Business Brochure 2014A
Business Brochure 2014A
Business Brochure 2014A
Customized Courses
Code of Ethics and Value System. Our academic staffs are very special people
indeed. Since our courses are much more than
We have employees to handle
a series of lectures, and are very practical in
Quality Assurance nature, our academic staff need to be able to
Facilitation and Training walk-the-walk, as well as talk-the-talk. They
Assessment and Moderations are not only great facilitators and teachers, but
Marketing and client liaison they are able to coach, advice and mentor
Office Management learners as they complete their practical work.
Course administration /Feedback Since a key objective of our training approach
Finance and Accounting is to develop learners who have the self-
Human resources confidence and knowledge to apply their skills
when they leave us, they have been carefully
coached to 'facilitate learning' rather than
‘teach’. Our more experienced academic
employees fill a number of roles, including
Course Manager
Lecturer or facilitator
Assessor, examiner or moderator
Customized Courses
Expansion and Growth
We regularly customize our courses and have
the capacity to develop new course material for In this new Millennium, ETI has
specific applications. Please contact us directly. embarked on an ambitious strategy. It is
our intention that the future will see us:
Offering our courses throughout
Courses are scheduled many months in South Africa, including across the
advance, but course dates are subject to borders.
fluctuations in demand. A provisional schedule continuing to build capacity through
is available on request. Please contact us for innovative relationships with
confirmation of these dates and prices and to excellent lecturing staff drawn from
check for the availability of places. academia and the IT profession
continuing to accredit our courses
Specialist Courses with relevant institutions as well as
the National Qualifications
We have a range of additional courses which Framework in South Africa
are run on demand and we also have a range of seeking strong alliances with like-
new courses coming on stream in the near minded training and business
future partners both locally and abroad
More information can be obtained from our So, whether you are a company seeking to
Course office at 22 Ferreira Street, Office develop and consolidate the skills base of
No FF103-1 Nelspruit Mpumalanga or your staff, an individual, or professional
E-mail us on looking to grow your career, or a
professional training company seeking
joint ventures relating to high quality
training, if you have a training need, or a
bright idea, we would like to hear from