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Chapter 2: Special Angles and Quadrantal Angles

2.1. Functions of the Special Angles 30°, 45°, 60° and their Multiples
These angles and their multiples are regarded by some authors as special because their exact function
values can be computed even without the aid of trigonometric tables, or in the present technological age,
without the aid of calculators. We simply use some theorems from geometry and the definitions of the
trigonometric functions.

Let us first consider a 45° angle in standard position (see figure below). We know from plane geometry
that a 45° right triangle is isosceles. If we let each of the equal sides to be 1 unit long, then by the
Pythagorean Theorem, the Hypotenuse is √ 2 units.

The coordinates of P and the value of r are shown in the figure, and from the definition, we have the
trigonometric function values
1 √2 1 √2 √ 2 csc 45 °= √ 2
sin 45 °= = = =
√ 2 √2 √ 4 2
1 √ 2 1 √2 √ 2 sec 45° =√ 2
cos 45 °= ∙ = =
√2 √ 2 √ 4 2
tan 45 °=1 cot 45 ° =1

To find the functions of 30° and 60°, recall the theorem which states that in a 30° right triangle, the side
opposite the 30° angle is half as long as the hypotenuse. If we put the 30° angle in standard position, let the
side opposite the 30° angle be 1 unit long, then the hypotenuse will be 2 units long and by the Pythagorean
Theorem, x=√ 22−12= √ 3 (see figure below).

Using the definition, we have

1 csc 30 °=2
sin 30 °=

cos 30 °= √
3 2 √ 3 2 √3 2 √ 3
sec 30 °= ∙ = =
2 √ 3 √3 √ 9 3

1 √3 1 √3 √ 3 cot 30 °=√ 3
tan30 °= ∙ = =
√ 3 √3 √ 9 3

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To find the values of the functions of a 60° angle, we place the angle in standard position as in the figure

Since the other acute angle of the 60° right triangle is 30°, the values of the coordinate of P and r are as
shown in the figure, hence by the definitions, we have

√3 2 √ 3 2 √ 3 2 √3
sin 60 °= csc 60 °= ∙ = =
2 √3 √ 3 √ 9 3
cos 60 °= sec 60 °=2
1 √ 3 1 √3 √ 3
tan60 °= √3 cot 60 °= ∙ = =
√ 3 √ 3 √9 3

Using these functions values of 30°, 45° and 60° as reference angles, we can also find the function values of
their integral multiples.

A reference angle is the acute angle between the x-axis and the terminal side of an angle in standard position.
The reference angle of 210°, 330° and 390° is 30°; the reference angle of 120°, 240° and 420° is 60°; the
reference angle of 135°, 225°, and 315° is 45°.

EXAMPLE 1. Find the six trigonometric function values of 225°.

Solution: Draw the 225° angle in standard position. The angle formed by the terminal side of
225° and the negative x-axis is 45°, that is, 225°-180°=45°, hence P is a point on the terminal side of 225°,
the length of NP equals the length of ON and if we take NP=1=ON, OP=√ 2 by the Pythagorean Theorem.

Since the terminal side of 225° is in Quadrant III, the coordinates of P are x=-1 and y=-1. Using the definition
of the functions,
−1 √ 2 1 √ 2 √ 2 csc 225 °=−√ 2
sin 225 °= ∙ = =
√2 √2 √4 2
−1 √ 2 1 √ 2 √ 2 sec 225 °=− √ 2
cos 225 °= ∙ = =
√ 2 √2 √ 4 2
tan 225 °=1 cot 225 °=1

EXAMPLE 2. Evaluate sin2 60° +cos 2 225 °

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Solution: From the derived functions of a 60° angle, sin 60 °=
√ 3 , and from above example,
cos 225 °= . Substituting these values in the given problem,
( )( )
√ 3 + −1 2= 3 + 1 = 3+2 = 5
2 √2 4 2 4 4

EXAMPLE 3. Verify the statement sin 2 30 °+ cos2 150° + tan 2 60° =sec 2 300°
Solution: We have derived the functions of 30° and 60°. For 150° and 300°, we draw then in
standard position. The reference angle of 150° is 30° and that of 300° is 60°. Hence, the coordinates and r
values of P and Q are as shown below.

Substituting values in the given equation, we have

()( ) ( ) ()
2 2
1 2 −√ 3
+ √ ?
3 2
2 2 1 ⇒ 1
1 3
+ +3 ? 4
4 4 ⇒

2.2. Trigonometric Functions of Quadrantal Angles

Recall that a quadrantal angle is an angle in standard position whose terminal side lies on the
coordinate axis. Thus, a quadrantal angle has zero for either x and y coordinate, and so zero must be used in
finding the trigonometric function values of the angle.

Remember that whenever we divide zero by any number, the result is zero but we cannot divide a
number by zero. This leads us to two important facts: that two functions are zero and two other functions
have no value or undefined.

EXAMPLE. Find the trigonometric function values of Ɵ=90°.

Solution: Draw the figure with r=1 (figure below)

We have x=0, y=1, r=1 and

y r
sin 90 °= =1 csc 90 °= =1
r y
x 0 r 1
cos 90°= = =0 sec 90 °= = =undefined
r 1 x 0

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y 1 x 0
tan 90°= = =undefined cot 90 °= = =0
x 0 y 1

The Trigonometric Function values of the other quadrantal angles are derived in a similar manner. We
summarize these trigonometric function values in the table below.

Trigonometric Function values of Quadrantal Angles

Ɵ 90° 180° 270° 360°
Cos Ɵ 0 -1 0 1
Sec Ɵ Undefined -1 Undefined 1
Sin Ɵ 1 0 -1 0
Csc Ɵ 1 Undefined -1 Undefined
Tan Ɵ Undefined 0 Undefined 0
Cot Ɵ 0 Undefined 0 undefined

EXAMPLE 1. Evaluate without using calculator:

cos 180 °cos 30 ° +sin 270 ° sin120 °
cos 0 ° cos 300 °−cos 90° sin 240 °

Solution: From the table above, the trigonometric function values of special angles, we substitute
the corresponding values in the given expression.

2 ( ) ( ) = −2√ 3 + −2√3 =−2 √3

(−1 ) √ +(−1) √

( 1 ) ( ) −(0) ( √ )
1 − 3 1
2 2 2
EXAMPLE 2. Verify the statement cos 90° +cos 45 °=sin 135 °
Solution: From the trigonometric function values of derived, we have
cos 90° =0
cos 45 °=
sin 135 °=sin 45 °= √
Substituting these values in the given statement,

0+ √ ? √
2 2
2 ⇒ 2
√ = √2
2 2

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