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TMS320F2837xS Microcontrollers

Technical Reference Manual

Literature Number: SPRUHX5G

August 2014 – Revised September 2019

Preface....................................................................................................................................... 81
1 C2000 Software Support ...................................................................................................... 82
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 83
1.2 C2000Ware Structure ...................................................................................................... 83
1.3 Documentation .............................................................................................................. 83
1.4 Devices ...................................................................................................................... 83
1.5 Libraries ..................................................................................................................... 83
1.6 Code Composer Studio .................................................................................................... 83
1.7 PinMUX Tool ................................................................................................................ 84
2 C28x Processor .................................................................................................................. 85
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 86
2.2 Features ..................................................................................................................... 86
2.3 Floating-Point Unit ......................................................................................................... 86
2.4 Trigonometric Math Unit .................................................................................................. 86
2.5 Viterbi, Complex Math, and CRC Unit II (VCU-II) ..................................................................... 87
3 System Control .................................................................................................................. 88
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 89
3.2 System Control Functional Description .................................................................................. 89
3.2.1 Device Identification .............................................................................................. 89
3.2.2 Device Configuration Registers ................................................................................. 89
3.3 Resets ....................................................................................................................... 90
3.3.1 Reset Sources ..................................................................................................... 90
3.3.2 External Reset (XRS) ............................................................................................. 90
3.3.3 Power-On Reset (POR) .......................................................................................... 90
3.3.4 Debugger Reset (SYSRS) ....................................................................................... 91
3.3.5 Watchdog Reset (WDRS) ........................................................................................ 91
3.3.6 NMI Watchdog Reset (NMIWDRS) ............................................................................. 91
3.3.7 DCSM Safe Code Copy Reset (SCCRESET) ................................................................. 91
3.3.8 Hibernate Reset (HIBRESET) ................................................................................... 91
3.3.9 Hardware BIST Reset (HWBISTRS)............................................................................ 91
3.3.10 Test Reset (TRST) ............................................................................................... 92
3.4 Peripheral Interrupts ....................................................................................................... 92
3.4.1 Interrupt Concepts................................................................................................. 92
3.4.2 Interrupt Architecture.............................................................................................. 92
3.4.3 Interrupt Entry Sequence ......................................................................................... 93
3.4.4 Configuring and Using Interrupts ................................................................................ 94
3.4.5 PIE Channel Mapping ............................................................................................ 96
3.4.6 Vector Tables ...................................................................................................... 97
3.5 Exceptions and Non-Maskable Interrupts ............................................................................. 103
3.5.1 Configuring and Using NMIs ................................................................................... 103
3.5.2 Emulation Considerations ...................................................................................... 103
3.5.3 NMI Sources ...................................................................................................... 104
3.5.4 Illegal Instruction Trap (ITRAP) ................................................................................ 104
3.6 Safety Features ........................................................................................................... 104
3.6.1 Write Protection on Registers .................................................................................. 104

2 Contents SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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3.6.2 Missing Clock Detection Logic ................................................................................. 105

3.6.3 PLLSLIP Detection .............................................................................................. 106
3.6.4 CPU1 Vector Address Validity Check ......................................................................... 106
3.6.5 NMIWDs .......................................................................................................... 107
3.6.6 ECC and Parity Enabled RAMs, Shared RAMs Protection ................................................ 107
3.6.7 ECC Enabled Flash Memory ................................................................................... 107
3.6.8 ERRORSTS Pin.................................................................................................. 107
3.7 Clocking ................................................................................................................... 108
3.7.1 Clock Sources .................................................................................................... 108
3.7.2 Derived Clocks ................................................................................................... 110
3.7.3 Device Clock Domains .......................................................................................... 111
3.7.4 XCLKOUT......................................................................................................... 112
3.7.5 Clock Connectivity ............................................................................................... 113
3.7.6 Clock Source and PLL Setup .................................................................................. 114
3.8 32-Bit CPU Timers 0/1/2 ................................................................................................. 117
3.9 Watchdog Timers ......................................................................................................... 119
3.9.1 Servicing the Watchdog Timer ................................................................................. 119
3.9.2 Minimum Window Check ....................................................................................... 120
3.9.3 Watchdog Reset or Watchdog Interrupt Mode ............................................................... 120
3.9.4 Watchdog Operation in Low Power Modes .................................................................. 121
3.9.5 Emulation Considerations ...................................................................................... 121
3.10 Low Power Modes ........................................................................................................ 122
3.10.1 IDLE .............................................................................................................. 122
3.10.2 STANDBY ....................................................................................................... 122
3.10.3 HALT ............................................................................................................. 122
3.10.4 HIB ................................................................................................................ 123
3.11 Memory Controller Module .............................................................................................. 125
3.11.1 Functional Description ......................................................................................... 125
3.12 Flash and OTP Memory ................................................................................................. 132
3.12.1 Features.......................................................................................................... 132
3.12.2 Flash Tools ...................................................................................................... 132
3.12.3 Default Flash Configuration ................................................................................... 133
3.12.4 Flash Bank, OTP and Pump .................................................................................. 133
3.12.5 Flash Module Controller (FMC) ............................................................................... 133
3.12.6 Flash and OTP Power-Down Modes and Wakeup ......................................................... 134
3.12.7 Flash and OTP Performance .................................................................................. 135
3.12.8 Flash Read Interface ........................................................................................... 136
3.12.9 Erase/Program Flash ........................................................................................... 138
3.12.10 Error Correction Code (ECC) Protection ................................................................... 139
3.12.11 Reserved Locations Within Flash and OTP ............................................................... 143
3.12.12 Procedure to Change the Flash Control Registers ....................................................... 143
3.12.13 Flash Pump Ownership Control ............................................................................. 143
3.13 Dual Code Security Module (DCSM) ................................................................................... 145
3.13.1 Functional Description ......................................................................................... 145
3.13.2 CSM Impact on Other On-Chip Resources ................................................................. 151
3.13.3 Incorporating Code Security in User Applications .......................................................... 152
3.14 JTAG ....................................................................................................................... 156
3.15 F2837xS System Control Registers .................................................................................... 158
3.15.1 F2837xS System Control Base Addresses.................................................................. 158
3.15.2 CPUTIMER_REGS Registers ................................................................................. 159
3.15.3 PIE_CTRL_REGS Registers .................................................................................. 166
3.15.4 WD_REGS Registers .......................................................................................... 218
3.15.5 NMI_INTRUPT_REGS Registers ............................................................................. 224

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3.15.6 XINT_REGS Registers ......................................................................................... 235

3.15.7 DMA_CLA_SRC_SEL_REGS Registers .................................................................... 244
3.15.8 DEV_CFG_REGS Registers .................................................................................. 251
3.15.9 CLK_CFG_REGS Registers .................................................................................. 296
3.15.10 CPU_SYS_REGS Registers ................................................................................. 318
3.15.11 ROM_PREFETCH_REGS Registers ....................................................................... 358
3.15.12 DCSM_COMMON_REGS Registers ....................................................................... 360
3.15.13 DCSM_Z1_OTP Registers ................................................................................... 367
3.15.14 DCSM_Z1_REGS Registers ................................................................................. 374
3.15.15 DCSM_Z2_OTP Registers ................................................................................... 394
3.15.16 DCSM_Z2_REGS Registers ................................................................................. 401
3.15.17 MEM_CFG_REGS Registers ................................................................................ 421
3.15.18 ACCESS_PROTECTION_REGS Registers ............................................................... 467
3.15.19 MEMORY_ERROR_REGS Registers ...................................................................... 490
3.15.20 ROM_WAIT_STATE_REGS Registers ..................................................................... 507
3.15.21 FLASH_CTRL_REGS Registers ............................................................................ 509
3.15.22 FLASH_ECC_REGS Registers ............................................................................. 518
3.15.23 UID_REGS Registers ......................................................................................... 541
3.15.24 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping..................................................................... 550
4 ROM Code and Peripheral Booting ..................................................................................... 562
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 563
4.2 Boot ROM Registers ..................................................................................................... 563
4.3 Device Boot Sequence ................................................................................................... 563
4.4 Device Boot Modes ....................................................................................................... 563
4.5 Configuring Boot Mode Pins ............................................................................................ 565
4.6 Configuring Get Boot Options ........................................................................................... 566
4.7 Configuring Emulation Boot Options ................................................................................... 567
4.8 Device Boot Flow Diagrams ............................................................................................. 567
4.8.1 Emulation Boot Flow Diagrams ................................................................................ 568
4.8.2 Standalone and Hibernate Boot Flow Diagrams ............................................................. 569
4.9 Device Reset and Exception Handling ................................................................................. 570
4.9.1 Reset Causes and Handling.................................................................................... 570
4.9.2 Exceptions and Interrupts Handling ........................................................................... 571
4.10 Boot ROM Description ................................................................................................... 571
4.10.1 Entry Points...................................................................................................... 571
4.10.2 Wait Points ...................................................................................................... 572
4.10.3 Memory Maps ................................................................................................... 572
4.10.4 Boot Modes ...................................................................................................... 574
4.10.5 Boot Data Stream Structure ................................................................................... 587
4.10.6 GPIO Assignments ............................................................................................. 589
4.10.7 Secure ROM Function APIs ................................................................................... 591
4.10.8 Clock Initializations ............................................................................................. 592
4.10.9 Wait State Configuration ....................................................................................... 592
4.10.10 Boot Status information....................................................................................... 592
4.10.11 ROM Version .................................................................................................. 593
5 Direct Memory Access (DMA) ............................................................................................. 594
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 595
5.2 Features .................................................................................................................... 595
5.3 Architecture ................................................................................................................ 596
5.3.1 Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 596
5.3.2 Common Peripheral Architecture .............................................................................. 596
5.3.3 Peripheral Interrupt Event Trigger Sources .................................................................. 597
5.3.4 DMA Bus .......................................................................................................... 602

4 Contents SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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5.4 Address Pointer and Transfer Control ................................................................................. 602

5.5 Pipeline Timing and Throughput ........................................................................................ 607
5.6 Channel Priority ........................................................................................................... 608
5.6.1 Round-Robin Mode .............................................................................................. 608
5.6.2 Channel 1 High Priority Mode .................................................................................. 609
5.7 Overrun Detection Feature .............................................................................................. 609
5.8 DMA Registers ............................................................................................................ 611
5.8.1 DMA Base Addresses ........................................................................................... 611
5.8.2 DMA_REGS Registers .......................................................................................... 612
5.8.3 DMA_CH_REGS Registers..................................................................................... 617
5.8.4 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping ....................................................................... 646
6 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) ........................................................................................... 648
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 649
6.2 Features .................................................................................................................... 649
6.3 CLA Interface .............................................................................................................. 651
6.3.1 CLA Memory ..................................................................................................... 651
6.3.2 CLA Memory Bus ................................................................................................ 652
6.3.3 Shared Peripherals and EALLOW Protection ................................................................ 652
6.3.4 CLA Tasks and Interrupt Vectors .............................................................................. 653
6.3.5 CLA Software Interrupt to CPU ................................................................................ 655
6.4 CLA and CPU Arbitration ................................................................................................ 655
6.4.1 CLA Message RAM ............................................................................................. 655
6.5 CLA Configuration and Debug .......................................................................................... 657
6.5.1 Building a CLA Application ..................................................................................... 657
6.5.2 Typical CLA Initialization Sequence ........................................................................... 657
6.5.3 Debugging CLA Code ........................................................................................... 658
6.5.4 CLA Illegal Opcode Behavior .................................................................................. 659
6.5.5 Resetting the CLA ............................................................................................... 659
6.6 Pipeline ..................................................................................................................... 661
6.6.1 Pipeline Overview ................................................................................................ 661
6.6.2 CLA Pipeline Alignment ......................................................................................... 661
6.6.3 Parallel Instructions .............................................................................................. 665
6.7 Instruction Set ............................................................................................................. 666
6.7.1 Instruction Descriptions ......................................................................................... 666
6.7.2 Addressing Modes and Encoding.............................................................................. 668
6.7.3 Instructions ....................................................................................................... 670
6.8 CLA Registers ............................................................................................................. 781
6.8.1 CLA Base Addresses............................................................................................ 781
6.8.2 CLA_REGS Registers ........................................................................................... 782
6.8.3 CLA_SOFTINT_REGS Registers .............................................................................. 823
7 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) ................................................................................. 827
7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 828
7.2 Configuration Overview .................................................................................................. 829
7.3 Digital General-Purpose I/O Control.................................................................................... 829
7.4 Input Qualification ......................................................................................................... 831
7.4.1 No Synchronization (Asynchronous Input) ................................................................... 831
7.4.2 Synchronization to SYSCLKOUT Only........................................................................ 831
7.4.3 Qualification Using a Sampling Window ...................................................................... 831
7.5 USB Signals ............................................................................................................... 834
7.6 SPI Signals ................................................................................................................ 834
7.7 GPIO and Peripheral Muxing ............................................................................................ 835
7.8 Internal Pullup Configuration Requirements........................................................................... 840
7.9 GPIO Registers ........................................................................................................... 841

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7.9.1 GPIO Base Addresses .......................................................................................... 841

7.9.2 GPIO_CTRL_REGS Registers ................................................................................. 842
7.9.3 GPIO_DATA_REGS Registers ............................................................................... 1007
7.9.4 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping ...................................................................... 1057
8 Crossbar (X-BAR)............................................................................................................ 1063
8.1 Input X-BAR .............................................................................................................. 1064
8.2 ePWM, CLB, and GPIO Output X-BAR .............................................................................. 1065
8.2.1 ePWM X-BAR ................................................................................................... 1065
8.2.2 CLB X-BAR ..................................................................................................... 1067
8.2.3 GPIO Output X-BAR ........................................................................................... 1070
8.2.4 X-BAR Flags .................................................................................................... 1071
8.3 XBAR Registers ......................................................................................................... 1073
8.3.1 XBAR Base Addresses ........................................................................................ 1073
8.3.2 XBAR_REGS Registers ....................................................................................... 1074
8.3.3 INPUT_XBAR_REGS Registers ............................................................................. 1087
8.3.4 OUTPUT_XBAR_REGS Registers .......................................................................... 1104
8.3.5 EPWM_XBAR_REGS Registers ............................................................................. 1205
8.3.6 CLB_XBAR_REGS Registers ................................................................................ 1298
8.3.7 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping ...................................................................... 1407
9 Analog Subsystem .......................................................................................................... 1412
9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1413
9.1.1 Features ........................................................................................................ 1413
9.1.2 Block Diagram .................................................................................................. 1413
9.1.3 Lock Registers .................................................................................................. 1417
9.2 Analog Subsystem Registers .......................................................................................... 1418
9.2.1 Analog Subsystem Base Addresses ......................................................................... 1418
9.2.2 ANALOG_SUBSYS_REGS Registers ....................................................................... 1419
10 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)..................................................................................... 1429
10.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1430
10.2 ADC Features ............................................................................................................ 1430
10.3 ADC Block Diagram ..................................................................................................... 1431
10.4 ADC Configurability ..................................................................................................... 1431
10.4.1 Clock Configuration ........................................................................................... 1432
10.4.2 Resolution ...................................................................................................... 1432
10.4.3 Voltage Reference ............................................................................................ 1432
10.4.4 Signal Mode .................................................................................................... 1432
10.4.5 Expected Conversion Results ............................................................................... 1433
10.4.6 Interpreting Conversion Results ............................................................................. 1433
10.5 SOC Principle of Operation ............................................................................................ 1434
10.5.1 SOC Configuration ............................................................................................ 1434
10.5.2 Trigger Operation ............................................................................................. 1434
10.5.3 ADC Acquisition (Sample and Hold) Window ............................................................. 1435
10.5.4 ADC Input Models ............................................................................................. 1435
10.5.5 Channel Selection ............................................................................................. 1436
10.6 SOC Configuration Examples ......................................................................................... 1437
10.6.1 Single Conversion from ePWM Trigger .................................................................... 1437
10.6.2 Oversampled Conversion from ePWM Trigger ............................................................ 1437
10.6.3 Multiple Conversions from CPU Timer Trigger ............................................................ 1438
10.6.4 Software Triggering of SOCs ................................................................................ 1439
10.7 ADC Conversion Priority ............................................................................................... 1439
10.8 Burst Mode ............................................................................................................... 1442
10.8.1 Burst Mode Example.......................................................................................... 1442
10.8.2 Burst Mode Priority Example ................................................................................ 1442

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10.9 EOC and Interrupt Operation .......................................................................................... 1444

10.9.1 Interrupt Overflow ............................................................................................ 1444
10.9.2 Continue to Interrupt Mode .................................................................................. 1445
10.10 Post-Processing Blocks ................................................................................................ 1445
10.10.1 PPB Offset Correction....................................................................................... 1445
10.10.2 PPB Error Calculation ....................................................................................... 1446
10.10.3 PPB Limit Detection and Zero-Crossing Detection ...................................................... 1446
10.10.4 PPB Sample Delay Capture ............................................................................... 1447
10.11 Opens/Shorts Detection Circuit (OSDETECT) ...................................................................... 1448
10.11.1 Implementation ............................................................................................... 1449
10.11.2 Detecting an Open Input Pin ............................................................................... 1449
10.11.3 Detecting a Shorted Input Pin .............................................................................. 1449
10.12 Power-Up Sequence ................................................................................................... 1449
10.13 ADC Calibration ......................................................................................................... 1450
10.13.1 ADC Zero Offset Calibration ............................................................................... 1450
10.13.2 ADC Calibration Routines in OTP ......................................................................... 1451
10.14 ADC Timings ............................................................................................................ 1451
10.14.1 ADC Timing Diagrams ...................................................................................... 1451
10.15 Additional Information .................................................................................................. 1457
10.15.1 Ensuring Synchronous Operation ......................................................................... 1457
10.15.2 Choosing an Acquisition Window Duration ............................................................... 1461
10.15.3 Achieving Simultaneous Sampling ........................................................................ 1463
10.15.4 Designing an External Reference Circuit ................................................................. 1463
10.15.5 Internal Temperature Sensor............................................................................... 1465
10.16 ADC Registers........................................................................................................... 1466
10.16.1 ADC Base Addresses ....................................................................................... 1466
10.16.2 ADC_REGS Registers ...................................................................................... 1467
10.16.3 ADC_RESULT_REGS Registers .......................................................................... 1606
10.16.4 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping ................................................................... 1627
11 Buffered Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) ....................................................................... 1631
11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1632
11.1.1 Features ........................................................................................................ 1632
11.1.2 Block Diagram ................................................................................................. 1632
11.2 Using the DAC ........................................................................................................... 1632
11.2.1 Initialization Sequence ........................................................................................ 1633
11.2.2 DAC Offset Adjustment ....................................................................................... 1633
11.2.3 EPWMSYNCPER Signal ..................................................................................... 1633
11.3 Lock Registers ........................................................................................................... 1633
11.4 DAC Registers ........................................................................................................... 1634
11.4.1 DAC Base Addresses ........................................................................................ 1634
11.4.2 DAC_REGS Registers ........................................................................................ 1635
11.4.3 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping..................................................................... 1643
12 Comparator Subsystem (CMPSS) ...................................................................................... 1644
12.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1645
12.2 Features .................................................................................................................. 1645
12.2.1 Block Diagram ................................................................................................. 1645
12.3 Comparator............................................................................................................... 1646
12.4 Reference DAC .......................................................................................................... 1646
12.5 Ramp Generator ......................................................................................................... 1648
12.5.1 Ramp Generator Overview .................................................................................. 1648
12.5.2 Ramp Generator Behavior ................................................................................... 1648
12.5.3 Ramp Generator Behavior at Corner Cases............................................................... 1649
12.6 Digital Filter .............................................................................................................. 1650

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12.6.1 Filter Initialization Sequence ................................................................................. 1651

12.7 Using the CMPSS ....................................................................................................... 1651
12.7.1 LATCHCLR and EPWMSYNCPER Signals ............................................................... 1651
12.7.2 Synchronizer, Digital Filter and Latch Delays ............................................................. 1651
12.7.3 Calibrating the CMPSS ....................................................................................... 1651
12.7.4 Enabling and Disabling the CMPSS Clock ................................................................ 1652
12.8 CMPSS Registers ....................................................................................................... 1653
12.8.1 CMPSS Base Addresses..................................................................................... 1653
12.8.2 CMPSS_REGS Registers .................................................................................... 1654
12.8.3 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping..................................................................... 1679
13 Sigma Delta Filter Module (SDFM) ..................................................................................... 1681
13.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1682
13.1.1 SDFM Features ................................................................................................ 1682
13.1.2 Block Diagram ................................................................................................. 1683
13.2 Configuring Device Pins ................................................................................................ 1684
13.3 Input Control Unit ........................................................................................................ 1685
13.4 Sinc Filter ................................................................................................................. 1687
13.4.1 Data Rate and Latency of the Sinc Filter .................................................................. 1688
13.5 Data (Primary) Filter Unit ............................................................................................... 1689
13.5.1 32-bit or 16-bit Data Filter Output Representation ........................................................ 1689
13.5.2 SDSYNC Event ................................................................................................ 1690
13.6 Comparator (Secondary) Filter Unit ................................................................................... 1691
13.6.1 Higher threshold (HLT) comparator ......................................................................... 1692
13.6.2 Lower Threshold (LLT) comparator ......................................................................... 1692
13.7 Interrupt Unit ............................................................................................................. 1693
13.7.1 SDFM (SDINT) Interrupt sources: .......................................................................... 1693
13.8 Register Descriptions ................................................................................................... 1695
13.9 SDFM Registers ......................................................................................................... 1697
13.9.1 SDFM Base Addesses ....................................................................................... 1697
13.9.2 SDFM_REGS Registers ...................................................................................... 1698
13.9.3 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping..................................................................... 1734
14 Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator (ePWM) ......................................................................... 1736
14.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1737
14.1.1 Submodule Overview ......................................................................................... 1739
14.2 Configuring Device Pins ................................................................................................ 1744
14.3 ePWM Modules Overview .............................................................................................. 1744
14.4 Time-Base (TB) Submodule ........................................................................................... 1746
14.4.1 Purpose of the Time-Base Submodule ..................................................................... 1746
14.4.2 Controlling and Monitoring the Time-Base Submodule .................................................. 1747
14.4.3 Calculating PWM Period and Frequency .................................................................. 1748
14.4.4 Phase Locking the Time-Base Clocks of Multiple ePWM Modules..................................... 1752
14.4.5 Simultaneous Writes to TBPRD and CMPx Registers Between ePWM Modules .................... 1752
14.4.6 Time-Base Counter Modes and Timing Waveforms ...................................................... 1752
14.4.7 Global Load .................................................................................................... 1755
14.5 Counter-Compare (CC) Submodule .................................................................................. 1757
14.5.1 Purpose of the Counter-Compare Submodule ............................................................ 1757
14.5.2 Controlling and Monitoring the Counter-Compare Submodule .......................................... 1757
14.5.3 Operational Highlights for the Counter-Compare Submodule ........................................... 1758
14.5.4 Count Mode Timing Waveforms ............................................................................ 1760
14.6 Action-Qualifier (AQ) Submodule ..................................................................................... 1763
14.6.1 Purpose of the Action-Qualifier Submodule ............................................................... 1764
14.6.2 Action-Qualifier Submodule Control and Status Register Definitions .................................. 1764
14.6.3 Action-Qualifier Event Priority ............................................................................... 1767

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14.6.4 AQCTLA and AQCTLB Shadow Mode Operations ....................................................... 1768

14.6.5 Waveforms for Common Configurations ................................................................... 1770
14.7 Dead-Band Generator (DB) Submodule ............................................................................. 1777
14.7.1 Purpose of the Dead-Band Submodule .................................................................... 1777
14.7.2 Dead-band Submodule Additional Operating Modes ..................................................... 1777
14.7.3 Operational Highlights for the Dead-Band Submodule ................................................... 1779
14.8 PWM Chopper (PC) Submodule ..................................................................................... 1783
14.8.1 Purpose of the PWM Chopper Submodule ................................................................ 1783
14.8.2 Operational Highlights for the PWM Chopper Submodule............................................... 1783
14.8.3 Waveforms ..................................................................................................... 1784
14.9 Trip-Zone (TZ) Submodule ............................................................................................. 1787
14.9.1 Purpose of the Trip-Zone Submodule ...................................................................... 1787
14.9.2 Operational Highlights for the Trip-Zone Submodule ..................................................... 1787
14.9.3 Generating Trip Event Interrupts ............................................................................ 1790
14.10 Event-Trigger (ET) Submodule........................................................................................ 1792
14.10.1 Operational Overview of the ePWM Type 4 Event-Trigger Submodule .............................. 1793
14.11 Digital Compare (DC) Submodule .................................................................................... 1798
14.11.1 Purpose of the Digital Compare Submodule ............................................................. 1799
14.11.2 Enhanced Trip Action Using CMPSS ..................................................................... 1800
14.11.3 Using CMPSS to Trip the ePWM on a Cycle-by-Cycle Basis ......................................... 1800
14.11.4 Operation Highlights of the Digital Compare Submodule .............................................. 1800
14.12 ePWM X-BAR ........................................................................................................... 1806
14.13 Applications to Power Topologies .................................................................................... 1808
14.13.1 Overview of Multiple Modules ............................................................................. 1808
14.13.2 Key Configuration Capabilities ............................................................................. 1808
14.13.3 Controlling Multiple Buck Converters With Independent Frequencies ................................ 1809
14.13.4 Controlling Multiple Buck Converters With Same Frequencies ........................................ 1811
14.13.5 Controlling Multiple Half H-Bridge (HHB) Converters ................................................... 1813
14.13.6 Controlling Dual 3-Phase Inverters for Motors (ACI and PMSM) ..................................... 1815
14.13.7 Practical Applications Using Phase Control Between PWM Modules ................................ 1818
14.13.8 Controlling a 3-Phase Interleaved DC/DC Converter ................................................... 1819
14.13.9 Controlling Zero Voltage Switched Full Bridge (ZVSFB) Converter................................... 1822
14.13.10 Controlling a Peak Current Mode Controlled Buck Module ........................................... 1823
14.13.11 Controlling H-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter......................................................... 1824
14.14 High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator (HRPWM) ............................................................ 1826
14.14.1 Operational Description of HRPWM....................................................................... 1828
14.14.2 Appendix A: SFO Library Software - SFO_TI_Build_V8.lib ............................................ 1850
14.15 ePWM Registers ........................................................................................................ 1853
14.15.1 ePWM Base Addresses..................................................................................... 1853
14.15.2 EPWM_REGS Registers ................................................................................... 1854
14.15.3 SYNC_SOC_REGS Registers ............................................................................. 1985
14.15.4 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping ................................................................... 1993
15 Enhanced Capture (eCAP) ................................................................................................ 2001
15.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2002
15.2 Features .................................................................................................................. 2002
15.3 Description ............................................................................................................... 2002
15.4 Configuring Device Pins for the eCAP ............................................................................... 2002
15.5 Capture and APWM Operating Mode ................................................................................ 2004
15.6 Capture Mode Description ............................................................................................. 2005
15.6.1 Event Prescaler ................................................................................................ 2006
15.6.2 Edge Polarity Select and Qualifier .......................................................................... 2007
15.6.3 Continuous/One-Shot Control ............................................................................... 2007
15.6.4 32-Bit Counter and Phase Control .......................................................................... 2008

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15.6.5 CAP1-CAP4 Registers ....................................................................................... 2009

15.6.6 eCAP Synchronization ........................................................................................ 2009
15.6.7 Interrupt Control ............................................................................................... 2011
15.6.8 Shadow Load and Lockout Control ......................................................................... 2012
15.6.9 APWM Mode Operation ...................................................................................... 2012
15.7 Application of the eCAP Module ...................................................................................... 2014
15.7.1 Example 1 - Absolute Time-Stamp Operation Rising Edge Trigger .................................... 2014
15.7.2 Example 2 - Absolute Time-Stamp Operation Rising and Falling Edge Trigger ...................... 2015
15.7.3 Example 3 - Time Difference (Delta) Operation Rising Edge Trigger .................................. 2016
15.7.4 Example 4 - Time Difference (Delta) Operation Rising and Falling Edge Trigger .................... 2017
15.8 Application of the APWM Mode ....................................................................................... 2018
15.8.1 Example 1 - Simple PWM Generation (Independent Channel/s) ....................................... 2018
15.9 eCAP Registers.......................................................................................................... 2019
15.9.1 eCAP Base Addresses ....................................................................................... 2019
15.9.2 ECAP_REGS Registers ...................................................................................... 2020
15.9.3 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping..................................................................... 2037
16 Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP) ..................................................................... 2039
16.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2040
16.2 Configuring Device Pins ................................................................................................ 2042
16.3 Description ............................................................................................................... 2042
16.3.1 EQEP Inputs ................................................................................................... 2042
16.3.2 Functional Description ........................................................................................ 2043
16.3.3 eQEP Memory Map ........................................................................................... 2044
16.4 Quadrature Decoder Unit (QDU) ...................................................................................... 2045
16.4.1 Position Counter Input Modes ............................................................................... 2045
16.4.2 eQEP Input Polarity Selection ............................................................................... 2048
16.4.3 Position-Compare Sync Output ............................................................................. 2048
16.5 Position Counter and Control Unit (PCCU) .......................................................................... 2048
16.5.1 Position Counter Operating Modes ......................................................................... 2048
16.5.2 Position Counter Latch ....................................................................................... 2050
16.5.3 Position Counter Initialization ................................................................................ 2052
16.5.4 eQEP Position-compare Unit ................................................................................ 2053
16.6 eQEP Edge Capture Unit .............................................................................................. 2054
16.7 eQEP Watchdog ......................................................................................................... 2058
16.8 Unit Timer Base ......................................................................................................... 2058
16.9 eQEP Interrupt Structure ............................................................................................... 2059
16.10 eQEP Registers ......................................................................................................... 2060
16.10.1 eQEP Base Addresses ..................................................................................... 2060
16.10.2 EQEP_REGS Registers .................................................................................... 2061
16.10.3 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping ................................................................... 2095
17 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ........................................................................................ 2097
17.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2098
17.1.1 Features ........................................................................................................ 2098
17.1.2 Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 2098
17.2 System-Level Integration ............................................................................................... 2099
17.2.1 SPI Module Signals ........................................................................................... 2099
17.2.2 Configuring Device Pins ...................................................................................... 2100
17.2.3 SPI Interrupts .................................................................................................. 2100
17.2.4 DMA Support .................................................................................................. 2102
17.3 SPI Operation ............................................................................................................ 2102
17.3.1 Introduction to Operation ..................................................................................... 2102
17.3.2 Master Mode ................................................................................................... 2103
17.3.3 Slave Mode .................................................................................................... 2104

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17.3.4 Data Format .................................................................................................... 2105

17.3.5 Baud Rate Selection ......................................................................................... 2106
17.3.6 SPI Clocking Schemes ....................................................................................... 2107
17.3.7 SPI FIFO Description ......................................................................................... 2108
17.3.8 SPI DMA Transfers ........................................................................................... 2109
17.3.9 SPI High-Speed Mode ........................................................................................ 2110
17.3.10 SPI 3-Wire Mode Description .............................................................................. 2110
17.4 Programming Procedure ............................................................................................... 2112
17.4.1 Initialization Upon Reset ..................................................................................... 2112
17.4.2 Configuring the SPI ........................................................................................... 2112
17.4.3 Configuring the SPI for High-Speed Mode ................................................................. 2113
17.4.4 Data Transfer Example ....................................................................................... 2113
17.4.5 SPI 3-Wire Mode Code Examples .......................................................................... 2114
17.4.6 SPI STEINV Bit in Digital Audio Transfers ................................................................. 2115
17.5 SPI Registers ............................................................................................................ 2117
17.5.1 SPI Base Addresses .......................................................................................... 2117
17.5.2 SPI_REGS Registers ......................................................................................... 2118
17.5.3 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping..................................................................... 2137
18 Serial Communications Interface (SCI) .............................................................................. 2139
18.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2140
18.2 Architecture .............................................................................................................. 2142
18.3 SCI Module Signal Summary .......................................................................................... 2142
18.4 Configuring Device Pins ................................................................................................ 2142
18.5 Multiprocessor and Asynchronous Communication Modes........................................................ 2142
18.6 SCI Programmable Data Format ...................................................................................... 2143
18.7 SCI Multiprocessor Communication .................................................................................. 2143
18.7.1 Recognizing the Address Byte .............................................................................. 2144
18.7.2 Controlling the SCI TX and RX Features .................................................................. 2144
18.7.3 Receipt Sequence............................................................................................. 2144
18.8 Idle-Line Multiprocessor Mode......................................................................................... 2144
18.8.1 Idle-Line Mode Steps ......................................................................................... 2145
18.8.2 Block Start Signal ............................................................................................. 2146
18.8.3 Wake-UP Temporary (WUT) Flag .......................................................................... 2146
18.8.4 Receiver Operation ........................................................................................... 2146
18.9 Address-Bit Multiprocessor Mode ..................................................................................... 2146
18.9.1 Sending an Address .......................................................................................... 2146
18.10 SCI Communication Format ........................................................................................... 2147
18.10.1 Receiver Signals in Communication Modes.............................................................. 2148
18.10.2 Transmitter Signals in Communication Modes........................................................... 2148
18.11 SCI Port Interrupts ...................................................................................................... 2149
18.12 SCI Baud Rate Calculations ........................................................................................... 2150
18.13 SCI Enhanced Features................................................................................................ 2150
18.13.1 SCI FIFO Description ....................................................................................... 2150
18.13.2 SCI Auto-Baud ............................................................................................... 2152
18.13.3 Autobaud-Detect Sequence ................................................................................ 2152
18.14 SCI Registers ............................................................................................................ 2153
18.14.1 SCI Base Addresses ........................................................................................ 2153
18.14.2 SCI_REGS Registers ....................................................................................... 2154
18.14.3 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping ................................................................... 2174
19 Inter-Integrated Circuit Module (I2C) .................................................................................. 2176
19.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2177
19.1.1 Features ........................................................................................................ 2177
19.1.2 Features Not Supported ...................................................................................... 2178

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19.1.3 Functional Overview .......................................................................................... 2178

19.1.4 Clock Generation .............................................................................................. 2179
19.1.5 I2C Clock Divider Registers (I2CCLKL and I2CCLKH) .................................................. 2180
19.2 Configuring Device Pins ................................................................................................ 2180
19.3 I2C Module Operational Details ....................................................................................... 2181
19.3.1 Input and Output Voltage Levels ............................................................................ 2181
19.3.2 Data Validity ................................................................................................... 2181
19.3.3 Operating Modes .............................................................................................. 2181
19.3.4 I2C Module START and STOP Conditions ................................................................ 2182
19.3.5 Serial Data Formats........................................................................................... 2183
19.3.6 NACK Bit Generation ......................................................................................... 2185
19.3.7 Clock Synchronization ........................................................................................ 2186
19.3.8 Arbitration ...................................................................................................... 2186
19.3.9 Digital Loopback Mode ....................................................................................... 2187
19.4 Interrupt Requests Generated by the I2C Module .................................................................. 2188
19.4.1 Basic I2C Interrupt Requests ................................................................................ 2188
19.4.2 I2C FIFO Interrupts ........................................................................................... 2190
19.5 Resetting or Disabling the I2C Module ............................................................................... 2191
19.6 I2C Registers ............................................................................................................ 2192
19.6.1 I2C Base Addresses .......................................................................................... 2192
19.6.2 I2C_REGS Registers ......................................................................................... 2193
19.6.3 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping..................................................................... 2217
20 Multichannel Buffered Serial Port (McBSP) ........................................................................ 2219
20.1 Overview.................................................................................................................. 2220
20.1.1 Features of the McBSPs ..................................................................................... 2220
20.1.2 McBSP Pins/Signals .......................................................................................... 2221
20.2 Configuring Device Pins ................................................................................................ 2222
20.3 McBSP Operation ....................................................................................................... 2222
20.3.1 Data Transfer Process of McBSPs ......................................................................... 2223
20.3.2 Companding (Compressing and Expanding) Data........................................................ 2224
20.3.3 Clocking and Framing Data .................................................................................. 2225
20.3.4 Frame Phases ................................................................................................. 2228
20.3.5 McBSP Reception ............................................................................................. 2230
20.3.6 McBSP Transmission ......................................................................................... 2231
20.3.7 Interrupts and DMA Events Generated by a McBSP ..................................................... 2232
20.4 McBSP Sample Rate Generator ...................................................................................... 2232
20.4.1 Block Diagram ................................................................................................. 2233
20.4.2 Frame Synchronization Generation in the Sample Rate Generator .................................... 2236
20.4.3 Synchronizing Sample Rate Generator Outputs to an External Clock ................................. 2236
20.4.4 Reset and Initialization Procedure for the Sample Rate Generator .................................... 2238
20.5 McBSP Exception/Error Conditions ................................................................................... 2239
20.5.1 Types of Errors ................................................................................................ 2239
20.5.2 Overrun in the Receiver ...................................................................................... 2239
20.5.3 Unexpected Receive Frame-Synchronization Pulse ..................................................... 2241
20.5.4 Overwrite in the Transmitter ................................................................................. 2243
20.5.5 Underflow in the Transmitter ................................................................................. 2244
20.5.6 Unexpected Transmit Frame-Synchronization Pulse ..................................................... 2245
20.6 Multichannel Selection Modes ......................................................................................... 2247
20.6.1 Channels, Blocks, and Partitions ............................................................................ 2247
20.6.2 Multichannel Selection ........................................................................................ 2248
20.6.3 Configuring a Frame for Multichannel Selection .......................................................... 2248
20.6.4 Using Two Partitions .......................................................................................... 2248
20.6.5 Using Eight Partitions ......................................................................................... 2250

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20.6.6 Receive Multichannel Selection Mode...................................................................... 2251

20.6.7 Transmit Multichannel Selection Modes ................................................................... 2251
20.6.8 Using Interrupts Between Block Transfers ................................................................. 2253
20.7 SPI Operation Using the Clock Stop Mode .......................................................................... 2254
20.7.1 SPI Protocol .................................................................................................... 2254
20.7.2 Clock Stop Mode .............................................................................................. 2255
20.7.3 Enable and Configure the Clock Stop Mode .............................................................. 2255
20.7.4 Clock Stop Mode Timing Diagrams ......................................................................... 2256
20.7.5 Procedure for Configuring a McBSP for SPI Operation .................................................. 2258
20.7.6 McBSP as the SPI Master ................................................................................... 2258
20.7.7 McBSP as an SPI Slave...................................................................................... 2260
20.8 Receiver Configuration ................................................................................................. 2261
20.8.1 Programming the McBSP Registers for the Desired Receiver Operation ............................. 2261
20.8.2 Resetting and Enabling the Receiver ....................................................................... 2262
20.8.3 Set the Receiver Pins to Operate as McBSP Pins ....................................................... 2262
20.8.4 Digital Loopback Mode ....................................................................................... 2263
20.8.5 Clock Stop Mode .............................................................................................. 2263
20.8.6 Receive Multichannel Selection Mode...................................................................... 2264
20.8.7 Receive Frame Phases....................................................................................... 2264
20.8.8 Receive Word Length(s) ..................................................................................... 2265
20.8.9 Receive Frame Length ....................................................................................... 2265
20.8.10 Receive Frame-Synchronization Ignore Function ....................................................... 2266
20.8.11 Receive Companding Mode ................................................................................ 2267
20.8.12 Receive Data Delay ......................................................................................... 2268
20.8.13 Receive Sign-Extension and Justification Mode ......................................................... 2270
20.8.14 Receive Interrupt Mode ..................................................................................... 2271
20.8.15 Receive Frame-Synchronization Mode ................................................................... 2271
20.8.16 Receive Frame-Synchronization Polarity ................................................................. 2273
20.8.17 Receive Clock Mode ........................................................................................ 2275
20.8.18 Receive Clock Polarity ...................................................................................... 2276
20.8.19 SRG Clock Divide-Down Value ............................................................................ 2278
20.8.20 SRG Clock Synchronization Mode ........................................................................ 2278
20.8.21 SRG Clock Mode (Choose an Input Clock) .............................................................. 2279
20.8.22 SRG Input Clock Polarity ................................................................................... 2280
20.9 Transmitter Configuration .............................................................................................. 2280
20.9.1 Programming the McBSP Registers for the Desired Transmitter Operation .......................... 2280
20.9.2 Resetting and Enabling the Transmitter .................................................................... 2281
20.9.3 Set the Transmitter Pins to Operate as McBSP Pins .................................................... 2282
20.9.4 Digital Loopback Mode ....................................................................................... 2282
20.9.5 Clock Stop Mode .............................................................................................. 2282
20.9.6 Transmit Multichannel Selection Mode ..................................................................... 2283
20.9.7 XCERs Used in the Transmit Multichannel Selection Mode............................................. 2284
20.9.8 Transmit Frame Phases ...................................................................................... 2287
20.9.9 Transmit Word Length(s) ..................................................................................... 2287
20.9.10 Transmit Frame Length ..................................................................................... 2288
20.9.11 Enable/Disable the Transmit Frame-Synchronization Ignore Function ............................... 2289
20.9.12 Transmit Companding Mode ............................................................................... 2290
20.9.13 Transmit Data Delay ........................................................................................ 2291
20.9.14 Transmit DXENA Mode ..................................................................................... 2293
20.9.15 Transmit Interrupt Mode .................................................................................... 2293
20.9.16 Transmit Frame-Synchronization Mode .................................................................. 2294
20.9.17 Transmit Frame-Synchronization Polarity ................................................................ 2295
20.9.18 SRG Frame-Synchronization Period and Pulse Width ................................................. 2296

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20.9.19 Transmit Clock Mode ........................................................................................ 2297

20.9.20 Transmit Clock Polarity ..................................................................................... 2297
20.10 Emulation and Reset Considerations ................................................................................ 2298
20.10.1 McBSP Emulation Mode .................................................................................... 2299
20.10.2 Resetting and Initializing McBSPs ......................................................................... 2299
20.11 Data Packing Examples ................................................................................................ 2301
20.11.1 Data Packing Using Frame Length and Word Length .................................................. 2301
20.11.2 Data Packing Using Word Length and the Frame-Synchronization Ignore Function ............... 2303
20.12 Interrupt Generation .................................................................................................... 2303
20.12.1 McBSP Receive Interrupt Generation ..................................................................... 2304
20.12.2 McBSP Transmit Interrupt Generation .................................................................... 2304
20.12.3 Error Flags ................................................................................................... 2305
20.13 McBSP Modes........................................................................................................... 2305
20.14 Special Case: External Device is the Transmit Frame Master .................................................... 2306
20.15 McBSP Registers ...................................................................................................... 2308
20.15.1 McBSP Base Addresses .................................................................................... 2308
20.15.2 Data Receive Registers (DRR[1,2]) ....................................................................... 2309
20.15.3 Data Transmit Registers (DXR[1,2]) ...................................................................... 2309
20.15.4 Serial Port Control Registers (SPCR[1,2]) ............................................................... 2310
20.15.5 Receive Control Registers (RCR[1, 2]) .................................................................. 2315
20.15.6 Transmit Control Registers (XCR1 and XCR2) .......................................................... 2317
20.15.7 Sample Rate Generator Registers (SRGR1 and SRGR2) ............................................. 2320
20.15.8 Multichannel Control Registers (MCR[1,2]) .............................................................. 2322
20.15.9 Pin Control Register (PCR) ................................................................................. 2327
20.15.10 Receive Channel Enable Registers (RCERA, RCERB, RCERC, RCERD, RCERE, RCERF,
RCERG, RCERH) .............................................................................................. 2329
20.15.11 Transmit Channel Enable Registers (XCERA, XCERB, XCERC, XCERD, XCERE, XCERF,
XCERG, XCERH) .............................................................................................. 2331
20.15.12 XCERs Used in a Transmit Multichannel Selection Mode ............................................ 2332
20.15.13 McBSP Interrupt Enable Register ........................................................................ 2333
20.16 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping .............................................................................. 2334
21 Controller Area Network (CAN) ......................................................................................... 2337
21.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2338
21.1.1 Features ....................................................................................................... 2338
21.1.2 Functional Description ....................................................................................... 2338
21.1.3 Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 2339
21.2 Configuring Device Pins ................................................................................................ 2339
21.3 Address/Data Bus Bridge .............................................................................................. 2339
21.4 Operating Modes ........................................................................................................ 2341
21.4.1 Initialization .................................................................................................... 2341
21.4.2 CAN Message Transfer (Normal Operation) .............................................................. 2341
21.4.3 Test Modes .................................................................................................... 2342
21.5 Multiple Clock Source .................................................................................................. 2345
21.6 Interrupt Functionality .................................................................................................. 2346
21.6.1 Message Object Interrupts .................................................................................. 2346
21.6.2 Status Change Interrupts .................................................................................... 2346
21.6.3 Error Interrupts ................................................................................................ 2346
21.6.4 PIE Nomenclature for DCAN Interrupts .................................................................... 2346
21.6.5 Interrupt Topologies .......................................................................................... 2347
21.7 Parity Check Mechanism .............................................................................................. 2348
21.7.1 Behavior on Parity Error ..................................................................................... 2348
21.8 Debug Mode ............................................................................................................ 2348
21.9 Module Initialization .................................................................................................... 2349
21.10 Configuration of Message Objects ................................................................................... 2349

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21.10.1 Configuration of a Transmit Object for Data Frames ................................................... 2349

21.10.2 Configuration of a Transmit Object for Remote Frames ............................................... 2350
21.10.3 Configuration of a Single Receive Object for Data Frames ........................................... 2350
21.10.4 Configuration of a Single Receive Object for Remote Frames ....................................... 2350
21.10.5 Configuration of a FIFO Buffer ............................................................................ 2351
21.11 Message Handling ..................................................................................................... 2351
21.11.1 Message Handler Overview ............................................................................... 2351
21.11.2 Receive/Transmit Priority .................................................................................. 2352
21.11.3 Transmission of Messages in Event Driven CAN Communication ................................... 2352
21.11.4 Updating a Transmit Object ............................................................................... 2352
21.11.5 Changing a Transmit Object ............................................................................... 2353
21.11.6 Acceptance Filtering of Received Messages ............................................................ 2353
21.11.7 Reception of Data Frames ................................................................................. 2353
21.11.8 Reception of Remote Frames ............................................................................. 2353
21.11.9 Reading Received Messages ............................................................................. 2354
21.11.10 Requesting New Data for a Receive Object ........................................................... 2354
21.11.11 Storing Received Messages in FIFO Buffers .......................................................... 2354
21.11.12 Reading from a FIFO Buffer ............................................................................. 2354
21.12 CAN Bit Timing ......................................................................................................... 2356
21.12.1 Bit Time and Bit Rate ....................................................................................... 2356
21.12.2 Configuration of the CAN Bit Timing ..................................................................... 2361
21.13 Message Interface Register Sets .................................................................................... 2363
21.13.1 Message Interface Register Sets 1 and 2 ............................................................... 2364
21.13.2 IF3 Register Set ............................................................................................. 2365
21.14 Message RAM .......................................................................................................... 2365
21.14.1 Structure of Message Objects ............................................................................. 2366
21.14.2 Addressing Message Objects in RAM ................................................................... 2368
21.14.3 Message RAM Representation in Debug Mode ........................................................ 2369
21.15 CAN Registers........................................................................................................... 2370
21.15.1 CAN Base Addresses ....................................................................................... 2370
21.15.2 CAN_REGS Registers ...................................................................................... 2371
21.15.3 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping ................................................................... 2432
22 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller................................................................................ 2434
22.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2435
22.2 Features .................................................................................................................. 2435
22.2.1 Block Diagram ................................................................................................. 2435
22.2.2 Signal Description ............................................................................................. 2436
22.2.3 VBus Recommendations ..................................................................................... 2436
22.3 Functional Description .................................................................................................. 2437
22.3.1 Operation as a Device ........................................................................................ 2437
22.3.2 Operation as a Host........................................................................................... 2441
22.3.3 DMA Operation ................................................................................................ 2444
22.3.4 Address/Data Bus Bridge .................................................................................... 2444
22.4 Initialization and Configuration......................................................................................... 2446
22.4.1 Pin Configuration .............................................................................................. 2446
22.4.2 Endpoint Configuration ....................................................................................... 2446
22.5 USB Registers ........................................................................................................... 2448
22.5.1 USB Base Address ........................................................................................... 2448
22.5.2 USB Register Map ............................................................................................ 2449
22.5.3 USB Register Descriptions ................................................................................... 2459
23 Universal Parallel Port (uPP) ............................................................................................ 2528
23.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2529
23.1.1 Features Supported ........................................................................................... 2529

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23.2 Configuring Device Pins ................................................................................................ 2530

23.3 Functional Description .................................................................................................. 2530
23.3.1 Functional Block Diagram .................................................................................... 2530
23.3.2 Data Flow ...................................................................................................... 2530
23.3.3 Clock Generation and Control ............................................................................... 2531
23.4 IO Interface and System Requirements .............................................................................. 2533
23.4.1 Pin Multiplexing ................................................................................................ 2533
23.4.2 Internal DMA Controller Description ........................................................................ 2533
23.4.3 Protocol Description .......................................................................................... 2535
23.4.4 Data Format .................................................................................................... 2538
23.4.5 Reset Considerations ......................................................................................... 2538
23.4.6 Interrupt Support .............................................................................................. 2539
23.4.7 Emulation Considerations .................................................................................... 2540
23.4.8 Transmit and Receive FIFOs ................................................................................ 2540
23.4.9 Transmit and Receive Data (MSG) RAM .................................................................. 2540
23.4.10 Initialization and Operation ................................................................................. 2541
23.5 UPP Registers ........................................................................................................... 2543
23.5.1 UPP Base Addresses ......................................................................................... 2543
23.5.2 UPP_REGS Registers ........................................................................................ 2544
24 External Memory Interface (EMIF) ..................................................................................... 2579
24.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2580
24.1.1 Purpose of the Peripheral .................................................................................... 2580
24.2 Features .................................................................................................................. 2581
24.2.1 Asynchronous Memory Support ............................................................................. 2581
24.2.2 Synchronous DRAM Memory Support ..................................................................... 2581
24.3 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 2581
24.4 Configuring Device Pins ................................................................................................ 2582
24.5 EMIF Module Architecture ............................................................................................. 2582
24.5.1 EMIF Clock Control ........................................................................................... 2582
24.5.2 EMIF Requests ................................................................................................ 2582
24.5.3 EMIF Signal Descriptions .................................................................................... 2583
24.5.4 EMIF Signal Multiplexing Control ........................................................................... 2584
24.5.5 SDRAM Controller and Interface ............................................................................ 2584
24.5.6 Asynchronous Controller and Interface .................................................................... 2597
24.5.7 Data Bus Parking.............................................................................................. 2609
24.5.8 Reset and Initialization Considerations ..................................................................... 2609
24.5.9 Interrupt Support .............................................................................................. 2609
24.5.10 DMA Event Support ......................................................................................... 2610
24.5.11 EMIF Signal Multiplexing ................................................................................... 2610
24.5.12 Memory Map ................................................................................................. 2610
24.5.13 Priority and Arbitration ...................................................................................... 2611
24.5.14 System Considerations ..................................................................................... 2612
24.5.15 Power Management ......................................................................................... 2613
24.5.16 Emulation Considerations .................................................................................. 2613
24.6 Example Configuration ................................................................................................. 2614
24.6.1 Hardware Interface ............................................................................................ 2614
24.6.2 Software Configuration ....................................................................................... 2614
24.7 EMIF Registers .......................................................................................................... 2622
24.7.1 EMIF Base Addresses ........................................................................................ 2622
24.7.2 EMIF_REGS Registers ....................................................................................... 2623
24.7.3 EMIF1_CONFIG_REGS Registers ......................................................................... 2643
24.7.4 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping..................................................................... 2647
25 Configurable Logic Block (CLB)........................................................................................ 2648
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25.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2649

25.2 Features .................................................................................................................. 2649
25.3 CLB Input/Output Connection ......................................................................................... 2650
25.3.1 Overview ....................................................................................................... 2650
25.3.2 CLB Input Selection ........................................................................................... 2650
25.3.3 CLB Output Selection ......................................................................................... 2654
25.3.4 Peripheral Signal Multiplexer ............................................................................... 2655
25.4 The CLB Tile ............................................................................................................. 2657
25.4.1 Static Switch Block ........................................................................................... 2658
25.4.2 Counter Block .................................................................................................. 2660
25.4.3 FSM Block ...................................................................................................... 2662
25.4.4 LUT4 Block ..................................................................................................... 2663
25.4.5 Output LUT Block ............................................................................................. 2663
25.4.6 High Level Controller (HLC) ................................................................................. 2664
25.5 CPU Interface ............................................................................................................ 2667
25.5.1 Register Description .......................................................................................... 2667
25.5.2 Non-Memory Mapped Registers ............................................................................ 2668
25.6 CLB Registers ........................................................................................................... 2669
25.6.1 CLB Base Addresses ......................................................................................... 2669
25.6.2 CLB_LOGIC_CONFIG_REGS Registers .................................................................. 2670
25.6.3 CLB_LOGIC_CONTROL_REGS Registers................................................................ 2703
25.6.4 CLB_DATA_EXCHANGE_REGS Registers ............................................................... 2730
25.6.5 CLB_DATA_EXCHANGE_REGS Registers ............................................................... 2733
25.6.6 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping..................................................................... 2736
Revision History ...................................................................................................................... 2739

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List of Figures
3-1. Device Interrupt Architecture ............................................................................................. 92
3-2. Interrupt Propagation Path ................................................................................................ 93
3-3. Missing Clock Detection Logic .......................................................................................... 106
3-4. ERRORSTS Pin Diagram ............................................................................................... 107
3-5. Clocking System .......................................................................................................... 108
3-6. Single-ended 3.3V External Clock ...................................................................................... 109
3-7. External Crystal ........................................................................................................... 109
3-8. External Resonator ....................................................................................................... 110
3-9. AUXCLKIN ................................................................................................................. 110
3-10. CPU-Timers ............................................................................................................... 117
3-11. CPU-Timer Interrupts Signals and Output Signal .................................................................... 118
3-12. CPU Watchdog Timer Module ......................................................................................... 119
3-13. Memory Architecture ..................................................................................................... 125
3-14. Arbitration Scheme on Global Shared Memories ..................................................................... 127
3-15. Arbitration Scheme on Local Shared Memories ...................................................................... 127
3-16. FMC Interface with Core, Bank and Pump ............................................................................ 134
3-17. Flash Prefetch Mode ..................................................................................................... 137
3-18. ECC Logic Inputs and Outputs.......................................................................................... 140
3-19. PUMP_OWNERSHIP Configuration ................................................................................... 144
3-20. Storage of Zone-Select Bits in OTP ................................................................................... 148
3-21. Location of Zone-Select Block Based on Link-Pointer ............................................................... 149
3-22. CSM Password Match Flow (PMF) ..................................................................................... 153
3-23. ECSL Password Match Flow (PMF) .................................................................................... 155
3-24. TIM Register ............................................................................................................... 160
3-25. PRD Register .............................................................................................................. 161
3-26. TCR Register .............................................................................................................. 162
3-27. TPR Register .............................................................................................................. 164
3-28. TPRH Register ............................................................................................................ 165
3-29. PIECTRL Register ........................................................................................................ 168
3-30. PIEACK Register.......................................................................................................... 169
3-31. PIEIER1 Register ......................................................................................................... 170
3-32. PIEIFR1 Register ......................................................................................................... 172
3-33. PIEIER2 Register ......................................................................................................... 174
3-34. PIEIFR2 Register ......................................................................................................... 176
3-35. PIEIER3 Register ......................................................................................................... 178
3-36. PIEIFR3 Register ......................................................................................................... 180
3-37. PIEIER4 Register ......................................................................................................... 182
3-38. PIEIFR4 Register ......................................................................................................... 184
3-39. PIEIER5 Register ......................................................................................................... 186
3-40. PIEIFR5 Register ......................................................................................................... 188
3-41. PIEIER6 Register ......................................................................................................... 190
3-42. PIEIFR6 Register ......................................................................................................... 192
3-43. PIEIER7 Register ......................................................................................................... 194
3-44. PIEIFR7 Register ......................................................................................................... 196
3-45. PIEIER8 Register ......................................................................................................... 198
3-46. PIEIFR8 Register ......................................................................................................... 200
3-47. PIEIER9 Register ......................................................................................................... 202

18 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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3-48. PIEIFR9 Register ......................................................................................................... 204

3-49. PIEIER10 Register........................................................................................................ 206
3-50. PIEIFR10 Register ........................................................................................................ 208
3-51. PIEIER11 Register........................................................................................................ 210
3-52. PIEIFR11 Register ........................................................................................................ 212
3-53. PIEIER12 Register........................................................................................................ 214
3-54. PIEIFR12 Register ........................................................................................................ 216
3-55. SCSR Register ............................................................................................................ 219
3-56. WDCNTR Register ....................................................................................................... 220
3-57. WDKEY Register.......................................................................................................... 221
3-58. WDCR Register ........................................................................................................... 222
3-59. WDWCR Register ........................................................................................................ 223
3-60. NMICFG Register ......................................................................................................... 225
3-61. NMIFLG Register ......................................................................................................... 226
3-62. NMIFLGCLR Register .................................................................................................... 228
3-63. NMIFLGFRC Register .................................................................................................... 230
3-64. NMIWDCNT Register .................................................................................................... 231
3-65. NMIWDPRD Register .................................................................................................... 232
3-66. NMISHDFLG Register.................................................................................................... 233
3-67. XINT1CR Register ........................................................................................................ 236
3-68. XINT2CR Register ........................................................................................................ 237
3-69. XINT3CR Register ........................................................................................................ 238
3-70. XINT4CR Register ........................................................................................................ 239
3-71. XINT5CR Register ........................................................................................................ 240
3-72. XINT1CTR Register ...................................................................................................... 241
3-73. XINT2CTR Register ...................................................................................................... 242
3-74. XINT3CTR Register ...................................................................................................... 243
3-75. CLA1TASKSRCSELLOCK Register ................................................................................... 245
3-76. DMACHSRCSELLOCK Register ....................................................................................... 246
3-77. CLA1TASKSRCSEL1 Register ......................................................................................... 247
3-78. CLA1TASKSRCSEL2 Register ......................................................................................... 248
3-79. DMACHSRCSEL1 Register ............................................................................................. 249
3-80. DMACHSRCSEL2 Register ............................................................................................. 250
3-81. PARTIDL Register ........................................................................................................ 253
3-82. PARTIDH Register........................................................................................................ 255
3-83. REVID Register ........................................................................................................... 256
3-84. DC0 Register .............................................................................................................. 257
3-85. DC1 Register .............................................................................................................. 258
3-86. DC2 Register .............................................................................................................. 259
3-87. DC3 Register .............................................................................................................. 260
3-88. DC4 Register .............................................................................................................. 262
3-89. DC5 Register .............................................................................................................. 263
3-90. DC6 Register .............................................................................................................. 264
3-91. DC7 Register .............................................................................................................. 265
3-92. DC8 Register .............................................................................................................. 266
3-93. DC9 Register .............................................................................................................. 267
3-94. DC10 Register............................................................................................................. 268
3-95. DC11 Register............................................................................................................. 269
3-96. DC12 Register............................................................................................................. 270

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Figures 19

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3-97. DC13 Register............................................................................................................. 271

3-98. DC14 Register............................................................................................................. 272
3-99. DC15 Register............................................................................................................. 273
3-100. DC17 Register............................................................................................................. 275
3-101. DC18 Register............................................................................................................. 276
3-102. DC20 Register............................................................................................................. 277
3-103. PERCNF1 Register ....................................................................................................... 279
3-104. FUSEERR Register....................................................................................................... 280
3-105. SOFTPRES0 Register ................................................................................................... 281
3-106. SOFTPRES1 Register ................................................................................................... 282
3-107. SOFTPRES2 Register ................................................................................................... 283
3-108. SOFTPRES3 Register ................................................................................................... 285
3-109. SOFTPRES4 Register ................................................................................................... 286
3-110. SOFTPRES6 Register ................................................................................................... 287
3-111. SOFTPRES7 Register ................................................................................................... 288
3-112. SOFTPRES8 Register ................................................................................................... 289
3-113. SOFTPRES9 Register ................................................................................................... 290
3-114. SOFTPRES11 Register .................................................................................................. 291
3-115. SOFTPRES13 Register .................................................................................................. 292
3-116. SOFTPRES14 Register .................................................................................................. 293
3-117. SOFTPRES16 Register .................................................................................................. 294
3-118. SYSDBGCTL Register ................................................................................................... 295
3-119. CLKCFGLOCK1 Register ................................................................................................ 298
3-120. CLKSRCCTL1 Register .................................................................................................. 300
3-121. CLKSRCCTL2 Register .................................................................................................. 302
3-122. CLKSRCCTL3 Register .................................................................................................. 304
3-123. SYSPLLCTL1 Register ................................................................................................... 305
3-124. SYSPLLMULT Register .................................................................................................. 306
3-125. SYSPLLSTS Register .................................................................................................... 307
3-126. AUXPLLCTL1 Register .................................................................................................. 308
3-127. AUXPLLMULT Register .................................................................................................. 309
3-128. AUXPLLSTS Register .................................................................................................... 310
3-129. SYSCLKDIVSEL Register ............................................................................................... 311
3-130. AUXCLKDIVSEL Register ............................................................................................... 312
3-131. PERCLKDIVSEL Register ............................................................................................... 313
3-132. XCLKOUTDIVSEL Register ............................................................................................. 314
3-133. LOSPCP Register ........................................................................................................ 315
3-134. MCDCR Register ......................................................................................................... 316
3-135. X1CNT Register........................................................................................................... 317
3-136. CPUSYSLOCK1 Register ............................................................................................... 320
3-137. HIBBOOTMODE Register ............................................................................................... 323
3-138. IORESTOREADDR Register ............................................................................................ 324
3-139. PIEVERRADDR Register ................................................................................................ 325
3-140. PCLKCR0 Register ....................................................................................................... 326
3-141. PCLKCR1 Register ....................................................................................................... 328
3-142. PCLKCR2 Register ....................................................................................................... 329
3-143. PCLKCR3 Register ....................................................................................................... 331
3-144. PCLKCR4 Register ....................................................................................................... 333
3-145. PCLKCR6 Register ....................................................................................................... 334

20 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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3-146. PCLKCR7 Register ....................................................................................................... 335

3-147. PCLKCR8 Register ....................................................................................................... 336
3-148. PCLKCR9 Register ....................................................................................................... 337
3-149. PCLKCR10 Register ..................................................................................................... 338
3-150. PCLKCR11 Register ..................................................................................................... 339
3-151. PCLKCR12 Register ..................................................................................................... 340
3-152. PCLKCR13 Register ..................................................................................................... 341
3-153. PCLKCR14 Register ..................................................................................................... 342
3-154. PCLKCR16 Register ..................................................................................................... 344
3-155. SECMSEL Register....................................................................................................... 345
3-156. LPMCR Register .......................................................................................................... 346
3-157. GPIOLPMSEL0 Register................................................................................................. 348
3-158. GPIOLPMSEL1 Register................................................................................................. 351
3-159. TMR2CLKCTL Register .................................................................................................. 354
3-160. RESC Register ............................................................................................................ 356
3-161. ROMPREFETCH Register............................................................................................... 359
3-162. FLSEM Register .......................................................................................................... 361
3-163. SECTSTAT Register ..................................................................................................... 362
3-164. RAMSTAT Register....................................................................................................... 365
3-165. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Register ...................................................................................... 368
3-166. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Register ...................................................................................... 369
3-167. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Register ...................................................................................... 370
3-168. Z1OTP_PSWDLOCK Register .......................................................................................... 371
3-169. Z1OTP_CRCLOCK Register ............................................................................................ 372
3-170. Z1OTP_BOOTCTRL Register........................................................................................... 373
3-171. Z1_LINKPOINTER Register ............................................................................................. 375
3-172. Z1_OTPSECLOCK Register ............................................................................................ 376
3-173. Z1_BOOTCTRL Register ................................................................................................ 377
3-174. Z1_LINKPOINTERERR Register ....................................................................................... 378
3-175. Z1_CSMKEY0 Register .................................................................................................. 379
3-176. Z1_CSMKEY1 Register .................................................................................................. 380
3-177. Z1_CSMKEY2 Register .................................................................................................. 381
3-178. Z1_CSMKEY3 Register .................................................................................................. 382
3-179. Z1_CR Register ........................................................................................................... 383
3-180. Z1_GRABSECTR Register .............................................................................................. 384
3-181. Z1_GRABRAMR Register ............................................................................................... 387
3-182. Z1_EXEONLYSECTR Register ......................................................................................... 389
3-183. Z1_EXEONLYRAMR Register .......................................................................................... 392
3-184. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Register ...................................................................................... 395
3-185. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Register ...................................................................................... 396
3-186. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Register ...................................................................................... 397
3-187. Z2OTP_PSWDLOCK Register .......................................................................................... 398
3-188. Z2OTP_CRCLOCK Register ............................................................................................ 399
3-189. Z2OTP_BOOTCTRL Register........................................................................................... 400
3-190. Z2_LINKPOINTER Register ............................................................................................. 402
3-191. Z2_OTPSECLOCK Register ............................................................................................ 403
3-192. Z2_BOOTCTRL Register ................................................................................................ 404
3-193. Z2_LINKPOINTERERR Register ....................................................................................... 405
3-194. Z2_CSMKEY0 Register .................................................................................................. 406

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Figures 21

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3-195. Z2_CSMKEY1 Register .................................................................................................. 407

3-196. Z2_CSMKEY2 Register .................................................................................................. 408
3-197. Z2_CSMKEY3 Register .................................................................................................. 409
3-198. Z2_CR Register ........................................................................................................... 410
3-199. Z2_GRABSECTR Register .............................................................................................. 411
3-200. Z2_GRABRAMR Register ............................................................................................... 414
3-201. Z2_EXEONLYSECTR Register ......................................................................................... 416
3-202. Z2_EXEONLYRAMR Register .......................................................................................... 419
3-203. DxLOCK Register ......................................................................................................... 423
3-204. DxCOMMIT Register ..................................................................................................... 424
3-205. DxACCPROT0 Register ................................................................................................. 425
3-206. DxTEST Register ......................................................................................................... 426
3-207. DxINIT Register ........................................................................................................... 427
3-208. DxINITDONE Register ................................................................................................... 428
3-209. LSxLOCK Register ....................................................................................................... 429
3-210. LSxCOMMIT Register .................................................................................................... 431
3-211. LSxMSEL Register ....................................................................................................... 433
3-212. LSxCLAPGM Register ................................................................................................... 435
3-213. LSxACCPROT0 Register ................................................................................................ 436
3-214. LSxACCPROT1 Register ................................................................................................ 438
3-215. LSxTEST Register ........................................................................................................ 439
3-216. LSxINIT Register .......................................................................................................... 441
3-217. LSxINITDONE Register .................................................................................................. 442
3-218. GSxLOCK Register ....................................................................................................... 443
3-219. GSxCOMMIT Register ................................................................................................... 446
3-220. GSxACCPROT0 Register ............................................................................................... 449
3-221. GSxACCPROT1 Register ............................................................................................... 451
3-222. GSxACCPROT2 Register ............................................................................................... 453
3-223. GSxACCPROT3 Register ............................................................................................... 455
3-224. GSxTEST Register ....................................................................................................... 457
3-225. GSxINIT Register ......................................................................................................... 460
3-226. GSxINITDONE Register ................................................................................................. 462
3-227. MSGxTEST Register ..................................................................................................... 464
3-228. MSGxINIT Register ....................................................................................................... 465
3-229. MSGxINITDONE Register ............................................................................................... 466
3-230. NMAVFLG Register ...................................................................................................... 469
3-231. NMAVSET Register ...................................................................................................... 471
3-232. NMAVCLR Register ...................................................................................................... 473
3-233. NMAVINTEN Register.................................................................................................... 475
3-234. NMCPURDAVADDR Register .......................................................................................... 476
3-235. NMCPUWRAVADDR Register .......................................................................................... 477
3-236. NMCPUFAVADDR Register ............................................................................................. 478
3-237. NMDMAWRAVADDR Register ......................................................................................... 479
3-238. NMCLA1RDAVADDR Register ......................................................................................... 480
3-239. NMCLA1WRAVADDR Register ......................................................................................... 481
3-240. NMCLA1FAVADDR Register............................................................................................ 482
3-241. MAVFLG Register ........................................................................................................ 483
3-242. MAVSET Register ........................................................................................................ 484
3-243. MAVCLR Register ........................................................................................................ 485

22 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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3-244. MAVINTEN Register ..................................................................................................... 486

3-245. MCPUFAVADDR Register............................................................................................... 487
3-246. MCPUWRAVADDR Register ............................................................................................ 488
3-247. MDMAWRAVADDR Register ........................................................................................... 489
3-248. UCERRFLG Register..................................................................................................... 491
3-249. UCERRSET Register..................................................................................................... 492
3-250. UCERRCLR Register .................................................................................................... 493
3-251. UCCPUREADDR Register .............................................................................................. 494
3-252. UCDMAREADDR Register .............................................................................................. 495
3-253. UCCLA1READDR Register ............................................................................................. 496
3-254. CERRFLG Register....................................................................................................... 497
3-255. CERRSET Register....................................................................................................... 498
3-256. CERRCLR Register ...................................................................................................... 499
3-257. CCPUREADDR Register ................................................................................................ 500
3-258. CERRCNT Register ...................................................................................................... 501
3-259. CERRTHRES Register ................................................................................................... 502
3-260. CEINTFLG Register ...................................................................................................... 503
3-261. CEINTCLR Register ...................................................................................................... 504
3-262. CEINTSET Register ...................................................................................................... 505
3-263. CEINTEN Register........................................................................................................ 506
3-264. ROMWAITSTATE Register .............................................................................................. 508
3-265. FRDCNTL Register ....................................................................................................... 510
3-266. FBAC Register ............................................................................................................ 511
3-267. FBFALLBACK Register .................................................................................................. 512
3-268. FBPRDY Register ........................................................................................................ 513
3-269. FPAC1 Register ........................................................................................................... 514
3-270. FMSTAT Register ......................................................................................................... 515
3-271. FRD_INTF_CTRL Register .............................................................................................. 517
3-272. ECC_ENABLE Register.................................................................................................. 520
3-273. SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_LOW Register.................................................................................. 521
3-274. SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Register ................................................................................. 522
3-275. UNC_ERR_ADDR_LOW Register...................................................................................... 523
3-276. UNC_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Register ..................................................................................... 524
3-277. ERR_STATUS Register.................................................................................................. 525
3-278. ERR_POS Register....................................................................................................... 527
3-279. ERR_STATUS_CLR Register ........................................................................................... 528
3-280. ERR_CNT Register ....................................................................................................... 529
3-281. ERR_THRESHOLD Register............................................................................................ 530
3-282. ERR_INTFLG Register ................................................................................................... 531
3-283. ERR_INTCLR Register .................................................................................................. 532
3-284. FDATAH_TEST Register ................................................................................................ 533
3-285. FDATAL_TEST Register ................................................................................................. 534
3-286. FADDR_TEST Register .................................................................................................. 535
3-287. FECC_TEST Register .................................................................................................... 536
3-288. FECC_CTRL Register.................................................................................................... 537
3-289. FOUTH_TEST Register .................................................................................................. 538
3-290. FOUTL_TEST Register .................................................................................................. 539
3-291. FECC_STATUS Register ................................................................................................ 540
3-292. UID_PSRAND0 Register................................................................................................. 542

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Figures 23

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3-293. UID_PSRAND1 Register................................................................................................. 543

3-294. UID_PSRAND2 Register................................................................................................. 544
3-295. UID_PSRAND3 Register................................................................................................. 545
3-296. UID_PSRAND4 Register................................................................................................. 546
3-297. UID_PSRAND5 Register................................................................................................. 547
3-298. UID_UNIQUE Register ................................................................................................... 548
3-299. UID_CHECKSUM Register .............................................................................................. 549
4-1. Z1 and Z2 BOOTCTRL Selection ...................................................................................... 566
4-2. CPU1 Device Boot Flow ................................................................................................. 568
4-3. CPU1 Emulation Boot Flow ............................................................................................. 569
4-4. CPU1 Standalone and Hibernate Boot Flow .......................................................................... 570
4-5. Overview of SCI Bootloader Operation ................................................................................ 575
4-6. Overview of SCI Boot Function ......................................................................................... 576
4-7. SPI Loader ................................................................................................................. 576
4-8. Data Transfer From EEPROM Flow .................................................................................... 578
4-9. EEPROM Device at Address 0x50 ..................................................................................... 578
4-10. Overview of I2C Boot Function ......................................................................................... 579
4-11. Random Read ............................................................................................................. 580
4-12. Sequential Read .......................................................................................................... 581
4-13. Overview of Parallel GPIO Bootloader Operation .................................................................... 581
4-14. Parallel GPIO Bootloader Handshake Protocol ....................................................................... 582
4-15. Parallel GPIO Mode Overview .......................................................................................... 582
4-16. Parallel GPIO Mode - Host Transfer Flow ............................................................................. 583
4-17. 8-Bit Parallel GetWord Function ........................................................................................ 584
4-18. Overview of CAN-A Bootloader Operation ............................................................................ 585
4-19. USB Boot Flow ............................................................................................................ 586
5-1. DMA Block Diagram ...................................................................................................... 596
5-2. Common Peripheral Architecture ....................................................................................... 597
5-3. DMA Trigger Architecture ................................................................................................ 598
5-4. Peripheral Interrupt Trigger Input Diagram ........................................................................... 599
5-5. DMA State Diagram ...................................................................................................... 606
5-6. 3-Stage Pipeline DMA Transfer ......................................................................................... 608
5-7. 3-stage Pipeline With One Read Stall ................................................................................. 608
5-8. Overrun Detection Logic ................................................................................................. 610
5-9. DMACTRL Register ...................................................................................................... 613
5-10. DEBUGCTRL Register ................................................................................................... 614
5-11. PRIORITYCTRL1 Register .............................................................................................. 615
5-12. PRIORITYSTAT Register ................................................................................................ 616
5-13. ...........................................................................................................
MODE Register 619
5-14. CONTROL Register ...................................................................................................... 621
5-15. BURST_SIZE Register ................................................................................................... 624
5-16. BURST_COUNT Register ............................................................................................... 625
5-17. SRC_BURST_STEP Register........................................................................................... 626
5-18. DST_BURST_STEP Register ........................................................................................... 627
5-19. TRANSFER_SIZE Register ............................................................................................. 628
5-20. TRANSFER_COUNT Register .......................................................................................... 629
5-21. SRC_TRANSFER_STEP Register ..................................................................................... 630
5-22. DST_TRANSFER_STEP Register ..................................................................................... 631
5-23. SRC_WRAP_SIZE Register ............................................................................................. 632

24 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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5-24. SRC_WRAP_COUNT Register ......................................................................................... 633

5-25. SRC_WRAP_STEP Register............................................................................................ 634
5-26. DST_WRAP_SIZE Register ............................................................................................. 635
5-27. DST_WRAP_COUNT Register ......................................................................................... 636
5-28. DST_WRAP_STEP Register ............................................................................................ 637
5-29. SRC_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Register ................................................................................ 638
5-30. SRC_ADDR_SHADOW Register ....................................................................................... 639
5-31. SRC_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Register .................................................................................. 640
5-32. SRC_ADDR_ACTIVE Register ......................................................................................... 641
5-33. DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Register ................................................................................ 642
5-34. DST_ADDR_SHADOW Register ....................................................................................... 643
5-35. DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Register .................................................................................. 644
5-36. DST_ADDR_ACTIVE Register .......................................................................................... 645
6-1. CLA (Type 1) Block Diagram ............................................................................................ 650
6-2. MVECT1 Register ........................................................................................................ 784
6-3. MVECT2 Register ........................................................................................................ 785
6-4. MVECT3 Register ........................................................................................................ 786
6-5. MVECT4 Register ........................................................................................................ 787
6-6. MVECT5 Register ........................................................................................................ 788
6-7. MVECT6 Register ........................................................................................................ 789
6-8. MVECT7 Register ........................................................................................................ 790
6-9. MVECT8 Register ........................................................................................................ 791
6-10. MCTL Register ............................................................................................................ 792
6-11. MIFR Register ............................................................................................................. 793
6-12. MIOVF Register ........................................................................................................... 798
6-13. MIFRC Register ........................................................................................................... 801
6-14. MICLR Register ........................................................................................................... 803
6-15. MICLROVF Register ..................................................................................................... 805
6-16. MIER Register ............................................................................................................. 807
6-17. MIRUN Register........................................................................................................... 810
6-18. _MPC Register ............................................................................................................ 813
6-19. _MAR0 Register .......................................................................................................... 814
6-20. _MAR1 Register .......................................................................................................... 815
6-21. _MSTF Register........................................................................................................... 816
6-22. _MR0 Register ............................................................................................................ 819
6-23. _MR1 Register ............................................................................................................ 820
6-24. _MR2 Register ............................................................................................................ 821
6-25. _MR3 Register ............................................................................................................ 822
6-26. SOFTINTEN Register .................................................................................................... 824
6-27. SOFTINTFRC Register .................................................................................................. 826
7-1. GPIO Logic for a Single Pin ............................................................................................. 828
7-2. Input Qualification Using a Sampling Window ........................................................................ 831
7-3. Input Qualifier Clock Cycles ............................................................................................. 834
7-4. GPACTRL Register ....................................................................................................... 846
7-5. GPAQSEL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 847
7-6. GPAQSEL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 849
7-7. GPAMUX1 Register ...................................................................................................... 851
7-8. GPAMUX2 Register ...................................................................................................... 853
7-9. GPADIR Register ......................................................................................................... 855

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Figures 25

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7-10. GPAPUD Register ........................................................................................................ 857

7-11. GPAINV Register ......................................................................................................... 859
7-12. GPAODR Register ........................................................................................................ 861
7-13. GPAGMUX1 Register .................................................................................................... 863
7-14. GPAGMUX2 Register .................................................................................................... 864
7-15. GPACSEL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 865
7-16. GPACSEL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 866
7-17. GPACSEL3 Register ..................................................................................................... 867
7-18. GPACSEL4 Register ..................................................................................................... 868
7-19. GPALOCK Register ...................................................................................................... 869
7-20. GPACR Register .......................................................................................................... 871
7-21. GPBCTRL Register ....................................................................................................... 873
7-22. GPBQSEL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 874
7-23. GPBQSEL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 876
7-24. GPBMUX1 Register ...................................................................................................... 878
7-25. GPBMUX2 Register ...................................................................................................... 880
7-26. GPBDIR Register ......................................................................................................... 882
7-27. GPBPUD Register ........................................................................................................ 884
7-28. GPBINV Register ......................................................................................................... 886
7-29. GPBODR Register ........................................................................................................ 888
7-30. GPBAMSEL Register..................................................................................................... 890
7-31. GPBGMUX1 Register .................................................................................................... 892
7-32. GPBGMUX2 Register .................................................................................................... 893
7-33. GPBCSEL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 894
7-34. GPBCSEL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 895
7-35. GPBCSEL3 Register ..................................................................................................... 896
7-36. GPBCSEL4 Register ..................................................................................................... 897
7-37. GPBLOCK Register ...................................................................................................... 898
7-38. GPBCR Register .......................................................................................................... 900
7-39. GPCCTRL Register....................................................................................................... 902
7-40. GPCQSEL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 903
7-41. GPCQSEL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 905
7-42. GPCMUX1 Register ...................................................................................................... 907
7-43. GPCMUX2 Register ...................................................................................................... 909
7-44. GPCDIR Register ......................................................................................................... 911
7-45. GPCPUD Register ........................................................................................................ 913
7-46. GPCINV Register ......................................................................................................... 915
7-47. GPCODR Register........................................................................................................ 917
7-48. GPCGMUX1 Register .................................................................................................... 919
7-49. GPCGMUX2 Register .................................................................................................... 920
7-50. GPCCSEL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 921
7-51. GPCCSEL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 922
7-52. GPCCSEL3 Register ..................................................................................................... 923
7-53. GPCCSEL4 Register ..................................................................................................... 924
7-54. GPCLOCK Register ...................................................................................................... 925
7-55. GPCCR Register .......................................................................................................... 927
7-56. GPDCTRL Register....................................................................................................... 929
7-57. GPDQSEL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 930
7-58. GPDQSEL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 932

26 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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7-59. GPDMUX1 Register ...................................................................................................... 934

7-60. GPDMUX2 Register ...................................................................................................... 936
7-61. GPDDIR Register ......................................................................................................... 938
7-62. GPDPUD Register ........................................................................................................ 940
7-63. GPDINV Register ......................................................................................................... 942
7-64. GPDODR Register........................................................................................................ 944
7-65. GPDGMUX1 Register .................................................................................................... 946
7-66. GPDGMUX2 Register .................................................................................................... 948
7-67. GPDCSEL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 950
7-68. GPDCSEL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 951
7-69. GPDCSEL3 Register ..................................................................................................... 952
7-70. GPDCSEL4 Register ..................................................................................................... 953
7-71. GPDLOCK Register ...................................................................................................... 954
7-72. GPDCR Register .......................................................................................................... 956
7-73. GPECTRL Register ....................................................................................................... 958
7-74. GPEQSEL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 959
7-75. GPEQSEL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 961
7-76. GPEMUX1 Register ...................................................................................................... 963
7-77. GPEMUX2 Register ...................................................................................................... 965
7-78. GPEDIR Register ......................................................................................................... 967
7-79. GPEPUD Register ........................................................................................................ 969
7-80. GPEINV Register ......................................................................................................... 971
7-81. GPEODR Register ........................................................................................................ 973
7-82. GPEGMUX1 Register .................................................................................................... 975
7-83. GPEGMUX2 Register .................................................................................................... 977
7-84. GPECSEL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 979
7-85. GPECSEL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 980
7-86. GPECSEL3 Register ..................................................................................................... 981
7-87. GPECSEL4 Register ..................................................................................................... 982
7-88. GPELOCK Register ...................................................................................................... 983
7-89. GPECR Register .......................................................................................................... 985
7-90. GPFCTRL Register ....................................................................................................... 987
7-91. GPFQSEL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 988
7-92. GPFMUX1 Register ...................................................................................................... 990
7-93. GPFDIR Register ......................................................................................................... 992
7-94. GPFPUD Register ........................................................................................................ 994
7-95. GPFINV Register ......................................................................................................... 996
7-96. GPFODR Register ........................................................................................................ 998
7-97. GPFGMUX1 Register ................................................................................................... 1000
7-98. GPFCSEL1 Register .................................................................................................... 1001
7-99. GPFCSEL2 Register .................................................................................................... 1002
7-100. GPFLOCK Register ..................................................................................................... 1003
7-101. GPFCR Register ........................................................................................................ 1005
7-102. GPADAT Register ....................................................................................................... 1009
7-103. GPASET Register ....................................................................................................... 1011
7-104. GPACLEAR Register ................................................................................................... 1013
7-105. GPATOGGLE Register ................................................................................................. 1015
7-106. GPBDAT Register ....................................................................................................... 1017
7-107. GPBSET Register ....................................................................................................... 1019

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Figures 27

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7-108. GPBCLEAR Register ................................................................................................... 1021

7-109. GPBTOGGLE Register ................................................................................................. 1023
7-110. GPCDAT Register ....................................................................................................... 1025
7-111. GPCSET Register ....................................................................................................... 1027
7-112. GPCCLEAR Register ................................................................................................... 1029
7-113. GPCTOGGLE Register ................................................................................................. 1031
7-114. GPDDAT Register ....................................................................................................... 1033
7-115. GPDSET Register ....................................................................................................... 1035
7-116. GPDCLEAR Register ................................................................................................... 1037
7-117. GPDTOGGLE Register ................................................................................................. 1039
7-118. GPEDAT Register ....................................................................................................... 1041
7-119. GPESET Register ....................................................................................................... 1043
7-120. GPECLEAR Register ................................................................................................... 1045
7-121. GPETOGGLE Register ................................................................................................. 1047
7-122. GPFDAT Register ....................................................................................................... 1049
7-123. GPFSET Register ....................................................................................................... 1051
7-124. GPFCLEAR Register ................................................................................................... 1053
7-125. GPFTOGGLE Register ................................................................................................. 1055
8-1. Input X-BAR .............................................................................................................. 1064
8-2. ePWM X-BAR Architecture - Single Output ......................................................................... 1066
8-3. CLB X-BAR Architecture - Single Output ............................................................................ 1068
8-4. GPIO Output X-BAR Architecture ..................................................................................... 1070
8-5. ePWM and Output X-BARs Sources ................................................................................. 1072
8-6. XBARFLG1 Register .................................................................................................... 1075
8-7. XBARFLG2 Register .................................................................................................... 1077
8-8. XBARFLG3 Register .................................................................................................... 1079
8-9. XBARCLR1 Register .................................................................................................... 1081
8-10. XBARCLR2 Register .................................................................................................... 1083
8-11. XBARCLR3 Register .................................................................................................... 1085
8-12. INPUT1SELECT Register .............................................................................................. 1088
8-13. INPUT2SELECT Register .............................................................................................. 1089
8-14. INPUT3SELECT Register .............................................................................................. 1090
8-15. INPUT4SELECT Register .............................................................................................. 1091
8-16. INPUT5SELECT Register .............................................................................................. 1092
8-17. INPUT6SELECT Register .............................................................................................. 1093
8-18. INPUT7SELECT Register .............................................................................................. 1094
8-19. INPUT8SELECT Register .............................................................................................. 1095
8-20. INPUT9SELECT Register .............................................................................................. 1096
8-21. INPUT10SELECT Register ............................................................................................ 1097
8-22. INPUT11SELECT Register ............................................................................................ 1098
8-23. INPUT12SELECT Register ............................................................................................ 1099
8-24. INPUT13SELECT Register ............................................................................................ 1100
8-25. INPUT14SELECT Register ............................................................................................ 1101
8-26. INPUTSELECTLOCK Register ........................................................................................ 1102
8-27. OUTPUT1MUX0TO15CFG Register ................................................................................. 1106
8-28. OUTPUT1MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................ 1109
8-29. OUTPUT2MUX0TO15CFG Register ................................................................................. 1112
8-30. OUTPUT2MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................ 1115
8-31. OUTPUT3MUX0TO15CFG Register ................................................................................. 1118

28 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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8-32. OUTPUT3MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................ 1121

8-33. OUTPUT4MUX0TO15CFG Register ................................................................................. 1124
8-34. OUTPUT4MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................ 1127
8-35. OUTPUT5MUX0TO15CFG Register ................................................................................. 1130
8-36. OUTPUT5MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................ 1133
8-37. OUTPUT6MUX0TO15CFG Register ................................................................................. 1136
8-38. OUTPUT6MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................ 1139
8-39. OUTPUT7MUX0TO15CFG Register ................................................................................. 1142
8-40. OUTPUT7MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................ 1145
8-41. OUTPUT8MUX0TO15CFG Register ................................................................................. 1148
8-42. OUTPUT8MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................ 1151
8-43. OUTPUT1MUXENABLE Register ..................................................................................... 1154
8-44. OUTPUT2MUXENABLE Register ..................................................................................... 1159
8-45. OUTPUT3MUXENABLE Register ..................................................................................... 1164
8-46. OUTPUT4MUXENABLE Register ..................................................................................... 1169
8-47. OUTPUT5MUXENABLE Register ..................................................................................... 1174
8-48. OUTPUT6MUXENABLE Register ..................................................................................... 1179
8-49. OUTPUT7MUXENABLE Register ..................................................................................... 1184
8-50. OUTPUT8MUXENABLE Register ..................................................................................... 1189
8-51. OUTPUTLATCH Register .............................................................................................. 1194
8-52. OUTPUTLATCHCLR Register......................................................................................... 1196
8-53. OUTPUTLATCHFRC Register ........................................................................................ 1198
8-54. OUTPUTLATCHENABLE Register ................................................................................... 1200
8-55. OUTPUTINV Register .................................................................................................. 1202
8-56. OUTPUTLOCK Register ............................................................................................... 1204
8-57. TRIP4MUX0TO15CFG Register ...................................................................................... 1207
8-58. TRIP4MUX16TO31CFG Register ..................................................................................... 1210
8-59. TRIP5MUX0TO15CFG Register ...................................................................................... 1213
8-60. TRIP5MUX16TO31CFG Register ..................................................................................... 1216
8-61. TRIP7MUX0TO15CFG Register ...................................................................................... 1219
8-62. TRIP7MUX16TO31CFG Register ..................................................................................... 1222
8-63. TRIP8MUX0TO15CFG Register ...................................................................................... 1225
8-64. TRIP8MUX16TO31CFG Register ..................................................................................... 1228
8-65. TRIP9MUX0TO15CFG Register ...................................................................................... 1231
8-66. TRIP9MUX16TO31CFG Register ..................................................................................... 1234
8-67. TRIP10MUX0TO15CFG Register ..................................................................................... 1237
8-68. TRIP10MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................... 1240
8-69. TRIP11MUX0TO15CFG Register ..................................................................................... 1243
8-70. TRIP11MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................... 1246
8-71. TRIP12MUX0TO15CFG Register ..................................................................................... 1249
8-72. TRIP12MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................... 1252
8-73. TRIP4MUXENABLE Register .......................................................................................... 1255
8-74. TRIP5MUXENABLE Register .......................................................................................... 1260
8-75. TRIP7MUXENABLE Register .......................................................................................... 1265
8-76. TRIP8MUXENABLE Register .......................................................................................... 1270
8-77. TRIP9MUXENABLE Register .......................................................................................... 1275
8-78. TRIP10MUXENABLE Register ........................................................................................ 1280
8-79. TRIP11MUXENABLE Register ........................................................................................ 1285
8-80. TRIP12MUXENABLE Register ........................................................................................ 1290

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Figures 29

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8-81. TRIPOUTINV Register.................................................................................................. 1295

8-82. TRIPLOCK Register .................................................................................................... 1297
8-83. AUXSIG0MUX0TO15CFG Register .................................................................................. 1300
8-84. AUXSIG0MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................. 1304
8-85. AUXSIG1MUX0TO15CFG Register .................................................................................. 1308
8-86. AUXSIG1MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................. 1312
8-87. AUXSIG2MUX0TO15CFG Register .................................................................................. 1316
8-88. AUXSIG2MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................. 1320
8-89. AUXSIG3MUX0TO15CFG Register .................................................................................. 1324
8-90. AUXSIG3MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................. 1328
8-91. AUXSIG4MUX0TO15CFG Register .................................................................................. 1332
8-92. AUXSIG4MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................. 1336
8-93. AUXSIG5MUX0TO15CFG Register .................................................................................. 1340
8-94. AUXSIG5MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................. 1344
8-95. AUXSIG6MUX0TO15CFG Register .................................................................................. 1348
8-96. AUXSIG6MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................. 1352
8-97. AUXSIG7MUX0TO15CFG Register .................................................................................. 1356
8-98. AUXSIG7MUX16TO31CFG Register ................................................................................. 1360
8-99. AUXSIG0MUXENABLE Register...................................................................................... 1364
8-100. AUXSIG1MUXENABLE Register...................................................................................... 1369
8-101. AUXSIG2MUXENABLE Register...................................................................................... 1374
8-102. AUXSIG3MUXENABLE Register...................................................................................... 1379
8-103. AUXSIG4MUXENABLE Register...................................................................................... 1384
8-104. AUXSIG5MUXENABLE Register...................................................................................... 1389
8-105. AUXSIG6MUXENABLE Register...................................................................................... 1394
8-106. AUXSIG7MUXENABLE Register...................................................................................... 1399
8-107. AUXSIGOUTINV Register.............................................................................................. 1404
8-108. AUXSIGLOCK Register ................................................................................................ 1406
9-1. Analog Subsystem Block Diagram (337-Ball ZWT) ................................................................. 1414
9-2. Analog Subsystem Block Diagram (176-Pin PTP) .................................................................. 1415
9-3. Analog Subsystem Block Diagram (100-Pin PZP) .................................................................. 1416
9-4. INTOSC1TRIM Register ................................................................................................ 1420
9-5. INTOSC2TRIM Register ................................................................................................ 1421
9-6. TSNSCTL Register ...................................................................................................... 1422
9-7. LOCK Register........................................................................................................... 1423
9-8. ANAREFTRIMA Register............................................................................................... 1425
9-9. ANAREFTRIMB Register............................................................................................... 1426
9-10. ANAREFTRIMC Register .............................................................................................. 1427
9-11. ANAREFTRIMD Register .............................................................................................. 1428
10-1. ADC Module Block Diagram ........................................................................................... 1431
10-2. SOC Block Diagram..................................................................................................... 1434
10-3. Single-Ended Input Model .............................................................................................. 1435
10-4. Differential Input Model ................................................................................................. 1435
10-5. Round Robin Priority Example ........................................................................................ 1440
10-6. High Priority Example ................................................................................................... 1441
10-7. Burst Priority Example .................................................................................................. 1443
10-8. ADC EOC Interrupts .................................................................................................... 1444
10-9. ADC PPB Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 1445
10-10. ADC PPB Interrupt Event .............................................................................................. 1447

30 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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10-11. Opens/Shorts Detection Circuit ........................................................................................ 1448

10-12. Input Circuit Equivalent with OSDETECT Enabled ................................................................. 1449
10-13. ADC Timings for 12-bit Mode in Early Interrupt Mode ............................................................. 1453
10-14. ADC Timings for 12-bit Mode in Late Interrupt Mode .............................................................. 1454
10-15. ADC Timings for 16-bit Mode in Early Interrupt Mode ............................................................. 1455
10-16. ADC Timings for 16-bit Mode in Late Interrupt Mode (SYSCLK Cycles) ........................................ 1456
10-17. Example: Basic Synchronous Operation ............................................................................. 1458
10-18. Example: Synchronous Operation with Multiple Trigger Sources................................................. 1459
10-19. Example: Synchronous Operation with Uneven SOC Numbers .................................................. 1460
10-20. Example: Asynchronous Operation with Uneven SOC Numbers – Trigger Overflow .......................... 1460
10-21. Example: Asynchronous Operation with Different Resolutions ................................................... 1461
10-22. Example: Synchronous Operation with Different Resolutions ..................................................... 1461
10-23. Example: Synchronous Equivalent Operation with Non-Overlapping Conversions ............................ 1461
10-24. ADC Reference System ................................................................................................ 1464
10-25. ADC Shared Reference System....................................................................................... 1465
10-26. ADCCTL1 Register ...................................................................................................... 1470
10-27. ADCCTL2 Register ...................................................................................................... 1472
10-28. ADCBURSTCTL Register .............................................................................................. 1473
10-29. ADCINTFLG Register ................................................................................................... 1475
10-30. ADCINTFLGCLR Register ............................................................................................. 1477
10-31. ADCINTOVF Register .................................................................................................. 1479
10-32. ADCINTOVFCLR Register ............................................................................................. 1481
10-33. ADCINTSEL1N2 Register .............................................................................................. 1482
10-34. ADCINTSEL3N4 Register .............................................................................................. 1484
10-35. ADCSOCPRICTL Register ............................................................................................. 1486
10-36. ADCINTSOCSEL1 Register ........................................................................................... 1489
10-37. ADCINTSOCSEL2 Register ........................................................................................... 1491
10-38. ADCSOCFLG1 Register ................................................................................................ 1493
10-39. ADCSOCFRC1 Register ............................................................................................... 1498
10-40. ADCSOCOVF1 Register ............................................................................................... 1503
10-41. ADCSOCOVFCLR1 Register .......................................................................................... 1507
10-42. ADCSOC0CTL Register ................................................................................................ 1511
10-43. ADCSOC1CTL Register ................................................................................................ 1514
10-44. ADCSOC2CTL Register ................................................................................................ 1517
10-45. ADCSOC3CTL Register ................................................................................................ 1520
10-46. ADCSOC4CTL Register ................................................................................................ 1523
10-47. ADCSOC5CTL Register ................................................................................................ 1526
10-48. ADCSOC6CTL Register ................................................................................................ 1529
10-49. ADCSOC7CTL Register ................................................................................................ 1532
10-50. ADCSOC8CTL Register ................................................................................................ 1535
10-51. ADCSOC9CTL Register ................................................................................................ 1538
10-52. ADCSOC10CTL Register .............................................................................................. 1541
10-53. ADCSOC11CTL Register .............................................................................................. 1544
10-54. ADCSOC12CTL Register .............................................................................................. 1547
10-55. ADCSOC13CTL Register .............................................................................................. 1550
10-56. ADCSOC14CTL Register .............................................................................................. 1553
10-57. ADCSOC15CTL Register .............................................................................................. 1556
10-58. ADCEVTSTAT Register ................................................................................................ 1559
10-59. ADCEVTCLR Register.................................................................................................. 1561

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Figures 31

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10-60. ADCEVTSEL Register .................................................................................................. 1563

10-61. ADCEVTINTSEL Register.............................................................................................. 1565
10-62. ADCOSDETECT Register.............................................................................................. 1567
10-63. ADCCOUNTER Register ............................................................................................... 1568
10-64. ADCREV Register ....................................................................................................... 1569
10-65. ADCOFFTRIM Register ................................................................................................ 1570
10-66. ADCPPB1CONFIG Register ........................................................................................... 1571
10-67. ADCPPB1STAMP Register ............................................................................................ 1573
10-68. ADCPPB1OFFCAL Register ........................................................................................... 1574
10-69. ADCPPB1OFFREF Register........................................................................................... 1575
10-70. ADCPPB1TRIPHI Register ............................................................................................ 1576
10-71. ADCPPB1TRIPLO Register............................................................................................ 1577
10-72. ADCPPB2CONFIG Register ........................................................................................... 1578
10-73. ADCPPB2STAMP Register ............................................................................................ 1580
10-74. ADCPPB2OFFCAL Register ........................................................................................... 1581
10-75. ADCPPB2OFFREF Register........................................................................................... 1582
10-76. ADCPPB2TRIPHI Register ............................................................................................ 1583
10-77. ADCPPB2TRIPLO Register............................................................................................ 1584
10-78. ADCPPB3CONFIG Register ........................................................................................... 1585
10-79. ADCPPB3STAMP Register ............................................................................................ 1587
10-80. ADCPPB3OFFCAL Register ........................................................................................... 1588
10-81. ADCPPB3OFFREF Register........................................................................................... 1589
10-82. ADCPPB3TRIPHI Register ............................................................................................ 1590
10-83. ADCPPB3TRIPLO Register............................................................................................ 1591
10-84. ADCPPB4CONFIG Register ........................................................................................... 1592
10-85. ADCPPB4STAMP Register ............................................................................................ 1594
10-86. ADCPPB4OFFCAL Register ........................................................................................... 1595
10-87. ADCPPB4OFFREF Register........................................................................................... 1596
10-88. ADCPPB4TRIPHI Register ............................................................................................ 1597
10-89. ADCPPB4TRIPLO Register............................................................................................ 1598
10-90. ADCINLTRIM1 Register ................................................................................................ 1599
10-91. ADCINLTRIM2 Register ................................................................................................ 1600
10-92. ADCINLTRIM3 Register ................................................................................................ 1601
10-93. ADCINLTRIM4 Register ................................................................................................ 1602
10-94. ADCINLTRIM5 Register ................................................................................................ 1603
10-95. ADCINLTRIM6 Register ................................................................................................ 1604
10-96. ADCRESULT0 Register ................................................................................................ 1607
10-97. ADCRESULT1 Register ................................................................................................ 1608
10-98. ADCRESULT2 Register ................................................................................................ 1609
10-99. ADCRESULT3 Register ................................................................................................ 1610
10-100. ADCRESULT4 Register ............................................................................................... 1611
10-101. ADCRESULT5 Register ............................................................................................... 1612
10-102. ADCRESULT6 Register ............................................................................................... 1613
10-103. ADCRESULT7 Register ............................................................................................... 1614
10-104. ADCRESULT8 Register ............................................................................................... 1615
10-105. ADCRESULT9 Register ............................................................................................... 1616
10-106. ADCRESULT10 Register ............................................................................................. 1617
10-107. ADCRESULT11 Register ............................................................................................. 1618
10-108. ADCRESULT12 Register ............................................................................................. 1619

32 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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10-109. ADCRESULT13 Register ............................................................................................. 1620

10-110. ADCRESULT14 Register ............................................................................................. 1621
10-111. ADCRESULT15 Register ............................................................................................. 1622
10-112. ADCPPB1RESULT Register ......................................................................................... 1623
10-113. ADCPPB2RESULT Register ......................................................................................... 1624
10-114. ADCPPB3RESULT Register ......................................................................................... 1625
10-115. ADCPPB4RESULT Register ......................................................................................... 1626
11-1. DAC Module Block Diagram ........................................................................................... 1632
11-2. DACREV Register ....................................................................................................... 1636
11-3. DACCTL Register ....................................................................................................... 1637
11-4. DACVALA Register ..................................................................................................... 1638
11-5. DACVALS Register ..................................................................................................... 1639
11-6. DACOUTEN Register ................................................................................................... 1640
11-7. DACLOCK Register ..................................................................................................... 1641
11-8. DACTRIM Register ...................................................................................................... 1642
12-1. CMPSS Module Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 1646
12-2. Comparator Block Diagram ............................................................................................ 1646
12-3. Reference DAC Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 1647
12-4. Output Voltage Calculation............................................................................................. 1647
12-5. Ramp Generator Block Diagram ...................................................................................... 1649
12-6. Ramp Generator Behavior ............................................................................................. 1650
12-7. Digital Filter Behavior ................................................................................................... 1650
12-8. COMPCTL Register ..................................................................................................... 1656
12-9. COMPHYSCTL Register ............................................................................................... 1658
12-10. COMPSTS Register..................................................................................................... 1659
12-11. COMPSTSCLR Register ............................................................................................... 1660
12-12. COMPDACCTL Register ............................................................................................... 1661
12-13. DACHVALS Register ................................................................................................... 1663
12-14. DACHVALA Register ................................................................................................... 1664
12-15. RAMPMAXREFA Register ............................................................................................. 1665
12-16. RAMPMAXREFS Register ............................................................................................. 1666
12-17. RAMPDECVALA Register.............................................................................................. 1667
12-18. RAMPDECVALS Register.............................................................................................. 1668
12-19. RAMPSTS Register ..................................................................................................... 1669
12-20. DACLVALS Register .................................................................................................... 1670
12-21. DACLVALA Register .................................................................................................... 1671
12-22. RAMPDLYA Register ................................................................................................... 1672
12-23. RAMPDLYS Register ................................................................................................... 1673
12-24. CTRIPLFILCTL Register ............................................................................................... 1674
12-25. CTRIPLFILCLKCTL Register .......................................................................................... 1675
12-26. CTRIPHFILCTL Register ............................................................................................... 1676
12-27. CTRIPHFILCLKCTL Register .......................................................................................... 1677
12-28. COMPLOCK Register .................................................................................................. 1678
13-1. Sigma Delta Filter Module (SDFM) CPU Interface ................................................................. 1682
13-2. Sigma Delta Filter Module (SDFM) Block Diagram ................................................................. 1683
13-3. Block Diagram of One Filter Module .................................................................................. 1684
13-4. Different Modulator Modes Supported ................................................................................ 1686
13-5. Z-Transform of Sinc Filter of Order N ................................................................................ 1687
13-6. Simplified Sinc Filter Architecture ..................................................................................... 1687

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Figures 33

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13-7. Frequency Response of different Sinc Filters ....................................................................... 1688

13-8. SDSYNC Event .......................................................................................................... 1690
13-9. Comparator Unit Structure ............................................................................................. 1692
13-10. SDFM Interrupt Unit ..................................................................................................... 1694
13-11. SDIFLG Register ........................................................................................................ 1700
13-12. SDIFLGCLR Register ................................................................................................... 1702
13-13. SDCTL Register ......................................................................................................... 1704
13-14. SDMFILEN Register .................................................................................................... 1705
13-15. SDCTLPARM1 Register ................................................................................................ 1706
13-16. SDDFPARM1 Register ................................................................................................. 1707
13-17. SDDPARM1 Register ................................................................................................... 1708
13-18. SDCMPH1 Register ..................................................................................................... 1709
13-19. SDCMPL1 Register ..................................................................................................... 1710
13-20. SDCPARM1 Register ................................................................................................... 1711
13-21. SDDATA1 Register ..................................................................................................... 1712
13-22. SDCTLPARM2 Register ................................................................................................ 1713
13-23. SDDFPARM2 Register ................................................................................................. 1714
13-24. SDDPARM2 Register ................................................................................................... 1715
13-25. SDCMPH2 Register ..................................................................................................... 1716
13-26. SDCMPL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 1717
13-27. SDCPARM2 Register ................................................................................................... 1718
13-28. SDDATA2 Register ..................................................................................................... 1719
13-29. SDCTLPARM3 Register ................................................................................................ 1720
13-30. SDDFPARM3 Register ................................................................................................. 1721
13-31. SDDPARM3 Register ................................................................................................... 1722
13-32. SDCMPH3 Register ..................................................................................................... 1723
13-33. SDCMPL3 Register ..................................................................................................... 1724
13-34. SDCPARM3 Register ................................................................................................... 1725
13-35. SDDATA3 Register ..................................................................................................... 1726
13-36. SDCTLPARM4 Register ................................................................................................ 1727
13-37. SDDFPARM4 Register ................................................................................................. 1728
13-38. SDDPARM4 Register ................................................................................................... 1729
13-39. SDCMPH4 Register ..................................................................................................... 1730
13-40. SDCMPL4 Register ..................................................................................................... 1731
13-41. SDCPARM4 Register ................................................................................................... 1732
13-42. SDDATA4 Register ..................................................................................................... 1733
14-1. Multiple ePWM Modules................................................................................................ 1740
14-2. Submodules and Signal Connections for an ePWM Module ...................................................... 1741
14-3. ePWM modules and Critical Internal Signal Interconnects ........................................................ 1743
14-4. Time-Base Submodule ................................................................................................. 1746
14-5. Time-Base Submodule Signals and Registers ...................................................................... 1747
14-6. Time-Base Frequency and Period .................................................................................... 1749
14-7. Time-Base Counter Synchronization Scheme ....................................................................... 1751
14-8. Time-Base Up-Count Mode Waveforms ............................................................................. 1753
14-9. Time-Base Down-Count Mode Waveforms .......................................................................... 1754
14-10. Time-Base Up-Down-Count Waveforms, TBCTL[PHSDIR = 0] Count Down On Synchronization Event ... 1754
14-11. Time-Base Up-Down Count Waveforms, TBCTL[PHSDIR = 1] Count Up On Synchronization Event ...... 1755
14-12. Global Load: Signals and Registers .................................................................................. 1756
14-13. Counter-Compare Submodule ......................................................................................... 1757

34 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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14-14. Detailed View of the Counter-Compare Submodule ................................................................ 1758

14-15. Counter-Compare Event Waveforms in Up-Count Mode .......................................................... 1761
14-16. Counter-Compare Events in Down-Count Mode .................................................................... 1762
14-17. Counter-Compare Events In Up-Down-Count Mode, TBCTL[PHSDIR = 0] Count Down On
Synchronization Event ................................................................................................. 1763
14-18. Counter-Compare Events In Up-Down-Count Mode, TBCTL[PHSDIR = 1] Count Up On Synchronization
Event ..................................................................................................................... 1763
14-19. Action-Qualifier Submodule ............................................................................................ 1764
14-20. Action-Qualifier Submodule Inputs and Outputs .................................................................... 1765
14-21. Possible Action-Qualifier Actions for EPWMxA and EPWMxB Outputs ......................................... 1766
14-22. AQCTL[SHDWAQAMODE] ........................................................................................... 1769
14-23. AQCTL[SHDWAQBMODE] ............................................................................................ 1769
14-24. Up-Down-Count Mode Symmetrical Waveform ..................................................................... 1771
14-25. Up, Single Edge Asymmetric Waveform, With Independent Modulation on EPWMxA and
EPWMxB—Active High ................................................................................................. 1772
14-26. Up, Single Edge Asymmetric Waveform With Independent Modulation on EPWMxA and
EPWMxB—Active Low ................................................................................................. 1773
14-27. Up-Count, Pulse Placement Asymmetric Waveform With Independent Modulation on EPWMxA ........... 1774
14-28. Up-Down-Count, Dual Edge Symmetric Waveform, With Independent Modulation on EPWMxA and
EPWMxB — Active Low ................................................................................................ 1774
14-29. Up-Down-Count, Dual Edge Symmetric Waveform, With Independent Modulation on EPWMxA and
EPWMxB — Complementary .......................................................................................... 1775
14-30. Up-Down-Count, Dual Edge Asymmetric Waveform, With Independent Modulation on EPWMxA—Active
Low ........................................................................................................................ 1776
14-31. Up-Down-Count, PWM Waveform Generation Utilizing T1 and T2 Events ..................................... 1776
14-32. Dead_Band Submodule ................................................................................................ 1777
14-33. Configuration Options for the Dead-Band Submodule ............................................................. 1779
14-34. Dead-Band Waveforms for Typical Cases (0% < Duty < 100%).................................................. 1781
14-35. PWM Chopper Submodule............................................................................................. 1783
14-36. PWM Chopper Submodule Operational Details ..................................................................... 1784
14-37. Simple PWM Chopper Submodule Waveforms Showing Chopping Action Only ............................... 1784
14-38. PWM Chopper Submodule Waveforms Showing the First Pulse and Subsequent Sustaining Pulses ...... 1785
14-39. PWM Chopper Submodule Waveforms Showing the Pulse Width (Duty Cycle) Control of Sustaining
Pulses ..................................................................................................................... 1786
14-40. Trip-Zone Submodule ................................................................................................... 1787
14-41. Trip-Zone Submodule Mode Control Logic .......................................................................... 1791
14-42. Trip-Zone Submodule Interrupt Logic................................................................................. 1792
14-43. Event-Trigger Submodule .............................................................................................. 1793
14-44. Event-Trigger Submodule Showing Event Inputs and Prescaled Outputs....................................... 1794
14-45. Event-Trigger Interrupt Generator ..................................................................................... 1796
14-46. Event-Trigger SOCA Pulse Generator ............................................................................... 1797
14-47. Event-Trigger SOCB Pulse Generator ............................................................................... 1797
14-48. Digital-Compare Submodule High-Level Block Diagram ........................................................... 1798
14-49. GPIO MUX-to-Trip Input Connectivity ................................................................................ 1799
14-50. DCAEVT1 Event Triggering ............................................................................................ 1802
14-51. DCAEVT2 Event Triggering ............................................................................................ 1802
14-52. DCBEVT1 Event Triggering ............................................................................................ 1803
14-53. DCBEVT2 Event Triggering ............................................................................................ 1803
14-54. Event Filtering ........................................................................................................... 1804
14-55. Blanking Window Timing Diagram .................................................................................... 1805
14-56. Valley Switching ......................................................................................................... 1806

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Figures 35

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14-57. ePWM X-BAR ............................................................................................................ 1807

14-58. Simplified ePWM Module............................................................................................... 1808
14-59. EPWM1 Configured as a Typical Master, EPWM2 Configured as a Slave ..................................... 1809
14-60. Control of Four Buck Stages. Here FPWM1≠ FPWM2≠ FPWM3≠ FPWM4 .................................................. 1810
14-61. Buck Waveforms for (Note: Only three bucks shown here) ....................................................... 1811
14-62. Control of Four Buck Stages. (Note: FPWM2 = N x FPWM1) ............................................................ 1812
14-63. Buck Waveforms for (Note: FPWM2 = FPWM1))........................................................................... 1813
14-64. Control of Two Half-H Bridge Stages (FPWM2 = N x FPWM1) .......................................................... 1814
14-65. Half-H Bridge Waveforms for (Note: Here FPWM2 = FPWM1 ) .......................................................... 1815
14-66. Control of Dual 3-Phase Inverter Stages as Is Commonly Used in Motor Control ............................. 1816
14-67. 3-Phase Inverter Waveforms for (Only One Inverter Shown) ..................................................... 1817
14-68. Configuring Two PWM Modules for Phase Control ................................................................. 1818
14-69. Timing Waveforms Associated With Phase Control Between Two Modules .................................... 1819
14-70. Control of a 3-Phase Interleaved DC/DC Converter ................................................................ 1820
14-71. 3-Phase Interleaved DC/DC Converter Waveforms for ........................................................... 1821
14-72. Controlling a Full-H Bridge Stage (FPWM2 = FPWM1) ................................................................... 1822
14-73. ZVS Full-H Bridge Waveforms ........................................................................................ 1823
14-74. Peak Current Mode Control of a Buck Converter ................................................................... 1824
14-75. Peak Current Mode Control Waveforms for ......................................................................... 1824
14-76. Control of Two Resonant Converter Stages ......................................................................... 1825
14-77. H-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter PWM Waveforms.............................................................. 1825
14-78. Resolution Calculations for Conventionally Generated PWM ..................................................... 1826
14-79. Operating Logic Using MEP ........................................................................................... 1828
14-80. HRPWM Extension Registers and Memory Configuration ......................................................... 1829
14-81. HRPWM System Interface ............................................................................................. 1830
14-82. HRPWM Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 1831
14-83. HRPWM and HRCAL Source Clock .................................................................................. 1831
14-84. Required PWM Waveform for a Requested Duty = 40.5% ........................................................ 1834
14-85. Low % Duty Cycle Range Limitation Example (HRPCTL[HRPE] = 0) ........................................... 1837
14-86. High % Duty Cycle Range Limitation Example (HRPCTL[HRPE] = 0) .......................................... 1839
14-87. Up-Count Duty Cycle Range Limitation Example (HRPCTL[HRPE]=1) ......................................... 1839
14-88. Up-Down Count Duty Cycle Range Limitation Example (HRPCTL[HRPE]=1) .................................. 1840
14-89. Simple Buck Controlled Converter Using a Single PWM .......................................................... 1845
14-90. PWM Waveform Generated for Simple Buck Controlled Converter .............................................. 1845
14-91. Simple Reconstruction Filter for a PWM-based DAC .............................................................. 1847
14-92. PWM Waveform Generated for the PWM DAC Function .......................................................... 1847
14-93. TBCTL Register ......................................................................................................... 1857
14-94. TBCTL2 Register ........................................................................................................ 1860
14-95. TBCTR Register ......................................................................................................... 1861
14-96. TBSTS Register ......................................................................................................... 1862
14-97. CMPCTL Register ....................................................................................................... 1863
14-98. CMPCTL2 Register ..................................................................................................... 1865
14-99. DBCTL Register ......................................................................................................... 1867
14-100. DBCTL2 Register ...................................................................................................... 1870
14-101. AQCTL Register........................................................................................................ 1871
14-102. AQTSRCSEL Register ................................................................................................ 1873
14-103. PCCTL Register ........................................................................................................ 1874
14-104. VCAPCTL Register .................................................................................................... 1876
14-105. VCNTCFG Register ................................................................................................... 1878

36 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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14-106. HRCNFG Register ..................................................................................................... 1880

14-107. HRPWR Register ...................................................................................................... 1882
14-108. HRMSTEP Register ................................................................................................... 1883
14-109. HRCNFG2 Register ................................................................................................... 1884
14-110. HRPCTL Register ...................................................................................................... 1885
14-111. TRREM Register ....................................................................................................... 1887
14-112. GLDCTL Register ...................................................................................................... 1888
14-113. GLDCFG Register ..................................................................................................... 1890
14-114. EPWMXLINK Register ................................................................................................ 1892
14-115. AQCTLA Register ...................................................................................................... 1896
14-116. AQCTLA2 Register .................................................................................................... 1898
14-117. AQCTLB Register ...................................................................................................... 1900
14-118. AQCTLB2 Register .................................................................................................... 1902
14-119. AQSFRC Register ..................................................................................................... 1904
14-120. AQCSFRC Register ................................................................................................... 1906
14-121. DBREDHR Register ................................................................................................... 1907
14-122. DBRED Register ....................................................................................................... 1908
14-123. DBFEDHR Register ................................................................................................... 1909
14-124. DBFED Register ....................................................................................................... 1910
14-125. TBPHS Register........................................................................................................ 1911
14-126. TBPRDHR Register ................................................................................................... 1912
14-127. TBPRD Register ....................................................................................................... 1913
14-128. CMPA Register ......................................................................................................... 1914
14-129. CMPB Register ......................................................................................................... 1915
14-130. CMPC Register ......................................................................................................... 1916
14-131. CMPD Register ......................................................................................................... 1917
14-132. GLDCTL2 Register .................................................................................................... 1918
14-133. SWVDELVAL Register ................................................................................................ 1919
14-134. TZSEL Register ........................................................................................................ 1920
14-135. TZDCSEL Register .................................................................................................... 1922
14-136. TZCTL Register ........................................................................................................ 1924
14-137. TZCTL2 Register ....................................................................................................... 1926
14-138. TZCTLDCA Register .................................................................................................. 1928
14-139. TZCTLDCB Register .................................................................................................. 1930
14-140. TZEINT Register ....................................................................................................... 1932
14-141. TZFLG Register ........................................................................................................ 1933
14-142. TZCBCFLG Register .................................................................................................. 1935
14-143. TZOSTFLG Register .................................................................................................. 1937
14-144. TZCLR Register ........................................................................................................ 1939
14-145. TZCBCCLR Register .................................................................................................. 1941
14-146. TZOSTCLR Register .................................................................................................. 1943
14-147. TZFRC Register ........................................................................................................ 1945
14-148. ETSEL Register ........................................................................................................ 1946
14-149. ETPS Register ......................................................................................................... 1949
14-150. ETFLG Register ........................................................................................................ 1952
14-151. ETCLR Register ........................................................................................................ 1953
14-152. ETFRC Register........................................................................................................ 1954
14-153. ETINTPS Register ..................................................................................................... 1955
14-154. ETSOCPS Register .................................................................................................... 1956

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Figures 37

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14-155. ETCNTINITCTL Register ............................................................................................. 1958

14-156. ETCNTINIT Register .................................................................................................. 1959
14-157. DCTRIPSEL Register ................................................................................................. 1960
14-158. DCACTL Register ...................................................................................................... 1962
14-159. DCBCTL Register ...................................................................................................... 1964
14-160. DCFCTL Register ...................................................................................................... 1966
14-161. DCCAPCTL Register .................................................................................................. 1968
14-162. DCFOFFSET Register ................................................................................................ 1970
14-163. DCFOFFSETCNT Register ........................................................................................... 1971
14-164. DCFWINDOW Register ............................................................................................... 1972
14-165. DCFWINDOWCNT Register .......................................................................................... 1973
14-166. DCCAP Register ....................................................................................................... 1974
14-167. DCAHTRIPSEL Register .............................................................................................. 1975
14-168. DCALTRIPSEL Register .............................................................................................. 1977
14-169. DCBHTRIPSEL Register .............................................................................................. 1979
14-170. DCBLTRIPSEL Register .............................................................................................. 1981
14-171. HWVDELVAL Register ................................................................................................ 1983
14-172. VCNTVAL Register .................................................................................................... 1984
14-173. SYNCSELECT Register............................................................................................... 1986
14-174. ADCSOCOUTSELECT Register ..................................................................................... 1989
14-175. SYNCSOCLOCK Register ............................................................................................ 1992
15-1. Capture and APWM Modes of Operation ............................................................................ 2004
15-2. Counter Compare and PRD Effects on the eCAP Output in APWM Mode ...................................... 2005
15-3. eCAP Block Diagram ................................................................................................... 2006
15-4. Event Prescale Control ................................................................................................. 2007
15-5. Prescale Function Waveforms ......................................................................................... 2007
15-6. Details of the Continuous/One-shot Block ........................................................................... 2008
15-7. Details of the Counter and Synchronization Block .................................................................. 2009
15-8. Time-Base Counter Synchronization Scheme ...................................................................... 2010
15-9. Interrupts in eCAP Module ............................................................................................. 2012
15-10. PWM Waveform Details Of APWM Mode Operation ............................................................... 2013
15-11. Time-Base Frequency and Period Calculation ...................................................................... 2014
15-12. Capture Sequence for Absolute Time-stamp and Rising Edge Detect........................................... 2014
15-13. Capture Sequence for Absolute Time-stamp With Rising and Falling Edge Detect ............................ 2015
15-14. Capture Sequence for Delta Mode Time-stamp and Rising Edge Detect ....................................... 2016
15-15. Capture Sequence for Delta Mode Time-stamp With Rising and Falling Edge Detect ........................ 2017
15-16. PWM Waveform Details of APWM Mode Operation................................................................ 2018
15-17. TSCTR Register ......................................................................................................... 2021
15-18. CTRPHS Register ....................................................................................................... 2022
15-19. CAP1 Register ........................................................................................................... 2023
15-20. CAP2 Register ........................................................................................................... 2024
15-21. CAP3 Register ........................................................................................................... 2025
15-22. CAP4 Register ........................................................................................................... 2026
15-23. ECCTL1 Register........................................................................................................ 2027
15-24. ECCTL2 Register........................................................................................................ 2029
15-25. ECEINT Register ........................................................................................................ 2031
15-26. ECFLG Register ......................................................................................................... 2033
15-27. ECCLR Register ......................................................................................................... 2035
15-28. ECFRC Register ......................................................................................................... 2036

38 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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16-1. Optical Encoder Disk ................................................................................................... 2040

16-2. QEP Encoder Output Signal for Forward/Reverse Movement .................................................... 2040
16-3. Index Pulse Example ................................................................................................... 2041
16-4. Functional Block Diagram of the eQEP Peripheral ................................................................. 2043
16-5. Functional Block Diagram of Decoder Unit .......................................................................... 2045
16-6. Quadrature Decoder State Machine .................................................................................. 2046
16-7. Quadrature-clock and Direction Decoding ........................................................................... 2047
16-8. Position Counter Reset by Index Pulse for 1000 Line Encoder (QPOSMAX = 3999 or 0xF9F) .............. 2049
16-9. Position Counter Underflow/Overflow (QPOSMAX = 4) ........................................................... 2050
16-10. Software Index Marker for 1000-line Encoder (QEPCTL[IEL] = 1) ............................................... 2051
16-11. Strobe Event Latch (QEPCTL[SEL] = 1) ............................................................................. 2052
16-12. eQEP Position-compare Unit .......................................................................................... 2053
16-13. eQEP Position-compare Event Generation Points .................................................................. 2054
16-14. eQEP Position-compare Sync Output Pulse Stretcher ............................................................. 2054
16-15. eQEP Edge Capture Unit .............................................................................................. 2056
16-16. Unit Position Event for Low Speed Measurement (QCAPCTL[UPPS] = 0010) ................................. 2056
16-17. eQEP Edge Capture Unit - Timing Details ........................................................................... 2057
16-18. eQEP Watchdog Timer ................................................................................................. 2058
16-19. eQEP Unit Time Base .................................................................................................. 2059
16-20. EQEP Interrupt Generation ............................................................................................ 2059
16-21. QPOSCNT Register..................................................................................................... 2063
16-22. QPOSINIT Register ..................................................................................................... 2064
16-23. QPOSMAX Register .................................................................................................... 2065
16-24. QPOSCMP Register .................................................................................................... 2066
16-25. QPOSILAT Register .................................................................................................... 2067
16-26. QPOSSLAT Register ................................................................................................... 2068
16-27. QPOSLAT Register ..................................................................................................... 2069
16-28. QUTMR Register ........................................................................................................ 2070
16-29. QUPRD Register ........................................................................................................ 2071
16-30. QWDTMR Register ..................................................................................................... 2072
16-31. QWDPRD Register ...................................................................................................... 2073
16-32. QDECCTL Register ..................................................................................................... 2074
16-33. QEPCTL Register ....................................................................................................... 2076
16-34. QCAPCTL Register ..................................................................................................... 2079
16-35. QPOSCTL Register ..................................................................................................... 2080
16-36. QEINT Register .......................................................................................................... 2081
16-37. QFLG Register........................................................................................................... 2083
16-38. QCLR Register .......................................................................................................... 2085
16-39. QFRC Register .......................................................................................................... 2087
16-40. QEPSTS Register ....................................................................................................... 2089
16-41. QCTMR Register ........................................................................................................ 2091
16-42. QCPRD Register ........................................................................................................ 2092
16-43. QCTMRLAT Register ................................................................................................... 2093
16-44. QCPRDLAT Register ................................................................................................... 2094
17-1. SPI CPU Interface ....................................................................................................... 2099
17-2. SPI Interrupt Flags and Enable Logic Generation .................................................................. 2101
17-3. SPI DMA Trigger Diagram ............................................................................................. 2102
17-4. SPI Master/Slave Connection ......................................................................................... 2103
17-5. SPI Module Master Configuration ..................................................................................... 2104

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Figures 39

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17-6. SPI Module Slave Configuration ...................................................................................... 2105

17-7. SPICLK Signal Options ................................................................................................. 2108
17-8. SPI: SPICLK-LSPCLK Characteristic When (BRR + 1) is Odd, BRR > 3, and CLKPOLARITY = 1 ......... 2108
17-9. SPI 3-wire Master Mode ................................................................................................ 2111
17-10. SPI 3-wire Slave Mode ................................................................................................. 2111
17-11. Five Bits per Character ................................................................................................. 2114
17-12. SPI Digital Audio Receiver Configuration Using Two SPIs ........................................................ 2116
17-13. Standard Right-Justified Digital Audio Data Format ................................................................ 2116
17-14. SPICCR Register ........................................................................................................ 2119
17-15. SPICTL Register ........................................................................................................ 2121
17-16. SPISTS Register ........................................................................................................ 2123
17-17. SPIBRR Register ........................................................................................................ 2125
17-18. SPIRXEMU Register .................................................................................................... 2126
17-19. SPIRXBUF Register .................................................................................................... 2127
17-20. SPITXBUF Register ..................................................................................................... 2128
17-21. SPIDAT Register ........................................................................................................ 2129
17-22. SPIFFTX Register ....................................................................................................... 2130
17-23. SPIFFRX Register....................................................................................................... 2132
17-24. SPIFFCT Register ....................................................................................................... 2134
17-25. SPIPRI Register ......................................................................................................... 2135
18-1. SCI CPU Interface ...................................................................................................... 2140
18-2. Serial Communications Interface (SCI) Module Block Diagram .................................................. 2141
18-3. Typical SCI Data Frame Formats ..................................................................................... 2143
18-4. Idle-Line Multiprocessor Communication Format ................................................................... 2145
18-5. Double-Buffered WUT and TXSHF ................................................................................... 2146
18-6. Address-Bit Multiprocessor Communication Format................................................................ 2147
18-7. SCI Asynchronous Communications Format ........................................................................ 2148
18-8. SCI RX Signals in Communication Modes ........................................................................... 2148
18-9. SCI TX Signals in Communications Mode ........................................................................... 2149
18-10. SCI FIFO Interrupt Flags and Enable Logic ......................................................................... 2151
18-11. SCICCR Register........................................................................................................ 2155
18-12. SCICTL1 Register ....................................................................................................... 2157
18-13. SCIHBAUD Register .................................................................................................... 2159
18-14. SCILBAUD Register .................................................................................................... 2160
18-15. SCICTL2 Register ....................................................................................................... 2161
18-16. SCIRXST Register ...................................................................................................... 2163
18-17. SCIRXEMU Register .................................................................................................... 2165
18-18. SCIRXBUF Register .................................................................................................... 2166
18-19. SCITXBUF Register..................................................................................................... 2167
18-20. SCIFFTX Register ....................................................................................................... 2168
18-21. SCIFFRX Register ...................................................................................................... 2170
18-22. SCIFFCT Register....................................................................................................... 2172
18-23. SCIPRI Register ......................................................................................................... 2173
19-1. Multiple I2C Modules Connected ...................................................................................... 2177
19-2. I2C Module Conceptual Block Diagram .............................................................................. 2179
19-3. Clocking Diagram for the I2C Module ................................................................................ 2179
19-4. The Roles of the Clock Divide-Down Values (ICCL and ICCH) ................................................... 2180
19-5. Bit Transfer on the I2C bus ............................................................................................ 2181
19-6. I2C Module START and STOP Conditions .......................................................................... 2183

40 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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19-7. I2C Module Data Transfer (7-Bit Addressing with 8-bit Data Configuration Shown) ........................... 2184
19-8. I2C Module 7-Bit Addressing Format (FDF = 0, XA = 0 in I2CMDR) ............................................ 2184
19-9. I2C Module 10-Bit Addressing Format (FDF = 0, XA = 1 in I2CMDR) ........................................... 2184
19-10. I2C Module Free Data Format (FDF = 1 in I2CMDR) .............................................................. 2185
19-11. Repeated START Condition (in This Case, 7-Bit Addressing Format) ........................................... 2185
19-12. Synchronization of Two I2C Clock Generators During Arbitration ................................................ 2186
19-13. Arbitration Procedure Between Two Master-Transmitters ......................................................... 2187
19-14. Pin Diagram Showing the Effects of the Digital Loopback Mode (DLB) Bit ..................................... 2188
19-15. Enable Paths of the I2C Interrupt Requests ......................................................................... 2189
19-16. Backwards Compatibility Mode Bit, Slave Transmitter ............................................................. 2190
19-17. I2C_FIFO_interrupt...................................................................................................... 2191
19-18. I2COAR Register ........................................................................................................ 2194
19-19. I2CIER Register ......................................................................................................... 2195
19-20. I2CSTR Register ........................................................................................................ 2196
19-21. I2CCLKL Register ....................................................................................................... 2200
19-22. I2CCLKH Register....................................................................................................... 2201
19-23. I2CCNT Register ........................................................................................................ 2202
19-24. I2CDRR Register ........................................................................................................ 2203
19-25. I2CSAR Register ........................................................................................................ 2204
19-26. I2CDXR Register ........................................................................................................ 2205
19-27. I2CMDR Register........................................................................................................ 2206
19-28. I2CISRC Register ....................................................................................................... 2210
19-29. I2CEMDR Register ...................................................................................................... 2211
19-30. I2CPSC Register ........................................................................................................ 2212
19-31. I2CFFTX Register ....................................................................................................... 2213
19-32. I2CFFRX Register ....................................................................................................... 2215
20-1. Conceptual Block Diagram of the McBSP ........................................................................... 2222
20-2. McBSP Data Transfer Paths ........................................................................................... 2223
20-3. Companding Processes ................................................................................................ 2224
20-4. μ-Law Transmit Data Companding Format .......................................................................... 2224
20-5. A-Law Transmit Data Companding Format .......................................................................... 2224
20-6. Two Methods by Which the McBSP Can Compand Internal Data ................................................ 2225
20-7. Example - Clock Signal Control of Bit Transfer Timing ............................................................ 2225
20-8. McBSP Operating at Maximum Packet Frequency ................................................................. 2227
20-9. Single-Phase Frame for a McBSP Data Transfer ................................................................... 2228
20-10. Dual-Phase Frame for a McBSP Data Transfer ..................................................................... 2229
20-11. Implementing the AC97 Standard With a Dual-Phase Frame ..................................................... 2229
20-12. Timing of an AC97-Standard Data Transfer Near Frame Synchronization ...................................... 2230
20-13. McBSP Reception Physical Data Path ............................................................................... 2230
20-14. McBSP Reception Signal Activity ..................................................................................... 2230
20-15. McBSP Transmission Physical Data Path ........................................................................... 2231
20-16. McBSP Transmission Signal Activity ................................................................................. 2231
20-17. Conceptual Block Diagram of the Sample Rate Generator ........................................................ 2233
20-18. Possible Inputs to the Sample Rate Generator and the Polarity Bits ............................................ 2235
20-19. CLKG Synchronization and FSG Generation When GSYNC = 1 and CLKGDV = 1 ........................... 2237
20-20. CLKG Synchronization and FSG Generation When GSYNC = 1 and CLKGDV = 3 ........................... 2238
20-21. Overrun in the McBSP Receiver ...................................................................................... 2240
20-22. Overrun Prevented in the McBSP Receiver ......................................................................... 2241
20-23. Possible Responses to Receive Frame-Synchronization Pulses ................................................. 2241

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20-24. An Unexpected Frame-Synchronization Pulse During a McBSP Reception .................................... 2242

20-25. Proper Positioning of Frame-Synchronization Pulses .............................................................. 2243
20-26. Data in the McBSP Transmitter Overwritten and Thus Not Transmitted......................................... 2243
20-27. Underflow During McBSP Transmission ............................................................................. 2244
20-28. Underflow Prevented in the McBSP Transmitter .................................................................... 2245
20-29. Possible Responses to Transmit Frame-Synchronization Pulses ................................................ 2245
20-30. An Unexpected Frame-Synchronization Pulse During a McBSP Transmission ................................ 2246
20-31. Proper Positioning of Frame-Synchronization Pulses .............................................................. 2247
20-32. Alternating Between the Channels of Partition A and the Channels of Partition B ............................. 2249
20-33. Reassigning Channel Blocks Throughout a McBSP Data Transfer .............................................. 2250
20-34. McBSP Data Transfer in the 8-Partition Mode ...................................................................... 2251
20-35. Activity on McBSP Pins for the Possible Values of XMCM ........................................................ 2254
20-36. Typical SPI Interface .................................................................................................... 2255
20-37. SPI Transfer With CLKSTP = 10b (No Clock Delay), CLKXP = 0, and CLKRP = 0 ........................... 2257
20-38. SPI Transfer With CLKSTP = 11b (Clock Delay), CLKXP = 0, CLKRP = 1 ..................................... 2257
20-39. SPI Transfer With CLKSTP = 10b (No Clock Delay), CLKXP = 1, and CLKRP = 0 ........................... 2257
20-40. SPI Transfer With CLKSTP = 11b (Clock Delay), CLKXP = 1, CLKRP = 1 ..................................... 2257
20-41. SPI Interface with McBSP Used as Master .......................................................................... 2259
20-42. SPI Interface With McBSP Used as Slave ........................................................................... 2260
20-43. Unexpected Frame-Synchronization Pulse With (R/X)FIG = 0 .................................................... 2267
20-44. Unexpected Frame-Synchronization Pulse With (R/X)FIG = 1 .................................................... 2267
20-45. Companding Processes for Reception and for Transmission ..................................................... 2268
20-46. Range of Programmable Data Delay ................................................................................. 2269
20-47. 2-Bit Data Delay Used to Skip a Framing Bit ........................................................................ 2269
20-48. Data Clocked Externally Using a Rising Edge and Sampled by the McBSP Receiver on a Falling Edge .. 2274
20-49. Frame of Period 16 CLKG Periods and Active Width of 2 CLKG Periods ....................................... 2275
20-50. Data Clocked Externally Using a Rising Edge and Sampled by the McBSP Receiver on a Falling Edge .. 2277
20-51. Unexpected Frame-Synchronization Pulse With (R/X) FIG = 0 ................................................... 2289
20-52. Unexpected Frame-Synchronization Pulse With (R/X) FIG = 1 ................................................... 2290
20-53. Companding Processes for Reception and for Transmission ..................................................... 2290
20-54. μ-Law Transmit Data Companding Format .......................................................................... 2291
20-55. A-Law Transmit Data Companding Format .......................................................................... 2291
20-56. Range of Programmable Data Delay ................................................................................. 2292
20-57. 2-Bit Data Delay Used to Skip a Framing Bit ........................................................................ 2292
20-58. Data Clocked Externally Using a Rising Edge and Sampled by the McBSP Receiver on a Falling Edge .. 2296
20-59. Frame of Period 16 CLKG Periods and Active Width of 2 CLKG Periods ....................................... 2296
20-60. Data Clocked Externally Using a Rising Edge and Sampled by the McBSP Receiver on a Falling Edge .. 2298
20-61. Four 8-Bit Data Words Transferred To/From the McBSP .......................................................... 2302
20-62. One 32-Bit Data Word Transferred To/From the McBSP .......................................................... 2302
20-63. 8-Bit Data Words Transferred at Maximum Packet Frequency ................................................... 2303
20-64. Configuring the Data Stream of as a Continuous 32-Bit Word .................................................... 2303
20-65. Receive Interrupt Generation .......................................................................................... 2304
20-66. Transmit Interrupt Generation ......................................................................................... 2304
20-67. Data Receive Registers (DRR2 and DRR1) ......................................................................... 2309
20-68. Data Transmit Registers (DXR2 and DXR1) ........................................................................ 2309
20-69. Serial Port Control 1 Register (SPCR1) ............................................................................. 2310
20-70. Serial Port Control 2 Register (SPCR2) ............................................................................. 2313
20-71. Receive Control Register 1 (RCR1) .................................................................................. 2315
20-72. Receive Control Register 2 (RCR2) .................................................................................. 2316

42 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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20-73. Transmit Control 1 Register (XCR1) .................................................................................. 2318

20-74. Transmit Control 2 Register (XCR2) ................................................................................. 2319
20-75. Sample Rate Generator 1 Register (SRGR1) ....................................................................... 2321
20-76. Sample Rate Generator 2 Register (SRGR2) ....................................................................... 2321
20-77. Multichannel Control 1 Register (MCR1) ............................................................................ 2323
20-78. Multichannel Control 2 Register (MCR2) ............................................................................. 2325
20-79. Pin Control Register (PCR) ........................................................................................... 2327
20-80. Receive Channel Enable Registers (RCERA...RCERH) ........................................................... 2329
20-81. Transmit Channel Enable Registers (XCERA...XCERH) .......................................................... 2331
20-82. McBSP Interrupt Enable Register (MFFINT) ........................................................................ 2333
21-1. CAN_MUX................................................................................................................ 2343
21-2. CAN Core in Silent Mode .............................................................................................. 2343
21-3. CAN Core in Loopback Mode ......................................................................................... 2344
21-4. CAN Core in External Loopback Mode ............................................................................... 2345
21-5. CAN Core in Loopback Combined with Silent Mode ............................................................... 2345
21-6. CAN Interrupt Topology 1 .............................................................................................. 2347
21-7. CAN Interrupt Topology 2 .............................................................................................. 2348
21-8. Initialization of a Transmit Object ..................................................................................... 2350
21-9. Initialization of a Single Receive Object for Data Frames ......................................................... 2350
21-10. Initialization of a single Receive Object for Remote Frames ...................................................... 2350
21-11. CPU Handling of a FIFO Buffer (Interrupt Driven) .................................................................. 2355
21-12. Bit Timing ................................................................................................................. 2356
21-13. The Propagation Time Segment ...................................................................................... 2357
21-14. Synchronization on Late and Early Edges ........................................................................... 2359
21-15. Filtering of Short Dominant Spikes .................................................................................... 2360
21-16. Structure of the CAN Core's CAN Protocol Controller ............................................................. 2361
21-17. Data Transfer Between IF1 / IF2 Registers and Message RAM .................................................. 2365
21-18. Structure of a Message Object ........................................................................................ 2366
21-19. Message RAM Representation in Debug Mode ..................................................................... 2369
21-20. CAN_CTL Register ...................................................................................................... 2373
21-21. CAN_ES Register ....................................................................................................... 2376
21-22. CAN_ERRC Register ................................................................................................... 2378
21-23. CAN_BTR Register ..................................................................................................... 2379
21-24. CAN_INT Register ...................................................................................................... 2381
21-25. CAN_TEST Register .................................................................................................... 2382
21-26. CAN_PERR Register ................................................................................................... 2384
21-27. CAN_RAM_INIT Register .............................................................................................. 2385
21-28. CAN_GLB_INT_EN Register .......................................................................................... 2386
21-29. CAN_GLB_INT_FLG Register ......................................................................................... 2387
21-30. CAN_GLB_INT_CLR Register......................................................................................... 2388
21-31. CAN_ABOTR Register ................................................................................................. 2389
21-32. CAN_TXRQ_X Register ................................................................................................ 2390
21-33. CAN_TXRQ_21 Register ............................................................................................... 2391
21-34. CAN_NDAT_X Register ................................................................................................ 2392
21-35. CAN_NDAT_21 Register ............................................................................................... 2393
21-36. CAN_IPEN_X Register ................................................................................................. 2394
21-37. CAN_IPEN_21 Register ................................................................................................ 2395
21-38. CAN_MVAL_X Register ................................................................................................ 2396
21-39. CAN_MVAL_21 Register ............................................................................................... 2397

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21-40. CAN_IP_MUX21 Register .............................................................................................. 2398

21-41. CAN_IF1CMD Register ................................................................................................. 2399
21-42. CAN_IF1MSK Register ................................................................................................. 2403
21-43. CAN_IF1ARB Register ................................................................................................. 2404
21-44. CAN_IF1MCTL Register ............................................................................................... 2406
21-45. CAN_IF1DATA Register ................................................................................................ 2409
21-46. CAN_IF1DATB Register ................................................................................................ 2410
21-47. CAN_IF2CMD Register ................................................................................................. 2411
21-48. CAN_IF2MSK Register ................................................................................................. 2415
21-49. CAN_IF2ARB Register ................................................................................................. 2416
21-50. CAN_IF2MCTL Register ............................................................................................... 2418
21-51. CAN_IF2DATA Register ................................................................................................ 2421
21-52. CAN_IF2DATB Register ................................................................................................ 2422
21-53. CAN_IF3OBS Register ................................................................................................. 2423
21-54. CAN_IF3MSK Register ................................................................................................. 2425
21-55. CAN_IF3ARB Register ................................................................................................. 2426
21-56. CAN_IF3MCTL Register ............................................................................................... 2427
21-57. CAN_IF3DATA Register ................................................................................................ 2429
21-58. CAN_IF3DATB Register ................................................................................................ 2430
21-59. CAN_IF3UPD Register ................................................................................................. 2431
22-1. USB Block Diagram ..................................................................................................... 2435
22-2. USB Scheme............................................................................................................. 2436
22-3. Function Address Register (USBFADDR) ........................................................................... 2459
22-4. Power Management Register (USBPOWER) in Host Mode....................................................... 2460
22-5. Power Management Register (USBPOWER) in Device Mode .................................................... 2460
22-6. USB Transmit Interrupt Status Register (USBTXIS) ................................................................ 2462
22-7. USB Transmit Interrupt Status Register (USBRXIS) ............................................................... 2464
22-8. USB Transmit Interrupt Status Enable Register (USBTXIE) ...................................................... 2466
22-9. USB Transmit Interrupt Status Enable Register (USBRXIE) ...................................................... 2468
22-10. USB General Interrupt Status Register (USBIS) in Host Mode ................................................... 2470
22-11. USB General Interrupt Status Register (USBIS) in Device Mode ................................................ 2471
22-12. USB Interrupt Enable Register (USBIE) in Host Mode ............................................................. 2472
22-13. USB Interrupt Enable Register (USBIE) in Device Mode .......................................................... 2473
22-14. Frame Number Register (FRAME) .................................................................................... 2474
22-15. USB Endpoint Index Register (USBEPIDX) ......................................................................... 2474
22-16. USB Test Mode Register (USBTEST) in Host Mode ............................................................... 2475
22-17. USB Test Mode Register (USBTEST) in Device Mode ............................................................ 2475
22-18. USB FIFO Endpoint n Register (USBFIFO[n]) ...................................................................... 2477
22-19. USB Device Control Register (USBDEVCTL) ....................................................................... 2478
22-20. USB Transmit Dynamic FIFO Sizing Register (USBTXFIFOSZ) ................................................. 2480
22-21. USB Receive Dynamic FIFO Sizing Register (USBRXFIFOSZ) .................................................. 2481
22-22. USB Transmit FIFO Start Address Register (USBTXFIFOADDR]) ............................................... 2482
22-23. USB Receive FIFO Start Address Register (USBRXFIFOADDR) ................................................ 2483
22-24. USB Connect Timing Register (USBCONTIM) ...................................................................... 2484
22-25. USB Full-Speed Last Transaction to End of Frame Timing Register (USBFSEOF) ........................... 2485
22-26. USB Low-Speed Last Transaction to End of Frame Timing Register (USBLSEOF) ........................... 2485
22-27. USB Transmit Functional Address Endpoint n Registers (USBTXFUNCADDR[n]) ............................ 2486
22-28. USB Transmit Hub Address Endpoint n Registers (USBTXHUBADDR[n])...................................... 2487
22-29. USB Transmit Hub Port Endpoint n Registers (USBTXHUBPORT[n]) ........................................... 2488

44 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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22-30. USB Receive Functional Address Endpoint n Registers (USBFIFO[n]) ......................................... 2489
22-31. USB Receive Hub Address Endpoint n Registers (USBRXHUBADDR[n]) ...................................... 2490
22-32. USB Transmit Hub Port Endpoint n Registers (USBRXHUBPORT[n]) .......................................... 2491
22-33. USB Maximum Transmit Data Endpoint n Registers (USBTXMAXP[n]) ......................................... 2492
22-34. USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 Low Register (USBCSRL0) in Host Mode ................................ 2493
22-35. USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 Low Register (USBCSRL0) in Device Mode ............................. 2494
22-36. USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 High Register (USBCSRH0) in Host Mode ............................... 2495
22-37. USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 High Register (USBCSRH0) in Device Mode ............................ 2495
22-38. USB Receive Byte Count Endpoint 0 Register (USBCOUNT0)................................................... 2496
22-39. USB Type Endpoint 0 Register (USBTYPE0) ....................................................................... 2496
22-40. USB NAK Limit Register (USBNAKLMT) ............................................................................ 2497
22-41. USB Transmit Control and Status Endpoint n Low Register (USBTXCSRL[n]) in Host Mode ................ 2498
22-42. USB Transmit Control and Status Endpoint n Low Register (USBTXCSRL[n]) in Device Mode ............. 2499
22-43. USB Transmit Control and Status Endpoint n High Register (USBTXCSRH[n]) in Host Mode ............... 2501
22-44. USB Transmit Control and Status Endpoint n High Register (USBTXCSRH[n]) in Device Mode ............ 2502
22-45. USB Maximum Receive Data Endpoint n Registers (USBRXMAXP[n]) ......................................... 2503
22-46. USB Receive Control and Status Endpoint n Low Register (USBCSRL[n]) in Host Mode .................... 2504
22-47. USB Control and Status Endpoint n Low Register (USBCSRL[n]) in Device Mode ............................ 2505
22-48. USB Receive Control and Status Endpoint n High Register (USBCSRH[n]) in Host Mode ................... 2506
22-49. USB Control and Status Endpoint n High Register (USBCSRH[n]) in Device Mode ........................... 2507
22-50. USB Maximum Receive Data Endpoint n Registers (USBRXCOUNT[n]) ....................................... 2508
22-51. USB Host Transmit Configure Type Endpoint n Register (USBTXTYPE[n]) .................................... 2509
22-52. USB Host Transmit Interval Endpoint n Register (USBTXINTERVAL[n]) ....................................... 2510
22-53. USB Host Configure Receive Type Endpoint n Register (USBRXTYPE[n]) .................................... 2511
22-54. USB Host Receive Polling Interval Endpoint n Register (USBRXINTERVAL[n]) ............................... 2512
22-55. USB Request Packet Count in Block Transfer Endpoint n Registers (USBRQPKTCOUNT[n]) .............. 2513
22-56. USB Receive Double Packet Buffer Disable Register (USBRXDPKTBUFDIS) ................................. 2514
22-57. USB Transmit Double Packet Buffer Disable Register (USBTXDPKTBUFDIS) ................................ 2516
22-58. USB External Power Control Register (USBEPC) .................................................................. 2517
22-59. USB External Power Control Raw Interrupt Status Register (USBEPCRIS) .................................... 2519
22-60. USB External Power Control Interrupt Mask Register (USBEPCIM) ............................................. 2520
22-61. USB External Power Control Interrupt Status and Clear Register (USBEPCISC) .............................. 2521
22-62. USB Device RESUME Raw Interrupt Status Register (USBDRRIS) ............................................. 2522
22-63. USB Device RESUME Raw Interrupt Status Register (USBDRRIS) ............................................. 2523
22-64. USB Device RESUME Interrupt Status and Clear Register (USBDRISC)....................................... 2524
22-65. USB General-Purpose Control and Status Register (USBGPCS) ................................................ 2525
22-66. USB DMA Select Register (USBDMASEL) .......................................................................... 2526
23-1. uPP Integration .......................................................................................................... 2529
23-2. Functional Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 2530
23-3. RX in SDR or DDR (non-demux) Mode .............................................................................. 2531
23-4. RX in DDR (demux) Mode ............................................................................................. 2531
23-5. TX in SDR (non-interleave) or DDR (non-demux) Mode ........................................................... 2531
23-6. TX in SDR (interleave) or DDR (demux) Mode ..................................................................... 2531
23-7. IO Output Clock Generation for TX Mode............................................................................ 2532
23-8. IO Input clock for RX Mode ............................................................................................ 2532
23-9. Structure of DMA Window and Lines in Memory.................................................................... 2534
23-10. uPP Receive in SDR Mode ............................................................................................ 2536
23-11. uPP Transmit in SDR Mode ........................................................................................... 2537
23-12. uPP Transmit in SDR Mode – Interleaving .......................................................................... 2537

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23-13. uPP Receive DDR Case ............................................................................................... 2537

23-14. uPP Transmit DDR Case ............................................................................................... 2537
23-15. uPP Tx Data Pattern in Non-Interleaved Mode ..................................................................... 2538
23-16. uPP Rx Data Pattern in Non-Interleaved Mode ..................................................................... 2538
23-17. PID Register ............................................................................................................. 2546
23-18. PERCTL Register ....................................................................................................... 2547
23-19. CHCTL Register ......................................................................................................... 2549
23-20. IFCFG Register .......................................................................................................... 2550
23-21. IFIVAL Register .......................................................................................................... 2552
23-22. THCFG Register ......................................................................................................... 2553
23-23. RAWINTST Register .................................................................................................... 2555
23-24. ENINTST Register ...................................................................................................... 2557
23-25. INTENSET Register..................................................................................................... 2559
23-26. INTENCLR Register .................................................................................................... 2561
23-27. CHIDESC0 Register .................................................................................................... 2563
23-28. CHIDESC1 Register .................................................................................................... 2564
23-29. CHIDESC2 Register .................................................................................................... 2565
23-30. CHIST0 Register ........................................................................................................ 2566
23-31. CHIST1 Register ........................................................................................................ 2567
23-32. CHIST2 Register ........................................................................................................ 2568
23-33. CHQDESC0 Register ................................................................................................... 2569
23-34. CHQDESC1 Register ................................................................................................... 2570
23-35. CHQDESC2 Register ................................................................................................... 2571
23-36. CHQST0 Register ....................................................................................................... 2572
23-37. CHQST1 Register ....................................................................................................... 2573
23-38. CHQST2 Register ....................................................................................................... 2574
23-39. GINTEN Register ........................................................................................................ 2575
23-40. GINTFLG Register ...................................................................................................... 2576
23-41. GINTCLR Register ...................................................................................................... 2577
23-42. DLYCTL Register........................................................................................................ 2578
24-1. EMIF Module Overview ................................................................................................. 2580
24-2. EMIF Functional Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 2582
24-3. Timing Waveform of SDRAM PRE Command ...................................................................... 2586
24-4. EMIF to 2M × 16 × 4 bank SDRAM Interface ....................................................................... 2586
24-5. EMIF to 512K × 16 × 2 bank SDRAM Interface ..................................................................... 2587
24-6. Timing Waveform for Basic SDRAM Read Operation .............................................................. 2594
24-7. Timing Waveform for Basic SDRAM Write Operation .............................................................. 2595
24-8. EMIF Asynchronous Interface ......................................................................................... 2597
24-9. EMIF to 8-bit/16-bit Memory Interface ................................................................................ 2598
24-10. Common Asynchronous Interface ..................................................................................... 2598
24-11. Timing Waveform of an Asynchronous Read Cycle in Normal Mode ............................................ 2602
24-12. Timing Waveform of an Asynchronous Write Cycle in Normal Mode ............................................ 2604
24-13. Timing Waveform of an Asynchronous Read Cycle in Select Strobe Mode .................................... 2606
24-14. Timing Waveform of an Asynchronous Write Cycle in Select Strobe Mode ..................................... 2608
24-15. Example Configuration Interface ...................................................................................... 2615
24-16. SDRAM Timing Register (SDRAM_TR) .............................................................................. 2616
24-17. SDRAM Self Refresh Exit Timing Register (SDR_EXT_TMNG) .................................................. 2617
24-18. SDRAM Refresh Control Register (SDRAM_RCR) ................................................................. 2618
24-19. SDRAM Configuration Register (SDRAM_CR)...................................................................... 2618

46 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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24-20. LH28F800BJE-PTTL90 to EMIF Read Timing Waveforms ........................................................ 2619

24-21. LH28F800BJE-PTTL90 to EMIF Write Timing Waveforms ........................................................ 2620
24-22. Asynchronous m Configuration Register (m = 1, 2) (ASYNC_CSn_CR(n = 2, 3)) ............................. 2621
24-23. RCSR Register .......................................................................................................... 2624
24-24. ASYNC_WCCR Register ............................................................................................... 2625
24-25. SDRAM_CR Register ................................................................................................... 2626
24-26. SDRAM_RCR Register ................................................................................................. 2628
24-27. ASYNC_CS2_CR Register ............................................................................................ 2629
24-28. ASYNC_CS3_CR Register ............................................................................................ 2631
24-29. ASYNC_CS4_CR Register ............................................................................................ 2633
24-30. SDRAM_TR Register ................................................................................................... 2635
24-31. TOTAL_SDRAM_AR Register ......................................................................................... 2636
24-32. TOTAL_SDRAM_ACTR Register ..................................................................................... 2637
24-33. SDR_EXT_TMNG Register ............................................................................................ 2638
24-34. INT_RAW Register ...................................................................................................... 2639
24-35. INT_MSK Register ...................................................................................................... 2640
24-36. INT_MSK_SET Register ............................................................................................... 2641
24-37. INT_MSK_CLR Register ............................................................................................... 2642
24-38. EMIF1LOCK Register ................................................................................................... 2644
24-39. EMIF1COMMIT Register ............................................................................................... 2645
24-40. EMIF1ACCPROT0 Register ........................................................................................... 2646
25-1. Block Diagram of the CLB Subsystem in the Device ............................................................... 2649
25-2. Block Diagram of a CLB Tile and CPU Interface ................................................................... 2650
25-3. CLB Input Mux and Filter ............................................................................................... 2651
25-4. GPIO to CLB Tile Connections ........................................................................................ 2654
25-5. CLB Outputs ............................................................................................................. 2655
25-6. Peripheral Signal Multiplexer .......................................................................................... 2657
25-7. The CLB Tile Submodules ............................................................................................. 2658
25-8. Counter Block ............................................................................................................ 2660
25-9. FSM Block ................................................................................................................ 2662
25-10. FSM LUT Block .......................................................................................................... 2663
25-11. LUT4 Block ............................................................................................................... 2663
25-12. Output LUT Block ....................................................................................................... 2664
25-13. High Level Controller Block ............................................................................................ 2664
25-14. CLB_COUNT_RESET Register ....................................................................................... 2672
25-15. CLB_COUNT_MODE_1 Register ..................................................................................... 2673
25-16. CLB_COUNT_MODE_0 Register ..................................................................................... 2674
25-17. CLB_COUNT_EVENT Register ....................................................................................... 2675
25-18. CLB_FSM_EXTRA_IN0 Register ..................................................................................... 2676
25-19. CLB_FSM_EXTERNAL_IN0 Register ................................................................................ 2677
25-20. CLB_FSM_EXTERNAL_IN1 Register ................................................................................ 2678
25-21. CLB_FSM_EXTRA_IN1 Register ..................................................................................... 2679
25-22. CLB_LUT4_IN0 Register ............................................................................................... 2680
25-23. CLB_LUT4_IN1 Register ............................................................................................... 2681
25-24. CLB_LUT4_IN2 Register ............................................................................................... 2682
25-25. CLB_LUT4_IN3 Register ............................................................................................... 2683
25-26. CLB_FSM_LUT_FN1_0 Register ..................................................................................... 2684
25-27. CLB_FSM_LUT_FN2 Register ........................................................................................ 2685
25-28. CLB_LUT4_FN1_0 Register ........................................................................................... 2686

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25-29. CLB_LUT4_FN2 Register .............................................................................................. 2687

25-30. CLB_FSM_NEXT_STATE_0 Register................................................................................ 2688
25-31. CLB_FSM_NEXT_STATE_1 Register................................................................................ 2689
25-32. CLB_FSM_NEXT_STATE_2 Register................................................................................ 2690
25-33. CLB_MISC_CONTROL Register ...................................................................................... 2691
25-34. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_0 Register ...................................................................................... 2694
25-35. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_1 Register ...................................................................................... 2695
25-36. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_2 Register ...................................................................................... 2696
25-37. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_3 Register ...................................................................................... 2697
25-38. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_4 Register ...................................................................................... 2698
25-39. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_5 Register ...................................................................................... 2699
25-40. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_6 Register ...................................................................................... 2700
25-41. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_7 Register ...................................................................................... 2701
25-42. CLB_HLC_EVENT_SEL Register ..................................................................................... 2702
25-43. CLB_LOAD_EN Register............................................................................................... 2705
25-44. CLB_LOAD_ADDR Register ........................................................................................... 2706
25-45. CLB_LOAD_DATA Register ........................................................................................... 2707
25-46. CLB_INPUT_FILTER Register ........................................................................................ 2708
25-47. CLB_IN_MUX_SEL_0 Register ....................................................................................... 2710
25-48. CLB_LCL_MUX_SEL_1 Register ..................................................................................... 2712
25-49. CLB_LCL_MUX_SEL_2 Register ..................................................................................... 2713
25-50. CLB_BUF_PTR Register ............................................................................................... 2714
25-51. CLB_GP_REG Register ................................................................................................ 2715
25-52. CLB_OUT_EN Register ................................................................................................ 2716
25-53. CLB_GLBL_MUX_SEL_1 Register ................................................................................... 2717
25-54. CLB_GLBL_MUX_SEL_2 Register ................................................................................... 2718
25-55. CLB_INTR_TAG_REG Register ...................................................................................... 2719
25-56. CLB_LOCK Register .................................................................................................... 2720
25-57. CLB_DBG_R0 Register ................................................................................................ 2721
25-58. CLB_DBG_R1 Register ................................................................................................ 2722
25-59. CLB_DBG_R2 Register ................................................................................................ 2723
25-60. CLB_DBG_R3 Register ................................................................................................ 2724
25-61. CLB_DBG_C0 Register ................................................................................................ 2725
25-62. CLB_DBG_C1 Register ................................................................................................ 2726
25-63. CLB_DBG_C2 Register ................................................................................................ 2727
25-64. CLB_DBG_OUT Register .............................................................................................. 2728
25-65. CLB_PUSH_y Register ................................................................................................. 2731
25-66. CLB_PULL_y Register.................................................................................................. 2732
25-67. CLB_PUSH_y Register ................................................................................................. 2734
25-68. CLB_PULL_y Register.................................................................................................. 2735

48 List of Figures SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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List of Tables
1-1. C2000Ware Root Directories ............................................................................................. 83
2-1. TMU Supported Instructions .............................................................................................. 86
2-2. Viterbi Decode Performance .............................................................................................. 87
2-3. Complex Math Performance .............................................................................................. 87
3-1. Reset Signals ............................................................................................................... 90
3-2. PIE Channel Mapping ..................................................................................................... 96
3-3. CPU Interrupt Vectors ..................................................................................................... 97
3-4. PIE Interrupt Vectors ....................................................................................................... 98
3-5. Access to EALLOW-Protected Registers .............................................................................. 104
3-6. Clock Connections Sorted by Clock Domain .......................................................................... 113
3-7. Clock Connections Sorted by Module Name .......................................................................... 114
3-8. Example Watchdog Key Sequences ................................................................................... 119
3-9. Local Shared RAM........................................................................................................ 126
3-10. Global Shared RAM ...................................................................................................... 126
3-11. Error Handling in Different Scenarios .................................................................................. 130
3-12. Mapping of ECC Bits in Read Data from ECC/Parity Address Map ............................................... 131
3-13. Mapping of Parity Bits in Read Data from ECC/Parity Address Map .............................................. 131
3-14. CLA Access Filter ......................................................................................................... 145
3-15. RAM Status ................................................................................................................ 145
3-16. Security Levels ............................................................................................................ 146
3-17. System Control Base Address Table................................................................................... 158
3-18. CPUTIMER_REGS Registers ........................................................................................... 159
3-19. CPUTIMER_REGS Access Type Codes .............................................................................. 159
3-20. TIM Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 160
3-21. PRD Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 161
3-22. TCR Register Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 162
3-23. TPR Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 164
3-24. TPRH Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 165
3-25. PIE_CTRL_REGS Registers ............................................................................................ 166
3-26. PIE_CTRL_REGS Access Type Codes ............................................................................... 166
3-27. PIECTRL Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 168
3-28. PIEACK Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 169
3-29. PIEIER1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 170
3-30. PIEIFR1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 172
3-31. PIEIER2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 174
3-32. PIEIFR2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 176
3-33. PIEIER3 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 178
3-34. PIEIFR3 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 180
3-35. PIEIER4 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 182
3-36. PIEIFR4 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 184
3-37. PIEIER5 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 186
3-38. PIEIFR5 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 188
3-39. PIEIER6 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 190
3-40. PIEIFR6 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 192
3-41. PIEIER7 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 194
3-42. PIEIFR7 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 196
3-43. PIEIER8 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 198

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3-44. PIEIFR8 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 200

3-45. PIEIER9 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 202
3-46. PIEIFR9 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 204
3-47. PIEIER10 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 206
3-48. PIEIFR10 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 208
3-49. PIEIER11 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 210
3-50. PIEIFR11 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 212
3-51. PIEIER12 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 214
3-52. PIEIFR12 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 216
3-53. WD_REGS Registers .................................................................................................... 218
3-54. WD_REGS Access Type Codes ........................................................................................ 218
3-55. SCSR Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 219
3-56. WDCNTR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 220
3-57. WDKEY Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 221
3-58. WDCR Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................................... 222
3-59. WDWCR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 223
3-60. NMI_INTRUPT_REGS Registers ....................................................................................... 224
3-61. NMI_INTRUPT_REGS Access Type Codes .......................................................................... 224
3-62. NMICFG Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 225
3-63. NMIFLG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 226
3-64. NMIFLGCLR Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 228
3-65. NMIFLGFRC Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 230
3-66. NMIWDCNT Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 231
3-67. NMIWDPRD Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 232
3-68. NMISHDFLG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 233
3-69. XINT_REGS Registers ................................................................................................... 235
3-70. XINT_REGS Access Type Codes ...................................................................................... 235
3-71. XINT1CR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 236
3-72. XINT2CR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 237
3-73. XINT3CR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 238
3-74. XINT4CR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 239
3-75. XINT5CR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 240
3-76. XINT1CTR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 241
3-77. XINT2CTR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 242
3-78. XINT3CTR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 243
3-79. DMA_CLA_SRC_SEL_REGS Registers .............................................................................. 244
3-80. DMA_CLA_SRC_SEL_REGS Access Type Codes .................................................................. 244
3-81. CLA1TASKSRCSELLOCK Register Field Descriptions ............................................................. 245
3-82. DMACHSRCSELLOCK Register Field Descriptions ................................................................. 246
3-83. CLA1TASKSRCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 247
3-84. CLA1TASKSRCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 248
3-85. DMACHSRCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 249
3-86. DMACHSRCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 250
3-87. DEV_CFG_REGS Registers ............................................................................................ 251
3-88. DEV_CFG_REGS Access Type Codes ............................................................................... 252
3-89. PARTIDL Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 253
3-90. PARTIDH Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 255
3-91. REVID Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................................... 256
3-92. DC0 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 257

50 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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3-93. DC1 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 258

3-94. DC2 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 259
3-95. DC3 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 260
3-96. DC4 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 262
3-97. DC5 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 263
3-98. DC6 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 264
3-99. DC7 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 265
3-100. DC8 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 266
3-101. DC9 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 267
3-102. DC10 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 268
3-103. DC11 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 269
3-104. DC12 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 270
3-105. DC13 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 271
3-106. DC14 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 272
3-107. DC15 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 273
3-108. DC17 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 275
3-109. DC18 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 276
3-110. DC20 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 277
3-111. PERCNF1 Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 279
3-112. FUSEERR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 280
3-113. SOFTPRES0 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 281
3-114. SOFTPRES1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 282
3-115. SOFTPRES2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 283
3-116. SOFTPRES3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 285
3-117. SOFTPRES4 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 286
3-118. SOFTPRES6 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 287
3-119. SOFTPRES7 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 288
3-120. SOFTPRES8 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 289
3-121. SOFTPRES9 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 290
3-122. SOFTPRES11 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 291
3-123. SOFTPRES13 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 292
3-124. SOFTPRES14 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 293
3-125. SOFTPRES16 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 294
3-126. SYSDBGCTL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 295
3-127. CLK_CFG_REGS Registers ............................................................................................ 296
3-128. CLK_CFG_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................................ 296
3-129. CLKCFGLOCK1 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 298
3-130. CLKSRCCTL1 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 300
3-131. CLKSRCCTL2 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 302
3-132. CLKSRCCTL3 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 304
3-133. SYSPLLCTL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 305
3-134. SYSPLLMULT Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 306
3-135. SYSPLLSTS Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 307
3-136. AUXPLLCTL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 308
3-137. AUXPLLMULT Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 309
3-138. AUXPLLSTS Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 310
3-139. SYSCLKDIVSEL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 311
3-140. AUXCLKDIVSEL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 312
3-141. PERCLKDIVSEL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 313

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Tables 51

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3-142. XCLKOUTDIVSEL Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 314

3-143. LOSPCP Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 315
3-144. MCDCR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 316
3-145. X1CNT Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 317
3-146. CPU_SYS_REGS Registers ............................................................................................ 318
3-147. CPU_SYS_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................................ 318
3-148. CPUSYSLOCK1 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 320
3-149. HIBBOOTMODE Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 323
3-150. IORESTOREADDR Register Field Descriptions...................................................................... 324
3-151. PIEVERRADDR Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 325
3-152. PCLKCR0 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 326
3-153. PCLKCR1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 328
3-154. PCLKCR2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 329
3-155. PCLKCR3 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 331
3-156. PCLKCR4 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 333
3-157. PCLKCR6 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 334
3-158. PCLKCR7 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 335
3-159. PCLKCR8 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 336
3-160. PCLKCR9 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 337
3-161. PCLKCR10 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 338
3-162. PCLKCR11 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 339
3-163. PCLKCR12 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 340
3-164. PCLKCR13 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 341
3-165. PCLKCR14 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 342
3-166. PCLKCR16 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 344
3-167. SECMSEL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 345
3-168. LPMCR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 346
3-169. GPIOLPMSEL0 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 348
3-170. GPIOLPMSEL1 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 351
3-171. TMR2CLKCTL Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 354
3-172. RESC Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 356
3-173. ROM_PREFETCH_REGS Registers................................................................................... 358
3-174. ROM_PREFETCH_REGS Access Type Codes ...................................................................... 358
3-175. ROMPREFETCH Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 359
3-176. DCSM_COMMON_REGS Registers ................................................................................... 360
3-177. DCSM_COMMON_REGS Access Type Codes ...................................................................... 360
3-178. FLSEM Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 361
3-179. SECTSTAT Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 362
3-180. RAMSTAT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 365
3-181. DCSM_Z1_OTP Registers .............................................................................................. 367
3-182. DCSM_Z1_OTP Access Type Codes .................................................................................. 367
3-183. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 368
3-184. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 369
3-185. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 370
3-186. Z1OTP_PSWDLOCK Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 371
3-187. Z1OTP_CRCLOCK Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 372
3-188. Z1OTP_BOOTCTRL Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 373
3-189. DCSM_Z1_REGS Registers ............................................................................................ 374
3-190. DCSM_Z1_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................................ 374

52 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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3-191. Z1_LINKPOINTER Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 375

3-192. Z1_OTPSECLOCK Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 376
3-193. Z1_BOOTCTRL Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 377
3-194. Z1_LINKPOINTERERR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................. 378
3-195. Z1_CSMKEY0 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 379
3-196. Z1_CSMKEY1 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 380
3-197. Z1_CSMKEY2 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 381
3-198. Z1_CSMKEY3 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 382
3-199. Z1_CR Register Field Descriptions..................................................................................... 383
3-200. Z1_GRABSECTR Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 384
3-201. Z1_GRABRAMR Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 387
3-202. Z1_EXEONLYSECTR Register Field Descriptions................................................................... 389
3-203. Z1_EXEONLYRAMR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 392
3-204. DCSM_Z2_OTP Registers .............................................................................................. 394
3-205. DCSM_Z2_OTP Access Type Codes .................................................................................. 394
3-206. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 395
3-207. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 396
3-208. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 397
3-209. Z2OTP_PSWDLOCK Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 398
3-210. Z2OTP_CRCLOCK Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 399
3-211. Z2OTP_BOOTCTRL Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 400
3-212. DCSM_Z2_REGS Registers ............................................................................................ 401
3-213. DCSM_Z2_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................................ 401
3-214. Z2_LINKPOINTER Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 402
3-215. Z2_OTPSECLOCK Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 403
3-216. Z2_BOOTCTRL Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 404
3-217. Z2_LINKPOINTERERR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................. 405
3-218. Z2_CSMKEY0 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 406
3-219. Z2_CSMKEY1 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 407
3-220. Z2_CSMKEY2 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 408
3-221. Z2_CSMKEY3 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 409
3-222. Z2_CR Register Field Descriptions..................................................................................... 410
3-223. Z2_GRABSECTR Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 411
3-224. Z2_GRABRAMR Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 414
3-225. Z2_EXEONLYSECTR Register Field Descriptions................................................................... 416
3-226. Z2_EXEONLYRAMR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 419
3-227. MEM_CFG_REGS Registers ........................................................................................... 421
3-228. MEM_CFG_REGS Access Type Codes ............................................................................... 421
3-229. DxLOCK Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 423
3-230. DxCOMMIT Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 424
3-231. DxACCPROT0 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 425
3-232. DxTEST Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 426
3-233. DxINIT Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................................... 427
3-234. DxINITDONE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 428
3-235. LSxLOCK Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 429
3-236. LSxCOMMIT Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 431
3-237. LSxMSEL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 433
3-238. LSxCLAPGM Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 435
3-239. LSxACCPROT0 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 436

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3-240. LSxACCPROT1 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 438

3-241. LSxTEST Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 439
3-242. LSxINIT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 441
3-243. LSxINITDONE Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 442
3-244. GSxLOCK Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 443
3-245. GSxCOMMIT Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 446
3-246. GSxACCPROT0 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 449
3-247. GSxACCPROT1 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 451
3-248. GSxACCPROT2 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 453
3-249. GSxACCPROT3 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 455
3-250. GSxTEST Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 457
3-251. GSxINIT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 460
3-252. GSxINITDONE Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 462
3-253. MSGxTEST Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 464
3-254. MSGxINIT Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 465
3-255. MSGxINITDONE Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 466
3-256. ACCESS_PROTECTION_REGS Registers ........................................................................... 467
3-257. ACCESS_PROTECTION_REGS Access Type Codes .............................................................. 467
3-258. NMAVFLG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 469
3-259. NMAVSET Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 471
3-260. NMAVCLR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 473
3-261. NMAVINTEN Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 475
3-262. NMCPURDAVADDR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 476
3-263. NMCPUWRAVADDR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 477
3-264. NMCPUFAVADDR Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 478
3-265. NMDMAWRAVADDR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 479
3-266. NMCLA1RDAVADDR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 480
3-267. NMCLA1WRAVADDR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 481
3-268. NMCLA1FAVADDR Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 482
3-269. MAVFLG Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 483
3-270. MAVSET Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 484
3-271. MAVCLR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 485
3-272. MAVINTEN Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 486
3-273. MCPUFAVADDR Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 487
3-274. MCPUWRAVADDR Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 488
3-275. MDMAWRAVADDR Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 489
3-276. MEMORY_ERROR_REGS Registers.................................................................................. 490
3-277. MEMORY_ERROR_REGS Access Type Codes ..................................................................... 490
3-278. UCERRFLG Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 491
3-279. UCERRSET Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 492
3-280. UCERRCLR Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 493
3-281. UCCPUREADDR Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 494
3-282. UCDMAREADDR Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 495
3-283. UCCLA1READDR Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 496
3-284. CERRFLG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 497
3-285. CERRSET Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 498
3-286. CERRCLR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 499
3-287. CCPUREADDR Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 500
3-288. CERRCNT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 501

54 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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3-289. CERRTHRES Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 502

3-290. CEINTFLG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 503
3-291. CEINTCLR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 504
3-292. CEINTSET Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 505
3-293. CEINTEN Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 506
3-294. ROM_WAIT_STATE_REGS Registers ................................................................................ 507
3-295. ROM_WAIT_STATE_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................... 507
3-296. ROMWAITSTATE Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 508
3-297. FLASH_CTRL_REGS Registers ........................................................................................ 509
3-298. FLASH_CTRL_REGS Access Type Codes ........................................................................... 509
3-299. FRDCNTL Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 510
3-300. FBAC Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 511
3-301. FBFALLBACK Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 512
3-302. FBPRDY Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 513
3-303. FPAC1 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 514
3-304. FMSTAT Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 515
3-305. FRD_INTF_CTRL Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 517
3-306. FLASH_ECC_REGS Registers ......................................................................................... 518
3-307. FLASH_ECC_REGS Access Type Codes ............................................................................ 518
3-308. ECC_ENABLE Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 520
3-309. SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_LOW Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 521
3-310. SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 522
3-311. UNC_ERR_ADDR_LOW Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 523
3-312. UNC_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 524
3-313. ERR_STATUS Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 525
3-314. ERR_POS Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 527
3-315. ERR_STATUS_CLR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 528
3-316. ERR_CNT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 529
3-317. ERR_THRESHOLD Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 530
3-318. ERR_INTFLG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 531
3-319. ERR_INTCLR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 532
3-320. FDATAH_TEST Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 533
3-321. FDATAL_TEST Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 534
3-322. FADDR_TEST Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 535
3-323. FECC_TEST Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 536
3-324. FECC_CTRL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 537
3-325. FOUTH_TEST Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 538
3-326. FOUTL_TEST Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 539
3-327. FECC_STATUS Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 540
3-328. UID_REGS Registers .................................................................................................... 541
3-329. UID_REGS Access Type Codes........................................................................................ 541
3-330. UID_PSRAND0 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 542
3-331. UID_PSRAND1 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 543
3-332. UID_PSRAND2 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 544
3-333. UID_PSRAND3 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 545
3-334. UID_PSRAND4 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 546
3-335. UID_PSRAND5 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 547
3-336. UID_UNIQUE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 548
3-337. UID_CHECKSUM Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 549

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3-338. CPUTIMER Registers to Driverlib Functions .......................................................................... 550

3-339. ASYSCTL Registers to Driverlib Functions............................................................................ 550
3-340. PIE Registers to Driverlib Functions ................................................................................... 550
3-341. SYSCTL Registers to Driverlib Functions ............................................................................. 552
3-342. NMI Registers to Driverlib Functions ................................................................................... 556
3-343. XINT Registers to Driverlib Functions .................................................................................. 557
3-344. DCSM Registers to Driverlib Functions ................................................................................ 557
3-345. MEMCFG Registers to Driverlib Functions ............................................................................ 558
4-1. ROM Memory ............................................................................................................. 563
4-2. Boot ROM Registers ..................................................................................................... 563
4-3. Boot ROM Sequence ..................................................................................................... 563
4-4. Device Default Boot Modes ............................................................................................. 565
4-5. BOOTCTRL Register Bit Fields ......................................................................................... 565
4-6. Get Mode Decoding ...................................................................................................... 566
4-7. Boot ROM Reset Causes and Actions ................................................................................. 570
4-8. Boot ROM Exceptions and Actions ..................................................................................... 571
4-9. Entry Point Addresses ................................................................................................... 571
4-10. Wait Point Addresses for CPU1 ........................................................................................ 572
4-11. Boot ROM Memory Map ................................................................................................. 572
4-12. CLA Data ROM Memory Map ........................................................................................... 572
4-13. Reserved RAM and Flash Memory Map ............................................................................... 573
4-14. CLA Data ROM Tables................................................................................................... 573
4-15. SPI 8-Bit Data Stream ................................................................................................... 577
4-16. I2C 8-Bit Data Stream ................................................................................................... 580
4-17. Parallel GPIO Boot 8-Bit Data Stream ................................................................................. 581
4-18. Bit-Rate Value for Internal Oscillators .................................................................................. 585
4-19. CAN 8-Bit Data Stream .................................................................................................. 585
4-20. USB 8-Bit Data Stream .................................................................................................. 586
4-21. LSB/MSB Loading Sequence in 8-Bit Data Stream .................................................................. 588
4-22. SCI Boot Options ......................................................................................................... 589
4-23. CAN Boot Options ........................................................................................................ 590
4-24. I2C Boot Options .......................................................................................................... 590
4-25. USB Boot Options ........................................................................................................ 590
4-26. RAM Boot Options ........................................................................................................ 590
4-27. Flash Boot Options ....................................................................................................... 590
4-28. Wait Boot Options ........................................................................................................ 590
4-29. SPI Boot Options ......................................................................................................... 590
4-30. Parallel Boot Options ..................................................................................................... 590
4-31. Safe Copy Code Function ............................................................................................... 591
4-32. Safe CRC Calculation Function ......................................................................................... 591
4-33. Boot Clock Sources ...................................................................................................... 592
4-34. Clock State After Boot ROM ............................................................................................ 592
4-35. ROM Wait States ......................................................................................................... 592
4-36. CPU1 Boot Status Address.............................................................................................. 593
4-37. CPU1 Boot Status Bit Fields ............................................................................................ 593
4-38. Boot ROM Version Information ......................................................................................... 593
5-1. DMA Trigger Source Options ........................................................................................... 599
5-2. BURSTSIZE vs DATASIZE Behavior .................................................................................. 604
5-3. DMA Base Address Table ............................................................................................... 611

56 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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5-4. DMA_REGS Registers ................................................................................................... 612

5-5. DMA_REGS Access Type Codes ...................................................................................... 612
5-6. DMACTRL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 613
5-7. DEBUGCTRL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 614
5-8. PRIORITYCTRL1 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 615
5-9. PRIORITYSTAT Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 616
5-10. DMA_CH_REGS Registers.............................................................................................. 617
5-11. DMA_CH_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................................. 617
5-12. MODE Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................................... 619
5-13. CONTROL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 621
5-14. BURST_SIZE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 624
5-15. BURST_COUNT Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 625
5-16. SRC_BURST_STEP Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 626
5-17. DST_BURST_STEP Register Field Descriptions..................................................................... 627
5-18. TRANSFER_SIZE Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 628
5-19. TRANSFER_COUNT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 629
5-20. SRC_TRANSFER_STEP Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 630
5-21. DST_TRANSFER_STEP Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 631
5-22. SRC_WRAP_SIZE Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 632
5-23. SRC_WRAP_COUNT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 633
5-24. SRC_WRAP_STEP Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 634
5-25. DST_WRAP_SIZE Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 635
5-26. DST_WRAP_COUNT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 636
5-27. DST_WRAP_STEP Register Field Descriptions...................................................................... 637
5-28. SRC_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Register Field Descriptions ......................................................... 638
5-29. SRC_ADDR_SHADOW Register Field Descriptions ................................................................. 639
5-30. SRC_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 640
5-31. SRC_ADDR_ACTIVE Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 641
5-32. DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 642
5-33. DST_ADDR_SHADOW Register Field Descriptions ................................................................. 643
5-34. DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 644
5-35. DST_ADDR_ACTIVE Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 645
5-36. DMA Registers to Driverlib Functions .................................................................................. 646
6-1. Configuration Options .................................................................................................... 653
6-2. Write Followed by Read - Read Occurs First ........................................................................ 662
6-3. Write Followed by Read - Write Occurs First ........................................................................ 662
6-4. ADC to CLA Early Interrupt Response ................................................................................ 664
6-5. Operand Nomenclature .................................................................................................. 666
6-6. INSTRUCTION dest, source1, source2 Short Description .......................................................... 667
6-7. Addressing Modes ........................................................................................................ 668
6-8. Shift Field Encoding ...................................................................................................... 669
6-9. Operand Encoding ........................................................................................................ 669
6-10. Condition Field Encoding ................................................................................................ 669
6-11. General Instructions ...................................................................................................... 670
6-12. Pipeline Activity For MBCNDD, Branch Not Taken .................................................................. 685
6-13. Pipeline Activity For MBCNDD, Branch Taken ....................................................................... 685
6-14. Pipeline Activity For MCCNDD, Call Not Taken ..................................................................... 691
6-15. Pipeline Activity For MCCNDD, Call Taken .......................................................................... 691
6-16. Pipeline Activity For MMOV16 MARx, MRa , #16I ................................................................... 723

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Tables 57

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6-17. Pipeline Activity For MMOV16 MAR0/MAR1, mem16 ............................................................... 726

6-18. Pipeline Activity For MMOVI16 MAR0/MAR1, #16I .................................................................. 740
6-19. Pipeline Activity For MRCNDD, Return Not Taken .................................................................. 762
6-20. Pipeline Activity For MRCNDD, Return Taken ....................................................................... 762
6-21. Pipeline Activity For MSTOP ............................................................................................ 766
6-22. CLA Base Address Table ................................................................................................ 781
6-23. CLA_REGS Registers .................................................................................................... 782
6-24. CLA_REGS Access Type Codes ....................................................................................... 782
6-25. MVECT1 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 784
6-26. MVECT2 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 785
6-27. MVECT3 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 786
6-28. MVECT4 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 787
6-29. MVECT5 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 788
6-30. MVECT6 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 789
6-31. MVECT7 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 790
6-32. MVECT8 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 791
6-33. MCTL Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 792
6-34. MIFR Register Field Descriptions....................................................................................... 793
6-35. MIOVF Register Field Descriptions..................................................................................... 798
6-36. MIFRC Register Field Descriptions..................................................................................... 801
6-37. MICLR Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................................... 803
6-38. MICLROVF Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 805
6-39. MIER Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 807
6-40. MIRUN Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 810
6-41. _MPC Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 813
6-42. _MAR0 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 814
6-43. _MAR1 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 815
6-44. _MSTF Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 816
6-45. _MR0 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 819
6-46. _MR1 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 820
6-47. _MR2 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 821
6-48. _MR3 Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 822
6-49. CLA_SOFTINT_REGS Registers ....................................................................................... 823
6-50. CLA_SOFTINT_REGS Access Type Codes .......................................................................... 823
6-51. SOFTINTEN Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 824
6-52. SOFTINTFRC Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 826
7-1. Sampling Period .......................................................................................................... 832
7-2. Sampling Frequency ..................................................................................................... 832
7-3. Case 1: Three-Sample Sampling Window Width ..................................................................... 833
7-4. Case 2: Six-Sample Sampling Window Width ........................................................................ 833
7-5. USB I/O Signal Muxing .................................................................................................. 834
7-6. GPIO Configuration for High-Speed SPI .............................................................................. 834
7-7. GPIO Muxed Pins......................................................................................................... 835
7-8. GPIO and Peripheral Muxing ............................................................................................ 839
7-9. Peripheral Muxing (multiple pins assigned) ........................................................................... 840
7-10. Specific vs Generic Termilogy for Registers .......................................................................... 841
7-11. GPIO Base Address Table .............................................................................................. 841
7-12. GPIO_CTRL_REGS Registers .......................................................................................... 842
7-13. GPIO_CTRL_REGS Access Type Codes ............................................................................. 844

58 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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7-14. GPACTRL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 846

7-15. GPAQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 847
7-16. GPAQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 849
7-17. GPAMUX1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 851
7-18. GPAMUX2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 853
7-19. GPADIR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 855
7-20. GPAPUD Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 857
7-21. GPAINV Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 859
7-22. GPAODR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 861
7-23. GPAGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 863
7-24. GPAGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 864
7-25. GPACSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 865
7-26. GPACSEL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 866
7-27. GPACSEL3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 867
7-28. GPACSEL4 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 868
7-29. GPALOCK Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 869
7-30. GPACR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................... 871
7-31. GPBCTRL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 873
7-32. GPBQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 874
7-33. GPBQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 876
7-34. GPBMUX1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 878
7-35. GPBMUX2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 880
7-36. GPBDIR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 882
7-37. GPBPUD Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 884
7-38. GPBINV Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 886
7-39. GPBODR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 888
7-40. GPBAMSEL Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 890
7-41. GPBGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 892
7-42. GPBGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 893
7-43. GPBCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 894
7-44. GPBCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 895
7-45. GPBCSEL3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 896
7-46. GPBCSEL4 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 897
7-47. GPBLOCK Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 898
7-48. GPBCR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................... 900
7-49. GPCCTRL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 902
7-50. GPCQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................... 903
7-51. GPCQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................... 905
7-52. GPCMUX1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 907
7-53. GPCMUX2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 909
7-54. GPCDIR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 911
7-55. GPCPUD Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 913
7-56. GPCINV Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 915
7-57. GPCODR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 917
7-58. GPCGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 919
7-59. GPCGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 920
7-60. GPCCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 921
7-61. GPCCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 922
7-62. GPCCSEL3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 923

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7-63. GPCCSEL4 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 924

7-64. GPCLOCK Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 925
7-65. GPCCR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 927
7-66. GPDCTRL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 929
7-67. GPDQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................... 930
7-68. GPDQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................... 932
7-69. GPDMUX1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 934
7-70. GPDMUX2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 936
7-71. GPDDIR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 938
7-72. GPDPUD Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 940
7-73. GPDINV Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 942
7-74. GPDODR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 944
7-75. GPDGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 946
7-76. GPDGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 948
7-77. GPDCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 950
7-78. GPDCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 951
7-79. GPDCSEL3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 952
7-80. GPDCSEL4 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 953
7-81. GPDLOCK Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 954
7-82. GPDCR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 956
7-83. GPECTRL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 958
7-84. GPEQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 959
7-85. GPEQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 961
7-86. GPEMUX1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 963
7-87. GPEMUX2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 965
7-88. GPEDIR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 967
7-89. GPEPUD Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 969
7-90. GPEINV Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 971
7-91. GPEODR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 973
7-92. GPEGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 975
7-93. GPEGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 977
7-94. GPECSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 979
7-95. GPECSEL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 980
7-96. GPECSEL3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 981
7-97. GPECSEL4 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 982
7-98. GPELOCK Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 983
7-99. GPECR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................... 985
7-100. GPFCTRL Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 987
7-101. GPFQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 988
7-102. GPFMUX1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 990
7-103. GPFDIR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 992
7-104. GPFPUD Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 994
7-105. GPFINV Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 996
7-106. GPFODR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 998
7-107. GPFGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 1000
7-108. GPFCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 1001
7-109. GPFCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 1002
7-110. GPFLOCK Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1003
7-111. GPFCR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 1005

60 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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7-112. GPIO_DATA_REGS Registers ........................................................................................ 1007

7-113. GPIO_DATA_REGS Access Type Codes ........................................................................... 1007
7-114. GPADAT Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 1009
7-115. GPASET Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1011
7-116. GPACLEAR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1013
7-117. GPATOGGLE Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1015
7-118. GPBDAT Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 1017
7-119. GPBSET Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1019
7-120. GPBCLEAR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1021
7-121. GPBTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1023
7-122. GPCDAT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 1025
7-123. GPCSET Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 1027
7-124. GPCCLEAR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1029
7-125. GPCTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions........................................................................... 1031
7-126. GPDDAT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 1033
7-127. GPDSET Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 1035
7-128. GPDCLEAR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1037
7-129. GPDTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions........................................................................... 1039
7-130. GPEDAT Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 1041
7-131. GPESET Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1043
7-132. GPECLEAR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1045
7-133. GPETOGGLE Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1047
7-134. GPFDAT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1049
7-135. GPFSET Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1051
7-136. GPFCLEAR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1053
7-137. GPFTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1055
7-138. GPIO Registers to Driverlib Functions................................................................................ 1057
8-1. Input X-BAR Destinations .............................................................................................. 1065
8-2. ePWM X-BAR Mux Configuration Table ............................................................................ 1067
8-3. CLB X-BAR Mux Configuration Table ................................................................................ 1068
8-4. Output X-BAR Mux Configuration Table ............................................................................. 1071
8-5. X-BAR Base Address Table ........................................................................................... 1073
8-6. XBAR_REGS Registers ................................................................................................ 1074
8-7. XBAR_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................................... 1074
8-8. XBARFLG1 Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 1075
8-9. XBARFLG2 Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 1077
8-10. XBARFLG3 Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 1079
8-11. XBARCLR1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1081
8-12. XBARCLR2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1083
8-13. XBARCLR3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1085
8-14. INPUT_XBAR_REGS Registers ...................................................................................... 1087
8-15. INPUT_XBAR_REGS Access Type Codes .......................................................................... 1087
8-16. INPUT1SELECT Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 1088
8-17. INPUT2SELECT Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 1089
8-18. INPUT3SELECT Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 1090
8-19. INPUT4SELECT Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 1091
8-20. INPUT5SELECT Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 1092
8-21. INPUT6SELECT Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 1093
8-22. INPUT7SELECT Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 1094

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Tables 61

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8-23. INPUT8SELECT Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 1095

8-24. INPUT9SELECT Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 1096
8-25. INPUT10SELECT Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1097
8-26. INPUT11SELECT Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1098
8-27. INPUT12SELECT Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1099
8-28. INPUT13SELECT Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1100
8-29. INPUT14SELECT Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1101
8-30. INPUTSELECTLOCK Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 1102
8-31. OUTPUT_XBAR_REGS Registers ................................................................................... 1104
8-32. OUTPUT_XBAR_REGS Access Type Codes ....................................................................... 1104
8-33. OUTPUT1MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 1106
8-34. OUTPUT1MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions.......................................................... 1109
8-35. OUTPUT2MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 1112
8-36. OUTPUT2MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions.......................................................... 1115
8-37. OUTPUT3MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 1118
8-38. OUTPUT3MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions.......................................................... 1121
8-39. OUTPUT4MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 1124
8-40. OUTPUT4MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions.......................................................... 1127
8-41. OUTPUT5MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 1130
8-42. OUTPUT5MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions.......................................................... 1133
8-43. OUTPUT6MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 1136
8-44. OUTPUT6MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions.......................................................... 1139
8-45. OUTPUT7MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 1142
8-46. OUTPUT7MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions.......................................................... 1145
8-47. OUTPUT8MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ........................................................... 1148
8-48. OUTPUT8MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions.......................................................... 1151
8-49. OUTPUT1MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 1154
8-50. OUTPUT2MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 1159
8-51. OUTPUT3MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 1164
8-52. OUTPUT4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 1169
8-53. OUTPUT5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 1174
8-54. OUTPUT6MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 1179
8-55. OUTPUT7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 1184
8-56. OUTPUT8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 1189
8-57. OUTPUTLATCH Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1194
8-58. OUTPUTLATCHCLR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 1196
8-59. OUTPUTLATCHFRC Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 1198
8-60. OUTPUTLATCHENABLE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................. 1200
8-61. OUTPUTINV Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 1202
8-62. OUTPUTLOCK Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1204
8-63. EPWM_XBAR_REGS Registers ...................................................................................... 1205
8-64. EPWM_XBAR_REGS Access Type Codes ......................................................................... 1205
8-65. TRIP4MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 1207
8-66. TRIP4MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions............................................................... 1210
8-67. TRIP5MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 1213
8-68. TRIP5MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions............................................................... 1216
8-69. TRIP7MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 1219
8-70. TRIP7MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions............................................................... 1222
8-71. TRIP8MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 1225

62 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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8-72. TRIP8MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions............................................................... 1228

8-73. TRIP9MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 1231
8-74. TRIP9MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions............................................................... 1234
8-75. TRIP10MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions............................................................... 1237
8-76. TRIP10MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................. 1240
8-77. TRIP11MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions............................................................... 1243
8-78. TRIP11MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................. 1246
8-79. TRIP12MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions............................................................... 1249
8-80. TRIP12MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................. 1252
8-81. TRIP4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 1255
8-82. TRIP5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 1260
8-83. TRIP7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 1265
8-84. TRIP8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 1270
8-85. TRIP9MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 1275
8-86. TRIP10MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 1280
8-87. TRIP11MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 1285
8-88. TRIP12MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 1290
8-89. TRIPOUTINV Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1295
8-90. TRIPLOCK Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1297
8-91. CLB_XBAR_REGS Registers ......................................................................................... 1298
8-92. CLB_XBAR_REGS Access Type Codes ............................................................................. 1298
8-93. AUXSIG0MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 1300
8-94. AUXSIG0MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 1304
8-95. AUXSIG1MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 1308
8-96. AUXSIG1MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 1312
8-97. AUXSIG2MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 1316
8-98. AUXSIG2MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 1320
8-99. AUXSIG3MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 1324
8-100. AUXSIG3MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 1328
8-101. AUXSIG4MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 1332
8-102. AUXSIG4MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 1336
8-103. AUXSIG5MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 1340
8-104. AUXSIG5MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 1344
8-105. AUXSIG6MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 1348
8-106. AUXSIG6MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 1352
8-107. AUXSIG7MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 1356
8-108. AUXSIG7MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 1360
8-109. AUXSIG0MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 1364
8-110. AUXSIG1MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 1369
8-111. AUXSIG2MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 1374
8-112. AUXSIG3MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 1379
8-113. AUXSIG4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 1384
8-114. AUXSIG5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 1389
8-115. AUXSIG6MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 1394
8-116. AUXSIG7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 1399
8-117. AUXSIGOUTINV Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1404
8-118. AUXSIGLOCK Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1406
8-119. EPWMXBAR Registers to Driverlib Functions....................................................................... 1407
8-120. INPUTXBAR Registers to Driverlib Functions ....................................................................... 1408

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8-121. OUTPUTXBAR Registers to Driverlib Functions .................................................................... 1408

8-122. XBAR Registers to Driverlib Functions ............................................................................... 1410
8-123. CLBXBAR Registers to Driverlib Functions .......................................................................... 1410
9-1. Analog Signal Descriptions ............................................................................................ 1416
9-2. Reference Summary .................................................................................................... 1416
9-3. ANALOG_SUBSYS_REGS Registers ................................................................................ 1419
9-4. ANALOG_SUBSYS_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................... 1419
9-5. INTOSC1TRIM Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1420
9-6. INTOSC2TRIM Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1421
9-7. TSNSCTL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1422
9-8. LOCK Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 1423
9-9. ANAREFTRIMA Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1425
9-10. ANAREFTRIMB Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1426
9-11. ANAREFTRIMC Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1427
9-12. ANAREFTRIMD Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1428
10-1. ADC Options and Configuration Levels .............................................................................. 1431
10-2. Analog to 12-bit Digital Formulas ..................................................................................... 1433
10-3. 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Formulas .................................................................................... 1433
10-4. 16-Bit Digital-to-Analog Formulas .................................................................................... 1433
10-5. Channel Selection of Input Pins ....................................................................................... 1436
10-6. Example Requirements for Multiple Signal Sampling .............................................................. 1438
10-7. Example Connections for Multiple Signal Sampling ................................................................ 1438
10-8. DETECTCFG Settings .................................................................................................. 1448
10-9. ADC Calibration Functions in OTP .................................................................................... 1451
10-10. ADC Timing Parameters ............................................................................................... 1452
10-11. ADC Timings in 12-bit Mode (SYSCLK Cycles) ..................................................................... 1456
10-12. ADC Timings in 16-bit Mode ........................................................................................... 1457
10-13. ADC_REGS Registers .................................................................................................. 1467
10-14. ADC_REGS Access Type Codes ..................................................................................... 1468
10-15. ADCCTL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1470
10-16. ADCCTL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1472
10-17. ADCBURSTCTL Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1473
10-18. ADCINTFLG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 1475
10-19. ADCINTFLGCLR Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1477
10-20. ADCINTOVF Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 1479
10-21. ADCINTOVFCLR Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1481
10-22. ADCINTSEL1N2 Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 1482
10-23. ADCINTSEL3N4 Register Field Descriptions........................................................................ 1484
10-24. ADCSOCPRICTL Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1486
10-25. ADCINTSOCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 1489
10-26. ADCINTSOCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 1491
10-27. ADCSOCFLG1 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1493
10-28. ADCSOCFRC1 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1498
10-29. ADCSOCOVF1 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1503
10-30. ADCSOCOVFCLR1 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 1507
10-31. ADCSOC0CTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1511
10-32. ADCSOC1CTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1514
10-33. ADCSOC2CTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1517
10-34. ADCSOC3CTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1520

64 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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10-35. ADCSOC4CTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1523

10-36. ADCSOC5CTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1526
10-37. ADCSOC6CTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1529
10-38. ADCSOC7CTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1532
10-39. ADCSOC8CTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1535
10-40. ADCSOC9CTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1538
10-41. ADCSOC10CTL Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1541
10-42. ADCSOC11CTL Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1544
10-43. ADCSOC12CTL Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1547
10-44. ADCSOC13CTL Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1550
10-45. ADCSOC14CTL Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1553
10-46. ADCSOC15CTL Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1556
10-47. ADCEVTSTAT Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1559
10-48. ADCEVTCLR Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1561
10-49. ADCEVTSEL Register Field Descriptions............................................................................ 1563
10-50. ADCEVTINTSEL Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1565
10-51. ADCOSDETECT Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1567
10-52. ADCCOUNTER Register Field Descriptions......................................................................... 1568
10-53. ADCREV Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 1569
10-54. ADCOFFTRIM Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1570
10-55. ADCPPB1CONFIG Register Field Descriptions..................................................................... 1571
10-56. ADCPPB1STAMP Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1573
10-57. ADCPPB1OFFCAL Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 1574
10-58. ADCPPB1OFFREF Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 1575
10-59. ADCPPB1TRIPHI Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1576
10-60. ADCPPB1TRIPLO Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 1577
10-61. ADCPPB2CONFIG Register Field Descriptions..................................................................... 1578
10-62. ADCPPB2STAMP Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1580
10-63. ADCPPB2OFFCAL Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 1581
10-64. ADCPPB2OFFREF Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 1582
10-65. ADCPPB2TRIPHI Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1583
10-66. ADCPPB2TRIPLO Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 1584
10-67. ADCPPB3CONFIG Register Field Descriptions..................................................................... 1585
10-68. ADCPPB3STAMP Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1587
10-69. ADCPPB3OFFCAL Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 1588
10-70. ADCPPB3OFFREF Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 1589
10-71. ADCPPB3TRIPHI Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1590
10-72. ADCPPB3TRIPLO Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 1591
10-73. ADCPPB4CONFIG Register Field Descriptions..................................................................... 1592
10-74. ADCPPB4STAMP Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1594
10-75. ADCPPB4OFFCAL Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 1595
10-76. ADCPPB4OFFREF Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 1596
10-77. ADCPPB4TRIPHI Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1597
10-78. ADCPPB4TRIPLO Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 1598
10-79. ADCINLTRIM1 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1599
10-80. ADCINLTRIM2 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1600
10-81. ADCINLTRIM3 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1601
10-82. ADCINLTRIM4 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1602
10-83. ADCINLTRIM5 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1603

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Tables 65

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10-84. ADCINLTRIM6 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1604

10-85. ADC_RESULT_REGS Registers...................................................................................... 1606
10-86. ADC_RESULT_REGS Access Type Codes ......................................................................... 1606
10-87. ADCRESULT0 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1607
10-88. ADCRESULT1 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1608
10-89. ADCRESULT2 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1609
10-90. ADCRESULT3 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1610
10-91. ADCRESULT4 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1611
10-92. ADCRESULT5 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1612
10-93. ADCRESULT6 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1613
10-94. ADCRESULT7 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1614
10-95. ADCRESULT8 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1615
10-96. ADCRESULT9 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1616
10-97. ADCRESULT10 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1617
10-98. ADCRESULT11 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1618
10-99. ADCRESULT12 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1619
10-100. ADCRESULT13 Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1620
10-101. ADCRESULT14 Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1621
10-102. ADCRESULT15 Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1622
10-103. ADCPPB1RESULT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 1623
10-104. ADCPPB2RESULT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 1624
10-105. ADCPPB3RESULT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 1625
10-106. ADCPPB4RESULT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 1626
10-107. ADC Registers to Driverlib Functions ............................................................................... 1627
11-1. DAC Base Address Table .............................................................................................. 1634
11-2. DAC_REGS Registers .................................................................................................. 1635
11-3. DAC_REGS Access Type Codes ..................................................................................... 1635
11-4. DACREV Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 1636
11-5. DACCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1637
11-6. DACVALA Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1638
11-7. DACVALS Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1639
11-8. DACOUTEN Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 1640
11-9. DACLOCK Register Field Descriptions............................................................................... 1641
11-10. DACTRIM Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1642
11-11. DAC Registers to Driverlib Functions ................................................................................. 1643
12-1. CMPSS Base Address Table .......................................................................................... 1653
12-2. CMPSS_REGS Registers .............................................................................................. 1654
12-3. CMPSS_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................................. 1654
12-4. COMPCTL Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1656
12-5. COMPHYSCTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1658
12-6. COMPSTS Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1659
12-7. COMPSTSCLR Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1660
12-8. COMPDACCTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1661
12-9. DACHVALS Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1663
12-10. DACHVALA Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1664
12-11. RAMPMAXREFA Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1665
12-12. RAMPMAXREFS Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1666
12-13. RAMPDECVALA Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1667
12-14. RAMPDECVALS Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 1668

66 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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12-15. RAMPSTS Register Field Descriptions............................................................................... 1669

12-16. DACLVALS Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 1670
12-17. DACLVALA Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 1671
12-18. RAMPDLYA Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1672
12-19. RAMPDLYS Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1673
12-20. CTRIPLFILCTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1674
12-21. CTRIPLFILCLKCTL Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 1675
12-22. CTRIPHFILCTL Register Field Descriptions......................................................................... 1676
12-23. CTRIPHFILCLKCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................... 1677
12-24. COMPLOCK Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 1678
12-25. CMPSS Registers to Driverlib Functions ............................................................................. 1679
13-1. Modulator Clock Modes ................................................................................................ 1685
13-2. Order of Sinc Filter ...................................................................................................... 1688
13-3. Peak Data Values for Different DOSR/Filter Combinations ....................................................... 1689
13-4. Shift Control Bit Configuration Settings .............................................................................. 1690
13-5. Number of Incorrect Samples Tabulated ............................................................................. 1691
13-6. Peak Data Values for Different OSR/Filter Combinations ......................................................... 1691
13-7. General Registers ....................................................................................................... 1695
13-8. Filter 1 Registers ........................................................................................................ 1695
13-9. Filter 2 Registers ........................................................................................................ 1695
13-10. Filter 3 Registers ........................................................................................................ 1695
13-11. Filter 4 Registers ........................................................................................................ 1696
13-12. SDFM Base Address Table ............................................................................................ 1697
13-13. SDFM_REGS Registers ................................................................................................ 1698
13-14. SDFM_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................................... 1698
13-15. SDIFLG Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 1700
13-16. SDIFLGCLR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 1702
13-17. SDCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1704
13-18. SDMFILEN Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1705
13-19. SDCTLPARM1 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1706
13-20. SDDFPARM1 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1707
13-21. SDDPARM1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1708
13-22. SDCMPH1 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1709
13-23. SDCMPL1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1710
13-24. SDCPARM1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1711
13-25. SDDATA1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1712
13-26. SDCTLPARM2 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1713
13-27. SDDFPARM2 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1714
13-28. SDDPARM2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1715
13-29. SDCMPH2 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1716
13-30. SDCMPL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1717
13-31. SDCPARM2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1718
13-32. SDDATA2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1719
13-33. SDCTLPARM3 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1720
13-34. SDDFPARM3 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1721
13-35. SDDPARM3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1722
13-36. SDCMPH3 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1723
13-37. SDCMPL3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1724
13-38. SDCPARM3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1725

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13-39. SDDATA3 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1726

13-40. SDCTLPARM4 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1727
13-41. SDDFPARM4 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1728
13-42. SDDPARM4 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1729
13-43. SDCMPH4 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1730
13-44. SDCMPL4 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1731
13-45. SDCPARM4 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1732
13-46. SDDATA4 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1733
13-47. SDFM Registers to Driverlib Functions ............................................................................... 1734
14-1. Submodule Configuration Parameters................................................................................ 1744
14-2. Key Time-Base Signals ................................................................................................. 1747
14-3. Action-Qualifier Submodule Possible Input Events ................................................................. 1765
14-4. Action-Qualifier Event Priority for Up-Down-Count Mode .......................................................... 1767
14-5. Action-Qualifier Event Priority for Up-Count Mode.................................................................. 1767
14-6. Action-Qualifier Event Priority for Down-Count Mode .............................................................. 1767
14-7. Behavior if CMPA/CMPB is Greater than the Period ............................................................... 1768
14-8. Classical Dead-Band Operating Modes ............................................................................. 1780
14-9. Additional Dead-Band Operating Modes ............................................................................. 1780
14-10. Dead-Band Delay Values in μS as a Function of DBFED and DBRED ......................................... 1782
14-11. Possible Pulse Width Values for EPWMCLK = 80 MHz ........................................................... 1785
14-12. Possible Actions On a Trip Event ..................................................................................... 1789
14-13. Resolution for PWM and HRPWM .................................................................................... 1827
14-14. Relationship Between MEP Steps, PWM Frequency and Resolution ............................................ 1834
14-15. CMPA vs Duty (left), and [CMPA:CMPAHR] vs Duty (right)....................................................... 1835
14-16. Duty Cycle Range Limitation for Three EPWMCLK/TBCLK Cycles .............................................. 1838
14-17. SFO Library Features ................................................................................................... 1850
14-18. Factor Values ............................................................................................................ 1851
14-19. ePWM Base Address Table ........................................................................................... 1853
14-20. EPWM_REGS Registers ............................................................................................... 1854
14-21. EPWM_REGS Access Type Codes .................................................................................. 1856
14-22. TBCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1857
14-23. TBCTL2 Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 1860
14-24. TBCTR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1861
14-25. TBSTS Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1862
14-26. CMPCTL Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 1863
14-27. CMPCTL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1865
14-28. DBCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1867
14-29. DBCTL2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1870
14-30. AQCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1871
14-31. AQTSRCSEL Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1873
14-32. PCCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1874
14-33. VCAPCTL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1876
14-34. VCNTCFG Register Field Descriptions............................................................................... 1878
14-35. HRCNFG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 1880
14-36. HRPWR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1882
14-37. HRMSTEP Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1883
14-38. HRCNFG2 Register Field Descriptions............................................................................... 1884
14-39. HRPCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1885
14-40. TRREM Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 1887

68 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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14-41. GLDCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1888

14-42. GLDCFG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 1890
14-43. EPWMXLINK Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1892
14-44. AQCTLA Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1896
14-45. AQCTLA2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1898
14-46. AQCTLB Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1900
14-47. AQCTLB2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1902
14-48. AQSFRC Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 1904
14-49. AQCSFRC Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1906
14-50. DBREDHR Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1907
14-51. DBRED Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 1908
14-52. DBFEDHR Register Field Descriptions............................................................................... 1909
14-53. DBFED Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 1910
14-54. TBPHS Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1911
14-55. TBPRDHR Register Field Descriptions............................................................................... 1912
14-56. TBPRD Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 1913
14-57. CMPA Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 1914
14-58. CMPB Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 1915
14-59. CMPC Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 1916
14-60. CMPD Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 1917
14-61. GLDCTL2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1918
14-62. SWVDELVAL Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1919
14-63. TZSEL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1920
14-64. TZDCSEL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1922
14-65. TZCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1924
14-66. TZCTL2 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 1926
14-67. TZCTLDCA Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 1928
14-68. TZCTLDCB Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 1930
14-69. TZEINT Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 1932
14-70. TZFLG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1933
14-71. TZCBCFLG Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1935
14-72. TZOSTFLG Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 1937
14-73. TZCLR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1939
14-74. TZCBCCLR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1941
14-75. TZOSTCLR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1943
14-76. TZFRC Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1945
14-77. ETSEL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1946
14-78. ETPS Register Field Descriptions..................................................................................... 1949
14-79. ETFLG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1952
14-80. ETCLR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1953
14-81. ETFRC Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 1954
14-82. ETINTPS Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 1955
14-83. ETSOCPS Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 1956
14-84. ETCNTINITCTL Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1958
14-85. ETCNTINIT Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 1959
14-86. DCTRIPSEL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 1960
14-87. DCACTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1962
14-88. DCBCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1964
14-89. DCFCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 1966

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14-90. DCCAPCTL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 1968

14-91. DCFOFFSET Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 1970
14-92. DCFOFFSETCNT Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 1971
14-93. DCFWINDOW Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 1972
14-94. DCFWINDOWCNT Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 1973
14-95. DCCAP Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 1974
14-96. DCAHTRIPSEL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1975
14-97. DCALTRIPSEL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1977
14-98. DCBHTRIPSEL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1979
14-99. DCBLTRIPSEL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 1981
14-100. HWVDELVAL Register Field Descriptions.......................................................................... 1983
14-101. VCNTVAL Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 1984
14-102. SYNC_SOC_REGS Registers ....................................................................................... 1985
14-103. SYNC_SOC_REGS Access Type Codes .......................................................................... 1985
14-104. SYNCSELECT Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 1986
14-105. ADCSOCOUTSELECT Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 1989
14-106. SYNCSOCLOCK Register Field Descriptions...................................................................... 1992
14-107. EPWM Registers to Driverlib Functions............................................................................. 1993
14-108. HRPWM Registers to Driverlib Functions .......................................................................... 1998
15-1. eCAP Base Address Table ............................................................................................ 2019
15-2. ECAP_REGS Registers ................................................................................................ 2020
15-3. ECAP_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................................... 2020
15-4. TSCTR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 2021
15-5. CTRPHS Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 2022
15-6. CAP1 Register Field Descriptions..................................................................................... 2023
15-7. CAP2 Register Field Descriptions..................................................................................... 2024
15-8. CAP3 Register Field Descriptions..................................................................................... 2025
15-9. CAP4 Register Field Descriptions..................................................................................... 2026
15-10. ECCTL1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2027
15-11. ECCTL2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2029
15-12. ECEINT Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2031
15-13. ECFLG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 2033
15-14. ECCLR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2035
15-15. ECFRC Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2036
15-16. ECAP Registers to Driverlib Functions ............................................................................... 2037
16-1. EQEP Memory Map .................................................................................................... 2044
16-2. Quadrature Decoder Truth Table ..................................................................................... 2046
16-3. EQEP_REGS Registers ................................................................................................ 2061
16-4. EQEP_REGS Access Type Codes ................................................................................... 2061
16-5. QPOSCNT Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2063
16-6. QPOSINIT Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 2064
16-7. QPOSMAX Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2065
16-8. QPOSCMP Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2066
16-9. QPOSILAT Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2067
16-10. QPOSSLAT Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 2068
16-11. QPOSLAT Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 2069
16-12. QUTMR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2070
16-13. QUPRD Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2071
16-14. QWDTMR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 2072

70 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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16-15. QWDPRD Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 2073

16-16. QDECCTL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 2074
16-17. QEPCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2076
16-18. QCAPCTL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 2079
16-19. QPOSCTL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 2080
16-20. QEINT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 2081
16-21. QFLG Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 2083
16-22. QCLR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 2085
16-23. QFRC Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 2087
16-24. QEPSTS Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2089
16-25. QCTMR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2091
16-26. QCPRD Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2092
16-27. QCTMRLAT Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 2093
16-28. QCPRDLAT Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 2094
16-29. EQEP Registers to Driverlib Functions ............................................................................... 2095
17-1. SPI Module Signal Summary .......................................................................................... 2099
17-2. SPI Interrupt Flag Modes ............................................................................................... 2102
17-3. SPI Clocking Scheme Selection Guide ............................................................................... 2107
17-4. 4-wire vs. 3-wire SPI Pin Functions ................................................................................... 2110
17-5. 3-Wire SPI Pin Configuration .......................................................................................... 2111
17-6. SPI Base Address Table ............................................................................................... 2117
17-7. SPI_REGS Registers ................................................................................................... 2118
17-8. SPI_REGS Access Type Codes ...................................................................................... 2118
17-9. SPICCR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2119
17-10. SPICTL Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2121
17-11. SPISTS Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2123
17-12. SPIBRR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 2125
17-13. SPIRXEMU Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 2126
17-14. SPIRXBUF Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2127
17-15. SPITXBUF Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2128
17-16. SPIDAT Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2129
17-17. SPIFFTX Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 2130
17-18. SPIFFRX Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2132
17-19. SPIFFCT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2134
17-20. SPIPRI Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 2135
17-21. SPI Registers to Driverlib Functions .................................................................................. 2137
18-1. SCI Module Signal Summary .......................................................................................... 2142
18-2. Programming the Data Format Using SCICCR ..................................................................... 2143
18-3. Asynchronous Baud Register Values for Common SCI Bit Rates ................................................ 2150
18-4. SCI Interrupt Flags ...................................................................................................... 2152
18-5. SCI Base Address Table ............................................................................................... 2153
18-6. SCI_REGS Registers ................................................................................................... 2154
18-7. SCI_REGS Access Type Codes ...................................................................................... 2154
18-8. SCICCR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2155
18-9. SCICTL1 Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 2157
18-10. SCIHBAUD Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2159
18-11. SCILBAUD Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2160
18-12. SCICTL2 Register Field Descriptions................................................................................. 2161
18-13. SCIRXST Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2163

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18-14. SCIRXEMU Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 2165

18-15. SCIRXBUF Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2166
18-16. SCITXBUF Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2167
18-17. SCIFFTX Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2168
18-18. SCIFFRX Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2170
18-19. SCIFFCT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2172
18-20. SCIPRI Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 2173
18-21. SCI Registers to Driverlib Functions .................................................................................. 2174
19-1. Dependency of Delay d on the Divide-Down Value IPSC ......................................................... 2180
19-2. Operating Modes of the I2C Module .................................................................................. 2181
19-3. Master-Transmitter/Receiver Bus Activity Defined by the RM, STT, and STP Bits of I2CMDR .............. 2182
19-4. How the MST and FDF Bits of I2CMDR Affect the Role of the TRX Bit of I2CMDR ........................... 2185
19-5. Ways to Generate a NACK Bit ........................................................................................ 2186
19-6. Descriptions of the Basic I2C Interrupt Requests ................................................................... 2189
19-7. I2C Base Address Table (C28) ........................................................................................ 2192
19-8. I2C_REGS Registers ................................................................................................... 2193
19-9. I2C_REGS Access Type Codes....................................................................................... 2193
19-10. I2COAR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 2194
19-11. I2CIER Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 2195
19-12. I2CSTR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2196
19-13. I2CCLKL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2200
19-14. I2CCLKH Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2201
19-15. I2CCNT Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2202
19-16. I2CDRR Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 2203
19-17. I2CSAR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2204
19-18. I2CDXR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2205
19-19. I2CMDR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2206
19-20. I2CISRC Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2210
19-21. I2CEMDR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 2211
19-22. I2CPSC Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2212
19-23. I2CFFTX Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2213
19-24. I2CFFRX Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2215
19-25. I2C Registers to Driverlib Functions .................................................................................. 2217
20-1. McBSP Interface Pins/Signals ......................................................................................... 2221
20-2. Register Bits That Determine the Number of Phases, Words, and Bits ......................................... 2228
20-3. Interrupts and DMA Events Generated by a McBSP ............................................................... 2232
20-4. Effects of DLB and CLKSTP on Clock Modes....................................................................... 2234
20-5. Choosing an Input Clock for the Sample Rate Generator with the SCLKME and CLKSM Bits .............. 2234
20-6. Polarity Options for the Input to the Sample Rate Generator ..................................................... 2235
20-7. Input Clock Selection for Sample Rate Generator .................................................................. 2238
20-8. Block - Channel Assignment ........................................................................................... 2247
20-9. 2-Partition Mode ......................................................................................................... 2248
20-10. 8-Partition mode ......................................................................................................... 2248
20-11. Receive Channel Assignment and Control With Eight Receive Partitions ....................................... 2250
20-12. Transmit Channel Assignment and Control When Eight Transmit Partitions Are Used ....................... 2251
20-13. Selecting a Transmit Multichannel Selection Mode With the XMCM Bits........................................ 2252
20-14. Bits Used to Enable and Configure the Clock Stop Mode ......................................................... 2255
20-15. Effects of CLKSTP, CLKXP, and CLKRP on the Clock Scheme ................................................. 2256
20-16. Bit Values Required to Configure the McBSP as an SPI Master ................................................ 2259

72 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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20-17. Bit Values Required to Configure the McBSP as an SPI Slave ................................................... 2260
20-18. Register Bits Used to Reset or Enable the McBSP Receiver Field Descriptions ............................... 2262
20-19. Reset State of Each McBSP Pin ...................................................................................... 2262
20-20. Register Bit Used to Enable/Disable the Digital Loopback Mode ................................................. 2263
20-21. Receive Signals Connected to Transmit Signals in Digital Loopback Mode .................................... 2263
20-22. Register Bits Used to Enable/Disable the Clock Stop Mode ...................................................... 2263
20-23. Effects of CLKSTP, CLKXP, and CLKRP on the Clock Scheme ................................................. 2264
20-24. Register Bit Used to Enable/Disable the Receive Multichannel Selection Mode ............................... 2264
20-25. Register Bit Used to Choose One or Two Phases for the Receive Frame ...................................... 2264
20-26. Register Bits Used to Set the Receive Word Length(s) ............................................................ 2265
20-27. Register Bits Used to Set the Receive Frame Length .............................................................. 2265
20-28. How to Calculate the Length of the Receive Frame ................................................................ 2266
20-29. Register Bit Used to Enable/Disable the Receive Frame-Synchronization Ignore Function .................. 2266
20-30. Register Bits Used to Set the Receive Companding Mode ........................................................ 2267
20-31. Register Bits Used to Set the Receive Data Delay ................................................................. 2268
20-32. Register Bits Used to Set the Receive Sign-Extension and Justification Mode................................. 2270
20-33. Example: Use of RJUST Field With 12-Bit Data Value ABCh..................................................... 2270
20-34. Example: Use of RJUST Field With 20-Bit Data Value ABCDEh ................................................. 2270
20-35. Register Bits Used to Set the Receive Interrupt Mode ............................................................. 2271
20-36. Register Bits Used to Set the Receive Frame Synchronization Mode .......................................... 2271
20-37. Select Sources to Provide the Receive Frame-Synchronization Signal and the Effect on the FSR Pin..... 2272
20-38. Register Bit Used to Set Receive Frame-Synchronization Polarity ............................................... 2273
20-39. Register Bits Used to Set the SRG Frame-Synchronization Period and Pulse Width ......................... 2274
20-40. Register Bits Used to Set the Receive Clock Mode ............................................................... 2275
20-41. Receive Clock Signal Source Selection .............................................................................. 2276
20-42. Register Bit Used to Set Receive Clock Polarity .................................................................... 2276
20-43. Register Bits Used to Set the Sample Rate Generator (SRG) Clock Divide-Down Value ..................... 2278
20-44. Register Bit Used to Set the SRG Clock Synchronization Mode ................................................. 2278
20-45. Register Bits Used to Set the SRG Clock Mode (Choose an Input Clock) ...................................... 2279
20-46. Register Bits Used to Set the SRG Input Clock Polarity ........................................................... 2280
20-47. Register Bits Used to Place Transmitter in Reset Field Descriptions ............................................ 2281
20-48. Register Bit Used to Enable/Disable the Digital Loopback Mode ................................................. 2282
20-49. Receive Signals Connected to Transmit Signals in Digital Loopback Mode .................................... 2282
20-50. Register Bits Used to Enable/Disable the Clock Stop Mode ...................................................... 2282
20-51. Effects of CLKSTP, CLKXP, and CLKRP on the Clock Scheme ................................................. 2283
20-52. Register Bits Used to Enable/Disable Transmit Multichannel Selection ......................................... 2284
20-53. Use of the Transmit Channel Enable Registers .................................................................... 2284
20-54. Register Bit Used to Choose 1 or 2 Phases for the Transmit Frame ............................................ 2287
20-55. Register Bits Used to Set the Transmit Word Length(s) ........................................................... 2287
20-56. Register Bits Used to Set the Transmit Frame Length ............................................................. 2288
20-57. How to Calculate Frame Length ....................................................................................... 2288
20-58. Register Bit Used to Enable/Disable the Transmit Frame-Synchronization Ignore Function ................. 2289
20-59. Register Bits Used to Set the Transmit Companding Mode ....................................................... 2290
20-60. Register Bits Used to Set the Transmit Data Delay ................................................................ 2291
20-61. Register Bit Used to Set the Transmit DXENA (DX Delay Enabler) Mode ...................................... 2293
20-62. Register Bits Used to Set the Transmit Interrupt Mode ............................................................ 2293
20-63. Register Bits Used to Set the Transmit Frame-Synchronization Mode .......................................... 2294
20-64. How FSXM and FSGM Select the Source of Transmit Frame-Synchronization Pulses ....................... 2294
20-65. Register Bit Used to Set Transmit Frame-Synchronization Polarity .............................................. 2295

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20-66. Register Bits Used to Set SRG Frame-Synchronization Period and Pulse Width .............................. 2296
20-67. Register Bit Used to Set the Transmit Clock Mode ................................................................. 2297
20-68. How the CLKXM Bit Selects the Transmit Clock and the Corresponding Status of the MCLKX pin ......... 2297
20-69. Register Bit Used to Set Transmit Clock Polarity ................................................................... 2297
20-70. McBSP Emulation Modes Selectable with FREE and SOFT Bits of SPCR2.................................... 2299
20-71. Reset State of Each McBSP Pin ...................................................................................... 2299
20-72. Receive Interrupt Sources and Signals .............................................................................. 2304
20-73. Transmit Interrupt Sources and Signals .............................................................................. 2304
20-74. Error Flags ............................................................................................................... 2305
20-75. McBSP Mode Selection ................................................................................................ 2305
20-76. McBSP Base Address Table........................................................................................... 2308
20-77. McBSP Register Summary............................................................................................. 2308
20-78. Serial Port Control 1 Register (SPCR1) Field Descriptions ....................................................... 2310
20-79. Serial Port Control 2 Register (SPCR2) Field Descriptions........................................................ 2313
20-80. Receive Control Register 1 (RCR1) Field Descriptions ............................................................ 2315
20-81. Frame Length Formula for Receive Control 1 Register (RCR1) .................................................. 2316
20-82. Receive Control Register 2 (RCR2) Field Descriptions ............................................................ 2316
20-83. Frame Length Formula for Receive Control 2 Register (RCR2) .................................................. 2317
20-84. Transmit Control 1 Register (XCR1) Field Descriptions ........................................................... 2318
20-85. Frame Length Formula for Transmit Control 1 Register (XCR1) ................................................. 2318
20-86. Transmit Control 2 Register (XCR2) Field Descriptions ........................................................... 2319
20-87. Frame Length Formula for Transmit Control 2 Register (XCR2) ................................................. 2320
20-88. Sample Rate Generator 1 Register (SRGR1) Field Descriptions ................................................. 2321
20-89. Sample Rate Generator 2 Register (SRGR2) Field Descriptions ................................................. 2322
20-90. Multichannel Control 1 Register (MCR1) Field Descriptions ...................................................... 2323
20-91. Multichannel Control 2 Register (MCR2) Field Descriptions ...................................................... 2325
20-92. Pin Control Register (PCR) Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 2327
20-93. Pin Configuration ....................................................................................................... 2329
20-94. Receive Channel Enable Registers (RCERA...RCERH) Field Descriptions..................................... 2329
20-95. Use of the Receive Channel Enable Registers ..................................................................... 2330
20-96. Transmit Channel Enable Registers (XCERA...XCERH) Field Descriptions .................................... 2331
20-97. Use of the Transmit Channel Enable Registers .................................................................... 2332
20-98. McBSP Interrupt Enable Register (MFFINT) Field Descriptions .................................................. 2333
20-99. MCBSP Registers to Driverlib Functions ............................................................................. 2334
21-1. CAN Register Access From Software ................................................................................ 2340
21-2. CAN Register Access From CCS ..................................................................................... 2341
21-3. PIE Nomenclature for Interrupts ....................................................................................... 2347
21-4. Programmable Ranges Required by CAN Protocol ................................................................ 2357
21-5. Message Object Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 2366
21-6. Message RAM Addressing in Debug Mode ......................................................................... 2368
21-7. CAN Base Address Table .............................................................................................. 2370
21-8. CAN_REGS Registers .................................................................................................. 2371
21-9. CAN_REGS Access Type Codes ..................................................................................... 2372
21-10. CAN_CTL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 2373
21-11. CAN_ES Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2376
21-12. CAN_ERRC Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 2378
21-13. CAN_BTR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 2379
21-14. CAN_INT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2381
21-15. CAN_TEST Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 2382

74 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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21-16. CAN_PERR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 2384

21-17. CAN_RAM_INIT Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 2385
21-18. CAN_GLB_INT_EN Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 2386
21-19. CAN_GLB_INT_FLG Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 2387
21-20. CAN_GLB_INT_CLR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 2388
21-21. CAN_ABOTR Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2389
21-22. CAN_TXRQ_X Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2390
21-23. CAN_TXRQ_21 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 2391
21-24. CAN_NDAT_X Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2392
21-25. CAN_NDAT_21 Register Field Descriptions......................................................................... 2393
21-26. CAN_IPEN_X Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2394
21-27. CAN_IPEN_21 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2395
21-28. CAN_MVAL_X Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2396
21-29. CAN_MVAL_21 Register Field Descriptions......................................................................... 2397
21-30. CAN_IP_MUX21 Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................... 2398
21-31. CAN_IF1CMD Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2399
21-32. CAN_IF1MSK Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2403
21-33. CAN_IF1ARB Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2404
21-34. CAN_IF1MCTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2406
21-35. CAN_IF1DATA Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2409
21-36. CAN_IF1DATB Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2410
21-37. CAN_IF2CMD Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2411
21-38. CAN_IF2MSK Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2415
21-39. CAN_IF2ARB Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2416
21-40. CAN_IF2MCTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2418
21-41. CAN_IF2DATA Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2421
21-42. CAN_IF2DATB Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2422
21-43. CAN_IF3OBS Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2423
21-44. CAN_IF3MSK Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2425
21-45. CAN_IF3ARB Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2426
21-46. CAN_IF3MCTL Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2427
21-47. CAN_IF3DATA Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2429
21-48. CAN_IF3DATB Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2430
21-49. CAN_IF3UPD Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2431
21-50. CAN Registers to Driverlib Functions ................................................................................. 2432
22-1. USB Memory Access From Software ................................................................................. 2444
22-2. USB Memory Access From CCS...................................................................................... 2445
22-3. USB Base Address Table (C28) ...................................................................................... 2448
22-4. Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller Register Map .............................................................. 2449
22-5. Function Address Register (USBFADDR) Field Descriptions ..................................................... 2459
22-6. Power Management Register (USBPOWER) in Host Mode Field Descriptions ................................ 2460
22-7. Power Management Register (USBPOWER) in Device Mode Field Descriptions.............................. 2460
22-8. USB Transmit Interrupt Status Register (USBTXIS) Field Descriptions ......................................... 2462
22-9. USB Transmit Interrupt Status Register (USBRXIS) Field Descriptions ......................................... 2464
22-10. USB Transmit Interrupt Status Register (USBTXIE) Field Descriptions ......................................... 2466
22-11. USB Transmit Interrupt Status Register (USBRXIE) Field Descriptions ......................................... 2468
22-12. USB General Interrupt Status Register (USBIS) in Host Mode Field Descriptions ............................. 2470
22-13. USB General Interrupt Status Register (USBIS) in Device Mode Field Descriptions .......................... 2471
22-14. USB Interrupt Enable Register (USBIE) in Host Mode Field Descriptions ...................................... 2472

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22-15. USB Interrupt Enable Register (USBIE) in Device Mode Field Descriptions .................................... 2473
22-16. Frame Number Register (FRAME) Field Descriptions ............................................................. 2474
22-17. USB Endpoint Index Register (USBEPIDX) Field Descriptions ................................................... 2474
22-18. USB Test Mode Register (USBTEST) in Host Mode Field Descriptions......................................... 2475
22-19. USB Test Mode Register (USBTEST) in Device Mode Field Descriptions ...................................... 2475
22-20. USB FIFO Endpoint n Register (USBFIFO[n]) Field Descriptions ................................................ 2477
22-21. USB Device Control Register (USBDEVCTL) Field Descriptions ................................................. 2478
22-22. USB Transmit Dynamic FIFO Sizing Register (USBTXFIFOSZ) Field Descriptions ........................... 2480
22-23. USB Receive Dynamic FIFO Sizing Register (USBRXFIFOSZ) Field Descriptions ............................ 2481
22-24. USB Transmit FIFO Start Address Register (USBTXFIFOADDR) Field Descriptions ......................... 2482
22-25. USB Receive FIFO Start Address Register (USBRXFIFOADDR) Field Descriptions .......................... 2483
22-26. USB Connect Timing Register (USBCONTIM) Field Descriptions................................................ 2484
22-27. USB Full-Speed Last Transaction to End of Frame Timing Register (USBFSEOF) Field Descriptions ..... 2485
22-28. USB Low-Speed Last Transaction to End of Frame Timing Register (USBLSEOF) Field Descriptions..... 2485
22-29. USB Transmit Functional Address Endpoint n Registers (USBTXFUNCADDR[n]) Field Descriptions ...... 2486
22-30. USB Transmit Hub Address Endpoint n Registers(USBTXHUBADDR[n]) Field Descriptions ................ 2487
22-31. USB Transmit Hub Port Endpoint n Registers(USBTXHUBPORT[n]) Field Descriptions ..................... 2488
22-32. USB Recieve Functional Address Endpoint n Registers(USBFIFO[n]) Field Descriptions .................... 2489
22-33. USB Receive Hub Address Endpoint n Registers(USBRXHUBADDR[n]) Field Descriptions ................ 2490
22-34. USB Transmit Hub Port Endpoint n Registers(USBRXHUBPORT[n]) Field Descriptions ..................... 2491
22-35. USB Maximum Transmit Data Endpoint n Registers(USBTXMAXP[n]) Field Descriptions ................... 2492
22-36. USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 Low Register(USBCSRL0) in Host Mode Field Descriptions .......... 2493
22-37. USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 Low Register (USBCSRL0) in Device Mode Field Descriptions ....... 2494
22-38. USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 High Register (USBCSRH0) in Host Mode Field Descriptions......... 2495
22-39. USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 High Register (USBCSRH0) in Device Mode Field Descriptions ...... 2495
22-40. USB Receive Byte Count Endpoint 0 Register (USBCOUNT0) Field Descriptions ............................ 2496
22-41. USB Type Endpoint 0 Register (USBTYPE0) Field Descriptions ................................................. 2496
22-42. USB NAK Limit Register (USBNAKLMT) Field Descriptions ...................................................... 2497
22-43. USB Transmit Control and Status Endpoint n Low Register (USBTXCSRL[n]) in Host Mode Field
Descriptions .............................................................................................................. 2498
22-44. USB Transmit Control and Status Endpoint n Low Register (USBTXCSRL[n]) in Device Mode Field
Descriptions .............................................................................................................. 2499
22-45. USB Transmit Control and Status Endpoint n High Register (USBTXCSRH[n]) in Host Mode Field
Descriptions .............................................................................................................. 2501
22-46. USB Transmit Control and Status Endpoint n High Register (USBTXCSRH[n]) in Device Mode Field
Descriptions .............................................................................................................. 2502
22-47. USB Maximum Receive Data Endpoint n Registers (USBTXMAXP[n]) Field Descriptions ................... 2503
22-48. USB Control and Status Endpoint n Low Register(USBCSRL[n]) in Host Mode Field Descriptions ......... 2504
22-49. USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 Low Register(USBCSRL[n]) in Device Mode Field Descriptions ...... 2505
22-50. USB Control and Status Endpoint n High Register (USBCSRH[n]) in Host Mode Field Descriptions ....... 2506
22-51. USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 High Register(USBCSRH[n]) in Device Mode Field Descriptions ..... 2507
22-52. USB Maximum Receive Data Endpoint n Registers (USBRXCOUNT[n]) Field Descriptions ................. 2508
22-53. USB Host Transmit Configure Type Endpoint n Register(USBTXTYPE[n]) Field Descriptions .............. 2509
22-54. USBTXINTERVAL[n] Frame Numbers ............................................................................... 2510
22-55. USB Host Transmit Interval Endpoint n Register(USBTXINTERVAL[n]) Field Descriptions .................. 2510
22-56. USB Host Configure Receive Type Endpoint n Register(USBRXTYPE[n]) Field Descriptions ............... 2511
22-57. USBRXINTERVAL[n] Frame Numbers ............................................................................... 2512
22-58. USB Host Receive Polling Interval Endpoint n Register(USBRXINTERVAL[n]) Field Descriptions.......... 2512
22-59. USB Request Packet Count in Block Transfer Endpoint n Registers (USBRQPKTCOUNT[n]) Field
Descriptions .............................................................................................................. 2513

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22-60. USB Receive Double Packet Buffer Disable Register (USBRXDPKTBUFDIS) Field Descriptions .......... 2514
22-61. USB Transmit Double Packet Buffer Disable Register (USBTXDPKTBUFDIS) Field Descriptions .......... 2516
22-62. USB External Power Control Register (USBEPC) Field Descriptions ............................................ 2517
22-63. USB External Power Control Raw Interrupt Status Register (USBEPCRIS) Field Descriptions .............. 2519
22-64. USB External Power Control Interrupt Mask Register (USBEPCIM) Field Descriptions....................... 2520
22-65. USB External Power Control Interrupt Status and Clear Register (USBEPCISC) Field Descriptions ....... 2521
22-66. USB Device RESUME Raw Interrupt Status Register (USBDRRIS) Field Descriptions....................... 2522
22-67. USB Device RESUME Raw Interrupt Status Register (USBDRRIS) Field Descriptions....................... 2523
22-68. USB Device RESUME Interrupt Status and Clear Register (USBDRISC) Field Descriptions ................ 2524
22-69. USB General-Purpose Control and Status Register (USBGPCS) Field Descriptions .......................... 2525
22-70. USB DMA Select Register (USBDMASEL) Field Descriptions .................................................... 2526
23-1. uPP Signal Description ................................................................................................. 2533
23-2. CPU/CLA/uPP-DMA Address Map.................................................................................... 2540
23-3. CPU/CLA/uPP-DMA Address Map.................................................................................... 2541
23-4. uPP Parameters Useful for System Tuning .......................................................................... 2542
23-5. UPP Base Address Table .............................................................................................. 2543
23-6. UPP_REGS Registers .................................................................................................. 2544
23-7. UPP_REGS Access Type Codes ..................................................................................... 2544
23-8. PID Register Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 2546
23-9. PERCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2547
23-10. CHCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 2549
23-11. IFCFG Register Field Descriptions.................................................................................... 2550
23-12. IFIVAL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 2552
23-13. THCFG Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2553
23-14. RAWINTST Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 2555
23-15. ENINTST Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2557
23-16. INTENSET Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2559
23-17. INTENCLR Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2561
23-18. CHIDESC0 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2563
23-19. CHIDESC1 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2564
23-20. CHIDESC2 Register Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 2565
23-21. CHIST0 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2566
23-22. CHIST1 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2567
23-23. CHIST2 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 2568
23-24. CHQDESC0 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 2569
23-25. CHQDESC1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 2570
23-26. CHQDESC2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 2571
23-27. CHQST0 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2572
23-28. CHQST1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2573
23-29. CHQST2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2574
23-30. GINTEN Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2575
23-31. GINTFLG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2576
23-32. GINTCLR Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2577
23-33. DLYCTL Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 2578
24-1. Configuration for EMIF1 and EMIF2 Modules ....................................................................... 2580
24-2. EMIF Pins Used to Access Both SDRAM and Asynchronous Memories ........................................ 2583
24-3. EMIF Pins Specific to SDRAM ........................................................................................ 2583
24-4. EMIF Pins Specific to Asynchronous Memory ...................................................................... 2584
24-5. EMIF SDRAM Commands ............................................................................................. 2584

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24-6. Truth Table for SDRAM Commands .................................................................................. 2585

24-7. 16-bit EMIF Address Pin Connections................................................................................ 2587
24-8. Description of the SDRAM Configuration Register (SDRAM_CR) ................................................ 2588
24-9. Description of the SDRAM Refresh Control Register (SDRAM_RCR) ........................................... 2588
24-10. Description of the SDRAM Timing Register (SDRAM_TR) ........................................................ 2589
24-11. Description of the SDRAM Self Refresh Exit Timing Register (SDR_EXT_TMNG) ............................ 2589
24-12. SDRAM LOAD MODE REGISTER Command ...................................................................... 2590
24-13. Refresh Urgency Levels ................................................................................................ 2591
24-14. Mapping from Logical Address to EMIF Pins for 32-bit SDRAM .................................................. 2596
24-15. Mapping from Logical Address to EMIF Pins for 16-bit SDRAM .................................................. 2596
24-16. Normal Mode vs. Select Strobe Mode ................................................................................ 2597
24-17. Description of the Asynchronous m Configuration Register (ASYNC_CSn_CR) ............................... 2599
24-18. Description of the Asynchronous Wait Cycle Configuration Register (ASYNC_WCCR) ...................... 2600
24-19. Description of EMIF Interrupt Mask Set Register (INT_MSK_SET) .............................................. 2600
24-20. Description of EMIF Interrupt Mast Clear Register (INT_MSK_CLR) ............................................ 2600
24-21. Asynchronous Read Operation in Normal Mode .................................................................... 2601
24-22. Asynchronous Write Operation in Normal Mode .................................................................... 2603
24-23. Asynchronous Read Operation in Select Strobe Mode ............................................................ 2605
24-24. Asynchronous Write Operation in Select Strobe Mode ............................................................ 2607
24-25. Interrupt Monitor and Control Bit Fields .............................................................................. 2610
24-26. SR Field Value For EMIF to K4S641632H-TC(L)70 Interface..................................................... 2614
24-27. SDRAM_TR Field Calculations for EMIF to K4S641632H-TC(L)70 Interface................................... 2616
24-28. RR Calculation for EMIF to K4S641632H-TC(L)70 Interface ..................................................... 2617
24-29. RR Calculation for EMIF to K4S641632H-TC(L)70 Interface ..................................................... 2617
24-30. SDRAM_CR Field Values For EMIF to K4S641632H-TC(L)70 Interface ........................................ 2618
24-31. AC Characteristics for a Read Access ............................................................................... 2619
24-32. AC Characteristics for a Write Access ............................................................................... 2619
24-33. EMIF Base Address Table ............................................................................................. 2622
24-34. EMIF_REGS Registers ................................................................................................. 2623
24-35. EMIF_REGS Access Type Codes .................................................................................... 2623
24-36. RCSR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 2624
24-37. ASYNC_WCCR Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 2625
24-38. SDRAM_CR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 2626
24-39. SDRAM_RCR Register Field Descriptions........................................................................... 2628
24-40. ASYNC_CS2_CR Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 2629
24-41. ASYNC_CS3_CR Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 2631
24-42. ASYNC_CS4_CR Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 2633
24-43. SDRAM_TR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 2635
24-44. TOTAL_SDRAM_AR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 2636
24-45. TOTAL_SDRAM_ACTR Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 2637
24-46. SDR_EXT_TMNG Register Field Descriptions ...................................................................... 2638
24-47. INT_RAW Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 2639
24-48. INT_MSK Register Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 2640
24-49. INT_MSK_SET Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2641
24-50. INT_MSK_CLR Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2642
24-51. EMIF1_CONFIG_REGS Registers ................................................................................... 2643
24-52. EMIF1_CONFIG_REGS Access Type Codes ....................................................................... 2643
24-53. EMIF1LOCK Register Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 2644
24-54. EMIF1COMMIT Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 2645

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24-55. EMIF1ACCPROT0 Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 2646

24-56. EMIF Registers to Driverlib Functions ................................................................................ 2647
25-1. Global Signals and Mux Selection .................................................................................... 2651
25-2. Local Signals and Mux Selection...................................................................................... 2653
25-3. Peripheral Signal Multiplexer Table ................................................................................... 2655
25-4. Output Table ............................................................................................................. 2658
25-5. Input Table ............................................................................................................... 2659
25-6. Ports Tied Off to Prevent Combinatorial Loops ..................................................................... 2659
25-7. Counter Block Operating Modes ...................................................................................... 2661
25-8. HLC Event List ........................................................................................................... 2665
25-9. HLC Instruction Address Ranges ..................................................................................... 2665
25-10. Instruction Format ....................................................................................................... 2666
25-11. HLC Register Encoding ................................................................................................ 2667
25-12. Non-Memory Mapped Register Addresses .......................................................................... 2668
25-13. CLB Base Address Table (C28) ....................................................................................... 2669
25-14. CLB_LOGIC_CONFIG_REGS Registers ............................................................................ 2670
25-15. CLB_LOGIC_CONFIG_REGS Access Type Codes................................................................ 2670
25-16. CLB_COUNT_RESET Register Field Descriptions ................................................................. 2672
25-17. CLB_COUNT_MODE_1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 2673
25-18. CLB_COUNT_MODE_0 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 2674
25-19. CLB_COUNT_EVENT Register Field Descriptions ................................................................. 2675
25-20. CLB_FSM_EXTRA_IN0 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 2676
25-21. CLB_FSM_EXTERNAL_IN0 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 2677
25-22. CLB_FSM_EXTERNAL_IN1 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................... 2678
25-23. CLB_FSM_EXTRA_IN1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 2679
25-24. CLB_LUT4_IN0 Register Field Descriptions......................................................................... 2680
25-25. CLB_LUT4_IN1 Register Field Descriptions......................................................................... 2681
25-26. CLB_LUT4_IN2 Register Field Descriptions......................................................................... 2682
25-27. CLB_LUT4_IN3 Register Field Descriptions......................................................................... 2683
25-28. CLB_FSM_LUT_FN1_0 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 2684
25-29. CLB_FSM_LUT_FN2 Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 2685
25-30. CLB_LUT4_FN1_0 Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 2686
25-31. CLB_LUT4_FN2 Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 2687
25-32. CLB_FSM_NEXT_STATE_0 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................... 2688
25-33. CLB_FSM_NEXT_STATE_1 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................... 2689
25-34. CLB_FSM_NEXT_STATE_2 Register Field Descriptions ......................................................... 2690
25-35. CLB_MISC_CONTROL Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 2691
25-36. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_0 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 2694
25-37. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_1 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 2695
25-38. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_2 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 2696
25-39. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_3 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 2697
25-40. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_4 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 2698
25-41. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_5 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 2699
25-42. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_6 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 2700
25-43. CLB_OUTPUT_LUT_7 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 2701
25-44. CLB_HLC_EVENT_SEL Register Field Descriptions .............................................................. 2702
25-45. CLB_LOGIC_CONTROL_REGS Registers.......................................................................... 2703
25-46. CLB_LOGIC_CONTROL_REGS Access Type Codes ............................................................. 2703
25-47. CLB_LOAD_EN Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 2705

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 List of Tables 79

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25-48. CLB_LOAD_ADDR Register Field Descriptions .................................................................... 2706

25-49. CLB_LOAD_DATA Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 2707
25-50. CLB_INPUT_FILTER Register Field Descriptions .................................................................. 2708
25-51. CLB_IN_MUX_SEL_0 Register Field Descriptions ................................................................. 2710
25-52. CLB_LCL_MUX_SEL_1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 2712
25-53. CLB_LCL_MUX_SEL_2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................... 2713
25-54. CLB_BUF_PTR Register Field Descriptions......................................................................... 2714
25-55. CLB_GP_REG Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2715
25-56. CLB_OUT_EN Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2716
25-57. CLB_GLBL_MUX_SEL_1 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................. 2717
25-58. CLB_GLBL_MUX_SEL_2 Register Field Descriptions ............................................................. 2718
25-59. CLB_INTR_TAG_REG Register Field Descriptions ................................................................ 2719
25-60. CLB_LOCK Register Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 2720
25-61. CLB_DBG_R0 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2721
25-62. CLB_DBG_R1 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2722
25-63. CLB_DBG_R2 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2723
25-64. CLB_DBG_R3 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2724
25-65. CLB_DBG_C0 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2725
25-66. CLB_DBG_C1 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2726
25-67. CLB_DBG_C2 Register Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 2727
25-68. CLB_DBG_OUT Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 2728
25-69. CLB_DATA_EXCHANGE_REGS Registers ......................................................................... 2730
25-70. CLB_DATA_EXCHANGE_REGS Access Type Codes ............................................................ 2730
25-71. CLB_PUSH_y Register Field Descriptions........................................................................... 2731
25-72. CLB_PULL_y Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2732
25-73. CLB_DATA_EXCHANGE_REGS Registers ......................................................................... 2733
25-74. CLB_DATA_EXCHANGE_REGS Access Type Codes ............................................................ 2733
25-75. CLB_PUSH_y Register Field Descriptions........................................................................... 2734
25-76. CLB_PULL_y Register Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 2735
25-77. CLB Registers to Driverlib Functions ................................................................................. 2736

80 List of Tables SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

Read This First

This Technical Reference Manual (TRM) details the integration, the environment, the functional
description, and the programming models for each peripheral and subsystem in the device.
The TRM should not be considered a substitute for the data manual, rather a companion guide that should
be used alongside the device-specific data manual to understand the details to program the device. The
primary purpose of the TRM is to abstract the programming details of the device from the data manual.
This allows the data manual to outline the high-level features of the device without unnecessary
information about register descriptions or programming models.

Notational Conventions
This document uses the following conventions.
• Hexadecimal numbers may be shown with the suffix h or the prefix 0x. For example, the following
number is 40 hexadecimal (decimal 64): 40h or 0x40.
• Registers in this document are shown in figures and described in tables.
– Each register figure shows a rectangle divided into fields that represent the fields of the register.
Each field is labeled with its bit name, its beginning and ending bit numbers above, and its
read/write properties with default reset value below. A legend explains the notation used for the
– Reserved bits in a register figure can have one of multiple meanings:
• Not implemented on the device
• Reserved for future device expansion
• Reserved for TI testing
• Reserved configurations of the device that are not supported
– Writing nondefault values to the Reserved bits could cause unexpected behavior and should be

TI Glossary — This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions.

Related Documentation From Texas Instruments

For a complete listing of related documentation and development-support tools for these devices, visit the
Texas Instruments website at http://www.ti.com. Additionally, the TMS320C28x CPU and Instruction Set
Reference Guide (SPRU430) and TMS320C28x Floating Point Unit and Instruction Set Reference Guide
(SPRUEO2) must be used in conjunction with this TRM.
C2000, controlSUITE, Code Composer Studio are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
USB Specification Revision 2.0 is a trademark of Compaq Computer Corp.
C2000, controlSUITE, Code Composer Studio, are trademarks of ~ Texas Instruments.

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Chapter 1
SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

C2000 Software Support

C2000Ware for C2000™ Microcontrollers is a cohesive set of development software and documentation
designed to minimize software development time. From device-specific drivers and libraries to device
peripheral examples, C2000Ware provides a solid foundation to begin development and evaluation of your

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 83

1.2 C2000Ware Structure .......................................................................................... 83
1.3 Documentation .................................................................................................. 83
1.4 Devices ............................................................................................................. 83
1.5 Libraries............................................................................................................ 83
1.6 Code Composer Studio ....................................................................................... 83
1.7 PinMUX Tool ...................................................................................................... 84

82 C2000 Software Support SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com Introduction

1.1 Introduction
C2000Ware for C2000™ Microcontrollers is a cohesive set of development software and documentation
designed to minimize software development time. From device-specific drivers and libraries to device
peripheral examples, C2000Ware provides a solid foundation to begin development and evaluation of your
C2000Ware can be downloaded from: www.ti.com/tool/C2000WARE

1.2 C2000Ware Structure

The C2000Ware software package is organized into the following directory structure:

Table 1-1. C2000Ware Root Directories

Directory Name Description
boards Contains the hardware design schematics, BOM, gerber files, and documentation for
C2000 controlCARDS,
device_support Contains all device-specific support files, bit field headers and device development
user's guides.
docs Contains the C2000Ware package user's guides and the HTML index page of all
package documentation.
driverlib Contains the device-specific driver library and driver-based peripheral examples.
libraries Contains the device-specific and core libraries.

1.3 Documentation
Within C2000Ware, there is an extensive amount of development documentation ranging from board
design documentation, to library user's guides, to driver API documentation. The "boards" directory
contains all the hardware design, BOM, gerber files, and more for controlCARDs. To assist with locating
the necessary documentation, an HTML page is provided that contains a full list of all the documents in
the C2000Ware package. Locate this page in the "docs" directory.

1.4 Devices
C2000Ware contains the necessary software and documentation to jumpstart development for C2000
microcontrollers. Each device includes device-specific common source files, peripheral example projects,
bit field headers, and if available, a device peripheral driver library. Additionally, documentation is provided
for each device on how to set up a CCS project, as well as give an overview of all the included example
projects and assist with troubleshooting. For devices with a driver library, documentation is also included
that details all the peripheral APIs available.
To learn more about C2000 microcontrollers, visit www.ti.com/c2000.

1.5 Libraries
The libraries included in C2000Ware range from fixed point and floating point math libraries, to specialized
DSP libraries, as well as calibration libraries. Each library includes documentation and examples, where
applicable. Additionally, the flash API files and boot ROM source code are located in the "libraries"

1.6 Code Composer Studio

Code Composer Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that supports TI's microcontroller
and embedded processors portfolio. Code Composer Studio comprises a suite of tools used to develop
and debug embedded applications. The latest version of Code Composer Studio can be obtained at the
following link:

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PinMUX Tool www.ti.com

All projects and examples in C2000Ware are built for and tested with TI’s Code Composer Studio.
Although Code Composer Studio is not included with the C2000Ware installer, it is easily obtainable in a
variety of versions.

1.7 PinMUX Tool

The Pin MUX Utility is a software tool which provides a Graphical User Interface for configuring pin
multiplexing settings, resolving conflicts and specifying I/O cell characteristics for TI MPUs. Results are
output as C header/code files that can be imported into software development kits (SDKs) or used to
configure customer's custom software.
The latest version of the PinMux Tool can be obtained at the following link:http://dev.ti.com/

84 C2000 Software Support SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Chapter 2
SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

C28x Processor

This chapter contains a short description of the C28x Processor and extended instruction sets.
Further information can be found in the following document(s):
TMS320C28x CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide
TMS320C28x Extended Instruction Sets Technical Reference Manual
Accelerators: Enhancing the Capabilities of the C2000 MCU Family Technical Brief
TMS320C28x FPU Primer

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 86

2.2 Features ............................................................................................................ 86
2.3 Floating-Point Unit ............................................................................................ 86
2.4 Trigonometric Math Unit ..................................................................................... 86
2.5 Viterbi, Complex Math, and CRC Unit II (VCU-II) .................................................... 87

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Introduction www.ti.com

2.1 Introduction
The C28x CPU is a 32-bit fixed-point processor. This device draws from the best features of digital signal
processing, reduced instruction set computing (RISC), microcontroller architectures, firmware, and tool
For more information on CPU architecture and instruction set, see the TMS320C28x CPU and Instruction
Set Reference Guide.

2.2 Features
The CPU features include a modified Harvard architecture and circular addressing. The RISC features are
single-cycle instruction execution, register-to-register operations, and modified Harvard architecture. The
microcontroller features include ease of use through an intuitive instruction set, byte packing and
unpacking, and bit manipulation. The modified Harvard architecture of the CPU enables instruction and
data fetches to be performed in parallel. The CPU can read instructions and data while it writes data
simultaneously to maintain the single-cycle instruction operation across the pipeline.

2.3 Floating-Point Unit

The C28x plus floating-point (C28x+FPU) processor extends the capabilities of the C28x fixed-point CPU
by adding registers and instructions to support IEEE single-precision floating point operations.
Devices with the C28x+FPU include the standard C28x register set plus an additional set of floating-point
unit registers. The additional floating-point unit registers are the following:
• Eight floating-point result registers, RnH (where n = 0–7)
• Floating-point Status Register (STF)
• Repeat Block Register (RB)
All of the floating-point registers, except the repeat block register, are shadowed. This shadowing can be
used in high-priority interrupts for fast context save and restore of the floating-point registers.
For more information, see the TMS320C28x Extended Instruction Sets Technical Reference Manual .

2.4 Trigonometric Math Unit

The TMU extends the capabilities of a C28x+FPU by adding instructions and leveraging existing FPU
instructions to speed up the execution of common trigonometric and arithmetic operations listed in
Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. TMU Supported Instructions

MPY2PIF32 RaH,RbH a = b * 2pi 2/3
DIV2PIF32 RaH,RbH a = b / 2pi 2/3
DIVF32 RaH,RbH,RcH a = b/c 5
SQRTF32 RaH,RbH a = sqrt(b) 5
SINPUF32 RaH,RbH a = sin(b*2pi) 4
COSPUF32 RaH,RbH a = cos(b*2pi) 4
ATANPUF32 RaH,RbH a = atan(b)/2pi 4
QUADF32 RaH,RbH,RcH,RdH Operation to assist in calculating ATANPU2 5

No changes have been made to existing instructions, pipeline or memory bus architecture. All TMU
instructions use the existing FPU register set (R0H to R7H) to carry out their operations.
For more information, see the TMS320C28x Extended Instruction Sets Technical Reference Manual .

86 C28x Processor SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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2.5 Viterbi, Complex Math, and CRC Unit II (VCU-II)

The VCU-II is the second-generation Viterbi, Complex Math, and CRC extension to the C28x CPU. The
VCU-II extends the capabilities of the C28x CPU by adding registers and instructions to accelerate the
performance of FFTs and communications-based algorithms. The C28x+VCU-II supports the following
algorithm types:
• Viterbi Decoding
Viterbi decoding is commonly used in baseband communications applications. The Viterbi decode
algorithm consists of three main parts: branch metric calculations, compare-select (Viterbi butterfly),
and a traceback operation. Table 2-2 shows a summary of the VCU performance for each of these

Table 2-2. Viterbi Decode Performance

Viterbi Operation VCU Cycles
Branch Metric Calculation (code rate = 1/2) 1
Branch Metric Calculation (code rate = 1/3) 2p
Viterbi Butterfly (add-compare-select) 2 (1)
Traceback per Stage 3 (2)
C28x CPU takes 15 cycles per butterfly.
C28x CPU takes 22 cycles per stage.

• Cyclic Redundancy Check

Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) algorithms provide a straightforward method for verifying data integrity
over large data blocks, communication packets, or code sections. The C28x+VCU can perform 8-bit,
16-bit, 24-bit, and 32-bit CRCs. For example, the VCU can compute the CRC for a block length of 10
bytes in 10 cycles. A CRC result register contains the current CRC, which is updated whenever a CRC
instruction is executed.
• Complex Math
Complex math is used in many applications, a few of which are:
– Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
The complex FFT is used in spread spectrum communications, as well as in many signal
processing algorithms.
– Complex filters
Complex filters improve data reliability, transmission distance, and power efficiency. The
C28x+VCU can perform a complex I and Q multiply with coefficients (four multiplies) in a single
cycle. In addition, the C28x+VCU can read/write the real and imaginary parts of 16-bit complex data
to memory in a single cycle.

Table 2-3. Complex Math Performance

Complex Math Operation VCU Cycles Notes
Add or Subtract 1 32 +/- 32 = 32-bit (Useful for filters)
Add or Subtract 1 16 +/- 32 = 15-bit (Useful for FFT)
Multiply 2p 16 x 16 = 32-bit
Multiply and Accumulate (MAC) 2p 32 + 32 = 32-bit, 16 x 16 = 32-bit
RPT MAC 2p+N Repeat MAC. Single cycle after the first operation.

NOTE: Only the CRC-related VCU instructions will be supported in future devices. FFT algorithms
are available for the C28x+FPU.

For more information, see the TMS320C28x Extended Instruction Sets Technical Reference Manual .

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Chapter 3
SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

System Control

This chapter explains system control and interrupts found on this MCU. The system control module
configures and manages the overall operation of the device and provides information about the device
status. Configurable features in system control include reset control, NMI operation, power control, clock
control, and low-power modes.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 89

3.2 System Control Functional Description................................................................. 89
3.3 Resets .............................................................................................................. 90
3.4 Peripheral Interrupts ........................................................................................... 92
3.5 Exceptions and Non-Maskable Interrupts ............................................................ 103
3.6 Safety Features ................................................................................................ 104
3.7 Clocking ......................................................................................................... 108
3.8 32-Bit CPU Timers 0/1/2 ..................................................................................... 117
3.9 Watchdog Timers ............................................................................................. 119
3.10 Low Power Modes ............................................................................................ 122
3.11 Memory Controller Module ................................................................................ 125
3.12 Flash and OTP Memory ..................................................................................... 132
3.13 Dual Code Security Module (DCSM) .................................................................... 145
3.14 JTAG............................................................................................................... 156
3.15 F2837xS System Control Registers ..................................................................... 158

88 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com Introduction

3.1 Introduction
The register space of the device system control module is divided into three categories and will be
explained further in this chapter. They are:
1. System Control Device Configuration Registers (DEV_CFG_REGS). The base address of these
registers begins at 0x5D000.
2. System Control Clock Configuration Registers (CLK_CFG_REGS). The base address of these
registers begins at 0x5D200.
3. System control CPU Subsystem Registers (CPU_SYS_REGS). The base address of these registers
begins at 0x5D300.

3.2 System Control Functional Description

The system control module provides the following capabilities:
• Device identification and configuration registers
• Reset control
• Exceptions and Interrupt control
• Safety and error handling features of the device
• Power control
• Clock control
• Low Power modes
• Security module

3.2.1 Device Identification

Device identification registers provide information on device class, device family, revision, part number, pin
count, operating temperature range, package type, and device qualification status.
All of the device information is part of the DEV_CFG_REGS space and is accessible only by the software
running on the CPU1 subsystem.
The control subsystem device identification registers are: PARTIDL, PARTIDH, and REVID.
A 256-bit Unique ID (UID) is available in UID_REGS. The 256 bits are separated into these registers:
• UID_PSRAND0-5: 192 bits of pseudo-random data
• UID_UNIQUE: 32-bit unique data, the value in this register will be unique across all devices with the
• UID_CHECKSUM: 32-bit fletcher checksum of UID_PSRAND0-5 and UID_UNIQUE
• CPU ID: 16-bit location in OTP. The value at this location provides the information about CPU (CPU1
or CPU2). Please refer to the device datasheet, for more detail.

3.2.2 Device Configuration Registers

Several registers provide users with configuration information for debug and identification purposes on this
MCU. This information includes the features of the peripheral and how much RAM and FLASH memory is
available on this part.
These registers are part of DEV_CFG_REGS space.
• DC0 – DC20: Device Configuration or Capabilities registers.
If a particular bit in these registers is set to ‘1’ then the associated/feature or module is available in the
• PERCNF: Peripheral configuration register.
This register configures ADC capabilities, and enables or disables the USB internal PHY.
• CPUID: CPU identification register

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Resets www.ti.com

3.3 Resets
This section explains the types and effects of the different resets on this device.

3.3.1 Reset Sources

Table 3-1 summarizes the various reset signals and their effect on the device.

Table 3-1. Reset Signals

Reset Source CPU Core Reset Peripherals Reset JTAG / Debug IOs XRS Output
(C28x, TMU, FPU, Logic Reset
POR Yes Yes Yes Hi-Z Yes
XRS Pin Yes Yes No Hi-Z -
WDRS Yes Yes No Hi-Z Yes
NMIWDRS Yes Yes No Hi-Z Yes
SYSRS Yes Yes No Hi-Z No
(Debugger Reset)
HIBRESET Yes Yes Yes Isolated No
TRST No No Yes - No

The resets can be divided into a few groups:

• Chip-level resets (XRS, POR, WDRS, and NMIWDRS), which reset all or almost all of the device.
• System resets (SYSRS and SCCRESET), which reset a large subset of the device but maintain some
system-level configuration.
• Special resets (HIBRESET, HWBISTRS,and TRST), which enable specific device functions.
After a reset, the reset cause register (RESC) is updated with the reset cause. The bits in this register
maintain their state across multiple resets. They can only be cleared by a power-on reset (POR) or by
writing ones to the register.
Many peripheral modules have individual resets accessible through the system control registers. For
information about a module's reset state, refer to the appropriate chapter for that module.
Note: After a POR, XRS, WDRS, NMIWDRS, or HIBRESET, the boot ROM will clear all of the system and
message RAMs.

3.3.2 External Reset (XRS)

The external reset (XRS) is the main chip-level reset for the device. It resets the CPU, all peripherals and
I/O pin configurations, and most of the system control registers. There is a dedicated open-drain pin for
XRS. This pin may be used to drive reset pins for other ICs in the application, and may itself be driven by
an external source. The XRS is driven internally during watchdog, NMI, and power-on resets. In hibernate
mode, toggling XRS will produce a HIBRESET.
The XRSn bit in the RESC register will be set whenever XRS is driven low for any reason. This bit is then
cleared by the boot ROM.

3.3.3 Power-On Reset (POR)

The power-on reset (POR) circuit creates a clean reset throughout the device during power-up,
suppressing glitches on the GPIOs. The XRS pin is held low for the duration of the POR. In most
applications, XRS is held low long enough to reset other system ICs, but some applications may require a
longer pulse. In these cases, XRS can be driven low externally to provide the correct reset duration. A
POR resets everything that XRS does, along with a few other registers – the reset cause register (RESC),
the NMI shadow flag register (NMISHDFLG), the X1 clock counter register (X1CNT), and the hibernate
configuration registers (HIBBOOTMODE, IORESTOREADDR, and LPMCR.M0M1MODE).

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After a POR, the POR and XRSn bits in RESC are set. These bits are then cleared by the boot ROM.

3.3.4 Debugger Reset (SYSRS)

During development, it is sometimes necessary to reset the CPU and its peripherals without disconnecting
the debugger or disrupting the system-level configuration. To facilitate this, the CPU has a subsystem
reset, which can be triggered by a debugger using Code Composer Studio. This reset (SYSRS) resets the
CPU, its peripherals, many system control registers (including its clock gating and LPM configuration), and
all I/O pin configurations.
The SYSRS does not reset the ICEPick debug module, the device capability registers, the clock source
and PLL configurations, the missing clock detection state, the PIE vector fetch error handler address, the
NMI flags, the analog trims, or anything reset only by a POR (see Section 3.3.3).

3.3.5 Watchdog Reset (WDRS)

The device has a watchdog timer that can optionally trigger a reset that lasts for 512 INTOSC1 cycles.
This watchdog reset (WDRS) produces an XRS.
After a watchdog reset, the WDRSn bit in RESC is set.

3.3.6 NMI Watchdog Reset (NMIWDRS)

The device has a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) module that detects hardware errors in the system. The
NMI module has a watchdog timer that triggers a reset if the CPU does not respond to an error within a
user-specified amount of time. This NMI watchdog reset (NMIWDRS) produces an XRS.
After an NMI watchdog reset, the NMIWDRSn bit in RESC is set.

3.3.7 DCSM Safe Code Copy Reset (SCCRESET)

The device has a dual-zone code security module (DCSM) that blocks read access to certain areas of the
flash memory. To facilitate CRC checks and copying of CLA code, TI provides ROM functions to securely
access those memory areas. To prevent security breaches, interrupts must be disabled before calling
these functions. If a vector fetch occurs in a safe copy or CRC function, the DCSM triggers a reset. The
security reset (SCCRESET) is similar to a SYSRS. However, the security reset also resets the debug logic
to deny access to a potential attacker.
After a security reset, the SCCRESETn bit in RESC is set.

3.3.8 Hibernate Reset (HIBRESET)

Hibernate is a chip-level low-power mode that gates power to large portions of the device. Waking up from
hibernate involves a special reset (HIBRESET). This reset is similar to a POR except that the I/O pins
remain isolated and the XRS pin is not toggled. (An external XRS toggle during hibernate will trigger a
HIBRESET). I/O isolation is disabled in software as part of a special boot ROM flow. For more information
on hibernate, refer to Section 3.10.
After a hibernate reset, the HIBRESETn bit in RESC is set. This bit is then cleared by the boot ROM.

3.3.9 Hardware BIST Reset (HWBISTRS)

The Hardware Built-In Self-Test (HWBIST) module tests the functionality of the CPU. At the end of the
test, it resets the CPU to return it to a working state. This reset (HWBISTRS) only affects the CPU itself.
The peripherals and system control remain as previously configured. The CPU state is restored in
software as part of a special boot ROM flow. For more information on the HWBIST flow, contact your local
TI representative.
After a HWBIST reset, the HWBISTn bit in RESC is set. This bit is then cleared by the boot ROM.

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3.3.10 Test Reset (TRST)

The ICEPick debug module and associated JTAG logic has its own reset (TRST) which is controlled by a
dedicated pin. This reset is normally active unless the user connects a debugger to the device. For more
information on the debug module, see the TI Processors Wiki page on ICEPick:
The TRST does not have a normal RESC bit, but the TRSTn_pin_status bit indicates the state of the pin.

3.4 Peripheral Interrupts

This section explains the peripheral interrupt handling on the device. Non-maskable interrupts are covered
in Section 3.5. Software interrupts and emulation interrupts are not covered in this document. For
information on those, see the TMS320C28x CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide (SPRU430).

3.4.1 Interrupt Concepts

An interrupt is a signal that causes the CPU to pause its current execution and branch to a different piece
of code known as an interrupt service routine (ISR). This is a useful mechanism for handling peripheral
events, and involves less CPU overhead or program complexity than register polling. However, because
interrupts are asynchronous to the program flow, care must be taken to avoid conflicts over resources that
are accessed both in interrupts and in the main program code.
Interrupts propagate to the CPU through a series of flag and enable registers. The flag registers store the
interrupt until it is processed. The enable registers block the propagation of the interrupt. When an
interrupt signal reaches the CPU, the CPU fetches the appropriate ISR address from a list called the
vector table.

3.4.2 Interrupt Architecture

The C28x CPU has fourteen peripheral interrupt lines. Two of them (INT13 and INT14) are connected
directly to CPU timers 1 and 2, respectively. The remaining twelve are connected to peripheral interrupt
signals through the enhanced Peripheral Interrupt Expansion module (ePIE, or PIE as a shortened
version). The PIE multiplexes up to sixteen peripheral interrupts into each CPU interrupt line. It also
expands the vector table to allow each interrupt to have its own ISR. This allows the CPU to support a
large number of peripherals.
An interrupt path is divided into three stages – the peripheral, the PIE, and the CPU. Each stage has its
own enable and flag registers. This system allows the CPU to handle one interrupt while others are
pending, implement and prioritize nested interrupts in software, and disable interrupts during certain
critical tasks.
Figure 3-1 shows the interrupt architecture for this device.

Figure 3-1. Device Interrupt Architecture




Input CPU1.XINT3 Control
CPU1. to
... X-BAR CPU1.XINT4 Control

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Each peripheral has its own unique interrupt configuration, which is described in that peripheral's chapter.
Some peripherals allow multiple events to trigger the same interrupt signal. For example, a
communications peripheral might use the same interrupt to indicate that data has been received or that
there has been a transmission error. The cause of the interrupt can be determined by reading the
peripheral's status register. Often, the bits in the status register must be cleared manually before another
interrupt will be generated. PIE Stage

The PIE provides individual flag and enable register bits for each of the peripheral interrupt signals, which
are sometimes called PIE channels. These channels are grouped according to their associated CPU
interrupt. Each PIE group has one 16-bit enable register (PIEIERx), one 16-bit flag register (PIEIFRx), and
one bit in the PIE acknowledge register (PIEACK). The PIEACK register bit acts as a common interrupt
mask for the entire PIE group.
When the CPU receives an interrupt, it fetches the address of the ISR from the PIE. The PIE returns the
vector for the lowest-numbered channel in the group that is both flagged and enabled. This gives lower-
numbered interrupts a higher priority when multiple interrupts are pending.
If no interrupt is both flagged and enabled, the PIE returns the vector for channel 1. This condition will not
happen unless software changes the state of the PIE while an interrupt is propagating. Section 3.4.4
contains procedures for safely modifying the PIE configuration once interrupts have been enabled. CPU Stage

Like the PIE, the CPU provides flag and enable register bits for each of its interrupts. There is one enable
register (IER) and one flag register (IFR), both of which are internal CPU registers. There is also a global
interrupt mask, which is controlled by the INTM bit in the ST1 register. This mask can be set and cleared
using the CPU's SETC instruction. In C code, controlSUITE's DINT and EINT macros can be used for this
Writes to IER and INTM are atomic operations. In particular, if INTM is cleared, the next instruction in the
pipeline will run with interrupts disabled. No software delays are needed.

3.4.3 Interrupt Entry Sequence

Figure 3-2 shows how peripheral interrupts propagate to the CPU.

Figure 3-2. Interrupt Propagation Path


Peripheral 0 Set
Latch 1 0 1
B 0 IFR.x 1 0

PIEIFRx.16 1

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When a peripheral generates an interrupt (on PIE group x, channel y), it triggers the following sequence of
1. The interrupt is latched in PIEIFRx.y.
2. If PIEIERx.y is set, the interrupt propagates.
3. If PIEACK.x is clear, the interrupt propagates and PIEACK.x is set.
4. The interrupt is latched in IFR.x.
5. If IER.x is set, the interrupt propagates.
6. If INTM is clear, the CPU receives the interrupt.
7. Any instructions in the D2 or later stage of the pipeline are run to completion. Instructions in earlier
stages are flushed.
8. The CPU saves its context on the stack.
9. IFR.x and IER.x are cleared. INTM is set. EALLOW is cleared.
10. The CPU fetches the ISR vector from the PIE. PIEIFRx.y is cleared.
11. The CPU branches to the ISR.
The interrupt latency is the time between PIEIFRx.y latching the interrupt and the first ISR instruction
entering the execution stage of the CPU pipeline. The minimum interrupt latency is 14 SYSCLK cycles.
Wait states on the ISR or stack memories will add to the latency. External interrupts add a minimum of two
SYSCLK cycles for GPIO synchronization plus extra time for input qualification (if used). Loops created
using the C28x RPT instruction cannot be interrupted.

3.4.4 Configuring and Using Interrupts

At power-up, no interrupts are enabled by default. The PIEIER and IER registers are cleared and INTM is
set. The application code is responsible for configuring and enabling all peripheral interrupts. Enabling Interrupts

To enable a peripheral interrupt, perform the following steps:
1. Disable interrupts globally (DINT or SETC INTM).
2. Enable the PIE by setting the ENPIE bit of the PIECTRL register.
3. Write the ISR vector for each interrupt to the appropriate location in the PIE vector table, which can be
found in Table 3-2.
4. Set the appropriate PIEIERx bit for each interrupt. The PIE group and channel assignments can be
found in Table 3-2.
5. Set the CPU IER bit for any PIE group containing enabled interrupts.
6. Enable the interrupt in the peripheral.
7. Enable interrupts globally (EINT or CLRC INTM).
Step 4 does not apply to the Timer1 and Timer2 interrupts, which connect directly to the CPU. Handling Interrupts

ISRs are similar to normal functions, but must do the following:
1. Save and restore the state of certain CPU registers (if used).
2. Clear the PIEACK bit for the interrupt group.
3. Return using the IRET instruction.
Requirements 1 and 3 are handled automatically by the TMS320C28x C compiler if the function is defined
using the __interrupt keyword. For information on this keyword, see the Keywords section of the
TMS320C28x Optimizing C/C++ Compiler v6.2.4 User's Guide (SPRU514). For information on writing
assembly code to handle interrupts, see the Standard Operation for Maskable Interrupts section of the
TMS320C28x CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide (SPRU430).

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The PIEACK bit for the interrupt group must be cleared manually in user code. This is normally done at
the end of the ISR. If the PIEACK bit is not cleared, the CPU will not receive any further interrupts from
that group. This does not apply to the Timer1 and Timer2 interrupts, which do not go through the PIE. Disabling Interrupts

To disable all interrupts, set the CPU's global interrupt mask via DINT or SETC INTM. It is not necessary
to add NOPs after setting INTM or modifying IER – the next instruction will execute with interrupts
Individual interrupts can be disabled using the PIEIERx registers, but care must be taken to avoid race
conditions. If an interrupt signal is already propagating when the PIEIER write completes, it may reach the
CPU and trigger a spurious interrupt condition. To avoid this, use the following procedure:
1. Disable interrupts globally (DINT or SETC INTM).
2. Clear the PIEIER bit for the interrupt.
3. Wait 5 cycles to make sure that any propagating interrupt has reached the CPU IFR register.
4. Clear the CPU IFR bit for the interrupt's PIE group.
5. Clear the PIEACK bit for the interrupt's PIE group.
6. Enable interrupts globally (EINT or CLRC INTM).
Interrupt groups can be disabled using the CPU IER register. This cannot cause a race condition, so no
special procedure is needed.
PIEIFR bits must never be cleared in software since the read/modify/write operation may cause incoming
interrupts to be lost. The only safe way to clear a PIEIFR bit is to have the CPU take the interrupt. The
following procedure can be used to bypass the normal ISR:
1. Disable interrupts globally (DINT or SETC INTM).
2. Modify the PIE vector table to map the PIEIFR bit's interrupt vector to an empty ISR. This ISR will only
contain a return from interrupt instruction (IRET).
3. Disable the interrupt in the peripheral registers.
4. Enable interrupts globally (EINT or CLRC INTM).
5. Wait for the pending interrupt to be serviced by the empty ISR.
6. Disable interrupts globally.
7. Modify the PIE vector table to map the interrupt vector back to its original ISR.
8. Clear the PIEACK bit for the interrupt's PIE group.
9. Enable interrupts globally. Nesting Interrupts

By default, interrupts do not nest. It is possible to nest and prioritize interrupts via software control of the
IER and PIEIERx registers. Documentation and example code can be found in controlSUITE and on the TI
Processors wiki:

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3.4.5 PIE Channel Mapping

Table 3-2 shows the PIE group and channel assignments for each peripheral interrupt. Each row is a group, and each column is a channel within
that group. When multiple interrupts are pending, the lowest-numbered channel is the lowest-numbered group is serviced first. Thus, the interrupts
at the top of the table have the highest priority, and the interrupts at the bottom have the lowest priority.

Table 3-2. PIE Channel Mapping

INTx.1 INTx.2 INTx.3 INTx.4 INTx.5 INTx.6 INTx.7 INTx.8 INTx.9 INTx.10 INTx.11 INTx.12 INTx.13 INTx.14 INTx.15 INTx.16
INT4.y ECAP1 ECAP2 ECAP3 ECAP4 ECAP5 ECAP6 - - - - - - - - - -
INT5.y EQEP1 EQEP2 EQEP3 - CLB1 CLB2 CLB3 CLB4 SD1 SD2 - - - - - -
INT7.y DMA_CH1 DMA_CH2 DMA_CH3 DMA_CH4 DMA_CH5 DMA_CH6 - - - - - - - - - -
INT11.y CLA1_1 CLA1_2 CLA1_3 CLA1_4 CLA1_5 CLA1_6 CLA1_7 CLA1_8 - - - - - - - -
Note: Cells marked "-" are Reserved

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3.4.6 Vector Tables

Table 3-3 shows the CPU interrupt vector table. The vectors for INT1 – INT12 are not used in this device.
The reset vector is fetched from the boot ROM instead of from this table.

Table 3-3. CPU Interrupt Vectors

Name Vector ID Address Size (x16) Description Core priority ePIE group
Reset 0 0x0000 0D00 2 Reset is always fetched from 1 (Highest) -
location 0x003F_FFC0 in Boot
INT1 1 0x0000 0D02 2 Not used. See PIE Group 1 5 -
INT2 2 0x0000 0D04 2 Not used. See PIE Group 2 6 -
INT3 3 0x0000 0D06 2 Not used. See PIE Group 3 7 -
INT4 4 0x0000 0D08 2 Not used. See PIE Group 4 8 -
INT5 5 0x0000 0D0A 2 Not used. See PIE Group 5 9 -
INT6 6 0x0000 0D0C 2 Not used. See PIE Group 6 10 -
INT7 7 0x0000 0D0E 2 Not used. See PIE Group 7 11 -
INT8 8 0x0000 0D10 2 Not used. See PIE Group 8 12 -
INT9 9 0x0000 0D12 2 Not used. See PIE Group 9 13 -
INT10 10 0x0000 0D14 2 Not used. See PIE Group 10 14 -
INT11 11 0x0000 0D16 2 Not used. See PIE Group 11 15 -
INT12 12 0x0000 0D18 2 Not used. See PIE Group 12 16 -
INT13 13 0x0000 0D1A 2 CPU TIMER1 Interrupt 17 -
INT14 14 0x0000 0D1C 2 CPU TIMER2 Interrupt (for 18 -
TI/RTOS use)
DATALOG 15 0x0000 0D1E 2 CPU Data Logging Interrupt 19 (lowest) -
RTOSINT 16 0x0000 0D20 2 CPU Real-Time OS Interrupt 4 -
EMUINT 17 0x0000 0D22 2 CPU Emulation Interrupt 2 -
NMI 18 0x0000 0D24 2 Non-Maskable Interrupt 3 -
ILLEGAL 19 0x0000 0D26 2 Illegal Instruction (ITRAP) - -
USER 1 20 0x0000 0D28 2 User-Defined Trap - -
USER 2 21 0x0000 0D2A 2 User-Defined Trap - -
USER 3 22 0x0000 0D2C 2 User-Defined Trap - -
USER 4 23 0x0000 0D2E 2 User-Defined Trap - -
USER 5 24 0x0000 0D30 2 User-Defined Trap - -
USER 6 25 0x0000 0D32 2 User-Defined Trap - -
USER 7 26 0x0000 0D34 2 User-Defined Trap - -
USER 8 27 0x0000 0D36 2 User-Defined Trap - -
USER 9 28 0x0000 0D38 2 User-Defined Trap - -
USER 10 29 0x0000 0D3A 2 User-Defined Trap - -
USER 11 30 0x0000 0D3C 2 User-Defined Trap - -
USER 12 31 0x0000 0D3E 2 User-Defined Trap - -

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Table 3-4 shows the Pie vector table.

Table 3-4. PIE Interrupt Vectors

Name Vector ID Address Size (x16) Description Core priority ePIE group
PIE Group 1 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT1
INT1.1 32 0x0000 0D40 2 ADCA1 interrupt 5 1 (Highest)
INT1.2 33 0x0000 0D42 2 ADCB1 interrupt 5 2
INT1.3 34 0x0000 0D44 2 ADCC1 interrupt 5 3
INT1.4 35 0x0000 0D46 2 XINT1 interrupt 5 4
INT1.5 36 0x0000 0D48 2 XINT2 interrupt 5 5
INT1.6 37 0x0000 0D4A 2 ADCD1 interrupt 5 6
INT1.7 38 0x0000 0D4C 2 TIMER0 interrupt 5 7
INT1.8 39 0x0000 0D4E 2 WAKE interrupt 5 8
INT1.9 128 0x0000 0E00 2 Reserved 5 9
INT1.10 129 0x0000 0E02 2 Reserved 5 10
INT1.11 130 0x0000 0E04 2 Reserved 5 11
INT1.12 131 0x0000 0E06 2 Reserved 5 12
INT1.13 132 0x0000 0E08 2 IPC1 interrupt 5 13
INT1.14 133 0x0000 0E0A 2 IPC2 interrupt 5 14
INT1.15 134 0x0000 0E0C 2 IPC3 interrupt 5 15
INT1.16 135 0x0000 0E0E 2 IPC4 interrupt 5 16 (Lowest)
PIE Group 2 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT2
INT2.1 40 0x0000 0D50 2 EPWM1_TZ 6 1 (Highest)
INT2.2 41 0x0000 0D52 2 EPWM2_TZ 6 2
INT2.3 42 0x0000 0D54 2 EPWM3_TZ 6 3
INT2.4 43 0x0000 0D56 2 EPWM4_TZ 6 4
INT2.5 44 0x0000 0D58 2 EPWM5_TZ 6 5
INT2.6 45 0x0000 0D5A 2 EPWM6_TZ 6 6
INT2.7 46 0x0000 0D5C 2 EPWM7_TZ 6 7
INT2.8 47 0x0000 0D5E 2 EPWM8_TZ 6 8
INT2.9 136 0x0000 0E10 2 EPWM9_TZ 6 9
INT2.10 137 0x0000 0E12 2 EPWM10_TZ 6 10
INT2.11 138 0x0000 0E14 2 EPWM11_TZ 6 11
INT2.12 139 0x0000 0E16 2 EPWM12_TZ 6 12
INT2.13 140 0x0000 0E18 2 Reserved 6 13
INT2.14 141 0x0000 0E1A 2 Reserved 6 14
INT2.15 142 0x0000 0E1C 2 Reserved 6 15
INT2.16 143 0x0000 0E1E 2 Reserved 6 16 (Lowest)
PIE Group 3 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT3
INT3.1 48 0x0000 0D60 2 EPWM1 interrupt 7 1 (Highest)
INT3.2 49 0x0000 0D62 2 EPWM2 interrupt 7 2

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Table 3-4. PIE Interrupt Vectors (continued)

Name Vector ID Address Size (x16) Description Core priority ePIE group
INT3.3 50 0x0000 0D64 2 EPWM3 interrupt 7 3
INT3.4 51 0x0000 0D66 2 EPWM4 interrupt 7 4
INT3.5 52 0x0000 0D68 2 EPWM5 interrupt 7 5
INT3.6 53 0x0000 0D6A 2 EPWM6 interrupt 7 6
INT3.7 54 0x0000 0D6C 2 EPWM7 interrupt 7 7
INT3.8 55 0x0000 0D6E 2 EPWM8 interrupt 7 8
INT3.9 144 0x0000 0E20 2 EPWM9 interrupt 7 9
INT3.10 145 0x0000 0E22 2 EPWM10 7 10
INT3.11 146 0x0000 0E24 2 EPWM11 7 11
INT3.12 147 0x0000 0E26 2 EPWM12 7 12
INT3.13 148 0x0000 0E28 2 Reserved 7 13
INT3.14 149 0x0000 0E2A 2 Reserved 7 14
INT3.15 150 0x0000 0E2C 2 Reserved 7 15
INT3.16 151 0x0000 0E2E 2 Reserved 7 16 (Lowest)
PIE Group 4 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT4
INT4.1 56 0x0000 0D70 2 ECAP1 interrupt 8 1 (Highest)
INT4.2 57 0x0000 0D72 2 ECAP2 interrupt 8 2
INT4.3 58 0x0000 0D74 2 ECAP3 interrupt 8 3
INT4.4 59 0x0000 0D76 2 ECAP4 interrupt 8 4
INT4.5 60 0x0000 0D78 2 ECAP5 interrupt 8 5
INT4.6 61 0x0000 0D7A 2 ECAP6 interrupt 8 6
INT4.7 62 0x0000 0D7C 2 Reserved 8 7
INT4.8 63 0x0000 0D7E 2 Reserved 8 8
INT4.9 152 0x0000 0E30 2 Reserved 8 9
INT4.10 153 0x0000 0E32 2 Reserved 8 10
INT4.11 154 0x0000 0E34 2 Reserved 8 11
INT4.12 155 0x0000 0E36 2 Reserved 8 12
INT4.13 156 0x0000 0E38 2 Reserved 8 13
INT4.14 157 0x0000 0E3A 2 Reserved 8 14
INT4.15 158 0x0000 0E3C 2 Reserved 8 15
INT4.16 159 0x0000 0E3E 2 Reserved 8 16 (Lowest)
PIE Group 5 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT5
INT5.1 64 0x0000 0D80 2 EQEP1 interrupt 9 1 (Highest)
INT5.2 65 0x0000 0D82 2 EQEP2 interrupt 9 2
INT5.3 66 0x0000 0D84 2 EQEP3 interrupt 9 3
INT5.4 67 0x0000 0D86 2 Reserved 9 4
INT5.5 68 0x0000 0D88 2 CLB1 Interrupt 9 5
INT5.6 69 0x0000 0D8A 2 CLB2 Interrupt 9 6
INT5.7 70 0x0000 0D8C 2 CLB3 Interrupt 9 7
INT5.8 71 0x0000 0D8E 2 CLB4 Interrupt 9 8
INT5.9 160 0x0000 0E40 2 SD1 interrupt 9 9
INT5.10 161 0x0000 0E42 2 SD2 interrupt 9 10
INT5.11 162 0x0000 0E44 2 Reserved 9 11
INT5.12 163 0x0000 0E46 2 Reserved 9 12
INT5.13 164 0x0000 0E48 2 Reserved 9 13

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Table 3-4. PIE Interrupt Vectors (continued)

Name Vector ID Address Size (x16) Description Core priority ePIE group
INT5.14 165 0x0000 0E4A 2 Reserved 9 14
INT5.15 166 0x0000 0E4C 2 Reserved 9 15
INT5.16 167 0x0000 0E4E 2 Reserved 9 16 (Lowest)
PIE Group 6 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT6
INT6.1 72 0x0000 0D90 2 SPIA_RX 10 1 (Highest)
INT6.2 73 0x0000 0D92 2 SPIA_TX 10 2
INT6.3 74 0x0000 0D94 2 SPIB_RX 10 3
INT6.4 75 0x0000 0D96 2 SPIB_TX 10 4
INT6.5 76 0x0000 0D98 2 MCBSPA_RX 10 5
INT6.6 77 0x0000 0D9A 2 MCBSPA_TX 10 6
INT6.7 78 0x0000 0D9C 2 MCBSPB_RX 10 7
INT6.8 79 0x0000 0D9E 2 MCBSPB_TX 10 8
INT6.9 168 0x0000 0E50 2 SPIC_RX 10 9
INT6.10 169 0x0000 0E52 2 SPIC_TX 10 10
INT6.11 170 0x0000 0E54 2 Reserved 10 11
INT6.12 171 0x0000 0E56 2 Reserved 10 12
INT6.13 172 0x0000 0E58 2 Reserved 10 13
INT6.14 173 0x0000 0E5A 2 Reserved 10 14
INT6.15 174 0x0000 0E5C 2 Reserved 10 15
INT6.16 175 0x0000 0E5E 2 Reserved 10 16 (Lowest)
PIE Group 7 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT7
INT7.1 80 0x0000 0DA0 2 DMA_CH1 11 1 (Highest)
INT7.2 81 0x0000 0DA2 2 DMA_CH2 11 2
INT7.3 82 0x0000 0DA4 2 DMA_CH3 11 3
INT7.4 83 0x0000 0DA6 2 DMA_CH4 11 4
INT7.5 84 0x0000 0DA8 2 DMA_CH5 11 5
INT7.6 85 0x0000 0DAA 2 DMA_CH6 11 6
INT7.7 86 0x0000 0DAC 2 Reserved 11 7
INT7.8 87 0x0000 0DAE 2 Reserved 11 8
INT7.9 176 0x0000 0E60 2 Reserved 11 9
INT7.10 177 0x0000 0E62 2 Reserved 11 10
INT7.11 178 0x0000 0E64 2 Reserved 11 11
INT7.12 179 0x0000 0E66 2 Reserved 11 12
INT7.13 180 0x0000 0E68 2 Reserved 11 13
INT7.14 181 0x0000 0E6A 2 Reserved 11 14
INT7.15 182 0x0000 0E6C 2 Reserved 11 15

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Table 3-4. PIE Interrupt Vectors (continued)

Name Vector ID Address Size (x16) Description Core priority ePIE group
INT7.16 183 0x0000 0E6E 2 Reserved 11 16 (Lowest)
PIE Group 8 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT8
INT8.1 88 0x0000 0DB0 2 I2CA interrupt 12 1 (Highest)
INT8.2 89 0x0000 0DB2 2 I2CA_FIFO 12 2
INT8.3 90 0x0000 0DB4 2 I2CB interrupt 12 3
INT8.4 91 0x0000 0DB6 2 I2CB_FIFO 12 4
INT8.5 92 0x0000 0DB8 2 SCIC_RX 12 5
INT8.6 93 0x0000 0DBA 2 SCIC_TX 12 6
INT8.7 94 0x0000 0DBC 2 SCID_RX 12 7
INT8.8 95 0x0000 0DBE 2 SCID_TX 12 8
INT8.9 184 0x0000 0E70 2 Reserved 12 9
INT8.10 185 0x0000 0E72 2 Reserved 12 10
INT8.11 186 0x0000 0E74 2 Reserved 12 11
INT8.12 187 0x0000 0E76 2 Reserved 12 12
INT8.13 188 0x0000 0E78 2 Reserved 12 13
INT8.14 189 0x0000 0E7A 2 Reserved 12 14
INT8.15 190 0x0000 0E7C 2 UPPA interrupt 12 15
(CPU1 only)
INT8.16 191 0x0000 0E7E 2 Reserved 12 16 (Lowest)
PIE Group 9 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT9
INT9.1 96 0x0000 0DC0 2 SCIA_RX 13 1 (Highest)
INT9.2 97 0x0000 0DC2 2 SCIA_TX 13 2
INT9.3 98 0x0000 0DC4 2 SCIB_RX 13 3
INT9.4 99 0x0000 0DC6 2 SCIB_TX 13 4
INT9.5 100 0x0000 0DC8 2 CANA interrupt 0 13 5
INT9.6 101 0x0000 0DCA 2 CANA interrupt 1 13 6
INT9.7 102 0x0000 0DCC 2 CANB interrupt 0 13 7
INT9.8 103 0x0000 0DCE 2 CANB interrupt 1 13 8
INT9.9 192 0x0000 0E80 2 Reserved 13 9
INT9.10 193 0x0000 0E82 2 Reserved 13 10
INT9.11 194 0x0000 0E84 2 Reserved 13 11
INT9.12 195 0x0000 0E86 2 Reserved 13 12
INT9.13 196 0x0000 0E88 2 Reserved 13 13
INT9.14 197 0x0000 0E8A 2 Reserved 13 14
INT9.15 198 0x0000 0E8C 2 USBA interrupt 13 15
(CPU1 only)
INT9.16 199 0x0000 0E8E 2 Reserved 13 16 (Lowest)
PIE Group 10 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT10
INT10.1 104 0x0000 0DD0 2 ADCA_EVT 14 1 (Highest)
INT10.2 105 0x0000 0DD2 2 ADCA2 interrupt 14 2

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Table 3-4. PIE Interrupt Vectors (continued)

Name Vector ID Address Size (x16) Description Core priority ePIE group
INT10.3 106 0x0000 0DD4 2 ADCA3 interrupt 14 3
INT10.4 107 0x0000 0DD6 2 ADCA4 interrupt 14 4
INT10.5 108 0x0000 0DD8 2 ADCB_EVT 14 5
INT10.6 109 0x0000 0DDA 2 ADCB2 interrupt 14 6
INT10.7 110 0x0000 0DDC 2 ADCB3 interrupt 14 7
INT10.8 111 0x0000 0DDE 2 ADCB4 interrupt 14 8
INT10.9 200 0x0000 0E90 2 ADCC_EVT 14 9
INT10.10 201 0x0000 0E92 2 ADCC2 interrupt 14 10
INT10.11 202 0x0000 0E94 2 ADCC3 interrupt 14 11
INT10.12 203 0x0000 0E96 2 ADCC4 interrupt 14 12
INT10.13 204 0x0000 0E98 2 ADCD_EVT 14 13
INT10.14 205 0x0000 0E9A 2 ADCD2 interrupt 14 14
INT10.15 206 0x0000 0E9C 2 ADCD3 interrupt 14 15
INT10.16 207 0x0000 0E9E 2 ADCD4 interrupt 14 16 (Lowest)
PIE Group 11 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT11
INT11.1 112 0x0000 0DE0 2 CLA1_1 interrupt 15 1 (Highest)
INT11.2 113 0x0000 0DE2 2 CLA1_2 interrupt 15 2
INT11.3 114 0x0000 0DE4 2 CLA1_3 interrupt 15 3
INT11.4 115 0x0000 0DE6 2 CLA1_4 interrupt 15 4
INT11.5 116 0x0000 0DE8 2 CLA1_5 interrupt 15 5
INT11.6 117 0x0000 0DEA 2 CLA1_6 interrupt 15 6
INT11.7 118 0x0000 0DEC 2 CLA1_7 interrupt 15 7
INT11.8 119 0x0000 0DEE 2 CLA1_8 interrupt 15 8
INT11.9 208 0x0000 0EA0 2 Reserved 15 9
INT11.10 209 0x0000 0EA2 2 Reserved 15 10
INT11.11 210 0x0000 0EA4 2 Reserved 15 11
INT11.12 211 0x0000 0EA6 2 Reserved 15 12
INT11.13 212 0x0000 0EA8 2 Reserved 15 13
INT11.14 213 0x0000 0EAA 2 Reserved 15 14
INT11.15 214 0x0000 0EAC 2 Reserved 15 15
INT11.16 215 0x0000 0EAE 2 Reserved 15 16 (Lowest)
PIE Group 12 Vectors - Muxed into CPU INT12
INT12.1 120 0x0000 0DF0 2 XINT3 interrupt 16 1 (Highest)
INT12.2 121 0x0000 0DF2 2 XINT4 interrupt 16 2
INT12.3 122 0x0000 0DF4 2 XINT5 interrupt 16 3
INT12.4 123 0x0000 0DF6 2 Reserved 16 4
INT12.5 124 0x0000 0DF8 2 Reserved 16 5
INT12.6 125 0x0000 0DFA 2 VCU interrupt 16 6
INT12.7 126 0x0000 0DFC 2 FPU_OVERFLO 16 7
W interrupt
INT12.8 127 0x0000 0DFE 2 FPU_UNDERFL 16 8
OW interrupt
INT12.9 216 0x0000 0EB0 2 EMIF_ERROR 16 9

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Table 3-4. PIE Interrupt Vectors (continued)

Name Vector ID Address Size (x16) Description Core priority ePIE group
INT12.10 217 0x0000 0EB2 2 RAM_CORREC 16 10
INT12.11 218 0x0000 0EB4 2 FLASH_CORRE 16 11
R interrupt
INT12.12 219 0x0000 0EB6 2 RAM_ACCESS_ 16 12
INT12.13 220 0x0000 0EB8 2 SYS_PLL_SLIP 16 13
INT12.14 221 0x0000 0EBA 2 AUX_PLL_SLIP 16 14
INT12.15 222 0x0000 0EBC 2 CLA_OVERFLO 16 15
W interrupt
INT12.16 223 0x0000 0EBE 2 CLA_UNDERFL 16 16 (Lowest)
OW interrupt

3.5 Exceptions and Non-Maskable Interrupts

This section describes system-level error conditions that can trigger a non-maskable interrupt (NMI). The
interrupt allows the application to respond to the error.

3.5.1 Configuring and Using NMIs

An incoming NMI sets a status bit in the NMIFLG register and starts the NMI watchdog counter. This
counter is clocked by the SYSCLK, and if it reaches the value in the NMIWDPRD register, it triggers an
NMI watchdog reset (NMIWDRS). To prevent this, the NMI handler must clear the flag bit using the
NMIFLGCLR register. Once all flag bits are clear, the NMIINT bit in the NMIFLG register may also be
cleared to allow future NMIs to be taken.
The NMI module is enabled by the boot ROM during the startup process. To respond to NMIs, an NMI
handler vector must be written to the PIE vector table.

3.5.2 Emulation Considerations

The NMI watchdog counter behaves as follows under debug conditions:

CPU Suspended When the CPU is suspended, the NMI watchdog counter will
be suspended.
Run-Free Mode When the CPU is placed in run-free mode, the NMI watchdog
counter will resume operation as normal.
Real-Time Single-Step Mode When the CPU is in real-time single-step mode, the NMI
watchdog counter will be suspended. The counter remains
suspended even within real-time interrupts.
Real-Time Run-Free Mode When the CPU is in real-time run-free mode, the NMI
watchdog counter operates as normal.

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3.5.3 NMI Sources

There are several types of hardware errors that can trigger an NMI. Additional information about the error
is usually available from the module that detects it. Missing Clock Detection

The missing clock detection logic monitors OSCCLK for failure. If the OSCCLK source stops, the PLL is
bypassed, OSCCLK is connected to INTOSC1, and an NMI is fired to the CPU. For more information on
missing clock detection, see Section 3.6.2. RAM Uncorrectable ECC Error

A single-bit parity error, double-bit ECC data error, or single-bit ECC address error in a RAM read will
trigger an NMI. This applies to CPU, CLA, and DMA reads. Single-bit ECC data errors do not trigger an
NMI, but can optionally trigger a normal peripheral interrupt. For more information on RAM error detection,
see Section Flash Uncorrectable ECC Error

A double-bit ECC data error or single-bit ECC address error in a flash read will trigger an NMI. Single-bit
ECC data errors do not trigger an NMI, but can optionally trigger a normal peripheral interrupt. For more
information on flash error detection, see Section 3.12.10.

3.5.4 Illegal Instruction Trap (ITRAP)

If the CPU tries to execute an illegal instruction, it generates a special interrupt called an illegal instruction
trap (ITRAP). This interrupt is non-maskable and has its own vector in the PIE vector table. For more
information about ITRAPs, see the Illegal-Instruction Trap section of the TMS320C28x DSP CPU and
Instruction Set Reference Guide (SPRU430).

NOTE: A RAM fetch access violation will trigger an ITRAP in addition to the normal peripheral
interrupt for RAM access violations. The CPU will handle the ITRAP first.

3.6 Safety Features

This section gives details on features that monitor device operation during run-time to detect any error in

3.6.1 Write Protection on Registers LOCK Protection on System Configuration Registers

Several system configuration registers are protected from spurious CPU writes by “LOCK” registers. Once
these associated LOCK register bits are set the respective locked registers can no longer be modified by
software. See specific register descriptions for details. EALLOW Protection

Several control registers are protected from spurious CPU writes by the EALLOW protection mechanism.
The EALLOW bit in status register 1 (ST1) indicates the state of protection as shown in Table 3-5.

Table 3-5. Access to EALLOW-Protected Registers

EALLOW Bit CPU Writes CPU Reads JTAG Writes JTAG Reads
0 Ignored Allowed Allowed (1) Allowed
1 Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed
The EALLOW bit is overridden via the JTAG port, allowing full access of protected registers during debug from the Code
Composer Studio interface.

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At reset, the EALLOW bit is cleared, enabling EALLOW protection. While protected, all writes to protected
registers by the CPU are ignored and only CPU reads, JTAG reads, and JTAG writes are allowed. If this
bit is set, by executing the EALLOW instruction, the CPU is allowed to write freely to protected registers.
After modifying registers, they can once again be protected by executing the EDIS instruction to clear the

3.6.2 Missing Clock Detection Logic

The missing clock detect (MCD) logic detects OSCCLK failure, using INTOSC1 as the reference clock
source. This circuit only detects complete loss of OSCCLK and doesn’t do any detection of frequency drift
on the OSCCLK.
This circuit monitors the OSCLK (primary clock) using the 10 MHz clock provided by the INTOSC1
(secondary clock) as a backup clock. This circuit functions as below:
1. The primary clock (OSCCLK) clock keeps ticking a 7-bit counter (named as MCDPCNT). This counter
is asynchronously reset with XRS.
2. The secondary clock (INTOSC1) clock keeps ticking a 13-bit counter (named as MCDSCNT). This
counter is asynchronously reset with XRS.
3. Each time MCDPCNT overflows, the MCDSCNT counter is reset. Thus, if OSCCLK is present or not
slower than INTOSC1 by a factor of 64, MCDSCNT will never overflow.
4. If OSCCLK stops for some reason, or is slower than INTOSC1 by at least a factor of 64, the
MCDSCNT will overflow and a missing clock condition will be detected on OSCCLK.
5. The above check is continuously active, unless the MCD is disabled using MCDCR register (by making
the MCLKOFF bit 1)
6. If the circuit ever detects a missing OSCCLK, the following occurs:
• The MCDSTS flag is set
• The MCDSCNT counter is frozen to prevent further missing clock detection
• The CLOCKFAIL signal goes high, which generates TRIP events to PWM modules and fires NMIs
• PLL is forcefully bypassed and OSCCLK is switched to INTOSC1 (after the PLLSYSCLK divider).
PLLMULT is zeroed out automatically in this case.
• While the MCDSTS bit is set, the OSCCLKSRCSEL bits have no effect and OSCCLK is forcefully
connected to INTOSC1.
• PLLRAWCLK going to the system is switched to INTOSC1 automatically
7. If the MCLKCLR bit is written (this is a W=1 bit), MCDSTS bit will be cleared and OSCCLK source will
be decided by the OSCCLKSRCSEL bits. Writing to MCLKCLR will also clear the MCDPCNT and
MCDSCNT counters to allow the circuit re-evaluate missing clock detection. If user wants to lock the
PLL after missing clock detection, he needs to first switch the clock source to INTOSC1 (using
OSCCLKSRCSEL register), do a MCLKCLR and re-lock the PLL.
8. The MCD is enabled at power up. There is no support for missing clock detection if INTOSC2 is failed
from the device power-up.
Figure 3-3 shows the missing clock logic functional flow.

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Figure 3-3. Missing Clock Detection Logic

Secondary Clock CLOCKFAIL

INTOSC1 Missing
Primary Clock (MCD)
INTOSC2 Source Mode
Select OSCCLK Ckt

(glitch- PLLSYSCLK
PLL Locking free)
Registers Control

Clock Dividers

Clock Sources SYSPLLCTL1/2/3,


3.6.3 PLLSLIP Detection

The PLL SLIP detection on this device can detect if the PLL reference clock goes too high or too slow
while PLL is locked. An interrupt to both the CPUs is triggered as shown in the ePIE table in Section 3.4.
Apart from the interrupt to both the CPUs, the PLLSTS.SLIP bit is set for user software to check the error.
The SLIP detection is available on both SYSPLL and AUXPLL.

3.6.4 CPU1 Vector Address Validity Check

The ePIE vector table is duplicated into two parts:
• Main ePIE Vector Table mapped from 0xD00 to 0xEFF in the C28x memory space
• Redundant ePIE Vector Table mapped from 0x1000D00 to 0x1000EFF in the C28x memory space
Following is the behavior of accesses to the ePIE memories:
• Data Writes to Main Vector Table: Writes to both memories
• Data Writes to Redundant Vector Table: Writes only to the Redundant Vector Table
• Vector Fetch: Data from both the vector tables are compared
• Data Read: Can read the Main and Redundant vector table separately
On every vector fetch from the ePIE, a hardware comparison (no cycle penalty is incurred to do the
comparison) of both the vector table outputs is performed and if there is a mismatch between the two
vector table outputs, the following occurs:
1. If the PIEVERRADDR register (default value 0x3F FFFF) is not initialized, the default error handler at
address 0x3FFFBE gets executed.
But, when the PIEVERRADDR register is initialized to the address of the user-defined routine, the
user-defined routine is executed instead of the default error handler.
2. Hardware also generates EPWM Trip signals which will trip the PWM outputs using TRIPIN15.
3. If there is no mismatch, the correct vector is jammed onto the C28 program control.
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3.6.5 NMIWDs
CPU1 has a user-programmable NMIWD period register in which users can set a limit on how much time
they want to allocate for the device to acknowledge the NMI. If the NMI is not acknowledged, it will cause
a device reset.

3.6.6 ECC and Parity Enabled RAMs, Shared RAMs Protection

The CPU subsystem has different RAM blocks. Few RAM blocks are ECC-enabled and others are parity-
enabled. All single-bit errors in ECC RAM are auto-corrected and an error counter is incremented every
time a single bit error is detected. If the error counter reaches a predefined user configured limit, an
interrupt is generated to the corresponding CPU. A typical threshold setting to avoid triggering on transient
errors which are corrected, but identify persistent faults is 10. Refer to Section 3.11 for more details on
RAM errors.
All uncorrectable double-bit errors end up triggering an NMI to corresponding CPUs.

3.6.7 ECC Enabled Flash Memory

When ECC is programmed and enabled, flash single-bit errors are corrected automatically by ECC logic
before giving data to CPU1, but they are not corrected in flash memory. Flash memory will still contain
wrong data until another erase/program operation happens to correct the flash contents. Irrespective of
whether the error interrupt is enabled or disabled, single-bit errors are always corrected before giving data
to CPU1 . When the interrupt is disabled, users can check the single-bit error counter register for any
single-bit error occurrences. The error counter stops incrementing once its value is equal to the
threshold+1. It is always suggested to set the threshold register to a non-zero value so that the error
counter can increment. It is up to the user to decide the threshold value at which they have to reprogram
the flash with the correct data. A typical threshold setting to avoid triggering on transient errors which are
corrected, but identify persistent faults is 10. When ECC is programmed and enabled, flash uncorrectable
errors end up triggering an NMI to CPU1. Please refer to Section 3.11 for more details on flash error
correction and error catching mechanisms.

3.6.8 ERRORSTS Pin

The ERRORSTS pin is an ‘always output’ pin and remains low until an error is detected inside the chip.
On an error, the ERRORSTS pin goes high until the corresponding internal error status flag for that error
source is cleared. Figure 3-4 shows the functionality of the ERRORSTS pin.
The ERRORSTS pin will be tri-stated until the chip power rails ramp up to the lower operational limit. As
the ERRORSTS pin is an active-high pin, users who care about the state of this pin during power-up
should connect an external pull-down on this pin.

Figure 3-4. ERRORSTS Pin Diagram

CPU1's NMIWD Shadow flags





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3.7 Clocking
This section explains the clock sources and clock domains on this device, and how to configure them for
application use. Figure 3-5 provides an overview of the device's clocking system.

Figure 3-5. Clocking System

INTOSC1 WDCLK To watchdog timer



Divider and NMIWDs

SYSCLK CPU CPU1.CPUCLK To local memories

To ePIEs, LS RAMs,
and DCSMs
One per SYSCLK peripheral


PERx.SYSCLK To peripherals

One per LSPCLK peripheral


To SCIs, SPIs, and


One per ePWM







One per CAN module


CAN Bit Clock To CANs




Note that the default/2 divider for ePWMs and EMIFs is not shown.

3.7.1 Clock Sources

All of the clocks in the device are derived from one of four clock sources.

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At power-up, the device is clocked from an on-chip 10 MHz oscillator (INTOSC2). INTOSC2 is the primary
internal clock source, and is the default system clock at reset. It is used to run the boot ROM and can be
used as the system clock source for the application. Note that INTOSC2's frequency tolerance is too loose
to meet the timing requirements for CAN and USB, so an external clock must be used to support those
features. Backup Internal Oscillator (INTOSC1)

The device also includes a redundant on-chip 10 MHz oscillator (INTOSC1). INTOSC1 is a backup clock
source that normally only clocks the watchdog timers and missing clock detection circuit (MCD). If MCD is
enabled and a missing system clock is detected, the system PLL is bypassed and all system clocks are
connected to INTOSC1 automatically. INTOSC1 may also be manually selected as the system and
auxiliary clock source for debug purposes. External Oscillator (XTAL)

The dedicated X1 and X2 pins support an external clock source (XTAL), which can be used as the main
system and auxiliary clock source. Frequency limits and timing requirements can be found in the device
datasheet. Three types of external clock sources are supported:
• A single-ended 3.3V external clock. The clock signal should be connected to X1 while X2 is left
unconnected, as shown in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6. Single-ended 3.3V External Clock


3.3V NC


3.3V Oscillator

• An external crystal. The crystal should be connected across X1 and X2 with its load capacitors
connected to VSSOSC as shown in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7. External Crystal




• An external resonator. The resonator should be connected across X1 and X2 with its ground
connected to VSSOSC as shown in Figure 3-8.

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Figure 3-8. External Resonator



Resonator Auxiliary Clock Input (AUXCLKIN)

An additional external clock source is supported on GPIO133 (AUXCLKIN). This must be a single-ended
3.3V external clock. It can be used as the source for the USB and CAN bit clocks. Frequency limits and
timing requirements can be found in the device datasheet. The external clock should be connected directly
to the GPIO133 pin, as shown in Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9. AUXCLKIN

3.7.2 Derived Clocks

The clock sources discussed in the previous section can be multiplied (via PLL) and divided down to
produce the desired clock frequencies for the application. This process produces a set of derived clocks,
which are described in this section. Oscillator Clock (OSCCLK)

One of INTOSC2, XTAL, or INTOSC1 must be chosen to be the master reference clock (OSCCLK) for the
CPU and most of the peripherals. OSCCLK may be used directly or fed through the system PLL to reach
a higher frequency. At reset, OSCCLK is the default system clock, and is connected to INTOSC2. System PLL Output Clock (PLLRAWCLK)

The system PLL allows the device to run at its maximum rated operating frequency, and in most
applications will generate the main system clock. This PLL uses OSCCLK as a reference, and features a
fractional multiplier and slip detection. For configuration instructions, see Section 3.7.6.

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One of INTOSC2, XTAL, or AUXCLKIN may be chosen to be the auxiliary reference clock (AUXOSCCLK)
for the USB module. (This selection does not affect the CAN bit clock, which uses AUXCLKIN directly).
AUXOSCCLK may be used directly or fed through the auxiliary PLL to reach a higher frequency. At reset,
AUXOSCCLK is connected to INTOSC2, but only an external oscillator can meet the USB timing
requirements. Auxiliary PLL Output Clock (AUXPLLRAWCLK)

The auxiliary PLL is used to generate a 60 MHz clock for the USB module. This PLL uses AUXOSCCLK
as a reference, and features a fractional multiplier and slip detection. For configuration instructions, see
Section 3.7.6.

3.7.3 Device Clock Domains

The device clock domains feed the clock inputs of the various modules in the device. They are connected
to the derived clocks, either directly or through an additional divider. System Clock (PLLSYSCLK)

The system control registers, GS RAMs, GPIO qualification, and NMI watchdog timer have their own clock
domain (PLLSYSCLK). Despite the name, PLLSYSCLK may be connected to the system PLL
(PLLRAWCLK) or to OSCCLK. The chosen clock source is run through a frequency divider, which is
configured via the SYSCLKDIVSEL register. PLLSYSCLK is gated in HALT mode. CPU Clock (CPUCLK)

The CPU has its own clock (CPUCLK) which is used to clock the CPU, its coprocessors, its private RAMs
(M0, M1, D0, and D1), and its boot ROM and flash wrapper. This clock is identical to PLLSYSCLK, but is
gated when the CPU enters IDLE, STANDBY, or HALT mode. CPU Subsystem Clock (SYSCLK and PERx.SYSCLK)

The CPU provides a clock (SYSCLK) to the CLA, DMA, and most peripherals. This clock is identical to
PLLSYSCLK, but is gated when the CPU enters STANDBY or HALT mode.
Each peripheral clock has its own independent clock gating which is controlled by the PCLKCRx registers.
By default, the ePWM, EMIF1, and EMIF2 clocks each have an additional /2 divider, which is required to
support CPU frequencies over 100 MHz. At slower CPU frequencies, these dividers can be disabled via
the PERCLKDIVSEL register. Low-Speed Peripheral Clock (LSPCLK and PERx.LSPCLK)

The SCI, SPI, and McBSP modules can communicate at bit rates that are much slower than the CPU
frequency. These modules are connected to a shared clock divider, which generates a low-speed
peripheral clock (LSPCLK) derived from SYSCLK. LSPCLK uses a /4 divider by default, but the ratio can
be changed via the LOSPCP register. Each SCI, SPI, and McBSP module's clock (PERx.LSPCLK) can be
gated independently via the PCLKCRx registers. USB Auxiliary Clock (AUXPLLCLK)

The USB module requires a fixed 60 MHz clock for bit sampling. Since the main system clock is usually
not a multiple of 60 MHz, the correct frequency cannot be achieved with a simple divider. Instead, the
USB clock is provided through an auxiliary clock path (AUXPLLCLK), which can use an independent clock
source and PLL to generate the correct frequency.
USB clock tolerances are very tight. As stated in section 7.1.11 of the USB 2.0 specification, low-speed
devices (1.50 Mb/s) have a tolerance of +/- 1.5% , while high-speed devices (12.000 Mb/s) have a
tolerance of +/- 0.25%. Typically these tolerances are achieved by using an external crystal or resonator
as the source for AUXOSCCLK.

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The required frequency tolerance for the CAN bit clock depends on the bit timing setup and network
configuration, and can be as tight as 0.1%. Since the main system clock (in the form of PERx.SYSCLK)
may not be precise enough, the bit clock can also be connected to XTAL or AUXCLKIN via the
CLKSRCCTL2 register. There is an independent selection for each CAN module. CPU Timer2 Clock (TIMER2CLK)

CPU timers 0 and 1 are connected to PERx.SYSCLK. Timer 2 is connected to PERx.SYSCLK by default,
but may also be connected to INTOSC1, INTOSC2, XTAL, or AUXPLLCLK via the TMR2CLKCTL register.
This register also provides a separate prescale divider for timer 2. If a source other than SYSCLK is used,
the SYSCLK frequency must be at least twice the source frequency to ensure correct sampling.
The main reason to use a non-SYSCLK source would be for internal frequency measurement. In most
applications, timer 2 will run off of the SYSCLK.

It is sometimes necessary to observe a clock directly for debug and testing purposes. The external clock
output (XCLKOUT) feature supports this by connecting a clock to an external pin, GPIO73. The available
To use XCLKOUT, first select the clock source via the CLKSRCCTL3 register. Next, select the desired
output divider via the XCLKOUTDIVSEL register. Finally, connect GPIO73 to mux channel 3 using the
GPIO configuration registers.

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3.7.5 Clock Connectivity

The tables below provide details on the clock connections of every module present in the device.

Table 3-6. Clock Connections Sorted by Clock Domain

Clock Domain Module Name

M0 - M1 RAMs
D0 - D1 RAMs
LS0 - LS5 RAMs
CLA1 Message RAMs
GS0 - GS15 RAMs
GPIO Input Sync and Qual
Timer0 - 2
CMPSS1 - 8
ePWM1 - 12
eCAP1 - 6
eQEP1 - 3
I2CA - B
SDFM1 - 8
CAN Bit Clock CANA - B
WDCLK (INTOSC1) Watchdog Timer

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Table 3-7. Clock Connections Sorted by Module Name

Module Name Clock Domain

CANA - B CAN Bit Clock
Watchdog Timer WDCLK (INTOSC1)

3.7.6 Clock Source and PLL Setup

The needs of the application are what ultimately determine the clock configuration. Specific concerns such
as application performance, power consumption, total system cost, and EMC are beyond the scope of this
document, but they should provide answers to the following questions:
1. What is the desired CPU frequency?
2. Is CAN required?
3. Is USB required?
4. What types of external oscillators or clock sources are available?
If CAN or USB is required, an external clock source with a precise frequency must be used as a reference
clock. Otherwise, it may be possible to use only INTOSC2 and avoid the need for more external
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There are two settings to configure for each PLL – a multiplier and a divider. They obey the formulas:
where fOSCCLK is the system oscillator clock frequency, fAUXOSCCLK is the auxiliary oscillator clock frequency,
IMULT and FMULT are the integral and fractional parts of the multipliers, PLLSYSCLKDIV is the system
clock divider, and AUXPLLDIV is the auxiliary clock divider. For the permissible values of the multipliers
and dividers, see the documentation for their respective registers.
Many combinations of multiplier and divider can produce the same output frequency. However, the
product of the reference clock frequency and the multiplier (known as the VCO frequency) must be in the
range specified in the data manual.

NOTE: The system clock frequency (PLLSYSCLK) may not exceed the limit specified in the
datasheet. This limit does not allow for oscillator tolerance. System Clock Setup

Once the application requirements are understood, a specific clock configuration can be determined. The
default configuration is for INTOSC2 to be used as the system clock (PLLSYSCLK) with a divider of 1.
The following procedure should be used to set up the desired application configuration:
1. Select the reference clock source (OSCCLK) by writing to CLKSRCCTL1.OSCCLKSRCSEL.
2. Set up the system PLL: (see the InitSysPll() function in your devices controlSUITE installation for an
a. Bypass the PLL by clearing SYSPLLCTL1[PLLCLKEN].
b. Set the system clock divider to /1 to ensure the fastest PLL configuration by clearing
c. Set the integral and fractional multipliers by simultaneously writing them both to SYSPLLMULT.
This will automatically enable the PLL. Be sure that the product of OSCCLK and the multiplier is in
the range specified in the data manual.
d. Lock the PLL five times (see your device errata for details). This number can be increased
depending on application requirements. A higher number of lock attempts helps to ensure a
successful PLL start
e. Set the system clock divider one setting higher than the final desired value. For example
ClkCfgRegs.SYSCLKDIVSEL.bit.PLLSYSCLKDIV = divsel + 1. This limits the current increase
when switching to the PLL.
f. Set up the watchdog to reset the device. Note that the SCRS[WDOVERRIDE] bit should not be
cleared prior to locking the PLL.
g. Set the SYSDBGCTL[BIT_0] bit. This bit is only reset by a POR reset. If the watchdog has to reset
the device due to an issue with switching to the PLL, this bit can be checked in the reset handler to
determine the reset was caused by a PLL error.
h. Switch to the PLL as the system clock by setting SYSPLLCTL1[PLLCLKEN].
i. Clear the SYSDBGCTL[BIT_0] bit.
j. Change the divider to the appropriate value.
k. Reconfigure the watchdog as needed for the application. USB Auxiliary Clock Setup

See the InitAuxPll() function in your device’s controlSUITE installation for an example.
If USB functionality is needed, the auxiliary clock (AUXPLLCLK) must be configured to produce 60 MHz.
The procedure is similar to the system clock setup:
1. Select the reference clock source (AUXOSCCLK) by writing to CLKSRCCTL2.AUXOSCCLKSRCSEL.

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2. Wait two AUXOSCCLK cycles.

3. Set up the auxiliary PLL. If the PLL is not needed, bypass it and power it down by writing a 0 to
a. Set the desired auxiliary clock divider by writing to AUXCLKDIVSEL.AUXPLLDIV.
b. ) Configure CPU Timer 2 to be clocked from AUXPLL. Keep the counter frozen.
c. ) Power down the AUXPLL by clearing AUXPLLCTL1[PLLEN].
d. Set the integral and fractional multipliers simultaneously. This will automatically enable the PLL. Be
sure that the product of AUXOSCCLK and the multiplier is in the range specified in the data
e. Wait for the PLL to lock by polling the AUXPLLSTS.LOCKS bit. This will take 16 µs plus 1024
f. Connect the auxiliary PLL output clock (AUXPLLRAWCLK) to AUXPLLCLK by writing a 1 to
g. Start CPU Timer 2. In a large for() loop, continue polling the TCR[TIF] overflow flag. If it sets, the
AUXPLL started correctly. If not, repeat steps (c) through (g). The auxiliary clock configuration can
be changed at run time. Changing the AUXOSCCLK source will automatically bypass the PLL and
set the multiplier to zero. Changing the multiplier from one non-zero value to another will
temporarily bypass the PLL until it re-locks.
The auxiliary clock configuration can be changed at run time. Changing the AUXOSCCLK source will
automatically bypass the PLL and set the multiplier to zero. Changing the multiplier from one non-zero
value to another will temporarily bypass the PLL until it re-locks.

NOTE: If the AUXOSCCLK source is changed on the same AUXOSCCLK cycle as the multiplier, the
PLL will be disabled but the AUXPLLMULT register will show the written value. This can
happen when the system PLL is enabled before configuring the auxiliary PLL (CPUCLK >>
AUXOSCCLK). To avoid this issue, wait two AUXOSCCLK cycles between changing the
clock source and writing to AUXPLLMULT. Clock Configuration Examples

Example 1: Using a crystal (15 MHz) as a reference, generate a CPU frequency of 100 MHz and a USB
clock of 60 MHz:


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This gives a PLLRAWCLK of 397.5 MHz and an AUXPLLRAWCLK of 120 MHz, both of which are in the
acceptable range. The CPU frequency is 99.375 MHz. Crystals have tight frequency tolerances, which
should keep the system clock from exceeding 100 MHz. The USB frequency is exactly 60 MHz. Since the
CPU frequency is less than 100 MHz, the ePWM and EMIF clock dividers can be set to /1.
Example 2: Using INTOSC2 (10 MHz) as a reference, generate a CPU frequency of 200 MHz - 3%:


3.8 32-Bit CPU Timers 0/1/2

This section describes the three 32-bit CPU-Timers (TIMER0/1/2) shown in Figure 3-10.
CPU-Timer0 and CPU-Timer1 can be used in user applications. CPU-Timer2 is reserved for real-time
operating system uses (for example, TI-RTOS). If the application is not using an operating system that
utilizes this timer, then CPU-Timer2 can be used in the application. CPU-Timer0 and CPU-Timer1 run off
of SYSCLK. CPU-Timer2 normally runs off of SYSCLK, but can also use INTOSC1, INTOSC2, XTAL, and
AUXPLLCLK. The CPU-Timer interrupt signals (TINT0, TINT1, TINT2) are connected as shown in
Figure 3-11.

Figure 3-10. CPU-Timers

Timer reload

16-bit timer divide-down

32-bit timer period

16-bit prescale counter

TCR.4 32-bit counter
(Timer start status) Borrow TIMH:TIM



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Figure 3-11. CPU-Timer Interrupts Signals and Output Signal




A The timer registers are connected to the memory bus of the C28x processor.
B The CPU Timers are synchronized to SYSCLKOUT.

The general operation of the CPU-Timer is as follows:

• The 32-bit counter register, TIMH:TIM, is loaded with the value in the period register PRDH:PRD
• The counter decrements once every (TPR[TDDRH:TDDR]+1) SYSCLKOUT cycles, where
TDDRH:TDDR is the timer divider.
• When the counter reaches 0, a timer interrupt output signal generates an interrupt pulse.
The registers listed in Section 3.15 are used to configure the timers.

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3.9 Watchdog Timers

The watchdog module generates an output pulse 512 watchdog clocks (WDCLKs) wide whenever the 8-
bit watchdog up counter has reached its maximum value. The watchdog clock source is INTOSC1.
Software must periodically write a 0x55 + 0xAA sequence into the watchdog key register to reset the
watchdog counter. The counter can also be disabled. Figure 3-12 shows the various functional blocks
within the watchdog module.

Figure 3-12. CPU Watchdog Timer Module



WDCLK Watchdog 8-bit 1-count

/512 Overflow
Prescaler Watchdog delay

WDKEY(7:0) Watchdog
In Window
Watchdog Window
Good Key Out of Window
Key Detector Detector
Bad Key
55 + AA

WDINTn Watchdog Timeout
Output Pulse


3.9.1 Servicing the Watchdog Timer

The watchdog counter (WDCNTR) is reset when the proper sequence is written to the WDKEY register
before the 8-bit watchdog counter overflows. The WDCNTR is reset-enabled when a value of 0x55 is
written to the WDKEY. When the next value written to the WDKEY register is 0xAA, then the WDCNTR is
reset. Any value written to the WDKEY other than 0x55 or 0xAA causes no action. Any sequence of 0x55
and 0xAA values can be written to the WDKEY without causing a system reset; only a write of 0x55
followed by a write of 0xAA to the WDKEY resets the WDCNTR.

Table 3-8. Example Watchdog Key Sequences

Step Value Written to WDKEY Result
1 0xAA No action
2 0xAA No action
3 0x55 WDCNTR is enabled to be reset if next value is 0xAA.
4 0x55 WDCNTR is enabled to be reset if next value is 0xAA.
5 0x55 WDCNTR is enabled to be reset if next value is 0xAA.
6 0xAA WDCNTR is reset.
7 0xAA No action
8 0x55 WDCNTR is enabled to be reset if next value is 0xAA.

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Table 3-8. Example Watchdog Key Sequences (continued)

Step Value Written to WDKEY Result
9 0xAA WDCNTR is reset.
10 0x55 WDCNTR is enabled to be reset if next value is 0xAA.
11 0x32 Improper value written to WDKEY.
No action, WDCNTR no longer enabled to be reset by next 0xAA.
12 0xAA No action due to previous invalid value.
13 0x55 WDCNTR is enabled to be reset if next value is 0xAA.
14 0xAA WDCNTR is reset.

Step 3 in Table 3-8 is the first action that enables the WDCNTR to be reset. The WDCNTR is not actually
reset until step 6. Step 8 again re-enables the WDCNTR to be reset and step 9 resets the WDCNTR. Step
10 again re-enables the WDCNTR to be reset. Writing the wrong key value to the WDKEY in step 11
causes no action, however the WDCNTR is no longer enabled to be reset and the 0xAA in step 12 now
has no effect.
If the watchdog is configured to reset the device, then a WDCR overflow or writing the incorrect value to
the WDCR[WDCHK] bits will reset the device and set the watchdog flag (WDRSn) in the reset cause
register (RESC). After a reset, the program can read the state of this flag to determine whether the reset
was caused by the watchdog. After doing this, the program should clear WDRSn to allow subsequent
watchdog resets to be detected. Watchdog resets are not prevented when the flag is set.

3.9.2 Minimum Window Check

To complement the timeout mechanism, the watchdog also contains an optional "windowing" feature that
requires a minimum delay between counter resets. This can help protect against error conditions that
bypass large parts of the normal program flow but still include watchdog handling.
To set the window minimum, write the desired minimum watchdog count to the WDWCR register. This
value will take effect after the next WDKEY sequence. From then on, any attempt to service the watchdog
when WDCNTR is less than WDWCR will trigger a watchdog interrupt or reset. When WDCNTR is greater
than or equal to WDWCR, the watchdog can be serviced normally.
At reset, the window minimum is zero, which disables the windowing feature.

3.9.3 Watchdog Reset or Watchdog Interrupt Mode

The watchdog can be configured in the SCSR register to either reset the device (WDRST) or assert an
interrupt (WDINT) if the watchdog counter reaches its maximum value. The behavior of each condition is
described below:
• Reset mode:
If the watchdog is configured to reset the device, then the WDRST signal will pull the device reset
(XRS) pin low for 512 OSCCLK cycles when the watchdog counter reaches its maximum value.
Note: After a watchdog reset, the boot ROM will clear all of the system and message RAMs.
• Interrupt mode:
When the watchdog counter expires, it will assert an interrupt by driving the WDINT signal low for 512
OSCCLK cycles. The falling edge of WDINT triggers a WAKEINT interrupt in the PIE if it is enabled.
Because the PIE is edge-triggered, re-enabling the WAKEINT while WDINT is active will not produce a
duplicate interrupt.
To avoid unexpected behavior, software should not change the configuration of the watchdog while
WDINT is active. For example, changing from interrupt mode to reset mode while WDINT is active will
immediately reset the device. Disabling the watchdog while WDINT is active will cause a duplicate
interrupt if the watchdog is later re-enabled. If a debug reset is issued while WDINT is active, the reset
cause register (RESC) will show a watchdog reset. The WDINTS bit in the SCSR register can be read
to determine the current state of WDINT.

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3.9.4 Watchdog Operation in Low Power Modes

In IDLE mode, the watchdog interrupt (WDINT) signal can generate an interrupt to the CPU to take the
CPU out of IDLE mode. As with any other peripheral, the watchdog interrupt will trigger a WAKEINT
interrupt in the PIE during IDLE mode. User software must determine which peripheral caused the
In STANDBY mode, all of the clocks to the peripherals are turned off within the CPU subsystem. The only
peripheral that remains functional is the watchdog since the watchdog module runs off the oscillator clock
(OSCCLK). The WDINT signal is fed to the Low Power Modes (LPM) block so that it can be used to wake
the CPU from STANDBY low power mode. This feature is enabled by setting LPMCR.WDINTE = 1. See
Section 3.10 for details.
Note: If the watchdog interrupt is used to wake-up from an IDLE or STANDBY low power mode condition,
software must make sure that the WDINT signal goes back high before attempting to reenter the IDLE or
STANDBY mode. The WDINT signal will be held low for 512 OSCCLK cycles when the watchdog interrupt
is generated. The current state of WDINT can be determined by reading the watchdog interrupt status bit
(WDINTS) bit in the SCSR register. WDINTS follows the state of WDINT by two SYSCLKOUT cycles.
In HALT mode, the internal oscillators and CPU1 watchdog are kept active if the user sets
CLKSRCCTL1.WDHALTI = 1. A watchdog reset can wake the system from HALT mode, but a watchdog
interrupt cannot.

3.9.5 Emulation Considerations

The watchdog module behaves as follows under various debug conditions:

CPU Suspended: When the CPU is suspended, the watchdog clock (WDCLK) is suspended
Run-Free Mode: When the CPU is placed in run-free mode, then the watchdog module
resumes operation as normal.
Real-Time Single-Step When the CPU is in real-time single-step mode, the watchdog clock
Mode: (WDCLK) is suspended. The watchdog remains suspended even within real-
time interrupts.
Real-Time Run-Free When the CPU is in real-time run-free mode, the watchdog operates as
Mode: normal.

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3.10 Low Power Modes

This device has three clock-gating, low-power modes and a special power-gating mode. All low-power
modes are entered by setting the LPMCR register and executing the IDLE instruction. More information
about this instruction can be found in the TMS320C28x CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide
Low-power modes should not be entered into while a flash program or erase is ongoing.
The application should verify the following before entering STANDBY or HALT Mode:
1. Check the value of the GPIODAT register of the pin selected for STANDBY or HALT wake-up
(GPIOLPMSEL0/1) prior to entering the Low-Power mode to ensure that the wake event has not
already been asserted.
2. The LPMCR.QUALSTDBY register should be set to a value greater than the ratio of
INTOSC1/PLLSYSCLK to ensure proper wake up. This is applicable to STANDBY only.

3.10.1 IDLE
IDLE is a standard feature of the C28x CPU. In this mode, the CPU clock is gated while all peripheral
clocks are left running. IDLE can thus be used to conserve power while a CPU is waiting for peripheral
Any enabled interrupt will wake the CPU up from IDLE mode.
To enter IDLE mode, set LPMCR.LPM to 0x0 and execute the IDLE instruction.

3.10.2 STANDBY
STANDBY is a more aggressive low-power mode that gates both the CPU clock and any peripheral clocks
derived from the CPU's SYSCLK. The watchdog however, is left active. STANDBY is best suited for an
application where the wake-up signal will come from an external system rather than a peripheral input.
An NMI (or optionally) a watchdog interrupt or a configured GPIO can wake the CPU from STANDBY
mode. Each GPIO from GPIO0-63 can be configured to wake the CPU when they are driven active low.
Upon wakeup, the CPU receives the WAKEINT interrupt if configured.
To enter STANDBY mode:
1. Set LPMCR.LPM to 0x1.
2. Enable the WAKEINT interrupt in the PIE.
3. For watchdog interrupt wakeup, set LPMCR.WDINTE to 1 and configure the watchdog to generate
4. For GPIO wakeup, set GPIOLPMSEL0 and GPIOLPMSEL1 to connect the chosen GPIOs to the LPM
module, and set LPMCR.QUALSTDBY to select the number of OSCCLK cycles for input qualification.
5. Execute the IDLE instruction to enter STANDBY.
To wake up from Standby mode:
1. Configure the desired GPIO to trigger the wakeup.
2. Drive the selected GPIO signal low; it must remain low for the number of OSCCLK cycles specified in
the QUALSTDBY bits in the LPMCR register. If the signal is sampled high during this period, the count
At the end of the qualification period, the PLL enables the CLKIN to the CPU and the WAKEINT interrupt
is latched in the PIE block. The WAKEINT interrupt can also be triggered by a watchdog interrupt.
The CPU is now out of STANDBY mode and can resume normal execution.

3.10.3 HALT
HALT is a global low-power mode that gates almost all system clocks and allows for power-down of
oscillators and analog blocks. HALT can be used for additional power savings over putting the CPU in
STANDBY, although the options for wakeup are more limited.

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Similar to STANDBY, any of GPIO0-63 can be configured to wake up the system from HALT. No other
wakeup option is available. However, CPU1's watchdog may still be clocked, and can be configured to
produce a watchdog reset if a timeout mechanism is needed. On wakeup, the CPU receives a WAKEINT
To enter HALT mode:
1. Disable all interrupts with the exception of the WAKEINT interrupt . The other interrupts can be
reenabled after the device is brought out of HALT mode.
2. Set LPMCR.LPM to 0x2. Set GPIOLPMSEL0 and GPIOLPMSEL1 to connect the chosen GPIOs to the
LPM module.
3. Set CLKSRCCTL1.WDHALTI to 1 to keep the CPU1 watchdog active and INTOSC1 and INTOSC2
powered up in HALT.
4. Set CLKSRCCTL1.WDHALTI to 0 to disable the CPU1 watchdog and power down INTOSC1 and
5. Execute the IDLE instruction on CPU1 to enter HALT.
If an interrupt or NMI is received while the IDLE instruction is in the pipeline, the system will begin
executing the WAKEINT ISR. After HALT wakeup, ISR execution will resume where it left off.
NOTE: Before entering HALT mode, if the system PLL is locked (SYSPLL.LOCKS = 1), it must also be
connected to the system clock (PLLCTL1.PLLCLKEN = 1). Otherwise, the device will never wake up.
To wake up from HALT mode:
1. Drive the selected GPIO low for a minimum 5us. This will activate the CPU1.WAKEINT PIE interrupt.
2. Drive the wake-up GPIO high again to initiate the powering up of the SYSPLL and AUXPLL
3. Wait 16us plus 1024 OSCLK cycles to allow the PLLs to lock and the WAKEINT ISR to be latched.
4. Execute the WAKEINT ISR.
The device is now out of HALT mode and can resume normal execution.

3.10.4 HIB
Hibernate (HIB) is a global low-power mode that gates the supply voltages to most of the system. HIB is
essentially a controlled power-down with remote wakeup capability, and can be used to save power during
long periods of inactivity. Because gating the supply voltage corrupts the state of the logic, a reset is
required to exit HIB. To prevent external systems from being affected by the reset, HIB provides isolation
of the I/O pin states as well as low-power data retention via the M0 and M1 memories.
Unlike the clock-gating modes, HIB does not have a true wakeup. Instead, GPIO41 becomes HIBWAKE,
an asynchronous reset signal. When the boot ROM detects a HIB wakeup, it will avoid clearing M0 and
M1 and call a user-specified I/O restore function. To prevent glitches on internal and external signals, XRS
will also generate a HIBWAKE signal during HIB. The I/O restore function should set up the GPIO control
registers to match their pre-HIB state, then write a 1 to LPMCR.IOISODIS to deactivate I/O isolation. If the
restore function does not disable isolation, the boot ROM will do it.
To enter HIB mode:
1. Save any necessary state to the M0 and M1 memories.
2. Put all I/Os in the desired state for isolation and deactivate any analog modules in use.
3. Write the address of the I/O restore function for the CPU to its IORESTOREADDR register.
4. Bypass the PLL by setting PLLCLKEN to 0.
5. Set CPU1's LPMCR.LPM to 0x3 and execute the IDLE instruction.
Any debugger connection will be lost on HIB entry since the JTAG logic is powered down.
Due to the loss of system state on HIB entry, it is possible for error information to be lost if an NMI is
triggered while the IDLE instruction is in the pipeline. The ERRORSTS pin will be set and remain set until
I/O isolation is disabled, but there will be no way to tell what caused the error.
To wake the device from HIB mode:
1. Assert the dedicated GPIOHIBWAKE pin (GPIO41) low to enable the power-up of the device clock

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2. Assert GPIOHIBWAKE pin high again. This triggers the power-up of the rest of the device.
3. Boot ROM code will execute on HIB wake-up. Boot ROM will read CPU1.RESC.HIBRESTn bit to
determine this is a wakeup from HIB.
4. Boot ROM calls the I/O context restore routine. This I/O restore function should reconfigure the I/O
configuration and do any other necessary application setup.
Since waking up from HIB mode is a type of reset, the device will enter the main function. The device is
now out of HIB mode and can normal execution.

NOTE: The bootROM uses locations 0x02-0x122 on CPU1’s M0 RAM. To prevent losing any data
during HIB wake-up, avoid saving any critical data to these locations.

NOTE: The application must bypass the PLL before executing the IDLE instruction to enter HIB. If
the PLL is not bypassed when entering HIB, there will be a brief current spike on the Vdd
supply that may cause the device to reset.

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3.11 Memory Controller Module

For these devices, the RAMs have different characteristics. Some are:
• dedicated to the CPU (M0, M1, and Dx RAMs),
• shared between the CPU and CLA (LSx RAM),
• shared between the CPU and DMA (GSx RAM), and
• used to send and receive messages between processors (MSGRAM).
All these RAMs are highly configurable to achieve control for write access and fetch access from different
masters. All dedicated RAMs are enabled with the ECC feature (both data and address) and shared
RAMs, are enabled with the PARITY (both data and address) feature. Some of the dedicated memories
are secure memory as well. Refer to Section 3.13 for more details. Each RAM has its own controller which
takes care of the access protection/security related checks and ECC/Parity features for that RAM.
Figure 3-13 shows the configuration of these RAMs.

Figure 3-13. Memory Architecture







NOTE: All RAMs on these devices are SRAMs.

3.11.1 Functional Description

This section further defines and discusses the dedicated RAMs, shared RAMs, and MSG RAMs on this
device. Dedicated RAM (Dx RAM)

This device has four dedicated RAM blocks: M0, M1, D0, and D1. M0/M1 memories are small blocks of
memory which are tightly coupled with the CPU. Only the CPU has access to these memories. No other
masters (including DMA) have any access to these memories.
All dedicated RAMs have the ECC feature. All dedicated memories (except for M0/M1) are secure
memory and also have the access protection (CPU write protection/CPU fetch protection) feature. Each
type of access protection for each RAM block can be enabled/disabled by configuring the specific bit in the
access protection register (DxACCPROT). Local Shared RAM (LSx RAM)

RAM blocks which are accessible to the CPU and CLA only, are called local shared RAMs (LSx RAMs).
All such memories are secure memory and have the parity feature. By default, these memories are
dedicated to the CPU only, and the user could choose to share these memories with the CLA by
appropriately configuring the MSEL_LSx bit field in the LSxMSEL register. Further, when these memories
are shared between the CPU and CLA, the user could choose to use these memories as CLA program
memory by configuring the CLAPGM_LSx bit field in the LSxCLAPGM registers. CPU access to all
memory blocks, which are programmed as CLA program memory, are blocked.
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All these RAMs have the access protection (CPU write/CPU fetch) feature. Each type of access protection
for each RAM block can be enabled or disabled by configuring the specific bit in the local shared RAM
access protection registers. Table 3-9 shows the LSx RAM features.

Table 3-9. Local Shared RAM

MSEL_LSx CLAPGM_LSx CPUx Allowed CPUx.CLA1 Allowed Comment
Access Access
00 X All - LSx memory is configured as CPU
dedicated RAM
01 0 All Data Read LSx memory is shared between
Data Write CPU and CLA1
01 1 Emulation Read Fetch Only LSx memory is CLA1 program
Emulation Write memory Global Shared RAM (GSx RAM)

RAM blocks which are accessible from the CPU and DMA are called global shared RAMs (GSx RAMs)..
shows the features of the GSx RAM.

Table 3-10. Global Shared RAM

Fetch Read Write Read Write
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Like other shared RAM, these RAMs also have a different levels of access protection which can be
enabled or disabled by configuring specific bits in the GSxACCPROT registers.
Master select and access protection configuration for each GSx RAM block can be individually locked by
the user to prevent further update to these bit fields. The user can also choose to permanently lock the
configuration to individual bit fields by setting the specific bit fields in the GSxCOMMIT register (refer to
the register description for more details). Once configuration is committed for a particular GSx RAM block,
it can not be changed further until CPU1.SYSRS is issued. Message RAM (CLA MSGRAM)

These RAM blocks are be used to share data between the CPU and CLA. The CLA has read and write
access to the "CLA to CPU MSGRAM." The CPU has read and write access to the "CPU to CLA
MSGRAM." The CPU and CLA both have read access to both MSGRAMs.
This RAM has parity. Access Arbitration

For a shared RAM, multiple accesses can happen at a given time. The maximum number of accesses to
any shared RAM at any given time depends on the type of shared RAM. On this device, a combination of
a fixed and round robin scheme is followed to arbitrate multiple access at any given time.
The following is the order of fixed priority for CPU accesses:
1. Data Write/Program Write
2. Data Read
3. Program Read/Program Fetch
The following is the order of fixed priority for CLA accesses:
1. Data Write
2. Data Read/Program Fetch
Figure 3-14 represents the arbitration scheme on global shared memories:

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Figure 3-14. Arbitration Scheme on Global Shared Memories

Round Robin Arbitration

Fixed Granted CPU1 Access



Figure 3-15 represents the arbitration scheme on local shared memories.

Figure 3-15. Arbitration Scheme on Local Shared Memories

Round Robin Arbitration

Fixed Granted CPU1 Access
Arbiter RR-CPU


Priority Granted CLA Access
Arbiter Access Protection

All RAM blocks except for M0/M1 have different levels of protection. This feature allows the user to enable
or disable specific access to individual RAM blocks from individual masters. There is no protection for read
accesses, hence reads are always allowed from all the masters which have access to that RAM block.
The following sections describe the different kinds of protection available for RAM blocks on this device.
Note: For debug accesses, all the protections are disabled. CPU Fetch Protection

Fetch accesses from the CPU can be protected by setting the FETCHPROTx bit of the specific register to
‘1.’ If fetch access is done by the CPU to a memory where CPU fetch protection is enabled, a fetch
protection violation occurs.

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If a fetch protection violation occurs, it results in an ITRAP for CPU. A flag gets set into the appropriate
access violation flag register, and the memory address for which the access violation occurred, get
latched into the appropriate CPU fetch access violation address register. CPU Write Protection

Write accesses from the CPU can be protected by setting the CPUWRPROTx bit of the specific register to
‘1.’ If write access is done by a CPU to memory where it is protected, a write protection violation occurs.
If a write protection violation occurs, write gets ignored, a flag gets set into the appropriate access
violation flag register, and the memory address for which the access violation occurred, gets latched into
the appropriate CPU write access violation address register. Also, an access violation interrupt is
generated if enabled in the interrupt enable register. CPU Read Protection

For local shared RAM, if memory is shared between the CPU and its CLA, the CPU will only have access
if the memory is configured as data RAM for the CLA. If it is programmed as program RAM, all the access
from the CPU, including a read, will be blocked and the violation will be considered as a non-master
access violation.
If a read protection violation occurs, a flag gets set into the appropriate access violation flag register, and
the memory address for which the access violation occurred, gets latched into the appropriate CPU read
access violation address register. Also, an access violation interrupt is generated, if enabled in the
interrupt enable register. CLA Fetch Protection

If local shared RAM is configured as dedicated RAM for the CPU, or if it is configured as data RAM for the
CLA, any fetch access from the CLA to that particular LSx RAM results in a CLA fetch protection violation,
which is a non-master access violation.
If a CLA fetch protection violation occurs, it results in a MSTOP, a flag gets set into the appropriate access
violation flag register, and the memory address for which the access violation occurred, gets latched into
the appropriate CLA fetch access violation address register. Also, an access violation interrupt is
generated to the master CPU if enabled in the interrupt enable register. CLA Write Protection

If local shared RAM is configured as dedicated RAM for the CPU, or if it is configured as program RAM for
the CLA, any data write access from the CLA to that particular LSx RAM results in a CLA write protection
violation, which is a non-master access violation.
If a CLA write protection violation occurs, write gets ignored, a flag gets set into the appropriate access
violation flag register, and the memory address for which the access violation occurred, gets latched into
the appropriate CLA write access violation address register. Also, an access violation interrupt is
generated to the master CPU if enabled in the interrupt enable register. CLA Read Protection

If local shared RAM is configured as dedicated RAM for the CPU, or if it is configured as program RAM for
the CLA, any data read access from the CLA to that particular LSx RAM results in a CLA read protection
violation, which is a non-master access violation.
If a CLA read protection violation occurs, a flag gets set into the appropriate access violation flag register,
and the memory address for which the access violation occurred, gets latched into the appropriate CLA
read access violation address register. Also, an access violation interrupt is generated to the master CPU
if enabled in the interrupt enable register. DMA Write Protection

Write accesses from the DMA can be protected by setting the DMAWRPROTx bit of a specific register to
‘1.’ If write access is done by the DMA to protected memory, a write protection violation occurs.

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If a write access is made to GSx memory by a non-master DMA, it is called a non-master write protection
violation. If a write access is made to a dedicated or shared memory by a master DMA, and
DMAWRPROTx is set to ‘1’ for that memory, it is called a master DMA write protection violation.
A flag gets set in the DMA access violation flag register, and the memory address where the violation
happened gets latched in the DMA fetch access violation address register. These are dedicated registers
for each subsystem.

Note 1: All access protections are ignored during debug accesses. Write access to a protected
memory will go through when it is done via the debugger, irrespective of the write protection
configuration for that memory.
Note 2: Access protection is not implemented for M0 and M1 memories.
Note 3: In the case of local shared RAM, if memory is shared between the CPU and its CLA, the
CPU will only have access if the memory is configured as data RAM for the CLA. If it is
programmed as program RAM, all the access from the CPU (including read) and data access
from the CLA will be blocked, and violation will be considered as a non-master access
violation. If the memory is configured as dedicated to the CPU, all access from the CLA will
be blocked and the violation will be considered a non-master access violation. Memory Error Detection, Correction and Error Handling

These devices have memory error detection and correction features to satisfy safety standards
requirements. These requirements warrant the addition of detection mechanisms for finite dangerous
In this device, all dedicated RAMs support error correction code (ECC) protection and the shared RAMs
have parity protection. The ECC scheme used is Single Error Correction Double Error Detection
(SECDED). The parity scheme used is even parity. ECC/Parity will cover the data bits stored in memory
as well as address.
ECC/Parity calculation is done inside the memory controller module and then calculated. ECC/Parity is
written into the memory along with the data. ECC/Parity is computed for 16-bit data; hence, for each 32-bit
data, there will be three 7-bit ECC codes (or 3-bit parity), two of which are for data and a third one for the
address. Error Detection and Correction

Error detection is done while reading the data from memory. The error detection is performed for data as
well as address. For parity memory, only a single-bit error gets detected, whereas in case of ECC
memory, along with a single-bit error, a double-bit error also gets detected. These errors are called
correctable error and uncorrectable errors. The following are characteristics of these errors:
• Parity errors are always uncorrectable errors
• Single-bit ECC errors are correctable errors
• Double-bit ECC errors are uncorrectable errors
• Address ECC errors are also uncorrectable errors
Correctable errors get corrected by the memory controller module and then correct data is given back as
read data to the master. It is also written back into the memory to prevent double-bit error due to another
single-bit error at the same memory address.

NOTE: ECC/Parity for address is calculated for address offset only (based on RAM block size) of
corresponding 32bit aligned address. E.g. in case of LSx RAM which are 4KB RAM block,
only 11 LSB of 32bit aligned address are used. So if address is 0x8F8F, address ECC (or
Parity) will be calculated for address 0x78E (11bit offset of 32bit aligned address). Similarly
for 8KB RAM block, 12bit address offset will be used.

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For each correctable error, the count in the correctable error count register will increment by one. When
the value in this count register becomes equal to the value configured into the correctable error threshold
register, an interrupt is generated to the respective CPU, that is, if the interrupt is enabled in the
correctable interrupt enable register. The user needs to configure the correctable error threshold register
based on the system requirements. Also, the address for which the error occurred, gets latched into the
master-specific status register and a flag gets set. Each of these registers are dedicated for each CPU
If there are uncorrectable errors, an NMI gets generated for the respective CPU. In this case, the address
for which the error occurred, also gets latched into the master-specific address status register, and a flag
gets set.
Table 3-11 summarizes different error situations that can arise. These need to be handled appropriately in
the software, using the status and interrupt indications provided.

Table 3-11. Error Handling in Different Scenarios

Access Error Found In Error Type Status Indication Error Notification

Reads Data read from Uncorrectable Yes -CPU1/CPU1.DMA/CPU1.CLA1 NMI for CPU1 access
memory Error CPU/DMA/CLA Read Error Address NMI for CPU1.DMA access
(Single-bit error Register Data returned to NMI to CPU for CPU1.CLA1 access
for Parity RAMs CPU1/CPU1.DMA/CPU1.CLA1 is
OR incorrect
Double bit Error
for ECC RAMs)
Reads Data read from Single-bit error for Yes - CPU1/CPU1.DMA CPU/DMA Interrupt when error counter reaches
memory ECC RAMs Read Error Address Register the user programmable threshold for
Increment single error counter single errors
Reads Address Address error Yes - CPU1/CPU1.DMA/CPU1.CLA1 NMI to CPU for CPU1 access
CPU/DMA/CLA Read Address Error NMI to CPU for CPU1.DMA access
Register Data returned to NMI to CPU for CPU1.CLA1 access

NOTE: In the case of an uncorrectable error during fetch on the CPU, there is the possibility of
getting an ITRAP before an NMI exception, since garbage instructions enter into the CPU
pipeline before the NMI gets generated.
During debug accesses, correctable as well as uncorrectable errors are masked. Application Test Hooks for Error Detection and Correction

Since error detection and correction logic is part of safety critical logic, safety applications may need to
ensure that the logic is always working fine (during run time also). To enable this, a test mode is provided,
in which a user can modify the data bits (without modifying the ECC/Parity bits) or ECC/Parity bits directly.
Using this feature, an ECC/Parity error could be injected into data.

NOTE: The memory map for ECC/Parity bits and data bits are the same. The user must choose a
different test mode to access ECC/Parity bits.

Table 3-12 shows the bit mapping for the ECC/Parity bits when they are read in RAMTEST mode using
their respective addresses.

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Table 3-12. Mapping of ECC Bits in Read Data from ECC/Parity Address Map
Data Bits Location in Read Data Content (ECC Memory)
6:0 ECC Code for lower 16 bits of data
7 Not Used
14:8 ECC Code for upper 16 bits of data
15 Not Used
22:16 ECC Code for address
31:23 Not Used

Table 3-13. Mapping of Parity Bits in Read Data from ECC/Parity Address Map
Data Bits Location in Read Data Content (Parity Memory)
0 Parity for lower 16 bits of data
7:1 Not Used
8 Parity for upper 16 bits of data
15:9 Not Used
16 Parity for address
31:17 Not Used RAM Initialization

To ensure that read/fetch from uninitialized RAM locations do not cause ECC or parity errors, the
RAM_INIT feature is provided for each memory block. Using this feature, any RAM block can be initialized
with 0x0 data and respective ECC/Parity bits accordingly. This can be initiated by setting the INIT bit to ‘1’
for the specific RAM block in INIT registers. To check the status of RAM initialization, SW should poll for
the INITDONE bit for that RAM block in the INITDONE register to be set. Unless this bit gets set, no
access should be made to that RAM memory block.

NOTE: None of the masters should access the memory while initialization is taking place. If memory
is accessed before RAMINITDONE is set, the memory read/write as well as initialization will
not happen correctly.

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3.12 Flash and OTP Memory

Flash is an electrically erasable/programmable nonvolatile memory that can be programmed and erased
many times to ease code development. Flash memory can be used primarily as a program memory for the
core, and secondarily as static data memory.
This section describes the proper sequence to configure the wait states and operating mode of flash. It
also includes information on flash and OTP power modes, how to improve flash performance by enabling
the flash prefetch/cache mode, and the SECDED safety feature.

3.12.1 Features
Features of flash memory include:
• Two flash banks (Bank0 and Bank1) (refer to the device data manual for the size of the flash bank)
• Dedicated flash module controller (FMC) for each bank
• 128 bits (bank width) can be programmed at a time along with ECC
• Multiple sectors providing the option of leaving some sectors programmed and only erasing specific
• User-programmable OTP locations (in USER OTP0) for configuring security, OTP boot-mode and boot-
mode select pins (if the user is unable to use the factory-default boot-mode select pins)
• Flash pump shared by the two banks
• Hardware flash pump semaphore to control ownership of the pump between the two FMCs.
The semaphore mechanism is not applicable during reads or program execution. It is also transparent
when the CCS plugin/Uniflash is used tor Flash programming. However, the semaphore must be
managed when the API is used.
• Enhanced performance using the code-prefetch mechanism and data cache in FMC0 and FMC1
• Configurable wait states to give the best performance for a given execution speed
• Safety Features
– SECDED-single error correction and double error detection is supported in the FMC
– Address bits are included in ECC
– Test mode to check the health of ECC logic
• Supports low-power modes for flash bank and pump for power savings
• Built-in power mode control logic
• Integrated flash program/erase state machine (FSM) in the FMC
– Simple flash API algorithms
– Fast erase and program times (refer to the device data manual for details)
• Code Security Module (CSM) to prevent access to the flash by unauthorized persons (refer to
Section 3.13 for details)
• Extra wait-state is encountered when code is fetched (or data is read) from Bank1, even for prefetched

3.12.2 Flash Tools

Texas Instruments provides the following tools for flash:
• Code Composer Studio (CCS) - the development environment with integrated flash plugin
• F021 Flash API Library - a set of software peripheral functions to erase/program flash
• UniFlash - standalone tool to erase/program/verify the flash content through JTAG. No CCS is
• CCS On-Chip Flash Plugin and UniFlash tools developed for these devices support
AutoEccGeneration (see TMS320F2837xS Flash API Version 1.55 Reference Guide, SPNU630). But
they do not support the program of ECC generated by the linker -ecc options.
• Users must check and install available updates for CCS On-Chip Flash Plugin and UniFlash tools.

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3.12.3 Default Flash Configuration

The following are flash module configuration settings at power-up :
• Both flash banks are in sleep power mode
• Shared pump is in sleep mode
• ECC is enabled
• Wait-states are set to the maximum (0xF)
• Code-prefetch mechanism and data cache are disabled in the FMC
During the boot process, the boot ROM performs a dummy read of the Code Security Module (CSM)
password locations in the OTP. This read is performed to unlock a new (or erased) device that has no
password stored in it, so that flash programming or loading of code into CSM-protected SARAM can be
performed. On devices with a password, this read has no effect and the device remains locked. One effect
of this read is that the flash will transition from the sleep (reset) state to the active state.
User application software must initialize wait-states using the FRDCNTL register, and configure
cache/prefetch features using the RD_INTF_CTRL register, to achieve optimum system performance.
Software that configures flash settings like wait-states, cache/prefetch features, and so on, must be
executed only from RAM memory, not from flash memory.

NOTE: Before initializing wait-states, turn off the pre-fetch and data caching in the FRD_INTF_CTRL

3.12.4 Flash Bank, OTP and Pump

There are two flash banks, Bank0 and Bank1. Also, there is a one-time programmable (OTP) memory
called USER OTP, which the user can program only once and cannot erase. Flash and OTP are uniformly
mapped in both program and data memory space.
There is also a TI-OTP which contains manufacturing information like settings used by the flash state
machine for erase and program operations, and so on. Users may read TI-OTP but it cannot be
programmed or erased. For memory map and size information of the banks, TI-OTP, USER OTP and
corresponding ECC locations, please refer to the device data manual.
Bank0, Bank1 and OTP share a common flash pump. A hardware semaphore, called the flash pump
semaphore, is provided to control the access of the flash pump between the FMCs of Bank0 and Bank1.
Figure 3-21 depicts the user-programmable OTP locations in USER-OTP . For more information on the
functionality of these fields, please refer to Section 3.13 and the ROM Code and Peripheral Booting

3.12.5 Flash Module Controller (FMC)

There are dedicated flash module controllers, FMC0 and FMC1 for Bank0 and Bank1, respectively. The
CPU interfaces with FMC0, which in turn interfaces with Bank0 and the shared pump to perform erase or
program operations as well as to read data and execute code from the Bank0.

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Figure 3-16. FMC Interface with Core, Bank and Pump


CPU System Clock




Pump Semaphore
CPU System Clock


The CPU interfaces with FMC1 which in turn, interfaces with Bank1 and the shared pump to perform
erase or program operations as well as to read data and execute code from Bank1. Control signals to the
flash pump will be controlled by either FMC0 or FMC1, depending on who gains the flash pump
There is a state machine in both FMC0 and FMC1 which generates the erase/program sequences in
hardware. This simplifies the Flash API software which configures control registers in the FMC to perform
flash erase and program operations (see TMS320F2837xS Flash API Version 1.55 Reference Guide
SPNU630, for details on Flash API).
Section 3.12.6 through Section 3.12.10 describe FMC in detail.

3.12.6 Flash and OTP Power-Down Modes and Wakeup

The flash bank and pump consume a significant amount of power when active. The flash module provides
a mechanism to power-down flash banks and pump. Special timers automatically sequence the power-up
of Bank0 and Bank1 independently of each other. The shared charge pump module has its own
independent power-up timer as well.

The flash bank and OTP operate in three power modes: Sleep (lowest power), Standby, and Active
(highest power)
• Sleep State
This is the state after a device reset. In this state, a CPU data read or opcode fetch will automatically
initiate a change in power mode to the standby state and then to the active state. During this transition
time to the active state, the CPU will automatically be stalled.
• Standby State
This state uses more power than the sleep state, but takes a shorter time to transition to the active or
read state. In this state, a CPU data read or opcode fetch will automatically initiate a change in power
mode to the active state. During this transition time to the active state, the CPU will automatically be
stalled. Once the flash/OTP has reached the active state, the CPU access will complete as normal.
• Active or Read State
In this state, the bank and pump are in active power mode state (highest power)
The charge pump operates in two power modes:
• Sleep (lowest power)
• Active (highest power)

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Any access to any flash bank/OTP causes the charge pump to go into active mode, if it is in sleep mode.
An erase or program command causes the charge pump and bank to become active. If any bank is in
active or in standby mode, the charge pump will be in active mode, independent of the pump power mode
control configuration (PMPPWR bit-field in FPAC1 register).
To power down the Flash pump, the CPU must power down the Flash Pump using below sequence
without any Flash accesses in between. The Flash Pump will not enter low-power mode if below sequence
is not followed.
1. Assign the Pump Semaphore for Bank 0.
2. Assign a value of 0x14 to FMC0 VREADST (refer to the FBAC register) to ensure the requisite delay
needed for the flash pump/bank to come out of low-power mode later: FBAC.VREADST = 0x14
3. Change the FMC0 Flash Bank Fall Back power mode to Sleep: FBFALLBACK.BNKPWR = 0.
4. Change the FMC0 Flash Charge Pump Fall Back power mode to Sleep: FPAC1.PMPPWR = 0.
5. Assign the Pump Semaphore for Bank 1.
6. Assign a value of 0x14 to FMC1 VREADST (refer to FBAC register) to ensure the requisite delay
needed for the flash pump/bank to come out of low-power mode later: FBAC.VREADST = 0x14.
7. Change the FMC1 Flash Bank Fall Back power mode to Sleep: FBFALLBACK.BNKPWR = 0.
8. Change the FMC1 Flash Charge Pump Fall Back power mode to Sleep: FPAC1.PMPPWR = 0.
The above listed procedure should be executed from RAM and not from Flash. Note that exclusive control
of the Flash pump should be assigned to a FMC (using PUMPREQUEST, Flash pump ownership control
register) before configuring the PMPPWR bit field of the FPAC1 register as shown in the above sequence.
As the charge pump is shared between FMC0 and FMC1, the effective PMPPWR value used when
powering down the pump will be of the FMC (out of FMC0 and FMC1) which owns the pump. The
application software can check the current power mode of flash bank by reading the FBPRDY register.
The PUMPRDY bit can be used by the application software to identify the current power mode status of
the pump. A value of 0 in the PUMPRDY bit in both FMC0 and FMC1 indicates that the charge pump is in
sleep mode. A value of 1 in PUMPRDY bit in either FMC0 or FMC1 or in both FMC0 and FMC1 indicates
that the charge pump is in active mode. Refer to the register descriptions, Section 3.15, for detailed
While the pump is in sleep state, a charge pump sleep down counter holds a user configurable value
(PSLEEP bit field in the FPAC1 register) and when the charge pump exits sleep power mode, the down
counter delays from 0 to PSLEEP prescaled SYSCLK clock cycles (prescaled clock is SYSCLK/2) before
putting the charge pump into active power mode. Note that the configured PSLEEP value should yield at
least a delay of 20us for the pump to go to active mode. Refer to the register descriptions, Section 3.15,
for detailed information
Below are the number of cycles it will take for the Bank and pump to wake up from low power modes.
1. Pump sleep to active = PSLEEP * (SYSCLK/2) cycles
2. Bank sleep to standby = 425 Flash clock cycles
3. Bank standby to active = 90 Flash clock cycles

Where in Flash clock = SYSCLK/(RWAIT+1)

3.12.7 Flash and OTP Performance

Once the flash bank and pump are in the active power state, a read or fetch access can be classified as a
flash access (access to an address location in flash) or an OTP access (access to an address location in
OTP). Once the CPU throws an access to a flash memory address, data is returned after RWAIT+1
number of SYSCLK cycles. For a USER-OTP access, data is returned after 11 SYSCLK cycles.
RWAIT defines the number of random access wait-states and is configurable using the RWAIT bit-field in
the FRDCNTL register. At reset, the RWAIT bit-field defaults to a worst-case wait-state count (15), and
therefore needs to be initialized for the appropriate number of wait states to improve performance, based
on the CPU clock rate and the access time of the flash. The flash supports 0-wait accesses when the
RWAIT bits are set to zero. This assumes that the CPU speed is low enough to accommodate the access

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For a given system clock frequency, RWAIT has to be configured using below formula:

RWAIT = ceiling[(SYSCLK/FCLK)-1]

where SYSCLK is the system operating frequency

FCLK is flash clock frequency. FCLK should be ≤ FCLKmax, allowed maximum flash clock frequency at
If RWAIT results in a fractional value when calculated using the above formula, RWAIT has to be rounded
up to the nearest integer.

3.12.8 Flash Read Interface

This section provides details about the data read modes to access flash bank/OTP and the configuration
registers which control the read interface. In addition to a standard read mode, the FMC has a built-in
prefetch and cache mechanism to allow increased clock speeds and CPU throughput wherever applicable. FMC Flash Read Interface Standard Read Mode

Standard read mode is defined as the read mode in effect when code prefetch-mechanism and data
cache are disabled. It is also the default read mode after reset. During this mode, each read access to
flash is decoded by the flash wrapper to fetch the data from the addressed location and the data is
returned after the RWAIT+1 number of cycles.
Prefetch buffers associated with prefetch mechanism and data cache are bypassed in standard read
mode; therefore, every access to the flash/OTP is used by the CPU immediately, and every access
creates a unique flash bank access.
Standard read mode is the recommended mode for lower system frequency operation in which RWAIT
can be set to zero to provide single-cycle access operation. The FMC can operate at higher frequencies
using standard read mode at the expense of adding wait states. At higher system frequencies, it is
recommended to enable cache and prefetch mechanisms to improve performance. Refer to the device
specific data manual to determine the maximum flash frequency allowed in standard read mode (that is,
maximum flash clock frequency with RWAIT=0, FCLKMAX). Prefetch Mode

Flash memory is typically used to store application code. During code execution, instructions are fetched
from sequential memory addresses, except when a discontinuity occurs. Usually the portion of the code
that resides in sequential addresses makes up the majority of the application code and is referred to as
linear code. To improve the performance of linear code execution, a flash prefetch-mechanism has been
implemented in the FMC. Figure 3-17 illustrates how this mode functions.

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Figure 3-17. Flash Prefetch Mode

Flash and OTP

Flash prefetch
Instruction buffer

Flash or OTP Read (128-bit)

128-bit 128-bit
buffer buffer

Instruction fetch

M Data cache
CPU 32-bit U

Data read from data memory

This prefetch mechanism does a look-ahead prefetch on linear address increments starting from the
address of the last instruction fetch. The flash prefetch mechanism is disabled by default. Setting the
PREFETCH_EN bit in the FRD_INTF_CTRL register enables this prefetch mode.
An instruction fetch from the flash or OTP reads out 128 bits per access. The starting address of the
access from flash is automatically aligned to a 128-bit boundary, such that the instruction location is within
the 128 bits to be fetched. With the flash prefetch mode enabled, the 128 bits read from the instruction
fetch are stored in a 128-bit wide by 2-level deep instruction prefetch buffer. The contents of this prefetch
buffer are then sent to the CPU for processing as required.
Up to four 32-bit or eight 16-bit instructions can reside within a single 128-bit access. The majority of C28x
instructions are 16 bits, so for every 128-bit instruction fetch from the flash bank, it is likely that there are
up to eight instructions in the prefetch buffer ready to process through the CPU. During the time it takes to
process these instructions, the flash prefetch mechanism automatically initiates another access to the
flash bank to prefetch the next 128 bits. In this manner, the flash prefetch mechanism works in the
background to keep the instruction prefetch buffers as full as possible. Using this technique, the overall
efficiency of sequential code execution from flash or OTP is improved significantly.

NOTE: If the prefetch mechanism is enabled, then the last two rows (16 16-bit words, 256 bits) of
the bank which does not have valid address beyond its boundary should not be used,
because the prefetch logic which does a look-ahead prefetch, will try to fetch from outside
the bank and would result in an ECC error.

The flash prefetch is aborted only on a PC discontinuity caused by executing an instruction such as a
branch, BANZ, call, or loop. When this occurs, the prefetch mechanism is aborted and the contents of the
prefetch buffer are flushed. There are two possible scenarios when this occurs:

1. If the destination address is within the flash or OTP, the prefetch aborts and then resumes at the
destination address.
2. If the destination address is outside of the flash and OTP, the prefetch is aborted and begins again
only when a branch is made back into the flash or OTP. The flash prefetch mechanism only applies to
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instruction fetches from program space. Data reads from data memory and from program memory do
not utilize the prefetch buffer capability and thus bypass the prefetch buffer. For example, instructions
such as MAC, DMAC, and PREAD read a data value from program memory. When this read happens,
the prefetch buffer is bypassed but the buffer is not flushed. If an instruction prefetch is already in
progress when a data read operation is initiated, then the data read will be stalled until the prefetch
Note that the prefetch mechanism gets bypassed when RWAIT is configured as zero. Data Cache

Along with the prefetch mechanism, a data cache of 128 bits wide is also implemented to improve data-
space read performance. This data cache will not be filled by the prefetch mechanism. When any kind of
data-space read is made by the CPU from an address in the bank, and if the data corresponding to the
requested address is not in the data cache, then 128 bits of data will be read from the bank and loaded in
the data cache. This data is eventually sent to the CPU for processing. The starting address of the access
from flash is automatically aligned to a 128-bit boundary such that the requested address location is within
the 128 bits to be read from the bank. By default, this data cache is disabled and can be enabled by
setting DATA_CACHE_EN bit in the FRD_INTF_CTRL register. Note that the data cache gets bypassed
when RWAIT is configured as zero.
Some other points to keep in mind when working with flash/ OTP:
• Reads of the USER OTP locations are hardwired for 10 wait states. The RWAIT bits have no effect on
these locations.
• CPU writes to the flash or OTP memory map areas are ignored. They complete in a single cycle.
• If a security zone is in the locked state and the respective password lock bits are not all 1s, then,
– Data reads to Zx-CSMPSWD will return 0
– Program space reads to Zx-CSMPSWD will return 0
– Program fetches to Zx-CSMPSWD will return 0
• When the Code Security Module (CSM) is secured, reads to the flash/OTP memory map area from
outside the secure zone take the same number of cycles as a normal access. However, the read
operation returns a zero.
• The arbitration scheme in FMC prioritizes CPU accesses in the fixed priority order of data read
(highest priority), program space read and program fetches/program prefetches (lowest priority).
• When FSM interface is active for erase/program operations, data in the prefetch buffers and data
cache in FMC will be flushed.
• When data cache is enabled, the debugger memory window open to Flash/OTP space will invoke data
caching. Hence, debugger memory window should not be left open for Flash/OTP space when
benchmarking the code for performance.

NOTE: Flash contents are verified for ECC correctness before they enter prefetch buffer or data
cache and not inside the prefetch buffer or data cache itself.

3.12.9 Erase/Program Flash

Flash memory may be programmed either by using the CCS Flash plugin or by using Uniflash. If these
methods are not feasible in an application, the API may be used. The Flash memory should be
programmed, erased, and verified only by using the F021 Flash API library. These functions are written,
compiled and validated by Texas Instruments. The flash module contains a flash state machine (FSM) to
perform program and erase operations. This section only provides a high level description for these
operations, therefore, refer to the TMS320F2837xS Flash API Version 1.55 Reference Guide (SPNU630)
for more information. Note that Flash API execution is interruptible. However, there should not be any
read/fetch access from the Flash bank on which an erase/program operation is in progress. For dual bank
devices, Flash API can be executed from one Flash bank to perform erase/program operations on the
other Flash bank. For single flash bank devices, Flash API must be executed from RAM and not from
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A typical flow to program flash is:

Erase → Program → Verify
Always refer to the device-specific support folder in controlSUITE™ for the latest Flash API library. Erase
When the target flash is erased, it reads as all 1's. This state is called 'blank.' The erase function must be
executed before programming. The user should NOT skip erase on sectors that read as 'blank' because
these sectors may require additional erasing due to marginally erased bits columns. The FSM provides an
“Erase Sector” command to erase the target sector. The erase function erases the data and the ECC
together. This command is implemented by the following Flash API function:
The Flash API provides the following function to determine if the flash bank is 'blank':
Fapi_doBlankCheck(); Program
The FSM provides a command to program the USER OTP and Flash. This command is also used to
program ECC check bits.
This command is implemented by the following Flash API function:
The Program function provides the options to program data without ECC, data along with user-provided
ECC data, data along with ECC calculated by API software , and to program ECC only. Verify
After programming, the user must perform verify using API function Fapi_doVerify(). This function verifies
the flash contents against supplied data.
Application software typically perform a CRC check of the Flash memory contents during power-up and at
regular intervals during runtime (as needed). Apart from this, ECC logic, when enabled (enabled by
default), catches single-bit errors, double-bit errors, and address errors whenever the CPU reads/fetches
from a Flash address.

3.12.10 Error Correction Code (ECC) Protection

FMC0 and FMC1 contain an embedded single error correction and double error detection (SECDED)
module. SECDED, when enabled, provides the capability to screen out memory faults. SECDED can
detect and correct single-bit data errors and detect address errors/double-bit data errors. For every 64 bits
of flash/OTP data (aligned on a 64-bit memory boundary) that is programmed, eight ECC check bits have
to be calculated and programmed in ECC memory space. Refer to the device data manual for the
Flash/OTP ECC memory map. SECDED works with a total of eight user-calculated error correction code
(ECC) check bits associated with each 64-bit wide data word and its corresponding 128-bit memory-
aligned address. Users must program ECC check bits along with flash data. TI recommends using the
AutoEccGeneration option available in Plugin/API to program ECC. Users can use the F021 Flash API to
calculate and program ECC data along with flash data. Flash API uses hardware ECC logic in the device
to generate the ECC data for the given Flash data. The Flash Plugin, the Flash programming tool
integrated with Code Composer Studio, uses Flash API to generate and program ECC data).
Figure 3-18 illustrates the ECC logic inputs and outputs.

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Figure 3-18. ECC Logic Inputs and Outputs

Single-bit data error

Address/Double-bit data error
Single-bit Error position
Corrected data out


128-bit aligned 19-bit CPU address


Single-bit data error

Address/Double-bit data error
Single-bit Error position
Corrected data out
SECDED Data[63:0]


During an instruction fetch or a data read operation, the 19 most significant address bits (three least
significant bits of address are not considered), together with the 64-bit data/8-bit ECC read-out of flash
banks/ECC memory map area, pass through the SECDED logic and the eight checkbits are produced in
FMC. These eight calculated ECC check bits are then XORed with the stored check bits (user
programmed check bits) associated with the address and the read data. The 8-bit output is decoded inside
the SECDED module to determine one of three conditions:
• No error occurred
• A correctable error (single bit data error) occurred
• A non-correctable error (double bit data error or address error) occurred
If the SECDED logic finds a single-bit error in the address field, then it is considered to be a non-
correctable error.

NOTE: TI recommends programming ECC while programming Flash to avoid any error. Since ECC
is calculated for an entire 64-bit data, a non 64-bit read such as a byte read or a half-word
read will still force the entire 64-bit data to be read and calculated, but only the byte or half-
word will be actually used by the CPU.

This ECC (SECDED) feature is enabled at reset. The ECC_ENABLE register can be used to configure(
enable/disable) the ECC feature. The ECC for the application code must be programmed.. There are two
SECDED modules in each FMC. Out of the 128-bit data (aligned on a 128-bit memory boundary) read
from the bank/OTP address, the lower 64-bits of data and corresponding 8 ECC bits (read from user
programmable ECC memory area) are fed as inputs to one SECDED module along with 128-bit aligned
19-bit address from where data has been read. The upper 64- bits of data and corresponding 8 ECC bits
are fed as inputs to another SECDED module in parallel, along with 128-bit aligned 19-bit address. Each
of the SECDED modules evaluate their inputs and determine if there is any single-bit data error or double-
bit data error/address error.
ECC logic will be bypassed when the 64 data bits and the associated ECC bits fetched from the bank are
either all ones or zeros.

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This section provides information for both single-bit data errors and single-bit ECC check bit errors. If
there is a single bit flip (0 to 1 or 1 to 0) in flash data or in ECC data, then it is considered as a single-bit
data error. The SECDED module detects and corrects single-bit errors, if any, in the 64-bit flash data or
eight ECC check bits read from the flash/ECC memory map before the read data is provided to the CPU.
When SECDED finds and corrects single bit data errors, the following information is logged in the ECC
registers if the ECC feature is enabled:
• Address where the error occurred – if the single-bit error occurs in the lower 64-bits of a 128-bit
memory-aligned data, the lower 64-bit memory-aligned address will be captured in the
SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_LOW register. If the single-bit error occurs in the upper 64-bits of a 128-bit
memory-aligned data, the upper 64-bit memory-aligned address will be captured in the
• Whether the error occurred in data bits or ECC bits – the ERR_TYPE_L and ERR_TYPE_H bit fields in
the ERR_POS register indicate whether the error occurred in data bits or ECC bits of the lower 64-bits,
or the upper 64-bits respectively, of a 128-bit memory-aligned data.
• Bit position at which error occurred – the ERR_POS_L and ERR_POS_H bit fields in the ERR_POS
register indicate the bit position of the error in the lower 64-bits/lower 8-bit ECC, or the upper 64-
bits/upper 8-bit ECC respectively, of a 128-bit memory-aligned data.
• Whether the corrected value is 0 (FAIL_0_L, FAIL_0_H flags in ERR_STATUS register)
• Whether the corrected value is 1 (FAIL_1_L, FAIL_1_H flags in ERR_STATUS register)
• A single bit error counter that increments on every single bit error occurrence (ERR_CNT register) until
a user-configurable threshold (see ERR_THRESHOLD) is met
• A flag that gets set when one or more single-bit errors occurs after ERR_CNT equals
When the ERR_CNT value equals THRESHOLD+1 value and a single bit error occurs, the
SINGLE_ERR_INT flag is set, and an interrupt (FLASH_CORRECTABLE_ERR on C28x PIE has to be
enabled for interrupt, if needed) is fired. The SINGLE_ERR interrupt will not be fired again until the
SINGLE_ERR_INTFLG is cleared. If the single error interrupt flag is not cleared using the corresponding
error interrupt clear bit in the ERR_INTCLR register, the error interrupt will not come again, as this is an
edge-based interrupt.
When multiple single-bit errors get caught by ECC logic, Flash ECC registers will hold the information
related to the latest ECC error. When multiple single-bit errors get caught, both FAIL_0_L and FAIL_1_L
(and/or FAIL_0_H and FAIL_1_H) might get set, indicating that single-bit fail0/fail1 occurred in different 64-
bit aligned addresses.
Although ECC is calculated on 64-bit basis, a read of any address location within a 128-bit aligned Flash
memory will cause the single-bit error flag to get set when there is a single-bit error in both or in either one
of the lower 64 and upper 64 bits (or corresponding ECC check bits) of that 128-bit data. Uncorrectable Error

Uncorrectable errors include address errors and double-bit errors in data/ECC. When SECDED finds
uncorrectable errors, the following information is logged in ECC registers if the ECC feature is enabled:
• Address where the error occurred – if the uncorrectable error occurs in the lower 64-bits of a 128-bit
memory-aligned data, the lower 64-bit memory-aligned address will be captured in the
UNC_ERR_ADDR_LOW register. If the uncorrectable error occurs in the upper 64-bits of a 128-bit
memory-aligned data, the upper 64-bit memory-aligned address will be captured in the
• A flag is set indicating that an uncorrectable error occurred – the UNC_ERR_L and UNC_ERR_H flags
in the ERR_STATUS register indicate the uncorrectable error occurrence in the lower 64-bits/lower 8-
bit ECC, or the upper 64-bits/upper 8-bit ECC, respectively, of a 128-bit memory-aligned data.
• A flag is set indicating that an uncorrectable error interrupt is fired (UNC_ERR_INTFLG in
ERR_INTFLG register)

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When an uncorrectable error occurs, the UNC_ERR_INTFLG bit is set and an uncorrectable error interrupt
is fired. This uncorrectable error interrupt generates an NMI, if enabled. If an uncorrectable error interrupt
flag is not cleared using the corresponding error interrupt clear bit in the ERR_INTCLR register, an error
interrupt will not come again, as this is an edge based interrupt.
Although ECC is calculated on 64-bit basis, a read of any address location within a 128-bit aligned Flash
memory will cause the uncorrectable error flag to get set when there is a uncorrectable error in both or in
either one of the lower 64 and upper 64 bits (or corresponding ECC check bits) of that 128-bit data. NMI
will occur on the CPU for a read of any address location within a 128-bit aligned Flash memory, when
there is an uncorrectable error in both or in either one of the lower 64 and upper 64 bits (or corresponding
ECC check bits) of that 128-bit data. SECDED Logic Correctness Check

Since error detection and correction logic are part of safety-critical logic, safety applications may need to
ensure that the SECDED logic is always working properly. For these safety concerns, in order to ensure
the correctness of the SECDED logic, an ECC test mode is provided to test the correctness of ECC logic
periodically. In this ECC test mode, data/ECC and address inputs to the ECC logic are controlled by the
respectively. Using this test mode, users can introduce single-bit errors, double-bit errors, or address
errors and check whether or not SECDED logic is catching those errors. Users can also check if SECDED
logic is reporting any false errors when no errors are introduced.
This ECC test mode can be enabled by setting the ECC_TEST_EN bit in the FECC_CTRL register. When
ECC test mode is enabled, the CPU cannot read the data from flash and instead the CPU gets data from
the ECC test mode registers (FDATAH_TEST/FDATAL_TEST). This is because ECC test mode registers
(FDATAH_TEST, FDATAL_TEST, FECC_TEST) are multiplexed with data from the flash. Hence, the CPU
should not read/fetch from Flash when ECC test mode is enabled. For this reason, ECC test mode code
should be executed from RAM and not from flash.
Only one of the SECDED modules (out of the two SECDED modules that work on lower 64 bits and upper
64 bits of a read 128-bit data) at a time can be tested. The ECC_SELECT bit in the FECC_CTRL register
can be configured by users to select one of the SECDED modules for test.
To test the ECC logic using ECC test mode, users can follow the steps below:
1. Obtain the ECC for a given Flash address (128-bit aligned) and 64-bit data by using the Auto ECC
generation option provided in Flash API .
2. Develop an application to test ECC logic using the above data. In this application
• Write the 128-bit aligned 19-bit Flash address in FADDR_TEST
• Write 64-bit data in FDATAH_TEST (upper 32-bits) and FDATAL_TEST (lower 32-bits) registers
• Write the corresponding 8-bit ECC in the FECC_TEST register
• In any of the above three steps, users can insert errors (single-bit data error or double-bit data
error or address error or single-bit ECC error or double-bit ECC error) so that they can check
whether or not ECC logic is able to catch the errors
• Select the ECC logic block (lower 64-bits or upper 64-bits) which needs to be tested using the
ECC_SELECT bit in the FECC_CTRL register
• Enable ECC test mode usingthe ECC_TEST_EN bit in FECC_CTRL register
• Write a value of 1 in the DO_ECC_CALC bit in FECC_CTRL register to enable ECC test logic for a
single cycle to evaluate the address, data, ECC in FADDR_TEST, FDATAx_TEST and
FECC_TEST registers for ECC errors
Once the above ECC test mode registers are written by the user:
• The FECC_OUTH register holds the data output bits 63:32 from the SECDED block under test
• The FECC_OUTL register holds the data output bits 31:0 from the SECDED block under test
• The FECC_STATUS register holds the status of single-bit error occurrence, uncorrectable error
occurrence, and error position of single- bit error in data/check bits

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In these devices, ECC memory for Flash and OTP is allocated at a higher address space (address width
more than 22 bits). C2000 Codegen tools (6.2 and onwards) are updated to include the below intrinsics to
read ECC space.
For 16-bit read:
unsigned int variable = __addr32_read_uint16(unsigned long address);
For 32-bit read:
unsigned long variable = __addr32_read_uint32(unsigned long address);

3.12.11 Reserved Locations Within Flash and OTP

When allocating code and data to flash and OTP memory, keep the following reserved locations in mind:
• The entire OTP has reserved user-configurable locations for security and boot process. For more
details on the functionality of these fields, please refer to Section 3.13, and the ROM Code and
Peripheral Booting chapter.
• Refer to the ROM Code and Peripheral Booting chapter for reserved locations in flash for real-time
operating system usage and a boot-to-flash entry point. A boot-to-flash entry point is reserved for an
entry-into-flash branch instruction. When the boot-to-flash boot option is used, the boot ROM will jump
to this address in flash. If the user programs a branch instruction here, that will then redirect code
execution to the entry point of the application.

3.12.12 Procedure to Change the Flash Control Registers

During flash configuration, no accesses to the flash or OTP can be in progress. This includes instructions
still in the CPU pipeline, data reads, and instruction prefetch operations. To be sure that no access takes
place during the configuration change, you should follow the procedure shown below for any code that
modifies the flash control registers.
1. Start executing application code from RAM/Flash/OTP.
2. Branch to or call the flash configuration code (that writes to flash control registers) in RAM. This is
required to properly flush the CPU pipeline before the configuration change. The function that changes
the flash configuration cannot execute from the Flash or OTP. It must reside in RAM.
3. Execute the flash configuration code (should be located in RAM) that writes to flash control registers
like FRDCNTL, FRD_INTF_CTRL, and so on.
4. At the end of the flash configuration code execution, wait eight cycles to let the write instructions
propagate through the CPU pipeline. This must be done before the return-from-function call is made.
5. Return to the calling function which might reside in RAM or Flash/OTP and continue execution.

3.12.13 Flash Pump Ownership Control

Both flash banks share a single charge pump for program and erase operations. However, only one flash
bank can be programmed or erased at any given time. The CPU can read data and execute code from
one bank while the other bank is being programmed or erased. The flash pump ownership setting allows
pump access to only one bank at a time.
The pump ownership setting is implemented as a two-bit field in the PUMPREQUEST register with special
write protections. This register requires a key field to be written at the same time as the control bits.
Possible states for the PUMP_OWNERSHIP bit field in the PUMPREQUEST register are:

00, 10, or 11 Bank 0 can be programmed or erased. 00 is the reset state.

01 Bank 1 can be programmed or erased.

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Figure 3-19 shows the allowed states and state transitions.

Figure 3-19. PUMP_OWNERSHIP Configuration

The CPU must write 01 before

Pump control state 00, 10, or 11 programming or erasing bank 1.

Bank 0 is writable.

Default at reset The CPU must write 00, 10, or 11

before programming or erasing
bank 0.

Pump control state 01

Bank 1 is writable

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3.13 Dual Code Security Module (DCSM)

The dual code security module (DCSM) is a security feature incorporated in this device. It prevents access
and visibility to on-chip secure memories (and other secure resources) to unauthorized persons. It also
prevents duplication and reverse engineering of proprietary code. The term “secure” implies access to on-
chip secure memories and resources are blocked. The term “unsecure” implies access is allowed (the
contents of the memory could be read by any means); for example, through a debugging tool such as
Code Composer Studio™.
The CPU subsystem's CSM has dual-zone security, zone1 and zone2.

3.13.1 Functional Description

The security module restricts the CPU access to on-chip secure memory and resources without
interrupting or stalling CPU execution. When a read occurs to a secure memory location, the read returns
a zero value and CPU execution continues with the next instruction. This, in effect, blocks read and write
access to secure memories through the JTAG port or external peripherals.
The code security mechanism offers protection for two zones, Zone 1 (Z1) and Zone 2 (Z2). The security
mechanism for both the zones is identical. Each zone has its own dedicated secure resource and
allocated secure resource. The following are different secure resources available on this device:
• OTP: Each zone has its own dedicated secure OTP (USER OTP). This contains the security
configurations for the individual zone. If a zone is secure, its USER OTP content (including CSM
passwords) can be read (execution not allowed) only if the zone is unlocked using the password match
flow (PMF).
• CLA: The CLA is a secure resource which can be allocated to either zone by configuring the
GRABRAM location in the USER OTP. CLA configuration can only be performed by code running from
the zone to which it has been allocated. The CLA message RAMs also belong to the same zone.

Table 3-14. CLA Access Filter

CLA Ownership RAM Block Ownership Fetch Access Read Access Write Access
None None Yes Yes Yes
None Z1 or Z2 No No No
Z1 Z1 Yes Yes Yes
Z1 Z2 No No No
Z2 Z1 No No No
Z2 Z2 Yes Yes Yes

• RAM: All Dx and LSx RAMs can be secure RAM on this device. These RAMs can be allocated to
either zone by configuring the respective GRABRAM location in the USER OTP.
• Flash Sectors: Flash Sectors can be secure on this device. Each Flash sector can be allocated to
either zone by configuring the respective GRABSECT location in the USER OTP.
• Secure ROM: This device also has secure ROM which is EXEONLY-protected. This ROM contains
specific function for the user, provided by TI.
Table 3-15 shows the status of a RAM block based on the configuration in GRABRAM register.

Table 3-15. RAM Status

Register Register Ownership
00 XX GRAM_RAMx is inaccessible
XX 00 GRAM_RAMx is inaccessible
Differential Value (01/10) Differential Value (01/10) GRAM_RAMx is inaccessible
Differential Value (01/10) 11 GRAM_RAMx belongs to Z1
11 Differential Value (01/10) GRAM_RAMx belongs to Z2
11 11 GRAM_RAMx is Non-Secure

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The security of each zone is ensured by its own 128-bit (four 32-bit words) password (CSM password).
The password for each zone is stored in its dedicated OTP location based on a zone-specific link pointer.
A zone can be unsecured by executing the password match flow (PMF), described in Section
There are three types of accesses: data/program reads, JTAG access, and instruction fetches (calls,
jumps, code executions, ISRs). Instruction fetches are never blocked. JTAG accesses are always blocked
when a memory is secure. Data reads to a secure memory are always blocked unless the program is
executing from a memory which belongs to the same zone. Data reads to unsecure memory are always
allowed. Table 3-16 shows the levels of security.

Table 3-16. Security Levels

PMF Executed With Correct
Password? Operating Mode of the Zone Program Fetch Location Security Description
No Secure Outside secure memory Only instruction fetches by the
CPU are allowed to secure
memory. In other words, code
can still be executed, but not
No Secure Inside secure memory CPU has full access (except for
EXEONLY memories where
read is not allowed). JTAG port
cannot read the secured
memory contents.
Yes Non-Secure Anywhere Full access for CPU and JTAG
port to secure memory of that

If the password locations of a zone have all 128 bits as ones, the zone is considered unsecure. Since new
Flash devices have erased Flash (all ones), only a read of the password locations is required to bring any
zone into unsecure mode. If the password locations of a zone have all 128 bits as zeros, the zone is
secure, regardless of the contents of the CSMKEY registers. This means the zone can’t be unlocked using
PMF, the password match flow described in Section Therefore, the user should never use all
zeros as a password. A password of all zeros will prevent debug of secure code or reprogramming the
CSMKEY registers are user-accessible registers that are used to unsecure the zones. Emulation Code Security Logic (ECSL)

In addition to the CSM, the emulation code security logic (ECSL) has been implemented using a 64-bit
password (part of existing CSM password) for each zone to prevent unauthorized users from stepping
through secure code. A halt in secure code while the emulator is connected will trip the ECSL and break
the emulation connection. To allow emulation of secure code, while maintaining the CSM protection
against secure memory reads, the user must write the correct 64-bit password into the CSMKEY (0/1)
registers, which matches the password value stored in the USER OTP of that zone. This will disable the
ECSL for the specific zone.
When initially debugging a device with the password locations in OTP programmed (secured), the
emulator takes some time to take control of the CPU. During this time, the CPU will start running and may
execute an instruction that performs an access to a protected ECSL area and ifthe CPU is halted when
the program counter (PC) is pointing to a secure location, the ECSL will trip and cause the emulator
connection to be broken.
The solution to this problem is:
• Use the Wait Boot Mode boot option. In this mode, the CPU will be in a loop and hence will not jump to
the user application code. Using this BOOTMODE, the user can connect to CCS and debug the code.

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The CPU Secure Logic (CPUSL) on this device prevents a hacker from reading the CPU registers in a
watch window while code is running in a secure zone. All accesses to CPU registers when the PC points
to a secure location are blocked by this logic. The only exception to this is read access to the PC. It is
highly recommended not to write into the CPU register in this case, because proper code execution may
get affected. If the CSM is unlocked using the CSM password match flow, the CPUSL logic also gets
disabled. Execute-Only Protection

To achieve a higher level of security on secure Flash sectors and RAM blocks that store critical user code
(instruction opcodes), the Execute-Only protection feature is provided. When the Execute-Only protection
is turned on for any secure Flash sector or RAM block, data reads to that Flash sectors are disallowed
from any code (even from secure code). Execute-only protection for a Flash sector and RAM block can be
turned on by configuring the bit field associated for that particular sector/RAM block in the zone's (which
has ownership of that sector/RAM block) EXEONLYSECT and EXEONLYRAM register, respectively. Password Lock

The password locations for each zone can be locked by programming the zone’s PSWDLOCK field with
any value other than “1111” (0xF) at the PSWDLOCK location in OTP. Until the passwords of a zone are
locked, password locations will not be secure and can be read from the debugger as well as code running
from non-secure memory. This feature can be used by the user to avoid accidental locking of the zone
while programming the Flash sectors during the software development phase. On a fresh device the value
for password lock fields for all zones at the PSWDLOCK location in OTP will be “1111” which means the
password for all zones will be unlocked.

NOTE: Password unlock only makes password locations non-secure. All other secure memories and
other locations of Flash sectors, which contain a password, remains secure as per security
settings. But since passwords are non-secure, anyone can read the password and make the
zone non-secure by running through PMF. Link Pointer and Zone Select

For each of the two security zones a dedicated OTP block exists that holds the configuration related to
zone’s security. The following are the available programmed configurations:
Since OTP can’t be erased, to provide flexibility of configuring some of the security settings like CSM
passwords, allocation of RAM/Flash sectors and their attributes, multiple times by the user, the following
configurations are placed in zone select regions of each zone’s OTP Flash.

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The location of the zone select region in OTP is decided based on the value of three 29-bit link pointers
(Zx-LINKPOINTERx) programmed in the OTP of each zone. All OTP locations except link pointer locations
are protected with ECC. Since the link pointer locations are not protected with ECC, three link pointers are
provided that need to be programmed with the same value. The final value of the link pointer is resolved in
hardware when a dummy read is done to all the link pointers by comparing all the three values (bit-wise
voting logic). Since in OTP, a ‘1’ can be flipped by the user to ‘0’ but ‘0’ can’t be flipped to ‘1’ (no erase
operation for OTP), the most significant bit position in the resolved link pointer which is ‘0’, defines the
valid base address for the zone select region. While generating the final link pointer value, if the bit
patterns is not one of those listed in Figure 3-20, the final link pointer value becomes All_1
(0xFFFF_FFFF) which selects the Zone-Select-Block1 (also known as the default zone select block).

Figure 3-20. Storage of Zone-Select Bits in OTP

Addr Offset Of
32’bxxx11111111111111111111111111111 0x20
32’bxxx1111111111111111111111111111 0 0x30
32’bxxx111111111111111111111111111 0x 0x40
32’bxxx11111111111111111111111111 0xx 0x50
32’bxxx1111111111111111111111111 0xxx 0x60
32’bxxx111111111111111111111111 0xxxx 0x70 Zone Select Block
32’bxxx11111111111111111111111 0xxxxx 0x80
32’bxxx1111111111111111111111 0xxxxxx 0x90 Addr Offset 32-Bit Content
32’bxxx111111111111111111111 0xxxxxxx 0xa0
32’bxxx11111111111111111111 0xxxxxxxx 0xb0
32’bxxx1111111111111111111 0xxxxxxxxx 0xc0 0x2 Zx-EXEONLYSECT
32’bxxx111111111111111111 0xxxxxxxxxx 0xd0
32’bxxx11111111111111111 0xxxxxxxxxxx 0xe0 0x4 Zx-GRABRAM
32’bxxx1111111111111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxx 0xf0
32’bxxx111111111111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x100 0x6 Zx-GRABSECT
32’bxxx11111111111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x110
32’bxxx1111111111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x120
32’bxxx111111111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x130 0xa Zx-CSMPSWD1
32’bxxx11111111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x140
32’bxxx1111111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x150 0xc Zx-CSMPSWD2
32’bxxx111111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x160
32’bxxx11111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x170 0xe Zx-CSMPSWD3
32’bxxx1111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x180
32’bxxx111111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x190
32’bxxx11111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x1a0
32’bxxx1111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x1b0
32’bxxx111 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x1c0
32’bxxx11 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x1d0
32’bxxx10xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x1e0
32’bxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x1f0

NOTE: Address locations for other security settings (PSWDLOCK/CRCLOCK) that are not part of
Zone Select blocks) can be programmed only once; therefore, the user should program them
towards end of the development cycle.

NOTE: Since linkpointer location in USER OTP does not have ECC user should always define
separate structure and section for linkpointers.

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Figure 3-21. Location of Zone-Select Block Based on Link-Pointer

Zone 1 OTP Flash Zone 2 OTP Flash
0x78000 Z1-LINKPOINTER 1 0x78200 Z2-LINKPOINTER 1
0x78002 Reserved 0x78202 Reserved
0x78004 Z1-LINKPOINTER 2 0x78204 Z2-LINKPOINTER 2
0x78006 Reserved 0x78206 Reserved
0x78008 Z1-LINKPOINTER 3 0x78208 Z2-LINKPOINTER 3
0x7800A Reserved 0x7820A Reserved
0x78010 Z1-PSWDLOCK 0x78210 Z2 PSWDLOCK
Zone Select Block
0x78012 Reserved 0x78212 Reserved
Addr 32-Bit Content
0x78014 Z1-CRCLOCK 0x78214 Z2-CRCLOCK
0x78016 Reserved 0x78216 Reserved
0x78018 Reserved 0x78218 Reserved
0x7801A Reserved 0x7821A Reserved
0x78020 ZoneSelectBlock1 0x6 Zx-GRABSECT 0x78220 ZoneSelectBlock1
(16x16Bits) (16x16Bits)
0x78030 ZoneSelectBlock2 0xa Zx-CSMPSWD1 0x78230 ZoneSelectBlock2
(16x16Bits) (16x16Bits)
. .
. 0xe Zx-CSMPSWD3 .

0x781F0 ZoneSelectBlockn 0x783F0 ZoneSelectBlockn

(16x16Bits) (16x16Bits) C Code Example to get Zone Select Block Addr for Zone1
unsigned long LinkPointer;
unsigned long *Zone1SelBlockPtr;
int Bitpos = 28;
int ZeroFound = 0;

// Read Z1-Linkpointer register of DCSM module.

LinkPointer = *(unsigned long *)0x5F000;

// Bits 31 30 and 29 as most-sigificant 0 are reserved LinkPointer options

LinkPointer = LinkPointer << 3;

while ((ZeroFound == 0) && (bitpos > -1))

if ((LinkPointer & 0x80000000) == 0)
ZeroFound = 1;
Zone1SelBlockPtr = (unsigned long *)(0x78000 + ((bitpos + 3)*16));
} else
LinkPointer = LinkPointer << 1;
if (ZeroFound == 0)

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//Default in case there is no zero found.

Zone1SelBlockPtr = (unsigned long *)0x78020;
} Flash and OTP Erase/Program

On this device, OTP as well as normal Flash, are secure resources. Each zone has its own dedicated
OTP, whereas normal Flash sectors can be allocated to any zone based on the value programmed in the
GRABSECT location in OTP. Each zone has its own CSM passwords; read and write accesses are not
allowed to resources owned by Z1 from code running from memory allocated to Z2 and vice versa. Before
programming any secure Flash sector, the user must either unlock the zone to which that particular sector
belongs, using PMF or execute the Flash programming code from secure memory which belongs to the
same zone. The same is the case for erasing any secure Flash sector. To program the security settings in
OTP Flash, the user must unlock the CSM of the respective zone. Unless the zone is unlocked, security
settings in OTP Flash cannot be updated. The OTP content cannot be erased.
This device has only one Flash pump used for erase/program operation of normal Flash and OTP Flash. A
semaphore mechanism is provided to avoid the conflict between Zone1 and Zone2. A zone needs to grab
this semaphore to successfully complete the erase/program operation on the Flash sectors allocated to
that zone. A semaphore can be grabbed by a zone by writing the appropriate value in the SEM field of the
FLSEM register. For further details of this field, see the register description.

NOTE: If there is a loss of power or a reset of any nature during the flash programming operation,
there is high probability of some (or possibly all) of the 128 bits in the corresponding 128-bit
aligned address getting corrupted. If this happens while programming the password locations
in USER OTP, the passwords may get corrupted. Safe Copy Code

In some applications, the user may want to copy the code from secure Flash to secure RAM for better
performance. The user cannot do this for EXEONLY flash sectors because EXEONLY secure memories
cannot be read from anywhere. TI provides specific “Safe Copy Code” library functions for each zone to
enable the user to copy content from EXEONLY secure flash sectors to EXEONLY RAM blocks. These
functions do the copy-code operation in a highly secure environment and allow a copy to be performed
only when the following conditions are met:
• The secure RAM block and the secure flash sector belong to the same zone.
• Both the secure RAM block and the secure flash sector have EXEONLY protection enabled.
For further usage of these library functions, see the device-specific Boot ROM documentation. SafeCRC
Since reads from EXEONLY memories are not allowed, the user cannot calculate the CRC for content in
EXEONLY memories using the VCU-II. But in some safety-critical applications, the user may have to
calculate the CRC on these memories as well. To enable this without compromising on security, TI
provides specific “SafeCRC” library functions for each zone. These functions do the CRC calculation in
highly secure environment and allow a CRC calculation to be performed only when the following
conditions are met:
• The source address should be modulo the number of words (based on length_id) for which the CRC
needs to be calculated.
• The destination address should belong to the same zone as the source address.
For further usage of these library functions, see the device-specific Boot ROM documentation.

NOTE: The user must disable all the interrupts before calling the safe copy code and the safeCRC
function. If there is a vector fetch during copy code operation, the CPU gets reset

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Disclaimer: Code Security Module Disclaimer The Code Security Module (CSM) included on this device
was designed to password protect the data stored in the associated memory and is warranted by Texas
Instruments (TI), in accordance with its standard terms and conditions, to conform to TI's published
specifications for the warranty period applicable for this device. TI DOES NOT, HOWEVER, WARRANT

3.13.2 CSM Impact on Other On-Chip Resources

On this device, M0/M1 and GSx memories are not secure. To avoid any potential hacking when the device
is in the default state (post reset), accesses (all types) to all memories (secure as well as non-secure,
except BOOT-ROM and OTP ) are disabled until proper security initialization is done. This means that
after reset none of the memory resources except BOOT_ROM and OTP is accessible to the user.
The following steps are required after reset (any type of reset) to initialize the security on each CPU
• Dummy Read to address location of SECDC (0x703F0, TI-reserved register) in TI OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z1_LINKPOINTER1 in Z1 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z1_LINKPOINTER2 in Z1 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z1_LINKPOINTER3 in Z1 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z1_PSWDLOCK in Z1 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z1_CRCLOCK in Z1 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location 0x78018 in Z1 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z1_BOOTCTRL in Z1 OTP
• Read to memory map register of Z1_LINKPOINTER in DCSM module to calculate the address of zone
select block for Z1
• Dummy read to address location of Z1_EXEONLYRAM in Z1 OTP
• Dummy read to address location of Z1_EXEONLYSECT in Z1 OTP
• Dummy read to address location of Z1_GRABRAM in Z1 OTP
• Dummy read to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in Z1 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z2_LINKPOINTER1 in Z2 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z2_LINKPOINTER2 in Z2 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z2_LINKPOINTER3 in Z2 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z2_PSWDLOCK in Z2 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z2_CRCLOCK in Z2 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location 0x78218 in Z2 OTP
• Dummy Read to address location of Z2_BOOTCTRL in Z2 OTP
• Read to memory map register of Z2_LINKPOINTER in DCSM module to calculate the address of zone
select block for Z2
• Dummy read to address location of Z2_EXEONLYRAM in Z2 OTP
• Dummy read to address location of Z2_EXEONLYSECT in Z2 OTP
• Dummy read to address location of Z2_GRABRAM in Z2 OTP
• Dummy read to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in Z2 OTP

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NOTE: Security Initialization is done by BOOTROM code on all the resets which assert SYSRSn (as
part of device initialization). This will not be part of user application code

3.13.3 Incorporating Code Security in User Applications

Code security is typically not required in the development phase of a project. However, security is needed
once a robust code is developed for a zone. Before such a code is programmed in the Flash memory, a
CSM password should be chosen to secure the zone. Once a CSM password is in place for a zone, the
zone is secured (programming a password at the appropriate locations and either performing a device
reset or setting the FORCESEC bit (Zx_CR.15) is the action that secures the device). From that time on,
access to debug the contents of secure memory by any means (via JTAG, code running off external/on-
chip memory, and so forth) requires a valid password. A password is not needed to run the code out of
secure memory (such as in a typical end-user usage); however, access to secure memory contents for
debug purposes, requires a password. Environments That Require Security Unlocking

The following are the typical situations under which unsecuring can be required:
• Code development using debuggers (such as Code Composer Studio). This is the most common
environment during the design phase of a product.
• Flash programming using TI's Flash utilities such as Code Composer Studio On-Chip Flash
Programmer plug-in or the Uniflash tool. Flash programming is common during code development and
testing. Once the user supplies the necessary password, the flash utilities disable the security logic
before attempting to program the Flash. The flash utilities can disable the code security logic in new
devices without any authorization, since new devices come with an erased Flash. However,
reprogramming devices that already contain a custom password require the password to be supplied to
the flash utilities in order to unlock the device to enable programming. In custom programming
solutions that use the Flash API supplied by TI, unlocking the CSM can be avoided by executing the
Flash programming algorithms from secure memory.
• Custom environment defined by the application
In addition to the above, access to secure memory contents can be required in situations such as:
– Using the on-chip bootloader to load code or data into secure SARAM or to erase and program the
– Executing code from on-chip unsecure memory and requiring access to secure memory for the
lookup table. This is not a suggested operating condition as supplying the password from external
code could compromise code security.
The unsecuring sequence is identical in all the above situations. This sequence is referred to as the
password match flow (PMF) for simplicity. Figure 3-22 explains the sequence of operation that is required
every time the user attempts to unsecure a particular zone. A code example is listed for clarity. CSM Password Match Flow

Password match flow (PMF) is essentially a sequence of four dummy reads from password locations
(PWL) followed by four writes (32-bit writes) to CSMKEY(0/1/2/3) registers. Figure 3-22 shows how PMF
helps to initialize the security logic registers and disable security logic.

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Figure 3-22. CSM Password Match Flow (PMF)


Zone secure after reset

or runtime

Dummy Read of CSM PWL

of the secure zone, which
needs to be unsecure


PWL = All


Write the CSM Password of

that zone into CSMKEYx

NO Correct


Zone Unsecure Unsecuring Considerations for Zones With and Without Code Security
Case 1 and Case 2 provide unsecuring considerations for zones with and without code security.
• Case 1: Zone With Code Security
A zone with code security should have a predetermined password stored in the password locations of
that zone. The following are steps to unsecure any secure zone:

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1. Perform a dummy read of the password locations of that zone.

2. Write the password into the CSMKEY registers.
3. If the password is correct, the zone becomes unsecure; otherwise, it stays secure.
• Case 2: Zone Without Code Security
A zone without code security should have 0x FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF (128
bits of all ones) stored in the password locations. The following are steps to use this zone:
1. At reset, the CSM will lock memory regions protected by the CSM.
2. Perform a dummy read of the password locations.
3. Since the password is all ones, this alone will unlock the zone and all the secure memories
dedicated to that zone are fully accessible immediately after this operation is completed.

NOTE: Even if a zone is not protected with a password (all password locations all ones), the CSM
will lock at reset. Thus, a dummy read operation must still be performed on these zones prior
to reading, writing, or programming secure memory if the code performing the access is
executing from outside of the CSM protected memory region. The Boot ROM code does this
dummy read for convenience. C Code Example to Unsecure C28x Zone1

volatile long int *CSM = (volatile long int *)0x5F010; //CSM register file
volatile long int *CSMPWL = (volatile long int *)0x78028; //CSM Password location (assuming
default Zone sel block)
volatile int tmp;
int I;
// Read the 128-bits of the CSM password locations (PWL)
for (I=0;I<4; I++) tmp = *CSMPWL++;
// If the password locations (CSMPWL) are all = ones (0xFFFF),
// then the zone will now be unsecure. If the password
// is not all ones (0xFFFF), then the code below is required
// to unsecure the CSM.
// Write the 128-bit password to the CSMKEY registers
// If this password matches that stored in the
// CSLPWL then the CSM will become unsecure. If it does not
// match, then the zone will remain secure.
// An example password of:
// 0x11112222333344445555666677778888 is used.
*CSM++ = 0x22221111; // Register Z1_CSMKEY0 at 0x5F010
*CSM++ = 0x44443333; // Register Z1_CSMKEY1 at 0x5F012
*CSM++ = 0x66665555; // Register Z1_CSMKEY2 at 0x5F014
*CSM++ = 0x88887777; // Register Z1_CSMKEY3 at 0x5F016 C Code Example to Resecure C28x Zone1

volatile int *Z1_CR = 0x5F019; //CSMSCR register
//Set FORCESEC bit
*Z1_CR = 0x8000; Environments That Require ECSL Unlocking

The following are the typical situations under which unsecuring can be required:
• The user develops some main IP, and then outsources peripheral functions to a subcontractor who
must be able to run the user code during debug and may halt while main IP code is running. If ECSL is
not unlocked, then Code Composer Studio connections will get disconnected, which can be
inconvenient for the user. Note that unlocking ECSL doesn’t enable access to secure code but only
avoids disconnection of CCS (JTAG).

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A password match flow (PMF) is essentially a sequence of eight dummy reads from password locations
(PWL) followed by two writes to KEY registers. Figure 3-23 shows how the PMF helps to initialize the
security logic registers and disable security logic.

Figure 3-23. ECSL Password Match Flow (PMF)


Zone’s ECSL LOCK after

reset or runtime

Dummy read of ECSL PWL

of the secure zone, which
ECSL needs to be unlocked


PWL = All


Write the ECSL Password of

that zone into ECSLKEYx

NO Correct


Zone ECSL Unlock

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JTAG www.ti.com ECSL Disable Considerations for any Zone

A zone with ECSL enabled should have a predetermined ECSL password stored in the ECSL password
locations in Flash (same as lower 64 bits of CSM passwords). The following are steps to disable the ECSL
for any particular zone:
• Perform a dummy read of CAM password locations of that Zone
• Write the password into the CSMKEYx registers, corresponding to that Zone.
• If the password is correct, the ECSL gets disabled; otherwise, it stays enabled. C Code Example to Disable ECSL for C28x-Zone1

volatile long int *ECSL = (volatile int *)0x5F010; //ECSL register file
volatile long int *ECSLPWL = (volatile int *)0x78028; //ECSL Password location (assuming default
Zone sel block)
volatile int tmp;
int I;
// Read the 64-bits of the password locations (PWL)
for (I=0;I<2; I++) tmp = *ECSLPWL++;
// If the ECSL password locations (ECSLPWL) are all = ones (0xFFFF),
// then the ECSL will now be disable. If the password
// is not all ones (0xFFFF), then the code below is required
// to disable the ECSL.
// Write the 64-bit password to the CSMKEYx registers
// If this password matches that stored in the
// CSMPWL then ECSL will get disable. If it does not
// match, then the zone will remain secure.
// An example password of:
// 0x1111222233334444 is used.
*ECSL++ = 0x22221111; // Register Z1_CSMKEY0 at 0x5F010
*ECSL++ = 0x44443333; // Register Z1_CSMKEY1 at 0x5F012 Device Unique ID

The bank 0 OTP contains a 256-bit value that is made up of both pseudo-random and sequential parts.
This value may be used as a seed for code encryption. The starting address of the value is 0x703C0. The
first 192 bits are pseudo-random, the next 32 bits are sequential, and the last 32 bits are a checksum
value. The degree of randomness is not guaranteed.

3.14 JTAG
Gel files perform certain initialization tasks. This helps the users in a debug environment. However, when
executed standalone (without the emulator connected) the application may not work as expected, since
there is no gel file to perform those initializations. For example, gel file disables watchdog. If user code
does not service the watchdog in the application (or fails to disable it), there will be a difference in how the
application behaves with the debugger and without.
Common tasks performed by the gel files (but not boot-ROM)
On Reset:
• Disable Flash ECC on some devices.
– Disabling ECC only when using Flash API functions, see the Flash API User Guide for details.
Otherwise, TI suggests to always program ECC and enable ECC-check.
• Disable Watchdog
• Enable CLA clock
• Select real-time mode or C28x mode
On Restart:
• Select real-time mode or C28x mode
• Clear IER and IFR

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On Target Connect:
• Select real-time mode or C28x mode

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3.15 F2837xS System Control Registers

3.15.1 F2837xS System Control Base Addresses

Table 3-17. System Control Base Address Table

Device Registers Register Name Start Address End Address
CpuTimer0Regs CPUTIMER_REGS 0x0000_0C00 0x0000_0C07
CpuTimer1Regs CPUTIMER_REGS 0x0000_0C08 0x0000_0C0F
CpuTimer2Regs CPUTIMER_REGS 0x0000_0C10 0x0000_0C17
PieCtrlRegs PIE_CTRL_REGS 0x0000_0CE0 0x0000_0CFF
WdRegs WD_REGS 0x0000_7000 0x0000_703F
NmiIntruptRegs NMI_INTRUPT_REGS 0x0000_7060 0x0000_706F
XintRegs XINT_REGS 0x0000_7070 0x0000_707F
DmaClaSrcSelRegs DMA_CLA_SRC_SEL_REGS 0x0000_7980 0x0000_79BF
FlashPumpSemaphoreRegs FLASH_PUMP_SEMAPHORE_REGS 0x0005_0024 0x0005_0025
DevCfgRegs DEV_CFG_REGS 0x0005_D000 0x0005_D17F
ClkCfgRegs CLK_CFG_REGS 0x0005_D200 0x0005_D2FF
CpuSysRegs CPU_SYS_REGS 0x0005_D300 0x0005_D3FF
RomPrefetchRegs ROM_PREFETCH_REGS 0x0005_E608 0x0005_E609
DcsmZ1Regs DCSM_Z1_REGS 0x0005_F000 0x0005_F02F
DcsmZ2Regs DCSM_Z2_REGS 0x0005_F040 0x0005_F05F
DcsmCommonRegs DCSM_COMMON_REGS 0x0005_F070 0x0005_F07F
MemCfgRegs MEM_CFG_REGS 0x0005_F400 0x0005_F47F
AccessProtectionRegs ACCESS_PROTECTION_REGS 0x0005_F4C0 0x0005_F4FF
MemoryErrorRegs MEMORY_ERROR_REGS 0x0005_F500 0x0005_F53F
RomWaitStateRegs ROM_WAIT_STATE_REGS 0x0005_F540 0x0005_F541
Flash0CtrlRegs FLASH_CTRL_REGS 0x0005_F800 0x0005_FAFF
Flash0EccRegs FLASH_ECC_REGS 0x0005_FB00 0x0005_FB3F
CpuIdRegs CPU_ID_REGS 0x0007_026D 0x0007_026E
UidRegs UID_REGS 0x0007_03C0 0x0007_03CF
Flash1CtrlRegs FLASH_CTRL_REGS 0x0005 FC00 0x0005 FEFF
Flash1EccRegs FLASH_ECC_REGS 0x0005 FF00 0x0005 FF3F

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3.15.2 CPUTIMER_REGS Registers

Table 3-18 lists the CPUTIMER_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-18
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-18. CPUTIMER_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h TIM CPU-Timer, Counter Register Go
2h PRD CPU-Timer, Period Register Go
4h TCR CPU-Timer, Control Register Go
6h TPR CPU-Timer, Prescale Register Go
7h TPRH CPU-Timer, Prescale Register High Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-19 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-19. CPUTIMER_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
Write Type
W W Write
W1C W Write
1C 1 to clear
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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TIM is shown in Figure 3-24 and described in Table 3-20.
Return to the Summary Table.
CPU-Timer, Counter Register

Figure 3-24. TIM Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-FFFFh

Table 3-20. TIM Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 MSW R/W 0h CPU-Timer Counter Registers
The TIMH register holds the high 16 bits of the current 32-bit count
of the timer. The TIMH:TIM decrements by one every
(TDDRH:TDDR+1) clock cycles, where TDDRH:TDDR is the timer
prescale dividedown value. When the TIMH:TIM decrements to zero,
the TIMH:TIM register is reloaded with the period value contained in
the PRDH:PRD registers. The timer interrupt (TINT) signal is
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-0 LSW R/W FFFFh CPU-Timer Counter Registers
The TIM register holds the low 16 bits of the current 32-bit count of
the timer. The TIMH:TIM decrements by one every
(TDDRH:TDDR+1) clock cycles, where TDDRH:TDDR is the timer
prescale dividedown value. When the TIMH:TIM decrements to zero,
the TIMH:TIM register is reloaded with the period value contained in
the PRDH:PRD registers. The timer interrupt (TINT) signal is
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PRD is shown in Figure 3-25 and described in Table 3-21.
Return to the Summary Table.
CPU-Timer, Period Register

Figure 3-25. PRD Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-1h R/W-FFFFh

Table 3-21. PRD Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 MSW R/W 1h CPU-Timer Period Registers
The PRDH register holds the high 16 bits of the 32-bit period. When
the TIMH:TIM decrements to zero, the TIMH:TIM register is reloaded
with the period value contained in the PRDH:PRD registers, at the
start of the next timer input clock cycle (the output of the prescaler).
The PRDH:PRD contents are also loaded into the TIMH:TIM when
you set the timer reload bit (TRB) in the Timer Control Register
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-0 LSW R/W FFFFh CPU-Timer Period Registers
The PRD register holds the low 16 bits of the 32-bit period. When
the TIMH:TIM decrements to zero, the TIMH:TIM register is reloaded
with the period value contained in the PRDH:PRD registers, at the
start of the next timer input clock cycle (the output of the prescaler).
The PRDH:PRD contents are also loaded into the TIMH:TIM when
you set the timer reload bit (TRB) in the Timer Control Register
Reset type: SYSRSn

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TCR is shown in Figure 3-26 and described in Table 3-22.
Return to the Summary Table.
CPU-Timer, Control Register

Figure 3-26. TCR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W1C-0h R/W-0h R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R-1h

Table 3-22. TCR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 TIF R/W1C 0h CPU-Timer Overflow Flag.

TIF indicates whether a timer overflow has happened since TIF was
last cleared. TIF is not cleared automatically and does not need to
be cleared to enable the next timer interrupt.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = The CPU-Timer has not decremented to zero.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
1h (R/W) = This flag gets set when the CPU-timer decrements to
Writing a 1 to this bit clears the flag.
14 TIE R/W 0h CPU-Timer Interrupt Enable.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = The CPU-Timer interrupt is disabled.
1h (R/W) = The CPU-Timer interrupt is enabled. If the timer
decrements to zero, and TIE is set, the timer asserts its interrupt
13-12 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
11 FREE R/W 0h If the FREE bit is set to 1, then, upon a software breakpoint, the
timer continues to run. If FREE is 0, then the SOFT bit controls the
emulation behavior.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Stop after the next decrement of the TIMH:TIM (hard
(SOFT bit controls the emulation behavior)
1h (R/W) = Free Run
(SOFT bit is don't care, counter is free running)
10 SOFT R/W 0h If the FREE bit is set to 1, then, upon a software breakpoint, the
timer continues to run (that is, free runs). In this case, SOFT is a
don't care. But if FREE is 0, then SOFT takes effect.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Stop after the next decrement of the TIMH:TIM (hard
(ONLY if FREE=0, if FREE=1 this bit is don't care)
1h (R/W) = Stop after the TIMH:TIM decrements to 0 (soft stop)
In the SOFT STOP mode, the timer generates an interrupt before
shutting down (since reaching 0 is the interrupt causing condition).
(ONLY if FREE=0, if FREE=1 this bit is don't care)
9-6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

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Table 3-22. TCR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
5 TRB R/W 0h Timer reload
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = The TRB bit is always read as zero. Writes of 0 are
1h (R/W) = When you write a 1 to TRB, the TIMH:TIM is loaded
with the value in the PRDH:PRD,
and the prescaler counter (PSCH:PSC) is loaded with the value in
the timer dividedown
register (TDDRH:TDDR).
4 TSS R/W 0h CPU-Timer stop status bit.
TSS is a 1-bit flag that stops or starts the CPU-timer.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Reads of 0 indicate the CPU-timer is running.
To start or restart the CPU-timer, set TSS to 0. At reset, TSS is
cleared to 0 and the
CPU-timer immediately starts.
1h (R/W) = Reads of 1 indicate that the CPU-timer is stopped.
To stop the CPU-timer, set TSS to 1.
3-0 RESERVED R 1h Reserved

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TPR is shown in Figure 3-27 and described in Table 3-23.
Return to the Summary Table.
CPU-Timer, Prescale Register

Figure 3-27. TPR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-23. TPR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 PSC R 0h CPU-Timer Prescale Counter.
These bits hold the current prescale count for the timer. For every
timer clock source cycle that the PSCH:PSC value is greater than 0,
the PSCH:PSC decrements by one. One timer clock (output of the
timer prescaler) cycle after the PSCH:PSC reaches 0, the
PSCH:PSC is loaded with the contents of the TDDRH:TDDR, and
the timer counter register (TIMH:TIM) decrements by one. The
PSCH:PSC is also reloaded whenever the timer reload bit (TRB) is
set by software. The PSCH:PSC can be checked by reading the
register, but it cannot be set directly. It must get its value from the
timer divide-down register
(TDDRH:TDDR). At reset, the PSCH:PSC is set to 0.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 TDDR R/W 0h CPU-Timer Divide-Down.
Every (TDDRH:TDDR + 1) timer clock source cycles, the timer
counter register (TIMH:TIM) decrements by one. At reset, the
TDDRH:TDDR bits are cleared to 0. To increase the overall timer
count by an integer factor, write this factor minus one to the
TDDRH:TDDR bits. When the prescaler counter (PSCH:PSC) value
is 0, one timer clock source cycle later, the contents of the
TDDRH:TDDR reload the PSCH:PSC, and the TIMH:TIM
decrements by one. TDDRH:TDDR also reloads the PSCH:PSC
whenever the timer reload bit (TRB) is set by software.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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TPRH is shown in Figure 3-28 and described in Table 3-24.
Return to the Summary Table.
CPU-Timer, Prescale Register High

Figure 3-28. TPRH Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-24. TPRH Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 PSCH R 0h See description of TIMERxTPR.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 TDDRH R/W 0h See description of TIMERxTPR.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.3 PIE_CTRL_REGS Registers

Table 3-25 lists the PIE_CTRL_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-25
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-25. PIE_CTRL_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h PIECTRL ePIE Control Register Go
1h PIEACK Interrupt Acknowledge Register Go
2h PIEIER1 Interrupt Group 1 Enable Register Go
3h PIEIFR1 Interrupt Group 1 Flag Register Go
4h PIEIER2 Interrupt Group 2 Enable Register Go
5h PIEIFR2 Interrupt Group 2 Flag Register Go
6h PIEIER3 Interrupt Group 3 Enable Register Go
7h PIEIFR3 Interrupt Group 3 Flag Register Go
8h PIEIER4 Interrupt Group 4 Enable Register Go
9h PIEIFR4 Interrupt Group 4 Flag Register Go
Ah PIEIER5 Interrupt Group 5 Enable Register Go
Bh PIEIFR5 Interrupt Group 5 Flag Register Go
Ch PIEIER6 Interrupt Group 6 Enable Register Go
Dh PIEIFR6 Interrupt Group 6 Flag Register Go
Eh PIEIER7 Interrupt Group 7 Enable Register Go
Fh PIEIFR7 Interrupt Group 7 Flag Register Go
10h PIEIER8 Interrupt Group 8 Enable Register Go
11h PIEIFR8 Interrupt Group 8 Flag Register Go
12h PIEIER9 Interrupt Group 9 Enable Register Go
13h PIEIFR9 Interrupt Group 9 Flag Register Go
14h PIEIER10 Interrupt Group 10 Enable Register Go
15h PIEIFR10 Interrupt Group 10 Flag Register Go
16h PIEIER11 Interrupt Group 11 Enable Register Go
17h PIEIFR11 Interrupt Group 11 Flag Register Go
18h PIEIER12 Interrupt Group 12 Enable Register Go
19h PIEIFR12 Interrupt Group 12 Flag Register Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-26 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-26. PIE_CTRL_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables

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Table 3-26. PIE_CTRL_REGS Access Type

Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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PIECTRL is shown in Figure 3-29 and described in Table 3-27.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePIE Control Register

Figure 3-29. PIECTRL Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-27. PIECTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-1 PIEVECT R 0h These bits indicate the vector address of the vector fetched from the
ePIE vector table. The least significant bit of the address is ignored
and only bits 1 to 15 of the address are shown. The vector value can
be read by the user to determine which interrupt generated the
vector fetch.

Note: When a NMI is serviced, the PIEVECT bit-field does not reflect
the vector as it does for other interrupts.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 ENPIE R/W 0h Enable vector fetching from ePIE block. This bit must be set to 1 for
peripheral interrupts to work. All ePIE registers (PIEACK, PIEIFR,
PIEIER) can be accessed even when the ePIE block is disabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PIEACK is shown in Figure 3-30 and described in Table 3-28.
Return to the Summary Table.
Acknowledge Register
When an interrupt propagates from the ePIE to a CPU interrupt line, the interrupt group's PIEACK bit is
set. This prevents other interrupts in that group from propagating to the CPU while the first interrupt is
handled. Writing a 1 to a PIEACK bit clears it and allows another interrupt from the corresponding group to
propagate. ISRs for PIE interrupts should clear the group's PIEACK bit before returning from the interrupt.
Writes of 0 are ignored.

Figure 3-30. PIEACK Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h

Table 3-28. PIEACK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-12 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
11 ACK12 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 ACK11 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 ACK10 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 ACK9 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 ACK8 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 ACK7 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 ACK6 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 ACK5 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 ACK4 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 ACK3 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 ACK2 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 ACK1 R/W1S 0h Acknowledge PIE Interrupt Group 1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PIEIER1 is shown in Figure 3-31 and described in Table 3-29.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 1 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-31. PIEIER1 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-29. PIEIER1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-29. PIEIER1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 1.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PIEIFR1 is shown in Figure 3-32 and described in Table 3-30.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 1 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-32. PIEIFR1 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-30. PIEIFR1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-30. PIEIFR1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 1.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PIEIER2 is shown in Figure 3-33 and described in Table 3-31.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 2 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-33. PIEIER2 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-31. PIEIER2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-31. PIEIER2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 2.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PIEIFR2 is shown in Figure 3-34 and described in Table 3-32.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 2 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-34. PIEIFR2 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-32. PIEIFR2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-32. PIEIFR2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 2.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PIEIER3 is shown in Figure 3-35 and described in Table 3-33.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 3 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-35. PIEIER3 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-33. PIEIER3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-33. PIEIER3 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 3.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PIEIFR3 is shown in Figure 3-36 and described in Table 3-34.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 3 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-36. PIEIFR3 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-34. PIEIFR3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-34. PIEIFR3 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 3.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIER4 Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIER4 is shown in Figure 3-37 and described in Table 3-35.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 4 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-37. PIEIER4 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-35. PIEIER4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-35. PIEIER4 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 4.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 183

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIFR4 Register (Offset = 9h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIFR4 is shown in Figure 3-38 and described in Table 3-36.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 4 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-38. PIEIFR4 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-36. PIEIFR4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-36. PIEIFR4 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 4.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 185

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIER5 Register (Offset = Ah) [reset = 0h]

PIEIER5 is shown in Figure 3-39 and described in Table 3-37.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 5 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-39. PIEIER5 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-37. PIEIER5 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-37. PIEIER5 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 5.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 187

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIFR5 Register (Offset = Bh) [reset = 0h]

PIEIFR5 is shown in Figure 3-40 and described in Table 3-38.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 5 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-40. PIEIFR5 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-38. PIEIFR5 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-38. PIEIFR5 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 5.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 189

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIER6 Register (Offset = Ch) [reset = 0h]

PIEIER6 is shown in Figure 3-41 and described in Table 3-39.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 6 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-41. PIEIER6 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-39. PIEIER6 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-39. PIEIER6 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 6.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 191

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIFR6 Register (Offset = Dh) [reset = 0h]

PIEIFR6 is shown in Figure 3-42 and described in Table 3-40.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 6 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-42. PIEIFR6 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-40. PIEIFR6 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-40. PIEIFR6 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 6.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 193

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIER7 Register (Offset = Eh) [reset = 0h]

PIEIER7 is shown in Figure 3-43 and described in Table 3-41.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 7 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-43. PIEIER7 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-41. PIEIER7 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-41. PIEIER7 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 7.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 195

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIFR7 Register (Offset = Fh) [reset = 0h]

PIEIFR7 is shown in Figure 3-44 and described in Table 3-42.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 7 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-44. PIEIFR7 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-42. PIEIFR7 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-42. PIEIFR7 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 7.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 197

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIER8 Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIER8 is shown in Figure 3-45 and described in Table 3-43.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 8 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-45. PIEIER8 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-43. PIEIER8 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-43. PIEIER8 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 8.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 199

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIFR8 Register (Offset = 11h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIFR8 is shown in Figure 3-46 and described in Table 3-44.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 8 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-46. PIEIFR8 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-44. PIEIFR8 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-44. PIEIFR8 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 8.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 201

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIER9 Register (Offset = 12h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIER9 is shown in Figure 3-47 and described in Table 3-45.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 9 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-47. PIEIER9 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-45. PIEIER9 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-45. PIEIER9 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 9.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 203

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIFR9 Register (Offset = 13h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIFR9 is shown in Figure 3-48 and described in Table 3-46.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 9 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-48. PIEIFR9 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-46. PIEIFR9 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-46. PIEIFR9 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 9.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIER10 Register (Offset = 14h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIER10 is shown in Figure 3-49 and described in Table 3-47.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 10 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-49. PIEIER10 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-47. PIEIER10 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-47. PIEIER10 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 10.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 207

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIFR10 Register (Offset = 15h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIFR10 is shown in Figure 3-50 and described in Table 3-48.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 10 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-50. PIEIFR10 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-48. PIEIFR10 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-48. PIEIFR10 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 10.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 209

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIER11 Register (Offset = 16h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIER11 is shown in Figure 3-51 and described in Table 3-49.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 11 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-51. PIEIER11 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-49. PIEIER11 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-49. PIEIER11 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 11.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 211

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIFR11 Register (Offset = 17h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIFR11 is shown in Figure 3-52 and described in Table 3-50.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 11 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-52. PIEIFR11 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-50. PIEIFR11 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-50. PIEIFR11 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 11.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 213

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIER12 Register (Offset = 18h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIER12 is shown in Figure 3-53 and described in Table 3-51.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 12 Enable Register
These register bits individually enable an interrupt within a group. They behave very much like the bits in
the CPU interrupt enable register (IER).
Setting a bit to 1 allows the corresponding interrupt to propagate to the CPU.
Setting a bit to 0 prevents the corresponding interrupt from propagating. Note that a peripheral interrupt
signal can still set the PIEIFR bit for the disabled interrupt.

Figure 3-53. PIEIER12 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-51. PIEIER12 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.4
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-51. PIEIER12 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Enable for Interrupt 12.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 215

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PIEIFR12 Register (Offset = 19h) [reset = 0h]

PIEIFR12 is shown in Figure 3-54 and described in Table 3-52.
Return to the Summary Table.
Interrupt Group 12 Flag Register
These register bits indicate whether each interrupt in the group is currently pending. They behave very
much like the bits in the CPU interrupt flag register (IFR).
When a peripheral sends an interrupt, the corresponding bit is set. This bit is cleared when the interrupt
propagates to the CPU, at which point PIEACK is set.
NOTE: PIE IFR flags can be written to create software interrupts.
The IFR flag will be cleared on a write of zero. Hence, when the intent is to fire an interrupt it may cause
inadvertent cancellation of other interrupts. It is recommended to use this only for testing or with extreme
caution in the application code. Reading the PIE IFR registers is safe.

Figure 3-54. PIEIFR12 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
INTx16 INTx15 INTx14 INTx13 INTx12 INTx11 INTx10 INTx9
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-52. PIEIFR12 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 INTx16 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.16
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INTx15 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.15
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INTx14 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.14
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INTx13 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.13
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INTx12 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.12
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INTx11 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.11
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 INTx10 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.10
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INTx9 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.9
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INTx8 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.8
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INTx7 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.7
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INTx6 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.6
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INTx5 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.5
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INTx4 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.4
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-52. PIEIFR12 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INTx3 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.3
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INTx2 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.2
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INTx1 R/W 0h Flag for Interrupt 12.1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.4 WD_REGS Registers

Table 3-53 lists the WD_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-53 should be
considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-53. WD_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
22h SCSR System Control & Status Register EALLOW Go
23h WDCNTR Watchdog Counter Register EALLOW Go
25h WDKEY Watchdog Reset Key Register EALLOW Go
29h WDCR Watchdog Control Register EALLOW Go
2Ah WDWCR Watchdog Windowed Control Register EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-54 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-54. WD_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1C W Write
1C 1 to clear
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

218 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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SCSR is shown in Figure 3-55 and described in Table 3-55.
Return to the Summary Table.
It is recommended to only use 16 bit accesses to write to this register. Use a read-modify-write instruction
may inadvertently clear other bits.

Figure 3-55. SCSR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-1h R/W-0h R/W1C-1h

Table 3-55. SCSR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-3 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
2 WDINTS R 1h Watchdog interrupt (WDINTn) status signal. This is a read only bit
reflecting the current state of the WDINTn signal from the watchdog
block (after synchronization with SYSCLKOUT). If this bit is 1, the
watchdog interrupt is not active. If this bit is 0, then the watchdog
interrupt is active.

Note: ,If the WDINTn signal is used to wake up from IDLE or

STANDBY condition, then the user should make sure that the
WDINTn signal goes back high again before attempting to go back
into IDLE or STANDBY mode. Reading this bit will tell the user the
current state of this signal.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 WDENINT R/W 0h If this bit is set to 1, the watchdog reset (WDRSTn) output signal is
disabled and the watchdog interrupt (WDINTn) output signal is
enabled. If this bit is zero, then the WDRSTn output signal is
enabled and the WDINTn output signal is disabled. This is the
default state on system reset (SYSRSn).
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 WDOVERRIDE R/W1C 1h If this bit is set to 1, the user is allowed to change the state of the
Watchdog disable (WDDIS) bit in the Watchdog Control (WDCR)
register. If the WDOVERRIDE bit is cleared, by writing a 1 the
WDDIS bit cannot be modified by the user. Writing a 0 will have no
effect. If this bit is cleared, then it will remain in this state until a reset
occurs. The current state of this bit is readable by the user.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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WDCNTR is shown in Figure 3-56 and described in Table 3-56.
Return to the Summary Table.
Watchdog Counter Register

Figure 3-56. WDCNTR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-56. WDCNTR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7-0 WDCNTR R 0h These bits contain the current value of the WD counter. The 8-bit
counter continually increments at the WDCLK rate. If the counter
overflows, then a watchdog output pulse (WDOUTn) is generated. If
the WDKEY register is written with a valid combination, then the
counter is reset to zero.
Reset type: IORSn

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WDKEY is shown in Figure 3-57 and described in Table 3-57.
Return to the Summary Table.
Watchdog Reset Key Register

Figure 3-57. WDKEY Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-57. WDKEY Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7-0 WDKEY R/W 0h Writing 0x55 followed by 0xAA will cause the WDCNTR bits to be
[1] Reads from the WDKEY return the value of WDCR register.
Reset type: IORSn

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WDCR is shown in Figure 3-58 and described in Table 3-58.
Return to the Summary Table.
Watchdog Control Register

Figure 3-58. WDCR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R-0/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-58. WDCR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R/W1S 0h Reserved
6 WDDIS R/W 0h Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the watchdog module. Writing a 0
will enable the module. This bit can only be modified if the
WDOVERRIDE bit in the SCSR2 register is set to 1. On reset, the
watchdog module is enabled.
Reset type: IORSn
5-3 WDCHK R-0/W 0h The user must ALWAYS write 1,0,1 to these bits whenever a write to
this register is performed. Writing any other value will cause an
immediate reset to the core (if WD enabled).
Reset type: IORSn
2-0 WDPS R/W 0h These bits configure the watchdog counter clock (WDCLK) rate
relative to INTOSC1/512:
000 WDCLK = INTOSC1/512/1
001 WDCLK = INTOSC1/512/1
010 WDCLK = INTOSC1/512/2
011 WDCLK = INTOSC1/512/4
100 WDCLK = INTOSC1/512/8
101 WDCLK = INTOSC1/512/16
110 WDCLK = INTOSC1/512/32
111 WDCLK = INTOSC1/512/64
Reset type: IORSn

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WDWCR is shown in Figure 3-59 and described in Table 3-59.
Return to the Summary Table.
Watchdog Windowed Control Register

Figure 3-59. WDWCR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-59. WDWCR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-9 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
8 FIRSTKEY R 0h This bit indicates if the 1st valid WDKEY (0x55 + 0xAA) got detected
after MIN was configured to a non-zero value
0: First Valid Key after non-zero MIN configuration has not happened
1: First Valid key after non-zero MIN configuration got detected

[1] If MIN = 0, this bit is never set
[2] If MIN is changed back to 0x0 from a non-zero value, this bit is
[3] This bit is added for debug purposes only
Reset type: IORSn
7-0 MIN R/W 0h These bits define the lower limt of the Windowed functionality
Reset type: IORSn

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3.15.5 NMI_INTRUPT_REGS Registers

Table 3-60 lists the NMI_INTRUPT_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-60
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-60. NMI_INTRUPT_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h NMICFG NMI Configuration Register EALLOW Go
1h NMIFLG NMI Flag Register (XRSn Clear) Go
2h NMIFLGCLR NMI Flag Clear Register EALLOW Go
3h NMIFLGFRC NMI Flag Force Register EALLOW Go
4h NMIWDCNT NMI Watchdog Counter Register Go
5h NMIWDPRD NMI Watchdog Period Register EALLOW Go
6h NMISHDFLG NMI Shadow Flag Register Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-61 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-61. NMI_INTRUPT_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

224 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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NMICFG is shown in Figure 3-60 and described in Table 3-62.
Return to the Summary Table.
NMI Configuration Register

Figure 3-60. NMICFG Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W1S-0h

Table 3-62. NMICFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-1 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
0 NMIE R/W1S 0h When set to 1 any condition will generate an NMI interrupt to the
C28 CPU and kick off the NMI watchdog counter. As part of boot
sequence this bit should be set after the device security related
initialization is complete.
0 NMI disabled
1 NMI enabled
Reset type: SYSRSn

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NMIFLG is shown in Figure 3-61 and described in Table 3-63.
Return to the Summary Table.
NMI Flag Register (XRSn Clear)

Figure 3-61. NMIFLG Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-63. NMIFLG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-12 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
11 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
10 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
8 CLBNMI R 0h Configurable Logic Block NMI Flag: This bit indicates if an NMI was
generated by the Configurable Logic Block. This bit can only be
cleared by the user writing to the corresponding clear bit in the
NMIFLGCLR register or by an XRSn reset:
0,No Configurable Logic Block NMI pending
1,Configurable Logic Block NMI generated
Reset type: XRSn
7 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
5 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
4 CPU1HWBISTERR R 0h HW BIST Error NMI Flag: This bit indicates if the time out error or a
signature mismatch error condition during hardware BIST of C28
CPU1 occurred. This bit can only be cleared by the user writing to
the corresponding clear bit in the NMIFLGCLR register or by an
XRSn reset:
0,No C28 HWBIST error condition pending
1,C28 BIST error condition generated
Reset type: XRSn
3 FLUNCERR R 0h Flash Uncorrectable Error NMI Flag: This bit indicates if an
uncorrectable error occurred on a C28 Flash access and that
condition is latched. This bit can only be cleared by the user writing
to the corresponding clear bit in the NMIFLGCLR register or by an
XRSn reset:
0,No C28 Flash uncorrectable error condition pending
1,C28 Flash uncorrectable error condition generated
Reset type: XRSn

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Table 3-63. NMIFLG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 RAMUNCERR R 0h RAM Uncorrectable Error NMI Flag: This bit indicates if an
uncorrectable error occurred on a RAM access (by any master) and
that condition is latched. This bit can only be cleared by the user
writing to the corresponding clear bit in the NMIFLGCLR register or
by an XRSn reset:
0,No RAM uncorrectable error condition pending
1,RAM uncorrectable error condition generated
Reset type: XRSn
1 CLOCKFAIL R 0h Clock Fail Interrupt Flag: These bits indicates if the CLOCKFAIL
condition is latched. These bits can only be cleared by the user
writing to the respective bit in the NMIFLGCLR register or by an
XRSn reset:
0,No CLOCKFAIL Condition Pending
1,CLOCKFAIL Condition Generated
Reset type: XRSn
0 NMIINT R 0h NMI Interrupt Flag: This bit indicates if an NMI interrupt was
generated. This bit can only be cleared by the user writing to the
respective bit in the NMIFLGCLR register or by an XRSn reset:
0 No NMI Interrupt Generated
1 NMI Interrupt Generated
No further NMI interrupts pulses are generated until this flag is
cleared by the user.
Reset type: XRSn

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NMIFLGCLR is shown in Figure 3-62 and described in Table 3-64.
Return to the Summary Table.
NMI Flag Clear Register

Figure 3-62. NMIFLGCLR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-64. NMIFLGCLR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-12 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
11 OVF R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to the respective bit clears the corresponding flag bit in
the NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back 0.

[1] If hardware is trying to set a bit to 1 while software is trying to
clear a bit to 0 on the same cycle, hardware has priority.
[2] Users should clear the pending FAIL flag first and then clear the
NMIINT flag.
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
8 CLBNMI R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to the respective bit clears the corresponding flag bit in
the NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back 0.

[1] If hardware is trying to set a bit to 1 while software is trying to
clear a bit to 0 on the same cycle, hardware has priority.
[2] Users should clear the pending FAIL flag first and then clear the
NMIINT flag.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
5 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
4 CPU1HWBISTERR R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to the respective bit clears the corresponding flag bit in
the NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back 0.

[1] If hardware is trying to set a bit to 1 while software is trying to
clear a bit to 0 on the same cycle, hardware has priority.
[2] Users should clear the pending FAIL flag first and then clear the
NMIINT flag.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-64. NMIFLGCLR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 FLUNCERR R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to the respective bit clears the corresponding flag bit in
the NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back 0.

[1] If hardware is trying to set a bit to 1 while software is trying to
clear a bit to 0 on the same cycle, hardware has priority.
[2] Users should clear the pending FAIL flag first and then clear the
NMIINT flag.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 RAMUNCERR R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to the respective bit clears the corresponding flag bit in
the NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back 0.

[1] If hardware is trying to set a bit to 1 while software is trying to
clear a bit to 0 on the same cycle, hardware has priority.
[2] Users should clear the pending FAIL flag first and then clear the
NMIINT flag.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CLOCKFAIL R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to the respective bit clears the corresponding flag bit in
the NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back 0.

[1] If hardware is trying to set a bit to 1 while software is trying to
clear a bit to 0 on the same cycle, hardware has priority.
[2] Users should clear the pending FAIL flag first and then clear the
NMIINT flag.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 NMIINT R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to the respective bit clears the corresponding flag bit in
the NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back 0.

[1] If hardware is trying to set a bit to 1 while software is trying to
clear a bit to 0 on the same cycle, hardware has priority.
[2] Users should clear the pending FAIL flag first and then clear the
NMIINT flag.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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NMIFLGFRC is shown in Figure 3-63 and described in Table 3-65.
Return to the Summary Table.
NMI Flag Force Register

Figure 3-63. NMIFLGFRC Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0-0h

Table 3-65. NMIFLGFRC Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-12 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
11 OVF R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to these bits will set the respective FAIL flag in the
NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored. Always
reads back 0. This can be used as a means to test the NMI
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
8 CLBNMI R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to these bits will set the respective FAIL flag in the
NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored. Always
reads back 0. This can be used as a means to test the NMI
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
5 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
4 CPU1HWBISTERR R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to these bits will set the respective FAIL flag in the
NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored. Always
reads back 0. This can be used as a means to test the NMI
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 FLUNCERR R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to these bits will set the respective FAIL flag in the
NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored. Always
reads back 0. This can be used as a means to test the NMI
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 RAMUNCERR R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to these bits will set the respective FAIL flag in the
NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored. Always
reads back 0. This can be used as a means to test the NMI
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CLOCKFAIL R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to these bits will set the respective FAIL flag in the
NMIFLG and NMISHDFLG registers. Writes of 0 are ignored. Always
reads back 0. This can be used as a means to test the NMI
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved

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NMIWDCNT is shown in Figure 3-64 and described in Table 3-66.
Return to the Summary Table.
NMI Watchdog Counter Register

Figure 3-64. NMIWDCNT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-66. NMIWDCNT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 NMIWDCNT R 0h NMI Watchdog Counter: This 16-bit incremental counter will start
incrementing whenever any one of the enabled FAIL flags are set. If
the counter reaches the period value, an NMIRSn signal is fired
which will then resets the system. The counter will reset to zero
when it reaches the period value and will then restart counting if any
of the enabled FAIL flags are set.

If no enabled FAIL flag is set, then the counter will reset to zero and
remain at zero until an enabled FAIL flag is set.

Normally, the software would respond to the NMI interrupt generated

and clear the offending FLAG(s) before the NMI watchdog triggers a
reset. In some situations, the software may decide to allow the
watchdog to reset the device anyway.

The counter is clocked at the SYSCLKOUT rate.

Reset type: SYSRSn

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NMIWDPRD is shown in Figure 3-65 and described in Table 3-67.
Return to the Summary Table.
NMI Watchdog Period Register

Figure 3-65. NMIWDPRD Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-67. NMIWDPRD Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 NMIWDPRD R/W FFFFh NMI Watchdog Period: This 16-bit value contains the period value at
which a reset is generated when the watchdog counter matches. At
reset this value is set at the maximum. The software can decrease
the period value at initialization time.

Writing a PERIOD value that is smaller then the current counter

value will automatically force an NMIRSn and hence reset the
watchdog counter.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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NMISHDFLG is shown in Figure 3-66 and described in Table 3-68.
Return to the Summary Table.
NMI Shadow Flag Register

Figure 3-66. NMISHDFLG Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0-0h

Table 3-68. NMISHDFLG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-12 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
11 OVF R 0h Shadow NMI Flags: When an NMIFLG bit is set due to any of the
possible NMI source in the device, the corresponding bit in this
register is also set. Note that NMIFLGFRC and NMIFLGCLR register
also affects the bits of this register in the same way as they do for
the NMIFLG register. This register is only reset by a PORESETn

[1] This register is added to keep the definition of System Control
Reset Cause Register Clean.
Reset type: PORESETn
10 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
8 CLBNMI R 0h Shadow NMI Flags: When an NMIFLG bit is set due to any of the
possible NMI source in the device, the corresponding bit in this
register is also set. Note that NMIFLGFRC and NMIFLGCLR register
also affects the bits of this register in the same way as they do for
the NMIFLG register. This register is only reset by a PORESETn

[1] This register is added to keep the definition of System Control
Reset Cause Register Clean.
Reset type: PORESETn
7 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
5 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
4 CPU1HWBISTERR R 0h Shadow NMI Flags: When an NMIFLG bit is set due to any of the
possible NMI source in the device, the corresponding bit in this
register is also set. Note that NMIFLGFRC and NMIFLGCLR register
also affects the bits of this register in the same way as they do for
the NMIFLG register. This register is only reset by a PORESETn

[1] This register is added to keep the definition of System Control
Reset Cause Register Clean.
Reset type: PORESETn

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Table 3-68. NMISHDFLG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 FLUNCERR R 0h Shadow NMI Flags: When an NMIFLG bit is set due to any of the
possible NMI source in the device, the corresponding bit in this
register is also set. Note that NMIFLGFRC and NMIFLGCLR register
also affects the bits of this register in the same way as they do for
the NMIFLG register. This register is only reset by a PORESETn

[1] This register is added to keep the definition of System Control
Reset Cause Register Clean.
Reset type: PORESETn
2 RAMUNCERR R 0h Shadow NMI Flags: When an NMIFLG bit is set due to any of the
possible NMI source in the device, the corresponding bit in this
register is also set. Note that NMIFLGFRC and NMIFLGCLR register
also affects the bits of this register in the same way as they do for
the NMIFLG register. This register is only reset by a PORESETn

[1] This register is added to keep the definition of System Control
Reset Cause Register Clean.
Reset type: PORESETn
1 CLOCKFAIL R 0h Shadow NMI Flags: When an NMIFLG bit is set due to any of the
possible NMI source in the device, the corresponding bit in this
register is also set. Note that NMIFLGFRC and NMIFLGCLR register
also affects the bits of this register in the same way as they do for
the NMIFLG register. This register is only reset by a PORESETn

[1] This register is added to keep the definition of System Control
Reset Cause Register Clean.
Reset type: PORESETn
0 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved

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3.15.6 XINT_REGS Registers

Table 3-69 lists the XINT_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-69 should be
considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-69. XINT_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h XINT1CR XINT1 configuration register Go
1h XINT2CR XINT2 configuration register Go
2h XINT3CR XINT3 configuration register Go
3h XINT4CR XINT4 configuration register Go
4h XINT5CR XINT5 configuration register Go
8h XINT1CTR XINT1 counter register Go
9h XINT2CTR XINT2 counter register Go
Ah XINT3CTR XINT3 counter register Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-70 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-70. XINT_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 235

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XINT1CR is shown in Figure 3-67 and described in Table 3-71.
Return to the Summary Table.
XINT1 configuration register

Figure 3-67. XINT1CR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-71. XINT1CR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3-2 POLARITY R/W 0h 00: Interrupt is selected as negative edge triggered
01: Interrupt is selected as positive edge triggered
10: Interrupt is selected as negative edge triggered
11: Interrupt is selected as positive or negative edge triggered
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
0 ENABLE R/W 0h 0: Interrupt Disabled
1: Interrupt Enabled
Reset type: SYSRSn

236 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers XINT2CR Register (Offset = 1h) [reset = 0h]

XINT2CR is shown in Figure 3-68 and described in Table 3-72.
Return to the Summary Table.
XINT2 configuration register

Figure 3-68. XINT2CR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-72. XINT2CR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3-2 POLARITY R/W 0h 00: Interrupt is selected as negative edge triggered
01: Interrupt is selected as positive edge triggered
10: Interrupt is selected as negative edge triggered
11: Interrupt is selected as positive or negative edge triggered
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
0 ENABLE R/W 0h 0: Interrupt Disabled
1: Interrupt Enabled
Reset type: SYSRSn

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XINT3CR is shown in Figure 3-69 and described in Table 3-73.
Return to the Summary Table.
XINT3 configuration register

Figure 3-69. XINT3CR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-73. XINT3CR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3-2 POLARITY R/W 0h 00: Interrupt is selected as negative edge triggered
01: Interrupt is selected as positive edge triggered
10: Interrupt is selected as negative edge triggered
11: Interrupt is selected as positive or negative edge triggered
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
0 ENABLE R/W 0h 0: Interrupt Disabled
1: Interrupt Enabled
Reset type: SYSRSn

238 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers XINT4CR Register (Offset = 3h) [reset = 0h]

XINT4CR is shown in Figure 3-70 and described in Table 3-74.
Return to the Summary Table.
XINT4 configuration register

Figure 3-70. XINT4CR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-74. XINT4CR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3-2 POLARITY R/W 0h 00: Interrupt is selected as negative edge triggered
01: Interrupt is selected as positive edge triggered
10: Interrupt is selected as negative edge triggered
11: Interrupt is selected as positive or negative edge triggered
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
0 ENABLE R/W 0h 0: Interrupt Disabled
1: Interrupt Enabled
Reset type: SYSRSn

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XINT5CR is shown in Figure 3-71 and described in Table 3-75.
Return to the Summary Table.
XINT5 configuration register

Figure 3-71. XINT5CR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-75. XINT5CR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3-2 POLARITY R/W 0h 00: Interrupt is selected as negative edge triggered
01: Interrupt is selected as positive edge triggered
10: Interrupt is selected as negative edge triggered
11: Interrupt is selected as positive or negative edge triggered
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
0 ENABLE R/W 0h 0: Interrupt Disabled
1: Interrupt Enabled
Reset type: SYSRSn

240 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers XINT1CTR Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

XINT1CTR is shown in Figure 3-72 and described in Table 3-76.
Return to the Summary Table.
XINT1 counter register

Figure 3-72. XINT1CTR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-76. XINT1CTR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 INTCTR R 0h This is a free running 16-bit up-counter that is clocked at the
SYSCLKOUT rate. The counter value is reset to 0x0000 when a
valid interrupt edge is detected and then continues counting until the
next valid interrupt edge is detected. The counter must only be reset
by the selected POLARITY edge as selected in the respective
interrupt control register. When the interrupt is disabled, the counter
will stop. The counter is a free-running counter and will wrap around
to zero when the max value is reached. The counter is a read only
register and can only be reset to zero by a valid interrupt edge or by
Reset type: SYSRSn

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XINT2CTR is shown in Figure 3-73 and described in Table 3-77.
Return to the Summary Table.
XINT2 counter register

Figure 3-73. XINT2CTR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-77. XINT2CTR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 INTCTR R 0h This is a free running 16-bit up-counter that is clocked at the
SYSCLKOUT rate. The counter value is reset to 0x0000 when a
valid interrupt edge is detected and then continues counting until the
next valid interrupt edge is detected. The counter must only be reset
by the selected POLARITY edge as selected in the respective
interrupt control register. When the interrupt is disabled, the counter
will stop. The counter is a free-running counter and will wrap around
to zero when the max value is reached. The counter is a read only
register and can only be reset to zero by a valid interrupt edge or by
Reset type: SYSRSn

242 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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XINT3CTR is shown in Figure 3-74 and described in Table 3-78.
Return to the Summary Table.
XINT3 counter register

Figure 3-74. XINT3CTR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-78. XINT3CTR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 INTCTR R 0h This is a free running 16-bit up-counter that is clocked at the
SYSCLKOUT rate. The counter value is reset to 0x0000 when a
valid interrupt edge is detected and then continues counting until the
next valid interrupt edge is detected. The counter must only be reset
by the selected POLARITY edge as selected in the respective
interrupt control register. When the interrupt is disabled, the counter
will stop. The counter is a free-running counter and will wrap around
to zero when the max value is reached. The counter is a read only
register and can only be reset to zero by a valid interrupt edge or by
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.7 DMA_CLA_SRC_SEL_REGS Registers

Table 3-79 lists the DMA_CLA_SRC_SEL_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in
Table 3-79 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-79. DMA_CLA_SRC_SEL_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h CLA1TASKSRCSELLOCK CLA1 Task Trigger Source Select Lock Register EALLOW Go
4h DMACHSRCSELLOCK DMA Channel Triger Source Select Lock EALLOW Go
6h CLA1TASKSRCSEL1 CLA1 Task Trigger Source Select Register-1 EALLOW Go
8h CLA1TASKSRCSEL2 CLA1 Task Trigger Source Select Register-2 EALLOW Go
16h DMACHSRCSEL1 DMA Channel Trigger Source Select Register-1 EALLOW Go
18h DMACHSRCSEL2 DMA Channel Trigger Source Select Register-2 EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-80 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-80. DMA_CLA_SRC_SEL_REGS Access Type

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
WSonce W Write
Sonce Set once
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

244 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers CLA1TASKSRCSELLOCK Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = 0h]

CLA1TASKSRCSELLOCK is shown in Figure 3-75 and described in Table 3-81.
Return to the Summary Table.
CLA1 Task Trigger Source Select Lock Register

Figure 3-75. CLA1TASKSRCSELLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h

Table 3-81. CLA1TASKSRCSELLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 CLA1TASKSRCSEL2 R/WSonce 0h CLA1TASKSRCSEL2 Register Lock bit:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
[1] Any SOnce bit in this register, once set can only be cleared
through a SYSRSn. Write of 0 to any bit of this register has no effect
[2] The locking mechanism applies to only writes. Reads to the
registers which have LOCK protection are always allowed
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CLA1TASKSRCSEL1 R/WSonce 0h CLA1TASKSRCSEL1 Register Lock bit:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
[1] Any SOnce bit in this register, once set can only be cleared
through a SYSRSn. Write of 0 to any bit of this register has no effect
[2] The locking mechanism applies to only writes. Reads to the
registers which have LOCK protection are always allowed
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 245

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DMACHSRCSELLOCK is shown in Figure 3-76 and described in Table 3-82.
Return to the Summary Table.
DMA Channel Triger Source Select Lock Register

Figure 3-76. DMACHSRCSELLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
L2 L1
R-0-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h

Table 3-82. DMACHSRCSELLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 DMACHSRCSEL2 R/WSonce 0h DMACHSRCSEL2 Register Lock bit:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
[1] Any SOnce bit in this register, once set can only be cleared
through a SYSRSn. Write of 0 to any bit of this register has no effect
[2] The locking mechanism applies to only writes. Reads to the
registers which have LOCK protection are always allowed
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 DMACHSRCSEL1 R/WSonce 0h DMACHSRCSEL1 Register Lock bit:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
[1] Any SOnce bit in this register, once set can only be cleared
through a SYSRSn. Write of 0 to any bit of this register has no effect
[2] The locking mechanism applies to only writes. Reads to the
registers which have LOCK protection are always allowed
Reset type: SYSRSn

246 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers CLA1TASKSRCSEL1 Register (Offset = 6h) [reset = 0h]

CLA1TASKSRCSEL1 is shown in Figure 3-77 and described in Table 3-83.
Return to the Summary Table.
CLA1 Task Trigger Source Select Register-1

Figure 3-77. CLA1TASKSRCSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-83. CLA1TASKSRCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 TASK4 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger Source for TASK4 of CLA1
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-16 TASK3 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger Source for TASK3 of CLA1
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-8 TASK2 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger Source for TASK2 of CLA1
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 TASK1 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger Source for TASK1 of CLA1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com CLA1TASKSRCSEL2 Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

CLA1TASKSRCSEL2 is shown in Figure 3-78 and described in Table 3-84.
Return to the Summary Table.
CLA1 Task Trigger Source Select Register-2

Figure 3-78. CLA1TASKSRCSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-84. CLA1TASKSRCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 TASK8 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger Source for TASK8 of CLA1
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-16 TASK7 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger Source for TASK7 of CLA1
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-8 TASK6 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger Source for TASK6 of CLA1
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 TASK5 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger Source for TASK5 of CLA1
Reset type: SYSRSn

248 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DMACHSRCSEL1 Register (Offset = 16h) [reset = 0h]

DMACHSRCSEL1 is shown in Figure 3-79 and described in Table 3-85.
Return to the Summary Table.
DMA Channel Trigger Source Select Register-1

Figure 3-79. DMACHSRCSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-85. DMACHSRCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 CH4 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger and Sync Source CH4 of DMA
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-16 CH3 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger and Sync Source CH3 of DMA
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-8 CH2 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger and Sync Source CH2 of DMA
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 CH1 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger and Sync Source CH1 of DMA
Reset type: SYSRSn

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DMACHSRCSEL2 is shown in Figure 3-80 and described in Table 3-86.
Return to the Summary Table.
DMA Channel Trigger Source Select Register-2

Figure 3-80. DMACHSRCSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-86. DMACHSRCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 CH6 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger and Sync Source CH6 of DMA
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 CH5 R/W 0h Selects the Trigger and Sync Source CH5 of DMA
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.8 DEV_CFG_REGS Registers

Table 3-87 lists the DEV_CFG_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-87
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-87. DEV_CFG_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
8h PARTIDL Lower 32-bit of Device PART Identification Go
Ah PARTIDH Upper 32-bit of Device PART Identification Go
Ch REVID Device Revision Number Go
10h DC0 Device Capability: Device Information Go
12h DC1 Device Capability: Processing Block Go
14h DC2 Device Capability: EMIF Customization Go
16h DC3 Device Capability: Peripheral Customization Go
18h DC4 Device Capability: Peripheral Customization Go
1Ah DC5 Device Capability: Peripheral Customization Go
1Ch DC6 Device Capability: Peripheral Customization Go
1Eh DC7 Device Capability: Peripheral Customization Go
20h DC8 Device Capability: Peripheral Customization Go
22h DC9 Device Capability: Peripheral Customization Go
24h DC10 Device Capability: Peripheral Customization Go
26h DC11 Device Capability: Peripheral Customization Go
28h DC12 Device Capability: Peripheral Customization Go
2Ah DC13 Device Capability: Peripheral Customization Go
2Ch DC14 Device Capability: Analog Modules Go
2Eh DC15 Device Capability: Analog Modules Go
32h DC17 Device Capability: Analog Modules Go
34h DC18 Device Capability: CPU1 Lx SRAM Go
38h DC20 Device Capability: GSx SRAM Customization Go
60h PERCNF1 Peripheral Configuration register Go
74h FUSEERR e-Fuse error Status register Go
82h SOFTPRES0 Processing Block Software Reset register EALLOW Go
84h SOFTPRES1 EMIF Software Reset register EALLOW Go
86h SOFTPRES2 Peripheral Software Reset register EALLOW Go
88h SOFTPRES3 Peripheral Software Reset register EALLOW Go
8Ah SOFTPRES4 Peripheral Software Reset register EALLOW Go
8Eh SOFTPRES6 Peripheral Software Reset register EALLOW Go
90h SOFTPRES7 Peripheral Software Reset register EALLOW Go
92h SOFTPRES8 Peripheral Software Reset register EALLOW Go
94h SOFTPRES9 Peripheral Software Reset register EALLOW Go
98h SOFTPRES11 Peripheral Software Reset register EALLOW Go
9Ch SOFTPRES13 Peripheral Software Reset register EALLOW Go
9Eh SOFTPRES14 Peripheral Software Reset register EALLOW Go
A2h SOFTPRES16 Peripheral Software Reset register EALLOW Go
12Ch SYSDBGCTL System Debug Control register EALLOW Go

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Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-88 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-88. DEV_CFG_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
WOnce W Write
Once Write once
WSonce W Write
Sonce Set once
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

252 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers PARTIDL Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

PARTIDL is shown in Figure 3-81 and described in Table 3-89.
Return to the Summary Table.
Lower 32-bit of Device PART Identification Number

Figure 3-81. PARTIDL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h

Table 3-89. PARTIDL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 PARTID_FORMAT_REVI R 0h Revision of the PARTID format
Reset type: XRSn
27-24 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
23-16 FLASH_SIZE R 0h 0x7 - 512KB
0x6 - 256KB

Note: This field shows flash size on CPU1 (see datasheet for flash
size available)
Reset type: XRSn
15 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
14-13 INSTASPIN R 0h 0 = Reserved for future
1 = Reserved for future
2 = Reserved for future
3 = NONE
Reset type: XRSn
12 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
11 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
10-8 PIN_COUNT R 0h 0 = reserved for future
1 = reserved for future
2 = reserved for future
3 = reserved for future
4 = reserved for future
5 = 100 pin
6 = 176 pin
7 = 337 pin
Reset type: XRSn

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Table 3-89. PARTIDL Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 QUAL R 0h 0 = Engineering sample.(TMX)
1 = Pilot production (TMP)
2 = Fully qualified (TMS)
Reset type: XRSn
5 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
4-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2-0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

254 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers PARTIDH Register (Offset = Ah) [reset = 0h]

PARTIDH is shown in Figure 3-82 and described in Table 3-90.
Return to the Summary Table.
Upper 32-bit of Device PART Identification Number

Figure 3-82. PARTIDH Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h

Table 3-90. PARTIDH Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 DEVICE_CLASS_ID R 0h Reserved
Reset type: XRSn
23-16 PARTNO R 0h Refer to Datasheet for Device Part Number
Reset type: XRSn
15-8 FAMILY R 0h Device Family
Other values Reserved
Reset type: XRSn
7-0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 255

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com REVID Register (Offset = Ch) [reset = X]

REVID is shown in Figure 3-83 and described in Table 3-91.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Revision Number

Figure 3-83. REVID Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-91. REVID Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 REVID R X These 32-bits specify the silicon revision. See your device specific
datasheet for details.
Reset type: N/A

256 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DC0 Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = 1h]

DC0 is shown in Figure 3-84 and described in Table 3-92.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Device Information

Figure 3-84. DC0 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-1h

Table 3-92. DC0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-1 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
0 SINGLE_CORE R 1h Single Core vs Dual Core
0: Single Core
1: Dual Core
Reset type: XRSn

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DC1 is shown in Figure 3-85 and described in Table 3-93.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Processing Block Customization

Figure 3-85. DC1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-93. DC1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-10 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
6 CPU1_CLA1 R 0h 0 - feature is not present on this device
1 - feature is present on this device
Reset type: XRSn
5-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 CPU1_VCU R 0h 0 - feature is not present on this device
1 - feature is present on this device
Reset type: XRSn
1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 CPU1_FPU_TMU R 0h 0 - feature is not present on this device
1 - feature is present on this device
Reset type: XRSn

258 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DC2 Register (Offset = 14h) [reset = 0h]

DC2 is shown in Figure 3-86 and described in Table 3-94.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: EMIF Customization

Figure 3-86. DC2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-94. DC2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 EMIF2 R 0h EMIF2 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 EMIF1 R 0h EMIF1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 259

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com DC3 Register (Offset = 16h) [reset = 0h]

DC3 is shown in Figure 3-87 and described in Table 3-95.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Peripheral Customization

Figure 3-87. DC3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-95. DC3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
11 EPWM12 R 0h EPWM12 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
10 EPWM11 R 0h EPWM11 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
9 EPWM10 R 0h EPWM10 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
8 EPWM9 R 0h EPWM9 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
7 EPWM8 R 0h EPWM8 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

260 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Table 3-95. DC3 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 EPWM7 R 0h EPWM7 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
5 EPWM6 R 0h EPWM6 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
4 EPWM5 R 0h EPWM5 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
3 EPWM4 R 0h EPWM4 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
2 EPWM3 R 0h EPWM3 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
1 EPWM2 R 0h EPWM2 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 EPWM1 R 0h EPWM1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 261

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com DC4 Register (Offset = 18h) [reset = 0h]

DC4 is shown in Figure 3-88 and described in Table 3-96.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Peripheral Customization

Figure 3-88. DC4 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-96. DC4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
5 ECAP6 R 0h ECAP6 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
4 ECAP5 R 0h ECAP5 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
3 ECAP4 R 0h ECAP4 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
2 ECAP3 R 0h ECAP3 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
1 ECAP2 R 0h ECAP2 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 ECAP1 R 0h ECAP1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

262 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DC5 Register (Offset = 1Ah) [reset = 0h]

DC5 is shown in Figure 3-89 and described in Table 3-97.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Peripheral Customization

Figure 3-89. DC5 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-97. DC5 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 EQEP3 R 0h EQEP3 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
1 EQEP2 R 0h EQEP2 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 EQEP1 R 0h EQEP1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 263

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com DC6 Register (Offset = 1Ch) [reset = 0h]

DC6 is shown in Figure 3-90 and described in Table 3-98.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Peripheral Customization

Figure 3-90. DC6 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-98. DC6 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
5 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 CLB4 R 0h CLB4 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
2 CLB3 R 0h CLB3 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
1 CLB2 R 0h CLB2 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 CLB1 R 0h CLB1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

264 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DC7 Register (Offset = 1Eh) [reset = 0h]

DC7 is shown in Figure 3-91 and described in Table 3-99.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Peripheral Customization

Figure 3-91. DC7 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-99. DC7 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
5 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1 SD2 R 0h SD2 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 SD1 R 0h SD1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 265

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com DC8 Register (Offset = 20h) [reset = 0h]

DC8 is shown in Figure 3-92 and described in Table 3-100.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Peripheral Customization

Figure 3-92. DC8 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-100. DC8 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 SCI_D R 0h SCI_D :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
2 SCI_C R 0h SCI_C :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
1 SCI_B R 0h SCI_B :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 SCI_A R 0h SCI_A :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

266 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DC9 Register (Offset = 22h) [reset = 0h]

DC9 is shown in Figure 3-93 and described in Table 3-101.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Peripheral Customization

Figure 3-93. DC9 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-101. DC9 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-18 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 SPI_C R 0h SPI_C :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
1 SPI_B R 0h SPI_B :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 SPI_A R 0h SPI_A :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 267

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com DC10 Register (Offset = 24h) [reset = 0h]

DC10 is shown in Figure 3-94 and described in Table 3-102.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Peripheral Customization

Figure 3-94. DC10 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-102. DC10 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-18 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 I2C_B R 0h I2C_B :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 I2C_A R 0h I2C_A :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

268 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DC11 Register (Offset = 26h) [reset = 0h]

DC11 is shown in Figure 3-95 and described in Table 3-103.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Peripheral Customization

Figure 3-95. DC11 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-103. DC11 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1 CAN_B R 0h CAN_B :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 CAN_A R 0h CAN_A :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 269

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com DC12 Register (Offset = 28h) [reset = 0h]

DC12 is shown in Figure 3-96 and described in Table 3-104.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Peripheral Customization

Figure 3-96. DC12 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-104. DC12 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-20 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
19-18 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
17-16 USB_A R 0h Capability of the USB_A Module:
2'b00: No USB function
2'b01: Device Only
2'b10: Device or Host
2'b11: Device or Host
Reset type: XRSn
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 McBSP_B R 0h McBSP_B :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 McBSP_A R 0h McBSP_A :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

270 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DC13 Register (Offset = 2Ah) [reset = 0h]

DC13 is shown in Figure 3-97 and described in Table 3-105.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Peripheral Customization

Figure 3-97. DC13 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h

Table 3-105. DC13 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 uPP_A R 0h uPP_A :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 271

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com DC14 Register (Offset = 2Ch) [reset = 0h]

DC14 is shown in Figure 3-98 and described in Table 3-106.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Analog Modules Customization

Figure 3-98. DC14 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-106. DC14 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 ADC_D R 0h ADC_D :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1 ADC_B R 0h ADC_B :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 ADC_A R 0h ADC_A :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

272 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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DC15 is shown in Figure 3-99 and described in Table 3-107.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Analog Modules Customization

Figure 3-99. DC15 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-107. DC15 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 CMPSS8 R 0h CMPSS8 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
6 CMPSS7 R 0h CMPSS7 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
5 CMPSS6 R 0h CMPSS6 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
4 CMPSS5 R 0h CMPSS5 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
3 CMPSS4 R 0h CMPSS4 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
2 CMPSS3 R 0h CMPSS3 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

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Table 3-107. DC15 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 CMPSS2 R 0h CMPSS2 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 CMPSS1 R 0h CMPSS1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

274 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DC17 Register (Offset = 32h) [reset = 0h]

DC17 is shown in Figure 3-100 and described in Table 3-108.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: Analog Modules Customization

Figure 3-100. DC17 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-108. DC17 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-20 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
18 DAC_C R 0h Buffered-DAC_C :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
17 DAC_B R 0h Buffered-DAC_B :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
16 DAC_A R 0h Buffered-DAC_A :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 275

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com DC18 Register (Offset = 34h) [reset = 0h]

DC18 is shown in Figure 3-101 and described in Table 3-109.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: CPU1 Lx SRAM Customization

Figure 3-101. DC18 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RESERVED LS5_1 LS4_1 LS3_1 LS2_1 LS1_1 LS0_1
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-109. DC18 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-6 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
5 LS5_1 R 0h LS5_1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
4 LS4_1 R 0h LS4_1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
3 LS3_1 R 0h LS3_1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
2 LS2_1 R 0h LS2_1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
1 LS1_1 R 0h LS1_1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 LS0_1 R 0h LS0_1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

276 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DC20 Register (Offset = 38h) [reset = 0h]

DC20 is shown in Figure 3-102 and described in Table 3-110.
Return to the Summary Table.
Device Capability: GSx SRAM Customization

Figure 3-102. DC20 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
GS15 GS14 GS13 GS12 GS11 GS10 GS9 GS8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-110. DC20 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15 GS15 R 0h GS15 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
14 GS14 R 0h GS14 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
13 GS13 R 0h GS13 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
12 GS12 R 0h GS12 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
11 GS11 R 0h GS11 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
10 GS10 R 0h GS10 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 277

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Table 3-110. DC20 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
9 GS9 R 0h GS9 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
8 GS8 R 0h GS8 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
7 GS7 R 0h GS7 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
6 GS6 R 0h GS6 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
5 GS5 R 0h GS5 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
4 GS4 R 0h GS4 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
3 GS3 R 0h GS3 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
2 GS2 R 0h GS2 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
1 GS1 R 0h GS1 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn
0 GS0 R 0h GS0 :
0: Feature not present on the device
1: Feature present on the device
Reset type: XRSn

278 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers PERCNF1 Register (Offset = 60h) [reset = 0h]

PERCNF1 is shown in Figure 3-103 and described in Table 3-111.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Configuration register

Figure 3-103. PERCNF1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-111. PERCNF1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-18 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
16 USB_A_PHY R 0h Internal PHY is present present or not for the USB_A module:

0: Internal USB PHY Module is not present

1: Internal USB PHY Module is present.
Reset type: XRSn
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 ADC_D_MODE R 0h 0: 16-bit or 12-bit configurable in software
1: Only 12-bit operation available
Reset type: XRSn
2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1 ADC_B_MODE R 0h 0: 16-bit or 12-bit configurable in software
1: Only 12-bit operation available
Reset type: XRSn
0 ADC_A_MODE R 0h 0: 16-bit or 12-bit configurable in software
1: Only 12-bit operation available
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 279

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com FUSEERR Register (Offset = 74h) [reset = 0h]

FUSEERR is shown in Figure 3-104 and described in Table 3-112.
Return to the Summary Table.
e-Fuse error Status register

Figure 3-104. FUSEERR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-112. FUSEERR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-6 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
5 ERR R 0h Efuse Self Test Error Status set by hardware after fuse self test
completes, in case of self test error

0: No error during fuse self test

1: Fuse self test error
Reset type: XRSn
4-0 ALERR R 0h Efuse Autoload Error Status set by hardware after fuse auto load

00000: No error in auto load

Other: Non zero value indicates error in autoload
Reset type: XRSn

280 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SOFTPRES0 Register (Offset = 82h) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES0 is shown in Figure 3-105 and described in Table 3-113.
Return to the Summary Table.
Processing Block Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective module is in reset. All design data is lost and the module
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-105. SOFTPRES0 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-113. SOFTPRES0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
2 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
1 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
0 CPU1_CLA1 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 281

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com SOFTPRES1 Register (Offset = 84h) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES1 is shown in Figure 3-106 and described in Table 3-114.
Return to the Summary Table.
EMIF Software Reset register

Figure 3-106. SOFTPRES1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-114. SOFTPRES1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 EMIF2 R/W 0h When this bit is set, only the control logic of the respective EMIF2 is
reset. It does not reset the internal registers except the Total Access
register and the Total Activate register.

This bit must be manually cleared after being set.

1: EMIF2 is under SOFTRESET

0: Module reset is determined by the device Reset Network
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 EMIF1 R/W 0h When this bit is set, only the control logic of the respective EMIF1 is
reset. It does not reset the internal registers except the Total Access
register and the Total Activate register.

This bit must be manually cleared after being set.

1: EMIF1 is under SOFTRESET

0: Module reset is determined by the device Reset Network
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

282 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SOFTPRES2 Register (Offset = 86h) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES2 is shown in Figure 3-107 and described in Table 3-115.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective peripheral is in reset. All data is lost and the peripheral
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-107. SOFTPRES2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-115. SOFTPRES2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11 EPWM12 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 EPWM11 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 EPWM10 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 EPWM9 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 EPWM8 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
6 EPWM7 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 EPWM6 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 3-115. SOFTPRES2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
4 EPWM5 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 EPWM4 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 EPWM3 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 EPWM2 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 EPWM1 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

284 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SOFTPRES3 Register (Offset = 88h) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES3 is shown in Figure 3-108 and described in Table 3-116.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective peripheral is in reset. All data is lost and the peripheral
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-108. SOFTPRES3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-116. SOFTPRES3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
5 ECAP6 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 ECAP5 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 ECAP4 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 ECAP3 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 ECAP2 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 ECAP1 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 285

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com SOFTPRES4 Register (Offset = 8Ah) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES4 is shown in Figure 3-109 and described in Table 3-117.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective peripheral is in reset. All data is lost and the peripheral
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-109. SOFTPRES4 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-117. SOFTPRES4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
2 EQEP3 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 EQEP2 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 EQEP1 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

286 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SOFTPRES6 Register (Offset = 8Eh) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES6 is shown in Figure 3-110 and described in Table 3-118.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective peripheral is in reset. All data is lost and the peripheral
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-110. SOFTPRES6 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W- R/W-
0h 0h

Table 3-118. SOFTPRES6 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
5 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
4 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
2 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
1 SD2 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 SD1 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 287

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com SOFTPRES7 Register (Offset = 90h) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES7 is shown in Figure 3-111 and described in Table 3-119.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective peripheral is in reset. All data is lost and the peripheral
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-111. SOFTPRES7 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-119. SOFTPRES7 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 SCI_D R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 SCI_C R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 SCI_B R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 SCI_A R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

288 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SOFTPRES8 Register (Offset = 92h) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES8 is shown in Figure 3-112 and described in Table 3-120.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective peripheral is in reset. All data is lost and the peripheral
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-112. SOFTPRES8 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-120. SOFTPRES8 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-18 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
2 SPI_C R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 SPI_B R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 SPI_A R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 289

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com SOFTPRES9 Register (Offset = 94h) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES9 is shown in Figure 3-113 and described in Table 3-121.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective peripheral is in reset. All data is lost and the peripheral
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-113. SOFTPRES9 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-121. SOFTPRES9 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-18 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 I2C_B R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 I2C_A R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

290 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SOFTPRES11 Register (Offset = 98h) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES11 is shown in Figure 3-114 and described in Table 3-122.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective peripheral is in reset. All data is lost and the peripheral
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-114. SOFTPRES11 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-122. SOFTPRES11 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-18 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 USB_A R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 McBSP_B R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 McBSP_A R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 291

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com SOFTPRES13 Register (Offset = 9Ch) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES13 is shown in Figure 3-115 and described in Table 3-123.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective peripheral is in reset. All data is lost and the peripheral
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-115. SOFTPRES13 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-123. SOFTPRES13 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 ADC_D R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
1 ADC_B R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 ADC_A R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

292 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SOFTPRES14 Register (Offset = 9Eh) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES14 is shown in Figure 3-116 and described in Table 3-124.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective peripheral is in reset. All data is lost and the peripheral
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-116. SOFTPRES14 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-124. SOFTPRES14 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 CMPSS8 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
6 CMPSS7 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 CMPSS6 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 CMPSS5 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 CMPSS4 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 CMPSS3 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 CMPSS2 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 CMPSS1 R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 293

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com SOFTPRES16 Register (Offset = A2h) [reset = 0h]

SOFTPRES16 is shown in Figure 3-117 and described in Table 3-125.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Software Reset register
When bits in this register are set, the respective peripheral is in reset. All data is lost and the peripheral
registers are returned to their reset states. Bits must be manually cleared after being set.

Figure 3-117. SOFTPRES16 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-125. SOFTPRES16 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-20 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 DAC_C R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 DAC_B R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 DAC_A R/W 0h 1: Module is under reset
0: Module reset is determined by the normal device reset structure
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
2 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
1 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
0 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved

294 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SYSDBGCTL Register (Offset = 12Ch) [reset = 0h]

SYSDBGCTL is shown in Figure 3-118 and described in Table 3-126.
Return to the Summary Table.
System Debug Control register

Figure 3-118. SYSDBGCTL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-126. SYSDBGCTL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-1 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
0 BIT_0 R/W 0h This bit is for use in PLL startup and is only reset by POR.
Reset type: POR

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3.15.9 CLK_CFG_REGS Registers

Table 3-127 lists the CLK_CFG_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-127
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-127. CLK_CFG_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
2h CLKCFGLOCK1 Lock bit for CLKCFG registers EALLOW Go
8h CLKSRCCTL1 Clock Source Control register-1 EALLOW Go
Ah CLKSRCCTL2 Clock Source Control register-2 EALLOW Go
Ch CLKSRCCTL3 Clock Source Control register-3 EALLOW Go
Eh SYSPLLCTL1 SYSPLL Control register-1 EALLOW Go
14h SYSPLLMULT SYSPLL Multiplier register EALLOW Go
16h SYSPLLSTS SYSPLL Status register Go
18h AUXPLLCTL1 AUXPLL Control register-1 EALLOW Go
1Eh AUXPLLMULT AUXPLL Multiplier register EALLOW Go
20h AUXPLLSTS AUXPLL Status register Go
22h SYSCLKDIVSEL System Clock Divider Select register EALLOW Go
24h AUXCLKDIVSEL Auxillary Clock Divider Select register EALLOW Go
26h PERCLKDIVSEL Peripheral Clock Divider Selet register EALLOW Go
28h XCLKOUTDIVSEL XCLKOUT Divider Select register EALLOW Go
2Ch LOSPCP Low Speed Clock Source Prescalar EALLOW Go
2Eh MCDCR Missing Clock Detect Control Register EALLOW Go
30h X1CNT 10-bit Counter on X1 Clock Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-128 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-128. CLK_CFG_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
WSonce W Write
Sonce Set once
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a

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Table 3-128. CLK_CFG_REGS Access Type

Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 297

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com CLKCFGLOCK1 Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = 0h]

CLKCFGLOCK1 is shown in Figure 3-119 and described in Table 3-129.
Return to the Summary Table.
Lock bit for CLKCFG registers
[1] Any bit in this register, once set can only be cleared through a CPU1.SYSRSn. Write of 0 to any bit of
this register has no effect
[2] The locking mechanism applies to only writes. Reads to the registers which have LOCK protection are
always allowed

Figure 3-119. CLKCFGLOCK1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/WSonce-0h R-0-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R-0-0h R-0-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h

Table 3-129. CLKCFGLOCK1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15 LOSPCP R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for LOSPCP register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
13 PERCLKDIVSEL R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PERCLKDIVSEL register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 AUXCLKDIVSEL R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for AUXCLKDIVSEL register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 SYSCLKDIVSEL R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for SYSCLKDIVSEL register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 AUXPLLMULT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for AUXPLLMULT register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved

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Table 3-129. CLKCFGLOCK1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 AUXPLLCTL1 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for AUXPLLCTL1 register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
6 SYSPLLMULT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for SYSPLLMULT register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 SYSPLLCTL3 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for SYSPLLCTL3 register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 SYSPLLCTL2 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for SYSPLLCTL2 register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 SYSPLLCTL1 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for SYSPLLCTL1 register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 CLKSRCCTL3 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for CLKSRCCTL3 register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 CLKSRCCTL2 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for CLKSRCCTL2 register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 CLKSRCCTL1 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for CLKSRCCTL1 register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 299

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com CLKSRCCTL1 Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

CLKSRCCTL1 is shown in Figure 3-120 and described in Table 3-130.
Return to the Summary Table.
Clock Source Control register-1

Figure 3-120. CLKSRCCTL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-130. CLKSRCCTL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-6 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
5 WDHALTI R/W 0h Watchdog HALT Mode Ignore Bit: This bit determines if CPU1.WD is
functional in the HALT mode or not.

0 = CPU1.WD is not functional in the HALT mode. Clock to

CPU1.WD is gated when system enters HALT mode. Additionally,
INTOSC1 and INTOSC2 are powered-down when system enters
HALT mode
1 = CPU1.WD is functional in the HALT mode. Clock to CPU1.WD is
not gated and INTOSC1/2 are not powered-down when system
enters HALT mode

[1] Clock to CPU2.WD clocks is always gated in the HALT mode.
Reset type: XRSn
4 XTALOFF R/W 0h Crystal (External) Oscillator Off Bit: This bit turns external oscillator
0 = Crystal (External) Oscillator On (default on reset)
1 = Crystal (External) Oscillator Off
NOTE: Ensure no resources are using a clock source prior to
disabling it. For example OSCCLKSRCSEL (SYSPLL),
Reset type: XRSn

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Table 3-130. CLKSRCCTL1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 INTOSC2OFF R/W 0h Internal Oscillator 2 Off Bit: This bit turns oscillator 2 off:
0 = Internal Oscillator 2 On (default on reset)
1 = Internal Oscillator 2 Off

This bit could be used by the user to turn off the internal oscillator 2
if it is not used.

NOTE: Ensure no resources are using a clock source prior to

disabling it. For example OSCCLKSRCSEL (SYSPLL),
Reset type: XRSn
2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1-0 OSCCLKSRCSEL R/W 0h Oscillator Clock Source Select Bit: This bit selects the source for
00 = INTOSC2 (default on reset)
01 = External Oscillator (XTAL)
10 = INTOSC1
11 = reserved (default to INTOSC1)

At power-up or after an XRSn, INTOSC2 is selected by default.

Whenever the user changes the clock source using these bits,
the SYSPLLMULT register will be forced to zero and the PLL will
be bypassed and powered down. This prevents potential PLL
overshoot. The user will then have to write to the SYSPLLMULT
register to configure the appropriate multiplier.

The user must wait 10 OSCCLK cycles before writing to

or disabling the previous clock source to allow the change to

[1] Reserved selection defaults to 00 configuration
[2] INTOSC1 is recommended to be used only after missing clock
detection. If user wants to re-lock the PLL with INTOSC1 (the back-
up clock source) after missing clock is detected, he can do a
MCLKCLR and lock the PLL.
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 301

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com CLKSRCCTL2 Register (Offset = Ah) [reset = 0h]

CLKSRCCTL2 is shown in Figure 3-121 and described in Table 3-131.
Return to the Summary Table.
Clock Source Control register-2

Figure 3-121. CLKSRCCTL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-131. CLKSRCCTL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-10 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
9-8 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
7-6 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
5-4 CANBBCLKSEL R/W 0h CANB Bit-Clock Source Select Bit:
00 = PERx.SYSCLK (default on reset)
01 = External Oscillator (XTAL)
10 = AUXCLKIN (from GPIO)
11 = Reserved

Missing clock detect circuit doesnt have any impact on these bits.
Reset type: XRSn
3-2 CANABCLKSEL R/W 0h CANA Bit-Clock Source Select Bit:
00 = PERx.SYSCLK (default on reset)
01 = External Oscillator (XTAL)
10 = AUXCLKIN (from GPIO)
11 = Reserved

Missing clock detect circuit doesnt have any impact on these bits.
Reset type: XRSn

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Table 3-131. CLKSRCCTL2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1-0 AUXOSCCLKSRCSEL R/W 0h Oscillator Clock Source Select Bit: This bit selects the source for
00 = INTOSC2 (default on reset)
01 = External Oscillator (XTAL)
10 = AUXCLKIN (from GPIO)
11 = Reserved

Whenever the user changes the clock source using these bits,
the AUXPLLMULT register will be forced to zero and the PLL will
be bypassed and powered down. This prevents potential PLL
overshoot. The user will then have to write to the AUXPLLMULT
register to configure the appropriate multiplier.

The user must wait 10 OSCCLK cycles before writing to

or disabling the previous clock source to allow the change to

The missing clock detection circuit does not affect these bits.
Reset type: XRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com CLKSRCCTL3 Register (Offset = Ch) [reset = 0h]

CLKSRCCTL3 is shown in Figure 3-122 and described in Table 3-132.
Return to the Summary Table.
Clock Source Control register-3

Figure 3-122. CLKSRCCTL3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-132. CLKSRCCTL3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-3 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
2-0 XCLKOUTSEL R/W 0h XCLKOUT Source Select Bit: This bit selects the source for
000 = PLLSYSCLK (default on reset)
101 = INTOSC1
110 = INTOSC2
111 = Reserved
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

304 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SYSPLLCTL1 Register (Offset = Eh) [reset = 0h]

SYSPLLCTL1 is shown in Figure 3-123 and described in Table 3-133.
Return to the Summary Table.
SYSPLL Control register-1

Figure 3-123. SYSPLLCTL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-133. SYSPLLCTL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 PLLCLKEN R/W 0h SYSPLL bypassed or included in the PLLSYSCLK path: This bit
decides if the SYSPLL is bypassed when PLLSYSCLK is generated

1 = PLLSYSCLK is fed from the SYSPLL clock output. Users need

to make sure that the PLL is locked before enabling this clock to the
0 = SYSPLL is bypassed. Clock to system is direct feed from
Reset type: XRSn
0 PLLEN R/W 0h SYSPLL enabled or disabled: This bit decides if the SYSPLL is
enabled or not

1 = SYSPLL is enabled
0 = SYSPLL is powered off. Clock to system is direct feed from
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 305

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com SYSPLLMULT Register (Offset = 14h) [reset = 0h]

SYSPLLMULT is shown in Figure 3-124 and described in Table 3-134.
Return to the Summary Table.
SYSPLL Multiplier register
NOTE: FMULT and IMULT fields must be written at the same time for correct PLL operation.

Figure 3-124. SYSPLLMULT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-134. SYSPLLMULT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-10 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
9-8 FMULT R/W 0h SYSPLL Fractional Multiplier:
00 Fractional Multiplier = 0
01 Fractional Multiplier = 0.25
10 Fractional Multiplier = 0.5
11 Fractional Multiplier = 0.75
Reset type: XRSn
7 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
6-0 IMULT R/W 0h SYSPLL Integer Multiplier:
For 0000000 Fout = Fref (PLLBYPASS) Integer Multiplier = 1
0000001 Integer Multiplier = 1
0000010 Integer Multiplier = 2
0000011 Integer Multiplier = 3
1111111 Integer Multipler = 127
Reset type: XRSn

306 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SYSPLLSTS Register (Offset = 16h) [reset = 0h]

SYSPLLSTS is shown in Figure 3-125 and described in Table 3-135.
Return to the Summary Table.
SYSPLL Status register

Figure 3-125. SYSPLLSTS Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-135. SYSPLLSTS Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 SLIPS R 0h SYSPLL Slip Status Bit: This bit indicates whether the SYSPLL is
out of lock range

0 = SYSPLL is not out of lock

1 = SYSPLL is out of loc

The SLIPS bit will only be set on a PLL slip condition after the PLL is
used as the SYSCLK source by seting the
SYSPLLCTL1[PLLCLKEN] bit. Disabling and re-enabling the PLL
with PLLEN is the only way to clear this bit.

[1] If SYSPLL out of lock condition is detected then interrupts are
fired to CPU1 and CPU2 through their respective ePIE modules.
Software can decide to relock the PLL or switch to PLL bypass mode
in the interrupt handler
Reset type: XRSn
0 LOCKS R 0h SYSPLL Lock Status Bit: This bit indicates whether the SYSPLL is
locked or not

0 = SYSPLL is not yet locked

1 = SYSPLL is locked
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 307

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com AUXPLLCTL1 Register (Offset = 18h) [reset = 0h]

AUXPLLCTL1 is shown in Figure 3-126 and described in Table 3-136.
Return to the Summary Table.
AUXPLL Control register-1

Figure 3-126. AUXPLLCTL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-136. AUXPLLCTL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 PLLCLKEN R/W 0h AUXPLL bypassed or included in the AUXPLLCLK path: This bit
decides if the AUXPLL is bypassed when AUXPLLCLK is generated

1 = AUXPLLCLK is fed from the AUXPLL clock output. Users need

to make sure that the PLL is locked before enabling this clock to the
AUXPLLCLK connected modules.
0 = AUXPLL is bypassed. Clock to modules connected to
AUXPLLCLK is direct feed from AUXOSCCLK
Reset type: XRSn
0 PLLEN R/W 0h AUXPLL enabled or disabled: This bit decides if the AUXPLL is
enabled or not

1 = AUXPLL is enabled
0 = AUXPLL is powered off. Clock to system is direct feed from
Reset type: XRSn

308 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers AUXPLLMULT Register (Offset = 1Eh) [reset = 0h]

AUXPLLMULT is shown in Figure 3-127 and described in Table 3-137.
Return to the Summary Table.
AUXPLL Multiplier register
NOTE: FMULT and IMULT fields must be written at the same time for correct PLL operation.

Figure 3-127. AUXPLLMULT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-137. AUXPLLMULT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-10 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
9-8 FMULT R/W 0h AUXPLL Fractional Multiplier :
00 Fractional Multiplier = 0
01 Fractional Multiplier = 0.25
10 Fractional Multiplier = 0.5
11 Fractional Multiplier = 0.75
Reset type: XRSn
7 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
6-0 IMULT R/W 0h AUXPLL Integer Multiplier:
For 0000000 Fout = Fref (PLLBYPASS) Integer Multiplier = 1
0000001 Integer Multiplier = 1
0000010 Integer Multiplier = 2
0000011 Integer Multiplier = 3
1111111 Integer Multipler = 127
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 309

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com AUXPLLSTS Register (Offset = 20h) [reset = 0h]

AUXPLLSTS is shown in Figure 3-128 and described in Table 3-138.
Return to the Summary Table.
AUXPLL Status register

Figure 3-128. AUXPLLSTS Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-138. AUXPLLSTS Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 SLIPS R 0h AUXPLL Slip Status Bit: This bit indicates whether the AUXPLL is
out of lock range

0 = AUXPLL is not out of lock

1 = AUXPLL is out of lock

The SLIPS bit will only be set on a PLL slip condition after the PLL is
used as the AUXPLLCLK source by seting the
AUXPLLCTL1[PLLCLKEN] bit. Disabling and re-enabling the PLL
with PLLEN is the only way to clear this bit.

[1] If AUXPLL out of lock condition is detected then interrupts are
fired to CPU1 and CPU2 through their respective ePIE modules.
Software can decide to relock the PLL or switch to PLL bypass mode
in the interrupt handler
Reset type: XRSn
0 LOCKS R 0h AUXPLL Lock Status Bit: This bit indicates whether the AUXPLL is
locked or not

0 = AUXPLL is not yet locked

1 = AUXPLL is locked
Reset type: XRSn

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SYSCLKDIVSEL Register (Offset = 22h) [reset = 2h]

SYSCLKDIVSEL is shown in Figure 3-129 and described in Table 3-139.
Return to the Summary Table.
System Clock Divider Select register

Figure 3-129. SYSCLKDIVSEL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-2h

Table 3-139. SYSCLKDIVSEL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-6 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
5-0 PLLSYSCLKDIV R/W 2h PLLSYSCLK Divide Select: This bit selects the divider setting for the

000000 = /1
000001 = /2
000010 = /4 (default on reset)
000011 = /6
000100 = /8
111111 = /126
Reset type: XRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 311

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com AUXCLKDIVSEL Register (Offset = 24h) [reset = 1h]

AUXCLKDIVSEL is shown in Figure 3-130 and described in Table 3-140.
Return to the Summary Table.
Auxillary Clock Divider Select register

Figure 3-130. AUXCLKDIVSEL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-1h

Table 3-140. AUXCLKDIVSEL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1-0 AUXPLLDIV R/W 1h AUXPLLCLK Divide Select: This bit selects the divider setting for the

00 = /1
01 = /2 (default on reset)
10 = /4
11 = /8
Reset type: XRSn

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers PERCLKDIVSEL Register (Offset = 26h) [reset = 51h]

PERCLKDIVSEL is shown in Figure 3-131 and described in Table 3-141.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Divider Selet register

Figure 3-131. PERCLKDIVSEL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-1h R-0-0h R/W-1h R/W-1h

Table 3-141. PERCLKDIVSEL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-7 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
6 EMIF2CLKDIV R/W 1h EMIF2 Clock Divide Select: This bit selects whether the EMIF2
module run with a /1 or /2 clock.

0: /1 of CPU1.SYSCLK is selected
1: /2 of CPU1.SYSCLK is selected
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
4 EMIF1CLKDIV R/W 1h EMIF1 Clock Divide Select: This bit selects whether the EMIF1
module run with a /1 or /2 clock.

For single core device

0: /1 of CPU1.SYSCLK is selected
1: /2 of CPU1.SYSCLK is selected
For Dual core device
0: /1 of PLLSYSCLK is selected
1: /2 of PLLSYSCLK is selected
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
1-0 EPWMCLKDIV R/W 1h EPWM Clock Divide Select: This bit selects whether the EPWM
modules run with a /1 or /2 clock. This divider sits in front of the

x0 = /1 of PLLSYSCLK
x1 = /2 of PLLSYSLCK (default on reset)

Note: Refer to your device specific datasheet for maximum EPWM

Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XCLKOUTDIVSEL is shown in Figure 3-132 and described in Table 3-142.
Return to the Summary Table.
XCLKOUT Divider Select register

Figure 3-132. XCLKOUTDIVSEL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-3h

Table 3-142. XCLKOUTDIVSEL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1-0 XCLKOUTDIV R/W 3h XCLKOUT Divide Select: This bit selects the divider setting for the

00 = /1
01 = /2
10 = /4
11 = /8 (default on reset)
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

314 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers LOSPCP Register (Offset = 2Ch) [reset = 2h]

LOSPCP is shown in Figure 3-133 and described in Table 3-143.
Return to the Summary Table.
Low Speed Clock Source Prescalar

Figure 3-133. LOSPCP Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-2h

Table 3-143. LOSPCP Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-3 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
2-0 LSPCLKDIV R/W 2h These bits configure the low-speed peripheral clock (LSPCLK) rate
relative to SYSCLK of CPU1 and CPU2.
000,LSPCLK = / 1
001,LSPCLK = / 2
010,LSPCLK = / 4 (default on reset)
011,LSPCLK = / 6
100,LSPCLK = / 8
101,LSPCLK = / 10
110,LSPCLK = / 12
111,LSPCLK = / 14

[1] This clock is used as strobe for the SCI and SPI modules.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 315

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com MCDCR Register (Offset = 2Eh) [reset = 0h]

MCDCR is shown in Figure 3-134 and described in Table 3-144.
Return to the Summary Table.
Missing Clock Detect Control Register

Figure 3-134. MCDCR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0h

Table 3-144. MCDCR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 OSCOFF R/W 0h Oscillator Clock Off Bit:
0 = OSCCLK Connected to OSCCLK Counter in MCD module
1 = OSCCLK Disconnected to OSCCLK Counter in MCD module
Reset type: XRSn
2 MCLKOFF R/W 0h Missing Clock Detect Off Bit:
0 = Missing Clock Detect Circuit Enabled
1 = Missing Clock Detect Circuit Disabled
Reset type: XRSn
1 MCLKCLR R-0/W1S 0h Missing Clock Clear Bit:
Write 1" to this bit to clear MCLKSTS bit and reset the missing clock
detect circuit."
Reset type: XRSn
0 MCLKSTS R 0h Missing Clock Status Bit:
1 = OSCCLK Detected Missing, CLOCKFAILn Generated
Reset type: XRSn

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers X1CNT Register (Offset = 30h) [reset = 0h]

X1CNT is shown in Figure 3-135 and described in Table 3-145.
Return to the Summary Table.
10-bit Counter on X1 Clock

Figure 3-135. X1CNT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R-0h

Table 3-145. X1CNT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-10 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
9-0 X1CNT R 0h X1 Counter:
- This counter increments on every X1 CLOCKs positive-edge.
- Once it reaches the values of 0x3ff, it freezes
- Before switching from INTOSC2 to X1, application must check this
counter and make sure that it has saturated. This will ensure that the
Crystal connected to X1/X2 is oscillating.
Reset type: POR

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3.15.10 CPU_SYS_REGS Registers

Table 3-146 lists the CPU_SYS_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-146
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-146. CPU_SYS_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h CPUSYSLOCK1 Lock bit for CPUSYS registers EALLOW Go
8h IORESTOREADDR IORestore() routine Address Register EALLOW Go
Ah PIEVERRADDR PIE Vector Fetch Error Address register EALLOW Go
22h PCLKCR0 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
24h PCLKCR1 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
26h PCLKCR2 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
28h PCLKCR3 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
2Ah PCLKCR4 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
2Eh PCLKCR6 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
30h PCLKCR7 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
32h PCLKCR8 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
34h PCLKCR9 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
36h PCLKCR10 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
38h PCLKCR11 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
3Ah PCLKCR12 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
3Ch PCLKCR13 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
3Eh PCLKCR14 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
42h PCLKCR16 Peripheral Clock Gating Registers EALLOW Go
74h SECMSEL Secondary Master Select register for common EALLOW Go
peripherals: Selects between CLA & DMA
76h LPMCR LPM Control Register EALLOW Go
78h GPIOLPMSEL0 GPIO LPM Wakeup select registers EALLOW Go
7Ah GPIOLPMSEL1 GPIO LPM Wakeup select registers EALLOW Go
7Ch TMR2CLKCTL Timer2 Clock Measurement functionality control EALLOW Go
80h RESC Reset Cause register Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-147 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-147. CPU_SYS_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
WSonce W Write
Sonce Set once
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default

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Table 3-147. CPU_SYS_REGS Access Type

Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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CPUSYSLOCK1 is shown in Figure 3-136 and described in Table 3-148.
Return to the Summary Table.
Lock bit for CPUSYS registers
[1] Any bit in this register, once set can only be cleared through a CPU1.SYSRSn. Write of 0 to any bit of
this register has no effect
[2] The locking mechanism applies to only writes. Reads to the registers which have LOCK protection are
always allowed

Figure 3-136. CPUSYSLOCK1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h

Table 3-148. CPUSYSLOCK1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
23 GPIOLPMSEL1 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for GPIOLPMSEL1 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

22 GPIOLPMSEL0 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for GPIOLPMSEL0 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

21 LPMCR R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for LPMCR Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

20 SECMSEL R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for SECMSEL Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

19 PCLKCR16 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR16 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-148. CPUSYSLOCK1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
18 PCLKCR15 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR15 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

17 PCLKCR14 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR14 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

16 PCLKCR13 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR13 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

15 PCLKCR12 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR12 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

14 PCLKCR11 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR11 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

13 PCLKCR10 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR10 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

12 PCLKCR9 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR9 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

11 PCLKCR8 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR8 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

10 PCLKCR7 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR7 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

9 PCLKCR6 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR6 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-148. CPUSYSLOCK1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
8 PCLKCR5 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR5 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

7 PCLKCR4 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR4 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

6 PCLKCR3 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR3 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

5 PCLKCR2 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR2 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

4 PCLKCR1 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR1 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.

Reset type: SYSRSn

3 PCLKCR0 R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PCLKCR0 Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 PIEVERRADDR R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for PIEVERRADDR Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 IORESTOREADDR R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for IORESTOREADDR Register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 HIBBOOTMODE R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for HIBBOOTMODE register:
0: Respective register is not locked
1: Respective register is locked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers HIBBOOTMODE Register (Offset = 6h) [reset = Fh]

HIBBOOTMODE is shown in Figure 3-137 and described in Table 3-149.
Return to the Summary Table.
HIB Boot Mode Register

Figure 3-137. HIBBOOTMODE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-149. HIBBOOTMODE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 BMODE R/W Fh This register defined the boot mode on a HIB Wakeup. Its the
responsibility of user to initialize the appropriate boot mode before
going into HIB mode. Refer to the Boot ROM section for more details
on this register
Reset type: POR

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com IORESTOREADDR Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 003FFFFFh]

IORESTOREADDR is shown in Figure 3-138 and described in Table 3-150.
Return to the Summary Table.
IORestore() routine Address Register

Figure 3-138. IORESTOREADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-003FFFFFh

Table 3-150. IORESTOREADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-22 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
21-0 ADDR R/W 003FFFFFh This register defines the address of the restoreIO() routine on a HIB
wakeup. Its the responsibility of user to initialize this register with the
restoreIO() routine address before going into HIB mode. Refer to the
Boot ROM section for more details on this register.
Reset type: POR

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers PIEVERRADDR Register (Offset = Ah) [reset = 003FFFFFh]

PIEVERRADDR is shown in Figure 3-139 and described in Table 3-151.
Return to the Summary Table.
PIE Vector Fetch Error Address register

Figure 3-139. PIEVERRADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-003FFFFFh

Table 3-151. PIEVERRADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-22 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
21-0 ADDR R/W 003FFFFFh This register defines the address of the PIE Vector Fetch Error
handler routine. Its the responsibility of user to initialize this register.
If this register is not initialized, a default error handler at address
0x3fffbe will get executed. Refer to the Boot ROM section for more
details on this register.
Reset type: XRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PCLKCR0 Register (Offset = 22h) [reset = 38h]

PCLKCR0 is shown in Figure 3-140 and described in Table 3-152.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-140. PCLKCR0 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0-0h R/W-0h R-0-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-152. PCLKCR0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-20 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 TBCLKSYNC R/W 0h EPWM Time Base Clock sync: When set PWM time bases of all the
PWM modules belonging to the same CPU-Subsystem (as
partitioned using their CPUSEL bits) start counting. This bit only
impacts the TBCTR of all EPWM modules. Everything except the
TBCTR of each module enabled in PCLKCR2 will still be clocked by

1. This bit from CPU1.PCLKCR0 or CPU2.PCLKCR0 is selected and
fed to the individual EPWM modules based on their respective
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
16 HRPWM R/W 0h HRPWM Clock Enable Bit: When set, this enables the clock to the
HRPWM module
1: HRPWM clock is enabled
0: HRPWM clock is disabled

[1] This bit is present only in CPU1.PCLKCR0. This bit is not used
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-6 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
5 CPUTIMER2 R/W 1h CPUTIMER2 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on

Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-152. PCLKCR0 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
4 CPUTIMER1 R/W 1h CPUTIMER1 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on

Reset type: SYSRSn

3 CPUTIMER0 R/W 1h CPUTIMER0 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on

Reset type: SYSRSn

2 DMA R/W 0h DMA Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on

Reset type: SYSRSn

1 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
0 CLA1 R/W 0h CLA1 Clock Enable Bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PCLKCR1 is shown in Figure 3-141 and described in Table 3-153.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-141. PCLKCR1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-153. PCLKCR1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 EMIF2 R/W 0h EMIF2 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on

[1] These bits are not used (R/W) in CPU2.PCLKCR1 register.
EMIF1 & EMIF2 clock enabled are controlled only from
CPU1.PCLKCR1 register.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 EMIF1 R/W 0h EMIF1 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on

[1] These bits are not used (R/W) in CPU2.PCLKCR1 register.
EMIF1 & EMIF2 clock enabled are controlled only from
CPU1.PCLKCR1 register.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PCLKCR2 is shown in Figure 3-142 and described in Table 3-154.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-142. PCLKCR2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-154. PCLKCR2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11 EPWM12 R/W 0h EPWM12 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 EPWM11 R/W 0h EPWM11 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 EPWM10 R/W 0h EPWM10 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 EPWM9 R/W 0h EPWM9 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 EPWM8 R/W 0h EPWM8 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-154. PCLKCR2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 EPWM7 R/W 0h EPWM7 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 EPWM6 R/W 0h EPWM6 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 EPWM5 R/W 0h EPWM5 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 EPWM4 R/W 0h EPWM4 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 EPWM3 R/W 0h EPWM3 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 EPWM2 R/W 0h EPWM2 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 EPWM1 R/W 0h EPWM1 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers PCLKCR3 Register (Offset = 28h) [reset = 0h]

PCLKCR3 is shown in Figure 3-143 and described in Table 3-155.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-143. PCLKCR3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-155. PCLKCR3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
5 ECAP6 R/W 0h ECAP6 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 ECAP5 R/W 0h ECAP5 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 ECAP4 R/W 0h ECAP4 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 ECAP3 R/W 0h ECAP3 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 ECAP2 R/W 0h ECAP2 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-155. PCLKCR3 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
0 ECAP1 R/W 0h ECAP1 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PCLKCR4 is shown in Figure 3-144 and described in Table 3-156.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-144. PCLKCR4 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-156. PCLKCR4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
2 EQEP3 R/W 0h EQEP3 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 EQEP2 R/W 0h EQEP2 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 EQEP1 R/W 0h EQEP1 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PCLKCR6 is shown in Figure 3-145 and described in Table 3-157.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-145. PCLKCR6 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W- R/W-
0h 0h

Table 3-157. PCLKCR6 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
5 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
4 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
2 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
1 SD2 R/W 0h SD2 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 SD1 R/W 0h SD1 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers PCLKCR7 Register (Offset = 30h) [reset = 0h]

PCLKCR7 is shown in Figure 3-146 and described in Table 3-158.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-146. PCLKCR7 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-158. PCLKCR7 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 SCI_D R/W 0h SCI_D Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 SCI_C R/W 0h SCI_C Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 SCI_B R/W 0h SCI_B Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 SCI_A R/W 0h SCI_A Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PCLKCR8 is shown in Figure 3-147 and described in Table 3-159.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-147. PCLKCR8 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-159. PCLKCR8 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-18 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
2 SPI_C R/W 0h SPI_C Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 SPI_B R/W 0h SPI_B Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 SPI_A R/W 0h SPI_A Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

336 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers PCLKCR9 Register (Offset = 34h) [reset = 0h]

PCLKCR9 is shown in Figure 3-148 and described in Table 3-160.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-148. PCLKCR9 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-160. PCLKCR9 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-18 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 I2C_B R/W 0h I2C_B Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 I2C_A R/W 0h I2C_A Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PCLKCR10 is shown in Figure 3-149 and described in Table 3-161.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-149. PCLKCR10 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-161. PCLKCR10 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
2 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
1 CAN_B R/W 0h CAN_B Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CAN_A R/W 0h CAN_A Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

338 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers PCLKCR11 Register (Offset = 38h) [reset = 0h]

PCLKCR11 is shown in Figure 3-150 and described in Table 3-162.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-150. PCLKCR11 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-162. PCLKCR11 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-18 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 USB_A R/W 0h USB_A Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on

[1] This bit is not used (R/W) in CPU2.PCLKCR11 register. USB_A
clock enabled is controlled only from CPU1.PCLKCR11 register
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 McBSP_B R/W 0h McBSP_B Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 McBSP_A R/W 0h McBSP_A Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PCLKCR12 is shown in Figure 3-151 and described in Table 3-163.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-151. PCLKCR12 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-163. PCLKCR12 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
1 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
0 uPP_A R/W 0h uPP_A Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on

[1]] This bit also affects the uPP message RAM wrapper associated
with the respective uPP module
[2] This bit is not used (R/W) in CPU2.PCLKCR12 register. UPP_A
clock enabled is controlled only from CPU1.PCLKCR12 register
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PCLKCR13 is shown in Figure 3-152 and described in Table 3-164.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-152. PCLKCR13 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-164. PCLKCR13 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 ADC_D R/W 0h ADC_D Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
1 ADC_B R/W 0h ADC_B Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 ADC_A R/W 0h ADC_A Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com PCLKCR14 Register (Offset = 3Eh) [reset = 0h]

PCLKCR14 is shown in Figure 3-153 and described in Table 3-165.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-153. PCLKCR14 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-165. PCLKCR14 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 CMPSS8 R/W 0h CMPSS8 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 CMPSS7 R/W 0h CMPSS7 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 CMPSS6 R/W 0h CMPSS6 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 CMPSS5 R/W 0h CMPSS5 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 CMPSS4 R/W 0h CMPSS4 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 CMPSS3 R/W 0h CMPSS3 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-165. PCLKCR14 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 CMPSS2 R/W 0h CMPSS2 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CMPSS1 R/W 0h CMPSS1 Clock Enable bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn

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PCLKCR16 is shown in Figure 3-154 and described in Table 3-166.
Return to the Summary Table.
Peripheral Clock Gating Registers

Figure 3-154. PCLKCR16 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-166. PCLKCR16 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-20 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 DAC_C R/W 0h Buffered_DAC_C Clock Enable Bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 DAC_B R/W 0h Buffered_DAC_B Clock Enable Bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 DAC_A R/W 0h Buffered_DAC_A Clock Enable Bit:

0: Module clock is gated-off

1: Module clock is turned-on
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
2 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
1 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
0 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved

344 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SECMSEL Register (Offset = 74h) [reset = 0h]

SECMSEL is shown in Figure 3-155 and described in Table 3-167.
Return to the Summary Table.
Secondary Master Select register for common peripherals: Selects between CLA & DMA

Figure 3-155. SECMSEL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-167. SECMSEL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-14 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
13-12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11-10 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
9-8 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
7-6 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
5-4 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
3-2 PF2SEL R/W 0h This bit selects whether the dual ported bridge is connected with
DMA or CLA as the secondary master (C28x is always connected as
primary master)

x0: Bridge is connected to CLA

x1: Bridge is connected to DMA
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 PF1SEL R/W 0h This bit selects whether the dual ported bridge is connected with
DMA or CLA as the secondary master (C28x is always connected as
primary master)

x0: Bridge is connected to CLA

x1: Bridge is connected to DMA
Reset type: SYSRSn

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LPMCR is shown in Figure 3-156 and described in Table 3-168.
Return to the Summary Table.
LPM Control Register

Figure 3-156. LPMCR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W1S-0h R-0-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R-0-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-3Fh R/W-0h

Table 3-168. LPMCR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 IOISODIS R/W1S 0h 0: Indicates IO ISOLATION is not turned ON
1: Indicates IO ISOLATION is turned ON. This bit is set one by
hardware ONLY during HIB. This bit cant be set to 1 by software

Writing 0 to this bit has not effect.

Writing 1 to this bit deactivates IO ISOLATION

[1] This bit is reserved in the register mapped to CPU2
Reset type: raw-XRSn
30-18 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
17-16 M0M1MODE R/W 0h These bit control the state of CPU1's and CPU2's M0 & M1
memories when Device goes into HIB mode.

00: CPUx's M0 & M1 memories ON with low-leakage mode

01: CPUx's M0 & M1 memories OFF
1x: Reserved
[1] Low-leakage mode for M0 & M1 memories uses the "Retention"
feature of the SRAMs.

[2] These bits take effect only when device goes into HIB mode. If
the device is not in HIB mode, the value in this bit doesn't control the
state of CPU1's and CPU2's M0 & M1 memories
Reset type: POR
15 WDINTE R/W 0h When this bit is set to 1, it enables the watchdog interrupt signal to
wake the device from STANDBY mode.

[1] To use this signal, the user must also enable the WDINTn signal
using the WDENINT bit in the SCSR register. This signal will not
wake the device from HALT mode because the clock to watchdog
module is turned off
Reset type: SYSRSn
14-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved

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Table 3-168. LPMCR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-2 QUALSTDBY R/W 3Fh Select number of OSCCLK clock cycles to qualify the selected inputs
when waking the from STANDBY mode:

000000 = 2 OSCCLKs
000001 = 3 OSCCLKs
111111 = 65 OSCCLKs

Note: The LPMCR.QUALSTDBY register should be set to a value

greater than the ratio of INTOSC1/PLLSYSCLK to ensure proper
wake up.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 LPM R/W 0h These bits set the low power mode for the device. Takes effect when
CPU executes the IDLE instruction (when IDLE instruction is out of
EXE Phase of the Pipeline)

00: IDLE Mode

01: STANDBY Mode
10: HALT Mode (treated as STANDBY for CPU2)
11: HIB Mode (treated as STANDBY for CPU2)
Reset type: SYSRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com GPIOLPMSEL0 Register (Offset = 78h) [reset = 0h]

GPIOLPMSEL0 is shown in Figure 3-157 and described in Table 3-169.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO LPM Wakeup select registers
Connects the selected pin to the LPM circuit. Refer to LPM section of the TRM for the wakeup capabilities
of the selected pin.

Figure 3-157. GPIOLPMSEL0 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-169. GPIOLPMSEL0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO31 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO30 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO29 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO28 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO27 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO26 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO25 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO24 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-169. GPIOLPMSEL0 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23 GPIO23 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO22 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO21 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO20 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO19 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO18 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO17 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO16 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO15 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO14 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO13 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO12 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO11 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO10 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO9 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO8 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-169. GPIOLPMSEL0 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 GPIO7 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO6 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO5 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO4 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO3 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO2 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO1 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO0 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn

350 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers GPIOLPMSEL1 Register (Offset = 7Ah) [reset = 0h]

GPIOLPMSEL1 is shown in Figure 3-158 and described in Table 3-170.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO LPM Wakeup select registers
Connects the selected pin to the LPM circuit. Refer to LPM section of the TRM for the wakeup capabilities
of the selected pin.

Figure 3-158. GPIOLPMSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-170. GPIOLPMSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO63 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO62 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO61 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO60 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO59 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO58 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO57 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO56 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-170. GPIOLPMSEL1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23 GPIO55 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO54 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO53 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO52 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO51 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO50 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO49 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO48 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO47 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO46 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO45 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO44 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO43 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO41 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO40 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-170. GPIOLPMSEL1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7 GPIO39 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO38 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO37 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO36 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO35 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO34 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO33 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO32 R/W 0h 0 pin is dis-connected from LPM circuit
1 pin is connected to LPM circuit
Reset type: SYSRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com TMR2CLKCTL Register (Offset = 7Ch) [reset = 0h]

TMR2CLKCTL is shown in Figure 3-159 and described in Table 3-171.
Return to the Summary Table.
Timer2 Clock Measurement functionality control register

Figure 3-159. TMR2CLKCTL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-171. TMR2CLKCTL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-6 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
5-3 TMR2CLKPRESCALE R/W 0h CPU Timer 2 Clock Pre-Scale Value: These bits select the pre-scale
value for the selected clock source for CPU Timer 2:
0,0,0,/1 (default on reset)
1,0,1,spare (defaults to /16)
1,1,0,spare (defaults to /16)
1,1,1,spare (defaults to /16)

[1] The CPU Timer2s Clock sync logic detects an input clock edge
when configured for any clock source other than SYSCLK and
generates an appropriate clock pulse to the CPU timer2. If SYSCLK
is approximately the same or less then the input clock source, then
the user would need to configure the pre-scale value such that
SYSCLK is at least twice as fast as the pre-scaled value.
[2] Pre-scaler is bypassed if SYSCLK is selected as the source of
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-171. TMR2CLKCTL Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2-0 TMR2CLKSRCSEL R/W 0h CPU Timer 2 Clock Source Select Bit: This bit selects the source for
CPU Timer 2:
000 =SYSCLK Selected (default on reset, pre-scale is bypassed)
001 = INTOSC1
010 = INTOSC2
011 = XTAL
100 = Reserved
101 = Reserved
111 = reserved
Reset type: SYSRSn

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RESC is shown in Figure 3-160 and described in Table 3-172.
Return to the Summary Table.
Reset Cause register

Figure 3-160. RESC Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
TRSTn_pin_sta XRSn_pin_stat RESERVED
tus us
R-X R-X R-0-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0-0h R/W1S-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h R-0-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-0h R/W1S-1h R/W1S-1h

Table 3-172. RESC Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 TRSTn_pin_status R X Reading this bit provides the current status of TRSTn at the
respective C28x CPUs TRSTn input port. Reset value is reflective of
the pin status.
Reset type: N/A
30 XRSn_pin_status R X Reading this bit provides the current status of the XRSn pin. Reset
value is reflective of the pin status.
Reset type: N/A
29-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-9 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
8 SCCRESETn R/W1S 0h If this bit is set, indicates that the device was reset by SCCRESETn
(fired by DCSM).

Writing a 1 to this bit will force the bit to 0

Writing of 0 will have no effect.
Reset type: POR
7 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
6 HIBRESETn R/W1S 0h If this bit is set, indicates that the device was reset due to a
Hibernate mode Wakeup.

Writing a 1 to this bit will force the bit to 0

Writing of 0 will have no effect.
Reset type: raw-XRSn
5 HWBISTn R/W1S 0h If this bit is set, indicates that the device was reset by HWBIST.

Writing a 1 to this bit will force the bit to 0

Writing of 0 will have no effect.
Reset type: POR
4 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved

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Table 3-172. RESC Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 NMIWDRSn R/W1S 0h If this bit is set, indicates that the device was reset by NMIWDRSn.

Writing a 1 to this bit will force the bit to 0

Writing of 0 will have no effect.

To know the exact cause of NMI after the reset, software needs to
read CPU1/2.NMISHDFLG registers
Reset type: POR
2 WDRSn R/W1S 0h If this bit is set, indicates that the device was reset by WDRSn.

Writing a 1 to this bit will force the bit to 0

Writing of 0 will have no effect.
Reset type: POR
1 XRSn R/W1S 1h If this bit is set, indicates that the device was reset by XRSn.

Writing a 1 to this bit will force the bit to 0

Writing of 0 will have no effect.
Reset type: POR
0 POR R/W1S 1h If this bit is set, indicates that the device was reset by PORn.

Writing a 1 to this bit will force the bit to 0

Writing of 0 will have no effect.
Reset type: POR

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3.15.11 ROM_PREFETCH_REGS Registers

Table 3-173 lists the ROM_PREFETCH_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in
Table 3-173 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-173. ROM_PREFETCH_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h ROMPREFETCH ROM Prefetch Configuration Register EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-174 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-174. ROM_PREFETCH_REGS Access Type

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
Write Type
W W Write
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

358 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers ROMPREFETCH Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = 0h]

ROMPREFETCH is shown in Figure 3-161 and described in Table 3-175.
Return to the Summary Table.
ROM Prefetch Configuration Register

Figure 3-161. ROMPREFETCH Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-175. ROMPREFETCH Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 PFENABLE R/W 0h 0: Prefetch is disabled for secure ROM and boot ROM.
1: Prefetch is enabled for secure ROM and boot ROM.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.12 DCSM_COMMON_REGS Registers

Table 3-176 lists the DCSM_COMMON_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in
Table 3-176 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-176. DCSM_COMMON_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h FLSEM Flash Wrapper Semaphore Register EALLOW Go
2h SECTSTAT Sectors Status Register Go
4h RAMSTAT RAM Status Register Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-177 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-177. DCSM_COMMON_REGS Access Type

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

360 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers FLSEM Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = 0h]

FLSEM is shown in Figure 3-162 and described in Table 3-178.
Return to the Summary Table.
Flash Wrapper Semaphore Register

Figure 3-162. FLSEM Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W-0h R-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-178. FLSEM Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-8 KEY R-0/W 0h Writing a value 0xA5 into this field will allow the writing of the SEM
bits, else writes are ignored. Reads will return 0.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1-0 SEM R/W 0h 00 : C28X Flash Wrapper registers can be written by code running
from non-secure zone.
01 : Flash Wrapper registers can be written by code running from
Zone1 security zone only. User must set this value to perform flash
operation on flash sectors of Zone1.
10 : C28X Flash Wrapper registers can be written by code running
from Zone2 security zone only. User must set this value to perform
flash operation on flash sectors of Zone2.
11 : C28X Flash Wrapper registers can be written by code running
from non-secure zone.

Allowed State Transitions in this field.

00 to 11 : Code running from anywhere.
11 to 00 : Not allowed.
00/11 to 01 : Code running from Zone1 only can perform this
01 to 00/11 : Code running from Zone1 only can perform this
00/11 to 10 : Code running from Zone2 only can perform this
10 to 00/11 : Code running from Zone2 can perform this transition
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 361

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com SECTSTAT Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = 0h]

SECTSTAT is shown in Figure 3-163 and described in Table 3-179.
Return to the Summary Table.
Sectors Status Register

Figure 3-163. SECTSTAT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-179. SECTSTAT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
29-28 STATUS_BANK1 R 0h Reflects the status of flash BANK1.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
27-26 STATUS_SECTN R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector N.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 STATUS_SECTM R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector M.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-179. SECTSTAT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 STATUS_SECTL R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector L.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 STATUS_SECTK R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector K.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 STATUS_SECTJ R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector J.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 STATUS_SECTI R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector I.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 STATUS_SECTH R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector H.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 STATUS_SECTG R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector G.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 STATUS_SECTF R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector F.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-179. SECTSTAT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
9-8 STATUS_SECTE R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector E.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 STATUS_SECTD R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector D.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 STATUS_SECTC R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector C.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 STATUS_SECTB R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector B.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 STATUS_SECTA R 0h Reflects the status of flash sector A.

00 : Sector is in-accessible
01 : Sector belongs to Zone1.
10 : Sector belongs to Zone2.
11: Sector is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn

364 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers RAMSTAT Register (Offset = 4h) [reset = 0h]

RAMSTAT is shown in Figure 3-164 and described in Table 3-180.
Return to the Summary Table.
RAM Status Register

Figure 3-164. RAMSTAT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-180. RAMSTAT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
29-28 STATUS_CLA1 R 0h Reflects the status of CLA1.

00 : CLA is in-accessible
01 : CLA belongs to Zone1.
10 : CLA belongs to Zone2.
11: CLA is un-secure and code running in both zone have full access
to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-14 STATUS_RAM7 R 0h Reflects the status of D1 RAM.

00 : RAM is in-accessible
01 : RAM belongs to Zone1.
10 : RAM belongs to Zone2.
11: RAM is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 STATUS_RAM6 R 0h Reflects the status of D0 RAM.

00 : RAM is in-accessible
01 : RAM belongs to Zone1.
10 : RAM belongs to Zone2.
11: RAM is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-180. RAMSTAT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 STATUS_RAM5 R 0h Reflects the status of LS5 RAM.

00 : RAM is in-accessible
01 : RAM belongs to Zone1.
10 : RAM belongs to Zone2.
11: RAM is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 STATUS_RAM4 R 0h Reflects the status of LS4 RAM.

00 : RAM is in-accessible
01 : RAM belongs to Zone1.
10 : RAM belongs to Zone2.
11: RAM is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 STATUS_RAM3 R 0h Reflects the status of LS3 RAM.

00 : RAM is in-accessible
01 : RAM belongs to Zone1.
10 : RAM belongs to Zone2.
11: RAM is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 STATUS_RAM2 R 0h Reflects the status of LS2 RAM.

00 : RAM is in-accessible
01 : RAM belongs to Zone1.
10 : RAM belongs to Zone2.
11: RAM is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 STATUS_RAM1 R 0h Reflects the status of LS1 RAM.

00 : RAM is in-accessible
01 : RAM belongs to Zone1.
10 : RAM belongs to Zone2.
11: RAM is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 STATUS_RAM0 R 0h Reflects the status of LS0 RAM.

00 : RAM is in-accessible
01 : RAM belongs to Zone1.
10 : RAM belongs to Zone2.
11: RAM is un-secure and code running in both zone have full
access to it.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.13 DCSM_Z1_OTP Registers

Table 3-181 lists the DCSM_Z1_OTP registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-181
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-181. DCSM_Z1_OTP Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Zone 1 Link Pointer1 in Z1 OTP Go
4h Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Zone 1 Link Pointer2 in Z1 OTP Go
8h Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Zone 1 Link Pointer3 in Z1 OTP Go
10h Z1OTP_PSWDLOCK Secure Password Lock in Z1 OTP Go
14h Z1OTP_CRCLOCK Secure CRC Lock in Z1 OTP Go
1Eh Z1OTP_BOOTCTRL Boot Mode in Z1 OTP Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-182 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-182. DCSM_Z1_OTP Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 367

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER1 is shown in Figure 3-165 and described in Table 3-183.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 Link Pointer1 in Z1 OTP

Figure 3-165. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-183. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER1 R FFFFFFFFh Zone1 Link Pointer 1 location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

368 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Register (Offset = 4h) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER2 is shown in Figure 3-166 and described in Table 3-184.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 Link Pointer2 in Z1 OTP

Figure 3-166. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-184. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER2 R FFFFFFFFh Zone1 Link Pointer 2 location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 369

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER3 is shown in Figure 3-167 and described in Table 3-185.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 Link Pointer3 in Z1 OTP

Figure 3-167. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-185. Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z1OTP_LINKPOINTER3 R FFFFFFFFh Zone1 Link Pointer 3 location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

370 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers Z1OTP_PSWDLOCK Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z1OTP_PSWDLOCK is shown in Figure 3-168 and described in Table 3-186.
Return to the Summary Table.
Secure Password Lock in Z1 OTP

Figure 3-168. Z1OTP_PSWDLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-186. Z1OTP_PSWDLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z1OTP_PSWDLOCK R FFFFFFFFh Zone1 password lock location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 371

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com Z1OTP_CRCLOCK Register (Offset = 14h) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z1OTP_CRCLOCK is shown in Figure 3-169 and described in Table 3-187.
Return to the Summary Table.
Secure CRC Lock in Z1 OTP

Figure 3-169. Z1OTP_CRCLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-187. Z1OTP_CRCLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z1OTP_CRCLOCK R FFFFFFFFh Zone1 CRC lock location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

372 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers Z1OTP_BOOTCTRL Register (Offset = 1Eh) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z1OTP_BOOTCTRL is shown in Figure 3-170 and described in Table 3-188.
Return to the Summary Table.
Boot Mode in Z1 OTP

Figure 3-170. Z1OTP_BOOTCTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-188. Z1OTP_BOOTCTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z1OTP_BOOTCTRL R FFFFFFFFh Zone1 Boot control location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.14 DCSM_Z1_REGS Registers

Table 3-189 lists the DCSM_Z1_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-189
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-189. DCSM_Z1_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h Z1_LINKPOINTER Zone 1 Link Pointer Go
2h Z1_OTPSECLOCK Zone 1 OTP Secure JTAG lock Go
4h Z1_BOOTCTRL Boot Mode Go
6h Z1_LINKPOINTERERR Link Pointer Error Go
10h Z1_CSMKEY0 Zone 1 CSM Key 0 Go
12h Z1_CSMKEY1 Zone 1 CSM Key 1 Go
14h Z1_CSMKEY2 Zone 1 CSM Key 2 Go
16h Z1_CSMKEY3 Zone 1 CSM Key 3 Go
19h Z1_CR Zone 1 CSM Control Register Go
1Ah Z1_GRABSECTR Zone 1 Grab Flash Sectors Register Go
1Ch Z1_GRABRAMR Zone 1 Grab RAM Blocks Register Go
1Eh Z1_EXEONLYSECTR Zone 1 Flash Execute_Only Sector Register Go
20h Z1_EXEONLYRAMR Zone 1 RAM Execute_Only Block Register Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-190 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-190. DCSM_Z1_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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Z1_LINKPOINTER is shown in Figure 3-171 and described in Table 3-191.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 Link Pointer

Figure 3-171. Z1_LINKPOINTER Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-7h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-191. Z1_LINKPOINTER Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-29 RESERVED R 7h Reserved
28-0 LINKPOINTER R 0h This is resolved Link-Pointer value which is generated by looking at
the three physical Link-Pointer values loaded from OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Z1_OTPSECLOCK is shown in Figure 3-172 and described in Table 3-192.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 OTP Secure JTAG lock

Figure 3-172. Z1_OTPSECLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-Fh R-Fh

Table 3-192. Z1_OTPSECLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-12 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
11-8 CRCLOCK R Fh Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_CRCLOCK[3:0] when a read
is issued to address location of Z1_CRCLOCK in OTP.

1111 : VCU has ability to calculate CRC on secure memories.

Other Value : VCU doesn't have ability to calculate CRC on secure
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 PSWDLOCK R Fh Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_PSWDLOCK[3:0] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_PSWDLOCK in OTP.

1111 : CSM password locations in OTP are not protected and can
be read from debugger as well as code running from anywhere.
Other Value : CSM password locations in OTP are protected and
can't be read without unlocking CSM of that zone.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 RESERVED R Fh Reserved

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Z1_BOOTCTRL is shown in Figure 3-173 and described in Table 3-193.
Return to the Summary Table.
Boot Mode

Figure 3-173. Z1_BOOTCTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-193. Z1_BOOTCTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 BOOTPIN1 R 0h This field gets loaded with Z1_BOOTCTRL[31:24] when a dummy
read is issued to address location of Z1_BOOTCTRL in OTP.
This assigns the pin to be used as BOOTPIN1.
0 : Pick default bootmode pin.
1 : Pick GPIO0 as BOOTPIN1.
2 : Pick GPIO1 as BOOTPIN1.
n : Pick GPIOn-1 as BOOTPIN1.
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-16 BOOTPIN0 R 0h This field gets loaded with Z1_BOOTCTRL[23:16] when a dummy
read is issued to address location of Z1_BOOTCTRL in OTP.
This assigns the pin to be used as BOOTPIN1.
0 : Pick default bootmode pin.
1 : Pick GPIO0 as BOOTPIN1.
2 : Pick GPIO1 as BOOTPIN1.
n : Pick GPIOn-1 as BOOTPIN1.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-8 BMODE R 0h This field gets loaded with Z1_BOOTCTRL[15:8] when a dummy
read is issued to address location of Z1_BOOTCTRL in OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 KEY R 0h This field gets loaded with Z1_BOOTCTRL[7:0] when a dummy read
is issued to address location of Z1_BOOTCTRL in OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Z1_LINKPOINTERERR is shown in Figure 3-174 and described in Table 3-194.
Return to the Summary Table.
Link Pointer Error

Figure 3-174. Z1_LINKPOINTERERR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-194. Z1_LINKPOINTERERR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z1_LINKPOINTERERR R FFFFFFFFh These bits indicate errors during formation of the resolved Link-
Pointer value after the three physical Link-Pointer values loaded of
0 : No Error.
Other : Error on bit positions which is set to 1.
Reset type: SYSRSn

378 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Z1_CSMKEY0 is shown in Figure 3-175 and described in Table 3-195.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 CSM Key 0

Figure 3-175. Z1_CSMKEY0 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-195. Z1_CSMKEY0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z1_CSMKEY0 R 0h To unclock Zone1, user needs to write this regsiter with exact value
as Z1_CSMPSWD0, programmed in OTP (zone gets unlock only if
128 bit password in OTP match with value written in four CSMKEY
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Z1_CSMKEY1 is shown in Figure 3-176 and described in Table 3-196.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 CSM Key 1

Figure 3-176. Z1_CSMKEY1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-196. Z1_CSMKEY1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z1_CSMKEY1 R 0h To unclock Zone1, user needs to write this regsiter with exact value
as Z1_CSMPSWD1, programmed in OTP (zone gets unlock only if
128 bit password in OTP match with value written in four CSMKEY
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Z1_CSMKEY2 is shown in Figure 3-177 and described in Table 3-197.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 CSM Key 2

Figure 3-177. Z1_CSMKEY2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-197. Z1_CSMKEY2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z1_CSMKEY2 R 0h To unclock Zone1, user needs to write this regsiter with exact value
as Z1_CSMPSWD2, programmed in OTP (zone gets unlock only if
128 bit password in OTP match with value written in four CSMKEY
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Z1_CSMKEY3 is shown in Figure 3-178 and described in Table 3-198.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 CSM Key 3

Figure 3-178. Z1_CSMKEY3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-198. Z1_CSMKEY3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z1_CSMKEY3 R 0h To unclock Zone1, user needs to write this regsiter with exact value
as Z1_CSMPSWD3, programmed in OTP (zone gets unlock only if
128 bit password in OTP match with value written in four CSMKEY
Reset type: SYSRSn

382 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Z1_CR is shown in Figure 3-179 and described in Table 3-199.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 CSM Control Register

Figure 3-179. Z1_CR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0/W-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-1h R-0h

Table 3-199. Z1_CR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 FORCESEC R-0/W 0h A write '1' to this fields resets the state of zone. If zone is unlocked,
it'll lock(secure) the zone and also resets all the bits in this register.
Reset type: SYSRSn
14-8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
6 ARMED R 0h 0 : Dummy read to CSM Password locations in OTP hasn't been
1 : Dummy read to CSM Password locations in OTP has been
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 UNSECURE R 0h Indiacates the state of Zone.

0 : Zone is in lock(secure) state.

1 : Zone is in unlock(unsecure) state.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 ALLONE R 0h Indicates the state of CSM passowrds.

0 : CSM Passwords are not all ones.

1 : CSM Passwords are all ones and zone is in unlock state.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 ALLZERO R 1h Indicates the state of CSM passowrds.

0 : CSM Passwords are not all zeros.

1 : CSM Passwords are all zero and device is permanently locked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2-0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

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Z1_GRABSECTR is shown in Figure 3-180 and described in Table 3-200.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 Grab Flash Sectors Register

Figure 3-180. Z1_GRABSECTR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-200. Z1_GRABSECTR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
29-28 GRAB_BANK1 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[29:28] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash BANK1 is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash BANK1 to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash BANK1 to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash BANK1 Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
27-26 GRAB_SECTN R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[27:26] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector N is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector N to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector N to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector N Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GRAB_SECTM R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[25:24] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector M is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector M to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector M to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector M Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-200. Z1_GRABSECTR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 GRAB_SECTL R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[23:22] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector L is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector L to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector L to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector L Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GRAB_SECTK R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[21:20] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector K is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector K to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector K to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector K Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GRAB_SECTJ R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[19:18] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector J is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector J to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector J to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector J Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GRAB_SECTI R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[17:16] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector I is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector I to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector I to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector I Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GRAB_SECTH R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[15:14] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector H is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector H to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector H to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector H Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GRAB_SECTG R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[13:12] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector G is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector G to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector G to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector G Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GRAB_SECTF R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[11:10] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector F is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector F to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector F to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector F Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-200. Z1_GRABSECTR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
9-8 GRAB_SECTE R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[9:8] when a read
is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector E is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector E to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector E to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector E Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GRAB_SECTD R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[7:6] when a read
is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector D is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector D to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector D to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector D Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GRAB_SECTC R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[5:4] when a read
is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector C is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector C to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector C to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector C Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GRAB_SECTB R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[3:2] when a read
is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector B is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector B to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector B to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector B Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GRAB_SECTA R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABSECT[1:0] when a read
is issued to address location of Z1_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector A is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector A to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector A to Zone1.
11 : Request to make Flash sector A Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Z1_GRABRAMR is shown in Figure 3-181 and described in Table 3-201.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 Grab RAM Blocks Register

Figure 3-181. Z1_GRABRAMR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-201. Z1_GRABRAMR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
29-28 GRAB_CLA1 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABRAM[29:28] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. CLA1 is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate CLA1 to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate CLA1 to Zone1.
11 : Request to make CLA1 Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-14 GRAB_RAM7 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABRAM[15:14] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. D1 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate D1 RAM to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate D1 RAM to Zone1.
11 : Request to make D1 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GRAB_RAM6 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABRAM[13:12] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. D0 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate D0 RAM to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate D0 RAM to Zone1.
11 : Request to make D0 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-201. Z1_GRABRAMR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 GRAB_RAM5 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABRAM[11:10] when a
read is issued to address location of Z1_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS5 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS5 RAM to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate LS5 RAM to Zone1.
11 : Request to make LS5 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GRAB_RAM4 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABRAM[9:8] when a read
is issued to address location of Z1_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS4 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS4 RAM to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate LS4 RAM to Zone1.
11 : Request to make LS4 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GRAB_RAM3 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABRAM[7:6] when a read
is issued to address location of Z1_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS3 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS3 RAM to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate LS3 RAM to Zone1.
11 : Request to make LS3 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GRAB_RAM2 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABRAM[5:4] when a read
is issued to address location of Z1_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS2 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS2 RAM to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate LS2 RAM to Zone1.
11 : Request to make LS2 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GRAB_RAM1 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABRAM[3:2] when a read
is issued to address location of Z1_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS1 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS1 RAM to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate LS1 RAM to Zone1.
11 : Request to make LS1 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GRAB_RAM0 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_GRABRAM[1:0] when a read
is issued to address location of Z1_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS0 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS0 RAM to Zone1.
10 : Request to allocate LS0 RAM to Zone1.
11 : Request to make LS0 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn

388 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers Z1_EXEONLYSECTR Register (Offset = 1Eh) [reset = 0h]

Z1_EXEONLYSECTR is shown in Figure 3-182 and described in Table 3-202.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 Flash Execute_Only Sector Register

Figure 3-182. Z1_EXEONLYSECTR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-202. Z1_EXEONLYSECTR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
14 EXEONLY_BANK1 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[14:14] when
a read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash BANK1 (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash BANK1 (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
13 EXEONLY_SECTN R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[13:13] when
a read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector N (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector N (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 EXEONLY_SECTM R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[12:12] when
a read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector M (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector M (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-202. Z1_EXEONLYSECTR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11 EXEONLY_SECTL R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[11:11] when
a read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector L (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector L (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 EXEONLY_SECTK R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[10:10] when
a read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector K (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector K (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 EXEONLY_SECTJ R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[9:9] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector J (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector J (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 EXEONLY_SECTI R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[8:8] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector I (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector I (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 EXEONLY_SECTH R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[7:7] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector H (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector H (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 EXEONLY_SECTG R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[6:6] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector G (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector G (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 EXEONLY_SECTF R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[5:5] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector F (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector F (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-202. Z1_EXEONLYSECTR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
4 EXEONLY_SECTE R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[4:4] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector E (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector E (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 EXEONLY_SECTD R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[3:3] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector D (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector D (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 EXEONLY_SECTC R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[2:2] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector C (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector C (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 EXEONLY_SECTB R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[1:1] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector B (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector B (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 EXEONLY_SECTA R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYSECT[0:0] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector A (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector A (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com Z1_EXEONLYRAMR Register (Offset = 20h) [reset = 0h]

Z1_EXEONLYRAMR is shown in Figure 3-183 and described in Table 3-203.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 1 RAM Execute_Only Block Register

Figure 3-183. Z1_EXEONLYRAMR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
M7 M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 M0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-203. Z1_EXEONLYRAMR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7 EXEONLY_RAM7 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYRAM[7:7] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for D1 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for D1 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 EXEONLY_RAM6 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYRAM[6:6] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for D0 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for D0 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 EXEONLY_RAM5 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYRAM[5:5] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS5 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS5 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 EXEONLY_RAM4 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYRAM[4:4] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS4 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS4 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-203. Z1_EXEONLYRAMR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 EXEONLY_RAM3 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYRAM[3:3] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS3 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS3 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 EXEONLY_RAM2 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYRAM[2:2] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS2 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS2 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 EXEONLY_RAM1 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYRAM[1:1] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS1 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS1 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 EXEONLY_RAM0 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z1_EXEONLYRAM[0:0] when a
read is issued to Z1_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS0 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone1)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS0 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone1)
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.15 DCSM_Z2_OTP Registers

Table 3-204 lists the DCSM_Z2_OTP registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-204
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-204. DCSM_Z2_OTP Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Zone 2 Link Pointer1 in Z2 OTP Go
4h Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Zone 2 Link Pointer2 in Z2 OTP Go
8h Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Zone 2 Link Pointer3 in Z2 OTP Go
10h Z2OTP_PSWDLOCK Secure Password Lock in Z2 OTP Go
14h Z2OTP_CRCLOCK Secure CRC Lock in Z2 OTP Go
1Eh Z2OTP_BOOTCTRL Boot Mode in Z2 OTP Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-205 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-205. DCSM_Z2_OTP Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

394 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER1 is shown in Figure 3-184 and described in Table 3-206.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 Link Pointer1 in Z2 OTP

Figure 3-184. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-206. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER1 R FFFFFFFFh Zone2 Link Pointer 1 location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 395

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Register (Offset = 4h) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER2 is shown in Figure 3-185 and described in Table 3-207.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 Link Pointer2 in Z2 OTP

Figure 3-185. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-207. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER2 R FFFFFFFFh Zone2 Link Pointer 2 location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

396 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER3 is shown in Figure 3-186 and described in Table 3-208.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 Link Pointer3 in Z2 OTP

Figure 3-186. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-208. Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z2OTP_LINKPOINTER3 R FFFFFFFFh Zone2 Link Pointer 3 location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 397

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com Z2OTP_PSWDLOCK Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z2OTP_PSWDLOCK is shown in Figure 3-187 and described in Table 3-209.
Return to the Summary Table.
Secure Password Lock in Z2 OTP

Figure 3-187. Z2OTP_PSWDLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-209. Z2OTP_PSWDLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z2OTP_PSWDLOCK R FFFFFFFFh Zone2 password lock location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

398 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers Z2OTP_CRCLOCK Register (Offset = 14h) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z2OTP_CRCLOCK is shown in Figure 3-188 and described in Table 3-210.
Return to the Summary Table.
Secure CRC Lock in Z2 OTP

Figure 3-188. Z2OTP_CRCLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-210. Z2OTP_CRCLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z2OTP_CRCLOCK R FFFFFFFFh Zone2 CRC lock location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 399

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com Z2OTP_BOOTCTRL Register (Offset = 1Eh) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z2OTP_BOOTCTRL is shown in Figure 3-189 and described in Table 3-211.
Return to the Summary Table.
Boot Mode in Z2 OTP

Figure 3-189. Z2OTP_BOOTCTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-211. Z2OTP_BOOTCTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z2OTP_BOOTCTRL R FFFFFFFFh Zone2 Boot control location in USER OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.16 DCSM_Z2_REGS Registers

Table 3-212 lists the DCSM_Z2_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-212
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-212. DCSM_Z2_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h Z2_LINKPOINTER Zone 2 Link Pointer Go
2h Z2_OTPSECLOCK Zone 2 OTP Secure JTAG lock Go
4h Z2_BOOTCTRL Boot Mode Go
6h Z2_LINKPOINTERERR Link Pointer Error Go
10h Z2_CSMKEY0 Zone 2 CSM Key 0 Go
12h Z2_CSMKEY1 Zone 2 CSM Key 1 Go
14h Z2_CSMKEY2 Zone 2 CSM Key 2 Go
16h Z2_CSMKEY3 Zone 2 CSM Key 3 Go
19h Z2_CR Zone 2 CSM Control Register Go
1Ah Z2_GRABSECTR Zone 2 Grab Flash Sectors Register Go
1Ch Z2_GRABRAMR Zone 2 Grab RAM Blocks Register Go
1Eh Z2_EXEONLYSECTR Zone 2 Flash Execute_Only Sector Register Go
20h Z2_EXEONLYRAMR Zone 2 RAM Execute_Only Block Register Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-213 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-213. DCSM_Z2_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 401

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com Z2_LINKPOINTER Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = E0000000h]

Z2_LINKPOINTER is shown in Figure 3-190 and described in Table 3-214.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 Link Pointer

Figure 3-190. Z2_LINKPOINTER Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-7h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-214. Z2_LINKPOINTER Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-29 RESERVED R 7h Reserved
28-0 LINKPOINTER R 0h This is the Resolved Link-Pointer value which is generated by
looking at the three physical Link-Pointer values loaded from OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

402 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers Z2_OTPSECLOCK Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = FFFh]

Z2_OTPSECLOCK is shown in Figure 3-191 and described in Table 3-215.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 OTP Secure JTAG lock

Figure 3-191. Z2_OTPSECLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-Fh R-Fh

Table 3-215. Z2_OTPSECLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-12 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
11-8 CRCLOCK R Fh Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_CRCLOCK[3:0] when a read
is issued to address location of Z2_CRCLOCK in OTP.

1111 : VCU has ability to calculate CRC on secure memories.

Other Value : VCU doesn't have ability to calculate CRC on secure
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 PSWDLOCK R Fh Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_PSWDLOCK[3:0] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_PSWDLOCK in OTP.

1111 : CSM password locations in OTP are not protected and can
be read from debugger as well as code running from anywhere.
Other Value : CSM password locations in OTP are protected and
can't be read without unlocking CSM of that zone.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 RESERVED R Fh Reserved

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 403

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Z2_BOOTCTRL is shown in Figure 3-192 and described in Table 3-216.
Return to the Summary Table.
Boot Mode

Figure 3-192. Z2_BOOTCTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-216. Z2_BOOTCTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 BOOTPIN1 R 0h This field gets loaded with Z2_BOOTCTRL[31:24] when a dummy
read is issued to address location of Z2_BOOTCTRL in OTP.
This assigns the pin to be used as BOOTPIN1.
0 : Pick default bootmode pin.
1 : Pick GPIO0 as BOOTPIN1.
2 : Pick GPIO1 as BOOTPIN1.
n : Pick GPIOn-1 as BOOTPIN1.
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-16 BOOTPIN0 R 0h This field gets loaded with Z2_BOOTCTRL[23:16] when a dummy
read is issued to address location of Z2_BOOTCTRL in OTP.
This assigns the pin to be used as BOOTPIN1.
0 : Pick default bootmode pin.
1 : Pick GPIO0 as BOOTPIN1.
2 : Pick GPIO1 as BOOTPIN1.
n : Pick GPIOn-1 as BOOTPIN1.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-8 BMODE R 0h This field gets loaded with Z2_BOOTCTRL[15:8] when a dummy
read is issued to address location of Z2_BOOTCTRL in OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 KEY R 0h This field gets loaded with Z2_BOOTCTRL[7:0] when a dummy read
is issued to address location of Z2_BOOTCTRL in OTP.
Reset type: SYSRSn

404 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers Z2_LINKPOINTERERR Register (Offset = 6h) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

Z2_LINKPOINTERERR is shown in Figure 3-193 and described in Table 3-217.
Return to the Summary Table.
Link Pointer Error

Figure 3-193. Z2_LINKPOINTERERR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-217. Z2_LINKPOINTERERR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z2_LINKPOINTERERR R FFFFFFFFh These bits indicate errors during formation of the resolved Link-
Pointer value after the three physical Link-Pointer values loaded of
0 : No Error.
Other : Error on bit positions which is set to 1.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 405

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com Z2_CSMKEY0 Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = 0h]

Z2_CSMKEY0 is shown in Figure 3-194 and described in Table 3-218.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 CSM Key 0

Figure 3-194. Z2_CSMKEY0 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-218. Z2_CSMKEY0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z2_CSMKEY0 R 0h To unclock Zone2, user needs to write this regsiter with exact value
as Z2_CSMPSWD0, programmed in OTP (zone gets unlock only if
128 bit password in OTP match with value written in four CSMKEY
Reset type: SYSRSn

406 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers Z2_CSMKEY1 Register (Offset = 12h) [reset = 0h]

Z2_CSMKEY1 is shown in Figure 3-195 and described in Table 3-219.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 CSM Key 1

Figure 3-195. Z2_CSMKEY1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-219. Z2_CSMKEY1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z2_CSMKEY1 R 0h To unclock Zone2, user needs to write this regsiter with exact value
as Z2_CSMPSWD1, programmed in OTP (zone gets unlock only if
128 bit password in OTP match with value written in four CSMKEY
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 407

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com Z2_CSMKEY2 Register (Offset = 14h) [reset = 0h]

Z2_CSMKEY2 is shown in Figure 3-196 and described in Table 3-220.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 CSM Key 2

Figure 3-196. Z2_CSMKEY2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-220. Z2_CSMKEY2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z2_CSMKEY2 R 0h To unclock Zone2, user needs to write this regsiter with exact value
as Z2_CSMPSWD2, programmed in OTP (zone gets unlock only if
128 bit password in OTP match with value written in four CSMKEY
Reset type: SYSRSn

408 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers Z2_CSMKEY3 Register (Offset = 16h) [reset = 0h]

Z2_CSMKEY3 is shown in Figure 3-197 and described in Table 3-221.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 CSM Key 3

Figure 3-197. Z2_CSMKEY3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-221. Z2_CSMKEY3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Z2_CSMKEY3 R 0h To unclock Zone2, user needs to write this regsiter with exact value
as Z2_CSMPSWD3, programmed in OTP (zone gets unlock only if
128 bit password in OTP match with value written in four CSMKEY
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 409

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com Z2_CR Register (Offset = 19h) [reset = 8h]

Z2_CR is shown in Figure 3-198 and described in Table 3-222.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 CSM Control Register

Figure 3-198. Z2_CR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0/W-0h R-0-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-1h R-0h

Table 3-222. Z2_CR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 FORCESEC R-0/W 0h A write '1' to this fields resets the state of zone. If zone is unlocked,
it'll lock(secure) the zone and also resets all the bits in this register.
Reset type: SYSRSn
14-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
6 ARMED R 0h 0 : Dummy read to CSM Password locations in OTP hasn't been
1 : Dummy read to CSM Password locations in OTP has been
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 UNSECURE R 0h Indiacates the state of Zone.

0 : Zone is in lock(secure) state.

1 : Zone is in unlock(unsecure) state.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 ALLONE R 0h Indicates the state of CSM passowrds.

0 : CSM Passwords are not all ones.

1 : CSM Passwords are all ones and zone is in unlock state.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 ALLZERO R 1h Indicates the state of CSM passowrds.

0 : CSM Passwords are not all zeros.

1 : CSM Passwords are all zero and device is permanently locked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2-0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

410 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Z2_GRABSECTR is shown in Figure 3-199 and described in Table 3-223.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 Grab Flash Sectors Register

Figure 3-199. Z2_GRABSECTR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-223. Z2_GRABSECTR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
29-28 GRAB_BANK1 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[29:28] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash BANK1 J is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash BANK1 to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash BANK1 to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector BANK1 Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
27-26 GRAB_SECTN R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[27:26] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector N is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector N to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector N to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector N Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GRAB_SECTM R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[25:24] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector M is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector M to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector M to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector M Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-223. Z2_GRABSECTR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 GRAB_SECTL R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[23:22] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector L is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector L to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector L to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector L Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GRAB_SECTK R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[21:20] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector K is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector K to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector K to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector K Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GRAB_SECTJ R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[19:18] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector J is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector J to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector J to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector J Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GRAB_SECTI R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[17:16] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector I is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector I to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector I to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector I Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GRAB_SECTH R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[15:14] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector H is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector H to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector H to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector H Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GRAB_SECTG R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[13:12] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector G is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector G to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector G to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector G Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GRAB_SECTF R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[11:10] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector F is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector F to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector F to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector F Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-223. Z2_GRABSECTR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
9-8 GRAB_SECTE R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[9:8] when a read
is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector E is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector E to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector E to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector E Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GRAB_SECTD R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[7:6] when a read
is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector D is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector D to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector D to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector D Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GRAB_SECTC R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[5:4] when a read
is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector C is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector C to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector C to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector C Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GRAB_SECTB R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[3:2] when a read
is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector B is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector B to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector B to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector B Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GRAB_SECTA R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABSECT[1:0] when a read
is issued to address location of Z2_GRABSECT in OTP.

00 : Invalid. Flash Sector A is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate Flash Sector A to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate Flash Sector A to Zone2.
11 : Request to make Flash sector A Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Z2_GRABRAMR is shown in Figure 3-200 and described in Table 3-224.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 Grab RAM Blocks Register

Figure 3-200. Z2_GRABRAMR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-224. Z2_GRABRAMR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
29-28 GRAB_CLA1 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABRAM[29:28] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. CLA1 is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate CLA1 to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate CLA1 to Zone2.
11 : Request to make CLA1 Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-14 GRAB_RAM7 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABRAM[15:14] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. D1 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate D1 RAM to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate D1 RAM to Zone2.
11 : Request to make D1 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GRAB_RAM6 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABRAM[13:12] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. D0 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate D0 RAM to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate D0 RAM to Zone2.
11 : Request to make D0 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-224. Z2_GRABRAMR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 GRAB_RAM5 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABRAM[11:10] when a
read is issued to address location of Z2_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS5 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS5 RAM to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate LS5 RAM to Zone2.
11 : Request to make LS5 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GRAB_RAM4 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABRAM[9:8] when a read
is issued to address location of Z2_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS4 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS4 RAM to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate LS4 RAM to Zone2.
11 : Request to make LS4 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GRAB_RAM3 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABRAM[7:6] when a read
is issued to address location of Z2_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS3 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS3 RAM to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate LS3 RAM to Zone2.
11 : Request to make LS3 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GRAB_RAM2 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABRAM[5:4] when a read
is issued to address location of Z2_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS2 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS2 RAM to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate LS2 RAM to Zone2.
11 : Request to make LS2 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GRAB_RAM1 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABRAM[3:2] when a read
is issued to address location of Z2_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS1 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS1 RAM to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate LS1 RAM to Zone2.
11 : Request to make LS1 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GRAB_RAM0 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_GRABRAM[1:0] when a read
is issued to address location of Z2_GRABRAM in OTP.

00 : Invalid. LS0 RAM is inaccessible.

01 : Request to allocate LS0 RAM to Zone2.
10 : Request to allocate LS0 RAM to Zone2.
11 : Request to make LS0 RAM Non-Secure.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Z2_EXEONLYSECTR is shown in Figure 3-201 and described in Table 3-225.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 Flash Execute_Only Sector Register

Figure 3-201. Z2_EXEONLYSECTR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-225. Z2_EXEONLYSECTR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
14 EXEONLY_BANK1 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[14:14] when
a read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash BANK1 (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash BANK1 (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
13 EXEONLY_SECTN R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[13:13] when
a read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector N (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector N (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 EXEONLY_SECTM R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[12:12] when
a read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector M (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector M (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-225. Z2_EXEONLYSECTR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11 EXEONLY_SECTL R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[11:11] when
a read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector L (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector L (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 EXEONLY_SECTK R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[10:10] when
a read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector K (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector K (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 EXEONLY_SECTJ R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[9:9] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector J (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector J (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 EXEONLY_SECTI R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[8:8] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector I (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector I (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 EXEONLY_SECTH R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[7:7] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector H (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector H (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 EXEONLY_SECTG R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[6:6] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector G (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector G (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 EXEONLY_SECTF R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[5:5] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector F (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector F (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-225. Z2_EXEONLYSECTR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
4 EXEONLY_SECTE R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[4:4] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector E (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector E (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 EXEONLY_SECTD R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[3:3] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector D (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector D (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 EXEONLY_SECTC R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[2:2] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector C (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector C (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 EXEONLY_SECTB R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[1:1] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector B (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector B (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 EXEONLY_SECTA R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYSECT[0:0] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYSECT address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for Flash Sector A (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for Flash Sector A (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn

418 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Z2_EXEONLYRAMR is shown in Figure 3-202 and described in Table 3-226.
Return to the Summary Table.
Zone 2 RAM Execute_Only Block Register

Figure 3-202. Z2_EXEONLYRAMR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
M7 M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 M0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-226. Z2_EXEONLYRAMR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 EXEONLY_RAM7 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYRAM[7:7] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for D1 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for D1 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 EXEONLY_RAM6 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYRAM[6:6] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for D0 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for D0 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 EXEONLY_RAM5 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYRAM[5:5] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS5 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS5 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 EXEONLY_RAM4 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYRAM[4:4] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS4 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS4 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-226. Z2_EXEONLYRAMR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 EXEONLY_RAM3 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYRAM[3:3] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS3 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS3 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 EXEONLY_RAM2 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYRAM[2:2] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS2 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS2 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 EXEONLY_RAM1 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYRAM[1:1] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS1 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS1 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 EXEONLY_RAM0 R 0h Value in this field gets loaded from Z2_EXEONLYRAM[0:0] when a
read is issued to Z2_EXEONLYRAM address location in OTP.

0 : Execute-Only protection is enabled for LS0 RAM (only if it's

allocated to Zone2)
1 : Execute-Only protection is disabled for LS0 RAM (only if it's
allocated to Zone2)
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.17 MEM_CFG_REGS Registers

Table 3-227 lists the MEM_CFG_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-227
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-227. MEM_CFG_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h DxLOCK Dedicated RAM Config Lock Register EALLOW Go
2h DxCOMMIT Dedicated RAM Config Lock Commit Register EALLOW Go
8h DxACCPROT0 Dedicated RAM Config Register EALLOW Go
10h DxTEST Dedicated RAM TEST Register EALLOW Go
12h DxINIT Dedicated RAM Init Register EALLOW Go
14h DxINITDONE Dedicated RAM InitDone Status Register Go
20h LSxLOCK Local Shared RAM Config Lock Register EALLOW Go
22h LSxCOMMIT Local Shared RAM Config Lock Commit Register EALLOW Go
24h LSxMSEL Local Shared RAM Master Sel Register EALLOW Go
26h LSxCLAPGM Local Shared RAM Prog/Exe control Register EALLOW Go
28h LSxACCPROT0 Local Shared RAM Config Register 0 EALLOW Go
2Ah LSxACCPROT1 Local Shared RAM Config Register 1 EALLOW Go
30h LSxTEST Local Shared RAM TEST Register EALLOW Go
32h LSxINIT Local Shared RAM Init Register EALLOW Go
34h LSxINITDONE Local Shared RAM InitDone Status Register Go
40h GSxLOCK Global Shared RAM Config Lock Register EALLOW Go
42h GSxCOMMIT Global Shared RAM Config Lock Commit EALLOW Go
48h GSxACCPROT0 Global Shared RAM Config Register 0 EALLOW Go
4Ah GSxACCPROT1 Global Shared RAM Config Register 1 EALLOW Go
4Ch GSxACCPROT2 Global Shared RAM Config Register 2 EALLOW Go
4Eh GSxACCPROT3 Global Shared RAM Config Register 3 EALLOW Go
50h GSxTEST Global Shared RAM TEST Register EALLOW Go
52h GSxINIT Global Shared RAM Init Register EALLOW Go
54h GSxINITDONE Global Shared RAM InitDone Status Register Go
70h MSGxTEST Message RAM TEST Register EALLOW Go
72h MSGxINIT Message RAM Init Register EALLOW Go
74h MSGxINITDONE Message RAM InitDone Status Register Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-228 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-228. MEM_CFG_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
WSonce W Write
Sonce Set once
Reset or Default Value

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Table 3-228. MEM_CFG_REGS Access Type

Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

422 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DxLOCK Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = 0h]

DxLOCK is shown in Figure 3-203 and described in Table 3-229.
Return to the Summary Table.
Dedicated RAM Config Lock Register

Figure 3-203. DxLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R-0h

Table 3-229. DxLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 LOCK_D1 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for D1
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 LOCK_D0 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for D0
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 423

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com DxCOMMIT Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = 0h]

DxCOMMIT is shown in Figure 3-204 and described in Table 3-230.
Return to the Summary Table.
Dedicated RAM Config Lock Commit Register

Figure 3-204. DxCOMMIT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R-0h

Table 3-230. DxCOMMIT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 COMMIT_D1 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for D1 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in DxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 COMMIT_D0 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for D0 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in DxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

424 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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DxACCPROT0 is shown in Figure 3-205 and described in Table 3-231.
Return to the Summary Table.
Dedicated RAM Config Register

Figure 3-205. DxACCPROT0 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
D1 D1
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
D0 D0
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-231. DxACCPROT0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-26 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
25 CPUWRPROT_D1 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For D1 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 FETCHPROT_D1 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For D1 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-18 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
17 CPUWRPROT_D0 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For D0 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are block.
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 FETCHPROT_D0 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For D0 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 425

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com DxTEST Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = 0h]

DxTEST is shown in Figure 3-206 and described in Table 3-232.
Return to the Summary Table.
Dedicated RAM TEST Register

Figure 3-206. DxTEST Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-232. DxTEST Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7-6 TEST_D1 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for D1 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to ECC bits.
10: Writes are allowed to ECC bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 TEST_D0 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for D0 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to ECC bits.
10: Writes are allowed to ECC bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 TEST_M1 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for M1 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to ECC bits.
10: Writes are allowed to ECC bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 TEST_M0 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for M0 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to ECC bits.
10: Writes are allowed to ECC bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn

426 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers DxINIT Register (Offset = 12h) [reset = 0h]

DxINIT is shown in Figure 3-207 and described in Table 3-233.
Return to the Summary Table.
Dedicated RAM Init Register

Figure 3-207. DxINIT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-233. DxINIT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 INIT_D1 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for D1 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INIT_D0 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for D0 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INIT_M1 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for M1 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INIT_M0 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for M0 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 427

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DxINITDONE is shown in Figure 3-208 and described in Table 3-234.
Return to the Summary Table.
Dedicated RAM InitDone Status Register

Figure 3-208. DxINITDONE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-234. DxINITDONE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 INITDONE_D1 R 0h RAM Initialization status for D1 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INITDONE_D0 R 0h RAM Initialization status for D0 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INITDONE_M1 R 0h RAM Initialization status for M1 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INITDONE_M0 R 0h RAM Initialization status for M0 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn

428 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers LSxLOCK Register (Offset = 20h) [reset = 0h]

LSxLOCK is shown in Figure 3-209 and described in Table 3-235.
Return to the Summary Table.
Local Shared RAM Config Lock Register

Figure 3-209. LSxLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-235. LSxLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
5 LOCK_LS5 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for LS5
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 LOCK_LS4 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for LS4
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 LOCK_LS3 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for LS3
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 LOCK_LS2 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for LS2
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 LOCK_LS1 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for LS1
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-235. LSxLOCK Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
0 LOCK_LS0 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for LS0
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

430 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers LSxCOMMIT Register (Offset = 22h) [reset = 0h]

LSxCOMMIT is shown in Figure 3-210 and described in Table 3-236.
Return to the Summary Table.
Local Shared RAM Config Lock Commit Register

Figure 3-210. LSxCOMMIT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h

Table 3-236. LSxCOMMIT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
5 COMMIT_LS5 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for LS5 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in LSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 COMMIT_LS4 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for LS4 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in LSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 COMMIT_LS3 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for LS3 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in LSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 COMMIT_LS2 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for LS2 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in LSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-236. LSxCOMMIT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 COMMIT_LS1 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for LS1 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in LSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 COMMIT_LS0 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for LS0 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in LSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

432 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers LSxMSEL Register (Offset = 24h) [reset = 0h]

LSxMSEL is shown in Figure 3-211 and described in Table 3-237.
Return to the Summary Table.
Local Shared RAM Master Sel Register

Figure 3-211. LSxMSEL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-237. LSxMSEL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-12 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
11-10 MSEL_LS5 R/W 0h Master Select for LS5 RAM:
00: Memory is dedicated to CPU.
01: Memory is shared between CPU and CLA1.
10: Reserved.
11: Reserved.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 MSEL_LS4 R/W 0h Master Select for LS4 RAM:
00: Memory is dedicated to CPU.
01: Memory is shared between CPU and CLA1.
10: Reserved.
11: Reserved.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 MSEL_LS3 R/W 0h Master Select for LS3 RAM:
00: Memory is dedicated to CPU.
01: Memory is shared between CPU and CLA1.
10: Reserved.
11: Reserved.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 MSEL_LS2 R/W 0h Master Select for LS2 RAM:
00: Memory is dedicated to CPU.
01: Memory is shared between CPU and CLA1.
10: Reserved.
11: Reserved.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-237. LSxMSEL Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3-2 MSEL_LS1 R/W 0h Master Select for LS1 RAM:
00: Memory is dedicated to CPU.
01: Memory is shared between CPU and CLA1.
10: Reserved.
11: Reserved.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 MSEL_LS0 R/W 0h Master Select for LS0 RAM:
00: Memory is dedicated to CPU.
01: Memory is shared between CPU and CLA1.
10: Reserved.
11: Reserved.
Reset type: SYSRSn

434 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers LSxCLAPGM Register (Offset = 26h) [reset = 0h]

LSxCLAPGM is shown in Figure 3-212 and described in Table 3-238.
Return to the Summary Table.
Local Shared RAM Prog/Exe control Register

Figure 3-212. LSxCLAPGM Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-238. LSxCLAPGM Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
5 CLAPGM_LS5 R/W 0h Selects LS5 RAM as program vs data memory for CLA:
0: CLA Data memory.
1: CLA Program memory.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 CLAPGM_LS4 R/W 0h Selects LS4 RAM as program vs data memory for CLA:
0: CLA Data memory.
1: CLA Program memory.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 CLAPGM_LS3 R/W 0h Selects LS3 RAM as program vs data memory for CLA:
0: CLA Data memory.
1: CLA Program memory.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 CLAPGM_LS2 R/W 0h Selects LS2 RAM as program vs data memory for CLA:
0: CLA Data memory.
1: CLA Program memory.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CLAPGM_LS1 R/W 0h Selects LS1 RAM as program vs data memory for CLA:
0: CLA Data memory.
1: CLA Program memory.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CLAPGM_LS0 R/W 0h Selects LS0 RAM as program vs data memory for CLA:
0: CLA Data memory.
1: CLA Program memory.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 435

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com LSxACCPROT0 Register (Offset = 28h) [reset = 0h]

LSxACCPROT0 is shown in Figure 3-213 and described in Table 3-239.
Return to the Summary Table.
Local Shared RAM Config Register 0

Figure 3-213. LSxACCPROT0 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-239. LSxACCPROT0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-26 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
25 CPUWRPROT_LS3 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For LS3 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 FETCHPROT_LS3 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For LS3 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-18 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
17 CPUWRPROT_LS2 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For LS2 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 FETCHPROT_LS2 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For LS2 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-10 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
9 CPUWRPROT_LS1 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For LS1 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-239. LSxACCPROT0 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
8 FETCHPROT_LS1 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For LS1 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1 CPUWRPROT_LS0 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For LS0 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 FETCHPROT_LS0 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For LS0 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 437

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com LSxACCPROT1 Register (Offset = 2Ah) [reset = 0h]

LSxACCPROT1 is shown in Figure 3-214 and described in Table 3-240.
Return to the Summary Table.
Local Shared RAM Config Register 1

Figure 3-214. LSxACCPROT1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-240. LSxACCPROT1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-10 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
9 CPUWRPROT_LS5 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For LS5 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 FETCHPROT_LS5 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For LS5 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1 CPUWRPROT_LS4 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For LS4 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 FETCHPROT_LS4 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For LS4 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

438 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers LSxTEST Register (Offset = 30h) [reset = 0h]

LSxTEST is shown in Figure 3-215 and described in Table 3-241.
Return to the Summary Table.
Local Shared RAM TEST Register

Figure 3-215. LSxTEST Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-241. LSxTEST Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-12 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
11-10 TEST_LS5 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for LS5 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 TEST_LS4 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for LS4 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 TEST_LS3 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for LS3 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 TEST_LS2 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for LS2 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-241. LSxTEST Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3-2 TEST_LS1 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for LS1 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 TEST_LS0 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for LS0 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn

440 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers LSxINIT Register (Offset = 32h) [reset = 0h]

LSxINIT is shown in Figure 3-216 and described in Table 3-242.
Return to the Summary Table.
Local Shared RAM Init Register

Figure 3-216. LSxINIT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-242. LSxINIT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
5 INIT_LS5 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for LS5 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INIT_LS4 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for LS4 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INIT_LS3 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for LS3 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INIT_LS2 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for LS2 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INIT_LS1 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for LS1 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INIT_LS0 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for LS0 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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LSxINITDONE is shown in Figure 3-217 and described in Table 3-243.
Return to the Summary Table.
Local Shared RAM InitDone Status Register

Figure 3-217. LSxINITDONE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-243. LSxINITDONE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
5 INITDONE_LS5 R 0h RAM Initialization status for LS5 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INITDONE_LS4 R 0h RAM Initialization status for LS4 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INITDONE_LS3 R 0h RAM Initialization status for LS3 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INITDONE_LS2 R 0h RAM Initialization status for LS2 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INITDONE_LS1 R 0h RAM Initialization status for LS1 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INITDONE_LS0 R 0h RAM Initialization status for LS0 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn

442 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers GSxLOCK Register (Offset = 40h) [reset = 0h]

GSxLOCK is shown in Figure 3-218 and described in Table 3-244.
Return to the Summary Table.
Global Shared RAM Config Lock Register

Figure 3-218. GSxLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-244. GSxLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15 LOCK_GS15 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 LOCK_GS14 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 LOCK_GS13 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 LOCK_GS12 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 LOCK_GS11 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-244. GSxLOCK Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
10 LOCK_GS10 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 LOCK_GS9 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for GS9
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 LOCK_GS8 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for GS8
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 LOCK_GS7 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for GS7
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 LOCK_GS6 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for GS6
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 LOCK_GS5 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for GS5
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 LOCK_GS4 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for GS4
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 LOCK_GS3 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for GS3
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 LOCK_GS2 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for GS2
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 LOCK_GS1 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for GS1
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-244. GSxLOCK Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
0 LOCK_GS0 R/W 0h Locks the write to access protection and master select fields for GS0
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GSxCOMMIT is shown in Figure 3-219 and described in Table 3-245.
Return to the Summary Table.
Global Shared RAM Config Lock Commit Register

Figure 3-219. GSxCOMMIT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
5 4 3 2 1 0
R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h

Table 3-245. GSxCOMMIT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15 COMMIT_GS15 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS15 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 COMMIT_GS14 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS14 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 COMMIT_GS13 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS13 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 COMMIT_GS12 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS12 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 COMMIT_GS11 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS11 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-245. GSxCOMMIT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
10 COMMIT_GS10 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS10 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 COMMIT_GS9 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS9 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 COMMIT_GS8 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS2 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 COMMIT_GS7 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS7 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 COMMIT_GS6 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS6 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 COMMIT_GS5 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS5 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 COMMIT_GS4 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS4 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 COMMIT_GS3 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS3 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 COMMIT_GS2 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS2 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-245. GSxCOMMIT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 COMMIT_GS1 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS1 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 COMMIT_GS0 R/WSonce 0h Permanently Locks the write to access protection and master select
fields for GS0 RAM:
0: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are allowed based on value
of lock field in GSxLOCK register.
1: Write to ACCPROT and Mselect fields are permanently blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

448 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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GSxACCPROT0 is shown in Figure 3-220 and described in Table 3-246.
Return to the Summary Table.
Global Shared RAM Config Register 0

Figure 3-220. GSxACCPROT0 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
_GS3 GS3 GS3
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
_GS2 GS2 GS2
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
_GS1 GS1 GS1
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
_GS0 GS0 GS0
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-246. GSxACCPROT0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-27 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
26 DMAWRPROT_GS3 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS3 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 CPUWRPROT_GS3 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS3 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 FETCHPROT_GS3 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS3 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-19 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
18 DMAWRPROT_GS2 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS2 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 CPUWRPROT_GS2 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS2 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-246. GSxACCPROT0 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
16 FETCHPROT_GS2 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS2 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-11 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
10 DMAWRPROT_GS1 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS1 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 CPUWRPROT_GS1 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS1 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 FETCHPROT_GS1 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS1 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 DMAWRPROT_GS0 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS0 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CPUWRPROT_GS0 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS0 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 FETCHPROT_GS0 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS0 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GSxACCPROT1 is shown in Figure 3-221 and described in Table 3-247.
Return to the Summary Table.
Global Shared RAM Config Register 1

Figure 3-221. GSxACCPROT1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
_GS7 GS7 GS7
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
_GS6 GS6 GS6
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
_GS5 GS5 GS5
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
_GS4 GS4 GS4
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-247. GSxACCPROT1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-27 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
26 DMAWRPROT_GS7 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS7 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 CPUWRPROT_GS7 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS7 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 FETCHPROT_GS7 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS7 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-19 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
18 DMAWRPROT_GS6 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS6 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 CPUWRPROT_GS6 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS6 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-247. GSxACCPROT1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
16 FETCHPROT_GS6 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS6 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-11 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
10 DMAWRPROT_GS5 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS5 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 CPUWRPROT_GS5 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS5 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 FETCHPROT_GS5 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS5 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 DMAWRPROT_GS4 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS4 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CPUWRPROT_GS4 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS4 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 FETCHPROT_GS4 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS4 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GSxACCPROT2 is shown in Figure 3-222 and described in Table 3-248.
Return to the Summary Table.
Global Shared RAM Config Register 2

Figure 3-222. GSxACCPROT2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
_GS11 GS11 GS11
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
_GS10 GS10 GS10
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
_GS9 GS9 GS9
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
_GS8 GS8 GS8
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-248. GSxACCPROT2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-27 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
26 DMAWRPROT_GS11 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS11 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 CPUWRPROT_GS11 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS11 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 FETCHPROT_GS11 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS11 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-19 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
18 DMAWRPROT_GS10 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS10 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 CPUWRPROT_GS10 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS10 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-248. GSxACCPROT2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
16 FETCHPROT_GS10 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS10 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-11 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
10 DMAWRPROT_GS9 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS9 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 CPUWRPROT_GS9 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS9 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 FETCHPROT_GS9 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS9 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 DMAWRPROT_GS8 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS8 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CPUWRPROT_GS8 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS8 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 FETCHPROT_GS8 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS8 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GSxACCPROT3 is shown in Figure 3-223 and described in Table 3-249.
Return to the Summary Table.
Global Shared RAM Config Register 3

Figure 3-223. GSxACCPROT3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
_GS15 GS15 GS15
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
_GS14 GS14 GS14
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
_GS13 GS13 GS13
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
_GS12 GS12 GS12
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-249. GSxACCPROT3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-27 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
26 DMAWRPROT_GS15 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS15 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 CPUWRPROT_GS15 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS15 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 FETCHPROT_GS15 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS15 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-19 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
18 DMAWRPROT_GS14 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS14 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 CPUWRPROT_GS14 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS14 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-249. GSxACCPROT3 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
16 FETCHPROT_GS14 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS14 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-11 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
10 DMAWRPROT_GS13 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS13 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 CPUWRPROT_GS13 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS13 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 FETCHPROT_GS13 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS13 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 DMAWRPROT_GS12 R/W 0h DMA WR Protection For GS12 RAM:
0: DMA Writes are allowed.
1: DMA Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CPUWRPROT_GS12 R/W 0h CPU WR Protection For GS12 RAM:
0: CPU Writes are allowed.
1: CPU Writes are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 FETCHPROT_GS12 R/W 0h Fetch Protection For GS12 RAM:
0: CPU Fetch are allowed.
1: CPU Fetch are blocked.
Reset type: SYSRSn

456 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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GSxTEST is shown in Figure 3-224 and described in Table 3-250.
Return to the Summary Table.
Global Shared RAM TEST Register

Figure 3-224. GSxTEST Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-250. GSxTEST Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 TEST_GS15 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS15 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 TEST_GS14 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS14 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 TEST_GS13 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS13 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 TEST_GS12 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS12 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-250. GSxTEST Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 TEST_GS11 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS11 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 TEST_GS10 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS10 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 TEST_GS9 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS9 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 TEST_GS8 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS8 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 TEST_GS7 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS7 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 TEST_GS6 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS6 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 TEST_GS5 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS5 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 TEST_GS4 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS4 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-250. GSxTEST Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 TEST_GS3 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS3 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 TEST_GS2 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS2 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 TEST_GS1 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS1 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 TEST_GS0 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for GS0 RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GSxINIT is shown in Figure 3-225 and described in Table 3-251.
Return to the Summary Table.
Global Shared RAM Init Register

Figure 3-225. GSxINIT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-251. GSxINIT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15 INIT_GS15 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS15 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INIT_GS14 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS14 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INIT_GS13 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS13 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INIT_GS12 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS12 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INIT_GS11 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS11 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INIT_GS10 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS10 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-251. GSxINIT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
9 INIT_GS9 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS9 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INIT_GS8 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS8 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INIT_GS7 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS7 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INIT_GS6 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS6 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INIT_GS5 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS5 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INIT_GS4 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS4 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INIT_GS3 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS3 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INIT_GS2 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS2 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INIT_GS1 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS1 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INIT_GS0 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for GS0 RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 461

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GSxINITDONE is shown in Figure 3-226 and described in Table 3-252.
Return to the Summary Table.
Global Shared RAM InitDone Status Register

Figure 3-226. GSxINITDONE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-252. GSxINITDONE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15 INITDONE_GS15 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS15 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 INITDONE_GS14 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS14 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 INITDONE_GS13 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS13 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 INITDONE_GS12 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS12 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 INITDONE_GS11 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS11 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 INITDONE_GS10 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS10 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-252. GSxINITDONE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
9 INITDONE_GS9 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS9 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 INITDONE_GS8 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS8 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 INITDONE_GS7 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS7 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 INITDONE_GS6 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS6 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 INITDONE_GS5 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS5 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 INITDONE_GS4 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS4 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 INITDONE_GS3 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS3 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 INITDONE_GS2 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS2 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INITDONE_GS1 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS1 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INITDONE_GS0 R 0h RAM Initialization status for GS0 RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 463

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com MSGxTEST Register (Offset = 70h) [reset = 0h]

MSGxTEST is shown in Figure 3-227 and described in Table 3-253.
Return to the Summary Table.
Message RAM TEST Register

Figure 3-227. MSGxTEST Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-253. MSGxTEST Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-10 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
9-8 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
7-6 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
5-4 TEST_CLA1TOCPU R/W 0h Selects the different modes for CLA1TOCPU MSG RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 TEST_CPUTOCLA1 R/W 0h Selects the different modes for CPUTOCLA1 MSG RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 TEST_CPUTOCPU R/W 0h Selects the different modes for CPUTOCPU MSG RAM:
00: Functional Mode.
01: Writes are allowed to data bits only. No write to parity bits.
10: Writes are allowed to parity bits only. No write to data bits.
11: Functional Mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn

464 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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MSGxINIT is shown in Figure 3-228 and described in Table 3-254.
Return to the Summary Table.
Message RAM Init Register

Figure 3-228. MSGxINIT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-254. MSGxINIT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-5 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
4 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
2 INIT_CLA1TOCPU R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for CLA1TOCPU MSG RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INIT_CPUTOCLA1 R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for CPUTOCLA1 MSG RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INIT_CPUTOCPU R-0/W1S 0h RAM Initialization control for CPUTOCPU MSG RAM:
0: None.
1: Start RAM Initialization.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 465

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com MSGxINITDONE Register (Offset = 74h) [reset = 0h]

MSGxINITDONE is shown in Figure 3-229 and described in Table 3-255.
Return to the Summary Table.
Message RAM InitDone Status Register

Figure 3-229. MSGxINITDONE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-255. MSGxINITDONE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-5 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 INITDONE_CLA1TOCPU R 0h RAM Initialization status for CLA1TOCPU MSG RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 INITDONE_CPUTOCLA1 R 0h RAM Initialization status for CPUTOCLA1 MSG RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 INITDONE_CPUTOCPU R 0h RAM Initialization status for CPUTOCPU MSG RAM:
0: RAM Initialization is not done.
1: RAM Initialization is done.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-256 lists the ACCESS_PROTECTION_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in
Table 3-256 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-256. ACCESS_PROTECTION_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h NMAVFLG Non-Master Access Violation Flag Register Go
2h NMAVSET Non-Master Access Violation Flag Set Register EALLOW Go
4h NMAVCLR Non-Master Access Violation Flag Clear Register EALLOW Go
6h NMAVINTEN Non-Master Access Violation Interrupt Enable EALLOW Go
8h NMCPURDAVADDR Non-Master CPU Read Access Violation Go
Ah NMCPUWRAVADDR Non-Master CPU Write Access Violation Address Go
Ch NMCPUFAVADDR Non-Master CPU Fetch Access Violation Go
Eh NMDMAWRAVADDR Non-Master DMA Write Access Violation Go
10h NMCLA1RDAVADDR Non-Master CLA1 Read Access Violation Go
12h NMCLA1WRAVADDR Non-Master CLA1 Write Access Violation Go
14h NMCLA1FAVADDR Non-Master CLA1 Fetch Access Violation Go
20h MAVFLG Master Access Violation Flag Register Go
22h MAVSET Master Access Violation Flag Set Register EALLOW Go
24h MAVCLR Master Access Violation Flag Clear Register EALLOW Go
26h MAVINTEN Master Access Violation Interrupt Enable EALLOW Go
28h MCPUFAVADDR Master CPU Fetch Access Violation Address Go
2Ah MCPUWRAVADDR Master CPU Write Access Violation Address Go
2Ch MDMAWRAVADDR Master DMA Write Access Violation Address Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-257 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.


Type Codes
Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables

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Type Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

468 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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NMAVFLG is shown in Figure 3-230 and described in Table 3-258.
Return to the Summary Table.
Non-Master Access Violation Flag Register

Figure 3-230. NMAVFLG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-258. NMAVFLG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-10 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
6 CLA1FETCH R 0h Non Master CLA1 Fetch Access Violation Flag:
0: No violation.
1: Access violation occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 CLA1WRITE R 0h Non Master CLA1 Write Access Violation Flag:
0: No violation.
1: Access violation occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 CLA1READ R 0h Non Master CLA1 Read Access Violation Flag:
0: No violation.
1: Access violation occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 DMAWRITE R 0h Non Master DMA Write Access Violation Flag:
0: No violation.
1: Access violation occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 CPUFETCH R 0h Non Master CPU Fetch Access Violation Flag:
0: No violation.
1: Access violation occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-258. NMAVFLG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 CPUWRITE R 0h Non Master CPU Write Access Violation Flag:
0: No violation.
1: Access violation occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPUREAD R 0h Non Master CPU Read Access Violation Flag:
0: No violation.
1: Access violation occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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NMAVSET is shown in Figure 3-231 and described in Table 3-259.
Return to the Summary Table.
Non-Master Access Violation Flag Set Register

Figure 3-231. NMAVSET Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-259. NMAVSET Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-10 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
8 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
6 CLA1FETCH R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CLA1 Fetch Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be
set and interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 CLA1WRITE R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CLA1 Write Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be
set and interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 CLA1READ R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CLA1 Read Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be
set and interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 DMAWRITE R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: DMA Write Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be set
and interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 CPUFETCH R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Fetch Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be set
and interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CPUWRITE R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Write Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be set
and interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-259. NMAVSET Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
0 CPUREAD R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Read Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be set
and interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn

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NMAVCLR is shown in Figure 3-232 and described in Table 3-260.
Return to the Summary Table.
Non-Master Access Violation Flag Clear Register

Figure 3-232. NMAVCLR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-260. NMAVCLR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-10 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
8 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
6 CLA1FETCH R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CLA1 Fetch Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 CLA1WRITE R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CLA1 Write Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 CLA1READ R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CLA1 Read Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 DMAWRITE R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: DMA Write Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 CPUFETCH R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Fetch Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CPUWRITE R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Write Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-260. NMAVCLR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
0 CPUREAD R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Read Access Violation Flag in NMAVFLG register will be
Reset type: SYSRSn

474 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers NMAVINTEN Register (Offset = 6h) [reset = 0h]

NMAVINTEN is shown in Figure 3-233 and described in Table 3-261.
Return to the Summary Table.
Non-Master Access Violation Interrupt Enable Register

Figure 3-233. NMAVINTEN Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-261. NMAVINTEN Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-10 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
8 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
6 CLA1FETCH R/W 0h 0: CLA1 Non Master Fetch Access Violation Interrupt is disabled.
1: CLA1 Non Master Fetch Access Violation Interrupt is enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 CLA1WRITE R/W 0h 0: CLA1 Non Master Write Access Violation Interrupt is disabled.
1: CLA1 Non Master Write Access Violation Interrupt is enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 CLA1READ R/W 0h 0: CLA1 Non Master Read Access Violation Interrupt is disabled.
1: CLA1 Non Master Read Access Violation Interrupt is enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 DMAWRITE R/W 0h 0: DMA Non Master Write Access Violation Interrupt is disabled.
1: DMA Non Master Write Access Violation Interrupt is enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 CPUFETCH R/W 0h 0: CPU Non Master Fetch Access Violation Interrupt is disabled.
1: CPU Non Master Fetch Access Violation Interrupt is enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CPUWRITE R/W 0h 0: CPU Non Master Write Access Violation Interrupt is disabled.
1: CPU Non Master Write Access Violation Interrupt is enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPUREAD R/W 0h 0: CPU Non Master Read Access Violation Interrupt is disabled.
1: CPU Non Master Read Access Violation Interrupt is enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 475

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com NMCPURDAVADDR Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

NMCPURDAVADDR is shown in Figure 3-234 and described in Table 3-262.
Return to the Summary Table.
Non-Master CPU Read Access Violation Address

Figure 3-234. NMCPURDAVADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-262. NMCPURDAVADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 NMCPURDAVADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which non master
CPU read access vaiolation occurred.
Reset type: SYSRSn

476 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers NMCPUWRAVADDR Register (Offset = Ah) [reset = 0h]

NMCPUWRAVADDR is shown in Figure 3-235 and described in Table 3-263.
Return to the Summary Table.
Non-Master CPU Write Access Violation Address

Figure 3-235. NMCPUWRAVADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-263. NMCPUWRAVADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 NMCPUWRAVADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which non master
CPU write access vaiolation occurred.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 477

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com NMCPUFAVADDR Register (Offset = Ch) [reset = 0h]

NMCPUFAVADDR is shown in Figure 3-236 and described in Table 3-264.
Return to the Summary Table.
Non-Master CPU Fetch Access Violation Address

Figure 3-236. NMCPUFAVADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-264. NMCPUFAVADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 NMCPUFAVADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which non master
CPU fetch access vaiolation occurred.
Reset type: SYSRSn

478 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers NMDMAWRAVADDR Register (Offset = Eh) [reset = 0h]

NMDMAWRAVADDR is shown in Figure 3-237 and described in Table 3-265.
Return to the Summary Table.
Non-Master DMA Write Access Violation Address

Figure 3-237. NMDMAWRAVADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-265. NMDMAWRAVADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 NMDMAWRAVADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which non master
DMA write access vaiolation occurred.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 479

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com NMCLA1RDAVADDR Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = 0h]

NMCLA1RDAVADDR is shown in Figure 3-238 and described in Table 3-266.
Return to the Summary Table.
Non-Master CLA1 Read Access Violation Address

Figure 3-238. NMCLA1RDAVADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-266. NMCLA1RDAVADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 NMCLA1RDAVADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which non master
CLA1 read access vaiolation occurred.
Reset type: SYSRSn

480 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers NMCLA1WRAVADDR Register (Offset = 12h) [reset = 0h]

NMCLA1WRAVADDR is shown in Figure 3-239 and described in Table 3-267.
Return to the Summary Table.
Non-Master CLA1 Write Access Violation Address

Figure 3-239. NMCLA1WRAVADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-267. NMCLA1WRAVADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 NMCLA1WRAVADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which non master
CLA1 write access vaiolation occurred.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 481

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com NMCLA1FAVADDR Register (Offset = 14h) [reset = 0h]

NMCLA1FAVADDR is shown in Figure 3-240 and described in Table 3-268.
Return to the Summary Table.
Non-Master CLA1 Fetch Access Violation Address

Figure 3-240. NMCLA1FAVADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-268. NMCLA1FAVADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 NMCLA1FAVADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which non master
CLA1 fetch access vaiolation occurred.
Reset type: SYSRSn

482 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers MAVFLG Register (Offset = 20h) [reset = 0h]

MAVFLG is shown in Figure 3-241 and described in Table 3-269.
Return to the Summary Table.
Master Access Violation Flag Register

Figure 3-241. MAVFLG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-269. MAVFLG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 DMAWRITE R 0h Master DMA Write Access Violation Flag:
0: No violation.
1: Access violation occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CPUWRITE R 0h Master CPU Write Access Violation Flag:
0: No violation.
1: Access violation occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPUFETCH R 0h Master CPU Fetch Access Violation Flag:
0: No violation.
1: Access violation occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 483

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com MAVSET Register (Offset = 22h) [reset = 0h]

MAVSET is shown in Figure 3-242 and described in Table 3-270.
Return to the Summary Table.
Master Access Violation Flag Set Register

Figure 3-242. MAVSET Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-270. MAVSET Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 DMAWRITE R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: DMA Write Access Violation Flag in MAVFLG register will be set
and interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CPUWRITE R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Write Access Violation Flag in MAVFLG register will be set
and interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPUFETCH R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Fetch Access Violation Flag in MAVFLG register will be set
and interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn

484 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers MAVCLR Register (Offset = 24h) [reset = 0h]

MAVCLR is shown in Figure 3-243 and described in Table 3-271.
Return to the Summary Table.
Master Access Violation Flag Clear Register

Figure 3-243. MAVCLR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-271. MAVCLR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 DMAWRITE R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: DMA Write Access Violation Flag in MAVFLG register will be
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CPUWRITE R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Write Access Violation Flag in MAVFLG register will be
cleared .
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPUFETCH R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Fetch Access Violation Flag in MAVFLG register will be
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 485

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com MAVINTEN Register (Offset = 26h) [reset = 0h]

MAVINTEN is shown in Figure 3-244 and described in Table 3-272.
Return to the Summary Table.
Master Access Violation Interrupt Enable Register

Figure 3-244. MAVINTEN Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-272. MAVINTEN Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 DMAWRITE R/W 0h 0: DMA Write Access Violation Interrupt is disabled.
1: DMA Write Access Violation Interrupt is enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 CPUWRITE R/W 0h 0: CPU Write Access Violation Interrupt is disabled.
1: CPU Write Access Violation Interrupt is enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPUFETCH R/W 0h 0: CPU Fetch Access Violation Interrupt is disabled.
1: CPU Fetch Access Violation Interrupt is enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn

486 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers MCPUFAVADDR Register (Offset = 28h) [reset = 0h]

MCPUFAVADDR is shown in Figure 3-245 and described in Table 3-273.
Return to the Summary Table.
Master CPU Fetch Access Violation Address

Figure 3-245. MCPUFAVADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-273. MCPUFAVADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 MCPUFAVADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which master CPU
fetch access vaiolation occurred.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 487

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com MCPUWRAVADDR Register (Offset = 2Ah) [reset = 0h]

MCPUWRAVADDR is shown in Figure 3-246 and described in Table 3-274.
Return to the Summary Table.
Master CPU Write Access Violation Address

Figure 3-246. MCPUWRAVADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-274. MCPUWRAVADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 MCPUWRAVADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which master CPU
write access vaiolation occurred.
Reset type: SYSRSn

488 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers MDMAWRAVADDR Register (Offset = 2Ch) [reset = 0h]

MDMAWRAVADDR is shown in Figure 3-247 and described in Table 3-275.
Return to the Summary Table.
Master DMA Write Access Violation Address

Figure 3-247. MDMAWRAVADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-275. MDMAWRAVADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 MDMAWRAVADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which master DMA
write access vaiolation occurred.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.19 MEMORY_ERROR_REGS Registers

Table 3-276 lists the MEMORY_ERROR_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in
Table 3-276 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-276. MEMORY_ERROR_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h UCERRFLG Uncorrectable Error Flag Register Go
2h UCERRSET Uncorrectable Error Flag Set Register EALLOW Go
4h UCERRCLR Uncorrectable Error Flag Clear Register EALLOW Go
6h UCCPUREADDR Uncorrectable CPU Read Error Address Go
8h UCDMAREADDR Uncorrectable DMA Read Error Address Go
Ah UCCLA1READDR Uncorrectable CLA1 Read Error Address Go
20h CERRFLG Correctable Error Flag Register Go
22h CERRSET Correctable Error Flag Set Register EALLOW Go
24h CERRCLR Correctable Error Flag Clear Register EALLOW Go
26h CCPUREADDR Correctable CPU Read Error Address Go
2Eh CERRCNT Correctable Error Count Register Go
30h CERRTHRES Correctable Error Threshold Value Register EALLOW Go
32h CEINTFLG Correctable Error Interrupt Flag Status Register Go
34h CEINTCLR Correctable Error Interrupt Flag Clear Register EALLOW Go
36h CEINTSET Correctable Error Interrupt Flag Set Register EALLOW Go
38h CEINTEN Correctable Error Interrupt Enable Register EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-277 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-277. MEMORY_ERROR_REGS Access Type

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

490 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers UCERRFLG Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = 0h]

UCERRFLG is shown in Figure 3-248 and described in Table 3-278.
Return to the Summary Table.
Uncorrectable Error Flag Register

Figure 3-248. UCERRFLG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-278. UCERRFLG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 CLA1RDERR R 0h CLA1 Uncorrectable Read Error Flag
0: No Error.
1: Uncorrectable error occurred during CLA1 read.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 DMARDERR R 0h DMA Uncorrectable Read Error Flag
0: No Error.
1: Uncorrectable error occurred during DMA read.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPURDERR R 0h CPU Uncorrectable Read Error Flag
0: No Error.
1: Uncorrectable error occurred during CPU read.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 491

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com UCERRSET Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = 0h]

UCERRSET is shown in Figure 3-249 and described in Table 3-279.
Return to the Summary Table.
Uncorrectable Error Flag Set Register

Figure 3-249. UCERRSET Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-279. UCERRSET Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
2 CLA1RDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CLA1 Read Error Flag in UCERRFLG register will be set and
interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 DMARDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: DMA Read Error Flag in UCERRFLG register will be set and
interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPURDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Read Error Flag in UCERRFLG register will be set and
interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn

492 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers UCERRCLR Register (Offset = 4h) [reset = 0h]

UCERRCLR is shown in Figure 3-250 and described in Table 3-280.
Return to the Summary Table.
Uncorrectable Error Flag Clear Register

Figure 3-250. UCERRCLR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-280. UCERRCLR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
2 CLA1RDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CLA1 Read Error Flag in UCERRFLG register will be cleared.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 DMARDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: DMA Read Error Flag in UCERRFLG register will be cleared .
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPURDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Read Error Flag in UCERRFLG register will be cleared.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 493

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com UCCPUREADDR Register (Offset = 6h) [reset = 0h]

UCCPUREADDR is shown in Figure 3-251 and described in Table 3-281.
Return to the Summary Table.
Uncorrectable CPU Read Error Address

Figure 3-251. UCCPUREADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-281. UCCPUREADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 UCCPUREADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which CPU read/fetch
access resulted in uncorrectable ECC/Parity error.
Reset type: SYSRSn

494 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers UCDMAREADDR Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

UCDMAREADDR is shown in Figure 3-252 and described in Table 3-282.
Return to the Summary Table.
Uncorrectable DMA Read Error Address

Figure 3-252. UCDMAREADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-282. UCDMAREADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 UCDMAREADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which DMA read
access resulted in uncorrectable ECC/Parity error.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 495

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com UCCLA1READDR Register (Offset = Ah) [reset = 0h]

UCCLA1READDR is shown in Figure 3-253 and described in Table 3-283.
Return to the Summary Table.
Uncorrectable CLA1 Read Error Address

Figure 3-253. UCCLA1READDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-283. UCCLA1READDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 UCCLA1READDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which CLA1
read/fetch access resulted in uncorrectable ECC/Parity error.
Reset type: SYSRSn

496 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers CERRFLG Register (Offset = 20h) [reset = 0h]

CERRFLG is shown in Figure 3-254 and described in Table 3-284.
Return to the Summary Table.
Correctable Error Flag Register

Figure 3-254. CERRFLG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-284. CERRFLG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 CLA1RDERR R 0h CLA1 Correctable Read Error Flag
0: No Error.
1: Correctable error occurred during CLA1 read.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 DMARDERR R 0h DMA Correctable Read Error Flag
0: No Error.
1: Correctable error occurred during DMA read.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPURDERR R 0h CPU Correctable Read Error Flag
0: No Error.
1: Correctable error occurred during CPU read.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 497

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com CERRSET Register (Offset = 22h) [reset = 0h]

CERRSET is shown in Figure 3-255 and described in Table 3-285.
Return to the Summary Table.
Correctable Error Flag Set Register

Figure 3-255. CERRSET Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-285. CERRSET Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
2 CLA1RDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CLA1 Read Error Flag in CERRFLG register will be set and
interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 DMARDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: DMA Read Error Flag in CERRFLG register will be set and
interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPURDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Read Error Flag in CERRFLG register will be set and
interrupt will be generated if enabled..
Reset type: SYSRSn

498 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers CERRCLR Register (Offset = 24h) [reset = 0h]

CERRCLR is shown in Figure 3-256 and described in Table 3-286.
Return to the Summary Table.
Correctable Error Flag Clear Register

Figure 3-256. CERRCLR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-286. CERRCLR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
2 CLA1RDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CLA1 Read Error Flag in CERRFLG register will be cleared.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 DMARDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: DMA Read Error Flag in CERRFLG register will be cleared .
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 CPURDERR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: CPU Read Error Flag in CERRFLG register will be cleared.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com CCPUREADDR Register (Offset = 26h) [reset = 0h]

CCPUREADDR is shown in Figure 3-257 and described in Table 3-287.
Return to the Summary Table.
Correctable CPU Read Error Address

Figure 3-257. CCPUREADDR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-287. CCPUREADDR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 CCPUREADDR R 0h This register captures the address location for which CPU read/fetch
access resulted in correctable ECC error.
Reset type: SYSRSn

500 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers CERRCNT Register (Offset = 2Eh) [reset = 0h]

CERRCNT is shown in Figure 3-258 and described in Table 3-288.
Return to the Summary Table.
Correctable Error Count Register

Figure 3-258. CERRCNT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-288. CERRCNT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 CERRCNT R 0h This register holds the count of how many times correctable error
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 501

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com CERRTHRES Register (Offset = 30h) [reset = 0h]

CERRTHRES is shown in Figure 3-259 and described in Table 3-289.
Return to the Summary Table.
Correctable Error Threshold Value Register

Figure 3-259. CERRTHRES Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-289. CERRTHRES Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 CERRTHRES R/W 0h When value in CERRCNT register is greater or equal to than value
configured in this register, corretable interrupt gets generated, if
Reset type: SYSRSn

502 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers CEINTFLG Register (Offset = 32h) [reset = 0h]

CEINTFLG is shown in Figure 3-260 and described in Table 3-290.
Return to the Summary Table.
Correctable Error Interrupt Flag Status Register

Figure 3-260. CEINTFLG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h

Table 3-290. CEINTFLG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 CEINTFLAG R 0h Total corrected error count exceeded threshold Flag
0: Total correctable errors < Threshold value configured in
CERRTHRES register.
1: Total correctable errors >= Threshold value configured in
CERRTHRES register.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 503

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CEINTCLR is shown in Figure 3-261 and described in Table 3-291.
Return to the Summary Table.
Correctable Error Interrupt Flag Clear Register

Figure 3-261. CEINTCLR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-291. CEINTCLR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 CEINTCLR R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: Total corrected error count exceeded flag in CEINTFLG register
will be cleared.
Reset type: SYSRSn

504 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers CEINTSET Register (Offset = 36h) [reset = 0h]

CEINTSET is shown in Figure 3-262 and described in Table 3-292.
Return to the Summary Table.
Correctable Error Interrupt Flag Set Register

Figure 3-262. CEINTSET Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-292. CEINTSET Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 CEINTSET R-0/W1S 0h 0: No action.
1: Total corrected error count exceeded flag in CEINTFLG register
will be set and interrupt will be generated if enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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CEINTEN is shown in Figure 3-263 and described in Table 3-293.
Return to the Summary Table.
Correctable Error Interrupt Enable Register

Figure 3-263. CEINTEN Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-293. CEINTEN Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 CEINTEN R/W 0h 0: Correctable Error Interrupt is disabled.
1: Correctable Error Interrupt is enabled.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.20 ROM_WAIT_STATE_REGS Registers

Table 3-294 lists the ROM_WAIT_STATE_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in
Table 3-294 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-294. ROM_WAIT_STATE_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h ROMWAITSTATE ROM Wait State Configuration Register EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-295 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-295. ROM_WAIT_STATE_REGS Access Type

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
Write Type
W W Write
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 507

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ROMWAITSTATE is shown in Figure 3-264 and described in Table 3-296.
Return to the Summary Table.
ROM Wait State Configuration Register

Figure 3-264. ROMWAITSTATE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-296. ROMWAITSTATE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 WSDISABLE R/W 0h 0: C28x ROM Wait State is enabled. C28x CPU accesses to ROM
are are 1-wait.
1: C28x ROM Wait State is disabled. C28x CPU accesses to ROM
are 0-wait.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.21 FLASH_CTRL_REGS Registers

Table 3-297 lists the FLASH_CTRL_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-297
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-297. FLASH_CTRL_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h FRDCNTL Flash Read Control Register EALLOW Go
1Eh FBAC Flash Bank Access Control Register EALLOW Go
20h FBFALLBACK Flash Bank Fallback Power Register EALLOW Go
22h FBPRDY Flash Bank Pump Ready Register EALLOW Go
24h FPAC1 Flash Pump Access Control Register 1 EALLOW Go
2Ah FMSTAT Flash Module Status Register EALLOW Go
180h FRD_INTF_CTRL Flash Read Interface Control Register EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-298 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-298. FLASH_CTRL_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
Write Type
W W Write
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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FRDCNTL is shown in Figure 3-265 and described in Table 3-299.
Return to the Summary Table.
Flash Read Control Register

Figure 3-265. FRDCNTL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-Fh R-0h

Table 3-299. FRDCNTL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-12 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
11-8 RWAIT R/W Fh Random read waitstate

These bits indicate how many waitstates are added to a flash

read/fetch access. The RWAIT value can be set anywhere from 0 to
0xF. For a flash access, data is returned in RWAIT+1 SYSCLK
Note: The required wait states for each SYSCLK frequency can be
found in the device data manual.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

510 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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FBAC is shown in Figure 3-266 and described in Table 3-300.
Return to the Summary Table.
Flash Bank Access Control Register

Figure 3-266. FBAC Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-Fh

Table 3-300. FBAC Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
7-0 VREADST R/W Fh This bit-field ensures that the requisite delay is introduced for the
flash pump/bank to come out of low-power mode, so that the
flash/OTP array is ready for CPU accesses. The reset value of this
bit-field is 0xF. Before entering any low-power mode for the flash
bank/pump, this bit-field must be configured as described in the
"Flash and OTP Memory" chapter of the TRM. Applications typically
use the flash bank/pump low-power modes to reduce power (i)
during the device low-power modes such as IDLE/STANDBY/HALT
(ii) while running code off RAM after powering down the flash.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com FBFALLBACK Register (Offset = 20h) [reset = 0h]

FBFALLBACK is shown in Figure 3-267 and described in Table 3-301.
Return to the Summary Table.
Flash Bank Fallback Power Register

Figure 3-267. FBFALLBACK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-301. FBFALLBACK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1-0 BNKPWR0 R/W 0h Bank Power Mode Control
00 Sleep (Sense amplifiers and sense reference disabled)
01 Standby (Sense amplifiers disabled, but sense reference
10 Reserved
11 Active (Both sense amplifiers and sense reference enabled)
Note: If the bank and pump are not in active mode and an access is
made, the value of this register is automatically changed to active.
Reset type: SYSRSn

512 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers FBPRDY Register (Offset = 22h) [reset = 0h]

FBPRDY is shown in Figure 3-268 and described in Table 3-302.
Return to the Summary Table.
Flash Bank Pump Ready Register

Figure 3-268. FBPRDY Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h

Table 3-302. FBPRDY Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15 PUMPRDY R 0h Pump Ready. This is a read-only bit which allows software to
determine if the pump is ready for flash access before attempting the
actual access. If an access is made to a bank when the pump is not
ready, wait states are asserted until it becomes ready.
0 Pump is not ready.
1 Pump is ready, in active power state.
Reset type: SYSRSn
14-1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 BANKRDY R 0h Bank Ready. This is a read-only register which allows software to
determine if the bank is ready for Flash access before the access is
Note: The user should wait for both the pump and the bank to be
ready before attempting an access.
0 Bank is not ready.
1 Bank is in active power mode and is ready for access.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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FPAC1 is shown in Figure 3-269 and described in Table 3-303.
Return to the Summary Table.
Flash Pump Access Control Register 1

Figure 3-269. FPAC1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R/W-860h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-303. FPAC1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
27-16 PSLEEP R/W 860h Pump sleep. These bits contain the starting count value for the
charge pump sleep down counter. While the charge pump is in sleep
mode, the power mode management logic holds the charge pump
sleep counter at this value. When the charge pump exits sleep
power mode, the down counter delays from 0 to PSLEEP prescaled
SYSCLK clock cycles before putting the charge pump into active
power mode.
Note: The pump sleep down counter uses a prescaled clock which is
divided by 2 of input SYSCLK. The configured PSLEEP value should
yield a delay of at least 20 microseconds for the pump to go to active
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 PMPPWR R/W 0h Flash Charge Pump Control Power Mode.
Configures the power mode of the charge pump.
0 Sleep (all pump circuits disabled)
1 Active (all pump circuits active)
Reset type: SYSRSn

514 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers FMSTAT Register (Offset = 2Ah) [reset = 0h]

FMSTAT is shown in Figure 3-270 and described in Table 3-304.
Return to the Summary Table.
Flash Module Status Register

Figure 3-270. FMSTAT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-304. FMSTAT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-18 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
12 PGV R 0h Program verify When set, indicates that a word is not successfully
programmed after the maximum allowed number of program pulses
are given for program operation.
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
10 EV R 0h Erase verify When set, indicates that a sector is not successfully
erased after the maximum allowed number of erase pulses are given
for erase operation.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
8 BUSY R 0h When set, this bit indicates that a program, erase, or suspend
operation is being processed.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 ERS R 0h Erase Active. When set, this bit indicates that the flash module is
actively performing an erase operation. This bit is set when erasing
starts and is cleared when erasing is complete. It is also cleared
when the erase is suspended and set when the erase resumes.
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 PGM R 0h Program Active. When set, this bit indicates that the flash module is
currently performing a program operation. This bit is set when
programming starts and is cleared when programming is complete. It
is also cleared when programming is suspended and set when
programming is resumed.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-304. FMSTAT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
5 INVDAT R 0h Invalid Data. When set, this bit indicates that the user attempted to
program a "1" where a "0" was already present.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 CSTAT R 0h Command Status. Once the FSM starts any failure will set this bit.
When set, this bit informs the host that the program, erase, or
validate sector command failed and the command was stopped. This
bit is cleared by the Clear Status command. For some errors, this
will be the only indication of an FSM error because the cause does
not fall within the other error bit types.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 VOLTSTAT R 0h Core Voltage Status. When set, this bit indicates that the core
voltage generator of the pump power upply dipped below the lower
limit allowable during a program or erase operation.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 ESUSP R 0h When set, this bit indicates that the flash module has received and
processed an erase suspend operation. This bit remains set until the
erase resume command has been issued or until the Clear_More
command is run.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 PSUSP R 0h When set, this bit indicates that the flash module has received and
processed a program suspend operation. This bit remains set until
the program resume command has been issued or until the
Clear_More command is run.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

516 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers FRD_INTF_CTRL Register (Offset = 180h) [reset = 0h]

FRD_INTF_CTRL is shown in Figure 3-271 and described in Table 3-305.
Return to the Summary Table.
Flash Read Interface Control Register

Figure 3-271. FRD_INTF_CTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-305. FRD_INTF_CTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1 DATA_CACHE_EN R/W 0h Data cache enable.
0 A value of 0 disables the data cache.
1 A value of 1 enables the data cache.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 PREFETCH_EN R/W 0h Prefetch enable.
0 A value of 0 disables prefetch mechanism.
1 A value of 1 enables pre-fetch mechanism.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.22 FLASH_ECC_REGS Registers

Table 3-306 lists the FLASH_ECC_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-306
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-306. FLASH_ECC_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
2h SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_LOW Single Error Address Low EALLOW Go
4h SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Single Error Address High EALLOW Go
6h UNC_ERR_ADDR_LOW Uncorrectable Error Address Low EALLOW Go
8h UNC_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Uncorrectable Error Address High EALLOW Go
Ch ERR_POS Error Position EALLOW Go
Eh ERR_STATUS_CLR Error Status Clear EALLOW Go
10h ERR_CNT Error Control EALLOW Go
12h ERR_THRESHOLD Error Threshold EALLOW Go
14h ERR_INTFLG Error Interrupt Flag EALLOW Go
16h ERR_INTCLR Error Interrupt Flag Clear EALLOW Go
18h FDATAH_TEST Data High Test EALLOW Go
22h FOUTH_TEST Test Data Out High EALLOW Go
24h FOUTL_TEST Test Data Out Low EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-307 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-307. FLASH_ECC_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a

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Table 3-307. FLASH_ECC_REGS Access Type

Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 519

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com ECC_ENABLE Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = Ah]

ECC_ENABLE is shown in Figure 3-272 and described in Table 3-308.
Return to the Summary Table.
ECC Enable

Figure 3-272. ECC_ENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-Ah

Table 3-308. ECC_ENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3-0 ENABLE R/W Ah ECC enable. A value of 0xA would enable ECC. Any other value
would disable ECC.
Reset type: SYSRSn

520 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_LOW Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = 0h]

SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_LOW is shown in Figure 3-273 and described in Table 3-309.
Return to the Summary Table.
Single Error Address Low

Figure 3-273. SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_LOW Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-309. SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_LOW Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 ERR_ADDR_L R/W 0h 64-bit aligned address at which a single bit error occurred in the
lower 64-bits of a 128-bit aligned memory.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Register (Offset = 4h) [reset = 0h]

SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_HIGH is shown in Figure 3-274 and described in Table 3-310.
Return to the Summary Table.
Single Error Address High

Figure 3-274. SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-310. SINGLE_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 ERR_ADDR_H R/W 0h 64-bit aligned address at which a single bit error occurred in the
upper 64-bits of a 128-bit aligned memory.
Reset type: SYSRSn

522 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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UNC_ERR_ADDR_LOW is shown in Figure 3-275 and described in Table 3-311.
Return to the Summary Table.
Uncorrectable Error Address Low

Figure 3-275. UNC_ERR_ADDR_LOW Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-311. UNC_ERR_ADDR_LOW Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 UNC_ERR_ADDR_L R/W 0h 64-bit aligned address at which an uncorrectable error occurred in
the lower 64-bits of a 128-bit aligned memory.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 523

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com UNC_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

UNC_ERR_ADDR_HIGH is shown in Figure 3-276 and described in Table 3-312.
Return to the Summary Table.
Uncorrectable Error Address High

Figure 3-276. UNC_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-312. UNC_ERR_ADDR_HIGH Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 UNC_ERR_ADDR_H R/W 0h 64-bit aligned address at which an uncorrectable error occurred in
the upper 64-bits of a 128-bit aligned memory.
Reset type: SYSRSn

524 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers ERR_STATUS Register (Offset = Ah) [reset = 0h]

ERR_STATUS is shown in Figure 3-277 and described in Table 3-313.
Return to the Summary Table.
Error Status

Figure 3-277. ERR_STATUS Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-313. ERR_STATUS Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-19 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
18 UNC_ERR_H R 0h Uncorrectable error. A value of 1 indicates that an un-correctable
error occurred in upper 64bits of a 128-bit aligned address. Cleared
by writing a 1 to UNC_ERR_H_CLR bit of ERR_STATUS_CLR
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 FAIL_1_H R 0h Fail on 1.
0 Fail on 1 single bit error did not occur in upper 64bits of a 128-bit
aligned address.
1 A value of 1 would indicate that a single bit error occurred in upper
64bits of a 128-bit aligned address and the corrected value was 1.
Cleared by writing a 1 to FAIL_1_H_CLR bit of ERR_STATUS_CLR
Note: This bit is updated on every flash access which results in a
single bit error, So, in case of multiple single bit error, the status
would correspond to the last error which occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 FAIL_0_H R 0h Fail on 0.
0 Fail on 0 single bit error did not occur in upper 64bits of a 128-bit
aligned address.
1 A value of 1 would indicate that a single bit error occurred in upper
64bits of a 128-bit aligned address and the corrected value was 0.
Cleared by writing a 1 to FAIL_0_H_CLR bit of ERR_STATUS_CLR
Note: This bit is updated on every flash access which results in a
single bit error, So, in case of multiple single bit error, the status
would correspond to the last error which occurred.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 UNC_ERR_L R 0h Uncorrectable error. A value of 1 indicates that an un-correctable
error occurred in lower 64bits of a 128-bit aligned address. Cleared
by writing a 1 to UNC_ERR_L_CLR bit of ERR_STATUS_CLR
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 3-313. ERR_STATUS Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1 FAIL_1_L R 0h Fail on 1.
0 Fail on 1 single bit error did not occur in lower 64bits of a 128-bit
aligned address.
1 A value of 1 would indicate that a single bit error occurred in lower
64bits of a 128-bit aligned address and the corrected value was 1.
Cleared by writing a 1 to FAIL_1_L_CLR bit of ERR_STATUS_CLR
Note: This bit is updated on every flash access which results in a
single bit error, So, in case of multiple single bit error, the status
would correspond to the last error which occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 FAIL_0_L R 0h Fail on 0.
0 Fail on 0 single bit error did not occur in lower 64bits of a 128-bit
aligned address.
1 Would indicate that a single bit error occurred in lower 64bits of a
128-bit aligned address and the corrected value was 0. Cleared by
writing a 1 to FAIL_0_L_CLR bit of ERR_STATUS_CLR register.

Note: This bit is updated on every flash access which results in a

single bit error, So, in case of multiple single bit error, the status
would correspond to the last error which occured.
Reset type: SYSRSn

526 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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ERR_POS is shown in Figure 3-278 and described in Table 3-314.
Return to the Summary Table.
Error Position

Figure 3-278. ERR_POS Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h

Table 3-314. ERR_POS Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-25 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
24 ERR_TYPE_H R 0h Error type
0 Indicates that a single bit error occured in upper 64 data bits of a
128-bit aligned address.
1 Indicates that a single bit error occured in ECC check bits of upper
64bits of a 128-bit aligned address.
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
21-16 ERR_POS_H R 0h Error position. Bit position of the single bit error in upper 64bits of a
128-bit aligned address. The position is interpreted depending on
whether the ERR_TYPE bit indicates a check bit or a data bit. If
ERR_TYPE indicates a check bit error, the error position could range
from 0 to 7, else it could range from 0 to 63.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-9 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
8 ERR_TYPE_L R 0h Error type
0 Indicates that a single bit error occured in lower 64 data bits of a
128-bit aligned address.
1 Indicates that a single bit error occured in ECC check bits of lower
64bits of a 128-bit aligned address.
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
5-0 ERR_POS_L R 0h Error position. Bit position of the single bit error in lower 64bits of a
128-bit aligned address. The position is interpreted depending on
whether the ERR_TYPE bit indicates a check bit or a data bit. If
ERR_TYPE indicates a check bit error, the error position could range
from 0 to 7, else it could range from 0 to 63.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 527

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ERR_STATUS_CLR is shown in Figure 3-279 and described in Table 3-315.
Return to the Summary Table.
Error Status Clear

Figure 3-279. ERR_STATUS_CLR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-315. ERR_STATUS_CLR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-19 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
18 UNC_ERR_H_CLR R-0/W1S 0h Uncorrectable error clear. Writing a 1 to this bit will clear the
register. Writes of 0 have no effect. Read returns 0.
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 FAIL_1_H_CLR R-0/W1S 0h Fail on 1 clear. Writing a 1 to this bit will clear the FAIL_1_H bit of
ERR_STATUS register. Writes of 0
have no effect. Read returns 0.
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 FAIL_0_H_CLR R-0/W1S 0h Fail on 0 clear. Writing a 1 to this bit will clear the FAIL_0_H bit of
ERR_STATUS register. Writes of 0
have no effect. Read returns 0.
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 UNC_ERR_L_CLR R-0/W1S 0h Uncorrectable error clear. Writing a 1 to this bit will clear the
register. Writes of 0 have no effect. Read returns 0.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 FAIL_1_L_CLR R-0/W1S 0h Fail on 1 clear. Writing a 1 to this bit will clear the FAIL_1_L bit of
ERR_STATUS register. Writes of 0
have no effect. Read returns 0.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 FAIL_0_L_CLR R-0/W1S 0h Fail on 0 clear. Writing a 1 to this bit will clear the FAIL_0_L bit of
ERR_STATUS register. Writes of 0
have no effect. Read returns 0.
Reset type: SYSRSn

528 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers ERR_CNT Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = 0h]

ERR_CNT is shown in Figure 3-280 and described in Table 3-316.
Return to the Summary Table.
Error Control

Figure 3-280. ERR_CNT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-316. ERR_CNT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-0 ERR_CNT R/W 0h Single bit error count. This counter increments with every single bit
ECC error occurrence. Upon reaching the threshold value counter
stops counting on single bit errors. ERR_CNT can be cleared
(irrespective of whether threshold is met or not) using "Single Err Int
Clear" bit. This is applicable for ECC logic test mode and normal
operational mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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ERR_THRESHOLD is shown in Figure 3-281 and described in Table 3-317.
Return to the Summary Table.
Error Threshold

Figure 3-281. ERR_THRESHOLD Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-317. ERR_THRESHOLD Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-0 ERR_THRESHOLD R/W 0h Single bit error threshold. Sets the threshold for single bit errors.
When the ERR_CNT value equals the THRESHOLD value and a
single bit error occurs, SINGLE_ERR_INT flag is set, and an
interrupt is fired.
Reset type: SYSRSn

530 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers ERR_INTFLG Register (Offset = 14h) [reset = 0h]

ERR_INTFLG is shown in Figure 3-282 and described in Table 3-318.
Return to the Summary Table.
Error Interrupt Flag

Figure 3-282. ERR_INTFLG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-318. ERR_INTFLG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1 UNC_ERR_INTFLG R 0h Uncorrectable bit error interrupt flag. When a Un-correctable error
occurs, this bit is set and the UNC_ERR_INT interrupt is fired. When
UNC_ERR_INTCLR bit of ERR_INTCLR register is written a value of
1 this bit is cleared.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 SINGLE_ERR_INTFLG R 0h Single bit error interrupt flag. When the ERR_CNT value equals the
ERR_THRESHOLD value and a single bit error occurs then
SINGLE_ERR_INT flag is set and SINGLE_ERR_INT interrupt is
fired. When SINGLE_ERR_INTCLR bit of ERR_INTCLR register is
written a value of 1 this bit is cleared.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 531

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ERR_INTCLR is shown in Figure 3-283 and described in Table 3-319.
Return to the Summary Table.
Error Interrupt Flag Clear

Figure 3-283. ERR_INTCLR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 3-319. ERR_INTCLR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1 UNC_ERR_INTCLR R-0/W1S 0h Uncorrectable bit error interrupt flag clear. Writing a 1 to this bit will
clear UNC_ERR_INT_FLG. Writes of 0 have no effect.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 SINGLE_ERR_INTCLR R-0/W1S 0h Single bit error interrupt flag clear. Writing a 1 to this bit will clear
SINGLE_ERR_INT_FLG. Writes of 0 have no effect.
Reset type: SYSRSn

532 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers FDATAH_TEST Register (Offset = 18h) [reset = 0h]

FDATAH_TEST is shown in Figure 3-284 and described in Table 3-320.
Return to the Summary Table.
Data High Test

Figure 3-284. FDATAH_TEST Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-320. FDATAH_TEST Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 FDATAH R/W 0h High double word of selected 64-bit data. User-configurable bits
63:32 of the selected data block in ECC test mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 533

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com FDATAL_TEST Register (Offset = 1Ah) [reset = 0h]

FDATAL_TEST is shown in Figure 3-285 and described in Table 3-321.
Return to the Summary Table.
Data Low Test

Figure 3-285. FDATAL_TEST Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-321. FDATAL_TEST Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 FDATAL R/W 0h Low double word of selected 64-bit data. User-configurable bits 31:0
of the selected data block in ECC test mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn

534 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers FADDR_TEST Register (Offset = 1Ch) [reset = 0h]

FADDR_TEST is shown in Figure 3-286 and described in Table 3-322.
Return to the Summary Table.
ECC Test Address

Figure 3-286. FADDR_TEST Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R-0h

Table 3-322. FADDR_TEST Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-22 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
21-16 ADDRH R/W 0h Address for selected 64-bit data. User-configurable address bits of
the selected data in ECC test mode. Left-shift the address by one bit
(to provide byte address) and ignore the three least significant bits of
the address and write the bits 21:16 in remaining address bits in this
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-3 ADDRL R/W 0h Address for selected 64-bit data. User-configurable address bits of
the selected data in ECC test mode. Left-shift the address by one bit
(to provide byte address) and ignore the three least significant bits of
the address and write the bits 15:3 in remaining address bits in this
Reset type: SYSRSn
2-0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 535

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com FECC_TEST Register (Offset = 1Eh) [reset = 0h]

FECC_TEST is shown in Figure 3-287 and described in Table 3-323.
Return to the Summary Table.
ECC Test Address

Figure 3-287. FECC_TEST Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-323. FECC_TEST Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7-0 ECC R/W 0h 8-bit ECC for selected 64-bit data. User-configurable ECC bits of the
selected 64-bit data block in ECC test mode.
Reset type: SYSRSn

536 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers FECC_CTRL Register (Offset = 20h) [reset = 0h]

FECC_CTRL is shown in Figure 3-288 and described in Table 3-324.
Return to the Summary Table.
ECC Control

Figure 3-288. FECC_CTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 3-324. FECC_CTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 DO_ECC_CALC R-0/W1S 0h Enable ECC calculation. ECC logic will calculate ECC in one cycle
for the data and address written in ECC test registers when ECC test
logic is enabled by setting ECC_TEST_EN.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 ECC_SELECT R/W 0h ECC block select.
0 Selects the ECC block on bits [63:0] of bank data.
1 Selects the ECC block on bits [127:64] of bank data.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 ECC_TEST_EN R/W 0h ECC test mode enable.
0 ECC test mode disabled
1 ECC test mode enabled
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 537

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com FOUTH_TEST Register (Offset = 22h) [reset = 0h]

FOUTH_TEST is shown in Figure 3-289 and described in Table 3-325.
Return to the Summary Table.
Test Data Out High

Figure 3-289. FOUTH_TEST Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-325. FOUTH_TEST Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 DATAOUTH R 0h High double word test data out. Holds bits 63:32 of the data out of
the selected ECC block.
Reset type: SYSRSn

538 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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FOUTL_TEST is shown in Figure 3-290 and described in Table 3-326.
Return to the Summary Table.
Test Data Out Low

Figure 3-290. FOUTL_TEST Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-326. FOUTL_TEST Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 DATAOUTL R 0h Low double word test data out. Holds bits 31:0 of the data out of the
selected ECC block.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 539

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com FECC_STATUS Register (Offset = 26h) [reset = 0h]

FECC_STATUS is shown in Figure 3-291 and described in Table 3-327.
Return to the Summary Table.
ECC Status

Figure 3-291. FECC_STATUS Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 3-327. FECC_STATUS Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
15-9 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
8 ERR_TYPE R 0h Test mode ECC single bit error indicator. When 1, indicates that the
single bit error is in check bits. When 0, indicates that the single bit
error is in data bits (If SINGLE_ERR field is also set).
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-2 DATA_ERR_POS R 0h Test mode single bit error position. Holds the bit position where the
single bit error occurred.
The position is interpreted depending on whether the CHK_ERR bit
indicates a check bit or a data bit. If CHK_ERR indicates a check bit
error, the error position could range from 0 to 7, or it could range
from 0 to 63.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 UNC_ERR R 0h Test mode ECC double bit error. When 1 indicates that the ECC test
resulted in an uncorrectable bit error.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 SINGLE_ERR R 0h Test mode ECC single bit error. When 1 indicates that the ECC test
resulted in a single bit error.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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3.15.23 UID_REGS Registers

Table 3-328 lists the UID_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 3-328 should be
considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 3-328. UID_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h UID_PSRAND0 UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number Go
2h UID_PSRAND1 UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number Go
4h UID_PSRAND2 UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number Go
6h UID_PSRAND3 UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number Go
8h UID_PSRAND4 UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number Go
Ah UID_PSRAND5 UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number Go
Ch UID_UNIQUE UID Unique 32 bit number Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 3-329 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 3-329. UID_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 541

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F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com UID_PSRAND0 Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = X]

UID_PSRAND0 is shown in Figure 3-292 and described in Table 3-330.
Return to the Summary Table.
UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number

Figure 3-292. UID_PSRAND0 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-330. UID_PSRAND0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 RandomID R X Psuedorandom portion of the UID
Reset type: N/A

542 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers UID_PSRAND1 Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = X]

UID_PSRAND1 is shown in Figure 3-293 and described in Table 3-331.
Return to the Summary Table.
UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number

Figure 3-293. UID_PSRAND1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-331. UID_PSRAND1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 RandomID R X Psuedorandom portion of the UID
Reset type: N/A

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 System Control 543

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F2837xS System Control Registers www.ti.com UID_PSRAND2 Register (Offset = 4h) [reset = X]

UID_PSRAND2 is shown in Figure 3-294 and described in Table 3-332.
Return to the Summary Table.
UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number

Figure 3-294. UID_PSRAND2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-332. UID_PSRAND2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 RandomID R X Psuedorandom portion of the UID
Reset type: N/A

544 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers UID_PSRAND3 Register (Offset = 6h) [reset = X]

UID_PSRAND3 is shown in Figure 3-295 and described in Table 3-333.
Return to the Summary Table.
UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number

Figure 3-295. UID_PSRAND3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-333. UID_PSRAND3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 RandomID R X Psuedorandom portion of the UID
Reset type: N/A

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UID_PSRAND4 is shown in Figure 3-296 and described in Table 3-334.
Return to the Summary Table.
UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number

Figure 3-296. UID_PSRAND4 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-334. UID_PSRAND4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 RandomID R X Psuedorandom portion of the UID
Reset type: N/A

546 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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UID_PSRAND5 is shown in Figure 3-297 and described in Table 3-335.
Return to the Summary Table.
UID Psuedo-random 192 bit number

Figure 3-297. UID_PSRAND5 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-335. UID_PSRAND5 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 RandomID R X Psuedorandom portion of the UID
Reset type: N/A

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UID_UNIQUE is shown in Figure 3-298 and described in Table 3-336.
Return to the Summary Table.
UID Unique 32 bit number

Figure 3-298. UID_UNIQUE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-336. UID_UNIQUE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 UniqueID R X Unique portion of the UID. This identifier will be unique across all
devices with the same PARTIDH.
Reset type: N/A

548 System Control SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com F2837xS System Control Registers UID_CHECKSUM Register (Offset = Eh) [reset = X]

UID_CHECKSUM is shown in Figure 3-299 and described in Table 3-337.
Return to the Summary Table.
Fletcher checksum of UID_PSRAND and UID_UNIQUE registers

Figure 3-299. UID_CHECKSUM Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 3-337. UID_CHECKSUM Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 Checksum R X Fletcher checksum of UID_PSRANDx and UID_UINIQUE
Reset type: N/A

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3.15.24 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping

Table 3-338. CPUTIMER Registers to Driverlib Functions

File Driverlib Function
cputimer.h CPUTimer_getTimerCount
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
cputimer.h CPUTimer_setPeriod
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setAuxClock
cputimer.c CPUTimer_setEmulationMode
cputimer.h CPUTimer_clearOverflowFlag
cputimer.h CPUTimer_disableInterrupt
cputimer.h CPUTimer_enableInterrupt
cputimer.h CPUTimer_reloadTimerCounter
cputimer.h CPUTimer_stopTimer
cputimer.h CPUTimer_resumeTimer
cputimer.h CPUTimer_startTimer
cputimer.h CPUTimer_getTimerOverflowStatus
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setAuxClock
cputimer.h CPUTimer_setPreScaler
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setAuxClock
cputimer.h CPUTimer_setPreScaler
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setAuxClock

Table 3-339. ASYSCTL Registers to Driverlib Functions

File Driverlib Function
asysctl.h ASysCtl_enableTemperatureSensor
asysctl.h ASysCtl_disableTemperatureSensor
asysctl.h ASysCtl_lockTemperatureSensor

Table 3-340. PIE Registers to Driverlib Functions

File Driverlib Function
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.h Interrupt_defaultHandler
interrupt.c Interrupt_disable
interrupt.h Interrupt_clearACKGroup

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Table 3-340. PIE Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_enable
interrupt.c Interrupt_disable
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule

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Table 3-340. PIE Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule
interrupt.c Interrupt_initModule

Table 3-341. SYSCTL Registers to Driverlib Functions

File Driverlib Function
sysctl.c SysCtl_getDeviceParametric
sysctl.c SysCtl_getDeviceParametric
adc.h ADC_getTemperatureC
adc.h ADC_getTemperatureK
sysctl.h SysCtl_getDeviceRevision
sysctl.h SysCtl_resetPeripheral
sysctl.h SysCtl_selectCPUForPeripheral

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Table 3-341. SYSCTL Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_getClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setAuxClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_selectOscSource
sysctl.h SysCtl_turnOnOsc
sysctl.h SysCtl_turnOffOsc
sysctl.h SysCtl_enableWatchdogInHalt
sysctl.h SysCtl_disableWatchdogInHalt
can.h CAN_selectClockSource
sysctl.c SysCtl_getAuxClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setAuxClock
sysctl.h SysCtl_selectClockOutSource
sysctl.c SysCtl_getClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.h SysCtl_enterHaltMode
sysctl.h SysCtl_enterHibernateMode
sysctl.c SysCtl_getClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock

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Table 3-341. SYSCTL Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
sysctl.c SysCtl_getAuxClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setAuxClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_getAuxClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setAuxClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setAuxClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_getClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_getAuxClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setAuxClock
sysctl.h SysCtl_setEPWMClockDivider
sysctl.h SysCtl_setEMIF1ClockDivider
sysctl.h SysCtl_setEMIF2ClockDivider
sysctl.c SysCtl_getLowSpeedClock
sysctl.h SysCtl_setLowSpeedClock
sysctl.h SysCtl_enableMCD
sysctl.h SysCtl_disableMCD
sysctl.h SysCtl_isMCDClockFailureDetected
sysctl.h SysCtl_resetMCD
sysctl.h SysCtl_connectMCDClockSource
sysctl.h SysCtl_disconnectMCDClockSource
sysctl.h SysCtl_getExternalOscCounterValue
sysctl.h SysCtl_enablePeripheral
sysctl.h SysCtl_disablePeripheral

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Table 3-341. SYSCTL Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
sysctl.h SysCtl_selectSecMaster
sysctl.h SysCtl_enterIdleMode
sysctl.h SysCtl_enterStandbyMode
sysctl.h SysCtl_enterHaltMode
sysctl.h SysCtl_enterHibernateMode
sysctl.h SysCtl_setStandbyQualificationPeriod
sysctl.h SysCtl_enableWatchdogStandbyWakeup
sysctl.h SysCtl_disableWatchdogStandbyWakeup
sysctl.h SysCtl_enableLPMWakeupPin
sysctl.h SysCtl_disableLPMWakeupPin
sysctl.h SysCtl_enableLPMWakeupPin
sysctl.h SysCtl_disableLPMWakeupPin
cputimer.h CPUTimer_selectClockSource
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.c SysCtl_setAuxClock
sysctl.h SysCtl_getResetCause
sysctl.h SysCtl_clearResetCause
sysctl.h SysCtl_getWatchdogResetStatus
sysctl.h SysCtl_clearWatchdogResetStatus
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.h SysCtl_setWatchdogMode
sysctl.h SysCtl_isWatchdogInterruptActive
sysctl.h SysCtl_getWatchdogCounterValue
sysctl.h SysCtl_serviceWatchdog

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Table 3-341. SYSCTL Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.h SysCtl_resetDevice
sysctl.h SysCtl_disableWatchdog
sysctl.h SysCtl_enableWatchdog
sysctl.h SysCtl_setWatchdogPrescaler
sysctl.c SysCtl_setClock
sysctl.h SysCtl_setWatchdogWindowValue
cla.c CLA_setTriggerSource
cla.c CLA_setTriggerSource
dma.c DMA_configMode
dma.c DMA_configMode
sysctl.h SysCtl_setSyncInputConfig
sysctl.h SysCtl_setSyncOutputConfig
sysctl.h SysCtl_enableExtADCSOCSource
sysctl.h SysCtl_disableExtADCSOCSource
sysctl.h SysCtl_lockExtADCSOCSelect
sysctl.h SysCtl_lockSyncSelect

Table 3-342. NMI Registers to Driverlib Functions

File Driverlib Function
sysctl.h SysCtl_enableNMIGlobalInterrupt
sysctl.h SysCtl_getNMIStatus
sysctl.h SysCtl_getNMIFlagStatus
sysctl.h SysCtl_isNMIFlagSet
sysctl.h SysCtl_clearNMIStatus
sysctl.h SysCtl_clearAllNMIFlags
sysctl.h SysCtl_forceNMIFlags
sysctl.h SysCtl_clearNMIStatus
sysctl.h SysCtl_clearAllNMIFlags
sysctl.h SysCtl_forceNMIFlags
sysctl.h SysCtl_getNMIWatchdogCounter

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Table 3-342. NMI Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
sysctl.h SysCtl_setNMIWatchdogPeriod
sysctl.h SysCtl_getNMIWatchdogPeriod
sysctl.h SysCtl_getNMIShadowFlagStatus
sysctl.h SysCtl_isNMIShadowFlagSet

Table 3-343. XINT Registers to Driverlib Functions

File Driverlib Function
gpio.c GPIO_setInterruptPin
gpio.h GPIO_setInterruptType
gpio.h GPIO_getInterruptType
gpio.h GPIO_enableInterrupt
gpio.h GPIO_disableInterrupt
- See 1CR
- See 1CR
- See 1CR
- See 1CR

Table 3-344. DCSM Registers to Driverlib Functions

File Driverlib Function
dcsm.c DCSM_unlockZone1CSM
dcsm.h DCSM_getZone1LinkPointerError
dcsm.h DCSM_getZone1LinkPointerError
dcsm.c DCSM_unlockZone1CSM
dcsm.c DCSM_unlockZone1CSM
dcsm.c DCSM_unlockZone1CSM
dcsm.c DCSM_unlockZone1CSM
dcsm.h DCSM_secureZone1
dcsm.h DCSM_getZone1CSMSecurityStatus
dcsm.h DCSM_getZone1ControlStatus
dcsm.c DCSM_getZone1FlashEXEStatus

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Table 3-344. DCSM Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
dcsm.c DCSM_getZone1RAMEXEStatus
dcsm.c DCSM_unlockZone2CSM
dcsm.h DCSM_getZone2LinkPointerError
dcsm.h DCSM_getZone2LinkPointerError
dcsm.c DCSM_unlockZone2CSM
dcsm.c DCSM_unlockZone2CSM
dcsm.c DCSM_unlockZone2CSM
dcsm.c DCSM_unlockZone2CSM
dcsm.h DCSM_secureZone2
dcsm.h DCSM_getZone2CSMSecurityStatus
dcsm.h DCSM_getZone2ControlStatus
dcsm.c DCSM_getZone2FlashEXEStatus
dcsm.c DCSM_getZone2RAMEXEStatus
dcsm.c DCSM_claimZoneSemaphore
dcsm.c DCSM_releaseZoneSemaphore
dcsm.h DCSM_getFlashSectorZone
dcsm.h DCSM_getRAMZone

Table 3-345. MEMCFG Registers to Driverlib Functions

File Driverlib Function
memcfg.c MemCfg_lockConfig
memcfg.c MemCfg_unlockConfig
memcfg.c MemCfg_commitConfig
memcfg.c MemCfg_setProtection
memcfg.c MemCfg_setTestMode
memcfg.c MemCfg_initSections
memcfg.c MemCfg_getInitStatus

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Table 3-345. MEMCFG Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
memcfg.c MemCfg_getInitStatus
memcfg.c MemCfg_lockConfig
memcfg.c MemCfg_unlockConfig
memcfg.c MemCfg_commitConfig
memcfg.c MemCfg_setLSRAMMasterSel
memcfg.h MemCfg_setCLAMemType
memcfg.c MemCfg_setProtection
memcfg.c MemCfg_setTestMode
memcfg.c MemCfg_initSections
memcfg.c MemCfg_getInitStatus
memcfg.c MemCfg_getInitStatus
memcfg.c MemCfg_lockConfig
memcfg.c MemCfg_unlockConfig
memcfg.c MemCfg_commitConfig
memcfg.c MemCfg_setGSRAMMasterSel
memcfg.c MemCfg_setProtection
memcfg.c MemCfg_setTestMode
memcfg.c MemCfg_initSections
memcfg.c MemCfg_getInitStatus
memcfg.c MemCfg_getInitStatus
memcfg.c MemCfg_setTestMode
memcfg.c MemCfg_initSections
memcfg.c MemCfg_getInitStatus

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Table 3-345. MEMCFG Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
memcfg.c MemCfg_getInitStatus
emif.h EMIF_lockAccessConfig
emif.h EMIF_unlockAccessConfig
emif.h EMIF_commitAccessConfig
emif.h EMIF_selectMaster
emif.h EMIF_setAccessProtection
memcfg.h MemCfg_getViolationInterruptStatus
memcfg.h MemCfg_forceViolationInterrupt
memcfg.h MemCfg_clearViolationInterruptStatus
memcfg.h MemCfg_enableViolationInterrupt
memcfg.h MemCfg_disableViolationInterrupt
memcfg.c MemCfg_getViolationAddress
memcfg.c MemCfg_getViolationAddress
memcfg.h MemCfg_getViolationInterruptStatus
memcfg.h MemCfg_forceViolationInterrupt
memcfg.h MemCfg_clearViolationInterruptStatus
memcfg.h MemCfg_enableViolationInterrupt
memcfg.h MemCfg_disableViolationInterrupt
memcfg.c MemCfg_getViolationAddress
memcfg.h MemCfg_getUncorrErrorStatus
memcfg.h MemCfg_forceUncorrErrorStatus
memcfg.h MemCfg_clearUncorrErrorStatus
memcfg.c MemCfg_getUncorrErrorAddress
memcfg.c MemCfg_getUncorrErrorAddress
memcfg.h MemCfg_getCorrErrorStatus

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Table 3-345. MEMCFG Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
memcfg.h MemCfg_forceCorrErrorStatus
memcfg.h MemCfg_clearCorrErrorStatus
memcfg.c MemCfg_getCorrErrorAddress
memcfg.h MemCfg_getCorrErrorCount
memcfg.h MemCfg_setCorrErrorThreshold
memcfg.h MemCfg_getCorrErrorInterruptStatus
memcfg.h MemCfg_clearCorrErrorInterruptStatus
memcfg.h MemCfg_forceCorrErrorInterrupt
memcfg.h MemCfg_enableCorrErrorInterrupt
memcfg.h MemCfg_disableCorrErrorInterrupt
memcfg.h MemCfg_enableROMWaitState
memcfg.h MemCfg_disableROMWaitState
memcfg.h MemCfg_enableROMPrefetch
memcfg.h MemCfg_disableROMPrefetch

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Chapter 4
SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

ROM Code and Peripheral Booting

This chapter describes the booting functionality of this device.

Further information about the boot-loading process can be found in the following document(s).
• TMS320F28004x Boot Features and Configurations

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 563

4.2 Boot ROM Registers ......................................................................................... 563
4.3 Device Boot Sequence ...................................................................................... 563
4.4 Device Boot Modes ........................................................................................... 563
4.5 Configuring Boot Mode Pins .............................................................................. 565
4.6 Configuring Get Boot Options ............................................................................ 566
4.7 Configuring Emulation Boot Options .................................................................. 567
4.8 Device Boot Flow Diagrams ............................................................................... 567
4.9 Device Reset and Exception Handling ................................................................. 570
4.10 Boot ROM Description ...................................................................................... 571

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4.1 Introduction
This chapter explains the boot ROM code functionality including the boot procedure when executed, the
functions and features of the boot ROM code, and details the ROM memory map contents. On every
reset, the device executes a boot sequence in the ROM depending on the reset type and boot
configuration. This sequence will initialize the device to run application code. The boot ROM also contains
peripheral bootloaders which can be used to load an application into RAM. ROM Memory is shown in
Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. ROM Memory

Unsecure boot ROM 64 KB
Secure ROM 64 KB

4.2 Boot ROM Registers

The boot process code accesses several memory addresses and registers during execution. There are
two sets of addresses, one for emulation and one for standalone boot flow. The emulation boot-control
locations emulate OTP configurations and can be written to as many times as needed. The user
configurable DCSM OTP locations used in the standalone boot flow program the device OTP and thus can
only be written once. The below table details these locations.

Table 4-2. Boot ROM Registers

Boot Flow Register Name Boot ROM Name Address
Emulation - EMU_BOOTCTRL 0x0000 0D00
Standalone (Using Z1) Z1_BOOTCTRL Z1_BOOTCTRL 0x0005 F004
Standalone (Using Z2) Z2_BOOTCTRL Z2_BOOTCTRL 0x0005 F044

4.3 Device Boot Sequence

The boot sequence describes the general boot ROM procedure each time the CPU core is reset.
During booting, the boot ROM code updates a boot status location in RAM that details the actions taken
during this process. Refer to Section 4.10.10 for more details.

Table 4-3. Boot ROM Sequence

Step CPU1 Action
1 After reset, the FUSE error register is checked for any errors and are handled accordingly.
2 Clock and Flash Configuration
3 Device configuration registers are programmed from OTP.
4 All CPU RAMs are initialized.
5 Any pending NMI is handled by the code.
6 DCSM initialization sequence is executed.
7 Based on the boot mode select GPIO pins and boot mode set in OTP, the boot mode is determined, and
the appropriate boot sequence is executed. Refer to Section 4.8 for a flow chart of the device boot

4.4 Device Boot Modes

This section explains the boot modes supported on this device. The boot ROM uses the boot select GPIO
pins to determine the boot mode configuration. The device can be configured to boot to RAM, boot to
flash, execute a bootloader, or hold in a wait mode.

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Table 4-4 shows the boot mode options available through selection by the default boot mode select pins.
The boot mode select pins’ GPIOs and realized boot mode for when Get boot mode is selected can be
customized through the BOOTCTRL register detailed in Section 4.5.

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Table 4-4. Device Default Boot Modes

Boot Mode GPIO72 GPIO84
(Default boot mode select pin 1) (Default boot mode select pin 0)
Parallel IO 0 0
SCI 0 1
Wait 1 0
Get / Flash (1) 1 1
Get boot mode, by default, on an unprogrammed device, or when the BOOTCTRL register contains an invalid key, will boot to flash. Get
boot mode can be programmed on the device to change its default boot mode. Refer to Section 4.6 for more details on using Get boot

NOTE: All the peripheral boot modes that are supported use the first instance of the peripheral
module (SCIA, SPIA, I2CA, CANA, and so forth). Whenever these boot modes are referred
to in this chapter, such as SCI boot, it is actually referring to the first module instance,
meaning the SCI boot on the SCIA port. The same applies to the other peripheral boots.

4.5 Configuring Boot Mode Pins

This section details how the boot mode select pins can be customized by the user, by programming the
BOOTCTRL register location in user-configurable DCSM OTP. The BOOTCTRL register, when
programmed with a valid key, allows different GPIOs to be used for the two boot mode select pins.
Additionally, the boot mode select pins allow the same GPIO to be assigned to each pin for single GPIO
use cases. Also within the BOOTCTRL register, the default boot mode for use with Get boot can be
changed. When debugging, EMU_BOOTCTRL is the emulation equivalent of the BOOTCTRL register and
allows users to experiment with different boot modes without writing to OTP. Refer to Section 4.7 for
details on values that can be set in the EMU_BOOTCTRL control word.

Table 4-5. BOOTCTRL (1) Register Bit Fields

Bit Name Description
31-24 Boot Mode Select Pin 1 (BMSP1) Set to the GPIO pin to be used during
boot (up to 255).
0 = Default BMSP1
1 = GPIO0; 2 = GPIO1 and so on to 255 =
23-16 Boot Mode Select Pin 0 (BMSP0) Set to the GPIO pin to be used during
boot (up to 255).
0 = Default BMSP0
1 = GPIO0; 2 = GPIO1 and so on to 255 =
15-8 Boot Mode (BMODE) Boot mode definition when using Get boot
mode option. Refer to Section 4.6 for valid
BMODE values.
7-0 Key Write 0x5A to these 8-bits to tell the boot
ROM code that the bits in this register are
Refer to the DCSM chapter for the address of this register location in the user-configurable DCSM OTP.

On this device, the DCSM has two zones. Each zone, Z1 and Z2, has its own copy of the BOOTCTRL
register. The boot ROM is designed to be able to read from either location and uses the procedure in
Figure 4-1 to identify which register to use. By default, if the Z1 BOOTCTRL is programmed, then that
register is given the priority. If the Z1 BOOTCTRL isn’t programmed, then the boot ROM will check if Z2
BOOTCTRL is programmed, if not, then the factory default options are used.

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Figure 4-1. Z1 and Z2 BOOTCTRL Selection

Get_mode - Boot Option

Decode Zones selection as below

Z1-BOOTCTRL. OTP_KEY = Z2-BOOTCTRL. OTP_KEY = Use Factory default

0x5A? 0x5A? Options



register register

4.6 Configuring Get Boot Options

In Get boot mode, the boot ROM reads the boot mode (BMODE) bit field in the BOOTCTRL register to
determine which boot procedure to execute. By default, Get boot mode executes flash boot when in
standalone mode or wait boot when an emulator is connected to the device. Table 4-6 lists the values that
can be set to the BMODE field in BOOTCTRL and the corresponding boot mode that they represent. For
additional details on the GPIOs used for each boot mode, refer to the Section 4.10.6 section. When
debugging the device using an emulator and EMU_BOOTCTRL, the BMODE field has some additional
values which can be found in Section 4.7.

Table 4-6. Get Mode Decoding

Key BMODE Value Realized Boot Mode
!= 0x5A Don’t Care Flash Boot / Wait Boot (1)
0x00 Parallel Boot
0x01 SCI Boot 0
0x02 Wait Boot
0x04 SPI Boot 0
0x05 I2C Boot 0
0x07 CAN Boot 0
= 0x5A 0x0A RAM Boot
0x0B Flash Boot
0x0C USB Boot
0x81 SCI Boot 1
0x84 SPI Boot 1
0x85 I2C Boot 1
0x87 CAN Boot 1
Other Flash Boot / Wait Boot (1)
When an emulator is connected (TRSTn = 1) to the device, then an invalid EMU BOOTCTRL key or invalid EMU configured boot
mode results in wait boot mode. If an emulator is connected with a valid EMU BOOTCTRL key and the EMU boot mode is
configured to "Get Mode" boot then an invalid OTP BOOTCTRL key results in flash boot mode. If an emulator is not connected
with the boot mode selected to "Get Mode" boot, then an invalid OTP BOOTCTRL key or invalid OTP configured boot mode
results in flash boot mode.

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4.7 Configuring Emulation Boot Options

When connected to the device using an emulator, the EMU_BOOTCTRL control word is used to
determine the boot mode. This control word allows the user to experiment with various boot mode settings
before writing to the BOOTCTRL register in the user-configurable DCSM OTP. The values that can be set
in the BMODE field of the EMU_BOOTCTRL control word are listed in Section 4.7. Some notable options
include being able to have emulation boot read from the boot mode select pins, emulate standalone boot
using the values in OTP, and boot according to the Get boot value stored in OTP. Refer to Section 4.10.6
for details on the GPIOs used in the various boot modes.
Note that EMU_BOOTCTRL is not actually a register, but refers to a location in RAM (PIE RAM). PIE
RAM starts at 0xD00, but the first few locations are reserved (when initializing the PIE vector table in app
code) for these boot ROM variables.

4.8 Device Boot Flow Diagrams

Figure 4-2 shows the device boot flow detailing the actions executed by boot ROM after a reset.

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Figure 4-2. CPU1 Device Boot Flow

XRSn or
POR or
No No Hibernate No Other Resets


RESET Clean up Stack
-> PLL power up for Boot ROM
-> PLL power up
-> clock dividers config -> clock dividers config
-> Flash Power up -> Flash Power up
-> PLL configuration ->PLL configuration
-> Device Config -> Device Config
Branch to
Application DCSM INIT

No Retention Yes
Initialize all ON
Initialize all Initialize all RAMs
RAMs except for M0/M1



PLL Bypass On a single core

On a single core device device this has
this has no effect PLL Bypass no effect
Bring CPU2 out
of RESET Bring CPU2 out
Call application
IORESTORE On a single
function core device this
has no effect

Bring CPU2 out

Select Boot

Boot as per
Hibernate Boot
Yes Hibernate Boot
Key == 0x5A
TRSTn == 1 Mode
Yes No


EMU Boot Standalone Fall Back to

Boot default Boot

4.8.1 Emulation Boot Flow Diagrams

Figure 4-3 shows the device boot flow when running the device in emulation mode.

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Figure 4-3. CPU1 Emulation Boot Flow

32 bit wide register named EMUBOOTCTRL located at 0xD00

WAIT BOOT MODE Bits 7:0 EMU_KEY ± Use 0x5A to indicate validity of this location
Emulation Boot Mode
> Init PIE values.
> Install C2C1IPC Handler
No > Disable WatchDOG Bits 15:8 EMU_BMODE - Use this field to define upto 256 boot modes

Bits 23:16 EMU_BOOTPIN 0

0-> Pick the default boot pin-0 (GPIO 84)
1 -> Pick GPIO0 as boot pin-0
EMUBOOTCTRL.E 2 -> Pick GPIO1 as boot pin-0
MU_KEY == 0x5A? «.
255 -> Pick GPIO255 as boot pin-0

Emulate Standalone Go to Stand-Alone 31:24 EMU_BOOTPIN1

Yes Boot Mode sequence Boot Mode flow 0 -> Pick the default boot pin-1 (GPIO 72)
Yes 1 -> Pick GPIO0 as boot pin-1
2 -> Pick GPIO1 as boot pin-1
255 -> Pick GPIO255 as boot pin-1

Valid Valid
Read EmuBoot pins NO EMUBOOTCTRL. No
No Yes

_BMODE == 0xFE


EMU_BMODE Value | Realized Boot Mode
0x00 Parallel Boot Boot Mode = 0 -> Parallel Boot Mode
0x01 SCIBOOT(0) Boot Mode = 1 -> SCIBOOT Mode
0x02 WAIT BOOT Boot Mode = 2 -> WAIT BOOT Mode
0x03 GET MODE (OTP) Is Get Mode Boot Mode = 3 -> GET MODE (read OTP Boot
0x04 SPIBOOT(0) Mode values)
0x05 I2CBOOT(0)
No Yes
0x07 CANBOOT(0)
0x81 SCIBOOT(1) ± Alternate IO
0x84 SPIBOOT(1)- Alternate IO
0x85 I2CBOOT(1) ± Alternate IO
0x87 CANBOOT(1) ± Alternate IO
Start Boot LOAD Get Mode
0xC7 CANBOOT(TEST)(1) ± TEESTMODE, Alternate

4.8.2 Standalone and Hibernate Boot Flow Diagrams

Figure 4-4 shows the device boot flow when running the device in standalone boot mode or when booting
from hibernate.

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Figure 4-4. CPU1 Standalone and Hibernate Boot Flow

Findou t wh ich bo ot BOO TP IN0 =
pins to rea d ± user GPIO84
Stand Alon e B oot BOO TCTRL.OTP_K No
configured or Factor y BOO TP IN1 =
EY == 0x5A
default GPIO72 32 bit wide regis ter name d Zx-BOOTCTRL located at 0x780 1E for Zone1 and 0x782 1E for Zone 2

Bits 7:0 OTP_KEY ± Use 0x5A to ind ica te validity of this locatio n
Bits 15:8 OTP_BMODE - Use this field to d efin e u pto 256 boo t modes
Bits 23:16 OTP_BOO TP IN 0
Zx- 0-> Pick the default boo t pin-0 (GPIO 84)
BOO TCTRL.OTP_BO 1 -> Pick GP IO0 as b oot pin-0
OTPIN0 is valid? 2 -> Pick GP IO1 as b oot pin-0
255 -> Pick GP IO255 as b oot pin-0

31:24 OTP_BOO TP IN1

0 -> Pick the default boo t pin-1 (GPIO 72)
No 1 -> Pick GP IO0 as b oot pin-1
2 -> Pick GP IO1 as b oot pin-1
Zx- «.
BOO TP IN1 = 255 -> Pick GP IO255 as b oot pin-1

Boo t Mode = 0 -> Par allel Boot Mod e
Boo tMode = Boo t Mode = 1 -> SCIBOOT Mo de
BOO TP IN0 = (*BOO TP IN1 << Boo t Mode = 2 -> WAIT BOO T Mode
GPIO72 1)|(*BOO TP IN0) Boo t Mode = 3 -> GET MODE (read OTP Boot
Mode values)

Yes GET MODE Start bo ot LO AD

Hiberna te Boo t

GET MODE (boo t Mode) ----- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------
Boo tMode Va lue | Realized Boo t Mo de
----- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------
0x00 Par allel Boot
0x01 SCIBOOT(0)
Zx- Boo tMode = Zx- 0x02 WAIT BOO T
_KEY == 0x5A P_BMODE 0x05 I2CBOOT(0)
0x07 CANBOOT(0)
0x81 SCIBOOT(1) ± Alterna te IO
Is Get Mod e 0x84 SPIBO OT(1)- Alterna te IO
Ena ble Wa tchdog 0x85 I2CBOOT(1) ± Alterna te IO
Boo t to Flash 0x87 CANBOOT(1) ± Alterna te IO
0xC7 CANBOOT(TEST)(1) ± TEESTMODE, Alterna te IO
No Other FLASHBO OT (if stand Alone) EMUBOOT (if CCS con nected)

4.9 Device Reset and Exception Handling

4.9.1 Reset Causes and Handling

This section explains the actions boot ROM performs upon reset after checking the reset cause.

Table 4-7. Boot ROM Reset Causes and Actions

Reset Source CPU1 Boot ROM Action
POR 1. Adjust clock divider to /1
2. Device configuration
3. RAM initialization
4. Continue default boot flow
XRS 1. Adjust clock divider to /1
2. Device configuration
3. RAM initialization
4. Continue default boot flow
HWBIST Branch to application code

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Table 4-7. Boot ROM Reset Causes and Actions (continued)

Reset Source CPU1 Boot ROM Action
Hibernate 1. Adjust clock divider to /1
2. Device configuration
3. RAM initialization (Either all RAMS except for M0M1 or all
4. Continue default boot flow
WDRS (CPU1) 1. Adjust clock divider to /1
2. Device configuration
3. RAM initialization
4. Continue default boot flow
NMIWDRS (CPU1) 1. Adjust clock divider to /1
2. Device configuration
3. RAM initialization
4. Continue default boot flow
Debugger (CPU1) 1. Clear boot stack
2. Continue default boot flow
SCCRESET (CPU1) 1. Clear boot stack
2. Continue default boot flow

4.9.2 Exceptions and Interrupts Handling

This section explains the actions boot ROM performs if any exceptions that can occur happen during boot.

Table 4-8. Boot ROM Exceptions and Actions

Exception Event Source CPU1 Boot ROM Action Event Logged
Single-bit error in FUSEERR Ignore and continue to boot No
Multi-bit error in FUSEERR Reset the device No
Clock fail condition detected Clear the NMI and continue to boot Yes
Double-bit ECC error from RAM Reset the device Yes
Double-bit error from Flash Reset the device Yes
PIE Vector Error Ignore and continue to boot Yes
HWBIST Error Ignore and continue to boot Yes
ITRAP Exception Provide ROM location where it will loop Yes
Any spurious PIE interrupt occurs Acknowledge interrupt and continue to No

4.10 Boot ROM Description

This section explains the details regarding the device boot ROM.

4.10.1 Entry Points

This section gives details about the entry point addresses for various boot modes. These entry points tell
the boot ROM where to branch to at the end of booting as per the selected boot mode.

Table 4-9. Entry Point Addresses

Entry Point Address
RAM 0x0000 0000
Flash 0x0008 0000

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4.10.2 Wait Points

During boot ROM execution, there are situations where the CPU may enter a wait loop in the code. This
state can occur for a variety of reasons.
Table 4-10 details the address ranges that the CPU1 PC register value will fall between if it has entered
one of these instances.

Table 4-10. Wait Point Addresses for CPU1

Address Range Description
0x003FE2D4 – 0x003FE2EF In Wait Boot
0x003FE73E – 0x003FE824 In NMI Handler (startup)
0x003FE35A – 0x003FE468 In NMI Handler (PIE)
0x003FE468 – 0x003FE495 In ITRAP ISR

4.10.3 Memory Maps

This section details the ROM memory maps. Boot ROM Memory Map

Table 4-11. Boot ROM Memory Map

Memory Start Address End Address Length
ROM Signature 0x003F 8000 0x003F 8001 0x0002
TI-RTOS (ROM) 0x003F 8002 0x003F 9E0F 0x1E0E
PLC Tables 1 0x003F 9E10 0x003F D817 0x3A08
PLC Tables 2 0x003F D818 0x003F DE17 0x0600
Boot 0x003F DE18 0x003F FF31 0x211A
CRC Table 0x003F FF32 0x003F FF39 0x0008
BIST Signature 0x003F FF3A 0x003F FF79 0x0040
Version 0x003F FF7A 0x003F FF7B 0x0002
Checksum 0x003F FF7C 0x003F FFBD 0x0042
Vectors 0x003F FFBE 0x003F FFFF 0x0042
TI-RTOS (Flash) 0x0008 2000 0x0008 3FFF 0x2000 CLA Data ROM Memory Map

Table 4-12. CLA Data ROM Memory Map

Memory Start Address End Address Length
FFT Tables (Load) 0x0100 1070 0x0100 186F 0x0800
Data (Load) 0x0100 1870 0x0100 1FF9 0x078A
Version (Load) 0x0100 1FFA 0x0100 1FFF 0x0006 Reserved RAM and Flash Memory Map

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Table 4-13. Reserved RAM and Flash Memory Map

Memory Description Start Address End Address Length
RAM Boot ROM 0x0000 0002 0x0000 0122 0x0121
TI-RTOS (1) 0x0000 0780 0x0000 07FF 0x0080
(1) (2)
Flash TI-RTOS 0x0008 2000 0x0008 2823 0x0824
If the user is not planning on using TI-RTOS in ROM, then these memory locations are free to be used by the application.
For using the TI-RTOS in flash sector A, TI recommends that this sector be made unsecure, or at minimum, the sector should be
verified that there is no secure zone claiming this sector. ROM Tables

This section details the boot ROM and CLA ROM symbol tables. Boot ROM Tables

The boot ROM symbols and their addresses can be located in the .map file that is included with the
released boot ROM source and header code. Within the .map file, locate the Global Symbols category to
get a list of the boot ROM symbols and addresses present. CLA ROM Tables

Table 4-14. CLA Data ROM Tables

Start Address From CLA in Hex Start Address From CPU in Hex
_CLAatan2HalfPITable F870 01001870
_CLAINV2PI F874 01001874
_CLAatan2Table F876 01001876
_CLAasinHalfPITable F9fc 010019fc
_CLAatan2TableEnd F9fc 010019fc
_CLAasinTable Fa00 01001a00
_CLAacosinHalfPITable Fb86 01001b86
_CLAasinTableEnd Fb86 01001b86
_CLAacosinTable Fb8a 01001b8a
_CLAacosinTableEnd Fd0a 01001d0a
_CLAsinTable Fd0a 01001d0a
_CLAsincosTable Fd0a 01001d0a
_CLAsincosTable_Sin0 Fd0a 01001d0a
_CLAcosTable Fd4a 01001d4a
_CLAsincosTable_Cos0 Fd4a 01001d4a
_CLAsinTableEnd Fe0a 01001e0a
_CLAcosTableEnd Fe4c 01001e4c
_CLAsincosTable_TABLE_SIZE Fe4c 01001e4c
_CLAsincosTable_TABLE_SIZEDivTwoPi Fe4e 01001e4e
_CLAsincosTable_TwoPiDivTABLE_SIZE Fe50 01001e50
_CLAsincosTable_TABLE_MASK Fe52 01001e52
_CLAsincosTable_Coef0 Fe54 01001e54
_CLAsincosTable_Coef1 Fe56 01001e56
_CLAsincosTable_Coef1_pos Fe58 01001e58
_CLAsincosTable_Coef2 Fe5a 01001e5a
_CLAsincosTable_Coef3 Fe5c 01001e5c
_CLAsincosTable_Coef3_neg Fe5e 01001e5e
_CLALNV2 Fe60 01001e60

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Table 4-14. CLA Data ROM Tables (continued)

Start Address From CLA in Hex Start Address From CPU in Hex
_CLAsincosTableEnd Fe60 01001e60
_CLALNVe Fe62 01001e62
_CLALNV10 Fe64 01001e64
_CLABIAS Fe66 01001e66
_CLALN_TABLE_MASK1 Fe68 01001e68
_CLALN_TABLE_MASK2 Fe6a 01001e6a
_CLALnTable Fe6c 01001e6c
_CLAINV1 Ff32 01001f32
_CLALnTableEnd Ff32 01001f32
_CLAINV2 Ff34 01001f34
_CLAINV3 Ff36 01001f36
_CLAINV4 Ff38 01001f38
_CLAINV5 Ff3a 01001f3a
_CLAINV6 Ff3c 01001f3c
_CLAINV7 Ff3e 01001f3e
_CLALOG10 Ff40 01001f40
_CLAExpTable Ff42 01001f42
_CLAExpTableEnd Fff4 01001ff4
CROM VERSION FFFA 01001FFA (2 16-bit words)
.word 0x0100 ; Boot ROM
Version v1.0
.word 0x0413 ; Month/Year:
(ex: 0x0109 = 1/09 = Jan 2009)

4.10.4 Boot Modes

The available boot modes supported on this device are detailed in this section. Each boot mode allows for
various options, providing configurations with different IOs to be used, depending on the application.
While each sub-section gives details regarding the implementation of the native boot modes on the
device, they do not address utilizing each boot mode for common system operations such as:
• Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU)
• Erasing the flash memory
• Verifying the flash memory
• Unlocking the security zones
• Running the embedded code from "main"
• Resetting the MCU
These operations and more are covered in the Serial Flash Programming of C2000™Microcontrollers
application report. Wait Boot Mode

The wait boot mode puts the CPU in a loop and does not branch to the user application code. The device
can enter wait boot mode either manually or because an error occurred during boot up. TI recommends
using wait boot when using a debugger to avoid any JTAG complications.
Actions resulting in entering wait boot mode:
• Wait boot is set by the user as the boot mode
• The boot mode is unrecognized and a debugger is connected to the device
• The emulation BOOCTRL key is not equal to 0xA5 or 0x5A

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• An error occurs during emulation boot and the boot mode pins are decoded with a value not
recognized as a valid boot mode SCI Boot Mode

The SCI boot mode asynchronously transfers code from SCI-A to internal memory. This boot mode only
supports an incoming 8-bit data stream and follows the data flow as outlined in Example 4-1.

Figure 4-5. Overview of SCI Bootloader Operation

Control Host
Subsystem (Data and program
boot ROM SCITXDA source)

The device communicates with the external host by communication through the SCI-A peripheral. The
autobaud feature of the SCI port is used to lock baud rates with the host. For this reason the SCI loader is
very flexible and you can use a number of different baud rates to communicate with the device.
After each data transfer, the bootloader will echo back the 8-bit character received to the host. This allows
the host to check that each character was received by the bootloader.
At higher baud rates, the slew rate of the incoming data bits can be affected by transceiver and connector
performance. While normal serial communications may work well, this slew rate may limit reliable auto-
baud detection at higher baud rates (typically beyond 100kbaud) and cause the auto-baud lock feature to
fail. To avoid this, the following is recommended:
1. Achieve a baud-lock between the host and SCI bootloader using a lower baud rate.
2. Load the incoming application or custom loader at this lower baud rate.
3. The host may then handshake with the loaded application to set the SCI baud rate register to the
desired high baud rate.

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Figure 4-6. Overview of SCI Boot Function


Enable the SCI-A clock Echo autobaud character

set the LSPCLK to /4

Enable the SCIA TX and RX pin Read KeyValue

functionality and pullups on
TX and RX

Valid No
Setup SCI-A for KeyValue Jump to Flash
1 stop, 8-bit character, (0x08AA)
no parity, use internal ?
SC clock, no loopback,
disable Rx/Tx interrupts

Read and discard 8

Disable SCI FIFOs reserved words

Prime SCI-A baud register Read EntryPoint address

Enable autobaud detection Read data in the standard

boot stream format

No Autobaud

Yes EntryPoint SPI Boot Mode

The SPI loader expects an SPI-compatible 16-bit or 24-bit addressable serial EEPROM or serial flash
device to be present on the SPI-A pins as indicated in Figure 4-7. The SPI bootloader supports an 8-bit
data stream. It does not support a 16-bit data stream.

Figure 4-7. SPI Loader

Serial SPI
subsystem SPIA_CLK CLK

The SPI boot ROM loader initializes the SPI module to interface to a serial SPI EEPROM or flash. Devices
of this type include, but are not limited to, the Xicor X25320 (4Kx8) and Xicor X25256 (32Kx8) SPI serial
SPI EEPROMs and the Atmel AT25F1024A serial flash.

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The SPI boot ROM loader initializes the SPI with the following settings: FIFO enabled, 8-bit character,
internal SPICLK master mode and talk mode, clock phase = 1, polarity = 0, using the slowest baud rate.
If the download is to be performed from an SPI port on another device, then that device must be setup to
operate in the slave mode and mimic a serial SPI EEPROM. Immediately after entering the SPI_Boot
function, the pin functions for the SPI pins are set to primary and the SPI is initialized. The initialization is
done at the slowest speed possible. Once the SPI is initialized and the key value read, you could specify a
change in baud rate or low speed peripheral clock.

Table 4-15. SPI 8-Bit Data Stream

Byte Contents
1 LSB: AA (KeyValue for memory width = 8-bits)
2 MSB: 08h (KeyValue for memory width = 8-bits)
5 LSB: reserved for future use
6 MSB: reserved for future use
... ...
... Data for this section.
17 LSB: reserved for future use
18 MSB: reserved for future use
19 LSB: Upper half (MSW) of Entry point PC[23:16]
20 MSB: Upper half (MSW) of Entry point PC[31:24] (Note: Always 0x00)
21 LSB: Lower half (LSW) of Entry point PC[7:0]
22 MSB: Lower half (LSW) of Entry point PC[15:8]
... ....
... Data for this section.
... Blocks of data in the format size/destination address/data as shown in the generic
data stream description
... ...
... Data for this section.
n LSB: 00h
n+1 MSB: 00h - indicates the end of the source

The data transfer is done in "burst" mode from the serial SPI EEPROM. The transfer is carried out entirely
in byte mode (SPI at 8 bits/character). A step-by-step description of the sequence follows:
Step 1. The SPI-A port is initialized
Step 2. The GPIO19 (SPISTE) pin is used as a chip-select for the serial SPI EEPROM or flash
Step 3. The SPI-A outputs a read command for the serial SPI EEPROM or flash
Step 4. The SPI-A sends the serial SPI EEPROM an address 0x0000; that is, the host requires that
the EEPROM or flash must have the downloadable packet starting at address 0x0000 in the
EEPROM or flash. The loader is compatible with both 16-bit addresses and 24-bit addresses.
Step 5. The next word fetched must match the key value for an 8-bit data stream (0x08AA). The least
significant byte of this word is the byte read first and the most significant byte is the next byte
fetched. This is true of all word transfers on the SPI. If the key value does not match, then the
load is aborted and the bootloader jumps to flash.
Step 6. The next 2 bytes fetched can be used to change the value of the low speed peripheral clock
register (LOSPCP) and the SPI baud rate register (SPIBRR). The first byte read is the
LOSPCP value and the second byte read is the SPIBRR value. The next 7 words are
reserved for future enhancements. The SPI bootloader reads these 7 words and discards
Step 7. The next two words makeup the 32-bit entry point address where execution will continue after

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the boot load process is complete. This is typically the entry point for the program being
downloaded through the SPI port.
Step 8. Multiple blocks of code and data are then copied into memory from the external serial SPI
EEPROM through the SPI port. The blocks of code are organized in the standard data stream
structure presented earlier. This is done until a block size of 0x0000 is encountered. At that
point in time the entry point address is returned to the calling routine that then exits the
bootloader and resumes execution at the address specified.

Figure 4-8. Data Transfer From EEPROM Flow


Enable the SPI-A clock

Set the LSPCLK to 4 Valid No
KeyValue Jump to Flash
and SPI_CLK and enable
pullups. Configure SPI_STE Yes
pin as GPIO and drive low.
Read LOSPCP value Change LOSPCP

Set up SPI-A for

8-bit character,
Use internal SPI clock,
master mode
Use slowest baud rate (0x7F)
Relinquish SPI-A from reset

Read SPIBRR value Change SPIBRR

Set SPISTE pin high

Send read command and Read and discard 7
start at EEPROM address reserved words

Read EntryPoint Return

Read KeyValue address Call CopyData EntryPoint I2C Boot Mode

The I2C bootloader expects an 8-bit wide I2C-compatible EEPROM device to be present at address 0x50
on the I2C-A bus as indicated in Figure 4-9. The EEPROM must adhere to conventional I2C EEPROM
protocol, as described in this section, with a 16-bit base address architecture.

Figure 4-9. EEPROM Device at Address 0x50



SCL Slave Address


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If the download is to be performed from a device other than an EEPROM, then that device must be set up
to operate in the slave mode and mimic the I2C EEPROM. Immediately after entering the I2C boot
function, the GPIO pins are configured for I2C-A operation and the I2C is initialized. The following
requirements must be met when booting from the I2C module:
• The input frequency to the device must be in the appropriate range.
• The EEPROM must be at slave address 0x50.

Figure 4-10. Overview of I2C Boot Function

received Jump to Flash
Enable I2CA_SDA and
I2CA_SCL pins No
Enable pullups on
I2CA_SDA and I2CA_SCL Read KeyValue

Enable I2C-A clock

Valid No
KeyValue Jump to Flash
Set slave address 0x50
I2C prescaler I2CPSC = or 0
100-kHz bit rate Put 12c-A in Reset
Read I2CPSC value Set I2CPSC value
Enable TX/RX FIFOs to Read I2CCLKH value Set I2CCLKH value
receive 2 bytes. Read 12CCLKL value Set I2CCLKL value
Bring I2C-A out of Reset

Place I2C in master

transmitter mode
Set EEPROM address
pointer to 0x0000 Read and discard 5
reserved words

Read EntryPoint

Read data in standard

boot stream format


The bit-period prescalers (I2CCLKH and I2CCLKL) are configured by the bootloader to run the I2C at a 50
percent duty cycle at 100-kHz bit rate (standard I2C mode) when the system clock is 10 MHz. These
registers can be modified after receiving the first few bytes from the EEPROM. This allows the
communication to be increased up to a 400-kHz bit rate (fast I2C mode) during the remaining data reads.
Arbitration, bus busy, and slave signals are not checked. Therefore, no other master is allowed to control
the bus during this initialization phase. If the application requires another master during I2C boot mode,
that master must be configured to hold off sending any I2C messages until the application software
signals that it is past the bootloader portion of initialization.

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The non-acknowledgment bit is checked only during the first message sent to initialize the EEPROM base
address. This is to make sure that an EEPROM is present at address 0x50 before continuing. If an
EEPROM is not present, the non-acknowledgment bit is not checked during the address phase of the data
read messages (I2C_Get Word). If a non acknowledgment is received during the data read messages, the
I2C bus will hang. Table 14-1 shows the 8-bit data stream used by the I2C.

Table 4-16. I2C 8-Bit Data Stream

Byte Contents
1 LSB: AA (KeyValue for memory width = 8 bits)
2 MSB: 08h (KeyValue for memory width = 8 bits)
3 LSB: I2CPSC[7:0]
4 reserved
5 LSB: I2CCLKH[7:0]
6 MSB: I2CCLKH[15:8]
7 LSB: I2CCLKL[7:0]
8 MSB: I2CCLKL[15:8]
... ...
... Data for this section.
17 LSB: Reserved for future use
18 MSB: Reserved for future use
19 LSB: Upper half of entry point PC
20 MSB: Upper half of entry point PC[22:16] (Note: Always 0x00)
21 LSB: Lower half of entry point PC[15:8]
22 MSB: Lower half of entry point PC[7:0]
... ...
... Data for this section.
Blocks of data in the format size/destination address/data as shown in the generic data stream
... ...
... Data for this section.
n LSB: 00h
n+1 MSB: 00h - indicates the end of the source

The I2C EEPROM protocol required by the I2C bootloader is shown in Figure 4-11 and Figure 4-12. The
first communication, which sets the EEPROM address pointer to 0x0000 and reads the KeyValue
(0x08AA) from it, is shown in Figure 4-11. All subsequent reads are shown in Figure 4-12 and are read
two bytes at a time.

Figure 4-11. Random Read











1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 01 0 0 0 0 1 0

Device Address Address Device DATA BYTE 1 DATA BYTE 2

Address Pointer, MSB Pointer, LSB Address

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Figure 4-12. Sequential Read




1 01 0 0 0 0 1 0


Address Parallel Boot Mode

The parallel general purpose I/O (GPIO) boot mode asynchronously transfers code from GPIO58 -
GPIO63, GPIO64-GPIO65 to internal memory. Each value is 8 bits long and follows the same data flow as
outlined in Figure 4-13.

Figure 4-13. Overview of Parallel GPIO Bootloader Operation

28x control − GPIO69
Host control − GPIO70 Host
boot ROM (data and program
8 source)

Data GP I/O port GPIO[63-58, 64, 65]

The control subsystem communicates with the external host device by polling/driving the GPIO70 and
GPIO69 lines. The handshake protocol shown in Figure 4-14 must be used to successfully transfer each
word via GPIO [63-58,64,65]. This protocol is very robust and allows for a slower or faster host to
communicate with the master subsystem.
Two consecutive 8-bit words are read to form a single 16-bit word. The most significant byte (MSB) is read
first followed by the least significant byte (LSB). In this case, data is read from GPIO[63-58,64,65].
The 8-bit data stream is shown in Table 4-17.

Table 4-17. Parallel GPIO Boot 8-Bit Data Stream

Bytes GPIO[63:58,64, GPIO[63:58,64, Description
65] 65]
(Byte 1 of 2) (Byte 2 of 2)
1 2 AA 08 0x08AA (KeyValue for memory width = 16 bits)
3 4 00 00 8 reserved words (words 2 - 9)
... ... ... ... ...
17 18 00 00 Last reserved word
19 20 BB 00 Entry point PC[22:16]
21 22 DD CC Entry point PC[15:0] (PC = 0x00BBCCDD)
23 24 NN MM Block size of the first block of data to load = 0xMMNN words
25 26 BB AA Destination address of first block Addr[31:16]
27 28 DD CC Destination address of first block Addr[15:0] (Addr = 0xAABBCCDD)
29 30 BB AA First word of the first block in the source being loaded = 0xAABB
... ...
... Data for this section.
. BB AA Last word of the first block of the source being loaded = 0xAABB
. NN MM Block size of the 2nd block to load = 0xMMNN words
. BB AA Destination address of second block Addr[31:16]
. DD CC Destination address of second block Addr[15:0]
. BB AA First word of the second block in the source being loaded
. …

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Table 4-17. Parallel GPIO Boot 8-Bit Data Stream (continued)

Bytes GPIO[63:58,64, GPIO[63:58,64, Description
65] 65]
(Byte 1 of 2) (Byte 2 of 2)
n n+1 BB AA Last word of the last block of the source being loaded
(More sections if required)
n+2 n+3 00 00 Block size of 0000h - indicates end of the source program

The device first signals the host that it is ready to begin data transfer by pulling the GPIO69 pin low. The
host load then initiates the data transfer by pulling the GPIO70 pin low. The complete protocol is shown in
Figure 4-14:

Figure 4-14. Parallel GPIO Bootloader Handshake Protocol

1 2 3 4 5 6

Host control

Device control

1. The device indicates it is ready to start receiving data by pulling the GPIO69 pin low.
2. The bootloader waits until the host puts data on GPIO [63-58,64,65]. The host signals to the device
that data is ready by pulling the GPIO70 pin low.
3. The device reads the data and signals the host that the read is complete by pulling GPIO69 high.
4. The bootloader waits until the host acknowledges the device by pulling GPIO70 high.
5. The device again indicates it is ready for more data by pulling the GPIO69 pin low.
This process is repeated for each data value to be sent.
Figure 4-15 shows an overview of the Parallel GPIO bootloader flow.

Figure 4-15. Parallel GPIO Mode Overview


Initialize GP I/O MUX Read and discard 8

and Dir registers reserved words
GPIO[63-58,64,65] = input
GPIO70 = input
GPIO69 = output
Enable pullups on Read EntryPoint


No KeyValue
Return Flash EntryPoint (0x08AA)
Yes EntryPoint

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Figure 4-16 shows the transfer flow from the host side. The operating speed of the CPU and host are not
critical in this mode as the host will wait for the device and the device will in turn wait for the host. In this
manner the protocol will work with both a host running faster and a host running slower than the device.

Figure 4-16. Parallel GPIO Mode - Host Transfer Flow

Start transfer

No Device ready

Yes No Device ack

Load GPIO[63-58,64,65] with data ?

Signal that data
is ready Acknowledge device
(GPIO70=0) (GPIO70=1)

More Yes


End transfer

Figure 4-17 shows the flow used to read a single word of data from the parallel port.
• 8-bit data stream
The 8-bit routine, shown in Figure 4-17, discards the upper 8 bits of the first read from the port and
treats the lower 8 bits masked with GPIO65 in bit position 7 and GPIO64 in bit position 6 as the least
significant byte (LSB) of the word to be fetched. The routine will then perform a second read to fetch
the most significant byte (MSB). The routine will then perform a second read to fetch the most
significant byte (MSB). It then combines the MSB and LSB into a single 16-bit value to be passed back
to the calling routine.

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Figure 4-17. 8-Bit Parallel GetWord Function

Parallel_GetWordData A
8 bit

Signal host that device is ready Signal host that device

is ready to read MSB
(GPIO69 = 0) (GPIO69 = 0)

Data Data
ready No ready No
(GPIO70 = 0) (GPIO70 = 0)
? ?

Yes Yes

Read word of data

from GPIO[63-58,64,65] Read GPIO for LSB and
MSB of 16-bit data

Device ack read complete

(GPIO69 = 1)

Device ack read complete

(GPIO69 = 1)

ack No
(GPIO70 = 1)
? Host
ack No
Yes (GPIO70 = 1)


WordData = MSB:LSB

Return WordData CAN Boot Mode

The CAN bootloader asynchronously transfers code from CAN-A to internal memory. The host can be any
CAN node. The communication is first done with 11-bit standard identifiers (with a MSGID of 0x1) using
two bytes per data frame. The host can download a kernel to reconfigure the CAN if higher data
throughput is desired.

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Figure 4-18. Overview of CAN-A Bootloader Operation


CAN bus


The bit timing registers are programmed in such a way that a 100 kbps bit rate is achieved with a 20 MHz
external oscillator, a shown in Table 4-18.

Table 4-18. Bit-Rate Value for Internal Oscillators

20 MHz 10 MHz 100 kbps

The SYSCLKOUT values shown are the reset values with the default PLL setting. The BRP and bit-time
values are hard-coded to 10 and 20, respectively.
Mailbox 1 is programmed with a standard MSGID of 0x1 for boot-loader communication. The CAN host
should transmit only 2 bytes at a time, LSB first and MSB next. For example, to transmit the word 0x08AA
to the device, transmit AA first, followed by 08. The program flow of the CAN bootloader is identical to the
SCI bootloader. The data sequence for the CAN bootloader is shown in Table 4-19:

Table 4-19. CAN 8-Bit Data Stream

Bytes Byte 1 of 2 Byte 2 of 2 Description
1 2 AA 08 0x08AA (KeyValue for memory width = 16 bits)
3 4 00 00 reserved
5 6 00 00 reserved
7 8 00 00 reserved
9 10 00 00 reserved
11 12 00 00 reserved
13 14 00 00 reserved
15 16 00 00 reserved
17 18 00 00 reserved
19 20 BB AA Entry point PC[22:16]
21 22 DD CC Entry point PC[15:0] (PC = 0xAABBCCDD)
23 24 NN MM Block size of the first block of data to load = 0xMMNN words
25 26 BB AA Destination address of first block Addr[31:16]
27 28 DD CC Destination address of first block Addr[15:0] (Addr = 0xAABBCCDD)
29 30 BB AA First word of the first block in the source being loaded = 0xAABB
... ....
... Data for this section.
. BB AA Last word of the first block of the source being loaded = 0xAABB

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Table 4-19. CAN 8-Bit Data Stream (continued)

Bytes Byte 1 of 2 Byte 2 of 2 Description
. NN MM Block size of the 2nd block to load = 0xMMNN words
. BB AA Destination address of second block Addr[31:16]
. DD CC Destination address of second block Addr[15:0]
. BB AA First word of the second block in the source being loaded
. …
n n+1 BB AA Last word of the last block of the source being loaded
(More sections if required)
n+2 n+3 00 00 Block size of 0000h - indicates end of the source program USB Boot Mode

In USB boot mode, the device will enumerate with vendor ID 0x1cbe and product ID 0x00ff. The device
descriptor and interface descriptor both show the class as 0xFF (vendor-specific), the subclass as 0x00,
and the protocol as 0x00. After enumeration, the device will wait for data. Data should be sent via bulk
OUT transfers to endpoint 1. The data is interpreted as a series of 8-bit bytes in the standard data stream
format described in Section 4.10.5, shown here in Table 4-20. No reserved bytes are used. Once the data
transfer is complete (block size of 0x0000 sent), the device will disconnect from the USB bus, allowing
other software to make use of the module if desired. Figure 4-19 illustrates the flow for USB boot mode.

Figure 4-19. USB Boot Flow


Host sends boot

loader data in the
Wait for standard stream
connection format via bulk OUT
transfers to
endpoint 1

Enumerate to host
PC with ID 1cbe:00ff Valid key
Jump to flash

Host PC installs
MCU loads data into

MCU waits
for data MCU disconnects
from the USB bus

Return EntryPoint

Table 4-20. USB 8-Bit Data Stream

Bytes First Byte Second Byte Description
1 2 AA 08 0x08AA (KeyValue for memory width = 16bits)
3 4 00 00 reserved
5 6 00 00 reserved
7 8 00 00 reserved
9 10 00 00 reserved
11 12 00 00 reserved
13 14 00 00 reserved

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Table 4-20. USB 8-Bit Data Stream (continued)

Bytes First Byte Second Byte Description
15 16 00 00 reserved
17 18 00 00 reserved
19 20 BB AA Entry point PC[22:16]
21 22 DD CC Entry point PC[15:0] (PC = 0xAABBCCDD)
23 24 NN MM Block size of the first block of data to load = 0xMMNN words
25 26 BB AA Destination address of first block Addr[31:16]
27 28 DD CC Destination address of first block Addr[15:0] (Addr = 0xAABBCCDD)
29 30 BB AA First word of the first block in the source being loaded = 0xAABB
... ....
... Data for this section.
. BB AA Last word of the first block of the source being loaded = 0xAABB
. NN MM Block size of the 2nd block to load = 0xMMNN words
. BB AA Destination address of second block Addr[31:16]
. DD CC Destination address of second block Addr[15:0]
. BB AA First word of the second block in the source being loaded
. …
n n+1 BB AA Last word of the last block of the source being loaded
(More sections if required)
n+2 n+3 00 00 Block size of 0000h - indicates end of the source program

Implementing PC-side USB software is not trivial. It is recommended to use the TI-provided tools and
drivers to load data in USB boot mode. Hex and binary files for loader tools can be generated from COFF
(.out) files using the hex2000 tool. To produce a plain binary file in the boot loader format, use the
following command line:
hex2000 -boot -b Program_to_Load.out -o Binary_Loader_Data.dat
For more information on hex2000, please see the TMS320C28x Assembly Language Tools User's Guide

NOTE: INTOSC2 must be enabled before invoking the USB boot loader. If INTOSC2 is not enabled,
the boot loader will hang. A debugger reset or SCC reset will not enable INTOSC2 if it has
been disabled by the application.

4.10.5 Boot Data Stream Structure

This section details the data transfer protocols or stream structures that allow boot data transfer between
boot ROM and host device. This data transfer protocol is compatible to the respective bootloaders on
other C2000 devices. Bootloader Data Stream Structure

The following table and associated examples show the structure of the data stream incoming to the
bootloader. The basic structure is the same for all the bootloaders and is based on the C54x source data
stream generated by the C54x hex utility. The C28x hex utility (hex2000.exe) has been updated to support
this structure. The hex2000.exe utility is included with the C2000 code generation tools. All values in the
data stream structure are in hex.

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The first 16-bit word in the data stream is known as the key value. The key value is used to tell the
bootloader the width of the incoming stream: 8 or 16 bits. Note that not all bootloaders will accept both 8
and 16-bit streams. Please refer to the detailed information on each loader for the valid data stream width.
For an 8-bit data stream, the key value is 0x08AA and for a 16-bit stream it is 0x10AA. If a bootloader
receives an invalid key value, then the load is aborted.
The next eight words are used to initialize register values or otherwise enhance the bootloader by passing
values to it. If a bootloader does not use these values then they are reserved for future use and the
bootloader simply reads the value and then discards it. Currently only the SPI and I2C and parallel
bootloaders use these words to initialize registers.
The tenth and eleventh words comprise the 22-bit entry point address. This address is used to initialize
the PC after the boot load is complete. This address is most likely the entry point of the program
downloaded by the bootloader.
The twelfth word in the data stream is the size of the first data block to be transferred. The size of the
block is defined as 8-bit data stream format. For example, to transfer a block of 20 8-bit data values from
an 8-bit data stream, the block size would be 0x000A to indicate 10 16-bit words.
The next two words tell the loader the destination address of the block of data. Following the size and
address will be the 16-bit words that makeup that block of data.
This pattern of block size/destination address repeats for each block of data to be transferred. Once all the
blocks have been transferred, a block size of 0x0000 signals to the loader that the transfer is complete. At
this point the loader will return the entry point address to the calling routine which in turn will cleanup and
exit. Execution will then continue at the entry point address as determined by the input data stream

Table 4-21. LSB/MSB Loading Sequence in 8-Bit Data Stream

Byte Contents
LSB (First Byte of 2) MSB (Second Byte of 2)
1 2 LSB: AA (KeyValue for memory width = 8 bits) MSB: 08h (KeyValue for memory width = 8 bits)
3 4 LSB: Register initialization value or reserved MSB: Register initialization value or reserved
5 6 LSB: Register initialization value or reserved MSB: Register initialization value or reserved
7 8 LSB: Register initialization value or reserved MSB: Register initialization value or reserved
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
17 18 LSB: Register initialization value or reserved MSB: Register initialization value or reserved
19 20 LSB: Upper half of Entry point PC[23:16] MSB: Upper half of entry point PC[31:24] (Always 0x00)
21 22 LSB: Lower half of Entry point PC[7:0] MSB: Lower half of Entry point PC[15:8]
23 24 LSB: Block size in words of the first block to load. If the MSB: block size
block size is 0, this indicates the end of the source
program. Otherwise another block follows. For example, a
block size of 0x000A would indicate 10 words or 20 bytes
in the block.
25 26 LSB: MSW destination address, first block Addr[23:16] MSB: MSW destination address, first block Addr[31:24]
27 28 LSB: LSW destination address, first block Addr[7:0] MSB: LSW destination address, first block Addr[15:8]
29 30 LSB: First word of the first block being loaded MSB: First word of the first block being loaded
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
. . LSB: Last word of the first block to load MSB: Last word of the first block to load
. . LSB: Block size of the second block MSB: Block size of the second block
. . LSB: MSW destination address, second block Addr[23:16] MSB: MSW destination address, second block
. . LSB: LSW destination address, second block Addr[7:0] MSB: LSW destination address, second block Addr[15:8]
. . LSB: First word of the second block being loaded MSB: First word of the second block being loaded
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
. . LSB: Last word of the second block MSB: Last word of the second block

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Table 4-21. LSB/MSB Loading Sequence in 8-Bit Data Stream (continued)

Byte Contents
LSB (First Byte of 2) MSB (Second Byte of 2)
. . LSB: Block size of the last block MSB: Block size of the last block
. . LSB: MSW of destination address of last block Addr[23:16] MSB: MSW destination address, last block Addr[31:24]
. . LSB: LSW destination address, last block Addr[7:0] MSB: LSW destination address, last block Addr[15:8]
. . LSB: First word of the last block being loaded MSB: First word of the last block being loaded
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
. . LSB: Last word of the last block MSB: Last word of the last block
n n+1 LSB: 00h MSB: 00h - indicates the end of the source

Example 4-1. Data Stream Structure 8-bit

AA 08 ; 0x08AA 8-bit key value

00 00 00 00 ; 8 reserved words
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
3F 00 00 80 ; 0x003F8000 EntryAddr, starting point after boot load completes
05 00 ; 0x0005 - First block consists of 5 16-bit words
3F 00 10 90 ; 0x003F9010 - First block will be loaded starting at 0x3F9010
01 00 ; Data loaded = 0x0001 0x0002 0x0003 0x0004 0x0005
02 00
03 00
04 00
05 00
02 00 ; 0x0002 - 2nd block consists of 2 16-bit words
3F 00 00 80 ; 0x003F8000 - 2nd block will be loaded starting at 0x3F8000
00 77 ; Data loaded = 0x7700 0x7625
25 76
00 00 ; 0x0000 - Size of 0 indicates end of data stream

After load has completed the following memory values will have been initialized as follows:

Location Value
0x3F9010 0x0001
0x3F9011 0x0002
0x3F9012 0x0003
0x3F9013 0x0004
0x3F9014 0x0005
0x3F8000 0x7700
0x3F8001 0x7625
PC Begins execution at 0x3F8000

4.10.6 GPIO Assignments

This section details the GPIOs and boot options used for each boot mode set in the BMODE bit-field of
the BOOTCTRL register in OTP. Refer to Section 4.5 on the details of the BOOTCTRL fields.

Table 4-22. SCI Boot Options

0 (default) 0x01 GPIO84 GPIO85
1 0x81 GPIO29 GPIO28

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Table 4-23. CAN Boot Options

0 0x07 GPIO71 GPIO70
1 0x87 GPIO63 GPIO62

Table 4-24. I2C Boot Options

0 0x05 GPIO91 GPIO92
1 0x85 GPIO32 GPIO33

Table 4-25. USB Boot Options

0 0x0C GPIO42 GPIO43

Table 4-26. RAM Boot Options

Option BMODE Value RAM Entry Point
0 0x0A 0x0000 0000

Table 4-27. Flash Boot Options

Option BMODE Value Flash Entry Point Flash Sector
0 0x0B 0x0008 0000 Sector A

Table 4-28. Wait Boot Options

Option BMODE Value
0 (default) 0x02

Table 4-29. SPI Boot Options

0 0x04 GPIO58 GPIO59 GPIO60 GPIO61
1 0x84 GPIO16 GPIO17 GPIO18 GPIO19

Table 4-30. Parallel Boot Options

Option BMODE Value D0-D7 GPIO DSP Control GPIO Host Control GPIO
0 (default) 0x0 D0 - GPIO65 GPIO69 GPIO70
D1 - GPIO64
D2 - GPIO58
D3 - GPIO59
D4 - GPIO60
D5 - GPIO61
D6 - GPIO62
D7 - GPIO63

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4.10.7 Secure ROM Function APIs

Within secure ROM of each core, functions are available to be called by the application to perform
EXEONLY flash/RAM tasks in a secure manner.

NOTE: The application should disable interrupts before calling one of the EXEONLY function APIs.
If a vector fetch request is given by the CPU while its program counter (PC) is within the
EXEONLY function API code of the Secure ROM, a reset will fire. The consequence of this is
if an NMI or ITRAP occurs while the PC is executing one of the EXEONLY API functions, the
NMI/ITRAP cannot be serviced because a reset will be fired to that subsystem.

The safe copy code zone 1 and zone 2 functions allow EXEONLY Flash to be copied to EXEONLY
RAM in a secure manner. The source must be from EXEONLY Flash and the destination to EXEONLY
RAM. There is no support to copy EXEONLY ROM or EXEONLY RAM to RAM. Both Flash and RAM
must be set to EXEONLY and configured for the same zone. Additionally, the copy size must not cross
over the flash sector boundary. Any violations of these requirements will result in a failure status returned.
Upon successful copy of the data, the number of 16-bit words copied is returned.

Table 4-31. Safe Copy Code Function

CPU Function Prototype Function Parameters Function Return Value

Uint16 SafeCopyCodeZ1(Uint32 size : The number of 16-bit words to 0xXXXX : Returns the number of
size, Uint16 *dst, Uint16 *src) copy 16-bit words copied

dst : The destination memory 0x0000 : Indicates one of the

CPU1, CPU2 address in EXEONLY RAM following: Copy length is zero; Copy
size crosses over flash sector
src : The source memory address in boundary; Flash and RAM don't
Uint16 SafeCopyCodeZ2(Uint32 EXEONLY Flash belong to the same zone; Flash
size, Uint16 *dst, Uint16 *src) and/or RAM aren't set to EXEONLY;
Error occurred during data copy

The safe CRC calculation zone 1 and zone 2 functions allow a safety CRC check of EXEONLY
memory in a secure manner. The CRC length provided must be a value from 1 to 8 where 1 represents a
CRC size of 32 16-bit words and 8 represents a CRC size of 4096 16-bit words. The source address
specifies the starting address for the CRC and the destination address is the location that the resulting
CRC value will be stored. The source and destination memories must be configured for the same zone.
Additionally, the CRC length must not cross over the flash sector or RAM block boundary. Any violations
of these requirements will result in a failure status returned. Upon successful CRC, the number of 16-bit
words CRC'd is returned.

Table 4-32. Safe CRC Calculation Function

CPU Function Prototype Function Parameters Function Return Value

len_id : A number from 1 to 8 which

Uint16 SafeCRCCalcZ1(Uint16 corresponds to length options of 32, 0xXXXX : Returns the number of
len_id, Uint16 *dst, Uint16 *src) 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 16-bit words CRC'd
4096 16-bit words

dst : The destination memory 0x0000 : Indicates one of the

CPU1, CPU2 address for resulting CRC following: Invalid length option;
Source address isn't modulo of
src : The source memory address to length value; Destination address
begin CRC calculation isn't within secure RAM; CRC size
Uint16 SafeCRCCalcZ2(Uint16 crosses over flash sector or RAM
size, Uint16 *dst, Uint16 *src) block boundary; The source and
destination memory don't belong to
the same zone

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4.10.8 Clock Initializations

During boot up, the boot ROM initializes the device clocking, depending upon the reset source, to assist in
faster boot time response. Clock configurations are performed by the boot ROM code only for POR, XRS,
and HIBERNATE reset types. For all other resets, the boot ROM starts executing with the clocks that were
already set up before reset.

Table 4-33. Boot Clock Sources

Source Frequency Description
INTOSC2 10 MHz Default clock source
INTOSC1 10 MHz Set as clock source if missing
clock is detected at power up or
right after device reset

Table 4-34. Clock State After Boot ROM

Reset Source Clock State
PLL multiplier is set to 0x0
Clock divider is set to /1.
All other Resets Maintain clocks setup before device reset.

NOTE: If the PLL is used during the boot process, it will be bypassed by the boot ROM code before
branching to the user application.

4.10.9 Wait State Configuration

This section details the ROM memory wait state configurations. By default, the C28x CPU1 and CPU2
ROM memory on this device is not zero-wait state; it is 1-wait state with pre-fetch disabled. ROM does
support pre-fetch enable and disable configurations in order to provide better execution speeds at varying
clock frequencies. Configuring the wait state enables user applications to adjust for when performing
callbacks into ROM or secure copy code (SCC).

Table 4-35. ROM Wait States

Wait State Disable Bit Pre-Fetch Enable Bit C28x ROM Configuration
(Bit 0 – 0x5F540) (Bit 0 – 0x5E608)
0 0 • Wait state enabled
• Pre-fetch disabled
• Max Frequency: 200MHz
0 1 • Wait state enabled
• Pre-fetch enabled
• Max Frequency: 180MHz
1 Don’t Care • 0 Wait state
• Pre-fetch disabled
• Max Frequency: 150MHz

4.10.10 Boot Status information

Boot ROM keeps a record of the different events that can occur during boot ROM execution. This is
because NMI and other exceptions are enabled by default in the device, and must be handled accordingly.
Boot ROM stores the boot status information in a RAM location so that the user application can look at
this boot status and take the necessary actions per the application’s needs to handle these events.

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This section details the boot status RAM location and its bit field definitions. When the specific bit field is
set, the described event or action has occurred.

Table 4-36. CPU1 Boot Status Address

Description Address
CPU1 Boot ROM Status 0x0000 002C

Table 4-37. CPU1 Boot Status Bit Fields

Bit Description
31 CPU1 Boot ROM has finished running
30 Boot ROM detected a missing clock NMI
29 Boot ROM detected a RAM bit error NMI
28 Boot ROM detected a Flash bit error NMI
27 Boot ROM detected CPU1 HWBIST error NMI
25 Boot ROM detected PIE vector error NMI
20 Boot ROM detected OVF NMI
19 Boot ROM detected a PIE mismatch
17 Boot ROM detected an ITRAP
15 Boot ROM handled POR
14 Boot ROM handled XRS
13 Boot ROM handled HWBIST reset
12 Boot ROM handled hibernate reset
11 Boot ROM handled all the resets
10 DCSM initialization has completed
9 Flash boot has started
8 CPU1 Boot ROM has started running

4.10.11 ROM Version

The ROM revision and release date information is stored at the ROM locations specified in this section.

Table 4-38. Boot ROM Version Information

Start Address End Address Contents
0x003F FF7A 0x003F FF7A Revision Number
0x003F FF7B 0x003F FF7B Revision Date

Interpreting the contents:

• Reading a revision value of 0x100 represents version 1.0.
• Reading a revision date value of 0x0715 represents 07/15 or July 2015.

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Chapter 5
SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

Direct Memory Access (DMA)

The direct memory access (DMA) module provides a hardware method of transferring data between
peripherals and/or memory without intervention from the CPU, thereby freeing up bandwidth for other
system functions. Additionally, the DMA has the capability to orthogonally rearrange the data as it is
transferred as well as “ping-pong” data between buffers. These features are useful for structuring data into
blocks for optimal CPU processing.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 595

5.2 Features .......................................................................................................... 595
5.3 Architecture ..................................................................................................... 596
5.4 Address Pointer and Transfer Control ................................................................. 602
5.5 Pipeline Timing and Throughput ........................................................................ 607
5.6 Channel Priority ............................................................................................... 608
5.7 Overrun Detection Feature ................................................................................. 609
5.8 DMA Registers ................................................................................................. 611

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5.1 Introduction
The strength of a controller is not measured purely in processor speed, but in total system capabilities. As
a part of the equation, any time the CPU bandwidth for a given function can be reduced, the greater the
system capabilities. Many times applications spend a significant amount of their bandwidth moving data,
whether it is from off-chip memory to on-chip memory, or from a peripheral such as an analog-to-digital
converter (ADC) to RAM, or even from one peripheral to another. Furthermore, many times this data
comes in a format that is not conducive to the optimum processing powers of the CPU. The DMA module
described in this reference guide has the ability to free up CPU bandwidth and rearrange the data into a
pattern for more streamlined processing.
The DMA module is an event-based machine, meaning it requires a peripheral or software trigger to start
a DMA transfer. Although it can be made into a periodic time-driven machine by configuring a timer as the
DMA trigger source, there is no mechanism within the module itself to start memory transfers periodically.
The DMA module has six independent DMA channels which can be configured separately and each
channel contains its own independent PIE interrupt to let the CPU know when a DMA transfer has either
started or completed. Five of the six channels are exactly the same, while Channel 1 has the ability to be
configured at a higher priority than the others. At the heart of the DMA is a state machine and tightly
coupled address control logic. It is this address control logic that allows for rearrangement of the block of
data during the transfer as well as the process of ping-ponging data between buffers. Each of these
features, along with others, will be discussed in detail in this document.

5.2 Features
DMA features include:
• Six channels with independent PIE interrupts
• Each DMA channel can be triggered from multiple peripheral trigger sources independently
• Word Size: 16-bit or 32-bit (SPI limited to 16-bit)
• Throughput: 3 cycles/word without arbitration

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5.3 Architecture

5.3.1 Block Diagram

Figure 5-1 shows a device-level block diagram of the DMA.

Figure 5-1. DMA Block Diagram

ADC ADC Global Shared

RESULTS 16x 4Kx16
(4) (5) (3)
(4) GS0-15 RAMs

C28x Bus

TINT (0-2)

DMA_CHx (1-6)
XINT (1-5) DMA Trigger
Source Selection
SDxFLTy (x = 1 to 2, y = 1 to 4) DMACHSRCSEL2.CHx
MXEVT (A-B), MREVT (A-B) (x = 1 to 6)

DMA Trigger Source

CPU and DMA Data Path



(8) (12) (2) (3) EMIF1

5.3.2 Common Peripheral Architecture

The architecture of this device allows for common peripherals to be accessed by different masters. A
peripheral can be accessed by the CPU and one of the secondary masters (DMA or CLA1). The
secondary master is selected using the SECMSEL register. Refer to the SECMSEL register definition for
more details. If a secondary master is not selected, all writes from that master are ignored and all reads
will return 0x0.
Refer to for more details on the arbitration scheme for all masters.

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Figure 5-2. Common Peripheral Architecture

NOTE: If CPU and DMA make an access to the same peripheral frame in the same cycle, the DMA
has priority and the CPU is stalled.

5.3.3 Peripheral Interrupt Event Trigger Sources

Each DMA Channel can be configured to trigger by software and other peripheral triggers events.
DMACHSRCSELx register can be used to configure DMA Trigger sources for each DMA channel.
CHx.MODE.PERINTSEL register bitfield should be set to channel number (CHx.MODE.PERINTSEL = x)
as shown in Figure 5-3. Included in these DMA Trigger sources are five external interrupt signals which
can be connected to most of the general-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins on the device. This adds
significant flexibility to the event trigger capabilities. Upon receipt of a peripheral interrupt event signal, the
DMA will automatically send a clear signal to the interrupt source so that subsequent interrupt events will

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Figure 5-3. DMA Trigger Architecture

256 X 1
Mux ‘1’ 0
All DMA Trigger
Sources 2

Trigger Source for CH1
(Active Low)


256 X 1


Trigger Source for CH2

6 (Active Low)


256 X 1



Trigger Source for CH6

(Active Low)


NOTE: To use the system level DMA Trigger source selection, the DMA internal trigger source
selection configuration for each channel should be done using the DMACHSRCSELx
register, and the CHx.MODE.PERINTSEL register as shown here. See Table 5-1 or the
DMACHSRCSELx register definition for a complete list of DMA trigger sources.

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Regardless of the value of the MODE.CHx[PERINTSEL] bit field, software can always force a trigger by
using the CONTROL.CHx[PERINTFRC] bit. Likewise, software can always clear a pending DMA trigger
using the CONTROL.CHx[PERINTCLR] bit.
Once a particular peripheral trigger event sets a channel’s PERINTFLG bit, the bit remains pending until
the priority logic of the state machine starts the burst transfer for that channel. Once the burst transfer
starts, the flag is cleared. If a new peripheral trigger event is generated while a burst is in progress, the
burst will complete before responding to the new peripheral trigger event (after proper prioritization). If a
third peripheral trigger event occurs before the pending event is serviced, an error flag is set in the
CONTROL.CHx[OVRFLG] bit. If a peripheral trigger event occurs at the same time as the latched flag is
being cleared, the trigger event has priority and the PERINTFLG will remain set.
Figure 5-4 shows a diagram of the trigger select circuit. See the DMACHSRCSELx register description for
the complete list of peripheral trigger event sources.

Figure 5-4. Peripheral Interrupt Trigger Input Diagram

DMA Trigger event clears PERINTFLG bit


Latch DMA Trigger Event
(DMACHSRCSELx) Peripheral DMA Trigger

Software Trigger

PERINTFLG gets set at this point

A See Figure 5-3.

Table 5-1 shows the peripheral trigger source options that are available for each channel.

Table 5-1. DMA Trigger Source Options

Select Value (8-bit) DMA ChTrigger Source
0 No Peripheral
1 ADCA.1
2 ADCA.2
3 ADCA.3
4 ADCA.4
6 ADCB.1
7 ADCB.2
8 ADCB.3
9 ADCB.4
11 ADCC.1
12 ADCC.2
13 ADCC.3
14 ADCC.4
16 ADCD.1
17 ADCD.2
18 ADCD.3

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Table 5-1. DMA Trigger Source Options (continued)

Select Value (8-bit) DMA ChTrigger Source
19 ADCD.4
21 No Peripheral
22 No Peripheral
23 No Peripheral
24 No Peripheral
25 No Peripheral
26 No Peripheral
27 No Peripheral
28 No Peripheral
29 XINT1
30 XINT2
31 XINT3
32 XINT4
33 XINT5
34 No Peripheral
35 No Peripheral
60 No Peripheral
61 No Peripheral
62 No Peripheral
63 No Peripheral
64 No Peripheral
65 No Peripheral

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Table 5-1. DMA Trigger Source Options (continued)

Select Value (8-bit) DMA ChTrigger Source
66 No Peripheral
67 No Peripheral
68 TINT0
69 TINT1
70 TINT2
75 No Peripheral
76 No Peripheral
77 No Peripheral
78 No Peripheral
79 No Peripheral
80 No Peripheral
81 No Peripheral
82 No Peripheral
83 No Peripheral
84 No Peripheral
85 No Peripheral
86 No Peripheral
87 No Peripheral
88 No Peripheral
89 No Peripheral
90 No Peripheral
91 No Peripheral
92 No Peripheral
93 No Peripheral
94 No Peripheral
95 SD1FLT1
96 SD1FLT2
97 SD1FLT3
98 SD1FLT4
99 SD2FLT1
100 SD2FLT2
101 SD2FLT3
102 SD2FLT4
103 No Peripheral
104 No Peripheral
105 No Peripheral
106 No Peripheral
107 No Peripheral
108 No Peripheral

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Table 5-1. DMA Trigger Source Options (continued)

Select Value (8-bit) DMA ChTrigger Source
115 No Peripheral
116 No Peripheral
117 No Peripheral
118 No Peripheral
119 No Peripheral
120 No Peripheral
121 No Peripheral
122 No Peripheral
123 No Peripheral
124 No Peripheral
125 No Peripheral
126 No Peripheral
131 USBA_EPx_RX1
132 USBA_EPx_TX1
133 USBA_EPx_RX2
134 USBA_EPx_TX2
135 USBA_EPx_RX3
136 USBA_EPx_TX3
137:255 No Peripheral

5.3.4 DMA Bus

The DMA bus architecture consists of a 32-bit address bus, a 32-bit data read bus, and a 32-bit data write
bus. Memories and register locations connected to the DMA bus are via interfaces that sometimes share
resources with the CPU memory or peripheral bus. Arbitration rules are defined in .

5.4 Address Pointer and Transfer Control

The DMA state machine is, at its most basic level, two nested loops.
Burst (Inner) Loop:-
The burst (inner) loop transfers programmable number of words set by (BURST_SIZE + 1) register when a
DMA channel trigger (Peripheral / Software trigger) is received. The BURST_SIZE register allows a
maximum of 32 sixteen-bit words to be transferred in one burst. Each DMA channel supports both 16-bit
(or) 32-bit word burst which can be controlled by MODE.DATASIZE bit field. Each DMA channel contains
a shadowed address pointer for the source (SRC_ADDR_SHADOW) and the destination
(DST_ADDR_SHADOW) address. At the beginning of each transfer, the shadowed version of each
pointer is copied into its respective active (SRC_ADDR_ACTIVE / DST_ADDR_ACTIVE) register. During
the burst loop, after each word is transferred, the signed value contained in the appropriate source or
destination BURST_STEP register is added to the active register as shown below

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The burst (inner) loop transfers a burst of data when a DMA Channel Trigger (Peripheral / Software
trigger) is received.
Transfer (Outer) Loop:-
The Transfer (outer) loop transfers programmable number of bursts set by (TRANSFER_SIZE + 1)
register for each channel. Since TRANSFER_SIZE is a 16-bit register, the total size of a transfer allowed
is well beyond any practical requirement. During the transfer loop, after each burst is complete, there are
two methods that can be used to modify the active address pointer.
Method 1 (Default): When address wrapping is disabled (SRC_WRAP_SIZE / DST_WRAP_SIZE is
greater than TRANSFER_SIZE), active address pointer is updated as shown below
Method 2: Address wrapping gets enabled when SRC_WRAP_SIZE / DST_WRAP_SIZE is less than
TRANSFER_SIZE. This allows the channel to wrap multiple times within a single transfer. When the
number of bursts is equal to (SRC/DST_WRAP_SIZE + 1) register, state machine modifies the active
address pointers as shown below.
At the end of DMA transfer, DMA would have transferred (BURST_SIZE + 1) x (TRANSFER_SIZE + 1)
OneShot Mode:-
OneShot mode is disabled by default.
When OneShot mode is disabled (MODE.CHx[ONESHOT] = 0), DMA transfers one burst [(BURST_SIZE
+ 1) words] of data each time a DMA Channel Trigger is received. After the burst is completed, the state
machine moves on to the next pending channel in the priority scheme, even if another trigger for the
channel just completed is pending. This feature keeps any single channel from monopolizing the DMA
When OneShot mode is enabled (MODE.CHx[ONESHOT] = 1), DMA transfers all the bursts
[(BURST_SIZE + 1) x (TRANSFER_SIZE + 1) words] on a single DMA channel trigger. Be careful when
using this mode, since this can create a condition where one trigger uses up the majority of the DMA
Continuos Mode:-
Continuos mode is disabled by default.
When Continuos mode is disabled (MODE.CHx[CONTINUOUS] = 0), DMA state machine disables
channel after all bursts in a transfer loop (TRANSFER_COUNT = 0) are complete. The channel must be
re-enabled by setting the RUN bit in the CONTROL register before another transfer can be started on that
When Continuos mode is enabled (MODE.CHx[CONTINUOUS] = 1), DMA state machine keep channel
active even after all bursts in a transfer loop (TRANSFER_COUNT = 0) are complete.
Each DMA channel can trigger its own EPIE interrupt for each DMA transfer either at start of DMA transfer
(or) end of DMA transfer using MODE.CHx[CHINTMODE] bit.
Source/Destination Address Pointers (SRC/DST_ADDR)— The value written into the shadow register is
the start address of the first location where data is read or written to.
At the beginning of a transfer the shadow register (SRC/DST_ADDR_SHADOW) is copied into the
active register (SRC/DST_ADDR_ACTIVE). The active register performs as the current address

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Source/Destination Begin Address Pointers (SRC/DST_BEG_ADDR)— This is the wrap pointer.

The value written into the shadow register (SRC/DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW) will be loaded into
the active register (SRC/DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE) at the start of a transfer. On a wrap condition,
the active register (SRC/DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE) will be incremented by the signed value in the
appropriate SRC/DST_WRAP_STEP register prior to being loaded into the active register
For each channel, the transfer process can be controlled with the following size values:
Source and Destination Burst Size (BURST_SIZE): — This specifies the number of words to be
transferred in a burst.
This value is loaded into the BURST_COUNT register at the beginning of each burst. The
BURST_COUNT decrements each word that is transferred and when it reaches a zero value, the
burst is complete, indicating that the next channel can be serviced. The behavior of the current
channel is defined by the ONE_SHOT bit in the MODE register. The maximum size of the burst is
dictated by the type of peripheral. For the ADC, the burst size could be all 16 registers (if all 16
registers are used). For RAM the burst size can be up to the maximum allowed by the
BURST_SIZE register, which is 32. See Table 5-2 to understand how BURST_SIZE register affects
the number of 16-bit words transferred with respect to DATASIZE.

Table 5-2. BURSTSIZE vs DATASIZE Behavior

Number of 16-bit words transferred in
BURSTSIZE DataSize = 16-bit data DataSize = 32-bit data
0 1 2
1 2 2
2 3 4
3 4 4
4 5 6
5 6 6
6 7 8
7 8 8
8 9 10
9 10 10
10 11 12
11 12 12
* * *
* * *
* * *
30 31 32
31 32 32

Source and Destination Transfer Size (TRANSFER_SIZE): — This specifies the number of bursts to be
transferred per CPU interrupt (if enabled).
Whether this interrupt is generated at the beginning or the end of the transfer is defined in the
CHINTMODE bit in the MODE register. Whether the channel remains enabled or not after the
transfer is completed is defined by the CONTINUOUS bit in the MODE register. The
TRANSFER_SIZE register is loaded into the TRANSFER_COUNT register at the beginning of each
transfer. The TRANSFER_COUNT register keeps track of how many bursts of data the channel has
transferred and when it reaches zero, the DMA transfer is complete.
Source/Destination Wrap Size (SRC/DST_WRAP_SIZE)— This specifies the number of bursts to be
transferred before the current address pointer wraps around to the beginning.

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This feature is used to implement a circular addressing type function. This value is loaded into the
appropriate SRC/DST_WRAP_COUNT register at the beginning of each transfer. The
SRC/DST_WRAP_COUNT registers keep track of how many bursts of data the channel has
transferred and when they reach zero, the wrap procedure is performed on the appropriate source
or destination address pointer. A separate size and count register is allocated for source and
destination pointers. To disable the wrap function, assign the value of these registers to be larger

NOTE: The value written to the SIZE registers is one less than the intended size. So, to transfer
three 16-bit words, the value 2 should be placed in the SIZE register.
Regardless of the state of the DATASIZE bit, the value specified in the SIZE registers are for
16-bit addresses. So, to transfer three 32-bit words, the value 5 should be placed in the SIZE

For each source/destination pointer, the address changes can be controlled with the following step values:
Source/Destination Burst Step (SRC/DST_BURST_STEP)— Within each burst transfer, the address
source and destination step sizes are specified by these registers.
This value is a signed 2's compliment number so that the address pointer can be incremented or
decremented as required. If no increment is desired, such as when accessing the data receive or
transmit registers in a communication peripheral, the value of these registers should be set to zero.
Source/Destination Transfer Step (SRC/DST_TRANSFER_STEP)— This specifies the address offset to
start the next burst transfer after completing the current burst transfer.
This is used in cases where registers or data memory locations are spaced at constant intervals.
This value is a signed 2's compliment number so that the address pointer can be incremented or
decremented as required.
Source/Destination Wrap Step (SRC/DST_WRAP_STEP): — When the wrap counter reaches zero, this
value specifies the number of words to add/subtract from the SRC/DST_BEG_ADDR pointer and
hence sets the new start address.
This implements a circular type of addressing mode, useful in many applications. This value is a
signed 2's compliment number so that the address pointer can be incremented or decremented as

NOTE: Regardless of the state of the DATASIZE bit, the value specified in the STEP registers are
for 16-bit addresses. So, to increment one 32-bit address, a value of 2 should be placed in
these registers.

Channel Interrupt Mode (CHINTMODE)— This mode bit selects whether the DMA interrupt from the
respective channel is generated at the beginning of a new transfer or at the end of the transfer.
If implementing a ping-pong buffer scheme with continuous mode of operation, then the interrupt
would be generated at the beginning, just after the working registers are copied to the shadow set.
If the DMA does not operate in continuous mode, then the interrupt is typically generated at the end
when the transfer is complete.
All of the above features and modes are shown in Figure 5-5.

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Figure 5-5. DMA State Diagram

DMA trigger event?


Start DMA Transfer

When CHINTMODE == 0,
Generate EPIE interrupt at
beginning of DMA transfer
All shadow registers are copied to ACTIVE registers:-

Update wrap counters from wrap size registers:-




DMA Transfer in Progress (TRANSFER_STS = 1)

BURST in Progress (BURST_STS = 1)


Yes (Words pending in bursts)


No (Burst Complete)
Points where
HALT state machine
here Burst Complete (BURSTSTS = 0) branches to next

No End DMA Transfer CONTINUOUS Enabled? No

TRANSFER_COUNT > 0 DMA Channel disabled






( }v[š v š} Á ]š (}Œ HALT

DMA trigger event) here
ONESHOT Enabled?
Yes [ONESHOT = 1]

Points where No
state machine Wait for DMA Trigger Event
branches to next
channel No Another DMA trigger


606 Direct Memory Access (DMA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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The following items are in reference to Figure 5-5.

• The HALT points represent where the channel halts operation when interrupted by a high priority
channel 1 trigger, or when the HALT command is set, or when an emulation halt is issued and the
FREE bit is cleared to 0.
• The SRC/DST_ADDR_ACTIVE registers are not affected by SRC/DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE at the
start of a transfer. SRC/DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE only affects the SRC/DST_ADDR_ACTIVE
registers on a wrap. Following is what happens when a transfer first starts:
– SRC/DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW remains unchanged.
– SRC/DST_ADDR_SHADOW remains unchanged.
• The active registers get updated when a wrap occurs. The shadow registers remain unchanged.
– SRC/DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW remains unchanged.
– SRC/DST_ADDR_SHADOW remains unchanged.
• The best way to remember this is:
– The shadow registers never change except by software.
– The active registers never change except by hardware, and a shadow register is only copied into its
own active register, never an active register by another name.

5.5 Pipeline Timing and Throughput

In addition to the pipeline there are a few other behaviors of the DMA that affect its total throughput:
• A 1-cycle delay is added at the beginning of each burst
• A 1-cycle delay is added when returning from a CH1 high priority interrupt
• Collisions with the CPU may add delay slots (see )
• 32-bit transfers run at double the speed of a 16-bit transfer (it takes the same amount of time to
transfer a 32-bit word as it does a 16-bit word)
For example, to transfer 128 16-bit words from GS0 RAM to GS3 RAM, a channel can be configured to
transfer 8 bursts of 16 words/burst. This will give:

8 bursts * [(3 cycles/word * 16 words/burst) + 1] = 392 cycles

If instead the channel were configured to transfer the same amount of data 32 bits at a time (the word size
is configured to 32 bits) the transfer would take:

8 bursts * [(3 cycles/word * 8 words/burst) + 1] = 200 cycles

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The DMA module consists of a 3-stage pipeline as shown in Figure 5-6 and Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-6. 3-Stage Pipeline DMA Transfer

Figure 5-7. 3-stage Pipeline With One Read Stall

5.6 Channel Priority

Two priority schemes exist when determining channel priority: Round-robin mode and Channel 1 high-
priority mode.

5.6.1 Round-Robin Mode

In this mode, all channels have equal priority and each enabled channel is serviced in round-robin fashion
as follows:

CH1 → CH2 → CH3 → CH4 → CH5 → CH6 → CH1 → CH2 → …

In the case above, after each channel has transferred a burst of words, the next channel is serviced. You
can specify the size of the burst for each channel. Once CH6 (or the last enabled channel) has been
serviced, and no other channels are pending, the round-robin state machine enters an idle state.
From the idle state, channel 1 (if enabled) is always serviced first. However, if the DMA is currently
processing another channel x, all other pending channels between x and the end of the round are serviced
before CH1. It is in this sense that all the channels are of equal priority. For instance, take an example
where CH1, CH4, and CH5 are enabled in round-robin mode and CH4 is currently being processed. Then
CH1 and CH5 both receive an interrupt trigger from their respective peripherals before CH4 completes.
CH1 and CH5 are now both pending. When CH4 completes its burst, CH5 will be serviced next. Only after
CH5 completes will CH1 be serviced. Upon completion of CH1, if there are no more channels pending, the
round-robin state machine will enter an idle state.
A more complicated example is shown below:
• Assume all channels are enabled, and the DMA is in an idle state,
• Initially a trigger occurs on CH1, CH3, and CH5 on the same cycle,
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• When the CH1 burst transfer starts, requests from CH3 and CH5 are pending,
• Before completion of the CH1 burst, the DMA receives a request from CH2. Now the pending requests
are from CH2, CH3, and CH5,
• After completing the CH1 burst, CH2 will be serviced since it is next in the round-robin scheme after
• After the burst from CH2 is finished, the CH3 burst will be serviced, followed by CH5 burst.
• Now while the CH5 burst is being serviced, the DMA receives a request from CH1, CH3, and CH6.
• The burst from CH6 will start after the completion of the CH5 burst since it is the next channel after
CH5 in the round-robin scheme.
• This will be followed by the CH1 burst and then the CH3 burst
• After the CH3 burst finishes, assuming no more triggers have occurred, the round-robin state machine
will enter an idle state.
The round-robin state machine may be reset to the idle state via the DMACTRL[PRIORITYRESET] bit.

5.6.2 Channel 1 High Priority Mode

In this mode, Channel 1 has high priority over all the other channels. Channel 2 – 6 have equal priority
and each enabled channel is serviced in round-robin fashion.

Higher Priority: CH1

Lower priority: CH2 → CH3 → CH4 → CH5 → CH6 → CH2 → …

Given an example where CH1, CH4 and CH5 are enabled in Channel 1 High Priority Mode and CH4 is
currently being processed. Then CH1 and CH5 both receive an interrupt trigger from their respective
peripherals before CH4 completes. CH1 and CH5 are now both pending. When the current CH4 word
transfer is completed, regardless of whether the DMA has completed the entire CH4 burst, CH4 execution
will be suspended and CH1 will be serviced. After the CH1 burst completes, CH4 will resume execution.
Upon completion of CH4, CH5 will be serviced. After CH5 completes, if there are no more channels
pending, the round-robin state machine will enter an idle state.
Typically Channel 1 would be used in this mode for the ADC, since its data rate is so high. However,
Channel 1 High Priority Mode may be used in conjunction with any peripheral.

NOTE: High-priority mode and ONESHOT mode may not be used at the same time on channel 1.
Other channels may use ONESHOT mode when channel 1 is in high-priority mode.

5.7 Overrun Detection Feature

The DMA contains overrun detection logic. When a peripheral event trigger is received by the DMA, the
PERINTFLG bit in the CONTROL register is set, pending the channel to the DMA state machine. When
the burst for that channel is started, the PERINTFLG is cleared. If however, between the time that the
PERINTFLG bit is set by an event trigger and cleared by the start of the burst, an additional event trigger
arrives, the second trigger will be lost. This condition will set the OVRFLG bit in the CONTROL register as
in Figure 5-8. If the overrun interrupt is enabled, the channel interrupt will be generated to the PIE module.

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Figure 5-8. Overrun Detection Logic

channel interrupt DMACHx interrupt generated
PIE at beginning or end of transfer




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5.8 DMA Registers

This section describes the C28x Direct Memory Access Registers.

5.8.1 DMA Base Addresses

Table 5-3. DMA Base Address Table

Device Registers Register Name Start Address End Address
DmaRegs DMA_REGS 0x0000_1000 0x0000_11FF

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5.8.2 DMA_REGS Registers

Table 5-4 lists the DMA_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 5-4 should be
considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 5-4. DMA_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h DMACTRL DMA Control Register EALLOW Go
1h DEBUGCTRL Debug Control Register EALLOW Go
4h PRIORITYCTRL1 Priority Control 1 Register EALLOW Go
6h PRIORITYSTAT Priority Status Register EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 5-5 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 5-5. DMA_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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DMACTRL is shown in Figure 5-9 and described in Table 5-6.
Return to the Summary Table.
DMA Control Register

Figure 5-9. DMACTRL Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 5-6. DMACTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
1 PRIORITYRESET R-0/W1S 0h The priority reset bit resets the round-robin state machine when a 1
is written. Service starts from the first enabled channel. Writes of 0
are ignored and this bit always reads back a 0.

When a 1 is written to this bit, any pending burst transfer completes

before resetting the channel priority machine. If CH1 is configured as
a high-priority channel, and this bit is
written to while CH1 is servicing a burst, both the CH1 burst and the
next pending low-priority burst are completed before the state
machine is reset.

If CH1 is high-priority, the state machine restarts from CH2 (or the
next highest enabled channel).
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 HARDRESET R-0/W1S 0h Writing a 1 to the hard reset bit resets the whole DMA and aborts
any current access (similar to applying a device reset). Writes of 0
are ignored and this bit always reads back a 0.

For a soft reset, a bit is provided for each channel to perform a

gentler reset. Refer to the channel control registers.

When writing to this bit, there is a one cycle delay before it takes
effect. Hence, a one-cycle delay (such as a NOP instruction) is
required in software before attempting to access any other DMA
Reset type: SYSRSn

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DEBUGCTRL is shown in Figure 5-10 and described in Table 5-7.
Return to the Summary Table.
Debug Control Register

Figure 5-10. DEBUGCTRL Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-7. DEBUGCTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 FREE R/W 0h Emulation Control

This bit specifies the action when an emulation halt event occurs.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = The DMA completes the current read-write operation,
then halts.
1h (R/W) = The DMA continues running during an emulation halt.
14-0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

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PRIORITYCTRL1 is shown in Figure 5-11 and described in Table 5-8.
Return to the Summary Table.
Priority Control 1 Register

Figure 5-11. PRIORITYCTRL1 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h

Table 5-8. PRIORITYCTRL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
0 CH1PRIORITY R/W 0h DMA Channel 1 Priority

This bit selects whether CH1 has high priority or not. The priority can
only be changed when all channels are disabled. A priority reset
should be performed before restarting channels after changing
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = CH1 has the same priority as the other channels
1h (R/W) = CH1 has a higher priority than the other channels

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PRIORITYSTAT is shown in Figure 5-12 and described in Table 5-9.
Return to the Summary Table.
Priority Status Register

Figure 5-12. PRIORITYSTAT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 5-9. PRIORITYSTAT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-7 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
6-4 ACTIVESTS_SHADOW R 0h Active Channel Status Shadow

These bits are only meaningful when CH1 is in high-priority mode.

When CH1 is serviced, the ACTIVESTS bits are copied to the
shadow bits and indicate which channel was interrupted by CH1.
When CH1 service is completed, the shadow bits are copied back to
the ACTIVESTS bits. If this bit field is zero or the same as the
ACTIVESTS bit field, then no channel is pending due to a CH1
interrupt. When CH1 is not a higher priority channel, these bits
should be ignored.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = No channel is active
1h (R/W) = CH 1
2h (R/W) = CH 2
3h (R/W) = CH 3
4h (R/W) = CH 4
5h (R/W) = CH 5
6h (R/W) = CH 6
7h (R/W) = Reserved
3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2-0 ACTIVESTS R 0h Active Channel Status

These bits indicate which channel (if any) is currently active or

performing a transfer.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = No channel is active
1h (R/W) = CH 1
2h (R/W) = CH 2
3h (R/W) = CH 3
4h (R/W) = CH 4
5h (R/W) = CH 5
6h (R/W) = CH 6
7h (R/W) = Reserved

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5.8.3 DMA_CH_REGS Registers

Table 5-10 lists the DMA_CH_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 5-10 should
be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 5-10. DMA_CH_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h MODE Mode Register EALLOW Go
1h CONTROL Control Register EALLOW Go
2h BURST_SIZE Burst Size Register EALLOW Go
3h BURST_COUNT Burst Count Register EALLOW Go
4h SRC_BURST_STEP Source Burst Step Register EALLOW Go
5h DST_BURST_STEP Destination Burst Step Register EALLOW Go
6h TRANSFER_SIZE Transfer Size Register EALLOW Go
7h TRANSFER_COUNT Transfer Count Register EALLOW Go
8h SRC_TRANSFER_STEP Source Transfer Step Register EALLOW Go
9h DST_TRANSFER_STEP Destination Transfer Step Register EALLOW Go
Ah SRC_WRAP_SIZE Source Wrap Size Register EALLOW Go
Bh SRC_WRAP_COUNT Source Wrap Count Register EALLOW Go
Ch SRC_WRAP_STEP Source Wrap Step Register EALLOW Go
Dh DST_WRAP_SIZE Destination Wrap Size Register EALLOW Go
Eh DST_WRAP_COUNT Destination Wrap Count Register EALLOW Go
Fh DST_WRAP_STEP Destination Wrap Step Register EALLOW Go
10h SRC_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Source Begin Address Shadow Register EALLOW Go
12h SRC_ADDR_SHADOW Source Address Shadow Register EALLOW Go
14h SRC_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Source Begin Address Active Register EALLOW Go
16h SRC_ADDR_ACTIVE Source Address Active Register EALLOW Go
18h DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Destination Begin Address Shadow Register EALLOW Go
1Ah DST_ADDR_SHADOW Destination Address Shadow Register EALLOW Go
1Ch DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Destination Begin Address Active Register EALLOW Go
1Eh DST_ADDR_ACTIVE Destination Address Active Register EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 5-11 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 5-11. DMA_CH_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables

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Table 5-11. DMA_CH_REGS Access Type

Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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MODE is shown in Figure 5-13 and described in Table 5-12.
Return to the Summary Table.
Mode Register

Figure 5-13. MODE Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R-0h R/W-0h

Table 5-12. MODE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 CHINTE R/W 0h Channel Interrupt Enable Bit

This bit enables the DMA channel's CPU interrupt.

Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Interrupt disabled
1h (R/W) = Interrupt enabled
14 DATASIZE R/W 0h Data Size Mode Bit

This bit determines whether the DMA channel transfers 16 bits or 32

bits of data per read/write operation. Regardless of this setting, all
data lengths and offsets in other DMA registers refer to 16- bit
words. The pointer step increments must be configured to
accomodate 32-bit words.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = 16-bit data transfer size
1h (R/W) = 32-bit data transfer size
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11 CONTINUOUS R/W 0h Continuous Mode Bit

If this bit is set to 1, then the channel re-initializes when

TRANSFER_COUNT is zero and waits for the next event trigger.
Otherwise, the DMA stops and clears the RUNSTS bit.
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 ONESHOT R/W 0h One Shot Mode

If this bit is set to 1, each peripheral event trigger causes the channel
to perform an entire transfer. Otherwise, the channel only performs
one burst per trigger.
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 CHINTMODE R/W 0h Channel Interrupt Generation Mode

This bit specifies when the DMA channel generates a CPU interrupt
for a transfer.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Generate interrupt at beginning of new transfer
1h (R/W) = Generate interrupt at end of transfer.

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Table 5-12. MODE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
8 PERINTE R/W 0h Peripheral Event Trigger Enable

This bit enables peripheral event triggers on the DMA channel.

Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Peripheral event trigger disabled. Neither the selected
peripheral nor software can start a DMA burst.
1h (R/W) = Peripheral event trigger enabled.
7 OVRINTE R/W 0h Overflow Interrupt Enable

The bit determines whether the DMA module generates a CPU

interrupt when it detects an overflow event.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Overflow interrupt disabled
1h (R/W) = Overflow interrupt enabled
6-5 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
4-0 PERINTSEL R/W 0h Peripheral Event Trigger Source Select

These are legacy bits and should be set to the channel number. The
actual source selection is done via the DMACHSRCSELn registers,
which are part of the DMA_CLA_SRC_SEL_REGS group.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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CONTROL is shown in Figure 5-14 and described in Table 5-13.
Return to the Summary Table.
Control Register

Figure 5-14. CONTROL Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 5-13. CONTROL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
14 OVRFLG R 0h Overflow Flag

This bit indicates that a peripheral event trigger was received while
PERINTFLG was already set. It can be cleared by writing to the
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = No overflow detected
1h (R/W) = Overflow detected
13 RUNSTS R 0h Run Status Flag

This bit indicates that the DMA channel is ready to respond to

peripheral event triggers. This bit is set when a 1 is written to the
RUN bit. It is cleared when a transfer completes
(TRANSFER_COUNT = 0) and continuous mode is disabled, or
when the HARDRESET, SOFTRESET, or HALT bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = The channel is disabled
1h (R/W) = The channel is enabled
12 BURSTSTS R 0h Burst Status Flag

This bit is set when a DMA burst begins. The BURST_COUNT is set
to the BURST_SIZE. This bit is cleared when BURST_COUNT
reaches zero, or when the HARDRESET or SOFTRESET bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = No burst activity
1h (R/W) = The DMA is currently servicing or suspending a burst
transfer from this channel
11 TRANSFERSTS R 0h Transfer Status Flag

This bit is set when a DMA transfer begins. The address registers
are copied to the shadow set and the TRANSFER_COUNT is set to
the TRANSFER_SIZE. This bit is cleared when
TRANSFER_COUNT reaches zero, or when the HARDRESET or
SOFTRESET bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = No transfer activity
1h (R/W) = The channel is currently in the middle of a transfer
regardless of whether a burst of data is actively being transferred
or not
10 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

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Table 5-13. CONTROL Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
8 PERINTFLG R 0h Peripheral Event Trigger Flag

This bit indicates whether a peripheral event trigger has arrived. This
bit is automatically cleared when the first burst transfer begins.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Waiting for event trigger
1h (R/W) = Event trigger pending
7 ERRCLR R-0/W1S 0h Clear Error

Writing a 1 to this bit will clear the OVRFLG bit. This is normally
done when initializing the DMA module or if an overflow condition is
detected. If an overflow event occurs at the same time this bit is set,
the overrun has priority and the OVRFLG bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
5 RESERVED R-0/W1S 0h Reserved
4 PERINTCLR R-0/W1S 0h Clear Peripheral Event Trigger

Writing a 1 to this bit clears PERINTFLG, which cancels a pending

event trigger. This is normally done when initializing the DMA
module. If an event trigger arrives at the same time this bit is set, the
trigger has priority and PERINTFLG is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 PERINTFRC R-0/W1S 0h Force Peripheral Event Trigger

If the PERINTE bit of the MODE register is set, writing a 1 to this bit
sets PERINTFLG, which triggers a DMA burst. This bit can be used
to start a DMA transfer in software.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 SOFTRESET R-0/W1S 0h Channel Soft Reset

Writing a 1 to this bit places the channel into its default state after
the current read/write access has completed:


When writing to this bit, there is a one cycle delay before it takes
effect. Hence, a one-cycle delay (such as a NOP instruction) is
required in software before attempting to access any other DMA
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 HALT R-0/W1S 0h Halt Channel

Writing a 1 to this bit halts the DMA channel in its current state after
any ongoing read/write access has completed.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 5-13. CONTROL Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
0 RUN R-0/W1S 0h Run Channel

Writing a 1 to this bit enables the DMA channel and sets the
RUNSTS bit to 1. This bit is also used to resume after a channel

The RUN bit is typically used to start the DMA channel after
configuration. The channel will then wait for the first peripheral event
trigger (PERINTFLG == 1) to start a burst.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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DMA Registers www.ti.com BURST_SIZE Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = 0h]

BURST_SIZE is shown in Figure 5-15 and described in Table 5-14.
Return to the Summary Table.
Burst Size Register

Figure 5-15. BURST_SIZE Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h

Table 5-14. BURST_SIZE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-5 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
4-0 BURSTSIZE R/W 0h These bits specify the burst size in 16-bit words. The actual size is
equal to BURSTSIZE + 1.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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BURST_COUNT is shown in Figure 5-16 and described in Table 5-15.
Return to the Summary Table.
Burst Count Register

Figure 5-16. BURST_COUNT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h

Table 5-15. BURST_COUNT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-5 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
4-0 BURSTCOUNT R 0h These bits indicate the number of words left in the current burst.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = 0 word left in a burst
1h (R/W) = 1 word left in a burst
2h (R/W) = 2 word left in a burst
3h (R/W) = 3 word left in a burst
4h (R/W) = 4 word left in a burst
5h (R/W) = 5 word left in a burst
6h (R/W) = 6 word left in a burst
7h (R/W) = 7 word left in a burst
8h (R/W) = 8 word left in a burst
9h (R/W) = 9 word left in a burst
Ah (R/W) = 10 word left in a burst
Bh (R/W) = 11 word left in a burst
Ch (R/W) = 12 word left in a burst
Dh (R/W) = 13 word left in a burst
Eh (R/W) = 14 word left in a burst
Fh (R/W) = 15 word left in a burst
10h (R/W) = 16 word left in a burst
11h (R/W) = 17 word left in a burst
12h (R/W) = 18 word left in a burst
13h (R/W) = 19 word left in a burst
14h (R/W) = 20 word left in a burst
15h (R/W) = 21 word left in a burst
16h (R/W) = 22 word left in a burst
17h (R/W) = 23 word left in a burst
18h (R/W) = 24 word left in a burst
19h (R/W) = 25 word left in a burst
1Ah (R/W) = 26 word left in a burst
1Bh (R/W) = 27 word left in a burst
1Ch (R/W) = 28 word left in a burst
1Dh (R/W) = 29 word left in a burst
1Eh (R/W) = 30 word left in a burst
1Fh (R/W) = 31 word left in a burst

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DMA Registers www.ti.com SRC_BURST_STEP Register (Offset = 4h) [reset = 0h]

SRC_BURST_STEP is shown in Figure 5-17 and described in Table 5-16.
Return to the Summary Table.
Source Burst Step Register

Figure 5-17. SRC_BURST_STEP Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-16. SRC_BURST_STEP Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SRCBURSTSTEP R/W 0h These bits specify the change in the source address after each word
in a burst. The size must be a 16-bit two's complement value
between -4096 and 4095 (inclusive). This value is added to the
source address after each read/write operation in a burst.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = No address change
1h (R/W) = Add 1 to the address
2h (R/W) = Add 2 to the address
FFEh (R/W) = Add 4094 to the address
FFFh (R/W) = Add 4095 to the address
F000h (R/W) = Subtract 4096 from the address
F001h (R/W) = Subtract 4095 from the address
FFFEh (R/W) = Subtract 2 from the address
FFFFh (R/W) = Subtract 1 from the address

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DST_BURST_STEP is shown in Figure 5-18 and described in Table 5-17.
Return to the Summary Table.
Destination Burst Step Register

Figure 5-18. DST_BURST_STEP Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-17. DST_BURST_STEP Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 DSTBURSTSTEP R/W 0h These bits specify the change in the destination address after each
word in a burst. The size must be a 16-bit two's complement value
between -4096 and 4095 (inclusive). This value is added to the
destination address after each read/write operation in a burst.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = No address change
1h (R/W) = Add 1 to the address
2h (R/W) = Add 2 to the address
FFEh (R/W) = Add 4094 to the address
FFFh (R/W) = Add 4095 to the address
F000h (R/W) = Subtract 4096 from the address
F001h (R/W) = Subtract 4095 from the address
FFFEh (R/W) = Subtract 2 from the address
FFFFh (R/W) = Subtract 1 from the address

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DMA Registers www.ti.com TRANSFER_SIZE Register (Offset = 6h) [reset = 0h]

TRANSFER_SIZE is shown in Figure 5-19 and described in Table 5-18.
Return to the Summary Table.
Transfer Size Register

Figure 5-19. TRANSFER_SIZE Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-18. TRANSFER_SIZE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 TRANSFERSIZE R/W 0h These bits specify the transfer size in bursts. The actual size is equal
Reset type: SYSRSn

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TRANSFER_COUNT is shown in Figure 5-20 and described in Table 5-19.
Return to the Summary Table.
Transfer Count Register

Figure 5-20. TRANSFER_COUNT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-19. TRANSFER_COUNT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 TRANSFERCOUNT R/W 0h These bits indicate the number of bursts left in the current transfer.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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DMA Registers www.ti.com SRC_TRANSFER_STEP Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

SRC_TRANSFER_STEP is shown in Figure 5-21 and described in Table 5-20.
Return to the Summary Table.
Source Transfer Step Register

Figure 5-21. SRC_TRANSFER_STEP Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-20. SRC_TRANSFER_STEP Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SRCTRANSFERSTEP R/W 0h These bits specify the change in the source address after a burst
completes. The size must be a 16-bit two's complement value
between -4096 and 4095 (inclusive). This value is added to the
source address after each burst completes.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = No address change
1h (R/W) = Add 1 to the address
2h (R/W) = Add 2 to the address
FFEh (R/W) = Add 4094 to the address
FFFh (R/W) = Add 4095 to the address
F000h (R/W) = Subtract 4096 from the address
F001h (R/W) = Subtract 4095 from the address
FFFEh (R/W) = Subtract 2 from the address
FFFFh (R/W) = Subtract 1 from the address

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DST_TRANSFER_STEP is shown in Figure 5-22 and described in Table 5-21.
Return to the Summary Table.
Destination Transfer Step Register

Figure 5-22. DST_TRANSFER_STEP Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-21. DST_TRANSFER_STEP Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 DSTTRANSFERSTEP R/W 0h These bits specify the change in the destination address after a
burst completes. The size must be a 16-bit two's complement value
between -4096 and 4095 (inclusive). This value is added to the
destination address after each burst completes.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = No address change
1h (R/W) = Add 1 to the address
2h (R/W) = Add 2 to the address
FFEh (R/W) = Add 4094 to the address
FFFh (R/W) = Add 4095 to the address
F000h (R/W) = Subtract 4096 from the address
F001h (R/W) = Subtract 4095 from the address
FFFEh (R/W) = Subtract 2 from the address
FFFFh (R/W) = Subtract 1 from the address

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DMA Registers www.ti.com SRC_WRAP_SIZE Register (Offset = Ah) [reset = 0h]

SRC_WRAP_SIZE is shown in Figure 5-23 and described in Table 5-22.
Return to the Summary Table.
Source Wrap Size Register

Figure 5-23. SRC_WRAP_SIZE Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-22. SRC_WRAP_SIZE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 WRAPSIZE R/W 0h These bits specify the number of bursts to transfer before the source
address wraps around to the beginning address. The actual number
is equal to WRAPSIZE + 1. To disable the wrapping function, set
WRAPSIZE to a value larger than TRANSFERSIZE.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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www.ti.com DMA Registers SRC_WRAP_COUNT Register (Offset = Bh) [reset = 0h]

SRC_WRAP_COUNT is shown in Figure 5-24 and described in Table 5-23.
Return to the Summary Table.
Source Wrap Count Register

Figure 5-24. SRC_WRAP_COUNT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-23. SRC_WRAP_COUNT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 WRAPSIZE R/W 0h These bits indicate the number of bursts left before wrapping the
source address.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Direct Memory Access (DMA) 633
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DMA Registers www.ti.com SRC_WRAP_STEP Register (Offset = Ch) [reset = 0h]

SRC_WRAP_STEP is shown in Figure 5-25 and described in Table 5-24.
Return to the Summary Table.
Source Wrap Step Register

Figure 5-25. SRC_WRAP_STEP Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-24. SRC_WRAP_STEP Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 WRAPSTEP R/W 0h These bits specify the change in the source beginning address when
the wrap counter reaches zero. The size must be a 16-bit two's
complement value between -4096 and 4095 (inclusive). This value is
added to the source address when wrapping occurs.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = No address change
1h (R/W) = Add 1 to the address
2h (R/W) = Add 2 to the address
FFEh (R/W) = Add 4094 to the address
FFFh (R/W) = Add 4095 to the address
F000h (R/W) = Subtract 4096 from the address
F001h (R/W) = Subtract 4095 from the address
FFFEh (R/W) = Subtract 2 from the address
FFFFh (R/W) = Subtract 1 from the address

634 Direct Memory Access (DMA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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www.ti.com DMA Registers DST_WRAP_SIZE Register (Offset = Dh) [reset = 0h]

DST_WRAP_SIZE is shown in Figure 5-26 and described in Table 5-25.
Return to the Summary Table.
Destination Wrap Size Register

Figure 5-26. DST_WRAP_SIZE Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-25. DST_WRAP_SIZE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 WRAPSIZE R/W 0h These bits specify the number of bursts to transfer before the
destination address wraps around to the beginning address. The
actual number is equal to WRAPSIZE + 1. To disable the wrapping
function, set WRAPSIZE to a value larger than TRANSFERSIZE.
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Direct Memory Access (DMA) 635
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DMA Registers www.ti.com DST_WRAP_COUNT Register (Offset = Eh) [reset = 0h]

DST_WRAP_COUNT is shown in Figure 5-27 and described in Table 5-26.
Return to the Summary Table.
Destination Wrap Count Register

Figure 5-27. DST_WRAP_COUNT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-26. DST_WRAP_COUNT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 WRAPSIZE R/W 0h These bits indicate the number of bursts left before wrapping the
destination address.
Reset type: SYSRSn

636 Direct Memory Access (DMA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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DST_WRAP_STEP is shown in Figure 5-28 and described in Table 5-27.
Return to the Summary Table.
Destination Wrap Step Register

Figure 5-28. DST_WRAP_STEP Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-27. DST_WRAP_STEP Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 WRAPSTEP R/W 0h These bits specify the change in the destination beginning address
when the wrap counter reaches zero. The size must be a 16-bit two's
complement value between -4096 and 4095 (inclusive). This value is
added to the destination address when wrapping occurs.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = No address change
1h (R/W) = Add 1 to the address
2h (R/W) = Add 2 to the address
FFEh (R/W) = Add 4094 to the address
FFFh (R/W) = Add 4095 to the address
F000h (R/W) = Subtract 4096 from the address
F001h (R/W) = Subtract 4095 from the address
FFFEh (R/W) = Subtract 2 from the address
FFFFh (R/W) = Subtract 1 from the address

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Direct Memory Access (DMA) 637
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DMA Registers www.ti.com SRC_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = 0h]

SRC_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW is shown in Figure 5-29 and described in Table 5-28.
Return to the Summary Table.
Source Begin Address Shadow Register

Figure 5-29. SRC_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-28. SRC_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 BEGADDR R/W 0h Shadow Source Beginning Address

At the start of a transfer, the value in this register is loaded into the
SRC_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE register and used as the beginning
value for the source address. This register can be safely updated
during a transfer.
Reset type: SYSRSn

638 Direct Memory Access (DMA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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www.ti.com DMA Registers SRC_ADDR_SHADOW Register (Offset = 12h) [reset = 0h]

SRC_ADDR_SHADOW is shown in Figure 5-30 and described in Table 5-29.
Return to the Summary Table.
Source Address Shadow Register

Figure 5-30. SRC_ADDR_SHADOW Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-29. SRC_ADDR_SHADOW Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 ADDR R/W 0h Shadow Source Address

At the start of a transfer, the value in this register is loaded into the
SRC_ADDR_ACTIVE register and used as the value of the source
address. This register can be safely updated during a transfer.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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DMA Registers www.ti.com SRC_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Register (Offset = 14h) [reset = 0h]

SRC_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE is shown in Figure 5-31 and described in Table 5-30.
Return to the Summary Table.
Source Begin Address Active Register

Figure 5-31. SRC_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-30. SRC_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 BEGADDR R/W 0h Active Source Beginning Address

If a transfer is ongoing, this register holds the current beginning

value for the source address. This address may be updated after

When a transfer starts, this register is loaded with the shadow

address from the SRC_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW register.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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www.ti.com DMA Registers SRC_ADDR_ACTIVE Register (Offset = 16h) [reset = 0h]

SRC_ADDR_ACTIVE is shown in Figure 5-32 and described in Table 5-31.
Return to the Summary Table.
Source Address Active Register

Figure 5-32. SRC_ADDR_ACTIVE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-31. SRC_ADDR_ACTIVE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 ADDR R/W 0h Active Source Address

If a transfer is ongoing, this register holds the current value of the

source address. This address may change after a write, a burst, or
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Direct Memory Access (DMA) 641
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DMA Registers www.ti.com DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Register (Offset = 18h) [reset = 0h]

DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW is shown in Figure 5-33 and described in Table 5-32.
Return to the Summary Table.
Destination Begin Address Shadow Register

Figure 5-33. DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-32. DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 BEGADDR R/W 0h Shadow Destination Beginning Address

At the start of a transfer, the value in this register is loaded into the
DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE register and used as the beginning value
for the destination address. This register can be safely updated
during a transfer.
Reset type: SYSRSn

642 Direct Memory Access (DMA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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www.ti.com DMA Registers DST_ADDR_SHADOW Register (Offset = 1Ah) [reset = 0h]

DST_ADDR_SHADOW is shown in Figure 5-34 and described in Table 5-33.
Return to the Summary Table.
Destination Address Shadow Register

Figure 5-34. DST_ADDR_SHADOW Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-33. DST_ADDR_SHADOW Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 ADDR R/W 0h Shadow Destination Address

At the start of a transfer, the value in this register is loaded into the
DST_ADDR_ACTIVE register and used as the value of the
destination address. This register can be safely updated during a
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Direct Memory Access (DMA) 643
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DMA Registers www.ti.com DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Register (Offset = 1Ch) [reset = 0h]

DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE is shown in Figure 5-35 and described in Table 5-34.
Return to the Summary Table.
Destination Begin Address Active Register

Figure 5-35. DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-34. DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 BEGADDR R/W 0h Active Destination Beginning Address

If a transfer is ongoing, this register holds the current destination

value for the source address. This address may be updated after

When a transfer starts, this register is loaded with the shadow

address from the DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW register.
Reset type: SYSRSn

644 Direct Memory Access (DMA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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www.ti.com DMA Registers DST_ADDR_ACTIVE Register (Offset = 1Eh) [reset = 0h]

DST_ADDR_ACTIVE is shown in Figure 5-36 and described in Table 5-35.
Return to the Summary Table.
Destination Address Active Register

Figure 5-36. DST_ADDR_ACTIVE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 5-35. DST_ADDR_ACTIVE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 ADDR R/W 0h Active Destination Address

If a transfer is ongoing, this register holds the current value of the

destination address. This address may change after a write, a burst,
or wrapping.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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5.8.4 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping

Table 5-36. DMA Registers to Driverlib Functions

File Driverlib Function
dma.h DMA_initController
dma.h DMA_setEmulationMode
dma.h DMA_setPriorityMode
dma.c DMA_configMode
dma.h DMA_enableTrigger
dma.h DMA_disableTrigger
dma.h DMA_enableInterrupt
dma.h DMA_disableInterrupt
dma.h DMA_enableOverrunInterrupt
dma.h DMA_disableOverrunInterrupt
dma.h DMA_setInterruptMode
dma.h DMA_forceTrigger
dma.h DMA_clearTriggerFlag
dma.h DMA_getTriggerFlagStatus
dma.h DMA_startChannel
dma.h DMA_stopChannel
dma.h DMA_clearErrorFlag
dma.c DMA_configBurst
dma.c DMA_configBurst
dma.c DMA_configBurst
dma.c DMA_configTransfer
dma.c DMA_configTransfer
dma.c DMA_configTransfer
dma.c DMA_configWrap
dma.c DMA_configWrap
dma.c DMA_configWrap
dma.c DMA_configWrap
dma.c DMA_configAddresses
dma.h DMA_configSourceAddress

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Table 5-36. DMA Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
dma.c DMA_configAddresses
dma.h DMA_configSourceAddress
dma.c DMA_configAddresses
dma.h DMA_configDestAddress
dma.c DMA_configAddresses
dma.h DMA_configDestAddress

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Chapter 6
SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

Control Law Accelerator (CLA)

The Control Law Accelerator (CLA) Type-1 is an independent, fully-programmable, 32-bit floating-point
math processor that brings concurrent control-loop execution to the C28x family. The low interrupt latency
of the CLA allows it to read ADC samples "just-in-time." This significantly reduces the ADC sample to
output delay to enable faster system response and higher MHz control loops. By using the CLA to service
time-critical control loops, the main CPU is free to perform other system tasks such as communications
and diagnostics. This chapter provides an overview of the architectural structure and components of the
control law accelerator.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 649

6.2 Features .......................................................................................................... 649
6.3 CLA Interface ................................................................................................... 651
6.4 CLA and CPU Arbitration ................................................................................... 655
6.5 CLA Configuration and Debug ........................................................................... 657
6.6 Pipeline ........................................................................................................... 661
6.7 Instruction Set.................................................................................................. 666
6.8 CLA Registers .................................................................................................. 781

648 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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6.1 Introduction
The Control Law Accelerator extends the capabilities of the C28x CPU by adding parallel processing.
Time-critical control loops serviced by the CLA can achieve low ADC sample to output delay. Thus, the
CLA enables faster system response and higher frequency control loops. Utilizing the CLA for time-critical
tasks frees up the main CPU to perform other system and communication functions concurrently.

6.2 Features
The following is a list of major features of the CLA:
• C compilers are available for CLA software development.
• Clocked at the same rate as the main CPU (SYSCLKOUT).
• An independent architecture allowing CLA algorithm execution independent of the main C28x CPU.
– Complete bus architecture:
• Program Address Bus (PAB) and Program Data Bus (PDB)
• Data Read Address Bus (DRAB), Data Read Data Bus (DRDB), Data Write Address Bus
(DWAB), and Data Write Data Bus (DWDB)
– Independent eight stage pipeline.
– 16-bit program counter (MPC)
– Four 32-bit result registers (MR0-MR3)
– Two 16-bit auxiliary registers (MAR0, MAR1)
– Status register (MSTF)
• Instruction set includes:
– IEEE single-precision (32-bit) floating point math operations
– Floating-point math with parallel load or store
– Floating-point multiply with parallel add or subtract
– 1/X and 1/sqrt(X) estimations
– Data type conversions.
– Conditional branch and call
– Data load/store operations
• The CLA program code can consist of up to eight tasks or interrupt service routines
– The start address of each task is specified by the MVECT registers.
– No limit on task size as long as the tasks fit within the configurable CLA program memory space.
– One task is serviced at a time until its completion. There is no nesting of tasks.
– Upon task completion a task-specific interrupt is flagged within the PIE.
– When a task finishes the next highest-priority pending task is automatically started.
• Task trigger mechanisms:
– C28x CPU via the IACK instruction
– Task1 to Task8: up to 256 possible trigger sources from peripherals connected to the shared bus
on which the CLA assumes secondary ownership.
• Memory and Shared Peripherals:
– Two dedicated message RAMs for communication between the CLA and the main CPU.
– The C28x CPU can map CLA program and data memory to the main CPU space or CLA space.
– The CLA, on reset, is the secondary master for all peripherals which can have either the CLA or
DMA as their secondary master.

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Figure 6-1. CLA (Type 1) Block Diagram

CLA Control
Register Set
From MPERINT1 to
Shared to MICLR(16) CLA_INT8
Peripherals MPERINT8 MICLROVF(16) INT11 C28x
CLA Clock Enable MVECT5(16)
SYSRSn CPU Read/Write Data Bus
MVECT8(16) CLA Program
CLA Program Bus Memory (LSx)


CPU Data Bus

CLA Data
CLA Execution Memory (LSx)
CLA Data Bus
Register Set
MPC(16) CLA Message
MR2(32) Shared
MR3(32) Peripherals

CPU Read Data Bus

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6.3 CLA Interface

This chapter describes how the C28x main CPU can interface to the CLA and vice versa.

6.3.1 CLA Memory

The CLA can access three types of memory: program, data and message RAMs. The behavior and
arbitration for each type of memory is described in detail below. The CLA RAMs are protected by the
DCSM module. Refer to the DCSM section of this manual for more details on the security scheme.
• CLA Program Memory
The CLA program can be loaded any of the local shared memories (LSxRAM). At reset, all memory
blocks are mapped to the CPU. While mapped to the CPU space, the CPU can copy the CLA program
code into the memory. During debug, the memory can also be loaded directly by Code Composer
Once the memory is initialized with CLA code, the CPU maps it to the CLA program space by:
1. Assigning ownership of the memory block to the CLA by writing a 1 to the memory block’s
MemCfgRegs.LSxMSEL[MSEL_LSx] bit.
2. Specifying the memory block as a code block for the CLA by writing a 1 to the
When a memory block is configured as CLA program memory, debug accesses are allowed only on
cycles where the CLA is not fetching a new instruction. A detailed explanation of the memory
configurations and access arbitration (CPU, CLA, and DEBUG) process can be found in Section 3.11.
All CLA program fetches are performed as 32-bit read operations and all opcodes must be aligned to
an even address. Since all CLA opcodes are 32-bits, this alignment occurs naturally.
• CLA Data Memory
Any of the device’s LSxRAMs can serve as data memory blocks to the CLA. At reset, all blocks are
mapped to the CPU memory space, whereby the CPU can initialize the memory with data tables,
coefficients, and so on, for the CLA to use.
Once the memory is initialized with CLA data, the CPU maps it to the CLA data space by:
1. Assigning ownership of the memory block to the CLA by writing a 1 to the memory block’s
MemCfgRegs.LSxMSEL[MSEL_LSx] bit.
2. Specifying the memory block as a data block for the CLA by writing a 0 to the
MemCfgRegs.LSxCLAPGM[CLAPGM_LSx] bit. The value of this bit at reset is 0.
When a memory block is configured as CLA data memory, CLA read and write accesses are arbitrated
along with CPU accesses. The user has the option of turning on CPU fetch or write protection to the
memory by writing to the appropriate bits of the MemCfgRegs.LSxACCPROTx registers. A detailed
explanation of the memory configurations and access arbitration (CPU, CLA, and DEBUG) process
can be found in Section 3.11.
• CLA Shared Message RAMs
There are two memory blocks for data sharing and communication between the CLA and the CPU.
The message RAMs are always mapped to both CPU and CLA memory spaces, and only data access
is allowed; no program fetches can be performed.
– CLA to CPU Message RAM
The CLA can use this block to pass data to the CPU. This block is both readable and writable by
the CLA. This block is also readable by the CPU but writes by the CPU are ignored.
– CPU to CLA Message RAM
The CPU can use this block to pass data and messages to the CLA. This message RAM is both
readable and writable by the CPU. The CLA can perform reads but writes by the CLA are ignored.

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6.3.2 CLA Memory Bus

The CLA has dedicated bus architecture similar to that of the C28x CPU where there are separate
program read, data read, and data write buses. Thus, there can be simultaneous instruction fetch, data
read, and data write in a single cycle. Like the C28x CPU, the CLA expects memory logic to align any 32-
bit read or write to an even address. If the address-generation logic generates an odd address, the CLA
will begin reading or writing at the previous even address. This alignment does not affect the address
values generated by the address-generation logic.
• CLA Program Bus
The CLA program bus has an access range of 32K 32-bit instructions. Since all CLA instructions are
32 bits, this bus always fetches 32 bits at a time and the opcodes must be even-word aligned. The
amount of program space available for the CLA is limited to the number of available LSxRAM blocks.
This number is device-dependent and will be described in the device-specific data manual.
• CLA Data Read Bus
The CLA data read bus has a 64K x 16 address range. The bus can perform 16 or 32-bit reads and
will automatically stall if there are memory access conflicts. The data read bus has access to both the
message RAMs, CLA data memory, and the shared peripherals.
• CLA Data Write Bus
The CLA data write bus has a 64K x 16 address range. This bus can perform 16 or 32-bit writes. The
bus will automatically stall if there are memory access conflicts. The data write bus has access to the
CLA to CPU message RAM, CLA data memory, and the shared peripherals.

6.3.3 Shared Peripherals and EALLOW Protection

For a given CPU subsystem, the CLA and DMA share secondary access to some peripherals. The
secondary ownership of the bus is determined by the CpuSysRegs.SECMSEL[VBUS32_x] bit. If it is set to
0, the CLA is the secondary owner. If it is set to 1, the DMA is the secondary owner. By default, at reset,
the CLA is given the secondary ownership of the bus and, therefore, can access all the peripherals
connected to it.
Note: The CLA read access time to the bus is 2-wait states while write access is 0-wait.
Refer to the device data manual for the list of peripherals connected to the bus.
Several peripheral control registers are protected from spurious 28x CPU writes by the EALLOW
protection mechanism. These same registers are also protected from spurious CLA writes. The EALLOW
bit in the CPU status register 1 (ST1) indicates the state of protection for the CPU. Likewise the
MEALLOW bit in the CLA status register (MSTF) indicates the state of write protection for the CLA. The
MEALLOW CLA instruction enables write access by the CLA to EALLOW protected registers. Likewise the
MEDIS CLA instruction will disable write access. This way the CLA can enable/disable write access
independent of the CPU.
The ADC offers the option to generate an early interrupt pulse at the start of a sample conversion. If this
option is used to start an ADC-triggered CLA task, the user may use the intervening cycles, until the
completion of the conversion, to perform preliminary calculations or loads and stores before finally reading
the ADC value. The CLA pipeline activity for this scenario is shown in Section 6.6.

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6.3.4 CLA Tasks and Interrupt Vectors

The CLA program code is divided up into tasks or interrupt service routines. Tasks do not have a fixed
starting location or length. The CLA program memory can be divided up as desired. The CLA uses the
contents of the interrupt vectors (MVECT1 to MVECT8) to determine where a task begins; tasks are
terminated by the MSTOP instruction.
The CLA supports eight tasks. Task 1 has the highest priority and task 8 has the lowest priority.
A task can be requested by a peripheral interrupt or by software:
• Peripheral interrupt trigger
Each task can be triggered by software-selectable interrupt sources. The trigger for each task is
defined by writing an appropriate value to the DmaClaSrcSelRegs.CLA1TASKSRCSELx[TASKx] bit
field. Each option specifies an interrupt source from a specific peripheral on the shared bus. The
peripheral interrupt triggers are listed in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1. Configuration Options

Select Value (8-bit) CLA Trigger Source
0 Software Trigger
28:21 Reserved
29 XINT1
30 XINT2
31 XINT3
32 XINT4
33 XINT5
34 Reserved
35 Reserved

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Table 6-1. Configuration Options (continued)

Select Value (8-bit) CLA Trigger Source
67:48 Reserved
68 TINT0
69 TINT1
70 TINT2
81 Reserved
82 Reserved
86 Reserved
87 Reserved
88 Reserved
94:89 Reserved
106:97 Reserved
108 Reserved
126:115 Reserved
255:130 Reserved

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For example, Task 1 (MVECT1) can be set to trigger on EPWMINT1 by writing 36 to

DmaClaSrcSelRegs.CLA1TASKSRCSEL1.bit.TASK1. To disable the triggering of a task by a
peripheral, the user must set the DmaClaSrcSelRegs.CLA1TASKSRCSELx[TASKx] bit field to 0. It
should be noted that a CLA task only triggers on a level transition (an edge) of the configured interrupt
• Software Trigger
CPU software can trigger tasks by writing to the MIFRC register or by the IACK instruction. Using the
IACK instruction is more efficient because it does not require you to issue an EALLOW to set MIFR
bits. Set the MCTL[IACKE] bit to enable the IACK feature. Each bit in the operand of the IACK
instruction corresponds to a task. For example IACK #0x0001 will set bit 0 in the MIFR register to start
task 1. Likewise IACK #0x0003 will set bits 0 and 1 in the MIFR register to start task 1 and task 2.
The CLA has its own fetch mechanism and can run and execute a task independent of the CPU. Only one
task is serviced at a time; there is no nesting of tasks. The task currently running is indicated in the
MIRUN register. Interrupts that have been received but not yet serviced are indicated in the flag register
(MIFR). If an interrupt request from a peripheral is received and that same task is already flagged, then
the overflow flag bit is set. Overflow flags will remain set until they are cleared by the CPU.
If the CLA is idle (no task is currently running) then the highest priority interrupt request that is both
flagged (MIFR) and enabled (MIER) will start. The flow is as follows:
1. The associated RUN register bit is set (MIRUN) and the flag bit (MIFR) is cleared.
2. The CLA begins execution at the location indicated by the associated interrupt vector (MVECTx).
MVECT contains the absolute 16-bit address of the task in the lower 64K memory space.
3. The CLA executes instructions until the MSTOP instruction is found. This indicates the end of the task.
4. The MIRUN bit is cleared.
5. The task-specific interrupt to the PIE is issued. This informs the main CPU that the task has
6. The CLA returns to idle.
Once a task completes the next highest-priority pending task is automatically serviced and this sequence

6.3.5 CLA Software Interrupt to CPU

The CLA can issue a software interrupt to the C28x CPU at any point in the code through the use of the
CLA1SOFTINTEN and CLA1INTFRC registers. Please see Section 6.8 for a description of these registers.
If a software interrupt is selected for a CLA task, then an end-of-task interrupt will not be issued to the
C28x when that task completes.

6.4 CLA and CPU Arbitration

Typically, CLA activity is independent of the CPU activity. Under the circumstance where the CLA or CPU
attempt to concurrently access memory or a peripheral register within the same interface, an arbitration
procedure will occur. This section describes this arbitration.
The arbitration follows a fixed arbitration scheme with highest priority first:
They are covered in detail in the Section 3.11.

6.4.1 CLA Message RAM

Message RAMs consist of two blocks:
• CLA to CPU Message RAM
• CPU to CLA Message RAM

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These blocks are useful for passing data between the CLA and CPU. No opcode fetches, from either the
CLA or CPU, are allowed from the message RAMs. A write protection violation will not be generated if the
CLA attempts to write to the CPU to CLA message RAM but the write will be ignored. The arbitration
scheme for the message RAMs are the same as those for the shared memories described in the
Section 3.11.
The message RAMs have the following characteristics:
• CLA to CPU Message RAM:
The following accesses are allowed:
– CPU reads
– CLA data reads and writes
– CPU debug reads and writes

The following accesses are ignored:

– CPU writes
• CPU to CLA Message RAM:
The following accesses are allowed:
– CPU reads and writes
– CLA reads
– CPU debug reads and writes

The following accesses are ignored:

– CLA writes

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6.5 CLA Configuration and Debug

This section discusses the steps necessary to configure and debug the CLA.

6.5.1 Building a CLA Application

The control law accelerator can be programmed in either CLA assembly code, using the instructions
described in Section 6.7, or a reduced subset of the C language. CLA assembly code resides in the same
project with C28x code. The only restriction is the CLA code must be in its own assembly section. This
can be easily done using the .sect assembly directive. This does not prevent CLA and C28x code from
being linked into the same memory region in the linker command file.
System and CLA initialization are performed by the main CPU. This would typically be done in C or C++
but can also include C28x assembly code. The main CPU will also copy the CLA code to the program
memory and, if needed, initialize the CLA data RAM(s). Once system initialization is complete and the
application begins, the CLA will service its interrupts using the CLA assembly code (or tasks). The main
CPU can perform other tasks concurrently with CLA program execution.
The CLA Type 1 requires Codegen V6.2.4 or later with the compiler switch: --cla_support=cla1.

6.5.2 Typical CLA Initialization Sequence

A typical CLA initialization sequence is performed by the main CPU as described in this section.
1. Copy CLA code into the CLA program RAM
The source for the CLA code can initially reside in the flash or a data stream from a communications
peripheral or anywhere the main CPU can access it. The debugger can also be used to load code
directly to the CLA program RAM during development.
2. Initialize CLA data RAM, if necessary
Populate the CLA data RAM with any required data coefficients or constants.
3. Configure the CLA registers
Configure the CLA registers, but keep interrupts disabled until later (leave MIER = 0):
• Enable the CLA peripheral clock using the assigned PCLKCRn register
The peripheral clock control (PCLKCRn) registers are defined in the System Control chapter.
• Populate the CLA task interrupt vectors
Each vector needs to be initialized with the start address of the task to be executed when the
CLA receives the associated interrupt. This address is the full 16-bit starting address of the task
in the lower 64K section of memory.
• Select the task interrupt sources
For each task select the interrupt source in the CLA1TASKSRCSELx register. If a task is software
triggered, select no interrupt.
• Enable IACK to start a task from software, if desired
To enable the IACK instruction to start a task set the MCTL[IACKE] bit. Using the IACK instruction
avoids having to set and clear the EALLOW bit.
• Map CLA data RAM to CLA space, if necessary
Map the data RAM to the CLA space by first, assigning ownership of the memory block to the CLA
by writing a 1 to the memory block’s MemCfgRegs.LSxMSEL[MSEL_LSx] bit, and then specifying
the memory block as a CLA data block by writing a 0 to the
MemCfgRegs.LSxCLAPGM[CLAPGM_LSx] bit. When an LSx memory is configured as a CLA data
memory, the CLA read/write accesses are arbitrated along with CPU accesses. The user has the
option of turning on CPU fetch or write protection to the memory by writing to the appropriate bits of
the MemCfgRegs.LSxACCPROTx registers.
• Map CLA program RAM to CLA space
Map the CLA program RAM to CLA space by first assigning ownership of the memory block to the
CLA by writing a 1 to the memory block’s MemCfgRegs.LSxMSEL[MSEL_LSx] bit, and then

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specifying the memory block as CLA code memory by writing a 1 to the

MemCfgRegs.LSxCLAPGM[CLAPGM_LSx] bit. When an LSx memory is configured as CLA
program memory, only debug accesses are allowed on cycles in which the CLA is not fetching a
new instruction.
4. Initialize the PIE vector table and registers
When a CLA task completes, the associated interrupt in the PIE will be flagged. The CLA overflow and
underflow flags also have associated interrupts within the PIE.
5. Enable CLA tasks/interrupts
Set appropriate bits in the interrupt enable register (MIER) to allow the CLA to service interrupts.
6. Initialize other peripherals
Initialize any peripherals (such as ePWM, ADC, and others) that will generate interrupt triggers for
enabled CLA tasks.
The CLA is now ready to service interrupts and the message RAMs can be used to pass data between
the CPU and the CLA. Mapping of the CLA program and data RAMs typically occurs only during the
initialization process. If the RAM mapping needs to be changed after initialization, the CLA interrupts
must be disabled and all tasks must be completed (by checking the MIRUN register) prior to modifying
the RAM ownership.

6.5.3 Debugging CLA Code

Debugging the CLA code is a simple process that occurs independently of the main CPU. . Breakpoint Support (MDEBUGSTOP)

1. Insert a breakpoint in CLA code
Insert a CLA breakpoint (MDEBUGSTOP instruction) into the code where you want the CLA to halt,
then rebuild and reload the code. Because the CLA does not flush its pipeline when you single-step,
the MDEBUGSTOP instruction must be inserted as part of the code. The debugger cannot insert it as
If CLA breakpoints are not enabled, then the MDEBUGSTOP will be ignored and is treated as a
MNOP. The MDEBUGSTOP instruction can be placed anywhere in the CLA code as long as it is not
within three instructions of a MBCNDD, MCCNDD, or MRCNDD instruction. When programming in C,
the user can use the __mdebugstop() intrinsic instead; the compiler will ensure that the placement of
the MDEBUSTOP instruction in the generated assembly does not violate any of the pipeline
2. Enable CLA breakpoints
Enable the CLA breakpoints in the debugger. In Code Composer Studio, this is done by connecting to
the CLA core (or tap) from the debug perspective. Breakpoints are disabled when the core is
3. Start the task
There are three ways to start the task:
1. The peripheral can assert an interrupt,
2. The main CPU can execute an IACK instruction, or
3. The user can manually write to the MIFRC register in the debugger window
When the task starts, the CLA will execute instructions until the MDEBUGSTOP is in the D2 phase of
the pipeline. At this point, the CLA will halt and the pipeline will be frozen. The MPC register will reflect
the address of the MDEBUGSTOP instruction.
4. Single-step the CLA code
Once halted, the user can single-step the CLA code. The behavior of a CLA single-step is different
than the main C28x. When issuing a CLA single-step, the pipeline is clocked only one cycle and then
again frozen. On the 28x CPU, the pipeline is flushed for each single-step.
You can also run to the next MDEBUGSTOP or to the end of the task. If another task is pending, it will
automatically start when you run to the end of the task.

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NOTE: A CLA fetch has higher priority than CPU debug reads. For this reason, it is possible for the
CLA to permanently block CPU debug accesses if the CLA is executing in a loop. This might
occur when initially developing CLA code due to a bug that causes an infinite loop. To avoid
locking up the main CPU, the program memory will return all 0x0000 for CPU debug reads
when the CLA is running. When the CLA is halted or idle then normal CPU debug read and
write access to CLA program memory can be performed.
If the CLA gets caught in an infinite loop, you can use a soft or hard reset to exit the
condition. A debugger reset will also exit the condition.

There are special cases that can occur when single-stepping a task such that the program counter,
MPC, reaches the MSTOP instruction at the end of the task.
• MPC halts at or after the MSTOP with a task already pending
If you are single-stepping or halted in "task A" and "task B" comes in before the MPC reaches the
MSTOP, then "task B" will start if you continue to step through the MSTOP instruction. Basically if
"task B" is pending before the MPC reaches MSTOP in "task A" then there is no issue in "task B"
starting and no special action is required.
• MPC halts at or after the MSTOP with no task pending
In this case you have single-stepped or halted in "task A" and the MPC has reached the MSTOP
with no tasks pending. If "task B" comes in at this point, it will be flagged in the MIFR register but it
may or may not start if you continue to single-step through the MSTOP instruction of "task A."
It depends on exactly when the new task comes in. To reliably start "task B" perform a soft reset
and reconfigure the MIER bits. Once this is done, you can start single-stepping "task B."
This case can be handled slightly differently if there is control over when "task B" comes in (for
example using the IACK instruction to start the task). In this case you have single-stepped or halted
in "task A" and the MPC has reached the MSTOP with no tasks pending. Before forcing "task B,"
run free to force the CLA out of the debug state. Once this is done you can force "task B" and
continue debugging.
5. Disable CLA breakpoints, if desired
In Code Composer Studio you can disable the CLA breakpoints by disconnecting the CLA core in the
debug perspective. Make sure to first issue a run or reset; otherwise, the CLA will be halted and no
other tasks will start.

6.5.4 CLA Illegal Opcode Behavior

If the CLA fetches an opcode that does not correspond to a legal instruction, it will behave as follows:
• The CLA will halt with the illegal opcode in the D2 phase of the pipeline as if it were a breakpoint. This
will occur whether CLA breakpoints are enabled or not.
• The CLA will issue the task-specific interrupt to the PIE.
• The MIRUN bit for the task will remain set.
Further single-stepping is ignored once execution halts due to an illegal op-code. To exit this situation,
issue either a soft or hard reset of the CLA as described in Section 6.5.5.

6.5.5 Resetting the CLA

There may be times when you need to reset the CLA. For example, during code debug the CLA may enter
an infinite loop due to a code bug. The CLA has two types of resets: hard and soft. Both of these resets
can be performed by the debugger or by the main CPU.
• Hard Reset
Writing a 1 to the MCTL[HARDRESET] bit will perform a hard reset of the CLA. The behavior of a hard
reset is the same as a system reset (via XRS or the debugger). In this case all CLA configuration and
execution registers will be set to their default state and CLA execution will halt.
• Soft Reset
Writing a 1 to the MCTL[SOFTRESET] bit performs a soft reset of the CLA. If a task is executing it will
halt and the associated MIRUN bit will be cleared. All bits within the interrupt enable (MIER) register

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will also be cleared so that no new tasks start.

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6.6 Pipeline
This section describes the CLA pipeline stages and presents cases where pipeline alignment must be

6.6.1 Pipeline Overview

The CLA pipeline is very similar to the C28x pipeline with eight stages:
1. Fetch 1 (F1)
During the F1 stage the program read address is placed on the CLA program address bus.
2. Fetch 2 (F2)
During the F2 stage the instruction is read using the CLA program data bus.
3. Decode 1 (D1)
During D1 the instruction is decoded.
4. Decode 2 (D2)
Generate the data read address. Changes to MAR0 and MAR1 due to post-increment using indirect
addressing takes place in the D2 phase. Conditional branch decisions are also made at this stage
based on the MSTF register flags.
5. Read 1 (R1)
Place the data read address on the CLA data-read address bus. If a memory conflict exists, the R1
stage will be stalled.
6. Read 2 (R2)
Read the data value using the CLA data read data bus.
7. Execute (EXE)
Execute the operation. Changes to MAR0 and MAR1 due to loading an immediate value or value from
memory take place in this stage.
8. Write (W)
Place the write address and write data on the CLA write data bus. If a memory conflict exists, the W
stage will be stalled.

6.6.2 CLA Pipeline Alignment

The majority of the CLA instructions do not require any special pipeline considerations. This section lists
the few operations that do require special consideration.
• Write Followed by Read
In both the C28x and the CLA pipeline the read operation occurs before the write. This means that if a
read operation immediately follows a write, then the read will complete first as shown in Table 6-2. In
most cases this does not cause a problem since the contents of one memory location does not depend
on the state of another. For accesses to peripherals where a write to one location can affect the value
in another location the code must wait for the write to complete before issuing the read as shown in
Table 6-3.
This behavior is different for the 28x CPU. For the 28x CPU any write followed by read to the same
location is protected by what is called write-followed-by-read protection. This protection automatically
stalls the pipeline so that the write will complete before the read. In addition some peripheral frames
are protected such that a 28x CPU write to one location within the frame will always complete before a
read to the frame. The CLA does not have this protection mechanism. Instead the code must wait to
perform the read.

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Table 6-2. Write Followed by Read - Read Occurs First

Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
I1 MMOV16 @Reg1, MR3 I1
I2 MMOV16 MR2, @Reg2 I2 I1
I2 I1
I2 I1
I2 I1
I2 I1
I2 I1
I2 I1

Table 6-3. Write Followed by Read - Write Occurs First

Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
I1 MMOV16 @Reg1, MR3 I1
I2 I2 I1
I3 I3 I2 I1
I4 I4 I3 I2 I1
I5 MMOV16 MR2, @Reg2 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1
I5 I4 I3 I2 I1
I5 I4 I3 I2 I1
I5 I4 I3 I2 I1
I5 I4 I3
I5 I4

• Delayed Conditional instructions: MBCNDD, MCCNDD and MRCNDD

Referring to Example 6-1, the following applies to delayed conditional instructions:
– I1
I1 is the last instruction that can effect the CNDF flags for the branch, call or return instruction. The
CNDF flags are tested in the D2 phase of the pipeline. That is, a decision is made whether to
branch or not when MBCNDD, MCCNDD or MRCNDD is in the D2 phase.
– I2, I3 and I4
The three instructions preceding MBCNDD can change MSTF flags but will have no effect on
whether the MBCNDD instruction branches or not. This is because the flag modification will occur
after the D2 phase of the branch, call or return instruction. These three instructions must not be a
– I5, I6 and I7
The three instructions following a branch, call or return are always executed irrespective of whether
the condition is true or not. These instructions must not be MSTOP, MDEBUGSTOP, MBCNDD,
For a more detailed description refer to the functional description for MBCNDD, MCCNDD and

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Example 6-1. Code Fragment For MBCNDD, MCCNDD or MRCNDD

<Instruction 1> ; I1 Last instruction that can affect flags for

; the branch, call or return operation

<Instruction 2> ; I2 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return

<Instruction 3> ; I3 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 4> ; I4 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return

<branch/call/ret> ; MBCNDD, MCCNDD or MRCNDD

; I5-I7: Three instructions after are always

; executed whether the branch/call or return is
; taken or not

<Instruction 5> ; I5 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return

<Instruction 6> ; I6 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 7> ; I7 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return

<Instruction 8> ; I8
<Instruction 9> ; I9

• Stop or Halting a Task: MSTOP and MDEBUGSTOP

The MSTOP and MDEBUGSTOP instructions cannot be placed three instructions before or after a
conditional branch, call or return instruction (MBCNDD, MCCNDD or MRCNDD). Refer to Example 6-1.
To single-step through a branch/call or return, insert the MDEBUGSTOP at least four instructions back
and step from there.
• Loading MAR0 or MAR1
A load of auxiliary register MAR0 or MAR1 will occur in the EXE phase of the pipeline. Any post
increment of MAR0 or MAR1 using indirect addressing will occur in the D2 phase of the pipeline.
Referring to Example 6-2, the following applies when loading the auxiliary registers:
– I1 and I2
The two instructions following the load instruction will use the value in MAR0 or MAR1 before the
update occurs.
– I3
Loading of an auxiliary register occurs in the EXE phase while updates due to post-increment
addressing occur in the D2 phase. Thus I3 cannot use the auxiliary register or there will be a
conflict. In the case of a conflict, the update due to address-mode post increment will win and the
auxiliary register will not be updated with #_X.
– I4
Starting with the 4th instruction MAR0 or MAR1 will have the new value.

Example 6-2. Code Fragment for Loading MAR0 or MAR1

; Assume MAR0 is 50 and #_X is 20

MMOVI16 MAR0, #_X ; Load MAR0 with address of X (20)

<Instruction 1> ; I1 Will use the old value of MAR0 (50)
<Instruction 2> ; I2 Will use the old value of MAR0 (50)
<Instruction 3> ; I3 Cannot use MAR0
<Instruction 4> ; I4 Will use the new value of MAR0 (20)
<Instruction 5> ; I5 Will use the new value of MAR0 (20

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Pipeline www.ti.com ADC Early Interrupt to CLA Response

The ADC can be configured to generate an early interrupt pulse before the ADC conversion completes. If
this option is used to start a CLA task, the CLA will be able to read the result as soon as the conversion
result is available in the ADC result register. This combination of just-in-time sampling along with the low
interrupt response of the CLA enable faster system response and higher frequency control loops.
Timings for ADC conversions are shown in the timing diagrams of the ADC chapter. If the ADCCLK is a
divided down version of the SYSCLK, the user will have to account for the conversion time in SYSCLK
For example, if using the 12-bit ADC with ADCCLK at SYSCLK / 4, it would take 10.5 ADCCLK x 4
SYSCLK = 42 SYSCLK cycles to complete a conversion. If using the ADC in 16-bit mode at the same
ADCCLK, it would take 29.5 ADCCLK x 4 SYSCLK = 118 SYSCLK cycles, and so on.
From a CLA perspective, the pipeline activity is shown in Table 6-4 for an N-cycle (SYSCLK) ADC
conversion. The N-2 instruction will arrive in the R2 phase just in time to read the result register. While the
prior instructions will enter the R2 phase of the pipeline too soon to read the conversion, they can be
efficiently used for pre-processing calculations needed by the task.

Table 6-4. ADC to CLA Early Interrupt Response

ADC Activity CLA Activity F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
Conversion(Cycle 1) Interrupt Received
Conversion(Cycle 2) Task Startup
Conversion(Cycle 3) Task Startup
Conversion(Cycle 4) I(Cycle 4) I(Cycle 4)

Conversion(Cycle 5) I(Cycle 5) I(Cycle 5) I(Cycle 4)

Conversion(...) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Conversion(Cycle N-6) I(Cycle N-6) I(Cycle N-6) I(Cycle N-7) I(Cycle N-8) I(Cycle N-9) I(Cycle N-10) I(Cycle N-11)
Conversion(Cycle N-5) I(Cycle N-5) I(Cycle N-5) I(Cycle N-6) I(Cycle N-7) I(Cycle N-8) I(Cycle N-9) I(Cycle N-10)
Conversion(Cycle N-4) I(Cycle N-4) I(Cycle N-4) I(Cycle N-5) I(Cycle N-6) I(Cycle N-7) I(Cycle N-8) I(Cycle N-9)
Conversion(Cycle N-3) I(Cycle N-3) I(Cycle N-3) I(Cycle N-4) I(Cycle N-5) I(Cycle N-6) I(Cycle N-7) I(Cycle N-8)
Conversion(Cycle N-2) Read RESULT I(Cycle N-3) I(Cycle N-4) I(Cycle N-5) I(Cycle N-6) I(Cycle N-7)
Conversion(Cycle N-1) I(Cycle N-3) I(Cycle N-4) I(Cycle N-5) I(Cycle N-6)
Conversion(Cycle N-0) I(Cycle N-3) I(Cycle N-4) I(Cycle N-5)
Conversion Complete I(Cycle N-3) I(Cycle N-4)
RESULT Latched I(Cycle N-3)
RESULT Available

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6.6.3 Parallel Instructions

Parallel instructions are single opcodes that perform two operations in parallel. The following types of
parallel instructions are available: math operation in parallel with a move operation, or two math
operations in parallel. Both operations complete in a single cycle and there are no special pipeline
alignment requirements.

Example 6-3. Math Operation with Parallel Load

; MADDF32 || MMOV32 instruction: 32-bit floating-point add with parallel move

; MADDF32 is a 1 cycle operation
; MMOV32 is a 1 cycle operation
MADDF32 MR0, MR1, #2 ; MR0 = MR1 + 2,
|| MMOV32 MR1, @Val ; MR1 gets the contents of Val
; <-- MMOV32 completes here (MR1 is valid)
; <-- DDF32 completes here (MR0 is valid)
MMPYF32 MR0, MR0, MR1 ; Any instruction, can use MR1 and/or MR0

Example 6-4. Multiply with Parallel Add

; MMPYF32 || MADDF32 instruction: 32-bit floating-point multiply with parallel add

; MMPYF32 is a 1 cycle operation
; MADDF32 is a 1 cycle operation
MMPYF32 MR0, MR1, MR3 ; MR0 = MR1 * MR3
|| MADDF32 MR1, MR2, MR0 ; MR1 = MR2 + MR0 (Uses value of MR0 before MMPYF32)
; <-- MMPYF32 and MADDF32 complete here (MR0 and MR1 are valid)
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR0 ; Any instruction, can use MR1 and/or MR0

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6.7 Instruction Set

This section describes the assembly language instructions of the control law accelerator. Also described
are parallel operations, conditional operations, resource constraints, and addressing modes. The
instructions listed here are independent from C28x and C28x+FPU instruction sets.

6.7.1 Instruction Descriptions

This section gives detailed information on the instruction set. Each instruction may present the following
• Operands
• Opcode
• Description
• Exceptions
• Pipeline
• Examples
• See also
The example INSTRUCTION is shown to familiarize you with the way each instruction is described. The
example describes the kind of information you will find in each part of the individual instruction description
and where to obtain more information. CLA instructions follow the same format as the C28x; the source
operand(s) are always on the right and the destination operand(s) are on the left.
The explanations for the syntax of the operands used in the instruction descriptions for the C28x CLA are
given in Table 6-5.

Table 6-5. Operand Nomenclature

Symbol Description
#16FHi 16-bit immediate (hex or float) value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-point value.
Lower 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be zero.
#16FHiHex 16-bit immediate hex value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-point value.
Lower 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be zero.
#16FLoHex A 16-bit immediate hex value that represents the lower 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-point value
#32Fhex 32-bit immediate value that represents an IEEE 32-bit floating-point value
#32F Immediate float value represented in floating-point representation
#0.0 Immediate zero
#SHIFT Immediate value of 1 to 32 used for arithmetic and logical shifts.
addr Opcode field indicating the addressing mode
CNDF Condition to test the flags in the MSTF register
FLAG Selected flags from MSTF register (OR) 8 bit mask indicating which floating-point status flags to change
MAR0 auxiliary register 0
MAR1 auxiliary register 1
MARx Either MAR0 or MAR1
mem16 16-bit memory location accessed using direct, indirect, or offset addressing modes
mem32 32-bit memory location accessed using direct, indirect, or offset addressing modes
MRa MR0 to MR3 registers
MRb MR0 to MR3 registers
MRc MR0 to MR3 registers
MRd MR0 to MR3 registers
MRe MR0 to MR3 registers
MRf MR0 to MR3 registers
MSTF CLA Floating-point Status Register
shift Opcode field indicating the number of bits to shift.
VALUE Flag value of 0 or 1 for selected flag (OR) 8 bit mask indicating the flag value; 0 or 1

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Each instruction has a table that gives a list of the operands and a short description. Instructions always
have their destination operand(s) first followed by the source operand(s).

Table 6-6. INSTRUCTION dest, source1, source2 Short Description

dest1 Description for the 1st operand for the instruction
source1 Description for the 2nd operand for the instruction
source2 Description for the 3rd operand for the instruction
Opcode This section shows the opcode for the instruction
Description Detailed description of the instruction execution is described. Any constraints on the operands imposed by
the processor or the assembler are discussed.
Restrictions Any constraints on the operands or use of the instruction imposed by the processor are discussed.
Pipeline This section describes the instruction in terms of pipeline cycles as described in Section 6.6
Example Examples of instruction execution. If applicable, register and memory values are given before and after
instruction execution. Some examples are code fragments while other examples are full tasks that assume
the CLA is correctly configured and the main CPU has passed it data.
Operands Each instruction has a table that gives a list of the operands and a short description. Instructions always
have their destination operand(s) first followed by the source operand(s).

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6.7.2 Addressing Modes and Encoding

The CLA uses the same address to access data and registers as the main CPU. For example if the main
CPU accesses an ePWM register at address 0x00 6800, then the CLA will access it using address
0x6800. Since all CLA accessible memory and registers are within the low 64k x 16 of memory, only the
low 16-bits of the address are used by the CLA.
To address the CLA data memory, message RAMs and shared peripherals, the CLA supports two
addressing modes:
• Direct addressing mode: Uses the address of the variable or register directly.
• Indirect addressing with 16-bit post increment. This mode uses either XAR0 or XAR1.
The CLA does not use a data page pointer or a stack pointer. The two addressing modes are encoded as
shown Table 6-7.

Table 6-7. Addressing Modes

Addressing Mode 'addr' Opcode Description
Encode (1)
@dir 0000 Direct Addressing Mode
Example 1: MMOV32 MR1, @_VarA
Example 2: MMOV32 MR1, @_EPwm1Regs.CMPA.all
In this case the 'mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm' opcode field will be populated with the
16-bit address of the variable. This is the low 16-bits of the address that you would use to
access the variable using the main CPU.
For example @_VarA will populate the address of the variable VarA. and
@_EPwm1Regs.CMPA.all will populate the address of the CMPA register.
*MAR0[#imm16]++ 0001 MAR0 Indirect Addressing with 16-bit Immediate Post Increment
*MAR1[#imm16]++ 0010 MAR1 Indirect Addressing with 16-bit Immediate Post Increment
addr = MAR0 (or MAR1) Access memory using the address stored in MAR0 (or MAR1).
MAR0 (or MAR1) += Then post increment MAR0 (or MAR1) by #imm16.
Example 1: MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++
Example 2: MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[-2]++
For a post increment of 0 the assembler will accept both *MAR0 and *MAR0[0]++.
The 'mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm' opcode field will be populated with the signed 16-bit
pointer offset. For example if #imm16 is 2, then the opcode field will be 0x0002. Likewise if
#imm16 is -2, then the opcode field will be 0xFFFE.
If addition of the 16-bit immediate causes overflow, then the value will wrap around on a
16-bit boundary.
*MAR0+[#imm16] 0101 MAR0 Offset Addressing with 16-bit Immediate Offset
*MAR1+[#imm16] 0110 MAR1 Offset Addressing with 16-bit Immediate Offset
addr = MAR0 Add the offset #imm16
(or MAR1) + #imm16to address stored in MAR0(MAR1) to access the desired memory
the base location
Example 1: MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0+[2]
Example 1: MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1+[-2]
The ‘mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm’ opcode field will be populated with the signed 16-bit
pointer offset. For example if #imm16 is 2, then the opcode field will be 0x0002. Likewise if
#imm16 is -2, then the opcode field will be 0xFFFE.
If the addition of the 16-bit immediate causes overflow, the value will wrap around on a 16-
bit boundary.
Values not shown are reserved.

Encoding for the shift fields in the MASR32, MLSR32 and MLSL32 instructions is shown in Table 6-8.

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Table 6-8. Shift Field Encoding

Shift Value 'shift' Opcode
Field Encode
1 0000
2 0001
3 0010
.... ....
32 1111

Table 6-10 shows the condition field encoding for conditional instructions such as MNEGF, MSWAPF,
For instructions that use MRx (where x could be 'a' through 'f') as operands, the trailing alphabet appears
in the opcode as a two-bit field. For example,
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc ||

whose opcode is,

LSW: 0000 ffee ddcc bbaa
MSW: 0111 1010 0000 0000

The two-bit field specifies one of four working registers according to Table 6-9.

Table 6-9. Operand Encoding

Two-Bit Field Working Register
b’00 MR0
b’01 MR1
b’10 MR2
b’11 MR3

Table 6-10. Condition Field Encoding

Encode CNDF Description MSTF Flags Tested
0000 NEQ Not equal to zero ZF == 0
0001 EQ Equal to zero ZF == 1
0010 GT Greater than zero ZF == 0 AND NF == 0
0011 GEQ Greater than or equal to zero NF == 0
0100 LT Less than zero NF == 1
0101 LEQ Less than or equal to zero ZF == 1 OR NF == 1
1010 TF Test flag set TF == 1
1011 NTF Test flag not set TF == 0
1100 LU Latched underflow LUF == 1
1101 LV Latched overflow LVF == 1
1110 UNC Unconditional None
1111 UNCF Unconditional with flag modification None
Values not shown are reserved.
This is the default operation if no CNDF field is specified. This condition will allow the ZF and NF flags to be modified when a
conditional operation is executed. All other conditions will not modify these flags.

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6.7.3 Instructions
The instructions are listed alphabetically, preceded by a summary.
Table 6-11. General Instructions
Title ...................................................................................................................................... Page

MMABSF32 MRa, MRb — 32-Bit Floating-Point Absolute Value ................................................................. 672

MADD32 MRa, MRb, MRc — 32-Bit Integer Add ................................................................................... 673
MADDF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb — 32-Bit Floating-Point Addition ................................................................ 674
MADDF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi — 32-Bit Floating-Point Addition ................................................................. 675
MADDF32 MRa, MRb, MRc — 32-Bit Floating-Point Addition .................................................................... 677
MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf||MMOV32 mem32, MRa — 32-Bit Floating-Point Addition with Parallel Move ............... 678
MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32 — 32-Bit Floating-Point Addition with Parallel Move ............... 679
MAND32 MRa, MRb, MRc — Bitwise AND .......................................................................................... 681
MASR32 MRa, #SHIFT — Arithmetic Shift Right ................................................................................... 682
MBCNDD 16BitDest {, CNDF} — Branch Conditional Delayed .................................................................. 683
MCCNDD 16BitDest {, CNDF} — Call Conditional Delayed ...................................................................... 688
MCMP32 MRa, MRb — 32-Bit Integer Compare for Equal, Less Than or Greater Than...................................... 692
MCMPF32 MRa, MRb — 32-Bit Floating-Point Compare for Equal, Less Than or Greater Than ............................ 693
MCMPF32 MRa, #16FHi — 32-Bit Floating-Point Compare for Equal, Less Than or Greater Than ......................... 694
MDEBUGSTOP — Debug Stop Task ................................................................................................ 696
MEALLOW — Enable CLA Write Access to EALLOW Protected Registers ................................................... 697
MEDIS — Disable CLA Write Access to EALLOW Protected Registers ....................................................... 698
MEINVF32 MRa, MRb — 32-Bit Floating-Point Reciprocal Approximation ...................................................... 699
MEISQRTF32 MRa, MRb — 32-Bit Floating-Point Square-Root Reciprocal Approximation .................................. 700
MF32TOI16 MRa, MRb — Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 16-Bit Integer .............................................. 701
MF32TOI16R MRa, MRb — Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 16-Bit Integer and Round .............................. 702
MF32TOI32 MRa, MRb — Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 32-Bit Integer .............................................. 703
MF32TOUI16 MRa, MRb — Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 16-bit Unsigned Integer ............................... 704
MF32TOUI16R MRa, MRb — Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 16-bit Unsigned Integer and Round ................ 705
MF32TOUI32 MRa, MRb — Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 32-Bit Unsigned Integer ............................... 706
MFRACF32 MRa, MRb — Fractional Portion of a 32-Bit Floating-Point Value ................................................. 707
MI16TOF32 MRa, MRb — Convert 16-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value ............................................. 708
MI16TOF32 MRa, mem16 — Convert 16-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value .......................................... 709
MI32TOF32 MRa, mem32 — Convert 32-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value .......................................... 710
MI32TOF32 MRa, MRb — Convert 32-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value ............................................. 711
MLSL32 MRa, #SHIFT — Logical Shift Left ......................................................................................... 712
MLSR32 MRa, #SHIFT — Logical Shift Right ....................................................................................... 713
MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32 — 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply and Accumulate
with Parallel Move ............................................................................................................ 714
MMAXF32 MRa, MRb — 32-Bit Floating-Point Maximum ......................................................................... 717
MMAXF32 MRa, #16FHi — 32-Bit Floating-Point Maximum ...................................................................... 719
MMINF32 MRa, MRb — 32-Bit Floating-Point Minimum ........................................................................... 720
MMINF32 MRa, #16FHi — 32-Bit Floating-Point Minimum ........................................................................ 722
MMOV16 MARx, MRa, #16I — Load the Auxiliary Register with MRa + 16-bit Immediate Value ........................... 723
MMOV16 MARx, mem16 — Load MAR1 with 16-bit Value ....................................................................... 726
MMOV16 mem16, MARx — Move 16-Bit Auxiliary Register Contents to Memory ............................................. 728
MMOV16 mem16, MRa — Move 16-Bit Floating-Point Register Contents to Memory ........................................ 729
MMOV32 mem32, MRa — Move 32-Bit Floating-Point Register Contents to Memory ....................................... 731
MMOV32 mem32, MSTF — Move 32-Bit MSTF Register to Memory ........................................................... 732
MMOV32 MRa, mem32 {, CNDF} — Conditional 32-Bit Move ................................................................... 733
MMOV32 MRa, MRb {, CNDF} — Conditional 32-Bit Move ....................................................................... 735

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Table 6-11. General Instructions (continued)

MMOV32 MSTF, mem32 — Move 32-Bit Value from Memory to the MSTF Register ......................................... 737
MMOVD32 MRa, mem32 — Move 32-Bit Value from Memory with Data Copy ................................................ 738
MMOVF32 MRa, #32F — Load the 32-Bits of a 32-Bit Floating-Point Register ................................................ 739
MMOVI16 MARx, #16I — Load the Auxiliary Register with the 16-Bit Immediate Value ...................................... 740
MMOVI32 MRa, #32FHex — Load the 32-Bits of a 32-Bit Floating-Point Register with the Immediate ..................... 741
MMOVIZ MRa, #16FHi — Load the Upper 16-Bits of a 32-Bit Floating-Point Register ....................................... 742
MMOVZ16 MRa, mem16 — Load MRx With 16-bit Value ......................................................................... 743
MMOVXI MRa, #16FLoHex — Move Immediate to the Low 16-Bits of a Floating-Point Register ........................... 744
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc — 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply..................................................................... 745
MMPYF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb — 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply ................................................................. 746
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi — 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply ................................................................. 748
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc||MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf — 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply with Parallel Add ............. 750
MMPYF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32 — 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply with Parallel Move ............... 752
MMPYF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 mem32, MRa — 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply with Parallel Move ............... 754
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc ||MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf — 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply with Parallel Subtract ....... 755
MNEGF32 MRa, MRb{, CNDF} — Conditional Negation .......................................................................... 756
MNOP — No Operation .............................................................................................................. 758
MOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc — Bitwise OR ............................................................................................. 759
MRCNDD {CNDF} — Return Conditional Delayed ................................................................................. 760
MSETFLG FLAG, VALUE — Set or Clear Selected Floating-Point Status Flags ............................................. 764
MSTOP — Stop Task .................................................................................................................. 765
MSUB32 MRa, MRb, MRc — 32-Bit Integer Subtraction .......................................................................... 767
MSUBF32 MRa, MRb, MRc — 32-Bit Floating-Point Subtraction ............................................................... 768
MSUBF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb — 32-Bit Floating-Point Subtraction ............................................................. 769
MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32 — 32-Bit Floating-Point Subtraction with Parallel Move .......... 770
MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 mem32, MRa — 32-Bit Floating-Point Subtraction with Parallel Move .......... 771
MSWAPF MRa, MRb {, CNDF} — Conditional Swap ............................................................................. 772
MTESTTF CNDF — Test MSTF Register Flag Condition .......................................................................... 774
MUI16TOF32 MRa, mem16 — Convert Unsigned 16-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value ............................ 776
MUI16TOF32 MRa, MRb — Convert Unsigned 16-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value ................................ 777
MUI32TOF32 MRa, mem32 — Convert Unsigned 32-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value ............................ 778
MUI32TOF32 MRa, MRb — Convert Unsigned 32-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value ................................ 779
MXOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc — Bitwise Exclusive Or ................................................................................ 780

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MMABSF32 MRa, MRb 32-Bit Floating-Point Absolute Value

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1110 0010 0000

Description The absolute value of MRb is loaded into MRa. Only the sign bit of the operand is
modified by the MMABSF32 instruction.
if (MRb < 0) {MRa = -MRb};
else {MRa = MRb};

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

NF = 0;
ZF = 0;
if ( MRa(30:23) == 0) ZF = 1;

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR0, #-2.0 ; MR0 = -2.0 (0xC0000000)
MMABSF32 MR0, MR0 ; MR0 = 2.0 (0x40000000), ZF = NF = 0

MMOVIZ MR0, #5.0 ; MR0 = 5.0 (0x40A00000)

MMABSF32 MR0, MR0 ; MR0 = 5.0 (0x40A00000), ZF = NF = 0

MMOVIZ MR0, #0.0 ; MR0 = 0.0

MMABSF32 MR0, MR0 ; MR0 = 0.0 ZF = 1, NF = 0

See also MNEGF32 MRa, MRb {, CNDF}

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MADD32 MRa, MRb, MRc 32-Bit Integer Add

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRc CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 000cc bbaa

MSW: 0111 1110 1100 0000

Description 32-bit integer addition of MRb and MRc.

MRa(31:0) = MRb(31:0) + MRc(31:0);

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified based on the integer results of the operation.
NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(31:0) == 0) { ZF = 1; };

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Given A = (int32)1
; B = (int32)2
; C = (int32)-7
; Calculate Y2 = A + B + C
MMOV32 MR0, @_A ; MR0 = 1 (0x00000001)
MMOV32 MR1, @_B ; MR1 = 2 (0x00000002)
MMOV32 MR2, @_C ; MR2 = -7 (0xFFFFFFF9)
MADD32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; A + B
MADD32 MR3, MR2, MR3 ; A + B + C = -4 (0xFFFFFFFC)
MMOV32 @_y2, MR3 ; Store y2
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MAND32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MXOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MSUB32 MRa, MRb, MRc

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MADDF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb 32-Bit Floating-Point Addition

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
#16FHi A 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-
point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0.
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)


MSW: 0111 0111 1100 bbaa

Description Add MRb to the floating-point value represented by the immediate operand. Store the
result of the addition in MRa.
#16FHi is a 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit
floating-point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0. #16FHi is
most useful for representing constants where the lowest 16-bits of the mantissa are 0.
Some examples are 2.0 (0x40000000), 4.0 (0x40800000), 0.5 (0x3F000000), and -1.5
(0xBFC00000). The assembler will accept either a hex or float as the immediate value.
That is, the value -1.5 can be represented as #-1.5 or #0xBFC0.
MRa = MRb + #16FHi:0;

This instruction can also be written as MADDF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MADDF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MADDF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Add to MR1 the value 2.0 in 32-bit floating-point format
; Store the result in MR0
MADDF32 MR0, #2.0, MR1 ; MR0 = 2.0 + MR1

; Add to MR3 the value -2.5 in 32-bit floating-point format

; Store the result in MR2
MADDF32 MR2, #-2.5, MR3 ; MR2 = -2.5 + MR3

; Add to MR3 the value 0x3FC00000 (1.5)

; Store the result in MR3
MADDF32 MR3, #0x3FC0, MR3 ; MR3 = 1.5 + MR3

See also MADDF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi

MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32
MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 mem32, MRa
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf

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MADDF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi 32-Bit Floating-Point Addition

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
#16FHi A 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-
point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0.


MSW: 0111 0111 1100 bbaa

Description Add MRb to the floating-point value represented by the immediate operand. Store the
result of the addition in MRa.
#16FHi is a 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit
floating-point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0. #16FHi is
most useful for representing constants where the lowest 16-bits of the mantissa are 0.
Some examples are 2.0 (0x40000000), 4.0 (0x40800000), 0.5 (0x3F000000), and -1.5
(0xBFC00000). The assembler will accept either a hex or float as the immediate value.
That is, the value -1.5 can be represented as #-1.5 or #0xBFC0.
MRa = MRb + #16FHi:0;

This instruction can also be written as MADDF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MADDF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MADDF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example 1 ; X is an array of 32-bit floating-point values
; Find the maximum value in an array X
; and store it in Result
MMOVI16 MAR1,#_X ; Start address
MUI16TOF32 MR0, @_len ; Length of the array
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = X0
MMOV32 MR2, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR2 = next element
MMAXF32 MR1, MR2 ; MR1 = MAX(MR1, MR2)
MADDF32 MR0, MR0, #-1.0 ; Decrement the counter
MCMPF32 MR0 #0.0 ; Set/clear flags for MBCNDD
MBCNDD LOOP, NEQ ; Branch if not equal to zero
MMOV32 @_Result, MR1 ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MSTOP ; End of task

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Example 2 ; Show the basic operation of MADDF32

; Add to MR1 the value 2.0 in 32-bit floating-point format
; Store the result in MR0
MADDF32 MR0, MR1, #2.0 ; MR0 = MR1 + 2.0

; Add to MR3 the value -2.5 in 32-bit floating-point format

; Store the result in MR2
MADDF32 MR2, MR3, #-2.5 ; MR2 = MR3 + (-2.5)

; Add to MR0 the value 0x3FC00000 (1.5)

; Store the result in MR0
MADDF32 MR0, MR0, #0x3FC0 ; MR0 = MR0 + 1.5

See also MADDF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb

MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32
MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 mem32, MRa
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf

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MADDF32 MRa, MRb, MRc 32-Bit Floating-Point Addition

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
MRc CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 000 0000 00cc bbaa

MSW: 0111 1100 0010 0000

Description Add the contents of MRc to the contents of MRb and load the result into MRa.
MRa = MRb + MRc;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MADDF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MADDF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Given M1, X1 and B1 are 32-bit floating point numbers
; Calculate Y1 = M1*X1+B1
MMOV32 MR0,@M1 ; Load MR0 with M1
MMOV32 MR1,@X1 ; Load MR1 with X1
MMPYF32 MR1,MR1,MR0 ; Multiply M1*X1
|| MMOV32 MR0,@B1 ; and in parallel load MR0 with B1
MADDF32 MR1,MR1,MR0 ; Add M*X1 to B1 and store in MR1
MMOV32 @Y1,MR1 ; Store the result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MADDF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb

MADDF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi
MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32
MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 mem32, MRa
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf

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MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf||MMOV32 mem32, MRa 32-Bit Floating-Point Addition with Parallel Move

MRd CLA floating-point destination register for the MADDF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRe CLA floating-point source register for the MADDF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRf CLA floating-point source register for the MADDF32 (MR0 to MR3)
mem32 32-bit memory location accessed using one of the available addressing modes. This
will be the destination of the MMOV32.
MRa CLA floating-point source register for the MMOV32 (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0101 ffee ddaa addr

Description Perform an MADDF32 and a MMOV32 in parallel. Add MRf to the contents of MRe and
store the result in MRd. In parallel move the contents of MRa to the 32-bit location
MRd = MRe + MRf;
[mem32] = MRa;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MADDF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MADDF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline Both MADDF32 and MMOV32 complete in a single cycle.

Example ; Given A, B and C are 32-bit floating-point numbers
; Calculate Y2 = (A * B)
; Y3 = (A * B) + C
MMOV32 MR0, @_A ; Load MR0 with A
MMOV32 MR1, @_B ; Load MR1 with B
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR0 ; Multiply A*B
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_C ; and in parallel load MR0 with C
MADDF32 MR1, MR1, MR0 ; Add (A*B) to C
|| MMOV32 @_Y2, MR1 ; and in parallel store A*B
MMOV32 @_Y3, MR1 ; Store the A*B + C
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MADDF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb

MADDF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf
MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32

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MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32 32-Bit Floating-Point Addition with Parallel Move

MRd CLA floating-point destination register for the MADDF32 (MR0 to MR3).
MRd cannot be the same register as MRa.
MRe CLA floating-point source register for the MADDF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRf CLA floating-point source register for the MADDF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRa CLA floating-point destination register for the MMOV32 (MR0 to MR3).
MRa cannot be the same register as MRd.
mem32 32-bit memory location accessed using one of the available addressing modes. This is
the source for the MMOV32.

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0001 ffee ddaa addr

Description Perform an MADDF32 and a MMOV32 operation in parallel. Add MRf to the contents of
MRe and store the result in MRd. In parallel move the contents of the 32-bit location
mem32 to MRa.
MRd = MRe + MRf;
MRa = [mem32];

Restrictions The destination register for the MADDF32 and the MMOV32 must be unique. That is,
MRa and MRd cannot be the same register.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MADDF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MADDF32 generates an overflow condition.
The MMOV32 Instruction will set the NF and ZF flags as follows:
NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(30:23) == 0) { ZF = 1; NF = 0; };

Pipeline The MADDF32 and the MMOV32 both complete in a single cycle.
Example 1 ; Given A, B and C are 32-bit floating-point numbers
; Calculate Y1 = A + 4B
; Y2 = A + C
MMOV32 MR0, @A ; Load MR0 with A
MMOV32 MR1, @B ; Load MR1 with B
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, #4.0 ; Multiply 4 * B
|| MMOV32 MR2, @C and in parallel load C
MADDF32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; Add A + 4B
MADDF32 MR3, MR0, MR2 ; Add A + C
|| MMOV32 @Y1, MR3 ; and in parallel store A+4B
MMOV32 @Y2, MR3 ; store A + C MSTOP
; end of task

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Example 2 ; Given A, B and C are 32-bit floating-point numbers

; Calculate Y3 = (A + B)
; Y4 = (A + B) * C
MMOV32 MR0, @A ; Load MR0 with A
MMOV32 MR1, @B ; Load MR1 with B
MADDF32 MR1, MR1, MR0 ; Add A+B
|| MMOV32 MR0, @C ; and in parallel load MR0 with C
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR0 ; Multiply (A+B) by C
|| MMOV32 @Y3, MR1 ; and in parallel store A+B
MMOV32 @Y4, MR1 ; Store the (A+B) * C
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MADDF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb

MADDF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi
MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 mem32, MRa
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf

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MAND32 MRa, MRb, MRc Bitwise AND

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
MRc CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 00cc bbaa

MSW: 0111 1100 0110 0000

Description Bitwise AND of MRb with MRc.

MRa(31:0) = MRb(31:0) AND MRc(31:0);

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified based on the integer results of the operation.
NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(31:0) == 0) { ZF = 1; }

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR0, #0x5555 ; MR0 = 0x5555AAAA

MMOVIZ MR1, #0x5432 ; MR1 = 0x5432FEDC


; 0101 AND 0101 = 0101 (5)

; 0101 AND 0100 = 0100 (4)
; 0101 AND 0011 = 0001 (1)
; 0101 AND 0010 = 0000 (0)
; 1010 AND 1111 = 1010 (A)
; 1010 AND 1110 = 1010 (A)
; 1010 AND 1101 = 1000 (8)
; 1010 AND 1100 = 1000 (8)

MAND32 MR2, MR1, MR0 ; MR3 = 0x5410AA88

See also MADD32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MXOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MSUB32 MRa, MRb, MRc

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MASR32 MRa, #SHIFT Arithmetic Shift Right

MRa CLA floating-point source/destination register (MR0 to MR3)
#SHIFT Number of bits to shift (1 to 32)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0shi ftaa

MSW: 0111 1011 0100 0000

Description Arithmetic shift right of MRa by the number of bits indicated. The number of bits can be 1
to 32.
MARa(31:0) = Arithmetic Shift(MARa(31:0) by #SHIFT bits);

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified based on the integer results of the operation.
NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(31:0) == 0) { ZF = 1; }

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Given m2 = (int32)32
; x2 = (int32)64
; b2 = (int32)-128
; Calculate
; m2 = m2/2
; x2 = x2/4
; b2 = b2/8
MMOV32 MR0, @_m2 ; MR0 = 32 (0x00000020)
MMOV32 MR1, @_x2 ; MR1 = 64 (0x00000040)
MMOV32 MR2, @_b2 ; MR2 = -128 (0xFFFFFF80)
MASR32 MR0, #1 ; MR0 = 16 (0x00000010)
MASR32 MR1, #2 ; MR1 = 16 (0x00000010)
MASR32 MR2, #3 ; MR2 = -16 (0xFFFFFFF0)
MMOV32 @_m2, MR0 ; store results
MMOV32 @_x2, MR1
MMOV32 @_b2, MR2
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MADD32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MAND32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MXOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MSUB32 MRa, MRb, MRc

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MBCNDD 16BitDest {, CNDF} Branch Conditional Delayed

16BitDest 16-bit destination if condition is true
CNDF Optional condition tested

Opcode LSW: dest dest dest dest

MSW: 0111 1001 1000 cndf

Description If the specified condition is true, then branch by adding the signed 16BitDest value to the
MPC value. Otherwise, continue without branching. If the address overflows, it wraps
around. Therefore a value of "0xFFFE" will put the MPC back to the MBCNDD
Please refer to the pipeline section for important information regarding this instruction.
if (CNDF == TRUE) MPC += 16BitDest;

CNDF is one of the following conditions:

Encode CNDF Description MSTF Flags Tested
0000 NEQ Not equal to zero ZF == 0
0001 EQ Equal to zero ZF == 1
0010 GT Greater than zero ZF == 0 AND NF == 0
0011 GEQ Greater than or equal to zero NF == 0
0100 LT Less than zero NF == 1
0101 LEQ Less than or equal to zero ZF == 1 OR NF == 1
1010 TF Test flag set TF == 1
1011 NTF Test flag not set TF == 0
1100 LU Latched underflow LUF == 1
1101 LV Latched overflow LVF == 1
1110 UNC Unconditional None
1111 UNCF Unconditional with flag None
Values not shown are reserved.
This is the default operation if no CNDF field is specified. This condition will allow the ZF and NF flags to
be modified when a conditional operation is executed. All other conditions will not modify these flags.

Restrictions The MBCNDD instruction is not allowed three instructions before or after a MBCNDD,
MCCNDD or MRCNDD instruction. Refer to the pipeline section for more information.

Flags This instruction does not modify flags in the MSTF register.
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline The MBCNDD instruction by itself is a single-cycle instruction. As shown in Table 6-12
for each branch 6 instruction slots are executed; three before the branch instruction (I2-
I4) and three after the branch instruction (I5-I7). The total number of cycles for a branch
taken or not taken depends on the usage of these slots. That is, the number of cycles
depends on how many slots are filled with a MNOP as well as which slots are filled. The
effective number of cycles for a branch can, therefore, range from 1 to 7 cycles. The
number of cycles for a branch taken may not be the same as for a branch not taken.

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Referring to Table 6-12 and Table 6-13, the instructions before and after MBCNDD have
the following properties:
• I1
– I1 is the last instruction that can effect the CNDF flags for the MBCNDD
instruction. The CNDF flags are tested in the D2 phase of the pipeline. That is, a
decision is made whether to branch or not when MBCNDD is in the D2 phase.
– There are no restrictions on the type of instruction for I1.
• I2, I3 and I4
– The three instructions proceeding MBCNDD can change MSTF flags but will have
no effect on whether the MBCNDD instruction branches or not. This is because
the flag modification will occur after the D2 phase of the MBCNDD instruction.
– These instructions must not be the following: MSTOP, MDEBUGSTOP,
• I5, I6 and I7
– The three instructions following MBCNDD are always executed irrespective of
whether the branch is taken or not.
– These instructions must not be the following: MSTOP, MDEBUGSTOP,
<Instruction 1> ; I1 Last instruction that can affect flags for
; the MBCNDD operation
<Instruction 2> ; I2 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 3> ; I3 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 4> ; I4 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
MBCNDD _Skip, NEQ ; Branch to Skip if not eqal to zero
; Three instructions after MBCNDD are always
; executed whether the branch is taken or not
<Instruction 5> ; I5 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 6> ; I6 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 7> ; I7 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 8> ; I8
<Instruction 9> ; I9
<Destination 1> ; d1 Can be any instruction
<Destination 2> ; d2
<Destination 3> ; d3

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Table 6-12. Pipeline Activity For MBCNDD, Branch Not Taken

Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
I1 I1
I2 I2 I1
I3 I3 I2 I1
I4 I4 I3 I2 I1
I5 I5 MBCNDD I4 I3 I2 I1
I6 I6 I5 MBCNDD I4 I3 I2 I1
I7 I7 I6 I5 MBCNDD I4 I3 I2
I8 I8 I7 I6 I5 - I4 I3
I9 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 - I4
I10 I10 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 -
I10 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5
I10 I9 I8 I7 I6
I10 I9 I8 I7
I10 I9 I8
I10 I9
Table 6-13. Pipeline Activity For MBCNDD, Branch Taken
Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
I1 I1
I2 I2 I1
I3 I3 I2 I1
I4 I4 I3 I2 I1
I5 I5 MBCNDD I4 I3 I2 I1
I6 I6 I5 MBCNDD I4 I3 I2 I1
I7 I7 I6 I5 MBCNDD I4 I3 I2
d1 d1 I7 I6 I5 - I4 I3
d2 d2 d1 I7 I6 I5 - I4
d3 d3 d2 d1 I7 I6 I5 -
d3 d2 d1 I7 I6 I5
d3 d2 d1 I7 I6
d3 d2 d1 I7
d3 d2 d1
d3 d2

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Example 1 ; if (State == 0.1)

; RampState = RampState || RAMPMASK
; else if (State == 0.01)
; CoastState = CoastState || COASTMASK
; else
; SteadyState = SteadyState || STEADYMASK
MMOV32 MR0, @State
MCMPF32 MR0, #0.1 ; Affects flags for 1st MBCNDD (A)
MBCNDD Skip1, NEQ ; (A) If State != 0.1, go to Skip1
MNOP ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MMOV32 MR1, @RampState ; Execute if (A) branch not taken
MMOVXI MR2, #RAMPMASK ; Execute if (A) branch not taken
MOR32 MR1, MR2 ; Execute if (A) branch not taken
MMOV32 @RampState, MR1 ; Execute if (A) branch not taken
MSTOP ; end of task if (A) branch not taken
MCMPF32 MR0,#0.01 ; Affects flags for 2nd MBCNDD (B)
MBCNDD Skip2,NEQ ; (B) If State != 0.01, go to Skip2
MNOP ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MMOV32 MR1, @CoastState ; Execute if (B) branch not taken
MMOVXI MR2, #COASTMASK ; Execute if (B) branch not taken
MOR32 MR1, MR2 ; Execute if (B) branch not taken
MMOV32 @CoastState, MR1 ; Execute if (B) branch not taken
MMOV32 MR3, @SteadyState ; Executed if (B) branch taken
MMOVXI MR2, #STEADYMASK ; Executed if (B) branch taken
MOR32 MR3, MR2 ; Executed if (B) branch taken
MMOV32 @SteadyState, MR3 ; Executed if (B) branch taken

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Example 2 ; This example is the same as Example 1, except

; the code is optimized to take advantage of delay slots
; if (State == 0.1)
; RampState = RampState || RAMPMASK
; else if (State == 0.01)
; CoastState = CoastState || COASTMASK
; else
; SteadyState = SteadyState || STEADYMASK
MMOV32 MR0, @State
MCMPF32 MR0, #0.1 ; Affects flags for 1st MBCNDD (A)
MCMPF32 MR0, #0.01 ; Check used by 2nd MBCNDD (B)
MTESTTF EQ ; Store EQ flag in TF for 2nd MBCNDD (B)
MBCNDD Skip1, NEQ ; (A) If State != 0.1, go to Skip1
MMOV32 MR1, @RampState ; Always executed
MMOVXI MR2, #RAMPMASK ; Always executed
MOR32 MR1, MR2 ; Always executed
MMOV32 @RampState, MR1 ; Execute if (A) branch not taken
MSTOP ; end of task if (A) branch not taken

MMOV32 MR3, @SteadyState
MOR32 MR3, MR2
MBCNDD Skip2, NTF ; (B) if State != .01, go to Skip2
MMOV32 MR1, @CoastState ; Always executed
MMOVXI MR2, #COASTMASK ; Always executed
MOR32 MR1, MR2 ; Always executed
MMOV32 @CoastState, MR1 ; Execute if (B) branch not taken
MSTOP ; end of task if (B) branch not taken

MMOV32 @SteadyState, MR3 ; Executed if (B) branch taken

See also MCCNDD 16BitDest, CNDF


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MCCNDD 16BitDest {, CNDF} Call Conditional Delayed

16BitDest 16-bit destination if condition is true
CNDF Optional condition to be tested

Opcode LSW: dest dest dest dest

MSW: 0111 1001 1001 cndf

Description If the specified condition is true, then store the return address in the RPC field of MSTF
and make the call by adding the signed 16BitDest value to the MPC value. Otherwise,
continue code execution without making the call. If the address overflows, it wraps
around. Therefore a value of "0xFFFE" will put the MPC back to the MCCNDD
Please refer to the pipeline section for important information regarding this instruction.
if (CNDF == TRUE)
RPC = return address;
MPC += 16BitDest;

CNDF is one of the following conditions:

Encode CNDF Description MSTF Flags Tested
0000 NEQ Not equal to zero ZF == 0
0001 EQ Equal to zero ZF == 1
0010 GT Greater than zero ZF == 0 AND NF == 0
0011 GEQ Greater than or equal to zero NF == 0
0100 LT Less than zero NF == 1
0101 LEQ Less than or equal to zero ZF == 1 OR NF == 1
1010 TF Test flag set TF == 1
1011 NTF Test flag not set TF == 0
1100 LU Latched underflow LUF == 1
1101 LV Latched overflow LVF == 1
1110 UNC Unconditional None
1111 UNCF Unconditional with flag None
Values not shown are reserved.
This is the default operation if no CNDF field is specified. This condition will allow the ZF and NF flags to
be modified when a conditional operation is executed. All other conditions will not modify these flags.

Restrictions The MCCNDD instruction is not allowed three instructions before or after a MBCNDD,
MCCNDD, or MRCNDD instruction. Refer to the Pipeline section for more details.

Flags This instruction does not modify flags in the MSTF register.
Modified No No No No No

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Pipeline The MCCNDD instruction by itself is a single-cycle instruction. As shown in Table 6-14,
for each call 6 instruction slots are executed; three before the call instruction (I2-I4) and
three after the call instruction (I5-I7). The total number of cycles for a call taken or not
taken depends on the usage of these slots. That is, the number of cycles depends on
how many slots are filled with a MNOP as well as which slots are filled. The effective
number of cycles for a call can, therefore, range from 1 to 7 cycles. The number of
cycles for a call taken may not be the same as for a call not taken.
Referring to the following code fragment and the pipeline diagrams in Table 6-14 and
Table 6-15, the instructions before and after MCCNDD have the following properties:
• I1
– I1 is the last instruction that can effect the CNDF flags for the MCCNDD
instruction. The CNDF flags are tested in the D2 phase of the pipeline. That is, a
decision is made whether to branch or not when MCCNDD is in the D2 phase.
– There are no restrictions on the type of instruction for I1.
• I2, I3 and I4
– The three instructions proceeding MCCNDD can change MSTF flags but will have
no effect on whether the MCCNDD instruction makes the call or not. This is
because the flag modification will occur after the D2 phase of the MCCNDD
– These instructions must not be the following: MSTOP, MDEBUGSTOP,
• I5, I6 and I7
– The three instructions following MBCNDD are always executed irrespective of
whether the branch is taken or not.
– These instructions must not be the following: MSTOP, MDEBUGSTOP,

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<Instruction 1> ; I1 Last instruction that can affect flags for

; the MCCNDD operation
<Instruction 2> ; I2 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 3> ; I3 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 4> ; I4 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return

MCCNDD _func, NEQ ; Call to func if not eqal to zero

; Three instructions after MCCNDD are always

; executed whether the call is taken or not

<Instruction 5> ; I5 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return

<Instruction 6> ; I6 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 7> ; I7 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 8> ; I8 The address of this instruction is saved
; in the RPC field of the MSTF register.
; Upon return this value is loaded into MPC
; and fetching continues from this point.
<Instruction 9> ; I9
<Destination 1> ; d1 Can be any instruction
<Destination 2> ; d2
<Destination 3> ; d3
<Destination 4> ; d4 Last instruction that can affect flags for
; the MRCNDD operation

<Destination 5> ; d5 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return

<Destination 6> ; d6 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Destination 7> ; d7 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return

MRCNDD UNC ; Return to <Instruction 8>, unconditional

; Three instructions after MRCNDD are always

; executed whether the return is taken or not

<Destination 8> ; d8 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return

<Destination 9> ; d9 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Destination 10> ; d10 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Destination 11> ; d11

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Table 6-14. Pipeline Activity For MCCNDD, Call Not Taken

Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
I1 I1
I2 I2 I1
I3 I3 I2 I1
I4 I4 I3 I2 I1
I5 I5 MCCNDD I4 I3 I2 I1
I6 I6 I5 MCCNDD I4 I3 I2 I1
I7 I7 I6 I5 MCCNDD I4 I3 I2
I8 I8 I7 I6 I5 - I4 I3
I9 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 - I4
I10 I10 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 -
etc .... I10 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5
.... I10 I9 I8 I7 I6
.... I10 I9 I8 I7
.... I10 I9 I8
I10 I9

Table 6-15. Pipeline Activity For MCCNDD, Call Taken

Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
I1 I1
I2 I2 I1
I3 I3 I2 I1
I4 I4 I3 I2 I1
I5 I5 MCCNDD I4 I3 I2 I1
I6 I6 I5 MCCNDD I4 I3 I2 I1
I7 I7 I6 I5 MCCNDD I4 I3 I2
d1 d1 I7 I6 I5 - I4 I3
d2 d2 d1 I7 I6 I5 - I4
d3 d3 d2 d1 I7 I6 I5 -
etc .... d3 d2 d1 I7 I6 I5
.... d3 d2 d1 I7 I6
.... d3 d2 d1 I7
.... d3 d2 d1
d3 d2
The RPC value in the MSTF register will point to the instruction following I7 (instruction I8).

Example ;

See also MBCNDD #16BitDest, CNDF

MMOV32 mem32, MSTF
MMOV32 MSTF, mem32

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MCMP32 MRa, MRb 32-Bit Integer Compare for Equal, Less Than or Greater Than

MRa CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1111 0010 0000

Description Set ZF and NF flags on the result of MRa - MRb where MRa and MRb are 32-bit
integers. For a floating point compare refer to MCMPF32.

NOTE: A known hardware issue exists in the MCMP32 instruction. Signed

integer comparisons using MCMP32 by itself will set the status bits in a
way that is not useful for comparison when the difference between the
two operands is too large, such as when the inputs have opposite sign
and are near the extreme 32-bit signed values. This affects both signed
and unsigned integer comparisons.
The compiler (version 18.1.5.LTS or higher) has implemented a
workaround for this issue. The compiler can check the upper bits of the
operands by performing a floating point comparison before proceeding to
do the integer comparison or subtraction.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified based on the integer results of the operation.

If(MRa == MRb) {ZF=1; NF=0;}

If(MRa > MRb) {ZF=0; NF=0;}
If(MRa < MRb) {ZF=0; NF=1;}

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Behavior of ZF and NF flags for different comparisons
; Given A = (int32)1
; B = (int32)2
; C = (int32)-7
MMOV32 MR0, @_A ; MR0 = 1 (0x00000001)
MMOV32 MR1, @_B ; MR1 = 2 (0x00000002)
MMOV32 MR2, @_C ; MR2 = -7 (0xFFFFFFF9)
MCMP32 MR2, MR2 ; NF = 0, ZF = 1
MCMP32 MR0, MR1 ; NF = 1, ZF = 0
MCMP32 MR1, MR0 ; NF = 0, ZF = 0

See also MADD32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MSUB32 MRa, MRb, MRc

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MCMPF32 MRa, MRb 32-Bit Floating-Point Compare for Equal, Less Than or Greater Than

MRa CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1101 0000 0000

Description Set ZF and NF flags on the result of MRa - MRb. The MCMPF32 instruction is performed
as a logical compare operation. This is possible because of the IEEE format offsetting
the exponent. Basically the bigger the binary number, the bigger the floating-point value.
Special cases for inputs:
• Negative zero will be treated as positive zero.
• A denormalized value will be treated as positive zero.
• Not-a-Number (NaN) will be treated as infinity.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

If(MRa == MRb) {ZF=1; NF=0;}

If(MRa > MRb) {ZF=0; NF=0;}
If(MRa < MRb) {ZF=0; NF=1;}

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Behavior of ZF and NF flags for different comparisons

MMOVIZ MR1, #-2.0 ; MR1 = -2.0 (0xC0000000)

MMOVIZ MR0, #5.0 ; MR0 = 5.0 (0x40A00000)
MCMPF32 MR1, MR0 ; ZF = 0, NF = 1
MCMPF32 MR0, MR1 ; ZF = 0, NF = 0
MCMPF32 MR0, MR0 ; ZF = 1, NF = 0

See also MCMPF32 MRa, #16FHi

MMAXF32 MRa, #16FHi
MMINF32 MRa, #16FHi

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MCMPF32 MRa, #16FHi 32-Bit Floating-Point Compare for Equal, Less Than or Greater Than

MRa CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
#16FHi A 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-
point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0.


MSW: 0111 1000 1100 00aa

Description Compare the value in MRa with the floating-point value represented by the immediate
operand. Set the ZF and NF flags on (MRa - #16FHi:0).
#16FHi is a 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit
floating-point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0. This
addressing mode is most useful for constants where the lowest 16-bits of the mantissa
are 0. Some examples are 2.0 (0x40000000), 4.0 (0x40800000), 0.5 (0x3F000000), and
-1.5 (0xBFC00000). The assembler will accept either a hex or float as the immediate
value. That is, -1.5 can be represented as #-1.5 or #0xBFC0.
The MCMPF32 instruction is performed as a logical compare operation. This is possible
because of the IEEE floating-point format offsets the exponent. Basically the bigger the
binary number, the bigger the floating-point value.
Special cases for inputs:
• Negative zero will be treated as positive zero.
• Denormalized value will be treated as positive zero.
• Not-a-Number (NaN) will be treated as infinity.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

If(MRa == #16FHi:0) {ZF=1, NF=0;}

If(MRa > #16FHi:0) {ZF=0, NF=0;}
If(MRa < #16FHi:0) {ZF=0, NF=1;}

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction

Example 1 ; Behavior of ZF and NF flags for different comparisons

MMOVIZ MR1, #-2.0 ; MR1 = -2.0 (0xC0000000)

MMOVIZ MR0, #5.0 ; MR0 = 5.0 (0x40A00000)
MCMPF32 MR1, #-2.2 ; ZF = 0, NF = 0
MCMPF32 MR0, #6.5 ; ZF = 0, NF = 1
MCMPF32 MR0, #5.0 ; ZF = 1, NF = 0

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Example 2 ; X is an array of 32-bit floating-point values

; and has len elements. Find the maximum value in
; the array and store it in Result
; Note: MCMPF32 and MSWAPF can be replaced with MMAXF32
MMOVI16 MAR1,#_X ; Start address
MUI16TOF32 MR0, @_len ; Length of the array
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = X0

MMOV32 MR2, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR2 = next element
MCMPF32 MR2, MR1 ; Compare MR2 with MR1
MADDF32 MR0, MR0, #-1.0 ; Decrememt the counter
MCMPF32 MR0 #0.0 ; Set/clear flags for MBCNDD
MBCNDD LOOP, NEQ ; Branch if not equal to zero
MMOV32 @_Result, MR1 ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MSTOP ; End of task

See also MCMPF32 MRa, MRb

MMAXF32 MRa, #16FHi
MMINF32 MRa, #16FHi

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MDEBUGSTOP Debug Stop Task

none This instruction does not have any operands

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 0000

MSW: 0111 1111 0110 0000

Description When CLA breakpoints are enabled, the MDEBUGSTOP instruction is used to halt a
task so that it can be debugged. That is, MDEBUGSTOP is the CLA breakpoint. If CLA
breakpoints are not enabled, the MDEBUGSTOP instruction behaves like a MNOP.
Unlike the MSTOP, the MIRUN flag is not cleared and an interrupt is not issued. A
single-step or run operation will continue execution of the task.

Restrictions The MDEBUGSTOP instruction cannot be placed 3 instructions before or after a

MBCNDD, MCCNDD or MRCNDD instruction.

Flags This instruction does not modify flags in the MSTF register.
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ;

See also MSTOP,

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MEALLOW Enable CLA Write Access to EALLOW Protected Registers

none This instruction does not have any operands

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 0000

MSW: 0111 1111 1001 0000

Description This instruction sets the MEALLOW bit in the CLA status register MSTF. When this bit is
set, the CLA is allowed write access to EALLOW protected registers. To again protect
against CLA writes to protected registers, use the MEDIS instruction.
MEALLOW and MEDIS only control CLA write access; reads are allowed even if
MEALLOW has not been executed. MEALLOW and MEDIS are also independent from
the main CPU's EALLOW/EDIS. This instruction does not modify the EALLOW bit in the
main CPU's status register. The MEALLOW bit in MSTF only controls access for the
CLA while the EALLOW bit in the ST1 register only controls access for the main CPU.
As with EALLOW, the MEALLOW bit is overridden via the JTAG port, allowing full control
of register accesses during debug from Code Composer Studio.

Flags This instruction does not modify flags in the MSTF register.
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; C header file including definition of
; the EPwm1Regs structure
; The ePWM TZSEL register is EALLOW protected
.cdecls C,LIST,"CLAShared.h"
MEALLOW ; Allow CLA write access
MMOV16 @_EPwm1Regs.TZSEL.all, MR3 ; Write to TZSEL
MEDIS ; Disallow CLA write access

See also MEDIS

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MEDIS Disable CLA Write Access to EALLOW Protected Registers

none This instruction does not have any operands

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 0000

MSW: 0111 1111 1011 0000

Description This instruction clears the MEALLOW bit in the CLA status register MSTF. When this bit
is clear, the CLA is not allowed write access to EALLOW-protected registers. To enable
CLA writes to protected registers, use the MEALLOW instruction.
MEALLOW and MEDIS only control CLA write access; reads are allowed even if
MEALLOW has not been executed. MEALLOW and MEDIS are also independent from
the main CPU's EALLOW/EDIS. This instruction does not modify the EALLOW bit in the
main CPU's status register. The MEALLOW bit in MSTF only controls access for the
CLA while the EALLOW bit in the ST1 register only controls access for the main CPU.
As with EALLOW, the MEALLOW bit is overridden via the JTAG port, allowing full control
of register accesses during debug from Code Composer Studio.

Flags This instruction does not modify flags in the MSTF register.
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; C header file including definition of
; the EPwm1Regs structure
; The ePWM TZSEL register is EALLOW protected
.cdecls C,LIST,"CLAShared.h"
MEALLOW ; Allow CLA write access
MMOV16 @_EPwm1Regs.TZSEL.all, MR3 ; Write to TZSEL
MEDIS ; Disallow CLA write access

See also MEALLOW

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MEINVF32 MRa, MRb 32-Bit Floating-Point Reciprocal Approximation

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1111 0000 0000

Description This operation generates an estimate of 1/X in 32-bit floating-point format accurate to
approximately 8 bits. This value can be used in a Newton-Raphson algorithm to get a
more accurate answer. That is:
Ye = Estimate(1/X);
Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*X);
Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*X);

After two iterations of the Newton-Raphson algorithm, you will get an exact answer
accurate to the 32-bit floating-point format. On each iteration the mantissa bit accuracy
approximately doubles. The MEINVF32 operation will not generate a negative zero,
DeNorm or NaN value.
MRa = Estimate of 1/MRb;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MEINVF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MEINVF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Calculate Num/Den using a Newton-Raphson algorithum for 1/Den
; Ye = Estimate(1/X)
; Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*X)
; Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*X)
MMOV32 MR1, @_Den ; MR1 = Den
MEINVF32 MR2, MR1 ; MR2 = Ye = Estimate(1/Den)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR2, MR1 ; MR3 = Ye*Den
MSUBF32 MR3, #2.0, MR3 ; MR3 = 2.0 - Ye*Den
MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, MR3 ; MR2 = Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*Den)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR2, MR1 ; MR3 = Ye*Den
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_Num ; MR0 = Num
MSUBF32 MR3, #2.0, MR3 ; MR3 = 2.0 - Ye*Den
MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, MR3 ; MR2 = Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*Den)
|| MMOV32 MR1, @_Den ; Reload Den To Set Sign
MNEGF32 MR0, MR0, EQ ; if(Den == 0.0) Change Sign Of Num
MMPYF32 MR0, MR2, MR0 ; MR0 = Y = Ye*Num
MMOV32 @_Dest, MR0 ; Store result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MEISQRTF32 MRa, MRb

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MEISQRTF32 MRa, MRb 32-Bit Floating-Point Square-Root Reciprocal Approximation

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1110 0100 0000

Description This operation generates an estimate of 1/sqrt(X) in 32-bit floating-point format accurate
to approximately 8 bits. This value can be used in a Newton-Raphson algorithm to get a
more accurate answer. That is:
Ye = Estimate(1/sqrt(X));
Ye = Ye*(1.5 - Ye*Ye*X/2.0);
Ye = Ye*(1.5 - Ye*Ye*X/2.0);

After 2 iterations of the Newton-Raphson algorithm, you will get an exact answer
accurate to the 32-bit floating-point format. On each iteration the mantissa bit accuracy
approximately doubles. The MEISQRTF32 operation will not generate a negative zero,
DeNorm or NaN value.
MRa = Estimate of 1/sqrt (MRb);

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MEISQRTF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MEISQRTF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Y = sqrt(X)
; Ye = Estimate(1/sqrt(X));
; Ye = Ye*(1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5)
; Ye = Ye*(1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5)
; Y = X*Ye
MMOV32 MR0, @_x ; MR0 = X
MEISQRTF32 MR1, MR0 ; MR1 = Ye = Estimate(1/sqrt(X))
MMOV32 MR1, @_x, EQ ; if(X == 0.0) Ye = 0.0
MMPYF32 MR3, MR0, #0.5 ; MR3 = X*0.5
MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR3 ; MR2 = Ye*X*0.5
MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR2 ; MR2 = Ye*Ye*X*0.5
MSUBF32 MR2, #1.5, MR2 ; MR2 = 1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR2 ; MR1 = Ye = Ye*(1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5)
MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR3 ; MR2 = Ye*X*0.5
MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR2 ; MR2 = Ye*Ye*X*0.5
MSUBF32 MR2, #1.5, MR2 ; MR2 = 1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR2 ; MR1 = Ye = Ye*(1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5)
MMPYF32 MR0, MR1, MR0 ; MR0 = Y = Ye*X
MMOV32 @_y, MR0 ; Store Y = sqrt(X)
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MEINVF32 MRa, MRb

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MF32TOI16 MRa, MRb Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 16-Bit Integer

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1101 1110 0000

Description Convert a 32-bit floating point value in MRb to a 16-bit integer and truncate. The result
will be stored in MRa.
MRa(15:0) = F32TOI16(MRb);
MRa(31:16) = sign extension of MRa(15);

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR0, #5.0 ; MR0 = 5.0 (0x40A00000)
MF32TOI16 MR1, MR0 ; MR1(15:0) = MF32TOI16(MR0) = 0x0005
; MR1(31:16) = Sign extension of MR1(15) = 0x0000
MMOVIZ MR2, #-5.0 ; MR2 = -5.0 (0xC0A00000)
MF32TOI16 MR3, MR2 ; MR3(15:0) = MF32TOI16(MR2) = -5 (0xFFFB)
; MR3(31:16) = Sign extension of MR3(15) = 0xFFFF

See also MF32TOI16R MRa, MRb

MI16TOF32 MRa, MRb
MI16TOF32 MRa, mem16
MUI16TOF32 MRa, mem16

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MF32TOI16R MRa, MRb Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 16-Bit Integer and Round

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1110 0110 0000

Description Convert the 32-bit floating point value in MRb to a 16-bit integer and round to the nearest
even value. The result is stored in MRa.
MRa(15:0) = F32TOI16round(MRb);
MRa(31:16) = sign extension of MRa(15);

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR0, #0x3FD9 ; MR0(31:16) = 0x3FD9
MMOVXI MR0, #0x999A ; MR0(15:0) = 0x999A
; MR0 = 1.7 (0x3FD9999A)
MF32TOI16R MR1, MR0 ; MR1(15:0) = MF32TOI16round (MR0) = 2 (0x0002)
; MR1(31:16) = Sign extension of MR1(15) = 0x0000
MMOVF32 MR2, #-1.7 ; MR2 = -1.7 (0xBFD9999A)
MF32TOI16R MR3, MR2 ; MR3(15:0) = MF32TOI16round (MR2) = -2 (0xFFFE)
; MR3(31:16) = Sign extension of MR2(15) = 0xFFFF

See also MF32TOI16 MRa, MRb

MI16TOF32 MRa, MRb
MI16TOF32 MRa, mem16
MUI16TOF32 MRa, mem16

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MF32TOI32 MRa, MRb Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 32-Bit Integer

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1101 0110 0000

Description Convert the 32-bit floating-point value in MRb to a 32-bit integer value and truncate.
Store the result in MRa.
MRa = F32TOI32(MRb);

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example 1 MMOVF32 MR2, #11204005.0 ; MR2 = 11204005.0 (0x4B2AF5A5)
MF32TOI32 MR3, MR2 ; MR3 = MF32TOI32(MR2) = 11204005 (0x00AAF5A5)
MMOVF32 MR0, #-11204005.0 ; MR0 = -11204005.0 (0xCB2AF5A5)
MF32TOI32 MR1, MR0 ; MR1 = MF32TOI32(MR0) = -11204005 (0xFF550A5B)

Example 2 ; Given X, M and B are IQ24 numbers:

; X = IQ24(+2.5) = 0x02800000
; M = IQ24(+1.5) = 0x01800000
; B = IQ24(-0.5) = 0xFF800000
; Calculate Y = X * M + B
; Convert M, X and B from IQ24 to float
MI32TOF32 MR0, @_M ; MR0 = 0x4BC00000
MI32TOF32 MR1, @_X ; MR1 = 0x4C200000
MI32TOF32 MR2, @_B ; MR2 = 0xCB000000
MMPYF32 MR0, MR0, #0x3380 ; M = 1/(1*2^24) * iqm = 1.5 (0x3FC00000)
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, #0x3380 ; X = 1/(1*2^24) * iqx = 2.5 (0x40200000)
MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, #0x3380 ; B = 1/(1*2^24) * iqb = -.5 (0xBF000000)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; M*X
MADDF32 MR2, MR2, MR3 ; Y=MX+B = 3.25 (0x40500000)

; Convert Y from float32 to IQ24

MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, #0x4B80 ; Y * 1*2^24
MF32TOI32 MR2, MR2 ; IQ24(Y) = 0x03400000
MMOV32 @_Y, MR2 ; store result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MF32TOUI32 MRa, MRb

MI32TOF32 MRa, MRb
MI32TOF32 MRa, mem32
MUI32TOF32 MRa, mem32

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MF32TOUI16 MRa, MRb Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 16-bit Unsigned Integer

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1110 1010 0000

Description Convert the 32-bit floating point value in MRb to an unsigned 16-bit integer value and
truncate to zero. The result will be stored in MRa. To instead round the integer to the
nearest even value use the MF32TOUI16R instruction.
MRa(15:0) = F32TOUI16(MRb);
MRa(31:16) = 0x0000;

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR0, #9.0 ; MR0 = 9.0 (0x41100000)
MF32TOUI16 MR1, MR0 ; MR1(15:0) = MF32TOUI16(MR0) = 9 (0x0009)
; MR1(31:16) = 0x0000
MMOVIZ MR2, #-9.0 ; MR2 = -9.0 (0xC1100000)
MF32TOUI16 MR3, MR2 ; MR3(15:0) = MF32TOUI16(MR2) = 0 (0x0000)
; MR3(31:16) = 0x0000

See also MF32TOI16 MRa, MRb

MI16TOF32 MRa, MRb
MI16TOF32 MRa, mem16
MUI16TOF32 MRa, mem16

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MF32TOUI16R MRa, MRb Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 16-bit Unsigned Integer and Round

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1110 1100 0000

Description Convert the 32-bit floating-point value in MRb to an unsigned 16-bit integer and round to
the closest even value. The result will be stored in MRa. To instead truncate the
converted value, use the MF32TOUI16 instruction.
MRa(15:0) = MF32TOUI16round(MRb);
MRa(31:16) = 0x0000;

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR0, #0x412C ; MR0 = 0x412C
MMOVXI MR0, #0xCCCD ; MR0 = 0xCCCD ; MR0 = 10.8 (0x412CCCCD)
MF32TOUI16R MR1, MR0 ; MR1(15:0) = MF32TOUI16round(MR0) = 11 (0x000B)
; MR1(31:16) = 0x0000
MMOVF32 MR2, #-10.8 ; MR2 = -10.8 (0x0xC12CCCCD)
MF32TOUI16R MR3, MR2 ; MR3(15:0) = MF32TOUI16round(MR2) = 0 (0x0000)
; MR3(31:16) = 0x0000

See also MF32TOI16 MRa, MRb

MI16TOF32 MRa, MRb
MI16TOF32 MRa, mem16
MUI16TOF32 MRa, mem16

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MF32TOUI32 MRa, MRb Convert 32-Bit Floating-Point Value to 32-Bit Unsigned Integer

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1101 1010 0000

Description Convert the 32-bit floating-point value in MRb to an unsigned 32-bit integer and store the
result in MRa.
MRa = F32TOUI32(MRb);

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR0, #12.5 ; MR0 = 12.5 (0x41480000)
MF32TOUI32 MR0, MR0 ; MR0 = MF32TOUI32 (MR0) = 12 (0x0000000C)
MMOVIZ MR1, #-6.5 ; MR1 = -6.5 (0xC0D00000)
MF32TOUI32 MR2, MR1 ; MR2 = MF32TOUI32 (MR1) = 0.0 (0x00000000)

See also MF32TOI32 MRa, MRb

MI32TOF32 MRa, MRb
MI32TOF32 MRa, mem32
MUI32TOF32 MRa, mem32

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MFRACF32 MRa, MRb Fractional Portion of a 32-Bit Floating-Point Value

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1110 0000 0000

Description Returns in MRa the fractional portion of the 32-bit floating-point value in MRb

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR2, #19.625 ; MR2 = 19.625 (0x419D0000)
MFRACF32 MR3, MR2 ; MR3 = MFRACF32(MR2) = 0.625 (0x3F200000)0)

See also

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MI16TOF32 MRa, MRb Convert 16-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1110 1000 0000

Description Convert the 16-bit signed integer in MRb to a 32-bit floating point value and store the
result in MRa.
MRa = MI16TOF32(MRb);

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR0, #0x0000 ; MR0(31:16) = 0.0 (0x0000)
MMOVXI MR0, #0x0004 ; MR0(15:0) = 4.0 (0x0004)
MI16TOF32 MR1, MR0 ; MR1 = MI16TOF32 (MR0) = 4.0 (0x40800000)

MMOVIZ MR2, #0x0000 ; MR2(31:16) = 0.0 (0x0000)

MMOVXI MR2, #0xFFFC ; MR2(15:0) = -4.0 (0xFFFC)
MI16TOF32 MR3, MR2 ; MR3 = MI16TOF32 (MR2) = -4.0 (0xC0800000)

See also MF32TOI16 MRa, MRb

MI16TOF32 MRa, mem16
MUI16TOF32 MRa, mem16

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MI16TOF32 MRa, mem16 Convert 16-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
mem16 16-bit source memory location to be converted

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0111 0101 00aa addr

Description Convert the 16-bit signed integer indicated by the mem16 pointer to a 32-bit floating-
point value and store the result in MRa.
MRa = MI16TOF32[mem16];

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction:

Example ; Assume A = 4 (0x0004)
; B = -4 (0xFFFC)

MI16TOF32 MR0, @_A ; MR0 = MI16TOF32(A) = 4.0 (0x40800000)

MI16TOF32 MR1, @_B ; MR1 = MI16TOF32(B) = -4.0 (0xC0800000

See also MF32TOI16 MRa, MRb

MI16TOF32 MRa, MRb
MUI16TOF32 MRa, mem16

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MI32TOF32 MRa, mem32 Convert 32-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
mem32 32-bit memory source for the MMOV32 operation.

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0111 0100 01aa addr

Description Convert the 32-bit signed integer indicated by mem32 to a 32-bit floating point value and
store the result in MRa.
MRa = MI32TOF32[mem32];

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Given X, M and B are IQ24 numbers:
; X = IQ24(+2.5) = 0x02800000
; M = IQ24(+1.5) = 0x01800000
; B = IQ24(-0.5) = 0xFF800000
; Calculate Y = X * M + B
; Convert M, X and B from IQ24 to float

MI32TOF32 MR0, @_M ; MR0 = 0x4BC00000
MI32TOF32 MR1, @_X ; MR1 = 0x4C200000
MI32TOF32 MR2, @_B ; MR2 = 0xCB000000
MMPYF32 MR0, MR0, #0x3380 ; M = 1/(1*2^24) * iqm = 1.5 (0x3FC00000)
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, #0x3380 ; X = 1/(1*2^24) * iqx = 2.5 (0x40200000)
MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, #0x3380 ; B = 1/(1*2^24) * iqb = -.5 (0xBF000000)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; M*X
MADDF32 MR2, MR2, MR3 ; Y=MX+B = 3.25 (0x40500000)

; Convert Y from float32 to IQ24

MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, #0x4B80 ; Y * 1*2^24
MF32TOI32 MR2, MR2 ; IQ24(Y) = 0x03400000
MMOV32 @_Y, MR2 ; store result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MF32TOI32 MRa, MRb

MI32TOF32 MRa, MRb
MUI32TOF32 MRa, mem32

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MI32TOF32 MRa, MRb Convert 32-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1101 1000 0000

Description Convert the signed 32-bit integer in MRb to a 32-bit floating-point value and store the
result in MRa.
MRa = MI32TOF32(MRb);

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Example1:
MMOVIZ MR2, #0x1111 ; MR2(31:16) = 4369 (0x1111)
MMOVXI MR2, #0x1111 ; MR2(15:0) = 4369 (0x1111)
; MR2 = +286331153 (0x11111111)
MI32TOF32 MR3, MR2 ; MR3 = MI32TOF32 (MR2) = 286331153.0 (0x4D888888)

See also MF32TOI32 MRa, MRb

MI32TOF32 MRa, mem32
MUI32TOF32 MRa, mem32

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MLSL32 MRa, #SHIFT Logical Shift Left

MRa CLA floating-point source/destination register (MR0 to MR3)
#SHIFT Number of bits to shift (1 to 32)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0shi ftaa

MSW: 0111 1011 1100 0000

Description Logical shift left of MRa by the number of bits indicated. The number of bits can be 1 to
MARa(31:0) = Logical Shift Left(MARa(31:0) by #SHIFT bits);

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified based on the integer results of the operation.
NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(31:0) == 0) { ZF = 1; }

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Given m2 = (int32)32
; x2 = (int32)64
; b2 = (int32)-128
; Calculate:
; m2 = m2*2
; x2 = x2*4
; b2 = b2*8
MMOV32 MR0, @_m2 ; MR0 = 32 (0x00000020)
MMOV32 MR1, @_x2 ; MR1 = 64 (0x00000040)
MMOV32 MR2, @_b2 ; MR2 = -128 (0xFFFFFF80)
MLSL32 MR0, #1 ; MR0 = 64 (0x00000040)
MLSL32 MR1, #2 ; MR1 = 256 (0x00000100)
MLSL32 MR2, #3 ; MR2 = -1024 (0xFFFFFC00)
MMOV32 @_m2, MR0 ; Store results
MMOV32 @_x2, MR1
MMOV32 @_b2, MR2
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MADD32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MAND32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MXOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MSUB32 MRa, MRb, MRc

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MLSR32 MRa, #SHIFT Logical Shift Right

MRa CLA floating-point source/destination register (MR0 to MR3)
#SHIFT Number of bits to shift (1 to 32)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0shi ftaa

MSW: 0111 1011 1000 0000

Description Logical shift right of MRa by the number of bits indicated. The number of bits can be 1 to
32. Unlike the arithmetic shift (MASR32), the logical shift does not preserve the number's
sign bit. Every bit in the operand is moved the specified number of bit positions, and the
vacant bit-positions are filled in with zeros
MARa(31:0) = Logical Shift Right(MARa(31:0) by #SHIFT bits);

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified based on the integer results of the operation.
NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(31:0) == 0) { ZF = 1;}

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Illustrate the difference between MASR32 and MLSR32

MMOVIZ MR0, #0xAAAA ; MR0 = 0xAAAA5555

MMOVXI MR0, #0x5555

MMOV32 MR1, MR0 ; MR1 = 0xAAAA5555

MMOV32 MR2, MR0 ; MR2 = 0xAAAA5555

MASR32 MR1, #1 ; MR1 = 0xD5552AAA

MLSR32 MR2, #1 ; MR2 = 0x55552AAA

MASR32 MR1, #1 ; MR1 = 0xEAAA9555

MLSR32 MR2, #1 ; MR2 = 0x2AAA9555

MASR32 MR1, #6 ; MR1 = 0xFFAAAA55

MLSR32 MR2, #6 ; MR2 = 0x00AAAA55

See also MADD32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MAND32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MXOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MSUB32 MRa, MRb, MRc

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MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply and
Accumulate with Parallel Move

MR3 floating-point destination/source register MR3 for the add operation
MR2 CLA floating-point source register MR2 for the add operation
MRd CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3) for the multiply operation
MRd cannot be the same register as MRa
MRe CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3) for the multiply operation
MRf CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3) for the multiply operation
MRa CLA floating-point destination register for the MMOV32 operation (MR0 to MR3).
MRa cannot be MR3 or the same register as MRd.
mem32 32-bit source for the MMOV32 operation

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0011 ffee ddaa addr

Description Multiply and accumulate the contents of floating-point registers and move from register
to memory. The destination register for the MMOV32 cannot be the same as the
destination registers for the MMACF32.
MR3 = MR3 + MR2;
MRd = MRe * MRf;
MRa = [mem32];

Restrictions The destination registers for the MMACF32 and the MMOV32 must be unique. That is,
MRa cannot be MR3 and MRa cannot be the same register as MRd.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MMACF32 (add or multiply) generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MMACF32 (add or multiply) generates an overflow condition.
MMOV32 sets the NF and ZF flags as follows:
NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(30:23) == 0) { ZF = 1; NF = 0; }

Pipeline MMACF32 and MMOV32 complete in a single cycle.

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Example 1 ; Perform 5 multiply and accumulate operations:

; X and Y are 32-bit floating point arrays
; 1st multiply: A = X0 * Y0
; 2nd multiply: B = X1 * Y1
; 3rd multiply: C = X2 * Y2
; 4th multiply: D = X3 * Y3
; 5th multiply: E = X3 * Y3
; Result = A + B + C + D + E
MMOVI16 MAR0, #_X ; MAR0 points to X array
MMOVI16 MAR1, #_Y ; MAR1 points to Y array
MNOP ; Delay for MAR0, MAR1 load
MNOP ; Delay for MAR0, MAR1 load
; <-- MAR0 valid
MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; MR0 = X0, MAR0 += 2
; <-- MAR1 valid
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y0, MAR1 += 2

MMPYF32 MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR2 = A = X0 * Y0

|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; In parallel MR0 = X1, MAR0 += 2
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y1, MAR1 += 2

MMPYF32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; MR3 = B = X1 * Y1

|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; In parallel MR0 = X2, MAR0 += 2
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y2, MAR2 += 2

MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR3 = A + B, MR2 = C = X2 * Y2

|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; In parallel MR0 = X3
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y3 M

MACF32 MR3, MR2, MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR3 = (A + B) + C, MR2 = D = X3 * Y3

|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0 ; In parallel MR0 = X4
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1 ; MR1 = Y4

MMPYF32 MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR2 = E = X4 * Y4

|| MADDF32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; in parallel MR3 = (A + B + C) + D

MADDF32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; MR3 = (A + B + C + D) + E

MMOV32 @_Result, MR3 ; Store the result
MSTOP ; end of task

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Example 2 ; sum = X0*B0 + X1*B1 + X2*B2 + Y1*A1 + Y2*B2

; X2 = X1
; X1 = X0
; Y2 = Y1 ; Y1 = sum
MMOV32 MR0, @_B2 ; MR0 = B2
MMOV32 MR1, @_X2 ; MR1 = X2
MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR0 ; MR2 = X2*B2
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_B1 ; MR0 = B1
MMOVD32 MR1, @_X1 ; MR1 = X1, X2 = X1
MMPYF32 MR3, MR1, MR0 ; MR3 = X1*B1
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_B0 ; MR0 = B0
MMOVD32 MR1, @_X0 ; MR1 = X0, X1 = X0

; MR3 = X1*B1 + X2*B2, MR2 = X0*B0

; MR0 = A2
MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MR2, MR1, MR0
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_A2 M

MOV32 MR1, @_Y2 ; MR1 = Y2

; MR3 = X0*B0 + X1*B1 + X2*B2, MR2 = Y2*A2

; MR0 = A1
MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MR2, MR1, MR0
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_A1

MMOVD32 MR1,@_Y1 ; MR1 = Y1, Y2 = Y1

MADDF32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; MR3 = Y2*A2 + X0*B0 + X1*B1 + X2*B2
|| MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR0 ; MR2 = Y1*A1
MADDF32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; MR3 = Y1*A1 + Y2*A2 + X0*B0 + X1*B1 + X2*B2
MMOV32 @_Y1, MR3 ; Y1 = MR3
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf

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MMAXF32 MRa, MRb 32-Bit Floating-Point Maximum

MRa CLA floating-point source/destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1101 0010 0000

Description if(MRa < MRb) MRa = MRb;

Special cases for the output from the MMAXF32 operation:

• NaN output will be converted to infinity
• A denormalized output will be converted to positive zero.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The ZF and NF flags are configured on the result of the operation, not the result stored
in the destination register.
if(MRa == MRb) {ZF=1; NF=0;}
if(MRa > MRb) {ZF=0; NF=0;}
if(MRa < MRb) {ZF=0; NF=1;}

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example 1 MMOVIZ MR0, #5.0 ; MR0 = 5.0 (0x40A00000)
MMOVIZ MR1, #-2.0 ; MR1 = -2.0 (0xC0000000)
MMOVIZ MR2, #-1.5 ; MR2 = -1.5 (0xBFC00000)
MMAXF32 MR2, MR1 ; MR2 = -1.5, ZF = NF = 0
MMAXF32 MR1, MR2 ; MR1 = -1.5, ZF = 0, NF = 1
MMAXF32 MR2, MR0 ; MR2 = 5.0, ZF = 0, NF = 1
MAXF32 MR0, MR2 ; MR2 = 5.0, ZF = 1, NF = 0

Example 2 ; X is an array of 32-bit floating-point values

; Find the maximum value in an array X
; and store it in Result
MMOVI16 MAR1,#_X ; Start address
MUI16TOF32 MR0, @_len ; Length of the array
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = X0
MMOV32 MR2, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR2 = next element
MMAXF32 MR1, MR2 ; MR1 = MAX(MR1, MR2)
MADDF32 MR0, MR0, #-1.0 ; Decrememt the counter
MCMPF32 MR0 #0.0 ; Set/clear flags for MBCNDD
MBCNDD LOOP, NEQ ; Branch if not equal to zero
MMOV32 @_Result, MR1 ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MSTOP ; End of task

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See also MCMPF32 MRa, MRb

MCMPF32 MRa, #16FHi
MMAXF32 MRa, #16FHi
MMINF32 MRa, #16FHi

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MMAXF32 MRa, #16FHi 32-Bit Floating-Point Maximum

MRa CLA floating-point source/destination register (MR0 to MR3)
#16FHi A 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-
point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0.


MSW: 0111 1001 0000 00aa

Description Compare MRa with the floating-point value represented by the immediate operand. If the
immediate value is larger, then load it into MRa.
if(MRa < #16FHi:0) MRa = #16FHi:0;

#16FHi is a 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit
floating-point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0. This
addressing mode is most useful for constants where the lowest 16-bits of the mantissa
are 0. Some examples are 2.0 (0x40000000), 4.0 (0x40800000), 0.5 (0x3F000000), and
-1.5 (0xBFC00000). The assembler will accept either a hex or float as the immediate
value. That is, -1.5 can be represented as #-1.5 or #0xBFC0.
Special cases for the output from the MMAXF32 operation:
• NaN output will be converted to infinity
• A denormalized output will be converted to positive zero.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The ZF and NF flags are configured on the result of the operation, not the result stored
in the destination register.
if(MRa == #16FHi:0) {ZF=1; NF=0;}
if(MRa > #16FHi:0) {ZF=0; NF=0;}
if(MRa < #16FHi:0) {ZF=0; NF=1;}

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR0, #5.0 ; MR0 = 5.0 (0x40A00000)
MMOVIZ MR1, #4.0 ; MR1 = 4.0 (0x40800000)
MMOVIZ MR2, #-1.5 ; MR2 = -1.5 (0xBFC00000)
MMAXF32 MR0, #5.5 ; MR0 = 5.5, ZF = 0, NF = 1
MMAXF32 MR1, #2.5 ; MR1 = 4.0, ZF = 0, NF = 0
MMAXF32 MR2, #-1.0 ; MR2 = -1.0, ZF = 0, NF = 1
MMAXF32 MR2, #-1.0 ; MR2 = -1.5, ZF = 1, NF = 0

See also MMAXF32 MRa, MRb

MMINF32 MRa, #16FHi

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MMINF32 MRa, MRb 32-Bit Floating-Point Minimum

MRa CLA floating-point source/destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1101 0100 0000

Description if(MRa > MRb) MRa = MRb;

Special cases for the output from the MMINF32 operation:

• NaN output will be converted to infinity
• A denormalized output will be converted to positive zero.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The ZF and NF flags are configured on the result of the operation, not the result stored
in the destination register.
if(MRa == MRb) {ZF=1; NF=0;}
if(MRa > MRb) {ZF=0; NF=0;}
if(MRa < MRb) {ZF=0; NF=1;}

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example 1 MMOVIZ MR0, #5.0 ; MR0 = 5.0 (0x40A00000)
MMOVIZ MR1, #4.0 ; MR1 = 4.0 (0x40800000)
MMOVIZ MR2, #-1.5 ; MR2 = -1.5 (0xBFC00000)
MMINF32 MR0, MR1 ; MR0 = 4.0, ZF = 0, NF = 0
MMINF32 MR1, MR2 ; MR1 = -1.5, ZF = 0, NF = 0
MMINF32 MR2, MR1 ; MR2 = -1.5, ZF = 1, NF = 0
MMINF32 MR1, MR0 ; MR2 = -1.5, ZF = 0, NF = 1

Example 2 ;
; X is an array of 32-bit floating-point values
; Find the minimum value in an array X
; and store it in Result

MMOVI16 MAR1,#_X ; Start address
MUI16TOF32 MR0, @_len ; Length of the array
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = X0
MMOV32 MR2, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR2 = next element
MMINF32 MR1, MR2 ; MR1 = MAX(MR1, MR2)
MADDF32 MR0, MR0, #-1.0 ; Decrememt the counter
MCMPF32 MR0 #0.0 ; Set/clear flags for MBCNDD
MBCNDD LOOP, NEQ ; Branch if not equal to zero
MMOV32 @_Result, MR1 ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MSTOP ; End of task

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See also MMAXF32 MRa, MRb

MMAXF32 MRa, #16FHi
MMINF32 MRa, #16FHi

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MMINF32 MRa, #16FHi 32-Bit Floating-Point Minimum

MRa floating-point source/destination register (MR0 to MR3)
#16FHi A 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-
point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0.


MSW: 0111 1001 0100 00aa

Description Compare MRa with the floating-point value represented by the immediate operand. If the
immediate value is smaller, then load it into MRa.
if(MRa > #16FHi:0) MRa = #16FHi:0;

#16FHi is a 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit
floating-point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0. This
addressing mode is most useful for constants where the lowest 16-bits of the mantissa
are 0. Some examples are 2.0 (0x40000000), 4.0 (0x40800000), 0.5 (0x3F000000), and
-1.5 (0xBFC00000). The assembler will accept either a hex or float as the immediate
value. That is, -1.5 can be represented as #-1.5 or #0xBFC0.
Special cases for the output from the MMINF32 operation:
• NaN output will be converted to infinity
• A denormalized output will be converted to positive zero.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The ZF and NF flags are configured on the result of the operation, not the result stored
in the destination register.
if(MRa == #16FHi:0) {ZF=1; NF=0;}
if(MRa > #16FHi:0) {ZF=0; NF=0;}
if(MRa < #16FHi:0) {ZF=0; NF=1;}

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR0, #5.0 ; MR0 = 5.0 (0x40A00000)
MMOVIZ MR1, #4.0 ; MR1 = 4.0 (0x40800000)
MMOVIZ MR2, #-1.5 ; MR2 = -1.5 (0xBFC00000)
MMINF32 MR0, #5.5 ; MR0 = 5.0, ZF = 0, NF = 1
MMINF32 MR1, #2.5 ; MR1 = 2.5, ZF = 0, NF = 0
MMINF32 MR2, #-1.0 ; MR2 = -1.5, ZF = 0, NF = 1
MMINF32 MR2, #-1.5 ; MR2 = -1.5, ZF = 1, NF = 0

See also MMAXF32 MRa, #16FHi


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MMOV16 MARx, MRa, #16I Load the Auxiliary Register with MRa + 16-bit Immediate Value

MARx Auxiliary register MAR0 or MAR1
MRa CLA Floating-point register (MR0 to MR3)
#16I 16-bit immediate value

Opcode LSW: IIII IIII IIII IIII (opcode of MMOV16 MAR0, MRa, #16I)
MSW: 0111 1111 1101 00AA

LSW: IIII IIII IIII IIII (opcode of MMOV16 MAR1, MRa, #16I)
MSW: 0111 1111 1111 00AA

Description Load the auxiliary register, MAR0 or MAR1, with MRa(15:0) + 16-bit immediate value.
Refer to the pipeline section for important information regarding this instruction.
MARx = MRa(15:0) + #16I;

Flags This instruction does not modify flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction. The load of MAR0 or MAR1 will occur in the EXE
phase of the pipeline. Any post increment of MAR0 or MAR1 using indirect addressing
will occur in the D2 phase of the pipeline. Therefore the following applies when loading
the auxiliary registers:
• I1 and I2
The two instructions following MMOV16 will use MAR0/MAR1 before the update
occurs. Thus these two instructions will use the old value of MAR0 or MAR1.
• I3
Loading of an auxiliary register occurs in the EXE phase while updates due to post-
increment addressing occur in the D2 phase. Thus I3 cannot use the auxiliary
register or there will be a conflict. In the case of a conflict, the update due to address-
mode post increment will win and the auxiliary register will not be updated with #_X.
• I4
Starting with the 4th instruction MAR0 or MAR1 will be the new value loaded with
; Assume MAR0 is 50, MR0 is 10, and #_X is 20

MMOV16 MAR0, MR0, #_X ; Load MAR0 with address of X (20) + MR0 (10)
<Instruction 1> ; I1 Will use the old value of MAR0 (50)
<Instruction 2> ; I2 Will use the old value of MAR0 (50)
<Instruction 3> ; I3 Cannot use MAR0
<Instruction 4> ; I4 Will use the new value of MAR0 (30)
<Instruction 5> ; I5
Table 6-16. Pipeline Activity For MMOV16 MARx, MRa , #16I
Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
MMOV16 MAR0, MR0, #_X MMOV16
I1 I1 MMOV16
I2 I2 I1 MMOV16
I3 I3 I2 I1 MMOV16
I4 I4 I3 I2 I1 MMOV16
I5 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 MMOV16
I6 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1

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Example 1 ; Calculate an offset into a sin/cos table

MMOV32 MR0,@_rad ; MR0 = rad
MMPYF32 MR1,MR0,MR1 ; MR1 = rad* TABLE_SIZE/(2*Pi)
MF32TOI32 MR3,MR1 ; MR3 = K=int(rad*TABLE_SIZE/(2*Pi))
MLSL32 MR3,#1 ; MR3 = K * 2

MMOV16 MAR0,MR3,#_Cos0 ; MAR0 K*2+addr of table.Cos0

MMPYF32 MR1,MR1,MR0 ; I3
|| MMOV32 MR0,@_Coef3

MMOV32 MR2,*MAR0[#-64]++ ; MR2 = *MAR0, MAR0 += (-64)

MSTOP ; end of task

Example 2 ; This task logs the last NUM_DATA_POINTS

; ADCRESULT1 values in the array VoltageCLA
; When the last element in the array has been
; filled, the task will go back to the
; the first element.
; Before starting the ADC conversions, force
; Task 8 to initialize the ConversionCount to zero
; The ADC is set to sample (acquire) for 15 SYSCLK cycles
; or 75ns. After the capacitor has captured the analog
; value, the ADC will trigger this task early.
; It takes 10.5 ADCCLKs to complete a conversion,
; the ADCCLK being SYSCLK/4
; T_sys = 1/200MHz = 5ns
; T_adc = 4*T_sys = 20ns
; The ADC will take 10.5 * 4 or 42 SYSCLK cycles to complete
; a conversion. The ADC result register may be read on the
; 36th instruction after the task begins.
.asg 0, N
MNOP ;I1 - I28 Wait till I36 to read result
.eval N + 1, N
.break N = 28
MMOVZ16 MR0, @_ConversionCount ;I29 Current Conversion
MMOV16 MAR1, MR0, #_VoltageCLA ;I30 Next array location
MUI16TOF32 MR0, MR0 ;I31 Convert count to float32
MADDF32 MR0, MR0, #1.0 ;I32 Add 1 to conversion count
MCMPF32 MR0, #NUM_DATA_POINTS.0 ;I33 Compare count to max
MF32TOUI16 MR0, MR0 ;I34 Convert count to Uint16
MNOP ;I35 Wait till I36 to read result
MMOVZ16 MR2, @_AdcaResultRegs.ADCRESULT1 ;I36 Read ADCRESULT1
MBCNDD _RestartCount, GEQ ; If count >= NUM_DATA_POINTS
MMOVIZ MR1, #0.0 ; Always executed: MR1=0
MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR0 ; If branch not taken
MSTOP ; store current count

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MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR1 ; If branch taken, restart count
MSTOP ; end of task

; This task initializes the ConversionCount

; to zero
MMOVIZ MR0, #0.0
MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR0

See also

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MMOV16 MARx, mem16 Load MAR1 with 16-bit Value

MARx CLA auxiliary register MAR0 or MAR1
mem16 16-bit destination memory accessed using one of the available addressing modes

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm (Opcode for MMOV16 MAR0, mem16)
MSW: 0111 0110 0000 addr

LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm (Opcode for MMOV16 MAR1, mem16)
MSW: 0111 0110 0100 addr

Description Load MAR0 or MAR1 with the 16-bit value pointed to by mem16. Refer to the pipeline
section for important information regarding this instruction.
MAR1 = [mem16];

Flags No flags MSTF flags are affected.

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction. The load of MAR0 or MAR1 will occur in the EXE
phase of the pipeline. Any post increment of MAR0 or MAR1 using indirect addressing
will occur in the D2 phase of the pipeline. Therefore the following applies when loading
the auxiliary registers:
• I1 and I2
The two instructions following MMOV16 will use MAR0/MAR1 before the update
occurs. Thus these two instructions will use the old value of MAR0 or MAR1.
• I3
Loading of an auxiliary register occurs in the EXE phase while updates due to post-
increment addressing occur in the D2 phase. Thus I3 cannot use the auxiliary
register or there will be a conflict. In the case of a conflict, the update due to address-
mode post increment will win send the auxiliary register will not be updated with #_X.
• I4
Starting with the 4th instruction MAR0 or MAR1 will be the new value loaded with
; Assume MAR0 is 50 and @_X is 20

MMOV16 MAR0, @_X ; Load MAR0 with the contents of X (20)

<Instruction 1> ; I1 Will use the old value of MAR0 (50)
<Instruction 2> ; I2 Will use the old value of MAR0 (50)
<Instruction 3> ; I3 Cannot use MAR0
<Instruction 4> ; I4 Will use the new value of MAR0 (20)
<Instruction 5> ; I5
Table 6-17. Pipeline Activity For MMOV16 MAR0/MAR1, mem16
Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
I1 I1 MMOV16
I2 I2 I1 MMOV16
I3 I3 I2 I1 MMOV16
I4 I4 I3 I2 I1 MMOV16
I5 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 MMOV16
I6 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1

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Example ; This task logs the last NUM_DATA_POINTS

; ADCRESULT1 values in the array VoltageCLA
; When the last element in the array has been
; filled, the task will go back to the
; the first element.
; Before starting the ADC conversions, force
; Task 8 to initialize the ConversionCount to zero
; The ADC is set to sample (acquire) for 15 SYSCLK cycles
; or 75ns. After the capacitor has captured the analog
; value, the ADC will trigger this task early.
; It takes 10.5 ADCCLKs to complete a conversion,
; the ADCCLK being SYSCLK/4
; T_sys = 1/200MHz = 5ns
; T_adc = 4*T_sys = 20ns
; The ADC will take 10.5 * 4 or 42 SYSCLK cycles to complete
; a conversion. The ADC result register may be read on the
; 36th instruction after the task begins.
.asg 0, N
;I1 - I28 Wait till I36 to read result
.eval N + 1, N
.break N = 28
MMOVZ16 MR0, @_ConversionCount ;I29 Current Conversion
MMOV16 MAR1, MR0, #_VoltageCLA ;I30 Next array location
MUI16TOF32 MR0, MR0 ;I31 Convert count to float32
MADDF32 MR0, MR0, #1.0 ;I32 Add 1 to conversion count
MCMPF32 MR0, #NUM_DATA_POINTS.0 ;I33 Compare count to max
MF32TOUI16 MR0, MR0 ;I34 Convert count to Uint16
MNOP ;I35 Wait till I36 to read result
MMOVZ16 MR2, @_AdcaResultRegs.ADCRESULT1 ;I36 Read ADCRESULT1
MBCNDD _RestartCount, GEQ ; If count >= NUM_DATA_POINTS
MMOVIZ MR1, #0.0 ; Always executed: MR1=0
MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR0 ; If branch not taken
MSTOP ; store current count

MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR1 ; If branch taken, restart count
MSTOP ; end of task

; This task initializes the ConversionCount

; to zero
MMOVIZ MR0, #0.0
MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR0

See also

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MMOV16 mem16, MARx Move 16-Bit Auxiliary Register Contents to Memory

mem16 16-bit destination memory accessed using one of the available addressing modes
MARx CLA auxiliary register MAR0 or MAR1

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm (Opcode for MMOV16 mem16, MAR0)
MSW: 0111 0110 1000 addr

LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm (Opcode for MMOV16 mem16, MAR1)
MSW: 0111 0110 1100 addr

Description Store the contents of MAR0 or MAR1 in the 16-bit memory location pointed to by
[mem16] = MAR0;

Flags No flags MSTF flags are affected.

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

See also

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MMOV16 mem16, MRa Move 16-Bit Floating-Point Register Contents to Memory

mem16 16-bit destination memory accessed using one of the available addressing modes
MRa CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0111 0101 11aa addr

Description Move 16-bit value from the lower 16-bits of the floating-point register (MRa(15:0)) to the
location pointed to by mem16.
[mem16] = MRa(15:0);

Flags No flags MSTF flags are affected.

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; This task logs the last NUM_DATA_POINTS
; ADCRESULT1 values in the array VoltageCLA
; When the last element in the array has been
; filled, the task will go back to the
; the first element.
; Before starting the ADC conversions, force
; Task 8 to initialize the ConversionCount to zero
; The ADC is set to sample (acquire) for 15 SYSCLK cycles
; or 75ns. After the capacitor has captured the analog
; value, the ADC will trigger this task early.
; It takes 10.5 ADCCLKs to complete a conversion,
; the ADCCLK being SYSCLK/4
; T_sys = 1/200MHz = 5ns
; T_adc = 4*T_sys = 20ns
; The ADC will take 10.5 * 4 or 42 SYSCLK cycles to complete
; a conversion. The ADC result register may be read on the
; 36th instruction after the task begins.
.asg 0, N
;I1 - I28 Wait till I36 to read result
.eval N + 1, N
.break N = 28
MMOVZ16 MR0, @_ConversionCount ;I29 Current Conversion
MMOV16 MAR1, MR0, #_VoltageCLA ;I30 Next array location
MUI16TOF32 MR0, MR0 ;I31 Convert count to float32
MADDF32 MR0, MR0, #1.0 ;I32 Add 1 to conversion count
MCMPF32 MR0, #NUM_DATA_POINTS.0 ;I33 Compare count to max
MF32TOUI16 MR0, MR0 ;I34 Convert count to Uint16
MNOP ;I35 Wait till I36 to read result
MMOVZ16 MR2, @_AdcaResultRegs.ADCRESULT1 ;I36 Read ADCRESULT1
MBCNDD _RestartCount, GEQ ; If count >= NUM_DATA_POINTS
MMOVIZ MR1, #0.0 ; Always executed: MR1=0
MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR0 ; If branch not taken
MSTOP ; store current count

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MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR1 ; If branch taken, restart count
MSTOP ; end of task

; This task initializes the ConversionCount

; to zero
MMOVIZ MR0, #0.0
MMOV16 @_ConversionCount, MR0

See also MMOVIZ MRa, #16FHi


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MMOV32 mem32, MRa Move 32-Bit Floating-Point Register Contents to Memory

MRa floating-point register (MR0 to MR3)
mem32 32-bit destination memory accessed using one of the available addressing modes

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0111 0100 11aa addr

Description Move from MRa to 32-bit memory location indicated by mem32.

[mem32] = MRa;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No No No

No flags affected.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Perform 5 multiply and accumulate operations:
; X and Y are 32-bit floating point arrays;
; 1st multiply: A = X0 * Y0
; 2nd multiply: B = X1 * Y1
; 3rd multiply: C = X2 * Y2
; 4th multiply: D = X3 * Y3
; 5th multiply: E = X3 * Y3;
; Result = A + B + C + D + E
MMOVI16 MAR0, #_X ; MAR0 points to X array
MMOVI16 MAR1, #_Y ; MAR1 points to Y array
MNOP ; Delay for MAR0, MAR1 load
MNOP ; Delay for MAR0, MAR1 load
; <-- MAR0 valid
MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; MR0 = X0, MAR0 += 2
; <-- MAR1 valid
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y0, MAR1 += 2
MMPYF32 MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR2 = A = X0 * Y0
|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; In parallel MR0 = X1, MAR0 += 2
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y1, MAR1 += 2
MMPYF32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; MR3 = B = X1 * Y1
|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; In parallel MR0 = X2, MAR0 += 2
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y2, MAR2 += 2

MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR3 = A + B, MR2 = C = X2 * Y2

|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; In parallel MR0 = X3
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y3

MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR3 = (A + B) + C, MR2 = D = X3 * Y3

|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0 ; In parallel MR0 = X4
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1 ; MR1 = Y4
MMPYF32 MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR2 = E = X4 * Y4
|| MADDF32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; in parallel MR3 = (A + B + C) + D
MADDF32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; MR3 = (A + B + C + D) + E
MMOV32 @_Result, MR3 ; Store the result MSTOP ; end of task

See also MMOV32 mem32, MSTF

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MMOV32 mem32, MSTF Move 32-Bit MSTF Register to Memory

MSTF floating-point status register
mem32 32-bit destination memory

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0111 0111 0100 addr

Description Copy the CLA's floating-point status register, MSTF, to memory.

[mem32] = MSTF;

Flags This instruction does not modify flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

One of the uses of this instruction is to save off the return PC (RPC) prior to calling a
function. The decision to jump to a function is made when the MCCNDD is in the
decode2 (D2) phase of the pipeline; the RPC is also updated in this phase. The actual
jump occurs three cycles later when MCCNDD enters its execution (E) phase. The user
must, therefore, save the old RPC before MCCNDD updates it in the D2 phase, that is, it
must save MSTF three instructions prior to the function call.

Example The following example illustrates the pipeline flow for the context save (of the flags and
RPC) prior to a function call. The first column in the comments shows the pipeline stages
for the MMOV32 instruction while the second column pertains to the MCCNDD
MMOV32 @_temp, MSTF ; D2| |
MNOP ; R1|F1| MCCNDD is fetched
MNOP ; R2|F2|
MNOP ; E |D1|
MCCNDD _bar, UNC ; W |D2| old RPC written to memory,
; | | RPC updated with MPC+1
MNOP ; |R1|
MNOP ; |R2|
MNOP ; |E | execution branches to _bar

See also MMOV32 mem32, MRa

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MMOV32 MRa, mem32 {, CNDF} Conditional 32-Bit Move

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
mem32 32-bit memory location accessed using one of the available addressing modes
CNDF optional condition.

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0111 00cn dfaa addr

Description If the condition is true, then move the 32-bit value referenced by mem32 to the floating-
point register indicated by MRa.
if (CNDF == TRUE) MRa = [mem32];

CNDF is one of the following conditions:

Encode CNDF Description MSTF Flags Tested
0000 NEQ Not equal to zero ZF == 0
0001 EQ Equal to zero ZF == 1
0010 GT Greater than zero ZF == 0 AND NF == 0
0011 GEQ Greater than or equal to zero NF == 0
0100 LT Less than zero NF == 1
0101 LEQ Less than or equal to zero ZF == 1 OR NF == 1
1010 TF Test flag set TF == 1
1011 NTF Test flag not set TF == 0
1100 LU Latched underflow LUF == 1
1101 LV Latched overflow LVF == 1
1110 UNC Unconditional None
1111 UNCF Unconditional with flag None
Values not shown are reserved.
This is the default operation if no CNDF field is specified. This condition will allow the ZF and NF flags to
be modified when a conditional operation is executed. All other conditions will not modify these flags.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

if(CNDF == UNCF)
NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(30:23) == 0) { ZF = 1; NF = 0; }
else No flags modified;

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

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Example ; Given A, B, X, M1 and M2 are 32-bit floating-point

; numbers
; if(A == B) calculate Y = X*M1
; if(A! = B) calculate Y = X*M2
MMOV32 MR0, @_A
MMOV32 MR1, @_B
MMOV32 MR2, @_M1, EQ ; if A == B, MR2 = M1
; Y = M1*X
MMOV32 MR2, @_M2, NEQ ; if A! = B, MR2 = M2
; Y = M2*X
MMOV32 MR3, @_X
MMPYF32 MR3, MR2, MR3 ; Calculate Y
MMOV32 @_Y, MR3 ; Store Y
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MMOV32 MRa, MRb {, CNDF}

MMOVD32 MRa, mem32

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MMOV32 MRa, MRb {, CNDF} Conditional 32-Bit Move

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
CNDF optional condition.

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 cndf bbaa

MSW: 0111 1010 1100 0000

Description If the condition is true, then move the 32-bit value in MRb to the floating-point register
indicated by MRa.
if (CNDF == TRUE) MRa = MRb;

CNDF is one of the following conditions:

Encode CNDF Description MSTF Flags Tested
0000 NEQ Not equal to zero ZF == 0
0001 EQ Equal to zero ZF == 1
0010 GT Greater than zero ZF == 0 AND NF == 0
0011 GEQ Greater than or equal to zero NF == 0
0100 LT Less than zero NF == 1
0101 LEQ Less than or equal to zero ZF == 1 OR NF == 1
1010 TF Test flag set TF == 1
1011 NTF Test flag not set TF == 0
1100 LU Latched underflow LUF == 1
1101 LV Latched overflow LVF == 1
1110 UNC Unconditional None
1111 UNCF Unconditional with flag None
Values not shown are reserved.
This is the default operation if no CNDF field is specified. This condition will allow the ZF, and NF flags to
be modified when a conditional operation is executed. All other conditions will not modify these flags.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

if(CNDF == UNCF)
NF = MRa(31); ZF = 0;
if(MRa(30:23) == 0) {ZF = 1; NF = 0;}
else No flags modified;

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

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Example ; Given: X = 8.0

; Y = 7.0
; A = 2.0
; B = 5.0
; _ClaTask1
MMOV32 MR3, @_X ; MR3 = X = 8.0
MMOV32 MR0, @_Y ; MR0 = Y = 7.0
MMAXF32 MR3, MR0 ; ZF = 0, NF = 0, MR3 = 8.0
MMOV32 MR1, @_A, GT ; true, MR1 = A = 2.0
MMOV32 MR1, @_B, LT ; false, does not load MR1
MMOV32 MR2, MR1, GT ; true, MR2 = MR1 = 2.0
MMOV32 MR2, MR0, LT ; false, does not load MR2

See also MMOV32 MRa, mem32 {,CNDF}

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MMOV32 MSTF, mem32 Move 32-Bit Value from Memory to the MSTF Register

MSTF CLA status register
mem32 32-bit source memory location

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0111 0111 0000 addr

Description Move from memory to the CLA's status register MSTF. This instruction is most useful
when nesting function calls (via MCCNDD).
MSTF = [mem32];

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Loading the status register will overwrite all flags and the RPC field. The MEALLOW field
is not affected.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.


See also MMOV32 mem32, MSTF

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MMOVD32 MRa, mem32 Move 32-Bit Value from Memory with Data Copy

MRa CLA floating-point register (MR0 to MR3)
mem32 32-bit memory location accessed using one of the available addressing modes

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0111 0100 00aa addr

Description Move the 32-bit value referenced by mem32 to the floating-point register indicated by
MRa = [mem32];
[mem32+2] = [mem32];

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(30:23) == 0){ ZF = 1; NF = 0; }

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; sum = X0*B0 + X1*B1 + X2*B2 + Y1*A1 + Y2*B2
; X2 = X1
; X1 = X0
; Y2 = Y1
; Y1 = sum
MMOV32 MR0, @_B2 ; MR0 = B2
MMOV32 MR1, @_X2 ; MR1 = X2
MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR0 ; MR2 = X2*B2
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_B1 ; MR0 = B1
MMOVD32 MR1, @_X1 ; MR1 = X1, X2 = X1
MMPYF32 MR3, MR1, MR0 ; MR3 = X1*B1
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_B0 ; MR0 = B0
MMOVD32 MR1, @_X0 ; MR1 = X0, X1 = X0

; MR3 = X1*B1 + X2*B2, MR2 = X0*B0

; MR0 = A2
MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MR2, MR1, MR0
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_A2

MMOV32 MR1, @_Y2 ; MR1 = Y2

; MR3 = X0*B0 + X1*B1 + X2*B2, MR2 = Y2*A2

; MR0 = A1
MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MR2, MR1, MR0
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_A1

MMOVD32 MR1,@_Y1 ; MR1 = Y1, Y2 = Y1

MADDF32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; MR3 = Y2*A2 + X0*B0 + X1*B1 + X2*B2
|| MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR0 ; MR2 = Y1*A1
MADDF32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; MR3 = Y1*A1 + Y2*A2 + X0*B0 + X1*B1 + X2*B2
MMOV32 @_Y1, MR3 ; Y1 = MR3
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MMOV32 MRa, mem32 {,CNDF}

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MMOVF32 MRa, #32F Load the 32-Bits of a 32-Bit Floating-Point Register

Operands This instruction is an alias for MMOVIZ and MMOVXI instructions. The second operand
is translated by the assembler such that the instruction becomes:
MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
#32F immediate float value represented in floating-point representation

Opcode LSW: IIII IIII IIII IIII (opcode of MMOVIZ MRa, #16FHiHex)
MSW: 0111 1000 0100 00aa
MSW: 0111 1000 1000 00aa

Description Note: This instruction accepts the immediate operand only in floating-point
representation. To specify the immediate value as a hex value (IEEE 32-bit floating-
point format) use the MOVI32 MRa, #32FHex instruction.
Load the 32-bits of MRa with the immediate float value represented by #32F.
#32F is a float value represented in floating-point representation. The assembler will only
accept a float value represented in floating-point representation. That is, 3.0 can only be
represented as #3.0. #0x40400000 will result in an error.
MRa = #32F;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline Depending on #32FH, this instruction takes one or two cycles. If all of the lower 16-bits
of the IEEE 32-bit floating-point format of #32F are zeros, then the assembler will
convert MMOVF32 into only MMOVIZ instruction. If the lower 16-bits of the IEEE 32-bit
floating-point format of #32F are not zeros, then the assembler will convert MMOVF32
into MMOVIZ and MMOVXI instructions.
Example MMOVF32 MR1, #3.0 ; MR1 = 3.0 (0x40400000)
; Assembler converts this instruction as
; MMOVIZ MR1, #0x4040

MMOVF32 MR2, #0.0 ; MR2 = 0.0 (0x00000000)

; Assembler converts this instruction as
; MMOVIZ MR2, #0x0

MMOVF32 MR3, #12.265 ; MR3 = 12.625 (0x41443D71)

; Assembler converts this instruction as
; MMOVIZ MR3, #0x4144
; MMOVXI MR3, #0x3D71

See also MMOVIZ MRa, #16FHi

MMOVI32 MRa, #32FHex

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MMOVI16 MARx, #16I Load the Auxiliary Register with the 16-Bit Immediate Value

MARx Auxiliary register MAR0 or MAR1
#16I 16-bit immediate value

Opcode LSW: IIII IIII IIII IIII (opcode of MMOVI16 MAR0, #16I)
MSW: 0111 1111 1100 0000


MSW: 0111 1111 1110 0000

Description Load the auxiliary register, MAR0 or MAR1, with a 16-bit immediate value. Refer to the
pipeline section for important information regarding this instruction.
MARx = #16I;

Flags This instruction does not modify flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction. The immediate load of MAR0 or MAR1 will occur in the
EXE phase of the pipeline. Any post increment of MAR0 or MAR1 using indirect
addressing will occur in the D2 phase of the pipeline. Therefore the following applies
when loading the auxiliary registers:
• I1 and I2
The two instructions following MMOVI16 will use MAR0/MAR1 before the update
occurs. Thus these two instructions will use the old value of MAR0 or MAR1.
• I3
Loading of an auxiliary register occurs in the EXE phase while updates due to post-
increment addressing occur in the D2 phase. Thus I3 cannot use the auxiliary
register or there will be a conflict. In the case of a conflict, the update due to address-
mode post increment will win snd the auxiliary register will not be updated with #_X.
• I4
Starting with the 4th instruction MAR0 or MAR1 will be the new value loaded with
; Assume MAR0 is 50 and #_X is 20

MMOVI16 MAR0, #_X ; Load MAR0 with address of X (20)

<Instruction 1> ; I1 Will use the old value of MAR0 (50)
<Instruction 2> ; I2 Will use the old value of MAR0 (50)
<Instruction 3> ; I3 Cannot use MAR0
<Instruction 4> ; I4 Will use the new value of MAR0 (20)
<Instruction 5> ; I5
Table 6-18. Pipeline Activity For MMOVI16 MAR0/MAR1, #16I
Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
I2 I2 I1 MMOVI16
I3 I3 I2 I1 MMOVI16
I4 I4 I3 I2 I1 MMOVI16
I5 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 MMOVI16
I6 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1

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MMOVI32 MRa, #32FHex Load the 32-Bits of a 32-Bit Floating-Point Register with the Immediate

MRa floating-point register (MR0 to MR3)
#32FHex A 32-bit immediate value that represents an IEEE 32-bit floating-point value.

This instruction is an alias for MMOVIZ and MMOVXI instructions. The second operand
is translated by the assembler such that the instruction becomes:

Opcode LSW: IIII IIII IIII IIII (opcode of MMOVIZ MRa, #16FHiHex)
MSW: 0111 1000 0100 00aa


MSW: 0111 1000 1000 00aa

Description Note: This instruction only accepts a hex value as the immediate operand. To specify the
immediate value with a floating-point representation use the MMOVF32 MRa, #32F
Load the 32-bits of MRa with the immediate 32-bit hex value represented by #32Fhex.
#32Fhex is a 32-bit immediate hex value that represents the IEEE 32-bit floating-point
value of a floating-point number. The assembler will only accept a hex immediate value.
That is, 3.0 can only be represented as #0x40400000. #3.0 will result in an error.
MRa = #32FHex;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline Depending on #32FHex, this instruction takes one or two cycles. If all of the lower 16-
bits of #32FHex are zeros, then assembler will convert MOVI32 to the MMOVIZ
instruction. If the lower 16-bits of #32FHex are not zeros, then assembler will convert
MOVI32 to a MMOVIZ and a MMOVXI instruction.
Example MOVI32 MR1, #0x40400000 ; MR1 = 0x40400000
; Assembler converts this instruction as
; MMOVIZ MR1, #0x4040

MOVI32 MR2, #0x00000000 ; MR2 = 0x00000000

; Assembler converts this instruction as
; MMOVIZ MR2, #0x0

MOVI32 MR3, #0x40004001 ; MR3 = 0x40004001

; Assembler converts this instruction as
; MMOVIZ MR3, #0x4000
; MMOVXI MR3, #0x4001

MOVI32 MR0, #0x00004040 ; MR0 = 0x00004040

; Assembler converts this instruction as
; MMOVIZ MR0, #0x0000
; MMOVXI MR0, #0x4040

See also MMOVIZ MRa, #16FHi

MMOVF32 MRa, #32F

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MMOVIZ MRa, #16FHi Load the Upper 16-Bits of a 32-Bit Floating-Point Register

MRa floating-point register (MR0 to MR3)
#16FHi A 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-
point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0.


MSW: 0111 1000 0100 00aa

Description Load the upper 16-bits of MRa with the immediate value #16FHi and clear the low 16-
bits of MRa.
#16FHiHex is a 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-
bit floating-point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0. The
assembler will only accept a decimal or hex immediate value. That is, -1.5 can be
represented as #-1.5 or #0xBFC0.
By itself, MMOVIZ is useful for loading a floating-point register with a constant in which
the lowest 16-bits of the mantissa are 0. Some examples are 2.0 (0x40000000), 4.0
(0x40800000), 0.5 (0x3F000000), and -1.5 (0xBFC00000). If a constant requires all 32-
bits of a floating-point register to be iniitalized, then use MMOVIZ along with the
MMOVXI instruction.
MRa(31:16) = #16FHi;
MRa(15:0) = 0;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Load MR0 and MR1 with -1.5 (0xBFC00000)
MMOVIZ MR0, #0xBFC0 ; MR0 = 0xBFC00000 (1.5)
MMOVIZ MR1, #-1.5 ; MR1 = -1.5 (0xBFC00000)

; Load MR2 with pi = 3.141593 (0x40490FDB)

MMOVIZ MR2, #0x4049 ; MR2 = 0x40490000
MMOVXI MR2, #0x0FDB ; MR2 = 0x40490FDB

See also MMOVF32 MRa, #32F

MMOVI32 MRa, #32FHex

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MMOVZ16 MRa, mem16 Load MRx With 16-bit Value

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
mem16 16-bit source memory location

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0111 0101 10aa addr

Description Move the 16-bit value referenced by mem16 to the floating-point register indicated by
MRa(31:16) = 0;
MRa(15:0) = [mem16];

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified based on the integer results of the operation.
NF = 0;
if (MRa(31:0)== 0) { ZF = 1; }

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

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MMOVXI MRa, #16FLoHex Move Immediate to the Low 16-Bits of a Floating-Point Register

MRa CLA floating-point register (MR0 to MR3)
#16FLoHex A 16-bit immediate hex value that represents the lower 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit
floating-point value. The upper 16-bits will not be modified.


MSW: 0111 1000 1000 00aa

Description Load the low 16-bits of MRa with the immediate value #16FLoHex. #16FLoHex
represents the lower 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-point value. The upper 16-bits of
MRa will not be modified. MMOVXI can be combined with the MMOVIZ instruction to
initialize all 32-bits of a MRa register.
MRa(15:0) = #16FLoHex;
MRa(31:16) = Unchanged;

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Load MR0 with pi = 3.141593 (0x40490FDB)
MMOVIZ MR0,#0x4049 ; MR0 = 0x40490000
MMOVXI MR0,#0x0FDB ; MR0 = 0x40490FDB

See also MMOVIZ MRa, #16FHi

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MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
MRc CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 00cc bbaa

MSW: 0111 1100 0000 0000

Description Multiply the contents of two floating-point registers.

MRa = MRb * MRc;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MMPYF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MMPYF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Calculate Num/Den using a Newton-Raphson algorithum for 1/Den
; Ye = Estimate(1/X)
; Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*X)
; Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*X)
MMOV32 MR1, @_Den ; MR1 = Den
MEINVF32 MR2, MR1 ; MR2 = Ye = Estimate(1/Den)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR2, MR1 ; MR3 = Ye*Den
MSUBF32 MR3, #2.0, MR3 ; MR3 = 2.0 - Ye*Den
MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, MR3 ; MR2 = Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*Den)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR2, MR1 ; MR3 = Ye*Den
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_Num ; MR0 = Num
MSUBF32 MR3, #2.0, MR3 ; MR3 = 2.0 - Ye*Den
MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, MR3 ; MR2 = Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*Den)
|| MMOV32 MR1, @_Den ; Reload Den To Set Sign
MNEGF32 MR0, MR0, EQ ; if(Den == 0.0) Change Sign Of Num
MMPYF32 MR0, MR2, MR0 ; MR0 = Y = Ye*Num
MMOV32 @_Dest, MR0 ; Store result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MMPYF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb

MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf
MMPYF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32
MMPYF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 mem32, MRa
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf
MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32

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MMPYF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
#16FHi A 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-
point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0.
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)


MSW: 0111 0111 1000 bbaa

Description Multiply MRb with the floating-point value represented by the immediate operand. Store
the result of the addition in MRa.
#16FHi is a 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit
floating-point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0. #16FHi is
most useful for representing constants where the lowest 16-bits of the mantissa are 0.
Some examples are 2.0 (0x40000000), 4.0 (0x40800000), 0.5 (0x3F000000), and -1.5
(0xBFC00000). The assembler will accept either a hex or float as the immediate value.
That is, the value -1.5 can be represented as #-1.5 or #0xBFC0.
MRa = MRb * #16FHi:0;

This instruction can also be written as MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:.
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MMPYF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MMPYF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example 1 ; Same as example 2 but #16FHi is represented in float
MMOVIZ MR3, #2.0 ; MR3 = 2.0 (0x40000000)
MMPYF32 MR0, #3.0, MR3 ; MR0 = 3.0 * MR3 = 6.0 (0x40C00000)
MMOV32 @_X, MR0 ; Save the result in variable X

Example 2 ; Same as example 1 but #16FHi is represented in Hex

MMOVIZ MR3, #2.0 ; MR3 = 2.0 (0x40000000)
MMPYF32 MR0, #0x4040, MR3 ; MR0 = 0x4040 * MR3 = 6.0 (0x40C00000)
MMOV32 @_X, MR0 ; Save the result in variable X

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Example 3 ; Given X, M and B are IQ24 numbers:

; X = IQ24(+2.5) = 0x02800000
; M = IQ24(+1.5) = 0x01800000
; B = IQ24(-0.5) = 0xFF800000
; Calculate Y = X * M + B
; Convert M, X and B from IQ24 to float
MI32TOF32 MR0, @_M ; MR0 = 0x4BC00000
MI32TOF32 MR1, @_X ; MR1 = 0x4C200000
MI32TOF32 MR2, @_B ; MR2 = 0xCB000000
MMPYF32 MR0, MR0, #0x3380 ; M = 1/(1*2^24) * iqm = 1.5 (0x3FC00000)
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, #0x3380 ; X = 1/(1*2^24) * iqx = 2.5 (0x40200000)
MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, #0x3380 ; B = 1/(1*2^24) * iqb = -.5 (0xBF000000)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; M*X
MADDF32 MR2, MR2, MR3 ; Y=MX+B = 3.25 (0x40500000)
; Convert Y from float32 to IQ24
MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, #0x4B80 ; Y * 1*2^24
MF32TOI32 MR2, MR2 ; IQ24(Y) = 0x03400000
MMOV32 @_Y, MR2 ; store result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi

MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf

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MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
#16FHi A 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-
point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0.


MSW: 0111 0111 1000 bbaa

Description Multiply MRb with the floating-point value represented by the immediate operand. Store
the result of the addition in MRa.
#16FHi is a 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit
floating-point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0. #16FHi is
most useful for representing constants where the lowest 16-bits of the mantissa are 0.
Some examples are 2.0 (0x40000000), 4.0 (0x40800000), 0.5 (0x3F000000), and -1.5
(0xBFC00000). The assembler will accept either a hex or float as the immediate value.
That is, the value -1.5 can be represented as #-1.5 or #0xBFC0.
MRa = MRb * #16FHi:0;

This instruction can also be writen as MMPYF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:.
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MMPYF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MMPYF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example 1 ;Same as example 2 but #16FHi is represented in float
MMOVIZ MR3, #2.0 ; MR3 = 2.0 (0x40000000)
MMPYF32 MR0, MR3, #3.0 ; MR0 = MR3 * 3.0 = 6.0 (0x40C00000)
MMOV32 @_X, MR0 ; Save the result in variable X

Example 2 ;Same as above example but #16FHi is represented in Hex

MMOVIZ MR3, #2.0 ; MR3 = 2.0 (0x40000000)
MMPYF32 MR0, MR3, #0x4040 ; MR0 = MR3 * 0x4040 = 6.0 (0x40C00000)
MMOV32 @_X, MR0 ; Save the result in variable X

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Example 3 ; Given X, M and B are IQ24 numbers:

; X = IQ24(+2.5) = 0x02800000
; M = IQ24(+1.5) = 0x01800000
; B = IQ24(-0.5) = 0xFF800000
; Calculate Y = X * M + B
; Convert M, X and B from IQ24 to float
MI32TOF32 MR0, @_M ; MR0 = 0x4BC00000
MI32TOF32 MR1, @_X ; MR1 = 0x4C200000
MI32TOF32 MR2, @_B ; MR2 = 0xCB000000
MMPYF32 MR0, #0x3380, MR0 ; M = 1/(1*2^24) * iqm = 1.5 (0x3FC00000)
MMPYF32 MR1, #0x3380, MR1 ; X = 1/(1*2^24) * iqx = 2.5 (0x40200000)
MMPYF32 MR2, #0x3380, MR2 ; B = 1/(1*2^24) * iqb = -.5 (0xBF000000)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; M*X
MADDF32 MR2, MR2, MR3 ; Y=MX+B = 3.25 (0x40500000)

; Convert Y from float32 to IQ24

MMPYF32 MR2, #0x4B80, MR2 ; Y * 1*2^24
MF32TOI32 MR2, MR2 ; IQ24(Y) = 0x03400000
MMOV32 @_Y, MR2 ; store result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MMPYF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb


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MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc||MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply with Parallel

MRa CLA floating-point destination register for MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRa cannot be the same register as MRd
MRb CLA floating-point source register for MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRc CLA floating-point source register for MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRd CLA floating-point destination register for MADDF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRd cannot be the same register as MRa
MRe CLA floating-point source register for MADDF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRf CLA floating-point source register for MADDF32 (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 ffee ddcc bbaa

MSW: 0111 1010 0000 0000

Description Multiply the contents of two floating-point registers with parallel addition of two registers.
MRa = MRb * MRc;
MRd = MRe + MRf;

Restrictions The destination register for the MMPYF32 and the MADDF32 must be unique. That is,
MRa cannot be the same register as MRd.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MMPYF32 or MADDF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MMPYF32 or MADDF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline Both MMPYF32 and MADDF32 complete in a single cycle.

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Example ; Perform 5 multiply and accumulate operations:

; X and Y are 32-bit floating point arrays
; 1st multiply: A = X0 * Y0
; 2nd multiply: B = X1 * Y1
; 3rd multiply: C = X2 * Y2
; 4th multiply: D = X3 * Y3
; 5th multiply: E = X3 * Y3
; Result = A + B + C + D + E
MMOVI16 MAR0, #_X ; MAR0 points to X array
MMOVI16 MAR1, #_Y ; MAR1 points to Y array
MNOP ; Delay for MAR0, MAR1 load
MNOP ; Delay for MAR0, MAR1 load
; <-- MAR0 valid
MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; MR0 = X0, MAR0 += 2
; <-- MAR1 valid
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y0, MAR1 += 2

MMPYF32 MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR2 = A = X0 * Y0

|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; In parallel MR0 = X1, MAR0 += 2
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y1, MAR1 += 2

MMPYF32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; MR3 = B = X1 * Y1

|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; In parallel MR0 = X2, MAR0 += 2
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y2, MAR2 += 2

MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR3 = A + B, MR2 = C = X2 * Y2

|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0[2]++ ; In parallel MR0 = X3
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = Y3

MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR3 = (A + B) + C, MR2 = D = X3 * Y3

|| MMOV32 MR0, *MAR0 ; In parallel MR0 = X4
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1 ; MR1 = Y4

MMPYF32 MR2, MR0, MR1 ; MR2 = E = X4 * Y4

|| MADDF32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; in parallel MR3 = (A + B + C) + D

MADDF32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; MR3 = (A + B + C + D) + E

MMOV32 @_Result, MR3 ; Store the result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32

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MMPYF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply with Parallel Move

MRd CLA floating-point destination register for the MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRd cannot be the same register as MRa
MRe CLA floating-point source register for the MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRf CLA floating-point source register for the MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRa CLA floating-point destination register for the MMOV32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRa cannot be the same register as MRd
mem32 32-bit memory location accessed using one of the available addressing modes. This
will be the source of the MMOV32.

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0000 ffee ddaa addr

Description Multiply the contents of two floating-point registers and load another.
MRd = MRe * MRf;
MRa = [mem32];

Restrictions The destination register for the MMPYF32 and the MMOV32 must be unique. That is,
MRa cannot be the same register as MRd.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:.
Modified No Yes Yes Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MMPYF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MMPYF32 generates an overflow condition.
The MMOV32 Instruction will set the NF and ZF flags as follows:
NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(30:23) == 0) { ZF = 1; NF = 0; }

Pipeline Both MMPYF32 and MMOV32 complete in a single cycle.

Example 1 ; Given M1, X1 and B1 are 32-bit floating point
; Calculate Y1 = M1*X1+B1
MMOV32 MR0, @M1 ; Load MR0 with M1
MMOV32 MR1, @X1 ; Load MR1 with X1
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR0 ; Multiply M1*X1
|| MMOV32 MR0, @B1 ; and in parallel load MR0 with B1
MADDF32 MR1, MR1, MR0 ; Add M*X1 to B1 and store in MR1
MMOV32 @Y1, MR1 ; Store the result
MSTOP ; end of task

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Example 2 ; Given A, B and C are 32-bit floating-point numbers

; Calculate Y2 = (A * B)
; Y3 = (A * B) * C
MMOV32 MR0, @A ; Load MR0 with A
MMOV32 MR1, @B ; Load MR1 with B
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR0 ; Multiply A*B
|| MMOV32 MR0, @C ; and in parallel load MR0 with C
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR0 ; Multiply (A*B) by C
|| MMOV32 @Y2, MR1 ; and in parallel store A*B
MMOV32 @Y3, MR1 ; Store the result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MMPYF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 mem32, MRa

MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32

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MMPYF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 mem32, MRa 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply with Parallel Move

MRd CLA floating-point destination register for the MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRe CLA floating-point source register for the MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRf CLA floating-point source register for the MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
mem32 32-bit memory location accessed using one of the available addressing modes. This
will be the destination of the MMOV32.
MRa CLA floating-point source register for the MMOV32 (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0100 ffee ddaa addr

Description Multiply the contents of two floating-point registers and move from memory to register.
MRd = MRe * MRf;
[mem32] = MRa;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MMPYF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MMPYF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline MMPYF32 and MMOV32 both complete in a single cycle.

Example ; Given A, B and C are 32-bit floating-point numbers
; Calculate Y2 = (A * B)
; Y3 = (A * B) * C
MMOV32 MR0, @A ; Load MR0 with A
MMOV32 MR1, @B ; Load MR1 with B
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR0 ; Multiply A*B
|| MMOV32 MR0, @C ; and in parallel load MR0 with C
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR0 ; Multiply (A*B) by C
|| MMOV32 @Y2, MR1 ; and in parallel store A*B
MMOV32 @Y3, MR1 ; Store the result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MMPYF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32

MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32

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MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc ||MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf 32-Bit Floating-Point Multiply with Parallel

MRa CLA floating-point destination register for MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRa cannot be the same register as MRd
MRb CLA floating-point source register for MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRc CLA floating-point source register for MMPYF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRd CLA floating-point destination register for MSUBF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRd cannot be the same register as MRa
MRe CLA floating-point source register for MSUBF32 (MR0 to MR3)
MRf CLA floating-point source register for MSUBF32 (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 ffee ddcc bbaa

MSW: 0111 1010 0100 0000

Description Multiply the contents of two floating-point registers with parallel subtraction of two
MRa = MRb * MRc;
MRd = MRe - MRf;

Restrictions The destination register for the MMPYF32 and the MSUBF32 must be unique. That is,
MRa cannot be the same register as MRd.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:.
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MMPYF32 or MSUBF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MMPYF32 or MSUBF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline MMPYF32 and MSUBF32 both complete in a single cycle.

Example ; Given A, B and C are 32-bit floating-point numbers
; Calculate Y2 = (A * B)
; Y3 = (A - B)
MMOV32 MR0, @A ; Load MR0 with A
MMOV32 MR1, @B ; Load MR1 with B
MMPYF32 MR2, MR0, MR1 ; Multiply (A*B)
|| MSUBF32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; and in parallel Sub (A-B)
MMOV32 @Y2, MR2 ; Store A*B
MMOV32 @Y3, MR3 ; Store A-B
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MSUBF32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32
MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 mem32, MRa

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MNEGF32 MRa, MRb{, CNDF} Conditional Negation

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
CNDF condition tested

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 cndf bbaa

MSW: 0111 1010 1000 0000

Description if (CNDF == true) {MRa = - MRb; }

else {MRa = MRb; }

CNDF is one of the following conditions:

Encode CNDF Description MSTF Flags Tested
0000 NEQ Not equal to zero ZF == 0
0001 EQ Equal to zero ZF == 1
0010 GT Greater than zero ZF == 0 AND NF == 0
0011 GEQ Greater than or equal to zero NF == 0
0100 LT Less than zero NF == 1
0101 LEQ Less than or equal to zero ZF == 1 OR NF == 1
1010 TF Test flag set TF == 1
1011 NTF Test flag not set TF == 0
1100 LU Latched underflow LUF == 1
1101 LV Latched overflow LVF == 1
1110 UNC Unconditional None
1111 UNCF Unconditional with flag None
Values not shown are reserved.
This is the default operation if no CNDF field is specified. This condition will allow the ZF, and NF flags to
be modified when a conditional operation is executed. All other conditions will not modify these flags.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example 1
; Show the basic operation of MNEGF32
MMOVIZ MR0, #5.0 ; MR0 = 5.0 (0x40A00000)
MMOVIZ MR1, #4.0 ; MR1 = 4.0 (0x40800000)
MMOVIZ MR2, #-1.5 ; MR2 = -1.5 (0xBFC00000)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR1, MR2 ; MR3 = -6.0
MMPYF32 MR0, MR0, MR1 ; MR0 = 20.0
MMOVIZ MR1, #0.0
MCMPF32 MR3, MR1 ; NF = 1
MNEGF32 MR3, MR3, LT ; if NF = 1, MR3 = 6.0
MCMPF32 MR0, MR1 ; NF = 0
MNEGF32 MR0, MR0, GEQ ; if NF = 0, MR0 = -20.0

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Example 2 ; Calculate Num/Den using a Newton-Raphson algorithum for 1/Den

; Ye = Estimate(1/X)
; Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*X)
; Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*X)
MMOV32 MR1, @_Den ; MR1 = Den
MEINVF32 MR2, MR1 ; MR2 = Ye = Estimate(1/Den)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR2, MR1 ; MR3 = Ye*Den
MSUBF32 MR3, #2.0, MR3 ; MR3 = 2.0 - Ye*Den
MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, MR3 ; MR2 = Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*Den)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR2, MR1 ; MR3 = Ye*Den
|| MMOV32 MR0, @_Num ; MR0 = Num
MSUBF32 MR3, #2.0, MR3 ; MR3 = 2.0 - Ye*Den
MMPYF32 MR2, MR2, MR3 ; MR2 = Ye = Ye*(2.0 - Ye*Den)
|| MMOV32 MR1, @_Den ; Reload Den To Set Sign
MNEGF32 MR0, MR0, EQ ; if(Den == 0.0) Change Sign Of Num
MMPYF32 MR0, MR2, MR0 ; MR0 = Y = Ye*Num
MMOV32 @_Dest, MR0 ; Store result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MABSF32 MRa, MRb

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MNOP No Operation

none This instruction does not have any operands

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 0000

MSW: 0111 1111 1010 0000

Description Do nothing. This instruction is used to fill required pipeline delay slots when other
instructions are not available to fill the slots.

Flags This instruction does not modify flags in the MSTF register.
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; X is an array of 32-bit floating-point values
; Find the maximum value in an array X
; and store it in Result
MMOVI16 MAR1,#_X ; Start address
MUI16TOF32 MR0, @_len ; Length of the array
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = X0
MMOV32 MR2, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR2 = next element
MMAXF32 MR1, MR2 ; MR1 = MAX(MR1, MR2)
MADDF32 MR0, MR0, #-1.0 ; Decrememt the counter
MCMPF32 MR0 #0.0 ; Set/clear flags for MBCNDD
MNOP ; Too late to affect MBCNDD
MNOP ; Too late to affect MBCNDD
MNOP ; Too late to affect MBCNDD
MBCNDD LOOP, NEQ ; Branch if not equal to zero
MMOV32 @_Result, MR1 ; Always executed
MNOP ; Pad to seperate MBCNDD and MSTOP
MNOP ; Pad to seperate MBCNDD and MSTOP
MSTOP ; End of task

See also

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MOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc Bitwise OR

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
MRc CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 00cc bbaa

MSW: 0111 1100 1000 0000

Description Bitwise OR of MRb with MRc.

MARa(31:0) = MARb(31:0) OR MRc(31:0);

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified based on the integer results of the operation.
NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(31:0) == 0) { ZF = 1; }

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

MMOVIZ MR0, #0x5555 ; MR0 = 0x5555AAAA

MMOVIZ MR1, #0x5432 ; MR1 = 0x5432FEDC


; 0101 OR 0101 = 0101 (5)

; 0101 OR 0100 = 0101 (5)
; 0101 OR 0011 = 0111 (7)
; 0101 OR 0010 = 0111 (7)
; 1010 OR 1111 = 1111 (F)
; 1010 OR 1110 = 1110 (E)
; 1010 OR 1101 = 1111 (F)
; 1010 OR 1100 = 1110 (E)
MOR32 MR2, MR1, MR0 ; MR3 = 0x5555FEFE

See also MAND32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MXOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc

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MRCNDD {CNDF} Return Conditional Delayed

CNDF optional condition.

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 0000

MSW: 0111 1001 1010 cndf

Description If the specified condition is true, then the RPC field of MSTF is loaded into MPC and
fetching continues from that location. Otherwise program fetches will continue without
the return.
Please refer to the pipeline section for important information regarding this instruction.
if (CNDF == TRUE) MPC = RPC;

CNDF is one of the following conditions:

Encode CNDF Description MSTF Flags Tested
0000 NEQ Not equal to zero ZF == 0
0001 EQ Equal to zero ZF == 1
0010 GT Greater than zero ZF == 0 AND NF == 0
0011 GEQ Greater than or equal to zero NF == 0
0100 LT Less than zero NF == 1
0101 LEQ Less than or equal to zero ZF == 1 OR NF == 1
1010 TF Test flag set TF == 1
1011 NTF Test flag not set TF == 0
1100 LU Latched underflow LUF == 1
1101 LV Latched overflow LVF == 1
1110 UNC Unconditional None
1111 UNCF Unconditional with flag None
Values not shown are reserved.
This is the default operation if no CNDF field is specified. This condition will allow the ZF and NF flags to
be modified when a conditional operation is executed. All other conditions will not modify these flags.

Flags This instruction does not modify flags in the MSTF register.
Modified No No No No No

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Pipeline The MRCNDD instruction by itself is a single-cycle instruction. As shown in Table 6-19,
for each return 6 instruction slots are executed; three before the return instruction (d5-
d7) and three after the return instruction (d8-d10). The total number of cycles for a return
taken or not taken depends on the usage of these slots. That is, the number of cycles
depends on how many slots are filled with a MNOP as well as which slots are filled. The
effective number of cycles for a return can, therefore, range from 1 to 7 cycles. The
number of cycles for a return taken may not be the same as for a return not taken.
Referring to the following code fragment and the pipeline diagrams in Table 6-19 and
Table 6-20, the instructions before and after MRCNDD have the following properties:

<Instruction 1> ; I1 Last instruction that can affect flags for
; the MCCNDD operation
<Instruction 2> ; I2 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 3> ; I3 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 4> ; I4 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return

MCCNDD _func, NEQ ; Call to func if not eqal to zero

; Three instructions after MCCNDD are always
; executed whether the call is taken or not
<Instruction 5> ; I5 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 6> ; I6 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 7> ; I7 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Instruction 8> ; I8 The address of this instruction is saved
; in the RPC field of the MSTF register.
; Upon return this value is loaded into MPC
; and fetching continues from this point.
<Instruction 9> ; I9
<Instruction 10> ; I10
<Destination 1> ; d1 Can be any instruction
<Destination 2> ; d2
<Destination 3> ; d3
<Destination 4> ; d4 Last instruction that can affect flags for
; the MRCNDD operation
<Destination 5> ; d5 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Destination 6> ; d6 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Destination 7> ; d7 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return

MRCNDD NEQ ; Return to <Instruction 8> if not equal to zero

; Three instructions after MRCNDD are always
; executed whether the return is taken or not
<Destination 8> ; d8 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Destination 9> ; d9 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Destination 10> ; d10 Cannot be stop, branch, call or return
<Destination 11> ; d11
<Destination 12> ; d12
• d4
– d4 is the last instruction that can effect the CNDF flags for the MRCNDD
instruction. The CNDF flags are tested in the D2 phase of the pipeline. That is, a
decision is made whether to return or not when MRCNDD is in the D2 phase.
– There are no restrictions on the type of instruction for d4.
• d5, d6 and d7
– The three instructions proceeding MRCNDD can change MSTF flags but will have
no effect on whether the MRCNDD instruction makes the return or not. This is
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because the flag modification will occur after the D2 phase of the MRCNDD
– These instructions must not be the following: MSTOP, MDEBUGSTOP,
• d8, d9 and d10
– The three instructions following MRCNDD are always executed irrespective of
whether the return is taken or not.
– These instructions must not be the following: MSTOP, MDEBUGSTOP,

Table 6-19. Pipeline Activity For MRCNDD, Return Not Taken

Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
d4 d4 d3 d2 d1 I7 I6 I5
d5 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 I7 I6
d6 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 i7
d7 d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1
MRCNDD MRCNDD d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2
d8 d8 MRCNDD d7 d6 d5 d4 d3
d9 d9 d8 MRCNDD d7 d6 d5 d4
d10 d10 d9 d8 MRCNDD d7 d6 d5
d11 d11 d10 d9 d8 - d7 d6
d12 d12 d11 d10 d9 d8 - d7
etc.... .... d12 d11 d10 d9 d8 -
.... .... .... d12 d11 d10 d9 d8
.... .... .... .... d12 d11 d10 d9
d12 d11 d10
d12 d11

Table 6-20. Pipeline Activity For MRCNDD, Return Taken

Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
d4 d4 d3 d2 d1 I7 I6 I5
d5 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 I7 I6
d6 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 i7
d7 d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1
MRCNDD MRCNDD d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2
d8 d8 MRCNDD d7 d6 d5 d4 d3
d9 d9 d8 MRCNDD d7 d6 d5 d4
d10 d10 d9 d8 MRCNDD d7 d6 d5
I8 I8 d10 d9 d8 - d7 d6
I9 I9 I8 d10 d9 d8 - d7
I10 I10 I9 I8 d10 d9 d8 -
etc.... .... I10 I9 I8 d10 d9 d8
.... .... I10 I9 I8 d10 d9
.... .... I10 I9 I8 d10
I10 I9 I8
I10 I9

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Example ;

See also MBCNDD #16BitDest, CNDF

MMOV32 mem32, MSTF
MMOV32 MSTF, mem32

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MSETFLG FLAG, VALUE Set or Clear Selected Floating-Point Status Flags

FLAG 8 bit mask indicating which floating-point status flags to change.
VALUE 8 bit mask indicating the flag value; 0 or 1.


MSW: 0111 1001 1100 0000

Description The MSETFLG instruction is used to set or clear selected floating-point status flags in
the MSTF register. The FLAG field is an 11-bit value that indicates which flags will be
changed. That is, if a FLAG bit is set to 1 it indicates that flag will be changed; all other
flags will not be modified. The bit mapping of the FLAG field is shown below:
RNDF3 reserve reserve TF reserve reserved ZF NF LUF LVF
2 d d d

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

The VALUE field indicates the value the flag should be set to; 0 or 1.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Any flag can be modified by this instruction. The MEALLOW and RPC fields cannot be
modified with this instruction.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example To make it easier and legible, the assembler accepts a FLAG=VALUE syntax for the
MSTFLG operation as shown below:
MSETFLG RNDF32=0, TF=0, NF=1; FLAG = 11000100; VALUE = 00XXX1XX;

See also MMOV32 mem32, MSTF

MMOV32 MSTF, mem32

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MSTOP Stop Task

none This instruction does not have any operands

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 0000

MSW: 0111 1111 1000 0000

Description The MSTOP instruction must be placed to indicate the end of each task. In addition,
placing MSTOP in unused memory locations within the CLA program RAM can be useful
for debugging and preventing run away CLA code. When MSTOP enters the D2 phase
of the pipeline, the MIRUN flag for the task is cleared and the associated interrupt is
flagged in the PIE vector table.
There are three special cases that can occur when single-stepping a task such that the
MPC reaches the MSTOP instruction.
1. If you are single-stepping or halted in "task A" and "task B" comes in before the MPC
reaches the MSTOP, then "task B" will start if you continue to step through the
MSTOP instruction. Basically if "task B" is pending before the MPC reaches MSTOP
in "task A" then there is no issue in "task B" starting and no special action is required.
2. In this case you have single-stepped or halted in "task A" and the MPC has reached
the MSTOP with no tasks pending. If "task B" comes in at this point, it will be flagged
in the MIFR register but it may or may not start if you continue to single-step through
the MSTOP instruction of "task A". It depends on exactly when the new task comes
in. To reliably start "task B" perform a soft reset and reconfigure the MIER bits. Once
this is done, you can start single-stepping "task B".
3. Case 2 can be handled slightly differently if there is control over when "task B" comes
in (for example using the IACK instruction to start the task). In this case you have
single-stepped or halted in "task A" and the MPC has reached the MSTOP with no
tasks pending. Before forcing "task B", run free to force the CLA out of the debug
state. Once this is done you can force "task B" and continue debugging.

Restrictions The MSTOP instruction cannot be placed 3 instructions before or after a MBCNDD,
MCCNDD or MRCNDD instruction.

Flags This instruction does not modify flags in the MSTF register.
Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction. Table 6-21 shows the pipeline behavior of the MSTOP
instruction. The MSTOP instruction cannot be placed with 3 instructions of a MBCNDD,
MCCNDD or MRCNDD instruction.

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Table 6-21. Pipeline Activity For MSTOP

Instruction F1 F2 D1 D2 R1 R2 E W
I1 I1
I2 I2 I1
I3 I3 I2 I1
I4 I4 MSTOP I3 I2 I1
I5 I5 I4 MSTOP I3 I2 I1
I6 I6 I5 I4 MSTOP I3 I2 I1
New Task Arbitrated and Piroitized - - - - - I3 I2
New Task Arbitrated and Piroitized - - - - - - I3
I1 I1 - - - - - -
I2 I2 I1 - - - - -
I3 I3 I2 I1 - - - -
I4 I4 I3 I2 I1 - - -
I5 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 - -
I6 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 -
I7 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1
etc ....

Example ; Given A = (int32)1

; B = (int32)2
; C = (int32)-7
; Calculate Y2 = A - B - C
MMOV32 MR0, @_A ; MR0 = 1 (0x00000001)
MMOV32 MR1, @_B ; MR1 = 2 (0x00000002)
MMOV32 MR2, @_C ; MR2 = -7 (0xFFFFFFF9)
MSUB32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; A + B
MSUB32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; A + B + C = 6 (0x0000006)
MMOV32 @_y2, MR3 ; Store y2
MSTOP ; End of task


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MSUB32 MRa, MRb, MRc 32-Bit Integer Subtraction

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRc CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 00cc bbaa

MSW: 0111 1100 1110 0000

Description 32-bit integer addition of MRb and MRc.

MARa(31:0) = MARb(31:0) - MRc(31:0);

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(31:0) == 0) { ZF = 1; }

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Given A = (int32)1
; B = (int32)2
; C = (int32)-7
Calculate Y2 = A - B - C
MMOV32 MR0, @_A ; MR0 = 1 (0x00000001)
MMOV32 MR1, @_B ; MR1 = 2 (0x00000002)
MMOV32 MR2, @_C ; MR2 = -7 (0xFFFFFFF9)
MSUB32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; A + B
MSUB32 MR3, MR3, MR2 ; A + B + C = 6 (0x0000006)
MMOV32 @_y2, MR3 ; Store y2
MSTOP ; End of task

See also MADD32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MAND32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MXOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc

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MSUBF32 MRa, MRb, MRc 32-Bit Floating-Point Subtraction

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to R1)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to R1)
MRc CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to R1)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 00cc bbaa

MSW: 0111 1100 0100 0000

Description Subtract the contents of two floating-point registers

MRa = MRb - MRc;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MSUBF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MSUBF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

; Given A, B and C are 32-bit floating-point numbers
; Calculate Y2 = A + B - C
MMOV32 MR0, @_A ; Load MR0 with A
MMOV32 MR1, @_B ; Load MR1 with B
MADDF32 MR0, MR1, MR0 ; Add A + B
|| MMOV32 MR1, @_C ; and in parallel load C
MSUBF32 MR0, MR0, MR1 ; Subtract C from (A + B)
MMOV32 @Y, MR0 ; (A+B) - C
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MSUBF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb

MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32
MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 mem32, MRa
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf

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MSUBF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb 32-Bit Floating-Point Subtraction

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to R1)
#16FHi A 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit floating-
point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0.
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to R1)


MSW: 0111 1000 0000 baaa

Description Subtract MRb from the floating-point value represented by the immediate operand. Store
the result of the addition in MRa.
#16FHi is a 16-bit immediate value that represents the upper 16-bits of an IEEE 32-bit
floating-point value. The low 16-bits of the mantissa are assumed to be all 0. #16FHi is
most useful for representing constants where the lowest 16-bits of the mantissa are 0.
Some examples are 2.0 (0x40000000), 4.0 (0x40800000), 0.5 (0x3F000000), and -1.5
(0xBFC00000). The assembler will accept either a hex or float as the immediate value.
That is, the value -1.5 can be represented as #-1.5 or #0xBFC0.
MRa = #16FHi:0 - MRb;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MSUBF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MSUBF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Y = sqrt(X)
; Ye = Estimate(1/sqrt(X));
; Ye = Ye*(1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5)
; Ye = Ye*(1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5)
; Y = X*Ye
MMOV32 MR0, @_x ; MR0 = X
MEISQRTF32 MR1, MR0 ; MR1 = Ye = Estimate(1/sqrt(X))
MMOV32 MR1, @_x, EQ ; if(X == 0.0) Ye = 0.0
MMPYF32 MR3, MR0, #0.5 ; MR3 = X*0.5
MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR3 ; MR2 = Ye*X*0.5
MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR2 ; MR2 = Ye*Ye*X*0.5
MSUBF32 MR2, #1.5, MR2 ; MR2 = 1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR2 ; MR1 = Ye = Ye*(1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5)
MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR3 ; MR2 = Ye*X*0.5
MMPYF32 MR2, MR1, MR2 ; MR2 = Ye*Ye*X*0.5
MSUBF32 MR2, #1.5, MR2 ; MR2 = 1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5
MMPYF32 MR1, MR1, MR2 ; MR1 = Ye = Ye*(1.5 - Ye*Ye*X*0.5)
MMPYF32 MR0, MR1, MR0 ; MR0 = Y = Ye*X
MMOV32 @_y, MR0 ; Store Y = sqrt(X)
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MSUBF32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32
MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 mem32, MRa
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf

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MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32 32-Bit Floating-Point Subtraction with Parallel

MRd CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3) for the MSUBF32 operation
MRd cannot be the same register as MRa
MRe CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3) for the MSUBF32 operation
MRf CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3) for the MSUBF32 operation
MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3) for the MMOV32 operation
MRa cannot be the same register as MRd
mem32 32-bit memory location accessed using one of the available addressing modes. Source
for the MMOV32 operation.

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0010 ffee ddaa addr

Description Subtract the contents of two floating-point registers and move from memory to a floating-
point register.
MRd = MRe - MRf;
MRa = [mem32];

Restrictions The destination register for the MSUBF32 and the MMOV32 must be unique. That is,
MRa cannot be the same register as MRd.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MSUBF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MSUBF32 generates an overflow condition.
The MMOV32 Instruction will set the NF and ZF flags as follows:

Pipeline Both MSUBF32 and MMOV32 complete in a single cycle.

Example NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(30:23) == 0) { ZF = 1; NF = 0; }

See also MSUBF32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MSUBF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf

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MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 mem32, MRa 32-Bit Floating-Point Subtraction with Parallel

MRd CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3) for the MSUBF32 operation
MRe CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3) for the MSUBF32 operation
MRf CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3) for the MSUBF32 operation
mem32 32-bit destination memory location for the MMOV32 operation
MRa CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3) for the MMOV32 operation

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0110 ffee ddaa addr

Description Subtract the contents of two floating-point registers and move from a floating-point
register to memory.
MRd = MRe - MRf;
[mem32] = MRa;

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No Yes Yes

The MSTF register flags are modified as follows:

• LUF = 1 if MSUBF32 generates an underflow condition.
• LVF = 1 if MSUBF32 generates an overflow condition.

Pipeline Both MSUBF32 and MMOV32 complete in a single cycle.

See also MSUBF32 MRa, MRb, MRc
MSUBF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb
MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf || MMOV32 MRa, mem32
MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc || MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf

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MSWAPF MRa, MRb {, CNDF} Conditional Swap

MRa CLA floating-point register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point register (MR0 to MR3)
CNDF Optional condition tested based on the MSTF flags

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 CNDF bbaa

MSW: 0111 1011 0000 0000

Description Conditional swap of MRa and MRb.

if (CNDF == true) swap MRa and MRb;

CNDF is one of the following conditions:

Encode CNDF Description MSTF Flags Tested
0000 NEQ Not equal to zero ZF == 0
0001 EQ Equal to zero ZF == 1
0010 GT Greater than zero ZF == 0 AND NF == 0
0011 GEQ Greater than or equal to zero NF == 0
0100 LT Less than zero NF == 1
0101 LEQ Less than or equal to zero ZF == 1 OR NF == 1
1010 TF Test flag set TF == 1
1011 NTF Test flag not set TF == 0
1100 LU Latched underflow LUF == 1
1101 LV Latched overflow LVF == 1
1110 UNC Unconditional None
1111 UNCF Unconditional with flag None
Values not shown are reserved.
This is the default operation if no CNDF field is specified. This condition will allow the ZF and NF flags to
be modified when a conditional operation is executed. All other conditions will not modify these flags.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No No No No No

No flags affected

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

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Example ; X is an array of 32-bit floating-point values

; and has len elements. Find the maximum value in
; the array and store it in Result
; Note: MCMPF32 and MSWAPF can be replaced by MMAXF32
MMOVI16 MAR1,#_X ; Start address
MUI16TOF32 MR0, @_len ; Length of the array
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MNOP ; delay for MAR1 load
MMOV32 MR1, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR1 = X0
MMOV32 MR2, *MAR1[2]++ ; MR2 = next element
MCMPF32 MR2, MR1 ; Compare MR2 with MR1
MADDF32 MR0, MR0, #-1.0 ; Decrememt the counter
MCMPF32 MR0 #0.0 ; Set/clear flags for MBCNDD
MBCNDD LOOP, NEQ ; Branch if not equal to zero
MMOV32 @_Result, MR1 ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MNOP ; Always executed
MSTOP ; End of task

See also

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MTESTTF CNDF Test MSTF Register Flag Condition

CNDF condition to test based on MSTF flags

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 cndf

MSW: 0111 1111 0100 0000

Description Test the CLA floating-point condition and if true, set the MSTF[TF] flag. If the condition is
false, clear the MSTF[TF] flag. This is useful for temporarily storing a condition for later
if (CNDF == true) TF = 1;
else TF = 0;

CNDF is one of the following conditions:

Encode CNDF Description MSTF Flags Tested
0000 NEQ Not equal to zero ZF == 0
0001 EQ Equal to zero ZF == 1
0010 GT Greater than zero ZF == 0 AND NF == 0
0011 GEQ Greater than or equal to zero NF == 0
0100 LT Less than zero NF == 1
0101 LEQ Less than or equal to zero ZF == 1 OR NF == 1
1010 TF Test flag set TF == 1
1011 NTF Test flag not set TF == 0
1100 LU Latched underflow LUF == 1
1101 LV Latched overflow LVF == 1
1110 UNC Unconditional None
1111 UNCF Unconditional with flag None
Values not shown are reserved.
This is the default operation if no CNDF field is specified. This condition will allow the ZF and NF flags to
be modified when a conditional operation is executed. All other conditions will not modify these flags.

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified Yes No No No No

TF = 0;
if (CNDF == true) TF = 1;

Note: If (CNDF == UNC or UNCF), the TF flag will be set to 1.

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

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Example ; if (State == 0.1)

; RampState = RampState || RAMPMASK
; else if (State == 0.01)
; CoastState = CoastState || COASTMASK
; else
; SteadyState = SteadyState || STEADYMASK
MMOV32 MR0, @_State
MCMPF32 MR0, #0.1 ; Affects flags for 1st MBCNDD (A)
MCMPF32 MR0, #0.01 ; Check used by 2nd MBCNDD (B)
MTESTTF EQ ; Store EQ flag in TF for 2nd MBCNDD (B)
MBCNDD _Skip1, NEQ ; (A) If State != 0.1, go to Skip1
MMOV32 MR1, @_RampState ; Always executed
MMOVXI MR2, #RAMPMASK ; Always executed
MOR32 MR1, MR2 ; Always executed
MMOV32 @_RampState, MR1 ; Execute if (A) branch not taken
MSTOP ; end of task if (A) branch not taken

MMOV32 MR3, @_SteadyState
MOR32 MR3, MR2
MBCNDD _Skip2, NTF ; (B) if State != .01, go to Skip2
MMOV32 MR1, @_CoastState ; Always executed
MMOVXI MR2, #COASTMASK ; Always executed
MOR32 MR1, MR2 ; Always executed
MMOV32 @_CoastState, MR1 ; Execute if (B) branch not taken
MSTOP ; end of task if (B) branch not taken

MMOV32 @_SteadyState, MR3 ; Executed if (B) branch taken

See also

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MUI16TOF32 MRa, mem16 Convert Unsigned 16-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
mem16 16-bit source memory location

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0111 0101 01aa addr

Description When converting F32 to I16/UI16 data format, the MF32TOI16/UI16 operation truncates
to zero while the MF32TOI16R/UI16R operation will round to nearest (even) value.
MRa = UI16TOF32[mem16];

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

See also MF32TOI16 MRa, MRb
MI16TOF32 MRa, MRb
MI16TOF32 MRa, mem16

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MUI16TOF32 MRa, MRb Convert Unsigned 16-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1110 1110 0000

Description Convert an unsigned 16-bit integer to a 32-bit floating-point value. When converting
float32 to I16/UI16 data format, the MF32TOI16/UI16 operation truncates to zero while
the MF32TOI16R/UI16R operation will round to nearest (even) value.
MRa = UI16TOF32[MRb];

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVXI MR1, #0x800F ; MR1(15:0) = 32783 (0x800F)
MUI16TOF32 MR0, MR1 ; MR0 = UI16TOF32 (MR1(15:0))
; = 32783.0 (0x47000F00)

See also MF32TOI16 MRa, MRb

MI16TOF32 MRa, MRb
MI16TOF32 MRa, mem16
MUI16TOF32 MRa, mem16

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MUI32TOF32 MRa, mem32 Convert Unsigned 32-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
mem32 32-bit memory location accessed using one of the available addressing modes

Opcode LSW: mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

MSW: 0111 0100 10aa addr

Description MRa = UI32TOF32[mem32];

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example ; Given x2, m2 and b2 are Uint32 numbers:
; x2 = Uint32(2) = 0x00000002
; m2 = Uint32(1) = 0x00000001
; b2 = Uint32(3) = 0x00000003
; Calculate y2 = x2 * m2 + b2
MUI32TOF32 MR0, @_m2 ; MR0 = 1.0 (0x3F800000)
MUI32TOF32 MR1, @_x2 ; MR1 = 2.0 (0x40000000)
MUI32TOF32 MR2, @_b2 ; MR2 = 3.0 (0x40400000)
MMPYF32 MR3, MR0, MR1 ; M*X
MADDF32 MR3, MR2, MR3 ; Y=MX+B = 5.0 (0x40A00000)
MF32TOUI32 MR3, MR3 ; Y = Uint32(5.0) = 0x00000005
MMOV32 @_y2, MR3 ; store result
MSTOP ; end of task

See also MF32TOI32 MRa, MRb

MI32TOF32 MRa, mem32
MI32TOF32 MRa, MRb

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MUI32TOF32 MRa, MRb Convert Unsigned 32-Bit Integer to 32-Bit Floating-Point Value

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 0000 bbaa

MSW: 0111 1101 1100 0000

Description MRa = UI32TOF32 [MRb];

Flags This instruction does not affect any flags:

Modified No No No No No

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR3, #0x8000 ; MR3(31:16) = 0x8000
MMOVXI MR3, #0x1111 ; MR3(15:0) = 0x1111
; MR3 = 2147488017
MUI32TOF32 MR3, MR3 ; MR3 = MUI32TOF32 (MR3) = 2147488017.0 (0x4F000011)

See also MF32TOI32 MRa, MRb

MI32TOF32 MRa, mem32
MI32TOF32 MRa, MRb
MUI32TOF32 MRa, mem32

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MXOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc Bitwise Exclusive Or

MRa CLA floating-point destination register (MR0 to MR3)
MRb CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)
MRc CLA floating-point source register (MR0 to MR3)

Opcode LSW: 0000 0000 00cc bbaa

MSW: 0111 1100 1010 0000

Description Bitwise XOR of MRb with MRc.

MARa(31:0) = MARb(31:0) XOR MRc(31:0);

Flags This instruction modifies the following flags in the MSTF register:
Modified No Yes Yes No No

The MSTF register flags are modified based on the integer results of the operation.
NF = MRa(31);
ZF = 0;
if(MRa(31:0) == 0) { ZF = 1; }

Pipeline This is a single-cycle instruction.

Example MMOVIZ MR0, #0x5555 ; MR0 = 0x5555AAAA

MMOVIZ MR1, #0x5432 ; MR1 = 0x5432FEDC


; 0101 XOR 0101 = 0000 (0)

; 0101 XOR 0100 = 0001 (1)
; 0101 XOR 0011 = 0110 (6)
; 0101 XOR 0010 = 0111 (7)
; 1010 XOR 1111 = 0101 (5)
; 1010 XOR 1110 = 0100 (4)
; 1010 XOR 1101 = 0111 (7)
; 1010 XOR 1100 = 0110 (6)

MXOR32 MR2, MR1, MR0 ; MR3 = 0x01675476

See also MAND32 MRa, MRb, MRc

MOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc

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6.8 CLA Registers

This section describes the Control Law Accelerator registers.

6.8.1 CLA Base Addresses

Table 6-22. CLA Base Address Table

Device Register Register Name Start Address End Address
Cla1Regs CLA_REGS 0x0000_1400 0x0000_147F
Cla1SoftIntRegs (1) CLA_SOFTINT_REGS 0x0000_0CE0 0x0000_0CFF
This register is only accessible from the CLA.

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6.8.2 CLA_REGS Registers

Table 6-23 lists the CLA_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 6-23 should be
considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 6-23. CLA_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h MVECT1 Task Interrupt Vector EALLOW Go
1h MVECT2 Task Interrupt Vector EALLOW Go
2h MVECT3 Task Interrupt Vector EALLOW Go
3h MVECT4 Task Interrupt Vector EALLOW Go
4h MVECT5 Task Interrupt Vector EALLOW Go
5h MVECT6 Task Interrupt Vector EALLOW Go
6h MVECT7 Task Interrupt Vector EALLOW Go
7h MVECT8 Task Interrupt Vector EALLOW Go
10h MCTL Control Register EALLOW Go
20h MIFR Interrupt Flag Register EALLOW Go
21h MIOVF Interrupt Overflow Flag Register EALLOW Go
22h MIFRC Interrupt Force Register EALLOW Go
23h MICLR Interrupt Flag Clear Register EALLOW Go
24h MICLROVF Interrupt Overflow Flag Clear Register EALLOW Go
25h MIER Interrupt Enable Register EALLOW Go
26h MIRUN Interrupt Run Status Register EALLOW Go
28h _MPC CLA Program Counter Go
2Ah _MAR0 CLA Auxiliary Register 0 Go
2Bh _MAR1 CLA Auxiliary Register 1 Go
2Eh _MSTF CLA Floating-Point Status Register Go
30h _MR0 CLA Floating-Point Result Register 0 Go
34h _MR1 CLA Floating-Point Result Register 1 Go
38h _MR2 CLA Floating-Point Result Register 2 Go
3Ch _MR3 CLA Floating-Point Result Register 3 Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 6-24 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 6-24. CLA_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables

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Table 6-24. CLA_REGS Access Type

Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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CLA Registers www.ti.com MVECT1 Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = 0h]

MVECT1 is shown in Figure 6-2 and described in Table 6-25.
Return to the Summary Table.
Each CLA interrupt has its own interrupt vector (MVECT1 to MVECT8). This interrupt vector points to the
first instruction of the associated task. When a task begins, the CLA will start fetching instructions at the
location indicated by the appropriate MVECT register .

Figure 6-2. MVECT1 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-25. MVECT1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 MVECT R/W 0h MPC Start Address: These bits specify the start address for the
given interrupt (task). The address range of the CLA with a 16-bit
MVECT is 64Kx16 words or 32K CLA instructions.
There is one MVECT register per interrupt (task). Interrupt 1 uses
MVECT1, interrupt 2 uses MVECT2 and so forth.
Note: While the CLA is running or executing a task, the CPU can
change the MVECT values..
Reset type: SYSRSn

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MVECT2 is shown in Figure 6-3 and described in Table 6-26.
Return to the Summary Table.
Each CLA interrupt has its own interrupt vector (MVECT1 to MVECT8). This interrupt vector points to the
first instruction of the associated task. When a task begins, the CLA will start fetching instructions at the
location indicated by the appropriate MVECT register .

Figure 6-3. MVECT2 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-26. MVECT2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 MVECT R/W 0h MPC Start Address: These bits specify the start address for the
given interrupt (task). The address range of the CLA with a 16-bit
MVECT is 64Kx16 words or 32K CLA instructions.
There is one MVECT register per interrupt (task). Interrupt 1 uses
MVECT1, interrupt 2 uses MVECT2 and so forth.
Note: While the CLA is running or executing a task, the CPU can
change the MVECT values..
Reset type: SYSRSn

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CLA Registers www.ti.com MVECT3 Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = 0h]

MVECT3 is shown in Figure 6-4 and described in Table 6-27.
Return to the Summary Table.
Each CLA interrupt has its own interrupt vector (MVECT1 to MVECT8). This interrupt vector points to the
first instruction of the associated task. When a task begins, the CLA will start fetching instructions at the
location indicated by the appropriate MVECT register .

Figure 6-4. MVECT3 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-27. MVECT3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 MVECT R/W 0h MPC Start Address: These bits specify the start address for the
given interrupt (task). The address range of the CLA with a 16-bit
MVECT is 64Kx16 words or 32K CLA instructions.
There is one MVECT register per interrupt (task). Interrupt 1 uses
MVECT1, interrupt 2 uses MVECT2 and so forth.
Note: While the CLA is running or executing a task, the CPU can
change the MVECT values..
Reset type: SYSRSn

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MVECT4 is shown in Figure 6-5 and described in Table 6-28.
Return to the Summary Table.
Each CLA interrupt has its own interrupt vector (MVECT1 to MVECT8). This interrupt vector points to the
first instruction of the associated task. When a task begins, the CLA will start fetching instructions at the
location indicated by the appropriate MVECT register .

Figure 6-5. MVECT4 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-28. MVECT4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 MVECT R/W 0h MPC Start Address: These bits specify the start address for the
given interrupt (task). The address range of the CLA with a 16-bit
MVECT is 64Kx16 words or 32K CLA instructions.
There is one MVECT register per interrupt (task). Interrupt 1 uses
MVECT1, interrupt 2 uses MVECT2 and so forth.
Note: While the CLA is running or executing a task, the CPU can
change the MVECT values..
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) 787
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CLA Registers www.ti.com MVECT5 Register (Offset = 4h) [reset = 0h]

MVECT5 is shown in Figure 6-6 and described in Table 6-29.
Return to the Summary Table.
Each CLA interrupt has its own interrupt vector (MVECT1 to MVECT8). This interrupt vector points to the
first instruction of the associated task. When a task begins, the CLA will start fetching instructions at the
location indicated by the appropriate MVECT register .

Figure 6-6. MVECT5 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-29. MVECT5 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 MVECT R/W 0h MPC Start Address: These bits specify the start address for the
given interrupt (task). The address range of the CLA with a 16-bit
MVECT is 64Kx16 words or 32K CLA instructions.
There is one MVECT register per interrupt (task). Interrupt 1 uses
MVECT1, interrupt 2 uses MVECT2 and so forth.
Note: While the CLA is running or executing a task, the CPU can
change the MVECT values..
Reset type: SYSRSn

788 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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MVECT6 is shown in Figure 6-7 and described in Table 6-30.
Return to the Summary Table.
Each CLA interrupt has its own interrupt vector (MVECT1 to MVECT8). This interrupt vector points to the
first instruction of the associated task. When a task begins, the CLA will start fetching instructions at the
location indicated by the appropriate MVECT register .

Figure 6-7. MVECT6 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-30. MVECT6 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 MVECT R/W 0h MPC Start Address: These bits specify the start address for the
given interrupt (task). The address range of the CLA with a 16-bit
MVECT is 64Kx16 words or 32K CLA instructions.
There is one MVECT register per interrupt (task). Interrupt 1 uses
MVECT1, interrupt 2 uses MVECT2 and so forth.
Note: While the CLA is running or executing a task, the CPU can
change the MVECT values..
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) 789
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CLA Registers www.ti.com MVECT7 Register (Offset = 6h) [reset = 0h]

MVECT7 is shown in Figure 6-8 and described in Table 6-31.
Return to the Summary Table.
Each CLA interrupt has its own interrupt vector (MVECT1 to MVECT8). This interrupt vector points to the
first instruction of the associated task. When a task begins, the CLA will start fetching instructions at the
location indicated by the appropriate MVECT register .

Figure 6-8. MVECT7 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-31. MVECT7 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 MVECT R/W 0h MPC Start Address: These bits specify the start address for the
given interrupt (task). The address range of the CLA with a 16-bit
MVECT is 64Kx16 words or 32K CLA instructions.
There is one MVECT register per interrupt (task). Interrupt 1 uses
MVECT1, interrupt 2 uses MVECT2 and so forth.
Note: While the CLA is running or executing a task, the CPU can
change the MVECT values..
Reset type: SYSRSn

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MVECT8 is shown in Figure 6-9 and described in Table 6-32.
Return to the Summary Table.
Each CLA interrupt has its own interrupt vector (MVECT1 to MVECT8). This interrupt vector points to the
first instruction of the associated task. When a task begins, the CLA will start fetching instructions at the
location indicated by the appropriate MVECT register .

Figure 6-9. MVECT8 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-32. MVECT8 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 MVECT R/W 0h MPC Start Address: These bits specify the start address for the
given interrupt (task). The address range of the CLA with a 16-bit
MVECT is 64Kx16 words or 32K CLA instructions.
There is one MVECT register per interrupt (task). Interrupt 1 uses
MVECT1, interrupt 2 uses MVECT2 and so forth.
Note: While the CLA is running or executing a task, the CPU can
change the MVECT values..
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) 791
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CLA Registers www.ti.com MCTL Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = 0h]

MCTL is shown in Figure 6-10 and described in Table 6-33.
Return to the Summary Table.
Control Register

Figure 6-10. MCTL Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R/W-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 6-33. MCTL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-3 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
2 IACKE R/W 0h IACK Operation Enable Bit: Writing a "1" to this bit will enable the
IACK operation for setting the MIFR bits in the same manner as the
MIFRC register (write of "1" will set respective MIFR bit). At reset,
this feature is disabled.

This feature enables the C28 CPU to efficiently trigger a task.

Note: IACK operation should ignore EALLOW status of C28 core

when accessing the MIFRC register.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = The CLA ignores the IACK instruction. (default)
1h (R/W) = Enable the main CPU to use the IACK #16bit
instruction to set MIFR bits in the same manner as writing to the
MIFRC register. Each bit in the operand, #16bit, corresponds to a
bit in the MIFRC register. Using IACK has the advantage of not
having to first set the EALLOW bit. This allows the main CPU to
efficiently trigger a CLA task through software.
Examples IACK #0x0001 Write a 1 to MIFRC bit 0 to force task 1
IACK #0x0003 Write a 1 to MIFRC bit 0 and 1 to force task 1 and
task 2
1 SOFTRESET R-0/W1S 0h Soft Reset Bit: Writing a "1" to this bit will stop a current task, clear
the RUN flag and also clear all bits in the MIER register. Writes of
"0" are ignored and reads always return a "0".

Note: After issuing SOFTRESET command, user should wait at least

1 clock cycle before attempting to write to MIER register.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 are
1h (R/W) = Writing a 1 will cause a soft reset of the CLA. This will
stop the current task, clear the MIRUN flag and clear all bits in the
MIER register. After a soft reset you must wait at least 1
SYSCLKOUT cycle before reconfiguring the MIER bits. If these two
operations are done back-to-back then the MIER bits will not get
0 HARDRESET R-0/W1S 0h Hard Reset Bit: Writing a "1" to this bit will cause a HARD reset on
the CLA. The behavior of a HARD reset is the same as a system
reset SYSRSn on the CLA. Writes of "0" are ignored and reads
always return a "0".
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 are
1h (R/W) = Writing a 1 will cause a hard reset of the CLA. This will
set all CLA registers to their default state.

792 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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MIFR is shown in Figure 6-11 and described in Table 6-34.
Return to the Summary Table.
Each bit in the interrupt flag register corresponds to a CLA task. The corresponding bit is automatically set
when the task request is received from the peripheral interrupt. The bit can also be set by the main CPU
writing to the MIFRC register or using the IACK instruction to start the task. To use the IACK instruction to
begin a task first enable this feature in the MCTL register. If the bit is already set when a new peripheral
interrupt is received, then the corresponding overflow bit will be set in the MIOVF register.
The corresponding MIFR bit is automatically cleared when the task begins execution. This will occur if the
interrupt is enabled in the MIER register and no other higher priority task is pending. The bits can also be
cleared manually by writing to the MICLR register. Writes to the MIFR register are ignored.

Figure 6-11. MIFR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 6-34. MIFR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7 INT8 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate a valid peripheral interrupt has
been latched by the CLA. Writes to this register are ignored.

The IFR flag bit is automatically cleared if the respective interrupt is

enabled in the MIER register and the respective task starts running.
If a new peripheral interrupt attempts to set the bit to "1" while on the
same cycle the task tries to clear it, then the peripheral interrupt will
have priority.

The IFR flag bits can also be set and cleared by the MIFRC and
MICLR registers.

If the MIFRC register is trying to set the respective bit while a new
task tries to clear it, then the MIFRC event has priority.

If the MICLR register is trying to clear the respective bit and a

peripheral interrupt occurs on the same cycle, then the peripheral
interrupt has priority. The respective overflow flag in the MIOVF
register will not be set under this condition.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 8 interrupt is currently not flagged (default)
Task 8 interrupt has been received and is pending execution

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Table 6-34. MIFR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 INT7 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate a valid peripheral interrupt has
been latched by the CLA. Writes to this register are ignored.

The IFR flag bit is automatically cleared if the respective interrupt is

enabled in the MIER register and the respective task starts running.
If a new peripheral interrupt attempts to set the bit to "1" while on the
same cycle the task tries to clear it, then the peripheral interrupt will
have priority.

The IFR flag bits can also be set and cleared by the MIFRC and
MICLR registers.

If the MIFRC register is trying to set the respective bit while a new
task tries to clear it, then the MIFRC event has priority.

If the MICLR register is trying to clear the respective bit and a

peripheral interrupt occurs on the same cycle, then the peripheral
interrupt has priority. The respective overflow flag in the MIOVF
register will not be set under this condition.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 7 interrupt is currently not flagged (default)
Task 7 interrupt has been received and is pending execution
5 INT6 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate a valid peripheral interrupt has
been latched by the CLA. Writes to this register are ignored.

The IFR flag bit is automatically cleared if the respective interrupt is

enabled in the MIER register and the respective task starts running.
If a new peripheral interrupt attempts to set the bit to "1" while on the
same cycle the task tries to clear it, then the peripheral interrupt will
have priority.

The IFR flag bits can also be set and cleared by the MIFRC and
MICLR registers.

If the MIFRC register is trying to set the respective bit while a new
task tries to clear it, then the MIFRC event has priority.

If the MICLR register is trying to clear the respective bit and a

peripheral interrupt occurs on the same cycle, then the peripheral
interrupt has priority. The respective overflow flag in the MIOVF
register will not be set under this condition.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 6 interrupt is currently not flagged (default)
Task 6 interrupt has been received and is pending execution

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Table 6-34. MIFR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
4 INT5 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate a valid peripheral interrupt has
been latched by the CLA. Writes to this register are ignored.

The IFR flag bit is automatically cleared if the respective interrupt is

enabled in the MIER register and the respective task starts running.
If a new peripheral interrupt attempts to set the bit to "1" while on the
same cycle the task tries to clear it, then the peripheral interrupt will
have priority.

The IFR flag bits can also be set and cleared by the MIFRC and
MICLR registers.

If the MIFRC register is trying to set the respective bit while a new
task tries to clear it, then the MIFRC event has priority.

If the MICLR register is trying to clear the respective bit and a

peripheral interrupt occurs on the same cycle, then the peripheral
interrupt has priority. The respective overflow flag in the MIOVF
register will not be set under this condition.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 5 interrupt is currently not flagged (default)
Task 5 interrupt has been received and is pending execution
3 INT4 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate a valid peripheral interrupt has
been latched by the CLA. Writes to this register are ignored.

The IFR flag bit is automatically cleared if the respective interrupt is

enabled in the MIER register and the respective task starts running.
If a new peripheral interrupt attempts to set the bit to "1" while on the
same cycle the task tries to clear it, then the peripheral interrupt will
have priority.

The IFR flag bits can also be set and cleared by the MIFRC and
MICLR registers.

If the MIFRC register is trying to set the respective bit while a new
task tries to clear it, then the MIFRC event has priority.

If the MICLR register is trying to clear the respective bit and a

peripheral interrupt occurs on the same cycle, then the peripheral
interrupt has priority. The respective overflow flag in the MIOVF
register will not be set under this condition.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 4 interrupt is currently not flagged (default)
Task 4 interrupt has been received and is pending execution

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Table 6-34. MIFR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INT3 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate a valid peripheral interrupt has
been latched by the CLA. Writes to this register are ignored.

The IFR flag bit is automatically cleared if the respective interrupt is

enabled in the MIER register and the respective task starts running.
If a new peripheral interrupt attempts to set the bit to "1" while on the
same cycle the task tries to clear it, then the peripheral interrupt will
have priority.

The IFR flag bits can also be set and cleared by the MIFRC and
MICLR registers.

If the MIFRC register is trying to set the respective bit while a new
task tries to clear it, then the MIFRC event has priority.

If the MICLR register is trying to clear the respective bit and a

peripheral interrupt occurs on the same cycle, then the peripheral
interrupt has priority. The respective overflow flag in the MIOVF
register will not be set under this condition.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 3 interrupt is currently not flagged (default)
Task 3 interrupt has been received and is pending execution
1 INT2 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate a valid peripheral interrupt has
been latched by the CLA. Writes to this register are ignored.

The IFR flag bit is automatically cleared if the respective interrupt is

enabled in the MIER register and the respective task starts running.
If a new peripheral interrupt attempts to set the bit to "1" while on the
same cycle the task tries to clear it, then the peripheral interrupt will
have priority.

The IFR flag bits can also be set and cleared by the MIFRC and
MICLR registers.

If the MIFRC register is trying to set the respective bit while a new
task tries to clear it, then the MIFRC event has priority.

If the MICLR register is trying to clear the respective bit and a

peripheral interrupt occurs on the same cycle, then the peripheral
interrupt has priority. The respective overflow flag in the MIOVF
register will not be set under this condition.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 2 interrupt is currently not flagged (default)
Task 2 interrupt has been received and is pending execution

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Table 6-34. MIFR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
0 INT1 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate a valid peripheral interrupt has
been latched by the CLA. Writes to this register are ignored.

The IFR flag bit is automatically cleared if the respective interrupt is

enabled in the MIER register and the respective task starts running.
If a new peripheral interrupt attempts to set the bit to "1" while on the
same cycle the task tries to clear it, then the peripheral interrupt will
have priority.

The IFR flag bits can also be set and cleared by the MIFRC and
MICLR registers.

If the MIFRC register is trying to set the respective bit while a new
task tries to clear it, then the MIFRC event has priority.

If the MICLR register is trying to clear the respective bit and a

peripheral interrupt occurs on the same cycle, then the peripheral
interrupt has priority. The respective overflow flag in the MIOVF
register will not be set under this condition.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 1 interrupt is currently not flagged (default)
Task 1 interrupt has been received and is pending execution

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) 797
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CLA Registers www.ti.com MIOVF Register (Offset = 21h) [reset = 0h]

MIOVF is shown in Figure 6-12 and described in Table 6-35.
Return to the Summary Table.
Each bit in the overflow flag register corresponds to a CLA task. The bit is set when an interrupt overflow
event has occurred for the specific task. An overflow event occurs when the MIFR register bit is already
set when a new interrupt is received from a peripheral source. The MIOVF bits are only affected by
peripheral interrupt events. They do not respond to a task request by the main CPU IACK instruction or by
directly setting MIFR bits. The overflow flag will remain latched and can only be cleared by writing to the
overflow flag clear (MICLROVF) register. Writes to the MIOVF register are ignored.

Figure 6-12. MIOVF Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 6-35. MIOVF Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7 INT8 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate an interrupt overflow event
occurred. Such an event occurs when the IFR bit is already set.

An overflow event remains latched and respective bits can only be

cleared by writing to the MICLROVF register.

If the MIFR bit is being cleared by a new task on the same cycle as
a new peripheral interrupt occurs, the overflow flag will not be
affected and the respective MIFR bit will be set.

If the MIOVF bit is being cleared by the MICLROVF register on the

same cycle as the overflow bit is being set by hardware, then the
hardware will have priority.

Notes: [1] The MIOVF bits are only affected by peripheral interrupt
events. Forcing an interrupt using the MIFRC or IACK operation will
not set the overflow flag even if the MIFR bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = A task 8 interrupt overflow has not occurred (default)
1h (R/W) = A task 8 interrupt overflow has occurred
6 INT7 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate an interrupt overflow event
occurred. Such an event occurs when the IFR bit is already set.

An overflow event remains latched and respective bits can only be

cleared by writing to the MICLROVF register.

If the MIFR bit is being cleared by a new task on the same cycle as
a new peripheral interrupt occurs, the overflow flag will not be
affected and the respective MIFR bit will be set.

If the MIOVF bit is being cleared by the MICLROVF register on the

same cycle as the overflow bit is being set by hardware, then the
hardware will have priority.

Notes: [1] The MIOVF bits are only affected by peripheral interrupt
events. Forcing an interrupt using the MIFRC or IACK operation will
not set the overflow flag even if the MIFR bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = A task 7 interrupt overflow has not occurred (default)
1h (R/W) = A task 7 interrupt overflow has occurred

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Table 6-35. MIOVF Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
5 INT6 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate an interrupt overflow event
occurred. Such an event occurs when the IFR bit is already set.

An overflow event remains latched and respective bits can only be

cleared by writing to the MICLROVF register.

If the MIFR bit is being cleared by a new task on the same cycle as
a new peripheral interrupt occurs, the overflow flag will not be
affected and the respective MIFR bit will be set.

If the MIOVF bit is being cleared by the MICLROVF register on the

same cycle as the overflow bit is being set by hardware, then the
hardware will have priority.

Notes: [1] The MIOVF bits are only affected by peripheral interrupt
events. Forcing an interrupt using the MIFRC or IACK operation will
not set the overflow flag even if the MIFR bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = A task 6 interrupt overflow has not occurred (default)
1h (R/W) = A task 6 interrupt overflow has occurred
4 INT5 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate an interrupt overflow event
occurred. Such an event occurs when the IFR bit is already set.

An overflow event remains latched and respective bits can only be

cleared by writing to the MICLROVF register.

If the MIFR bit is being cleared by a new task on the same cycle as
a new peripheral interrupt occurs, the overflow flag will not be
affected and the respective MIFR bit will be set.

If the MIOVF bit is being cleared by the MICLROVF register on the

same cycle as the overflow bit is being set by hardware, then the
hardware will have priority.

Notes: [1] The MIOVF bits are only affected by peripheral interrupt
events. Forcing an interrupt using the MIFRC or IACK operation will
not set the overflow flag even if the MIFR bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = A task 5 interrupt overflow has not occurred (default)
1h (R/W) = A task 5 interrupt overflow has occurred
3 INT4 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate an interrupt overflow event
occurred. Such an event occurs when the IFR bit is already set.

An overflow event remains latched and respective bits can only be

cleared by writing to the MICLROVF register.

If the MIFR bit is being cleared by a new task on the same cycle as
a new peripheral interrupt occurs, the overflow flag will not be
affected and the respective MIFR bit will be set.

If the MIOVF bit is being cleared by the MICLROVF register on the

same cycle as the overflow bit is being set by hardware, then the
hardware will have priority.

Notes: [1] The MIOVF bits are only affected by peripheral interrupt
events. Forcing an interrupt using the MIFRC or IACK operation will
not set the overflow flag even if the MIFR bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = A task 4 interrupt overflow has not occurred (default)
1h (R/W) = A task 4 interrupt overflow has occurred

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Table 6-35. MIOVF Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INT3 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate an interrupt overflow event
occurred. Such an event occurs when the IFR bit is already set.

An overflow event remains latched and respective bits can only be

cleared by writing to the MICLROVF register.

If the MIFR bit is being cleared by a new task on the same cycle as
a new peripheral interrupt occurs, the overflow flag will not be
affected and the respective MIFR bit will be set.

If the MIOVF bit is being cleared by the MICLROVF register on the

same cycle as the overflow bit is being set by hardware, then the
hardware will have priority.

Notes: [1] The MIOVF bits are only affected by peripheral interrupt
events. Forcing an interrupt using the MIFRC or IACK operation will
not set the overflow flag even if the MIFR bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = A task 3 interrupt overflow has not occurred (default)
1h (R/W) = A task 3 interrupt overflow has occurred
1 INT2 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate an interrupt overflow event
occurred. Such an event occurs when the IFR bit is already set.

An overflow event remains latched and respective bits can only be

cleared by writing to the MICLROVF register.

If the MIFR bit is being cleared by a new task on the same cycle as
a new peripheral interrupt occurs, the overflow flag will not be
affected and the respective MIFR bit will be set.

If the MIOVF bit is being cleared by the MICLROVF register on the

same cycle as the overflow bit is being set by hardware, then the
hardware will have priority.

Notes: [1] The MIOVF bits are only affected by peripheral interrupt
events. Forcing an interrupt using the MIFRC or IACK operation will
not set the overflow flag even if the MIFR bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = A task 2 interrupt overflow has not occurred (default)
1h (R/W) = A task 2 interrupt overflow has occurred
0 INT1 R 0h These bits, when set to "1", indicate an interrupt overflow event
occurred. Such an event occurs when the IFR bit is already set.

An overflow event remains latched and respective bits can only be

cleared by writing to the MICLROVF register.

If the MIFR bit is being cleared by a new task on the same cycle as
a new peripheral interrupt occurs, the overflow flag will not be
affected and the respective MIFR bit will be set.

If the MIOVF bit is being cleared by the MICLROVF register on the

same cycle as the overflow bit is being set by hardware, then the
hardware will have priority.

Notes: [1] The MIOVF bits are only affected by peripheral interrupt
events. Forcing an interrupt using the MIFRC or IACK operation will
not set the overflow flag even if the MIFR bit is set.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = A task 1 interrupt overflow has not occurred (default)
1h (R/W) = A task 1 interrupt overflow has occurred

800 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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MIFRC is shown in Figure 6-13 and described in Table 6-36.
Return to the Summary Table.
The interrupt force register can be used by the main CPU to start tasks through software. Writing a 1 to a
MIFRC bit will set the corresponding bit in the MIFR register. Writes of 0 are ignored and reads always
return 0. The IACK #16bit operation can also be used to start tasks and has the same effect as the
MIFRC register. To enable IACK to set MIFR bits you must first set the MCTL[IACKE] bit. Using IACK has
the advantage of not having to first set the EALLOW bit. This allows the main CPU to efficiently trigger
CLA tasks through software.

Figure 6-13. MIFRC Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 6-36. MIFRC Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7 INT8 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will set the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to force the task 8 interrupt
6 INT7 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will set the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to force the task 7 interrupt
5 INT6 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will set the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to force the task 6 interrupt
4 INT5 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will set the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to force the task 5 interrupt

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Table 6-36. MIFRC Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 INT4 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will set the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to force the task 4 interrupt
2 INT3 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will set the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to force the task 3 interrupt
1 INT2 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will set the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to force the task 2 interrupt
0 INT1 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will set the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to force the task 1 interrupt

802 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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MICLR is shown in Figure 6-14 and described in Table 6-37.
Return to the Summary Table.
Normally bits in the MIFR register are automatically cleared when a task begins. The interrupt flag clear
register can be used to instead manually clear bits in the interrupt flag (MIFR) register. Writing a 1 to a
MICLR bit will clear the corresponding bit in the MIFR register. Writes of 0 are ignored and reads always
return 0.

Figure 6-14. MICLR Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 6-37. MICLR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7 INT8 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 8 interrupt flag
6 INT7 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 7 interrupt flag
5 INT6 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 6 interrupt flag
4 INT5 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 5 interrupt flag

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Table 6-37. MICLR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 INT4 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 4 interrupt flag
2 INT3 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 3 interrupt flag
1 INT2 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 2 interrupt flag
0 INT1 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIFR bit.
Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIFR register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 1 interrupt flag

804 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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MICLROVF is shown in Figure 6-15 and described in Table 6-38.
Return to the Summary Table.
Overflow flag bits in the MIOVF register are latched until manually cleared using the MICLROVF register.
Writing a 1 to a MICLROVF bit will clear the corresponding bit in the MIOVF register. Writes of 0 are
ignored and reads always return 0.

Figure 6-15. MICLROVF Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 6-38. MICLROVF Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7 INT8 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIOVF
bit. Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIOVF register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 8 interrupt overflow flag
6 INT7 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIOVF
bit. Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIOVF register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 7 interrupt overflow flag
5 INT6 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIOVF
bit. Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIOVF register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 6 interrupt overflow flag
4 INT5 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIOVF
bit. Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIOVF register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 5 interrupt overflow flag

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Table 6-38. MICLROVF Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 INT4 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIOVF
bit. Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIOVF register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 4 interrupt overflow flag
2 INT3 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIOVF
bit. Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIOVF register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 3 interrupt overflow flag
1 INT2 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIOVF
bit. Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIOVF register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 2 interrupt overflow flag
0 INT1 R-0/W1S 0h Writing a "1" to any of the bits will clear the corresponding MIOVF
bit. Writes of "0" are ignored. Reads always return 0.

Notes: [1] Refer to MIOVF register description for handling of

boundary conditions.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = This bit always reads back 0 and writes of 0 have no
1h (R/W) = Write a 1 to clear the task 1 interrupt overflow flag

806 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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MIER is shown in Figure 6-16 and described in Table 6-39.
Return to the Summary Table.
Setting the bits in the interrupt enable register (MIER) allow an incoming interrupt or main CPU software to
start the corresponding CLA task. Writing a 0 will block the task, but the interrupt request will still be
latched in the flag register (MIFLG). Setting the MIER register bit to 0 while the corresponding task is
executing will have no effect on the task. The task will continue to run until it hits the MSTOP instruction.
When a soft reset is issued, the MIER bits are cleared. There should always be at least a 1 SYSCLKOUT
delay between issuing the soft reset and reconfiguring the MIER bits.

Figure 6-16. MIER Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 6-39. MIER Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7 INT8 R/W 0h Setting any of the bits to "1" enables the corresponding interrupt
from triggering a corresponding CLA task. Writing a "0" blocks the
interrupt, but the interrupt can still be latched by the MIFR register.

When an interrupt is enabled and the corresponding MIFR bit is set

to "1", the CLA will start executing the corresponding task and
automatically clear the corresponding MIFR bit.

Interrupts are be serviced in normal priority order.

Notes: [1] If a task is currently executing and the corresponding

MIER bit is cleared to "0", it will have no effect on the task. The task
will run until it hits the STOP instruction.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 8 interrupt is disabled (default)
Task 8 interrupt is enabled
6 INT7 R/W 0h Setting any of the bits to "1" enables the corresponding interrupt
from triggering a corresponding CLA task. Writing a "0" blocks the
interrupt, but the interrupt can still be latched by the MIFR register.

When an interrupt is enabled and the corresponding MIFR bit is set

to "1", the CLA will start executing the corresponding task and
automatically clear the corresponding MIFR bit.

Interrupts are be serviced in normal priority order.

Notes: [1] If a task is currently executing and the corresponding

MIER bit is cleared to "0", it will have no effect on the task. The task
will run until it hits the STOP instruction.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 7 interrupt is disabled (default)
Task 7 interrupt is enabled

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Table 6-39. MIER Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
5 INT6 R/W 0h Setting any of the bits to "1" enables the corresponding interrupt
from triggering a corresponding CLA task. Writing a "0" blocks the
interrupt, but the interrupt can still be latched by the MIFR register.

When an interrupt is enabled and the corresponding MIFR bit is set

to "1", the CLA will start executing the corresponding task and
automatically clear the corresponding MIFR bit.

Interrupts are be serviced in normal priority order.

Notes: [1] If a task is currently executing and the corresponding

MIER bit is cleared to "0", it will have no effect on the task. The task
will run until it hits the STOP instruction.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 6 interrupt is disabled (default)
Task 6 interrupt is enabled
4 INT5 R/W 0h Setting any of the bits to "1" enables the corresponding interrupt
from triggering a corresponding CLA task. Writing a "0" blocks the
interrupt, but the interrupt can still be latched by the MIFR register.

When an interrupt is enabled and the corresponding MIFR bit is set

to "1", the CLA will start executing the corresponding task and
automatically clear the corresponding MIFR bit.

Interrupts are be serviced in normal priority order.

Notes: [1] If a task is currently executing and the corresponding

MIER bit is cleared to "0", it will have no effect on the task. The task
will run until it hits the STOP instruction.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 5 interrupt is disabled (default)
Task 5 interrupt is enabled
3 INT4 R/W 0h Setting any of the bits to "1" enables the corresponding interrupt
from triggering a corresponding CLA task. Writing a "0" blocks the
interrupt, but the interrupt can still be latched by the MIFR register.

When an interrupt is enabled and the corresponding MIFR bit is set

to "1", the CLA will start executing the corresponding task and
automatically clear the corresponding MIFR bit.

Interrupts are be serviced in normal priority order.

Notes: [1] If a task is currently executing and the corresponding

MIER bit is cleared to "0", it will have no effect on the task. The task
will run until it hits the STOP instruction.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 4 interrupt is disabled (default)
Task 4 interrupt is enabled

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Table 6-39. MIER Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
2 INT3 R/W 0h Setting any of the bits to "1" enables the corresponding interrupt
from triggering a corresponding CLA task. Writing a "0" blocks the
interrupt, but the interrupt can still be latched by the MIFR register.

When an interrupt is enabled and the corresponding MIFR bit is set

to "1", the CLA will start executing the corresponding task and
automatically clear the corresponding MIFR bit.

Interrupts are be serviced in normal priority order.

Notes: [1] If a task is currently executing and the corresponding

MIER bit is cleared to "0", it will have no effect on the task. The task
will run until it hits the STOP instruction.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 3 interrupt is disabled (default)
Task 3 interrupt is enabled
1 INT2 R/W 0h Setting any of the bits to "1" enables the corresponding interrupt
from triggering a corresponding CLA task. Writing a "0" blocks the
interrupt, but the interrupt can still be latched by the MIFR register.

When an interrupt is enabled and the corresponding MIFR bit is set

to "1", the CLA will start executing the corresponding task and
automatically clear the corresponding MIFR bit.

Interrupts are be serviced in normal priority order.

Notes: [1] If a task is currently executing and the corresponding

MIER bit is cleared to "0", it will have no effect on the task. The task
will run until it hits the STOP instruction.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 2 interrupt is disabled (default)
Task 2 interrupt is enabled
0 INT1 R/W 0h Setting any of the bits to "1" enables the corresponding interrupt
from triggering a corresponding CLA task. Writing a "0" blocks the
interrupt, but the interrupt can still be latched by the MIFR register.

When an interrupt is enabled and the corresponding MIFR bit is set

to "1", the CLA will start executing the corresponding task and
automatically clear the corresponding MIFR bit.

Interrupts are be serviced in normal priority order.

Notes: [1] If a task is currently executing and the corresponding

MIER bit is cleared to "0", it will have no effect on the task. The task
will run until it hits the STOP instruction.
Reset type: SYSRSn
Task 1 interrupt is disabled (default)
Task 1 interrupt is enabled

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CLA Registers www.ti.com MIRUN Register (Offset = 26h) [reset = 0h]

MIRUN is shown in Figure 6-17 and described in Table 6-40.
Return to the Summary Table.
The interrupt run status register (MIRUN) indicates which task is currently executing. Only one MIRUN bit
will ever be set to a 1 at any given time. The bit is automatically cleared when the task competes and the
respective interrupt is fed to the peripheral interrupt expansion (PIE) block of the device. This lets the main
CPU know when a task has completed. The main CPU can stop a currently running task by writing to the
MCTL[SOFTRESET] bit. This will clear the MIRUN flag and stop the task. In this case no interrupt will be
generated to the PIE.

Figure 6-17. MIRUN Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 6-40. MIRUN Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
7 INT8 R 0h These bits indicate which task is currently active. Only one bit can be
set to "1" at any one time. The bit is automatically cleared to "0"
when the task completes and the respective CLAINTxn line is
toggled to indicate task completion. The CLAINTxn interrupt line can
be fed to the PIE of the CPU so the CPU knows when a task has

A currently running task can be stopped by a SOFTRESET. The

RUN flag is cleared, the task is stopped, but no CLAINTxn interrupt
is generated.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Task 8 is not executing (default)
1h (R/W) = Task 8 is executing
6 INT7 R 0h These bits indicate which task is currently active. Only one bit can be
set to "1" at any one time. The bit is automatically cleared to "0"
when the task completes and the respective CLAINTxn line is
toggled to indicate task completion. The CLAINTxn interrupt line can
be fed to the PIE of the CPU so the CPU knows when a task has

A currently running task can be stopped by a SOFTRESET. The

RUN flag is cleared, the task is stopped, but no CLAINTxn interrupt
is generated.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Task 7 is not executing (default)
1h (R/W) = Task 7 is executing
5 INT6 R 0h These bits indicate which task is currently active. Only one bit can be
set to "1" at any one time. The bit is automatically cleared to "0"
when the task completes and the respective CLAINTxn line is
toggled to indicate task completion. The CLAINTxn interrupt line can
be fed to the PIE of the CPU so the CPU knows when a task has

A currently running task can be stopped by a SOFTRESET. The

RUN flag is cleared, the task is stopped, but no CLAINTxn interrupt
is generated.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Task 6 is not executing (default)
1h (R/W) = Task 6 is executing

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Table 6-40. MIRUN Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
4 INT5 R 0h These bits indicate which task is currently active. Only one bit can be
set to "1" at any one time. The bit is automatically cleared to "0"
when the task completes and the respective CLAINTxn line is
toggled to indicate task completion. The CLAINTxn interrupt line can
be fed to the PIE of the CPU so the CPU knows when a task has

A currently running task can be stopped by a SOFTRESET. The

RUN flag is cleared, the task is stopped, but no CLAINTxn interrupt
is generated.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Task 5 is not executing (default)
1h (R/W) = Task 5 is executing
3 INT4 R 0h These bits indicate which task is currently active. Only one bit can be
set to "1" at any one time. The bit is automatically cleared to "0"
when the task completes and the respective CLAINTxn line is
toggled to indicate task completion. The CLAINTxn interrupt line can
be fed to the PIE of the CPU so the CPU knows when a task has

A currently running task can be stopped by a SOFTRESET. The

RUN flag is cleared, the task is stopped, but no CLAINTxn interrupt
is generated.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Task 4 is not executing (default)
1h (R/W) = Task 4 is executing
2 INT3 R 0h These bits indicate which task is currently active. Only one bit can be
set to "1" at any one time. The bit is automatically cleared to "0"
when the task completes and the respective CLAINTxn line is
toggled to indicate task completion. The CLAINTxn interrupt line can
be fed to the PIE of the CPU so the CPU knows when a task has

A currently running task can be stopped by a SOFTRESET. The

RUN flag is cleared, the task is stopped, but no CLAINTxn interrupt
is generated.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Task 3 is not executing (default)
1h (R/W) = Task 3 is executing
1 INT2 R 0h These bits indicate which task is currently active. Only one bit can be
set to "1" at any one time. The bit is automatically cleared to "0"
when the task completes and the respective CLAINTxn line is
toggled to indicate task completion. The CLAINTxn interrupt line can
be fed to the PIE of the CPU so the CPU knows when a task has

A currently running task can be stopped by a SOFTRESET. The

RUN flag is cleared, the task is stopped, but no CLAINTxn interrupt
is generated.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Task 2 is not executing (default)
1h (R/W) = Task 2 is executing

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Table 6-40. MIRUN Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
0 INT1 R 0h These bits indicate which task is currently active. Only one bit can be
set to "1" at any one time. The bit is automatically cleared to "0"
when the task completes and the respective CLAINTxn line is
toggled to indicate task completion. The CLAINTxn interrupt line can
be fed to the PIE of the CPU so the CPU knows when a task has

A currently running task can be stopped by a SOFTRESET. The

RUN flag is cleared, the task is stopped, but no CLAINTxn interrupt
is generated.
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = Task 1 is not executing (default)
1h (R/W) = Task 1 is executing

812 Control Law Accelerator (CLA) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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_MPC is shown in Figure 6-18 and described in Table 6-41.
Return to the Summary Table.
CLA Program Counter

Figure 6-18. _MPC Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-41. _MPC Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 _MPC R 0h Program Counter: The PC value is initialized by the appropriate
MVECTx register when an interrupt (task) is serviced.

The MPC register address 16-bits and not 32-bits. Hence the
address range of the CLA with a 16-bit MPC is 64Kx16 words or 32K
CLA instructions.

Notes: [1] To be consistent with C28 core implementation, the PC

value points to the instruction in D2 stage of pipeline.

[2] After a STOP operation, and with no other task pending, the PC
will remain pointing to the STOP operation.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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_MAR0 is shown in Figure 6-19 and described in Table 6-42.
Return to the Summary Table.
CLA Auxiliary Register 0

Figure 6-19. _MAR0 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-42. _MAR0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 _MAR0 R 0h CLA Auxillary Register 0
Reset type: SYSRSn

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_MAR1 is shown in Figure 6-20 and described in Table 6-43.
Return to the Summary Table.
CLA Auxiliary Register 1

Figure 6-20. _MAR1 Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-43. _MAR1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 _MAR1 R 0h CLA Auxillary Register 1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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CLA Registers www.ti.com _MSTF Register (Offset = 2Eh) [reset = 0h]

_MSTF is shown in Figure 6-21 and described in Table 6-44.
Return to the Summary Table.
The CLA status register (MSTF) reflects the results of different operations. These are the basic rules for
the flags:
- Zero and negative flags are cleared or set based on:
- floating-point moves to registers
- the result of compare, minimum, maximum, negative and absolute value operations
- the integer result of operations such as MMOV16, MAND32, MOR32, MXOR32, MCMP32,
- Overflow and underflow flags are set by floating-point math instructions such as multiply, add, subtract
and 1/x. These flags may also be connected to the peripheral interrupt expansion (PIE) block on your
device. This can be useful for debugging underflow and overflow conditions within an application.

Figure 6-21. _MSTF Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 6-44. _MSTF Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
27-12 _RPC R 0h Return program counter
The _RPC is used to save and restore the MPC address by the
MCCNDD and MRCNDD operations
Reset type: SYSRSn
This bit enables and disables CLA write access to EALLOW
protected registers This is independent of the state of the EALLOW
bit in the main CPU status register This status bit can be saved and
restored by the MMOV32 STF, mem32 instruction
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = The CLA cannot write to EALLOW protected registers.
This bit is cleared by the CLA instruction, MEDIS.
1h (R/W) = The CLA is allowed to write to EALLOW protected
registers. This bit is set by the CLA instruction, MEALLOW.
10 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
9 RNDF32 R 0h Round 32-bit Floating-Point Mode
Use the MSETFLG and MMOV32 MSTF, mem32 instructions to
change the rounding mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = If this bit is zero, the MMPYF32, MADDF32 and
MSUBF32 instructions will round to zero (truncate).
1h (R/W) = If this bit is one, the MMPYF32, MADDF32 and
MSUBF32 instructions will round to the nearest even value.

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Table 6-44. _MSTF Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
8-7 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
6 TF R 0h Test Flag
The MTESTTF instruction can modify this flag based on the
condition tested The MSETFLG and MMOV32 MSTF, mem32
instructions can also be used to modify this flag
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = The condition tested with the MTESTTF instruction is
1h (R/W) = The condition tested with the MTESTTF instruction is
5-4 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
3 ZF R 0h Zero Flag
- Instructions that modify this flag based on the floating-point value
stored in the destination register:
- Instructions that modify this flag based on the floating-point result
of the operation:
- Instructions that modify this flag based on the integer result of the
MMOV16, MAND32, MOR32, MXOR32, MCMP32, MASR32,
MLSR32 and
The MSETFLG and MMOV32 MSTF, mem32 instructions can also
be used to modify this flag
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = The value is not zero
1h (R/W) = The value is zero
2 NF R 0h Negative Flag
- Instructions that modify this flag based on the floating-point value
stored in the destination register:
- Instructions that modify this flag based on the floating-point result
of the operation:
- Instructions that modify this flag based on the integer result of the
MMOV16, MAND32, MOR32, MXOR32, MCMP32, MASR32,
MLSR32 and
The MSETFLG and MMOV32 MSTF, mem32 instructions can also
be used to modify this flag
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = The value is not negative
1h (R/W) = The value is negative
1 LUF R 0h Latched Underflow Flag
The following instructions will set this flag to 1 if an underflow occurs:
The MSETFLG and MMOV32 MSTF, mem32 instructions can also
be used to modify this flag
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = An underflow condition has not been latched
1h (R/W) = An underflow condition has been latched

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Table 6-44. _MSTF Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
0 LVF R 0h Latched Overflow Flag
The following instructions will set this flag to 1 if an overflow occurs:
The MSETFLG and MMOV32 MSTF, mem32 instructions can also
be used to modify this flag
Reset type: SYSRSn
0h (R/W) = An overflow condition has not been latched
1h (R/W) = An overflow condition has been latched

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_MR0 is shown in Figure 6-22 and described in Table 6-45.
Return to the Summary Table.
CLA Floating-Point Result Register 0

Figure 6-22. _MR0 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-45. _MR0 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 i32 R 0h CLA Result Register 0
Reset type: SYSRSn

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CLA Registers www.ti.com _MR1 Register (Offset = 34h) [reset = 0h]

_MR1 is shown in Figure 6-23 and described in Table 6-46.
Return to the Summary Table.
CLA Floating-Point Result Register 1

Figure 6-23. _MR1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-46. _MR1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 i32 R 0h CLA Result Register 1
Reset type: SYSRSn

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_MR2 is shown in Figure 6-24 and described in Table 6-47.
Return to the Summary Table.
CLA Floating-Point Result Register 2

Figure 6-24. _MR2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-47. _MR2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 i32 R 0h CLA Result Register 2
Reset type: SYSRSn

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CLA Registers www.ti.com _MR3 Register (Offset = 3Ch) [reset = 0h]

_MR3 is shown in Figure 6-25 and described in Table 6-48.
Return to the Summary Table.
CLA Floating-Point Result Register 3

Figure 6-25. _MR3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 6-48. _MR3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-0 i32 R 0h CLA Result Register 3
Reset type: SYSRSn

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6.8.3 CLA_SOFTINT_REGS Registers

Table 6-49 lists the CLA_SOFTINT_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 6-49
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 6-49. CLA_SOFTINT_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h SOFTINTEN CLA Software Interrupt Enable Register Go
2h SOFTINTFRC CLA Software Interrupt Force Register Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 6-50 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 6-50. CLA_SOFTINT_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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CLA Registers www.ti.com SOFTINTEN Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = 0h]

SOFTINTEN is shown in Figure 6-26 and described in Table 6-51.
Return to the Summary Table.
Enables the ability to generate CLA task interrupt from within the task, by writing to SOFTINTFRC register.
SOFTINTFRC register can only be written from CLA.

Figure 6-26. SOFTINTEN Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 6-51. SOFTINTEN Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
7 TASK8 R/W 0h 0: End-Of-Task Interrupt is fired for the respective task
1: Enable Software Interrupt for the respective task. End-of-Task
interrupt is not sent to CPU in this case.
Note: SOFTINTEN register is read only in the CPU memory map.
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 TASK7 R/W 0h 0: End-Of-Task Interrupt is fired for the respective task
1: Enable Software Interrupt for the respective task. End-of-Task
interrupt is not sent to CPU in this case.
Note: SOFTINTEN register is read only in the CPU memory map.
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 TASK6 R/W 0h 0: End-Of-Task Interrupt is fired for the respective task
1: Enable Software Interrupt for the respective task. End-of-Task
interrupt is not sent to CPU in this case.
Note: SOFTINTEN register is read only in the CPU memory map.
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 TASK5 R/W 0h 0: End-Of-Task Interrupt is fired for the respective task
1: Enable Software Interrupt for the respective task. End-of-Task
interrupt is not sent to CPU in this case.
Note: SOFTINTEN register is read only in the CPU memory map.
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 TASK4 R/W 0h 0: End-Of-Task Interrupt is fired for the respective task
1: Enable Software Interrupt for the respective task. End-of-Task
interrupt is not sent to CPU in this case.
Note: SOFTINTEN register is read only in the CPU memory map.
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 TASK3 R/W 0h 0: End-Of-Task Interrupt is fired for the respective task
1: Enable Software Interrupt for the respective task. End-of-Task
interrupt is not sent to CPU in this case.
Note: SOFTINTEN register is read only in the CPU memory map.
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 TASK2 R/W 0h 0: End-Of-Task Interrupt is fired for the respective task
1: Enable Software Interrupt for the respective task. End-of-Task
interrupt is not sent to CPU in this case.
Note: SOFTINTEN register is read only in the CPU memory map.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 6-51. SOFTINTEN Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
0 TASK1 R/W 0h 0: End-Of-Task Interrupt is fired for the respective task
1: Enable Software Interrupt for the respective task. End-of-Task
interrupt is not sent to CPU in this case.
Note: SOFTINTEN register is read only in the CPU memory map.
Reset type: SYSRSn

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CLA Registers www.ti.com SOFTINTFRC Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = 0h]

SOFTINTFRC is shown in Figure 6-27 and described in Table 6-52.
Return to the Summary Table.
Writing a value of 1 in a bit will generate the corresponding task interrupt.This register is only accessible
by the CLA (not the CPU).

Figure 6-27. SOFTINTFRC Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 6-52. SOFTINTFRC Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-8 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
7 TASK8 R-0/W1S 0h Write of '1' will generate a CLA software interrupt to the CPU for the
corresponding task.

Write of '0' has no effect.

Reset type: SYSRSn
6 TASK7 R-0/W1S 0h Write of '1' will generate a CLA software interrupt to the CPU for the
corresponding task.

Write of '0' has no effect.

Reset type: SYSRSn
5 TASK6 R-0/W1S 0h Write of '1' will generate a CLA software interrupt to the CPU for the
corresponding task.

Write of '0' has no effect.

Reset type: SYSRSn
4 TASK5 R-0/W1S 0h Write of '1' will generate a CLA software interrupt to the CPU for the
corresponding task.

Write of '0' has no effect.

Reset type: SYSRSn
3 TASK4 R-0/W1S 0h Write of '1' will generate a CLA software interrupt to the CPU for the
corresponding task.

Write of '0' has no effect.

Reset type: SYSRSn
2 TASK3 R-0/W1S 0h Write of '1' will generate a CLA software interrupt to the CPU for the
corresponding task.

Write of '0' has no effect.

Reset type: SYSRSn
1 TASK2 R-0/W1S 0h Write of '1' will generate a CLA software interrupt to the CPU for the
corresponding task.

Write of '0' has no effect.

Reset type: SYSRSn
0 TASK1 R-0/W1S 0h Write of '1' will generate a CLA software interrupt to the CPU for the
corresponding task.

Write of '0' has no effect.

Reset type: SYSRSn

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Chapter 7
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General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)

The GPIO module controls the device's digital multiplexing, which uses shared pins to maximize
application flexibility. The pins are named by their general-purpose I/O name (for example, GPIO0,
GPIO25, GPIO58). These pins can be individually selected to operate as digital I/O (also called GPIO
mode), or connected to one of several peripheral I/O signals. The input signals can be qualified to remove
unwanted noise.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

7.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 828

7.2 Configuration Overview ..................................................................................... 829
7.3 Digital General-Purpose I/O Control .................................................................... 829
7.4 Input Qualification ............................................................................................ 831
7.5 USB Signals ..................................................................................................... 834
7.6 SPI Signals ...................................................................................................... 834
7.7 GPIO and Peripheral Muxing .............................................................................. 835
7.8 Internal Pullup Configuration Requirements ........................................................ 840
7.9 GPIO Registers................................................................................................. 841

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7.1 Introduction
Up to twelve independent peripheral signals are multiplexed on a single GPIO-enabled pin in addition to
the CPU-controlled I/O capability. Each pin output can be controlled by either a peripheral or one of the
two CPU masters (CPU1, CPU1.CLA). There are two I/O ports:
• Port A consists of GPIO0-GPIO31
• Port B consists of GPIO32-GPIO63
• Port C consists of GPIO64-GPIO95
• Port D consists of GPIO96-GPIO127
• Port E consists of GPIO128-GPIO159
• Port F consists of GPIO160-GPIO168
Figure 7-1 shows the GPIO logic for a single pin.

Figure 7-1. GPIO Logic for a Single Pin


Low Power CPU1

CPU1 Mode Control
GPyPUD Pull-Up
Sync 00
3-sample 01
0 6-sample 10
Async 11

Hibernate GPyCSEL1-4 GPyDAT (W) GPyDAT (W)
Isolation Latches

Direction 00
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
00:01 Peripheral A
00:10 Peripheral B
Data 00:11 Peripheral C

01:00 GPIO (same as 00:00)

01:01 Peripheral D
CPU1 Enable and 01:10 Peripheral E
GPyODR Open Drain Direction 01:11 Peripheral F
10:xx GPIO and Peripherals G-I

11:xx GPIO and Peripherals J-L

NOTE: High-speed SPI and AUXCLKIN use a different signal path that do not support inversion or
qualification. For more details on high-speed SPI pins, see Section 7.6.
The USB PHY pin muxing is not shown in this diagram. For more details on USB pins, see
Section 7.5.

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There are two key features to note in this diagram. The first is that the input and output paths are entirely
separate, connecting only at the pin. The second is that peripheral muxing takes place far from the pin. As
a result, it is always possible for both CPUs and CLAs to read the physical state of the pin independent of
CPU mastering and peripheral muxing. Likewise, external interrupts can be generated from peripheral
activity. All pin options such as input qualification and open-drain output are valid for all masters and
peripherals. However, the peripheral muxing, CPU muxing, and pin options can only be configured by
A separate configuration is required for the USB signals. See Section 7.5 for details.

NOTE: JTAG uses a different signal path that does not support inversion or qualification.

7.2 Configuration Overview

I/O pin configuration consists of several steps:
1. Plan the device pin-out
Make a list of all required peripherals for the application. Using the peripheral mux information in the
device data manual, choose which GPIOs to use for the peripheral signals. Decide which of the
remaining GPIOs to use as inputs and outputs for each CPU and CLA.
Once the peripheral muxing has been chosen, it should be implemented by writing the appropriate
values to the GPyMUX1/2 and GPyGMUX1/2 registers. When changing the GPyGMUX value for a pin,
always set the corresponding GPyMUX bits to zero first to avoid glitching in the muxes. By default, all
pins are general-purpose I/Os, not peripheral signals.
2. (Optional) Enable internal pullup resistors
To enable or disable the pullup resistors, write to the appropriate bits in the GPIO pullup disable
registers (GPyPUD). All pullups are disabled by default. Pullups can be used to keep input pins in a
known state when there is no external signal driving them.
3. Select input qualification
If the pin will be used as an input, specify the required input qualification, if any. The input qualification
sampling period is selected in the GPyCTRL registers, while the type of qualification is selected in the
GPyQSEL1 and GPyQSEL2 registers. By default, all qualification is synchronous with a sampling
period equal to PLLSYSCLK. For an explanation of input qualification, see section Section 7.4.
4. Select the direction of any general-purpose I/O pins
For each pin configured as a GPIO, specify the direction of the pin as either input or output using the
GPyDIR registers. By default, all GPIO pins are inputs. Before changing a pin to an output, load the
output latch with the value to be driven by writing that value to the GPySET, GPyCLEAR, or GPyDAT
registers. Once the latch is loaded, write to GPyDIR to change the pin direction. By default, all output
latches are zero.
5. Select low-power mode wake-up sources
GPIOs 0-63 can be used to wake the system up from low power modes. To select one or more GPIOs
for wake-up, write to the appropriate bits in the GPIOLPMSEL0 and GPIOLPMSEL1 registers. These
registers are part of the CPU system register space. In Hibernate mode, GPIO 41 is the only wake-up
pin. For more information on low-power modes and GPIO wake-up, see the Low Power Modes section
in the System Control and Interrupts chapter.
6. Select external interrupt sources
Configuring external interrupts is a two-step process. First, the interrupts themselves must be enabled
and their polarity must be configured via the XINTnCR registers. Second, the XINT1-5 GPIO pins must
be set by selecting the sources for Input X-BAR signals 4, 5, 6, 13, and 14, respectively. For more
information on the Input X-BAR architecture, see the Crossbar(XBAR) chapter of this manual.

7.3 Digital General-Purpose I/O Control

The values on the pins that are configured as GPIO can be changed by using these registers.
• GPyDAT Registers
Each I/O port has one data register. Each bit in the data register corresponds to one GPIO pin. No
matter how the pin is configured (GPIO or peripheral function), the corresponding bit in the data
register reflects the current state of the pin after qualification. Writing to the GPyDAT register clears or

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sets the corresponding output latch and if the pin is enabled as a general purpose output (GPIO
output) the pin will also be driven either low or high. If the pin is not configured as a GPIO output then
the value will be latched, but the pin will not be driven. Only if the pin is later configured as a GPIO
output, will the latched value be driven onto the pin.
When using the GPyDAT register to change the level of an output pin, you should be cautious not to
accidentally change the level of another pin. For example, if you mean to change the output latch level
of GPIOA1 by writing to the GPADAT register bit 0 using a read-modify-write instruction, a problem can
occur if another I/O port A signal changes level between the read and the write stage of the instruction.
Following is an analysis of why this happens:
The GPyDAT registers reflect the state of the pin, not the latch. This means the register reflects the
actual pin value. However, there is a lag between when the register is written to when the new pin
value is reflected back in the register. This may pose a problem when this register is used in
subsequent program statements to alter the state of GPIO pins. An example is shown below where two
program statements attempt to drive two different GPIO pins that are currently low to a high state.
If Read-Modify-Write operations are used on the GPyDAT registers, because of the delay between the
output and the input of the first instruction (I1), the second instruction (I2) will read the old value and
write it back.
GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.bit.GPIO1 = 1; //I1 performs read-modify-
write of GPADAT GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.bit.GPIO2 = 1; //I2 also a read-modify-
write of GPADAT. //GPADAT gets the old value of GPIO1 due to the delay
The second instruction will wait for the first to finish its write due to the write-followed-by-read
protection on this peripheral frame. There will be some lag, however, between the write of (I1) and the
GPyDAT bit reflecting the new value (1) on the pin. During this lag, the second instruction will read the
old value of GPIO1 (0) and write it back along with the new value of GPIO2 (1). Therefore, GPIO1 pin
stays low.
One solution is to put some NOPs between instructions. A better solution is to use the
GPySET/GPyCLEAR/GPyTOGGLE registers instead of the GPyDAT registers. These registers always
read back a 0 and writes of 0 have no effect. Only bits that need to be changed can be specified
without disturbing any other bit(s) that are currently in the process of changing.
• GPySET Registers
The set registers are used to drive specified GPIO pins high without disturbing other pins. Each I/O
port has one set register and each bit corresponds to one GPIO pin. The set registers always read
back 0. If the corresponding pin is configured as an output, then writing a 1 to that bit in the set register
will set the output latch high and the corresponding pin will be driven high. If the pin is not configured
as a GPIO output, then the value will be latched but the pin will not be driven. Only if the pin is later
configured as a GPIO output will the latched value be driven onto the pin. Writing a 0 to any bit in the
set registers has no effect.
• GPyCLEAR Registers
The clear registers are used to drive specified GPIO pins low without disturbing other pins. Each I/O
port has one clear register. The clear registers always read back 0. If the corresponding pin is
configured as a general purpose output, then writing a 1 to the corresponding bit in the clear register
will clear the output latch and the pin will be driven low. If the pin is not configured as a GPIO output,
then the value will be latched but the pin will not be driven. Only if the pin is later configured as a GPIO
output will the latched value be driven onto the pin. Writing a 0 to any bit in the clear registers has no
• GPyTOGGLE Registers
The toggle registers are used to drive specified GPIO pins to the opposite level without disturbing other
pins. Each I/O port has one toggle register. The toggle registers always read back 0. If the
corresponding pin is configured as an output, then writing a 1 to that bit in the toggle register flips the
output latch and pulls the corresponding pin in the opposite direction. That is, if the output pin is driven
low, then writing a 1 to the corresponding bit in the toggle register will pull the pin high. Likewise, if the
output pin is high, then writing a 1 to the corresponding bit in the toggle register will pull the pin low. If
the pin is not configured as a GPIO output, then the value will be latched but the pin will not be driven.
Only if the pin is later configured as a GPIO output will the latched value be driven onto the pin. Writing
a 0 to any bit in the toggle registers has no effect.

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7.4 Input Qualification

The input qualification scheme has been designed to be very flexible. You can select the type of input
qualification for each GPIO pin by configuring the GPyQSEL1 and GPyQSEL2 registers. In the case of a
GPIO input pin, the qualification can be specified as only synchronize to SYSCLKOUT or qualification by a
sampling window. For pins that are configured as peripheral inputs, the input can also be asynchronous in
addition to synchronized to SYSCLKOUT or qualified by a sampling window. The remainder of this section
describes the options available.

7.4.1 No Synchronization (Asynchronous Input)

This mode is used for peripherals where input synchronization is not required or the peripheral itself
performs the synchronization. Examples include communication ports McBSP, SCI, SPI, and I2C. In
addition, it may be desirable to have the ePWM trip zone (TZn) signals function independent of the
presence of SYSCLKOUT.
The asynchronous option is not valid if the pin is used as a general purpose digital input pin (GPIO). If the
pin is configured as a GPIO input and the asynchronous option is selected then the qualification defaults
to synchronization to SYSCLKOUT as described in Section 7.4.2.

NOTE: Using input synchronization when the peripheral itself performs the synchronization may
cause unexpected results. The user should ensure that the GPIO pin is configured for
asynchronous in this case.

7.4.2 Synchronization to SYSCLKOUT Only

This is the default qualification mode of all the pins at reset. In this mode, the input signal is only
synchronized to the system clock (SYSCLKOUT). Because the incoming signal is asynchronous, it can
take up to a SYSCLKOUT period of delay in order for the input to the MCU to be changed. No further
qualification is performed on the signal.

7.4.3 Qualification Using a Sampling Window

In this mode, the signal is first synchronized to the system clock (SYSCLKOUT) and then qualified by a
specified number of cycles before the input is allowed to change. Figure 7-2 and Figure 7-3 show how the
input qualification is performed to eliminate unwanted noise. Two parameters are specified by the user for
this type of qualification: 1) the sampling period, or how often the signal is sampled, and 2) the number of
samples to be taken.

Figure 7-2. Input Qualification Using a Sampling Window

Time between samples


GPIOx SYNC Qualification Input Signal

Qualified By 3
or 6 Samples

Number of Samples

Time between samples (sampling period):

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To qualify the signal, the input signal is sampled at a regular period. The sampling period is specified by
the user and determines the time duration between samples, or how often the signal will be sampled,
relative to the CPU clock (SYSCLKOUT).
The sampling period is specified by the qualification period (QUALPRDn) bits in the GPxCTRL register.
The sampling period is configurable in groups of 8 input signals. For example, GPIO0 to GPIO7 use
GPACTRL[QUALPRD0] setting and GPIO8 to GPIO15 use GPACTRL[QUALPRD1]. Table 7-1 and
Table 7-2 show the relationship between the sampling period or sampling frequency and the
GPxCTRL[QUALPRDn] setting.

Table 7-1. Sampling Period

Sampling Period
Where TSYSCLKOUT is the period in time of SYSCLKOUT

Table 7-2. Sampling Frequency

Sampling Frequency
Where fSYSCLKOUT is the frequency of SYSCLKOUT

From these equations, the minimum and maximum time between samples can be calculated for a given
SYSCLKOUT frequency:

Example: Maximum Sampling Frequency:

then the sampling frequency is fSYSCLKOUT
If, for example, fSYSCLKOUT = 60 MHz
then the signal will be sampled at 60 MHz or one sample every 16.67 ns.

Example: Minimum Sampling Frequency:

If GPxCTRL[QUALPRDn] = 0xFF (255)
then the sampling frequency is fSYSCLKOUT × 1 ÷ (2 × GPxCTRL[QUALPRDn])
If, for example, fSYSCLKOUT = 60 MHz
then the signal will be sampled at 60 MHz × 1 ÷ (2 × 255) or one sample every 8.5 μs.

Number of samples:
The number of times the signal is sampled is either three samples or six samples as specified in the
qualification selection (GPAQSEL1, GPAQSEL2, GPBQSEL1, and GPBQSEL2) registers. When three or
six consecutive cycles are the same, then the input change will be passed through to the MCU.
Total Sampling Window Width:
The sampling window is the time during which the input signal will be sampled as shown in Figure 7-3. By
using the equation for the sampling period along with the number of samples to be taken, the total width of
the window can be determined.
For the input qualifier to detect a change in the input, the level of the signal must be stable for the duration
of the sampling window width or longer.
The number of sampling periods within the window is always one less than the number of samples taken.
For a three-sample window, the sampling window width is two sampling periods wide where the sampling
period is defined in Table 7-1. Likewise, for a six-sample window, the sampling window width is five
sampling periods wide. Table 7-3 and Table 7-4 show the calculations that can be used to determine the
total sampling window width based on GPxCTRL[QUALPRDn] and the number of samples taken.
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Table 7-3. Case 1: Three-Sample Sampling Window Width

Total Sampling Window Width

Where TSYSCLKOUT is the period in time of SYSCLKOUT

Table 7-4. Case 2: Six-Sample Sampling Window Width

Total Sampling Window Width

Where TSYSCLKOUT is the period in time of SYSCLKOUT

NOTE: The external signal change is asynchronous with respect to both the sampling period and
SYSCLKOUT. Due to the asynchronous nature of the external signal, the input should be
held stable for a time greater than the sampling window width to make sure the logic detects
a change in the signal. The extra time required can be up to an additional sampling period +
The required duration for an input signal to be stable for the qualification logic to detect a
change is described in the device-specific data manual.

Example Qualification Window:

For the example shown in Figure 7-3, the input qualification has been configured as follows:
• GPxQSEL1/2 = 1,0. This indicates a six-sample qualification.
• GPxCTRL[QUALPRDn] = 1. The sampling period is tw(SP) = 2 × GPxCTRL[QUALPRDn] × TSYSCLKOUT =
This configuration results in the following:
• The width of the sampling window is: .
tw(IQSW) = 5 × tw(SP) = 5 × 2 × GPxCTRL[QUALPRDn] × TSYSCLKOUT = 5 × 2 × TSYSCLKOUT
• If, for example, TSYSCLKOUT = 16.67 ns, then the duration of the sampling window is:
Sampling period, tw(SP) = 2 x TSYSCLKOUT = 2 x 16.67 ns = 33.3 ns
Sampling window, tw(IQSW) = 5 × tw(SP) = 5 × 33.3 ns =166.7 ns.
• To account for the asynchronous nature of the input relative to the sampling period and SYSCLKOUT,
up to an additional sampling period and SYSCLK period may be required to detect a change in the
input signal. For this example:
tw(IQSW) + tw(SP) + TSYSCLKOUT = 166.7 ns + 33.3 ns + 16.67 ns = 216.7 ns
• In Figure 7-3, the glitch (A) is shorter then the qualification window and will be ignored by the input

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Figure 7-3. Input Qualifier Clock Cycles

GPIO Signal GPxQSELn = 1,0 (6 samples)

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

tw(SP) Sampling Period determined

Sampling Window (SYSCLKOUT cycle * 2 * QUALPRD) * 5(C))



Output From

A. This glitch will be ignored by the input qualifier. The QUALPRD bit field specifies the qualification sampling period. It can vary from 00 to
0xFF. If QUALPRD = 00, then the sampling period is 1 SYSCLKOUT cycle. For any other value “n”, the qualification sampling period in 2n
SYSCLKOUT cycles (i.e., at every 2n SYSCLKOUT cycles, the GPIO pin will be sampled).
B. The qualification period selected via the GPxCTRL register applies to groups of 8 GPIO pins.
C. The qualification block can take either three or six samples. The GPxQSELn Register selects which sample mode is used.
D. In the example shown, for the qualifier to detect the change, the input should be stable for 10 SYSCLKOUT cycles or greater. In other words,
the inputs should be stable for (5 x QUALPRD x 2) SYSCLKOUT cycles. That would ensure 5 sampling periods for detection to occur. Since
external signals are driven asynchronously, an 13-SYSCLKOUT-wide pulse ensures reliable recognition.

7.5 USB Signals

The USB module on this device has an internal physical layer transceiver (PHY). Its I/O signals are not
normal digital signals, and as a result, they do not connect to the pins through the normal GPIO mux path.
Instead, a special analog mux is used. To connect the USB signals to the device pins, set the GPyAMSEL
bits appropriately as shown in Table 7-5. Do not enable pullups or any other special pin option when using
the USB signals.

Table 7-5. USB I/O Signal Muxing


7.6 SPI Signals

The SPI module on this device has a high-speed mode that enables 40 Mbps communication. To achieve
the highest possible speed, a special GPIO configuration is used on a single GPIO mux option for each
SPI. These GPIOs may also be used by the SPI when not in high-speed mode (HS_MODE = 0). shows
which GPIOs have the special mux option to allow SPI high-speed mode.
To select these mux options the user should configure GPyGMUX and GPyMUX registers as shown in
Table 7-6.

Table 7-6. GPIO Configuration for High-Speed SPI

GPIO SPI Signal Mux Configuration
GPIO58 SPISIMOA GPBGMUX2[21:20]=11 GPBMUX2[21:20]=11
GPIO59 SPISOMIA GPBGMUX2[23:22]=11 GPBMUX2[23:22]=11
GPIO60 SPICLKA GPBGMUX2[25:24]=11 GPBMUX2[25:24]=11

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Table 7-6. GPIO Configuration for High-Speed SPI (continued)

GPIO SPI Signal Mux Configuration
GPIO61 SPISTEA GPBGMUX2[27:26]=11 GPBMUX2[27:26]=11

GPIO63 SPISIMOB GPBGMUX2[31:30]=11 GPBMUX2[31:30]=11


GPIO69 SPISIMOC GPCGMUX1[11:10]=11 GPCMUX1[11:10]=11

GPIO70 SPISOMIC GPCGMUX1[13:12]=11 GPCMUX1[13:12]=11
GPIO71 SPICLKC GPCGMUX1[15:14]=11 GPCMUX1[15:14]=11
GPIO72 SPISTEC GPCGMUX1[17:16]=11 GPCMUX1[17:16]=11

7.7 GPIO and Peripheral Muxing

Up to twelve different peripheral functions are multiplexed to each pin along with a general-purpose
input/output (GPIO) function. This allows you to choose the peripheral mix and pinout that will work best
for your particular application. Refer to the table below for muxing combinations and definitions.

Table 7-7. GPIO Muxed Pins (1) (2)

GPIO Mux Selection
GPIO Index 0, 4, 8, 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 15
GPyGMUXn. 00b, 01b,
00b 01b 11b
GPIOz = 10b, 11b
00b 01b 10b 11b 01b 10b 11b 11b
(O) (O)
(O) (O)

I = Input, O = Output, OD = Open Drain
GPIO Index settings of 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14 are reserved.

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Table 7-7. GPIO Muxed Pins (1) (2) (continued)

GPIO Mux Selection
GPIO Index 0, 4, 8, 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 15
GPyGMUXn. 00b, 01b,
00b 01b 11b
GPIOz = 10b, 11b
00b 01b 10b 11b 01b 10b 11b 11b
(O) (O)
(O) (O)
GPIO44 EM1A4 (O)
GPIO45 EM1A5 (O)
GPIO53 EQEP1I (I/O) EM1D31 (I/O) EM2D15 (I/O) SPISTEC (I/O) SD1_C3 (I)

High-Speed SPI-enabled GPIO mux option. This pin mux option is required when using the SPI in High-Speed Mode
(HS_MODE = 1 in SPICCR). This mux option is still available when not using the SPI in High-Speed Mode (HS_MODE = 0 in

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Table 7-7. GPIO Muxed Pins (1) (2) (continued)

GPIO Mux Selection
GPIO Index 0, 4, 8, 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 15
GPyGMUXn. 00b, 01b,
00b 01b 11b
GPIOz = 10b, 11b
00b 01b 10b 11b 01b 10b 11b 11b
GPIO66 EM1D18 (I/O) EM2D2 (I/O) SDAB (I/OD) SPISTEB (3) (I/O)
GPIO67 EM1D17 (I/O) EM2D1 (I/O)
GPIO68 EM1D16 (I/O) EM2D0 (I/O)
GPIO74 EM1D10 (I/O)
GPIO75 EM1D9 (I/O)
GPIO82 EM1D2 (I/O)
GPIO83 EM1D1 (I/O)
GPIO88 EM1A15 (O) EM1DQM0 (O)
GPIO92 EM1A19 (O) EM1BA1 (O) SCLA (I/OD)
GPIO108 EM2A10 (O)
GPIO109 EM2A11 (O)
GPIO111 EM2BA0 (O)

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Table 7-7. GPIO Muxed Pins (1) (2) (continued)

GPIO Mux Selection
GPIO Index 0, 4, 8, 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 15
GPyGMUXn. 00b, 01b,
00b 01b 11b
GPIOz = 10b, 11b
00b 01b 10b 11b 01b 10b 11b 11b
GPIO112 EM2BA1 (O)
GPIO115 EM2CS0 (O)
GPIO116 EM2CS2 (O)
GPIO126 SD1_D3 (I)
GPIO127 SD1_C3 (I)
GPIO128 SD1_D4 (I)
GPIO129 SD1_C4 (I)
GPIO130 SD2_D1 (I)
GPIO131 SD2_C1 (I)
GPIO132 SD2_D2 (I)
SD2_C2 (I)
GPIO134 SD2_D3 (I)

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Table 7-7. GPIO Muxed Pins (1) (2) (continued)

GPIO Mux Selection
GPIO Index 0, 4, 8, 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 15
GPyGMUXn. 00b, 01b,
00b 01b 11b
GPIOz = 10b, 11b
00b 01b 10b 11b 01b 10b 11b 11b

For example, the multiplexing for the GPIO 6 pin is controlled by writing toGPAGMUX[13:12] and
GPAMUX[13:12]. By writing to these bits, GPIO 6 can be configured as either ageneral-purpose digital I/O
or one of four different peripheral functions. The options are shown inTable 7-8.

Table 7-8. GPIO and Peripheral Muxing

GPAGMUX1[13:12] GPAMUX1[13:12] Pin functionality
00 00 GPIO6
00 01 EPWM4A
01 00 GPIO6
01 01 EQEP3A
01 10 CANB_TX
01 11
10 00 GPIO6
10 01
10 10
10 11
11 00 GPIO6
11 01
11 10
11 11

The devices have different multiplexing schemes. If a peripheral is not available on a particular device,
that mux selection is reserved on that device and should not be used.

NOTE: If you select a reserved GPIO mux configuration that is not mapped to either a peripheral or
GPIO mode, the state of the pin will be undefined and the pin may be driven.
Unimplemented configurations are for future expansion and must not be selected. In the
device mux table (see datasheet), these options are indicated as Reserved or left blank.

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Some peripherals can be assigned to more than one pin via the mux registers. For example,
OUTPUTXBAR1 can be assigned to GPIOs 2, 24, 34, or 58, depending on individual system
requirements. An example of this is shown in Table 7-9.

Table 7-9. Peripheral Muxing (multiple pins assigned)

GMUX Configuration MUX Configuration
Choice 1 GPIO2 GPAGMUX1[5:4]=01 GPAMUX1[5:4]=01
or Choice 2 GPIO24 GPAGMUX2[17:16]=00 GPAMUX2[17:16]=01
or Choice 3 GPIO34 GPBGMUX1[5:4]=00 GPBMUX1[5:4]=01
or Choice 4 GPIO58 GPBGMUX2[21:20]=01 GPBMUX2[21:20]=01

If none, or more then one, of the GPIO pins are configured as peripheral input pins, then that GPIO will be
set to a hard-wired default value.

7.8 Internal Pullup Configuration Requirements

On reset, GPIOs are in input mode and have the internal pullups disabled. An un-driven input can float to
a mid-rail voltage and cause wasted shoot-through current on the input buffer. The user should always put
each GPIO in one of these configurations:
• Input mode and driven on the board by another component to a level above Vih or below Vil
• Input mode with GPIO internal pullup enabled
• Output mode
On devices with lesser pin count packages, pull-ups on unbonded GPIOs are by default enabled to
prevent floating inputs. The user should take care to avoid disabling these pullups in their application
On devices in the 176 PTPor 100 PZP packages, the pullups for any internally unbonded GPIO must be
enabled to prevent floating inputs. TI has provided functions in controlSUITE/C2000Ware which users can
call to enable the pullup on any unbonded GPIO for the package they are using. This function,
GPIO_EnabledUnbondedIOPullups(), resides in the (Device)_Sysctrl.c file and is called by default from
InitSysCtrl(). The user should take care to avoid disabling these pullups in their application code.

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7.9 GPIO Registers

This section describes the General Purpose Input/Output Registers.
The following table provides both specific and generic terms for registers described in this section and
throughout this document.

Table 7-10. Specific vs Generic Termilogy for Registers

Specific Term Generic Term Used in the Document

7.9.1 GPIO Base Addresses

Table 7-11. GPIO Base Address Table

Device Registers Register Name Start Address End Address
GpioCtrlRegs (1) GPIO_CTRL_REGS 0x0000_7C00 0x0000_7D7F
GpioDataRegs GPIO_DATA_REGS 0x0000_7F00 0x0000_7F2F
Only available on CPU1.

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7.9.2 GPIO_CTRL_REGS Registers

Table 7-12 lists the GPIO_CTRL_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 7-12
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 7-12. GPIO_CTRL_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h GPACTRL GPIO A Qualification Sampling Period Control EALLOW Go
(GPIO0 to 31)
2h GPAQSEL1 GPIO A Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO0 to EALLOW Go
4h GPAQSEL2 GPIO A Qualifier Select 2 Register (GPIO16 to EALLOW Go
6h GPAMUX1 GPIO A Mux 1 Register (GPIO0 to 15) EALLOW Go
8h GPAMUX2 GPIO A Mux 2 Register (GPIO16 to 31) EALLOW Go
Ah GPADIR GPIO A Direction Register (GPIO0 to 31) EALLOW Go
Ch GPAPUD GPIO A Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO0 to 31) EALLOW Go
10h GPAINV GPIO A Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO0 to EALLOW Go
12h GPAODR GPIO A Open Drain Output Register (GPIO0 to EALLOW Go
20h GPAGMUX1 GPIO A Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO0 to 15) EALLOW Go
22h GPAGMUX2 GPIO A Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO16 to 31) EALLOW Go
28h GPACSEL1 GPIO A Core Select Register (GPIO0 to 7) EALLOW Go
2Ah GPACSEL2 GPIO A Core Select Register (GPIO8 to 15) EALLOW Go
2Ch GPACSEL3 GPIO A Core Select Register (GPIO16 to 23) EALLOW Go
2Eh GPACSEL4 GPIO A Core Select Register (GPIO24 to 31) EALLOW Go
3Ch GPALOCK GPIO A Lock Configuration Register (GPIO0 to EALLOW Go
3Eh GPACR GPIO A Lock Commit Register (GPIO0 to 31) EALLOW Go
40h GPBCTRL GPIO B Qualification Sampling Period Control EALLOW Go
(GPIO32 to 63)
42h GPBQSEL1 GPIO B Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO32 to EALLOW Go
44h GPBQSEL2 GPIO B Qualifier Select 2 Register (GPIO48 to EALLOW Go
46h GPBMUX1 GPIO B Mux 1 Register (GPIO32 to 47) EALLOW Go
48h GPBMUX2 GPIO B Mux 2 Register (GPIO48 to 63) EALLOW Go
4Ah GPBDIR GPIO B Direction Register (GPIO32 to 63) EALLOW Go
4Ch GPBPUD GPIO B Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO32 to 63) EALLOW Go
50h GPBINV GPIO B Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO32 EALLOW Go
to 63)
52h GPBODR GPIO B Open Drain Output Register (GPIO32 to EALLOW Go
54h GPBAMSEL GPIO B Analog Mode Select register (GPIO32 to EALLOW Go
60h GPBGMUX1 GPIO B Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO32 to 47) EALLOW Go
62h GPBGMUX2 GPIO B Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO48 to 63) EALLOW Go
68h GPBCSEL1 GPIO B Core Select Register (GPIO32 to 39) EALLOW Go
6Ah GPBCSEL2 GPIO B Core Select Register (GPIO40 to 47) EALLOW Go
6Ch GPBCSEL3 GPIO B Core Select Register (GPIO48 to 55) EALLOW Go
6Eh GPBCSEL4 GPIO B Core Select Register (GPIO56 to 63) EALLOW Go
7Ch GPBLOCK GPIO B Lock Configuration Register (GPIO32 to EALLOW Go
7Eh GPBCR GPIO B Lock Commit Register (GPIO32 to 63) EALLOW Go

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Table 7-12. GPIO_CTRL_REGS Registers (continued)

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
80h GPCCTRL GPIO C Qualification Sampling Period Control EALLOW Go
(GPIO64 to 95)
82h GPCQSEL1 GPIO C Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO64 to EALLOW Go
84h GPCQSEL2 GPIO C Qualifier Select 2 Register (GPIO80 to EALLOW Go
86h GPCMUX1 GPIO C Mux 1 Register (GPIO64 to 79) EALLOW Go
88h GPCMUX2 GPIO C Mux 2 Register (GPIO80 to 95) EALLOW Go
8Ah GPCDIR GPIO C Direction Register (GPIO64 to 95) EALLOW Go
8Ch GPCPUD GPIO C Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO64 to 95) EALLOW Go
90h GPCINV GPIO C Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO64 EALLOW Go
to 95)
92h GPCODR GPIO C Open Drain Output Register (GPIO64 to EALLOW Go
A0h GPCGMUX1 GPIO C Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO64 to 79) EALLOW Go
A2h GPCGMUX2 GPIO C Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO80 to 95) EALLOW Go
A8h GPCCSEL1 GPIO C Core Select Register (GPIO64 to 71) EALLOW Go
AAh GPCCSEL2 GPIO C Core Select Register (GPIO72 to 79) EALLOW Go
ACh GPCCSEL3 GPIO C Core Select Register (GPIO80 to 87) EALLOW Go
AEh GPCCSEL4 GPIO C Core Select Register (GPIO88 to 95) EALLOW Go
BCh GPCLOCK GPIO C Lock Configuration Register (GPIO64 to EALLOW Go
BEh GPCCR GPIO C Lock Commit Register (GPIO64 to 95) EALLOW Go
C0h GPDCTRL GPIO D Qualification Sampling Period Control EALLOW Go
(GPIO96 to 127)
C2h GPDQSEL1 GPIO D Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO96 to EALLOW Go
C4h GPDQSEL2 GPIO D Qualifier Select 2 Register (GPIO112 to EALLOW Go
C6h GPDMUX1 GPIO D Mux 1 Register (GPIO96 to 111) EALLOW Go
C8h GPDMUX2 GPIO D Mux 2 Register (GPIO112 to 127) EALLOW Go
CAh GPDDIR GPIO D Direction Register (GPIO96 to 127) EALLOW Go
CCh GPDPUD GPIO D Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO96 to EALLOW Go
D0h GPDINV GPIO D Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO96 EALLOW Go
to 127)
D2h GPDODR GPIO D Open Drain Output Register (GPIO96 to EALLOW Go
E0h GPDGMUX1 GPIO D Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO96 to 111) EALLOW Go
E2h GPDGMUX2 GPIO D Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO112 to 127) EALLOW Go
E8h GPDCSEL1 GPIO D Core Select Register (GPIO96 to 103) EALLOW Go
EAh GPDCSEL2 GPIO D Core Select Register (GPIO104 to 111) EALLOW Go
ECh GPDCSEL3 GPIO D Core Select Register (GPIO112 to 119) EALLOW Go
EEh GPDCSEL4 GPIO D Core Select Register (GPIO120 to 127) EALLOW Go
FCh GPDLOCK GPIO D Lock Configuration Register (GPIO96 to EALLOW Go
FEh GPDCR GPIO D Lock Commit Register (GPIO96 to 127) EALLOW Go
100h GPECTRL GPIO E Qualification Sampling Period Control EALLOW Go
(GPIO128 to 159)
102h GPEQSEL1 GPIO E Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO128 to EALLOW Go

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Table 7-12. GPIO_CTRL_REGS Registers (continued)

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
104h GPEQSEL2 GPIO E Qualifier Select 2 Register (GPIO144 to EALLOW Go
106h GPEMUX1 GPIO E Mux 1 Register (GPIO128 to 143) EALLOW Go
108h GPEMUX2 GPIO E Mux 2 Register (GPIO144 to 159) EALLOW Go
10Ah GPEDIR GPIO E Direction Register (GPIO128 to 159) EALLOW Go
10Ch GPEPUD GPIO E Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO128 to EALLOW Go
110h GPEINV GPIO E Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO128 EALLOW Go
to 159)
112h GPEODR GPIO E Open Drain Output Register (GPIO128 EALLOW Go
to GPIO159)
120h GPEGMUX1 GPIO E Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO128 to 143) EALLOW Go
122h GPEGMUX2 GPIO E Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO144 to 159) EALLOW Go
128h GPECSEL1 GPIO E Core Select Register (GPIO128 to 135) EALLOW Go
12Ah GPECSEL2 GPIO E Core Select Register (GPIO136 to 143) EALLOW Go
12Ch GPECSEL3 GPIO E Core Select Register (GPIO144 to 151) EALLOW Go
12Eh GPECSEL4 GPIO E Core Select Register (GPIO152 to 159) EALLOW Go
13Ch GPELOCK GPIO E Lock Configuration Register (GPIO128 EALLOW Go
to 159)
13Eh GPECR GPIO E Lock Commit Register (GPIO128 to 159) EALLOW Go
140h GPFCTRL GPIO F Qualification Sampling Period Control EALLOW Go
(GPIO160 to 168)
142h GPFQSEL1 GPIO F Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO160 to EALLOW Go
146h GPFMUX1 GPIO F Mux 1 Register (GPIO160 to 168) EALLOW Go
14Ah GPFDIR GPIO F Direction Register (GPIO160 to 168) EALLOW Go
14Ch GPFPUD GPIO F Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO160 to EALLOW Go
150h GPFINV GPIO F Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO160 EALLOW Go
to 168)
152h GPFODR GPIO F Open Drain Output Register (GPIO160 EALLOW Go
to GPIO168)
160h GPFGMUX1 GPIO F Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO160 to 168) EALLOW Go
168h GPFCSEL1 GPIO F Core Select Register (GPIO160 to 167) EALLOW Go
16Ah GPFCSEL2 GPIO F Core Select Register (GPIO168) EALLOW Go
17Ch GPFLOCK GPIO F Lock Configuration Register (GPIO160 EALLOW Go
to 168)
17Eh GPFCR GPIO F Lock Commit Register (GPIO160 to 168) EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 7-13 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 7-13. GPIO_CTRL_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
Write Type
W W Write
WOnce W Write
Once Write once
Reset or Default Value

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Table 7-13. GPIO_CTRL_REGS Access Type

Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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GPACTRL is shown in Figure 7-4 and described in Table 7-14.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Qualification Sampling Period Control (GPIO0 to 31)

Figure 7-4. GPACTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-14. GPACTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 QUALPRD3 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO24 to GPIO31:
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-16 QUALPRD2 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO16 to GPIO23:
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-8 QUALPRD1 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO8 to GPIO15:
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 QUALPRD0 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO0 to GPIO7:
Reset type: SYSRSn

846 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPAQSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-5 and described in Table 7-15.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO0 to 15)
Input qualification type:
0,0 Sync
0,1 Qualification (3 samples)
1,0 Qualification (6 samples)
1,1 Async (no Sync or Qualification)

Figure 7-5. GPAQSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-15. GPAQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO15 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO14 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO13 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO12 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO11 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO10 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO9 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO8 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO7 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO6 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO5 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO4 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO3 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO2 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-15. GPAQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3-2 GPIO1 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPAQSEL2 is shown in Figure 7-6 and described in Table 7-16.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Qualifier Select 2 Register (GPIO16 to 31)
Input qualification type:
0,0 Sync
0,1 Qualification (3 samples)
1,0 Qualification (6 samples)
1,1 Async (no Sync or Qualification)

Figure 7-6. GPAQSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-16. GPAQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO31 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO30 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO29 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO28 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO27 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO26 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO25 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO24 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO23 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO22 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO21 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO20 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO19 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO18 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-16. GPAQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3-2 GPIO17 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO16 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

850 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPAMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-7 and described in Table 7-17.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Mux 1 Register (GPIO0 to 15)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
The respective GPyGMUXn.GPIOz must be configured prior to this register to avoid intermediate
peripheral selects being mapped to the GPIO.

Figure 7-7. GPAMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-17. GPAMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO15 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO14 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO13 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO12 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO11 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO10 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO9 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO8 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO7 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO6 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO5 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO4 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO3 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO2 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO1 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-17. GPAMUX1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1-0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPAMUX2 is shown in Figure 7-8 and described in Table 7-18.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Mux 2 Register (GPIO16 to 31)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
The respective GPyGMUXn.GPIOz must be configured prior to this register to avoid intermediate
peripheral selects being mapped to the GPIO.

Figure 7-8. GPAMUX2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-18. GPAMUX2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO31 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO30 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO29 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO28 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO27 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO26 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO25 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO24 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO23 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO22 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO21 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO20 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO19 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO18 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO17 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-18. GPAMUX2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1-0 GPIO16 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

854 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPADIR is shown in Figure 7-9 and described in Table 7-19.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Direction Register (GPIO0 to 31)
Controls direction of GPIO pins when the specified pin is configured in GPIO mode.
0: Configures pin as input.
1: Configures pin as output.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-9. GPADIR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-19. GPADIR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO31 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO30 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO29 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO28 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO27 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO26 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO25 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO24 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO23 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO22 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO21 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO20 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-19. GPADIR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO19 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO18 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO17 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO16 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO15 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO14 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO13 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO12 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO11 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO10 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO9 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO8 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO7 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO6 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO5 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO4 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO3 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO2 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO1 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPAPUD is shown in Figure 7-10 and described in Table 7-20.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO0 to 31)
Disables the Pull-Up on GPIO.
0: Enables the Pull-Up.
1: Disables the Pull-Up.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-10. GPAPUD Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h

Table 7-20. GPAPUD Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO31 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO30 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO29 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO28 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO27 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO26 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO25 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO24 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO23 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO22 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO21 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO20 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-20. GPAPUD Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO19 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO18 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO17 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO16 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO15 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO14 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO13 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO12 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO11 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO10 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO9 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO8 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO7 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO6 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO5 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO4 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO3 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO2 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO1 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO0 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

858 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPAINV is shown in Figure 7-11 and described in Table 7-21.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO0 to 31)
Selects between non-inverted and inverted GPIO input to the device.
0: selects non-inverted GPIO input
1: selects inverted GPIO input
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-11. GPAINV Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-21. GPAINV Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO31 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO30 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO29 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO28 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO27 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO26 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO25 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO24 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO23 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO22 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO21 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO20 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-21. GPAINV Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO19 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO18 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO17 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO16 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO15 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO14 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO13 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO12 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO11 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO10 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO9 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO8 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO7 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO6 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO5 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO4 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO3 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO2 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO1 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

860 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPAODR is shown in Figure 7-12 and described in Table 7-22.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Open Drain Output Register (GPIO0 to GPIO31)
Selects between normal and open-drain output for the GPIO pin.
0: Normal Output
1: Open Drain Output
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.
[1] In the Open Drain output mode, if the buffer is configured for output mode, a 0 value to be driven out
comes out on the on the PAD while a 1 value to be driven out tri-states the buffer.

Figure 7-12. GPAODR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-22. GPAODR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO31 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO30 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO29 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO28 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO27 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO26 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO25 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO24 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO23 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO22 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-22. GPAODR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
21 GPIO21 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO20 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO19 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO18 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO17 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO16 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO15 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO14 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO13 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO12 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO11 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO10 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO9 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO8 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO7 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO6 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO5 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO4 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO3 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO2 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO1 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

862 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPAGMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-13 and described in Table 7-23.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO0 to 15)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
Note: For complete pin-mux selection on GPIOx, GPAMUXy.GPIOx configuration is also required.

Figure 7-13. GPAGMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-23. GPAGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO15 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO14 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO13 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO12 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO11 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO10 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO9 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO8 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO7 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO6 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO5 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO4 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO3 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO2 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO1 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPAGMUX2 Register (Offset = 22h) [reset = 0h]

GPAGMUX2 is shown in Figure 7-14 and described in Table 7-24.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO16 to 31)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
Note: For complete pin-mux selection on GPIOx, GPAMUXy.GPIOx configuration is also required.

Figure 7-14. GPAGMUX2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-24. GPAGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO31 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO30 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO29 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO28 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO27 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO26 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO25 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO24 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO23 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO22 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO21 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO20 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO19 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO18 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO17 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO16 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPACSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-15 and described in Table 7-25.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Core Select Register (GPIO0 to 7)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-15. GPACSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-25. GPACSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO7 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO6 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO5 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO4 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO3 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO2 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO1 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPACSEL2 Register (Offset = 2Ah) [reset = 0h]

GPACSEL2 is shown in Figure 7-16 and described in Table 7-26.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Core Select Register (GPIO8 to 15)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-16. GPACSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-26. GPACSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO15 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO14 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO13 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO12 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO11 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO10 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO9 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO8 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPACSEL3 is shown in Figure 7-17 and described in Table 7-27.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Core Select Register (GPIO16 to 23)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-17. GPACSEL3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-27. GPACSEL3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO23 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO22 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO21 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO20 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO19 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO18 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO17 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO16 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPACSEL4 Register (Offset = 2Eh) [reset = 0h]

GPACSEL4 is shown in Figure 7-18 and described in Table 7-28.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Core Select Register (GPIO24 to 31)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-18. GPACSEL4 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-28. GPACSEL4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO31 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO30 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO29 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO28 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO27 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO26 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO25 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO24 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

868 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPALOCK is shown in Figure 7-19 and described in Table 7-29.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Lock Configuration Register (GPIO0 to 31)
GPIO Configuration Lock for GPIO.
and GPyCSELx register which control the same pin can be changed
1: Locks changes to the bits in GPyMUX1, GPyMUX2, GPyDIR, GPyINV, GPyODR, GPyAMSEL,
GPyGMUX1, GPyGMUX2 and GPyCSELx registers which control the same pin

Figure 7-19. GPALOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-29. GPALOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO31 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO30 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO29 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO28 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO27 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO26 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO25 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO24 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO23 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO22 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO21 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-29. GPALOCK Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 GPIO20 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO19 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO18 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO17 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO16 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO15 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO14 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO13 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO12 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO11 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO10 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO9 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO8 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO7 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO6 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO5 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO4 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO3 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO2 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO1 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPACR is shown in Figure 7-20 and described in Table 7-30.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Lock Commit Register (GPIO0 to 31)
GPIO Configuration Lock Commit for GPIO:
1: Locks changes to the bit in GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin
0: Bit in the GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin can be changed

Figure 7-20. GPACR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h

Table 7-30. GPACR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO31 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO30 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO29 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO28 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO27 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO26 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO25 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO24 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO23 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO22 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO21 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO20 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-30. GPACR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO19 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO18 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO17 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO16 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO15 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO14 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO13 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO12 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO11 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO10 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO9 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO8 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO7 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO6 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO5 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO4 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO3 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO2 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO1 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO0 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPBCTRL is shown in Figure 7-21 and described in Table 7-31.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Qualification Sampling Period Control (GPIO32 to 63)

Figure 7-21. GPBCTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-31. GPBCTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 QUALPRD3 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO56 to GPIO63:
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-16 QUALPRD2 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO48 to GPIO55:
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-8 QUALPRD1 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO40 to GPIO47:
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 QUALPRD0 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO32 to GPIO39:
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBQSEL1 Register (Offset = 42h) [reset = 0h]

GPBQSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-22 and described in Table 7-32.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO32 to 47)
Input qualification type:
0,0 Sync
0,1 Qualification (3 samples)
1,0 Qualification (6 samples)
1,1 Async (no Sync or Qualification)

Figure 7-22. GPBQSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-32. GPBQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO47 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO46 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO45 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO44 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO43 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO42 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO41 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO40 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO39 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO38 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO37 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO36 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO35 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO34 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-32. GPBQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3-2 GPIO33 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 875
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBQSEL2 Register (Offset = 44h) [reset = 0h]

GPBQSEL2 is shown in Figure 7-23 and described in Table 7-33.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Qualifier Select 2 Register (GPIO48 to 63)
Input qualification type:
0,0 Sync
0,1 Qualification (3 samples)
1,0 Qualification (6 samples)
1,1 Async (no Sync or Qualification)

Figure 7-23. GPBQSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-33. GPBQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO63 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO62 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO61 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO60 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO59 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO58 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO57 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO56 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO55 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO54 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO53 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO52 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO51 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO50 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-33. GPBQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3-2 GPIO49 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO48 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 877
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBMUX1 Register (Offset = 46h) [reset = 0h]

GPBMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-24 and described in Table 7-34.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Mux 1 Register (GPIO32 to 47)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
The respective GPyGMUXn.GPIOz must be configured prior to this register to avoid intermediate
peripheral selects being mapped to the GPIO.

Figure 7-24. GPBMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-34. GPBMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO47 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO46 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO45 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO44 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO43 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO42 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO41 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO40 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO39 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO38 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO37 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO36 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO35 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO34 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO33 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-34. GPBMUX1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1-0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 879
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBMUX2 Register (Offset = 48h) [reset = 0h]

GPBMUX2 is shown in Figure 7-25 and described in Table 7-35.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Mux 2 Register (GPIO48 to 63)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
The respective GPyGMUXn.GPIOz must be configured prior to this register to avoid intermediate
peripheral selects being mapped to the GPIO.

Figure 7-25. GPBMUX2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-35. GPBMUX2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO63 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO62 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO61 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO60 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO59 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO58 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO57 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO56 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO55 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO54 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO53 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO52 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO51 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO50 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO49 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-35. GPBMUX2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1-0 GPIO48 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 881
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBDIR Register (Offset = 4Ah) [reset = 0h]

GPBDIR is shown in Figure 7-26 and described in Table 7-36.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Direction Register (GPIO32 to 63)
Controls direction of GPIO pins when the specified pin is configured in GPIO mode.
0: Configures pin as input.
1: Configures pin as output.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-26. GPBDIR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-36. GPBDIR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO63 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO62 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO61 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO60 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO59 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO58 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO57 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO56 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO55 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO54 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO53 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO52 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-36. GPBDIR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO51 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO50 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO49 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO48 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO47 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO46 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO45 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO44 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO43 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO41 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO40 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO39 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO38 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO37 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO36 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO35 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO34 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO33 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 883
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBPUD Register (Offset = 4Ch) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

GPBPUD is shown in Figure 7-27 and described in Table 7-37.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO32 to 63)
Disables the Pull-Up on GPIO.
0: Enables the Pull-Up.
1: Disables the Pull-Up.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-27. GPBPUD Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h

Table 7-37. GPBPUD Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO63 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO62 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO61 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO60 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO59 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO58 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO57 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO56 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO55 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO54 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO53 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO52 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-37. GPBPUD Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO51 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO50 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO49 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO48 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO47 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO46 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO45 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO44 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO43 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO41 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO40 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO39 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO38 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO37 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO36 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO35 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO34 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO33 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO32 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 885
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBINV Register (Offset = 50h) [reset = 0h]

GPBINV is shown in Figure 7-28 and described in Table 7-38.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO32 to 63)
Selects between non-inverted and inverted GPIO input to the device.
0: selects non-inverted GPIO input
1: selects inverted GPIO input
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-28. GPBINV Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-38. GPBINV Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO63 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO62 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO61 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO60 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO59 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO58 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO57 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO56 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO55 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO54 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO53 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO52 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-38. GPBINV Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO51 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO50 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO49 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO48 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO47 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO46 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO45 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO44 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO43 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO41 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO40 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO39 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO38 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO37 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO36 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO35 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO34 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO33 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 887
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBODR Register (Offset = 52h) [reset = 0h]

GPBODR is shown in Figure 7-29 and described in Table 7-39.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Open Drain Output Register (GPIO32 to GPIO63)
Selects between normal and open-drain output for the GPIO pin.
0: Normal Output
1: Open Drain Output
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.
[1] In the Open Drain output mode, if the buffer is configured for output mode, a 0 value to be driven out
comes out on the on the PAD while a 1 value to be driven out tri-states the buffer.

Figure 7-29. GPBODR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-39. GPBODR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO63 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO62 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO61 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO60 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO59 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO58 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO57 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO56 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO55 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO54 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

888 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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Table 7-39. GPBODR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
21 GPIO53 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO52 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO51 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO50 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO49 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO48 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO47 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO46 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO45 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO44 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO43 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO41 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO40 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO39 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO38 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO37 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO36 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO35 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO34 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO33 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 889
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBAMSEL Register (Offset = 54h) [reset = 0h]

GPBAMSEL is shown in Figure 7-30 and described in Table 7-40.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Analog Mode Select register
Selects between digital and analog functionality for GPIO pins.
0: The pin is configured to digital functions according to the other GPIO configuration registers
1: The analog function of the pin is enabled

Figure 7-30. GPBAMSEL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 7-40. GPBAMSEL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11 GPIO43 R/W 0h Selects the USB0DP function
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/W 0h Selects the USB0DM function
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-40. GPBAMSEL Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
9 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
8 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
7 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
6 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
5 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
4 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
3 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
2 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
1 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
0 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 891
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBGMUX1 Register (Offset = 60h) [reset = 0h]

GPBGMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-31 and described in Table 7-41.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO32 to 47)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
Note: For complete pin-mux selection on GPIOx, GPAMUXy.GPIOx configuration is also required.

Figure 7-31. GPBGMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-41. GPBGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO47 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO46 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO45 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO44 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO43 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO42 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO41 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO40 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO39 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO38 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO37 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO36 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO35 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO34 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO33 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

892 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPBGMUX2 is shown in Figure 7-32 and described in Table 7-42.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO48 to 63)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
Note: For complete pin-mux selection on GPIOx, GPAMUXy.GPIOx configuration is also required.

Figure 7-32. GPBGMUX2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-42. GPBGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO63 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO62 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO61 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO60 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO59 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO58 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO57 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO56 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO55 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO54 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO53 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO52 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO51 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO50 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO49 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO48 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 893
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBCSEL1 Register (Offset = 68h) [reset = 0h]

GPBCSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-33 and described in Table 7-43.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Core Select Register (GPIO32 to 39)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-33. GPBCSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-43. GPBCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO39 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO38 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO37 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO36 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO35 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO34 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO33 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

894 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPBCSEL2 is shown in Figure 7-34 and described in Table 7-44.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Core Select Register (GPIO40 to 47)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-34. GPBCSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-44. GPBCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO47 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO46 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO45 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO44 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO43 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO42 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO41 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO40 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 895
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBCSEL3 Register (Offset = 6Ch) [reset = 0h]

GPBCSEL3 is shown in Figure 7-35 and described in Table 7-45.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Core Select Register (GPIO48 to 55)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-35. GPBCSEL3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-45. GPBCSEL3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO55 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO54 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO53 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO52 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO51 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO50 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO49 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO48 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

896 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPBCSEL4 is shown in Figure 7-36 and described in Table 7-46.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Core Select Register (GPIO56 to 63)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-36. GPBCSEL4 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-46. GPBCSEL4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO63 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO62 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO61 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO60 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO59 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO58 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO57 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO56 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 897
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBLOCK Register (Offset = 7Ch) [reset = 0h]

GPBLOCK is shown in Figure 7-37 and described in Table 7-47.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Lock Configuration Register (GPIO32 to 63)
GPIO Configuration Lock for GPIO.
and GPyCSELx register which control the same pin can be changed
1: Locks changes to the bits in GPyMUX1, GPyMUX2, GPyDIR, GPyINV, GPyODR, GPyAMSEL,
GPyGMUX1, GPyGMUX2 and GPyCSELx registers which control the same pin

Figure 7-37. GPBLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-47. GPBLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO63 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO62 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO61 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO60 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO59 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO58 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO57 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO56 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO55 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO54 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO53 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-47. GPBLOCK Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 GPIO52 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO51 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO50 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO49 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO48 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO47 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO46 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO45 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO44 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO43 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO41 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO40 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO39 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO38 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO37 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO36 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO35 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO34 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO33 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 899
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPBCR Register (Offset = 7Eh) [reset = 0h]

GPBCR is shown in Figure 7-38 and described in Table 7-48.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Lock Commit Register (GPIO32 to 63)
GPIO Configuration Lock Commit for GPIO:
1: Locks changes to the bit in GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin
0: Bit in the GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin can be changed

Figure 7-38. GPBCR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h

Table 7-48. GPBCR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO63 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO62 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO61 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO60 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO59 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO58 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO57 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO56 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO55 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO54 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO53 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO52 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-48. GPBCR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO51 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO50 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO49 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO48 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO47 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO46 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO45 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO44 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO43 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO41 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO40 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO39 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO38 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO37 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO36 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO35 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO34 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO33 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO32 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPCCTRL is shown in Figure 7-39 and described in Table 7-49.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Qualification Sampling Period Control (GPIO64 to 95)

Figure 7-39. GPCCTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-49. GPCCTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 QUALPRD3 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO88 to GPIO95:
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-16 QUALPRD2 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO80 to GPIO87:
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-8 QUALPRD1 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO72 to GPIO79:
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 QUALPRD0 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO64 to GPIO71:
Reset type: SYSRSn

902 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPCQSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-40 and described in Table 7-50.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO64 to 79)
Input qualification type:
0,0 Sync
0,1 Qualification (3 samples)
1,0 Qualification (6 samples)
1,1 Async (no Sync or Qualification)

Figure 7-40. GPCQSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-50. GPCQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO79 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO78 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO77 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO76 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO75 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO74 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO73 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO72 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO71 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO70 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO69 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO68 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO67 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO66 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-50. GPCQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3-2 GPIO65 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPCQSEL2 is shown in Figure 7-41 and described in Table 7-51.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Qualifier Select 2 Register (GPIO80 to 95)
Input qualification type:
0,0 Sync
0,1 Qualification (3 samples)
1,0 Qualification (6 samples)
1,1 Async (no Sync or Qualification)

Figure 7-41. GPCQSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-51. GPCQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO95 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO94 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO93 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO92 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO91 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO90 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO89 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO88 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO87 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO86 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO85 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO84 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO83 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO82 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-51. GPCQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3-2 GPIO81 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO80 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPCMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-42 and described in Table 7-52.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Mux 1 Register (GPIO64 to 79)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
The respective GPyGMUXn.GPIOz must be configured prior to this register to avoid intermediate
peripheral selects being mapped to the GPIO.

Figure 7-42. GPCMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-52. GPCMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO79 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO78 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO77 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO76 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO75 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO74 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO73 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO72 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO71 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO70 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO69 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO68 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO67 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO66 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO65 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-52. GPCMUX1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1-0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

908 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPCMUX2 is shown in Figure 7-43 and described in Table 7-53.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Mux 2 Register (GPIO80 to 95)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
The respective GPyGMUXn.GPIOz must be configured prior to this register to avoid intermediate
peripheral selects being mapped to the GPIO.

Figure 7-43. GPCMUX2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-53. GPCMUX2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO95 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO94 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO93 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO92 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO91 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO90 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO89 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO88 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO87 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO86 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO85 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO84 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO83 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO82 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO81 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-53. GPCMUX2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1-0 GPIO80 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

910 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPCDIR is shown in Figure 7-44 and described in Table 7-54.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Direction Register (GPIO64 to 95)
Controls direction of GPIO pins when the specified pin is configured in GPIO mode.
0: Configures pin as input.
1: Configures pin as output.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-44. GPCDIR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-54. GPCDIR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO95 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO94 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO93 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO92 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO91 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO90 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO89 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO88 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO87 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO86 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO85 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO84 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-54. GPCDIR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO83 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO82 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO81 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO80 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO79 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO78 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO77 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO76 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO75 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO74 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO73 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO72 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO71 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO70 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO69 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO68 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO67 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO66 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO65 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn

912 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPCPUD is shown in Figure 7-45 and described in Table 7-55.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO64 to 95)
Disables the Pull-Up on GPIO.
0: Enables the Pull-Up.
1: Disables the Pull-Up.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-45. GPCPUD Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h

Table 7-55. GPCPUD Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO95 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO94 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO93 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO92 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO91 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO90 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO89 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO88 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO87 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO86 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO85 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO84 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-55. GPCPUD Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO83 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO82 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO81 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO80 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO79 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO78 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO77 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO76 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO75 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO74 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO73 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO72 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO71 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO70 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO69 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO68 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO67 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO66 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO65 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO64 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPCINV is shown in Figure 7-46 and described in Table 7-56.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO64 to 95)
Selects between non-inverted and inverted GPIO input to the device.
0: selects non-inverted GPIO input
1: selects inverted GPIO input
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-46. GPCINV Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-56. GPCINV Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO95 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO94 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO93 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO92 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO91 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO90 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO89 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO88 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO87 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO86 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO85 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO84 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-56. GPCINV Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO83 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO82 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO81 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO80 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO79 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO78 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO77 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO76 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO75 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO74 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO73 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO72 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO71 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO70 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO69 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO68 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO67 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO66 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO65 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

916 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPCODR is shown in Figure 7-47 and described in Table 7-57.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Open Drain Output Register (GPIO64 to GPIO95)
Selects between normal and open-drain output for the GPIO pin.
0: Normal Output
1: Open Drain Output
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.
[1] In the Open Drain output mode, if the buffer is configured for output mode, a 0 value to be driven out
comes out on the on the PAD while a 1 value to be driven out tri-states the buffer.

Figure 7-47. GPCODR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-57. GPCODR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO95 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO94 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO93 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO92 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO91 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO90 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO89 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO88 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO87 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO86 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-57. GPCODR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
21 GPIO85 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO84 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO83 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO82 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO81 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO80 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO79 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO78 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO77 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO76 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO75 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO74 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO73 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO72 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO71 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO70 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO69 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO68 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO67 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO66 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO65 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPCGMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-48 and described in Table 7-58.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO64 to 79)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
Note: For complete pin-mux selection on GPIOx, GPAMUXy.GPIOx configuration is also required.

Figure 7-48. GPCGMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-58. GPCGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO79 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO78 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO77 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO76 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO75 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO74 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO73 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO72 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO71 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO70 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO69 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO68 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO67 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO66 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO65 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPCGMUX2 Register (Offset = A2h) [reset = 0h]

GPCGMUX2 is shown in Figure 7-49 and described in Table 7-59.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO80 to 95)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
Note: For complete pin-mux selection on GPIOx, GPAMUXy.GPIOx configuration is also required.

Figure 7-49. GPCGMUX2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-59. GPCGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO95 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO94 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO93 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO92 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO91 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO90 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO89 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO88 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO87 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO86 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO85 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO84 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO83 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO82 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO81 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO80 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPCCSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-50 and described in Table 7-60.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Core Select Register (GPIO64 to 71)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-50. GPCCSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-60. GPCCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO71 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO70 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO69 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO68 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO67 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO66 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO65 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPCCSEL2 Register (Offset = AAh) [reset = 0h]

GPCCSEL2 is shown in Figure 7-51 and described in Table 7-61.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Core Select Register (GPIO72 to 79)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-51. GPCCSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-61. GPCCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO79 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO78 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO77 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO76 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO75 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO74 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO73 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO72 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPCCSEL3 is shown in Figure 7-52 and described in Table 7-62.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Core Select Register (GPIO80 to 87)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-52. GPCCSEL3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-62. GPCCSEL3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO87 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO86 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO85 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO84 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO83 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO82 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO81 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO80 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPCCSEL4 Register (Offset = AEh) [reset = 0h]

GPCCSEL4 is shown in Figure 7-53 and described in Table 7-63.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Core Select Register (GPIO88 to 95)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-53. GPCCSEL4 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-63. GPCCSEL4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO95 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO94 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO93 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO92 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO91 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO90 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO89 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO88 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

924 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPCLOCK is shown in Figure 7-54 and described in Table 7-64.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Lock Configuration Register (GPIO64 to 95)
GPIO Configuration Lock for GPIO.
and GPyCSELx register which control the same pin can be changed
1: Locks changes to the bits in GPyMUX1, GPyMUX2, GPyDIR, GPyINV, GPyODR, GPyAMSEL,
GPyGMUX1, GPyGMUX2 and GPyCSELx registers which control the same pin

Figure 7-54. GPCLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-64. GPCLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO95 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO94 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO93 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO92 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO91 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO90 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO89 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO88 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO87 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO86 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO85 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-64. GPCLOCK Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 GPIO84 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO83 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO82 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO81 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO80 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO79 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO78 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO77 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO76 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO75 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO74 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO73 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO72 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO71 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO70 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO69 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO68 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO67 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO66 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO65 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPCCR is shown in Figure 7-55 and described in Table 7-65.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Lock Commit Register (GPIO64 to 95)
GPIO Configuration Lock Commit for GPIO:
1: Locks changes to the bit in GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin
0: Bit in the GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin can be changed

Figure 7-55. GPCCR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h

Table 7-65. GPCCR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO95 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO94 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO93 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO92 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO91 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO90 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO89 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO88 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO87 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO86 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO85 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO84 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-65. GPCCR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO83 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO82 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO81 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO80 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO79 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO78 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO77 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO76 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO75 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO74 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO73 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO72 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO71 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO70 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO69 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO68 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO67 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO66 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO65 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO64 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPDCTRL is shown in Figure 7-56 and described in Table 7-66.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Qualification Sampling Period Control (GPIO96 to 127)

Figure 7-56. GPDCTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-66. GPDCTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 QUALPRD3 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO120 to GPIO127:
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-16 QUALPRD2 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO112 to GPIO119:
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-8 QUALPRD1 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO104 to GPIO111:
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 QUALPRD0 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO96 to GPIO103:
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPDQSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-57 and described in Table 7-67.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO96 to 111)
Input qualification type:
0,0 Sync
0,1 Qualification (3 samples)
1,0 Qualification (6 samples)
1,1 Async (no Sync or Qualification)

Figure 7-57. GPDQSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-67. GPDQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO111 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO110 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO109 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO108 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO107 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO106 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO105 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO104 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO103 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO102 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO101 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO100 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-67. GPDQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 GPIO99 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO98 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO97 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDQSEL2 Register (Offset = C4h) [reset = 0h]

GPDQSEL2 is shown in Figure 7-58 and described in Table 7-68.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Qualifier Select 2 Register (GPIO112 to 127)
Input qualification type:
0,0 Sync
0,1 Qualification (3 samples)
1,0 Qualification (6 samples)
1,1 Async (no Sync or Qualification)

Figure 7-58. GPDQSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-68. GPDQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO127 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO126 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO125 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO124 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO123 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO122 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO121 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO120 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO119 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO118 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO117 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO116 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-68. GPDQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 GPIO115 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO114 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO113 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO112 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 933
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDMUX1 Register (Offset = C6h) [reset = 0h]

GPDMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-59 and described in Table 7-69.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Mux 1 Register (GPIO96 to 111)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
The respective GPyGMUXn.GPIOz must be configured prior to this register to avoid intermediate
peripheral selects being mapped to the GPIO.

Figure 7-59. GPDMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-69. GPDMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO111 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO110 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO109 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO108 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO107 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO106 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO105 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO104 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO103 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO102 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO101 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO100 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-69. GPDMUX1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 GPIO99 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO98 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO97 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDMUX2 Register (Offset = C8h) [reset = 0h]

GPDMUX2 is shown in Figure 7-60 and described in Table 7-70.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Mux 2 Register (GPIO112 to 127)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
The respective GPyGMUXn.GPIOz must be configured prior to this register to avoid intermediate
peripheral selects being mapped to the GPIO.

Figure 7-60. GPDMUX2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-70. GPDMUX2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO127 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO126 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO125 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO124 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO123 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO122 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO121 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO120 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO119 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO118 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO117 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO116 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-70. GPDMUX2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 GPIO115 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO114 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO113 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO112 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 937
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDDIR Register (Offset = CAh) [reset = 0h]

GPDDIR is shown in Figure 7-61 and described in Table 7-71.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Direction Register (GPIO96 to 127)
Controls direction of GPIO pins when the specified pin is configured in GPIO mode.
0: Configures pin as input.
1: Configures pin as output.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-61. GPDDIR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-71. GPDDIR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO127 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO126 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO125 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO124 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO123 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO122 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO121 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO120 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO119 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO118 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO117 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO116 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-71. GPDDIR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO115 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO114 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO113 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO112 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO111 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO110 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO109 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO108 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO107 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO106 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO105 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO104 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO103 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO102 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO101 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO100 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO99 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO98 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO97 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDPUD Register (Offset = CCh) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

GPDPUD is shown in Figure 7-62 and described in Table 7-72.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO96 to 127)
Disables the Pull-Up on GPIO.
0: Enables the Pull-Up.
1: Disables the Pull-Up.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-62. GPDPUD Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h

Table 7-72. GPDPUD Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO127 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO126 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO125 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO124 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO123 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO122 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO121 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO120 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO119 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO118 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO117 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO116 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-72. GPDPUD Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO115 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO114 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO113 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO112 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO111 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO110 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO109 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO108 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO107 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO106 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO105 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO104 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO103 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO102 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO101 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO100 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO99 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO98 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO97 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO96 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDINV Register (Offset = D0h) [reset = 0h]

GPDINV is shown in Figure 7-63 and described in Table 7-73.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO96 to 127)
Selects between non-inverted and inverted GPIO input to the device.
0: selects non-inverted GPIO input
1: selects inverted GPIO input
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-63. GPDINV Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-73. GPDINV Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO127 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO126 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO125 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO124 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO123 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO122 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO121 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO120 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO119 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO118 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO117 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO116 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-73. GPDINV Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO115 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO114 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO113 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO112 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO111 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO110 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO109 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO108 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO107 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO106 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO105 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO104 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO103 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO102 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO101 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO100 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO99 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO98 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO97 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 943
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDODR Register (Offset = D2h) [reset = 0h]

GPDODR is shown in Figure 7-64 and described in Table 7-74.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Open Drain Output Register (GPIO96 to GPIO127)
Selects between normal and open-drain output for the GPIO pin.
0: Normal Output
1: Open Drain Output
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.
[1] In the Open Drain output mode, if the buffer is configured for output mode, a 0 value to be driven out
comes out on the on the PAD while a 1 value to be driven out tri-states the buffer.

Figure 7-64. GPDODR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-74. GPDODR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO127 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO126 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO125 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO124 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO123 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO122 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO121 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO120 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO119 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO118 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-74. GPDODR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
21 GPIO117 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO116 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO115 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO114 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO113 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO112 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO111 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO110 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO109 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO108 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO107 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO106 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO105 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO104 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO103 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO102 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO101 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO100 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO99 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO98 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO97 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDGMUX1 Register (Offset = E0h) [reset = 0h]

GPDGMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-65 and described in Table 7-75.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO96 to 111)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
Note: For complete pin-mux selection on GPIOx, GPAMUXy.GPIOx configuration is also required.

Figure 7-65. GPDGMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-75. GPDGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO111 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO110 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO109 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO108 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO107 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO106 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO105 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO104 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO103 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO102 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO101 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO100 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO99 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-75. GPDGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
5-4 GPIO98 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO97 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 947
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDGMUX2 Register (Offset = E2h) [reset = 0h]

GPDGMUX2 is shown in Figure 7-66 and described in Table 7-76.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO112 to 127)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
Note: For complete pin-mux selection on GPIOx, GPAMUXy.GPIOx configuration is also required.

Figure 7-66. GPDGMUX2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-76. GPDGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO127 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO126 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO125 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO124 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO123 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO122 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO121 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO120 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO119 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO118 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO117 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO116 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO115 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-76. GPDGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
5-4 GPIO114 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO113 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO112 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 949
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDCSEL1 Register (Offset = E8h) [reset = 0h]

GPDCSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-67 and described in Table 7-77.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Core Select Register (GPIO96 to 103)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-67. GPDCSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-77. GPDCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO103 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO102 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO101 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO100 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO99 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO98 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO97 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPDCSEL2 is shown in Figure 7-68 and described in Table 7-78.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Core Select Register (GPIO104 to 111)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-68. GPDCSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-78. GPDCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO111 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO110 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO109 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO108 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO107 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO106 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO105 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO104 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 951
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDCSEL3 Register (Offset = ECh) [reset = 0h]

GPDCSEL3 is shown in Figure 7-69 and described in Table 7-79.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Core Select Register (GPIO112 to 119)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-69. GPDCSEL3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-79. GPDCSEL3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO119 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO118 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO117 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO116 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO115 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO114 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO113 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO112 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPDCSEL4 is shown in Figure 7-70 and described in Table 7-80.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Core Select Register (GPIO120 to 127)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-70. GPDCSEL4 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-80. GPDCSEL4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO127 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO126 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO125 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO124 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO123 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO122 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO121 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO120 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 953
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPDLOCK Register (Offset = FCh) [reset = 0h]

GPDLOCK is shown in Figure 7-71 and described in Table 7-81.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Lock Configuration Register (GPIO96 to 127)
GPIO Configuration Lock for GPIO.
and GPyCSELx register which control the same pin can be changed
1: Locks changes to the bits in GPyMUX1, GPyMUX2, GPyDIR, GPyINV, GPyODR, GPyAMSEL,
GPyGMUX1, GPyGMUX2 and GPyCSELx registers which control the same pin

Figure 7-71. GPDLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-81. GPDLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO127 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO126 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO125 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO124 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO123 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO122 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO121 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO120 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO119 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO118 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO117 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-81. GPDLOCK Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 GPIO116 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO115 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO114 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO113 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO112 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO111 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO110 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO109 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO108 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO107 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO106 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO105 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO104 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO103 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO102 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO101 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO100 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO99 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO98 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO97 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPDCR is shown in Figure 7-72 and described in Table 7-82.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Lock Commit Register (GPIO96 to 127)
GPIO Configuration Lock Commit for GPIO:
1: Locks changes to the bit in GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin
0: Bit in the GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin can be changed

Figure 7-72. GPDCR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h

Table 7-82. GPDCR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO127 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO126 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO125 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO124 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO123 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO122 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO121 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO120 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO119 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO118 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO117 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO116 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-82. GPDCR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO115 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO114 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO113 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO112 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO111 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO110 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO109 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO108 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO107 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO106 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO105 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO104 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO103 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO102 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO101 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO100 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO99 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO98 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO97 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO96 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPECTRL is shown in Figure 7-73 and described in Table 7-83.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Qualification Sampling Period Control (GPIO128 to 159)

Figure 7-73. GPECTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-83. GPECTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 QUALPRD3 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO152 to GPIO159:
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-16 QUALPRD2 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO144 to GPIO151:
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-8 QUALPRD1 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO136 to GPIO143:
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 QUALPRD0 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO128 to GPIO135:
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPEQSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-74 and described in Table 7-84.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO128 to 143)
Input qualification type:
0,0 Sync
0,1 Qualification (3 samples)
1,0 Qualification (6 samples)
1,1 Async (no Sync or Qualification)

Figure 7-74. GPEQSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-84. GPEQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO143 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO142 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO141 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO140 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO139 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO138 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO137 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO136 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO135 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO134 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO133 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO132 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-84. GPEQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 GPIO131 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO130 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO129 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPEQSEL2 is shown in Figure 7-75 and described in Table 7-85.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Qualifier Select 2 Register (GPIO144 to 159)
Input qualification type:
0,0 Sync
0,1 Qualification (3 samples)
1,0 Qualification (6 samples)
1,1 Async (no Sync or Qualification)

Figure 7-75. GPEQSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-85. GPEQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO159 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO158 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO157 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO156 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO155 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO154 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO153 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO152 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO151 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO150 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO149 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO148 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-85. GPEQSEL2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 GPIO147 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO146 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO145 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO144 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPEMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-76 and described in Table 7-86.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Mux 1 Register (GPIO128 to 143)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
The respective GPyGMUXn.GPIOz must be configured prior to this register to avoid intermediate
peripheral selects being mapped to the GPIO.

Figure 7-76. GPEMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-86. GPEMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO143 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO142 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO141 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO140 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO139 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO138 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO137 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO136 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO135 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO134 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO133 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO132 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-86. GPEMUX1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 GPIO131 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO130 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO129 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPEMUX2 is shown in Figure 7-77 and described in Table 7-87.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Mux 2 Register (GPIO144 to 159)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
The respective GPyGMUXn.GPIOz must be configured prior to this register to avoid intermediate
peripheral selects being mapped to the GPIO.

Figure 7-77. GPEMUX2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-87. GPEMUX2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO159 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO158 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO157 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO156 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO155 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO154 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO153 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO152 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO151 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO150 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO149 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO148 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-87. GPEMUX2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
7-6 GPIO147 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO146 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO145 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO144 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPEDIR is shown in Figure 7-78 and described in Table 7-88.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Direction Register (GPIO128 to 159)
Controls direction of GPIO pins when the specified pin is configured in GPIO mode.
0: Configures pin as input.
1: Configures pin as output.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-78. GPEDIR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-88. GPEDIR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO159 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO158 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO157 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO156 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO155 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO154 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO153 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO152 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO151 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO150 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO149 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO148 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-88. GPEDIR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO147 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO146 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO145 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO144 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO143 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO142 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO141 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO140 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO139 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO138 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO137 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO136 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO135 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO134 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO133 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO132 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO131 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO130 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO129 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPEPUD is shown in Figure 7-79 and described in Table 7-89.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO128 to 159)
Disables the Pull-Up on GPIO.
0: Enables the Pull-Up.
1: Disables the Pull-Up.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-79. GPEPUD Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h

Table 7-89. GPEPUD Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO159 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO158 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO157 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO156 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO155 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO154 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO153 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO152 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO151 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO150 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO149 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO148 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-89. GPEPUD Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO147 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO146 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO145 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO144 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO143 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO142 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO141 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO140 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO139 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO138 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO137 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO136 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO135 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO134 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO133 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO132 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO131 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO130 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO129 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO128 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

970 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPEINV is shown in Figure 7-80 and described in Table 7-90.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO128 to 159)
Selects between non-inverted and inverted GPIO input to the device.
0: selects non-inverted GPIO input
1: selects inverted GPIO input
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-80. GPEINV Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-90. GPEINV Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO159 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO158 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO157 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO156 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO155 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO154 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO153 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO152 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO151 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO150 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO149 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO148 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-90. GPEINV Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO147 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO146 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO145 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO144 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO143 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO142 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO141 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO140 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO139 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO138 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO137 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO136 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO135 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO134 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO133 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO132 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO131 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO130 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO129 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

972 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPEODR is shown in Figure 7-81 and described in Table 7-91.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Open Drain Output Register (GPIO128 to GPIO159)
Selects between normal and open-drain output for the GPIO pin.
0: Normal Output
1: Open Drain Output
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.
[1] In the Open Drain output mode, if the buffer is configured for output mode, a 0 value to be driven out
comes out on the on the PAD while a 1 value to be driven out tri-states the buffer.

Figure 7-81. GPEODR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-91. GPEODR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO159 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO158 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO157 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO156 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO155 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO154 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO153 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO152 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO151 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO150 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-91. GPEODR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
21 GPIO149 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO148 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO147 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO146 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO145 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO144 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO143 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO142 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO141 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO140 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO139 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO138 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO137 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO136 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO135 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO134 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO133 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO132 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO131 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO130 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO129 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

974 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPEGMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-82 and described in Table 7-92.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO128 to 143)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
Note: For complete pin-mux selection on GPIOx, GPAMUXy.GPIOx configuration is also required.

Figure 7-82. GPEGMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-92. GPEGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO143 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO142 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO141 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO140 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO139 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO138 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO137 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO136 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO135 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO134 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO133 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO132 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO131 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-92. GPEGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
5-4 GPIO130 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO129 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

976 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPEGMUX2 is shown in Figure 7-83 and described in Table 7-93.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO144 to 159)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
Note: For complete pin-mux selection on GPIOx, GPAMUXy.GPIOx configuration is also required.

Figure 7-83. GPEGMUX2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-93. GPEGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 GPIO159 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
29-28 GPIO158 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-26 GPIO157 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
25-24 GPIO156 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-22 GPIO155 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
21-20 GPIO154 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-18 GPIO153 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
17-16 GPIO152 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO151 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO150 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO149 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO148 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO147 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-93. GPEGMUX2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
5-4 GPIO146 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO145 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO144 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

978 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPECSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-84 and described in Table 7-94.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Core Select Register (GPIO128 to 135)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-84. GPECSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-94. GPECSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO135 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO134 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO133 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO132 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO131 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO130 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO129 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPECSEL2 is shown in Figure 7-85 and described in Table 7-95.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Core Select Register (GPIO136 to 143)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-85. GPECSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-95. GPECSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO143 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO142 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO141 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO140 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO139 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO138 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO137 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO136 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

980 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPECSEL3 is shown in Figure 7-86 and described in Table 7-96.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Core Select Register (GPIO144 to 151)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-86. GPECSEL3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-96. GPECSEL3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO151 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO150 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO149 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO148 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO147 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO146 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO145 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO144 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPECSEL4 is shown in Figure 7-87 and described in Table 7-97.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Core Select Register (GPIO152 to 159)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-87. GPECSEL4 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-97. GPECSEL4 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO159 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO158 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO157 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO156 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO155 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO154 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO153 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO152 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

982 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPELOCK is shown in Figure 7-88 and described in Table 7-98.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Lock Configuration Register (GPIO128 to 159)
GPIO Configuration Lock for GPIO.
and GPyCSELx register which control the same pin can be changed
1: Locks changes to the bits in GPyMUX1, GPyMUX2, GPyDIR, GPyINV, GPyODR, GPyAMSEL,
GPyGMUX1, GPyGMUX2 and GPyCSELx registers which control the same pin

Figure 7-88. GPELOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-98. GPELOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO159 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO158 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO157 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO156 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO155 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO154 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO153 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO152 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO151 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO150 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO149 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-98. GPELOCK Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 GPIO148 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO147 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO146 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO145 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO144 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO143 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO142 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO141 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO140 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO139 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO138 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO137 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO136 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO135 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO134 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO133 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO132 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO131 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO130 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO129 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPECR is shown in Figure 7-89 and described in Table 7-99.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Lock Commit Register (GPIO128 to 159)
GPIO Configuration Lock Commit for GPIO:
1: Locks changes to the bit in GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin
0: Bit in the GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin can be changed

Figure 7-89. GPECR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h

Table 7-99. GPECR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO159 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO158 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO157 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO156 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO155 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO154 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO153 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO152 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO151 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO150 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO149 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO148 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-99. GPECR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO147 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO146 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO145 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO144 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO143 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO142 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO141 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO140 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO139 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO138 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO137 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO136 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO135 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO134 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO133 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO132 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO131 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO130 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO129 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO128 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPFCTRL is shown in Figure 7-90 and described in Table 7-100.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Qualification Sampling Period Control (GPIO160 to 168)

Figure 7-90. GPFCTRL Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-100. GPFCTRL Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23-16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15-8 QUALPRD1 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO168:
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-0 QUALPRD0 R/W 0h Qualification sampling period for GPIO160 to GPIO167:
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPFQSEL1 Register (Offset = 142h) [reset = 0h]

GPFQSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-91 and described in Table 7-101.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Qualifier Select 1 Register (GPIO160 to 168)
Input qualification type:
0,0 Sync
0,1 Qualification (3 samples)
1,0 Qualification (6 samples)
1,1 Async (no Sync or Qualification)

Figure 7-91. GPFQSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-101. GPFQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29-28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27-26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25-24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23-22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21-20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19-18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17-16 GPIO168 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO167 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO166 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO165 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO164 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO163 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO162 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO161 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-101. GPFQSEL1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1-0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Input qualification type
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 989
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPFMUX1 Register (Offset = 146h) [reset = 0h]

GPFMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-92 and described in Table 7-102.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Mux 1 Register (GPIO160 to 168)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
The respective GPyGMUXn.GPIOz must be configured prior to this register to avoid intermediate
peripheral selects being mapped to the GPIO.

Figure 7-92. GPFMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-102. GPFMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29-28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27-26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25-24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23-22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21-20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19-18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17-16 GPIO168 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO167 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO166 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO165 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO164 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO163 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO162 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO161 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-102. GPFMUX1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
1-0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPFDIR Register (Offset = 14Ah) [reset = 0h]

GPFDIR is shown in Figure 7-93 and described in Table 7-103.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Direction Register (GPIO160 to 168)
Controls direction of GPIO pins when the specified pin is configured in GPIO mode.
0: Configures pin as input.
1: Configures pin as output.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-93. GPFDIR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-103. GPFDIR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
10 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved

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Table 7-103. GPFDIR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
9 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
8 GPIO168 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO167 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO166 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO165 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO164 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO163 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO162 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO161 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Defines direction for this pin in GPIO mode
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 993
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPFPUD Register (Offset = 14Ch) [reset = FFFFFFFFh]

GPFPUD is shown in Figure 7-94 and described in Table 7-104.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Pull Up Disable Register (GPIO160 to 168)
Disables the Pull-Up on GPIO.
0: Enables the Pull-Up.
1: Disables the Pull-Up.
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-94. GPFPUD Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h R/W-1h

Table 7-104. GPFPUD Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
30 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
29 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
28 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
27 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
26 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
25 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
24 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
23 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
22 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
21 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
20 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
18 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
11 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
10 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved

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Table 7-104. GPFPUD Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
9 RESERVED R/W 1h Reserved
8 GPIO168 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO167 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO166 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO165 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO164 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO163 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO162 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO161 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO160 R/W 1h Pull-Up Disable control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 995
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPFINV Register (Offset = 150h) [reset = 0h]

GPFINV is shown in Figure 7-95 and described in Table 7-105.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Input Polarity Invert Registers (GPIO160 to 168)
Selects between non-inverted and inverted GPIO input to the device.
0: selects non-inverted GPIO input
1: selects inverted GPIO input
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.

Figure 7-95. GPFINV Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-105. GPFINV Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
10 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved

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Table 7-105. GPFINV Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
9 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
8 GPIO168 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO167 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO166 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO165 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO164 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO163 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO162 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO161 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Input inversion control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 997
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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPFODR Register (Offset = 152h) [reset = 0h]

GPFODR is shown in Figure 7-96 and described in Table 7-106.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Open Drain Output Register (GPIO160 to GPIO168)
Selects between normal and open-drain output for the GPIO pin.
0: Normal Output
1: Open Drain Output
Reading the register returns the current value of the register setting.
[1] In the Open Drain output mode, if the buffer is configured for output mode, a 0 value to be driven out
comes out on the on the PAD while a 1 value to be driven out tri-states the buffer.

Figure 7-96. GPFODR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-106. GPFODR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved

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Table 7-106. GPFODR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
10 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
8 GPIO168 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO167 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO166 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO165 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO164 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO163 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO162 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO161 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Outpout Open-Drain control for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPIO Registers www.ti.com GPFGMUX1 Register (Offset = 160h) [reset = 0h]

GPFGMUX1 is shown in Figure 7-97 and described in Table 7-107.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Peripheral Group Mux (GPIO160 to 168)
Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO.
Note: For complete pin-mux selection on GPIOx, GPAMUXy.GPIOx configuration is also required.

Figure 7-97. GPFGMUX1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-107. GPFGMUX1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29-28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27-26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25-24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23-22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21-20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19-18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17-16 GPIO168 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-14 GPIO167 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
13-12 GPIO166 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-10 GPIO165 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
9-8 GPIO164 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-6 GPIO163 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
5-4 GPIO162 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-2 GPIO161 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn
1-0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Defines pin-muxing selection for GPIO
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPFCSEL1 is shown in Figure 7-98 and described in Table 7-108.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Core Select Register (GPIO160 to 167)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-98. GPFCSEL1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-108. GPFCSEL1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 GPIO167 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27-24 GPIO166 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23-20 GPIO165 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19-16 GPIO164 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15-12 GPIO163 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11-8 GPIO162 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7-4 GPIO161 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3-0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPFCSEL2 is shown in Figure 7-99 and described in Table 7-109.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Core Select Register (GPIO168)
Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers control this GPIO pin
xx00: CPU1 selected
xx01: CPU1.CLA1 selected
xx1x: Reserved

Figure 7-99. GPFCSEL2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 7-109. GPFCSEL2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27-24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23-20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19-16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15-12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11-8 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
7-4 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
3-0 GPIO168 R/W 0h Selects which master's GPIODAT/SET/CLEAR/TOGGLE registers
control this GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPFLOCK is shown in Figure 7-100 and described in Table 7-110.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Lock Configuration Register (GPIO160 to 168)
GPIO Configuration Lock for GPIO.
and GPyCSELx register which control the same pin can be changed
1: Locks changes to the bits in GPyMUX1, GPyMUX2, GPyDIR, GPyINV, GPyODR, GPyAMSEL,
GPyGMUX1, GPyGMUX2 and GPyCSELx registers which control the same pin

Figure 7-100. GPFLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-110. GPFLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved

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Table 7-110. GPFLOCK Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
10 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
8 GPIO168 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO167 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO166 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO165 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO164 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO163 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO162 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO161 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Configuration Lock bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPFCR is shown in Figure 7-101 and described in Table 7-111.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Lock Commit Register (GPIO160 to 168)
GPIO Configuration Lock Commit for GPIO:
1: Locks changes to the bit in GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin
0: Bit in the GPyLOCK register which controls the same pin can be changed

Figure 7-101. GPFCR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h R/WOnce-0h

Table 7-111. GPFCR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
30 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
29 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
28 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
27 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
26 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
25 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
24 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
23 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
22 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
21 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
20 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
18 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
11 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
10 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R/WOnce 0h Reserved

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Table 7-111. GPFCR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
8 GPIO168 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO167 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO166 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO165 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO164 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO163 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO162 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO161 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO160 R/WOnce 0h Configuration lock commit bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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7.9.3 GPIO_DATA_REGS Registers

Table 7-112 lists the GPIO_DATA_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 7-112
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 7-112. GPIO_DATA_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h GPADAT GPIO A Data Register (GPIO0 to 31) Go
2h GPASET GPIO A Data Set Register (GPIO0 to 31) Go
4h GPACLEAR GPIO A Data Clear Register (GPIO0 to 31) Go
6h GPATOGGLE GPIO A Data Toggle Register (GPIO0 to 31) Go
8h GPBDAT GPIO B Data Register (GPIO32 to 63) Go
Ah GPBSET GPIO B Data Set Register (GPIO32 to 63) Go
Ch GPBCLEAR GPIO B Data Clear Register (GPIO32 to 63) Go
Eh GPBTOGGLE GPIO B Data Toggle Register (GPIO32 to 63) Go
10h GPCDAT GPIO C Data Register (GPIO64 to 95) Go
12h GPCSET GPIO C Data Set Register (GPIO64 to 95) Go
14h GPCCLEAR GPIO C Data Clear Register (GPIO64 to 95) Go
16h GPCTOGGLE GPIO C Data Toggle Register (GPIO64 to 95) Go
18h GPDDAT GPIO D Data Register (GPIO96 to 127) Go
1Ah GPDSET GPIO D Data Set Register (GPIO96 to 127) Go
1Ch GPDCLEAR GPIO D Data Clear Register (GPIO96 to 127) Go
1Eh GPDTOGGLE GPIO D Data Toggle Register (GPIO96 to 127) Go
20h GPEDAT GPIO E Data Register (GPIO128 to 159) Go
22h GPESET GPIO E Data Set Register (GPIO128 to 159) Go
24h GPECLEAR GPIO E Data Clear Register (GPIO128 to 159) Go
26h GPETOGGLE GPIO E Data Toggle Register (GPIO128 to 159) Go
28h GPFDAT GPIO F Data Register (GPIO160 to 168) Go
2Ah GPFSET GPIO F Data Set Register (GPIO160 to 168) Go
2Ch GPFCLEAR GPIO F Data Clear Register (GPIO160 to 168) Go
2Eh GPFTOGGLE GPIO F Data Toggle Register (GPIO160 to 168) Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 7-113 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 7-113. GPIO_DATA_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
Write Type
W W Write
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a

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Table 7-113. GPIO_DATA_REGS Access Type

Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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GPADAT is shown in Figure 7-102 and described in Table 7-114.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Data Register (GPIO0 to 31)
Reading this register reflects the current state of the GPIO pin regardless of which mode the GPIO is in.
Writing to this register will set the GPIO pin high or low if the pin is enabled for GPIO output mode. If the
GPIO is not in output mode the value written is latched but will not be reflected on the GPIO pin or reads
of the GPxDAT register. The written value latched will become active when the GPIO is put into GPIO
Output mode
A system reset will clear all bits and latched values to zero.
NOTE: Bit-wise read-modify-write operations should not be performed on this register. For bit-wise
operations the GPxSET, GPxCLEAR, or GPxTOGGLE registers should be used instead. If direct writes to
GPxDAT are necessary, the entire register should be written at one time.

Figure 7-102. GPADAT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-114. GPADAT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO31 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO30 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO29 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO28 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO27 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO26 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO25 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO24 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO23 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO22 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-114. GPADAT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
21 GPIO21 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO20 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO19 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO18 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO17 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO16 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO15 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO14 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO13 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO12 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO11 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO10 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO9 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO8 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO7 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO6 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO5 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO4 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO3 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO2 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO1 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPASET is shown in Figure 7-103 and described in Table 7-115.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Data Set Register (GPIO0 to 31)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO output data latch to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-103. GPASET Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-115. GPASET Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO31 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO30 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO29 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO28 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO27 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO26 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO25 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO24 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO23 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO22 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO21 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO20 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-115. GPASET Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO19 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO18 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO17 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO16 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO15 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO14 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO13 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO12 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO11 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO10 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO9 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO8 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO7 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO6 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO5 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO4 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO3 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO2 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO1 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPACLEAR is shown in Figure 7-104 and described in Table 7-116.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Data Clear Register (GPIO0 to 31)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO0 output data latch to 0.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-104. GPACLEAR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-116. GPACLEAR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO31 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO30 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO29 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO28 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO27 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO26 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO25 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO24 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO23 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO22 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO21 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO20 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-116. GPACLEAR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO19 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO18 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO17 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO16 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO15 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO14 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO13 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO12 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO11 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO10 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO9 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO8 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO7 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO6 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO5 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO4 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO3 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO2 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO1 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPATOGGLE is shown in Figure 7-105 and described in Table 7-117.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO A Data Toggle Register (GPIO0 to 31)
Writing a 1 will toggle GPIO0 output data latch 1 to 0 or 0 to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-105. GPATOGGLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-117. GPATOGGLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO31 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO30 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO29 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO28 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO27 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO26 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO25 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO24 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO23 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO22 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO21 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO20 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-117. GPATOGGLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO19 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO18 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO17 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO16 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO15 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO14 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO13 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO12 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO11 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO10 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO9 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO8 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO7 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO6 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO5 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO4 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO3 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO2 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO1 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO0 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1016 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPBDAT is shown in Figure 7-106 and described in Table 7-118.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Data Register (GPIO32 to 63)
Reading this register reflects the current state of the GPIO pin regardless of which mode the GPIO is in.
Writing to this register will set the GPIO pin high or low if the pin is enabled for GPIO output mode. If the
GPIO is not in output mode the value written is latched but will not be reflected on the GPIO pin or reads
of the GPxDAT register. The written value latched will become active when the GPIO is put into GPIO
Output mode
A system reset will clear all bits and latched values to zero.
NOTE: Bit-wise read-modify-write operations should not be performed on this register. For bit-wise
operations the GPxSET, GPxCLEAR, or GPxTOGGLE registers should be used instead. If direct writes to
GPxDAT are necessary, the entire register should be written at one time.

Figure 7-106. GPBDAT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-118. GPBDAT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO63 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO62 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO61 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO60 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO59 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO58 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO57 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO56 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO55 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO54 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-118. GPBDAT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
21 GPIO53 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO52 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO51 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO50 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO49 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO48 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO47 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO46 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO45 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO44 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO43 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO41 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO40 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO39 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO38 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO37 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO36 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO35 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO34 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO33 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1018 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPBSET is shown in Figure 7-107 and described in Table 7-119.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Data Set Register (GPIO32 to 63)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO output data latch to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-107. GPBSET Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-119. GPBSET Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO63 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO62 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO61 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO60 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO59 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO58 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO57 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO56 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO55 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO54 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO53 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO52 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-119. GPBSET Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO51 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO50 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO49 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO48 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO47 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO46 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO45 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO44 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO43 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO41 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO40 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO39 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO38 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO37 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO36 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO35 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO34 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO33 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1020 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPBCLEAR is shown in Figure 7-108 and described in Table 7-120.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Data Clear Register (GPIO32 to 63)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO0 output data latch to 0.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-108. GPBCLEAR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-120. GPBCLEAR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO63 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO62 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO61 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO60 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO59 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO58 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO57 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO56 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO55 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO54 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO53 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO52 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-120. GPBCLEAR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO51 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO50 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO49 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO48 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO47 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO46 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO45 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO44 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO43 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO41 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO40 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO39 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO38 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO37 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO36 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO35 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO34 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO33 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1022 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPBTOGGLE is shown in Figure 7-109 and described in Table 7-121.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO B Data Toggle Register (GPIO32 to 63)
Writing a 1 will toggle GPIO0 output data latch 1 to 0 or 0 to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-109. GPBTOGGLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-121. GPBTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO63 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO62 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO61 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO60 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO59 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO58 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO57 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO56 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO55 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO54 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO53 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO52 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-121. GPBTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO51 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO50 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO49 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO48 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO47 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO46 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO45 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO44 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO43 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO42 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO41 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO40 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO39 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO38 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO37 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO36 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO35 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO34 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO33 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO32 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1024 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPCDAT is shown in Figure 7-110 and described in Table 7-122.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Data Register (GPIO64 to 95)
Reading this register reflects the current state of the GPIO pin regardless of which mode the GPIO is in.
Writing to this register will set the GPIO pin high or low if the pin is enabled for GPIO output mode. If the
GPIO is not in output mode the value written is latched but will not be reflected on the GPIO pin or reads
of the GPxDAT register. The written value latched will become active when the GPIO is put into GPIO
Output mode
A system reset will clear all bits and latched values to zero.
NOTE: Bit-wise read-modify-write operations should not be performed on this register. For bit-wise
operations the GPxSET, GPxCLEAR, or GPxTOGGLE registers should be used instead. If direct writes to
GPxDAT are necessary, the entire register should be written at one time.

Figure 7-110. GPCDAT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-122. GPCDAT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO95 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO94 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO93 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO92 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO91 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO90 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO89 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO88 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO87 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO86 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-122. GPCDAT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
21 GPIO85 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO84 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO83 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO82 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO81 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO80 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO79 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO78 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO77 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO76 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO75 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO74 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO73 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO72 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO71 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO70 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO69 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO68 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO67 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO66 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO65 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1026 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPCSET is shown in Figure 7-111 and described in Table 7-123.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Data Set Register (GPIO64 to 95)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO output data latch to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-111. GPCSET Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-123. GPCSET Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO95 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO94 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO93 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO92 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO91 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO90 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO89 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO88 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO87 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO86 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO85 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO84 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-123. GPCSET Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO83 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO82 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO81 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO80 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO79 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO78 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO77 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO76 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO75 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO74 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO73 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO72 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO71 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO70 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO69 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO68 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO67 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO66 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO65 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1028 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPCCLEAR is shown in Figure 7-112 and described in Table 7-124.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Data Clear Register (GPIO64 to 95)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO0 output data latch to 0.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-112. GPCCLEAR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-124. GPCCLEAR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO95 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO94 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO93 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO92 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO91 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO90 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO89 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO88 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO87 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO86 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO85 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO84 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-124. GPCCLEAR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO83 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO82 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO81 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO80 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO79 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO78 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO77 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO76 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO75 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO74 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO73 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO72 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO71 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO70 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO69 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO68 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO67 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO66 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO65 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1030 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPCTOGGLE is shown in Figure 7-113 and described in Table 7-125.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO C Data Toggle Register (GPIO64 to 95)
Writing a 1 will toggle GPIO0 output data latch 1 to 0 or 0 to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-113. GPCTOGGLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-125. GPCTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO95 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO94 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO93 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO92 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO91 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO90 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO89 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO88 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO87 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO86 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO85 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO84 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-125. GPCTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO83 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO82 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO81 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO80 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO79 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO78 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO77 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO76 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO75 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO74 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO73 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO72 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO71 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO70 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO69 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO68 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO67 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO66 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO65 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO64 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1032 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPDDAT is shown in Figure 7-114 and described in Table 7-126.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Data Register (GPIO96 to 127)
Reading this register reflects the current state of the GPIO pin regardless of which mode the GPIO is in.
Writing to this register will set the GPIO pin high or low if the pin is enabled for GPIO output mode. If the
GPIO is not in output mode the value written is latched but will not be reflected on the GPIO pin or reads
of the GPxDAT register. The written value latched will become active when the GPIO is put into GPIO
Output mode
A system reset will clear all bits and latched values to zero.
NOTE: Bit-wise read-modify-write operations should not be performed on this register. For bit-wise
operations the GPxSET, GPxCLEAR, or GPxTOGGLE registers should be used instead. If direct writes to
GPxDAT are necessary, the entire register should be written at one time.

Figure 7-114. GPDDAT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-126. GPDDAT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO127 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO126 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO125 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO124 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO123 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO122 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO121 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO120 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO119 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO118 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-126. GPDDAT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
21 GPIO117 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO116 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO115 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO114 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO113 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO112 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO111 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO110 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO109 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO108 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO107 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO106 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO105 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO104 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO103 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO102 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO101 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO100 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO99 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO98 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO97 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1034 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPDSET is shown in Figure 7-115 and described in Table 7-127.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Data Set Register (GPIO96 to 127)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO output data latch to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-115. GPDSET Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-127. GPDSET Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO127 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO126 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO125 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO124 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO123 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO122 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO121 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO120 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO119 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO118 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO117 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO116 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-127. GPDSET Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO115 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO114 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO113 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO112 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO111 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO110 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO109 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO108 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO107 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO106 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO105 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO104 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO103 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO102 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO101 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO100 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO99 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO98 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO97 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1036 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPDCLEAR is shown in Figure 7-116 and described in Table 7-128.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Data Clear Register (GPIO96 to 127)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO0 output data latch to 0.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-116. GPDCLEAR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-128. GPDCLEAR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO127 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO126 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO125 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO124 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO123 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO122 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO121 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO120 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO119 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO118 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO117 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO116 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-128. GPDCLEAR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO115 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO114 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO113 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO112 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO111 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO110 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO109 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO108 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO107 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO106 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO105 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO104 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO103 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO102 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO101 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO100 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO99 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO98 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO97 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1038 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPDTOGGLE is shown in Figure 7-117 and described in Table 7-129.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO D Data Toggle Register (GPIO96 to 127)
Writing a 1 will toggle GPIO0 output data latch 1 to 0 or 0 to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-117. GPDTOGGLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-129. GPDTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO127 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO126 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO125 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO124 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO123 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO122 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO121 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO120 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO119 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO118 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO117 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO116 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-129. GPDTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO115 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO114 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO113 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO112 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO111 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO110 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO109 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO108 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO107 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO106 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO105 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO104 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO103 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO102 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO101 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO100 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO99 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO98 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO97 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO96 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPEDAT is shown in Figure 7-118 and described in Table 7-130.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Data Register (GPIO128 to 159)
Reading this register reflects the current state of the GPIO pin regardless of which mode the GPIO is in.
Writing to this register will set the GPIO pin high or low if the pin is enabled for GPIO output mode. If the
GPIO is not in output mode the value written is latched but will not be reflected on the GPIO pin or reads
of the GPxDAT register. The written value latched will become active when the GPIO is put into GPIO
Output mode
A system reset will clear all bits and latched values to zero.
NOTE: Bit-wise read-modify-write operations should not be performed on this register. For bit-wise
operations the GPxSET, GPxCLEAR, or GPxTOGGLE registers should be used instead. If direct writes to
GPxDAT are necessary, the entire register should be written at one time.

Figure 7-118. GPEDAT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-130. GPEDAT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO159 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO158 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO157 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO156 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO155 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO154 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO153 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO152 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO151 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO150 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-130. GPEDAT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
21 GPIO149 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO148 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
19 GPIO147 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO146 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO145 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO144 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO143 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO142 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO141 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO140 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO139 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO138 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO137 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO136 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO135 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO134 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO133 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO132 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO131 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO130 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO129 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1042 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPESET is shown in Figure 7-119 and described in Table 7-131.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Data Set Register (GPIO128 to 159)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO output data latch to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-119. GPESET Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-131. GPESET Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO159 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO158 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO157 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO156 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO155 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO154 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO153 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO152 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO151 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO150 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO149 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO148 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-131. GPESET Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO147 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO146 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO145 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO144 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO143 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO142 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO141 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO140 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO139 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO138 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO137 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO136 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO135 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO134 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO133 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO132 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO131 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO130 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO129 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1044 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPECLEAR is shown in Figure 7-120 and described in Table 7-132.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Data Clear Register (GPIO128 to 159)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO0 output data latch to 0.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-120. GPECLEAR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-132. GPECLEAR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO159 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO158 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO157 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO156 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO155 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO154 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO153 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO152 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO151 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO150 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO149 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO148 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-132. GPECLEAR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO147 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO146 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO145 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO144 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO143 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO142 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO141 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO140 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO139 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO138 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO137 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO136 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO135 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO134 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO133 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO132 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO131 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO130 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO129 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1046 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPETOGGLE is shown in Figure 7-121 and described in Table 7-133.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO E Data Toggle Register (GPIO128 to 159)
Writing a 1 will toggle GPIO0 output data latch 1 to 0 or 0 to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-121. GPETOGGLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-133. GPETOGGLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 GPIO159 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
30 GPIO158 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
29 GPIO157 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
28 GPIO156 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
27 GPIO155 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
26 GPIO154 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
25 GPIO153 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
24 GPIO152 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
23 GPIO151 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
22 GPIO150 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
21 GPIO149 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
20 GPIO148 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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Table 7-133. GPETOGGLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
19 GPIO147 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
18 GPIO146 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
17 GPIO145 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
16 GPIO144 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
15 GPIO143 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
14 GPIO142 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
13 GPIO141 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
12 GPIO140 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
11 GPIO139 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
10 GPIO138 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
9 GPIO137 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
8 GPIO136 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO135 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO134 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO133 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO132 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO131 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO130 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO129 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO128 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPFDAT is shown in Figure 7-122 and described in Table 7-134.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Data Register (GPIO160 to 168)
Reading this register reflects the current state of the GPIO pin regardless of which mode the GPIO is in.
Writing to this register will set the GPIO pin high or low if the pin is enabled for GPIO output mode. If the
GPIO is not in output mode the value written is latched but will not be reflected on the GPIO pin or reads
of the GPxDAT register. The written value latched will become active when the GPIO is put into GPIO
Output mode
A system reset will clear all bits and latched values to zero.
NOTE: Bit-wise read-modify-write operations should not be performed on this register. For bit-wise
operations the GPxSET, GPxCLEAR, or GPxTOGGLE registers should be used instead. If direct writes to
GPxDAT are necessary, the entire register should be written at one time.

Figure 7-122. GPFDAT Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-134. GPFDAT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved

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Table 7-134. GPFDAT Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
10 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
8 GPIO168 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO167 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO166 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO165 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO164 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO163 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO162 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO161 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Data Register for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1050 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPFSET is shown in Figure 7-123 and described in Table 7-135.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Data Set Register (GPIO160 to 168)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO output data latch to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-123. GPFSET Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-135. GPFSET Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
10 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved

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Table 7-135. GPFSET Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
8 GPIO168 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO167 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO166 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO165 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO164 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO163 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO162 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO161 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Output Set bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

1052 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019
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GPFCLEAR is shown in Figure 7-124 and described in Table 7-136.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Data Clear Register (GPIO160 to 168)
Writing a 1 will force GPIO0 output data latch to 0.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-124. GPFCLEAR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-136. GPFCLEAR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
10 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved

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Table 7-136. GPFCLEAR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
8 GPIO168 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO167 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO166 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO165 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO164 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO163 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO162 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO161 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Output Clear bit for this pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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GPFTOGGLE is shown in Figure 7-125 and described in Table 7-137.
Return to the Summary Table.
GPIO F Data Toggle Register (GPIO160 to 168)
Writing a 1 will toggle GPIO0 output data latch 1 to 0 or 0 to 1.
Writes of 0 are ignored.
Always reads back a 0.

Figure 7-125. GPFTOGGLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 7-137. GPFTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
30 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
29 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
28 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
27 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
26 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
25 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
24 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
23 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
22 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
21 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
20 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
19 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
18 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
17 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
16 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
15 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
14 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
13 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
12 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
11 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
10 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved
9 RESERVED R/W 0h Reserved

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Table 7-137. GPFTOGGLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
8 GPIO168 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
7 GPIO167 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
6 GPIO166 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
5 GPIO165 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
4 GPIO164 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
3 GPIO163 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
2 GPIO162 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
1 GPIO161 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn
0 GPIO160 R/W 0h Output Toggle Register GPIO pin
Reset type: SYSRSn

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7.9.4 Register to Driverlib Function Mapping

Table 7-138. GPIO Registers to Driverlib Functions

File Driverlib Function
gpio.c GPIO_setQualificationPeriod
gpio.c GPIO_setQualificationMode
gpio.c GPIO_getQualificationMode
gpio.c GPIO_setPinConfig
gpio.c GPIO_setDirectionMode
gpio.c GPIO_getDirectionMode
gpio.c GPIO_setPadConfig
gpio.c GPIO_getPadConfig
gpio.c GPIO_setPadConfig
gpio.c GPIO_getPadConfig
gpio.c GPIO_setPadConfig
gpio.c GPIO_getPadConfig
gpio.c GPIO_setPinConfig
gpio.c GPIO_setMasterCore
gpio.h GPIO_lockPortConfig
gpio.h GPIO_unlockPortConfig
gpio.h GPIO_commitPortConfig

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Table 7-138. GPIO Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
gpio.c GPIO_setAnalogMode

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Table 7-138. GPIO Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function

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Table 7-138. GPIO Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function

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Table 7-138. GPIO Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function
gpio.h GPIO_readPin
gpio.h GPIO_readPortData
gpio.h GPIO_writePortData
gpio.h GPIO_writePin
gpio.h GPIO_setPortPins
gpio.h GPIO_writePin
gpio.h GPIO_clearPortPins
gpio.h GPIO_togglePin
gpio.h GPIO_togglePortPins

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Table 7-138. GPIO Registers to Driverlib Functions (continued)

File Driverlib Function

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Chapter 8
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Crossbar (X-BAR)

The crossbars (referred to as X-BAR throughout this document) provide flexibility to connect device inputs,
outputs, and internal resources in a variety of configurations.
The device contains a total of four X-BARs: the Input X-BAR, the Output X-BAR, the CLB X-BAR and the
ePWM X-BAR. Each of the X-BARs is named according to where they take signals. For example, the
Input X-BAR brings external signals “in” to the device. The Output X-BAR takes internal signals “out” of
the device to a GPIO. The CLB X-BAR and ePWM X-BAR take signals to the CLB and ePWM modules
You can read more about each of these X-BARs in the following sections.

Topic ........................................................................................................................... Page

8.1 Input X-BAR ................................................................................................... 1064

8.2 ePWM, CLB, and GPIO Output X-BAR ............................................................... 1065
8.3 XBAR Registers .............................................................................................. 1073

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8.1 Input X-BAR

On this device, the Input X-BAR is used to route signals from a GPIO to many different IP blocks such as
the ADC(s), eCAP(s), ePWM(s), and external interrupts. The Input X-BAR has access to every GPIO and
can route each signal to any (or multiple) of the IP blocks previously mentioned. The digital input of AIOs
are also available on the Input X-BAR. This flexibility relieves some of the constraints on peripheral
muxing by just requiring any GPIO pin to be available. It is important to note that the function selected on
the GPIO mux does not affect the Input X-BAR. The Input X-BAR simply connects the signal on the input
buffer to the selected destination. Therefore, you can do things such as route the output of one peripheral
to another (that is, measure the output of an ePWM with an eCAP for a frequency test).
The Input X-BAR is configured via the INPUTxSELECT registers. The available IP destination(s) for each
INPUTx is shown in Figure 8-1. For more information on configuration, see the INPUT_XBAR_REGS
register definitions at the end of this chapter.

Figure 8-1. Input X-BAR

Asynchronous INPUT9 eCAP3
Synchronous Input X-BAR
GPIOx Sync. + Qual.

ePWM TRIP8 Modules


Output X-BAR

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Table 8-1. Input X-BAR Destinations

Input Destinations
Output X-BAR
Output X-BAR

8.2 ePWM, CLB, and GPIO Output X-BAR

This section describes the ePWM , CLB, and GPIO Output X-BAR

8.2.1 ePWM X-BAR

The ePWM X-BAR brings signals to the ePWM modules. Specifically, the ePWM X-BAR is connected to
the Digital Compare (DC) submodule of each ePWM module for actions such as tripzones and syncing.
Please refer to the ePWM chapter for more information on additional ways the DC submodule can be
used. Figure 8-5 shows the architecture of the ePWM X-BAR. It is worth noting that the architecture of the
ePWM X-BAR is identical to the architecture of the Output X-BAR (with the exception of the output latch). ePWM X-BAR Architecture

The ePWM X-BAR has eight outputs which are routed to each ePWM module. Figure 8-2 represents the
architecture of a single output but it is identical to the architecture of all of the other outputs.

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Figure 8-2. ePWM X-BAR Architecture - Single Output

0.1 0
(32 bits)

1.1 1


31 (1 bit)


First, determine the signal(s) which should be passed to the ePWM by referencing Table 8-2. You may
select up to one signal per mux (32 total muxes) for each TRIPx output. Select the inputs to each mux via
the TRIPxMUX0TO15CFG and TRIPxMUX16TO31CFG registers. In order to pass any signal through to
the ePWM, you must also enable the mux in the TRIPxMUXENABLE register. All muxes which are
enabled will be logically OR’d before being passed on to the respective TRIPx signal on the ePWM. You
may also optionally invert the signal via the TRIPOUTINV register.

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Table 8-2. ePWM X-BAR Mux Configuration Table

Mux 0 1 2 3
17 SD1FLT1.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
19 SD1FLT2.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
21 SD1FLT3.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
23 SD1FLT4.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
25 SD2FLT1.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
27 SD2FLT2.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
29 SD2FLT3.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
31 SD2FLT4.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
This signal is active high when routed through the X-BAR. It may need to be inverted by the respective TRIPOUTINV bit depending on
the application.

NOTE: Please do not use "Reserved" signals in your application.

8.2.2 CLB X-BAR

The CLB X-BAR brings signals to the CLB modules.Figure 8-5 shows the architecture of the CLB X-BAR.
It is worth noting that the architecture of the CLB X-BAR is identical to the architecture of the Output X-
BAR (with the exception of the output latch). CLB X-BAR Architecture

The CLB X-BAR has eight outputs which are routed to each CLB module. Figure 8-3 represents the
architecture of a single output but it is identical to the architecture of all of the other outputs.

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Figure 8-3. CLB X-BAR Architecture - Single Output

0.1 0
(32 bits)


1.1 1


31 (1 bits)


First, determine the signal(s) which should be passed to the CLB. You may select up to one signal per
mux (31 total muxes) for each AUXSIGx output. Select the inputs to each mux via the
AUXSIGxMUX0TO15CFG and AUXSIGxMUX16TO31CFG registers. In order to pass any signal through
to the CLB, you must also enable the mux in the AUXSIGxMUXENABLE register. All muxes which are
enabled will be logically OR’d before being passed on to the respective AUXSIGx signal on the CLB. You
may also optionally invert the signal via the AUXSIGOUTINV register.

Table 8-3. CLB X-BAR Mux Configuration Table

Mux 0 1 2 3

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Table 8-3. CLB X-BAR Mux Configuration Table (continued)

Mux 0 1 2 3
16 SD1FLT1.COMPH Reserved Reserved
17 SD1FLT1.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
18 SD1FLT2.COMPH Reserved Reserved
19 SD1FLT2.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
20 SD1FLT3.COMPH Reserved Reserved
21 SD1FLT3.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
22 SD1FLT4.COMPH Reserved Reserved
23 SD1FLT4.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
24 SD2FLT1.COMPH Reserved Reserved
25 SD2FLT1.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
26 SD2FLT2.COMPH Reserved Reserved
27 SD2FLT2.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
28 SD2FLT3.COMPH Reserved Reserved
29 SD2FLT3.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
30 SD2FLT4.COMPH Reserved Reserved
31 SD2FLT4.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved

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8.2.3 GPIO Output X-BAR

The GPIO Output X-BAR takes signals from inside the device and brings them out to a GPIO. Figure 8-4
shows the architecture of the GPIO Output X-BAR. The signals which are available to bring to the GPIO
are listed in Table 8-4. The X-BAR contains eight outputs and each will contain at least one position on
the GPIO mux, denoted as OUTPUTXBARx. The X-BAR allows the selection of a single signal or a logical
OR of up to 32 signals. GPIO Output X-BAR Architecture

The Output X-BAR has eight outputs which are routed to the GPIO module. Figure 8-4 represents the
architecture of a single output, but it is identical to the architecture of all of the other outputs. It is worth
noting that the architecture of the Output X-BAR (with the exception of the output latch) is identical to the
architecture of the ePWM X-BAR.

Figure 8-4. GPIO Output X-BAR Architecture

0.1 0
(32 bits)

1.1 1


31.1 31


First, determine the signal(s) which should be passed to the GPIO by referencing Table 8-4. You may
select up to one signal per mux (32 total muxes) for each OUTPUTXBARx output. Select the inputs to
each mux via the OUTPUTxMUX0TO15CFG and OUTPUTxMUX16TO31CFG registers.
In order to pass any signal through to the GPIO, you must also enable the mux in the
OUTPUTxMUXENABLE register. All muxes which are enabled will be logically OR’d before being passed
on to the respective OUTPUTx signal on the GPIO module. You may also optionally invert the signal via
the OUTPUTINV register. The signal will only be seen on the GPIO if the proper OUTPUTx muxing
options are selected via the GpioCtrlRegs.GPxMUX and GpioCtrlRegs.GPxGMUX registers.

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Table 8-4. Output X-BAR Mux Configuration Table

Mux 0 1 2 3
17 SD1FLT1.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
19 SD1FLT2.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
21 SD1FLT3.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
23 SD1FLT4.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
25 SD2FLT1.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
27 SD2FLT2.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
29 SD2FLT3.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
31 SD2FLT4.COMPL Reserved Reserved Reserved
This signal is active high when routed through the X-BAR. It may need to be inverted by the respective OUTPUTINV bit depending on
the application.

NOTE: Please do not use "Reserved" signals in your application.

8.2.4 X-BAR Flags

With the exception of the CMPSS signals, the ePWM X-BAR and the Output X-BAR have all of the same
input signals. Due to the inputs being similar, the ePWM X-BAR and Output X-BAR leverage a single set
of input flags to indicate which input signals have been triggered. This allows software to check the input
flags when an event occurs. See Figure 8-5 for more information. There is a bit allocated for each input
signal in one of the XBARFLGx registers. The flag will remain set until cleared through the appropriate
XBARCLRx register.

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Figure 8-5. ePWM and Output X-BARs Sources

(Output X-BAR only)

(ePWM X-BAR only)


Select Ckt Output OUTPUT4 GPIO
Select Ckt OUTPUT8


Input X-Bar TRIP12
(see Input X-BAR)
X-BAR Flags
FLT1.COMPH (shared)


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8.3 XBAR Registers

This section describes the Crossbar registers.

8.3.1 XBAR Base Addresses

Table 8-5. X-BAR Base Address Table

Device Registers Register Name Start Address End Address
InputXbarRegs INPUT_XBAR_REGS 0x0000_7900 0x0000_791F
XbarRegs (1) XBAR_REGS 0x0000 7920 0x0000_793F
EPwmXbarRegs (1) ePWM_XBAR_REGS 0x0000_7A00 0x0000_7A3F
OutputXbarRegs (1) OUTPUT_XBAR_REGS 0x0000_7A80 0x0000_7ABF
ClbXbarRegs (1) CLB_XBAR_REGS 0x0000_7A40 0x0000_7A7F
Only available on CPU1.

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8.3.2 XBAR_REGS Registers

Table 8-6 lists the XBAR_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 8-6 should be
considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 8-6. XBAR_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h XBARFLG1 X-Bar Input Flag Register 1 Go
2h XBARFLG2 X-Bar Input Flag Register 2 Go
4h XBARFLG3 X-Bar Input Flag Register 3 Go
8h XBARCLR1 X-Bar Input Flag Clear Register 1 Go
Ah XBARCLR2 X-Bar Input Flag Clear Register 2 Go
Ch XBARCLR3 X-Bar Input Flag Clear Register 3 Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 8-7 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 8-7. XBAR_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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XBARFLG1 is shown in Figure 8-6 and described in Table 8-8.
Return to the Summary Table.
This register is used to flag the inputs of the X-Bars to provide software knowledge of the input sources
which got triggered.
1: Corresponding Input was triggered
0: Corresponding Input was not triggered

Figure 8-6. XBARFLG1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 8-8. XBARFLG1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-8. XBARFLG1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBARFLG2 is shown in Figure 8-7 and described in Table 8-9.
Return to the Summary Table.
This register is used to flag the inputs of the X-Bars to provide software knowledge of the input sources
which got triggered.
1: Corresponding Input was triggered
0: Corresponding Input was not triggered

Figure 8-7. XBARFLG2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 8-9. XBARFLG2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
31 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-9. XBARFLG2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 CLB4_OUT5 R 0h CLB4_OUT5 X-BAR Flag
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 CLB4_OUT4 R 0h CLB4_OUT4 X-BAR Flag
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13 CLB3_OUT5 R 0h CLB3_OUT5 X-BAR Flag
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 CLB3_OUT4 R 0h CLB3_OUT4 X-BAR Flag
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 CLB2_OUT5 R 0h CLB2_OUT5 X-BAR Flag
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 CLB2_OUT4 R 0h CLB2_OUT4 X-BAR Flag
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 CLB1_OUT5 R 0h CLB1_OUT5 X-BAR Flag
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 CLB1_OUT4 R 0h CLB1_OUT4 X-BAR Flag
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBARFLG3 is shown in Figure 8-8 and described in Table 8-10.
Return to the Summary Table.
This register is used to flag the inputs of the X-Bars to provide software knowledge of the input sources
which got triggered.
1: Corresponding Input was triggered
0: Corresponding Input was not triggered

Figure 8-8. XBARFLG3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 8-10. XBARFLG3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-23 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-10. XBARFLG3 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 RESERVED R 0h Reserved
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 RESERVED R 0h Reserved

1080 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers XBARCLR1 Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

XBARCLR1 is shown in Figure 8-9 and described in Table 8-11.
Return to the Summary Table.
This register is used to clear the flag(s) in the XBARFLG1 register.
1: Clears the corresponding bit in the XBARFLG1 register.
0: Writing 0 has no effect

Figure 8-9. XBARCLR1 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 8-11. XBARCLR1 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-11. XBARCLR1 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1082 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers XBARCLR2 Register (Offset = Ah) [reset = 0h]

XBARCLR2 is shown in Figure 8-10 and described in Table 8-12.
Return to the Summary Table.
This register is used to clear the flag(s) in the XBARFLG2 register.
1: Clears the corresponding bit in the XBARFLG2 register.
0: Writing 0 has no effect

Figure 8-10. XBARCLR2 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 8-12. XBARCLR2 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 ADCCEVT1 R-0/W1S 0h ADCCEVT1 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 ADCBEVT4 R-0/W1S 0h ADCBEVT4 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 ADCBEVT3 R-0/W1S 0h ADCBEVT3 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 ADCBEVT2 R-0/W1S 0h ADCBEVT2 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27 ADCBEVT1 R-0/W1S 0h ADCBEVT1 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 ADCAEVT4 R-0/W1S 0h ADCAEVT4 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 ADCAEVT3 R-0/W1S 0h ADCAEVT3 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 ADCAEVT2 R-0/W1S 0h ADCAEVT2 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 ADCAEVT1 R-0/W1S 0h ADCAEVT1 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 ECAP6_OUT R-0/W1S 0h ECAP6_OUT X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
20 ECAP5_OUT R-0/W1S 0h ECAP5_OUT X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 ECAP4_OUT R-0/W1S 0h ECAP4_OUT X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-12. XBARCLR2 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
18 ECAP3_OUT R-0/W1S 0h ECAP3_OUT X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 ECAP2_OUT R-0/W1S 0h ECAP2_OUT X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 ECAP1_OUT R-0/W1S 0h ECAP1_OUT X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 CLB4_OUT5 R-0/W1S 0h CLB4_OUT5 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 CLB4_OUT4 R-0/W1S 0h CLB4_OUT4 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13 CLB3_OUT5 R-0/W1S 0h CLB3_OUT5 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 CLB3_OUT4 R-0/W1S 0h CLB3_OUT4 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 CLB2_OUT5 R-0/W1S 0h CLB2_OUT5 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 CLB2_OUT4 R-0/W1S 0h CLB2_OUT4 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 CLB1_OUT5 R-0/W1S 0h CLB1_OUT5 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 CLB1_OUT4 R-0/W1S 0h CLB1_OUT4 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 INPUT7 R-0/W1S 0h INPUT7 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 INPUT5 R-0/W1S 0h INPUT5 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 INPUT4 R-0/W1S 0h INPUT4 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 INPUT3 R-0/W1S 0h INPUT3 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 INPUT2 R-0/W1S 0h INPUT2 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 INPUT1 R-0/W1S 0h INPUT1 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers XBARCLR3 Register (Offset = Ch) [reset = 0h]

XBARCLR3 is shown in Figure 8-11 and described in Table 8-13.
Return to the Summary Table.
This register is used to clear the flag(s) in the XBARFLG3 register.
1: Clears the corresponding bit in the XBARFLG3 register.
0: Writing 0 has no effect

Figure 8-11. XBARCLR3 Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R-0-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 8-13. XBARCLR3 Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-23 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
22 SD2FLT4_COMPH R-0/W1S 0h SD2FLT4_COMPH X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 SD2FLT4_COMPL R-0/W1S 0h SD2FLT4_COMPL X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
20 SD2FLT3_COMPH R-0/W1S 0h SD2FLT3_COMPH X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 SD2FLT3_COMPL R-0/W1S 0h SD2FLT3_COMPL X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 SD2FLT2_COMPH R-0/W1S 0h SD2FLT2_COMPH X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 SD2FLT2_COMPL R-0/W1S 0h SD2FLT2_COMPL X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 SD2FLT1_COMPH R-0/W1S 0h SD2FLT1_COMPH X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 SD2FLT1_COMPL R-0/W1S 0h SD2FLT1_COMPL X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 SD1FLT4_COMPH R-0/W1S 0h SD1FLT4_COMPH X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13 SD1FLT4_COMPL R-0/W1S 0h SD1FLT4_COMPL X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 SD1FLT3_COMPH R-0/W1S 0h SD1FLT3_COMPH X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-13. XBARCLR3 Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11 SD1FLT3_COMPL R-0/W1S 0h SD1FLT3_COMPL X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 SD1FLT2_COMPH R-0/W1S 0h SD1FLT2_COMPH X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
6 ADCDEVT4 R-0/W1S 0h ADCDEVT4 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 ADCDEVT3 R-0/W1S 0h ADCDEVT3 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 ADCDEVT2 R-0/W1S 0h ADCDEVT2 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 ADCDEVT1 R-0/W1S 0h ADCDEVT1 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 ADCCEVT4 R-0/W1S 0h ADCCEVT4 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 ADCCEVT3 R-0/W1S 0h ADCCEVT3 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 ADCCEVT2 R-0/W1S 0h ADCCEVT2 X-BAR Flag Clear
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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8.3.3 INPUT_XBAR_REGS Registers

Table 8-14 lists the INPUT_XBAR_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 8-14
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 8-14. INPUT_XBAR_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h INPUT1SELECT INPUT1 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
1h INPUT2SELECT INPUT2 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
2h INPUT3SELECT INPUT3 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
3h INPUT4SELECT INPUT4 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
4h INPUT5SELECT INPUT5 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
5h INPUT6SELECT INPUT6 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
6h INPUT7SELECT INPUT7 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
7h INPUT8SELECT INPUT8 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
8h INPUT9SELECT INPUT9 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
9h INPUT10SELECT INPUT10 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
Ah INPUT11SELECT INPUT11 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
Bh INPUT12SELECT INPUT12 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
Ch INPUT13SELECT INPUT13 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
Dh INPUT14SELECT INPUT14 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x) EALLOW Go
1Eh INPUTSELECTLOCK Input Select Lock Register EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 8-15 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 8-15. INPUT_XBAR_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
WSonce W Write
Sonce Set once
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com INPUT1SELECT Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = 0h]

INPUT1SELECT is shown in Figure 8-12 and described in Table 8-16.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT1 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-12. INPUT1SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-16. INPUT1SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT1 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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INPUT2SELECT is shown in Figure 8-13 and described in Table 8-17.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT2 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-13. INPUT2SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-17. INPUT2SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT2 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com INPUT3SELECT Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = 0h]

INPUT3SELECT is shown in Figure 8-14 and described in Table 8-18.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT3 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-14. INPUT3SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-18. INPUT3SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT3 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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INPUT4SELECT is shown in Figure 8-15 and described in Table 8-19.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT4 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-15. INPUT4SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-19. INPUT4SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT4 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com INPUT5SELECT Register (Offset = 4h) [reset = 0h]

INPUT5SELECT is shown in Figure 8-16 and described in Table 8-20.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT5 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-16. INPUT5SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-20. INPUT5SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT5 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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INPUT6SELECT is shown in Figure 8-17 and described in Table 8-21.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT6 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-17. INPUT6SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-21. INPUT6SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT6 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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INPUT7SELECT is shown in Figure 8-18 and described in Table 8-22.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT7 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-18. INPUT7SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-22. INPUT7SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT7 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers INPUT8SELECT Register (Offset = 7h) [reset = 0h]

INPUT8SELECT is shown in Figure 8-19 and described in Table 8-23.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT8 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-19. INPUT8SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-23. INPUT8SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT8 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com INPUT9SELECT Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

INPUT9SELECT is shown in Figure 8-20 and described in Table 8-24.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT9 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-20. INPUT9SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-24. INPUT9SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT9 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers INPUT10SELECT Register (Offset = 9h) [reset = 0h]

INPUT10SELECT is shown in Figure 8-21 and described in Table 8-25.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT10 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-21. INPUT10SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-25. INPUT10SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT10 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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INPUT11SELECT is shown in Figure 8-22 and described in Table 8-26.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT11 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-22. INPUT11SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-26. INPUT11SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT11 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers INPUT12SELECT Register (Offset = Bh) [reset = 0h]

INPUT12SELECT is shown in Figure 8-23 and described in Table 8-27.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT12 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-23. INPUT12SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-27. INPUT12SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT12 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com INPUT13SELECT Register (Offset = Ch) [reset = 0h]

INPUT13SELECT is shown in Figure 8-24 and described in Table 8-28.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT13 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-24. INPUT13SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-28. INPUT13SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT13 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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INPUT14SELECT is shown in Figure 8-25 and described in Table 8-29.
Return to the Summary Table.
INPUT14 Input Select Register (GPIO0 to x)

Figure 8-25. INPUT14SELECT Register

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 8-29. INPUT14SELECT Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
15-0 SELECT R/W 0h Select GPIO for INPUT14 signal:
0x0 : Select GPIO0
0x1 : Select GPIO1
0x2 : Select GPIO2
0xn : Select GPIOn
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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INPUTSELECTLOCK is shown in Figure 8-26 and described in Table 8-30.
Return to the Summary Table.
Input Select Lock Register.
Any bit in this register, once set can only be cleared through SYSRSn. Write of 0 to any bit of this register
has no effect. Reads to the registers which have LOCK protection are always allowed.

Figure 8-26. INPUTSELECTLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h R/WSonce-0h

Table 8-30. INPUTSELECTLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15 INPUT16SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT16SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 INPUT15SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT15SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13 INPUT14SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT14SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 INPUT13SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT13SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 INPUT12SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT12SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 INPUT11SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT11SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-30. INPUTSELECTLOCK Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
9 INPUT10SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT10SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 INPUT9SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT9SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 INPUT8SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT8SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
6 INPUT7SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT7SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 INPUT6SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT6SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 INPUT5SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT5SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 INPUT4SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT4SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 INPUT3SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT3SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 INPUT2SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT2SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 INPUT1SELECT R/WSonce 0h Lock bit for INPUT1SELECT Register
0: Register is not locked
1: Register is locked
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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8.3.4 OUTPUT_XBAR_REGS Registers

Table 8-31 lists the OUTPUT_XBAR_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 8-31
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 8-31. OUTPUT_XBAR_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h OUTPUT1MUX0TO15CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 1 EALLOW Go
2h OUTPUT1MUX16TO31CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 1 EALLOW Go
4h OUTPUT2MUX0TO15CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 2 EALLOW Go
6h OUTPUT2MUX16TO31CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 2 EALLOW Go
8h OUTPUT3MUX0TO15CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 3 EALLOW Go
Ah OUTPUT3MUX16TO31CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 3 EALLOW Go
Ch OUTPUT4MUX0TO15CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 4 EALLOW Go
Eh OUTPUT4MUX16TO31CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 4 EALLOW Go
10h OUTPUT5MUX0TO15CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 5 EALLOW Go
12h OUTPUT5MUX16TO31CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 5 EALLOW Go
14h OUTPUT6MUX0TO15CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 6 EALLOW Go
16h OUTPUT6MUX16TO31CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 6 EALLOW Go
18h OUTPUT7MUX0TO15CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 7 EALLOW Go
1Ah OUTPUT7MUX16TO31CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 7 EALLOW Go
1Ch OUTPUT8MUX0TO15CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 8 EALLOW Go
1Eh OUTPUT8MUX16TO31CFG Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 8 EALLOW Go
20h OUTPUT1MUXENABLE Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 1 EALLOW Go
22h OUTPUT2MUXENABLE Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 2 EALLOW Go
24h OUTPUT3MUXENABLE Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 3 EALLOW Go
26h OUTPUT4MUXENABLE Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 4 EALLOW Go
28h OUTPUT5MUXENABLE Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 5 EALLOW Go
2Ah OUTPUT6MUXENABLE Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 6 EALLOW Go
2Ch OUTPUT7MUXENABLE Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 7 EALLOW Go
2Eh OUTPUT8MUXENABLE Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 8 EALLOW Go
30h OUTPUTLATCH Output X-BAR Output Latch Go
32h OUTPUTLATCHCLR Output X-BAR Output Latch Clear Go
34h OUTPUTLATCHFRC Output X-BAR Output Latch Clear Go
36h OUTPUTLATCHENABLE Output X-BAR Output Latch Enable EALLOW Go
38h OUTPUTINV Output X-BAR Output Inversion EALLOW Go
3Eh OUTPUTLOCK Output X-BAR Configuration Lock register EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 8-32 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 8-32. OUTPUT_XBAR_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
W1S W Write
1S 1 to set

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Table 8-32. OUTPUT_XBAR_REGS Access Type

Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
WSonce W Write
Sonce Set once
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

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OUTPUT1MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-27 and described in Table 8-33.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 1

Figure 8-27. OUTPUT1MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-33. OUTPUT1MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-33. OUTPUT1MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-33. OUTPUT1MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUT1MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-28 and described in Table 8-34.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 1

Figure 8-28. OUTPUT1MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-34. OUTPUT1MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-34. OUTPUT1MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-34. OUTPUT1MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT1 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUT2MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-29 and described in Table 8-35.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 2

Figure 8-29. OUTPUT2MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-35. OUTPUT2MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-35. OUTPUT2MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-35. OUTPUT2MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1114 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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OUTPUT2MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-30 and described in Table 8-36.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 2

Figure 8-30. OUTPUT2MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-36. OUTPUT2MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-36. OUTPUT2MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-36. OUTPUT2MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT2 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUT3MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUT3MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-31 and described in Table 8-37.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 3

Figure 8-31. OUTPUT3MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-37. OUTPUT3MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-37. OUTPUT3MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-37. OUTPUT3MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1120 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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OUTPUT3MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-32 and described in Table 8-38.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 3

Figure 8-32. OUTPUT3MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-38. OUTPUT3MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-38. OUTPUT3MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1122 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Table 8-38. OUTPUT3MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT3 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Crossbar (X-BAR) 1123

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUT4MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = Ch) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUT4MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-33 and described in Table 8-39.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 4

Figure 8-33. OUTPUT4MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-39. OUTPUT4MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-39. OUTPUT4MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-39. OUTPUT4MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1126 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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OUTPUT4MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-34 and described in Table 8-40.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 4

Figure 8-34. OUTPUT4MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-40. OUTPUT4MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-40. OUTPUT4MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-40. OUTPUT4MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT4 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUT5MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUT5MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-35 and described in Table 8-41.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 5

Figure 8-35. OUTPUT5MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-41. OUTPUT5MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-41. OUTPUT5MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-41. OUTPUT5MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUT5MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-36 and described in Table 8-42.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 5

Figure 8-36. OUTPUT5MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-42. OUTPUT5MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-42. OUTPUT5MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-42. OUTPUT5MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT5 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUT6MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 14h) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUT6MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-37 and described in Table 8-43.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 6

Figure 8-37. OUTPUT6MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-43. OUTPUT6MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-43. OUTPUT6MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-43. OUTPUT6MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1138 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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OUTPUT6MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-38 and described in Table 8-44.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 6

Figure 8-38. OUTPUT6MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-44. OUTPUT6MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-44. OUTPUT6MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-44. OUTPUT6MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT6 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUT7MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 18h) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUT7MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-39 and described in Table 8-45.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 7

Figure 8-39. OUTPUT7MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-45. OUTPUT7MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-45. OUTPUT7MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-45. OUTPUT7MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1144 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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OUTPUT7MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-40 and described in Table 8-46.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 7

Figure 8-40. OUTPUT7MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-46. OUTPUT7MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-46. OUTPUT7MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-46. OUTPUT7MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT7 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Crossbar (X-BAR) 1147

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUT8MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 1Ch) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUT8MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-41 and described in Table 8-47.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 8

Figure 8-41. OUTPUT8MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-47. OUTPUT8MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-47. OUTPUT8MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-47. OUTPUT8MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUT8MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-42 and described in Table 8-48.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Configuration for Output 8

Figure 8-42. OUTPUT8MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-48. OUTPUT8MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-48. OUTPUT8MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-48. OUTPUT8MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for OUTPUT8 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUT1MUXENABLE Register (Offset = 20h) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUT1MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-43 and described in Table 8-49.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 1

Figure 8-43. OUTPUT1MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-49. OUTPUT1MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-49. OUTPUT1MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-49. OUTPUT1MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-49. OUTPUT1MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-49. OUTPUT1MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT1 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUT2MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-44 and described in Table 8-50.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 2

Figure 8-44. OUTPUT2MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-50. OUTPUT2MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-50. OUTPUT2MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-50. OUTPUT2MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-50. OUTPUT2MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-50. OUTPUT2MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT2 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUT3MUXENABLE Register (Offset = 24h) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUT3MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-45 and described in Table 8-51.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 3

Figure 8-45. OUTPUT3MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-51. OUTPUT3MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-51. OUTPUT3MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-51. OUTPUT3MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-51. OUTPUT3MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-51. OUTPUT3MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT3 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUT4MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-46 and described in Table 8-52.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 4

Figure 8-46. OUTPUT4MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-52. OUTPUT4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-52. OUTPUT4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-52. OUTPUT4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-52. OUTPUT4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-52. OUTPUT4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT4 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUT5MUXENABLE Register (Offset = 28h) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUT5MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-47 and described in Table 8-53.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 5

Figure 8-47. OUTPUT5MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-53. OUTPUT5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-53. OUTPUT5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-53. OUTPUT5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-53. OUTPUT5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-53. OUTPUT5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT5 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUT6MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-48 and described in Table 8-54.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 6

Figure 8-48. OUTPUT6MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-54. OUTPUT6MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-54. OUTPUT6MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-54. OUTPUT6MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-54. OUTPUT6MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-54. OUTPUT6MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT6 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUT7MUXENABLE Register (Offset = 2Ch) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUT7MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-49 and described in Table 8-55.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 7

Figure 8-49. OUTPUT7MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-55. OUTPUT7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-55. OUTPUT7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-55. OUTPUT7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-55. OUTPUT7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-55. OUTPUT7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT7 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUT8MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-50 and described in Table 8-56.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Mux Enable for Output 8

Figure 8-50. OUTPUT8MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-56. OUTPUT8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-56. OUTPUT8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-56. OUTPUT8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-56. OUTPUT8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-56. OUTPUT8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the OUTPUT8 of

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUTLATCH is shown in Figure 8-51 and described in Table 8-57.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Output Latch

Figure 8-51. OUTPUTLATCH Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h R-0h

Table 8-57. OUTPUTLATCH Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 OUTPUT8 R 0h Records the OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR.

0: Respective output has not been triggered

1: Respective output is triggered

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.

[1] setting of this bit has priority over clear by software
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
6 OUTPUT7 R 0h Records the OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR.

0: Respective output has not been triggered

1: Respective output is triggered

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.

[1] setting of this bit has priority over clear by software
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 OUTPUT6 R 0h Records the OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR.

0: Respective output has not been triggered

1: Respective output is triggered

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.

[1] setting of this bit has priority over clear by software
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-57. OUTPUTLATCH Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
4 OUTPUT5 R 0h Records the OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR.

0: Respective output has not been triggered

1: Respective output is triggered

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.

[1] setting of this bit has priority over clear by software
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 OUTPUT4 R 0h Records the OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR.

0: Respective output has not been triggered

1: Respective output is triggered

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.

[1] setting of this bit has priority over clear by software
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 OUTPUT3 R 0h Records the OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR.

0: Respective output has not been triggered

1: Respective output is triggered

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.

[1] setting of this bit has priority over clear by software
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 OUTPUT2 R 0h Records the OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR.

0: Respective output has not been triggered

1: Respective output is triggered

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.

[1] setting of this bit has priority over clear by software
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 OUTPUT1 R 0h Records the OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR.

0: Respective output has not been triggered

1: Respective output is triggered

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.

[1] setting of this bit has priority over clear by software
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUTLATCHCLR is shown in Figure 8-52 and described in Table 8-58.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Output Latch Clear

Figure 8-52. OUTPUTLATCHCLR Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 8-58. OUTPUTLATCHCLR Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 OUTPUT8 R-0/W1S 0h Clears the Output-Latch for OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 clears the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
6 OUTPUT7 R-0/W1S 0h Clears the Output-Latch for OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 clears the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 OUTPUT6 R-0/W1S 0h Clears the Output-Latch for OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 clears the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 OUTPUT5 R-0/W1S 0h Clears the Output-Latch for OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 clears the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-58. OUTPUTLATCHCLR Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 OUTPUT4 R-0/W1S 0h Clears the Output-Latch for OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 clears the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 OUTPUT3 R-0/W1S 0h Clears the Output-Latch for OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 clears the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 OUTPUT2 R-0/W1S 0h Clears the Output-Latch for OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 clears the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 OUTPUT1 R-0/W1S 0h Clears the Output-Latch for OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 clears the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUTLATCHFRC Register (Offset = 34h) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUTLATCHFRC is shown in Figure 8-53 and described in Table 8-59.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Output Latch Clear

Figure 8-53. OUTPUTLATCHFRC Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h R-0/W1S-0h

Table 8-59. OUTPUTLATCHFRC Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 OUTPUT8 R-0/W1S 0h Sets the Output-Latch for OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 sets the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
6 OUTPUT7 R-0/W1S 0h Sets the Output-Latch for OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 sets the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 OUTPUT6 R-0/W1S 0h Sets the Output-Latch for OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 sets the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 OUTPUT5 R-0/W1S 0h Sets the Output-Latch for OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 sets the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-59. OUTPUTLATCHFRC Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 OUTPUT4 R-0/W1S 0h Sets the Output-Latch for OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 sets the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 OUTPUT3 R-0/W1S 0h Sets the Output-Latch for OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 sets the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 OUTPUT2 R-0/W1S 0h Sets the Output-Latch for OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 sets the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 OUTPUT1 R-0/W1S 0h Sets the Output-Latch for OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

Writing 1 sets the corresponding output latch bit in the

Write of 0 has no effect

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com OUTPUTLATCHENABLE Register (Offset = 36h) [reset = 0h]

OUTPUTLATCHENABLE is shown in Figure 8-54 and described in Table 8-60.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Output Latch Enable

Figure 8-54. OUTPUTLATCHENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-60. OUTPUTLATCHENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 OUTPUT8 R/W 0h Selects the output latch to drive OUTPUT8 for OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Output Latch is not selected to driven the respective output

1: Output Latch is selected to drive the respective output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
6 OUTPUT7 R/W 0h Selects the output latch to drive OUTPUT7 for OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Output Latch is not selected to driven the respective output

1: Output Latch is selected to drive the respective output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 OUTPUT6 R/W 0h Selects the output latch to drive OUTPUT6 for OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Output Latch is not selected to driven the respective output

1: Output Latch is selected to drive the respective output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 OUTPUT5 R/W 0h Selects the output latch to drive OUTPUT5 for OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Output Latch is not selected to driven the respective output

1: Output Latch is selected to drive the respective output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-60. OUTPUTLATCHENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 OUTPUT4 R/W 0h Selects the output latch to drive OUTPUT4 for OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Output Latch is not selected to driven the respective output

1: Output Latch is selected to drive the respective output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 OUTPUT3 R/W 0h Selects the output latch to drive OUTPUT3 for OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Output Latch is not selected to driven the respective output

1: Output Latch is selected to drive the respective output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 OUTPUT2 R/W 0h Selects the output latch to drive OUTPUT2 for OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Output Latch is not selected to driven the respective output

1: Output Latch is selected to drive the respective output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 OUTPUT1 R/W 0h Selects the output latch to drive OUTPUT1 for OUTPUT-XBAR

0: Output Latch is not selected to driven the respective output

1: Output Latch is selected to drive the respective output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUTINV is shown in Figure 8-55 and described in Table 8-61.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Output Inversion

Figure 8-55. OUTPUTINV Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-61. OUTPUTINV Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
15-8 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
7 OUTPUT8 R/W 0h Selects polarity for OUTPUT8 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: drives active high output

1: drives active-low output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
6 OUTPUT7 R/W 0h Selects polarity for OUTPUT7 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: drives active high output

1: drives active-low output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 OUTPUT6 R/W 0h Selects polarity for OUTPUT6 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: drives active high output

1: drives active-low output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 OUTPUT5 R/W 0h Selects polarity for OUTPUT5 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: drives active high output

1: drives active-low output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-61. OUTPUTINV Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
3 OUTPUT4 R/W 0h Selects polarity for OUTPUT4 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: drives active high output

1: drives active-low output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 OUTPUT3 R/W 0h Selects polarity for OUTPUT3 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: drives active high output

1: drives active-low output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 OUTPUT2 R/W 0h Selects polarity for OUTPUT2 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: drives active high output

1: drives active-low output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 OUTPUT1 R/W 0h Selects polarity for OUTPUT1 of OUTPUT-XBAR

0: drives active high output

1: drives active-low output

Refer to the Output X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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OUTPUTLOCK is shown in Figure 8-56 and described in Table 8-62.
Return to the Summary Table.
Output X-BAR Configuration Lock register

Figure 8-56. OUTPUTLOCK Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0-0h R/WSonce-0h

Table 8-62. OUTPUTLOCK Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-16 KEY R-0/W1S 0h Bit-0 of this register can be set only if KEY= 0x5a5a
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-1 RESERVED R-0 0h Reserved
0 LOCK R/WSonce 0h Locks the configuration for OUTPUT-XBAR. Once the configuration
is locked, writes to the below registers for OUTPUT-XBAR is

Registers Affected by the LOCK mechanism:


0: Writes to the above registers are allowed

1: Writes to the above registers are blocked

[1] LOCK mechanism only apples to writes. Reads are never
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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8.3.5 EPWM_XBAR_REGS Registers

Table 8-63 lists the EPWM_XBAR_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 8-63
should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 8-63. EPWM_XBAR_REGS Registers

Offset Acronym Register Name Write Protection Section
0h TRIP4MUX0TO15CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP4 EALLOW Go
2h TRIP4MUX16TO31CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP4 EALLOW Go
4h TRIP5MUX0TO15CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP5 EALLOW Go
6h TRIP5MUX16TO31CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP5 EALLOW Go
8h TRIP7MUX0TO15CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP7 EALLOW Go
Ah TRIP7MUX16TO31CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP7 EALLOW Go
Ch TRIP8MUX0TO15CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP8 EALLOW Go
Eh TRIP8MUX16TO31CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP8 EALLOW Go
10h TRIP9MUX0TO15CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP9 EALLOW Go
12h TRIP9MUX16TO31CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP9 EALLOW Go
14h TRIP10MUX0TO15CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP10 EALLOW Go
16h TRIP10MUX16TO31CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP10 EALLOW Go
18h TRIP11MUX0TO15CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP11 EALLOW Go
1Ah TRIP11MUX16TO31CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP11 EALLOW Go
1Ch TRIP12MUX0TO15CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP12 EALLOW Go
1Eh TRIP12MUX16TO31CFG ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP12 EALLOW Go
38h TRIPOUTINV ePWM XBAR Output Inversion Register EALLOW Go
3Eh TRIPLOCK ePWM XBAR Configuration Lock register EALLOW Go

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 8-64 shows the codes that are
used for access types in this section.

Table 8-64. EPWM_XBAR_REGS Access Type Codes

Access Type Code Description
Read Type
R R Read
R-0 R Read
-0 Returns 0s
Write Type
W W Write
WSonce W Write
Sonce Set once
Reset or Default Value
-n Value after reset or the default
Register Array Variables

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Table 8-64. EPWM_XBAR_REGS Access Type

Codes (continued)
Access Type Code Description
i,j,k,l,m,n When these variables are used in
a register name, an offset, or an
address, they refer to the value of
a register array where the register
is part of a group of repeating
registers. The register groups form
a hierarchical structure and the
array is represented with a
y When this variable is used in a
register name, an offset, or an
address it refers to the value of a
register array.

1206 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers TRIP4MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 0h) [reset = 0h]

TRIP4MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-57 and described in Table 8-65.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP4

Figure 8-57. TRIP4MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-65. TRIP4MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-65. TRIP4MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1208 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Table 8-65. TRIP4MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Crossbar (X-BAR) 1209

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com TRIP4MUX16TO31CFG Register (Offset = 2h) [reset = 0h]

TRIP4MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-58 and described in Table 8-66.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP4

Figure 8-58. TRIP4MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-66. TRIP4MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1210 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Table 8-66. TRIP4MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-66. TRIP4MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP4 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1212 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com XBAR Registers TRIP5MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 4h) [reset = 0h]

TRIP5MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-59 and described in Table 8-67.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP5

Figure 8-59. TRIP5MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-67. TRIP5MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-67. TRIP5MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1214 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Table 8-67. TRIP5MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019 Crossbar (X-BAR) 1215

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Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
XBAR Registers www.ti.com TRIP5MUX16TO31CFG Register (Offset = 6h) [reset = 0h]

TRIP5MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-60 and described in Table 8-68.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP5

Figure 8-60. TRIP5MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-68. TRIP5MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1216 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Table 8-68. TRIP5MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-68. TRIP5MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP5 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1218 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers TRIP7MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 8h) [reset = 0h]

TRIP7MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-61 and described in Table 8-69.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP7

Figure 8-61. TRIP7MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-69. TRIP7MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-69. TRIP7MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-69. TRIP7MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com TRIP7MUX16TO31CFG Register (Offset = Ah) [reset = 0h]

TRIP7MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-62 and described in Table 8-70.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP7

Figure 8-62. TRIP7MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-70. TRIP7MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-70. TRIP7MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-70. TRIP7MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP7 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1224 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers TRIP8MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = Ch) [reset = 0h]

TRIP8MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-63 and described in Table 8-71.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP8

Figure 8-63. TRIP8MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-71. TRIP8MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-71. TRIP8MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-71. TRIP8MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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TRIP8MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-64 and described in Table 8-72.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP8

Figure 8-64. TRIP8MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-72. TRIP8MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-72. TRIP8MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-72. TRIP8MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP8 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1230 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers TRIP9MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 10h) [reset = 0h]

TRIP9MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-65 and described in Table 8-73.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP9

Figure 8-65. TRIP9MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-73. TRIP9MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-73. TRIP9MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-73. TRIP9MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com TRIP9MUX16TO31CFG Register (Offset = 12h) [reset = 0h]

TRIP9MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-66 and described in Table 8-74.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP9

Figure 8-66. TRIP9MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-74. TRIP9MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1234 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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Table 8-74. TRIP9MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-74. TRIP9MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP9 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1236 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers TRIP10MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 14h) [reset = 0h]

TRIP10MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-67 and described in Table 8-75.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP10

Figure 8-67. TRIP10MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-75. TRIP10MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-75. TRIP10MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-75. TRIP10MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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TRIP10MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-68 and described in Table 8-76.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP10

Figure 8-68. TRIP10MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-76. TRIP10MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-76. TRIP10MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-76. TRIP10MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP10 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1242 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers TRIP11MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 18h) [reset = 0h]

TRIP11MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-69 and described in Table 8-77.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP11

Figure 8-69. TRIP11MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-77. TRIP11MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-77. TRIP11MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-77. TRIP11MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com TRIP11MUX16TO31CFG Register (Offset = 1Ah) [reset = 0h]

TRIP11MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-70 and described in Table 8-78.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP11

Figure 8-70. TRIP11MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-78. TRIP11MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-78. TRIP11MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-78. TRIP11MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP11 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

1248 Crossbar (X-BAR) SPRUHX5G – August 2014 – Revised September 2019

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www.ti.com XBAR Registers TRIP12MUX0TO15CFG Register (Offset = 1Ch) [reset = 0h]

TRIP12MUX0TO15CFG is shown in Figure 8-71 and described in Table 8-79.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP12

Figure 8-71. TRIP12MUX0TO15CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-79. TRIP12MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX15 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux15:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux15

01 : Select .1 input for Mux15
10 : Select .2 input for Mux15
11 : Select .3 input for Mux15

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX14 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux14:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux14

01 : Select .1 input for Mux14
10 : Select .2 input for Mux14
11 : Select .3 input for Mux14

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX13 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux13:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux13

01 : Select .1 input for Mux13
10 : Select .2 input for Mux13
11 : Select .3 input for Mux13

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX12 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux12:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux12

01 : Select .1 input for Mux12
10 : Select .2 input for Mux12
11 : Select .3 input for Mux12

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-79. TRIP12MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX11 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux11:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux11

01 : Select .1 input for Mux11
10 : Select .2 input for Mux11
11 : Select .3 input for Mux11

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX10 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux10:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux10

01 : Select .1 input for Mux10
10 : Select .2 input for Mux10
11 : Select .3 input for Mux10

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX9 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux9:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux9

01 : Select .1 input for Mux9
10 : Select .2 input for Mux9
11 : Select .3 input for Mux9

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX8 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux8:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux8

01 : Select .1 input for Mux8
10 : Select .2 input for Mux8
11 : Select .3 input for Mux8

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX7 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux7:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux7

01 : Select .1 input for Mux7
10 : Select .2 input for Mux7
11 : Select .3 input for Mux7

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX6 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux6:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux6

01 : Select .1 input for Mux6
10 : Select .2 input for Mux6
11 : Select .3 input for Mux6

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-79. TRIP12MUX0TO15CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX5 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux5:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux5

01 : Select .1 input for Mux5
10 : Select .2 input for Mux5
11 : Select .3 input for Mux5

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX4 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux4:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux4

01 : Select .1 input for Mux4
10 : Select .2 input for Mux4
11 : Select .3 input for Mux4

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX3 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux3:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux3

01 : Select .1 input for Mux3
10 : Select .2 input for Mux3
11 : Select .3 input for Mux3

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX2 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux2:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux2

01 : Select .1 input for Mux2
10 : Select .2 input for Mux2
11 : Select .3 input for Mux2

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX1 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux1:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux1

01 : Select .1 input for Mux1
10 : Select .2 input for Mux1
11 : Select .3 input for Mux1

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX0 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux0:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux0

01 : Select .1 input for Mux0
10 : Select .2 input for Mux0
11 : Select .3 input for Mux0

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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TRIP12MUX16TO31CFG is shown in Figure 8-72 and described in Table 8-80.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Configuration for TRIP12

Figure 8-72. TRIP12MUX16TO31CFG Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-80. TRIP12MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31-30 MUX31 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux31:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux31

01 : Select .1 input for Mux31
10 : Select .2 input for Mux31
11 : Select .3 input for Mux31

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29-28 MUX30 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux30:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux30

01 : Select .1 input for Mux30
10 : Select .2 input for Mux30
11 : Select .3 input for Mux30

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
27-26 MUX29 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux29:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux29

01 : Select .1 input for Mux29
10 : Select .2 input for Mux29
11 : Select .3 input for Mux29

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25-24 MUX28 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux28:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux28

01 : Select .1 input for Mux28
10 : Select .2 input for Mux28
11 : Select .3 input for Mux28

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-80. TRIP12MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
23-22 MUX27 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux27:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux27

01 : Select .1 input for Mux27
10 : Select .2 input for Mux27
11 : Select .3 input for Mux27

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21-20 MUX26 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux26:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux26

01 : Select .1 input for Mux26
10 : Select .2 input for Mux26
11 : Select .3 input for Mux26

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19-18 MUX25 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux25:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux25

01 : Select .1 input for Mux25
10 : Select .2 input for Mux25
11 : Select .3 input for Mux25

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17-16 MUX24 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux24:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux24

01 : Select .1 input for Mux24
10 : Select .2 input for Mux24
11 : Select .3 input for Mux24

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15-14 MUX23 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux23:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux23

01 : Select .1 input for Mux23
10 : Select .2 input for Mux23
11 : Select .3 input for Mux23

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
13-12 MUX22 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux22:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux22

01 : Select .1 input for Mux22
10 : Select .2 input for Mux22
11 : Select .3 input for Mux22

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-80. TRIP12MUX16TO31CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
11-10 MUX21 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux21:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux21

01 : Select .1 input for Mux21
10 : Select .2 input for Mux21
11 : Select .3 input for Mux21

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9-8 MUX20 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux20:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux20

01 : Select .1 input for Mux20
10 : Select .2 input for Mux20
11 : Select .3 input for Mux20

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7-6 MUX19 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux19:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux19

01 : Select .1 input for Mux19
10 : Select .2 input for Mux19
11 : Select .3 input for Mux19

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5-4 MUX18 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux18:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux18

01 : Select .1 input for Mux18
10 : Select .2 input for Mux18
11 : Select .3 input for Mux18

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3-2 MUX17 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux17:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux17

01 : Select .1 input for Mux17
10 : Select .2 input for Mux17
11 : Select .3 input for Mux17

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1-0 MUX16 R/W 0h Select Bits for EPWM-XBAR TRIP12 Mux16:

00 : Select .0 input for Mux16

01 : Select .1 input for Mux16
10 : Select .2 input for Mux16
11 : Select .3 input for Mux16

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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TRIP4MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-73 and described in Table 8-81.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Enable for TRIP4

Figure 8-73. TRIP4MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-81. TRIP4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-81. TRIP4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-81. TRIP4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-81. TRIP4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-81. TRIP4MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux0 to drive TRIP4 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the TRIP4 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the TRIP4 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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TRIP5MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-74 and described in Table 8-82.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Enable for TRIP5

Figure 8-74. TRIP5MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-82. TRIP5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-82. TRIP5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-82. TRIP5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-82. TRIP5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-82. TRIP5MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive TRIP5 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the TRIP5 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the TRIP5 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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TRIP7MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-75 and described in Table 8-83.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Enable for TRIP7

Figure 8-75. TRIP7MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-83. TRIP7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-83. TRIP7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-83. TRIP7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-83. TRIP7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-83. TRIP7MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive TRIP7 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the TRIP7 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the TRIP7 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com TRIP8MUXENABLE Register (Offset = 26h) [reset = 0h]

TRIP8MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-76 and described in Table 8-84.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Enable for TRIP8

Figure 8-76. TRIP8MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-84. TRIP8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-84. TRIP8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-84. TRIP8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-84. TRIP8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-84. TRIP8MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive TRIP8 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the TRIP8 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the TRIP8 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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TRIP9MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-77 and described in Table 8-85.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Enable for TRIP9

Figure 8-77. TRIP9MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-85. TRIP9MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-85. TRIP9MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-85. TRIP9MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-85. TRIP9MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-85. TRIP9MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive TRIP9 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the TRIP9 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the TRIP9 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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XBAR Registers www.ti.com TRIP10MUXENABLE Register (Offset = 2Ah) [reset = 0h]

TRIP10MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-78 and described in Table 8-86.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Enable for TRIP10

Figure 8-78. TRIP10MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-86. TRIP10MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-86. TRIP10MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-86. TRIP10MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux17 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
16 MUX16 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux16 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux16 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux16 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
15 MUX15 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux15 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux15 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux15 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
14 MUX14 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux14 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux14 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux14 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-86. TRIP10MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
13 MUX13 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux13 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux13 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux13 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
12 MUX12 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux12 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux12 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux12 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
11 MUX11 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux11 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux11 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux11 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
10 MUX10 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux10 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux10 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux10 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
9 MUX9 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux9 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux9 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux9 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
8 MUX8 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux8 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux8 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux8 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
7 MUX7 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux7 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux7 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux7 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-86. TRIP10MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
6 MUX6 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux6 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux6 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux6 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
5 MUX5 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux5 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux5 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux5 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
4 MUX4 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux4 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux4 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux4 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
3 MUX3 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux3 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux3 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux3 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
2 MUX2 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux2 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux2 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux2 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
1 MUX1 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux1 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux1 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux1 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
0 MUX0 R/W 0h Selects the output of mux0 to drive TRIP10 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux0 is disabled to drive the TRIP10 of

1: Respective output of Mux0 is enabled to drive the TRIP10 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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TRIP11MUXENABLE is shown in Figure 8-79 and described in Table 8-87.
Return to the Summary Table.
ePWM XBAR Mux Enable for TRIP11

Figure 8-79. TRIP11MUXENABLE Register

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h R/W-0h

Table 8-87. TRIP11MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions

Bit Field Type Reset Description
31 MUX31 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux31 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux31 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux31 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
30 MUX30 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux30 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux30 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux30 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
29 MUX29 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux29 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux29 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux29 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
28 MUX28 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux28 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux28 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux28 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-87. TRIP11MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
27 MUX27 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux27 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux27 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux27 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
26 MUX26 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux26 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux26 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux26 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
25 MUX25 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux25 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux25 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux25 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
24 MUX24 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux24 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux24 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux24 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
23 MUX23 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux23 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux23 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux23 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
22 MUX22 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux22 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux22 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux22 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
21 MUX21 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux21 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux21 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux21 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn

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Table 8-87. TRIP11MUXENABLE Register Field Descriptions (continued)

Bit Field Type Reset Description
20 MUX20 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux20 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux20 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux20 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
19 MUX19 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux19 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux19 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux19 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
18 MUX18 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux18 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux18 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

1: Respective output of Mux18 is enabled to drive the TRIP11 of

Refer to the EPWM X-BAR section of this chapter for more details.
Reset type: CPU1.SYSRSn
17 MUX17 R/W 0h Selects the output of Mux17 to drive TRIP11 of EPWM-XBAR

0: Respective output of Mux17 is disabled to drive the TRIP11 of

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