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Class B Power Amplifier

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Class B Power Amplifier

When the collector current ows only during the positive half cycle of the input signal, the power
ampli er is known as class B power ampli er.

Class B Operation
The biasing of the transistor in class B operation is in such a way that at zero signal condition, there
will be no collector current. The operating point is selected to be at collector cut off voltage. So,
when the signal is applied, only the positive half cycle is ampli ed at the output.

The gure below shows the input and output waveforms during class B operation.

When the signal is applied, the circuit is forward biased for the positive half cycle of the input and
hence the collector current ows. But during the negative half cycle of the input, the circuit is
reverse biased and the collector current will be absent. Hence only the positive half cycle is
ampli ed at the output.
As the negative half cycle is completely absent, the signal distortion will be high. Also, when the
applied signal increases, the power dissipation will be more. But when compared to class A power
ampli er, the output ef ciency is increased.

Well, in order to minimize the disadvantages and achieve low distortion, high ef ciency and high
output power, the push-pull con guration is used in this class B ampli er.

Class B Push-Pull Amplifier

Though the ef ciency of class B power ampli er is higher than class A, as only one half cycle of the
input is used, the distortion is high. Also, the input power is not completely utilized. In order to
compensate these problems, the push-pull con guration is introduced in class B ampli er.

The circuit of a push-pull class B power ampli er consists of two identical transistors T1 and T2
whose bases are connected to the secondary of the center-tapped input transformer Tr1. The
emitters are shorted and the collectors are given the VCC supply through the primary of the output
transformer Tr2.

The circuit arrangement of class B push-pull ampli er, is same as that of class A push-pull
ampli er except that the transistors are biased at cut off, instead of using the biasing resistors. The
gure below gives the detailing of the construction of a push-pull class B power ampli er.

The circuit operation of class B push pull ampli er is detailed below.

The circuit of class B push-pull ampli er shown in the above gure clears that both the
transformers are center-tapped. When no signal is applied at the input, the transistors T1 and T2
are in cut off condition and hence no collector currents ow. As no current is drawn from VCC, no
power is wasted.
When input signal is given, it is applied to the input transformer Tr1 which splits the signal into two
signals that are 180o out of phase with each other. These two signals are given to the two identical
transistors T1 and T2. For the positive half cycle, the base of the transistor T1 becomes positive and
collector current ows. At the same time, the transistor T2 has negative half cycle, which throws
the transistor T2 into cutoff condition and hence no collector current ows. The waveform is
produced as shown in the following gure.

For the next half cycle, the transistor T1 gets into cut off condition and the transistor T2 gets into
conduction, to contribute the output. Hence for both the cycles, each transistor conducts
alternately. The output transformer Tr3 serves to join the two currents producing an almost
undistorted output waveform.

Power Efficiency of Class B Push-Pull Amplifier

The current in each transistor is the average value of half sine loop.

For half sine loop, Idc is given by

(IC )max
Idc =

(IC )max
(pin )dc = 2 × [ × VCC ]

Here factor 2 is introduced as there are two transistors in push-pull ampli er.

R.M.S. value of collector current = (IC )max /√2

R.M.S. value of output voltage = VCC /√2

Under ideal conditions of maximum power


(IC )max VCC

(PO )ac = ×
– –
√2 √2

(IC )max × VCC


Now overall maximum ef ciency

(PO )ac
ηoverall =
(Pin )dc

(IC )max × VCC π

= ×
2 2(IC )max × VCC

= = 0.785 = 78.5%

The collector ef ciency would be the same.

Hence the class B push-pull ampli er improves the ef ciency than the class A push-pull ampli er.
Complementary Symmetry Push-Pull Class B Amplifier
The push pull ampli er which was just discussed improves ef ciency but the usage of center-
tapped transformers makes the circuit bulky, heavy and costly. To make the circuit simple and to
improve the ef ciency, the transistors used can be complemented, as shown in the following circuit

The above circuit employs a NPN transistor and a PNP transistor connected in push pull
con guration. When the input signal is applied, during the positive half cycle of the input signal,
the NPN transistor conducts and the PNP transistor cuts off. During the negative half cycle, the
NPN transistor cuts off and the PNP transistor conducts.

In this way, the NPN transistor ampli es during positive half cycle of the input, while PNP
transistor ampli es during negative half cycle of the input. As the transistors are both complement
to each other, yet act symmetrically while being connected in push pull con guration of class B,
this circuit is termed as Complementary symmetry push pull class B ampli er.

The advantages of Complementary symmetry push pull class B ampli er are as follows.

As there is no need of center tapped transformers, the weight and cost are reduced.

Equal and opposite input signal voltages are not required.

The disadvantages of Complementary symmetry push pull class B ampli er are as follows.
It is dif cult to get a pair of transistors (NPN and PNP) that have similar characteristics.

We require both positive and negative supply voltages.

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