Ptolus - Return of The Ebon Hand PDF
Ptolus - Return of The Ebon Hand PDF
Ptolus - Return of The Ebon Hand PDF
he Ebon Hand cult was one of the first
eturn of the Ebon Hand is an
chapter 1: foes I put before my Ptolus players,
Old Crimes and Old Criminals..........6 adventure set in the city of Ptolus. The
and the information you’ll find in the
chapter 2: encounters are suitable for four or five
Ptolus book—the plot hook, the map, the
Lines on a Map.................................10 6th-level player characters. The difficulty of
cultists—is exactly what I used in my own
chapter 3: the adventure can be increased or decreased
The New Temple.............................. 20 campaign. It’s also what I used at Gen Con,
by changing the number of foes in any given
many years later, when Ptolus launched as a
encounter. It can be played independently of
Designers product for the first time.
Monte Cook and Sean K. Reynolds
other published Ptolus adventures.
But as it says in Ptolus, the thing about the
This adventure is intended for game
Cult of the Ebon Hand is that it’s very hard
Bruce R. Cordell masters (GMs) only. To avoid spoiling the
to root out completely. Like cockroaches, the
Creative Director fun, players should not read it.
Monte Cook cultists disappear into the night down dark
holes, only to begin to plot their return.
Managing Editor
Teri Litorco
That’s precisely what Return of the Ebon
This adventure weaves together three
Hand is all about. This adventure assumes
Ray Vallese different threads.
that your campaign has used the material
Proofreader A Pit of Insanity, semi-dormant beneath the
John Joseph Adams in the book and “wiped out” the cult. But
Guildsman District, has become more active
Art Director now they’re back, causing new trouble and
Bear Weiter
in recent weeks. Its chaotic energies have
involving one of the scariest places in the
attracted the attention of the Cult of the Ebon
setting—the Prison.
Jess Meier, Meric Moir, Ash D. Rauch Hand, an evil group that worships deformity
Layout and mutation, and they have established a
Javier P. Beltán
chaos temple in the rooms around the pit
Cover Artist
Mauro Alocci
(which are part of Ghul’s Labyrinth).
By tapping into the magic of the pit, the
Mauro Alocci, Javier P. Beltán, cult released echoes of transformative chaos in
Angelica Donarini, Raph Herrera
Lomotan, Scott Purdy
the vicinity, which has resurrected some dead have been mutated, and their leader plans to
criminals buried in the nearby Prison. These strike back at their former jailers and renew
Hugo Solis criminals, calling themselves the Reborn, old grudges against foes in the city above.
Return of the Ebon Hand
and her friend Malleck (the former high simply to once again resume their criminal
Pit of Insanity (CS and 5e), priest) used to dream about: a fabled Pit of lives. Most, however, remained down in
page 387 Insanity. The cultists had heard that the raw the Labyrinth near the new temple. These
chaos in these locations mutated and changed criminals call themselves the Reborn, and,
everything that came near. And mutation and under the leadership of an individual named
change lie at the core of the Ebon Hand’s Sneering Jakk, they plan to take control of the
belief system. Pit of Insanity for themselves, unleashing its
Eventually, she found what she sought. power against the Prison and the city above.
By the time she did, the cult had begun to
grow again, in secret—although they had PLOT HOOKS
no central temple. Chelerana declared the There are many different ways the PCs can
area around the newly discovered Pit of get involved in this adventure. Thus, the
Temple of the Ebon Hand Insanity to be the new Temple of the Ebon characters might come at the new temple—
(CS and 5e), page 354 Hand. She drew the faithful to her and she which is ultimately where they need to go—
The Prison (CS and 5e), page 405 named herself high priest. Chelerana had from very different directions, possibly with
seen and done much in her search and had varying degrees of information about what’s
grown stronger and more powerful. No one going on.
questioned her new role as leader.
This Pit of Insanity lay beneath the PRISON BREAK
Guildsman District, close to the city’s Criminals known to have been consigned
infamous Prison (itself referred to by many to the Prison (some long, long ago) have
as the Pit, although that is just coincidence). recently been seen in Ptolus again. These
What’s more, she had found the remains individuals begin a rash of crimes in the
of a collapsed secret tunnel leading into city, and it’s likely that some of their victims
the Prison, dug years earlier by prisoners include NPCs important to the PCs, such as
attempting an escape. Ebbert Boltcrafter in Delver’s Square. The
Believing that the forces of chaos were PCs are called upon for help.
aligning in her favor, she established a If you’re using this hook, start with
relationship with some of the more corrupt Chapter 2: Old Crimes and Old Criminals.
Prison-duty guards (CS and 5e), Prison-duty guards. For payments and
page 406 favors, they allowed her to take some of the STRANGE THINGS UNDERFOOT
Odsen Rom (CS and 5e), page 405 prisoners to use in the cult’s rituals in the People in the city don’t hear a lot about the
Pit of Insanity. Ironically, if she had known Prison, and most don’t want to hear much.
the true nature of warden Odsen Rom, she But rumors abound that something really
probably would have learned that she could strange is going on in that area, such as
have dealt with him directly. guards transforming into monsters, parts of
The cultists created an easy route from the Prison bursting into flames, and worse.
the new temple up to the surface in an Even in the Guildsman’s District above the
old abandoned house that they purchased. Prison, odd, random events occur such as:
Unbeknownst to Chelerana, as the new • A child grows horns.
temple grew down in Ghul’s Labyrinth, • A sinkhole collapses part of a street when
the power of the Pit of Insanity also grew, the stone beneath it turns to liquid.
and the rituals that she performed had • Objects are reported to be disappearing or
unexpected consequences. The chaos in the changing material.
pit is expanding its influence, causing weird, • One wall of a house grows a large
The Dungeon (CS and 5e), random effects in the Dungeon and most reptilian limb.
page 384 noticeably in the city above. But the most
ominous effect has to do with those who Signs point to these odd occurrences
have died nearby. happening due to strange chaotic energies
Hundreds of criminals over the years have coming from below the street. A call goes out
died in the Prison, most of them horrifically from one of the powerful guilds for experienced
so. The churning chaos of the pit has delvers to go down and investigate. Meanwhile,
resurrected some of these dead cutthroats word is that even Odsen Rom, warden of the
and murderers, bringing them back—many Prison, would like to hire some delvers to
twisted and mutated by its warping power. explore the areas nearby.
A few of them immediately went back up to If you’re using this hook for the PCs, they
the city to exact revenge for old wrongs or can either investigate the Prison directly (use
Return of the Ebon Hand
chapter 1, starting with A Meeting With the RESEARCHING THE AREA: If you wish, the journal can have
Warden) or they can do some research about FULTON’S JOURNAL relevant information about a feature
or obstacle in Ghul’s Labyrinth
that area of the dungeon and find Fulton’s Smart adventurers will do a little research before (such as a magical ward or guardian
journal (use Chapter 2: Lines on a Map). delving down into a new area of the Dungeon. creature), and a character who reads
If they do—regardless of whether it’s in the the journal and spends an hour
searching for relevant information
AN OLD JOURNAL Delver’s Guild, the City Library, or anywhere gets a bonus on their next roll dealing
The PCs discover the journal of Fulton, an else—they come upon Fulton’s journal. with it (advantage in 5e, a free level of
adventurer from long ago who explored Fulton was a delver pioneer, predating Effort in Cypher System).
the Dungeon below the city. This warrior by decades the current wave of Dungeon
worked with various other delvers and exploration. A human warrior with some A Meeting with the Warden, page 9
explored a number of interesting areas, roguish skills, she worked with several
earning gold and glory. The most interesting other adventurers. Her journal is filled
account in the journal mentions an old shaft with information about Ghul’s Labyrinth, Ghul’s Labyrinth (CS and 5e),
that begins in the Midden Heaps and leads including the various kinds of doors, page 390
down into a region where strange, chaos- chambers, and features found there. Midden Heaps (CS and 5e),
worshipping knights revere the raw power Probably most interesting is a map of a page 179
of something that must be a Pit of Insanity. path through the Labyrinth that starts in the
There are rumors of strange energies loosed Midden Heaps and ends where there is a pit
in the Guildsman District causing minor of chaotic energies, very near the Prison.
havoc. Could there be a connection? Plus, The journal mentions a group that dwelt
the leader of these knights—someone they near this pit, called the Knights of the Hive,
call their queen—apparently had a very large and their mysterious Ghost Queen and her
treasure hoard. gifts. The Knights had a sort of nobility
If you’re using this hook for the PCs, start and sense of order about them, even as they
with Chapter 2: Lines on a Map. revered the power of chaos.
Chapter 1:
everal robberies, murders, and other for weekly protection money. As a retired
crimes occur in the city of Ptolus. adventurer, he can generally hold his own
The one thing they have in common against the occasional threat.
is that the person who committed the crime For this part of the adventure, have the
is famous, dead, or both. An investigation PCs come to his shop, perhaps to stock
suggests that there has been a mass escape up on vital equipment for delving or (for
from the city’s dangerous and deadly Prison, inventor PCs) to show him some new piece
If the PC arrive just as the shop opens leading the PCs to confront the mysterious of gear they’re working on. When they
or closes, they’re probably the only Warden Rom, who has even stranger rumors arrive, they find Ebbert sitting on the floor
other people there. At any other time
of day, it’s very likely that some novice to tell and an agenda of his own. trying to bandage a bleeding wound in his
adventurer NPCs heard the scuffle, Depending on the PCs’ connections with back and a young human wizard (Zayel)
came to investigate, and interrupt the various individuals, factions, and groups in sitting similarly and holding a cloth to her
PCs with their own questions.
the city, choose one of the following to serve own minor head wound. If he recognizes
as the primary hook to involve the player the PCs from a prior interaction, he curtly
characters in this adventure: greets them and says he was backstabbed
• A would-be assassin attacks Ebbert by a would-be thief, but scared him off
Boltcrafter, proprietor of Ebbert’s with a quick “thunk” from the warhammer
Outfitters in Delver’s Square. (This is the he keeps stashed under a table. Zayel
easiest way to get the PCs involved and is explains that as the ruffian ran out the
presented here in the most detail.) door, he knocked her over just just as she
• A prominent member of the Longfingers was arriving to browse for some gear,
is murdered in a gruesome way. and she “bonked her noggin on the door
• A retired judge (and member of the frame.” Ebbert and Zayel accept help or
church of Lothian) barely survives a magical healing with their wounds, and once
Does the bottle contain alcohol? A robbery in her home. Ebbert’s patched up, he takes a few swigs
healing potion? Ebbert doesn’t say. • A prominent figure of Delver’s Square from a bottle in a hidden wall compartment
(Jevicca Nor, “Prince” Ironheart, or and seems to be in much better spirits.
Araki Chipestiro) is accused of a violent He’s a bit embarrassed to have been
crime by a witness or an acid-tongued caught off guard, especially in front of an
broadsheet author. inexperienced delver, and quickly turns his
attention to selling Zayel the stuff she needs
ATTACK ON EBBERT so she can go on her way. If questioned,
Ebbert Boltcrafter (CS and 5e), Ebbert Boltcrafter is the good-natured dwarf he can give a description of his attacker:
page 192
who runs Ebbert’s Outfitters in Midtown, human, tall, scruffy beard, ugly, ice-blue
Balacazars (CS and 5e), page 102 supplying all sorts of useful equipment for eyes. He hesitates and adds that if he
delvers. But as a prominent merchant, he has didn’t know better, he’d say it was Kragus
his share of enemies, such as incompetent Mudge, a delver-turned-enforcer for the
delvers who blame him for their failures and Balacazars who had a beef with him. But
Return of the Ebon Hand
Kragus was sent to the Prison twenty years Longfingers Guild, the old man has strolled
ago and hasn’t been heard from since, so from his home to market and back each The Prison (CS and 5e), page 405
he probably got knifed while he was behind day for as long as anyone can remember,
Longfingers Guild (CS and 5e),
bars. And as weird as it sounds, this “fella” always noticeable for his dapper clothes and
page 123
had pointy ears like a bat, and Kragus was a loosely tied, jingling pouch of copper coins
definitely a “regular human.” After this “to give young pickpockets something to Tully Boltcrafter (CS and 5e),
page 193
conversation, Ebbert closes the shop for an train on.” Nobody in his neighborhood ever
hour so he can go upstairs to make sure his took his tales seriously. They assumed that Administration Building
disabled brother Tully is all right. he lived off savings from an inheritance or (CS and 5e), page 291
If the PCs do some research about Kragus gambling fortune and told his tales just to be
Mudge (whether by using divinations, entertaining.
asking friendly contacts in the crime This morning, Victor was found
world, or looking up records in the disemboweled in his own garden, with a gold
city’s Administration Building), they can coin resting on each of his eyes—the mark
confirm that he was wanted for robbery, of an assassin known as Petrik Blade-and-
kidnapping a city official, and murder; he Gold (sometimes shortened to “Bladengold”).
was captured about twenty years ago and Immediately, the neighborhood gossipers
sent to the Prison; and soon after he was wondered if his tales were true. When the
killed by another inmate. Any descriptions Commissar’s tax collectors searched the late
or depictions of him they can find generally Victor’s house and found dozens of treasures
match the description Ebbert gave for his that had been declared stolen and lost for
attacker, other than the bat ears. decades, people realized that Victor really
Motive: Kragus was briefly a delver, was what he claimed to be and hid in plain
but got injured and couldn’t afford proper sight as if he had no enemies—or was daring
healing without getting in deep with his enemies to act against him. But Petrik
a Balacazar loan shark. He ended up Blade-and-Gold was caught thirty years ago
committing crimes for the Balacazars to and sent to the Prison and hasn’t been heard
pay off his debt, and he never got over a from since. So who targeted Victor and chose
lingering, irrational resentment for Ebbert Petrik’s signature killing method?
being responsible for his failure as a delver. Motive: Decades ago, Victor coincidentally PC Connection: Victor Hayne could
broke into a house where Petrik was about be a wealthy benefactor, a distant
relative, or even a mentor to a PC,
MURDERED THIEF to carry out an assassination, which led to particularly one with an interest in
Victor Hayne has long been an eccentric Petrik being caught. He has blamed Victor sneaking and stealing and able to
resident of Oldtown. Claiming to have been ever since, and now that the assassin is alive keep a secret.
a gentleman thief in his younger days and again (as one of the Reborn), he decided to More information on the Reborn is in
growing up with the guildmaster of the make Victor pay. Chapter 3.
OTHER CRIMES AND RUMORS caught trying to steal from that shop
Use the following as rumors, stories in long ago.)
broadsheets, or inspiration for additional • A cloaked man with metallic skin murders Broadsheets (CS and 5e), page 157
encounters having to do with the Reborn. a shopkeeper in Midtown. “Prince”
Brig Stoneheart and “Prince”
Names for the people responsible are Ironheart was a suspect, but he was Ironheart (CS and 5e), page 122
included so the GM can place these delving with Brig Stoneheart at the time.
(The actual Reborn murderer is Verner Araki Chipestiro (CS and 5e),
individuals in Chapter 2. Note that all of
page 314
these rumors blame people with unusual Von Witten, whose family feuded with
physical characteristics, so there might be the shopkeepers.) The Star Jewelers (CS and 5e),
• A man with tattoos crawling all over page 181
someone with a grudge trying to tie these
crimes to these high-profile NPCs. his skin set a clothier’s house on fire in Jevicca Nor (CS and 5e), page 115
• A woman with a green glass arm steals a Oldtown. Araki Chipestiro is a suspect
and hasn’t been seen since. (He didn’t Church of Lothian (CS and 5e),
handful of gems from The Star Jewelers
page 67
in the Guildsman District. Jevicca Nor do it, and this sort of crime is below his
testifies to a Lothianite priest under lie- pay grade. The actual Reborn arsonist The clothiers are Daus and Mirran;
detecting magic to prove that it wasn’t is Marcus Gront, who was jilted by the their children are Osse, Nurm, and
her and she wasn’t involved. (The actual clothier long ago.) Leif, and their dog’s name is Max.
Reborn thief is Helda Schmidt, who was
Return of the Ebon Hand
A MEETING WITH THE WARDEN Rom is likely to send the PCs to poke
Warden Odsen Rom (CS and 5e),
The warden doesn’t often get visitors, and around the western tunnels to see if they page 405
normally he isn’t interested in speaking can find anything—either because rumors of
to anyone (unless it’s about a bribe to inmates escaping is bad for his reputation, The Prison (CS and 5e), page 405
imprison someone or a ransom to free them). because he hopes the nosy PCs will get
However, he is well aware that something killed and stop bothering him, or both.
odd is going on. He’s heard rumors in the He says they need to head west along the
city about certain criminals being back in flooded tunnels for a couple of hundred feet
action—people that he knows died years before they’ll find stairs up out of the water
ago—and his guards have seen lights and leading to unexplored (to his knowledge) The entire meeting should feel
movement in the watery tunnel leading to the parts of the Dungeon, where there are likely creepy, claustrophobic, and vaguely
threatening, with the warden being
west. to be monsters (such as in the areas to the evasive about any details of the
When the PCs come to the Prison, Warden southeast of the Prison). What he doesn’t Prison’s operation.
Rom agrees to meet with them, but he’s not know is that the Reborn have taken over The Reborn have taken areas 9, 10, 11,
friendly or forthcoming. He is a hard, evil some of those chambers, or that beyond the and 12 in the Fulton’s Expedition map
on page 11.
tiefling and doesn’t care for pleasantries. Reborn’s territory is a connection to the new
There’s something cruel and unnatural about Temple of the Ebon Hand.
him, and he keeps his office poorly lit during
the meeting so visitors can’t get a good look
at his unusual eyes. (He prefers to keep his
tiefling heritage a secret.)
The only things he’s upfront about
(and characters sensitive to lying can tell
he’s truthful about these) are that there
hasn’t been a prison break and the people
identified as committing these recent crimes
all died while incarcerated, anywhere
from five to thirty years ago. He won’t
let the PCs into other parts of the
Prison or show them the cells (the
ones the dead criminals occupied
have since been filled by other
convicts), but he can produce log
books showing incarceration and
death dates for anyone the
characters ask about.
Chapter 2:
A sprawling section of Ghul’s Labyrinth is home to the Reborn, the Knights of the Hive, and various creatures resurrected and
mutated by the nearby Pit of Insanity.
his chapter details a large area of the leading to area 1. In Fulton’s day, her group
Midden Heaps (CS and 5e), Dungeon that connects the Guildsman passed through areas 2, 3, 4, and 5, briefly
page 179 District, Ghul’s Labyrinth, the Prison, interacted with the Knights of the Hive in
and the Pit of Insanity being used as a temple area 6, passed through areas 9 and 12, then
Labs and storehouses (CS and 5e),
page 391 by the Cult of the Ebon Hand. went down the stairs to a lower level that
If the PCs follow the journal of the delver eventually reached the Pit of Insanity. As the
Fulton, they come to this portion of the PCs make their way through these areas,
The Reborn, page 16 Labyrinth by using the hidden entrance in the they’ll be able to match many of Fulton’s
Pit abominations, page 12 Midden Heaps, with a roughly dug tunnel notes with the current state of these locations.
If the PCs instead enter this portion of the
Labyrinth after visiting the Prison in Chapter
1, they arrive at the southeast corner of
the map and must pass through the rooms
inhabited by the Reborn (areas 11, 10, 9, and
12). From there, they may decide to explore
westward into the areas that Fulton visited
(whether or not they’ve read her journal),
but eventually they’ll want to head down the
stairs at the north end of the map and come
to the new temple.
Unlabeled Rooms: The map covers a
large area within the Dungeon, and most
of the rooms aren’t relevant to the events
of this adventure. However, the Labyrinth
is a dangerous place—undead or construct
guardians placed by Ghul still protect some
areas, and monsters or intelligent humanoids
live in others. For a low-preparation way
of stocking these rooms, have about half
of them empty and the rest occupied by pit
abominations. Otherwise, you can populate
these rooms with a mix of hostile creatures,
timeless sentries, and ransacked labs and
storehouses that may still have some valuable
trinkets. Some areas may be sealed off by
means the PCs can’t yet breach, giving them a
reason to return at a later time (and the GM
more opportunities to portray the Labyrinth
as a frequently changing place).
Return of the Ebon Hand
Severe mutations, page 19 Pit Abominations: The Pit of Insanity 1. DEAD ADVENTURERS
makes random, purposeless changes to living READ ALOUD
In 5e terms, regardless of what the pit things (and, in some cases, resurrects the This room is empty except for the two very
abominations were originally or what dead and alters their forms). In the case of long-dead human corpses on the floor. Each is
they now appear to be, all of them
in this area are aberrations, beasts, the Reborn and the Ebon Hand cultists, these pierced multiple times with arrows. Hallways
or monstrosities. In other words, mutations are usually just physical changes. lead to the west and northeast, and on the
a humanoid that becomes a pit Sometimes, the targets retain most of their north wall is a large door made of bluish
abomination is no longer affected by
magic that works only on humanoids. original appearance, and some gain useful steel.
or advantageous abilities. Other victims of
To make a pit abomination even the pit aren’t so lucky, and they become pit The arrows are from goblins, but the
more eerie, have some part of its body abominations—mutants with gross alterations goblins are long gone now. (The western
resemble the creature’s original form,
or have it make noises or speech like of their bodies and minds. hallway eventually leads to a goblin tribe.)
its original form would. Abominations were originally common The corpses have been mostly looted and
beasts, wandering delvers, dungeon monsters, partially eaten by scavengers, but one still
or criminals who died in the Prison. All clutches a large red jewel in its dead fingers.
GM intrusion: The pit abomination of them have been reshaped by the chaos If the gem (worth 500 gp) is disturbed, the
speaks in a perfectly intelligible energies of the Pit of Insanity, and within a angry spirits of both dead adventurers arise
voice, begging for help. The horror
few hours of their transformation, they lose in the form of two wraiths and attack.
of this makes the character lose
their next action unless they their original sense of identity and accept Only after the wraiths are destroyed and
succeed at an Intellect defense roll. their new forms. They wander the tunnels the corpses moved can anyone notice that
near the Prison, the Reborn, and the new underneath the one holding the gem, there
Any encounter with pit
abominations may have a cypher temple, looking for food or acting erratically. are words scratched in the stone. They read,
as treasure. They instinctively avoid the Reborn and in Common:
mutated Ebon Hand cultists. SAY A MEMORY THEN ENTER
Chuul: level 3; Armor 2; two claw
attacks inflict 4 points of damage Any hall, room, or waterway in this
each and grabs target on a failed vicinity has the potential for being the A large chamber with an unusual shape.
Might defense roll Strangely empty. Something eerie about this
temporary lair or hunting grounds for a pit
Ettercap: level 3; bite and claws abomination; use the following table for place.
inflict 3 points of damage each sample random encounters. (These creatures Blue steel door to the north.
may be alone or in groups, including mixed —Fulton’s journal
Manticore: level 6; health 22;
Armor 1; bite inflicts 8 points groups of different abominations.)
of damage, four short-distance 2. THE DOOR OF MEMORIES
tail spikes each inflict 4 points
d20 Random Pit Abomination READ ALOUD
of damage (plus 4 points of
Speed damage on a failed This sealed, sturdy door is made of steel with
1–2 Chuul
Might defense roll); moves a a bluish tint. It has no lock, and no apparent
long distance each round 3–4 Ettercap hinges on this side.
Mimic: level 3, disguise as a 5–6 Gibbering mouther
human-sized object (door, chest)
7–8 Grick This is one of the bluesteel doors found in
as level 6; bite inflicts 5 points of
some parts of Ghul’s Labyrinth. It opens only
damage, sticky pseudopod inflicts 3 9–10 Manticore
points of damage and holds target if someone nearby tells the story of a memory
on a failed Might defense roll 11–12 Mimic important to them. Although the speaker
13–14 Roper won’t realize it until it is too late, a memory
told to the door is lost from the mind of the
15–16 Beast with a severe mutation
speaker forever.
Chuul (CS and 5e), page 669 17–20 Semi-humanoid creature* Once opened, the door remains open for
Ettercap (CS and 5e), page 669 several minutes, but will close on its own
* The creature looks like a near- or part- when nobody is looking or nearby. Opening
Manticore (CS and 5e), page 670
humanoid creature (such as a gargoyle, flesh it again requires someone to describe (and
Gibbering mouther (CS and 5e), golem, minotaur, sahuagin, spider-centaur, lose) an important memory.
page 378
spined devil, or troglodyte) but has an
Grick (CS and 5e), page 357 entirely different creature’s stats (roll again to Can’t open blue steel door with force.
Roper (CS and 5e), page 492
determine the creature’s actual stats, ignoring Or with magic.
rolls of 17+). For example, one creature It is magical.
Wraith (undead) (CS and 5e),
might resemble a spider-centaur but have Kanno figured it out—speak an important
page 606
chuul stats, and another might look like a memory to the door to open it.
Bluesteel door (CS and 5e), spined devil but have roper stats. —Fulton’s journal
page 391
Return of the Ebon Hand
This hallway wanders west-southwest and of the dead monsters nearby) but plans to
slightly downward, and connects to a series leave this area and return to the Caverns
of stairs down (which aren’t connected to soon (via area 3) because of all the human
lower levels of the Dungeon) that eventually activity nearby.
Caverns (CS and 5e), page 415
reach the Caverns beneath Ptolus. This is how Six ratlings encountered Nedrex a few
the stone giant Nedrex (area 4) reached this weeks ago, and he spared them, judging them Ratlings (CS), page 588; ratlings
part of the Labyrinth, and anyone following not worth his time. Their reaction to this (5e), page 592
this path finds several sites where he battled mercy was to decide that Nedrex was a god,
monsters and left behind their corpses. and they now worship and serve him. Nedrex
finds them annoying, but they occasionally
Nedrex: level 6, breaks and throws
We explored the western tunnel for a make themselves useful by performing menial
objects as level 7; health 35;
hundred or so feet, but turned back when we chores, so he allows them to follow him Armor 1; damage inflicted 8 points
realized it was descending. around. They obey his every command (as
Raging ratlings have their attacks
—Fulton’s journal much as they can understand him, at least)
eased and inflict an additional
and fight to the death for him. 1 point of damage.
Nedrex doesn’t care much for the Reborn
4. NEDREX THE STONE GIANT or the Ebon Hand cultists, but he doesn’t GM intrusion: Nedrex’s attack
knocks a foe a short distance away.
READ ALOUD outright hate them either. If the characters The foe takes an additional 4 points
A fountain in the middle of this room burbles treat him with respect (or a very impressive of damage from hitting the wall or
floor and must succeed at a Might-
with water, although the stone sculpture that show of strength) and offer to pay him well
based task or lose their next action.
once adorned its center has been smashed (at least a thousand gold, a couple of useful
to rubble. Most of the pictograms that once potions, or a magic weapon or clothing
decorated the sides of the fountain have long item), he might be willing to work with them
since been defaced. A grey-skinned giant as a mercenary. If insulted, mistreated, or
reclines nearby, sipping from a waterskin. Six cheated by the PCs, or if he feels like he is
humanoid rats stand guard around him. being made to take unnecessary risks, he
leaves them behind, perhaps in the middle of
The water in the fountain is fresh, drawn combat or as he snatches away a useful item
from a source deep beneath the Labyrinth. as additional payment for his troubles.
If soiled or polluted, it becomes palatable The ratlings go where their “god” goes
again after about a week. The remaining (neither Nedrex nor the PCs could get them
pictographs around the outside include to stay behind if they tried). The ratlings,
abstract symbols, a few creatures (demons, for their part, do whatever their “god” tells
vampires), and directional arrows, but them to do, but they will never take a direct
enough of them have been destroyed that command from the PCs. Should Nedrex die,
puzzling out what they are supposed to mean the ratlings all go into a rage and attack
or refer to is impossible. any and all nearby, with advantage to their
Pausing by the ancient fountain to rest and attacks and their attacks inflict +2 points of
refresh his water supply is Nedrex, a lone damage due to insane grief.
stone giant. He reclines near the fountain Nedrex’s Treasure: Nedrex has a large
and doesn’t get up even if he hears someone basilisk-leather sack (worth 100 gp) holding
coming. He fears almost nothing. He has food, a couple of rocks he has carved with
been wandering about in the Dungeon abstract shapes, and about 200 gp worth of
looking for food and treasure (he killed some coins and small gems.
Return of the Ebon Hand
Touching the doors to this room awakens the
knights in area 6, which prompts the speaker
to object to disturbing the “children of the
queen.” If anyone tries to open the doors, the Wasp swarm (2): level 3, flies a
knights attack. short distance each round
Dog-sized wasps (10): level 2,
This long room is covered in nest-like paper. sting inflicts 2 points of damage
Large and small bulges on all surfaces create plus 2 points of Speed damage
strange shadows and partially cover a set of (ignores Armor) on a failed Might
defense roll; flies a short distance
double doors on the west wall. The place each round
smells of dust and age.
Wasp mounts (6): level 3, sting
inflicts 3 points of damage plus
The convoluted nest shapes in this 3 points of Speed damage (ignores
chamber make it impossible to see the two Armor) on a failed Might defense
large archway windows on the west end roll; flies a short distance each round
of this room. The whole place is a nest for In the presence of the queen, a
dormant undead wasps of various sizes, wasp can be reduced to 0 health
mummified and preserved by the knights and only if the attack roll against it is
an even number.
the queen. (The wasps all have the undead
type instead of beast.) GM intrusion: A slain wasp
Most of the wasps are only a little larger collapses into poisonous dust,
inflicting 4 points of Speed damage
than common wasps; they fight as a pair of (ignores Armor) against one
swarms of wasps. Ten wasps are the size of character unless they succeed at a
small dogs; they have giant wasp stats, with Might defense roll.
disadvantage on attacks and Strength rolls, Ghost Queen: level 7, perception
foes have advantage on saves against their 8. CHAMBER OF THE GHOST QUEEN as level 9; health 28; Armor 3 (10
poison, and their poison inflicts only 3 (1d6) READ ALOUD against cold and poison); two claw
attacks inflict 4 points of damage
poison damage. Six wasps are so large that Stairs lead down from the door into a room each, sting attack inflicts 6 points
they can serve as mounts for the knights; coated in material like that of a giant wasp of damage plus 4 points of Speed
they have giant spider stats, with fly speed nest. The walls are covered in hexagonal damage (ignores Armor) on a
failed Might defense roll); flies a
30 ft, no web abilities, and their bite (sting) cells of various sizes. Many of them contain short distance each round; uses
poison inflicts 14 (4d6) poison damage. All large dead wasps; others hold what might be spells (level 4) with options for
the wasps serve the knights and do as they dead delvers. The ceiling rises high, arching short-range teleportation, creating
protective illusions, silencing foes,
command. over the portion of the room to the east that blocking a magical attack, and
If the knights are fighting, the wasps extends into this place. creating a carpet of poisonous
awaken after a couple of rounds and buzz insects in a short area
angrily from beyond the closed doors; if This is the chamber of the queen. Her GM intrusion: The Ghost Queen
a door is open, they join the battle. If the “throne” is on the portion of this room injects a character with undead
PCs sneak past the wasps, they awaken and above area 7, allowing her to look over the larvae, inflicting 7 points of damage.
The larvae eat the character from
attack anyone who disturbs the queen in area entire space without obstruction. This also the inside, inflicting 1 point of
8. Any fighting in this room awakens the means she sees creatures arriving from area 7 damage (ignores Armor) each round
queen, who comes through one of the arched before they have a chance to see her. until the character receives magical
healing (or a disease curative)
windows to join the fight. The queen is the size of an ogre, generally or someone spends one minute
In the presence of the queen, all the shaped like an enormous wasp but with some surgically removing the larvae.
wasps gain the Undead Fortitude ability of a humanoid aspects—she can bend herself into
Ghost Queen treasure artifacts:
zombie; if reduced to 0 hp by anything other a centaur-like upright posture, and all six of a shield that adds 1 to Armor (in
than radiant damage or a critical hit, make a her feet end in handlike claws. Her coloration addition to being an asset on Speed
Con save (DC 5 + damage taken) to drop to is white and tan, making her look much like defense like a normal shield); a
leather jerkin that as an action can
only 1 hp. a ghost and giving her the appellation “the change to look like a normal suit
Ghost Queen.” Unlike her children in area 7, of clothing or resume its standard
the queen is quite intelligent, can speak several appearance; a floating gem that
increases the bearer’s Intellect
languages, and can manipulate chaos, allowing Pool maximum by 5; a ring that
her to cast spells and perform other strange provides two assets on defense rolls
feats (including having transformed herself and against effects that slow, stun, or
entangle the wearer. Each of these
her followers into undead). She hopes to survive artifacts is level 4.
until the “foreordained time” (as mentioned
THE GHOST QUEEN Innate Spellcasting. The Ghost Queen’s spellcasting ability
Large undead, chaotic evil is Charisma (spell save DC 14). She can innately cast the
following spells, requiring only somatic components:
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) 3/day each: mirror image, misty step, shield, silence
Hit Points 142 (15d10 + 60) 1/day: insect plague
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.
Magic Resistance. The Ghost Queen has advantage on saving
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA throws against spells and other magical effects.
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +6, Cha +7 Multiattack. The queen makes three attacks: two with her
Skills Deception +7, Insight +6 claws and one with her sting.
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Condition Immunities poisoned target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage plus 17 (5d6)
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12 poison damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 14
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Undercommon Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
in area 6), but will fight to the death against Found guilty of almost every crime on the
any beings who dare disturb her in her hive. books (and they say they had to add one
The sturdy northeastern door is magically or two to those books just for him), Jakk
warded shut. It has what appears to be a spent twelve years in the Prison—hated by
lock, but inside its keyhole are no tumblers to the guards but loved by many of the other
pick. Pouring or injecting one dose of poison inmates—before he died during one of many
(whether from a bottle, spell, or giant insect attempts to start a prison riot.
stinger) into the keyhole disables the ward for Now Sneering Jakk is alive again, thanks
one minute. to the inadvertent use of magic in and around
Treasure: Searching all of the hexagonal the Pit of Insanity in the new temple. He calls
cells takes about an hour. These treasures himself and the other resurrected inmates
consist of “gifts” for the queen from the the Reborn. He is gangly and tall, with a
knights and items left on the bodies of seven thin, pale face and wild hair. His mouth
dead delvers: 300 cp, 2,180 sp, 2,920 gp, five is disfigured into a permanent sneer, but
Sneering Jakk: level 6; as assassin, 100 gp gems, +1 shield, glamoured studded his honeyed tongue is so effective it almost
has a potion of invisibility and a leather, ioun stone (reserve), potion of greater seems magical in its ability to convince other
potion of luck
healing, potion of vitality, ring of free action. criminals to do as he wishes. The other
Assassin, page 373 Most of the nonmagical equipment carried Reborn love Jakk and do whatever he says.
by the adventurers has been ruined by time Jakk seeks revenge against Warden Rom,
Typical Reborn: level 3; as crime
and neglect, but there is a breastplate, two everyone in the Prison, and the city above.
boss or thug, plus a mutation
longswords, a battleaxe, and some rope that’s He has nothing but contempt for the Ebon
Crime boss, page 373 still in decent shape. Hand cultists; he ultimately wants to dispatch
with them and take control of the Pit of
Thug, page 376
THE REBORN Insanity himself. He believes that he and the
Mutation, pages 18–19 The Reborn control areas 9, 10, 11, and 12 Reborn can find a way to use the energies of
on the map, plus the tunnels adjoining those the pit for their own ends, perhaps granting
Most of the Reborn are mutated chambers. These criminals and cutthroats themselves even more transformations (and
humans, but there are a few mutated are the worst of the worst. Resurrected by power), or perhaps loosing the chaos within
dwarves and mutated half-elves
among them. the Pit of Insanity (thanks to the Ebon Hand the pit like a weapon.
cult tampering with it), they gather together The priests of the Ebon Hand are aware
The group includes Kragus Mudge in a few rooms under the direction of their of the Reborn, but they foolishly dismiss the
(page 6), Petrik Blade-and-Gold leader, Sneering Jakk (assassin stats, potion arisen prisoners as being of no consequence.
(page 7), Helda Schmidt (page 7),
Verner Von Witten (page 7), of invisibility, potion of speed). They also severely underestimate the
Marcus Gront (page 7), Kalsin Sneering Jakk lived in Ptolus almost forty Reborn’s power and numbers.
Breen (page 8), and other criminal years ago, before he was tried and sentenced Altogether, including the five to ten that
individuals of various genders.
to spend the rest of his life in the Prison. are scouting the city at any given time, there
Return of the Ebon Hand
are about thirty members of the Reborn. The If the PCs try to talk with the Reborn and
pit occasionally brings more of them back to aren’t insulting or threatening, they can easily
life, so, if the PCs leave and return, they’ll convince one of the criminals to fetch their
find more dangerous, resurrected criminals leader for negotiation. Sneering Jakk and
in this area. A typical Reborn has berserker, the others aren’t willing to talk much about
spy, thug, or veteran stats, plus at least one themselves (such as that they were dead and
mutation (see pages 18–19); their equipment the magic of the Pit of Insanity brought them About one in five Reborn has a
is salvaged from prison guards, dead back to life), but they admit that they’re random potion cypher, generally
level 5 or lower.
adventurers, things they could find nearby in escapees from the Prison who want to settle
the Dungeon, and things they stole in their the score with their former jailers (especially
quick forays into the surface city. Warden Rom) and anyone they feel owes
Reborn Treasure: A Reborn has treasure them a debt of pain. Other than that, they Random cyphers (CS), pages 626
appropriate for its stats, plus an additional just want to do some old-fashioned crime,
20% chance of having a common or whether on their own or as part of a larger
uncommon potion. organization such as the Balacazar crime
family or the Longfingers Guild.
NEGOTIATING WITH THE REBORN Sneering Jakk offers to let the PCs pass
Although the Reborn are violent, dangerous through the Reborn territory (once) if they
criminals, Sneering Jakk has focused their spend an hour or so answering questions
wrath on the Prison and whichever people about the current state of Ptolus, in particular
in the city thwarted, captured, or imprisoned relating to the Commissar, the Balacazars, Commissar (CS and 5e), page 140
them in years past. This means they aren’t minor-league criminals like Linech Cran, and
Balacazars (CS and 5e), page 102
automatically hostile toward the PCs; they’re newcomers like the Killraven Crime League.
wary of strangers entering their territory, but If the PCs answer his questions truthfully and Linech Cran (CS and 5e), page 563
open to parley. They know they are ignorant provide a reasonable amount of information,
Killraven Crime League
of what’s been happening in the city for Jakk is satisfied and has some of his people (CS and 5e), page 118
the past few years, and their limited forays lead the PCs through his turf. Otherwise, he
to the surface haven’t given them the best makes them go around.
opportunities to catch up on recent news.
If the PCs impress Sneering Jakk or make a Reborn Mutations: All of the Reborn
good trade for other information, he can provide have at least one pit-induced mutation.
them with more information about this portion Although most of these mutations aren’t
of Ghul’s Labyrinth, including the following: quite as extreme or prominent as they are
• The Reborn control a passage that leads in the cultists living near the Pit of Insanity,
up into the basement of an old house, they’re still enough to affect their stats. Due
Unnatural mutations: The which they use to go to and from the to these unnatural mutations, the Reborn
character’s positive social surface. For a fee, they’d let the PCs use it. have disadvantage on Animal Handling,
interaction tasks and animal-
handling tasks are hindered. • They’ve seen the nearby wasp lair (area 5) Deception, and Persuasion checks.
and the chamber with the sleeping The GM can determine an NPC’s mutation
GM intrusion: The Reborn uses a knights, but didn’t get too close. randomly using the Minor Mutation table or
previously hidden weapon to make
an eased extra attack against a • They had a peaceful but unsatisfactory the Severe Mutation table. A minor mutation
character. chat with Nedrex (area 4). He didn’t seem is a physical change in the NPC but doesn’t
interested in assisting them, and Jakk felt provide any game effects. A severe mutation
that the giant couldn’t remain hidden if includes a physical change and some sort of
they tried to use him up in the city. game effect.
• They’ve seen several kinds of monsters in
the area (pit abominations, although the 9. REBORN AND RAVINE
Reborn don’t call them that and don’t know READ ALOUD
their origin) and have noticed that these This area is simply furnished with crude
creatures avoid them, but don’t know why. chairs, a table, and a couple of large bedrolls.
• They know that the Pit of Insanity is to Eight mostly human people are sleeping,
the north of their territory, under the talking, eating, or gambling. Along one wall
control of the Ebon Hand. are the bones and skull of a
30-foot-long snake, arranged like a trophy.
MINOR MUTATION The floor in the southwest corner has a large
d20 Minor Mutation crack that is partially filled with debris.
1 One or both hands are strangely large
Seven of the Reborn live here. The eastern
Gifts of deformity (CS and 5e), 2 Patches of weird skin (animal-like fur,
page 357 doorway leads to a passage that turns upward
glass, metal, wood)
and eventually connects to the basement of
3 Patches of skin change color randomly
an old house. The Reborn use this path to get
like a chameleon
into and out of the city proper.
4 Strange eyes (weird color, strange The southwestern floor crack is at least 15
shape, extra pupils) feet deep and mostly filled with tiny bits of
5 Unusually long arm or leg dungeon trash—bones, rocks, wood splinters,
6 Unnatural smell and so on. If there are no other lights in this
GM Tip: If you want to split following 7 Animal claws instead of nails room, a faint light shines up between gaps in
Fulton’s map and dealing with the the trash, cast by a magical light on a penny.
Reborn into separate adventures, have
8 Extremely sweaty
the Reborn build brick or mortared 9 Noticeable body heat
stone walls just west of area 12, east of Snake
area 5, and south of area 11, perhaps
10 Faint mumbling noise underneath
Killed giant snake. It resisted Ommi’s
with a painted warning on the floor their speech
outside those walls such as “Reborn
taming magic.
11 Scars, tattoos, or shapes moving Collapsed floor to the southwest. Dropped a
territory, stay out!”
across or under their skin penny with a magic light into it. Might connect
12 Animal ears to a lower level if we dug far enough.
13 Emits an aura of dizzyiness —Fulton’s journal
14 Extra row of teeth
15 Seems heavier than their frame indicates
16 Bizarre posture 10. EVER-COLLAPSING ROOM
17 Wooden creaking noises when they move READ ALOUD
A few chairs, tables, and bedrolls are here,
18 Wisps of smoke when they breathe
but the most prominent feature is the pile
19 Unnaturally smooth skin (like a
of rubble in the northwest where hand-sized
rocks and dust slowly fall downward like
20 Leaves wet footprints that vanish they’re passing through water.
within minutes
Return of the Ebon Hand
d10 Severe Mutation 5e Effect Cypher System Effect
1 Monstrously muscled Attacks with advantage Attacks as 1 level higher
2 Elongated legs Add +20 feet to ground movement Moves a long distance each round
3 Leathery/Scaly skin +1 to AC +1 to Armor
4 Extra eyes Foe’s attacks have disadvantage Foe’s attacks hindered
5 Extra joints in arms Melee attacks with advantage Attacks as 1 level higher
6 Poisonous blood Injury inflicts 3 (1d6) poison damage to Injury inflicts 2 points of Speed damage (ignores
melee foe Armor) to melee foe on failed Might defense roll
7 Regenerative tumors Regains 5 hit points at the start of their turn Regains 3 points of health per round
8 Poisonous slime Attacks inflicts 4 (1d8) poison damage, or Attacks inflict 3 points of Speed damage (ignores
half that on a successful Constitution save Armor) on failed Might defense roll
9 Fanged mouth in chest Extra attack each round inflicts 4 (1d8) Extra attack each round
piercing damage
10 Extreme mutation Roll on the Extreme Mutation table (page 22)
Six of the Reborn (including Sneering 12. PATH TO THE NEW TEMPLE
Jakk) live here. This room is the heart of READ ALOUD
their territory, and loud noise or combat in This is a living area with crude furnishings.
any adjacent room attracts the attention of On the north wall, a small dais stands with
anyone in here. If the PCs are attacking and the remains of a stone statue’s legs. The
easily dealing with the Reborn, Sneering Jakk western door is blocked by several head-sized
has his people fall back to area 9 or 11. If it chunks of stone stacked up at its base. Two
looks like his group is likely to be killed off, lines of X-shaped grooves cross from the
Jakk orders them to scatter into the city or statue to the far wall.
the tunnels near the Prison.
The collapsed portion of the room is Five Reborn live here. Two are on guard
affected by a mix of the Pit of Insanity’s duty at any given time, alert for anyone
chaos and residual magic that destroyed the trying to come through the western door.
chambers to the west, causing a localized Thanks to the stone chunks blocking the
gravity aberration. The debris in the pile door, attempts to push it open take two or
alternates falling upward or downward every three additional rounds.
few minutes, moving about half as fast as it The statue originally depicted a hooded,
should, which also means it is much quieter cloaked man with a skull mask—perhaps
than normal. The effect only applies to things Ghul himself—but only the legs are still
in that corner, and only those that weigh less in place. Most of the pieces of the statue
than 20 pounds. (including its head, sporting a drawn-on
moustache) are now being used to block
11. DEEP PIT the door. Two rows of X-shaped grooves
READ ALOUD lead from the base of the dais to the south
This room has gently rounded corners and wall; their purpose isn’t clear and can’t be
some crude furnishings. The southwestern identified by the PCs.
part of the room has a very low wall built of Beyond the western door and down the GM intrusion: The Reborn’s
rubble, beyond which is a pit. stairs is the new Temple of the Ebon Hand, weapon was poisoned, inflicting
and the Pit of Insanity (leading to area 12 on an additional 4 points of Speed
damage (ignores Armor) for a few
Four Reborn live here, and there are the New Temple map). rounds if the character fails a
always at least two people awake and on Might defense roll.
guard in this room. Room with a statue of a skull-masked man.
The pit has a rough edge, as if the floor Does this represent Ghul the Half God?
collapsed unexpectedly. The pit is at least 60 X-shaped grooves in the floor. Can’t find any
feet deep and probably leads to a lower level mechanisms in them. Purpose?
of the Dungeon or perhaps even the caverns Helveg drew a moustache on the statue’s face.
beneath the city. Idiot. There’s probably a curse heading his way.
Zan and Kanno can detect powerful magic
beyond us to the north.
—Fulton’s journal
Chapter 3:
s mentioned in the background for Chelerana and her pet (the mutated gorgon
this adventure, the previous Ebon from area 7) come to the Gathering Hall to
Hand temple was cleared out by assist the defenders. However, she will not
adventurers. Afterward, the Cult of the Ebon fight to the death here. If things are clearly
Hand was declared illegal by a joint order going badly for the cult, Chelerana leaves her
from the Commissar and the Church, and pet here and retreats to area 10, where she
participation in its foul rites (which usually makes her stand at the Pit of Insanity.
involved unwilling victims) became illegal. The An attack from somewhere other than
surface temple in the city now stands empty the main entrance (such as from one of the
and looted. But that’s not the end of the story. western passages leading to tReborn territory
The new temple is headed by a maniacal or the Prison) causes far more chaos, resulting
priest named Chelerana, who was a close in a far less effective defense against intruders.
Malleck Javimal (CS and 5e), confidante of Malleck, the previous high priest
page 355 of the cult. She is capricious and arrogant, TEMPLE LAYOUT
Order of the Dawn (CS and 5e), and her followers fear her cruel whims. Unless otherwise noted, all doors are wooden
page 70 Unlike the previous temple, the cult keeps and have typical characteristics. Rooms are
the new Ebon Hand temple a secret, at least dimly lit by candles, torches in sconces, or
Knights of the Pale (CS and 5e),
page 121 for now. Word has spread through the chaos both. All rooms have recently been repurposed
cults and various unsavory groups, and their for the cult’s needs, so they are ancient
Ghul’s Labyrinth (CS and 5e), numbers have swelled with common cultists chambers furnished in relatively new (in some
page 390
as well as some warlocks. So far the Order of cases, hastily made) objects and fixtures.
the Dawn, the Knights of the Pale, and other The temple occupies a portion of Ghul’s
Most of the members of the cult are such groups are unaware of its existence. Labyrinth, and as such connects to other
human and can be of any gender. locations in the Labyrinth. Currently, it
TEMPLE REACTIONS TO ATTACK offers far more space than the renewed cult
Because the cult has already suffered the loss needs, and to an intruder’s eye it might seem
of its previous temple and many of its existing spartan or understaffed. That might make the
priests, members are currently fairly paranoid cult seem weak. That assumption, however,
and expect attacks. However, they only would be a mistake.
expect that from the main entrance (area 1). The cultists typically enter the newly
If the temple knows it’s under attack from established temple from above. In the basement
the main entrance, the guards and priests of an old house in the Guildsman District,
attempt to create a defensive line in area 2, they’ve built a heavy-duty winch system that
the Gathering Hall. There will be ten guards can raise and lower a wooden platform like an
and four priests in that room, as well as one elevator, connecting them to area 1.
of the Newborn from area 18. The guards and The shaft down to the temple is 150 feet
priests will use overturned tables for cover deep. It was once much narrower in places,
and focus on ranged attacks. If this battle goes but the cultists toiled night and day to widen
on for more than three rounds, high priest it and make their temple more accessible.
Return of the Ebon Hand
Most of the rank-and-file members of the Equipment: mace, 50 gp, one common or
cult are humans (any gender), with a chaotic uncommon potion Ebon Hand cultist: level 2;
evil or neutral evil alignment. They fall Each knows the following warlock spells: possible mutation
into one of six categories: cultists, guards, Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast (two Ebon Hand lieutenant: level 3;
lieutenants, priests, greater priests, and beams), friends, mage hand health 20; Armor 2; sword or spear
warlocks. 1st–3rd level (2 slots at 3rd level): arms of attack inflicts 5 points of damage;
possible mutation, carries a potion
Cultists: These are unexceptional people hadkar (4d6), charm person (3 creatures), of greater healing (Ptolus page 626)
from all walks of life who fell in with or hex, hold person (two creatures), mirror
willingly joined the Ebon Hand. They have image, vampiric touch Ebon Hand greater priest: level 4,
positive social interactions as level
cultist stats. All members of the cult wear black hand 3; mutation; hand-shaped mace
Guards: These range from mercenaries who symbols, bear the symbol as a tattoo, or attack inflicts 5 points of damage;
don’t care about the cult’s goals to zealots both. Priests, greater priests, and warlocks uses spells and magical abilities/
mutations with options for disguise,
truly devoted to chaos. They have the stats of wear black and red clothes, with black gloves. cursing foes, protection, and
Ebon Hand guards in the original Temple of Mutations: Many of the cultists, guards, and enhancing combat; carries a few
the Ebon Hand. lieutenants bear some hideous physical mutation, potions and scrolls
Lieutenants: Most of these officers are while all the priests, greater priests, and Ebon Hand warlock: level 4,
devoted members of the cult, but a few only warlocks do. They gained these mutations from positive social interactions as
pay lip service to the cause. Many joined the a magical cult ritual or exposure to the Pit of level 3; mutation; hand-shaped
mace attack inflicts 4 points of
Ebon Hand from other chaos cults. They Insanity, which also grants them an exceptional damage; uses spells and magical
have thug stats, with AC 16. ability. Due to their unnatural mutations, abilities/mutations with options
Equipment: spear, chain mail, shortbow, these NPCs have disadvantage on Animal for blasting two foes with magical
bolts, charming or paralyzing a few
arrows (12), potion of healing, 50 feet of Handling, Deception, and Persuasion checks. foes for a minute, creating illusory
rope, 10 gp The GM can determine an NPC’s mutation duplicates, cursing a foe, inflicting
Priests: These are devout but unexceptional randomly using the Gifts of Deformity table cold damage in an immediate area,
or draining health from a foe to
cultists, loyal and willing to die for their or the Extreme Mutation table on the next heal themselves; carries one or two
masters. They have the stats of Ebon Hand page. minor potions or scrolls
priests in the original Temple of the Ebon
Unnatural mutations: The
Hand, and each has a mutation (see
character’s positive social
below). interaction tasks and animal-
Greater Priests: A few members of the handling tasks are hindered.
cult wield superior magic, either due
GM intrusion: The NPC reveals
to their own talents or augmented a previously hidden mutation,
by the Pit of Insanity. They have making an additional attack or
augmenting its attack with poison
cult fanatic stats, with AC 18.
or fire, inflicting an additional
Each has a mutation (see below). 4 points of damage.
Equipment: mace, chain mail,
shield, light crossbow, bolts (12),
potion of invisibility, ebony unholy
symbol worth 25 gp, 50 gp Ebon Hand guard (CS and 5e),
page 354
Each is a 5th-level spellcaster who has the
following cleric spells prepared: Temple of the Ebon Hand
Cantrips (at will): guidance, mending, (CS and 5e), page 354
resistance, sacred flame (inflicts necrotic Ebon Hand priest (CS and 5e),
damage) page 354
1st level (4 slots): bane, cure wounds,
Arcanist (5e), page 605
disguise self, sanctuary
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, mirror Gifts of deformity (CS and 5e),
image page 357
3rd level (2 slots): bestow curse
Warlocks: These people are the arcane
counterparts to the greater priests. Some are
mages whose minds were corrupted when
they accidentally tapped into the evil powers
beneath Ptolus, but most deliberately sought
out this power. They have arcanist stats,
and each has a mutation (see below).
d10 Extreme Mutation 5e Effect Cypher System Effect
1 Two extra arms Makes one extra physical Makes one extra physical attack
attack each round each round
2 Spider legs Makes one extra physical Makes one extra physical attack
attack each round each round
3 Jagged metal skin +2 to AC, creature that +1 to Armor, creature that touches
touches or hits them takes or hits them takes 4 points of
The Cult of the Ebon Hand embraces
and reveres extraneous, intentional 3 (1d6) slashing damage slashing damage
mutation and deformity. Their outlook 4 Eyes all over See in darkness, see invisible See in darkness, see invisible
has nothing to do with someone
who has a natural handicap or creatures, foe’s attacks have creatures, foe’s attacks hindered
imperfection. disadvantage
Giving a cultist or guard an unusual 5 Elastic arms Increase melee range Can make melee attacks up to a
ability from a mutation is a fun way by 5 feet short distance away
to make a routine combat encounter
more interesting. The PCs might 6 Swollen neck One melee foe each round One creature within an immediate
dismiss the NPC as a minor threat, takes 7 (2d6) poison damage distance takes 4 points of Speed
and then be surprised when the NPC’s
damage (ignores Armor) on failed
mutation does something unexpected.
Might defense roll
7 Flexible bones Advantage on Dexterity Speed defense and agility tasks eased
checks and saves, foes have
disadvantage with physical
8 Red worm goiters Worms jump onto one melee Worms jump onto one immediate-
foe each round, inflict range foe each round, inflict 2 points
2 (1d4) piercing damage each of damage each round (ignores
round until foe uses an action Armor after the first attack) until
to kill them foe uses action to kill them
9 Enlarged brain All attacks against foes Attacks also inflict 4 points of
within 50 feet add 3 (1d6) Intellect damage (ignores Armor) on
psychic damage failed Intellect defense roll
10 Second face Use bonus action to drink a Drink a potion or use another
potion or cast an additional magical ability as part of creature’s
spell (if a spellcaster) other actions on its turn
Return of the Ebon Hand
2nd (3 slots): hold person, misty step The cultists in the house are responsible for
3rd (2 slots): stinking cloud operating the winch here. If the platform is
She uses her magic to quickly incapacitate here and they hear a bell ringing below, they
foes so her six lackeys can finish them off. are supposed to lower the platform as quickly
The lackeys occupy rooms on the lower level as possible.
of the house. The lackeys have Ebon Hand Ebon Hand guard (CS and 5e),
guard stats, modified as follows: 1. BOTTOM OF THE SHAFT page 354
Burly bruisers (4): Advantage on attack READ ALOUD
rolls, wielding clubs. The center of this large room is left open
Stealthy rogues (2): Advantage on attack to accommodate a round wooden platform
Burly Bruiser (4): As Ebon Hand
rolls and Stealth checks, wielding poisoned that can be raised and lowered by a series of guard; attacks as level 3
daggers. Target hit by a dagger must make winches positioned around the room.
Stealthy Rogue (2): As Ebon Hand
a DC 13 Constitution save, taking 7 (2d6)
Guard; melee attacks and stealth
poison damage on a failed save, or half as A single guard stands watch at the bottom as level 3; poison inflicts 4 points of
much damage on a successful one. of the shaft. They carry a handbell; they ring Speed damage (ignores Armor) on
a failed Might defense task
The lackeys quickly dispose of any bodies it twice in quick succession whenever they
by bringing them into the temple and feeding see the platform lowering, and ring it once
them to the severely mutated newborns. to get those in the house above to lower the Newborn, page 29
platform when needed.
THE BASEMENT Two bell rings alert nearby cultists that
This area is directly above the shaft leading someone is coming down from the house.
to area 1. Although the basement of the Although the assumption is that it will be an
house once might have been a cellar for ally, guards and priests are particularly alert
storing food, now it has a large, newly built if they hear two rings followed by any other
winch and pulley system for raising and strange noises.
lowering a 10-foot-wide wooden platform
down the 20-foot-wide shaft in the middle
of the floor. The platform typically is here
rather than at the bottom of the shaft.
Return of the Ebon Hand
This room has a large bed, a treasure chest,
and a couple of chairs that are piled with
about three outfits’ worth of clothes. The
walls are adorned with hideous framed
in her room. She has trapped it with a 9. GLASS AND WAX ROOM
Exploding glyph trap: level 6;
explodes in an immediate area glyph of warding (DC 13 Dexterity, READ ALOUD
and inflicts 8 points of electricity 22 [5d8] lightning damage). Inside the chest The stone and mortar of the walls,
damage (ignores Armor) on a failed is 5,340 gp and three gold ingots worth 100 floor, and ceiling of this room have
Speed defense task; a creature that
succeeds at the task still takes gp each. The lid of the chest has a secret hole been transformed by magic. Most of the
4 points of damage (DC 20 Perception), inside of which is a very individual stones are glass, and the mortar
Chest secret hole: level 7 to find long magical golden key. The key is used to appears to be hardened wax. One whole
safely open the hidden compartment in the section of the floor (both mortar and stone)
Hidden keyhole: level 7 to find,
level 8 to pick floor next to Chelerana’s bed. is all green-tinted glass.
Exploding f lagstone trap: level 6;
Hidden Compartment: On the floor next
inflicts 12 points of force damage to the bed is a pair of magical flagstones This empty chamber is very old, but has
(ignores Armor) on a failed Speed with a difficult-to-find keyhole hidden been altered by the Pit of Insanity. The room
defense task; a creature that
succeeds at the task still takes
between them (DC 20 Perception check). is otherwise unremarkable and safe.
6 points of damage Picking the lock is a DC 22 check; if the
Ebony f ly (level 3): Small figurine compartment is broken open or the lock is 10. PIT OF INSANITY
transforms into a horse-sized opened without the key, the two flagstones READ ALOUD
housefly that can be ridden as a explode. The explosion fills the entire room; Every surface in this area is warped and
mount (flies a short distance each
round) for 12 hours. Depletion: everything in the area must make a DC 13 twisted, making it difficult to move quickly
1 in 1d20. Dexterity saving throw, taking 31 (7d8) force through it. The stone here has been changed
Rope of entanglement (level 5): damage on a failed save, or half as much on to a patchwork of wood, glass, leather, flesh,
One human-sized creature within a successful one. The explosion automatically bone, metals, and even stranger things. A
immediate distance is entangled destroys everything in the hidden balustrade of stone is built around the edge
if it fails a Might or Speed defense
roll. Depletion: 1 in 1d20. compartment. If the key (from the treasure of the room, with a hand-shaped platform
chest) is used to open the lock, the magic positioned over a large hole in the floor.
Wand of fear (level 5): One
creature within short distance on the flagstones is suppressed and they can
flees at full speed for one minute be lifted open like small doors, revealing This chamber’s walls, floor, and ceiling
if it fails an Intellect defense roll.
a secret cache that holds four potions of betray the transformative power of the pit in
Depletion: 1 in 1d20.
greater healing, an ebony fly figurine of the middle.
Chelerana (chaotic evil):
level 6, positive social interactions
wondrous power, a rope of entanglement, The pit, of course, is ancient. However,
as level 5; health 44 (from and a wand of fear. the cult has built a balcony or terrace with a
mutation); Armor 2; two mace Chelerana has ecclesiastic stats, with AC magical balustrade on it, as well as a hand-
attacks inflict 5 points of damage
each; uses spells with options
19, 60 hp, Constitution 19, and her Divine shaped platform for lowering sacrifices (in
for healing, defense, disguising, Eminence ability inflicts acid damage most cases, inmates from the Prison) into the
perception, entangling, and instead of radiant damage; alignment chaos to be transformed.
hypnotizing; wears a magic artifact
cape (teleport a very long distance
chaotic evil. Her gift of deformity gives Warped Room: The many and frequent
as an action, depletion 1–5 in 1d20), her discolored flesh, a high Constitution, alterations to this room have made every
carries a few potions and scrolls and disadvantage on Animal Handling, surface irregular and strange. The entire
Difficult terrain, page 224 Deception, and Persuasion checks. area counts as difficult terrain (movement is
GM intrusion: The Pit of Insanity’s Equipment: +1 mace, half plate, shield, halved).
power flares up, healing the NPC light crossbow, bolts (12), cape of the Wooden Platform: In the cult’s previous
to full health. mountebank, potion of invisibility, potion temple, their hand monument was made of
GM intrusion: The NPC taps into of superior healing, spell scroll of harm, stone, but here it is a horizontal platform
the power of the Pit of Insanity, ebony unholy symbol (worth 25 gp), ebony of wood that they’ve painted black. Like
easing all of its attacks for the
remainder of the combat. headdress (worth 200 gp), 220 gp. She has the platform used to reach the temple from
the following cleric spells prepared: above, this one is raised and lowered via a
Cantrips (at will): guidance, sacred flame large winch; it is designed to hang over or be
(acid damage), thaumaturgy lowered down into the Pit of Insanity.
Ecclesiastic (5e), page 608 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, disguise Balustrade: The cultists erected a sort of
self, sanctuary terrace that extends out over the pit, with
Kem (CS and 5e), page 43
2nd level (3 slots): see invisibility, web a balustrade of marble supports. What
3rd level (2 slots): hypnotic pattern, spirit isn’t automatically obvious is that runes
guardians carved into the marble balusters contain
ancient magic from Kem that partially tames
the power of the chaotic energies below.
Someone—such as the high priestess—can
stand upon the balustrade and remain
relatively unscathed.
Return of the Ebon Hand
Return of the Ebon Hand
16. UNUSED CHAMBER the newborns have been rejected by the cult’s
READ ALOUD gods, but that may be because there are no Frein Avathon (chaotic evil):
This large chamber is filled with rubble, old actual deities paying attention. level 6, interaction and strategy
tasks as level 7; health 28; Armor 3;
broken furnishings, and other debris. two greataxe attacks inflict 7 points
18. NEWBORNS of damage each
This is trash and junk that the cult has The door to this room is barred from the
cleared from the other rooms in order to use outside. The creatures within could break
them as part of the new temple. it open, but they fear Chelerana’s wrath, so
Frein Avathon (CS and 5e),
A woman named Frein Avathon hides here they remain inside unless something outside is page 357
amid the junk. She was the guard captain of too much of a temptation to ignore.
the original Temple of the Ebon Hand, and The Reborn, page 16
she escaped before it fell. With no actual READ ALOUD
devotion to the cult, she wants to see the This room is wrecked, with smashed furniture If the PCs killed or captured Frein
new temple fall. Frein hates Chelerana and and rock fragments strewn all over. Four during the attack on the previous
temple, this character is a different
infiltrated the temple as soon as she heard monstrous creatures pace about like caged Ebon Hand guard who has come
about it to learn what she can. beasts. to spy on them. Use Frein’s stats
Frein knows about the Reborn and thinks for this guard, whose name is
Yora Schenk.
that pitting them against the cult is the best When Chelerana uses the pit to mutate
way to destroy what Chelerana has built. prisoners, the survivors are rage-filled
However, invading adventurers might work monsters that she calls her “newborns.”
just as well. She might be willing to provide The cultists consider them sacred beings,
information or even aid to anyone attacking but Chelerana knows they can be dangerous
the temple. However, if the PCs were the if left to their own impulses, and insists
ones that wiped out the old temple, she hates they remain captive here where they can be
them as well and will try to get them killed
(or attack them when they are weakened).
Frein has grown more skilled and more
dangerous in the time since the first temple
fell. Instead of what is presented in the Ptolus
book, use the following: Frein Avathon has
thug stats, with AC 18, 50 hp, +2 to melee
attacks and damage; alignment chaotic evil.
Equipment: +1 greataxe, plate, longbow,
arrows (12), 150 gp
controlled. The pit has more magical energy more powerful group (such as the Church
than the ritual the cult formerly used to of Lothian, the Inverted Pyramid, or the
create the “children of the hand,” and the Temple of Teun) that is interested in stopping
newborns are stranger and more powerful the expansion of chaos magic in Ptolus.
than even she expected. Otherwise, random events (like reviving
The four newborns are over 12 feet tall the dead, mutating creatures, and altering
when upright, but they have a hunched physical matter) continue to plague the city
posture so their hands drag on the ground. for months until the pit goes quiet again.
Their skin is covered in heavy veins, as well
as swollen pustules that occasionally burst EBON HAND CONTROLS THE PIT
open to spray tiny amounts of blood, pus, If the cultists remain in control of the pit,
strange fluids, flower petals, dead insects, and Chelerana (or the most powerful surviving
other random things. The newborns are full priest) continues to use its power, mutating
of rage and nearly mindless, and sometimes its members and creating more newborns.
Newborn (4): level 6; health 30;
regains 5 health per round unless they pummel each other for a while out Other chaos cults begin to rally to their
damaged by fire or acid, which of frustration and boredom (but their banner, and the cult begins to attack its
suppresses regeneration for a few regeneration means they quickly recover from enemies (real and perceived). They try to
rounds (dies if it reaches 0 health
while regeneration suppressed); these wounds). direct the magic of the pit upward into the
two claw attacks inflict 6 points of A newborn has troll stats, with 100 hp, city, causing hundreds of mutations and
damage each; extreme mutation advantage on Strength and Constitution driving people into a frenzy of murder.
checks and saves, and inflict double damage
Extreme mutation, page 22 with their attacks. Each also has an extreme REBORN CONTROL THE PIT
mutation. They attack anyone who opens With the cultists out of the picture, the
A newborn can be restored to the door unless Chelerana or a greater priest Reborn move in to take control of the pit
normalcy with an especially powerful is present (they fear her and sullenly comply and guard it so others can’t access it. The
healing, restoration, or wish spell.
with her orders). In a mixed group of cultists pit continues to create new Reborn, and
and non-cultists, they first attack non-cultists, eventually Sneering Jakk has enough people
then turn on cultists once those foes are gone on his side that he feels comfortable making
(unless Chelerana or a greater priest is on raids against the Prison. Once the guards
hand to order them back to their room). and the warden are dead, they turn their
attention to old grudges, killing people in the
19. PASSAGE TO THE PRISON city above. Depending on how Jakk plays his
This area, warped by proximity to the Pit cards, he might try to take out the Balacazars
of Insanity, is now an erratically bending or (more likely) offer them his group’s
tunnel that eventually leads to the vicinity services in exchange for joining the crime
of the Prison. The cultists use it to pick up family and eliminating a few old rivals. If he
prisoners sold to them by corrupt Prison makes a play against the Balacazars, Kevris
CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE guards and bring them back to the temple Killraven gets wind of it and (given that she’s
XP Award: The PCs each earn to be transformed into newborns. The Ebon comfortable allying with monsters) might
1 XP for discovering who the Reborn Hand doesn’t fear (or expect) attackers from propose an alliance.
really are and 1 XP for eliminating
them as a threat to the regular this direction and leaves this entrance to their
people of Ptolus (whether the temple unguarded. KNIGHTS OF THE HIVE
PCs do this by killing the Reborn, CONTROL THE PIT
convincing them to fight the
Balacazars, or some other plan). CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE If the Ebon Hand and the Reborn are no
The following are the most likely outcomes longer an issue, the Knights of the Hive might
The PCs each earn 1 XP for defeating for this adventure, depending on the actions see this as the dawn of the “foreordained
the Knights of the Hive and 1 XP
for destroying the Ghost Queen; of the PCs. time” they have been waiting for and relocate
although she and her guardians are themselves, the undead wasps, and the Ghost
not currently a threat, it is inevitable FUTURE IMPLICATIONS Queen to the vicinity of the pit. The queen
that they will be at some point in
the future (perhaps as part of the With the Ebon Hand actively using the magic then uses her magic to create more undead
Night of Dissolution adventure). of the Pit of Insanity for weeks, its power is minions (humanoid and insectoid), while
churned up and readily available to anyone the six main knights seek potential recruits
The PCs each earn 1 XP for
discovering and invading the new willing to tap into it—and it likely remains for this strange knighthood (perhaps from
Temple of the Ebon Hand, 1 XP active for a long time, even if left alone. The prominent chaos cults or champions of
for defeating Chelerana, and 1 XP PCs probably don’t have the knowledge churches in the Temple District). It is likely
for restoring at least two of the
“newborns” to their original forms. or power to quell or contain it, and if that they eventually ally with the Forsaken in
that is their goal, they’ll need to bring in a the Dark Reliquary.
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material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter
Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve
conveyed by this License. Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
rip of the Ebon Hand was originally can barge into the Temple of the Ebon Hand
Grip of the Ebon Hand is intended a one-shot Gen Con scenario and see what there is to see, leading to a big
for 5th-level 5e characters or tier 2 intended to introduce players to battle with priests and guards. During this
Cypher System characters.
the Ptolus setting. It included some of the fight, it is likely that the leader of the cult,
Temple of the Ebon Hand material in the 3e Malleck, escapes. The PCs must track him
version of Ptolus: Monte Cook’s City by the down, perhaps all the way to the Skull and
Spire, plus additional introductory material Sword tavern in the Guildsman District, for a
to turn that excerpt into a playable adventure. final confrontation.
This PDF includes the introductory material Alternatively, the PCs could pose as would-
(converted to 5e and Cypher System) from be worshippers and attempt to infiltrate
the Gen Con scenario so you can run it for the temple. This gets them deep inside the
your group. You will need the 5e or Cypher underground structure and may lead to one
System version of Ptolus to use this material. or more of them undergoing a terrible test.
Monte Cook and Sean K. Reynolds One way or another, their ruse won’t last,
Creative Director FLOW OF THE ADVENTURE and they likely have a big battle with priests
Monte Cook
The adventure starts out as the player and guards. During this fight, the leader of
Managing Editor
Teri Litorco
characters are wandering in a marketplace the cult, Malleck, may escape. The PCs must
in Ptolus, minding their own business. track him down, perhaps all the way to the
Ray Vallese There’s an incident in the streets, and the Skull and Sword tavern in the Guildsman
Proofreader PCs are likely to get involved in a big fight District, for a final confrontation.
John Joseph Adams
with some kidnappers. Regardless of their
Art Director
Bear Weiter
success, they learn that there have been ENCOUNTER 1: IT BEGINS
Cover Artist
many kidnappings in the area of late, and The player characters are strolling through the
Mauro Alocci the victims have always been young people North Market in the early evening, perhaps
Artists (mostly young teenagers). looking for someplace to get something to
Mauro Alocci, Javier P. Beltrán,
Angelica Donarini, Scott Purdy
The player characters investigate and learn eat. They hear a scream from nearby. Then
that the Cult of the Ebon Hand is likely another. If they investigate, they see, just
Hugo Solis behind the kidnappings. At this point, they around the corner, a scene of trouble and
Grip of the Ebon Hand
violence. (If they do not, half a minute later, someone comes that there are probably more where these came from, and
running around the corner begging them to help.) the threat’s not over. Someone in the surrounding crowd, or
Refer to the Open Market map (Ptolus, page 279). Feel even one of the guards, likely mentions the fact that the son
free to expand it with more stalls, carts, and even larger of a wealthy merchant, Glava Kadalisan, was kidnapped in a
buildings if the encounter needs more room. similar raid a few days ago, and she’s offering a reward.
A total of ten sinister cultists (Ebon Hand guard: Ptolus,
page 354) are kidnapping young people in the dim dusk light. INTERLUDE: INVESTIGATION
This sort of kidnapping has been going on for a while, but Player characters would do well to investigate immediately
this is the first time they’ve been so brazen about it. Hidden after the fight, if possible.
nearby are two “children of the hand”—mutated victims that
seem almost like trolls (child of the hand: Ptolus, page 358). EYEWITNESSES
By the time the PCs show up, four of the cultists have Although there were plenty of people around when the
grabbed two teenagers—a boy and a girl. Two cultists hold kidnappers struck, no one saw anything that can provide
the captives while two others subdue them with the hafts the PCs with valuable information. Despite the fact that the
of their weapons. They’ll fight to defend themselves or to witnesses have nothing much to say, they are eager to talk.
keep their victims, but they aren’t interested in combat right
now. The other six cultists are just there to keep anyone from THE DROPPED LOCKET
interfering. They threaten with their clubs or throw daggers If the PCs search any fallen foes, they find nothing on the
at those who look as though they might try to be heroes. Like cultists that suggests their group affiliation or leadership.
the other four, they’re not looking to start a fight—in fact, The cultists were careful to remove such things—with one
they’re trying to prevent one. exception. When the PCs conduct a search of the bodies (if
The two children of the hand lurk in the shadows of any), or if they just search the area for clues, have the players
the market stalls, out of sight for now. They won’t reveal make searching rolls (5e DC 18, Cypher System level 6).
themselves unless someone shows up to threaten the mission Success means that they find a small silver locket, perhaps
(likely the PCs). dropped by one of the kidnappers. The locket has a small
black hand painted on it. A successful roll about religious
RUNNING THIS ENCOUNTER knowledge (5e DC 18, Cypher System level 6) reveals that the
The key to this encounter is confusion and mayhem. The symbol could represent a small, rather minor religion called
player characters shouldn’t be sure how many opponents they the Cult of the Ebon Hand.
face at first. There should be confused townsfolk running If the PCs turn this locket or the information over to the
about, getting in the way. The kidnappers try to use the City Watch, the Watch captain thanks them, but clearly
commotion to escape with their victims. The PCs might be doesn’t think too much of it. She doesn’t know what the
hard pressed to deal with all these foes in a straight-up fight, symbol means, and if the PCs suggest the Ebon Hand cult,
but all the cultists want to do is get away. she replies with something like, “Well, even if so, that
If the player characters somehow prevent this from doesn’t mean anything.” She pulls out her own Lothianite
happening for a full ten rounds (unlikely), the City Watch ankh crucifix and says, “If I committed a crime and dropped
arrives and immediately joins in the fight. The six Watch this, you wouldn’t blame the Church, would you?” This
guards (Ptolus, page 142) and a constable (Ptolus, page 142) isn’t meant to throw the PCs off the trail, but to help them
named Mironel Adovus take a round to assess the situation, understand why the Watch isn’t going to storm the Ebon
but eventually they come down firmly on the side of the PCs. Hand temple.
Otherwise, the player characters have to defeat the cultists
on their own or let some of them escape. THE CHILDREN OF THE HAND
Treasure: In addition to their gear, the cultists have a total If the PCs killed or subdued one of the children of the hand,
of two potions of healing and two potions of invisibility. they can examine it and make a magical knowledge roll (5e
DC 20, Cypher System level 7). A success suggests that this
WRAPPING UP THIS ENCOUNTER is no normal creature, but one that has been transformed
Whether they come to help out or simply to clean up after into its current state, and that its natural form is that of a
the action’s over, the City Watch arrives ten rounds after human—probably a teenager.
the encounter begins. If the danger has passed, the guards Should the player characters discover this and have the
question those involved and also answer questions themselves. locket, allow them to make another religion roll (5e DC 18,
These guards can tell PCs that this is just the most recent of Cypher System level 6). Success means that the PC suddenly
many such kidnappings, although it is the most brazen yet. remembers that the Cult of the Ebon Hand has ties to
No one knows who these attackers work for or why they are physical transformation in its belief system—and the two
kidnapping victims, although the guards suspect them to be clues, taken together, certainly seem to point in that direction.
slavers. They have no idea what the children of the hand are.
It doesn’t matter if the cultists get away or not. Even if the
player characters defeat them all, the PCs quickly find out
Grip of the Ebon Hand
ADDITIONAL NOTES ON TEMPLE ROOMS Ibard is a litorian with priest stats, with AC 19, 35 hp,
The following is additional information about the areas of the +1 on all saves, and her Divine Eminence ability inflicts
temple (as presented in the Ptolus book) that is relevant to acid damage instead of radiant damage; alignment chaotic
this scenario. evil. Equipment: mace, chain mail, shield, heavy crossbow,
12 bolts, bell-shaped jeweled amulet (100 gp), 19 gp, 5 sp,
AREA 2 spell scroll of hold person, cloak of protection. She has the
The priest (Ptolus, Ebon Hand Priest, page 354) living here following cleric spells prepared:
is named Urkara Sturn. In addition to her gear, she has a Cantrips (at will): guidance, mending, resistance
potion of invisibility. 1st level (4 slots): bane, cure wounds, protection from evil
and good, sanctuary
AREA 17 2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, shatter
The abductees held in this room haven’t been overly 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, fear
mistreated, although they are all scheduled for
transformation. They reveal that there is still another kidnap
victim, a boy named Stalart, somewhere in the temple; he was Ibard (chaotic evil): level 5; health 30; Armor 2 (3 with spell);
here until a frightened priest named Malleck came and took two mace attacks inflict 5 points of damage each; uses spells
him away quite some time ago. with options for dispelling magic, creating fear, negating harmful
effects, adding +1 to Armor, breaking objects, and healing.
AREA 19 Equipment: mace, chain mail, shield, heavy crossbow, 12 bolts,
On the table are some letters and papers. Most are innocuous, bell-shaped jeweled amulet (100 gp), 19 gp, 5 sp, carries a few
but one is from someone named Shigmaa Wuntad (Ptolus, potions and scrolls.
page 77). The note says that if Malleck ever gets in trouble,
he should meet up with a cultist named Ibard in the Skull and
Sword tavern. This is an important clue if Malleck got away. CONCLUSION
Glava Kadalisan is thrilled if the PCs return her son, and
ENCOUNTER 3: THE FINALE she gladly rewards them. Likewise, the PCs can return other
If Malleck is able to escape, he takes his hostage (Stalart) and kidnapped victims to their homes (and grateful families). The
sneaks through the night to the Skull and Sword tavern in the City Watch commends them for their work and assures them
Guildsman District, as mentioned in the note in area 19. The that, even as they speak, they are clearing out the Ebon Hand
tavern is not hard to find. temple to root out any more cultists or dangers. The PCs’
reputations get a big boost for their good work.
This rough bar (Ptolus, page 180) is in the Guildsman
District. Malleck is here, trying to be inconspicuous in the
corner of the lower room. Stalart is also here, with a cloak
draped around him to hide the fact that he’s bound and
gagged. No one else is in the lower room at the time (until
the PCs or Ibard show up).
Malleck has healed all of his wounds and has cast a spell
on himself that hides him from divination magic. If somehow
he realizes the player characters are looking for him before
they find him, he casts a disguise spell on himself as well.
However, he dismisses that spell if Ibard shows up so she can
recognize him.
If the PCs confront Malleck, he realizes he’s cornered
and fights it out right here. Should the PCs wait and watch
instead, a litorian (Ptolus, page 56) priest named Ibard
shows up. Ibard is the current leader of the Tolling Bell
chaos cult (Ptolus, page 77), and her involvement makes
the confrontation with Malleck a lot harder, as she enjoys
helping the priest trounce some interloping “heroes.”
No bar patrons or employees interfere in the combat.
They’re used to a lot of tussle here.