Tender Railway PDF
Tender Railway PDF
Tender Railway PDF
Annexure V
Harish Sharma,
I………………… director
………………(Name and designation)** appointed as the
attorney/authorized signatory of the tenderer (including its constituents),
Kaustav Industries Private Limited
M/s……………………………………………………….. (hereinafter called the
tenderer) for the purpose of the Tender documents for
the work of Wiring & Cabling CWM Building
………………………………………………………….as per the
EL-50-93-2022-23 West Central
tender No…………………………….. of (--------------- Railway), do hereby solemnly
affirm and state on the behalf of the tenderer including its constituents as
1. I/we the tenderer (s), am/are signing this document after carefully reading
the contents.
2. I/We the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have
signed all the pages in confirmation thereof.
Signature Not
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.03.04
11:49:25 IST
Location: New Delhi
Annexure V - Certificate by the tenderer
Date - 30.05.2022
** The contents in Italics are only for guidance purpose. Details as appropriate are
to be filled in suitably by tenderer.