Agile Transformation at LEGO Group: Research-Technology Management
Agile Transformation at LEGO Group: Research-Technology Management
Agile Transformation at LEGO Group: Research-Technology Management
To cite this article: Anita Friis Sommer (2019) Agile Transformation at LEGO Group, Research-
Technology Management, 62:5, 20-29, DOI: 10.1080/08956308.2019.1638486
OVERVIEW: LEGO Group launched an Agile transformation of its corporate digital departments in early 2018; this trans-
formation included the introduction of a new digital operating model. One year into the transformation, the impact of the
new model is beginning to show in a significant reduction in the time required to respond to change—from months to
weeks—in the company’s core functions. This article describes how the Agile transformation was orchestrated and Agile
values and principles integrated into the process to avoid implementing a set of Agile processes and tools without changing
behavior and mind-set.
Recent years have seen increasing interest in adapting Agile LEGO has just begun its Agile transformation—the trans-
processes to larger organizations, and especially what hap- formation began only a year ago. However, LEGO’s journey
pens when the Agile way of working is scaled to the depart- offers some key lessons for other companies contemplating
ment organizational level. Rigby, Sutherland, and Noble such a change.
(2018), describing examples of Agile organizations (teams of LEGO’s experience demonstrates that an Agile transfor-
teams), argue that Agile transformation can make companies mation can be successfully executed by applying Agile val-
more responsive to change. The Agile transformation at ues and principles to the transformation efforts themselves,
LEGO Group (referred to simply as LEGO) provides a unique enabling Agile behavior rather than prescribing a particular
case study to explore this claim further, as well as an in-depth method or model. This in-depth case study of LEGO’s jour-
study of a novel approach to managing an Agile ney shows how an Agile transformation can be executed
transformation. using Agile values and principles, through a change
Agile transformation in LEGO’s two large digital depart- approach that follows Agile principles of empowerment.
ments has improved responsiveness of digital deliveries, and The transformation story illuminates successes and also
early results show significant improvement in speed of highlights challenges, such as those related to changes in
response to change in many areas, from market engagement the role of leadership and in the emphasis on prioritizing
to digitalization in production. Project delivery time has been deliveries. Overall, the insights from the LEGO Agile
reduced from months to weeks compared to the traditional transformation provide both inspiration and an action
development approach. But perhaps most importantly, the plan for others considering implementing Agile in their
new way of working has improved motivation and satisfac- organizations.
tion among employees in the two departments that kicked
off the Agile transformation—contributing to a significant Background
positive increase in the yearly employee motivation and sat- As the pace of change in most markets increases, companies
isfaction survey score. find that responsiveness—the ability to respond swiftly to
change—is a key competitive capability. For instance, in the
toy market, an increasingly digital marketplace has seen a
much higher rate of change; the market can be altered by
Anita Friis Sommer is a senior innovation manager at LEGO Group. She holds
a postdoctorate on process modeling at the University of Cambridge and a fast-developing, unpredictable developments, such as the
PhD in product development management and a Master’s in engineering fidget spinner, which for a short time in 2017 attracted more
management from Aalborg University, Denmark. She is a double recipient of than 17 percent of the online toy market (Fu 2017). To stay
the Maurice Holland Award (2016 and 2019) for articles on the use of Agile in
competitive in such markets, companies must increase
physical product development.
responsiveness, not only in product development and sales,
DOI: 10.1080/08956308.2019.1638486
Copyright © 2019, Innovation Research Interchange. but also in enabling departments, such as marketing, R&D/
Published by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved. innovation, and IT.
Industry: Toys (fast-moving consumer goods) During the final months of 2017, employees and leaders
alike were given time to consider the change; communi-
Number of employees: 18,000
cate with each other about its possible impact and their
Revenue 2017: 35.0 Billion DKK ($5.2 billion) hopes and fears for the change; and ask the leaders ques-
Net Profit 2017: 7.8 Billion DKK ($1.1 billion) tions about the transformation. Following this early com-
Vision: Inventing the future of play munication, the company sought to generate buy-in from
all leaders; all 70+ leaders from around the world were
Mission: Inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow
summoned to headquarters for a two-day Agile onboard-
ing workshop one month prior to the roll-out of the
managers in the digital marketing team decided to pilot Agile changes to the teams. At this workshop, leaders with Agile
in their projects, using the Scrum methodology within the experience—from both inside and outside of LEGO—
existing Stage-Gate project model. The project managers and shared their perspectives and knowledge, and the LEGO
team members who participated in this experiment were team leaders had an opportunity to ask questions about
excited about the approach. Not only was this way of work- leading Agile and share their reflections and honest con-
ing much more motivating and engaging, it also produced cerns. They also had the chance to try out Agile ways of
value much faster and in closer contact with end users. working on their own using the LEGO Scrum city game
(Steghöfer et al. 2017).
The results of this onboarding quickly became obvious to
Preparing for Transformation
all involved. The leaders left with a clearer understanding of
In 2017, based on these positive experiences, the senior vice
Agile and—crucially—the knowledge that Agile ways of
president of corporate IT, Henrik Amsinck, decided to move
working, by enabling continuous value delivery and quicker
forward with an Agile transformation, including a new digital
response to change, would be critical for LEGO to maintain
operating model, new organizational structure, team empow-
its competitive advantage. At the same time, however, many
erment, and redefined delivery mandates, in two large depart-
questions were left unanswered, especially questions about
ments. Those two departments encompassed more than 500
how the leader role would change when responsibility for
employees located around the world. The roll-out of the trans-
product delivery was handed down to product teams. That
formation was carefully planned to allow team members and
question would be explored further throughout 2018, as the
leaders alike plenty of time to adjust (Figure 3).
Agile transformation unrolled.
The transformation was announced on August 30, 2017,
well before the kickoff, planned for January 2018. The direc-
The Agile Transformation Team
tion was communicated clearly, in an email from the CEO
At the center of the transformation process was a transforma-
to all employees:
tion team of three people responsible for orchestrating the
change journey. The team chose a transformation approach
We are going to organize ourselves around the products
or services that we provide to our LEGO colleagues . . . . inspired by CEB’s (2016) open-source change theory. The
This move to a product oriented, Agile setup is the trend change was not forced but encouraged, by making coaches
seen across the technology industry as digitalization of available, equipping leaders to support the change, and creating
businesses gathers pace. Digitalization is creating a com- real mandate and space for Agile teams to form and mature.
pletely new paradigm in business, where the pace of tech- The underlying principles driving the transformation were
nology change has increased dramatically, the landscape based on the same principles teams were being encouraged
is much more volatile as new digital concepts come and to adhere to—the Agile values laid out in the Agile Manifesto
go, and there is an increasingly blurred technology respon-
sibility. These factors offer IT—as the primary technology 2
Email from Henrik Amsinck to all employees in LEGO Corporate IT,
enabler—unprecedented opportunities to create value by November 9, 2017.
Organizational Transformation
players rather than individual success. The change did pose
Although the Agile transformation was not mandated from
a challenge for leaders, who were charged with defining
the top, supporting it required changes in the company’s orga-
appropriate team rewards (together with the teams). Agile
nizational structure and operating model, as well as adjust-
principles guided the process toward value creation indicators
ments to performance and incentive systems and project
at the customer level. For example, a value-based measure
delivery processes. For instance, the organization moved from
for developers of a consumer-facing software platform was
functional towers to cross-functional product-based teams;
the customers’ net promoter score (NPS) for the platform (a
project (waterfall) delivery processes were shifted to contin-
measure of the customer’s willingness to recommend the
uous delivery models based on prioritization (Figure 4). To
platform to others). As this score became the reward measure
make this shift successful, a change in mandate was also effec-
for the backend platform team, the team’s focus shifted from
tuated, giving full responsibility to product teams that had
delivering according to plan to delivering shared value.
previously been coordinated across functions by middle man-
agement. The funding model was also changed (although
more gradually), from a yearly budgeting process to a frame- Progress toward Transformation
based funding approach in which funds were gradually Although the transformation is only a little over one year in,
released within strategic buckets as product increments added at the end of 2018, some results were beginning to show.
value to the business. Based on informal conversations with transformation leads in
Despite best efforts in the run-up to the transformation, other companies, the transformation team chose as the lead
not all teams were optimally organized for product-based indicator of transformation success increase in employee moti-
delivery at the onset of the change. Those teams were grad- vation and satisfaction within the digital departments. Based
ually morphed to more appropriate team structures over the on this measure, results from the yearly survey, administered
following year. Opportunities for improvement continue to at the end of 2018, show an increase in motivation and satis-
emerge. faction across the digital teams much above expectations,
The reward system was also changed radically to support indicating a successful launch of the Agile transformation.
the shift to a team-focused system. Before LEGO’s transfor- There are other indicators of success as well. Teams that
mation, individuals earned a significant part of their bonuses were able to transform early to Agile ways of working are
by meeting individual KPI goals. New structures made clear delivering value much more quickly, creating several early
the organization’s team focus and sought to reward team successes and benefits:
FIGURE 4. Changes in organizational structure and operating model to support Agile transformation