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Christian Human Formation 7: University of San Agustin - Basic Education Department School Year 2022-2023

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Christian Human

Formation 7

University of San Agustin – Basic Education Department

School Year 2022-2023

Pre-assessment Test:

Time frame: 1 week

Performance standard:

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

 Discuss the significance of Resurrection for us followers of Christ.

 Point out how to value and uphold the truth of Resurrection of our

 Celebrate the joyous and glorious Easter event of Jesus Christ.
 Confirm that the celebration of Easter becomes the affirmation of
our faith in Jesus Christ.


The Resurrection of Jesus which is the Central event in God’s plan of

salvation is the crowning truth of our faith as Christians. The Resurrection
proves Jesus’ divinity, confirms everything that Jesus has done, fulfills the
prophecies, and is now the source of new life.

(Source: We Celebrate God’s Love 7)

Activity 1. Let’s try this!

Another Chance
By: Helen Steiner Rice

How often we wish for another chance to make a fresh beginning.

A chance to blot our mistakes and failures into winning.

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
It does not take a new day to make a brand-new start,
It only takes a deep desire to try with all our heart.

To live a little better and to always be forgiving

And to add a little sunshine to the world in which we are living.

So never give up in despair and think that you are through,

For there is always a tomorrow and the hope of starting new.

Answer the following questions

1. What is the message of the poem?


2. What is necessary for us to start anew according to the poem?


3. Do you believe that each new day is a chance or opportunity to

start anew?

4. How important is it to have new beginnings? Support your answer.


Lesson 13- Activity 2. Let’s apply this!

Mark 16:1-8
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

The Resurrection of Jesus

16 When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother
of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
him. 2 And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen,
they went to the tomb. 3 They had been saying to one another, “Who will
roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” 4 When they
looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already
been rolled back. 5 As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man,
dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. 6
But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of
Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look,
there is the place they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter that
he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told
you.” 8 So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and
amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they
were afraid. [a]

-------------------------------(Lesson 1) CUT HERE------------------------

Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________

Lesson 13-Activity 3. Let’s do this!

Draw a heart before the number the statement is true and a square
if the statement is false.

1. Jesus Resurrection is a fantasy, a product of imagination.

2. The empty tomb and the linen cloths lying at the tomb signify
that Jesus has indeed risen.
3. Acceptance of the Resurrection entails faith since no one
has seen Jesus’ actual rising from the tomb.
4. Jesus’ return to earthly life is the same as the revival of
Lazarus to life.
5. Jesus’ Resurrection means His entry to a glorious state and

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
6. At Jesus’ Resurrection, death still has power over Him.
7. The Resurrection of Jesus is a source of new life for us.
8. The Resurrection of Jesus proves that He is divine.
9. The Resurrection of Jesus confirmed everything that He has
done and taught.
10. Our salvation is complete with Jesus’ passion and death,
even without the Resurrection.

Lesson 13-Activity 4. Let us remember these (points to remember):

Each new day gives a hope and te chance to be better, and to

start life anew.

The Empty Tomb

Two important truths are presented in the account of the

Resurrection in Marks' Gospel. First, the women were the first
messenger of the Lord’s Resurrection and, second the empty tomb
and the linens that the apostles saw prepare them for their joyous
reunion with the Risen Lord.

The Resurrection the Historical Event

In the Creed, we profess that Jesus ‘descended into the dead, on

the third day He rose again’ this mystery of our faith is what we call
the Resurrection, basically the passage of Jesus from death to new,
definitive glorified life, the source of our life.

Second, Jesus in His risen Body passes from the state of death to
another beyond time and space, it is not the simple return to
earthly life like what happened to Lazaruz or to the daughter of
Jairus, who were revived but eventually died again (cf. Jn. 11:43f;
Lk 7:15, Mk 5:41f) Jesus arose to a glorified Bod, which means that
Jesus who was raised from the dead will die no more, that death
no longer has power over Him (Romans 6:9)

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
Third, the Resurrection is a work of the Trinity, with all the three
divine Persons work together. The Father is the source of the divine
sonship and the mission of Jesus was the one who raised Jesus from
the dead, Body and Soul. The Holy Spirit brings forth life and glorifies

The Resurrection the work of the Trinity and a real event, Jesus rising
from the dead to a new, glorified life and new becomes the source
of new life for all of us. (CFC 628,666)

The meaning and importance of Resurrection for us

The Resurrection is the central event of God whole plan of

salvation. This is how God will to save all for all time (CFC 627). It is
the crowning truth of our faith in Christ (CCC638)It is the most
significant event of our faith as Christians (CFC 663).

 Jesus fulfilled His prediction of His passion, death, and

Resurrection in the Gospel;
 It fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies promising a Savior
for the world.
 It confirmed that Jesus is divine, that he is truly God.
 It frees us from sin and brings us to a new life as sons and
daughters of God. We receive and accomplish this at the
moment of our baptism.
 It is the principle and source of our future resurrection. This
means we believe that Jesus will raise our bodies to be
reunited with our souls and that Jesus will bring us to heaven
with Him in perfect happiness.

- To bring to completion; achieve; carry out
- Confusion; puzzlement
- The highest point; culmination; the most exciting part of the
story that occurs usually near or at the end.

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
- Greatest or most complete.
- To show; to be a sign or symptom of; to share or express

- To say or declare (something) openly; to believe in

-------------------------------(Lesson 13) CUT HERE------------------------

Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________

Lesson 13-Activity 5. Let’s see what you have learned (reflection):

Answer the following the following statements in 3 to 5 sentences only.

The Resurrection is the work of the Trinity.


Jesus' Resurrection proves His Divinity


The Meaning and importance of Jesus Resurrection for us.

3. __________________________________________________________

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher

Pre-assessment Test:

Time frame: 1 week

Performance standard:

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

 Describe the Kingdom of God in many ways;
 Cite ways on how to help other people around that they may also
experience the Kingdom of God here on earth;
 Compose a prayer that expresses gratitude to Jesus for the gift of
God’s Kingdom;


Jesus during His public life performed His public ministry through His words
and deed. He proclaims the Kingdom of God, proceeds to the other tasks
of healing, forgiving, teaching, praying, and choosing the twelve.

In the Gospels, Jesus repeated emphasizes the necessity of knowing the

Kingdom of God. It is at the heart and center of Jesus’ mission and
ministry on earth. It is safe to say that Jesus came to tell each and every
one of us that the Kingdom of God is real and that we can also
experience this here on earth.

(From: We Celebrate God’s Love 7)

LESSON 14-Activity 1. Let’s try this!

An Extra Ordinary Kid

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
What makes Kesz Valdez so extraordinary is that if you were to look for him
when he was two, you would have found him picking garbage in Manila’s
infamous Cavite dumpsite. Beaten by his father and neglected by his
mother up till the age of four years old (after they failed to sell him), Kesz
was labeled bad luck. Forced to beg, scavenge, eat garbage for food
and bring back money to support his father’s drug and alcohol additions,
Kesz escaped from his family at four years old and spent his day begging
on the streets in Manila’s poorest slum area. At night he could be found
sleeping on top of open graves or in shop doorways, surviving as a Filipino
slum street kid for over 1 ½ years.

Rescued by a kind man by the name of Harmin Manalaysay who, after a

terrible accident adopted him, Kesz had no wish for himself during his
seventh birthday and instead said, “I wish to give gifts to other street

This was the start of something extraordinary. Since that day and the
founding of the Championing Community Children, Kesz has gone on to
achieve great success. Both Kesz and his charity have delivered over
7,000 “Gifts of Hope” containing rubber shoes, food, clothing, and toys to
street kids. Kesz Wealthy Health Outreach program that he runs with the
help of other children volunteer’s, has tended over 3,000 children’s
wounds and handed out thousands of toothbrushes, whilst educating
them about nutrition, hygiene, gardening, and children’s right.

At thirteen, Kesz has done more than what most adults have ever done in
a lifetime. He is an inspiration and an example to us all that one person
can make a difference, even a child like that!

When asked why he is passionate about helping, he says, “I help because

I see myself in children who roam and live on the streets, and some good
hearted people showed me love and change my life, and I am just
paying it forward.” Eventually Kesz aspires to become a medical doctor,
so that he can help more children, not only in the Philippines but also in
other countries.

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
In 2012, he was awarded the International Children’s Peace Prize in
recognition of his exceptional and courageous work that has inspired
entire communities along with making a significant difference in the lives
of children.

Answer the following questions:

1. How does the story show that no one is too poor or too young to help
those who are in need?

2. Do you also consider Kesz as an extraordinary child? Why yes? Why



3. In your own way, how will you make a difference in the life of the
people around you, especially those who need help?

LESSON 14-Activity 2. Let’s apply this!

Mark 4:23-25

New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

23 Let anyone with ears to hear listen!” 24 And he said to them, “Pay
attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you
get, and still more will be given you. 25 For to those who have, more will
be given; and from those who have nothing, even what they have will be
taken away.”
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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
Name: ___________________________Grade and Section: _______________

LESSON 14-Activity 3. Let’s do this!

Word bank

Serve Peace Parables Church

Sin Kingdom Anointed Government

Carpenter Messiah Valuable Politics

Fill in the blanks with the correct missing word/s. use the choices given in
the box above.

1. The hope of the Israelites for liberation from Roman rule was kept alive by
their expectation of the __________________.

2. Jesus was not what the Israelites expected to become a warrior but was the
son of a ___________________.

3. Jesus proclaimed that He came to _______________and not to be served.

4. Jesus talked about freedom from ___________that enslaves people.

5. Jesus did not advocate the use of violence and instead preached about
_____________ and reconciliation.

6. Instead of establishing a powerful empire, Jesus proclaimed the coming of

the ___________________ of God.

7. The seed, sign, and instrument of the Kingdom of God is the _____________.

8. To help the people understand what the Kingdom of God is, Jesus made
use of __________________ .

9. The word Messiah means ______________________.

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
10. The Kingdom of God is like a treasure as a pearl because it is very

LESSON 14-Activity 4. Let us remember these (points to remember):

Young and old, rich and poor, all of us are called to respond to
God’s call to show compassion for the poor. By doing so, we
announce to them that the Kingdom of God has, indeed,

Jesus, Messiah – King

During the time of Jesus, the social, political, and even religious
conditions were unpleasant. Injustice crime, disorder and
hypocrisy were rampant.

 Jesus, the Messiah-King was known as the son of the

carpenter, a poor man who is a preacher, the leader of a
group of men who like Himself, were poor.
 He declared that He came to serve and not be served.
 He spoke about freedom but not political so much of
political freedom, he talks about freedom from sin that
enslaves people. He shunned the use of arms and instead
preached about peace and reconciliation.
 Jesus, the Messiah-King, came to free the people not from
material poverty but from their strong attachment to
material goods.
 He surrounded Himself with the poor, the sick, the hungry,
and the outcast.
 He proclaimed the coming of the Kingdom of God.

The Israelites hope a liberation from the oppression of the

Romans that they are waiting for the coming of the Messiah.

Jesus Announces the King of God

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
 In the Gospels, the Kingdom of God is the central theme
among all the teachings of Jesus.
 Jesus made use of parables in presenting the Kingdom of
God in order to let people understand it better, a simple
true to life situation.
 Some of the parables Jesus used to describe the Kingdom
of God:
- The Parable of the Mustard Seed

A very, very tiny seed but the tree that comes from this tree
could grow very big that birds could find shelter in its branches,
and it produce plenty of fruits.

(the kingdom of God is already in our hearts we need to take

good care of it until it will grow, good deed, no matter how
small or simple, contribute to the building up of the Kingdom of

- The Parable of the Yeast

Yeast is the primary ingredients in making bread or leaven, it

triggers certain chemical reaction with the other ingredients,
causing the dough to expand and rise.

- The Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great


In both parables, the one wo found the treasure, or the

pearl left everything they had in order to have the treasure or
the pearl (Heaven).

- The Parable of the Net

It compares the work of the Kingdom of God in every person

and in the Church. Though the Kingdom of God is already
here, everyone who has experienced it has the responsibility
to share and spread it to those who haven’t.

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
Catching of fish symbolizes the mission God’s children and
the Church as a whole to make know to others the
wonderful love of God and His Kingdom. The parable tells us
that the Kingdom of God is not only for the chosen few but
also for all of us.

The Church is not the end unto herself, since she is ordered
toward the Kingdom of God of which she is the seed, sigh, and
instrument (Rmi 18)

Faith Messiah
Means anointed, the savior, the one who has been prophesized
in the Hebrew scripture to save the Jesus from the adversaries


Signifies in a general comparison, or parallel, by which one thing

is used to illustrate another. Usually, a short and simple story that
teaches a moral or spiritual lesson.

Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________

LESSON 14- Activity 5. Let’s see what you have learned (reflection):

In one paragraph compose a prayer that expresses your gratitude to

Jesus for the gift of God’s Kingdom

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher

Pre-assessment Test:

Time frame: 1 week

Performance standard:

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

 Explain how Jesus bring healing and forgiveness today.
 Give some elements and a way of conversion in one’s life.
 Make a firm decision to go to Confession at soonest time as
 Recite/ give the steps of a good Confession


All of us have experienced being hurt by the people around us or even by

situations that surround us. Sometimes if we are deeply hurt, we find it
hard to forgive. But Jesus teaches us that it is only when we forgive that
can attain an authentically fulfilled life.

Source: We Celebrate God’s Love 7

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
LESSON 15-Activity 1. Let’s try this!

The Forgiving Pope

Answer the following questions

1. What unfortunate incident happened during one of John Paul II’s

regular weekly public appearances?

2. Who was responsible for the unfortunate incident? Describe the person.


3. What good example did Pope John Paul II show us in the story?

4 What effect did John Paul II’s act have on the person responsible for the
unfortunate incident?

5 Can you do the same act the Pope did? Explain your answer.

6 Have you experience being forgiven for hurting or harming someone? I

yes, narrate your experience.

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher

LESSON 15-Activity 2. Let’s apply this!

Matthew 9:1-8
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

9 1 And after getting into a boat he crossed the sea and came to his
own town.

Jesus Heals a Paralytic

2 And just then some people were carrying a paralyzed man lying on a
bed. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Take heart, son;
your sins are forgiven.” 3 Then some of the scribes said to themselves, “This
man is blaspheming.” 4 But Jesus, perceiving their thoughts, said, “Why do
you think evil in your hearts? 5 For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are
forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Stand up and walk’? 6 But so that you may know that
the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he then said to the
paralytic— “Stand up, take your bed and go to your home.” 7 And he
stood up and went to his home. 8 When the crowds saw it, they were filled
with awe, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to human

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________

LESSON 15-Activity 3. Let’s do this!

Complete the following story of the healing of the paralytic by supply the
missing word. Write the words in the line provided.

The Healing of the Paralytic

1. Jesus entered a boat, made the crossing, and came into His own

2. And there people brought to Him a ________________ lying in a


3. When Jesus saw their ____________ he said to the paralytic,

4. “Courage, child your sins are _______________,

5. At that some of the scribes said to themselves, “this man is


6. Jesus knew what they were thinking, and said, “Why do you
harbor ___________ thoughts? Which is easier, to say, “your sin is
forgiven,’ or to say,

7. ‘Rise and ___________? But that you may know that the

8. _________________ has authority on earth to forgive sins.” He then

said to the paralytic, ‘Rise, pick up your bed, and go home.”

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
9. When the crows saw this, they were struck with awe and
______________ God who had given such

10. _______________ to human beings.

LESSON 15-Activity 4. Let us remember these (points to remember):

The stories of Jesus’ healing in the Gospel show his compassion

for those who suffer. He shows his special love for the poor

Incidents of Healing in the Gospels:

Significant to the public ministry of Jesus Christ were His Miracles,

particularly his healing of the sick. In the Gospels, there are
many stories of Jesus’ healing: He cured the paralytic (cf Mk
2:1-12), and the woman with the issue of blood (cf. Mk5:25-34),
gave sight to the blind Bartimaeus (cf. Mk 10:46-52), restored to
life Jairus’ daughter (cf. Mk 5:21-24, 35-43); He cured the
centurion’s servant boy at Capernaum (cf. Mt 8:5-13); and the
daughter of the persistent Canaanite woman (cf. Mt 15: 21-28);
cleansed the ten lepers, of whom on the one Samaritan to give
thanks (cf. Lk17: 11-19)

 Christ only Message: “Your faith has saved you; go in

peace.” (Lk7L50)
 Christ healing is addressed not only the physical problem
or difficulty of the one seeking His healing. He also
brought forgiveness or healing of the spirit.

The Power to Heal

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
The message of Jesus in the Gospel story and all other incidents
of healing is clear: He has authority not only over physical illness
but also over sin.

Faith and Healing

Faith in the Lord is required in our search for liberation from

suffering, oppression, sickness, and sin because this is how God
speaks and answers us.

This strong faith will move us to pray and to seek the grace of
healing that comes from God through the sacraments. He
speaks through the priest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation,
telling us that we have been forgiven. He is present in the
Eucharist when we partake of His body, we are healed of our
spiritual sickness. And when we are gravely ill and in need of
healing both physically and spiritually, we seek His healing in the
Sacrament of Anointing of the sick.

The healing that Jesus brings is not automatic. A condition to

forgiveness is conversion. We first must have faith that the
sacraments heal, believing that the priest has been given by
Jesus the power to forgive.

Another condition for total forgiveness and healing is our firm

resolve not to sin again. His miracles of healing, Jesus would
often tell the person not to sin again, the call to conversion, and
to do better with the help of His grace.

Faith Miracle
Words An unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by
the power of God; an extraordinary event manifesting divine
intervention in human affairs.

A person whose body or parts of the body cannot move.

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
The act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence
for God.

Members of a learned class in ancient Israel through New
Testament times. They studied the Scriptures and served as
copyist, editors, teachers, and jurists.

Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________

LESSON 15-Activity 5. Let’s see what you have learned (reflection):

Write a prayer of commitment enumerating the actions you will

undertake to show that you will faithfully follow the teachings of Jesus

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher

Pre-assessment Test:

Time frame: 1 week

Performance standard:

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

 Explain why Jesus choose the twelve apostles even if they were not
 Give some ways on how to fulfill the mission entrusted by God?
 Write on how to celebrate the status of being empowered and
confirm follower of Jesus.


Many are called by few are chosen. The Apostles were simple men who
lived simple lives but that did not stop Jesus from choosing them to be His
disciple. When Jesus call them, they immediately responded and left
whatever it was they were doing.

Source: We Celebrate God’s Love 7

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
LESSON 16-Activity 1. Let’s try this!


In its September 1, 2015 online edition, Daily Mail published an article

saying that the Twitter account of the Pope has a total of 14 million
followers. Part of the article reads:

Although the Argentine Jesuit Pontiff is the second most followed world
leader after Barrack Obama, he massively outstrips the US President in the
frequency with which his followers retweet his messages.

This makes him the most influential “tweept” on the planet according to
Twiplomacy 2014, a study how Twitters is being used by world leaders.

The article makes a comparison between Pope Francis and Barrack

Obama. It states that although the US President has more twitter followers
(43.7 million followers against the Pope’s 14 million, each tweet mad by
the Pontiff is on average retweeted nearly 17,000 times, while tweets
made by Obama is retweeted on an average of 1,400 times. This means
that the retweeting of the Popes tweets is 10 times more than that of the
US President.

Answer the following questions

1. Why do you think the Pope has a Twitter Account


2. Why does the article state that the Pope is the most influential Twitter
user in the world?

3. Why do you think more people retweet the tweet s of the Pope than
those of Obama

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
4. Do you follow the Pope on Twitter why? Why yes? Why no.

LESSON 16-Activity 2. Let’s apply this!

Matthew 10:1-4

New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

The Twelve Apostles

10 Then Jesus[a] summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority
over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and
every sickness. 2 These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon,
also known as Peter, and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and
his brother John; 3 Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax
collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; [b] 4 Simon the
Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed him.

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________

LESSON 16-Activity 3. Let’s do this!

Identify the apostles that each of the sentence describe.

Write your answer in the box provided before exam.

1. The beloved apostle of Jesus.

2. The apostle wo betrayed Jesus.

3. The apostle who is also known as Jude.

4. The apostle whose symbol is a fish lying on a Bible.

5. The apostle who is also known as Nathaniel.

6. The apostle who is considered as the first pope of the


7. The apostle who doubted the Resurrection of Jesus.

8. The apostle whose apostolic symbol is a basket.

9. The apostle who was the first of the twelve to become

a martyr.

10. The Apostle whose symbol is a saw.

11. The apostle who is a former tax collector.

12. The apostle who preached in Palestine and Egypt.

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
LESSON 16-Activity 4. Let us remember these (points to remember):

The 12 apostles chosen by Jesus played an important role in the

life and mission of Jesus on earth, Jesus chose them in their
particular characteristics and purpose:


Called Peter, the brother of the apostle Andrew. Both live in

Bethsaida in the province of Galilee. His Greek name was
Simon. His Hebrew name was Cephas. The Greek meaning of
Simon is “Rock”. The Arabic meaning of Cephas is also “Rock”
like his brother Andrew, he was a fisherman seen by Jesus in the
Sea of Galilee, invited him to come with Him (Jesus) and make
them fishers’ of men.


Was the brother of Peter, a fisherman, before Jesus called him

with his brother. Andrew introduced others to Jesus. He was
optimistic and well content in second place. His main purpose
in life was to bring others to the master.

James (The great)

The son of Zebedee and Salome, brother of John the Apostle. A

fisherman from Bethsaida, Capernaum, and Jerusalem. He was
one of the four who accompanied Jesus in two important
events: during Transfiguration and in the garden of
Gethsemane. He was a man of courage and forgiveness, a
man without jealousy, living in the shadow of John, a man of

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Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
extraordinary faith. He was the first of the twelve to be


The brother of James the Great, son of Zebedee and Salome.

He was called the “beloved” because he followed Jesus dearly.
He was closest to Jesus during the last Supper, was present
during the crucifixion in Calvary, the author of the Gospel of
John, John I, John II, John III, and Revelation. He preached
among the churches of Asia Minor and was one of the most
prominent apostle in the early Church. Banished to the Isle of
Patmos, he was later freed and died a natural death.


Came from Bethsaida, a fisherman. He brought Bartholomew

(Nathaniel) to join and follow Jesus. He preached in Phrygia,
Asia Minor, and died a martyr in Hierapolis. His symbol is a
basket, because of his part in the feeding of the five thousand.
It is he that stressed the cross as a sign of Christian Victory.

Bartholomew (Nathaniel)

The son of Talmai and lived in Cana of Galilee. He was invited

by the apostle Philip. Jesus declares, “here was a true Israelite,
in whom there is nothing false.” Nathaniel asked to Jesus “How
do you know me? Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were
still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” Shocked, and
surprised he declare, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are
the king of Israel. Tradition says, he was a missionary in Armenia.
The Armenian Church claims him as its founder and martyr.
However, tradition says that he preached in India, and his death
seems to have taken place there. He died as a martyr for his
Lord. His apostolic symbol is three parallel knives.

Thomas (Didymus- the twin)

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
He lived in Galilee. He appeared in the raising of Lazarus, in the
upper room where he wanted to know how to know the way
where Jesus was going. He doubted about the resurrection of
the Lord unless he sees the nail prints in Jesus’ hands and the
gash of the spear in His side he will not believe. He was known
as the “doubting Thomas” Tradition says, he labored in Parthia,
Persia, India, suffering martyrdom near Madras, at Mt. St.
Thomas, India. His symbol is a group of spears, stones, and

Matthew (Levi)

The son of Alpheus. He lived in Capernaum, a tax collector by

profession. Hated by the Israelites. He travelled to Ethiopia to
spread the Good News and died a martyr. One of the Gospel
was written under his name. the apostolic symbol is three
money bags which reminds us that he was a tax collector
before Jesus called him.

James the Lesser (younger)

The son of Alphaeus or Cleophas and Mary. He lived in Galilee.

He was the brother of the Apostle Jude Thaddeus, and together
he was believed to be Matthew’s brothers. Very little was
written about him in the Gospel. According to tradition, he
wrote the Epistle of James, preached in Palestine and Egypt,
and was crucified in Egypt. He died a martyr and his apostolic
symbol the “saw”

Thaddeus (Jude or Lebbeus)

The son of Alpheus/Cleophas and Mary. Brother of James the

younger. He was called Judas Thaddeus. Appeared in the Last
Supper, he is the one who asked Jesus, “Lord what do you
mean by saying that you will show us what you are like, but you
will not show the people of this world?” tradition says, he
preached the gospel in Edessa near the Euphrates River, Assyria

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
and Persia and died a martyr in Persia. Scholars believed that
he wrote the Book of Jude in the New Testament. The chosen
symbol for him is the ship because he was a missionary thought
to be a fisherman.

Simon (the zealot)

One of the little-known followers called the Canaanite or Zealot.

Zealots were known to be men who would kill to show their
loyalty to Israel. He became a man of great faith to his master
and did service without violence. His name was mentioned with
the apostles in the Gospel a few times and was present in the
upper room of Jerusalem after Christ ascended to heaven.
Tradition say he was crucified and died as a martyr. His
apostolic symbol is a fish lying in the Bible, which indicates he
was former fisherman who became a fisher of men through

Judas Iscariot

He was a Judean and the rest of the disciples were Galileans.

He was the treasurer of the group and among the outspoken
leaders. He was the man who became the traitor among the
twelve for thirty pieces of silver and afterwards hanged himself.
He betrayed Jesus with a kiss. There is no certain reason as to
why he betrayed Jesus; but it is not his betrayal that put Jesus
on the cross - it was our sins. His apostolic symbol a hangman’s
noose, or a money purse with pieces of silver falling from it. After
his death he was replace by: Matthias as the 12th apostle.

The apostles are far from perfect when Jesus called them, yet
by their love for Him and by the power of the Holy Spirit who
strengthen them, they committed themselves to the cause of
the Kingdom and shared passionately in Christ’s mission.

The mission of the apostles

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
After the Resurrection of Jesus, He appeared to the apostles
with His message of peace and commissioning. Jesus
appeared to them and first greeted them, saying “Peace be
with you.” Then He showed them His hands and side and told
them, “Peace be with you” as the Father has sent me, so I sent
you.” Then He breathed on hem and said to them, “Receive
the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and
whose sins you retain are retained.

At various times and in different circumstances, Jesus

empowered His Apostles to participate in His mission of
evangelization. This participation became possible when the
Holy Spirit descended on them and gave them the courage to
carry out their task with fidelity, commitment, and zeal.

Faith Apostle
Which means “a delegate, messenger, one sent forth with
orders. Use to refer to a group made up especially of the 12
followers chosen by Jesus to preach the Gospel.


Means a learner, a pupil, a student.


A Greek word often translated as “ministry” which means

“service.” It is the faithful service of God’s people rendered
unto God and others on His behalf to bring Him glory.

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher
Name: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________

LESSON 16-Activity 5. Let’s see what you have learned (reflection):

Explain the specific mission that Jesus gave to His apostles in the following
texts from the Gospel:

1. John 20:19-23


2. John 21: 15-19


3. Matthew 28:18-20

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CHF 7 [LESSON 13-16]

Prepared by Joemarie S. Matutina – CHF 7 Teacher

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