise and ___________? But that you may know that the
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This strong faith will move us to pray and to seek the grace of
healing that comes from God through the sacraments. He
speaks through the priest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation,
telling us that we have been forgiven. He is present in the
Eucharist when we partake of His body, we are healed of our
spiritual sickness. And when we are gravely ill and in need of
healing both physically and spiritually, we seek His healing in the
Sacrament of Anointing of the sick.
Faith Miracle
Words An unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by
the power of God; an extraordinary event manifesting divine
intervention in human affairs.
A person whose body or parts of the body cannot move.
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Members of a learned class in ancient Israel through New
Testament times. They studied the Scriptures and served as
copyist, editors, teachers, and jurists.
Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________
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Pre-assessment Test:
Performance standard:
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
Explain why Jesus choose the twelve apostles even if they were not
Give some ways on how to fulfill the mission entrusted by God?
Write on how to celebrate the status of being empowered and
confirm follower of Jesus.
Many are called by few are chosen. The Apostles were simple men who
lived simple lives but that did not stop Jesus from choosing them to be His
disciple. When Jesus call them, they immediately responded and left
whatever it was they were doing.
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Although the Argentine Jesuit Pontiff is the second most followed world
leader after Barrack Obama, he massively outstrips the US President in the
frequency with which his followers retweet his messages.
This makes him the most influential “tweept” on the planet according to
Twiplomacy 2014, a study how Twitters is being used by world leaders.
2. Why does the article state that the Pope is the most influential Twitter
user in the world?
3. Why do you think more people retweet the tweet s of the Pope than
those of Obama
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Matthew 10:1-4
10 Then Jesus[a] summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority
over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and
every sickness. 2 These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon,
also known as Peter, and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and
his brother John; 3 Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax
collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; [b] 4 Simon the
Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed him.
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Bartholomew (Nathaniel)
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Matthew (Levi)
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Judas Iscariot
The apostles are far from perfect when Jesus called them, yet
by their love for Him and by the power of the Holy Spirit who
strengthen them, they committed themselves to the cause of
the Kingdom and shared passionately in Christ’s mission.
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Faith Apostle
Which means “a delegate, messenger, one sent forth with
orders. Use to refer to a group made up especially of the 12
followers chosen by Jesus to preach the Gospel.
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Explain the specific mission that Jesus gave to His apostles in the following
texts from the Gospel:
1. John 20:19-23
3. Matthew 28:18-20
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