Daily Test
Daily Test
Daily Test
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Scientist now know his model is wrong. The Earth is not at the centre of the solar system.
The centre of the solar system is . . . .
A. Sun C. Moon
B. Planet D. Meteor
2. The Earth and Sun are part of the universe. The Earth spins on its axis once every . . . .
A. minute C. day
B. hour D. year
3. The Earth and Sun are part of the universe. The Earth orbits the Sun once every . . . .
A. minute C. day
B. hour D. year
Questions number 4 – 5, look and read the passage below.
Pierre, Safia and Mia model the Sun, Earth and Moon.
4. Who does not move during one day?
A. Mia and Safia C. Pierre
B. Mia, Pierre and Safia D. Safia
5. Who makes the Sun appear to move across the sky during one day?
A. Mia and Safia C. Pierre
B. Mia, Pierre and Safia D. Safia
6. The Earth spins on its axis.
At X is the middle of the day. There is daylight.
What is it like on the opposite side of the Earth?
A. light
B. night
C. noon
D. middle of the day
7. Scientists explore the Solar System. Galileo Galilei was a scientist. He discovered that there
are craters on the Moon.
What equipment did he use to see the craters on the Moon?
A. a flashlight
B. a lamp
C. a telescope
D. his spectacles
12. Which planet takes the least number of hours to spin once
A. D C. B
B. C D. A
13. One of the planets is Earth. Which planet is Earth?
A. D C. B
B. C D. A
14. How many planets take longer to spin once than planet C?
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4
15. Part of the Earth is labelled A, B and C.
At B it is . . . .
A. day C. sunrise
B. night D. sunset
II. Fill in the blanks.
16. Buzz Aldrin was a scientist who walked on the Moon.
Jamila says the Sun is not moving. The Sun appears to move.
The Sun appears to move because . . . .
18. Look at the picture.
B. Are the days longer or shorter than the nights, or are they equal? ….
22. A. The time taken for the Earth to spin on its axis once is . . . .
B. The time taken for the Moon to orbit the Earth once is . . . .
A. B.
Found in the Solar System Not found in the Solar System
A. Earth, . . . . . . . . .
B. . . . .