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Road DSR 2019-20 PDF

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Name Road Dept 2019-20 Year 2019-2020

Rate Card PMC Effective Date 20/04/2019

Chapter Name Frequently Required items for PMC Road Estimation

Rate In (Rs)
Item Description Rate Unit

15568 Part A-1 Cutting down trees including trunks and branches with girths 389.00 per no
5 above 30cm to 60cm and stacking the materials neatly with all lifts
and lead of 1000m as directed and earth filling in the depression /
pit if any.
15568 Part A-2 Cutting down trees including trunks and branches with girths 649.00 per no
6 above 60cm to 90cm and stacking the materials neatly with all lifts
and lead of 1000m. as directed and earth filling in the
depression/pit if any.
15568 Part A-3 Cutting down trees including trunks and branches with girths 1,329.00 per no
7 above 90cm to 180cm and stacking the materials neatly with all
lifts and lead of 1000m. as directed and earth filling in the
depression/pit if any.
15568 Part A-4 Cutting down trees including trunks and branches with girths 2,274.00 per no
8 above 180cm to 270cm and stacking the materials neatly with all
lifts and lead of 1000m. as directed and earth filling in the
depression/pit if any.
15568 Part A-5 Cutting down trees including trunks and branches with girths 2,343.00 per no
9 above 270cm to 450cm and stacking the materials neatly with all
lifts and lead of 1000m. as directed and earth filling in the
depression/pit if any.
15569 Part A-6 Cutting down trees including trunks and branches with girths 2,565.00 per no
0 above 450cm and stacking the materials neatly with all lifts and
lead of 1000m. as directed and earth filling in the depression/pit if
15569 Part A-7 Excavation for roadway in earth, soil of all sorts, sand, gravel or 76.00 Cu.M
1 soft murum including dressing section to the required grade,
camber and side slopes and conveying the excavated materials
with all lifts up to a lead of 50m. and spreading for embankment or
stacking as directed.
15569 Part A-8 Excavation for roadway in hard murum and boulder including 87.00 Cu.M
2 dressing section to the required grade, camber and side slopes and
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conveying the excavated materials with all lifts up to a lead of

50m.and spreading for embankment or stacking as directed.
15569 Part A-9 Excavation for roadway in soft rock, including dressing section to 129.00 Cu.M
3 the required grade, camber and side slopes and conveying the
excavated materials with all lifts up to a lead of 50m. and
spreading or stacking as directed.
15569 Part A-10 Excavation for roadway in hard rock by wedging and chiselling or 905.00 Cu.M
4 line drilling including dressing section to the required grade,
camber and side slopes and conveying the excavated materials
with all lifts up to a lead of 50m. and spreading for embankment or
stacking as directed.
15569 Part A-11 Excavation for catch / side water gutter in all sorts of soils to the 76.00 Cu.M
5 specified section including stacking the excavated stuff in a regular
bund and disposing of unsuitable or excess stuff as directed all
sorts of soils.
15569 Part A-12 Excavation for catch / side water gutter in Hard murum and 87.00 Cu.M
6 boulder strata to the specified section including stacking the
excavated stuff in a regular bund and disposing of unsuitable or
excess stuff as directed.
15569 Part A-13 Supplying hard murum/ kankar at the road site, including 619.00 Cu.M
7 conveying and stacking complete.
15569 Part A-14 Spreading hard murum/ soft murrum/ gravel or kankar for side 60.00 Cu.M
8 width complete
15569 Part A-15 Compacting the hard murum side widths including laying in layers 17.00 Sq.m
9 on each side with vibratory roller including artificial watering etc.
15570 Part A-16 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded 1,921.00 Cu.M
0 Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of
mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with
motor grader/ Paver on prepared surface and compacting with
vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per
clause 401 -- Plant Mix Method and Grading - I Material
15570 Part A-17 Scarifying the existing granular road surface to a depth of 50 mm 37.00 Sq.m
1 and disposal of scarified material within all lifts and leads up to
1000 metres.
15570 Part A-18 Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled 339.00 Cu.M
2 materials up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable and
unserviceable materials separately etc. complete.

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15570 Part A-19 Dismantling of cement concrete pavement by mechanical means 895.00 Cu.M
3 using pneumatic tools, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum
in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of
dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking
serviceable and unserviceable materials separately etc. complete.
15570 Part A-20 Brooming the W.B.M. surface by wire Brushes, coir brushers, 14.00 Sq.m
4 dusting, cleaning etc. for receiving the bituminous treatment
complete. Brooming the water Bound Macadam surface by wire.
15570 Part A-21 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of 1,967.00 Cu.M
5 specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing to proper grade and
camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/
binding Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting with Vibratory roller. to the required
density. By Mechanical Means - Grading I (Using Screening Type A
(13.2) mm Aggregate)
15570 Part A-22 Wet Mix Macadam -- Providing, laying, spreading and compacting 1,975.00 Cu.M
6 graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification
including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical
mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in
uniform layers with paver in sub- base / base course on well
prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve
the desired density. Laying By Grader/Paver.
15570 Part A-23 Dismantling of existing B.T. Surface (flexible Pavement) to a depth 26.00 Sq.m
7 of 50 mm.by cold milling with Wirtgen or similar type machine
including loading of dismantled material by automatic conveyor
belt to transport vehicle at site including transportation from site.
15570 Part A-24 Prime coat - Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen 20.00 Sq.m
8 emulsion on prepared surface of granular Base including cleaning
of road surface and spraying, primer at the rate of 0.60 kg/sqm
using mechanical means.
15570 Part A-25 Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface heating 11.00 Sq.m
9 by fames in Boiler and spraying bitumen set footed in bitumen
boller on B.T. surface 2.5 kg/10 sqm.(VG-30 bulk bitumen rates
are considered to arrive at rates).
15571 Part A-26 BITUMINOUS MACADAM:--Providing and laying bituminous 5,774.00 Cu.M
0 macadam using crushed aggregate of Grading 1, premixed with
bituminous binder, transported at site with VTS, laid over a
previously prepared surface , finished to the required grade ,level,
alignment, and rolling to achieve the desired density for 80/100
mm compacted thickness with drum mix type hot mix plant with
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SCADA having complying essential features of batch mix plant as

per IRC-27 2009 specified conditions and attachments such as
electronic load sensor based belt conveyers, automatic
synchronization of bitumen and aggregate fedder,built in dust
controller system and PLC for batch Mix plant ,Sensor paver, and
Vibratory roller excluding prime/Tack coat etc. complete --Bitumen
4% of specified grade (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to
arrive at rates)
15571 Part A-27 DENSE BITUMINOUS MACADAM: Proving and laying dense 6,678.00 Cu.M
1 bituminous macadam using crushed aggregates of Grading 1,
premixed with bituminous binder of specified grade of Bitumen @
4.50 per cent by weight of total mix and filler, transported to site
with VTS , laid over a previously prepared surface, finished to the
required grade, level, alignment, and rolling to achieve the desired
density for 50-75 mm compacted thickness .USING Batch mix type
hot mix plant with SCADA, Sensor Paver, Vibratory roller with
Stone Dust filler.(VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to
arrive at rates)
15571 Part A-28 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE:- Providing and laying bituminous 7,904.00 Cu.M
2 concrete using crushed aggregates of grading 1, premixed with
bituminous binder @ 6% per cent by weight of total mix and filler,
transported to site with VTS , laid over a previously prepared
surface, finished to the required grade, level, alignment, and
rolling to achieve the desired compaction for 25-40 mm
compacted thickness with specified grade of Bitumen, Excluding
prime / tack coat. For Bitumen of specified grade -- USING Batch
mix type hot mix plant with SCADA, Sensor Paver, Vibratory roller
with Stone Dust filler. (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to
arrive at rates)
15571 Part A-29 Providing bituminous Type A liquid seal coat on bituminous surface 42.00 Sq.m
3 including supplying all materials and bitumen of specified grade
preparing existing road surface, heating and applying bitumen @
0.98 KgSqm. by mechanical means, spreading chips and rolling, by
static roller having weight 8 to 10 MT. etc. complete. (VG-30 bulk
bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates)
15571 Part A-30 Providing and laying in-situ M30 Grade unreinforced plain cement 6,290.00 Cu.M
4 concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of
MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a batching and mixing plant/
non tilting mixer and Weigh batcher as per approved mix design,
admixtures, transporting to site, spreading, laying with approved

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make paver, compacted and finished in a continuous operation,

finishing to lines and grades as directed by Engineer-in-charge
and curing by curing compound /by providing cement vata in
cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre, admeasuring
80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of 75mm and
maintaining the same throughout curing period by any other
method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15571 Part A-31 Providing and laying in-situ M35 Grade unreinforced plain cement 6,376.00 Cu.M
5 concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of
MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a batching and mixing plant/
non tilting mixer and Weigh batcher as per approved mix design,
admixtures, transporting to site, spreading, laying with approved
make paver, compacted and finished in a continuous operation,
finishing to lines and grades as directed by Engineer-in-charge
and curing by curing compound /by providing cement vata in
cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre, admeasuring
80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of 75mm and
maintaining the same throughout curing period by any other
method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15571 Part A-32 Providing and laying in-situ M40 Grade unreinforced plain cement 6,446.00 Cu.M
6 concrete pavement (without Dowel bar and Tie Bar, Plastic sheet,
Groove cutting, etc) over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of
MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a batching and mixing plant/
non tilting mixer and Weigh batcher as per approved mix design,
admixtures, transporting to site, spreading, laying with approved
make paver, compacted and finished in a continuous operation,
finishing to lines and grades as directed by Engineer- in-charge
and curing by curing compound /by providing cement vata in
cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre, admeasuring
80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of 75mm and
maintaining the same throughout curing period by any other
method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15571 Part A-33 Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub- base over a 3,358.00 Cu.M
7 prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate ( natural
sand/ VSI grade finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS:
383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, , cement
content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture

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content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete

strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching
plant/ Weigh batch mixer, transported to site with all leads and
lifts, laid with a paver with electronic sensor /by suitable means as
approved by Engineer-in-charge , compacting with vibratory roller,
finishing, curing and including preparation of sub- grade surface
if required etc. complete.
15571 Part A-34 Providing and fixing in position TMT FE 500, 32 mm dia dowel 400.00 per no
8 bars precoated with anticorrosive epoxy paint of required Dia. 60
cms. Long and at 30.00 cm. C/C and wherever directed including
handling, straightening, necessary cutting supported by TMT FE
500, chairs with proper alignment by using properly designed
assembly of Bulkheads lubricating half length with bituminous
paint as directed etc. complete.
15571 Part A-35 Providing and fixing in position TMT FE 500, tie bars precoated 210.00 per no
9 with anticorrosive epoxy paint of 12 mm dia. 70 cms. Long and at
30.00 cm. C/C and wherever directed including handling,
straightening wrapping with paper of approved quality for half
length, necessary cutting, handling, straightening , supported by
assembly of TMT FE 500, chairs with proper alignment etc.
15572 Part A-36 Cutting transverse contraction joints 3 to 4 mm wide and depth 68.00 Rmt
0 60mm. .in concrete slab using concrete cutting machine with
diamond studded saw within 48 hours of casting of bay / slab etc.
complete including subsequent widening of the groove 8 to 10
mm. wide at top having depth of 15 mm. as directed by Engineer
in charge.
15572 Part A-37 Providing to contraction joints polysulphide sealant (Pouring grade) 142.00 Rmt
1 confirming to BS : 5212 - 1989 into sawed groove widened at top
for sealant reservoir of specified size and shape as per detailed
drawing including fixing Polyethylene foam backer rod of required
diameter (approx.. 25% larger than the initial 3 mm.to 4 mm.
joint) overlaid with bond breaking tape as per detailed drawing.
Item includes cleaning the joints with water jet / air compressor
and allowing joint to become thoroughly dry before sealant is
applied and applying primer. (A) Contraction and longitudinal joints
(15 mm. deep x 8 mm.wide)
15572 Part A-38 Providing and laying 125 micron Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 20.00 Sq.m
2 sheet confirming to IS 3395 : 1997 below concrete pavement
including all materials and labour complete.
15572 Part A-39 Providing and fixing factory made Hydraulically pressed 943.00 Sq.m
3 Mechanically vibrated and compacted precast inter locking cement
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concrete paving blocks 80MM thick in M-40 grade of approved size

and shape for City streets, small /medium market roads, low
volume roads, utility cuts on arterial roads etc. as specified and as
per IS 15658:2006 including cost of all materials, manufacturing,
curing, transportation of blocks to work site including loading,
unloading and stacking as directed, laying paving blocks in position
over prepared bed of natural sand / crushed sand of 50 mm
thickness including necessary excavation in all strata, spreading
blinded of fine sand over the prepared bed, compacting blocks by
plate vibrator etc. complete.
15572 Part A-40 Providing and fixing factory made Hydraulically pressed 877.00 Sq.m
4 Mechanically vibrated and compacted precast inter locking cement
concrete paving blocks 100MM thick in M-40 grade of approved
size and shape for City streets and roads with high volume/ heavy
traffic as specified and as per IS 15658:2006 including cost of all
materials, manufacturing, curing, transportation of blocks to work
site including loading, unloading and stacking as directed, laying
paving blocks in position over prepared bed of natural sand /
crushed sand of 50 mm thickness including necessary excavation
in all strata, spreading blinded of fine sand over the prepared bed,
compacting blocks by plate vibrator etc. complete.
15572 Part A-41 Supplying and Fixing of Moulded Shank Raised Pavement 457.00 per no
5 Markers / Cat's Eye made of polycarbonate and ABS moulded
body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of
providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face
and shall support a load of 16000 kg tested in accordance to ASTM
D 4280 Type H and complying to Specifications of Category A
of MORTH Circular No RW/NH/33023/10-97 DO III Dt
11.06. 1997. The height, width and length shall not exceed 50
mm, 100 mm and 102 +/- 2 mm and with minimum reflective area
of 13 Sqcm on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35
+/- 5 degree. The strength of detachment of the integrated
cylindrical shanks, (of diameter not less than 19 +/- 2 mm and
height not less than 30+/- 2 mm) from the body is to be a
minimum value of 500 Kg. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the
road for the shanks to go inside, without nails and using epoxy
resin based adhesive as per manufacturer's recommendation
and complete as directed by the engineer. The contractor shall
submit a two year warranty for satisfactory field performance
including stipulated retro- reflectance of the reflecting panel, to the
15572 Part A-42 Supplying and fixing of Plastic body studs with double shank in 475.00 per no
6 red and white colour made of ABS body with size 100*100*17.9

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mm, having reflective panels of 34 special glass reflector elements

embedded in plastic 19 degree tilted to get highest reflectivity,
having reflective panels in white or yellow plastic with
white,yellow,red or green elements. The studs shall have a
compressive strength test certificate of 25 tons in accordance with
ASTDM D 4280 and successfully passing retro reflectivity test as
per BSEN 1463-1 from reputed laboratory . The fixing of the road
studs shall be done by using Two Component Epoxy after drilling
60 mm hole on the road for the shank to go inside.
15572 Part A-43 Supplying and fixing of Metal Road studs of weight of min 375 495.00 per no
7 gms, with shank in red and white colour made of Di-cast
aluminium alloy moulded body with size 100*100*19.8 mm, shank
size 50mm, having reflective panels of 34 special glass reflector
elements embedded in plastic 19 degree tilted to get highest
reflectivity, having reflective panels in white or yellow plastic with
white,yellow,red or green elements. The studs shall have a
compressive strength test certificate of 40 tons in accordance with
ASTDM D 4280-04 and successfully passing retro reflectivity test
as per BSEN 1463-1 from reputed laboratory . The fixing of the
road studs shall be done by using Two Component Epoxy after
drilling 60 mm hole on the road for the shank to go inside.
15572 Part A-44 Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with 594.00 Sq.m
8 Reflectorizing Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface- Providing
and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick
including reflectorizing glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area,
thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass
beads as per IRC:35 .The finished surface to be level,
uniform and free from streaks and holes complete.
15572 Part A-45 Providing and fixing Aluminium-backed flexible prismatic 7,744.00 Sq.m
9 (AFP) sheeting consisting Yellow coloured flexible prismatic
sheeting with non-metallic prismatic lens as Retroreflective
elements and conforming to ASTM D 4956-09 Type VI
specification for rebound able Retroreflective sheeting. This flexible
prismatic sheeting shall be of 1ft width and laminated at the back
with a 50 micron Aluminium (Al) foil with pressure sensitive
adhesive and liner. Further, this flexible prismatic sheeting shall
have screen printed arrow/slant line pattern in black colour in a
continuous roll format. Neither AFP sheeting nor the flexible
prismatic sheeting used in it shall crack when slowly bent in 1
second time around a 1/8th inch mandrel after being conditioned
for 24hrs at 0?C and tested as per section S2.2.2. of ASTM D
4956-09. The AFP sheeting, with the liner removed, shall be
applied with a neoprene contact adhesive with a Polychloroprene

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as base, viscosity of 200-450 cps and solid content of 20-30%.

Once applied, the edges of the product shall be sealed all around
with a two-part epoxy based structural adhesive and shall be
extremely resistant to peel-off. A test report from institutes like
ARAI/CRRI confirming to above mentioned flexibility and
ASTM-D4956-09 Type-VI retro reflectivity performance of the
flexible prismatic sheeting used in AFP shall be submitted by the
tenderer during prequalification and supply of material.
15573 Part A-46 Road Delineators: Supplying and installation of delineators 1,040.00 per no
0 (Roadway Indicators, Hazard markers, Object markers) 80 to 100
cm high above ground level, painted black and white in 15 cm
wide strips, fitted with 80x100mm rectangular or 75mm dia.
Circular reflectorized panels at the top, buried or pressed into the
ground and confirming to I.R.C. 79 and the drawings
15573 Part A-47 Supplying of Solar Raised Pavement Markers made of 3,971.00 per no
1 polycarbonate moulded body with circular shape, solar powered,
LED self illumination in active mode, 360 degree illumination
and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of
providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens
face in passive mode. The marker shall support a load of
20000 kg tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280. The marker
should be resistant to dust and water ingress according to IP 65
standards and should withstand temperatures in the range of 0 C
to 70 C. Colour of lighting could be provided in red or yellow
(amber) as per requirement and typical frequency of blinking is 1
Hz. There should be current losses of less than 20 micro-amperes
at 2.4 V in sleep-charging mode to
enhance the life of the marker and a full charge should
provide for a minimum autonomy of 50 hours. The height,
width and length of the marker shall not be less than 10 mm x 100
mm x 100 mm. Also, the surface diameter of the marker shall not
be less than 100 mm respectively. The weight of the marker shall
not exceed 0.5 Kilograms. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the
road for the shanks to go inside, without nails and using epoxy
resin based adhesive and complete as directed by the engineer.
The contractor shall submit a two year warranty for satisfactory
field performance including stipulated retro-reflectance of the
reflecting panel, to the Engineer.
15573 Part A-47-1 600 mm dia made out of 1.5mm aluminium sheet 3,526.00 per no
15573 Part A-47-2 750 mm dia made out of 2mm aluminium sheet 4,500.00 per no

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15573 Part A-47-3 900 mm dia made out of 2mm aluminium sheet 5,599.00 per no
15573 Part A-47-4 1200 mm dia made out of 2mm aluminium sheet 8,510.00 per no
15573 Part A-47-5 600 mm dia made out of 3mm aluminium composite material 3,532.00 per no
15573 Part A-47-6 750 mm dia made out of 4mm aluminium composite material 4,551.00 per no
15573 Part A-47-7 900 mm dia made out of 4mm aluminium composite material 5,672.00 per no
15573 Part A-47-8 1200 mm dia made out of 4mm aluminium composite material 8,638.00 per no
15574 Part A-48 Providing and fixing informatory sign boards shape of size 0.90 x 9,189.00 per no
0 0.60 m made out of 3mm Aluminium composite panel bonded with
IRC Specified colour of retro reflective sheeting of Type IV High
Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting (HIP) having pressure
sensitive / heat activated adhesive, IRC Specified colour retro
reflective cut-out border & messages having pressure sensitive
adhesive having border & messages in IRC Specified colour
background including M. S. angle iron frame of size 35 mm X 35
mm X 5 mm & M.S. angle iron post of size 65 mm X 65 mm X 6
mm, 3.65 m long, duly painted with flat oil paint having
alternate black and white bands of 25 cm width including G.I.
fixtures etc; fixing the boards in M-20 concrete block of size 60cm
X 60cm X 75cm including transportation etc; complete. Aluminium
composite panel with Type IV High Intensity Micro- Prismatic
Grade Sheeting. Spec.No. As per IRC-67, 2015
15574 Part A-49 Providing and fixing informatory sign boards of size 60 cm x 80 7,058.00 per no
1 cm made out of 3mm Aluminium composite panel bonded with IRC
Specified colour of retro reflective sheeting of Type IV High
Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting (HIP) having pressure
sensitive / heat activated adhesive, IRC Specified colour retro
reflective cut-out border & messages having pressure sensitive
adhesive having border & messages in IRC Specified colour
background including M. S. angle iron frame of size 35 mm X 35
mm X 5 mm & M.S. angle iron post of size 65 mm X 65 mm X 6
mm, 3.65 m long, duly painted with flat oil paint having alternate
black and white bands of 25 cm width including G.I. fixtures etc;
fixing the boards in M-20 concrete block of size 60cm X 60cm X
75cm including
transportation etc; complete. Aluminium composite panel with

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Type IV High Intensity Micro- Prismatic Grade Sheeting.

15574 Part A-50 Providing and fixing N.H./ S.H. Route Marker size 60 cm x 45 cm 3,419.00 per no
2 with one No. direction plate of size 30 cm x 25 cm prepared on 16
gauge M.S. sheet including painting with one coat of zinc chromate
stoving primer and two coats each of white and green back ground
and back side grey stove enamelled, bonded with cut out of red
Retro reflective sheet Engineering grade, border / letters /
numerals and arrow, coated with non pealable crystal clear
protective transparent coat retaining 100% reflection including one
number of M.S. Angle iron post of size 50 x 50 x 5 mm of 3.65 m.
long inflated at bottom drilled on top in one piece without joint
painted with white and black bands of 30 cm. fixing board and post
with 4 Nos. of high strength G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia.
and 20 mm long including all taxes, conveying, fixing in ground
with cement concrete 1:4:8 block of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm size
as directed by Engineer-in-charge etc. complete. Mild Steel Route
Marker with Engineering Grade
15574 Part A-51 Providing and fixing informatory sign boards in rectangular shape 11,891.00 per no
3 of size 1.20m x 0.90m made out of 16 gauge Aluminium panel
bonded with IRC Specified colour of retro reflective sheeting of
Type IV High Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting (HIP)
having pressure sensitive / heat activated adhesive, IRC Specified
colour retro reflective cut-out border & messages having pressure
sensitive adhesive having border & messages in IRC Specified
colour background including M. S. angle iron frame of size 35 mm
X 35 mm X 3 mm & two M.S. angle iron post of size 65 mm X 65
mm X 6 mm,3.65 m long, duly painted with flat oil paint having
alternate black and white bands of 25 cm width including G.I.
fixtures etc; fixing the boards in M-20 concrete block of size 60cm
X 60cm X 75cm including transportation etc; complete. Aluminium
Panel Type IV High Intensity.
15574 Part A-52 Providing and fixing informatory sign boards in rectangular shape 13,341.00 per no
4 of size 1.20m x 0.90m made out of 3mm Aluminium composite
panel bonded with IRC Specified colour of retro reflective sheeting
of Type IV High Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting (HIP)
having pressure sensitive / heat activated adhesive, IRC Specified
colour retro reflective cut-out border & messages having pressure
sensitive adhesive having border & messages in IRC Specified
colour background including M. S. angle iron frame of size 35 mm
X 35 mm X 3 mm & two M.S. angle iron post of size 65 mm X 65
mm X 6 mm,3.65 m long, duly painted with flat oil paint having
alternate black and white bands of 25 cm width including G.I.
fixtures etc; fixing the boards in M-20 concrete block of size 60cm

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X 60cm X 75cm including transportation etc; complete. Aluminium

composite panel Type IV High Intensity.
15574 Part A-53 Metal Beam Crash Barrier -- Type - A, W : Metal Beam Crash 3,049.00 Rmt
5 Barrier (Providing and erecting a W metal beam crash barrier
comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm
above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical
post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 1.8 m high,
1.1 m below ground/road level, all steel parts and fitments to be
galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367
and IS:1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with
a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm long
complete as per clause 810)""
15574 Part A-54 Providing 50 mm thick semi grout bituminous treatment including 372.00 Sq.m
6 supplying all materials , preparing the existing road surface,
applying tack coat @ 0.735 kg / sqm and laying the required
thickness of metal layer, heating and spraying bitumen of specified
Grade at the rate of 2.75 kg / sqm , spreading chips and laying
seal coat of specified Grade of bitumen of 1.25 Kg/sqm and
compacting , making the surface good etc. complete ( For only
Patch Repair works / For Road work ) (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates
are considered to arrive at rates)
15574 Part A-55 Transportation of material obtained from excavation including soil, 239.00 Cu.M
7 rubble,bricks,RCC concrete, kerb stones, steel railing, iron pipes,
channels etc. Obtained from dismantling, loading in a truck of
minm.5 Cum.capacity or designed capacity and transporting
within the municipal limits or any designated place of corporation,
unloading, stacking or spreading of material etc. complete.
15574 Part A-56 1,644.00 per no

15574 Part A-57 L type Kerb: Providing & fixing Reinforced precast-L shape kerb 979.00 per no
9 stone:-Using 6 mm 4 number along the karb length and 8mm bar
500mm c/c vertical reinforcement , M-30 grade concrete &
diamantions 350mm high,125mm thick with built in base of
187mmX75mm,including 2 numbers of 50mm dia sleeves for

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services at the top of the base & with top external edge with
rounding of 20mm radius in highly superior quality surface & edge
finish in 1 meter lengths & painting .(Including excavation for
kerbing, lead lift and transportation of excavated material, P.C.C.
below kerbing).
15575 Part A-58 Coloured Concrete :Providing and applying concrete stencil surface 335.00 Sq.m
0 on freshly made concrete. The average thickness of stencil surface
will be 1 to 3 mm over the fresh made concrete surface. The
compressive strength of material will be equal to the compressive
strength of concrete as the surface is an integral part of the
concrete, laid in proper position, levelling, filling joints with stone
dust, cleaning including loading ,unloading ,transporting etc.
Complete as directed by Engineer -in-charge and as per additional
specification attached.
15575 Part A-59 60 mm Shot blasted blocks: Providing & laying of 60mm thick non 822.00 Sq.m
1 slippery concrete paving blocks as per the IS 15658-2006 with
face of block. The block should have exposed aggregate be shot
blasted with colour UV stabilized and made from rich oxides and
guarantee by manufacturer. Block to be manufactured in
fully automatic ISO certified vibration compaction machine having
strength of M40 & cured in controlled temperature through
mist.and fixing on site with all material and labour included
Part A-60 Providing & Fixing precast parabolic dividers of C.C.M-20 grade on
road as per drg., finished neatly with c.m.(1:2) if required,
painting the exposed surfaces with coat of road marking paint of
approved colour & qualityincluding required excavation in concrete
road except rock and removing the excavated material anywhere
in city or suburban limit levelling the same as specified & directed.
for this item escalation/star rate is not applicable
15575 Part A-60-1 Parabolic Divider Ht. 1.20 m 1,761.00 per no
15575 Part A-60-2 Parabolic Divider Ht. 0.9 m 1,391.00 per no
15575 Part A-61 168.00 Sq.m

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15575 Part A-62 750.00 Sq.m


15575 Part A-63 Supply &Fixing precast cement concrete cylindrical Bollard of 1,910.00 per no
6 sizeas per specifications &900mm height (650mm above finish
level) manufactured by M-30 grade of concrete by vibro
compaction process using FRP moulds &with washed fine grit finish
on the exposed surface of the bollard of approved water base PU
paint colour & texture, (single &Double strip) as per detal drawing
as directed by engineer in charge.
15575 Part A-64 Supply &Fixing precast cement concrete cylindrical Bollard of 1,447.00 per no
7 sizeas per specifications &700mm height (450mm above finish
level) manufactured by M-30 grade of concrete by vibro
compaction process using FRP moulds &with washed fine grit finish
on the exposed surface of the bollard of approved water base PU
paint colour & texture, (single &Double strip) as per detal drawing
as directed by engineer in charge.
15575 Part A-65 Cycle Track With 2 Component Cold Plastic Material For 1.00mm to 1,178.00 Sq.m
8 1.5mm Thickness Cold plastic paint is a two component Roll on
surfacing material. A solvent free, high build two-pack, seamless
tough,skid resistant, matrial which as property of attaining 1.5mm
thckiness in single coat application White (or as required colour)
based on Gloss and color retaining Acrylic Cross Linking Resin
system for Coloured Road surfacing including surface cleaning and
cost of all material etc. complete. all inclusive on Bitumen surface/
Concrete surface

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15575 Part A-66 providing and laying cycleway couloured surfacing material 1,385.00 Sq.m
9 (3-4mm thickness) for cycle routes by using hot appiled material
(180-210 ° c) containg, pigmented modified resin ester blended
with selected high quality granite aggregate, appiled using screed
hoe, curing time 15-20 minutes. operation through single vehicle
machine (mounted with equipments, raw materials and craw) all
including labour, equipment, trasportation charges, T&P necessary
complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer in charge.
15576 Part A-67 Cement Concrete Pavement(P.Q.C) : (M40) Construction of 8,217.00 Cu.M
0 unreinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over
prepared sub base with 43 grade cement @ 425 Kg per
cum,coarse and fine aggregate crushed sand confirming to IS
383,max size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in
a batching plant as per approved mix design, transported to site,
(Including RMC) laid with fixed form or slip form
paver,spread,compacted and finished in a continuous operation
including provision of construction, expansion, construction and
longitudinal joints, joint filler,75mm micron separation membrane,
sealant primer, joint sealant with polysulphide and baker rod,
debonding strip, dowel bar at every 4.5m interval, tie rod,
admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and
grades, traffic management with necessary sign board,
barricades etc
15576 Part A-68 Providing &Laying white topping : (M40) Construction of 9,201.00 Cu.M
1 unreinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over
prepared sub base with 43 grade cement @ 425 Kg per cum,
coarse and fine aggregate crushed sand confirming to IS 383,
max size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a
batching plant as per approved mix design, transported to site,
(Including RMC) laid with fixed form or slip form paver or screed
vibrator as directed by engineer encharge, spread, compacted and
finished in a continuous operation including provision of
construction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint
filter, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, with
polysulphied and baker rod, debonding strip, dowel bar at every
expansion joint, tie rod, admixtures geosythetic fiber mesh @ of
1.8 kg per cum as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines
and grades as per drawing. (IRC specfication no.15)
15576 Part A-68-1 Providing and Fixing of LED Curb stone 1,931.00 per no
15576 Part A-69 Stamped Concrete :- Thin overlay approximately 1/32" to 1,600.00 Sq.m
3 5/16"(thicker application may be nessecery in some situations) of

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stamped concrete overlays over M-20 concrete of 100 mm

thick-surface, interior, applied smooth,textured or stamped in
various patterns and designs using stamps and seamless texture
skins, then antiqued, chemically stained or integrally colored and
sealed with the appropriate coating. Systems sealers or protective
top coats according to the job conditions and specifications.
(including the cost of M-20 concrete of
100mm thickness)
15576 Part A-70 Pervious Concrete Paver Block : 80mm thickness having porosity 870.00 Sq.m
4 15 to 20% and concrete grade M30 supply transportation, and fixin
on site with all material, transportation, labour all
including Note- No esclation for this item
15576 Part A-71 Supplying & fixing 53 cms Diameter Round composite Resin 7,150.00 per no
5 Manhole cover & frame load bearing capacity (D-400) 40 M. Tan
(Inspection shall be as per guidelines of EN 124:2004. Required
replacement warranty for 24 months if installation is not correct.
As directed by Engineer In charge Make approved by
EIL/Department Manufacturing Guidelines EN-124 Load Bearing
capacity D-400
Name or id Mark of Manufacturer Year of Manufacturing
15576 Part A-72 Providing & fixing Precast-Concrete Grating for Tree Girth of 30Cm 3,500.00 per no
6 to 60Cm Section of Size maximum1500 x 1500 x75mm thick
machine moulded steam cured cement concrete perforated slab for
tree guard layed over crushed gravel and crush stone in FRP
having circular opening as per requirement on site as per detailed
drawing & specification, and as directed by Engineer in Charge
15576 Part A-73 Providing & fixing of Tactile Tiles for footpath os size 300 x 300mm 1,000.00 Sq.m
7 and 60mm thick square/required shape as per detailed drawings
&specifications and as directed by Engineer in charge for building
works only.
15576 Part A-74 725.00 Meter

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Part A-75

15576 Part A-75-1 723.62 day

15577 Part A-75-2 723.62 day
15577 Part A-75-3 787.25 day
15577 Part A-75-4 787.25 day
15577 Part A-75-5 787.25 day
15577 Part A-75-6 787.25 day
15577 Part A-75-7 787.25 day
Part A-76
15577 Part A-76-1 875.00 MT
15577 Part A-76-2 875.00 Km
15577 Part A-77 1,562.00 MT

15577 Part A-78 230.00 MT

15578 Part A-79 1,058.85 Cu.M

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15578 Part A-80 1,163.85 Cu.M


15578 Part A-81 1,163.85 Cu.M


15578 Part A-82 1,163.85 Cu.M


15578 Part A-83 1,163.85 Cu.M


15578 Part A-84 1,163.85 Cu.M


15578 Part A-85 1,058.85 Cu.M


15578 Part A-86 1,006.35 Cu.M


15578 Part A-87 Sand – Natural/V.S.I. (Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher)Quality 1,898.85 Cu.M
8 Artificial sand
Part A-88

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15578 Part A-88-1 40.00 Sq.m

15579 Part A-88-2 27.00 Sq.m
Part A-89

15579 Part A-89-1 11.00 Sq.m

15579 Part A-89-2 6.00 Sq.m
15579 Part A-89-3 4.00 Sq.m
Part A-90 Machinery Hire Charges : (With Diesel & Operator / Driver)
15579 Part A-90-1 JCB 540.00 Hour
15579 Part A-90-2 Dumper 410.00 Hour
15579 Part A-90-3 Roller (Ordinary) 325.00 Hour
15579 Part A-90-4 Roller Vibrator 650.00 Hour
15579 Part A-90-5 Machenical Paver 660.00 Hour
15579 Part A-90-6 Sensor Paver 1,300.00 Hour
15580 Part A-90-7 Poclain 1,000.00 Hour
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15580 Part A-90-8 Crane 5 ton 487.00 Hour

Part A-91 Mastic Asphalt:
Constructing a layer of mastic asphalt wearing course of 25-50mm
thickness range for road pavements and bridge decks. Binder shall
be a paving / industrial grade bitumen 10/20 gread meeting the
requirements given in table 500-39. Coarse aggregate shall satisfy
the physical requirements given in table 500-6. Fine aggregate
shall be the fraction passing the 2.36mm and retained on the
0.075mm sieve consisting of crusher run screening, natural sand
or a mixture of both. Filler shall be limestone powder passing the
0.075mm sieve and shall have calcium carbonate content of not
less than 80 percent by weight when determined in accordance
with IS 1514. Grading of fine aggregate inclusive of filler shall be
as per Table 500-41. Job Mix Formula to be prepared. Laying
temperature shall be between 175C and 210C The surface finish of
completed construction shall conform to the requirements of
Clause 902. For control of quality of materials and works carried
out the relevant provisons of Section 900 shall apply.
Spec. No. MORTH - 516. for this item VG-10 bituminus difference
will be paid
15580 Part A-91-1 Mastic Asphalt: 25 MM thick 518.00 Sq.m
15580 Part A-91-2 Mastic Asphalt: 40 MM thick 829.00 Sq.m
15580 Part A-93 Providing and laying Micro surfacing Mix by Micro Surfacing Paving 200.00 Sq.m
4 Machineusing Micro Surfacing emulsion @13% by weight of dry
stone aggregate confirming to Type III grading of the particular
specifications @ 12kg/sqm of the road surface, cement 2 % by
weight of dry stone aggregate, chemical additives @ 2 % by
weight of stone aggregates and water as per requirement to make
mix flow and spread properly including proportioning, mixing and
laying using mechanized mixing and laying unit, cleaning of roads
surface,all complete as per specifications and the direction of the
engineer in charge. Micro Surfacing layer thickness 6 to 8 mm
Confirming to Type -II Specification for work and materials as per
IRC: SP81:2010. (The base preparation for micro-Surfacing will be
done by pune Municipal Corporation) Specification Morth-514
Part A-94

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15580 Part A-94-1 7,250.00 Cu.M

15580 Part A-94-2 3,152.00 MT
15580 Part A-95 Routine Maintenance (maintenance, like cleaning of median, kerbs, 1,25,000.00 Per
7 cleaning of Road and furnitures, trimming of tree branches, Month/P
removal of debris, painting with enamel paint, cement paint, er Shift
replacing the damaged chamber covers, removal of damaged poles
of signages, lamps, railings, removing grass, shrubs, vegetation,
cleaning of Thrmoplastic paint and miner repair of chember, divder,
footpath etc, stacking damaged material to PMC store and other
works as instructed by Executive Engineer.) to be done by Utility
Vehicle with Equipped team of 4 Labours with supervisor in one
shifts. this item inclued vehical with driver and diesel,supervisor,4
labour and excluding material cost the vehical should have GPS
15580 Part A-96 Scabling Work : Roughing of concrete Pavement of any grade with 225.00 Sq.m
8 specilised mechanically operated penumatic scrabing machine up
to required depth & profile for roughness as approved by engineer
in charge with all cleaning & including necessary compressed air
supply & other all tools , plants & required consummables etc all
15580 Part A-97 2,300.00 Cu.M

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15581 Part A-98 550.00 Rmt


Part A-99 Supplying & fixing composite Resin Manhole cover & frame load
bearing capacity (C-250) 25 MT (Inspection shall be as per
guidelines of EN 124:2004 Required replacement warranty for 24
months if installation is not correct. As directed by Engineer In
charge Make approved by EIL/Department
Marking Required.
Manufacturing Guidelines EN-124
Load Bearing capacity C-250
Name or id Mark of Manufacturer
Year of Manufacturing
15581 Part A-99-1 Circular 53 cms Dia. (21”) 6,100.00 per no
15581 Part A-99-2 600 mm X 450 mm 5,200.00 per no
15581 Part A-99-3 900 mm X 450 mm 7,000.00 per no
15581 Part A-99-4 600 mm X 600 mm 7,400.00 per no
15581 Part A-99-5 900 mm X 600 mm 9,200.00 per no
15581 Part A-99-6 900 mm X 900 mm 12,500.00 per no
Part A-100 Supplying & fixing composite Resin Manhole Strom water drain
gully gratings cover & frame load bearing capacity (C-250) 25 MT
(Inspection shall be as per guidelines of EN 124:2004 Required
replacement warranty for 24 months if installation is not correct.
As directed by Engineer In charge Make approved by
Marking Required.
Manufacturing Guidelines EN-124
Load Bearing capacity C-250

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Name or id Mark of Manufacturer

Year of Manufacturing
15581 Part A-100-1 600 mm X 600 mm 8,400.00 per no
15581 Part A-100-2 900 mm X 600 mm 10,000.00 per no
15581 Part A-100-3 900 mm X 900 mm 13,500.00 per no
Part A-101 Supplying & fixing composite Resin Manhole cover & frame load
bearing capacity (B-125) 12.5 M. Tan (Inspection shall be as per
guidelines of EN 124:2004. Required replacement warranty for 24
months if installation is not correct. As directed by Engineer In
charge Make approved by EIL/Department
Marking Required.
Manufacturing Guidelines EN-124
Load Bearing capacity B-125
Name or id Mark of Manufacturer
Year of Manufacturing
15582 Part A-101-1 Circular 53 cms Dia. (21”) 4,300.00 per no
15582 Part A-101-2 600 mm X 450 mm 4,000.00 per no
15582 Part A-101-3 900 mm X 450 mm 4,800.00 per no
15582 Part A-101-4 600 mm X 600 mm 5,200.00 per no
15582 Part A-101-5 900 mm X 600 mm 7,400.00 per no
15582 Part A-101-6 900 mm X 900 mm 11,800.00 per no
Part A-102 Supplying & fixing composite Resin Manhole Strom water drain
gully gratings cover & frame load bearing capacity (B-125) 12.5 M.
Tan (Inspection shall be as per guidelines of EN 124:2004.
Required replacement warranty for 24 months if installation is not
correct. As directed by Engineer In charge Make approved by
Marking Required.
Manufacturing Guidelines EN-124
Load Bearing capacity B-125

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Name or id Mark of Manufacturer

Year of Manufacturing
15582 Part A-102-1 600 mm X 600 mm 6,000.00 per no
15582 Part A-102-2 900 mm X 600 mm 8,000.00 per no
15582 Part A-102-3 900 mm X 900 mm 12,500.00 per no
15582 Part A-103 Traffic Control:- Providing & fixing the barricading in double row 180.00 Rmt
9 with G.I.Sheets of 22 gauge fixed on 3 inch dia.75mm. and hight 2
mtr wooden bullies which will be buried in existing road sufficiently
G.I. sheet shall be ensured before painting with yellow and black
bands of synthetic enamel paint, in addition to this,blinkers,
reflectors & signage shall be provided as per the traffic norms and
as directed by the Engineer. If possible by pass road should be
arranged for traffic control
15583 Part A-104 1,292.00 Rmt


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Chapter Name Items from SSR

Rate In (Rs)
Item Description Rate Unit

15583 Part B-1 Fixing chainage Stone /Bench mark Stone / Center Stone / Apex 127.00 per no
1 Stone in earth and all sorts of soil and soft murum including
conveying excavated material, fixing stone, including paintaining
lettering numbers and back filling etc. complete.
15583 Part B-2 Taking the trial pit for roads, alignment, C.D. Works in earth soil of 316.00 Cu.M
2 all sorts, sands gravel or soft murum, including stacking the
excavated material including all lifts and necessary back filling upto
depth 1.5 meters
15583 Part B-3 Taking the trial pit for roads, alignment, C.D. Works in earth soil of 340.00 Cu.M
3 all sorts, sands gravel, or soft murum, including stacking the
excavated material including all lifts and necessary back filling upto
depth 3.0 meters
15583 Part B-4 Taking the trial pit for roads, alignment, C.D. Works in Hard 424.00 Cu.M
4 murum, including stacking the excavated material including all lifts
and necessary back filling upto depth 1.5 meters
15583 Part B-5 Taking the trial pit for roads, alignment, C.D. Works in Hard 480.00 Cu.M
5 murum, including stacking the excavated material including all lifts
and necessary back filling upto depth 3.0 meters
15583 Part B-6 Taking the trial pit for roads, alignment, C.D. Works in Hard 537.00 Cu.M
6 murum, and Boulders including stacking the excavated material
including all lifts and necessary back filling upto depth 1.5 meters
15583 Part B-7 Taking the trial pit for roads, alignment, C.D. Works in Hard 592.00 Cu.M
7 murum, and Boulders including stacking the excavated material
including all lifts and necessary back filling upto depth 3.0 meters
15583 Part B-8 Fixing survey pegs in earth and all sorts Soil, Sand, Gravel, Soft 7.00 per no
8 Murum, etc. including conveying, fixing etc. complete.
15583 Part B-9 Reconnaisance Survey of Road alignment in plain country 1,435.00 KM
9 including taking three dimensions of apexes, verification of type of
land etc. alongwith the alignment etc. complete (Without
15584 Part B-10 Reconnaisance Survey of Road alignment in plain country 4,008.00 KM
0 including taking three dimensions of apexes, verification of type of
land etc. alongwith the alignment etc. complete (With Chaining).
15584 Part B-11 Reconnaissance Survey of a road alignment for new hilly road 4,151.00 KM
1 utilising exsisting forest cart tracks with use of ghat tracer (if
found necessary), taking three dimensions of apexes including
verification of type of land etc. complete. (Without Chaining)

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15584 Part B-12 Reconnaissance Survey of road alignment for new hilly road 5,282.00 KM
2 utilising exsisting forest cart tracks with use of ghat tracer (if
found necessary), taking three dimensions of apexes including
verification of type of land etc. complete. (With Chaining)
15584 Part B-13 Reconnaissance Survey of road alignment in hilly road utilising 2,256.00 KM
3 exsisting forest cart tracks with use of ghat tracer (if found
necessary), taking three dimensions of apexes including
verification of type of land etc. complete. (Without Chaining) .
15584 Part B-14 Reconnaissance Survey of road alignment in hilly road utilising 4,438.00 KM
4 existing forest cart tracks with use of ghat tracer (if found
necessary), taking three dimensions of apexes including
verification of type of land etc. complete. (With Chaining) .
15584 Part B-15 Detailed survey of road in plain country including chaining and 4,699.00 KM
5 levelling with cross sections at every two chains inclusive of closing
of survey each day.
15584 Part B-16 Detailed survey of road length where earthwork is partly done 4,631.00 KM
6 including chaining and levelling with cross sections at every two
chains inclusive of closing survey each day.
15584 Part B-17 Detailed survey of road through hilly country taking cross section 7,645.00 KM
7 at every chains or as required including chaining , levelling and
closing survey each day.
15584 Part B-18 Detailed survey of road through hilly country taking cross section 5,532.00 KM
8 at every chains as desired including chaining, levelling and closing
survey each day utilising existing cart track.
15584 Part B-19 Providing and Fixing Wooden survey pegs including White washing 28.00 per no
9 etc. complete.
15585 Part B-20 Carrying out catchment area traverse survey of minor stream (not 1,723.00 KM
0 traceable in toposheet) below 100 acres
15585 Part B-21 Cutting down branches of trees , bushes etc. stacking the material 5,713.00 KM
1 neatly as directed (For Motarable Road)
15585 Part B-22 Providing detailed layout plan of area in scale 1:500 including 6,620.00 Acre
2 carrying out contour survey and detailed Engineering plane table
Survey with the help of 24 Alidade. The dolomite area
measurement of the plot and structures, trees, over head line and
under ground service amenities within the area, with triangular
method and giving detailes of the structures, such as total area,
type of building and distance from all corners taking trial pit
0.5x0.5x2.00 m.-2Nos. per acre and collection of record from city
survey / D.I.L.R. authorities and authentication. The plan shall be

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traced on 75 micron polyster film and shall be submitted along

with three Amonia prints. The contour levels shall be marked at
0.5 Meter intervals. Note:- The items includes- 1)Traversing work
with theodolite and steel tape. 2) Levelling Grid Work of the
terrain. 3)Detailed Engineering Survey and contouring work of the
terrain. 4)Plotting work. 5)Collection of Record. a) up to 1 Acre
15585 Part B-23 Providing detailed layout plan of area in scale 1:500 including 7,261.00 Acre
3 carrying out contour survey and detailed Engineering plane table
Survey with the help of 24' Alidade. The dolomite area
measurement of the plot and structures, trees, over head line and
under ground service amenities within the area, with triagular
method and giving detailes of the structures, such as total area,
type of building and distance from all corners taking trial pit
0.5x0.5x2.00 m.-2Nos. per acre and collection of record from city
survey / D.I.L.R. authorities and authentication. The plan shall be
traced on 75 micron polyster film and shall be submitted along
with three Amonia prints. The contour levels shall be marked at
0.5 Meter intervals. Note:- The items includes- 1)Traversing work
with theodolite and steel tape. 2) Levelling Grid Work of the
terrain. 3)Detailed Engineering Survey and contouring work of the
terrain. 4)Plotting work. 5)Collection of Record. b) Above 1
15585 Part B-24 Reconnaisance survey including study of sheets, maps etc. for 23,313.00 KM
4 alignment including 3 dimension of apexes, fixing pegs, chain and
compass or cross staff survey with L-Section and cross section of
alignment at every 30 m or at every change of deviation whichever
is less including fly levels at closing of day, fixing apex and B.M.
stones of size 0.20*0.20*0.75 m in 1:2:4 C.C. at every 200 m
and preparation of alignment plans and all type of compliance if
required from department.
15585 Part B-25 Preparation of detailed Plans and Estimates of road including 12,342.00 KM
5 typing in 5 copies, ammonia prints, with colouring of plans, proper
filing, indexing and paging etc. complete and all types of
compliance, if
required from Department.
15585 Part B-26 Survey of C.D. works including taking L-section of Road, catchment 10,275.00 per no
6 area plan by Traverse method and taking trial pits of size
1.00x1.00x1.50 m including preparation of detailed Plans and
Estimates in 5 copies and all types of compliance if required from
the Department.
15585 Part B-27 Survey of Minor bridge including taking L section of existing road 47,458.00 per no
7 and two defined cross sections ,one of U/s and one of D/s, one

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vergin cross section on alternate proposed cross sections and bed

slope of stream upto sufficient long distance as required with chain
and compass. Taking three trial pits of size 1.00x1.00x3.0 m and
collecting samples of materials at site for ascertaining the silt
factor, unit weight test, specific gravity from Govt. approved
laboratories( testing charges to be borne by the agency) and
preparation of detailed survey data, submission of the project duly
typed and colouring of the ammonia prints, site plan and other
drawings etc. complete if required from the Department.
15585 Part B-28 Survey of major bridge including taking L-section of existing road 1,416.00 Rmt
8 two defined cross -sections (one at U/S and one at D/s) and one
vergin cross section on alternate proposed cross sections and bed
slope of stream upto sufficient long distance as required with chain
and compass.Taking 5 trial pits, three in bed, two on banks of size
2.00x2.00x3.00 m for collecting samples of materials at site for
ascertaining the silt factor, unit weight test, specific gravity from
Govt. approved laboratories (testing charges to be borne by the
agency) and preparation of detailed survey data, submission of the
project duly typed and colouring of ammonia prints, site plan and
other drawings etc.complete. And all types of compliance if
required from Department. (Excluding taking trial bores and
15585 Part B-29 Contour Survey of stream U/S and D/S of proposed bridge site 82,347.00 Sq.m
9 including levelling at every 30 X 30 m preparing contour map with
Autocad prints etc.complete in 5 sets.
15586 Part B-30 Survey of raised Causeway including reconnaissance, taking L 38,391.00 per no
0 section of existing road one defined one vergin one alternate
proposed cross section and stream upto sufficient lengths with
chain and compass taking two trial pits of size 2.00x2.00x3.00 m.
collecting samples at site ascertaining silt factor and preparation of
detailed survey data,submission of the project duly typed colouring
of the ammonia prints,site plan and other drawing etc.complete if
required from Deparetment.
15586 Part B-31 Preparation of detailed plans and estimates of Raise Causeway on 8,884.00 per no
1 the basis of the approved detailed survey data by competent
authority including typing in 5 copies ammonia prints site plan
other drawings with colouring of plans proper filling indexing and
paging etc.complete and all types of compliance if required from
15586 Part B-32 Complete survey of stream having catchment area upto 1 sq. mile 6,840.00 per no
2 including catchment survey taking necessary L.S./C.S. and other
details etc. complete.

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15586 Part B-33 Complete survey of stream having catchment area above 1 sq. 12,795.00 per no
3 Mile and upto 5 sq. Miles including taking necessary L.S./C.S. and
other details etc. complete.
15586 Part B-34 Reconnaissance survey of alignment in plain country for 1,324.00 KM
4 approaches to the bridge including taking three dimensions of
apexes. ( Without chaining )
15586 Part B-35 Fly levelling for carrying out bench mark. 1,150.00 KM
15586 Part B-36 Detailed survey of approaches including Chain and Compass 3,243.00 KM
6 survey along bridge alignment and approaches including closing
each day work.
15586 Part B-37 Taking longitudinal section of streams extending upstream and 4,005.00 KM
7 downstream side of the bridge site, requisite number of cross
section of the stream on either sides block contouring and other
details etc. complete. (Length of L.S. and C.S. for contouring to be
worked out)
15586 Part B-38 Demarcation of right of way (ROW) as per design using total 7,740.00 KM
8 station including calculation of co-ordinates of 30 Meter interval on
both sides of road.
15586 Part B-39 Preparation of Land Acquisition proposal including collection of 21,657.00 KM
9 7/12 and 8/A documents marking alignment on village maps , area
calculation, preparation of proposal, printing,binding, etc. complete
and submission of 5 sets more ever liasoning and coordination
with revenue authorities with compliance if any until finalisation of
award including Joint measurement of the alignment. For new
15587 Part B-40 Preparation of Land Acquisition proposal including collection of 17,327.00 KM
0 7/12 and 8/A documents marking alignment on village maps , area
calculation, preparation of proposal, printing,bindind, etc. complete
and submission of 5 sets more ever liasoning and coordination
with revenue authorities with compliance if any until finalisation of
award including Joint measurement of the alignment. For existing
15587 Part B-41 Carrying of detailed topographic survey by using total station 32,235.00 KM
1 along the existing or new road including taking L-section and
cross section at every 30 meter ROW ,taking at least 10 spot levels
per cross section, picking up all existing details inside the Row
like electric telephone line , encroachments, structures etc.
connecting all the primary total station control points by
G.I.S.Bench marks level or whichever available with department

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using auto level and preparing Auto CAD plan by using above data
taking out 1 set of black and white printout on 50 micron polyster
film sheet A2 size and 2 sets of coloured printout on A2 size
submitting soft copy all data on CD. Plain Terrain New Alignment
15587 Part B-42 Carrying of detailed topographic survey by using total station 30,685.00 KM
2 along the existing or new road including taking L-section and
cross section at every 30 meter ROW ,taking at least 10 spot levels
per cross section, picking up all existing details inside the Row
like electric telephone line , encroachments, structures etc.
connecting all the primary total station control points by
G.I.S.Bench marks level or whichever available with department
using auto level and preparing Auto CAD plan by using above data
taking out 1 set of black and white printout on 50 micron polyster
film sheet A2 size and 2 sets of coloured printout on A2 size
submitting soft copy all data on CD. Plain Terrain Existing
15587 Part B-43 Carrying of detailed topographic survey by using total station 41,934.00 KM
3 along the existing or new road including taking L-section and
cross section at every 30 meter ROW ,taking at least 10 spot levels
per cross section, picking up all existing details inside the Row
like electric telephone line , encroachments, structures etc.
connecting all the primary total station control points by
G.I.S.Bench marks level or whichever available with department
using auto level and preparing Auto CAD plan by using above data
taking out 1 set of black and white printout on 50 micron polyster
film sheet A2 size and 2 sets of coloured printout on A2 size
submitting soft copy all data on CD. Hilly Terrain New Alignment
15587 Part B-44 Demarcation of Road boundry (ROW) including fixing the boundry 38,841.00 KM
4 stones of standard size and shape including fixing in block of
standard size of C.C. of 1:4:8 white washing at 30 M interval on
both sides
15587 Part B-45 Taking trial bores 75 to 100 mm for 53.0 to 88.9 mm core dia over 1,742.00 Rmt
5 burden ( by diamond drilling machine ) such as soil of all sorts,
soft murum,hard murum and boulders and in soft rock including all
materials such as casing pipes and accessories oil, grease, steel,
rods, and such other materials as required (including conveying
the material to site of work) . Preserving the loose sample in glass
jar and core sample serially on site of work and conveying the
same to HQ of concernring office as directed. a) over burden 0 to
50 meter.
15587 Part B-46 Taking trial bores 75 to 100 mm for 53.0 to 88.9 mm core dia in 6,534.00 Rmt
6 rocks as specified below including all necessary materials such as

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oil,grease,steel boostan and such other materials as required

(including conveying the material to site of work) and Preserving
the core sample serially on site of work and conveying the same to
HQ of concernring office as directed. Quartzite with diamond drill
with Nx Bit 0 to 50 metre
15587 Part B-47 Taking trial bores 75 to 100 mm for 53.0 to 88.9 mm core dia in 3,738.00 Rmt
7 rocks as specified below including all necessary materials such as
oil,grease,steel boostan and such other materials as required
(including conveying the material to site of work) and Preserving
the core sample serially on site of work and conveying the same to
HQ of concernring office as directed.Quartzite with diamond drill
with Ax Bit 0 to 50 metre
15587 Part B-48 Taking trial bores 75 to 100 mm for 53.0 to 88.9 mm core dia in 3,399.00 Rmt
8 rocks as specified below including all necessary materials such as
oil,grease,steel boostan and such other materials as required
(including conveying the material to site of work) and Preserving
the core sample serially on site of work and conveying the same to
HQ of concernring office as directed. Other Rock with diamond
drill. 0 to 50 metre
15587 Part B-49 Providing tun tappa core boxes of jungle wood of size1.25mx 4,970.00 per no
9 0.35x 0.15m for preserving core sample with all fixtures and
fastening handles including locking arrangment etc . complete.
15588 Part B-50 Providing and maintaining temparory platform of bore location in 11,561.00 per no
0 river bed in upto 1M of standing water and of size 3.50 x 4.00 M
by using sand bags in layer for platform including all required
materials labours etc. complete.
15588 Part B-51 Providing and maintaining temporary platform for erecting boring 18,213.00 per no
1 machined in river bed to the depth of standing water 1m to 2m
and of size 3.50 x 4.00 M by using 20 Nos. of M.S. empty barrels
in M.S. frame made of M.S. angle size 50 x 50 x 5 mm with
fabrication and over it a jungle wood planks platform of size 3.50 x
4.00 x 0.03 M size including supplying of nylon rope 24 mm dia.
for anchoring platform include passage platform and enganging a
labour etc. complete. 1 m to 2 m
15588 Part B-52 Providing and maintaining temparory platform for erecting boring 18,872.00 per no
2 machined in river bed to the depth of standing water 2 m and
above and of size 3.50 x 4.00 M by using 20 Nos. of M.S. empty
barrels in M.S. frame made of M.S. angle size 50 x 50 x 5 mm with
fabrication and over it a jungle wood planks platform of size 3.50 x
4.00 x 0.03 M size including supplying of nylon rope 24 mm dia.
for anchoring platform include passage platform and enganging a
labour etc. complete. 2 m and Above.
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15588 Part B-53 Providing and maintaining temparory platform for inspection from 16,092.00 per no
3 one bank to another bank of bore location in river bed in all depth
of standing water of size 1.30 x 2.00 M by using 4 Nos. of M.S.
empty barrels in M.S. frame made of M.S. angle size 50 x 50 x 5
mm with fabrication and over it a jungle wood planks platform of
size 1.30 x 2.00 x 0.03 M size including supplying of nylon rope 24
mm dia. and 300 M length of movement of platform enganging a
labour on inspection days etc. complete.
15588 Part B-54 Conveying the boring machine and engine and all its accessories 77.00 KM
4 etc. to the site of the work and back including loading unloading
etc. complete. ( Note - Distance to be measured from the station
of boring machine engine etc. of district head quarters to site of
the work by short route ).
15588 Part B-55 Shifting boring plant with all its components and reinstalling the 6,336.00 Shift
5 same at the directed place including all its charges etc. complete.
15588 Part B-56 Providing detailed reports of the inspection logging of drilled hole 9,161.00 per no
6 by observing visual description of data as per depth, thickness of
layer, type of sample, wash sample, bore recovery type of drill etc.
15588 Part B-57 Providing detailed geological reports of proposed site by 38,171.00 Per
7 maintaining geotechnical investigation of structure stratification Report
collecting soil, rock and ground water samples for laboratory tests
to arrive the foundation design parameters . Rock properties such
as type of rock, jointing fractures, etc. complete with suggestion
about the site foundation and remedies.
15588 Part B-58 Preparing land plans and land schedule including carrying out 33,860.00 KM
8 plane table survey for Private / Forest land on both side of road in
Rural and Urban areas. The work of plotting and certificate from
T.I.L.R. or other authorities shall be obtained from correctness of
prepared plans.
Tracing ang taking out prints and preparing the requisite booklets
duly bounds and printing with all materials etc. Three land plan
booklets along with original tracing shall be supplied including
procurement of village maps / forest land plans from concern
authorities.Note : The item plane table includes following points
1 ) Carrying out plane table survey. 2) Plotting of duly surveyed
area . 3) Collection of data from D.I.L.R. authorities and
verification of survey maps by D.I.L.R. authorities . 4) Preparing
three booklets of survey maps including taking out prints of survey
maps, binding etc. 5) Carrying out plane table survey of the
Private / Forest land along the road upto 30 meters on either side
from the road centre.
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15588 Part B-59 Geometrical design of road horizontal and vertical curves for 10,623.00 KM
9 design speed specified by IRC including carrying out trail for
optimising of civil cost minimising land acquisition and maximum
use of existing facility and preparation of widening arrangement
drawing for insisting structures stake out date for horizontal
alignment and working levels including super elevation effect etc.
15589 Part B-60 Transfering and taking out design on coordinates of baseline on 11,095.00 KM
0 ground using nails for exsisting road surfaces and survey pegs for
new alignments including taking out coordinates for horizontal
curves at required interval of 50 meters etc. complete. ( Extra
line such as right of way median edges to toe line not included).
15589 Part B-61 Preparation of roadway, drawing (Plan And Profile ) on computer 6,281.00 KM
1 by using Autocad of required scale showing all topo feature and
proposed construction details such as carriage way , median
service road, toe line, retaining walls, cross drainage works, major
structures, etc. complete. Including indexing, level tables, legend,
basic information of project and design details etc.
15589 Part B-62 Preparation of Engineering drawing as strip plan, widening scheme, 7,062.00 KM
2 index / key map, typical cross section, retaining walls, road
furniture, general arrangement drawings for bus bays / truck
lay-bays / rest areas / toll plaza / booths / and type drawing of
pipe/ slab drains etc. on computer using Auto CAD.
15589 Part B-63 Survey of C.D. works including taking L-Section of road, catchment 6,431.00 per no
3 area plan by Traverse method and taking trial pits of size 1.50M x
1.50M x 1.50M including preparation of detailed plans and
estimates in 5 copies and all types of compliance if required from
the department.
15589 Part B-64 Design of junctions including detail layout of traffic signs, 22,594.00 per no
4 informatory boards traffic islands. Breaks in median verge
including working levels at junctions as per IRC standards etc.
a) Major Junction
15589 Part B-65 Design of junctions including detail layout of traffic signs, 13,335.00 per no
5 informatory boards traffic islands. Breaks in median verge
including working levels at junctions as per IRC standards etc.
b) Minor Junction
15589 Part B-66 Preparaion of initial design of flyovers with preparing General 649.00 Rmt
6 Arrangement drawing with dimensions etc. complete and
preparation of rough estimate for all components of bridge.
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Including supplying four copies of coloured drawings and copy of

drawing on C.D. ( excluding geotechnical and structural design
15589 Part B-67 Preparation of draft / Final Report comprising of technical, financial 2,32,766.00 per no
7 economic feasibility and environmental aspects of the project
including executive summary and detailed chapters on necessity
and introduction of project existing and future traffic, design
philosophy scope of work, summary of available cost estimates
justification for rates adopted, key points of execution, salient
features of the project, location of toll plaza, toll rate / policy to be
adopted and specification of major construction items etc. in 8
copies having attractive cover and binding s directed by engineer
in charge etc. complete.
15589 Part B-68 Preparation of Autocad drawing with colour print for Building / 3,788.00 per no
8 Bridge / Road/ CD Works in required size etc. complete. - A-0 Size
15589 Part B-69 Preparation of Autocad drawing with colour print for Building / 3,150.00 per no
9 Bridge / Road/ CD Works in required size etc. complete. A-1 Size
15590 Part B-70 Preparation of Autocad drawing with colour print for Building / 2,516.00 per no
0 Bridge / Road/ CD Works in required size etc. complete. A-2 Size
15590 Part B-71 Autocad drawing with colour print out for Building / Bridge / Road/ 200.00 per no
1 CD Works in required size etc. complete. A-0 Size
15590 Part B-72 Autocad drawing with colour print out for Building / Bridge / Road/ 121.00 per no
2 CD Works in required size etc. complete. A-1 Size
15590 Part B-73 Autocad drawing with colour print out for Building / Bridge / Road/ 61.00 per no
3 CD Works in required size etc. complete. A-2 Size
15590 Part B-74 Autocad drawing with colour print out for Building / Bridge / Road/ 30.00 per no
4 CD Works in required size etc. complete. A-3 Size
15590 Part B-75 Autocad drawing with colour print out for Building / Bridge / Road/ 12.00 per no
5 CD Works in required size etc. complete. A-4 Size
15590 Part B-76 Deploying Automated Traffic Count and classification system on 29,063.00 day
6 Road (Two Lane) in both direction at designated traffic count post
by using High Definition Cameras..Collecting the Non Editable Data
In DVR System with necessary electronic and electrical
arrangements or inventor of required capacity Classification of data
as per vehicle category as required with the help of software and
submitting the the reports to the concerned department in hard
copies as well as in soft copy, including using necessary technical
manpower etc. complete.
A) Up to 7 Days (Two Lane)

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15590 Part B-77 Deploying Automated Traffic Count and classification system on 21,758.00 day
7 Road (One Lane) in both direction at designated traffic count post
by using High Definition Cameras..Collecting the Non Editable Data
In DVR System with necessary electronic and electrical
arrangements or inventor of required capacity Classification of data
as per vehicle category as required with the help of software and
submitting the the reports to the concerned department in hard
copies as well as in soft copy, including using necessary technical
manpower etc. complete.
B) Extra charges for every additional lane (If required)
15590 Part B-78 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank 9.00 Sq.m
8 vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to
300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of
unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be
used or auctioned up to a lead of 1000 metres including removal
and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in
15590 Part B-79 Excavation for roadway in earth, soil of all sorts, sand, gravel or 227.00 Cu.M
9 soft murum including dressing section to the required grade,
camber and side slopes and conveying the excavated materials
with all lifts upto a lead of 50m. and spreading for embankment or
stacking as directed. By Manual Means. (with prior permission of
15591 Part B-80 Excavation for roadway in hard rock by controlled blasting 185.00 Cu.M
0 including dressing section to the required grade, camber and side
slopes and conveying the excavated materials with all lifts upto a
lead of 50m. and spreading for embankment or stocking as
15591 Part B-81 Watering and compacting of embankment formed of materials 75.00 Cu.M
1 obtained from the road cutting within a lead of 50 m, not less than
97 % of standard Proctor density after laying them in layers of 20
cm. to 30 cm. with vibratory roller.
15591 Part B-82 Watering and compacting of embankment formed of materials 60.00 Cu.M
2 obtained from the road cutting within a lead of 50 m, not less than
97% of standard Proctor density after laying them in layers of 20
cm. to 30 cm. with Power roller.
15591 Part B-83 Conveying materials obtained from road cutting including all lifts, 140.00 Cu.M
3 laying in layers of 20cm to 30cm. breaking clods, dressing to the
required lines, curves, grades and section, watering and
compacting to not less than 97% of standard Proctor density for a
lead of over 50m. to 300m. inclusive from the site of excavation to

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the site of deposition as directed.

15591 Part B-84 Conveying materials obtained from road cutting including all lifts, 282.00 Cu.M
4 laying in layers of 20cm. to 30cm. breaking clods, dressing to the
required lines, curves, grades and section, watering and
compacting to not less than 97% of standard proctor density for a
lead of 300m. to 500m. inclusive, from the site of excavation to
the site of deposition as directed.
15591 Part B-85 Providing earth work in embankment with approved materials 469.00 Cu.M
5 obtained from departmental land upto lead of 50m. including all
lifts, laying in layers of 20cm. to 30cm. thickness breaking clods,
dressing to the required lines, curves, grades & section, watering
and compaction with vibratory roller to achieve not less than 97 %
of standard proctor density etc. complete.
(Material obtained from departmental Land)
15591 Part B-86 Providing earth work in embankment with approved materials 725.00 Cu.M
6 obtained from other sources upto lead of 50m. including all lifts,
laying in layers of 20cm. to 30cm. thickness breaking clods,
dressing to the required lines, curves, grades & section, watering
and compaction with vibratory roller with V-Sat attachment to
achieve not less than 97 % of standard proctor density etc.
complete ( Material obtained from Other sources)
15591 Part B-87 Supplying soft murum at the road site, including conveying and 297.00 Cu.M
7 stacking complete.
15591 Part B-88 Picking the road surface including sectioning etc. complete (WBM 20.00 Sq.m
8 surface.)
15591 Part B-89 Picking the road surface including sectioning etc. complete (BT 27.00 Sq.m
9 surface.)
15592 Part B-90 Providing dry rubble stone pitching 23 cm (about 9 ) thick 422.00 Sq.m
0 including all material, quarry spalls, labour etc. complete.
15592 Part B-91 Providing, laying and spreading soil on a prepared sub grade, 515.00 Cu.M
1 pulverizing, mixing the spread soil in place with rotavator with 3
per cent slaked lime with minimum content of 70 per cent of CaO,
grading with motor grader and compacting with the road roller at
OMC to achieve atleast 98 per cent of the max dry density to form
a layer of sub base.
15592 Part B-92 Providing, laying and spreading soil on a prepared sub grade, 626.00 Cu.M
2 pulverizing, adding the designed quantity of cement to the spread
soil, mixing in place with rotavator, grading with the motor grader
and compacting with the road roller at OMC to achieve the desired
unconfined compressive strength and to form a layer of

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15592 Part B-93 Laying and spreading available soil in the sub-grade on a prepared 479.00 Cu.M
3 surface, pulverizing, mixing the spread soil in place with rotavator
with 3 per cent slaked lime having minimum content of 70 per cent
of CaO, grading with motor grader and compacting with the road
roller at OMC to the desired density to form a layer of improved
sub grade.
15592 Part B-94 Construction of embankment with Flyash conforming to table 1 of 110.00 Cu.M
4 IRC: SP: 58 - 2001 obtained from coal or lignite burning thermal
power stations as waste material, spread and compacted in layer
of 200mm thickness each at OMC, all as specified in IRC: SP:
58-2001 and as per approved plans.
15592 Part B-95 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded 1,921.00 Cu.M
5 Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of
mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with
motor grader / Paver on prepared surface and compacting with
vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per
clause 401 -- Plant Mix Method and Grading - II Material
15592 Part B-96 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded 1,597.00 Cu.M
6 Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of
mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with
motor grader / Paver on prepared surface and compacting with
vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per
clause 401-- Plant Mix Method and Grading - III Material
15592 Part B-97 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded 1,382.00 Cu.M
7 material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader / Paver on
prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at
OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired
density, complete as per clause 401 -- By Mix in Place Method and
Grading - I Material
15592 Part B-98 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded 1,382.00 Cu.M
8 material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader / Paver on
prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at
OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired
density, complete as per clause 401 -- By Mix in Place Method and
Grading - II Material
15592 Part B-99 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded 1,382.00 Cu.M
9 material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader/ Paver on
prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at
OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired
density, complete as per clause 401 -- By Mix in Place Method and

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Grading - III Material

15593 Part B-100 Lime, Fly ash Stabilized Soil Sub-Base -- Construction of Sub-base 1,022.00 Cu.M
0 using lime - Fly ash admixture with granular soil, free from organic
matter/ deleterious material or clayey silts and low plasticity clays
having PI between 5 and 20 and liquid limit less than 25 and
commercial dry lime, slaked at site or pre-slaked with CaO content
not less than 50 per cent, Fly ash to conform to gradation as per
clause 4.3 of IRC: 88-1984, lime + Fly ash content ranging
between 10 to 30 per cent, the minimum un-confined compressive
strength and CBR value after 28 days curing and 4 days soaking to
be 7.5kg/sq, cm and 25 per cent respectively, all as specified in
IRC: 88-1984.
Part B-101 Cement Treated Crushed Rock or combination as per clause 403.2
and table 400.4 in Sub base/ Base --Providing, laying and
spreading Material on a prepared sub grade, adding the designed
quantity of cement to the spread Material, mixing in place with
rotavator, grading with the motor grader and compacting with the
road roller at OMC to achieve the desired unconfined compressive
strength and to form a layer of sub-base/base course.
15593 Part B-101-1 A) For Sub-base Course 1,877.00 Cu.M
15593 Part B-101-2 B) For Base Course 1,781.00 Cu.M
15593 Part B-102 Making 50 mm x 25 mm furrows, 45 degree to the center line of 6.00 Sq.m
3 the road and at one metre interval in the existing thin bituminous
wearing coarse including sweeping and disposal of excavated
material within 1000 metres lead
15593 Part B-103 Making 50 mm x 50 mm furrows, 45 degree to the center line of 13.00 Sq.m
4 the road and at one metre interval in the existing thin bituminous
wearing coarse including sweeping and disposal of excavated
material within 1000 metres lead
15593 Part B-104 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of 1,476.00 Cu.M
5 specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing to proper grade and
camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/
binding Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting with vibratory roller to the required
density. By Mechanical Means - Grading I (Using Screening Type
B (11.2 mm) Aggregate)
15593 Part B-105 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of 2,042.00 Cu.M
6 specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including
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spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing to proper grade and

camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/
binding Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting with vibratory roller to the required
density. By Mechanical Means - Grading II (Using Screening Type
B (11.2 mm) Aggregate)
15593 Part B-106 Crushed Cement Concrete Sub-base / Base - Breaking and 326.00 Cu.M
7 crushing of material obtained by breaking damaged cement
concrete slabs to size range not exceeding 75 mm as specified in
table 400.7 transporting the aggregates obtained from breaking of
cement concrete slabs at a lead of 1 km., laying and compacting
the same as sub base/ base course, constructed as WBM to clause
404 except the use of screening or binding material.
15593 Part B-107 Penetration Coat Over Top Layer of Crushed Cement Concrete Base 20.00 Sq.m
8 -- Spraying of bitumen over cleaned dry surface of crushed cement
concrete base at the rate of 25 kg per 10 sqm by a bitumen
pressure distributor, spreading of key aggregates at the rate of
0.13 cum per 10 sqm by a mechanical gritter and rolling the
surface as per clause 506.3.8
15593 Part B-108 Crusher Run Macadam Base -- Providing crushed stone aggregate, 1,411.00 Cu.M
9 depositing on a prepared surface by hauling vehicles, spreading
and mixing with a motor grader, watering and compacting with a
vibratory roller to clause 410 to form a layer of sub-base/Base --
By Mix in Place Method for 53 mm maximum size
15594 Part B-109 Crusher Run Macadam Base -- Providing crushed stone aggregate, 1,411.00 Cu.M
0 depositing on a prepared surface by hauling vehicles, spreading
and mixing with a motor grader, watering and compacting with a
vibratory roller to clause 410 to form a layer of sub-base/Base --
By Mix in Place Method for 45 mm maximum size
15594 Part B-110 Crusher Run Macadam Base -- Providing crushed stone aggregate, 1,647.00 Cu.M
1 depositing on a prepared surface by hauling vehicles, spreading
and mixing with a motor grader, watering and compacting with a
vibratory roller to clause 410 to form a layer of sub-base/Base --
By Mixing Plant Method for 53 mm maximum size
15594 Part B-111 Crusher Run Macadam Base -- Providing crushed stone aggregate, 1,647.00 Cu.M
2 depositing on a prepared surface by hauling vehicles, spreading
and mixing with a motor grader, watering and compacting with a
vibratory roller to clause 410 to form a layer of sub-base/Base --
By Mixing Plant Method for 45 mm maximum size
15594 Part B-112 Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface heating 12.00 Sq.m
3 by fames in Boiler and spraying bitumen with sprayer on Dry /

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Hungry B.T. surface 3 kg/10 sqm. (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are
considered to arrive at rates)
15594 Part B-113 Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface heating 11.00 Sq.m
4 by flames in Boiler and spraying bitumen with sprayer on
Granular surface treated with primer @ 2.75 kg/10 sqm(VG-30
bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates)
15594 Part B-114 Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface heating 13.00 Sq.m
5 by flames in Boiler and spraying bitumen with sprayer on Concrete
surface treated with primer @ 3.25 kg/10 sqm (VG-30 bulk
bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates)
15594 Part B-115 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion (RS1) 8.00 Sq.m
6 using emulsion pressure distributer at the rate of 0.20 kg per
Sq.M. on the prepared bituminous cleaned with mechanical broom
15594 Part B-116 Providing and constructing 75 mm. thick Modified Penetration 223.00 Sq.m
7 Macadam (MPM) road surface including all materials, preparing the
existing road surface, spreading 40 mm. stone metal layers 30%
crusher broken metal + 70% Hand broken (by breaking rubble
obtained by blasting) heating and spraying the bitumen of
specified grade @ 2 Kg/sqm, spreading 12 mm.size chips
compacting with three wheel static roller having weight 8 to 10 MT.
to achive the desired degree of compaction as per Technical
Specification Clause 506 etc. complete. Including picking of
existing WBM surface. (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered
to arrive at rates)
15594 Part B-117 Providing and constructing 75 mm. thick Modified Penetration 196.00 Sq.m
8 Macadam (MPM) road surface including all materials, preparing the
existing road surface, spreading 40 mm. stone metal layers 100%
crusher broken metal with conical crusher plant heating and
spraying the bitumen of specified grade @ 2 Kg/sqm, spreading
12 mm.size chips compacting with three wheel static roller having
weight 8 to 10 MT. to achive the desired degree of compaction as
per Technical Specification Clause 506 etc. complete. Including
picking of existing WBM surface. (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are
considered to arrive at rates)
15594 Part B-118 Providing and constructing 75 mm. thick Modified Penetraction 186.00 Sq.m
9 Macadam (MPM) road surface including all materials, preparing
the existing road surface, spreading 40 mm. stone layers metal
30% crusher broken metal + 70% Hand broken metal (By
breaking Rubble obtained by blasting) , heating and spraying the
bitumen of specified grade @ 2 kg / sqm , spreading 12mm.size
chips compacting with three wheel static roller having weight 8 to
10 MT. to achive the desired degree of compaction as per Technical
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Specification Clause 506 etc.complete, including applying tack coat

of specified grade of bitumen at the rate of 0.30 Kg Sqm. on
existing bitumen surface. (VG- 30 bulk bitumen rates are
considered to arrive at rates)
15595 Part B-119 Providing and constructing 75 mm. thick Modified Penetraction 194.00 Sq.m
0 Macadam (MPM) road surface including all materials, preparing
the existing road surface, spreading 40 mm. stone layers metal
100% crusher broken metal with conical crusher plant , heating
and spraying the bitumen of specified grade @ 2 kg / sqm ,
spreading 12mm.size chips compacting with three wheel static
roller having weight 8 to 10 MT. to achive the desired degree of
compaction as per Technical Specification Clause 506 etc.complete,
including applying tack coat of specified grade of bitumen at the
rate of 0.30 Kg Sqm. on existing bitumen surface. (VG-30 bulk
bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates)
15595 Part B-120 Providing and constructing 50 mm. thick Modified Penetration 153.00 Sq.m
1 Macadam (MPM) road surface including all mataerials, preparing
the existing road surface, spreading 40mm. stone metal layers
30% crusher broken metal + 70% Hand broken (by breaking
rubble obtained by blasting) heating and spraying the bitumen of
specified grade @ 1.75 kg/sqm, spreading 12mm.size chips
compacting with static roller having weight 8 to 10 MT. to achive
the desired degree of compaction as per Technical Specification
Clause 506 etc. complete. Including picking of existing WBM
surface.(VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at
15595 Part B-121 Providing and constructing 50 mm. thick Modified Penetration 146.00 Sq.m
2 Macadam (MPM) road surface including all mataerials, preparing
the existing road surface, spreading 40mm. stone metal layers
100% crusher broken metal with conical crusher plant heating and
spraying the bitumen of specified grade @ 1.75 kg/sqm,
spreading 12mm.size chips compacting with static roller having
weight 8 to 10 MT. to achive the desired degree of compaction as
per Technical Specification Clause 506 etc. complete. Including
picking of existing WBM surface.(VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are
considered to arrive at rates)
15595 Part B-122 Providing and constructing 50 mm. thick Modified Penetration 148.00 Sq.m
3 Macadam (MPM) road surface including all materials, preparing the
existing road surface, spreading 40mm. stone layers metal 30%
crusher broken metal + 70% Hand broken metal (By breaking
Rubble obtained by blasting) , heating and spraying the bitumen of
specified grade @ 1.75 kg / sqm, spreading 12mm.size chips
compacting with Static roller having weight 8 to 10 MT. to achive

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the desired degree of compaction as per Technical Specification

Clause 506 etc.complete, including applying tack coat of bitumen
0f specified grade at the rate of 0.30 Kg Sqm.(on existing bitumen
15595 Part B-123 Providing and constructing 50 mm. thick Modified Penetration 153.00 Sq.m
4 Macadam (MPM) road surface including all materials, preparing the
existing road surface, spreading 40mm. stone layers metal 100%
crusher broken metal with conical crusher palnt, heating and
spraying the bitumen of specified grade @ 1.75 kg / sqm,
spreading 12mm.size chips compacting with Static roller having
weight 8 to 10 MT. to achive the desired degree of compaction as
per Technical Specification Clause 506 etc.complete, including
applying tack coat at the rate of 0.30 Kg Sqm.on existing bitumen
surface. (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at
15595 Part B-124 Providing, laying and compacting of Built-up-spray grout layer 75 225.00 Sq.m
5 mm thick over prepared base consisting of two layers composite
construction of compacted crushed coarse aggregates with
application of bituminous binder of biyumen of specified Grade @
1.520 Kg/ Sqm after each layer, ( i.e 1.520x2=3.04 say 3.00
Kg/Sqm) and with key aggregates placed on top of the second
layer and compacting with static roller 8 to 10 MT. Excluding cost
of tack coat and scarifying etc. Complete.(VG-30 bulk bitumen
rates are considered to arrive at rates)
15595 Part B-125 BITUMINOUS MACADAM: Proving and laying bituminous macadam 4,828.00 Cu.M
6 using crushed aggregates of Grading 1, premixed with bituminous
binder, transported to site with VTS , laid over a previously
prepared surface, finished to the required grade, level, alignment,
and rolling to achieve the desired compaction for 80/100 mm
compacted thickness with 3.3 % using specified grade of Bitumen.
-- USING Batch mix type hot mix plant with SCADA, Sensor Paver,
vibratory roller.(VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive
at rates)
15595 Part B-126 DENSE BITUMINOUS MACADAM:--Providing and laying dense 5,854.00 Cu.M
7 bituminous macadam using crushed aggregate of grading 1,
premixed with bituminous binder Bitumen of specified grade,@
4.50 % by weight of total mix and filler, transported at site with
VTS, laid over a previously prepared surface , finished to the
required grade ,level, alignment,and rolling to achieve the desired
density for 76/100 mm compacted thickness with drum mix type
hot mix plant with SCADA having complying essential features of
Hot mix plant as per IRC-27- 2009 specified conditions and
attachments such as electronic load sensor based belt conveyers,

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automatic synchronization of bitumen and aggregate fedder,built in

dust controller system and PLC for Drum Mix plant ,Sensor paver,
and Vibratory roller excluding prime/Tack coat etc. complete
--Bitumen VG-30 grade with stone dust filler (VG- 30 bulk bitumen
rates are considered to arrive at rates)
15595 Part B-127 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE:--Providing and laying bituminous 6,703.00 Cu.M
8 concrete using crushed aggregate of grading 1, premixed with
bituminous binder @5.40% by weight of total mix and filler,
transported at site with VTS, laid over a previously prepared
surface, finished to the required grade ,level, alignment, and
rolling to achieve the desired density for 50mm compacted
thickness with drum mix plant with SCADA, Sensor paver and
Vibratory roller excluding prime/Tack coat etc. complete --Bitumen
of specified grade with stone dust filler. (VG- 30 bulk bitumen rates
are considered to arrive at rates)
15595 Part B-128 Providing and laying of Type - B premix seal coat with HMP of 40.00 Sq.m
9 approprate crushed stone chipping 6.70 mm size and penetration
bitumen of specified grade @ 0.68 Kg / Sqm. , preparing existing
road surface including mixing in suitable Batch Mix plant and
rolling by static roller having weight 8 to 10 MT. etc. complete.
(VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates)
15596 Part B-129 Surface Dressing -- Providing and laying surface dressing as 57.00 Sq.m
0 wearing course in single coat using crushed stone aggregates of
specified size on a layer of bituminous binder laid on prepared
surface and rolling with 8-10 tonne smooth wheeled steel roller. --
a) 19 mm nominal chippling size (bitumen 12.00 kg/10 Sq.M.) --
Bitumen of specified grade (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are
considered to arrive at rates)
15596 Part B-130 Surface Dressing -- Providing and laying surface dressing as 47.00 Sq.m
1 wearing course in single coat using crushed stone aggregates of
specified size on a layer of bituminous binder laid on prepared
surface and rolling with 8-10 tonne smooth wheeled steel roller. --
b) 13 mm nominal chippling size (bitumen 10.00 kg/10 Sq.M --
Bitumen of specified grade (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are
considered to arrive at rates)
15596 Part B-131 Surface Dressing -- Providing and laying surface dressing as 46.00 Sq.m
2 wearing course in single coat using crushed stone aggregates of
specified size on a layer of bituminous binder laid on prepared
surface and rolling with 8-10 tonne smooth wheeled steel roller. --
c) 10 mm nominal chippling size (bitumen 9.0 kg/10 Sq.M --
Bitumen of specified grade (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are
considered to arrive at rates)

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15596 Part B-132 Surface Dressing -- Providing and laying surface dressing as 40.00 Sq.m
3 wearing course in single coat using crushed stone aggregates of
specified size on a layer of bituminous binder laid on prepared
surface and rolling with 8-10 tonne smooth wheeled steel roller. --
d) 6 mm nominal chippling size (bitumen 7.50 kg/10 Sq.M --
Bitumen of specified grade (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are
considered to arrive at rates)
15596 Part B-133 Open Graded Premix Surfacing- Providing and Laying OGC 20 mm 113.00 Sq.m
4 thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates premixed
with bituminous binder transported to site with VTS , laid over a
previously prepared surface, finished to the required grade, level,
alignment, and rolling to achieve the desired compaction but
excluding prime / tack and Seal coat. For Bitumen of specified
grade--USING drum mix type hot mix plant with SCADA, Paver and
Vibratory roller( over BT Surface) (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are
considered to arrive at rates)
15596 Part B-134 Open Graded Premix Surfacing- Providing and Laying OGC 20 mm 118.00 Sq.m
5 thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates premixed
with bituminous binder transported to site with VTS , laid over a
previously prepared surface, finished to the required grade, level,
alignment, and rolling to achieve the desired compaction but
excluding prime / tack and Seal coat. For Bitumen of specified
grade--USING drum mix type hot mix plant with SCADA, Paver and
Vibratory roller ( Over MPM Surface) (VG-30 bulk bitumen rates
are considered to arrive at rates)
15596 Part B-135 9 MM SEAL COAT: Providing and laying of Type A 9mm premix seal 65.00 Sq.m
6 coat with HMP of apropriate capacity crushed stone chiping 6.7
mm size and penetration bitumen of specified grade @
1.2kg/Sq.m, preparing existing road surface by mechanical means,
spreading chips and rolling, by static roller having weight 8 to 10
MT. etc. complete.(VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to
arrive at rates)
15596 Part B-136 Providing and laying in-situ M30 Grade unreinforced plain cement 5,922.00 Cu.M
7 concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of
MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a Tilting type Concrete Mixer
as per approved mix design, admixtures, spreading, laying
compacting and finished in a continuous operation without paver
machine, finishing to lines and grades as directed by
Engineer-in-charge and curing by curing compound /by providing

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cement vata in cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre,

admeasuring 80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of
75mm and maintaining the same throughout curing period by any
other method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15596 Part B-137 Providing and laying in-situ M35 Grade unreinforced plain cement 6,012.00 Cu.M
8 concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of
MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a Tilting type Concrete Mixer
as per approved mix design, admixtures, spreading, laying
compacting and finished in a continuous operation without paver
machine, finishing to lines and grades as directed by
Engineer-in-charge and curing by curing compound /by providing
cement vata in cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre,
admeasuring 80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of
75mm and maintaining the same throughout curing period by any
other method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15596 Part B-138 Providing and laying in-situ M40 Grade unreinforced plain cement 6,085.00 Cu.M
9 concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of
MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a Tilting type Concrete Mixer
as per approved mix design, admixtures, spreading, laying
compacting and finished in a continuous operation without paver
machine, finishing to lines and grades as directed by
Engineer-in-charge and curing by curing compound /by providing
cement vata in cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre,
admeasuring 80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of
75mm and maintaining the same throughout curing period by any
other method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15597 Part B-139 Providing and laying in-situ M30 Grade unreinforced plain cement 5,620.00 Cu.M
0 concrete pavement with max 20% fly Ash ( Fly-ash upto 20% by
weight of Cement) over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of
MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a batching and mixing plant/
non tilting mixer and Weigh batcher as per approved mix design,
admixtures, transporting to site, spreading, laying with approved
make paver,compacted and finished in a continuous operation,
finishing to lines and grades as directed by Engineer-in-charge

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and curing by curing compound /by providing cement vata in

cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre, admeasuring
80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of 75mm and
maintaining the same throughout curing period by any other
method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15597 Part B-140 Providing and laying in-situ M35 Grade unreinforced plain cement 5,697.00 Cu.M
1 concrete pavement with max 20% fly Ash ( Fly-ash upto 20% by
weight of Cement) over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of
MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a batching and mixing plant/
non tilting mixer and Weigh batcher as per approved mix design,
admixtures, transporting to site, spreading, laying with approved
make paver,compacted and finished in a continuous operation,
finishing to lines and grades as directed by Engineer-in-charge
and curing by curing compound /by providing cement vata in
cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre, admeasuring
80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of 75mm and
maintaining the same throughout curing period by any other
method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15597 Part B-141 Providing and laying in-situ M40 Grade unreinforced plain cement 5,761.00 Cu.M
2 concrete pavement with max 20% fly Ash ( Fly-ash upto 20% by
weight of Cement) over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of
MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a batching and mixing plant/
non tilting mixer and Weigh batcher as per approved mix design,
admixtures, transporting to site, spreading, laying with approved
make paver,compacted and finished in a continuous operation,
finishing to lines and grades as directed by Engineer-in-charge
and curing by curing compound /by providing cement vata in
cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre, admeasuring
80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of 75mm and
maintaining the same throughout curing period by any other
method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15597 Part B-142 Providing and laying in-situ M30 Grade unreinforced plain cement 5,683.00 Cu.M
3 concrete pavement with max 20% fly Ash ( Fly-ash upto 20% by
weight of Cement) over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of

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MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a Tilting type Concrete Mixer

as per approved mix design, admixtures, spreading, laying
compacting and finished in a continuous operation without paver
machine, finishing to lines and grades as directed by
Engineer-in-charge and curing by curing compound /by providing
cement vata in cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre,
admeasuring 80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of
75mm and maintaining the same throughout curing period by any
other method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15597 Part B-143 Providing and laying in-situ M35 Grade unreinforced plain cement 5,765.00 Cu.M
4 concrete pavement with max 20% fly Ash ( Fly-ash upto 20% by
weight of Cement) over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of
MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a Tilting type Concrete Mixer
as per approved mix design, admixtures, spreading, laying
compacting and finished in a continuous operation without paver
machine, finishing to lines and grades as directed by
Engineer-in-charge and curing by curing compound /by providing
cement vata in cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre,
admeasuring 80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of
75mm and maintaining the same throughout curing period by any
other method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15597 Part B-144 Providing and laying in-situ M40 Grade unreinforced plain cement 5,829.00 Cu.M
5 concrete pavement with max 20% fly Ash ( Fly-ash upto 20% by
weight of Cement) over a prepared sub base with 43 grade
cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ VSI grade
finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and
coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of
MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a Tilting type Concrete Mixer
as per approved mix design, admixtures, spreading, laying
compacting and finished in a continuous operation without paver
machine, finishing to lines and grades as directed by
Engineer-in-charge and curing by curing compound /by providing
cement vata in cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre,
admeasuring 80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of
75mm and maintaining the same throughout curing period by any
other method approved by Engineer-in-charge.
15597 Part B-145 Providing and fixing in position TMT FE 500, 25mm dia dowel bars 313.00 per no
6 precoated with anticorrosive epoxy paint of required Dia. 60 cms.
Long and at 30.00 cm. C/C and wherever directed including
handling, straightening, necessary cutting supported by TMT FE

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500, chairs with proper alignment by using properly designed

assembly of Bulkheads lubricating half length with bituminous
paint as directed etc. complete.
15597 Part B-146 Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M -30 with tremix 6,523.00 Cu.M
7 treatment for 200 mm thickness for Concrete Road is including
laying plastic sheet for 125 micron thickness with groove cutting of
4 mm wide and 20 mm deep with necessary refilling with bitumen
( excluding reinforcement) with coarse and fine aggregate
( natural sand/ VSI grade finely washed crushed sand) etc.
Part B-147 Providing and fixing trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss guard
stone/ indicator stones/ boundary stones of standard size and
shape including fixing in block of standard size with
white washing etc.complete
15597 Part B-147-1 Fixing in Block of Standard Size of CC 1:4:8 410.00 per no
15597 Part B-147-2 Fixing In Ground 195.00 per no
15598 Part B-147-3 Fixing in M-15 R.C.C. 1:4:8 785.00 per no
Part B-148 Providing and fixing metre stones as per I.R.C.
standard including fixing in standard size block including
curing, painting lettering etc. complete.
15598 Part B-148-1 RCC 200 meter Stoen in CC 1:4:8 723.00 per no
15598 Part B-148-2 Fixing 1:2:4 ordinary km. stones in C.C. 1:4:8 2,165.00 per no
15598 Part B-148-3 Fixing R.C.C. 5th Km. stones, in c.c. 1:4:8 3,689.00 per no
Part B-149 Dismantling of Stone including cutting of
earth, foundation and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts
and lead upto 1000 m and back filling of pit.
15598 Part B-149-1 Dismantling 5th Km. Stone 579.00 per no
15598 Part B-149-2 Ordinary Km. Stone 344.00 per no
15598 Part B-149-3 Hectometer Stone 69.00 per no

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Part B-150 Painting with approved enamel paint in two coats including
cleaning surface and lettering for stone etc. complete.
15598 Part B-150-1 200 Mt. Stone 116.00 per no
15598 Part B-150-2 Ordinary Kilometer Stone 421.00 per no
15598 Part B-150-3 Lettering of Fifth Km. Stone 479.00 per no
15599 Part B-150-4 Lettering of Boundary Stone 43.00 per no
15599 Part B-150-5 Lettering for cautionary/ mandatory sign boards and village 167.00 per no
1 name boards
15599 Part B-150-6 Lettering for informatory sign boards etc. complete. 208.00 per no
15599 Part B-150-7 Lettering on masonry works with nalla flow direction, span number 25.00 per no
3 and location etc. complete.
15599 Part B-150-8 Painting letters upto 20 cm height complete brushes, coir 20.00 per no
4 brushers, dusting, cleaning, including cost of paint etc. complete.
15599 Part B-150-9 Painting and numbering trees with white background and 24.00 per no
5 black lettering etc. complete.
15599 Part B-150-10 Providing white and colour washing to road side trees in 2 coats in 39.00 per no
6 2 bands of white and one red band at centre of 30 cm
height each including preparing the surface, cost of material,
conveying etc. complete.
Part B-151 Painting Line, Dashes, Arrows etc on Roads in two coats on new
work with ready mixed road marking paint confirming to I.S.
164 on Bituminous surface including cleaning the surface of all
dirt, dust and other foreign matter, demarcation at site
and traffic control (Over/Upto cm wide) (MORTH-803)
-- Surface
15599 Part B-151-1 Over 10cm Wide On New Surface 293.00 Sq.m
15599 Part B-151-2 Upto 10 cm Wide On Old Surface 269.00 Sq.m
15599 Part B-151-3 Over 10cm Wide On Old Surface 194.00 Sq.m
15600 Part B-151-4 Upto 10 cm Wide On Old Surface 205.00 Sq.m
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15600 Part B-152 Providing and Fixing of Median Marker that are made of tough, 686.00 per no
1 high impact resistant, injection-molded, thermoplastic body
with an isosceles trapezoidal structure of length, width and
height not less than 15cm, 10cm and 10cm respectively and
thickness not less than 1.8mm, the body structure shall be
rounded at its acute angle, all the corners and edges. The plastic
used for molding the Median Marker shall have a minimum
Notched Izod Impact strength value of 600 J/m at room
temperature, when tested in accordance with ASTM D256 and
shall retain at least 70% of this value when subjected to
accelerated weathering for 1000hrs as per ASTM G155 or UL746C.
The logo of the manufacturer shall be embossed on either side of
the body in the injection molding process. The Median Marker
shall have rectangular-shaped, fluorescent yellow color
retro-reflective sheeting of size not less than 8.5cm*8.5cm
and with fully reflective micro prismatic cube corners as its
retro-reflective elements as per IRC 67 2010 and ASTM D4956
type XI specifications reflectivity values. The retro-reflective
sheeting shall be one or both sides of the Median Marker and
shall be edge protected with no exposed edges which will prevent
edge lifting, vandalism, sheeting damage, etc. The Median
Marker shall be fixed by a combination of epoxy adhesive
and grouting.
15600 Part B-153 Providing and fixing reflective fluorescent tape on old road sign 5,671.00 Sq.m
2 board including cleaning / scraping and painting existing board
etc. complete
15600 Part B-154 Providing Vertical Delineator having wide angle cube corner 2,823.00 per no
3 micro prismatic non metallic reflective sheeting confirming to
Type XI of ASTM D4956 -09 with White Color and Red Color
combination and having minimum of retro reflective exposed area
of 125 Sq CM on top slots and 35 Sq CM on bottom slots and no
edges shall be exposed for tampering. This tubular delineator
shall have a core and shell construction, shell shall be made
of tough, high impact resistant, injection-molded, thermoplastic
outer body and the inner core shall consist of powder coated or
painted Mild steel of minimum thickness 1.0mm.and core-shell
structure shall be of height not less than 800 mm above the
ground and width not less than 80 mm. The metallic core of the
delineator shall extend 300mm beyond the shell length from
bottom for installing in the ground. The extended portion shall
have slots to insert anchoring rods for enhancing the concrete grip.
The logo of the manufacturer shall be embossed on either side of

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the body in the injection molding process. The engineering

thermoplastic used for making the delineator body shall have
minimum initial mechanical properties of 600J/m tested in
accordance with ASTM D256 and shall retain at least 70% of
these minimum initial values when subjected to accelerated
weathering for 1000hrs as per ASTM G155 or UL 746C and as per
IRC 79 specifications and including fixing the unit in M20 Grade
Cement Concrete of Size 30x30x40 cm including excavation for pit.
15600 Part B-155 Providing and fixing steel pipe delineators of 10 cm. in diameter 1,146.00 per no
4 and total height of 130 cm, provided with 2 strips of white
retroreflective sheeting of size 5 cm. x 32.5 cm. each fixed
horizontally and 2 strips of red retroreflective sheeting each having
size 5 cm. x 32.5 cm. fixed horizontally at top, with M.S. round cap
having diameter 11 cm. and wire mesh at top (10 guage thick)
and height of wire mesh 15 cm, M.S. hold fast 6 mm thick with 35
cm. in length, fixing the delineators in
C.C. 1:4:8 concrete block of size 25 cm. x 25 cm. x 45
cm. with necessary excavation etc. complete.
15600 Part B-156 Supplying precast conventional reflective delinators on four sides 523.00 per no
5 for road signs
15600 Part B-157 Fixing in position Cautionary/ Mandatory sign boards in ground 817.00 per no
6 with C C 1:4:8 block of 60cm x 60cm x 75cm size etc. complete as
directed including all leads.
15600 Part B-158 Fixing in position Road Junction/ Informatory Sign Board in 1,634.00 per no
7 ground with C.C.1:4:8 block of 60cm x 60cm x 75cm size including
all leads complete.
15600 Part B-159 Providing and fixing including conveyance charges upto a distance 631.00 per no
8 of 200 Km. precast concrete post delinators, post of size 130 x 90
x 1300 milimetre consisting of 4 B.T. wires with 14,000
Kg/cm2 C.C. M-20 grade 16mm dia. hold fast, including
excavation and C.C. 1:4:8 foundation block, oil painting post
with 3 coats and Red fluorescent tape 75 x 75mm and white
floursent border 20mm wide around the red tape on all the four
sides with necessary adhesive and lamination etc. complete.
15600 Part B-160 Supplying rolled steel channel post of 100 x 50 mm (ISMC) drilled 1,206.00 Rmt
9 on top and painted with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of
epoxy finish paint having black and white bands of 25 cm last part
of the post 0.75 m below ground level is painted with three coats
of red lead paint with 2 nos. of high tensile G.I. bolt and nut of size
10 mm Dia. of 25 mm long including transportation etc. complete.
Spec. No. : As per IRC-67, and M.O.R.T. and H. Circular No.
RW/NH-33023/31/88 D.O.III Dated 2-5-1994
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15601 Part B-161 Supplying M.S. Angle iron post of size 65 mm x 65 mm x 6 mm 1,136.00 Rmt
0 drilled on top and painted with one coat of epoxy primer and two
coats of epoxy finish paint having black and white bands of 25 cm,
last part of the post 0.75 m below ground level is painted with
three coats of red lead paint with 2 nos. of high tensile G.I. bolt
and nut of size 10 mm dia. of 25 mm long including transportation
etc. complete. Spec. No. : As per IRC-67, and M.O.R.T. and H.
Circular No. RW/NH-33023/31/88
D.O.III Dated 2-5-1994
Part B-162
Supplying M.S. Angle iron post of size duly painted with one coat of
red oxide paint and two coats of synthetic enamelfinish paint having
black and white bands of 25 cm width including 2 nos of G.I. bolt and
nut of size 10 mm dia. And 20 mm long including transportation etc.
complete. Spec. No. : As per
IRC-67, and M.O.R.T. and H. Circular No. RW/NH-33023/31/88
D.O.III Dated 2-5-1994
Post of size 65 mm x 65 mm x 6 mm
15601 Part B-162-1 646.00 Rmt
Post of size 50 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm
15601 Part B-162-2 429.00 Rmt
15601 Part B-163 Supplying M.S. Angle iron frame for informatory sign boards of size 322.00 Rmt
3 35 mm x 35 mm x 3 mm welded and making neccesary holes
required for fixing and painted with one coat of epoxy primer and
two coats epoxy finish paint etc. complete.Spec. No. : As per
IRC-67, and M.O.R.T. and H. Circular No. RW/NH-33023/31/88 D.O.III
Dated 2-5-1994
Part B-164 Providing and constructing Information Pillar of Brick Masonry in
C.M. 1:6 of size 2.0 m x 0.23m x 1.0 m with base pedestal of size
2.3 m x
0.35 m x 0.45 m (0.3 m above ground), excavtion in ground upto
0.4 m, laying 0.15 m thick 80 mm soling,0.10 m thick c.c. 1:3:6,
finishing the pedestal and pillar in cement plaster 12 mm thick in
C.M. 1:5 and finishing the pillar with neat cement finish ,applying
flat oil paint of approved colour in two coats, including
curing, finishing etc complete.(In Strata/Soil )
Spec. No. :As directed by Engineer-in-charge.
15601 Part B-164-1 In Strata other than B.C. Soil 9,298.00 per no
15601 Part B-164-2 In B.C. Soil with 12 mm thick R.C.C. raft in M-15, 13,050.00 per no
5 including reinforcement .

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Part B-165 Providing and fixing Mandatory/Regulatory sign boards in

circular shape of mm dia made out of mm aluminum
sheet bonded with white retro reflective sheeting of Class C
( Type XI Micro prismatic grade sheeting) having pressure
sensitive/heat activated adhesive retoreflective specified back
ground, border and back side retoreflctive symbols, letters,
numerals, arrow as per IRC:67-2012 Table No 8.3 Supported
with back support frame 25mm x 25mm x 3mm, duly painted on
back side with grey stove enamel paint and supported on one
no. of M. S. angle iron post of size 65 mm X 65 mm X 6 mm,
3.45 m long, duly painted with with flat oil paint having alternate
black and white bands of 25 cm width including G.I. fixtures etc;
fixing the boards in M25 grade concrete block of size 60cm
X 60cm X 75cm including transportation etc; complete. Class C
( Type XI Micro prismatic grade sheeting) shall have 10 years
written warranty from the manufacturer and authorised
distributor/convertor issued for field performance including the
screen printed areas and cut-out sheeting and cut-out durable
transparent overlay film and this warranty certificate in original
should be submitted to the Engineer in charge by the
15601 Part B-165-1 600 mm dia made out of 1.5mm aluminum sheet 4,202.00 per no
15601 Part B-165-2 600 mm dia made out of 3mm aluminum composite material 4,207.00 per no
15601 Part B-165-3 750 mm dia made out of 2mm aluminum sheet 5,595.00 per no
15601 Part B-165-4 750 mm dia made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 5,645.00 per no
15602 Part B-165-5 900 mm dia made out of 2mm aluminum sheet 7,249.00 per no
15602 Part B-165-6 900 mm dia made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 7,321.00 per no
15602 Part B-165-7 1200 mm dia made out of 2mm aluminum sheet 11,677.00 per no
15602 Part B-165-8 1200 mm dia made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 11,803.00 per no
Part B-166 Providing and fixing Cautionary/Warning sign boards in
Equilateral Triangle size of mm made out of mm
aluminum sheet bonded with white retro reflective sheeting of

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Class B ( Type IV High intensity micro-prismatic grade

sheeting-HIP) having pressure sensitive/heat activated adhesive
retoreflective specified back ground, border and back side
retoreflctive symbols, letters, numerals, arrow as per IRC:
67-2012 Table No 8.3 Supported with back support frame
25mm x 25mm x 3mm, duly painted on back side with
grey stove enamel paint and supported on one no. of M. S. angle
iron post of size 65 mm X 65 mm X 6 mm, 3.45 m long, duly
painted with with flat oil paint having alternate black and white
bands of 25 cm width including G.I. fixtures etc; fixing the
boards in M25 grade concrete block of size 60cm X 60cm X
75cm including transportation etc; complete. Class B ( Type
IV High intensity micro-prismatic grade sheeting-HIP) shall
have 7 years written warranty from the manufacturer
and authorised distributor/convertor issued for field
performance including the screen printed areas and cut-out
sheeting and cut-out durable transparent overlay film and this
warranty certificate in original should be submitted to the
Engineer in charge by the contractor/supplier.
15602 Part B-166-1 600 mm made out of 1.5mm aluminum sheet 2,943.00 per no
15602 Part B-166-2 600 mm made out of 3mm aluminum composite material 2,945.00 per no
15602 Part B-166-3 750 mm made out of 2mm aluminum sheet 3,311.00 per no
15602 Part B-166-4 750 mm made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 3,335.00 per no
15602 Part B-166-5 900 mm out of 2mm aluminum sheet 4,036.00 per no
15602 Part B-166-6 900 mm made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 4,076.00 per no
15603 Part B-166-7 1200 mm made out of 2mm aluminum sheet 5,577.00 per no
15603 Part B-166-8 1200 mm made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 5,647.00 per no
Part B-167 Providing and fixing Cautionary/Warning sign boards in
Equilateral Triangle size of mm made out of mm
aluminum sheet bonded with white retro reflective sheeting of
Class C ( Type XI Micro prismatic grade sheeting) having
pressure sensitive/heat activated adhesive retoreflective specified

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back ground, border and back side retoreflctive symbols, letters,

numerals, arrow as per IRC:67-2012 Table No 8.3 Supported
with back support frame 25mm x 25mm x 3mm, duly painted on
back side with grey stove enamel paint and supported on one
no. of M. S. angle iron post of size 65 mm X 65 mm X 6 mm,
3.45 m long, duly painted with with flat oil paint having alternate
black and white bands of 25 cm width including G.I. fixtures etc;
fixing the boards in M25 grade concrete block of size 60cm
X 60cm X 75cm including transportation etc; complete. ClassC
( Type XI Micro prismatic grade sheeting) shall have 10 years
written warranty from the manufacturer and authorised
distributor/convertor issued for field performance including the
screen printed areas and cut-out sheeting and cut-out durable
transparent overlay film and this warranty certificate in original
should be submitted to the Engineer in charge by the
15603 Part B-167-1 600 mm made out of 1.5mm aluminum sheet 3,311.00 per no
15603 Part B-167-2 600 mm made out of 3mm aluminum composite material 3,314.00 per no
15603 Part B-167-3 750 mm made out of 2mm aluminum sheet 3,816.00 per no
15603 Part B-167-4 750 mm made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 3,840.00 per no
15603 Part B-167-5 900 mm made out of 2mm aluminum sheet 4,894.00 per no
15603 Part B-167-6 900 mm made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 4,934.00 per no
15603 Part B-167-7 1200 mm made out of 2mm aluminum sheet 7,180.00 per no
15603 Part B-167-8 1200 mm made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 7,251.00 per no
Part B-168 Providing and fixing Cautionary/Warning sign boards in Octagone
size of mm made out of mm aluminum sheet
bonded with white retro reflective sheeting of Class B ( Type
IV High intensity micro-prismatic grade sheeting-HIP) having
pressure sensitive/heat activated adhesive retoreflective specified
back ground, border and back side retoreflctive symbols, letters,
numerals, arrow as per IRC:67- 2012 Table No 8.3 Supported with
back support frame 25mm x 25mm x 3mm, duly painted on back

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side with grey stove enamel paint and supported on one no. of M.
S. angle iron post of size 65 mm X 65 mm X 6 mm, 3.45 m long,
duly painted with with flat oil paint having alternate black and
white bands of 25 cm width including G.I. fixtures etc; fixing the
boards in M25 grade concrete block of size 60cm X 60cm X
75cm including transportation etc; complete. Class B ( Type IV
High intensity micro-prismatic grade sheeting-HIP) shall have 7
years written warranty from the manufacturer and
authorised distributor/convertor issued for field performance
including the screen printed areas and cut-out sheeting and
cut-out durable transparent overlay film and this warranty
certificate in original should be submitted to the
Engineer in charge by the contractor/supplier.
15604 Part B-168-1 750 mm made out of 2mm aluminum sheet 5,170.00 per no
15604 Part B-168-2 750 mm made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 5,234.00 per no
15604 Part B-168-3 900 mm out of 2mm aluminum sheet 6,563.00 per no
15604 Part B-168-4 900 mm made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 6,654.00 per no
Part B-169 Providing and fixing Cautionary/Warning sign boards in Octagone
size of mm made out of mm aluminum sheet
bonded with white retro reflective sheeting of Class C ( Type XI
Micro prismatic grade sheeting) having pressure sensitive/heat
activated adhesive retoreflective specified back ground,
border and back side retoreflctive symbols, letters,
numerals, arrow as per IRC:67-2012 Table No 8.3 Supported
with back support frame 25mm x 25mm x 3mm, duly painted on
back side with grey stove enamel paint and supported on one
no. of M. S. angle iron post of size 65 mm X 65 mm X 6 mm,
3.45 m long, duly painted with with flat oil paint having alternate
black and white bands of 25 cm width including G.I. fixtures etc;
fixing the boards in M25 grade concrete block of size 60cm
X 60cm X 75cm including transportation etc; complete. Class C
( Type XI Micro prismatic grade sheeting) shall have 10 years
written warranty from the manufacturer and authorised
distributor/convertor issued for field performance including the
screen printed areas and cut-out sheeting and cut-out durable
transparent overlay film and this warranty certificate in original
should be submitted to the Engineer in charge by the

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15604 Part B-169-1 750 mm made out of 2mm aluminum sheet 6,601.00 per no
15604 Part B-169-2 750 mm made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 6,664.00 per no
15604 Part B-169-3 900 mm made out of 2mm aluminum sheet 8,713.00 per no
15604 Part B-169-4 900 mm made out of 4mm aluminum composite material 8,805.00 per no
Part B-170 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised informatory sign
board rectangular/Square in shape having area less than 0.9
square meter made out of mm aluminum sheet bonded
with white retro reflective sheeting of Class ( Type IV High
intensity micro-prismatic grade sheeting-HIP) having pressure
sensitive/heat activated adhesive retoreflective specified back
ground, border and back side retoreflctive symbols, letters,
numerals, arrow as per IRC:67-2012 Table No 8.3, supported
with back support frame 25mm x 25mm x 3mm, duly painted on
back side with two coats of grey stove enamel paint and supported
on one no. mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm,
3.5 mt long firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly
designed foundation with M25 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45
cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing
The angle iron post shall be duly painted with one coat of
epoxy primer and two coats of epoxy finish paints having alternate
black and white bands of 25 cm width including GI fixures and
transportation etc.complete.The nut bolts of board with angle iron
post/supporting structure after fixing at site has to be electrically
welded. Class B ( Type IV High intensity micro-prismatic grade
sheeting-HIP) sheeting shall have 7 years written warranty
from the manufacturer and authorised distributor/convertor
issued for field performance including the screen printed areas
and cut-out sheeting and cut-out durable transparent overlay
film and this warranty certificate in original should be
submitted to the Engineer in charge by the
15604 Part B-170-1 2mm aluminum sheet Class B 7,769.00 Sq.m
15604 Part B-170-2 4mm aluminum composite material Class B 7,882.00 Sq.m
15605 Part B-170-3 2mm aluminum sheet of Class C 10,509.00 Sq.m
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15605 Part B-170-4 4mm aluminum composite material Class C 10,623.00 Sq.m
Part B-171 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised informatory sign
board rectangular/Square in shape having area greater than
0.9 square meter made out of mm aluminum sheet bonded
with white retro reflective sheeting of Class ( Type IV High
intensity micro-prismatic grade sheeting-HIP) having pressure
sensitive/heat activated adhesive retoreflective specified back
ground, border and back side retoreflctive symbols, letters,
numerals, arrow as per IRC:67-2012 Table No 8.3, supported
with back support frame 25mm x 25mm x 3mm, duly painted on
back side with two coats of grey stove enamel paint and supported
on two no. mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm,
3.5 mt long firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly
designed foundation with M25 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45
cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing
The angle iron post shall be duly painted with one coat of
epoxy primer and two coats of epoxy finish paints having alternate
black and white bands of 25 cm width including GI fixures and
transportation etc.complete.The nut bolts of board with angle iron
post/supporting structure after fixing at site has to be electrically
welded. Class B ( Type IV High intensity micro-prismatic grade
sheeting-HIP) sheeting shall have 7 years written warranty
from the manufacturer and authorised distributor/convertor
issued for field performance including the screen printed areas
and cut-out sheeting and cut-out durable transparent overlay
film and this warranty certificate in original should be
submitted to the Engineer in charge by the
15605 Part B-171-1 2mm aluminum sheet Class B 9,768.00 Sq.m
15605 Part B-171-2 4mm aluminum composite material of Class B 9,882.00 Sq.m
15605 Part B-171-3 2mm aluminum sheet bonded of Class C 12,511.00 Sq.m
15605 Part B-171-4 4mm aluminum composite material of Class C 12,623.00 Sq.m
Part B-172 Providing and erecting Overhead signs made out of mm
aluminum sheet bonded with white retro reflective sheeting of
Class ( Type IV High intensity micro-prismatic grade
sheeting-HIP) having pressure sensitive/heat activated adhesive

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retoreflective specified back ground, border and back side

retoreflctive symbols, letters, numerals, arrow as per IRC:
67-2012, with designed back support frame of mild steel angle
with vertical and lateral clearance given in clause 801 and 802,
duly painted on back side with two coats of grey stove enamel
paint and installed as per clause 802.6 over a designed
support system of structural steel work trestles and trusses of
sections and type as per structural design requirements and
approved plans including painting with one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of epoxy finish paint.The nut bolts of board with
angle iron post/supporting structure after fixing at site has to
be electrically welded. Class B ( Type IV High intensity
micro-prismatic grade sheeting-HIP) sheeting shall have 7
years written warranty from the manufacturer and
authorised distributor/convertor issued for field performance
including the screen printed areas and cut-out sheeting and
cut-out durable transparent overlay film and this warranty
certificate in original should be submitted to the
Engineer in charge by the contractor/supplier.This item
not include the cost of structural steel work required for support
15605 Part B-172-1 system. 5,601.00 Sq.m
6 2mm aluminum sheet of Class B
15605 Part B-172-2 5,714.00 Sq.m
7 4mm aluminum composite material of Class B
15605 Part B-172-3 8,342.00 Sq.m
8 2mm aluminum sheet of Class C
15605 Part B-172-4 8,456.00 Sq.m
9 4mm aluminum composite material Class C
15606 Part B-173 8,366.00 per no
0 Providing and fixing board displaying information, such as 'Name
of work, Tender cost, Name of Contractor, Work completion and
liability period etc', having rectangular shape of 1.20m x 0.90m
size made out 18 gauge (1.25mm) thick mild steel sheet painted
with one coat of Zinc chromate stoving primer and two coats of
enamel paint on front side and grey stove enamel on back side
and border / messages / symbols etc. with approved colour
shade paint complete, on M.S.angle of size 35 x 35 x 3 mm
frame with properly cross braced
M.S. angles of size 35mmx35mmx3mm duly painted including
M.S. angle iron posts of size 65 mm x 65 mm x 6 mm, 3.65 m
long painted with alternate black and white bands of 25 cm width

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including all fixtures etc.and fixing the boards in 1:4:8 concrete

block of size 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm including, excavation,
refilling, transportation, and labour etc complete. Spec. No. As
directed by Engineer in Charge
15606 Part B-174 Providing and fixing R.C.C. precast cement concrete M-15 1,387.00 per no
1 pedestal OF SIZE 0.75 X 0.75 X 0.20 m including cost of steel
reinforcement for Km. stone as per detailed drawing and
specification including transportation of pedestal Block, all lifts
etc. complete.
15606 Part B-175 Providing and fixing cautionary / warning sign board of size 60 cm. 3,824.00 per no
2 having shape of equilateral triangle with apex point upwards.
prepared on 16 gauge M.S. sheet including painting with one coat
of zinc cromate stoving primer and two coats each of white back
ground, red border and backside gray stove enamelled, bonded
with cut out of Retro reflective sheet Engineering grade, symbol /
letters / numerals / border / arrow, coated with non pealable
crystal clear protective transparent coat retaining 100% reflection
including one number of
M.S. Angle iron post of size 50 x 50 x 5 mm of 3.65 m. long
inflated at bottom drilled on top in one piece without joint painted
with white and black bands of 30 cm. fixing board and post with 2
Nos. high strength G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. and 20
mm long including all taxes, conveying, fixing in ground with
cement concrete 1:4:8 block of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm size
etc.complete. 60 cm. equilateral triangle M.S. sheet with
Engineering grade,
15606 Part B-176 Providing and fixing Mandatory / Regulatory sign board of circular 4,778.00 per no
3 shape of size 60 cm. dia. prepared on 16 gauge M.S. sheet
including painting with zinc chromate stoving primer and two coats
each of white back ground,red border and backside gray stove
enamelled, bonded with cut out of Retro reflective sheet
Engineering grade, symbol / letters / numerals / border, coated
with non pealable crystal clear protective transparent coat
retaining 100% relection including one number of M.S. Angle iron
post of size 50 x 50 x 5 mm of 3.45 m. long inflated at bottom
drilled on top in one piece without joint painted with white and
black bands of 30 cm. fixing board and post with 2 Nos. high
strength G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. and 20 mm long
including all taxes, conveying, fixing in ground with cement
concrete 1:4:8 block of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm size etc. complete.
circular shape of size 60 cm. dia. M.S. sheet with Retro reflective
sheet Engineering grade

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15606 Part B-177 Providing and fixing sign boards of size 90cm having shape of an 4,539.00 per no
4 equilateral triangle made out of 14 gauge sheet with retro
reflective sheeting of Engineering Grade as per M.O.T. specification
No. 801- 3(1993) white reflective back ground, lettering symbol
bordering of black non reflective paint including M. S. angle iron
back frame of size 35 mm X 35 mm X 5 mm & M.S.angle one post
of 50mm x 50mm x 5mm size 3.45 metre long duly painted with
white and black bands including fixing M.S. angle of the boards
with galvanised nuts and bolts and washers. The Board shall be as
per IRC-67-1977 including conveying fixing in ground with C.C.
1:4:8 block of size 0.60 x 0.60 x
0.75 m, with 7 year guarantee for the sheeting etc. complete. Mild
Steel Board with Engineering Grade
15606 Part B-178 Providing and fixing road junction/information sign boards of size 14,901.00 per no
5 1.80 x 0.90 Meter Prepared 16 guageM.S.sheet on frame of
M.S.angle of size 35 x 35 x 5 mm with cross bracing of size
35x35x5 mm including painting with one coat of zinc cromate
stoving primer and two coats each of green/white back ground and
back side gray stove enamelled, bonded with red retro reflective
sheet Engineering grade, border / letters / numeral /arrows,
coated with non pealable crystal clear protective transperent coat
retaining 100% reflection including two angle iron post of size 65 x
65 x 6 mm of 3.65 m. long inflated at bottom ,drilled on top and
painted in white and black bands of 30 cm. with 4 Nos. high
strength G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. and 20 mm long.
Sheet and angle iron post in one piece without joints including all
taxes, conveying, fixing in ground with cement concrete 1:4:8
block of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm size as directed by Engineer-in-
charge etc. complete. Mild Steel Board with Engineering Grade.
15606 Part B-179 Providing and fixing road junction/ information sign boards of size 15,512.00 per no
6 1.80 x 0.90 Meter Prepared 16 guage Alluminium sheet on frame
of size 35 x 35 x 5 mm with cross bracing of size 35x35x5 mm
including bonded with IRC Specified colour of retro reflective
sheeting of Type IV High Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting
(HIP) having pressure sensitive / heat activated adhesive, IRC
Specified colour retro reflective cutout border & messages having
pressure sensitive adhesive having border & messages in IRC
Specified colour background including two angle iron post of size
65 x 65 x 6 mm of 3.65 m. long inflated at bottom drilled on top
and painted in whiteand black bands of 30 cm. with 4 Nos. high
strength G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. and 20 mm long
sheet and angle iron post in one piece without joints including all
taxes, conveying, fixing in ground with cement concrete 1:4:8

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block of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm size as directed by Engineer-in-

charge etc. complete. Alluminium sheet Type IV High Intensity
Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting.
15606 Part B-180 Providing and fixing informatory sign boards in rectangular shape 16,876.00 per no
7 of size 1.80m x 0.90m made out of 3mm aluminum composite
panel bonded with IRC Specified colour of retro reflective sheeting
of Type IV High Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting (HIP)
having pressure sensitive / heat activated adhesive, IRC Specified
colour retro reflective cutout border & messages having pressure
sensitive adhesive having border & messages in IRC Specified
colour background including M. S. angle iron frame of size 35 mm
X 35 mm X 5 mm & two M.S. angle iron post of size 65 mm X 65
mm X 6 mm, 3.65 m long, duly painted with flat oil paint having
alternate black and white bands of 25 cm width including G.I.
fixtures etc; fixing the boards in M-20 concrete block of size 60cm
X 60cm X 75cm including transportation etc; complete. Aluminum
composite panel with Type IV High Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade
15606 Part B-181 Providing and fixing road junction/ information sign boards of size 16,767.00 per no
8 1.80 x 1.20 Meter Prepared 16 guage M.S.sheet on frame of size
40x40x5 mm with cross bracing of size 35x35 x 5 mm including
painting with one coat of zinc cromate stoving primer and two
coats each of green/white back ground and back side gray stove
enamelled, bonded with red retro reflective sheet Engineering
grade, border / letters / numeral /arrows, coated with non
pealable crystal clear protective transperent coat retaining 100%
reflection includingtwo angle iron post of size 65 x 65 x 6 mm of
3.65 m. long inflated at bottom drilled on top and painted in
whiteand black bands of 30 cm. with 4 Nos. high strength G.I.
bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. and 20 mm long sheet and angle
iron post in one piece without joints including all taxes, conveying,
fixing in ground with cement concrete 1:4:8 block of 60 cm x 60
cm x 75 cm size as directed by Engineer-in- charge etc. complete.
Mild Steel Board with Engineering Grade.
15606 Part B-182 Providing and fixing road junction/ information sign boards of size 18,188.00 per no
9 1.80 x 1.20 Meter Prepared 16 guage Alluminium sheet on frame
of with angle iron frame of size40x40x5mm with cross bracing of
size 35x35x5 mm including Type IV High Intensity Micro-Prismatic
Grade Sheeting (HIP) having pressure sensitive / heat activated
adhesive, IRC Specified colour retro reflective cutout border &
messages having pressure sensitive adhesive having border &
messages in IRC Specified colour back ground including two angle
iron post of size 65 x 65 x 6 mm of 3.65 m. long inflated at bottom

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drilled on top and painted in whiteand black bands of 30 cm. with

4 Nos. high strength G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. and 20
mm long sheet and angle iron post in one piece without joints
including all taxes, conveying, fixing in ground with cement
concrete 1:4:8 block of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm size as directed by
Engineer-in- charge etc. complete. Alluminium sheet Type IV High
Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting.
15607 Part B-183 Providing and fixing informatory sign boards in square or 20,153.00 per no
0 rectangular shape of size 1.80m x1.20m made out of 3mm
Aluminum composite panel bonded with IRC Specified colour of
retro reflective sheeting of Type IV High Intensity Micro-Prismatic
Grade Sheeting (HIP) having pressure sensitive / heat activated
adhesive, IRC Specified colour retro reflective cutout border &
messages having pressure sensitive adhesive having border &
messages in IRC Specified colour background including M. S. angle
iron frame of size 35 mm X 35 mm X 5 mm & two M.S. angle iron
post of size 65 mm X 65 mm X 6 mm,
3.65 m long, duly painted with flat oil paint having alternate
black and white bands of 25 cm width including G.I. fixtures etc;
fixing the boards in M-20 concrete block of size 60cm X
60cm X 75cm including transportation etc; complete. Aluminum
composite panel with Type IV High Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade
15607 Part B-184 Providing and fixing Road junction / Information sign board of size 6,680.00 per no
1 0.90 m x 0.60 m. prepared on 16 gauge M.S. sheet with angle iron
frame of size 35x35x5 mm including painting with one coat of zinc
cromate stoving primer and two coats each of green/ white back
ground and back side gray stove enamelled, bonded with red retro
reflective sheet Engineering grade, border / letters / numeral /
arrows, coated with non pealable crystal clear protective coat
retaining 100% reflection including two angle iron post of size
50x50x5 mm of 3.65 m. long inflated at bottom drilled on top and
painted in white and black bands of 30 cm. with 4 Nos. high
strength G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. and 20 mm long
sheet and angle iron post in one piece without joints including all
taxes, conveying, fixing in ground with cement concrete 1:4:8
block of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm size as directed by
Engineer-in-charge etc. complete. Mild Steel Board with
Engineering Grade.
15607 Part B-185 Providing and fixing informatory sign boards of size 0.90 x 0.60 m 8,544.00 per no
2 made out of 14 guage Aluminum sheet bonded with IRC Specified
colour of retro reflective sheeting of Type IV High Intensity Micro-
Prismatic Grade Sheeting (HIP) having pressure sensitive / heat

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activated adhesive, IRC Specified colour retro reflective cutout

border & messages having pressure sensitive adhesive having
border & messages in IRC Specified colour background including
on frame of with angle iron frame of size 35 x 35 x 5 mm and two
M.S. angle iron post of size 65 mm X 65 mm X 6 mm, 3.65 m
long, duly painted with flat oil paint having alternate black and
white bands of 25 cm width including G.I. fixtures etc; fixing the
boards in 1:4:8 concrete block of size 60cm X 60cm X 75cm
including transportation etc; complete. Alluminium sheet Type IV
High Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting
15607 Part B-186 Providing and fixing sign boards of size size 60 x 80 cm made out 6,162.00 per no
3 of 14 gauge M.S.Sheet with retro reflective sheeting of Engineering
Grade as per M.O.T. specification No. 801-3(1993) white reflective
back ground, lettering symbol bordering of black non reflective
paint including 3.65 metre long M.S.angle one post of 65 x 65 x 6
mm size duly painted with white and black bands including fixing
the boards of M.S. angle with galvanised nuts and bolts and
washer. The Board shall be as per IRC-67-1977 including
conveying fixing in ground with C.C. 1:4:8 block of size 0.60 x
0.60 x 0.75 m, with 7 year guarantee for the sheeting etc.
complete. Mild Steel Board with Engineering Grade.
15607 Part B-187 Providing and fixing informatory sign boards of size 60 cm x 80 6,641.00 per no
4 cm made out of 14 guage Aluminum sheet bonded with IRC
Specified colour of retro reflective sheeting of Type IV High
Intensity Micro- Prismatic Grade Sheeting (HIP) having pressure
sensitive / heat activated adhesive, IRC Specified colour retro
reflective cutout border & messages having pressure sensitive
adhesive having border & messages in IRC Specified colour
background including M.S. angle iron post of size 65 mm X 65
mm X 6 mm, 3.65 m long, duly painted with flat oil paint having
alternate black and white bands of 25 cm width including G.I.
fixtures etc; fixing the boards in 1:4:8 concrete block of size 60cm
X 60cm X 75cm including transportation etc; complete. Alluminium
sheet Type IV High Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting
15607 Part B-188 Providing and fixing N.H./ S.H. Route Marker size 60 cm x 45 cm 3,739.00 per no
5 with one No. direction plate of size 30 cm x 25 cm prepared on 16
guage Alluminium sheet including Type IV High Intensity
Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting (HIP) having pressure sensitive /
heat activated adhesive, IRC Specified colour retro reflective
cutout border & messages having pressure sensitive adhesive
having border & messages in IRC Specified colour background,
including one number of
M.S. Angle iron post of size 50 x 50 x 5 mm of 3.65 m. long

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inflated at bottom drilled on top in one piece without joint painted

with white and black bands of 30 cm. fixing board and post with 4
Nos. of high strength G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. and 20
mm long including all taxes, conveying, fixing in ground with
cement concrete 1:4:8 block of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm size as
directed by Engineer-in- charge etc. complete. Alluminium sheet
Type IV High Intensity Micro- Prismatic Grade Sheeting
15607 Part B-189 Providing and fixing Road junction / Information sign board of size 12,441.00 per no
6 1.20 m x 0.90 m. prepared on 16 gauge M.S. sheet with angle iron
frame of size 35 x 35 x 5 mm with cross bracing of size 35 x 35 x
5 mm including painting with one coat of zinc cromate stoving
primer and two coats each of green/white back ground and back
side gray stove enamelled, bonded with red retro reflective sheet
Engineering grade, border / letters / numeral /arrows, coated with
non pealable crystal clear protective transperent coat retaining
100% reflection includingtwo angle iron post of size 65 x 65x 6
mm of 3.65 m. long inflated at bottom drilled on top and painted
in whiteand black bands of 30 cm. with 4 Nos. high strength G.I.
bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. and 20 mm long sheet and angle
iron post in one piece without joints including all taxes, conveying,
fixing in ground with M-20 cement concrete of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75
cm size as directed by Engineer-in- charge etc. complete. Mild
Steel sheet with Engineering grade.
15607 Part B-190 Providing and fixing informatory sign boards in square or 44,121.00 per no
7 rectangular shape of any size for overhead gantries or alike made
out of 3mm aluminum composite panel bonded with IRC Specified
colour of retro reflective sheeting of Type XI Diamond Grade
Sheeting (DG3) With ECF( Electronic Cutable Film) Lettring having
pressure sensitive / heat activated adhesive, IRC Specified colour
retro reflective cutout border & messages having pressure
sensitive adhesive having border & messages in IRC Specified
colour background including M. S. angle iron frame and bracing of
size 35 mm X 35 mm X 5 mm and duly painted with flat oil paint
including G.I. fixtures etc. and fixing the boards. (The work to be
executed with prior approval of Superintending Engineer.)
15607 Part B-191 Providing and casting in situ or precast tapering R.C.C. M-20 424.00 Rmt
8 Barrier type Kerb without gutter ( as per IRC 86 1983) embedded
125mm below ground level over M-10 PCC finished neatly with
C.M. 1:2, setting the same in C.M. 1:2, including the required
excavation in any strata and removing the excavated stuff any
where in city and redoing the surface as specified and directed by
Engineering In-charge. Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant

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15607 Part B-192 Providing and casting in situ or precast tapering R.C.C. M-20 Semi 395.00 Rmt
9 Barrier type Kerb without gutter ( as per IRC 86 1983) embedded
125mm below ground level over M-10 PCC finished neatly with
C.M. 1:2, setting the same in C.M. 1:2, including the required
excavation in any strata and removing the excavated stuff any
where in city and redoing the surface as specified and directed by
Engineering In-charge. Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant
15608 Part B-193 Providing and casting in situ or precast tapering R.C.C. M-20 371.00 Rmt
0 Mountable type Kerb without gutter ( as per IRC 86 1983)
embedded 125mm below ground level over M-10 PCC finished
neatly with C.M. 1:2, setting the same in C.M. 1:2, including the
required excavation in any strata and removing the excavated stuff
any where in city and redoing the surface as specified and directed
by Engineering In-charge. Using Concrete Batching and Mixing
15608 Part B-194 Providing and casting in situ or precast tapering R.C.C. M-20 702.00 Rmt
1 Barrier type Kerb with gutter ( as per IRC 86 1983) embedded
125mm below ground level over M-10 PCC finished neatly with
C.M. 1:2, setting the same in C.M. 1:2, including the required
excavation in any strata and removing the excavated stuff any
where in city and redoing the surface as specified and directed by
Engineering In-charge. Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant
15608 Part B-195 Providing and casting in situ or precast tapering R.C.C. M-20 Semi 658.00 Rmt
2 Barrier type Kerb with gutter ( as per IRC 86 1983) embedded
125mm below ground level over M-10 PCC finished neatly with
C.M. 1:2, setting the same in C.M. 1:2, including the required
excavation in any strata and removing the excavated stuff any
where in city and redoing the surface as specified and directed by
Engineering In-charge. Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant
15608 Part B-196 Providing and casting in situ or precast tapering R.C.C. M-20 634.00 Rmt
3 Mountable type Kerb with gutter ( as per IRC 86 1983) embedded
125mm below ground level over M-10 PCC finished neatly with
C.M. 1:2, setting the same in C.M. 1:2, including the required
excavation in any strata and removing the excavated stuff any
where in city and redoing the surface as specified and directed by
Engineering In-charge. Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant
15608 Part B-197 Providing and fixing in position Guard Railing as per Drg. No. 15 2,261.00 Rmt
4 Type C dt. 20-4-79, with 3 rows of 50mm dia. G.I. pipe 30cm a
part and fixed in M.S. channels of section 125 x 65 x 6 mm spaced
2.5 C/c 1:2:4 c.c. bedding of size 45 x 30cm. as per detailed
drawing, with 3 coats of approved yellow and black paint including
necessary excavation in any strata.
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15608 Part B-198 Providing and fixing in position Guard Railing as per Drg. No. 15 1,922.00 Rmt
5 Type C dt. 20-4-79, with 3 rows of 40mm dia. G.I. pipe 30cm a
part and fixed in M.S. channels of section 100 x 50 x 6 mm spaced
2.5 C/c 1:2:4 c.c. bedding of size 45 x 30 x 30cm. as per detailed
drawing, with 3 coats of approved of yellow and black paint
including necessary excavation in any strata.
15608 Part B-199 Providing and fixing Guard Railing of 1000mm height as per Type 1,651.00 Rmt
6 D Drg. No. 15 dt. 20-4-79, and fixed in 40 x 40 x 6mm iron, angle
embedded in 1:2:4 cement concrete bedding patti as per detailed
drawing, with 3 coats of approved of yellow and black paint.
15608 Part B-200 Providing and fixing Guard Railing of 1000 mm height in 25mm 2,076.00 Rmt
7 M.S. square bars 100 mm C/c. as per Type drawing No. 6 dt. 20-8-
85 and fixed in 50mm x 50mm x 6mm iron angle embedded in
1:2:4 C.C. bedding 55 x 45 cm and 50 x 6 iron patti as per
detailed drawing with 3 coats of approved yellow and black paint.
15608 Part B-201 Design of overlay for existing B.T. surface with carrying out testing 6,697.00 KM
8 by Benkelman Beam method as per guide lines in IRC 81:1997
including design and testing at site. The charges for transportation
of Benkelman Beam, loaded truck, labour for testing and traffic
control are not included.
15608 Part B-202 Carrying out roughness index / road unevenness test with car 607.00 KM
9 mounted / jeep towed ARUR machine (Automatic road unevenness
Recorder) Calibrated from C.R.R.I. New Delhi (Central Road
Research Institute) or any other equivalent authority including
taking observations, feeding data and giving computerized test
result including hire charges of all machinery and labour
completed. i) Road surface single lane (B.TW,B.M.) 3.75 m Width.
15609 Part B-203 Carrying out roughness index / road unevenness test with car 1,205.00 KM
0 mounted / jeep towed ARUR machine (Automatic road unevenness
Recorder) Calibrated from C.R.R.I. New Delhi (Central Road
Research Institute) or any other equivalent authority including
taking observations, feeding data and giving computerized test
result including hire charges of all machinery and labour
completed. i) Road surface single lane (B.TW,B.M.) 5.5 m to 7.00
m. Width.
15609 Part B-204 Carrying out roughness index / road unevenness test with car 603.00 KM
1 mounted / jeep towed ARUR machine (Automatic road unevenness
Recorder) Calibrated from C.R.R.I. New Delhi (Central Road
Research Institute) or any other equivalent authority including
taking observations, feeding data and giving computerized test
result including hire charges of all machinery and labour

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completed. i) Road surface single lane (B.TW,B.M.) Each additional

lane Width.
15609 Part B-205 Dead Journey charges for Transportation of machine/ vehical for 15.00 KM
2 Carrying out roughness index / road unevenness test with car
mounted / jeep towed ARUR machine (Automatic road unevenness
Recorder) Calibrated from C.R.R.I. New Delhi (Central Road
Research Institute) or any other equivalent authority including
taking observations, feeding data and giving computerized test
result including hire charges of all machinery and labour
completed. Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer in charge.
15609 Part B-206 Providing and laying a woven Polypropylene Geotextile of Type-I 134.00 Sq.m
3 manufactured from black UV stabilised Polypropylene Tape yarn on
the prepared subgrade as the separator cum reinforcement with
necessary overlap as per drawing.( For use this item SE/CE
permission is obligatory.)
15609 Part B-207 Providing and laying a woven Polypropylene Geotextile of Type-II 134.00 Sq.m
4 manufactured from black UV stabilised Polypropylene Tape yarn on
the prepared subgrade as the separator cum reinforcement with
necessary overlap as per drawing.( For use this item SE/CE
permission is obligatory.)
15609 Part B-208 Providing and laying a woven Polypropylene Geotextile of Type-III 134.00 Sq.m
5 manufactured from black UV stabilised Polypropylene Tape yarn on
the prepared subgrade as the separator cum reinforcement with
necessary overlap as per drawing. ( For use this item SE/CE
permission is obligatory.)
15609 Part B-209 Providing and laying a fibre glass geogrid of Tensile strength 50 139.00 Sq.m
6 kN/m manufactured from high quality glass fibre strands and
coated with a polymer modified bitumen as reinforcement to
Asphalt overlay flexible pavements and Asphalt over distressed
rigid P.C.C.
15609 Part B-210 Providing and laying a fibre glass geogrid of Tensile strength 100 225.00 Sq.m
7 kN/m manufactured from high quality glass fibre strands and
coated with a polymer modified bitumen as reinforcement to
Asphalt overlay flexible pavements and Asphalt over distressed
rigid P.C.C.
15609 Part B-211 Providing and Constructing gabion structure 1 Meter high or 2,864.00 Cu.M
8 required section made up of soft mechanically woven hexagonal
shaped G.I. wire confirming to IS 16014:2012 having zinc plus
PVC coating of overall diameter of 3.7 mm and tying lacing wire of
3.2 mm with edge wire confirming to overall diameter 4.4 mm
edges being mechanically selvedge including placing in position,

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fitting neatly with trap stone rubble (15 to 23 cm) all loose ends to
be securely tied (Excluding transportation) etc. complete. ( In Dry
condition and for under water installation extra cost to be
15609 Part B-212 Providing and Constructing gabion structure 0.50 Meter high or 2,857.00 Cu.M
9 required section made up of soft mechanically woven hexagonal
shaped G.I. wire confirming to IS 16014:2012 having zinc plus
PVC coating of overall diameter of 3.7 mm and tying lacing wire of
3.2 mm with edge wire confirming to overall diameter 4.4 mm
edges being mechanically selvedge including placing in position,
fitting neatly with trap stone rubble (15 to 23 cm) all loose ends to
be securely tied (Excluding transportation) etc. complete.( In Dry
condition and for under water installation extra cost to be
15610 Part B-213 Providing and laying Needle Punched and mechanically bonded non 131.00 Sq.m
0 woven Geotextile of Type III indigenously manufactured from high
quality Propylene staple fibers (continuous filament will not be
accepted) on the prepared subgrade for Seperation.( For use this
item SE/CE permission is obligatory.)
15610 Part B-214 Providing and laying Needle Punched and mechanically bonded non 131.00 Sq.m
1 woven Geotextile of Type II indigenously manufactured from high
quality Propylene staple fibers (continuous filament will not be
accepted) on the prepared subgrade for Seperation.( For use this
item SE/CE permission is obligatory.)
15610 Part B-215 Removal of telephone / Electric poles including excavation and 281.00 per no
2 dismantling of foundation concrete and lines under the supervision
of concerned department, disposal with all lifts and up to a lead of
1000 metres and stacking the serviceable and unserviceable
material separately
15610 Part B-216 Footpaths and Separators -- Construction of footpath/separator by 778.00 Sq.m
3 providing a 150 mm compacted granular sub base as per clause
401 and 25 mm thick cement concrete grade M15, over laid with
pre-cast concrete tiles in cement mortar 1:3 including provision of
all drainage arrangements but excluding kerb channel.
15610 Part B-217 Metal Beam Crash Barrier -- Type - B, THRIE : Metal Beam Crash 4,729.00 Rmt
4 Barrier (Providing and erecting a Thrie metal beam crash barrier
comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 85 cm
above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical
post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 2 m high with
1.15 m below ground level, all steel parts and fitments to be
galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367
and IS:1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with
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a space of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 546 mm long

complete as per clause 810)""
15610 Part B-218 Flexible Crash Barrier, Wire Rope Safety Barrier (Providing and 2,024.00 Rmt
5 erecting a wire rope safety barrier with vertical posts of medium
weight RS Joist (ISMB series) 100 mm x 75 mm (11.50 kg/m),
1.50 m long 0.85 m above ground and 0.65 m below ground level,
split at the bottom for better grip, embedded in M 15 grade
cement concrete 450 x 450 x 450 mm, 1.50 m center to center
and with 4 horizontal steel wire rope 40 mm dia and anchored at
terminal posts 15 m apart.
Terminal post to be embedded in M 15 grade cement concrete
foundation 2400 x 450 x 900 mm (depth), strengthened by a strut
of RS joist 100 x 75 mm, 2 m long at 450 inclination and a tie 100
x 8 mm, 1.50 m long at the bottom, all embedded in foundation
concrete as per approved design and drawing, rate excluding
excavation and cement concrete.)
15610 Part B-219 Anti - Glare Screen with 25 mm steel pipe framework fixed with 1,509.00 Rmt
6 circular and rectangular vans (Providing and erecting an anti -
glare screen with 25 mm dia vertical pipes fabricated and framed
in the form of panels of one metre length and 1.75 mtr height
fixed with circular vane 250 mm dia at top and rectangular vane
600 x 300 mm at the middle, made out of steel sheet of 3 mm
thickness, end vertical pipes of the panel made larger for
embedding in foundation concrete, applying 2 coats of paint on all
exposed surfaces, all as per approved design and drawings.)
15610 Part B-220 Anti - Glare Screen with Rectangular Vane of MS sheet (Providing 912.00 Rmt
7 and erecting anti - glare screen with rectangular vanes of size 750
x 500 mm made from MS sheet, 3 mm thick and fixed on MS angle
50 x 50 x 6 mm at an angle of 450 to the direction of flow of
traffic, 1.5 m center to center, top edge of the screen 1.75 m
above ground level, vertical post firmly embedded in cement
concrete foundation 0.60 m below ground level, applying 2 coats
of paint on exposed faces, all complete as per approved design
and drawings)
15610 Part B-221 Providing Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of 3,086.00 Rmt
8 the road, approaches to bridge structures and medians,
constructed with R.C.C. M 20 Grade concrete with HYSD
reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia,
450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt
filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built and installed
as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH -
33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the
approved drawing and at locations directed by the Engineer, all as

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specified etc. complete. Spec: MORT and H 2013 Cl 811 Page No

15610 Part B-222 Providing Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of 3,207.00 Rmt
9 the road, approaches to bridge structures and medians,
constructed with R.C.C. M 25 Grade concrete with HYSD
reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia,
450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt
filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built and installed
as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH -
33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the
approved drawing and at locations directed by the Engineer, all as
specified etc. complete. Spec: MORT and H 2013 Cl 811 Page No
15611 Part B-223 Providing Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of 3,222.00 Rmt
0 the road, approaches to bridge structures and medians,
constructed with R.C.C. M 30 Grade concrete with HYSD
reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia,
450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt
filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built and installed
as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH -
33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the
approved drawing and at locations directed by the Engineer, all as
specified etc. complete. Spec: MORT and H 2013 Cl 811 Page No
15611 Part B-224 Labour for filling pot holes with premix asphalt chips, cleaning the 56.00 Sq.m
1 road surface with wire brushes and gunny bags, applying tack
coat, spreading mixture hand ramming or light compaction with
power roller conveying material to the site of work (excluding cost
and of material fuel and heating asphalt) etc complete.
15611 Part B-225 Labour for metal patch repairs including preparing surface, adding 69.00 Sq.m
2 required quantity of metal, murum, watering, ramming etc
complete. Spec.No.: As directed by Engineer- in-charge.
(excluding cost and of material )
15611 Part B-226 Restoration of rain cuts with soil, murum gravel or a mixture of 145.00 Cu.M
3 these, clearing the loose soil, benching for 300mm width laying
fresh material in layers not exceeding 250 mm and compaction
with plate compactor or power rammer to restore the original
alignment, level and slopes as per drawings and MORTH
specification clause 3002
15611 Part B-227 Making up loss of material/irregularities on shoulders to the design 41.00 Sq.m
4 level by adding fresh approved selected soil and compacting it with
appropriate equipment at OMC as per MORTH specification clause
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15611 Part B-228 Stripping excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the 17.00 Sq.m
5 approved level and compacting with plate compactor at OMC as
per drawings as per MORTH specification clause 3003
15611 Part B-229 Repair to pot holes by removal of failed material, trimming the 5,981.00 Cu.M
6 sides to vertical and levelling the bottom, cleaning the same with
compressed air or any appropriate method filled with 75mm B.M,
applying bitumen tack coat at the bottom and vertical sides as per
as per MORTH specification clause 3004.1 and 3004.2
15611 Part B-230 Patch repair on already filled pot holes with 20 mm premix carpet 209.00 Sq.m
7 and seal coat as per MORTH specification clause 3004.1 and
15611 Part B-231 Repair to pot holes and removal of loose material, trimming of 290.00 Sq.m
8 sides, cleaning of surface by providing tack coat, 20 mm thick
pre-mix carpet and seal coat as per MORTH specification clause
3004.1 and 3004.2
15611 Part B-232 Maintenance of gravel road including making up the loss of profile, 75.00 Sq.m
9 rectifying corrugated surface, filling up of depressions, pot holes
and erosion gullies by adding fresh material and compacting it with
appropriate equipment or to strip excess of material from the
road surface as per drawings etc complete
15612 Part B-233 Providing pick and roll surface by picking the old WBM surface to 87.00 Sq.m
0 the required standard, adding 30% of 40mm size metal and
required quantity of murum including laying sectioning, watering,
compacting with static roller with thin layer of murum blindage on
carrageway, watering and compacting by static roller, including
cost of all materials, loading, unloading, stacking and labour etc.
complete. Spec.No. : As directed by Engineer- in-charge.
15612 Part B-234 Maintenance of WBM road including filling up of pot holes, ruts and 175.00 Sq.m
1 rectifying corrugated surface, damaged edges and ravelling etc.
15612 Part B-235 The maintenance of drains include erosion, repair, clearing, 14.00 Rmt
2 cleaning, reshaping, regrading, deepening of side drains as well as
catch water drains etc. complete
15612 Part B-236 Maintenance of Hume pipe Culvert by way of Clearing, Cleaning, 1,961.00 per no
3 Erosion repair, repairs to cracks, parapet wall and protection work
as per drawing etc. complete
15612 Part B-237 Maintenance of road signs by way of cleaning and repainting of 3,755.00 KM
4 mandatory / requlatory / cautionary / informatory and place
identifications sign board as per drawings etc. complete
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15612 Part B-238 Maintenance of Kilometer stones, and 200 metre by way of refiting 839.00 KM
5 of tilted stones repairing with cement mortar, cleaning, repairing
and lettering on 200 metre km stone and 5th km stone etc.
15612 Part B-239 Cutting of branches of trees and shrubs from the road way or with 200.00 per no
6 in R.O.W including disposal of wood and leaves to suitable location
etc. complete
15612 Part B-240 Trimming of grass, shurbs and weeds from the shoulders/berms 6.00 Sq.m
7 and disposing off the same to suitable locations etc. complete
15612 Part B-241 Maintenance of guard stones/ boundry stones/ indicator stones by 782.00 KM
8 way of refiting of tilted stones repairing with cement mortar,
cleaning, repairing and white washing etc. complete
15612 Part B-242 Repair of steel railing to bring it to original shape cleaning and 312.00 Rmt
9 repainting as per drawing etc. complete
15613 Part B-243 Repair of RCC railing to bring it to the original shape, cleaning and 536.00 Rmt
0 repainting as per drawings etc. complete
15613 Part B-244 Removal of steel railing and refixing of railing to submersible 387.00 Rmt
1 bridges including cleaning and repainting etc complete
15613 Part B-245 White washing two coats on parapet walls and white washing and 20.00 Sq.m
2 geru lime painting to tree trunks including preparation of surface
by cleaning scraping etc. complete
15613 Part B-246 Dressing of side shoulder / Scrapping the road side shoulder by 5.00 Sq.m
3 Mechanical means ( By JCB /DOUZER) including excavation of
raised side shoulders upto 15cm depth including
remooving /cutting bushes,grass and dressing shoulder to desired
camber and disposing of excavated stuff up to road boundary etc
complete. as directed by Engineer In Charge.
15613 Part B-247 Providing and Laying Pressure Sensitive Technology ( PST ) based 959.00 Sq.m
4 Insstapattch ready mix compound for repair potholes,
manufactured from aggregates of 4-12 mm, treated with special
grade bitumen, Pressure Sensitive Polymer( PSP) and Cross
Linking Chemical (CLC) agents etc, technically evaluated for
repairs on bitumenous/concrete surfaces, confirming to CRRI and
IRC accreduted norms for pressure sensitive polymer products for
repairs of Potholes on road/ Pavements, havinfg upto 25mm thick
insstapattch layer on base of compacted aggregates ( Crusher
Brocken ) of 50mm thickness including labours, material, tools and
tampering etc complete.

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15613 Part B-248 Providing, laying and rolling Micro seal surfacing ( 10 mm thick ) 102.00 Sq.m
5 for preventive maintainance including supplying all materials ,
preparing the existing road surface , heating bitumen ,
aggregates , lime in hot mix plant , laying the mix seal surfacing
by paver finisher and compaction by power roller etc complete.
( Using 60/70 bulk bitumen for mixing and tack coat over black
topped surface by using 0.14 Cum per 10 Sqm. of crusher
aggregate passing 100 % through 6.30 mm sieve and retained100
% on 0.075 mm size sieve 0.2 Kg / Sqm lime and 11.00 kg / 10
Sqm bulk bitumen for fixing and 0.50 kg / Sqm for tack coat )
Spec: As directed by Engineer In Charge and IRC SP 78 - 2008
15613 Part B-249 Providing, laying and rolling Micro seal surfacing ( 10 mm thick ) 98.00 Sq.m
6 for preventive maintainance including supplying all materials ,
preparing the existing road surface , heating bitumen ,
aggregates , lime in hot mix plant , laying the mix seal surfacing
by paver finisher and compaction by power roller etc complete.
( Using 60/70 bulk bitumen for mixing and tack coat over black
topped surface by using 0.14 Cum per 10 Sqm. of crusher
aggregate passing 100 % through 9.50 mm sieve and retained100
% on 0.075 mm size sieve 0.2 Kg / Sqm lime and 9.50 kg / 10
Sqm bulk bitumen for fixing and 0.50 kg / Sqm for tack coat )
Spec: As directed by Engineer In Charge and IRC SP 78 -2008
15613 Part B-250 Providing and laying shoulder drain of trap rubble of 0.45 x 0.45 248.00 Rmt
7 meter section at 45 degree angle to the road edge including hand
packing, filling voids with sand/shingle of approved quality and
ramming etc. complete as desired.
15613 Part B-251 Providing and laying Pressure Sensitive Technology ( PST ) based 2,036.00 Sq.m
8 ready mix compound for repairing potholes, manufactured from
aggregates of 4-12mm, treated compound having mix of
bituminous antistriping compound, stabilizer, Pressure Sensitive
Polymer and water repellent compound like oil soluble polyacid etc.
having good consistency for laying, technically evaluated for
repairs on bituminous/concrete surface confirming to CRRI and IRC
accrediated norms for pressure sensitive polymer products for
repairs fo potholes on road/ pavement having upto 25mm thick
ready thickness including labours, material, tools and tampering
etc. complete. (Undertaking shall be taken from the supplier
before starting the work) (For heavy traffic & heavy rain with 1
year guarantee)
15613 Part B-252 Supply of self watering system Multi Stage Tree guard / Protctor 1,193.00 per no
9 110 mm dia & total height of 1800 mm made up with HDPE. In
tubular section, first stage will be 600mm long & second and forth

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stage 65% perforated casting in HDPE tubular section of 300mm

long each tubular section & third and fifth stage of plain 300mm
long each tubular section in 110mm dia. all sections fix with
stagewise with leakproof fixing arrangement 2 no tubular rubber
section of 75mm dia, 1.5mm thick & length 350 mm (fix on both
65% perforated tubular section at top for increase the water
holding capacity as per plant height). The specially designed
rubber water holding device of size 90mm dia outerside & 12mm
dia innerside of 1.5mm thick as per design fix on 40mm dia.
100mm long pvc pipe seperately.(for inserting the plants). 2 nos
40mm dia. treated bamboo of 2.00 mtr. height (buried 150 mm
below the bottom of excavated pit & stand with tubular section) 2
nos rubber/pvc ties ( fix at bottom & top of plain tubular section
with bamboo) 2 nos 5mm dia. fromate (fixing at bottom o tubular
section for deep root irrigation system) 2 nos 600mm long HDPE
lateral pipe of 5mm dia. with deep roor irrigation system (insert in
the gromate & pit, away form 200 mm from plant roots). 1200 mm
long barbed wire of 14 guage (The treeguard is rapping with 1200
mm long barbed wire over third plain tubular section for protection
against cattles & other external factors) as per technical
specification & manual. ( Cost of Plant & fixing charges will be
extra as per approved rates). (Note :- Plant Height should be
required above 2.50 m & Dia of stem 25 mm at bottom)
15614 Part B-253 Supply of self watering system tree guard in 110 mm dia, 1.80 mt 901.00 per no
0 height made up of cotton canvas cloth of polymer pipe of 15 litres
water storage capacity stand with 2 nos. 40 mm dia treated
bamboo of 2 mt ht. tie with tag at two nos and specially designed
dexpandable rubber seal 110 mm dia outer & 25 mm dia. inner dia
installed on bottom of pipe, and 0.60 m long HDPE lateral pipe 2
nos 5mm dia to carry the water near root zone connected with
gromate fix in treeguard and rapping 1.20m long barbed wire to
middle of treeguard for protection agianst cattles and other
external factors as per specification. ( cost of plant & fixing
charges will be extra as per approved rates). (Note :- Plant height
should be required above 2.50 m & Dia of stem 25 mm at bottom )
15614 Part B-254 Fixing and Transporting of self watering system tree 97.00 per no
1 guard-insertion of sapling in self watering tree guard and capping
the bottom with expandable rubber seal. Supporting the bamboo
with the help of cable tie. Bamboo to be buried 0.15 mt ht. below
of excavated pit.
Strengthening the bamboo in pit with adequate measures.
Circulating the barbed wire around tree guard at middle ht. from
bottom and fixing it. Thr rates excluding the cost of barbed wire,
bamboo, expandable seal, tree guard and all other required

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material. Fixing to be carried out as per manual instruction.

15614 Part B-255 Providing 50 mm thick Full grout bituminous treatment including 462.00 Sq.m
2 supplying all materials , prepairing the exisisting road
surface,applying tack coat @ 0.735 kg / sqm and laying the
required thickness of metal layer, heating and spraying bitumen of
specified Grade at the rate of
5.00 kg / sqm , spreading chips and laying seal coat of specified
Grade of bitumen of 1.70 Kg/sqm and compacting , making the
surface good etc. complete ( For only Patch Repair works / For
Road work )
(VG-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates)
15614 Part B-256 Providing and constructing 75 mm. thick Modified Penetraction 217.00 Sq.m
3 Macadam (MPM) road surface including all materials, preparing
the existing road surface, spreading 40 mm. stone layers metal
30% crusher broken metal + 70% Hand broken metal (By
breaking Rubble obtained by blasting) , heating and spraying the
bitumen of VG-30 grade @ 2 kg / sqm , spreading 12mm.size
chips compacting with three wheel static roller having weight 8 to
10 MT. to achive the desired degree of compaction as per Technical
Specification Clause 506 etc.complete, including applying tack coat
of VG 10 grade bitumen at the rate of 0.30 Kg Sqm. on existing
bitumen surface. ( For Repair works only)
15614 Part B-257 Providing and constructing 50 mm. thick Modified Penetration 173.00 Sq.m
4 Macadam (MPM) road surface including all materials, preparing the
existing road surface, spreading 40mm. stone layers metal 30%
crusher broken metal + 70% Hand broken metal (By breaking
Rubble obtained by blasting) , heating and spraying the bitumen of
VG-30 @ 1.75 kg / sqm, spreading 12mm.size chips compacting
with Static roller having weight 8 to 10 MT. to achive the desired
degree of compaction as per Technical Specification Clause 506
etc.complete, including applying tack coat at the rate of 0.30 Kg
Sqm.( for repair works only)

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Chapter Name Testing Charges

Rate In (Rs)
Item Description Rate Unit


15614 Part C-1-1 Standard Consistency Fineness, Specific Gravity, Setting 3,465.00 Per Test
7 Time( Initial & Final ), Compressive Strength, Soundness
15614 Part C-2-1 Water Absorption, Specific Gravity, Impact Value /Crushing Value. 2,415.00 Per Test
15614 Part C-2-2 Sieve Analysis. 630.00 Per Test
15615 Part C-2-3 Abrasion Value 1,103.00 Per Test
15615 Part C-2-4 Flakiness Index & Elongation Index. 788.00 Per Test
15615 Part C-2-5 Stripping Value. (for Bituminous Work) 693.00 Per Test
15615 Part C-2-6 Soundness 2,310.00 Per Test
15615 Part C-2-7 FINE AGGREGATES. Fineness Modulus ( Sieve Analysis ),Silt & Clay 1,260.00 Per Test
4 Content
15615 Part C-3-1 BRICKS Water Absorption (Set of 5 Bricks), Compressive 1,995.00 Per Test
5 Strength( Set of 5 Bricks), Efflorescence (Set of 5 Bricks).
15615 Part C-3-2 Determination of Impact Resistance. 630.00 Per Test
15615 Part C-4-1 Compressive Strength OF C.C. Cube(Set of 3 cubes). 630.00 Per Test
15615 Part C-4-2 Flexural strength of Beam. 683.00 Per Test
15615 Part C-4-3 Concrete mix design (With all test on basic material) 12,705.00 Per Test
15616 Part C-4-4 Permiability test 1,418.00 Per Test

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15616 Part C-5-1 Compressive Strength , Water Absorption,(Set of 8 Blocks) 2,310.00 Per Test
15616 Part C-6-1 Compressive Strength.( Set of 3 Cubes) 630.00 Per Test
15616 Part C-7-1 Crushing Value/Compressive Strength, Water Absorption & Specific 1,838.00 Per Test
3 Gravity,
15616 Part C-8-1 Sieve Analysis. 630.00 Per Test
15616 Part C-8-2 Liquid limit & plastic Limit. 1,050.00 Per Test
15616 Part C-8-3 Compaction Test ( Proctor Density ). 1,733.00 Per Test
15616 Part C-8-4 C.B.R. Test ( Lab ) With compaction test. 6,353.00 Per Test
15616 Part C-8-5 Free Swell Test for Soil. 840.00 Per Test
15616 Part C-9-1 Penetration, Softening Point, Flash & Fire Point, Specific Gravity 2,888.00 Per Test
15617 Part C-9-2 Viscosity. 1,785.00 Per Test
15617 Part C-9-3 Ductility / Elastic Recovery 840.00 Per Test
15617 Part C-9-4 Extraction Test. 1,470.00 Per Test
15617 Part C-9-5 Sieve Analysis of Bituminous mix (2 samples of extraction 3,623.00 Per Test
3 for one sieve analysis including extraction)
15617 Part C-9-6 Marshall Stability & Flow measurement. 1,050.00 Per Test
15617 Part C-9-7 Job mix design with all tests on aggregate (Excl. Bitumen) 15,015.00 Per Test

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15617 Part C-9-8 CBR Test (Field determination test) Excluding transportation as per 2,415.00 Per Test
6 IS:2720 Part XXXI
15617 Part C-9-9 Density of Bituminous Core. 578.00 Per Test
15617 Part C-10-1 Density Test . (Set of 3 Blocks ),Compressive Strength. (Set of 8 1,838.00 Per Test
8 Blocks ), Water Absorption Test .( Set of 3 Blocks )
Part C-11 TESTING OF STEEL BAR (Tensile strength, %, Elongation, Yield
Stress, Weight-Per Meter, Bend / Rebend Test, Proof Stress.)
15617 Part C-11-1 Up to 16 mm (Set of 3 Bars) 1,155.00 Per Test
15618 Part C-11-2 Above 16 mm (Set of 3 Bars) 1,470.00 Per Test

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Chapter Name Taxes

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Item Description Rate Unit

15618 Part D-1 Royalty charges 141.34 Cu.M

15618 Part D-2 Goods and Service Tax 0.12 Percent
2 age

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