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Matter-Wave Exercise 1 - 4 Module-6

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Total number of Questions in this chapter are :

(i) Level # 1 ....................... 47

(ii) Level # 2 ....................... 20

(iii) Level # 3 ....................... 22

(iv) Level # 4 ....................... 10

Total no. of questions ....................... 99

De-Broglie Hypothosis Q.7 The mass of a particle is m kg. If mass is
increased nine times keeping its energy
constant, then the de-Broblie wavelength
Q.1 If the value of Planck’s constant is more than associated with it will
its present v alue then the De-Broglie
wavelength associated with a material particle (A) Remain unchanged
will be - (B) become half
(A) more (C) become one third
(B) less (D) become nine times
(C) same
(D) more for light particles and less for heavy Q.8 The velocity at which the mass of a particle
particles becomes twice its rest mass, will be -

2c c
Q.2 A moving car of 2000kg mass and velocity of (A) (B)
30 m/sec has associated de-Broglie 3 2
wavelength given is c 3 3c
(A) 10–38 m (B) 6.62 × 10–34 m (C) (D)
2 4
(C) 1.1 × 10–38 m (D) 1.1 × 10–38cm

Q.9 The mass of electron varies with -

Q.3 A particle of rest mass m 0 moves with a (A) Electron velocity
speed c. The de-Broglie wav elength
(B) The size of cathode ray tube
associated with it will be
(C) Variation of g
(A) zero (B) infinite
(D) The size of electron
h m c
(C) m c (D) 0
0 h
On Photon

Q.4 The wave associated with each moving Q.10 If E and p are the respective energy and
material particle are : momentum of a photon, then on reducing the
(A) probability waves wavelength of the photon,
(B) mechanical waves (A) both p and E will decrease
(C) electromagnetic waves (B) both p and E will increase
(C) p will increase but E will decrease
(D) imaginary waves
(D) p will decrease but E will increase

Q.5 The wave nature of electron was verified by Q.11 The momentum of photon of energy 1. Mev
(A) photoelectric effect will approximately be -
(B) compton effect (A) 10-22 Kg-m/s
(C) the incidence of electron on metallic (B) 5 × 10–22 Kg-m/s
surface (C) 3 × 106 Kg-m/s
(D) diffraction of electron by crystal (D) 0

Q.6 The waves associated with electrons revolving Q.12 The frequency of a photon of momentum p
in various Bohr orbits in an atom are - will be -
(A) transverse (B) longitudinal ph mh
pc mc
(C) progressive (D) stationary (A) (B) (C) (D)
h c c h
Q.13 If the energy of a photon of light of frequency Q.21 The energies of an photon and an electron of
 is E and its momentum is P, then the mass m are same. The ratio of wave lengths
velocity of light is- associated with them will be:
(A) EP (B) E/P (A) c E / 2m (B) 2mc / E
(C) P/E (D) 1/EP
(C) c 2m / E (D) E / 2mc
Q.14 The momentum of photon of wavelength 0.01 Å
will be - Q.22 Two particles of mass m1 and m2 respectively
(A) h (B) 10-2 h are identically charged and are accelerated
(C) 1012 h (D) 102 h by same potential. If de-Broglie wavelength
associated with them are 1 and 2 then :
Q.15 The energy of a photon (in ev) of wavelength
5000 Å will be - 1 m2 1 m2
(A)  = m (B)  = m1
(A) 2.48 ev (B) 8.42 ev 2 1 2
(C) zero (D) 4.82 ev
1 m1 1 m1
(C)  = m (D)  = m
Q.16 The wavelength of a photon of momentum 2 2 2 2
6.6 × 10–24 Kg- m/s will be -
(A) 10 Å (B) 1 Å Q.23 An electron is 2000 times lighter than a
(C) 100 Å (D) 1000 Å proton. An electron and a proton are moving
with such a velocity that de-Broglie wave
Q.17 The momentum of photon of frequency associated with them is 1Å. The ratio of their
109 HZ will be - K.E. will be :
(A) 31 Kg m/s (A) 1 : 2000 (B) 2000 : 1
(B) 7.3 × 10–2g Kg-m/s (C) 1 : 1 (D) 1 : (4.0106)
(C) 2.2 × 10–33 Kg-m/s
(D) 6.6 × 10–26 kg-m/s Q.24 A double slit interference experiment is
performed by a beam of electrons of energy
100eV and the fringe spacing is observed to
Energy, momentum and wave be . Now if the electrons energy is increased
length of charged and to 10keV, then the fringe spacing -
uncharged particle (A) remains the same
(B) becomes 10
Q.18 Through what potential difference should an (C) becomes 100
electron be accelerated so that its de Broglie (D) becomes /10
wavelength bacomes O.4 Å
(A) 9410 V (B) 94.10 V Q.25 An electron beam of energy 10keV is passed
(C) 9.140 V (D) 941.0 V through a slit of width 1 mm. The observed
phenomenon will be:
Q.19 The energy of an  - Particle, whose (A) interference
de-broglie wavelength is 0.004 Å will be - (B) diffraction
(A) 1270 ev (B) 1200 Kev (C) rectilinear propagation
(C) 1200 Mev (D) 1200 Gev (D) polarisation
Q.20 The study of diffraction of electrons from a
target, gives the wavelength associated as Q.26 If E1, E2 and E3 are the respective kinetic
0.65Å. The energy of the electrons will be : energies of an electron, an alpha particle and
(A) 40eV (B) 100 eV a proton, each having the same de Broglie
(C) 356 eV (D) 1000 eV wavelength, then
(A) E1 > E3 > E2 (B) E2 > E3 > E1
(C) E1 > E2 > E3 (D) E1 = E2 = E3
Q.27 The de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of Q.32 The average thermal energy of neutrons each
mass m and charge e, accelerated through of mass m at temperature T kelvin is (3/2)kT.
potential V will be Then the de-Broglie wavelength of neutrons
(A) h/ 2meV corresponding to this energy is

(B) hmeV (A) h / 3mkT

(C) m/ 2heV (B) 3mkT /h

(D) None of the above
(C) h/ 2mkT
(D) none of the above
Q.28 The electron of a H-atom moves in nth orbit.
If the length of the orbit is L and de-Broglie
wavelength is , then the relation between Q.33 The de Broglie wavelength associated with a
them is nitrogen molecule at atmospheric pressure
(A) L = /n (B)  = n/L and temperature 27ºC will be nearly
(C) L = n (D) L = nh
(A) 0.1 Å (B) 0.2 Å
(C) 0.3 Å (D) 0.4 Å
Percentage related problems
Electron microscope
Q.29 If the momentum of electron is changed by
P m then the De Broglie wav elength
associated with it changes by 0.50 % . The Q.34 W hat potential must be applied on an
initial momentum of electron wil be - electron microscope so that it may produce
Pm Pm an electron of wavelength 1 A° ?
(A) (B) (C) 200 Pm (D) 400 Pm (A) 50 V (B) 100 V
200 100
(C) 150.5 V (D) 200 V
Q.30 When the momentum of a proton is changed
by an amount P0, the corresponding change Q.35 The potential in an electron microscope is
in the de-Broglie wavelength is found to be increased from 30KV to 90KV. if the initial
0.25%. Then the original momentum of the resolving power of the microscope is R, then
proton was
its new resolving power will be -
(A) P0 (B) 100 P0 (A) R (B) 2R
(C) 400 P0 (D) 4 P0
(C) 3R (D) 5R
Effect of temperature
Q.36 On which of the following principles electron
Q.31 The thermal energy of a particle at microscope is based ?
temperature TºK is kT, then the associated (A) the particle concept
de-Broglie wavelength will be :
(B) the concept of matter waves
h (C) the uncertainty principle
(A) h/mkT (B)
2mkT (D) all the above

h 2h
(C) (D)
2mkT mkT
Q.42 In Davisson- Germer experiment Ni crystal
Davisson and Germer's experiment
acts as :
(A) an ideal reflector
Q.37 W rong statement in connection with
(B) three dimensional diffraction grating
Davisson-Germer experiment is
(C) an ideal absorber
(A) The inter-atomic distance in nickel crystal
(D) two dimensional diffraction grating
is of the order of the de-Broglie wavelength
(B) Electrons of constant energy are obtained Q.43 In Davisson-Germer experiment the relation
by the electron gun between Bragg’s angle  and diffraction angle
(C) Nickel crystal acts as a three dimensional  is :
diffracting grating
(D) Davission-Germer experiment is an 90 o  
(A)  = 90º –  (B)  =
interference experiment 2

 180 o   
 
Q.38 In Davisson-Germer experiment maximum (C)  = 180º –  (D)  =  2 
 
intensity is observed at -
(A) 50º and 54 volt (B) 54º and 50 volt
Q.44 The distance between two consecutive atoms
(C) 50º and 50volt (D) 65º and 50 volt
of the crystal lattice is 1.227Å. The maximum
order of diffraction of electrons accelerated
Q.39 The interatomic distance between atoms in a
through 104 volt will be -
crystal is 2.8Å. Then if such a crystal is
used in Davisson-Germer experiment, the 1
(A) 10 (B)
maximum order of diffraction that can be 10
observed for a beam of electrons accelerated 1
(C) 100 (D)
by 100V shall be 100
(A) n = 1 (B) n = 2
(C) n = 10 (D) n = 
Q.45 The ionization chamber used is Davission-
Germer experiment, acts as
Q.40 The angle between the incident and the
diffracted electron in the Davisson-Germer (A) emitter (B) collector
experiment is called as : (C) source (D) radiator

(A) angle of incidence

(B) angle of diffraction Q.46 A double slit interference experiment is
performed by a beam of electrons of energy
(C) angle of scattering
100eV and the fringe spacing is observed to
(D) none of the above
be . Now if the electrons energy is increased
Q.41 In Davisson-Germer experiment, an electron to 10keV, then the fringe spacing -
beam of 60eV energy falls normally to the (A) remains the same
surface of the crystal and maximum intensity (B) becomes 10
is obtained at an angle of 60º to the direction
of incident beam. The inter-atomic distance (C) becomes 100
in the lattice plane of the crystal is (D) becomes /10
(A) 18Å (B) 3.6Å
(C) 1.8 Å (D) 0.18Å
Thomson's experiment

Q.47 In Thomoson’s experiment

(A) electrons are diffracted by a gold foil
(B) diffraction pattern has clear concentric
rings around central bright spot
(C) there are large number of tiny crystals in
metals which are randomly oriented in
space due to which rings are formed in
the diffraction
(D) all the above are correct
Q.1 Which of the following statements is correct– Q.5 A particle of mass M at rest decays into two
(A) matter waves are associated only with masses m1 and m 2 with non-zero velocities.
moving charge particles The ratio of de Broglie wave lengths of the
(B) matter waves are associated only with particles  is
molecular particles 2

(C) matter waves are associated with moving m2 m1

(A) m (B) m
charged or neutral particles. 1 2

(D) matter waves are not associated with m1

(C) (D) 1 : 1
stationary and moving particles. m2
Q.6 Helium atom emits a photon of wavelength
Q.2 The log-log graph between the energy E of 0.1Å. The recoil energy of the atom due to
an electron and its de-Broglie wavelength  the emission of photon will be:
will be :
(A) 2.06 eV (B) 4.91 eV
(A) (B) (C) 1.67eV (D) 9.10 eV
log  

log  

Q.7 In Davisson-Germer experiment, a beam of

electron accelerated through a potential
difference of 54V get diffracted from a Ni
crystal at an angle of 50º, to produce first
log E  log E 
(C) (D) maxima. The inter-atomic distance for the Ni
crystal is
(A) 1 Å (B) 2Å
log  

log  

(C) 2.15 Å (D) 3.12Å

log E  log E  Q.8 A moving particle has energy and momentum

but rest mass is zero. Its velocity will be
Q.3 The thermal velocity of H-molecule is 3 km/
sec, then its de-Broglie wavelength is : (A) equal to the velocity of light in vacuum
(A) 0.65Å (B) 0.65 m (B) less than the velocity of light
(C) 65.0Å (D) 6.5Å
(C) greater than the velocity of light.
(D) infinite
Q.4 What should be the velocity of an electron
so that its momentum becomes equal to that Q.9 The deBroglie wavelength of a vehicle moving
with velocity v is . Its load is changed so
of a photon of wavelength 5200Å?
that the velocity as well as the kinetic energy
(A) 103 ms–1 (B) 1.4 × 103 ms–1 are doubled. Then the new deBroglie
(C) 7 × 102 ms–1 (D) 2.8 × 102 ms–1 wavelength of the vehicle will be -
(A)  (B) 2 (C) /2 (D) /4
Q.10 An electron is confined to a tube of length L. Q.15 An -particle moves along a circular path of
The electron’s potential energy in one half of radius 0.83 cm in a magnetic field of
the tube is zero, while the potential energy in 0.25 Wb/m 2 . The de-Broglie wavelength
the other half is 10eV. If the electron has a associated with it will be :
total energy E = 15 eV, then the ratio of the
(A) 10 Å (B) 1 Å
deBroglie wavelength of the electron in the
(C) 0.1 Å (D) 0.01Å
10eV region of the tube to that in the other
half is -
Q.16 If the spacing between lattice planes of a
(A) 1/ 3 (B) 3 crystal be d and wavelength of electron be ,
1 then for observing the diffraction of electron
(C) 3 (D) from the crystal, it is essential that :
(A) 2d   (B)   2d
Q.11 Consider the statements given below : (C) 4d   (D)   d
(i) The wave and the particle aspects are
both necessary for a complete description Q.17 A proton when accelerated through a potential
of light difference of V volt has a wavelength 
(ii) The wave and particle aspects cannot be associated with it. An -particle, in order to
revealed simultaneously in a single have the same , must be accelerated
experiment. Then - through a potential difference of
(A) (i) is true, (ii) is false (A) V volt (B) 4V volt
(B) (i) is false, (ii) is true V
(C) 2V volt (D) volt
(C) Both (i) and (ii) are false 8
(D) Both (i) and (ii) are true

Q.18 If the thermal energy of a monoatomic gas

Q.12 If a double slit experiment is performed using
coherent electron beam and the accelerating molecules of mass m at temperature T kelvin is
voltage is changed from 100 V to 10kV, then of the order of f /2 kT, then the deBroglie
the fringe width will: wavelength of the matter waves is of the order of
(A) remain unchanged (A) h/kT (B) h/2mkT
(B) increase ten times (C) h/ fmkT (D) h /2mkT
(C) decrease ten times Q.19 The deBroglie wavelength associated with a
(D) decrease 5 times material particle when it is accelerated
through a potential difference of 150 Volt is
Q.13 The increase in the energy of an electron for 1 Å. The deBroglie wavelength associated
changing its de-Broblie wavelength from 1Å with the same particle when it is accelerated
to 0.5Å Will be : through a potential difference of 1350 V will
(A) 1.5 keV (B) 0.45 keV be -
(C) 0.25 kev (D) 100 eV 1
(A) Å (B) Å
4 3
Q.14 An electron moving with a velocity of 106 m/s (C) 1 Å (D) 0
in the X-direction enters a region of uniform Q.20 A deutron is accelerated through a potential
magnetic field of strength 0.2T in Y-direction. of 500 volt. The potential through which a
Then its de-Broblie wavelength (in the singly ionised helium ion is to be acceler-
magnetic field region in comparison to ated for the same De Broglie wavelength, will
outside)- be -
(A) increases (A) 125 V (B) 150 V
(B) decreases (C) 250 V (D) 500 V
(C) remains the same
(D) nothing can be predicted.
Q.1 If there is an increase in linear dimensions of Q.6 When an electron moving with constant speed
the objects, the associated de-broglie enters in a magnetic field at 60° then its de-
wavelength - broglie wave length.
(A) Increases (A) Increase
(B) Decreases (B) Decreases
(C) Remains unchanged (C) Remains constant
(D) Depends on the density. (D) None

Q.2 Two electrons are moving with same speed V. Q.7 When a  -particle enters in an electric field
One electron enters a region of uniform electric then its debroglie wavelength -
field while the other enters a region of uniform
(A) Increases
magnetic field. Then after some time if
the de-broglie wavelength of the two are 1 & (B) Decreases
 2 then - (C) Remains constant
(A) 1   2 (D) may decrease or Increase.
(B) 1   2
(C) 1   2 Q.8 The value of de-Broglie wavelength of an electron
(D) Depends on nature of electric field moving with a speed of 6.6 x 105 ms–1 is
approximately -
Q.3 The resolving power of an optical instruments (A) 11 Å (B) 111Å (C) 211Å (D) 311Å
depends on wavelength. An electron beam is
used in electron microscopes. The resolving
power and its magnifying power can be Q.9 If the kinetic energy of a free electron doubles,
increased if we - its de Broglie wavelength changes by the
(A) Increase the accelerating voltage. factor -
(B) Decrease the accelerating voltage. (A) 1/ 2 (B) 2
(C) Take the object of large size
(C) 1/2 (D) 2
(D) Take the object of smaller size

Q.10 The wavelength of the matter wave is independent

Q.4 Planck constant has the same dimensions as -
of -
(A) Force x time
(B) Force x distance (A) mass (B) velocity
(C) Force x speed (C) Momentum (D) charge
(D) Force x distance x time
Q.5 When a potential drop of V volt is applied on a Q.11 The De Broglie wave present in the fifth Bohr
stationary neutron. then de broglie wavelength - orbit is -
(A) 0
(B) 
(C) A0 (C)
(D) A0
Q.12 If the energy and wavelength of electron are E Q.16 Statement I : De-broglie wavelength of a
and  , then the graph between log E and log  molecule varies inversely as the square root of
will be - Statement II : Vrms of molecule is proportional
to square root of temperature.

Q.17 Statement I : A photon has no rest mass, yet

it carries momentum.
(A) (B)
Statement II : Momentum depends more on
velocity than that of mass.

Q.18 Statement I : Effective mass of photon varies

with wavelength.
Statement II : E = mc2 is the relation between
mass & energy.
(C) (D)
Q.19 Statement I : Electron microscope is based
on de-Boglie hypothesis.
Statement II : Electron beam behaves like a
Q.13 The wavelength of a photon is equal to the De- wave which is used in microscope for resolving
Broglie wavelength of a thermal neutron. The power.
energy of that photon is -
Passage Based Question
(A) 6x103 eV (B) 3x104 eV
(C) 8.5x103 eV (D) 1.2x104 eV A nucleus at rest undergoes a decay emitting
an -particle of de-broglie wav elength
 = 5.76 × 10–15m. The mass of daughter
Q.14 The ratio of wavelengths of a photon and an nucleus is 223.40 amu and that of -particle is
electron, each having energy of 1MeV, will be - 4.002 amu -

(A) 10 : 1 (B) 7 : 1 (C) 5 : 1 (D) 1 : 1 Q.20 The linear momentum of -particle and that of
daughter nucleous is -
Q.15 The velocity of an electron in the ground state (A) 1.15 × 10–19N × s & 2.25 × 10–19 N × s
of hydrogen atom is 2.2 x 106m/s. The De- (B) 2.25 × 10–19N × s & 1.15 × 10–19 N × s
Broglie wavelength associated with a muon in (C) both 1.15 × 10–19 N × s
the ground state of a muonic hydrogen will be - (D) both 2.25 × 10–19 N × s
( m   207me)
(A) 1.6 Å (B) 0.16 Å Q.21 The kinetic energy of -particle is -
(C) 0.016 Å (D) 0.0016 Å (A) 0.01 Mev (B) 0.11 Mev
(C) 0.21 Mev (D) 0.31 Mev
Satement Types Questions
(A) If both Statement- I and Statement- II are Q.22 KE of daughter nucleous is -
true, and Statement - II is the correct (A) 3.16 Mev (B) 4.16 Mev
explanation of Statement– I. (C) 5.16 Mev (D) 6.16 Mev
(B) If both Statement - I and Statement - II are
true but Statement - II is not the correct
explanation of Statement – I.
(C) If Statement - I is true but Statement - II is
(D) If Statement - I is false but Statement - II is
(Question asked in previous AIEEE & IIT JEE)

SECTION - A Q. 4 If a strong diffraction peak is observed when elec-

Q.1 Formation of covalent bonds in compounds trons are incident at an angle ‘i’ from the normal
exhibits – to the crystal planes with distance ‘d’ between
(A) Wave nature of electron them (see figure) de Broglie wavelength dB of
(B) Particle nature of electron electrons can be calculated by the relationship
(C) Both wave and particle nature of electron (n is an integer).
(D) None of these (A) 2d cos i = n dB (B) 2d sin i = n dB
(C) d cos i = n dB (D) d sin i = n dB
Q.2 If the kinetic energy of a free election doubles, Q.5 Electrons accelerated by potential V are dif-
its deBroglie wavelength changes by the factor fracted from a crystal. If d = 1Å and i = 30°, V
should be about (h = 6.6 × 10–34Js, me = 9.1 ×
10–31 kg., e = 1.6 × 10–19 C)
(A) (B) 2 (A) 50 V (B) 500 V
(C) 1000 V (D) 2000V
(C) (D) 2 SECTION - B
Q.1 A particle of mass M at rest decays into two
particles of masses m 1 and m 2, having non-
Q.3 Photon of frequency v has a momentum
zero velocities. The ratio of the de broglie
associated with it. If c is the velocity of
wavelengths of the particles 1/2 is –
light, the momentum is -
(A) v /c (B) h v c (A) m1/m 2 (B) m2/m 1
(C) h v /c2 (D) h v /c (C) 1.0 (D) m2 m1
Q.2 A proton with KE equal to that a photon
Directions : Questions No.4 and 5 are based (E = 100 keV).  is the wavelength of proton
on the following paragraph. and  is the wavelength of photon. Then
Wave property of electrons implies that they will is proportional to -
show diffraction effects. Davisson and Germer (A) E1/2 (B) E-1/2
demonstrated this by diffracting electrons from (C) E (D) E-1
crystals. The law governing the diffraction from
Passage Based Questions :
a crystal is obtained by requiring that electron When a particle is restricted to move along
waves reflected from the planes of atoms in a x-axis between x = 0 and x = a, where a is of
nanometer dimension, its energy can take only
crystal interfere constructively (see figure), certain specific values. The allowed energies of
the particle moving in such a restricted region,
In co m ing i
O utgo ing correspond to the formation of standing waves
E lec trons E le ctro ns
• • • • • • • •
with nodes at its ends x = 0 and x = a. The
wavelength of this standing wave is related to
• • • • • • • •
the linear momentum p of the particle
according to the de Broglie relation. The energy
• • • • • • • • of the particle of mass m is related to its linear
C rysta l pla ne
momentum as E  . Thus, the energy of the
particle can be denoted by a quantum number
‘n’ taking values 1, 2, 3, . . . . . (n = 1, called the Q.4 If the mass of the particle is m = 1.0 × 10–30 kg
ground state) corresponding to the number of
and a = 6.6 nm, the energy of the particle in its
loops in standing wave.Use the model described
ground state is closest to -
above to answer the following three questions
(A) 0.8 meV (B) 8 meV
f or a particle mov ing in the line (C) 80 meV (D) 800 meV
x = 0 to x = a. Take h = 6.6 × 10–34 J-s and
e = 1.6 × 10–19 C. Q.5 The speed of the particle, that can take
discrete values, is proportional to -
Q.3 The allowed energy for the particle for a (A) n–3/2 (B) n–1
(C) n1/2 (D) n
particular value of n is proportional to -
(A) a–2 (B) a–3/2
(C) a–1 (D) a2

Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. A C A A D D C C A B B A B C A
Q.No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. B C D A C C B B D C A A C C C
Q.No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. B A C C C B D A B B C B D A B
Q.No. 46 47
Ans. D D

Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. C C A B D A C A A B D C B C D
Q.No. 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. A D C B A

Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. C D A D B C D A A D D A C D C
Q.No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ans. A C A A C B D

Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5
Ans. A C D A A

Q 1 2 3 4 5
Ans C A A B D

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