24 April 2017
Studente/Student nr:
1. Die renmotor in die figuur beweeg teen 120 km/hr 1. The racing car in the figure is traveling at 120 km/hr
wanneer dit die half-sirkel baan by A bereik. Die when it enters the semicircular path at A. The driver
bestuurder vermeerder sy spoed teen ’n konstante tempo increases the speed at a uniform rate, emerging from the
en verlaat die half-sirkel by punt C teen 190 km/hr. curve at C at 190 km/hr. Determine the magnitude of
Bereken die grootte van die renmotor se versnelling by the acceleration when the car is at B.
punt B.
a = at ut + an un = v̇ut + un
vB = ? = v̇ut + un
Konstante tempo ac van toename in spoed vanaf Uniform rate ac of increase in speed from 120 km/h to
120 km/h na 190 km/h oor halwe omtrek van sirkel, 190 km/h along half the circle with s = π × 100
met s = π × 100
v = ac =⇒ v 2 = v02 + 2ac (s − s0 ) (Hibbeler 12-6)
2 2
190 × 1000 120 × 1000
∴ = + 2ac π × 100
3600 3600
=⇒ at = v̇ = ac = 2,66 m/s2
By B geld At B we have
2 1
vB = v02 + 2ac s; ac = 2,66 & s = × 2π × 100 = 50π
2 120 × 1000
=⇒ vB = + 2 × 2,66 × 50π
= 1948,3m/s
∴ vB = 44,14m/s = 158,9 km/h
2 √
∴ at = vB /ρ = 44,142 /100 = 19,48 m/s
∴ aB = 2,66ut + 19,48un
=⇒ a = 2,662 + 19,482 = 19,66m/s
Waarskuwing: menging van eenhede (km/h) en meter Warning: mixing of units (km/h) and meter (R=100m)
(R=100m) gee versneling in terme van km2 /h2 /m wat gives acceleration in units of km2 /h2 /m that may cause
foute kan veroorsaak. errors.
4. Die 2 kg kraag beweeg langs die gladde horisontale 4. The collar has a mass of 2 kg and travels along the
pyp wat in die vorm van die gelykhoekige spiraal r = eθ smooth horizontal rod defined by the equiangular spiral
2 2
gebuig is, met θ = t2 in radiale, t in sekondes en r in r = eθ , where θ = t2 is in radians, t in seconds and r in
meter. Bereken die raaklynige krag F en die normaal meter. Determine the tangential force F and the normal
krag Nc op die kraag wanneer t = 1 s. Om tyd te force Nc acting on the collar when t = 1 s. To save
bespaar, aanvaar sonder bewys dat die hoek ψ tussen time, accept without proof that the angle ψ between
die verlengde radiale lyn en die raaklyn aan die kromme the extended radial line and the tangent to the curve is
45 grade is. 45 degrees.
45 ◦
45 ◦
uθ ut
un ur
Figure 1: (a) Hibbeler Problem 13.98. (b) Vryliggaam diagram / Free Body Diagram
r = eθ θ=
=⇒ ṙ = θ̇eθ θ̇ = t
=⇒ r̈ = θ̈eθ + θ̇2 eθ θ̈ = 1
t = 1 =⇒ θ = 0,5; θ̇ = 1; & θ̈ = 1
∴r=e = 1,65; ṙ = 1,65; & r̈ = 3,30
2 √√
=⇒ ar = r̈ − rθ̇ = 1,65 & aθ = 2ṙ θ̇ + rθ̈2 = 4,95
Fr = mar =⇒ F cos(45◦ ) + Nc cos(45◦ ) = 2 × 1,65 (1)
X √√
Fθ = maθ =⇒ F sin(45◦ ) − Nc sin(45◦ ) = 2 × 4,95 (2)
(1) + (2) =⇒ 2F/ 2 = 13,189 =⇒ F = 9,33 N
√ √
(1) − (2) =⇒ 2Nc / 2 = −6,594 =⇒ Nc = −4,66 N
Waarskuwing: normaal-tangensiëel werk baie moei- Warning: normal-tangential coordinates are very dif-
lik in hierdie probleem want y = y(x) is onbek- ficult to work with in this problem since y = y(x) is
end. p Met baie moeite√ en kalkulus kan mens vind unknown.p With a lot of√effort and calculus one can
ρ = 2(x2 + y 2 ) = 2eθ , waar x = eθ cos θ en find ρ = 2(x2 + y 2 ) = 2eθ , where x = eθ cos θ and
y = e sin θ. Figuur 2 toon die kromme r = eθ , die
y = eθ sin θ. Figuur 2 shows the curve r = eθ , the col-
kraag by punt C, die blou sirkel met krommingstraal lar at point C, the blue circle with radius of curvature
ρ = 2,33 m deur die punte B en C asook ’n tabel wat ρ = 2,33 m through the points B and C as well as a
vir hoeke tussen 0◦ en 180◦ die koördinate C = (x,y) table giving at angles between 0◦ and 180◦ the coordi-
asook die krommingstraal by die punt C gee. nates C = (x,y) as well as the radius of curvature at the
Let op point C. Note
• ρ is nie konstant nie maar neem toe met θ • ρ is not constant but increase with θ
• die lyn (vektor) BC is loodreg op die raaklyn by • the line (vector) BC is perpendicular to the tan-
C en aangesien C willekeurig op die kromme r = gent at C and since C can be chosen arbitrarily on
eθ gekies kan word, is die middelpunt B ook nie the curve r = eθ the centre B is also not constant
konstant nie maar beweeg wanneer punt C beweeg but moves as point C moves
• die lyn BC is NIE ewewydig aan die radiale po- • the line BC is NOT parallel to the radial position
sisievektor r wat na punt C gerig is NIE vector r directed towards point C
• Figuur 1(b) en Figuur 2 is op skaal geteken en dit • Figuur 1(b) and Figuur 2 is drawn to scale and it
is duidelik dat die krag loodreg op die kraag NIE is clear that the force perpendicular to the collar
radiaal is nie maar ewewydig aan die vektor BC. is NOT radial but parallel to the vector BC.
r = eθ
θ (deg) x y ρ
0 1.0 0.0 1.4
15 1.3 0.3 1.8
30 1.5 0.8 2.4
45 1.6 1.6 3.1
60 1.4 2.5 4.0
75 1.0 3.6 5.2
90 0.0 4.8 6.8
105 -1.6 6.0 8.8
120 -4.1 7.0 11.5
B 135 -7.5 7.5 14.9
ρ = 2,33 m
150 -11.9 6.9 19.4
C 165 -17.2 4.6 25.2
180 -23.1 0.0 32.7
Figure 2: Ewehoekige spiraal / Equiangular spiral. Kyk na / See the animation at https://ggbm.at/NCWbSn6q
Normaal-tangensiëel: at en an kan as volg verkry Normal-tangential: at and an may be obtained as
word (verg Wiskunde en vektor-kalkulus): follows (requires Mathematics and vector-calculus):
a · b = ab cos θ
∴ a · i = a cos θ
i θ b
a cos θ
F = ma =⇒ F = ma =⇒
ut · F = ut · ma =⇒ un · F = un · ma =⇒
Ft = ut · F & a t = ut · a Fn = un · F & an = un · a
Uit die vry-liggaam skets, Figuur 1(b), volg die rigtings- From the free body diagram, Figure 1(b), follows the
kosinusse tussen die rooi eenheidsvektore (ut & un ) en direction cosines between the red unit vectors (ut & un )
die swart eenheidsvektore (ur & uθ ) en ons kry and the black unit vectors (ur & uθ ) and we get
1 1 1
ar √ + aθ √ = √ (ar + aθ )
a t = ut · a = a r ut · ur + a θ ut · uθ =
2 2 2
1 1 1
an = un · a = ar un · ur + aθ un · uθ = −ar √ + aθ √ = √ (−ar + aθ )
2 2 2
Die korrekte kragkomponente volg dan as The correct force components then follows as
X m 2
Ft = mat =⇒ F = √ (ar + aθ ) = √ (1,65 + 4,95) = 9,44 N
2 2
X m 2
Fn = man =⇒ −Nc = √ (−ar + aθ ) = √ (−1,65 + 4,95) = 4,66 N
2 2
5. Die platvorm P , getoon in (a) hieronder, het weglaat- 5. The platform P , shown in (a) below, has negligible
bare massa en word deur die 0,4 m lang toue vasgehou. mass and is tied down so that the 0,4 m-long cords keep
Die spiraalveer van lengte 1 m is aanvanklik met 0,6 m a 1 m-long spring compressed 0,6 m when nothing is on
saamgedruk, sonder enigiets daarop. As ’n 2 kg blok the platform. If a 2 kg block is placed on the platform
nou op die platvorm geplaas word en uit rus losgelaat and released from rest after the platform is pushed down
word vanaf ’n verdere samedrukking van 0,1 m, soos in 0,1 m, as shown in (b), determine the maximum height
(b) aangetoon, bereken die maksimum hoogte h wat die h the block rises in the air, measured from the ground.
blok vertikaal styg, gemeet vanaf die grond.
0,6 m 0,7 m
T1 + U1−2 = T2
1 √√√√
0 − 2g × (h − 0,3) + × 200 × (0,72 − 0,62 ) = 0 (3)
13 √√
=⇒ h = 0,3 + = 0,963 (4)
Alternatief Alternative
1 1
0 − 2g × 0,1 + × 200 × (0,72 − 0,62 ) = mv22 (5)
2 2
=⇒ v2 = 3,322 m/s
∴ mv22 − 2g × (h − 0,4) = 0 =⇒ h = 0,963 (6)
Let op Note
1 1 1
(5) + (6) =⇒ mv 2 − 2g × (h − 0,4 + 0,1) + × 200 × (0,72 − 0,62 ) = mv22
2 2 2 2
Formules Formulae
v = vx i + vy j = vt ut + vn un = vr ur + vθ uθ
d2 r
a = r̈ = = a x i + a y j = a t ut + a n un = a r ur + a θ uθ
a = a t ut + un
(1 + |y ′ |2 )3/2
|y ′′ |
tan ψ =
vθ 2
= r̈ − ur + [2vr θ̇ + rθ̈]uθ ; vθ = rθ̇; vr = ṙ
aB/A = aB − aA
T1 + U1−2 = T2
P = F·v =
1 2
Ve = ks
T1 + V1 + ( U1−2 )noncons = T2 + V2
XZ t2
mv1 + F dt = mv2
X XZ t2 X
mi (vi )1 + Fi dt = mi (vi )2
XZ t2
(HO )1 + MO dt = (HO )2
v = ωr; at = αr; an = ω 2 r
v = ω × rP = ω × r