BS en Iso 22232-2-2020 PDF
BS en Iso 22232-2-2020 PDF
BS en Iso 22232-2-2020 PDF
Part 2: Probes
National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN ISO 22232‑2:2020.
It is identical to ISO 22232‑2:2020. It supersedes BS EN 12668‑2:2010,
which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee WEE/46/3, Ultrasonic Testing.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its committee manager.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2020
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2020
ISBN 978 0 580 99295 7
ICS 19.100
Compliance with a British Standard cannot con fer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 October 2020.
I CS 1 9 .1 0 0 Supersedes EN 1 2 668‑2 : 2 01 0
English Version
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving
this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up‑to‑date lists and bibliographical
references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN‑CENELEC Management Centre
or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three o fficial versions (English, French, German) . A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility o f a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the o fficial versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
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Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.
© 2 02 0 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 2 2 2 3 2 ‑2 : 2 02 0: E
worldwide for CEN national Members
BS EN ISO 22232‑2:2020
EN ISO 22232‑2:2020 (E)
European foreword
This document (EN ISO 22232‑2:2020) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 135 "Non‑
destructive testing" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 138 “Non‑destructive testing”
the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by March 2021, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by March 2021.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN 12668‑2:2010.
According to the CEN‑CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic
of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the
United Kingdom.
Endorsement notice
The text of ISO 22232‑2:2020 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 22232‑2:2020 without any
BS EN ISO 22232‑2:2020
ISO 22232‑2:2020
Contents Page
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... v
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative re ferences ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5 General requirements o f con formity .............................................................................................................................................. 4
6 Technical information for probes ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.2 Probe data sheet .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.3 Probe test report ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7 Test equipment....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.1 Electronic equipment ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
7.2 Test blocks and other equipment............................................................................................................................................ 7
8 Performance requirements for probes ...................................................................................................................................... 15
8.1 Physical aspects ................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
8.1.1 Procedure ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
8.1.2 Acceptance criterion .................................................................................................................................................. 15
8.2 Pulse shape, amplitude and duration ............................................................................................................................... 15
8.2.1 Procedure ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
8.2.2 Acceptance criterion .................................................................................................................................................. 16
8.3 Frequency spectrum and bandwidth ................................................................................................................................ 17
8.3.1 Procedure ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
8.3.2 Acceptance criteria ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
8.4 Pulse‑echo sensitivity .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
8.4.1 Procedure ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
8.4.2 Acceptance criterion .................................................................................................................................................. 18
8.5 Distance‑amplitude curve .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
8.5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
8.5.2 Procedure ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
8.5.3 Acceptance criterion .................................................................................................................................................. 20
8.6 Beam parameters for immersion probes ...................................................................................................................... 20
8.6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
8.6.2 Beam profile — Measurements performed directly on the beam ...................................... 21
8.6.3 Beam profile — Measurements made using an automated scanning system .......... 28
8.7 Beam parameters for straight‑beam single‑transducer contact probes ............................................ 30
8.7.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
8.7.2 Beam divergence and side lobes ..................................................................................................................... 31
8.7.3 Squint angle and offset for straight‑beam probes ............................................................................ 32
8.7.4 Focal distance (near field length) ................................................................................................................... 33
8.7.5 Focal width ......................................................................................................................................................................... 33
8.7.6 Length of the focal zone .......................................................................................................................................... 34
8.8 Beam parameters for angle‑beam single‑transducer contact probes .................................................. 34
8.8.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
8.8.2 Index point ......................................................................................................................................................................... 34
8.8.3 Beam angle and beam divergence.................................................................................................................. 35
8.8.4 Squint angle and offset for angle‑beam probes .................................................................................. 38
8.8.5 Focal distance (near field length) ................................................................................................................... 41
8.8.6 Focal width ......................................................................................................................................................................... 42
8.8.7 Length of the focal zone .......................................................................................................................................... 42
8.9 Beam parameters for straight‑beam dual‑transducer contact probes ................................................ 43
8.9.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
8.9.2 Delay line delay path ................................................................................................................................................. 43
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www.iso.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 135, Non-destructive testing , Subcommittee
SC 3, Ultrasonic testing, in collaboration with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
Technical Committee CEN/TC 138, Non-destructive testing, in accordance with the Agreement on
technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).
A list of all parts in the ISO 22232 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
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2 Normative re ferences
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 5577, Non-destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing — Vocabulary
ISO 7963, Non-destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing — Specification for calibration block No. 2
ISO 22232‑1, Non-destructive testing — Characterization
and verification of ultrasonic test equipment —
Part 1: Instruments
ISO/IEC 17050‑1, Con formity assessment — Supplier's declaration o f con formity — Part 1: General
horizontal plane
<angle‑beam probes> plane perpendicular to the vertical plane (3.7) of the sound beam including the
beam axis in the material
peak‑to‑peak amplitude
difference between the highest positive and the lowest negative amplitude in a pulse
h peak‑to‑peak amplitude
L pulse duration
probe data sheet
document giving manu facturer's technical specifications o f the same type o f probes, i.e. probes
manufactured in series
Note 1 to entry: The data sheet does not necessarily need to be a test certificate o f per formance.
Note 2 to entry: For individually designed or manufactured probes, some parameters may not be accurately
known before manufacturing.
probe test report
document showing compliance with this document giving the measured values of the required
parameters o f one specific probe, including test equipment and conditions
re ference side
right side o f an angle-beam probe looking in the direction o f the beam, unless otherwise specified by
the manufacturer
squint angle for straight‑beam probes
deviation between the beam axis and the line perpendicular to the coupling surface at the point
of incidence
1 ultrasonic straight‑beam probe e offset
2 EMA receiver δ squint angle for straight‑beam probes
3 echo point Xc, Yc coordinates of the centre of the probe
4 hemicylindrical test block Xm coordinate of EMA receiver
Ym coordinate of the centre of the block
vertical plane
<angle‑beam probes> plane through the beam axis of a sound beam in the probe wedge and the beam
axis in the test object
wear allowance
maximum wear of the probe contact surface which does not affect the performance of the probe
Note 1 to entry: Wear allowance is typically expressed in millimetres.
4 Symbols
Symbol Unit Meaning
L us Pulse duration
h V Peak‑to‑peak amplitude
fo Hz Centre frequency
fu Hz Upper cut‑off frequency
fl Hz Lower cut‑off frequency
Δf Hz Bandwidth
Δ frel % Relative bandwidth
S dB Pulse‑echo sensitivity
N0 mm Near field length
FD mm Focal distance
FL mm Length o f focal zone at −6 dB using a reflector or −3 dB using a hydrophone
ZP mm Focal point
Wx mm Focal width on X‑axis
6.1 General
The test conditions and the equipment used for the evaluation of the probe parameters shall be listed
(see Table 2).
For individually designed or manufactured probes some parameters may not be accurately known
prior to manufacturing. In that case the measured values shall be used as reference values.
The probe test report shall include the unique serial number or the permanent reference number to
provide a uniquely assignment between the specific probe and the probe test report.
Table 2 — List o f in formation to be given in a probe data sheet and a probe test report
Probe data Probe test
In formation to be given Comment
sheet report
Manu facturer's name I I —
Probe type I I —
Probe serial number — I —
Probe housing dimensions I I —
Probe weight I I —
Type of connectors I I —
Connectors interchangeability I I Only for dual‑transducer probes
Crosstalk I M Only for dual‑transducer probes
Transducer material I I —
Shape and size of transducer I I —
Roof angle of transducers I I Only for dual‑transducer probes
Wedge material I I Only for angle‑beam probes
Wedge delay path I I Only for angle‑beam probes,
Delay line material I I Only for straight‑beam probes
Delay line delay I I Only for straight‑beam probes,
Protection layer material I I —
Wear allowance I I —
Pulse shape I M —
Frequency spectrum I M —
Centre frequency I M —
Bandwidth I M —
Pulse duration I M —
Pulse‑echo sensitivity I M —
Beam angle I M Only for angle‑beam probes
Angles of divergence I I Not for focusing immersion probes
Squint angle I I —
Squint offset I I —
Only for angle‑beam probes
Probe index point I I Alternatively the distance between the probe
index point and the front of the probe can be given
Type of focus I I —
Focal distance or near field length I I —
Width of the focal zone I I Only for focusing probes
Length of the focal zone I I Only for focusing probes
Operating temperature range I I —
Storage temperature range I I —
DAC I — —
Distance‑amplitude curve available I — —
I information
M measurement
7 Test equipment
In addition to the ultrasonic instrument or laboratory pulser/receiver the items of equipment essential
to assess probes in accordance with this document are as follows:
a) an oscilloscope with a minimum bandwidth of 100 MHz;
b) a frequency spectrum analyser with a minimum bandwidth of 100 MHz, or an oscilloscope/digitiser
or computer capable of performing discrete Fourier transforms (DFT).
The following additional equipment is optional:
c) for contact probes only:
1) an electromagnetic‑acoustic probe (EMA) and receiver;
2) a plotter to plot directivity diagrams;
d) for immersion probes only:
a hydrophone receiver with an active diameter less than two times the central ultrasonic
wavelength of the probe (centre frequency) under test but not less than 0,5 mm. The bandwidth of
the hydrophone and the amplifier shall cover the bandwidth o f the probe under test.
The following test blocks and additional equipment shall be used to carry out the specified range o f
tests, for contact probes:
a) Hemicylindrical blocks with different radii (R) in the range from 12 mm to 200 mm. Steps of R 2
are recommended. The length of each block shall be equal to or larger than its radius, up to a
maximum length of 100 mm. An example is shown in Figure 3.
b) Blocks with parallel faces and different thicknesses in the range from 12 mm to 200 mm. The
length and width of each block shall be equal to or larger than its thickness, up to a maximum
thickness of 100 mm.
c) Blocks with side‑drilled holes parallel to the test surface, of preferably 3 mm or 1,5 mm diameter
as shown in Figure 4 or Figure 5, respectively. For probes with centre frequencies up to 2 MHz
side‑drilled holes of 5 mm diameter are recommended. The blocks shall meet the following
1) the length, height and width shall be such that the sides of the blocks do not interfere with the
ultrasonic beam;
2) the depth positions o f the holes shall be such that at least three holes fall outside the near field;
3) the position of the holes shall be such that the signals do not interfere, e. g. the amplitude shows
a drop of at least 26 dB between two adjacent holes.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 centre line of slot
2 front surface
3 angle‑beam probe
X, Y, Z coordinate system of hemicylindrical‑stepped block
Dimensions in millimetres
1 side‑drilled hole (SDH) of diameter 3 mm
Dimensions in millimetres
1 side‑drilled hole (SDH) of diameter 1,5 mm SDH n side‑drilled hole at depth position n
2 front surface x width coordinate
3 top surface y length coordinate
4 right surface z depth coordinate
5 bottom surface
6 left surface
d) Blocks with inclined faces with a notch as shown in Figure 6 and blocks with hemispherical‑
bottomed holes as in Figure 7. These blocks are used to measure the beam divergence in the vertical
and horizontal plane respectively.
Dimensions in millimetres
a tolerance of centre line position
Dimensions in millimetres
e) An alternative steel block to measure index point, beam angle and beam divergence for angle‑beam
probes as given in Annex B.
NOTE Not all blocks are required if only special kinds of probes are to be checked, e.g. blocks to measure the
index point and the beam angle are not necessary if only straight‑beam probes are measured.
f) A ruler.
For testing immersion probes, the following reflectors and additional equipment shall be used:
h) A steel ball or rod with a hemispheric ended smooth reflective sur face. For each frequency range
the diameter of ball or rod to be used is given in Table 3.
i) A large plane and smooth reflector. The target’s lateral size shall be at least ten times wider than
the beam width o f the probe under test measured at the end o f the focal zone, as defined in 8.6.2 .4.1.
The reflector's lateral size shall be at least five times the wavelength calculated using the sound
velocity o f the fluid used and the centre frequency o f the probe under test.
j) An immersion tank equipped with a manual or automated scanning mechanism with five free axes:
— three linear axes X, Y, Z;
— two angular axes θ and ψ .
k) Automated recording means: if the amplitudes of ultrasonic signals are recorded automatically,
it is the responsibility o f the manu facturer to ensure that the system has su fficient accuracy. In
particular, consideration shall be given to the effects of the system bandwidth, spatial resolution,
data processing and data storage on the accuracy of the results.
Typical setups to measure the sound beam of immersion probes are shown in Figures 16, 17 and 18.
The scanning mechanism used with the immersion tank should be able to maintain alignment between
the reflector and the probe in the X and Y directions, i.e. within ±0,1 mm for 100 mm distance in the
Z direction.
The temperature of the water in the immersion tank should be maintained at room temperature
and shall not deviate by more than ±2 °C during the characterization of immersion probes described
in 8.2 to 8.6.
Care shall be taken about the influence o f sound attenuation in water, which, at high frequencies, causes
a downshift of the echo frequency when using broad‑band probes.
Table 4 shows the relation between frequency downshift and water path.
Table 4 — Frequency downshi ft in percent o f centre frequency fo depending on total water path
length, for relative bandwidths (Δ frel ) 50 % and 100 %
Total water path
fo Δ frel mm
MHz %
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
5 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
5 100 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 6 7 9 10 11
10 50 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 6 7 9 10 11
10 100 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16 21 24 28 31 34
15 50 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 10 13 15 18 20 23
15 100 3 6 8 10 13 15 17 19 21 23 30 37 42 47 50 54
8.1.1 Procedure
The outside o f the probe shall be visually inspected for correct identification, correct assembly and for
physical damage which can influence its current or future reliability. In particular, for contact probes
the flatness o f the contact sur face o f the probe shall be measured using a ruler and feeler gauges.
No visible damage o f the probe contact sur face that could influence the ultrasonic beam is allowed.
8.2.1 Procedure
The peak‑to‑peak amplitude of the echo shall be measured.
The 10 % peak-to-peak amplitude value defines levels symmetrically to the base line. The first and the
last crossing point o f the signal with these levels define the pulse duration as shown in Figure 1. The
pulse duration shall be determined with a measurement setup as shown in Figure 8 (contact probes) or
in Figure 16 (immersion probes):
a) For contact probes with a single transducer, a hemicylindrical block or a block with parallel faces
shall be used whose reflecting sur face is at a distance larger than 1,5 times o f the near field length
of the probe or within the focal zone of focused probes.
b) For dual‑transducer probes, a hemicylindrical block or a block with parallel faces shall be used
whose reflecting sur face is at a distance nearest to the focal point but within the focal zone
of the probe.
c) For immersion probes, a large flat reflector shall be used at the focal distance for focused probes or
at a distance larger than 1,5 times o f the near field length for flat probes.
Figure 8 — Setup for measuring the pulse shape, amplitude and duration
It shall be stated, whether the measurement was done with wear plates, coupling membranes or other
equipment mounted or not.
The pulser setting shall be recorded. It is recommended to plot the transmitter pulse shape.
The plot of the transmitter pulse should be included in the probe data sheet.
8.3.1 Procedure
The same setup as in 8.2 shall be used, but using a frequency spectrum analyser/digitiser instead of an
oscilloscope and oscilloscope probe. The reflector echo shall be gated and the frequency spectrum shall
be determined using a spectrum analyser or a Discrete Fourier Transform.
Spurious echoes from the probe’s wedge, e.g. from the housing or the damping, shall not be analysed
together with the echo from the semi‑cylinder or any other appropriate calibration block. The gate
width shall be twice the pulse duration as a minimum and centred on the maximum of the pulse.
The lower and upper cut‑off frequencies fl and fu shall be determined at a 6 dB drop from the
maximum value in the frequency spectrum. For the immersion technique the values shall be corrected
according to Table 4.
From these upper and lower cut‑off frequencies fu and fl , the centre frequency fo , the bandwitdth Δ f and
the relative bandwidth Δ frel shall be calculated as given in ISO 5577. See Formulae (1) to (3):
f +f
fo = u l (1)
∆f = fu − fl (2)
∆frel = ×100 % (3)
8.4.1 Procedure
Pulse-echo sensitivity is defined by Formula (4):
S = 20 log10 (4)
Vout is the peak-to-peak voltage o f the echo from a specified reflector, be fore amplification as measured in 8.2;
Vin is the peak‑to‑peak voltage applied to the probe with the ultrasonic instrument set to separate pulser/
receiver mode.
Probe sensitivity comparisons made with different types of ultrasonic instruments can vary, because
the probe sensitivity is influenced by the coupling conditions and by the impedances o f pulser, probe,
cable and receiver. There fore, the used equipment shall be specified in the probe data sheet.
8.5.1 General
The amplitude of ultrasonic pulses varies with distance from the probe. Therefore, to evaluate echoes
from reflectors, for all kinds o f probes, distance-amplitude curves are needed using the reflectors
listed in Table 5.
8.5.2 Procedure
When using contact probes flat-bottomed holes, side-drilled holes and hemispherical-bottomed holes
are used as reflectors when using contact probes. With immersion probes, usually a small-sized steel
ball is used to measure a distance‑amplitude curve (see 8.6.2).
For dual‑transducer probes, the axis of the side‑drilled holes shall be perpendicular to the separation
layer. Contoured probes should be evaluated on reference blocks having the same curvature as the
sample the probe shoe was fitted to. I f this is not possible, they can only be evaluated on re ference
blocks with flat contact sur faces be fore applying the contour to the probe shoe.
Using a series o f reflectors o f constant size but at di fferent distances from the probe the received echo
amplitudes shall be plotted against distance. At least eight measurement points on each curve shall be
available, except for highly focused probes. The distances used shall cover the focal range of focusing
probes or the range including the near field length o f non- focusing probes.
Distances and amplitudes shall be determined on the calibrated screen of an ultrasonic instrument
mentioned in the probe data sheet.
The distance‑amplitude curve and the distance‑noise curve should only be made on request of the client.
A diagram showing at least one distance‑amplitude curve shall be available for each probe type,
attached to the manu facturer’s specification stated in the probe data sheet. This diagram shall also
include a distance‑noise curve.
Figure 9 shows an example o f di fferent distance-amplitude curves, calculated for disk-shaped reflectors
in steel (distance-gain-size diagram — DGS-diagram). Figure 10 shows an example of a measured
distance‑amplitude curve for 3 mm side‑drilled holes in steel, with the associated distance‑noise curve.
1 back wall echo
2 noise level
X distance (mm)
Y gain (dB)
S reflector size (mm)
1 back wall echo X distance (mm)
2 distance‑amplitude curve for 3 mm side‑drilled holes FL length of focal zone
3 distance‑noise curve Y gain (dB)
8.6.1 General
The measurement technique consists o f studying the probe's sound beam in water, using a target. This
target is a small, almost point source reflector, or a hydrophone receiver. The beam parameters are
determined by scanning the reflector or hydrophone relative to the beam, either by moving the target
or the probe.
I f the target is a reflector, echo mode is used. Both transmitter and receiver characteristics o f the probe
are verified. I f the target is a hydrophone transmission mode is used, and then only the transmitting
characteristics o f the probe is verified.
The same reflector or hydrophone shall be used for all the beam parameter measurements associated
with one particular probe.
Small variations in the measured position of maximum signals occur as measured by a hydrophone or
di fferent reflector types. Consequently, for reasons o f repeatability, the equipment and the parameters
of the target used shall be recorded with the results.
Settings of the ultrasonic instrument or pulser/receiver (pulse energy, damping, bandwidth, gain) shall
be the same as those defined in 8.2 . However, if the settings are changed during the measurement (gain
for example), the new values shall be recorded on the result sheet.
Two equitable procedures are given for beam measurements. They differ only in the methods used to
record the measurement results:
This technique, described in 8.6.3, is based on the automated collection of data during scanning.
If measurement results of the beam parameters are provided, the C‑Scan image shall be provided.
This copy shall include a scale o f the acoustic levels defined in 8.6.3.
Before performing beam measurements described below, the squint angle shall be compensated for, by
setting the beam axis perpendicular to the XY‑plane as shown on Figures 16, 17 and 18. This operation
is performed by adjusting both angles θ and ψ o f the probe holder to maximize the echo from a flat
target in the XY‑plane. General
Either one of the following methods shall be used to record the ultrasonic peak echo voltage:
In this last case, the focal distance, the focal length, the focal width, the transverse profile and the beam
divergence shall be deduced from the graphs obtained.
Figure 17 shows the equipment setup used when the target is a ball reflector and Figure 18 shows the
equipment used when the target is a hydrophone.
The focal distance and the focal length (see Figure 11) shall be determined from axial profiles (see
Figure 12 and 13 ) and the focal width and beam divergence are measured from transverse profiles (see
Figure 14 and 15).
1 probe Zo sound exit point
X distance (mm) ZL1 , ZL2 boundaries of focal zone
FD focal distance FL length of focal zone
ZP focal point
A amplitude (dB) ZL1 , ZL2 boundaries of focal zone
X distance (mm) FL length of focal zone
FD focal distance ZP focal point
A amplitude (dB) ZL1 , ZL2 boundaries of focal zone
X distance (mm) FL length of focal zone
FD focal distance ZP focal point
VP amplitude at focal distance
1 ultrasonic instrument X lateral position
2 positioning interface Z sound path in water
3 display
4 probe
5 plate reflector
1 ultrasonic instrument X lateral position
2 positioning interface Z sound path in water
3 display
4 probe
5 ball reflector
Figure 17 — Setup to measure the sound beam o f immersion probes using a ball reflector
1 ultrasonic instrument 6 hydrophone
2 hydrophone receiver X lateral position
3 positioning interface Z sound path in water
4 display
5 probe
Figure 18 — Setup to measure the sound beam o f immersion probes using a hydrophone Axial profile — Focal distance and length o f the focal zone Procedure
The target shall be placed on the probe axis and the target and the probe shall be placed in contact. The
coordinate of the front face of the probe or its acoustic lens is Z0 , see Figure 19.
1 beam axis
2 probe
Z distance
Z0 zero point
The target (or probe) shall be moved along the Z‑axis, increasing probe‑target distance. The distance at
which the signal is maximized shall be determined, see Figures 11, 12 and 13.
X‑and Y‑positions shall be adjusted to further maximize the signal amplitude. The related distance
coordinate is Zp and the related voltage is Vp .
FD = Zp − Z0 (5)
By increasing and reducing the distance between the probe and the target the limits of the focal zone
shall be found, i. e. the two points where Vp is reduced by 6 dB, i f a reflector is used, or by 3 dB, i f a
hydrophone is used. ZL1 and ZL2 are the coordinates of these points on the Z‑axis.
FL = ZL 2 − ZL 1 (6)
The focal distance and length o f the focal zone shall be within ±15 % o f the manu facturer’s specifications
stated in the probe data sheet. Procedure
The same setup and the same mechanical settings as in 8.6.2 .2 .1 shall be used. The target shall be
placed at the focal point of the probe, as found in 8.6.2 .2 .1.
To measure the focal width in the X direction the probe (or hydrophone) shall be moved in the X
direction to find the two points X1 and X2 , where the amplitude from the target has decreased by 6 dB
(by 3 dB when a hydrophone is used).
To measure the focal width in the Y direction the X position shall be returned to the focal point and the
measurement shall be repeated, but this time with movement in the Y direction to find the two points
Y1 and Y2 , where the amplitude of the signal from the target has decreased by 6 dB (by 3 dB when a
hydrophone is used) .
Both beam widths on X‑axis and on Y‑axis at focal point (see Figure 15) are given by the differences
according to Formula (7):
W = X −X
X1 2 1 Procedure
The measurement o f the beam divergence is only required for probes that have no artificial focusing
means, such as acoustic lenses or curved piezoelectric transducers, see Figure 12 . The beam divergence
shall be deduced from the measurement o f the beam width, as defined in 8.6.2 .3, but measured in the
far field, see Figure 14.
a) the beam widths WX1 and WY1 at the focal distance as described in 8.6.2 .3.1 shall be measured first;
b) the target (or probe) then shall be placed at the far end of the focal zone (ZL2 ), as measured
in 8.6.2 .2 .1.
The corresponding values X’ 1 , X’ 2 and Y’ 1 , Y’ 2 shall be recorded, i. e. the target (or probe) positions on
X‑axis and on Y-axis where the peak voltage decreases by 6 dB (reflector) or 3 dB (hydrophone) from
the maximum value VL , which is obtained on the beam axis.
The beam widths at the end of the focal zone (see Figure 14) are given by Formula (8):
W = X' − X'
X2 2 1
W = Y ' −Y '
Y2 2 1 (8)
The angles of beam divergence in X and Y directions are calculated using Formula (9):
WX 2 −WX 1
Ω X = arctan
( )
2 ZL 2 − Zp
W −W
Ω Y = arctan
(Z −Z )
Y2 Y1
2 L2 p
The angles o f divergence shall not di ffer from the manu facturer’s specified values as stated on the
probe data sheet by either ±10 % or by 1°, whichever is larger. General
The ultrasonic echo peak voltage shall be recorded in different planes during an automated scan of
the probe (or the reflector). The variations o f amplitude with position shall be recorded under the
following conditions:
a) The sensitivity, the amplitude resolution of data processing, the motion speed and the motion
resolution shall be su fficient to avoid any loss o f in formation.
The system shall have su fficient dynamic range to collect the high-amplitude signals (obtained
at the focal point) without saturation and the low-amplitude signals with a su fficient signal-
to‑noise ratio.
b) The maximum peak voltage Vp , detected at the focal point, defines the 0 dB level. The coding used
for the 0 dB, −3 dB, −6 dB, −12 dB levels shall appear on a scale on the scan recording.
The verification is based on per forming three scans:
c) One scan in the XZ‑ or YZ‑plane shall be performed including the beam axis to determine the focal
distance and the length of the focal zone;
d) Two scans shall be performed in the transverse plane XY at the focal distance and at the far end of
the focal zone. These scans provide the focal width and the beam widths in the X and Y directions.
The angles of beam divergence shall be calculated from the beam widths measured in the XY‑plane. Beam profile by scanning means — Focal distance and focal length Procedure
The same setup as described in Figure 17 shall be used when the target is a reflector and when the
target is a hydrophone Figure 18 applies.
The focal distance and the length of focal zone shall be deduced from the scans in the plane containing
the beam axis.
b) the XZ‑ or YZ‑plane covered by the scanning is wide enough to include the ends of the focal zone
and the two points of transverse axes (X and Y) where the amplitude is 6 dB (reflector) or 3 dB
(hydrophone) lower than on the beam axis.
FD focal distance (mm)
FL length of focal zone (mm)
Z distance on beam axis (mm)
Y distance perpendicular to beam axis (mm)
Gray scale amplitude value in dB, with 0 dB as maximum amplitude
Figure 20 — C‑scan image o f the sound beam profile o f a non‑ focusing immersion probe Beam profile by scanning means — Focal width and beam divergence Procedure
The mechanical setup is the same as in .1 and described in Figures 17 and 18.
The first scan shall be per formed at the focal distance. The scanner shall be adj usted as follows:
a) The Z‑axis of the scanner shall be adjusted so that the target is at the focal point, as it was
determined in .1. The scanner displacements shall be in the XY plane containing the focal
point and shall be perpendicular to the beam axis.
b) The XY scanning area shall be adjusted to include the positions where the amplitudes drop by 20 dB
from Vp i f using a reflector, or by 10 dB i f using a hydrophone.
WX1 and WY1 shall be determined as diameters of the zones measured in the X or
At the focal distance,
Y direction where the displayed amplitudes are 6 dB (reflector) or 3 dB (hydrophone) lower than the
value Vp measured on the beam axis (see Figure 21 for an example) .
WX focal width on X axis (mm)
WY focal width on Y axis (mm)
X, Y distance perpendicular to beam axis (mm)
Gray scale Amplitude value in dB, with 0 dB as maximum amplitude
The second scan shall be performed at the far end of the focal zone.
The mechanical setup and the bridge adjustment are the same as for the previous scanning, except that
the target is placed at the far end of the focal zone (ZL2 ), as defined in .1.
From the image the focal widths WX2 and WY2 shall be determined by the same method used to
determine WX1 and WY1 at the focal distance.
The angles of divergence in the X and Y direction are determined by the same calculations used
in 8.6.2 .4.1.
The angles o f divergence shall not di ffer from the manu facturer’s specified values stated on the probe
data sheet by either ±10 % or by ±1°, whichever is larger.
The focal widths shall be within ±15 % o f the manu facturer’s specification stated in the probe data sheet.
8.7.1 General
The procedures given in this clause are for probes with flat contact sur faces only.
Contoured probes should be evaluated on reference blocks having the same curvature as the sample
the probe shoe was fitted to. I f this is not possible, they can only be evaluated on re ference blocks with
flat contact sur faces be fore applying the contour to the probe shoe. Procedure
One of the following equitable methods shall be used to measure the directivity pattern:
When scanning the cylindrical surface of the block the EMA receiver shall be positioned as close
as possible to the surface with a constant distance to optimize the received signals signal to
noise ratio.
The signal amplitude shall be plotted against the scanning angle of the EMA receiver.
The plot shall include the main lobe and the adjacent side lobes. The angles for the −3 dB positions
of the main lobe give the divergence angles (Figure 22).
For rectangular transducers these planes shall be parallel to the larger side a and the smaller side b
of the transducer.
1 sound beam 5 main lobe
2 half cylinder 6 straight‑beam probe
3 beam axis X angle in degrees (°)
4 EMA receiver Y amplitude in decibels (dB)
Test blocks containing 3 mm side‑drilled holes at various depths parallel to the test surface, as
shown in Figure 4, shall be used to determine the angles of divergence and the side lobes in the two
perpendicular planes of the probe by rotating the probe by 90° on the test surface.
For each hole the position of the probe to receive the maximum echo and for the forward and
backward position o f the 6 dB drop and side lobe positions shall be marked in a final plot.
The beam axis shall be determined as the straight line through the marks of the maximum echo
together with the normal to the sur face o f the block. The straight lines fitted to the edge points o f
the beam together with the beam angle gives the 6 dB divergence angles.
Note the change in echo amplitude in relation to probe movement when the beam is scanned over
each hole in turn.
I f a side lobe is detected in the amplitude profile from two or more holes, the side lobe shall be
maximized and its position in relation to that of the main lobe shall be plotted. Also the amplitude
of the side lobe in relation to that of the main lobe shall be recorded.
This shall be done by moving the probe in two perpendicular directions if the block is wide enough
or by rotating the probe by 90° on the test surface.
For each hole, the position of the probe to receive the maximum echo and for the forward and
backward position of the 6 dB drop shall be marked.
The angles o f divergence shall not di ffer from the manu facturer’s specified values stated in the probe
data sheet by more than 10 % or by ±1°, whichever is larger.
Side lobes shall be ≥20 dB below the main lobe for reflection techniques and ≥10 dB below the main
lobe for the EMA technique. Procedure
With straight-beam probes the o ffset is defined as the distance between the geometrical centre point o f
the probe and the measured acoustical centre point of the probe (Figure 2).
To measure the squint angle and the offset for straight‑beam probes the setup in Figure 2
shall be used.
First the probe shall be connected to the ultrasonic instrument which is switched to pulse‑echo
mode. By rotating and moving the probe on a semi‑cylindrical block the echoes of the multiple
echoes series from the block shall be maximized. This occurs when, at all reflections, the beam hits
the cylindrical surface perpendicularly and the acoustical centre point of the probe is positioned on
the centre line of the block.
Keeping the probe at this position, in the second step, the EMA receiver use the probe acting only as
a transmitter.
By moving the EMA receiver on the cylindrical sur face find the position o f the maximum signal at
the location where the beam hits the cylindrical sur face the first time.
The measured angle is the squint angle for straight‑beam probes δ.
The coordinates Xc and Yc of the geometrical centre point of the probe together with the
coordinates Ym of the centre line of the block and Xm of the EMA receiver give the offset e according
to Formula (10):
The position of the side‑drilled hole (SDH) relative to a reference point of the block is used as
Xm and Ym . Connect the probe is connected to the ultrasonic instrument which is switched to
pulse‑echo mode.
By moving the probe perpendicular to the SDH the echo of the SDH shall be maximized. Then
determine the position of the geometrical centre point of the probe, Xc or Yc depending on the
orientation of the probe or take it from the measurement of the beam axis in 8.7.2 .1, b).
Squint angles for straight‑beam probes δx and δy shall be determined in the two perpendicular
directions independently by geometrical calculation using Xc or Yc depending on the orientation of
the probe, Xm = Ym and the depth position of the SDH.
The squint angle for straight-beam probes shall be ≤2°. The o ffset from the centre point o f the probe
shall be less than 1 mm. Procedure
For a non- focusing probe the focal distance is identical with the near field length. For these probes it is
di fficult to directly measure the focal distance. There fore, for these probes the near field length should
be calculated using the methods given in Annex A from the measured centre frequency fo and the
measured angles of divergence γ ⊥ and γ in two perpendicular directions.
The divergence shall be measured at the depth of the expected focal distance. Because Annex A does
not take a delay path into account, alternative measurements or calculations may be used.
Focused straight-beam probes for direct contact shall be measured on re ference blocks containing flat-
bottomed holes or side‑drilled holes of a constant diameter within the focal zone of the probe.
A measurement point shall be close to the peak of this curve, which gives the focal distance in the
applied material. Focal distances caused by lenses or curved transducers are shorter than the near field
length of a plane transducer of the same shape and frequency, unless defocusing is intentionally used.
The focal distance shall be within ±20 % o f the manu facturer’s specification stated in the
probe data sheet. Procedure
The focal width of focused straight‑beam probes for direct contact can be determined using an EM A
receiver or blocks with side‑drilled holes or hemispherical‑bottomed holes, analogous to 8.7.2 .
The probe shall be coupled to a semi‑cylinder with a radius close to the focal distance of the probe.
By moving the EM A on the surface in two perpendicular directions the angles of the 3 dB drop of
the signal amplitude shall be determined [see 8.7.2 .1, a)] . The focal widths of the probe shall be
calculated using these angles together with the known radius of the block.
To determine the divergence angles the probe shall be moved as shown in 8.7.2 .1, b) in two
perpendicular directions until the echo from a side‑drilled hole close to the focal distance of the
probe drops by 6 dB. This shift provides the focal widths of the beam.
To determine the divergence angles the probe shall be moved as shown in 8.7.2 .1, c) in two
perpendicular directions until the echo from a hemispherical‑bottomed hole close to the focal
distance of the probe drops by 6 dB. This shift provides the focal widths of the beam.
The focal width shall be within ±20 % o f the manu facturer’s specification stated in the probe data sheet. Procedure
Determine the points where the amplitude drops by 6 dB as compared to the focal point from the
distance‑amplitude curve measured in 8.5 or 8.7.4.
The difference of their coordinates provides the length of the focal zone.
The length o f the focal zone shall be within ±20 % o f the manu facturer’s specification stated in the
probe data sheet.
8.8.1 General
The procedures given in this clause are for probes with flat contact sur faces only.
Contoured probes should be evaluated on reference blocks having the same curvature as the sample
the probe shoe was fitted to. I f this is not possible, they can only be evaluated on re ference blocks with
flat contact sur faces be fore applying the contour to the probe shoe.
An example for a calibration block for angle‑beam probes is given in Annex B. Procedure
To measure the index point a test block with a quadrant shall be used. The radius of the quadrant shall
be large enough that the reflecting cylindrical sur face is in the far field o f the probe.
The probe shall be adjusted so that the echo from the cylindrical surface is maximized. At this position
the index point corresponds to the engraved centre line of the quadrant.
Angle-beam probes with transducer size ≤15 mm and frequencies ≤2 MHz generate a broad sound beam
where the position of the maximum echo can only be measured within a tolerance of ±2 mm. Procedure
Similar to the methods used for straight‑beam probes in 8.7.2, one of the following methods shall be
used to measure the divergence angles and side lobes of angle‑beam probes:
a) Using electromagnetic‑acoustic (EMA) receivers.
The probe shall be coupled to a semi‑cylindrical block.
The signal amplitude shall be plotted against the scanning angle of the EMA receiver.
The plot shall include the main lobe and the adjacent side lobes. The angles for the −3 dB positions
of the main lobe provide the divergence angles (Figure 22).
The angles of divergence shall be measured in two perpendicular planes (azimuthal and horizontal).
The position of the maximum signal provides the angle of the beam axis (beam angle).
Parameters of inclined beams can also be taken from a C‑scan image in a plane perpendicular to
the beam axis. Figure 23 shows an example of a C‑scan image of a 45° angle‑beam probe measured
with an EMA receiver on a test block with a 45° surface.
Figure 23 — Measuring beam parameters o f an inclined sound beam using an EMA receiver
A test block with a series of 3 mm side‑drilled holes at different depths, as shown in Figure 4, shall
be used to measure the beam angle, divergence angles and side lobes in the vertical plane.
For each hole the position of the probe to receive the maximum echo, and for the forward and
backward position o f the 6 dB drop and the side lobe positions shall be marked in a final plot.
The straight line through the marks of the maximum echo and the index point with the normal to
the sur face o f the block provides the beam angle in the vertical plane. The straight lines fitted to
the edge points o f the beam together with the beam angle provides the −6 dB divergence angles
in this plane.
An example for the longitudinal beam profile is given in Figure 24. Note the change in echo
amplitude in relation to the probe movement while the beam is scanned over each hole in turn. If a
side lobe is detected in the amplitude profile from two or more holes, maximize the side lobe and
plot its position in relation to that of the main lobe. Also record the amplitude of the side lobe in
relation to that of the main lobe.
1 echo amplitude (dB)
2 angle‑beam probe
3 probe index point
4 test‑surface
Y length coordinate
Z depth coordinate
SDH i side‑drilled hole
Yi1 lower position on Y axis for 6 dB drop
Yi2 upper position on Y axis for 6 dB drop
Zi reflector depth
Zßi sound path
α angle of incidence
An alternative method of measuring the beam angles also using side‑drilled holes is given in Annex B.
To measure the divergence angles in the horizontal plane a block with a notch is needed, as shown
in Figure 6 (for 45° probes and 60° probes). The same procedure is used to determine the positions
of the 6 dB drop, but the probe has to be moved laterally.
For each hole the position of the probe to receive the maximum echo, and for the forward and
backward position o f the 6 dB drop shall be marked in a final plot.
The straight line through the marks of the maximum echo and the index point with the normal
to the surface of the block provides the beam angle in the vertical and horizontal plane. The
straight lines fitted to the edge points o f the beam together with the beam angle provide the −6 dB
divergence angles in those planes.
For nominal beam angles up to 60° the measured value shall be within ±3° of the nominal angle for
frequencies less than 2 MHz and ±2° of the nominal angle for frequencies equal to or greater than 2 MHz.
For nominal beam angles greater than 60° the measured value shall be within ±3° of the nominal angle.
The angles o f divergence shall not di ffer from the manu facturer’s specification stated in the probe data
sheet by more than 10 % or by more than ±1°, whichever is the larger.
When using the reflection technique, the side lobes amplitudes shall be ≥20 dB below the main lobes
amplitudes for nominal beam angles between 45° and 65°, and ≥15 dB for higher nominal beam angles.
When using the EMA technique, the side lobes amplitudes shall be ≥10 dB below the main lobes
amplitudes for nominal beam angles between 45° and 65°, and ≥8 dB for higher nominal beam angles. Procedure
With angle-beam probes the o ffset is defined as distance between the geometrical centre line o f the
probe and the measured beam direction of the probe (Figure 25).
1 ultrasonic angle‑beam probe e offset
2 EMA receiver δ squint angle for angle‑beam probes
3 echo point Xc, Yc coordinates of the centre of the probe
4 hemicylindrical test block Xm coordinate of EMA receiver
α beam angle Ym coordinate of the centre of the block
The squint angle shall be checked for all angle‑beam probes. The offset shall only be checked if a possible
deviation larger than specified in the acceptance criteria is to be expected.
One of the following equitable methods shall be used:
To measure the squint angle and the offset for an angle‑beam probe the same setup shall be used
as in 8.7.3 (Figure 25 ). The squint angle δ is defined as the angle between the re ference side o f the
probe and the measured beam axis projected onto the coupling surface (Figure 25).
First the probe shall be coupled to a semi‑cylindrical block and the ultrasonic instrument shall be
switched to echo mode.
By turning and moving the probe the echoes of the multiple echo series from the block shall
be maximized.
Then, at all reflections, the beam hits the cylindrical sur face perpendicularly and the index point o f
the probe is on the centre line of the block.
At this position the angle between the sides of the probe and the sides of the block provide the
squint angle.
Secondly the EM A receiver shall be used (the probe acting as a transmitter only). By moving the
EMA receiver the position of the maximum signal shall be determined where the beam hits the
cylindrical sur face for the first time.
Using Formula (12) the offset e shall be calculated as:
e = ( Xm − Xc ) cos δ (12)
Xc is the coordinate of the intersection point of the centre line of the block with the designed
beam path
For probes with an intended high squint angle, e.g. for the detecting transverse discontinuities, Xc
is the coordinate of the intersection point of the centre line of the block with the theoretical beam
path (not necessarily parallel to its reference side). In that case the offset e shall be calculated using
the deviation from the intended beam path in Formula (12) instead of using squint angle δ to the
reference side of the probe.
With side‑drilled holes, only the squint angle can be measured according to
Adj ust the position o f the probe on the large flat sur face o f a suitable block to maximize the direct
echo from a straight corner of the block, as shown in Figure 26 . The corner reflector shall be in the
far field o f the probe.
Measure the direction in which the probe’s reference side is pointing relative to the normal to
the corner face by means of a straight edge and a protractor. This measurement provides the
squint angle δ.
I f the squint angle exceeds 1° on the first measurement, make a total o f three measurements and
take the mean value.
1 probe a) side view
2 sound beam b) top view
3 ruler
δ squint angle
Figure 26 — Measuring the squint angle using the corner o f a calibration block
The squint angle shall be ≤2°. The o ffset shall be ≤1 mm from the centre line o f the probe. Procedure
Similar methods to those for straight‑beam probes shall be applied here (see 8.7.4). For unfocused
angle-beam probes the near field length shall be calculated using the measured values o f the centre
frequency fo and beam divergence angles γ ⊥ and γ using the Formulae given in Annex A.
The divergence angles shall be measured at the depth of the expected focal distance. Because Annex A
does not take a delay path into account, alternative measurements or calculations may be used.
With focused angle‑beam probes for direct contact the same methods as for straight‑beam probes shall
be used (see 8.7.5).
A distance-amplitude curve shall be generated with at least eight measurement points using small flat-
bottomed, hemispherical‑bottomed or side‑drilled holes is used. The point of peak amplitude provides
the focal distance.
It is recommended that the measurement points are within the focal zone of the transducer with a
measurement point close to the peak amplitude.
Focal distances caused by lenses or curved transducers are shorter than the near field length o f a plane
transducer of the same shape and frequency, unless defocusing is intentionally used.
The focal distance shall be within ±20 % o f the manu facturer’s specification stated in the
probe data sheet. Procedure
The focal widths shall be measured in a similar way to the angles of divergence (see 8.7.2) using an EMA
receiver, side‑drilled holes, or hemispherical‑bottomed holes.
The measurement shall be made in two perpendicular directions with one of the following methods:
The probe shall be coupled to a semi‑cylinder whose radius is close to the focal distance of the
probe. By moving the EMA probe on the surface the points are determined where the signal
amplitude drops by 3 dB compared to the peak amplitude.
With these angles and the known radius of the block the beam width at the focal distance shall
be calculated.
As described in, b) the probe shall be moved until the echo from a side‑drilled hole at the focal
distance drops by 6 dB. This shift provides the focal widths of the beam in the vertical direction.
The focal width in the horizontal plane can only be measured using the method described in, b).
As described in, c), the probe shall be moved until the echo from a hemispherical‑bottomed
hole at the focal distance drops by 6 dB. This shift provides the focal widths of the beam in the
vertical and horizontal direction.
The focal widths shall be within ±20 % o f the manu facturer’s specification stated in the probe data sheet. Procedure
From the distance‑amplitude curve measured in 8.5 or 8.7.5 the points are determined where the
amplitude drops by 6 dB compared to the focal point. The difference of their coordinates gives the
length of the focal zone.
The length o f the focal zone shall be within ±20 % o f the manu facturer’s specification stated in the
probe data sheet.
8.9.1 General
The procedures given in this subclause are for probes with flat contact sur faces only.
Contoured probes should be evaluated on reference blocks having the same curvature as the sample
the probe shoe was fitted to. I f this is not possible, they can only be evaluated on re ference blocks with
flat contact sur faces be fore applying the contour to the probe shoe.
Set the horizontal axis of the display to sound path mode, using the sound velocity of the test block. Set
the position of the transmitting pulse to the zero position on the horizontal axis of the display. Read
the position o f the echo from the reflecting sur face o f the block, then subtract the distance in the test
block to obtain the delay path of the delay line. The delay line delay path is expressed in mm material
equivalent (e. g. steel) as near field equivalent sound path. A method for the determination o f the delay
path is given in Annex C. Procedure
The point of maximum amplitude in the distance‑amplitude‑curve according to 8.5 is defined as the
focal distance.
The echo heights from reflectors (see Table 5) at distances within the expected focal zone shall be used
to establish a distance‑amplitude curve (with at least eight points).
The separation layer of the probe shall be perpendicular to the axis of the side‑drilled holes. Procedure
From the curve measured in 8.6.2 .2 , the −6 dB points shall be determined. Procedure
To determine the lateral sensitivity range one of the following methods shall be used:
This test uses the same setup as that used for single‑transducer probes (see 8.8.3).
The beam profile for each transducer shall be measured separately and the combined profile shall
be calculated from the product o f the two beam profiles.
Select a semi‑cylindrical test block with its radius close to the focal distance of the probe under test.
Operating each transducer of the probe in turn, scan the EM A receiver over the cylindrical surface
of the test block.
Record the amplitudes of the signals from the two transducers for each position within the
beam profile.
At each point within the beam multiply (dB values shall be added) the amplitudes measured for
each transducer.
The −6 dB boundaries o f the combined beam occur where these products are reduced by a 6 dB
drop from the maximum.
The measurement shall be made in two perpendicular directions, parallel and perpendicular to the
separation layer of the probe.
A test block shall be used which has a 3 mm side‑drilled hole close to the position of the focus
of the probe.
The probe shall be shifted on the coupling surface until the echo of the side‑drilled hole
drops by 6 dB.
These positions o f the probe provide the −6 dB focal width perpendicular to the beam axis.
The scanning shall be done parallel and perpendicular to the separation layer of the probe to give
two perpendicular focal widths.
A test block shall be used which has a hemispherical‑bottomed hole, maximum 10 mm diameter,
close to the position of the focus of the probe.
The probe shall be shifted on the coupling surface until the echo from the hemispherical‑bottomed
hole drops by 6 dB.
These positions o f the probe provide the −6 dB focal width perpendicular to the beam axis.
The scanning shall be done parallel and perpendicular to the separation layer of the probe to give
two perpendicular focal widths.
8.10.1 General
The procedures given in this subclause are for probes with flat contact sur faces only.
Contoured probes should be evaluated on reference blocks having the same curvature as the sample
the probe shoe was fitted to. I f this is not possible, they can only be evaluated on re ference blocks with
flat contact sur faces be fore applying the contour to the probe shoe.
For angle‑beam dual‑element contact probes that generate waves on or along the object surface, e.g.
creeping waves or Rayleigh waves, a notch at the contact surface shall be used in 8.10.5 (focal distance),
8.10.6 (length of the focal zone) and 8.10.7 (focal width). Procedure
The index point shall be determined using a test block as for a single‑transducer angle‑beam probe
(see 8.8.2).
The index point shall be within ±1 mm of the point marked by the manufacturer. Procedure
The beam angle o f a dual-transducer probe shall be determined using an EMA receiver, reflecting side-
drilled holes or hemispherical‑bottomed holes:
This test uses the same setup as that for single‑transducer probes (see 8.8.3 ). The beam profile
o f each transducer o f the probe shall be measured separately and the combined profile shall be
calculated from the product o f the two beam profiles.
Operating each transducer in turn, scan the EM A receiver over the cylindrical surface of
the test block.
Record the amplitudes of the signals from the two transducers for each position within the
beam profile.
At each point within the beam multiply the measured amplitudes (dB values are added) for the two
The 6 dB angles of divergence for the beam occur where these products are reduced by 6 dB from
the maximum.
The beam angle shall be calculated from the arithmetic mean of the angles of divergence.
The same setup as for a single‑transducer probe shall be used (see 8.8.3).
The same setup as for a single‑transducer probe shall be used (see 8.8.3). Procedure
Set the horizontal axis of the display to sound path mode, using the sound velocity of the test block.
Set the position of the transmitting pulse to the zero position on the horizontal axis of the screen.
Read the position o f the echo from the reflecting sur face o f the block, then subtract the distance in the
test block to obtain the wedge delay path.
The wedge delay path is expressed in mm material equivalent (e. g. steel) as near field
equivalent sound path. Procedure
The focal distance shall be determined as for a dual‑transducer straight‑beam probe (see 8.9.4), using at
least eight points for the distance‑amplitude curve. Procedure
The axial sensitivity range shall be determined as for a dual‑transducer straight‑beam probe (see 8.9.5). Procedure
The lateral sensitivity range shall be determined as for a straight‑beam dual‑transducer probe (see
8.9.5) using an EMA receiver, echoes from 3 mm side‑drilled holes or hemispherical‑bottomed holes,
maximum 10 mm diameter.
8.11 Crosstalk
8.11.1 Procedure
Switch the ultrasonic instrument to separate transmitter/receiver mode and connect the probe to the
transmitter and receiver sockets.
Couple the probe to a reference block whose dimensions allow a back wall echo to be obtained within
the focal zone of the probe.
Adjust this echo to 80 % of the full screen height (FSH) and note the gain.
If the echo from the coupling surface is visible on the display screen, increase the gain until its amplitude
reaches 80 % of the FSH.
The dB-di fference to the first setting expresses the crosstalk (CT) .
If the coupling echo is not visible, it is only possible to give a lower limit for the CT.
Annex A
A.1 General
The near field length o f a non- focusing transducer is calculated from the measured values o f centre
frequency f0 and of the measured angles of beam divergence γ in two perpendicular directions ( γ ⊥
and ? γ ). Usually in pulse-echo mode the angles o f divergence are defined by as a 6 dB drop from the
maximum amplitude.
N0 = vb / 15 , 16 f0 sin2 [ γ ] ) (A.1)
The larger N0 is taken as the near field length o f the circular transducer.
For rectangular transducers the angles of divergence are measured parallel to the sides a and b,
where a ≥ b .
With the measured angle γa parallel to the larger side and the measured centre frequency f0 the
effective side aeff of the rectangular transducer is calculated as:
With the measured angle γb parallel to the smaller side and the centre frequency fo the effective side
beff is calculated as:
beff = ( 0 , 442 vb ) / ( f0 sin γb ) (A.3)
The aspect ratio is calculated as b eff/aeff. With this ratio the factor k can be taken from the diagram
in Figure A.1.
( )
N0 = kaeff2 f0 / ( 4 vb ) (A.4)
If γa is the angle measured in the vertical plane and γh is the angle measured in the plane perpendicular
to it, the near field length o f a circular transducer is calculated with the known sound velocity vb in
the test block:
N0 h = vb / 15 , 16 f0 sin2 [ γh ] ) (A.5)
N0 a = vb / 15 , 16 f0 sin2 [ γ ] ) (A.6)
γ = γa cos β /cos α ;
α is the beam angle in the wedge of the angle‑beam probe (angle of incidence);
The larger one of N0h and N0a is the near field length o f the probe.
For rectangular transducers the effective sides aeff and b eff shall be calculated first. I f a is the larger
side and b the smaller one there are two cases:
The aspect ratio (b eff/a eff) is calculated. Corresponding to this ratio there is a shape factor k shown
in Figure A.1.
The near field length o f the rectangular transducer is then calculated as:
( )
N0 = kseff2 f0 / ( 4 vb ) (A.11)
with seff being the larger one out of a eff and b eff and vb being the sound velocity of the test block.
k shape factor
b eff/ a eff aspect ratio
Figure A.1 — Shape factor k to calculate the near field length o f rectangular transducers
Annex B
This steel block according to Figure B.1 has a quarter cylinder and side‑drilled holes of 4 mm diameter.
Steel quality and heat treatment are as for calibration block No. 2 according to ISO 7963.
Three different L‑shaped scales for the interval of beam angles from
— 35° to 65°;
— 60° to 75°;
— 70° to 85°
can be attached to the same block (Figure B.1 and Figure B.2).
In a first step the scale suited to the probe’s beam angle is chosen, e.g. for a 45° probe the scale No. 3
with a scale from 35° to 65° shall be used. This L‑shaped scale is attached to the steel block, where the
two bolts of the scale plug two of the three 4 mm side‑drilled holes in the block.
The remaining hole is used as a cylindrical reflector to determine the beam angle.
A magnetic pad on the scale fixes the scale to the steel block.
In a first step the probe is coupled to the block at the centre o f the quadrant. By shi fting the probe, the
echo from the 100 mm radius is maximized. The centre line of the quadrant then marks the index point
[Figure B.3, a)] .
In the next step the probe is coupled to the block so that the sound beam hits the empty 4 mm side‑
drilled hole [Figure B.3, b)] . By shifting the probe, the echo from the hole is maximized. The beam angle
is then read from the scale at the position of the index point of the probe.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 magnetic pad
2 two b o lts which fit into the 4 mm ho les
3 4 mm side‑drilled holes
Figure B.1 — Steel calibration block with detachable scales for angle‑beam contact probes
a distance between the centre line of the quadrant and the start of scale engravings
d distance between the start of the scale and the respective scale mark
Figure B.2 — L‑shaped scales No 1, 2 and 3 to be attached to the calibration block in Figure B.1
Annex C
C.1 General
Delay line and wedge delay can be determined by mechanical measurements together with the known
sound velocity of the delay line or wedge material.
Set the horizontal axis of the display to sound path mode, using the sound velocity of the test block. Set
the position of the transmitting pulse to the zero position on the horizontal axis of the screen. Read
the position o f the echo from the reflecting sur face o f the block, then subtract the actual distance (e. g.
radius or thickness) in the test block to obtain the delay line delay. The delay line delay path is expressed
in mm material equivalent (e. g. steel), as near field equivalent sound path.
Set the horizontal axis of the display to sound path mode, using the sound velocity of the test block.
Set the position of the transmitting pulse to the zero position on the horizontal axis of the screen.
Read the position o f the echo from the reflecting sur face o f the block, then subtract the actual distance
(e. g. radius) in the test block to obtain the wedge delay. The wedge delay is expressed in mm material
equivalent (e. g. steel) sound path (near field equivalent).
[1] ISO 22232‑3, Non-destructive testing — Characterization and verification o f ultrasonic test
equipment — Part 3: Combined equipment
[2] ISO 9001, Quality management systems — Requirements
[3] ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence o f testing and calibration laboratories
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