Trager 1963
Trager 1963
Trager 1963
Differentiation in Protozoa*
The Rockefeller Institute, New York 21, N . Y
SYNOPSIS. Two main kinds of morphogenetic events occur may be studied to advantage not only in reproduction hut also
among protozoa: (1) reproduction ; ( 2 ) processes of reorgani- in the macrostome-microstome transformation. Other simple
zation, including encystment, excystment, sexual processes, transformations in protozoa providing unparalleled material
structural and physiological adaptations exhibited in the for experiments on cytodifferentiation under controlled condi-
course of complex life cycles, and restorative events elicited tions are excystment and encystment, the amebo-flagellate
by environmental stimuli. Examples of such events are dis- transformation, and the leishmania-leptomonad change. The
cussed with reference both to their own intrinsic interest and more complex transformations occurring in the life cycles of
to their value in the study of cellular differentiation in gen- trypanosomes and in the appearance of sex under the influ-
eral. Stomatogenesis in ciliates provides a remarkable in- ence of an insect hormone provide additional material of basic
stance of extensive and rapid differentiation. The phenomenon significance to an understanding of differentiation.
ARS have been fought over words-words such Cytodifferentiation( 3 1) refers to the process by
W as “nation” or “liberty.” These are words mean-
ing different things to different people, words from
which a cell is transformed into a specialized structure
as rated by the tangible results of this transformation.
which we tend to expect more than we have put into Differentiated cells may produce visible secretions (as
them. In science, such a fighting word is “differentia- in neurosecretory cells) or they may produce secretions
tion.” Some would discard the word completely. And which cannot be seen but the effects of which are de-
it is true-as soon as you attempt to define it pre- monstrable (as hormones), or they may form products
cisely, you are lost. Yet it is a very useful word- which remain part of the cell, as myofibrils or cilia, or
as long as we remember that its meaning must be the tail of a spermatozoon.
rather vague and loose, in keeping with the even more It is important to realize that our recognition of
vague and incomplete state of present knowledge as cytodifferentation depends entirely on the techniques
to how living things come to be the way they are. As we have for its detection. We think of a ciliate like
Paul Weiss has said, it is “idle to indulge in definitions Euplotes as being more highly differentiated than an
of such terms as differentiation and dedifferentiation. ameba because it has so many more structures visible
The task is rather one of identification and precision with the light microscope. A muscle cell has more
of the facts underlying such concepts”(31). visible structure than a fibroblast, and so on. Perhaps
The entire complex process of morphogenesis and if we rated differentiation by some enzymatic criterion,
growth of a multicellular organism involves interac- or by the complexity of mitochondria1 structure as
tions among its constituent cells as well as changes in seen by electron microscopy, we would consider the
the cells themselves, changes whereby originally pluri- ameba more highly differentiated than the ciliate.
potent cells are channeled into one of several courses The essential aspect of differentiation is change-
of transformation. If we can agree that the cells sur- change in the chemistry and morphology of a cell
rounding an individual cell in a multicellular organism making it distinctly different from its previous state,
are in fact an important part of the environment of despite the fact that its nucleus still contains the same
that cell, then the development of that cell in response ehromosomes with the same genetic information. Such
to its environment is the basic phenomenon to be changes occur in protozoa as well as in multicellular
studied. For this the term cytodifferentiation has organisms. It will be the aim of this paper to exam-
been used. ine the kinds of differentiation exhibited by protozoa
* Address of Past President, Society of Protozoologists, with reference both to their own intrinsic interest and
delivered at Corvallis, Oregon, August 31, 1962. especially to their value in the study of cellular differ-
entiation in general. That the protozoa are cellular the cell of a ciliate exhibits some striking analogies to
can no longer be argued. Even in details of fine struc- the behavior of cells in regeneration in multicellular
ture exhibited by the electron microscope they are Organisms. Thus, the kinetosomes become more nu-
obviously comparable to metazoan cells and the term merous and form fields of kinetosomes. These then
“acellular” should be abandoned (see 1 2 ) . become arranged and give rise to the new structures.
Two main kinds of morphogenetic events may be Likewise, the differentiation of eggs of the mosaic type,
observed among protozoa under natural conditions: as found in insects, presents some striking analogies
( I ) reproduction; ( 2 ) processes of reorganization. I n to the differentiation of Stentor(23). In both, certain
the latter category may be placed encystment, excyst- regions of the cytoplasm appear to be predetermined
ment, sexual processes, all the specialized structural for the formation of particular structures. I n the
and physiological adaptations exhibited in the course egg these structures are ultimately expressed through
of complex life cycles, as well as restorative events the formation and activities of numerous cells: in the
elicited by various environmental stimuli. All of these ciliate they find expression through the activities of
may or may not be accompanied by reproduction. kinetosomes. These analogies may be superficial. But
there can be no doubt that if we could find out what
I n the reproduction of a ciliate protozoon a more
makes kinetosomes behave the way they do, we would
or less transverse division of the cell gives rise to 2
have made an important advance toward understand-
daughter cells. But since the original cell has a dis-
ing the mechanisms of cellular differentiation.
tinct antero-posterior axis with quite different struc-
tures at each end, simple transverse fission such as I n their fine structure the kinetosomes of ciliates
occurs in bacteria would produce two very different resemble closely the basal body or centriole of other
and incomplete daughters. both incapable of sustained protozoa and of animal cells in general. All have a
life. Before division occurs, there must take place a fundamental unit consisting of a short cylinder con-
complex process of formaton of new organelles of the taining in its periphery 9 fibrils which may be either
prospective daughter cells. Most striking and of course double or triple( 2,3). Further elaborations may be
most important of those organelles is the mouth. The present. There is good evidence that one centriole
neoformation preparatory to division of the specialized can give rise to another but just how is not known
cilia and membranelles comprising the mouth of the ( 1 0 ) . The morphogenetic role of the centriole in all
posterior daughter in the reproduction of ciliates is cells is well shown by its function in spindle formation
one of the most dramatic of all niorphogenetic events. during mitosis. But in some flagellate protozoa one
This has been studied especially in certain large, free- or two centrioles synthesize all the organelles of the
living ciliates which lend themselves to extensive surgi- cell. The studies of Cleveland( 7,8) on a giant Tricho-
cal operations( 23.26,32). In one of these. Stentor, m o m s and on the large hypermastigote flagellates of
the anlage of the new mouth arises in a particular re- C‘ryptoccrcus and of termites have shown this espe-
gion of the cell along a line of sharp contrast between cially well. The hypermastigotes are among the few
the broad stripes of the dorsal part of the body and cells whose centrioles are so large that we can follow
the narrow stripes of the ventral part. Tartar ( 2 3 ) has their development with the light microscope in living
truly called it “an astonishing achievement of differen- organisms. I n these flagellates each resting cell has
tiation.” In less than 4 hours 15.000 basal bodies are two centrioles, an old one and a new one. From pro-
formed, become aligned in rows by twos or threes, and phase onward, two new ones and two old ones are
produce cilia, ciliary rootlets and a system of connect- present. These new centrioles, in their first genera-
ing fibrils. Cutting and graftng experiments have tion. produce only extranuclear organelles (flagella,
shown that. as in multicellular organisms, formed parts parabasals. asostyles, etc.) ; in their second and later
inhibit neoformation of their like. l-et in cell division generations they produce a new centriole and the
the inhibitory effect of the esisting mouth must some- achromatic figure.
how be temporarily suspended to permit development In view of the apparent morphogenetic potency of
of the new anlage of the posterior daughter. Xeither kinetosomes and centrioles in protozoa these structures
the nature of the inhibition, nor of its removal prepara- certainly deserve more study than they have so far
tory to cell division, are understood. T h e controlling received. Cytodifferentiation must involve some con-
mechanisms, however. have definitely been shown to cept of molecular morphogens. As an example of a
reside in the ectoplasm and certainly to be associated molecular niorphogen. one may cite sickle cell hemo-
with the development of kinetosomes. globin. for this molecule, in an environment lacking
The kinetosomes or basal bodies of ciliates have osygen. causes red cells to assume a characteristic
been assumed to be autonomous, self-duplicating nior- shape. I t seems possible that in the formation of
phogenetic agents(lS), but there is no proof of this various fibrillar structures from centrioles we have a
( 1 2 ) . It is interesting that the behavior of kineto- system which will ultimately be susceptible to descrip-
somes in the formation of dfferentiated structures in tion in terms of such a concept. The importance of
fibrous proteins in morphogenesis has been thoroughly tion products, drying, lack of oxygen, hormones of the
treated by Berrill( 1). host. Excystment may follow merely placing a dry
The differentiative processes discussed so far are cyst in water, but more often special stimulatory sub-
concerned with the formation of new individuals. Per- stances are needed, such as sugars and organic acids.
haps of even greater interest are differentiations in- Visible changes during the encystment process include:
volving change in form or function, often not accom- (1) secretion of cyst wall; (2) storage of reserves; (3)
panied by reproduction. I n this category belong the resorption of organelles and dedifferentiation of struc-
changes occurring in the life cycles of protozoa. Some tures such as the contractile vacuole system; (4) loss
of these life cycles, as I need hardly tell this audience, of water with increase in density of the protoplasm.
are extremely complex. A very simple cycle is illus- Vickerman( 27,28) has recently reported interesting
trated by certain free-living ciliates which can exist differences in fine structure between mitochondria of
either as small forms with a relatively small mouth trophic and encysted Acanthamoeba. Whereas the
(microstomes) , or as larger forms with a relatively very mitochondria of the trophic amebas contain a single
much larger mouth (macrostomes). The microstomes intracristal spherical inclusion of 500-1000 A . diameter,
generally feed on bacteria, the macrostomes on other in the encysted amebas these inclusions are 3000-5000
ciliates. The adaptive significance of the large mouth A diameter and occupy about half the mitochondrion.
for carnivorous feeding is obvious. This polymorph- Physiological changes occur too. Pigon & Edstrom
ism is well known in Tetrahymena vorax and has re- ( 17) have measured the respiration of individual cili-
cently been studied in T . patula. Interestingly enough, ates (Colpoda cucullus) during encystment and ex-
the latter when grown axenically exhibited both forms cystment. They found that the animal settled down
in a medium with lettuce extract; in a medium with- and secreted a delicate cyst membrane before there
out lettuce extract, in which growth was slow, only was any marked decrease in respiratory rate or rate
macrostomes were present(33). Clones started from of pulsaton of the contractile vacuole. The respira-
either type produced both in an appropriate environ- tory rate then dropped, at first rapidly and then more
ment. When given washed T . pyriformis as food, the slowly, from an average of 11.3 X l o p 5 pl 02/hr to
T . patula became carnivorous and only macrostomes only 1.3 after 24 hours. It remained constant a t this
were present. Under axenic conditions both tempera- low level for a t least 4 weeks. When a so-called “un-
ture and p H affected the proportion of macrostomes, stable” resting cyst of this type was put in hay infu-
which was always greatest toward the end of the sion medium, it showed within 60 to 100 minutes a n
growth cycle. I n the phase of logarithmic multiplica- increase in respiration, and the contractile vacuole re-
tion only microstomes were present. I n the stationary appeared. Excystment occurred in 2 to 3 hours and
phase a t p H 7.0 and a temperature of 20“C, 100% of respiration reached the pre-encystment level after an-
the organisms had changed to macrostomes, whereas other hour or two.
at 25” only 50% were macrostomes(22). The con- Still a third reversible differentiating system in pro-
version from microstome to macrostome involves re- tozoa is provided by the amebo-flagellate transforma-
organization: the old oral apparatus is not directly tion. This phenomenon, first seen by Schardinger( 19)
transformed into the new; on the contrary, the old oral in 1899, was described in detail by Bunting(5) and
apparatus is resorbed and replaced by the differentia- by Hollande( 13) for Tetramitus rostratus. The cyst
tion of a new mouth from a field of kinetosomes which of this species gives rise to a uninucleate ameba which
arises just posterior to the old mouth. Actually this can multiply as such indefinitely under appropriate
is formed in about the same place in which a new environmental conditions. If the medium is diluted
mouth would be farmed preparatory to division. N o enough, or the O2 tension reduced, the amebas change
division occurs, however, and the new mouth moves to flagellates. At NaCl concentrations of ~ / 1 6to
forward to replace the resorbed old one. But the N/20 Tetramitus then multiplies as a flagellate. At
change from macrostome to microstome always in- concentrations of N/8 to ~ / 1 4it again becomes ame-
volves division, one macrostome giving rise to two boid. Recent experiments( 16) indicate that the con-
microstomes. Here we have available for study under trol of transformation in Tetramitus is more complex
controlled environmental conditions a reversible dif- than had been supposed. Some culture strains have
ferentiation which occurs in nature and is of functional lost the ability to become ameboid. Cell density itself
significance to the organism. seems to be an important factor. When a n ameba is
Another such reversible differentiation is the process about to change to a flagellate, two blepharoplasts ap-
of encystment. Protozoan cysts may be highly differ- pear and migrate rapidly to the posterior pole of the
entiated structures: yet the organism within often loses ameba; each produces two flagella. T h e pseudopods
all its extranuclear organelles, only to regain them be- of the ameba retract, its body becomes conical, a cyto-
fore excystment. Numerous factors tend to produce stome forms at what is now the new anterior end, and
encystment: deficiency of food, excess of food, excre- the flagellate swims away. T h e contractile vacuole
stays in place: hence it is posterior in the ameba, an- grow only inside another living cell( 24). Recent elec-
terior in the flagellate. This reversal of the antero- tron microscope studies(l8) show that in the change
posterior pole may not involve a fundamental change from leishmania to leptomonad the kinetoplast enlarges
in polarity, for Hollande notes that the ameba ingests and seems to be forming much new mitochondria1 ma-
food at its posterior end, the end which becomes an- terial. This would fit with the greater synthetic ac-
terior in the flagellate and which now has the cyto- tivities of the leptomonad form.
stome, where food is again ingested. The whole change Trypanosomes are yet another group of hemoflagel-
from ameba to flagellate takes about 30 min. The lates exhibiting profound changes in metabolism as
reverse change is slower. T h e flagella stop moving,
well as form during their life cycle. The blood stream
the flagellate loses its definite contours, suddenly be-
forms of the African trypanosomes metabolize sugar
comes ameboid and changes direction with the appear-
ance of a large anterior pseudopod. The flagella. cysto- without the intervention of cytochromes, whereas the
stome, rhizoplast and the blepharoplast disappear. forms in the midgut of the tsetse fly respire with a
Very similar processes have recently been described cytochrome system. T h e end products of sugar me-
by Bovee(4). I n a related species, n’aegleria gruberi, tabolism are quite different in the two stages (29). The
although the flagella appear a t the posterior end. they midgut forms are unable to infect a mammalian host
migrate to the anterior end. For this species \Yillmer (or even to survive at 3 7 “C) but when they reach the
(34) has shown that osmotic pressure per se is not the salivary glands of the fly some morphogenetic effect
determining factor in the change from ameba to flagel- is here exerted which transforms them so that they
late. Certain ions, including S a but especially JIg. resemble blood stream forms and are able to infect the
a t appropriate concentrations are specifically effective mammalian host. This effect has been duplicated in
in suppressing the change from ameba to flagellate. vitro only sporadically ( 11,30). For Trypanosoma
The change will nevertheless occur in non-electrolyte vizlax cultivation in the presence of living tsetse By
solutions as concentrated as M ’ 5 . With methods now tissue and exposure to a temperature of 38°C brought
available for growing these ameba-flagellates axenically about the appearance of infective trypanosomes( 2 5 ) -
in defined medium. with concomitant studies by elec- Here we have a cellular differentiation which results in
tron microscopy and of changes in enzyme activities the dramatic change from a harmless symbiote of in-
and in nucleic acids, we might get some surprising in- sects to a pathogenic parasite of mammals.
formation. Fortunately. such studies have already .4n analogous change has already been studied in
been begun by Balamuth and his associates( 1 6 ) . more detail in a trypanosome of frogs, Trypanosoma
A phenomenon superficially resembling the one just mega. This parasite grows in culture as a crithidia,
discussed is the transformation from an aflagellate to presumably corresponding to stages in an invertebrate
a flagellate state of certain parasitic flagellates, such vector. I n the blood of the frog it lives as a larger
as Leishmania donovani. This organism. which causes trypanosome form with a conspicuous undulating
kala-azar in man, grows inside reticuloendothelial cells membrane. Steinert (20) found that a few trypano-
as an intracellular ovoid body. It is transmitted by somes would appear in the crithidial cultures if a high
sand flies, and within the alimentary tract of an in- concentration of serum was added to the medium.
fected fly it grows extracellularly as an actively motile Contrary to expectation, i t turned out that the active
flagellate, the so-called leptomonad. In this stage it substance in serum was not a protein but urea. Urea
can also grow in culture. added a t a physiological concentration of only 0.016
The change from leishmania to leptomonad can be 11 could bring about the appearance in zritro of typical
easily produced in vitro. It suffices to grind up the blood stream trypanosomes. T h e percentage of trans-
spleen of an infected hamster and prepare a suspension formed organisms depended on the stage of growth
of leishmanias in nutrient broth. If this is left a t of the culture. During the phase of logarithmic in-
25-28”C, within a few hours flagellate forms begin to crease the addition of urea had no effect. I n the sta-
appear. The reverse change. however. does not occur tionary phase up to half of the crithidia changed to
in vitro. Flagellates placed at body temperature ( 3 7 ) trypanosomes in the presence of urea. Here we have
die. unless supplied with living cells; if they get inside beautifully illustrated the phenomenon called “compe-
a living host cell they change to leishmanias and multi- tence” by the embryologists. Only in stationary
ply as such. The change here is more profound than phase do the flagellates in the culture become compe-
in the amebo-flagellate transformation: at room tem- tent to transform into trypanosomes under the influ-
perature not only does the form change and a flagellum ence of urea. The detailed analysis which this system
appear, but the organism acquires the ability to grow deserves has only begun. The Steinerts( 2 1) have found
extracellularly in an appropriate nutrient medium. At that urea added to a competent culture stops the up-
3 7 ” the flagellum is resorbed and key synthetic proc- take of tritiated thymidine by those cells which trans-
esses must be inactivated, for the organism can now form but not by those which remain as crithidia.
Whether this is a cause or an effect of the transforma- to form a material it has not previously been produc-
tion, we cannot yet say. ing. Ultimately we will have to know much more
Finally, I should like to consider the morphogenetic about the intracellular milieu-the medium within
effect of an insect hormone, ecdysone, on protozoa. which the nucleus and the cytoplasmic organelles in-
The flagellates of the hindgut of the wood-feeding teract to form specialized substances and structures.
roach Cryptocercus ordinarily reproduce by mitotic I n the meantime, I hope that this brief review has
division, but, as Cleveland(6) has shown, they all ex- indicated the special opportunities provided by pro-
hibit sexual phenomena associated with the molting tozoa in this central problem of biology.
of their host. There will be time to review these phe-
nomena only for the single genus Trichonympha. REFERENCES
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l O ( l ) , 6-10 (1961).
SYXOPSIS. .4dult mice, adult hamsters. ?L-day-old rats, and young rats-blood, spleen, liver, bone marrow ; older rats-
240-250 gram rats were each infected with one million para- blood. liver, spleen, bone marrow ; adult mice-no significant
sitized red cells. Significant differences in the distribution of difference between blood and liver, next in rank bone mar-
schizonts in the tissues of the four groups of animals ranked row, spleen; hamster-blood, but no significant differences
from the lowest to the highest were found to be as follows: among the organs.
LTHOVGH the unequal distribution of malaria He found that immediately before maximum segmenta-
14 in its avian, human and rodent hosts has been
well known for many years, little attention has been
tion, more segmenters occurred in the liver than in
the peripheral blood, bone marrow, or spleen. At all
given the possible variatons in the distribution of the times in the cycle he found more parasites in the liver
dividing forms. The fact that the segmenting stages than in any other part of the body. Hewitt(6) in a
of Plasmodium fakiparum are confined to the capil- later investigation, noted that in P . relictum and P .
laries of the visceral organs is well established. Talia- cathemerium the concentration of parasites was not
ferro 'and Taliaferro( 14) and Taliaferro and Cannon constant, but that the spleen and bone marrow usually
( 13 ) , while attempting the transmission of P. falci- harbored fewer parasites than did the liver or periph-
parum to howler monkeys, noted a scarcity of seg- eral blood.
menters in the peripheral blood in spite of the fact Schizonts have been observed after blood inoculation
that the parasite numbers continued to increase. They of P . berghei in the internal organs of rats and mice
concluded that the segmenters must exist in the capil- by Galliard and Lapierre(3), Vargues and Fabiani
laries of the internal organs. During the crisis, seg- ( 1 5 ) and Baldi( 1 ) . N y e ( 9 ) working with a strain
menters were observed in the perpheral blood in having a n asynchronous cycle, found the dividing
greater numbers than at any other time. This sug- forms irregularly in the blood, but she found no con-
gested to them that adverse conditions elsewhere centration in the organs of the hamster.
tended to drive them into the blood. They concluded The following investigation was a comparative study
that the bone marrow and the spleen were the actual of the numbers of schizonts found in the blood, liver,
sites of segmentation. spleen and bone marrow of rats, mice and hamsters
Hegner and Eskridge(4) found even distribution of infected with P. berghei. T h e roles played by immu-
schizonts throughout the bodies of canaries infected nity and age resistance were also considered.
with P . cathemerium, whereas Hewitt(5) using a
Mexican strain of P . relictum, concluded that parasites MATERIALS AND METHODS
were unequally distributed throughout the body of The S e w York University strain (NYUz) of P . bevghei ob-
tained from Dr. Meir Yoeli of the New York University Dr
the canary a t different times during the asexual cycle. partment of Preventive Medicine was maintained in Carworth
* Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Farms X o . 1 strain (CF-I) female adult mice by weekly intra-
the degree of Dvctor of Philosophy at S e w York rniversity. peritoneal blood passage. LVeekly passage was made by the
1961. collection of several drops of tail blood in normal sterile saline