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The Use of Video Learning "American Pronunciation" To Improve Students Pronunciation Ability of The Eleventh Grade at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu

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Submitted to English Language Study of S1 Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

of State Islamic Institute of Palopo in partial Fulfill of Requirement for S.Pd Degree
of English Education

Written By:
Reg. Num: 17. 0202. 0221



Submitted to English Language Study of S1 Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

of State Islamic Institute of Palopo in partial Fulfill of Requirement for S.Pd Degree
of English Education

Written By:
Reg. Num: 17. 0202. 0221

1. Dr. Jufriadi, S.S., M.Pd

2. Dewi Furwana, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.




Thesis Entitile : The Use of Video Learning “American Pronunciation” to

Improve Studens Pronunciation Ability of the Eleventh
Grade at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu.

Written by

Name : Uci

Reg. Number : 17 0202 0221

Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

Study Program : English Education

Has been corrected and approved to be examined.

Palopo, 5 April 2022

Consultant I Consultant II

Dr. Jufriadi, S.S., M.Pd Dewi Furwana, S.Pd. I., M.Pd

NIP. 19720727 200604 1 002 NIP. 19870831 201503 2 006


Palopo, 5 April 2022

Lamp :-
Hal :
Kepada Yth.
Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan
Assalamu’alaikum wr,wb.
Selain melakukan bimbingan, baik dari segi isi, bahasa, maupun teknik
penulisan terhadap naskah skripsi mahasiswa di bawah ini:
Nama : Uci
Nim : 17 0202 0221
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Judul Skripsi :The Use of Video Learning “American Pronunciation”
to Improve Students Pronunciation Ability of the
Eleventh Grade at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu.
Menyatakan bahwa skripsi tersebut sudah memenuhi syarat-syarat akademik
dan layak untuk diuji cobakan pada ujian / seminar hasil penelitian
Demikian untuk diproses selanjutnya
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr, Wb.
Consultant I Consultant II

Dr. Jufriadi, S.S., M.Pd Dewi Furwana, S.Pd. I., M.Pd

NIP.19720727 200604 1 002 NIP.19870831 201503 2 006

Signature by:

Name : Uci

Reg Numbe : 17 0202 0221

Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Study Program : English Language Study Program

With all awareness and consciences, the researcher who signs below,

pronounces that this literally work of researcher his self. This thesis not lawful if

someday there is not a shared evidence that. This thesis duplicated copied or made by

other people wholly or partially.

Palopo, 5 April 2022


17 0202 0221


‫ﺑﺴﻢ ﷲ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬

In the name of (ALLAH SWT), the most merciful and gracious
Alhamdulillah, for the grace and guidance that allowed the researcher to finish his
thesis “The Use of Video Learning American Pronunciation to Improve Students
Pronunciation Abiliy of the Eleventh Grade at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu”.

The researcher realizes that the existence of this thesis cannot be separated
from the much guidance, encouragement suggestions, and input from many parties,
although this thesis is still far from perfection. As a result, the researcher wishes to
express his gratitude to them.

1. Dr. Abdul Pirol, M.Ag. as the head of IAIN Palopo the first, the second, and
the third deputy head, all of the lecturers and their assistances, and the employers of
IAIN Palopo who have taught, educated, helped, advised, and guidance the researcher
during is a study in IAIN Palopo.
2. Dr. Nurdin Kaso, M.Pd as the head of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty
State Islamic of Palopo and the researcher respect for him.
3. Amalia Yahya, S.E., M.Hum, as the head of the English Study Program,
always gave support and Encourage how to be good students. Along with the staff
who have helped and directed in the completion of the thesis.
4. Dr. Jufriadi, S.S., M.Pd as the first consultant and Dewi Furwana, S.Pd.I.,
M.Pd. as the second consultant who had given the researcher guidance, explanation,
suggestion, some ideas, and correction to the researcher in finishing this thesis and
the researcher respect for them.

5. Wisran, S.S., M.Pd as the first examiner and Muhammad Iksan, M.Pd as the
second examiner who has given many suggestions and directions to complete this
6. Madehang, S.Ag., M.Pd as the head of the library unit and personnel at IAIN
Palopo, who has been extremely helpful, particularly in obtaining literature relevant
to this thesis’s discussion.
7. Dr. Masruddin, S.S., M. Hum is an academic advisory lecturer who has given
a lot of enthusiasm in completing the study
8. Thank you to all of the IAIN Palopo lectures and personnel who have
educated and supplied this thesis to researchers while at IAIN Palopo.
9. Drs. Harbi, the principal of SMK Negeri 5 Luwu, is to be thanked along with
the instructors and staf who have agreed to participate in the research and have
provided support. Special thanks to my English instructor (Satria Syahruddin S.Pd),
who has been extremely helpful throughout the research process.
10. Thank you to students in the eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 5 Luwu who have
collaborated and become respondents in this research. So this research goes well.
11. The whole research family. Thank you, especially to my parents. The late
father (firman) and mother (Jumriana) have given affection, attention, prayers, and
sacrifices for the success of the researcher. In adittion to my brothers and sisters who
have provided support, motivation, and enthusiasm for the researcher during the
12. Thank you to all of the BIG 2017 family, as well as all of the researchers who
are too many to list individually, for their assistance and support in completing this
The researcher hopes that this thesis can be useful for all readers. Worth
worship and get rewarded, Amiin.

Palopo, 24 January 2022

17 0202 0221


TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................... i

CONSULTANT APPROVAL .................................................................................. ii

NOTA DINAS PEMBIMBING............................................................................... iii

PRONOUNCEMENT .............................................................................................. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ viii

LIST OF TABLE ..................................................................................................... x

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................. 1

A. Backround ..................................................................................... 1

B. Research question .......................................................................... 3

C. Objectives of the research ............................................................... 3

D. Significance of the Research ......................................................... 4

E. Scope of the research ..................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ..................................... 5

A. Relevant Previous Research ........................................................... 5

B. Some Pertinent ideas....................................................................... 8

1 Definition of pronunciation ....................................................... 8

2 Received Pronunciation ........................................................... 9

3 General English Pronunciation ................................................. 10

4 Teaching pronunciation ............................................................ 12

5 Types of American pronunciation in English ......................... 13

6 American Pronunciation standard .......................................... 16

7 The material in pronunciation teaching ................................... 17

8 The problem of pronunciation ................................................. 20

9 The goal of English pronunciation .......................................... 22

10 The teacher role in English pronunciation ............................... 23

11 Teaching Pronunciation by using video learning ..................... 24

C. Theoretical Framework .................................................................. 29

D. Hypothesis .................................................................................... 30

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................... 31

A. Method and Design of Research ................................................. 31

B. Time and Place of the Research ................................................... 31

C. Operational Definition .................................................................. 32

D. Population and Sample ................................................................. 33

E. Procedure of Collecting Data ........................................................ 33

F. Instrument of the Research ........................................................ 37

G. Technique of Analysis Data ........................................................ 38

H. Validity and Reliability of the Instrument ..................................... 40

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................................... 42

A. Finding ......................................................................................... 42

B. Discussion .................................................................................... 60

CHAPTER V CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTIONS....................................... 64

A. Conclussion .................................................................................. 64

B. Suggestions .................................................................................. 64

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................... 57

APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... 60


Table 2.1 General word stress .................................................................................... 10

Table 2.2 Vowel Pronunciation of words .................................................................. 10
Table 2.3 Consonants Pronunciation of words .......................................................... 11
Table 3.1 Research Table ........................................................................................... 27
Table 3.2 Pronunciation Assesment Rubric ............................................................... 35
Table 4.1 The Mean Score of Pronunciation Ability in the pre-test .......................... 38
Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics .................................................................................. 40
Table 4.3 Percentage Score of the Students Pronunciation in Pre-Test ..................... 41
Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistics .................................................................................. 42
Table 4.5 Percentage Score of the Students Intonation in the Pre-Test ..................... 43
Table 4.6 Descriptive Statistics .................................................................................. 44
Table 4.7 Percentage Score of the Students Fluency in Pre-Test .............................. 45
Table 4.8 Descriptive Statistics .................................................................................. 46
Table 4.9 Percentage Score of the Students Accuracy in Pre-Test ............................ 47
Table 5.0The Mean Score Pronunciation Ability in the Post-Test ........................... 48
Table 5.1 Descriptive Statistics .................................................................................. 49
Table 5.2 Percentage Score of the students' Pronunciation in Post-Test ................... 50
Table 5.3 Descriptive Statistics .................................................................................. 51
Table 5.4 Percentage Score of the Students Intonation in Post-Test ......................... 52
Table 5.5 Descriptive Statistics .................................................................................. 53
Table 5.6 Percentage Score of the Students Fluency in Post-Test ............................. 54
Table 5.7 Descriptive Statistics .................................................................................. 55
Table 5.8 Percentage Score of the Students Accuracy in Post-test ............................ 56
Tabel 5.9The mean Score and Standard deviation of Pre-Test and Post-Test ........... 57
Tabel 6.0 The paired sample Statistics of Pre-Test and Post-Test ............................. 58

Table 6.1The paired sample correlation of Pre-Test and Post-Test ........................... 59
Tabel 6.2The Paired Sample Test of Pre-Test and Post-Test..................................... 60


Uci, 2022 “The Use of Video Learning “American Pronunciation” to

Improve Students pronunciation ability of the Eleventh
Grade at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu” English Language Education
study program Tarbiyah And Teacher Training Faculty State
Islamic Institue of Palopo 2022, Supervisor by: (1) Dr. Jufriadi,
S.S., M.Pd. and (2) Dewi Furwana, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.

This thesis is about teaching pronunciation ability in the use of video

learning American pronunciation at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu. The research question is,
"Is the use of video learning American pronunciation effective to improve students’
pronunciation ability of the eleventh grade at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu”? The objective is
the research this research objective is to find out whether or not the use of video
learning American pronunciation is effective to improve the English pronunciation
ability of the students’ eleventh grade at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu. This research used a
pre-experimental method with pre-test and post-test designs. Data were collected
using pronunciation test (to determine students' ability). The research population was
the eleventh-grade of accounting students at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu. The researcher
chose this class as a sample because the students in that class were less active in
learning English, especially in pronunciation ability. The results of this research show
that (1,196 < 3,892) the score is (tt) 1,196 was lower than the score (t0) 3,892. The
researcher concluded the use of video learning American pronunciation is effective to
improve students’ pronunciation ability of the eleventh grade at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu.

Keywords: Pronunciation Ability, American Pronunciation, Video Learning




A. Background
Pronunciation is one of the most important parts of English to communicate

with other people because there is a difference between symbols and sounds. When

communicating with other people we must not only have good vocabulary but also

have ood pronunciation. Everyone will speak with their own dialect, almost all

languages, including English has a dialect1. According to Richards Platt, and Weber

(in Sadtono 1987)2 what is a language variant that differs in speech, vocabulary or

expressions and grammar. However, the existence of variants of British English and

American English can bring abnormalities in pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, or

grammar in English pronunciation. Therefore, it is important to learn pronunciation,

especially in American pronunciation.

In this case using video learning American pronunciation needs to be applied

so that students can pronounce word like native speakers’ accents. With the use of

video learning students will know the sound of spoken words or the intonation of

words in English and it will make it easier for students to understand what the

speaker saying, especially in the ability to pronounce American pronunciation.

Devi Ulatsih, "English Language and Learning,” vol.2, no.2, (Mey 2015): 294
According to Richards Platt, and Satono: 1987)
The reason for choosing general pronunciation and American pronunciation to

overcome the problem of general pronunciation is to understand what native speakers

(native language speakers) are saying, because we often fail to understand what

native speakers say. Pronunciation is related to our accent, but that doesn’t mean we

have to get rid of our accent, but the point is to make the English we speak sound

clear and not different so it doesn’t cause confusion for for those who listen, why is

that, because in English there are so many words that are read almost the same or

even some are the same. American pronunciation is the most influential and powerful

variation of English in the world today. There are many reasons for this, firstly the

United States of America is currently the most powerful country in the world,

Secondly, America is Political influence is expanded. Through American popular

culture, especially through the international reach of American films (films, and

music) the third namely the internasional excellence of American English is closely

related to the extremely fast development of communication technology.3

Based on the pre observations at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu it is known that the

eleventh-graders lack in understanding vocabulary, especially in pronouncing it

correctly. There are still students who make mistakes in pronouncing this word

because of the lack of interest in learning English, especially in learning

pronunciation. To overcome this problem, the researcher will apply the method of

using learning videos in improving students’ pronunciation ability so that students are

Andy Kirkpatrick, Cambridge University Press: 2007.

more interested and motivated namely through video learning American


Video is an electronic media that combines audio and video to create a

dynamic and appealing display. As a learning medium, video media has four

functions: attention, effectiveness, cognitive function, and counterpart function

(Arsyad 2003). Attention function, namely the video media can attract attention and

direct student concentration on video material. The effective function, namely the

video media can arouse students' emotions and attitudes. Cognitive function can

accelerate the achievement of learning objectives to understand and remember

messages or information contained in symbols. Meanwhile, the compensatory

function is to provide context to students whose abilities are weak in organizing and

recalling the information that has been obtained. Thus the use of video learning

American pronunciation in SMK Negeri 5 Luwu will help students who are weak and

slow to catch a massege because videos can with original audio.5

Using video learning American pronunciation is one of the media that is

effectively used in class XI students of SMK Negeri 5 Luwu to improve their English

pronunciation ability which serve as an effective learning tool for understanding

learning in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 with video media, students will

better understand the material which was conveyed by the teacher through the video

that was played.

Satria Syahruddin, “Teaching Method Interviews,”:Class XI at SMKN 5 Luwu , (5 April
Arieff Yudianto, “ Penerapan Video sebagai Media Pmbelajaran,” (2017): hal 234-237

B. Research Question

Based on the explanation in the background above, the research question is

as follows: “Is the use of video learning American pronunciation effective to improve

students' pronunciation ability of the eleventh grade at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu?”

C. Objectives of the Research

This research aims to find out whether or not the use of video learning

American pronunciation to improve students pronunciation ability of the eleventh-

grade students at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu.

D. Significance of the Research

1 For teacher

The teacher can apply to learn using this video to improve students'

pronunciation ability in learning English, especially pronunciation.

2 For student

The student is expected to be more interested and pays more attention to

learning English and they should get new experiences about learning English,

especially pronunciation in speaking with this American pronunciation video

to improve students’ pronunciation ability.

3 For reader

The benefits for readers are expected to be able to practice learning

English pronunciation on their own by viewing videos to improve pupils’

pronunciation abilities.

E. Scope of the research

This research, this research focuses on pronunciation in terms of word

stress to improve students' pronunciation ability in the use of video learning

"American pronunciation” for students’ eleventh-grade students at SMK Negeri 5




A. Relevant Previous Research

In thesis writing, the researcher found some literature that connected to this

research as follows:

1. Tri Budiarti, (2015) Improving Pronunciation of English Vocabulary Using

Video Media in Class VII Mts Mamba’ul Ulum, Kecamatan Astambul

Kabupaten Banjar. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach

with the classroom action research method, which was carried out through

observation, namely direct observation by researchers of teaching-learning

activities using video media with material about body parts. Learning

activities using video media are declared effective and can improve student

abilities, showing maximum learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes in

the first cycle of the meeting I had an average value of 6,47 and at the second

meeting an average value of 7,00. The test results of students with an average

score at the first meeting of cycle II was 7,58 and at the second meeting an

average score of 8,35.

The difference between Tri Budiarti and this research is the research

method and the material it teaches. He used a classroom action research

method with material about body parts and this researcher used pre-

experimental with American pronunciation words as material. Similarities

between Tri Budiarti research with this research the two researchers used

video as a teaching method.6

2. Unswagati (2019) Improving Students Pronunciation using Video Dubbing a

Classroom Action Research for Tenth Grade an Eleventh-grade Students of

Vocational High School. This research aims to find out the impact of Video

Dubbing on Improving Students Speaking Pronunciation. This research was

applied for the tenth grade and eleventh grade of vocational high school in the

medium city, province of east java, Indonesia. The subject of the research

consisted of 20 students, in collecting the data, the researcher used

observation to observe the implementation of video dubbing during the

teaching-learning process and used a test to find the improvement of students

speaking pronunciation during the implementation of video dubbing. The

research was conducted in 4 meetings. The research findings showed that the

implementation of video dubbing could improve students speaking

pronunciation, it can be concluded that the implementation of video dubbing

in the learning process has a beneficial effect on students speaking skills,

especially in pronunciation.

The difference between Unswagati and this research is the purpose of the

research Unswagati’s research aims to determine the effect of video dubbing

on improving students’ pronunciation and this research aims to determine the

Tri Budiarti, “Improving Pronunciation of English Vocabulary Using Video Media in Class
VII Mts Masamba ul ulum kecamatan Astambul Kabupaten Banjar,” :(UIN Antasari Banjarmasin:

use of American pronunciation videos to improve students’ pronunciation

ability. He used video dubbing and this researcher used American

pronunciation learning videos. What Unswagati research has in common with

this research is that the two researchers conducted research in vocational high

schools and conducted research in 4 meetings. And the second data collection

uses a test to determine the initial ability of students to improve


3. Al Malikul Ikhwanda Putra Afrizal (2018) Using Video to Improve

Pronunciation of the Second Years Students of FKI UIR Pekanbaru. The

purpose of the research is to find out the Use of Video to Improve Students’

Pronunciation. The study employed classroom action research. The

participants of this study were 37 students. They were the second-year

students of FKIP 9faculty of teacher training and education) in Islamic

University Riau (UIR) Pekanbaru, Indonesia. This study was conducted in two

cycles. Each cycle comprised four meetings. The data of this research were

obtained through, observation, sheets, field notes, interviews, and tests which

consisted of consonants in detail, linking, and stress within target segments

based on the phonetic symbols. The findings showed that the use of video in

mastering pronunciation was able to improve students' pronunciation. The

study also revealed that the activities of using video enable students to

Unswagati, "Improving Students Pronunciation using Video Dubbing A classroom action
research for tenth-grade eleventh-grade students of vocational high school," (Academic journal
perspective education:2019),

enhance the quality of sound patterns they pronounce. The average class score

of students’ pronunciation increased from 58.4 in the first cycle to 88.3 in the

second cycle. Material, media, classroom activities, classroom management,

teacher’s approach, and teacher’s strategy were also significantly essential for

the improvement of students’ pronunciation.

The difference between Al Malikul Ikhwanda Putra Afrizal's research is

the research method and the participants are 37 students using the classroom

action research method this research uses the pre-experimental method and the

participants are 30 students.The similarities of research by Almalikul

Ikhwanda Putra Afrizal and this research are that both focus on the use of

video to improve students’ pronunciation.8

B. Some pertinent ideas

1. Definition of Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the act of giving the true sounds of letters in a word and the

true accents and quantity of syllables. Pronunciation refers to the ability to use the

correct stress, rhythm, and intonation of a word in a spoken language. Besides that,

pronunciation is the act or result of producing the sounds of speech, such as

articulation stress and intonation, often about some standard of correctness or

acceptability. A word can be spoken in different ways by various individuals or

Al Malikul Ikhwanda Putra Afrizal, “Using Video to Improve Pronunciation of The Second
Years Students of FKI UIR Pekanbaru,” (2018).

groups, depending on many factors, such as the area in which they grew up, the area

in which they now live.

According to Harmer (2001: 187) the areas of pronunciation which we need to

draw our students’ attention to include individual sounds they are having difficulty

with, word and phrase/sentence, stress, and intonation.But students will also need

help with connected speech for fluency and the correspondence between sounds and

spelling and if there is no creativity from the teacher, it will be hard for students

especially a foreign language student to pronounce the word correctly.

There are some reasons why pronunciation is important for example improved

pronunciation shows that students have become more native-like in their categorical

perception of sounds. This means that they are more likely not only to sound like

native to them ( i.e., improved pronunciation aloud). According to Kelly (2002:222)

states at some stage, when a text is read aloud either by the teacher or the students’

pronunciation work can be integrated. Such text as poems, rhymes, extracts from

plays, song lyrics, etc. can be used creatively in the classroom and offer plenty of

scopes for pronunciation work.9

2. Received Pronunciation

Received Pronunciation often abbreviated as RP, is the standard accent of

English. RP has a relationship with regional accents similar to the relationship

between standard accents and regional accents in other European languages. In the

Devi Mulatsih, “Journal of English Language and Learning,” English Education
Department Swadaya Gunung Jati University Cirebon, vol.2, No.2,: (Mei 2015) ISSN: 2354-7340

concise oxford English Dictionary, RP is defined as ‘the standard accent of

English spoken in the South of England” but today it is widespread throught

England and wales. Peter Trudgil estimated in 1974 that 3% of the British

Population Were accented speakers of RP.

Although the absence of an intrinsic element in RP makes RP superior to

other accent Variations, a number of sociolinguistic factors make RP sound more

prestigious in some parts of Britain. RP is considered the accent of people with

power, wealth and influence, but recently and associated with rights that speakers

do not deserve. Since the 1960s, an attitude of condoning the regional accent of

English has persisted in British education and media.

It is important to distinguish recived pronunciation – the standard ‘accent’

from the standard accent from the variations of the standard English accent in

Britain which are commonly dubbed “Standard English” the Queens English

oxford English” or BBC English RP studies focus more on pronunciation, while

standard language studies also study grammar, vocabulary, and style . a person

with an RP accent usually uses Standard English, but not the other way around a

standard language can be spoken with regional accent such as a scottish or

yorkshile accent cannot be used by someone who speaks scots or a Yorkshire


3. General English Pronunciation

In English, every word has a given syllable emphasis. Stress itself is a vowel

sound in a syllable that should sound high, long, or loud. Emphasis this can create

a language rhythm. This is very important especially when native speakers want to

understand a word in English that we say.

Sometimes we can also estimate the place of emphasis of word. The following

general rules apply:

Table 2.1 General word stress

Word type Where is the stress? Examples

Two Nouns On the first syllable Center, Object, Flower

Verbs On the last syllable Release,Admit, Arrange

Nouns Desktop , pencilcase,

(N+N) On the first part bookshelf, greenhouse

(Adj + N)

Compound Adjective Well-meant,

(Adj+ p.p) Old-fashioned
On the last part (the verb
Understand overlook
Verbs outperform

Phrasal On the particle Tumoff, buckleup, hand


Word with -is Economic ,geometric,

added The syllable before the electrical

ending ending
-tion,- cian, Technician, graduation,

-phy, -gy, Photography

try, -cy,- The third from the last Biology

fy,-al syllable Geometry

-meter Parameter



4. Teaching Pronunciation

Teaching English especially on pronunciation using American pronunciation

videos, the first thing to do is understand how to pronounce a word correctly and

guide students well so that students imitate good speech.During teaching the teacher

must make accurate sounds so that students understand the correct pronunciation.

Then proceed by directing students to the point where they can begin to determine

whether the sound of a word they say is correct, but it is hoped that it can motivate

students to practice pronouncing the target language.

In teaching pronunciation, several factors that affect pronunciation accuracy

are the native language, the age amount of exposure phonetic obvious that learner

cannot change their age or their phonetic ability. They can only enlarge exposure

and motivation to a certain degree. Motivation and concern for good pronunciation

can be increased in the following ways:

a. Persuading learners the importance of good pronunciation to make


b. Giving Emphasize to the learners that intelligibility and communicative

efficiency are the goals of communication.10

5. Types of American pronunciation in English

a. Sound symbols

Table 2.2 Vowel Pronunciation of Words

Focus on vowel pronunciation of words

Keywords Clear speech Cambridge dictionary of

American English
international phonetic
Cake, mall, pay /ey/ /eІ/

Pan, bat, hand /æ/ /æ/

Tea, feet, key /iy/ /i:/

Ten, well, red /ε/ /e/

Ice, pie, night /ɑy/ /ɑІ/

Is, fish, will / I/ /І/

Sitti Aminah, "pronunciation A handbook Departement Undergraduate students faculty of
letters and humanities," (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya:2014),

Cone, road, know /Ow/ /oƱ/

Top, rock, stop /ɑ/ /ɑ/

Blue, school, new, cube, /uw/ /u:/

Cut, cup, us, rust, love /ʌ/ /ʌ/

House, our, cow /ɑw/ /ɑƱ/

Saw, talk, applause /ǝ/ /ǝ:/

Boy, coin, join /ǝ ý/ /ǝІ/

Put, book, woman /Ʊ/ /Ʊ/

Alone, open, pencil, atom, /ǝ/ /ǝ/


b. Sound symbols

Table 2.3 Consonants Pronunciation of Words

Focus on consonants pronunciation of words

Keywords Clear speech Cambridge dictionary

of American English
international phonetic
Bid, job /b/ /b/

Do, feed /d/ /d/

Food, safe, leaf /f/ /f/

Go, dog /g/ /g/

Home, behind /h/ /h/

Kiss, back /k/ /k/

Load, pool, fail /I/ /I/

Man, plum /m/ /m/

Need, open /n/ /n/

Sang, sink /ɳ/ /ɳ/

Pen, hope /p/ /p/

Road, card /r/ /r/

See, recent /s/ /s/

Show, nation, wash /ʃ/ /ʃ/

Team, meat /t/ /t/

Choose, watch /tʃ/ /tʃ/

Think, both, teeth /Ѳ/ /Ѳ/

This, father, teethe /ð/ /ð/

Visit, save, leave /v/ /v/

Watch, away /w/ /w/

Yes, onion /y/ /j/

Zoo, these, ease /z/ /z/

Beige, measure, Asia /Ʒ/ /Ʒ/

Jump, bridge /dƷ/ /dƷ/

American speakers use the sound /t/, which is like a quick /d/, in many

words spelled with /t/ - /or/- /tt/. It is used in words after a vowel or/ r/, and

before an unstressed vowel or /r/, and before an unstressed vowel or syllabic /I/:

city /sIțI /; parting / pɑrțIɳ/; little /’lIțl/.

The sounds /l/ and /n/ can often be “syllabic” – that is, they can form a

syllable by themselves with an extremely reduced vowel. This is shown by the

symbols /ļ/ and /n//, for example in the words botany / ‘bɑtni/ and finalist/


Sound and weak forms some very common words for example an, for,

of, and that, have two or more pronunciations: a strong form and one or more

weak forms. For example, for is pronounced /fǝr/ in the sentence it’s for you. The

strong form occurs when the word comes at the end of a sentence or when it is

given special emphasis. For example, for is pronounced / for/ in who’s it for?

And the present isn’t from Anna it’s for her.11

6. American pronunciation standard

A standard language is a variety of language that is used by governments, in

the media, in schools and for international communication. There are different

standard varieties of English in the world, such as North American English,

Australian English and Indian English. Although these standard varieties differ in

terms of their pronunciation, there are few differences in grammar between them.

In contrast, there are non-standard forms of a language that are used, for

example, in different regional dialects and these non-standard varieties are

different from each other.

This book is a grammar of standard written and spoken British English. It has

examples of forms of English that are standard but that are more common in

speaking than in writing. The book also has some examples of language that are

Judy B Gilbert, “clear speech teacher's resource and assessment book: pronunciation
listening comprehension in North American English,” University Press (2012).

non-standard and not acceptable or appropriate. All users of English make

choices all the time about what is most acceptable or appropriate in different

contexts. Learners of English should use standard forms of the language in most


British English and American English have their own differences. The

differences can be known from the dialect when spoken or from the written

word. Maybe some of you are still confused about the difference between British

English and American English we will try to help you understand the difference

between the two. So you have no more trouble guessing the dialect that is being

used by native speakers. The different is:

British English still retains speelings that are more heavily derived from

French. While American English is spelled more often in almost the same way as

it is pronounced and American English removes letters that are not needed.

Dialect of American English usually pronounce the letter by rolling the tongue

back and pressing the roof of the mouth while dialects of British English do not

pronounce the letter ® in a word, especially if there is a word ending.

7. The material in pronunciation teaching

a. American pronunciation of words

Words are speech sounds that symbolize and communicate meaning

usually without being divided or separated into smaller units and can stand alone

or can be used independently. The words spoken by someone will be caught in

the memory, causing stimulation to both to be heard and read in the

pronunciation method, for example of these words.

1) When (/wεn/), /(/ʰwεn/)

2) Make (/meIk/)

3) Can (/kᴂn//),/ (kǝn/)

4) Like (/laІk/)

5) Time (/TaIm/)

6) No (/noƱ/)

7) Just (/ʤʌst/)

8) Him (/hIm/)

9) Know (noƱ)

10) Take (/teIk/)

11) Even (/‘iy vǝn/)

12) Her (/hɚ/)

13) Very (/veɚ riy/)

14) One (/wʌn/)

15) Tell (/tεϯ/)

16) Those (/ðowz/)

17) Only (/‘own liy/)

18) Well ( /wεϯ/)

19) Many ( /‘mεn iiy/)

20) Give /(gІv/)

21) Thing (/ѲІɳ/)

22) Find (/fɑynd/)

23) Man ( /mǣn/ )

24) No (/ now/)

25) Use (/ juwz/)

26) More (/ moɚ/)

27) Day (/dey/)

28) Because (/biy’kʌz/)

29) New (/nuw/)

30) Also (/ɑϯ sow/)

31) First (fɚst /)

32) Look (/ lƱk/)

33) Way (/wey/)

34) Want (/wɑnt/)

35) These /(ðiyz/)

36) Two (/tuw/)

37) Our ( /‘æ wɚ/ or / ɑɚ/ )

38) Its ( /Іts/)

39) Then ( /ðεn/)

40) How (/hæw/)
8. The problem of Pronunciation

Pronunciation is very important in the language curriculum and students and

teachers must pay attention to pronunciation. Pronunciation must be taught in all

second language classes through a variety of activities, (Scarcella & Oxford, 1994).

The question is not whether pronunciation should be taught in pronunciation classes

and how it should be taught (Morley, 1991). The problem today, then, is that most

language teachers don’t have a useful strategy for teaching pronunciation, and they

don’t know what strategy is appropriate when they encounter a particular problem.

Another part of the problem is that teachers are embarrassed by the lack of

this teaching strategy. We feel comfortable teaching strategy for this reason, with

video-based learning students will be more motivated and not feel bored in

improving their pronunciation skills but in terms of pronunciation, they often do not

have basic articulatory phonetic knowledge (not difficult to obtain) to offer our

students something more than basic (and often unhelpful) advice like' sounds like

this: Uuuh' (Dalton, 2002). If language teachers spend time learning and practicing

strategies for teaching pronunciation, they will feel less embarrassed and students'

pronunciation will improve effectively.12

Many students struggle with English pronunciation. Here are some of the

issues students confront, particularly in spoken English:

Michael Wei ph. D, "A literature review on strategies for teaching pronunciation,": the
University of Maryland at College Park, 2006

a. What students can hear

Some students have courage in making speeches, mistakes often occur

in pronunciation of English words, produce the language we want even though

it is difficult for them to pronounce, they produce frequency waves from the

different first language and have problems with different sounds.

b. What students can say

It is physically difficult to make sounds with specific areas of the

mouth, uvula, or nasal cavity when learning a new language, physical

unfamiliarity is a common concern.

c. Problem of intonation

There are a few of us and many of the students find it very difficult to

adjust the pitch or to identify the distinct patterns of rising and falling tones.13

To solve this problem the pronunciation teacher needs the following:

1) A good theoretical foundation of knowledge

Before the teacher teaches pronunciation, the teacher must first know

how to pronounce words so that during the teaching process students can give

or say words well to the students they have imitated.

2) Practical skills in the classroom

The teacher must have a strategy on how to attract students’ interest so

that students do not feel confused with the material present so that students

easily understand the material provided.

H Asngari, “review of related literature pronunciation”, IAIN tulungagung: (2018).

3) Great ideas for classy fun

Teachers need to teach pronunciation by attracting students’ attention.

So that students will not be bored with the material provided, and students will

be more enthusiastic in learning pronunciation.14

9. The Goal of English pronunciation

According to James (2010), acceptable pronunciation can be understood

based on the following basic levels, In level;

a. In level 1 what the speaker is saying is not understandable to people. The

speaker uses the wrong sounds when producing English words or uses the

wrong sounds when producing English words or uses the wrong prosodic

features when producing English sentences. According to Hinofotis and bailey

(1980, as cited in Celce- Murcia and Goodwin, 1991), there is a beginning

level for pronunciation. If the pronunciation of a speaker falls below this level,

he/ she will not be able to communicate without paying attention to his/her

knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

b. In level 2 what the speaker is saying can be understandable to people but the

speaker’s pronunciation is not acceptable to listen to because he/she has a

strange and heavy accent. Morley (1994) said that when a speaker’s

pronunciation is heavily accented .it can affect the speaker’s understanding.

Anggun Kusuma Dewi, "pronunciation problem faced by the English department students in
pronouncing- ed ending”. Universitas negri semarang.(2009)

c. In level, 3 people understand the speaker's English is acceptable to listen to.

Scovel (1988) called it comfortable intelligibility and it should be the aim of

English pronunciation.

10. The teachers’ role in English pronunciation

According to Morley (1991), teachers perform pronunciation diagnostic

analyses and select those aspects that can have a great effect on changing the speech

of learners toward increased comprehensibility, assist learners in setting both long-

range and short term objectives, develop a lot of instructional modes and modules

(e.g., whole-class instruction, small group work, individual one-on-one tutorial

sessions; prerecorded audio and/or video materials: work, with new computer

program speech analysis systems). Structure in-class speaking and listening

activities with invited native speakers and non-native speakers of English, provide

models, cues, and suggestions for modifications of elements in the speech patterning

for all learners, monitor learners, speech production classes, and they should

convince their learners that their language is understandable. This can help their

learners improve their pronunciation by listening to them carefully (Bradley-

Bennett, 2007).16

Abbas Pourhosein, Gilakjani, " International Journal of research in English education,"
Lahijan Branch Islamic Azad University, vol.1, No.1 (2016): Hal 2,
Abbas Pourhosein, Gilakjani, " International Journal of research in English education,"
Lahijan Branch Isla mic Azad University, vol.1, No.1 (2016): Hal 4,

11. Teaching pronunciation by using video learning “American


Using video learning to teach "American pronunciation" is an effective way to

help students enhance their pronunciation skills, particularly when it comes to

spoken word pronunciation. It will improve their pronunciation ability. In

connection with this in the teaching process using video learning can clarify the

material presented, students feel interested and enthusiastic to facilitate and improve

the learning process and result.

Video as the media of teaching can be classified into audio Aids Media

(AVA) or media that can be seen or heard. In this case, interactive learning video

(ILV) is a media tool that can be used in the classroom as a means of delivering

educational materials through visual presentation (pictures) and audio (voice). ILV

combines the power of video as a learning tool and interactivity between the

audience and the content of the material. Video is an effective learning tool because

it allows teachers and students to watch and learn from other teachers' learning


The combination of video and interactivity makes ILV a very effective tool

that can be used to deliver educational materials and promote active classroom

discussions and learning and professional development environments. Benefits of

ILV media usage are;

Jeremy Harmer, "The practice of English Language Teaching", Pearson education limited,

a. Can stimulate the active participation of students

b. Presenting messages and information simultaneously for all students

c. Generating motivation to learn

d. Overcoming the limitations of space and time.18

1) Learning media

Learning media is a method, tool, or process, which is used to convey

tmessage from the message source to the recipient of the message that is ongoing

education. The use of media in learning or also called deep media learning the

teaching and learning process can generate new desires and interests, arouse

motivation and stimulation of learning activities, even carry psychological effects

towards students.

These main elements are the main characteristics in identifying the media

learning, including:

a) Sound, Sound is also differentiated into broadcast media (telecommunication)

engineering technology with high resolution but support for every speech

computer system and media record (recording).

b) Visual, divided into three, namely pictures, lines, and symbols which are one a

continuum of forms that can be grasped by the sense of sight.

c) Motion, from the above opinion it can be concluded that the characteristics of

good learning media are learning in the form of learning aids which can be in

I Gde Putu Agus pramerta, “yavana Bhasha Journal of English Language Education,”
:Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar, (2018),

the form of learning sound, images, recordings, films/ videos, lines, symbols

that may be transformed into objects in the form of a summary of events which

is then displayed again as an illustration19

2) Criteria Video

Video is a media that provides audio and visual content good learning

messages containing concepts, principles, procedure knowledge application

theory to help to understand of learning material. Video is an audio-visual

learning material that can be used to convey messages/ subject matter. It says it

looks like it is the listening element (audio) and the visual / video element

(visible) can be viewed through a video / VCD player that plugs into a

television monitor.

Purpose of using learning videos, the use of video as a learning medium

has several objectives, including:
a) Clarify and facilitate the delivery of messages so as not to be too


b) Overcoming the limitations of time, space, and sensory power of students

as well instructor

c) Can be used appropriately and varies.20

Rizal farista, Ilham Ali, Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran, Universitas Muhammadiyah
Sidoarjo: hal 3, (2018).
Rizal farista, Ilham Ali, Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran, Universitas Muhammadiyah
Sidoarjo: hal 4, (2018).

3) Characteristics of video media

To produce learning videos that can increase the motivation and

effectiveness of its users, the development of learning videos must pay attention

to several characteristics and criteria, namely, among others:21

a) Clarity of message, clarity of the message with video media students can

understand the learning message more meaningful and information can be

received as a whole so that with itself the information will be stored in long

term memory and memory and characteristically retention.

b) Stand alone, stand-alone the video developed does not depend on other

teaching materials or does not have to be used together with other teaching


c) User-friendly, friendly/ familiar with the wearer video media uses language

that is simple, easy to understand and use the common language. The

information exposure that appears is helpful and friendly to the wearer,

including ease of use in responding, accessing as you wish.

d) Content representation the material must be truly representative, for example,

simulation or material demonstration. Both social and scientific subject matter

can be made into a video medium.

e) Visualization with media the material is packaged in multimedia, including

text, animation, sound, and video according to materials used are applicable,

Id. At 8-11

unprocessed, difficult to reach dangerous if it is directly practiced, has a high

level of accuracy.

f) Using high-resolution quality the graphic display of the video media is

created with digital 22

4) Strenghts and weaknesses of video learning

Video as a learning media has its own advantages and disadvantages and

disadvantages. Arif S. Sadiman 2012: 74 states that video media as a learning

has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of video learning include:

a) Can attract attention for short periods of other external stimuli.

b) Difficult demonstrations can be prepared and recorded beforehand, so that

when teaching the teacher can focus on the presentation and the students.

c) It can save time and the recording can be played over and oven again.

d) Loudness of sound can be adjusted.

e) Projected images can be frozen for viewing

f) Objects in motion can be observed more closely.

The disadvantages of teaching and learning videos are:

a) Communication is one-way and needs to be balanced with seeking other

forms of feedback.

Rizal farista, Ilham Ali, Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran, Universitas Muhammadiyah
Sidoarjo: hal 5, (2018).

b) Less able to display the details of objects that are presented perfectly.

c) Requires expensive and complex equipment.

C. Theoretical Framework

Before to conducting the study, the researcher conducted preliminary

observations and discovered that the teacher continued to use the lecture approach. As

a result, researchers are interested in conducting an experiment using video learning

to learn American pronunciation. This experimental study is research that allows

individuals or groups of students to be instructed to do a method or experiment. The

researcher concentrated on helping pupils improve their pronunciation. The steps for

conducting research are depicted in the diagram below.

The conceptual framework in this research is present as follows:

Using Video learning


Teaching pronunciation of
pronunciation words


D. Hypothesis

Based on the literature that has been explained before, the researcher

proposes hypothesis (H0) and hypothesis (H1)) as follow:

1 . (H0) = The use of video learning American pronunciation is not effectively

improve the students' eleventh-grade pronunciation ability at SMK Negeri 5


2 . (H1) = The use of video learning American pronunciation is effective to

improve the students' eleventh-grade pronunciation ability at SMK Negeri 5




A. Method and Design Of Research

The design to be applied in this research is a pre-experimental design. The

comparison of the pre-test and post-test scores depends on the success of the

treatment. This research aims to improve students’ pronunciation ability after being

given treatment to find out the result of the pre-test and post-test designed by the

researcher as follows:

Pretest Treatment Post-test

O1 X O2

Where :

O1 = The result of the pre-test.

X = The treatment using video learning American pronunciation.

O2 = The result of the students' post-test.

B. Time and Place of the Research

This research took place in SMK Negeri 5 Luwu. The purpose of this research

was to see video learning could help students in the eleventh grade at SMK Negeri 5

Luwu, which is located on the Belopa-Palopo axis. This research was likewise carried

out for four meetings.

Table 3.1 Research Table

January February Marc April May June August

Pre observation √
Proposal seminar √
Giving pre-test √
Treatment √
Giving post-test √
Result seminar

C. Operational Definition
Based the title above,“The use of Video Learning American

Pronunciation to Improve Students' Pronunciation Ability of the Eleventh Grade

at SMKN 5 Luwu”. Researchers define as follow:

1 . Pronunciation is a vocabulary that is spoken to other people that produces

sounds. Therefore, students can use American pronunciation videos to convey

their ideas easily.

2 Video learning is one type of audio-visual media that can reflect an object

moving along with a reasonable or appropriate sound. Videos present information,

Describe information, describe processes, explain complex concepts. Learning

videos are used in learning to design knowledge or abilities that are acquired by

teaching through video learning.

D. Population And Sample
a. Population

Population this research is students of eleventh-grade SMK Negeri 5 Luwu

in the academic year of 2021. The total population is 182 students divided into 6

classes, namely eleventh Akuntansi, eleventh TKJ, eleventh Marketing, eleventh

Automotive, eleventh Tourism, and eleventh Architect.

b. Sample

The research will use a purposive sampling technique. Researchers choose

one class because these students were less active in Learning English in this case the

researcher choose class eleventh of Akuntansi as a research sample of 18 eleventh

grade students of SMK Negeri 5 Luwu.

E. Procedure Of Collecting Data

1 Pre-test

To assess students' initial abilities in relation to the lessons to be taught the

researcher will utilize this predictor of students' beginning ability to determine how

they should communicate about the classes they are taking, and for the first

association, the researcher will administer test pronunciation.

2 Treatment

A treatment is the activity that the researcher undertakes after the test. The

researcher administered the treatment after giving the students the pre-test. In four

research meetings, the researcher came to an agreement using several pronunciation

materials. The treatments are as follows:

a) The researcher prepares the material to be taught.

b) The researcher conveys the material to be studied through a laptop connected

to the LCD then students are allowed to watch the American pronunciation

video that has been taken on YouTube and listen to the correct American


c) The researcher asks students to practice American pronunciation words.

d) The researcher provides conclusions about the material they have learned at

the meeting.

The materials that were given to the students during treatment are:

1) The first meeting

Material: words American pronunciation (noun, verb, adjective)

1 When (/wεn/), /(/ʰwεn/)

2 Make (/meIk/)
3 Can (/kᴂn//),/ (kǝn/)
4 Like (/laІk/)
5 Time (/TaIm/)
6 No (/noƱ/)
7 Just (/ʤʌst/)
8 Him (/hIm/)
9 Know (noƱ)
10 Take (/teIk/)

2) The second meeting

Material: Plural nouns American pronunciation.

Last sound in pronouncing:

1 Voiced :
‘S’ =(z)
Beds = (bεdz)

All vowels are voiced:

Trees = (triz)
Café = (kæ’feIs)

Some consonants are voiced:

Apples ( æp ǝlz)

2 Unvoiced:
‘s’ = (s)
Ship (ʃIps)
Consonants: (p t k f Ɵ)

3 special cases
-es = (Iz)
Consonants: (s z ʃ ʒ ʧ ʤ)
Wishes (wIʃ Iz)
Age, ages (eIʤ Iz)
Time, times (taImz)
Box, boxes (bɑks Iz)
Dog, dogs (dɑgz)
Cat, cats (kæts)

3) The third meeting

Material: Words stress and verbs American pronunciation.

1 I’ am leaving soon.
2 She’s taking the bus
3 We’re running late
4 I passed the test

4) The fourth meeting

Material: Vocabulary- words for fruit American pronunciation.

1 Watermelon = ( wodǝr mεlǝn) or (wɑd ǝr mεl ǝn)

2 Apple = (æp ǝl)

3 Banana = (bǝ’ næn ǝ)

4 Berry = (bεri)

5 Blacberry = (blæk bεǝri)

6 Strawberry = ( stro bεǝri)

7 Blueberry = ( blu bεǝri)

8 Raspberry = (ræz bεǝri)

9 Pear = ( pεǝr)

10 Cantaloupe = (kæn tǝ loƱp)

11 Cherry = (ʧεri)

12 Grapes = ( greips)

13 Red grapes = ( rεd greips)

14 Green grapes = ( grin greips)

15 Concord grapes = (kɑn kǝrd greips) (kɑŋ kord greips)

16 Orange = ( orInʤ)

17 Kiwi = (ki wi)

18 Lemon = (lεm ǝn), lime (laim)

19 Mango = (mæŋ gou)

20 Peach = ( piʧ) , pineapple (paI Næp ǝl)

3 Post test

After the topic to be taught that day has been provided a post-test is given by

the researcher to see if the students have mastered the content that was just

delivered that day.The goal of this post-test is to determine what skills have been

acquired after the lesson has been provided.

The researchers' final step following the treatment was to examine the final

results of the findings obtained after teaching.

F. Instrument of the research

One of the most crucial aspects of research is the data collection tool. This

instrument is a device or method that assists researchers in obtaining prior data. To

address the following research questions, the following instrument was used: test pre-

test and post-test.

1 Pre-test and post-test are instruments used in the research. The test used is

pronunciation test consisting of 30 items. 20 items for words and 10 items for

sentences to determine the ability of students' progress and the results of teaching

and learning activities.

G. The technique of Analysis Data

The percentage technique was used to assess the data acquired in each cycle

descriptively. The following measures were taken to examine it:

1 Pronunciation test result: Students' score of pronunciation ability test was

counted using the formula
Score= × 100
" #

2 There are several assessments used in pronunciation:23

Table 3.2 Pronunciation Assessment Rubric
No Aspect Standard

Almost perfect 4

There were some mistakes, but they

didn’t.disturbing meaning.
(pronunciation) There were some mistakes and
disturbing meanings.

A lot of mistakes Almost all wrong 1

and disturbing and disturbing

Zetly Limbu, “RPP Bahasa Inggris” SMAN 4 Palopo: 2022

meanings. meaning.

Too many errors

and disturbing

Almost perfect 4

There were some mistakes but they

didn't. Disturbing meaning.

There were some mistakes and

disturbing meanings.
2 Intonasi (intonation)
A lot of mistakes
and disturbing 1
meanings. Almost all wrong
and disturbing
Too many errors meaning.
and disturbing

Very fluently 4

fluent 3

3 Kelancaran (fluency) Quite fluently 2

Less fluently 1
Not very fluent.
Not fluently

Very precise 4

Precise 3
Ketepatan Makna
4 Quite precisely 2
Less precise 1
Not very precise.
Not precisely

H. Validity and Reliability of the Instrument

1 Validity

To find out whether an instrument is valid or not, it needs to be tested through

validity testing techniques. Valid means that the instrument can be used. (Sugiyono,

2010: 1730). In this research, the researcher used construct validity testing

techniques, to obtain validity. The instrument was also tested on respondents. After
being tested, the data was tabulated using the SPSS 20 program. Then, item

analysis was tested. To determine the empirical validity of product-moment

correlation technique, namely:

Then calculated by t- test with the formula: t Count = &√' − 2

√1 + 2 2

t = Score t Count
r = Correlation coefficient of t Count
n = Total respondent
Distribution (table t) for ɑ = 0,05 and degrees of freedom (dk = n-2)
Decision rule: if t Count > t table means valid otherwise.
If t Count < t table means invalid.25

Resti Handayan, Penggunaan metode audio lingual terhadap keterampilan berbicara siswa
dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris: (2013).
According to (Riduwan, 2009:98)

2 Reliability
To know the reliability of all tests used the formula:
2 &*
1 + &*
r 11 = internal reliability coefficient of all items.

r b = product-moment correlation between hemispheres (odd-even) or (

beginning – end ).

The reliability test was carried out using the Spearman brown formula where

the r table used was 0,553 with a significant level of 0,05 and degrees of freedom.

(DK = n-2). As for making a decision: namely by comparing r 11 >r table. The

criteria: if r 11 >r table then the instrument is reliable, otherwise if r 11 <r table then

the instrument is not reliable.26

According to (Riduwan, 2009: 102)



A. Finding
The pre-test and post-test percentage rate of students' scores as the overall

mean and standard deviation of the students' pre- and post-test data.The pre-test was

given before the treatment, and the post-test was given afterward.

1 Analysis of students’ scores in the pre-test and post-test

a. Pre-test

The researcher provides the students' pre-test ability scores, as well as

the mean and standard deviation.Data will be presented in a table, and the final result

will be calculated using SPSS 20. The attached table was put together in the

following manner.

Table 4.1
Mean Score of Pronunciation Ability in the Pre-Test

No Respondents Four Aspects of Pronunciation Assessment Score

of test

Pronunciatio Intonation Fluency Accuracy

n (Intonasi) (Kelancar (Ketepata
(Pengucapan) an) n Makna)
1 RD 01 4 3 4 3 14
2 RD 02 4 4 4 3 15
3 RD 03 2 2 2 2 8
4 RD 04 3 2 2 4 11
5 RD 05 4 3 2 2 11

6 RD 06 4 2 2 2 10
7 RD 07 4 2 4 3 13
8 RD 08 4 2 3 2 11
9 RD 09 4 2 2 3 11
10 RD 10 4 3 4 3 14
11 RD 11 3 2 2 2 9
12 RD 12 3 2 2 2 9
13 RD 13 4 4 2 3 13
14 RD 14 2 2 2 2 8
15 RD 15 2 2 2 2 8
16 RD 16 2 3 2 2 9

17 RD 17 2 3 4 2 11

18 RD 18 3 2 2 2 9

58 45 47 44 198

The table shows the students' pronunciation ability scores. Pronunciation ability

has four aspects consisting of (pronunciation), (intonation), (Fluency), and

(Accuracy). In this section the analyst introduces and manages the students' average

scores, as shown in the following table:

1 Pronunciation

To find out the average student pronunciation score in the pre-test, the

researcher calculated it using SPSS 20. The results can be presented in the following

statistical descriptive table:

Table 4.2
Descriptive statistics

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Pronunciation 18 2,00 4,00 3,2222 ,87820

Valid N (listwise) 18

Based on the table above, shows that the students' highest score is 4.00 and

the lowest score is 2.00. Meanwhile, the average score of students' pronunciation on

the pre-test was 3.2222 and the standard deviation was 87820. To find out the

percentage score of students' pronunciation can be seen in the following table:

Table 4.3
Percentage Score of the Students pronunciation in Pre-Test

No Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Almost perfect 4 9 50%

2 There were some mistakes, 3 4 22%

but they didn’t disturbing
3 There where some mistakes 2 5 28%
and disturbing meanings.

4 A lot of
and Almost all 1
disturbing wrong and
- -
meanings. disturbing
5 Too many
errors and

Total 18 100%

Table 4.3 shows that the scores in students' pronunciation are (5 students got

category there where some mistakes and disturbing meanings 28%) and (4 students

got category there were some mistakes, but they didn’t disturbing Meaning 22%), 9

students got almost perfect category 50%).

2 Intonation

To find out the average score of students’ intonation in the pre-test, the

researcher calculated it using SPPS 20. The results can be seen in the descriptive

statistics table as follows:

Table 4.4
Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Intonation 18 2,00 4,00 2,5000 ,70711

Valid N (listwise) 18

Table 4.4 shows that the student's lowest intonation score is 2.00 and the

highest score is 4.00. In addition, it shows that the average students score is 2.5000

and the standard deviation is 70711. To find out the percentage score of student

intonation can be seen in the following table:

Table 4.5
Percentage Score of the Intonation in the pre-test

No Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Almost perfect 4 2 11%

2 There were some mistakes, 3 5 28%

but they didn’t disturbing
3 There where some mistakes 2 11 61%
and disturbing meanings.
4 A lot of
and Almost all 1
disturbing wrong and
- -
meanings. disturbing
5 Too many
errors and

Total 18 100%

Table 4.5 shows that students' intonation scores are (11 students got category

there where some mistakes and disturbing meanings 61%) and (5 students got

category there were some mistakes, but they didn’t disturbing Meaning 28%), 2

students got almost perfect category 11%).

3 Fluency

To find out the average score of students’ fluency in the pre-test, the

researcher calculates it using SPSS 20. The results can be seen in the descriptive

statistics table as follows:

Table 4.6
Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Fluency 18 2,00 4,00 2,6111 ,91644

Valid N (listwise) 18

Table 4.6 shows that the student’s highest fluency score is 4.00 and the lowest

is 2.00. While the average student score is 2.6111 and the standard deviation is

91644. To find out the student’s fluency percentage score can be seen in the

following table:

Table 4.7
Percentage Score of the Fluency in the pre-test

No Classification Score frequency Percentage

1 Very fluently 4 5 28%

2 Fluent 3 1 6%

3 Quite fluently 2 12 66%

4 Less fluently

Not very 1 - -
5 fluent
Not fluently

Total 18 100%

Table 4.7 shows that students' fluency scores are 12 students got the quite

fluently category (66%), 1 student got fluent category (6%), and 5 students got very

fluently category (28%).

4 Accuracy

As shown in the descriptive statistics table the average score of students'

accuracy in the pre-test was calculated using SPSS 20 by the researcher the


Table 4.8
Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Accuracy 18 2,00 4,00 2,4444 ,61570

Valid N (listwise) 18

As shown in the table 4.8 the student's maximum accuracy is 4.00, while the

lowest is 2.00, the standard deviation is 61570, and the average student score is

2.4444. The following table can be used to determine the student's accuracy

percentage score:

Table 4.9
Percentage Score of the Accuracy in the pre-test

No Classification Score freque Percentage

1 Very precise 4 1 6%

2 Precise 3 6 33%

3 Quite precisely 2 11 61%

4 Less precise

Not very 1 - -
5 precise
Not precisely

Total 18 100%

Table 4.9 shows that students’ Accuracy scores 11 students got the quite

precisely category (61%), 6 students got precise category (33%), and 1 student got

very precise category (6%).

b. Post-Test

The students’ pronunciation ability scores on the post-test can be

observed based on the test results. The following table displays the data:

Table 5.0
Mean Score of Pronunciation Ability in the Post-Test

No Respondents Four Aspects of Pronunciation Assessment Score

of test

Pronunciation Intonation Fluency Accuracy

(Pengucapan) (Intonasi) (Kelancar (Ketepat
an) an
1 RD 01 4 4 4 4 16

2 RD 02 4 3 3 3 13

3 RD 03 4 2 2 2 10

4 RD 04 4 4 2 3 13

5 RD 05 4 4 4 3 15

6 RD 06 2 2 2 2 8

7 RD 07 3 4 2 3 12

8 RD 08 2 3 2 3 10

9 RD 09 4 4 4 4 16

10 RD 10 4 4 4 4 16

11 RD 11 4 4 3 3 14

12 RD 12 4 4 2 3 13

13 RD 13 4 4 4 3 15

14 RD 14 4 4 4 3 15

15 RD 15 4 3 2 2 11

16 RD 16 4 4 3 3 14
17 RD 17 4 3 3 3 13

18 RD 18 4 3 2 3 12
67 63 52 54 236

The table shows the students' pronunciation ability scores who have been given

treatment through learning videos presented through the frequency and percentage

distribution table as follows:

1 Pronunciation

To find out the average student pronunciation score in the post-test. It

was analyzed using SPSS 20 by the researcher. The following statistical descriptive

table shows the results:

Table 5.1
Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Pronunciation 18 2,00 4,00 3,7222 ,66911
Valid N (listwise) 18

In the table above, the students who improved the most had a score of 4.00,

while the students who improved the least had a score of 2.00. The average post-test

score for students' pronunciation is 3.7222, with a standard deviation of 66911. The

following table shows the student's pronunciation percentage score:

Table 5.2
Percentage Score of the Pronunciation in Post-Test

No Classification Score frequency Percentage

1 Almost perfect 4 15 83%

2 There were some mistakes, 3 1 6%

but they didn’t disturbing
3 There where some mistakes 2 2 11%
and disturbing meanings.
4 A lot of
and Almost all 1
disturbing wrong and
- -
meanings. disturbing
5 Too many
errors and

Total 100%

Table 5.2 shows that the scores in students' pronunciation are (15 students got

the Almost perfect category 83%), (1 student got category a there were some

mistakes and disturbing meanings 6%), (2 students got category there were some

mistakes and disturbing meaning 11%) .

2 Intonation

To find out the average score of students' intonation in the post-test was

calculated using SPPS 20. The results, as indicated in the descriptive statistics table,

are as follows:

Table 5.3
Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Intonation 18 2,00 4,00 3,5000 ,70711

Valid N (listwise) 18

Table 4.4 shows that the student's lowest intonation score is 2.00, while their

highest is 4.00. Furthermore, it reveals that the average student score is 3.5000, with a

standard deviation of 70711. The following table can be used to get the percentage

score of student intonation:

Table 5.4
Percentage Score of the Intonation in Post-Test

No Classification Score frequency Percentage

1 Almost perfect 4 11 61%

2 There were some mistakes, 3 5 28%

but they didn’t disturbing
3 There where some 2 2 11%
mistakes and disturbing
4 A lot of
and Almost all 1 -
disturbing wrong and
meanings. disturbing
5 Too many
errors and

Total 18 100%
Table 5.2 shows that the scores in students' intonation are (11 students got

the Almost perfect category 61%), (5 students got category a there were some

mistakes and disturbing meanings 28%), (2 students got category there were some

mistakes and disturbing meaning 11%) .

3 Fluency

To find out the average score of students' fluency in the post-test, the

researcher calculates it using SPSS 20. The results can be seen in the descriptive

statistics table as follows:

Table 5.5
Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Fluency 18 2,00 4,00 2,8889 ,90025

Valid N (listwise) 18

Table 5.5 shows that the student’s highest fluency score is 4.00 and the lowest

is 2.00. While the average student score is 2.8889 and the standard deviation is

90025. To find out the student’s fluency percentage score can be seen in the follow:

Table 5.6
Percentage Score of the Fluency in Post-Test

No Classification Score frequency Percent

1 Very fluently 4 6 33%

2 Fluent 3 4 22%

3 Quite fluently 2 8 45%

4 Less fluently

Not very 1 -
5 fluent
Not fluently

Total 18 100%

Table 5.6 shows that the scores in students' fluency are 6 students got the very

fluently (33%), 4 students got a fluent category (22%), 8 students got quite fluently

category (45%).

4 Accuracy

To find out the average score of students' accuracy in the post-test, the

researcher calculated it using SPSS 20. The results can be seen in the descriptive

statistics table as follows:

Table 5.7
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Pronunciation 18 2,00 4,00 3,7222 ,66911

Valid N (listwise) 18

Table 5.7 shows that the student’s highest accuracy score is 4.00 and the

lowest is 2.00. While the average student score is 3.7222 and the standard deviation is

66911. To find out the student’s accuracy percentage score can be seen in the

following table:

Table 5.8
Percentage Score of the Accuracy in Post-Test

No Classification Score frequen Percentage

1 Very precise 4 3 17%

2 Precise 3 12 66%

3 Quite precisely 2 3 17%

4 Less precise 0 0%

Not very 1
5 precise
Not precisely

Total 18 100%

Table 5.8 shows that the scores in students' accuracy are 3 students got the

very precise category (17%), 12 students got a precise category (66%), 3 students got

quite precisely category (17%).

Besides the researcher presents the total mean score and standard deviation on

the pre-test and post-test. The results are presented in a descriptive statistical table as


Table 5.9
The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Pre-Test and Post-Test
Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

PreTest 18 8,00 15,00 10,7778 2,23753

PostTest 18 8,00 16,00 13,1111 2,29805

Valid N (listwise) 18

To see if the pre-test and post-test results are significantly different.The

researcher employed a t-test (test of significance) and SPSS 20 to identify whether or

not this research hypothesis is acceptable. To visualize the data, we can utilize paired

sample statistics, paired sample correlation, and paired sample test. It was laid out as


Table 6.0
The Paired Sample Statistic of Pre-Test and Post Test

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
PreTest 10,7778 18 2,23753 ,52739
Pair 1
PostTest 13,1111 18 2,29805 ,54166

Table 6.1
The Paired Sample Correlation of Pre-Test and Post Test

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 PreTest & PostTest 18 ,371 ,129

Table 6.2
The Paired Sample Test of Pre-Test and Post Test

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences T Df Sig. (2-

Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence Interval tailed)

Deviatio Error of the Difference

n Mean Lower Upper

Pair 1 PreTest -
2,54374 ,59956 -3,59830 -1,06836 -3,892 17 ,001
– PostTest 2,33333

In test table 6.2 researcher got the data t-test is 3,892 and the DF (degree of

freedom) is 17. According to Gozali 2016, hypothesis testing can be said to be

significant when the t-test score is greater than 1,196. Meanwhile, if the score of the t-

test is less than 1.196 then it is considered insignificant. Decision-making is done by

looking at the significance score in the table. The basis of regression testing was

carried out with a confidence level of 95% with a significant standard of 5% (0.05)27.

The hypothesis in this research is as follows:

1 . (H0) = There is no significant development of students’ pronunciation ability

after using video learning American pronunciation in improving the pronunciation

ability of the eleventh grade of SMKN 5 Luwu.

2 . (H1) = There is a significant development of students' pronunciation ability after

using video learning American pronunciation in improving the pronunciation

ability of the eleventh grade of SMKN 5 Luwu.

After analyzing the students’ pronunciation ability, there is a substantial

difference between the pre-test and post-test in improving students’ pronunciation

ability. Based on statistical analysis, it is known that 0,05 independence and

significance level (df) + N-2, where (N) = 18 and(df) = 17 (0,00 0,05) and count (t0)

with a score (3,892) higher than table (tt) with a score of (1,196) with degrees of

freedom (df) = 17, and a significance level of 0,05 which indicates that the null

hypothesis (H0) is rejected. Alternative (H1) is accepted, indicating that there is a

significant difference between the results of the pre-test and post-test.

Binus, “Accounting” University Faculty of economics and communication,( 2021).

1,196 < 3,892

Related to the results of the T-test in the table above, it shows that the score is

(tt) 1,196 was lower than the score count (t0) 3,892. This shows that it is significant of

students’ pronunciation ability after using video learning American pronunciation the

media video learning is effective to improve the students' pronunciation ability of

eleventh grade SMKN 5 Luwu.

B. Discussion

Teaching pronunciation is very important where many sounds and words in

English are difficult to pronounce correctly, to improve the pronunciation ability of

eleventh grade SMKN 5 Luwu is to practice pronouncing the sound or intonation of

words correctly. In this case, the researcher chose the right media to improve

students' pronunciation ability and make the atmosphere more interesting to motivate

students to learn, one of which is by using video learning American pronunciation.

The standard deviation of the students' pre-test score is 10.77, and the

standard deviation of the post-test score is 13,11, according to the statistics on their

pronunciation ability. The pre-test has a standard deviation of 2,237, whereas the

post-test has a standard deviation of 2,298. This suggests that students' ability to

pronounce words will improve as a result of using video learning.

After giving the pre-test, the researcher gave treatment for four meetings.

Students are expected to understand and watch American pronunciation learning

videos with goodwill in the learning process, the researcher first explained the

method or media used to the students about the American pronunciation. All of these

activities are implemented through media video learning, the researcher asked the

student's readiness to learn. After that, the researcher explained the learning

objectives, the researcher prepared material about the pronunciation of the American

language through media video learning. The researcher asked students to ask

questions and practice pronunciation ability based on the material that had been

given. The results of the data analysis above show the use of video learning American

pronunciation ability. This means that after being given treatment through media

video learning students increased where the highest score obtained was 16.00 and the

low score was 15.00. This shows that the use of video learning has a positive effect

on English teachers, to teach students, especially in improving students’

pronunciation ability.

Based on the results above, the researcher found that the use of video learning

American pronunciation to improve students' pronunciation ability was effective. The

students' pre-test scores had a standard deviation of 11.80 the score standard

deviation post-test of 13.11 and the post-test standard deviation before the pre-test

was 2,149 and the post-test standard deviation was 2,298. This means that using

video learning American pronunciation will increase. This is in line with Firdaus

Ditya's research which states that the application of video can improve students’

pronunciation the application of video in the learning process has a positive or

beneficial effect on students speaking skills, especially in pronunciation.28 According

to Burston (2005, p. 90) statement said that video voiceover can provide rich

so29source of activity in all language skill areas: listening, reading, writing, and

speaking. Requena (2016) explains that repetition voiceover activity elements give

increased fluency and also have an impact on pronunciation.Can improve student

behavior in teaching and learning process students more enthusiastic and interested

teaching and learning process. They do tasks seriously when they train with adapt

their voices to the actors in videos.30

The findings of this research are that the use of video learning American

pronunciation is effective in improving students' pronunciation ability this is relevant

to the statement of several previous research which found the same results. The

previous research is by:

Tri Budiarti (2015) Improving Pronunciation of English Vocabulary using

Video Media in Class VII Mts Mamba’ul Ulum, Kecamatan Astambul Kabupaten

Banjar. The results of this research indicate that learning activities using video media

are declared effective and can improve students’ abilities and show maximum

learning outcomes.

Unswagati (2019) Improving Students Pronunciation Using Video Dubbing a

Classroom Action Research for tenth Grade and Eleventh Grade of Vocational High

Academic journal PERSPECTIVE, Language Education and Literature: Vol 7 (1 May 2019),
Hal 11-17
Burston, (2005, p. 90)
Academic Journal PERSPECTIVE, Language Education and Literature: Vol 7 (1 May 2019),
Hal 16.

School. The results of this research indicate that the application of video dubbing can

improve students’ pronunciation in the learning process video dubbing has a

beneficial effect on students’ speaking ability especially in pronunciation.

Al Malikul Ikhwanda Putra Afrizal,(2018) Using Video to Improve

Pronunciation of the Second Years Students of FKI Pekanbaru. The results of this

research indicate that the use of video in mastering pronunciation can improve the

quality of the sound patterns they spoke.



A. Conclusion

Based the finding and discussion from chapter above, the use of video

learning American pronunciation to improve students’ pronunciation ability, students

more enthusiastic and motivated to learn English and have a very positive effect on

improving the pronunciation of eleventh-grade students of SMKN 5 Luwu. The

results of this report can show the relationship between the mean pre-test score of

10.77.The average post-test score of students was 13.11. So the HO hypothesis was

not accepted and the H1 hypothesis was automatically accepted. Therefore, it can be

concluded that the use of video learning American pronunciation is effective in

improve students pronunciation ability of the eleventh-grade SMK Negeri 5 Luwu.

B. Suggestions

Based the result of the research, I'd like to make the following suggestions:

1 Teachers can apply the use of video learning in English especially pronunciation

ability a teacher must control the class so that it is not boring.

2 It is recommended for students to increase learning motivation in mastering

English, especially pronunciation ability.

3 Future researchers are expected to research to find other significant forms of other

English languages. Like vocabulary especially pronunciation ability.

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A. Try to pronounce the words below correctly!

1. When 6. No 11. Even 16. Those

2. Make 7. Just 12. Her 17. Only

3. Can 8. Him 13. Very 18. Well

4. Like 9. Know 14. One 19. Many

5. Time 10. Take 15. Tell 20. Give

B. Try to pronounce the sentence below correctly!

1. I am here because of Alex.

2. I will take umbrella for you.
3. Please look at this picture.
4. I make a birthday cake for you.
5. I like watching tv.
6. Can we go together.
7 I will give you a smile.
8. Can you find my money that loose.

9. I see a man stand beside you.

10. I have a new handphone from my father.

Name :

Class :

A. Try to pronounce the words below correctly!

1. Their 6. This 11. Hair 16. Bad

2. Go 7. Say 12. Cup 17. Five

3. From 8. With 13. About 18. Cat

4. But 9. Have 14. How 19. Say

5. They 10. The 15. Got 20. See

B. Try to pronounce the sentence below correctly!

1. I would like you to listen me now.

2. Who is the writer of this novel.
3. I watch football alone in the television.
4. I see many people in the market.
5. You are look handsome.
6. I want to take a bath.
7 I have two brother and one sister.
8. Have a nice day.

9. I make fried rice every day.

10. I am very happy today.






OBJECTIVES This research aims to whether or not the use of video

learning American pronunciation is effective in learning
English pronunciation skills at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu

MATERIALS Words American pronunciation

TIME 1 X 50 Menit


KI 1 : menghayati dan mengamalkan 3.4 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa

agama yang dianutnya inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi
KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat
prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung belajar
jawab , peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai ), 4.5 Menunjukkan prilaku tanggung jawab, peduli,
santun, responsif dan pro-aktif kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan
dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai komunikasi fungsional
bagian dari solusi atas berbagai 5.5 Menganalisisis fungsi sosial, struktur bahasa dalam
permasalahan dalam “American pronunciation of words, dan unsure
berinteraksi secara efektif kebahasaan pada kemampuan pronunciation siswa
dengan lingkungan sosial dan dengan konteks apa yang telah disampaikan.
alam serta dalam menempatkan
diri sebagai cerminan bangsa 3.5.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial pada pronunciation
dalam pergaulan dunia skills dan unsure kebahasaan pada kemampuan

KI.3: Memahami, menerapkan, pengucapan siswa tentang pengucapan American
menganalisis dan mengevaluasi pronunciation of words sesuai konteks dengan apa
pengetahuaan faktual, yang telah disampaikan
konseptuaal, prosedural dan
metakognitif berdasarkan rasa 3.5.2 Menangkap makna pronunciation skill dan American
ingin tahuanya tentang ilmu pronunciation of words
pengetahuaan, teknologi, seni, 3.5.3 Mendeskripsikan makna dalam kata kata pengucapan
budaya, dan humanifora dengan Amerika yang disajikan dan menjelaskannya secara
wawasan kemanusiaan, lisan sesuai unsure kebahasaan pada pronunciation
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan skills.
peradaban terkait penyebab
fenomena dan kejadian, serta 3.5.4 Menyunting kemampuan pronunciation skiil siswa
menerapkan pengetahuaan dalam mengucapkan suatu kata American
prosedyral pada bidang kajian pronunciation dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
yang spesifik sesuai dengan dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
bakat dan minatnya untuk konteks.
memecahkan masalah
3.5.5 Mendeskripsikan pronunciation skills, American
KI 4 : Mengeloh, menalar, menyaji, pronunciation of words dengan memperhatikan fungsi
dan mencipta dalam ranah sosial dan struktur bahasa dan unsure kebahasaan
konkret dan sekolah abstrak yang benar sesuai konteks
terkait dengan pengembangan
4.5.1 menyusun kemampuan pronunciation skills siswa
dari yang dipelajarinya di
dalam mengucapkan kata-kata dan unsure kebahasaan
sekolah secara mandiri serta
pada pronunciation skill siswa dengan struktur
bertindak secara efektif dan
bahasa, dan unsure kebahasaan, secara benar dan
kreatif, dan mampu
secara konteks
menggunakan metode sesuai
kaidah keilmuan. 4.5.2 Melakukan aksen atau praktek kata katapengucapan
yang sederhana pada siswa dengan memperhatikan struktur
bahasa dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks


Words American pronunciation:

1) When (/wεn/), /(/ʰwεn/)

2) Make (/meIk/)
3) Can (/kᴂn//),/ (kǝn/)
4) Like (/laІk/)
5) Time (/TaIm/)
6) No (/noƱ/)
7) Just (/ʤʌst/)
8) Him (/hIm/)
9) Know (noƱ)
10) Take (/teIk/)

 Video learning / audio visual

Langkah-langkah kegiatan Pendahuluan (15

pembelajaran  Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah menit)
kepada siswa ketika memasuki kelas dan
mengecek kehadiran siswa.
 Dengan bimbingan peneliti, siswa
mengungkapkan pengalaman belajar
pengucapan kata melalui vidio
pengucapan amerika

Kegiatan inti (45
1 Mengamati menit)
 Dengan bimbingan peneliti, siswa
menyaksikan dan mendengarkan video
pengucapan amerika yang telah diberikan
2 Menanya
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan peneliti,

siswa mempertanyakan kata-kata yang
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan peneliti,
siswa mempertanyakan tentang makna
dan fungsi sosial dalam kata-kata
pengucapan amerika
3 Mengumpulkan data atau informasi
 Siswa menyaksikan kembali video
pengucapan amerika
 Siswa menemukan informasi rinci dan
informasi tertentu dalam video
pengucapan amerika
4 Mengasosiasi/ menganalisis data atau
 Siswa menuliskan aspek kata-kata
pengucapan yang benar dalam video
penucapan amerika.
5 Mengomunikasikan
Siswa maju memberikan pendapat/mempraktekkan
dan siswa lain mengamati dan mendengarkan

Penutup (10
peneliti dan peserta didik secara bersama-sama
membuat ringkasan bahan yang dipelajari pada
pertemuan ini
 peneliti memberikan tugas kepada siswa
untuk mencari contoh pengucapan kata-
kata amerika

 peneliti menjelaskan rencana kegiatan
pembelajaran yang akan datang.
 Peneliti menutup kelas dengan
mengucapkan wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb






OBJECTIVES This research aims to whether or not the use of video

learning American pronunciation is effective in learning
English pronunciation skills at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu

MATERIALS Plural nouns American pronunciation

TIME 1 X 50 Menit


KI 1 : menghayati dan mengamalkan 3.4 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa

agama yang dianutnya inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi
KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat
prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung belajar
jawab , peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai ), 4.5 Menunjukkan prilaku tanggung jawab, peduli,
santun, responsif dan pro-aktif kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan
dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai komunikasi fungsional
bagian dari solusi atas berbagai 5.5 Menganalisisis fungsi sosial, struktur bahasa dalam
permasalahan dalam “American pronunciation of words, dan unsure
berinteraksi secara efektif kebahasaan pada kemampuan pronunciation siswa
dengan lingkungan sosial dan dengan konteks apa yang telah disampaikan.
alam serta dalam menempatkan
diri sebagai cerminan bangsa 3.5.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial pada pronunciation
dalam pergaulan dunia skills dan unsure kebahasaan pada kemampuan

KI.3: Memahami, menerapkan, pengucapan siswa tentang pengucapan American
menganalisis dan mengevaluasi pronunciation of words sesuai konteks dengan apa
pengetahuaan faktual, yang telah disampaikan
konseptuaal, prosedural dan
metakognitif berdasarkan rasa 3.5.2 Menangkap makna pronunciation skill dan American
ingin tahuanya tentang ilmu pronunciation of words
pengetahuaan, teknologi, seni, 3.5.3 Mendeskripsikan makna dalam kata kata pengucapan
budaya, dan humanifora dengan Amerika yang disajikan dan menjelaskannya secara
wawasan kemanusiaan, lisan sesuai unsure kebahasaan pada pronunciation
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan skills.
peradaban terkait penyebab
fenomena dan kejadian, serta 3.5.4 Menyunting kemampuan pronunciation skiil siswa
menerapkan pengetahuaan dalam mengucapkan suatu kata American
prosedyral pada bidang kajian pronunciation dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
yang spesifik sesuai dengan dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
bakat dan minatnya untuk konteks.
memecahkan masalah
3.5.5 Mendeskripsikan pronunciation skills, American
KI 4 : Mengeloh, menalar, menyaji, pronunciation of words dengan memperhatikan fungsi
dan mencipta dalam ranah sosial dan struktur bahasa dan unsure kebahasaan
konkret dan sekolah abstrak yang benar sesuai konteks
terkait dengan pengembangan
4.5.1 menyusun kemampuan pronunciation skills siswa
dari yang dipelajarinya di
dalam mengucapkan kata-kata dan unsure kebahasaan
sekolah secara mandiri serta
pada pronunciation skill siswa dengan struktur
bertindak secara efektif dan
bahasa, dan unsure kebahasaan, secara benar dan
kreatif, dan mampu
secara konteks
menggunakan metode sesuai
kaidah keilmuan. 4.5.2 Melakukan aksen atau praktek kata katapengucapan
yang sederhana pada siswa dengan memperhatikan struktur
bahasa dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks


Plural nouns American pronunciation:

Sound in pronounce

1 Voiced :
‘S’ =(z)
Beds = (bεdz)

All vowels are voiced:

Trees = (triz)
Café = (kæ’feIs)

Some consonants are voiced:

Apples ( æp ǝlz)

2 Unvoiced:
‘s’ = (s)
Ship (ʃIps)
Consonants: (p t k f Ɵ)

3 special cases
-es = (Iz)
Consonants: (s z ʃ ʒ ʧ ʤ)
Wishes (wIʃ Iz)
Age, ages (eIʤ Iz)
Time, times (taImz)
Box, boxes (bɑks Iz)
Dog, dogs (dɑgz)
Cat, cats (kæts)

 Video learning / audio visual

Langkah-langkah kegiatan Pendahuluan (15
pembelajaran  Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah menit)
kepada siswa ketika memasuki kelas dan
mengecek kehadiran siswa.
 Dengan bimbingan peneliti, siswa
mengungkapkan pengalaman belajar
pengucapan kata melalui vidio
pengucapan amerika

Kegiatan inti (45
1 Mengamati menit)
 Dengan bimbingan peneliti, siswa
menyaksikan dan mendengarkan video
pengucapan amerika yang telah diberikan
2 Menanya
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan peneliti,
siswa mempertanyakan kata-kata yang
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan peneliti,
siswa mempertanyakan tentang makna
dan fungsi sosial dalam kata-kata
pengucapan amerika
3 Mengumpulkan data atau informasi
 Siswa menyaksikan kembali video
pengucapan amerika
 Siswa menemukan informasi rinci dan
informasi tertentu dalam video
pengucapan amerika

4 Mengasosiasi/ menganalisis data atau
 Siswa menuliskan aspek kata-kata
pengucapan yang benar dalam video
penucapan amerika.
5 Mengomunikasikan
Siswa maju memberikan pendapat/mempraktekkan
dan siswa lain mengamati dan mendengarkan

Penutup (10
peneliti dan peserta didik secara bersama-sama
membuat ringkasan bahan yang dipelajari pada
pertemuan ini

 peneliti menjelaskan rencana kegiatan

pembelajaran yang akan datang.
 Peneliti menutup kelas dengan
mengucapkan wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb






OBJECTIVES This research aims to whether or not the use of video

learning American pronunciation is effective in learning
English pronunciation skills at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu

MATERIALS Words stress and verbs American pronunciation

TIME 1 X 50 Menit


KI 1 : menghayati dan mengamalkan 3.4 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa

agama yang dianutnya inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi
KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat
prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung belajar
jawab , peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai ), 4.5 Menunjukkan prilaku tanggung jawab, peduli,
santun, responsif dan pro-aktif kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan
dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai komunikasi fungsional
bagian dari solusi atas berbagai 5.5 Menganalisisis fungsi sosial, struktur bahasa dalam
permasalahan dalam “American pronunciation of words, dan unsure
berinteraksi secara efektif kebahasaan pada kemampuan pronunciation siswa
dengan lingkungan sosial dan dengan konteks apa yang telah disampaikan.
alam serta dalam menempatkan
diri sebagai cerminan bangsa 3.5.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial pada pronunciation
dalam pergaulan dunia skills dan unsure kebahasaan pada kemampuan

KI.3: Memahami, menerapkan, pengucapan siswa tentang pengucapan American
menganalisis dan mengevaluasi pronunciation of words sesuai konteks dengan apa
pengetahuaan faktual, yang telah disampaikan
konseptuaal, prosedural dan
metakognitif berdasarkan rasa 3.5.2 Menangkap makna pronunciation skill dan American
ingin tahuanya tentang ilmu pronunciation of words
pengetahuaan, teknologi, seni, 3.5.3 Mendeskripsikan makna dalam kata kata pengucapan
budaya, dan humanifora dengan Amerika yang disajikan dan menjelaskannya secara
wawasan kemanusiaan, lisan sesuai unsure kebahasaan pada pronunciation
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan skills.
peradaban terkait penyebab
fenomena dan kejadian, serta 3.5.4 Menyunting kemampuan pronunciation skiil siswa
menerapkan pengetahuaan dalam mengucapkan suatu kata American
prosedyral pada bidang kajian pronunciation dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
yang spesifik sesuai dengan dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
bakat dan minatnya untuk konteks.
memecahkan masalah
3.5.5 Mendeskripsikan pronunciation skills, American
KI 4 : Mengeloh, menalar, menyaji, pronunciation of words dengan memperhatikan fungsi
dan mencipta dalam ranah sosial dan struktur bahasa dan unsure kebahasaan
konkret dan sekolah abstrak yang benar sesuai konteks
terkait dengan pengembangan
4.5.1 menyusun kemampuan pronunciation skills siswa
dari yang dipelajarinya di
dalam mengucapkan kata-kata dan unsure kebahasaan
sekolah secara mandiri serta
pada pronunciation skill siswa dengan struktur
bertindak secara efektif dan
bahasa, dan unsure kebahasaan, secara benar dan
kreatif, dan mampu
secara konteks
menggunakan metode sesuai
kaidah keilmuan. 4.5.2 Melakukan aksen atau praktek kata katapengucapan
yang sederhana pada siswa dengan memperhatikan struktur
bahasa dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks


Words stress and verbs American pronunciation:

1 I’ am leaving soon.



2 She’s taking the bus


3 We’re running late



4 I passed the test



 Video learning / audio visual

Langkah-langkah kegiatan Pendahuluan (15
pembelajaran  Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah menit)
kepada siswa ketika memasuki kelas dan
mengecek kehadiran siswa.
 Dengan bimbingan peneliti, siswa
mengungkapkan pengalaman belajar
pengucapan kata melalui vidio
pengucapan amerika

Kegiatan inti (45
1 Mengamati menit)
 Dengan bimbingan peneliti, siswa
menyaksikan dan mendengarkan video
pengucapan amerika yang telah diberikan
2 Menanya
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan peneliti,
siswa mempertanyakan kata-kata yang
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan peneliti,
siswa mempertanyakan tentang makna
dan fungsi sosial dalam kata-kata
pengucapan amerika
3 Mengumpulkan data atau informasi
 Siswa menyaksikan kembali video
pengucapan amerika
 Siswa menemukan informasi rinci dan
informasi tertentu dalam video
pengucapan amerika

4 Mengasosiasi/ menganalisis data atau
 Siswa menuliskan aspek kata-kata
pengucapan yang benar dalam video
penucapan amerika.
5 Mengomunikasikan
Siswa maju memberikan pendapat/mempraktekkan
dan siswa lain mengamati dan mendengarkan

Penutup (10
peneliti dan peserta didik secara bersama-sama
membuat ringkasan bahan yang dipelajari pada
pertemuan ini

 peneliti menjelaskan rencana kegiatan

pembelajaran yang akan datang.
 Peneliti menutup kelas dengan
mengucapkan wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb






OBJECTIVES This research aims to whether or not the use of video

learning American pronunciation is effective in learning
English pronunciation skills at SMK Negeri 5 Luwu

MATERIALS Vocabulary-words for fruit in American pronunciation

TIME 1 X 50 Menit


KI 1 : menghayati dan mengamalkan 3.4 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa

agama yang dianutnya inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi
KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat
prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung belajar
jawab , peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai ), 4.5 Menunjukkan prilaku tanggung jawab, peduli,
santun, responsif dan pro-aktif kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan
dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai komunikasi fungsional
bagian dari solusi atas berbagai 5.5 Menganalisisis fungsi sosial, struktur bahasa dalam
permasalahan dalam “American pronunciation of words, dan unsure
berinteraksi secara efektif kebahasaan pada kemampuan pronunciation siswa
dengan lingkungan sosial dan dengan konteks apa yang telah disampaikan.
alam serta dalam menempatkan
diri sebagai cerminan bangsa 3.5.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial pada pronunciation
dalam pergaulan dunia skills dan unsure kebahasaan pada kemampuan

KI.3: Memahami, menerapkan, pengucapan siswa tentang pengucapan American
menganalisis dan mengevaluasi pronunciation of words sesuai konteks dengan apa
pengetahuaan faktual, yang telah disampaikan
konseptuaal, prosedural dan
metakognitif berdasarkan rasa 3.5.2 Menangkap makna pronunciation skill dan American
ingin tahuanya tentang ilmu pronunciation of words
pengetahuaan, teknologi, seni, 3.5.3 Mendeskripsikan makna dalam kata kata pengucapan
budaya, dan humanifora dengan Amerika yang disajikan dan menjelaskannya secara
wawasan kemanusiaan, lisan sesuai unsure kebahasaan pada pronunciation
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan skills.
peradaban terkait penyebab
fenomena dan kejadian, serta 3.5.4 Menyunting kemampuan pronunciation skiil siswa
menerapkan pengetahuaan dalam mengucapkan suatu kata American
prosedyral pada bidang kajian pronunciation dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
yang spesifik sesuai dengan dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
bakat dan minatnya untuk konteks.
memecahkan masalah
3.5.5 Mendeskripsikan pronunciation skills, American
KI 4 : Mengeloh, menalar, menyaji, pronunciation of words dengan memperhatikan fungsi
dan mencipta dalam ranah sosial dan struktur bahasa dan unsure kebahasaan
konkret dan sekolah abstrak yang benar sesuai konteks
terkait dengan pengembangan
4.5.1 menyusun kemampuan pronunciation skills siswa
dari yang dipelajarinya di
dalam mengucapkan kata-kata dan unsure kebahasaan
sekolah secara mandiri serta
pada pronunciation skill siswa dengan struktur
bertindak secara efektif dan
bahasa, dan unsure kebahasaan, secara benar dan
kreatif, dan mampu
secara konteks
menggunakan metode sesuai
kaidah keilmuan. 4.5.2 Melakukan aksen atau praktek kata katapengucapan
yang sederhana pada siswa dengan memperhatikan struktur
bahasa dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks


Vocabulary words for fruit in American pronunciation:

1 Watermelon = ( wodǝr mεlǝn) or (wɑd ǝr mεl ǝn)

2 Apple = (æp ǝl)

3 Banana = (bǝ’ næn ǝ)

4 Berry = (bεri)

5 Blacberry = (blæk bεǝri)

6 Strawberry = ( stro bεǝri)

7 Blueberry = ( blu bεǝri)

8 Raspberry = (ræz bεǝri)

9 Pear = ( pεǝr)

10 Cantaloupe = (kæn tǝ loƱp)

11 Cherry = (ʧεri)

12 Grapes = ( greips)

13 Red grapes = ( rεd greips)

14 Green grapes = ( grin greips)

15 Concord grapes = (kɑn kǝrd greips) (kɑŋ kord greips)

16 Orange = ( orInʤ)

17 Kiwi = (ki wi)

18 Lemon = (lεm ǝn), lime (laim)

19 Mango = (mæŋ gou)

20 Peach = ( piʧ) , pineapple (paI Næp ǝl

 Video learning / audio visual

Langkah-langkah kegiatan Pendahuluan (15
pembelajaran  Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah menit)
kepada siswa ketika memasuki kelas dan
mengecek kehadiran siswa.
 Dengan bimbingan peneliti, siswa
mengungkapkan pengalaman belajar
pengucapan kata melalui vidio
pengucapan amerika

Kegiatan inti (45
1 Mengamati menit)
 Dengan bimbingan peneliti, siswa
menyaksikan dan mendengarkan video
pengucapan amerika yang telah diberikan
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan peneliti,
siswa mempertanyakan kata-kata yang
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan peneliti,
siswa mempertanyakan tentang makna
dan fungsi sosial dalam kata-kata
pengucapan amerika
3 Mengumpulkan data atau informasi
 Siswa menyaksikan kembali video
pengucapan amerika
 Siswa menemukan informasi rinci dan
informasi tertentu dalam video
pengucapan amerika

4 Mengasosiasi/ menganalisis data atau
 Siswa menuliskan aspek kata-kata
pengucapan yang benar dalam video
penucapan amerika.
5 Mengomunikasikan
Siswa maju memberikan pendapat/mempraktekkan
dan siswa lain mengamati dan mendengarkan

Penutup (10
peneliti dan peserta didik secara bersama-sama
membuat ringkasan bahan yang dipelajari pada
pertemuan ini

 peneliti menjelaskan rencana kegiatan

pembelajaran yang akan datang.
 Peneliti menutup kelas dengan
mengucapkan wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Video Learning American pronunciation

1. The first meeting. 2. The second meeting

3. The third meeting 4. The fourth meeting

Instrument Validation Sheet For Lecturers

Validation Sheet for Teachers

Lesson Plan Validation Sheet

Validation Sheet Media / Learning Materials

Validation Sheet Student’s Pre-Test and Post-Test Score

Transcripts students of answer on the post-test

1 Table 1

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R1 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Mek Meyk X

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Laik Lǝik √

5 Time Taim tɑym √

6 No Noo NoƱ X

7 Just Just Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Kenow Now X

10 Take Tek Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Veri veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Dell Tεϯ X

16 Those Dus Ðowz X

17 Only Only Own liy X

18 Well Well Wεϯ √

19 Many Manii Mε niy X

20 Give Gev gIv X

21 I am here Aiem her bikoz of Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz ˄v
because of Alex Alex Alex
22 I will take Ai will teik ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X
umbrella for ambrella for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at Pliz lok at ds pikter Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
this picture pIktʃɚ
24 I make a Ai mek birtdey kek ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
birthday cake for yu keIk fo:r Ju
for you
25 I like watching Ai laik wet’ ching ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng tv X
tv tv
26 Can we go Ken wi gou Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ √
together tougeder gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai will gev yu e ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ smɑiϯ X
smile smail
28 Can you find Ken yu fend mai Kæn Ju faind mai X
my money that mony de’los m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man Ai siiemen stend ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd √
stand beside you bi’ said yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev niu ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from hendpon from mai hænd,fǝƱn fro: fɑðǝr
my father fader

2 Table 2

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Decription

Sentence R2 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Maik Meyk X

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Laik Lǝik √

5 Time Taim tɑym √

6 No Noo NoƱ X

7 Just Just Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Kenow Now X

10 Take Teek Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Verii veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Toss Ðowz X

17 Only Only Own liy X

18 Well Well Wεϯ √

19 Many Mani Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv X

21 I am here Ai em her bi kaus of Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz ˄v
because of alex Alex
22 I will take Ai will tek umbrella ɑI will teyk ˄m’ brεlǝ X
umbrella for for yu
23 Please look at Pliz luuk et dis Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs pIktʃɚ √
this picture pikcur
24 I make a Ai meik e birthday ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey √
birthday cake ceik for yu keIk fo:r Ju
for you
25 I like Ai laik watching tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng tv √
watching tv
26 Can we go Ken we go tu Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ gεðɚ X
together togeder

27 I will give Ai will yu smail giv ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ smɑiϯ √
you a smile e smaail
28 Can you find Ken yu find my Kæn Ju faind mai X
my money many de’ los m˄ni ðɑt lus
that loose
29 I see a man ai si men sten biside ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
stand beside yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev e not ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone hendpon my fader hænd,fǝƱn fro: fɑðǝr
from my

3 Table 3

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R3 vowels and
1 When Wan Wεn X

2 Make Meyk Meyk √

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Tlaik Lǝik √

5 Time Taim tɑym √

6 No Noo NoƱ X

7 Just Yu u Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Now Now √

10 Take Tek Teyk X

11 Even Efeni Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Till Tεϯ X

16 Those Tus Ðowz X

17 Only Ongli Own liy X

18 Well Wil Wεϯ X

19 Many Mani Mε niy X

20 Give Geiv gIv X

21 I am here because Aim hir teik off Alex Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz
of Alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take Ai will teik ambrella ɑI will teyk ˄m’ √
umbrella for you for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plis’ luk it tis Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture pickcur pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Eim mek e birtdey ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ X
cake for you kek for yu dey keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv ai lik wacing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X
26 Can we go Ken wi go tu tugeder Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai will wig iv yu ai ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile smail smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose Ken yu fi I mai mani m˄ni ðɑt lus
de los
29 I see a man stand Ai si emen sten bisid ɑI siy ǝ mæn X
beside you yu stænd bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev e new ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from hendpon from mai hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fader fɑðǝr

4 Table 4

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R4 vowels and
1 When Win Wεn X

2 Make Maik Meyk X

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Lik Lǝik X

5 Time Tem tɑym X

6 No No NoƱ X

7 Just Jast Dʒ˄st √

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Know Now X

10 Take Teik Teyk √

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One On w˄n X

15 Tell Tel Tεϯ X

16 Those Tos Ðowz X

17 Only Onlai Own liy X

18 Well Wel Wεϯ X

19 Many Mani Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv √

21 I am here because Ai em her cais uf Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz
of Alex Alex ˄v Alex

22 I will take Ai will tek um for yu ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X

umbrella for you brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plis lok at picur Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai mek e bikdai keik ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ X
cake for you for yu dey keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai lek wacing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X
26 Can we go Ken wen go tu hev Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ken will giv you ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Ken you mai mon Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose det los m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand Ai si men sten bisid ɑI siy ǝ mæn X
beside you yo.u stænd bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev e now honpe ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from from yu fader hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fɑðǝr

5 Table 5
No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description
Sentence R5 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Mak Meyk X

3 Can Kan Kæn X

4 Like Lik Lǝik X

5 Time Tim tɑym X

6 No No NoƱ X

7 Just Jus Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Know Now X

10 Take Tek Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One On w˄n X

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Tos Ðowz X

17 Only Only Own liy X

18 Well Well Wεϯ √

19 Many Mani Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv √

21 I am here because Aim hir bii kous of Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz ˄v
of Alex alex Alex
22 I will take umbrella ai will tek umbrella ɑI will teyk ˄m’ brεlǝ X
for you for yu
23 Please look at this Piliss lok this piktur Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs pIktʃɚ X
24 I make a birthday Ai make bir dai cak ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
cake for you for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai lik wacing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng tv X

26 Can we go together Ken wi go togeder Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ gεðɚ X

27 I will give you a Ai will giv yu a ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ smɑiϯ X

smile smill
28 Can you find my Ken eyu fin mi Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose money dat los m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand Ai se man stan ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you besaid yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev new ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from hendpon from my hænd,fǝƱn fro: fɑðǝr
my father fader

6 Table 6

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R6 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Meik Meyk X

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Lek Lǝik X

5 Time Taim tɑym √

6 No No NoƱ X

7 Just Jus Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Know Now X

10 Take Tek Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Tos Ðowz X

17 Only Ongli Own liy X

18 Well Well Wεϯ √

19 Many Mani Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv √

21 I am here because Ai am her bicaus of Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz

of Alex Alex ˄v Alex

22 I will take Ai will tek ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X

umbrella for you ambrella for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Pleas lok at picur Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai mek birday kek ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
cake for you for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai lik watching tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X
26 Can we go Ken wi o tu togeder Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai sii emen stend ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile bidai yu smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Ken yu faind may Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose money dat los m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand Ai sii emen stend ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you bisai yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai her ai hev ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from hendpon from mai hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fader fɑðǝr

7 Table 7

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R7 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Meik Meyk √

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Lik Lǝik X

5 Time Tim tɑym X

6 No No NoƱ √

7 Just Jus Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Now Now √

10 Take Tek Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Toss Ðowz X

17 Only Onli Own liy X

18 Well Well Wεϯ √

19 Many Mani Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv √

21 I am here because Em her bekos of Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz

of Alex Alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take Ai tek umbrella e ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X
umbrella for you for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at Pliss luuk his Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
this picture pikcur pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai meik e birtdei ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey √
cake for you keik for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai lik wocing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng tv X

26 Can we go Ken wi got togeder Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X

together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai will yu giv yu ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile esmail smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Ken yu may moni Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose det lus m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand Ai sii emen sten ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you bisaid yu bi’sǝid Ju

30 I have a new Ai hev enow ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from hendpon fom mai hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father foder fɑðǝr

8 Table 8

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R8 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Mak Meyk X

3 Can Ken Kæn X

4 Like Lik Lǝik X

5 Time Tim tɑym X

6 No No NoƱ X

7 Just Jus Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Know Now X

10 Take Tek Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Tus Ðowz X

17 Only Only Own liy X

18 Well Well Wεϯ √

19 Many Mani Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv √

Ai em bi kaus of X
21 I am here because Alex Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz
of Alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take Ai wel ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X
umbrella for you brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Tek ambrella for Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture yu pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Plis luk at tis ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
cake for you pikcur keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai lik wocing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X
26 Can we go Ken wig u tugeder Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai will you giv ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile esmail smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Ken yu find mai Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose mani det lus m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand Ai si men stand ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you bisaid yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev niu hendpon ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from from mai fader hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fɑðǝr

9 Table 9

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R9 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Make Meyk X

3 Can Kan Kæn X

4 Like Lik Lǝik X

5 Time Tim tɑym X

6 No No NoƱ X

7 Just Jus Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm X

9 Know Nou Now X

10 Take Take Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy X

14 One On w˄n X

15 Tell Til Tεϯ X

16 Those Tous Ðowz X

17 Only Ownly Own liy X

18 Well Well Wεϯ X

19 Many Mani Mε niy X

20 Give Gev gIv X

21 I am here because Ai her bikos off Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz
of Alex Alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take ai wil tak umbrella ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X
umbrella for you fo yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plis lok atis pik Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai make birdai cek ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
cake for you for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv -ai lik wat cing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X
26 Can we go Ken wi go go go Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together der gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai wil gev yu smail ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile smɑiϯ

28 Can you find my Ken yu fin mi Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose money los m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand Ai se stendbesid ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev hepon fom ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from fater hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fɑðǝr

10 Table 10

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R10 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Mek Meyk X

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Lik Lǝik X

5 Time Tim tɑym X

6 No No NoƱ X

7 Just jus Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm X

9 Know Know Now X

10 Take Tak Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Tus Ðowz X

17 Only Only Own liy X

18 Well Wiil Wεϯ X

19 Many Maniy Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv √

21 I am here because Ai em her bi cause Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz

of Alex of alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take Ai wil tik umbrella ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X
umbrella for you for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plis lok et tis Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture pikcur pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai mek ebirt dei ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
cake for you keik for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai lik ewacing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X
26 Can we go ken wi toget Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai wil giv e yu ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile esmil smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Ken yu fin mi mon Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose I dat los m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand Ai si em sten bisid ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev hendpon ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from from my fader hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fɑðǝr

11 . Table 11

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R11 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Mek Meyk √

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Lik Lǝik √

5 Time Tim tɑym √

6 No No NoƱ √

7 Just jus Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Know Now X

10 Take Tak Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn √

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Tus Ðowz √

17 Only Only Own liy X

18 Well Wiil Wεϯ √

19 Many Maniy Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv √

21 I am here because Aem hier bi kos of Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz

of Alex alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take Ai wil teik ɑI will teyk ˄m’ √
umbrella for you ambrella for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plis lok a tis pikcer Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai mek berdei kek ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
cake for you kek for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai laik woting tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X

26 Can we go ken wi gotugeder Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai wil giv ya ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile asmaile smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Ken yu fain mai Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose moni det lous m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand Ai sia mens sten ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you besadi yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev e nu ɑI hæv ǝ nu √
handphone from hendphone from hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father may fader fɑðǝr

12 Table 12

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R12 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Mek Meyk X

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Lik Lǝik √

5 Time Tim tɑym √

6 No No NoƱ √

7 Just jast Dʒ˄st √

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Kenow Now X

10 Take Tek Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One On w˄n X

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Tus Ðowz √

17 Only Only Own liy X

18 Well Wiil Wεϯ √

19 Many Maniy Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv √

21 I am here because Aem herer bi kos Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz

of Alex of alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take Ai wil tek ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X
umbrella for you ambrella for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plis luk E tis pitture Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai mek bisdei kek ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
cake for you for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai laik woting tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X
26 Can we go ken wi go tu tu Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together geder gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai wil giv you e ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile smail smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Ken yu fan mai Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose mani de los m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand As aem si mensten ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you besid yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev e nou ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from hendphone for my hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fether. fɑðǝr

13 Table 13

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R13 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Maike Meyk X

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Lik Lǝik √

5 Time Tim tɑym √

6 No No NoƱ √

7 Just jast Dʒ˄st √

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Nou Now √

10 Take Tek Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Tos Ðowz X

17 Only OnlI Own liy X

18 Well Wiil Wεϯ √

19 Many Maniy Mε niy √

20 Give Giv gIv √

21 I am here because Aem hier bikous of Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz

of Alex Alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take Ai wil teik ɑI will teyk ˄m’ √
umbrella for you ambrella for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plis luk e tis pikcer Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture pIktʃɚ

24 I make a birthday Ai meik e bertdei ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey √
cake for you keik for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai laik wotcing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng √
26 Can we go ken wi go tugeder Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai wil giv you e ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ √
smile smail smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Ken yu fan mai Kæn Ju faind mai √
money that loose mani det lous m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand As si e men tend ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you besid yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev e niu ɑI hæv ǝ nu √
handphone from hendphone for my hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fether. fɑðǝr

14 Table 14

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R14 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Make Meyk X

3 Can Cen Kæn X

4 Like Like Lǝik X

5 Time Time tɑym X

6 No No NoƱ √

7 Just just Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Nou Now √

10 Take Takek Teyk X

11 Even even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One One w˄n X

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those TosE Ðowz X

17 Only OwnlI Own liy √

18 Well Weil Wεϯ X

19 Many Maniy Mε niy X

20 Give Give gIv X

21 I am here because I her aem because Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz

of Alex ouf Alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take A i wEl take ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X
umbrella for you umbrella for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plase e attire Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture picture pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai make e bitdei ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
cake for you cak for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ie like watccing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X
26 Can we go Can wi go together Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai wil giv yu a ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile smile smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Cen yu fin mai Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose moni that luse m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand As si a men tend ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you biseid yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev e niu ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from hendphone for my hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fether. fɑðǝr

15 Table 15

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R15 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Make Meyk X

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Like Lǝik X

5 Time Taim tɑym √

6 No No NoƱ X

7 Just just Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Nou Now √

10 Take Tik Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Tose Ðowz X

17 Only OnlI Own liy X

18 Well Well Wεϯ √

19 Many Maniy Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv √

I am here because Aem her bikous of Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz

21 of Alex Alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take Ai wil take ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X
umbrella for you umbrella for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plis luk e dis pikcur Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai make e besdei ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
cake for you keik for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai lik wotcing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X
26 Can we go ken wi go to geder Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai wil giv you e ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile smail smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Ken yu fain mai Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose moni det lus m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand As si men stend ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you besid yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev nu ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from hendphone for my hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fether. fɑðǝr

16 Table 16

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R16 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Mek Meyk X

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Laik Lǝik √

5 Time Tem tɑym X

6 No No NoƱ X

7 Just Just Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Kenow Now X

10 Take Tek Teyk X

11 Even Iven Iy’ vǝn √

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Tos Ðowz X

17 Only OnlI Own liy X

18 Well Wiil Wεϯ √

19 Many Maniy Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv √

21 I am here because Aem hier bikous of Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz

of Alex Alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take Ai wil tek ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X
umbrella for you umbrella for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plis lok at dis Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs
picture pikcur pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai meik e bitde ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey √
cake for you birdie keik for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai laik wot cing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng √
26 Can we go ken we go tu gether Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai wil giv u e smail ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ √
smile smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Ken yu fin mai Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose mani det lous m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand As si e men stend ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you besid yu bi’sǝid Ju

30 I have a new Ai hev e neu ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from hendphone for mi hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fader. fɑðǝr

17 Table 17

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R16 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make MeIk Meyk √

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Laik Lǝik √

5 Time Taim tɑym √

6 No No NoƱ X

7 Just Jast Dʒ˄st √

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Kenow Now X

10 Take Tek Teyk X

11 Even Efen Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Tus Ðowz X

17 Only OnlI Own liy X

18 Well Wiil Wεϯ √

19 Many Maniy Mε niy X

20 Give Giv gIv √

21 I am here because Aem her bikous of Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz

of Alex Alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take Ai wil tek ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X
umbrella for you umbrella for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plis luk at dis Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture piktur pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai meik ei birtdei ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
cake for you keik for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai laik wotcsing tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X
26 Can we go ken we go tu geder Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ √
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai wil giv u ei ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile smail smɑiϯ
28 Can you find my Ken yu fid mi mani Kæn Ju faind mai X
money that loose det lousi m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand As si ei men stend ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you bisid bisaidi yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev ai nai ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from hendphone for mi hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fader. fɑðǝr

18 Table 18

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R18 vowels and
1 When Wen Wεn √

2 Make Maik Meyk X

3 Can Ken Kæn √

4 Like Laik Lǝik √

5 Time Tem tɑym X

6 No No NoƱ √

7 Just Just Dʒ˄st X

8 Him Him hIm √

9 Know Nou Now √

10 Take Tek Teyk X

11 Even Even Iy’ vǝn X

12 Her Her Hɚr √

13 Very Very veɚ riy √

14 One Wan w˄n √

15 Tell Tell Tεϯ √

16 Those Tous Ðowz √

17 Only OwnlI Own liy √

18 Well Wiil Wεϯ √

19 Many Meniy Mε niy √

20 Give Giv gIv √

21 I am here because Aem her bikous of Aæm hIǝr bI’ koz

of Alex Alex ˄v Alex
22 I will take Ai wil tek ɑI will teyk ˄m’ X
umbrella for you umbrella for yu brεlǝ
23 Please look at this Plis luk e tis pikcur Pliz lƱk æϯ ðIs X
picture pIktʃɚ
24 I make a birthday Ai meik e bertdi ɑI meyk ǝ bʒƟ dey X
cake for you keik for yu keIk fo:r Ju
25 I like watching tv Ai lekk weitingg tv ɑI lǝyk ǝ wɚtʃIng X
26 Can we go ken we go tugeter Kæn wI: goƱ tǝ X
together gεðɚ
27 I will give you a Ai wil giv you e ɑI wIl giv Ju ǝ X
smile smail smɑiϯ

28 Can you find my Ken yu fin mai Kæn Ju faind mai
money that loose monai te lous m˄ni ðɑt lus
29 I see a man stand As si ai men stey ɑI siy ǝ mæn stænd X
beside you besdei yu bi’sǝid Ju
30 I have a new Ai hev ei nou ɑI hæv ǝ nu X
handphone from hendphone for my hænd,fǝƱn fro:
my father fether. fɑðǝr

Transcripts students of answer on the post-test

1 Table 1
No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description
Sentence R1 vowels and
1 Their Teir Ðεir X

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Tiy Ðey X

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sai Sey X

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The Dee Ðǝ √

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ X

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About E’baut ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Dei Dey √

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you √

21 to listen me now I wud laik yu tu ɑi wƱd layk Ju toƱ
lisen mi now lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Hoo de raiter of Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr ˄v X

of this novel dis novel ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai weth futbal ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the e’lon in te ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television televisison television
24 I see many people Ai sii meni popel ɑI siy mεniy pipǝϯ X
in the market in de market in ðɑ mɑrkǝt
25 You are look Yu are luk Ju are lƱk hænsǝm √
handsome haendsem
26 I want to take a Ai want tu teik e ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk ǝ √
bath bath baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai hev tu brodher ɑI hæv tu: brȗth’ǝr √
and one sister end wan sister ɑnd w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Hev e nais dei Hæv ǝ nais dei √

29 I make fried rice Ai meik fraid ric ɑI meyk frɑid rais X

every day evri dei evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi æm veɚ riy hæpI √
today tudei ϯǝ’dei

2 Table 2

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R2 vowels and
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sei Sey √

8 With Waith wIƟ X

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The Di Ðǝ X

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ X

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Ebout ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Sey Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you X

21 to listen me now Ai wod laik tu ɑi wƱd layk Ju toƱ
listen mi now lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr ˄v √

of this novel Hoo is de raiter of ðIs nɑvǝl
dis novel
23 I watch football Ai wat futbal alon ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the in de televisison ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television

24 I see many people Ai sii meni pipel ɑI siy mεniy pipǝϯ √
in the market in de market in ðɑ mɑrkǝt
25 You are look Yu are luk Ju are lƱk hænsǝm √
handsome haendsem
26 I want to take a Ai want tu teik ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk ǝ √
bath bath baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai hev tu brader ɑI hæv tu: brȗth’ǝr √
and one sister end wan sister ɑnd w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Hev ai nic dey Hæv ǝ nais dei X

29 I make fried rice Ai meik fraid ris ɑI meyk frɑid rais X

every day everidey evri dei
30 I am very happy Ai am very hepi æm veɚ riy hæpI X
today tudei ϯǝ’dei

3 Table 3

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R3 vowels and
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sey Sey √

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The De Ðǝ √

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ X

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Abaut ǝ’bǝwt X

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day say Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you X

21 to listen me now Ai wol laik yu tu ɑi wƱd layk Ju toƱ
lisen mi now lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Hoo is de raiter of Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr ˄v √

of this novel dis novel ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai watch football ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l √
alone in the eloun in de ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television television
24 I see many people Ai sii meni pipel ɑI siy mεniy pipǝϯ √
in the market in de market in ðɑ mɑrkǝt
25 You are look Yu are luk Ju are lƱk hænsǝm √
handsome hensem
26 I want to take a Ai want tu teik e ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk ǝ √
bath bath baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai hev tu brader ɑI hæv tu: brȗth’ǝr √
and one sister end wan sister ɑnd w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Heve nes dei Hæv ǝ nais dei X

29 I make fried rice Ai meik fraid rais ɑI meyk frɑid rais √

every day evri dei evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi æm veɚ riy hæpI √
today tudei ϯǝ’dei

4 Table 4

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R4 vowels and
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sei Sey √

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The Di Ðǝ X

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ X

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Abaut ǝ’bǝwt X

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Dai Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you Ai wod laik yu tu X

21 to listen me now lisen mi now ɑi wƱd layk Ju toƱ
lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Wo is di raiter of Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr ˄v X
of this novel dis novel ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai wat futbal ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the alone in de ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television tilivision television
24 I see many people Ai sii meni pipel ɑI siy mεniy pipǝϯ √
in the market in de market in ðɑ mɑrkǝt
25 You are look Yu are luk Ju are lƱk hænsǝm √
handsome haendsem
26 I want to take a Ai want tu teik e ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk ǝ √
bath bath baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai hev tu broder ɑI hæv tu: brȗth’ǝr √
and one sister end wan sister ɑnd w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Hev e nis dei Hæv ǝ nais dei X

29 I make fried rice Ai meik fraid rais ɑI meyk frɑid rais √

every day evri dei evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi æm veɚ riy hæpI √
today tudei ϯǝ’dei

5 Table 5

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R5 vowels and
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But But B˄t X

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sei Sey √

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The Di Ðǝ X

11 Hair Hier Hiɹ √

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Ebout ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Gut Gɑt X

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Dai Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you X

21 to listen me now Ai wal lik yu lis ɑi wƱd layk Ju toƱ
me now lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Hoo is rit of dis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr ˄v X

of this novel novel ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai wat futbal elon ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the in di television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many people Ai si mani pipel ɑI siy mεniy pipǝϯ X
in the market in market in ðɑ mɑrkǝt
25 You are look Yu are luk hinsem Ju are lƱk hænsǝm X
26 I want to take a Ai weit tu tek e ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk ǝ X
bath bath baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai hev tu brader ɑI hæv tu: brȗth’ǝr X
and one sister end sister ɑnd w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Hev a nis dei Hæv ǝ nais dei X

29 I make fried rice ɑI meyk frɑid rais X

every day Ai mek frid ris evri dei
everi dei

30 I am very happy æm veɚ riy hæpI √
today Aem very heppi ϯǝ’dei

6 Table 6

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R6 vowels and
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sei Sey √

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The Di Ðǝ X

11 Hair Hier Hiɹ √

12 Cup Kep c˄p X

13 About Ebout ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Da Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you X

21 to listen me now Ai wol laik tu ɑi wƱd layk Ju
lisenmi now toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Who is di riter of Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr X

of this novel dis novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai watch futbal elon ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l √
alone in the in de television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many people Ai sii meni pipel in ɑI siy mεniy pipǝϯ √
in the market de market in ðɑ mɑrkǝt
25 You are look Yu ar lok hensem Ju are lƱk X
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai want tu teik e ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk ǝ √
bath bath baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai hev tu broder end ɑI hæv tu: X
and one sister wan sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd w˄n
28 I have a nice day Hev e nais dei Hæv ǝ nais dei √

29 I make fried rice Ai mek fried rais ɑI meyk frɑid rais X

every day everi day evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi æm veɚ riy hæpI √
today tudei ϯǝ’dei

7 Table 7

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R7 vowels and
1 Their Der Ðεir X

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But But B˄t X

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dhis ðIs √

7 Say Say Sey X

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Haev Hæv X

10 The Di Ðǝ X

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ X

12 Cup Kup c˄p X

13 About Ebut ǝ’bǝwt X

14 How Hu Hɑow X

15 Got Gut Gɑt X

16 Bad Bad Bεd X

17 Five Five Fǝiv X

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Day Dey X

20 See Sei Siy X

I would like you Ai wul laik tu X

21 to listen me now lisening me no ɑi wƱd layk Ju
toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Hois di riter of dis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr X

of this novel novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai wat fotbal elone ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the indi television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many people Ai sei mani people ɑI siy mεniy pipǝϯ X
in the market in di market in ðɑ mɑrkǝt

25 You are look Yu are lok hensomee Ju are lƱk X
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai wan to take a bat ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk ǝ X
bath baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai have tu broder ɑI hæv tu: X
and one sister end wan sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd w˄n
28 I have a nice day Have a nisdei Hæv ǝ nais dei X

29 I make fried rice Ai make frid ris ɑI meyk frɑid rais X

every day everi dei evri dei
30 I am very happy Ai am very hepi æm veɚ riy hæpI X
today tudai ϯǝ’dei

8 Table 8

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R8 vowels and
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Go GoƱ X

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dih Ðey X

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Si Sey X

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The Di Ðǝ X

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ X

12 Cup Kup c˄p X

13 About Ebout ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Gut Gɑt X

16 Bad Bad Bεd X

17 Five Fiv Fǝiv X

18 Cat Kat Kæt X

19 Day Si Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you X

21 to listen me now Ai would lik tu listen ɑi wƱd layk Ju
mi now toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Hoo is di raiter of Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr X

of this novel dis novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football I watch football ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the elone in di television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many people Ai sii mani pipel in ɑI siy mεniy pipǝϯ X
in the market de market in ðɑ mɑrkǝt
25 You are look Yu are lok hensem Ju are lƱk X
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a I wan tu take a bat ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk ǝ X
bath baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai have tu broder ɑI hæv tu: X
and one sister end wan siser brȗth’ǝr ɑnd w˄n
28 I have a nice day Hav e nissdei Hæv ǝ nais dei X

29 I make fried rice Ai make fried ris ɑI meyk frɑid rais X

every day everi day evri dei
30 I am very happy Ai am very heppi æm veɚ riy hæpI X
today tudei ϯǝ’dei

9 Table 9

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R9 vowels and

1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But But B˄t X

5 They Di Ðey X

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Si Sey X

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The De Ðǝ √

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ X

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About About ǝ’bǝwt X

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Kat Kæt X

19 Day Di Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you Ai wouid lik yu tu X

21 to listen me now listen mi now ɑi wƱd layk Ju
toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Hu is di riter of dis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr X

of this novel novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl

23 I watch football Ai wat futbal elon in ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the te television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many people Ai sii meni piple in ɑI siy mεniy pipǝϯ √
in the market de market in ðɑ mɑrkǝt
25 You are look Yu are lok hansem Ju are lƱk X
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai wanto tak e bath ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk ǝ X
bath baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai have to broder ɑI hæv tu: X
and one sister wan sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd w˄n
28 I have a nice day Have e nis dei Hæv ǝ nais dei X

29 I make fried rice Ai mak fried rise vi ɑI meyk frɑid rais X

every day dei evri dei
30 I am very happy a.am very heppi æm veɚ riy hæpI X
today tudei ϯǝ’dei

10 Table 10

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Descrition

Sentence R10 vowels and
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sei Sey √

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The Dee Ðǝ √

11 Hair Hier Hiɹ √

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Ebout ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Sei Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

21 I would like you ɑi wƱd layk Ju X

to listen me now Ai wud laik tu listen toƱ lisn mi noƱ
mi now

22 Who is the writer Hoo is de raiter of dis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr √

of this novel novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai watch football in ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l √
alone in the de television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many Ai sii meni pipel in ɑI siy mεniy pipǝϯ √
people in the de market in ðɑ mɑrkǝt
25 You are look Yu are luk haensem Ju are lƱk √
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai want tu teik e bath ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk ǝ √
bath baƟ
27 I have two ai hev tu broder end ɑI hæv tu: √
brother and one wan sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd w˄n
sister sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Ai hev e nais dei Hæv ǝ nais dei √

29 I make fried rice Ai meik fried rais ɑI meyk frɑid rais X

every day evri dei evri dei

30 I am very happy Aem very heppi tudei æm veɚ riy hæpI √
today ϯǝ’dei

11 Table 11

No Words and Respondent Phonetic symbol Description

Sentence R11 vowels and
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sei Sey √

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The De Ðǝ √

11 Hair Hier Hiɹ √

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Ebout ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Si Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you X

21 to listen me now Ai would laik yu to ɑi wƱd layk Ju
lisen mi now toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Hoo is de raiter of dis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr √

of this novel novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai watch football ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l √
alone in the elone in de television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many Ai sii meni pipel in de ɑI siy mεniy √
people in the market pipǝϯ in ðɑ
market mɑrkǝt
25 You are look Yu are luk hendsem Ju are lƱk √
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai want u teik e bath ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk ǝ √
bath baƟ
27 I have two Ai hev tu broder end ɑI hæv tu: √
brother and one wan sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd w˄n
sister sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Hev e nais dei Hæv ǝ nais dei √

29 I make fried rice Ai meik fried rais ɑI meyk frɑid X

every day everi dei rais evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi tudei. æm veɚ riy √
today hæpI ϯǝ’dei

12 Table 12

No Words and Respondent Phonetic Description

Sentence R12 symbol vowels
and consonants
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But But B˄t X

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sey Sey √

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv X

10 The De Ðǝ √

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ √

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Ebout ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt X

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faivi Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Dei Dey X

20 See Sii Siy X

I would like you Ai woul laik yu tu X

21 to listen me now lisen mi now ɑi wƱd layk Ju
toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Hoo is de riter of dis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr X

of this novel novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai wat football alon in ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the de television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many people Ai see mani people in ɑI siy mεniy X
in the market de market pipǝϯ in ðɑ
25 You are look Yu ar luk hansem Ju are lƱk X
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai want tu take e bat ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk X
bath ǝ baƟ

27 I have two brother Ai hev tu broder ɑI hæv tu: X
and one sister endwan sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd
w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Heve naisdei Hæv ǝ nais dei X

29 I make fried rice Ai mek frid eferi dei ɑI meyk frɑid X

every day rais evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi tudei æm veɚ riy X
today hæpI ϯǝ’dei

13 Table 13

No Words and Respondent Phonetic Description

Sentence R13 symbol vowels
and consonants
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs X

7 Say Sai Sey X

8 With Wait wIƟ X

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The De Ðǝ √

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ X

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Ebaut ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Eis Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you Ai woul laik to lisen X

21 to listen me now mi now ɑi wƱd layk Ju
toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Huu is de rait of tis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr X

of this novel novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai wath futbal alon in ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the de television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many people Ai sii meni pipel in de ɑI siy mεniy √
in the market market pipǝϯ in ðɑ
25 You are look Yu are luk haensame Ju are lƱk √
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai want tu teik e bath ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk √
bath ǝ baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai hev tu broder end ɑI hæv tu: √
and one sister wan sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd
w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Hev e nais dei Hæv ǝ nais dei √

29 I make fried rice Ai meik fried raic ɑI meyk frɑid X

every day everi dei rais evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi tudei æm veɚ riy √
today hæpI ϯǝ’dei

14 Table 14

No Words and Respondent Phonetic Description

Sentence R14 symbol vowels
and consonants
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sei Sey √

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The De Ðǝ √

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ X

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Ebout ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Sa Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you √

21 to listen me now Ai wud laik yu tu lisen ɑi wƱd layk Ju
mi now toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Hu is de riter of dis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr X

of this novel novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai wet fotbal alon in ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the de television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television

24 I see many people Ai sii meni pipel in de ɑI siy mεniy √
in the market market pipǝϯ in ðɑ
25 You are look Yu are uk haensem Ju are lƱk √
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai went u teik e bath ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk X
bath ǝ baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai hev tu broder end ɑI hæv tu: X
and one sister on sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd
w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Hev e nais dei Hæv ǝ nais dei √

29 I make fried rice Ai meik fried ric everi ɑI meyk frɑid X

every day dei rais evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi tudei æm veɚ riy √
today hæpI ϯǝ’dei

15 Table 15

No Words and Respondent Phonetic Description

Sentence R15 symbol vowels
and consonants
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sei Sey √

8 With Wait wIƟ X

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The De Ðǝ √

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ X

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Ebout ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day De Dey X

20 See Sii Siy X

I would like you Ai wod to lisen mi X

21 to listen me now now ɑi wƱd layk Ju
toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Hoo is de riter of dis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr X

of this novel novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football ai wat futbal alon in ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the de television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many people Ai sii mani pipel inde ɑI siy mεniy X
in the market market pipǝϯ in ðɑ
25 You are look Yu are look haensame Ju are lƱk X
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai wan tu taik a bath ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk X
bath ǝ baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai hev tu brader end ɑI hæv tu: √
and one sister wan sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd
w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Hev enais dei Hæv ǝ nais dei √

29 I make fried rice Ai meik fried rais ɑI meyk frɑid X

every day everi dei rais evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi tudei æm veɚ riy √
today hæpI ϯǝ’dei

16 Table 16

No Words and Respondent Phonetic Description

Sentence R16 symbol vowels
and consonants
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sei Sey √

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The De Ðǝ √

11 Hair Hair Hiɹ X

12 Cup Kop c˄p X

13 About About ǝ’bǝwt X

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bad Bεd X

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt X

19 Day Dai Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you Ai wod laik tu de X
21 to listen me now listen mi now ɑi wƱd layk Ju
toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Ho is de raiter of dis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr √

of this novel novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai watch futbal elon ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l √
alone in the in de television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many people Ai si mani people in ɑI siy mεniy X
in the market de market pipǝϯ in ðɑ
25 You are look Yu are luk haensem Ju are lƱk √
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai went u tek e bath ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk X
bath ǝ baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai hev tu broder end ɑI hæv tu: √
and one sister wan sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd
w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Hev e nais dei Hæv ǝ nais dei √

29 I make fried rice Ai meik frid ric ɑI meyk frɑid X

every day eferidei rais evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi tudei æm veɚ riy X
today hæpI ϯǝ’dei

17 Table 17

No Words and Respondent Phonetic Description

Sentence R17 symbol vowels
and consonants
1 Their Tir Ðεir X

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Tii Ðey X

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Si Sey X

8 With Wait wIƟ X

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The Di Ðǝ X

11 Hair Hier Hiɹ √

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Ebout ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Gut Gɑt X

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Say Dey X

20 See Sii Siy √

I would like you Ai woul laik yu tu X

21 to listen me now listen mi now ɑi wƱd layk Ju
toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer hoo is de riter of dis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr X

of this novel novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Hoo is de fotbal alon ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l X
alone in the in de television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television

24 I see many people Ai si meni pepel in de ɑI siy mεniy X

in the market market pipǝϯ in ðɑ
25 You are look You ar lok hansem Ju are lƱk X
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai want tu teik e bath ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk √
bath ǝ baƟ

27 I have two brother Ai he tu broder en ɑI hæv tu: √
and one sister wan sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd
w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Ai heve nic dei Hæv ǝ nais dei X

29 I make fried rice Ai meik fred ric everi ɑI meyk frɑid X

every day dei rais evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi tudei æm veɚ riy √
today hæpI ϯǝ’dei

18 Table 18

No Words and Respondent Phonetic Description

Sentence R18 symbol vowels
and consonants
1 Their Deir Ðεir √

2 Go Gou GoƱ √

3 From From Fr˄m √

4 But Bat B˄t √

5 They Dei Ðey √

6 This Dis ðIs √

7 Say Sey Sey √

8 With With wIƟ √

9 Have Hev Hæv √

10 The He Ðǝ X

11 Hair Hier Hiɹ √

12 Cup Kap c˄p √

13 About Ebout ǝ’bǝwt √

14 How Haow Hɑow √

15 Got Got Gɑt √

16 Bad Bed Bεd √

17 Five Faiv Fǝiv √

18 Cat Ket Kæt √

19 Day Say Dey X

20 See Sii Siy X

I would like you Ai wod laik yu lis mi X

21 to listen me now now ɑi wƱd layk Ju
toƱ lisn mi noƱ

22 Who is the writer Ho is de rit of dis Hoo is ðǝ rɑitǝr X

of this novel novel ˄v ðIs nɑvǝl
23 I watch football Ai watch football in ɑI wɑtʃ fƱtbo:l √
alone in the de television ǝ’loƱn in ðɑ
television television
24 I see many people Ai sii mani pipel in de ɑI siy mεniy X
in the market market pipǝϯ in ðɑ
25 You are look Yu ar lek hensem Ju are lƱk X
handsome hænsǝm
26 I want to take a Ai want tu teik e bath ɑI wɑnt tƱ teyk √
bath ǝ baƟ
27 I have two brother Ai hev tu brader end ɑI hæv tu: √
and one sister wan sister brȗth’ǝr ɑnd
w˄n sistǝr
28 I have a nice day Hai hav e nais dei Hæv ǝ nais dei X

29 I make fried rice Ai mek fred rais evri ɑI meyk frɑid X

every day dei rais evri dei
30 I am very happy Aem very heppi tudei æm veɚ riy √
today hæpI ϯǝ’dei


The research opens the class, ask the students condition

and prepare material

Students practice pronunciation and researcher give conclusion

Closing the class


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