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International Conference on Education, Economic, and Technology Information


Research Resiliencein the Post Covid-19 World

27-28 July, 2022


Riza Khofifah


Department of English Education

Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi


International Conference on Education, Economic, and Technology Information 2022

Research Resiliencein the Post Covid-19 World

27-28 July 2022

Keynote Speakers:

Day 1, Dato’ Prof. Dr. Sudin Haron (Kuala Lumpur Business School) , Prof. Dr. Sukree
Langputeh, Ph.D (Fatoni University, Thailand), Prof. Dr. Janos Josza (Budapest
University of Tehnology & Economic)

MC: Dr. Sri Watini, M.Pd

Day 2, Anshori Budiono, Nur Ajizah, Anggraini Siahaan, Leroy Holman Siahaan, Erna

MC: Joni Tesmanto, S.Sos., M.M

International Conference on Education, Economic, and Technology Information

2022 with theme Research Resiliencein the Post Covid-19 World diadakan secara
online dengan platform zoom pada hari Rabu – Kamis, 27-28 July 2022 pukul 9 a.m
sampai selesai. Materi di bawakan oleh pembicara yang kompeten di bidangnya yakni
Dato’ Prof. Dr. Sudin Haron (Kuala Lumpur Business School) , Prof. Dr. Sukree
Langputeh, Ph.D (Fatoni University, Thailand), Prof. Dr. Janos Josza (Budapest
University of Tehnology & Economic), Anshori Budiono, Nur Ajizah, Anggraini
Siahaan, Leroy Holman Siahaan, Erna Budiarti. Seminar ini diikuti oleh mahasiswa
Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi serta STIMA IMMI Jakarta.
Day 1


New Scenario Caused by Covid-19

Keynote speaker: Dato’ Prof. Dr. Sudin Haron

Chairman/President Kuala Lumpur Business School

Dato' Prof. Dr Sudin Haron started the material by conveying the state of the world
before the outbreak of covid-19. He explained that before Covid-19, everything
happened as usual, such as:

 Life
 Business
 Education
 Travel
 Death and Sickness
 Politic
 War
 Conflict

The things above normally run without any significant changes. In addition, the
difference in the industrial revolution from 4.0 to 5.0 also has a considerable.

.The impact of RI 4.0 to the world, they are; 1) the speed of current breaktrhoughs
has no historical precedent, it means in recent times, everything changes in speef of
light. 2)The possibilities of billions of people connected by mobile devices, with
unprecedented processing power, storage capacity, and acces to knowledge, are

The impact RI 4.0 toward goverment, IR 4.0 will provide many new platformwhich
can used by citizens to engange with goverment.similiarly, goverment will gain new
technological powers to increase their control over populations. Howefer, goverment
will face pressure to change their current approach to public engagement and

As for people, IR 4.0 finally will change not only what we do but also whowe are.
It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it.

As for university, we recognize that “innovation” is the key word describing the
main element in IR 4.0. Therefore, every component in higher institution should ready
to play a new and bigger role this new era of the world. Based on the trends so far,
researchers predict that IR 4.0 will necessitate profound changes in major aspects of
education: content, delivery/pedagogy, and structure / management of education.

The spread of COVID-19 exacerbated the changes caused by IR 4.0. As we know,

covid-19 was first discovered in Wuhan, China, in 2019. The uncontrolled spread of
covid-19 has caused enormous changes to the world. Some of the impacts caused by
COVID-19 include:

1. Many business are closing down and unemployment grow at rapid rate.
2. New entrants un business with a new business model.
3. Disruption in productivity and efficiency – work from home.
4. Online learning has gained popularity and students have to coupe withthis
new way of learning.
5. Technology driven process encroaching all facets of management,
production, and financial service industry.


Trends of Educational Development after Pandemic and Disruption

Keynote speaker: Sukree Langputeh (SU Keli),Ph.D

Deputy Rector for International Relations & Alumni Fatoni University, Thailand

Glocal Educational Trends:

1. New Glocal Geography: E7

The Emerging 7 (E7) consist of the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India and
China plus Mexico, Indonesia, and Turkey. It refers to the seven contries which
have the highest economic performance in the class of emerging economies
2. New Glocal Demography
Politic of numbers count?
Educational Migration: People Mobility at Work
Technological transfer and mobility
3. Alternative move from LOCUS to FOCUS
- Not where to GO/BE but what to Gain
- Not how many to VISIT but how many to DEAL
- Not numbers of PLACES but numbers of SUCCESS
- Not how many FRIENDS but what FRIENDS for
4. New wave of Diplomacy: Soft Power at work
- Socio- Cultural Diplomacy: People Ambassador
- Sport Diplomacy : Athlectic Ambassador
- Health Diplomacy: Covid Diplomacy/Ambasador
- Educational Diplomacy: Academic Ambassador

How to move ourself to be GLOCAL? The first one, we can change our
mindset. Then we can be optimistic. Be ready for challenges. After that we can change
our heart. We may be little cat in other perspective, but we must believe that we are
greater and bigger than what others think. Do not let others control ourself. Everyone
have their own strenght because in the end of the day, everyone is a hero for themselves.

Education, Economic, and Technology Information

Research Resilience in the Post Covid-19 World

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Janos Jozsa

Civil Engineer, professor, emeritus rector emeritus present of the Hungarian Rector’s

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

Covid effect in Hungaria:

1. Effect in govermance

Crisis management (from March 2020 onward)

Internal communication – direct

Home office as an option – workload distribution

2. Effects in digital education

Recommended digital tools defined: MS TEAMS, Moodle

Streaming services installed

Various digital methods for lectures, classes, labs, exams, PhD defenses

3. Effects in finance

State financing vs income – recalculation

Focus on RDI calls-EU/national

Income from industry

Income from tuition fee

4. Effect in education (student numbers)

Number of Hungarian students-stable

Internation strudent; reduce number of fee – paying students, increase number

of scholarship applications, reduced number of mobility.

Increasing performance –diversity & quality.

5. Covid efffects –

- RDI oriented to COVID-19, First hungarian respiratory machine for mass

production made by BME for April 2020

- RDI focused to the space, Pocketcube satelite development and launch

6. Covid effects – Experience in partnership

-successful transition to digital when needed

Multiple good practices to maintain

Enginering education needs face – to – face education

Day 2


The Effect of Diversity of Merchandise and Consumer Satisfaction on the Level of

Purchasing in Online Store

Keynote Speaker: Anshori Budiono

Master of Management Student

STIMA IMMI – Jakarta,Indonesia

The seminar started with introduction by Mr. Anshori, and then he began
explained about his research finding about The Effect of Diversity of
Merchandise and Consumer Satisfaction on the Level of Purchasing in Online
Store. The research conducted in April to May 2022 with object 20 online
stores that have been selling fortwo years or more and have a purchase rate
over 200 per year of sales in the Shopee Indonesia Marketplace.

From the research, Mr. Anshori found out:

1. The diversity of merchandise at online stores does not have a significant effect
on the level of purchasing goods at an online store.

2. The level of buyer satisfation has a strong significant influence on the level of
purchasing goods at online stores,

3. Collectively, the diversity of merchandise and the level of satisfaction have a

strong significant influence on the level of purchasing goods in online stores.

4. Customer satisfaction contributes 42% to sales in online stores.


The effect of Work-Family Conflict on Job Performances: Burnout as the Interving


Research conducted by:

NurAjizah & Majang Palupi

Management Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Presenter:Nur Ajizah

The research is quantitative research, which is using census as sampling

method. The population is Undergraduate Lecturer of Faculty of Business and
Economics and 44 Undergraduate Lecturer of Faculty of Business and
Economics was chosen as sample of research. Data collected through
questionnaires in the form of Google Form and uses likert measurement scale
1-6. This research used SmartPLS as data analysis technique.

From the research, the researcher found out:

1. There is a positive and significant relationship between work-family conflict on


2. There is negative and significant relationship between work-family conflict on

job performance.

3. There is anegatif andsignificant relationship between burnout on job


4. There is a negative and significant relationship between work-family conflict

on job performance through burnout.



Prsenter: Anggraini Siahaan


Because of the widespread of covid-19,a virus that has greatly upheaval the
order of human life on earth until this moment become a scourage and threatens the
future of the people both in health and economy. Based on this background, itis
necessary to conduct research on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the national
economy. The research analyze the potential consequences of the pandemic on the
nationaleconomy through collaboration between the readiness ofhuman resources and
the NDEAS model. The approach in this research is in the form of library research,

This research conclude that human resources and economy, are two salient
components in life for the development ofnation. The progress or not of a state is
triggered by the readiness of its human resources. If a state is already has good natural
resources but qualified human resources, in the near future the country can be regulated
by outsiders who have high-quality human resources.

Through the standardization of the NDEAS platform, technical education and

training create domestic forces that further create the conditions for the formulation of
public and private infrastructure, transport systems for economic mobility, and creating
business opportunities and jobs with the cooperation of the private and public sectors.

New English Language Teaching and Learning Trends

Presenter: Leroy Holman Siahaan

Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi

New english language teaching and learning trends:

1. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

CLIL is a strategy in which the English instructor employs cross-cultural topics
to teach both the content and English to pupils. CLIL is a novel methodological
technique that intends to promote integrated language and other curricular topic
learning. CLIL lesson should combine the 4Cs of the curriculum, they are:
 Content: facilitating advanced jnowledge skills and understanding of
specific curriculum concerns.
 Communication is the use of language to learn while also learning how
to utilize language.
 Cognition, the development of mental skills that connect concept
generation knowledge and language.
 Culture, exposing us to different points of view and sharing knowledge
that makes us more aware of others and ourselves.
2. Global Englishes
The vast majority of English communication occuring around the world obly
included and L.1 English speaker about 25%of the time. This use of English as a
lingua franca (ELF) is important for English language teacher education
because, historically, native speakers have been held up as the ideal in terms of
proficiency and accent.
3. Stategic Teaching and Learning
 Gamification of learning gaining popularity as a means of making
language learning more engaging and relevant to the younger generation.
 Corpora, fantastic computer corpora containing vast amountsof real
language combined with computer software for sorting and converting it
into usable data.
 Play-way-method
4. Digital teachers/teaching
Flipped learning tools include Prezi, Screencast-o-Matic, Voice Thread,
Captivate, Power Point, Camtasia, and Youtube for language learning. Social
media tools include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr.
5. Learning and teaching management platform
o Edmodo and other learning management systems (LMSs)
o The Royal ABC (Proper Education Pte. Ltd) curriculum for four-to-six-
6. Embodied learning
Predicated on the notion that learning is more than just remembering. It entails
using both the mind and the body, as well as collaborating,discussing,and
7. Gamification
LearnMatch (VE Vision Education GmbH) uses training sesion,friendly
matches, leagues,and cup games tomake vocabulary learning enjoyable for
young learners.

Building The Spiritual Character Through Pencak Silat Ceria Activities at Nurul Aulia
Kindergarden, Depok

Presenter: Erna Budiarti

Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi

This research use qualitative method, puposeful case fo rknowing description by

completed and detailed about implementation learning planting spiritual character
through game PSC (Pencak Silat Ceria). To get the data researcher use several data
collection techniques namely observation,interview, and study document. The research
conduct at Nurul Aulia Kindergarden Depok

Based on the research finding, learning with Story Line media andgames
traditional PSC based on formation spiritual character can becomes balacer in the
middle appearance a variety of digitallearning system that only based on technology.
Based on the researcher’s observations at Nurul Aulia Kindergarden Depok for three
months (June – August) could seen that game PSC martial arts are very effective in the
grow the spiritual values in early childhood. Which is foundation base in formation
educational building that is holistic, religious, and character akhlakul karimah toget
closer to His God.

Dampak Penggunaan Gadget Pada Perkembangan Sosial EMOTIONAL Anak di Paud

Cahaya Ilmu Kembangan Jakarta Barat.

Research by: Lily Yuntina,M.M, Siti Sarah

Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi

Presenter: Siti Sarah

In the world of early childhood education, learning to use gadgets during the
COVID-19 pandemic has become a remarkable thing. Distance learning is carried out,
making children need media which in its implementation affects the development of
social and emotional aspects of children and the effect is very vulnerable for children
because there are many inputs of information, both positive and negative.

The study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. This research
was carried out from April 18 – June 6, 2022, at Paud Cahaya Ilmu, Kembangan, West
Jakarta, involving school residents (principals, teachers, parents, and students) as data
sources/research subjects.

The results of the study concluded that children's social-emotional development

could be improved by using gadgets at the Cahaya Ilmu Development Center in West
Jakarta, with parental assistance so that they know the limits and shows that are suitable
for their age so that they can be used as learning in education

The following are some of the positive impacts of using gadgets as learning media:

1. Shorten the distance and study time

2. As a communication tool in learning

3. Children can interact with other children while learning online

4. Helping children in obtaining learning materials.

While the negative impacts that arise include:

1. Make children forget the time when using gadgets

2. The social and emotional development of children will be significantly influenced by

the videos or shows they watch



Research by: Fahmarisa Herbanin Radin, Lia Kurniawati

Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi

Presenter: Fahmarisa Herbanin Radin

This research focuses on behaviour towards ADHD children through play

activities. Using qualitative research methods with a case study phenomenology
approach. The study took place for three months at PAUD Bekasi city, with one
child in class A 4 years and three months as participants, parents, teachers and
school principals.

The results showed that behavioural modification of ADHD children through

play activities could reduce the child's dominant, aggressive behaviour towards his
friends, and children can participate in learning activities. The game is given five
types of games, with children being given the freedom to choose and the
accompanying teacher acting to accompany and direct the child during activities,
both when selecting games to be played individually or in groups.

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