Proposal Apip
Proposal Apip
Proposal Apip
NIM 1787410017
NIM 1787410017
Head of English Study Program,
Examination Committee
Siti Nafi’yah, M.Pd.
… Examiner 1
NIDN: 0701019001
Putri Novita M.Pd.
… Examiner 2
NIDN: 0701019001
Sultoni, S.S., M.Pd.
… Examiner 3
NIDN: 0705087305
Alamat: Kampus Uniwa Kediri Pondok Pesantren Kedunglo Kediri telp.( 0354 ) 771018 fax. 0354 (772179)
The undersigned below
Name : Abdul Wahid Nur Afif Udin
Place, Date of Birth :
Registered Number : 1787410017
Address : Jl. PUK Kauman ds. Sumuragung RT 001 RW 001 kec.
Sumberrejo kab. Bojonegoro
Departement : English Education Study Program
Faculty : Teacher Training and Education
States that this thesis entitled “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill in
English with Communicative Approach Strategy at Seventh Grade of SMP
Wahidiyah Bojonegoro.” is really my original work. It does not incorporate any
materials previously written or published by another person.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful. All praises are to
Allah the lord of the Worlds, who has given health and strength to the researcher
in completing this thesis. May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon his final
prophet and Messenger Muhammad SAW his family and his companions.
Honorable on to Ghoutsu Hadzazzaman RA, Hadrotul Mukarrom Kanjeng Kyai
Abdul Majid Ali Fikri RA, the leader of Yayasan Perjuangan Wahidiyah And
Pondok Pesantren Kedunglo Al- Munadhdhoroh.
The written of this skripsi entitled “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill
In English With Communicative Approach Strategy At Seventh Grade Of SMP
Wahidiyah Bojonegoro” This skripsi is written to fulfill one requirement to obtain
the Sarjana degree at Department of English Education of Faculty Science and
University of Wahidiyah.
Finishing of Writing this skripsi is actually a miracle for me since it was
firstly regarded as ataskwoul be very hard to do. However, it has now been denied
since this skripsi has finally been written. Then, I would like to thank Allah SWT
for The Blessing given to me so that the writing of this skripsi has been finished
without any meaningful problem. Additionally, the writer is grateful to the
following for their supports and helps:
1. Mrs. Fauziah Isnaini, M.Pd. as the rector along with the staff of Wahidiyah
2. Mr. Abdur Rahman, M.Pd.I., M.Pd. as the dean of Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education along sith the staff.
3. Ms. Siti Nafi’yah, M.Pd. as the head of English Education Study Program and
also as the Advisor.
4. All the lecturers in English Department for teaching precious knowledge,
sharing philoshophy of life, and giving wonderful study experince.
5. The principal of Wahidiyah Junior High School Bojonegoro and all of the
students of seventh grade who helped the writer during the research.
6. My beloved Parents who always gives their everlasting loves, prays and
everything to finish my study.
7. My Beloved Brother Dimas Lutfi Bagus Ardiansyah and all of my big family
for their moral, support, patient, and prayer.
8. My best friend Anurul Latif Azizatul Ummah, S.Sos. who always pray,
support, and entertain me when I felt down and supported me to do my
9. My beloved someone Firda NF, S.Sos. who always give me support, care and
advice to finish my study.
10. All of my family in the same struggle PBI University of Wahidiyah 2017,
thank you so much for your motivation until the end of present day.
May Allah generally favor them all, Amiin. Finally, the researcher
understands that this theory has a few shortcomings and missteps. Therefore, the
researcher should recognize any supportive plans to work on this theory.
Wahid Nur Afif Udin, Abdul 2022. “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill In English
With Communicative Approach Strategy At Seventh Grade Of SMP Wahidiyah
Bojonegoro”. Thesis, English Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education Wahidiyah University of Kediri.
Advisor: Siti Nafi’yah, M.Pd.
Key word: communicative approach strategy, speaking skill
Wahid Nur Afif Udin, Abdul 2022. “Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa
Inggris Siswa Dengan Strategi Pendekatan Komunikatif Pada Kelas VII SMP
Wahidiyah Bojonegoro”. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Wahidiyah Kediri.
Dosen Pembimbing: Siti Nafi’yah, M.Pd.
Kata kunci: strategi pendekatan komunikatif, mendongeng (storytelling)
I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents, family, and friends,
and also my best lecturers, who have helped me in this skripsi.
" Don't stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done!”
APPROVAL SHEET..............................................................................................iii
LEGALIZATION OF EXAMINATION COMMITTEE.......................................iv
CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP........................................................................v
DEDICATION AND MOTTO................................................................................x
TABLE OF CONTENT..........................................................................................xi
CHAPTER I...........................................................................................................xii
A. Background of Study....................................................................................................
B. Statement of Problem...................................................................................................
C. Purpose of Study..........................................................................................................
D. Benefit of Study...........................................................................................................
E. Hypothesis.....................................................................................................................
F. Definition of Key Terms...............................................................................................
CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................18
LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................18
A. Theoretical Framework.................................................................................................
B. Previous Studies............................................................................................................
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................33
RESEARCH METHOD.........................................................................................33
A. Types and Design of The Research...............................................................................
B. Setting of The Research................................................................................................
C. Population and Sample..................................................................................................
D . Research Instruments....................................................................................................
E . Teaching Procedures.....................................................................................................
F . Technique of Data Analysis..........................................................................................
statement of the problem, purpose of the study, benefit of the study, hypothesis,
A. Background of Study
for both communicative and academic purposes. Both of these goals are important
to adopt science and technology and be able to compete with other countries in
any field.
addition through English, we can introduce the cultural and linguistic diversity of
this nation to those who of course want to know about this nation. There is a great
need for English in the national and international areas. That English is very
important for us and for the students, of course, to make them know that later it
human beings. In learning English, there are four language skills that must be
Teaching English should involve the four skills mentioned above. fact,
three skills: listening, speaking, and writing only have a small amount of time.
The evidence can be found in the teaching of everyday English, which pays a lot
written exam.
communication, writing skills are needed, on the other hand, oral communication
requires speaking skills. There will be many difficulties in learning and teaching
speaking. Talking is a simple thing but quite difficult to do. It involves many
headings: the first is the lack of opportunity to use the language, the second is the
constructive aspect of low anxiety and motivation, and the third is the lack of
Wahidiyah Bojonegoro, the researcher concluded that students' speaking skills did
not get adequate attention in the process of learning English. The importance of
the ability to speak English, researchers need to improve the process of learning to
B. Statement of Problem
C. Purpose of Study
D. Benefit of Study
From the research we can get many benefits from the usage of the
approach and media, it has benefits for own researcher, teacher, and for the
a. The research will develop his experience related to his knowledge in research
a. The teachers can improve the quality of teaching speaking skills to students
b. The teacher will give the students the alternative techniques to teach speaking
c. This method will motivate teachers to be more creative so that students will
learning to speak so that they can be more motivated to develop their abilities.
E. Hypothesis
1. Speaking Skill
a. Speaking
b. Speaking Skill
way skills are underestimated. It was probably assumed that way because
almost anyone could speak and found the skill too mundane. Speaking is
Thus, literary skills become more precise than speaking skills. However,
activities to use his speech organs successfully, while receptive skills are
that is activities involving three areas of knowledge, and they are the areas
of mechanics, functions, and social and cultural rules and norms. Here
2. Communicative Approach
one of the approach that focuses learning on communication. One of the basic
should not dominate the language teaching and learning process. This aims to
necessitate communication
which has parts speaking skills, teaching speaking, and communicative approach
that has their subpart. And of course, the researcher has 2 previous studies for the
A. Theoretical Framework
1. Speaking Skills
known, then the listeners process the saying in order to know the
speakers’ intention.
when the listener can understand the words produced by the speaker.
processing information.
react to what they hear and make people their contribution at speed
etc. the speakers say words to listener not only to express what in his
mind but also to express what he needs. Most people might spend of
express what they need. Generally, speaking has the aims to convey
from the listeners. Persuasive speaking wants the reaction from the
Besides, according to Zaid (2018: 9) to be able to speak
1. Pronunciation
2. Grammar
for changing the form of words and joining them into sentences.
grammar for our speaking, that’s how we study the rules that
3. Vocabulary
5. Accuracy
oral is to:
means that the speakers are required to use the correct vocabulary,
across with whatever resources and abilities they have got and
(2018: 3).
2. Teaching Speaking
Use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of
Teaching speaking is the activity where the teachers lead their students to
improve their ability in expressing emotions, ideas, or feelings orally.
because one carries out the activity for using his speech organs
successfully, while it is receptive skill because it needs someone else to
listen to what has been said in order to react what have been heard before
3. Communicative Approach
communicative competence.
6) The role of the teacher is that of facilitator and guide, not an all-
whatever techniques the teacher uses to promote this. And CLT has
communicative uses
and structural
B. Previous Studies
references, the first one is the research with the title “Improving Sudents’
Armasita, and the second one is the research by Sri Wahyuningsih with the
1. Armasita (2017)
lesson by using action learning strategy. There are a lot of beginners feel
reasons why they get difficulties in speaking, such as lack of ideas to tell,
lack of vocabulary to express the ideas, lack of the chance to speak, and
lack of the interesting teaching method that can motivate them to speak.
whose principal object was to know whether or not could further improve
the students’ speaking skills. The subject of this research were 48
doing this exercises in front of the people they speak to build their
2. Sriwahyuningsi (2019)
SMP N 2 Baranti. This research involved one class of the seventh grade
speaking test. In this research, the researcher analyzed the data based on
analysis the accuracy and fluency in students’ speaking. In collecting
data, the researcher gave a speaking test, the speaking test held into two
steps, there were pre-test and post-test. The researcher used (t) test to
“Using Communicative
“Improving Sudents’ “Improving Students’
Language Teaching
Speaking Skill in English Speaking Skill in English
Title Approach to Improve
Lesson with Action with Communicative
Students’ Speaking
Learning Strategy”. Approach Strategy”.
In this chapter, the researcher will explain the method of this research
which has parts types of design of the research, setting of the research, population
teaching and learning in the class. Besides that, classroom action research is
one of strategies for solving problem which use real action and developing
with a view to improving the quality of action within it, involving the
East Java. This study will be applied to seventh grades. This research, which
of all the units on which the findings of the research are to be applied.
Referring to the definition of population, we can say that it consists of all the
units on which the findings of the research can be applied. In other words, the
population is a set of all the units which possess variable characteristics under
study and for which findings of the research can be generalized. And the
sample. It means, the units, selected from the population as a sample, must
D . Research Instruments
1. Plan
in which it occurs. In this step, the researcher makes a lesson plan about a
2. Action
3. Observation
in the context in which it occurs. In this step, the researcher records the
4. Reflection
E . Teaching Procedures
they should move, who they should be talking to, and any other details they
are expected to know. Classroom procedures are important to help save time
cycles. Each cycle contains four steps which are planning, action,
a) Cycle 1
this step, the students will be taught how to improve speaking skill
skill and learning process using observation sheets that had been
b) Cycle 2
the shortage and obstacles that occur in the first cycle both on
first cycle of the learning process accordance with lesson plans that
quantitative data was used to analyze the score of students while the
qualitative data was used to describe the situation during on the tesching
process. By applying this data, it was assumed to get the satisfying result of
qualitative data was analyzed from the instrument. The quantitative data was
searched the mean of each post test from every cycle. The writer applied the
following formula:
P= x 100 %
writer identifies whether or not there might have students’ improvement score
on speaking skill from pre-test and post-test score in cycle 1 and cycle 2. In
y 1− y
P= x100%
Y = Pre-test result
= Post-test I
y 2− y
P= x100%
y = Pre-test result
y2 = Post-test