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Attendance System Using QR Code

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Table of Content

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Project Objectives ……………………….…………………………………………….…. 2

Significance of the project ………………………………………………….……………. 3

Project Scope ……………………………………………………..……………………… 3

Definition of Terms ……………………………………….….………………………….. 3

Review of Related Literature ………………………………………………………….………… 4

Attendance System …………………………………...………………………………….. 4

Importance Attendance in the university ………………………………………………… 4

Importance of Attendance System ……………………….……………………………… 5

Taking Attendance Problems ……………………………………………………………. 5

The importance of keeping/monitoring attendance records for all students …………….. 5

Module of the System ……………………………………………………….………….. 6

Information collected by the System ……………………………………………………. 6

Methodology ……………………………………………………….………….………………… 6

Database ……………………………………………………………….………………… 6

Neural Network ………………………………………………………………….………. 6

System Flow ……………………………………………………………………………… 6

Requirements Analysis ……………………………………………………….………….. 7

Requirement Procedure ………………………………………….……………………….. 7

Feasibility Analysis and Design Procedure ………………………………………………. 7

Programming Procedure …………………………………………………….……………. 7

Testing Procedure ………………………………………………………………………… 7

Implementation Plan ……………………………………………………………. 7

References …………………….………………………………………………………………… 8

Appendix ………………………………………………………………………….…………….. 9
Attendance System Using QR Code in
Marinduque State College
Glaiza Joy D.G Sena
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
1. Introduction Furthermore, an attendance system must be
Nowadays, many teachers use the traditional implemented at Marinduque State College to
Amethod for taking attendance, in which teachers optimize monitoring attendance and provide more
call students one by one or students fill out or sign accurate and efficient results.
attendance sheets manually. Attendance records This system employs the QR code technique.
were kept in class, and the exam will cover It proposes a system in which a QR code
material covered in class lectures. That is why automates the entire process of taking attendance.
attendance is so important in every student and As a result, the system will save not only time but
every lecture of a teacher, as well as in monitoring also the effort that instructors were supposed to
grades. put in during each lecture.[1] It will make the
Taking students' attendance in schools during process of taking attendance and give enough
each class is a time-consuming process, especially time for the lecture to be properly delivered. It
when classes are huge.[1] records and stores student attendance in the
Attendance leads to higher attendance rates, college daily. It will speed things up of taking
higher grades, and a more satisfying educational attendance and allow more time for the lecture to
experience. Students who attend classes more be delivered properly.
frequently to improve their grades, particularly if The attendance system makes it easier for
they are weaker or have the potential for a top teachers to monitor student attendance. To ensure
class. Attendance is an important component of that student attendance records are valid and
taking part in daily lectures at university or in accurate. The information in the attendance
schools. It is the act of being present in a class or system can be easily printed, or a soft copy can be
attending one. sent directly to the teacher's email account. This
system automatically records attendance without
the need for human intervention. It is recorded by reporting and evaluation of a student's attendance
scanning a QR code, which captures student eligibility. This system cannot be fake because
information and tracks attendance. This system students use their own QR codes to verify their
provides useful online facilities for easy record present in class. Monitoring a student's attendance
keeping not only for lecturers but also for related ensures that the data is safe and accurate. The
academic management staffs, specifically for system can track classroom violations such as
monitoring students' progress. absence, late arrival, early departure, free access,
Attendance takes time when we use and carelessness for attendance and provide an
manual methods. It takes much longer, especially attendance table that reflects the learning situation
when the classes are huge. While calling each of all students after school. This system saves a
person one by one for attendance, this should be lot of time and is a very secure process in which
the time to discuss the lesson. Students may fake no one can mark the attendance of others.
their attendance records. Students can take their Attendance system that keeps track of each
attendance for them. Then it easily has an student's attendance and shows how many days
attendance for that day, but students who are not they are present and how many days they are
attending the class but are present in attendance absent in class. As a result of these features,
has a disadvantage, particularly in the lesson they teachers will be able to easily identify and collect
missed. They did not follow the entire lesson and attendance from their students. System has a
it no hands-on activity or the quiz they make in feature of sending attendance data from every
the time of classes. In collecting or monitoring lecture to the teachers Gmail address.
attendance can lead an error or missing data in Furthermore, even the system sends to the
attendance sheet. As a result, data attendance can lectures the data of attendance it also saves the
have an impact on students' performance and lead data in the system. If ever a lecturer's Gmail fails
to mistakes when it comes to computing grades. to work, they can view the system's history and
Implementing an attendance system that see information about their students' attendance.
allows for easy access to each student's
attendance. A system that collects and sends all 1.2 Project Objectives
data on a student's attendance in a face-to-face or Generally, this project aims to develop an
online class to the teacher's Gmail address. A Attendance System that will monitor the
system can view a class attendance history, attendance of every student in Marinduque State
including time in and out. System that generates College.
the total automatically and sends it to the teachers'
Gmail address. This system will also aid in the
Specifically, this aims to: information of attendance that they are attending
1. Assess the feasibility of the development the class.
of Attendance system for students. 1.4 Project Scope
2. Analyze the existing system of the The project involves several processes
Attendance. such as requirement, analysis and design,
3. Design an attendance system that will programming, testing, and implementation.
improve the existing system: Under requirement, experience and
a. To improve in monitoring observation in every year and section is conducted
attendance as well as the literature review.
b. System that reduces errors in terms A feasibility study is conducted for
of collecting data. analysis and design to determine if the proposed
c. System that will print an system can be implemented, and the department
attendance record with the average can adapt to the project. Project deliverables such
of their attendance in the class. as the Work Breakdown Structure and the Gantt
4. Test the functionality of the developed Chart have been prepared. Data flow diagram or
Attendance system. flowchart or use-case diagram.
In programming, coding and unit test are
1.3 Significance of the Project
required and the progress of programming task
The developed system would benefit first
this system will be executed.
the teachers in department of IIST. They will be
For testing and validation, requirements
able to monitor the student’s attendance with their
review, department and students will be testing
student information and their previous history of
the system and feedback will be conducted.
attending classes. It will become easier for them
For implementation, it implements the
to look for the data of attendance because the
system and deploy and test the system.
students record will be more organized. The
benefit from this project to the teachers is by
1.5 Definition of Terms
reducing the effort of checking attendance and
Automates is an automatic attendance system that
allowing them to easily monitor who is late and
can track students' attendance.
who is on time. Second, the students in the
Human Intervention pertains that human involves.
department of IIST, it will allow them to speed the
History it shows here the records of attending the
attendance process and they be given a more
accurate attendance sheet that will see the history
Monitor refers to records the attendance.
of their attending classes so, they have an

Traditional Method it pertains the manual that student attendance records are valid and
methods like, calling one by one students. accurate. The information in the attendance
2. Review of Related Literature system can be easily printed, or a soft copy can be
sent directly to the teachers email account. This
Attendance is an important
system works without human intervention to
component of participation in daily lectures at
automatically mark attendance. It is recorded by
university or in schools. It is the act of being
using a QR code that captures student information
present at or attending a class. Attending class
and marks their attendance. This is accessible at
helps them learn more, and attendance is usually
any time and can greatly assist lecturers in
a good indicator of good course performance.
keeping track of their students' attendance. This
Students in schools are required to maintain the
system offers useful online facilities for easy
level of attendance. Attendance records were kept
keeping records not only to lecturers but also to
in class, and the exam will contain material
related academic management staffs, specifically
covered in class lectures. That is why the
for the purpose of monitoring students' progress.
attendance is so much important in every student
and every lecture of a teachers and in monitoring 2.3 Importance Attendance in the university
grades. A class attendance in college that has a
college grade strong relationship. Students who
do not attend class may face a variety of Attendance is a very essential factor in
consequences. It has an impact on their academic many institutions and academics that is used for a
performance, therefore, it should encourage class variety of purposes. These purposes include
attendance to effectively develop their skills and maintaining records, assessing students, and
knowledge. encouraging optimal and consistent attendance in
class. Attendance is commonly regarded as an
2.2 Attendance System Definition
indicator of a student's level of engagement with
Attendance system is an online method for their course and is important to student success.
keeping attendance records in such a way that the Students' attendance appears to be more important
lecture time can be better utilized in providing points in educational institutions for evaluating
useful materials rather than wasting time taking students. Attendance is the amount of time
attendance. Attendance system brings many students spend in class, and it is assessed in hours
benefits to universities. It is to make keep the per day, days per week, sessions per month, and
student attendance easier and the procedure for percentage of time.
teachers in monitoring is piece of cake. To ensure
2.4 Importance of Attendance System students are helping their friends by signing in
their attendance if they are absent from the
An attendance system can be used to
university using traditional or manual methods. If
identify and monitor the attendance of many
the attendance sheet is lost, the professor must
students in universities. This attendance system is
take attendance again, and absent students are
more accurate and effective because it can access
given the opportunity to make their presence
information from anywhere and tally results
known on a new sheet. The attendance of students
immediately. It is more secure during and after
is not available for analysis, and it is recorded on
taking attendance. The lecturer can easily access
paper and not uploaded to a centralized system.
a student attendance system that provides
Attendance time spent collecting data reduces
valuable information about the students and
efficient lecture time. It becomes difficult for
generates reports using real-time processing. This
university professors to update the attendance
system also generates an attendance report with
record on a regular basis and manually calculate
the date, then automatically emailed to the faculty
the percentage of classes missed and attended. If
or teachers. This attendance system will make it
attendance is taken by hand, it can place a
easier to manage attendance, and it will be more
significant burden on teachers.
precise and efficient.
2.7 The importance of keeping/monitoring
2.5 Taking Attendance Problems
attendance records for all students

The traditional method makes for easy

impersonation, and the attendance sheet can be Attendance system it enables access to a

stolen or lost. It is difficult to determine the specific student's attendance in a specific class.

number of students who have met the minimum This system will also aid in the reporting and the

percentage. The manual attendance record system evaluation of a student's attendance eligibility.

is time consuming. It takes more time to organize The system can track such classroom violations as

records and calculate each student's average absence, late arrival, early departure, free access,

attendance. and carelessness for attendance, and provide an

attendance table that reflects the learning situation
2.6 Problem faced by students and teachers of all students after school. This saves a lot of
time, and it is a very secure process that no one
Some students may have signed another
can mark the attendance of others. Attendance is
student's name by mistake or on purpose, and the
stored on the server so that anyone, including
attendance sheet may have been misplaced. Many
administration, parents, teachers, and students
themselves can access it. In this system is in use, 3. Methodology
attendance records are manually analyzed and 3.1 Database
maintained by teachers to determine the present SQLite is used to manage the attendance database
and absent student list. The attendance system is for students. The database stores subject names,
being used to solve this problem. The attendance codes, student names, and attendance status.
systems are generally implemented using QR
codes. This system will be a successful method of 3.2 Neural Network
managing student attendance and records. This is accomplished with the goal of developing
detection systems that incorporate artificial
2.8 Module of the System
intelligence to create an intelligent system. The

• Students’ Registration – This module use of neural networks for QR codes has been

students will register first in the demonstrated, and it can see the suggestion of a

system they will input their semi-supervised learning method for QR codes

information to get a QR code. that uses support vector machines. Many efforts

• QR code scanning – This module the have been made to implement neural networks in

students will scan their codes to get the addition to the standard techniques.

system their information and know

that attending the class. 3.3 System Flow
A student can use the Android application to log
• Attendance Data – This module all
students have an history in attendance into the system. After successfully logging into

that will easily know how many absent the system, the student will click the "SCAN THE

and attending the class also QR CODE" button to scan the QR code generated

immediately recording their by the university's event organizer. The

attendance. information contained in the QR code, as well as

the student's location and identity, will be sent to
2.9 Information collected by the System the database server following the scanning
process. This is to ensure that the student is
• Student Attendance
registering their attendance in the event
• Students Information
• Total of Students Attendance
• History of Attendance

3.4 Requirements Analysis 3.7 Programming Procedure
Prior to beginning this project, it conducted a Programming language is needed to create
requirement analysis in a meeting with IT the system to codes to build a system and to the
Operation officers from the IT Centre. programming task that can execute.
Development plan will help to get a
3.5 Requirement Procedure desired coding that will create the system. In WBs
To get the needed information, can show the
investigation was done thru fact finding In the Work Breakdown Structure can
techniques such as experience, observation, and show the sub-main task and shows how the task
research. work.
Reviewing the related literature was done 3.8 Testing Procedure
to gather information about the problem and Upon series of experiences and
possible solution to be develop. In addition, to observation used in gathering information, the
compare the ideas and previous work of other features and functionalities of the system were
researcher, literature was cited and thoroughly proposed. In developing the system, the following
analyzed to be knowledgeable about the proposed methods will be used:
study. Flowchart to illustrate the existing process
of the organization and the flow of the proposed
3.6 Feasibility Analysis and Design Procedure system. The flowchart is used to provide clear
Feasibility analysis is conducted through picture of the organization process and expected
a series of experiences and observation. Various capability of the system.
research work related to the proposed system to Moreover, after the development
understand the process involved. This analysis procedures, testing procedure will be executed
helps in determining if the proposed project is using Alpha Testing. ISO 9126 will use to
feasible or not. measures the system quality base on the user’s
Operational feasibility is conducted using feedbacks.
SWOT analysis of the department for the 3.5 Implementation Plan
proponents to define the implementation of After the development, the developed
attendance system strengths and weaknesses on system will be tested thru initial deployment in the
how they are capable to adapt the changes that the department. Presentation on how work the QR
system may bring. codes will be conducted for the awareness of the
user in using the system.
Control and System Graduate Research
Colloquium (pp. 213-218). IEEE.
[1] Masalha, F., & Hirzallah, N. (2014). A Aden, A. A., Yahye, Z. A., & Dahir, A. M. (2013).
students attendance system using QR The effect of student's attendance on academic
code. International Journal of Advanced performance: a case study at simad university
Computer Science and Applications, 5(3). mogadishu. Academic Research
International, 4(6), 409.
Moore, R. (2003). Attendance and
performance. Journal of College Science Walia, H., & Jain, N. (2016). Fingerprint Based
Teaching, 32(6), 367. Attendance Systems-A Review. International
Research Journal of Engineering and
Credé, M., Roch, S. G., & Kieszczynka, U. M. Technology, 3(5), 1166-1171.
(2010). Class attendance in college: A meta-
analytic review of the relationship of class Al Sheikh, R., Al-Assami, R., Al-Bahar, M., Al
attendance with grades and student Suhaibani, M., Alsmadi, M., Alshabanah, M., ...
characteristics. Review of Educational & Tayfour, M. F. (2019). Developing and
Research, 80(2), 272-295. implementing a barcode based student attendance
system. International Research Journal of
Fjortoft, N. (2005). Students' motivations for class Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume, 6.
attendance. American Journal of Pharmaceutical
Education, 69(1-5), 107. Sawhney, S., Kacker, K., Jain, S., Singh, S. N., &
Garg, R. (2019, January). Real-time smart
Patil, A., & Shukla, M. (2014). Implementation of attendance system using face recognition
classroom attendance system based on face techniques. In 2019 9th international conference
recognition in class. International Journal of on cloud computing, data science & engineering
Advances in Engineering & Technology, 7(3), (Confluence) (pp. 522-525). IEEE.
Wei, X., Manori, A., Devnath, N., Pasi, N., &
Kassim, M., Mazlan, H., Zaini, N., & Salleh, M. Kumar, V. (2017). QR Code Based Smart
K. (2012, July). Web-based student attendance Attendance System. International Journal of
system using RFID technology. In 2012 IEEE Smart Business and Technology, 5(1), 1-10.

Organizational Chart


Ms. Maria Nessa
M. Solomon

Member/Adviser Head Teachers Administration

Ms. Doreena Joy C.

Borya Ms. Beneden M.
Teacher Logmao


Teacher Teachers

Figure 1. Organizational Chart

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Attendance System Using QR Codes Implementation
1. Requirement
1.1 Requirement plan
1.2 Study and observe the current situation
1.3 Retrieve document
2. Analysis and Design
2.1 Diagram of design system
2.2 Review design document
3. Programming
3.1 Development plan
3.2 Coding and unit task
3.3 Report progress of programming task
4. Testing
4.1 Test plan
4.2 Test case
4.3 System test
4.4 User acceptance testing
5. Implementation
5.1 Implement Plan
5.2 Implement System and deploy
5.3 Test System
Figure 2. Work Breakdown Structure

Gantt Chart

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9

Analysis and Design
Collect issues found
Analysis Complete

Figure 3. Gantt Chart

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
• The department • The internet connection
provides needed or in the department
system resources. building is slow.
• Ensures attendance • The staff and students
processing accuracy have no idea how to
and consistency use

Opportunities Threats
• The budget for the • The population of
system is provided by enrollees is getting low
another department. • The department staff
• The system is being did not want to
used by another implement the system,
department. and there was lack of

Figure 4. SWOT Analysis

Flowchart of Existing System



Sign Up/ Login


Students Details Generates QR Code

Scan QR Code

No Yes

Mark Attendance

Store and

Stop Results

Figure 5. Flowchart of Existing System

Flowchart of Proposed System



Students Attendance Teachers View

Portal Attendance

Information Students Biodata
Admin and course

Take Attendance


Figure 5. Flowchart of Proposed System


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