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The Impact of Social Media On Privacy Due To The Lack of Digital Literacy From Generation Z During Covid-19

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 655

3rd Tarumanagara International Conference on the Applications of Social Sciences and Humanities (TICASH 2021)

The Impact of Social Media on Privacy Due to the Lack

of Digital Literacy from Generation Z During Covid-19
Juan Anthonio Kambuno1* Shrishti Shrishti2 Adristi Sabrina Jasmine3,
Paula Tjatoerwidya Anggarina4
Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Faculty of Law, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Communication, Institut Bisnis Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding Author. Email: kambunojuan@gmail.com

Gen Z (Generation Z or Zoomers) is the social networking generation who ideally belong to the segment of
school to college students or comparatively fresh entrant as manpower in organizations and are extremely
online. This paper tries to outline the usage of social media by Generation Z during the pandemic where
everything is done online. This paper brings forward how the futuristic Generation, Gen Z’s use of social media
which influences them as an individual’s, organization and society. Also, it attempts to bring forward certain
queries regarding the impact on privacy due to the lack of digital literacy while using social media. The
theoretical frame of reference brought forward in this paper harvests a thorough set of investigation to raise
the awareness of online privacy. Gen Z have shown their interest in using online social sites for communication
and interactions with people, may it be the ones they know or anonymous. Online schooling due to the Covid-
19 pandemic has been the main reason to the increasing usage of social media. However, in this process no
attention is given on their privacy. This generation is a vigorous contributor, high consumer of online content,
creative and mash-up experts. They have strong gravitational bond for online communication that they prefer
to participate and remain connected via technology available at their fingertips.

Keywords: Gen Z, Social Media, Online, Privacy, Covid-19

1. INTRODUCTION communication technologies. The usage of this

technology, however, is not limited to teens. Social
networking is a popular pastime for people of all ages.
The Internet is a phenomenal product of communication
Humanity's electronic screen is like a tree root that
technology. Not only does it provide convenience in
ensnares the human body and forces it to hold on. Social
finding information, the internet also changes the way
media is increasingly viewed as being of great
people interact with each other.
In various countries, changes in the order of people's lives
Currently the role of social media plays an important role
have also been felt due to the influence of the internet in
in disseminating information submitted to the public. But
the Covid-19 pandemic. This technology can be accessed
this is inseparable from the use of such media that can
by various groups of people. Generation Z as one of the
produce both positive and negative things. An important
users of internet facilities has not been able to sort out
factor in determining whether or not a technological
useful internet activities. They also tend to be easily
advanced of social media will have a positive impact on
influenced by the social environment without first
society is its ability to educate the public and stimulate the
considering the positive or negative effects that will be
latest research on Covid-19, and directing the public to
received when carrying out web activities.
their websites and landing pages for the latest and most
It's no secret that social media has become a favorite
trusted information regarding Covid-19 [1]. In addition,
among Generation Z. Technologically advanced social
young people have the desire to create money through
networking is becoming a human necessity. Miranda
social media in anytime and anywhere instead of working
stated that young people as the Generation Z, such as
in a company.
students and university students, are the major users who
However, in addition to many benefits, technology also
actively push the development of information and
has a negative impact. Especially with the Covid-19

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 1837
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 655

pandemic, it requires all activities to be done online. The participation and entertainment usability.
attention is expressed in the discussion of the Generation The use of devices by Gen Z continues to increase. A
Z afraid of marketing personalization. They claimed to be recent data released revealed that 98% of Gen Z own a
disturbed by notifications that suddenly appeared offering smart phone. And in accordance to this, so does its social
products they had previously seen. Moreover, people often media usage. Where more than 4 hours are spent on one
use social media to expose their personal lives in order to app. Sixty-five percent of Gen Z consumers have increased
create certain imagery in the eyes of others. This has not their use of social media in the last year all during the
only created roller coaster of emotions but also an easy Covid-19 pandemic lockdown.
access for the hackers to steal their identity and use them If we take a closer look, there are 4 major reasons why Gen
to steal money. Z spend most of their time on social media especially
The article will discuss the impact of social media to the during the Covid 19 pandemic. And they are:
generation Z due to their lack of digital literacy during
Covid-19. This article is organized as follows. In section 3.1.1. Gen Z Prefers Visuals
2, it mentions the method used for this paper which are
steps taken by researchers to collect data or information for Gen Z prefers social media platforms which is more
scientific processing and analysis. In section 3, the discuss visually oriented compared to interactions. For instance,
about the relationship between Generation Z and social apps like Snapchat and Instagram are gaining popularity
media, the urge to prioritize and the importance of among the Gen Z as they are more visually oriented. These
education for youth awareness on online privacy, and the apps allow its users to create, post photos and videos and
role of institutions as the helping hand and protection from also consume when communication is best done with
the social media impacts. Conclusion is given in section 4. snaps, videos, and pictures.

3.1.2. Gen Z Chooses Entertaining Content

2. METHOD Over Interacting with Friends
The method use for this article is multidisciplinary Gen Z see social media as a source of branded mass
approach. It is a two or more disciplines jointly examine a
entertainment content. Where they only seek for
particular topic or issue, but use methods and analyze entertainment rather than staying in touch with their
based on their respective disciplines. The final results are people.
then linked and compared to strengthen each other or
refute the results of each analysis. The purpose to applied
this approach is to compiled different impact from the 3.1.3. Gen Z Appreciates Their Digital Privacy
social media’s phenomenon on Generation Z into one
complex, yet informative conclusion. To conduct this They know that social media has the power to make or
research is sourced from secondary data consisting of break people. They are respectful and wary of that power.
books, scientific works, scientific journals and writings Gen Z also prefers platforms which allows their users the
that have a relationship with research problems [2]. option to hide or publicise their content with others present
on the same network. This is because the current
generations believe their free behaviour on social media
could affect their future regardless in any field. While Gen
3. LITERATURE REVIEW Z are more conservative in terms of data privacy, this has
been forgotten during the global pandemic where the usage
3.1. The Relationship between Generation Z of social networking is increasing rapidly.
and Social Media
3.1.4. Social Media: A Platform For E-
Social media is an electronic service through which Commerce
Internet users be able to create and share various contents
around the world. This includes: online journals, social This generation has also made social media a platform for
networking websites, online gaming zones, online sharing e-commerce where everything can be bought from home
sites, forums (reviews), chatting groups and a variety of itself, with just one click. You are not required to step out
apps such as discourt, snapchat, tiktok, omegal and more. and the goods are delivered [3].
These platforms are generally used to generate, design, The majority (97%) of Gen Z consumers say they now use
publish, or even view contents and information created and social media as their top source of shopping. Platforms
posted by other users. These activities are classified as such as Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest are the fastest
contribution or consumption on the social media. User’s growing ones in terms of e-commerce. In fact, the hashtag
needs from social media is shifting drastically. Where #tiktokmademebuyit has upwards of 2.3 billion views on
initially people love to contribute and most of them are just TikTok, and #amazonfinds has more than 6.7 billion views.
consumers. According to reliable sources, social media is According to one Gen Z report, nearly 30% of this group
now mostly used for information sharing, video calls, say an easy checkout process is important to them in
chatting with strangers and is seen as a platform for online

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 655

making a purchase. Brands need to consider a more to close the school and require students to carry out
seamless experience — from discovery to checkout — by distance learning. The unexpected pandemic has challenge
minimizing distractions and being careful to avoid both students and teachers to do a distance learning, and
directing consumers away from the page. It’s important to the tools for E-learning have an important role to help them
develop strategies that prioritize enabling consumers to with the technological advanced of online media.
move through the funnel with as little friction as possible Nowadays, who didn’t know internet? it means people
[4]. Anticipating this upcoming shift in the market, the big who use cellphone has an internet to access anything. We
platforms have already evolved to ensure purchases are not can use for educational thing, for entertaining, and the
only frictionless but also safe and reliable. Instagram most important thing is communicating. In this digital era,
swipe-ups that take you directly to the product are nothing young generations as we know gen z (people who born on
new. However, Instagram’s “shopping” tab — which can 1997 until 2012) use social media for communicating with
be found in the main navigation and was released in people around the world, as they log in email, Instagram,
November 2020 — allows for more brand visibility, which Twitter, etc. But not all young people understand online
means the ability to promote their products and services to privacy, which is so important to know from the beginning
a wider audience. Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest have they use social media. Online privacy is the level of
also all recently announced or expanded their Shopify privacy, protection an individual has while connected to
partnerships — a platform ensuring fast, secure payments the internet, privacy mean on a computer and internet is
that doesn’t require users’ financial information. the complex issue the way our personal information is
Gen Z also prefers brands who are eco- conscious. With used, collected, shared, and stored on our personal devices
Environmental concerns quickly rising: 79% of Gen Z and while on the internet [7].
across 18 countries responded that companies behaving People around the world now can be stalker without person
more sustainably is even more important to them since the in person, they just need our name to knew our personal
Covid-19 outbreak, and there was a strong desire to “build data, such as our address, about families, school, etc. In
back better” after 2020. addition, tracking and using personal data or information
can also improve website usability, and efficiency to
enable companies to personalize or do a broadcast and
message [8].
In our perspectives, when people use social media and
upload anything in that platform such as Instagram,
YouTube, Twitter, they’re not able to have privacy,
because when you upload it, and there you go, anyone can
see what are you uploaded (except your social media in
lock system). Especially in this Covid-19 pandemic, there
is a strong increased of internet users using social media
for their daily use. According to We Are Social website,
since the start of the lockdown in 2020, social media users
grew at a fastest rate in three years up to 4.20 billion users
around the world. This figure has growth of more than 13
percent. It is a big concern that social media can be used
for cyber-attack to young students.
A true story in 2020, there are David boy in has decided to
suicide because the cyberbullying. Based on kens5 news
interview with his mother (Maurine Molak), she told that
social distancing make us to stay at home (isolation) can
make cyberbullying worse, because his son can’t met
Figure 1. Gen Z’s Activities on Social Media [5] people and do everything to connected with people to use
social media but, social media platform in this pandemic
A survey done by YPulse on January 2021 show what Gen
increase 70% cyberbullying, those people in social media
Z has been doing with social media through the Covid-19
can freely put up comments negative as a hate speech [9].
Pandemic. From that case, we got the conclusion, if you took that
thing (photo, video, comment, on online media) before
3.2. Prioritizing Education for Youth that, anyone can take a capture from your social media.
Awareness on Online Privacy You can’t erase all of them. The impact didn’t know what
are you publish is terrible for other.
Covid-19 pandemic had attack the worldwide that virus Young generation should aware on online privacy, but
was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan and sadly there are not many platforms in online media to
spread around the world. The government in many educate them. Algorithm social media appear in explore
countries took over to lockdown and announce to staying just from what they watched, it called content-based. This
at home to control the transmission of disease [6]. kind of algorithmic design seeks to match user’s taste,
Lockdown and social distancing due to Covid- 19 enforce based on their profile, to specific post that the system

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 655

guesses the user will like [10]. Beemt et al. [11] adds that student teaching methods must
Then, what we are going to do to educate young people be in line with the use of information technology is another
towards increase awareness in online privacy? The teacher way to increase the awareness as the pandemic has made
in E-learning can do a school campaign use the apps, them to use the social media to help with their homework
conferences with student about what are privacy is, how to for online classes. Generation Z is a generation that is
keep safe our private information in online media, and comfortable working in a globalized world. They already
what do and don’t to post in online media, and the have a lot of information in their minds. In his brain there
dangerous behind media online. are too many variables that they have to relate. The task of
Institutions as the Helping Hand and Protection from the the school is to provide them with the provision to connect
Social Media Impacts Technological advances that over between these variables and even filter out variables that
time are increasingly sophisticated make the community are not useful for their lives. However, few methods given
from Generation Z to take advantage of internet facilities do not effectively change the attitudes of the students in
to fulfill various needs as the Covid-19 pandemic have risking their privacy on social media due to a scarcity of
made them to stay at home. Thanks to new technologies online safety education, even more that this type of
such as the internet, all human needs can be met. Starting education is harder to earn as very little research has been
from the need to socialize, access information to the done. It is recommended that schools should consider
fulfillment of entertainment needs. The presence of the online safety education as the primary goals in educational
internet is more used as social media by the community tools to tackle unsafe behaviour from students.
because with social media people can freely share
information and communicate with many people without 3.2.2. The Role of the Government
the need to think about obstacles in terms of cost, distance
and time. As a result, they do not feel depressed from During this pandemic, the community from Generation Z
the effect of Covid-19 pandemic. However, there are many who are celebrities, young leaders, and researches is now
negative things that happen on social media, which makes caught with studying and working from home. They have
them the main victims of these negative things, such as the been using social media at an increasing rate. Information
spread of personal data that can affect a person's mentality on the pandemic is being disseminated through social
as a result of identity theft, fake websites. For this reason, media. Moreover, they mostly spread their personal
they should be required to know the limitations in information so to impress the internet users. However,
communicating on social media. In addition to parents and other than the advantages can be seen, disadvantages do
school teachers, government and non-governmental also take place. For instance, there are thousands of social
institutions should be able to be the main factors that play media scams that are promoted to attract the internet users
a role in providing Generation Z boundaries on social to fill their personal data as a result of fraud. Research has
media during this Covid-19 pandemic era. shown that thousands of internet users who are from
Generation Z have experienced frauds, cybercrime, and
3.2.1. The Role of Educational Institutions identity theft due to their lack of digital literacy. Therefore,
the government should be in the presents to protect them.
The role of educational institutions in raising awareness There are several obligations the government must uphold
about risks for the young generation when surfing through to make efforts in protecting users’ personal data on social
the digital media in this Covid-19 pandemic is one of the media. To begin with is to rework the structure of the
most important solutions from almost all levels of regulatory concerning personal data. Secondly, conducting
expertise. Schools teach their students about online safety the periodic supervision based on the mandate of the law,
information, including character building, health and civic as well as coordinating the government with supervisory
commitment, and ways to recognize hoaxes and how to agencies and law enforcement. Third is to educate the
prevent them. Back to the 19th century, teaching media community with digital literacy and how to surf the social
had its function of the ability to analyze and appreciate media safely through webinars and workshops, provide
literature, but now the focus has been enlarged and for infographics about the importance of personal data through
some time now it also includes skills with regard to the government’s social media channels, as well as in
computers. With the involvement of technology’s rapid collaboration with various tech institutions/companies.
development, interactive exploration covers both from the And lastly, the need for standardization and governance in
books and the internet because students will not only the processing of personal data is also an important point
acquire the 4C’s of Learning and Innovation skills, but also of concern in the policy because creative innovation and
digital literacy such as information literacy, media literacy, development will ensure the protection in the cross border
and ICT literacy. Other than that, it’s a must for schools to data flow. This will ensure the sake of data sovereignty for
give knowledge about the ability to recognise, analyse, the sake of state security, as well as protected and
select, and send variable contexts on social media because guaranteed basic rights of citizens as data subjects.
it shows that of the young generation have vast ability to However, companies see the privacy policies as an
access and find information at a fast rate which increase addition to costs that may trouble them in surviving due to
the risks by giving their personal data to collect the a need to institute the policy. This has become a debate as
information. most institutions see this only for the interest of the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 655

government instead of protecting the community due to minors from the risks associated with exposure to content
political and social development in a country. The which is deemed unsuitable, especially when it comes to
government’s political involvement has affected the privacy that could cause potentially harmful harm. Thanks
community’s ability to protect their personal information to globalization, convergence and the development of new
because there are cases of an assault upon their technologies, social media developers have made the
individuality, a loss of identity, and a gradual erosion of social media more complex that the regulation may unable
their privacy [12]. to regulate them. This has caused an increase of the
potential users in accessing information of the content
3.2.3. The Role of Tech Institutions / creator anytime and anywhere. Content creators in this
focus during this Covid-19 pandemic, continually
Companies uploading content to maximise their quality of views and
maintain loyal fans. Once they run out of content, their
Tech institutions/companies are now in a competition to only way to keep on going is to include their personal life
attract more new consumers to buy their products through such as their home address, photos, identity card, valuable
mass digital advertisement due to the dramatic increase in things such as laptop, cars and legal documents. This has
online use in the Covid-19 pandemic. Their target users are raised a big issue towards protecting privacy. For instance,
people from the Generation Z who are actively use social Facebook allows users to upload personal stories through
media such as Tik Tok, Snapchat, and Instagram for personal information updates every day. Most of the
entertainment and social interaction. The company proportion of information uploaded is Personally
promotes thousands of products ranging from food and Identifiable Information (PII), which is all kinds of
beverages to clothing. However, in order to successfully information that can be used to trace a person's identity,
market their product, they gathered information from the such as name, place and date of birth, school origin, home
internet users by tracking and collecting data. Some apps address, and personal photos [15]. Someone who opens PII
require permission from the internet users to access their on social media is vulnerable to becoming a victim or
device, including photos, files, location data, call getting risk in the future. Other than that, some content
information, and contacts. Moreover, the apps stated in creators are also uploading content that is not supposed to
their privacy policy that they are not obliged to help be seen by users at such a young age that has led the users
internet users when their data has been stolen. This is a to buy their content without their parent’s consent and this
huge risk for the young generation as they do not fully makes it difficult for platform providers to rate content on
concern the impacts they will get. For instance, the a daily basis. The traditional way to solve this problem is
research conducted by Reset Australia Policy Memo [13] to inform parents and caregivers to rate and label systems
concerning profiling children for advertising shows that about certain media products and enable restriction of
Facebook collected personal data from users who are aged access. A modern solution could be applying a concept of
13-18 to categorize them for advertising purposes, as this collaborative filtering to identify privacy preferences. This
is also applied to other social media platforms. will specify privacy policies that are using visualization
Principle 6 of UNICEF's Children's Rights in Policies and tools and usable interfaces. The system will recommend
Codes of Conduct states that they use marketing and the unknown preferences of other users based on the
advertising strategies that respect and support children's location-based social network and users’ sharing
rights [14]. This emphasizes the company to operate in a behaviours and let the users decide whether to connect
context characterized by the fact that social media with them. In addition, users can filter any information
networks are used massively in marketing aimed at with their privacy configurations to find similar users as
children and youth. Images for a company's advertising on their focus [16]. This is similar to the concept of Platform
social media should not be meant to communicate a for Privacy Preferences (P3P) where the algorithm
specific idea, but rather a variety of lifestyles and identifies the data collected, and how they will be used,
behaviors. Companies must have specific guidelines for who will receive the data that the site collects, and other
advertising their products that apply the principles of policy information such as how disputes are resolved and
prudence, supervision, safety and professionalism. In where the users can find the site’s text version of its
addition, the company also develops resources for the privacy policy.
development of advertising and marketing policies and
codes of conduct in accordance with the ICC Consolidate
Code of Advertising and Marketing Communications
Practice and 'Check' (Children Ethical Communications
Kit) which contains rules, laws and guidelines regarding
Based on the research results that have been discussed
marketing and communication to children and youth. This
together with the opinions of researchers and their
should be a concern because the companies gathering
perspectives used in this study, several conclusions can be
resources may use the information from the users who are
drawn. Generation Z or indigenous digital era people are
stating their age on social media, and also affect their
born in the digital world with comprehensive technology
buying behaviour. Another aspect to look at is the labelled
such as PCs, cellphones, gaming and internet devices. The
content in a social media platform. Adopting the systems
majority of their spare time is spent on the internet
of labelling or content classification will help to protect

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