Agile Management in Product Development
Agile Management in Product Development
Agile Management in Product Development
João Carlos R. de Borba, Luís Gonzaga Trabasso & Marcus Vinicius P. Pessôa
To cite this article: João Carlos R. de Borba, Luís Gonzaga Trabasso & Marcus Vinicius P. Pessôa
(2019) Agile Management in Product Development, Research-Technology Management, 62:5,
63-67, DOI: 10.1080/08956308.2019.1638488
Agile emerged in software development respondents reported that their organi- an analysis of 1,002 projects across mul-
in the 1990s and became popular zations use Agile development meth- tiple industry and countries. They found
mainly after the issue of the Agile ods—up from 80 percent in 2011. That that the level of Agile used in a project
Manifesto by Beck and coauthors in growth—and the documented benefits has a statistically significant effect on
2001. Influenced by the culture of value Agile has yielded those companies—has project success, especially on two
maximization and waste reduction that attracted the attention of other compa- dimensions: efficiency and stakeholder
found its first expression in lean manu- nies, makers of physical things and satisfaction. High-technology, health
facturing, Agile’s methods contrast with designers of experiences alike, in indus- care, and IT firms saw the most benefit,
traditional methods of software engi- tries as diverse as consumer products, mainly because they are heavy users of
neering, which tend to be bureaucratic education, and health care. software, Agile’s birthplace, and thus
and hierarchical. Agile values include According to the Agile Practice Guide, more accustomed to the Agile mindset.
collaboration, team empowerment, iter- Agile techniques and approaches can But firms in other industries also saw
ative and incremental development, enable companies to respond effec- the impact of Agile on project
increased customer engagement, and tively to disruptive technologies and outcomes.
adaptability to change. increased customer demand for more Increasingly, Agile’s practices are
Today, Agile is consolidated in soft- immediate value delivery. According to being adapted to projects that are not
ware development, and its adoption Porter and Heppelmann, in a 2014 HBR exclusively software based. In their
continues to grow year after year. In article, the emergence of smart prod- 2014 article, Conforto and coauthors
VersionOne's 13th Annual State of Agile ucts—products connected to informa- describe an exploratory survey of 19
Report on the use of Agile in companies tion networks in ways that provide companies in different industrial sectors
around the world, 97 percent of alternate avenues for creating and to identify common Agile practices and
delivering value—is exponentially enablers of Agile implementation. The
expanding opportunities for new prod- companies surveyed had some organi-
João Carlos R. de Borba has worked in project
management and product development in IT, uct features and capabilities and even zational enablers similar to software
aerospace & defense, and energy. His research new business models, ushering in a companies, such as highly experienced
focuses on project management methods for product new era in business competitiveness. project teams and project managers,
development, especially the application of Agile
In this new paradigm, product devel- small project teams (up to 12 profes-
and Lean management.
opment processes must accommodate sionals), and multidisciplinary project
Luís Gonzaga Trabasso is a full professor in the
Mechanical Engineering Department of the changes that occur in a project’s late teams that include key departments.
Aeronautics Institute of Technology–ITA and Chief phases and even after the sale. Agile, Conforto and coauthors suggested
Researcher of the SENAI Innovation Institute at with its quick, iterative cycles and close further investigation on how to develop
customer contact, offers a way to adapt a hybrid management model, one that
Marcus Vinicius P. Pessôa is an assistant professor in
to this challenging environment. An integrates Agile with more traditional
the Design, Production, and Management
Department of the University of Twente, the Agile mindset can help a company approaches to help access the benefits
Netherlands. His main research focus is in the build and sustain competitive advan- of Agile while addressing other needs.
improvement of product design and development tage, even as small organizations and Such an approach, they suggested,
startups gain space, profiting from their could also moderate some of the barri-
In this space, we offer a series of summaries on key
ability to rapidly develop products as ers to a full Agile implementation, such
topics, with pointers to important resources, to
keep you informed of new developments and help customer needs emerge. as the resource demands created by
you expand your repertoire of tools and ideas. We But skeptical managers may ask, dedicated project teams, the challenge
welcome your contributions, in the form of does it really work? Evidence is emerg- of colocating all project team members,
suggestions for topics and of column submissions.
ing that it does work, and not just in the difficulty in creating large multidis-
DOI: 10.1080/08956308.2019.1638488
software. Serrador and Pinto, in their ciplinary teams, and the challenge of
Copyright © 2019, Innovation Research
Interchange. 2015 article, report on their empirical involving customers with a high degree
Published by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved. investigation of this question, through of influence in development processes.