Section C - Electrics
Fault Finding
Electrical Fault Text Messages
Displayed on the EMS.
Electrical fault error code.
Electrical errors are displayed immediately on the EMS
with an alarm buzzer. Pressing “ACK” stops the buzzer
JCB Servicemaster
Note: 1 Open circuits can only be detected when the
‘output has been turned off. Open circu s are indicated by
100 series codes.
Note: 2 Short circuit conditions can only be detected when
the output is tured on, Short circuits are indicated by @
200 series code.
and cause the messages to become repetitive.
Note: 3 Open circuits, short circuits and no voltage
detections cannot be done on the low side drivers.
Note: 4 See Hamess Data
Error Codes [Error String |Description
ot CRANK ‘crank signal was not deiected by the ECU?
702 FUEL The fuel sensors open-circut
708 EN TMP The engine temperature sensors open-circuit
704 HYD TMP | The hydraulie temperature sensor is oper-cireut
705 SETPT The throttle set potentiometer is open-circuit
706 SENS PT “The throile sense potentiometer is oper-cireut
07 om Sw "The oll pressure switch is reporting oll pressure is present when the engine is not
708 FLYWHEEL |The flywheel sensor is reporting an engine speed even though the engine isnot
709 ACT "The alternator reporting a vollage even when the engine isnot running
710 THRSOL The throtle solenoid is open-circuit. This can only be detected when the engine fs not
ca BOOM SP | The boom lower speed regulation outputs open-creut
73 MAX FLW "The max fow solenoid is open-circuit. For JS200W machines, this error can only be
detected when the engine is not running due to the fact that this is a proportional valve
on these machines
75 300M The boom priority solenoids open-circut
716 FLPMP The refuel pump output is open-circuit
17 HORN ‘The hom outputs open-circuit.
718 HYD PMP "The hydraulic pump is open-cireul. Because this sa proportional valve, his error can
only be detected when the engine isnot running."
79 SLWLCK The slew lock solenoid fs oper-suit.
720 HYD FAN “The hydraulic fan outputs open-circuit. This can only be detected when the engine is
not running
Ta SLWBRK | The slew brake solenoid is open-areut
12 sLWST The slew shut off solenoid is open-cirul
17 TL CHNG The travel change solenoid is open-cicul,
728 WASHER The washer motors oper-aeut
129 DOZER The dozer solenoid is open-circuit
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