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Overcoming Barriers and Finding Strengths: The Lives of College Students As Single Mothers

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International Journal of `Umranic Studies

Jurnal Antarabangsa Kajian `Umran

‫المجلة العالمية للدراسات العمرانية‬
journal homepage: www.unissa.edu.bn/ijus

Overcoming Barriers and Finding Strengths: The Lives of College

Students as Single Mothers

Ms. Miralona E. Serrano Ms. Ritchel G. Galocgoc Dr. Wardah D. Guimba

Cahayagan National High School, College of Education,
Carmen, Agusan del Norte Mindanao State University,
Marawi City, Philippines

Prof. Roseniya G. Tamano Mr. Fernando R. Sequete, Jr. Prof. Elizabeth A. Miranda
College of Education, College of Education, College of Social Sciences &
Mindanao State University, Mindanao State University, Humanities,
Marawi City, Philippines Marawi City, Philippines Mindanao State University,
Marawi City, Philippines

Vol.5, Issue 1 | January 2022

single mother-students, Single parenting among teenage students in undergraduate school faces a variety of
single mother, overcoming challenges in both a parent and a student responsibility and even dream of becoming
barriers, finding strengths, a successful woman someday to sustain the basic needs of their children. The design
theme analysis. of this study consists of twelve (12) interview questions with student single mothers
who were currently enrolled in Mindanao State University, Marawi City. During the
pilot interview, seven (7) questions were adopted from the study of Ajandi (2011)
until the researchers came up with twelve (12) interview questions due to the
follow-up questions being made and observed during the pilot-testing interview.
The selected five single mother students were from the three colleges in the
University, two from the College of Education, another two from the College of
Business Administration, and one from the College of Engineering. The data offer an
insight into the challenges faced by young women and the insights on how they
passed those challenges or barriers of becoming a student and single parent at the
same time. The narratives also serve as an exploration framework for the strengths
and weaknesses and the factors that most influenced their ability to continue their
studies. Through a thematic analysis, the study found that these single mothers are
more motivated to continue their studies to support their children in the future.
They also revealed that no matter how many hardships they face, these single
mothers become tougher when they think of their children. A love of a mother to her
children motivated them to strive harder. The study shows that further investigation
into family dynamics is needed regarding the nurturing the success of a teen mother.

Introduction Playing a role of two at two desirable times is critical

being a student and at the same time a mother. These

Please cite this article as: Serrano M., Galocgoc R. G., Guimba W., Tamano R., Sequete F., Miranda E. (2022).
Overcoming Barriers and Finding Strengths: The Lives of College Students as Single Mothers, International
Journal of `Umranic Studies. Vol 5. Issue 1. Pp.1-9.
Serrano M., Galocgoc R., Guimba W., Tamano R., Sequete F., Miranda E. / International Journal of `Umranic Studies
(Vol 5, Issue 1, January 2022)

two are not an easy task to handle, especially when have now become a vital subculture that will have to
you have difficulty balancing the load between your be accepted in the society as a valid and legitimate
studies and of your child's needs and attention, unit (Ortigas, 1996: 12). Considering that these
particularly on financial, moral, and emotional needs. single parents/mothers are still part of the society
Most single mothers who are still studying are still who needed most the guidance and support from the
dependent on their parents for shelter and care in government and with the people surrounding them
making things; and their children as motivation and and of whatever reasons, they became one (single
reason in continuing their study to become a mother parent) that needs to be heard as well. The
who can give and support the needs of her children. challenges faced by these women and the courage
The act or process of raising children is defined as and strength required to meet these challenges
parenting (Staff, 2004). Single parenting, on the cannot be underestimated.
other hand, is the same, yet with only one parent
raising her child or children. Single parents can be
classified into two categories: (1) solo parents-by Several studies (Austin & McDermott, 2004; Mason,
decision, resulting in divorce; legal separation; 2002; Snow, 2005) have shown that single mother
mutual decision to separate, with or without legal students are working on the time, finances, and
agreement; being abandoned or left by a spouse; and energy levels that often result in significant personal
decision to leave spouse ; (2) Parents who have a needs being sacrificed. The researchers have
child but do not want to marry; adopt your own child mentioned all this to understand how these women
or go to an adoption service; and chose to raise a face the various challenges they face in society and
relative's child or children (Gault, et al., 2014). have decided to study the lives and experiences of
single mother students in schools.

Keeping children while working and earning a

postsecondary degree is difficult for any family; Research Problem
however, single student parents face additional
obstacles as they try to finish their degrees as soon This study aims to explore the experiences of college
as possible. Since financial, academic, and social students as single mothers. Questions such as how
supports are structured for traditional students, they overcome the challenges as students in the
single student parents are forced to fit into the mold university; and what experiences do they have as
of a traditional college student, usually a student single mothers and students at the same time were
without dependents (Cerven, 2013). Higher considered in this study.
education institutions might develop strategies and
services to help single student parents achieve more
equal results in terms of persistence and completion Methodology
if they better recognized the obstacles they face
(Fenster, 2004; Mason, 2002; Yakaboski, 2010). Study Design

The researchers used a qualitative type of research

design which is relevant to know the participant's
A significant amount of research in the United States perspectives and insights on how to overcome the
underlines the value of single mothers pursuing a 2- barriers faced by single mother students and the
year or 4-year degree in hopes of improving their sources of their strengths. The study was designed
earning capacity and thereby step out of poverty with 12 (twelve) structured interview questions,
(Adair, 2001; Center for Women Policy Studies, which were answered by the participants. This
2002; Haleman, 2004; Jones-DeWeever, 2005; Kahn research design is believed to be appropriate in
& Polakow, 2004). However, very little research getting the significant information needed in the
qualitatively explores the experiences of single study.
parents. According to Adair (2001), education is vital
for all citizens; it is especially important for those
who will continue to experience racism, sexism, and
other forms of discrimination, as well as those who The researchers chose only five (5) MSU single-
have been marginalized and excluded from mother college students enrolled during the 2015-
mainstream American culture. 2016 school year. These five were purposefully
chosen based on two criteria: (1) single-mother
college students currently enrolled in the University;
and (2) who are willing to be interviewed because
Meanwhile, the number of single mothers in the the researchers gathered personal opinions of the
Philippines as decades had passed to rise as society respondents. The researchers believed that the five
grows and continues to change through time. Solo- respondents could provide the necessary
parent families are now distinguished in society and information for the study.
Serrano M., Galocgoc R., Guimba W., Tamano R., Sequete F., Miranda E. / International Journal of `Umranic Studies
(Vol 5, Issue 1, January 2022)

7. What has been positive for you?

8. Do you experience discrimination from your

peers, instructors, or administrators in the
Procedure classroom?
To provide answers to the research problems, the 9. Is there any support on campus or in the
researchers used an interview guide and posed community that you find helpful? Is there any
questions. The interview guide included twelve (12) individual support such as friends or family?
questions divided into two (2) sessions. The
participant's personal information, such as age, 10. What are the advantages of being a single
course, year level, and children, is included in the mother?
first part. The second part consisted of twelve (12)
key questions that were answered by the 11. What are the disadvantages?
participants' viewpoints and observations on single 12. How did you manage the stress you are feeling?
parenting and student life.

The researchers exploited resources in books,

During the pilot-test interview, seven (7) questions articles, and graduate theses concerning the topic.
were adopted from the study of Ajandi (2011) as The researchers also took advantage of the Internet
follows: (1) what was the reason you chose to apply as a prolific source of the data that entwined facts
to university? (2) what or who has helped you about students who are also a single mother
balance your role as single mothers and students? overcomes the barriers and how they find strengths
(3) what has been difficult for you? (4) what has of playing the two critical roles; as a student; and as a
been positive for you? (5) do you experience mother. The researchers conducted a pilot test
discrimination from your peers, instructors, or interview to validate the reliability of the interview
administrators, in the classroom? For example, based questions. The pilot interview assisted the
on race and ethnicity, ability, age, sex, family status, researchers in determining if there are flaws,
sexuality, or class? (6) are there any supports on limitations, or other weaknesses within the
campus or in the community that you find helpful? interview design and allow the researchers to make
does any individual support such as friends or necessary revisions before the implementation of the
parents? (7) what are the advantages of being a study (Kvale & Brinkmann, 2007). In the duration of
single mother? what are the difficulties? the interview, some follow-up questions were asked
to fully get the information the researchers need to
After the pilot-testing interview, the researchers
come up with twelve (12) structured interview
questions after the follow-up questions being made During the interview, the facial expressions of the
and observed. participants were observed to determine whether
the participants are sincere and serious in answering
the questions (Creswell, 2005). Data gathering was
The following questions were raised during the done through one-on-one interviews with the
interview: participant. Informed consent and willingness of the
participants were primarily satisfied before the start
1. What was the reason you chose to apply to this of the interviews. The interviews were more like
university? having long chats with friends – informal, open-
2. Did it ever come into your mind to quit school ended and without special structure (Azimi, 2012).
because of your situation?

3. What or who has helped you balance your role Findings and Discussion
as a single student mother?
I. Participant's Profile
4. Did you attend a part-time job to help or lessen
the financial needs of your child and your
studies? If yes, why?

5. What has been difficult for you as a single parent

and a student at the same time?

6. At first, did you feel socially unaccepted?

Serrano M., Galocgoc R., Guimba W., Tamano R., Sequete F., Miranda E. / International Journal of `Umranic Studies
(Vol 5, Issue 1, January 2022)

Table 1 shows the age of the participants ranges interviews, all participants expressed a desire to
from 20 to 28 years old. As can be seen, respondents continue their studies despite their current
have one (1) to four (4) children, four (4) of which circumstances. They are even more motivated to
are separated by choice, and the other one (1) is continue their studies so to support their child in the
divorced due to some circumstances. Participants future. It has also been stated that children were a
were coming from the three colleges of the motivator for single mothers to enroll in post-
university; Business Administration major in secondary education in the first place (Haleman,
Marketing and Accountancy; College of Engineering 2004). As a result, single mothers' educational
major in Civil Engineering; and from the College of pursuits can help their children by lowering risk
Education major in TLE and History. Three out of five factors associated with poverty. For them, quitting at
participants were graduating students in 2016, and some point is not a failing factor in achieving the
the other remaining two are third-year students. goals they set for themselves when they enrolled in
university. It is clear from the responses of the
participants that their goal is to graduate despite the
II. Participants’ insights on single pressures of both parenting and studying.
parenting and being a student at the same time

2.3 Who has helped you balance your role as a single

2.1 What was your reason for choosing to apply to mother and as a student?
this university?

Theme: External Support

Theme: The Value of Education Bruns (2004) also found in his study that having a
All of the interviews shared the belief that a college support group on campus for single mothers could
education will lead to a better life, a more satisfying express their worries and anxiety about their
career, and a higher level of respect from other experiences on and off the campus. Each participant
people and that education will increase a person's mentioned that they find support from other people,
self-esteem along with her growth as a person. from financial support to emotional support. Words
According to Duncan (2011, p.2), more and more of encouragement, advice from friends and family,
people recognize education as the game-changer in and brief discussions with peers are examples of
the global economy. Economic development, emotional support. On the other hand, financial
creativity, productivity, and job creation are all assistance includes a friend's initiative to give any
fueled by a world-class education system. amount for her additional school expenses and day-
Participants, for example, stated that it is necessary to-day food consumption. Four (4) out of five (5)
to choose a school with such a high educational participants say their parents are their main source
standard when completing a degree to be easily of help in balancing their roles as a parent and as a
hired. Mindanao State University was selected by all student, while participant four (4) concluded that in
these participants because of its strong belief, as her course, her parents and the parents of her child's
mentioned above. In addition to being one of father never supported her in her journey, even
Mindanao's top universities, one student (1) stated though she bravely raised her child alone with the
that the university had also been selected because it help of friends and other people unrelated to her.
offered students with low school fees. Whatever the consequences or the situation of these
respondents, it is a good thing to know that they do
not feel alone in times of needing someone to talk to
or a companion. For instance, participant one (1)
2.2 Did it come into your mind to quit school because asserts that these single-mother students need
you are pregnant? Yes or No and why? someone to accompany and to talk with, especially
with their case. Support, on the other hand, is not
just financial aids from loved ones. A simple
Theme: Quitting means Failure conversation from a friend and a family member has
a great impact to consider for these single mother-
Teen mothers are negatively impacted by schooling, students, especially, they came from places miles
mothering, peer pressure, and education. According away from the university.
to Kaufman et al. (2001), the primary reasons for
girls dropping out of school are pregnancy and .
parenting. According to Theron and Dunn (2006),
the adolescent child-bearing process of girls is 2.4 Did you attend a part-time job/s to lessen the
particularly disturbing, and as a result, many teenage financial needs of your child and your studies?
mothers drop out and never return. Throughout the If yes, explain.
Serrano M., Galocgoc R., Guimba W., Tamano R., Sequete F., Miranda E. / International Journal of `Umranic Studies
(Vol 5, Issue 1, January 2022)

impact on a person's desire to strive in life.

Acceptance in society should not be denied to them,
Theme: Working for a Cost particularly considering the pressures of schooling
According to Mason (2002), information gleaned and child-rearing.
from a quantitative study on the top list of barriers in
higher education is money. That is why most of the
participants in this study have part-time jobs to help 2.6 What has been positive for you (as a single
their parents lessened their financial load while parent)?
studying and other expenses needed by their
children. Four (4) out of five (5) participants have
part-time jobs to help their studies financially. In Theme: Mother as a Role Model
terms of rearing their children, these single mother-
students are still dependent on their parents. Each of the participants spoke lovingly of their
Furthermore, Chevalier and Viitanen (2003) argue motivation to continue their study, focusing on the
that teenage motherhood appears to have lengthy thoughts that someday they would be able to provide
implications for young mothers' career development, all the love and needs of their child. What happened
and thus is probable to result in poverty to them is an experience not to be followed since
transmission from generation after generation. As it being in their situation as a single mother is not an
has been said by participant two (2), despite the easy task. Moreover, part of it includes teaching them
mistakes they have made they can also be to learn right from wrong, to be kind, a sense of
responsible in some ways with or without the dictate morality, values, and social responsibility.
of their family. They will surely look for financial
sources to help them, to lighten the situation they
had brought to the family. With their responses, 2.7 Did you experience discrimination from your
these single mothers do not count the idea of peers, instructors, or administrators in the
transmitting poverty. Hence success is their main classroom?
goal in the university.

Theme: Positive Criticisms

2.5 At first, did you feel socially unaccepted? If yes,
why? Criticisms lingered anywhere when one sees
someone has made a mistake, and negative
feedbacks are expected as always and can never be
Theme: Socially Accepted denied in the norms of society. According to the
theory of Miller (1967), Force Field Analysis Theory
In most cases, if we will be foreseeing someone to be explains how adult learners used positive forces in
a single mother, many would think that she is not a their lives to decrease the negative forces that
good woman, and maybe others will even throw threaten to lead to failure. Participants even see their
negative feedback on them. However, as time goes situation as a positive factor; what matters most to
by, cases like these were gradually and partially them is that they did not step into someone’s shoes
accepted by society. Since single parenting is and that they are trying to prove that despite their
somewhat a rampant scenario already in some parts situation, someday, others will not see them as a
of the community, which is why the five respondents burden or failure but rather a successful woman.
of the study said that they do not feel socially Kaufman et al. (2001) asserted that support in
unaccepted by their peers and by most of the people education is a steady cause of stress for teenage
around them. In the Transcript, participant two (2) women, many of which fall behind due to bullying by
stated that even the doing is rampant already in their peers and educators.
society, parents, especially, could not resist seeing
their children being in a problematic situation
without extending parental help to them. A parent’s Among the five (5) participants, participant one (1)
love and concern for their daughter will always is the most likely to have experienced a short period
weigh the heavier. Participant two (2) also added of discrimination in the eyes of one of her
that it is normal for parents to be angry when their department teaching staff. In a broad sense, she
daughter got pregnant at a young age. However, shows that her situation will not deter her from
according to Mullaly (2002), oppression must be a getting a good grade. With this positive and
fundamental concern for all those concerned with courageous approach to embracing the predicament,
creating an appropriate definition of social justice she can eradicate those criticisms of her situation.
and for those committed to social justice in Criticisms could either be taken positively and
practice (p. 35). Mental health has a significant negatively, as participant one (1) had said if it had
Serrano M., Galocgoc R., Guimba W., Tamano R., Sequete F., Miranda E. / International Journal of `Umranic Studies
(Vol 5, Issue 1, January 2022)

done nothing good to you, better neglect it. The participants were very positive, especially
Participants in this study demonstrated from the participant one (1), who stated that even though she
start of the interview how positive they are in has a child at a young age, she can still manage to
overcoming these barriers of criticism, as evidenced continue doing what she had dreamed and planned
by their facial expressions on how their child before having a baby. One of the benefits of
motivates them more than being affected by societal becoming a single parent, according to participant
criticisms. five (5), is courage. Because of her children, her
courage drives her to continue her life's pursuits.

2.8 Are there any support from the campus or from

the community that you find helpful? Is there any 2.10 What are the disadvantages?
individual support such as a friend or parent?

Theme: Increased Challenges in Attaining a

Theme: Family and Friends Degree

Our parents may seem far distant from us, but they They have nothing else to rely on, single mothers
did not fail to show us and to let us feel how much must juggle responsibilities and duties, especially
they cared for us, especially in the cases of these five when it comes to child-rearing and school
single mothers who are being supported by their responsibilities. The study's five (5) participants all
parents from a far distant wherein parents who see their situation as positive forces in their lives.
continuously supporting their children financially Despite juggling duties and responsibilities, they
and morally despite the distance from their children. remain happy and faithful to God to strengthen them
Friends may not help them financially, but every day as they move forward in their lives. Four
encouragement and other motivating factors (4) out of every five (5) participants say it's still
rendered by their friends, help them lessen the load different if you have someone to balance the duties
they are carrying. As it has been said in the transcript and responsibilities of child-rearing. Someone with
below, participant one (1) said that “support” does whom they can discuss their plans for the child and
not only mean financial help, but also, words of whom the child can identify as a father figure.
wisdom and encouragement from parents, peers, and Another disadvantage, as mentioned by participant
other groups of individuals in the community, which four (4), was the freedom to go out with peers and
are of big help to anybody. the time to beautify herself, both of which most other
teenagers can enjoy in their lives. Despite all of the
things she has been denied the opportunity to enjoy,
2.9 What are the advantages of being a single participant four (4) concludes that having her baby
student-mother? with her is worthwhile and fulfilling.

Theme: Positive life despite what happened 2.11 What are the difficulties?

The majority of the participants have said that they

are still happy despite the situation and that they try Theme: Financial Burden
to strive harder for a better future through
education, that they gain joy, strength, and the hope The first issue for most single mothers or parents is
of attaining a good standard of living in the future. financial assistance. Some parents who can easily
Despite those challenging issues faced by these provide their daughter with the financial support she
single student-mothers, there are still significant requires embrace it and even encourage their
advantages it brought to their lives. Many single daughters to continue their education. As a result,
parents are going to college for a specific purpose, as some single mother students can easily overcome or
opposed to some traditional students who attend cope with their financial difficulties. Even their social
college because it is the pathway their parents and life runs smoothly because most of the participants
peers suggest. Stone, Nelson and Nieman (1994) are socially and financially supported by their
study participants stated that their kids were very parents. Some people limit their actions as part of
important to their academic success and they were their social life to reduce the amount of feedback
studying at universities to offer their kids chances they receive from others. According to the transcript
they did not have while they grew up. Similar to the of participant three (3), even though money is the
ideas as shared by the participants of this study that most significant barrier to higher education,
their children are the top motivating factor to their especially for single mother students, emotional pain
success why they choose to enroll in this university. is the most damaging barrier that a woman may face.

Serrano M., Galocgoc R., Guimba W., Tamano R., Sequete F., Miranda E. / International Journal of `Umranic Studies
(Vol 5, Issue 1, January 2022)

Participant five (5) mentioned time management as 1. For the single mother students to continue
one of the challenges she has faced, especially when their studies and remain confident that,
school and child-rearing are part of her life. despite the hurdles they had been facing,
According to participant five (5), if time management there is always a way to achieve their
is not properly managed, it can lead to stress. Aside objective of succeeding and that completed
from financial issues, participant one (1) stated that their education is subject to one-way tickets
nursing a child has been difficult for her as a first- to success.
time mother. A similar sentiment was expressed in
the USA, where the argument arose that it is not easy 2. For these single mother-students to ensure
for teen mothers to care for a child and to give that they continue to fight with or without
adequate time for schoolwork (Chigona & Chetty, discrimination between peers and other
2008; McLanahan & Sandefur, 2009; Eccles & Harold, groups.
1993). 3. For the parents to continually support, if
possibly not abandon their daughter,
especially, on this very delicate situation.
2.12 How did you manage or makes lessen the stress
you are feeling? 4. For future researchers to include the
parents and the father of the children of
individual mother students in their
Theme: Faith in Higher Being

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