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Met414 Quqlity Management Syllabus

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MET414 Quality Management

PEC 2 1 0 3


This course is designed to facilitate the students to understand the concept and culture of total quality
management. It empowers the students by inculcating the skills to use quality control techniques and
other quality tools in solving quality-related problems and apply these principles in an industry. This
course will also amalgamate their knowledge about the importance of customer satisfaction through
desired quality at a competitive price.

Prerequisite: NIL

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO 1 To be conversant with important terms for quality management in organisations

CO 2 Have a complete theoretical and practical understanding of the contributions of
Quality Gurus
CO 3 Demonstrate knowledge of the underlying principles of strategic quality management
CO 4 Identify various human dimensions of TQM
CO 5 Implement different tools and techniques in TQM
CO 6 Identify core and extended modules of ISO 9000 family of standards

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO PO PO
10 11 12
CO 1 3 2 3 3
CO 2 2 2 2
CO 3 2 2 2 3 3 3
CO 4 3 3 3 3 3
CO 5 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2
CO 6 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 1

Assessment Pattern

Bloom’s Category Continuous Assessment Tests End Semester Examination

1 (in %) 2 (in %) (in %)
Remember 20 20 20
Understand 60 40 40
Apply 20 40 40
Mark distribution

Total CIE ESE ESE Duration

Marks Marks Marks

150 50 100 3 hours

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:

Attendance : 10 marks
Continuous Assessment Test (2 numbers) : 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15 marks

End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contain 10
questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question. Students should
answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which student should answer
any one. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry 14 marks.

Course Level Assessment Questions

Course Outcome 1 (CO1):

1. Distinguish between quality control and inspection.

2. What are the TQM axioms?

3. What are the enablers of total quality?

Course Outcome 2 (CO2)

1. Describe the Deming approach to TQM.

2. List out Crosby's fourteen steps for quality improvement.

3. Describe Juran’s quality trilogy.

Course Outcome 3(CO3):

1. Define strategic quality management.

2. With examples, describe the classification of quality costs.

3. Describe the concepts of Kaizen approach.

Course Outcome 4 (CO4):

1. What is meant by employee empowerment with respect to total quality management?

2. What are self managing teams?

3. Describe the importance of leadership in TQM

Course Outcome 5 (CO5):

1. “X and R charts always go hand in hand”. Elaborate.

2. What are the measures of Central tendency and dispersion?

3. Describe the principles of cause and effect diagram.

Course Outcome 6 (CO6):

1. Enumerate the benefits of ISO certification.

2. What are the benefits of quality auditing?

3. Enumerate the steps to be followed by a manufacturing organization to obtain ISO 9001


Model Question paper



Course Code: MET414 Course Name: QUALITY MANAGEMENT

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours


Answer ALL questions, each carries 3 marks.

1. Define the term” Quality control”.

2. What are the enablers of total quality?
3. Describe the concept of Quality Function Deployment
4. What are the obstacles to achieving successful strategic quality management?
5. What is meant by employee empowerment?
6. Describe the importance of leadership in TQM
7. Describe the principles of cause and effect diagram.
8. Describe the procedure to be followed in a brain storming meeting.
9. Explain the clause in ISO 9001 associated with resource management.
10. What are the benefits of quality auditing?

11. a) Compare Juran and Deming approaches (7)

b) Explain the characteristics of Total Quality Management. (7)


12 a) Explain the three TQM axioms. (12)

b) Define Quality Planning. (2)

13. Describe the steps to be followed to integrate quality into strategic management journey
of an organization. (14)


14. (a) Enumerate the objectives and key principles of lean manufacturing paradigm. (7)

(b) Compare traditional and lean manufacturing paradigms. (7)

15. What are self managing teams? What are the benefits and problems associated with
them? Indicate the key steps to be followed to implement them in organizations.


16. What are the ingredients for success for a quality director? What are the activities to be
carried out by a quality director towards assisting upper management with strategic
management (14)

17. With the aid of an example, describe the principles of cause and effect diagram. (14)


18. Following are the data on the quality costs incurred in a manufacturing company in a month:

Title of the quality cost Amount in Rupees

Product audits 1,000

Scrap Disposal 50,000

Concessions and Downgrading 40,000

Calibration 2,000
Quality planning 500

Manufacturing losses 30,000

System failure 40,000

Test materials 5,000

Training 2,000

Customer returns 25,000

Classify the above quality costs into preventive, appraisal and failure costs. Conduct Pareto analysis
and comment on the results. Suggest a proposal with anticipation on the quality costs observable in
future. (14)

19. Describe the steps to be followed for conducting a quality audit. (14)


20. Enumerate the steps to be followed by a manufacturing organization to obtain ISO 9001
certification. (14)


Module 1

Introduction to Quality Engineering - Definitions of the terms - quality, quality planning, quality
control, quality assurance, quality management, Total Quality Management (TQM)- overview on
TQM - the TQM axioms - consequences of total quality- Barriers to TQM- Deming approach to TQM
– Juran’s quality trilogy- Crosby's fourteen steps for quality improvement

Module 2

Strategic Quality Management: Cost of Quality- Customer satisfaction- Quality Function Deployment
(QFD)- Integrating quality into strategic management - quality and the management cycle- obstacles
to achieving successful strategic quality management- supplier selection- Concepts of 5S, Six Sigma,
Lean, Kaizen

Module 3

Human dimensions of TQM – Top management commitment- Leadership for TQM- Change
management- resources for quality activities - training for quality –Employee involvement,
motivation empowerment- teamwork- self managing teams - role of the quality director
Module 4

Supporting Tools, Activities And Techniques in TQM Projects : Affinity diagram - brainstorming -
cause and effect analysis - process flow chart – check sheets- Scatter diagram - Pareto chart-
Histogram and fundamentals of statistics - Control charts for improving process capability- Taguchi’s
robust design- Total Productive maintenance- Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

Module 5

Quality System: ISO 9000 family of standards- ISO 9001:2000 model, quality management system-
management responsibility- resource management- product realisation- measurement analysis and
improvements- ISO 14000 family of standards- Quality auditing- types and benefits.

Text Books

1. Besterfield Dale H. , Besterfield Carol, Besterfield Glen H., Besterfield Mary, Urdhwareshe
Hemant, Urdhwareshe Rashmi, “Total Quality Management (TQM) 5e”, Pearson Education, 2018.

2. Subburaj Ramasamy, “Total Quality Management”, McGraw Hill Education,, 2017.

3. Dr. K.C. Arora, “Total Quality Management”, S K Kataria and Sons, 2013.

4. Suganthi, L and Anand A Samuel, “Total Quality Management”, Prentice Hall India Learning
Private Limited, 2009.

5. Juran J M and Gryna, F M, "Quality Planning and Analysis - From Product Development through
Use", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Limited, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2004.

Reference Books

1. Logothetics N, "Managing for Total Quality - From Deming to Taguchi and SPC", Prentice Hall
Ltd., New Delhi, 1997.
2. Deming W E, “Out of the Crisis," MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1982.
3. Juran J M and Juran on “Leadership for Quality" An Executive Handbook, The Free Press, New
York, 1989.
4. Salor J H, "TQM-FIeld Manual," McGraw Hill, New York, 1992.
5. Crosby P B, "Quality is Free" McGraw Hill, New York, 1979.

Course Contents and Lecture Schedule

No Topic No. of Lectures

1 Introduction to Quality Engineering
1.1 Definitions of the terms - quality, quality planning, quality control, 2
quality assurance, quality management
1.2 Total Quality Management (TQM)- overview on TQM - the TQM 2
axioms - consequences of total quality- Barriers to TQM
1.3 Deming approach to TQM - Juran quality trilogy- Crosby's fourteen 3
steps for quality improvement
2 Strategic Quality Management
2.1 Cost of Quality- Customer satisfaction- Quality Function Deployment 2
2.2 Integrating quality into strategic management - quality and the 2
management cycle- obstacles to achieving successful strategic quality
2.3 Supplier selection 1
2.4 Concepts of 5S, Six Sigma, Lean, Kaizen 3
3 Human dimensions of TQM
3.1 Top management commitment- Leadership for TQM- Change 2
3.2 Resources for quality activities - training for quality 1
3.3 Employee involvement, motivation, empowerment 3
3.3 Teamwork- self managing teams - role of the quality director 1
4 Supporting Tools, Activities And Techniques in TQM Projects
4.1 Affinity diagram - brainstorming 1

4.2 Cause and effect analysis - process flow chart – check sheets- Scatter 3
diagram - Pareto chart
4.3 Histogram and fundamentals of statistics - 1
4.4 Control charts for improving process capability- 2
4.5 Taguchi’s robust design- Total Productive maintenance- Failure Mode 2
and Effect Analysis
5 Quality System
5.1 ISO 9000 family of standards 1
5.2 ISO 9001 model, quality management system- management 2
responsibility- resource management- product realisation- measurement
analysis and improvements
5.3 ISO 14000 family of standards 1
5.4 Quality auditing- types and benefits 1

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