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Business Brochure 2014A

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Agri-Skills Development and Training Profile

22 Fereira Street- Shell House,

Office No FF103/1
Nelspruit 1200 Mpumalanga
Office Tell: 013 755 1287
Cell: 076 5344 031/0764456826
E-mail: exacubet@mweb.co.za
Accredited by

Leader in Training and Skills Development

Products and Services Company profile
Agriculture Courses:
National Certificate:
Animal Production level 1-2,
Exacube Training Institute (ETI) is a Propriety
Plant Production level 1-2, Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment company, registered in
Mixed farming system level 1&2, SA. We are a fully-fledged registered training provider, accredited
Horticulture level 1
by AGRISETA. We have fully qualified and accredited trainers,
(Agriseta Accredited)
with many years working experience training in the agricultural
SKILLS PROGRAM: ETI 01: 6Q's ® arena and with experience in a variety of agricultural courses
Training (SMME Business Concepts)
1. What are we trying to do as emerging
farmers? Core Business
2. How will we make it happen?
3. What competencies do we need to be ETI's main business is skills development, but to
successful emerging farmers?
4. What capabilities and resources do we stereotype us as a 'training company' would be to
5. What financial resources do we need? underestimate the value that we contribute to company and
6. How and who will help us to measure
our progress and success? delegate alike. Our targeted skills domains lie at the
SKILLS PROGRAM: ETI 02: intersection of Agriculture and Business, at the point
FARM BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: where organizations can maximize value and measure
Demonstrate the ability to start and
run a business and adapt to changing human development.
business environment
Demonstrate an understanding of  Skills Development in the Agricultural arena.
managerial expertise and administrative  Business and Systems Analysis
capabilities.  Project Management, and Project Administration
Identify the need for capital and
 Quality Assurance and Testing
understand the need for the recording
of the income and different costs in an  Communication skills (Presentations, Workshop
agri-business facilitation, meeting management, Business and
Define production and understand the Technical Writing)
basic activities of production/conversion  Information and Data Modeling
in the agricultural business environment  Business Process Modeling and Business Process
Identify, analyze and select business Management
Demonstrate an understanding of the
importance of marketing
Demonstrate an understanding of
contracts and their sources.
Plan and manage personal finances

Leader in Training and Skills Development

Other Training Products
In-House Training

Many of our courses can be run in-

house if there is sufficient demand in
the organization. Typically a
minimum of 10 delegates are
required to run in-house short courses
or 15 delegates for the National
certificate courses to ensure cost

Customized Courses

We regularly customize our courses

and have the capacity to develop new Professional Qualifications
courseware for specific applications.
Please contact us directly. These programs are generally longer courses offered part-
time, with rigorous continuous assessment. They are
intended for learners who are seeking professional
Courses are scheduled many months recognition for there skills. Most programs and aligned
in advance, but course dates are
subject to fluctuations in demand. A with, accredited by, or certified by the relevant professional
provisional schedule is available on bodies
request. Please contact us for
confirmation of these dates and prices
and to check for the availability of
Professional Services
venues. For venues for the National
certificate courses we advise early Our value-added services are designed to help organizations
bookings. ensure that they obtain enduring value from training,
whether this is by helping them select the correct learner, or
Specialist Courses by ensuring that the work environment has evolved to
We have a range of additional support the high-end training that we deliver. These
courses which are run on demand and services, which are described in more detail include:
we also have a range of new courses
coming on stream in the near future  Organizational Maturity Assessments
 Workshop customization and course development
More information can be obtained  Coaching and mentoring services
from our Course office nr 22  Job profiling
Ferreira Street- Shell House, Office
 Skills Audit assessment and screening
No FF103-1, Nelspruit-
Mpumalanga  Out Come based assessments
 Methodology development and customization
 Change Management

Leader in Training and Skills Development

Our people

ETI prides itself on the quality of its

administrative and academic staffs. While
academic credentials and ability are important,
we recruit staffs primarily for their passion,
professionalism and team spirit.

Our administrative staff is responsible for the

behind-the-scenes running of courses. Since
part of our ethos is to challenge delegates to
push the boundaries of their own capabilities,
training can be a stressful process, especially
when assignments and exams come around.
Their job is to ensure that our delegates
experience the best possible experience while
they are on our training courses, and they need
to be strict but fair and caring when doing this.
They all subscribe to ETI's

Code of Ethics and Value System. Our academic staffs are very special people
indeed. Since our courses are much more than
We have employees to handle
a series of lectures, and are very practical in
 Quality Assurance nature, our academic staff need to be able to
 Facilitation and Training walk-the-walk, as well as talk-the-talk. They
 Assessment and Moderations are not only great facilitators and teachers, but
 Marketing and client liaison they are able to coach, advice and mentor
 Office Management learners as they complete their practical work.
 Course administration /Feedback Since a key objective of our training approach
 Finance and Accounting is to develop learners who have the self-
 Human resources confidence and knowledge to apply their skills
when they leave us, they have been carefully
coached to 'facilitate learning' rather than
‘teach’. Our more experienced academic
employees fill a number of roles, including

 Course Manager
 Lecturer or facilitator
 Assessor, examiner or moderator

Leader in Training and Skills Development

Our people Cont…

All academic employees needs to undergo a

thorough accreditation process, and our
ongoing quality monitoring systems ensure that
they are continually improving the quality and
consistency of our educational programs

The consulting staffs in our Professional

Services Division are experienced practitioners,
drawn from our academic staffs, and
practitioners from industry. We do not body-
shop. Instead, all resources are fully accredited
in the products and services that they are
consulting in, whether they are an Accredited
ETI Performance Coach, a Competency
Assessor, a Methodology Specialist or a
Course Developer

Leader in Training and Skills Development

Other Training Products
In-House Training

Many of our courses can be run in-house if

there is sufficient demand in the organization.
Typically a minimum of 8 delegates are
required to run in-house short courses or 20
delegates for the National certificate courses to
be cost effective.

Customized Courses
Expansion and Growth
We regularly customize our courses and have
the capacity to develop new course material for In this new Millennium, ETI has
specific applications. Please contact us directly. embarked on an ambitious strategy. It is
our intention that the future will see us:
 Offering our courses throughout
Courses are scheduled many months in South Africa, including across the
advance, but course dates are subject to borders.
fluctuations in demand. A provisional schedule  continuing to build capacity through
is available on request. Please contact us for innovative relationships with
confirmation of these dates and prices and to excellent lecturing staff drawn from
check for the availability of places. academia and the IT profession
 continuing to accredit our courses
Specialist Courses with relevant institutions as well as
the National Qualifications
We have a range of additional courses which Framework in South Africa
are run on demand and we also have a range of  seeking strong alliances with like-
new courses coming on stream in the near minded training and business
future partners both locally and abroad
More information can be obtained from our So, whether you are a company seeking to
Course office at 22 Ferreira Street, Office develop and consolidate the skills base of
No FF103-1 Nelspruit Mpumalanga or your staff, an individual, or professional
E-mail us on exacube@telkomsa.net looking to grow your career, or a
professional training company seeking
joint ventures relating to high quality
training, if you have a training need, or a
bright idea, we would like to hear from

Leader in Training and Skills Development

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