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NIM 1787410017




Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Getting Bachelor Degree in Education
in English Education Study Program

NIM 1787410017



Proposal by Abdul Wahid Nur Afif Udin NIM. 1787410017, entitle

“Improving Students’ Speaking Skill in English with Communicative Approach
Strategy at Seventh Grade of SMP Wahidiyah Bojonegoro” has been approved
and received for examination.

Kediri, 15 July 2022


Siti Nafi’yah, M.Pd.

NIDN: 0701019001

Head of English Study Program,

Siti Nafi’yah, M. Pd.

NIDN: 0701019001

A skripsi by Abdul Wahid Nur Afif Udin NIM. 1787410017, entitled

“Improving Students’ Speaking Skill in English with Communicative Approach
Strategy at Seventh Grade of SMP Wahidiyah Bojonegoro”, was examined at an
examination session of the English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Wahidiyah University of Kediri, Kediri on 18 July 2022.

Examination Committee

Name Signature Position

Siti Nafi’yah, M.Pd.
… Examiner 1
NIDN: 0701019001

Putri Novita M.Pd.
… Examiner 2
NIDN: 0701019001

Sultoni, S.S., M.Pd.
… Examiner 3
NIDN: 0705087305

Legalized, Acknowledged by,

The Dean of Faculty, Head of English Study Program,

Abdurrachman, M.Pd.I, M.Pd. Siti Nafi’yah, M.Pd.

NIDN: 0709116403 NIDN: 0701019001



Alamat: Kampus Uniwa Kediri Pondok Pesantren Kedunglo Kediri telp.( 0354 ) 771018 fax. 0354 (772179)

The undersigned below
Name : Abdul Wahid Nur Afif Udin
Place, Date of Birth :
Registered Number : 1787410017
Address : Jl. PUK Kauman ds. Sumuragung RT 001 RW 001 kec.
Sumberrejo kab. Bojonegoro
Departement : English Education Study Program
Faculty : Teacher Training and Education
States that this thesis entitled “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill in
English with Communicative Approach Strategy at Seventh Grade of SMP
Wahidiyah Bojonegoro.” is really my original work. It does not incorporate any
materials previously written or published by another person.

Kediri, 11 July 2022


NIM: 1787410017

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful. All praises are to
Allah the lord of the Worlds, who has given health and strength to the researcher
in completing this thesis. May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon his final
prophet and Messenger Muhammad SAW his family and his companions.
Honorable on to Ghoutsu Hadzazzaman RA, Hadrotul Mukarrom Kanjeng Kyai
Abdul Majid Ali Fikri RA, the leader of Yayasan Perjuangan Wahidiyah And
Pondok Pesantren Kedunglo Al- Munadhdhoroh.
The written of this skripsi entitled “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill
In English With Communicative Approach Strategy At Seventh Grade Of SMP
Wahidiyah Bojonegoro” This skripsi is written to fulfill one requirement to obtain
the Sarjana degree at Department of English Education of Faculty Science and
University of Wahidiyah.
Finishing of Writing this skripsi is actually a miracle for me since it was
firstly regarded as ataskwoul be very hard to do. However, it has now been denied
since this skripsi has finally been written. Then, I would like to thank Allah SWT
for The Blessing given to me so that the writing of this skripsi has been finished
without any meaningful problem. Additionally, the writer is grateful to the
following for their supports and helps:
1. Mrs. Fauziah Isnaini, M.Pd. as the rector along with the staff of Wahidiyah
2. Mr. Abdur Rahman, M.Pd.I., M.Pd. as the dean of Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education along sith the staff.
3. Ms. Siti Nafi’yah, M.Pd. as the head of English Education Study Program and
also as the Advisor.
4. All the lecturers in English Department for teaching precious knowledge,
sharing philoshophy of life, and giving wonderful study experince.
5. The principal of Wahidiyah Junior High School Bojonegoro and all of the
students of seventh grade who helped the writer during the research.
6. My beloved Parents who always gives their everlasting loves, prays and
everything to finish my study.
7. My Beloved Brother Dimas Lutfi Bagus Ardiansyah and all of my big family
for their moral, support, patient, and prayer.
8. My best friend Anurul Latif Azizatul Ummah, S.Sos. who always pray,
support, and entertain me when I felt down and supported me to do my
9. My beloved someone Firda NF, S.Sos. who always give me support, care and
advice to finish my study.
10. All of my family in the same struggle PBI University of Wahidiyah 2017,
thank you so much for your motivation until the end of present day.
May Allah generally favor them all, Amiin. Finally, the researcher
understands that this theory has a few shortcomings and missteps. Therefore, the
researcher should recognize any supportive plans to work on this theory.

Kediri, August 21st 2022


Wahid Nur Afif Udin, Abdul 2022. “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill In English
With Communicative Approach Strategy At Seventh Grade Of SMP Wahidiyah
Bojonegoro”. Thesis, English Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education Wahidiyah University of Kediri.
Advisor: Siti Nafi’yah, M.Pd.
Key word: communicative approach strategy, speaking skill

This research entitled Improving Students’ Speaking Skill in English with

Communicative Approach Strategy aims to improve students' speaking skills in English
lessons by using a communicative approach strategy. This research was conducted using
Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this study were the seventh grade of
SMP Wahidiyah Bojonegoro for the academic year 2020/2021, totaling 29 students. The
purpose of this study was to improve students' speaking skills in English lessons using a
communicative approach strategy in seventh grade of SMP Wahidiyah Bojonegoro. This
research was conducted in two cycles, each of which consisted of planning,
implementation, observation, and reflection. Data were collected through quantitative and
qualitative data.
The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in students' speaking
skills. The mean of pre-test was 58. The mean of post-test 1 was 69.2. the mean of post-
test 2 was 82.7. This shows that the score and average in the second cycle is better than in
the first cycle. The percentage of students who get points >75 also increases. In the Pre-
Test, 5 students (17.2%) got points >75 and above. In the post-test cycle 1, 12 students
(41.4%). In the post-test cycle 2, 25 students (86.2%). In other words, students' speaking
ability increases and becomes good at the first meeting until the next meeting.

Wahid Nur Afif Udin, Abdul 2022. “Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa
Inggris Siswa Dengan Strategi Pendekatan Komunikatif Pada Kelas VII SMP
Wahidiyah Bojonegoro”. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Wahidiyah Kediri.
Dosen Pembimbing: Siti Nafi’yah, M.Pd.
Kata kunci: strategi pendekatan komunikatif, mendongeng (storytelling)

Penelitian yang berjudul Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Siswa dalam

Bahasa Inggris dengan Strategi Pendekatan Komunikatif ini bertujuan untuk
meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan
menggunakan strategi pendekatan komunikatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan
menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas
VII SMP Wahidiyah Bojonegoro tahun ajaran 2020/2021 yang berjumlah 29 siswa.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam
pelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan strategi pendekatan komunikatif di kelas
tujuh SMP Wahidiyah Bojonegoro. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus yang
masing-masing terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data
dikumpulkan melalui data kuantitatif dan kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan keterampilan
berbicara siswa. Rerata pre-test adalah 58. Rerata post-test 1 adalah 69,2. rata-rata post-
test 2 adalah 82,7. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa skor dan rata-rata pada siklus II lebih baik
dari pada siklus I. Persentase siswa yang mendapatkan poin >75 juga meningkat. Pada
Pre-Test, 5 siswa (17,2%) mendapat poin >75 ke atas. Pada post-test siklus 1, 12 siswa
(41,4%). Pada post-test siklus 2, 25 siswa (86,2%). Dengan kata lain, kemampuan
berbicara siswa meningkat dan menjadi baik pada pertemuan pertama hingga pertemuan

I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents, family, and friends,
and also my best lecturers, who have helped me in this skripsi.

" Don't stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done!”

APPROVAL SHEET..............................................................................................iii
LEGALIZATION OF EXAMINATION COMMITTEE.......................................iv
CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP........................................................................v
DEDICATION AND MOTTO................................................................................x
TABLE OF CONTENT..........................................................................................xi
CHAPTER I...........................................................................................................xii
A. Background of Study....................................................................................................
B. Statement of Problem...................................................................................................
C. Purpose of Study..........................................................................................................
D. Benefit of Study...........................................................................................................
E. Hypothesis.....................................................................................................................
F. Definition of Key Terms...............................................................................................
CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................18
LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................18
A. Theoretical Framework.................................................................................................
B. Previous Studies............................................................................................................
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................33
RESEARCH METHOD.........................................................................................33
A. Types and Design of The Research...............................................................................
B. Setting of The Research................................................................................................
C. Population and Sample..................................................................................................
D . Research Instruments....................................................................................................
E . Teaching Procedures.....................................................................................................
F . Technique of Data Analysis..........................................................................................


In this chapter, the researcher will explain background of study,

statement of the problem, purpose of the study, benefit of the study, hypothesis,

and definition of key terms.

A. Background of Study

Language is basically a communication tool in which people express

their feelings, ideas, opinions, and desires. English is an international language

which widely used in the world. It works as a means of communication where

people from different countries interact.

Indonesian must be able to master English as an international language,

for both communicative and academic purposes. Both of these goals are important

to adopt science and technology and be able to compete with other countries in

any field.

Learning English is very important, especially in terms of education. In

addition through English, we can introduce the cultural and linguistic diversity of

this nation to those who of course want to know about this nation. There is a great

need for English in the national and international areas. That English is very

important for us and for the students, of course, to make them know that later it

will be very useful to learn English.

English is one of the compulsory subjects in Junior High School

student. Serves as a means to develop its capabilities in the fields of technology,

science, art, and culture. Therefore, students can build themselves into skilled

human beings. In learning English, there are four language skills that must be

mastered by students. They read, listen, speak and write.

Teaching English should involve the four skills mentioned above. fact,

three skills: listening, speaking, and writing only have a small amount of time.

The evidence can be found in the teaching of everyday English, which pays a lot

of attention to teaching reading, grammar, and words in anticipation of the final

written exam.

Students are expected to master English to communicate.

Communication can occur through written and oral forms. In written

communication, writing skills are needed, on the other hand, oral communication

requires speaking skills. There will be many difficulties in learning and teaching

speaking. Talking is a simple thing but quite difficult to do. It involves many

aspects such as cognitive, physiological and psychomotor aspects.

Students have problem in speaking English are seen below three

headings: the first is the lack of opportunity to use the language, the second is the

constructive aspect of low anxiety and motivation, and the third is the lack of

understanding of the topic.

After observing the teaching and learning process of English at SMP

Wahidiyah Bojonegoro, the researcher concluded that students' speaking skills did

not get adequate attention in the process of learning English. The importance of

the ability to speak English, researchers need to improve the process of learning to

speak so that students can develop their speaking skills.

From that reason, the researcher conducted the research. By doing

classroom action research, researchers try to improve students' speaking skills

through communicative activities at Wahidiyah Junior High School Bojonegoro

for the 2021/2022 academic year through communicative approach.

B. Statement of Problem

Based on background of study above, the statement of problem in this

study is: How is communicative approach strategy conducted to improve students’

speaking skill in english lesson at seventh grade of SMP Wahidiyah Bojonegoro?

C. Purpose of Study

The purpose of the study is to improve students’ speaking skill in

english lesson by using communicative approach strategy at seventh grade of

SMP Wahidiyah Bojonegoro.

D. Benefit of Study

From the research we can get many benefits from the usage of the

approach and media, it has benefits for own researcher, teacher, and for the


1. For the researcher

a. The research will develop his experience related to his knowledge in research

on education and teaching English, especially for speaking skill.

2. For the teacher

a. The teachers can improve the quality of teaching speaking skills to students

b. The teacher will give the students the alternative techniques to teach speaking
c. This method will motivate teachers to be more creative so that students will

be more enthusiastic in learning english

3. For the students

a. The students will improve their ability in speaking english

b. The students will be given new experiences in learning English, especially in

learning to speak so that they can be more motivated to develop their abilities.

E. Hypothesis

The hypothesis can be formulated as follows:

This teaching of speaking through communicative approach strategy can improve

the students’ speaking skill.

F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Speaking Skill

a. Speaking

According to Longman Dictionaries (21 December 2021:

13.10 WIB) the definition of speak is to talk to someone about something

speak to somebody. Speaking is the way individuals reveal and

communicate thoughts to others orally. More widely according from

Oxford Learners’ Dictionaries (29 November 2021: 09.00) to talk to

somebody about something; to have a conversation with somebody.

b. Speaking Skill

According to Bygate (1997) that speaking in many ways the

way skills are underestimated. It was probably assumed that way because
almost anyone could speak and found the skill too mundane. Speaking is

often considered as a form of expression that uses everyday language.

Thus, literary skills become more precise than speaking skills. However,

speaking is a skill that deserves attention just as much as literary skills,

both in the first and second languages.

Thus, speaking is a receptive and productive creative process.

The ability to speak is a productive skill because a person performs

activities to use his speech organs successfully, while receptive skills are

because it requires others to listen to what is being said in order to react

successfully to what has been heard previously.

In conclusion, by speaking more than just producing sound,

that is activities involving three areas of knowledge, and they are the areas

of mechanics, functions, and social and cultural rules and norms. Here

speaking skill is a good, influence, and precise speaking skill of students

in seventh grade of SMP Wahidiyah Bojonegoro at academic year


2. Communicative Approach

The communicative approach in language learning and teaching is

one of the approach that focuses learning on communication. One of the basic

concepts of the Communicative Approach is learner-centered. The teacher

should not dominate the language teaching and learning process. This aims to

be able to communicate effectively and precisely according to the context

they are working on. Same as communicative language teaching is a one of

the english language approach that is a developing from the previous method

such as audio lingual method. It is primary goal is for learners to develop

communicative competence or to make us use of real-life situations that

necessitate communication


In this chapter, the researcher will explain the theoretical framework

which has parts speaking skills, teaching speaking, and communicative approach

that has their subpart. And of course, the researcher has 2 previous studies for the

references from Armasita, and Sri Wahyuningsi.

A. Theoretical Framework

This theoretical framework is explained about speaking skills,

especially the understanding of speaking and the elements of speaking, and

then teaching speaking and the last is communicative approach.

1. Speaking Skills

a. The Understanding of Speaking

Speaking is the way for people to express and

communicate ideas to others orally. According to Gert and Hans in

Efrizal (2012: 127) in Zuhriyah (2017: 1) speaking is speech or

utterances produced by the speaker with an intention of being

known, then the listeners process the saying in order to know the

speakers’ intention.

According to Zuhriyah (2017: 3) explain that speaking is

an activity to produce sayings in the form of words and sentences

orally in order to communicate with others. Meanwhile, according

to Khorashadizadeh (2014: 12), speaking needs not only the

learners’ understanding about the way to produce the linguistic

competence such as grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary but

also comprehension about sociolinguistic competence such as when,

why, and how to speak. According to Bahadorfar and Omidvar

(2015: 9), speaking skills can be categorized as good speaking skills

when the listener can understand the words produced by the speaker.

According to Burgos Velásquez et al (2015: 1) speaking in

English teaching is referred to as an interactive process of

constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and

processing information.

The other definition of speaking is by Thonburry (2005:

12) states that speaking or oral communication is an activity which

includes two or more people in which hearers and speakers have to

react to what they hear and make people their contribution at speed

of high level. Each participant has a purpose or an intention that she

or he wants to achieve in the interaction.

While Brown and Yule (cited in Christamia, 2014) defines

that speaking was to express the needs-request, information, service,

etc. the speakers say words to listener not only to express what in his

mind but also to express what he needs. Most people might spend of

their everyday life in communicating to others. Therefore;

communication involves at least two people where both sender and

receiver need to communicate to exchange information, ideas,

opinions, views, or feelings.

In conclusion, the understanding of speaking itself is a

communication tool that can help people to communicate each other

or an activity which includes two or more people as speakers and

listener to exchange information, ideas, opinions, views, feeling, and

express what they need. Generally, speaking has the aims to convey

various information, entertain people, and also invite or influence


b. The Elements of Speaking

According to Verawati Silaban (2018:12) There are many

kinds of speaking. Keraf (1980: 189) distinguishes them into three

kinds, namely, instructive, persuasive, and recreative. The instructive

speaking aims at telling something. The persuasive speaking is

encouraging, reassuring, and acting. The recreative speaking aims at

entertaining. These types of speaking require a different reaction

from the listeners. Persuasive speaking wants the reaction from the

audience to get inspiration or to stimulate emotional, rapprochement

of opinion, intellectuals, beliefs, and to get a specific action from the

listeners. The instructive speaking requires reactions from listeners

in the form of a proper sense. Meanwhile, receptive speaking

requires a reaction from listeners in the form of interest and

Besides, according to Zaid (2018: 9) to be able to speak

English, students have to involve the components in speaking skills,

namely pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and accuracy

(Nunan, 2003). The explanation of those components are as follows:

1. Pronunciation

According to Oxford Learners’ Dictionaries (29

November 2021: 15.00 WIB) pronunciation is how a language

or a particular word or sound is pronounced. Here,

pronunciation is the way how we pronounce words in English.

When using English, we need to pay attention to pronunciation.

2. Grammar

According to Oxford Learners’ Dictionaries (29

November 2021: 15.05 WIB) grammar is the rules in a language

for changing the form of words and joining them into sentences.

Based on the explanation above we can conclude that we need

grammar for our speaking, that’s how we study the rules that

govern the use of language. Grammar is part of the field of

science that studies language, namely linguistics.

3. Vocabulary

According to Merriam Webster (3 December 2021:

08.41 WIB) vocabulary is the words that make up a language.

So, vocabulary is a collection of several words that are

combined so that they have meaning.

4. Fluency

According to Merriam Webster (3 December 2021:

08.41) the quality or state of being fluent. Fluent in speaking

itself is how we can speak fluently in front of people


5. Accuracy

According to Longman Dictionary (3 December 2021:

08.45) accuracy is the ability to do something exactly without

making a mistake. Here show us how we speak appropriately,

thoroughly, and carefully.

Furthermore, Brindley (1995: 19) makes specifications

about oral. Here, oral can be defined as speaking. He believes that

oral is to:

a. Express oneself intelligibly;

b. Convey intended meaning accurately with sufficient command of


c. Use language appropriate to context;

d. Interact with other speakers fluently;

In addition, also according to Nunan (1999: 41), there are

two main aspects of speaking skill; accuracy and fluency. Accuracy

means that the speakers are required to use the correct vocabulary,

grammar, and pronunciation. While fluency means that the speakers

are required to be able to keep going when speaking spontaneously.

However, it does not mean that the speakers speak so fast because

sometimes pausing is important. According to Nunan (1999) is an

aspect of fluency which may be long but not frequent. Moreover,

when speaking fluently, speakers should be able to get the message

across with whatever resources and abilities they have got and

regardless of any grammatical and other mistakes Verawati Silaban

(2018: 3).

2. Teaching Speaking

According to Nunan (2003: 1) defines the meaning of teaching

speaking is teaching an english learner to:

 Produce the english speech sounds and sounds patterns.

 Use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of

the foreign language.

 Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper

social setting, audiences, situation and subject matters.

 Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence.

Use the language quickly and confidently with a few unnatural

pauses, which is called as fluency.

According to Murni & Siambotan (2017: 12) speaking is the

uniquely human act or process of sharing and exchanging information,

ideas, and emotions using oral language. The goal of speaking is to

achieve interactive communication between the speaker and the listener.

Teaching speaking is the activity where the teachers lead their students to
improve their ability in expressing emotions, ideas, or feelings orally.

Based on the concept of teaching speaking, students are called well in

speaking if they can express their feelings, ideas, or emotion through

verbal sense effectively. Teachers as the guidance have a responsibility to

help students in improving their speaking skills by making some

corrections regarding the problems in the teaching-learning progress.

According to Douglas Brown according to (Banten, 2017)

teaching as showing or helping someone to learn is guiding and

facilitating learning enables the learner to learn how to do something,

giving instruction, guiding of the study of something, providing with

knowledge causing to know or understand.

Brown (2007) mentioned seven principles for teaching

speaking skills, they are:

 Focus on both fluency and accuracy, depending on your objective.

 Provide intrinsically motivating techniques.

 Encourage the use of authentic language in meaningful contexts.

 Provide appropriate feedback and correction

 Capitalize on the natural link between speaking and listening.

 Give students opportunities to initiate oral communication.

 Encourage the development of speaking strategies.

Thus, speaking is a creative process in which both receptive

and productive skill taking a part. Speaking ability is productive skill

because one carries out the activity for using his speech organs
successfully, while it is receptive skill because it needs someone else to

listen to what has been said in order to react what have been heard before


3. Communicative Approach

a. The Understanding of Communicative Approach

The purpose of English teaching learning activity is to

reach the communicative competence, so do Indonesian government

in Indonesians’ educational systems. So, the method that is nearly

appropriate to get this goal is communicative language teaching or

we usually mention it communicative approach.

The communicative Approach in language learning and

teaching is an approach which focuses learning on communication.

One of the basic concepts of the Communicative Approach is

learner-centered. The teacher should not dominate the process of the

language teaching learning. It is aimed that communicate effectively

and appropriately based on the context they are working.

The Communicative Approach gives thought to the people

who deal with the language teaching that it is important to teach

learners in term of language structure and of communicative

functions. The application of the Communicative Approach can be

seen in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) since it covers

both structural and functional aspects of language.

Communicative Language Teaching according to Harmer

(2002: 2) is the name which was given to a set of beliefs which

included only a re-examination of what aspects of language to teach,

but also a shift in emphasis in how to teach. The “what to teach”

aspect of the Communicative approach stressed the significance of

language functions rather than focusing solely on grammar and


Brown (2007) offer the following seven interconnected

characteristics as a description of CLT, they are :

1) CLT suggests a focus on all of the components (grammatical,

discourse, functional, sociolinguistic, and strategic) of

communicative competence.

2) Language techniques are designed to engage learners in the

pragmatic, authenthic, functional use of language for meaningful


3) A focus on students’ flow of comprehension and production are

seen as complementary principles underlying communicative


4) Students in a communicative class ultimately have to use the

language, productively and receptively, in unrehearsed contexts

outside the classroom.

5) Students are given oppornities to focus on their own learning

process through raising their awareness of their own styles of

learning and through the development of appropriate strategies

for production and comprehension.

6) The role of the teacher is that of facilitator and guide, not an all-

knowing font of knowledge.

Students in a communicative approach class are active

participants in their own learning process.

Other than that, Harmer (2002) said that the

Communicative approach or Communicative Language Teaching

(CLT) have now become generalized “umbrella” terms to describe

learning sequences which aim to improve the students’ ability to

communicate, in stark contrast to teaching which is aimed more at

learning bits of language just because they exist and without

focusing on their use in communicative activities are vital part of a

teachers’ repertoire, it is less clear whether it is possible to pin down

exactly what a communicative approach is. Atfter all, most language

teaching aims to improve the students’ communicative ability,

whatever techniques the teacher uses to promote this. And CLT has

also included snatches of drilling and focused language work despite

the non-communicative nature of such activities.

We can conclude that communicative approach based on

the teory that the primary function of language use is for

communication, it goals is for learners to develop communicative

competence, not just the purpose of fulfilling a requirement or of

passing a test but to make use of real-life situations that necessitate

communication. In communicative approach, classroom have to be

motivating for the students to use the language in teaching learning

activity. Teacher should make communicative classroom activities to

attrack students in language, beside the material of teaching learning

activity should be based on the students’ daily live, it is really

effective way to build students’ social-interaction.

b. The Characteristic of Communicative Approach

According to Richard and Rodgers (1993:71) The goal of

communicative approach is the mastery of communicative

competence. Communicative competence is the knowledge and the

ability to use the language in the real communication. It includes

four areas of knowledge and skill that are grammatical competence,

sociolinguistics competence, discourse competence, and strategic

competence. Grammatical competence is domain of grammatical and

lexical competence. Sociolinguistics competence refers to an

understanding of social context in which communication takes place,

including role relationships, the shared information of the

participants, and the communicative purpose for their interaction.

Discourse competence refers to interpretation of individual messages

elements in terms of interconnectedness and of how meaning is

represented in relationship to the entire discourse or text. Strategic

competence refers to the copying strategies that communicator

employee to initiate, terminate, maintain, repair, and redirect


Communicative language teaching method consists of

approach, design, and procedure. The approach covers two things,

language theory and language learning theory. This method believes

that language is used as a means of communication Litllewood

(1998:1). Richards and Rogers (1993:71) state some characteristics

of communicative view of language as follow:

1. Language is a system of the expression of meaning.

2. The primary function of language is for interaction and


3. The structure of language reflects its functional and

communicative uses

4. The primary units of language are not merely its grammatical

and structural

In conclusion, from that several characteistic of

communicative approach above, we can draw conclusion that in

communicative approach, teaching and learning English here are

based on the nature of the language itself, as a mean of

communication and also socialization. The language users show the

meaning to deliver their communications’ purposes both oral and

written context. There is no rule in saying something as long as the

speaker and listener understand the meaning of the message in the

communication they do.

B. Previous Studies

In this research, the researcher will use two previous studies as

references, the first one is the research with the title “Improving Sudents’

Speaking Skill in English Lesson with Action Learning Strategy” by

Armasita, and the second one is the research by Sri Wahyuningsih with the

title “Using Communicative Language Teaching Approach to Improve

Students’ Speaking Ability”. There will be explained more in the following


1. Armasita (2017)

According to Armasita with the title “Improving Sudents’

Speaking Skill in English Lesson with Action Learning Strategy”. In this

research Armasita focus on improving students’ speaking skill in English

lesson by using action learning strategy. There are a lot of beginners feel

hard to speak a foreign language especially English. There are a lot of

reasons why they get difficulties in speaking, such as lack of ideas to tell,

lack of vocabulary to express the ideas, lack of the chance to speak, and

lack of the interesting teaching method that can motivate them to speak.

This research applied storytelling in speaking class so that the beginner is

eager to speak English.

The research here was collaborative action research (CAR)

whose principal object was to know whether or not could further improve
the students’ speaking skills. The subject of this research were 48

students of class VIII-A grade of MTs PAB 1 Helvetia at academic year


This research was conducted in two cycles which each

consists’ of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data were

gathered through quantitative and qualitative data.

By action learning strategy we can get all of the characters in

successful speaking because of course we will get the confidence a lot by

doing this exercises in front of the people they speak to build their


The researcher state that the research showed there was an

improvement in students’ speaking skill aspects got good progress. This

method improved their speaking skills.

2. Sriwahyuningsi (2019)

The second one for this previous study is research by

Sriwahyuningsi with the title “Using Communicative Language Teaching

Approach to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability”. This research aimed

at finding out whether or not the implementation Communicative

Language Teaching Approach improve the students’ ability in speaking

terms of pronunciation and fluency at the Seventh Grade Students of

SMP N 2 Baranti. This research involved one class of the seventh grade

students of SMP N 2 Baranti. The instrument to collect the data was

speaking test. In this research, the researcher analyzed the data based on
analysis the accuracy and fluency in students’ speaking. In collecting

data, the researcher gave a speaking test, the speaking test held into two

steps, there were pre-test and post-test. The researcher used (t) test to

analyze the data.

Here the researcher believed that by doing communicative

approach can improve students’ achievement especially in speaking

skills. This study was conducted by using pre-experimental research. So,

this is showed students got improvement in their speaking skill after

being taught through Communicative Language Teaching Approach, the

students’ ability in speaking English became better than before.

3. The Difference Between Both Research with This Research

  Armasita (2017) Sriminingsi (2019) Afif Nur Wahid (2022)

“Using Communicative
“Improving Sudents’ “Improving Students’
Language Teaching
Speaking Skill in English Speaking Skill in English
Title Approach to Improve
Lesson with Action with Communicative
Students’ Speaking
Learning Strategy”. Approach Strategy”.

Method CAR Pre-Experimental CAR

VIII-A grade of MTs Seventh grade students of Seventh grade of SMP

PAB 1 Helvetia SMP N 2 Baranti Wahidiyah Bojonegoro


In this chapter, the researcher will explain the method of this research

which has parts types of design of the research, setting of the research, population

and sample, research instrument, research procedure, and technique of data


A. Types and Design of The Research

The type of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). Its

conducted by teachers in the classroom. Classroom action research is aimed

to improve the quality of learning practice, that focus on the process of

teaching and learning in the class. Besides that, classroom action research is

one of strategies for solving problem which use real action and developing

capabilities to detected and solve the problem.

According to Hopkins (1993: 45) states that action research is

about the systematic study of attempts to improve educational practice by

groups of participants and by means of their own practical actions and by

means of own reflection upon the effects of those actions.

According to Burn (1999: 5) says that action research is the

application of fact finding to practical problem solving in a social situation

with a view to improving the quality of action within it, involving the

collaboration and co-operation of researchers, practitioners and laymen.


In conclusion, based on the above definition that action research is

a systematic investigation to address educational problems or to change

matters relating to educational problems which include observation, analysis,

and adjustment of management involved in action to achieve the goal of

understanding teaching. and the learning process in the classroom includes

plan, action, observation, and reflection to make changes (or improvements)

for the better in classroom.

B. Setting of The Research

This research is being conducted at SMP Wahidiyah Bojonegoro,

East Java. This study will be applied to seventh grades. This research, which

will be conducted in March – May 2022.

C. Population and Sample

The population is the entire object of research determined by the

researcher. According to (Shukla: 2020), Population refers to the set or group

of all the units on which the findings of the research are to be applied.

Referring to the definition of population, we can say that it consists of all the

units on which the findings of the research can be applied. In other words, the

population is a set of all the units which possess variable characteristics under

study and for which findings of the research can be generalized. And the

sample is a part of the population that represents it completely is known as

sample. It means, the units, selected from the population as a sample, must

represent all kinds of characteristics of different types of units of population.


So, the population of this research is the students of SMP

Wahidiyah Bojonegoro at Academic year 2021/2022. And the sample here

are seventh grades of SMP Wahidiyah Bojonegoro.

D . Research Instruments

1. Plan

Planning is a process to develop a plan of action in the context

in which it occurs. In this step, the researcher makes a lesson plan about a

certain topic, material, media, time, schedule, and instrument for


2. Action

Action is an act to implement the plan. In this step, the

researcher implements the activities written in the lesson plan.

3. Observation

Observation is a process of observing the effects of the action

in the context in which it occurs. In this step, the researcher records the

important occurrences during the teaching-learning process after the


4. Reflection

Reflection is reflecting process on these effects as the basis for

further planning; subsequent action and so on, through success of stages.

After carrying out the teaching process through communicative activities,

the researcher recites the occurrence in classroom as the reflection of the


E . Teaching Procedures

Teaching procedure is explained what the students should do, how

they should move, who they should be talking to, and any other details they

are expected to know. Classroom procedures are important to help save time

and resources so teachers can concentrate on student education. These

methods provide direction so teachers can focus on teaching and students

understand what's expected of them.

The procedures of research are performed by administrating two

cycles. Each cycle contains four steps which are planning, action,

observation, and reflection. Before the cycle I begun, orientation test is

administrated to identify the basic knowledge of the students about speaking


a) Cycle 1

 Planning

Planning is arrangement for doing something. In planning the

researcher prepare everything that will be needed in learning

process. The following points are the specification of the planning

are first cycle:

1) Analyze the students’ problem in speaking

2) Conducting the cycle in two meetings.

3) Preparing material for speaking skill.

4) Conducting pre-test in order to know the students’ basic

ability in mastery speaking.


5) Conducting a test of speaking skill with Action Learning

strategy in last meeting.

6) Preparing the instrument for collecting data, such as diary

notes, observation, interview sheets and documentation

 Action

Action is process doing things, it is implementation of planning. In

this step, the students will be taught how to improve speaking skill

with Action Learning strategy:

1) Explain the purpose of action learning strategy in learning


2) Devide students into eight groups.

3) Assign task to each group to memorize the vocabulary

associate with the material and make a conversation.

4) Asks the students to practice speaking with the vocabulary

that has been memorize.

 Observation

In this stage the researcher conducted several activities as follows:

Observed during the process of learning about students speaking

skill and learning process using observation sheets that had been


1) To evaluate students skill of observation sheet

2) Make notes suitability study process undertaken based o

indicators of speaking skill


 Reflection

Reflection implemented based on the analysis of data from

observation and evaluation activities. Reflections conducted to

determine the extent to which media can enhance students speaking

skills and to know the advantages and disadvantages of the

implementation of learning process which has been implemented to

avoid recurrence on the second cycle and overcome obstacles that

may be encountered on the second cycle.

b) Cycle 2

 Planning

Activity of which is in the palnning cycle II is the same as planning

to cycle I. The palnning stages on the second cycle based on the

result of reflection of the activity cycle I. Planning is done to avoid

the shortage and obstacles that occur in the first cycle both on

students and on the implementation process of learning to improve

students speaking skill. In this cycle consist of two meetings. The

first and second meeting on the second cycle is presented in the

material daily routines.

 Action

Activities undertaken in this phase is to implement lesson plans that

have been planned and developed from the implementation of the

first cycle of the learning process accordance with lesson plans that

have been previously design to improve students speaking skill and

the learning can take well.

 Observation and Evaluation

As in cycle I, observation and evaluation activities carried out to

determine the changes in students speaking skill.

 Reflection

At the end of the second cycle, the observation of later researchers

to find weakness and excellence in learning.Reflection include:

1) Disclosure of the result of observation about the advantages

and disadvantages of learning in understanding the concept

by using action learning

2) Reveal the action that have been conducted during the

student learning progress poses

3) Disclose the action taken by the teacher during the learning

and teaching process. The things that reflected the

discussion with the class teacher concerned.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

This study applied the quantitative and qualitative data. The

quantitative data was used to analyze the score of students while the

qualitative data was used to describe the situation during on the tesching

process. By applying this data, it was assumed to get the satisfying result of

the improving ability in speaking through action learning strategy. The

qualitative data was analyzed from the instrument. The quantitative data was

analyzed to see the improving of students speaking ability. The writer

searched the mean of each post test from every cycle. The writer applied the

following formula:



X = The mean of the students scores

ΣX = The total score

N = Number of the student

In order to categories the member of master students, the writer

used the following formula:

P= x 100 %


P = The percentage of students who get the point 75

R = The number of students who get point up to 75 above

T = The total of students who do the test

Then, after getting mean of students’ score per actions, the

writer identifies whether or not there might have students’ improvement score

on speaking skill from pre-test and post-test score in cycle 1 and cycle 2. In

analyzing that, the writer uses the formula:

y 1− y
P= x100%


P = Percentage of students’ improvement


Y = Pre-test result

= Post-test I

y 2− y
P= x100%


P = Percentage of students’ improvement

y = Pre-test result

y2 = Post-test

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